    "Contributors": [
        "Wen-Jui Mao"
    "Source": [
    "URL": [
    "Categories": [
    "Reasoning": [],
    "Definition": [
        "In this task, you are given one French sentence. The major part of the sentences talk about health-related topics, but some of the them describe an organization and its activities. Your job is to translate the given sentences into English."
    "Input_language": [
    "Output_language": [
    "Instruction_language": [
    "Domains": [
        "Medical Knowledge"
    "Positive Examples": [
            "input": "La LGV est tr\u00e8s rare en Europe.",
            "output": "LGV is very rare in Europe.",
            "explanation": "The translation is correct"
            "input": "La transmission s\u2019effectue par l\u2019interm\u00e9diaire d\u2019un moustique (l\u2019anoph\u00e8le) qui est pr\u00e9sent dans le monde entier.",
            "output": "Transmission requires an intermediate mosquito (anopheles) host, which is found worldwide.",
            "explanation": "The translation is fluent, formal, and accurate"
            "input": "La malaria est d\u00fb aux parasites Plasmodium.",
            "output": "Malaria is caused by Plasmodium parasites.",
            "explanation": "The translation is accurate"
    "Negative Examples": [
            "input": "Dans des circonstances normales, le CIU est dirig\u00e9 par l\u2019Unit\u00e9 de pr\u00e9paration et de r\u00e9action.",
            "output": "These examples of misuse promote the emergence and the selection of resistant bacteria.",
            "explanation": "The translation is incorrect."
            "input": "Infections sexuellement transmissibles",
            "output": "Infektionen \u00dcbertragungen sexueller",
            "explanation": "This example is incorrect because it translated into other languages."
            "input": "Eurosurveillance est publi\u00e9 en ligne hebdomadairement et contient des communications courtes ainsi que des articles plus longs sur la surveillance.",
            "output": "Eurosurveillance is contains online weekly and published short communications as well as longer surveillance on articles.",
            "explanation": "The translation is not fluent and it's informal."
    "Instances": [
            "id": "task1397-2620cadec9d3409a932051f7747b4942",
            "input": "Le Centre de connaissances et de ressources sur la communication en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9 apporte son concours aux \u00c9tats membres de l\u2019UE et aux pays de l\u2019EEE/AELE en les aidant \u00e0 mettre en commun leur savoir et leurs exp\u00e9riences en termes de communication sur la sant\u00e9, notamment en ce qui concerne les maladies transmissibles.",
            "output": [
                "The Knowledge and Resource Centre on Health Communication provides input to EU Member States and EEA/EFTA countries supporting them in sharing knowledge and experiences on health communication, particularly dedicated to communicable diseases."
            "id": "task1397-d313bab705394b75a3533a01dd6b6eb0",
            "input": "Le cours de 3 semaines repose sur trois piliers:",
            "output": [
                "The 3 week course is structured around main pillars:"
            "id": "task1397-ecf8432dfe55471c85304d93cedebc7f",
            "input": "G\u00e9n\u00e9ralement, les patients pr\u00e9sentent tout d\u2019abord une toux s\u00e8che, de la fi\u00e8vre, des maux de t\u00eate et parfois de la diarrh\u00e9e. Puis, pour de nombreuses personnes, la maladie \u00e9volue en pneumonie.",
            "output": [
                "Patients usually start with a dry cough, fever, headache and sometimes diarrhoea and many people go on to get pneumonia."
            "id": "task1397-1a8b939c63be4358af061c7c85ae740e",
            "input": "Seulement 5 \u00e0 10\u00a0% des individus infect\u00e9s d\u00e9veloppent la forme active de la TB.",
            "output": [
                "Only 5\u201310% of infected persons go on to develop active TB."
            "id": "task1397-eb2df43290594a479ec2a752ec63754b",
            "input": "Elle a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9tect\u00e9e pour la premi\u00e8re fois \u00e0 Hong Kong o\u00f9 les cas de grippe sont bien signal\u00e9s, mais il se peut qu\u2019elle ait \u00e9t\u00e9 pr\u00e9sente depuis plus longtemps dans d\u2019autres r\u00e9gions d\u2019Extr\u00eame-Orient.",
            "output": [
                "It was first identified in Hong Kong where influenza cases are well reported but may have been around for longer than that elsewhere in the Far East."
            "id": "task1397-c8bea69226c846a1937cb2351a24ab9e",
            "input": "- \u00c9laboration de supports de formation",
            "output": [
                "- Develop training material"
            "id": "task1397-52e6bc94d0f1498a950777daae6b59b2",
            "input": "La pr\u00e9vention de la trichinellose repose sur l\u2019inspection minutieuse de tous les porcs et chevaux abattus, mesure obligatoire au sein de l\u2019UE.",
            "output": [
                "Trichinellosis prevention is based on accurate inspection of all slaughtered pigs and horses, which is mandatory in the EU."
            "id": "task1397-28b96eeeea154389a4a0dd0239b1249e",
            "input": "DERNI\u00c8RE PUBLICATION:",
            "output": [
                "Latest issue:"
            "id": "task1397-0e03f3062cc845759c7423954f31f5d7",
            "input": "Il n\u2019existe aucun vaccin, ni traitement.",
            "output": [
                "No vaccine or treatment is available."
            "id": "task1397-aa9b863cd66b4c339b73fd04859ab58a",
            "input": "En effet, la grippe est tr\u00e8s fr\u00e9quente chez les oiseaux.",
            "output": [
                "Flu in birds is quite common."
            "id": "task1397-d427f11707874c10ac6dcab235e600d4",
            "input": "Merci de continuer \u00e0 envoyer les questions des m\u00e9dias \u00e0 l\u2019adresse  press@ecdc.europa.eu",
            "output": [
                "Please continue to send your media enquiries to  press@ecdc.europa.eu"
            "id": "task1397-9461be04ae104d0a8f7e95d9346007a8",
            "input": "La premi\u00e8re r\u00e9union d\u2019experts des \u00c9tats membres s\u2019est tenue en janvier 2006, avec pour objectif:",
            "output": [
                "The first meeting with experts from MS took place in January 2006 with the following objectives:"
            "id": "task1397-22c074ce85d14be3b8b6442019234771",
            "input": "Publications r\u00e9guli\u00e8resLES SIX PRINCIPAUX TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9Surveillance du VIH/SIDA en EuropePUBLICATIONS MENSUELLESSurveillance de la tuberculose en EuropeSurveillance de la tuberculose en EuropePUBLICATIONS ANNUELLESPUBLICATIONS HEBDOMADAIRES/BIMENSUELLESECDC insightPUBLICATIONS TRIMESTRIELLESExecutive Science Update de l'ECDCR\u00e9sum\u00e9 des publications cl\u00e9sRapport annuel du directeur",
            "output": [
                "Regular publicationsTOP SIX HEALTH TOPICSHIV/AIDS Surveillance in EuropeMONTHLY PUBLICATIONSTuberculosis surveillance in EuropeTuberculosis surveillance in EuropeANNUAL PUBLICATIONSWEEKLY/BI-WEEKLY PUBLICATIONSECDC InsightQUARTERLY PUBLICATIONSECDC Executive Science UpdateSummary of key publicationsAnnual Report of the Director"
            "id": "task1397-51d63540d65d4ad989b1b8fab8b530d5",
            "input": "En collaboration avec le bureau europ\u00e9en de l\u2019OMS et les autorit\u00e9s sanitaires nationales, les membres de l\u2019EPIET ont effectu\u00e9 des tests sur des foyers de rougeole d\u00e9clar\u00e9s en Roumanie (juin 2006), en Serbie (f\u00e9vrier 2007) et en Bosnie (mars 2007).",
            "output": [
                "In collaboration with the EURO office of the World Health Organization and the national health authorities, EPIET fellows carried out measles outbreak investigations in Romania (June 2006), Serbia (February 2007) and Bosnia (March 2007)."
            "id": "task1397-395530ef36204c099eb0a7cf71b89b5d",
            "input": "Les jeunes sexuellement actifs sont les personnes les plus \u00e0 risque, les femmes \u00e2g\u00e9es de moins de 24\u00a0ans pr\u00e9sentant le nombre d\u2019infections le plus \u00e9lev\u00e9 en Europe.",
            "output": [
                "Sexually active young people are most at risk of chlamydia, and women below 24 years of age have the highest number of infections in Europe."
            "id": "task1397-e630937a83ed406b8d738094cf50191c",
            "input": "Toutefois, les partenaires cl\u00e9s en termes de sant\u00e9 mondiale, et plus particuli\u00e8rement l\u2019Organisation mondiale de la sant\u00e9, les pays candidats, les pays candidats potentiels et les pays voisins de l\u2019UE, sont \u00e9galement des partenaires importants avec lesquels le bureau du directeur coordonne les relations.",
            "output": [
                "However, key players in global health \u2013 most notably the World Health Organization \u2013 EU Candidate and Potential Candidate and Neighbouring Countries are also important partners with which the Office of the Director coordinates relations."
            "id": "task1397-285bc57d6456421384c84b25c42eecd2",
            "input": "L\u2019un des objectifs cl\u00e9s du programme de travail pluriannuel du CEPCM est que \u00abd\u2019ici \u00e0 2013, l'excellence scientifique et le r\u00f4le moteur de l'ECDC jouiront d\u2019une solide r\u00e9putation parmi ses partenaires du secteur de la sant\u00e9 publique et le Centre sera une source majeure d\u2019informations et d\u2019avis scientifiques sur les maladies infectieuses pour la Commission, le Parlement europ\u00e9en, les \u00c9tats membres et leurs citoyens\u00bb.",
            "output": [
                "One of the key ECDC targets included in the multiannual work programme is that \u2018by 2013, ECDC\u2019s reputation for scientific excellence and leadership will be firmly established among its partners in public health, and ECDC will be a major resource for scientific information and advice on infectious diseases for the Commission, the Parliament, the Member States and their citizens\u2019."
            "id": "task1397-031424e2847a4ce2bb69e22bbda46b52",
            "input": "Si l\u2019on consid\u00e8re que la population de l\u2019Union europ\u00e9enne comprend 457\u00a0millions de personnes, on estime que l\u2019ICD pourrait co\u00fbter jusqu\u2019\u00e0 3\u00a0000\u00a0millions d\u2019EUR par an \u00e0 l\u2019UE.",
            "output": [
                "Assuming the population of European Union to be 457 million, CDI can be estimated to potentially cost the Union  \u20ac3.000 million per annum."
            "id": "task1397-e7810b2505ff4cf7b6e1a561f3f87dd0",
            "input": "coop\u00e8re \u00e9troitement avec les organismes intervenant dans le domaine de la collecte de donn\u00e9es;",
            "output": [
                "Closely cooperate with the organizations operating in the field of data collection"
            "id": "task1397-8ae2d3c21a7a4185bdeb3d2df59b481a",
            "input": "Les tiques sont abondantes dans les r\u00e9gions bois\u00e9es \u00e0 travers toute l\u2019Europe, du d\u00e9but du printemps \u00e0 la fin de l\u2019automne.",
            "output": [
                "Ticks are abundant in woodlands all across Europe from early spring to late autumn."
            "id": "task1397-466d86aa325a4bb5a5cef4262da2f1e6",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-3e69a0944c4e46cabf324e4cc2f9cabb",
            "input": "Que signifie RSS?",
            "output": [
                "What is RSS"
            "id": "task1397-2b508306a38d4e8b852650efcf5c0cb1",
            "input": "OMS Monde Salm Sury",
            "output": [
                "WHO-Global Salm Surv"
            "id": "task1397-8f5f848440c34c75b405e9388fd6712e",
            "input": "Salle de presse virtuelle (SPV)",
            "output": [
                "Virtual Press Room (VPR)"
            "id": "task1397-3d9bd3488882476aa9ab6316028fcc7f",
            "input": "De taille modeste, l\u2019ECDC d\u00e9pend fortement de l\u2019expertise et des infrastructures (laboratoires de microbiologie, par exemple) des \u00c9tats membres.",
            "output": [
                "Being a small agency, ECDC will heavily rely on the expertise and infrastructures (e.g. microbiological laboratories) in the Member States."
            "id": "task1397-2bdaa100aff5488fac911a3e703d8439",
            "input": "Chez environ 15\u00a0% des patients, ces sympt\u00f4mes sont permanents ou chroniques pendant 6 \u00e0 9\u00a0mois.",
            "output": [
                "About 15% of patients have prolonged or relapsing symptoms over a 6\u20139-month period."
            "id": "task1397-2e751c73c65244a885b5252d034b4a40",
            "input": "Il s\u2019adresse aux m\u00e9decins, infirmi\u00e8res de la sant\u00e9 publique, microbiologistes, v\u00e9t\u00e9rinaires et autres professionnels de la sant\u00e9 poss\u00e9dant une exp\u00e9rience ant\u00e9rieure dans la sant\u00e9 publique et d\u00e9montrant un vif int\u00e9r\u00eat pour l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie.",
            "output": [
                "The programme is aimed at EU medical practitioners, public-health nurses, microbiologists, veterinarians and other health professionals with previous experience in Public Health and a keen interest in epidemiology."
            "id": "task1397-71eda4e069234e63841b75bf08136d2e",
            "input": "La l\u00e9gionellose est une maladie respiratoire due \u00e0 la bact\u00e9rie Legionella.",
            "output": [
                "Legionnaires\u2019 disease is a respiratory disease caused by Legionella."
            "id": "task1397-3c9e02946d2e4117a6597058ee3dd28a",
            "input": "La vaccination des personnes pr\u00e9sentant un risque d\u2019exposition professionnelle a \u00e9t\u00e9 mise en place dans certains pays (Italie, France, Espagne).",
            "output": [
                "Immunisation of persons at occupational risk of exposure has been carried out in some countries (Italy, France, Spain)."
            "id": "task1397-d0a9308de2164c5ca34468d8ed13940b",
            "input": "L\u2019infection \u00e9tait g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement transmise par inhalation de gouttelettes.",
            "output": [
                "The infection was usually transmitted via inhalation of droplets."
            "id": "task1397-512be8e5c7734455b28bed77f122222d",
            "input": "Voir la biographie",
            "output": [
                "View biography"
            "id": "task1397-c2049b1a578341bcb119953138460f6c",
            "input": "Surveillance",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-89da43b2731e417abfb99ebec0610372",
            "input": "Le VIH est un virus qui s\u2019attaque au syst\u00e8me immunitaire et provoque une maladie grave \u00e0 vie associ\u00e9e \u00e0 une longue p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation.",
            "output": [
                "HIV is a virus, which attacks the immune system and causes a lifelong severe illness with a long incubation period."
            "id": "task1397-7419f7b65aea46debc6ece4c205222e5",
            "input": "Formation des experts d\u00e9tach\u00e9s des \u00c9tats membres",
            "output": [
                "Training for Member States\u2019 experts"
            "id": "task1397-0ee3fa05a1d04f138e607f61fe586072",
            "input": "Les m\u00e9thodes de typage reposent principalement sur deux \u00e9lements:",
            "output": [
                "There are 2 basic ways to describe typing methods based on:"
            "id": "task1397-7cc174bfa6f14de09eaee539b6987e8b",
            "input": "Le taux de mortalit\u00e9 est faible et les porcs gu\u00e9rissent g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement entre 7 et 10\u00a0jours.",
            "output": [
                "The mortality rate is low in pigs and recovery usually occurs within 7\u201310 days."
            "id": "task1397-b766c05133ec4e918993867670b5a431",
            "input": "Au cours de cette r\u00e9union les sujets suivants ont \u00e9galement \u00e9t\u00e9 abord\u00e9s: formation \u00e0 l\u2019outil de pistage des menaces (OPM) et premi\u00e8re version test du syst\u00e8me d\u2019information sur le renseignement \u00e9pid\u00e9mique (EPIS) du CEPCM.",
            "output": [
                "It included also training on accessing the ECDC threat tracking tool (TTT) and an exploration of the first test version of the Epidemic Intelligence Information System (EPIS)."
            "id": "task1397-a0c4ba712c5945488048a2fa5a88c8d4",
            "input": "Veuillez indiquer cette information avant de continuer",
            "output": [
                "Please fill in this information to continue."
            "id": "task1397-5a2f52944be141f99129d048f76ea46e",
            "input": "Scarlatine",
            "output": [
                "Scarlet fever"
            "id": "task1397-898cac2190794c728fbe829f9de90c64",
            "input": "Dans la plupart des cas, la l\u00e9gionellose peut \u00eatre trait\u00e9e efficacement par des antibiotiques, mais les taux de mortalit\u00e9 peuvent \u00eatre assez \u00e9lev\u00e9s chez les personnes \u00e2g\u00e9es et les patients pr\u00e9sentant une d\u00e9ficience du syst\u00e8me immunitaire.",
            "output": [
                "In most cases legionellosis can be treated effectively with antibiotics, but death rates can be high among the elderly and in patients with a weakened immune system."
            "id": "task1397-a16410b6caa94dbcbae81d23954e0189",
            "input": "La principale source de contamination est la morsure ou le contact direct avec la salive d\u2019un animal infect\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "Transmission normally occurs through a bite or direct contact with the saliva of an infected animal."
            "id": "task1397-deaae06ff48e476bb7e6fddb3b98f060",
            "input": "N\u00e9anmoins, on n\u2019observe g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement aucune transmission interhumaine.",
            "output": [
                "However, there is generally no transmission from one human to another."
            "id": "task1397-0856dd86747248dcbfa73869c345a2df",
            "input": "Ces contrats sont renouvelables.",
            "output": [
                "Contracts may be renewed."
            "id": "task1397-c9f50842b28c46c9a5e660fd6713ff07",
            "input": "La transmission \u00e0 l\u2019homme se produit par l'inhalation de virus pr\u00e9sents dans des a\u00e9rosols contamin\u00e9s \u00e0 partir des excr\u00e9ta de rongeurs infect\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "Transmission to humans occurs through inhalation of virus in aerosol from excreta of infected rodents."
            "id": "task1397-4b73289787db478b89cbdefbbad67e5c",
            "input": "Flux RSS pour une s\u00e9lection de th\u00e8mes de sant\u00e9:",
            "output": [
                "Selected Health Topics RSS feeds:"
            "id": "task1397-322674bfe7a94e70872a8c3161a69b8a",
            "input": "On suppose que l\u2019augmentation de la virulence est associ\u00e9e \u00e0 la production de quantit\u00e9s plus importantes de toxines par les souches r\u00e9sistantes \u00e0 la fluoroquinolone appartenant aux PCR-ribotype 027, toxinotype III et pulsotype NAP1 (obtenu par \u00e9lectrophor\u00e8se en champ puls\u00e9).",
            "output": [
                "This increased virulence is assumed to be associated with higher amounts of toxin production by fluoroquinolone-resistant strains belonging to PCR ribotype 027, toxinotype III and PFGE NAP1."
            "id": "task1397-bc447811fa664ec5890c08dcef0d4ddd",
            "input": "utiliser moins d\u2019antibiotiques, c\u2019est-\u00e0-dire uniquement lorsqu\u2019ils sont n\u00e9cessaires au traitement du patient;",
            "output": [
                "Use less antibiotics, i.e. only when they are needed to treat patients."
            "id": "task1397-96a51eaa1d474d628990ff883adb56ed",
            "input": "La polio est due aux poliovirus de types 1, 2 et 3.",
            "output": [
                "Polio is caused by polioviruses, classified into types 1, 2 and 3."
            "id": "task1397-de62c077685142db9f9491f54ed6164b",
            "input": "Programme de formation \u00e0 la microbiologie de terrain",
            "output": [
                "Training Programme in Field Microbiology"
            "id": "task1397-00956b5c4ae84fc6ba6ecb0fe9df5cec",
            "input": "Liechtenstein",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-833c340e6a5b4559956344c484a9b717",
            "input": "Un certain nombre de publications papier sont disponibles.",
            "output": [
                "A  number of the publications are available in print."
            "id": "task1397-3f76f28af3764e628b25a11a529c58dc",
            "input": "Infection \u00e0 Clostridium difficile",
            "output": [
                "Clostridium difficile infection"
            "id": "task1397-37c40fc8b8314fccad625360e485a141",
            "input": "Le rat est r\u00e9servoir du virus de Lassa\u00a0; l\u2019infection est transmise \u00e0 l\u2019homme par contact avec les excr\u00e9ments des rats infect\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "The reservoir of Lassa virus is in rodents, and humans become infected through contact with the excreta of infected rats."
            "id": "task1397-1c6522d62755494da049cd92057fd9b0",
            "input": "- Pr\u00e9paration \u00e0 la lutte contre une \u00e9pid\u00e9mie de grippe",
            "output": [
                "- Influenza Pandemic preparedness"
            "id": "task1397-54d6f00df15f48b0a4b0efc88eeb2765",
            "input": "Un vaccin est disponible dans certaines r\u00e9gions o\u00f9 la maladie est end\u00e9mique.",
            "output": [
                "A vaccine is available in some disease endemic areas."
            "id": "task1397-db0420ec4748431189bf40dfcba697fa",
            "input": "Le r\u00e9servoir naturel des virus influenza est constitu\u00e9 par un ensemble variable et en constante \u00e9volution de virus parmi les populations d\u2019oiseaux aquatiques sauvages, les virus influenza aviaires (IA).",
            "output": [
                "The natural reservoir of influenza viruses is a diverse and constantly changing pool of viruses among wild water bird populations, the avian influenza (AI) viruses."
            "id": "task1397-8764ba9b916448ac96c76e872bc429f9",
            "input": "Un \u00e9quipement de protection doit \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 par le personnel expos\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "Protective equipment must be used by workers."
            "id": "task1397-0c7d6f208dee4e11b35eb27200fdca03",
            "input": "Consultez la liste ci-dessous pour savoir comment modifier la taille du texte dans votre navigateur:",
            "output": [
                "See the list below for details of how you can change the text size using your browser:"
            "id": "task1397-d3ea0baad01b419591faa18edbc79aea",
            "input": "Les manifestations cliniques sont les douleurs musculaires, les maux de t\u00eate, la fi\u00e8vre et la pneumonie (associ\u00e9e \u00e0 une toux s\u00e8che).",
            "output": [
                "The clinical picture is characterised by muscle ache, headache, fever, and pneumonia (associated with a dry cough)."
            "id": "task1397-4e9732d8b9224d47aa4e4ec9ce12ce79",
            "input": "Dans l\u2019UE, la TB touche principalement les migrants, les sans-abri, les d\u00e9tenus et les toxicomanes plut\u00f4t que les autres cat\u00e9gories de la population.",
            "output": [
                "Within the EU, TB is more common in migrants, the homeless, prisoners and drug users than in other sectors of the population."
            "id": "task1397-e8a7bd62c3cf40c49a5e2562786f0f64",
            "input": "Les autres manifestations cliniques de la maladie comprennent la pneumonie, l\u2019arthrite, l\u2019endocardite et le syndrome de choc toxique streptococcique (SCTS).",
            "output": [
                "Other disease manifestations include pneumonia, arthritis, endocarditis, and streptococcal toxic shock-like syndrome (STSS)."
            "id": "task1397-1422ff2563914277a9e3c06e10bf5c33",
            "input": "Pour en savoir plus sur l\u2019h\u00e9patique B, lire la  fiche d\u2019information destin\u00e9e au grand public .",
            "output": [
                "Read more about hepatitis B in the  factsheet for general public ."
            "id": "task1397-896c17fd023741699f6c387ac3bb811c",
            "input": "En termes de co\u00fbts, cela se traduit par des d\u00e9penses allant de 5\u00a0 000 \u00e0 15\u00a0 000\u00a0 EUR \n                par cas en Angleterre, et de 1,1\u00a0 milliard de dollars par an aux \u00c9tats-Unis.",
            "output": [
                "In terms of costs, this translates into  \u20ac5.000-15.000 per case in England and $1.1 billion per year in the USA."
            "id": "task1397-8a114d78a48b4ecfb892e72d1807632d",
            "input": "Reconnaissant que \u00ables connaissances en mati\u00e8re de communication sont devenues essentielles au contr\u00f4le des flamb\u00e9es \u00e9pid\u00e9miques, au m\u00eame titre que la formation en \u00e9pid\u00e9miologie et les analyses de laboratoire\u00bb, l\u2019Organisation mondiale de la Sant\u00e9 a cr\u00e9\u00e9 en 2005 des  lignes directrices sur la communication  visant \u00e0 clarifier les difficult\u00e9s sp\u00e9cifiques \u00e0 la communication auxquelles les responsables de la sant\u00e9 publique sont confront\u00e9s, ainsi que la meilleure fa\u00e7on de communiquer avec le public au cours de l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9mie d\u2019une maladie transmissible.",
            "output": [
                "Acknowledging that \u201ccommunication expertise has become as essential to outbreak control as epidemiological training and laboratory analysis\u201d, in 2005 the World Health Organization created  Communication Guidelines   aiming at clarifying the specific communication challenges faced by public health officials as well as the best practices for communicating with the public during an outbreak of a communicable disease."
            "id": "task1397-13fea920e55f4d0886e2b6f2229683dd",
            "input": "Lymphogranulomatose v\u00e9n\u00e9rienne",
            "output": [
                "Lymphogranuloma venereum"
            "id": "task1397-1e8ad3d67d254c829e7753817a61d927",
            "input": "De nombreux animaux \u00e9vacuent les bact\u00e9ries dans leurs f\u00e8ces.",
            "output": [
                "Many animals carry the bacteria in their faeces."
            "id": "task1397-f555597467094b5e836fac67121fa3ea",
            "input": "Chaque ann\u00e9e, nous rencontrons les membres des organes comp\u00e9tents de l\u2019UE et de l\u2019EEE/AELE pour \u00e9tablir une compr\u00e9hension et une collaboration optimales entres les \u00c9tats membres et le CEPCM.",
            "output": [
                "On a yearly basis, we meet with the relevant competent bodies in the EU and EEA/EFTA Member States to ensure an optimal understanding and collaboration between the Member States and ECDC."
            "id": "task1397-e45c566a2d574eca9ed7ceb0c81421d5",
            "input": "Dans des circonstances normales, le CIU est dirig\u00e9 par l\u2019Unit\u00e9 de pr\u00e9paration et de r\u00e9action.",
            "output": [
                "The ECDC EOC is operated in normal circumstances by the Preparedness and Response Unit."
            "id": "task1397-1b072ccca39a4f1ca6c2479cfae2c335",
            "input": "Ces exemples d\u2019utilisation abusive favorisent l\u2019\u00e9mergence et la s\u00e9lection de bact\u00e9ries r\u00e9sistantes.",
            "output": [
                "These examples of misuse promote the emergence and the selection of resistant bacteria."
            "id": "task1397-1496bfe8d7f54a6e866ecf24c2ed8d08",
            "input": "Centre de presse",
            "output": [
                "Press Centre"
            "id": "task1397-c188559582f5423e9ed52aa373cd4c4b",
            "input": "Les dates limites de candidature sont fix\u00e9es au 30 janvier et au 30 avril.",
            "output": [
                "The traineeships are organised twice a year, each for a period of three to six months (deadline for applications on 30 January and 30 April)."
            "id": "task1397-52090c9276dc4b0bbf57e7c88835513b",
            "input": "Infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST)",
            "output": [
                "Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)"
            "id": "task1397-a41bacc1c9434432802da55a9c25230e",
            "input": "- Une salle d\u2019information pourra \u00eatre utilis\u00e9e pour les r\u00e9unions quotidiennes avec les groupes op\u00e9rationnels.",
            "output": [
                "- A Briefing Room that can be used for daily briefings with operational groups."
            "id": "task1397-ef39763702fa4e5baf283f5ff08af261",
            "input": "Enc\u00e9phalite \u00e0 tiques",
            "output": [
                "Tick-borne encephalitis"
            "id": "task1397-3332773bb3e24d62b454bcfbc094bc98",
            "input": "Eurosurveillance est publi\u00e9 en ligne hebdomadairement et contient des communications courtes ainsi que des articles plus longs sur la surveillance.",
            "output": [
                "Eurosurveillance is published in an online weekly version with short rapid communications and longer surveillance and research articles."
            "id": "task1397-761fda1a3c7f45d08c7d7fcc3590fb9b",
            "input": "Il existe un traitement efficace.",
            "output": [
                "Effective treatment is available."
            "id": "task1397-1aa28bae37054f9280a25d59afa5d8d9",
            "input": "Ces bact\u00e9ries peuvent survivre dans la nature \u00e0 des temp\u00e9ratures tr\u00e8s diverses.",
            "output": [
                "The bacteria are able to survive in the nature at a wide range of temperatures."
            "id": "task1397-392ab64aa8d3403caeb9fc3a42c16b03",
            "input": "Le  directeur est responsable de l\u2019ensemble de la coordination et de l\u2019administration de l\u2019ECDC.",
            "output": [
                "The  Director is responsible for the overall coordination and leadership of ECDC."
            "id": "task1397-ea89519969c24b93af06f224f7013a9b",
            "input": "Je m\u2019entoure de personnes de grande valeur qui, dans certains domaines, sont meilleures que moi.",
            "output": [
                "I surround myself with great people, people that are better than I am in specific areas."
            "id": "task1397-8060546b2c254ff0a443133d3e724e88",
            "input": "REVUES DE L\u2019ECDCTH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 DE A \u00c0 ZRSS Viewer",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-3cddcdcf36ed411fa7ca49654b18efae",
            "input": "On pense qu\u2019un virus de la grippe d\u2019un animal/oiseau qui s\u2019adapte \u00e0 l\u2019homme et devient transmissible perd une partie de sa pathog\u00e9nicit\u00e9 pour l\u2019homme.",
            "output": [
                "It is thought that as an animal/bird influenza adapts to humans and becomes transmissible, it also loses some of its pathogenicity for humans."
            "id": "task1397-a290cb3057b64b438274727794e6f81b",
            "input": "Jusqu\u2019ici, trois sous-types de virus influenza de type A ont \u00e9t\u00e9 retrouv\u00e9s chez le porc:",
            "output": [
                "So far three influenza type A virus subtypes have been found in pigs:"
            "id": "task1397-473e8e339e064af89efcd4a69cb8e56f",
            "input": "Le forum consultatif",
            "output": [
                "Advisory forum Advisory Forum"
            "id": "task1397-1066531f554541f4ab69f5c7128db6e9",
            "input": "En g\u00e9n\u00e9ral, les manifestations cliniques (fi\u00e8vre, diarrh\u00e9e, douleurs abdominales, naus\u00e9es et vomissements) apparaissent 12 \u00e0 36 heures apr\u00e8s la consommation de l\u2019aliment contamin\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "In general, 12 to 36 hours after the consumption of contaminated food, a clinical picture characterised by fever, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting may appear."
            "id": "task1397-3709c284e91b41b5bcd4e39a0909858e",
            "input": "Les tiques peuvent \u00eatre porteuses de maladies.",
            "output": [
                "Ticks can carry disease."
            "id": "task1397-748746fa384044359b62ab3ff7ba4bcf",
            "input": "Comme d\u2019autres maladies infectieuses transmises par les tiques, l\u2019enc\u00e9phalite \u00e0 tiques peut \u00eatre pr\u00e9venue \u00e0 l\u2019aide d\u2019insectifuges et de v\u00eatements de protection (pour emp\u00eacher les tiques de piquer).",
            "output": [
                "Like other tick-borne infectious diseases, TBE can be prevented by using insect repellents and protective clothing to prevent tick bites."
            "id": "task1397-2a6cb183eb4f44a3b6368a4f5e55c75e",
            "input": "FireFox: s\u00e9lectionnez le menu \u00abAffichage\u00bb, cliquez sur \u00abZoom\u00bb et choisissez soit d\u2019agrandir, soit de r\u00e9duire la taille de la police.",
            "output": [
                "FireFox - Select View menu, click on Text size and choose either Increase or Decrease the font size."
            "id": "task1397-3576cd8efdf94fac81b6e3fd43b2008d",
            "input": "Pendant une crise, le volume de travail augmente radicalement tandis que le temps de traitement et de prise de d\u00e9cision est largement r\u00e9duit.",
            "output": [
                "During crises, the volume of work increases radically, while the time available for processing and decision making is greatly reduced."
            "id": "task1397-a225dadd78b44ff79d5c86ba40a6dd2c",
            "input": "Quel est le r\u00f4le de l\u2019ECDC?",
            "output": [
                "What is the role of ECDC?"
            "id": "task1397-6e45486acb904923ae1cb0b645247ad5",
            "input": "Cette formation a pour but de renforcer la communication entre les sp\u00e9cialistes et les \u00e9pid\u00e9miologistes de laboratoire afin de cr\u00e9er un r\u00e9seau int\u00e9gr\u00e9 de laboratoires volants pour la d\u00e9tection, la recherche et la r\u00e9action aux foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques aux niveaux national et international.",
            "output": [
                "This training aims at strengthening communication between laboratory specialists and epidemiologists in order to create an integrated laboratory-field epidemiology network for outbreak detection, investigation and response on a national and international level."
            "id": "task1397-7c122b99169342808590a3cedcbc3df2",
            "input": "la temp\u00e9rature moyenne \u00e0 la surface de la Terre a augment\u00e9 de 0,74\u00a0\u00b1\u00a00,18\u00a0\u00b0C au cours des 100 derni\u00e8res ann\u00e9es, tandis qu\u2019en parall\u00e8le, le niveau de la mer dans le monde augmente de 1,8\u00a0mm par an depuis 1961 et que la glace de mer Arctique recule de 2,7\u00a0\u00b1\u00a00,6\u00a0% par d\u00e9cennie.",
            "output": [
                "the worldwide mean surface temperature has increased by 0.74\u00b10.18\u00b0C over the past 100 years , while the worldwide sea level has risen by 1.8 mm per year since 1961 and the Arctic sea ice is retreating by 2.7\u00b10.6% per decade."
            "id": "task1397-e0fa8bc93b3b4bdfb008c6100cae025f",
            "input": "Le CEPCM convie \u00e0 ces visites certains de ses experts en formation ainsi que des experts des \u00c9tats membres et des partenaires concern\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC involves in these visits experts in training from ECDC, Member States and relevant partners."
            "id": "task1397-a36fec6138fb4907a5022408947970a7",
            "input": "La maladie peut \u00eatre \u00e9vit\u00e9e par un vaccin procurant une immunit\u00e9 \u00e0 vie \u00e0 la plupart des personnes vaccin\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "The disease is preventable by a vaccine providing lifelong immunity to most recipients."
            "id": "task1397-4d9d39e23aa74fca9d3f9e8ee918a6a2",
            "input": "Les infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST) regroupent les infections qui se transmettent lors de rapports sexuels par voie vaginale, orale et anale.",
            "output": [
                "Sexually transmitted infections (STI) is a group of infections that may transmit through vaginal, oral and anal sexual intercourse."
            "id": "task1397-73c0e5f5c11542409d64ffaf26e7fb48",
            "input": "Ce service est l\u00e0 pour r\u00e9pondre aux questions des journalistes et aux questions \u00e9crites du grand public, et fournir des photos, des documents audiovisuels ainsi que d\u2019autres informations sur l\u2019ECDC. En outre, il organise des entretiens avec le directeur ex\u00e9cutif ou d'autres hauts fonctionnaires du Centre.",
            "output": [
                "The Press office of the ECDC is available to answer questions from journalists, to provide replies to written questions from the general public, pictures and audiovisual material, other information related to ECDC and to set up interviews with the Executive Director and other senior officials of the Agency."
            "id": "task1397-091d707ed3034ee490a7a20ce807e743",
            "input": "R\u00e9seaux de programmes de formation aux interventions en \u00e9pid\u00e9miologie et en sant\u00e9 publique (TEPHINET)",
            "output": [
                "Network of Training Programs in Epidemiology and Public Health Interventions (TEPHINET)"
            "id": "task1397-0360e3ded48b4cb89f08adcf5211921f",
            "input": "Modules de formation courte du CEPCM pour les \u00c9tats membres",
            "output": [
                "ECDC short modules for the MS"
            "id": "task1397-adc56a00e2eb44cab831547254b383e0",
            "input": "Fi\u00e8vre dengue",
            "output": [
                "Dengue fever"
            "id": "task1397-5e4702edd06a4e1b82ce9c621e83ec75",
            "input": "L\u2019Unit\u00e9 de conseil scientifique (UCS) \n                \n                \n                \n                 dont la fonction principale est de fournir des \u00e9valuations scientifiques ind\u00e9pendantes de grande qualit\u00e9 qui servent de base aux d\u00e9cisions de sant\u00e9 publique de l\u2019UE en mati\u00e8re de maladies infectieuses.",
            "output": [
                "The Scientific Advice Unit's (SAU) \n                \n                \n                \n                main responsibility is to provide high-level scientific independent assessments as basis for EU public health decisions in the area of infectious disease."
            "id": "task1397-770eb97369b54b2096388cd91982aef6",
            "input": "La maladie n\u2019entra\u00eene pas de signes cliniques particuliers qui la diff\u00e9rencient clairement des autres types de pneumonie, et des examens de laboratoire doivent \u00eatre r\u00e9alis\u00e9s pour confirmer le diagnostic.",
            "output": [
                "The disease has no particular clinical features that clearly distinguish it from other types of pneumonia, and laboratory investigations must be carried out to confirm the diagnosis."
            "id": "task1397-3358a1f9b7af4a58a490c576df653a9d",
            "input": "Lorsque vous avez install\u00e9 un lecteur de flux, vous pouvez ajouter le ou les flux RSS d\u2019Eurosurveillance en cliquant sur les liens ci-dessus.",
            "output": [
                "Once you have installed a feed reader you can add the Eurosurveillance RSS feed(s) by clicking on the link above."
            "id": "task1397-6946be081ab5488fb3152a01460eed00",
            "input": "http://www.u-blog.net/itcom3/article/ASPRSS.html",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-e85da4adea2d4632af39667ac8ec1d96",
            "input": "En raison du grand nombre de cas import\u00e9s en Europe, la malaria est principalement un probl\u00e8me de m\u00e9decine des voyages.",
            "output": [
                "Due to the large number of imported cases in Europe, malaria is mainly a travel medicine issue."
            "id": "task1397-3c4c443706664891b5c4e0c86ae2e9d3",
            "input": "Les enfants plus \u00e2g\u00e9s sont \u00e9galement expos\u00e9s \u00e0 des complications telles que pneumonie, at\u00e9lectasie, perte de poids, hernie, convulsions, enc\u00e9phalopathie (probablement due \u00e0 l\u2019hypoxie).",
            "output": [
                "Affected children are also exposed to complications such as pneumonia, atelectasia, weight loss, hernia, seizures, encephalopathy (probably due to hypoxia)."
            "id": "task1397-60e4b84c0d344077810dd66fb4d00f91",
            "input": "ARHAI \u2013 R\u00e9sistance aux antimicrobiens et infections nosocomiales FWD \u2013 Maladies d\u2019origine alimentaire et li\u00e9es \u00e0 l\u2019eau",
            "output": [
                "ARHAI - Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections FWD - Food- and Waterborne Diseases"
            "id": "task1397-4e572f1fa09b484a8ff982640751e9b8",
            "input": "En g\u00e9n\u00e9ral, la premi\u00e8re chose dont vous avez besoin est ce qu\u2019on appelle un lecteur d\u2019actualit\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "In general, the first thing you need is something called a news reader."
            "id": "task1397-1a181a87719144d191c8c019217ee567",
            "input": "Rapports sp\u00e9ciaux",
            "output": [
                "Special Reports"
            "id": "task1397-30bc4bf034084504b3a05c579a99be1e",
            "input": "L\u2019une des principales activit\u00e9s de l\u2019Unit\u00e9 de conseil scientifique (UCS) est la cr\u00e9ation de lignes directrices en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9 publique et l\u2019\u00e9valuation des risques li\u00e9s \u00e0 la pr\u00e9vention et au contr\u00f4le des maladies infectieuses comme, par exemple, la vaccination contre les infections du papillomavirus humain, l\u2019\u00e9valuation des risques d\u2019une nouvelle g\u00e9n\u00e9ration de grippe saisonni\u00e8re de type H1N1 r\u00e9sistante \u00e0 l\u2019oseltamivir (Tamiflu), ou des avis scientifiques sur l\u2019utilisation des vaccins contre la grippe H5N1 chez l'homme.",
            "output": [
                "One of the main activities of SAU is the development of public health guidance and risk assessment on infectious dis\\-ease prevention and control, e.g. guid\\-ance on human papilloma vaccination, rapid risk assesment on a new strain of seasonal H1N1 influenza resistant to os\\-eltamivir (Tamiflu), or scientific opinion on the use of influenza H5N1 vaccines for humans."
            "id": "task1397-9069dd88877f4883aaa8f24b8b9df7d7",
            "input": "Les manifestations cliniques se caract\u00e9risent par des sympt\u00f4mes neurologiques progressifs et le d\u00e9c\u00e8s, avec une survie moyenne d\u2019environ 14\u00a0mois apr\u00e8s l\u2019apparition des sympt\u00f4mes.",
            "output": [
                "The clinical picture is characterised by progressive neurological symptoms and death, with a mean survival of about 14 months from the onset of symptoms."
            "id": "task1397-b31a784b5f3642ca80d07075d2367be7",
            "input": "Infection par le virus du Nil occidental",
            "output": [
                "West Nile virus infection"
            "id": "task1397-cbff903f61cb4ba198702690b52f78b1",
            "input": "La souche A/H5N1 infecte une gamme \u00e9tonnamment importante d\u2019oiseaux et d\u2019animaux, et semble tuer une proportion \u00e9lev\u00e9e des oiseaux infect\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "The A/H5N1 strain of bird flu seems to kill a high proportion of birds infected."
            "id": "task1397-197ed2e1ed75461c985076ee47d340be",
            "input": "Depuis mars 2003, on signale au Canada et aux \u00c9tats-Unis une augmentation des taux d\u2019infection \u00e0 Clostridium difficile \u00e0 \u00e9volution plus s\u00e9v\u00e8re, un taux de mortalit\u00e9 plus \u00e9lev\u00e9 et un plus grand nombre de complications.",
            "output": [
                "Since March 2003, increasing rates of Clostridium difficile infection with a more severe course, higher mortality, and more complications have been reported in Canada and USA."
            "id": "task1397-f9b53321f83546d780517ecedd71c1bb",
            "input": "Le manuel sera compl\u00e9t\u00e9 par de nouveaux articles et du mat\u00e9riel de formation et traduit dans plusieurs langues par des \u00e9pid\u00e9miologistes qui ma\u00eetrisent les langues en question.",
            "output": [
                "The FEM is intended to be complemented by further articles and other training material and also translated into languages by native speaking epidemiologist"
            "id": "task1397-f069a3d2a2e34f508ff7dea90ea8510a",
            "input": "Vous pouvez consulter ici divers documents qui n'appartiennent pas \u00e0 la cat\u00e9gorie des rapports r\u00e9guliers.",
            "output": [
                "Various documents falling outside the regular reports series can be found here."
            "id": "task1397-6965bda987b5496ba0aa5de3d28e8e84",
            "input": "Toutes les activit\u00e9s du Centre sont fond\u00e9es sur la d\u00e9claration de mission telle qu\u2019elle est \u00e9nonc\u00e9e dans l\u2019article 3 du r\u00e8glement fondateur de l\u2019ECDC (CE) 851/2004:",
            "output": [
                "All activities of the Centre are based on the mission statement as formulated in Article 3 of the ECDC Founding Regulation EC 851/2004:"
            "id": "task1397-c7a8f2bab97f4264aac3139250642ec9",
            "input": "La vaccination est le seul mode de pr\u00e9vention, y compris apr\u00e8s l\u2019exposition (\u00e0 administrer le plus rapidement possible dans ce cas).",
            "output": [
                "Prevention is possible by vaccination, including post-exposure immunisation to be given as soon after the exposure as possible."
            "id": "task1397-2dccbfa6e9a14fc9b0a121ddd61f7689",
            "input": "T\u00e9tanos",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-8046115b9e00478e8182cecf0f34a4b6",
            "input": "Mots-cl\u00e9s",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-cfaa399f05034fa7833b72522113d589",
            "input": "Formulaire",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-95f9ebe73597410486423e8c4f0478dd",
            "input": "Les fi\u00e8vres h\u00e9morragiques \u00c9bola et de Marburg sont dues respectivement aux virus \u00c9bola et de Marburg, qui appartiennent tous deux \u00e0 la m\u00eame famille de virus.",
            "output": [
                "Ebola and Marburg haemorrhagic fevers are caused by the Ebola and Marburg virus respectively, both belonging to the same virus family."
            "id": "task1397-128ac410013240778b8260bdca9b3a57",
            "input": "Vous pouvez essayer les lecteurs de flux suivants:",
            "output": [
                "Feed readers you could try include:"
            "id": "task1397-8a1b3b07f0d948428896a00877a46abb",
            "input": "Le journal Eurosurveillance est h\u00e9berg\u00e9 par le Centre depuis le mois de mars 2007.",
            "output": [
                "As of March 2007, the journal Eurosurveillance is hosted by ECDC."
            "id": "task1397-5f329f1da93f499eb9a05a9324d0e73d",
            "input": "Poliomy\u00e9lite",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-2d0e26a62dcf4c7e8fcde0d3b2617d2f",
            "input": "Entre l\u2019\u00e9t\u00e9 2005 et l\u2019automne 2007, le CEPCM et l\u2019OMS ont r\u00e9alis\u00e9 une auto-\u00e9valuation des plans nationaux de pr\u00e9paration \u00e0 une \u00e9pid\u00e9mie de grippe dans les pays de l\u2019UE et de l\u2019EEE.",
            "output": [
                "Between the summer of 2005 and the autumn of 2007, self-assessment of national influenza pandemic preparedness plans were performed in the EU and EEA countries by ECDC in collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO)."
            "id": "task1397-5e42eac195e54134b3ba1954d844e2c8",
            "input": "Des r\u00e8gles r\u00e9gissent \u00e9galement l\u2019envoi, la r\u00e9ception, l\u2019ouverture et l\u2019\u00e9valuation de ces documents, ainsi que l\u2019attribution du march\u00e9 public.",
            "output": [
                "Rules also govern the sending, receipt, opening and assessing of these documents, as well as the awarding of the public procurement contract."
            "id": "task1397-a2784fc90f944f32973798524abea7c6",
            "input": "Mme Zsuzsanna Jakab a \u00e9t\u00e9 nomm\u00e9e directrice du CEPCM en mars 2005.",
            "output": [
                "Zsuzsanna Jakab was appointed Director of European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) in March 2005."
            "id": "task1397-d94d06032d5844f59692cff328186012",
            "input": "Il faut environ 5\u00a0minutes \u00e0 pied pour aller de l\u2019arr\u00eat de bus \u00e0 l\u2019ECDC.",
            "output": [
                "It takes about 5 minutes to walk to ECDC from the bus stop."
            "id": "task1397-77bd032fc3404a439252d1461b3d3bcf",
            "input": "Outre Yersinia pestis (voir Peste), le groupe des bact\u00e9ries Yersinia comprend \u00e9galement deux esp\u00e8ces fortement pathog\u00e8nes pour l\u2019homme (provoquant principalement des ent\u00e9rites): Yersinia enterocolitica et Yersinia pseudotuberculosis.",
            "output": [
                "Besides Yersinia pestis (see plague) the Yersinia group of bacteria also includes two species frequently causing illness (mainly enteritis) in humans; Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis."
            "id": "task1397-1a9eb917f5564c5c822270eb756101e8",
            "input": "Avis de vacances anciens",
            "output": [
                "Past vacancies"
            "id": "task1397-b8d85af7f48f4d9a918ba8e7d756ec6f",
            "input": "RENFORCEMENT DES CAPACIT\u00c9S",
            "output": [
                "Capacity building"
            "id": "task1397-7f4cfc76768e4f48bc09220aec27cfed",
            "input": "Les infections les plus fr\u00e9quentes sont les infections urinaires, suivies des infections respiratoires, des infections postop\u00e9ratoires, des infections sanguines et autres (notamment diarrh\u00e9e due \u00e0 Clostridium difficile).",
            "output": [
                "The most frequent infections are urinary tract infections, followed by respiratory tract infections, infections after surgery, bloodstream infections, and others (including diarrhoea due to Clostridium difficile)."
            "id": "task1397-db94252390cf4851afeea78d7fa411d5",
            "input": "Certains navigateurs, dont Firefox, Opera et Safari, disposent d\u2019une fonction qui s\u00e9lectionne les flux RSS automatiquement pour vous.",
            "output": [
                "Some browsers, including Firefox, Opera and Safari, have functionality which automatically picks up RSS feeds for you."
            "id": "task1397-aab29f45076347ac942751c6304b1ab7",
            "input": "Appels de propositions cl\u00f4tur\u00e9s",
            "output": [
                "Closed calls for proposals"
            "id": "task1397-8c2ad7c149c54565b4c0c0399e23b970",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-c60ac109f39f40889577c3fac8d32b04",
            "input": "press@ecdc.europa.eu",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-29565edecf1c4dc8ab7242c0c08c3d9e",
            "input": "aspects \u00e9pid\u00e9miologiques de la vaccination;",
            "output": [
                "Epidemiological aspects of vaccination;"
            "id": "task1397-d3a94647fc2c457b956c9cbf223c98b3",
            "input": "PublicationsCataloguePagerLES SIX PRINCIPAUX TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9PUBLICATIONS",
            "output": [
                "PublicationsCataloguePagerTOP SIX HEALTH TOPICSPUBLICATIONS"
            "id": "task1397-fae812f4188b476bb6ee1a017061133e",
            "input": "Infections sexuellement transmissibles",
            "output": [
                "Sexually transmitted infections"
            "id": "task1397-b5361cd20cc14e82bdfd19aa97ee100a",
            "input": "Mme Jakab a \u00e9galement jou\u00e9 un r\u00f4le cl\u00e9 dans les n\u00e9gociations pr\u00e9alables \u00e0 la Conf\u00e9rence europ\u00e9enne sur la sant\u00e9 et l\u2019environnement qui s\u2019est tenue \u00e0 Budapest en juillet 2004.",
            "output": [
                "Mrs. Jakab also played a key role in the negotiations leading up to the European Conference on Health and the Environment, held in Budapest in July 2004."
            "id": "task1397-7974de79f1554bdfa97170dfed6a694f",
            "input": "La transmission peut \u00eatre limit\u00e9e en am\u00e9liorant l\u2019hygi\u00e8ne lors de la manipulation des aliments.",
            "output": [
                "Transmission can be reduced especially by improving hygiene in food production handling."
            "id": "task1397-f044fd228adb453ea7a743d645e30f30",
            "input": "Organisation",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-1de7c3ee46ba4d6b88a1085917499bc0",
            "input": "R\u00e9seau des anciens \u00e9l\u00e8ves de l\u2019EPIET (EAN)",
            "output": [
                "EPIET Alumni Network (EAN)"
            "id": "task1397-fc4135a9868748dd8936816da9cf745a",
            "input": "La LGV est \u00e9galement en augmentation, alors que jusqu\u2019\u00e0 pr\u00e9sent elle n\u2019apparaissait que de fa\u00e7on sporadique dans les pays occidentaux\u00a0; depuis 2004, la LGV a \u00e9t\u00e9 signal\u00e9e dans plusieurs grandes villes europ\u00e9ennes chez les homosexuels masculins.",
            "output": [
                "LGV is now also increasing, having until recently occurred only sporadically in the western world and since 2004, LGV infection has been noted in several large European cities among men who have sex with men."
            "id": "task1397-a4c843f32e62435c98831c2c2330fbb4",
            "input": "Programme national de formation \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie de terrain (PFET) \u2013 programme de formation EPIET",
            "output": [
                "National FETP \u2013 Field EPI training programme"
            "id": "task1397-7dd87cf9885949079825fcf8c3318111",
            "input": "RTI- Infections des voies respiratoires:",
            "output": [
                "RTI - Respiratory Tract Infections:"
            "id": "task1397-3d98a17be4a94b919a43a4c47158fbb4",
            "input": "Dans plusieurs pays asiatiques, la fi\u00e8vre dengue h\u00e9morragique est devenue une cause importante de maladie et de mortalit\u00e9, principalement chez les enfants.",
            "output": [
                "In several Asian countries, dengue haemorrhagic fever has become an important cause of disease and death, mainly in children."
            "id": "task1397-9cff5807a751446ba2b04bf039fdf7ab",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-7d42bad029ff4107a53a7e8da1b3c8eb",
            "input": "L\u2019infection par le virus de la grippe pand\u00e9mique 2009 A(H1N1) se fait de la m\u00eame mani\u00e8re que pour la grippe saisonni\u00e8re classique.",
            "output": [
                "People become infected with the 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1) virus in the same way as for normal seasonal influenza."
            "id": "task1397-f133c2a9023c4165a1b03aa15c5f0060",
            "input": "- Qui sommes-nous? - Organisation",
            "output": [
                "About us \u2013 Organisation"
            "id": "task1397-94f902dcff874b3ca738f8c941af30ee",
            "input": "Les donn\u00e9es scientifiques actuelles montrent que l\u2019infection s\u00e9quentielle augmente le risque d\u2019infection s\u00e9v\u00e8re avec h\u00e9morragies (fi\u00e8vre dengue h\u00e9morragique).",
            "output": [
                "Current scientific evidence shows that sequential infection increases the risk of a severe form of the infection with bleedings - dengue hemorrhagic fever."
            "id": "task1397-b2b836c215384ebbbe6e20bc97875f30",
            "input": "Locaux de crise:",
            "output": [
                "Crisis facilities:"
            "id": "task1397-05a114a1597b42a6a073604a5233a5c1",
            "input": "Depuis la fin des ann\u00e9es 50, des infections de l\u2019homme par la grippe porcine sont d\u00e9tect\u00e9es de temps en temps, g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement chez des personnes qui ont un contact direct avec les porcs (par exemple, des personnes travaillant dans des \u00e9levages porcins).",
            "output": [
                "Human infections with swine influenza have been detected occasionally since the late 1950s usually in persons with direct exposure to pigs (e.g. people working in pig farms, etc.)."
            "id": "task1397-742cfc1fb3c04812b82ce4784fd61e92",
            "input": "- Soutien en cas de foyer \u00e9pid\u00e9mique",
            "output": [
                "- Outbreak support"
            "id": "task1397-b7a2336e7fb343379c03c99ff02f83a6",
            "input": "le poliovirus se trouve dans l\u2019intestin et la gorge des individus infect\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "the poliovirus is found in the bowel and in the throat of infected individuals."
            "id": "task1397-af342853f4054f91bb1a20e00f678e1b",
            "input": "Ces sessions d\u2019information devaient permettre aux participants:",
            "output": [
                "Specifically, the briefings aim for the participant to:"
            "id": "task1397-686ef5b9868246e999c1506c965e48f3",
            "input": "la composition du mat\u00e9riel g\u00e9n\u00e9tique (g\u00e9notypage)",
            "output": [
                "composition of genetic material (genotyping)"
            "id": "task1397-628d68cc1d584ce58ee4d2bf033f0c06",
            "input": "Formation des microbiologistes",
            "output": [
                "Training for microbiologists"
            "id": "task1397-0a15bca1e0fc42328eb3527525a3ceef",
            "input": "D\u00e9finitions:",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-b03a0a31973f4572826a0007ad28c93c",
            "input": "Utilisateurs de Windows:",
            "output": [
                "Windows users:"
            "id": "task1397-a8d1511d7266477b81779cc6e0417daf",
            "input": "Ces \u00e9pid\u00e9mies sont tr\u00e8s difficiles \u00e0 contr\u00f4ler.",
            "output": [
                "The outbreaks are very difficult to control."
            "id": "task1397-0f82afbc414546ab858815bd48ea2087",
            "input": "Borr\u00e9liose",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-97665edf32664ad9ac25b1435599a024",
            "input": "Il s\u2019agit d\u2019un processus de longue dur\u00e9e instaur\u00e9 aupr\u00e8s d\u2019un public vari\u00e9, qui porte sur les r\u00e9sultats probables des attitudes en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9 et de comportement.",
            "output": [
                "It is a sustained communication process established with a diverse audience about the likely outcomes of health and behavioural attitudes."
            "id": "task1397-60a77ea1c78b482499d93362e70183bc",
            "input": "Le singe et l\u2019homme font \u00e9galement office de r\u00e9servoirs pour la fi\u00e8vre jaune de la jungle et la fi\u00e8vre jaune urbaine.",
            "output": [
                "Monkeys and humans also act as reservoirs in the jungle yellow fever and the urban yellow fever cycles."
            "id": "task1397-4606149a416f4e89afec6d54b3f88d45",
            "input": "Pour en savoir plus sur la rougeole, lire la  fiche d\u2019information destin\u00e9e aux professionnels de la sant\u00e9 .",
            "output": [
                "Read more about measles in the  factsheet for health professionals ."
            "id": "task1397-e8f07e3803d54deea7241a91ad0a4d70",
            "input": "C\u2019est l' Unit\u00e9 Communication et coop\u00e9ration avec les pays  qui est responsable de ces activit\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "Responsible for these activities is the  Communication and Country Cooperation Unit ."
            "id": "task1397-f1f71d6345aa49ebbca7ebf66fb4d0d0",
            "input": "Le directeur est r\u00e9guli\u00e8rement invit\u00e9 \u00e0 pr\u00e9senter \u00e0 l\u2019ENVI les informations les plus r\u00e9centes et les \u00e9valuations sur la situation \u00e9pid\u00e9miologique.",
            "output": [
                "By invitation, the Director will regularly address the ENVI to give updates and assessments on the epidemiological situation."
            "id": "task1397-3bd979252a4d45b8823e398ab442306b",
            "input": "Coop\u00e9ration en microbiologie",
            "output": [
                "Microbiology Cooperation"
            "id": "task1397-7c77f714f8974b52a36200422e3e4700",
            "input": "R\u00e9seaux sp\u00e9cifiques aux maladies",
            "output": [
                "Disease-specific networks"
            "id": "task1397-e90865c75ba640088fe66dcf128ae045",
            "input": "Adresse postale:",
            "output": [
                "Postal address:"
            "id": "task1397-910c7619b9c044d6b87989d29429862c",
            "input": "La d\u00e9tection des menaces",
            "output": [
                "Threat Detection"
            "id": "task1397-b15aece4741d4dceb37b8171a1a34d66",
            "input": "Par cons\u00e9quent, pour les documents dont les droits d'auteur appartiennent \u00e0 un tiers, il est n\u00e9cessaire d'obtenir une autorisation de reproduction de la part du titulaire des droits d'auteur concern\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "Therefore, for documents where the copyright vests in a third party, permission for reproduction must be obtained from this copyright holder."
            "id": "task1397-e40337a37efc4128a83487f7f5cc0eaa",
            "input": "L\u2019enc\u00e9phalite \u00e0 tiques est une maladie infectieuse virale qui touche le syst\u00e8me nerveux central de l\u2019homme. Elle s\u00e9vit dans de nombreuses r\u00e9gions d\u2019Europe et d\u2019Asie.",
            "output": [
                "Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a human viral infectious disease involving the central nervous system, and occurring in many parts of Europe and Asia."
            "id": "task1397-1896d6598d3b45929dc9bfd67d5b744f",
            "input": "Si vous avez postul\u00e9 pour un poste \u00e0 l'ECDC, nous vous invitons \u00e0 v\u00e9rifier le  statut des recrutements",
            "output": [
                "If you have applied for a position with ECDC, check the  Recruitment status"
            "id": "task1397-cd83e8cdab9147d694d6bb7ba08e51f9",
            "input": "exclusivement de nature g\u00e9n\u00e9rale et ne visent pas la situation particuli\u00e8re d\u2019une personne physique ou morale;",
            "output": [
                "of a general nature only and is not intended to address the specific circumstances of any particular individual or entity;"
            "id": "task1397-4afe9bf1c1954c66b023e4b0d991cec0",
            "input": "La list\u00e9riose est une maladie due \u00e0 la Listeria monocytogenes.",
            "output": [
                "Listeriosis is a disease caused by Listeria monocytogenes."
            "id": "task1397-f093a1bc28784bf0806a5ce7af746dce",
            "input": "Rapport annuel",
            "output": [
                "Annual report"
            "id": "task1397-bee0b73a0c5647268139b686b3108df8",
            "input": "Modalit\u00e9s de la mise en \u0153uvre de l\u2019article 20, paragraphe 2), du r\u00e8glement (CE) n\u00b0\u00a0851/2004, concernant l'acc\u00e8s aux documents du Centre europ\u00e9en de pr\u00e9vention et de contr\u00f4le des maladies",
            "output": [
                "Rules for implementing Article 20 (2) of the Regulation (EC) No 851/2004, on access to documents of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control"
            "id": "task1397-9127f2ae66744cd38c61be479bb2ec76",
            "input": "Les patients \u00e2g\u00e9s risquent \u00e9galement davantage de d\u00e9velopper une infection sanguine s\u00e9v\u00e8re.",
            "output": [
                "Elderly patients are also more prone to developing severe blood infection."
            "id": "task1397-45078090655e4b8695f7e39332647079",
            "input": "De plus, des complications post-infectieuses, notamment une inflammation articulaire r\u00e9active, peuvent appara\u00eetre dans environ 10\u00a0% des cas.",
            "output": [
                "In addition, post-infectious complications, such as reactive joint inflammation occur in about 10% of the cases."
            "id": "task1397-0ac0645382fd4e00bc8c297baf4fab9b",
            "input": "Int\u00c9gration de L\u2019EPIET AU centre",
            "output": [
                "Integration of EPIET in the centre"
            "id": "task1397-1d4cef9897004ccbb76dfc4eb61f355f",
            "input": "la fi\u00e8vre h\u00e9morragique avec syndrome r\u00e9nal (FHSR), due principalement aux virus S\u00e9oul, Puumala et Dobrava, la n\u00e9phropathie \u00e9pid\u00e9mique, une forme l\u00e9g\u00e8re de FHSE due au virus Puumala, et le syndrome cardio-pulmonaire \u00e0 Hantavirus qui peut \u00eatre provoqu\u00e9 par le virus Andes, le virus Sin Nombre et d\u2019autres encore.",
            "output": [
                "haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), mainly caused by Seoul, Puumala and Dobrava viruses; nephropathia epidemica, a mild form of HFRS caused by Puumala virus; and hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome, which may be caused by Andes virus, Sin Nombre virus, and several others."
            "id": "task1397-de8a70b8df924af588f64bc1b366f206",
            "input": "Modules de formation courte du CEPCM pour l\u2019EPIET",
            "output": [
                "ECDC short modules for the EPIET"
            "id": "task1397-a90ec8bc04e14d16a609d1a76f9a4ced",
            "input": "Budget annuel 2009 de l\u2019ECDC \u2013 Synth\u00e8se des amendements  ( 71 kB )",
            "output": [
                "ECDC Annual Budget 2009 - Overview of ammendments (  71 kB )"
            "id": "task1397-9d50d300192341e49b97944698e26377",
            "input": "- assurer une approche coordonn\u00e9e en mati\u00e8re de pr\u00e9paration, de recherche et de contr\u00f4le concernant les foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques entre les \u00c9tats membres affect\u00e9s, ainsi qu\u2019une communication efficace entre toutes les parties prenantes.",
            "output": [
                "- Ensure a coordinated approach in preparedness, outbreak investigation and control between affected Member States, as well as efficient communication between all stakeholders;"
            "id": "task1397-1e90a643275046d7b12cd7ac5a621720",
            "input": "Clause de non responsabilit\u00e9",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-b4fd51700a7a4edb80468725f2218e61",
            "input": "D\u00e9clarations d\u2019int\u00e9r\u00eat de l\u2019\u00e9quipe de direction de l\u2019ECDC",
            "output": [
                "Declarations of interest of ECDC Senior Management Team"
            "id": "task1397-917f9db243b344858c786f798de4cce9",
            "input": "La communication sur les risques peut porter sur certains choix faits en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9 (par exemple, les risques per\u00e7us comme li\u00e9s \u00e0 la vaccination) ou sur les comportements (tels que les risques associ\u00e9s au comportement sexuel).",
            "output": [
                "Risk communication can be about specific health-related choices, e.g. the perceived risks associated with getting immunised, or related to behaviours, as the risks associated with sexual behaviour."
            "id": "task1397-e49eb70b95b644ac983c98bfc7e6a5b9",
            "input": "Les infections sexuellement transmissibles regroupent les infections qui se transmettent lors de rapports sexuels par voie vaginale, orale et anale.",
            "output": [
                "Sexually transmitted infections is a group of infections that may transmit through vaginal, oral and anal sexual intercourse."
            "id": "task1397-ee364dead0c34709aad585ce03569ab8",
            "input": "Chlamydia est l\u2019infection sexuellement transmissible la plus r\u00e9pandue en Europe et elle touche plus particuli\u00e8rement les jeunes. \n                \n                Il s'agit de l\u2019infection sexuellement transmissible la plus fr\u00e9quemment signal\u00e9e en Europe et le nombre de cas augmente sans cesse.",
            "output": [
                "Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted infection in Europe and particularly affects young people. \n                \n                Chlamydia is the most frequently reported sexually transmitted infection in Europe, and the number of cases is steadily increasing."
            "id": "task1397-6683e98b1ab641a590a21d9f8ffb2e7b",
            "input": "Le changement climatique peut \u00e9galement modifier la distribution et la transmission des maladies transmissibles, surtout en ayant un effet direct sur les agents pathog\u00e8nes responsables des maladies, en influant sur la distribution des vecteurs qui peuvent \u00eatre porteurs des maladies, ou influen\u00e7ant le comportement de l\u2019homme, aboutissant alors \u00e0 de nouvelles situations d\u2019exposition aux maladies infectieuses (par exemple, augmentation du temps pass\u00e9 dehors, dans les r\u00e9gions bois\u00e9es o\u00f9 les tiques vivent).",
            "output": [
                "Climate change may also alter the distribution and transmission of communicable diseases principally through impacting disease pathogens directly; through impacting the distribution of vectors which may carry diseases; or through impacting human behaviours leading to changing patterns of exposure to infectious diseases (e.g. increased time spent outdoors in woodlands where ticks live)."
            "id": "task1397-3af76513f4184f9da8c872017bc87556",
            "input": "Elle peut, en revanche, provoquer une maladie mettant en jeu le pronostic vital chez les individus atteints d\u2019une d\u00e9ficience du syst\u00e8me immunitaire.",
            "output": [
                "However, it may also cause life-threatening disease in individuals with impaired immune defence."
            "id": "task1397-6eb4943d03ae4a5db4e3be8b42e406ea",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s le r\u00e9veil",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-3d3202b78a374fdaad95e80d967e5958",
            "input": "Les membres du conseil d\u2019administration et leurs suppl\u00e9ants",
            "output": [
                "Management board Members & Alternates"
            "id": "task1397-80e8681160b6450d89576c0b4713cf59",
            "input": "- Formuler des conseils, des \u00e9valuations de risques et des avis scientifiques",
            "output": [
                "- Produce guidance, risk assessments, scientific advice"
            "id": "task1397-a09a3c82c26545aeafbcd2b1b412c019",
            "input": "Le principal r\u00e9servoir de telles souches sont les herbivores, en particulier le b\u00e9tail.",
            "output": [
                "The main reservoir of such E.coli strains is grass-feeding animals, cattle in particular."
            "id": "task1397-88c52f3f4bc2446f85e0684ace6b3b60",
            "input": "Activit\u00e9s \u2013 Formation",
            "output": [
                "Activities \u2013 Training"
            "id": "task1397-721511714e6441d3af7d607e3b56b7f4",
            "input": "Le virus actuel de la grippe A\u00a0(H1N1)v est un nouveau sous-type du virus de la grippe qui touche l\u2019homme. Il comprend des segments de g\u00e8nes provenant de virus de la grippe infectant le porc, l\u2019oiseau et l\u2019homme dans une combinaison qui n\u2019avait jamais \u00e9t\u00e9 observ\u00e9e auparavant o\u00f9 que ce soit dans le monde.",
            "output": [
                "The present influenza A(H1N1)v virus is a new virus subtype of influenza affecting humans, which contains segments of genes from pig, bird and human influenza viruses in a combination that has never been observed before anywhere in the world."
            "id": "task1397-1b1c77d18bed4bd2ad18affb9c88fcd9",
            "input": "Le CEPCM utilise les comp\u00e9tences fondamentales de la liste dans son outil d\u2019\u00e9valuation des besoins de formation sp\u00e9cifiques des \u00c9tats membres.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC includes the core competencies in its assessment tool for specific training needs in the EU Member States."
            "id": "task1397-059006247bb14ac7840f07fae1d18f14",
            "input": "faciliter la mobilisation rapide d\u2019un r\u00e9seau d\u2019experts europ\u00e9ens, y compris des microbiologistes, en r\u00e9ponse aux demandes d\u2019assistance des \u00c9tats membres de l'UE, de pays tiers ou d\u2019organisations internationales;",
            "output": [
                "Facilitate the rapid mobilization of a network of European experts, including microbiologists, in response to requests for assistance from EU Member States, third countries or international organizations;"
            "id": "task1397-3697fdd2cd214cf48809c35b7c17fbaa",
            "input": "Conform\u00e9ment \u00e0 l\u2019article 3 du  r\u00e8glement fondateur , la mission de l\u2019ECDC est de d\u00e9celer, d'\u00e9valuer et de communiquer les menaces actuelles et \u00e9mergentes que les maladies infectieuses repr\u00e9sentent pour la sant\u00e9 humaine.",
            "output": [
                "According to the Article 3 of the  Founding Regulation , ECDC's mission is to identify, assess and communicate current and emerging threats to human health posed by infectious diseases."
            "id": "task1397-27b61b787dab430f8c94a73430b9f149",
            "input": "D\u00e9tection pr\u00e9coce",
            "output": [
                "Early detection"
            "id": "task1397-bbe6d6cbf6a040efb8e0a517ad929faf",
            "input": "Politique de l\u2019ECDC en mati\u00e8re de droit d\u2019auteur/Politique de l\u2019ECDC en mati\u00e8re des droits de reproduction\u00a0/D\u00e9claration de l\u2019ECDC concernant les droits d\u2019auteur",
            "output": [
                "ECDC Copyright policy/ Copyright licensing policy/ Copyright notice"
            "id": "task1397-366a805c38464e3f88066bc5ad506291",
            "input": "Cryptosporidiose",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-ca66dda915364ab19d291548b37bc39d",
            "input": "- Formations courtes",
            "output": [
                "- Short courses"
            "id": "task1397-eac2fbc5ee6946769d4ca3899894fe59",
            "input": "Pourquoi devons-nous nous mettre l'accent sur des programmes de communication sur la sant\u00e9?",
            "output": [
                "Why must we focus on health communication programs?"
            "id": "task1397-4009afdfe09c4c2d96b4d6e1fb6fb93e",
            "input": "Ce virus A(H1N1)v provient de la combinaison de deux virus de la grippe porcine qui contenaient des g\u00e8nes d'origine aviaire et humaine.",
            "output": [
                "This A(H1N1)v virus is the result of a combination of two swine influenza viruses that contained genes of avian and human origin."
            "id": "task1397-c4fa4190d62f40a787efdd596abafe8d",
            "input": "Plus de la moiti\u00e9 d\u2019entre elles sont d\u00e9c\u00e9d\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "More than half of them have died."
            "id": "task1397-e42423f2a3464b01a93f63eafa9fc614",
            "input": "\u00c9v\u00e8nements",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-0f95fa4eae04485396e3e58a5cd274b6",
            "input": "Chez certains patients, la maladie peut \u00e9voluer vers une forme grave avec des manifestations h\u00e9morragiques et une h\u00e9patite. Les complications possibles incluent la r\u00e9tinite (inflammation de la r\u00e9tine) et l\u2019enc\u00e9phalite (inflammation du cerveau).",
            "output": [
                "In some patients the illness can progress to a severe form with haemorrhagic manifestations and hepatitis; possible complications include retinitis (inflammation of the retina) and encephalitis (inflammation of the brain)."
            "id": "task1397-fc2cb7608fa9489e8562843a1d04f2c7",
            "input": "Il n\u2019existe actuellement aucun vaccin ou traitement curatif.",
            "output": [
                "There is currently no vaccine or curative treatment for cases."
            "id": "task1397-5ce758368a704ef188653f1d9bf8ad72",
            "input": "ne pas ignorer les besoins et les attentes des m\u00e9dias traditionnels;",
            "output": [
                "Do not ignore the needs and expectations of the mass traditional media;"
            "id": "task1397-cf90b39e14d34527ab8cf21be336f110",
            "input": "Ce programme s\u2019adresse tout particuli\u00e8rement \u00e0 des candidats ayant une exp\u00e9rience dans les domaines suivants:",
            "output": [
                "This Programme typically seeks candidates in the following fields:"
            "id": "task1397-ee22acf0f959499bb8a7d1e20f2e5048",
            "input": "Les partenaires sexuels doivent \u00e9galement \u00eatre test\u00e9s si l\u2019on veut \u00e9viter que la maladie ne se propage.",
            "output": [
                "Sexual partners should be evaluated to prevent further spread of disease."
            "id": "task1397-1aab73ef51714540ad2d30944cc1e205",
            "input": "La presse et les autres m\u00e9dia  constituent un autre canal important pour atteindre les citoyens de l'UE.",
            "output": [
                "Press and other media  is another important channel to reach the EU citizens."
            "id": "task1397-29806432d2fb41d29134195decfce27d",
            "input": "Collaborer avec des experts issus de diff\u00e9rents horizons permet \u00e0 l'ECDC de concentrer en son sein l\u2019ensemble des connaissances europ\u00e9ennes en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9, et ainsi d\u2019\u00e9mettre des avis scientifiques autoris\u00e9s concernant les risques li\u00e9s aux maladies infectieuses actuelles et \u00e9mergentes.",
            "output": [
                "By working with experts throughout Europe, ECDC pools Europe's health knowledge, so as to develop authoritative scientific opinions about the risks posed by current and emerging infectious diseases."
            "id": "task1397-7490894c0b74472585a4efb3100c2079",
            "input": "Fi\u00e8vre h\u00e9morragique virale",
            "output": [
                "Viral haemorrhagic fever"
            "id": "task1397-e4f7a5bf666c4000ad616c8c280d6d65",
            "input": "- Communication sur les menaces",
            "output": [
                "- Threats communication"
            "id": "task1397-f62612be51e5479ba3d2a01d2a4c501e",
            "input": "Gouvernance",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-f64709cef310408cb8c77f07d266f070",
            "input": "Revues ECDC",
            "output": [
                "ECDC Reviews"
            "id": "task1397-697fbc99034e4846b78f1eadb35bc9a5",
            "input": "Les parasites sont tout aussi pathog\u00e8nes pour l\u2019homme que pour les animaux, notamment les chiens, les chats, les vaches et les moutons.",
            "output": [
                "The parasites could cause disease equally in humans and animals such as dogs, cats, cows and sheep."
            "id": "task1397-9027f0c40dc14b85a5cc04c7e642ce4b",
            "input": "TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 DE A \u00c0 Z",
            "output": [
                "HEALTH TOPICS A-Z"
            "id": "task1397-c2fd2adf49db429ca8fa45db81f605ab",
            "input": "L\u2019ECDC a \u00e9t\u00e9 institu\u00e9 afin de fournir \u00e0 l\u2019UE et aux \u00c9tats membres des avis ind\u00e9pendants et autoris\u00e9s sur les menaces que repr\u00e9sentent les maladies infectieuses pour la sant\u00e9 humaine.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC was established to provide the EU and its Member States with independent and authoritative advice on threats to human health from infectious diseases."
            "id": "task1397-e36ed20cfae04080b7ddf29c94cfd9ec",
            "input": "L\u2019ECDC travaille en \u00e9troite collaboration avec les 27 \u00c9tats membres de l\u2019UE, mais \u00e9galement avec les pays de l\u2019EEE/AELE (Norv\u00e8ge, Islande et Liechtenstein), les pays candidats (Croatie, ancienne R\u00e9publique yougoslave de Mac\u00e9doine et Turquie) et les pays candidats potentiels (Albanie, Bosnie-Herz\u00e9govine, Serbie-et-Mont\u00e9n\u00e9gro et Kosovo en vertu de la r\u00e9solution 1244du Conseil de s\u00e9curit\u00e9 des Nations Unies).",
            "output": [
                "ECDC will work closely with the 27 EU Member States, but also with the EEA/EFTA countries (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein), candidate countries (Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey) and potential candidate countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, and Kosovo under UN Security Council Resolution 1244)."
            "id": "task1397-aa6f9270fed04c15b4bf752417585b6e",
            "input": "Situ\u00e9 au rez-de-chauss\u00e9e, il est compos\u00e9 de cinq pi\u00e8ces principales:",
            "output": [
                "Is located on the ground floor and it is made of 5 main rooms:"
            "id": "task1397-91a5c12f30ad4ed39ba416a74725a629",
            "input": "outils utilis\u00e9s pour la d\u00e9tection et le suivi des menaces.",
            "output": [
                "tools used for the threat detection and threat tracking."
            "id": "task1397-43527962609e42c0b525857172e073b8",
            "input": "La maladie se caract\u00e9rise par une toux s\u00e9v\u00e8re, durant parfois deux mois, voire plus.",
            "output": [
                "The disease is characterised by a severe cough, sometimes lasting for two months or even longer."
            "id": "task1397-8541fbccd3db4b14b8b38c6e564c2903",
            "input": "Le CEPCM d\u00e9veloppe actuellement un r\u00e9seau europ\u00e9en Environnement - \u00c9pid\u00e9miologie (E3) qui a pour finalit\u00e9 de combiner l\u2019intelligence \u00e9pid\u00e9mique et la surveillance des maladies infectieuses (projets TESSy et TTT actuellement accueillis au CEPCM) avec les donn\u00e9es m\u00e9t\u00e9orologiques, sur la qualit\u00e9 de l\u2019eau et de l\u2019air, les informations t\u00e9l\u00e9-d\u00e9tect\u00e9es, la g\u00e9ologie, etc. L\u2019analyse de ces donn\u00e9es combin\u00e9es permettra aux agences de sant\u00e9 publique et de l\u2019environnement de coordonner leurs travaux.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC is in the process of developing the European Environment and Epidemiology (E3) Network. \u00a0 This network would have the capability to connect epidemic intelligence and infectious disease surveillance (such as Tessy and TTT, both currently housed at ECDC) with meteorological variables, water quality records, air quality measures, remote sensing information, geology, etc.\u00a0 Linking this data will enable coordination between public health and environmental agencies."
            "id": "task1397-deac75b67dfe436fb65646d40e5361c7",
            "input": "Maladie du l\u00e9gionnaire (l\u00e9gionellose)",
            "output": [
                "Legionnaire\u2019s disease (legionellosis)"
            "id": "task1397-5ed7308c63e34f9587d11033046d0ff5",
            "input": "L\u2019Unit\u00e9 de conseil scientifique (UCS) s\u2019efforce d\u2019atteindre cet objectif.",
            "output": [
                "Scientific Advice Unit (SAU) work focuses on achieving this goal."
            "id": "task1397-20d59f161b4d42d1b3e71a5ff3a8b379",
            "input": "La grippe aviaire peut parfois toucher des hommes en contact \u00e9troit avec des oiseaux et des produits d\u2019origine aviaire, mais il est rare que cela entra\u00eene des probl\u00e8mes.",
            "output": [
                "Bird flu can occasionally infect humans who have close contacts with birds and bird products but it rarely causes problems."
            "id": "task1397-57bafa5ac08c433280a58d0d389d494c",
            "input": "Coqueluche",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-e55f1e510048430ebe660ad8bed0858c",
            "input": "Les patients sont trait\u00e9s par chirurgie et anthelminthiques sp\u00e9cifiques.",
            "output": [
                "Patients are treated with surgery and the specific anti-helminthic drugs."
            "id": "task1397-fc9a8fedbd8d4e9aa8e475ed54f128c3",
            "input": "Le traitement antibiotique administr\u00e9 \u00e0 temps se montre efficace et le taux de mortalit\u00e9 est faible, mais augmente avec l\u2019\u00e2ge et peut atteindre jusqu\u2019\u00e0 20 %, voire plus, pour les formes s\u00e9v\u00e8res de la maladie accompagn\u00e9es de complications.",
            "output": [
                "Timely antibiotic treatment is effective, and the death rate is low, but does increase with advancing age and may reach up to 20% or more in complicated cases with severe disease."
            "id": "task1397-dbc163de5ca949e9a8b36bb98840cb74",
            "input": "Qui suis-je?",
            "output": [
                "Who am I?"
            "id": "task1397-85c1bd765a1d4465acf8ebab10e1ee4f",
            "input": "Les fonctionnaires qui pr\u00e9parent les contrats doivent en d\u00e9finir les caract\u00e9ristiques, en calculer le montant total et pr\u00e9ciser leur dur\u00e9e.",
            "output": [
                "Officers preparing contracts must define their characteristics, calculate their total expenditure and specify their duration."
            "id": "task1397-9514d6a8a7244673aa6b95f1bbbd970f",
            "input": "En particulier, l\u2019ECDC est couvert contre tous les frais, poursuites, r\u00e9clamations, d\u00e9penses et dettes r\u00e9sultant d\u2019un quelconque manquement par toute personne morale ou physique \u00e0 la suite d\u2019une garantie qui proviendrait d\u2019une fausse d\u00e9claration.",
            "output": [
                "In particular, ECDC is indemnified from and against all costs, proceedings, claims, expenses and liabilities whatsoever arising from any breach by any legal or natural person as a result of any representation or warranty providing to be a misrepresentation."
            "id": "task1397-a3303e24854d4e3fb709e6046dac69cf",
            "input": "Quelque chose a-t-il chang\u00e9 concernant la grippe saisonni\u00e8re?",
            "output": [
                "Has anything changed with seasonal influenza?"
            "id": "task1397-bb4d451b80dd40b3ab4a85f4f6430879",
            "input": "La maladie est pr\u00e9sente principalement en Europe, en Am\u00e9rique du Nord et dans les r\u00e9gions temp\u00e9r\u00e9es d\u2019Asie.",
            "output": [
                "The disease can be found mainly in Europe, North America and temperate Asia."
            "id": "task1397-560a39f7d3d440afbd7f0bde2a06f84f",
            "input": "- Analyse multivariables",
            "output": [
                "- Multivariable analysis"
            "id": "task1397-f79a1de7418c4cf38fc9fd45534117e1",
            "input": "Si le patient survit, la peste bubonique se caract\u00e9rise par le gonflement des ganglions lymphatiques locaux (bubons) qui disparaissent ult\u00e9rieurement. Le patient finit g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement par gu\u00e9rir.",
            "output": [
                "If the patient survives, bubonic plague is characterised by swelling of regional lymph nodes (bubos), which later resolve, and then the patient usually goes on to recover."
            "id": "task1397-df7619e5706841339c1b492b0ab549f4",
            "input": "CAS DE Chikungunya En ItalIE \u2013 AO\u00dbt 2007",
            "output": [
                "Chikungunya in Italy \u2013 August 2007"
            "id": "task1397-fe1cf5af39e444fd982575abf5421563",
            "input": "Elle peut \u00eatre asymptomatique ou caract\u00e9ris\u00e9e par une infection symptomatique aigu\u00eb ou chronique.",
            "output": [
                "Hepatitis B can be either without symptoms or acute or chronic symptomatic infection."
            "id": "task1397-abbcdc0750e2406ca68290d00b785fa6",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s une p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation d\u2019environ trois semaines, ces derni\u00e8res peuvent en effet pr\u00e9senter une maladie de type grippal qui gu\u00e9rit d\u2019elle-m\u00eame, mais qui peut atteindre l\u2019ut\u00e9rus.",
            "output": [
                "After an incubation period of about three weeks pregnant women may suffer from a self-limiting influenza-like illness which may affect the uterus."
            "id": "task1397-52950ae8f25649109cc25511990dd6f8",
            "input": "Yersinia enterocolitica et Yersinia pseudotuberculosis.",
            "output": [
                "Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis."
            "id": "task1397-bb9469817c62455e8f9d8a6918fd16c6",
            "input": "Une fois le diagnostic \u00e9tabli, une gonorrh\u00e9e sans complication se soigne g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement par une dose unique d\u2019antibiotique adapt\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "Once a diagnosis is made, uncomplicated gonorrhoea is usually cured by a single dose of a suitable antibiotic."
            "id": "task1397-e093227189ba43e7ad3124ae58e7bce9",
            "input": "\u00c0 intervalles irr\u00e9guliers, g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement quelques dizaines d\u2019ann\u00e9es, appara\u00eet un nouveau virus grippal inconnu de tout ou partie de la population\u00a0; l\u2019homme poss\u00e8de donc une immunit\u00e9 tr\u00e8s faible contre ce nouveau virus.",
            "output": [
                "At irregular intervals, usually of a few decades, a new influenza virus emerges which is novel to all or most people which means that there can be little specific immunity among humans."
            "id": "task1397-cf744c3c7f7841a0908e9c76284f5136",
            "input": "Formation de formateurs",
            "output": [
                "Training trainers"
            "id": "task1397-7487670f746749809fc3c48738827a34",
            "input": "Encourager, lancer et coordonner des \u00e9tudes scientifiques",
            "output": [
                "Promoting, initiating and coordinating scientific studies"
            "id": "task1397-ade2438f22b94e59aae75d71c6c4a265",
            "input": "Ce premier projet de liste a fait l\u2019objet d\u2019une discussion entre plusieurs experts r\u00e9unis \u00e0 Stockholm en janvier 2007 et a \u00e9t\u00e9 examin\u00e9 par le groupe de travail de l\u2019Unit\u00e9 de pr\u00e9paration et de r\u00e9action.",
            "output": [
                "The first draft list was discussed in an expert meeting held in January 2007 in Stockholm, and reviewed by the working group of the Preparedness and Response Unit."
            "id": "task1397-fbc901a549a04c78bfc04c4b7def12fe",
            "input": "Cependant, l\u2019intol\u00e9rance aux effets ind\u00e9sirables et l\u2019apparition de souches r\u00e9sistantes restent deux sources d\u2019inqui\u00e9tude.",
            "output": [
                "However, intolerance to side effects and appearance of resistant strains remain causes for concern."
            "id": "task1397-e01f9d6b747b4ebda18f9879fcc7da69",
            "input": "Le changement climatique peut avoir un effet sur la qualit\u00e9 et la disponibilit\u00e9 de l\u2019eau (potable et de baignade) tout en augmentant \u00e9galement les risques d\u2019inondation dans certaines r\u00e9gions.",
            "output": [
                "Climate change may influence water quality and availability (drinking and bathing) while also leading to increased risks of flooding in some regions."
            "id": "task1397-38972b753abb4571b1cfc2f8cc7a135b",
            "input": "Les patients sont contagieux deux semaines avant l\u2019apparition des sympt\u00f4mes et au moins une semaine apr\u00e8s leur apparition.",
            "output": [
                "Patients are infectious from two weeks before the onset of symptoms and may continue to be infectious for one week or more after."
            "id": "task1397-53791266eb2446d7b062aea1d4ebd47e",
            "input": "Cette visite avait pour finalit\u00e9 d\u2019estimer le risque d\u2019\u00e9tablissement et de propagation du virus du chikungunya dans l\u2019UE et d\u2019analyser les r\u00e9percussions potentielles de ce foyer dans l\u2019UE et les autres pays d\u2019Europe.",
            "output": [
                "The visit aimed at estimating the risk of establishment and spread of Chikungunya virus transmission in the European Union, and at exploring the potential implications of the outbreak for the EU and other European countries."
            "id": "task1397-79499b15811044f4834f7e1a42f00084",
            "input": "D\u2019autres cours d\u2019une semaine ont eu lieu en 2008 sur les th\u00e8mes suivants:",
            "output": [
                "Additional one-week courses organized in 2008 were:"
            "id": "task1397-cc13b0fab8ce4f40ae890386ac4b80e8",
            "input": "id\u00e9es re\u00e7ues, ignorance, absence de campagnes de sensibilisation sont souvent \u00e0 la base de l\u2019\u00e9chec des strat\u00e9gies de vaccination.",
            "output": [
                "false beliefs, ignorance, lack of advocacy are often on the basis of the failure of vaccination strategies."
            "id": "task1397-76237ca6a29c4f5bbb46db19064dd4ca",
            "input": "Que pouvons-nous attendre?",
            "output": [
                "What can we expect?"
            "id": "task1397-3821d8c6fc814d5b855000a71ef72bc4",
            "input": "L\u2019homme peut contracter la leptospirose par contact direct avec l\u2019urine d\u2019animaux infect\u00e9s ou par contact avec des mati\u00e8res contamin\u00e9es par celle-ci, comme l\u2019eau ou la terre.",
            "output": [
                "Humans acquire leptospirosis either from direct contact with the urine of infected animals, or from contact with material contaminated by it, such as water or soil."
            "id": "task1397-90ca25f42b3046459dec4338029f44f7",
            "input": "Cet exercice a fourni l\u2019occasion aux participants de tester davantage le POGMS et les proc\u00e9dures internes en mati\u00e8re de r\u00e9action \u00e0 des situations d\u2019urgence d\u2019origine inconnue.",
            "output": [
                "It was an opportunity to further test the PHEOP and internal procedures regarding reaction to emergencies of unknown origin."
            "id": "task1397-b9a51f0e5c2d4957be85a3a58deb785d",
            "input": "aide \u00e0 renforcer les syst\u00e8mes de surveillance nationaux.",
            "output": [
                "Support strengthening of national surveillance systems"
            "id": "task1397-8e4b4ad627434be5a0f7a480d11a4e4a",
            "input": "Les bact\u00e9ries Listeria sont tr\u00e8s r\u00e9pandues dans l\u2019environnement et des \u00e9pid\u00e9mies d\u2019origine alimentaire ont \u00e9t\u00e9 observ\u00e9es dans le monde entier.",
            "output": [
                "Listeria bacteria are ubiquitous in the environment, and food-borne outbreaks have been detected worldwide."
            "id": "task1397-60be538cc5b14ff2bf37625cb6dcbba0",
            "input": "- Programme de formation \u00e0 l'\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie de terrain (PROFET)",
            "output": [
                "- Programme de formation \u00e0 l'\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie de terrain (PROFET)"
            "id": "task1397-d489c3e8507b4f27942eff2cc864cd43",
            "input": "En savoir plus sur le projet de l\u2019ECDC du groupe d\u2019experts sur le risque biologique",
            "output": [
                "Read more about the ECDC biorisk expert group project"
            "id": "task1397-0bcc2e8b5ac44f338c105c27eb48a763",
            "input": "la planification.",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-94665846e52c49dc9f05f7aff5590190",
            "input": "Pour pr\u00e9venir la transmission, il convient d\u2019\u00e9viter la p\u00e9n\u00e9tration des prions dans les cha\u00eenes alimentaires humaines ou animales et de s\u00e9curiser les pratiques m\u00e9dicales (transfusions) et chirurgicales.",
            "output": [
                "Preventive measures include ensuring that prions do not enter the human or animal food chains and that medical (transfusions) and surgical practices are conducted safely."
            "id": "task1397-74262c41b7bf4886845a6e1c27e5d2c3",
            "input": "Grippe aviaire",
            "output": [
                "Avian influenza"
            "id": "task1397-9c885d8f12864761996032dad5e964da",
            "input": "Dans ce contexte, et apr\u00e8s des exp\u00e9riences similaires, le CEPCM a organis\u00e9 une consultation avec des experts pour \u00e9valuer s\u2019il est n\u00e9cessaire d\u2019informer des voyageurs \u00e9ventuellement expos\u00e9s \u00e0 la bact\u00e9rie de l\u00e9gionellose apr\u00e8s l\u2019identification d\u2019un \u00eelot, et pour informer les \u00c9tats membres de la marche \u00e0 suivre.",
            "output": [
                "Related to this and following similar experiences, ECDC organized a consultation of experts to assess the rationale for informing travellers who are possibly exposed to Legionella bacteria after the identification of a cluster alert, and to provide guidance to Member States accordingly."
            "id": "task1397-7e902590b4f04af5a9ddcd37db00e060",
            "input": "La p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation des cas symptomatiques est comprise entre deux et sept semaines.",
            "output": [
                "The incubation period of symptomatic cases ranges between two and seven weeks."
            "id": "task1397-6a81ccc427e746789915c152bd6b2691",
            "input": "Le forum consultatif aide le directeur \u00e0 assurer la qualit\u00e9 des travaux scientifiques de l\u2019ECDC.",
            "output": [
                "The Advisory Forum advises the Director of the Centre on the quality of the scientific work undertaken by ECDC."
            "id": "task1397-6e76833f7031447ea49cbc43bc922efe",
            "input": "ECDC:",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-c7c333e899f447deaa04dccd69c34760",
            "input": "Deux sont pr\u00e9sents en Europe (lyssavirus de chauve-souris europ\u00e9enne 1 et 2).",
            "output": [
                "Of these, two are present in Europe (European bat lyssavirus 1 and 2)."
            "id": "task1397-09b0177a7ca44941a6095d393a9d4295",
            "input": "Microsoft Powerpoint Viewer 2003  pour Windows (pr\u00e9sentations Microsoft PowerPoint)",
            "output": [
                "Microsoft Powerpoint Viewer 2003  for Windows (for Microsoft PowerPoint presentations)"
            "id": "task1397-21c95d9f3c33453e8c2a676cd66c4d34",
            "input": "Cependant, chez l\u2019homme, l\u2019infection au virus Sindbis a \u00e9t\u00e9 signal\u00e9e presque exclusivement en Europe du Nord o\u00f9 elle est end\u00e9mique et o\u00f9 des \u00e9pid\u00e9mies importantes se produisent par intermittence.",
            "output": [
                "However, clinical SINV infection in humans has almost exclusively been reported in Northern Europe where it is endemic and where large outbreaks occur intermittently."
            "id": "task1397-bd245317d67645eb93b6c66f43553ac0",
            "input": "Chaque Hantavirus est sp\u00e9cifique d\u2019un h\u00f4te rongeur donn\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "Each Hantavirus is specific to a different rodent host."
            "id": "task1397-d7eb7ffddb374e7c937042951c70d553",
            "input": "Parmi les manifestations les plus courantes, on peut citer la fi\u00e8vre, les douleurs musculaires et les infections oculaires.",
            "output": [
                "Fever, muscle ache and eye infection are very frequent."
            "id": "task1397-2d58bb95500941019f4753e843e792e2",
            "input": "TUBERCULOSE XDR/MDR CONTRACT\u00c9E PAR UN VOYAGEUR Am\u00c9ricaIN \u2013 MaI/JuIn 2007",
            "output": [
                "X/MDR-TB in an American traveller \u2013 May/June 2007"
            "id": "task1397-9c617e5749d142299c7f3d4f2834388b",
            "input": "Dipht\u00e9rie",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-912737fcb0564f429cd6fc30c3501ed4",
            "input": "Toutefois, si certains documents et fichiers n\u00e9cessitent que vous installiez d\u2019autres logiciels sur votre ordinateur, voici une liste de logiciels utiles:",
            "output": [
                "However, if you do encounter documents and files that require you to install additional software on your computer, here is a list of useful software:"
            "id": "task1397-f7b3d8395ed54102a772f5caee0b7a0d",
            "input": "- Le Centre agit en \u00e9troite collaboration avec la Commission et les \u00c9tats membres afin d\u2019assurer l\u2019indispensable coh\u00e9rence du processus de communication sur les risques relatifs aux menaces pour la sant\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "- The Centre shall act in close collaboration with the Member States and the Commission to promote the necessary coherence in the risk communication process on health threats."
