On Monday, September 24, 2018 the unique six-day conference was completed in the picturesque village of Fuzine, Croatia. More than 50 asylum seekers, including an international team of facilitators, humanitarian and faith-based activists from twelve countries, Egypt, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Iran including, came together to wrestle with a number of burning questions that asylum seekers in Croatia and Europe are facing daily in their prolonged processes of waiting between interviews and issuing of the final government decision to their requests to stay permanently in Croatia. This dynamic and at times intense conference, with the theme “Moving Forward in Truth, with Courage and Hope,” represented the extension of the ROM – Renewing Our Minds international leadership project, and was organized by “Forum for Leadership and Reconciliation” (US), and “Business as Mission” (Zagreb, Croatia), in partnership with ECPM – European Christian Political Movement, from Brussels, Belgium. The conference was conducted in English, with simultaneous translations provided into Farsi and Arabic. The conference objectives included helping seekers of the international protection in Croatia, and those who have had their asylum statuses favorably resolved recently, gain a balanced understanding of the integration processes and related challenges in Croatia. Likewise, the conference organizers wanted to hear from the participating asylum seekers what are their most daring challenges as they are often waiting for two to three years, driven by uncertainty and anxiety, to have their requests answered by the Croatian Government? In short, the objectives of the conference were to help immigrants in Croatia and Europe to integrate well, and to help them grasp the essentials of European culture and Christian faith. The daily afternoon workshops helped the conference participants, most of whom were family men and women with children, to vocalize their most urging needs and anxieties. Some of the most frequent questions were: Why is the process of waiting to receive the final decision taking so long? Why are some asylum seekers, who have come to Croatia only recently receiving their positive answers sooner than those who entered Croatia two or three years ago, and are still waiting to have their cases finalized? Other questions included: While only a few asylum seekers have been allowed to work legally in Croatia, as they are waiting to have their asylum requests finalized, why are many more denied the privilege to work legally? Why is it that under the law some helpful privileges are promised to the waiting asylums seekers, such as learning the Croatian language and access to health care, while in practice those privileges are seldom accessible? Why is the Croatian government not helping reunite the families separated in different places and countries along their refugee trail? Through carefully selected lectures, and much time devoted to questions and group conversation, the organizers of the conference devoted their attention to the issues of law, culture and place of religion in the Croatian society; the three overlapping areas whose understanding is necessary if the Integration into the Croatian society is to be fully appreciated and implemented. Special attention was given to building of friendship and trust between Muslim and Christian asylum-seekers, as well as building friendship and trust between asylum seekers and the Croatian citizens and institutions. At the workshop about the role of faith and religious communities in Croatian it became obvious that the asylum seekers are expecting more empathy and support from the religious communities of Croatia than from the government. “Since it is in the nature of religious communities to care about vulnerable groups,” they reasoned, “religious organizations, churches and faith-based groups should be able to put in place a synchronized care network” that could efficiently help asylum seekers in the months and years of uncertainty and prolonged months and years of anxious waiting; and also help the asylum holders who have recently been granted the right to remain in Croatia. For example, they could help the new asylum holders, especially those with children, to find their first home and first job. The strength of this conference was that it dealt insightfully and compassionately with the challenges of integration as observed and handled by the three sides involved in the lives of asylum seekers: as they are handled by the Croatian and European laws and legal systems; as they are experienced by the asylum seekers themselves; and as they are addressed by the church and faith-based organizations and groups. Since most of the asylum seekers are spending long periods of time anxiously waiting for the final and affirming decision from the government, often being previously rejected two or three times, it became clear in the initial days of the conference that most of asylum seekers-in-waiting have suffered from the loss of trust in the Croatian government, its institutions and supporting agencies. The conference leadership team, which included also a group of asylum seekers and asylum holders, worked diligently to see the damaged trust and relationships healed and restored, and promised to contribute to the conversation by making the findings of the conference available to the public and relevant institutions. The quality of the conference was enhanced by the choice of speakers and facilitators, and experienced ROM (Renewing Our Minds) team members. Among them were Heather Staff, an emerging UK politician and Policy Adviser to Kate Green MP; Leo van Doesburg, Director for European Affairs for the European Christian Political Movement (ECPM); Amir Hekmatpour, spiritual advisor and faith mentor from the US; Donya and Shayan Spanta, asylum holders and humanitarian activists from Iran, now Croatian residents; Mihal Kreko, Christian pastor and humanitarian activist from Zagreb, Croatia; Tihomir Kukolja, Renewing Our Minds (ROM) Director; and Ana Šutalo, a representative of the Croatian Ministry of the Interior, and Asylum Support Expert. Ana Šutalo’s contribution to the conference was especially significant as she explained in detail what needed to happen once an asylum seeker has received a residential status in Croatia. Although the conference dealt with very serious themes and issues, often accompanied by heated but honest discussion, this event also became a festival of friendship through the relaxing, and spirit-lifting hours of sharing in the energetic feasts of music, dances, customs, culture of the countries represented at the conference, and moments of thanksgiving. However, the special feature of the conference were the moments that addressed the spiritual hunger manifest by all participants at the conference, Christians and Muslims alike. No hours were too long, and no optional workshops too many for the groups of participants who never ceased to ask new questions as they listened to Amir Hekmatpour, even in the hours outside his official speaking sessions. Amir Hekmatpour, from the US and with the origins from Iran, served as a spiritual adviser, mentor and speaker at the conference. “The results of this integration conference surpassed all our expectations” – stated Mihal Kreko, one of the organizers of the 2018 ROM Integration Conference, and the director of a unique integration project currently under construction in Zagreb, Croatia, known as “The House of Hope.” Heather Staff, a speaker at the conference and a UK politician commented: “I’ve never before experienced the level of honesty in our conversations as at this conference, and even when we disagreed we did it agreeably.” “The Thanksgiving Evening on the closing Sunday demonstrated that we all became one forgiving, forgiven and reconciled family of friends who loved each other. By the end of the conference one could see that the faces of asylum seekers radiated with new hope and new joy,” said Liviu Bocaniala, the conference music director. And Tihomir Kukolja, the ROM – Renewing Our Minds Director stated: “This conference opened my eyes. I learned more about the hardships of being an asylum seeker in six days of this conference than in previous three years”. At this time the organizers are involved in the speedy preparation of a memorandum that will be presented to the governmental and non-governmental organizations before the end of this month, as well as to a number of church and faith-based organizations in Croatia and abroad. This document will present in detail the conference’s objectives, conclusions and recommendations. It will be released in Croatian, English, Farsi and Arabic, and presented to several international organizations too. Tihomir Kukolja is director of ROM (Renewing Our Minds). This article originally appeared on the ROM website, and is reprinted here with permission. Image courtesy of ROM.
alright. no i am not a lovey fangirl but i really am a romantic. so i read some of the other scenario articles, played Tries Bien... and wrote this. Screw Arthur! If I want to be with Francism I will!!
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In the midst of an array of Fussaaq so-called ‘scholars’, posing for haraam picture-making, is the Faasiq Reverend Abram Bham who masquerades as an Aalim of the Deen. While this criticism is applicable to the entire lot of miserable agents of Iblees whose ugly faces appear in the group photo which includes faasiqah women as well, we single out the evil Reverend since he still pretends to be an Aalim of Deoband, and is known and accepted as a valid Molvi by Muslims of the Hanafi Math-hab. As far as the other moron ‘scholars for dollars’ and ulama-e-soo are concerned – those who appear in the photo – there is no need to comment much since their satanic credentials are well-known in our Hanafi community. No one really has any concern for the Bid’ati, modernist miscreants. However, there is a need for the Muslim community to understand that Reverend Abraham Bham is a shaitaan in human form. In this there is no doubt. The photo testifies vociferously for his fisq, fujoor, dhalaal and zanaadiqah. His very Imaan is in doubt. The late Sufi Pandor Sahib (Rahmatullah alayh) would turn away from the Musjid if Reverend Abraham Bham happened to be leading the Salaat. He would go to another Musjid since he believed that Salaat behind this Iblees in human form was not valid. At that time, despite our vigorous criticism of this Reverend character, we would advise that Salaat is valid behind him. However, now we have changed this view. Our present stance is that SALAAT BEHIND THIS EVIL CHARACTER WHO STABS THE DEEN IN THE BACK IS NOT VALID. Henceforth, anyone who suffers the misfortune of being trapped in Salaat behind this treacherous Reverend Abraham Bham, should repeat his Salaat. Rasulullah’s fear for the Reverend type of devil is sufficient to register the villainy and evil of this Bham character. His public appearance in a haraam photo flagrantly advertised in violation of every rule in the Book of the Shariah, clearly demonstrates the agency of Shaitaan which this Reverend operates. He is always seen in haraam and dubious public functions scrounging for publicity, name and fame like a sewer rat at the bottom of the barrel of filth and muck. Whilst he professes to be a Muslim, this villain cannot be a Muslim in terms of the Qur’aan and Sunnah. Shiahs also proclaim themselves to be Muslims whilst they are among the worse kuffaar. Yet the Reverend Abraham Bham is perfectly at home with the Shiahs and the neo-Shiahs and the pro-Shiah Ninowy crowd of shayaateen. The entire cabal in the haraam photo is the League of Iblees. This villain Reverend advertises himself as a ‘maulana’, yet he has no haya, no sharam – not the slightest vestige of it – to join in a group of villains, fussaaq and fujjaar together with faasiqaat and faajiraat, flagrantly posing their ugly snouts for public consumption in flagrant and rebellious violation of Allah’s prohibition. Together with the ugly mob of moron imbeciles with whom he poses, the Reverend Villain Abraham Bham is a murderer of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam), for he murders and disgracefully tramples on the Shariah and Sunnah of Muhammadur Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). It is HARAAM to offer Salaam to the villain reverend. It is HARAAM to respond to his Salaam. He has confirmed that he is an open enemy of the Deen. So should he be treated. May Allah Ta’ala save the masses from the evil, satanic clutches, traps, wiles and wares of this Iblees who prowls in the community in human form.
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San Jose, CA - Official Website - Volunteer with Us! Home > Government > Departments & Offices > Departments & Offices P-Z > Parks, Recreation & Neighborhood Services > Volunteer with Us! Your help is needed! Volunteers are an integral part of the City of San Jose! Come volunteer—we have many opportunities, right in your neighborhood! To sign up for volunteer opportunities, register online! Sunday Series: Volunteer on Sunday Morning! All volunteers must complete the City of San Jose Volunteer Service Agreement. Those 17 years old and younger must also have a parent sign the Volunteer Service Agreement. San Jose has over 200 city parks! Everything in our parks keeps growing, so volunteers help is vital to enhancing the work of park staff. Volunteering in city parks is a healthy, outdoor activity, in the fresh air and sunshine! Volunteers must be at least 6 years old. The Adopt-A-Park (AAP) program is our long-term opportunity. Interested volunteers can be individuals, families, friends, groups or neighbors. Parks can be adopted by one or more entities, as there is always something to do! Which parks are available for adoption? One Day Volunteer Events are typically done in 3-4 hours. Generally, they run from 8:45 to 12:00 noon, any day of the week. All supplies are provided—we simply need your time and muscle! Call (408) 595-3483 to schedule a park clean-up event for your group! Please allow a 4-week planning period. Free on Sunday mornings? Come volunteer! Every 10 weeks, we visit a park in each City of San Jose Council district. Find the details for our current Sunday Series! Does your work team want to participate in a service event? Park clean-ups are great for team-building! After volunteering, stay at the park to enjoy the great outdoors! Alum Rock is the oldest municipal park in California. Join the crew that keeps the hiking trails safe and secure. Make a difference—right in your neighborhood! Park volunteers cannot use power tools. Park volunteers cannot use any chemicals, herbicides or pesticides. Fingerprinting and a TB test are required for most volunteer positions. To apply for a City of San Jose volunteer experience, please complete our Volunteer Service Agreement. After staff has reviewed the application, the volunteer office will contact you regarding next steps.
Paul Gallen, Tim Tszyu and Justin Hodges all scored KO victories in the fight night at the Horden Pavillion. Here's five things we learned from the night of fights. There's been plenty of talk about Gallen facing Williams and it's pretty clear now is the time to make the fight. Williams may not have fought since 2015 but he's the logical bout for Gallen - he's now too accomplished to take on debutant footballers but likely wouldn't want to take the step and fight a more experienced professional. Gallen displayed a nice jab to the body, a weapon he has used to great effect in the past, and scored the most spectacular knockout of his career against Hopoate, who looked every bit of 45. Williams hasn't pulled the gloves on since beating Chauncy Welliver in 2105 but in Welliver and Frans Botha he has two big scalps. Gallen also said he would fight Manu Vatuvei or Justin Hodges, but Williams shapes as a good post-season option as Gallen's final fight. Tszyu's name alone guarantees him a certain amount of hype but he's got the ability to back it up. He dispatched Denton Vassell with relative ease in two rounds and his big right hand was a serious highlight. Tszyu landed with accuracy and discipline en route to the latest win of his career. At 12-0 it may be time for a step up in class before he heads over to Europe and America. It's difficult to judge Hodges given his age, inexperience and the quality of his opponent but he threw some nice uppercuts en route to his win over Rob Baron. While it was hardly the kind of stuff Joe Frazier dreamt of, Hodges landed nicely a couple of times en route to his easy win. Gallen may be too experienced at the moment but we're betting Hodges enters the ring again - maybe on the undercard of Anthony Mundine's ill-fated comeback.
