language: []
library_name: sentence-transformers
- sentence-transformers
- sentence-similarity
- feature-extraction
- generated_from_trainer
- dataset_size:557850
- loss:MatryoshkaLoss
- loss:MultipleNegativesRankingLoss
base_model: sentence-transformers/paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2
datasets: []
- pearson_cosine
- spearman_cosine
- pearson_manhattan
- spearman_manhattan
- pearson_euclidean
- spearman_euclidean
- pearson_dot
- spearman_dot
- pearson_max
- spearman_max
- source_sentence: ذكر متوازن بعناية يقف على قدم واحدة بالقرب من منطقة شاطئ المحيط
  - رجل يقدم عرضاً
  - هناك رجل بالخارج قرب الشاطئ
  - رجل يجلس على أريكه
- source_sentence: رجل يقفز إلى سريره القذر
  - السرير قذر.
  - رجل يضحك أثناء غسيل الملابس
  - الرجل على القمر
- source_sentence: الفتيات بالخارج
  - امرأة تلف الخيط إلى كرات بجانب كومة من الكرات
  - فتيان يركبان في جولة متعة
  - ثلاث فتيات يقفون سوية في غرفة واحدة تستمع وواحدة تكتب على الحائط والثالثة تتحدث
- source_sentence: الرجل يرتدي قميصاً أزرق.
  - رجل يرتدي قميصاً أزرق يميل إلى الجدار بجانب الطريق مع شاحنة زرقاء وسيارة حمراء
    مع الماء في الخلفية.
  - كتاب القصص مفتوح
  - رجل يرتدي قميص أسود يعزف على الجيتار.
- source_sentence: يجلس شاب ذو شعر أشقر على الحائط يقرأ جريدة بينما تمر امرأة وفتاة
  - ذكر شاب ينظر إلى جريدة بينما تمر إمرأتان بجانبه
  - رجل يستلقي على وجهه على مقعد في الحديقة.
  - الشاب نائم بينما الأم تقود ابنتها إلى الحديقة
pipeline_tag: sentence-similarity
- name: SentenceTransformer based on sentence-transformers/paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2
  - task:
      type: semantic-similarity
      name: Semantic Similarity
      name: sts test 256
      type: sts-test-256
    - type: pearson_cosine
      value: 0.8264447022356382
      name: Pearson Cosine
    - type: spearman_cosine
      value: 0.8386403752382455
      name: Spearman Cosine
    - type: pearson_manhattan
      value: 0.8219134931449013
      name: Pearson Manhattan
    - type: spearman_manhattan
      value: 0.825509659109493
      name: Spearman Manhattan
    - type: pearson_euclidean
      value: 0.8223094468630248
      name: Pearson Euclidean
    - type: spearman_euclidean
      value: 0.8260503151751462
      name: Spearman Euclidean
    - type: pearson_dot
      value: 0.6375226884845725
      name: Pearson Dot
    - type: spearman_dot
      value: 0.6287228614640888
      name: Spearman Dot
    - type: pearson_max
      value: 0.8264447022356382
      name: Pearson Max
    - type: spearman_max
      value: 0.8386403752382455
      name: Spearman Max
  - task:
      type: semantic-similarity
      name: Semantic Similarity
      name: sts test 128
      type: sts-test-128
    - type: pearson_cosine
      value: 0.8209661910768973
      name: Pearson Cosine
    - type: spearman_cosine
      value: 0.8347149482673766
      name: Spearman Cosine
    - type: pearson_manhattan
      value: 0.8082811559854036
      name: Pearson Manhattan
    - type: spearman_manhattan
      value: 0.8148314269262763
      name: Spearman Manhattan
    - type: pearson_euclidean
      value: 0.8093138512113149
      name: Pearson Euclidean
    - type: spearman_euclidean
      value: 0.8156468458613929
      name: Spearman Euclidean
    - type: pearson_dot
      value: 0.5795109620454884
      name: Pearson Dot
    - type: spearman_dot
      value: 0.5760223026552876
      name: Spearman Dot
    - type: pearson_max
      value: 0.8209661910768973
      name: Pearson Max
    - type: spearman_max
      value: 0.8347149482673766
      name: Spearman Max
  - task:
      type: semantic-similarity
      name: Semantic Similarity
      name: sts test 64
      type: sts-test-64
    - type: pearson_cosine
      value: 0.808708530451336
      name: Pearson Cosine
    - type: spearman_cosine
      value: 0.8217532539767914
      name: Spearman Cosine
    - type: pearson_manhattan
      value: 0.7876121380998453
      name: Pearson Manhattan
    - type: spearman_manhattan
      value: 0.7969092304137347
      name: Spearman Manhattan
    - type: pearson_euclidean
      value: 0.7902997966909958
      name: Pearson Euclidean
    - type: spearman_euclidean
      value: 0.7987635968785215
      name: Spearman Euclidean
    - type: pearson_dot
      value: 0.495047136234386
      name: Pearson Dot
    - type: spearman_dot
      value: 0.49287000679901516
      name: Spearman Dot
    - type: pearson_max
      value: 0.808708530451336
      name: Pearson Max
    - type: spearman_max
      value: 0.8217532539767914
      name: Spearman Max

