import torch, torchvision, time, random |
import numpy as np |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import matplotlib.patches as patches |
import os |
from datetime import datetime |
from collections import Counter |
import torchvision.ops as ops |
from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval |
import json |
from tqdm import tqdm |
import qat_core |
def ssd_postprocess_person_cls(pred): |
""" |
Take the models prediction outputs (pred) and make the post processing operations to |
classification head outputs since the output is not directly class probabilities. |
Assuming square input image so H=W. |
Assuming binary classes (0/1). |
Input: |
- pred: predicted outputs of the model as list of length 4 as [output1_reg, output1_class, output2_reg, output2_class] |
and shape of [(NR1, CR1, HR1, WR1), (NC1, CC1, HC1, WC1), (NR2, CR2, HR2, WR2), (NC2, CC2, HC2, WC2)]. |
Returns: |
- person_cls: person class probabilities (torch.FloatTensor) shape of [CC1/2*HC1*WC1 + CC2/2*HC2*WC2]. |
""" |
head_regression_hires = pred[0] |
head_classification_hires = pred[1] |
head_regression_lores = pred[2] |
head_classification_lores = pred[3] |
head_classification_hires_background = head_classification_hires[0,1::2,:,:] |
head_classification_hires_person = head_classification_hires[0,0::2,:,:] |
head_classification_lores_background = head_classification_lores[0,1::2,:,:] |
head_classification_lores_person = head_classification_lores[0,0::2,:,:] |
hires_rowscols = head_regression_hires.shape[3] |
lores_rowscols = head_regression_lores.shape[3] |
hires_numanchors = int(head_regression_hires.shape[1]/4) |
lores_numanchors = int(head_regression_lores.shape[1]/4) |
background_hires_flat = explicit_flatten(head_classification_hires_background, 'hires', hires_rowscols, hires_numanchors, lores_rowscols, lores_numanchors) |
background_lores_flat = explicit_flatten(head_classification_lores_background, 'lores', hires_rowscols, hires_numanchors, lores_rowscols, lores_numanchors) |
person_hires_flat = explicit_flatten(head_classification_hires_person, 'hires', hires_rowscols, hires_numanchors, lores_rowscols, lores_numanchors) |
person_lores_flat = explicit_flatten(head_classification_lores_person, 'lores', hires_rowscols, hires_numanchors, lores_rowscols, lores_numanchors) |
person_flat = torch.cat((person_hires_flat, person_lores_flat)) |
background_flat = torch.cat((background_hires_flat, background_lores_flat)) |
total_cat = torch.cat( ( torch.unsqueeze(person_flat,0) , torch.unsqueeze(background_flat,0) ) ) |
softmax_fcn = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=0) |
softmax_result = softmax_fcn(total_cat) |
person_hires_flat_sft = softmax_result[0,:][0:background_hires_flat.shape[0]] |
person_lores_flat_sft = softmax_result[0,:][background_hires_flat.shape[0]:] |
person_hires_classification_scores = explicit_unflatten(person_hires_flat_sft, 'hires', hires_rowscols, hires_numanchors, lores_rowscols, lores_numanchors) |
person_lores_classification_scores = explicit_unflatten(person_lores_flat_sft, 'lores', hires_rowscols, hires_numanchors, lores_rowscols, lores_numanchors) |
person_cls = torch.cat(( person_hires_flat_sft, person_lores_flat_sft )) |
return person_cls |
def ssd_postprocess_person_bboxes(pred, image_width, image_height, anchors_head1, anchors_head2): |
""" |
Take the models prediction output (pred) and make the post processing operations to |
show bboxes. |
Assuming square input image so H=W. |
Assuming binary classes (0/1). |
Input: |
- pred: predicted outputs of the model as list of length 4[output1_reg, output1_class, output2_reg, output2_class] |
shape of [(NR1, CR1, HR1, WR1), (NC1, CC1, HC1, WC1), (NR2, CR2, HR2, WR2), (NC2, CC2, HC2, WC2)]. |
- image_width: Integer. |
- image_height: Integer. |
- anchors_head1: list of length 4, contains image_width/image_height*anchor_ratios as tuples. |
shape [(W*A1, H*B1), (W*A2, H*B2), (W*A3, H*B3), (W*A4, H*B4)] where A#num and B#num are |
corresponding different aspect ratios. |
- anchors_head2: list of length 4, contains image_width/image_height*anchor_ratios as tuples. |
shape [(W*C1, H*D1), (W*C2, H*D2), (W*C3, H*D3), (W*C4, H*D4)] where C#num and D#num are |
corresponding different aspect ratios. |
Returns: |
- absolute_boxes: absolute value of bounding boxes (torch.FloatTensor) shape of [CR1/4*HR1*WR1 + CR2/4*HR2*WR2, 4]. |
""" |
head_regression_hires = pred[0] |
head_classification_hires = pred[1] |
head_regression_lores = pred[2] |
head_classification_lores = pred[3] |
hires_rowscols = head_regression_hires.shape[3] |
lores_rowscols = head_regression_lores.shape[3] |
hires_numanchors = int(head_regression_hires.shape[1]/4) |
lores_numanchors = int(head_regression_lores.shape[1]/4) |
delta_x_hires = head_regression_hires[0, 0::4, :, :] |
delta_y_hires = head_regression_hires[0, 1::4, :, :] |