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This is an interesting anecdote that has been getting a lot of attention on my FaceBook page, but it makes a very valid point on how our priorities when it comes down to our health may be skewed some. Gaining and maintaining optimal health is within your reach. Your car insurance doesn’t pay for oil changes, but you do them anyway because you know they’re what’s best for your car. Your health insurance doesn’t pay for a gym membership, supplements, bottled water or healthy foods, but many people do those things anyway because they know it’s what’s best for their bodies. The same is true with chiropractic care. In order to have optimal health, you must have a clear neurological connection between your brain and all the parts of your body. And because the spine and nervous system are so intimately connected, the only way to have that clear brain-body connection, that allows optimal health, giving you the best possible chance at living an optimally happy and vital life, full of purpose…is to have an optimally aligned and functioning spine – and THAT is what chiropractors do! We help you regain and maintain optimal spinal health, so that you can BE your best, and GIVE your best! Dirty Dozen –> BUY ORGANIC! Clean Fifteen –> CAN BUY CONVENTIONAL! Background: Soybeans are legumes native to East Asia. Initially it was considered unfit for human consumption, but it was used for crop rotation as a method of fixing nitrogen to regenerate the soil. In the East Asian cuisines, the soybeans are fermented prior to moderate consumption into products, such as tempeh, miso, natto, and soy sauce. The reason for fermentation is that the process removes the toxins present in the plant and makes the nutrients in the beans available to the body. To simplify the process of preparation for soy consumption, after lengthy soaking and cooking, the beans were treated with nigari, a substance found in seawater, which resulted in tofu. When fermented soy foods are used in small amounts they help build the inner ecosystem, providing a wealth of friendly microflora to the intestinal tract that can help with digestion and assimilation of nutrients, and boost immunity. With the industrialized processing, the food manufacturers were left with a lot of soy protein that they started adding to processed foods after they split the beans into two different food products: soybean oil and soy protein (i.e. soy protein isolate, soy protein concentrate, textured vegetable protein or hydrolyzed vegetable protein). These substances are included in majority of processed and fast foods (read the labels!). Anti-Nutrients: Soy contains phytochemicals (phytates, enzyme inhibitors and goitrogens) that are toxic to the human body.They function as the immune system of the plant, offering protection from the radiation of the sun, and from invasion by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or foragers. All plants have some anti-nutrient properties, but the soybean plant is especially rich in these chemicals. That is why extensive preparation prior to consumption is essential. Unfermented soy (whole soybeans, soy milk, soy chips, soy protein isolates, soy flour and other industrially processed products) has been linked to digestive distress, immune system breakdown, PMS, endometriosis, reproductive problems for men and women, allergies, ADD and ADHD, higher risk of heart disease and cancer, malnutrition, and loss of libido. Populations most at risk of experiencing the negative effects of unfermented soy are infants through soy baby formula, vegetarians with high soy protein intake, and pre- and menopausal women in search of symptom relief. Phytates: Bind tightly to minerals in our digestive tract and can block absorption of zinc, copper, iron, magnesium and calcium. It has a particularly strong affinity for zinc, a mineral that supports wound healing, protein synthesis, reproductive health, nerve function, and brain development. Miso and tempeh have the lowest levels of phytates. The enzyme inhibitors: Interfere with the process of digestive enzymes (amylase, lipase, and protease) and make the carbohydrates and proteins near impossible to digest completely. Incomplete digestion moves into the large intestine, causing discomfort and bloating, and can be even more difficult for people who have naturally low levels of digestive enzymes such as infants and elderly. Goitorgens: Block the production of thyroid hormone and cause goiter formation. These are compounds known to make it more difficult for the thyroid gland to create its hormones. Low thyroid hormone levels will cause a reduced thyroid function with slow metabolism, low energy level, reduced heart rate, lack of oxygen in cells. Also blocking thyroid production is genistein, an isoflavone found in soybeans. However, genistein also inhibits tyrosine kinases that is involved in the transfer of energy from one molecule to another, driving cell division, memory consolidation, tissue repair, and blood vessel maintenance and regeneration. Aluminum: The highly industrialized processing of soy requires acid washing in aluminum tanks. The aluminum leaches into the final soy products that are sold for human consumption. Aluminum is toxic to our nervous system and kidneys, so avoiding all processed soy products is a good rule to follow. Environmental Impact: The industrialization of soy production has led to genetic modification of the crops, which is unhealthy for human, animals, or the environment, deforestation and a need for large amounts of pesticides. GM-produced soy also increases the risk of soy allergies and intolerance. Large amounts of it have also been used as animal feed, increasing the need for antibiotics. Remember: Reading the labels if buying packaged or processed foods is VITAL! Committing to prepare food at home in order to control the quality of the ingredients can be very helpful. If using soy, choosing organic, fermented soy products, such as miso, tempeh, and natto are the wisest options. Make sure when using these products to combine them with other whole foods! What Is It With Gluten? Gluten is a composite formed from several different proteins. It is found most commonly in wheat, barley, rye, spelt, kamut, oats, durum, einkorn, farro, graham, and semolina. Adding texture and a characteristic chewiness to baked goods, gluten is used in a wide variety of other foods as a thickener and binder, flavor enhancer, and protein supplement. Within gluten, there are actually four main proteins: albumins, glutelins, globulins, and prolamins. Glutelins and prolamins are found in higher concentrations in wheat, while albumins and globulins are more plentiful in corn and rice. Glutelins in wheat, in particular, are dangerous for those susceptible to gluten intolerance and sensitivity because of the way that acids in the body break them down, leading to an abnormal immune response. The cells of the immune system produce antibodies and other cellular products that begin to react against normal, healthy tissue, causing inflammation and damage. Gluten sensitivity is an autoimmune disease that creates inflammation throughout the body, with wide-ranging effects across all organ systems. Gluten can inflame the brain by causing an autoimmune response. A review paper in The New England Journal of Medicine listed 55 “diseases” that can be caused by eating gluten, including celiac disease, osteoporosis, irritable bowel disease, inflammatory bowel disease, anemia, cancer, fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and almost all other autoimmune diseases. Gluten is also linked to many psychiatric and neurological diseases, including anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, dementia, migraines, epilepsy, and neuropathy (nerve damage). It has also been linked to autism. The autoimmune reaction, where the body’s immune system starts attacking normal tissue in response to eating gluten will continue as long as these food products are in the diet. Gluten intolerance may lead to a varying degree of intestinal damage that increases the risk for malabsorption of food, which cause nutritional deficiencies and may also result in conditions, such as iron deficiency anemia, osteopenia, and osteoporosis. During the digestion process, gluten can be broken down into individual proteins that are a lot like psychedelic drugs. These are opium-like proteins called gluteomorophins, which can drastically change brain function and behavior. The gluten can affect the brain is due to its high content of glutamate (similar to MSG), a molecule that accelerates, activates, irritates and damages brain cells through a special “docking station” called the NMDA receptor. Excessive activity in this receptor due to glutamate has been linked to many psychiatric disorders. Glutamate is an excitotoxin, a substance that agitates and kills or damages brain cells. Have we adapted to gluten? Grains contain poisons, i.e. gluten, in their husks to fight back against predators. Some creatures, like birds, have adapted to overcome the defenses of gluten-containing cereal grains. However, most mammals are not adapted to grains and do not eat them in substantial quantities. This includes the humans. Even though, our bodies have not adapted, our diet have significantly changed to include industrialized, processed grains. It eats away at your gut lining. If the gut is damaged, you do not absorb nutrients. It messes with the gall bladder and bile production. If you do not absorb fats and fat soluble nutrients such as vitamins A, D, K, and other nutrients, you will have problems utilizing any minerals you do absorb, to say nothing of the nutrient deficiencies from inadequate essential fats. Phytates tightly bind to metal ions and make them unavailable for absorption. All of which can lead to autoimmune disease and cancer. Once the gut lining is damaged, we are at exceptionally high risk of autoimmune disease, such as Hashimoto’s, and several types of cancer, including non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The pancreas is assailed by grain-induced inflammation due to CCK problems and elevated insulin levels. This inflammation is a potential cause of pancreatic cancer and pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). The molecular structure of gliadin, the protein portion of gluten, closely resembles that of the thyroid gland. When gliadin breaches the protective barrier of the gut, and enters the bloodstream, the immune system tags it for destruction. These antibodies to gliadin also cause the body to attack thyroid tissue. Is moderation a possible choice? Gluten is one of those cases where moderation is not possible. Even the smallest amount of gluten can trigger an autoimmune response, from a drop of soy sauce or a whole loaf of wheat bread. The immune response to gluten is delayed, which means that it may not manifest until up to 4 days later and may last in the body for up to 6 months each time. Remember to read all your ingredient labels! Choose whole foods and gluten-free foods that don’t have a label!
Tuesday, November 13th at 2 p.m. – Workshop (in French) on banking and saving in Canada, for newcomers and new Canadians. Thursday, November 15th at 2 p.m. – Workshop (in English) on budgeting and spending plans. For more information or to register: Lynn Bourgeois, (506) 758-4029.
We found this panoramic book in the Big Bad Wolf book fair in Melaka. Telling stories based on a continuous stretch of pictures; no limits to story-telling. It is an excellent way to tell open-ended story and let the imagination soar. One of the best books we bought for Svadhi. This entry was posted in LEARNING, SVADHI ELEESHA. Bookmark the permalink.
Falcon Range | Frontier Sportsman's Club, Inc. View a larger map to Frontier Sportsman’s Falcon Range. View a larger map of Frontier Sportsman’s Club Falcon Range. How to daisy chain locks. The Club is not responsible for accidents. All participate at their own risk. Absolutely no intoxicating beverages or illegal drugs are allowed on the premises. All firearms will be kept open & empty until on the firing line & during all “cease fires”. All shooting will be into range backstops (berms). Paper targets are to mounted on target frames constructed to Club specifications (see website). No metallic targets or silhouettes are permitted at Falcon Range, however, they are allowed at Hanover in the informal ranges only. No glass or appliances may be used as targets. The shotgun area is at the west side on both properties. All shooting will be to the northeast. Shot size no larger than #2 birdshot. Shotgun shooters at Falcon Range must not fire to the right of the white marker & “Cease Fire” will apply when shooters from the 200 & 300 yard ranges are down range tending their targets. All members are required to keep the premises clean & orderly. Target frames are required for each shooter, positioned directly in front of the shooter’s position. At Hanover Range target frames are not required in the 2 informal ranges. All target frames must be placed in the provided target frame holders. Without exception, violation of shooting times will result in expulsion from club. Fully automatic firearms or mechanically altered firearms that increase the rate of fire are not permitted at Falcon range. At Hanover Range they are permitted in the informal ranges (2) only. During “Cease Fire” firearms shall be cleared, chamber empty, magazine or priming device removed. No firearms, cased or uncased, will be handled, loaded or unloaded from vehicles. Shooters must move away from their shooting benches & remain clear of them & behind Red Line where provided unless you are down range or policing brass. At Falcon, a cease fire affects 100, 200, & 300 yard ranges inclusively. Uncased firearms must be pointed downrange or straight up when being handled. All members must wear or display membership badges when on Club property. No tracers or explosives of any type will be allowed on any range. Shooting benches must be positioned on the concrete pad. All shooters must observe the same firing line. Shooting from ground, seated or prone, must be beside the bench. No hunting will be allowed on club property. Handguns with barrels shorter than 5 ½ inches may only be fired on the pistol ranges at Falcon & Hanover or the Informal ranges at Hanover. Any violation of these rules could subject members to expulsion from the Club. Please retain this set of rules and report any violations to an officer of the Club. Information should include the date, time, and nature of the violation and the name or membership number of the person involved.
OriginationPro Marketing System - Market Focus, Inc.Market Focus, Inc. Market Focus partners with The Hershman Group to provide current, industry-specific marketing content for the mortgage, real estate and insurance industries. The OriginationPro marketing materials are written by Dave Hershman, a leading author and speaker with seven books published and hundreds of articles. All Market Focus services contain the entire OriginationPro catalog of up to 500 email articles and a weekly industry-specific newsletter. Dave also writes 5 to 10 new marketing email articles every month that are available to Market Focus users.
If we encounter problems in our marriage, we will often blame God for allowing us to marry the wrong person. But Pastor Ford will counter that today by reminding us that we came up with the idea of marrying that person. It was our choice to proceed in the relationship. But now we say, “Why did God allow it?” God didn’t do anything! We did it. We made the decision and the choice. Why are we blaming God?
That’s a nice sentiment, but Netflix is an entertainment streaming service with highly personalized experiences for users. You’re offering learning content, and it’s often not that tailored to the individual. So it’s not quite the same, for obvious reasons. However, by looking at some of the ways we recommend training, we can improve the learning experience without creating an overwhelming interface for learners. Today, there are an incredible number of options for learning content, whether inside or outside the organization. And curation is quickly becoming the name of the game for learning leaders. The challenge is in how to curate the content to deliver the most personalized, tailored experience for users. Today’s algorithms can factor in a ton of signals to determine what recommendations the machine will make. For example, Amazon has had a patent for years that allows it to anticipate the needs of users based on a significant amount of user data and interactions. Below is an overview of some common and not-so-common signals that, when matched with AI, can create a more personalized learning experience for all of your people. User preferences – by far the easiest to set up in someone’s profile, user preferences can be tied to job or role. For example, managers take managerial training. This can also include other defaults or user-defined preferences such as content about specific aspirational topics or skill areas of focus. Consumption by similar people – by looking at what similar people take within the LMS or LXP (learning experience platform), systems can recommend training that you might also be interested in that share your current role or interests. If other design specialists are taking the UX course, the system can recommend that you also take the UX course if you’re also a design specialist. Consumption by people in my preferred role/career path – this takes the point above a step further. If you’re currently a marketing associate but want to be a marketing manager, the system can highlight courses being taken by those at a higher level to help you see what kinds of learning content you need to succeed in that preferred or aspirational role or career path. Views (popularity)– recommending popular content isn’t a bad move, especially if you’re trying to get a critical mass of traffic onto the learning platform, but this should not be the only indicator of what content to consume next. We’ve all been sucked into the funny work video that goes around via email and IM at work–those are popular but don’t necessarily impact performance. Star ratings and comments (value) – unlike raw view counts for popularity, star ratings and comments can offer a deeper layer of insight into the quality and value of content. Star ratings, thumbs up/down voting, or other simple measures give a feedback loop about whether content is valuable or not, and comments can offer deeper insights into the specific value or feedback points from users. Note: the team at onQ actually has a way to do this inside video assets where users can comment and create asynchronous social learning conversations on videos within a learning library. The algorithm then shows where users are engaged, disengaged, or confused in 10-second increments within a video. Very interesting. For many learning systems, these first five components are either standard or becoming standard. But what’s next on the horizon? Consider the following items we’ve seen other companies following in a consumer context that might help us to drive more consumption of learning content. Time of day, week, year – in a recent interview with Wired magazine, the product team at Netflix talked about how its algorithm selects content for users. One surprising component was time of day. If users are looking at content late at night, the system is more likely to recommend partially consumed content (finishing off earlier views) than new, unwatched content. This could be extrapolated for learning purposes. If someone is logged in from a public wifi, they may be better suited to shorter content (potentially commuting or on travel) whereas logging in from work when their calendar has three hours available might signify the potential for consuming longer-form content. On a weekly basis, this might also flow around work. On an annual basis, users may want deeper dives early in the year to create new competencies but later in the year may be settled in and looking to hone or refine established capabilities. Title performance in search vs. consumption – research from Groupon’s data science team shows that there is a science behind what we open and read, and this has direct translations to what people open and examine from a learning context. What Groupon found was that by examining the performance of what had encouraged opens and clickthroughs in the past, the team could target those same types of terms and syntax to create higher engagement with the audience. In learning, we can measure this by modifying the titles and descriptions we define and then measuring that against consumption patterns. Titles may change open rates but may not affect completions, and descriptions may or may not contribute, but without considering them and measuring the impact, it’s hard to say. Netflix and other tech firms use A/B tests to see which content is consumed more often, then the highest converting option is scaled across the platform for all users to ensure the best performance. Job performance/productivity/output – It’s easy for a Netflix or an Amazon to see what is working or not: subscriber counts support their approach. At work, we need to get better at this, though. One interesting approach I recently saw was IBM’s Your Learning LXP that targets key skills across the organization, creating a powerful set of reports that leaders can use to not only see training volume and demographics but also impact. These are some of the signals we’ve run across in our research. Though this isn’t an exhaustive list, it helps to highlight how artificial intelligence technologies are supporting areas like learning and development through better content curation.
Cervelo's S2 Frameset boasts a stellar combination of light weight and aerodynamics, ideal for winning races or just making your next ride faster and more fun. The S2 sports a blade-like down tube, teardrop-shaped top tube and custom seatstays for optimal airflow around the bike. Yet the best part may be the oversize bottom bracket area capable of channeling everything from feathery soft pedaling to world-class wattage outputs into searing speed without a drop of waste. Plus, the Soloist comes with a 3T Funda Pro carbon fork so you can climb, descend and corner as if you're a ProTour racer.
A consistent theme in Kahlhamer’s work is identity. He was born in Tucson of American Indian parentage, adopted into a family of German-American heritage and later raised in Wisconsin. Bowery Nation represents what he calls his ”third place”, the fusion of his personal identities and mythologies. Join curators Jan Schall and Gaylord Torrence in conversation with Native American artist Brad Kahlhamer. Discover how 122 handmade, katsina-like dolls and birds riding on a stationary Pow Wow float form a bridge between traditional American Indian culture and the New York contemporary art world. Image: Exhibition installation view, Brad Kahlhamer, Bowery Nation, July 15, 2012-February 24, 2013, The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, Ridgefield, CT.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported that only 21.7% of adults are getting the recommended amount of aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercise. If you are someone that is highly interested in a growler keg or want to consume beer at a high rate, make sure you stay active. Beer is a beverage that contains a lot of calories and as a result, it is easy for it to pack on the pounds. The United States craft beer market is worth $23.5 billion. This is huge when compared to other markets. As a matter of fact, the craft beer market is worth just as much as markets that are actually important to how people live their daily lives. Almost 84% of all craft beer consumers like to choose their beer depending on the season. So for instance, getting a growler keg might be something you can only do at a certain time of year. There are fall beers and summer beers that provide different types of taste to accompany the change in seasons. In 2015 the number of operating breweries in the U.S. grew 15%, totaling 4,269 breweries. This is without a doubt the most at any time in American history. So the growler keg is a hugely popular item across the United States. Right now, just about 14% of Americans drink beer once a week. United States consumers 21 years and older consumed 27.5 gallons of beer and cider per person during 2015. According to a 2016 Gallup poll, 43% of legal drinkers prefer beer over wine and spirits. In 2015, 85% of all beer in the U.S. was domestically produced. Small and independent craft brewers now represent 12 percent market share of the overall beer industry. So if you want to get a growler keg or other kinds of beer, make sure you know all of the facts on beer and the industry. Every single year, there are a large number of Americans that go out on bar crawls. This is an activity that involves people going from one bar to another in a short span of time. One of the most popular activities in the United States is drinking and this trend is only going to continue to grow.
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Take even a simpler case, which seems more nearly resolvable into an expression of identity: 4=2+2. Even here, the meaning is not that the two members of the equation are identical, but only that the Concept or group four is equivalent in one respect – viz. the possession of an equal number of units – to the two groups two and two. It is plain that one group cannot be identical with two groups, or that two distinct acts of the mind, each conceiving or grasping together two units, cannot be literally the same thing as one mental act conceiving four. Suppose we take this proposition to a logical extreme. This would grant a land owner rights to everything in a cone from the center of the earth to an infinite distance out into space, and whatever was inside that cone, including stars and planets. It is absurd that someone who purchases land on earth should own other planets, therefore this proposition is wrong. The ontological argument was proposed by Anselm of Canterbury in the second chapter of his Proslogion. Although he did not propose an ontological system, he was very much concerned with the nature of being. He distinguished necessary beings (those that must exist) from contingent beings (those that may exist, but whose existence is not necessary). The plenitude principle or principle of plenitude asserts that everything that can happen will happen. The historian of ideas Arthur Lovejoy was the first to discuss this philosophically important principle explicitly, tracing it back to Aristotle, who said that no possibilities which remain eternally possible will go unrealized. The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare. In this context, “almost surely” is a mathematical term with a precise meaning, and the “monkey” is not an actual monkey, but a metaphor for an abstract device that produces a random sequence of letters ad infinitum. The theorem illustrates the perils of reasoning about infinity by imagining a vast but finite number, and vice versa. The probability of a monkey exactly typing a complete work such as Shakespeare’s Hamlet is so tiny that the chance of it occurring during a period of time of the order of the age of the universe is minuscule, but not zero.
Valentines Day Branch Tree 677 Birds With DIY Valentine S Valentines Day Branch Tree 677 BIRDS OF A FEATHER With DIY Valentine S With DIY Valentine S Day Branch Tree Valentines Day Branch Tree 677 TOP All DIY Valentine S Valentines Day Branch Tree 677 HEARTS In DIY Valentine S For DIY Valentine S Day Branch Tree V 2 Jpg Resize 682 2C1025 All DIY Valentine S Day Branch Tree In DIY Valentine S Day Branch Tree Valentine S Decorations DIY Heart Tree On Day Branch Image24 At DIY Valentine S Day Branch Tree Valentines Day Craft Ideas 23 680×684 Like DIY Valentine S Branch Tree Diy 243 At DIY Valentine S Day Branch Tree 02 Valentines Day Decor Ideas Homebnc With DIY Valentine S Branch Tree DIY Valentines Day Decorations At Valentine S Branch Tree Valentines Day Crafts For Adults 1 0 In DIY Valentine S Branch Tree . On this website we recommend many designs about DIY Valentines Day Branch Tree that we have collected from various sites. ufcnancy.org that we have collected from various sites, and of course what we recommend is the most excellent of image for DIY Valentines Day Branch Tree. If you like the design on our website, please do not hesitate to visit again and get inspiration from all the houses in the design of our web design.