# SentenceTransformer based on sentence-transformers/paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2

This is a [sentence-transformers](https://www.SBERT.net) model finetuned from [sentence-transformers/paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2](https://huggingface.co/sentence-transformers/paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2) on the Omartificial-Intelligence-Space/arabic-n_li-triplet dataset. It maps sentences & paragraphs to a 384-dimensional dense vector space and can be used for semantic textual similarity, semantic search, paraphrase mining, text classification, clustering, and more.

## Model Details

### Model Description
- **Model Type:** Sentence Transformer
- **Base model:** [sentence-transformers/paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2](https://huggingface.co/sentence-transformers/paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2) <!-- at revision bf3bf13ab40c3157080a7ab344c831b9ad18b5eb -->
- **Maximum Sequence Length:** 128 tokens
- **Output Dimensionality:** 384 tokens
- **Similarity Function:** Cosine Similarity
- **Training Dataset:**
    - Omartificial-Intelligence-Space/arabic-n_li-triplet
<!-- - **Language:** Unknown -->
<!-- - **License:** Unknown -->

### Model Sources

- **Documentation:** [Sentence Transformers Documentation](https://sbert.net)
- **Repository:** [Sentence Transformers on GitHub](https://github.com/UKPLab/sentence-transformers)
- **Hugging Face:** [Sentence Transformers on Hugging Face](https://huggingface.co/models?library=sentence-transformers)

### Full Model Architecture

  (0): Transformer({'max_seq_length': 128, 'do_lower_case': False}) with Transformer model: BertModel 
  (1): Pooling({'word_embedding_dimension': 384, 'pooling_mode_cls_token': False, 'pooling_mode_mean_tokens': True, 'pooling_mode_max_tokens': False, 'pooling_mode_mean_sqrt_len_tokens': False, 'pooling_mode_weightedmean_tokens': False, 'pooling_mode_lasttoken': False, 'include_prompt': True})

## Usage

### Direct Usage (Sentence Transformers)

First install the Sentence Transformers library:

pip install -U sentence-transformers

Then you can load this model and run inference.
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer

# Download from the 🤗 Hub
model = SentenceTransformer("Omartificial-Intelligence-Space/MiniLM-L12-v2-all-nli-triplet")
# Run inference
sentences = [
    'يجلس شاب ذو شعر أشقر على الحائط يقرأ جريدة بينما تمر امرأة وفتاة شابة.',
    'ذكر شاب ينظر إلى جريدة بينما تمر إمرأتان بجانبه',
    'الشاب نائم بينما الأم تقود ابنتها إلى الحديقة',
embeddings = model.encode(sentences)
# [3, 384]

# Get the similarity scores for the embeddings
similarities = model.similarity(embeddings, embeddings)
# [3, 3]

### Direct Usage (Transformers)

<details><summary>Click to see the direct usage in Transformers</summary>


### Downstream Usage (Sentence Transformers)

You can finetune this model on your own dataset.

<details><summary>Click to expand</summary>


### Out-of-Scope Use

*List how the model may foreseeably be misused and address what users ought not to do with the model.*

## Evaluation

### Metrics

#### Semantic Similarity
* Dataset: `sts-test-256`
* Evaluated with [<code>EmbeddingSimilarityEvaluator</code>](https://sbert.net/docs/package_reference/sentence_transformer/evaluation.html#sentence_transformers.evaluation.EmbeddingSimilarityEvaluator)

| Metric              | Value      |
| pearson_cosine      | 0.8264     |
| **spearman_cosine** | **0.8386** |
| pearson_manhattan   | 0.8219     |
| spearman_manhattan  | 0.8255     |
| pearson_euclidean   | 0.8223     |
| spearman_euclidean  | 0.8261     |
| pearson_dot         | 0.6375     |
| spearman_dot        | 0.6287     |
| pearson_max         | 0.8264     |
| spearman_max        | 0.8386     |

