import torch, matplotlib, os, sys, argparse |
import numpy as np |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
matplotlib.use('Agg') |
def get_checkpoints_except_reproduce(): |
temporary = sorted(os.listdir("./checkpoints")) |
checkpoint_full_paths = [] |
checkpoint_name_list = [] |
for name in temporary: |
fullname = os.path.join("./checkpoints",name) |
if ((os.path.isdir(fullname)) and ('reproduce' not in fullname)): |
checkpoint_full_paths.append(os.path.abspath(fullname)) |
checkpoint_name_list.append(name) |
return checkpoint_full_paths, checkpoint_name_list |
def get_checkpoint_top1s_sizes(checkpoint_full_paths, checkpoint_name_list): |
checkpoint_best_top1s = [] |
checkpoint_sizes_in_bytes = [] |
checkpoint_sizes_in_bytes_max78000 = [] |
checkpoint_sizes_antipodal = [] |
for i, cp in enumerate(checkpoint_full_paths): |
nn = os.path.join(cp, 'hardware_checkpoint.pth.tar') |
if(os.path.isfile(nn)): |
a = torch.load(nn) |
else: |
print("Hardware checkpoint does not exist for:", checkpoint_name_list[i]) |
checkpoint_best_top1s.append(None) |
checkpoint_sizes_in_bytes.append(None) |
checkpoint_sizes_in_bytes_max78000.append(None) |
checkpoint_sizes_antipodal.append(None) |
continue |
checkpoint_best_top1s.append(a['extras']['best_top1']) |
layer_keys = [] |
layers = [] |
for key in a['state_dict'].keys(): |
fields = key.split('.') |
if(fields[0] not in layer_keys): |
layer_keys.append(fields[0]) |
layers.append({'key': fields[0], |
'weight_bits':None, |
'bias_bits':None, |
'adjust_output_shift':None, |
'output_shift':None, |
'quantize_activation':None, |
'shift_quantile':None, |
'weight': None, |
'bias':None }) |
idx = -1 |
else: |
idx = layer_keys.index(fields[0]) |
if((fields[1]=='weight_bits') or \ |
(fields[1]=='output_shift') or \ |
(fields[1]=='bias_bits') or \ |
(fields[1]=='quantize_activation') \ |
or (fields[1]=='adjust_output_shift') \ |
or (fields[1]=='shift_quantile')): |
layers[idx][fields[1]] = a['state_dict'][key].cpu().numpy(); |
elif(fields[1]=='op'): |
layers[idx][fields[2]] = a['state_dict'][key].cpu().numpy(); |
else: |
print('[ERROR]: Unknown field. Exiting', file=f) |
print('[ERROR]: Unknown field. Exiting') |
sys.exit() |
size_in_bytes = 0.0 |
size_in_bytes_max78000 = 0.0 |
antipodal = False |
for layer in layers: |
if(layer['weight_bits'][0]==2): |
if(len(np.unique(layer['weight'])) == 2): |
size_in_bytes += (layer['weight_bits'][0]/(2.0*8.0))*layer['weight'].size + (layer['bias_bits'][0]/8.0)*layer['bias'].size |
size_in_bytes_max78000 += (layer['weight_bits'][0]/8.0)*layer['weight'].size + (layer['bias_bits'][0]/8.0)*layer['bias'].size |
antipodal = True |
continue |
newsize = (layer['weight_bits'][0]/8.0)*layer['weight'].size + (layer['bias_bits'][0]/8.0)*layer['bias'].size |
size_in_bytes += newsize |
size_in_bytes_max78000 += newsize; |
checkpoint_sizes_in_bytes.append(size_in_bytes) |
checkpoint_sizes_in_bytes_max78000.append(size_in_bytes_max78000) |
checkpoint_sizes_antipodal.append(antipodal) |
return checkpoint_best_top1s, checkpoint_sizes_in_bytes, checkpoint_sizes_in_bytes_max78000, checkpoint_sizes_antipodal |
def main(): |
cp_full_paths, cp_name_list = get_checkpoints_except_reproduce() |
print('') |
print('Found checkpoints (except reproduce checkpoints) at these locations:') |
for cp_path in cp_full_paths: |
print(cp_path) |
print('') |
print('Gathering hardware-mode top-1 accuracy and size info from each checkpoint') |
cp_best_top1s, cp_sizes_in_bytes, cp_sizes_in_bytes_max78000, cp_sizes_antipodal = get_checkpoint_top1s_sizes(cp_full_paths, cp_name_list) |
print("") |
print('Leaderboard') |
print('--------------------------------') |
for i, cp in enumerate(cp_name_list): |
print("Name : ", cp) |
if(cp_best_top1s[i] is not None): |
print("Top-1 accuracy: ", np.round(100*cp_best_top1s[i])/100) |
if(cp_sizes_antipodal[i]): |
print("Size (KBytes) : ", cp_sizes_in_bytes_max78000[i]/1000.0, ', but has "-1/+1 only" 2b layers, so this would be:', cp_sizes_in_bytes[i]/1000.0, 'KBytes on MAX78002') |
else: |
print("Size (KBytes) : ", cp_sizes_in_bytes[i]/1000.0) |
else: |
print("Top-1 accuracy: ", cp_best_top1s[i]) |
if(cp_sizes_antipodal[i]): |
print("Size (KBytes) : ", cp_sizes_in_bytes_max78000[i], ', MARK: has some antipodal 2b layers') |
else: |
print("Size (KBytes) : ", cp_sizes_in_bytes[i]) |
print("") |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
main() |