            "id": "task1397-c3046759cbad42dcab0db714b1d37ad5",
            "input": "Il s'agit d'un virus hautement pathog\u00e8ne.",
            "output": [
                "It is a highly pathogenic virus."
            "id": "task1397-cc6c1fe66f5e4d6ca7c45a8772a4ab8a",
            "input": "Les menaces de bioterrorisme \u00e0 l\u2019anthrax ont fait l\u2019objet d\u2019enqu\u00eates en Europe.",
            "output": [
                "Anthrax-related bioterrorist threats have been investigated in Europe."
            "id": "task1397-28e6e433ee91455b917ae0209320cb83",
            "input": "Les mesures prophylactiques visent tous les stades de l\u2019approvisionnement alimentaire, de la production \u00e0 la distribution et \u00e0 la consommation.",
            "output": [
                "Prophylactic measures are aimed at all stages of food supply, from production to distribution and consumption."
            "id": "task1397-304621fb676e4f85a0eec394660a0d93",
            "input": "Environ 8\u00a0% des patients (les enfants de moins de cinq ans et les personnes \u00e2g\u00e9es \u00e9tant les plus sensibles) d\u00e9veloppent un \u00absyndrome h\u00e9molytique et ur\u00e9mique\u00bb (SHU), caract\u00e9ris\u00e9 par une insuffisance r\u00e9nale aigu\u00eb, des saignements et des sympt\u00f4mes neurologiques.",
            "output": [
                "However, about 8% of patients (children under five years old and the elderly being the most susceptible) may develop \u201chaemolytic uraemic syndrome\u201d (HUS), characterised by acute kidney failure, bleeding and neurological symptoms."
            "id": "task1397-dc4cdd51bbb24058a7ea8c8636186533",
            "input": "Garder des liens avec des partenaires de formation en sant\u00e9 publique peut favoriser la coh\u00e9rence de nos activit\u00e9s avec le cadre g\u00e9n\u00e9ral de la formation en sant\u00e9 publique.",
            "output": [
                "Keeping links with partners in public health training may facilitate consistency with the public health training framework."
            "id": "task1397-5b5a7c9daa19402c8045840a2c2a7a27",
            "input": "Il semble s\u2019agir d\u2019un virus animal ayant r\u00e9cemment travers\u00e9 la barri\u00e8re de l\u2019esp\u00e8ce pour infecter l\u2019homme.",
            "output": [
                "This is believed to be an animal virus that recently crossed the species barrier to infect humans."
            "id": "task1397-ac8fe84fb5c549dba497c03e5b9ea6e4",
            "input": "Marc Sprenger a pris ses fonctions le 1er mai 2010, pour une dur\u00e9e de cinq ans.",
            "output": [
                "Dr Sprenger took up his post on 1 May 2010 for a period of five years."
            "id": "task1397-a602051dfaad4a87bf30c2b82934b43f",
            "input": "ST:",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-4d4e5caf95f9428093a380df6c99c543",
            "input": "La bact\u00e9rie Escherichia coli (E. coli) est tr\u00e8s fr\u00e9quente dans le tractus gastro-intestinal: elle fait partie de la flore bact\u00e9rienne normale.",
            "output": [
                "Escherichia coli (E.coli) are very common bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, and part of the normal bacterial flora."
            "id": "task1397-111ea48f67a4411098157a0d9d99cc15",
            "input": "Le changement climatique est en effet tangible:",
            "output": [
                "Climate change is indeed tangible:"
            "id": "task1397-daddf74ae5b742be9292b432be3b7302",
            "input": "Le directeur de l\u2019ECDC a parfois particip\u00e9 \u00e0 ces r\u00e9unions minist\u00e9rielles pour exposer l\u2019analyse des experts du Centre et formuler des avis.",
            "output": [
                "The Director of ECDC has, on occasion, participated in these ministerial meetings to give Centre\u2019s expert analysis and advice."
            "id": "task1397-f29dde8efa2c46d5bfe642b1dcd45694",
            "input": "Les manifestations cliniques vont d\u2019une diarrh\u00e9e l\u00e9g\u00e8re \u00e0 une infection s\u00e9v\u00e8re de la paroi du gros intestin mettant en jeu le pronostic vital.",
            "output": [
                "The clinical spectrum ranges from mild diarrhoea to severe life threatening infection of the wall of the large bowel."
            "id": "task1397-38efad17bdaa40ca8f882f0948d01f5d",
            "input": "La toxoplasmose est une infection due au parasite Toxoplasma gondii.",
            "output": [
                "Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii."
            "id": "task1397-96d232d008c64f11ae24c70d5d935743",
            "input": "Les principales conclusions scientifiques et techniques de l\u2019ECDC sont diffus\u00e9es sous forme de rapports techniques et scientifiques r\u00e9dig\u00e9s par des experts internes et externes.",
            "output": [
                "The main scientific output from ECDC is disseminated through the technical and scientific reports, which are authored by internal and external experts."
            "id": "task1397-8281b23a2bc44823b71f1e23f5fa1086",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-8663edfd31e64636b5347a5a3e2e9c54",
            "input": "Utiliser des outils de marketing social pour mener des programmes d\u2019am\u00e9lioration de la sant\u00e9 publique peut contribuer \u00e0 en pr\u00e9ciser les objectifs et \u00e0 rendre ces programmes plus performants en d\u00e9pit de ressources en sant\u00e9 publique limit\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "Using social marketing tools to conduct public health improvement programs can help to clarify goals and improve success with limited public health resources."
            "id": "task1397-b461e12bc45c4554b0a4550839e0d629",
            "input": "- Mat\u00e9riel de formation",
            "output": [
                "- Training material"
            "id": "task1397-e4412f2a8a2041f19c8f6983425f20a7",
            "input": "Un virus de la grippe d\u2019un animal/oiseau qui s\u2019adapte \u00e0 l\u2019homme et devient transmissible perdrait une partie de sa dangerosit\u00e9 pour l\u2019homme.",
            "output": [
                "It is thought that as animal/bird influenza adapts to humans and becomes transmissible it also loses some of its severity for humans."
            "id": "task1397-cbbc6479524b4163a6a857aee469d5a6",
            "input": "La maladie est end\u00e9mique dans plusieurs r\u00e9gions du monde, y compris l\u2019Europe du Sud et de l\u2019Est.",
            "output": [
                "The disease is endemic in several regions of the world, including southern and eastern Europe."
            "id": "task1397-edab07abe08748e38833135dc10d7fe1",
            "input": "Cependant, un essai r\u00e9cent r\u00e9alis\u00e9 au Canada montre qu'il est possible d'associer des mesures de contr\u00f4le de l'infection \u00e0 une prescription d'antibiotiques optimis\u00e9e.",
            "output": [
                "However, recent experience from Canada shows that this may be possible by combining infection control measures combined with optimisation of antimicrobial prescribing."
            "id": "task1397-a03a720efb2544e7a0b48eb040c778bd",
            "input": "Les deux r\u00e9seaux re\u00e7oivent des financements du CEPCM par le biais d\u2019appels d\u2019offres.",
            "output": [
                "Both networks receive funding from ECDC through public tenders."
            "id": "task1397-0c270886b6e144599bfc47c7a2c812a8",
            "input": "Depuis 1997, une nouvelle souche plus virulente de virus influenza aviaire tr\u00e8s pathog\u00e8ne (A/H5N1) est apparue chez la volaille domestique et l\u2019homme, d\u2019abord dans le sud de la Chine, o\u00f9 a eu lieu la premi\u00e8re transmission interhumaine.",
            "output": [
                "Since 1997 a new and more deadly strain of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (A/H5N1) has appeared in domestic poultry and humans, initially in southern China where the first human-to-human transmission took place."
            "id": "task1397-86793c3726d84613b8a8ad527e070a7c",
            "input": "Afin de limiter la propagation de l\u2019infection, il convient d\u2019\u00e9liminer de fa\u00e7on ad\u00e9quate les animaux morts en d\u00e9sinfectant, en d\u00e9contaminant et en \u00e9liminant des mat\u00e9riaux contamin\u00e9s et en d\u00e9contaminant l\u2019environnement.",
            "output": [
                "Control measures include the correct disposal of dead animal: disinfection, decontamination and disposal of contaminated materials and decontamination of the environment."
            "id": "task1397-f438214f86db4ffabc239f9b8eac4871",
            "input": "Coop\u00e9rer avec nous",
            "output": [
                "Working with us"
            "id": "task1397-cd33fc83b799464ebb3702186b21da9c",
            "input": "La m\u00e9ningite \u00e0  Streptococcus suis  est actuellement la deuxi\u00e8me cause la plus fr\u00e9quente de m\u00e9ningite bact\u00e9rienne aigu\u00eb chez les adultes en Tha\u00eflande.",
            "output": [
                "Streptococcus suis meningitis is currently the second most common cause of acute bacterial meningitis in adults in Thailand."
            "id": "task1397-358cc425e4084da1a3eb0325cc3bd96e",
            "input": "La communication sur les menaces (CDTR)",
            "output": [
                "Threat Communication (CDTR)"
            "id": "task1397-57c2c30e147f4dbfade960701063c84c",
            "input": "Ligne directe pour les m\u00e9dias: :",
            "output": [
                "Media hotline :"
            "id": "task1397-90dab337f68b477e968ea05ef0872967",
            "input": "Voir tous les avis de vacance",
            "output": [
                "View all job vacancies"
            "id": "task1397-1056668a26904ab68f1975b2592ed2fd",
            "input": "Comment l\u2019ECDC est-il financ\u00e9?",
            "output": [
                "How is ECDC funded?"
            "id": "task1397-a3f8f15094874065a530880d703c5d50",
            "input": "M. Andrea Ammon, chef de l\u2019Unit\u00e9 de surveillance:",
            "output": [
                "Dr Andrea Ammon, Head of Surveillance Unit"
            "id": "task1397-c678a6c461ef438e950369661c2b4c44",
            "input": "Il en existe diff\u00e9rents types, certains \u00e9tant incorpor\u00e9s \u00e0 un navigateur et d\u2019autres \u00e9tant des applications t\u00e9l\u00e9chargeables.",
            "output": [
                "There are many different versions, some of which are accessed using a browser, and some of which are downloadable applications."
            "id": "task1397-414954d05e62480c846fbd0396ca6e45",
            "input": "La surveillance est indispensable pour pouvoir comprendre l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie des maladies infectieuses.",
            "output": [
                "Surveillance is essential to understanding the epidemiology of infectious diseases."
            "id": "task1397-e08e05f7003a4ab9863757e1eecde5a3",
            "input": "Parmi les mesures pr\u00e9ventives g\u00e9n\u00e9rales, on peut citer la protection contre les piq\u00fbres de tiques, la non-consommation d\u2019eau potentiellement contamin\u00e9e et la cuisson ad\u00e9quate de la viande de lapin et de li\u00e8vre.",
            "output": [
                "General preventive measures include protection against tick bites, avoid drinking potentially contaminated water, and ensure that rabbit and hare meat is cooked thoroughly."
            "id": "task1397-b50ed129043e478e80c69f8e80def7e2",
            "input": "Voir tous les points de contact nationaux microbiologie",
            "output": [
                "View all NMFPs"
            "id": "task1397-b85cd2d7275f44858d42ffe91d1736a7",
            "input": "Le danger pour l\u2019homme provient du fort pouvoir pathog\u00e8ne de la souche chez les quelques personnes contractant l\u2019infection.",
            "output": [
                "The danger to humans lies in the fact that the strain is highly pathogenic in those few humans that do become infected."
            "id": "task1397-8be1f19fe2d241b4b8841c1168a0de9c",
            "input": "En se basant sur cette analyse de donn\u00e9es publi\u00e9es, le Centre europ\u00e9en de pr\u00e9vention et de contr\u00f4le des maladies (ECDC) a estim\u00e9 qu\u2019il fallait s\u2019attaquer aux probl\u00e8mes techniques en \u00e9laborant un programme permettant de mettre en place un r\u00e9seau environnemental et \u00e9pid\u00e9miologique qui servirait de lien entre les ressources existantes.",
            "output": [
                "Based on this review of published the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has identified the need to tackle the technical challenges by developing a blueprint for an environmental and epidemiological network that would link existing resources."
            "id": "task1397-2bed89b36907442aafcecf2901251ed3",
            "input": "jusqu\u2019\u00e0 15\u00a0% des cas hospitalis\u00e9s peuvent d\u00e9c\u00e9der. Le traitement pr\u00e9coce par antir\u00e9troviraux est efficace et de bonnes conditions d\u2019hygi\u00e8ne permettent de pr\u00e9venir l\u2019infection.",
            "output": [
                "Early treatment with antiviral drugs is effective, and infection is prevented through good hygiene conditions."
            "id": "task1397-7fa1774f4be44cfc9acaf6b0c2e7df0b",
            "input": "HASH - VIH/SIDA, Infections sexuellement transmissibles et H\u00e9patites",
            "output": [
                "HASH - HIV/AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Infections and Hepatitis"
            "id": "task1397-8d9d7618117f4ded96421833af9a3c5e",
            "input": "Le risque de transmission m\u00e8re-enfant est compris entre 3 et 5\u00a0%, mais en cas d\u2019infection simultan\u00e9e par le VIH, il peut atteindre 15\u00a0%.",
            "output": [
                "The risk of mother-to-child transmission is around 3\u20135%, but in cases of simultaneous HIV infection it may reach 15%."
            "id": "task1397-d078cd50a25a4704b738716ee43a7586",
            "input": "L\u2019h\u00e9patite C est consid\u00e9r\u00e9e comme la principale cause de cancer du foie et de greffes de foie en Europe et aux \u00c9tats-Unis.",
            "output": [
                "Hepatitis C is considered to be the leading cause of liver cancer and liver transplants in Europe and the USA."
            "id": "task1397-0c05dbee5ee846978ae4d91a04237f0c",
            "input": "Sensibilisation aux questions de sant\u00e9",
            "output": [
                "Health advocacy"
            "id": "task1397-657a4ead4ae2467ba6b8c495bd1ccc38",
            "input": "R\u00e9cemment mis \u00e0 jour!",
            "output": [
                "Recently updated!"
            "id": "task1397-4e8ca3c598bc47329f29412180f5a048",
            "input": "L\u2019homme est le seul r\u00e9servoir d\u2019infection.",
            "output": [
                "Humans are the only reservoir of infection."
            "id": "task1397-a0289d14b8d84119b297e01eebe71b08",
            "input": "La m\u00e9ningococcie est due \u00e0 la bact\u00e9rie Neisseria meningitidis dont l\u2019homme est le seul r\u00e9servoir.",
            "output": [
                "Meningococcal disease is caused by Neisseria meningitidis, a bacterium with human carriers as the only reservoir."
            "id": "task1397-ff960ad5ed0d4bb0ab22ea5d4074cf43",
            "input": "C. difficile peut \u00eatre transmis d\u2019un patient \u00e0 l\u2019autre, par l\u2019interm\u00e9diaire des mains contamin\u00e9es de soignants ou par la contamination de l\u2019environnement.",
            "output": [
                "The transmission of C. difficile can be patient-to-patient, via contaminated hands of healthcare workers or by environmental contamination."
            "id": "task1397-dc7f8d5b8e174ff5a4a1c55a7cc85c8c",
            "input": "Le  bureau du directeur s\u2019acquitte de l\u2019ensemble de la coordination et est charg\u00e9 des relations externes et de la coop\u00e9ration avec les pays.",
            "output": [
                "The  Director's Office carries out the overall coordinating role, and is responsible for external relations and country cooperation."
            "id": "task1397-fdb02846713b4c4bbc45634be9996972",
            "input": "Surveillance de la grippe: synth\u00e8se hebdomadaire",
            "output": [
                "Weekly Influenza Surveillance Overview"
            "id": "task1397-476e85ad5b2143e294a518af87970c93",
            "input": "Si l\u2019infection touche un individu pr\u00e9sentant une d\u00e9ficience du syst\u00e8me immunitaire, le syst\u00e8me nerveux peut \u00eatre gravement atteint, de m\u00eame que d\u2019autres organes.",
            "output": [
                "Infection in individuals with impaired immunity tends to seriously affect the central nervous system, but also other organs may be affected."
            "id": "task1397-072b02b935144d40a7c8271beaa1e77b",
            "input": "Les kystes de Toxoplasma peuvent survivre longtemps dans l\u2019environnement et contaminer ainsi des fruits et des l\u00e9gumes\u00a0; les kystes pr\u00e9sents dans la viande restent infectieux aussi longtemps que la viande reste comestible.",
            "output": [
                "The Toxoplasma cysts can survive in the environment for a long time, contaminating fruit and vegetables, and cysts in meat remain infective as long as the meat is edible."
            "id": "task1397-adfac454ae6d4eaf95fdd573a44d6f0f",
            "input": "B\u00e2timent de l'ECDC",
            "output": [
                "ECDC House"
            "id": "task1397-31edc9a829aa4485814dc5887953cb20",
            "input": "- de calculer la valeur ajout\u00e9e du CEPCM dans le soutien aux \u00c9tats membres",
            "output": [
                "- define the added value of ECDC in supporting MST"
            "id": "task1397-c5c34c3a5fe0436ea3b1c1f07c2af3ce",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s infection, la p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation est comprise entre 16 et 18 jours en moyenne.",
            "output": [
                "Following infection, the incubation period lasts on average 16\u201318 days."
            "id": "task1397-28b3afb788f94e91a45efa318b4ccbc8",
            "input": "MODULES DE FORMATION POUR L\u2019EPIET",
            "output": [
                "Training modules for EPIET"
            "id": "task1397-22f4003e255c4013954aabf58028e334",
            "input": "De 1991 \u00e0 2002, Mme Jakab a occup\u00e9 divers postes, dont celui de coordinatrice \u00e0 la Division de l\u2019information, des bases factuelles et de la communication, de directrice du d\u00e9partement charg\u00e9 du d\u00e9veloppement sanitaire des pays, et de coordinatrice du programme des politiques et des pays et du programme EUROSANT\u00c9.",
            "output": [
                "In the time between 2002 - 1991, she held several posts including Co-ordinator, Division of Information, Evidence and Communication; Director, Country Health Development; Acting Director, Country Health Development; Co-ordinator, Policy and Country Programme, EUROHEALTH Programme."
            "id": "task1397-00d5055f46ac40bcaae3ae38c300c734",
            "input": "NetNewsWire",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-0923623bcf9443148a06397a9462416b",
            "input": "Fi\u00e8vre typho\u00efde et paratypho\u00efde",
            "output": [
                "Typhoid and paratyphoid fever"
            "id": "task1397-7b84d7603b8c4888b01b4d95a5f99633",
            "input": "La Conf\u00e9rence scientifique europ\u00e9enne annuelle sur l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie appliqu\u00e9e des maladies infectieuses (ESCAIDE) est un exemple de ce travail.",
            "output": [
                "An example of such work is the annual European Scientific Conference on Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology (ESCAIDE)."
            "id": "task1397-276f511b43c94ed8b06cd318caf5a2d2",
            "input": "Ces informations ne seront pas r\u00e9utilis\u00e9es \u00e0 des fins incompatibles avec les principes susmentionn\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "The information will not be re-used for an incompatible purpose."
            "id": "task1397-4141a48f49044c79bea96289864bc6e9",
            "input": "Alors regardez ECDC TV, la t\u00e9l\u00e9vision de l\u2019ECDC.",
            "output": [
                "Then watch ECDC TV."
            "id": "task1397-bc17b4104a424249b118d4e61d6e08ef",
            "input": "La capacit\u00e9 paneurop\u00e9enne \u00e0 analyser, pr\u00e9voir et r\u00e9agir aux \u00e9volutions des profils des maladies transmissibles en raison des changements climatiques mondiaux n\u2019est actuellement pas assez d\u00e9velopp\u00e9e.",
            "output": [
                "The pan-European capacity to analyse, predict and respond to changing communicable disease patterns due to global change is currently underdeveloped."
            "id": "task1397-f68a3d55f3c847e387f900733580f6d3",
            "input": "Les principaux r\u00e9servoirs sont les herbivores, qui abritent la bact\u00e9rie dans leurs intestins (sans cons\u00e9quence) et diss\u00e9minent la forme \u00abspore\u00bb de la bact\u00e9rie dans l\u2019environnement avec leurs excr\u00e9ments.",
            "output": [
                "The main reservoirs of the bacterium are herbivores, which harbour the bacteria in their bowels (with no consequences for them) and disseminate the \u201cspore form\u201d of the bacteria in the environment with their faeces."
            "id": "task1397-ece34dd4995a4634849d5d168f36dfee",
            "input": "Cet agent pathog\u00e8ne peut provoquer de graves infections syst\u00e9miques, les plus fr\u00e9quentes \u00e9tant la m\u00e9ningite et la septic\u00e9mie.",
            "output": [
                "The pathogen can cause serious systemic infections, most commonly meningitis and sepsis."
            "id": "task1397-7b526fe3d1884a64af592ca26fbdaf90",
            "input": "Chaque ann\u00e9e, dans l\u2019UE, on estime \u00e0 3\u00a0000\u00a0000 le nombre total de patients contractant une infection associ\u00e9e au syst\u00e8me de sant\u00e9 (IASS)\u00a0; on compte environ 50\u00a0000 d\u00e9c\u00e8s par an dus \u00e0 ce type d\u2019infection.",
            "output": [
                "The total number of patients getting a healthcare-associated infection (HCAI) in the EU every year can be estimated at 3\u00a0000\u00a0000 and approximately 50\u00a0000 deaths are estimated to occur every year as a consequence of the infection."
            "id": "task1397-8042f3e946e24ca687764c4aa5af2619",
            "input": "Syndrome respiratoire aigu s\u00e9v\u00e8re (SRAS)",
            "output": [
                "Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)"
            "id": "task1397-158c011e4dbc4e2a8af299bb785b0b19",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s l\u2019inhalation accidentelle de la toxine par des personnes travaillant en laboratoire, des sympt\u00f4mes sont apparus apr\u00e8s une p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation nettement plus courte.",
            "output": [
                "Following laboratory accidents, the toxin has also caused symptoms on inhalation, with a substantially reduced incubation period."
            "id": "task1397-efb29e9056564ac9bc9b7f2868112438",
            "input": "Tableau 4.",
            "output": [
                "Table 4."
            "id": "task1397-969614d1a560417c8f4e4b7d45df12d5",
            "input": "les modalit\u00e9s selon lesquelles vous pouvez avoir acc\u00e8s aux informations qui vous concernent, v\u00e9rifier leur exactitude et, au besoin, les corriger.",
            "output": [
                "How you can access your information, verify its accuracy and, if necessary, correct it."
            "id": "task1397-bc5565bcfc6947898d844e5cb46a6674",
            "input": "Navigateurs avec fonctions d\u2019accessibilit\u00e9",
            "output": [
                "Browsers with accessibility functions"
            "id": "task1397-999b257e3a0e486a86d81f3ffe402c72",
            "input": "Comment les donn\u00e9es sont-elles trait\u00e9es par l\u2019ECDC?",
            "output": [
                "How are data processed by ECDC?"
            "id": "task1397-093104a2baf44aaba053cd3c5bc80b15",
            "input": "Des cas sporadiques de vaccine ont \u00e9t\u00e9 signal\u00e9s chez l\u2019homme en Europe, principalement suite \u00e0 la manipulation d\u2019animaux infect\u00e9s (rongeurs ou chats g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement).",
            "output": [
                "Sporadic human cases of cowpox have been reported in Europe, mostly linked to handling of infected animal, usually rodents and cats."
            "id": "task1397-98d64e28943e4f3fb77c796cf57022ec",
            "input": "L\u2019homme est le seul r\u00e9servoir d\u2019infection\u00a0:",
            "output": [
                "Humans are the only reservoir of infection:"
            "id": "task1397-ef51075171f2422fa3a9ef680ed8c7ee",
            "input": "L\u2019homme est le seul r\u00e9servoir\u00a0et, \u00e0 l\u2019exception des cas cong\u00e9nitaux, le seul mode de transmission est le contact direct avec des l\u00e9sions ouvertes riches en Treponema et les s\u00e9cr\u00e9tions contamin\u00e9es d\u2019un patient.",
            "output": [
                "Humans are the only reservoir and, apart from congenital cases, the only epidemiologically relevant mode of transmission is by direct contact with treponema-rich, open lesions and contaminated secretions from a patient."
            "id": "task1397-0c895622c5064384a196681f0d13f1a8",
            "input": "L\u2019infection \u00e0 norovirus provoque des troubles gastro-intestinaux chez l\u2019homme.",
            "output": [
                "Norovirus cause gastrointestinal illness to humans."
            "id": "task1397-b0a8f087287045adbd9957112a42b3bf",
            "input": "De nombreux animaux peuvent servir de r\u00e9servoirs, mais ce sont les porcs et les chevaux qui transmettent le plus souvent l\u2019infection \u00e0 l\u2019homme.",
            "output": [
                "Many animals may act as reservoirs, but those most frequently involved in cases of human infection are pigs and horses."
            "id": "task1397-0c482524e807418685c90edcc5db1f20",
            "input": "Les rapports de ces \u00e9quipes d\u2019assistance envoy\u00e9es sur les foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques seront publi\u00e9s ici, avec les rapports de missions d'appui concernant des questions g\u00e9n\u00e9rales ou sp\u00e9cifiques sur les maladies transmissibles.",
            "output": [
                "Reports from the ECDC outbreak assistance teams will be published here, together with reports about support missions on either general or specific issues concerning communicable diseases."
            "id": "task1397-ba9b4c3a87e84e75a0da8b3c88f77535",
            "input": "Le plan d\u00e9crit les dispositions organisationnelles sp\u00e9cifiques destin\u00e9es \u00e0 faire face \u00e0 une crise et donne des indications aux unit\u00e9s de crise du CEPCM.",
            "output": [
                "The plan describes the specific organisational arrangement to cope with a crisis, and give directions to ECDC Units\u2019 crisis specific plans."
            "id": "task1397-38d6ce5b1a10425da71cb963793537bf",
            "input": "SLR:",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-0cb275f376814870ba324c72855feb9b",
            "input": "Le contr\u00f4le des maladies infectieuses repose sur le diagnostic de laboratoire.",
            "output": [
                "Infectious diseases control relies on laboratory diagnostics."
            "id": "task1397-bbfc783769da46acad7bb19bb379840f",
            "input": "Environ une semaine apr\u00e8s l\u2019infection, les larves commencent \u00e0 coloniser les muscles,",
            "output": [
                "Then, about a week after infection, larval invasion of the muscles begins:"
            "id": "task1397-c5a97248d4464788a1915280f9834699",
            "input": "Les unit\u00e9s techniques sont financ\u00e9es par l' \n                Unit\u00e9 de gestion des ressources \n                ,  \n                qui veille \u00e0 ce que les ressources humaines et les finances de l\u2019ECDC soient g\u00e9r\u00e9es correctement et que les r\u00e8glementations relatives au recrutement du personnel et au contr\u00f4le financier de l\u2019UE soient appliqu\u00e9s",
            "output": [
                "The technical units are supported by the  \n                Resource Management Unit \n                ,  \n                which ensures that ECDC's human and financial resources are properly managed, and that EU staffing and financial control regulations are adhered to."
            "id": "task1397-dc27e1b116744b0bb10549b80cf66477",
            "input": "L\u2019antibioth\u00e9rapie a radialement modifi\u00e9 le pronostic de la typho\u00efde qui, en l\u2019absence de traitement, est associ\u00e9e \u00e0 un taux de mortalit\u00e9 de 10\u00a0%.",
            "output": [
                "Antibiotic therapy has radically changed the prognosis of typhoid, which, untreated, has a 10% death rate."
            "id": "task1397-7b5d83b23a034ce7a520daf6a9cda71c",
            "input": "http://www.u-blog.net/itcom3/article/PHPRSS.html",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-c2a265513c8c4084929870a30a90851b",
            "input": "En outre, quatre programmes sp\u00e9cifiques sur les maladies sont anim\u00e9s au sein de l\u2019UCS.",
            "output": [
                "In addition, four disease spe\\-cific programmes are hosted in SAU."
            "id": "task1397-b42e177bde654aa0932cd091bbb92627",
            "input": "La fi\u00e8vre de la vall\u00e9e du Rift (FVR) est une maladie virale aigu\u00eb qui touche les animaux domestiques (tels que le b\u00e9tail, les buffles, les moutons, les ch\u00e8vres et les chameaux).",
            "output": [
                "Rift Valley fever (RVF) is an acute viral disease that affects domestic animals (such as cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, and camels)."
            "id": "task1397-ff43ac70dffe4f96ab5b3ad53e4f501c",
            "input": "Shigellose",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-e80e5afee40a4da8b918d34c0bdc7b5f",
            "input": "Le vaccin, tr\u00e8s efficace, permet d\u2019immuniser 95\u00a0% des personnes vaccin\u00e9es; il doit \u00eatre recommand\u00e9 aux touristes voyageant dans les zones end\u00e9miques.",
            "output": [
                "A highly effective vaccine is available, providing immunity to 95% of vaccinated persons that should be recommended to travellers to endemic areas."
            "id": "task1397-b483ac8c454146e489ca33855ea63490",
            "input": "En 1933, le premier virus de la famille des Arenaviridae, le virus de la choriom\u00e9ningite lymphocytaire (LCMV), a \u00e9t\u00e9 isol\u00e9 en Am\u00e9rique du Nord chez un patient atteint de m\u00e9ningite aseptique.",
            "output": [
                "In 1933, the first virus of the Arenaviridae family, the Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis (LCM) virus, was isolated in North America from a human with aseptic meningitis."
            "id": "task1397-d6ca11fd66034b4b95a80c1fb07ec766",
            "input": "Ses r\u00e9servoirs naturels sont des animaux domestiques et sauvages, la plupart ne pr\u00e9sentant aucun signe de la maladie (bien que l\u2019infection puisse \u00eatre \u00e0 l\u2019origine d\u2019avortements).",
            "output": [
                "Natural reservoirs include several domestic and wild animals, most of which show no signs of disease (although infection can cause abortions)."
            "id": "task1397-71d274b05e804bfbbe2402a8865d0c18",
            "input": "- R\u00e9unions des organes comp\u00e9tents",
            "output": [
                "- Competent bodies meetings"
            "id": "task1397-8287f4c1eb014d7ca79369edd4a08cf8",
            "input": "Il est essentiel de coordonner les efforts de bios\u00e9curit\u00e9 et de bios\u00fbret\u00e9 des laboratoires europ\u00e9ens si l\u2019on veut garantir l\u2019interop\u00e9rabilit\u00e9 et anticiper les risques.",
            "output": [
                "Coordination of laboratory biosafety and biosecurity efforts across Europe is vital to ensure interoperability and preparedness."
            "id": "task1397-b70ee93d7e634950bde58956c3ac47ad",
            "input": "De nos jours, la communication sur la sant\u00e9 permet d\u2019am\u00e9liorer les connaissances et a un impact sur la fa\u00e7on d\u2019agir de chacun. Elle\u00a0joue de ce fait un r\u00f4le essentiel sur les changements de comportement:",
            "output": [
                "Today, health communication is a key area of knowledge and practice for effective behavioural change:"
            "id": "task1397-c5edd7bcf57e469f962af5065de2bc92",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s 1 \u00e0 2 semaines d\u2019incubation, une maladie caract\u00e9ris\u00e9e par une forte fi\u00e8vre, des malaises, une toux, une \u00e9ruption cutan\u00e9e et un grossissement de la rate appara\u00eet.",
            "output": [
                "After 1-2 weeks incubation period, a disease characterised by high fever, malaise, cough, rash and enlarged spleen develops."
            "id": "task1397-d05010c401344f8ca9a400671b8aae7f",
            "input": "Virus de la grippe dans la gorge, repr\u00e9sentation.",
            "output": [
                "Flu viruses in the throat, artwork"
            "id": "task1397-a7c25140826145519b2f83a3b35fed88",
            "input": "Pages d\u00e9di\u00e9es \u00e0 des sujets connexes",
            "output": [
                "Related pages"
            "id": "task1397-c17c5a7a5b484984bb25a13b3ba6c8c7",
            "input": "Modules pour l\u2019EPIET",
            "output": [
                "Modules for EPIET"
            "id": "task1397-c930958e0fa943b081a433b0e7fbacc1",
            "input": "ManagementBoard_MembersAndAlternates",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-aa06ec2025984829aedc0e257cf45f60",
            "input": "Le bureau du directeur aide \u00e9galement le directeur \u00e0 \u00e9valuer les avanc\u00e9es r\u00e9alis\u00e9es au regard de celles pr\u00e9vues dans le plan de travail annuel et dans le programme strat\u00e9gique pluriannuel, et publie le rapport annuel du directeur.",
            "output": [
                "The Office of the Director also helps the Director monitor progress achieved against the annual work plan and Strategic Multi-annual Programme, and produces the Director\u2019s Annual Report."
            "id": "task1397-a2a0826eb1964b709ce1f18a4bb9c5af",
            "input": "Des professionnels de l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie de terrain de plusieurs \u00c9tats membres ont r\u00e9pondu \u00e0 l\u2019enqu\u00eate en ligne lanc\u00e9e au cours de l\u2019\u00e9t\u00e9 2007.",
            "output": [
                "Professionals in field epidemiology from different EU MS contributed to the online survey organized during summer 2007."
            "id": "task1397-973862f6c45f4233bd10c011a32a511c",
            "input": "Escherichia coli producteur de v\u00e9rotoxine (ECPV)",
            "output": [
                "Verotoxin producing Escherichia coli (VTEC)"
            "id": "task1397-7b9b95174cc94b8c883368059481ec27",
            "input": "Maladie de Lyme",
            "output": [
                "Lyme disease"
            "id": "task1397-497c7cf5921143aba5fb6f950b61b23d",
            "input": "Quels sont les syst\u00e8mes utilis\u00e9s pour garantir la qualit\u00e9 des laboratoires au sein de l'UE?",
            "output": [
                "Which systems are in place and in use to ensure laboratory quality in the EU?"
            "id": "task1397-adb1b310b3fd49529434362c11e144a2",
            "input": "La leishmaniose est une maladie tropicale/subtropicale due au protozoaire  Leishmania  qui est transmis par la piq\u00fbre de mouches des sables infect\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "Leishmaniasis is a tropical/sub-tropical disease caused by  Leishmania  protozoa, which is spread by the bite of infected sandflies."
            "id": "task1397-543f353f25224214a4435281fe998c04",
            "input": "- Service de renseignement \u00e9pid\u00e9mique",
            "output": [
                "- Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS)"
            "id": "task1397-4eb145ab1cc54416bf4abc3c0d68d5dd",
            "input": "Les r\u00e9unions quotidiennes d\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie se tiennent dans le CIU.",
            "output": [
                "Daily epidemiological briefings are held in the EOC."
            "id": "task1397-ffb79cc5feaa43aa8f2b003914d1bd0f",
            "input": "Donn\u00e9es \u00e9pid\u00e9miologiques actualis\u00e9es",
            "output": [
                "Epidemiological updates"
            "id": "task1397-6ad8edf55f1146af9c3bc3ac4acc0afb",
            "input": "M. Karl Ekdahl, chef de l\u2019Unit\u00e9 de communication sanitaire",
            "output": [
                "Prof Karl Ekdahl, Head of Health Communication Unit"
            "id": "task1397-12da6d344bb1465ab4c01a76087fff52",
            "input": "Les mesures de sant\u00e9 publique pour pr\u00e9venir la propagation de la maladie incluent l\u2019assainissement et l\u2019hygi\u00e8ne g\u00e9n\u00e9rale.",
            "output": [
                "Public health measures to prevent the spread of the disease include sanitation and general hygiene."
            "id": "task1397-0d29c4d2e138406dbccde32d0cbc44df",
            "input": "rapports, formulaires, mod\u00e8les, listes de v\u00e9rification, etc.",
            "output": [
                "reports, forms, templates, checklists, etc."
            "id": "task1397-9e50135342ff45668cb290d1b40c5512",
            "input": "La plupart des cas de maladie de Lyme peuvent \u00eatre gu\u00e9ris avec un traitement antibiotique de quelques semaines.",
            "output": [
                "Most cases of Lyme disease can be treated successfully with a few weeks of antibiotics."
            "id": "task1397-edeb2076a5c94b44b08ee3d4fbb1b493",
            "input": "Toutefois, certains types de virus de grippe aviaire sont plus dangereux pour certains oiseaux et animaux.",
            "output": [
                "However, some types of bird flu are more harmful for certain birds and animals."
            "id": "task1397-589778d7f72b41e99c86abaa01a58d3f",
            "input": "Les adolescents et les adultes sont g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement infect\u00e9s lors de rapports sexuels non prot\u00e9g\u00e9s ou par le partage d\u2019aiguilles contamin\u00e9es entre plusieurs utilisateurs de drogue par injection.",
            "output": [
                "Adolescents and adults normally become infected through unprotected sexual activity or as a consequence of injecting drug users sharing contaminated needles."
            "id": "task1397-3d2b87911ac14db9b12c4e1fd0871e6d",
            "input": "Centre, en vert\u00a0(inclut la Pannonie)",
            "output": [
                "Central, green; includes the Pannonian Region."
            "id": "task1397-23e343c5f4d647eabc5026dcc599659a",
            "input": "L\u2019Unit\u00e9 de communication et de coop\u00e9ration avec les pays (UCC) \n                 \n                \n                qui est  \n                responsable de la communication des conclusions scientifiques et techniques du Centre aux professionnels de la sant\u00e9 et au grand public dans toute l\u2019Europe, ainsi que de la coop\u00e9ration avec les pays.",
            "output": [
                "The Communication and Country cooperation Unit (CCU) \n                 \n                \n                is  \n                responsible for communicating the scientific and technical outputs of the Centre to European health professionals and to the general European public and for country cooperation."
            "id": "task1397-e962a3c24ca44c72b881e3f8cc5649f3",
            "input": "Aide \u00e0 la connexion/inscription Pour vous inscrire, contactez l\u2019administrateur du site \u00e0 l\u2019adresse webmaster@ecdc.europa.eu",
            "output": [
                "Login help /registerTo register contact webmaster@ecdc.europa.eu"
            "id": "task1397-df6e615bc99045c5a000ec745348faf7",
            "input": "Traversez la rue au niveau de laquelle le train s\u2019arr\u00eate pour aller rue Vasagatan (environ 100\u00a0m\u00e8tres).",
            "output": [
                "Go across the street from where the train stops (approx 100 metres) to Vasagatan."
            "id": "task1397-d1bd44b209e842d6b3c997698efdb0a8",
            "input": "Lecteurs en ligne:",
            "output": [
                "Web-based readers:"
            "id": "task1397-20c3ddb224634aa598de5f4022e33cdb",
            "input": "Pour en savoir plus, lire la  fiche d'information destin\u00e9e aux professionnels",
            "output": [
                "Read more in the  Factsheet for the professionals"
            "id": "task1397-932d24f509fb48bf9521b3d3410dbfcd",
            "input": "Plus particuli\u00e8rement, sauf indication contraire, l\u2019ECDC, conform\u00e9ment aux l\u00e9gislations europ\u00e9ennes et internationales en vigueur, est titulaire des droits d\u2019auteur et des droits sur les bases de donn\u00e9es du pr\u00e9sent site web et de ses contenus.",
            "output": [
                "In particular, unless otherwise stated, the ECDC, according to current EU and International legislation1, is the owner of copyright and database right in this website and its contents."
            "id": "task1397-207a2c39444e4be4b8a0621c4cf64ac2",
            "input": "NAO:",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-3af72773545248939add1202f17d82af",
            "input": "L\u00e9gionellose (ou maladie des l\u00e9gionnaires)",
            "output": [
                "Legionnaires\u2019 disease"
            "id": "task1397-7af7da928e774df49d64795893b3b779",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s la piq\u00fbre de l\u2019insecte, la plupart des infections restent asymptomatiques.",
            "output": [
                "Following the insect bite, most infections remain without symptoms."
            "id": "task1397-ec54ef875f4c4cab8db1feb5d87ebbcf",
            "input": "Streptococcus suis est une bact\u00e9rie opportuniste qui colonise habituellement les voies respiratoires sup\u00e9rieures des porcs adultes sans provoquer de maladie.",
            "output": [
                "Streptococcus suis is an opportunistic bacterium which usually colonises the upper respiratory tract of adult pigs without causing any disease."
            "id": "task1397-7ddad61026294baba72db95037d8a3fe",
            "input": "d\u00e9finir une strat\u00e9gie, des outils et des lignes directrices visant \u00e0 am\u00e9liorer la pr\u00e9paration des \u00c9tats membres en mati\u00e8re de pr\u00e9vention et de contr\u00f4le des maladies transmissibles;",
            "output": [
                "Define a strategy, tools and guidelines to enhance the preparedness of EU Member States for the prevention and control of communicable diseases;"
            "id": "task1397-2a0f8a9420b84dd69ac1a97a3825b139",
            "input": "Ils sont responsables de ce que l'on appelle l\u2019\u00abinfluenza aviaire hautement pathog\u00e8ne\u00bb (IAHP).",
            "output": [
                "They are called highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI)."
            "id": "task1397-db3c032c8a2146268e1c2a6c5c427e3d",
            "input": "Des complications sont possibles, incluant notamment une infection pulmonaire, une infection c\u00e9r\u00e9brale et des infections bact\u00e9riennes secondaires.",
            "output": [
                "Complications are possible, including pulmonary infection, brain infection and secondary bacterial infections."
            "id": "task1397-d176e65328d34840ade96b5f1764d442",
            "input": "Aucun vaccin contre la maladie de Lyme n\u2019existe actuellement, donc la sensibilisation aux tiques, le port de v\u00eatements appropri\u00e9s dans les r\u00e9gions infest\u00e9es et le d\u00e9crochage rapide des tiques fix\u00e9es sur la peau restent les mesures de pr\u00e9vention les plus importantes.",
            "output": [
                "No vaccine against Lyme disease is currently available, so tick awareness, appropriate clothing in tick-infested areas, and early removal of attached ticks remain the most important prevention measures."
            "id": "task1397-d5c2b623f6a543a89b9a3919888d6852",
            "input": "- \u00e0 leur demande, apportera un soutien aux \u00c9tats membres en mati\u00e8re de r\u00e9action;",
            "output": [
                "- Supporting MS, upon request, in response activities;"
            "id": "task1397-d381214d3c144696950f856e051f1c2c",
            "input": "Une caract\u00e9ristique de l\u2019\u00e9ruption est qu\u2019elle s\u2019\u00e9tend progressivement sur plusieurs jours.",
            "output": [
                "A distinctive feature of the rash is that it gradually expands peripherally over a period of several days."
            "id": "task1397-12836d62253d49159b281328f3435a64",
            "input": "Un traitement antimicrobien est rarement n\u00e9cessaire.",
            "output": [
                "Antimicrobial therapy is seldom needed."
            "id": "task1397-1a958dbcc21a49dc87fd8b6c9ced1e55",
            "input": "Le risque end\u00e9mique le plus important se situe dans la p\u00e9ninsule ib\u00e9rique, notamment dans la r\u00e9gion m\u00e9diterran\u00e9enne.",
            "output": [
                "The greatest endemic risk in Europe lies in the Iberian peninsula, particularly in the Mediterranean part."
            "id": "task1397-918d99e4d57e4ffc8cd4e54e6a387c7e",
            "input": "La fi\u00e8vre de Lassa a \u00e9t\u00e9 diagnostiqu\u00e9e pour la premi\u00e8re fois au Nigeria en 1969.",
            "output": [
                "Lassa fever was identified in Nigeria in 1969."
            "id": "task1397-7eec6afb047a480fadaf6529edd8c5a2",
            "input": "L\u2019EPIS doit permettre \u00e0 diff\u00e9rentes institutions nationales de sant\u00e9 publique de se coordonner et de travailler en \u00e9quipe en mati\u00e8re de surveillance et de contr\u00f4le des maladies.",
            "output": [
                "It aim to ensure coordination and work sharing among the various national public health institutes regarding surveillance and control activities."
            "id": "task1397-28ba7cb4ecda4a1a8ff0852c01bf3831",
            "input": "L\u2019\u00e9mission d\u2019avis scientifiques",
            "output": [
                "Scientific advice"
            "id": "task1397-f0649c40c72c4d5f869246a899f7e97d",
            "input": "Les directives sur la fa\u00e7on de traiter les diff\u00e9rentes menaces sont \u00e9galement mentionn\u00e9es dans le plan g\u00e9n\u00e9ral Menace sanitaire.",
            "output": [
                "Guidelines on how to deal with specific threats have also reference to the overall PHE plan."
            "id": "task1397-8c73b6bd4e1f4f45b8fbe1e441d858ab",
            "input": "Manifestations relatives \u00e0 ces aspects",
            "output": [
                "Related events"
            "id": "task1397-7e4df1488b5d49199dcf821f1304b0a4",
            "input": "La surveillance",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-f936dc9fab894e87aa7e33485ab135fd",
            "input": "- Maladies \u00e9mergentes et r\u00e9-\u00e9mergentes",
            "output": [
                "- Emerging and re-emerging diseases"
            "id": "task1397-dda57637520d41459dada9401315a162",
            "input": "- d\u2019examiner le cadre terminologique et m\u00e9thodologique du renseignement \u00e9pid\u00e9mique",
            "output": [
                "- review terminology and methods framework for epidemic intelligence"
            "id": "task1397-bd80f9ebd1ec48ca89d1cb633e1f7fc9",
            "input": "Les projets de l\u2019ECDC relatifs au typage doivent pr\u00e9senter un int\u00e9r\u00eat manifeste pour la sant\u00e9 publique. Cela inclut l'am\u00e9lioration de la comparabilit\u00e9 des donn\u00e9es entre les laboratoires, les activit\u00e9s de formation et la prise en consid\u00e9ration de l\u2019acc\u00e8s et du rapport co\u00fbt-efficacit\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC projects involving typing must have a clear public health value, including improving data comparability between different laboratories, training initiatives, and considerations of access and cost effectiveness."
            "id": "task1397-1fce78c3bf9f41668266cbed9941af22",
            "input": "En tant que personne concern\u00e9e, vous avez le droit de vous opposer au traitement de vos donn\u00e9es \u00e0 caract\u00e8re personnel pour des motifs l\u00e9gitimes contraignants, sauf si ces donn\u00e9es sont recueillies pour respecter une obligation l\u00e9gale, si elles sont n\u00e9cessaires \u00e0 l'ex\u00e9cution d'un contrat auquel vous \u00eates partie, ou si elles sont utilis\u00e9es pour une finalit\u00e9 pour laquelle vous avez donn\u00e9 un consentement sans \u00e9quivoque;",
            "output": [
                "As a data subject you also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data on legitimate compelling grounds except when it is collected in order to comply with a legal obligation, or is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party, or is to be used for a purpose for which you have given your unambiguous consent."
            "id": "task1397-b2c68e37842547f399e9a851a32edd95",
            "input": "Ces patients ont besoin d\u2019un traitement prolong\u00e9 (et m\u00eame \u00e0 vie).",
            "output": [
                "Such patients may require prolonged (sometimes life-long) therapy."
            "id": "task1397-8565ad8896b6431387e3016edba3b1fa",
            "input": "Au cours du 20\u00e8me si\u00e8cle, la malaria a \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9radiqu\u00e9e de la plupart des zones temp\u00e9r\u00e9es, notamment dans l\u2019ensemble de l\u2019UE.",
            "output": [
                "During the 20th century, malaria was eradicated from many temperate areas, including the whole of the EU."
            "id": "task1397-16b7f0226ae6489f996a7c103c4b2771",
            "input": "Parmi les mesures v\u00e9t\u00e9rinaires pr\u00e9ventives, on peut citer la vaccination syst\u00e9matique des chats et des chiens.",
            "output": [
                "Preventive veterinary measures include proper vaccination of cats and dogs."
            "id": "task1397-848df82b74b54fd2a696a35c9b38bb83",
            "input": "Le dossier d\u2019appel d\u2019offres comprend au moins le cahier des charges, une lettre d\u2019invitation \u00e0 soumissionner et un projet de contrat.",
            "output": [
                "Tender documents include at least the terms of reference, a letter of invitation to tender, and a draft contract."
            "id": "task1397-fc658bad226d48cf8f70505703d95e48",
            "input": "Ce sont les jeunes et les personnes \u00e2g\u00e9es qui pr\u00e9sentent le risque le plus \u00e9lev\u00e9 d\u2019infection pneumococcique invasive (infection sanguine s\u00e9v\u00e8re, m\u00e9ningite et pneumonie).",
            "output": [
                "The youngest and the elderly are those most prone to invasive pneumococcal infections, such as severe blood infection, meningitis and pneumonia."
            "id": "task1397-4f4c965920f94c579591a566ae6972ae",
            "input": "Quatorze membres ont \u00e9t\u00e9 recrut\u00e9s et ont suivi un cours introductif en Espagne (29 septembre - 17 octobre 2008).",
            "output": [
                "The recruitment of fellows enrolled in cohort 14 has been finalized and they have started with the Introductory course in Spain (29 September to 17 October 2008)."
            "id": "task1397-66f738317b47486db89d6756d529b343",
            "input": "L\u2019homme peut \u00eatre infect\u00e9 par contact direct ou indirect avec les animaux ou avec des produits d\u2019origine animale contamin\u00e9s (notamment le lait et les produits laitiers non pasteuris\u00e9s) ou par l\u2019inhalation d\u2019a\u00e9rosols.",
            "output": [
                "Humans become infected by direct or indirect contact with animals or with contaminated animal products (including unpasteurised milk and dairy products) or by the inhalation of aerosols."
            "id": "task1397-f321462fddbc46698d7b59db8b2706b6",
            "input": "Rougeole",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-60174ca8d08743b88ebcc8019e34b7ed",
            "input": "Qualit\u00e9",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-0fdec09e47614d5ba94c1ebea2a8a0a0",
            "input": "Il existe un traitement par antibiotique efficace si le diagnostic est fait pr\u00e9cocement.",
            "output": [
                "Effective antibiotic treatment is available if the diagnosis is made early in the illness."
            "id": "task1397-f3f7e1fa2a1540579bc56ad2bcf07741",
            "input": "Communiquer aupr\u00e8s des 500 millions de citoyens que compte l\u2019UE est un travail colossal.",
            "output": [
                "It is a huge task to reach out to the 500 million citizens of the EU."
            "id": "task1397-d2523cf7b2244620ac9654804ee57a0f",
            "input": "En l\u2019absence de traitement, la maladie peut devenir chronique.",
            "output": [
                "Untreated, the disease may become chronic."
            "id": "task1397-675ef141bdb643539bcad358cf750746",
            "input": "Pour en savoir plus sur la rub\u00e9ole, lire la  fiche d'information destin\u00e9e au grand public  et la  fiche d'information destin\u00e9e aux professionnels de la sant\u00e9 .",
            "output": [
                "Read more about rubella in the  factsheet for general public  and  factsheet for health professionals ."
            "id": "task1397-5a6ceb9e9f274b35b659f652ca762109",
            "input": "La premi\u00e8re transmission en Europe continentale a \u00e9t\u00e9 signal\u00e9e dans le nord-est de l\u2019Italie en ao\u00fbt 2007. Chaque ann\u00e9e, des cas import\u00e9s par des touristes sont identifi\u00e9s dans plusieurs pays europ\u00e9ens.",
            "output": [
                "The first transmission within continental Europe was reported from north-eastern Italy in August 2007. Every year, imported cases among tourists are identified in several European countries"
            "id": "task1397-cddf055edbc14887b99d89b8436a27ba",
            "input": "En outre, les \u00e9v\u00e9nements qui sont uniquement rapport\u00e9s par l\u2019interm\u00e9diaire du SAPR (syst\u00e8me d\u2019alerte pr\u00e9coce et de r\u00e9action) ne sont pas inclus dans le rapport pour des raisons de confidentialit\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "In addition, events which are exclusively reported through the EWRS are not included in the CDTR for confidentiality reasons."
            "id": "task1397-13c7f8fff9cd4af49141d9641cc552c5",
            "input": "collaboration avec d\u2019autres organismes concern\u00e9s par la crise (protection civile, etc.).",
            "output": [
                "collaboration with other bodies involved in crisis (civil protection, etc.)"
            "id": "task1397-a5ab36224d01439b9038ad550f174538",
            "input": "La vaccine est une maladie de peau due \u00e0 un virus qui appartient au genre  Orthopoxvirus .",
            "output": [
                "Cowpox is a skin disease caused by a virus belonging to the  Orthopoxvirus  genus."
            "id": "task1397-b274d8ea5aae458b876871ee7ea0b12c",
            "input": "la surveillance du 21e si\u00e8cle",
            "output": [
                "21st Century Surveillance"
            "id": "task1397-50da7de4195f4e30ac177c59833f5696",
            "input": "EN SAVOIR PLUS SUR CE SITETH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 DE A \u00c0 ZTH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9SIMAGE",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-55e674c2d58947438781206aa6a18f01",
            "input": "Lorsque les conditions sont favorables, elle peut commencer \u00e0 se multiplier et provoquer la maladie clinique.",
            "output": [
                "Under favourable conditions, these bacteria can start multiplying and cause clinical disease."
            "id": "task1397-70014e2dda6c45e5b0f815b3212ca0ee",
            "input": "Machupo dans la province de B\u00e9ni en Bolivie en 1956, Jun\u00edn en Argentine du Nord, Guanarito dans l\u2019\u00e9tat de Portuguesa au Venezuela en 1989, Sabia au Br\u00e9sil en 1990 et, plus r\u00e9cemment, Chapare en Bolivie en 2004.",
            "output": [
                "Machupo in 1956 in the Beni province of Bolivia, Jun\u00edn in north Argentina, Guanarito in Portuguesa state in Venezuela in 1989, Sabia in Brazil in 1990 and more recently Chapare in 2004 in Bolivia."
            "id": "task1397-951982a8d3d7448382845c5566907da4",
            "input": "Les \u0153ufs sont excr\u00e9t\u00e9s dans les f\u00e8ces des chiens et des renards infect\u00e9s, et peuvent \u00eatre ing\u00e9r\u00e9s par l\u2019homme soit par contact \u00e9troit avec ces animaux, soit par l\u2019ingestion d\u2019aliments contamin\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "Eggs are excreted in the faeces of infected dogs and foxes and can be ingested by humans either by close contact with these animals or through contaminated food."
            "id": "task1397-d2a1f3b903b84c1bb8ae5d1f0f708279",
            "input": "Cette derni\u00e8re peut \u00eatre asymptomatique, accompagn\u00e9e de stigmates ou se manifester par une pathologie multi-organique.",
            "output": [
                "The latter can be without symptoms or present stigmata or determine multi-organ pathology."
            "id": "task1397-e035ba0474194a508fd6e72a24938cac",
            "input": "Les oreillons sont une maladie aigu\u00eb due au virus des oreillons.",
            "output": [
                "Mumps is an acute illness caused by the mumps virus."
            "id": "task1397-7d1e520120e5489ebe8fec8c4ea531fc",
            "input": "Les cas sans complication sont caract\u00e9ris\u00e9s par une maladie aigu\u00eb de type grippal dont la gu\u00e9rison est totale.",
            "output": [
                "The uncomplicated cases are characterised by acute influenza-like illness leading to full recovery."
            "id": "task1397-83f422a3864b40ae9bf657c966e49112",
            "input": "Exceptionnellement, une transmission interhumaine du virus de la grippe aviaire a \u00e9t\u00e9 observ\u00e9e, mais aucune transmission durable n\u2019a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9crite.",
            "output": [
                "Exceptionally avian influenza virus has also been transmitted from humans to humans, but no sustained transmission has been described."
            "id": "task1397-365a23ffd958477dac18b8a1717565cb",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s la multiplication des parasites \u00e0 l\u2019int\u00e9rieur des globules rouges, de la fi\u00e8vre et une pathologie multiorganique peuvent appara\u00eetre, engageant le pronostic vital si l\u2019agent causal est P.\u00a0falciparum.",
            "output": [
                "Once the Plasmodia multiply inside the red blood cells, fever and multi-organ disease may ensue, which can be life-threatening when P. falciparum is involved."
            "id": "task1397-659c3ed0c0e94b7d855d9f4d41aa56be",
            "input": "L\u2019homme peut \u00e9galement \u00eatre contamin\u00e9 par contact direct avec des animaux infect\u00e9s ou des sols contamin\u00e9s, ou par la consommation d\u2019eau contamin\u00e9e et de viande infect\u00e9e insuffisamment cuite.",
            "output": [
                "Other ways are through direct contact with infected animal tissues and contaminated soil or by drinking contaminated water and eating undercooked infected meat."
            "id": "task1397-803605674e224d77b543696936c380d4",
            "input": "Il n\u2019existe aucune preuve connue de transmission interhumaine du virus.",
            "output": [
                "There is no known evidence of human to human transmission of the virus."
            "id": "task1397-b83e296852534495a15aebc7f0b086d4",
            "input": "Dans l\u2019environnement, les principaux r\u00e9servoirs du parasite sont les eaux de surface contamin\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "In the environment, major reservoirs of the parasite are contaminated surface waters."
            "id": "task1397-54a2a8273fa34472992816ec5a132911",
            "input": "Ce nouveau virus peut pr\u00e9senter une propagation interhumaine tr\u00e8s rapide dans le monde entier.",
            "output": [
                "This new virus can then spread rapidly from human to humans all over the world."
            "id": "task1397-33a583605f164ac4b95cfa5e6f1bf477",
            "input": "Du fait de la r\u00e9silience \u00e9lev\u00e9e de Coxiella dans l\u2019environnement, l\u2019homme est g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement infect\u00e9 par l\u2019inhalation d\u2019a\u00e9rosols produits dans des emplacements contamin\u00e9s, mais d\u2019autres modes d\u2019infection ont \u00e9t\u00e9 signal\u00e9s (notamment alimentaires).",
            "output": [
                "Due to the high resilience in the environment of Coxiella, humans are most often infected by inhalation of aerosols produced in contaminated locations, but other modes of infection have been documented (including food-borne)."
            "id": "task1397-0955eead8abf4f6fbad6eee40c92e505",
            "input": "Les cas chez les randonneurs circulant dans des r\u00e9gions sauvages sont courants et les \u00e9pid\u00e9mies d\u2019origine hydrique dues \u00e0 un traitement inad\u00e9quat de l\u2019eau potable sont fr\u00e9quentes.",
            "output": [
                "Therefore, cases among hikers or backpackers in wilderness areas are common, and waterborne outbreaks due to inadequate treatment of drinking water are common."
            "id": "task1397-b9620c5cd17243c1927d11851ebdb4f0",
            "input": "La variante de la maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob (vMCJ) est une forme mortelle de \u00ab\u00a0l\u2019enc\u00e9phalopathie spongiforme humaine\u00a0\u00bb (maladie \u00e0 prions), identifi\u00e9e pour la premi\u00e8re fois en 1996 au RU.",
            "output": [
                "Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) is a fatal form of \u201chuman spongiform encephalopathy\u201d (prion disease), which was first recognised in 1996 in the UK."
            "id": "task1397-c5821b4a92b9444d9bab971a4cb8f87e",
            "input": "Fi\u00e8vres h\u00e9morragiques virales",
            "output": [
                "Viral haemorrhagic fevers"
            "id": "task1397-123a63baacee40a09a852ee309a3f68f",
            "input": "style et finalit\u00e9 de la documentation utilis\u00e9e. Ex.:",
            "output": [
                "types and purpose of documentation used e.g.:"
            "id": "task1397-fd1d09c6778b46449752ddb22cb9e5a7",
            "input": "Consultation des documents",
            "output": [
                "Access to documents"
            "id": "task1397-1b6d52d794384a37a5f13c0df291302c",
            "input": "- Analyse de s\u00e9ries temporelles (avril 2008)",
            "output": [
                "- Time series analysis (April 2008)"
            "id": "task1397-dca8252c96c84c969e3c51dc8ce73a2a",
            "input": "Elle se caract\u00e9rise par une toux s\u00e9v\u00e8re qui dure deux mois, voire plus.",
            "output": [
                "The disease is characterised by a severe cough, lasting for two months or even longer."
            "id": "task1397-ab5e29e66c9948af8b8fdea6790769df",
            "input": "Soutien aux programmes de formation",
            "output": [
                "Support training programmes"
            "id": "task1397-a392242c764d40f884eb1aa3945c24e6",
            "input": "Collaboration nationale:",
            "output": [
                "National collaboration:"
            "id": "task1397-a8528b5e475e4657be6c74643c079674",
            "input": "Cinq strat\u00e9gies sont mises en \u0153uvre pour y parvenir.",
            "output": [
                "Five strategies are implemented to realize this target."
            "id": "task1397-4205130af6dc449cb901485527437734",
            "input": "- Missions nationales du Centre d\u2019intervention urgente (CIU)",
            "output": [
                "- Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) Country Missions"
            "id": "task1397-75bc6b958f3344f6b29e9d669426c132",
            "input": "Dans le cadre de sa mission, le Centre :",
            "output": [
                "Under this regulation, the Centre shall:"
            "id": "task1397-04d2f4176b4e46b685b1aadbccadcd7c",
            "input": "Document d'orientation sur les conflits d\u2019int\u00e9r\u00eat",
            "output": [
                "Guidance Document on Conflict of Interest"
            "id": "task1397-b07f0168f1164c4cbd6f68c6b21071fc",
            "input": "La formation",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-fd3393a34eb541f4a7cd1dd807fbff19",
            "input": "Comment se rendre \u00e0 l\u2019ECDC",
            "output": [
                "How to get to ECDC"
            "id": "task1397-6ba8b6e25bed46108f9d853023513608",
            "input": "Infection \u00e0 Gardia",
            "output": [
                "Giardia infection"
            "id": "task1397-17cda638d3324f38bce8c83617ccd64f",
            "input": "Toutes les activit\u00e9s de formation du CEPCM suivent la strat\u00e9gie pluriannuelle \u00e9labor\u00e9e par l\u2019ensemble des \u00c9tats membres.",
            "output": [
                "All training activities of ECDC follow the multi annual training strategy that has been developed with input from all Member States."
            "id": "task1397-29ce990d3bae445a915329449dd14da4",
            "input": "Les mesures pr\u00e9ventives incluent l\u2019information des consommateurs sur la mani\u00e8re de r\u00e9duire au maximum le risque d\u2019ingestion d\u2019aliments contamin\u00e9s par la bact\u00e9rie Listeria.",
            "output": [
                "Preventive measures include providing appropriate information for consumers on how to minimise the risk of ingesting food contaminated by Listeria."
            "id": "task1397-d42bfce7836447beb9d7360b850f5e2f",
            "input": "Borr\u00e9liose de Lyme",
            "output": [
                "Lyme borreliosis (LB)"
            "id": "task1397-0563ab4fd3d74ea38de2c39689d8ea6c",
            "input": "La polio est due aux poliovirus de types 1, 2 et 3. L\u2019homme est le seul r\u00e9servoir d\u2019infection:",
            "output": [
                "Polio is caused by polioviruses, classified into types 1, 2 and 3. Humans are the only reservoir of infection:"
            "id": "task1397-ee6c88bd62f444b58f4e1a407516a64d",
            "input": "Les cours introductifs de l\u2019EPIET s\u2019adressent principalement aux membres de l\u2019EPIET nouvellement recrut\u00e9s et \u00e0 certains autres membres.",
            "output": [
                "EPIET introductory courses are mainly aimed at newly recruited EPIET and selected FETP fellows."
            "id": "task1397-dc4a0dbef9bb4d81afdac1ee80193f29",
            "input": "En 2006, le CEPCM a sign\u00e9 un contrat cadre de trois ans avec l\u2019Agence pour la sant\u00e9 publique qui pr\u00e9voit la cr\u00e9ation d\u2019exercices de simulation portant sur la d\u00e9tection et la recherche de foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques et la r\u00e9action face \u00e0 ceux-ci, et le d\u00e9veloppement par le Centre de ses propres exercices.",
            "output": [
                "In 2006, ECDC signed a three years framework contract with HPA for the development of simulation exercises on outbreak detection, investigation and response, afor the Centre to develop its own exercises."
            "id": "task1397-0cdbb6aaa3544ca5a17b1a26cdb5bb44",
            "input": "Dans ce cas, le virus peut toucher tous les organes du f\u0153tus en d\u00e9veloppement, provoquer sa mort, une fausse-couche ou une malformation cong\u00e9nitale.",
            "output": [
                "In this situation the virus can affect all the organs of the developing foetus, causing foetal death, miscarriage, or congenital malformation."
            "id": "task1397-b32c627d7c21485fb93e8218b517519e",
            "input": "Appels de propositions ouverts",
            "output": [
                "Open calls for proposals"
            "id": "task1397-f769208007514a1eba9ef52c90817c85",
            "input": "L\u2019ECDC maintient ce site web pour renforcer l\u2019acc\u00e8s du public aux informations sur ses activit\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "The ECDC maintains this website to enhance public access to information about its activities."
            "id": "task1397-63504d516f7940b18f593f4cf6740f55",
            "input": "Le virus qui est maintenant d\u00e9tect\u00e9 est sensible aux inhibiteurs de la neuraminidase, mais r\u00e9sistant \u00e0 l\u2019amantadine.",
            "output": [
                "The virus that is now being detected is susceptible to neuraminidase inhibitors but resistant to amantadines."
            "id": "task1397-8b744afbf10e4f9f9b0315201dbab76a",
            "input": "Un d\u00e9l\u00e9gu\u00e9 \u00e0 la protection des donn\u00e9es de l\u2019ECDC veille \u00e0 l'application des dispositions du r\u00e8glement et des d\u00e9cisions de mise en oeuvre prises au Centre, et conseille les contr\u00f4leurs sur le respect de leurs obligations (voir l'article 24 du r\u00e8glement et les articles 3 et 4 de la d\u00e9cision du 23 septembre 2008);",
            "output": [
                "ECDC\u2019s Data Protection Officer ensures that the provisions of both the Regulation and and the implementing decisions at the Centre are applied and advises controllers on fulfilling their obligations (see art. 24 of the Regulation and art. 3 and 4 of the Decision of 23 September 2008)."
            "id": "task1397-484af053a5a643cc978522b1d4c6c158",
            "input": "- Soutien au PFET (programme de formation \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie de terrain)",
            "output": [
                "- FETPs\u2019 support"
            "id": "task1397-8cbd0ae9cd1c426b940c8af5beb78ead",
            "input": "S\u2019appuyant sur une \u00e9tude pilote pr\u00e9alable, la pr\u00e9paration par le CEPCM du projet Fardeau actuel et \u00e0 venir des maladies transmissibles en Europe (FAAVMT) a pour objectif d\u2019\u00e9laborer une m\u00e9thodologie, des crit\u00e8res de mesure et des rapports sur cette question, dans les pays de l\u2019UE ainsi que de l\u2019EEE/AELE.",
            "output": [
                "Building on an earlier pilot study, ECDC\u2019s preparation for the BCoDE (Present and Future Burden of Communicable Disease in Europe) project is aimed at developing a methodology, measure and report on the current and future burden of communicable diseases in EU and EEA/ EFTA countries."
            "id": "task1397-15feaa1eaf474b78a7fe845f1b479dd3",
            "input": "Dans le  rapport Healthy People 2010 , le d\u00e9partement am\u00e9ricain de la sant\u00e9 et des services sociaux d\u00e9finit ce concept comme \u00able niveau de capacit\u00e9 des personnes \u00e0 obtenir, traiter et comprendre les informations et les services de base sur la sant\u00e9 afin d\u2019\u00eatre en mesure de prendre des d\u00e9cisions appropri\u00e9es en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9\u00bb.",
            "output": [
                "In the  report Healthy People 2010  , the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services define it as \u201cthe degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions.\u201d"
            "id": "task1397-c20a790a8b3248e9b2cd5c3487c40078",
            "input": "Les conclusions de cette \u00e9tude ont \u00e9t\u00e9 publi\u00e9es dans la revue scientifique Emerging Infectious Diseases.",
            "output": [
                "The final results of which were published in the scientific journal Emerging Infectious Diseases."
            "id": "task1397-a433b810c67e4e86910b88a6de3a17d5",
            "input": "Les prions sont tr\u00e8s r\u00e9sistants aux pratiques de d\u00e9sinfection et de st\u00e9rilisation courantes.",
            "output": [
                "Prions are very resistant to common disinfection and sterilisation practices."
            "id": "task1397-8d3859cdee564207b34f47c494e71821",
            "input": "Les vaccins restent cependant sous-utilis\u00e9s dans le monde entier.",
            "output": [
                "Still, vaccines continue to be under-used all over the world."
            "id": "task1397-fbf2d3bd061747c3a31bdc2ade005b23",
            "input": "Les cryptosporidies sont des parasites intestinaux infectant divers animaux (le b\u00e9tail, les moutons, les rongeurs, les chats et les chiens, mais \u00e9galement les oiseaux, les poissons et les reptiles).",
            "output": [
                "Cryptosporidia are intestinal parasites infecting a variety of animals (e.g. cattle, sheep, rodents, cats and dogs, but also birds, fish and reptiles)."
            "id": "task1397-83feefd2d5f14abfa641f888f040ae95",
            "input": "La plateforme epis",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-0e174858ec784f4db2b9d16fea50acd5",
            "input": "Pand\u00e9mie (H1N1) 2009 \u2013 l\u2019OMS annonce la phase post-pand\u00e9mique",
            "output": [
                "Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 \u2013 WHO declares Post Pandemic Phase"
            "id": "task1397-985e35b2040b4d8ab8aec7b5dc4af8e5",
            "input": "Brucellose",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-85a204083c734f56ac76f964430ec98c",
            "input": "La Conf\u00e9rence scientifique europ\u00e9enne annuelle sur l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie appliqu\u00e9e des maladies infectieuses (ESCAIDE)  est un exemple de ce travail.",
            "output": [
                "An example of such work is the annual  European Scientific Conference on Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology (ESCAIDE) ."
            "id": "task1397-f34fb9ba90694ab1bdd67cf30ae48170",
            "input": "Bien que vous puissiez naviguer sur la plus grande partie du site web de l'ECDC sans devoir communiquer d'information personnelle, ce type d'information est parfois n\u00e9cessaire pour pouvoir acc\u00e9der aux services en ligne que vous demandez.",
            "output": [
                "Although you can browse through most of the ECDC website without giving any information about yourself, in some cases, personal information is required in order to provide the e-services you request."
            "id": "task1397-9654b8f7a2154d20b9341e3be49f6ddf",
            "input": "Ensuite, une fine \u00e9ruption cutan\u00e9e rouge se d\u00e9veloppe sous la forme de nombreux boutons (l\u00e9sions) de la taille d'une t\u00eate d'\u00e9pingle, ce qui donne \u00e0 la peau un aspect de papier de verre.",
            "output": [
                "This is followed by a fine red rash that develops into many pimples (lesions) the size of pinheads, which make the skin feel like sandpaper."
            "id": "task1397-86d0e73cb4894169a1fe678d71ed308d",
            "input": "La peste est due \u00e0 la bact\u00e9rie Yersinia pestis.",
            "output": [
                "Plague is caused by Yersinia pestis bacteria."
            "id": "task1397-c587f5398807495dad8b398230dcf51e",
            "input": "Les patients sont infest\u00e9s par les cercaires (larves de  Schistosoma ) lorsqu\u2019ils nagent ou se baignent dans de l\u2019eau contamin\u00e9e (p\u00e9n\u00e9tration cutan\u00e9e).",
            "output": [
                "Patients are infested by cercariae (  Schistosoma  larvae) which penetrate skin while swimming or bathing in contaminated water."
            "id": "task1397-b6cb1fb9e6c94667aeaa9b3291b472cb",
            "input": "b) donne des avis scientifiques et fournit une assistance scientifique et technique, y compris en mati\u00e8re de formation;",
            "output": [
                "(b) provide scientific opinions and scientific and technical assistance including training;"
            "id": "task1397-d6cebf9535464b43ad193e435df23960",
            "input": "Aide",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-cc057db7fadd4333bbc59aa6c963c72f",
            "input": "d\u00e9ploiement de l\u2019\u00e9quipe sur le terrain et types d\u2019\u00e9quipements disponibles \u00e0 cet effet.",
            "output": [
                "team deployment to the field and types of equipment resources available for this purpose."
            "id": "task1397-a37cfef7bde24129ba12415df6c2f3c1",
            "input": "- D\u00e9tection pr\u00e9coce",
            "output": [
                "- Early detection"
            "id": "task1397-be7935a5dd22482b9f484d36c22678ee",
            "input": "D\u2019autres virus provoquant une fi\u00e8vre h\u00e9morragique ont \u00e9t\u00e9 signal\u00e9s en Am\u00e9rique du Sud:",
            "output": [
                "Other viruses causing hemorrhagic fevers were reported in South America:"
            "id": "task1397-e9b5984c5385491b8bbc0c274e9d3a5e",
            "input": "Une ancienne g\u00e9n\u00e9ration de vaccins pneumococciques (vaccins polysaccharidiques) est utilis\u00e9e dans le monde entier.",
            "output": [
                "An older generation of pneumococcal vaccines (polysaccharide vaccines) are registered throughout the world."
            "id": "task1397-2fa82cf8afe64e8d82d6b74ce9d07b30",
            "input": "- recense et \u00e9value les menaces \u00e9mergentes que des maladies transmissibles repr\u00e9sentent pour la sant\u00e9;",
            "output": [
                "- Identify and assess emerging threats to human health from communicable diseases;"
            "id": "task1397-771feb3744634422b0262eec467c94e7",
            "input": "Au cours du premier semestre 2009, une nouvelle session de ces cours devant \u00eatre assur\u00e9e.",
            "output": [
                "In the first half of 2009, new editions of all the mentioned short courses are planned."
            "id": "task1397-88bd7d5534314dd18a6e234bd9cdea72",
            "input": "C\u2019est l'une fa\u00e7on de comprendre ce qu'est la sensibilisation aux questions de sant\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "This is one way of understanding Health Advocacy."
            "id": "task1397-36fe2268292542ec906d8c0d7aeaa3ee",
            "input": "La vaccination des animaux et des individus expos\u00e9s est essentielle.",
            "output": [
                "Vaccination of exposed animals and humans is required."
            "id": "task1397-b0a8b1b266e5456486c682b27fb7da6c",
            "input": "exercices de simulation, planification et r\u00e9vision r\u00e9guli\u00e8re des proc\u00e9dures.",
            "output": [
                "simulation exercises, plan and revision of procedures on a regular basis."
            "id": "task1397-d82dadaee3404cd8bfa4817e104fb5c4",
            "input": "Pour mener \u00e0 bien cette mission, l\u2019ECDC travaille en partenariat avec les organismes de protection de la sant\u00e9 dans toute l\u2019Europe afin de mettre en place et de renforcer des syst\u00e8mes de surveillance sanitaire et d\u2019alerte pr\u00e9coce \u00e0 travers tout le continent.",
            "output": [
                "In order to achieve this mission, ECDC works in partnership with national health protection bodies across Europe to strengthen and develop continent-wide disease surveillance and early warning systems."
            "id": "task1397-895b3c40abd84fbd8d3f1bfa7ca443b0",
            "input": "Jusqu\u2019\u00e0 50\u00a0% des cas d\u2019insuffisance h\u00e9patique provoquent le d\u00e9c\u00e8s du patient.",
            "output": [
                "Up to 50% of cases with liver damage may die."
            "id": "task1397-913c5e81bfbd4cefb779c7dab983149b",
            "input": "VIH/SIDA",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-8180521f90784a44ab724023ed01c4ac",
            "input": "La grippe aviaire est un grave probl\u00e8me v\u00e9t\u00e9rinaire, mais les virus de la grippe aviaire peuvent \u00e9galement devenir infectieux pour l\u2019homme lorsqu\u2019il vit au contact d\u2019oiseaux infect\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "Avian influenza is mainly a huge veterinary problem, but avian influenza viruses may also cause disease in humans after very close contact with infected birds."
            "id": "task1397-9d2f068e2835432189eba458259b2ab7",
            "input": "Le journal couvre tous les aspects de l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie, de la pr\u00e9vention et du contr\u00f4le des maladies transmissibles sur le plan europ\u00e9en, et les publications \u00e9lectroniques comptent environ 15\u00a0000 abonn\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "The journal covers all aspects of communicable disease epidemiology, prevention and control from a European perspective, and the electronic releases have around 15,000 subscribers."
            "id": "task1397-2717d7da629447f998fd475ef0cc3c7e",
            "input": "L\u2019ECDC et l\u2019OMS/EURO travaillent \u00e9galement ensemble sur la surveillance de la grippe et ont collabor\u00e9 \u00e0 l\u2019occasion de nombreuses formations et initiatives de renforcement des capacit\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC and WHO Euro also work together on influenza surveillance, and have partnered on numerous training and capacity building initiatives."
            "id": "task1397-63a4048675e64ab298dafcdd961f3a60",
            "input": "La grippe est une maladie infectieuse aigu\u00eb des voies respiratoires due \u00e0 trois formes de virus influenza\u00a0:",
            "output": [
                "Influenza is an acute infectious disease of the respiratory tract caused by the influenza virus which occurs in three types:"
            "id": "task1397-9bbaa1116f2f453d9be430678a0a7391",
            "input": "La p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation est comprise entre 3 et 10 jours.",
            "output": [
                "The incubation period ranges between 3 and 10 days."
            "id": "task1397-dbec92e24e2b4b4c908d829d9eba39f5",
            "input": "- la premi\u00e8re consultation avec les \u00c9tats membres a eu lieu en d\u00e9cembre 2005 en pr\u00e9sence de 70 participants environ.",
            "output": [
                "- The 1st consultation with the MS occurred in December 2005 , with approximately 70 participants."
            "id": "task1397-8deb0b1f04a94b8fbb869087f33522aa",
            "input": "En cas de menace sanitaire (menace pesant sur la sant\u00e9 publique), le CEPCM aura pour principale t\u00e2che de limiter l\u2019impact de la crise sur les citoyens de l\u2019UE en aidant les \u00c9tats membres et la Commission europ\u00e9enne \u00e0 r\u00e9agir.",
            "output": [
                "The overall aim of ECDC during a PHE is to minimize the impact of the crisis on EU citizens, by assisting the MS and the European Commission in their response activities."
            "id": "task1397-100a9dbbf3ea485db1a545d38184eadd",
            "input": "Clostridium difficile est une bact\u00e9rie ana\u00e9robie largement pr\u00e9sente dans le sol et le tractus intestinal des animaux.",
            "output": [
                "Clostridium difficile is an anaerobic bacterium, widely distributed in soil and intestinal tracts of animals."
            "id": "task1397-9d8032a6a007448c9b5839420a157c50",
            "input": "De temps en temps, des cas sont signal\u00e9s en Australie, en Chine et en Afrique du Sud.",
            "output": [
                "Cases are occasionally reported in Australia, China, and South Africa."
            "id": "task1397-53ce3090f49448fe93ea524cf05bd870",
            "input": "Enfin, le d\u00e9veloppement des capacit\u00e9s entrepris dans les \u00c9tats membres \u00e0 travers le programme europ\u00e9en EPIET est \u00e9galement soutenu par les membres de l\u2019EPIET qui r\u00e9alisent des missions internationales sur le terrain, en lien avec les r\u00e9actions sur les foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques.",
            "output": [
                "Finally, capacity building in Member States through the European Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training (EPIET) is also supported via the involvement of EPIET fellows in various international field missions related to outbreak response."
            "id": "task1397-abc37cc79e424cdca8184249d1c888de",
            "input": "Bienvenue au Centre de connaissances et de ressources sur la communication en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9 (CCR)!",
            "output": [
                "Welcome to the Knowledge and Resource Centre on Health Communication (KRC)!"
            "id": "task1397-2ca1cf7a4a634021b81ee081fe345d5e",
            "input": "Une hospitalisation peut \u00eatre n\u00e9cessaire en cas de d\u00e9shydratation.",
            "output": [
                "Due to the effects of dehydration, hospital admission may sometimes be required."
            "id": "task1397-0ddfa43704224ce2950d939d2167b02c",
            "input": "L\u2019objectif principal de la lutte contre les maladies infectieuses est d\u2019am\u00e9liorer les connaissances relatives \u00e0 la vaccination et la confiance suscit\u00e9e par les vaccins chez les d\u00e9cideurs, la population g\u00e9n\u00e9rale et le personnel m\u00e9dical.",
            "output": [
                "Improving knowledge about immunisation and confidence in vaccines among decision-makers, general public and health care workers remains a main goal to achieve in the fight against infectious diseases."
            "id": "task1397-589c86a8826746d3990a2da2d7cbe9bb",
            "input": "Une conf\u00e9rence de l\u2019ASPHER a eu lieu \u00e0 Paris les 30 et 31 octobre 2008.",
            "output": [
                "Next Conference will happen in Paris 30, 31 October 2008."
            "id": "task1397-efd804da4ec6461e9620ae7be788f03b",
            "input": "La transmission interhumaine ou interanimale se fait principalement par l\u2019eau et les aliments contamin\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "Person-to-person or animal-to-person disease transmission occurs mainly through contaminated water and food."
            "id": "task1397-320315fb16924f5387b4f04ab8b48cd3",
            "input": "Renforcement des partenariats dans le domaine de la formation",
            "output": [
                "Strengthening Partnerships in Training"
            "id": "task1397-2d97170ab84f4df3a76541fd02a6390d",
            "input": "Le SIDA se caract\u00e9rise par la pr\u00e9sence d\u2019une ou plusieurs maladies \u00abopportunistes\u00bb (autres maladies dues \u00e0 la diminution de l\u2019immunit\u00e9).",
            "output": [
                "AIDS is defined by the presence of one or more \u201copportunistic\u201d illnesses (other illnesses due to decreased immunity)."
            "id": "task1397-83d5f339216b487d962689a34002ef42",
            "input": "Quelles activit\u00e9s de typage sont importantes en sant\u00e9 publique?",
            "output": [
                "What kind of typing activities are important in public health?"
            "id": "task1397-0ca1bf14a53847d18367e12a5ad2f4c6",
            "input": "G\u00e9n\u00e9ralement, la peau se d\u00e9tache (desquamation), surtout au bout des doigts et au niveau des orteils et de l\u2019aine.",
            "output": [
                "The skin usually peels, especially on the fingertips, toes and groin."
            "id": "task1397-ada7529068cf43768226b7829252127a",
            "input": "LES MISSIONS NATIONALES DU CIU",
            "output": [
                "EOC Country missions"
            "id": "task1397-3e68967844ef48a499fb9407f070278e",
            "input": "professionnels d\u00e9butants, interm\u00e9diaires ou exp\u00e9riment\u00e9s",
            "output": [
                "junior, mid-level and senior professionals;"
            "id": "task1397-1a5ece2f3c914cb58fd014214ebc6da9",
            "input": "Le docteur Marc Sprenger a \u00e9t\u00e9 nomm\u00e9 directeur de l\u2019ECDC en avril 2010, \u00e0 la suite de son \u00e9lection par le conseil d\u2019administration du Centre en mars 2010 et apr\u00e8s son audition devant la commission Environnement, sant\u00e9 publique et s\u00e9curit\u00e9 alimentaire du Parlement europ\u00e9en.",
            "output": [
                "Dr. Marc Sprenger was appointed as Director of ECDC in April 2010, following his election by the Centre\u2019s Management Board in March 2010 and after his appearance before the European Parliament's Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee."
            "id": "task1397-ce43e818f06140e488f47070df493a02",
            "input": "Il a notamment la responsabilit\u00e9 d\u2019organiser (et d\u2019assurer le secr\u00e9tariat) des r\u00e9unions des organes directeurs de l\u2019ECDC et de son \u00e9quipe de direction principale, de g\u00e9rer les contacts avec les organismes partenaires de l\u2019ECDC, d\u2019assurer une organisation coh\u00e9rente au sein du Centre et de conseiller le directeur sur les questions d\u2019ordre politique, y compris la communication institutionnelle.",
            "output": [
                "Its activities include organising, and providing the secretariat to, meetings of ECDC\u2019s Governing Bodies and its senior management team, coordinating contacts with ECDC\u2019s partner organisations, ensuring coherent planning within the Centre and advising the Director on policy issues, including corporate communication."
            "id": "task1397-586b5a69e54e499aa2671c7b467624cc",
            "input": "Pr\u00e9paration et r\u00e9action (page g\u00e9n\u00e9rale)",
            "output": [
                "Preparedness and Response (general page)"
            "id": "task1397-f33c84638d9e47c283bd7fad22275d99",
            "input": "Leptospirose",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-35c427e332ac496886af48ee473c6ca3",
            "input": "Les autres sympt\u00f4mes varient selon le mode d\u2019infection: gonflement des ganglions lymphatiques, infection oculaire, infection de la gorge, pneumonie et infection s\u00e9v\u00e8re du sang.",
            "output": [
                "Other symptoms vary with the portal of entry, and include swollen lymph glands, eye infection, throat infection, pneumonia and severe infection with blood stream infection."
            "id": "task1397-9b2c72288eb24813bb1409d79aea8bdf",
            "input": "Dans la plupart des cas, votre ordinateur peut lire les documents et les fichiers pr\u00e9sents sur ce site.",
            "output": [
                "In most cases your computer will be capable of reading the documents and files featured on this website."
            "id": "task1397-ff0c8ac3761e43a0b4d8bfc7dd1a6eed",
            "input": "Documents techniques",
            "output": [
                "Technical Documents"
            "id": "task1397-a20496a251264da4b3e993f8ddbe4cff",
            "input": "- Consolidation des activit\u00e9s de renseignement \u00e9pid\u00e9mique",
            "output": [
                "- Strengthening Epidemic Intelligence activities"
            "id": "task1397-c1526c5c5a05457091bc1931b88942cc",
            "input": "La prophylaxie repose sur son utilisation g\u00e9n\u00e9ralis\u00e9e et sur le traitement appropri\u00e9 des plaies contamin\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "Prophylaxis is based on its generalised use and on the appropriate treatment of contaminated wounds."
            "id": "task1397-02805f3f0a074564a46362adaf90fb7c",
            "input": "Programmes d\u2019apprentissage par la pratique en \u00e9pid\u00e9miologie\u00a0(PFET)",
            "output": [
                "Learning by doing field epidemiology training programmes (FETP)"
            "id": "task1397-ba66b4f495d14eb6bd1edbf34e35ad83",
            "input": "Adresse d\u2019accueil:",
            "output": [
                "Visiting address:"
            "id": "task1397-0623170452714a1db1d620cf3ce922d1",
            "input": "Les r\u00e9servoirs courants de la bact\u00e9rie Brucella pouvant infecter l\u2019homme sont le b\u00e9tail, les chiens, les moutons, les ch\u00e8vres et les porcs.",
            "output": [
                "The common reservoirs for Brucella bacteria that may infect humans are cattle, dogs, sheep, goats, and pigs."
            "id": "task1397-40c730ea8f144318af622f84f61f70a8",
            "input": "La mission \u00e0 long terme de cette formation sera la suivante:",
            "output": [
                "The long term mission of this training will be to :"
            "id": "task1397-b437fa441f7a4b82b9ffacab42f21fe1",
            "input": "TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 DE A \u00c0 ZTH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9SEN SAVOIR PLUS SUR CE SITE",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-bec5af7ab14a4005a45fd1515d92c9c2",
            "input": "Envoyer",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-96368a4ac859453bbb52972fc097cb0d",
            "input": "TH\u00c8MES ASSOCI\u00c9STH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 DE A \u00c0 ZEN SAVOIR PLUS SUR CE SITETH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9STH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9S",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-e9a868a9a195446d9d65a54450f99881",
            "input": "D\u00e8s son ouverture, le CEPCM a pr\u00e9vu la cr\u00e9ation d\u2019une structure d\u00e9di\u00e9e \u00e0 la gestion des menaces sanitaires; en juin 2006, le CIU est entr\u00e9 en activit\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "The set up of a dedicated PHE management structure was defined since the implementation of ECDC and in in\u00a0 June 2006, the ECDC EOC became operational."
            "id": "task1397-af3d8dd7ee7c4e899d22e09289ff6896",
            "input": "Vous trouverez ci-dessous des informations concernant la transparence et l\u2019ind\u00e9pendance de l\u2019ECDC.",
            "output": [
                "On this page you will find information about ECDC\u2019s transparency and independence."
            "id": "task1397-681b88e065964b72b85d656ff1e822e8",
            "input": "cas D\u2019H\u00c9patite A en r\u00c9publique tch\u00c8que, en lettonie et en R\u00c9publique slovaque \u2013 Septembre 2008",
            "output": [
                "Hepatitis A in Czech Republic, Latvia, and Slovak Republic \u2013 September 2008"
            "id": "task1397-f8deed8311e841e795f9e1d0cb99ad20",
            "input": "\u00e9tudier la pathog\u00e9nicit\u00e9, la virulence et la r\u00e9sistance aux antibiotiques de souches individuelles au sein d\u2019une esp\u00e8ce",
            "output": [
                "to study pathogenicity, virulence and antibiotic resistance of individual strains within a species"
            "id": "task1397-b59d6201486e4510ae344640ccf400e5",
            "input": "Derni\u00e8res publications scientifiques",
            "output": [
                "Latest scientific publications"
            "id": "task1397-5a71d42f1efc41a7b0f3f91976db567d",
            "input": "r\u00e8gles concernant les stages au CEPCM",
            "output": [
                "ECDC Traineeship rules"
            "id": "task1397-3f42f5ac5671432fa5d29ae5b876f7ac",
            "input": "Des \u00e9pid\u00e9mies ont \u00e9t\u00e9 signal\u00e9es dans des h\u00f4pitaux, des centres de jour, au sein de familles, parmi des baigneurs (participant \u00e0 des sports nautiques dans des lacs et des piscines) et dans des municipalit\u00e9s dont le r\u00e9seau public de distribution d\u2019eau a \u00e9t\u00e9 contamin\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "Outbreaks have been reported in hospitals, day-care centres, within households, among bathers (affecting participants in water sports in lakes and swimming pools), and in municipalities with contaminated public water supplies."
            "id": "task1397-388af9a1f39b4e57ad2cac7683be1f0d",
            "input": "Les activit\u00e9s de formation de l'ECDC appuient le renforcement des capacit\u00e9s dans les \u00c9tats membres \u00e0 travers l\u2019organisation de formations courtes sp\u00e9cialis\u00e9es d\u2019une part, et via le Programme europ\u00e9en de formation \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie d\u2019intervention (EPIET), d\u2019autre part.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC Training activities support capacity building in Members States through the organisation of specific short courses and through the European Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training (EPIET)."
            "id": "task1397-1d21b51f823e418590dddf69c343b0e9",
            "input": "Appels de propositions en cours",
            "output": [
                "Ongoing calls for proposals"
            "id": "task1397-ac6dfa182e3b4b0093f5c69a7676255e",
            "input": "La scarlatine est\u2026",
            "output": [
                "Scarlet fever is\u2026"
            "id": "task1397-aaada720350f4ef4b3ba211e9e192ebc",
            "input": "De nombreux agents infectieux, ainsi que les organismes vecteurs, les esp\u00e8ces r\u00e9servoirs (autres que l'homme) et le taux de r\u00e9plication des agents pathog\u00e8nes, sont particuli\u00e8rement sensibles aux conditions climatiques.",
            "output": [
                "Many infectious agents, vector organisms, non-human reservoir species, and pathogen replication rates are particularly sensitive to climatic conditions."
            "id": "task1397-9277aae509f54eb082cef4f8e108fd85",
            "input": "La transmission par transfusion sanguine ou par l\u2019utilisation de produits d\u00e9riv\u00e9s du plasma est maintenant rare dans l\u2019UE.",
            "output": [
                "Transmission via blood transfusion or through the use of plasma-derived products is now rare in the EU."
            "id": "task1397-7e470978374f4bb69e9e190452020c24",
            "input": "Le processus d\u2019identification facilitera la participation \u00e0 toutes les activit\u00e9s et permettra au Centre de communiquer toutes les informations n\u00e9cessaires, comme par exemple les \u00e9valuations des menaces, les conseils sur la gestion de crise ou la communication de crise.",
            "output": [
                "This identification process will assist in the smooth participation in all activities and the communication of all necessary information such as threat assessments, management or communication guidance."
            "id": "task1397-6c5150a0edfe49a69e56ea3535f09d19",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-3110eea3773f44748268589a336d908c",
            "input": "e) assure l'\u00e9change d'informations, de comp\u00e9tences et de meilleures pratiques et facilite la d\u00e9finition et l'ex\u00e9cution d'actions communes.",
            "output": [
                "(e) exchange information, expertise and best practices, and facilitate the development and implementation of joint actions."
            "id": "task1397-693e7b6ddf6e4946a3791c47cb28de8c",
            "input": "Les lignes directrices r\u00e9pertorient certains aspects fondamentaux de la communication sur les \u00e9pid\u00e9mies:",
            "output": [
                "The guidelines identify some fundamental aspects for outbreak communication practice:"
            "id": "task1397-f909f7bc837a463ba7e27e66d99b39cf",
            "input": "L\u2019infection par le VIH augmente le risque d\u2019\u00e9volution, un traitement pr\u00e9ventif permettant de r\u00e9duire ce risque.",
            "output": [
                "HIV infection increases the likelihood of progression while preventive therapy reduces this risk."
            "id": "task1397-a50c2c0c42b642059f34ec928277ca71",
            "input": "une perspective strat\u00e9gique\u00bb. Celui-ci a pour finalit\u00e9 d\u2019am\u00e9liorer la pr\u00e9paration des \u00c9tats membres \u00e0 la lutte contre les maladies transmissibles.",
            "output": [
                "a strategic perspective\u201d ) to enhance the preparedness of the Member State in the fight against communicable diseases."
            "id": "task1397-10c02ca3a897417a832ccc36f96c32e4",
            "input": "Le diagnostic d\u00e9finitif de la vMCJ ne peut \u00eatre pos\u00e9 que suite \u00e0 l\u2019autopsie du tissu c\u00e9r\u00e9bral.",
            "output": [
                "The definite diagnosis of vCJD requires post-mortem examination of brain tissue."
            "id": "task1397-4b7f83e901bb49c792c6ca78dc69cb40",
            "input": "La grippe pand\u00e9mique est une propagation globale d\u2019une nouvelle souche de grippe contre laquelle la population g\u00e9n\u00e9rale n\u2019est pas encore immunis\u00e9e.",
            "output": [
                "Pandemic influenza is a global spread of a new influenza strain to which the general population is not immune."
            "id": "task1397-42616b3493c94361b9e441316d72c828",
            "input": "Grippe pand\u00e9mique",
            "output": [
                "Pandemic influenza"
            "id": "task1397-e9abf3f4ee0c44baa80d9a3120459ad9",
            "input": "Avant de rejoindre les institutions de l\u2019Union europ\u00e9enne, Mme Jakab \u00e9tait secr\u00e9taire d\u2019\u00c9tat aupr\u00e8s du minist\u00e8re de la sant\u00e9 hongrois.",
            "output": [
                "Before joining the EU, she was Secretary of State in Hungarys Ministry of Health."