#### Semantic Similarity
* Dataset: `sts-test-128`
* Evaluated with [<code>EmbeddingSimilarityEvaluator</code>](https://sbert.net/docs/package_reference/sentence_transformer/evaluation.html#sentence_transformers.evaluation.EmbeddingSimilarityEvaluator)

| Metric              | Value      |
| pearson_cosine      | 0.821      |
| **spearman_cosine** | **0.8347** |
| pearson_manhattan   | 0.8083     |
| spearman_manhattan  | 0.8148     |
| pearson_euclidean   | 0.8093     |
| spearman_euclidean  | 0.8156     |
| pearson_dot         | 0.5795     |
| spearman_dot        | 0.576      |
| pearson_max         | 0.821      |
| spearman_max        | 0.8347     |

#### Semantic Similarity
* Dataset: `sts-test-64`
* Evaluated with [<code>EmbeddingSimilarityEvaluator</code>](https://sbert.net/docs/package_reference/sentence_transformer/evaluation.html#sentence_transformers.evaluation.EmbeddingSimilarityEvaluator)

| Metric              | Value      |
| pearson_cosine      | 0.8087     |
| **spearman_cosine** | **0.8218** |
| pearson_manhattan   | 0.7876     |
| spearman_manhattan  | 0.7969     |
| pearson_euclidean   | 0.7903     |
| spearman_euclidean  | 0.7988     |
| pearson_dot         | 0.495      |
| spearman_dot        | 0.4929     |
| pearson_max         | 0.8087     |
| spearman_max        | 0.8218     |

## Bias, Risks and Limitations

*What are the known or foreseeable issues stemming from this model? You could also flag here known failure cases or weaknesses of the model.*

### Recommendations

*What are recommendations with respect to the foreseeable issues? For example, filtering explicit content.*

## Training Details

### Training Dataset

#### Omartificial-Intelligence-Space/arabic-n_li-triplet

* Dataset: Omartificial-Intelligence-Space/arabic-n_li-triplet
* Size: 557,850 training samples
* Columns: <code>anchor</code>, <code>positive</code>, and <code>negative</code>
* Approximate statistics based on the first 1000 samples:
  |         | anchor                                                                            | positive                                                                          | negative                                                                          |
  | type    | string                                                                            | string                                                                            | string                                                                            |
  | details | <ul><li>min: 5 tokens</li><li>mean: 10.33 tokens</li><li>max: 52 tokens</li></ul> | <ul><li>min: 5 tokens</li><li>mean: 13.21 tokens</li><li>max: 49 tokens</li></ul> | <ul><li>min: 5 tokens</li><li>mean: 15.32 tokens</li><li>max: 53 tokens</li></ul> |
* Samples:
  | anchor                                                      | positive                                    | negative                            |
  | <code>شخص على حصان يقفز فوق طائرة معطلة</code>              | <code>شخص في الهواء الطلق، على حصان.</code> | <code>شخص في مطعم، يطلب عجة.</code> |
  | <code>أطفال يبتسمون و يلوحون للكاميرا</code>                | <code>هناك أطفال حاضرون</code>              | <code>الاطفال يتجهمون</code>        |
  | <code>صبي يقفز على لوح التزلج في منتصف الجسر الأحمر.</code> | <code>الفتى يقوم بخدعة التزلج</code>        | <code>الصبي يتزلج على الرصيف</code> |
* Loss: [<code>MatryoshkaLoss</code>](https://sbert.net/docs/package_reference/sentence_transformer/losses.html#matryoshkaloss) with these parameters:
      "loss": "MultipleNegativesRankingLoss",
      "matryoshka_dims": [
      "matryoshka_weights": [
      "n_dims_per_step": -1