delta_w_hires = head_regression_hires[0, 2::4, :, :] |
delta_h_hires = head_regression_hires[0, 3::4, :, :] |
delta_x_lores = head_regression_lores[0, 0::4, :, :] |
delta_y_lores = head_regression_lores[0, 1::4, :, :] |
delta_w_lores = head_regression_lores[0, 2::4, :, :] |
delta_h_lores = head_regression_lores[0, 3::4, :, :] |
var_x = 0.1 |
var_y = 0.1 |
var_w = 0.2 |
var_h = 0.2 |
w_anchors_hires = torch.tensor(anchors_head1)[:,0] |
h_anchors_hires = torch.tensor(anchors_head1)[:,1] |
w_anchors_lores = torch.tensor(anchors_head2)[:,0] |
h_anchors_lores = torch.tensor(anchors_head2)[:,1] |
x_anchors_hires = populate_xy_anchors(delta_x_hires, 'x') |
y_anchors_hires = populate_xy_anchors(delta_y_hires, 'y') |
x_anchors_lores = populate_xy_anchors(delta_x_lores, 'x') |
y_anchors_lores = populate_xy_anchors(delta_y_lores, 'y') |
w_anchors_hires_rpt = populate_wh_anchors(delta_w_hires, w_anchors_hires) |
h_anchors_hires_rpt = populate_wh_anchors(delta_h_hires, h_anchors_hires) |
w_anchors_lores_rpt = populate_wh_anchors(delta_w_lores, w_anchors_lores) |
h_anchors_lores_rpt = populate_wh_anchors(delta_h_lores, h_anchors_lores) |
absolute_x_hires = delta_x_hires * w_anchors_hires_rpt * var_x + x_anchors_hires |
absolute_y_hires = delta_y_hires * h_anchors_hires_rpt * var_y + y_anchors_hires |
absolute_x_lores = delta_x_lores * w_anchors_lores_rpt * var_x + x_anchors_lores |
absolute_y_lores = delta_y_lores * h_anchors_lores_rpt * var_y + y_anchors_lores |
absolute_w_hires = (delta_w_hires * var_w).exp() * w_anchors_hires_rpt |
absolute_h_hires = (delta_h_hires * var_h).exp() * h_anchors_hires_rpt |
absolute_w_lores = (delta_w_lores * var_w).exp() * w_anchors_lores_rpt |
absolute_h_lores = (delta_h_lores * var_h).exp() * h_anchors_lores_rpt |
absolute_hires_xleft = absolute_x_hires - absolute_w_hires/2 |
absolute_hires_xright = absolute_x_hires + absolute_w_hires/2 |
absolute_hires_ytop = absolute_y_hires - absolute_h_hires/2 |
absolute_hires_ybottom = absolute_y_hires + absolute_h_hires/2 |
absolute_lores_xleft = absolute_x_lores - absolute_w_lores/2 |
absolute_lores_xright = absolute_x_lores + absolute_w_lores/2 |
absolute_lores_ytop = absolute_y_lores - absolute_h_lores/2 |
absolute_lores_ybottom = absolute_y_lores + absolute_h_lores/2 |
absolute_hires_xleft_flat = explicit_flatten(absolute_hires_xleft, 'hires', hires_rowscols, hires_numanchors, lores_rowscols, lores_numanchors) |
absolute_hires_xright_flat = explicit_flatten(absolute_hires_xright, 'hires', hires_rowscols, hires_numanchors, lores_rowscols, lores_numanchors) |
absolute_hires_ytop_flat = explicit_flatten(absolute_hires_ytop, 'hires', hires_rowscols, hires_numanchors, lores_rowscols, lores_numanchors) |
absolute_hires_ybottom_flat = explicit_flatten(absolute_hires_ybottom, 'hires', hires_rowscols, hires_numanchors, lores_rowscols, lores_numanchors) |
absolute_lores_xleft_flat = explicit_flatten(absolute_lores_xleft, 'lores', hires_rowscols, hires_numanchors, lores_rowscols, lores_numanchors) |
absolute_lores_xright_flat = explicit_flatten(absolute_lores_xright, 'lores', hires_rowscols, hires_numanchors, lores_rowscols, lores_numanchors) |
absolute_lores_ytop_flat = explicit_flatten(absolute_lores_ytop, 'lores', hires_rowscols, hires_numanchors, lores_rowscols, lores_numanchors) |
absolute_lores_ybottom_flat = explicit_flatten(absolute_lores_ybottom, 'lores', hires_rowscols, hires_numanchors, lores_rowscols, lores_numanchors) |
absolute_xleft = torch.unsqueeze(torch.cat((absolute_hires_xleft_flat, absolute_lores_xleft_flat)) ,1) |
absolute_xright = torch.unsqueeze(torch.cat((absolute_hires_xright_flat, absolute_lores_xright_flat)) ,1) |
absolute_ytop = torch.unsqueeze(torch.cat((absolute_hires_ytop_flat, absolute_lores_ytop_flat)) ,1) |
absolute_ybottom = torch.unsqueeze(torch.cat((absolute_hires_ybottom_flat, absolute_lores_ybottom_flat)),1) |
absolute_boxes = torch.cat((absolute_xleft, absolute_ytop, absolute_xright, absolute_ybottom), dim=1) |
return absolute_boxes |
def explicit_flatten(tensor, hires_or_lores, hires_rowscols, hires_numanchors, lores_rowscols, lores_numanchors): |
flattened_tensor = torch.zeros_like(tensor.flatten()) |
if(hires_or_lores=='hires'): |
rc = hires_rowscols |
na = hires_numanchors |
elif(hires_or_lores=='lores'): |
rc = lores_rowscols |
na = lores_numanchors |
else: |
print("somethings wrong") |
return |
for row in range(0, rc): |
for col in range(0, rc): |
for anc in range(0, na): |
flattened_tensor[anc*rc*rc + row*rc + col] = tensor[anc,row,col]; |
return flattened_tensor |
def explicit_unflatten(flattened_tensor, hires_or_lores, hires_rowscols, hires_numanchors, lores_rowscols, lores_numanchors): |
if(hires_or_lores=='hires'): |
tensor = torch.zeros((hires_numanchors, hires_rowscols, hires_rowscols)) |
rc = hires_rowscols |
na = hires_numanchors |