            "id": "task1397-ed463bcd97b74bf9acb9e84c4ec5cc20",
            "input": "- de d\u00e9terminer le r\u00f4le du renseignement \u00e9pid\u00e9mique en Europe",
            "output": [
                "- agree on the role of EI in Europe"
            "id": "task1397-d637d4b12cd445228173c6f30da836e0",
            "input": "- pr\u00e9venir la propagation de souches r\u00e9sistantes entre les individus.",
            "output": [
                "- prevent the spread of resistant strains between persons."
            "id": "task1397-c613fd52f84c43a58a0b8bd87cde41df",
            "input": "Leurs r\u00e9servoirs sont les syst\u00e8mes hydrauliques, comme les tours de refroidissement, les condensateurs d'\u00e9vaporation, les humidificateurs, les fontaines d\u00e9coratives, les syst\u00e8mes d\u2019eau chaude et similaires.",
            "output": [
                "Their reservoirs are aquatic systems like cooling towers, evaporative condensers, humidifiers, decorative fountains, hot water systems and similar systems."
            "id": "task1397-3eca2c2d59af4fa58ad66fa5af062220",
            "input": "La directrice du Centre europ\u00e9en de pr\u00e9vention et de contr\u00f4le des maladies",
            "output": [
                "Director of European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)"
            "id": "task1397-a6919e9de7e64831a9ab6bfc4e8d76c5",
            "input": "La plupart des cas pr\u00e9sentent une rectite s\u00e9v\u00e8re cons\u00e9cutive \u00e0 des rapports anaux non prot\u00e9g\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "Most cases presented with severe proctitis which is associated with unprotected anal intercourse."
            "id": "task1397-e419cdade1e2478593c3044fe0343efb",
            "input": "Les personnes sont infect\u00e9es en respirant de l\u2019air qui contient de toutes petites gouttelettes d\u2019eau, connues sous le nom d\u2019a\u00e9rosols, \u00e0 l\u2019int\u00e9rieur desquelles se trouve la bact\u00e9rie Legionella.",
            "output": [
                "People become infected when they breathe in air that contains tiny droplets of water known as aerosols, inside of which are the Legionella bacteria."
            "id": "task1397-2687596789284567b21cbdff4d59ea6e",
            "input": "- en cas de menace, le personnel permanent des structures de gestion doit \u00eatre enti\u00e8rement affect\u00e9 \u00e0 la gestion de la menace et relev\u00e9 de ses fonctions habituelles;",
            "output": [
                "- Core staff in each component of the PHE management structures should be entirely dedicated to crisis management and be relieved from their normal duties;"
            "id": "task1397-2a4ea02e51074879a61afd078be7e0a2",
            "input": "Crit\u00e8res d\u2019\u00e9ligibilit\u00e9",
            "output": [
                "Fellowship conditions"
            "id": "task1397-10388cdf55744c4597c57332b8b84fcb",
            "input": "Netscape 6.0 et 4.0: s\u00e9lectionnez le menu \u00ab\u00c9dition\u00bb et cliquez sur \u00abPr\u00e9f\u00e9rences\u00bb.",
            "output": [
                "Netscape 6.0, and 4.0 - Select Edit menu and click on Preferences."
            "id": "task1397-0b899b9678634e658ad9512ecc5d42f7",
            "input": "Plus courante dans les r\u00e9gions tropicales, cette maladie est \u00e9galement pr\u00e9sente dans les zones temp\u00e9r\u00e9es, notamment en Europe.",
            "output": [
                "Although more common in tropical areas of the world, the disease is also present in temperate areas, including Europe."
            "id": "task1397-f95b637c63bc4304af32fdf5778a30c6",
            "input": "L\u2019ECDC ne divulguera pas vos donn\u00e9es \u00e0 caract\u00e8re personnel \u00e0 des fins de marketing direct;",
            "output": [
                "ECDC will not divulge your personal data for direct marketing purposes."
            "id": "task1397-3d41ef561a9445d298742eb882b3e0a0",
            "input": "Expert national d\u00e9tach\u00e9 (END)",
            "output": [
                "As a Seconded National Expert (SNE)"
            "id": "task1397-c7ab1a8ecda746f6b3673a6c3deae35c",
            "input": "Accessibilit\u00e9",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-4a0b0b44e1384a8081550998c1030ab3",
            "input": "Son contenu multilingue augmentera peu \u00e0 peu au cours des prochaines ann\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "The multilingual content will gradually grow over the coming years."
            "id": "task1397-ed3cd0c2e9d04bc08d3be191a51ee284",
            "input": "S\u2019appuyant sur une \u00e9tude pilote pr\u00e9alable, la pr\u00e9paration par l\u2019ECDC du projet BCoDE  \n                a pour objectif d\u2019\u00e9laborer une m\u00e9thodologie, des crit\u00e8res de mesure et des rapports sur l\u2019impact actuel et \u00e0 venir des maladies transmissibles dans les pays de l\u2019UE ainsi que de l\u2019EEE/AELE.",
            "output": [
                "Building on an earlier pilot study, ECDC\u2019s preparation for the BCoDE (Present and Future Burden of Communicable Disease in Europe)  \n                project is aimed at developing a methodology, measure and report on the current and future burden of communicable diseases in EU and EEA/ EFTA countries."
            "id": "task1397-20fec3234afb4f199b4bb8628e3f2419",
            "input": "Les syst\u00e8mes de contr\u00f4le qualit\u00e9 au laboratoire visent \u00e0 d\u00e9tecter, r\u00e9duire et corriger tout d\u00e9faut au niveau du diagnostic, de l\u2019\u00e9valuation des risques, de l\u2019examen et du traitement des patients.",
            "output": [
                "Laboratory quality control systems aim to detect, reduce and correct any deficiencies in diagnosis, risk assessment, examination and treatment of patients."
            "id": "task1397-36b3f452634e492e85ded2072555ed59",
            "input": "Ce sont en effet les organes directeurs du CEPCM qui interpr\u00e8tent et \u00e9tablissent la strat\u00e9gie globale du Centre.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC Governing bodies interpret and set the strategic direction of the agency."
            "id": "task1397-edeb4f975fd24ed4bc38c5b60957cd67",
            "input": "TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 DE A \u00c0 ZEN SAVOIR PLUS SUR CE SITESECTIONSNOUVEAUT\u00c9STH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9S\u00c5 LA UNE",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-fd3b768817244b7ebd2c96d9afddf5ee",
            "input": "Jusqu\u2019\u00e0 90\u00a0% des h\u00e9patites A chez l\u2019enfant sont asymptomatiques ou ne sont pas accompagn\u00e9es de jaunisse.",
            "output": [
                "Up to 90% of hepatitis A infection in children goes with no symptoms or without jaundice."
            "id": "task1397-8483657df60a4be1a7038c4e043fd144",
            "input": "Les agents contractuels sont recrut\u00e9s aux postes suivants:",
            "output": [
                "The Centre\u2019s contract agents are mainly recruited for:"
            "id": "task1397-77c4e1cc85674056b7ac5194dee50f4a",
            "input": "R\u00e9unions annuelles",
            "output": [
                "Annual meetings"
            "id": "task1397-cbff183351d442d2813f04018d8ee7b5",
            "input": "Progr\u00e8s de la recherche scientifique",
            "output": [
                "Science advances"
            "id": "task1397-05cebdda5f914cd2a35178416338bd47",
            "input": "Cela signifie notamment r\u00e9unir des informations sur les pratiques existantes en termes de sant\u00e9 publique, suivre la l\u00e9gislation correspondante et fournir un retour d\u2019information sur l'impact qu'ont les diverses r\u00e8glementations sur les collectivit\u00e9s et les groupes locaux.",
            "output": [
                "It encompasses gathering information on existing practice related to public health,  related legislation monitoring and providing feedback on how specific regulations impact local groups and communities."
            "id": "task1397-9b4b21005037441284fce89beeffe309",
            "input": "Les sympt\u00f4mes sont tr\u00e8s variables, pouvant aller d\u2019une infection ent\u00e9rique l\u00e9g\u00e8re (diarrh\u00e9e aqueuse autolimitante) \u00e0 des sympt\u00f4mes tr\u00e8s graves (forte fi\u00e8vre, dysenterie, perforation intestinale, insuffisance r\u00e9nale).",
            "output": [
                "The symptoms may therefore vary between a mild enteric infection (watery, self-limiting diarrhoea) and very serious symptoms (high fever, dysentery, intestinal perforation, kidney failure)."
            "id": "task1397-8e89560d45ac4f428c610ab867c44347",
            "input": "Les pays de l\u2019UE et de l\u2019EEE/AELE doivent signaler \u00e0 l\u2019ECDC les cas d\u2019infections g\u00e9nitales \u00e0 Chlamydia.",
            "output": [
                "The EU and EEA/EFTA countries are expected to report genital chlamydia infections to ECDC."
            "id": "task1397-04654094ffad41cfba80baf92313c18b",
            "input": "Habituellement, les sympt\u00f4mes de la grippe A(H1N1) sont similaires \u00e0 ceux de la grippe saisonni\u00e8re classique: apparition soudaine de fi\u00e8vre et sympt\u00f4mes respiratoires (\u00e9ventuellement diarrh\u00e9e).",
            "output": [
                "Symptoms of the 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1) virus in humans are usually similar to regular human seasonal influenza symptoms, involving fever of sudden onset and respiratory symptoms; diarrhoea might also occur."
            "id": "task1397-2b5aff8981c44390900687c9846fdcc1",
            "input": "Maladies \u00e9mergentes et r\u00e9\u00e9mergentes",
            "output": [
                "Emerging and re-emerging diseases"
            "id": "task1397-881515119d5d48a388681afbf8702214",
            "input": "Les changements environnementaux observ\u00e9s comprennent, entre autres, l\u2019alt\u00e9ration des \u00e9cosyst\u00e8mes, la disparition de la biodiversit\u00e9, la destruction progressive de la couche d\u2019ozone stratosph\u00e9rique et le changement climatique.",
            "output": [
                "Ecosystem decline, loss of biodiversity, stratospheric ozone depletion, and climate change are some of these environmental changes."
            "id": "task1397-58e245af32bc42a6bdb5fa60775e2a14",
            "input": "Le CEPCM \u00e9labore actuellement plusieurs programmes de formation concernant:",
            "output": [
                "ECDC is in the process of developing several training curricula on:"
            "id": "task1397-32f861347777498a87e41cdf6d2c5836",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-3c727d652db94886b27dfabdd20ac718",
            "input": "La salle de presse virtuelle est temporairement ferm\u00e9e.",
            "output": [
                "The Virtual Press Room is temporarily closed."
            "id": "task1397-9839f20ad80c4bae987812b2c3a137cf",
            "input": "L\u2019UCS travaille actuellement avec les points focaux \u00e0 cartographier la structure et le mode de fonctionnement des services de microbiologie publics dans tous les \u00c9tats membres.",
            "output": [
                "SAU is currently working with the NMFPs on mapping the structure and functioning of public health micro\\-biology in all Member States."
            "id": "task1397-3d529764a0ac42de8d9bbedb813a382e",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-299e0adb18fb4eb5a6f6951e3f4e1a78",
            "input": "Le virus Sindbis est largement r\u00e9pandu et se rencontre continuellement chez beaucoup d\u2019insectes (les principaux vecteurs sont les moustiques  Culex  et  Culiseta ) et de vert\u00e9br\u00e9s en Eurasie, en Afrique et en Oc\u00e9anie.",
            "output": [
                "Sindbis virus is widely and continuously found in insects (the main vectors are  Culex and  Culiseta  mosquitoes) and vertebrates in Eurasia, Africa, and Oceania."
            "id": "task1397-5d3bf14236f141c2a431c4ce1bdba6a6",
            "input": "Infection \u00e0 pneumocoque (ou infection pneumococcique)",
            "output": [
                "Pneumococcal infection"
            "id": "task1397-9d4f1fd6f7c840daac7d9f12ff7b98bb",
            "input": "LE r\u00d4le du CEPCM en cas de menace sanitaire",
            "output": [
                "ECDC role in Public Health Event (PHE)"
            "id": "task1397-32732a9994c94476aa5c1380c74c23f7",
            "input": "Le changement climatique peut avoir un impact consid\u00e9rable sur la sant\u00e9 publique. Il peut se traduire par des d\u00e9c\u00e8s et des hospitalisations dus aux vagues de chaleur, des hypothermies suite aux blizzards, des blessures et des d\u00e9c\u00e8s suite aux inondations et par d\u2019\u00e9ventuelles modifications des profils de transmission des maladies \u00e0 vecteur, telles que l\u2019hantavirose, l\u2019infection par le virus du Nil occidental, l\u2019enc\u00e9phalite transmise par les tiques, la maladie de Lyme, la malaria et la dengue.",
            "output": [
                "The impact on public health from climate change may be far reaching and include deaths and hospitalizations due to heat waves; hypothermia from blizzards; injuries and death from flooding; and potential shifts in the transmission ranges of vector-borne diseases such as hantavirus, West Nile virus, tick-borne encephalitis, Lyme disease, Malaria and Dengue."
            "id": "task1397-a4c6c5dee7b346cf9762bc884056e1b8",
            "input": "Suppl\u00e9ant",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-ad49571e484e4b45a648eb117fdb8c18",
            "input": "L'identit\u00e9 de celui auquel l'information est divulgu\u00e9e.",
            "output": [
                "To whom your information is disclosed."
            "id": "task1397-024795efcb56473587d07c0488c2a6d6",
            "input": "Les principaux sympt\u00f4mes sont les suivants: fi\u00e8vre, \u00e9ruption cutan\u00e9e, toux, \u00e9coulement nasal et infection oculaire. Ils apparaissent apr\u00e8s une p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation de 10 \u00e0 12 jours.",
            "output": [
                "The main symptoms are fever, rash, cough, running nose and eye infection, appearing after an incubation period of 10 to 12 days."
            "id": "task1397-d22c2f06ffab467894325cd45f90b8d4",
            "input": "Le CEPCM collabore sur une base permanente avec l\u2019ASPHER et participe \u00e0 son d\u00e9veloppement et l\u2019acquisition par les \u00e9coles membres des comp\u00e9tences fondamentales dans le domaine de l\u2019enseignement en sant\u00e9 publique.",
            "output": [
                "An ongoing collaboration with ASPHER exists, contributing to their development of core competencies in public health education."
            "id": "task1397-1dd968a437e34dfba99b96e0d9a907bc",
            "input": "La premi\u00e8re phase est associ\u00e9e \u00e0 des sympt\u00f4mes telles que fi\u00e8vre, fatigue, maux de t\u00eate, douleurs musculaires et naus\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "The first phase is associated with symptoms like fever, fatigue, headache, muscular ache and nausea."
            "id": "task1397-2a81251589de44c8b9c84a885cdb5021",
            "input": "Comme le virus est encore pr\u00e9sent dans d\u2019autres parties du monde, l\u2019importation de cas reste possible. Il convient donc d\u2019informer en cons\u00e9quence les personnes voyageant dans des zones end\u00e9miques.",
            "output": [
                "Since the virus is still present in other parts of the world, importation of cases remains possible and travellers to endemic areas should be adequately counselled."
            "id": "task1397-1d7c5dd4b0bd46569ff59aad1ed91052",
            "input": "Formation en deux ans de l\u2019EPIET",
            "output": [
                "EPIET \u2013 2 years training"
            "id": "task1397-f8a9f3d5fe3744d785ebcc560efd917c",
            "input": "Infection par Eschirichia Coli v\u00e9rotoxique (VTEC)",
            "output": [
                "Verocytotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC) infection"
            "id": "task1397-d98996c4b41e4fe69c544eec1451ec84",
            "input": "Cette \u00e9ruption s\u2019observe habituellement chez les sujets de moins de 18\u00a0ans. La peau peut d\u00e9manger, mais ce n'est pas douloureux.",
            "output": [
                "The rash is usually seen in those under the age of 18. The skin may be itchy but will not be painful."
            "id": "task1397-4fd6bec411c14aa085782bb8ac287bb5",
            "input": "Pour chacun des exemples ci-dessus, il est important de souligner nos connaissances actuelles comportent des \u00e9l\u00e9ments d'incertitude.",
            "output": [
                "For each of the above examples, it is important to point out that our current understandings contain elements of uncertainty."
            "id": "task1397-ec773bd51488424c9f90efd88e51a5cf",
            "input": "Les sympt\u00f4mes sont beaucoup moins s\u00e9v\u00e8res si le patient est semi-immunis\u00e9 par une pr\u00e9c\u00e9dente infection.",
            "output": [
                "Symptoms are much reduced if the patient is semi-immune by repeated previous infection."
            "id": "task1397-e6835e02d98b4343bcf2cf52f0cc291b",
            "input": "l\u2019Organisation mondiale de la sant\u00e9 (si\u00e8ge et Bureau r\u00e9gional pour l\u2019Europe), le r\u00e9seau TEPHINET (programmes de formation aux interventions en \u00e9pid\u00e9miologie et sant\u00e9 publique), l\u2019association ASPHER des \u00e9coles de sant\u00e9 publique de la r\u00e9gion europ\u00e9enne, l\u2019association europ\u00e9enne de sant\u00e9 publique(EUPHA), le r\u00e9seau des anciens \u00e9tudiants de l\u2019EPIET (EAN), les Centres am\u00e9ricains pour le contr\u00f4le et la pr\u00e9vention des maladies (CDC) et plusieurs programmes nationaux de formation en \u00e9pid\u00e9miologie (FETP).",
            "output": [
                "World Health Organization (WHO), both its Regional office (WHO-EURO) and Headquarters (WHO-HQ), Training Programs in Epidemiology and Public Health Interventions Network (TEPHINET), the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER), the European Public Health Association (EUPHA), the EPIET Alumni Network (EAN), the United States\u2019 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC) and several National Epidemiology Training Programmes (FETP)."
            "id": "task1397-c5f9e27c5c2548b0baf38d7d2265d73e",
            "input": "Ce plan de r\u00e9action en cas de menace sanitaire suit les pratiques de gestion d\u00e9termin\u00e9es par la direction strat\u00e9gique du CEPCM.",
            "output": [
                "This PHE Plan is a development of practice of management determined by the strategic guidance of ECDC Governance cycle."
            "id": "task1397-af51da10cc444023a6248c53b3b50c98",
            "input": "L'application d'un telle approche n\u00e9cessite de comprendre en profondeur les diff\u00e9rences entre les divers mod\u00e8les et dimensions des sciences du comportement.",
            "output": [
                "This approach requires a profound understanding of the distinction between the different dimensions and models of behavioural sciences."
            "id": "task1397-399ee785f6574227ab84443d6fe05677",
            "input": "Changement climatique",
            "output": [
                "Climate change"
            "id": "task1397-53185c1ae2f14456a74ece6e42fd59f0",
            "input": "L\u2019homme est le seul r\u00e9servoir du virus de l\u2019h\u00e9patite C. L\u2019infection se contracte principalement par contact avec du sang infect\u00e9 par l\u2019interm\u00e9diaire d\u2019une rupture de la barri\u00e8re cutan\u00e9e (souvent par le partage de mat\u00e9riel contamin\u00e9 entre utilisateurs de drogues par injection).",
            "output": [
                "Humans are the only reservoir of hepatitis C virus. The infection is mainly acquired through contact through broken skin with infectious blood (often through sharing contaminated equipment among injecting drug users)."
            "id": "task1397-d5768e7e26cc48d8a62d3bccbc41aafc",
            "input": "Ce groupe A/H5N1 s\u2019est av\u00e9r\u00e9 inhabituellement stable pour une souche d\u2019influenza aviaire et s\u2019est propag\u00e9 parmi les oiseaux en deux vagues, la seconde depuis l\u2019Asie du Sud et du Sud-Est vers l\u2019Europe et l\u2019Afrique par l\u2019interm\u00e9diaire des oiseaux migrateurs et des \u00e9changes commerciaux.",
            "output": [
                "This A/H5N1 group has shown itself to be unusually stable for an avian influenza strain and has spread among birds in two waves, the second of which took it out of south and south-east Asia to Europe and Africa through migratory birds and trade."
            "id": "task1397-47c90cf408ce44ae8b023589d4849c89",
            "input": "\u00c0 cet \u00e9gard:",
            "output": [
                "In this respect:"
            "id": "task1397-11fd9e67bdbf4de79ed7b3258aca7505",
            "input": "La plupart des souches de grippe aviaire (ou influenza aviaire pour en donner le nom scientifique) sont relativement inoffensives pour leurs h\u00f4tes naturels (les oiseaux) et n\u2019infectent pas l\u2019homme. Ce type de grippe est appel\u00e9e \u00abinfluenza aviaire faiblement pathog\u00e8ne\u00bb (IAFP).",
            "output": [
                "Most strains of bird flu (or avian influenza to give it its scientific name) are relatively harmless to their natural bird hosts and do not infect humans - this sort is known as low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI)."
            "id": "task1397-5f33621a65cc417e86e6091840b65946",
            "input": "Aucun vaccin ni m\u00e9dicament ne permettent de pr\u00e9venir l\u2019infection.",
            "output": [
                "No vaccines or drugs to prevent infection are available."
            "id": "task1397-dedd0e2641f04db39cdbaaa1c673976b",
            "input": "Les principaux r\u00e9servoirs de telles souches sont les herbivores, en particulier le b\u00e9tail.",
            "output": [
                "The main reservoir of such E.coli strains is grass-feeding animals, cattle in particular..."
            "id": "task1397-763fca82289b440dbc6874e24ee9dc95",
            "input": "- la cr\u00e9ation d\u2019une structure de gestion des menaces sanitaires",
            "output": [
                "- The set up of a dedicated PHE management structure"
            "id": "task1397-8075ebc4829d426eb1d2feebac766d4d",
            "input": "La LGV se soigne par traitement antibiotique pendant 3\u00a0semaines, lequel est suivi d\u2019un test pour v\u00e9rifier la gu\u00e9rison.",
            "output": [
                "LGV can be cured with antibiotic treatment for 3 weeks followed by test of cure."
            "id": "task1397-ac4868d9f22e4b5c93d42a96c7e69038",
            "input": "L'adresse \u00e9lectronique de votre ami/amie",
            "output": [
                "Your friend's email"
            "id": "task1397-f5770e3e71104c5b86b39f56111bc675",
            "input": "Vous verrez l\u2019ECDC, un imposant b\u00e2timent rouge, juste en face de vous.",
            "output": [
                "You will find ECDC, a red big building, just in front of you."
            "id": "task1397-539e8651f5d949bd959ecbf4bcb240a9",
            "input": "L\u2019une des missions principales de l\u2019\u00e9ducation sanitaire est de faire conna\u00eetre les modes de vie et les comportements qui prot\u00e8gent les individus de diverses maladies.",
            "output": [
                "One of the main tasks of health education is to inform about lifestyles and behaviours that prevent people from various diseases."
            "id": "task1397-ebfb096731cb451a8bc3cdc4c9b3435a",
            "input": "PROGRAMMES DE FORMATION",
            "output": [
                "Training curricula"
            "id": "task1397-7faf462bc29043dba1573e6f5643c8d1",
            "input": "RESTER INFORM\u00c9PAGES ASSOCI\u00c9ESAutres documents l\u00e9gaux relatifs \u00e0 la mission du CentreInformation financi\u00e8re",
            "output": [
                "STAY UP TO DATERELATED PAGESOther legal documents of relevance for the mission of the CentreFinancial information"
            "id": "task1397-b56bd7159c2a4cf7a4a9a8cf3d1032a4",
            "input": "Un vaccin peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 pour prot\u00e9ger les travailleurs expos\u00e9s \u00e0 un risque professionnel.",
            "output": [
                "Vaccine can be used to protect workers at occupational risk."
            "id": "task1397-d2dcbafc9c6a457a955549370bbc0274",
            "input": "D\u00e8s lors, les activit\u00e9s de pr\u00e9paration aux pand\u00e9mies et de pr\u00e9paration g\u00e9n\u00e9rale sont renforc\u00e9es, ainsi que les enqu\u00eates sur les menaces pour la sant\u00e9 publique provenant de maladies transmissibles ou de maladies ayant une origine inconnue, et leur contr\u00f4le.",
            "output": [
                "This translates in the focus on pandemic and generic preparedness activities, and the support to the investigation and control of public health threats from communicable diseases or diseases of unknown origin."
            "id": "task1397-549ec89a54f14cf88ddb0b93575fd184",
            "input": "Les \u00e9pid\u00e9mies sont souvent d\u00e9tect\u00e9es par une brusque augmentation des appendicectomies due \u00e0 des diagnostics erron\u00e9s d\u2019appendicite.",
            "output": [
                "Outbreaks are sometimes detected as a sudden increase in appendectomies due to mistaken diagnoses of appendicitis."
            "id": "task1397-2369567d255c4e7baa7560b42f9368ac",
            "input": "La maladie de Lyme, \u00e9galement connue sous le nom de borr\u00e9liose de Lyme, est due \u00e0 la bact\u00e9rie  Borrelia burgdorferi . Elle est transmise \u00e0 l\u2019homme par la piq\u00fbre de tiques infect\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "Lyme disease, also known as Lyme borreliosis, is caused by the bacterium  Borrelia burgdorferi and is transmitted to humans by the bite of infected ticks."
            "id": "task1397-2b22c81398f74c778d790b3c1d3980a1",
            "input": "c) fournit en temps utile des informations \u00e0 la Commission, aux \u00c9tats membres, aux agences communautaires et aux organisations internationales ayant des activit\u00e9s dans le domaine de la sant\u00e9 publique;",
            "output": [
                "(c) provide timely information to the Commission, the Member States, Community agencies and international organisations active within the field of public health;"
            "id": "task1397-3343b68e8e084c97a0afac40bd5616b3",
            "input": "Marketing social",
            "output": [
                "Social marketing"
            "id": "task1397-617b5ef080cc43eea3a3f3d79a3f5553",
            "input": "CE:",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-3ad6e08f5ca94c62afc3a71669134c60",
            "input": "\u00c0 propos de ce site",
            "output": [
                "About this site"
            "id": "task1397-e9808c2d317b418b90939e5a4d600e56",
            "input": "L\u2019accroissement de l\u2019activit\u00e9 \u00e9conomique et de l'utilisation de combustibles fossiles au cours du si\u00e8cle dernier a eu des cons\u00e9quences sans pr\u00e9c\u00e9dent sur l'environnement.",
            "output": [
                "Accelerating economic activity and fossil fuel combustion over the last century have precipitated an environmental impact of unprecedented proportions."
            "id": "task1397-f7ad5b78532a42ecab916602cc0344e0",
            "input": "Retour d'information sur l\u2019accessibilit\u00e9",
            "output": [
                "Accessibility feedback"
            "id": "task1397-2836fef092914cb6abd2f09aee1fa27d",
            "input": "- Devenir un catalyseur pour la recherche dans le domaine de la sant\u00e9",
            "output": [
                "- Being a public health research catalyst"
            "id": "task1397-25dce257c2b44446a014af6e75e2d0b2",
            "input": "On signale n\u00e9anmoins des cas de \u00abmalaria d\u2019a\u00e9roport\u00bb dus au transport involontaire de moustiques infect\u00e9s provenant de zones end\u00e9miques.",
            "output": [
                "Nonetheless, \u2018airport malaria\u2019 is sometimes reported in relation to the inadvertent transport of infected mosquitoes from endemic areas."
            "id": "task1397-284bee5bcdd945b89579ee0f4a4ce003",
            "input": "Les membres du conseil d\u2019administration sont d\u00e9sign\u00e9s de mani\u00e8re \u00e0 garantir \u00e0 ce dernier un niveau de comp\u00e9tence optimal et \u00e0 lui permettre de cumuler un large \u00e9ventail de comp\u00e9tences utiles.",
            "output": [
                "The members of the Board shall be appointed in such a way as to secure the highest standards of competence and a broad range of relevant expertise."
            "id": "task1397-afdc38074ddf475dbd0e4cd62ec55a4c",
            "input": "- M\u00e9thodes de laboratoire pour \u00e9pid\u00e9miologistes",
            "output": [
                "- Laboratory methods for epidemiologists"
            "id": "task1397-ff2e05f23c0440b19815736add7f1935",
            "input": "L\u2019ECDC invite les organisations et les personnes physiques \u00e0 cr\u00e9er des liens vers le site web de l\u2019ECDC dans les conditions suivantes:",
            "output": [
                "The ECDC encourages organisations and individuals to create links to ECDC\u2019s websites under the following conditions:"
            "id": "task1397-5364fbe5d6d044dfb36ce39e6972e0a0",
            "input": "Le Programme europ\u00e9en de formation \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie d\u2019intervention (EPIET) fournit une formation et une exp\u00e9rience pratique en \u00e9pid\u00e9miologie d\u2019intervention dans les centres nationaux de surveillance et de contr\u00f4le des maladies transmissibles de l\u2019Union europ\u00e9enne (UE).",
            "output": [
                "The European Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training (EPIET) provides training and practical experience in intervention epidemiology at the national centres for surveillance and control of communicable diseases in the European Union (EU)."
            "id": "task1397-ec834269f63f408d8730d870341c1c24",
            "input": "Le virus Sindbis est un virus \u00e0 ARN envelopp\u00e9 qui appartient au genre  Alphavirus  de la famille des  Togaviridae .",
            "output": [
                "Sindbis virus (SINV) is an enveloped RNA virus of the genus  Alphavirus  in the virus family  Togaviridae ."
            "id": "task1397-945c85a7040c48a18eba98d811781b4f",
            "input": "Seules ces derni\u00e8res n\u00e9cessitent un traitement par antibiotiques.",
            "output": [
                "Only the latter require treatment, by the use of antibiotics."
            "id": "task1397-b02ed80d98254f1ea6ab3427dd7589df",
            "input": "Il n\u2019existe ni traitement, ni vaccin pour ces maladies.",
            "output": [
                "No treatment or vaccine is available for either disease."
            "id": "task1397-b9a08aa935f546d795373e1b778d44d8",
            "input": "Conditions et modalit\u00e9s des enqu\u00eates internes en mati\u00e8re de lutte contre la fraude, la corruption et toute activit\u00e9 ill\u00e9gale pr\u00e9judiciable aux int\u00e9r\u00eats des Communaut\u00e9s",
            "output": [
                "Terms and conditions for internal investigations in relation to the prevention of fraud, corruption and any illegal activity detrimental to the Communities interests"
            "id": "task1397-937541ca1cae4a2d942e46174dbeb1b4",
            "input": "Il n\u2019existe aucun traitement curatif pour soigner l\u2019hantavirose. La meilleure mani\u00e8re d\u2019\u00e9viter l\u2019infection est d\u2019exclure ou de limiter tout contact avec les rongeurs.",
            "output": [
                "There is no curative treatment for hantavirus infection, and eliminating or minimising contact with rodents is the best way to prevent infection."
            "id": "task1397-f865da3ef5ef48a4a51ce0e1e236a2bc",
            "input": "La scarlatine d\u00e9bute g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement par une angine, des maux de t\u00eate et de la fi\u00e8vre.",
            "output": [
                "Scarlet fever usually starts with a sore throat, headache and fever."
            "id": "task1397-4bac1f96d4a64b258eeec8a0e0553dca",
            "input": "- Directives et proc\u00e9dures",
            "output": [
                "- Guidelines and procedures"
            "id": "task1397-07a57a4c8cc140fdb08c48ab7ab4df8f",
            "input": "Une semaine environ apr\u00e8s l\u2019infection, les larves commencent \u00e0 coloniser les muscles, entra\u00eenant des douleurs musculaires caract\u00e9ristiques, accompagn\u00e9es de fi\u00e8vre.",
            "output": [
                "Then, about a week after infection, larval invasion of the muscles begins: muscle aches and fever are characteristic."
            "id": "task1397-e97961e7844e45368cdcd1e2d1adae54",
            "input": "Le CEPCM participe actuellement \u00e0 la r\u00e9vision des lignes directrices de l\u2019OMS sur la tuberculose et les d\u00e9placements par avion, et a coordonn\u00e9 un projet de r\u00e9daction de directives concernant les maladies infectieuses pouvant \u00eatre transmises \u00e0 bord des avions.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC is currently participating in the revision of the World Health Organization\u2019s guidelines on tuberculosis and air travel, and coordinated a project on the development of guidelines for infectious diseases transmitted on aircrafts."
            "id": "task1397-67cb391fcc904c02bc57d276f1ebf981",
            "input": "Au contraire, les patients ayant un syst\u00e8me immunitaire affaibli peuvent d\u00e9velopper une diarrh\u00e9e aqueuse profuse engageant le pronostic vital, tr\u00e8s difficile \u00e0 traiter avec les m\u00e9dicaments actuellement disponibles.",
            "output": [
                "By contrast, patients with impaired immune system may develop profuse, life-threatening, watery diarrhoea that is very difficult to treat with currently available drugs."
            "id": "task1397-2f38f79c0b64413eaa4436d6daae1bf4",
            "input": "Il existe un grand nombre de donn\u00e9es environnementales et \u00e9pid\u00e9miologiques, mais bien souvent, elles ne sont pas reli\u00e9es entre elles, ce qui emp\u00eache les organismes de sant\u00e9 publique, les agences environnementales et les scientifiques d\u2019acqu\u00e9rir des connaissances approfondies sur les voies multifactorielles qui conduisent aux changements environnementaux et \u00e9pid\u00e9miologiques.",
            "output": [
                "Despite the abundance of environmental and epidemiologic data, they are often not linked, thereby preventing public health and environmental agencies and scientists from gaining more comprehensive understandings of the multi-causal pathways that drive environmental and epidemiological change."
            "id": "task1397-ccb51bb802ab40aa8513d5cdd1c039d4",
            "input": "Les personnes de plus de 50 ans sont plus expos\u00e9s \u00e0 ce risque que les jeunes, et les hommes davantage que les femmes.",
            "output": [
                "People over the age of 50 are more at risk than younger people, and males are more at risk than females."
            "id": "task1397-0d3ddf6dd41b4d76bc15a3a414955750",
            "input": "Les porteurs chroniques restent g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement contagieux toute leur vie.",
            "output": [
                "Chronic carriers usually remain infectious throughout their life."
            "id": "task1397-6a356b4020b045889c27ba835bf8aca0",
            "input": "Si la r\u00e9ponse imm\u00e9diate \u00e0 ce type d\u2019\u00e9v\u00e9nement est du ressort des \u00c9tats membres, le CEPCM apporte une valeur ajout\u00e9e en ce qui concerne les activit\u00e9s de r\u00e9action au niveau europ\u00e9en.",
            "output": [
                "While the frontline response to these events is ensured by the Member States, ECDC provides an added value for those aspects relating to the European level of the response activities."
            "id": "task1397-553ca461791d474b9b6c32b32cf3d36c",
            "input": "Contact m\u00e9dia",
            "output": [
                "Media Contact"
            "id": "task1397-acfa55df34a64fe090a34dd52fb49b90",
            "input": "La diarrh\u00e9e peut se manifester \u00e0 tout stade de la maladie.",
            "output": [
                "Diarrhoea may be present at some stage."
            "id": "task1397-2e9204bcadfb4f98b73989355e1e887f",
            "input": "Toxoplasmose",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-dc6bba36d29e4ca5bf25b17d787f1419",
            "input": "- Une salle de d\u00e9cision interne sera utilis\u00e9e en cas de menace sanitaire par l\u2019\u00e9quipe strat\u00e9gique et pour les r\u00e9unions avec le directeur.",
            "output": [
                "- An Internal Decision Room to be used upon an PHE by the Strategic Team and for briefings with the\u00a0 Director."
            "id": "task1397-efa19fea8c0249cebab249c2280cbb78",
            "input": "Actualit\u00e9s sur la fi\u00e8vre chikungunya",
            "output": [
                "Chikungunya fever updates"
            "id": "task1397-e28aff4c64ee422b8fe43db41bfb07d1",
            "input": "L\u2019h\u00e9patite B est due au virus de l\u2019h\u00e9patite B ou VHB.",
            "output": [
                "Hepatitis B is caused by hepatitis B virus."
            "id": "task1397-53326778ee2d4adf862d113f037a1788",
            "input": "Strat\u00e9gie de formation et soutien aux \u00c9tats membres",
            "output": [
                "Training strategy and support to Member States"
            "id": "task1397-37e2327a2c1748eb9be7044b9321c87b",
            "input": "Les rickettsioses peuvent \u00eatre class\u00e9es en deux groupes principaux:",
            "output": [
                "Rickettsioses can be classified into two main groups:"
            "id": "task1397-cf897505a1d14ad799f88c53663ae87f",
            "input": "Le virus se transmet par les moustiques qui peuvent \u00e9galement servir de r\u00e9servoir.",
            "output": [
                "The virus is transmitted by mosquitoes which also act as an important reservoir."
            "id": "task1397-c2bcc2a9041d4332ac50de452c0c4eee",
            "input": "Lutte contre la fraude et la corruption",
            "output": [
                "Prevention of fraud and corruption"
            "id": "task1397-e785a9d045a847dfa8cbef4d6883a6eb",
            "input": "Il existe \u00e9galement une transmission sexuelle chez les hommes homosexuels.",
            "output": [
                "Sexual transmission among men who have sex with men has also been described."
            "id": "task1397-5a7505cd935842ec823ddb64366c0697",
            "input": "De ce fait, les structures organisationnelles et les canaux de communication qui sont habituellement suffisants, sont submerg\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "As a result, organizational structures and communication links, which are adequate under normal conditions, are overwhelmed."
            "id": "task1397-4aaec12f716048b8bd10919a64c1da18",
            "input": "Des contr\u00f4les dans les fermes permettent de pr\u00e9venir l\u2019introduction de l\u2019ECPV dans la cha\u00eene alimentaire.",
            "output": [
                "Controls on farms are important to prevent VTEC introduction into the food chain."
            "id": "task1397-d846c8d3c1ba4c84976dc10e50012a54",
            "input": "La bact\u00e9rie Escherichia coli (E.coli) est une bact\u00e9rie tr\u00e8s fr\u00e9quente dans le tractus gastro-intestinal\u00a0; elle fait partie de la flore bact\u00e9rienne normale.",
            "output": [
                "Escherichia coli (E.coli) are very common bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, and part of the normal bacterial flora."
            "id": "task1397-8e4bb4e48ae54a498b2ae4053a96c4c6",
            "input": "Une personne peut savoir lire et \u00e9crire, mais avoir des connaissances limit\u00e9es en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "A person can be literate and still have limited health literacy."
            "id": "task1397-84ce93f1938d450dbefbdbbe063e7d3a",
            "input": "Appels d\u2019offres",
            "output": [
                "Calls for tender"
            "id": "task1397-6e25eb95ce93465ebd8f3a3b06e08bdf",
            "input": "Essentiellement destin\u00e9s aux professionnels de la sant\u00e9 publique sp\u00e9cialis\u00e9s dans les maladies transmissibles, les documents techniques de l\u2019ECDC donnent des \u00e9l\u00e9ments d\u2019orientation sur les aspects op\u00e9rationnels, tels que des guides sur la collecte de donn\u00e9es de surveillance, et contiennent des formations sur l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie des maladies infectieuses.",
            "output": [
                "Largely aimed at public health professionals working in the area of communicable diseases, ECDC\u2019s technical documents provide guidance on operational issues such as tool kits for the collection of surveillance data, and training in the area of epidemiology of infectious diseases."
            "id": "task1397-0a151726cf8f4d5a91bb68e0c672d6b6",
            "input": "Les vers plats sont \u00e9galement connus sous le nom de tr\u00e9matodes.",
            "output": [
                "The flatworms are generally known as flukes."
            "id": "task1397-4d6e3ff5f29d4692989bcd62f36f2a03",
            "input": "Avant la premi\u00e8re r\u00e9union annuelle des organes comp\u00e9tents en octobre 2008, le th\u00e8me de la pr\u00e9paration \u00e9tait int\u00e9gr\u00e9 aux activit\u00e9s de renseignement \u00e9pid\u00e9mique.",
            "output": [
                "While previously preparedness issues were integrated in the epidemic intelligence activities, the first annual meeting of the competent bodies for preparedness took place in October 2008."
            "id": "task1397-a63dea4ccfa5408abb5070a140bc3e9f",
            "input": "Une communication efficace lors des \u00e9pid\u00e9mies est l\u2019un des outils pouvant permettre d'atteindre l'objectif de sant\u00e9 public - placer une \u00e9pid\u00e9mie sous contr\u00f4le aussi rapidement que possible - avec le moins de perturbations sociales possibles.",
            "output": [
                "An effective outbreak communication is one of the tools that can help achieve the public health goal of bringing an outbreak under control as quickly as possible, with as little social disruption as possible."
            "id": "task1397-ed78077016e448a5807d856f74cdcda0",
            "input": "Les vomissements peuvent \u00eatre soudains et sont souvent associ\u00e9s \u00e0 des pertes liquides importantes.",
            "output": [
                "Vomiting can be sudden and frequent resulting in remarkable fluid loss."
            "id": "task1397-111c05afb42e4e0c812e6e80c785c34e",
            "input": "En 2008, l\u2019\u00e9quipe du CIU a d\u00e9but\u00e9 les visites dans les \u00c9tats membres afin d\u2019am\u00e9liorer son niveau de connaissances et de partager des exp\u00e9riences.",
            "output": [
                "In 2008, the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) team started to visit MS\u00a0 in order to improve levels of knowledge and exchange experiences."
            "id": "task1397-22d934c709b84024a68f1b3e9b1c3651",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s une p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation de 3 \u00e0 7 jours, on observe de la fi\u00e8vre, une diarrh\u00e9e et des douleurs abdominales dans la partie inf\u00e9rieure droite du ventre, qui font penser \u00e0 une appendicite.",
            "output": [
                "After an incubation period of 3\u20137 days, the clinical presentation includes fever, diarrhoea and abdominal pain in the right lower part of the abdomen, mimicking appendicitis."
            "id": "task1397-7c9285de0abc46d6b3d47be44a801cff",
            "input": "Les activit\u00e9s de pr\u00e9paration et de r\u00e9action visent \u00e0 pr\u00e9parer l\u2019Union europ\u00e9enne \u00e0 r\u00e9agir efficacement \u00e0 toute menace de maladie transmissible.",
            "output": [
                "The preparedness and response activities aim for a European Union to be fully prepared to effectively respond to any communicable disease threat."
            "id": "task1397-6bddee4e981c498ab17045f12d351e3d",
            "input": "- des postes \u00e0 caract\u00e8re sensible au sein de l\u2019administration, par exemple pour les ressources humaines, le d\u00e9partement juridique, les finances ou la communication",
            "output": [
                "- Sensitive posts in administration e.g. human resources, legal, finance and communication"
            "id": "task1397-fa86a5ac84284864aa303acb66e97a17",
            "input": "La vaccination orale permet de pr\u00e9venir efficacement la propagation de la maladie dans les populations d\u2019animaux sauvages.",
            "output": [
                "Oral vaccination has proven effective in preventing the spread of disease within wild animal populations."
            "id": "task1397-6a7f594e6eb147bda2ec540e90acc349",
            "input": "Marc Sprenger est mari\u00e9 et p\u00e8re de quatre enfants.",
            "output": [
                "Marc Sprenger is married and has four children."
            "id": "task1397-96883829c90c4a749c1396e1fbf4ab50",
            "input": "Safari: s\u00e9lectionnez le menu \u00abPr\u00e9sentation\u00bb et cliquez sur \u00abAgrandir la taille du texte\u00bb pour augmenter la taille de la police ou sur \u00abR\u00e9duire la taille du texte\u00bb pour la r\u00e9duire.",
            "output": [
                "Safari - Select View menu and click Make Text Bigger to increase the font size or Make Text Smaller to reduce the font size."
            "id": "task1397-81db56d837e2444d9e15111edc0dc900",
            "input": "\u00e9tablit, en coop\u00e9ration avec les \u00c9tats membres, des proc\u00e9dures de surveillance afin de rechercher, de recueillir, de rassembler et d'analyser syst\u00e9matiquement les informations et les donn\u00e9es en vue d'identifier les menaces \u00e9mergentes pour la sant\u00e9 susceptibles d'avoir des incidences sur la sant\u00e9 mentale et physique et qui pourraient affecter la Communaut\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "Establish, in cooperation with the Member States, procedures for systematically searching for, collecting, collating and analysing information and data with a view to the identification of emerging health threats which may have mental as well as physical health consequences and which could affect the Community."
            "id": "task1397-701c1ee62f174c439db62bbd99df70f7",
            "input": "info@ecdc.europa.eu",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-104ef400515f47239e2d00bdd541a3b9",
            "input": "- Deux salles fonctionnelles accueilleront les activit\u00e9s quotidiennes des groupes op\u00e9rationnels en cas de menace sanitaire.",
            "output": [
                "- Two Functional Rooms that will hosts daily activities of the Operational Grioups upon a PHE."
            "id": "task1397-d4416e9a95c743db8b5da1264202e11b",
            "input": "En octobre 2008 s\u2019est tenue une r\u00e9union sur le renseignement \u00e9pid\u00e9mique et les centres d\u2019intervention urgente; l\u2019objectif principal \u00e9tait de pr\u00e9senter les d\u00e9veloppements r\u00e9cemment mis en place au sein du CEPCM en mati\u00e8re de d\u00e9tection des menaces, de r\u00e9examiner la strat\u00e9gie du CEPCM dans ce domaine et de recueillir l\u2019opinion des organes comp\u00e9tents \u00e0 cet \u00e9gard afin de pr\u00e9parer le plan de travail pluriannuel 2009.",
            "output": [
                "In 2008 a meeting on Epidemic Intelligence and Emergency Operations Centres took place in October, which main objective was to present recent developments carried out in ECDC for threat detection, review ECDC strategy in this area and obtain input from Competent Bodies in order to prepare the 2009 work plan."
            "id": "task1397-fd8824b7d7784c8ea7f4b008d1bce23c",
            "input": "Ce domaine est tr\u00e8s h\u00e9t\u00e9rog\u00e8ne en Europe s'agissant des approches et des niveaux d\u2019int\u00e9gration avec les programmes de sant\u00e9 publique.",
            "output": [
                "The field is quite diverse in Europe on what concerns approaches and levels of integration with public health programs."
            "id": "task1397-ee8093bf89a14a0f8ea7a1b356712f45",
            "input": "- Vaccinologie",
            "output": [
                "- Vaccinology"
            "id": "task1397-fd59cc698c6c4728acff3932797acf2b",
            "input": "Polio",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-9decc59d0bfb46b3b18a61ac8cb5c422",
            "input": "RSS est l\u2019acronyme de  Really Simple Syndication  (litt\u00e9ralement: syndication vraiment simple).",
            "output": [
                "RSS is short for Really Simple Syndication."
            "id": "task1397-fc059f5d2fff45c598fcb8386072cd5c",
            "input": "MANUEL Europ\u00c9en D'\u00c9pid\u00c9miologie de terrain",
            "output": [
                "European Manual in Field Epidemiology"
            "id": "task1397-2e2f73b03ee14698bbb6b31632e65478",
            "input": "Rapport de r\u00e9union",
            "output": [
                "Meeting report"
            "id": "task1397-928302dd3de14d2e8767b54080229bdf",
            "input": "Points faibles des syst\u00e8mes et secteurs europ\u00e9ens vis-\u00e0-vis du changement climatique au cours du 21e si\u00e8cle pour les principales r\u00e9gions biog\u00e9ographiques d'  \n                Europe (EEA, 2004a):",
            "output": [
                "Key vulnerabilities of European systems and sectors to climate change during the 21st century for the main biogeographic regions of  \n                Europe (EEA, 2004a):"
            "id": "task1397-ae10c3f0cf684f25aca97fdd2057bfef",
            "input": "RESTER INFORM\u00c9GALERIE DE PHOTOSPAGES ASSOCI\u00c9ES",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-399ca62d64b340baaa6d1562febe1755",
            "input": "Disponible en imprim\u00e9",
            "output": [
                "Available in print"
            "id": "task1397-8cca380ef0ef4827ab25df0195191dac",
            "input": "Chaque ann\u00e9e, plusieurs milliers de d\u00e9c\u00e8s dus \u00e0 la grippe pourraient \u00eatre \u00e9vit\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "Each year there are many thousands of avoidable deaths from influenza."
            "id": "task1397-43ee112cde444a46a208736cca8f9f5c",
            "input": "ne pas permettre une r\u00e9action tardive;",
            "output": [
                "Do not allow a delayed reaction;"
            "id": "task1397-67fb58ef2c2a4632a39a62d6a33c26fd",
            "input": "ContenuWebECQPROGRAMMES SUR LES MALADIES",
            "output": [
                "ECQWebPartDISEASE PROGRAMMES"
            "id": "task1397-210f9de3f26949da85a216f30a1b15d3",
            "input": "L\u2019int\u00e9r\u00eat actuel pour la variole est d\u00fb \u00e0 son utilisation possible comme agent du bioterrorisme.",
            "output": [
                "Present interest in smallpox is due to its possible use as a bioterrorism agent."
            "id": "task1397-fda61e1263884cd7ae9dbc54ea8bbb7b",
            "input": "Notre programme de stages a pour but d\u2019offrir aux candidats retenus l\u2019opportunit\u00e9 de d\u00e9velopper leurs comp\u00e9tences, d\u2019acqu\u00e9rir des connaissances pratiques dans l\u2019une des unit\u00e9s du CEPCM et de travailler dans un environnement international. Deux sessions de stages sont organis\u00e9es chaque ann\u00e9e pour une p\u00e9riode de trois \u00e0 six mois.",
            "output": [
                "The goal of the Traineeship Programme is to offer successful candidates an opportunity to improve their skills, to acquire practical knowledge in one of ECDC\u2019s Units as well as the experience of working in an international environment."
            "id": "task1397-c1344a06a0834a0cb8eda07451cf40ba",
            "input": "L\u2019ECDC m\u00e9rite d\u2019\u00eatre connu pour la qualit\u00e9 du travail effectu\u00e9 en son sein, sa transparence, ses r\u00e9alisations et les avis ind\u00e9pendants qu\u2019il \u00e9met.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC should be known for quality, transparency, delivery and independent advice."
            "id": "task1397-4ca31db810ba4c2c968ffe57a1973493",
            "input": "La maladie est souvent (mais pas toujours) associ\u00e9e \u00e0 un traitement antibiotique ant\u00e9rieur et s\u2019est principalement propag\u00e9e dans les h\u00f4pitaux.",
            "output": [
                "The disease is often (but not always) associated with previous antibiotic use, and has mainly been spread within hospitals."
            "id": "task1397-148c3878c52c478d9cf6da0701a75f4c",
            "input": "ne constituent pas un avis professionnel ou juridique.",
            "output": [
                "not professional or legal advice."
            "id": "task1397-8a18f63a2def496d9dd807e9a2e99a5e",
            "input": "Dans ce cas, elle peut donner lieu au d\u00e9c\u00e8s du f\u0153tus et \u00e0 l\u2019avortement inh\u00e9rent, ou \u00e0 la list\u00e9riose cong\u00e9nitale du nouveau-n\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "In that case, it can lead to death of the foetus and consequent abortion or to a dramatic picture of congenital listeriosis in the newborn."
            "id": "task1397-5ba36c5e6acb438fa5eafbf1f3f5b7a0",
            "input": "En Europe, des sangliers ont \u00e9galement \u00e9t\u00e9 impliqu\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "In Europe, wild boars have also been implicated."
            "id": "task1397-62467899ac84450a934617f72e7da23f",
            "input": "Lorsque vous descendez du bus, continuez \u00e0 marcher dans la m\u00eame direction que celui-ci (sur 300 m\u00e8tres) et vous verrez le b\u00e2timent Tomtebodaskolan de l\u2019ECDC.",
            "output": [
                "When you get off the bus continue to walk in the direction of the bus 300 metres and you will see the ECDC building Tomtebodaskolan."
            "id": "task1397-2d16a8e1caeb4e8d9a15d25e4fc606f1",
            "input": "Des agents temporaires seront recrut\u00e9s pour \u00e9tablir la plateforme d\u2019op\u00e9rations du Centre.",
            "output": [
                "Temporary agents are foreseen to build the platform on which the operations of the Centre take place."
            "id": "task1397-d861e1b1111d49f7b9acc06a6ae6715f",
            "input": "Les experts nationaux d\u00e9tach\u00e9s restent au service de leur employeur pendant la p\u00e9riode de d\u00e9tachement, et sont r\u00e9mun\u00e9r\u00e9s par celui-ci.",
            "output": [
                "Seconded National Experts remain in the service of their employer throughout the period of secondment and continue to be paid by that employer."
            "id": "task1397-5d192ea9a3364afea5cecd711ad84858",
            "input": "- Devenir la premi\u00e8re source d\u2019avis scientifiques concernant les maladies infectieuses",
            "output": [
                "- Prime repository for scientific advice on infectious diseases"
            "id": "task1397-1bb0f6e5afc0461da8e584c2a6ff7064",
            "input": "La communication sur la sant\u00e9 fait partie int\u00e9grante de la sant\u00e9 publique et concerne toutes les maladies. Elle est devenue particuli\u00e8rement importante pour les maladies transmissibles.",
            "output": [
                "Health communication is a critical public health competency for all diseases and has become especially important in communicable diseases."
            "id": "task1397-14e0868e2c7643b4b71bde11ca428948",
            "input": "Comme les virus provoquant l'\u00e9pid\u00e9mie annuelle sont g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement similaires \u00e0 ceux de l\u2019ann\u00e9e pr\u00e9c\u00e9dente, il est possible de produire un vaccin pour la saison grippale \u00e0 venir qui a de grandes chances d\u2019\u00eatre efficace.",
            "output": [
                "Because the viruses causing each year's epidemics are usually similar to the last year's it is possible to produce a vaccine for the coming influenza season with a good chance that it will be protective."
            "id": "task1397-0d45bce67eee4c469a7c29af14826cf5",
            "input": "La cons\u00e9quence d'une fuite d\u2019agents biologiques \u00e0 partir d\u2019un seul laboratoire pourrait \u00eatre la propagation d'une maladie \u00e0 travers l'Europe.",
            "output": [
                "The consequence of a release of biological agents from a single laboratory could be the spread of a disease throughout Europe."
            "id": "task1397-9cf9a20db98e4fe3841d8bbe0aaeb10d",
            "input": "Les travaux du Centre se caract\u00e9risent par un haut niveau de professionnalisme et d\u2019efficacit\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "The work in the Centre is characterised by a high level of professionalism and efficiency."
            "id": "task1397-6e70c34eb6324063b174ec5efebacd19",
            "input": "Le pneumocoque est la principale cause des infections bact\u00e9riennes des voies respiratoires, comme la pneumonie, l\u2019infection de l\u2019oreille moyenne et la sinusite, dans tous les groupes d\u2019\u00e2ges.",
            "output": [
                "Pneumococci are the main cause of bacterial respiratory tract infections, such as pneumonia, middle ear infection, and sinusitis, in all age groups."
            "id": "task1397-a5d5360b32444f178f6f8740d6b15f76",
            "input": "Flux RSS disponibles:",
            "output": [
                "Available RSS feeds:"
            "id": "task1397-7012d191fe9a433782830f9a98a901f5",
            "input": "ACTUALIT\u00c9S ASSOCI\u00c9ESPUBLICATIONS ASSOCI\u00c9ES",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-ebaef4b902594b6cb0c099e48764a59c",
            "input": "Au cours de ces derni\u00e8res ann\u00e9es, la menace que repr\u00e9sentent les maladies infectieuses (telles que la grippe, le VIH/SIDA et les infections nosocomiales) pour la sant\u00e9 humaine a constitu\u00e9 un th\u00e8me important de ces r\u00e9unions.",
            "output": [
                "In recent years, the threat to human health posed by infectious diseases, such as influenza, HIV/AIDS and healthcare associated infections, has been an important topic at these meetings."
            "id": "task1397-0b252a5910e9430b86ff6e7c358742be",
            "input": "La transmission sexuelle semble peu fr\u00e9quente.",
            "output": [
                "Sexual transmission seems to be infrequent."
            "id": "task1397-09bae47d8a174fafa3f421185738e5b9",
            "input": "prise de d\u00e9cision, communication et encadrement d\u2019\u00e9quipes.",
            "output": [
                "decision making, communication, and team management."
            "id": "task1397-7583f35aba7442a5857eaf5822aa8985",
            "input": "cas de L\u00c9gionellose en Tha\u00eflande \u2013 Janvier 2007",
            "output": [
                "Legionella in Thailand \u2013 January 2007"
            "id": "task1397-f1c26800a76e4060af16a4e9bc3a43fd",
            "input": "La p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation est longue (jusqu\u2019\u00e0 six mois, voire plus).",
            "output": [
                "The incubation period is long - up to six months (or even longer)."
            "id": "task1397-d81e57d5cc264c448d36039a7b2fbc4d",
            "input": "- Examen de projets",
            "output": [
                "- Project Review"
            "id": "task1397-502c1a12aee149b7a88d8b9554336f2e",
            "input": "Traversez la rue et prenez la rue Tomtebodavgen. Avancez sur 400\u00a0m\u00e8tres et vous verrez le b\u00e2timent de l\u2019ECDC, Tomtebodaskolan.",
            "output": [
                "Go across the street and enter Tomtebodavgen and walk 400 metres and you will see the ECDC building - Tomtebodaskolan."
            "id": "task1397-f9d647bd7b2e4adca563290b952e1ba3",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s une p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation de 8 \u00e0 10 jours, une maladie de type grippe l\u00e9g\u00e8re et g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement autolimit\u00e9e appara\u00eet.",
            "output": [
                "After an incubation of 8-10 days, a mild and usually self-limited flu-like illness develops."
            "id": "task1397-b9820ad0adaa4773872d34c7beff522d",
            "input": "En octobre 2000, Mme Jakab a \u00e9t\u00e9 nomm\u00e9e directrice de la Division de l\u2019administration et de la gestion au sein de l\u2019OMS Europe. Elle \u00e9tait charg\u00e9e d\u2019encadrer les travaux des organes directeurs et de superviser l\u2019ensemble de la planification, du suivi et de l\u2019\u00e9valuation strat\u00e9giques et op\u00e9rationnels;",
            "output": [
                "In October 2000, Mrs. Jakab was appointed Director of Administration and Management Support in WHO Europe being responsible for the work of the governing bodies of the overall strategic and operational planning, monitoring and evaluation;"
            "id": "task1397-d81957887fd741ba84d8ed1da96a9063",
            "input": "Num\u00e9ro de fax:",
            "output": [
                "Fax number:"
            "id": "task1397-1a2b542bfa5546aabde368300e27565c",
            "input": "Missions nationales du Centre d\u2019intervention d\u2019urgence (CIU)",
            "output": [
                "Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) Country Missions"
            "id": "task1397-67d65c4af4c84698ab48373a98189fd6",
            "input": "Les premiers sympt\u00f4mes sont une forte fi\u00e8vre et les yeux rouges, puis, apr\u00e8s une p\u00e9riode d\u2019accalmie, on observe une seconde pouss\u00e9e de fi\u00e8vre, accompagn\u00e9e de signes d\u2019insuffisance h\u00e9patique et r\u00e9nale, et d\u2019h\u00e9morragies (principalement intestinales).",
            "output": [
                "First symptoms are high fever and red eyes, then after a quiet period, a second rise in temperature, accompanied by signs of liver and kidney failure and bleedings (primarily intestinal)."
            "id": "task1397-a60f1ea0727b43d4a6ba1a0713bd79d1",
            "input": "Les suppl\u00e9ants, qui repr\u00e9sentent les membres en leur absence, sont d\u00e9sign\u00e9s de la m\u00eame mani\u00e8re.",
            "output": [
                "Alternates who represent the member in his/her absence shall be appointed by the same procedure."
            "id": "task1397-2ccb73bc33254577be19558d66e456c1",
            "input": "Exercices de simulation",
            "output": [
                "Simulation Exercises"
            "id": "task1397-87ad603f5b114d7c9c948e3e425bf013",
            "input": "L\u2019expertise mise en commun par l\u2019ECDC sera \u00e9galement mise \u00e0 la disposition des pays qui ont besoin d\u2019am\u00e9liorer des aspects sp\u00e9cifiques de leurs syst\u00e8mes de contr\u00f4le des maladies transmissibles.",
            "output": [
                "The pooled expertise of the ECDC will also be offered to those countries in need of enhancing specific aspects of their communicable disease control systems."
            "id": "task1397-6e288c2df5e14a6fb2234475705c6305",
            "input": "La premi\u00e8re session du cours \u00abIntroduction \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie d\u2019intervention\u00bb pour les \u00e9pid\u00e9miologistes des pays de l\u2019UE et de l\u2019EEE/AELE s\u2019est d\u00e9roul\u00e9e en janvier-f\u00e9vrier 2009.",
            "output": [
                "The first edition of this \u201cIntroduction to intervention epidemiology\" for epidemiologists from the EU MS and EEA/EFTA countries is being held in January - February 2009."
            "id": "task1397-fa17296db2274f639b0285db00548753",
            "input": "Sympt\u00f4mes",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-d66234cd736943bfad04fd441dea2b57",
            "input": "Voir le tableau 3.",
            "output": [
                "See table 3"
            "id": "task1397-f067340fc9a946528640535ae0af3eb1",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s les am\u00e9liorations de l\u2019hygi\u00e8ne g\u00e9n\u00e9rale (et en premier lieu de l\u2019approvisionnement en eau potable), les vaccins constituent la mesure de sant\u00e9 publique la plus rentable et la plus \u00e9conomique.",
            "output": [
                "After general hygiene improvements \u2013 first of all clean water supply \u2013 vaccines represent the most effective and cost-saving public health intervention."
            "id": "task1397-bc78c81e2b894a1f9697aafaa68ebff1",
            "input": "ECDC",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-06d3521068124e11a53e25b97800001e",
            "input": "PUBLICATIONSLES SIX PRINCIPAUX TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-55a5dd39aca748df9a6ffe0ffac8e8e0",
            "input": "Du fait des changements climatiques globaux, la malaria risque de r\u00e9appara\u00eetre dans des pays o\u00f9 elle a \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9radiqu\u00e9e.",
            "output": [
                "With global climate change, the potential for the reappearance of malaria in countries where it was previously eradicated is a growing concern."
            "id": "task1397-37cedf6ced3745e4987194823171311b",
            "input": "Les nouveaux virus sont souvent le r\u00e9sultat d'un r\u00e9arrangement de g\u00e8nes provenant de deux autres virus (\u00e9change de g\u00e8nes).",
            "output": [
                "New viruses are often the result of a re-assortment of genes from two other viruses (swap of genes)."
            "id": "task1397-4aef862990734028b3f07fe6ade6f900",
            "input": "De ce fait, les notes d\u2019orientation et les proc\u00e9dures varient en fonction de l\u2019apparition de foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques d\u2019envergure europ\u00e9enne ou concernant plusieurs \u00c9tats membres, ou encore de l\u2019apparition de foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques situ\u00e9s hors des fronti\u00e8res de l\u2019UE mais susceptibles d\u2019affecter la Communaut\u00e9 europ\u00e9enne.",
            "output": [
                "Hence, the context of the guidelines and procedures is defined by outbreaks of European importance, including multi-Member State outbreaks and outbreaks outside the EU borders but potentially affecting the European Community."
            "id": "task1397-c7d24e4aeb57412bba0e3ee8a8fbedda",
            "input": "Ces missions de visite repr\u00e9sentent une opportunit\u00e9 de faciliter la collaboration dans le domaine des activit\u00e9s de soutien \u00e0 la r\u00e9action \u00e0 une crise survenant au cours d\u2019une menace sanitaire (activit\u00e9s de renseignement \u00e9pid\u00e9mique, plans, Plan op\u00e9ratoire standard, locaux, \u00e9quipements, outils de communication, etc.).",
            "output": [
                "The visit mission represents opportunities to facilitate collaboration in the field of activities required to support the response to a crisis during a public health event (epidemic intelligence activities, plans, SOPs, facilities, equipments, communication tools, etc)."
            "id": "task1397-ad1f6ee501bc464e9ddf6a0bd959b1dd",
            "input": "Il est plus rare de souffrir de fi\u00e8vre, de frissons et de maux de t\u00eate.",
            "output": [
                "Less common symptoms are low fever, chills and headache."
            "id": "task1397-90c9885dd7714ed39fc107e0e89732d9",
            "input": "- Cibles:",
            "output": [
                "- Targets:"
            "id": "task1397-bcca75d83760403798a4e3c90f857c1f",
            "input": "Nous souhaitons limiter autant que possible les interruptions de service dues \u00e0 des erreurs techniques.",
            "output": [
                "It is our goal to minimize disruption caused by technical errors."
            "id": "task1397-3107e23cb9e04cd18712d00d2d506089",
            "input": "Nous sommes convaincus que chaque membre de notre personnel contribue \u00e0 faire du Centre un lieu de travail int\u00e9ressant o\u00f9 r\u00e8gne un solide esprit d\u2019\u00e9quipe.",
            "output": [
                "We believe in each and every staff member\u2019s contribution in making the Centre a good place to work with a strong team spirit."
            "id": "task1397-7248e647ee5b481c838c9d8960d3d48f",
            "input": "montagnes, en violet",
            "output": [
                "Mountains, purple."
            "id": "task1397-77f4f14600eb41e49dc25f456d850723",
            "input": "Postes \u00e0 pourvoir",
            "output": [
                "Job vacancies"
            "id": "task1397-5a8e7ee7e322462a910e0c5c2746c5b5",
            "input": "TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 DE A \u00c0 ZTH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9S",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-cd4c1525b6d74bb997fc39d4f08b4da6",
            "input": "Publications institutionnelles",
            "output": [
                "Corporate publications"
            "id": "task1397-71c024717e05431aa1fc37e6f49d6e81",
            "input": "une augmentation des cas a \u00e9galement \u00e9t\u00e9 observ\u00e9e en Lettonie.",
            "output": [
                "a similar increase in cases was also observed in Latvia."
            "id": "task1397-ac9933c3f01a4bc98eefdc0819b8d255",
            "input": "Dans \u00abPolices\u00bb, r\u00e9glez la taille (par exemple: 10, 12, 14, etc.).",
            "output": [
                "Under Fonts reset the size (for example, 10, 12, 14 and so on)."
            "id": "task1397-c224b239f0014bdf85fe13ce1c642cd2",
            "input": "L\u2019ECDC devra coordonner les ressources de l\u2019UE et \u00eatre le point focal des informations sur les maladies transmissibles.",
            "output": [
                "The ECDC will have the role of co-ordinating EU resources and being the focal point of communicable disease-related information."
            "id": "task1397-93acb0394c28415db84f882b0c102655",
            "input": "Si vous souhaitez citer des donn\u00e9es tir\u00e9es du site web de l\u2019ECDC, veuillez indiquer l\u2019adresse URL correspondante, ainsi que le mois et l'ann\u00e9e au cours desquels vous les avez consult\u00e9es, comme dans l'exemple suivant:",
            "output": [
                "If you wish to cite material from the ECDC website, please list it with the url, and the month and year you accessed it, as in the following example:"
            "id": "task1397-40040758c2f94aa4a6f0fe7222643099",
            "input": "La LGV est rare dans les pays occidentaux et les cas signal\u00e9s sont probablement import\u00e9s d\u2019Afrique, d\u2019Asie du Sud-est et des Cara\u00efbes.",
            "output": [
                "LGV rarely occurs in the Western world and cases are likely imported from Africa, South-East Asia and the Carribean region."
            "id": "task1397-d6a0de29cfec430ca54e4dc6530fe205",
            "input": "L\u2019ECDC \u00e9met \u00e9galement des avis pour la Commission sur des questions de recherche pour les programmes-cadres de la Direction g\u00e9n\u00e9rale \u00abRecherche\u00bb (DG RTD).",
            "output": [
                "ECDC also advices the Commission on research issues within the Framework Programmes of the Research Directorate General (DG RTD)."
            "id": "task1397-46a1f77bbb7f42409a9d778f5f991cd8",
            "input": "Comment sont trait\u00e9s les courriers \u00e9lectroniques que vous nous envoyez?",
            "output": [
                "How do we treat e-mails you send us?"
            "id": "task1397-af473a9ae1f74f10a302b79bb56f8884",
            "input": "Lancet ID. 2009;9:365-75.",
            "output": [
                "Lancet ID. 2009;9:365-75."
            "id": "task1397-0ed1ae53b8cc4f06824d9baca1d4d68f",
            "input": "Le Centre d\u00e9veloppe actuellement un kit destin\u00e9 \u00e0 renforc\u00e9 la surveillance et la r\u00e9action.",
            "output": [
                "A toolkit for strengthening surveillance and response is being developed."
            "id": "task1397-02b923e214934cac8d40e3fb0615a54d",
            "input": "Solna, Su\u00e8de",
            "output": [
                "Solna, Sweden"
            "id": "task1397-cc39bef3c8a04592917cd3c1111da31c",
            "input": "Si elle n\u2019est pas trait\u00e9e, l\u2019infection peut atteindre les articulations, le c\u0153ur et le syst\u00e8me nerveux.",
            "output": [
                "If left untreated, infection can spread to joints, the heart, and the nervous system."
            "id": "task1397-18b2f5ef9a084e099864d4005a599010",
            "input": "L\u2019h\u00e9patite A est une maladie pr\u00e9sente partout dans le monde.",
            "output": [
                "Hepatitis A occurs worldwide."
            "id": "task1397-5fe461351d6d4de3834c055b765cb2f9",
            "input": "Avec la d\u00e9signation des  organes comp\u00e9tents en 2007, les fonctions de gouvernance et de relation avec les pays qu\u2019assure le bureau ont \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9troitement associ\u00e9es afin de garantir une bonne communication et une bonne coordination du travail entre tous les partenaires cl\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "With the designation of the  Competent Bodies in 2007, the Governance function and along with the Office\u2019s Country Relations function have been working closely to ensure good communication channels and coordination of work among all key partners."
            "id": "task1397-4df19a4ec8c346dfb8291575f3db43bf",
            "input": "L\u2019agent responsable de la tuberculose le plus important est  Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Associ\u00e9 \u00e0 M. bovis, M. africanum et M. microti, M. tuberculosis forme le \u00abcomplexe M. tuberculosis\u00bb, un groupe appartenant au genre Mycobacterium",
            "output": [
                "The most important causative agent of tuberculosis (TB) is Mycobacterium tuberculosis. M. tuberculosis, together with M. bovis, M. africanum and M. microti, form the \u2018M. tuberculosis complex\u2019, which is a group within the genus Mycobacterium."
            "id": "task1397-fc2e269f336946a49d1ad6b144ea0e17",
            "input": "Chol\u00e9ra",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-abd1e69494a34015bb114422ef21e2da",
            "input": "La coop\u00e9ration dans le cadre des d\u00e9tachements a pour objectif d\u2019am\u00e9liorer et de d\u00e9velopper les relations entre les diverses institutions nationales des \u00c9tats membres de l\u2019UE.",
            "output": [
                "The spirit of the SNE cooperation is to enhance and develop the relationship between national institutions throughout Member States of the European Union."
            "id": "task1397-dd0b1b1bbfe14fdbad501c83c8fc021d",
            "input": "qui comprend \u00e9galement de nombreuses mycobact\u00e9ries non tuberculeuses dont M. leprae et M. avium sont les plus connues.",
            "output": [
                "This genus also includes many different nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), of which M. leprae and M. avium are best known."
            "id": "task1397-e30f485b418e42b3a9d3e210cde59076",
            "input": "Le changement climatique est attribu\u00e9 \u00e0 des processus naturels et aux activit\u00e9s de l\u2019homme qui modifient les conditions atmosph\u00e9riques.",
            "output": [
                "Climate change is ascribed to natural processes and human activity altering atmospheric conditions."
            "id": "task1397-d97529b8742d454ea660b1d19552988b",
            "input": "Leur d\u00e9nominateur commun est l\u2019\u00e9mergence possible d\u2019une maladie h\u00e9morragique, souvent mortelle.",
            "output": [
                "The common denominator is the possible emergence of a disease with general bleedings \u2013 often leading to death."
            "id": "task1397-44d3e7dafd5d41eebe149d62ce47aeee",
            "input": "R\u00e9dig\u00e9s ou coordonn\u00e9es par des scientifiques de l\u2019ECDC, ces rapports apportent des r\u00e9ponses factuelles aux questions scientifiques, op\u00e9rationnelles et de sant\u00e9 publique, notamment en ce qui concerne l'\u00e9valuation des risques.",
            "output": [
                "Authored or co-ordinated by ECDC\u2019s scientists, the reports provide evidence-based answers to scientific, public health and operational questions, including risk assessments."
            "id": "task1397-f0ed15a05a9b4c59a7e71747a4bd2bf8",
            "input": "Le syndrome respiratoire aigu s\u00e9v\u00e8re (SRAS) est une maladie respiratoire engageant le pronostic vital due \u00e0 un coronavirus qui a \u00e9t\u00e9 r\u00e9cemment identifi\u00e9, le coronavirus du SRAS (SRAS-CoV).",
            "output": [
                "Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a life-threatening respiratory disease caused by a recently identified coronavirus; the SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV)."
            "id": "task1397-3f4e6c1d02d04b008b7cb6e5c7087905",
            "input": "En Europe, les infections les plus importantes sont les infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST).",
            "output": [
                "In Europe the most important infections are sexually transmitted infections (STI)."
            "id": "task1397-68bbbd241fc348be82d5be17683933b8",
            "input": "La grippe pand\u00e9mique 2009 A(H1N1 )",
            "output": [
                "The 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1 )"
            "id": "task1397-6ccc79fcd36e40188d799116a0e991e3",
            "input": "Les principales manifestations sont les infections ur\u00e9trales chez l\u2019homme et les infections uro-g\u00e9nitales chez la femme, mais les manifestations cliniques peuvent \u00eatre tr\u00e8s diverses: diss\u00e9mination syst\u00e9mique avec fi\u00e8vre, atteinte cutan\u00e9e et articulaire.",
            "output": [
                "Urethral infections in men and uro-genital infections in women are the main presenting feature, but a broad spectrum of clinical presentations can occur, including systemic dissemination with fever and skin and joint involvement."
            "id": "task1397-f0a548204df9480b86732434b222485f",
            "input": "- utiliser moins d\u2019antibiotiques, c\u2019est-\u00e0-dire uniquement lorsqu\u2019ils sont n\u00e9cessaires au traitement du patient\u00a0;",
            "output": [
                "- use less antibiotics, i.e. only when they are needed to treat patients;"
            "id": "task1397-8751c2b61b9447df918e1c493a00f934",
            "input": "Par cons\u00e9quent, en cas de contestation, le texte adopt\u00e9 officiellement fera toujours foi.",
            "output": [
                "Thus, in case of disagreement, the official adopted text will always prevail."
            "id": "task1397-01482289138247a3a0f67b4090da71f2",
            "input": "Fi\u00e8vre de la vall\u00e9e du Rift",
            "output": [
                "Rift Valley fever"
            "id": "task1397-4d4a9d102e014a1d91b438aa2477c842",
            "input": "Les rapports et autres conclusions scientifiques sont disponibles sur le portail web de l\u2019ECDC.",
            "output": [
                "The reports and other scientific output of the Centre are available on the ECDC portal."
            "id": "task1397-938a5e01f5324e17962e8d3bf67b7de5",
            "input": "La grippe est une maladie infectieuse due aux virus influenza et dont les sympt\u00f4mes sont principalement respiratoires.",
            "output": [
                "Influenza is an infectious disease with mostly respiratory symptoms caused by influenza viruses."
            "id": "task1397-317e7def20704a80853e51d3b6ddb3e4",
            "input": "L'ECDC a pour mission de surveiller les maladies infectieuses dans l'Union europ\u00e9enne et de tient \u00e0 jour les bases de donn\u00e9es sur la surveillance \u00e9pid\u00e9miologique.",
            "output": [
                "The ECDC is responsible for the surveillance of infectious diseases in the European Union and shall maintain the databases for epidemiological surveillance."
            "id": "task1397-911ec35f817a493b9fc69d0ca7641666",
            "input": "En 2009, le CEPCM organisera avec l\u2019OMS-GSS un atelier de niveau avanc\u00e9 pour les \u00c9tats membres de l\u2019UE, les pays l\u2019EEE /AELE et les pays candidats \u00e0 l\u2019adh\u00e9sion, sur la surveillance des proc\u00e9dures de d\u00e9tection et de r\u00e9action aux maladies d\u2019origine alimentaire.",
            "output": [
                "The ECDC will organize in 2009 together with WHO-GSS, an advanced workshop for EU MS, EEA/EFTA and candidate countries on detection surveillance and response to foodborne diseases."
            "id": "task1397-2c72e6271db543a9b86f58d76ccf0336",
            "input": "Le contr\u00f4le de la chlamydiose g\u00e9nitale repose essentiellement sur la diminution des comportements sexuels \u00e0 risque, l\u2019utilisation du pr\u00e9servatif, le diagnostic pr\u00e9coce et une bonne prise en charge des partenaires sexuels afin d\u2019interrompre la cha\u00eene de transmission.",
            "output": [
                "Control of genital chlamydia focuses on reducing sexual risk behaviour, condom use, early diagnosis, and effective management of sexual partners in order to break the chain of transmission."
            "id": "task1397-8c20752849c148c8b409016d46370ddd",
            "input": "Les maladies \u00e0 vecteur sont transmises par des arthropodes tels que les tiques (comme l\u2019enc\u00e9phalite \u00e0 tiques, la maladie de Lyme), les moustiques (comme la fi\u00e8vre Chikungunya, la fi\u00e8vre dengue) ou les mouches des sables (comme la leishmaniose visc\u00e9rale).",
            "output": [
                "Vector-borne diseases are transmitted by arthropods such as ticks (e.g. tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), Lyme disease), mosquitoes (e.g. Chikungunya fever, Dengue fever), or sandflies (e.g. visceral leishmaniasis)."
            "id": "task1397-bbc0e436e71c4dc5ab9d017823c7434c",
            "input": "Le comit\u00e9 ex\u00e9cutif de gestion (EXC) est un comit\u00e9 consultatif qui travaille aux c\u00f4t\u00e9s de la directrice et qui se r\u00e9unit chaque semaine.",
            "output": [
                "The Executive Management Committee (EXC) is an advisory committee to the Director and meets every week."
            "id": "task1397-7ca09ee14545494aa7f52bc5580438a1",
            "input": "Cr\u00e9er une version pour impression",
            "output": [
                "Create a printer friendly version"
            "id": "task1397-bd01c05b3cdc4602a32cb974a01a10ee",
            "input": "Le bureau du directeur met en place les deux organes directeurs de l\u2019ECDC (et en assure le secr\u00e9tariat):",
            "output": [
                "The Office of the Director organises, and provides the secretariat to, ECDC\u2019s two Governing Bodies:"
            "id": "task1397-7761395efc15457c89fd21045651af64",
            "input": "L\u2019homme est le seul r\u00e9servoir.",
            "output": [
                "Humans are the only reservoir."
            "id": "task1397-68267c7f2e224102b37fd9e0cb81628c",
            "input": "La participation \u00e0 ces exercices est suivie d\u2019une \u00e9valuation interne du plan et des ajustements peuvent y \u00eatre apport\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "Participation in such exercises is followed by an internal evaluation of the plan and adjustments implemented subsequently."
            "id": "task1397-1646b8d7360b49faa2bc497eaa7845d7",
            "input": "Atlantique, en bleu clair",
            "output": [
                "Atlantic, light blue."
            "id": "task1397-6082d5f92963491b9f36e6b68fd679f1",
            "input": "En \u00e9change, nous offrons \u00e0 chacun l\u2019opportunit\u00e9 de faire partie d\u2019une agence europ\u00e9enne en pleine expansion.",
            "output": [
                "We can offer the opportunity of being an important part of a fast growing European Agency."
            "id": "task1397-f37ea00786d84dcc81d3a0c28cd909cd",
            "input": "Une des activit\u00e9s cl\u00e9s de l'ECDC est donc de quantifier et d'analyser davantage les liens entre le changement climatique et les autres facteurs d\u00e9terminants des maladies transmissibles.",
            "output": [
                "Thus one important area of ECDC activity is to further quantify and examine the links between climate change and other determinants of communicable diseases."
            "id": "task1397-373aad5269a349388ca17b6c7e152237",
            "input": "\u00c9ducation en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9",
            "output": [
                "Health education"
            "id": "task1397-1353f4f67bcb43478c67a2b532bb2faa",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-337b025a7174402d837999e7e06466ab",
            "input": "- des postes op\u00e9rationnels (experts techniques au sein des unit\u00e9s op\u00e9rationnelles)",
            "output": [
                "- Operational posts (technical experts in the operational units)"
            "id": "task1397-2e88f3f735e04385b2a4d816922a1080",
            "input": "Qu\u2019est-ce qu\u2019un service en ligne?",
            "output": [
                "What is an e-service?"
            "id": "task1397-c2499c4263cc4fc6843c2ea6eb9f061f",
            "input": "Adobe PDF Reader  (pour les documents PDF)",
            "output": [
                "Adobe PDF Reader  (for PDF documents)"
            "id": "task1397-ddd013b9b13549d69836db3a481601ff",
            "input": "Au sein du Parlement europ\u00e9en, la commission Environnement, sant\u00e9 publique et s\u00e9curit\u00e9 alimentaire (ENVI) s\u2019occupe de tous les questions li\u00e9es \u00e0 l\u2019ECDC (avec la commission des budgets (BUDG) charg\u00e9e des questions budg\u00e9taires).",
            "output": [
                "Within the European Parliament, the Committee for Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) deals with all issues concerning ECDC (together with the Budgets Committee (BUDG) on budgetary issues)."
            "id": "task1397-5e1ffb4123ba482a98ca269f156b328a",
            "input": "Avant son arriv\u00e9e \u00e0 l\u2019ECDC, il \u00e9tait directeur g\u00e9n\u00e9ral de l\u2019Institut national de la sant\u00e9 publique et de l'environnement des Pays-Bas (RIVM) \u00e0 Bilthoven (2003-2010).",
            "output": [
                "Prior to coming to ECDC Dr Sprenger was Director-General of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) in Bilthoven (2003-2010)."
            "id": "task1397-68c0677dfeac4f1cbf8aee22d19c23f7",
            "input": "L\u2019infection se transmet le plus souvent par voie a\u00e9rienne apr\u00e8s l\u2019inhalation d\u2019a\u00e9rosols contamin\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "The most common mode of transmission is airborne by inhalation of contaminated aerosols."
            "id": "task1397-09b8d341646c4de3a9828bc3f891fd78",
            "input": "Je n\u2019ai pas peur de retrousser mes manches pour faire avancer les choses.",
            "output": [
                "I'm not afraid to roll up my sleeves to get things done."
            "id": "task1397-c6608a4479a04b5495d4cfa6d3309f10",
            "input": "TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 DE A \u00c0 ZEN SAVOIR PLUS SUR CE SITETH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9S",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-0d5e2cba2e3e431bb3325894a16bbb55",
            "input": "Le changement climatique devrait avoir un impact important sur la sant\u00e9, d\u2019autant plus qu\u2019il contribue \u00e0 modifier les typologies de propagation des maladies infectieuses:",
            "output": [
                "Climate change is expected to have severe impacts upon health, not least through altered patterns of infectious disease spread:"
            "id": "task1397-e720b8357977414dbd91b575db795ddf",
            "input": "L\u2019infection par le virus de l\u2019immunod\u00e9ficience humaine (VIH) reste l\u2019une des principales maladies contagieuses en Europe.",
            "output": [
                "The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) remains one of the most important communicable diseases in Europe."
            "id": "task1397-461c6f04b868452b94771e4990ebef77",
            "input": "Le vingti\u00e8me si\u00e8cle a connu trois grandes pand\u00e9mies\u00a0:",
            "output": [
                "The 20th century saw three large pandemics;"
            "id": "task1397-6d9e4b0b5f814f01befddbd46dcc66fe",
            "input": "Les tableaux cliniques les plus graves sont caract\u00e9ris\u00e9s par une atteinte du foie, des reins, des poumons, du c\u0153ur et, plus rarement, du cerveau, ainsi qu\u2019une h\u00e9morragie.",
            "output": [
                "Liver, kidney, lung, heart, and more rarely brain involvement and bleeding characterise the most serious clinical presentations."
            "id": "task1397-7569a86a630d4424b8848a6dd0cae227",
            "input": "Les informations et les documents disponibles sur les pages du site web de l\u2019ECDC sont publics et peuvent \u00eatre reproduits et/ou distribu\u00e9s, en totalit\u00e9 ou partiellement, quels que soient les moyens et/ou les formats utilis\u00e9s, \u00e0 des fins non commerciales sous r\u00e9serve que l\u2019ECDC soit toujours cit\u00e9 en r\u00e9f\u00e9rence, en tant que source de documentation.",
            "output": [
                "Information and documents made available on ECDC web pages are public and may be reproduced and/or distributed, totally or in part, irrespective of the means and/or the formats used, for non-commercial purposes, provided that the ECDC is always acknowledged as the source of the material."
            "id": "task1397-0d1e2dcb5fc34ca9924716084bc65679",
            "input": "Exemples d\u2019assistance sur un foyer \u00e9pid\u00e9mique",
            "output": [
                "Examples of outbreak support"
            "id": "task1397-bc74dd653401471baf3d3f3f25836b4b",
            "input": "La pr\u00e9sente clause de non responsabilit\u00e9 n'a pas pour but de limiter la responsabilit\u00e9 de l\u2019ECDC de mani\u00e8re contraire aux exigences pos\u00e9es dans les l\u00e9gislations nationales applicables ou d'exclure sa responsabilit\u00e9 dans les cas o\u00f9 elle ne peut l'\u00eatre en vertu desdites l\u00e9gislations.",
            "output": [
                "This disclaimer is not intended to limit the liability of the ECDC in contravention of any requirements laid down in applicable national law nor to exclude its liability for matters which may not be excluded under that law."
            "id": "task1397-76a2a8c4d1034057baef76d26eb3de46",
            "input": "fi\u00e8vre l\u00e9g\u00e8re et malaises chez les enfants, maladie mod\u00e9r\u00e9ment s\u00e9v\u00e8re chez les jeunes (forte fi\u00e8vre, yeux rouges, maux de t\u00eate et douleurs musculaires) et m\u00e9ningite/infection c\u00e9r\u00e9brale chez les personnes \u00e2g\u00e9es et les personnes d\u00e9ficientes.",
            "output": [
                "from mild fever and malaise in children, a moderately severe disease in the young (high fever, red eyes, headache and muscle ache) to meningitis/brain infection in the elderly and the debilitated."
            "id": "task1397-3d67697e3e424d0a8622d18feeba752a",
            "input": "Vaccination",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-1318c416d9254078a23e128cbd650ed0",
            "input": "La maladie n\u2019est pas toujours associ\u00e9e \u00e0 la prise pr\u00e9alable d\u2019antibiotiques.",
            "output": [
                "The disease is not always associated with previous antibiotic use."
            "id": "task1397-33cebeae3b93439ba780a77f5e1efc41",
            "input": "Les enfants et les adolescents sont le plus souvent affect\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "Children and adolescents are most affected."
            "id": "task1397-27c9ebc42baf465b9e038c4ab8c52531",
            "input": "Les besoins sont \u00e9valu\u00e9s pays par pays en fonction des crit\u00e8res suivants:",
            "output": [
                "Needs are being assessed by country in terms of:"
            "id": "task1397-cf46f78e28cd4b299f8bdb8facd333d3",
            "input": "N\u00e9anmoins, l\u2019infection uro-g\u00e9nitale \u00e0 Chlamydia, souvent asymptomatique, peut \u00eatre n\u00e9anmoins \u00e0 l\u2019origine d\u2019infertilit\u00e9 en l\u2019absence de traitement.",
            "output": [
                "However, uro-genital Chlamydia infection often remain without symptoms and can undetected cause infertility."
            "id": "task1397-5f7b5e271b1f453a8318e70e7b59cce2",
            "input": "Agent temporaire",
            "output": [
                "Temporary agent"
            "id": "task1397-f25bbee0548a4022b4d4b37417db9a8e",
            "input": "Les techniques de typage sont essentielles pour:",
            "output": [
                "There are a number of reasons why it may be essential to use typing techniques:"
            "id": "task1397-ec86c6fd501e4ec8bc15fd2995b2a425",
            "input": "Centres am\u00e9ricains pour le contr\u00f4le et la pr\u00e9vention des maladies (CDC - \u00c9tats-Unis d'Am\u00e9rique)",
            "output": [
                "United States\u2019 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC)"
            "id": "task1397-7570e5973c2248879c3337e4a973734f",
            "input": "proc\u00e9dures quotidiennes (routines, sources d\u2019information, strat\u00e9gies, focus g\u00e9ographique et temporel, crit\u00e8res, rapports, documentation, syst\u00e8me 24h sur 24, 7\u00a0jours sur 7).",
            "output": [
                "daily procedures (routines, sources of information, strategies, geographical and temporal focus, criteria, reports, documentation, 24h/7d duty system)."
            "id": "task1397-4cccd1297e6e4816b0acd7a313016076",
            "input": "La leishmaniose visc\u00e9rale est responsable d\u2019une maladie syst\u00e9mique dont les manifestations cliniques sont les suivantes: fi\u00e8vre, malaises, perte de poids, an\u00e9mie, gonflement de la rate, du foie et des ganglions lymphatiques. La plupart des cas ont \u00e9t\u00e9 signal\u00e9s au Bangladesh, au Br\u00e9sil, en Inde, au N\u00e9pal et au Soudan.",
            "output": [
                "Visceral leishmaniasis causes systemic disease, presenting with fever, malaise, weight loss and anaemia, swelling of the spleen, liver and lymph nodes; most of the cases reported worldwide occur in Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Nepal and Sudan."
            "id": "task1397-bbd919f483954f0997f4de267434bc41",
            "input": "Pr\u00e9paration \u00e0 une \u00e9pid\u00e9mie de grippe",
            "output": [
                "Influenza Pandemic preparedness"
            "id": "task1397-c98f102897da4827999c85fd241a0aa9",
            "input": "cas de Chikungunya dans l\u2019OC\u00c9AN INDIEN \u2013 F\u00c9VRIER/MarS 2006",
            "output": [
                "Chikungunya in the Indian Ocean \u2013 Feb/March 2006"
            "id": "task1397-ab529dc5316e484dacf6607fad1a12db",
            "input": "Des individus sains peuvent, apr\u00e8s une p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation d\u2019une semaine en moyenne, d\u00e9velopper une diarrh\u00e9e qui dispara\u00eet spontan\u00e9ment en quelques semaines.",
            "output": [
                "Especially healthy individuals, may, after an incubation period averaging one week, get a diarrhoea that spontaneously resolves over a couple of weeks."
            "id": "task1397-4676ff1c307b47f0a69967a5b1f601eb",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s exposition, la p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation est comprise entre deux et 30 jours (10 jours en moyenne).",
            "output": [
                "After exposure, the incubation period ranges between two and 30 days (with an average of 10 days)."
            "id": "task1397-8f0212ca20fe47da84cb912a2e183ad0",
            "input": "Chez les personnes \u00e2g\u00e9es et les patients affaiblis, l\u2019infection peut \u00eatre mortelle.",
            "output": [
                "In the elderly and otherwise weak patients death sometimes occurs."
            "id": "task1397-35928a9494994b3da4f5731445633e97",
            "input": "le degr\u00e9 de r\u00e9silience des individus, des organisations et des syst\u00e8mes sociaux;",
            "output": [
                "degree of resilience in individuals, agencies and social systems;"
            "id": "task1397-0f1c42f142384231b9c64ec8b76516ba",
            "input": "D\u00e9veloppement de comp\u00e9tences",
            "output": [
                "Curriculum development"
            "id": "task1397-f8633defcf814372b1da985e4de7ade6",
            "input": "Une deuxi\u00e8me s\u00e9rie de formations courtes est actuellement en cours de pr\u00e9paration. Il s\u2019agit d\u2019une formation conjointe sur les aspects \u00e9pid\u00e9miologiques et microbiologiques des enqu\u00eates sur les foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques.",
            "output": [
                "Active input is also given in a second series of short courses, i.e. the joint training on epidemiological and microbiological aspects of outbreak investigation."
            "id": "task1397-86b09b9e11e64ef4b1752a84a4d43621",
            "input": "principes, technologies et pratiques de confinement mis en \u0153uvre pour pr\u00e9venir l\u2019exposition non intentionnelle \u00e0 des agents biologiques et des toxines, ou leur mise en circulation accidentelle.",
            "output": [
                "The containment principles, technologies and practices that are implemented to prevent the unintentional exposure to biological agents and toxins or their accidental release."
            "id": "task1397-bd6e6c4527b541989050c8d2883150c9",
            "input": "Qui plus est, les effets potentiels des changements environnementaux sur la sant\u00e9 de la population seront consid\u00e9rables dans l\u2019avenir si les conditions environnementales se d\u00e9t\u00e9riorent davantage.",
            "output": [
                "Most importantly, the potential population health impacts of environmental changes extend far into future, if environmental conditions deteriorate further."
            "id": "task1397-e30b2e1fea1b40a0a40123ad8b7e3774",
            "input": "De plus en plus d\u2019ICD communautaires, c'est-\u00e0-dire acquises en dehors des \u00e9tablissements de sant\u00e9, sont signal\u00e9es chez des personnes qui n\u2019\u00e9taient pas consid\u00e9r\u00e9es comme pr\u00e9dispos\u00e9es jusqu\u2019ici.",
            "output": [
                "There is an increase of reports of community-acquired CDI in individuals previously not recognized as predisposed."
            "id": "task1397-93f0e8b8d29e48b490bb2c31aee982d8",
            "input": "La rougeole est une maladie aigu\u00eb due au morbillivirus.",
            "output": [
                "Measles is an acute illness caused by morbillivirus."
            "id": "task1397-7787ed5420a141c7889af48c3615990a",
            "input": "Elle peut toutefois provoquer des maladies graves chez les porcelets et on sait qu'elle est la cause de pertes \u00e9conomiques consid\u00e9rables dans l\u2019industrie porcine.",
            "output": [
                "It can, however, be the reason for severe disease in piglets, and it is known to be responsible for large economical losses in the swine industry."
            "id": "task1397-4e0d3546a440458bb247eb0c52a01a23",
            "input": "Nous nous efforcerons de corriger les erreurs qui nous seront signal\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them."
            "id": "task1397-74614c2b905542bd8b33daf4b02fdca2",
            "input": "le volume de travail \u00e0 r\u00e9aliser et le temps dont dispose une organisation pour r\u00e9agir face \u00e0 une situation donn\u00e9e.",
            "output": [
                "the volume of work to be performed and the time in which the organization must respond."
            "id": "task1397-3305cb45ada84f67a0993b0b469830a9",
            "input": "Compte tenu de l\u2019ampleur de ces foyers, le CEPCM et les autorit\u00e9s sanitaires lettones ont organis\u00e9 une consultation avec des experts, \u00e0 Riga en novembre 2008, afin de partager leurs exp\u00e9riences en mati\u00e8re de r\u00e9action \u00e0 l\u2019apparition de foyers d\u2019h\u00e9patite A, et en portant une attention particuli\u00e8re \u00e0 la vaccination.",
            "output": [
                "Considering the extent of these outbreaks, ECDC, in collaboration with the Latvian Public Health authorities, organised an expert consultation in Riga in November 2008, to share experience in response activities to the hepatitis A outbreaks, with a particular focus on vaccination."
