Darkknight535's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
1d30d42 verified
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
const int tensor_split_max = 16;
const int images_max = 8;
const int logprobs_max = 5;
// match kobold's sampler list and order
enum samplers
enum stop_reason
struct logit_bias {
int32_t token_id;
float bias;
struct load_model_inputs
const int threads = 0;
const int blasthreads = 0;
const int max_context_length = 0;
const bool low_vram = 0;
const bool use_mmq = 0;
const bool use_rowsplit = 0;
const char * executable_path = nullptr;
const char * model_filename = nullptr;
const char * lora_filename = nullptr;
const char * lora_base = nullptr;
const char * draftmodel_filename = nullptr;
const int draft_amount = 8;
const int draft_gpulayers = 999;
const float draft_gpusplit[tensor_split_max] = {};
const char * mmproj_filename = nullptr;
const int visionmaxres = 2048;
const bool use_mmap = false;
const bool use_mlock = false;
const bool use_smartcontext = false;
const bool use_contextshift = false;
const bool use_fastforward = false;
const int clblast_info = 0;
const int cublas_info = 0;
const char * vulkan_info = nullptr;
const int blasbatchsize = 512;
const int forceversion = 0;
const int gpulayers = 0;
const float rope_freq_scale = 1.0f;
const float rope_freq_base = 10000.0f;
const int moe_experts = -1;
const bool flash_attention = false;
const float tensor_split[tensor_split_max] = {};
const int quant_k = 0;
const int quant_v = 0;
const bool quiet = false;
const int debugmode = 0;
struct generation_inputs
const int seed = 0;
const char * prompt = nullptr;
const char * memory = nullptr;
const char * images[images_max] = {};
const int max_context_length = 0;
const int max_length = 0;
const float temperature = 0.0f;
const int top_k = 0;
const float top_a = 0.0f;
const float top_p = 0.0f;
const float min_p = 0.0f;
const float typical_p = 0;
const float tfs = 0;
const float nsigma = 0.0f;
const float rep_pen = 0;
const int rep_pen_range = 0;
const float rep_pen_slope = 1.0f;
const float presence_penalty = 0.0f;
const int mirostat = 0;
const float mirostat_eta = 0.0f;
const float mirostat_tau = 0.0f;
const float xtc_threshold = 0.0f;
const float xtc_probability = 0.0f;
const samplers sampler_order[KCPP_SAMPLER_MAX] = {};
const int sampler_len = 0;
const bool allow_eos_token = false;
const bool bypass_eos_token = false;
const bool render_special = false;
const bool stream_sse = false;
const char * grammar = nullptr;
const bool grammar_retain_state = false;
const float dynatemp_range = 0.0f;
const float dynatemp_exponent = 1.0f;
const float smoothing_factor = 0.0f;
const float dry_multiplier = 0.0f;
const float dry_base = 0.0f;
const int dry_allowed_length = 0;
const int dry_penalty_last_n = 0;
const int dry_sequence_breakers_len = 0;
const char ** dry_sequence_breakers = nullptr;
const int stop_sequence_len = 0;
const char ** stop_sequence = nullptr;
const int logit_biases_len = 0;
const logit_bias * logit_biases = nullptr;
const int banned_tokens_len = 0;
const char ** banned_tokens = nullptr;
struct generation_outputs
int status = -1;
int stopreason = stop_reason::INVALID;
int prompt_tokens = 0;
int completion_tokens = 0;
const char * text; //response will now be stored in c++ allocated memory
struct token_count_outputs
int count = 0;
int * ids; //we'll just use shared memory for this one, bit of a hack
struct logprob_item {
int option_count;
const char * selected_token;
float selected_logprob;
const char * tokens[logprobs_max];
float * logprobs = nullptr;
struct last_logprobs_outputs {
int count = 0;
logprob_item * logprob_items = nullptr;
struct sd_load_model_inputs
const char * model_filename = nullptr;
const char * executable_path = nullptr;
const int clblast_info = 0;
const int cublas_info = 0;
const char * vulkan_info = nullptr;
const int threads = 0;
const int quant = 0;
const bool taesd = false;
const bool notile = false;
const char * t5xxl_filename = nullptr;
const char * clipl_filename = nullptr;
const char * clipg_filename = nullptr;
const char * vae_filename = nullptr;
const char * lora_filename = nullptr;
const float lora_multiplier = 1.0f;
const bool quiet = false;
const int debugmode = 0;
struct sd_generation_inputs
const char * prompt = nullptr;
const char * negative_prompt = nullptr;
const char * init_images = "";
const float denoising_strength = 0.0f;
const float cfg_scale = 0.0f;
const int sample_steps = 0;
const int width = 0;
const int height = 0;
const int seed = 0;
const char * sample_method = nullptr;
const int clip_skip = -1;
struct sd_generation_outputs
int status = -1;
const char * data = "";
struct whisper_load_model_inputs
const char * model_filename = nullptr;
const char * executable_path = nullptr;
const int clblast_info = 0;
const int cublas_info = 0;
const char * vulkan_info = nullptr;
const bool quiet = false;
const int debugmode = 0;
struct whisper_generation_inputs
const char * prompt = nullptr;
const char * audio_data = nullptr;
const bool suppress_non_speech = false;
const char * langcode = nullptr;
struct whisper_generation_outputs
int status = -1;
const char * text = "";
struct tts_load_model_inputs
const int threads = 4;
const char * ttc_model_filename = nullptr;
const char * cts_model_filename = nullptr;
const char * executable_path = nullptr;
const int clblast_info = 0;
const int cublas_info = 0;
const char * vulkan_info = nullptr;
const int gpulayers = 0;
const bool flash_attention = false;
const int ttsmaxlen = 4096;
const bool quiet = false;
const int debugmode = 0;
struct tts_generation_inputs
const char * prompt = nullptr;
const int speaker_seed = 0;
const int audio_seed = 0;
struct tts_generation_outputs
int status = -1;
const char * data = "";
extern std::string executable_path;
extern std::string lora_filename;
extern std::string lora_base;
extern std::string mmproj_filename;
extern std::string draftmodel_filename;
extern std::vector<std::string> generated_tokens;
extern bool generation_finished;
extern float last_eval_time;
extern float last_process_time;
extern int last_token_count;
extern int last_seed;
extern int total_gens;
extern int total_img_gens;
extern int total_tts_gens;
extern int total_transcribe_gens;
extern int last_draft_success;
extern int last_draft_failed;
extern stop_reason last_stop_reason;