elif(hires_or_lores=='lores'): |
tensor = torch.zeros((lores_numanchors, lores_rowscols, lores_rowscols)) |
rc = lores_rowscols |
na = lores_numanchors |
else: |
print("somethings wrong") |
return |
for row in range(0, rc): |
for col in range(0, rc): |
for anc in range(0, na): |
tensor[anc,row,col] = flattened_tensor[anc*rc*rc + row*rc + col]; |
return tensor |
def plot_softmax_confidence_scores(person_hires_flat_sft, person_lores_flat_sft): |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6)) |
ax.plot(person_hires_flat_sft.detach().cpu().numpy()) |
ax.plot(person_lores_flat_sft.detach().cpu().numpy()) |
ax.grid() |
ax.legend(['hires confidences', 'lores confidences']) |
plt.title('softmax-processed confidence scores for the two heads') |
plt.show() |
def populate_wh_anchors(delta_ref, wh_anchors_hilores): |
wh_anchors_hilores_rpt = torch.ones_like(delta_ref) |
for i in range(0, wh_anchors_hilores_rpt.shape[0]): |
wh_anchors_hilores_rpt[i] = wh_anchors_hilores_rpt[i]*wh_anchors_hilores[i] |
return wh_anchors_hilores_rpt |
def populate_xy_anchors(delta_ref, x_or_y): |
xy_anchors_hilores = torch.zeros_like(delta_ref) |
scale = 512 / delta_ref.shape[2] |
for i in range(0, xy_anchors_hilores.shape[0]): |
for j in range(0, xy_anchors_hilores.shape[1]): |
for k in range(0, xy_anchors_hilores.shape[2]): |
if(x_or_y == 'x'): |
xy_anchors_hilores[i,j,k] = scale * k + (scale +1) / 2 |
if(x_or_y == 'y'): |
xy_anchors_hilores[i,j,k] = scale * j + (scale +1) / 2 |
return xy_anchors_hilores |
def plot_image_mnv2_2xSSDlite(image, pred_person_cls = None, pred_absolute_boxes = None, color = 'r' |
,nmsIoUTreshold = 0.45, predConfPlotTreshold = 0.6,target=None, figsize=(16,16), |
saveFig=False, imageID=None, folderName='UnconstFPT'): |
""" Plots original image, ground truths, and predictions if available. |
Does non-maximum-suppression and plots perdiction boxes, saves figure under "Training Outputs" folder in specified folderName |
Args: |
image : (Tensor) Shape[Channel,width, height] |
pred_person_cls : (Tensor) person class confidences for predicted boxes Shape[numPred,1] |
pred_absolute_boxes : (Tensor) predicted boxes [xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax] Shape[numPred,4] |
color: Color of drawn predicted boxes |
nmsIoUTreshold : non max suppression IoU treshold |
predConfPlotTreshold : Confidence treshold to draw predicted boxes |
target : (Tensor) Ground truth boxes [pictureID, xmin, ymin, w, h] Shape[numGt, 5] |
folderName : Foldername under ./Model Outputs diectory to save figure. |
Return: none |
""" |
if (image.min()<0): |
image[0,:,:] = (image[0,:,:]/2)+0.5 |
image[1,:,:] = (image[1,:,:]/2)+0.5 |
image[2,:,:] = (image[2,:,:]/2)+0.5 |
image = image.permute(1, 2, 0).to("cpu") |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize); |
if (saveFig): |
plt.ioff() |
else: |
plt.ion() |
ax.imshow(image,aspect='equal') |
if (target != None): |
absolute_box_label = target.clone() |
if (absolute_box_label.shape[0] != 0): |
absolute_box_label = absolute_box_label[:,1:] |
absolute_box_label[:,2] = absolute_box_label[:,2] + absolute_box_label[:,0] |
absolute_box_label[:,3] = absolute_box_label[:,3] + absolute_box_label[:,1] |
for ii, box in enumerate(absolute_box_label): |
upper_left_x = box[0] |
upper_left_y = box[1] |
ww = box[2] - box[0] |
hh = box[3] - box[1] |
rect = patches.Rectangle( |
(upper_left_x, upper_left_y), |
ww, hh, |
linewidth=5, |
edgecolor='g', |
facecolor="none", |
) |
ax.add_patch(rect); |
if (pred_absolute_boxes != None): |
confidences = pred_person_cls |
boxes = pred_absolute_boxes |
nms_picks = torchvision.ops.nms(boxes, confidences, nmsIoUTreshold) |
boxes_to_draw = boxes[nms_picks].detach().cpu().numpy() |
confs_to_draw = confidences[nms_picks].detach().cpu().numpy() |
for ii, box in enumerate(boxes_to_draw): |
if(confs_to_draw[ii] > predConfPlotTreshold): |
upper_left_x = box[0]; |
upper_left_y = box[1]; |
ww = box[2] - box[0] |
hh = box[3] - box[1] |
conf = "{:.3f}".format(confs_to_draw[ii]) |
if not saveFig: |
print(f'Conf{ii} : {confs_to_draw[ii]}') |
plt.text(upper_left_x,upper_left_y-5, conf, fontsize = 12,color= color) |
rect = patches.Rectangle( |
(upper_left_x, upper_left_y), |
ww, hh, |
linewidth=2, |
edgecolor=color, |
facecolor="none", |
) |
ax.add_patch(rect); |
if saveFig: |
trainingOutpDir = os.path.join(".","Training Outputs") |
saveDir = os.path.join(trainingOutpDir,folderName) |
if not (os.path.isdir(trainingOutpDir)): |
os.mkdir(trainingOutpDir) |
if not (os.path.isdir(saveDir)): |
os.mkdir(saveDir) |
if (imageID == None): |
imageID = 'NA' |
else: |
imageID = str(int(imageID)) |
imageName = folderName+"_ImgId_"+imageID+".png" |
imageDir = os.path.join(saveDir, imageName) |
plt.savefig(imageDir) |
plt.close('all') |
plt.cla() |
else: |
plt.show() |
plt.close('all') |
def generateAnchorsInOrigImage(anchors,headgridSize,originalPicSize=512): |
