diff --git "a/data/en110/text/00000008.txt" "b/data/en110/text/00000008.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/en110/text/00000008.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,14929 @@ +nRrlUolQvUI-00000-00000035-00000353 Swan Lake National Wildlife Refuge as a +nRrlUolQvUI-00001-00000354-00000860 10,000 795 acre 43.6 9 square kilometres +nRrlUolQvUI-00002-00000861-00001112 National Wildlife Refuge established in +nRrlUolQvUI-00003-00001113-00001399 1937 and located in Chariton County +nRrlUolQvUI-00004-00001400-00001553 Missouri 2 miles +nRrlUolQvUI-00005-00001554-00001789 3.2 kilometers south of the town of +nRrlUolQvUI-00006-00001791-00002057 Sumner it is located near the confluence +nRrlUolQvUI-00007-00002058-00002299 of the Grand and Missouri rivers +nRrlUolQvUI-00008-00002300-00002537 following the purchase of the land the +nRrlUolQvUI-00009-00002538-00002758 Civilian Conservation Corps began work +nRrlUolQvUI-00010-00002759-00002933 on the refuge creating wetlands +nRrlUolQvUI-00011-00002934-00003122 constructing roads and buildings and +nRrlUolQvUI-00012-00003123-00003343 initiating the refuge farming program +nRrlUolQvUI-00013-00003344-00003640 the primary purpose of the refuge is to +nRrlUolQvUI-00014-00003642-00003803 provide nesting resting and feeding +nRrlUolQvUI-00015-00003804-00004277 areas for waterfowl primarily ducks 241 +nRrlUolQvUI-00016-00004278-00004445 avian species have been observed +nRrlUolQvUI-00017-00004446-00004625 residing on or passing through the +nRrlUolQvUI-00018-00004626-00004688 refuge +nRrlUolQvUI-00019-00004689-00004874 another 14 birds listed under +nRrlUolQvUI-00020-00004875-00005069 accidentals on the bird list have been +nRrlUolQvUI-00021-00005070-00005272 reported but are not normally expected +nRrlUolQvUI-00022-00005273-00005527 to be present an important secondary +nRrlUolQvUI-00023-00005528-00005729 purpose was to preserve a remnant flock +nRrlUolQvUI-00024-00005730-00005847 of prairie chickens +nRrlUolQvUI-00025-00005848-00006152 however adequate grassland habitat to +nRrlUolQvUI-00026-00006153-00006341 maintain a viable population of these +nRrlUolQvUI-00027-00006342-00006608 birds was not available since +nRrlUolQvUI-00028-00006609-00006830 establishment of the refuge the primary +nRrlUolQvUI-00029-00006831-00007034 emphasis on waterfowl species has been +nRrlUolQvUI-00030-00007034-00007241 expanded to include the eastern Prairie +nRrlUolQvUI-00031-00007242-00007549 population of Canada geese Canada geese +nRrlUolQvUI-00032-00007550-00007771 were first observed using the refuge in +nRrlUolQvUI-00033-00007772-00008009 the early 1940s and numbers increased +nRrlUolQvUI-00034-00008009-00008217 gradually to peak populations over +nRrlUolQvUI-00035-00008218-00008531 200,000 birds annually although these +nRrlUolQvUI-00036-00008532-00008774 populations have steadily declined Swan +nRrlUolQvUI-00037-00008775-00008942 Lake is still considered a primary +nRrlUolQvUI-00038-00008943-00009325 wintering area for Canada geese +nROrUWn8NTM-00000-00000043-00000353 lumber North American English or timber +nROrUWn8NTM-00001-00000354-00000512 used in the rest of the english-speaking +nROrUWn8NTM-00002-00000513-00000755 world is a type of wood that has been +nROrUWn8NTM-00003-00000756-00000991 processed into beams and planks a stage +nROrUWn8NTM-00004-00000992-00001291 in the process of wood production lumber +nROrUWn8NTM-00005-00001292-00001472 is mainly used for structural purposes +nROrUWn8NTM-00006-00001473-00001759 but has many other uses as well +nROrUWn8NTM-00007-00001760-00002059 there are two main types of lumber it +nROrUWn8NTM-00008-00002060-00002270 may be supplied either rough sawn or +nROrUWn8NTM-00009-00002271-00002535 surfaced on one or more of its phases +nROrUWn8NTM-00010-00002536-00002822 besides pulp wood rough lumber is the +nROrUWn8NTM-00011-00002823-00003041 raw material for furniture making and +nROrUWn8NTM-00012-00003042-00003256 other items requiring additional cutting +nROrUWn8NTM-00013-00003257-00003518 and shaping it is available in many +nROrUWn8NTM-00014-00003519-00003815 species usually hardwoods but it is also +nROrUWn8NTM-00015-00003815-00004067 readily available in soft woods such as +nROrUWn8NTM-00016-00004068-00004283 white pine and red pine because of their +nROrUWn8NTM-00017-00004284-00004522 low cost finished lumber is supplied in +nROrUWn8NTM-00018-00004523-00004711 standard sizes mostly for the +nROrUWn8NTM-00019-00004712-00004952 construction industry primarily software +nROrUWn8NTM-00020-00004953-00005195 from coniferous species including pine +nROrUWn8NTM-00021-00005196-00005452 fir and spruce collectively spruce pine +nROrUWn8NTM-00022-00005453-00005702 fir cedar and hemlock but also some +nROrUWn8NTM-00023-00005703-00005984 hardwood for high grade flooring it is +nROrUWn8NTM-00024-00005985-00006176 more commonly made from soft word than +nROrUWn8NTM-00025-00006177-00006454 hardwoods and 80% of lumber comes from +nROrUWn8NTM-00026-00006455-00007016 soft word +nROrUWn8NTM-00027-00007017-00007578 topic terminology +nROrUWn8NTM-00028-00007579-00007839 in the United States and Canada mill +nROrUWn8NTM-00029-00007840-00008049 boards are called lumber while timber +nROrUWn8NTM-00030-00008050-00008274 describes standing or felled trees in +nROrUWn8NTM-00031-00008275-00008478 contrast in Britain and many other +nROrUWn8NTM-00032-00008479-00008706 Commonwealth nations the term timber is +nROrUWn8NTM-00033-00008707-00009019 used for both senses the word lumber is +nROrUWn8NTM-00034-00009020-00009249 rarely used in relation to wood and has +nROrUWn8NTM-00035-00009250-00009474 several other meanings including unused +nROrUWn8NTM-00036-00009475-00010120 or unwanted items +nROrUWn8NTM-00037-00010121-00010727 topic remanufactured lumber +nROrUWn8NTM-00038-00010728-00010963 remanufactured lumber is the result of +nROrUWn8NTM-00039-00010964-00011214 secondary or tertiary processing cutting +nROrUWn8NTM-00040-00011215-00011520 of previously milled lumber specifically +nROrUWn8NTM-00041-00011521-00011766 it is lumber cut for industrial or wood +nROrUWn8NTM-00042-00011767-00012130 packaging use lumber is cut by ripsaw or +nROrUWn8NTM-00043-00012131-00012369 resaw to create dimensions that are not +nROrUWn8NTM-00044-00012370-00012656 usually processed by a primary sawmill +nROrUWn8NTM-00045-00012657-00012910 resawing is the splitting of 1 inch +nROrUWn8NTM-00046-00012911-00013086 through 12-inch hardwood or softwood +nROrUWn8NTM-00047-00013087-00013344 lumber into two or more thinner pieces +nROrUWn8NTM-00048-00013345-00013657 of full-length boards for example +nROrUWn8NTM-00049-00013658-00013963 splitting a 10 foot 2 x 4 into to 10 +nROrUWn8NTM-00050-00013963-00014716 foot 1 x fours is considered resawing +nROrUWn8NTM-00051-00014718-00015255 topic plastic lumber +nROrUWn8NTM-00052-00015256-00015505 structural lumber may also be produced +nROrUWn8NTM-00053-00015506-00015763 from recycled plastic and new plastic +nROrUWn8NTM-00054-00015763-00016056 stock its introduction has been strongly +nROrUWn8NTM-00055-00016057-00016247 opposed by the forestry industry +nROrUWn8NTM-00056-00016248-00016510 blending fiberglass in plastic lumber +nROrUWn8NTM-00057-00016511-00016771 enhances its strength durability and +nROrUWn8NTM-00058-00016772-00017068 fire resistance plastic fiberglass +nROrUWn8NTM-00059-00017069-00017338 structural lumber can have a class 1 +nROrUWn8NTM-00060-00017339-00017661 flames spread rating of 25 or less when +nROrUWn8NTM-00061-00017662-00017955 tested in accordance with ASTM standard +nROrUWn8NTM-00062-00017956-00018333 II 84 which means it burns slower than +nROrUWn8NTM-00063-00018334-00018988 almost all treated wood lumber +nROrUWn8NTM-00064-00018989-00019610 topic conversion of wood logs +nROrUWn8NTM-00065-00019611-00019886 logs are converted into timber by being +nROrUWn8NTM-00066-00019887-00020264 sawn hewn or split sawing with a rip saw +nROrUWn8NTM-00067-00020265-00020498 is the most common method because sawing +nROrUWn8NTM-00068-00020499-00020696 allows logs of lower quality with a +nROrUWn8NTM-00069-00020697-00020927 regular grain and large knots to be used +nROrUWn8NTM-00070-00020928-00021209 and is more economical there are various +nROrUWn8NTM-00071-00021210-00021551 types of sawing plain sawn flat sawn +nROrUWn8NTM-00072-00021552-00021788 through and through bastard sawn a log +nROrUWn8NTM-00073-00021789-00021965 sawn through without adjusting the +nROrUWn8NTM-00074-00021966-00022151 position of the log and the grain runs +nROrUWn8NTM-00075-00022152-00022460 across the width of the board's quarter +nROrUWn8NTM-00076-00022461-00022691 sawn and rift sawn these terms have been +nROrUWn8NTM-00077-00022692-00022907 confused in history but generally mean +nROrUWn8NTM-00078-00022908-00023111 lumber thorns so the annual rings are +nROrUWn8NTM-00079-00023112-00023318 reasonably perpendicular to the sides +nROrUWn8NTM-00080-00023319-00023690 not edges of the lumber boxed Hart the +nROrUWn8NTM-00081-00023691-00023864 piste remains within the piece with some +nROrUWn8NTM-00082-00023865-00024218 allowance for exposure Hart Center the +nROrUWn8NTM-00083-00024219-00024509 center core of a log free of heart +nROrUWn8NTM-00084-00024510-00024812 center FOH see a side cut timber without +nROrUWn8NTM-00085-00024813-00025088 any pith free of knots +nROrUWn8NTM-00086-00025089-00025719 Fock no not sir present +nROrUWn8NTM-00087-00025720-00026404 topic dimensional lumber dimensional +nROrUWn8NTM-00088-00026405-00026589 lumber is lumber that is cut to +nROrUWn8NTM-00089-00026591-00026824 standardized width and depth specified +nROrUWn8NTM-00090-00026825-00026945 in inches +nROrUWn8NTM-00091-00026947-00027232 carpenters extensively used dimensional +nROrUWn8NTM-00092-00027233-00027424 lumber in framing wooden buildings +nROrUWn8NTM-00093-00027425-00027708 common sizes include two times four +nROrUWn8NTM-00094-00027710-00027924 pictured also two-by-four and other +nROrUWn8NTM-00095-00027925-00028255 variants such as 4x2 in Australia New +nROrUWn8NTM-00096-00028256-00028521 Zealand and the UK though the term has +nROrUWn8NTM-00097-00028522-00028756 fallen out of fashion in the UK with the +nROrUWn8NTM-00098-00028757-00028995 move to metrication two times six and +nROrUWn8NTM-00099-00028997-00029311 four times for the length of a board is +nROrUWn8NTM-00100-00029312-00029524 usually specified separately from the +nROrUWn8NTM-00101-00029525-00029608 width and depth +nROrUWn8NTM-00102-00029608-00029895 it is thus possible to find two times +nROrUWn8NTM-00103-00029897-00030058 Falls that are four eight and twelve +nROrUWn8NTM-00104-00030058-00030385 feet in length in Canada and the United +nROrUWn8NTM-00105-00030386-00030627 States the standard lengths of lumber +nROrUWn8NTM-00106-00030628-00031135 are six eight 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 and +nROrUWn8NTM-00107-00031136-00031674 24 feet 1.8 32.4 for 3.05 three point +nROrUWn8NTM-00108-00031675-00031936 six six four point two seven four point +nROrUWn8NTM-00109-00031937-00032152 eight eight five point four nine six +nROrUWn8NTM-00110-00032152-00032368 point one zero six point seven one and +nROrUWn8NTM-00111-00032369-00032656 seven point three two meters for wall +nROrUWn8NTM-00112-00032657-00033118 framing start all pre-cut sizes are +nROrUWn8NTM-00113-00033119-00033390 available and are commonly used for an 8 +nROrUWn8NTM-00114-00033391-00033679 9 or 10 foot ceiling height studs are +nROrUWn8NTM-00115-00033680-00034068 available in 92 and 5/8 inches 235 +nROrUWn8NTM-00116-00034069-00034527 centimeters 104 and 5/8 inches 266 +nROrUWn8NTM-00117-00034528-00034908 centimeters and 116 and 5/8 inches two +nROrUWn8NTM-00118-00034909-00035190 hundred and ninety-six centimeters the +nROrUWn8NTM-00119-00035191-00035542 term start is used inconsistently to +nROrUWn8NTM-00120-00035543-00035746 specify length where the exact length +nROrUWn8NTM-00121-00035747-00035952 matters one must specify the length +nROrUWn8NTM-00122-00035953-00036530 explicitly +nROrUWn8NTM-00123-00036531-00037189 topic historical Chinese construction +nROrUWn8NTM-00124-00037190-00037399 under the prescription of the method of +nROrUWn8NTM-00125-00037400-00037671 construction eing Zao far she issued by +nROrUWn8NTM-00126-00037672-00037855 the Song Dynasty government in the early +nROrUWn8NTM-00127-00037856-00038112 12th century Timbers were standardized +nROrUWn8NTM-00128-00038113-00038361 to eight cross-sectional dimensions +nROrUWn8NTM-00129-00038362-00038620 regardless of the actual dimensions of +nROrUWn8NTM-00130-00038621-00038836 the timber the ratio between width and +nROrUWn8NTM-00131-00038837-00039133 height was maintained at 1 to 1.5 units +nROrUWn8NTM-00132-00039134-00039385 are in Song Dynasty inches 3.1 to +nROrUWn8NTM-00133-00039386-00039727 centimeters timber smaller than the 8th +nROrUWn8NTM-00134-00039728-00040126 class were called unclasped dang why the +nROrUWn8NTM-00135-00040127-00040348 width of a timber is referred to as one +nROrUWn8NTM-00136-00040349-00040654 timber Kai and the dimensions of other +nROrUWn8NTM-00137-00040655-00040867 structural components were quoted in +nROrUWn8NTM-00138-00040868-00041209 multiples of timber thus as the width of +nROrUWn8NTM-00139-00041210-00041443 the actual timber varied the dimensions +nROrUWn8NTM-00140-00041444-00041605 of other components were easily +nROrUWn8NTM-00141-00041606-00041868 calculated without resorting to specific +nROrUWn8NTM-00142-00041869-00042162 figures for each scale the dimensions of +nROrUWn8NTM-00143-00042163-00042379 timbers in similar applications show a +nROrUWn8NTM-00144-00042380-00042639 gradual diminution from the soui dynasty +nROrUWn8NTM-00145-00042640-00042996 580 to 618 to the modern era a +nROrUWn8NTM-00146-00042997-00043233 first-class timber during the soui was +nROrUWn8NTM-00147-00043234-00043480 reconstructed as 15 times 10 suey +nROrUWn8NTM-00148-00043481-00044304 Dynasty inches or 2.94 centimeters +nROrUWn8NTM-00149-00044305-00044923 topic north-american soft words +nROrUWn8NTM-00150-00044924-00045148 the length of a unit of dimensional +nROrUWn8NTM-00151-00045149-00045346 lumber is limited by the height and +nROrUWn8NTM-00152-00045347-00045621 girth of the tree it is milled from in +nROrUWn8NTM-00153-00045622-00045899 general the maximum length is 24 feet +nROrUWn8NTM-00154-00045900-00046299 7.32 meters engineered wood products +nROrUWn8NTM-00155-00046300-00046527 manufactured by binding the strands +nROrUWn8NTM-00156-00046528-00046801 particles fibers or veneers of wood +nROrUWn8NTM-00157-00046802-00046990 together with adhesives to form +nROrUWn8NTM-00158-00046991-00047179 composite materials offer more +nROrUWn8NTM-00159-00047180-00047374 flexibility and greater structural +nROrUWn8NTM-00160-00047375-00047548 strength than typical wood building +nROrUWn8NTM-00161-00047549-00047787 materials pre-cut studs save a frame a +nROrUWn8NTM-00162-00047788-00048001 much time because they are pre-cut by +nROrUWn8NTM-00163-00048002-00048262 the manufacturer for use in 8 9 and 10 +nROrUWn8NTM-00164-00048263-00048556 ft two point four four two point seven +nROrUWn8NTM-00165-00048557-00048811 four and 3.05 meters sealing +nROrUWn8NTM-00166-00048812-00048985 applications which means the +nROrUWn8NTM-00167-00048986-00049237 manufacturer has removed a few inches or +nROrUWn8NTM-00168-00049238-00049452 centimeters of the piece to allow for +nROrUWn8NTM-00169-00049453-00049606 the sill plate and the double top plate +nROrUWn8NTM-00170-00049607-00049951 with no additional sizing necessary in +nROrUWn8NTM-00171-00049952-00050326 the Americas to be ys 2 x 4's two times +nROrUWn8NTM-00172-00050327-00050620 six is two times eight two times ten and +nROrUWn8NTM-00173-00050621-00050758 two times twelves +nROrUWn8NTM-00174-00050759-00050958 named for traditional board thickness in +nROrUWn8NTM-00175-00050959-00051168 inches along with the four times four +nROrUWn8NTM-00176-00051169-00051385 eighty nine millimeters x eighty nine +nROrUWn8NTM-00177-00051386-00051630 millimeters a common lumber sizes used +nROrUWn8NTM-00178-00051632-00051876 in modern construction they are the +nROrUWn8NTM-00179-00051877-00052077 basic building blocks for such common +nROrUWn8NTM-00180-00052078-00052312 structures as balloon frame or platform +nROrUWn8NTM-00181-00052313-00052600 frame housing dimensional lumber made +nROrUWn8NTM-00182-00052601-00052798 from soft word is typically used for +nROrUWn8NTM-00183-00052799-00053019 construction while hardwood boards are +nROrUWn8NTM-00184-00053020-00053236 more commonly used for making cabinets +nROrUWn8NTM-00185-00053237-00053364 or furniture +nROrUWn8NTM-00186-00053365-00053650 lumbers nominal dimensions are larger +nROrUWn8NTM-00187-00053651-00053866 than the actual standard dimensions of +nROrUWn8NTM-00188-00053866-00054160 finished lumber historically the nominal +nROrUWn8NTM-00189-00054161-00054357 dimensions were the size of the green +nROrUWn8NTM-00190-00054358-00054622 not dried rough unfinished boards that +nROrUWn8NTM-00191-00054623-00054801 eventually became smaller finished +nROrUWn8NTM-00192-00054802-00055000 lumber through drying and planing to +nROrUWn8NTM-00193-00055001-00055273 smooth the wood today the standards +nROrUWn8NTM-00194-00055274-00055459 specify the final finished dimensions +nROrUWn8NTM-00195-00055460-00055687 and the mill cuts the logs to whatever +nROrUWn8NTM-00196-00055688-00055921 size it needs to achieve those final +nROrUWn8NTM-00197-00055922-00056241 dimensions typically that rough cut is +nROrUWn8NTM-00198-00056242-00056388 smaller than the nominal dimensions +nROrUWn8NTM-00199-00056389-00056631 because modern technology makes it +nROrUWn8NTM-00200-00056632-00056797 possible to use the logs more +nROrUWn8NTM-00201-00056798-00057274 efficiently for example a 2 x 4 board +nROrUWn8NTM-00202-00057275-00057487 historically started out as a green +nROrUWn8NTM-00203-00057488-00057814 rough board actually 2 by 4 inches 51 +nROrUWn8NTM-00204-00057815-00058094 millimeters x 102 millimeters +nROrUWn8NTM-00205-00058095-00058309 after drying and painting +nROrUWn8NTM-00206-00058310-00058483 it would be smaller by a non-standard +nROrUWn8NTM-00207-00058484-00059016 amount today a 2 x 4 board starts out as +nROrUWn8NTM-00208-00059017-00059248 something smaller than 2 inches by 4 +nROrUWn8NTM-00209-00059249-00059476 inches and not specified by standards +nROrUWn8NTM-00210-00059477-00059710 and after drying and planing is reliably +nROrUWn8NTM-00211-00059711-00059892 one and a half by three and a half +nROrUWn8NTM-00212-00059894-00060163 inches 38 millimeters times 89 +nROrUWn8NTM-00213-00060164-00060508 millimeters as previously noted less +nROrUWn8NTM-00214-00060509-00060694 wood is needed to produce a given +nROrUWn8NTM-00215-00060695-00060922 finished size than when standards called +nROrUWn8NTM-00216-00060923-00061120 for the green lumber to be full nominal +nROrUWn8NTM-00217-00061121-00061432 dimension however even the dimensions +nROrUWn8NTM-00218-00061433-00061603 for finished lumber of a given nominal +nROrUWn8NTM-00219-00061604-00061987 size have changed over time in 1910 a +nROrUWn8NTM-00220-00061988-00062266 typical finished one inch 25 millimeters +nROrUWn8NTM-00221-00062266-00062533 board was thirteen sixteenths in 21 +nROrUWn8NTM-00222-00062534-00062916 millimeters in 1928 that was reduced by +nROrUWn8NTM-00223-00062917-00063499 4% and yet again by 4% in 1956 in 1961 +nROrUWn8NTM-00224-00063500-00063751 at a meeting in Scottsdale Arizona the +nROrUWn8NTM-00225-00063752-00063961 Committee on grade simplification and +nROrUWn8NTM-00226-00063962-00064179 standardization agreed to what is now +nROrUWn8NTM-00227-00064180-00064408 the current US standard in part the +nROrUWn8NTM-00228-00064409-00064666 dress size of a 1 inch nominal board was +nROrUWn8NTM-00229-00064666-00064927 fixed at 3/4 inch while the dress size +nROrUWn8NTM-00230-00064928-00065170 of 2 inch nominal lumber was reduced +nROrUWn8NTM-00231-00065171-00065410 from one and 5/8 inch to the current one +nROrUWn8NTM-00232-00065411-00065632 and a half inch dimensional lumber is +nROrUWn8NTM-00233-00065633-00065863 available in green unfinished State and +nROrUWn8NTM-00234-00065864-00066055 for that kind of lumber the nominal +nROrUWn8NTM-00235-00066056-00066438 dimensions are the actual dimensions +nROrUWn8NTM-00236-00066439-00066721 topic grades and standards individual +nROrUWn8NTM-00237-00066722-00066973 pieces of lumber exhibit a wide range in +nROrUWn8NTM-00238-00066974-00067180 quality and appearance with respect to +nROrUWn8NTM-00239-00067181-00067408 knots slope of grain shakes and other +nROrUWn8NTM-00240-00067409-00067717 natural characteristics therefore they +nROrUWn8NTM-00241-00067718-00067972 vary considerably in strength utility +nROrUWn8NTM-00242-00067973-00068233 and value the move to set national +nROrUWn8NTM-00243-00068234-00068464 standards for lumber in the United +nROrUWn8NTM-00244-00068465-00068674 States began with publication of the +nROrUWn8NTM-00245-00068675-00068968 American lumber standard in 1924 which +nROrUWn8NTM-00246-00068969-00069223 set specifications for lumber dimensions +nROrUWn8NTM-00247-00069224-00069454 grade and moisture content it also +nROrUWn8NTM-00248-00069455-00069682 developed inspection and accreditation +nROrUWn8NTM-00249-00069683-00069982 programs these standards have changed +nROrUWn8NTM-00250-00069983-00070138 over the years to meet the changing +nROrUWn8NTM-00251-00070139-00070333 needs of manufacturers and distributors +nROrUWn8NTM-00252-00070334-00070552 with the goal of keeping lumber +nROrUWn8NTM-00253-00070553-00070687 competitive with other construction +nROrUWn8NTM-00254-00070688-00071029 products current standards are set by +nROrUWn8NTM-00255-00071030-00071221 the American lumber standard committee +nROrUWn8NTM-00256-00071222-00071425 appointed by the US Secretary of +nROrUWn8NTM-00257-00071426-00071686 Commerce design values for most species +nROrUWn8NTM-00258-00071687-00071907 and grades of visually graded structural +nROrUWn8NTM-00259-00071908-00072100 products are determined in accordance +nROrUWn8NTM-00260-00072101-00072357 with ASTM standards which consider the +nROrUWn8NTM-00261-00072358-00072511 effect of strength reducing +nROrUWn8NTM-00262-00072512-00072793 characteristics load duration safety and +nROrUWn8NTM-00263-00072794-00073060 other influencing factors the applicable +nROrUWn8NTM-00264-00073061-00073318 standards are based on results of tests +nROrUWn8NTM-00265-00073319-00073564 conducted in cooperation with the USDA +nROrUWn8NTM-00266-00073565-00073903 Forest Products laboratory design values +nROrUWn8NTM-00267-00073904-00074092 for wood construction which is a +nROrUWn8NTM-00268-00074093-00074307 supplement to the ANSI AF and PA +nROrUWn8NTM-00269-00074308-00074557 national design specification for wood +nROrUWn8NTM-00270-00074558-00074755 construction provides these lumber +nROrUWn8NTM-00271-00074756-00074980 design values which are recognized by +nROrUWn8NTM-00272-00074981-00075115 the model building codes +nROrUWn8NTM-00273-00075116-00075351 Canada has grading rules that maintain a +nROrUWn8NTM-00274-00075352-00075565 standard among Mills manufacturing +nROrUWn8NTM-00275-00075566-00075778 similar words to assure customers of +nROrUWn8NTM-00276-00075779-00076096 uniform quality grades standardize the +nROrUWn8NTM-00277-00076097-00076288 quality of lumber at different levels +nROrUWn8NTM-00278-00076289-00076519 and are based on moisture content size +nROrUWn8NTM-00279-00076520-00076765 and manufacture at the time of grading +nROrUWn8NTM-00280-00076766-00077071 shipping and unloading by the buyer the +nROrUWn8NTM-00281-00077072-00077329 national lumber grades authority n LGA +nROrUWn8NTM-00282-00077330-00077601 is responsible for writing interpreting +nROrUWn8NTM-00283-00077602-00077809 and maintaining Canadian lumber grading +nROrUWn8NTM-00284-00077810-00078109 rules and standards the Canadian lumber +nROrUWn8NTM-00285-00078110-00078388 standards Accreditation Board CLS a/b +nROrUWn8NTM-00286-00078389-00078625 monitors the quality of Canada's lumber +nROrUWn8NTM-00287-00078626-00078857 grading and identification system +nROrUWn8NTM-00288-00078858-00079138 attempts to maintain lumber quality over +nROrUWn8NTM-00289-00079139-00079342 time have been challenged by historical +nROrUWn8NTM-00290-00079343-00079551 changes in the timber resources of the +nROrUWn8NTM-00291-00079552-00079750 United States from the slow growing +nROrUWn8NTM-00292-00079751-00079987 virgin forests common over a century ago +nROrUWn8NTM-00293-00079988-00080215 to the fast growing plantations now +nROrUWn8NTM-00294-00080216-00080466 common in today's commercial forests +nROrUWn8NTM-00295-00080467-00080719 resulting declines in lumber quality +nROrUWn8NTM-00296-00080720-00080926 have been of concern to both the lumber +nROrUWn8NTM-00297-00080927-00081136 industry and consumers and have caused +nROrUWn8NTM-00298-00081137-00081310 increased use of alternative +nROrUWn8NTM-00299-00081311-00081526 construction products machine stress +nROrUWn8NTM-00300-00081527-00081754 rated and machine evaluated lumber is +nROrUWn8NTM-00301-00081755-00081969 readily available for end-users where +nROrUWn8NTM-00302-00081970-00082174 high strength is critical such as +nROrUWn8NTM-00303-00082175-00082441 trusses rafters laminating stock high +nROrUWn8NTM-00304-00082442-00082750 beams