            "id": "task1397-75c6ac6e1579479885790d6fac1f8477",
            "input": "Le conseil d\u2019administration nomme un directeur qui est responsable de la direction et de la gestion du Centre et s\u2019assure que le Centre remplit les missions et accomplit les t\u00e2ches qui lui sont d\u00e9volues par le r\u00e8glement fondateur.",
            "output": [
                "The Management Board, as well as appointing the Director and holding him accountable for the leadership and management of the Centre, also ensures that the Centre carries out its mission and tasks in line with the founding regulation."
            "id": "task1397-d6937a18ed6a4594b11ba90ce9a59229",
            "input": "Activit\u00e9s:",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-28edf56a61e7465182dc224de8a09a03",
            "input": "Fi\u00e8vre typho\u00efde/paratypho\u00efde",
            "output": [
                "Typhoid/paratyphoid fever"
            "id": "task1397-745c0ce92ff9489da0fc62f7f568c49a",
            "input": "Fi\u00e8vre dengue h\u00e9morragique",
            "output": [
                "Dengue haemorrhagic fever"
            "id": "task1397-997c5ae5154f4809825b441f9c559d46",
            "input": "TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 DE A \u00c0 ZTH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9S\u00c9diteur de contenu web",
            "output": [
                "HEALTH TOPICS A-ZRELATED HEALTH TOPICSContent Editor Web Part"
            "id": "task1397-f19a5c64cffe4209a1a69cf20a225809",
            "input": "Le virus se propage de personne \u00e0 personne par des gouttelettes provenant d\u2019un individu infect\u00e9 qui tousse et \u00e9ternue; une transmission indirecte est \u00e9galement possible lorsque des gouttelettes ou des s\u00e9cr\u00e9tions du nez et de la gorge se d\u00e9posent sur des objets (y compris les mains) et que d'autres personnes les touchent et touchent ensuite leur propre bouche ou nez.",
            "output": [
                "It spreads from person to person via droplets from an infected person who is coughing and sneezing; indirectly when droplets or secretions from the nose and throat settle on objects (including hands) which then are touched by other people who touch their own mouth or nose."
            "id": "task1397-34e2e271d4784beda278e1dd342717a5",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-1f41827a5d8245c98df16606ec14eb9c",
            "input": "Outre les glandes salivaires, d\u2019autres organes peuvent \u00eatre touch\u00e9s et les sympt\u00f4mes peuvent se manifester par une infection des testicules (chez les hommes post-pub\u00e8res), de la prostate, de la glande thyro\u00efde et du pancr\u00e9as.",
            "output": [
                "Salivary glands apart, other organs may be involved and symptoms might include infection in the testicles (in post-pubertal males), prostate gland, thyroid gland, and pancreas."
            "id": "task1397-49f542148cc64835856c68b456f2650b",
            "input": "Vaccins",
            "output": [
                "Vaccine issues"
            "id": "task1397-069c133d039448fd8a5e9360160406fd",
            "input": "Les rassemblements publics, c\u2019est \u00e0 dire la r\u00e9union inhabituelle et occasionnelle d\u2019un grand nombre de personnes dans un m\u00eame lieu \u00e0 un m\u00eame moment, peuvent pr\u00e9senter un risque accru ou inhabituel d\u2019apparition d\u2019un foyer \u00e9pid\u00e9mique de maladie transmissible.",
            "output": [
                "Mass gatherings, being an unusual and occasional assembling of large human populations in time and place, can be considered to present an increased or unusual risk for communicable disease outbreaks."
            "id": "task1397-48f3f786a1bf4845a8f2542abd31f4d6",
            "input": "Publications institutionnellesPUBLICATIONSPublicationsCataloguePagerLES SIX PRINCIPAUX TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9",
            "output": [
                "Corporate PublicationsPUBLICATIONSPublicationsCataloguePagerTOP SIX HEALTH TOPICS"
            "id": "task1397-5d13d1da3d084ed6beaa87f93b00ae28",
            "input": "Le partenaire doit \u00eatre averti et trait\u00e9 afin de stopper la transmission.",
            "output": [
                "Partner notification and treatment is essential to curtail transmission."
            "id": "task1397-4b90620dd1974313ba9dffb7f7cd6c5d",
            "input": "- Menaces de maladies transmissibles lors de rassemblements publics",
            "output": [
                "- Communicable disease threats at mass gatherings"
            "id": "task1397-474c0740dc68402583077d2966911e0c",
            "input": "Au cours de l\u2019ann\u00e9e 2007, seuls trois pays ont r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 traiter au moins 85\u00a0% de tous les cas de tuberculose pulmonaire confirm\u00e9s par culture qui n'avaient pas \u00e9t\u00e9 trait\u00e9s auparavant.",
            "output": [
                "Only three countries successfully treated 85% or more of all previously untreated, culture-confirmed pulmonary TB cases from the 2007 cohort."
            "id": "task1397-8ea612aa6c764b30a6ae0cd3fd1d5d25",
            "input": "Malgr\u00e9 un bon acc\u00e8s \u00e0 des antibiotiques efficaces,  Streptococcus pneumoniae  (le pneumocoque) reste l\u2019une des premi\u00e8res causes de maladie et de d\u00e9c\u00e8s dans les pays d\u00e9velopp\u00e9s et en d\u00e9veloppement.",
            "output": [
                "Despite good access to effective antibiotics,  Streptococcus pneumoniae  (pneumococci) is still a major cause of disease and death in both developing and developed countries."
            "id": "task1397-03db38da9a46476480bae5a7dd779dd9",
            "input": "Il n\u2019y a pas toujours de la fi\u00e8vre.",
            "output": [
                "Fever is not always present."
            "id": "task1397-52a33c0b9a8a44a6b7cfce91edd71b1a",
            "input": "TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 DE A \u00c0 ZEN SAVOIR PLUS SUR CE SITETH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9SDANS CETTE SECTIONPUBLICATION D\u00c9TAILL\u00c9E",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-343c6f26dcc84d419b40bed035b1f008",
            "input": "Votre adresse \u00e9lectronique",
            "output": [
                "Your email"
            "id": "task1397-9047b59c13b8435bb86bd62df39037bb",
            "input": "AdvisoryForum_MembersAndAlternatesGALERIE DE PHOTOS",
            "output": [
                "AdvisoryForum_MembersAndAlternatesPHOTO GALLERY"
            "id": "task1397-d2c7fb5c263643529b22e39648ecd224",
            "input": "Relations externes et coordination des pays",
            "output": [
                "External relations and Country Coordination"
            "id": "task1397-581a176978ad49ed99d97e70450bde43",
            "input": "Au moins une partie des trois pand\u00e9mies du vingti\u00e8me si\u00e8cle seraient dues au virus de la grippe d\u2019un animal ou d\u2019un oiseau, ayant mut\u00e9 ou \u00e9chang\u00e9 des g\u00e8nes avec une souche grippale humaine (effectuant ainsi une recombinaison) et acquis la capacit\u00e9 \u00e0 infecter l\u2019homme et surtout \u00e0 se transmettre entre les hommes.",
            "output": [
                "At least some of the three pandemics during the last (20th) century are thought to have come from an animal or bird influenza virus that itself mutated or swapped genes with a human influenza strain (so called recombination) and acquired the ability to both infect humans and, more importantly, spread between them."
            "id": "task1397-c7efbe1a69034f5fb21dddfb402bfb4e",
            "input": "Il est recommand\u00e9 de suivre, entre autres, les mesures de pr\u00e9vention suivantes: \u00e9viter les zones infest\u00e9es de tiques (notamment au cours des mois d\u2019\u00e9t\u00e9), porter des pantalons longs et rentrer les jambes du pantalon dans ses chaussettes, utiliser des r\u00e9pulsifs \u00e0 tiques et utiliser une moustiquaire lorsque l'on dort \u00e0 m\u00eame le sol ou en cas de camping.",
            "output": [
                "Recommended measures to prevent infection include avoiding tick-infested areas (especially during summer months), wearing long trousers and tucking trouser legs into socks, using tick repellents, and using bed nets when sleeping on the ground or camping."
            "id": "task1397-27883957864d4343a1ed2bbcd044c34d",
            "input": "M\u00e9decin",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-2efdacf4ea9f4166a5dc02cd590c0754",
            "input": "infections \u00c0 Norovirus sur des bateaux de croisi\u00c8re NAVIGUANT dans les eaux Europ\u00c9ennes \u2013 \u00c9t\u00c9 2006",
            "output": [
                "Norovirus on cruise ships in European waters \u2013 Summer 2006"
            "id": "task1397-f876fdf45a084845a33914e735f4e26b",
            "input": "La troisi\u00e8me r\u00e9union a eu lieu au mois de d\u00e9cembre 2007, avec pour principaux objectifs:",
            "output": [
                "The third meeting took place in December 2007 and the main objectives were:"
            "id": "task1397-8b19500a30e24d7288971b0aad440933",
            "input": "pour toutes les institutions et agences de l\u2019UE, le  contr\u00f4leur europ\u00e9en de la protection des donn\u00e9es  exerce ses fonctions en tant qu'autorit\u00e9 de contr\u00f4le ind\u00e9pendante (voir les\u00a0articles 41 \u00e0 48 du r\u00e8glement);",
            "output": [
                "For all EU Institutions and bodies, the  European Data Protection Supervisor will act as an independent supervisory authority (see art. 41 to 48 of the Regulation)."
            "id": "task1397-d9df4ee3c8054fc6b9566f78ce88f871",
            "input": "Conform\u00e9ment \u00e0 l'article 3 du r\u00e8glement fondateur, la mission de l\u2019ECDC est de d\u00e9celer, d'\u00e9valuer et de communiquer les menaces actuelles et \u00e9mergentes que les maladies infectueuses repr\u00e9sentent pour la sant\u00e9 humaine.",
            "output": [
                "According to the Article 3 of the founding Regulation, ECDC's mission is to identify, assess and communicate current and emerging threats to human health posed by infectious diseases."
            "id": "task1397-9c1bc9c2579b4ca29f50ebfbe397ff29",
            "input": "Le directeur de l\u2019ECDC invite l\u2019Organisation mondiale de la sant\u00e9 (OMS) \u00e0 assister aux r\u00e9unions afin d\u2019assurer la synergie des travaux des deux organismes.",
            "output": [
                "The ECDC Director invites WHO to attend the meetings to ensure synergy in the work."
            "id": "task1397-1051e1b931634786ad63d101bcb5f9d3",
            "input": "Commander une version papier de cette publication sur EU bookshop",
            "output": [
                "Order a printed copy of this publication on the EU bookshop"
            "id": "task1397-35f59bf869e342eaac4365719ea3dd0f",
            "input": "La fi\u00e8vre jaune est une infection virale pr\u00e9sente dans certaines zones tropicales d\u2019Afrique et dans la partie centrale de l\u2019Am\u00e9rique du Sud, o\u00f9 elle a provoqu\u00e9 de grandes \u00e9pid\u00e9mies par le pass\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "Yellow fever is a viral infection that is present in some tropical areas of Africa and the central area of South America, where it has caused large outbreaks in the past."
            "id": "task1397-c70cf82ae0404034b2950c90a4e96d60",
            "input": "Vaccine",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-47b8bfeb61c24932af4a4e5ede88cd8c",
            "input": "En janvier 2007, un \u00eelot de cas de la maladie des l\u00e9gionnaires li\u00e9 \u00e0 des voyages a \u00e9t\u00e9 signal\u00e9 dans un h\u00f4tel de Phuket en Tha\u00eflande, \u00e0 une p\u00e9riode o\u00f9 de nombreux citoyens europ\u00e9ens choisissent cette destination pour leurs vacances.",
            "output": [
                "In January 2007, a cluster of travel-associated cases of Legionnaire\u2019s disease was reported associated with a stay at a hotel in Phuket, Thailand, in a period when many northern European citizens travel there for holidays."
            "id": "task1397-204f68a43f144a8ab6afdde554f76496",
            "input": "D'autres liens\u00a0utiles:",
            "output": [
                "More Links:"
            "id": "task1397-2a3550426046418293411c3c2907e691",
            "input": "Il existe un vaccin efficace.",
            "output": [
                "An effective vaccine is available."
            "id": "task1397-33d90512042b46899d5e4d89029b16e8",
            "input": "Cette \u00e9ruption se produit chez 60 \u00e0 80\u00a0% des personnes infect\u00e9es et appara\u00eet au niveau d\u2019une morsure de tique dans un d\u00e9lai de 3 \u00e0 30\u00a0jours.",
            "output": [
                "This rash occurs in approximately 60\u201380% of infected persons and begins at the site of a tick bite after a delay of 3\u201330 days."
            "id": "task1397-58c0529760b34d06af16430f732bbdf9",
            "input": "Appels d'offres ouverts",
            "output": [
                "Open calls for tender"
            "id": "task1397-be8c87839dc543f480e551cc82faa7ec",
            "input": "Anthrax",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-c958098304a34838bed28a42ff9ab66e",
            "input": "La dipht\u00e9rie est une maladie aigu\u00eb provoqu\u00e9e par des souches de la bact\u00e9rie Corynebacterium diphtheriae qui produisent une toxine (dans certains cas, par des souches de Corynebacterium ulcerans) et qui colonisent les muqueuses.",
            "output": [
                "Diphtheria is an acute disease caused by toxin-producing strains of Corynebacterium diphtheriae (in some cases also by Corynebacterium ulcerans) bacteria, that is known to colonise mucous membranes."
            "id": "task1397-9327d88378a442e08245fcc7b4296b79",
            "input": "Il est apparent\u00e9 \u00e0 l\u2019Alphavirus qui est responsable du Chikungunya.",
            "output": [
                "Sindbis virus is related to Chikungunya alphavirus."
            "id": "task1397-ee10598a43c449179cdd3d509c98bd26",
            "input": "la nature de l'information recueillie, pour quelle finalit\u00e9 et par quels moyens techniques. L'ECDC ne recueille des informations \u00e0 caract\u00e8re personnel que dans la mesure o\u00f9 cela s\u2019av\u00e8re n\u00e9cessaire pour atteindre un objectif pr\u00e9cis.",
            "output": [
                "What information is collected, for what purpose and through which technical means ECDC collects personal information exclusively to the extent necessary to fulfil a specific purpose."
            "id": "task1397-27f080d241b94fc58046e6cd9f4d5d7d",
            "input": "Les sympt\u00f4mes ent\u00e9riques peuvent \u00eatre suivis d\u2019une inflammation articulaire r\u00e9active et d\u2019une ur\u00e9trite.",
            "output": [
                "Reactive joint inflammation and urethritis can follow the enteric symptoms."
            "id": "task1397-e5525365df194d8abd31cbb2f271fe28",
            "input": "Le traitement antibiotique n\u2019est pas efficace (il peut m\u00eame favoriser le d\u00e9veloppement du SHU) et",
            "output": [
                "Antibiotic therapy is not helpful (it might even favour HUS development)."
            "id": "task1397-052f87620b2940409b15fa512b264981",
            "input": "Assembler, int\u00e9grer et analyser de telles donn\u00e9es fera progresser notre compr\u00e9hension de la relation entre changement climatique et maladies infectieuses en Europe et servira de base aux mesures de sant\u00e9 publique.",
            "output": [
                "Merging, integrating, and analysing such data will advance our understanding of the relationship between climate change and infectious diseases in Europe and inform public health action, summarized."
            "id": "task1397-5dcebf77691c4ba9a83d8d3b1c0f984e",
            "input": "L\u2019objectif du Centre europ\u00e9en de pr\u00e9vention et de contr\u00f4le des maladies (ECDC) est que le contenu de ce site soit accessible au public le plus large possible.",
            "output": [
                "It is the intention of the European Centre of Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), that the content of this website should be accessible to the widest possible audience."
            "id": "task1397-23358a2c88ec4339ac50d7660950618d",
            "input": "\u00c0 partir du centre de Stockholm:",
            "output": [
                "From the centre of Stockholm:"
            "id": "task1397-a174907729744994aaa9e1c663bc8872",
            "input": "Les enfants de femmes infect\u00e9es par le VIH peuvent \u00eatre infect\u00e9s avant ou pendant l\u2019accouchement, ou par l\u2019allaitement.",
            "output": [
                "Babies born to HIV-infected women may become infected before or during birth or through breast-feeding."
            "id": "task1397-2ece6b595b2240cfb968a5fa35d2ecce",
            "input": "Le risque est plus \u00e9lev\u00e9 avec la viande d\u2019animaux import\u00e9s et sauvages: il est donc d\u00e9conseill\u00e9 de les consommer crus ou peu cuits.",
            "output": [
                "Imported and wild animal meat presents a higher risk and its consumption in the undercooked or raw state should be discouraged."
            "id": "task1397-754c2266f94043398ae8a0e25ff4c5b9",
            "input": "le  conseil d'administration  et le  forum consultatif .",
            "output": [
                "the  Management Board  and the  Advisory Forum ."
            "id": "task1397-df7e5b4195094b2fa5bb9b6af8342c25",
            "input": "Microsoft Excel Viewer 2003 pour Windows (pr\u00e9sentations Microsoft PowerPoint)",
            "output": [
                "Microsoft Excel Viewer 2003 for Windows (for Microsoft Excel documents)"
            "id": "task1397-7980f51ae29a4c7da32a1f42d7a64123",
            "input": "\u00c9valuation de la capacit\u00c9 \u00c9pid\u00c9miologique, des ressources de formation et des besoins des \u00c9tats membres",
            "output": [
                "Assessment of epidemiological capacity, training resources and needs in the Member States"
            "id": "task1397-0e9a7d5af3754acdbc31aef5ca1fe647",
            "input": "TH\u00c8MES ASSOCI\u00c9SEUROSURVEILLANCEPAGES ASSOCI\u00c9ESTH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 DE A \u00c0 ZEn savoir plus sur ce siteTH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9S",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-1a611b6eee1c4f229cebd1967b9c2e2a",
            "input": "Chaque ann\u00e9e, un exercice interne est r\u00e9alis\u00e9 et \u00e9valu\u00e9 au sein du CEPCM.",
            "output": [
                "A yearly internal ECDC exercise is conducted and evaluated."
            "id": "task1397-399c71c7fba14d8da59691ce42e20033",
            "input": "- l\u2019ensemble des communications avec les membres, les partenaires, les m\u00e9dias et avec le public doivent \u00eatre conformes au plan de communication d\u2019urgence;",
            "output": [
                "- All communications with constituents, partners, media and the public should be done in accordance with the emergency communication plan;"
            "id": "task1397-4fb3a5d60bf24cbbb0c8595672f83075",
            "input": "Agence de la sant\u00e9 publique du Canada",
            "output": [
                "Public Health Agency of Canada"
            "id": "task1397-a74bda90f10d4621b74f5d9e00bfd6a6",
            "input": "Virus de l'enc\u00e9phalite \u00e0 tiques (MET couleur)",
            "output": [
                "Coloured TEM of tick-borne encephalitis virus"
            "id": "task1397-e7de0d3b92a142f2b0825f6126c9244b",
            "input": "Elles sont dues au Chlamydia trachomatis, qui est \u00e0 l\u2019origine d\u2019une maladie uro-g\u00e9nitale et d\u2019une \u00ab\u00a0lymphogranulose v\u00e9n\u00e9rienne\u00a0\u00bb (LGV), maladie syst\u00e9mique caract\u00e9ris\u00e9e par un gonflement des ganglions lymphatiques \u00e0 l\u2019aine.",
            "output": [
                "They are due to Chlamydia trachomatis causing uro-genital disease and \u201clymphogranuloma venereum\u201d (LGV), a systemic disease with swollen lymph nodes in the groin."
            "id": "task1397-cc2beb1741f54f02be85906389caf2cb",
            "input": "TU:",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-21a5630f1f674d648fd6fdb390420e86",
            "input": "Les trois instances du Centre sont: le  conseil d\u2019administration  (CA), le  forum consultatif  (FC) ainsi que le  directeur  et son \u00e9quipe.",
            "output": [
                "The three bodies of the Centre are the  Management Board  (MB), the  Advisory Forum  (AF) and the  Director  and his staff."
            "id": "task1397-3ab5eb34908844ab9f3158bfeaa7e8bd",
            "input": "Haemophilus influenzae  de type b (Hib) est la cause la plus fr\u00e9quente de m\u00e9ningite bact\u00e9rienne chez les enfants \u00e2g\u00e9s de deux mois \u00e0 cinq ans dans les pays dans lesquels aucun programme de vaccination ad\u00e9quat n\u2019est en vigueur.",
            "output": [
                "Haemophilus influenzae  serotype b (Hib) is the most common cause of bacterial meningitis in children aged two months to five years, in those countries where suitable vaccination programmes are not in place."
            "id": "task1397-81a569ad8a4d4ffd9455fb6708e4cb00",
            "input": "Formation (page g\u00e9n\u00e9rale)",
            "output": [
                "Training (general page)"
            "id": "task1397-c2db2d59c25e477c9f79f4af85173fc0",
            "input": "Fi\u00e8vre h\u00e9morragique Crim\u00e9e-Congo (FHCC)",
            "output": [
                "Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF)"
            "id": "task1397-afcfa39680f045c7a0f3ba03ae659d1e",
            "input": "les missions, les forces et les faiblesses de la r\u00e9action d\u2019urgence et des organismes de gestion;",
            "output": [
                "mandates, strengths and limitations of emergency response and management agencies;"
            "id": "task1397-1faaac77b68e4e83bc2a3989f4415449",
            "input": "R\u00e9sultatsRecherche",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-938010c27f93459684a10145408d0ed7",
            "input": "Selon le nombre de larves viables consomm\u00e9es, l\u2019infection peut \u00eatre asymptomatique ou extr\u00eamement s\u00e9v\u00e8re, voire fatale (infection massive des intestins et/ou d\u2019organes internes).",
            "output": [
                "Depending on the number of viable larvae consumed, symptoms will vary from without any symptoms to extremely severe or even fatal (massive invasion of the bowel and/or massive invasion of internal organs) disease."
            "id": "task1397-59fb94e45b304701a8613221d4f6664a",
            "input": "Les activit\u00e9s de renseignement \u00e9pid\u00e9mique s\u2019appuient sur l\u2019avis des experts du r\u00e9seau europ\u00e9en pour le diagnostic des maladies virales import\u00e9es (ENIVD) et du r\u00e9seau EuroTravNet, une structure europ\u00e9enne de surveillance des maladies tropicales et infectieuses.",
            "output": [
                "Epidemic intelligence activities receive support and advice from laboratory experts of the European Network for Diagnostics of \"Imported\" Viral Diseases (ENIVD) and from clinical experts in tropical and travel medicine of the European Travel Medicine Network (EuroTravNet)."
            "id": "task1397-e02da3c5b5bb47838132e005206bc413",
            "input": "Si vous avez postul\u00e9 pour un poste au CEPCM, nous vous invitons \u00e0 v\u00e9rifier le status des recrutements.",
            "output": [
                "If you have applied for a position with ECDC, check the Recruitment status"
            "id": "task1397-47ef8c01d5a944238a2d3c1c789af161",
            "input": "Dans trois cas, signal\u00e9s par le Royaume-Uni, on pense que la transmission a r\u00e9sult\u00e9 de la transfusion du sang d\u2019un donneur infect\u00e9 asymptomatique.",
            "output": [
                "In three cases, reported by the UK, the mode of transmission is thought to be through receipt of blood from an asymptomatic, infected donor."
            "id": "task1397-da87c07a1ce34fd2b8e5a736d7cfecee",
            "input": "- Formation",
            "output": [
                "- Training people"
            "id": "task1397-0f47678e721742ac99b4e32a535837e7",
            "input": "Les rongeurs sont le r\u00e9servoir du virus de Lassa\u00a0et l\u2019homme est infect\u00e9 par contact avec les excr\u00e9ments de rats infect\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "The reservoir of Lassa virus are rodents and humans become infected through contact with the excreta of infected rats."
            "id": "task1397-d665962ab1734a42b24be3963a31de22",
            "input": "Fi\u00e8vre \u00e0 virus Sindbis",
            "output": [
                "Sindbis fever"
            "id": "task1397-30a07897d99e47a7b605bbbbb42ec1dd",
            "input": "\u00c9thique et int\u00e9grit\u00e9",
            "output": [
                "Ethics and integrity"
            "id": "task1397-6f718857b09a4001a74c8ccec00997aa",
            "input": "Afin de limiter l\u2019exposition \u00e0 la maladie et d\u2019emp\u00eacher que d\u2019autres voyageurs soient infect\u00e9s, le CEPCM a collabor\u00e9 \u00e9troitement avec le minist\u00e8re de la sant\u00e9 tha\u00eflandais et le bureau national de l\u2019OMS afin que les mesures appropri\u00e9es soient prises aux plans local et europ\u00e9en.",
            "output": [
                "In order to limit the exposure and prevent new European travellers to become infected, ECDC closely collaborated with the Thai Ministry of Health and the Thai country office of the World Health Organization, to ensure appropriate actions were taken both on local and European level."
            "id": "task1397-b99269e9000c4f20a71a7daa1ed486db",
            "input": "pr\u00e9paration g\u00e9n\u00e9rale \u00e0 une crise:",
            "output": [
                "Generic preparedness for crisis:"
            "id": "task1397-46314ddf5ab540ffb222da297d4d3218",
            "input": "Ce serait dans un int\u00e9r\u00eat purement \u00e9volutif car la nouvelle souche est plus susceptible de survivre si elle ne tue pas son nouvel h\u00f4te humain.",
            "output": [
                "This is of evolutionary value as the new strain is more likely to survive if it does not kill its new human host."
            "id": "task1397-d49e1500383d445286515c593d75dd0a",
            "input": "Vous souhaitez contacter le service de presse de l\u2019ECDC?",
            "output": [
                "Do you want to get in contact with ECDC press office?"
            "id": "task1397-ebe14c05c40b42d39d85940175b16da9",
            "input": "Les kystes pulmonaires envahissent les tissus comme un cancer\u00a0et sont mortels en l\u2019absence de traitement.",
            "output": [
                "Cysts in the lungs invades tissues in a cancer-like fashion and if untreated always leads to death."
            "id": "task1397-0bda2cc00acc49d58536e2e3d7ccbd81",
            "input": "La fi\u00e8vre h\u00e9morragique Alkhurma  \n                est une maladie h\u00e9morragique virale signal\u00e9e  \n                principalement  \n                en Arabie saoudite.",
            "output": [
                "Alkhurma haemorrhagic fever  \n                is a viral haemorrhagic disease reported  \n                mainly  \n                in Saudi Arabia."
            "id": "task1397-f12113249c204798a4e01206001fb3fa",
            "input": "Infection \u00e0 VIH",
            "output": [
                "HIV infection"
            "id": "task1397-68c745e702664b0bb632b57f763bad4e",
            "input": "Le comit\u00e9 ex\u00e9cutif de gestion",
            "output": [
                "Executive Management Committee"
            "id": "task1397-da4edc1ed87743318b2398c7179ed91c",
            "input": "La list\u00e9riose est une maladie due \u00e0 la  Listeria monocytogenes .",
            "output": [
                "Listeriosis is a disease caused by  Listeria monocytogenes ."
            "id": "task1397-fe9be76e56d54284b6c5c20f831fec82",
            "input": "Les permissions cit\u00e9es ci-dessus NE s\u2019appliquent PAS au contenu fourni par des tiers.",
            "output": [
                "The above mentioned permissions DO NOT apply to content supplied by third parties."
            "id": "task1397-85f217be4de5480b9354ba6f60e4217e",
            "input": "Le t\u00e9tanos est une maladie souvent mortelle, pr\u00e9sente dans le monde entier.",
            "output": [
                "Tetanus is an often fatal disease, which is present worldwide."
            "id": "task1397-2eb83e88f4474cae9c4a2ddaa5436a4b",
            "input": "Le r\u00e8glement fondateur pr\u00e9cise le mandat de l\u2019ECDC en ce qui concerne l\u2019identification et l\u2019\u00e9valuation des risques.",
            "output": [
                "The ECDC founding regulations specifies the mandate of ECDC regarding risk identification and risk assessment."
            "id": "task1397-6849d0ef67754e2386d2a4d72f10dc61",
            "input": "Ce patient est tomb\u00e9 gravement malade apr\u00e8s avoir abattu un mouton provenant de la ville d'Alkhurma, dans la province de Makkah.",
            "output": [
                "This patient became sick after he slaughtered a sheep imported from the city of Alkhurma, Makkah province."
            "id": "task1397-88a9b22f61e44bc2aa0e8444f2ef2b21",
            "input": "RSS ViewerS\u00e9lecteur de flux RSS \u00c9diteur de contenu web",
            "output": [
                "RSS ViewerRSS selectorContent Editor Web Part"
            "id": "task1397-50551ec27b904b1599c4dd4ee6a0eb8d",
            "input": "La dur\u00e9e de la maladie est de 14 mois en moyenne. Elle touche principalement les jeunes, l\u2019\u00e2ge d\u2019apparition de la vMCJ \u00e9tant d\u2019environ 28\u00a0ans, contrairement \u00e0 la MCJ sporadique qui affecte plut\u00f4t les personnes d\u2019\u00e2ge moyen et les personnes \u00e2g\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "Disease duration is 14 months on average. vCJD tends to affect younger individuals, with an average age of onset of around 28 years, compared to sporadic CJD, which tends to affect middle-aged and elderly individuals."
            "id": "task1397-66ead266a84c40559a7745f286d5661a",
            "input": "le syndrome pieds-mains-bouche (HFMD) en Asie",
            "output": [
                "Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) in Asia"
            "id": "task1397-0fbe11385f664540b0c2dabe2a66f02e",
            "input": "L\u2019exercice de simulation est un instrument qui permet aux organisations, aux agences et aux institutions de tester la mise en \u0153uvre de nouvelles proc\u00e9dures et la recherche de m\u00e9thodologies, et de confirmer la pertinence de proc\u00e9dures d\u00e9j\u00e0 approuv\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "The simulation exercises is a instrument which enables organisations, agencies, institutions to test the implementation of new procedures and the exploration of processes or in the challenge of approved procedures pertinence."
            "id": "task1397-7b8001b996fb477d9187ca2959edc279",
            "input": "moyens logistiques \u00e0 utiliser pendant une crise.",
            "output": [
                "logistics to be used during a crisis."
            "id": "task1397-debcae106fe74a6793889f958af33f60",
            "input": "Bios\u00fbret\u00e9 en laboratoire  \n                :",
            "output": [
                "Laboratory Biosecurity  \n                :"
            "id": "task1397-0c1712b740054dfda1ab68cc5ddd6365",
            "input": "D\u00e9livrer des messages et des informations cl\u00e9s en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9 publique aux m\u00e9dias et au public europ\u00e9en",
            "output": [
                "Communicating key public health messages and information to the media and to the European public"
            "id": "task1397-aa1664669c5548b28afce96553f12c73",
            "input": "La fi\u00e8vre dengue est pr\u00e9sente en Asie, dans le Pacifique, aux Cara\u00efbes, sur le continent am\u00e9ricain et en Afrique.",
            "output": [
                "Dengue fever is present in Asia, the Pacific, the Caribbean, the Americas and Africa."
            "id": "task1397-88bc1b5c3b974390959be014c63d9d5b",
            "input": "Les mesures de pr\u00e9vention les plus efficaces sont le d\u00e9pistage et le test des donneurs de sang et d\u2019organes, le traitement des produits sanguins (inactivation virale), des mesures efficaces de contr\u00f4le de l\u2019infection et de bonnes pratiques d\u2019injection dans les centres de soins.",
            "output": [
                "The most effective preventive measures are screening and testing of blood and organ donors, virus-inactivating processing of blood products, good infection control and safe injection practices in healthcare settings."
            "id": "task1397-9ed1d4a7d60d426bb6cfe9c50e875e39",
            "input": "On ne dispose d\u2019aucun traitement contre ce virus.",
            "output": [
                "No specific therapy is available against the virus."
            "id": "task1397-0aa2d1639cd34966b43a5eda2e85dce7",
            "input": "Vous trouverez des informations compl\u00e9mentaires sur la mani\u00e8re dont les donn\u00e9es vous concernant sont trait\u00e9es par l\u2019ECDC dans la section pertinente du site web de l\u2019ECDC.",
            "output": [
                "Further information on how your data are processed by ECDC may be found on the relevant section of the ECDC website."
            "id": "task1397-347056e45f994d4989782f32b3c5efb0",
            "input": "Parlement europ\u00e9en",
            "output": [
                "European Parliament"
            "id": "task1397-3e1a545b1ce94e759999ad6d745ce210",
            "input": "Pour visualiser nos flux RSS, il vous faut un logiciel appel\u00e9 lecteur de flux ou agr\u00e9gateur.",
            "output": [
                "To view our RSS feeds you need software called a feed reader or aggregator."
            "id": "task1397-aff098f333b047efb5d86b3f97e9114f",
            "input": "Site web des transports de la ville de Stockholm",
            "output": [
                "Stockholm transport Web site"
            "id": "task1397-2893977b108e478496c861a3e2b63f35",
            "input": "L\u2019homme peut contracter l\u2019infection apr\u00e8s avoir \u00e9t\u00e9 expos\u00e9 aux spores, et les sympt\u00f4mes apparaissent un \u00e0 sept jours (jusqu\u2019\u00e0 60 jours) plus tard.",
            "output": [
                "Humans may acquire the infection after exposure to spores, and symptoms appear one to seven days (up to 60 days) later."
            "id": "task1397-b77b08afcd8549d8a1ace1b8a05a9a44",
            "input": "L\u2019infection \u00e0 chlamydia est l\u2019IST bact\u00e9rienne la plus fr\u00e9quemment signal\u00e9e dans plusieurs pays europ\u00e9ens.",
            "output": [
                "Chlamydia infection is the most frequently reported bacterial STI in several European countries."
            "id": "task1397-6ad9ca0da3e640e1a6cdc18aaa196152",
            "input": "Une toux paroxystique caract\u00e9ristique est souvent observ\u00e9e chez les jeunes enfants.",
            "output": [
                "The typical paroxysmal cough is usually seen in young children."
            "id": "task1397-f6771538b7f140c19d31d151e4861d6d",
            "input": "Dans les pays en voie de d\u00e9veloppement, le manque d\u2019argent et les mauvaises conditions socio-\u00e9conomiques expliquent le faible taux de vaccination.",
            "output": [
                "In developing countries money shortage and poor socio-economic situation are the main reasons for low vaccination coverage."
            "id": "task1397-232a91be54c04eedaeef84776a008e76",
            "input": "Il d\u00e9pend de nombreux facteurs qui rendent des menaces l\u00e9g\u00e8rement similaires diff\u00e9rentes les unes des autres, et incluent certains \u00e9l\u00e9ments tels que l\u2019ampleur, le lieu g\u00e9ographique et les r\u00e9percussions de la menace;",
            "output": [
                "This depends on many variables that make superficially similar events quite different from each other, and they include such factors as magnitude, location and impact of the event;"
            "id": "task1397-5f69274e4209433ea8b6de1962ff8566",
            "input": "Le conseil d\u2019administration vote et contr\u00f4le la mise en \u0153uvre du programme de travail et du budget de l\u2019ECDC et approuve le rapport et les comptes annuels; il est de fait l\u2019organe de gouvernance du Centre.",
            "output": [
                "The Management board approves and monitors implementation of ECDC\u2019s work programme and budget, it adopts its annual report and accounts - all in all, it acts as the governing body of the Centre."
            "id": "task1397-8eda8c378d9845c9843c18e7f53dc169",
            "input": "Les membres du forum consultatif se r\u00e9unissent au moins quatre fois par an.",
            "output": [
                "The Advisory Forum meets at least four times a year."
            "id": "task1397-048fa94cb4ef4444b1dc9b47692e9fc3",
            "input": "La prochaine conf\u00e9rence devant avoir lieu \u00e0 Stockholm \u00e0 l\u2019automne 2009.",
            "output": [
                "The next one is planned to be held in Stockholm in the Autumn of 2009."
            "id": "task1397-ee6debedd2ab4a91acbf55c8adafff5e",
            "input": "Les r\u00e9unions se d\u00e9roulent g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement sous forme de s\u00e9ances pl\u00e9ni\u00e8res et d\u2019ateliers, ce qui facilite les \u00e9changes et l\u2019\u00e9tablissement d\u2019un consensus en ce qui concerne les r\u00e9sultats souhait\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "The meetings are usually organized in plenary sessions and workshops, facilitating the discussion and the consensus regarding outcomes."
            "id": "task1397-9c442cef3dcf4f31a886cfec63dfae09",
            "input": "\u00c0 ce jour, il n\u2019existe aucun vaccin contre le s\u00e9rogroupe B.",
            "output": [
                "To date, no vaccine is available against serogroup B."
            "id": "task1397-f74c3bb309a24eba8ea35f5fba35108b",
            "input": "Fi\u00e8vre h\u00e9morragique avec syndrome r\u00e9nal (caus\u00e9e par le virus de Puumala)",
            "output": [
                "Haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (Puumala caused)"
            "id": "task1397-cc31a351568642d697735d2bee715141",
            "input": "Probl\u00e9matiques sanitaires par cat\u00e9gorie",
            "output": [
                "Health topics by category"
            "id": "task1397-f629c0f500c144ac9359528f198e8dd9",
            "input": "Communication sur les \u00e9pid\u00e9mies",
            "output": [
                "Outbreak communication"
            "id": "task1397-753685447fd74e7fbdeed64693755a31",
            "input": "Il est essentiel de comprendre les principes et les techniques du marketing social pour d\u00e9velopper des programmes de sant\u00e9 publique susceptibles de renforcer les connaissances, de favoriser les bons comportements et de r\u00e9duire les comportements \u00e0 risque.",
            "output": [
                "Understanding social marketing principles and techniques is key to developing public health programs that can promote knowledge or positive behaviours as well as reduce risky ones."
            "id": "task1397-be4148ee799e4690b0704ab70fd8a0aa",
            "input": "Le foie est l\u2019organe de pr\u00e9dilection des kystes, mais on peut en trouver \u00e9galement dans presque tous les organes, notamment les poumons, les reins, la rate et le tissu nerveux, plusieurs ann\u00e9es apr\u00e8s l\u2019ingestion d\u2019\u0153ufs d\u2019\u00e9chinocoques.",
            "output": [
                "The most common location of cysts is the liver, but cysts may develop in almost any organ, including lungs, kidneys, spleen, nervous tissue, etc, years after the ingestion of the echinococcus eggs."
            "id": "task1397-47dafff7e0d14271a003c1b4d4f73eb8",
            "input": "La maladie clinique caus\u00e9e par ce virus est appel\u00e9e maladie de Pogosta (en Finlande), maladie d\u2019Ockelbo (en Su\u00e8de) et fi\u00e8vre de Karelian (en Russie).",
            "output": [
                "The clinical disease caused by SINV infection is known as Pogosta disease (Finland), Ockelbo disease (Sweden), and Karelian fever (Russia)."
            "id": "task1397-88f354c7828b4272ae66ead121c6e525",
            "input": "Si le traitement (suppl\u00e9ance hydrique et antibiotiques) est administr\u00e9 en temps voulu, le taux de mortalit\u00e9 chez les patients symptomatiques est inf\u00e9rieur \u00e0 1\u00a0%.",
            "output": [
                "With timely treatment (fluid replacement and antibiotics), less than 1% of patients with symptoms die."
            "id": "task1397-eb53d1f266054640a47cc37e35ff38b2",
            "input": "Les femmes et les adolescentes pr\u00e9sentent souvent des douleurs et une inflammation articulaires.",
            "output": [
                "Adult and adolescent females often manifest joint pain and joint inflammation."
            "id": "task1397-d0d2f2adb9ac4c53a4303b865ba9d442",
            "input": "Les organes comp\u00e9tents de l\u2019ECDC sont des institutions ou des organes scientifiques qui fournissent des conseils scientifiques et techniques ind\u00e9pendants, ainsi que des moyens d\u2019action dans le domaine de la pr\u00e9vention et du contr\u00f4le des maladies humaines. Ils ont \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9sign\u00e9s par les gouvernements des \u00c9tats membres; le conseil d\u2019administration de l\u2019ECDC a \u00e9tabli la liste de ces organes en d\u00e9cembre 2007.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC Competent Bodies are institutions or scientific bodies providing independent scientific and technical advice or capacity for action in the field of the prevention and control of human disease.They have been designated by the Member States governments and their list has been compiled by the ECDC Management Board in December 2007."
            "id": "task1397-678bdaee62724fbeb420232134a0708b",
            "input": "La surveillance de la chlamydiose montre que le nombre d\u2019infections \u00e0  Chlamydia augmente en Europe:",
            "output": [
                "Chlamydia disease surveillance shows that the number of Chlamydia infections is increasing in Europe:"
            "id": "task1397-4dd71887d7094b96bee53250958ccb18",
            "input": "Notre mission",
            "output": [
                "Our Mission"
            "id": "task1397-4ccc968ea3eb45ad9269cb1fb584286f",
            "input": "L\u2019infection par le VIH reste un probl\u00e8me de sant\u00e9 publique d'importance majeure dans l'UE/EEE.",
            "output": [
                "HIV infection remains of major public health importance in the EU/EEA."
            "id": "task1397-da76a1989e7743c28640883fe1298831",
            "input": "La plupart des cas d\u2019infection chez l\u2019homme sont dus \u00e0 la contamination d\u2019une plaie avec de la terre ou de la poussi\u00e8re.",
            "output": [
                "Most cases of human disease occur as a result of a wound being contaminated by earth or dust."
            "id": "task1397-731b134953254683b6280e968476eae4",
            "input": "Pendant la grossesse, l\u2019infection peut \u00eatre dangereuse pour le f\u0153tus.",
            "output": [
                "During pregnancy the infection can affect the foetus."
            "id": "task1397-141112cb650f45bab514dd8e1c016355",
            "input": "Dans les pays riches, d\u2019autres facteurs complexes affectent les programmes de vaccination.",
            "output": [
                "In wealthy regions other factors usually affect immunisation programs."
            "id": "task1397-950a841e028043388a26fbfc0da902d9",
            "input": "Les membres sont recrut\u00e9s pour une p\u00e9riode de deux ann\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "Fellows are recruited for a two year period."
            "id": "task1397-9a4500fed90b4a16919d1531f3f2e121",
            "input": "Le VIH se transmet lors de relations sexuelles avec une personne infect\u00e9e, par le partage d\u2019aiguilles ou de seringues (essentiellement pour l\u2019injection de drogue) avec une personne infect\u00e9e ou, plus rarement (et maintenant tr\u00e8s rarement dans les pays o\u00f9 le d\u00e9pistage des anticorps anti-VIH est effectu\u00e9), par la transfusion de sang ou de facteurs de coagulation infect\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "HIV is spread by sexual contact with an infected person, by sharing needles or syringes (primarily for drug injection) with someone who is infected, or, less commonly (and now very rarely in countries where blood is screened for HIV antibodies), through transfusions of infected blood or blood clotting factors."
            "id": "task1397-447f9aa52f394ec79a6570ef0307a313",
            "input": "IST classiques",
            "output": [
                "classical STI"
            "id": "task1397-3b6274329f4d4e61a3bc478a28e5581c",
            "input": "pr\u00e9venir la propagation de souches r\u00e9sistantes entre les individus.",
            "output": [
                "Prevent the spread of resistant strains between persons."
            "id": "task1397-adbba7aa70434f13b4f7ac8ac3547920",
            "input": "Infection par le virus Zika",
            "output": [
                "Zika virus infection"
            "id": "task1397-17d34d1e91e94449877ec3bae307bacb",
            "input": "Ma fa\u00e7on de voir l\u2019ECDC",
            "output": [
                "Visions for ECDC"
            "id": "task1397-b96dcfcf7a084e4e8ce0171bec92ccdb",
            "input": "Infection par ar\u00e9navirus",
            "output": [
                "Arenavirus infection"
            "id": "task1397-a7b839db2bb14ac7b66ef2a2928ea3cd",
            "input": "- une r\u00e9f\u00e9rence du plan \u00e0 d\u2019autres plans, des conseils et des proc\u00e9dures d\u2019op\u00e9ration standard",
            "output": [
                "- Reference of the plan with other plans, guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures"
            "id": "task1397-0010eeacd7154a618c35bc4493131c24",
            "input": "La communication sur la sant\u00e9",
            "output": [
                "Health Communications"
            "id": "task1397-e8c8e29ce62f4eb1bb197d52f69dffee",
            "input": "Cependant, il faut envisager, et \u00eatre en mesure de lutter contre, la possibilit\u00e9 qu\u2019un micro-organisme pathog\u00e8ne puisse \u00eatre mis en circulation accidentellement ou d\u00e9lib\u00e9r\u00e9ment \u00e0 partir des laboratoires.",
            "output": [
                "However, the possibility of accidental or deliberate release of a pathogenic micro-organism from laboratories must be considered and controlled."
            "id": "task1397-cecf663f5d084bc68f66d0d06c75490b",
            "input": "En raison de diff\u00e9rents facteurs, une tr\u00e8s faible proportion des porteurs (moins de 1\u00a0%) d\u00e9veloppe la maladie. Il s\u2019agit le plus souvent de jeunes enfants, mais on observe un deuxi\u00e8me pic de la maladie chez les adolescents et les jeunes adultes.",
            "output": [
                "Due to a series of factors, a very low proportion of carriers (less than 1%) will eventually become ill. This most frequently occurs in young children, but a second disease peak is observed among adolescents and young adults."
            "id": "task1397-0a3e4e9098f948db9e4b8896d044b17a",
            "input": "Elle se caract\u00e9rise par des \u00e9pid\u00e9mies diff\u00e9rentes suivant les pays et qui touchent diverses populations.",
            "output": [
                "It is characterized by distinct epidemics across countries affecting different populations."
            "id": "task1397-66458d897ebc4d03b76b54490657add2",
            "input": "Ils soulignent les probl\u00e8mes \u00e0 examiner et dressent pour chacun d\u2019entre eux une liste de possibilit\u00e9s d\u2019action.",
            "output": [
                "They highlight the issues that need to be considered and provide a list of policy options for each of these."
            "id": "task1397-896b7cbd8f1440f89db5cc20a2ff5601",
            "input": "Pour en savoir plus sur la dipht\u00e9rie, lire la  fiche d\u2019information destin\u00e9e au grand public .",
            "output": [
                "Read more about diphtheria in the  factsheet for general public ."
            "id": "task1397-c2dd2d3ecf8f460280cfc25d7f188008",
            "input": "Les chats domestiques vivant dans l\u2019immeuble Amoy Gardens \u00e0 Hong Kong (qui a \u00e9t\u00e9 tr\u00e8s touch\u00e9 par l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9mie) \u00e9taient \u00e9galement infect\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "Domestic cats living in the Amoy Gardens apartment block in Hong Kong (which was heavily hit by the outbreak) were also found to be infected."
            "id": "task1397-bd7b258094a0478c82eb1ab309f4bb0c",
            "input": "Chez les nourrissons et les enfants, la principale source d\u2019infection est la transmission m\u00e8re-enfant et la transmission par des membres du foyer infect\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "For infants and children, the main source of infection is mother-to-child transmission and transmission from infected members within the household."
            "id": "task1397-8ddf5f51953d40b98ddeeb75309e4bf7",
            "input": "Pr\u00e9paration \u00e0 une pand\u00e9mie de grippe",
            "output": [
                "Influenza pandemic preparedness"
            "id": "task1397-ade94f7617494227873a92cff0233660",
            "input": "Voir le catalogue complet des publications institutionnelles",
            "output": [
                "View the full catalogue of corporate publications"
            "id": "task1397-ec1ce1540fcf4d6fa026e734ae60d3c4",
            "input": "Publications",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-a88ebc643ddc4b8899dc2e9428221bff",
            "input": "Grippe saisonni\u00e8re",
            "output": [
                "Seasonal influenza"
            "id": "task1397-37a18c7848c740d9ac9c270706de7bdd",
            "input": "Pr\u00e9paration et r\u00e9action",
            "output": [
                "Preparedness and response"
            "id": "task1397-8afca685365e4ec9b453156ac7814674",
            "input": "La rougeole a \u00e9t\u00e9 ajout\u00e9e \u00e0 la liste des maladies \u00e0 surveiller et \u00e0 contr\u00f4ler en priorit\u00e9 pendant et apr\u00e8s l\u2019EURO 2008 de football.",
            "output": [
                "In addition, measles was included in the list of priority diseases for surveillance and control during and after the EURO 2008 football cup."
            "id": "task1397-766d541c14234839a66c6f7004b9f2ee",
            "input": "Beaucoup de nouvelles esp\u00e8ces de  Rickettsia  pathog\u00e8nes continuent d\u2019\u00eatre identifi\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "Many new pathogenic  Rickettsiae  continue to be identified in recent years."
            "id": "task1397-d3010a95abdf4ae3b4ad8c0bbb364049",
            "input": "Le renseignement \u00e9pid\u00e9mique peut \u00eatre d\u00e9fini comme l\u2019ensemble des op\u00e9rations de d\u00e9tection, de v\u00e9rification, d\u2019analyse, d\u2019\u00e9valuation et d\u2019enqu\u00eate sur les menaces sanitaires qui peuvent pr\u00e9senter un danger pour la sant\u00e9 publique.",
            "output": [
                "Epidemic Intelligence can be defined as the process to detect, verify, analyze, assess and investigate public health events that may represent a threat to public health."
            "id": "task1397-91a86f27d9ad42f8a5041d26067004f0",
            "input": "\u00c9valuation du syst\u00e8me:",
            "output": [
                "System evaluation:"
            "id": "task1397-be476508b2b945f7a842675d4da50bec",
            "input": "Le botulisme est une maladie paralytique grave due \u00e0 une toxine produite par la bact\u00e9rie Clostridium botulinum et qui bloque la transmission nerveuse.",
            "output": [
                "Botulism is a serious paralytic illness caused by a nerve toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum."
            "id": "task1397-4043162b56514708819e8e8a2f9c4a92",
            "input": "FeedDemon",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-815222ec05d14b45b2b0b5456060e695",
            "input": "Le nombre de rechutes est extr\u00eamement variable et l\u2019intervalle entre les \u00e9pisodes de fi\u00e8vre varie de quatre \u00e0 14\u00a0jours.",
            "output": [
                "The number of relapses is highly variable and the interval between fever episodes ranges from four to 14 days."
            "id": "task1397-1480fdd0d479499c9a95f49825ce24bf",
            "input": "La dipht\u00e9rie est une maladie aigu\u00eb provoqu\u00e9e par des souches de la bact\u00e9rie  Corynebacterium diphtheriae  qui produisent une toxine (dans certains cas,  Corynebacterium ulcerans ) et qui colonisent les muqueuses.",
            "output": [
                "Diphtheria is an acute disease caused by toxin-producing strains of  Corynebacterium diphtheriae  (in some cases also by  Corynebacterium ulcerans ) bacteria, that is known to colonise mucous membranes."
            "id": "task1397-c008dc2a892f4a49abd2f6d3d4253148",
            "input": "Les sympt\u00f4mes ne durent g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement que quelques jours, la maladie gu\u00e9rissant spontan\u00e9ment, mais parfois, les sympt\u00f4mes persistent et n\u00e9cessitent une hospitalisation.",
            "output": [
                "Usually, symptoms last for a few days and the disease is self-limiting but occasionally they will persist and result in hospitalisation."
            "id": "task1397-3ae1630658b14f34a7413817b5c05032",
            "input": "identification des dangers, \u00e9valuation et contr\u00f4le des risques \u00e0 la fois pour la bios\u00e9curit\u00e9 et la bios\u00fbret\u00e9 en laboratoire.",
            "output": [
                "Encompasses hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control both in the fields of biosafety and laboratory biosecurity."
            "id": "task1397-4661f67c01fd423bac530229c153294a",
            "input": "La vaccination contre l\u2019h\u00e9patite B est actuellement le moyen le plus efficace de pr\u00e9venir l\u2019infection par le VHB.",
            "output": [
                "HBV vaccination is currently the most effective way to prevent HBV infection."
            "id": "task1397-c4538fa156c64c31a798bd7b52d4021d",
            "input": "Mois prochains",
            "output": [
                "Next months"
            "id": "task1397-ddc93ccfb9c74ba7a347b520d35caf32",
            "input": "On peut distinguer les virus \u00e0 forte et \u00e0 faible pathog\u00e9nie selon la s\u00e9v\u00e9rit\u00e9 de l\u2019infection chez les oiseaux.",
            "output": [
                "These are divided into those of high and low pathogenicity according to the severity of infection in birds."
            "id": "task1397-c8d0159a97304d33b02b4dc8b03f25e4",
            "input": "La structure organisationnelle de l\u2019ECDC repose sur quatre unit\u00e9s techniques:",
            "output": [
                "The organisational structure of ECDC is based on four technical units:"
            "id": "task1397-e7cd9cd01e9f4ae1b69f73547b2cfad8",
            "input": "L\u2019h\u00e9patite C est due au virus HBC, d\u00e9couvert en 1989.",
            "output": [
                "Hepatitis C is caused by the hepatitis C virus that was discovered in 1989."
            "id": "task1397-2060506a6b4143529e23b24c331193d9",
            "input": "EN SAVOIR PLUS SUR CE SITETH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 DE A \u00c0 ZTH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9S",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-830b7bb6815443d2bac86ff09dc56624",
            "input": "L\u2019Unit\u00e9 de communication sanitaire est responsable de ces activit\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "Responsible for these activities is the Health Communication Unit."
            "id": "task1397-af1ab827da7448eebabe16c65e7e4b5c",
            "input": "La m\u00e9ningococcie est due \u00e0 la bact\u00e9rie  Neisseria meningitidis , dont l\u2019homme est le seul r\u00e9servoir.",
            "output": [
                "Meningococcal infection is caused by  Neisseria meningitidis , a bacterium with human carriers as the only reservoir."
            "id": "task1397-f63420a450534febb6f985ac6efa4b21",
            "input": "La plupart des rickettsioses sont transmises par les tiques, mais elles peuvent \u00e9galement \u00eatre transmises par les puces, les poux et les acariens.",
            "output": [
                "Most of the Rickettsioses are transmitted by ticks, but they can also be transmitted by fleas, lice and mites."
            "id": "task1397-7b289e1f8b4d4e51ab069444442fcb40",
            "input": "Partenariats",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-425c4aadcbed4c75b1874280e5decade",
            "input": "Dans les cas cliniques, l\u2019infection symptomatique appara\u00eet apr\u00e8s une p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation de 3 \u00e0 6\u00a0jours.",
            "output": [
                "In clinical cases, symptomatic infection appears after an incubation period of 3\u20136 days."
            "id": "task1397-81c71a5099b64b788dd33f24ddab3843",
            "input": "Il est issu de notes de conf\u00e9rence de l\u2019EPIET et sera pr\u00e9sent\u00e9 sous forme de wiki afin de stimuler l\u2019augmentation naturelle des ressources de formation.",
            "output": [
                "It originates from EPIET Lecture Notes and will be constructed in wiki format to stimulate natural growing of resource of training material."
            "id": "task1397-912e24e8bfd74c8fb409287de70469f1",
            "input": "Cela repr\u00e9sente quatre pays de moins qu\u2019en 2006 .",
            "output": [
                "This is four countries fewer than in 2006."
            "id": "task1397-5dff584c791941e09f31327c13fbd2c4",
            "input": "N\u00e9e en 1951 en Hongrie, Mme Jakab a obtenu une ma\u00eetrise \u00e0 l\u2019Universit\u00e9 des sciences E\u00f6tv\u00f6s Lor\u00e1nd, Facult\u00e9 de lettres et de sciences humaines, \u00e0 Budapest, un dipl\u00f4me postuniversitaire \u00e0 l\u2019Universit\u00e9 des sciences politiques de Budapest, un dipl\u00f4me des deux cours de base en sant\u00e9 publique \u00e0 l\u2019\u00c9cole nordique de sant\u00e9 publique de G\u00f6teborg, en Su\u00e8de (science de la sant\u00e9 publique et m\u00e9thodes qualitatives/science de la sant\u00e9 publique et \u00e9pid\u00e9miologie) ainsi qu\u2019un dipl\u00f4me postuniversitaire \u00e0 l\u2019Institut national d\u2019administration et de gestion publiques.",
            "output": [
                "Born in 1951 in Hungary, Mrs. Jakab holds a Master\u2019s Degree from E\u00f6tv\u00f6s L\u00f3r\u00e1nd University of Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Budapest, a Postgraduate university degree from the University of Political Sciences, Budapest, a diploma of the two foundation courses in public health at the Nordic School of Public Health, Gothenburg, Sweden (Public Health Sciences and Qualitative Methods/ Public Health Science and Epidemiology) and a postgraduate diploma from the National Institute of Public Administration and Management."
            "id": "task1397-9adb13afa4a04f15b5cdb3441543299b",
            "input": "Marc Sprenger est un microbiologiste m\u00e9dical dipl\u00f4m\u00e9 de l\u2019universit\u00e9 de Maastricht (1988) qui a \u00e9galement obtenu un doctorat \u00e0 l\u2019universit\u00e9 \u00c9rasme de Rotterdam (1990)",
            "output": [
                "Dr Sprenger is a medical microbiologist with a degree in medicine from the University of Maastricht (1988) and a PhD from Erasmus University, Rotterdam (1990)."
            "id": "task1397-922b822ffe784dd5bab55058a05c83a9",
            "input": "Les ministres de la sant\u00e9 des \u00c9tats membres de l\u2019UE se r\u00e9unissent r\u00e9guli\u00e8rement dans le cadre du Conseil \u00abEmploi, politique sociale, sant\u00e9 et consommateurs\u00bb (EPSCO).",
            "output": [
                "Health ministers from the EU Member States meet regularly in the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO)."
            "id": "task1397-07c516e123fd4316a61faefa8032d0dd",
            "input": "Protection des donn\u00e9es \u00e0 caract\u00e8re personnel",
            "output": [
                "Personal Data Protection"
            "id": "task1397-799cec6af59f4b8db3a5df441cac7f85",
            "input": "Depuis leur d\u00e9couverte, les antibiotiques ont r\u00e9volutionn\u00e9 le traitement des patients atteints d\u2019infections bact\u00e9riennes et contribu\u00e9 \u00e0 r\u00e9duire la mortalit\u00e9 et la morbidit\u00e9 associ\u00e9es \u00e0 ces maladies.",
            "output": [
                "Since their discovery, antibiotics have revolutionised the way we treat patients with bacterial infections and have contributed to reducing the mortality and morbidity from bacterial diseases."
            "id": "task1397-0cc66045bd504ca0bab9b781c7a0dd8e",
            "input": "Rickettsiose",
            "output": [
                "Rickettsial infection"
            "id": "task1397-d63c806b65d14d7d9aa24a3e3dbda20a",
            "input": "Le renseignement \u00e9pid\u00e9mique tire ses informations de plusieurs sites web et de pages web identifi\u00e9es gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 des moteurs de recherche sp\u00e9cialis\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "The sources of epidemic intelligence information include several websites and a large number of web-pages retrieved through specialized search-engines."
            "id": "task1397-7823d892c0aa44d6bdbc90fe635965c2",
            "input": "La syphilis est une infection sexuellement transmissible due \u00e0 la bact\u00e9rie  Treponema pallidum .",
            "output": [
                "Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium  Treponema pallidum ."
            "id": "task1397-5bd7e8152d71405e83c567dee391c97f",
            "input": "Le stade final de l\u2019infection, le syndrome d\u2019immunod\u00e9ficience acquise (SIDA), est d\u00fb \u00e0 la destruction du syst\u00e8me immunitaire.",
            "output": [
                "The end-stage of the infection, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), results from the destruction of the immune system."
            "id": "task1397-b04aa9d40396423b93b28d383e69fc4c",
            "input": "Autres activit\u00e9s de formation dans le domaine de l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie",
            "output": [
                "Other activities in epidemiology training"
            "id": "task1397-cd5f89d51ec94d6a9dd69c420227ae55",
            "input": "Chez l\u2019homme, la bab\u00e9siose est trait\u00e9e par des antibiotiques et la quinine.",
            "output": [
                "Human babesiosis infection is treated with antibiotics and quinine."
            "id": "task1397-be602a0d975849e8b9e682a914f9a925",
            "input": "Malaria",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-d9064830d2e14bfa8a661824d0b26881",
            "input": "La maladie est caract\u00e9ris\u00e9e par des \u00e9pisodes de fi\u00e8vre r\u00e9currents, souvent accompagn\u00e9s de maux de t\u00eate, de douleurs musculaires et articulaires, et de naus\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "The disease is characterised by relapsing or recurring episodes of fever, often accompanied by headache, muscle and joint aches and nausea."
            "id": "task1397-c22e2a034d414a6db8e7e73148c94ca6",
            "input": "Devenir la premi\u00e8re source d\u2019avis scientifiques concernant les maladies infectieuses",
            "output": [
                "Prime repository for scientific advice on infectious diseases"
            "id": "task1397-25fa9fa8c617480fbdd4f771183e43b7",
            "input": "Le conseil d\u2019administration vote et contr\u00f4le la mise en \u0153uvre du programme de travail et du budget du CEPCM et approuve le rapport et les comptes annuels; il est de fait l\u2019organe de gouvernance du Centre.",
            "output": [
                "The Management board approves and monitors implementation of ECDC\u2019s work programme and budget, it adopts its annual report and accounts --- all in all, it acts as the governing body of the Centre."
            "id": "task1397-988c1caeccc441e0961bfa899944e460",
            "input": "SIDA",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-4c448e8dde824043b37fb7f3bbf72fce",
            "input": "Cette maladie se caract\u00e9rise par de la fi\u00e8vre et un gonflement d\u2019une ou plusieurs glandes salivaires (les oreillons sont \u00e9galement appel\u00e9s parotidite \u00e9pid\u00e9mique).",
            "output": [
                "It is characterised by fever and swelling of one or more salivary glands (mumps is the only cause of epidemic infectious parotitis)."
            "id": "task1397-7899de644bee4dc5a1e937db7116f4af",
            "input": "Cela implique \u00e9galement d\u2019\u00e9tablir des contacts entre les scientifiques en d\u00e9veloppant et en gardant \u00e0 jour un r\u00e9pertoire interactif des experts et en organisant des symposiums scientifiques.",
            "output": [
                "It also involves building links between scientists by developing and maintaining an interactive directory of experts and running scientific symposia."
            "id": "task1397-10372fa0e368463e977e51d5426b6add",
            "input": "- Th\u00e8mes ou disciplines abord\u00e9s:",
            "output": [
                "- Topics or disciplines:"
            "id": "task1397-691bd97ccd464d969c3d967fb7a83dba",
            "input": "Discours du directeur",
            "output": [
                "Director's speeches"
            "id": "task1397-559806b9dde5402b9cbf94b6b4b7bf7a",
            "input": "Le poids de l\u2019h\u00e9patite C est \u00e9lev\u00e9: on compte jusqu\u2019\u00e0 170\u00a0millions d\u2019individus ayant \u00e9t\u00e9 en contact avec le virus et 130\u00a0millions de personnes atteintes d\u2019une infection chronique dans le monde.",
            "output": [
                "The disease burden of hepatitis C is high, with up to 170 million people estimated to have had contact with the virus and 130 million people chronically infected worldwide."
            "id": "task1397-d8b7d5cfe7c544e8ba643bf7b4dd8dcf",
            "input": "Cour introductif EPIET",
            "output": [
                "EPIET Introductory Course"
            "id": "task1397-8572ccd478ea4b41be646652e7eb2e7a",
            "input": "Document d\u2019orientation sur les conflits d\u2019int\u00e9r\u00eat",
            "output": [
                "Guidance on Conflicts of Interest"
            "id": "task1397-24fe62d998a0423e97a1dec86123cf82",
            "input": "L\u2019\u00e9ruption cutan\u00e9e dure habituellement 2 \u00e0 4\u00a0jours avant d\u2019arriver au stade de la desquamation, lequel peut durer jusqu\u2019\u00e0 six semaines.",
            "output": [
                "The rash usually lasts for 2\u20134 days leading to the peeling stage, which may continue for up to six weeks."
            "id": "task1397-02e5184125914edca376e1e5c9fb345d",
            "input": "La directrice Mme Zsuzsanna Jakab (pr\u00e9sidente)",
            "output": [
                "Director Zsuzsanna Jakab (Chair)"
            "id": "task1397-8ee245a1aa7e43d2aa120d454748b274",
            "input": "R\u00e9unions des organes comp\u00e9tents",
            "output": [
                "Competent bodies meetings"
            "id": "task1397-4129fd1ca7c94198bcca0d87e7823000",
            "input": "- \u00e9tablira des principes directeurs en mati\u00e8re de gestion des probl\u00e8mes sanitaires.",
            "output": [
                "- Guiding principles to PHE management"
            "id": "task1397-f7518f1b127f44c3af15ada6048a37c7",
            "input": "\u00c0 la gare centrale (Centralstation), prenez le bus num\u00e9ro 69. Descendez \u00e0 l\u2019arr\u00eat Tomteboda-Karolinska Institutet.",
            "output": [
                "From the Central Station (Centralstation) take bus number 69. Get off at the Tomteboda-Karolinska Institutet bus stop."
            "id": "task1397-af96c75eb0f14e548c5ee267abfccb26",
            "input": "Prenez le bus 69, direction Tomteboda, jusqu\u2019au terminus, Tomtebodavgen (dur\u00e9e: environ 15 minutes).",
            "output": [
                "Take the bus 69 in direction Tomteboda to the end bus stop which is Tomtebodavgen (takes around 15 minutes)."
            "id": "task1397-5c921bf4945b492fa8e4bda39915d3cc",
            "input": "Il existe quatre types de dengue\u00a0et l\u2019infection par un type de dengue donn\u00e9 ne conf\u00e8re qu\u2019une tr\u00e8s faible protection immunitaire contre les autres types.",
            "output": [
                "There are 4 different dengue types, and infection with one type gives little immune protection against the other types."
            "id": "task1397-b4aefafcff7947da8bb41cdd6c5949f0",
            "input": "Oreillons",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-04da24aa42054c7bb1b303e3e22491f4",
            "input": "Antiviraux et r\u00e9sistance aux antiviraux - grippe",
            "output": [
                "Antivirals and Antiviral Resistance \u2013 Influenza -"
            "id": "task1397-03d84bd5966c490e8e5aafdf834096b6",
            "input": "Mettez les nouveaux flux en place en faisant glisser l\u2019URL du flux RSS dans votre lecteur d\u2019actualit\u00e9s, ou en copiant/collant l\u2019URL dans un nouveau flux de votre lecteur d\u2019actualit\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "Set up the news feed by either dragging the URL of the RSS feed into your news reader or by cutting and pasting the same URL into a new feed in your news reader."
            "id": "task1397-dc60d185d8284ae68db75c161cfee6cc",
            "input": "Streptococcus suis  est transmise \u00e0 l\u2019homme suite \u00e0 un contact \u00e9troit avec des porcs infect\u00e9s ou de la viande de porc infect\u00e9e, et les personnes travaillant en contact avec les porcs (par exemple, les \u00e9leveurs de porcs, le personnel des abattoirs, les v\u00e9t\u00e9rinaires) constituent le principal groupe \u00e0 risque.",
            "output": [
                "Streptococcus suis  is transmitted to humans through close contact with infected pigs or pork, and people in occupational contact with pigs (e.g. pig farmers, abattoir workers, veterinarians) represent the principal risk group for the disease."
            "id": "task1397-ebfa10cc82d74c8580e3ec37b1f92a3b",
            "input": "Netvibes",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-811ec7755f3b46dea8b1ae0507879df2",
            "input": "Fi\u00e8vre h\u00e9morragique Alkhurma",
            "output": [
                "Alkhurma haemorrhagic fever"
            "id": "task1397-631da05e92a543ca9c4e1a66d8d1ecbe",
            "input": "- Programme canadien sur l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie de terrain",
            "output": [
                "- Canadian Field Epidemiology Program"
            "id": "task1397-c1cd1ac45ae2411b9a747dfb3298930e",
            "input": "L\u2019ECDC soutient les activit\u00e9s des \u00c9tats membres en mati\u00e8re de communication en dispensant des formations sur la communication en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9 (y compris sur la communication sur les risques et sur la communication de crise), en apportant l'\u00e9clairage des sciences de la communication \u00e0 travers son soutien aux pays, et en cr\u00e9ant progressivement un centre de connaissances et de ressources sur la communication en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9, capable d'appuyer les activit\u00e9s de communication des pays ax\u00e9es sur les maladies transmissibles.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC is supporting Member States communications activities by providing training in health communication skills (including risk and crisis communication), bringing in the communication science perspectives through ECDC country support, and gradually building a knowledge and resource centre on health communication that can support country communication activities focused on communicable diseases."
            "id": "task1397-2a7eb06682064682b2a2868b35e16dd4",
            "input": "Sur ce site, un service en ligne est un service ou une ressource accessible via internet et qui vise \u00e0 am\u00e9liorer la communication entre, d'une part, les citoyens et les entreprises, et, d'autre part, l\u2019ECDC.",
            "output": [
                "An e-service on this website is a service or resource made available on the Internet in order to improve the communication between citizens and businesses on the one hand and ECDC on the other hand."
            "id": "task1397-ba38e7a4dc764e42860802ff45bbe773",
            "input": "L\u2019infection chez l\u2019homme se produit par inhalation de virus pr\u00e9sents dans les a\u00e9rosols contamin\u00e9s \u00e0 partir des excr\u00e9ta de rongeurs infect\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "Infection in humans occurs through inhalation of virus in aerosol from excreta of infected rodents."
            "id": "task1397-154938b4dc2248769414638ba6b62d51",
            "input": "Rapports de surveillanceLES SIX PRINCIPAUX TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9PUBLICATIONS R\u00c9CENTESPUBLICATIONS R\u00c9CENTESPublicationsCataloguePagerPUBLICATIONS R\u00c9GULI\u00c8RESCaract\u00e9risation du virus de la grippePublications \u00e0 la uneSurveillance de la tuberculose en Europe\u00c9diteur de contenu webRAPPORT \u00c9PID\u00c9MIOLOGIQUE ANNUELRAPPORTS DE SURVEILLANCE PRINCIPAUXRapport \u00e9pid\u00e9miologique annuel",
            "output": [
                "Surveillance ReportsTOP SIX HEALTH TOPICSRECENT PUBLICATIONSRECENT PUBLICATIONSPublicationsCataloguePagerREGULAR PUBLICATIONSInfluenza Virus CharacterisationFeatured publicationsTuberculosis surveillance in EuropeContent Editor Web PartANNUAL EPIDEMIOLOGICAL REPORTFEATURED SURVEILLANCE REPORTSAnnual Epidemiological Report"
            "id": "task1397-60b42ffed019478d9f85d474b7332555",
            "input": "L\u2019h\u00e9patite B n\u2019\u00e9pargne aucun pays et concerne un nombre \u00e9lev\u00e9 d\u2019individus (280 millions de porteurs dans le monde, selon les estimations).",
            "output": [
                "Hepatitis B occurs worldwide with a very high burden of disease (an estimated 280 million carriers worldwide)."
            "id": "task1397-00d2796a45fc4b0fbffc53c6c00bb76c",
            "input": "Plus r\u00e9cemment, des chauves-souris, des furets et des chats domestiques ont \u00e9t\u00e9 infect\u00e9s de fa\u00e7on exp\u00e9rimentale par le virus SRAS-CoV et se sont av\u00e9r\u00e9s \u00eatre d\u2019excellents transmetteurs.",
            "output": [
                "More recently, bats, ferrets and domestic cats were experimentally infected with SARS-CoV and found to efficiently transmit it."
            "id": "task1397-c1667026050d4ea299b60e86eea7d5b3",
            "input": "Forum consultatif \u2013 Membres et suppl\u00e9ants \u2013 \u00c9tats membres",
            "output": [
                "Advisory Forum - Members and Alternates - Member States"
            "id": "task1397-5aeb78af7d1a489ebac264c8846893a0",
            "input": "Cette capacit\u00e9 peut permettre aux gens de comprendre les informations et les enjeux relatifs \u00e0 un sujet donn\u00e9, et d\u2019en discuter. Dans le contexte de la sant\u00e9, elle est appel\u00e9e \u00abconnaissances en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9\u00bb ( health literacy  en anglais).",
            "output": [
                "While literacy can enable people to understand and communicate health information and concerns, when these are applied to a health context, it is called health literacy."
            "id": "task1397-fc5742f14d1b445297dcb392d92170bc",
            "input": "Il n\u2019existe aucun vaccin \u00e0 l\u2019heure actuelle.",
            "output": [
                "No vaccine is currently available."
            "id": "task1397-5d6fb3c4fbaf4199982020b676a03d3a",
            "input": "\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie d\u2019intervention, microbiologie, sant\u00e9 publique en g\u00e9n\u00e9ral",
            "output": [
                "intervention epidemiology, microbiology, public health in general;"
            "id": "task1397-929ba28c75894c5ba70aee69d535ecf3",
            "input": "Prenez l\u2019 Arlanda Express  (train) jusqu\u2019\u00e0 la gare centrale de Stockholm (ligne directe entre Arlanda et Stockholm C \u2013 dur\u00e9e: environ 20\u00a0minutes).",
            "output": [
                "Take the  Arlanda Express  (train) to Stockholm Central Station (direct line between Arlanda and Stockholm C - takes around 20 minutes)."
            "id": "task1397-b2506c8ec51d46339eac1919965ffeff",
            "input": "- fournira, adaptera ou d\u00e9veloppera des informations de fond ainsi qu\u2019une documentation et des directives en mati\u00e8re de recherche et de r\u00e9action;",
            "output": [
                "- Providing access to, adapting or developing background documentation, scientific documentation and investigation & response guidelines;"
            "id": "task1397-647a4e10ea0c4c1cbb6b4583636d74da",
            "input": "La transmission s\u2019effectue par voie oro-f\u00e9cale ou par contact avec la salive.",
            "output": [
                "Transmission occurs via the oral-faecal route or contact with saliva."
            "id": "task1397-0757ca5f8eeb4014a057019007078306",
            "input": "L\u2019infection peut devenir chronique et \u00e9voluer en une infection des valvules cardiaques ou en h\u00e9patite, voire atteindre d\u2019autres organes.",
            "output": [
                "Occasionally, the infection takes a chronic course, leading to infection of the heart valves, hepatitis and other organ involvement."
            "id": "task1397-e0e5818fd9c445c998dc48786bc0f652",
            "input": "Des citations \u00e0 partir de ces donn\u00e9es peuvent \u00eatre faites sans autorisation pr\u00e9alable, \u00e0 condition que la source soit toujours mentionn\u00e9e.",
            "output": [
                "Citations may be made from such material without prior permission, provided the source is always acknowledged."
            "id": "task1397-6ac1c2d6293e4ef698d99edcf2bd4590",
            "input": "La tuberculose, une menace d\u2019envergure mondiale",
            "output": [
                "Tuberculosis, a global challenge"
            "id": "task1397-91de1a2da8b64dc5be7b476db634cb8a",
            "input": "Des infections de la gorge et ano-rectales peuvent se d\u00e9velopper \u00e9galement.",
            "output": [
                "Throat and ano-rectal infections also occur."
            "id": "task1397-9663d1604f4e4068a105d329f7ae6e6f",
            "input": "- garantir une r\u00e9action appropri\u00e9e et rapide en cas de menace pour la sanitaire d\u2019envergure europ\u00e9enne;",
            "output": [
                "- Ensure an appropriate and timely response in case of public health threats with a European dimension;"
            "id": "task1397-4253f57944614a5fbae22323aaa9b336",
            "input": "TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 DE  A-ZEN SAVOIR PLUS SUR CE SITETH\u00c8MES ASSOCI\u00c9S RESTER INFORM\u00c9TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9S",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-bbaf00c4b07a4c3daa5f1a5a92cc3fc8",
            "input": "La premi\u00e8re propagation en Europe a \u00e9t\u00e9 signal\u00e9e dans le nord-est de l\u2019Italie en ao\u00fbt 2007.",
            "output": [
                "The first spread within Europe was reported from North-Eastern Italy in August 2007."
            "id": "task1397-5e81fd9dd8c64461a3eb4ae568fcccd4",
            "input": "Elle se r\u00e9sout spontan\u00e9ment chez les personnes immunocomp\u00e9tentes, c\u2019est-\u00e0-dire dont le syst\u00e8me immunitaire fonctionne normalement.",
            "output": [
                "The disease is self-limiting in immunocompetent persons."
            "id": "task1397-64c25c1645bc4c4ab06d9546a99e5405",
            "input": "L\u2019apparition de nouveaux micro-organismes infectieux, la r\u00e9sistance microbienne aux m\u00e9dicaments, les nouveaux ph\u00e9nom\u00e8nes li\u00e9s aux conditions environnementales et les nouvelles maladies \u00e9mergentes repr\u00e9sentent des menaces pour la sant\u00e9 publique, susceptibles de propager de fa\u00e7on rapide et inattendue.",
            "output": [
                "The surfacing of new infectious organisms, microbial resistance to therapeutic drugs, new environmental related phenomena and the new emerging diseases represent public health threats that can spread quickly and unexpectedly."
            "id": "task1397-7fb0704789fb4977b4bb7fea4d7d9a78",
            "input": "Toutes les manifestations cliniques peuvent \u00eatre soign\u00e9es par des traitements antibiotiques de longue dur\u00e9e, mais le pronostic des cas les plus s\u00e9v\u00e8res est mauvais.",
            "output": [
                "All clinical presentations are treatable with prolonged courses of antibiotics, but the prognosis of the most serious ones is poor."
            "id": "task1397-7b5752c479f74543908437ee7345099a",
            "input": "Menaces de maladies transmissibles lors de rassemblements publics",
            "output": [
                "Communicable disease threats at mass gatherings"
            "id": "task1397-81bc11da980040b1b1765166cc7ef6e5",
            "input": "Chez les personnes non vaccin\u00e9es, le taux de mortalit\u00e9 peut atteindre 10\u00a0% malgr\u00e9 l\u2019administration d\u2019antibiotiques et d\u2019antis\u00e9rums, notamment si le traitement est mis en place tardivement. La dipht\u00e9rie est transmise principalement par projection directe de gouttelettes.",
            "output": [
                "In non-vaccinated individuals, and especially if proper treatment is delayed, death can occur in up to 10% of clinical cases despite antibiotics and the use of anti-sera, Diphtheria is transmitted mainly by direct projection (droplet spread)."
            "id": "task1397-f0143c9ce20c4f8aa75b31452d0a5122",
            "input": "La contamination s\u2019effectue par voie oro-f\u00e9cale, soit directement d\u2019individu \u00e0 individu, soit par l\u2019interm\u00e9diaire d\u2019aliments ou d\u2019eau contamin\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "Transmission occurs by the oral-faecal route, either directly person to person or spread via contaminated food or water."
            "id": "task1397-a5a28efb37a146c987558d1ac467933d",
            "input": "TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 DE A \u00c0 ZPAGES ASSOCI\u00c9ESEN SAVOIR PLUS SUR CE SITESECTIONSNOUVEAUT\u00c9STH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9S\u00c0 LA UNE",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-dab2839f25914ecc8ae57ba911ff07a8",
            "input": "Par cons\u00e9quent, l\u2019ECDC attache une grande importance \u00e0 coordonner son travail avec l\u2019OMS/EURO afin d\u2019utiliser les ressources limit\u00e9es de mani\u00e8re efficace et d'\u00e9viter les doubles emplois.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC therefore places utmost importance in coordinating its work with WHO/EURO to efficiently use limited resources and avoid duplication of efforts."
            "id": "task1397-c07ba396d713433e9b27ae416a1dd349",
            "input": "Activit\u00e9s",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-226f756ca5eb4efc8a667bd9225bcda1",
            "input": "La gonorrh\u00e9e (\u00e9galement appel\u00e9e blennorragie) est une infection sexuellement transmissible (IST) due \u00e0 la bact\u00e9rie  Neisseria gonorrhoeae .",
            "output": [
                "Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by  Neisseria gonorrhoeae  bacteria."
            "id": "task1397-9f8517f67ecf4650b8e035aaa20cd239",
            "input": "proc\u00e9dure de renseignement du CEPCM;",
            "output": [
                "ECDC Epidemic Intelligence procedure;"
            "id": "task1397-d995b439b31f4d5f87fc11134fb6d48d",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s une p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation comprise entre 3 et 5 jours, les sympt\u00f4mes apparaissent brusquement avec une forte fi\u00e8vre.",
            "output": [
                "After an incubation period of about 3\u20135 days symptoms start abruptly with high fever."
            "id": "task1397-333990226904498f81f691972000795d",
            "input": "- Bioterrorisme",
            "output": [
                "- Bioterrorism"
            "id": "task1397-69d680df6ee64cac90cb03fbf0742c72",
            "input": "Une \u00e9valuation g\u00e9n\u00e9rale des risques li\u00e9s aux maladies transmises par vecteur en Europe a \u00e9t\u00e9 r\u00e9alis\u00e9e et les r\u00e9sultats en seront publi\u00e9s prochainement.",
            "output": [
                "A general risk assessment of vector-borne diseases in Europe was carried out, the results of which will be published in the near future."
            "id": "task1397-28b9fd80d3a24f30ac7be07996b83860",
            "input": "Le botulisme alimentaire est la forme dominante de la maladie. Les sympt\u00f4mes de paralysie apparaissent g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement apr\u00e8s une p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation de 12 \u00e0 36 heures (jusqu\u2019\u00e0 plusieurs jours) cons\u00e9cutive \u00e0 la consommation de l\u2019aliment contenant la toxine.",
            "output": [
                "Food botulism is the dominating form of the disease, and paralytic symptoms generally appear after an incubation period of 12\u201336 hours (up to several days) after consumption of the toxin-containing food."
            "id": "task1397-7b91e1003d09449a85b2a33310b69761",
            "input": "Ces facteurs sont complexes\u00a0:",
            "output": [
                "These factors are complex;"
            "id": "task1397-6474dca384a1419b99c4597cce9ee0ac",
            "input": "C. difficile  peut \u00eatre transmis d\u2019un patient \u00e0 l\u2019autre, par l\u2019interm\u00e9diaire des mains contamin\u00e9es de soignants ou par la contamination de l\u2019environnement.",
            "output": [
                "The transmission of  C. difficile  can be patient-to-patient, via contaminated hands of healthcare workers or by environmental contamination."
            "id": "task1397-7415d71fbfdd42b091693d22f350c533",
            "input": "Fi\u00e8vre h\u00e9morragique Crim\u00e9e-Congo",
            "output": [
                "Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever"
            "id": "task1397-fb2d6aa5cb9f4cf38fd6c505ce6b0e0d",
            "input": "TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 DE A \u00c0 ZEN SAVOIR PLUS SUR CE SITEIMAGETH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9S",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-21946bdd566e4fa9a942d3f5562f11ef",
            "input": "Depuis la premi\u00e8re grande \u00e9pid\u00e9mie en Roumanie en 1996, l\u2019infection au VNO a \u00e9t\u00e9 reconnue comme un probl\u00e8me majeur de sant\u00e9 publique en Europe.",
            "output": [
                "Since the first large outbreak in Romania in 1996, WNV infection has become recognised as a major cause of public health concern in Europe."
            "id": "task1397-d18f8c59b6fd4d3eab0c2874b76e7667",
            "input": "Fi\u00e8vre jaune",
            "output": [
                "Yellow fever"
            "id": "task1397-9aa2bd8d634b461d81b2349dca2bbbdb",
            "input": "Pathog\u00e8nes",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-794ec64c36824dbaac0424017f983588",
            "input": "Parmi les mesures prophylactiques, on peut citer une bonne hygi\u00e8ne lors du traitement de la viande (en particulier du porc), une bonne hygi\u00e8ne des mains et la protection des sources d\u2019eau.",
            "output": [
                "Prophylactic measures include adequate hygiene in meat processing (especially of pork), hand hygiene and protection of water supplies."
            "id": "task1397-7e38e8d074af457ba8343fccfa4e9b02",
            "input": "Cela est r\u00e9alis\u00e9 en collaboration avec un \u00abforum de laboratoires\u00bb de l\u2019UE (points focaux nationaux pour la microbiologie, PFNM).",
            "output": [
                "This is being done in collaboration with an EU \u2018lab forum\u2019 (National Microbiological Focal Points, NMFPs)."
            "id": "task1397-59fa4aea540c4e2cb5a3cecc6cca3593",
            "input": "Lire les derni\u00e8res actualit\u00e9s \u00e9pid\u00e9miologiques:",
            "output": [
                "Read the latest epidemiological update:"
            "id": "task1397-c626b00df9314a18a0319ceb7ddda8ad",
            "input": "disponibilit\u00e9 des processus d\u2019\u00e9valuation interne;",
            "output": [
                "availability of internal evaluation processes;"
            "id": "task1397-97de0847569c4b9092830f7a4d05d942",
            "input": "Le Centre europ\u00e9en de pr\u00e9vention et de contr\u00f4le des maladies (ECDC), fond\u00e9 en 2005, est une agence europ\u00e9enne dont l'objectif est de renforcer  \n                \n                \n                la lutte contre les maladies infectieuses en Europe.",
            "output": [
                "The European Centre of Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) was established in 2005. It is an EU agency with aim to strengthen  \n                \n                \n                 Europe's defences against infectious diseases."
            "id": "task1397-fc16d54c3cb64251aa4e9b6e59603be4",
            "input": "Formation",
            "output": [
                "Training people"
            "id": "task1397-15d7217665084a12b02683cd56b4c2db",
            "input": "Il peut \u00eatre renouvel\u00e9 une ou plusieurs fois sans toutefois que la dur\u00e9e totale du d\u00e9tachement ne puisse exc\u00e9der quatre ann\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "The contract is renewable once or more but the total duration of secondment cannot exceed four years."
            "id": "task1397-4074af63a7f24f55a583dc28566e0ef2",
            "input": "Le Centre europ\u00e9en de pr\u00e9vention et de contr\u00f4le des maladies se trouve \u00e0 Stockholm (Su\u00e8de).",
            "output": [
                "The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) is located in Stockholm, Sweden."
            "id": "task1397-832511afde524fcdb7408e9294faf9cf",
            "input": "Formations courtes",
            "output": [
                "Short courses"
            "id": "task1397-1c0437e1319a45318f24b6ba584d8b6b",
            "input": "- les objectifs, processus et t\u00e2ches sont orient\u00e9s vers l\u2019obtention de r\u00e9sultats.",
            "output": [
                "- -\u00a0PHE objectives, processes and tasks are geared towards outputs."
            "id": "task1397-8e81a794fecf47689645b5d144d815cb",
            "input": "consid\u00e9rer que l\u2019\u00e9laboration rigoureuse et la planification proactive des mesures possibles de communication de crise sont des \u00e9l\u00e9ments cruciaux pour \u00e9liminer le caract\u00e8re inattendu d\u2019une crise et probablement la pr\u00e9venir, ou au moins \u00e9viter son \u00e9volution incontr\u00f4l\u00e9e.",
            "output": [
                "Promote careful elaboration and proactive planning of potential actions related to crisis communication as a crucial element in eliminating the unexpected characteristic of a crisis and probably prevent it or at least avoid its uncontrolled course;"
            "id": "task1397-a8dde377b132437d90da15f3027719f5",
            "input": "Pour en savoir plus sur la tuberculose, lire la  fiche d'information destin\u00e9e aux professionnels",
            "output": [
                "Read more about TB in the  factsheet for professionals"
            "id": "task1397-87219ab22823414288c5443f3408967f",
            "input": "la grippe espagnole de 1918-19, la grippe asiatique en 1957-58 et la grippe de Hong Kong en 1968-69.",
            "output": [
                "the Spanish flu in 1918-19, the Asian flu in 1957-58, and the Hong Kong flu in 1968-69."
            "id": "task1397-df86fe125da14ae18b888dd2902cce05",
            "input": "D\u2019apr\u00e8s les estimations, environ 4\u00a0100\u00a0000\u00a0patients contractent une infection nosocomiale chaque ann\u00e9e dans l'UE.",
            "output": [
                "Approximately 4 100 000 patients are estimated to acquire a healthcare-associated infection in the EU every year."
            "id": "task1397-feebd20c5e8f4d43bbbe26200ed4acc8",
            "input": "Fiche d\u2019information sur les verrues g\u00e9nitales destin\u00e9e au grand public",
            "output": [
                "Factsheet for the general public on genital warts"
            "id": "task1397-215ba996a5c14319a4152ca90f4bf18a",
            "input": "Vous trouverez \u00e9galement des liens vers des clips vid\u00e9o sur l\u2019ECDC, des webcasts (\u00e9missions diffus\u00e9es sur le web), la galerie de photos et des contacts m\u00e9dias.",
            "output": [
                "There are also links to video clips about ECDC, webcasts, photo gallery and media contacts."
            "id": "task1397-029019945e684e078c39aa3baf5ebacf",
            "input": "Il n\u2019existe ni traitement, ni vaccin pour cette maladie.",
            "output": [
                "No treatment or vaccine is available for either disease."
            "id": "task1397-8d789a40c0ed4b87887dbcde10986a57",
            "input": "Voir tous les march\u00e9s et subventions",
            "output": [
                "View all procurement and grants"
            "id": "task1397-2681b1a3c7ff4bec8cc741272d9fd703",
            "input": "Informations g\u00e9n\u00e9rales",
            "output": [
                "General information"
            "id": "task1397-50111e95bf0941c2a403bcc97f711acd",
            "input": "L\u2019ECDC a r\u00e9cemment publi\u00e9 une  D\u00e9finition des termes et expressions pour les r\u00e9gions touch\u00e9es par le virus de la grippe A(H1N1) .",
            "output": [
                "ECDC has recently produced a  Definition of terms for the areas affected by the Influenza A(H1N1)v virus ."
            "id": "task1397-f078c641db9048b098f590174efef0b6",
            "input": "Une obstruction des voies a\u00e9riennes peut ensuite se produire.",
            "output": [
                "Obstruction of the airway may follow."
            "id": "task1397-3fd4e5092b274c50bc31e0aea4f37d24",
            "input": "d\u00e9veloppe des syst\u00e8mes de collecte de donn\u00e9es int\u00e9gr\u00e9s couvrant tous les \u00c9tats membres et toutes les maladies transmissibles \u00e0 d\u00e9claration obligatoire, tient \u00e0 jour les bases de donn\u00e9es de surveillance et met en place les normes de notification des cas \u00e0 l'\u00e9chelle de l\u2019UE;",
            "output": [
                "Develop integrated data collection systems covering all MS and all notifiable communicable diseases, maintain the databases for surveillance and establish EU-wide standard case reporting"
            "id": "task1397-68ca0a1b8d6249c39e5d8c11b47ed321",
            "input": "Notre mission:",
            "output": [
                "Our Mission:"
            "id": "task1397-bf78669fb5cc47219d35deb98e7f49b7",
            "input": "Les enfants de moins de six mois ne toussent pas, mais pr\u00e9sentent un souffle court et une mauvaise alimentation de l\u2019organisme en oxyg\u00e8ne (asphyxie)\u00a0; dans ce cas, le taux de mortalit\u00e9 est \u00e9lev\u00e9, sauf si un traitement adapt\u00e9 est administr\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "Babies less than six months old do not cough, but they manifest shortness of breath and severely deficient supply of oxygen to the body (asphyxia) and are the most likely to die of the disease unless they receive suitable treatment."
            "id": "task1397-7d5f2187e79b4f6c93527f56ff3552ce",
            "input": "Le CEPCM organise plusieurs cours pour l\u2019EPIET pour lesquels quelques places sont r\u00e9serv\u00e9es aux participants externes.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC organizes several courses for the EPIET that have some reserved seats for external participants."
            "id": "task1397-67ce6f216a4c476eb8ee1646ab6e58ad",
            "input": "Les membres du comit\u00e9 ex\u00e9cutif de gestion",
            "output": [
                "Members of the Executive Management Committee"
            "id": "task1397-713f488a816445768a0f8a4bacf25e04",
            "input": "cha\u00eene alimentaire) pour les questions li\u00e9es aux zoonoses, que le Centre entretient les liens les plus \u00e9troits.",
            "output": [
                "Plant Health, Animal Health and Welfare, International Questions)."
            "id": "task1397-9a8a709d00b3408ca2c90829891a5df8",
            "input": "Pour atteindre ces objectifs, le Centre met des informations \u00e0 la disposition du grand public, notamment sur un site web d\u00e9di\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "In order to achieve these objectives, the Centre shall make available information for the general public, including through a dedicated website (...)."
            "id": "task1397-ba91817da27e46628ee748e319aa7380",
            "input": "Organisation mondiale de la sant\u00e9 (OMS)",
            "output": [
                "World Health Organization (WHO)"
            "id": "task1397-3ff51ceb366a4515b175cd715ec35262",
            "input": "Internet Explorer 4.0 de Microsoft: s\u00e9lectionnez le menu \u00abAffichage\u00bb, cliquez sur Options Internet, choisissez \u00abPolices\u00bb et modifiez la taille du texte de \u00abPetit\u00bb \u00e0 \u00abGrand\u00bb.",
            "output": [
                "Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 - Select View menu, click on Internet Options and choose Fonts and change the size to Small or Large."
            "id": "task1397-814ac44e257e490a9c553063d9f24e50",
            "input": "Le nouveau portail web lanc\u00e9 en 2009 constituera le point d\u2019entr\u00e9e commun de toutes les ressources scientifiques de l\u2019ECDC et permettra \u00e9galement d\u2019acc\u00e9der aux informations contenues dans les bases de donn\u00e9es telles que TESSy, la base de donn\u00e9es de surveillance du Centre.",
            "output": [
                "The new web portal launched in 2009 will be the common gateway to all ECDC scientific resources, including providing access to information in databases such as the ECDC surveillance database (TESSy)."
            "id": "task1397-087b89de8ea1425c9b8737ef72d2a71b",
            "input": "Il a pour objectif de d\u00e9tecter les menaces sanitaires potentielles et de permettre une r\u00e9action rapide.",
            "output": [
                "It aims to speed up detection of potential health threats and allow timely response."
            "id": "task1397-d58619d1b0ce42e59ec3420b75b8c4d3",
            "input": "Il a permis aux participants d\u2019identifier de meilleurs flux de communication et d\u2019am\u00e9liorer la coordination sur le plan du partage d\u2019informations.",
            "output": [
                "It was an opportunity to identify the best communication flow and to improve coordination of information sharing among the different stakeholders."
            "id": "task1397-ba88058535f94edf90f801d5659d88c8",
            "input": "En d\u00e9pit de l\u2019administration de ce traitement, on compte tout de m\u00eame entre 5 et 10 % de d\u00e9c\u00e8s.",
            "output": [
                "Even where these are available, between 5 and 10 % of the patients die."
            "id": "task1397-83eebfc9f701418195f77f999bb44755",
            "input": "ECDC/2007/EN/FINAL - Programme strat\u00e9gique pluriannuel de l\u2019ECDC 2007-2013",
            "output": [
                "ECDC/2007/EN/FINAL - ECDC Strategic Multiannual Programme 2007\u20142013"
            "id": "task1397-e16afaecddef4c41985cb043d33b7afd",
            "input": "L\u2019h\u00e9patite A est due au virus de l\u2019h\u00e9patite A ou VHA.",
            "output": [
                "Hepatitis A is caused by the hepatitis A virus."
