update emails
# Computer vision - Binary neural networks demo software by HyperbeeAI. #
# Copyrights © 2023 Hyperbee.AI Inc. All rights reserved. [email protected] #
import torch, sys
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
from torch.autograd import Function
from functions import quantization, clamping_qa, clamping_hw, calc_out_shift
### Base layer for conv/linear,
### enabling quantization-related mechanisms
class shallow_base_layer(nn.Module):
def __init__(
quantization_mode = 'fpt', # 'fpt', 'qat', 'qat_ap' and 'eval'
pooling_flag = None, # boolean flag for now, only maxpooling of 2-pools with stride 2
operation_module = None, # torch nn module for keeping and updating conv/linear parameters
operation_fcnl = None, # torch nn.functional for actually doing the operation
activation_module = None, # torch nn module for relu/abs
batchnorm_module = None, # torch nn module for batchnorm, see super
output_width_30b = False # boolean flag that chooses between "bigdata" (32b) and normal (8b) activation modes for MAX78000
# Initialize stuff that won't change throughout the model's lifetime here
# since this place will only be run once (first time the model is declared)
self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, padding=0)
self.pool = None
### Burak: we have to access and change (forward pass) and also train (backward pass) parameters .weight and .bias for the operations
### therefore we keep both a functional and a module for Conv2d/Linear. The name "op" is mandatory for keeping params in Maxim
### checkpoint format.
self.op = operation_module
self.op_fcn = operation_fcnl
self.act = activation_module = batchnorm_module
self.wide = output_width_30b
# Initialize stuff that will change during mode progression (FPT->QAT->Eval/HW).
self.mode = quantization_mode;
self.quantize_Q_ud_8b = None
self.quantize_Q_ud_wb = None
self.quantize_Q_ud_bb = None
self.quantize_Q_ud_ap = None
self.quantize_Q_d_8b = None
self.quantize_Q_u_wb = None
self.quantize_Q_ud_wide = None
self.quantize_Q_d_wide = None
self.clamp_C_qa_8b = None
self.clamp_C_qa_bb = None
self.clamp_C_qa_wb = None
self.clamp_C_hw_8b = None
self.clamp_C_qa_wide = None
self.clamp_C_hw_wide = None
### Burak: these aren't really trainable parameters, but they're logged in the Maxim checkpoint format. It seems they marked
### them as "non-trainable parameters" to get them automatically saved in the state_dict
self.output_shift = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ 0 ]), requires_grad=False) ### Burak: we called this los, this varies, default:0
self.weight_bits = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ 8 ]), requires_grad=False) ### Burak: we called this wb, this varies, default:8
self.bias_bits = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ 8 ]), requires_grad=False) ### Burak: this is always 8
self.quantize_activation = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ 0 ]), requires_grad=False) ### Burak: this is 0 in FPT, 1 in QAT & eval/hardware, default: fpt
self.adjust_output_shift = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ 1 ]), requires_grad=False) ### Burak: this is 1 in FPT & QAT, 0 in eval/hardware, default: fpt
self.shift_quantile = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ 1 ]), requires_grad=False) ### Burak: this varies, default:1 (naive)
# Do first mode progression (to the default)
### Burak: this recognizes that layer configuration is done via a function,
### thus, can be done again in training time for mode progression
weight_bits = self.weight_bits
bias_bits = self.bias_bits
shift_quantile = self.shift_quantile
self.configure_layer_base( weight_bits, bias_bits, shift_quantile )