The Boom Operator is a specialist role, they control the the long boom arm on which a microphone is mounted, this enables it to get as close to the filmed scene as possible without being seen onscreen. This can be either handheld or placed on a wheeled dolly. They must understand the dynamics of filming and camera in order to know how to record to a high level, without impinging on the cameras or obstructing the shot. They must work as a part of a team to a tight schedule, under the demands of a busy film set. Excellent knowledge of various microphone and other sound equipment and how they work in specific settings. Good knowledge of electronics, including picture/sound editing. Understanding of how scenes are put together and the synchronization between sound and camera. Excellent physical and mental dexterity in recording the highest possible quality of sound while keeping the boom out of shot. Great hearing, balance and agility as well as good co-ordination. Ability and experience to problem solve sound issues as they may arise. There are no usual career paths to Boom Operator, often they would have worked their way through the Sound Department starting as a sound trainee. Knowledge of sound equipment and electronics are essential. A qualification in sound recording is useful.
(1) Any Executive Magistrate or officer-in-charge of a police station or, in the absence of such officer-in-charge, any police officer, not below the rank of a sub-inspector, may command any lawful assembly, or any assembly of five or more persons likely to cause a disturbance of the public peace, to disperse; and it shall thereupon be the duty of the members of such assembly to disperse accordingly. (2) If, upon being so commanded, any such assembly does not disperse, or if, without being so commanded, it conducts itself in such a manner as to show a determination not to disperse, any Executive Magistrate or police officer referred to in sub-section (1), may proceed to disperse such assembly by force, and may require the assistance of any male person, not being an officer or member of the armed forces and acting as such, for the purpose of dispersing such assembly, and, if necessary, arresting and confining the persons who form part of it, in order to disperse such assembly or that they may be punished according to law. (1) If any such assembly cannot be otherwise dispersed, and if it is necessary for the public security that it should be dispersed, the Executive Magistrate of the highest rank who is present may cause it to be dispersed by the armed forces. (2) Such Magistrate may require any officer in command of any group of person belonging to the armed forces to disperse the assembly with the help of the armed forces under his command, and to arrest and confine such persons forming part of it as the Magistrate may direct, or as it may be necessary to arrest and confine in order to disperse the assembly or to have them punished according to law. (3) Every such officer of the armed forces shall obey such requisition in such manner as he thinks fit, but in so doing he shall use as little force, and do as little injury to person and property, as may be consistent with dispersing the assembly and arresting and detaining such persons. When the public security is manifestly endangered by any such assembly and no Executive Magistrate can be communicated with, any commissioned or gazetted officer of the armed forces may disperse such assembly with the help of the armed forces under his command, and may arrest and confine any person forming part of it, in order to disperse such assembly or that they may be punished according to law, but if, while he is acting under this section, it becomes practicable for him to communicate with an Executive Magistrate, he shall do so and shall thence forward obey the instructions of the Magistrate, as to whether he shall or shall not continue such action. (b) with the sanction of State Government in any other case. (d) no member of the armed forces doing any act in obedience to any order which he was bound to obey, shall be deemed to have thereby committed an offence. (c) "member" in relation to the armed forces, means a person in the armed forces other than an officer. (vi) to destroy, confine or dispose of such dangerous animal in the manner provided in the said order, or, if he objects so to do, to appear before himself or some other Executive Magistrate subordinate to him at a time and place to be fixed by the order and show cause, in the manner hereinafter provided, why the order should not be made absolute. (2) No order duly made by a Magistrate under this section shall be called in question in any Civil Court. Explanation. - A "public place" includes also property belonging to the State, camping grounds and grounds left unoccupied for sanitary or recreative purposes. (1) The order shall, if practicable, be served on the person against whom it is made, in the manner hereinafter provided for service of a summons. (2) If such order cannot be so served, it shall be notified by proclamation, published in such manner as the State Government may, by rules, direct, and a copy thereof shall be stuck up at such place or places as may be fittest for conveying the information to such person. (b) appear in accordance with such order and show cause against the same. If such person does not perform such act or appear and show cause, he shall be liable to the penalty prescribed in that behalf in section 188 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), and the order shall be made absolute. (1) Where an order is made under section 133 for the purpose of preventing obstruction, nuisance or danger to the public in the use of any way, river channel, or place, the Magistrate shall, on the appearance before him of the person against whom the order was made, question him as to whether he denies the existence of any public right in respect of the way, river, channel or place, and if he does so, the Magistrate shall, before proceeding under section 138, inquire into the matter. (2) If in such inquiry the Magistrate finds that there is any reliable evidence in support of such denial, he shall stay the proceedings until the matter of the existence of such right has been decided by a competent Court; and, if he finds that there is no such evidence, he shall proceed as laid down in section 138. (3) A person who has, on being questioned by the Magistrate under sub-section (1), failed to deny the existence of a public right of the nature therein referred to, or who, having made such denial, has failed to adduce reliable evidence in support thereof, shall not in the subsequent proceedings be permitted to make any such denial. (1) If the person against whom an order under section 133 is made appears and shows cause against the order, the Magistrate shall take evidence in the manner as in a summons case. (2) If the Magistrate is satisfied that the order, either as originally made or subject to such modification as he considers necessary, is reasonable and proper, the order shall be made absolute without modification or, as the case may be, with such modification. (3) If the Magistrate is not so satisfied, no further proceedings shall be taken in the case. (b) summon and examine an expert. (b) declare by whom the whole or any part of the necessary expenses of the local investigation shall be paid. (2) The report of such person may be read as evidence in the case. (3) Where the Magistrate summons and examines an expert under section 139, the Magistrate may direct by whom the costs of such summoning and examination shall be paid. (1) When an order has been made absolute under section 136 or section 138, the Magistrate shall give notice of the same to the person against whom the order was made, and shall further require him to perform the act directed by the order within a time to be fixed in the notice, and inform him that, in case of disobedience, he will be liable to the penalty provided by section 188 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860). (2) If such act is not performed within the time fixed, the Magistrate may cause it to be performed, and may recover the costs of performing it, either by the sale of any building, goods or other property removed by his order, or by the distress and sale of any other movable property of such person within or without such Magistrate's local jurisdiction, and if such other property is without such jurisdiction, the order shall authorise its attachment and sale when endorsed by the Magistrate within whose local jurisdiction the property to be attached is found. (1) If a Magistrate making an order under section 133 considers that immediate measures should be taken to prevent imminent danger or injury of a serious kind to the public, he may issue such an injunction to the person against whom the order was made, as is required to obviate or prevent such danger or injury pending the determination of the matter. (2) In default of such person forthwith obeying such injunction, the Magistrate may himself use, or cause to be used, such means as he thinks fit to obviate such danger or to prevent such injury. (3) No suit shall lie in respect of anything done in good faith by a Magistrate under this section. A District Magistrate or Sub-Divisional Magistrate, or any other Executive Magistrate empowered by the State Government or the District Magistrate in this behalf, may order any person not to repeat or continue a public nuisance, as defined in the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), or any special or local law. (1) In cases where, in the opinion of a District Magistrate, a Sub-Divisional Magistrate or any other Executive Magistrate specially empowered by the State Government in this behalf, there is sufficient ground for proceeding under this section and immediate prevention or speedy remedy is desirable, such Magistrate may, by a written order stating the material facts of the case and served in the manner provided by section 134, direct any person to abstain from a certain act or to take certain order with respect to certain property in his possession or under his management, if such Magistrate considers that such direction is likely to prevent, or tends to prevent, obstruction, annoyance or injury to any person lawfully employed, or danger to human life, health or safety, or a disturbance of the public tranquility, or a riot, or an affray. (3) An order under this Section may be directed to a particular individual or to persons residing in a particular place or area, or to the public generally when frequenting or visiting a particular place or area. (5) Any Magistrate may, either on his own motion or on the application of any person aggrieved, rescind or alter any order made under this section by himself or any Magistrate subordinate to him or by his predecessor-in-office. (6) The State Government may, either on its own motion or on the application of any person aggrieved, rescind or alter any order made by it under the proviso to sub-section (4). (7) Where an application under sub-section (5) or sub-section (6) is received, the Magistrate, or the State Government, as the case may be, shall afford to the applicant an early opportunity of appearing before him or it, either in person or by pleader and showing cause against the order; and if the Magistrate or the State Government, as the case may be, rejects the application wholly or in part, he or it shall record in writing the reasons for so doing. [144-A. Power to prohibit carrying arms in possession or mass drill or mass training with arms - (1) The District Magistrate may, whenever he considers it necessary so to do for the preservation of public peace or public safety or for the maintenance of public order, by public notice or by order, prohibit in any area within the local limits of his jurisdiction, the carrying of arms in any prossession or the organising or holding of, or taking part in, any mass drill or mass training with arms in any public place. (2) A public notice issued or an order made under this Section may the directed to a particular person or to persons belonging to any community, party or organisation. (3) No public notice issued or an order made under this Section shall remain in force for more than three months from the date on which it is issued or made. (4) The State Government may, if it considers necessary so to do for the preservation of public peace or public safety or for the maintenance of public order, by notification, direct that a public notice issued or order made by the District Magistrate under this Section shall remain in force for such further period not exceeding six months from the date on which such public notice or order was issued or made by the District Magistrate would have, but for such directions, expired, as it may specify in the said notification. (5) The State Government may, subject to such control and directions as it may deem fit to impose, by general or special order, delicate its powers under sub-section (4) to the District Magistrate. Explanation - The word "arms" shall have the meaning assigned to it in Section 153 - AA or the Indian Penal Code, 1860]. (1) Whenever an Executive Magistrate is satisfied from a report of a police officer or upon other information that a dispute likely to cause a breach of the peace exists concerning any land or water or the boundaries thereof, within his local jurisdiction, he shall make an order in writing, stating the grounds of his being so satisfied, and requiring the parties concerned in such dispute to attend his court in person or by pleader, on a specified date and time, and to put in written statements of their respective claims as respects the fact of actual possession of the subject of dispute. (2) For the purposes of this section, the expression "land or water" includes buildings, markets, fisheries, crops or other produce of land and the rents or profits of any such property. (3) A copy of the order shall be served in the manner provided by this Code for the service of a summons upon such person or persons as the Magistrate may direct, and at least one copy shall be published by being affixed to some conspicuous place at or near the subject of dispute. Provided that if it appears to the Magistrate that any party has been forcibly and wrongfully dispossessed within two months next before the date on which the report of a police officer or other information was received by the Magistrate, or after that date and before the date of his order under sub- section (1), he may treat the party so dispossessed as if that party had been in possession on the date of this order under sub-section (1). (5) Nothing in this section shall preclude any party so required to attend, or any other person interested, from showing that no such dispute as aforesaid exists or has existed; and in such case the Magistrate shall cancel his said order, and all further proceedings thereon shall be stayed, but subject to such cancellation, the order of the Magistrate under sub-section (1) shall be final. (6) (a) If the Magistrate decides that one of the parties was, or should under the proviso to sub-section (4) be treated as being, in such possession of the said subject, he shall issue an order declaring such party to be entitled to possession thereof until evicted therefrom in due course of law, and forbidding all disturbance of such possession until such eviction; and when he proceeds under the proviso to sub-section (4), may restore to possession the party forcibly and wrongfully dispossessed. (b) The order made under this sub-section shall be served and published in the manner laid down in sub-section (3). (7) When any party to any such proceeding dies, the Magistrate may cause the legal representative of the deceased party to be made a party to the proceeding and shall thereupon continue the inquiry, and if any question arises as to who the legal representative of a deceased party for the purposes of such proceeding is, all persons claiming to be representatives of the deceased party shall be made parties thereto. (8) If the Magistrate is of opinion that any crop or other produce of the property, the subject of dispute in a proceeding under this section pending before him, is subject to speedy and natural decay, he may make an order for the proper custody or sale of such property, and, upon the completion of the inquiry, shall make such order for the disposal of such property, or the sale-proceeds thereof, as he thinks fit. (9) The Magistrate may, if he thinks fit, at any stage of the proceedings under this section, on the application of either party, issue a summons to any witness directing him to attend or to produce any document or thing. (10) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to be in derogation of the powers of the Magistrate to proceed under section 107. (1) Whenever an Executive Magistrate is satisfied from the report of a police officer or upon other information, that a dispute likely to cause a breach of the peace exists regarding any alleged right of user of any land or water within his local jurisdiction, whether such right be claimed as an easement or otherwise, he shall make an order in writing, stating the grounds of his being so satisfied and requiring the parties concerned in such dispute to attend his Court in person or by pleader on a specified date and time and to put in written statement of their respective claims. Explanation. - The expression "land or water" has the meaning given to it in sub-section (2) of section 145. (3) When any costs have been incurred by any party to a proceeding under section 145, section 146, or section 147, the Magistrate passing a decision may direct by whom such costs shall be paid, whether by such party or by any other party to the proceedings, and whether in whole or in part or proportion and such costs may include any expenses incurred in respect of witnesses and of pleader's fees, which the Court may consider reasonable.
NICUs across the country are or have experienced medicine shortages ranging from drugs used to resuscitate a newborn to drugs that provide nutrition. Our State of Opportunity project focuses on kids and what it will take to get them ahead. At the most basic level, that means ensuring children are healthy. But as Michigan Radio’s Jennifer Guerra reports, nationwide drug shortages could threaten even that most basic task. We called every neonatal intensive care unit in Michigan, and all but one got back us. Each one has experienced or is experiencing a wide variety of drug shortages in the NICU. Erin Fox is the director of drug information at the University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics. Her group has been tracking national drug shortages since 2001 for the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP). She says the reason for the shortage is pretty complicated. "There’s no one person, no one company, no one reason we can point the finger at and blame," says Fox. Instead, she gives three reasons. Reason #1: Supply chain. Only a few companies make these generic drugs. "If only two companies make a product and one has a problem, that’s almost always a shortage," explains Fox. Reason #2: Generic drug companies run lean. Fox says because generic drug companies run very lean, they don’t have a backup plan if one of their manufacturing lines goes down. Reason #3: Quality. Some of the factories and plants are having quality issues, so the FDA shuts them down until they are in compliance, which leads to more drug shortages. To hear more about the drug shortages and how they're impacting children in Michigan, click here to read our report on the State of Opportunity website.
Home-ownership should make you feel safe and secure, and that includes financially. Be sure you can afford your home by calculating how much of a mortgage you can safely fit into your budget. Why not just take out the biggest mortgage a lender says you can have? Because your lender bases that number on a formula that doesn't consider your current and future financial and personal goals. But that's not the best method because it doesn't take into account your monthly expenses and debts. Those costs greatly influence how much you can afford. Let's say you earn $100,000 a year but have $1,000 in monthly payments for student debt, car loans, and credit card minimum payments. You don't have as much money to pay your mortgage as someone earning the same income with no debts. Better option: Prepare a family budget that tallies your ongoing monthly bills for everything -- credit cards, car and student loans, lunch at work, daycare, date night, vacations, and savings. See what's left over to spend on homeownership costs, like your mortgage, property taxes, insurance, maintenance, utilities, and community association fees, if applicable. How much money do you have for a down payment? The higher your down payment, the lower your monthly payments will be. If you put down at least 20% of the home's cost, you may not have to get a private mortgage insurance, which protects the lender if you default and costs hundreds each month. That leaves more money for your mortgage payment. The lower your down payment, the higher the loan amount you'll need to qualify for and the higher your monthly mortgage payment. Lenders generally follow the 43% rule. Your monthly mortgage payments covering your home loan principal, interest, taxes and insurance, plus all your other bills, like car loans, utilities, and credit cards, shouldn't exceed 43% of your gross annual income. - Your gross annual income is $100,000. - Multiply $100,000 by 43% to get $43,000 in annual income. - Divide $43,000 by 12 months to convert the annual 43% limit into a monthly upper limit of $3,583. All your monthly bills including your potential mortgage can't go above $3,583 per month. You might find a lender willing to give you a mortgage with a payment that goes above the 43% line, but consider carefully before you take it. Evidence from studies of mortgage loans suggest that borrowers who go over the limit are more likely to run into trouble making monthly payments, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau warns. The tax benefits of homeownership generally allow you to afford a mortgage payment - including taxes and insurance - of about one-third more than your current rent payment without changing your lifestyle. So you can multiply your current rent by 1.33 to arrive at a rough estimate of a mortgage payment. Here's an example: If you currently pay $1,500 per month in rent, you should be able to comfortably afford a $2,000 monthly mortgage payment after factoring in the tax benefits of homeownership. However, if you're struggling to keep up with your rent, buy a home that will give you the same payment rather than going up to a higher monthly payment. You'll have additional costs for homeownership that your landlord now covers, like property taxes and repairs. If there's no room in your budget for those extras, you could become financially stressed. Also consider whether or not you'll itemize your deductions. If you take the standard deduction, you can't also deduct mortgage interest payments. Talking to a tax adviser, or using a tax software program to do a "what if" tax return, can help you see your tax situation more clearly.