and web joints machine grading +nROrUWn8NTM-00305-00082751-00082918 measures are characteristics such as +nROrUWn8NTM-00306-00082919-00083146 stiffness or density that correlates +nROrUWn8NTM-00307-00083147-00083307 with the structural properties of +nROrUWn8NTM-00308-00083308-00083599 interest such as bending strength the +nROrUWn8NTM-00309-00083600-00083773 result is a more precise understanding +nROrUWn8NTM-00310-00083774-00084004 of the strength of each piece of lumber +nROrUWn8NTM-00311-00084005-00084217 than is possible with visually graded +nROrUWn8NTM-00312-00084218-00084412 lumber which allows designers to use +nROrUWn8NTM-00313-00084413-00084631 full design strength and avoid over +nROrUWn8NTM-00314-00084632-00084850 building in Europe strength grading of +nROrUWn8NTM-00315-00084851-00085048 rectangular sawn timber both +nROrUWn8NTM-00316-00085049-00085291 twitten hardwood is done according to n1 +nROrUWn8NTM-00317-00085292-00085582 408 won and commonly sorted into classes +nROrUWn8NTM-00318-00085583-00085987 defined by n 338 for soft words the +nROrUWn8NTM-00319-00085988-00086182 common classes are in increasing +nROrUWn8NTM-00320-00086183-00086230 strength +nROrUWn8NTM-00321-00086231-00086728 c16 c18 c20 4 and c 30 there are also +nROrUWn8NTM-00322-00086729-00086986 classes specifically for hardwoods and +nROrUWn8NTM-00323-00086987-00087211 those in most common use in increasing +nROrUWn8NTM-00324-00087212-00087721 strength a d 24 D 30 D 40 D 50 d 60 and +nROrUWn8NTM-00325-00087722-00088072 D 70 for these classes the number refers +nROrUWn8NTM-00326-00088073-00088297 to the required 5th percentile bending +nROrUWn8NTM-00327-00088298-00088435 strength in Newton's per square +nROrUWn8NTM-00328-00088436-00088693 millimeter there are other strength +nROrUWn8NTM-00329-00088694-00088966 classes including T classes based on +nROrUWn8NTM-00330-00088967-00089458 tension intended for use in ghulam c14 +nROrUWn8NTM-00331-00089459-00089839 used for scaffolding and formwork C 16 +nROrUWn8NTM-00332-00089840-00090238 and C 20 for general construction C 30 +nROrUWn8NTM-00333-00090239-00090478 prefab roof trusses and where design +nROrUWn8NTM-00334-00090479-00090727 requires somewhat stronger joists than C +nROrUWn8NTM-00335-00090728-00091141 24 can offer TR 26 is also a common +nROrUWn8NTM-00336-00091142-00091321 trust rafter strength class in +nROrUWn8NTM-00337-00091322-00091753 long-standing use in the UK c 40 usually +nROrUWn8NTM-00338-00091754-00091948 seen in blue on grading rules for +nROrUWn8NTM-00339-00091949-00092176 African and South American sawn timber +nROrUWn8NTM-00340-00092177-00092440 have been developed by ATI BT according +nROrUWn8NTM-00341-00092441-00092629 to the rules of the Shia's of Vives +nROrUWn8NTM-00342-00092630-00092905 tropical africans SATA and is based on +nROrUWn8NTM-00343-00092906-00093088 clear cuttings established by the +nROrUWn8NTM-00344-00093089-00093762 percentage of the clear surface +nROrUWn8NTM-00345-00093763-00094365 topic North American hardwoods +nROrUWn8NTM-00346-00094366-00094659 in North America market practices for +nROrUWn8NTM-00347-00094660-00094860 dimensional lumber made from hardwoods +nROrUWn8NTM-00348-00094861-00095034 varies significantly from the +nROrUWn8NTM-00349-00095035-00095256 regularized standardized dimension +nROrUWn8NTM-00350-00095257-00095472 lumber sizes used for sales and +nROrUWn8NTM-00351-00095473-00095697 specification of soft words hardwood +nROrUWn8NTM-00352-00095698-00095916 boards are often sold totally rough cut +nROrUWn8NTM-00353-00095917-00096147 or machine planed only on the to broader +nROrUWn8NTM-00354-00096148-00096462 faced sides when hardwood boards are +nROrUWn8NTM-00355-00096463-00096672 also supplied with plain faces +nROrUWn8NTM-00356-00096673-00096903 it is usually both by random widths of a +nROrUWn8NTM-00357-00096904-00097116 specified thickness normally matching +nROrUWn8NTM-00358-00097117-00097308 milling of software dimensional numbers +nROrUWn8NTM-00359-00097309-00097605 and somewhat random lengths that besides +nROrUWn8NTM-00360-00097606-00097797 those older traditional and normal +nROrUWn8NTM-00361-00097798-00098064 situations in recent years some product +nROrUWn8NTM-00362-00098065-00098277 lines have been widened to also market +nROrUWn8NTM-00363-00098278-00098502 boards in standard stock sizes these +nROrUWn8NTM-00364-00098503-00098727 usually retail in big-box stores and +nROrUWn8NTM-00365-00098728-00098943 using only a relatively small set of +nROrUWn8NTM-00366-00098944-00099222 specified lengths in all cases hardwoods +nROrUWn8NTM-00367-00099223-00099420 assault to the consumer by the board +nROrUWn8NTM-00368-00099421-00099936 foot 144 cubic inches or 2,000 360 cubic +nROrUWn8NTM-00369-00099937-00100155 centimetres whereas that measure is not +nROrUWn8NTM-00370-00100156-00100365 used for soft woods at the retailer to +nROrUWn8NTM-00371-00100366-00100674 the cognizance of the buyer also in +nROrUWn8NTM-00372-00100675-00100872 north america hardwood lumber is +nROrUWn8NTM-00373-00100873-00101220 commonly sold in a quarter system when +nROrUWn8NTM-00374-00101221-00101472 referring to thickness for quarters for +nROrUWn8NTM-00375-00101473-00101745 quarter refers to a 1 inch thick 25 +nROrUWn8NTM-00376-00101746-00101952 millimetres board eight quarters 8 +nROrUWn8NTM-00377-00101953-00102195 quarter is a two inch thick 51 +nROrUWn8NTM-00378-00102196-00102573 millimeters board etc this quarter +nROrUWn8NTM-00379-00102574-00102840 system is rarely used for soft word +nROrUWn8NTM-00380-00102841-00103029 lumber although software decking is +nROrUWn8NTM-00381-00103030-00103263 sometimes sold as five quarters even +nROrUWn8NTM-00382-00103264-00103404 though it is actually one inch thick +nROrUWn8NTM-00383-00103405-00103667 from milling 1/8 inch off each side in a +nROrUWn8NTM-00384-00103668-00104005 motorized planing step of production the +nROrUWn8NTM-00385-00104006-00104301 quarter system of reference is a +nROrUWn8NTM-00386-00104302-00104529 traditional cultural north american +nROrUWn8NTM-00387-00104530-00104715 lumber industry nomenclature used +nROrUWn8NTM-00388-00104716-00104925 specifically to indicate the thickness +nROrUWn8NTM-00389-00104926-00105209 of rough sawn hardwood lumber the +nROrUWn8NTM-00390-00105210-00105438 following paragraph is exactly backwards +nROrUWn8NTM-00391-00105439-00105657 from north american cultural practices +nROrUWn8NTM-00392-00105658-00105846 we're finished retail and rough lumber +nROrUWn8NTM-00393-00105847-00106068 share the same terminology as is +nROrUWn8NTM-00394-00106069-00106278 discussed in the paragraph after about +nROrUWn8NTM-00395-00106279-00106632 architects designers and builders in +nROrUWn8NTM-00396-00106633-00106803 rough sawn lumber it immediately +nROrUWn8NTM-00397-00106804-00107019 clarifies that the lumber is not yet +nROrUWn8NTM-00398-00107020-00107223 milled avoiding confusion with mill +nROrUWn8NTM-00399-00107224-00107430 dimension lumber which is measured as +nROrUWn8NTM-00400-00107431-00107654 actual thickness after machining +nROrUWn8NTM-00401-00107655-00107783 examples +nROrUWn8NTM-00402-00107784-00108227 quarters 19 millimeters or 1x in recent +nROrUWn8NTM-00403-00108228-00108474 years architects designers and builders +nROrUWn8NTM-00404-00108475-00108827 have begun to use the quarter system in +nROrUWn8NTM-00405-00108828-00109047 specifications as a vogue of insider +nROrUWn8NTM-00406-00109048-00109229 knowledge though the materials being +nROrUWn8NTM-00407-00109230-00109427 specified a finished lumber thus +nROrUWn8NTM-00408-00109428-00109628 conflating the separate systems and +nROrUWn8NTM-00409-00109629-00109944 causing confusion hardwoods cut for +nROrUWn8NTM-00410-00109945-00110133 furniture cut in the fall and winter +nROrUWn8NTM-00411-00110133-00110373 after the SAP has stopped running in the +nROrUWn8NTM-00412-00110374-00110673 trees if hardwoods are cut in the spring +nROrUWn8NTM-00413-00110674-00110889 or summer the SAP ruins the natural +nROrUWn8NTM-00414-00110890-00111069 color of the timber and decreases the +nROrUWn8NTM-00415-00111070-00111747 value of the timber for furniture +nROrUWn8NTM-00416-00111748-00112295 topic engineered lumber +nROrUWn8NTM-00417-00112296-00112577 engineered lumber is lumber created by a +nROrUWn8NTM-00418-00112578-00112814 manufacturer and designed for a certain +nROrUWn8NTM-00419-00112815-00113105 structural purpose the main categories +nROrUWn8NTM-00420-00113106-00113423 of engineered lumber laminated veneer +nROrUWn8NTM-00421-00113424-00113801 lumber lvl lvl comes in 1 and 3/4 inch +nROrUWn8NTM-00422-00113802-00113999 thicknesses with depths such as 9 and +nROrUWn8NTM-00423-00114000-00114518 1/2 11 and 7/8 14 16 18 and 24 inches +nROrUWn8NTM-00424-00114519-00114811 and often doubled or tripled up they +nROrUWn8NTM-00425-00114813-00115031 function as beams to provide support +nROrUWn8NTM-00426-00115032-00115298 over large spans such as removed support +nROrUWn8NTM-00427-00115299-00115556 walls and garage door openings places +nROrUWn8NTM-00428-00115557-00115775 where dimensional lumber is insufficient +nROrUWn8NTM-00429-00115776-00116015 and also in areas where a heavy load is +nROrUWn8NTM-00430-00116016-00116255 bearing from a floor wall or roof above +nROrUWn8NTM-00431-00116256-00116426 on a somewhat short span where +nROrUWn8NTM-00432-00116427-00116705 dimensional lumber is impractical this +nROrUWn8NTM-00433-00116706-00116942 type of lumber is compromised if it is +nROrUWn8NTM-00434-00116943-00117160 altered by holes or notches anywhere +nROrUWn8NTM-00435-00117161-00117392 within the span or at the ends the nails +nROrUWn8NTM-00436-00117393-00117578 can be driven into it wherever necessary +nROrUWn8NTM-00437-00117579-00117839 to anchor the beam or to add hangers fry +nROrUWn8NTM-00438-00117840-00118097 joists or dimensional lumber joists that +nROrUWn8NTM-00439-00118098-00118411 terminate at an lvl beam wooden I +nROrUWn8NTM-00440-00118413-00118966 sometimes called TJ I trust joists or +nROrUWn8NTM-00441-00118967-00119318 PCI all of which are brands of wooden I +nROrUWn8NTM-00442-00119319-00119567 Joy's they are used for floor joists on +nROrUWn8NTM-00443-00119568-00119768 upper floors and also in first floor +nROrUWn8NTM-00444-00119769-00119999 conventional foundation construction on +nROrUWn8NTM-00445-00120000-00120184 piers as opposed to SAP floor +nROrUWn8NTM-00446-00120185-00120431 construction they are engineered for +nROrUWn8NTM-00447-00120432-00120653 long spans and are doubled up in places +nROrUWn8NTM-00448-00120654-00120859 where a wall will be aligned over them +nROrUWn8NTM-00449-00120860-00121067 and sometimes tripled where heavy roof +nROrUWn8NTM-00450-00121068-00121280 loaded support walls are placed above +nROrUWn8NTM-00451-00121281-00121556 them they consist of a top and bottom +nROrUWn8NTM-00452-00121557-00121775 chord or flange made from dimensional +nROrUWn8NTM-00453-00121776-00121970 lumber with a webbing in-between made +nROrUWn8NTM-00454-00121971-00122138 from oriented strand board +nROrUWn8NTM-00455-00122139-00122438 OSB or laterally steel mesh forms which +nROrUWn8NTM-00456-00122439-00122635 allow passage of services without +nROrUWn8NTM-00457-00122636-00122930 cutting the webbing can be removed up to +nROrUWn8NTM-00458-00122931-00123167 certain sizes or shapes according to the +nROrUWn8NTM-00459-00123168-00123334 manufacturers or engineer's +nROrUWn8NTM-00460-00123335-00123599 specifications but for small holes wood +nROrUWn8NTM-00461-00123600-00123926 my choice come with knockouts which are +nROrUWn8NTM-00462-00123927-00124190 perforated pre-cut areas where holes can +nROrUWn8NTM-00463-00124191-00124352 be made easily typically without +nROrUWn8NTM-00464-00124353-00124636 engineering approval when large holes +nROrUWn8NTM-00465-00124638-00124856 are needed they can typically be made in +nROrUWn8NTM-00466-00124857-00125048 the webbing only and only in the center +nROrUWn8NTM-00467-00125049-00125240 third of the span the top and bottom +nROrUWn8NTM-00468-00125241-00125560 cords lose their integrity if cut sizes +nROrUWn8NTM-00469-00125561-00125681 and shapes of the +nROrUWn8NTM-00470-00125682-00125864 and typically the placing of a whole +nROrUWn8NTM-00471-00125865-00126095 itself must be approved by an engineer +nROrUWn8NTM-00472-00126096-00126283 prior to the cutting of the hole and in +nROrUWn8NTM-00473-00126284-00126470 many areas a sheet showing the +nROrUWn8NTM-00474-00126471-00126701 calculations made by the engineer must +nROrUWn8NTM-00475-00126702-00126883 be provided to the building inspection +nROrUWn8NTM-00476-00126884-00127097 authorities before the hole will be +nROrUWn8NTM-00477-00127098-00127415 approved some eye joists are made with W +nROrUWn8NTM-00478-00127416-00127631 style webbing like a truss to eliminate +nROrUWn8NTM-00479-00127632-00127841 cutting and to allow ductwork to pass +nROrUWn8NTM-00480-00127842-00128174 through finger jointed lumber solid +nROrUWn8NTM-00481-00128175-00128386 dimensional lumber lengths typically are +nROrUWn8NTM-00482-00128388-00128696 limited to lengths of 22 to 24 feet but +nROrUWn8NTM-00483-00128697-00128884 can be made longer by the technique of +nROrUWn8NTM-00484-00128885-00129221 finger jointing by using small solid +nROrUWn8NTM-00485-00129222-00129539 pieces usually 18 to 24 inches long and +nROrUWn8NTM-00486-00129540-00129731 joining them together using finger +nROrUWn8NTM-00487-00129732-00129932 joints and glue to produce lengths that +nROrUWn8NTM-00488-00129933-00130196 can be up to 36 feet long in two times +nROrUWn8NTM-00489-00130197-00130502 six size finger jointing also is +nROrUWn8NTM-00490-00130503-00130727 predominant in pre-cut wall studs +nROrUWn8NTM-00491-00130728-00130997 it is also an affordable alternative for +nROrUWn8NTM-00492-00130998-00131177 non structural hardwood that will be +nROrUWn8NTM-00493-00131178-00131360 painted staining would leave the finger +nROrUWn8NTM-00494-00131361-00131654 joints visible care is taken during +nROrUWn8NTM-00495-00131655-00131894 construction to avoid nailing directly +nROrUWn8NTM-00496-00131895-00132134 into a glue joint as stud breakage can +nROrUWn8NTM-00497-00132135-00132554 occur dual arm beams created from 2 x 4 +nROrUWn8NTM-00498-00132555-00132806 or 2 x six stop by gluing the faces +nROrUWn8NTM-00499-00132807-00133052 together to create beams such as 4 times +nROrUWn8NTM-00500-00133053-00133481 12 or 6 times 16 as such a beam acts as +nROrUWn8NTM-00501-00133482-00133658 one larger piece of lumber thus +nROrUWn8NTM-00502-00133659-00133877 eliminating the need to harvest larger +nROrUWn8NTM-00503-00133878-00134179 older trees for the same sized beam +nROrUWn8NTM-00504-00134180-00134456 manufactured trusses trusses are used in +nROrUWn8NTM-00505-00134457-00134663 home construction as a prefabricated +nROrUWn8NTM-00506-00134664-00134906 replacement for roof rafters and ceiling +nROrUWn8NTM-00507-00134907-00135218 joists stick framing it is seen as an +nROrUWn8NTM-00508-00135219-00135389 easier installation and a better +nROrUWn8NTM-00509-00135390-00135602 solution for supporting roofs than the +nROrUWn8NTM-00510-00135603-00135809 use of dimensional lumber struts and +nROrUWn8NTM-00511-00135810-00136181 purlins as bracing in the southern US an +nROrUWn8NTM-00512-00136182-00136424 elsewhere stick framing with dimensional +nROrUWn8NTM-00513-00136425-00136658 lumber roof support is still predominant +nROrUWn8NTM-00514-00136659-00136919 the main drawbacks of trusses are +nROrUWn8NTM-00515-00136920-00137147 reduced attic space time required for +nROrUWn8NTM-00516-00137148-00137351 engineering and ordering and the cost +nROrUWn8NTM-00517-00137352-00137501 higher than the dimensional lumber +nROrUWn8NTM-00518-00137502-00137696 needed if the same project were +nROrUWn8NTM-00519-00137697-00137996 conventionally framed the advantages are +nROrUWn8NTM-00520-00137997-00138209 significantly reduced labor costs +nROrUWn8NTM-00521-00138210-00138404 installation is faster than conventional +nROrUWn8NTM-00522-00138405-00138695 framing consistency and overall schedule +nROrUWn8NTM-00523-00138696-00138922 savings +nROrUWn8NTM-00524-00138923-00139281 you +nROrUWn8NTM-00525-00139282-00139884 topic various pieces and cuts +nROrUWn8NTM-00526-00139885-00140213 square and rectangular forms tank slat +nROrUWn8NTM-00527-00140214-00140337 batten board +nROrUWn8NTM-00528-00140338-00140643 laughs strapping typically 3/4 in times +nROrUWn8NTM-00529-00140644-00140898 1 and 1/2 in can't a partially sawing +nROrUWn8NTM-00530-00140899-00141123 logs such as sawn on two sides or +nROrUWn8NTM-00531-00141124-00141350 squared to a large size and later reefs +nROrUWn8NTM-00532-00141351-00141626 or nin to lumber a flitch is a type of +nROrUWn8NTM-00533-00141627-00141899 can't with Wayne on one or both sides +nROrUWn8NTM-00534-00141900-00142161 various pieces are also known by the +nROrUWn8NTM-00535-00142162-00142529 uses such as post beam dirt start rafter +nROrUWn8NTM-00536-00142530-00142896 joist sill plate wall plate +nROrUWn8NTM-00537-00142897-00143698 rod forms pole dowel stick staff baton +nROrUWn8NTM-00538-00143699-00144244 topic timber piles +nROrUWn8NTM-00539-00144245-00144522 in the United States pilings are mainly +nROrUWn8NTM-00540-00144523-00144709 cut from southern yellow Pines and +nROrUWn8NTM-00541-00144710-00144984 Douglas firs treated pilings are +nROrUWn8NTM-00542-00144985-00145212 available in chromatid copper arsenate +nROrUWn8NTM-00543-00145213-00145633 pretensions of 0.60 0.8 oh and 2.50 +nROrUWn8NTM-00544-00145634-00145870 pounds per cubic foot nine point six +nROrUWn8NTM-00545-00145871-00146073 twelve point eight and forty point o +nROrUWn8NTM-00546-00146074-00146293 kilograms per cubic meter if treatment +nROrUWn8NTM-00547-00146294-00146898 is required +nROrUWn8NTM-00548-00146899-00147482 topic defects in lumber +nROrUWn8NTM-00549-00147483-00147725 defects occurring in lumber are grouped +nROrUWn8NTM-00550-00147726-00148313 into the following four divisions +nROrUWn8NTM-00551-00148314-00148828 topic conversion +nROrUWn8NTM-00552-00148829-00149089 during the process of converting timber +nROrUWn8NTM-00553-00149090-00149302 to commercial form the following defects +nROrUWn8NTM-00554-00149303-00149638 may occur chip mark this defect is +nROrUWn8NTM-00555-00149639-00149869 indicated by the marks or signs placed +nROrUWn8NTM-00556-00149870-00150067 by chips on the finished surface of +nROrUWn8NTM-00557-00150068-00150421 timber diagonal grain improper sawing of +nROrUWn8NTM-00558-00150422-00150757 timber torn grain when a small dent is +nROrUWn8NTM-00559-00150758-00150937 made on the finished surface due to +nROrUWn8NTM-00560-00150938-00151270 falling of some tool Wain presence of +nROrUWn8NTM-00561-00151271-00151483 original rounded surface in the finished +nROrUWn8NTM-00562-00151484-00151929 product +nROrUWn8NTM-00563-00151930-00152576 topic defects due to fungi and animals +nROrUWn8NTM-00564-00152577-00152808 fungi attack timber when these +nROrUWn8NTM-00565-00152809-00153117 conditions are all present the timber +nROrUWn8NTM-00566-00153118-00153387 moisture content is above 25 percent on +nROrUWn8NTM-00567-00153388-00153702 a dry weight basis the environment is +nROrUWn8NTM-00568-00153703-00154119 sufficiently warm oxygen o2 is presented +nROrUWn8NTM-00569-00154120-00154368 with less than 25 percent moisture dry +nROrUWn8NTM-00570-00154369-00154590 weight basis can remain free of decay +nROrUWn8NTM-00571-00154591-00154703 for centuries +nROrUWn8NTM-00572-00154704-00154983 similarly wood submerged in water may +nROrUWn8NTM-00573-00154984-00155184 not be attacked by fungi if the amount +nROrUWn8NTM-00574-00155185-00155613 of oxygen is inadequate fungi timber +nROrUWn8NTM-00575-00155614-00156206 defects blue stained brown rot dry rot +nROrUWn8NTM-00576-00156207-00156837 hard rot sap stain wet rot white rot +nROrUWn8NTM-00577-00156838-00156999 following are the insects and molluscs +nROrUWn8NTM-00578-00157000-00157233 which are usually responsible for the +nROrUWn8NTM-00579-00157234-00157562 decay of timber would bring beetles +nROrUWn8NTM-00580-00157563-00157989 marine borĂ¥s barne assimil asst tirado's +nROrUWn8NTM-00581-00157990-00158543 Teredo Novalis termites carpenter ants +nROrUWn8NTM-00582-00158544-00159082 carpenter bees +nROrUWn8NTM-00583-00159083-00159769 topic natural forces there are two main +nROrUWn8NTM-00584-00159770-00159988 natural forces responsible for causing +nROrUWn8NTM-00585-00159989-00160249 defects in timber abnormal growth and +nROrUWn8NTM-00586-00160250-00160519 rupture of tissues rupture of tissue +nROrUWn8NTM-00587-00160520-00160750 includes cracks or splits in the wood +nROrUWn8NTM-00588-00160751-00161263 called shakes ring shake wind shake or +nROrUWn8NTM-00589-00161264-00161560 ring failure is when the wood grain +nROrUWn8NTM-00590-00161561-00161770 separates around the growth rings either +nROrUWn8NTM-00591-00161771-00162073 while standing or during felling shakes +nROrUWn8NTM-00592-00162074-00162295 may reduce the strength of a timber and +nROrUWn8NTM-00593-00162296-00162505 the appearance thus reduce lumber grade +nROrUWn8NTM-00594-00162506-00162768 and may catch a moisture promoting decay +nROrUWn8NTM-00595-00162769-00163042 Eastern hemlock is known for having ring +nROrUWn8NTM-00596-00163043-00163396 shake a check is a crack on the surface +nROrUWn8NTM-00597-00163397-00163633 of the wood caused by the outside of a +nROrUWn8NTM-00598-00163634-00163921 timber shrinking as its seasons checks +nROrUWn8NTM-00599-00163922-00164128 may extend to the pith and follow the +nROrUWn8NTM-00600-00164129-00164392 grain like shakes checks can hold water +nROrUWn8NTM-00601-00164393-00164797 promoting rot a split goes all the way +nROrUWn8NTM-00602-00164798-00165070 through a timber checks and splits occur +nROrUWn8NTM-00603-00165071-00165268 more frequently at the ends of lumber +nROrUWn8NTM-00604-00165269-00165460 because of the more rapid drying in +nROrUWn8NTM-00605-00165461-00166060 these locations +nROrUWn8NTM-00606-00166061-00166565 topic seasoning +nROrUWn8NTM-00607-00166566-00166806 the seasoning of lumber is typically +nROrUWn8NTM-00608-00166807-00167106 either kiln or air dried defects due to +nROrUWn8NTM-00609-00167107-00167300 seasoning of the main cause of splits +nROrUWn8NTM-00610-00167301-00167951 bowing and honeycombing +nROrUWn8NTM-00611-00167952-00168615 topic durability and service life +nROrUWn8NTM-00612-00168616-00168867 under proper conditions would provides +nROrUWn8NTM-00613-00168868-00169176 excellent lasting performance however it +nROrUWn8NTM-00614-00169177-00169413 also faces several potential threats to +nROrUWn8NTM-00615-00169414-00169620 service life including fungal activity +nROrUWn8NTM-00616-00169621-00169860 and insect damage which can be avoided +nROrUWn8NTM-00617-00169861-00170403 in numerous ways section 2314 one of the +nROrUWn8NTM-00618-00170404-00170604 International Building Code addresses +nROrUWn8NTM-00619-00170605-00170819 protection against decay and termites +nROrUWn8NTM-00620-00170820-00171114 this section provides requirements for +nROrUWn8NTM-00621-00171115-00171248 non-residential construction +nROrUWn8NTM-00622-00171249-00171510 applications such as wood used above +nROrUWn8NTM-00623-00171511-00171822 ground eg for framing decks stairs etc +nROrUWn8NTM-00624-00171823-00172197 as well as other applications there are +nROrUWn8NTM-00625-00172198-00172416 four recommended methods to protect wood +nROrUWn8NTM-00626-00172417-00172620 frame structures against durability +nROrUWn8NTM-00627-00172621-00172872 hazards and thus provide maximum service +nROrUWn8NTM-00628-00172873-00173157 life for the building all require proper +nROrUWn8NTM-00629-00173158-00173457 design and construction controlling +nROrUWn8NTM-00630-00173458-00173661 moisture using design techniques to +nROrUWn8NTM-00631-00173662-00173994 avoid decay providing effective control +nROrUWn8NTM-00632-00173995-00174315 of termites and other insects using +nROrUWn8NTM-00633-00174316-00174501 durable materials such as pressure +nROrUWn8NTM-00634-00174502-00174750 treated or naturally durable species of +nROrUWn8NTM-00635-00174751-00175059 wood where appropriate providing quality +nROrUWn8NTM-00636-00175060-00175278 assurance during design and construction +nROrUWn8NTM-00637-00175279-00175479 and throughout the building service life +nROrUWn8NTM-00638-00175480-00176116 using appropriate maintenance practices +nROrUWn8NTM-00639-00176117-00176671 topic moisture control +nROrUWn8NTM-00640-00176672-00176929 would is a hygroscopic material which +nROrUWn8NTM-00641-00176930-00177124 means it naturally absorbs and releases +nROrUWn8NTM-00642-00177125-00177382 water to balance its internal moisture +nROrUWn8NTM-00643-00177383-00177576 content with the surrounding environment +nROrUWn8NTM-00644-00177577-00177874 the moisture content of wood is measured +nROrUWn8NTM-00645-00177875-00178078 by the weight of water as a percentage +nROrUWn8NTM-00646-00178079-00178284 of the oven dry weight of the wood fiber +nROrUWn8NTM-00647-00178285-00178540 the key to controlling decay is +nROrUWn8NTM-00648-00178541-00178786 controlling moisture once decay fungi +nROrUWn8NTM-00649-00178787-00178987 are established the minimum moisture +nROrUWn8NTM-00650-00178988-00179266 content for decay to propagate is 22 to +nROrUWn8NTM-00651-00179267-00179557 24 percent so building experts recommend +nROrUWn8NTM-00652-00179558-00179818 19 percent as the maximum safe moisture +nROrUWn8NTM-00653-00179819-00180039 content for untreated wood in service +nROrUWn8NTM-00654-00180040-00180334 water by itself does not harm the wood +nROrUWn8NTM-00655-00180335-00180559 but rather wood with consistently high +nROrUWn8NTM-00656-00180560-00180763 moisture content enables fungal +nROrUWn8NTM-00657-00180764-00181108 organisms to grow the primary objective +nROrUWn8NTM-00658-00181109-00181306 when addressing moisture loads is to +nROrUWn8NTM-00659-00181307-00181471 keep water from entering the building +nROrUWn8NTM-00660-00181472-00181690 envelope in the first place and to +nROrUWn8NTM-00661-00181691-00181885 balance the moisture content within the +nROrUWn8NTM-00662-00181886-00182173 building itself moisture control by +nROrUWn8NTM-00663-00182174-00182350 means of accepted design and +nROrUWn8NTM-00664-00182351-00182572 construction details is a simple and +nROrUWn8NTM-00665-00182573-00182767 practical method of protecting a wood +nROrUWn8NTM-00666-00182768-00183019 frame building against decay for +nROrUWn8NTM-00667-00183020-00183229 applications with a high risk of staying +nROrUWn8NTM-00668-00183230-00183454 wet designers specified durable +nROrUWn8NTM-00669-00183455-00183658 materials such as naturally decay +nROrUWn8NTM-00670-00183659-00183889 resistant species or wood that has been +nROrUWn8NTM-00671-00183890-00184159 treated with preservatives cladding +nROrUWn8NTM-00672-00184160-00184447 shingles sill plates and exposed Timbers +nROrUWn8NTM-00673-00184448-00184666 or dual arm beams are examples of +nROrUWn8NTM-00674-00184667-00185383 potential applications for treated wood +nROrUWn8NTM-00675-00185384-00185674 topic controlling termites and other +nROrUWn8NTM-00676-00185675-00186289 insects for buildings in termite zones +nROrUWn8NTM-00677-00186290-00186547 basic protection practices addressed in +nROrUWn8NTM-00678-00186548-00186751 current building codes include but are +nROrUWn8NTM-00679-00186752-00187063 not limited to the following grading the +nROrUWn8NTM-00680-00187064-00187270 building site away from the foundation +nROrUWn8NTM-00681-00187271-00187555 to provide proper drainage covering +nROrUWn8NTM-00682-00187556-00187798 exposed ground in any call spaces with +nROrUWn8NTM-00683-00187799-00187972 six mil polyethylene film and +nROrUWn8NTM-00684-00187973-00188278 maintaining at least 12 to 18 inches 300 +nROrUWn8NTM-00685-00188279-00188551 to 460 millimeters of clearance between +nROrUWn8NTM-00686-00188552-00188749 the ground and the bottom of framing +nROrUWn8NTM-00687-00188750-00188974 members above 12 inches two beams or +nROrUWn8NTM-00688-00188975-00189217 girders eighteen inches to joists or +nROrUWn8NTM-00689-00189218-00189532 plank flooring members supporting post +nROrUWn8NTM-00690-00189533-00189742 columns by concrete piers so that there +nROrUWn8NTM-00691-00189743-00190042 is at least six inches 150 millimetres +nROrUWn8NTM-00692-00190043-00190222 of clear space between the wood and +nROrUWn8NTM-00693-00190223-00190540 exposed earth installing wood framing +nROrUWn8NTM-00694-00190541-00190765 and sheathing in exterior walls at least +nROrUWn8NTM-00695-00190766-00190951 eight inches above exposed earth +nROrUWn8NTM-00696-00190952-00191200 locating siding at least six inches from +nROrUWn8NTM-00697-00191201-00191445 the finished grade where appropriate +nROrUWn8NTM-00698-00191446-00191701 ventilating crawl spaces according to +nROrUWn8NTM-00699-00191702-00192016 local building codes removing building +nROrUWn8NTM-00700-00192017-00192232 material scraps from the job site before +nROrUWn8NTM-00701-00192233-00192610 backfilling if allowed by local +nROrUWn8NTM-00702-00192611-00192829 regulation treating the soil around the +nROrUWn8NTM-00703-00192830-00193018 foundation with an approved termiticide +nROrUWn8NTM-00704-00193019-00193210 to provide protection against +nROrUWn8NTM-00705-00193211-00193744 subterranean termites +nROrUWn8NTM-00706-00193745-00194449 topic preservatives to avoid decay and +nROrUWn8NTM-00707-00194450-00194692 termite infestation untreated wood is +nROrUWn8NTM-00708-00194693-00194866 separated from the ground and other +nROrUWn8NTM-00709-00194867-00195163 sources of moisture these separations +nROrUWn8NTM-00710-00195164-00195394 are required by many building codes and +nROrUWn8NTM-00711-00195395-00195589 are considered necessary to maintain +nROrUWn8NTM-00712-00195590-00195811 wood elements in permanent structures at +nROrUWn8NTM-00713-00195812-00196003 a safe moisture content for decay +nROrUWn8NTM-00714-00196004-00196264 protection when it is not possible to +nROrUWn8NTM-00715-00196265-00196450 separate wood from the sources of +nROrUWn8NTM-00716-00196451-00196639 moisture designers often rely on +nROrUWn8NTM-00717-00196640-00196849 preservative treated wood wood can be +nROrUWn8NTM-00718-00196850-00197023 treated with a preservative that +nROrUWn8NTM-00719-00197024-00197221 improves service life under severe +nROrUWn8NTM-00720-00197222-00197449 conditions without altering its basic +nROrUWn8NTM-00721-00197450-00197737 characteristics it can also be pressure +nROrUWn8NTM-00722-00197738-00197947 impregnated with fire retardant +nROrUWn8NTM-00723-00197948-00198154 chemicals that improve its performance +nROrUWn8NTM-00724-00198155-00198463 in a fire one of the early treatments to +nROrUWn8NTM-00725-00198464-00198823 fireproof lumber which fires was +nROrUWn8NTM-00726-00198824-00199099 developed in 1936 by the pro Texel +nROrUWn8NTM-00727-00199100-00199309 corporation in which lumber is heavily +nROrUWn8NTM-00728-00199310-00199585 treated with salt wood does not +nROrUWn8NTM-00729-00199586-00199810 deteriorate simply because it gets wet +nROrUWn8NTM-00730-00199811-00200071 when wood breaks down it is because an +nROrUWn8NTM-00731-00200072-00200380 organism is eating it preservatives work +nROrUWn8NTM-00732-00200381-00200605 by making the food source inedible to +nROrUWn8NTM-00733-00200606-00200863 these organisms properly preservative +nROrUWn8NTM-00734-00200864-00201076 treated wood can have five to ten times +nROrUWn8NTM-00735-00201077-00201303 the service life of untreated wood +nROrUWn8NTM-00736-00201304-00201580 preserved wood is used most often for +nROrUWn8NTM-00737-00201581-00201868 railroad ties utility poles marine piles +nROrUWn8NTM-00738-00201869-00202078 decks fences and other outdoor +nROrUWn8NTM-00739-00202079-00202405 applications various treatment methods +nROrUWn8NTM-00740-00202406-00202606 and types of chemicals are available +nROrUWn8NTM-00741-00202607-00202825 depending on the attributes required in +nROrUWn8NTM-00742-00202826-00203020 the particular application and the level +nROrUWn8NTM-00743-00203021-00203239 of protection needed there are two basic +nROrUWn8NTM-00744-00203240-00203398 methods of treating with and without +nROrUWn8NTM-00745-00203399-00203680 pressure non-pressure methods are the +nROrUWn8NTM-00746-00203681-00203896 application of preservative by brushing +nROrUWn8NTM-00747-00203897-00204115 spraying or dipping the piece to be +nROrUWn8NTM-00748-00204116-00204424 treated deeper more thorough penetration +nROrUWn8NTM-00749-00204425-00204643 is achieved by driving the preservative +nROrUWn8NTM-00750-00204644-00204834 into the wood cells with pressure +nROrUWn8NTM-00751-00204835-00205090 various combinations of pressure and +nROrUWn8NTM-00752-00205091-00205323 vacuum are used to force adequate levels +nROrUWn8NTM-00753-00205325-00205566 of chemical into the wood pressure +nROrUWn8NTM-00754-00205567-00205771 treating preservatives consists of +nROrUWn8NTM-00755-00205771-00206121 chemicals carried in a solvent chromatid +nROrUWn8NTM-00756-00206123-00206335 copper arsenate once the most commonly +nROrUWn8NTM-00757-00206336-00206578 used wood preservative in North America +nROrUWn8NTM-00758-00206579-00206758 began being phased out of most +nROrUWn8NTM-00759-00206759-00207114 residential applications in 2004 +nROrUWn8NTM-00760-00207115-00207333 replacing it or aiming copper cut and +nROrUWn8NTM-00761-00207334-00207639 copper is all all wood preservatives +nROrUWn8NTM-00762-00207640-00207888 used in the United States and Canada are +nROrUWn8NTM-00763-00207889-00208116 registered and regularly re-examined for +nROrUWn8NTM-00764-00208117-00208275 safety by the US Environmental +nROrUWn8NTM-00765-00208276-00208530 Protection Agency and Health Canada's +nROrUWn8NTM-00766-00208531-00208771 pest management and regulatory agency +nROrUWn8NTM-00767-00208771-00209376 respectively +nROrUWn8NTM-00768-00209377-00210071 topic timber framing timber framing is a +nROrUWn8NTM-00769-00210073-00210315 style of construction which uses heavier +nROrUWn8NTM-00770-00210316-00210492 framing elements than modern stick +nROrUWn8NTM-00771-00210492-00210707 framing which uses dimensional lumber +nROrUWn8NTM-00772-00210708-00210987 the Timbers originally wood tree balls +nROrUWn8NTM-00773-00210988-00211221 squared with a broad axe or adds and +nROrUWn8NTM-00774-00211221-00211401 joined together with joinery without +nROrUWn8NTM-00775-00211402-00211698 nails modern timber framing has been +nROrUWn8NTM-00776-00211698-00211910 growing in popularity in the United +nROrUWn8NTM-00777-00211911-00212633 States since the 1970s +nROrUWn8NTM-00778-00212634-00213292 topic environmental effects of lumber +nROrUWn8NTM-00779-00213292-00213608 Green Building minimizes the impact or +nROrUWn8NTM-00780-00213609-00213906 environmental footprint of a building +nROrUWn8NTM-00781-00213907-00214155 wood is a major building material that +nROrUWn8NTM-00782-00214156-00214353 is renewable and replenishable in a +nROrUWn8NTM-00783-00214354-00214481 continuous cycle +nROrUWn8NTM-00784-00214482-00214773 studies show manufacturing wood uses +nROrUWn8NTM-00785-00214775-00214998 less energy and results in less air and +nROrUWn8NTM-00786-00215000-00215232 water pollution than steel and concrete +nROrUWn8NTM-00787-00215233-00215539 however demand for lumber is blamed for +nROrUWn8NTM-00788-00215540-00216088 deforestation +nROrUWn8NTM-00789-00216089-00216753 topic residual would the conversion from +nROrUWn8NTM-00790-00216754-00216994 coal to biomass power is a growing trend +nROrUWn8NTM-00791-00216994-00217213 in the United States the United Kingdom +nROrUWn8NTM-00792-00217214-00217577 as Pakistan Kazakhstan Australia Fiji +nROrUWn8NTM-00793-00217578-00217872 Madagascar Mongolia Russia Denmark +nROrUWn8NTM-00794-00217873-00218103 Switzerland and Swaziland governments +nROrUWn8NTM-00795-00218104-00218325 all support an increased role for energy +nROrUWn8NTM-00796-00218326-00218535 derived from biomass which are organic +nROrUWn8NTM-00797-00218536-00218799 materials available on a renewable basis +nROrUWn8NTM-00798-00218800-00219027 and include residues and/or byproducts +nROrUWn8NTM-00799-00219028-00219217 of the logging saw milling and paper +nROrUWn8NTM-00800-00219217-00219541 making processes in particular they view +nROrUWn8NTM-00801-00219542-00219726 it as a way to lower greenhouse gas +nROrUWn8NTM-00802-00219727-00219964 emissions by reducing consumption of oil +nROrUWn8NTM-00803-00219965-00220146 and gas while supporting the growth of +nROrUWn8NTM-00804-00220148-00220464 forestry agriculture and rural economies +nROrUWn8NTM-00805-00220465-00220752 studies by the US government have found +nROrUWn8NTM-00806-00220753-00220935 the countries combined forest and +nROrUWn8NTM-00807-00220936-00221124 agriculture land resources have the +nROrUWn8NTM-00808-00221125-00221349 power to sustainably supply more than +nROrUWn8NTM-00809-00221350-00221577 1/3 of its current petroleum consumption +nROrUWn8NTM-00810-00221578-00221829 biomass is already an important source +nROrUWn8NTM-00811-00221830-00222051 of energy for the North American forest +nROrUWn8NTM-00812-00222052-00222300 products industry it is common for +nROrUWn8NTM-00813-00222301-00222459 companies to have cogeneration +nROrUWn8NTM-00814-00222460-00222739 facilities also known as combined heat +nROrUWn8NTM-00815-00222740-00222924 and power which convert some of the +nROrUWn8NTM-00816-00222925-00223131 biomass that results from wood and paper +nROrUWn8NTM-00817-00223132-00223335 manufacturing to electrical and thermal +nROrUWn8NTM-00818-00223336-00223621 energy in the form of steam the +nROrUWn8NTM-00819-00223621-00223840 electricity is used to among other +nROrUWn8NTM-00820-00223841-00224097 things dry lumber and supply heat of the +nROrUWn8NTM-00821-00224098-00224791 dryers used in paper making +nROrUWn8NTM-00822-00224792-00225338 topic C also +nROrUWn8NTM-00823-00225339-00225701 equals equals notes +nTL5rRxUv1u-00000-00000391-00000701 do +nTL5rRxUv1u-00002-00005271-00005777 do +nTL5rRxUv1u-00003-00005778-00006191 [Music] +nTL5rRxUv1u-00004-00006192-00006362 do +nTL5rRxUv1u-00006-00010368-00010513 do +nTL5rRxUv1u-00007-00010514-00013238 [Music] +nTL5rRxUv1u-00008-00013240-00013387 do +nTL5rRxUv1u-00010-00016951-00017159 you +nTZlyYw2OIo-00000-00000023-00000275 this is a list of articles about +nTZlyYw2OIo-00001-00000276-00000459 scholarly journals in ecological +nTZlyYw2OIo-00002-00000460-00001291 resource and environmental economics +nTZlyYw2OIo-00003-00001292-00001942 topic a Agricultural and Resource +nTZlyYw2OIo-00004-00001943-00002387 Economics review american journal of +nTZlyYw2OIo-00005-00002388-00002780 agricultural economics annual review of +nTZlyYw2OIo-00006-00002781-00003197 Resource Economics australian journal of +nTZlyYw2OIo-00007-00003198-00003897 Agricultural and Resource Economics +nTZlyYw2OIo-00008-00003898-00004550 topic C climate change +nTZlyYw2OIo-00009-00004551-00005881 economics climate policy topic e +nTZlyYw2OIo-00010-00005882-00006414 ecological economics energy economics +nTZlyYw2OIo-00011-00006415-00007037 energy journal energy policy environment +nTZlyYw2OIo-00012-00007038-00007433 and development economics environmental +nTZlyYw2OIo-00013-00007434-00007808 and resource economics environmental +nTZlyYw2OIo-00014-00007809-00008278 economics environmental management +nTZlyYw2OIo-00015-00008279-00008528 economics of energy and environmental +nTZlyYw2OIo-00016-00008529-00009445 policy environmental science and policy +nTZlyYw2OIo-00017-00009446-00010337 topic g growth and change topic our +nTZlyYw2OIo-00018-00010338-00010549 international journal of ecology and +nTZlyYw2OIo-00019-00010550-00010784 development international journal of +nTZlyYw2OIo-00020-00010785-00011442 ecological economics and statistics +nTZlyYw2OIo-00021-00011443-00012123 topic J Journal of Agra +nTZlyYw2OIo-00022-00012124-00012477 and Applied Economics Journal of +nTZlyYw2OIo-00023-00012478-00012796 agricultural and Resource Economics +nTZlyYw2OIo-00024-00012797-00013241 Journal of development economics journal +nTZlyYw2OIo-00025-00013243-00013430 of environmental economics and +nTZlyYw2OIo-00026-00013431-00013766 management Journal of environmental +nTZlyYw2OIo-00027-00013768-00014115 economics and policy Journal of +nTZlyYw2OIo-00028-00014116-00014457 Environmental Management Journal of +nTZlyYw2OIo-00029-00014458-00014750 environmental planning and management +nTZlyYw2OIo-00030-00014751-00014988 Journal of the Association of +nTZlyYw2OIo-00031-00014988-00015313 environmental and resource economics +nTZlyYw2OIo-00032-00015315-00015591 Journal of transport economics and +nTZlyYw2OIo-00033-00015591-00017741 policy topic l land economics topic m +nTZlyYw2OIo-00034-00017742-00018944 marine resource economics topic n +nTZlyYw2OIo-00035-00018945-00019356 Natural Resources Journal natural +nTZlyYw2OIo-00036-00019357-00020525 resource modelling topic are resource +nTZlyYw2OIo-00037-00020526-00020880 and energy economics review of +nTZlyYw2OIo-00038-00020881-00021687 environmental economics and policy topic +nTZlyYw2OIo-00039-00021688-00022977 W water resources research topic see +nTZlyYw2OIo-00040-00022978-00023549 also list of economic +nTZlyYw2OIo-00041-00023550-00023998 journals list of environmental journals +nTZlyYw2OIo-00042-00023999-00024305 list of environmental social science +nTZlyYw2OIo-00043-00024306-00024557 journals +nUM8lbUVuAc-00000-00000003-00000260 for more than a decade horse man has +nUM8lbUVuAc-00001-00000261-00000551 sponsored the NEA Foundation awards for +nUM8lbUVuAc-00002-00000552-00000797 teaching excellence because we know how +nUM8lbUVuAc-00003-00000798-00001064 important and deserving it is to shine a +nUM8lbUVuAc-00004-00001065-00001358 light on outstanding teachers who make a +nUM8lbUVuAc-00005-00001359-00001549 difference in their students lives and +nUM8lbUVuAc-00006-00001550-00001801 who continue to elevate the role so +nUM8lbUVuAc-00007-00001802-00002051 please join me in congratulating and +nUM8lbUVuAc-00008-00002052-00002293 honoring five individuals who have been +nUM8lbUVuAc-00009-00002294-00002546 singled out by their peers for going +nUM8lbUVuAc-00010-00002547-00002804 above and beyond and becoming this +nUM8lbUVuAc-00011-00002805-00003335 year's Horace Mann Award recipients it's +nUM8lbUVuAc-00012-00003336-00003604 called grit if you have a lot of grit +nUM8lbUVuAc-00013-00003605-00003965 you don't give up very easily you keep +nUM8lbUVuAc-00014-00003965-00004363 on going even when it gets tough and not +nUM8lbUVuAc-00015-00004364-00004638 very many people have that now +nUM8lbUVuAc-00016-00004639-00005692 [Music] +nUM8lbUVuAc-00017-00005693-00006743 when I say value what am I asking you +nUM8lbUVuAc-00018-00006744-00007739 [Music] +nUM8lbUVuAc-00019-00007740-00007837 [Applause] +nUM8lbUVuAc-00020-00007838-00008356 [Music] +nUM8lbUVuAc-00021-00008357-00008603 you are not only the best teacher ever +nUM8lbUVuAc-00022-00008604-00008858 when teaching but you teach us in a fun +nUM8lbUVuAc-00023-00008859-00009128 way the fifth reason I appreciate you is +nUM8lbUVuAc-00024-00009129-00009374 because you care about our education and +nUM8lbUVuAc-00025-00009375-00009548 that's why we are much quieter than Miss +nUM8lbUVuAc-00026-00009549-00009854 Burberry in the other classes she is +nUM8lbUVuAc-00027-00009855-00010091 really great at conferencing with her +nUM8lbUVuAc-00028-00010092-00010364 students and speaking to them on a level +nUM8lbUVuAc-00029-00010365-00010523 where they feel like they're in control +nUM8lbUVuAc-00030-00010524-00011012 of their learning environment today +nUM8lbUVuAc-00031-00011013-00011384 we're learning about rounding I look +nUM8lbUVuAc-00032-00011385-00011789 like I'm excited do I look like I want +nUM8lbUVuAc-00033-00011790-00012619 to learn no what do I need to be doing +nUM8lbUVuAc-00034-00012620-00013424 getting up for her she has expectations +nUM8lbUVuAc-00035-00013425-00013630 up here for every student in her class +nUM8lbUVuAc-00036-00013631-00013822 sometimes students who are struggling +nUM8lbUVuAc-00037-00013824-00013991 teachers just assume that that's where +nUM8lbUVuAc-00038-00013991-00014180 they're gonna stay but not Melissa she +nUM8lbUVuAc-00039-00014181-00014360 kind of has these expectations and +nUM8lbUVuAc-00040-00014361-00014843 students strive to teethe that she cares +nUM8lbUVuAc-00041-00014844-00015080 very deeply and passionately about the +nUM8lbUVuAc-00042-00015081-00015241 kids that she works with and she cares +nUM8lbUVuAc-00043-00015243-00015422 not only just about their education but +nUM8lbUVuAc-00044-00015422-00015641 about their whole being emotional +nUM8lbUVuAc-00045-00015641-00015956 physical mental health everything that's +nUM8lbUVuAc-00046-00015957-00016144 going on in their lives she knows that +nUM8lbUVuAc-00047-00016145-00016379 all of that affects how they learn in +nUM8lbUVuAc-00048-00016380-00016499 school and whether or not they're going +nUM8lbUVuAc-00049-00016500-00017015 to be successful children are not +nUM8lbUVuAc-00050-00017016-00017336 products that can be manipulated and +nUM8lbUVuAc-00051-00017337-00017621 recreated on a conveyor belt they come +nUM8lbUVuAc-00052-00017622-00017846 in all shapes and sizes with different +nUM8lbUVuAc-00053-00017847-00018244 gifts different challenges I guess that +nUM8lbUVuAc-00054-00018245-00018461 goes back to why I do home visits and +nUM8lbUVuAc-00055-00018462-00018602 stuff because I want the parents to +nUM8lbUVuAc-00056-00018603-00018767 understand that I'm trying to be an +nUM8lbUVuAc-00057-00018768-00018980 advocate for your child me calling you +nUM8lbUVuAc-00058-00018981-00019142 and emailing you and bombarding you is +nUM8lbUVuAc-00059-00019143-00019336 just because I care do you really love +nUM8lbUVuAc-00060-00019337-00019528 teaching celebrity +nUM8lbUVuAc-00061-00019529-00019927 kids she cares about what happens to +nUM8lbUVuAc-00062-00019928-00020266 them and she wants to do what she can do +nUM8lbUVuAc-00063-00020267-00020739 to make their lives better I'm not a I +nUM8lbUVuAc-00064-00020740-00020917 guess the dictator of the classroom even +nUM8lbUVuAc-00065-00020918-00021178 though they called me between I'm really +nUM8lbUVuAc-00066-00021179-00021372 a facilitator for their learning I'm +nUM8lbUVuAc-00067-00021373-00021567 just a coach and I'm here to help them +nUM8lbUVuAc-00068-00021568-00021786 and leave them to make their own +nUM8lbUVuAc-00069-00021787-00021958 decisions about their learning and to +nUM8lbUVuAc-00070-00021959-00022134 enjoy learning and to say that they can +nUM8lbUVuAc-00071-00022135-00022731 be successful they're a bigger faster +nUM8lbUVuAc-00072-00022732-00022947 stronger because that describes our +nUM8lbUVuAc-00073-00022948-00023250 class and she's delightful responsible +nUM8lbUVuAc-00074-00023251-00023497 loyal athletic dedicated and diligent +nUM8lbUVuAc-00075-00023498-00023722 Doug glad you're the best teacher and +nUM8lbUVuAc-00076-00023723-00023879 that is why I wrote this just for you +nUM8lbUVuAc-00077-00023880-00024616 [Music] +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00000-00000514-00001879 [Music] +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00001-00001880-00002591 [Music] +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00002-00002592-00002863 thank you very much i think it's late +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00003-00002864-00003087 out there +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00004-00003088-00003254 so thank you once again for joining me +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00005-00003255-00003511 for another episode of uh the bang +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00006-00003511-00003735 series this is a second episode but +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00007-00003736-00003927 actually it's just a follow-up of the +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00008-00003928-00004254 first episode i had to do this i had to +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00009-00004255-00004454 redo this because of what happened in +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00010-00004455-00004647 the first episode first of all let me +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00011-00004648-00004767 just show you +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00012-00004768-00005063 i have a copyright strike from who then +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00013-00005064-00005295 you see himself this is a copyright +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00014-00005296-00005543 takedown notice and my video will be +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00015-00005544-00005743 removed on monday because +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00016-00005744-00005983 the copyright down notice was issued to +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00017-00005984-00006086 me +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00018-00006087-00006527 on 25th of april meaning uh on second +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00019-00006528-00006614 may +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00020-00006615-00006870 i'll have my video youtube will have to +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00021-00006872-00007055 remove the first episode of the bank +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00022-00007056-00007487 series from my youtube channel +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00023-00007488-00007839 very bad start anyway so uh and then my +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00024-00007840-00008014 channel will be issued with a copyright +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00025-00008015-00008246 strike now this is why i'm saying this +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00026-00008247-00008399 because +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00027-00008400-00008503 one +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00028-00008504-00008703 after the seven days expire youtube will +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00029-00008704-00008974 remove my video so just know i will not +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00030-00008975-00009214 be paid by anyone to remove the video +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00031-00009215-00009446 but until monday when the video be +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00032-00009447-00009767 removed by youtube and two my channel +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00033-00009768-00010039 will get a copyright strike because +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00034-00010040-00010255 