# This will be called during mode progression to set fields,
# check workflow-training-modes.png in doc for further info.
# sets functions for all modes though, not just the selected mode
def configure_layer_base(self, weight_bits, bias_bits, shift_quantile):
# quantization operators
self.quantize_Q_ud_8b = quantization(xb = 8, mode ='updown' , wide=False) # 8 here is activation bits
self.quantize_Q_ud_wb = quantization(xb = weight_bits, mode ='updown' , wide=False)
self.quantize_Q_ud_bb = quantization(xb = bias_bits, mode ='updown' , wide=False)
self.quantize_Q_ud_ap = quantization(xb = 2, mode ='updown_ap' , wide=False) # 2 here is dummy, mode antipodal overrides xb
self.quantize_Q_d_8b = quantization(xb = 8, mode ='down' , wide=False) # 8 here is activation bits
self.quantize_Q_u_wb = quantization(xb = weight_bits, mode ='up' , wide=False)
self.quantize_Q_ud_wide = quantization(xb = 8, mode ='updown' , wide=True) # 8 here is activation bits, but its wide, so check inside
self.quantize_Q_d_wide = quantization(xb = 8, mode ='down' , wide=True) # 8 here is activation bits, but its wide, so check inside
# clamping operators
self.clamp_C_qa_8b = clamping_qa(xb = 8, wide=False) # 8 here is activation bits
self.clamp_C_qa_bb = clamping_qa(xb = bias_bits, wide=False)
self.clamp_C_qa_wb = clamping_qa(xb = weight_bits, wide=False)
self.clamp_C_hw_8b = clamping_hw(xb = 8, wide=False) # 8 here is activation bits
self.clamp_C_qa_wide = clamping_qa(xb = None, wide=True) # None to avoid misleading info on the # of bits, check inside
self.clamp_C_hw_wide = clamping_hw(xb = None, wide=True) # None to avoid misleading info on the # of bits, check inside
# state variables
self.weight_bits = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ weight_bits ]), requires_grad=False)
self.bias_bits = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ bias_bits ]), requires_grad=False)
self.shift_quantile = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ shift_quantile ]), requires_grad=False)
# This will be called during mode progression, during training
def mode_fpt2qat(self, quantization_mode):
# just fold batchnorms
if( is not None):
w_fp =
b_fp =
running_mean_mu =
running_var =
running_stdev_sigma = torch.sqrt(running_var + 1e-20)
w_hat = w_fp * (1.0 / (running_stdev_sigma*4.0)).reshape((w_fp.shape[0],) + (1,) * (len(w_fp.shape) - 1))
b_hat = (b_fp - running_mean_mu)/(running_stdev_sigma*4.0) = w_hat = b_hat = None
#print('This layer does not have batchnorm')
self.mode = quantization_mode;
self.quantize_activation = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ 1 ]), requires_grad=False) ### Burak: this is 0 in FPT, 1 in QAT & eval/hardware
self.adjust_output_shift = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ 1 ]), requires_grad=False) ### Burak: this is 1 in FPT & QAT, 0 in eval/hardware
# This will be called during mode progression after training, for eval
def mode_qat2hw(self, quantization_mode):
w_hat =
b_hat =
shift =;
s_o = 2**(shift)
wb =[0]
w_clamp = [-2**(wb-1) , 2**(wb-1)-1 ]
b_clamp = [-2**(wb+8-2), 2**(wb+8-2)-1] # 8 here is activation bits
w = w_hat.mul(2**(wb -1)).mul(s_o).add(0.5).floor()
w = w.clamp(min=w_clamp[0],max=w_clamp[1])
b = b_hat.mul(2**(wb -1 + 7)).mul(s_o).add(0.5).floor()
b = b.clamp(min=b_clamp[0],max=b_clamp[1]) = w = b
self.mode = quantization_mode;
self.quantize_activation = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ 1 ]), requires_grad=False) ### Burak: this is 0 in FPT, 1 in QAT & eval/hardware
self.adjust_output_shift = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ 0 ]), requires_grad=False) ### Burak: this is 1 in FPT & QAT, 0 in eval/hardware
def mode_qat_ap2hw(self, quantization_mode):
w_hat =
b_hat =
shift =;
s_o = 2**(shift)
wb =[0]
w = self.quantize_Q_ud_ap(w_hat).mul(2.0)
w_clamp = [-2**(wb-1) , 2**(wb-1)-1 ]
w = w_hat.mul(2**(wb -1)).mul(s_o).add(0.5).floor()
w = w.clamp(min=w_clamp[0],max=w_clamp[1])
b_clamp = [-2**(wb+8-2), 2**(wb+8-2)-1] # 8 here is activation bits
b = b_hat.mul(2**(wb -1 + 7)).mul(s_o).add(0.5).floor()
b = b.clamp(min=b_clamp[0],max=b_clamp[1]) = w = b
self.mode = quantization_mode;
self.quantize_activation = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ 1 ]), requires_grad=False) ### Burak: this is 0 in FPT, 1 in QAT & eval/hardware
self.adjust_output_shift = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ 0 ]), requires_grad=False) ### Burak: this is 1 in FPT & QAT, 0 in eval/hardware
def forward(self, x):
if(self.pool is not None):
x = self.pool(x)
if(self.mode == 'fpt'):
# pre-compute stuff
w_fp = self.op.weight
b_fp = self.op.bias
# actual forward pass
x = self.op_fcn(x, w_fp, b_fp, self.op.stride, self.op.padding)
if( is not None):
x = # make sure var=1 and mean=0
x = x / 4.0 # since BN is only making sure var=1 and mean=0, 1/4 is to keep everything within [-1,1] w/ hi prob.