A detailed fishing report for the Beaver Creek will make the difference between a good fishing here and a bad one. Let's face it, there's a lot we can learn and share from one another like what bait or lure is generating the best results. On HookandBullet, we invite you to share your knowledge with others - what tackle is working, what fish species can be found here, and where the fish are hiding. So whether it's a Rock Bass fishing report, or a Largemouth Bass we invite you to submit a fishing report and help us to promote the sport. If you're looking to fish in the general area be sure to check out Hot Spots tab to see where the fish are biting. Check out our Fishing Times charts to determine when the fish will be most active. Check out our Hot Spots to learn where the fish are being caught in this area.
A nurse pinning ceremony is a tradition that is upheld by many schools to signify the completion of a nursing program. Because the road to becoming a nurse is difficult, whether it be an RN or LPN (see: What is the Difference Between an RN and LPN), the ceremony is used to show appreciation for graduates and to welcome them to the medical community. Here, you’ll be able to find out what a nurse pinning ceremony is, and what happens at one. HCPro describes the pinning ceremony has a more personal induction into the medical community rather than the graduation itself. The earliest record of pinning ceremonies being used in the nursing community was during the Crusades of the 12th century. Monks participated in similar rituals with the Hospital of St. John where they agreed to treat wounded Crusaders. They were given Maltese crosses as their badges for nursing the injured soldiers. Florence Nightingale, considered the founder of modern nursing, also presented medals of excellence to her nursing graduates. The medals evolved into pins and by 1916, nurse pinning ceremonies were commonplace. L.A. O’Hare from eHow states that when the ceremony begins, nurse graduates file into a room in their uniforms. In some cases, they were the white hats that were commonplace decades ago in medical settings. Instructors generally lead the line while music plays in the background. The music chosen for the ceremony is usually left to the discretion of the graduates. Once the graduates have filed in, there are often speeches given by nursing instructors and students with outstanding performance in the program. Students might share of the difficulties they overcame to get to where they are. They may also thank the instructors for their hard work and dedication in working with the graduates. Next, the actual pinning takes place. In some programs a faculty members does the pinning of all students. In others, graduates are asked to dedicate their pin to someone special in their life. When this is the case, a faculty member hands the pin to that special person and allows them to pin it on the graduate. The faculty member may also read a dedication speech, written by the student for the pinner (see: Nursing Pinning Ceremony: A Rite-of-Passage for Graduates). Sometimes the pinning ceremony will feature a final phase where students light candles and recite a pledge in honor of Florence Nightingale, nicknamed “lady with the lamp.” She was called this because she often worked late at night tending to patients with a lamp by her side. Lighting the candles is a representation of the flame being passed between nurses. Once the flame is lit, the Florence Nightingale pledge is recited. Once the pinning, candle lighting process, and recitation is complete, the students that participated in the process can officially call themselves nurses. At the ending point of the nurse pinning ceremony, they are considered official members of the medical community.
Flâneur By Dublin is an art installation that brings the commissioned works of two great contemporary photographers to Smithfield. Displayed in a series of large cubes, their work disperses over a metal pathway installed in Smithfield Square. At dusk the cubes become lightboxes displaying the photographers' work. The two selected artists for Flâneur By Dublin are Esther Teichmann from Germany and Rik Moran from the UK. Both artists spend a residency in Ireland earlier on this year, to create the body of work which will be shown in Smithfield Square. Flâneur By Dublin is part of a larger project called Flâneur - New Urban Narratives. This is a new, European Union funded, 2 year long project, transforming photographers into flâneurs and requesting them to apply a new approach to their work within the urban territory. The project involves an international network of some 20 organisations from 11 different countries, and it will be presented in the 13 partner cities. The exhibition launches at 7pm on July 2, and will run every evening from 7pm to 9pm until 24 July in Smithfield Square.
For more information or to contact SunnyBrook, visit http://www.sunnybrookrv.com/. SunnyBrook RVs.com is not the official site of SunnyBrook RV, nor are we affiliated with SunnyBrook RV in any way. If you wish to view SunnyBrook RV's official website please visit http://www.sunnybrookrv.com. THIS SITE IS NOT OWNED, MAINTAINED, OR ENDORSED BY SunnyBrook RV.
Couture Optique and owner Barry Franzblau have been setting the standard for fine fashion eyewear for over 20 years. This internationally known store has received the “Retailer Of The Year Award” presented by Eyecare Business Magazine. Barry’s passion has always been to set a very high standard in providing luxury eyewear and services to his very discerning customers. Mr Franzblau is also noted for being called the Optician to the Stars, because of his past work consulting and fitting actors with eyewear to enhance their roles in feature films and television shows. Understanding that his customers are the most important aspect of what he does, he knows they can count on finding some very unique eyewear collections from around the world with lines like, Chopard, Maybach, Dita, Etnia Barcelona, FHone, Robert Marc, J.F.Rey, Swissflex, just to name a few. Of course it’s not just about finding that perfect pair of eyewear. When it comes to filling prescriptions, Couture Optique only uses the most advanced digital lens technology and premium lens coatings available, insuring the most accurate and visually pleasing results. We welcome the opportunity to provide you with a great experience when purchasing your next pair of fine eyewear.
I consult predominantly to professional service led organizations who think that sales is a dirty word! As an agent of sales effectiveness that makes my job, let’s say, adventurous. As an evangelist of social selling, well that makes me intrepid. I love selling, I love being social – I hate that I can’t truly be a social seller but such is the nature of my consulting role in advisory services. What I can offer however is a passion for social engagement and understanding changes in buyer behavior. Social Media allows me to do two things I strive to be the best I can at. 2. Growing a network that respects and utilizes my skills. I started my social life in 2006 after entering a job with a sales assessment, placement and training organization – for me the early stages of social engagement were hit and miss. LinkedIn was not the tool then it is now and my profile, like experience was fairly junior. I was however blindly determined and set about getting in front of as many sales leaders as I could, albeit in hindsight, inefficiently. My offline network grew quickly and my cheeky, ambitious and rather fearlessly naïve persona (mostly my peculiar accent) very quickly got me a brand. I desperately wanted to learn about sales and how what we did could make organizations better. Business had its up and downs, I was a trainee salesman, I had a great boss and I loved it. As a Journalism major, my desire to produce well-read content was a constant long before I entered the fantastic world of professional selling. In fact, I remember one of those ‘life conversations’ with the aforementioned manager where he asked me why I wanted to be a Journalist, working long hours to targeted deadlines and calling on people who didn’t want to speak with me... all WITHOUT getting paid COMMISSION. Needless to say I was swayed by his rhetoric and have been in professional sales ever since, now lucky to be advising other organizations on sales effectiveness and improvement. My real affair with Social Media, took shape when I moved from the UK to Australia, relocating to a new country and market prompted a different way of thinking about building a sales community in a similar role, different location. I thought back to my clients in the UK and used LinkedIn to search for counterparts here in Sydney, then Melbourne and eventually; still adopting cold calling techniques too, I had amassed a well-connected network of sales leaders nationally here in Oz. The ownership of this network prompted me to leave the comfort of my role after a few years and search for pastures new, utilizing connections and researching the footprint of a global organization online through both LinkedIn and my new medium of Twitter. After quite a frustrating but socially experimental year, new additions to LinkedIn’s influencer platform gave birth to an affirmation for my field of study and a desire to move back into an advisory, sales analyst role and in doing so I set out to find and consume the content of as many sales thought leaders as I possibly could. This leads me to Huthwaite, now part of MHI Global, where I have spent the last two fantastic years helping companies and their sales leaders in APAC build and sustain customer focused, high-performance organizations. Here I get to leverage my two focus areas by listening to customers who articulate socially that they are in growth or trouble. I get to create and publish my own content so that my customers feel I am in contact with them and I grow my network as a thought leader. I get to prospect and lead generate as an agent of MHI Global to boost my pipeline – I get to share research on sales best practice to build my brand and become synonymous with an organization helping to drive profitable, predictable top line growth for its customers. I use social media every day to prospect, find, listen, connect and engage with my customers and prospective customers. For the first time I can use a communication method which doesn’t intrude on their time - feel free to read my article in 33 Social Selling Tips by Leading Social Selling Thought Leaders – rather is an interactive opportunity for me to gauge their interest, understand their problems and offer tailored solutions. In summary, when it comes to Social Media adoption, you don’t have to make a decision whether or not to be active as a seller on it – your customers have already made that decision for you. As a sales professional all you have to decide is how you are going to take the skills that make you successful offline and translate them into a consistent manner online. If you want to be successful, go where your customers are, go there with purpose and go there to add as much value as you can – go forward and don’t look back – in fact Go Social and you won’t have to.
The latest visual novel by Studio Sprinkles, Heartful Chance~!, has now an official German translation. The game is free and can be downloaded here! Hope you enjoy the game! PS: Check out their first game Witch Spell, as well! It’s worth a shot.
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Once accepted onto a course, after an interview, a £100 deposit will reserve a place on the course of your choice. Please note that payment can only be made in Pounds Sterling. The balance of fees are normally due 3 weeks before the start of the course. Please note that in the highly unlikely event of Saint George International cancelling the course, we will refund the full fees to you within 2 weeks of cancellation. Please note that for students who have started their course or who cancel within one week of the start date no refund will be made on tuition fees. If cancelling with 1-3 weeks notice 50% of the course fee will be refunded. Transfer to a later course can be discussed. Please note that for students who have started their course and have received their initial workbooks no refund can be made on tuition fees. Once course fees are paid, students have two years to complete their course, based on the month of starting. e.g start month, September 2015: latest finish month, September 2017. On a discretionary basis, a one year extension to the course can be agreed with SGI. Currently this extension fee is £180. Please note that for students who have started their course and have received their initial workbooks no refund can be made on tuition fees. Once course fees are paid, students have nine months to complete their course, based on the month of starting. e.g. start month, September 2015: latest finish month, June 2016. On a discretionary basis, a four-month extension to the course can be agreed with SGI. Currently this extension fee is £60.
At Residential Architect Pros, you can take advantage of experienced Architects who will deliver schematic design, design development and construction documents. The Architect will at Residential Architect Pros in Serafina, NM will work for your interests. When you hire an efficient residential Architect, your building construction needs will be fulfilled without any issues. The Architect will take care of all your needs. As per your instructions, residential Architects will deal with various contractors involved in the project. You can utilize licensed contractors’ service in Wyoming. When you get advice from interior Architects you can hire contractors in Serafina, NM without any issues. The home owner will get assistance from various quarters and correct estimation can be obtained. It is possible to build your dream home as per your budget levels. The bids will be reviewed and realistic estimations will be done. Architectural services offered by Residential Architect Pros in Serafina, NM will save you time, effort and money. When your project is handled by reliable residential Architects, you can achieve your dream home without any issues. Residential Architects will give you multiple options so that selection of right kind of service can be done very easily. The support of customer care can be taken to address various issues. You will get response through 800-509-2030 at any time without any issues. You can get easy access to various kinds of services from experienced contractors. The seasoned professional will have a discussion with you to get it done as per your needs. Residential Architect Pros in Serafina, NM will let you execute written contracts so that there will not be any conflict of interests. Your requirements will be take care of by the Architect company so that you can save lot of money. You should want to choose Architect companies in a very careful way. The reliability of the service can be noticed through initial interactions and the service rendered by the company to the past home owners.
Cathryn Jakobson Ramin, an investigative journalist, is author of “Crooked: Outwitting the Back Pain Industry and Getting on the Road to Recovery.” Herself a back pain sufferer, she chronicles her odyssey, touching on virtually every option, conventional and alternative, for back pain. She claims that “back pain care is a microcosm of everything that’s wrong with our health care system.” How have perverse incentives created a self-perpetuating back pain industry, and sustained unproven and dangerous modalities? What are the downsides of surgery? Why is “PT” (physical therapy) not always the answer to avoiding unnecessary surgery? What are the pitfalls of “minimally-invasive” or laser spinal surgery? What about spinal injections for pain? How has back pain spawned an epidemic of opiate addiction and disability? Are there rogue surgeons who game the insurance system and prey on vulnerable patients? Why might it be a mistake to get an MRI? What role does exercise play in forestalling back problems? How does prolonged sitting set the stage for back problems? It’s not all bad news: Ramin presents a wide array of possible natural, non-invasive solutions to permanently address back pain that she has personally field-tested. Click HERE for part 2. Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Cathryn Jakobson Ramin, an investigative journalist and author of “Crooked: Outwitting the Back Pain Industry and Getting on the Road to Recovery.” Click HERE for part 1.
This page aims to collate community concerns related to the adoption of the "Geoservices REST API" document as a standard of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). The page has been collaboratively edited, and delivered by the board of the OSGeo Foundation (OSGeo) to the OGC and OGC voting members on Friday 17 May 2013. The board of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) is presenting this letter to the OGC. The letter highlights concerns about the "GeoServices REST API" from many people within the OSGeo community. As always, if there is anything the OSGeo board can do to help, then please let us know. We, the undersigned, have concerns that approving the "Geoservices REST API" as an OGC standard, will have detrimental impacts on interoperability within the spatial industry. We strongly urge that the proposed "Geoservices REST API", as it stands in May 2013, be rejected as an OGC standard. People have listed different reasons for concern. These concerns are described below. Mark Lucas, Founding member and board of directors for OSGeo foundation, Principal Scientist for RadiantBlue Technologies Inc. Landon Blake, GIS Department Manager/Land Surveyor at KSN, OSGeo California Chapter Board Representative. Daniel Morissette, President at Mapgears, OSGeo Board member, core contributor and PSC member of Mapserver and GDAL/OGR. Former OGC TC member and involved in the implementation of several OGC WxS specs in MapServer. Bob Basques, GIS Systems Developer at the City of Saint Paul, MN. Public Works GIS (GISmo), Technical Director at SharedGeo, OSGeo Charter Member, OSGeo TCMUG local chapter member, Co-founder and PSC member of GeoMoose project. Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses, PM at Omnium Strategic Intelligence, Spain, OSGeo Charter Member, OSGeo Spanish Local Chapter Liaison officer. María Arias de Reyna, software engineer at GeoCat, Spain, member of OSGeo Spanish Local Chapter. Anne Ghisla, OSGeo Board Member, Italy, member of OSGeo Italian Local Chapter. Olivier Courtin, Oslandia co-founder, core contributor or/and PSC member of Mapserver and PostGIS. OGC TC member. Anita Graser, GIS specialist with AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, OSGeo Charter member and QGIS team member. Sandro Santilli, OSGeo Charter Member, PostGIS and GEOS PSC member and core hacker. Carlos Krefft, GIS software developer at CSTARS - University of Miami, OGC and OSGeo Member. Benni Purwonegoro,Indonesia, IT-Spatial Engineer @ Geospatial Information Agency . Alan Boudreault, Developer at Mapgears, contributor to Mapserver and GDAL/OGR. Kumaran Narayanaswamy, CEO & Managing Director of kCube Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd India., Member of India OSGeo Chapter. Luis Fernando Bueno, Professor at Federal University of Rondonia, researcher and GIS analyst, Brazil. Bob Bruce, FEC, P.Eng., Geomatics Engineer, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Gavin Fleming, OSGeo Charter member, owner of AfriSpatial. Massimo Di Stefano , OSGeo Charter Member, Italy, founder-member of OSGeo Italian Local Chapter. The OGC candidate standard titled "GeoServices REST API" is currently, in May 2013, being considered to be approved as an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standard. The vote to accept the document as a standard is unusually contentious. The controversy is the cause of this open letter. The candidate standard was previously released for public comment and can be found on the request for public comment page (though public comment has been closed for now). The candidate standard attempts to standardize a suite of web services such as a service which provides map images, a service which provides geospatial feature data, and a service which performs geospatial processing. The candidate standard focuses on interactions via a defined hierarchy of URLs and using predominantly a particular set of JSON schemas for the exchange of geospatial data. the lack of implementation diversity which is thought to give the vendor of the one complete implementation an unusual commercial advantage on top of the vendor's already dominant position in the domain. These issues have potential impacts on the use of 'Open Standards' by governments and companies, on the interoperability of software interacting with standards compliant OGC services, on the costs to developers and users of standards compliant software, on the understanding of 'Open Standards' by the public at large, and, possibly, on the reputation of the OGC as a champion of interoperability. The cost to application developers, systems integrators, testers and sponsors to support all relevant OGC standards will be substantially increased. Sponsors (such as governments) who require compliance with OGC standards will discover that applications don't communicate together, due to applications supporting different OGC standards that essentially do the same thing. This will result in a diminished importance of OGC, as the "OGC standards" stamp of approval will not equate interoperability. After a while, in order to solve interoperability issues, a respected international organisation or program will likely take the initiative to mandate one standard as the preferred standard for all agencies to follow. To date, the OGC has provided this leadership. there are alternative implementations for some of these services. The authors also stress that the existence of a large user base shows the service is useful, and that the standardization of the services at the OGC may encourage new implementations. The SWG has published two documents in response to various comments. OGC 12-646 Response to RFC Comments presents the responses from the Standards Working Group to the comments received from the public during the public Request for Comments (RFC). OGC 13-031r1 Response to 'no' votes presents the responses from the Standards Working Group to the reasons given by the organizations voting _no_ during the adoption vote. Both are available through the links above, or via the public page of the Standards Working Group. The discussion raises a number of issues, many based upon complex technical concepts and implications. This makes it difficult for voting OGC members considering whether to support (or not) the "Geoservices REST API" as a standard. The following provides one analysis of the positions on the vote, aimed to simplify and summarize key points. However, it does not necessarily represent the opinions held by all signatories above. The OGC should be in the business of developing good standards, not in choosing which standards should be implemented. The proposers of the document want to make a standard and have followed all the rules of the OGC. The work of any such group of members deserves serious, good faith consideration. The need for an integrated suite of services using simple data, which is addressed (partially) by the document, is real. The proposed document is pushing the OGC on this issue. The proposed document could be useful to a number of people. "I know how totally impossible it is to write a good standard, so the weaknesses in the existing document seem more acceptable." The OGC actually is, whether it should be or not, in the position of recommending interoperable standards for geospatial services. The proposed document is not good enough, has implementations dominated by one vendor's server implementation, and not publicly supported enough, to be considered at the same level as existing standards. Adopting a standard implies a desire to maintain the standard, but OGC's desire to support this approach has been questioned by some. In particular, the lack of collaboration and willingness to accept recommendations from the community on this version of the "Geoservices REST API" document bodes ill for the future. The overlap in functionality between the proposed services and the existing services, notably with the ongoing work to modularize the existing services, is almost 100 percent. However, compatibility is low. There is already a published document: http://www.esri.com/library/whitepapers/pdfs/geoservices-rest-spec.pdf so there is no need for the document to be adopted as an OGC Standard merely for interoperability with the ESRI implementation. The document, as a new, separate effort, repeats mistakes which were made and since solved by the other services. The document focuses on the past (notably with backwards compatibility and use of only GET/POST) not on the future. The document needs a comprehensive editorial review and substantial rewriting for clarity. Both simple answers are bad. A simple acceptance of the standard would introduce a new set of 'OGC approved' open services. The OGC approval might enable governments to buy a XXXX-new-name-here-XXXX solution instead of a W*S or a S*S solution. The path forwards towards harmonizing the services is unclear. Fixing this document in addition to fixing the W*S services will be a pain. Simply rejecting the solution would be bad for the OGC. It would place the OGC in the position of picking winners and losers in the standards business. It would mean that the OGC is stuck on the project of fixing the W*S standards to meet some nebulous future functionality without having any path to get there. It would discourage innovation and progress. Is there any third way? Well, actually, there is a different way of thinking of the issue. Overall, there appears to be a shared desire for an integrated suite of geospatial services, originally focused on a simple data model, built on the exchange of well defined resources in simple formats including JSON, accessible and usable using the core HTTP verbs, and discoverable through following HTML links and patterns of URL paths. The hope is that such a suite can be designed based on the best expertise of the OGC, can be widely supported by the community, and can be implemented and tested by multiple groups. Neither the proposed document, nor the current services meet this vision. So the work, ultimately, is on improving all the services at the OGC, first to modularize them, then to enable simple implementations, and finally to link those implementations into a functional suite. Since this is the work that is already happening, perhaps the vote is an unfortunate distraction and the productive way forward is merely to redouble the efforts to create the next versions of the standards. Beyond the controversy described above, there are issues with the Geoservices REST API document itself. Even if the standard deserves support, these issues could be considered blockers to the adoption of the current, May 2013, document. The critique is incomplete because it quickly falls into a full editorial review of the text, something which takes a lot of time and effort and is beyond the scope and intent of this Open Letter. The critique can be found at: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Geoservices_REST_API_critique. Note that some of these critiques hold the document to OGC's current, standards writing guidelines. The OGC has been striving to develop better standards so new standards must meet higher requirements than past standards. The lack of clarity in the proposed document is not substantially worse than many published standards but ought to be resolved in new standards. In summary, the ESRI "Geoservice REST API" Imaging part is at a technological level where WCS departed from some 5 years ago. Inconciseness of the specification at large will make it difficult for third parties to come up with interoperable implementations. The components making up the ESRI "Geoservice REST API" provide natural blocks assignable to the matching SWGs. As for Part 6 of the ESRI "Geoservice REST API", if to become a standard it needs to be discussed in the WCS.SWG for harmonization, clarification, and improvement. The Geoservices REST API can not be amended (other than editorial changes in the specification document), because of a requirement for backward compatibility with the ESRI implementation. This has limited improvements in this version of the candidate specification. Cameron Shorter's Will OGC’s standards meet government purchasing guidelines? After delivery of this open letter, there were similar considered concerns raised by some members within the OGC community. As a result, the GeoServices REST API was withdrawn as a proposed OGC standard. The OGC then initiated an Ideas4OGC review, to rebaseline OGC priorities and processes in order to address weaknesses that had been identified in OGC processes. This page was last modified on 30 July 2015, at 14:00.
