--- license: other license_name: argmax-fmod-license license_link: https://huggingface.co/argmaxinc/speakerkit-pro/blob/main/LICENSE_NOTICE.txt pretty_name: SpeakerKit viewer: false library_name: speakerkit tags: - speakerkit - pyannote - diarization - speaker-diarization - whisper - whisperkit - coreml - asr - quantized - automatic-speech-recognition extra_gated_heading: SpeakerKit Pro is now in early access! extra_gated_description: >- SpeakerKit Pro is Argmax's state-of-the-art on-device framework for speaker recognition tasks such as speaker diarization. Please submit your information below to join the waitlist for early access or directly send an email to [earlyaccess@argmaxinc.com](mailto:earlyaccess@argmaxinc.com). extra_gated_fields: Company: text Work email: text I acknowledge the license notice: checkbox extra_gated_button_content: Submit --- SpeakerKit Pro Read the blog: https://www.argmaxinc.com/blog/speakerkit Try it on TestFlight: https://testflight.apple.com/join/LPVOyJZW Read the research paper: Coming soon