''' |
Prepares anchor tensors in original image. |
E.g. If there are 4 anchors for the prediction head, |
4 anchor positions in original image are calculated for (x=0, y=0),(x=1, y=0)... feature grid, and written |
one under the other to anchorsInOrig |
Args: |
anchors : (tuple) Tuple of anchor boxes in Tensor w,h form Tuple(Shape[numAnchors,2]) |
headgridSize : Prediction head grid size, 16 or 32 for mobilenet |
originalPicSize : original image size |
Return: |
anchorsInOrig : Tensor shape[#ofboxes*head width size*head height size,4], anchors are written in (cx, cy, w, h) form |
''' |
scale = originalPicSize/headgridSize |
anchorsInOrig = torch.zeros([len(anchors)*headgridSize*headgridSize,4]) |
numOfAnchorBox = len(anchors) |
for i in range(headgridSize): |
for j in range(headgridSize): |
for k in range(len(anchors)): |
cx = j*scale + (scale+1)/2 |
cy = i*scale + (scale+1)/2 |
w, h = anchors[k] |
tempAnch = torch.tensor([cx,cy,w,h]) |
anchorsInOrig[i*headgridSize*numOfAnchorBox + j*numOfAnchorBox + k,:]=tempAnch |
return anchorsInOrig |
def prepareHeadDataforLoss(HeadBB,HeadConf): |
''' |
Prepares prediction head tensors for loss calculation |
E.g. If there are 4 BBs for the prediction head, |
4 BB positions in delta form are written one under the other, for (x=0, y=0),(x=1, y=0)... of feature grid and returned |
Args: |
HeadBB : (tensor) Location head of the layer Shape[numofAncBoxesperCell * 4, head width, head height ] |
Boxes -> [dcx, dcy, dw, dh ] |
HeadConf : (tensor) Confidence head of the layer Shape[numofAncBoxesperCell * 2, head width, head height ] |
Confidences -> (p(person), p(background)) |
Return: |
BBs : (tensor) Predicted bounding boxes are written in delta form (dcx, dcy, dw, dh) |
shape[numofAncBoxesperCell * head width * head height ,4] -> shape[4096,4] for 32x32 head |
CFs : (tensor) Class confidences are written in (p(person), p(background)) |
shape[#ofPredperFeatureCell * head width * head height ,2] -> shape[4096,2] for 32x32 head |
''' |
width = HeadBB.shape[1] |
height = HeadBB.shape[2] |
numOfAnchorBox = int(HeadBB.shape[0]/4) |
BBs = torch.zeros([width*height*numOfAnchorBox,4]).to(device) |
CFs = torch.zeros([width*height*numOfAnchorBox,2]).to(device) |
for i in range(width): |
for j in range(height): |
for k in range(numOfAnchorBox): |
BBs[i*height*numOfAnchorBox + j*numOfAnchorBox + k,:] = HeadBB[k*4:k*4+4,i,j] |
CFs[i*height*numOfAnchorBox + j*numOfAnchorBox + k,:] = HeadConf[k*2:k*2+2,i,j] |
return BBs, CFs |
def prepareHeadDataforLoss_fast(HeadBB,HeadConf): |
''' |
Same function with prepareHeadDataforLoss(), but blackbox faster implementation. |
See details in prepareHeadDataforLoss() |
''' |
BBs = HeadBB.squeeze(0) |
BBs = BBs.permute((1,2,0)) |
BBs = BBs.contiguous().view(-1,4) |
CFs = HeadConf.squeeze(0) |
CFs = CFs.permute((1,2,0)) |
CFs = CFs.contiguous().view(-1,2) |
return BBs, CFs |
def point_form(boxes): |
""" Convert box in form (cx, cy, w, h) to (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) |
representation for comparison to point form ground truth data. |
Args: |
boxes: (tensor) boxes in (cx, cy, w, h) form |
Return: |
boxes: (tensor) Converted xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax form of boxes. |
""" |
return torch.cat((boxes[:, :2] - boxes[:, 2:]/2, |
boxes[:, :2] + boxes[:, 2:]/2), 1) |
def intersect(box_a, box_b): |
""" We resize both tensors to [A,B,2] without new malloc: |
[A,2] -> [A,1,2] -> [A,B,2] |
[B,2] -> [1,B,2] -> [A,B,2] |
Then we compute the area of intersect between box_a and box_b. |
Args: |
box_a: (tensor) bounding boxes, Shape: [A,4]. xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax form |
box_b: (tensor) bounding boxes, Shape: [B,4]. |
Return: |
(tensor) intersection area, Shape: [A,B]. |
""" |
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") |
A = box_a.size(0) |
B = box_b.size(0) |
box_a = box_a.to(device) |
box_b = box_b.to(device) |
max_xy = torch.min(box_a[:, 2:].unsqueeze(1).expand(A, B, 2), |
box_b[:, 2:].unsqueeze(0).expand(A, B, 2)) |
min_xy = torch.max(box_a[:, :2].unsqueeze(1).expand(A, B, 2), |
box_b[:, :2].unsqueeze(0).expand(A, B, 2)) |
inter = torch.clamp((max_xy - min_xy), min=0) |
return inter[:, :, 0] * inter[:, :, 1] |
def jaccard(box_a, box_b): |
"""Compute the jaccard overlap of two sets of boxes. The jaccard overlap |
is simply the intersection over union of two boxes. Here we operate on |
ground truth boxes and default boxes. |
E.g.: |
A ∩ B / A ∪ B = A ∩ B / (area(A) + area(B) - A ∩ B) |
Args: |
box_a: (tensor) Ground truth bounding boxes, Shape: [num_objects,4] |
box_b: (tensor) Prior boxes from priorbox layers, Shape: [num_priors,4] |
Return: |
jaccard overlap: (tensor) Shape: [box_a.size(0), box_b.size(0)] |
""" |
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") |
inter = intersect(box_a, box_b) |