Google is prodding merchants to provide more information to make its search results more effective–and more like Amazon. The question is whether merchants will play ball. In a blog post Tuesday, Google said that it will add ratings to its so called “product listing ads,” which are used by merchants to sell everything from juicers to microwaves to flat-screen TVs via Google search pages. Such ads appear in comparative grids of search results, and Google said U.S. shoppers will see ratings of up to five stars and a count of reviews below each item. The company said the rating system is based on aggregated rating and review data from multiple sources including merchants, third-party aggregators, editorial sites and users. But the Google plan faces a question: will merchants who gather customer ratings decide to share that data with the Internet giant?
If you are running your own business or company and have a need for manufacturing, you realize just how expensive it can be. Manufacturing costs can eat away at your revenue enough so that you are actually losing money. You may be able to sell an item for ten dollars but if manufacturing is costing you eight dollars alone, your company will be out of business in no time. But don’t fret just yet. There are ways that you can bring down your manufacturing costs in the near future and leave you enough money to make a profit. Rather than try to increase the price of the product for now, you may be able to switch out the material to a less expensive one during the manufacturing process. Whether it is metal or some sort of fabric, there is always a less expensive option as long as it still fits for what you are trying to accomplish. The packaging costs during manufacturing can be expensive on its own. But do you really need packaging for your item? You might be able to remove the packaging altogether and save yourself some money. Lots of products don’t have packaging and maybe yours can make do without it as well. With the right machines, your manufacturing can go a lot quicker and smoother. Perhaps you should find a 5 axis CNC machine that can cut out every kind of angle or shape there is. With the right machines, you should be able to manufacture more products at a reduced price. People that run factories for a living know how to keep costs down. This is what they do. Find someone who has decades of experience and ask them questions on how to reduce costs during manufacturing. They may just surprise you with the answers. We aren’t saying to manufacture overseas somewhere where they pay their laborers something criminally ridiculous like ten cents a day, but you might be able to lower your labor cost somewhere. Perhaps ten people could do the work of twenty with the right tweaks here and there. You will never know until you try these changes out and see if they can lower your manufacturing costs in the future.
It’s been here for some time, but after a few false starts (the not-so-simple SOAP protocol and WS-BS*) it seems the world has finally agreed on Json/REST as the de-facto protocol or lingua franca of the web. How do we discover it? Discover has always been an after-thought with REST, but these days most rest frameworks come with built in discovery (at least for human). But as devs, we always like consistency, - that’s where things like Swagger come in - read spec 2.0 here. Swagger stands on the shoulders of the Json Schema project. With the types announced it’s a stones throw to auto-generate bindings for all the strongly typed languages out there. Having all these services out there that we rely on is great, but we need to be able to stub them out with fakes. This is where open source projects like mockbin come in. By being able to record and then replay you can isolate yourself from your other (micro)services. Swagger supports marking bits of your API as deprecated which gives your users a warning they should be upgrading.
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It occurs to me that I haven't written an editorial for quite some time. Those of you who follow my web site closely should have been writing me indignant letters complaining about my remissness in this matter. I haven't received any such letters. This could mean that I have no faithful readers; I prefer to think that it merely means that they are lax in their censorious efforts. My faithful readers will have noticed that I have added a new motto to my home page - "Slum City Of The Mind". Slum City, indeed. I will have you know that I have received many compliments on my web pages, remarks such as sprawling, weird but amusing, and My God, man, don't you have anything better to do with your time. Sprawling it certainly is - I keep adding (very) random pages every so often. Unfortunately they are mostly in certain specific areas. The effect is indeed that of a sprawling city of slums in which the ramshackle tar paper shack sections keep spreading. It clearly behooves me to add a bit of taste, a few structures of intellectual elegance, a bit of class. That's the ticket. I shall bring forth new pages, pages that inspire and enthrall. This is my shining vision of the future. I shall start on it immediately. Almost immediately. Real soon now. Yeah, right. One of the things that adds to the aura of sluminess is that I don't do very much in the line of la-de-la graphics. There are no graphics maps, no java applets flying little piglets across the screen, no frames. You are free to believe, if you choose to do so, that this represents an ideological purity on my part, a revulsion against the mindless proliferation of meaningless graphics and gaudy nothingness on the web. If you do I will salute you for the nobility of your beliefs. However I strongly suggest that you purchase nothing that is offered you for sale over the phone and that you never, ever watch infomercials. The truth is, of course, that I edit raw HTML files with an editor. I have learned a few of the simpler tricks of the trade - I know how to change fonts and make tables. I have a stock of bars and buttons and such trash. I have template files to start with so that mostly I just type in text along with the paragraph tags. Some one of these days I will get around to doing some artsy-fartsy multimedia web pages for people who want that sort of thing. Some day. In the mean time, Slum City, here I come. This page was last updated June 10, 1997.
Businesses that are either home based or small-scale ranging from medium to large has certain printing requirements, for which they require a good printer that can meet their printing demands in terms of output and speed. If the organizations demand premium quality and durability from their printing devices, then Brother HL-4200CN color laser printer is the ultimate choice. The printer is fast and it prints up to 26 pages per minute in either monochrome or color at an astonishing 1200x1200dpi resolution. Built-in duplex feature with large expandable paper capacity, the printer provides additional flexibility and can hold maximum sheets of paper at a time. Also, the printer combines the finest quality of printing at high speed and durability. This printer is one of the fastest and the most efficient printers in its class. It offers excellent printing speed of up to 26 pages per minute in color as well as black and white. The onboard memory of 64 megabytes is upgradable to 320MB. The amount of 600 sheets of A4 and legal size paper can be hold by the printer; 500 sheets in the input tray and the remaining 100 in the multipurpose tray. The printer easily supports all your workgroup`s color and monochrome output needs. The expandable memory allows a seamless performance. Brother HL4200CN toner cartridges offer Inkjet Cartridges supplies for this printer when they run out of ink. Also, the device can be used with four other toner cartridges including, Cyan (TN12C), Magenta (TN12M), Yellow (TN12Y), Black (TN12BK) that can effectively yield nearly 2,500 pages for the Black cartridge and 1,500 pages for the color cartridges.
Consumer Electronic Devices require digital storage, whether local or in the cloud. At the 2018 CES as well as companion events, Digital Experience and Showstoppers, I had the opportunity to talk with many suppliers of digital storage devices, as well as folks using digital storage to enable their applications. This blog looks at products from Toshiba, Western Digital and Seagate Technology. The following blog will look at the many other storage products and some applications at the 2018 CES. The hard disk drive companies (represented in this blog) I spoke with said that they had introduced their last generation of high-performance HDDs, these are 10,000 and 15,000 RPM HDDs used for enterprise applications. They all plan to only provide flash storage for high-performance applications, likely using the high-performance NVMe interface. In the enterprise space, capacity HDDs providing inexpensive storage will be the dominant application for HDDs. Toshiba makes several digital storage products, including flash memory as well as hard disk drives. They recently introduced a 14 TB conventional magnetic recording 3.5-inch HDD with 9 disks. This is the largest hard disk drive using conventional magnetic recording, rather than shingled magnetic recording. Toshiba was also showing their large line of 2.5-inch hard disk drives, including their 7mm thick drives. I was told that Toshiba's 1 TB 2.5-inch 7 mm thick PC drive use SMR and that the industry is moving to SMR in one and two disk 2.5-inch drives. In addition to its HDDs, Toshiba was showing their SSDs, including their brand new RC100 NVMe M.2 SSD. This product uses Toshiba’s 64-layer 3-bit-per-cell (TLC) BiCS flash memory, including an in-house SSD controller. This small drive, shown below, can deliver up to 1.6 GB/s read and 1.2 GB/s write transfer speeds. These drives are available with 120-480 GB storage capacities. The RC100 is targeted to all mainstream computing (from gaming desktops and notebooks to mini-PCs. In addition to this new SSD, Toshiba was showing a large line of SATA, SAS and NVMe SSDs, including Ball Grid Array SSDs for embedded applications. They also showed external HDD and SSD products. Seagate was showing their co-pilot external storage product, developed in collaboration with drone maker, DJI. This is a rugged product focusing on ingest of content from flash memory cards in the field directly into a large portable HDD product, without having to use a computer. The product has a display that lets the consumer know the status of their ingested data. Seagate was also showing a product that is popular in the China market and co-developed with JingDong, their Joy Drive, that combines a battery-powered external hard drive with phone or tablet charging. Both products offer USB-C interfaces and either USB-A or mini-USB as well. Seagate also introduced new versions of their LaCie Rugged drives with hardware encryption and a fast external SSD product with up to 1 TB capacity and a native USB-C connector. Seagate had their 3.5-inch HAMR drive on display as well as a model of the dual actuator drive that they announced in December. Seagate was also showing a 5U 84-drive enclosure and operating system providing up to 1 PB of capacity with 84 drive trays supporting 8, 10 and 12 TB SAS drives, or SSDs. At some of the media events, they were also partnered with Synology external storage products as well as fire and waterproof external storage maker, ioSafe. Western Digital had several HDD and flash-based products on display at the CES. Their HDD-based MyCloud Home device (available in a single and duo size) now works with popular devices that support Amazon Alexa services to allow access to stored music collections via voice commands. The product also works with Google Chromecast to allow streaming home videos, TV shows and movies using Chromecast-enabled Smart TVs. Western Digital had a number of flash storage technologies on display including the world’s smallest 1 TB USB device, a USB-C flash solution for portable storage, a 480 GB micro-SD card and its Ultra Fit USB 3.1 Flash Drive with capacity up to 256 GB. The company also introduced two portable SSDs. One is the My Passport Wireless SSD that allows one-touch card copy for editing and sharing content in the field as well as direct access to the device within third-party mobile creative apps. The SanDisk Extreme Portable SSD is targeted for saving and editing high-resolution photos and videos. Consumer applications are on the forefront in generating digital content that needs to be stored and accessed. Toshiba, Western Digital and Seagate Technology have products that meet these consumer needs, whether at home or in the cloud. Their consumer products including new features such as new form factors, access via voice recognition and alliances with drone companies.
Melons are among the fruits whose appearance at the Market—despite the fact they’re in no way a natural feature of the British landscape—undoubtedly shout, “summer’s here”. Whatever the weather might be doing. Currently all but tumbling off the greengrocers’ colourful stalls, they’re a motley bunch, in hues of green and yellow and orange, striped and bumped, each with its own personality. What melons and watermelons lack in the pick-up, walk and eat appeal of strawberries and cherries, they make up for in versatility. “Wrap a chunk of melon in a bit of Parma ham and you can’t really go wrong,” says Paul. A perennial Italian starter, “it’s as old as the hills, but it’s endured for a reason.” Jenny Chandler echoes this classic agro-dulce combination in her watermelon, feta, and herby bulgur wheat salad. “I like torpedo watermelon filled with vodka, personally!” laughs Charlie; Celia Brooks prefers the more sophisticated watermelon margerita—the perfect summer party drink.
I am big fan of a YouTube channel called Language Transfer. I have used it for Spanish, Arabic and Italian, and I would listen to an episode mostly every morning while getting dressed or at night while cooking. Language Transfer’s method for learning is termed the “Thinking Method” which means that you are remembering grammar and vocabulary not just by simply memorizing it but by understanding the logic behind it. It does so by transferring the knowledge you already have from other languages to your target language. Remembering, then, becomes a way of following a mental process of logic steps, which both makes it easier to trace things back if forgotten and provides you with a better understanding of the language. This works especially well between English and Latin languages, because you can ‘transfer’ a lot of words from one to the other (thanks to William the Conquerer). Following a list of the most frequently used words in a language is a very efficient way to learn important vocabulary. This list also features example sentences for every word. If you make an account on this website, you can opt for a great daily or weekly newsletter with new words and example sentences at your own level. This is a silly but entertaining educational series available in a couple of languages, especially designed for language learners. It’s about a group of friends and their adolescent problems and attempts to find love. The difficulty of the dialogues (all subtitled) is increasing with every episode and it thus works great as a support to regular studying. The daily news but in “easy” French (not really easy still, I must admit). I never recommend Duolingo as a main source for starting a language as in my opinion it doesn’t focus enough on grammar, but for me it works wonderfully as a support to regular lessons and as a tool to keep in touch with the language when you’re not actively studying it. Reading in another language is effective for learning but not much fun if you have to look up every other word. This application called Readlang is a great free addition to your browser that gives a translation simply by clicking on a word. Even better: it saves those words (and the sentence in which they appear) for later review as flashcards. If you use Spotify, give my favorite French songs a try! A last tip: if you already know another Latin language, the best thing you can do is buy a grammar book or vocabulary list in that language. Even when you have to single out the faux amis, this will save you a lot of time and efforts and makes language learning much more interesting.
Bookings Connected Ltd will be what’s known as the “Controller” of the personal data you provide to us. We only collect basic personal data about you which does not include any special categories of personal information about you (known as Special Category Data). This does however include name, address, e-mail, telephone number, financial information. We need to know your location in order to show you the most relevant search results, basic personal data in order to provide goods and services to you, process your orders, provide you with marketing, tell you about our products and services, etc. We will not collect any personal data from you we do not need to provide and oversee this service to you. We are based in the UK and we store our data on servers within the US. We will only use and store information for so long as it is required for the purposes it was collected. How long information will be stored depends on the information in question and what it is being used for. For example, if you ask us not to send you marketing e-mails, we will stop storing your e-mails for marketing purposes (though we’ll keep a record of your preference not to be emailed). If you wish to raise a complaint about how we have handled your personal data, you can contact us, and we will investigate the matter.