            "id": "task1397-1a6d413c0e8841fcb9b8d111a5b07f37",
            "input": "Lire toute la liste des th\u00e8mes abord\u00e9s et les lignes directrices d\u00e9taill\u00e9es",
            "output": [
                "Read the full list and detailed guidance"
            "id": "task1397-1aeabfbe1a2e43449a35079596c9c797",
            "input": "Le mandat des membres est de quatre ans.",
            "output": [
                "Members\u2019 term of office shall be four years."
            "id": "task1397-246a4161ed704dd08f86b6775828eea2",
            "input": "EN SAVOIR PLUS SUR CE SITETH\u00c8MES ASSOCI\u00c9STH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 DE A \u00c0 ZTH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9S",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-123d2c941ce04212b0ec1b7884225a4c",
            "input": "C\u2019est l\u00e0 une autre mani\u00e8re d\u2019en apprendre davantage sur le Centre.",
            "output": [
                "It is the alternative way to learn more about ECDC."
            "id": "task1397-63a1aeefdf924b4c8e1679b48f9b4b6a",
            "input": "Mot-cl\u00e9",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-2a539ec54e3e467ba488aed6b038eb12",
            "input": "D\u00e9tection des menaces",
            "output": [
                "Threat detection"
            "id": "task1397-0bd186a9d3124877b31caf119bbc7560",
            "input": "Afin de garantir une r\u00e9action efficace en cas de menace sanitaire, les principes directeurs suivants sont mis en place:",
            "output": [
                "In order to ensure an efficient response to PHE, the following guiding principles are enforced:"
            "id": "task1397-82c7c7188a0e40ddbb592856b4e3ca97",
            "input": "Le CEPCM recrute 12 \u00e0 19 membres chaque ann\u00e9e et les place dans l\u2019un des instituts d\u2019accueil participant au programme EPIET.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC is recruiting a number 12-19 of EPIET fellows every year for placement in one of the European hosting institutes participating in the EPIET programme."
            "id": "task1397-b67dfea60d1a43f881d3103af9d5d8c6",
            "input": "La majorit\u00e9 des 700\u00a0cas humains signal\u00e9s depuis 1968 provenaient d\u2019Asie du Sud-est (Chine, Vi\u00eatnam et Tha\u00eflande du Nord).",
            "output": [
                "The majority of the 700 human cases which have been reported since 1968 originated from Southeast Asia, i.e. China, Vietnam, and Northern Thailand."
            "id": "task1397-2f515322399c40b39aa69449a16e294d",
            "input": "C\u2019est pourquoi les \u00c9tats membres ont demand\u00e9 que les cours soient \u00e9galement dispens\u00e9s pour des participants ne faisant pas partie de l\u2019EPIET, directement s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9s et envoy\u00e9s par les \u00c9tats membres. Cette strat\u00e9gie contribue au renforcement des capacit\u00e9s europ\u00e9ennes dans le domaine de l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie de terrain.",
            "output": [
                "Therefore, MS asked ECDC to replicate courses for non-EPIET participants selected and sent by MS. This strategy contributes to strengthening of field epidemiology capacities in Europe."
            "id": "task1397-6b292ebe11484844b337f3656a3e3d52",
            "input": "ne pas communiquer insuffisamment avec les partenaires externes et les parties prenantes;",
            "output": [
                "Do not allow for lack of communication with external partners and stakeholders;"
            "id": "task1397-36fe30cd71054bf4b9dd7113015f1a1a",
            "input": "Pour en savoir plus sur la polio, lire la  fiche d'information destin\u00e9e au grand public  et la  fiche d'information destin\u00e9e aux professionnels de la sant\u00e9 .",
            "output": [
                "Read more about polio in the  factsheet for general public  and  factsheet for health professionals"
            "id": "task1397-b0bfb4b0ed27466690f886f6a46d563c",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-f6c14bf680074f5cad24a95d935df92e",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-686de5b405da4d7d9557209e8ba8ffd0",
            "input": "Utilisateurs de Mac OS X:",
            "output": [
                "Mac OS X users:"
            "id": "task1397-62a2e20a021845309dc16b3bc31390f2",
            "input": "Il s\u2019agit le plus souvent de jeunes enfants, mais on observe un deuxi\u00e8me pic de la maladie chez les adolescents et les jeunes adultes.",
            "output": [
                "This most frequently occurs in young children, but a second disease peak is observed among adolescents and young adults."
            "id": "task1397-eef5aa970fef4ad6bd9d2db10b0c3532",
            "input": "Comme cette personne s\u2019\u00e9tait d\u00e9plac\u00e9e en avion vers plusieurs destinations internationales et europ\u00e9ennes, et compte tenu des informations disponibles, la d\u00e9cision fut prise d\u2019alerter un certain nombre de co-voyageurs d\u2019une \u00e9ventuelle exposition. Des citoyens europ\u00e9ens faisaient partie de ces personnes.",
            "output": [
                "Since the person travelled on long-haul flights involving European destinations, and considering the information available, it was agreed to inform a limited number of co-travellers about this possible exposure, among whom European citizens."
            "id": "task1397-8b77b2e269b54f95a9750af6330ebda3",
            "input": "Aucun vaccin n\u2019est disponible.",
            "output": [
                "There is no vaccine available."
            "id": "task1397-67b177b636de458590db6d273e5a9e68",
            "input": "Th\u00e8mes de sant\u00e9 associ\u00e9s",
            "output": [
                "Related health topics"
            "id": "task1397-dd9debe383554ce0a324d023a5efe6b5",
            "input": "TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 DE A-ZEN SAVOIR PLUS SUR CE SITETH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9SRAPPORT \u00c9PID\u00c9MIOLOGIQUE ANNUELDONN\u00c9ES \u00c9PID\u00c9MIOLOGIQUES",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-c84006df49224f08996a1367430071a0",
            "input": "Afin de soutenir les \u00c9tats membres dans leur capacit\u00e9 \u00e0 faire face \u00e0 l\u2019apparition de foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques li\u00e9s \u00e0 des maladies transmissibles ou d\u2019origine inconnue, le CEPCM veut assurer une mobilisation rapide de ses \u00e9quipes d\u2019assistance expertes dans les domaines suivants: \u00e9pid\u00e9miologie, m\u00e9decine clinique, sant\u00e9 publique, contr\u00f4le des infections, etc. Il faudra \u00e9galement veiller \u00e0 disposer d\u2019une expertise en microbiologie par l\u2019interm\u00e9diaire du r\u00e9seau de laboratoires d\u2019assistance sur les foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques.",
            "output": [
                "In order to support the Member States in their capacity to respond to outbreak situations related to communicable diseases or diseases of unknown origin, ECDC aims to ensure the rapid mobilization of outbreak assistance teams, whose expertise may include epidemiology, clinical medicine, public health, infection control, etc. Particular attention is also given to the mobilization of microbiology expertise, through the outbreak assistance laboratories network."
            "id": "task1397-1fe402eae9024d2f81dfa7e669a64ceb",
            "input": "La maladie est toujours mortelle.",
            "output": [
                "The disease always progresses to death."
            "id": "task1397-dbd45d608c594423ad0d717c46b42cc1",
            "input": "Les organes comp\u00e9tents du CEPCM sont des institutions ou des organes scientifiques qui fournissent des conseils scientifiques et techniques ind\u00e9pendants ainsi que des moyens d\u2019action dans le domaine de la pr\u00e9vention et du contr\u00f4le des maladies humaines.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC Competent Bodies are institutions or scientific bodies providing independent scientific and technical advice or capacity for action in the field of the prevention and control of human disease."
            "id": "task1397-bebeaa5eac0e45af8941a9f9ef54f14f",
            "input": "Directives et proc\u00e9dures",
            "output": [
                "Guidelines and procedures"
            "id": "task1397-0123c96f9bdb4d8886a66797435204a8",
            "input": "Le CEPCM a cr\u00e9\u00e9 une base de donn\u00e9es appel\u00e9e \u00aboutil de pistage des menaces\u00bb qui permet de garder une trace de tous les \u00e9v\u00e9nements v\u00e9rifi\u00e9s ayant des r\u00e9percussions connues ou possibles sur la sant\u00e9 publique.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC has developed a data base, the Threat Tracking Tool (TTT) that allows ECDC to keep track of verified events with a known or possible impact on public health."
            "id": "task1397-ce15e32ace8645e492f9b82de8efb401",
            "input": "L\u2019ECDC est situ\u00e9 \u00e0 Solna, Tomtebodav\u00e4gen 11.   Visualiser sur la carte",
            "output": [
                "The ECDC is located in Solna, Tomtebodav\u00e4gen 11.   Look at the map"
            "id": "task1397-3755e3c87c3349018103fc82a5256da9",
            "input": "Nos flux RSS sont \u00e0 la disposition d\u2019autres sites web (syndication ou diffusion de contenu web).",
            "output": [
                "Our RSS streams are available to other websites for syndication."
            "id": "task1397-b9db2e7a298f4a7aa169a5385432e760",
            "input": "Ce processus permet de d\u00e9terminer  la proc\u00e9dure d\u2019adjudication \u00e0 appliquer (ouverte, restreinte ou n\u00e9goci\u00e9e).",
            "output": [
                "This process enables identification of the applicable tendering procedure \u2013 open, restricted or negotiated."
            "id": "task1397-0414b7a5e7004915b73476f24694407f",
            "input": "Infections associ\u00e9es au syst\u00e8me de sant\u00e9 (IASS)",
            "output": [
                "Healthcare-associated infections (HCAI)"
            "id": "task1397-01a39a4227ef48acbdde0b4361989f64",
            "input": "Syndrome pieds-mains-bouche",
            "output": [
                "Hand foot and mouth disease"
            "id": "task1397-6cca2e83a14c4ab49dd490479f1be37d",
            "input": "Le virus se propage dans l\u2019organisme jusqu\u2019\u00e0 atteindre la peau o\u00f9 il provoque l\u2019apparition d\u2019\u00e9ruptions cutan\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "The virus spreads through the body into the skin causing rashes to appear."
            "id": "task1397-560fbd7114eb47199ce5749697e552d4",
            "input": "Cependant, de graves complications peuvent se produire chez les personnes infect\u00e9es par le virus, m\u00eame chez celles qui sont en bonne sant\u00e9 en temps normal.",
            "output": [
                "However, severe complications could occur even in normally healthy persons who become infected with the virus."
            "id": "task1397-4e9b2051851f4b799f3870319c3f1c48",
            "input": "Le CEPCM envisage de r\u00e9aliser d\u2019autres exercices de simulation en 2009 et de prendre part \u00e0 des exercices organis\u00e9s par la Commission et d\u2019autres organisations internationales.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC is planning to carry out more simulation exercises in 2009 and to participate in exercises organised by the Commission and international organisations."
            "id": "task1397-25598f6f734b4afc9ed9e2f652fef943",
            "input": "Infection \u00e0 Haemophilus influenzae",
            "output": [
                "Haemophilus influenzae infection"
            "id": "task1397-bd29e973a03a4eb7beee1eb1a95eecab",
            "input": "L\u2019une des sections de l\u2019UCS fournit des services internes \u00e0 l\u2019ECDC, \u00e0 savoir la tenue d\u2019une biblioth\u00e8que et la constitution et l\u2019exploitation de services de connaissance et d\u2019information.",
            "output": [
                "One SAU section provides internal serv\\-ices to ECDC by operating the Library and by building and operating Knowledge and Information Services."
            "id": "task1397-f171e92973d04c9997b3e233df91aba3",
            "input": "Le d\u00e9veloppement des capacit\u00e9s de l\u2019UE pour r\u00e9pondre \u00e0 des menaces sanitaires d\u00e9pend des ressources d\u00e9di\u00e9es \u00e0 la formation.",
            "output": [
                "The development of capacities in the EU to respond to health threats depends on the availability of training resources."
            "id": "task1397-043e4ef108f44979be89cfed3f21cded",
            "input": "L'Organisation mondiale de la sant\u00e9 (OMS) est l\u2019un des partenaires strat\u00e9giques les plus importants de l\u2019ECDC.",
            "output": [
                "The World Health Organization (WHO) is one of ECDC\u2019s most important strategic partners."
            "id": "task1397-7d10f28d782445b3af8121234ee73c75",
            "input": "De m\u00eame, lorsque le diagnostic est impr\u00e9cis et que le micro-organisme responsable de l\u2019infection n\u2019a pas \u00e9t\u00e9 identifi\u00e9, on prescrit le plus souvent des antibiotiques \u00e0 large spectre, c\u2019est-\u00e0-dire des antibiotiques qui d\u00e9truisent un grand nombre de bact\u00e9ries et pas uniquement la bact\u00e9rie responsable de la maladie.",
            "output": [
                "Similarly when diagnoses are not accurately made, more often than not, broad-spectrum antibiotics, i.e. antibiotics that kill a large proportion of various bacteria and not only the bacteria responsible for the disease, are prescribed because the micro-organism responsible for the infection is not known."
            "id": "task1397-e35cd3ae659c4ca9b9231e5a62cbb088",
            "input": "Les deux infections r\u00e9pondent bien aux antibiotiques, mais en l\u2019absence de traitement, les douleurs abdominales peuvent durer longtemps.",
            "output": [
                "Both infections respond well to antibiotics, but untreated symptoms of abdominal pain may last for a long while."
            "id": "task1397-8e78b04b1cbc4fc5b004a72f89d54ac1",
            "input": "Apporter un soutien aux laboratoires de microbiologie",
            "output": [
                "Microbiological laboratory support"
            "id": "task1397-b818a3b256634d2294dc0067698744de",
            "input": "\u00c9valuations de la pand\u00e9mie 2009",
            "output": [
                "Evaluations of the 2009 pandemic"
            "id": "task1397-e65db4aedf254972aa5c0ee7f59f2066",
            "input": "Les sympt\u00f4mes incluent g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement fi\u00e8vre, maux de t\u00eate, fatigue et une \u00e9ruption cutan\u00e9e caract\u00e9ristique appel\u00e9e \u00e9ryth\u00e8me.",
            "output": [
                "Typical symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic skin rash called erythema migrans."
            "id": "task1397-2824f36101484b9295dcf50ee9166141",
            "input": "Compte tenu des m\u00e9canismes d\u2019\u00e9mergence de la RAM, la strat\u00e9gie \u00e0 mettre en place est simple\u00a0:",
            "output": [
                "Considering the mechanisms behind the emergence of AMR, the strategy to fight it is rather straightforward:"
            "id": "task1397-4cfa487db25c404f8102760c62682b55",
            "input": "Il combine des cours th\u00e9oriques et des \u00e9tudes de cas.",
            "output": [
                "The course is constructed as a combination of theoretical lectures and exercises using case-studies."
            "id": "task1397-3cd8ab77080d40a29e8ee4ff965ea2c1",
            "input": "La brucellose est une infection due \u00e0 la bact\u00e9rie Brucella.",
            "output": [
                "Brucellosis is an infection caused by Brucella bacteria."
            "id": "task1397-f480e1e8f7494069951e9a73a30e1cb6",
            "input": "Passations de march\u00e9s et subventions",
            "output": [
                "Procurements and Grants"
            "id": "task1397-e52c0df8ea36480b8eac6230e578596c",
            "input": "Typage",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-63f15badf27947449f7d4b13af5c9003",
            "input": "Points de contact nationaux microbiologie",
            "output": [
                "National Microbiology Focal Points (NMFPs)"
            "id": "task1397-c51a21a5952947a4a127de3ab40c43b8",
            "input": "Haemophilus influenzae , un coccobacille \u00e0 Gram n\u00e9gatif, comprend des souches non encapsul\u00e9es (non typables) et encapsul\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "Haemophilus influenzae , a gram negative coccobacillus, is divided into unencapsulated (non-typable) and encapsulated strains."
            "id": "task1397-98209a3646e04f6ca9cdd268723b38ab",
            "input": "Rapports de r\u00e9union",
            "output": [
                "Meeting Reports"
            "id": "task1397-0d671c3617ad4975bc8505d970629eaf",
            "input": "Tous les professionnels de la sant\u00e9 ont la responsabilit\u00e9 majeure d'agir en tant qu'avocats de la sant\u00e9 publique \u00e0 tous les niveaux de la soci\u00e9t\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "All health professionals have a major responsibility to act as advocates for public health at all levels in society."
            "id": "task1397-8d7db30aa33a45c7aa7326ddcfa853af",
            "input": "Pour en savoir plus sur le t\u00e9tanos, lire la  fiche d'information destin\u00e9e aux professionnels de la sant\u00e9 .",
            "output": [
                "Read more about tetanus  in the  factsheet for health professionals ."
            "id": "task1397-757c1f6984594b959469baa24dd51841",
            "input": "Il r\u00e9unit des informations issues de diff\u00e9rentes sources sur les menaces li\u00e9es aux maladies transmissibles susceptibles d\u2019affecter les citoyens de l\u2019Union europ\u00e9enne.",
            "output": [
                "It includes information gathered from multiple sources regarding potential communicable disease threats that may affect the European Union."
            "id": "task1397-5f233249797f41658e513453369b09ac",
            "input": "formations courtes ou longues, sur site ou \u00e0 distance",
            "output": [
                "short versus long courses, on site vs distance courses;"
            "id": "task1397-eca8804a4d9341dda9cef3f0310c4f19",
            "input": "Les informations pr\u00e9sentes sur ce site font l\u2019objet d\u2019une clause de non responsabilit\u00e9, de d\u00e9clarations concernant les droits d\u2019auteur et de reproduction limit\u00e9e, ainsi que de r\u00e8gles sur la protection des donn\u00e9es \u00e0 caract\u00e8re personnel.",
            "output": [
                "The information on this site is subject to a disclaimer, copyright and limited reproduction notices and rules related to personal data protection."
            "id": "task1397-9ab7d612c0634c08bbe99b10105cdd11",
            "input": "\u00a9 EEE, Copenhague.",
            "output": [
                "Copyright EEA, Copenhagen."
            "id": "task1397-8d5902a91f8543f69e171d9727698db5",
            "input": "La grippe saisonni\u00e8re touche l\u2019h\u00e9misph\u00e8re Nord tous les hivers\u00a0; le co\u00fbt de la maladie est tr\u00e8s important du fait de l\u2019absent\u00e9isme dans les entreprises et les \u00e9coles.",
            "output": [
                "Seasonal influenza hits the Northern hemisphere every winter and causes a substantial disease burden with people being absent from work and schools."
            "id": "task1397-47352a255825488d8413ed179b1fbe25",
            "input": "Les institutions et les \u00c9tats membres de l\u2019UE sont donc les principaux partenaires de l\u2019ECDC.",
            "output": [
                "The EU Institutions and Member States are therefore ECDC\u2019s most important partners."
            "id": "task1397-f4c1f49e8e0a4eec867c62401654081c",
            "input": "Les salmonelles \u00e0 l\u2019origine de diarrh\u00e9es sont pr\u00e9sentes dans le monde entier.",
            "output": [
                "Diarrhoea-causing Salmonellae are present worldwide."
            "id": "task1397-2be56c838c014b13b5a97ca4eb4deddf",
            "input": "La vaccination (traitement prophylactique) est donc primordiale pour prot\u00e9ger les enfants.",
            "output": [
                "Vaccine prophilaxis is therefore of paramount importance, in order to protect children."
            "id": "task1397-c9e8036ef5774f25ae7c7f6ebbc36b14",
            "input": "renvoient parfois \u00e0 des sites ext\u00e9rieurs sur lesquels l\u2019ECDC n\u2019a aucun contr\u00f4le et pour lesquels l\u2019ECDC d\u00e9cline toute responsabilit\u00e9;",
            "output": [
                "sometimes linked to external sites over which the ECDC has no control and for which the ECDC assumes no responsibility;"
            "id": "task1397-400412b1e86c4279a60a14d071ba4fb0",
            "input": "Pour en savoir plus sur les oreillons, lire la  fiche d'information destin\u00e9e au grand public  et la  fiche d'information destin\u00e9e aux professionnels de la sant\u00e9 .",
            "output": [
                "Read more about mumps in the  factsheet for general public  and  factsheet for health professionals ."
            "id": "task1397-7d14104a711e497ca99f02bb8972c424",
            "input": "Il n\u2019existe sans doute pas de porteurs sains, mais les adultes infect\u00e9s pr\u00e9sentent g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement des sympt\u00f4mes l\u00e9gers et peuvent transmettre la bact\u00e9rie pendant plusieurs semaines.",
            "output": [
                "Healthy carriers probably do not exist, but infected adults usually have only mild symptoms, but can shed bacteria for weeks."
            "id": "task1397-3c9da902a7104d7789024fdf5f6da622",
            "input": "L\u2019ECDC s\u2019engage \u00e0 respecter la vie priv\u00e9e des utilisateurs de son site.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC is committed to user privacy."
            "id": "task1397-edfd0f07ce814bbf95287015a8d1d673",
            "input": "M. Johan Giesecke, directeur scientifique et chef de l\u2019Unit\u00e9 de conseil scientifique.",
            "output": [
                "Prof Johan Giesecke, Chief Scientist and Head of Scientific Advice Unit"
            "id": "task1397-17e248e76cff4b9fbd7f779e1333c3d1",
            "input": "En cas de crise sanitaire, il doit permettre aux institutions charg\u00e9es de la sant\u00e9 dans les \u00c9tats membres d\u2019\u00e9changer des donn\u00e9es \u00e9pid\u00e9miologiques afin d\u2019identifier des r\u00e9ponses permettant de neutraliser l\u2019agent d\u00e9clencheur de la crise, et il doit \u00e9galement permettre de coordonner les politiques au regard des conclusions scientifiques disponibles.",
            "output": [
                "During public health crisis, it must allow epidemiological discussion among health institutes of the various Member States in order to draw the possible responses to the agent responsible of the crisis and it must as well allow political coordination based upon scientific conclusions)."
            "id": "task1397-7c6aeed9fee44b71bb30aa21041cd301",
            "input": "En 2007, apr\u00e8s la demande faite par le CEPCM \u00e0 diff\u00e9rents \u00c9tats membres de fournir des informations sur leurs niveaux respectifs de pr\u00e9paration et de progression dans le domaine de la r\u00e9action en cas de menace sanitaire, des missions nationales de visite des locaux d\u2019institutions nationales ont \u00e9t\u00e9 programm\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "In 2007, following ECDC invitation to various MS to share information on their different levels of preparation and development in the area of responding to a crisis during a public health event, some country missions to visit emergency facilities at National Institutes were planed."
            "id": "task1397-4367a16ee6cd4542b4731c72966eb489",
            "input": "Planification strat\u00e9gique, suivi et \u00e9valuation",
            "output": [
                "Strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation"
            "id": "task1397-74d55e5c5b954a9f872699c2978df0ea",
            "input": "ECDC TV",
            "output": [
                "ECDC TV"
            "id": "task1397-72d20909f65346139e5a1a5e94251243",
            "input": "La brucellose est pr\u00e9sente dans le monde entier, mais plus particuli\u00e8rement dans les pays m\u00e9diterran\u00e9ens.",
            "output": [
                "Brucellosis occurs worldwide but the Mediterranean region has been particularly affected."
            "id": "task1397-51a3e9198fc34a549666b53fdb9dc3cc",
            "input": "Les cas avec jaunisse, plus fr\u00e9quents chez les adultes, sont accompagn\u00e9s, en outre, de sympt\u00f4mes syst\u00e9miques (fi\u00e8vre, perte d\u2019app\u00e9tit, naus\u00e9es, vomissements, etc.) pouvant durer plusieurs semaines.",
            "output": [
                "Cases with jaundice, more common in adults, present with this symptom and also general symptoms (fever, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, etc.) which may last for several weeks."
            "id": "task1397-0487dff5b7204aa981eb4fc3cba281b6",
            "input": "Le tableau clinique de l\u2019infection \u00e0  C. difficile  (ICD) va de la diarrh\u00e9e l\u00e9g\u00e8re \u00e0 l\u2019ent\u00e9rocolite pseudomembraneuse s\u00e9v\u00e8re qui met le pronostic vital en jeu.",
            "output": [
                "The clinical spectrum of  C. difficile  infection (CDI) ranges from mild diarrhoea to severe life threatening pseudomembranous colitis."
            "id": "task1397-d100b92ab9a3462ab9b9e0cd49174335",
            "input": "Le tableau 1 fournit un lien vers l\u2019offre de cours d\u2019une semaine pour les \u00c9tats membres.",
            "output": [
                "A link to the Portfolio of one-week courses for the MS can be found in table in table 2."
            "id": "task1397-dc99e1628d3e4dc7a8173af47a6549a6",
            "input": "Le changement climatique est l\u2019un des principaux facteurs jouant sur la propagation des maladies infectieuses, au m\u00eame titre que les mouvements des populations humaines et animales, l\u2019intensit\u00e9 des \u00e9changes commerciaux et des voyages dans le monde, les \u00e9volutions de l\u2019occupation des sols, etc.",
            "output": [
                "Climate change is one of many important factors driving infectious disease spread, alongside human and animal population dynamics, intense global levels of trade and travel, changing patterns of land use, and so on."
            "id": "task1397-9131d97fca95460d936b5afa87fe5727",
            "input": "Les \u00e9pid\u00e9mies de grande envergure les plus r\u00e9centes ont \u00e9t\u00e9 signal\u00e9es en 2005-2006 \u00e0 l\u2019\u00eele de La R\u00e9union, \u00e0 l\u2019\u00cele Maurice, \u00e0 Mayotte et dans plusieurs \u00e9tats indiens.",
            "output": [
                "The most recent large outbreaks were reported in 2005\u20132006 from R\u00e9union Island, Mauritius, Mayotte and several Indian states."
            "id": "task1397-15de89b1feaf4c5295be39d32744f8e9",
            "input": "Elle est due \u00e0 une toxine produite par la bact\u00e9rie Clostridium tetani.",
            "output": [
                "It is a consequence of a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium tetani."
            "id": "task1397-52fd1ee6d1c74f2f90fe74ec78a427bc",
            "input": "Contact",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-3f33ab8aa87f48e9a7981f9885803a08",
            "input": "Liste des sources d'information",
            "output": [
                "List of information sources"
            "id": "task1397-b55d88744639444b848ffe39d415b3b2",
            "input": "Le rapport du CEPCM sur les menaces li\u00e9es aux maladies transmissibles est con\u00e7u comme un outil pour les \u00e9pid\u00e9miologistes europ\u00e9ens charg\u00e9s de la veille \u00e9pid\u00e9mique au niveau national.",
            "output": [
                "The ECDC communicable disease threat report (CDTR) is intended as a tool for European epidemiologists in charge of epidemic intelligence activities in their national surveillance centre."
            "id": "task1397-92187197db4a441e9d6340691e6777f4",
            "input": "La r\u00e9action",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-a24ee5ff431940efb640aa3a7af3fcd2",
            "input": "Programmes sur les maladiesLes activit\u00e9s de l\u2019ECDC sur des maladies sp\u00e9cifiques sont organis\u00e9es en sept programmes horizontaux, chacun b\u00e9n\u00e9ficiant de l\u2019expertise de membres de toutes les unit\u00e9s techniques:",
            "output": [
                "Disease ProgrammesThe ECDC disease specific activities are organised within seven horizontal programmes with team members from all technical units:"
            "id": "task1397-f687fe0bef4a49a7a08f44d2556de62a",
            "input": "Figure 1. Changement climatique et principaux points faibles en Europe (par r\u00e9gion biog\u00e9ographique).",
            "output": [
                "Figure 1. Key European vulnerabilities to climate change (biogeographical regions)"
            "id": "task1397-d183ff399999449fbbf7b45abe1373ac",
            "input": "Chaque ann\u00e9e, de nombreux d\u00e9c\u00e8s dus \u00e0 la grippe pourraient \u00eatre \u00e9vit\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "Each year there are many avoidable deaths from influenza."
            "id": "task1397-1e9fe393c09f4feb946dcff100e98ec1",
            "input": "http://magpierss.sourceforge.net",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-0ba5c08bc0f249959dbf5795a054bcbd",
            "input": "La schistosomiase, \u00e9galement appel\u00e9e bilharziose, est une maladie parasitaire due \u00e0 plusieurs esp\u00e8ces de vers plats (Plathelminthes) appartenant au genre  Schistosoma .",
            "output": [
                "Schistosomiasis, also called bilharziosis or snail fever, is a parasitic disease caused by several species of parasitic flatworms (platyhelminthes), belonging to the genus  Schistosoma ."
            "id": "task1397-42db4f626cba4e459f8d585178a273ea",
            "input": "La tular\u00e9mie est une zoonose (infection transmissible de l\u2019animal \u00e0 l\u2019homme) due \u00e0 la bact\u00e9rie Francisella tularensis, capable de survivre plusieurs semaines \u00e0 basses temp\u00e9ratures dans l\u2019eau, les sols humides, le foin, la paille ou les carcasses d\u2019animaux.",
            "output": [
                "Tularaemia is a zoonosis (infection that could transmit from animals to humans), caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis, capable of surviving for weeks at low temperatures in water, moist soil, hay, straw or animal carcasses."
            "id": "task1397-b44fc9829e0f4f8e9d220e784d4734e7",
            "input": "R\u00e9sistance aux antimicrobiens",
            "output": [
                "Antimicrobial resistance"
            "id": "task1397-a5271478b31f47819e644a4779915d00",
            "input": "Code de bonne conduite administrative de l\u2019ECDC  (3MB)",
            "output": [
                "ECDC Code of good administrative behaviour  (3MB)"
            "id": "task1397-3070125b98d84dcb8965b585de99ec4a",
            "input": "L\u2019homme peut \u00eatre infect\u00e9 par contact direct ou indirect avec le sang ou les organes d\u2019animaux infect\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "Humans may become infected through direct or indirect contact with the blood or organs of infected animals."
            "id": "task1397-98edfd1071e54b11ac9b9f9ef841713b",
            "input": "En raison de diff\u00e9rents facteurs, une tr\u00e8s faible proportion de porteurs (moins de 1\u00a0%) d\u00e9veloppe la maladie.",
            "output": [
                "Due to a series of factors, a very low proportion of carriers (less than 1%) will eventually become ill."
            "id": "task1397-e068d8da2c484fedb9d055bc63dfce4b",
            "input": "- D\u00e9livrer des messages et des informations cl\u00e9s en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9 publique aux m\u00e9dias et au public europ\u00e9en.",
            "output": [
                "- Communicating key public health messages and information to the media and to the European public."
            "id": "task1397-a20f1b59bfde4c1db4fa1ea05f355484",
            "input": "Ces facteurs sont complexes: id\u00e9es re\u00e7ues, ignorance, absence de campagnes de sensibilisation sont souvent \u00e0 la base de l\u2019\u00e9chec des strat\u00e9gies de vaccination.",
            "output": [
                "These factors are complex; false beliefs, ignorance, lack of advocacy are often on the basis of the failure of vaccination strategies."
            "id": "task1397-72711cd2450e48bf844a7169200718a7",
            "input": "Le virus est transmis par la piq\u00fbre de tiques infect\u00e9es que l'on trouve dans les r\u00e9gions bois\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "The virus is transmitted by the bite of infected ticks, found in woodland habitats."
            "id": "task1397-9d384b28912c46fa8e48ac845658461c",
            "input": "Communication sur les menaces",
            "output": [
                "Threats communication"
            "id": "task1397-7e20e3afe039430285c8eebaf84e9577",
            "input": "Les enfants commencent \u00e0 montrer les sympt\u00f4mes de la m\u00e9ningite apr\u00e8s une p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation vraisemblable d\u2019environ 2 \u00e0 4\u00a0jours et les manifestations cliniques ont tendance \u00e0 \u00e9voluer rapidement.",
            "output": [
                "Children start showing symptoms of meningitis after a probable incubation period of about 2\u20134 days and clinical manifestations tend to evolve rapidly."
            "id": "task1397-4d676fe949084cc4b4992c4145851bb5",
            "input": "En d\u00e9pit de l\u2019existence d\u2019antibiotiques efficaces, Streptococcus pneumoniae (le pneumocoque) reste l\u2019une des premi\u00e8res causes de la maladie et de d\u00e9c\u00e8s dans les pays d\u00e9velopp\u00e9s et en d\u00e9veloppement.",
            "output": [
                "Despite good access to effective antibiotics, Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococci) is still a major cause of disease and death in both developing and developed countries."
            "id": "task1397-1cd4bb42cc0141f69696cb217ec8a91f",
            "input": "Consolidation des activit\u00e9s de renseignement \u00e9pid\u00e9mique",
            "output": [
                "Strengthening Epidemic Intelligence activities"
            "id": "task1397-f75e9455a83b4783890d456fd20905c8",
            "input": "Lire le rapport de la mission (en anglais).",
            "output": [
                "Read the mission report"
            "id": "task1397-c0d4f17a2609455bb9489a04730ee688",
            "input": "L\u2019agent causal  \n                est un  \n                \n                Flavivirus qui appartient, au niveau g\u00e9n\u00e9tique, au groupe des virus transmis par les tiques,  \n                lequel est  \n                 tr\u00e8s \u00e9troitement li\u00e9 au  virus de la maladie de la for\u00eat de Kyasanur , un virus responsable d\u2019une grave maladie h\u00e9morragique transmise par les tiques et signal\u00e9e en Inde (\u00c9tat de Karnataka).",
            "output": [
                "The aetiological agent  \n                is a  \n                 \n                Flavivirus  genetically belonging to the tickborne group  \n                that is  \n                 very closely related to  Kyasanur forest disease virus , a severe tick-borne hemorrhagic disease reported in India (Karnataka state)."
            "id": "task1397-ec7891b53f9f48748b189ca013efaeae",
            "input": "En l\u2019absence de traitement, la brucellose peut \u00eatre mortelle.",
            "output": [
                "Untreated, brucellosis can lead to death."
            "id": "task1397-50e557238b704c5197ddb6958cedc79b",
            "input": "Mois pr\u00e9c\u00e9dents",
            "output": [
                "Previous months"
            "id": "task1397-186606b9e1ad409daa5545b683640035",
            "input": "\u00c0 propos de l\u2019ECDC",
            "output": [
                "About Us"
            "id": "task1397-67db4106378f4285a2b751731c0a0980",
            "input": "Variante de la maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob",
            "output": [
                "Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease"
            "id": "task1397-1fca8c15708449c98e18deaa0f321552",
            "input": "Voir le catalogue complet des publications scientifiques",
            "output": [
                "View the full catalogue of scientific publications"
            "id": "task1397-41b5a787536c4d239c39fbf83d46b3f3",
            "input": "L\u2019h\u00e9patite C est due au virus de l\u2019h\u00e9patite C, ou VHC, qui a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9couvert en 1989. \tL\u2019homme est le seul r\u00e9servoir de ce virus.",
            "output": [
                "Hepatitis C is caused by the hepatitis C virus that was discovered in 1989. Humans are the only reservoir of hepatitis C virus."
            "id": "task1397-230dd8a46a044306842fd9d22d725076",
            "input": "\u00c9volution de la sant\u00e9 publique",
            "output": [
                "Public health development"
            "id": "task1397-991079cad31045a68b39cffb9cfb80be",
            "input": "Pour ce faire, le CEPCM:",
            "output": [
                "This is achieved by:"
            "id": "task1397-5b02ea72dc484581a4ce3e5bdabae53c",
            "input": "Les foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques d'infections humaines apparaissent principalement dans les pays \u00e0 faible revenu, o\u00f9 la production porcine est intensive,\u00a0en raison du contact \u00e9troit entre l\u2019homme et les porcs, et du manque de sensibilisation de la population \u00e0 risque.",
            "output": [
                "Outbreaks of human infections mainly occur in low-income countries with intensive pig production, which is largely due to close contact of humans to pigs and lack of awareness of the disease within the population at risk."
            "id": "task1397-f582d6913070477abd7b80ea913edec0",
            "input": "Il s\u2019est d\u00e9roul\u00e9 en septembre 2007. Le script pr\u00e9voyait d\u2019examiner les proc\u00e9dures de suivi des contacts au sein de l\u2019UE, conform\u00e9ment \u00e0 l\u2019orientation donn\u00e9e dans le document r\u00e9dig\u00e9 par le comit\u00e9 de s\u00e9curit\u00e9 sanitaire (CSS).",
            "output": [
                "It took place in September 2007 and the script aimed at exploring contact tracing procedures within the EU, based on the Health Security Committee \u2018s (HSC) guidance document."
            "id": "task1397-20a0bc130a6a4b9182542d0dd29a4673",
            "input": "M. Maarit Kokki, conseiller de la directrice \u2013 coordinateur du cabinet de la directrice",
            "output": [
                "Dr Maarit Kokki, Adviser to the Director - Coordinator of Director\u00b4s Cabinet"
            "id": "task1397-86b99785b6d2450a886c528d126d7c4f",
            "input": "la disponibilit\u00e9 (ou non) de moyens humains et mat\u00e9riels pour y faire face;",
            "output": [
                "availability of human and material resources to address it;"
            "id": "task1397-a28528d20e6444bf8d130fcbf1d71b93",
            "input": "Appels d'offres cl\u00f4tur\u00e9s",
            "output": [
                "Closed calls for tender"
            "id": "task1397-6d2c3a83a0104ca79afadd3a13cd4863",
            "input": "On observe une augmentation des cas d\u2019infection nosocomiale.",
            "output": [
                "There is an increase of reports of community-acquired infection."
            "id": "task1397-06357237769a4c8bb93c6bc6699b0135",
            "input": "Sauf mention contraire dans le registre de protection des donn\u00e9es, le Centre consid\u00e8re que toutes les personnes physiques qui lui fournissent des informations \u00e0 caract\u00e8re personnel sous forme imprim\u00e9e ou \u00e9lectronique donnent indubitablement leur consentement aux op\u00e9rations de traitement ult\u00e9rieures, conform\u00e9ment \u00e0 l'article 5, point d), du r\u00e8glement n\u00b0 45/2001.",
            "output": [
                "Unless specified differently in the Data Protection Register, all natural persons providing personal information to the Centre by means of paper or electronic form are deemed to have unambiguously given their consent for the subsequent processing operations in application of article 5(d) of Regulation 45/2001."
            "id": "task1397-fa601e7c885f4dfca8fb8515ef4bd628",
            "input": "Les autres FHV sont surtout des infections import\u00e9es, comme la fi\u00e8vre de Lassa (transmise par les rongeurs), la fi\u00e8vre jaune et la fi\u00e8vre h\u00e9morragique de dengue (transmise par les piq\u00fbres de moustiques), la fi\u00e8vre de Lassa et la fi\u00e8vre de Marburg (associ\u00e9e au singe).",
            "output": [
                "Others, are mainly seen as imported infections, such as Lassa fever (transmitted by rodents), yellow fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever (transmitted through mosquito bites), Lassa fever and Marburg fever (monkey associated)"
            "id": "task1397-8b462726333e404190070f40fdcfe917",
            "input": "d\u00e9sinfection, d\u00e9contamination et \u00e9limination des mat\u00e9riaux contamin\u00e9s, et d\u00e9contamination de l\u2019environnement.",
            "output": [
                "disinfection, decontamination and disposal of contaminated materials and decontamination of the environment."
            "id": "task1397-7ed19d87703e47d78634be687133846a",
            "input": "Concernant les locaux et les infrastructures de crise, la r\u00e9union a \u00e9galement fourni un aper\u00e7u des attentes des \u00c9tats membres concernant le centre d\u2019intervention urgente et le r\u00f4le que le CEPCM pourrait jouer pour d\u00e9velopper les capacit\u00e9s des \u00c9tats membres dans ce domaine.",
            "output": [
                "Regarding facility and infrastructure requirements needed during a crisis, it was also an opportunity to have an overview of the MS expectations regarding an emergency operation centre, and the role that ECDC could play in supporting the development of capacity in the MS."
            "id": "task1397-79aaafd7dfbe4800b2d9b191fc108099",
            "input": "H1N1, H1N2 et H3N2.",
            "output": [
                "H1N1, H1N2 and H3N2."
            "id": "task1397-6f653297b31149c7b22e40c616b743de",
            "input": "La p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation apr\u00e8s exposition alimentaire est estim\u00e9e \u00e0 une dizaine d\u2019ann\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "The incubation period for vCJD after food borne exposure is thought to be around 10 years."
            "id": "task1397-7ddb1be3375e4bf39fa018c5fd6a9da4",
            "input": "Il s\u2019agit de la premi\u00e8re transmission av\u00e9r\u00e9e en dehors des zones d\u2019end\u00e9mie habituelles, en Afrique et en Asie. L\u2019infection par le virus Zika est consid\u00e9r\u00e9e comme une maladie infectieuse \u00e9mergente qui est susceptible d'atteindre de nouvelles r\u00e9gions o\u00f9 le vecteur de transmission, le moustique  Aedes , est pr\u00e9sent.",
            "output": [
                "This was the first documented transmission outside of its traditional endemic areas in Africa and Asia, and Zika virus is considered an emerging infectious disease with the potential to spread to new areas where the  Aedes mosquito vector is present."
            "id": "task1397-a85b60be3c4646d9bc4f842d1eb17ffc",
            "input": "LES SIX PRINCIPAUX TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 RESTER INFORM\u00c9",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-50ebb53fd5c04bed8fbfc7342bd06d4d",
            "input": "Entrez l\u2019adresse de notre flux RSS dans votre lecteur et il affichera les derniers titres avec, pour chacun d'eux, un r\u00e9sum\u00e9 et un lien qui vous dirigera vers l'article.",
            "output": [
                "Put the address of our RSS feed into your reader, and it will display the latest headlines, each one with a synopsis and link that will take you to the full story."
            "id": "task1397-f8828a4f2909488cb8c0d3edc561085b",
            "input": "Elle touche principalement, mais pas uniquement, les enfants. L\u2019infection d\u2019une femme enceinte peut donner lieu \u00e0 des malformations du f\u0153tus.",
            "output": [
                "It affects mainly, but not only, children and when pregnant women are infected, it may result in malformation of the foetus."
            "id": "task1397-7f7fd5f9ebad4295b65c8bdd58a198a7",
            "input": "- postes op\u00e9rationnels et administratifs li\u00e9s \u00e0 des projets. Par exemple:",
            "output": [
                "- Operational and administrative posts on project basis e.g. experts and project leaders assigned to specific projects"
            "id": "task1397-331e7658892848a3979f6a99051f1b7a",
            "input": "Gestion du risque biologique  \n                :",
            "output": [
                "Biorisk Management  \n                :"
            "id": "task1397-7a51fb99b21d40e0984f04d4cb68204e",
            "input": "Le marketing social appliqu\u00e9 \u00e0 la sant\u00e9 vise \u00e0 am\u00e9liorer la sant\u00e9 et la qualit\u00e9 de vie des gens dans un environnement \u00e9conomique, politique et social concret.",
            "output": [
                "Health-related social marketing aims at improving people\u2019s health and quality of their life in concrete social, political and economic environment."
            "id": "task1397-f162f9e3faba472685d604901d93d24b",
            "input": "La fi\u00e8vre h\u00e9morragique Alkhurma  \n                \n                \n                est une  \n                maladie h\u00e9morragique virale signal\u00e9e  \n                principalement  \n                en Arabie saoudite.",
            "output": [
                "Alkhurma haemorrhagic fever  \n                \n                \n                is a  \n                viral haemorrhagic disease reported  \n                mainly  \n                in Saudi Arabia."
            "id": "task1397-f6a16cd072f14e67b3d8367300e2a536",
            "input": "TYPES DE PUBLICATIONSPUBLICATIONS R\u00c9CENTESLES SIX PRINCIPAUX TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 RESTER AU CONTACT DE L'ACTUALIT\u00c9EUROSURVEILLANCELIENS EXTERNESDOCUMENTS ASSOCI\u00c9SRAPPORT \u00c9PID\u00c9MIOLOGIQUE ANNUELPUBLICATIONS R\u00c9CENTESPUBLICATIONS R\u00c9CENTESDernier num\u00e9ro de WISOR\u00e9sum\u00e9 des publications cl\u00e9sDernier num\u00e9ro d\u2019ECDC InsightDerni\u00e8re caract\u00e9risation du virus de la grippePUBLICATIONS CL\u00c9SDernier num\u00e9ro d\u2019Executive Science Update de l\u2019ECDCSurveillance du VIH/SIDA en EuropeSurveillance de la tuberculose en EuropePUBLICATIONS R\u00c9CENTESPublicationsCataloguePagerSurveillance du VIH/SIDA en EuropeSurveillance de la tuberculose en EuropeRapport annuel du directeurPUBLICATIONS CL\u00c9SPUBLICATIONS R\u00c9GULI\u00c8RES R\u00c9CENTESCaract\u00e9risation du virus de la grippeECDC InsightExecutive Science Update de l'ECDCPUBLICATIONS R\u00c9CENTESPUBLICATIONS R\u00c9CENTESPUBLICATIONS ASSOCI\u00c9ESCATALOGUE DES PUBLICATIONSPUBLICATIONS R\u00c9CENTESCATALOGUE DES PUBLICATIONSCATALOGUE DES PUBLICATIONSCATALOGUE DES PUBLICATIONSCATALOGUE DES PUBLICATIONSCATALOGUE DES PUBLICATIONSCATALOGUE DES PUBLICATIONSCATALOGUE DES PUBLICATIONSSurveillance du VIH/SIDA en EuropeSurveillance de la tuberculose en EuropeExecutive Science Update de l'ECDCInsight de l'ECDCCaract\u00e9risation du virus de la grippePUBLICATIONS R\u00c9GULI\u00c8RESRapport annuel du directeurR\u00e9sum\u00e9 des publications cl\u00e9sPublicationsCataloguePagerRAPPORT \u00c9PID\u00c9MIOLOGIQUE ANNUELPUBLICATIONS R\u00c9GULI\u00c8RESPUBLICATIONS ASSOCI\u00c9ESPUBLICATIONS ASSOCI\u00c9ESPUBLICATIONS INSTITUTIONNELLESPUBLICATIONS R\u00c9GULI\u00c8RESRAPPORTS SP\u00c9CIAUXRAPPORTS DE MISSIONDOCUMENTS D'ORIENTATIONRAPPORTS DE R\u00c9UNIONDOCUMENTS TECHNIQUESRAPPORTS DE SURVEILLANCERAPPORTS \u00c9PID\u00c9MIOLOGIQUESRAPPORTS TECHNIQUESPUBLICATION \u00c0 LA UNE",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-7a7cf218f0bc4e7c81509b4bdabe3dc1",
            "input": "Cette photographie en gros plan montre un vecteur de la malaria en Orient, Anopheles minimus (2005).",
            "output": [
                "This close-up 2005 photograph shows an Anopheles minimus, a malaria vector of the Orient mosquito..."
            "id": "task1397-d4a44b32b21a4a2ea27d1d2bbe247a60",
            "input": "L\u2019ECDC d\u00e9cline toute responsabilit\u00e9 quant aux probl\u00e8mes de ce type pouvant r\u00e9sulter d'une utilisation de ce site.",
            "output": [
                "The ECDC accepts no responsibility whatsoever with regard to such problems incurred as a result of using this website."
            "id": "task1397-f5a923ec807e45229c7836a96d69d295",
            "input": "Elle peut \u00eatre \u00e9vit\u00e9e par la vaccination.",
            "output": [
                "It is preventable by vaccination."
            "id": "task1397-266c1b02ea42446b90677341277609bd",
            "input": "Documents d'orientation de l'ECDC",
            "output": [
                "ECDC Guidance"
            "id": "task1397-f78a13ec243b4d1cacc34d1722f7c926",
            "input": "Infection par la varicelle",
            "output": [
                "Varicella infection"
            "id": "task1397-0ee46ec9a4d8470d9e452d329d880c76",
            "input": "De plus, les temp\u00e9ratures \u00e0 la surface de la mer se r\u00e9chauffent, les glaciers de montagne r\u00e9tr\u00e9cissent, les oc\u00e9ans deviennent de plus en plus acides, et les ph\u00e9nom\u00e8nes m\u00e9t\u00e9orologiques extr\u00eames s\u2019accentuent en fr\u00e9quence et en intensit\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "In addition, sea surface temperatures are warming, mountain glaciers are shrinking, oceans are becoming more acidic, extreme weather events are increasing in frequency and intensity."
            "id": "task1397-ab6a3cfc34b241f48e8319678de20fdb",
            "input": "Des performances analytiques insuffisantes ou erron\u00e9es ont des cons\u00e9quences pour les patients, les cliniciens et le syst\u00e8me de soins de sant\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "Insufficient or incorrect analytical performance has consequences for the patients, the clinicians and the health care system."
            "id": "task1397-0a52fb82c2d545f98a560ad1132478f1",
            "input": "Ces derni\u00e8res sont encore subdivis\u00e9es en s\u00e9rotypes (le s\u00e9rotype b \u00e9tant le plus pathog\u00e8ne pour l\u2019homme) qui sont responsables d\u2019infections respiratoires, d\u2019infections oculaires, de septic\u00e9mies et de m\u00e9ningites.",
            "output": [
                "The latter are further classified into serotypes, with the Haemophilus influenzae  serotype b being the most pathogenic for humans, responsible for respiratory infections, ocular infection, sepsis and meningitis."
            "id": "task1397-30c07392538d4a1b9d17f0ed813d8e82",
            "input": "L\u2019homme peut contracter la leptospirose par contact direct avec l\u2019urine d\u2019animaux infect\u00e9s ou par contact avec des mati\u00e8res contamin\u00e9es par celle-ci, comme l\u2019eau ou le sol.",
            "output": [
                "Humans get leptospirosis either from direct contact with the urine of infected animals, or from contact with material contaminated by it, such as water or soil."
            "id": "task1397-20bae65531a04d678555eea7c8b07905",
            "input": "Les sympt\u00f4mes durent g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement quelques jours.",
            "output": [
                "Symptoms usually last for a few days."
            "id": "task1397-1f4d0f63560c43eb97df33831b27c2fb",
            "input": "Pour obtenir les derni\u00e8res informations sur la pand\u00e9mie de grippe (H1N1) 2009, veuillez consulter la  page pand\u00e9mie de grippe (HIN1) 2009 .",
            "output": [
                "For updated information on Pandemic (H1N1) 2009, please see the  pandemic (H1N1) 2009 page ."
            "id": "task1397-5dd5cbfd9e334e83894fa060559be76a",
            "input": "Les informations que l\u2019ECDC fournit sont:",
            "output": [
                "The information the ECDC provides is:"
            "id": "task1397-f39277eec4954834ae5be2dd9d7b2193",
            "input": "les propri\u00e9t\u00e9s physiques ou biochimiques observables (ph\u00e9notypage)",
            "output": [
                "observable physical or biochemical properties (phenotyping)"
            "id": "task1397-a777dd034ab64bffa1543b05daa877c3",
            "input": "Avancez sur la rue Tomtebodav\u00e4gen en suivant la m\u00eame direction que le bus. \u00c0 l\u2019intersection, prenez la rue qui monte.",
            "output": [
                "Walk along Tomtebodav\u00e4gen following the same direction as the bus. At the crossroad, follow the street that goes up."
            "id": "task1397-c38dadc8ab94471980a336443f52e924",
            "input": "La premi\u00e8re saison hivernale depuis la ggrippe pand\u00e9mique 2009 approche pour l\u2019Europe.",
            "output": [
                "Europe is now approaching the first winter season after the 2009 pandemic influenza."
            "id": "task1397-222cd7e50c68449d9ca878e6046c4618",
            "input": "Archives des documents financiers des ann\u00e9es pr\u00e9c\u00e9dentes",
            "output": [
                "Archive of financial documents from all previous years"
            "id": "task1397-2347634df59f45c0af133f1b5b09fa51",
            "input": "Les activit\u00e9s de communication sur les maladies transmissibles n\u00e9cessitent des ressources afin que les professionnels de la sant\u00e9 publique restent inform\u00e9s des nouvelles donn\u00e9es scientifiques et des travaux de recherche sur la communication en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "Health communication activities on communicable diseases require resources to keep public health professionals updated on emerging evidence and research on health communication topics."
            "id": "task1397-284d925001004d74a8116a7b41c2bffd",
            "input": "Toutefois, l\u2019ECDC n\u2019assume aucune responsabilit\u00e9 (cela inclut, mais n\u2019est pas limit\u00e9 \u00e0, tout pr\u00e9judice ou dommage direct ou indirect qui pourrait vous concerner et/ou concerner un tiers) quant aux informations que contient ce site, y compris dans les documents qui y sont publi\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "However, the ECDC accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever (including but not limited to any direct or consequential loss or damage it might occur to you and/or any other third party) arising out of or in connection with the information on this site, including this relating to the documents it publish."
            "id": "task1397-029732efa4374b8c9218404e36a0d25f",
            "input": "\u00e9viter le manque de pr\u00e9paration en mati\u00e8re de communication en cas de crise;",
            "output": [
                "Do not allow lack of preparedness to communicate in a crisis;"
            "id": "task1397-ed3894253e934fe5af95cc5d562ccb96",
            "input": "La maladie clinique se manifeste d\u2019abord par un syndrome de type grippal qui \u00e9volue rapidement en maladie s\u00e9v\u00e8re accompagn\u00e9e d\u2019h\u00e9morragie.",
            "output": [
                "Clinical illness starts as a flu-like syndrome, rapidly evolving to severe disease with bleedings."
            "id": "task1397-62b24c001d704f4384ad5d2a7c7677d1",
            "input": "Outre le soutien qu\u2019il apporte aux activit\u00e9s scientifiques de l\u2019ECDC, le forum consultatif constitue \u00e9galement un m\u00e9canisme d\u2019\u00e9change d\u2019informations, de mise en commun des connaissances relatives \u00e0 la sant\u00e9 et d\u2019approfondissement de la coop\u00e9ration en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9 publique.",
            "output": [
                "As well as supporting ECDC\u2019s scientific work, the Advisory Forum is also a mechanism for exchanging information, pooling health knowledge and furthering public health cooperation."
            "id": "task1397-6536061872f5416382191f5892e72a9a",
            "input": "niveaux de collaboration avec le minist\u00e8re de la sant\u00e9 et les autres organismes de sant\u00e9 nationaux;",
            "output": [
                "collaboration levels with the Ministry of Health or other National institutes;"
            "id": "task1397-3982b18fd81a4a7688f96c1ae4c413a8",
            "input": "La presse et les m\u00e9dias constituent un autre canal important de communication en direction des citoyens europ\u00e9ens.",
            "output": [
                "Press and other media is another important channel to reach the EU citizens."
            "id": "task1397-e97ef52496034ef1b74ecbb410bd6086",
            "input": "d) proc\u00e8de \u00e0 la coordination des r\u00e9seaux europ\u00e9ens op\u00e9rant dans les domaines qui rel\u00e8vent de la mission du Centre, y compris les r\u00e9seaux \u00e9tablis dans le prolongement d'activit\u00e9s exerc\u00e9es dans le domaine de la sant\u00e9 publique et soutenues par la Commission, et g\u00e8re les r\u00e9seaux de surveillance sp\u00e9cialis\u00e9s;",
            "output": [
                "(d) coordinate the European networking of bodies operating in the fields within the Centres mission, including networks arising from public health activities supported by the Commission and operating the dedicated surveillance networks;"
            "id": "task1397-6376960772384b4d9e82bd14c2e9374b",
            "input": "- Soutien aux programmes de formation",
            "output": [
                "- Support training programmes"
            "id": "task1397-9db30d8dc52449edb61b15e65414997b",
            "input": "Le syndrome pieds-mains-bouche (HFMD pour  Hand, foot and mouth disease  en anglais) est une maladie fr\u00e9quente chez l\u2019enfant. Elle est caract\u00e9ris\u00e9e par la pr\u00e9sence de fi\u00e8vre (maladie f\u00e9brile), puis l\u2019apparition d\u2019une angine avec des l\u00e9sions (v\u00e9sicules, ulc\u00e8res) sur la langue, les gencives et les joues, ainsi qu\u2019un \u00e9ryth\u00e8me cutan\u00e9 sur la paume des mains et la plante des pieds.",
            "output": [
                "Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a common illness among children and is characterised by a febrile illness followed by a sore throat with sores (blisters, ulcers) on the tongue, gums and cheeks, and skin rash on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet."
            "id": "task1397-ef485b339e854123a07eb209fbfe59c9",
            "input": "Activit\u00e9s \u2013 Le renseignement \u00e9pid\u00e9mique",
            "output": [
                "Activities \u2013 Epidemic Intelligence"
            "id": "task1397-d908f536beb846dd81763890a15192a9",
            "input": "Depuis 1994, environ 40\u00a0cas ont \u00e9t\u00e9 confirm\u00e9s chez l\u2019homme, selon les rapports publi\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "Since 1994, about 40 human cases have been confirmed according to published reports."
            "id": "task1397-a869e890bce14a56b3ae8ff08142221b",
            "input": "L\u2019ICD est \u00e9galement en constante augmentation chez un certain nombre d\u2019esp\u00e8ces animales.",
            "output": [
                "CDI is also recognised increasingly in a variety of animal species."
            "id": "task1397-8e37f829d8174d699197de6cdc226d41",
            "input": "Le meilleur moyen de l'\u00e9viter est de se prot\u00e9ger contre les piq\u00fbres des mouches des sables.",
            "output": [
                "The best way for travellers to prevent infection is to protect themselves from sandfly bites."
            "id": "task1397-be5bf84de227453fa0b4faa4c8b5dd9b",
            "input": "Tular\u00e9mie",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-808621cedb0348abbd7e9f0875cf31db",
            "input": "lettre de pr\u00e9sentation",
            "output": [
                "Cover letter"
            "id": "task1397-06f9b4055e3e42a5af0f303ebcd56676",
            "input": "gestion de crise dans le domaine de la sant\u00e9 publique;",
            "output": [
                "plan to deal with the crisis in Public Health;"
            "id": "task1397-8e6169b59db44f4abd50a7524a2926b7",
            "input": "- Comp\u00e9tences d\u2019encadrement pour coordinateurs d\u2019\u00e9quipes d\u2019enqu\u00eate sur les foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques (4 sessions 2006\u20132008)",
            "output": [
                "- Managerial skills for coordinators of outbreak investigation teams (4 editions 2006-2008)"
            "id": "task1397-ff711b840dd846b6aaea65491403b663",
            "input": "Malgr\u00e9 un bon acc\u00e8s \u00e0 des antibiotiques efficaces, Streptococcus pneumoniae (le pneumocoque) reste l\u2019une des premi\u00e8res causes de maladie et de d\u00e9c\u00e8s dans les pays d\u00e9velopp\u00e9s et en d\u00e9veloppement.",
            "output": [
                "Despite good access to effective antibiotics, Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococci) is still a major cause of disease and death in both developing and developed countries."
            "id": "task1397-8169edcd89ea4ced9651acdb643f2e5a",
            "input": "Varicelle",
            "output": [
                "Varicella infection (chickenpox)"
            "id": "task1397-87ca31f8a59d45309bf2789c91430822",
            "input": "Parmi les formes cliniques, on peut citer l\u2019anthrax cutan\u00e9, l\u2019anthrax pulmonaire (associ\u00e9 \u00e0 un taux de mortalit\u00e9 de 75\u00a0%) et les formes gastro-intestinales (pouvant \u00e9voluer en infection sanguine et \u00eatre fatales).",
            "output": [
                "Clinical presentations include skin anthrax, lung anthrax, (with 75% death rate) and gastrointestinal forms (that may progress to blood infection and death)."
            "id": "task1397-f82531f7836b4b05b18e164f56d3caad",
            "input": "Pour que la communication en temps de crise soit r\u00e9ussie, il est primordial d\u2019entretenir une relation ouverte, honn\u00eate et continue avec le public concern\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "An open, honest, and ongoing interaction with the audience remains essential to successful communication during crisis."
            "id": "task1397-3dd2719910c24ddbb86d727d66a94116",
            "input": "Les agents responsables de la vMCJ sont les prions, notamment la prot\u00e9ine prion de conformation anormale PrPSc, qui forment des agr\u00e9gats dans le tissu nerveux, conduisant progressivement \u00e0 des l\u00e9sions c\u00e9r\u00e9brales et aux signes et sympt\u00f4mes caract\u00e9ristiques de la maladie.",
            "output": [
                "Causative agents of vCJD are prions, composed of misfolded prion proteins (PrPSc), which form aggregates in neurological tissue leading to progressive brain damage and characteristic signs and symptoms of the disease."
            "id": "task1397-cbf5d55c5ba34cf39c20c723a232150b",
            "input": "Inscription",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-c185e404821e4f0d8aa32d85e215fe89",
            "input": "L\u2019homme est infect\u00e9 par le virus de la dengue apr\u00e8s avoir \u00e9t\u00e9 piqu\u00e9 par le moustique tigre (Aedes).",
            "output": [
                "Humans are infected with dengue virus through bites of tiger (Aedes) mosquitoes."
            "id": "task1397-57dccc6e09a643c4a478b88acf15162e",
            "input": "Outils:",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-95a3d66b79a04dbdb71a58f66ad605d2",
            "input": "des services d'information, qui fournissent aux utilisateurs un acc\u00e8s facile et efficace \u00e0 l'information, permettant ainsi d'accro\u00eetre la transparence des activit\u00e9s de l'ECDC et de mieux les faire comprendre;",
            "output": [
                "Information services that provide users with easy and effective access to information, thus increasing transparency and understanding of the activities of ECDC."
            "id": "task1397-28c6c1e1ceeb4b56ba8d492c8891f7c7",
            "input": "Soumettre",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-2ad20c61dc40449d8965aff7dda26b42",
            "input": "L\u2019enc\u00e9phalite \u00e0 tiques se manifeste le plus souvent sous la forme d'une maladie biphasique.",
            "output": [
                "TBE is most often manifested as a two-phased illness."
            "id": "task1397-8ed1c68cce734801b283a38bb922f760",
            "input": "Garantir une capacit\u00e9 de diagnostic suffisante pour ce groupe de maladies constitue donc l\u2019une des priorit\u00e9s du CEPCM, dans laquelle le r\u00e9seau des laboratoires d\u2019assistance sur les foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques joue un r\u00f4le important.",
            "output": [
                "Ensuring sufficient diagnostic capacity for this group of diseases is a priority for ECDC, for which the outbreak assistance lab network is an important reference."
            "id": "task1397-42c8f72a16634658b32d15f1491d1d39",
            "input": "La leishmaniose cutan\u00e9e provoque des plaies cutan\u00e9es qui gu\u00e9rissent souvent spontan\u00e9ment en quelques mois, mais qui peuvent laisser des cicatrices inesth\u00e9tiques. Elle est pr\u00e9sente dans le monde entier, y compris le long de la c\u00f4te m\u00e9diterran\u00e9enne.",
            "output": [
                "Cutaneous leishmaniasis causes skin sores which are often self-healing within a few months, but which may leave ugly scars; it occurs worldwide, including the Mediterranean coast."
            "id": "task1397-9de23ef781794d62916d2f67cff1e2c5",
            "input": "Il n\u2019existait aucun traitement.",
            "output": [
                "No effective therapy was available."
            "id": "task1397-295478a1e8b5422a8c9b3dba54c61a67",
            "input": "Un traitement inadapt\u00e9 peut entra\u00eener un \u00e9chec, une rechute rapide ou le d\u00e9veloppement d\u2019une maladie r\u00e9sistant au m\u00e9dicament.",
            "output": [
                "Inadequate treatment may result in failure of cure, early relapse or the development of drug-resistant disease."
            "id": "task1397-e99b51e6e5474f16bec3334ce6eff6a5",
            "input": "L\u2019agent n\u2019a pas \u00e9t\u00e9 identifi\u00e9, mais un programme sur la coop\u00e9ration, la pr\u00e9paration et la r\u00e9action aux attaques par des agents biologiques et chimiques (nom de code \u00abBICHAT\u00bb) a \u00e9t\u00e9 mis au point en 2002 par la Commission europ\u00e9enne.",
            "output": [
                "The agent was not confirmed, but a preparedness and response programme for attacks by biological and chemical agents (BICHAT) was developed in 2002 by the European Commission."
            "id": "task1397-49ed23e46639411689304b0065c32f26",
            "input": "Ces services se d\u00e9composent comme suit: service contenu, service terminologie, annuaires et cartes de la sant\u00e9 publique, et biblioth\u00e8que des connaissances.",
            "output": [
                "The components are the Content Service, the Terminology Service, Public Health Directories & Maps, and Knowledge Navigation."
            "id": "task1397-5e8a964296f4412fbcd6c95b848d7d72",
            "input": "Le journal  Eurosurveillance  est h\u00e9berg\u00e9 par le Centre depuis le mois de mars 2007.",
            "output": [
                "As of March 2007, the journal  Eurosurveillance  is hosted by ECDC."
            "id": "task1397-30272683a9154484a4a3883f4982f6ed",
            "input": "La bact\u00e9rie est a\u00e9robie et ne produit pas de spore \n                1,2\n                . Une caract\u00e9ristique importante de M. tuberculosis r\u00e9side dans le fait qu\u2019apr\u00e8s l\u2019infection, elle peut rester \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9tat latent dans l\u2019organisme pendant longtemps (m\u00eame \u00e0 vie).",
            "output": [
                "The bacterium is aerobic and non-spore forming1,2. An important feature of M. tuberculosis is that after infection it can remain latent in the body for a long time (even lifelong)."
            "id": "task1397-c1920663f47246f2bed7754fc470015a",
            "input": "Aucune information sur les cas communautaires d\u2019infection au PCR-ribotype 027 n\u2019est disponible. Les donn\u00e9es sur l\u2019incidence du PCR-ribotype 027 dans les \u00e9tablissements de soins de longue dur\u00e9e sont limit\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "No information is available on community-acquired cases of PCR ribotype 027. Data on the incidence of PCR ribotype 027 in nursing homes are limited."
            "id": "task1397-e5efb19191ca4653a9d98f396243c2ad",
            "input": "De bonnes mesures d\u2019hygi\u00e8ne lors du traitement de la viande et de la manipulation des aliments sont essentielles.",
            "output": [
                "Good hygiene practices in meat processing and food handling are essential."
            "id": "task1397-e2a8f872ce464996a20eb9cf701152ac",
            "input": "25 Mai 2010 -  \u00c9valuation des menaces par l'ECDC:",
            "output": [
                "25 May 2010 -  ECDC threat assessment:"
            "id": "task1397-5881f8dfe37b47f8bcd5e9fa878bca52",
            "output": [
                "ECDC communicable disease threats report (CDTR)"
            "id": "task1397-cd468646418843adb02e93b11d3b2e3c",
            "input": "Des sympt\u00f4mes ur\u00e9traux et des pertes vaginales peuvent appara\u00eetre apr\u00e8s une courte p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation (2 \u00e0 7 jours apr\u00e8s l\u2019exposition), mais chez la femme, la cervicite reste asymptomatique.",
            "output": [
                "Urethral symptoms and vaginal discharge may appear after a short incubation (2\u20137 days following exposure), but in women cervicitis may remain without symptoms."
            "id": "task1397-f37683036a394bb69125315f0c44e004",
            "input": "Il s\u2019agit dans les deux cas de zoonoses, de nombreux animaux, mais principalement les porcs, pouvant servir de r\u00e9servoirs.",
            "output": [
                "Both are zoonoses, with a large number of animals, but mainly pigs, acting as reservoirs."
            "id": "task1397-372a283173964673974cee0864a5f7f3",
            "input": "Semenza JC, Menne B. Climate Change and Infectious Diseases in Europe.",
            "output": [
                "Semenza JC, Menne B. Climate Change and Infectious Diseases in Europe."
            "id": "task1397-3d037828b2454681b2aa8ecc931114b2",
            "input": "Infection \u00e0 rotavirus",
            "output": [
                "Rotavirus infection"
            "id": "task1397-85dc3273c0db4b63b43d2c3e45372515",
            "input": "En p\u00e9riode normale, l\u2019EPIS doit permettre \u00e0 ces institutions de coordonner leurs travaux afin de mettre \u00e0 jour d\u2019\u00e9ventuels foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques.",
            "output": [
                "It must, during normal periods, allow coordinated working among health institutes in order to discover possible outbreaks."
            "id": "task1397-07c74a0a645a43888481622744fd1947",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s une courte p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation (1 \u00e0 7 jours), le patient d\u00e9veloppe une forte fi\u00e8vre et une infection sanguine s\u00e9v\u00e8re associ\u00e9es \u00e0 un taux de mortalit\u00e9 tr\u00e8s \u00e9lev\u00e9 qui reste important m\u00eame si un traitement antibiotique appropri\u00e9 est administr\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "Following a short incubation period (1-7 days) the patient develops a high fever and a severe blood infection, with a very high death toll, which remains substantial even if appropriate antibiotic therapy is administered."
            "id": "task1397-7af3ffb5d5a84a5998dbc44e7598b84c",
            "input": "suit l\u2019\u00e9volution des maladies \u00e0 travers l\u2019Europe afin de fournir un fondement pour des mesures de sant\u00e9 publique dans les \u00c9tats membres, puis diffuse les r\u00e9sultats aux parties prenantes afin de prendre rapidement des mesures au niveau europ\u00e9en et de chaque \u00c9tat ;",
            "output": [
                "Monitor trends of diseases across Europe in order to provide a rationale for public health actions in MS and disseminate the results to stakeholders for timely public health actions at EU and MS level"
            "id": "task1397-09a09ce7c41044978abea95aa42f1abe",
            "input": "Les mod\u00e8les d\u2019\u00e9ducation sanitaire ont \u00e9volu\u00e9 au cours des trente derni\u00e8res ann\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "Health Education models of intervention have evolved in the past three decades."
            "id": "task1397-e17ff94592d34fd68cb73ca054e53c80",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s les \u00e9valuations qui ont \u00e9t\u00e9 r\u00e9alis\u00e9es, et l\u2019exp\u00e9rience acquise, le CEPCM a r\u00e9vis\u00e9 son plan op\u00e9rationnel de gestion des menaces sanitaires (POGMS) et a d\u00e9fini plus pr\u00e9cis\u00e9ment les fonctions et les t\u00e2ches du personnel du CEPCM.",
            "output": [
                "Following the evaluation and lesson learnt, ECDC revised its public health event operational plan (PHEOP), further defining functions and tasks of ECDC staff."
            "id": "task1397-75d66cd80d764c3e9224ba893e2936fd",
            "input": "Les virus Puumala concernent principalement l\u2019Europe et la Russie.",
            "output": [
                "Puumala viruses occur mainly in Europe and Russia."
            "id": "task1397-a2d9d7144a554e50ba62cb327d118278",
            "input": "les mesures de s\u00e9curit\u00e9 prises pour emp\u00eacher que les informations vous concernant ne fassent l'objet d'abus \u00e9ventuels ou d'un acc\u00e8s non autoris\u00e9;",
            "output": [
                "The security measures taken to safeguard your information against possible misuse or unauthorised access."
            "id": "task1397-408f73155d7b45c4ba560a9fc22dd37f",
            "input": "Revues de presse",
            "output": [
                "Press reviews"
            "id": "task1397-006339888821464682885d73b48590b0",
            "input": "Des antibiotiques sont souvent inutilement prescrits pour des infections virales, contre lesquelles ils n\u2019ont aucun effet.",
            "output": [
                "Antibiotics are often unnecessarily prescribed for viral infections, against which they have no effect."
            "id": "task1397-0f8a8c7eef4249babf1d0821761ba66f",
            "input": "\u00c0 la demande sp\u00e9cifique des \u00c9tats membres ou de la Commission europ\u00e9enne, l\u2019ECDC r\u00e9unit des groupes scientifiques afin de fournir des \u00e9l\u00e9ments d'orientation aux responsables des politiques de sant\u00e9 publique.",
            "output": [
                "On specific request from Member States or the European Commission, ECDC convenes scientific panels to provide guidance for policymakers in the area of public health."
            "id": "task1397-e95ab30fc93a44efa5ec8060677619c1",
            "input": "des services de transaction, qui permettent d'acc\u00e9der \u00e0 tous les principaux types de transactions avec l'ECDC, par exemple la passation de march\u00e9s, les op\u00e9rations financi\u00e8res, le recrutement, l'inscription \u00e0 des manifestations, etc.",
            "output": [
                "Transaction services that allow access to all basic forms of transactions with ECDC, e.g. procurement, financial operations, recruitment, event enrolment, etc."
            "id": "task1397-8416ac8d5c234a8fb8656f879cd52230",
            "input": "Chez les adultes pr\u00e9sentant une d\u00e9ficience du syst\u00e8me immunitaire et les personnes \u00e2g\u00e9es, la list\u00e9riose peut provoquer une m\u00e9ningite, une infection c\u00e9r\u00e9brale et une grave infection du sang.",
            "output": [
                "In addition, listeriosis in adults with weakened immune system and the elderly may lead to meningitis, brain infection, and severe blood infection."
            "id": "task1397-b441be597b9e47d8ba1a9e971a82f54c",
            "input": "Leishmaniose",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-34a0d39d7a0745c485a0f7ce24563f69",
            "input": "\u00c0 la fin du mois de mai 2007, le Centre am\u00e9ricain de contr\u00f4le et de pr\u00e9vention des maladies (CDC) a publi\u00e9 un ordre f\u00e9d\u00e9ral de mise en quarantaine d\u2019un citoyen am\u00e9ricain pour lequel un diagnostic de tuberculose extra-r\u00e9sistante avait \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9tabli.",
            "output": [
                "End of May 2007, the US CDC issued a federal public health isolation order in response to the diagnosis of a XDR-TB (extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis) in an American citizen."
            "id": "task1397-92d49d185e2d4f268410b799bcd696d0",
            "input": "Bios\u00e9curit\u00e9  \n                :",
            "output": [
                "Biosafety  \n                :"
            "id": "task1397-9c87a19a9e39477a9394fc75e604f278",
            "input": "Les ar\u00e9navirus sont des virus envelopp\u00e9s (d\u2019environ 120\u00a0nm de diam\u00e8tre) dont le g\u00e9nome est compos\u00e9 de deux segments d\u2019ARN monocat\u00e9naire de polarit\u00e9 n\u00e9gative.",
            "output": [
                "Arenaviruses are enveloped viruses (about 120 nm diameter) with a bi-segmented negative strand RNA genome."
            "id": "task1397-416bcd46a3674580abc8a02945c88b30",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s une p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation comprise entre une et deux semaines suite \u00e0 l\u2019exposition, le virus peut se propager depuis le tractus digestif vers le syst\u00e8me nerveux central, provoquant m\u00e9ningite et l\u00e9sion neurale avec paralysie (chez moins d\u20191\u00a0% des cas pour cette derni\u00e8re manifestation).",
            "output": [
                "However, after exposure and an incubation period of about one to two weeks the virus can spread from the digestive tract to the central nervous system, resulting in meningitis and neural damage with paralysis (the latter in less than 1% of cases)."
            "id": "task1397-b3f9cd8f61d8434b90c86d625a15c46c",
            "input": "Soutien des r\u00e9seaux collaborateurs",
            "output": [
                "Support from collaborative networks"
            "id": "task1397-e67d0701ef4642f1ba428733506974ff",
            "input": "Appels d'offres en cours",
            "output": [
                "Ongoing calls for tender"
            "id": "task1397-4bcd0268a7314c629645e3230cc8c90d",
            "input": "Depuis 2003, une forme atypique de LGV se propage en Europe parmi les hommes ayant des rapports homosexuels.",
            "output": [
                "Since 2003 an atypical form of LGV infection has been spreading in Europe among men who have sex with men."
            "id": "task1397-f3d1f45260be457281c86b9979fa6692",
            "input": "Comme le pr\u00e9voit le r\u00e8glement fondateur, les activit\u00e9s de l\u2019ECDC dans le domaine de la communication sur la sant\u00e9 suivent trois directions:",
            "output": [
                "From the basis in the regulation, the ECDC activities in the area of health communication have three directions:"
            "id": "task1397-54050384c4c0483098632cb64984f37b",
            "input": "La simulation permet aussi d\u2019analyser les proc\u00e9dures et les protocoles en place, la coordination interne des communications, les activit\u00e9s et la coordination des actions externes de communication et de r\u00e9action.",
            "output": [
                "It enables to test procedures and protocols, internal coordination of communications, activities as well coordination with external communication and response actions."
            "id": "task1397-1cbc65f1526e4df491ad6ba720199e42",
            "input": "Fi\u00e8vre Q",
            "output": [
                "Q fever"
            "id": "task1397-ef4508ebdd8744e595fadbb54dfc974c",
            "input": "- des postes de direction",
            "output": [
                "- Management posts"
            "id": "task1397-e61dcd042e724f10b9cb37d15b513353",
            "input": "Pour en savoir plus sur la fi\u00e8vre \u00e0 virus S \n                indbis, lire la  fiche d'information destin\u00e9e aux professionnels .",
            "output": [
                "Read more about s \n                indbis fever in the  Factsheet for professionals ."
            "id": "task1397-ae5828bafbf045a29c96fb156c8d6e4c",
            "input": "les points de contact si vous avez des questions \u00e0 poser ou des plaintes \u00e0 formuler.",
            "output": [
                "A point of contact if you have queries or complaints."
            "id": "task1397-c16af46cd6a0423daf3f5a0b7c26ad24",
            "input": "L\u2019\u00e9chinococcose est une maladie zoonotique (transmise de l\u2019animal \u00e0 l\u2019homme) due au stade larvaire (kyste hydatique) de cestodes.",
            "output": [
                "Echinococcosis is a zoonotic disease (transmitted from animals to humans) caused by the larval stage (hydatid cyst) of tapeworms."
            "id": "task1397-1b8ce757c7e64f4686eb6828c597e161",
            "input": "Les sympt\u00f4mes sont parfois plus l\u00e9gers et durent une semaine, mais aucun effet ind\u00e9sirable \u00e0 long terme n\u2019a \u00e9t\u00e9 observ\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "Sometimes, symptoms can be milder and last for a week but no long-term adverse health effects have been reported."
            "id": "task1397-5bd96f095e564c1a9a90bfb31b3e697f",
            "input": "Le taux de mortalit\u00e9 est faible, mais plus \u00e9lev\u00e9 chez les personnes \u00e2g\u00e9es ou chez les personnes dont le syst\u00e8me immunitaire est d\u00e9ficient.",
            "output": [
                "Death is rare but remains as a risk especially for elderly or persons with weakened immune system."
            "id": "task1397-0b50788d03e944ad8b1717776fc02aa4",
            "input": "Il avait pour objectif de donner une occasion au CEPCM de revoir et de pratiquer ses proc\u00e9dures et ses outils internes de gestion des crises sanitaires majeures \u00e0 partir du centre d\u2019intervention urgente (CIU) r\u00e9cemment inaugur\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "It was designed to provide ECDC with an opportunity to review and practice internal procedures and tools to deal with major public health events at the recently inaugurated Emergency Operation centre (EOC)."
            "id": "task1397-456dc0f082e444f695ff8ca4656564cf",
            "input": "Les puces suceuses de sang transmettent la bact\u00e9rie aux animaux. Diff\u00e9rentes esp\u00e8ces de rongeurs peuvent notamment \u00eatre infect\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "Blood sucking fleas transmit the bacteria among animals, and various species of rodents can become infected."
            "id": "task1397-6d574313a7074b07be4f5fc061eeaee7",
            "input": "Les \u0153ufs de Cryptosporidium (oocystes) peuvent survivre plusieurs mois dans les sols humides ou l\u2019eau, et r\u00e9sister \u00e0 des conditions environnementales d\u00e9favorables (chaleur, froid, s\u00e9cheresse, par exemple) sur une longue p\u00e9riode.",
            "output": [
                "Cryptosporidium eggs (oocysts) can survive for months in moist soil or water and survive harsh environmental conditions (e.g. heat, cold, droughts) for extended periods of time."
            "id": "task1397-fcbf4472710e420ba37d0cb4d6ed8fd2",
            "input": "L\u2019objectif du Centre de connaissances et de ressources sur la communication en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9 est de rapprocher la science de la communication et la sant\u00e9 publique \u00e0 la fois en rendant les informations factuelles sur la communication en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9 facilement accessibles et en promouvant la capacit\u00e9 \u00e0 communiquer parmi les professionnels de la sant\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "By making evidence-based information on health communication easily accessible and by promoting communication skills among public health professionals, the Knowledge and Resource Centre on Health Communication aims to build the bridge between communication science and public health."
            "id": "task1397-9b12e88276b0468e81b005700a309d8b",
            "input": "R\u00e9capitulatifs sur la pand\u00e9mie",
            "output": [
                "Summaries of the pandemic"
            "id": "task1397-9b5b971c2f134e2b9861d5b04308d2a7",
            "input": "Le CEPCM a particip\u00e9 \u00e0 la 5\u00e8me conf\u00e9rence TEPHINET \u00e0 Kuala Lumpur",
            "output": [
                "ECDC participated in TEPHINET 5TH Conference in Kuala Lumpur"
            "id": "task1397-b5090d7ca64a4d51b75b92164cfb2e9d",
            "input": "Un \u00e9v\u00e9nement est consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme une urgence en fonction de deux facteurs:",
            "output": [
                "Events become emergencies based on two factors:"
            "id": "task1397-8db5773b8bee4e4cac007d219e54f09b",
            "input": "- Apporter un soutien par l\u2019interm\u00e9diaire du laboratoire de microbiologie",
            "output": [
                "- Microbiological laboratory support"
            "id": "task1397-5776916ff45444908010ee96f3edf382",
            "input": "L\u2019h\u00e9patite B chez l\u2019enfant est g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement asymptomatique et devient tr\u00e8s souvent chronique.",
            "output": [
                "Hepatitis B in children usually goes with no symptoms, with a higher tendency to become chronic."
            "id": "task1397-b10a1b24bc7444f9af00d6c7913951c3",
            "input": "Assurez-vous de bien mentionner la page ou le fichier consid\u00e9r\u00e9 lorsque vous signalez le probl\u00e8me rencontr\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "Be sure to specify the web page or file being referenced in reporting the accessibility issue."
            "id": "task1397-ed42635f76b84149a8850c2145978ad1",
            "input": "- soutenir les \u00c9tats membres dans leurs activit\u00e9s de planification de la pr\u00e9paration, les aider \u00e0 \u00eatre op\u00e9rationnels, organiser des tests sous forme d\u2019exercices, affiner les plans existants, et aider les \u00c9tats membres \u00e0 renforcer et optimiser leur capacit\u00e9 de r\u00e9action;",
            "output": [
                "- Support Member States in planning preparedness activities, making them operational, testing them by exercises, and refining the existing plans, as well as support to strengthen and optimize the response capacity;"
            "id": "task1397-8a416cf4981e4ad0b548ad2980684849",
            "input": "Il s'agit d'un processus au cours duquel les gens apprennent comment prendre soin de leur sant\u00e9 et de celle des autres.",
            "output": [
                "It is a process during which people learn how to take care about their own and other people\u2019s health."
            "id": "task1397-ab5ceb6f6dc246b287159bd47638b671",
            "input": "Elles ont \u00e9galement en commun le risque potentiel que posent les relations des malades avec leurs proches et le personnel m\u00e9dical et de laboratoire jusqu\u2019\u00e0 \u00e9tablissement d\u2019un diagnostic d\u00e9finitif.",
            "output": [
                "Another common feature is the potential risk that such patients might pose to close contacts and to health and laboratory personnel until a firm diagnosis is established."
            "id": "task1397-ed6c10597055488593820e370833e417",
            "input": "Le vaccin BCG permet de limiter la forme s\u00e9v\u00e8re de la maladie chez l\u2019enfant mais est peu efficace sur la transmission.",
            "output": [
                "The BCG vaccine is effective in limiting severe disease in childhood but has little effect on transmission."
            "id": "task1397-76c46f7c866c43fd897158b858e23b46",
            "input": "Opportunit\u00e9s",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-36a7d6020c2246f39c61b4925098241d",
            "input": "Le r\u00e9seau E3 reliera les donn\u00e9es du renseignement \u00e9pid\u00e9mique et de la surveillance des maladies infectieuses (actuellement conserv\u00e9es au sein de l\u2019ECDC) aux donn\u00e9es m\u00e9t\u00e9orologiques et entomologiques, aux donn\u00e9es sur la qualit\u00e9 de l\u2019eau et de l'air, aux informations de t\u00e9l\u00e9d\u00e9tection, \u00e0 la g\u00e9ologie, \u00e0 la densit\u00e9 des populations, ainsi qu\u2019\u00e0 de nombreuses autres informations.",
            "output": [
                "The E3 network would connect epidemic intelligence and infectious disease surveillance data (currently housed at ECDC) with meteorological variables, entomological data, water quality records, air quality measures, remote sensing information, geology, population density and many other information sources."
            "id": "task1397-8da42a7be2534ddb860c73847758c7c0",
            "input": "Communication sur la sant\u00e9",
            "output": [
                "Health communication"
            "id": "task1397-b01bfde4335e4c06b19e4d64e4fb92bf",
            "input": "int\u00e9gration avec tout autre plan de continuit\u00e9 des activit\u00e9s;",
            "output": [
                "integration\u00a0 with any other Business Continuity Plan ;"
            "id": "task1397-65d703a42d7844b784cf24254f87609e",
            "input": "Le Centre europ\u00e9en de pr\u00e9vention et de contr\u00f4le des maladies (ECDC) se trouve \u00e0 Stockholm (Su\u00e8de).",
            "output": [
                "The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) is located in Stockholm, Sweden."
            "id": "task1397-499c85d1f4744458b1c7e4ad9e24f887",
            "input": "EVD \u2013 Maladies \u00e9mergentes et transmises par des vecteurs",
            "output": [
                "EVD - Emerging and Vector-borne Diseases"
            "id": "task1397-59b42043901f48ebb5c9bfda1df95b37",
            "input": "L\u2019\u00e9v\u00e9nement peut \u00eatre soudain et inattendu lorsqu\u2019il s'agit par exemple d\u2019un foyer \u00e9pid\u00e9mique local d\u2019une maladie transmissible, ou \u00e9voluer lentement jusqu\u2019\u00e0 la pand\u00e9mie.",
            "output": [
                "The event may be sudden and unexpected, as in a local outbreak of communicable disease, or slowly evolving as in a disease pandemic."
            "id": "task1397-117d0a5032e1440db2ee276c0878ca88",
            "input": "Elle est transmise par des gouttelettes respiratoires (voie a\u00e9rog\u00e8ne) ou par contact direct avec des s\u00e9cr\u00e9tions du nez et de la gorge des individus infect\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "The disease is transmitted via airborne respiratory droplets, or by direct contact with nasal and throat secretions of infected individuals."
            "id": "task1397-fe8197e4f89a4449809a5548397b0e81",
            "input": "dont le sujet \u00e9tait l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie de la grippe.",
            "output": [
                "The subject of his PhD was the epidemiology of influenza."
            "id": "task1397-5340e00a2b9e462ab3d8f37891921594",
            "input": "Le bureau du directeur aide ce dernier \u00e0 superviser le d\u00e9veloppement strat\u00e9gique du Centre et \u00e0 assurer une bonne coordination.",
            "output": [
                "The Office of the Director supports the Director in overseeing the strategic development of the Centre and ensuring coordination."
            "id": "task1397-16797ef162774634aa644dc3de4de533",
            "input": "Le chikungunya est pr\u00e9sent dans certaines r\u00e9gions d\u2019Afrique, en Asie du Sud-Est et sur le sous-continent indien.",
            "output": [
                "Chikungunya is present in parts of Africa, Southeast Asia and on the Indian subcontinent."
            "id": "task1397-a28be8fa46be43ed879d00cc08fe84b0",
            "input": "Les premiers cas de SRAS chez l\u2019homme seraient apparus en novembre 2002 dans la province chinoise de Guangdong, mais le syndrome n\u2019a \u00e9t\u00e9 reconnu que trois mois plus tard.",
            "output": [
                "The first cases of disease in humans are believed to have occurred in Guangdong province, China, in November 2002, but the syndrome was only recognised three months later."
            "id": "task1397-5296f6b503144fcb96115b8c45f7840d",
            "input": "Proc\u00e9dures de renseignement \u00e9pid\u00e9mique:",
            "output": [
                "Epidemic intelligence procedures:"
            "id": "task1397-42a5433f855a4bddb834d142eff27027",
            "input": "D\u00e9clarations d'int\u00e9r\u00eat",
            "output": [
                "Declarations of interest"
            "id": "task1397-feac0ffd799e43ed9dc8c76e42fdb25d",
            "input": "La fi\u00e8vre chikungunya est une maladie virale transmise par les moustiques\u00a0; elle se manifeste par des sympt\u00f4mes de type fi\u00e8vre, douleurs articulaires, douleurs musculaires, maux de t\u00eate et saignements du nez et des gencives.",
            "output": [
                "Chikungunya fever is a mosquito-borne viral disease with symptoms such as fever, joint pain, muscle pain, headache and nose and gum bleeding."
            "id": "task1397-3ab174378b9949af91cb88daea7496e8",
            "input": "Les principaux interlocuteurs des \u00c9tats membres sont les membres du forum consultatif et du conseil d\u2019administration de l\u2019ECDC, dans le cadre de leurs fonctions respectives, et les organes comp\u00e9tents d\u00e9sign\u00e9s par le conseil d\u2019administration.",
            "output": [
                "The main contact points in the Member States are the members of the ECDC Advisory Forum and Management Board, in their respective roles, and the competent bodies identified by the Management Board."
            "id": "task1397-731cfb489d0845c982641fee6e00766c",
            "input": "Par la suite, des changements brusques d\u2019humeur peuvent appara\u00eetre, ainsi qu\u2019une confusion et un comportement agressif.",
            "output": [
                "Later on, sharp mood swings may occur, and the patient may become confused and aggressive."
            "id": "task1397-39ce45a97cc94bed8f3cff85626a8dc1",
            "input": "Ces sites ne relevant pas de notre contr\u00f4le, nous vous encourageons \u00e0 v\u00e9rifier leur politique en mati\u00e8re de respect de la vie priv\u00e9e.",
            "output": [
                "Since we do not control them, we encourage you to review their privacy policies."
            "id": "task1397-e6f443f7d195438a98db7de3bf04cb1b",
            "input": "Le virus du Nil occidental (VNO) est un virus transmis par le moustique; ses r\u00e9servoirs sont les oiseaux sauvages et les moustiques.",
            "output": [
                "West Nile virus (WNV) is a mosquito-transmitted virus whose reservoir is shared between wild birds and mosquitoes."
            "id": "task1397-26a54bc7314b455f8acb7358f94e8133",
            "input": "Pr\u00e9c\u00e9dent",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-2aef1318a9694acca42ed5e96c9d1726",
            "input": "Infection par Escherichia coli v\u00e9rotoxique (ECPV)",
            "output": [
                "VTEC - Verocytotoxinogenic Escherichia coli infection"
            "id": "task1397-19ad019767b14cdeaad2e92c630ac3b3",
            "input": "Directives relatives \u00e0 la constitution de la capacit\u00e9 de r\u00e9action",
            "output": [
                "Preparing guidelines"
            "id": "task1397-86581e03780b4bbb93f7b4cac520ee06",
            "input": "L\u2019utilisation g\u00e9n\u00e9ralis\u00e9e de la p\u00e9nicilline a permis de r\u00e9duire de fa\u00e7on significative la pr\u00e9valence de la syphilis apr\u00e8s la Seconde Guerre mondiale.",
            "output": [
                "With the widespread use of penicillin, syphilis prevalence had significantly declined after World War II."
            "id": "task1397-a0b1840c51914c10b17c088d606a38fc",
            "input": "\u00e9tudes cliniques de maladies infectieuses, microbiologie, sant\u00e9 publique, \u00e9pid\u00e9miologie, statistiques et/ou mod\u00e9lisation des maladies infectieuses, sciences sociales, informatique m\u00e9dicale, communication scientifique et/ou communication des risques, autres domaines connexes.",
            "output": [
                "Clinical infectious diseases, Microbiology, Public health, Epidemiology, Statistics and/or modelling of infectious diseases, Social sciences, Medical informatics, Scientific and/or risk communication, as well as other related fields."
            "id": "task1397-70e62d02a24a4c0b935a43f557eb1424",
            "input": "- Formation de formateurs",
            "output": [
                "- Training trainers"
            "id": "task1397-0e2809e2ea324caba8444a2ed08efba3",
            "input": "Dans plusieurs pays industrialis\u00e9s, une r\u00e9surgence notable a cependant \u00e9t\u00e9 observ\u00e9e \u00e0 la fin des ann\u00e9es 1980.",
            "output": [
                "However, in several industrialised countries a considerable resurgence occurred in the late 1980s."
            "id": "task1397-bca9667f851945dc9ed516f2c6ff331e",
            "input": "- Programma de Epidemiologia Aplicada de Campo (PEAC)",
            "output": [
                "- Programma de Epidemiologia Aplicada de Campo (PEAC)"
            "id": "task1397-b84a774010da421dad74a27b8c208b73",
            "input": "- les missions r\u00e9guli\u00e8res du CEPCM doivent se poursuivre mais leur niveau de priorit\u00e9 doit \u00eatre ajust\u00e9;",
            "output": [
                "- Normal operations regarding core ECDC missions must continue, although their level of priority may be adjusted;"
            "id": "task1397-6c68b58e3dc9437db5caf914e95b83a7",
            "input": "La pr\u00e9vention de la peste est bas\u00e9e sur une hygi\u00e8ne g\u00e9n\u00e9rale de l\u2019environnement, en particulier en ce qui concerne l\u2019\u00e9limination des d\u00e9chets et la ma\u00eetrise des rats domestiques.",
            "output": [
                "Plague prevention is based on general environmental hygiene, with special regards to waste disposal and control of domestic rats."
            "id": "task1397-a15b3446eb0b4b8a8b5c1277fa24da0e",
            "input": "Parall\u00e8lement, on a observ\u00e9 que les maladies d\u2019origine alimentaire, telles que la salmonellose, \u00e9taient extr\u00eamement sensible \u00e0 la temp\u00e9rature, ce qui signifie que l'augmentation des temp\u00e9ratures moyennes annuelles pourrait avoir des effets importants sur la s\u00e9curit\u00e9 alimentaire.",
            "output": [
                "Meanwhile, food-borne diseases  like salmonellosis have been observed to be highly temperature sensitive, meaning that increased annual average temperatures could have important effects on food safety."
            "id": "task1397-9266ac50749d4cdcbcc9beb77e2c87a3",
            "input": "Il existe \u00e9galement un vaccin efficace.",
            "output": [
                "An effective vaccine is also available."
            "id": "task1397-80ab63f561ac43538d523962f9914230",
            "input": "L\u2019ECDC a des contacts quotidiens avec le personnel de la Commission europ\u00e9enne.",
            "output": [
                "The ECDC has daily contacts with staff of the European Commission."
            "id": "task1397-d8dd33dbb9bb43e48dc64f422523480c",
            "input": "\u00c0 ce jour, 58 professionnels ont suivi la formation.",
            "output": [
                "A total of 58 professionals have been trained to date."
            "id": "task1397-e1ac5fe54dd844b780e027d653710ef4",
            "input": "La deuxi\u00e8me r\u00e9union a eu lieu au mois de novembre 2006, avec pour objectif:",
            "output": [
                "he second meeting took place in November 2006 with the objectives of:"
            "id": "task1397-8882ed4653b2455fb5dedbc7d20e3da7",
            "input": "Carte et informations sur les tickets de bus et de m\u00e9tro",
            "output": [
                "Map and information on bus and metro tickets"
            "id": "task1397-7fc932aa70514340ab6a7d115fbb79cf",
            "input": "Les fi\u00e8vres h\u00e9morragiques virales (FHV) regroupent plusieurs maladies qui diff\u00e8rent de par le virus impliqu\u00e9, leur distribution g\u00e9ographique, leur incidence, leur r\u00e9servoir, leur mode de transmission et leurs sympt\u00f4mes cliniques.",
            "output": [
                "A number of diseases are included under the heading \u201cviral haemorrhagic fevers\u201d (VHFs), with differences in type of virus, geographical distribution, incidence, reservoir, way of transmission and clinical symptoms."