### Evaluation Dataset

#### Omartificial-Intelligence-Space/arabic-n_li-triplet

* Dataset: Omartificial-Intelligence-Space/arabic-n_li-triplet
* Size: 6,584 evaluation samples
* Columns: <code>anchor</code>, <code>positive</code>, and <code>negative</code>
* Approximate statistics based on the first 1000 samples:
  |         | anchor                                                                             | positive                                                                          | negative                                                                         |
  | type    | string                                                                             | string                                                                            | string                                                                           |
  | details | <ul><li>min: 5 tokens</li><li>mean: 21.86 tokens</li><li>max: 105 tokens</li></ul> | <ul><li>min: 4 tokens</li><li>mean: 10.22 tokens</li><li>max: 49 tokens</li></ul> | <ul><li>min: 4 tokens</li><li>mean: 11.2 tokens</li><li>max: 33 tokens</li></ul> |
* Samples:
  | anchor                                                                                                                                               | positive                                               | negative                                           |
  | <code>امرأتان يتعانقان بينما يحملان حزمة</code>                                                                                                      | <code>إمرأتان يحملان حزمة</code>                       | <code>الرجال يتشاجرون خارج مطعم</code>             |
  | <code>طفلين صغيرين يرتديان قميصاً أزرق، أحدهما يرتدي الرقم 9 والآخر يرتدي الرقم 2 يقفان على خطوات خشبية في الحمام ويغسلان أيديهما في المغسلة.</code> | <code>طفلين يرتديان قميصاً مرقماً يغسلون أيديهم</code> | <code>طفلين يرتديان سترة يذهبان إلى المدرسة</code> |
  | <code>رجل يبيع الدونات لعميل خلال معرض عالمي أقيم في مدينة أنجليس</code>                                                                             | <code>رجل يبيع الدونات لعميل</code>                    | <code>امرأة تشرب قهوتها في مقهى صغير</code>        |
* Loss: [<code>MatryoshkaLoss</code>](https://sbert.net/docs/package_reference/sentence_transformer/losses.html#matryoshkaloss) with these parameters:
      "loss": "MultipleNegativesRankingLoss",
      "matryoshka_dims": [
      "matryoshka_weights": [
      "n_dims_per_step": -1

### Training Hyperparameters
#### Non-Default Hyperparameters

- `per_device_train_batch_size`: 64
- `per_device_eval_batch_size`: 64
- `num_train_epochs`: 1
- `warmup_ratio`: 0.1
- `fp16`: True
- `batch_sampler`: no_duplicates

#### All Hyperparameters
<details><summary>Click to expand</summary>

- `overwrite_output_dir`: False
- `do_predict`: False
- `prediction_loss_only`: True
- `per_device_train_batch_size`: 64
- `per_device_eval_batch_size`: 64
- `per_gpu_train_batch_size`: None
- `per_gpu_eval_batch_size`: None
- `gradient_accumulation_steps`: 1
- `eval_accumulation_steps`: None
- `learning_rate`: 5e-05
- `weight_decay`: 0.0
- `adam_beta1`: 0.9
- `adam_beta2`: 0.999
- `adam_epsilon`: 1e-08
- `max_grad_norm`: 1.0
- `num_train_epochs`: 1
- `max_steps`: -1
- `lr_scheduler_type`: linear
- `lr_scheduler_kwargs`: {}
- `warmup_ratio`: 0.1
- `warmup_steps`: 0
- `log_level`: passive
- `log_level_replica`: warning
- `log_on_each_node`: True
- `logging_nan_inf_filter`: True
- `save_safetensors`: True
- `save_on_each_node`: False
- `save_only_model`: False
- `no_cuda`: False
- `use_cpu`: False
- `use_mps_device`: False
- `seed`: 42
- `data_seed`: None
- `jit_mode_eval`: False
- `use_ipex`: False
- `bf16`: False
- `fp16`: True
- `fp16_opt_level`: O1
- `half_precision_backend`: auto
- `bf16_full_eval`: False
- `fp16_full_eval`: False
- `tf32`: None
- `local_rank`: 0
- `ddp_backend`: None
- `tpu_num_cores`: None
- `tpu_metrics_debug`: False
- `debug`: []
- `dataloader_drop_last`: False
- `dataloader_num_workers`: 0
- `dataloader_prefetch_factor`: None
- `past_index`: -1
- `disable_tqdm`: False
- `remove_unused_columns`: True
- `label_names`: None
- `load_best_model_at_end`: False
- `ignore_data_skip`: False
- `fsdp`: []
- `fsdp_min_num_params`: 0
- `fsdp_config`: {'min_num_params': 0, 'xla': False, 'xla_fsdp_v2': False, 'xla_fsdp_grad_ckpt': False}
- `fsdp_transformer_layer_cls_to_wrap`: None
- `accelerator_config`: {'split_batches': False, 'dispatch_batches': None, 'even_batches': True, 'use_seedable_sampler': True, 'gradient_accumulation_kwargs': None}
- `deepspeed`: None
- `label_smoothing_factor`: 0.0
- `optim`: adamw_torch
- `optim_args`: None
- `adafactor`: False
- `group_by_length`: False
- `length_column_name`: length
- `ddp_find_unused_parameters`: None
- `ddp_bucket_cap_mb`: None
- `ddp_broadcast_buffers`: False
- `dataloader_pin_memory`: True
- `dataloader_persistent_workers`: False
- `skip_memory_metrics`: True
- `use_legacy_prediction_loop`: False
- `push_to_hub`: False
- `resume_from_checkpoint`: None
- `hub_model_id`: None
- `hub_strategy`: every_save
- `hub_private_repo`: False
- `hub_always_push`: False
- `gradient_checkpointing`: False
- `gradient_checkpointing_kwargs`: None
- `include_inputs_for_metrics`: False
- `eval_do_concat_batches`: True
- `fp16_backend`: auto
- `push_to_hub_model_id`: None
- `push_to_hub_organization`: None
- `mp_parameters`: 
- `auto_find_batch_size`: False
- `full_determinism`: False
- `torchdynamo`: None
- `ray_scope`: last
- `ddp_timeout`: 1800
- `torch_compile`: False
- `torch_compile_backend`: None
- `torch_compile_mode`: None
- `dispatch_batches`: None
- `split_batches`: None
- `include_tokens_per_second`: False
- `include_num_input_tokens_seen`: False
- `neftune_noise_alpha`: None
- `optim_target_modules`: None
- `batch_sampler`: no_duplicates
- `multi_dataset_batch_sampler`: proportional