uh they removed it i have an option of +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00035-00010256-00010414 removing it so that i don't get a +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00036-00010415-00010678 copyright strike but for this case i'll +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00037-00010679-00010871 let youtube remove and then i'll go +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00038-00010872-00011006 through the co +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00039-00011007-00011223 the appeal process or thirdly i have +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00040-00011224-00011431 three options one let youtube remove and +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00041-00011432-00011519 then +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00042-00011520-00011719 put a copyright check on my channel too +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00043-00011720-00011895 i remove the video and i don't get a +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00044-00011896-00012142 copyright strike or three i reach out to +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00045-00012143-00012263 danny c +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00046-00012264-00012551 so that you can retract the tape down +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00047-00012552-00012902 notice but then i'll leave option one so +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00048-00012903-00013111 that can take place on monday so on +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00049-00013112-00013294 monday if you don't see my video just +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00050-00013295-00013566 know it's youtube that has removed it +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00051-00013568-00013766 because i have a seven days notice and +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00052-00013768-00014015 as per today which is saturday which is +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00053-00014016-00014135 friday +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00054-00014136-00014279 there is saturday sunday and then there +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00055-00014280-00014511 is monday so as three days as i'm +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00056-00014512-00014958 recording this video at 11 30 pm +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00057-00014959-00015047 now +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00058-00015047-00015519 uh the video just watched is for a lady +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00059-00015519-00015791 called canalia because five there are +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00060-00015791-00015950 many things that have happened during +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00061-00015951-00016071 that period +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00062-00016072-00016279 and uh just touched on this lady and i'm +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00063-00016280-00016430 sure then you see +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00064-00016431-00016703 since he got my video he contacted the +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00065-00016704-00017071 lady and the lady had recorded a video +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00066-00017072-00017167 uh +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00067-00017168-00017430 ah i think uh three minutes eight +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00068-00017431-00017583 seconds video +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00069-00017584-00017807 uh accusing dennis or original juicy +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00070-00017808-00018022 exposing lenny c and you can look for +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00071-00018023-00018191 the video on youtube it's called iffy +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00072-00018192-00018479 then you see i will attach the link here +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00073-00018480-00018743 so that you can see that video so the +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00074-00018744-00018975 link is here and it is posted on +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00075-00018976-00019247 someone's else uh +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00076-00019248-00019530 channel this is called marion +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00077-00019531-00019894 joseph251 marine joseph saw the video +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00078-00019895-00020094 which was posted by +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00079-00020095-00020239 canalia +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00080-00020240-00020430 it is another story again i'll get back +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00081-00020431-00020671 i'll i'll tell you whether she's canalia +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00082-00020672-00020935 or kelia but fiona so +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00083-00020936-00021119 joseph uh downloaded the video and +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00084-00021120-00021367 uploaded it on his channel on +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00085-00021368-00021558 april 11th +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00086-00021559-00021791 but nb +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00087-00021792-00022071 she had posted the video on +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00088-00022072-00022503 one month ago and she had 20 000 +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00089-00022504-00022775 views that is one month ago +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00090-00022776-00022927 and the video was still there i saw it +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00091-00022928-00023247 on wednesday but on thursday it had been +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00092-00023248-00023511 removed on high youtube and you can see +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00093-00023512-00023807 uh the youtube canalia and kevia they +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00094-00023808-00024158 have 386 subscribers and they only have +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00095-00024159-00024471 that one video called uh smashword pass +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00096-00024472-00024767 and whatever with 964 +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00097-00024768-00025111 views that was as far yesterday thursday +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00098-00025112-00025367 so as i'm recording this now +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00099-00025368-00025631 this is just to prove to you that uh +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00100-00025632-00025894 dennis does uh the dirtiest of things so +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00101-00025895-00026031 the video that we just watched let me +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00102-00026032-00026246 just replay at the part that i started +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00103-00026247-00026558 with and this is what they said +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00104-00026560-00026887 the moment +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00105-00026888-00027807 [Music] +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00106-00027808-00028039 it's not even fair at all +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00107-00028039-00028495 i felt like i should put it out +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00108-00028495-00029031 yes +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00109-00029032-00029167 so then you see +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00110-00029168-00029487 believe his content is real but this is +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00111-00029488-00029790 actually an actor in that video +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00112-00029791-00029895 of uh +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00113-00029895-00030151 um honey that is part 33 of then you see +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00114-00030152-00030343 i'll still attach the link here just +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00115-00030344-00030535 like the previous episode now today i +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00116-00030536-00030702 don't talk much but i just want to +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00117-00030703-00030958 address this and then i address now the +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00118-00030960-00031239 second things for actors and all that +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00119-00031239-00031543 so this lady in the first place +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00120-00031544-00031743 uh let me just uh +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00121-00031744-00031951 play for you now +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00122-00031952-00032102 because i think she's confused by the +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00123-00032103-00032343 way or i don't know who she is so in +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00124-00032344-00032783 this video she introduces herself as +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00125-00032784-00033935 let me just play +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00126-00033936-00034118 yes my name is kelia +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00127-00034119-00034502 but on this other video my name is +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00128-00034503-00034718 and kelia +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00129-00034719-00034990 is your girl canalia and kelia +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00130-00034991-00035215 no she is now canalia the previous video +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00131-00035216-00035479 she was kelia but well she's +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00132-00035480-00035751 fiona in the series she's acting so +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00133-00035752-00035983 that's another key thing now this is the +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00134-00035984-00036302 path i want you to listen as she says +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00135-00036303-00036902 what she thinks about denise +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00136-00036903-00037079 you're not being fair to girls +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00137-00037080-00037359 you're not +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00138-00037360-00038502 actually your content is +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00139-00038503-00038702 it's even evident so i'll leave i'll +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00140-00038703-00038902 leave you to go and watch this the full +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00141-00038903-00039071 video here is just three minutes so i +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00142-00039072-00039279 think you can sneak away and then you +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00143-00039280-00039551 come back to the lesson theo yes now you +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00144-00039552-00039767 are getting the point oh the video is in +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00145-00039768-00039974 on this channel just next to you you can +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00146-00039975-00040151 see if you get anything +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00147-00040152-00040367 it's posted by margin just say +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00148-00040368-00040535 251 so +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00149-00040536-00040646 uh +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00150-00040647-00040927 on thursday yesterday the video had 16 +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00151-00040928-00041015 views +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00152-00041016-00041095 now +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00153-00041096-00041335 this is what i want to address now as we +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00154-00041336-00041430 talk +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00155-00041431-00041583 uh about +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00156-00041584-00041783 being content creator and the like and +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00157-00041784-00041974 being actors +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00158-00041975-00042143 as an actor you need to understand one +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00159-00042144-00042407 thing and this is what now this lady let +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00160-00042408-00042574 me just call her kelly because i don't +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00161-00042575-00042911 know whether she's kellya kellya or +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00162-00042912-00043199 or fiona let me just use the name kellya +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00163-00043200-00043423 for this for the purpose of this video +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00164-00043424-00043502 now +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00165-00043503-00043679 clearly i need to understand or rather +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00166-00043680-00043935 any artist any model +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00167-00043936-00044287 any artist any actor any any cast any +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00168-00044288-00044502 minor there are things called release +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00169-00044503-00044758 forms release forms are things that you +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00170-00044759-00044990 sign before you let even anybody record +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00171-00044991-00045158 you that is uh +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00172-00045159-00045343 that is whether you're getting paid or +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00173-00045344-00045558 something and i'll just have some two +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00174-00045559-00045751 examples there's one here +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00175-00045752-00045999 that is uh just got it online for your +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00176-00046000-00046118 own purpose +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00177-00046119-00046358 and here i will not show you +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00178-00046359-00046695 but this is a one called model release +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00179-00046696-00046974 from a model release agreement +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00180-00046975-00047343 from some organization in nairobi +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00181-00047344-00047518 i hope you're not going to zoom into it +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00182-00047519-00047767 mother release agreement and i'll just +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00183-00047768-00047983 read a few things from this mother +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00184-00047984-00048167 release agreement +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00185-00048168-00048407 this uh agreement let me i'll not read +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00186-00048408-00048551 everything but let me just focus on a +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00187-00048552-00048679 few things here +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00188-00048680-00048879 where it talks about uh +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00189-00048880-00049071 the person releasing their +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00190-00049072-00049271 their constant for their image to be +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00191-00049272-00049518 used for a certain period because they +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00192-00049519-00049727 are going to get paid +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00193-00049728-00050071 uh by being a model in this advert so +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00194-00050072-00050199 one +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00195-00050200-00050390 uh let me just you know everything and +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00196-00050391-00050574 just the last person you and your +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00197-00050575-00050871 licensees assignee or clients shall have +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00198-00050872-00051151 unrestricted use of the fade material +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00199-00051152-00051399 for an indefinite period for whatever +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00200-00051400-00051654 purpose you may think fit +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00201-00051655-00051902 the key idea is indefinite period for +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00202-00051903-00052199 whatever purpose you may think fit +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00203-00052200-00052319 indefinite +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00204-00052320-00052511 indefinite +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00205-00052512-00052647 period +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00206-00052648-00053007 then this is a cast release form +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00207-00053008-00053199 i got from +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00208-00053200-00053487 dreamcatcher productions dreamcatcher +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00209-00053488-00053847 productions limited that is in 2011. i +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00210-00053848-00054126 work there around at least +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00211-00054127-00054215 you can +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00212-00054216-00054494 now do whatever you want to do with that +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00213-00054495-00054615 information +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00214-00054616-00054823 this is a cast release form this was a +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00215-00054824-00055071 model release agreement this is a +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00216-00055072-00055342 customer form already a statement by +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00217-00055344-00055519 saying let me just shoot like i am the +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00218-00055520-00055799 one who is signing this cast release +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00219-00055800-00055911 form +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00220-00055912-00055999 from +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00221-00056000-00056166 maestro +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00222-00056167-00056479 in consideration of agreement to pay a +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00223-00056479-00056687 legal fee of the original agreed fee +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00224-00056688-00056887 which is let me use just some figures +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00225-00056888-00057111 there uh 5 000 +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00226-00057112-00057279 then amount in words +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00227-00057279-00057519 only as a cancellation fee +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00228-00057520-00057854 of acting in the tv commercial +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00229-00057855-00058191 whatever bank logo reveal to be used for +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00230-00058191-00058342 two years +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00231-00058344-00058582 in kenya only +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00232-00058583-00058919 this one has a period where you can +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00233-00058920-00059191 allow your image to be used by +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00234-00059191-00059503 the organization so for example i issue +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00235-00059504-00059703 i send this form saying that the nc can +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00236-00059704-00060063 use my image to make money with the +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00237-00060064-00060366 information with the image of +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00238-00060367-00060638 myself acting in whatever even as much +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00239-00060639-00060959 as he has paid me he has that uh +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00240-00060960-00061238 he has that that that right to use my +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00241-00061239-00061479 image but again for how long is an +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00242-00061479-00061671 indefinite period so let me just take +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00243-00061672-00061854 you through now this form that you can +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00244-00061855-00061975 see online +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00245-00061976-00062263 because uh these ones i cannot scan and +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00246-00062264-00062566 i don't know i don't have uh +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00247-00062567-00062719 rights to +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00248-00062720-00062942 to share it publicly unless you go and +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00249-00062944-00063126 act that you can get so this is a video +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00250-00063127-00063463 release from i master official hearing +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00251-00063464-00063759 authorize someone to use edit copy +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00252-00063760-00064023 exhibit distribute and use any video or +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00253-00064024-00064303 videos of me for any lawful purpose so +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00254-00064304-00064487 technology lawful purpose +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00255-00064488-00064694 then i'll ignore the second point then +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00256-00064695-00064911 the third one now the term of this +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00257-00064912-00065182 authorization is indefinite and will be +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00258-00065183-00065575 active unless i rework it in in writing +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00259-00065576-00065743 so by the fact that you first of all +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00260-00065744-00065943 wrote the first agreement +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00261-00065944-00066094 that this +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00262-00066095-00066311 uh the time of this authorization is +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00263-00066312-00066463 indefinite +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00264-00066464-00066543 then +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00265-00066544-00066743 the second one will be +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00266-00066744-00066967 indefinite oh sorry the fact that you +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00267-00066968-00067263 say the authorization is indefinite +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00268-00067264-00067447 and will be active +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00269-00067448-00067567 unless +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00270-00067568-00067806 i terminate it in what i'll work it in +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00271-00067807-00068063 