if(self.act is not None):
x = self.act(x)
if((self.wide) and (self.act is None)):
x = self.clamp_C_qa_wide(x)
x = self.clamp_C_qa_8b(x)
# save stuff (los is deactivated in fpt)
self.output_shift = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ 0 ]), requires_grad=False) # functional, used in Maxim-friendly checkpoints
self.quantize_activation = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ 0 ]), requires_grad=False) # ceremonial, for Maxim-friendly checkpoints
self.adjust_output_shift = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ 1 ]), requires_grad=False) # ceremonial, for Maxim-friendly checkpoints
elif(self.mode == 'qat'):
## ASSUMPTION: batchnorms are already folded before coming here. Check doc, ##
## the parameters with _fp and with _hat are of different magnitude ##
# pre-compute stuff
w_hat = self.op.weight
b_hat = self.op.bias
los = calc_out_shift(w_hat.detach(), b_hat.detach(), self.shift_quantile.detach())
s_w = 2**(-los)
s_o = 2**(los)
w_hat_q = self.clamp_C_qa_wb(self.quantize_Q_ud_wb(w_hat*s_w));
b_hat_q = self.clamp_C_qa_bb(self.quantize_Q_ud_bb(b_hat*s_w));
# actual forward pass
x = self.op_fcn(x, w_hat_q, b_hat_q, self.op.stride, self.op.padding)
x = x*s_o
if(self.act is not None):
x = self.act(x)
if((self.wide) and (self.act is None)):
x = self.quantize_Q_ud_wide(x)
x = self.clamp_C_qa_wide(x)
x = self.quantize_Q_ud_8b(x)
x = self.clamp_C_qa_8b(x)
# save stuff
self.output_shift = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ los ]), requires_grad=False) # functional, used in Maxim-friendly checkpoints
elif(self.mode == 'qat_ap'):
## ASSUMPTION: batchnorms are already folded before coming here. Check doc, ##
## the parameters with _fp and with _hat are of different magnitude ##
# pre-compute stuff
w_hat = self.op.weight
b_hat = self.op.bias
los = calc_out_shift(w_hat.detach(), b_hat.detach(), self.shift_quantile.detach())
s_w = 2**(-los)
s_o = 2**(los)
# This is the only difference from qat
w_hat_q = self.quantize_Q_ud_ap(w_hat*s_w);
w_hat_q = self.clamp_C_qa_wb(self.quantize_Q_ud_wb(w_hat*s_w));
b_hat_q = self.clamp_C_qa_bb(self.quantize_Q_ud_bb(b_hat*s_w));
# actual forward pass
x = self.op_fcn(x, w_hat_q, b_hat_q, self.op.stride, self.op.padding)
x = x*s_o
if(self.act is not None):
x = self.act(x)
if((self.wide) and (self.act is None)):
x = self.quantize_Q_ud_wide(x)
x = self.clamp_C_qa_wide(x)
x = self.quantize_Q_ud_8b(x)
x = self.clamp_C_qa_8b(x)
# save stuff
self.output_shift = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ los ]), requires_grad=False) # functional, used in Maxim-friendly checkpoints
elif(self.mode == 'eval'):
## ASSUMPTION: parameters are already converted to HW before coming here.Check doc ##
# pre-compute stuff
w = self.op.weight
b = self.op.bias
los = self.output_shift
s_o = 2**(los)
w_q = self.quantize_Q_u_wb(w);
b_q = self.quantize_Q_u_wb(b); # yes, wb, not a typo, they need to be on the same scale
# actual forward pass
x = self.op_fcn(x, w_q, b_q, self.op.stride, self.op.padding) # convolution / linear
x = x*s_o
if(self.act is not None):
x = self.act(x)
if((self.wide) and (self.act is None)):
x = self.quantize_Q_d_wide(x)
x = self.clamp_C_hw_wide(x)
x = self.quantize_Q_d_8b(x)
x = self.clamp_C_hw_8b(x)