area_a = ((box_a[:, 2]-box_a[:, 0]) * |
(box_a[:, 3]-box_a[:, 1])).unsqueeze(1).expand_as(inter) |
area_b = ((box_b[:, 2]-box_b[:, 0]) * |
(box_b[:, 3]-box_b[:, 1])).unsqueeze(0).expand_as(inter) |
area_a = area_a.to(device) |
area_b = area_b.to(device) |
union = area_a + area_b - inter |
return inter / union |
def collate_fn(batch): |
""" |
Custom collate function. |
Need to create own collate_fn Function for COCO. |
Merges a list of samples to form a mini-batch of Tensor(s). |
Used when using batched loading from a map-style dataset. |
""" |
return zip(*batch) |
def sampleRandomPicsFromCOCO_old(train_loader, numtoPlot = 10, PictureSize = 512): |
''' |
This function is used to sample random pictures from COCO dataset |
Args: |
numtoPlot : number of random pictures to plot from dataset |
Return: |
SelectedPics : (tensor) size[numtoPlot, 3, PictureSize, PictureSize] |
SelectedTargets: list[(tensor)] list of bounding boxes in COCO format for each picture |
''' |
import random |
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") |
numofbatches = len(train_loader) |
batchsize = train_loader.batch_size |
randomBatches = random.sample(range(0, numofbatches), numtoPlot) |
selectedTargets = [] |
selectedPics = torch.zeros((numtoPlot,3,PictureSize,PictureSize)).to(device) |
dataloader_iterator = iter(train_loader) |
i = 0 |
batchnum = 0 |
while batchnum < numofbatches: |
if batchnum in randomBatches: |
data = next(dataloader_iterator) |
picnum = random.randrange(0, batchsize, 1) |
randomBatches.remove(batchnum) |
imageBatch, targetBatch, picNum = data |
image = imageBatch[picnum].unsqueeze(0).clone().to(device) |
target = targetBatch[picnum].clone().to(device) |
selectedPics[i,:,:,:] = image |
selectedTargets.append(target) |
i += 1 |
else: |
next(dataloader_iterator) |
batchnum += 1 |
if not randomBatches: |
break |
return selectedPics, selectedTargets |
def sampleRandomPicsFromCOCO(dataset, numtoPick = 10, pickSame = False): |
''' |
This function is used to sample random pictures from a COCO type dataset |
Args: |
dataset: dataset to be sampled |
numtoPick : number of random pictures to pick from dataset |
pickSame: if it is set to true, |
Return: |
SelectedPics : (tensor) size[numtoPlot, 3, PictureSize, PictureSize] |
SelectedTargets: list[(tensor)] list of bounding boxes in COCO format for each picture |
''' |
if pickSame: |
random.seed(1234) |
else: |
pass |
random_indices = random.sample(range(len(dataset)), numtoPick) |
rand_sampler = torch.utils.data.SubsetRandomSampler(random_indices) |
loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dataset, |
sampler=rand_sampler, |
batch_size=1, |
collate_fn=collate_fn, |
drop_last=False) |
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") |
selectedTargets = [] |
selectedPics = torch.zeros((numtoPick, 3, 512, 512)).to(device) |
picIds = [] |
for i, data in enumerate(loader): |
imageBatch, targetBatch, picNum = data |
image = imageBatch[0].unsqueeze(0).to(device) |
target = targetBatch[0].to(device) |
selectedPics[i,:,:,:] = image |
selectedTargets.append(target) |
picIds.append(picNum[0]) |
return selectedPics, selectedTargets, picIds |
def saveOutputs(pictures, picIds, targets, preds, anchors_head1, anchors_head2, |
savefolderName='UnconstFPT', |
nmsIoUTreshold = 0.45, predConfPlotTreshold = 0.6, figsize=(8,8)): |
''' |
Saves pictures,ground truths and model predictions under specified folder |
''' |
predsPostProcess = PredsPostProcess(512, anchors_head1, anchors_head2) |
image_width = pictures.shape[2] |
image_height = pictures.shape[3] |
BBs1 = preds[0].clone() |
CFs1 = preds[1].clone() |
BBs2 = preds[2].clone() |
CFs2 = preds[3].clone() |
for imgNum in tqdm(range(0,pictures.shape[0])): |
img = pictures[imgNum,:,:,:].clone() |
target = targets[imgNum].clone() |
pred = (BBs1[imgNum,:,:,:].unsqueeze(0), CFs1[imgNum,:,:,:].unsqueeze(0), |
BBs2[imgNum,:,:,:].unsqueeze(0), CFs2[imgNum,:,:,:].unsqueeze(0)) |
id = picIds[imgNum] |
absolute_boxes,person_cls = predsPostProcess.getPredsInOriginal(pred) |
plot_image_mnv2_2xSSDlite(img, pred_person_cls = person_cls, pred_absolute_boxes = absolute_boxes, color = 'r' |
,nmsIoUTreshold = nmsIoUTreshold, predConfPlotTreshold = predConfPlotTreshold, |
target=target, figsize=figsize, |
saveFig=True, imageID= id, folderName = savefolderName) |
class PredsPostProcess: |
''' |
Class to convert mobilenet SSD heads to real image coordinates in form [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] |
''' |
def __init__(self, image_width, anchors_head1, anchors_head2): |
Head1AnchorsForLoss = generateAnchorsInOrigImage(anchors_head1,headgridSize=32,originalPicSize=image_width) |
Head2AnchorsForLoss = generateAnchorsInOrigImage(anchors_head2,headgridSize=16,originalPicSize=image_width) |
AnchorsFlatten_wh = torch.cat((Head1AnchorsForLoss,Head2AnchorsForLoss),0) |