writing so first of all you have given +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00272-00068064-00068199 out your right but then it reaches a +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00273-00068200-00068406 point you don't feel like no that's okay +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00274-00068407-00068767 so the reason i'm saying this is because +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00275-00068768-00069167 of this video of uh uh kellya kellya +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00276-00069168-00069447 sienna in this uh in this +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00277-00069448-00069735 in this video so this is what she says +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00278-00069736-00069855 uh +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00279-00069856-00070015 let me just play for you +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00280-00070016-00070319 at the part uh i've actually forgotten +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00281-00070320-00070526 at the minute because +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00282-00070527-00070671 i'm saying many things +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00283-00070672-00070967 so on this minute he says uh let me just +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00284-00070968-00071067 please +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00285-00071068-00072326 [Music] +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00286-00072327-00072711 it's not even fair at all i felt like i +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00287-00072712-00073662 should put it out when you +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00288-00073663-00073831 so the key thing there is that the +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00289-00073832-00074047 moment he got in touch with him to pull +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00290-00074048-00074303 down the video then he asked for ten +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00291-00074304-00074503 thousand yet he had paid her 500 chicken +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00292-00074504-00074662 issues i think that's the part that is +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00293-00074663-00074862 not really making sense for her but you +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00294-00074863-00075103 know if you haven't signed a cash +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00295-00075104-00075415 release or a video release form then you +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00296-00075416-00075543 can do whatever you want to do and you +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00297-00075544-00075831 can't take him anywhere no the thing is +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00298-00075832-00076062 now that you didn't sign that you can +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00299-00076063-00076255 take him to court you can swim if you +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00300-00076256-00076359 want to +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00301-00076360-00076615 but again this is just information for +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00302-00076616-00076782 all your friends who want to get into +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00303-00076783-00077103 modeling acting being an artist and +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00304-00077104-00077247 dealing with producers and they're like +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00305-00077248-00077479 these people knows many things to do +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00306-00077480-00077703 with media and they will manipulate you +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00307-00077704-00077903 and make you sign things that you don't +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00308-00077904-00078126 want because you just want money you see +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00309-00078127-00078311 so make sure that every time before you +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00310-00078312-00078431 sign these +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00311-00078432-00078767 release forms or before acting make sure +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00312-00078768-00079015 you sign one and have an agreement and +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00313-00079016-00079215 read it to understand +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00314-00079216-00079431 what you are doing so with that i'll +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00315-00079432-00079575 just leave it to you so that you can +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00316-00079576-00079775 have a good day and have a good time +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00317-00079776-00079935 make sure you share with your friends +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00318-00079936-00080126 and let them focus on the path that they +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00319-00080127-00080238 need to know +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00320-00080239-00080503 in terms of acting and presenting that +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00321-00080504-00080759 image to be used by +nV9ZhbSkVnY-00322-00080760-00081107 by producers +nXSjAXCrhBI-00000-00000006-00000538 that's like that hot hot burning flame +nXSjAXCrhBI-00001-00000539-00000932 that passion that consumes all that +nXSjAXCrhBI-00002-00000933-00001750 flesh oh that's it that desire that fire +nXSjAXCrhBI-00003-00001751-00002257 that will that burning burning will that +nXSjAXCrhBI-00004-00002258-00002522 they're doing that's kind of kind of +nXSjAXCrhBI-00005-00002523-00002654 bringing all those things into harmony +nXSjAXCrhBI-00006-00002655-00002887 and in order and all that kind of stuff +nXSjAXCrhBI-00007-00002888-00003133 moving the cycle making sure it moves +nXSjAXCrhBI-00008-00003134-00003272 forward and all that kind of stuff yes +nXSjAXCrhBI-00009-00003272-00003595 that's what they're doing now down here +nXSjAXCrhBI-00010-00003596-00003902 on earth you can access the free I think +nXSjAXCrhBI-00011-00003903-00004124 free will maybe like maybe a 20% thing +nXSjAXCrhBI-00012-00004125-00004486 we or whatever you know I'm saying is +nXSjAXCrhBI-00013-00004487-00004640 it's small in comparison to the amount +nXSjAXCrhBI-00014-00004641-00004813 of bondage you're getting here I really +nXSjAXCrhBI-00015-00004814-00005104 do think so in its it's the amount of +nXSjAXCrhBI-00016-00005105-00005261 free will you have is lesser than the +nXSjAXCrhBI-00017-00005262-00005420 amount is much less than the amount of +nXSjAXCrhBI-00018-00005421-00005558 bondage at this time does that mean that +nXSjAXCrhBI-00019-00005559-00005647 the universe does not create other +nXSjAXCrhBI-00020-00005648-00005792 systems and some existence that are +nXSjAXCrhBI-00021-00005793-00006181 different no there are other realms of +nXSjAXCrhBI-00022-00006182-00006370 existence in which free will is probably +nXSjAXCrhBI-00023-00006371-00006620 the dominant force okay versus the +nXSjAXCrhBI-00024-00006620-00006748 bondage force that we have here with +nXSjAXCrhBI-00025-00006750-00006934 planets spinning and bonding us and so +nXSjAXCrhBI-00026-00006936-00007045 the players are binding us since you +nXSjAXCrhBI-00027-00007047-00007153 have keeping us here some camp certain +nXSjAXCrhBI-00028-00007154-00007334 experiences it's that simple you know +nXSjAXCrhBI-00029-00007334-00007667 understand now you're here to learn some +nXSjAXCrhBI-00030-00007668-00007795 things the planets moving is kind of +nXSjAXCrhBI-00031-00007797-00007945 there to remind you of that it really is +nXSjAXCrhBI-00032-00007947-00008117 there you remind you that you know +nXSjAXCrhBI-00033-00008118-00008288 you're this thing this little this +nXSjAXCrhBI-00034-00008289-00008498 little uh this little soul that needs +nXSjAXCrhBI-00035-00008499-00008720 help needs steering and stuff like that +nXSjAXCrhBI-00036-00008721-00008894 and you look at big brothers sister look +nXSjAXCrhBI-00037-00008895-00009074 at mommy and daddy big brother and +nXSjAXCrhBI-00038-00009075-00009470 sisters pride more accurate you know you +nXSjAXCrhBI-00039-00009471-00009659 need to you need that other that greater +nXSjAXCrhBI-00040-00009660-00009889 figure that higher power to look at to +nXSjAXCrhBI-00041-00009890-00010042 see that the pad just like you were +nXSjAXCrhBI-00042-00010043-00010153 human being you see someone taking a +nXSjAXCrhBI-00043-00010154-00010370 path in life whoa they're doing good for +nXSjAXCrhBI-00044-00010371-00010478 themselves and stuff like that I want to +nXSjAXCrhBI-00045-00010479-00010688 follow them I want to imitate or emulate +nXSjAXCrhBI-00046-00010689-00010781 something that they're doing to get +nXSjAXCrhBI-00047-00010782-00010895 where I'm going same thing planets like +nXSjAXCrhBI-00048-00010896-00011110 planet doing that signs out shining +nXSjAXCrhBI-00049-00011111-00011260 maybe you need to be out shining too +nXSjAXCrhBI-00050-00011261-00011405 sometimes lot y'all need to be outside +nXSjAXCrhBI-00051-00011406-00011576 depending on the particular planet that +nXSjAXCrhBI-00052-00011577-00011630 rules you +nXSjAXCrhBI-00053-00011631-00011860 Jupiter's doing that any rules if you're +nXSjAXCrhBI-00054-00011861-00011984 a Pisces or something like that okay I +nXSjAXCrhBI-00055-00011985-00012199 need to be doing doing that then that's +nXSjAXCrhBI-00056-00012200-00012353 my lord or whatever I pick my big +nXSjAXCrhBI-00057-00012354-00012527 brother you know you can look at it that +nXSjAXCrhBI-00058-00012528-00012683 way +nXSjAXCrhBI-00059-00012684-00013138 and then on top of it all also exceed +nXSjAXCrhBI-00060-00013138-00013328 the news are +nXSjAXCrhBI-00061-00013329-00013946 that [__] enslaved it plays with those +nXSjAXCrhBI-00062-00013947-00014119 kinds of things so why is it that the +nXSjAXCrhBI-00063-00014120-00014380 the fixation gets all the attention over +nXSjAXCrhBI-00064-00014381-00014816 the the freewill aspect it's obviously +nXSjAXCrhBI-00065-00014816-00015016 because I told you in the realm that we +nXSjAXCrhBI-00066-00015018-00015260 exist the fixation is easily seen more +nXSjAXCrhBI-00067-00015261-00015605 so it's actually it there's the current +nXSjAXCrhBI-00068-00015606-00015772 like the motion of the cycles and stuff +nXSjAXCrhBI-00069-00015773-00016159 like that is it's easily witnessing see +nXSjAXCrhBI-00070-00016160-00016325 that okay you live you're a little thing +nXSjAXCrhBI-00071-00016326-00016519 that is moved by bigger stuff and you +nXSjAXCrhBI-00072-00016520-00016778 can feel weak by them something live in +nXSjAXCrhBI-00073-00016779-00016897 a community to have enough money or +nXSjAXCrhBI-00074-00016898-00017078 whatever you know to do move to do +nXSjAXCrhBI-00075-00017079-00017147 certain things +nXSjAXCrhBI-00076-00017148-00017327 see that's the bondage aspect of the +nXSjAXCrhBI-00077-00017328-00017477 reality revealing itself to you in that +nXSjAXCrhBI-00078-00017478-00017771 form in a way it's revealing the +nXSjAXCrhBI-00079-00017772-00017903 limitation through that through things +nXSjAXCrhBI-00080-00017904-00018064 that you cannot [__] do and stuff +nXSjAXCrhBI-00081-00018065-00018211 like that in the reality that shows you +nXSjAXCrhBI-00082-00018212-00018583 that you're limited and it makes in most +nXSjAXCrhBI-00083-00018584-00018709 people feel like well you guys anybody +nXSjAXCrhBI-00084-00018710-00018821 do you feel you can do what you can do +nXSjAXCrhBI-00085-00018822-00019028 maybe they you live out your dreams you +nXSjAXCrhBI-00086-00019029-00019208 feel like you do that we was doing it at +nXSjAXCrhBI-00087-00019209-00019489 the early 90s you could be whatever you +nXSjAXCrhBI-00088-00019490-00019744 want all these [__] actors in show I +nXSjAXCrhBI-00089-00019745-00020222 did you're saying that and you got here +nXSjAXCrhBI-00090-00020223-00020425 like a [__] tourist and with some +nXSjAXCrhBI-00091-00020426-00020627 area some area traits the [__] like that +nXSjAXCrhBI-00092-00020628-00020794 you know them saying the tour is +nXSjAXCrhBI-00093-00020795-00021100 ascending or actually I'll probably +nXSjAXCrhBI-00094-00021101-00021286 you're uh the people were the movers and +nXSjAXCrhBI-00095-00021287-00021389 shakers we really want to do something +nXSjAXCrhBI-00096-00021390-00021628 you know it's gonna be your Aires or +nXSjAXCrhBI-00097-00021629-00021740 something like that make it here as a +nXSjAXCrhBI-00098-00021741-00021911 sender or something Co they're gonna set +nXSjAXCrhBI-00099-00021912-00022093 out next to try to achieve something +nXSjAXCrhBI-00100-00022094-00022369 ambition all that kind of stuff then the +nXSjAXCrhBI-00101-00022370-00022511 ones that's gonna be doing that and then +nXSjAXCrhBI-00102-00022512-00022742 probably the ones that say that these +nXSjAXCrhBI-00103-00022743-00022978 Leon iron fiery characters and stuff +nXSjAXCrhBI-00104-00022979-00023183 like that Aires and [__] you don't want +nXSjAXCrhBI-00105-00023184-00023518 that you know that they tend to exercise +nXSjAXCrhBI-00106-00023519-00024082 free will see that will +nZ5b6GGe8e4-00000-00000959-00001395 everything +nZ5b6GGe8e4-00001-00001396-00001472 [Music] +nZ5b6GGe8e4-00002-00001473-00001728 [Applause] +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00000-00000053-00000323 prayers you know answered for getting +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00001-00000324-00000557 your prayers answered and you know it +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00002-00000558-00000761 can get so frustrating when your answer +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00003-00000762-00000947 is no and you and your prayers are not +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00004-00000948-00001103 being answered because in the Book of +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00005-00001104-00001408 Luke chapter 18 verse 1 Jesus tells us +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00006-00001409-00001726 that you know men ought always to pray +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00007-00001727-00001937 and not to lose hope you can lose hope +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00008-00001938-00002165 personally I've lost hope in a few +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00009-00002166-00002410 things when you pray and you never get +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00010-00002411-00002645 answers you pray and you never get +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00011-00002646-00002747 answers +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00012-00002748-00003113 any human being can lose hope and you +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00013-00003114-00003281 know what one day I think the disciples +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00014-00003282-00003533 had observed the Disciples of John the +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00015-00003534-00003772 Baptist praying and praying and they had +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00016-00003773-00004036 to observe their their their teacher +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00017-00004037-00004199 they used to call Jesus their teacher +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00018-00004200-00004504 praying so they went to Jesus and asked +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00019-00004505-00004829 him teach us how to pray and Jesus +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00020-00004830-00005117 taught them how to pray meaning there is +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00021-00005118-00005381 a formula to pray and Jesus taught them +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00022-00005382-00005681 how to pray in the book of a that is in +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00023-00005682-00005891 Luke chapter 11 as well as Matthew +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00024-00005892-00006179 chapter 6. Jesus taught them how to pray +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00025-00006180-00006454 the Lord's Prayer is actually a formula +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00026-00006455-00006706 on how to pray it is not the prayer +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00027-00006708-00006910 itself it's just that for me it's a +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00028-00006911-00007110 guideline even though +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00029-00007111-00007414 Our Father in heaven Hallowed Be Your +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00030-00007415-00007714 Name Your Kingdom Come your your will be +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00031-00007715-00007960 Daniel not as it is in heaven that is a +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00032-00007961-00008231 Formula that is not a prayer so let us +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00033-00008232-00008531 not get confused I know most of us have +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00034-00008532-00008705 been told that that is a prayer that is +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00035-00008706-00009145 just a foreign +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00036-00009146-00009383 yes this is the same thing when it comes +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00037-00009384-00009592 to prayer so Jesus gave them a formula +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00038-00009593-00009791 on how to pray +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00039-00009792-00010151 but on what to pray for that is when the +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00040-00010152-00010445 Holy Spirit now comes in to teach you on +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00041-00010446-00010756 what to pray you know the Holy Spirit +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00042-00010757-00011045 such as the heart of God that is in the +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00043-00011046-00011278 book of First con Corinthians chapter 2 +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00044-00011279-00011519 verse 10 the Holy Spirit such as the +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00045-00011520-00011813 heart of God and then it gives you what +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00046-00011814-00012101 to pray for it guides you on what to +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00047-00012102-00012388 pray so Jesus gives us a formula how to +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00048-00012389-00012778 pray but the Holy Spirit teaches us what +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00049-00012779-00013133 to pray for in that way you get your +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00050-00013134-00013379 answer prayers so your prayers answered +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00051-00013380-00013727 all right the Holy Spirit teaches us all +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00052-00013728-00013925 more to pray and most of the time when +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00053-00013926-00014194 the Holy Spirit teaches us on what to +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00054-00014195-00014501 pray for most all not most of the time +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00055-00014502-00014807 all the time it leads us to the word of +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00056-00014808-00014903 God +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00057-00014904-00015179 so the holy spirit in akulid God the +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00058-00015180-00015377 word of God and always the word of God +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00059-00015378-00015544 will always lead you to the holy spirit +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00060-00015545-00015797 so it's like a complete thing it's +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00061-00015797-00016030 complement each other you cannot work +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00062-00016031-00016186 with the Holy Spirit without the word of +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00063-00016187-00016336 God you cannot walk with the word of God +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00064-00016337-00016500 without the holy spirit so it's +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00065-00016501-00016822 gonna complement each other like this so +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00066-00016823-00017117 when Jesus teaches us on how to pray the +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00067-00017118-00017333 Holy Spirit comes in and teaches that on +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00068-00017334-00017579 what to pray for and mostly the holy +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00069-00017580-00017765 spirit always guides us with the word +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00070-00017766-00017986 with every situation that you're going +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00071-00017987-00018341 through the holy spirit will teach you a +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00072-00018342-00018713 word yeah your situation yeah +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00073-00018714-00019055 every time it always gives you that a +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00074-00019056-00019277 Bible verse your situation whatever +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00075-00019278-00019564 situation you're going through the Holy +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00076-00019565-00019847 Spirit guides you on a word that you're +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00077-00019848-00020194 gonna pray for because it is very +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00078-00020195-00020483 important to pray in line with the word +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00079-00020484-00020994 of God tonight +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00080-00020995-00021257 makes the president a Catholic in prayer +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00081-00021258-00021472 it's very important to pray with the +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00082-00021473-00021791 word of God because God is not one that +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00083-00021792-00022013 he should lie God has exalted his word +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00084-00022014-00022241 above his name +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00085-00022242-00022571 he he cannot deny his word like for +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00086-00022572-00022780 example in every situation like let me +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00087-00022781-00022972 say if you are sick +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00088-00022973-00023321 and the Bible say bye his stripes you +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00089-00023322-00023435 are healed +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00090-00023436-00023680 so it is the word of God so when you go +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00091-00023681-00023914 to prayer you you say according to your +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00092-00023915-00024136 word Heavenly Father you say by your +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00093-00024137-00024371 stripes we were healed and it's a past +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00094-00024372-00024607 thing that +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00095-00024608-00024947 in the present circumstances So when you +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00096-00024948-00025253 say that one you trigger God to answer +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00097-00025254-00025558 his word because he cannot deny his own +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00098-00025559-00025870 word that way you you get answered +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00099-00025872-00026134 prayers you get prayers answered I don't +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00100-00026135-00026333 know if you're getting me like you pray +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00101-00026333-00026596 that this that circumstances that you're +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00102-00026597-00026777 in or that thing that you're trusting +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00103-00026777-00027070 God for the Holy