# nothing to save, this was a hardware-emulated evaluation pass
print('wrong quantization mode. should have been one of {fpt, qat, eval}. exiting')
return x
class conv(shallow_base_layer):
def __init__(
C_in_channels = None, # number of input channels
D_out_channels = None, # number of output channels
K_kernel_dimension = None, # square kernel dimension
padding = None, # amount of pixels to pad on one side (other side is symmetrically padded too)
pooling = False, # boolean flag for now, only maxpooling of 2-pools with stride 2
batchnorm = False, # boolean flag for now, no trainable affine parameters
activation = None, # 'relu' is the only choice for now
output_width_30b = False # boolean flag that chooses between "bigdata" (32b) and normal (8b) activation modes for MAX78000
pooling_flag = pooling
if(activation is None):
activation_fcn = None;
elif(activation == 'relu'):
activation_fcn = nn.ReLU(inplace=True);
print('wrong activation type in model. only {relu} is acceptable. exiting')
### Burak: only a module is enough for BN since we neither need to access internals in forward pass, nor train anything (affine=False)
batchnorm_mdl = nn.BatchNorm2d(D_out_channels, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.05, affine=False)
batchnorm_mdl = None;
operation_mdl = nn.Conv2d(C_in_channels, D_out_channels, kernel_size=K_kernel_dimension, stride=1, padding=padding, bias=True);
operation_fcn = nn.functional.conv2d
pooling_flag = pooling_flag,
activation_module = activation_fcn,
operation_module = operation_mdl,
operation_fcnl = operation_fcn,
batchnorm_module = batchnorm_mdl,
output_width_30b = output_width_30b
def linear_functional(x, weight, bias, _stride, _padding):
# dummy linear function that has same arguments as conv
return nn.functional.linear(x, weight, bias)
class fullyconnected(shallow_base_layer):
def __init__(
in_features = None, # number of output features
out_features = None, # number of output features
pooling = False, # boolean flag for now, only maxpooling of 2-pools with stride 2
batchnorm = False, # boolean flag for now, no trainable affine parameters
activation = None, # 'relu' is the only choice for now
output_width_30b = False # boolean flag that chooses between "bigdata" (32b) and normal (8b) activation modes for MAX78000
pooling_flag = pooling
if(activation is None):
activation_fcn = None;
elif(activation == 'relu'):
activation_fcn = nn.ReLU(inplace=True);
print('wrong activation type in model. only {relu} is acceptable. exiting')
### Burak: only a module is enough for BN since we neither need to access internals in forward pass, nor train anything (affine=False)
batchnorm_mdl = nn.BatchNorm2d(out_features, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.05, affine=False)
batchnorm_mdl = None;
operation_mdl = nn.Linear(in_features, out_features, bias=True);
operation_fcn = linear_functional
pooling_flag = pooling_flag,
activation_module = activation_fcn,
operation_module = operation_mdl,
operation_fcnl = operation_fcn,
batchnorm_module = batchnorm_mdl,
output_width_30b = output_width_30b
# Define dummy arguments to make Linear and conv compatible in shallow_base_layer.
# the name "op" here refers to op in super, i.e., in base_layer
self.op.stride = None
self.op.padding = None