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") |
AnchorsFlatten_wh = AnchorsFlatten_wh.to(device) |
self.AnchorsFlatten_wh = AnchorsFlatten_wh |
self.softmax_fcn = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1).to(device) |
self.var_x = 0.1 |
self.var_y = 0.1 |
self.var_w = 0.2 |
self.var_h = 0.2 |
def getPredsInOriginal(self,preds): |
''' |
Args: |
preds: Prediction heads, i.e output of mobilenet model() |
Return: |
absolute_boxes: 32 * 32 *4 + 16 * 16 * 5 = 5376 pred BB's in form [imagenum, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] |
(tensor) [5376, 5] |
person cls: Person classification heads, (tensor) [5376,1] |
''' |
AnchorsFlatten_wh = self.AnchorsFlatten_wh |
BBhires, CFhires = prepareHeadDataforLoss_fast(preds[0].data,preds[1].data) |
BBlores, CFlores = prepareHeadDataforLoss_fast(preds[2].data,preds[3].data) |
cls = torch.cat(( CFhires, CFlores)) |
cls = self.softmax_fcn(cls) |
person_cls =cls[:,0] |
delta_boxes_wh = torch.cat(( BBhires, BBlores)) |
pred_cx = delta_boxes_wh[:,0]*self.var_x*self.AnchorsFlatten_wh[:,2] + self.AnchorsFlatten_wh[:,0] |
pred_cy = delta_boxes_wh[:,1]*self.var_y*self.AnchorsFlatten_wh[:,3] + self.AnchorsFlatten_wh[:,1] |
pred_w = (delta_boxes_wh[:,2]*self.var_w).exp()*self.AnchorsFlatten_wh[:,2] |
pred_h = (delta_boxes_wh[:,3]*self.var_h).exp()*self.AnchorsFlatten_wh[:,3] |
absolute_xleft = pred_cx - pred_w/2 |
absolute_ytop = pred_cy - pred_h/2 |
absolute_xright = pred_cx + pred_w/2 |
absolute_ybottom = pred_cy + pred_h/2 |
absolute_boxes = torch.cat((absolute_xleft.view(-1,1), absolute_ytop.view(-1,1), absolute_xright.view(-1,1), absolute_ybottom.view(-1,1)), dim=1) |
return absolute_boxes, person_cls |
def mAP(cocoGT, cocoDT, imgIDS, catIDS=1, annType="bbox"): |
""" |
Explanation: This function calculate the mean average precision for given |
ground truths and detection results. Default category and |
annotation format is set to 'person' and 'bbox' respectively. |
This function is based on popular benchmark function "pycocotools" |
that is forked 3.3k. Please re-check the iou threshold (parameter iouThrs) |
,which is default '.5:.05:.95', before you run the code. |
Arguments: |
cocoGT(Json File): Annotated orginal valset of COCO. |
cocoDT(Json File): Model Results as format ===> [{"image_id":42, "category_id":18, "bbox":[258.15,41.29,348.26,243.78],"score":0.236}, |
{"image_id":73, "category_id":11, "bbox":[61,22.75,504,609.67], "score":0.318}, |
...] |
imgIDS(list): list of image IDs. |
catIDS(list): list of category ids. Default=1 as person. |
annType(String): Annotation type, Default=bbox. Can be ['segm','bbox','keypoints']. |
Returns: |
None: just results as strings in terminal. |
######################## More Detailed Guideline ######################## |
The usage for CocoEval is as follows: # |
cocoGt=..., cocoDt=... # load dataset and results # |
E = CocoEval(cocoGt,cocoDt); # initialize CocoEval object # |
E.params.recThrs = ...; # set parameters as desired # |
E.evaluate(); # run per image evaluation # |
E.accumulate(); # accumulate per image results # |
E.summarize(); # display summary metrics of results # |
######################################################################### |
The evaluation parameters are as follows (defaults in brackets): # |
imgIds - [all] N img ids to use for evaluation # |
catIds - [all] K cat ids to use for evaluation # |
iouThrs - [.5:.05:.95] T=10 IoU thresholds for evaluation # |
recThrs - [0:.01:1] R=101 recall thresholds for evaluation # |
areaRng - [...] A=4 object area ranges for evaluation # |
maxDets - [1 10 100] M=3 thresholds on max detections per image # |
iouType - ['segm'] set iouType to 'segm', 'bbox' or 'keypoints' # |
iouType replaced the now DEPRECATED useSegm parameter. # |
useCats - [1] if true use category labels for evaluation # |
Note: if useCats=0 category labels are ignored as in proposal scoring. # |
Note: multiple areaRngs [Ax2] and maxDets [Mx1] can be specified. # |
######################################################################### |
evaluate(): evaluates detections on every image and every category and # |
concats the results into the "evalImgs" with fields: # |
dtIds - [1xD] id for each of the D detections (dt) # |
gtIds - [1xG] id for each of the G ground truths (gt) # |
dtMatches - [TxD] matching gt id at each IoU or 0 # |
gtMatches - [TxG] matching dt id at each IoU or 0 # |
dtScores - [1xD] confidence of each dt # |
gtIgnore - [1xG] ignore flag for each gt # |
dtIgnore - [TxD] ignore flag for each dt at each IoU # |
######################################################################### |
accumulate(): accumulates the per-image, per-category evaluation # |
results in "evalImgs" into the dictionary "eval" with fields: # |
params - parameters used for evaluation # |
date - date evaluation was performed # |