Regardless of how long or how much you’ve smoked, or how often you’ve tried to quit, you can learn to become a nonsmoker. The Quit Smoking Kit will help you prepare for a quit attempt. You can take an addiction test, and get useful tips on how to boost your willpower. It will help you think about your reasons for quitting and recognize the triggers that make you crave cigarettes. The Stress Control Kit contains a variety of important techniques and strategies to help reduce and ultimately control the negative effects of stress. The kit is arranged into seven sections, each section is designed to give background information and action-oriented tips to help manage stress effectively.
New York, NY – March 8, 2010: New York Festivals® Radio Programming & Promotions Awards, revealed its newly designed trophy, inspired by the classic 1920’s Art Deco microphone made popular during radio’s golden age. The freshly minted trophy will debut at the 2010 Radio Awards ceremony, and will be crafted in gold, silver, and bronze colors representing the competition’s winners ranking. This original design will continue the tradition started fifty-three years ago of honoring the World’s Best Work™, in radio broadcasting, with entries from radio stations, networks and independent producers from around the globe. NYF’s Radio Programming & Promotions Awards continually adapts its categories to the ever-changing, always evolving broadcast industry. In keeping with the demands of the consumer, NYF’s Radio Awards introduced new categories this year, including Podcast for the Arts, Best Student Artist Performance/Interview and Best Student Comedy. The complete list of categories include: News Programs, News Inserts, Information/Documentary, Entertainment, Talk Programs, On-air Talent, Craft & Technique, Programming Format, Promotion Spots, IDs, Audio Podcasts, and Student categories. The 2010 Radio Programming & Promotions GRANDJURY® enlists jurists from all over the world, representing some of the most recognizable voices and captivating programming producers in the industry. Entries to the competition are judged based on their production values, organization, presentation of information, creativity, and use of the medium. Each jury member listens to and scores entries via the NYF revolutionary online judging website. The Final deadline for 2010’s NYF Radio Programming & Promotions Awards is March 31, 2010. For more information go to:www.newyorkfestivals.com. All winning entries of the 2010 New York Festivals® Radio Programming & Promotions Award Competition will be featured at:www.newyorkfestivals.com, and promoted by our network of representatives in 84 countries around the world. International Awards Group (IAG) organizes advertising and programming competitions for the following five brands: AME Awards® for Advertising Marketing Effectiveness; Hive Awards® for the Unsung Heroes of the Internet; Midas Awards® for Financial Services Communications; The Global Awards® for Healthcare Communications; NYF World's Best Advertising; NYF Film & Video; NYF Radio Programming & Promotions; and NYF TV Programming & Promotions. Entries to each of the competitions are judged around the world by panels of peers in their respective industries. Founded in 1957, IAG and their five brands have representation in 84 countries. For more information, go to www.newyorkfestivals.com.
Toss cauliflower, mushrooms and bell pepper with 2 tablespoons oil. Sprinkle with thyme and cumin. Toss until evenly coated. Roast in preheated 450F oven 15 to 20 minutes or until cauliflower is golden brown, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile, heat remaining 2 teaspoons oil in large saucepan on medium-high heat. Add onions; cook and stir 5 minutes or until softened. Add vegetable mixture, broth and pepper. Bring to boil. Reduce heat to low; simmer 10 minutes or until cauliflower is tender, stirring occasionally. Ladle into soup bowls to serve.
The upcoming graphic novel Dishonored: The Peeress and the Price will continue the events of the Dishonored series with its release on February 20. Players most recently visited the world of Corvo Attano and Emily Kaldwin in 2016’s Dishonored 2 (and the series as a whole in last year’s Death of the Outsider), and luckily those looking to engage with more of Arkane Studios’ world won’t have to wait too much longer thanks to a new graphic novel based on the series. The novel is being written by comic writer Michael Moreci (Roche Limit), drawn by Andrea Olimpieri (Dishonored Volume 1, True Blood), and colored by Mattia Iacono (Dark Souls).
Monte Carlo, Monaco – 15 April 2019 – Global luxury brand, Ralph & Russo, continues its retail expansion with its first European flagship opening within Monaco’s prestigious One-Monte Carlo complex, designed by award winning architect, Sir Richard Rogers, and situated in the heart of Monaco’s golden triangle. Home to leading luxury brands, the opening of the Monaco boutique closely follows the unveiling of the brand’s other flagships in Doha, Qatar and Dubai, UAE, with additional boutiques expected to launch globally in key destinations over the next year. CEO, Michael Russo, comments: “Monaco is the ultimate luxury destination and home to the world’s leading designer brands. We are excited to be opening in such an international hub, which attracts residents and visitors from all over Europe and beyond”. Measuring near 250 m2 and set over two floors, the boutique is testament to excellence in craftsmanship and architectural savoir faire, boasting an exquisite sculptural staircase at its core and an entirely bespoke interior, as designed and personally defined by Creative Director, Tamara Ralph. Ralph comments: “Monaco is such a special and prestigious region. It was so important to us that our Monte Carlo boutique not only reflected the brand, but also the grandeur of its location”. Encased by 4,700 alternating metallic strips and illuminated by a breathtaking jeweled Murano glass chandelier, the staircase leads to a private lounge on the lower level, offering a unique client experience and orchestrating the perfect balance between visibility and privacy. The ground floor, in contrast, mirrors the feeling of Monaco with a more open atmosphere. Enhanced by Nero Marquine and Carrara marble flooring, rose gold coiled brass furnishings and hues of silver grey, the boutique interiors reinterpret traditional yacht design, featuring elements of curvature throughout and offering an overall sensory experience. Ralph further comments: “The beauty of the Cote d’Azur and the yachts that inhabit it are so integral to the identity of Monaco. In designing the boutique I really wanted to celebrate the region’s maritime history alongside the contemporary splendour of the yachting community today”. Home to a selection of the brand’s ready-to-wear, leather goods, accessories as well as a limited selection of exclusive couture pieces, the Ralph & Russo boutique is now open at One-Monte Carlo, Monaco.
Over the last month or so Ebi-kun has had an annoying cough, it isn't a deep chesty cough, he sounds like he is continuously cleaning his throat. So we have been going to the doctor and trying out various medications to figure out what it is. Last week I had to take him everyday to go on the nebuliser and the end of the week he ended up having a steroid IV. The poor kid has been going to school but hasn't been sleeping well so he was exhausted, the IV does appear to be working, they also took blood to run tests to see if anything showed up. We went back yesterday, my husband was back from Germany so we all went. family outing to the doctors, who-hoo. The blood tests didn't show anything odd so the doc decided to give him another IV and some more syrup and tablets. Now, don't be alarmed at this photo, this is Ebi-kun doing his 'I am really poorly' face, I should get him on the TV, little actor! I have to say, he is the perfect patient. Didn't even flinch when the nurse took blood and put the IV in, watched everything she was doing and even asked her questions. It reminded me of when he broke his arm, as soon as we went in to get an x-ray, he stopped crying and started asking the technician loads of questions about the x-ray machine. The poor technician was completely bemused! So, now we wait and see. He has been sleeping better the last couple of nights, maybe the cooler weather has helped too. One funny thing that did happen at the clinic, the doc speaks a bit of English, I always make sure I speak slowly and try to use Japanese if I can. Yesterday, my husband was with us and the doc suddenly came out with perfect English, proper long sentences, not basic sentences and odd words like he had been using all week, couldn't believe it! I still don't understand why he wasn't talking to us in Japanese, very amusing. My boy had the same for a few weeks back in April when he started the shougako. they thought that it could be asthma but finally he was fine. I hope Ebi-kun gets well soon.
Lamar University's bachelor's degree in communication with an emphasis in broadcasting offers you valuable hands-on experience fresh out of high school, an opportunity most students would love to have elsewhere! Our program is designed to give you a strong foundation and even stronger experience. You'll take courses in digital editing, audio production, TV writing and performing and television field production, among others. We strongly encourage participation in Lamar University Television (LUTV) and KVLU Public Radio. Our graduates have worked at CBS, ESPN, CNN , BET, and Disney, and often work in key positions. LUTV on Fox production featuring an interview with outgoing Lamar president James M. "Jimmy" Simmons. Evan West conducts an in-depth interview with Bill Macatee, Lamar alumnus and CBS sports anchor. Download the broadcasting track degree plan.
Go Birds! Beautiful Hand Stamped Solid Pewter with "Fly Eagles Fly". Includes Hand Wrapped Green and Black Swarovski Crystals and Football and Wing Charm. Expandable Bangle is Solid Stainless Steel and never tarnishes. All jumprings are stainless steel and also never tarnish. Charms are lead free and nickel free. Comes with gorgeous gift box. Order today while the season is hot!
Saratoga Springs: Are You On Team Yanny Or Team Laurel? Weigh in on the latest meme to break the internet. If you’re on social media all day long—it’s part of my job, so I have a good excuse—you tend to see quite a few memes go viral. Whether it be hashtag games on Twitter or image-based creations on Facebook, memes are a fun distraction during a grueling work day. Like that multi-colored dress that broke the internet in 2015. Man, I spent way too much time trying to figure that one out. It broke my brain. But when I just listened to the clip above, all I could hear was “Laurel.” I’m now afraid that I’ve gone completely insane. Or that there are two different recordings out there, and I just fell for another piece of fake (audio) news. CNN believes it has scientific proof which answer is the correct one. Please, help me make up my mind once and for all, Saratoga!
The following people will be filling the pulpit during our time of transition. They will be in attendance to deliver the sermon, take note, and join us! Dr. Lombard serves our church as an Elder and Trustee as well as a former Moderator. David is a retired psychologist having worked in both private and hopital based practice, in addition to teaching at Wright State University. Cliff has been a member of FCC for more than 20 years. He has served as Deacon, Elder, Vice-Moderator, Men’s Ministries Chair, Property Committee Chair, and Leader of the A/V Team. Cliff currently serves as Chairman of the Elders. Carol is an Ordained Minister in the Christian Church(Disciples of Christ).Carol is the Pastor of Assimilation at Legacy Christian Church In Harrison, Ohio. Carol also serves on the Commission on Ministry and the Camp Christian Committee for the Christian Church In Ohio.Carol served as Associate Pastor at FCC-Middletown for 13 years. Carol also served Walnut Hills Christian Church as Co-Pastor. Reverend Ed Bastien Serves as the Pastoral Care Manager at Atrium Medical Center. Rev. Bastien holds a Masters of Divinity in Theology and Religious Vocations from Asbury Theological Seminary. Ed has experience in Chaplaincy from both The Hospital as well as Hospice settings.
Online transactions: Fill in your details and Fitness Australia will charge the transaction to your account. Mail - send the completed form with payment (with your credit card details OR cheque OR Australian money order) to Fitness Australia on the below address. Fax - fax the completed form with payment (credit card details - cheque and Australian money orders cannot be processed via fax) to 1300 734 613. 2. I have an issue with payment, who can I speak to? It is important to Fitness Australia that all clients understand their rights and obligations in relation to refunds. Fitness Australia Exercise Professional & Business Registration is a non-refundable fee. Should you believe that your circumstances for a refund requires special consideration, please make an application in writing to the Manager, Industry Services via email to [email protected], fax to 1300 734 613 or via mail to PO Box 6453, Alexandria 2015. Should a refund be granted a $55.00 (inc GST) Administration Fee will apply. NOTE: If your refund request is approved you will be required to send in your original registration documents before your refund can be processed. 4. When will you debit/charge my account? Payment is debited once the application has been submitted. We usually take about one week to process applications. You will receive a tax receipt, issued by Fitness Australia Limited, (ABN: 51 131 422 403), on receipt of payment. 5. I’m due to renew my Fitness Business registration, when can I do this? Registration is for one year commencing on the date your application is accepted and is renewable on the anniversary of the date for a subsequent year. All registration fees must be paid annually in advance.
New figures from the Home Office show that 1,293 house fires were started by a household appliance in the area between April 2012 and March last year. More than half the incidents attended by the West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service were started by cookers, with 767 fires causing 147 deaths or casualties over the five-year period. Between April 2012 and March 2017, 247 fires started by domestic appliances caused deaths or injuries. Over 110 fires were started by faulty appliances or leads in West Sussex over the five years. Across England, such faults started over 13,000 fires. The most common reason for fires started by appliances was misuse of the equipment, which caused 863 fires in West Sussex, and nearly 48,000 nationally. But the old staple of fire safety talks, chip pans, were still the cause of 132 fires in West Sussex, and over 9,000 fires nationally.
EU - The European Commission welcomes the European Parliaments Approval of a draft Directive will simplify and facilitate the administrative procedures for ships entering and leaving European ports. The provisions of the Directive will be phased in between 2012 and 2015. This Directive will contribute to making maritime transport more attractive and supporting maritime activity, particularly in small and medium-sized commercial ports. Siim Kallas, Commission Vice-President responsible for transport said: The simplification of administrative procedures for maritime transport is an important step, not only because it will reduce the costs of maritime transport, which is used to deliver almost 40 per cent of goods within the Internal Market, but also because maritime transport is a cleaner and safer form of transport". This agreement gives the Member States, industries and port authorities five years to set up a one-stop administrative shop in every port. From 2013, the Directive will also simplify and harmonise a certain number of procedures, notably reducing the repeated transmission of data to the different administrative authorities in the ports. While the administrative formalities for other modes of transport have been considerably streamlined since the creation of the single market, maritime transport remains subject to complex procedures. Under customs regulations and international law, a ship is considered to leave a Member States territory once it crosses the territorial water limit of 12 nautical miles (22 km). A vessel sailing from one European Union port to another has to go through administrative formalities on both departure and arrival in the same way as international shipping. After the adoption of guidelines for veterinary checks in December 2009 and the amendment of the implementing rules for the Customs Code in March 2010, the Directive adopted today completes the first instalment of short-term actions planned as part of the European maritime transport area without borders initiative launched in 2009. It is also a new step towards establishing a framework that will allow a more integrated management of the flow of administrative and commercial information accompanying the movement of goods into, out of and within the European Union, which will facilitate the work of both the operators and the inspection authorities. In the area of maritime transport, this framework will be completed by the European e-Maritime initiative, which the Commission is working on in cooperation with the stakeholders and which will be the subject of a proposal in 2011.
Looking for a new home in North East Park Hill? It is a great time to buy real estate in North East Park Hill and our site is a great place to begin your search. You can check out North East Park Hill schools, market statistics, the latest listings and more. Whether you are a first-time home buyer or you are already familiar with the home buying process, you can be assured that you have the best tools and the perfect agent available to help with your North East Park Hill home search. There are currently 1 incomes for sale in North East Park Hill. The average price for North East Park Hill properties is $445,000which is 48% lower than all incomes within a 20 mile radius. The highest priced property in North East Park Hill is $445,000 while the lowest priced income is listed at $445,000. Most of the properties available in North East Park Hill are incomes . Compared to last month, the average price of real estate in the area has gone up 100%.
To prevent the web version of DirectPass from saving passwords for specific websites, it includes only the Password Exception list. Click Add to open the Add or Edit an Item window. Type or paste the address of the website you want to add to the exception list. Click the pencil icon in the right-most column of the website you want to modify. Adjust the settings you want to change. Mark the checkbox of the website you want to delete. Click Remove to delete the website.
Download Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC APK v 3.5.1 for Android Cell Phones and it gives you simple solution for capturing, editing and sharing your photos. Good pictures are something that all of us want because uploading such beautiful and artistic pictures have become such a trend and all of that is possible with the help of a good camera and the photo editing. A good picture can take you back in time with worth remembering memories. Even from a normal camera, you can get some really great clicks and then you can edit them but for that, you will have to have the best editing skills or a really good photo editor. The good editing skills can be improved with the continuous practicing and giving a detail thought to it while on the other hand to get some good photo editor you need to search on the internet and read about them. Adobe is no news to us when we talk about e photo editors and there are a lot of the adobe photo editors that you can use and one of them is the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. There is a lot of other ones too but the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is what you need to know about at the very start and if you want all the basics editing then it is the best choice for you and you must consider downloading it and that is why this Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Review is necessary. Adobe is one of the most popular names when it comes to the photo editors and it is a name that job one can deny knowing. Well, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is for all the basic editing like making the collages of your pictures so you can combine all your precious moments in one picture and then there are also some basic editing like removing the red-eye from your pictures or enhancing the digital pictures of yours. Adding little hues, sharpening the pictures, reducing the noise from the videos and converting them to the black and white is all that the Adobe photoshop lightroom is best at doing. Moreover, the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom also have the library and it allows the slideshow of the pictures. You can create the photo books using this software and can also print the images directly after editing them. If you want to download it too then you would be delighted to know that you can get the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC APK download. The APK file of the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is very easy to download it and you can get the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Download APK from a number of different websites that offers you the APK files of such software. You can get these files for free and for that purpose you will have to look for the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom APK download crack which means you won’t have to pay for it and can utilize its services completely for free. So this was all you needed to know about the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and how and where can you download it for free.
The Post & Rail Nightstand with one drawer and one shelf is ideal for your bedroom or in your living room as a side table. Constructed of solid pine in a vintage espresso finish this nightstand is accented by grain details, highlighting its expert craftsmanship. I hope for the price I paid these 2 same items, my contribution helped in saving some trees... a fair amount of trees...! All good for the rest, thanks Jordan's!