            "id": "task1397-4218d3f94926493484627a7850f98483",
            "input": "\u00e9tudier l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9mie d\u2019une maladie infectieuse (pour \u00e9tablir un lien entre une intoxication alimentaire et un aliment donn\u00e9, par exemple)",
            "output": [
                "to investigate an outbreak of an infectious disease, for example - to establish an association between food poisoning and a specific foodstuff"
            "id": "task1397-f2f94a8954a74823b2ce0e61ebf317f5",
            "input": "Chaque ann\u00e9e, on d\u00e9plore de nombreux d\u00e9c\u00e8s dus \u00e0 la grippe\u00a0; il est conseill\u00e9 aux groupes \u00e0 risque, notamment les personnes \u00e2g\u00e9es et les personnes atteintes de certaines pathologies, notamment cardiovasculaire et pulmonaire, de se faire vacciner avant le d\u00e9but de la saison.",
            "output": [
                "Every year many persons die from influenza, and risk groups such as elderly people and persons with certain underlying diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and lung diseases are advised to be vaccinated before the flu season starts."
            "id": "task1397-b1db73b21ea341e8a63553b0814e8821",
            "input": "Depuis 1958, 17\u00a0cas au total ont \u00e9t\u00e9 signal\u00e9s en Europe.",
            "output": [
                "In Europe, since 1958 a total of 17 cases have been reported."
            "id": "task1397-c65929e2d8b5470f9c2d835afc25a20f",
            "input": "Parce qu\u2019ils visent souvent des groupes particuliers repr\u00e9sentant diff\u00e9rentes croyances, valeurs, attitudes, normes et perceptions sociales et culturelles.",
            "output": [
                "Because these are often addressing specific groups representing different sets of beliefs, values, attitudes, social and cultural norms and perceptions."
            "id": "task1397-73abda5223d14d6dbe2c64fd64b09bb2",
            "input": "Il existe diff\u00e9rentes formes de leishmaniose chez l'homme.",
            "output": [
                "There are several different forms of leishmaniasis in people."
            "id": "task1397-a43b5dda062f4c229739fcf541246bb9",
            "input": "Le Centre garantit que les informations recueillies sont trait\u00e9es et/ou consult\u00e9es uniquement par les membres de son personnel responsables des op\u00e9rations de traitement correspondantes.",
            "output": [
                "The Centre guarantees that the information collected is processed and/or accessed only by the members of its staff responsible for the corresponding processing operations."
            "id": "task1397-629fedea5adc43328444264b6dd40cc1",
            "input": "La mise au point, d\u00e8s le milieu des ann\u00e9es 1990, de multith\u00e9rapies efficaces, dont l\u2019utilisation s\u2019est g\u00e9n\u00e9ralis\u00e9e dans les pays industrialis\u00e9s, a permis de r\u00e9duire de fa\u00e7on significative l\u2019\u00e9volution de l\u2019infection \u00e0 VIH, aboutissant \u00e0 l\u2019am\u00e9lioration de la qualit\u00e9 de vie, \u00e0 l\u2019apparition plus tardive du SIDA et \u00e0 la baisse de la mortalit\u00e9 pr\u00e9coce des personnes infect\u00e9es par le VIH.",
            "output": [
                "Effective combination therapies, introduced in the mid-1990s and widely used in industrialised countries, have had a profound effect on the course of HIV infection, improving the quality of life and delaying the onset of AIDS and death in HIV-infected individuals."
            "id": "task1397-4d505da9aa3444f3bcc8b16340c0874f",
            "input": "La varicelle est due au virus varicelle-zona (VZV) qui est \u00e9galement \u00e0 l\u2019origine du zona.",
            "output": [
                "Chickenpox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), which also causes shingles."
            "id": "task1397-9cb514a122664a46bd9bd15d2ec4c3da",
            "input": "ne pas cesser l\u2019action proactive et ne pas rester dans l'inaction;",
            "output": [
                "Do not abandon pro-active action or allow for no action at all;"
            "id": "task1397-a3886a4c61a5445f88328918f8f5c728",
            "input": "SIX PRINCIPAUX TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9",
            "output": [
                "TOP SIX HEALTH TOPICS"
            "id": "task1397-91cc2a51f1f94854b2c6bc7d7dce2d93",
            "input": "La m\u00e9thode de typage appropri\u00e9e et son utilit\u00e9 varient en fonction des agents pathog\u00e8nes.",
            "output": [
                "Appropriate typing method and purpose vary between different pathogens."
            "id": "task1397-288bcaaaa8464111b08f479e00b201e7",
            "input": "Un vaccin inactiv\u00e9 efficace est disponible.",
            "output": [
                "An effective, inactivated vaccine is available."
            "id": "task1397-4fee069940234e5ca94eff2c41b2ee7e",
            "input": "- Lorsque n\u00e9cessaire, le Centre coop\u00e8re avec les instances comp\u00e9tentes des \u00c9tats membres et les autres parties int\u00e9ress\u00e9es en ce qui concerne les campagnes d'information du public.",
            "output": [
                "- The Centre shall cooperate as appropriate with the competent bodies in the Member States and other interested parties with regard to public information campaigns."
            "id": "task1397-6d06b71140174f7a85840118a200e5b0",
            "input": "L\u2019identification de tendances \u00e0 long terme permettra de rassembler un ensemble de preuves et d\u2019informations sur les mesures strat\u00e9giques \u00e0 prendre dans le domaine de la sant\u00e9 publique.",
            "output": [
                "Identifying long-term trends will build the evidence base for informing strategic public health action."
            "id": "task1397-fac5151bed9245f3b8d06e3bfdedde18",
            "input": "\u00c9chinococcose",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-92b54d0398dd46169e15a715d77a002c",
            "input": "Communiquer efficacement les conclusions scientifiques et techniques de l\u2019ECDC aux professionnels",
            "output": [
                "Efficiently communicate the scientific and technical output of the ECDC to professional audiences"
            "id": "task1397-95d0f20149a84efaab8a3b989280901c",
            "input": "Des contacts directs avec des \u00e9pid\u00e9miologistes et les autorit\u00e9s sanitaires de l\u2019UE ou hors de l\u2019UE constituent \u00e9galement des sources d\u2019information.",
            "output": [
                "Additional information is gathered through direct contact with epidemiologists and health authorities in EU and abroad."
            "id": "task1397-128f235a08c44e18ba50ba04878c8866",
            "input": "Contenu du cours introductif EPIET 2009",
            "output": [
                "Description of EPIET Introductory Course 2009"
            "id": "task1397-e7f1ff1c970e4316871d183773a96d14",
            "input": "Elle est due \u00e0 une toxine produite par la bact\u00e9rie  Clostridium tetani .",
            "output": [
                "It is a consequence of a toxin produced by the bacterium  Clostridium tetani ."
            "id": "task1397-68550062787d446cae2c99371b11f783",
            "input": "Conception d\u2019un programme et de mat\u00e9riel de formation",
            "output": [
                "Design of curriculum and training materials"
            "id": "task1397-6c0a828d10334e48be10eedc46db617b",
            "input": "Afin de rem\u00e9dier \u00e0 cette lacune, l\u2019ECDC s\u2019occupe du d\u00e9veloppement du r\u00e9seau europ\u00e9en Environnement et \u00c9pid\u00e9miologie (E3) qui pourra \u00e9tablir un lien entre les donn\u00e9es sur le climat et l\u2019environnement et celles sur les maladies infectieuses, l\u2019objectif \u00e9tant de renforcer la capacit\u00e9 de l\u2019Europe \u00e0 pr\u00e9voir, surveiller et r\u00e9agir aux menaces que constituent les nouvelles maladies et les maladies \u00e9mergentes.",
            "output": [
                "To address this shortcoming ECDC is exploring the development of the European Environment and Epidemiology Network (E3)  that could link climatic/environmental and infectious disease data in order to strengthen European capacity in forecasting, monitoring and responding to the threats posed by new and emerging diseases."
            "id": "task1397-fdb947fc20db47b3acb0bca4458a0c1c",
            "input": "Aucun traitement sp\u00e9cifique n\u2019est disponible.",
            "output": [
                "No specific treatment is available."
            "id": "task1397-63c0133d77314c01bea0d7b6124e0a0c",
            "input": "Le tableau clinique classique de la LGV comprend l\u2019ulc\u00e9ration g\u00e9nitale et l\u2019ad\u00e9nopathie, et est caract\u00e9ris\u00e9 par la pr\u00e9sence de bubons (tum\u00e9factions ganglionnaires).",
            "output": [
                "The classical picture of LGV involves genital ulceration, adenopathy and is characterized by buboes."
            "id": "task1397-59f982293e9e43a8b89a092a639787f6",
            "input": "- EUPHEM",
            "output": [
                "- EUPHEM"
            "id": "task1397-4891438882014bb192a92d25ea9abd04",
            "input": "Le traitement antibiotique est efficace s\u2019il est administr\u00e9 \u00e0 un stade pr\u00e9coce.",
            "output": [
                "Antibiotic treatment is effective if given at an early stage."
            "id": "task1397-d3f5341d1336462da213b46c605a8c65",
            "input": "Lorsque l\u2019on essaye d\u2019obtenir un engagement politique, un soutien des pouvoirs publics, une acceptation sociale et une aide des syst\u00e8mes existants pour un objectif ou un programme de sant\u00e9 publique particulier, il peut \u00eatre utile de combiner les actions individuelles et sociales pour essayer de faire \u00e9voluer les choses.",
            "output": [
                "When trying to gain political commitment, policy support, social acceptance and systems support for a particular public health goal or programme, a combination of individual and social actions may be used to try to affect change."
            "id": "task1397-09fe911087884a858810e6671895fc8e",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s exposition, la p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation varie entre deux et dix jours.",
            "output": [
                "After exposure, the incubation period varies from two to ten days."
            "id": "task1397-11b05f0277574e3c8be3ef06b754a425",
            "input": "Alors que la communication sur les risques est permanente, la communication de crise est un effort de communication qui a lieu dans l\u2019urgence en r\u00e9ponse \u00e0 un \u00e9v\u00e8nement impr\u00e9vu.",
            "output": [
                "While risk communication is ongoing, crisis communication is a reactive communication effort in the face of an unforeseen event."
            "id": "task1397-4304de95ec8c478d9d2f4a390d20cd2f",
            "input": "Heureusement, jusqu\u2019\u00e0 pr\u00e9sent, A/H5N1 n\u2019est pas tr\u00e8s infectieux pour l\u2019homme.",
            "output": [
                "Fortunately, so far A/H5N1 has not been very infectious for humans."
            "id": "task1397-5d19062ca49c4cebbaee60afded885ed",
            "input": "Pour donner aux rapports une visibilit\u00e9 maximale, un s\u00e9minaire en ligne est r\u00e9guli\u00e8rement organis\u00e9 pour permettre aux scientifiques et aux journalistes europ\u00e9ens de poser des questions et de faire des commentaires aux auteurs de chaque rapport.",
            "output": [
                "To give maximum visibility to the reports, there is often a launch event with an interactive \u201cwebinar\u201d, in which scientists and journalists around Europe have the opportunity to ask questions from and comment to a panel of authors having produced the report."
            "id": "task1397-71986f090856418b975c5cbd77400677",
            "input": "L\u2019infection peut \u00eatre gu\u00e9rie par un traitement antibiotique et les d\u00e9c\u00e8s sont rares en Europe.",
            "output": [
                "The infection is curable by antibiotic treatment, and death is rare in Europe."
            "id": "task1397-ac2589917f304459b8aa2a9a4d032fb3",
            "input": "VPD \u2013 Maladies \u00e0 pr\u00e9vention vaccinale",
            "output": [
                "VPD - Vaccine-Preventable Diseases"
            "id": "task1397-7f9d35bb74a84dbbaad87ec04b2876ce",
            "input": "Les partenaires sont des agences et des autorit\u00e9s qui, malgr\u00e9 des mandats diff\u00e9rents, sont en contact avec le CEPCM pour r\u00e9agir en cas d\u2019attaque bio-terroriste, et qui ont \u00e9tabli \u00e0 cet effet un partenariat avec le Centre.",
            "output": [
                "Partners are agencies and authorities that, despite their different mandate, interact with the ECDC for the purposes defined by the situation of deliberate release of a biological agent and form cooperative partnerships with the Centre."
            "id": "task1397-ce8629fabccf49749f6095c160f5e577",
            "input": "La maladie peut se contracter apr\u00e8s ingestion d\u2019aliments contenant la toxine ou par le d\u00e9veloppement des spores dans l\u2019intestin de jeunes enfants ou dans les plaies.",
            "output": [
                "The disease may occur after eating foods containing the toxin or due to development of the spores within the intestine of young children or within wounds."
            "id": "task1397-2d1aeed123784400bb004a30566dab39",
            "input": "Rapport de surveillance",
            "output": [
                "Surveillance report"
            "id": "task1397-06cd6f1311c444039d3169516e4e3d70",
            "input": "M\u00e9diterran\u00e9e, en orange\u00a0(inclut la mer Noire)",
            "output": [
                "Mediterranean, orange; includes the Black Sea region."
            "id": "task1397-4142fbe31cbc4c50a09549eae057826e",
            "input": "Toundra, en turquoise clair",
            "output": [
                "Tundra, pale turquoise."
            "id": "task1397-be364afecc28420897397e46ea71a100",
            "input": "Les Hantavirus sont des virus transmis par les rongeurs qui provoquent des maladies de s\u00e9v\u00e9rit\u00e9 variable chez l'homme.",
            "output": [
                "Hantaviruses are rodent-borne viruses causing clinical illness in humans of varying severity."
            "id": "task1397-e72869638a2140d6adc7f6ffaeef4a42",
            "input": "Pour \u00eatre accessible directement \u00e0 tous les citoyens europ\u00e9ens, le Centre lance un site web multilingue r\u00e9dig\u00e9 dans toutes les langues de l\u2019UE ainsi que le norv\u00e9gien et l\u2019islandais.",
            "output": [
                "To be directly accessible by people in all the EU Member States, the Centre is setting up a multilingual website in all official EU languages, as well as Norwegian and Icelandic."
            "id": "task1397-62363aa6236d4920b6fca7e9bf79c168",
            "input": "On pense m\u00eame qu\u2019ils sont les h\u00f4tes naturels de ces virus, les oiseaux sauvages (canards sauvages, etc.) jouant le r\u00f4le le plus important.",
            "output": [
                "Indeed birds are thought to be the natural hosts for these infections with wild fowl (wild ducks etc) playing the most important role."
            "id": "task1397-fde271d14e6b4286ac9d3b11d59c4e7f",
            "input": "Il existe plusieurs Hantavirus\u00a0dont la distribution g\u00e9ographique et les manifestations cliniques diff\u00e8rent.",
            "output": [
                "There are several different hantaviruses, with a different geographical distribution and causing different clinical diseases."
            "id": "task1397-0d65cc56cbd04dddabf4b3c3bb3ab304",
            "input": "Avec l\u2019augmentation de l\u2019immunit\u00e9 chez l\u2019homme et l\u2019\u00e9volution du virus pand\u00e9mique, la souche pand\u00e9mique est associ\u00e9e et tend \u00e0 dominer le m\u00e9lange des virus grippaux saisonniers.",
            "output": [
                "Eventually as immunity increases among humans, and the pandemic virus changes the pandemic strain becomes part of and tends to dominate the mix of seasonal influenza viruses."
            "id": "task1397-87c79b941d7545a89a6e5ee33be7510b",
            "input": "Les femmes enceintes, m\u00eame asymptomatiques, peuvent transmettre l\u2019infection au f\u0153tus, ce qui peut donner lieu \u00e0 un avortement, \u00e0 une mort f\u0153tale tardive, un d\u00e9c\u00e8s p\u00e9rinatal (en raison d'une toxoplasmose diss\u00e9min\u00e9e) ou \u00e0 une infection cong\u00e9nitale accompagn\u00e9e de graves malformations des yeux et du cerveau.",
            "output": [
                "Pregnant women, also without symptoms, may transmit the infection to the foetus, which can result in abortion, still-birth, perinatal death (due to disseminated toxoplasmosis), or congenital infection with severe malformation affecting the eyes and the brain."
            "id": "task1397-6832cf44044040e48c2f28a8d7cf0073",
            "input": "La bab\u00e9siose est une maladie provoqu\u00e9e par un parasite du genre  Babesia , qui infecte et d\u00e9truit les globules rouges du sang.",
            "output": [
                "Babesiosis is an illness caused by a parasite of the  Babesia spp ., which infects and destroys the red blood cells."
            "id": "task1397-eeb6ebccedf246a5928adc2b5316d6e1",
            "input": "Ces appels d\u2019offres r\u00e9pondent aux principes de bonne gestion financi\u00e8re, mettent les fournisseurs sur un pied d\u2019\u00e9galit\u00e9 et garantissent la transparence.",
            "output": [
                "These invitations to tender satisfy the principles of sound financial management, equal access to suppliers and ensure transparency."
            "id": "task1397-466f3bf96642477ca9a0463aee929bd9",
            "input": "Il n\u2019existe jusqu\u2019\u00e0 pr\u00e9sent aucune preuve de la transmission du virus Zika en Europe et les cas import\u00e9s sont rares.",
            "output": [
                "There is no evidence of transmission Zika virus in Europe to date and imported cases are rare."
            "id": "task1397-52c594994d8049c0bf276aeaea156218",
            "input": "Hantavirus",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-d07917db50ff42959f3ea436fee1626c",
            "input": "En 2006, le CEPCM a \u00e9labor\u00e9 son propre plan d\u2019intervention en cas de menace sanitaire. Ce plan comprend des dispositions pour g\u00e9rer les crises au sein du CEPCM.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC had developed its Public Health Event Operation Plan in 2006 and the document sets out arrangements for dealing with crises at ECDC."
            "id": "task1397-b61b0fb159bb449bb27bf68e19450ea1",
            "input": "Activit\u00e9s \u2013 Pr\u00e9paration et r\u00e9action",
            "output": [
                "Activities \u2013 Preparedness and Response"
            "id": "task1397-51b921ae2152407ba0797c3d376185e2",
            "input": "M\u00e9ningococcie",
            "output": [
                "Meningococcal disease"
            "id": "task1397-0090d0fd4b95484ca3f516dcbaa915a5",
            "input": "\u00c9quipes d\u2019assistance sur les foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques",
            "output": [
                "Outbreak assistance teams"
            "id": "task1397-2c4f7c7c6efe4f8cb1879ad5fb09ab86",
            "input": "Documentation:",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-4a6a57cefa434de78f59ecd7ada8a5df",
            "input": "Les vaccins sont de puissants outils permettant de prot\u00e9ger notre sant\u00e9 .",
            "output": [
                "Vaccines are powerful tools for protecting our health ."
            "id": "task1397-17199ebde6d3495b939d978a9b1cd78d",
            "input": "L\u2019homme est le seul r\u00e9servoir du virus de l\u2019h\u00e9patite A qui est transmis via les f\u00e8ces des patients infect\u00e9s, soit par contact interhumain, soit par consommation d\u2019aliments ou d\u2019eau contamin\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "Humans are the only reservoir of hepatitis A virus, which is transmitted from faeces of infected patients, either by person-to-person contact or by consumption of contaminated food or water."
            "id": "task1397-471ac1ef7c3e4e749532a9c4b7051350",
            "input": "La bact\u00e9rie est pr\u00e9sente dans le nez o\u00f9 elle peut rester tr\u00e8s longtemps sans produire de sympt\u00f4mes.",
            "output": [
                "It is carried in the nose, where it can remain for long periods without producing symptoms."
            "id": "task1397-ad95355376434534b33f4af40179a82f",
            "input": "Budget annuel 2010 de l\u2019ECDC  (58 kB)",
            "output": [
                "ECDC Annual Budget 2010 (58 kB)"
            "id": "task1397-4b40072c53fd42cf93bb2dcf556cbc1e",
            "input": "En 2007, le virus Zika a \u00e9t\u00e9 responsable d\u2019une \u00e9pid\u00e9mie sur l\u2019\u00eele de Yap, dans le Pacifique.",
            "output": [
                "In 2007, Zika virus caused an outbreak on the island of Yap in the Pacific."
            "id": "task1397-b207a3e176de41edaf174e592cb75027",
            "input": "Cette infection est associ\u00e9e \u00e0 une pathologie grave, \u00e0 un traitement et \u00e0 des soins tr\u00e8s on\u00e9reux, \u00e0 un nombre significatif de d\u00e9c\u00e8s et \u00e0 une esp\u00e9rance de vie r\u00e9duite.",
            "output": [
                "It is an infection associated with serious disease, persistently high costs of treatment and care, significant number of deaths and shortened life expectancy."
            "id": "task1397-0aaa342edf124bee88674b23bb9669c0",
            "input": "Cependant, certaines souches d\u2019E. coli sont capables de produire une toxine susceptible de provoquer une infection grave.",
            "output": [
                "However, some E.coli strains are able to produce a toxin that could produce serious infection."
            "id": "task1397-56b9cf39409e40fb868f432871e7bee4",
            "input": "Il n\u2019existe actuellement aucune vaccination contre l\u2019h\u00e9patite C.",
            "output": [
                "No hepatitis C vaccination is yet available."
            "id": "task1397-69e52a2a632d46d0b893cb8694082ed6",
            "input": "Il n\u2019existe aucun traitement sp\u00e9cifique.",
            "output": [
                "No specific therapy is available."
            "id": "task1397-eb20cd9df989465da04173b44305043d",
            "input": "Les sympt\u00f4mes peuvent \u00eatre tr\u00e8s graves et n\u00e9cessiter un traitement en soins intensifs, ainsi que l\u2019administration d\u2019une antitoxine.",
            "output": [
                "The symptoms may be very severe, and require intensive-care treatment and the administration of an anti-toxin."
            "id": "task1397-f05b26b3e1f14894b4a3925cbaaea6d6",
            "input": "Grippe aviaire chez l\u2019homme",
            "output": [
                "Avian influenza in humans"
            "id": "task1397-80c934d49ab449aaaa52bb2142f96b7a",
            "input": "Rapports techniques",
            "output": [
                "Technical Reports"
            "id": "task1397-18465c2353e84b889ef08093b9d5a295",
            "input": "Le mode d\u2019infection le plus fr\u00e9quent est la consommation d\u2019aliments (principalement de volaille) ou d\u2019eau contamin\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "The most frequent way of getting infected is through the consumption of contaminated food (mainly poultry) or water."
            "id": "task1397-3a61cec3a45c4ebebc8acfeea3333f8a",
            "input": "Ces tendances ont fait de la communication sur la sant\u00e9 un \u00e9l\u00e9ment essentiel des pratiques de sant\u00e9 publique.",
            "output": [
                "These trends have expanded the role of health communication as a vital component of public health practice."
            "id": "task1397-8e8fc2f5195549a8b4de9f1dc1fa3dab",
            "input": "- les proc\u00e9dures de r\u00e9action et le r\u00f4le du centre d\u2019intervention urgente",
            "output": [
                "- The preparedness steps and the role of the Emergency Operation Centre"
            "id": "task1397-5a47b7192c2e412a91a023855fe6bd48",
            "input": "Le centre d\u2019intervention urgente (CIU)",
            "output": [
                "Emergency Operation Centre (EOC)"
            "id": "task1397-4551a1d74a28445f91e2c96dbf84286e",
            "input": "On diff\u00e9rencie trois principaux syndromes cliniques suite \u00e0 l\u2019infection par un Hantavirus:",
            "output": [
                "Three main clinical syndromes can be distinguished after hantavirus infection:"
            "id": "task1397-e37c5ab9b953465b91fe99d696d82e67",
            "input": "ME:",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-a23aefd3d5e646c7b2c7044236063232",
            "input": "Les herbivores en sont les r\u00e9servoirs; les spores peuvent survivre dans l\u2019environnement pendant plusieurs dizaines d\u2019ann\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "Reservoirs are grass-eating animals, and the spores can survive in the environment for decades."
            "id": "task1397-35884d577edb43f188e7622f89cc0a0f",
            "input": "Awasu",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-e790b2dbee874ef5897da90b9df5d972",
            "input": "Il n\u2019existe sans doute pas de porteurs sains, mais les adultes infect\u00e9s, dont les sympt\u00f4mes sont l\u00e9gers, peuvent transmettre la bact\u00e9rie pendant plusieurs semaines.",
            "output": [
                "Healthy carriers probably do not exist, but infected adults, who usually have only mild symptoms, can spread bacteria for weeks."
            "id": "task1397-62f2d2ca0b4c41c5bea4b62e8ff8a416",
            "input": "ACTIVIT\u00c9S DE formation de formateurs",
            "output": [
                "Training the trainer activities"
            "id": "task1397-67b87e13e2344f1bbf2c61348e253660",
            "input": "L\u2019Unit\u00e9 de surveillance (US) \n                \n                 dont l\u2019objectif strat\u00e9gique est de mettre en place un syst\u00e8me de surveillance europ\u00e9en qui soit \u00e0 m\u00eame de fournir des informations de grande qualit\u00e9, comparables et facilement accessibles sur toutes les maladies infectieuses pr\u00e9sentant un int\u00e9r\u00eat au niveau de l'UE.",
            "output": [
                "The Surveillance Unit\u2019s (SUN) \n                \n                 strategic objective is to build a Europe-wide surveillance system that provides high quality, comparable and easy to access information on all infectious diseases of interest at EU level."
            "id": "task1397-0e2d64fdbcc24c54ba59768b30a6168e",
            "input": "Le virus, mal adapt\u00e9 \u00e0 l\u2019homme, n\u2019est gu\u00e8re contagieux, sauf \u00e0 doses \u00e9lev\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "The virus is poorly adapted to humans who are difficult to infect except at high doses."
            "id": "task1397-f52d84c5e39943d88e8f77ca4d193a8d",
            "input": "cAS DE ROUGEOLE En AutriCHE \u2013 AVril 2008",
            "output": [
                "Measles in Austria \u2013 April 2008"
            "id": "task1397-a7a77b151d874739b94f86549705a540",
            "input": "Soutien au PFET (programme de formation \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie de terrain)",
            "output": [
                "FETPs\u2019 support"
            "id": "task1397-c23d112742f14173aacfa6e7eda6d6f4",
            "input": "L\u2019infection du sang par Salmonella typhi peut \u00eatre \u00e0 l\u2019origine de l\u2019infection de tous les organes.",
            "output": [
                "Salmonella typhi blood stream infection can also cause infection in all organs."
            "id": "task1397-944e3cbfc9b84e51bf5a8771b34fd482",
            "input": "Les participants ont analys\u00e9 l\u2019\u00e9volution de l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9mie de rougeole en Autriche et dans les r\u00e9gions limitrophes de Suisse et d\u2019Allemagne.",
            "output": [
                "During this meeting the epidemiological situation of measles in Austria and in the neighbouring regions of Switzerland and Germany was reviewed."
            "id": "task1397-753d3ba9a84a44638bb1f16a1dddef10",
            "input": "Gr\u00e2ce aux progr\u00e8s permanents qui sont faits en termes de technologie et d\u2019applications \u00e0 la sant\u00e9 publique, le typage mol\u00e9culaire permettra de mieux comprendre la dynamique des maladies infectieuses.",
            "output": [
                "With continued advancements in technology and applications to public health, molecular typing will offer new insights into dynamics of infectious diseases."
            "id": "task1397-1dffe3d2654446c7a61d42192f98f7b8",
            "input": "Environ 80\u00a0% des infections sont asymptomatiques. Dans les autres cas, les patients d\u00e9veloppent une maladie grave multi-syst\u00e9mique et le taux de mortalit\u00e9 des patients hospitalis\u00e9s peut atteindre 15\u00a0%.",
            "output": [
                "While about 80% of the infections go with no symptoms, the remaining patients develop severe multi-system disease and up to 15% of the hospitalized cases may die."
            "id": "task1397-981206daf52f413a954822c7da775023",
            "input": "Gonorrh\u00e9e",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-c6510e48e69e4286ba907613169005d6",
            "input": "Organes comp\u00e9tents",
            "output": [
                "Competent Bodies"
            "id": "task1397-d65bf323b8314ac19458e8d699af1227",
            "input": "Environ 20 \u00e0 30\u00a0% des infections nosocomiales pourraient \u00eatre \u00e9vit\u00e9es par la mise en place de mesures d\u2019hygi\u00e8ne strictes et de programmes de contr\u00f4le.",
            "output": [
                "Approximately 20\u201330% of healthcare-associated infections are considered to be preventable by intensive hygiene and control programmes."
            "id": "task1397-190280ec49a64422ae4ec85ead711671",
            "input": "Programme europ\u00e9en de formation \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie d\u2019intervention (EPIET)",
            "output": [
                "European Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training (EPIET)"
            "id": "task1397-cddb1baf396340d182641b0c91654a20",
            "input": "L\u2019ECDC offre ou pourra offrir trois types de services\u00a0en ligne:",
            "output": [
                "Three types of e-services are or may be offered by ECDC:"
            "id": "task1397-89c361235f954e9681286ad79e368c0f",
            "input": "Rub\u00e9ole",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-0b755470d758465e8b2e67d175f7b0a2",
            "input": "My Yahoo!",
            "output": [
                "My Yahoo!"
            "id": "task1397-82cf7809d8344550a83cd1c9a3a3a9d9",
            "input": "Communication sur les risques",
            "output": [
                "Risk communication"
            "id": "task1397-02277a47ac634f6b8dfef73fad5b056b",
            "input": "Entre les deux exercices, nous avons constat\u00e9 des am\u00e9liorations importantes, en particulier au niveau de la cr\u00e9ation de syst\u00e8mes de communication internes, de l\u2019organisation des TIC et de la logistique, et de l\u2019utilisation des \u00e9quipements et des outils disponibles.",
            "output": [
                "Major improvements were observed from one exercise to another, especially in setting up internal communication systems, organisation of ICT and logistic and the use of equipments and tools."
            "id": "task1397-e8b571ab165e40f6899c14f78e896a4e",
            "input": "ASPHER - le CEPCM a particip\u00e9 \u00e0 la 5\u00e8me conf\u00e9rence TEPHINET \u00e0 Kuala Lumpur",
            "output": [
                "ASPHER - ECDC participated in TEPHINET 5TH Conference in Kuala Lumpur"
            "id": "task1397-717f1d579dd242a698a9362803661485",
            "input": "La fi\u00e8vre h\u00e9morragique Crim\u00e9e-Congo (FHCC) est une maladie virale transmise par les tiques. Les sympt\u00f4mes sont une forte fi\u00e8vre, des douleurs musculaires, des vertiges, une sensibilit\u00e9 anormale \u00e0 la lumi\u00e8re, des douleurs abdominales et des vomissements.",
            "output": [
                "Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a tick-borne viral disease with symptoms such as high fever, muscle pain, dizziness, abnormal sensitivity to light, abdominal pain and vomiting."
            "id": "task1397-eebb6249c79b45cb9ce4a6a6db90c6b3",
            "input": "d\u2019abord une l\u00e9sion primaire au site d\u2019infection (chancre), puis une s\u00e9rie d\u2019\u00e9ruptions sur les muqueuses et la peau (syphilis secondaire), suivie de longues p\u00e9riodes de latence (syphilis latente ou tertiaire).",
            "output": [
                "at first a primary lesion at the site of infection (chancre), then a series of eruptions on mucous membranes and skin (secondary syphilis), followed by long periods of latency (latent or tertiary syphilis)."
            "id": "task1397-fcf5b60bc07c4e49818c4aa90b04f3bc",
            "input": "Dans sa r\u00e9action face \u00e0 une situation de crise sanitaire provoqu\u00e9e par une attaque bio-terroriste, le CEPCM sait qu\u2019il devra concilier deux imp\u00e9ratifs contradictoires qui p\u00e8seront sur la communication avec les \u00c9tats membres:",
            "output": [
                "In the response to a health crisis as a result of a deliberate release of a biological agent the ECDC is aware of two contradicting forces that would be guiding the communication with the MS:"
            "id": "task1397-d1b9522646424a6ca345809f15f020b9",
            "input": "Le virus de Puumala est pr\u00e9sent principalement en Europe et en Russie.",
            "output": [
                "Puumala virus occur mainly in Europe and Russia."
            "id": "task1397-c963f4fddb7b49bfb6af9807dc63217c",
            "input": "Veuillez noter qu\u2019il n\u2019est pas possible de garantir qu\u2019un document disponible en ligne reproduise exactement un texte adopt\u00e9 officiellement.",
            "output": [
                "Please note that it cannot be guaranteed that a document available on-line exactly reproduces an officially adopted text."
            "id": "task1397-a153b5d4ad484fe998f0e4df6c79c85d",
            "input": "la multiplication des vecteurs (organismes qui transmettent les maladies) li\u00e9e au r\u00e9chauffement accro\u00eet le risque de propagation de maladies telles que le chikungunya, la dengue et l\u2019enc\u00e9phalite \u00e0 tiques.",
            "output": [
                "vector expansion due to warmer temperatures increases the risks from diseases such as Chikungunya, Dengue and Tick-borne Encephalitis (TBE)."
            "id": "task1397-7f36e4f586044d1da4b3a205b6ce2142",
            "input": "La maladie est d\u00fb aux virus de la famille des  Picornaviridae  et des  Ent\u00e9rovirus .",
            "output": [
                "Viruses of the family  Picornaviridae  and  Enterovirus  are the causative agents of HFMD."
            "id": "task1397-1b8c8858daf845068d7443f0eb69df02",
            "input": "Soutenir le d\u00e9veloppement des capacit\u00e9s de communication des \u00c9tats membres en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9",
            "output": [
                "Support the development of Member States health communication capacities"
            "id": "task1397-6512aba231a8493394abd65fa20ca90f",
            "input": "Formuler des conseils, des \u00e9valuations de risques et des avis scientifiques",
            "output": [
                "Produce guidance, risk assessments, scientific advice"
            "id": "task1397-3ee3386d850043109295b7c5c9ff257a",
            "input": "Le Centre europ\u00e9en de pr\u00e9vention et de contr\u00f4le des maladies (ECDC), fond\u00e9 en 2005, est une agence europ\u00e9enne dont l\u2019objectif est de renforcer la lutte contre les maladies infectieuses en Europe.",
            "output": [
                "The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) was established in 2005. It is an EU agency aimed at strengthening Europe's defences against infectious diseases."
            "id": "task1397-3b5d7f8bf4a140e687ee6e4d573eb91f",
            "input": "La maladie pouvait \u00eatre pr\u00e9venue par un vaccin efficace dont l\u2019utilisation \u00e0 grande \u00e9chelle a permis d\u2019\u00e9radiquer la maladie.",
            "output": [
                "The disease was preventable by an effective vaccine, whose large scale use lead to its eradication."
            "id": "task1397-32e585ce9dd548d79b3ffe1266466cd4",
            "input": "et",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-6076a2df03f24eec923832d7c1abb3fe",
            "input": "Les complications les plus fr\u00e9quentes sont la maladie inflammatoire pelvienne (MIP) et la salpingite, des pathologies qui peuvent entra\u00eener la st\u00e9rilit\u00e9 et la survenue de grossesses extra-ut\u00e9rines.",
            "output": [
                "The most common complications are pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and salpingitis, conditions that can lead to infertility and extra-uterine pregnancies."
            "id": "task1397-a90c3437850f4e3ebfe6fefbd7e17854",
            "input": "Date limite pour le d\u00e9p\u00f4t des offres",
            "output": [
                "Deadline for submission of tenders"
            "id": "task1397-2e2d99e7d45d4dcba521f4c8e287490b",
            "input": "Grippe",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-b4d0be69448f4ebb871f3b7dc13b185e",
            "input": "Elle est pr\u00e9sente dans le monde entier.",
            "output": [
                "The disease occurs worldwide."
            "id": "task1397-18adbb4ff073466881bc9a7968772bd8",
            "input": "Publications relatives \u00e0 ces aspects",
            "output": [
                "Related publications"
            "id": "task1397-143a06997c0c474a92b9b1b1137931d9",
            "input": "Dans les prochaines ann\u00e9es, l'ECDC devra relever le d\u00e9fi de dresser un aper\u00e7u global de la charge actuelle et \u00e0 venir que repr\u00e9sentent les maladies infectieuses dans l\u2019UE afin de fournir des chiffres indicatifs qui permettront de fixer un ordre de priorit\u00e9 pour les travaux \u00e0 accomplir, tant au niveau de l\u2019UE qu'au niveau national.",
            "output": [
                "Ensuring comprehensive knowledge of the existing and future burden of infectious diseases in the EU is a challenge ECDC will be addressing over the coming years in order to provide baseline figures for planning and prioritizing both EU and national efforts."
            "id": "task1397-0c8adc5919aa4f31bfd8035febdd5625",
            "input": "Aucune vaccination contre l\u2019h\u00e9patite C n\u2019est encore disponible.",
            "output": [
                "Vaccination against hepatitis C is not yet available."
            "id": "task1397-be6b25d1527247f891878a8793f1eca5",
            "input": "Les \u00e9v\u00e9nements pr\u00e9sentant une menace pour les voyageurs ne sont pas pris en compte s\u2019il n\u2019existe aucun risque important de cas secondaire apr\u00e8s importation.",
            "output": [
                "Events threatening international travellers are not considered if there is no significant risk of secondary cases after importation."
            "id": "task1397-dadf3f92fe9744faacb5f2748031b519",
            "input": "Ils constituent \u00e9galement un outil essentiel de la m\u00e9decine moderne; des proc\u00e9dures courantes comme les greffes, la chimioth\u00e9rapie pour le cancer et m\u00eame la chirurgie orthop\u00e9dique, seraient impossibles sans antibiotiques puissants.",
            "output": [
                "They are also an essential tool for modern medicine and common procedures such as transplants, chemotherapy for cancer and even orthopaedic surgery could not be performed without the availability of potent antibiotics."
            "id": "task1397-1279f786d20f4c928e9d0d10f50225d9",
            "input": "Avis scientifique (page g\u00e9n\u00e9rale)",
            "output": [
                "Scientific advice (general page)"
            "id": "task1397-221e9f06051848c9850a8402767d3085",
            "input": "Source:",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-33935b0a988c4fc5845f89c02bd0a3a2",
            "input": "Le chlamydiae est une bact\u00e9rie pouvant infecter plusieurs syst\u00e8mes organiques.",
            "output": [
                "Chlamydiae are bacteria capable of producing infection in several organ systems."
            "id": "task1397-452d8fbd99a34b13a4fe16315d0903d8",
            "input": "Le g\u00e9notypage repose sur des m\u00e9thodes mol\u00e9culaires. Il permet de distinguer avec la plus grande pr\u00e9cision possible les esp\u00e8ces microbiennes et m\u00eame les souches individuelles.",
            "output": [
                "Genotyping is based on molecular methods, it allows the highest resolution within microbial species and even within individual strains."
            "id": "task1397-4983c61d4cdf4bab8b58e4bf98ba49e5",
            "input": "R\u00e9cemment, des \u00e9pid\u00e9mies se sont produites dans les Balkans et dans le nord-est de la Turquie.",
            "output": [
                "Recently outbreaks have occurred in the Balkans and in North-Eastern Turkey."
            "id": "task1397-e6fa9d2269794676aaf91e86699f04c7",
            "input": "Fi\u00e8vre de Lassa",
            "output": [
                "Lassa fever"
            "id": "task1397-c62d0db5f59a4c3ab841d1ef2bdec9fe",
            "input": "L'image caract\u00e9ristique obtenue par microscopie \u00e9lectronique, qui pr\u00e9sente des particules ribosomes granuleux (\u00ab arena \u00bb en latin) \u00e0 l'int\u00e9rieur des virions, ont donn\u00e9 son nom \u00e0 cette famille de virus.",
            "output": [
                "The typical image in electronic microscopy showing grainy ribosomal particles (\u201c  arena \u201d in latin) inside the virions gave the name to this family of viruses."
            "id": "task1397-b93057f4aa274d29b56a94198bbe614e",
            "input": "L\u2019Unit\u00e9 d\u2019appui \u00e0 la pr\u00e9paration et \u00e0 la r\u00e9action (UPR) \n                \n                 qui surveille les menaces \u00e9mergentes en Europe et au niveau international, et qui aide les \u00c9tats membres de l\u2019UE \u00e0 les \u00e9valuer, \u00e0 les \u00e9tudier et \u00e0 y faire face.",
            "output": [
                "The Preparedness and Response support Unit (PRU) \n                \n                 monitors emerging threats in Europe and internationally, and supports the EU Member States in assessing, investigating and responding to them."
            "id": "task1397-f8f39a9c068b46f898967dcc23deb6bd",
            "input": "Newz Crawler",
            "output": [
                "Newz Crawler"
            "id": "task1397-f0043e2363744e40944e29305bc3c6a2",
            "input": "BO:",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-eb3d3f0d286348afa29f9a854627fce8",
            "input": "De plus, les probl\u00e8mes et les pr\u00e9occupations en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9 varient d\u2019un pays \u00e0 l\u2019autre.",
            "output": [
                "The health problems and concerns also differ from country to country."
            "id": "task1397-5722126890e34bbfa30d495b91889ee6",
            "input": "Dans les cas aigus, un traitement antibiotique appropri\u00e9 peut \u00eatre efficace, mais une intervention chirurgicale est parfois n\u00e9cessaire en cas d\u2019infection des valvules cardiaques.",
            "output": [
                "Acute cases respond to appropriate antibiotic treatment but infected heart valves may require surgery."
            "id": "task1397-9e10242230f4477293649abfc3bf7d8e",
            "input": "le R\u00d4le et le mandat du cepcm dans la d\u00c9tection des MENACES SANITAIRES \u00c9mergentes",
            "output": [
                "Role and mandate of ECDC in detecting emerging health threats"
            "id": "task1397-c09326383ce9467692c9ebd166dd309f",
            "input": "Les mesures de pr\u00e9vention reposent sur une bonne hygi\u00e8ne alimentaire g\u00e9n\u00e9rale et une bonne gestion des d\u00e9chets, ainsi qu\u2019un lavage fr\u00e9quent des mains.",
            "output": [
                "Prevention measures are based on good general food and waste hygiene and proper hand-washing."
            "id": "task1397-8d2b8058d01a4a298328bc96f435547c",
            "input": "Les patients pr\u00e9sentant une infection chronique par le virus de l\u2019h\u00e9patite B (de plus de 30\u00a0% chez les enfants \u00e0 moins de 5\u00a0% chez les adultes) pr\u00e9sentent un risque accru de complications graves:",
            "output": [
                "Those who become chronically infected by hepatitis B virus (from >30% among children to <5% among adults) are at a higher risk of serious consequences:"
            "id": "task1397-618a101dba8f4a2e8573efc8870889e2",
            "input": "Les verrues g\u00e9nitales sont des sortes de verrues que l\u2019on trouve sur ou autour du p\u00e9nis, de l\u2019anus ou du vagin, et qui sont dues au papillomavirus humain (HPV).",
            "output": [
                "Genital warts are various sorts of warts found on or around the penis, anus or vagina caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV)."
            "id": "task1397-f1c150ee9a814c109826bf705063c2c3",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9mie de chikungunya survenue dans l\u2019oc\u00e9an indien en 2005\u20132006 et en Italie en 2007, la priorit\u00e9 a \u00e9t\u00e9 accord\u00e9e \u00e0 la localisation actuelle du vecteur de contagion et au risque d\u2019extension en Europe.",
            "output": [
                "Following the outbreaks of chikungunya in the Indian Ocean (2005-2006) and in Italy (2007), emphasis was put on mapping the current distribution of the vector, as well as the risk for its further spread in the EU."
            "id": "task1397-156c6f53dd834eb2924e3ebbbdf500fe",
            "input": "- d\u00e9velopper un r\u00e9seau europ\u00e9en de microbiologistes de la sant\u00e9 publique",
            "output": [
                "- Develop a European network of public health microbiologists;"
            "id": "task1397-e099f175fbc74c4cad8f63485065fe04",
            "input": "Beaucoup d\u2019infections \u00e0 Chlamydia sont asymptomatiques et le nombre croissant de cas signal\u00e9s est probablement le r\u00e9sultat d\u2019une meilleure sensibilisation \u00e0 la maladie et d\u2019une intensification des tests de d\u00e9pistage.",
            "output": [
                "Many Chlamydia infections do not produce symptoms, and the growing number of reported cases is likely to be the result of increased awareness about the disease and intensified testing."
            "id": "task1397-1e8471ad60d143b59305563e07915dac",
            "input": "Les diff\u00e9rents sympt\u00f4mes sont \u00e0 la fois syst\u00e9miques (fi\u00e8vre, faiblesse, douleur articulaire) et sp\u00e9cifiques (notamment infections c\u00e9r\u00e9brales et valvulaires).",
            "output": [
                "The various symptoms are both general (fever, weakness, joint pain) and organ-specific (including infections in the brain infection and heart valves)."
            "id": "task1397-e2af0d53db2a4ff1ae2c31562db842c2",
            "input": "Le tableau clinique est donc tr\u00e8s variable, et peut aller d\u2019une infection ent\u00e9rique l\u00e9g\u00e8re (diarrh\u00e9e aqueuse qui gu\u00e9rit spontan\u00e9ment) \u00e0 des sympt\u00f4mes tr\u00e8s graves (forte fi\u00e8vre, dysenterie, perforation intestinale, insuffisance r\u00e9nale).",
            "output": [
                "The clinical picture may therefore vary between a mild enteric infection (watery, self-limiting diarrhoea) and very serious symptoms (high fever, dysentery, , intestinal perforation, kidney failure)."
            "id": "task1397-44b1c923662c4f80a476683262e85b44",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-1ca4c6ed51eb4c4585a3abfc5c5cd3ac",
            "input": "Maladies transmises par les tiques",
            "output": [
                "Tick-borne diseases"
            "id": "task1397-44f61bc8a5d14cf19397d70cd6a7caf6",
            "input": "Quand vous envoyez un tel message, vos donn\u00e9es \u00e0 caract\u00e8re personnel ne sont enregistr\u00e9es que dans la mesure n\u00e9cessaire pour vous r\u00e9pondre.",
            "output": [
                "When you send such a message, your personal data is collected only to the extent necessary to reply."
            "id": "task1397-ccf8acafe0e147f2bc3cc091e64e681d",
            "input": "La chlamydiose g\u00e9nitale est une infection sexuellement transmissible due \u00e0 la bact\u00e9rie  Chlamydia trachomatis .",
            "output": [
                "Genital chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the   Chlamydia trachomatis bacterium."
            "id": "task1397-bf8d2ee3a01b471bbf12fe05319975da",
            "input": "utiliser la communication de mani\u00e8re strat\u00e9gique peut contribuer \u00e0 am\u00e9liorer la sant\u00e9 publique.",
            "output": [
                "using communication strategically can assist to improve public health."
            "id": "task1397-df08c856f246432b98b665f4f55780e5",
            "input": "L\u2019\u00e9valuation a conclu \u00e0 l\u2019existence d\u2019un risque pour l\u2019Europe, mais celui-ci \u00e9tait difficilement quantifiable.",
            "output": [
                "The risk assessment concluded that there was a risk for Europe, although it was difficult to quantify."
            "id": "task1397-e7641dfddf874980b554c8f8fc627eed",
            "input": "l\u2019annonce pr\u00e9coce;",
            "output": [
                "Announcing early;"
            "id": "task1397-e41af13e4be84919bc64b4ab8aaacac3",
            "input": "Sur le continent europ\u00e9en, le dernier cas de paralysie due \u00e0 la polio a \u00e9t\u00e9 signal\u00e9 en Turquie au mois de novembre 1998. En juin 2002, la r\u00e9gion europ\u00e9enne de l\u2019OMS a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9clar\u00e9e exempte de polio.",
            "output": [
                "On the European continent, the last case of paralysis caused by polio was reported from Turkey in November 1998. In June 2002, the WHO European region was declared polio free."
            "id": "task1397-2483bc293890407098caa50276a12784",
            "input": "- d\u00e9velopper une capacit\u00e9 de r\u00e9action dans le secteur de la microbiologie \u00e0 l\u2019int\u00e9rieur et \u00e0 l\u2019ext\u00e9rieur de l\u2019Union europ\u00e9enne",
            "output": [
                "- Develop a response capacity for microbiology inside and beyond the European Union;"
            "id": "task1397-0aca3f5b6b5f4a36b20cf26ddccacf04",
            "input": "C\u2019est pourquoi, \u00e0 travers sa coop\u00e9ration \u00e9troite avec les autorit\u00e9s nationales, l\u2019ECDC s\u2019efforce de donner un impact maximal \u00e0 ses messages sur la sant\u00e9 publique.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC therefore works closely with the national authorities to have maximum impact of its public health messages."
            "id": "task1397-be89f5f2d43b49179fecf5136e45c7c9",
            "input": "steppe, en cr\u00e8me",
            "output": [
                "Steppe, cream."
            "id": "task1397-b544d5f5e0a245be87105308d033695f",
            "input": "Les flux RSS s\u2019actualisent automatiquement lorsque des articles sont ajout\u00e9s sur le site, vous avertissant des derni\u00e8res modifications.",
            "output": [
                "The RSS feeds automatically update as articles are added to the site, alerting you to the latest additions."
            "id": "task1397-a63921d142c149eca7cae9fbb92f2964",
            "input": "Tuberculose",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-50c9d775d7e34067adae8dc6e1e50727",
            "input": "Je suis fier de travailler avec elles!",
            "output": [
                "And I am proud to work with them."
            "id": "task1397-03f178eceb82492e96c1b8a4167dc694",
            "input": "Enfin, les sympt\u00f4mes aigus diminuent, mais les probl\u00e8mes musculaires peuvent mettre plus de temps \u00e0 dispara\u00eetre.",
            "output": [
                "Finally, acute symptoms fade, but muscle problems may take a long time to resolve."
            "id": "task1397-6201108e68fe42bbaa2ef485fd6558e7",
            "input": "Environ 20 \u00e0 30\u00a0% des IASS pourraient \u00eatre \u00e9vit\u00e9s par la mise en place de mesures d\u2019hygi\u00e8ne strictes et de programmes de contr\u00f4le.",
            "output": [
                "Approximately 20\u201330% of HCAI are considered to be preventable by intensive hygiene and control programmes."
            "id": "task1397-a99e9833cf3a4fc3bcbd77f6b4f1455c",
            "input": "Ce moustique Culex quinquefasciatus, vecteur du virus du Nil occidental, s'est pos\u00e9 sur le doigt d'une personne (CDC/James Gathany)",
            "output": [
                "Known as a vector for the West Nile virus, this Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito has landed on a human finger (CDC/James Gathany)"
            "id": "task1397-79f63f411b03462aa37700b3994c9740",
            "input": "Soutenir le d\u00e9veloppement des capacit\u00e9s de communication des \u00c9tats membres.",
            "output": [
                "Support the development of Member States communication capacities."
            "id": "task1397-166366771bd94f128afa37048431d5f0",
            "input": "TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 DE A \u00c0 ZEN SAVOIR PLUS SUR CE SITE",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-bc151a2faf4d4f94ac5fea0d186506b5",
            "input": "disponibilit\u00e9 des \u00e9quipements comme la visioconf\u00e9rence, la t\u00e9l\u00e9conf\u00e9rence, etc.;",
            "output": [
                "availability of systems equipment, e.g. videoconference, teleconference, etc ;"
            "id": "task1397-97fb12fb876040b584ae1b4c6241c414",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s une courte p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation de moins de cinq jours, les sympt\u00f4mes types peuvent appara\u00eetre: vomissements et diarrh\u00e9e aqueuse.",
            "output": [
                "After a short incubation period of less than five days, the typical symptoms might develop, characterised by vomiting and watery diarrhoea."
            "id": "task1397-ba38b81a240f4e38896ea5557a9eb08c",
            "input": "Pour en savoir sur le \u00ab syndrome pieds-mains-bouche \u00bb, reportez-vous \u00e0 la section Donn\u00e9es essentielles.",
            "output": [
                "Read more about \"  Hand foot and mouth disease \" in the basic facts section."
            "id": "task1397-8705e1529402467391da7e6f31265f36",
            "input": "Commission europ\u00e9enne",
            "output": [
                "European Commission"
            "id": "task1397-f775904975784ebf93b6ea99d5c1997d",
            "input": "m\u00e9thodes descriptives et introduction \u00e0 la mod\u00e9lisation et aux pr\u00e9visions;",
            "output": [
                "descriptive methods and introduction to modelling and forecasting;"
            "id": "task1397-7d965375ee61442fa3433181b9b06a2e",
            "input": "La fi\u00e8vre r\u00e9currente \u00e0 tiques (FRT) est due \u00e0 plusieurs esp\u00e8ces de bact\u00e9ries en forme de spirale (spiroch\u00e8tes) qui sont transmises \u00e0 l\u2019homme par la piq\u00fbre de tiques molles infect\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "Tick-borne relapsing fever (TBRF) is a disease caused by several species of spiral-shaped bacteria (spirochaetes) that are transmitted to humans through the bite of infected soft ticks."
            "id": "task1397-be83adfc8a1743719bcebfd6c109c2e1",
            "input": "Le soutien des r\u00e9seaux",
            "output": [
                "Support from networks"
            "id": "task1397-63d614e520b74b6a97b83c07b17d6606",
            "input": "Les virus influenza appartiennent \u00e0 une grande famille de virus dont certains infectent l'homme tandis que beaucoup d\u2019autres infectent les animaux, et notamment les oiseaux.",
            "output": [
                "Influenza is a large family of different viruses, some of which affect humans and many of which affect other animals and especially birds."
            "id": "task1397-67bdc653f73f4600807aab62e511a170",
            "input": "Adresse \u00e9lectronique :",
            "output": [
                "Email :"
            "id": "task1397-d91c8c41aa00463c9d40ed50bf0f1c97",
            "input": "Le virus a \u00e9t\u00e9 isol\u00e9 en 1994 dans le sang d\u2019un boucher atteint d'une maladie grave \u00e0 Jeddah.",
            "output": [
                "The virus was isolated in 1994 from the blood of a butcher with a severe illness in Jeddah."
            "id": "task1397-2ba06f244f074e02889ab8695fc0d4ef",
            "input": "La p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation est comprise entre 12 et 48 heures.",
            "output": [
                "The incubation period ranges between 12 and 48 hours."
            "id": "task1397-32e7719cfae2425299cf475b18ab60d7",
            "input": "Il n\u2019y a pas de probl\u00e8me, il n'y a que des solutions.",
            "output": [
                "There are no problems - only solutions."
            "id": "task1397-c9ae269ce1ce46699da7d74907bf7eca",
            "input": "Fi\u00e8vre du Nil occidental",
            "output": [
                "West Nile fever"
            "id": "task1397-6e7ac7b9d8774746a97fc238392b4c65",
            "input": "La pr\u00e9vention doit avoir pour principal objectif d\u2019\u00e9viter la production et l\u2019inhalation des poussi\u00e8res contamin\u00e9es et la consommation d\u2019aliments potentiellement contamin\u00e9s (par ex., lait non pasteuris\u00e9).",
            "output": [
                "The mainstays of prevention aim at avoiding the production and inhalation of contaminated dust and the consumption of potentially contaminated food (e.g. un-pasteurised milk)."
            "id": "task1397-a10ae8eb1264470c998659ac112ad2fb",
            "input": "Les prions sont stables et relativement r\u00e9sistants aux prot\u00e9ases, aux temp\u00e9ratures \u00e9lev\u00e9es, aux rayons UV et aux d\u00e9sinfectants courants.",
            "output": [
                "Prions are stable and relatively resistant to proteases, high temperatures, UV radiation, and commonly used disinfectants."
            "id": "task1397-cfec917a369947a7bbe4e3e488a3fff8",
            "input": "En Extr\u00eame-Orient o\u00f9 A/H5N1 est fr\u00e9quente (Vi\u00eatnam, Cambodge, Tha\u00eflande et Indon\u00e9sie), plus d\u2019une centaine de personnes ont \u00e9t\u00e9 gravement malades apr\u00e8s avoir \u00e9t\u00e9 infect\u00e9es par ce virus.",
            "output": [
                "In the Far East where A/H5N1 is common in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Indonesia over one hundred people have become severely ill when infected with this virus."
            "id": "task1397-8e6dd475ff424e64857cd24a197bdcb2",
            "input": "- la salle d\u2019op\u00e9rations constitue le c\u0153ur du CIU et accueille le groupe de direction et les coordinateurs des groupes op\u00e9rationnels en cas de menace sanitaire.",
            "output": [
                "- An\u00a0 Operations Room is the hearth of the EOC and upon an PHE hosts the EOC Management Group and the coordinators of the Operational Groups."
            "id": "task1397-a9e4306a93614397b3cd806153d97392",
            "input": "Parmi les mesures prophylactiques, on peut citer le nettoyage r\u00e9gulier et l\u2019entretien ad\u00e9quat des syst\u00e8mes hydrauliques.",
            "output": [
                "Prophylactic measures include regular cleaning and adequate maintenance of the particular water systems."
            "id": "task1397-71ce86e8ba3f4b81933a336d05e31680",
            "input": "Publications scientifiques",
            "output": [
                "Scientific publications"
            "id": "task1397-c07498b4040a4e0ba4d1a895203aedc2",
            "input": "fournir des conseils, et \u00e9ventuellement une assistance aux \u00c9tats membres tout en conservant le caract\u00e8re confidentiel de certaines informations relevant du domaine de la s\u00e9curit\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "need for advice, guidance and possibly assistance, and need to deal with sensitive information within the security sector."
            "id": "task1397-491e46e8612f4a10ab5d2c62161a86b8",
            "input": "Depuis 2003, une s\u00e9rie de foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques a \u00e9t\u00e9 signal\u00e9e dans les grandes villes europ\u00e9ennes parmi les hommes ayant des rapports homosexuels.",
            "output": [
                "Since 2003 a series of outbreaks have been reported in large European cities among men who have sex with men."
            "id": "task1397-932154ccbc7d4782a8609ebd8ab281d2",
            "input": "- \u00e9tablit, en coop\u00e9ration avec les \u00c9tats membres, des proc\u00e9dures de surveillance afin de rechercher, de collecter, de rassembler et d'analyser syst\u00e9matiquement les informations et les donn\u00e9es en vue d'identifier les menaces \u00e9mergentes pour la sant\u00e9 susceptibles d'avoir des incidences sur la sant\u00e9 mentale et physique et qui pourraient affecter la Communaut\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "- Establish, in cooperation with the Member States, procedures for systematically searching for, collecting, collating and analysing information and data with a view to the identification of emerging health threats which may have mental as well as physical health consequences and which could affect the Community."
            "id": "task1397-8bd9103451424c68bb5a5639565d3f0d",
            "input": "Th\u00e8mes de sant\u00e9 \u00e0 la une",
            "output": [
                "Health topics in spotlight"
            "id": "task1397-9c6cf23c656e42069318c7cadc174874",
            "input": "Agent contractuel",
            "output": [
                "Contract agent"
            "id": "task1397-a5a66ec919c44f8eac354811aa33603e",
            "input": "Du fait des changements climatiques mondiaux, il existe une probabilit\u00e9 pour que la malaria r\u00e9apparaisse dans des pays o\u00f9 elle a \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9radiqu\u00e9e, mais cette probabilit\u00e9 est relativement faible.",
            "output": [
                "With global climate change, the potential for the reappearance of malaria in countries where it was previously eradicated exists but is relatively small."
            "id": "task1397-ad1af99ff9fe49fdab902543ddcaaa5c",
            "input": "Ces \u00e9l\u00e9ments montrent qu\u2019un large \u00e9ventail d\u2019esp\u00e8ces animales peut servir de r\u00e9servoir \u00e0 ce pathog\u00e8ne.",
            "output": [
                "These findings indicate that the reservoir for this pathogen may include a wide range of animal species."
            "id": "task1397-f69d6e1787964a94990d1543eb2b57d7",
            "input": "Les nourrissons et les enfants pr\u00e9sentent un risque accru d\u2019infection.",
            "output": [
                "Infants and children are at a particularly increased risk of infection."
            "id": "task1397-e0859c32c6c249bca5047b510ebbd99d",
            "input": "L\u2019\u00e9ruption commence au niveau de la partie sup\u00e9rieure du tronc, des aisselles et du cou, puis s'\u00e9tend. En g\u00e9n\u00e9ral, elle n'atteint pas la paume des mains, la plante des pieds, ni le visage, m\u00eame si les joues du patient semblent rougies.",
            "output": [
                "The rash starts on the upper trunk, armpit and neck and spreads but does not usually involve the palms of the hands, soles of the feet or face, although the patient\u2019s cheeks will look flushed."
            "id": "task1397-bdeb40d4338c4c8ebfdaa920e73ec393",
            "input": "- toutes les d\u00e9cisions strat\u00e9giques doivent \u00eatre prises en accord avec le directeur du CEPCM;",
            "output": [
                "- All strategic decisions should be taken under the oversight of the ECDC Director;"
            "id": "task1397-70c391b4551e485aa8a8586870c2a2e7",
            "input": "D\u00e9claration d'int\u00e9r\u00eat",
            "output": [
                "Declaration of interest"
            "id": "task1397-806332f25d7b49839ec4d63693fd7965",
            "input": "Dans ce sens, l\u2019\u00e9ducation sanitaire vise \u00e0 influencer de mani\u00e8re positive les connaissances, les attitudes et les comportements d\u2019une personne vis-\u00e0-vis de sa sant\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "In this sense, health education aims to influence a person\u2019s knowledge, attitudes and behaviours connected to health in a positive way."
            "id": "task1397-0a16a1a43aeb41a39fb7164325c891af",
            "input": "Les changements peuvent \u00eatre soudains et inattendus, mais ils peuvent \u00e9galement \u00eatre lents et progressifs, et donc pr\u00e9senter des probl\u00e8mes consid\u00e9rables pour la sant\u00e9 publique.",
            "output": [
                "Change can be abrupt and unexpected but they can also be protracted and gradual and thus pose considerable challenges to public health."
            "id": "task1397-b400afe74a88463b939578fcc39f80ff",
            "input": "Fi\u00e8vre r\u00e9currente \u00e0 tiques",
            "output": [
                "Tick-borne relapsing fever"
            "id": "task1397-cee49e86088243f4bdffd5b6a39b284e",
            "input": "Pour obtenir des informations sur les \u00e9v\u00e9nements signal\u00e9s par le SAPR, il convient de s\u2019adresser aux points focaux du SAPR pr\u00e9sents dans les \u00c9tats membres.",
            "output": [
                "Refer to the EWRS focal points in the Member States for events reported through EWRS."
            "id": "task1397-6ff093925b994b0f91eaccb3694d4828",
            "input": "En r\u00e8gle g\u00e9n\u00e9rale, l\u2019ECDC ne traite des donn\u00e9es \u00e0 caract\u00e8re personnel que dans le cadre de l\u2019ex\u00e9cution de missions effectu\u00e9es dans l'int\u00e9r\u00eat public sur la base des trait\u00e9s instituant les Communaut\u00e9s europ\u00e9ennes, de la l\u00e9gislation correspondante ou relevant de l'exercice l\u00e9gitime de l\u2019autorit\u00e9 publique dont est investi le Centre ou le tiers auquel les donn\u00e9es sont communiqu\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "As a general principle, ECDC only processes personal data for the performance of tasks carried out in the public interest on the basis of the Treaties establishing the European Communities, on the basis of the relevant legislation or in the legitimate exercise of official authority vested in the Centre or in a third party to whom the data are disclosed."
            "id": "task1397-750eac6fc5b44ea2a6d3b62d1a920fd3",
            "input": "Le CEPCM souhaite offrir son soutien au PFET et aux autres initiatives des \u00c9tats membres visant \u00e0 d\u00e9velopper ce type de programme.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC aims to offer support to existing FETP and to initiatives from MS to develop such programmes."
            "id": "task1397-b7527fa4c9ca4f4081992bcd05554f86",
            "input": "Le Giardia lamblia (Giardia intestinalis et Giardia duodenalis sont des synonymes) est un parasite produisant des kystes, qui colonise l\u2019intestin de l\u2019homme et des animaux.",
            "output": [
                "Giardia lamblia (Giardia intestinalis and Giardia duodenalis are synonyms) is a cyst-producing parasite, able to settle in the human and animal bowel."
            "id": "task1397-041b15fd1f9c48dd967be75df106a65e",
            "input": "De m\u00eame, une maladie infectieuse contract\u00e9e au cours d\u2019un voyage peut \u00eatre ramen\u00e9e dans le pays d\u2019origine et constituer une menace pour la sant\u00e9 publique de ce pays et d\u2019autres pays.",
            "output": [
                "Likewise, through return travel, infectious diseases may be carried homewards and present a public health threat to other countries worldwide."
            "id": "task1397-37e8b72ff84548d98dcfd600fd4d7d98",
            "input": "- Niveau de la formation:",
            "output": [
                "- Level:"
            "id": "task1397-3fe75f48a0b44ac2aecfa426a24d7f14",
            "input": "L\u2019ECDC est un organisme de l\u2019Union europ\u00e9enne (UE) qui est financ\u00e9 par le budget de l\u2019UE.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC is a member of the European Union (EU) family, and receives funding from the EU budget."
            "id": "task1397-b305dcd7783542deb523bba5181d5505",
            "input": "Pendant la m\u00eame p\u00e9riode, un foyer limit\u00e9 a \u00e9t\u00e9 identifi\u00e9 dans une zone g\u00e9ographique sp\u00e9cifique de la R\u00e9publique slovaque.",
            "output": [
                "During the same period a limited outbreak was identified among a specific geographical area in Slovak Republic."
            "id": "task1397-b75e46d947f54d7fb9441f2be283825d",
            "input": "Ces personnes peuvent \u00e0 tout moment consulter le d\u00e9l\u00e9gu\u00e9 \u00e0 la protection des donn\u00e9es de l\u2019ECDC (dpo.ecdc@ecdc.europa.eu) ou saisir le contr\u00f4leur europ\u00e9en de la protection des donn\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "Data subjects may at any time consult ECDC's Data Protection Officer (dpo.ecdc@ecdc.europa.eu) or have recourse to the European Data Protection Supervisor."
            "id": "task1397-07c367790a62485e9a09268ff1dbf496",
            "input": "171 83 Stockholm",
            "output": [
                "171 83 Stockholm"
            "id": "task1397-94112db620924ea1b87471147370e96d",
            "input": "Changement climatique et maladies transmissibles",
            "output": [
                "Climate change and communicable diseases"
            "id": "task1397-5d86da11fb174bf885079deb61896309",
            "input": "Num\u00e9ro de t\u00e9l\u00e9phone:",
            "output": [
                "Phone number:"
            "id": "task1397-5d42306ba6884c5a9ea07463cb79303e",
            "input": "C\u2019est pourquoi le CEPCM a \u00e9tabli des contacts et une collaboration avec plusieurs institutions et organisations:",
            "output": [
                "The ECDC has therefore established contacts and collaborations with several institutions and organizations:"
            "id": "task1397-ce3b68ce6d3141be8d4647f44923d3a1",
            "input": "http://www.eea.europa.eu",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-3a5888ee46b647f3838b7246c0821b12",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s une p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation de 10 \u00e0 90 jours (trois semaines en moyenne), les manifestations cliniques apparaissent:",
            "output": [
                "After an incubation period of 10 to 90 days (three weeks on average) clinical symptoms appear:"
            "id": "task1397-e22629c1970645ffbe5b1848642c4ce6",
            "input": "La grippe pand\u00e9mique 2009",
            "output": [
                "The 2009 pandemic influenza"
            "id": "task1397-9b46d1cb71274281837f4cc84d1aa23f",
            "input": "Infections nosocomiales",
            "output": [
                "Healthcare-associated infections (HAI)"
            "id": "task1397-fef87fb5ca5d4726a0471beddb591936",
            "input": "Tous les sites officiels des institutions de l\u2019UE doivent \u00eatre conformes aux recommandations internationales sur l\u2019accessibilit\u00e9 du contenu des sites web, de mani\u00e8re \u00e0 pouvoir \u00eatre consult\u00e9s et compris par le plus grand nombre, sans discrimination aucune.",
            "output": [
                "All the official websites of the EU institutions should follow international guidelines for accessible web content, so they can be accessed and understood by as many people as possible without discrimination."
            "id": "task1397-0d1a3bc91ffa48f5be5fa215f32179c2",
            "input": "L\u2019infection se transmet plus rarement par l\u2019inhalation d\u2019a\u00e9rosols infectieux.",
            "output": [
                "On rare occasions infection could also occur through inhalation of infective aerosols."
            "id": "task1397-bf209766f84b49ec8afdf4e4c5d3596d",
            "input": "Chez le porc, la grippe  est une infection virale aigu\u00eb des voies respiratoires provoqu\u00e9e par le virus influenza de type A.",
            "output": [
                "Influenza in swine is an acute viral infection of the respiratory tract in pigs, caused by type A influenza virus."
            "id": "task1397-45e6e7a203e5419e990a8abe5254ba3c",
            "input": "La transmission \u00e0 l\u2019homme s\u2019effectue principalement par les piq\u00fbres de moustiques, bien que des infections par greffe d\u2019organe et transfusion sanguine aient d\u00e9j\u00e0 \u00e9t\u00e9 signal\u00e9es, de m\u00eame que la contamination transplacentaire.",
            "output": [
                "Humans are mainly infected through mosquito bites, although infection through organ transplantation and blood transfusion has been documented, as has trans-placental transmission."
            "id": "task1397-408b62c970d546aebc16264c73775f00",
            "input": "Communication de crise",
            "output": [
                "Crisis communication"
            "id": "task1397-a9a9a820896746408119bebbbe32ac09",
            "input": "concepts fondamentaux de l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie, principes de surveillance, enqu\u00eates sur les foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques et m\u00e9thodes analytiques d\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie.",
            "output": [
                "basic epidemiology concepts, principles of surveillance, outbreak investigation and analytical epidemiological methods."
            "id": "task1397-f84e9ebe286f4a39a183e5d08301ce0c",
            "input": "\u2026 une maladie due \u00e0 une infection de la gorge provoqu\u00e9e par une bact\u00e9rie sp\u00e9cifique.",
            "output": [
                "\u2026a disease, also known as \u201cscarlatina\u201d, that is caused by infection of the throat with a particular bacteria."
            "id": "task1397-ee204ad209ab441884353f3b50673344",
            "input": "MEMBRES EPIET recrut\u00c9S PAR LE cepcm",
            "output": [
                "EPIET Fellows recruited by ECDC"
            "id": "task1397-8d5ba7067cb9409f977f837da5bb48ca",
            "input": "Rapports de mission",
            "output": [
                "Mission Reports"
            "id": "task1397-270abd49d4ee4a5594e50c56b734731d",
            "input": "Elles se nourrissent du sang des animaux et, parfois, de celui de l\u2019homme.",
            "output": [
                "They live by sucking blood from animals and occasionally bite humans."
            "id": "task1397-5c1ae26510e642a3aaa653b2bb7f04ee",
            "input": "Afin de renforcer les forces de travail de l\u2019UE en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9 publique, nous souhaitons plus pr\u00e9cis\u00e9ment:",
            "output": [
                "More specifically, in order to strengthen EU public health work force we aim to:"
            "id": "task1397-91080f83a0644bc9b5a2c1aee12bc220",
            "input": "En juin 2002, la r\u00e9gion europ\u00e9enne de l\u2019OMS a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9clar\u00e9e exempte de polio.",
            "output": [
                "In June 2002, the WHO European region was declared polio free."
            "id": "task1397-d0e8932840974673a85ce527a710d630",
            "input": "Gr\u00e2ce au syst\u00e8me de veille qui fonctionne 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7, les experts du CEPCM sont disponibles en permanence pour apporter leur soutien aux \u00c9tats membres.",
            "output": [
                "The 24h/7d duty system ensures the permanent availability of ECDC experts to provide support to the Member States."
            "id": "task1397-56b0f88ae7f042d4b56ebaa8d9d467e2",
            "input": "Les missions de visite de structures locales sont ax\u00e9es sur les th\u00e8mes suivants:",
            "output": [
                "The missions to visit local structures are based on the following areas:"
            "id": "task1397-ec274d6d11354751b55583c28659bd61",
            "input": "- les m\u00e9canismes d\u2019alerte et leur mode d\u2019activation",
            "output": [
                "- The mechanisms for alert and activation"
            "id": "task1397-7ac153510dca46c48bfa30667d118a77",
            "input": "TH\u00c8MES ASSOCI\u00c9SEN SAVOIR PLUS SUR CE SITEEUROSURVEILLANCETH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 DE A \u00c0 ZTH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9S",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-518f5da9dd7845fca5edea672c187621",
            "input": "C\u2019est avec la Direction g\u00e9n\u00e9rale de la sant\u00e9 et des consommateurs (DG SANCO), notamment la Direction C (Sant\u00e9 publique et \u00e9valuation des risques) et son unit\u00e9 Menaces pour la sant\u00e9 (C3), mais \u00e9galement la Direction E (S\u00e9curit\u00e9 de la",
            "output": [
                "The closest links are to the Directorate General of Public Health and Consumer Affairs (DG SANCO), in particular the Directorate C (Public Health and Risk Assessment) and its Health Threat Unit (C3), but on the issue of zoonoses also with Directorate E (Food safety:"
            "id": "task1397-a4b28c2466844b3f869331710a21d8fa",
            "input": "Giardiase",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-226b1337db4240baa2c79aaba98603a1",
            "input": "Il est apparent\u00e9 \u00e0 d\u2019autres flavivirus pathog\u00e8nes transmis par des vecteurs, notamment les virus de la dengue, de la fi\u00e8vre du Nil occidental et de l\u2019enc\u00e9phalite japonaise, mais il provoque une maladie relativement b\u00e9gnine chez l\u2019homme.",
            "output": [
                "It is related to other pathogenic vector borne flaviviruses including dengue, West-Nile and Japanese encephalitis viruses but produces a comparatively mild disease in humans."
            "id": "task1397-8956e772079545748e306e858c489826",
            "input": "La maladie est due au virus de la FVR que l\u2019on trouve g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement dans les r\u00e9gions d\u2019Afrique de l\u2019Est et du Sud, mais qui est \u00e9galement pr\u00e9sent dans la plupart des pays d\u2019Afrique subsaharienne, \u00e0 Madagascar, en Arabie saoudite et au Y\u00e9men.",
            "output": [
                "The disease is caused by the RVF virus, generally found in regions of eastern and southern Africa, but also in most countries of sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar, Saudi Arabia and Yemen."
            "id": "task1397-a2ec56c288134e0c988b2f5bc2219a17",
            "input": "Le vaccin, tr\u00e8s efficace, permet d\u2019immuniser 95\u00a0% des personnes vaccin\u00e9es\u00a0; il doit \u00eatre recommand\u00e9 aux touristes voyageant dans les zones end\u00e9miques.",
            "output": [
                "A highly effective vaccine is available, providing immunity to 95% of vaccinated persons that should be recommended to travellers to endemic areas."
            "id": "task1397-9a1b75c6928544b69612d7ebf0318a9a",
            "input": "Fi\u00e8vres h\u00e9morragiques Ebola et Marburg",
            "output": [
                "Ebola and Marburg haemorrhagic fevers"
            "id": "task1397-937728d276d74252aace4cc3c9aa1c35",
            "input": "L\u2019h\u00e9patite B est transmise par contact (rupture de la barri\u00e8re cutan\u00e9e ou contact muqueux) avec le sang ou les autres s\u00e9cr\u00e9tions corporelles (s\u00e9rum, sperme, salive) de patients infect\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "Hepatitis B is transmitted via contact (broken skin or mucosal contact) with blood or other body fluids (serum, semen, saliva) from infected patients."
            "id": "task1397-1943ef53c66b476c81e446fab029e4e4",
            "input": "Domaine",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-a8b46650b3304774b16503463df5e733",
            "input": "C\u2019est pourquoi le rapport n\u2019est pas distribu\u00e9 au public mais r\u00e9serv\u00e9 \u00e0 des utilisateurs autoris\u00e9s (lien de droite).",
            "output": [
                "Therefore, the CDTR is not intended for public release but restricted to authorised users (link to the right)."
            "id": "task1397-05ef40f6836f41c28b85cd5f817ffde1",
            "input": "La fi\u00e8vre de la vall\u00e9e du Rift (FVR) est une maladie virale aigu\u00eb qui touche les animaux domestiques (tels que le b\u00e9tail, le buffle, le mouton, la ch\u00e8vre et le chameau).",
            "output": [
                "Rift Valley fever (RVF) is an acute viral disease that affects domestic animals (such as cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, and camels)."
            "id": "task1397-6c40edccd83a4670850c8cf9bac49c3d",
            "input": "La recherche sur les micro-organismes pathog\u00e8nes est indispensable pour pouvoir enrayer les cons\u00e9quences \u00e9ventuelles des \u00e9pid\u00e9mies de maladies infectieuses, qu'elles soient naturelles ou dues \u00e0 un acte malveillant/accident.",
            "output": [
                "Research on pathogenic micro-organisms is vital to counteract the possible consequences of infectious disease outbreaks, whether natural or caused by malicious/accidental release."
            "id": "task1397-a79429b0c11949048959885a53607bc7",
            "input": "Il se compose de repr\u00e9sentants de haut rang d\u2019instituts et d\u2019agences nationaux de sant\u00e9 publique d\u00e9sign\u00e9s par les \u00c9tats membres en fonction de leurs comp\u00e9tences scientifiques ainsi que d\u2019un fonctionnaire de la Commission europ\u00e9enne comp\u00e9tent dans le domaine de la sant\u00e9 publique.",
            "output": [
                "It is composed of senior representatives of national public health institutes and agencies, nominated by the Member States on the basis of their scientific competence, and a public health official from the European Commission."
            "id": "task1397-4b1fac57210b40a2a6ba6d7c97c7806a",
            "input": "Plusieurs cas sporadiques ont \u00e9galement \u00e9t\u00e9 signal\u00e9s dans les pays europ\u00e9ens.",
            "output": [
                "Several sporadic cases have also been reported from European countries."
            "id": "task1397-3fd12b66e6d94e85aa9291eb20e4dee6",
            "input": "Souvent, la sensibilisation aux questions de sant\u00e9 s'appuie sur les m\u00e9dias et les moyens multim\u00e9dias, le lobbying politique direct et la mobilisation des groupes sociaux.",
            "output": [
                "Often, health advocacy is carried out using mass and multi-media, direct political lobbying and community mobilization."
            "id": "task1397-ab5a15d5d61640abb4a2f7766a3ceb19",
            "input": "Salmonellose (non-typhi, non-paratyphi)",
            "output": [
                "Salmonellosis (non-typhi, non-paratyphi)"
            "id": "task1397-8a5f5ce85e394e25a6d62065bd62eacb",
            "input": "(suivre le lien vers les institutions des \u00c9tats membres consid\u00e9r\u00e9es comme organes comp\u00e9tents)",
            "output": [
                "(see link to institutions in the MS that are CB)"
            "id": "task1397-108b1c9ca82e46afbc472081988671c3",
            "input": "L\u2019ECDC s\u2019est engag\u00e9 \u00e0 tout mettre en \u0153uvre pour que son site respecte les normes  du  W3C sur l'accessibilit\u00e9 du web .",
            "output": [
                "ECDC has committed to making every reasonable effort to ensure that this website meets  W3C's Web Accessibility  standards."
            "id": "task1397-3f74606f53c44d85a6a4661702dd683a",
            "input": "Bab\u00e9siose",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-301a0414accf44f48e30800d296597af",
            "input": "Les souches influenza A sont les plus dangereuses pour l\u2019homme.",
            "output": [
                "The most significant impacts of influenza viruses on humans are those arising from the influenza A strains."
            "id": "task1397-a38e009b43e64d5e9d0227d104b1bd2f",
            "input": "Probl\u00e9matiques sanitaires par ordre alphab\u00e9tique",
            "output": [
                "Health topics by alphabetical order"
            "id": "task1397-75c16f0cd82d472ba165b9b74e457069",
            "input": "Infection au papillomavirus humain (HPV)",
            "output": [
                "Human papillomavirus infection (HPV infection)"
            "id": "task1397-6f382ffa7e864850b1ecb392af74639f",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-63e798d25fef4592883d443551a1dbaf",
            "input": "La maladie est end\u00e9mique dans plusieurs r\u00e9gions du monde, notamment l\u2019Europe du Sud et de l\u2019Est. L\u2019homme peut contracter l\u2019infection apr\u00e8s une exposition aux spores\u00a0; les sympt\u00f4mes apparaissent apr\u00e8s un \u00e0 sept jours d\u2019incubation (et jusqu\u2019\u00e0 60 jours).",
            "output": [
                "The disease is endemic in several regions of the world, including southern and eastern Europe. Humans may acquire the infection after exposure to spores, and symptoms appear one to seven days (up to 60 days) later."
            "id": "task1397-63f548ce83ff406798312375e17b92d5",
            "input": "Jusqu\u2019\u00e0 80\u00a0% des infections peuvent rester asymptomatiques.",
            "output": [
                "Up to 80% of infections may be without symptoms."
            "id": "task1397-745ebe774acc4b98a7b3d32ba4b02cfa",
            "input": "Le  Giardia lamblia (  Giardia intestinalis  et  Giardia duodenalis  sont des synonymes) est un parasite produisant des kystes, qui colonise l\u2019intestin de l\u2019homme et des animaux.",
            "output": [
                "Giardia lamblia (  Giardia intestinalis  and  Giardia duodenalis  are synonyms) is a cyst-producing parasite, able to settle in the human and animal bowel."
            "id": "task1397-15607df7ed3340d2928c41862fccf99e",
            "input": "Qu'il s'agisse de vues d\u2019ensemble sur les bonnes pratiques ou du \u00abplan d\u2019action-cadre pour la lutte contre la tuberculose dans l'UE\u00bb, les rapports sp\u00e9ciaux de l\u2019ECDC englobent une large gamme de sujets pr\u00e9sentant un int\u00e9r\u00eat pour les professionnels de la sant\u00e9 et les responsables politiques.",
            "output": [
                "From overviews on good practices to the \u2018Framework Action Plan to Fight Tuberculosis in the EU\u2019 ECDC\u2019s Special reports cover a wide range of subjects of interest to health professionals and policymakers."
            "id": "task1397-3fe80ccdd3b84c8590a5cc131fc9f2c0",
            "input": "Elle a \u00e9t\u00e9 identifi\u00e9e pour la premi\u00e8re fois en mars 1996 au Royaume-Uni, lorsque 10\u00a0cas d\u2019une nouvelle maladie associ\u00e9e \u00e0 des sympt\u00f4mes neurologiques ont \u00e9t\u00e9 signal\u00e9s et rapidement associ\u00e9s \u00e0 l\u2019enc\u00e9phalopathie spongiforme bovine (ESB), ou maladie de la \u00abvache folle\u00bb.",
            "output": [
                "It was first identified in March 1996 in the UK, when 10 cases of a new disease with neurological symptoms were reported and soon associated with the Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), \u201cmad cow\u201d-disease."
            "id": "task1397-49511255bd84481ea741569b69f19284",
            "input": "Tuberculose r\u00e9sistante aux m\u00e9dicaments",
            "output": [
                "Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (XDR-TB)"
            "id": "task1397-227d3ca540924111b2e518b2ce190d34",
            "input": "Grippe pand\u00e9mique 2009 A (H1N1)",
            "output": [
                "2009 influenza A (H1N1) pandemic"
            "id": "task1397-2c657d4c0d794730b5b55723bab26ec5",
            "input": "En int\u00e9grant et en synth\u00e9tisant ces ensembles de donn\u00e9es, les syst\u00e8mes de surveillance des maladies seront alors en mesure de prendre en compte et d\u2019analyser les facteurs environnementaux \u00e0 l\u2019origine des pand\u00e9mies de maladie, pr\u00e9parant ainsi la sant\u00e9 publique \u00e0 affronter les d\u00e9fis de notre temps.",
            "output": [
                "Through integrating and synthesizing these data sets, disease surveillance systems would be able to incorporate and analyse environmental precursors to disease pandemics, thus preparing public health to meet the challenges of our time."
            "id": "task1397-c48159b23bb346f284fcad265a552fcb",
            "input": "Des cas d\u2019ICD dus \u00e0 cette nouvelle souche tr\u00e8s virulente de  C. difficile  (le PCR-ribotype 27) ont \u00e9t\u00e9 signal\u00e9s en Belgique, en Allemagne, en Finlande, en France, en Irlande, au Luxembourg, aux Pays-Bas, en Suisse et au R-U (Angleterre, Pays de Galles et Irlande du Nord).",
            "output": [
                "Cases of CDI due to the new, highly virulent strain of  C. difficile  PCR ribotype 027 have been reported in Belgium, Germany, Finland, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)."
            "id": "task1397-2d99e3c866df40718bb4d0453f0d058d",
            "input": "Ces vaccins sont en outre efficaces sur les types de bact\u00e9ries qui sont associ\u00e9es \u00e0 la r\u00e9sistance antimicrobienne.",
            "output": [
                "These vaccines cover the types of the bacteria commonly seen in childhood invasive disease and also those associated with antimicrobial resistance."
            "id": "task1397-b061908137e24b05b9b029c36c0fc52e",
            "input": "- la direction des op\u00e9rations et la coordination est assur\u00e9e par un seul gestionnaire de menace sanitaire;",
            "output": [
                "- A PHE manager concentrates technical leadership and team coordination;"
            "id": "task1397-01b1c5cdab6c4e5ebe973affd17d758b",
            "input": "D\u00e9claration d\u2019int\u00e9r\u00eat annuelle du directeur, Marc Sprenger",
            "output": [
                "Annual declaration of interest of Director, Marc Sprenger"
            "id": "task1397-93ae9673123c4916b8535efb9ab1e452",
            "input": "Certaines t\u00e2ches et responsabilit\u00e9s du Bureau r\u00e9gional de l\u2019Europe de l\u2019OMS (OMS/EURO) rejoignent celles de l\u2019ECDC.",
            "output": [
                "The WHO Regional Office for Europe (WHO/EURO), in particular, has tasks and responsibilities that interlink with those of ECDC."
            "id": "task1397-a2ed617854a346ceab8a449fe0f93e59",
            "input": "Documents d'orientation",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-7bc51db6576c4a7e9cd34346b44281e2",
            "input": "description succincte de l\u2019\u00e9quipe de crise du CEPCM, formation, profil et t\u00e2ches des membres de l\u2019\u00e9quipe.",
            "output": [
                "a basic description of ECDC crisis team: training, profile and tasks of team members."
            "id": "task1397-ba3612e917324e4ba4f09847feccace6",
            "input": "Nous souhaitons que nos partenaires, ainsi que le grand public, aient confiance en l\u2019ind\u00e9pendance et en l\u2019excellence de l\u2019ECDC.",
            "output": [
                "We want our partners, and the general public, to be confident in ECDC\u2019s independence and excellence."
            "id": "task1397-71d199c96ad34465901ef137463b27eb",
            "input": "On observe alors une forte fi\u00e8vre accompagn\u00e9e de sympt\u00f4mes g\u00e9n\u00e9raux et, souvent, de diarrh\u00e9e.",
            "output": [
                "A high fever then appears accompanied by general symptoms and, often, by diarrhoea."
            "id": "task1397-1c839afd5c8340fa85447c62730a9a19",
            "input": "La shigellose est due \u00e0 la bact\u00e9rie Shigella, l\u2019homme \u00e9tant le principal r\u00e9servoir.",
            "output": [
                "Shigellosis is caused by Shigella bacteria, with humans as the main reservoir."
            "id": "task1397-2df3f7211af841d9adc7f71353ebcf5e",
            "input": "La fi\u00e8vre Q est une zoonose courante (infection transmissible de l\u2019animal \u00e0 l\u2019homme), due \u00e0 la bact\u00e9rie Coxiella burnetii.",
            "output": [
                "Q fever is a common zoonosis (infection that could transmit from animals to humans), caused by Coxiella burnetii."
            "id": "task1397-a7716d8e50434a31a2cbfb79f1124626",
            "input": "Pour minimiser le risque d\u2019apparition de foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques de maladies transmissibles, le CEPCM offre son appui aux \u00c9tats membres en les aidant \u00e0 pr\u00e9parer en avance les rassemblements publics.",
            "output": [
                "In order to minimise the risk for communicable disease outbreaks, ECDC offers support to the Member States in the preparedness activities ahead of mass gathering events."
            "id": "task1397-44b8cf9c410c45d4a2731acb039e03b9",
            "input": "Communiqu\u00e9 de presse relatif \u00e0 sa nomination",
            "output": [
                "Press release of appointment"
            "id": "task1397-0d7e71ee16c84454980d17938c785d59",
            "input": "- Programme de formation \u00e0 la microbiologie de terrain",
            "output": [
                "- Training Programme in Field Microbiology"
            "id": "task1397-370545db176a483286c5c2efc3cdaa89",
            "input": "A, B et C. Les virus influenza A sont les plus dangereux pour l\u2019homme.",
            "output": [
                "A, B and C. The most significant threat to humans arises from the influenza A viruses."
            "id": "task1397-7bb7cafe34ca43739b46bbac82dc8693",
            "input": "Le renseignement \u00e9pid\u00e9mique regroupe plusieurs activit\u00e9s li\u00e9es aux fonctions d\u2019alerte pr\u00e9coce, d\u2019\u00e9valuation des signaux et d\u2019enqu\u00eate sur les foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques.",
            "output": [
                "Epidemic Intelligence encompasses activities related to early warning functions but also signal assessments and outbreak investigation."
            "id": "task1397-e3e8fbf7ad1e42248bccd4b70c025126",
            "input": "Les repr\u00e9sentants peuvent \u00eatre remplac\u00e9s par des suppl\u00e9ants qui sont nomm\u00e9s en m\u00eame temps qu\u2019eux.",
            "output": [
                "Representatives may be replaced by alternates, appointed at the same time."
            "id": "task1397-c4510635ade9468483cdd39a0fd7281f",
            "input": "Le plan Menace sanitaire ainsi que le plan d\u2019op\u00e9ration standard appliqu\u00e9s par le CEPCM doivent \u00eatre interchangeables avec des plans similaires existant dans les \u00c9tats membres et \u00e0 la Commission europ\u00e9enne.",
            "output": [
                "This PHE Plan, as well the SOPs applied in ECDC, has to be interoperable with similar plans in Member States and at European Commission."
            "id": "task1397-fb64ddf88eeb498a832ffd838b0a49ab",
            "input": "Analyseur de flux RSS en PHP:",
            "output": [
                "PHP RSS parser"
            "id": "task1397-18159de3b60e49479adea11dc1bb04dd",
            "input": "La seconde phase touche le syst\u00e8me neurologique et comprend des sympt\u00f4mes de m\u00e9ningite (inflammation de la membrane qui entoure le cerveau et la moelle \u00e9pini\u00e8re) et/ou d\u2019enc\u00e9phalite (inflammation du cerveau).",
            "output": [
                "The second phase involves the neurological system with symptoms of meningitis (inflammation of the membrane that surrounds the brain and spinal cord) and/or encephalitis (inflammation of the brain)."
            "id": "task1397-1e1f67faab9d48889238f9a635ecf331",
            "input": "La leptospirose est une maladie zoonotique (transmise de l\u2019animal \u00e0 l\u2019homme) due \u00e0 la bact\u00e9rie Leptospira.",
            "output": [
                "Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease (transmitted from animals to humans) caused by Leptospira bacteria."
            "id": "task1397-6affaab0882c4c569305ab480d9587d2",
            "input": "TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 DE A \u00c0 ZEN SAVOIR PLUS SUR CE SITETH\u00c8MES ASSOCI\u00c9SEUROSURVEILLANCEMISE \u00c0 JOUR \u00c9PID\u00c9MIOLOGIQUETH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9STH\u00c8MES ASSOCI\u00c9STH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9S",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-0d3acddef6a4466786281795a2546e2b",
            "input": "Cette liste doit servir de r\u00e9f\u00e9rence aux employeurs pour le d\u00e9veloppement de carri\u00e8re de leurs employ\u00e9s et aux formateurs, pour l\u2019\u00e9laboration de leurs cours.",
            "output": [
                "The list is intended as a reference for employers in career development processes and for trainers in curriculum design."
            "id": "task1397-4f5cf9c2d3944b8b93b01ffbd1d829ae",
            "input": "Chronologie de la pand\u00e9mie en Europe",
            "output": [
                "Timeline of the pandemic in Europe"
            "id": "task1397-cce7e9d58c7049cd8e8f23610f50c2bf",
            "input": "Les r\u00e9servoirs naturels du SRAS-CoV n\u2019ont pas \u00e9t\u00e9 identifi\u00e9s, mais plusieurs esp\u00e8ces sauvages (par ex., civettes, furets), consomm\u00e9es comme mets fins dans le sud de la Chine, se sont av\u00e9r\u00e9es infect\u00e9es par un coronavirus apparent\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "The natural reservoirs of SARS-CoV have not been identified, but a number of species of wildlife (e.g. civets, ferrets) consumed as delicacies in southern China have been found to be infected by a related coronavirus."
            "id": "task1397-5de0afcf3ca24e2a8f071d1286c931e1",
            "input": "- Programma di formazione in epidemiologia applicata (PROFEA )",
            "output": [
                "- Programma di formazione in epidemiologia applicata (PROFEA )"
            "id": "task1397-bea655c1b0bf4334bc4452900b5aab47",
            "input": "Mozilla: s\u00e9lectionnez le menu \u00abAffichage\u00bb, cliquez sur \u00abZoom sur le texte\u00bb et choisissez le pourcentage de la taille de la police que vous d\u00e9sirez ou bien s\u00e9lectionnez \u00abPlus grand\u00bb ou \u00abPlus petit\u00bb.",
            "output": [
                "Mozilla - Select View menu, click on Text Zoom, and choose a percentage size or select Larger or Smaller."
            "id": "task1397-0b17d50e15994ea89e858b6d6ec9cfa1",
            "input": "L\u2019impact de l\u2019ICD sur les soins de sant\u00e9 modernes est non n\u00e9gligeable.",
            "output": [
                "The impact of CDI on modern healthcare is significant."
            "id": "task1397-565e417d9ce3495bbbc8c02b9e6bd3b4",
            "input": "Lorsque cela s\u2019av\u00e8re n\u00e9cessaire, le Centre coop\u00e8re avec les instances comp\u00e9tentes des \u00c9tats membres et les autres parties int\u00e9ress\u00e9es pour les campagnes d'information du public.",
            "output": [
                "The Centre shall cooperate as appropriate with the competent bodies in the Member States and other interested parties with regard to public information campaigns."
            "id": "task1397-bcbfe0d4c47e498a8b88fc0fa5a1b3f3",
            "input": "La transmission de la m\u00e8re \u00e0 l\u2019enfant peut entra\u00eener la mort du f\u0153tus, le d\u00e9c\u00e8s p\u00e9rinatal ou une syphilis cong\u00e9nitale.",
            "output": [
                "Mother-to-child transmission might result in foetal death, perinatal death or congenital syphilis."