counts - [T,R,K,A,M] parameter dimensions (see above) # |
precision - [TxRxKxAxM] precision for every evaluation setting # |
recall - [TxKxAxM] max recall for every evaluation setting # |
Note: precision and recall==-1 for settings with no gt objects. # |
######################################################################### |
***For more details of COCOeval please check: https://github.com/cocodataset/cocoapi/blob/master/PythonAPI/pycocotools/cocoeval.py |
***If you need an orginal example from API please check: https://github.com/cocodataset/cocoapi/blob/master/PythonAPI/pycocoEvalDemo.ipynb |
""" |
cocoEval = COCOeval(cocoGT,cocoDT,annType) |
cocoEval.params.imgIds = imgIDS |
cocoEval.params.catIds = catIDS |
cocoEval.evaluate() |
cocoEval.accumulate() |
cocoEval.summarize() |
def round_floats(o): |
''' |
Used to round floats before writing to json form |
''' |
if isinstance(o, float): |
return round(o, 3) |
if isinstance(o, dict): |
return {k: round_floats(v) for k, v in o.items()} |
if isinstance(o, (list, tuple)): |
return [round_floats(x) for x in o] |
return o |
def get_FPnum_per_image(bbox, GT_bbox, min_IoU = 0.5): |
''' Founds the number of False Positives by assocating detection BB's to GT BBs |
Arguments: |
------------- |
bbox : list |
N x 4 list of detection bounding boxes in xmin, ymin, w, h form |
GT_bbox : list |
N x 4 list of ground truth bounding boxes in xmin, ymin, w, h form |
min_IoU : float [0,1] |
Treshold of intersection of union to evaluate detection and GT to be matched, if IoU of Det and GT is below |
this value they are automatically marked as unmatched |
''' |
bbox = torch.tensor(bbox) |
bbox[:,2] = bbox[:,0] + bbox[:,2] |
bbox[:,3] = bbox[:,1] + bbox[:,3] |
GT_bbox[:,2] = GT_bbox[:,0] + GT_bbox[:,2] |
GT_bbox[:,3] = GT_bbox[:,1] + GT_bbox[:,3] |
IoUscore = jaccard(GT_bbox, bbox) |
num_det = IoUscore.shape[1] |
num_TP = 0 |
GT_indexes = [x for x in range(IoUscore.shape[0])] |
for det_idx in range(IoUscore.shape[1]): |
max_IoU = min_IoU |
max_IoU_gt_id = None |
for i, gt_idx in enumerate(GT_indexes): |
currentIoU = IoUscore[gt_idx, det_idx] |
if currentIoU > max_IoU: |
max_IoU = currentIoU |
max_IoU_gt_id = i |
if max_IoU_gt_id is not None: |
del GT_indexes[max_IoU_gt_id] |
num_TP += 1 |
if len(GT_indexes) == 0: |
break |
FP_count_image = num_det - num_TP |
return FP_count_image |
def calculatemAP(model, test_loader,cocoGT, ANCHORS_HEAD1, ANCHORS_HEAD2 , PredMinConfTreshold=0.7 , |
nmsIoUTreshold = 0.5, mAPOnlyFirstBatch= False, calculate_FP_ratio=False, hardware_mode = False): |
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") |
t1 = time.time() |
print('mAP calculation started...') |
predsPostProcess = PredsPostProcess(512, ANCHORS_HEAD1, ANCHORS_HEAD2) |
dataDictList =[] |
imgIDS = [] |
model.eval() |
total_GT_count = 0 |
total_FP_count = 0 |
with torch.no_grad(): |
for i, data in enumerate(tqdm(test_loader)): |
imageBatch, targetBatch , idxBatch = data |
imageStack = torch.stack(imageBatch).detach().to(device) |
predBatch = model(imageStack) |
if hardware_mode: |
BBs1 = predBatch[0].detach() / 128.0 |
CFs1 = predBatch[1].detach() / 128.0 |
BBs2 = predBatch[2].detach() / 128.0 |
CFs2 = predBatch[3].detach() / 128.0 |
else: |
BBs1 = predBatch[0].detach() |
CFs1 = predBatch[1].detach() |
BBs2 = predBatch[2].detach() |
CFs2 = predBatch[3].detach() |
for imgNum in range(imageStack.shape[0]): |
img = imageStack[imgNum,:,:,:] |
target = targetBatch[imgNum] |
image_id = int(idxBatch[imgNum]) |
imgIDS.append(image_id) |
pred = (BBs1[imgNum,:,:,:].unsqueeze(0), CFs1[imgNum,:,:,:].unsqueeze(0), |
BBs2[imgNum,:,:,:].unsqueeze(0), CFs2[imgNum,:,:,:].unsqueeze(0)) |
absolute_boxes, person_cls = predsPostProcess.getPredsInOriginal(pred) |
confidences = person_cls |
boxes = absolute_boxes |
nms_picks = torchvision.ops.nms(boxes, confidences, nmsIoUTreshold) |
boxes_to_draw = boxes[nms_picks] |
confs_to_draw = confidences[nms_picks] |
confMask = (confs_to_draw > PredMinConfTreshold) |
if calculate_FP_ratio and (target.shape[0] != 0): |
GT_bbox = target[:,1:] |
total_GT_count += GT_bbox.shape[0] |
if (confMask.any()): |
bbox = boxes_to_draw[confMask] |
bbox[:,2] = bbox[:,2] - bbox[:,0] |
bbox[:,3] = bbox[:,3] - bbox[:,1] |
bbox = bbox.tolist() |
score = confs_to_draw[confMask].tolist() |
category_id = np.ones_like(score,dtype=int).tolist() |
for j in range(len(bbox)): |
box = {"image_id":image_id, "category_id":category_id[j], "bbox":bbox[j],"score":score[j]} |
dataDictList.append(round_floats(box)) |
if calculate_FP_ratio: |
if GT_bbox.shape[0] == 0: |
total_FP_count += len(score) |
else: |
FP_count_image = get_FPnum_per_image(bbox, GT_bbox, min_IoU=0.5) |
total_FP_count += FP_count_image |
if mAPOnlyFirstBatch: |
break |
if (len(dataDictList)): |
cocoDT = json.dumps(dataDictList) |
with open('cocoDT.json', 'w') as outfile: |
outfile.write(cocoDT) |