Spirit gonna give you a +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00104-00027072-00027340 word for that you search the Bible the +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00105-00027341-00027946 Bible and get a scripture situation +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00106-00027947-00028246 and then when you go to pray you quote +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00107-00028247-00028529 that word of God God can never deny his +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00108-00028530-00028817 word anasema he has exalted his word +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00109-00028818-00029189 above his name he is not man to lie +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00110-00029189-00029435 neither is the son of man to change his +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00111-00029436-00029795 mind if he has said it he will do it so +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00112-00029795-00030040 he have he has not said it he cannot do +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00113-00030041-00030281 it but always he has said it so he's +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00114-00030282-00030652 gonna do it so guys Holy Spirit word of +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00115-00030654-00030940 God and how to pray when Jesus taught us +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00116-00030941-00031240 like that you get +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00117-00031241-00031643 your prayers answered all right guys yes +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00118-00031644-00031781 we continue with this we'll continue +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00119-00031782-00032045 with this because God I like this God +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00120-00032045-00032399 God never answers your word god answers +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00121-00032400-00032573 his word +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00122-00032574-00032807 guys I'll just leave it at that right +nZx9Hpo-XLg-00123-00032808-00033319 and the child said amen amen amen +nbjMqvvuWLE-00000-00000000-00000199 yo elliott i have been attending a +nbjMqvvuWLE-00001-00000200-00000534 catholic church since beginning exodus +nbjMqvvuWLE-00002-00000535-00000751 i really liked this church at first but +nbjMqvvuWLE-00003-00000752-00000935 began to notice more and more that the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00004-00000936-00001079 priest is very +nbjMqvvuWLE-00005-00001080-00001295 let's say blue pill +nbjMqvvuWLE-00006-00001296-00001462 he constantly talks about and supports +nbjMqvvuWLE-00007-00001463-00001655 the popular narrative like mask wearing +nbjMqvvuWLE-00008-00001655-00001782 vaccines +nbjMqvvuWLE-00009-00001784-00001998 and the mainstream things +nbjMqvvuWLE-00010-00002000-00002167 last sunday he announced that he would +nbjMqvvuWLE-00011-00002168-00002318 be pushing for some changes in the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00012-00002319-00002463 church such as having women more +nbjMqvvuWLE-00013-00002464-00002679 involved in making decisions and giving +nbjMqvvuWLE-00014-00002680-00002983 them more power also making way for to +nbjMqvvuWLE-00015-00002984-00003311 accommodate the lgbt people +nbjMqvvuWLE-00016-00003311-00003551 reasons for this were listening to the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00017-00003552-00003686 community and bringing the church up to +nbjMqvvuWLE-00018-00003688-00003886 date with modern culture obviously this +nbjMqvvuWLE-00019-00003887-00004047 goes against the traditional church +nbjMqvvuWLE-00020-00004047-00004254 values i couldn't help but to think that +nbjMqvvuWLE-00021-00004255-00004447 satan is within the church +nbjMqvvuWLE-00022-00004448-00004631 am i overreacting or should i seek out a +nbjMqvvuWLE-00023-00004632-00004783 more traditional church i'm curious to +nbjMqvvuWLE-00024-00004784-00004935 hear your thoughts on this +nbjMqvvuWLE-00025-00004936-00005151 first of all i gotta suggest a book for +nbjMqvvuWLE-00026-00005152-00005263 you to read so that everybody +nbjMqvvuWLE-00027-00005264-00005399 understands what's going on with the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00028-00005400-00005663 church it has been infiltrated +nbjMqvvuWLE-00029-00005664-00005895 all the all the bad things you're seeing +nbjMqvvuWLE-00030-00005896-00006038 happening in the church +nbjMqvvuWLE-00031-00006039-00006327 have been a result of an infiltration +nbjMqvvuWLE-00032-00006328-00006486 process that has been happening since at +nbjMqvvuWLE-00033-00006487-00006710 least since at least the 1950s and it's +nbjMqvvuWLE-00034-00006711-00006791 all +nbjMqvvuWLE-00035-00006792-00007046 documented in a book called infiltration +nbjMqvvuWLE-00036-00007047-00007198 by +nbjMqvvuWLE-00037-00007200-00007414 taylor marshall dr taylor marshall he's +nbjMqvvuWLE-00038-00007415-00007527 not the only one that's written about +nbjMqvvuWLE-00039-00007528-00007678 this there's lots of youtube videos a +nbjMqvvuWLE-00040-00007679-00007910 lot of documentaries about this +nbjMqvvuWLE-00041-00007911-00008078 it has been known for a long time that +nbjMqvvuWLE-00042-00008079-00008263 the smoke of satan has entered the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00043-00008264-00008535 church through many different ways but +nbjMqvvuWLE-00044-00008536-00008703 one of which is there's a woman named +nbjMqvvuWLE-00045-00008704-00008903 bella dodd +nbjMqvvuWLE-00046-00008904-00009046 the plot to destroy the church thank you +nbjMqvvuWLE-00047-00009047-00009135 rob +nbjMqvvuWLE-00048-00009136-00009303 there's a woman named bella dad who has +nbjMqvvuWLE-00049-00009304-00009478 admitted because she was converted to +nbjMqvvuWLE-00050-00009479-00009823 catholicism but beforehand she was a +nbjMqvvuWLE-00051-00009824-00010127 enemy to the church that they +nbjMqvvuWLE-00052-00010128-00010206 put +nbjMqvvuWLE-00053-00010207-00010471 a hundred or i think she said fifteen +nbjMqvvuWLE-00054-00010472-00010663 hundred of their men +nbjMqvvuWLE-00055-00010664-00010878 marxist homosexuals +nbjMqvvuWLE-00056-00010879-00011046 uh +nbjMqvvuWLE-00057-00011047-00011319 communist in the seminary so and that +nbjMqvvuWLE-00058-00011320-00011510 happened in like the 1960s so right now +nbjMqvvuWLE-00059-00011511-00011831 we're we're experiencing the fruit of +nbjMqvvuWLE-00060-00011832-00011974 those seeds that we're planting in the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00061-00011975-00012191 church right now so we've got all these +nbjMqvvuWLE-00062-00012192-00012310 blue pill +nbjMqvvuWLE-00063-00012311-00012535 homosexual priests +nbjMqvvuWLE-00064-00012536-00012735 that gave us scandal right they were +nbjMqvvuWLE-00065-00012736-00012886 doing their homosexual things with the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00066-00012887-00013119 boys right those weren't legitimate +nbjMqvvuWLE-00067-00013119-00013463 catholic priests those were infiltrates +nbjMqvvuWLE-00068-00013463-00013735 they were subverters they were snuck in +nbjMqvvuWLE-00069-00013736-00013847 there +nbjMqvvuWLE-00070-00013847-00013951 right +nbjMqvvuWLE-00071-00013952-00014119 any negative feelings you have about the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00072-00014119-00014263 church itself you've got to understand +nbjMqvvuWLE-00073-00014263-00014494 that the smoke of satan has seeped in +nbjMqvvuWLE-00074-00014495-00014671 and it was from the outside in +nbjMqvvuWLE-00075-00014672-00015055 even the papacy +nbjMqvvuWLE-00076-00015056-00015327 i don't know but pope francis acts a lot +nbjMqvvuWLE-00077-00015328-00015503 like a freemason and if you know +nbjMqvvuWLE-00078-00015504-00015583 anything about the history of +nbjMqvvuWLE-00079-00015584-00015830 freemasonry and the catholic church +nbjMqvvuWLE-00080-00015831-00016030 they're at odds completely at odds and +nbjMqvvuWLE-00081-00016031-00016279 the goal of the freemason has always +nbjMqvvuWLE-00082-00016280-00016447 been to destroy the catholic church +nbjMqvvuWLE-00083-00016448-00016630 they're doing a pretty good job through +nbjMqvvuWLE-00084-00016631-00016855 infiltration getting and this is all +nbjMqvvuWLE-00085-00016856-00017039 documented i'm not making this stuff up +nbjMqvvuWLE-00086-00017040-00017286 the whole idea was to get their own man +nbjMqvvuWLE-00087-00017287-00017447 in the church which i think they may +nbjMqvvuWLE-00088-00017448-00017615 have done but they've probably done it +nbjMqvvuWLE-00089-00017616-00017814 for a while too i think a lot of people +nbjMqvvuWLE-00090-00017815-00018119 say that about john pope john paul ii +nbjMqvvuWLE-00091-00018120-00018327 i don't know i'm a new catholic +nbjMqvvuWLE-00092-00018328-00018567 i'm just trying to learn stuff +nbjMqvvuWLE-00093-00018568-00018943 so if you find if you start to smell the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00094-00018944-00019143 scent of +nbjMqvvuWLE-00095-00019144-00019279 marxism +nbjMqvvuWLE-00096-00019280-00019407 lgbt +nbjMqvvuWLE-00097-00019408-00019527 blue pill +nbjMqvvuWLE-00098-00019528-00019735 feminism in the church you got to +nbjMqvvuWLE-00099-00019736-00019903 understand that that church the the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00100-00019904-00020167 smoke of satan is deep within +nbjMqvvuWLE-00101-00020168-00020343 especially if it's coming from the from +nbjMqvvuWLE-00102-00020344-00020711 the from the leadership +nbjMqvvuWLE-00103-00020712-00020886 and you need to find a different one you +nbjMqvvuWLE-00104-00020887-00021007 do you really do because you're going to +nbjMqvvuWLE-00105-00021008-00021203 be totally you're going to be +nbjMqvvuWLE-00106-00021204-00021407 disenchanted you're going to be +nbjMqvvuWLE-00107-00021408-00021558 disserved you're going to be +nbjMqvvuWLE-00108-00021559-00021703 disappointed +nbjMqvvuWLE-00109-00021704-00021919 and it's going to be a it's going to be +nbjMqvvuWLE-00110-00021920-00022030 a problem +nbjMqvvuWLE-00111-00022031-00022214 i would rather you +nbjMqvvuWLE-00112-00022215-00022511 leave that and find a traditional church +nbjMqvvuWLE-00113-00022512-00022750 than to start to hate the church +nbjMqvvuWLE-00114-00022751-00022903 especially since you just started coming +nbjMqvvuWLE-00115-00022904-00023143 back +nbjMqvvuWLE-00116-00023144-00023447 that's a church that's that's not +nbjMqvvuWLE-00117-00023448-00023719 a good church +nbjMqvvuWLE-00118-00023720-00023958 the catholic church is really very +nbjMqvvuWLE-00119-00023959-00024111 conservative +nbjMqvvuWLE-00120-00024112-00024399 when it's being itself +nbjMqvvuWLE-00121-00024400-00024550 and so you have to find out you got to +nbjMqvvuWLE-00122-00024551-00024694 look for places where the church is +nbjMqvvuWLE-00123-00024695-00024871 actually being the church and where the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00124-00024872-00025055 church is being the world this whole +nbjMqvvuWLE-00125-00025056-00025358 idea of bringing the community up to +nbjMqvvuWLE-00126-00025359-00025622 modern culture that doesn't work the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00127-00025623-00025774 church is the church of the church for +nbjMqvvuWLE-00128-00025775-00025967 2000 years +nbjMqvvuWLE-00129-00025968-00026134 tradition tradition +nbjMqvvuWLE-00130-00026135-00026270 that's what makes catholic different +nbjMqvvuWLE-00131-00026272-00026446 than protestant that we have tradition +nbjMqvvuWLE-00132-00026447-00026583 two thousand years of tradition +nbjMqvvuWLE-00133-00026583-00026718 protestants can change their mind about +nbjMqvvuWLE-00134-00026719-00026862 things anything they want they make up +nbjMqvvuWLE-00135-00026863-00027079 their own stuff anytime they're not held +nbjMqvvuWLE-00136-00027080-00027239 to any standard +nbjMqvvuWLE-00137-00027239-00027407 but the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00138-00027408-00027631 catholic church is actually held to an +nbjMqvvuWLE-00139-00027632-00027831 apostolic tradition +nbjMqvvuWLE-00140-00027832-00028014 our traditions have been passed down +nbjMqvvuWLE-00141-00028016-00028383 from the apostles and they cannot change +nbjMqvvuWLE-00142-00028383-00028623 right and it will all go back to the way +nbjMqvvuWLE-00143-00028624-00028751 it's supposed to be but right now the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00144-00028752-00028983 church is going through its passion +nbjMqvvuWLE-00145-00028983-00029118 which means if the church is really the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00146-00029119-00029327 body of christ it needs to go through a +nbjMqvvuWLE-00147-00029327-00029487 time of betrayal +nbjMqvvuWLE-00148-00029488-00029751 and a time of persecution +nbjMqvvuWLE-00149-00029752-00029895 and what do we have right now just like +nbjMqvvuWLE-00150-00029895-00030199 judas betrayed and he was persecuted by +nbjMqvvuWLE-00151-00030200-00030358 you know pontius pilate +nbjMqvvuWLE-00152-00030360-00030551 and the jews right +nbjMqvvuWLE-00153-00030552-00030687 is the same way the church is going +nbjMqvvuWLE-00154-00030688-00030883 through its betrayal all the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00155-00030883-00031118 infiltration and the freemasonry and the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00156-00031119-00031367 homosexuality and all the bad stuff +nbjMqvvuWLE-00157-00031368-00031567 there's a betrayal and it's our bishops +nbjMqvvuWLE-00158-00031568-00031758 are betraying us in that regard +nbjMqvvuWLE-00159-00031760-00031951 our magisterium is betraying us in that +nbjMqvvuWLE-00160-00031952-00032214 regard the betrayal is from within right +nbjMqvvuWLE-00161-00032216-00032414 judas was one of his 12. one of jesus +nbjMqvvuWLE-00162-00032416-00032607 12. +nbjMqvvuWLE-00163-00032608-00032951 jesus was infiltrated essentially his 12 +nbjMqvvuWLE-00164-00032952-00033318 was infiltrated it was from within +nbjMqvvuWLE-00165-00033319-00033615 so his betrayal was from within as the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00166-00033616-00033759 body of christ we're going through a +nbjMqvvuWLE-00167-00033760-00033943 betrayal from within so we have to go +nbjMqvvuWLE-00168-00033944-00034255 through this but just the same way that +nbjMqvvuWLE-00169-00034256-00034446 christ is +nbjMqvvuWLE-00170-00034447-00034718 risen the church will rise again +nbjMqvvuWLE-00171-00034719-00034927 it has to go through its passion +nbjMqvvuWLE-00172-00034928-00035087 and we're seeing it just i mean we're +nbjMqvvuWLE-00173-00035088-00035255 being nailed to the cross right now this +nbjMqvvuWLE-00174-00035256-00035383 is ridiculous +nbjMqvvuWLE-00175-00035384-00035479 but +nbjMqvvuWLE-00176-00035480-00035727 but anyway +nbjMqvvuWLE-00177-00035728-00035959 and it's not that the church doesn't +nbjMqvvuWLE-00178-00035960-00036207 love all people +nbjMqvvuWLE-00179-00036208-00036495 it's just the church is there to +nbjMqvvuWLE-00180-00036496-00036839 serve people in going the right way +nbjMqvvuWLE-00181-00036840-00037079 you don't bend two thousand years of +nbjMqvvuWLE-00182-00037080-00037367 tradition to go the way of the world +nbjMqvvuWLE-00183-00037368-00037623 you require the world to bend the way to +nbjMqvvuWLE-00184-00037624-00037830 tradition +nbjMqvvuWLE-00185-00037831-00038039 i was with our catechist this week and +nbjMqvvuWLE-00186-00038040-00038311 she was talking to the kids about uh +nbjMqvvuWLE-00187-00038312-00038471 homosexuals +nbjMqvvuWLE-00188-00038472-00038639 the church doesn't hate homosexuals +nbjMqvvuWLE-00189-00038640-00038790 don't let the marxists tell you any +nbjMqvvuWLE-00190-00038791-00038927 differently or the rainbow called to +nbjMqvvuWLE-00191-00038928-00039143 tell you differently the church was very +nbjMqvvuWLE-00192-00039144-00039430 welcome to homosexuals +nbjMqvvuWLE-00193-00039431-00039527 but +nbjMqvvuWLE-00194-00039528-00039846 requires just like it does for everyone +nbjMqvvuWLE-00195-00039847-00039959 else +nbjMqvvuWLE-00196-00039960-00040118 that you +nbjMqvvuWLE-00197-00040119-00040390 work through your sin +nbjMqvvuWLE-00198-00040391-00040518 right +nbjMqvvuWLE-00199-00040519-00040687 you don't +nbjMqvvuWLE-00200-00040688-00040895 fornicate right +nbjMqvvuWLE-00201-00040896-00041030 lgbt +nbjMqvvuWLE-00202-00041031-00041190 is a fruit of +nbjMqvvuWLE-00203-00041191-00041390 hookup culture they kind of work the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00204-00041391-00041527 same +nbjMqvvuWLE-00205-00041528-00041727 right we have hookup culture +nbjMqvvuWLE-00206-00041728-00041902 and lgbt they're both the same thing +nbjMqvvuWLE-00207-00041903-00042102 hookup culture and lgbt is all about +nbjMqvvuWLE-00208-00042103-00042343 having fun sex right +nbjMqvvuWLE-00209-00042344-00042495 having having +nbjMqvvuWLE-00210-00042496-00042727 gay sex but sex is about having sex +nbjMqvvuWLE-00211-00042728-00043062 without any responsibility +nbjMqvvuWLE-00212-00043063-00043295 same thing with uh +nbjMqvvuWLE-00213-00043296-00043502 contraceptive sex that's what e michael +nbjMqvvuWLE-00214-00043503-00043711 jones talks about contraceptive sex is +nbjMqvvuWLE-00215-00043712-00043879 basically homosexual sex because it +nbjMqvvuWLE-00216-00043880-00044183 comes from that same sentiment +nbjMqvvuWLE-00217-00044184-00044335 in the same way +nbjMqvvuWLE-00218-00044336-00044439 that +nbjMqvvuWLE-00219-00044440-00044711 say i'm a lustful man and i want to have +nbjMqvvuWLE-00220-00044712-00044943 sex outside of my marriage the church is +nbjMqvvuWLE-00221-00044944-00045079 going to hold me to hold me to a +nbjMqvvuWLE-00222-00045080-00045279 standard and say no no elliot we love +nbjMqvvuWLE-00223-00045280-00045423 you +nbjMqvvuWLE-00224-00045424-00045615 i understand that you're battling with +nbjMqvvuWLE-00225-00045616-00045758 some sin +nbjMqvvuWLE-00226-00045759-00045999 we're not going to condone that sin but +nbjMqvvuWLE-00227-00046000-00046183 we want to help you +nbjMqvvuWLE-00228-00046184-00046383 to invite lgbt people into the church is +nbjMqvvuWLE-00229-00046384-00046495 a beautiful thing it's the right thing +nbjMqvvuWLE-00230-00046496-00046590 to do +nbjMqvvuWLE-00231-00046591-00046751 but you don't say +nbjMqvvuWLE-00232-00046752-00046902 yes +nbjMqvvuWLE-00233-00046903-00047118 go and fornicate yes we're going to +nbjMqvvuWLE-00234-00047119-00047358 bless your unholy union +nbjMqvvuWLE-00235-00047359-00047607 yes we're going to bless your +nbjMqvvuWLE-00236-00047608-00047911 disordered marriage right made up +nbjMqvvuWLE-00237-00047912-00048135 imaginary marriage +nbjMqvvuWLE-00238-00048136-00048343 right you don't this is another thing +nbjMqvvuWLE-00239-00048344-00048671 even with like uh transgender people +nbjMqvvuWLE-00240-00048672-00048855 you don't help people +nbjMqvvuWLE-00241-00048856-00048958 by +nbjMqvvuWLE-00242-00048959-00049118 facilitating +nbjMqvvuWLE-00243-00049119-00049407 or um +nbjMqvvuWLE-00244-00049408-00049551 what's that word when you let them do it +nbjMqvvuWLE-00245-00049552-00049823 and you help them do it their sin right +nbjMqvvuWLE-00246-00049824-00050062 you don't help people by +nbjMqvvuWLE-00247-00050063-00050271 enabling their +nbjMqvvuWLE-00248-00050272-00050407 problems +nbjMqvvuWLE-00249-00050408-00050767 you say oh i notice you have a problem +nbjMqvvuWLE-00250-00050768-00050999 right this is why it's so diabolical +nbjMqvvuWLE-00251-00051000-00051230 that they use the word pride +nbjMqvvuWLE-00252-00051232-00051454 do you notice lgbt uses pride what is +nbjMqvvuWLE-00253-00051455-00051687 pride pride is the first sin pride is +nbjMqvvuWLE-00254-00051688-00051942 the most is the gravest sin +nbjMqvvuWLE-00255-00051944-00052063 pride you say pride they know what +nbjMqvvuWLE-00256-00052064-00052190 you're talking about right away which +nbjMqvvuWLE-00257-00052191-00052526 basically means i'm proud in my sin +nbjMqvvuWLE-00258-00052527-00052766 i'm not going to repent for my sin i'm +nbjMqvvuWLE-00259-00052767-00053030 going to flaunt my sin and i'm going to +nbjMqvvuWLE-00260-00053032-00053399 do it and you have to accept this +nbjMqvvuWLE-00261-00053400-00053630 marching through your street every every +nbjMqvvuWLE-00262-00053632-00053847 year in june which used to be father's +nbjMqvvuWLE-00263-00053848-00054023 month notice +nbjMqvvuWLE-00264-00054024-00054191 father's day month is no longer father's +nbjMqvvuWLE-00265-00054191-00054342 day month google doesn't recognize +nbjMqvvuWLE-00266-00054344-00054454 father day it's not the month of +nbjMqvvuWLE-00267-00054455-00054735 father's day it's lgbt rainbow day it's +nbjMqvvuWLE-00268-00054736-00055054 pride month the most diabolical month in +nbjMqvvuWLE-00269-00055055-00055207 the year +nbjMqvvuWLE-00270-00055208-00055566 you have compassion for these people +nbjMqvvuWLE-00271-00055567-00055935 you don't enable and tell them be proud +nbjMqvvuWLE-00272-00055936-00056126 but i tell you what the world is doing i +nbjMqvvuWLE-00273-00056127-00056271 feel bad for a lot of these really +nbjMqvvuWLE-00274-00056272-00056382 confused +nbjMqvvuWLE-00275-00056383-00056799 lgbt people the world is using them +nbjMqvvuWLE-00276-00056800-00056950 i tell this to +nbjMqvvuWLE-00277-00056951-00057119 a lot of people even my children right +nbjMqvvuWLE-00278-00057120-00057279 because they listen to the to stuff on +nbjMqvvuWLE-00279-00057279-00057391 youtube and tick tock and they think +nbjMqvvuWLE-00280-00057391-00057559 it's okay i've schooled them on this +nbjMqvvuWLE-00281-00057560-00057663 enough so they know they don't come to +nbjMqvvuWLE-00282-00057664-00057894 me with that [__] +nbjMqvvuWLE-00283-00057895-00058326 if the world supports you if hollywood +nbjMqvvuWLE-00284-00058327-00058599 supports you if the government supports +nbjMqvvuWLE-00285-00058600-00058871 you pop culture supports you +nbjMqvvuWLE-00286-00058872-00059038 you're not +nbjMqvvuWLE-00287-00059039-00059230 oppressed +nbjMqvvuWLE-00288-00059232-00059454 you're being used +nbjMqvvuWLE-00289-00059455-00059654 these people are a pawn they're being +nbjMqvvuWLE-00290-00059655-00060415 used as a crowbar to destroy our culture +nbjMqvvuWLE-00291-00060416-00060615 with the word pride +nbjMqvvuWLE-00292-00060616-00060726 and with the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00293-00060727-00061135 destruction of family +nbjMqvvuWLE-00294-00061136-00061287 they're being used +nbjMqvvuWLE-00295-00061288-00061526 i have compassion in that regard +nbjMqvvuWLE-00296-00061527-00061782 wow you know rather than trying to help +nbjMqvvuWLE-00297-00061783-00061894 people +nbjMqvvuWLE-00298-00061895-00062103 we're using them +nbjMqvvuWLE-00299-00062104-00062287 so anyway that's my little rant on lgbt +nbjMqvvuWLE-00300-00062288-00062487 but the point here is +nbjMqvvuWLE-00301-00062488-00062663 you got to go find another church rob +nbjMqvvuWLE-00302-00062664-00062847 has given you a lot of good links here +nbjMqvvuWLE-00303-00062848-00063087 um a lot of good links thank rob +nbjMqvvuWLE-00304-00063088-00063375 out uh alta vendita link thank you for +nbjMqvvuWLE-00305-00063376-00063663 sharing that that's at fatima.org if you +nbjMqvvuWLE-00306-00063664-00063775 guys are catholic you should be going +nbjMqvvuWLE-00307-00063776-00063994 you should be checking out fatima +nbjMqvvuWLE-00308-00063995-00064150 fatima.org +nbjMqvvuWLE-00309-00064151-00064335 bella dot information i don't have this +nbjMqvvuWLE-00310-00064336-00064519 so i'm gonna click it myself rob thank +nbjMqvvuWLE-00311-00064520-00064791 you rob is a wealth of information for +nbjMqvvuWLE-00312-00064791-00064926 catholics +nbjMqvvuWLE-00313-00064927-00065038 uh +nbjMqvvuWLE-00314-00065039-00065238 infiltration you should get that book +nbjMqvvuWLE-00315-00065239-00065375 the plot to destroy the church from +nbjMqvvuWLE-00316-00065376-00065623 within you know that's uh and then also +nbjMqvvuWLE-00317-00065624-00065806 he makes a good suggestion find a +nbjMqvvuWLE-00318-00065807-00066038 traditional latin mass i found i found a +nbjMqvvuWLE-00319-00066039-00066191 traditional mass after doing that one +nbjMqvvuWLE-00320-00066192-00066350 video where i was telling you guys like +nbjMqvvuWLE-00321-00066351-00066471 if you can't find a traditional mask +nbjMqvvuWLE-00322-00066472-00066663 don't worry about it i found one it's 40 +nbjMqvvuWLE-00323-00066664-00066935 it's 40 minutes away i went last week i +nbjMqvvuWLE-00324-00066936-00067126 went friday night +nbjMqvvuWLE-00325-00067127-00067287 and i liked it a lot i'm gonna keep +nbjMqvvuWLE-00326-00067288-00067455 going back it's a lot further but i'm +nbjMqvvuWLE-00327-00067456-00067694 gonna keep going there's sspx there's +nbjMqvvuWLE-00328-00067695-00067935 fssp look around bro you'll find +nbjMqvvuWLE-00329-00067936-00068191 something +nbjMqvvuWLE-00330-00068192-00068399 yeah +nbjMqvvuWLE-00331-00068400-00068543 anyway yeah +nbjMqvvuWLE-00332-00068544-00068750 you're on the right track don't tolerate +nbjMqvvuWLE-00333-00068751-00068943 it don't tolerate it and don't +nbjMqvvuWLE-00334-00068944-00069079 definitely don't give them your money +nbjMqvvuWLE-00335-00069080-00069191 don't give them your time don't give +nbjMqvvuWLE-00336-00069192-00069399 