            "id": "task1397-942792da3ff74a35b35353df18a10df9",
            "input": "L\u2019ECDC ne divulgue des informations \u00e0 des tiers que si cela est n\u00e9cessaire pour atteindre la ou les finalit\u00e9s indiqu\u00e9es ci-dessus et qu'aux (cat\u00e9gories de) destinataires mentionn\u00e9(e)s.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC will only disclose information to third parties if that is necessary for the fulfilment of the purpose(s) identified above and to the mentioned (categories of) recipients."
            "id": "task1397-a2b392caf52e405bb3a0170b6139666b",
            "input": "La rub\u00e9ole est une maladie f\u00e9brile b\u00e9nigne caract\u00e9ris\u00e9e par un \u00e9ryth\u00e8me l\u00e9ger et est due au rubivirus.",
            "output": [
                "Rubella is a mild febrile rash illness caused by rubella virus."
            "id": "task1397-6e4931f46be647bbaa3524a3925fd11d",
            "input": "C\u2019est ici que les journalistes, ainsi que le grand public, peuvent consulter les actualit\u00e9s du jour et les actualit\u00e9s archiv\u00e9es, les communiqu\u00e9s de presse et les \u00e9v\u00e8nements qu'organise l'ECDC.",
            "output": [
                "Here can journalists as well as the general public access current and archived news, press releases and events provided by ECDC."
            "id": "task1397-289bac377d7f4c91bca465d0ca9a1b0d",
            "input": "Elles comprennent notamment les informations suivantes:",
            "output": [
                "In particular, the following information will be included:"
            "id": "task1397-6bbeee2b4e4d43beb751f005487db153",
            "input": "Elle s\u2019adresse \u00e0 des professionnels de la sant\u00e9 (principalement aux \u00e9pid\u00e9miologistes m\u00e9dicaux) ayant une exp\u00e9rience concr\u00e8te des foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques et de la gestion de petites \u00e9quipes.",
            "output": [
                "It targets experienced health professionals (mostly medical epidemiologists) with experience in field outbreak investigation and in the management of small teams."
            "id": "task1397-f3da5e9f14e342fbb56b60363213fa00",
            "input": "Chez les animaux infest\u00e9s, les larves sont enkyst\u00e9es dans les muscles, et la consommation de viande crue ou insuffisamment cuite peut provoquer la maladie.",
            "output": [
                "Infested animals harbour larvae encysted in their muscles, and consumption of raw or undercooked meat products may lead to disease."
            "id": "task1397-145ca5dc786045528975462b36d85662",
            "input": "L\u2019EPIET organise plusieurs activit\u00e9s pour les formateurs:",
            "output": [
                "Several activities for trainers are organized by the EPIET:"
            "id": "task1397-6cbb37a1bbea4b7d9268cbdda865bcea",
            "input": "Cette formation s\u2019adresse aux microbiologistes ou biologistes poss\u00e9dant une exp\u00e9rience ant\u00e9rieure en microbiologie et d\u00e9montrant un vif int\u00e9r\u00eat pour l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie.",
            "output": [
                "The target group for this training consists of microbiologists or biologists with previous experience in microbiology and a ken interest in intervention epidemiology;"
            "id": "task1397-f410509b31284aa6a4d479de779ae22b",
            "input": "Une pr\u00e9disposition g\u00e9n\u00e9tique semble favoriser le d\u00e9veloppement de la maladie.",
            "output": [
                "Genetic susceptibility appears to favour the onset of disease."
            "id": "task1397-f234f5a8896c47b6ad9c867da1e89d8c",
            "input": "En savoir plus sur la qualit\u00e9 au laboratoire",
            "output": [
                "Read more on laboratory quality"
            "id": "task1397-a1bc8dc0a92544e3a113709c75151583",
            "input": "Ces organes apportent un soutien \u00e0 l\u2019ECDC, qui constitue pour la Communaut\u00e9 une source ind\u00e9pendante d\u2019avis scientifiques, d\u2019assistance et d\u2019expertise gr\u00e2ce aux travaux de son personnel ou de celui d\u2019organes comp\u00e9tents et reconnus, agissant au nom des autorit\u00e9s des \u00c9tats membres responsables des questions de sant\u00e9 humaine.",
            "output": [
                "They are providing support to the ECDC, which serves as a Community source of independent scientific advice, assistance and expertise from staff from its own resources or from those of recognised competent bodies acting on behalf of Member States authorities responsible for human health."
            "id": "task1397-c51426e7a35e488c9c599d5e02bc223d",
            "input": "Si elle n\u2019est pas en mesure de vous fournir une r\u00e9ponse, l\u2019\u00e9quipe charg\u00e9e d\u2019administrer la messagerie fait suivre votre message \u00e9lectronique \u00e0 un autre service.",
            "output": [
                "If the management team of the mailbox is unable to answer your question, it will forward your e-mail to another service."
            "id": "task1397-5eb97a780ecb4d5a9a5762fb0251a6c9",
            "input": "L\u2019agent responsable de la tuberculose le plus important est Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Associ\u00e9e \u00e0 M. bovis, M. africanum et M. microti, M. tuberculosis forme le \u00abcomplexe M. tuberculosis\u00bb, un groupe appartenant au genre Mycobacterium",
            "output": [
                "The most important causative agent of tuberculosis (TB) is Mycobacterium tuberculosis. M. tuberculosis, together with M. bovis, M. africanum and M. microti, form the \u2018M. tuberculosis complex\u2019, which is a group within the genus Mycobacterium."
            "id": "task1397-1a093850cd4f49e2800da4c5a12458cb",
            "input": "Dans le cadre d\u2019un contrat cadre conclu avec l\u2019ASPHER, dix formations de niveau r\u00e9gional sur les aspects techniques des enqu\u00eates sur les foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques ont \u00e9t\u00e9 dispens\u00e9es en 2007 et 2008 par le CEPCM et l\u2019\u00c9cole nationale de sant\u00e9 et de sant\u00e9 professionnelle d\u2019Amsterdam (Pays-Bas), l\u2019\u00c9cole publique de la sant\u00e9 de Debrecen (Hongrie) et l\u2019\u00c9cole nationale de la sant\u00e9 de Madrid.",
            "output": [
                "One-week courses Under a framework contract with ASPHER, 10 regional courses on technical aspects of outbreak investigation have been conducted in 2007 and 2008 by ECDC together with National School of Health and Occupational Health in Amsterdam, The Netherlands the Public Health School in Debrecen, Hungary and the National School of Health in Madrid."
            "id": "task1397-dfee3e13d26d410ab6d7191f52110f89",
            "input": "En collaboration avec l\u2019\u00e9quipe de formation, des formations courtes \u00e0 l\u2019encadrement sont organis\u00e9es \u00e0 l\u2019intention des coordinateurs de r\u00e9action aux foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques, afin de renforcer les comp\u00e9tences d\u2019encadrement des forces de r\u00e9action aux foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques dans les \u00c9tats membres.",
            "output": [
                "In collaboration with the training team, short courses on managerial skills for outbreak response coordinators are organized, aiming at reinforcing the management aspect of the outbreak response capacity in the European Member States."
            "id": "task1397-60332ed693964c108eb3552294adbc26",
            "input": "Site web de la ville de Solna",
            "output": [
                "Solna city Web site"
            "id": "task1397-54c484377fb748ae834ceaf9a0dc8abe",
            "input": "La pr\u00e9vention de l\u2019infection chez l'homme passe principalement par la vaccination des animaux \u00e0 risque.",
            "output": [
                "Vaccination of the animals at risk is the most important way of preventing infection in humans."
            "id": "task1397-ec782607ba314086b8f59c99d00b3420",
            "input": "L\u2019anthrax est une maladie zoonotique (transmissible de l\u2019animal \u00e0 l\u2019homme) due \u00e0 la bact\u00e9rie Bacillus anthracis qui produit des spores.",
            "output": [
                "Anthrax is a zoonotic disease (could be transferred from animals to humans) caused by the spore-producing bacterium Bacillus anthracis."
            "id": "task1397-8985ade2c93d439e994ec31ac3bb885a",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s exposition (inhalation de gouttelettes infectieuses), l\u2019\u00e9tat du porteur peut \u00e9voluer sur une longue p\u00e9riode.",
            "output": [
                "Following exposure (inhalation of infective droplets) the carrier state may develop and last for some time."
            "id": "task1397-60eb6d7dbff14caabe100240a60309f4",
            "input": "Bios\u00e9curit\u00e9",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-a6980e07140e487eb912fcf20ca718ed",
            "input": "\u00c9volutions de la sant\u00e9 publique",
            "output": [
                "Public health developments"
            "id": "task1397-ef7b7c8f3a4340da8389546b7ea4475b",
            "input": "OpenOffice pour Linux, Mac OS X et Windows  (pour les documents Microsoft PowerPoint, Word et Excel)",
            "output": [
                "OpenOffice for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows  (for Microsoft PowerPoint, Word and Excel documents)"
            "id": "task1397-e46b964f03ef4a658a33c741babe87f4",
            "input": "La p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation des IST \u00e0 chlamydia est comprise entre deux et trois semaines.",
            "output": [
                "The incubation period of chlamydia STIs is between two and three weeks."
            "id": "task1397-d92859bcf5314bce91a3fda658fca42f",
            "input": "- Organisation conjointe d\u2019ateliers \u00abFormation de formateurs\u00bb avec l\u2019ESCAIDE, les 18 et 22 novembre 2008",
            "output": [
                "- Co-organiser of \u201c Training the Trainer\u201d workshops around ESCAIDE on November 18 and 22, 2008"
            "id": "task1397-d61fcb0aa72c4c568d457a2b43c815ee",
            "input": "Les sympt\u00f4mes se d\u00e9veloppent habituellement en deux \u00e0 dix jours (apparition en cinq \u00e0 six jours, le plus souvent), mais dans de tr\u00e8s rares cas, les sympt\u00f4mes peuvent mettre deux \u00e0 trois semaines pour appara\u00eetre.",
            "output": [
                "It normally takes between two to ten days to develop symptoms (typically five to six days) but very rarely some cases may take two to three weeks to develop symptoms."
            "id": "task1397-9683aac5d62e40b7b4e854bedbc79016",
            "input": "Bien que les d\u00e9c\u00e8s concernent surtout des personnes \u00e2g\u00e9es et des patients atteints d\u2019autres maladies (insuffisance cardiaque et insuffisance pulmonaire chronique, par exemple), des formes s\u00e9v\u00e8res et certains d\u00e9c\u00e8s sont \u00e0 d\u00e9plorer chaque ann\u00e9e chez des jeunes, des adultes d\u2019\u00e2ge moyen et des enfants.",
            "output": [
                "Though death is considerably more common in older people and those with other illnesses (such as heart disease and chronic lung disease) severe disease and some deaths occur each year in healthy young and middle aged adults and children."
            "id": "task1397-786a66bfd2c24075bb3b7b7d8d15b829",
            "input": "Les connaissances en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9 peuvent \u00eatre d\u00e9finies par la capacit\u00e9 d\u2019un individu \u00e0 acc\u00e9der aux informations li\u00e9es \u00e0 la sant\u00e9 et \u00e0 les utiliser d\u2019une fa\u00e7on qui favorise et maintienne une bonne sant\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "Health literacy can be defined as the capacity that an individual has to access and effectively use health-related information, in order to promote and maintain good health."
            "id": "task1397-1c5b63d862444037acd9235d1271236f",
            "input": "fait effectuer des \u00e9tudes scientifiques appliqu\u00e9es et des projets sur la faisabilit\u00e9, l'\u00e9laboration et la pr\u00e9paration de ses activit\u00e9s;",
            "output": [
                "Initiate applied scientific studies and projects for the feasibility, development and preparation of its activities"
            "id": "task1397-9417b3bea3d74e98b40685eef85c5d01",
            "input": "L\u2019\u00e9mergence de souches r\u00e9sistant aux deux principaux agents anti-TB, l\u2019isoniazide et la rifampicine (multir\u00e9sistantes, MDR), ainsi qu\u2019\u00e0 des antibiotiques de deuxi\u00e8me ligne (ultra-r\u00e9sistantes, XDR), pose aujourd\u2019hui un grave probl\u00e8me de prise en charge de la TB.",
            "output": [
                "The emergence of strains resistant to the two most effective anti-TB agents isoniazid and rifampicin (multi-drug resistant, MDR), as well as to other second line antibiotics (extensively drug-resistant, XDR), poses a serious challenge to TB control today."
            "id": "task1397-94c3ed5bcb05435596de853259693650",
            "input": "TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 DE A \u00c0 ZLIENS EXTERNES",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-6616aaebd3044cbf8e50043014bbafbb",
            "input": "Ce co\u00fbt devrait presque doubler au cours des 40 prochaines ann\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "It is expected to almost double over the next four decades."
            "id": "task1397-113f519446064dcab17c485e8cf57544",
            "input": "\u00c0 cette fin, le Centre doit rassembler, compiler, \u00e9valuer et diffuser les donn\u00e9es scientifiques et techniques pertinentes, y compris les informations relatives au typage.",
            "output": [
                "To achieve this, the centre shall collect, collate, evaluate and disseminate relevant scientific and technical data, including typing information."
            "id": "task1397-a86d2e3b925d43768206b6fe812ec68c",
            "input": "Transparence",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-cff0a05c9ba9470ebd2aa3008ab8aa85",
            "input": "Le CEPCM garantit la disponibilit\u00e9 imm\u00e9diate du mat\u00e9riel n\u00e9cessaire aux missions sur le terrain, ce qui inclut du mat\u00e9riel de communication de derni\u00e8re g\u00e9n\u00e9ration ainsi que du mat\u00e9riel m\u00e9dical ou de protection, et \u2013 en collaboration avec les ressources humaines \u2013 un soutien administratif.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC ensures the immediate availability of the necessary material for field missions, including state of the art communication material, as well as medical or protective material, and - in collaboration with human resources - administrative support is provided."
            "id": "task1397-af963e33219a4e92bd2c53cccd5be997",
            "input": "Ils prot\u00e8gent les adultes de la maladie pneumococcique invasive.",
            "output": [
                "They protect against invasive pneumococcal disease in adults."
            "id": "task1397-f6fe4d0624e84b2eb2172f2cf009d710",
            "input": "- de discuter des activit\u00e9s de renseignement \u00e9pid\u00e9mique du Centre et formuler des recommandations pour l\u2019am\u00e9lioration des outils disponibles",
            "output": [
                "- discuss the ECDC EI activities and give recommendations for improvement of tools"
            "id": "task1397-8ade23ffc8054f36a0abf35434450947",
            "input": "Les changements climatiques (\u00e9t\u00e9s plus chauds et plus longs, hivers plus froids, augmentation des pr\u00e9cipitations annuelles, par exemple) pourraient permettre \u00e0 ces organismes de changer d\u2019habitat, introduisant les maladies dans des r\u00e9gions dont elles \u00e9taient auparavant pas famili\u00e8res.",
            "output": [
                "Climatic changes, such as hotter and longer summers, warmer winters, and/or increased annual rainfalls could enable these organisms to shift their habitats, potentially introducing diseases to areas previously unfamiliar with them."
            "id": "task1397-920af010cc8c4d2a91c8663b5f49b07d",
            "input": "Dans le cadre de cette mission de surveillance, le Centre:",
            "output": [
                "Surveillance tasks include:"
            "id": "task1397-1ce8b38f5a0d4de687fb6f5f69180824",
            "input": "(1) l\u2019\u00e9valuation des risques en cas de menace sanitaire, (2) la r\u00e9sistance aux antimicrobiens et aux infections li\u00e9es, et (3) les programmes de sant\u00e9 publique concernant la grippe.",
            "output": [
                "(1) threat assessment of public health events, (2) antimicrobial resistance and health care related infections, and (3) influenza public health programmes."
            "id": "task1397-8bbbba9c232748a19d153ce3161b5b24",
            "input": "L\u2019ECDC travaille en \u00e9troite collaboration avec la Commission europ\u00e9enne, mais il \u00e9met \u00e9galement des avis et fournit des rapports \u00e0 l'intention du Parlement europ\u00e9en et du Conseil des ministres.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC works very closely with the European Commission, but it also advises and gives reports to the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers."
            "id": "task1397-5e23d743f90343738824981d7de6ebe5",
            "input": "Cependant, des foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques pourraient s\u2019y d\u00e9velopper et le PCR-ribotype 027 a \u00e9t\u00e9 signal\u00e9 dans des maisons de soins en France, en Allemagne, aux Pays-Bas, en Norv\u00e8ge et en \u00c9cosse.",
            "output": [
                "Outbreaks are possible and PCR ribotype 027 has been reported in nursing homes in France, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway and Scotland."
            "id": "task1397-fdf9deed9e59474ca30cb9ce916eaa43",
            "input": "Vous pouvez pr\u00e9senter votre candidature aux postes vacants au sein du CEPCM indiqu\u00e9s ci-apr\u00e8s.",
            "output": [
                "Applications are invited for the below mentioned position in the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (the Centre):"
            "id": "task1397-b0dbef9e7a534b328c3948bea9b47463",
            "input": "recherche, recueille, rassemble, \u00e9value et diffuse les donn\u00e9es scientifiques et techniques pertinentes;",
            "output": [
                "Search, collect, collate, evaluate and disseminate relevant scientific and technical data"
            "id": "task1397-d6cdd9eb26544afbaa0dbcfd98d7cb8b",
            "input": "Grippe porcine",
            "output": [
                "Influenza, in swine"
            "id": "task1397-e293b84fb40f4724ae86a98d0b063eae",
            "input": "Cette maladie est maintenant essentiellement limit\u00e9e aux pays tropicaux.",
            "output": [
                "As a result, the disease is now essentially limited to tropical countries."
            "id": "task1397-f7b9202779ef47cdafb07365d9496d97",
            "input": "Le Clostridium difficile est une bact\u00e9rie largement pr\u00e9sente dans le sol et le tractus intestinal des animaux.",
            "output": [
                "Clostridium difficile is a bacterium that is widely distributed in soil and intestinal tracts of animals."
            "id": "task1397-d85606e1103f44aaa64bdad1fa72284a",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s une p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement comprise entre 2 et 3 semaines, des sympt\u00f4mes peuvent appara\u00eetre, mais la maladie reste souvent asymptomatique.",
            "output": [
                "After an incubation period of, usually, 2\u20133 weeks, disease symptoms may appear but more frequently they do not."
            "id": "task1397-323d655a05954770aa523fc0f1f28507",
            "input": "Elle peut accueillir jusqu\u2019\u00e0 25 personnes.",
            "output": [
                "It can host up to 25 people."
            "id": "task1397-6310b2738af4470bbe65029bb179219a",
            "input": "entra\u00eenant des douleurs musculaires caract\u00e9ristiques, accompagn\u00e9es de fi\u00e8vre.",
            "output": [
                "muscle aches and fever are characteristic."
            "id": "task1397-df526203c261463c8d53b8d30a3ad0ff",
            "input": "Des cas humains sporadiques apparaissent apr\u00e8s une exposition aux rongeurs et/ou \u00e0 leurs puces (peste bubonique).",
            "output": [
                "Sporadic human cases appear after exposure to rodents and/or their fleas (bubonic plague)."
            "id": "task1397-e1ca4a477b4040149d8cbfd5e2c9d43a",
            "input": "L\u2019int\u00e9gration d\u2019experts nationaux a d\u00e9but\u00e9 en 2007, le Portugal servant de pays pilote.",
            "output": [
                "The integration of national experts started in 2007 with Portugal as a pilot country to strengthening epidemic intelligence capacity."
            "id": "task1397-43aa7fe1f6724743983e7e5740801dc3",
            "input": "Si vous avez la moindre question sur le traitement r\u00e9serv\u00e9 \u00e0 vos courriers \u00e9lectroniques et \u00e0 vos donn\u00e9es \u00e0 caract\u00e8re personnel y aff\u00e9rentes, n\u2019h\u00e9sitez pas \u00e0 l\u2019inclure dans votre message.",
            "output": [
                "If you have any questions about the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to include them in your message."
            "id": "task1397-6ff302bf242a482f84e72041a0fe3a48",
            "input": "Les manifestations cliniques sont tr\u00e8s graves et peuvent appara\u00eetre sous forme de m\u00e9ningite et d'infection sanguine aigu\u00eb.",
            "output": [
                "The clinical picture is very serious, and may present as meningitis and severe blood infection."
            "id": "task1397-93e5fdd7a04b412ea598ec9cdd411f28",
            "input": "Alors que la plupart des infections sont asymptomatiques, certaines personnes tombent malades et pr\u00e9sentent des sympt\u00f4mes de type grippal tels que fi\u00e8vre, frissons, douleurs musculaires, fatigue et ict\u00e8re (coloration jaune de la peau due \u00e0 une perturbation du m\u00e9tabolisme de la bile).",
            "output": [
                "While most infections pass by without symptoms, some people may become sick and present with flu-like symptoms like fever, chills, muscle ache, fatigue, as well as jaundice (yellowing of the skin due to a bile disorder)."
            "id": "task1397-89c02b62cf094aa692b4fd08919706cb",
            "input": "TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 DE A \u00c0 ZEN SAVOIR PLUS SUR CE SITETH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9S\u00c0 LA UNE",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-76c5019028dc4e808e6de161e5be159d",
            "input": "Pour en savoir plus sur la scarlatine, lire la  fiche d\u2019information destin\u00e9e au grand public .",
            "output": [
                "Read more about scarlet fever in the  factsheet for the general public ."
            "id": "task1397-33626843e23f467a89077a4580493881",
            "input": "TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9S",
            "output": [
                "RELATED HEALTH TOPICS"
            "id": "task1397-fafdb5a5d85543b59cd87c7047f48073",
            "input": "Trichinellose",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-eacbb14e272f425ba7034baa38cffa80",
            "input": "Institutions de l\u2019Union europ\u00e9enne",
            "output": [
                "European Union institutions"
            "id": "task1397-6b259c7259554fed83dc68594a268086",
            "input": "Avant cela, il a \u00e9t\u00e9 directeur Sant\u00e9 au comit\u00e9 de l'assurance maladie des Pays-Bas (CVZ) (1999-2003) et responsable du Centre d'\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie des maladies infectieuses au sein du RIVM (1993-1999).",
            "output": [
                "Before that, Dr Sprenger was Director of Health at the Netherland\u2019s Healthcare Insurance Board (CVZ) (1999-2003), and Head of the Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology at RIVM (1993-1999)."
            "id": "task1397-2d02e5560bd04099946b92933c51d21f",
            "input": "La formation repose sur trois piliers:",
            "output": [
                "The training is constructed around three main pillars:"
            "id": "task1397-108cb8e107694a2db02f5d8d3d7a19c4",
            "input": "Cela implique une am\u00e9lioration de la recherche en sant\u00e9 publique dans l\u2019UE, par l\u2019identification de lacunes dans les connaissances scientifiques et en entretenant des relations de travail avec les bailleurs de fonds de l\u2019UE pour superviser les appels \u00e0 projets et \u00e9valuer les propositions.",
            "output": [
                "This involves improving public health re\u00acsearch in the EU, by identifying gaps in scientific knowledge and by liaison work with EU funders to steer research calls, and evaluate proposals."
            "id": "task1397-b464be13d1b34bc686e331d11af42a1d",
            "input": "Le contrat est toujours \u00e0 temps plein et d\u2019une dur\u00e9e comprise entre 6 et 24 mois (selon accord entre l\u2019employeur et le Centre).",
            "output": [
                "The contract duration is for full time employment and is generally 6 to 24 months (to be agreed between the current employer and ECDC)."
            "id": "task1397-4d41fba7954b449a9edae09378a412c2",
            "input": "COURS De trois semaines",
            "output": [
                "Three-week course"
            "id": "task1397-ecad1f23bfac4e54aea978e0611a7be6",
            "input": "Internet Explorer 5.2 de Microsoft (Macintosh): cliquez sur le menu \u00abAffichage\u00bb, puis sur \u00abzoom\u00bb et choisissez une taille dans les options de 50\u00a0% \u00e0 300\u00a0%, ou bien \u00abplus grand\u00bb ou \u00abplus petit\u00bb.",
            "output": [
                "Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.2 (Macintosh) - Click View menu, click on Text Zoom and choose a size from the options 50% - 300% or Larger or Smaller ."
            "id": "task1397-e1d41fe5fc4d442b972337d514fd2740",
            "input": "le site web de l\u2019ECDC fournit des liens vers de sites tiers.",
            "output": [
                "The ECDC website provides links to third party sites."
            "id": "task1397-f41207d6a59e4299849c30f2942a8489",
            "input": "EN SAVOIR PLUS SUR CE SITE",
            "output": [
                "READ MORE ON ECDC SITE"
            "id": "task1397-80de7d3b914b451693e3abac80e2ae64",
            "input": "D\u00e9veloppement du r\u00e9seau des partenaires de formation, y compris les programmes et les formateurs dans le domaine de l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie d\u2019intervention",
            "output": [
                "Development of the network of training partners, including programmes and trainers in intervention epidemiology"
            "id": "task1397-e86a9d5f54a34cefb114ffb853fbc0de",
            "input": "Sommaire",
            "output": [
                "Table of contents"
            "id": "task1397-134eed485bf848138b1db380a83f06b7",
            "input": "Chez l\u2019homme, la plupart des cas sont relativement l\u00e9gers mais une petite proportion de patients d\u00e9veloppe une forme beaucoup plus s\u00e9v\u00e8re de la maladie.",
            "output": [
                "While most human cases are relatively mild, a small percentage of patients develop a much more severe form of the disease."
            "id": "task1397-883c3e464a784fd7aeaa9c156d8b930e",
            "input": "MT:",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-2b6607ddd5d24c05b71f0d7479aca27b",
            "input": "Changement climatique et sant\u00e9 publique",
            "output": [
                "Climate change and public health"
            "id": "task1397-93f304bc026b445c9466dd74c673f5f2",
            "input": "Les fi\u00e8vres typho\u00efdes et paratypho\u00efdes sont des maladies syst\u00e9miques dues respectivement aux bact\u00e9ries Salmonella typhi et Salmonella paratyphi.",
            "output": [
                "Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers are systemic diseases caused by the bacteria Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi, respectively."
            "id": "task1397-a364ccb025f94c7d87f2a85d5d8dca22",
            "input": "les liens ne doivent pas \u00eatre utilis\u00e9s dans un cadre diffamatoire;",
            "output": [
                "Links must not be used in a defamatory context."
            "id": "task1397-20827fb6bc254d1aa078a3bd3e872c58",
            "input": "Tous les articles de fond et un certain nombre d\u2019articles courts sont \u00e9galement publi\u00e9s sur support papier sous la forme d\u2019une compilation trimestrielle.",
            "output": [
                "All longer and many of the shorter articles are also published on paper in a quarterly print compilation."
            "id": "task1397-82841f460c234e73accce0313284292f",
            "input": "Sur le continent europ\u00e9en, le dernier cas de paralysie due \u00e0 la polio a \u00e9t\u00e9 signal\u00e9 en Turquie au mois de novembre 1998.",
            "output": [
                "On the European continent, the last case of paralysis caused by polio was reported from Turkey in November 1998."
            "id": "task1397-853a1d541d33438ba2abe0947aa25f3a",
            "input": "Fi\u00e8vre d'Ebola",
            "output": [
                "Ebola fever"
            "id": "task1397-1442c4ef796c43a5849fbf012b9be1ec",
            "input": "\u00c9laboration de supports de formation",
            "output": [
                "Develop training material"
            "id": "task1397-ec5b0d411c4247e4837ca9ed1b3ec643",
            "input": "- fournira une \u00e9valuation des risques, des avis scientifiques et des recommandations sur les mesures de contr\u00f4le \u00e0 prendre en fonction des preuves scientifiques obtenues;",
            "output": [
                "- Providing risk assessment, scientific advise and recommendations on control measures based on scientific evidence;"
            "id": "task1397-5ead7354481f44c28947b19a3f9674b6",
            "input": "- La derni\u00e8re consultation s\u2019est tenue \u00e0 Stockholm le 27 octobre 2008, avec les organes comp\u00e9tents du CEPCM pour la formation, des repr\u00e9sentants des sites de formation de l\u2019EPIET, et d\u2019autres parties prenantes concern\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "- The most recent consultation was held in Stockholm on 27th October 2008, with participation of ECDC competent bodies for training, representative of the EPIET training sites and other relevant stakeholders."
            "id": "task1397-2f409f89eb8b4ad58bf9042bfbbcf505",
            "input": "Au moins une partie des trois pand\u00e9mies du vingti\u00e8me si\u00e8cle seraient dues au virus de la grippe d\u2019un animal ou d\u2019un oiseau qui a mut\u00e9 ou \u00e9chang\u00e9 des g\u00e8nes avec une souche humaine (effectuant ainsi ce qu\u2019on appelle une recombinaison) et acquis la capacit\u00e9 \u00e0 infecter l\u2019homme et surtout \u00e0 se transmettre entre les hommes.",
            "output": [
                "At least some of the three pandemics during the last (20th) century are thought to have come from an animal or bird influenza virus that itself mutated or swapped genes with a human (so called recombination) and acquired the ability to both infect humans and, more importantly, spread between them."
            "id": "task1397-9b5c3c0105b24543a5cbecd1268ff911",
            "input": "- EPIET",
            "output": [
                "- EPIET"
            "id": "task1397-1227d21118094a54b54a3b2afaf6cce4",
            "input": "Les autres parties prenantes int\u00e9ress\u00e9es sont toutefois invit\u00e9es \u00e0 les consulter car ces documents fournissent des informations g\u00e9n\u00e9rales de r\u00e9f\u00e9rence utiles pour les d\u00e9cideurs et les responsables politiques. \n                .",
            "output": [
                "However, other interested stakeholders are encouraged to consult the reports as they provide useful background and reference information for decision makers and politicians \n                ."
            "id": "task1397-de82f0adae004d259f35578f596ed9c8",
            "input": "pour chaque service en ligne, un contr\u00f4leur d\u00e9termine les finalit\u00e9s et les moyens du traitement des donn\u00e9es \u00e0 caract\u00e8re personnel et veille \u00e0 ce que ce service soit conforme \u00e0 la politique applicable en mati\u00e8re de respect de la vie priv\u00e9e.",
            "output": [
                "For each specific e-service, a controller determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data and ensures conformity of the specific e-service with the privacy policy."
            "id": "task1397-962da6f832fb468fb93943f71f371d7c",
            "input": "Infection nosocomiale",
            "output": [
                "Nosocomial infection"
            "id": "task1397-8a194cd11424443089434de392de4418",
            "input": "La mise \u00e0 disposition d\u2019une assistance technique (aide aux pays)",
            "output": [
                "Providing technical assistance (country support)"
            "id": "task1397-b3dc44a456d94eb7945e6232a223776e",
            "input": "Communications sur les activit\u00e9s",
            "output": [
                "Communications on the activities of the Centre"
            "id": "task1397-0a0e40287a40469d94969157f91b0a01",
            "input": "- communiquera sur les risques aupr\u00e8s de ses membres, de ses partenaires, des m\u00e9dias et du public;",
            "output": [
                "- Communicating on risk to constituents, partners, media and the public."
            "id": "task1397-4da2f37c320648b6a55f2e527cc494e9",
            "input": "Plus r\u00e9cemment, la transmission sexuelle entre hommes ayant des rapports homosexuels est devenue une cause plus courante d'\u00e9pid\u00e9mies dans plusieurs pays.",
            "output": [
                "More recently, sexual transmission among men that have sex with men has become a more common cause of outbreaks in several countries."
            "id": "task1397-7c4466ec2ee744ad918e715c5d545e4c",
            "input": "Les patients atteints de la vMCJ pr\u00e9sentent d\u2019importants sympt\u00f4mes psychiatriques (d\u00e9pression, anxi\u00e9t\u00e9 et repli sur soi sont fr\u00e9quents) ou sensoriels. S\u2019ensuit l\u2019apparition d\u2019anomalies neurologiques, incluant l\u2019ataxie en quelques semaines ou mois, puis la d\u00e9mence et la myoclonie lorsque la maladie est \u00e9volu\u00e9e.",
            "output": [
                "Patients with vCJD have prominent psychiatric (frequently depression, anxiety and withdrawal) or sensory symptoms and delayed onset of neurologic abnormalities, including ataxia within weeks or months, and dementia and myoclonus late in the illness."
            "id": "task1397-e46ddfe0612c44fe9756df74e04fb1d5",
            "input": "Les moustiques anoph\u00e8les sont toujours pr\u00e9sents dans ces zones, notamment en Europe.",
            "output": [
                "Anopheles mosquitoes are in fact still present in those areas, including in Europe."
            "id": "task1397-ea0b3e02a7fa4a8fa20663f93c2b7904",
            "input": "La maladie peut \u00eatre l\u00e9g\u00e8re \u00e0 tr\u00e8s s\u00e9v\u00e8re.",
            "output": [
                "The disease can be anything from mild to very severe."
            "id": "task1397-657b42fc1f554c3e8c7ed036d2b247a1",
            "input": "\u00c9tats membres, EEE/AELE, pays en voie d'adh\u00e9sion et pays candidats",
            "output": [
                "Member States, EEA/EFTA, Acceding and Candidate Countries"
            "id": "task1397-c89003f28b0b40bb8a7442b7327b5bee",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s la visite de deux experts du CEPCM et du r\u00e9seau de surveillance des maladies \u00e0 pr\u00e9vention vaccinale de l\u2019UE (EUVAC.NET), le minist\u00e8re autrichien de la sant\u00e9 a organis\u00e9 une derni\u00e8re r\u00e9union d\u2019experts.",
            "output": [
                "At the end of the visit by two experts from ECDC and the EU surveillance network for vaccine-preventable diseases (EUVAC.NET), a final expert meeting was organised by the Austrian Ministry of Health."
            "id": "task1397-67ea31edf0c5461e8ea79e4103f4ed75",
            "input": "variations de l\u2019Atlantique Nord",
            "output": [
                "North Atlantic \n                 \n                \n                 Oscillation."
            "id": "task1397-4c59d77c9f914ff589be68bd983ad325",
            "input": "Infection \u00e0 Campylobacter",
            "output": [
                "Campylobacter infection"
            "id": "task1397-ab2d619c9e2a4c8799ef483c123444d2",
            "input": "- de fournir un r\u00e9sum\u00e9 des menaces li\u00e9es aux maladies transmissibles observ\u00e9es en 2007, les cat\u00e9goriser et souligner les principaux probl\u00e8mes",
            "output": [
                "- provide a summary of the threats related to communicable diseases which were monitored in 2007, categorize them, pinpoint major issues"
            "id": "task1397-4c0a9872dea743fe83a47959e35f7bb7",
            "input": "Renseignement \u00e9pid\u00e9mique",
            "output": [
                "Epidemic Intelligence"
            "id": "task1397-2146ce133b604602996d538a8a20d518",
            "input": "L\u2019\u00e9limination de la rougeole d\u2019ici 2010 (interruption de la transmission locale) fait partie du plan strat\u00e9gique de l\u2019OMS de lutte contre la rougeole et la rub\u00e9ole cong\u00e9nitale pour la r\u00e9gion europ\u00e9enne de l\u2019OMS.",
            "output": [
                "The elimination of measles by 2010 (interruption of indigenous measles transmission) is part of the WHO strategic plan for measles and congenital rubella infection in the WHO European Region."
            "id": "task1397-ee93e075c5414831bcfe7eed776ba248",
            "input": "\u00c9valuation rapide des risques",
            "output": [
                "Rapid risk assessment"
            "id": "task1397-cc33fb763cd04ccfaf111a408e8034e8",
            "input": "Documents cl\u00e9s",
            "output": [
                "Key Documents"
            "id": "task1397-6bdb3362a85a47ce91d806be83de4f86",
            "input": "Mission",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-c61a06732e45463cb8d70896393fc7af",
            "input": "- \u00c9valuation rapide des situations d\u2019urgence complexes",
            "output": [
                "- Rapid assessment of complex emergency situations"
            "id": "task1397-24e3ebbce4044f4b8bbeb398d399762c",
            "input": "Saisissez votre adresse \u00e9lectronique",
            "output": [
                "Type your email address."
            "id": "task1397-a55a6b95aefa4efd964564b8adfdc921",
            "input": "Elle est li\u00e9e \u00e0 \u00ab\u00a0l\u2019enc\u00e9phalopathie spongiforme bovine\u00a0\u00bb (ESB), ou maladie de la vache folle.",
            "output": [
                "It is linked causally to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) \u2013 \u201cmad cow disease\u201d."
            "id": "task1397-c7e3f99cddb94807a0cd3e4367b0e64f",
            "input": "- Mod\u00e8les de formation:",
            "output": [
                "- Models of training:"
            "id": "task1397-586425fc14eb41c1ad823c49557c76ec",
            "input": "\u00abRed wing\u00bb \u00e9tait le premier exercice r\u00e9alis\u00e9 par ordinateur avec diff\u00e9rents participants des \u00c9tats membres.",
            "output": [
                "\u201cRed wing\u201d was the first desktop exercise involving players from EU Member States."
            "id": "task1397-235669178f384e179e10cf371652f60d",
            "input": "L\u2019EXC constitue le principal forum de gouvernance, de planification strat\u00e9gique et de d\u00e9veloppement de programmes mais sert \u00e9galement de forum de gestion des consultations et de la coordination des activit\u00e9s quotidiennes du Centre, y compris en ce qui concerne le suivi du budget, les plans de travail et la coordination horizontale.",
            "output": [
                "The EXC is the main forum for policy, strategic planning and programme development, but also serves as a management forum for consultations and coordination of the day-to-day activities of the Centre, including follow-up of budget and work plans and horizontal coordination."
            "id": "task1397-6df63fdd265a4688bdd74ca6ff64091e",
            "input": "Le virus Zika fait partie de la famille des Flaviviridae. Il est transmis \u00e0 l\u2019homme par les moustiques.",
            "output": [
                "Zika virus is a member of the Flaviviridae family and is transmitted to humans by mosquitoes."
            "id": "task1397-bd4f7e18c125421f876c8a9bf35558bc",
            "input": "Depuis 2003, le virus influenza A/H5N1 est apparu dans plusieurs pays asiatiques, provoquant de tr\u00e8s larges \u00e9pid\u00e9mies chez les oiseaux et un nombre limit\u00e9 d\u2019infections humaines s\u00e9v\u00e8res, presque uniquement parmi les personnes en contact direct avec la volaille domestique.",
            "output": [
                "After 2003, influenza A/H5N1 appeared in many Asian countries causing huge outbreaks in birds and a small number of severe human infections, almost entirely among people with close contacts with domestic poultry."
            "id": "task1397-99a49f1b8cc4435c94d20d49405eeb20",
            "input": "- fonctions de soutien dans les unit\u00e9s administratives et ex\u00e9cutives. Par exemple: postes de secr\u00e9taire et d\u2019assistant(e)",
            "output": [
                "- Supportive posts in administration and in operational units e.g. secretaries and assistants"
            "id": "task1397-382cebd69b014c3f9c48386129150524",
            "input": "L\u2019un des objectifs cl\u00e9s du programme de travail pluriannuel de l'ECDC est que  \u00abd\u2019ici \u00e0 2013, l'excellence scientifique et le r\u00f4le moteur de l'ECDC jouiront d\u2019une solide r\u00e9putation parmi ses partenaires du secteur de la sant\u00e9 publique et le Centre sera une source majeure d\u2019informations et d\u2019avis scientifiques sur les maladies infectieuses pour la Commission, le Parlement europ\u00e9en, les \u00c9tats membres et leurs citoyens\u00bb .",
            "output": [
                "One of the key ECDC targets included in the multiannual work programme is that  \u2018by 2013, ECDC\u2019s reputation for scientific excellence and leadership will be firmly established among its partners in public health, and ECDC will be a major resource for scientific informa\\-tion and advice on infectious diseases for the Commission, the Parliament, the Member States and their citizens\u2019 ."
            "id": "task1397-05890d8ba82641548345d46d552efd9f",
            "input": "En l\u2019absence de traitement, des l\u00e9sions syphilitiques tertiaires pourraient appara\u00eetre plusieurs ann\u00e9es apr\u00e8s l\u2019infection initiale (atteinte visc\u00e9rale multi-organique avec l\u00e9sions vasculaires et neurologiques graves).",
            "output": [
                "If untreated, many years after the initial infection, tertiary syphilis lesions might finally appear (visceral, multi-organ involvement, including serious vascular and neurological damage)."
            "id": "task1397-ba6539b071e846899e28c5e1d1adc9f0",
            "input": "Il a pour base juridique le r\u00e8glement (CE) n\u00b0\u00a0851/2004 du Parlement europ\u00e9en et du Conseil du 21\u00a0avril\u00a02004 instituant un Centre europ\u00e9en de pr\u00e9vention et de contr\u00f4le des maladies.",
            "output": [
                "The legal base for the Centre is Regulation (EC) No 851/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 establishing a European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control."
            "id": "task1397-4a24ebac2a534bc09d73631ea786a539",
            "input": "Modules courts pour les \u00c9tats membres",
            "output": [
                "Short Modules for MS"
            "id": "task1397-763de5f769724896b1409d970b802c87",
            "input": "L\u2019une des t\u00e2ches principales de l\u2019ECDC est de renforcer l'appui aux laboratoires de microbiologie aux fins de pr\u00e9vention et de contr\u00f4le des maladies infectieuses dans l\u2019UE.",
            "output": [
                "A key task of ECDC is to strengthen the microbiological laboratory support for infectious diseases prevention and control in EU."
            "id": "task1397-d2cf6da0ea414d6ca53ee661f3ed98b6",
            "input": "- Analyse de s\u00e9ries temporelles",
            "output": [
                "- Time series analysis"
            "id": "task1397-1f0e48b486b04542a03a45e2d8e48f73",
            "input": "La premi\u00e8re conf\u00e9rence ESCAIDE s\u2019est tenue en 2007 \u00e0 Stockholm. En g\u00e9n\u00e9ral, elle attire plus de 500 professionnels de la sant\u00e9 publique provenant du monde entier qui se rencontrent pour partager leurs exp\u00e9riences et mettre en commun des informations au cours de sessions formelles et informelles sur l'\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie appliqu\u00e9e des maladies infectieuses.",
            "output": [
                "The first ESCAIDE was held in 2007 in Stockholm, and the conference typically attracts over 500 public health professionals from across the globe who meet to share experiences and information in formal and informal sessions on applied infectious disease epidemiology."
            "id": "task1397-c73f69ae85824cd48b07e3df46688f7c",
            "input": "L\u2019ECDC a mis en place un projet faisant intervenir des experts sp\u00e9cialis\u00e9s dans tous les domaines des risques biologiques en vue de d\u00e9finir son r\u00f4le en mati\u00e8re de bios\u00e9curit\u00e9 au titre de son mandat.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC has established a project involving dedicated experts in all areas of biorisks to define its role in the biosafety field according to its mandate."
            "id": "task1397-ebbbf44d513c4c738ef43ec438636b71",
            "input": "Le portage asymptomatique de pneumocoques dans le nez de jeunes enfants est fr\u00e9quent.",
            "output": [
                "Carriage of pneumococci without symptoms in the nose of young children is common."
            "id": "task1397-0e4c2a3d2fb745d3baf005cf285ad612",
            "input": "Il se r\u00e9unit au moins deux fois par an.",
            "output": [
                "It meets at least twice a year."
            "id": "task1397-3934fd8ec6e641fbbc0180c88e587c46",
            "input": "Il existe plusieurs m\u00e9dicaments pour le traitement et la prophylaxie.",
            "output": [
                "Several drugs are available for both treatment and prophylaxis."
            "id": "task1397-490d0a09fb6247e38b6dfc7389b11771",
            "input": "Heureusement, la plupart de ces virus ne se transmettent pas facilement (\u00e0 l\u2019exception du virus de la fi\u00e8vre jaune et du virus de la dengue qui sont transmis par des moustiques infect\u00e9s).",
            "output": [
                "Fortunately most of these viruses do not transmit easily (with the exception of yellow fever virus and Dengue virus which are spread through infected mosquitoes)."
            "id": "task1397-571570fa1e0a4a94b41945c0bfeb91da",
            "input": "La leptospirose est une zoonose due \u00e0 la bact\u00e9rie Leptospira.",
            "output": [
                "Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease caused by Leptospira bacteria."
            "id": "task1397-8090a9c1d669455c96730c6516ad9b15",
            "input": "La consommation de viande crue ou peu cuite est souvent la cause de l\u2019infection chez l\u2019homme.",
            "output": [
                "Raw/undercooked meat consumption is often the cause of infection in humans."
            "id": "task1397-c2a781dfae72469db40bf9cc17db5235",
            "input": "Une toux caract\u00e9ristique est souvent observ\u00e9e chez les jeunes enfants.",
            "output": [
                "The typical cough is usually seen in young children."
            "id": "task1397-3a1477802de04994ab0a21f0cb079c08",
            "input": "elle \u00e9tait \u00e9galement charg\u00e9e de contr\u00f4ler les activit\u00e9s des centres collaborateurs de l\u2019OMS en Europe et de g\u00e9rer les questions juridiques et administratives.",
            "output": [
                "supervising the work of the WHO Collaborating Centres in Europe; legal matters and administration."
            "id": "task1397-e05df8b72c2b4d1d879cd0b5a7af2b17",
            "input": "supranational, national, r\u00e9gional, local.",
            "output": [
                "supranational, national, regional, and local levels."
            "id": "task1397-d0e143fec9514d159f63eda810d42b77",
            "input": "Cependant, la souche A/H5N1 est diff\u00e9rente.",
            "output": [
                "However A/H5N1 is different."
            "id": "task1397-1b0ba8a256544e31892caba0ce8bb66f",
            "input": "Il est n\u00e9cessaire de proc\u00e9der au g\u00e9notypage pour confirmer l\u2019infection par les s\u00e9rotypes L1 \u00e0 L3.",
            "output": [
                "Genotyping is needed to confirm infection with serovars L1-L3."
            "id": "task1397-11cc9beace7246649937b29978277f3e",
            "input": "Il existe des vaccins contre les s\u00e9rogroupes A, C, Y et W135.",
            "output": [
                "Vaccines are available against serogroups A, C, Y and W135."
            "id": "task1397-3dae0b2f35f742f2b7e373b383e0b85c",
            "input": "coordonne et assure le fonctionnement d\u2019ensemble des r\u00e9seaux de surveillance sp\u00e9cialis\u00e9s;",
            "output": [
                "Coordinate and ensure the integrated operation of the dedicated surveillance networks"
            "id": "task1397-f80b6728136b4b77bacf3879e07eef81",
            "input": "Autres sujets",
            "output": [
                "Other topics"
            "id": "task1397-c9b4d257bbf648ec94ed4ebfc3292440",
            "input": "Internet Explorer 5.0 ou 6.0\u00a0de Microsoft: s\u00e9lectionnez le menu \u00abAffichage\u00bb, cliquez sur \u00abTaille du texte\u00bb et choisissez une taille dans les options de \u00abplus petite\u00bb \u00e0 \u00abplus grande\u00bb.",
            "output": [
                "Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or 6.0 - Select View menu, click on Text size and choose a size from the options Largest to Smallest."
            "id": "task1397-fa4535687b794183ba0470951290ab1e",
            "input": "Saisissez l'adresse \u00e9lectronique de votre ami/amie",
            "output": [
                "Type your friend's email address."
            "id": "task1397-52fcc3d489f1485cb5f8f2c80c806769",
            "input": "Fi\u00e8vres \u00c9bola et de Marburg",
            "output": [
                "Ebola and Marburg fevers"
            "id": "task1397-e771ab300a7048bb977851af84e8af6a",
            "input": "En mon for int\u00e9rieur, je suis un m\u00e9decin.",
            "output": [
                "In my heart I am a doctor."
            "id": "task1397-0416224e0b6b400189bbcbb83a86a029",
            "input": "La transmission de l\u2019infection \u00e0 l\u2019homme est due au Cryptosporidium parvum, une esp\u00e8ce \u00e0 laquelle les animaux domestiques sont \u00e9galement sensibles.",
            "output": [
                "Human infections occur due to Cryptosporidium parvum, a species that also affects domestic animals."
            "id": "task1397-a73474b0c0144c34ae8afa06a3e919d7",
            "input": "Compte tenu des m\u00e9canismes qui sont \u00e0 l\u2019origine de l\u2019\u00e9mergence de la r\u00e9sistance aux antimicrobiens, la strat\u00e9gie \u00e0 mettre en place est simple:",
            "output": [
                "Considering the mechanisms behind the emergence of antimicrobial resistance, the strategy to fight it is rather straightforward:"
            "id": "task1397-33d6449040404c13b6ebc433b86ff65e",
            "input": "D\u00e9claration d\u2019int\u00e9r\u00eat annuelle de l\u2019\u00e9quipe Grippe de l\u2019ECDC",
            "output": [
                "Annual declaration of interest, ECDC influenza team"
            "id": "task1397-44ced9dc846146cf86be1cbe61143107",
            "input": "zone bor\u00e9ale, en bleu fonc\u00e9",
            "output": [
                "Boreal, dark blue."
            "id": "task1397-65cd6bcc6e6d492f8496c8adf64dc50f",
            "input": "TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 DE A \u00c0 ZTH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9SEN SAVOIR PLUS SUR CE SITETH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9SEN SAVOIR PLUS SUR CE SITE",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-5e353f41f37447f786e2d0ee860de449",
            "input": "L\u2019ECDC dispose d'un programme strat\u00e9gique pluriannuel qui constitue la feuille de route de ses activit\u00e9s et priorit\u00e9s pour la p\u00e9riode 2007 - 2013. Chaque ann\u00e9e, le conseil d'administration du Centre approuve un plan de travail annuel pour l\u2019ECDC.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC has a Strategic Multi-annual Programme which provides a roadmap for its activities and priorities from 2007 until 2013. Every year the Centre\u2019s Management Board approves an annual work plan for ECDC."
            "id": "task1397-6fe3bd8328b44c3b9e747fe89584859c",
            "input": "appel \u00e0 candidatures",
            "output": [
                "Call for applications"
            "id": "task1397-f72702e308d14ca99d7772cae02ac6b1",
            "input": "La prophylaxie consiste notamment \u00e0 contr\u00f4ler la colonisation de Campylobacter dans la volaille et \u00e0 avoir de bonnes pratiques d\u2019hygi\u00e8ne pour le traitement de la viande. Elle comprend \u00e9galement la protection et le contr\u00f4le des approvisionnements priv\u00e9s en eau potable.",
            "output": [
                "As a prophylactic measure, control of Campylobacter colonisation in poultry is important, as well as hygienic processing of meat, and the protection and control of private drinking water supplies."
            "id": "task1397-d1857157a9ce40cc9787e51a1b9d2acb",
            "input": "Plus rarement, l\u2019infection peut \u00eatre due \u00e0 la consommation de lait contamin\u00e9 ou \u00e0 la contamination d\u2019un laboratoire.",
            "output": [
                "It can also be less frequently acquired by drinking contaminated milk or through laboratory contamination."
            "id": "task1397-cb7be2d231bd46e0bd3c2d87c3eecf46",
            "input": "Dans les cas symptomatiques, les patients pr\u00e9sentent, apr\u00e8s une p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation de 2 \u00e0 3 semaines, des ganglions lymphatiques gonfl\u00e9s, des malaises, un \u00e9ryth\u00e8me et une atteinte des voies respiratoires sup\u00e9rieures.",
            "output": [
                "In symptomatic cases, after an incubation period of 2\u20133 weeks, patients develop swollen lymph glands, malaise, rash, and upper respiratory tract symptoms."
            "id": "task1397-ce22fcdf862140519e35339e741ba7f8",
            "input": "Collaborer avec des experts issus de diff\u00e9rents horizons permet \u00e0 l'ECDC de concentrer en son sein l\u2019ensemble des connaissances europ\u00e9ennes en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9 et d\u2019\u00eatre en mesure d\u2019\u00e9mettre des avis scientifiques autoris\u00e9s concernant les risques li\u00e9s aux maladies infectieuses actuelles et \u00e9mergentes.",
            "output": [
                "By working with experts throughout Europe, ECDC pools Europes health knowledge, so as to develop authoritative scientific opinions about the risks posed by current and emerging infectious diseases"
            "id": "task1397-2e3e18f25b6442fe82ef26bef2991b1c",
            "input": "Alertes et bulletins d\u2019informationSi vous d\u00e9sirez recevoir les alertes et les bulletins d\u2019information par courrier \u00e9lectronique, veuillez remplir le formulaire ci-dessous.",
            "output": [
                "Alerts and Newsletters Please fill in the form below to get alerts and newsletters via e-mail."
            "id": "task1397-4c1e655aef1e438d9b9e3608127117ba",
            "input": "Peste",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-a6061cc3f9324d7b88579032d021f4f7",
            "input": "Si l\u2019augmentation observ\u00e9e en Lettonie et en R\u00e9publique tch\u00e8que \u00e9tait dans un premier temps circonscrite aux consommateurs de drogues par voie intraveineuse, le foyer s\u2019est ensuite propag\u00e9 au reste de la population.",
            "output": [
                "While initially the increases in Latvia and Czech Republic was limited to the specific population of IDUs, the outbreak later spread to the general population as well."
            "id": "task1397-8e4a51629bd14450b9211cdb01e89652",
            "input": "Au cours de l\u2019\u00e9t\u00e9 2006, plusieurs foyers d\u2019infection \u00e0 norovirus ont \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9tect\u00e9s sur des bateaux de croisi\u00e8re naviguant dans les eaux europ\u00e9ennes; le CEPCM a particip\u00e9 \u00e0 la recherche sur ces foyers en collaboration avec le r\u00e9seau DIVINE-NET (le r\u00e9seau europ\u00e9en pour la pr\u00e9vention des infections virales ent\u00e9riques \u00e9mergentes d\u2019origine alimentaire, financ\u00e9 par l\u2019UE).",
            "output": [
                "In the summer of 2006, a series of outbreaks on cruise ships in European waters, caused by norovirus, led to ECDC\u2019s participation in the outbreak investigation in collaboration with the EU-funded network DIVINE-NET, which is the European network for the prevention of emerging (food-borne) enteric viral infections."
            "id": "task1397-c419f022d4c9471c95334225977a1923",
            "input": "Sauvegarder cette page dans un fichier au format PDF",
            "output": [
                "Save this page as a PDF file"
            "id": "task1397-7414075d937b4184a1aa3f450c461467",
            "input": "J\u2019essaye toujours de prendre le petit-d\u00e9jeuner avec ma femme et mes enfants\u2026 un moment en famille ...",
            "output": [
                "I always try to have breakfast with my wife and children... our moment together."
            "id": "task1397-ffc7cb2504434f14b5d99dd656b32b17",
            "input": "Infection \u00e0 norovirus",
            "output": [
                "Norovirus infection"
            "id": "task1397-0014b77d14af4e7b8cc2b3f46b40c419",
            "input": "Elles peuvent appara\u00eetre n\u2019importe o\u00f9 sur le corps, mais on les retrouve principalement au niveau des mains et des pieds.",
            "output": [
                "They can appear anywhere on the body but are most commonly found on hands and feet."
            "id": "task1397-ec5360071ef14a9699bb0ba90b737746",
            "input": "Cet \u00e9v\u00e8nement, souvent impr\u00e9visible et inattendu, appara\u00eet subitement, suit une \u00e9volution incontr\u00f4l\u00e9e et suscite des r\u00e9actions incontr\u00f4lables.",
            "output": [
                "It is often unpredictable and unexpected, develops suddenly, takes uncontrolled course and evokes uncontrollable reactions."
            "id": "task1397-7b0d55fee22e4cf2a96a4f9fa20d561d",
            "input": "L\u2019Europe est expos\u00e9e \u00e0 la FHV de Hantaan et de Puumula, \u00e9galement appel\u00e9e \u00ab\u00a0n\u00e9phropathie \u00e9pid\u00e9mique\u00a0\u00bb (transmise par exposition directe/indirecte aux rongeurs infect\u00e9s) et \u00e0 la FHV de Crim\u00e9e-Congo (transmise par les piq\u00fbres de tiques).",
            "output": [
                "Present in Europe are Hantaan and Puumula VHF, also called \u2018epidemic nephropathy\u2019 (transmitted through direct/indirect exposure to infected rodents) and Crimean-Congo VHF (transmitted through tick bites)."
            "id": "task1397-2169a762bee9480f8f454109041acfa2",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s la piq\u00fbre infectieuse, une p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation de 1 \u00e0 6 jours pr\u00e9c\u00e8de les sympt\u00f4mes qui varient selon l\u2019\u00e2ge du patient:",
            "output": [
                "After the infectious bite, an incubation period of 1\u20136 days precedes symptoms which tend to vary with the patient\u2019s age:"
            "id": "task1397-2781e2a1de5a4c9a9c7daa05f66a9c68",
            "input": "L\u2019OUTIL DE PISTAGE DES MENACES (OPM)",
            "output": [
                "Threat Tracking Tool (TTT)"
            "id": "task1397-b36137646d7845a6b1471ae7bba9c276",
            "input": "OMS-EURO",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-c9369918440648d8b50a22206eb623ab",
            "input": "Les rares complications comprennent les saignements cutan\u00e9s, l\u2019infection c\u00e9r\u00e9brale, la n\u00e9vrite et l\u2019inflammation des testicules.",
            "output": [
                "Rare complications include skin bleedings, brain infection, neuritis, and inflammation of the testicles."
            "id": "task1397-f4830dca7adb4272be98446f69d2ef69",
            "input": "Soutien en cas de foyer \u00e9pid\u00e9mique",
            "output": [
                "Outbreak support"
            "id": "task1397-4b1ca62341aa4447851e9705cac5f034",
            "input": "Le bureau du programme EPIET a progressivement \u00e9t\u00e9 int\u00e9gr\u00e9 au CEPCM jusqu\u2019en novembre 2007.",
            "output": [
                "The EPIET Programme Office was gradually incorporated into ECDC, with the integration being completed on November 2007."
            "id": "task1397-c35fe552fa8c4ae99f7433cf568de4aa",
            "input": "Ils servent, en outre, de r\u00e9servoir favorisant la transmission de la maladie.",
            "output": [
                "Moreover, they act as a reservoir for continuing disease transmission."
            "id": "task1397-7f7ec628c3ac4bd89d43518bab782ec3",
            "input": "La rub\u00e9ole est une maladie f\u00e9brile b\u00e9nigne caract\u00e9ris\u00e9e par un \u00e9ryth\u00e8me l\u00e9ger et due au rubivirus.",
            "output": [
                "Rubella is a mild febrile rash illness caused by rubella virus."
            "id": "task1397-201aa5a734784d5eb0b7dbb136168014",
            "input": "En tant qu\u2019agence ind\u00e9pendante de l\u2019Union europ\u00e9enne, le Centre europ\u00e9en de pr\u00e9vention et de contr\u00f4le des maladies (ci-apr\u00e8s l\u2019\u00abECDC\u00bb ou le \u00abCentre\u00bb) rend compte \u00e0 un conseil d\u2019administration dont les membres sont nomm\u00e9s par les \u00c9tats membres, le Parlement europ\u00e9en et la Commission europ\u00e9enne.",
            "output": [
                "As an independent EU Agency, ECDC reports to a Management Board whose members are nominated by the Member States, the European Parliament and the European Commission."
            "id": "task1397-4d2c4eff8d0b404d9dde987344f75e30",
            "input": "recense et \u00e9value les menaces \u00e9mergentes que des maladies transmissibles repr\u00e9sentent pour la sant\u00e9;",
            "output": [
                "Identify and assess emerging threats to human health from communicable diseases;"
            "id": "task1397-3a590641e40f4126864af12b0fdca741",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-276958aba0a240939fde1018e2dc6440",
            "input": "Les fumeurs sont plus expos\u00e9 \u00e0 ce risque que les non fumeurs.",
            "output": [
                "Smokers are more at risk than non-smokers."
            "id": "task1397-082d6299b9ed43e2995cde71d8179795",
            "input": "Ces changements climatiques ont d\u00e9j\u00e0 des effets perceptibles sur de nombreux syst\u00e8mes naturels, incluant les \u00e9cosyst\u00e8mes marins et terrestres, tels que la p\u00e9riodicit\u00e9 des \u00e9v\u00e8nements biologiques saisonniers et la r\u00e9partition des esp\u00e8ces animales et v\u00e9g\u00e9tales.",
            "output": [
                "These climatic changes have already had noticeable effects on many natural systems, including marine and terrestrial ecosystems, such as the timing of seasonal biological events and the distribution of animal and plant species."
            "id": "task1397-5e17231324af4d26ae523a18e89f686e",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s une p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation comprise entre cinq et 60 jours, des sympt\u00f4mes aigus ou insidieux peuvent appara\u00eetre.",
            "output": [
                "After an incubation period of five to 60 days, symptoms may appear either acutely or insidiously."
            "id": "task1397-e98011168e074e1b897f86ea8f667061",
            "input": "Ces \u00e9tudes comprennent, notamment, l\u2019environnement et l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie en Europe (le r\u00e9seau E3) et les projets BCoDE (Present and Future Burden of Communicable Disease in Europe) sur la charge actuelle et \u00e0 venir que repr\u00e9sentent les maladies transmissibles en Europe.",
            "output": [
                "These studies include, among others, the European Environment and Epidemiology (E3 Nework) and the Present and Future Burden of Communicable Disease in Europe (BCoDE) projects."
            "id": "task1397-6176f02956e146eb9e8fb00b96c7f6e6",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s exposition (par de la nourriture contamin\u00e9e), la plupart des adultes en bonne sant\u00e9 ne pr\u00e9sentent aucun sympt\u00f4me, sauf les femmes enceintes.",
            "output": [
                "After exposure (via contaminated food) most healthy adults do not develop any symptoms, except in the case of pregnant women."
            "id": "task1397-a1ecf5f8b27740129fece2bea7f9eff4",
            "input": "Infections par le virus du papillome humain",
            "output": [
                "Human papilloma virus (HPV) infections"
            "id": "task1397-04006561c1fe406b85a0654c77cc14ce",
            "input": "Il faut bien conna\u00eetre le public \u00e0 qui les messages de sant\u00e9 sont destin\u00e9s. Il faut \u00e9galement conna\u00eetre l\u2019int\u00e9r\u00eat et l\u2019importance du probl\u00e8me pour les groupes cibl\u00e9s, la capacit\u00e9 du groupe \u00e0 l'affronter ainsi que son potentiel \u00e0 faire \u00e9voluer une situation existante dans un environnement concret.",
            "output": [
                "It requires familiarity with the audience to whom health messages are being addressed, knowledge about relevance and importance of the problem to the target groups, ability of the group to tackle the problem and potential to promote change of an existing situation in a concrete environment."
            "id": "task1397-01375b9ad5014ecaa08da0acedd440df",
            "input": "Si vous souhaitez recevoir un exemplaire de l\u2019une d\u2019entre elles, merci d'envoyer un courrier \u00e9lectronique \u00e0 l\u2019adresse  publications@ecdc.europa.eu .",
            "output": [
                "If you would like to receive any of them in hard copy, please email  publications@ecdc.europa.eu ."
            "id": "task1397-be1dc0bd7e944d20b5e8857b7f21f8cf",
            "input": "Diff\u00e9rents types d\u2019animaux peuvent servir de r\u00e9servoirs naturels, principalement les lapins, les li\u00e8vres, les \u00e9cureuils, les renards et les tiques.",
            "output": [
                "Natural reservoirs are many types of animals, mainly rabbits, hares, squirrels, foxes and ticks."
            "id": "task1397-d8ad7f3b5a074eb4ab56072d260503c3",
            "input": "Collaborer avec des experts issus de diff\u00e9rents horizons permet \u00e0 l'ECDC de concentrer en son sein l\u2019ensemble des connaissances europ\u00e9ennes en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9 et d\u2019\u00eatre en mesure d\u2019\u00e9mettre des avis scientifiques authoris\u00e9s concernant les risques li\u00e9s aux maladies infectieuses actuelles et \u00e9mergentes.",
            "output": [
                "By working with experts throughout Europe, ECDC pools Europe's health knowledge to develop authoritative scientific opinions about the risks posed by current and emerging infectious diseases."
            "id": "task1397-f981750f9d9a46b5acbf511e28480069",
            "input": "Organes comp\u00e9tents par pays",
            "output": [
                "Competent bodies by country"
            "id": "task1397-e3e13ca948ef4288adc1074c4d63e692",
            "input": "Le virus influenza d\u2019origine porcine peut \u00e9galement infecter les oiseaux sauvages, la volaille, les chevaux et l\u2019homme, mais la transmission inter-esp\u00e8ce est consid\u00e9r\u00e9e comme rare.",
            "output": [
                "Swine-origin influenza virus infections also occur in wild birds, poultry, horses and humans, but interspecies transmission is considered a rare event."
            "id": "task1397-e5a7597c2dc047c4a490cd40f0c919ad",
            "input": "la dur\u00e9e de conservation des donn\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "How long your data is kept."
            "id": "task1397-60ef167d589743f7b6cd47881f65072e",
            "input": "Les r\u00e9sultats de ces \u00e9valuations nationales sont compil\u00e9s dans un rapport technique qui peut \u00eatre consult\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "Results of these evaluations are available in a technical report."
            "id": "task1397-f305f34fef804f49acdd2137f8d27da6",
            "input": "La communication sur les risques doit \u00eatre prise en consid\u00e9ration \u00e0 tous les stades de la gestion des risques.",
            "output": [
                "Risk communication needs to be considered at all stages of risk management."
            "id": "task1397-bb807adbff1947d4913bd263bd086615",
            "input": "- les crit\u00e8res d\u2019impact d\u2019un \u00e9v\u00e9nement qui permettent de prendre des d\u00e9cisions quant \u00e0 la r\u00e9partition des moyens",
            "output": [
                "- Impact criteria of an event for decision-taking on the allegiance of resources"
            "id": "task1397-b9a3e5bdfd6046d09bd925a629a0c9a9",
            "input": "Si la bact\u00e9rie inhal\u00e9e va jusqu\u2019aux poumons, elle peut provoquer l\u2019infection.",
            "output": [
                "If the bacteria get inhaled into the lungs they can cause infection."
            "id": "task1397-a1c167902ed2403b8ad56244c6baeda1",
            "input": "Le r\u00f4le de l\u2019ECDC dans le typage est d\u2019encourager le d\u00e9veloppement de moyens suffisants pour permettre le diagnostic, la d\u00e9tection, l'identification et la caract\u00e9risation des agents qui peuvent menacer la sant\u00e9 publique ( r\u00e8glement 851/2004 instituant l\u2019ECDC ).",
            "output": [
                "ECDC role in typing is to foster the development of sufficient capacity for diagnosis, detection, identification and characterization of agents which may threaten public health (  ECDC founding regulation 851/2004 )."
            "id": "task1397-092c44a6fe81467d8e42af303474d3a8",
            "input": "Le chol\u00e9ra est une infection diarrh\u00e9ique aigu\u00eb due aux s\u00e9rogroupes O1 et O139 de la bact\u00e9rie Vibrio cholera.",
            "output": [
                "Cholera is an acute diarrhoeal infection caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholera of serogroups O1 or O139."
            "id": "task1397-3072a78658994f2c98280e2720b10b3b",
            "input": "protection, contr\u00f4le et obligation de justifier la gestion des mat\u00e9riaux biologique au sein des laboratoires afin d\u2019emp\u00eacher leur acc\u00e8s non autoris\u00e9, leur perte, leur vol, leur utilisation abusive, leur d\u00e9tournement ou leur mise en circulation d\u00e9lib\u00e9r\u00e9e.",
            "output": [
                "The protection, control and accountability for biological materials  within laboratories in order to prevent their unauthorised access, loss, theft, misuse, diversion or intentional release."
            "id": "task1397-1a978e6153b64390a2adc5b006d9a2e8",
            "input": "Les individus infect\u00e9s peuvent rester asymptomatiques ou d\u00e9velopper une diarrh\u00e9e aigu\u00eb ou chronique (apr\u00e8s 3 \u00e0 25 jours, voire plus).",
            "output": [
                "Infected individuals can remain without symptoms or (three to 25 or more days later) develop either acute or chronic diarrhoea."
            "id": "task1397-7d79f16761da41c2824bd9c16d1b1602",
            "input": "Cette maladie est rarement mortelle.",
            "output": [
                "Reports of death are rare."
            "id": "task1397-5f9ab6ee512e4c0f97425b24858c0be2",
            "input": "Lorsque la bact\u00e9rie Salmonella typhi est la cause de l\u2019infection, une perforation intestinale et une h\u00e9morragie peuvent se produire.",
            "output": [
                "When Salmonella typhi is the cause, intestinal perforation and haemorrhage may occur."
            "id": "task1397-bfe25a7852834450bdbb33e9b9dce6f3",
            "input": "Le mot \u00abcrise\u00bb a une signification plus large et porte sur des \u00e9v\u00e9nements qui sont, ou peuvent devenir, anormaux, et dont la gestion requi\u00e8re l\u2019affectation de ressources sp\u00e9cifiques ainsi que la prise d\u2019un ensemble pr\u00e9cis de mesures organisationnelles.",
            "output": [
                "\u201cCrisis\u201d has a broader meaning and relates to events which are, or may become abnormal, the management of which requires the allocation of specific resources and a clear set of organisational arrangements."
            "id": "task1397-00b270e84af04596b63def1fc5dfff30",
            "input": "En g\u00e9n\u00e9ral, la schistosomiase est trait\u00e9e par une dose unique de praziquantel.",
            "output": [
                "Schistosomiasis is usually treated with a single dose of praziquantel."
            "id": "task1397-f5eabc9194054f69ac5e67e6b93264bb",
            "input": "La toxoplasmose est g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement asymptomatique chez l\u2019homme (et chez l\u2019animal). N\u00e9anmoins, des individus en bonne sant\u00e9 peuvent pr\u00e9senter un gonflement des ganglions lymphatiques.",
            "output": [
                "Usually toxoplasmosis goes with no symptoms in humans (and animals), but healthy individuals may experience swollen lymph glands."
            "id": "task1397-a883b120817d4c6b8aa2aa73d986bd79",
            "input": "L\u00e9gionellose",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-1844c2f34c8b4266a8c710d7115e866c",
            "input": "En collaboration avec le Programme europ\u00e9en de formation \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie d\u2019intervention (EPIET), le CEPCM lance un programme pilote de formation de deux ans \u00ablaboratoire/microbiologie de terrain\u00bb.",
            "output": [
                "In collaboration with the European Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training (EPIET), the ECDC initiates a pilot two-year field laboratory / microbiology training programme. During the two-year training, the trainee shall complete two 12-month training rotations at two different training sites within European laboratories."
            "id": "task1397-3db17a58f756494fa0cd0c1446878465",
            "input": "Il s\u2019agit d\u2019un fichier XML qui peut \u00eatre lu par un logiciel de lecture des flux ou un service web que vous pouvez utiliser \u00e0 partir de votre navigateur internet.",
            "output": [
                "It's an XML file that can be read by special feed reading software or a web service you can use from your web browser."
            "id": "task1397-b5488745615943acb9a10e2fdd18d8e7",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-efda381ab7844bf6bf384b5e6cfbdfa5",
            "input": "La maladie de Lyme, \u00e9galement connue sous le nom de borr\u00e9liose de Lyme, est due \u00e0 la bact\u00e9rie Borrelia burgdorferi. Elle est transmise \u00e0 l\u2019homme par la piq\u00fbre de tiques infect\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "Lyme disease, also known as Lyme borreliosis, is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and is transmitted to humans by the bite of infected ticks."
            "id": "task1397-8c84a92985a946c4bbfc25d0e3f65b4c",
            "input": "LES Sources DU RENSEIGNEMENT \u00c9PID\u00c9MIQUE",
            "output": [
                "Sources of epidemic intelligence information"
            "id": "task1397-a00f523b30f14636bde8c7641b60cd98",
            "input": "Les recommandations issues de l\u2019\u00e9valuation ont largement \u00e9t\u00e9 prises en compte et les modifications du document du CSS ont \u00e9t\u00e9 effectu\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "Recommendations from the evaluation were considered to a greater extend and changes to the HSC document were addressed."
            "id": "task1397-c1bc5b5f74b54ec3b3781b762b555a53",
            "input": "La plupart des cas de vMCJ signal\u00e9s ont \u00e9t\u00e9 infect\u00e9s suite \u00e0 la consommation de viande de b\u0153uf contamin\u00e9e par l\u2019agent responsable de l\u2019ESB.",
            "output": [
                "Most reported vCJD cases appear to have been infected through the consumption of bovine meat products contaminated with the agent of BSE."
            "id": "task1397-81458fd21e7d4794aea9dc29fe65bf32",
            "input": "R\u00e9seau europ\u00e9en Environnement et \u00c9pid\u00e9miologie (E3):",
            "output": [
                "European Environment and Epidemiology Network (E3):"
            "id": "task1397-ba0c218be35d44ef87ee7d4581f809e1",
            "input": "Actualit\u00e9s sur la malaria",
            "output": [
                "Malaria updates"
            "id": "task1397-0a1f9df13a1e41d19be937671c4b179e",
            "input": "Tuberculose multir\u00e9sistante",
            "output": [
                "Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR TB)"
            "id": "task1397-ca4f2d45d56c462888159ccd204c2a0d",
            "input": "Les agents temporaires sont recrut\u00e9s principalement pour:",
            "output": [
                "Temporary agents are mainly recruited for:"
            "id": "task1397-2775b20edac344ec83ec90dcd3ec7d59",
            "input": "La trichinellose est une maladie zoonotique due aux parasites Trichinella.",
            "output": [
                "Trichinellosis is a zoonotic disease caused by Trichinella parasites."
            "id": "task1397-816c20d73119400bbf4d94ba80412a4d",
            "input": "Depuis 1991, la s\u00e9curit\u00e9 des transfusions de sang et de produits sanguins a \u00e9t\u00e9 am\u00e9lior\u00e9e, les tests VHC \u00e9tant maintenant largement utilis\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "After 1991, blood transfusions and blood products became much safer than before, as routine HCV tests started to become widely available."
            "id": "task1397-2734d5cb06a747aebf5fc546916f94ba",
            "input": "La rage est une maladie due au virus rabique (un Lyssavirus).",
            "output": [
                "Rabies is a disease caused by rabies virus (a Lyssavirus)."
            "id": "task1397-c76f0bce6c144ba698931fd07f74f030",
            "input": "- La deuxi\u00e8me consultation a eu lieu en septembre 2007 (voir le rapport).",
            "output": [
                "- The second one was held in September 2007. See the report"
            "id": "task1397-4399f89d34854e78be24e1f472a0ece2",
            "input": "Nos principales activit\u00e9s destin\u00e9es \u00e0 renforcer les comp\u00e9tences des personnels europ\u00e9ens du secteur de la sant\u00e9 sont les suivantes:",
            "output": [
                "In order to strengthen EU public health work force, these are the main areas of our activities:"
            "id": "task1397-889f0638c4b44acdbf75681334efe1d4",
            "input": "Une urgence est un \u00e9v\u00e9nement exceptionnel qui d\u00e9passe ou peut d\u00e9passer les capacit\u00e9s de r\u00e9action habituellement disponibles.",
            "output": [
                "An emergency is an exceptional event that exceeds or potentially exceeds the capacity of normal resources to cope."
            "id": "task1397-c9ea1a446e1541db92164852b7d8adb0",
            "input": "Conform\u00e9ment \u00e0 l\u2019article 18 du  r\u00e8glement fondateur , le forum consultatif se compose de membres d\u2019instances techniquement comp\u00e9tentes des \u00c9tats membres qui accomplissent des t\u00e2ches similaires \u00e0 celles du Centre, chaque \u00c9tat membre d\u00e9signant un repr\u00e9sentant dont les comp\u00e9tences scientifiques sont reconnues. Le forum comprend \u00e9galement trois membres ne disposant pas du droit de vote qui nomm\u00e9s par la Commission et repr\u00e9sentent les parties int\u00e9ress\u00e9es au niveau europ\u00e9en, notamment les organisations non gouvernementales repr\u00e9sentant les patients, les organisations professionnelles ou les universit\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "According to Article 18 of the  Founding Regulation , the Advisory Forum shall be composed of members from technically competent bodies in the Member States which undertake tasks similar to those of the Centre, on the basis of one representative designated by each Member State recognised for his/her scientific competence, as well as three members without the right to vote nominated by the Commission and representing interested parties at European level, such as non-governmental organisations representing patients, professional bodies or academia."
            "id": "task1397-ec922647ecfe49609bad6bb9dd0e47a2",
            "input": "Le Conseil et la Pr\u00e9sidence de l\u2019Union europ\u00e9enne",
            "output": [
                "The Council and Presidency of the European Union"
            "id": "task1397-6c02365f15e24664b7e4b027dcf58d82",
            "input": "Parmi les autres manifestations, on peut citer l\u2019inflammation articulaire, \u00abl\u2019\u00e9ryth\u00e8me noueux\u00bb (affection cutan\u00e9e) et le syndrome de Reiter (inflammation des yeux et des articulations).",
            "output": [
                "Other manifestations such as joint inflammation, \u201cerythema nodosum\u201d (a skin affection) and Reiter\u2019s syndrome (inflammation of eyes and joints) can also appear."
            "id": "task1397-ed79b98b54644b4e91b49e1c93247aae",
            "input": "Ils excr\u00e8tent des kystes dans l\u2019environnement, pouvant infecter de nombreux autres animaux. La transmission \u00e0 l\u2019homme s\u2019effectue par ingestion des kystes (par contact direct avec les chats ou par la consommation d\u2019eau ou d\u2019aliments contamin\u00e9s par les excr\u00e9ments de chat) ou par la consommation de viande mal cuite (porc et mouton en particulier) contenant des kystes.",
            "output": [
                "They excrete cysts in the environment, able to infect many other animals, and humans can become infected either by ingesting the cysts (by direct contact with cats or through food or water contaminated by cat faeces), or by eating poorly cooked meat containing cysts, especially pork and mutton."
            "id": "task1397-8bad27ee3c464f42ae46bf3efa3af5db",
            "input": "Une telle mention doit \u00eatre pr\u00e9sente sur chaque copie des documents.",
            "output": [
                "Such acknowledgement must be included in each copy of the material."
            "id": "task1397-97119c3c5dba4b5d9e998e4c5811f78a",
            "input": "Les kystes de Giardia peuvent survivre longtemps dans l\u2019environnement et la chloration de l\u2019eau seule ne permet pas de les neutraliser.",
            "output": [
                "Giardia cysts can survive for extended periods of time in the environment and chlorination of water alone cannot inactivate them."
            "id": "task1397-42026ce7f4b74af585735c395882f9f7",
            "input": "Selon cette d\u00e9claration de mission et les textes qui suivent dans le r\u00e8glement fondateur, les activit\u00e9s principales du Centre sont:",
            "output": [
                "Based on this mission statement and following texts in the Founding Regulation there are some core activities within the Centre, mainly:"
            "id": "task1397-a02eebca67364582a2174f62c0c0dd52",
            "input": "Certaines pages du site de l\u2019ECDC ont un lien vers nos bo\u00eetes \u00e9lectroniques de contact, qui active votre logiciel de courrier \u00e9lectronique et vous invite \u00e0 nous envoyer vos commentaires.",
            "output": [
                "Some pages on the ECDC website have a link to our contact mailboxes, which activates your e-mail software and invites you to send your comments."
            "id": "task1397-31072707c9c843b2a115a78702390e98",
            "input": "RESTER INFORM\u00c9",
            "output": [
                "STAY UP TO DATE"
            "id": "task1397-2680619aedbd4ab5a272ad7072fd2840",
            "input": "L\u2019ECDC met dor\u00e9navant des flux RSS \u00e0 votre disposition pour les mises \u00e0 jour de son site.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC now offers RSS feeds for our website updates."
            "id": "task1397-7f969f9436d84d86814ee68c6e331f24",
            "input": "Association europ\u00e9enne pour la sant\u00e9 publique (EUPHA)",
            "output": [
                "European Public Health Association (EUPHA)"
            "id": "task1397-ff4024fe38c14fa89a5b4581a3b89875",
            "input": "Rapport technique",
            "output": [
                "Technical report"
            "id": "task1397-10bfdba6877047b183c6761fe78c6a08",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s une p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement courte (2 \u00e0 5 jours), la lib\u00e9ration de la cytotoxine peut provoquer des l\u00e9sions caract\u00e9ristiques sur les muqueuses touch\u00e9es (amygdales, pharynx, larynx, nez) ou des plaies.",
            "output": [
                "Following infection, after a usually short incubation period (2\u20135 days), the release of the cytotoxin may produce characteristic lesions on the affected mucous membranes (tonsils, pharynx, larynx, nose) or wounds."
            "id": "task1397-c04f20f026ab4c7abf7f4d442b18459c",
            "input": "Une fois absorb\u00e9e, la toxine atteint d\u2019autres organes et peut provoquer une myocardite, des sympt\u00f4mes paralytiques et une n\u00e9phrite (inflammation du rein).",
            "output": [
                "The toxin, once absorbed, reaches other organs and can cause myocarditis, paralytic symptoms and nephritis."
            "id": "task1397-7830e5cf44764c568111365ca8147445",
            "input": "Surveillance de la grippe: synth\u00e8se hebdomadaire  (flux WISO)",
            "output": [
                "Weekly Influenza Surveillance Overview  (WISO)"
            "id": "task1397-c933b78893024f47bd8eeae596702c05",
            "input": "GRIPPE AVIAIRE \u2013 HIVER 2005/2006",
            "output": [
                "Avian influenza \u2013 Winter 2005/2006"
            "id": "task1397-6a8974f3b7c2419696504c3ba16768f7",
            "input": "Lire le compte rendu de la r\u00e9union (en anglais).",
            "output": [
                "Read the\u00a0meeting report"
            "id": "task1397-c38fc4231d0a49b08aca7d56d84d5436",
            "input": "Document relatif \u00e0 la politique de l\u2019ECDC en mati\u00e8re de cr\u00e9ation d\u2019hyperliens",
            "output": [
                "ECDC linking policy document"
            "id": "task1397-0fb48dd3bf054aefbe79cc1709183097",
            "input": "Le traitement consiste \u00e0 nettoyer la plaie infect\u00e9e, \u00e0 administrer des antibiotiques et des immunoglobulines sp\u00e9cifiques, et \u00e0 prodiguer des soins intensifs.",
            "output": [
                "Therapy is based on cleaning the infected wound, administration of antibiotics and specific immunoglobulins, and intensive care support."
            "id": "task1397-c80d8f0b74b34b5690a3278e25145e5d",
            "input": "Les tiques sont elles-m\u00eames infect\u00e9es lorsqu\u2019elles se nourrissent sur des oiseaux ou des mammif\u00e8res dont le sang contient la bact\u00e9rie.",
            "output": [
                "Ticks become infected when they feed on birds or mammals that carry the bacterium in their blood."
            "id": "task1397-0616758ff8504368a2edb0262e010d9e",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s une p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation de 12\u00a0jours en moyenne, une forte fi\u00e8vre accompagn\u00e9e de sympt\u00f4mes syst\u00e9miques non sp\u00e9cifiques apparaissait brusquement.",
            "output": [
                "After an average incubation period of 12 days, a high fever accompanied by non-specific general symptoms abruptly appeared."
            "id": "task1397-2ca2a54141a34d35a71b141a3dec880a",
            "input": "Elle peut se manifester par des vomissements, de la diarrh\u00e9e et des douleurs d\u2019estomac.",
            "output": [
                "Norovirus infection can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, and stomach pain."
            "id": "task1397-895086159817499c9ee067939c4b896b",
            "input": "Plan Menace sanitaire:",
            "output": [
                "Public Health Event (PHE) plan:"
            "id": "task1397-09df62917d0f400b97bdb4d9c5a3e53a",
            "input": "augmentation du niveau de la mer (Sea-Level Rise en anglais)",
            "output": [
                "sea-level rise."
            "id": "task1397-17dd647d455d4007a5decbd9fa27e4c5",
            "input": "Un nourrisson infect\u00e9 par la rub\u00e9ole pendant la grossesse peut continuer \u00e0 transmettre le virus pendant un an environ, parfois plus longtemps.",
            "output": [
                "An infant infected with rubella during pregnancy can continue to shed the virus for about one year, sometimes longer."
            "id": "task1397-4a3e242472754beb9c903cb30a969d97",
            "input": "ne sont pas n\u00e9cessairement compl\u00e8tes, exhaustives, exactes ou \u00e0 jour;",
            "output": [
                "not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or up to date;"
            "id": "task1397-8b2ea6d0c4114158a319b82ea30bf2a1",
            "input": "- renforcer la surveillance et le contr\u00f4le des maladies transmissibles dans l\u2019Union europ\u00e9enne gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 un r\u00e9seau int\u00e9grant laboratoires et \u00e9pid\u00e9miologie de terrain, qui sera charg\u00e9 de la d\u00e9tection des foyers, des enqu\u00eates et de la r\u00e9action aux \u00e9chelles nationale et internationale.",
            "output": [
                "- Strengthen communicable disease surveillance and control of the European Union through an integrated laboratory-field epidemiology network for outbreak detection, investigation and response nationally and internationally."
            "id": "task1397-577a6a66547c44a5a5f100be56fa8a77",
            "input": "Chlamydia",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-3546415ad7bf4f3ba1e812ad4739512a",
            "input": "En juin 2008, le CEPCM a particip\u00e9 \u00e0 l\u2019exercice de simulation intitul\u00e9 \u00abAeolus\u00bb, un exercice de poste de commandement de grande envergure organis\u00e9 par la Commission, auquel ont particip\u00e9 des parties prenantes de diff\u00e9rents domaines dont la sant\u00e9 publique, l\u2019application des lois et la justice.",
            "output": [
                "In June 2008 ECDC took part in the \u201cAeolus\u201d Commission organised simulation exercise, a large command-post exercise organized by the Commission and involving stakeholders from public health as well as law enforcement and justice sector."
            "id": "task1397-6610aa2c7b544f198842949385a922b4",
            "input": "La rougeole est une maladie aigu\u00eb due au  morbillivirus .",
            "output": [
                "Measles is an acute illness caused by  morbillivirus ."
            "id": "task1397-546d5a35a93f408f9d75e3c003930822",
            "input": "Les pages qui requi\u00e8rent de telles informations les traitent conform\u00e9ment \u00e0 la politique d\u00e9crite dans le r\u00e8glement susmentionn\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "Pages that require such information treat it according to the policy described in the Regulation mentioned above."
            "id": "task1397-d2d339554c8a4572b7fb6d0e44c5a5ba",
            "input": "- Questions sur la vaccination pour les \u00e9pid\u00e9miologistes (avril 2008)",
            "output": [
                "- Vaccination issues for epidemiologists (April 2008)"
            "id": "task1397-1ad054d01f72459d8049b17c6363351e",
            "input": "Cela signifie que vous pouvez \u00eatre inform\u00e9 des diff\u00e9rentes actualit\u00e9s et informations en provenance de nombreuses sources.",
            "output": [
                "That means you can stay in touch with many different sources of news and information."
            "id": "task1397-ea8134a7f2434c3f820e047c9cc27a8b",
            "input": "Malheureusement, les antibiotiques ont \u00e9galement pu faire l\u2019objet d\u2019une utilisation impropre.",
            "output": [
                "Unfortunately antibiotics have also been liable to misuse."
            "id": "task1397-bbed833c9f0146cd8523c8cbe3121b33",
            "input": "La  lymphogranulomatose v\u00e9n\u00e9rienne (LGV)  est une forme particuli\u00e8re de chlamydiose g\u00e9nitale qui est due \u00e0 un sous-groupe de la bact\u00e9rie  Chlamydia trachomatis .",
            "output": [
                "Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV)  is a special form of genital chlamydia that is caused by a sub-group of the  Chlamydia trachomatis  bacterium."
            "id": "task1397-d72efbba77ac4eae9cb000515757d60a",
            "input": "Les r\u00e9seaux d\u2019adduction et de distribution d\u2019eau sont particuli\u00e8rement vuln\u00e9rables \u00e0 la contamination par Cryptosporidium, qui peut r\u00e9sister \u00e0 la plupart des proc\u00e9dures de d\u00e9sinfection, notamment la chloration.",
            "output": [
                "Water distribution systems are particularly vulnerable to contamination with Cryptosporidium, which can survive most disinfection procedures such as chlorination."
            "id": "task1397-1d7ac4b15deb445a9d69ce7b9e9f5f93",
            "input": "Les consultations annuelles sur les activit\u00e9s de r\u00e9action on d\u00e9but\u00e9 en 2006. Le compte rendu de ces r\u00e9unions peut \u00eatre consult\u00e9 \u00e0 partir des liens suivants:",
            "output": [
                "Annual consultations on response activities started in 2006, and the meeting reports can be accessed using the following links:"
            "id": "task1397-8cb2a79d3a6d435284fc2205b562544d",
            "input": "Mat\u00e9riel de formation",
            "output": [
                "Training material"
            "id": "task1397-1a191b674a994454b33967b1a6e8ac9b",
            "input": "Ce site pr\u00e9sentera des informations g\u00e9n\u00e9rales sur le Centre et sur certaines maladies.",
            "output": [
                "The multilingual website will contain general information on the Centre and some basic disease facts."
            "id": "task1397-c454617618c540ee8b3c4328081c0b23",
            "input": "cirrhose du foie (25\u00a0%) et cancer (5\u00a0%).",
            "output": [
                "liver cirrhosis (25%) and cancer (5%)."
            "id": "task1397-a6e1bc9072a64d8d87725358b62a1496",
            "input": "Conform\u00e9ment \u00e0 l\u2019article 18 du r\u00e8glement fondateur, le forum consultatif se compose de membres d\u2019instances techniquement comp\u00e9tentes des \u00c9tats membres qui accomplissent des t\u00e2ches similaires \u00e0 celles du Centre, chaque \u00c9tat membre d\u00e9signant un repr\u00e9sentant dont les comp\u00e9tences scientifiques sont reconnues, ainsi que de trois membres ne disposant pas du droit de vote nomm\u00e9s par la Commission et repr\u00e9sentant les parties int\u00e9ress\u00e9es au niveau europ\u00e9en, notamment les organisations non gouvernementales repr\u00e9sentant les patients, les organisations professionnelles ou les universit\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "According to Article 18 of the Founding Regulation, the Advisory Forum shall be composed of members from technically competent bodies in the Member States which undertake tasks similar to those of the Centre, on the basis of one representative designated by each Member State recognised for his/her scientific competence, as well as three members without the right to vote nominated by the Commission and representing interested parties at European level, such as non-governmental organisations representing patients, professional bodies or academia."
            "id": "task1397-1a6e074f26e94258ac9862b3dd71cb4e",
            "input": "M\u00eame si le mot \u00abmarketing\u00bb est souvent associ\u00e9 \u00e0 des notions de publicit\u00e9 et de promotion, l\u2019application de ces m\u00e9thodes aux causes et aux programmes sociaux \u00e0 but non lucratif s'est av\u00e9r\u00e9 utile pour optimiser le r\u00e9sultat des efforts entrepris pour prot\u00e9ger et am\u00e9liorer la sant\u00e9 publique.",
            "output": [
                "Even though the word \u201cmarketing\u201d is often associated with advertising and promotion, the application of the methods to social non-for-profit causes and programmes has proven to be a helpful tool to enhance the effectiveness of efforts to protect and improve public health."
            "id": "task1397-3547f5ea87a4450682e171c06057ed71",
            "input": "L\u2019information et la communication sont d\u00e9terminantes en ce domaine.",
            "output": [
                "Information and communication play key roles in such an issue."
            "id": "task1397-fb6740d81e5d4a848e9f9177ae568f37",
            "input": "Les verrues sont des croissances de la peau et des muqueuses qui sont dues au papillomavirus humain (HPV).",
            "output": [
                "Warts are growths of skin and mucus membrane caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV)."
            "id": "task1397-44b402b1688a401d83451acb68f393ba",
            "input": "Afin de limiter la propagation de l\u2019infection, il convient d\u2019\u00e9liminer de fa\u00e7on ad\u00e9quate les animaux morts:",
            "output": [
                "Control measures include the correct disposal of dead animal:"
            "id": "task1397-d2c79bec2285428188b2d66208b06f54",
            "input": "\u00c0 la une",
            "output": [
                "In focus"
            "id": "task1397-262ca2bffc054bb59b78772b328edd7c",
            "input": "Motivation",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-cbb7e31dbf60412b873e603b0d3ad3a8",
            "input": "L'ECDC d\u00e9veloppe actuellement un r\u00e9seau europ\u00e9en Environnement - \u00c9pid\u00e9miologie (E3).",
            "output": [
                "ECDC is in the process of developing the European Environment and Epidemiology (E3) Network."
            "id": "task1397-71c06bbe41014ab09a10c80dcea60fd8",
            "input": "Pour en savoir plus sur la gonorrh\u00e9e, lire la  fiche d\u2019information destin\u00e9e au grand public .",
            "output": [
                "Read more about gonorrhoea in the  factsheet for general public ."
            "id": "task1397-071b5c4c2e0c4dcd81207e481596ded0",
            "input": "L\u2019infection de l\u2019homme r\u00e9sulte en effet d\u2019un contact direct avec un animal infect\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "Human infection results from direct contact with an infected animal."
            "id": "task1397-9c38114e00c84f469fe699a2081a5392",
            "input": "Programmes de sant\u00e9 publique li\u00e9s \u00e0 la grippe",
            "output": [
                "Influenza public health programmes"
            "id": "task1397-028e6ae3b42f4bbebd79725398584aed",
            "input": "L\u2019identification des menaces \u00e9mergentes pour la sant\u00e9 (renseignement \u00e9pid\u00e9mique)",
            "output": [
                "Identification of emerging health threats (epidemic intelligence)"
            "id": "task1397-82180fbd181c4f81ac5f07c4da7d77c0",
            "input": "Le taux de mortalit\u00e9 global est proche de 50\u00a0%. Il varie selon les manifestations cliniques, l\u2019\u00e2ge du patient et la prise en charge m\u00e9dicale.",
            "output": [
                "The overall death rate is close to 50%, depending on the clinical presentation, patient\u2019s age and medical support."
            "id": "task1397-0b2bf295306b487eb85c9c4779b2327c",
            "input": "Des cas s\u00e9v\u00e8res, touchant les reins ou les poumons, peuvent survenir et \u00eatre mortels.",
            "output": [
                "Severe cases, affecting the kidneys or the lungs, may occur and lead to death."
            "id": "task1397-c807b3c0f2e5472c8e74fdcfe7bdf30a",
            "input": "Prenez le  Flygbussarna  (bus) de Arlanda \u00e0 St Eriksplan (dur\u00e9e: environ 45\u00a0minutes).",
            "output": [
                "Take the  Flygbussarna  (bus) from Arlanda to St Eriksplan (takes around 45 minutes)."
            "id": "task1397-d0f1f9e51fa0441ab36f7dc9d55ee38f",
            "input": "Le Centre agit en \u00e9troite collaboration avec les \u00c9tats membres et la Commission afin d\u2019assurer l\u2019indispensable coh\u00e9rence du processus de communication sur les risques relatifs aux menaces pour la sant\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "The Centre shall act in close collaboration with the Member States and the Commission to promote the necessary coherence in the risk communication process on health threats."