### Training Logs
| Epoch  | Step | Training Loss | sts-test-128_spearman_cosine | sts-test-256_spearman_cosine | sts-test-64_spearman_cosine |
| 0.0229 | 200  | 6.2204        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.0459 | 400  | 4.9559        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.0688 | 600  | 4.7835        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.0918 | 800  | 4.2725        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.1147 | 1000 | 4.291         | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.1377 | 1200 | 4.0704        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.1606 | 1400 | 3.7962        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.1835 | 1600 | 3.7447        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.2065 | 1800 | 3.569         | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.2294 | 2000 | 3.5373        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.2524 | 2200 | 3.608         | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.2753 | 2400 | 3.5609        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.2983 | 2600 | 3.5231        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.3212 | 2800 | 3.3312        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.3442 | 3000 | 3.4803        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.3671 | 3200 | 3.3552        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.3900 | 3400 | 3.3024        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.4130 | 3600 | 3.2559        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.4359 | 3800 | 3.1882        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.4589 | 4000 | 3.227         | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.4818 | 4200 | 3.0889        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.5048 | 4400 | 3.0861        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.5277 | 4600 | 3.0178        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.5506 | 4800 | 3.231         | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.5736 | 5000 | 3.1593        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.5965 | 5200 | 3.1101        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.6195 | 5400 | 3.1307        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.6424 | 5600 | 3.1265        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.6654 | 5800 | 3.1116        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.6883 | 6000 | 3.1417        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.7113 | 6200 | 3.0862        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.7342 | 6400 | 2.9652        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.7571 | 6600 | 2.8466        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.7801 | 6800 | 2.271         | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.8030 | 7000 | 2.046         | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.8260 | 7200 | 1.9634        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.8489 | 7400 | 1.8875        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.8719 | 7600 | 1.7655        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.8948 | 7800 | 1.6874        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.9177 | 8000 | 1.7315        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.9407 | 8200 | 1.6674        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.9636 | 8400 | 1.6574        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 0.9866 | 8600 | 1.6142        | -                            | -                            | -                           |
| 1.0    | 8717 | -             | 0.8347                       | 0.8386                       | 0.8218                      |

### Framework Versions
- Python: 3.9.18
- Sentence Transformers: 3.0.1
- Transformers: 4.40.0
- PyTorch: 2.2.2+cu121
- Accelerate: 0.26.1
- Datasets: 2.19.0
- Tokenizers: 0.19.1

## Citation

### BibTeX

#### Sentence Transformers
    title = "Sentence-BERT: Sentence Embeddings using Siamese BERT-Networks",
    author = "Reimers, Nils and Gurevych, Iryna",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
    month = "11",
    year = "2019",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.10084",

#### MatryoshkaLoss
    title={Matryoshka Representation Learning}, 
    author={Aditya Kusupati and Gantavya Bhatt and Aniket Rege and Matthew Wallingford and Aditya Sinha and Vivek Ramanujan and William Howard-Snyder and Kaifeng Chen and Sham Kakade and Prateek Jain and Ali Farhadi},

#### MultipleNegativesRankingLoss
    title={Efficient Natural Language Response Suggestion for Smart Reply}, 
    author={Matthew Henderson and Rami Al-Rfou and Brian Strope and Yun-hsuan Sung and Laszlo Lukacs and Ruiqi Guo and Sanjiv Kumar and Balint Miklos and Ray Kurzweil},

## Glossary

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## Model Card Authors

*Lists the people who create the model card, providing recognition and accountability for the detailed work that goes into its construction.*

## Model Card Contact

*Provides a way for people who have updates to the Model Card, suggestions, or questions, to contact the Model Card authors.*