cocoDT=cocoGT.loadRes('cocoDT.json') |
annType = 'bbox' |
cocoEval = COCOeval(cocoGT,cocoDT,annType) |
cocoEval.params.catIds = 1 |
cocoEval.params.imgIds = imgIDS |
cocoEval.evaluate() |
cocoEval.accumulate() |
cocoEval.summarize() |
if calculate_FP_ratio: |
print() |
print('********** False Positive Statistics **********') |
print(f'Total GT Boxes: {total_GT_count}, Total FPs Boxes: {total_FP_count}, FP% : {total_FP_count/total_GT_count*100}') |
print() |
mean_ap = cocoEval.stats[0].item() |
mean_recall = cocoEval.stats[8].item() |
os.remove("cocoDT.json") |
else: |
mean_ap = 0 |
mean_recall = 0 |
t2 = time.time() |
print(f'mAP done in : {t2-t1} secs') |
return mean_ap, mean_recall |
def batchNormAdaptation(model, train_loader,numSamples = 100): |
''' |
BN parameters of intel model is spoiled intentionally/or unintentionaly before publishing. |
Batch norm adaptation routine is proposed before any training based on this model. |
https://github.com/openvinotoolkit/nncf/blob/develop/docs/compression_algorithms/Quantization.md#batch-norm-statistics-adaptation |
#numSamples predictions are made and running mean variance are recalculated for the layers. |
''' |
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") |
print('') |
print('Batch norm adaptation before training started.') |
for i, data in enumerate(train_loader): |
imageBatch, targetBatch, imgIDs = data |
imageStack = torch.stack(imageBatch) |
imageStack = imageStack.detach() |
imageStack.requires_grad_(False) |
imageStack = imageStack.to(device) |
predBatch = model(imageStack) |
if (i*len(imgIDs) >= numSamples): |
return model |
def conv_model_fptunc2fpt(model): |
layer_str_arr = [attr_name for attr_name in dir(model) if |
isinstance(getattr(model, attr_name), qat_core.layers.shallow_base_layer)] |
for layer in layer_str_arr: |
layer_attribute = getattr(model, layer) |
layer_attribute.mode_fptunconstrained2fpt('fpt') |
setattr(model, layer, layer_attribute) |
add_res_attribute = getattr(model, 'add_residual') |
add_res_attribute.mode_fptunconstrained2fpt('fpt') |
setattr(model, 'add_residual', add_res_attribute) |
return model |
def conv_model_fpt2qat(model, weight_dictionary, shift_quantile=0.985): |
print('Folding BNs and converting to qat mode') |
layer_attributes = [] |
for layer_string in dir(model): |
if(layer_string in weight_dictionary): |
layer_attribute = getattr(model, layer_string) |
if layer_attribute.mode == 'fpt': |
print('Folding BN for:', layer_string) |
weight_bits=weight_dictionary[layer_string] |
print(f'Layer bit is : {weight_bits}') |
if weight_bits == 1: |
print('layer is converted in to qat_ap mode') |
layer_attribute.configure_layer_base(weight_bits=2 , bias_bits=8, shift_quantile=shift_quantile) |
layer_attribute.mode_fpt2qat('qat_ap'); |
else: |
print('layer is converted in to qat mode') |
layer_attribute.configure_layer_base(weight_bits=weight_bits , bias_bits=8, shift_quantile=shift_quantile) |
layer_attribute.mode_fpt2qat('qat'); |
setattr(model, layer_string, layer_attribute) |
print('') |
else: |
print('To convert model to QAT mode, all layers must be in fpt mode but, ' + layer_string + 'is in' + layer_attribute.mode +' mode. Exiting...') |
sys.exit() |
add_res_attribute = getattr(model, 'add_residual') |
if add_res_attribute.mode == 'fpt': |
add_res_attribute.mode_fpt2qat('qat') |
setattr(model, 'add_residual', add_res_attribute) |
else: |
print('To convert model to QAT mode, add_residual modüle must be in fpt mode but, it is in ' + add_res_attribute.mode + ' mode. Exiting...') |
sys.exit() |
print('********* Converting to qat mode finished *********') |
print('') |
return model |
def conv_model_qat2hw(model): |
print('Converting model to eval/hw mode for testing') |
layer_str_arr = [attr_name for attr_name in dir(model) if |
isinstance(getattr(model, attr_name), qat_core.layers.shallow_base_layer)] |
for layer in layer_str_arr: |
layer_attribute = getattr(model, layer) |
if layer_attribute.mode == 'qat': |
layer_attribute.mode_qat2hw('eval') |
setattr(model, layer, layer_attribute) |
elif layer_attribute.mode == 'qat_ap': |
layer_attribute.mode_qat_ap2hw('eval') |
setattr(model, layer, layer_attribute) |
else: |
print('To convert model to hw mode, all layers must be in qat or qat_ap mode but, ' + layer_string + 'is in' + layer_attribute.mode +' mode. Exiting...') |
sys.exit() |
model = model.to(model.conv1.op.weight.device.type) |
add_res_attribute = getattr(model, 'add_residual') |
if add_res_attribute.mode == 'qat': |
add_res_attribute.mode_qat2hw('eval') |
setattr(model, 'add_residual', add_res_attribute) |
else: |
print('To convert model to QAT mode, add_residual modüle must be in qat mode but, it is in ' + add_res_attribute.mode + ' mode. Exiting...') |
sys.exit() |
print('********* Converting model to eval/hw mode for testing finished *********') |
print('') |
return model |