--- license: mit --- # ekman_expressions This repository contains all the models trained in the scientific article titled *"Unveiling the Human-like Similarities of Automatic Facial Expression Recognition: An Empirical Exploration through Explainable AI"*. To reproduce the results of the article, please refer to the Github project containing all code used: [https://github.com/Xavi3398/ekman_expressions](https://github.com/Xavi3398/ekman_expressions). ## Datasets used for training: The datasets used were 5: CK+, BU-4DFE, JAFFE and WSEFEP, and FEGA. These are some examples from each class: datasets ## Models: We explored 12 different Deep Learning models: | Model | Image Size | Pre-training | Parameters | |----------------------|---------------------|-----------------------|---------------------| | AlexNet | 224x224 | No | 88.7 M | | WeiNet | 64x64 | No | 1.7 M | | SongNet | 224x224 | No | 172.7 K | | SilNet | 150x150 | No | 184.9 M | | VGG16 | 224x224 | Yes | 14.7 M | | VGG19 | 224x224 | Yes | 20 M | | ResNet50 | 224x224 | Yes | 23.6 M | | ResNet101V2 | 224x224 | Yes | 42.6 M | | InceptionV3 | 224x224 | Yes | 21.8 M | | Xception | 224x224 | Yes | 20.9 M | | MobileNetV3 | 224x224 | Yes | 3 M | | EfficientNetV2 | 224x224 | Yes | 5.9 M | ## License This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details. ## Acknowledgments Grant PID2019-104829RA-I00 funded by MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033. Project EXPLainable Artificial INtelligence systems for health and well-beING (EXPLAINING) This work is part of the Project PID2022-136779OB-C32 (PLEISAR) funded by MICIU/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033/ and FEDER, EU. Project Playful Experiences with Interactive Social Agents and Robots (PLEISAR): Social Learning and Intergenerational Communication. F. X. Gaya-Morey was supported by an FPU scholarship from the Ministry of European Funds, University and Culture of the Government of the Balearic Islands. ## Citation If you use this code in your research, please cite our paper: ``` @misc{gayamorey2024unveilinghumanlikesimilaritiesautomatic, title={Unveiling the Human-like Similarities of Automatic Facial Expression Recognition: An Empirical Exploration through Explainable AI}, author={F. Xavier Gaya-Morey and Silvia Ramis-Guarinos and Cristina Manresa-Yee and Jose M. Buades-Rubio}, year={2024}, eprint={2401.11835}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV}, url={https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.11835}, } ``` ## Contact If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact the authors.