SilverDoctors: Which is the Better Silver Investment? Silver Eagles or 90% Face Coins? As today seems to be a lazy Saturday afternoon with not much new to report, we thought we would bring readers' attention to an old piece written by Ted Butler's mentor, Izzy Friedman, and open it up to discussion. Izzy wrote a piece several years ago advocating US Silver Eagles as the best form of silver to invest in. While USSE's carry the highest premium over spot, Friedman looks for the US Mint to one day soon stop producing eagles entirely, which he believes will cause USSE premiums to skyrocket. Personally, The Doc thinks that Izzy is correct, yet all of Mr. Friedman's arguments also apply to 90% silver US face coins (Pre-1964 coins)- and some of these very arguments are the reason why The Doc believes 90% US face coins to be the best form of silver to purchase today. *90% face coins have one of if not THE lowest premiums of any investment form of silver available today, meaning you can exchange your fiat dollars for more ounces of silver in 90% form than you can for silver rounds, bars, Eagles, etc. *90% face coins have ALREADY been discontinued from production, meaning that the same potential production stoppage of USSE's has ALREADY happened with 90% face US coins! *90% face coins were also produced by the US Mint, meaning that investors can trust the silver content of the coins at 90% just as much as they trust that the silver content of a silver eagle is .999. *90% face coins are FRACTIONAL silver pieces, which The Doc believes will result in higher premiums vs. 1oz denominations when the silver shortage arrives and silver reaches valuations near Friedman's levels. I will include Mr. Friedman's thoughts below. We are interested in our readers' thoughts and perspective on this issue as well. What do you believe to be the best form of silver to invest in?
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eXcelleRes, based in Amsterdam, is responsible for the processing of personal data as shown in this privacy statement. eXcelleRes processes your personal data by using our services and / or by providing it to us yourself. Our website and / or service does not intend to collect data about website visitors who are younger than 16 years. Unless they have permission from parents or guardians. However, we can not check if a visitor is older than 16. We encourage parents to be involved in the online activities of their children, in order to prevent data about children being collected without parental consent. If you are convinced that we have collected personal information about a minor without this consent, please contact us at [email protected] and we will delete this information. – eXcelleRes analyzes your behavior on the website in order to improve the website and to tailor the range of products and services to your preferences. – eXcelleRes tracks your surfing behavior across various websites with which we tailor our products and services to your needs. – eXcelleRes also processes personal data if we are legally obliged to do so, such as data that we need for our tax return. eXcelleRes does not store your personal data for longer than is strictly necessary to realize the purposes for which your data is collected. We use a standard retention period of 5 years for all data (including all personal data). eXcelleRes provides exclusively to third parties and only if this is necessary for the execution of our agreement with you or to comply with a legal obligation. You have the right to view, correct or delete your personal data. You also have the right to withdraw your consent to the data processing or to object to the processing of your personal data by eXcelleRes and you have the right to data portability. This means that you can submit a request to us to send the personal information we have in your computer file to you or another organization mentioned by you. You can send a request for access, correction, deletion, data transfer of your personal data or request for cancellation of your consent or objection to the processing of your personal data to [email protected].
Our delta table base is yet another new offering that we think you will be thrilled about. With its unique solid, stylish and modern profile in polished Stainless steel, it is designed for the most discriminating tastes. Minimal but elegant, the Delta Noveau adds a touch of class to any workplace. A modern twist on the classic executive desk. This executive desk offers a modern twist on a great classic line. It is a sophisticated alternative for the executive office with both timeless form and superb function. It comprises combined desk and return, feature tile lines on return undercarriage. The desktop appears to float on one side and it balances on a subframe above the return’s top with sturdy panel leg on the other end. This desk creates a distinctive vibe for the executive or manager who wants something aesthetically pleasing yet practical for their office. Keeping abreast with developments in office design, Flux Executive offers a clean and minimal aesthetic to any workspace. Clean lines and balanced proportions along with 100mm height adjustment. The clean and minimal design is what makes the Geo Executive Plaza a staple in any workplace. The clean and minimal design is what makes the Geo Executive Vista a staple in any workplace. The clean and minimal design is what makes the Geo Executive Verse a staple in any workplace. It features a heavy-duty motor drive, as a standard for both strength & durability. Comes in 35 different finishes.
All products from Hampshire Office Furniture are delivered and installed by our team of professional installers. Their job is to ensure you are 100% satisfied with your new office furniture. Based in Havant, Hampshire and with over 40 years’ experience in the industry, we can offer an extensive range of high quality office furniture to suit all tastes, budgets and personalities. Whether you’re looking for a traditional office set-up or creating a modern agile working environment, we will have a solution for you. To provide a 5-star service to all our customers. We have an excellent range of chairs for the workplace to suit any style and budget including Meeting Room Chairs, Executive Chairs, Soft Seating, Task Chairs and much, much, MUCH more! We offer a full range of office desk solutions to suit any working environment. All of our desking ranges come in an extensive range of finishes, along with integral cable management to help keep your workplace organised. Coupled with essential office storage items such as desk pedestals, our office desks will make your office look and feel great to work in. The design of your reception area will speak volumes about your business. This is where your visitors form their first perception of you and start making decisions about your company. For this reason, we have created an extensive range of reception area furniture to ensure all your customers are impressed from the minute they walk through your door. We're always happy to help so if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in contact with the team here at Hampshire Office Furniture either by phone or email. Motivated well performing staff are your company’s greatest asset. Basic space planning principles and methods for commercial offices.
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted any projects so I thought I’d post a couple that I’m kind of proud of. The first is a bias bowl turned from plywood. The blank was about 4.5” square that I glued up from scrap baltic birch. It was turned mostly with EWT’s as the plywood dulled my Thompson bowl gouge very quickly. It is finished with gloss deft spray laquer.This one won me a blue ribbon at the Oklahoma State Fair last September. The second is a bowl that won second place. It’s turned from a piece of spalted hackberry. This one is finished with Mylands friction polish. I remember seeing these bowls just this past year. I really liked the plywood bowls. I told my wife, that looks like a turning tool duller. But they came out gorgeous. Great work! With those gorgeous grains and awesome shapes, they are sure winners. Great job!
In Western Pennsylvania, Yinzer and Jagoff are terms of endearment. Saying “dahntahn” is as much a beloved tradition as putting fries on your sammich or waving a yellow towel! That’s why Pittsburgh radio personalities Jim Krenn and Larry Richert have teamed up with cartoonist Rob Rogers to create Yinzer Cards as a way of celebrating the city they love. Join them in sending humorous Pittsburgh greetings to all of your friends and family! In Western Pennsylvania, Yinzer Cards are available exclusively at Giant Eagle and Market District stores.
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This document contains safety, operating, disposal, and regulatory information for Focals and accessories. Read all safety information and operating instructions before using Focals to avoid injury or damage. While wearing Focals, press the power button 5 times to get regulatory information for Focals and Loop on your display.
Four remarkable musicians, former and current players from La Scala in Milan, will be coming especially to the Vez Dungeon. The barytone Romain Dayez offers a remarkable artistic performance mixing sacred ancient religious music with electro. A contemporary creation combining music and dancing. Thibaut Garcia, young musical prodigy with an international career, won in February the Victoire de la Musique Classique 2019 contest. Matthew Tutsky, first solo harpist in many American orchestras, will be coming specially to France for this concert at the Dungeon.
1. My runt tends to get black every so often... but will lighten up i saw white poop once but after i did my 60% WC and raised the temp to 90-92 for 3 days it went away its been about 4 days now.... i know i should have asked here first but i havent had the time to get on :/ was what i did okay? 3. I see these small worms every now and then they are really small and swim sideways in a S movement... are these bad? if they are what do i need to do to get rid of them? 4. For my water changes i am using a 30 gallon trashcan and 2 5 gallon containers and i heat the trashcan to 85F as well and run a pump on it for 1 hour or so before my water changes.... i try to leave it out for 24 hours before my water changes. i just wanted to know if this is considered aging my water... and how long does water need to be out for it to be aged? I Guarantee more questions to come SORRY and THANK YOU for any responses. Raising the Temp is ok for certain things but if you see white poop one time and raise your temp for that sounds a little excessive to me. You can raise your temp but with some bacterial infections it can cause more harm then good. Its better to know why your raising the temperature than just start cranking it up. As far as the fish turning black that means something is definitely wrong and causing stress to the fish. I would need more info to properly give you some advise. Josie.......where did you get the discus from and how old are they? Okay thank you :) and yeah i was thinking about why i raised the temp and i just want to keep them healthy and was a little quick to pull the trigger. I got them from Tony. and they are 3months old for the smallest i believe he said.... may have been 2....honestly i cant remember :/ but thank you for responding :) much appreciated.
Welcome to Oran V. Siler Printing. Since 1919 we have provided top quality printing services to the Metro Denver area. Siler Printing has evolved from a single color/duplication operation to a multi-color/four color process printer, assisted by a complete art and camera department with the latest in desktop publishing technology.
Once on The Hoe you have the opportunity to enjoy its stunning panoramic vistas over the waters of Plymouth Sound. Just visible, beyond, may be seen (in clear weather) the fine needle of the Eddystone Lighthouse (9 miles distant) and the far horizon of the Atlantic Ocean's Western Approaches to Britain and Europe. These maritime features form part of the direct physical and cultural connections, by sea, between Plymouth and the United States of America and are hence the provenance for much of the city's great weight of American heritage. Plymouth Sound is also ranked as one of the largest natural harbours in the World. Its sheltered waters made all the safer, back in the days of sail, by the groundbreaking construction (during the years 1812 - 41) of the Plymouth Breakwater, a still visually prominent and much-valued integral aid to the Port's naval and commercial shipping today. During the 1930's many of the greatest transatlantic ocean liners would have been seen regularly in the Sound, embarking or disembarking passengers and mail by a flotilla of tenders. These included the White Star Line's "Olympic" (Titanic's sister ship), Cunard's "Mauretania" (holder of the "Blue Riband" 1905 - 35) and "Queen Mary" (now moored at Long Beach, California), the "Ile de France", "Normandie", "George Washington", "Leviathan" and others. Earlier, during the First World War, the 33,000 men of the Canadian Expeditionary Force were disembarked here from a fleet of 32 liners upon their arrival in the Sound.
During the two seasons that followed, however, the only lofty numbers the soon-to-be 28-year-old put up were games missed. A variety of ailments, from a concussion to a lingering groin problem that ultimately required surgery, cost Green 83 games, stripping the Capitals of one of their offensive catalysts. Last season started no differently as another groin injury forced Green to miss 13 games, but upon his return to the lineup in late March, his game clicked. He scored 10 goals in the season's last 19 games, and the Capitals went 15-2-2 en route to the team's fifth Southeast Division crown in six seasons. Green finished with 12 goals, good enough to lead all NHL defensemen for the third time in six seasons. After the injury-induced hiatus, Washington caught a long-awaited glimpse of the player that took the city and League by storm as a faux-hawked dynamo five seasons before. "You could tell when he came back that he was healthy," Capitals defenseman Karl Alzner told NHL.com. "You can see guys play a little more confident when they feel that way." For a player with game-changing talent like Green, confidence is key. Years of toiling on injured reserve would take its toll on anyone, but Green "just left everything else in the dust," and focused on simply playing the game. "I definitely felt like I was in a different [frame of mind]," Green told NHL.com. "I felt relaxed; I felt that I could come back and play the game the way I like to play. "I went through a stretch of injuries there. I haven't played hockey in a long time consistently. I just … kind of took the weight off my shoulders and just went out and played the game again and enjoyed myself." Part of that mental transformation stemmed from coach Adam Oates and his staff's reliance on positive reinforcement, highlighting through video what Green does well as opposed to placing emphasis on fixing mistakes. "When you constantly hear people telling you, 'Yeah, but you're always hurt,' it's easy to think like that yourself," assistant coach Calle Johansson told NHL.com. "My part would probably be to show him stuff that he does good and pump him full of confidence. Part of my duty is to show that and to prove that to him. It doesn't do any good to dwell on the bad stuff." In order for the Capitals to compete in the new Metropolitan Division, they will need Green to showcase the smooth-skating and puck-handling abilities that have proven to bolster their already potent lineup when he is healthy. As for how they will know that Green is back to normal, there is an easy tell. "That would be the other team being on their heels," Johansson said. "They know when Mike Green's on the ice."
Moniaive Initiative is currently working with walking charity, Living Streets (Scotland) on their national pilot project: Lower Speed Communities. With communities of all sizes expressing concern over the speed and volume of traffic on their streets, Living Streets will be working with local authorities and community organisations in four pilot communities to support the introduction of 20mph areas. In remote and rural communities such as Glencairn, cars are as vital as they are troublesome. The village of Moniaive was shaped in an era of horse-drawn vehicles, when walking was ‘the norm’, but pavements were not necessary. These narrow streets are now lined with parked cars, and groan under the weight of the HGV and agricultural traffic that powers our local economy. Lowering vehicular speed is all about redressing the balance between walkers, cyclists, and vehicular traffic. Lower speed communities benefit from cleaner air, less traffic noise, and safer streets. At 30mph there is a 1 in 5 chance of a pedestrian being killed. At 20mph that drops to 1 in 40. Remember that next time you drive past the village school. Our first target will be to increase local support for the principle of a 20mph area. Before we even start to look at imposing speed limits, we want to discuss where the ‘problem areas’ are, and consider a variety of alternative means of encouraging drivers to reduce their speed in these target areas. Whether you are a pedestrian, a cyclist or a driver – a resident or a visitor – if you have comments or ideas to share on this issue, please do contact us.
We are a vibrant community-based support network that empowers SCI survivors and their families. We are a group for all those affected by spinal cord injury - new and veteran, family and friends. OK, SO WHY OREGON SCI? Our vision is to build a vibrant community-based support network in which people living with SCI/D can thrive…and we are! Find supporters, resources, and other members near you. Drop in for a casual meet-up for survivors of SCI, their families, and all those interested in supporting. Help us better coordinate institutional and informal resources to help those who are newly injured transition smoothly. Functionally, what level is your injury? This page connects Portland regional people to the world of people who've had a SCI, their experiences and valuable resources.
Abstract: Model Governance is arguably the most important (and the most unloved) part of any Data Science project within any organisation. The ability to operate safely at scale is what will enable Lloyds Banking Group to use Data Science to improve the lives of our ~20m customers across the UK. We are pioneering a new way of working which combines the wide breadth of data science with the delivery rigour of DevOps and Agile. Taking the pain out of Model Governance means that Data Scientists can focus on doing what they do best: delivering game-changing models across our entire organisation. In this session we’ll share our lessons learned, the growing pains and how we’re poised to deliver the next generation of Machine Learning and AI projects within Lloyds Banking Group. Bio: Tom has spent the past few years building the Data Science Centre of Excellence at Lloyds Banking Group. With a background in Physics and Satellite Engineering, Tom didn’t expect to end up working in the Finance sector. However, having started has career working in retail credit risk, Tom saw the potential to bring the benefits of Machine Learning and AI to the masses and is now pioneering new ways of delivering change in the UK financial sector.
Kennesaw State University School of Music presents Jazz Ensembles. "Jazz Ensembles" (2014). School of Music Concert Programs. 406.
I installed the latest version of wp and bp profile search. When I type something into the form (for example field “Name”) the result members page always shows all members and does not filter with the search criteria. The search criteria (Name: asdlkjdsakjladsjklsdalkj) is shown at the result page but the member list is not filtered with this criteria (Name == asdlkjdsakjladsjklsdalkj). Does anyone have an idea what could went wrong? Are you using the default BP theme? And if not, did you check question 2 in FAQ version 3.3? My theme is a child of the bp-default theme. I also copied this file into the child theme but it did not help. Thank you for your help – mail was sent! Thanks to Andrea the problem was located. The “Buddypress Friends Online” – Plugin causes an error in the bp profile search plugin. I have the same problem. But I need both: “BP Profile Search” and “Buddypress Friends Online”. Any suggestion ? If you wish to fix “BuddyPress Friends On-Line” yourself, you can find the instructions in my Incompatible plugins page. Andrea Tarantini, THAKS, it works now !!! The topic ‘search result always shows all members’ is closed to new replies.
During the past quarter century, abortion has joined race and war as one of the most debatable subjects of controversy in the United States. It discusses human interaction where ethics, emotions and law come together. Abortion poses a moral, social and medical dilemma that faces many individuals to create an emotional and violent atmosphere. Abortion stops the beating of an innocent child?s heart. The termination of pregnancy before the fetus is capable of independent life can either be spontaneous or induced. When abortion occurs spontaneously, it is called a miscarriage. However, when the loss of a fetus is caused intentionally, it is regarded as a moral issue. Abortion destroys the lives of helpless, innocent children and is illegal in many countries. People must no longer ignore the scientific evidence that life begins at the moment of conception. We can no longer ignore the medical and emotional problems an abortion causes women. People must stop denying the facts about the procedure, and start hearing the silent screams of an unborn child.