            "id": "task1397-621a3c83024b42a2b8a433ec5d11fb54",
            "input": "Par cons\u00e9quent, seule l\u2019utilisation de strat\u00e9gies et de techniques de communication sp\u00e9cifiques permet d\u2019adapter les messages de mani\u00e8re \u00e0 canaliser au mieux l\u2019attention du public, \u00e0 sensibiliser l\u2019opinion publique sur les risques pour la sant\u00e9, \u00e0 contribuer \u00e0 am\u00e9liorer les niveaux de connaissance en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9, \u00e0 promouvoir les solutions et \u00e0 augmenter la probabilit\u00e9 que chacun adopte des comportements adapt\u00e9s et de bonnes pratiques en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "Therefore, only the use of specific health communication strategies and techniques can tailor messages to maximize public attention, raise awareness of health risks, contribute to improve health literacy levels, promote solutions and increase the likelihood of adoption of health behaviours and practices."
            "id": "task1397-35e091f2053d4c9dbffbbe8196763fa3",
            "input": "Ils ont \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9sign\u00e9s par les gouvernements des \u00c9tats membres; le conseil d\u2019administration du CEPCM a \u00e9tabli la liste de ces organes en d\u00e9cembre 2007.",
            "output": [
                "They have been designated by the Member States governments and their list has been compiled by the ECDC Management Board in December 2007."
            "id": "task1397-a836f0b1388f462192b831446785524e",
            "input": "Au moins six types de FRT sont pr\u00e9sents en Europe ou pr\u00e8s de ses fronti\u00e8res.",
            "output": [
                "At least six TBRF species are known to occur in Europe or close to its boundaries."
            "id": "task1397-82ce637c777b4db7beb49a00c61a3adb",
            "input": "La contamination interhumaine s\u2019est ensuite principalement effectu\u00e9e par l'inhalation de gouttelettes.",
            "output": [
                "Following its emergence, transmission of the virus occurred person to person, mostly via droplets (inhalation)."
            "id": "task1397-781fd3ddc3b744f2852a8ac074677d06",
            "input": "Plusieurs \u00e9tudes sur des foyers de rougeole et de grippe aviaire ont \u00e9t\u00e9 r\u00e9alis\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "Several investigations of measles and avian influenza outbreaks have been carried out."
            "id": "task1397-5363784a5d9942cbb103ee5f1e2555a2",
            "input": "Ce trajet en bus dure environ 16 minutes.",
            "output": [
                "This bus ride takes about 16 minutes."
            "id": "task1397-76625082749e429f99faf545bb20166c",
            "input": "Citer le pr\u00e9sent site  web",
            "output": [
                "Citing this website"
            "id": "task1397-cf26d6c875024604957e4c16e534e94b",
            "input": "\u00c0 partir de l\u2019a\u00e9roport d\u2019Arlanda:",
            "output": [
                "From Arlanda airport:"
            "id": "task1397-e7d9dad4ae9a47eb8cf8fbb8e36c4457",
            "input": "List\u00e9riose",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-2256cd0f4326472ab6f6863d795d7816",
            "input": "Les principales mesures pr\u00e9ventives visent \u00e0 r\u00e9duire l\u2019exposition aux piq\u00fbres de moustiques.",
            "output": [
                "The main preventive measures are aimed at reducing exposure to mosquito bites."
            "id": "task1397-6078e38d6fc9452b81528952c92b839f",
            "input": "La rub\u00e9ole est surtout dangereuse si elle est contract\u00e9e au cours des trois premiers mois de la grossesse.",
            "output": [
                "The most serious consequences of rubella infection occur when it is acquired during the first 3 months of pregnancy."
            "id": "task1397-c990cbeac33d4be0885bad656dab5afc",
            "input": "L\u2019homme peut \u00eatre infect\u00e9 par la consommation d\u2019aliments ou d\u2019eau contamin\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "Humans acquire the infection by consuming contaminated food or water."
            "id": "task1397-6e52e1f79dd34ff0b8394c78a58f92a8",
            "input": "Plusieurs visites sont planifi\u00e9es dans diff\u00e9rents pays en 2009.",
            "output": [
                "Visits are planned for several countries in 2009."
            "id": "task1397-1059349a812e4777bf9e63ae6efb890f",
            "input": "Informations de contact",
            "output": [
                "Contact information"
            "id": "task1397-a2c2fc49cf224b54a9c429fd86db202c",
            "input": "L\u2019analyse et l\u2019\u00e9valuation r\u00e9guli\u00e8res des programmes de communication sur la sant\u00e9 peuvent permettre d\u2019en d\u00e9celer les points forts et les points faibles, et peuvent indiquer quand il s\u2019av\u00e8re n\u00e9cessaire d\u2019y apporter des am\u00e9liorations.",
            "output": [
                "Regular analysis and evaluation of health communication programs can help to identify strengths and weaknesses of and may indicate when corrective measures are necessary."
            "id": "task1397-017b2551b3394629aeacc3dbb864bed0",
            "input": "\u00c0 la suite de cet \u00e9v\u00e9nement, le CEPCM a organis\u00e9 une consultation avec des experts pour examiner la situation \u00e9pid\u00e9miologique actuelle des norovirus en Europe, d\u00e9terminer les mesures \u00e0 prendre pour pr\u00e9venir et contr\u00f4ler de futurs foyers sur des bateaux de croisi\u00e8re et passer en revue les directives actuelles en mati\u00e8re de pr\u00e9vention et de contr\u00f4le sur les bateaux et dans d\u2019autres lieux.",
            "output": [
                "Following this event, ECDC organised an expert consultation to review the current norovirus epidemiology in Europe to assess the actions needed to prevent and control future outbreaks in cruise ships, and to review the existing guidelines for prevention and control measures in cruise ships and other public settings."
            "id": "task1397-e5dfd40adca041a5af5f756821226fc7",
            "input": "Le \u00abManuel d\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie de terrain\u00bb est con\u00e7u pour servir de r\u00e9f\u00e9rence et de support principal de formation dans le domaine de l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie d\u2019intervention.",
            "output": [
                "The purpose of the \u201cField epidemiology manual\u201d (FEM) is to serve as reference, core structure for training needs in intervention epidemiology."
            "id": "task1397-674847cd26b0402d9818b95fa280f003",
            "input": "mobilisation des ressources;",
            "output": [
                "mobilisation of resources;"
            "id": "task1397-bd9b4e4c02874743915bd129120ecbc4",
            "input": "M\u00eame avec l\u2019instauration rapide d\u2019un traitement antibiotique ad\u00e9quat, le taux de mortalit\u00e9 peut atteindre 10\u00a0%.",
            "output": [
                "Even with adequate and prompt antibiotic treatment, mortality can reach up to 10% of cases."
            "id": "task1397-d0de57452acd4ddaa64e3247ec8dfec9",
            "input": "Su\u00e8de",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-f40a40610dfe4aca8fe59cf98cb36311",
            "input": "la confiance;",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-f1f5ae2f2b3548a597a759151be65ab2",
            "input": "La grippe aviaire est une maladie des oiseaux due \u00e0 des virus grippaux similaires \u00e0 ceux provoquant la maladie chez l\u2019homme.",
            "output": [
                "Avian influenza is a disease in birds caused by influenza viruses that are similar to those causing disease in humans."
            "id": "task1397-98145d20e1c4458e9dfb6ed0da28a925",
            "input": "la transparence;",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-4f47ae5f7e934a4c81c577e43cac1fff",
            "input": "En plus du programme europ\u00e9en de formation sur deux ans pour les \u00e9pid\u00e9miologistes (EPIET), certains \u00c9tats membres organisent un programme similaire au niveau national, afin de garantir une offre de formation adapt\u00e9e aux besoins des professionnels.",
            "output": [
                "In addition to the 2-year training programme for epidemiologists at the EU level (EPIET), there are some Member States that organise a similar programme at the national level, in order to ensure sufficient training to meet the workforce needs."
            "id": "task1397-6480246ac6ae48c9902bb504db215c83",
            "input": "RESTER INFORM\u00c9GALERIE DE PHOTOS",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-f150e5879f7841bd8d198e3d8de9e191",
            "input": "Par cons\u00e9quent, l\u2019ECDC s\u2019efforce d\u2019\u00eatre ouvert et transparent concernant son mode de fonctionnement et son financement.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC therefore strives to be open and transparent about how we operate and how we are funded."
            "id": "task1397-10334e89da8b42f6a1bd43c9cfd197ef",
            "input": "Celui-ci a pour finalit\u00e9 de combiner le renseignement \u00e9pid\u00e9mique et la surveillance des maladies infectieuses (projets TESSy et TTT actuellement accueillis par le Centre) avec les donn\u00e9es m\u00e9t\u00e9orologiques, les mesures sur la qualit\u00e9 de l\u2019eau et de l\u2019air, les informations de t\u00e9l\u00e9d\u00e9tection, les donn\u00e9es sur la g\u00e9ologie, etc. L\u2019analyse de ces donn\u00e9es combin\u00e9es permettra aux agences de sant\u00e9 publique et de l\u2019environnement de coordonner leurs travaux.",
            "output": [
                "This network would have the capability to connect epidemic intelligence and infectious disease surveillance (such as Tessy and TTT, both currently housed at ECDC) with meteorological variables, water quality records, air quality measures, remote sensing information, geology, etc. Linking this data will enable coordination between public health and environmental agencies."
            "id": "task1397-8949abaf16354326b2a00c213c45ac58",
            "input": "Les partenaires doivent \u00eatre \u00e9galement \u00e9valu\u00e9s et \u00e9ventuellement trait\u00e9s pour \u00e9viter la r\u00e9infection et/ou la propagation de la maladie.",
            "output": [
                "Sexual partners need to be evaluated and eventually treated to prevent mutual re-infection and/or further spread of disease."
            "id": "task1397-bc1df8d1a31b4afa82dd0a0ac95d8c3a",
            "input": "S'abonner au flux RSSMessages cl\u00e9s de l'ECDCNOUVEAUT\u00c9SEN SAVOIR PLUS SUR CE SITETH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9SSECTIONSContenuWebECQContenuWebECQTH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9SContenuWebECQ\u00c0 LA UNE",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-f80a6a45ebc346e680010fe4d3eeb116",
            "input": "Ecrivez un message",
            "output": [
                "Write a message"
            "id": "task1397-9869e5ec62024fbc83aa568a6301d9e5",
            "input": "C\u2019est la profession que j\u2019ai choisie lorsque j\u2019avais dix-huit ans et qui a repr\u00e9sent\u00e9 l\u2019essentiel de mon travail depuis lors.",
            "output": [
                "It is the profession I chose when I was eighteen and which has been the essence of my work ever since."
            "id": "task1397-f979b10ae1b14978809f9c83040e0d0b",
            "input": "Tomtebodav\u00e4gen 11a",
            "output": [
                "Tomtebodav\u00e4gen 11a"
            "id": "task1397-19a14704e5dc44e0becfd738a38b5f46",
            "input": "L\u2019homme est le seul r\u00e9servoir de Salmonella typhi (la plus dangereuse), tandis que les animaux font \u00e9galement partie des r\u00e9servoirs de Salmonella paratyphi.",
            "output": [
                "Humans are the only reservoir for Salmonella typhi (which is the most serious), whereas Salmonella paratyphi also has animal reservoirs."
            "id": "task1397-2f8e99870f83437d939e414cd556fda1",
            "input": "En 2007, le CEPCM s\u2019est rendu en Pologne, en Hongrie et en Lettonie, et en 2008 au Portugal, en Hongrie, en Slov\u00e9nie et en Roumanie.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC visited Poland, Hungary and Latvia in 2007. Portugal, Hungary, Slovenia and Romania were visited in 2008."
            "id": "task1397-7dafdfe7db46435fa7cd9ed1460ac23f",
            "input": "TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 DE A \u00c0 ZEN SAVOIR PLUS SUR CE SITETH\u00c8MES ASSOCI\u00c9STH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 ASSOCI\u00c9S",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-e10030caf3a1498a90a132754e9af2b5",
            "input": "Formulaire des d\u00e9clarations d\u2019int\u00e9r\u00eat faites par le personnel de l\u2019ECDC",
            "output": [
                "ECDC staff declarations of interest form"
            "id": "task1397-88048eb2e064427887270e61c92567ef",
            "input": "plus de 250\u00a0000 nouveaux cas sont maintenant signal\u00e9s chaque ann\u00e9e.",
            "output": [
                "there are now more than 250 000 new cases reported each year."
            "id": "task1397-fbdbe443c6c743ddaadf3779e852fac6",
            "input": "Pour pr\u00e9venir la maladie, il convient de mettre en place des mesures de surveillance des populations de rongeurs, d\u2019\u00e9viter les zones contamin\u00e9es et de recouvrir les coupures et les scarifications cutan\u00e9es en cas d\u2019intervention dans un environnement contamin\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "Preventive measures include controlling rodent populations, avoiding contaminated areas and covering cuts and abraded skin when operating in the environment."
            "id": "task1397-4c0c17f8b0f444808d44ec81eff3ced6",
            "input": "\u00c0 l\u2019avenir, certains services auront \u00e9galement vocation \u00e0 \u00eatre utilis\u00e9s \u00e0 l\u2019ext\u00e9rieur par la communaut\u00e9 de recherche en sant\u00e9 publique.",
            "output": [
                "Some serv\\-ices are targeted also for external use by the public health research commu\\-nity in the future."
            "id": "task1397-f8229c45f7b54f438c8f5e3ac5100af6",
            "input": "des services de communication interactifs, qui permettent d'am\u00e9liorer les contacts avec le public cible de l\u2019ECDC, ce qui facilite les consultations et les m\u00e9canismes de retour d'information, afin de contribuer \u00e0 l'\u00e9laboration des politiques, des activit\u00e9s et des services de l'ECDC.",
            "output": [
                "Interactive communication services that allow better contacts with ECDC\u2019s target public thus facilitating consultations, and feedback mechanisms, in order to contribute to the shaping of policies, activities and services of ECDC."
            "id": "task1397-71052b1eed9d46aab1b4572fd9fe3ba3",
            "input": "Le virus de la FHCC est tr\u00e8s r\u00e9pandu: des traces du virus ont \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9tect\u00e9es sur des tiques en Afrique, en Asie, au Moyen-Orient et en Europe de l\u2019Est.",
            "output": [
                "CCHF virus is widespread and evidence for the virus has been found among ticks in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Eastern Europe."
            "id": "task1397-b3a646974a194e2aa0180b5d80c28fe1",
            "input": "La gu\u00e9rison intervient g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement en un ou deux jours.",
            "output": [
                "Recovery occurs usually in one or two days."
            "id": "task1397-3fbd23637a5948c2a3a4e5a73e680e93",
            "input": "D\u00e9livrer des messages et des informations cl\u00e9s en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9 publique aux m\u00e9dias et au public europ\u00e9en.",
            "output": [
                "Communicating key public health messages and information to the media and to the European public."
            "id": "task1397-ae5b96b3d5354cfdb78670327759b0df",
            "input": "Pour prot\u00e9ger les enfants, il existe des vaccins efficaces, qui doivent \u00eatre administr\u00e9s tr\u00e8s rapidement apr\u00e8s la naissance.",
            "output": [
                "To protect children, effective vaccines are available, to be administered very early on after birth."
            "id": "task1397-2f892ca7167042008414176c8ed6fd9c",
            "input": "Elle peut se r\u00e9aliser au sein d'une institution ou via des associations de sant\u00e9 publique, des associations de patients, le secteur priv\u00e9 et des ONG.",
            "output": [
                "It may materialize within an institution or through public health associations, patients\u2019 organisations, private sector and NGOs."
            "id": "task1397-29e7fc0c8686472987ac3cb214fb29f8",
            "input": "Souvent mortelle, on estime qu'elle ne concerne qu\u2019un cas sur 10\u00a0000.",
            "output": [
                "Brain infection is believed to occur in only one in 10 000 cases, but it often leads to death."
            "id": "task1397-f586d7bb38a14425a8f14c057d0e9ab7",
            "input": "Les plupart des cas qui ont \u00e9t\u00e9 signal\u00e9s sont le r\u00e9sultat d\u2019infections contract\u00e9es au cours de rapports sexuels non prot\u00e9g\u00e9s dans des r\u00e9gions du monde o\u00f9 la maladie est plus r\u00e9pandue.",
            "output": [
                "Most reported cases result from infections acquired through unprotected sex in parts of the world where the disease is more common."
            "id": "task1397-d88a5e027a6c4e4aad3f07119141bb7c",
            "input": "Dans l\u2019all\u00e9e menant \u00e0 l\u2019entr\u00e9e principale, vous verrez le drapeau officiel de l\u2019ECDC.",
            "output": [
                "The main entrance has a drive way with the official ECDC flag."
            "id": "task1397-c49ae94d84af4da7a484027994a3dc73",
            "input": "Le Centre doit publier des appels d\u2019offres avant d'attribuer des contrats (pour des biens ou des services ou pour l\u2019achat ou la location d\u2019un b\u00e2timent).",
            "output": [
                "The Agency must put contracts \u2013 for services, goods or for the purchase or rental of a building \u2013 out to tender before concluding them."
            "id": "task1397-8a6cefb0c8fb47e883d3a4e82059f7a6",
            "input": "Ce plan doit s\u2019int\u00e9grer au cadre de continuit\u00e9 des activit\u00e9s d\u00e9velopp\u00e9 au CEPCM et \u00eatre compatible avec d\u2019autres plans institutionnels impliquant des organismes de sant\u00e9 publique de l\u2019Union europ\u00e9enne.",
            "output": [
                "It is designed to fit within the framework of Business Continuity Planning being developed in ECDC, and to have interoperability with other institutional plans involving European Union public health bodies."
            "id": "task1397-78eec3fddfad4e4daaf6eef958899a79",
            "input": "Infections par arenavirus",
            "output": [
                "Arenaviruses infections"
            "id": "task1397-e91d5d1db3b5421686c402a8a76f3c31",
            "input": "Elle devrait prendre ses fonctions en f\u00e9vrier 2010 \u00e0 Copenhague.",
            "output": [
                "She is due to take up this post in February 2010 at the Regional Office for Europe in Copenhagen."
            "id": "task1397-f1ad423e4b5449fb85919dbde2be98a4",
            "input": "Rapport de mission",
            "output": [
                "Mission report"
            "id": "task1397-8a6f828d526c48da9730d70b1bc5caf1",
            "input": "Il mesure 2 \u00e0 5\u00a0\u03bcm de longueur et son temps de g\u00e9n\u00e9ration varie de 12 \u00e0 24\u00a0heures.",
            "output": [
                "Its length is 2\u20135 \u03bcm and the generation time ranges from 12\u201324 hours."
            "id": "task1397-02af8db3adfc4418abede1e58361714e",
            "input": "La protection des personnes physiques \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9gard du traitement des donn\u00e9es \u00e0 caract\u00e8re personnel par l\u2019ECDC repose sur le r\u00e8glement (CE) n\u00b045/2001 du Parlement europ\u00e9en et du Conseil du 18 d\u00e9cembre 2000 mis en \u0153uvre au niveau du Centre par les d\u00e9cisions du directeur du 5 juin 2007 et du 23 septembre 2008.",
            "output": [
                "The protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by ECDC is based on Regulation (EC) N\u00b0 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 as implemented at the Centre by the Decisions of the Director of 5 June 2007 and of 23 September 2008."
            "id": "task1397-54665133eb7c4c86a62a32c4e2a87231",
            "input": "Vous aimeriez savoir ce qui se passe dans les coulisses?",
            "output": [
                "Are you curious to know what is going on behind the scene?"
            "id": "task1397-b093459231614ed7a49c00c05fb40c78",
            "input": "Le CEPCM d\u00e9veloppe actuellement une plateforme de communication, l\u2019EPIS (syst\u00e8me d\u2019information pour le renseignement \u00e9pid\u00e9mique), qui permettra aux organes charg\u00e9s de l\u2019\u00e9valuation des risques sanitaires d\u2019\u00e9changer des informations non structur\u00e9es et semi-structur\u00e9es li\u00e9es aux menaces sanitaires actuelles ou \u00e9mergentes pr\u00e9sentant un danger potentiel pour l\u2019UE.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC is developing a communication platform tool, Epidemic Intelligence Information System (EPIS) which will allow risk assessment bodies to exchange non-structured and semi-structured information regarding current or emerging public health treats with a potential impact in the EU."
            "id": "task1397-48dff0f7ecd74d8f89c12da8677d2e9f",
            "input": "Il pr\u00e9voit notamment:",
            "output": [
                "It includes:"
            "id": "task1397-b312660a1331444d9616793b5ffe5e63",
            "input": "Les antibiotiques permettent de r\u00e9duire la dur\u00e9e de la maladie, en particulier s\u2019ils sont administr\u00e9s aux stades pr\u00e9coces.",
            "output": [
                "Antibiotics may reduce the duration of the disease, especially if administered in its early stages."
            "id": "task1397-9f96ecdea6434ef6b2e2c1dbedb53679",
            "input": "Infection \u00e0 virus Puumala",
            "output": [
                "Puumala virus infection"
            "id": "task1397-0fe2148b803a488bb6059af47a60423d",
            "input": "OMS-si\u00e8ge",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-4a639f7627ec4e08b9d4202a9decc234",
            "input": "La syphilis est une infection sexuellement transmissible due \u00e0 la bact\u00e9rie Treponema pallidum.",
            "output": [
                "Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum."
            "id": "task1397-88484a1aee404d929a879dac02c8cb79",
            "input": "Devenir un catalyseur pour la recherche dans le domaine de la sant\u00e9",
            "output": [
                "Being a public health research catalyst"
            "id": "task1397-3b4d3e6a583547e1a7b4263579f86558",
            "input": "- Les outils informatiques des enqu\u00eates sur les foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques",
            "output": [
                "- Computer tools in Outbreak Investigations"
            "id": "task1397-dbcae7ad62c841c198210df1a74d38a8",
            "input": "Il constituera une base de connaissances pour lancer un travail de terrain refl\u00e9tant les comp\u00e9tences majeures des \u00e9pid\u00e9miologistes de terrain.",
            "output": [
                "It will be a source of core knowledge for starting field work reflecting the core competencies of intervention epidemiologists."
            "id": "task1397-2ccd90a8821742ccbf95c610de1fc45f",
            "input": "structure nationale et r\u00e9gionale pour chaque pays;",
            "output": [
                "country national and regional structure;"
            "id": "task1397-2b5c3fe4d005421dac4ff8f60c9fdeef",
            "input": "Les maladies \u00e9mergentes et r\u00e9-\u00e9mergentes, qui repr\u00e9sentent une menace potentielle pour l\u2019Europe, constituent l\u2019un des \u00e9l\u00e9ments centraux des activit\u00e9s de pr\u00e9paration et d\u2019assistance sur les foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques.",
            "output": [
                "One of the focuses of the preparedness and outbreak support activities includes emerging and re-emerging diseases, which represent a potential threat to Europe."
            "id": "task1397-33b0ffc812e14f3da8f3a61e98af89a8",
            "input": "Les experts de l\u2019ECDC contribuent r\u00e9guli\u00e8rement aux travaux techniques de l\u2019OMS sur les maladies infectieuses et l\u2019ECDC participe au R\u00e9seau mondial d'alerte et d'action en cas d'\u00e9pid\u00e9mie (GOARN) de l\u2019OMS.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC experts regularly contribute to the technical work of WHO on infectious diseases, and ECDC participates in WHO\u2019s Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN)."
            "id": "task1397-891a8709e6fa45d7bc9aca81b0e06f78",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s l\u2019apparition d\u2019un foyer \u00e9pid\u00e9mique de chikungunya dans l\u2019oc\u00e9an indien au cours de l\u2019hiver 2006, le CEPCM a convoqu\u00e9 une r\u00e9union d\u2019experts pour \u00e9valuer le risque \u00e0 court terme de transmission du virus en Europe, et faire des recommandations aux \u00c9tats membres de l\u2019UE pour qu\u2019ils renforcent leurs dispositifs de pr\u00e9paration.",
            "output": [
                "Following the outbreak of Chikungunya in the Indian Ocean in the winter of 2006, ECDC called a consultation of experts in order to assess the short-term risk of transmission of Chikungunya virus in Europe, and to suggest recommendations for the European Member States for strengthening their preparedness."
            "id": "task1397-be670f1ab28b489a8875b2d9d86534f9",
            "input": "Le directeur de l\u2019ECDC est  Marc Sprenger .",
            "output": [
                "The Director of ECDC is  Marc Sprenger ."
            "id": "task1397-0dd4df39e4f44c78bf5fa5d4e29dc248",
            "input": "Les sympt\u00f4mes sont divers.",
            "output": [
                "The symptoms vary."
            "id": "task1397-951bfeb212c344b689d8a48c4b2d8e2a",
            "input": "Capacit\u00e9 de r\u00e9action",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-612773f412b343e99366911f35cb7688",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-c97e1692f6524b41ad9a883b982061d1",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-c6333c1a12524710b370bf3bd9f5fc67",
            "input": "En septembre 2009, Mme Jakab a \u00e9t\u00e9 nomm\u00e9e directrice r\u00e9gionale de l\u2019OMS pour l\u2019Europe.",
            "output": [
                "In September 2009 Zsuzsanna Jakab was nominated to be the WHO\u2019s next Regional Director for Europe."
            "id": "task1397-cb2f9ea8218541e49e6628e230ceee09",
            "input": "Lorsque cela s\u2019av\u00e8re n\u00e9cessaire, les experts de l\u2019ECDC participent \u00e9galement aux comit\u00e9s des fonctionnaires qui pr\u00e9parent les r\u00e9unions minist\u00e9rielles.",
            "output": [
                "When appropriate, ECDC experts participate in the committees of civil servants that prepare the ministerial meetings."
            "id": "task1397-c26d787fcd7744689c713e3384417010",
            "input": "La principale finalit\u00e9 des syst\u00e8mes de surveillance de sant\u00e9 publique est de fournir des signaux d\u2019alerte pr\u00e9coce.",
            "output": [
                "Providing early warning signals is a main objective of public health surveillance systems."
            "id": "task1397-8f88247b12d941a1a9616b6a050f4452",
            "input": "et d\u2019autres facteurs qui contribuent au caract\u00e8re unique de chaque situation.",
            "output": [
                "and other factors that contribute to the uniqueness of each situation."
            "id": "task1397-c0e2b53e9576418bbb73e3534bc7bc48",
            "input": "La LGV est une infection sexuellement transmissible due aux s\u00e9rotypes L1, L2 et L3 de  Chlamydia trachomatis .",
            "output": [
                "LGV is a systemic STI caused by a specific type of  Chlamydia trachomatis ( serovars L1 , L2, and L3 )."
            "id": "task1397-aec7da89018f4c6090bad0fabf16a38b",
            "input": "- de se familiariser avec le CEPCM, avec son mandat, sa structure et son organisation internes, ses fonctions et ses valeurs, en tant qu\u2019agence europ\u00e9enne;",
            "output": [
                "- Familiarize with ECDC as a European agency, its mandate, its internal structure and organisation, its functions and values;"
            "id": "task1397-41c98f22f003447f9fb22c778e8123d5",
            "input": "\u00abGreen Field\u00bb, le deuxi\u00e8me exercice interne, a \u00e9t\u00e9 effectu\u00e9 en juin 2008 pour observer la mise en application du POGMS au cours d\u2019une crise.",
            "output": [
                "\u201cGreen Field\u201d was the second internal exercise that was carried out in June 2008 , exploring the application of the revised PHEOP during a crisis."
            "id": "task1397-ff0f59f36f32402683963b0297445af8",
            "input": "Un autre sympt\u00f4me caract\u00e9ristique pr\u00e9coce est la pr\u00e9sence d\u2019une pellicule blanche sur la langue. Elle se d\u00e9tache au bout de quelques jours, ce qui donne \u00e0 la langue une apparence tum\u00e9fi\u00e9e propre \u00e0 la scarlatine.",
            "output": [
                "Another early, characteristic symptom is a white covering of the tongue that peels away a few days later, leaving a distinctive \u201cswollen tongue\u201d appearance."
            "id": "task1397-3096e102d0a74bb0832ffdb039d19391",
            "input": "Des liens \u00e9troits ont \u00e9t\u00e9 nou\u00e9s avec l\u2019EFSA en mati\u00e8re de communication sur la surveillance des zoonoses (dans le cadre de la directive 2003/99/CE) et sur la grippe aviaire.",
            "output": [
                "Close links have been established with EFSA on issues concerning reporting under the Zoonoses Directive (2003/99/EC) and avian influenza."
            "id": "task1397-3096c9e72aa54e3fa53610dad86c8c42",
            "input": "Par cons\u00e9quent, les liens potentiels entre les changements climatiques et les maladies transmises par l\u2019eau (telles que celles dues \u00e0 Cryptosporidium dans l\u2019eau potable et \u00e0 la bact\u00e9rie Vibrio dans l\u2019eau de baignade) doivent \u00eatre davantage \u00e9tudi\u00e9s, ainsi que ceux entre les changements climatiques et les maladies transmises par voie a\u00e9rienne ou par les rongeurs.",
            "output": [
                "Thus water-borne diseases , such as those caused by Cryptosporidium in drinking water and Vibrio bacteria in bathing water, need to be further examined for their potential links to climate change, along with air-borne diseases  and rodent-borne diseases ."
            "id": "task1397-62ddae8ea4cd41fbb2b0245522e3a92b",
            "input": "On dispose maintenant de nombreux m\u00e9dicaments permettant de traiter l\u2019infection chronique.",
            "output": [
                "In recent years, increasing numbers of drugs are becoming available for treatment of chronic infection."
            "id": "task1397-379fde2dd0f14fc78d421d1796eff532",
            "input": "Une antibioth\u00e9rapie et une suppl\u00e9ance hydrique sont efficaces.",
            "output": [
                "Antibiotic therapy and fluid replacement are effective."
            "id": "task1397-8cdc34407c744ae389c7a597249ed874",
            "input": "Botulisme",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-c63442d9639048dd9171085c0e4e7adb",
            "input": "Les autorit\u00e9s italiennes ont accept\u00e9 qu\u2019une \u00e9quipe commune d\u2019experts europ\u00e9ens du CEPCM et de l\u2019OMS se rendent sur le terrain afin de dresser le bilan des risques pos\u00e9s par le virus en Europe.",
            "output": [
                "The Italian health authorities agreed on a joint ECDC/WHO team of European experts visiting the affected area in order to update the risk assessment for Europe."
            "id": "task1397-b4658453f16c46ceb84e6cfdcaf794e5",
            "input": "De plus, l\u2019Association europ\u00e9enne de bios\u00e9curit\u00e9 constitue un important forum pour la mise en r\u00e9seau, l'\u00e9change d'information et la formation de professionnels de la bios\u00e9curit\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "In addition, the European Biosafety Association is an important forum for networking, information exchange and training for biosafety professionals."
            "id": "task1397-ccfc5be13487446988b6ce9c01057f20",
            "input": "- Encourager, lancer et coordonner des \u00e9tudes scientifiques",
            "output": [
                "- Promoting, initiating and coordinating scientific studies"
            "id": "task1397-3adc01fd5c754756be3660ed9208cf68",
            "input": "Pas moins de 49 maladies infectieuses \u00e9num\u00e9r\u00e9es dans la d\u00e9cision 2119/98 seront \u00e9tudi\u00e9es (dans la mesure du possible) ainsi qu\u2019\u00e9ventuellement d\u2019autres situations et aspects li\u00e9s \u00e0 la sant\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "It will look at as many of the 49 infectious diseases listed in the Decision 2119/98 as is feasible and possibly other conditions and health issues."
            "id": "task1397-132ef41ec63b475680febe7a91bb8071",
            "input": "L\u2019am\u00e9lioration des installations, de la communication et de la coordination internes et externes entre les partenaires et membres de l\u2019UE pour l\u2019\u00e9valuation des risques en cas de crise a \u00e9t\u00e9 largement confirm\u00e9e par les observateurs et les \u00e9valuateurs.",
            "output": [
                "The improvement of setting facilities as well of the internal and external communication and coordinating of risk assessment during crisis among EU partners and Member States, was well recognised by observers and evaluators."
            "id": "task1397-d0c0a1f7087e4c43a3023444e01a2e90",
            "input": "L\u2019une des principales voies de transmission de la maladie est le contact direct avec des patients infect\u00e9s ou l\u2019exposition \u00e0 des aliments ou de l\u2019eau contamin\u00e9s par ces derniers.",
            "output": [
                "A major pathway of disease transmission is personal contact with infected patients or exposure to food or water contaminated by them."
            "id": "task1397-462d11b6de0649f3a4dd3eab823b8a5d",
            "input": "La p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation et les sympt\u00f4mes d\u00e9pendent de la quantit\u00e9 de bact\u00e9ries pr\u00e9sente dans l\u2019aliment, de l\u2019\u00e9tat immunitaire de la personne et du type de Salmonella.",
            "output": [
                "The incubation period and the symptoms depend on the amount of bacteria present in the food, the immune status of the person and the type of Salmonella."
            "id": "task1397-cf64671ff75c47c4b9a1d1874093b16f",
            "input": "La relation entre changement climatique et maladies infectieuses en Europe requiert donc une \u00e9valuation et une analyse minutieuses. Dans cette revue, nous examinons les donn\u00e9es scientifiques relatives \u00e0 l\u2019impact du climat sur les changements observ\u00e9s au niveau des maladies infectieuses en termes d\u2019incidence, de distribution et d\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9mies locales, et la possibilit\u00e9 que les esp\u00e8ces vectrices tropicales s\u2019implantent en Europe.",
            "output": [
                "The relationship between climate change and infectious diseases in Europe thus calls for careful assessment and analysis In this Review we look at the evidence for climate-related changes in infectious disease incidence, distribution, localised outbreaks, and potential for the establishment of tropical vector species in Europe."
            "id": "task1397-60f4f95fadd34ed5bf61cc45b81fcbe1",
            "input": "les liens vers l'ECDC ne doivent pas appara\u00eetre \u00e0 c\u00f4t\u00e9 d\u2019un message publicitaire.",
            "output": [
                "Linked information to ECDC should not be displayed alongside advertising."
            "id": "task1397-d6b1f397fd334e9e806813b21f338a66",
            "input": "Des sympt\u00f4mes tels que des ballonnements, une fatigue et une malabsorption des vitamines et des graisses peuvent \u00e9galement appara\u00eetre.",
            "output": [
                "Bloating, fatigue, and malabsorption of vitamins and fats may occur."
            "id": "task1397-b3bf01a1b9594bcd8964b1cee486b084",
            "input": "Pour les six autres Lyssavirus identifi\u00e9s, dont les r\u00e9servoirs sont les chauves-souris, la transmission potentielle \u00e0 l\u2019homme est variable.",
            "output": [
                "Six other Lyssaviruses are now recognised, whose potential of giving disease in humans is variable, and for which bats are the reservoir."
            "id": "task1397-db5b1169e04948d995f1825a495205e0",
            "input": "Types de publications",
            "output": [
                "Types of publications"
            "id": "task1397-72ca186183074cc2ab42d7563e46e302",
            "input": "S\u2019agissant de l\u2019alerte mondiale sur la grippe aviaire, le CEPCM a r\u00e9alis\u00e9 des missions sur le terrain en Roumanie (oct. 2005), en Turquie et en Irak (janv. 2006), dans la zone nord de Chypre qui n\u2019est pas sous le contr\u00f4le effectif de la R\u00e9publique de Chypre (f\u00e9v. 2006), pour soutenir les autorit\u00e9s sanitaires locales et l\u2019OMS dans leur r\u00e9action \u00e0 cette menace sanitaire.",
            "output": [
                "With relation to the avian influenza alert worldwide, ECDC ensured field missions in Romania (Oct \u201905), Turkey and Iraq (Jan \u201906) and in the Northern part of Cyprus not under the effective control of the Republic of Cyprus (Feb \u201906), supporting the local health authorities and the World Health Organization in their response to this health threat."
            "id": "task1397-77d00225003344fbaa32fb42ef459b4d",
            "input": "Ces vaccins sont en revanche peu efficaces chez les enfants de moins de cinq ans et n\u2019\u00e9vitent pas le portage asymptomatique.",
            "output": [
                "Such vaccines, instead, have little effect in children under five years of age and do not prevent the carriage without symptoms."
            "id": "task1397-263da42ae3884dea8bde7722360a19a5",
            "input": "La l\u00e9gionellose ne peut pas \u00eatre contract\u00e9e \u00e0 partir de l\u2019eau que vous buvez car celle-ci p\u00e9n\u00e8tre dans votre estomac par la voie naturelle alors que la bact\u00e9rie doit aller jusqu\u2019aux poumons par inhalation. La maladie ne se transmet pas de personne \u00e0 personne.",
            "output": [
                "Legionellosis cannot be got from water you drink that enters your stomach in the normal way \u2013 the bacterium has to get into the lungs through breathing it in. The illness is not spread from person to person."
            "id": "task1397-3b68777c4f924eee8b216eed31228206",
            "input": "- Soutenir le d\u00e9veloppement des capacit\u00e9s de communication des \u00c9tats membres.",
            "output": [
                "- Support the development of Member States communication capacities."
            "id": "task1397-f11b08ee9deb4e82ad390cfadeacb25a",
            "input": "Les principaux r\u00e9servoirs sont les canid\u00e9s sauvages et domestiques (chiens, loups, renards, coyotes, dingos, chacals).",
            "output": [
                "The main reservoir is wild and domestic canids (dogs, wolves, foxes, coyotes, dingoes, jackals)."
            "id": "task1397-cf31374da2c24c5d9e19c2d18ebc1821",
            "input": "Le CEPCM r\u00e9pond aux besoins des formateurs selon les opportunit\u00e9s qui se pr\u00e9sentent.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC is addressing the needs of training trainers using different opportunities."
            "id": "task1397-5532a1d45bb9434ba842c918b7bcd173",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s exposition (piq\u00fbre par un moustique infect\u00e9), la p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation varie entre une et quatre semaines dans la plupart des cas.",
            "output": [
                "Following exposure (an infected mosquito bite) the incubation period varies between one and four weeks in most cases."
            "id": "task1397-506035ce59d84a319f5b15492b70aeaf",
            "input": "Le Staphylococcus aureus multir\u00e9sistant (SAMR) a \u00e9t\u00e9 isol\u00e9 dans environ 5\u00a0% des infections nosocomiales.",
            "output": [
                "Multi-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is isolated in approximately 5% of all healthcare-associated infections."
            "id": "task1397-b2440b54beba46cda7a84d4f72f400a6",
            "input": "La consolidation des activit\u00e9s de renseignement \u00e9pid\u00e9mique",
            "output": [
                "Strengthening Epidemic Intelligence Activities"
            "id": "task1397-e46f3757bcde42b4b8eb86c982a2971e",
            "input": "Chez l\u2019homme, les infections sont g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement asymptomatiques.",
            "output": [
                "In humans, infections without symptoms are common."
            "id": "task1397-d0d768e125b44a30b5f8561b5bd2163c",
            "input": "Aux fins de surveillance de la sant\u00e9 et des maladies, il faut collecter des donn\u00e9es en continu, les analyser pour les transformer en statistiques, interpr\u00e9ter ces analyses pour produire des informations et communiquer ces informations aux responsables susceptibles de prendre des mesures appropri\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "Surveillance of health and disease includes ongoing data collection, analysis to convert this data into statistics, interpretation of this analysis to produce information and dissemination of this information to those who can take appropriate action."
            "id": "task1397-17da5c7b1e6a4874adced5aa81b917eb",
            "input": "M. Denis Coulombier, chef de l\u2019Unit\u00e9 de pr\u00e9paration et de r\u00e9action",
            "output": [
                "Dr Denis Coulombier, Head of Preparedness and Response Unit"
            "id": "task1397-4699708255fa435a983a58669218577f",
            "input": "En g\u00e9n\u00e9ral, ils sont l\u00e9gers, voire absents, et les individus infect\u00e9s deviennent des porteurs asymptomatiques.",
            "output": [
                "In most cases, though, symptoms are mild or absent and infected individuals become carriers with no symptoms."
            "id": "task1397-14674d730447498894fd912125af7913",
            "input": "Des \u00e9pid\u00e9mies d\u2019ECPV ont \u00e9t\u00e9 signal\u00e9es dans le monde entier, le plus souvent en raison d\u2019un contact direct avec des animaux infect\u00e9s et la baignade dans des eaux de surface contamin\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "Outbreaks of VTEC have been reported worldwide, in many cases as a result of direct contact with infected animals and swimming outdoors in contaminated surface waters."
            "id": "task1397-6f1d8777d177403792e4f74087bb9b9a",
            "input": "L'ECDC collecte les donn\u00e9es concernant la d\u00e9claration de cas par les \u00c9tats membres aux fins de de la surveillance syst\u00e9matique de 46 pathologies (\u00e9num\u00e9r\u00e9es dans les d\u00e9cisions 2002/253/CE et 2003/534/CE), auxquelles s'ajoutent le SARS, la fi\u00e8vre du Nil occidental et la grippe aviaire.",
            "output": [
                "Data are collected by the ECDC for case-based reporting from the Member States for the routine surveillance of the 46 diseases (listed in the Decisions 2002/253/EC and 2003/534/EC) plus SARS, West Nile Fever and Avian Influenza."
            "id": "task1397-2b594d8d6a4e45bda3ec713888587c55",
            "input": "Le tableau clinique est variable.",
            "output": [
                "The clinical presentation is variable."
            "id": "task1397-af6f3e0df10d4589a211746b33bc1122",
            "input": "La dose infectieuse peut \u00eatre tr\u00e8s faible.",
            "output": [
                "The infective dose may be very low."
            "id": "task1397-e4b55fd68c4d4b41b7f3fddd7e6b9e44",
            "input": "Le premier exercice de simulation interne, \u00abBrown Lagoon\u00bb, a eu lieu en juin 2007.",
            "output": [
                "\u201cBrown Lagoon\u201d was the first internal simulation exercise that took place in June 2007."
            "id": "task1397-60a3f930e7fe4a7e8240a23909d961e4",
            "input": "Outils",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-23058a4f02d94c6da1cb8c212540467a",
            "input": "L\u2019atteinte c\u00e9r\u00e9brale est fr\u00e9quente, mais le plus souvent asymptomatique.",
            "output": [
                "Brain involvement is frequent, but mostly without symptoms."
            "id": "task1397-bb5346884fb6411db7a69dda5b4a96ea",
            "input": "Recommander cette page \u00e0 un ami",
            "output": [
                "Recommend this page to a friend"
            "id": "task1397-a35a1c652d184d708dc8c3e9322aba99",
            "input": "La grippe est une maladie infectieuse due \u00e0 des virus \u00e0 ARN et dont la manifestation clinique est principalement respiratoire.",
            "output": [
                "Influenza is an infectious disease with mostly respiratory characteristics caused by RNA viruses."
            "id": "task1397-59a90dd516b34b2894042ed3d0e2a047",
            "input": "la fi\u00e8vre boutonneuse, transmise par les tiques ou les acariens, et le typhus, transmis principalement par les poux ou les puces.",
            "output": [
                "the spotted fever group, transmitted by ticks or mites and the typhus group, mainly transmitted by lice or fleas."
            "id": "task1397-5e4012c340ca409dae38608019affd84",
            "input": "En novembre 2008, un exercice de poste de commandement visant \u00e0 tester la r\u00e9ponse de l\u2019UE \u00e0 des foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques de maladies d\u2019origine alimentaire a eu lieu au CEPCM en pr\u00e9sence de repr\u00e9sentants de plusieurs \u00c9tats membres, du r\u00e9seau europ\u00e9en sur les maladies d\u2019origine alimentaire et d\u2019autres parties prenantes telles que la DG \u00abSant\u00e9 et protection des consommateurs\u00bb, l\u2019Autorit\u00e9 europ\u00e9enne de s\u00e9curit\u00e9 des aliments (EFSA) et le bureau r\u00e9gional de l\u2019OMS pour l\u2019Europe.",
            "output": [
                "In November 2008, a desktop exercise aiming to test EU response to food born diseases (FWD) outbreaks took place at ECDC involving different Member States, the European network on FWD and other stakeholders as SANCO, EFSA and WHO regional office for Europe."
            "id": "task1397-40ad62f93e5a43ff84f3add544b0502b",
            "input": "Autres agences de l\u2019UE",
            "output": [
                "Other EU agencies"
            "id": "task1397-fd8553614eda47c38853a1aa31a18596",
            "input": "Les informations de renseignement \u00e9pid\u00e9mique contenues dans le rapport portent \u2013 parfois \u2013 sur des menaces qui n\u2019ont pas encore \u00e9t\u00e9 confirm\u00e9es et qui peuvent s\u2019av\u00e9rer sans fondement.",
            "output": [
                "Epidemic intelligence information included in the CDTR relates - at times - to threats that are not yet confirmed and may prove to be unsubstantiated."
            "id": "task1397-dfddbaa269124112925762a68c293fb2",
            "input": "Infection \u00e0 chlamydia",
            "output": [
                "Chlamydia infection"
            "id": "task1397-af2982c85147405aa73134e334b095b0",
            "input": "Bureau du directeur",
            "output": [
                "Office of the Director"
            "id": "task1397-c2c5c78b380d424dab202188cda2626b",
            "input": "La plupart des infections restent totalement asymptomatiques, mais dans 10\u00a0% des cas, des sympt\u00f4mes l\u00e9gers (fi\u00e8vre, malaise, naus\u00e9es et vomissements) apparaissent.",
            "output": [
                "Most infections remain completely without symptoms, while 10% of cases develop mild symptoms only, such as fever, malaise, nausea, and vomiting."
            "id": "task1397-02aca24152384fb88d53136e0cfb52e9",
            "input": "Nous dressons actuellement l\u2019inventaire de ces ressources en nous rendant dans les diff\u00e9rents pays, \u00e0 leur demande, et en adoptant une approche standard.",
            "output": [
                "These are now being inventoried, through country visits organized by ECDC upon request, and using a standardised approach ."
            "id": "task1397-3a5348b060a74200ab94252b24a800af",
            "input": "*Les organes comp\u00e9tents en mati\u00e8re de formation proposent des participants au CEPCM",
            "output": [
                "*The Competent Bodies on \u00a0 training propose participants to ECDC"
            "id": "task1397-9f6bac7858644b1788cdb34141255321",
            "input": "La shigellose est due \u00e0 la bact\u00e9rie Shigella, dont plusieurs esp\u00e8ces sont pathog\u00e8nes pour l\u2019homme, le principal r\u00e9servoir.",
            "output": [
                "Shigellosis is caused by Shigella bacteria, which includes several species pathogenic to man, with humans as the main reservoir."
            "id": "task1397-280a4849627540e28bda05c7b51b1b88",
            "input": "La manifestation clinique est un syndrome appel\u00e9 \u00ab\u00a0fi\u00e8vre h\u00e9morragique avec syndrome r\u00e9nal\u00a0\u00bb (ou \u00ab\u00a0n\u00e9phropathie \u00e9pid\u00e9mique\u00a0\u00bb).",
            "output": [
                "Clinical illness results in a syndrome called \u201chaemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome\u201d (also called \u201cnephropatia epidemica\u201d)."
            "id": "task1397-f1c798b708104101aa367de8460e760a",
            "input": "Catalogue des publications",
            "output": [
                "Publication Catalogue"
            "id": "task1397-003f86a1e33f45d09d527fbc6cc291e9",
            "input": "Une nouvelle g\u00e9n\u00e9ration de vaccins (conjugu\u00e9s) semble \u00eatre tr\u00e8s efficace contre la maladie invasive, m\u00eame chez l\u2019enfant,\u00a0et permet \u00e9galement de pr\u00e9venir le portage nasopharyng\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "A new generation of (conjugated) vaccines appears to be highly efficient against invasive disease and it also prevents nasopharyngeal carriage."
            "id": "task1397-3e6e8b12355243b0a23730fe5c925853",
            "input": "TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 DE A \u00c0 ZEN SAVOIR PLUS CE CE SITETH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9 RELATIFS \u00c0 LA GRIPPENOUVEAUT\u00c9S\u00c9diteur de contenu web\u00c0 LA UNE",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-cc25ca58211c44318e377433518bc1af",
            "input": "Bien qu\u2019elles soient largement r\u00e9pandues partout dans le monde, les esp\u00e8ces et les maladies cliniques qu\u2019elles provoquent chez l\u2019homme varient selon les zones g\u00e9ographiques.",
            "output": [
                "Although they are widely distributed throughout the world, the species and associated human clinical diseases vary depending on the geographical locations."
            "id": "task1397-d3e27e761c9048c1bcbd03e6d6dcd954",
            "input": "Curriculum vitae",
            "output": [
                "Curriculum vitae"
            "id": "task1397-0d5a15b61166451a8b1249ebf0afad05",
            "input": "Dans le cadre de sa mission, le Centre:",
            "output": [
                "Within the field of its mission, the Centre shall:"
            "id": "task1397-f2e92deab0b945dc947ab9d6724c5dce",
            "input": "Pour promouvoir une approche commune et la cr\u00e9ation d\u2019un r\u00e9seau, l\u2019EPIET r\u00e9alise chaque ann\u00e9e plusieurs \u00e9valuations des locaux de formation propos\u00e9s par diff\u00e9rents instituts de sant\u00e9 publique de l\u2019UE.",
            "output": [
                "To promote a common approach and also the creation of a network, the EPIET conducts every year several site appraisals in the training sites of different public health institutes in the EU."
            "id": "task1397-97fbab79c3624ef496a964df4a9c1366",
            "input": "Infections des voies respiratoires",
            "output": [
                "Respiratory tract infections"
            "id": "task1397-75ff4faceb0f453aaee8b6f156fea13a",
            "input": "Moins de 0,5\u00a0% des personnes infect\u00e9es d\u00e9c\u00e8dent.",
            "output": [
                "Less than 0.5% of those who get the infection die."
            "id": "task1397-56371e8e065b4a8bb2ca0cbefe4783a4",
            "input": "Consultations avec les pays et les partenaires en vue de la mise \u00c0 jour de la strat\u00c9gie de formation du cepcm",
            "output": [
                "Consultations with countries and partners to update the ECDC training strategy"
            "id": "task1397-9f71e51b54184a64944a61ef1cb25309",
            "input": "Parmi les activit\u00e9s n\u00e9cessitant d'avoir certaines connaissances en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9, citons par exemple la bonne compr\u00e9hension et le respect d\u2019un programme de soins ou de pr\u00e9vention, ainsi que la capacit\u00e9 \u00e0 utiliser les services de soins de sant\u00e9 disponibles de mani\u00e8re rationnelle et \u00e0 envisager des changements de comportement individuels.",
            "output": [
                "Examples of actions that require health literacy skills include properly reading and adhering to a care or prevention program as well as being able to use the available healthcare services rationally and ponder individual behavioural change."
            "id": "task1397-1fae5155a3c24d15b9dac0e034ddf435",
            "input": "M\u00eame plus de deux cents personnes ont pour l'heure \u00e9t\u00e9 malades, ce chiffre reste tr\u00e8s faible si on le rapporte aux millions de personnes qui ont d\u00fb \u00eatre expos\u00e9es au virus parce qu'ils vivent \u00e0 proximit\u00e9 d\u2019oiseaux infect\u00e9s en Extr\u00eame-Orient.",
            "output": [
                "Although over two hundred people have become ill so far, this is still a very small number compared with millions who must have been exposed to the virus while living with infected birds in the Far East."
            "id": "task1397-cb0128da5e084bf7be9ee6dc93adace3",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-ae4dfcd68996478fb422010a991a8cc3",
            "input": "C\u2019est seulement \u00e0 partir de l\u00e0 que des m\u00e9thodes de diagnostic et des moyens de d\u00e9fense pourront \u00eatre d\u00e9velopp\u00e9s afin de prot\u00e9ger la sant\u00e9 humaine et animale.",
            "output": [
                "Only then can diagnostic methods and countermeasures to protect human and animal health be developed."
            "id": "task1397-a96ea65d01ac481db91a1e716682a2b7",
            "input": "En Europe, la plupart des cas sont dus aux s\u00e9rogroupes B et C. Depuis 1999, plusieurs pays ont mis en place des programmes de vaccination contre le s\u00e9rogroupe C en utilisant une nouvelle g\u00e9n\u00e9ration de vaccins conjugu\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "Most instances of the disease in Europe are caused by serogroups B and C. Since 1999, several countries have introduced vaccination programmes against serogroup C, using a new generation of so called \u201cconjugate\u201d vaccines."
            "id": "task1397-8d1070ecd0064b55931a6e0d12ec7c91",
            "input": "Enfin, des spasmes g\u00e9n\u00e9ralis\u00e9s peuvent appara\u00eetre, entra\u00eenant souvent la mort par insuffisance cardiaque et pulmonaire.",
            "output": [
                "Finally, generalised spasms may occur, often leading to death from heart and lung failure."
            "id": "task1397-84775fa3083342ce8b7e9e92a79903d7",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s une p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation de deux semaines en moyenne (parfois plus), la toxine produite par la bact\u00e9rie dans la plaie est absorb\u00e9e par l\u2019organisme et commence \u00e0 produire ses effets.",
            "output": [
                "After an incubation period averaging two weeks (sometimes longer), the toxin produced by the bacteria in the wound is absorbed and starts producing its effects."
            "id": "task1397-31f4847b91b64d6db5beaf82b59f4980",
            "input": "La variole pouvait \u00eatre pr\u00e9venue par un vaccin vivant att\u00e9nu\u00e9 efficace dont l\u2019utilisation \u00e0 grande \u00e9chelle a permis d\u2019\u00e9radiquer la maladie.",
            "output": [
                "The disease was preventable by an effective live-attenuated vaccine, whose large scale use lead to its eradication."
            "id": "task1397-8c4ea29009a543eaafaf2bee86eec1f5",
            "input": "Un traitement antibiotique appropri\u00e9, administr\u00e9 en temps utile, permet de gu\u00e9rir la m\u00e9ningite (bien que de graves complications, comme la surdit\u00e9, des probl\u00e8mes neurologiques et m\u00eame des amputations, soient possibles), tandis que l\u2019infection sanguine s\u00e9v\u00e8re est mortelle dans 8\u00a0% des cas environ.",
            "output": [
                "Timely, appropriate antibiotic therapy can usually cure the meningitis (although serious complications including deafness, neurological problems and even amputations are still possible), whereas the severe blood infection leads to death in about 8% of cases."
            "id": "task1397-2ad7133ae88f4d4f8fe30d719ef04f15",
            "input": "Bioterrorisme",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-80e85429d2c9469293bd04be3ed56306",
            "input": "Cet \u00e9norme travail a \u00e9galement permis d\u2019\u00e9laborer un protocole d\u2019\u00e9valuation commun au CEPCM, au bureau r\u00e9gional de l\u2019OMS pour l\u2019Europe et \u00e0 la Commission europ\u00e9enne.",
            "output": [
                "This huge effort also led to the development of a common protocol for assessment by ECDC, the WHO European Regional Office and the European Commission."
            "id": "task1397-f744fd9cab4b4732af4990b096943709",
            "input": "Les campagnes de sensibilisation sont un moyen d\u2019am\u00e9liorer les niveaux de connaissance sur un sujet donn\u00e9 et de promouvoir la sant\u00e9 ainsi que l\u2019acc\u00e8s \u00e0 des soins de sant\u00e9 et \u00e0 des services de sant\u00e9 publique de qualit\u00e9 tant au niveau de l\u2019individu et que de la communaut\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "Advocacy is one strategy to raise levels of familiarity with an issue and promote health and access to quality health care and public health services at the individual and community levels."
            "id": "task1397-b63112c569364d0cb87ae671ff9a6b37",
            "input": "Tous vous permettent d\u2019afficher les flux RSS de votre choix et de vous y abonner.",
            "output": [
                "All allow you to display and subscribe to the RSS feeds you want."
            "id": "task1397-005d88a5b3384206a0a29cb279f7b9c5",
            "input": "Apr\u00e8s une p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation de 3 \u00e0 4 jours, plusieurs sympt\u00f4mes gastro\u2013intestinaux apparaissent (diarrh\u00e9e sanglante l\u00e9g\u00e8re \u00e0 s\u00e9v\u00e8re, le plus souvent sans fi\u00e8vre).",
            "output": [
                "Following an incubation period of about 3\u20134 days, a variety of gastrointestinal symptoms appear, ranging from mild to severe bloody diarrhoea, mostly without fever."
            "id": "task1397-e0d7e891ab7a466eb6cc10ce99669afc",
            "input": "Finalement, avec l\u2019augmentation de l\u2019immunit\u00e9 chez l\u2019homme et l\u2019\u00e9volution du virus pand\u00e9mique, la souche pand\u00e9mique est associ\u00e9e au m\u00e9lange des virus grippaux saisonniers (et tend \u00e0 le dominer).",
            "output": [
                "Eventually as immunity increases among humans, and the pandemic virus changes, the pandemic strain becomes part of (and tends to dominates) the mix of seasonal influenza viruses."
            "id": "task1397-28850cd162f041a0bec6b61d18f28538",
            "input": "Elle est transmise principalement par des tiques, ces derni\u00e8res \u00e9tant infect\u00e9es par le b\u00e9tail, les chevreuils et les rongeurs (les principaux r\u00e9servoirs de ce parasite) \u00e0 partir desquels elles se nourrissent et qui sont eux-m\u00eames infect\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "The disease is transmitted mainly by ticks which become infected by feeding on infected cattle, roe deer and rodents, which are the main reservoirs for this parasite."
            "id": "task1397-bb5b445a75824730bfcdf04b0f7dac34",
            "input": "Le message a bien \u00e9t\u00e9 envoy\u00e9",
            "output": [
                "The message has been sent successfully."
            "id": "task1397-d755fe8e4dce42c28d17479c1d64328c",
            "input": "Comme le championnat d\u2019Europe de football devait avoir lieu en juin en Suisse et en Autriche, et qu\u2019il devait attirer de nombreux visiteurs europ\u00e9ens et \u00e9trangers, le CEPCM et les autorit\u00e9s sanitaires autrichiennes ont r\u00e9alis\u00e9 une \u00e9valuation des risques au niveau europ\u00e9en.",
            "output": [
                "Because the European football championship of June 2008 took place in both Switzerland and Austria, and was expected to draw many European and international visitors, ECDC collaborated with the Austrian health authorities to ensure a risk assessment from a European perspective."
            "id": "task1397-9e61affa5df84713bbdd59f9067f436c",
            "input": "Si davantage d\u2019informations sur un agent pathog\u00e8ne donn\u00e9 sont n\u00e9cessaires, on a recours \u00e0 un processus appel\u00e9 \u00abtypage\u00bb qui fait intervenir des tests de laboratoire sp\u00e9cialis\u00e9s.",
            "output": [
                "If further details about the pathogen are required, a process, referred to as \u201ctyping,\u201d is used to obtain this information by specialised laboratory assays."
            "id": "task1397-b1fa371e47a846c3a14cc82cb768eca6",
            "input": "L\u2019article 12 du r\u00e8glement fondateur de l\u2019ECDC pr\u00e9cise certains d\u00e9tails sur le r\u00f4le du Centre en mati\u00e8re de communication:",
            "output": [
                "Article 12 of the ECDC Founding Regulation gives details on the Centre\u2019s role in communications:"
            "id": "task1397-d1313a7e76a541dda12dadcc4a0a1438",
            "input": "formation commune sur les aspects \u00e9pid\u00e9miologiques et microbiologiques des enqu\u00eates sur les foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques.",
            "output": [
                "and joint training on epidemiological and microbiological aspects of outbreak investigation."
            "id": "task1397-911cbd80f4844119bef8b25d14dbd28a",
            "input": "La pr\u00e9vention de la maladie passe par la vaccination des animaux et/ou le contr\u00f4le et l\u2019abattage des animaux infect\u00e9s, ainsi que par la pasteurisation du lait et des produits laitiers.",
            "output": [
                "Control measures include animal vaccination and/or test-and-slaughter of infected animals, as well as pasteurisation of milk and dairy products."
            "id": "task1397-aca69c83bce24d3f8c4c762c1abd31d5",
            "input": "la compr\u00e9hension du public;",
            "output": [
                "Understanding the public;"
            "id": "task1397-3b08cc8332ad4546beb900b7954d6f0f",
            "input": "Diff\u00e9rentes esp\u00e8ces d\u2019animaux domestiques et sauvages servent de r\u00e9servoirs.",
            "output": [
                "Different species of domestic and wild animals act as maintenance hosts."
            "id": "task1397-4c1a1b2b95484fd7a624424595c9ef36",
            "input": "Fi\u00e8vre chikungunya",
            "output": [
                "Chikungunya fever"
            "id": "task1397-aebaf15fdb7140d887a990be60d42094",
            "input": "Les infections \u00e0  Chlamydia trachomatis  peuvent \u00eatre \u00e0 l\u2019origine de complications \u00e0 long terme chez la femme, m\u00eame si elles ne suscitent pas les sympt\u00f4mes d\u2019une maladie aigu\u00eb.",
            "output": [
                "Chlamydia trachomatis  infections can cause long-term complications in women even when they do not produce symptoms of acute disease."
            "id": "task1397-419deeb4dd874e8991af6a09dad31d00",
            "input": "Toutefois, certaines donn\u00e9es ou informations pr\u00e9sentes sur notre site peuvent avoir \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9es ou structur\u00e9es dans des fichiers ou des formats qui ne sont pas exempts d'erreurs, de sorte que nous ne pouvons garantir que notre service ne sera pas interrompu ou affect\u00e9 par de tels probl\u00e8mes.",
            "output": [
                "However, some data or information on our website may have been created or structured in files or formats that are not error-free and we cannot guarantee that our service will not be interrupted or otherwise affected by such problems."
            "id": "task1397-c62410aad19a44fba9e679dcedcf66d3",
            "input": "Chaque organe comp\u00e9tent constitue un \u00e9l\u00e9ment vital dans le flux de communication et le d\u00e9roul\u00e9 des \u00e9v\u00e9nements dans une situation de crise. C\u2019est pourquoi le CEPCM doit s\u2019assurer que sa liste de contacts est \u00e0 jour et que chaque personne concern\u00e9e est joignable 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7, et disponible en cas de besoin.",
            "output": [
                "The particular Competent Bodies are vital nodes in the flow of communication and events in any type of health crisis and the ECDC needs to make sure that an updated list is maintained and everyone, as well as his/her back up is accessible on a 24hr/7d basis."
            "id": "task1397-b3d781a5181040a892de594e5a740cf0",
            "input": "La forme clinique de la maladie est diff\u00e9rente de celle de la LGV classique: les patients pr\u00e9sentent des sympt\u00f4mes d\u2019inflammation du rectum (rectite) et du colon (colite h\u00e9morragique) alors que, souvent, ils ne pr\u00e9sentent pas d\u2019ur\u00e9trite ou de gonflement des ganglions lymphatiques au niveau de l\u2019aine, des sympt\u00f4mes habituellement caract\u00e9ristiques de la LGV.",
            "output": [
                "The disease presentation is different from traditional LGV in that the patients have symptoms of inflammation in the rectum (proctitis) and colon (haemorrhagic colitis), and often do not have urethritis or the swollen lymph nodes in the groins that are otherwise typical of LGV."
            "id": "task1397-00e07306f8ab402891cd5428527b0050",
            "input": "\u00c0 l\u2019inverse, le taux de mortalit\u00e9 de l\u2019infection aigu\u00eb peut atteindre 2\u00a0% chez les personnes \u00e2g\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "Conversely, the death rate of acute infection can reach 2% in the elderly."
            "id": "task1397-7ae98a87132740cb98f5c22191e99ca1",
            "input": "- R\u00e9unions annuelles",
            "output": [
                "- Annual meetings"
            "id": "task1397-8960dbf720814dbba16deb6a822cad5f",
            "input": "Fiche d\u2019information destin\u00e9e au grand public sur les verrues cutan\u00e9es",
            "output": [
                "Factsheet for the general public on cutaneous warts"
            "id": "task1397-484aeaef6de84d06ad7236fb0c5e7636",
            "input": "Depuis 2008, l\u2019ECDC et l\u2019OMS/EURO ont ainsi publi\u00e9 des rapports conjoints sur la surveillance du VIH/SIDA et de la tuberculose dans toute l\u2019UE et dans le voisinage europ\u00e9en \u00e9largi (la r\u00e9gion Europe de l\u2019OMS comprend 53\u00a0pays).",
            "output": [
                "Since 2008 ECDC and WHO Euro have produced joint annual surveillance reports of HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis across the EU and the wider European neighbourhood (the WHO European Region covers 53 countries)."
            "id": "task1397-5af2cf3edd2241c19be265b37900bffa",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-07ebf53c45904a9fa852b139b54fdc97",
            "input": "Les cas humains sont le plus souvent associ\u00e9s aux rats domestiques, ces derniers vivant \u00e0 proximit\u00e9 de l\u2019homme.",
            "output": [
                "Human cases are most likely to occur when domestic rats are involved, as these live in close proximity to humans."
            "id": "task1397-391db9cf7741480cba3ec82d7b2c2926",
            "input": "Membre",
            "output": [
                "As a fellow"
            "id": "task1397-ceb1da4f25044ab3ac9e25d95afdfaf3",
            "input": "En fonction de leur \u00e2ge et de leur \u00e9tat de sant\u00e9, environ 5 \u00e0 15\u00a0% des voyageurs qui contractent la maladie d\u00e9c\u00e8dent.",
            "output": [
                "Deaths occur in about 5-15% of travellers who get the disease, depending on their age and individual health status."
            "id": "task1397-b0c9f9a15bf74d1da61dbb04d5afae67",
            "input": "Le CEPCM a dress\u00e9 une liste des comp\u00e9tences fondamentales n\u00e9cessaires aux \u00e9pid\u00e9miologistes qui travaillent dans le domaine de la surveillance et de la r\u00e9action aux maladies transmissibles, en collaboration avec plusieurs parties prenantes et experts dans le domaine de l\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie de terrain.",
            "output": [
                "A list of core competencies for public health epidemiologists working in communicable disease surveillance and response has been defined by ECDC, thanks to the collaboration of several stakeholders and experts in training in field epidemiology."
            "id": "task1397-c415552cad904a9c8ecc0b52714efd8d",
            "input": "La transmission directe par d\u2019autres animaux (les animaux domestiques, par exemple) ou par des aliments ou des boissons contamin\u00e9s est \u00e9galement possible.",
            "output": [
                "Direct transmission from other animals (e.g. pets) or through contaminated food or drink is also possible."
            "id": "task1397-1386c68ad563416489a4945f78b0fdd7",
            "input": "Le VIH est un virus qui s\u2019attaque au syst\u00e8me immunitaire et provoque une maladie \u00e0 vie grave associ\u00e9e \u00e0 une longue p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation.",
            "output": [
                "HIV is a virus, which attacks the immune system and causes a lifelong severe illness with a long incubatio period."
            "id": "task1397-d7ef31fa0ec549b9998a259f9908915b",
            "input": "La forme aigu\u00eb peut \u00eatre l\u00e9g\u00e8re \u00e0 tr\u00e8s grave.",
            "output": [
                "Acute illness ranges from a mild to a very severe disease."
            "id": "task1397-64385dd7e590402ebe44f129364e9ef7",
            "input": "Salmonellose",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-2ad1740404bb4d119013fcc868b6440b",
            "input": "Bien qu'il s'agissait autrefois d'une maladie infantile grave, de nos jours, la plupart des cas sont relativement l\u00e9gers.",
            "output": [
                "Although it used to be a serious childhood disease, most cases now are quite mild."
            "id": "task1397-c8564f6b533c45afa16991e3c6d650e4",
            "input": "EPIET",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-cd594f7f8b0e4374ba6a140532951a4d",
            "input": "planification de l\u2019organisation et de la structure de direction;",
            "output": [
                "plan organisation and\u00a0 command structure;"
            "id": "task1397-d9b1e837dfbd44c5a11899bb81e58131",
            "input": "Fils RSS",
            "output": [
                "RSS feeds"
            "id": "task1397-deb679c3b402469ca0455465cd7aea5c",
            "input": "Yersiniose",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-0d944d4f2ca34bca8214e6b258d96e12",
            "input": "Les kystes de Toxoplasma peuvent survivre longtemps dans l\u2019environnement et contaminer ainsi des fruits et des l\u00e9gumes; les kystes pr\u00e9sents dans la viande restent infectieux aussi longtemps que la viande reste comestible.",
            "output": [
                "The Toxoplasma cysts can survive in the environment for a long time, contaminating fruit and vegetables, and cysts in meat remain infective as long as the meat is edible."
            "id": "task1397-fa79e0dfb4a149d89ce6dc2848499e73",
            "input": "Il n\u2019existe aucun traitement sp\u00e9cifique: les patients gu\u00e9rissent spontan\u00e9ment.",
            "output": [
                "No specific treatment is available, and patients recover spontaneously."
            "id": "task1397-ed5b52f187d04551b6e207e768801c2b",
            "input": "garantir une r\u00e9action appropri\u00e9e et rapide en cas de menace pour la sant\u00e9 publique d\u2019envergure europ\u00e9enne;",
            "output": [
                "Ensure an appropriate and timely response in case of public health threats with a European dimension;"
            "id": "task1397-83d6d60c1ab94e13abb91274a7a422ff",
            "input": "assurer une approche coordonn\u00e9e en mati\u00e8re de pr\u00e9paration, de recherche et de contr\u00f4le concernant les foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques entre les \u00c9tats membres affect\u00e9s, ainsi qu\u2019une communication efficace entre toutes les parties prenantes.",
            "output": [
                "Ensure a coordinated approach in preparedness, outbreak investigation and control between affected Member States, as well as efficient communication between all stakeholders;"
            "id": "task1397-623d20f0775c4656a09975ad46af9549",
            "input": "des taux de prolif\u00e9ration plus importants \u00e0 des temp\u00e9ratures plus \u00e9lev\u00e9es, un allongement de la saison de transmission des maladies, des modifications de l\u2019\u00e9quilibre \u00e9cologique et les migrations des vecteurs, des h\u00f4tes r\u00e9servoirs et des populations humaines en fonction du climat.",
            "output": [
                "they include higher proliferation rates at higher temperatures, extended transmission season, changes in ecological balances, and climate-related migration of vectors, reservoir hosts, or human populations."
            "id": "task1397-3ab1f65fbee4469a93746550df14e0f8",
            "input": "Le programme de gouvernance est important en ce qu'il contribue \u00e0 faire en sorte que l'ECDC soit \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9coute de ses partenaires cl\u00e9s, conserve une perspective paneurop\u00e9enne et agisse dans le cadre des r\u00e8gles et r\u00e8glements de l\u2019UE.",
            "output": [
                "The value of the Governance Programme is that it helps ensure ECDC listens to its key partners, maintains a pan-European perspective and operates within EU rules and regulations."
            "id": "task1397-5082d1eddcd54d57a3493b416d55b48b",
            "input": "Lignes directrices relatives \u00e0 la mise en \u0153uvre",
            "output": [
                "Implementing guidelines"
            "id": "task1397-42ad9de6576e44b1afc802891deedde8",
            "input": "Les enfants affect\u00e9s sont \u00e9galement expos\u00e9s \u00e0 des complications, telles que la pneumonie, l\u2019affaissement partiel du tissu pulmonaire, une perte de poids, une hernie, des crises d\u2019\u00e9pilepsie, des l\u00e9sions c\u00e9r\u00e9brales (sans doute dues au manque d\u2019oxyg\u00e8ne).",
            "output": [
                "Affected children are also exposed to complications such as pneumonia, partial collapse of lung tissue, weight loss, hernia, seizures, brain damage (probably due to oxygen deficit)."
            "id": "task1397-b1fb9437cae2456e975b330160844582",
            "input": "En tant que fonctionnaire de plus haut rang au sein du minist\u00e8re, elle \u00e9tait charg\u00e9e de superviser la mise en \u0153uvre des politiques et des directives europ\u00e9ennes par la Hongrie dans son domaine de comp\u00e9tence et g\u00e9rait les d\u00e9penses au titre de l\u2019aide financi\u00e8re de l\u2019UE ainsi que le programme national hongrois de sant\u00e9 publique.",
            "output": [
                "As the most senior civil servant at the ministry she has been responsible for overseeing Hungarys implementation of the EU policies and laws in her area, administering the spending of EU financial assistance, and managing Hungarys national public health programme."
            "id": "task1397-9bf9c5f36f0b4bcd99b33e0528e8c618",
            "input": "On pense que la transmission s\u2019effectue par la consommation de produits bovins infect\u00e9s (bien que la transmission interhumaine du vMCJ par transfusion sanguine ait \u00e9t\u00e9 r\u00e9cemment d\u00e9crite).",
            "output": [
                "The suspected route of transmission is through consumption of infected beef products (although recently human-to-human transmission of vCJD through blood transfusion has been described)."
            "id": "task1397-286bc47c45164c569bf5e01900eff236",
            "input": "Le choix d\u2019un mod\u00e8le de sensibilisation aux questions de sant\u00e9 peut \u00eatre orient\u00e9 vers une dimension \u00e9ducative lorsque celui-ci met en \u00e9vidence des probl\u00e8mes de sant\u00e9 publique \u00e9mergents qui n\u00e9cessitent une action.",
            "output": [
                "The adoption of a health advocacy model can focus on an educational dimension when it identifies emerging public health issues that require action."
            "id": "task1397-9377bcabb36a438bb5b9e19df998131b",
            "input": "Aspects techniques des enqu\u00eates sur les foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques (2007\u20132008) Activit\u00e9 r\u00e9gionale",
            "output": [
                "Technical aspects of outbreak investigation (2007-2008) Regional activity"
            "id": "task1397-57162ae9caa7486b9b2ed96f25d15807",
            "input": "Photos par cat\u00e9gorie",
            "output": [
                "Photos by category"
            "id": "task1397-421645f6b9224ccaa05e073708d17070",
            "input": "H\u00e9patite C",
            "output": [
                "Hepatitis C"
            "id": "task1397-fe050685ea094079b5996ef17ba6c3c0",
            "input": "En g\u00e9n\u00e9ral, apr\u00e8s une p\u00e9riode d\u2019incubation comprise entre 24 et 48 heures, la colonisation des intestins par les larves donne lieu \u00e0 de la fi\u00e8vre et \u00e0 des sympt\u00f4mes intestinaux.",
            "output": [
                "Typically, after an incubation phase of about 24\u201348 hours, fever and intestinal symptoms may appear, due to larvae invading the intestine."
            "id": "task1397-b72d6470671841c4a4b3ff6f44193242",
            "input": "Le CEPCM a coordonn\u00e9 les efforts \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9chelle europ\u00e9enne, et a aid\u00e9 les \u00c9tats membres dans leurs activit\u00e9s de r\u00e9action.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC coordinated this effort for the European level, supporting the Member States in their response activities."
            "id": "task1397-f302506b49714990855cfb1276f891c9",
            "input": "H\u00e9patite A",
            "output": [
                "Hepatitis A"
            "id": "task1397-e63a31df96d346d7a49f092b9b139686",
            "input": "H\u00e9patite B",
            "output": [
                "Hepatitis B"
            "id": "task1397-9bfc9b79a04c4c5e94ffac6f4db1412a",
            "input": "Principes fondamentaux",
            "output": [
                "Basic principles"
            "id": "task1397-833b8bc7e82f4319912560fb4eb97ebf",
            "input": "Les liens suivants peuvent vous int\u00e9resser:",
            "output": [
                "You might be interested by the following links :"
            "id": "task1397-1f475856b44b4f8c9dc29aa5c52e0726",
            "input": "En savoir plus sur le Centre de connaissances et de ressources sur la communication en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9 (CCR)",
            "output": [
                "Read more about the Knowledge and Resource Centre on Health Communication (KRC)"
            "id": "task1397-056c4d34c4f24fe9821715c935543556",
            "input": "ECDC TV propose une s\u00e9lection de vid\u00e9os de courte dur\u00e9e qui vous en diront plus sur les r\u00e9unions, les projets ou les \u00e9v\u00e8nements organis\u00e9s par l\u2019ECDC.",
            "output": [
                "ECDC TV proposes a selection of short video clips that will tell you more about meetings, projects or events run by ECDC."
            "id": "task1397-fb73ef7a8333450e97cbdaca42774f33",
            "input": "Voir tous les pays",
            "output": [
                "View all countries"
            "id": "task1397-0326d30db6a14d47adee3923b2aae516",
            "input": "Aucun cas de transmission interhumaine n\u2019a \u00e9t\u00e9 signal\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "No cases of person-to-person transmission have been recorded."
            "id": "task1397-5b7ab34697fd4308b8fa66056fbb81ee",
            "input": "Parmi ces derniers, les plus importants sont les institutions de l\u2019Union europ\u00e9enne (Conseil, Parlement, Commission), les \u00c9tats membres et les organismes partenaires d\u00e9sign\u00e9s par l\u2019ECDC au sein des \u00c9tats membres (les  organes comp\u00e9tents ).",
            "output": [
                "First and former most among these are the European Union institutions (Council, Parliament, Commission), Member States, and ECDC\u2019s designated partner organisations in the Member States (the  Competent Bodies )."
            "id": "task1397-f8121e89b00f4bd0b9d559bf8adde8eb",
            "input": "D\u00e9clarations d\u2019int\u00e9r\u00eat des membres du forum consultatif",
            "output": [
                "Declarations of interest of Advisory Forum members"
            "id": "task1397-43f7a8129eaf442381c656c372967b2a",
            "input": "Depuis 2006, des r\u00e9unions avec les organes comp\u00e9tents ont rassembl\u00e9 des experts des \u00c9tats membres et d\u2019\u00c9tats tiers.",
            "output": [
                "Meetings with relevant competent bodies have taken place since 2006, bringing together experts from MS and third countries."
            "id": "task1397-aec57b50be104dd7983fb2f2b0ff0a5f",
            "input": "La maladie est pr\u00e9sente dans les r\u00e9gions o\u00f9 les chiens ont acc\u00e8s aux organes internes des animaux contenant des kystes, g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement des moutons et du b\u00e9tail (h\u00f4tes interm\u00e9diaires).",
            "output": [
                "The disease occurs in areas where dogs have access to animal inner organs, usually of sheep and cattle (intermediate hosts), containing cysts."
            "id": "task1397-4864963734af44fb9bd18972a0cd474d",
            "input": "Les principaux r\u00e9servoirs sont les herbivores, qui abritent la bact\u00e9rie dans leurs intestins (sans cons\u00e9quences) et diss\u00e9minent la forme \u00abspore\u00bb de la bact\u00e9rie dans l\u2019environnement avec leurs excr\u00e9ments.",
            "output": [
                "The main reservoirs of the bacterium are herbivores, which harbour the bacteria in their bowels (with no consequences for them) and disseminate the \u201cspore form\u201d of the bacteria in the environment with their faeces."
            "id": "task1397-30628d26421948f9b7b16e1d46c6b743",
            "input": "L\u2019outil de pistage des menaces a \u00e9t\u00e9 con\u00e7u pour soutenir les activit\u00e9s du CEPCM en mati\u00e8re d\u2019enregistrement, de documentation et de suivi des menaces d\u00e9tect\u00e9es \u00e0 travers diverses sources d\u2019information.",
            "output": [
                "TTT is designed to support ECDC activities on epidemic intelligence registering, documenting and monitoring threats that ECDC has detected through sources of information."
            "id": "task1397-fb99a60ec4284739b9e947ab5c4b27cc",
            "input": "il s\u2019agit de locaux sp\u00e9cifiques qui peuvent \u00eatre utilis\u00e9s pendant une crise (comme CIU, salle de crise, etc.);",
            "output": [
                "specific facilities available for use during a crisis (Emergency Operation Centre, crisis room, etc);"
            "id": "task1397-de4b7f59e6714c75852341d7f41343e5",
            "input": "Ce cours est similaire au cours introductif de l\u2019EPIET en ce qui concerne le contenu et l\u2019approche.",
            "output": [
                "The course is an analogy of the EPIET introductory course as for the content as for the training approach."
            "id": "task1397-6e84747c5f5142df8b9e341840da11a5",
            "input": "Chez l\u2019homme, l\u2019infection peut se contracter par diff\u00e9rents m\u00e9canismes, principalement par les piq\u00fbres d\u2019insectes infect\u00e9s (tiques, moustiques et mouches).",
            "output": [
                "Human infection can occur through a variety of mechanisms, the most important of which is through bites of infected insects (ticks, mosquitoes and flies)."
            "id": "task1397-8b58aa3c86ce4cdcb6073a951893d770",
            "input": "Centre de connaissances et de ressources (CCR) sur la communication en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9",
            "output": [
                "Knowledge and Resource Centre on Health Communication (KRC)"
            "id": "task1397-013ef7559b47480392706c1642c76c79",
            "input": "Les missions de l\u2019ECDC sont compl\u00e9mentaires de celles d\u2019autres agences de l\u2019UE, telles que l\u2019Autorit\u00e9 europ\u00e9enne de s\u00e9curit\u00e9 des aliments (EFSA), l\u2019Agence europ\u00e9enne des m\u00e9dicaments (EMA), l\u2019Observatoire europ\u00e9en des drogues et des toxicomanies (OEDT), l\u2019Observatoire europ\u00e9en des ph\u00e9nom\u00e8nes racistes et x\u00e9nophobes (EUMC) et l\u2019Agence europ\u00e9enne pour l'environnement (AAE).",
            "output": [
                "The remits of ECDC are complementary to those of some other EU agencies, e.g. the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) , the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC), and the European Environmental Agency (EEA)."
            "id": "task1397-70d7c84566bf44f1a40b8231f08e1e5c",
            "input": "Expert national d\u00e9tach\u00e9",
            "output": [
                "Seconded National Expert"
            "id": "task1397-92b54388644e485da7a861127363c469",
            "input": "Les personnes concern\u00e9es ont le droit d'acc\u00e9der \u00e0 leurs donn\u00e9es et de les rectifier, sur demande \u00e9crite adress\u00e9e au Centre.",
            "output": [
                "Data subjects have the right to access and rectify their data on written request to be addressed to the Centre."
            "id": "task1397-78640856fd824f229f2cd4f57a9a2ff0",
            "input": "Les enfants de moins de six mois ne toussent pas, mais pr\u00e9sentent une dyspn\u00e9e (difficult\u00e9 \u00e0 respirer) et une asphyxie paroxystique. Dans ce cas, la probabilit\u00e9 de d\u00e9c\u00e9s est tr\u00e8s \u00e9lev\u00e9, sauf si un traitement adapt\u00e9 est administr\u00e9.",
            "output": [
                "Babies less than six months old do not cough, but they manifest dyspnea and paroxysmal asphyxia and are the most likely to die of the disease unless they receive suitable treatment."
            "id": "task1397-1a6676a1adf64530b91aea2bd80df3e3",
            "input": "Il existe quatre esp\u00e8ces de Plasmodium (Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale et Plasmodium malariae) pathog\u00e8nes pour l\u2019homme, ce dernier \u00e9tant leur seul r\u00e9servoir.",
            "output": [
                "Four Plasmodium species (Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale and Plasmodium malariae) give disease in humans, and humans are their only relevant reservoir."
            "id": "task1397-09f96acc154347d7b789c1ae0fe09e59",
            "input": "Le virus Coxsackie (CV) 16 et l\u2019ent\u00e9rovirus (EV) 17, qui appartiennent tous les deux au groupe A des ent\u00e9rovirus, font partie des virus que l\u2019on retrouve le plus souvent dans les foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques.",
            "output": [
                "The enteroviruses most commonly implicated in outbreaks include coxackievirus (CV) 16 and enterovirus (EV) 17, which are both group A enteroviruses."
            "id": "task1397-e1135d0f680148c588edb772a1a40152",
            "input": "Une contamination m\u00e8re-enfant est \u00e9galement possible (syphilis cong\u00e9nitale).",
            "output": [
                "It may also be transmitted mother-to-child (congenital syphilis)."
            "id": "task1397-1fd36bf2ae82471dbdb59da6c3329fd5",
            "input": "Autres th\u00e8mes de sant\u00e9",
            "output": [
                "Other health topics"
            "id": "task1397-91473966cdfd497189ee0bee4ab27ac7",
            "input": "Des manifestations cliniques graves peuvent appara\u00eetre brusquement, notamment une forte fi\u00e8vre, une infection oculaire, une infection des voies respiratoires et de forts maux de t\u00eate.",
            "output": [
                "A serious clinical picture can suddenly emerge characterised by high fever, eye infection, respiratory tract infection, and severe headache."
            "id": "task1397-e299621e4eed4bc894c9055b4136700d",
            "input": "Campylobact\u00e9riose",
            "output": [
            "id": "task1397-48f1f0d08f844cb889cf75b63e919a7c",
            "input": "La grande expertise en mati\u00e8re de gestion des risques biologiques au sein de l\u2019UE peut \u00eatre exploit\u00e9e pour contribuer \u00e0 la communication et \u00e0 la mise en place des meilleures pratiques.",
            "output": [
                "Within the EU there is a wealth of expertise in the areas of biorisk management that can be harnessed to contribute to communication, and the establishment of best practices."
            "id": "task1397-7c7802e271bf465db06e82cf08f73f1e",
            "input": "Quelques jours plus tard, une pneumonie se manifeste et peut dans certains cas \u00e9voluer en insuffisance respiratoire fatale (le taux de mortalit\u00e9 global est d\u2019environ 10\u00a0%, mais il est sup\u00e9rieur \u00e0 50\u00a0% chez les patients de plus de 60 ans).",
            "output": [
                "Some days later, pneumonia becomes manifest, which in some cases progresses to produce fatal respiratory failure (overall death rate has been about 10%, but exceeded 50% for patients aged over 60 years)."
            "id": "task1397-c638a4c86f434013be4aa53334a17bf4",
            "input": "On peut pr\u00e9venir les oreillons par un vaccin, souvent administr\u00e9 en association avec les vaccins antirub\u00e9oleux et antirougeoleux (ROR).",
            "output": [
                "Mumps is preventable by a vaccine, which is most often administered in association with anti-rubella and anti-measles vaccines (MMR)."
            "id": "task1397-d1530cc8876740288745c50c02a501c8",
            "input": "Le programme de stages du CEPCM est ouvert aux \u00e9tudiants ressortissants des \u00c9tats membres de l\u2019Espace \u00e9conomique europ\u00e9en (EEE), de l\u2019Union europ\u00e9enne, d\u2019Islande, du Liechtenstein et de Norv\u00e8ge, ainsi que des pays candidats \u00e0 l\u2019adh\u00e9sion.",
            "output": [
                "The ECDC Traineeship Programme is open to students who are nationals of the Member States of the European Economic Area (the Member States of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) and of candidate countries."
            "id": "task1397-24d100390e704010817bebd0414546f7",
            "input": "La vaccination HBV est actuellement le moyen le plus efficace de pr\u00e9venir l\u2019infection par le virus HBV",
            "output": [
                "HBV vaccination is currently the most effective way to prevent HBV infection"
            "id": "task1397-2ccb11bb5d6b4c37923b9a7fcc615dc3",
            "input": "Diff\u00e9rents animaux (en particulier la volaille, les porcs, le b\u00e9tail et les reptiles) peuvent servir de r\u00e9servoirs \u00e0 la bact\u00e9rie Salmonella\u00a0et la contamination de l\u2019homme est g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement due \u00e0 la consommation d\u2019aliments contamin\u00e9s insuffisamment cuits.",
            "output": [
                "Various animals (especially poultry, pigs, cattle, and reptiles) can be reservoirs for Salmonella, and humans generally become infected by eating poorly cooked, contaminated food."
            "id": "task1397-b785fa8fbc2e49bcb16651f8552352ea",
            "input": "Pour en savoir plus sur la maladie pneumococcique, lire la  fiche d\u2019information destin\u00e9e au grand public   et \u00e0 la  fiche d\u2019information destin\u00e9e aux professionnels de la sant\u00e9 .",
            "output": [
                "Read more about pneumococcal disease in the  factsheet for general public  and  factsheet for health professionals ."
            "id": "task1397-3f378ce8e969455d90486dc25215021c",
            "input": "- Soutien de nos r\u00e9seaux collaborateurs",
            "output": [
                "- Support from collaborative networks"
            "id": "task1397-23bdee7b4a5445ce80bfa979fcec021c",
            "input": "L\u2019Europe est expos\u00e9e \u00e0 la FHV de Hantaan et de  Puumula , \u00e9galement appel\u00e9e \u00abn\u00e9phropathie \u00e9pid\u00e9mique\u00bb (transmise par exposition directe/indirecte aux rongeurs infect\u00e9s) et \u00e0 la FHV de Crim\u00e9e-Congo (transmise par les piq\u00fbres de tiques).",
            "output": [
                "Present in Europe are Hantaan and  Puumula  VHF, also called \u2018epidemic nephropathy\u2019 (transmitted through direct/indirect exposure to infected rodents) and Crimean-Congo VHF (transmitted through tick bites)."
            "id": "task1397-5c8e6e5c5fff4e00bfbe91b6849593a4",
            "input": "- \u00c9quipes d\u2019assistance sur les foyers \u00e9pid\u00e9miques",
            "output": [
                "- Outbreak assistance teams"
            "id": "task1397-234769f962ec473cb8aa77a7afdbbf91",
            "input": "Flux RSS",
            "output": [
                "RSS Feeds"
            "id": "task1397-514ace43e10f490d9b3074b50b55846c",
            "input": "En raison de l\u2019absence d\u2019immunit\u00e9, il est souvent plus agressif et provoque une maladie grave et de nombreux d\u00e9c\u00e8s.",
            "output": [
                "Because of the lack of human immunity the virus is often more aggressive and causes more serious disease and deaths."
            "id": "task1397-be8c093ab59d49988b6d69a544182d55",
            "input": "Maladies et affections",
            "output": [
                "Diseases and conditions"
            "id": "task1397-544ef3b308d341cf94e3332e974a27e8",
            "input": "M. tuberculosis est un microbe l\u00e9g\u00e8rement courb\u00e9 ou droit, en forme de b\u00e2tonnet.",
            "output": [
                "M. tuberculosis is typically a slightly curved or straight rod-shaped microbe."
            "id": "task1397-7d912ee9ac12480780483c55961694c9",
            "input": "Depuis son inauguration, le CIU a \u00e9t\u00e9 activ\u00e9 pour r\u00e9agir \u00e0 une menace sanitaire r\u00e9elle en 2007 ainsi que pour des exercices de simulation.",
            "output": [
                "Since its inauguration the EOC has been activated to respond to a real PHE occurring in 2007 as well in simulation exercises."
            "id": "task1397-eac8201026b248699785635c7ccb41f1",
            "input": "Cette politique g\u00e9n\u00e9rale, qui couvre d\u00e9j\u00e0 l\u2019ensemble des sites web institutionnels de l'Union europ\u00e9enne relevant du domaine europa.eu, est \u00e9galement applicable \u00e0 l\u2019ECDC.",
            "output": [
                "This general policy that likewise already covers the European Union\u2019s family of institutional websites, within the europa.eu domain, is also applicable to ECDC."
            "id": "task1397-b5cd55a4eefb4aa1acd6681b43bd3090",
            "input": "En juin 2008, un premier cas a \u00e9t\u00e9 diagnostiqu\u00e9 en Gr\u00e8ce.",
            "output": [
                "In June 2008, a first case was diagnosed in Greece."
            "id": "task1397-e27b30a6292e41e8ac5d5fcfc3a5ccb8",
            "input": "PUBLICATIONSLES SIX PRINCIPAUX TH\u00c8MES DE SANT\u00c9PublicationsCataloguePager",
            "output": [
                "PUBLICATIONSTOP SIX HEALTH TOPICSPublicationsCataloguePager"
            "id": "task1397-b552eaabf9104fc4aa47aedf57d25fab",
            "input": "L\u2019infection \u00e0 Campylobacter a \u00e9t\u00e9 associ\u00e9e \u00e0 des complications de type inflammation articulaire tardive (5 \u00e0 10\u00a0% des cas) et, plus rarement, au syndrome de Guillain-Barr\u00e9 (paralysie temporaire, mais s\u00e9v\u00e8re, pouvant se g\u00e9n\u00e9raliser).",
            "output": [
                "Campylobacter infection has been associated with complications such as later joint inflammation (5\u201310% of cases) and, on rare occasions, Guillain-Barr\u00e9 syndrome (a temporary but severe paralysis that may be total)."
            "id": "task1397-42624ece9cda4b9089e1449f4b62d19f",
            "input": "Mlle Anni Hellman, chef de l\u2019Unit\u00e9 des services administratifs",
            "output": [
                "Ms Anni Hellman,\u00a0Head of Administrative Services Unit"
            "id": "task1397-905a9822a0124eda98190b4312f036b6",
            "input": "L\u2019infection se contracte principalement par contact avec du sang infect\u00e9, via une rupture de la barri\u00e8re cutan\u00e9e (souvent par le partage de mat\u00e9riel contamin\u00e9 entre utilisateurs de drogues par injection).",
            "output": [
                "The infection is mainly acquired through contact through broken skin with infectious blood (often through sharing contaminated equipment among injecting drug users)."
            "id": "task1397-b561f400c45a44e8a75b66533a56b354",
            "input": "En cas d\u2019attaque bio-terroriste, les relations et les interactions avec les parties prenantes et les partenaires du CEPCM pr\u00e9sentent un int\u00e9r\u00eat commun pour la pr\u00e9paration des \u00c9tats membres.",
            "output": [
                "The relationships and interactions with the stakeholders and partners of the ECDC in the event of a deliberate release of a biological agent are of common interest in the Public Health preparedness in the EU."
            "id": "task1397-2d2e9d6b52d048b3b82a90dcbb366972",
            "input": "Actualit\u00e9s sur la fi\u00e8vre dengue",
            "output": [
                "Dengue fever updates"
            "id": "task1397-0a88561ed0ad49a98542afb7ab9b57bb",
            "input": "- D\u00e9veloppement de comp\u00e9tences",
            "output": [
                "- Curriculum development"
            "id": "task1397-0233bba5520b47528f302a647f11dbab",
            "input": "Selon l\u2019esp\u00e8ce de Plasmodium concern\u00e9e, des p\u00e9riodes d\u2019incubation plus longues ont \u00e9t\u00e9 observ\u00e9es.",
            "output": [
                "Depending on the plasmodium species involved, much longer incubation periods are possible."
            "id": "task1397-c4ce93a8830b43bc960a05723fc7a030",
            "input": "Connaissances en mati\u00e8re de sant\u00e9",
            "output": [
                "Health literacy"
            "id": "task1397-34f44acb9d8e400a8976ee5cc0197bbe",
            "input": "Voir tous les organes comp\u00e9tents",
            "output": [
                "View all competent bodies"
            "id": "task1397-0eef2ef6ff4b400db810ef67b6b831a3",
            "input": "Depuis mars 2003, on signale une augmentation des taux d\u2019ICD \u00e0 \u00e9volution plus s\u00e9v\u00e8re au Canada et aux \u00c9tats-Unis, avec un taux de mortalit\u00e9 plus \u00e9lev\u00e9 et un nombre accru de complications.",
            "output": [
                "Since March 2003, increasing rates of CDI have been reported in Canada and USA with a more severe course, higher mortality, and more complications."
    "Instance License": [
        "Copyright \u00a9 EU / ECDC, 2020 (https://wt-public.emm4u.eu/Resources/ECDC-TM/2012_10_Terms-of-Use_ECDC-TM.pdf)"