The Teaching Innovation Learning Lab (TILL) is a space for faculty-driven exploration and testing of innovative teaching methods that will drive success for the 21st century student. The Teaching Innovation Learning Lab (TILL) cultivates and supports the scholarly development, investigation, and dissemination of innovative and evidence-based teaching at the University of Louisville through faculty-led experimentation, idea exchange, and cross-disciplinary collaboration. The TILL is widely recognized as an effective professional development resource for innovative teaching and student success. The TILL encourages, models, and supports the scholarly investigation of teaching and learning (SoTL). UofL teachers implement and promote evidence-based teaching practices. UofL teachers feel connected to an interdisciplinary and collaborative teaching and learning community of practice. UofL teachers foster student engagement, learning, and success. UofL teachers demonstrate confidence in and derive satisfaction from their teaching experiences. The TILL classroom is a technology-rich active learning environment that is designed to foster student engagement and active learning. The moveable tables, node chairs and multiple monitors allow instructors and students to interact, teach and learn more creatively than ever before. The TILL features three collaborate rooms outfitted with the same wireless collaboration technology found in the classroom, making them perfect for small group meetings. Reservations to use the collaborate rooms are encouraged, but drop ins are welcome so long as space is available. The recording studio includes everything instructors need to record audio or video material for their courses, and support staff is always on hand. Reservations to use the recording studio are encouraged, but drop ins are also welcome. Email us to reserve the recording studio. The living room is perfect for one-on-one meetings, reading groups, or a satellite work space. Come on in and grab a cup of coffee!
their Q2 2011 Bay Area Venture Deal Terms report. VC Experts' coverage of that report can be found at Q2 2011 Bay Area Venture Deal Terms. consistencies in terms with both areas, and also some differences.
China has taken one of the biggest steps in space exploration. Cotton seeds brought to the Moon aboard China’s Chang’e-4 mission have sprouted, marking the first time plants have grown on the lunar surface. The craft and its tiny garden touched down on the Moon on January 3. Just to set things straight from the top, Chang’E-4 won’t be growing seeds on the lunar rocky surface itself – that is, in the regolith – in temperatures that veer between much colder and much hotter than what you’d find anywhere on Earth. Instead, the craft is tending to cotton seeds buried in earthly soil, brought along in the container. The jar also contains potato, Arabidopsis and rapeseed seeds, plus a few fruit fly eggs and yeast – all loaded by researchers from Chongqing University. The ability to grow plants on the Moon would represent an extremely useful resource for long term space missions, like a trip to Mars which would take about two-and-a-half years. Can you really grow food on the Moon? Researchers did perform many experiments on Earth though, growing seeds in a simulated lunar environment, as well as on the International Space Station – where algae and fungi survived about 500 days in space. The first seeds flowering in space were on a Soviet craft Salyut 7 in 1982. What is even more cause for worry is actually solar radiation. The Moon receives high particle radiation, much, much more than the ISS that is shielded by our planet’s magnetosphere. The sealed container tries to shield the plants inside, at least to a degree, but the conditions are much harsher. The Moon also has extreme temperature swings – between day and night, and between areas that are exposed to the sun or covered by shade – with variations of 200-300 degrees Celsius in a single day. The container has a mechanism to transfer heat which should make it possible to maintain a temperature of about 20-30 degrees Celsius. According to Afshin Khan, an environmental scientist at the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science in Seattle, the heat control system is dependent on some kind of radioisotopic heat source, but the details are not clear. Why isn’t it possible to grow plants on another planet? Of course, growing fruits and vegetables requires the right amounts of oxygen, carbon dioxide, humidity, light and temperature control, and gravity — all of which can be extremely difficult to control in space. Another problem is soil: It’s necessary for plant growth, but it also takes up precious space, and plants won’t readily grow in the soil on the moon or Mars. That’s why NASA is currently exploring techniques that use only a very little amount of soil.
Ebonne L. Ruffins became Vice President of Local Media Development (LMD) at Comcast in March of 2016. Her team’s mission is to provide Comcast with a local business advantage through technologies and programming that reach customers down to the neighborhood level. Ebonne leads the company-wide strategy, creative vision, and technical execution of LMD’s broad portfolio of assets, which include: public, educational, and governmental (PEG) programming; Project Open Voice; EveryBlock digital platform and map app; Stringwire live streaming app; Comcast Newsmakers national and regional news platform; and the award-winning commemorative programming initiative, Voices of the Civil Rights Movement. Before taking the helm of Comcast’s LMD team, Ebonne led diversity media communications for Comcast Corporation, overseeing national diversity advertising; print, radio, and online collateral communications; national surveys; and executive multimedia consulting. During her four-year tenure on the Corporate Diversity & Inclusion team, Ebonne developed Comcast’s first-ever mandatory employee diversity training module; launched Comcast NBCUniversal’s public diversity report and digital platform; and produced Comcast’s first ever Diversity Summit in December of 2015. Prior to joining Comcast in 2011, Ebonne was an English and Spanish producer for the internationally acclaimed television series, CNN Heroes. At CNN, Ebonne produced award-winning multilingual stories on “ordinary people with an extraordinary impact” in 19 cities across five continents. Ebonne began her career as an on-air reporter for WCAX TV, a CBS affiliate in Burlington, Vermont. She was also a reporter/producer for NPR in Washington, D.C., and a CNN Fellow and contributor for CNN’s Washington, D.C. Bureau. She also served as a co-producer for the award-winning intergenerational documentary, Life’s Essentials with Ruby Dee, released in 2014. Currently, Ebonne is an Executive Board member and National Board member of the National Association for Multi-Ethnicity in Communications (NAMIC). Since 1999, Ebonne has served as co-founder and volunteer for the Mother-Daughter Senior Decorating Service, LLC, a residential decorating service for senior citizens and people with disabilities at the University of Pennsylvania Center for Rehabilitation and Care (PCRC). Ebonne is a graduate of Northwestern University School of Law and the Medill Graduate School of Journalism. She is also a proud alumna of Spelman College.
Any pointers on what the script should looks like to do that? Is it possible? What is a root folder of the synchronization? What about files in other (sub)folders (if there are any)? What about files in the synchronization root folder? Sorry about being vague, was trying to keep it general so that it other users in the same boat could benefit as well. Within each of the monthly folders there are various files, there are 4 file names that get repeated with different file extensions (ATM01.*, ATM02.*, AMT03.* and ATM04.*), there could be other file names in there that I don't want (eg ATM08.*) but I don't know for sure what they will be so I only want to include the files that start with the 4 names given with any file extension after that name. (eg ATM01.txt, ATM01.csv...etc). On the local machine the file path is H:\sftp\file\ and it should replicate the monthly folder structure. So I want to synchronize from the Remote (FTP) server to the local machine based on the rules given above. Is that enough information for you? Thanks Martin that worked great!
The Testing hours of operation for the Macon Cove, Union Avenue, and Millington locations are shown below. College business offices are not open on weekends. Please consult the Calendars, News, and Videos page for additional information related to holidays, closings, and other events. Please visit Schedule a Test/Exam and select the appropriate heading to see the available schedule. *Note: When classes are not in session, Macon Cove Testing is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) and College Level Examination Program (CLEP) are administered quarterly at the Millington Center. Please visit Schedule a Test/Exam and select the appropriate heading to see the available schedule. This is not a full service testing facility. The hours are Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Please visit Schedule a Test/Exam and select the appropriate heading to see the available schedule.
We manage commercial facilities by providing supervision, training, service, certified pool operators, and chemicals and supplies. Commercial services can include facility evaluations, safety inspections for pool, development and implementation of operational and maintenance procedures, employee manuals, emergency plans and intensive training programs. CPO® Certified Service – Hire us as your CPO® Certified technicians for weekly, biweekly or monthly* visits. Pool Inspections – We can perform a detailed swimming pool inspection to let you know how your pool conforms to code and standards. Aquatic Supervision Plans – A plan developed specifically for your pool outlining your facilities procedures and pool information. Pool Staff Training – Training includes state requirements for pools, testing and adjusting chemicals, safety issues and other pool basics. Pool Maintenance Service – We can visit your 1, 2 or 3 times a week and maintain your pool. Emergency Visits – If something goes wrong at your pool, call us and we’ll come and fix it for you. Clients receive a 24 hour response time. Leak Detection and Pressure Testing – Think you have leak, let one of our specially trained technicians help you. Service Work – Pipework, tiling, chlorinator install and more. You need service work done at your pool, we can do it. Swimming Pool Expert Witness – We provide swimming pool experts for legal causes including diving accidents, drowning accidents, chemical accidents, improper installation, etc. * Monthly visits require a valid CPO® on your staff. ** Delivery option available only in select portions of New Jersey. *** Travel fees will apply.
Marshall MINI has locations across England and is dedicated to providing the ultimate customer service for drivers looking to purchase a new or used MINI, and those who already own their dream small car. Our expert team can talk you through the entire range of vehicles, from the classic MINI Hatch to the exciting Countryman SUV. We also carry a number of Approved Used MINI models, including pre-owned, nearly new and ex-demonstrator models. The team can ask questions about your requirements and budget, then help you build your perfect car, with competitive finance available to make your purchase even more affordable. If you would like to access a new MINI vehicle through the Motability Scheme, or require a fleet of vehicles for business purposes, our team can help. At all of our locations, affordable aftersales care is performed by our team of trained experts. Whether your MINI requires its scheduled service, annual MOT or repairs following an accident or scrape, we can help. Contact your nearest outlet today. We have sales and aftersales dealerships in Grimsby, Bournemouth, Salisbury and Hook (Hampshire), as well as a dedicated aftersales outlet in Scunthorpe.
Theta Digital showcases latest high performance AV components | What Hi-Fi? Californian manufacturer showcases latest high-performance AV components at the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2014. Californian company Theta Digital has showcased its latest high-performance AV components at the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2014. MORE: Stars of CES 2014 – the winners revealed! The new components include the Casablanca IV Music and Cinema Controller – the latest version of the company's preamplifier/processor. Advanced features of the new Casablanca model include a Dirac Live 96K digital room correction, a 192kHz post processing board and Theta's Jitter Jail II anti-jitter technology. Theta's first Class D amplifiers – the Prometheus Monoblock Amplifiers – are the result of a collaboration between the company's chief engineer Dave Reich and Bruno Putzeys of Hypex. The Compli Blu 3D Digital Transport (above) – optimised for digital playback and with no analogue outputs – and California Audio Technologies Custom Speaker system complete the line-up of new components. Theta's new range of high-performance AV components will be distributed in the UK by Absolute Sounds.
If you lose your credit, debit or ATM card, how difficult would it be for someone to clean out your account? If you use any of the passwords pictured to the left, you can pretty much count on it. More than one-quarter of all credit and debit card passwords could be guessed by attempting just 20 combinations of four-digit numbers, security experts say. Your birthdate. If you lose your wallet, a thief has access to your birthdate from your driver’s license. The ever-popular 1234. That’s one of the most popular PIN numbers – and one of the first thieves try. The seven-digit 8675309. Remember that Tommy Tutone song? Two-number combinations. Don’t use combinations such as 4545, 1313, and so on. By the way, you also may want to pass on 3141592654. Those are the first digits of Pi. Want to know more about coming up with a password that thieves can’t crack? Check out this article.
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Hint: Below you can find a summary of the last 5 active years of Uto Blotaie in a grid format. Underneath the chart you can also find more details of the races the horse raced in. A link is also provided to the official race result published by the Malta Racing Club.
It’s been a while since I’ve posted, but gee things get busy when steelhead run into town. Here is a great pattern tied by Syd Glasso found on the Rare and Unusual (http://www.rareandunusual.com) pattern listing. It’s defiantly a site to book mark for all of the great patterns and history found inside. It’s been a while since the page was updated, but hopefully it sticks around.
Devu and his friend Amit got selected in a random television reality show. One of the task in the show was really interesting. The task was called "the survival" task. In the task, each person has to vote two person's names. One should not vote a single person twice. Also he/ she should not vote himself/ herself. After the voting, all the person having votes equal to highest and lowest votes are kicked out of the show. Naturally highest voted persons should go out of the show, but to maintain interestingness of the show, they also kick out lowest voted persons too. Devu and Amit naturally don't want themselves to get kicked out of the show. Fortunately, voting of all other persons than Devu and Amit has already happened, so now Devu and Amit know choices of votes of all other persons. Assume that there are total n persons. You are guaranteed that n is greater than or equal to 3. Devu has index n - 1 and Amit has index n. The votes of all other persons that Devu and Amit are given to you by two arrays firstVote and secondVote each of size n - 2. Now Devu and Amit both want to design a strategy of voting after having discussion with each other. They want that as few of them (i.e. from Devu and Amit) gets out of the show. You have to tell in the best scenario, will both, one or none of them will remain in the show? Print a single line containing "both", "one" or "none" according to the situation. You also have to tell details of whom Devu and Amit will vote? If there are more than possible ways they can vote, print any of them. First line of the test case will contain a single integer n denoting total number of persons in the show. Second line contains n - 2 space separated integers denoting the array firstVote, denoting the first votes of all other persons than Devu and Amit. Third line contains n - 2 space separated integers denoting the array secondVote denoting the second votes of all other persons than Devu and Amit. For each test case, print three lines. Second line should contain two space separated integers corresponding to the votes of Devu. Third line should contain two space separated integers corresponding to the votes of Amit. Example case 1. There is exactly one way of voting for Devu and Amit. So after the voting, all the persons will have equal votes. So they all will be kicked out of the show. So as Devu and Amit both are kicked out, print "none" in first line. In second line, print votes of Devu(index 2) and in third line print votes of Amit.
In 1983 Howard Gardner, a psychologist and professor, developed a theory of multiple intelligences from which every individual pulls from to make up their own individual self. He proposes that each of these intelligences can be enhanced with practice regardless of age, but "intelligences" are generally set by the time a child reaches adolescences (Sadowski, 2008). Gardner's multiple intelligences should not be confused with an individual's learning styles, though it seems as though Gardner as taken the three basic learning styles and expanded upon them. Below are lists of both for one to differentiate between the two theories. Visual- learning by seeing and looking- executive positions where a vision of the future is important, architects, engineers, and surgeons. Kinesthetic- learn by touching and doing- dancing, acting, construction, or athletics. As educators of adolescents we have to work with the hand that is dealt us. We have to be open to the multiple intelligences of our students. We should aim to teach to each of these intelligences equally. This does not mean that we have to teach to each intelligence in every single lesson, but rather implement as many ways of learning as possible so that we reach as many students as we can in any given lesson. Figuring out a variety of ways to present a lesson also helps us, as teachers, to better understand the content that we are delivering to our students (Sadowski, 2008). We develop a deeper understanding as we look to explain materials in a variety of ways in our lessons. We are supposed to be experts in our fields of instruction so that we can effectively pass on knowledge to a younger generation, and what better way to become an expert than to explore as many facets of the content we plan to deliver as we possibly can. Howard Gardner touches on his theory of multiple intelligences and explains the importance of shifting from a teacher-centered education to one where the students are at the center of learning. In this type of classroom students are able to learn the same content, but through different modes of learning. This type of differentiation is a way of teaching to the multiple intelligences of our students. Gardner, H. (1999). Intelligence reframed. NY, New York: Basic books. Sadowski, M. (2008). Adolescents at school. Harvard education press: Cambridge, MA.
Thinkdam is the only student Amsterdam trip that exclusively brings together thinkers. Debate teams alongside philosophers, conservatives alongside socialists. As part of Thinkdam we run a series of small events all over the city, and in a variety of locations. Discuss moral philosophy in a coffeeshop, debate the death penalty in a coffee shop (coffeeshop and coffee shop are different, trust us), or discuss the benefits of capitalism in a Brown Cafe (the Dutch traditional pub). All the events are included in your ticket, so you can choose as many of the events you are interested in. Karl Marx or Adam Smith? As the home of huge businesses but also one of the strongest safety nets in Europe, Amsterdam might be a utopian middle ground for the more politically motivated. Or maybe you disagree... We're running small discussion events so you can solve politics once and for all. All events are included in your ticket. Feel free to join and watch, or to debate. Thinkdam brings you together with the brightest minds, and presents the most interesting thoughts. You will have opportunities to meet new people on our executive coaches, at our awesome hostel, or on one of our many events. Holland’s capital is one of the most visited cities in Europe, and for good reason! Visit the world class museums, cruise along the UNESCO world heritage canals and even visit the city’s famous red-light district! Join us on a legendary bar crawl through Amsterdam, where we’ll take you to the best bars and clubs in the city! After arriving at your university’s pick-up point, you can kick back and relax on one of our super comfy coaches. We’ll be leaving London at 10pm and head down to Dover. Arrive in Amsterdam city centre in the morning and drop off your bags in the hostel. You’ll have the morning to grab some breakfast look around Amsterdam, and we’ll show you the best places to go and see. In the afternoon join us in a lively discussion event at one of Amsterdams famous 'Coffee Shops'. We’ll be facilitating the discussion event and will be sending out planned topics before the trip, it’s a great chance to get to know other debating and philosophy societies. In the evening you'll have more free time to explore Amsterdam by night, check out local restaurants, bars and other evening attractions before coming back to the Hans Brinker hostel in the city centre. Enjoy a free breakfast at the hostel, you’ll have the morning to yourselves, we recommend visiting some of Amsterdams world class museums and galleries. Join us for a debate event in the afternoon, we’ll be sending out the topics before the trip to give you time to prepare, so bring your A game! In the evening you can join us for a legendary bar crawl around some of Amsterdams best bars and clubs, this is not one to miss! Thinkdam will be taking over the Hans Brinker, which famously sells itself as the world's worst hostel! (We can assure you it’s not). Its right in the city center so you don’t have to worry about transport anywhere! We are sure you will enjoy the comfy beds, cheap pints and underground club in the hostel, it has a super friendly environment and is great for meeting new people. You will need to pay the remainder of the trip balance by May 22, 2019. You (hereafter referred to as the 'you' or 'the guest') are forming this contract with Awesome Trip Ltd (hereafter referred to as AwesomeTrip), of registered address 21 Shoreditch House, Charles Square, London, N1 6HL. Awesome Trip Ltd trades as Thinkdam. Full payment for the trip must be received on or before May 22, 2019 travel. If you fail to make full payment by this date your trip may be cancelled by AwesomeTrip with no refund given.