them your money go and find something +nbjMqvvuWLE-00337-00069400-00069623 and here's the thing one last thing +nbjMqvvuWLE-00338-00069624-00069700 with regard to +nbjMqvvuWLE-00339-00069701-00069879 [Music] +nbjMqvvuWLE-00340-00069880-00070006 a lot of the issues in the catholic +nbjMqvvuWLE-00341-00070007-00070175 church +nbjMqvvuWLE-00342-00070176-00070359 just because the church is nowhere and +nbjMqvvuWLE-00343-00070360-00070487 i'm kind of saying what i said last +nbjMqvvuWLE-00344-00070488-00070679 night just because a church holds a +nbjMqvvuWLE-00345-00070680-00070863 novel order mass +nbjMqvvuWLE-00346-00070864-00071062 not a traditional latin mass doesn't +nbjMqvvuWLE-00347-00071063-00071255 mean that it's not a reverent church and +nbjMqvvuWLE-00348-00071256-00071438 one of the ways you can just now of +nbjMqvvuWLE-00349-00071439-00071591 course your church is not reverent you +nbjMqvvuWLE-00350-00071592-00071791 you already figured that out these these +nbjMqvvuWLE-00351-00071792-00072047 are big red flags but very simple red +nbjMqvvuWLE-00352-00072048-00072199 flags to see whether or not they're +nbjMqvvuWLE-00353-00072200-00072415 traditional even though it's novo ordo +nbjMqvvuWLE-00354-00072416-00072494 is +nbjMqvvuWLE-00355-00072495-00072623 do they allow +nbjMqvvuWLE-00356-00072624-00072703 for +nbjMqvvuWLE-00357-00072704-00072935 reception of the eucharist on the tongue +nbjMqvvuWLE-00358-00072936-00073191 some of these places they will not +nbjMqvvuWLE-00359-00073192-00073415 they are a part of the world right there +nbjMqvvuWLE-00360-00073416-00073567 either kovid scared them or they get +nbjMqvvuWLE-00361-00073568-00073791 done away with that a long time ago +nbjMqvvuWLE-00362-00073792-00073903 so you should be able to receive the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00363-00073904-00074079 eucharist on the tongue +nbjMqvvuWLE-00364-00074080-00074311 and you should also +nbjMqvvuWLE-00365-00074312-00074647 be able to get a priest for confession +nbjMqvvuWLE-00366-00074648-00074887 very easily multiple times a week if +nbjMqvvuWLE-00367-00074888-00075023 they have one of these things where it's +nbjMqvvuWLE-00368-00075024-00075167 like confession is once a month or +nbjMqvvuWLE-00369-00075168-00075350 something like that you're in the wrong +nbjMqvvuWLE-00370-00075351-00075582 place +nbjMqvvuWLE-00371-00075583-00075735 so those are two things that i forgot to +nbjMqvvuWLE-00372-00075736-00075926 mention in that one video +nbjMqvvuWLE-00373-00075927-00076071 um +nbjMqvvuWLE-00374-00076072-00076271 and i just wanted to add this also the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00375-00076272-00076471 traditional church that i found is so is +nbjMqvvuWLE-00376-00076472-00076719 so odd but it's so awesome +nbjMqvvuWLE-00377-00076720-00076919 it's a traditional last +nbjMqvvuWLE-00378-00076920-00077143 mass but it's not in latin +nbjMqvvuWLE-00379-00077144-00077367 everything they did was traditional +nbjMqvvuWLE-00380-00077368-00077591 from the way the priest faced christ +nbjMqvvuWLE-00381-00077592-00077735 instead of the people +nbjMqvvuWLE-00382-00077736-00077911 to even the prayers they were praying +nbjMqvvuWLE-00383-00077912-00078062 because i remember going to latin mass +nbjMqvvuWLE-00384-00078063-00078223 and learning latin and i remember the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00385-00078224-00078335 prayers were a little different more +nbjMqvvuWLE-00386-00078336-00078526 elaborate and they were doing all the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00387-00078527-00078687 latin prayers +nbjMqvvuWLE-00388-00078688-00078879 but in english +nbjMqvvuWLE-00389-00078880-00079175 it's really a gem that i found +nbjMqvvuWLE-00390-00079176-00079367 and they're of a particular order i +nbjMqvvuWLE-00391-00079368-00079503 think they call it the something of +nbjMqvvuWLE-00392-00079504-00079694 saint peter order +nbjMqvvuWLE-00393-00079695-00079855 um that you could probably look up and +nbjMqvvuWLE-00394-00079856-00080006 find more of them around but i was like +nbjMqvvuWLE-00395-00080007-00080247 this is the coolest place so i might +nbjMqvvuWLE-00396-00080248-00080494 make my way out there once a month or +nbjMqvvuWLE-00397-00080495-00080655 something like that or maybe even once a +nbjMqvvuWLE-00398-00080656-00080871 week we'll see +nbjMqvvuWLE-00399-00080872-00081311 but the whole point is that um +nbjMqvvuWLE-00400-00081312-00081487 you can find you you can and you should +nbjMqvvuWLE-00401-00081488-00081711 find something better it's unfortunate +nbjMqvvuWLE-00402-00081712-00081879 that the church +nbjMqvvuWLE-00403-00081880-00082143 can't be a safe haven in this regard for +nbjMqvvuWLE-00404-00082144-00082447 true tradition and conservative +nbjMqvvuWLE-00405-00082448-00082606 real christianity +nbjMqvvuWLE-00406-00082607-00082871 um is unfortunate but it's a part of the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00407-00082872-00083047 passion and i would i would venture to +nbjMqvvuWLE-00408-00083048-00083294 say also i said this the previous week +nbjMqvvuWLE-00409-00083295-00083438 when i talked about this +nbjMqvvuWLE-00410-00083439-00083591 that this is the part of our punishment +nbjMqvvuWLE-00411-00083592-00083735 this is a part of our punishment for +nbjMqvvuWLE-00412-00083736-00083911 going the way of the world +nbjMqvvuWLE-00413-00083912-00084031 christ +nbjMqvvuWLE-00414-00084032-00084238 i think it was our lady of fatima i +nbjMqvvuWLE-00415-00084239-00084382 don't remember who said it +nbjMqvvuWLE-00416-00084383-00084623 but said that oh i think is our lady of +nbjMqvvuWLE-00417-00084624-00084806 good success said that it'll be very +nbjMqvvuWLE-00418-00084807-00084999 hard to find +nbjMqvvuWLE-00419-00085000-00085182 good priests that will be a part of our +nbjMqvvuWLE-00420-00085183-00085350 chastisement it'll be very hard for you +nbjMqvvuWLE-00421-00085351-00085518 to find good and the sacraments are +nbjMqvvuWLE-00422-00085519-00085671 going to be limited and it won't be +nbjMqvvuWLE-00423-00085672-00085815 available to us that's basically what +nbjMqvvuWLE-00424-00085816-00085943 we're getting +nbjMqvvuWLE-00425-00085944-00086167 so it's a part of our chastisement +nbjMqvvuWLE-00426-00086168-00086350 offer it up suffer +nbjMqvvuWLE-00427-00086351-00086543 but you probably do better i hope that +nbjMqvvuWLE-00428-00086544-00086743 helps dude done +nbjMqvvuWLE-00429-00086744-00086903 yo are you ready to become a king in +nbjMqvvuWLE-00430-00086904-00087111 your life if so i'm looking for a few +nbjMqvvuWLE-00431-00087112-00087318 more guys that i can work closely with +nbjMqvvuWLE-00432-00087319-00087518 in order to help them dominate in +nbjMqvvuWLE-00433-00087519-00087823 fitness business and with women if that +nbjMqvvuWLE-00434-00087824-00088031 sounds like you then just go over to my +nbjMqvvuWLE-00435-00088032-00088247 instagram account and dm me the word +nbjMqvvuWLE-00436-00088248-00088487 king k-i-n-g my team will get back to +nbjMqvvuWLE-00437-00088488-00088631 you with the details +nbjMqvvuWLE-00438-00088632-00088831 if you're able to message me today i can +nbjMqvvuWLE-00439-00088832-00088967 guarantee you that you'll be able to +nbjMqvvuWLE-00440-00088968-00089150 work closely with me +nbjMqvvuWLE-00441-00089151-00089382 so dm me the word king on my instagram +nbjMqvvuWLE-00442-00089383-00089487 and i'll get back to you with the +nbjMqvvuWLE-00443-00089488-00089816 details right away +nfi81FuXE3A-00000-00000053-00000446 the 1971 San Fernando earthquake also +nfi81FuXE3A-00001-00000447-00000665 known as the Sylmar earthquake occurred +nfi81FuXE3A-00002-00000666-00000902 in the early morning of February 9th in +nfi81FuXE3A-00003-00000902-00001073 the foothills of the San Gabriel +nfi81FuXE3A-00004-00001074-00001367 Mountains in Southern California the +nfi81FuXE3A-00005-00001368-00001607 unanticipated thrust earthquake had a +nfi81FuXE3A-00006-00001607-00001937 magnitude of 6.5 on the MS scale and a +nfi81FuXE3A-00007-00001938-00002260 maximum Mercalli intensity of 11 extreme +nfi81FuXE3A-00008-00002261-00002546 the event was one in a series that +nfi81FuXE3A-00009-00002547-00002768 affected the Los Angeles area in the +nfi81FuXE3A-00010-00002769-00003116 late 20th century damage was locally +nfi81FuXE3A-00011-00003117-00003293 severe in the northern San Fernando +nfi81FuXE3A-00012-00003294-00003500 Valley and surface faulting was +nfi81FuXE3A-00013-00003501-00003721 extensive to the south of the epicenter +nfi81FuXE3A-00014-00003722-00003902 in the mountains as well as urban +nfi81FuXE3A-00015-00003903-00004109 settings along city streets and +nfi81FuXE3A-00016-00004110-00004429 neighborhoods uplift and other effects +nfi81FuXE3A-00017-00004430-00004643 affected private homes and businesses +nfi81FuXE3A-00018-00004644-00004966 the event affected a number of health +nfi81FuXE3A-00019-00004967-00005230 care facilities in Sylmar San Fernando +nfi81FuXE3A-00020-00005231-00005545 and other densely populated areas north +nfi81FuXE3A-00021-00005546-00005884 of Central Los Angeles the Olive View +nfi81FuXE3A-00022-00005885-00006103 Medical Center and Veterans Hospital +nfi81FuXE3A-00023-00006104-00006355 both experienced very heavy damage and +nfi81FuXE3A-00024-00006356-00006556 buildings collapsed at both sites +nfi81FuXE3A-00025-00006558-00006773 causing the majority of deaths that +nfi81FuXE3A-00026-00006773-00007022 occurred the buildings at both +nfi81FuXE3A-00027-00007023-00007247 facilities were constructed with mixed +nfi81FuXE3A-00028-00007248-00007463 styles but engineers were unable to +nfi81FuXE3A-00029-00007464-00007640 thoroughly study the building's +nfi81FuXE3A-00030-00007641-00007795 responses because they were not +nfi81FuXE3A-00031-00007797-00008009 outfitted with instruments for recording +nfi81FuXE3A-00032-00008009-00008225 strong ground motion and this prompted +nfi81FuXE3A-00033-00008226-00008432 the Veterans Administration to later +nfi81FuXE3A-00034-00008433-00008651 install seismometers at its high risk +nfi81FuXE3A-00035-00008652-00008960 sites other sites throughout the Los +nfi81FuXE3A-00036-00008961-00009266 Angeles area had been instrumental to +nfi81FuXE3A-00037-00009267-00009482 local ordinances and an extraordinary +nfi81FuXE3A-00038-00009483-00009710 amount of strong motion data was +nfi81FuXE3A-00039-00009711-00009977 recorded more so than any other event up +nfi81FuXE3A-00040-00009978-00010277 until that time the success in this area +nfi81FuXE3A-00041-00010278-00010553 spurred the initiation of California's +nfi81FuXE3A-00042-00010554-00010927 strong motion instrumentation program +nfi81FuXE3A-00043-00010928-00011123 transportation around the Los Angeles +nfi81FuXE3A-00044-00011124-00011402 area was severely afflicted with roadway +nfi81FuXE3A-00045-00011403-00011603 failures and the partial collapse of +nfi81FuXE3A-00046-00011604-00011933 several major freeway interchanges the +nfi81FuXE3A-00047-00011934-00012146 near total failure of the lower Van +nfi81FuXE3A-00048-00012147-00012401 Norman Dam resulted in the evacuation of +nfi81FuXE3A-00049-00012402-00012560 tens of thousands of downstream +nfi81FuXE3A-00050-00012561-00012811 residents though an earlier decision to +nfi81FuXE3A-00051-00012812-00013021 maintain the water at a lower level may +nfi81FuXE3A-00052-00013022-00013231 have contributed to saving the dam from +nfi81FuXE3A-00053-00013232-00013421 being over topped +nfi81FuXE3A-00054-00013422-00013666 schools were affected as they had been +nfi81FuXE3A-00055-00013668-00013910 during the 1933 Long Beach earthquake +nfi81FuXE3A-00056-00013911-00014171 but this time amended construction +nfi81FuXE3A-00057-00014172-00014369 styles improved the outcome for the +nfi81FuXE3A-00058-00014369-00014569 thousands of school buildings in the Los +nfi81FuXE3A-00059-00014571-00014918 Angeles area another result of the event +nfi81FuXE3A-00060-00014919-00015122 involved the hundreds of various types +nfi81FuXE3A-00061-00015122-00015341 of landslides that were documented in +nfi81FuXE3A-00062-00015341-00015626 the San Gabriel Mountains as had +nfi81FuXE3A-00063-00015627-00015833 happened following other earthquakes in +nfi81FuXE3A-00064-00015834-00016076 California legislation related to +nfi81FuXE3A-00065-00016077-00016280 building codes was once again revised +nfi81FuXE3A-00066-00016281-00016517 with laws that specifically addressed +nfi81FuXE3A-00067-00016518-00016691 the construction of homes or businesses +nfi81FuXE3A-00068-00016692-00017443 near known active fault zones +nfi81FuXE3A-00069-00017444-00018048 topic tectonic setting +nfi81FuXE3A-00070-00018049-00018267 the San Gabriel Mountains are a +nfi81FuXE3A-00071-00018268-00018567 thirty-seven point three miles 60 point +nfi81FuXE3A-00072-00018568-00018786 Oh kilometers long portion of the +nfi81FuXE3A-00073-00018787-00018987 transverse ranges and are bordered on +nfi81FuXE3A-00074-00018988-00019200 the north by the San Andreas Fault on +nfi81FuXE3A-00075-00019201-00019458 the south by the Cucamonga fault and on +nfi81FuXE3A-00076-00019459-00019680 the southwest side by the Sierra Madre +nfi81FuXE3A-00077-00019681-00020097 fault the San Bernardino Santa Ynez and +nfi81FuXE3A-00078-00020098-00020355 Santa Monica Mountains are also part of +nfi81FuXE3A-00079-00020356-00020523 the anomalous east-west trending +nfi81FuXE3A-00080-00020524-00020847 transverse ranges the domain of the +nfi81FuXE3A-00081-00020848-00021021 ranges stretches from the Channel +nfi81FuXE3A-00082-00021022-00021231 Islands offshore to the Little San +nfi81FuXE3A-00083-00021232-00021588 Bernardino Mountains 300 miles 480 +nfi81FuXE3A-00084-00021589-00021945 kilometers to the east the frontal fault +nfi81FuXE3A-00085-00021946-00022164 system at the base of the San Gabriel +nfi81FuXE3A-00086-00022165-00022365 Mountains extends from the San Jacinto +nfi81FuXE3A-00087-00022366-00022554 fault zone in the east to offshore +nfi81FuXE3A-00088-00022555-00022794 Malibu in the West and is defined +nfi81FuXE3A-00089-00022795-00023037 primarily by moderate to shallow north +nfi81FuXE3A-00090-00023038-00023238 dipping faults with a conservative +nfi81FuXE3A-00091-00023239-00023535 vertical displacement estimated at 4,000 +nfi81FuXE3A-00092-00023536-00024015 to 5,000 feet 1,200 to 1,500 meters +nfi81FuXE3A-00093-00024016-00024252 paleomagnetic evidence has shown that +nfi81FuXE3A-00094-00024253-00024453 the Western transverse ranges were +nfi81FuXE3A-00095-00024454-00024639 formed as the Pacific plate moved +nfi81FuXE3A-00096-00024640-00024822 northward relative to the North American +nfi81FuXE3A-00097-00024823-00025167 plate as the plate shifted to the north +nfi81FuXE3A-00098-00025168-00025389 a portion of the terrain that was once +nfi81FuXE3A-00099-00025390-00025626 parallel with the coast was rotated in a +nfi81FuXE3A-00100-00025627-00025824 clockwise manner which left it +nfi81FuXE3A-00101-00025825-00026077 positioned in its east-west orientation +nfi81FuXE3A-00102-00026079-00026402 the transverse ranges form the perimeter +nfi81FuXE3A-00103-00026404-00026622 of a series of basins that begins with +nfi81FuXE3A-00104-00026623-00026823 the Santa Barbara Channel on the west +nfi81FuXE3A-00105-00026824-00027174 end moving eastward there is the Ventura +nfi81FuXE3A-00106-00027175-00027438 basin the San Fernando Valley and the +nfi81FuXE3A-00107-00027439-00027683 San Gabriel Basin with active reverse +nfi81FuXE3A-00108-00027685-00027879 faults San Cayetano +nfi81FuXE3A-00109-00027880-00028179 Red Mountain Santa Susana and Sierra +nfi81FuXE3A-00110-00028180-00028460 Madre all lining the north boundary a +nfi81FuXE3A-00111-00028461-00028733 small number of damaging events have +nfi81FuXE3A-00112-00028735-00028952 occurred with three in Santa Barbara +nfi81FuXE3A-00113-00028952-00029489 1812 1925 and 1978 and two in the San +nfi81FuXE3A-00114-00029491-00029901 Fernando Valley 1971 and 1994 though +nfi81FuXE3A-00115-00029902-00030108 other faults in the basin that have high +nfi81FuXE3A-00116-00030108-00030345 quaternary slip rates have not produced +nfi81FuXE3A-00117-00030345-00031020 any large earthquakes +nfi81FuXE3A-00118-00031022-00031573 topic earthquake +nfi81FuXE3A-00119-00031574-00031837 the San Fernando earthquake occurred on +nfi81FuXE3A-00120-00031838-00032176 February 9th at 6 hours 0 minutes and 41 +nfi81FuXE3A-00121-00032177-00032470 seconds and Pacific Standard Time 14 +nfi81FuXE3A-00122-00032470-00032725 hours 0 minutes and 41 seconds +nfi81FuXE3A-00123-00032726-00033007 coordinated Universal Time with a strong +nfi81FuXE3A-00124-00033008-00033232 ground motion duration of about 12 +nfi81FuXE3A-00125-00033233-00033544 seconds the origin of faulting was +nfi81FuXE3A-00126-00033545-00033766 located 5 miles north of the San +nfi81FuXE3A-00127-00033767-00034105 Fernando Valley considerable damage was +nfi81FuXE3A-00128-00034106-00034321 seen in localized portions of the valley +nfi81FuXE3A-00129-00034322-00034534 and also in the foothills of the San +nfi81FuXE3A-00130-00034535-00034764 Gabriel Mountains above the fault block +nfi81FuXE3A-00131-00034765-00035053 the fault that was responsible for the +nfi81FuXE3A-00132-00035054-00035227 movement was not one that had been +nfi81FuXE3A-00133-00035228-00035440 considered a threat and this highlighted +nfi81FuXE3A-00134-00035441-00035689 the urgency to identify other similar +nfi81FuXE3A-00135-00035690-00035880 faults in the Los Angeles metropolitan +nfi81FuXE3A-00136-00035881-00036274 area the shaking surpassed Building Code +nfi81FuXE3A-00137-00036275-00036508 requirements and exceeded what engineers +nfi81FuXE3A-00138-00036509-00036703 had prepared for and although most +nfi81FuXE3A-00139-00036704-00036901 dwellings in the valley had been built +nfi81FuXE3A-00140-00036902-00037144 in the prior two decades even modern +nfi81FuXE3A-00141-00037145-00037318 earthquake resistant structures +nfi81FuXE3A-00142-00037319-00037576 sustained serious damage several key +nfi81FuXE3A-00143-00037577-00037771 attributes of the event were shared with +nfi81FuXE3A-00144-00037772-00038007 the 1994 Northridge earthquake +nfi81FuXE3A-00145-00038008-00038236 considering both were brought about by +nfi81FuXE3A-00146-00038237-00038449 thrust faults in the mountains north of +nfi81FuXE3A-00147-00038450-00038656 Los Angeles and each resulting +nfi81FuXE3A-00148-00038657-00038830 earthquake being similar in magnitude +nfi81FuXE3A-00149-00038831-00039102 though no surface rupture occurred in +nfi81FuXE3A-00150-00039103-00039478 1994 since both occurred in urban and +nfi81FuXE3A-00151-00039479-00039682 industrial areas and resulted in +nfi81FuXE3A-00152-00039683-00039916 significant economic impairment each +nfi81FuXE3A-00153-00039917-00040147 event drew critical observation from +nfi81FuXE3A-00154-00040148-00040339 planning authorities and has been +nfi81FuXE3A-00155-00040340-00040540 thoroughly studied in the scientific +nfi81FuXE3A-00156-00040541-00041115 communities +nfi81FuXE3A-00157-00041116-00041692 topic surface faulting +nfi81FuXE3A-00158-00041693-00041943 prominent surface faulting trending and +nfi81FuXE3A-00159-00041944-00042220 72 degrees west was observed along the +nfi81FuXE3A-00160-00042221-00042433 San Fernando fault zone from a point +nfi81FuXE3A-00161-00042434-00042652 south of Sylmar stretching nearly +nfi81FuXE3A-00162-00042653-00042859 continuously for six miles +nfi81FuXE3A-00163-00042860-00043120 nine point seven kilometers east to the +nfi81FuXE3A-00164-00043121-00043432 little Tujunga canyon additional breaks +nfi81FuXE3A-00165-00043433-00043627 occurred farther to the east that were +nfi81FuXE3A-00166-00043628-00043837 in a more scattered fashion while the +nfi81FuXE3A-00167-00043838-00044032 western portion of the most affected +nfi81FuXE3A-00168-00044033-00044239 area had less pronounced scarps +nfi81FuXE3A-00169-00044240-00044467 especially the detached Mission wells +nfi81FuXE3A-00170-00044468-00044552 segment +nfi81FuXE3A-00171-00044553-00044851 although the complete Sierra Madre fault +nfi81FuXE3A-00172-00044852-00045064 zone had previously been mapped and +nfi81FuXE3A-00173-00045065-00045312 classified by named into its constituent +nfi81FuXE3A-00174-00045313-00045532 faults the clusters of fault brakes +nfi81FuXE3A-00175-00045533-00045808 provided a natural way to identify and +nfi81FuXE3A-00176-00045809-00046126 refer to each section as categorized +nfi81FuXE3A-00177-00046127-00046362 during the intensive studies immediately +nfi81FuXE3A-00178-00046363-00046537 following the earthquake they were +nfi81FuXE3A-00179-00046538-00046795 labeled the mission Wells segment Sylmar +nfi81FuXE3A-00180-00046796-00047077 segment Tujunga segment foothills area +nfi81FuXE3A-00181-00047078-00047449 and the veterans fault all segments +nfi81FuXE3A-00182-00047450-00047635 shared the common elements of thrust +nfi81FuXE3A-00183-00047636-00047812 faulting with a component of left +nfi81FuXE3A-00184-00047813-00048079 lateral slip a general east-west strike +nfi81FuXE3A-00185-00048080-00048280 in a northward dip but they were not +nfi81FuXE3A-00186-00048281-00048505 unified with regard to their connection +nfi81FuXE3A-00187-00048506-00048843 to the Associated underlying bedrock the +nfi81FuXE3A-00188-00048844-00049054 initial surveyors of the extensive +nfi81FuXE3A-00189-00049055-00049258 faulting in the valley foothills and +nfi81FuXE3A-00190-00049259-00049492 mountains reported only tectonic +nfi81FuXE3A-00191-00049493-00049696 faulting while excluding fissures and +nfi81FuXE3A-00192-00049697-00049885 other features that arose from the +nfi81FuXE3A-00193-00049886-00050107 effects of compaction and land sliding +nfi81FuXE3A-00194-00050108-00050386 in the vicinity of the Sylmar fault +nfi81FuXE3A-00195-00050387-00050635 segments there was a low possibility of +nfi81FuXE3A-00196-00050636-00050871 landslides due to a lack of elevation +nfi81FuXE3A-00197-00050872-00051049 change but in the foothills and +nfi81FuXE3A-00198-00051050-00051262 mountainous area a large amount of land +nfi81FuXE3A-00199-00051263-00051463 sliding occurred and more work was +nfi81FuXE3A-00200-00051464-00051651 necessary to eliminate the possibility +nfi81FuXE3A-00201-00051652-00052024 of misidentifying a feature along the +nfi81FuXE3A-00202-00052025-00052237 hill fronts of the Tujunga segment some +nfi81FuXE3A-00203-00052238-00052444 ambiguous formations were present +nfi81FuXE3A-00204-00052445-00052605 because some scarps may have had +nfi81FuXE3A-00205-00052607-00052846 influence from downhill motion but for +nfi81FuXE3A-00206-00052847-00053050 the most part they were tectonic in +nfi81FuXE3A-00207-00053051-00053374 nature in repeated measurements of the +nfi81FuXE3A-00208-00053375-00053590 different fault breaks the results +nfi81FuXE3A-00209-00053591-00053788 remained consistent leading to the +nfi81FuXE3A-00210-00053789-00053965 belief that most of the slip had +nfi81FuXE3A-00211-00053966-00054219 occurred during the main shock while +nfi81FuXE3A-00212-00054220-00054516 lateral transverse and vertical motions +nfi81FuXE3A-00213-00054517-00054775 were all observed the largest individual +nfi81FuXE3A-00214-00054776-00055087 component of movement was 5 feet 3 in 1 +nfi81FuXE3A-00215-00055088-00055333 point six zero meters of left lateral +nfi81FuXE3A-00216-00055334-00055534 slip near the middle of the Sylmar +nfi81FuXE3A-00217-00055535-00055866 segment the largest cumulative amount of +nfi81FuXE3A-00218-00055867-00056142 slip of six feet seven inches two point +nfi81FuXE3A-00219-00056144-00056367 zero one meters occurred along the +nfi81FuXE3A-00220-00056369-00056710 Sylmar and Tujunga segments the overall +nfi81FuXE3A-00221-00056711-00056935 fault displacement was summarized by +nfi81FuXE3A-00222-00056936-00057166 geologists Berkeley camp and others as +nfi81FuXE3A-00223-00057166-00057373 nearly equal amounts of north-south +nfi81FuXE3A-00224-00057374-00057661 compression vertical uplift north side +nfi81FuXE3A-00225-00057662-00057916 up and left lateral slip and hence may +nfi81FuXE3A-00226-00057916-00058090 be described as a thrusting of a +nfi81FuXE3A-00227-00058091-00058303 northern block to the southwest over a +nfi81FuXE3A-00228-00058304-00058507 southern block along a fault surface +nfi81FuXE3A-00229-00058508-00059265 tipping about 45 degrees north +nfi81FuXE3A-00230-00059266-00059825 topic aftershocks +nfi81FuXE3A-00231-00059826-00060032 a three-week inspection of the +nfi81FuXE3A-00232-00060033-00060280 aftershock activity was undertaken that +nfi81FuXE3A-00233-00060282-00060497 included events that were recorded by an +nfi81FuXE3A-00234-00060498-00060686 array of permanent stations that were +nfi81FuXE3A-00235-00060687-00060932 operated by the California Institute of +nfi81FuXE3A-00236-00060933-00061265 Technology a USGS instrument stationed +nfi81FuXE3A-00237-00061266-00061475 at Point Mugu and California Department +nfi81FuXE3A-00238-00061476-00061741 of Water Resources seismometers at +nfi81FuXE3A-00239-00061742-00062004 Pyramid Springs and Cedar Springs +nfi81FuXE3A-00240-00062005-00062266 temporary seismometers that were set up +nfi81FuXE3A-00241-00062267-00062491 in response to the main shock were up +nfi81FuXE3A-00242-00062492-00062680 and running from as soon as several +nfi81FuXE3A-00243-00062682-00062897 hours to several days after the main +nfi81FuXE3A-00244-00062898-00063142 event and provided additional data until +nfi81FuXE3A-00245-00063144-00063494 March 1st the catalog of items was +nfi81FuXE3A-00246-00063495-00063770 mostly complete and included 200 shocks +nfi81FuXE3A-00247-00063771-00064073 of magnitude 3.0 or greater and four +nfi81FuXE3A-00248-00064074-00064384 shocks of magnitude 5.0 or greater +nfi81FuXE3A-00249-00064385-00064682 during the first hour of activity the +nfi81FuXE3A-00250-00064683-00064904 larger aftershocks were overshadowing +nfi81FuXE3A-00251-00064904-00065273 the smaller events the overall pattern +nfi81FuXE3A-00252-00065274-00065501 of aftershock activity appeared in the +nfi81FuXE3A-00253-00065502-00065843 shape of a symmetrical inverted u but +nfi81FuXE3A-00254-00065844-00066101 with slightly more concentrated activity +nfi81FuXE3A-00255-00066102-00066248 on the southwest flank +nfi81FuXE3A-00256-00066249-00066509 several of the smaller shocks approached +nfi81FuXE3A-00257-00066510-00066758 the area of surface faulting but for the +nfi81FuXE3A-00258-00066759-00067016 most part the area that experienced the +nfi81FuXE3A-00259-00067017-00067244 heaviest shaking and damage as a result +nfi81FuXE3A-00260-00067245-00067472 of the main shock lacked aftershock +nfi81FuXE3A-00261-00067473-00067787 activity the Pacoima dam with its +nfi81FuXE3A-00262-00067788-00067999 unusually high peak ground acceleration +nfi81FuXE3A-00263-00068000-00068297 reading laid very close to the center of +nfi81FuXE3A-00264-00068298-00068957 that aftershock free zone +nfi81FuXE3A-00265-00068958-00069509 topic landslides +nfi81FuXE3A-00266-00069510-00069812 the USGS commissioned a private company +nfi81FuXE3A-00267-00069813-00070061 in the United States Air Force to take +nfi81FuXE3A-00268-00070062-00070393 aerial photographs over 97 square miles +nfi81FuXE3A-00269-00070394-00070697 250 square kilometres of the mountainous +nfi81FuXE3A-00270-00070698-00070999 areas north of the San Fernando Valley +nfi81FuXE3A-00271-00071000-00071231 analysis revealed that the earthquake +nfi81FuXE3A-00272-00071232-00071567 triggered over 1,000 landslides highly +nfi81FuXE3A-00273-00071568-00071816 shattered rock was also documented along +nfi81FuXE3A-00274-00071817-00072044 the ridge tops and Rock Falls which +nfi81FuXE3A-00275-00072045-00072257 continued for several days were the +nfi81FuXE3A-00276-00072258-00072473 result of both the initial shock and the +nfi81FuXE3A-00277-00072474-00072791 aftershocks few of the slides that were +nfi81FuXE3A-00278-00072792-00072971 logged from the air were also observed +nfi81FuXE3A-00279-00072972-00073274 from the ground the greatest number of +nfi81FuXE3A-00280-00073275-00073505 slides were centered to the southwest of +nfi81FuXE3A-00281-00073506-00073718 the main shock epicenter and close to +nfi81FuXE3A-00282-00073719-00073928 the areas where surface faulting took +nfi81FuXE3A-00283-00073929-00074411 place the slides ranged from 49 to 984 +nfi81FuXE3A-00284-00074412-00074735 feet 15 to 300 meters in length and +nfi81FuXE3A-00285-00074736-00074954 could be further categorized as Rock +nfi81FuXE3A-00286-00074955-00075230 Falls soil Falls debris slides +nfi81FuXE3A-00287-00075231-00075584 avalanches and slumps the most +nfi81FuXE3A-00288-00075585-00075827 frequently encountered type of slide was +nfi81FuXE3A-00289-00075828-00076199 the surficial less than three feet 0.91 +nfi81FuXE3A-00290-00076200-00076463 meters thick debris slides and were most +nfi81FuXE3A-00291-00076464-00076694 often encountered on terrain consisting +nfi81FuXE3A-00292-00076695-00076915 of sedimentary rock +nfi81FuXE3A-00293-00076916-00077322 you +nfi81FuXE3A-00294-00077323-00077891 topic strong motion +nfi81FuXE3A-00295-00077892-00078247 in early 1971 the San Fernando Valley +nfi81FuXE3A-00296-00078248-00078466 was the scene of a dense network of +nfi81FuXE3A-00297-00078467-00078661 strong motion seismometers which +nfi81FuXE3A-00298-00078662-00079138 provided a total of 241 seismograms this +nfi81FuXE3A-00299-00079139-00079366 made the earthquake the most documented +nfi81FuXE3A-00300-00079367-00079609 event at the time in terms of strong +nfi81FuXE3A-00301-00079610-00080023 motion seismology by comparison the 1964 +nfi81FuXE3A-00302-00080024-00080228 Alaska earthquake did not provide any +nfi81FuXE3A-00303-00080229-00080587 strong motion records part of the reason +nfi81FuXE3A-00304-00080588-00080803 there were so many stations to capture +nfi81FuXE3A-00305-00080804-00081088 the event was a 1965 ordinance that +nfi81FuXE3A-00306-00081089-00081325 required newly constructed buildings in +nfi81FuXE3A-00307-00081326-00081584 Beverly Hills and Los Angeles over six +nfi81FuXE3A-00308-00081585-00081772 storeys in height to be outfitted with +nfi81FuXE3A-00309-00081773-00082034 three of the instruments this +nfi81FuXE3A-00310-00082035-00082267 stipulation ultimately found its way +nfi81FuXE3A-00311-00082268-00082484 into the Uniform Building Code as an +nfi81FuXE3A-00312-00082485-00082782 appendix several years later +nfi81FuXE3A-00313-00082783-00083044 175 of the recordings came from these +nfi81FuXE3A-00314-00083045-00083315 buildings another 30 were on hydraulic +nfi81FuXE3A-00315-00083316-00083518 structures and the remainder were from +nfi81FuXE3A-00316-00083519-00083755 ground-based installations near faults +nfi81FuXE3A-00317-00083756-00083968 including an array of the units across +nfi81FuXE3A-00318-00083969-00084221 the San Andreas Fault the instrument +nfi81FuXE3A-00319-00084222-00084412 that was installed at the Pacoima Dam +nfi81FuXE3A-00320-00084413-00084673 recorded a peak horizontal acceleration +nfi81FuXE3A-00321-00084674-00085042 of 1.25 grams a value that was twice as +nfi81FuXE3A-00322-00085043-00085243 large as anything ever seen from an +nfi81FuXE3A-00323-00085244-00085546 earthquake the extraordinarily high +nfi81FuXE3A-00324-00085547-00085772 acceleration was just one part of the +nfi81FuXE3A-00325-00085773-00086009 picture considering that duration and +nfi81FuXE3A-00326-00086010-00086260 frequency of shaking also play a role in +nfi81FuXE3A-00327-00086261-00086529 how much damage can occur the +nfi81FuXE3A-00328-00086530-00086773 accelerometer was mounted on a concrete +nfi81FuXE3A-00329-00086774-00087010 platform on a granite bridge just above +nfi81FuXE3A-00330-00087011-00087335 one of the arch dams abutments cracks +nfi81FuXE3A-00331-00087336-00087523 formed in the rocks and a rock slide +nfi81FuXE3A-00332-00087524-00087916 came within 15 feet 4.6 meters of the +nfi81FuXE3A-00333-00087917-00088138 apparatus and the foundation remained +nfi81FuXE3A-00334-00088139-00088441 undamaged but a small half degree tilt +nfi81FuXE3A-00335-00088442-00088634 of the unit was discovered that was +nfi81FuXE3A-00336-00088635-00088859 apparently responsible for closing the +nfi81FuXE3A-00337-00088860-00089224 horizontal pendulum contacts as a result +nfi81FuXE3A-00338-00089225-00089404 of what was considered a fortunate +nfi81FuXE3A-00339-00089405-00089659 accident the machine kept recording for +nfi81FuXE3A-00340-00089660-00089881 six minutes until it ran out of paper +nfi81FuXE3A-00341-00089882-00090136 and provided scientists with additional +nfi81FuXE3A-00342-00090137-00090930 data on 30 of the initial aftershocks +nfi81FuXE3A-00343-00090931-00091467 topic damage +nfi81FuXE3A-00344-00091468-00091692 the areas that were affected by the +nfi81FuXE3A-00345-00091693-00091890 strongest shaking were the outlying +nfi81FuXE3A-00346-00091891-00092109 communities north of Los Angeles that +nfi81FuXE3A-00347-00092110-00092306 are bounded by the northern edge of the +nfi81FuXE3A-00348-00092307-00092513 San Fernando Valley at the base of the +nfi81FuXE3A-00349-00092514-00092836 San Gabriel Mountains the unincorporated +nfi81FuXE3A-00350-00092837-00093171 districts of Newhall Saugus and Salomon +nfi81FuXE3A-00351-00093172-00093419 Junction had moderate damage even to +nfi81FuXE3A-00352-00093420-00093704 newer buildings the area where the +nfi81FuXE3A-00353-00093705-00093887 heaviest effects were present was +nfi81FuXE3A-00354-00093888-00094118 limited by geographical features on the +nfi81FuXE3A-00355-00094119-00094341 three remaining margins with the Santa +nfi81FuXE3A-00356-00094342-00094590 Susana mountains on the west the Santa +nfi81FuXE3A-00357-00094591-00094760 Monica Mountains in the Los Angeles +nfi81FuXE3A-00358-00094761-00095034 River to the south and along the Verdugo +nfi81FuXE3A-00359-00095035-00095357 mountains to the east loss of life that +nfi81FuXE3A-00360-00095358-00095543 was directly attributable to the +nfi81FuXE3A-00361-00095544-00095819 earthquake amounted to 58 a number of +nfi81FuXE3A-00362-00095820-00096005 heart attack and other health related +nfi81FuXE3A-00363-00096006-00096256 deaths were not included in this figure +nfi81FuXE3A-00364-00096257-00096530 most deaths occurred at the Veterans and +nfi81FuXE3A-00365-00096531-00096782 Olive View hospital complexes and the +nfi81FuXE3A-00366-00096783-00097029 rest were located at private residences +nfi81FuXE3A-00367-00097030-00097301 the highway overpass collapses and a +nfi81FuXE3A-00368-00097302-00097487 ceiling collapse at the midnight mission +nfi81FuXE3A-00369-00097488-00097886 in downtown Los Angeles the damage was +nfi81FuXE3A-00370-00097887-00098066 greatest near and well north of the +nfi81FuXE3A-00371-00098067-00098276 surface faulting and at the foot of the +nfi81FuXE3A-00372-00098277-00098604 mountains the hospital buildings the +nfi81FuXE3A-00373-00098605-00098837 freeway overpasses and the Sylmar +nfi81FuXE3A-00374-00098838-00099072 juvenile hall were on course alluvium +nfi81FuXE3A-00375-00099073-00099248 that overlay thousands of feet of +nfi81FuXE3A-00376-00099249-00099473 loosely consolidated sedimentary +nfi81FuXE3A-00377-00099474-00099793 material in the city of San Fernando +nfi81FuXE3A-00378-00099794-00100136 underground water sewer and gas systems +nfi81FuXE3A-00379-00100137-00100391 suffered breaks to numerous to count and +nfi81FuXE3A-00380-00100392-00100629 some sections were so badly damaged that +nfi81FuXE3A-00381-00100630-00100890 they were abandoned ground displacement +nfi81FuXE3A-00382-00100891-00101201 damaged sidewalks and roads with cracks +nfi81FuXE3A-00383-00101202-00101385 in the more rigid asphalt and concrete +nfi81FuXE3A-00384-00101386-00101624 often exceeding the width of the shift +nfi81FuXE3A-00385-00101625-00101957 in the underlying soil accentuated +nfi81FuXE3A-00386-00101958-00102212 damage near alluvium had been documented +nfi81FuXE3A-00387-00102213-00102423 during the investigation of the effects +nfi81FuXE3A-00388-00102424-00102769 of the 1969 santa rosa earthquakes a +nfi81FuXE3A-00389-00102770-00103085 band of similarly intense damage further +nfi81FuXE3A-00390-00103086-00103292 away near Ventura Boulevard at the +nfi81FuXE3A-00391-00103293-00103478 southern end of the valley was also +nfi81FuXE3A-00392-00103479-00103691 identified as having been related to +nfi81FuXE3A-00393-00103692-00103982 soil type federal county and private +nfi81FuXE3A-00394-00103983-00104183 hospitals suffered varying degrees of +nfi81FuXE3A-00395-00104184-00104459 damage with four major facilities in the +nfi81FuXE3A-00396-00104460-00104702 San Fernando Valley suffering structural +nfi81FuXE3A-00397-00104703-00104792 damage +nfi81FuXE3A-00398-00104793-00105096 two of those collapsing the Indian Hills +nfi81FuXE3A-00399-00105097-00105338 Medical Center the foothill medical +nfi81FuXE3A-00400-00105339-00105524 building and the Pacoima lutheran +nfi81FuXE3A-00401-00105525-00105689 professional building were heavily +nfi81FuXE3A-00402-00105690-00106056 damaged nursing homes also were affected +nfi81FuXE3A-00403-00106057-00106361 the one-story Foothill nursing home sat +nfi81FuXE3A-00404-00106362-00106572 very close to a section of the fault +nfi81FuXE3A-00405-00106573-00106794 that broke the surface and was raised up +nfi81FuXE3A-00406-00106795-00107111 three feet higher than the street scarps +nfi81FuXE3A-00407-00107112-00107336 ran along the sidewalk and across the +nfi81FuXE3A-00408-00107337-00107622 property the building was not in use and +nfi81FuXE3A-00409-00107623-00107745 remained standing +nfi81FuXE3A-00410-00107746-00107973 though the reinforced concrete block +nfi81FuXE3A-00411-00107974-00108188 structure was afflicted by the shock and +nfi81FuXE3A-00412-00108189-00108434 uplift the relatively good performance +nfi81FuXE3A-00413-00108435-00108638 was in stark contrast to that of the +nfi81FuXE3A-00414-00108639-00108808 Olive View and veterans hospital +nfi81FuXE3A-00415-00108809-00109416 complexes +nfi81FuXE3A-00416-00109417-00110018 topic olive View Hospital +nfi81FuXE3A-00417-00110019-00110219 most of the buildings at the Los Angeles +nfi81FuXE3A-00418-00110220-00110584 County owned 880 bed hospital complex +nfi81FuXE3A-00419-00110585-00110813 had been built before the adoption of +nfi81FuXE3A-00420-00110814-00110999 new construction techniques that had +nfi81FuXE3A-00421-00111000-00111299 been put in place after the 1933 Long +nfi81FuXE3A-00422-00111300-00111620 Beach earthquake the group of one-story +nfi81FuXE3A-00423-00111621-00111869 structures 300 feet west of the new +nfi81FuXE3A-00424-00111870-00112108 facility and some other buildings were +nfi81FuXE3A-00425-00112109-00112406 not damaged the damaged buildings +nfi81FuXE3A-00426-00112407-00112643 variously were wood frame and masonry +nfi81FuXE3A-00427-00112644-00112949 structures the five-story reinforced +nfi81FuXE3A-00428-00112950-00113161 concrete medical treatment and care +nfi81FuXE3A-00429-00113163-00113375 building was one of three new additions +nfi81FuXE3A-00430-00113376-00113560 to the complex all three of which +nfi81FuXE3A-00431-00113561-00113801 sustained damage was assembled with +nfi81FuXE3A-00432-00113802-00113945 earthquake resistant construction +nfi81FuXE3A-00433-00113946-00114261 techniques and was completed in December +nfi81FuXE3A-00434-00114263-00114671 1970 the hospital was staffed by 98 +nfi81FuXE3A-00435-00114672-00114971 employees and had 606 patients at the +nfi81FuXE3A-00436-00114972-00115181 time of the earthquake all three deaths +nfi81FuXE3A-00437-00115182-00115397 that occurred at the Olive View complex +nfi81FuXE3A-00438-00115398-00115684 were in this building two were due to +nfi81FuXE3A-00439-00115685-00115940 power failure of life-support systems in +nfi81FuXE3A-00440-00115941-00116161 one that of an employee who was struck +nfi81FuXE3A-00441-00116163-00116383 by part of the collapsing building as he +nfi81FuXE3A-00442-00116384-00116608 or she tried to exit the building was a +nfi81FuXE3A-00443-00116609-00116945 direct result of the destruction the +nfi81FuXE3A-00444-00116946-00117149 medical treatment and care building +nfi81FuXE3A-00445-00117150-00117358 included a basement that was exposed +nfi81FuXE3A-00446-00117359-00117629 above-grade on the east and south sides +nfi81FuXE3A-00447-00117630-00117917 mixed above and below great on the west +nfi81FuXE3A-00448-00117918-00118159 site and below great on the north side +nfi81FuXE3A-00449-00118160-00118391 of the building the variation being due +nfi81FuXE3A-00450-00118392-00118679 to the shallow slope at the site the +nfi81FuXE3A-00451-00118680-00118901 complete structure including the for +nfi81FuXE3A-00452-00118902-00119147 external staircases could be considered +nfi81FuXE3A-00453-00119148-00119359 five separate buildings because the +nfi81FuXE3A-00454-00119360-00119567 stair towers were detached from the main +nfi81FuXE3A-00455-00119568-00119903 building by about four inches earthquake +nfi81FuXE3A-00456-00119904-00120122 bracing used in the building second +nfi81FuXE3A-00457-00120123-00120320 through fifth floors consisted of sheer +nfi81FuXE3A-00458-00120321-00120566 walls but a rarely used slip joint +nfi81FuXE3A-00459-00120567-00120764 technique used with the concrete walls +nfi81FuXE3A-00460-00120765-00120938 that the first floor kept them from +nfi81FuXE3A-00461-00120939-00121253 being part of that system damage to the +nfi81FuXE3A-00462-00121254-00121466 building including ceiling tiles +nfi81FuXE3A-00463-00121467-00121742 telephone equipment and elevator doors +nfi81FuXE3A-00464-00121743-00121964 was excessive at the basement and the +nfi81FuXE3A-00465-00121965-00122183 first floor with little damage further +nfi81FuXE3A-00466-00122183-00122485 up the difference in rigidity at the +nfi81FuXE3A-00467-00122486-00122696 second floor was proposed as a cause of +nfi81FuXE3A-00468-00122697-00122903 the considerable damage to the lower +nfi81FuXE3A-00469-00122904-00123224 levels because the first floor almost +nfi81FuXE3A-00470-00123225-00123413 collapsed the building was +nfi81FuXE3A-00471-00123414-00123640 to the north by almost two feet and +nfi81FuXE3A-00472-00123641-00123872 three of the four concrete stair towers +nfi81FuXE3A-00473-00123873-00124199 fell away from the main building on the +nfi81FuXE3A-00474-00124200-00124384 grounds there were cracks in the +nfi81FuXE3A-00475-00124385-00124609 pavement and soil but no surface +nfi81FuXE3A-00476-00124610-00124909 faulting in addition to the collapse of +nfi81FuXE3A-00477-00124910-00125138 the stairways the elevators were out of +nfi81FuXE3A-00478-00125139-00125428 commission electrical power and +nfi81FuXE3A-00479-00125429-00125669 communications failed at the hospital at +nfi81FuXE3A-00480-00125670-00125894 the time of the earthquake but very few +nfi81FuXE3A-00481-00125895-00126125 people occupied the lower floors and the +nfi81FuXE3A-00482-00126126-00126454 stairways at the early hour casualties +nfi81FuXE3A-00483-00126455-00126668 in these highly affected areas might +nfi81FuXE3A-00484-00126669-00126850 have increased had the shock occurred +nfi81FuXE3A-00485-00126851-00127159 later in the day the duration of strong +nfi81FuXE3A-00486-00127160-00127373 ground motion at that location was +nfi81FuXE3A-00487-00127374-00127595 probably similar to the 12 seconds +nfi81FuXE3A-00488-00127596-00127820 observed at the Pacoima dam and another +nfi81FuXE3A-00489-00127821-00128029 few seconds shaking is thought to have +nfi81FuXE3A-00490-00128030-00128191 been enough to bring the building to +nfi81FuXE3A-00491-00128192-00128753 collapse +nfi81FuXE3A-00492-00128754-00129433 topic Veterans Administration Hospital +nfi81FuXE3A-00493-00129434-00129695 the Veterans Administration Hospital +nfi81FuXE3A-00494-00129696-00129908 entered into service as a tuberculosis +nfi81FuXE3A-00495-00129908-00130249 Hospital in 1926 and became a General +nfi81FuXE3A-00496-00130250-00130741 Hospital in the 1960s by 1971 the +nfi81FuXE3A-00497-00130742-00131018 facility comprised 45 individual +nfi81FuXE3A-00498-00131019-00131210 buildings all lying within five +nfi81FuXE3A-00499-00131211-00131522 kilometers 3.1 miles of the fault +nfi81FuXE3A-00500-00131523-00131744 rupture in Sylmar but the structural +nfi81FuXE3A-00501-00131745-00131933 damage was found to have occurred as a +nfi81FuXE3A-00502-00131934-00132119 result of the shaking and not from +nfi81FuXE3A-00503-00132120-00132358 ground displacement or faulting +nfi81FuXE3A-00504-00132359-00132581 twenty-six buildings that were built +nfi81FuXE3A-00505-00132582-00132857 prior to 1933 had been constructed +nfi81FuXE3A-00506-00132858-00133090 following the local building codes and +nfi81FuXE3A-00507-00133091-00133307 did not require seismic resistant +nfi81FuXE3A-00508-00133308-00133603 designs these buildings suffered the +nfi81FuXE3A-00509-00133604-00133859 most damage with four buildings totally +nfi81FuXE3A-00510-00133860-00134077 collapsing which resulted in a large +nfi81FuXE3A-00511-00134078-00134408 loss of life at the facility most of the +nfi81FuXE3A-00512-00134409-00134611 masonry and reinforced concrete +nfi81FuXE3A-00513-00134612-00134854 buildings constructed after 1933 +nfi81FuXE3A-00514-00134855-00135083 withstood the shaking and most did not +nfi81FuXE3A-00515-00135084-00135446 collapse but in 1972 a resolution came +nfi81FuXE3A-00516-00135447-00135632 forth to abandon the site and the +nfi81FuXE3A-00517-00135633-00135782 remaining structures were later +nfi81FuXE3A-00518-00135783-00136054 demolished the site becoming a city park +nfi81FuXE3A-00519-00136055-00136276 few strong motion seismometer +nfi81FuXE3A-00520-00136277-00136486 installations were present outside of +nfi81FuXE3A-00521-00136487-00136699 the western United States prior to the +nfi81FuXE3A-00522-00136700-00136919 San Fernando earthquake but upon a +nfi81FuXE3A-00523-00136920-00137135 recommendation by the earthquake and +nfi81FuXE3A-00524-00137136-00137336 wind forces committee the Veterans +nfi81FuXE3A-00525-00137337-00137546 Administration entered into an agreement +nfi81FuXE3A-00526-00137547-00137783 with the seismological Field Service +nfi81FuXE3A-00527-00137784-00138061 then associated with NOAA to install the +nfi81FuXE3A-00528-00138062-00138335 instruments at all VA sites in uniform +nfi81FuXE3A-00529-00138336-00138683 building code zones 2 & 3 it had been +nfi81FuXE3A-00530-00138684-00138862 established that these zones had a +nfi81FuXE3A-00531-00138863-00139106 higher likelihood of experiencing strong +nfi81FuXE3A-00532-00139107-00139331 ground acceleration and the plan was +nfi81FuXE3A-00533-00139332-00139516 made to furnish the selected VA +nfi81FuXE3A-00534-00139517-00139898 hospitals with two instruments one unit +nfi81FuXE3A-00535-00139899-00140084 would be installed within the structure +nfi81FuXE3A-00536-00140085-00140282 and the second would be set up as a free +nfi81FuXE3A-00537-00140283-00140519 field unit located a short distance away +nfi81FuXE3A-00538-00140520-00140972 from the facility as of 1973 a few of +nfi81FuXE3A-00539-00140973-00141079 the highest-risk +nfi81FuXE3A-00540-00141080-00141407 26 were completed in zone 3 alone sites +nfi81FuXE3A-00541-00141408-00141637 that had been completed were in Seattle +nfi81FuXE3A-00542-00141638-00142385 Memphis Charleston and Boston +nfi81FuXE3A-00543-00142386-00142969 topic van norman damn +nfi81FuXE3A-00544-00142970-00143242 both the upper and lower Van Norman dams +nfi81FuXE3A-00545-00143243-00143479 were severely damaged as a result of the +nfi81FuXE3A-00546-00143480-00143815 earthquake the lower dam was very close +nfi81FuXE3A-00547-00143816-00144091 to breaching and approximately 80,000 +nfi81FuXE3A-00548-00144092-00144295 people were evacuated for four days +nfi81FuXE3A-00549-00144296-00144469 while the water level in the reservoir +nfi81FuXE3A-00550-00144470-00144754 was lowered this was done as a +nfi81FuXE3A-00551-00144755-00144937 precaution to accommodate further +nfi81FuXE3A-00552-00144938-00145300 collapse due to a strong aftershock some +nfi81FuXE3A-00553-00145301-00145507 canals in the area of the dams were +nfi81FuXE3A-00554-00145508-00145723 damaged and not usable and dikes +nfi81FuXE3A-00555-00145724-00145945 experienced slumping but these did not +nfi81FuXE3A-00556-00145946-00146272 present a hazard the damage at the lower +nfi81FuXE3A-00557-00146273-00146494 dam consisted of a landslide that +nfi81FuXE3A-00558-00146495-00146733 dislocated a section of the embankment +nfi81FuXE3A-00559-00146734-00147025 the earthen lip of the dam fell into the +nfi81FuXE3A-00560-00147026-00147175 reservoir and brought with it the +nfi81FuXE3A-00561-00147176-00147391 concrete lining while what remained of +nfi81FuXE3A-00562-00147392-00147724 the dam was just five feet 1.5 metres +nfi81FuXE3A-00563-00147725-00148024 above the water level the upper lake +nfi81FuXE3A-00564-00148025-00148423 subsided three feet 0.91 metres and was +nfi81FuXE3A-00565-00148424-00148783 displaced about five feet 1.5 meters as +nfi81FuXE3A-00566-00148784-00148999 a result of the ground movement and the +nfi81FuXE3A-00567-00149000-00149260 dams concrete lining cracked and slumped +nfi81FuXE3A-00568-00149261-00149557 the upper dam was constructed in 1921 +nfi81FuXE3A-00569-00149558-00149803 with the hydraulic fill process three +nfi81FuXE3A-00570-00149804-00150043 years after the larger lower dam which +nfi81FuXE3A-00571-00150044-00150327 was fabricated using the same style an +nfi81FuXE3A-00572-00150328-00150673 inspection of the lower dam in 1964 +nfi81FuXE3A-00573-00150674-00150853 paved the way towards an arrangement +nfi81FuXE3A-00574-00150854-00151066 between the state of California and the +nfi81FuXE3A-00575-00151067-00151288 Los Angeles Department of Water and +nfi81FuXE3A-00576-00151289-00151486 Power that would maintain the reservoirs +nfi81FuXE3A-00577-00151487-00151717 water level that was reduced ten feet +nfi81FuXE3A-00578-00151718-00151987 lower than was typical since the +nfi81FuXE3A-00579-00151988-00152188 collapse of the dam lowered its overall +nfi81FuXE3A-00580-00152189-00152410 height the decision to reduce its +nfi81FuXE3A-00581-00152411-00152662 capacity proved to be a valuable bit of +nfi81FuXE3A-00582-00152663-00153040 insurance differential ground motion and +nfi81FuXE3A-00583-00153041-00153352 strong shaking mm I ate severe were +nfi81FuXE3A-00584-00153353-00153589 responsible for serious damage to the +nfi81FuXE3A-00585-00153590-00153820 Sylmar juvenile hall facility in the +nfi81FuXE3A-00586-00153821-00154069 Sylmar converter station both located +nfi81FuXE3A-00587-00154070-00154396 close to the upper Van Norman Lake the +nfi81FuXE3A-00588-00154397-00154621 Los Angeles Department of Water and +nfi81FuXE3A-00589-00154622-00154825 Power as well as the County of Los +nfi81FuXE3A-00590-00154826-00155080 Angeles investigated and verified that +nfi81FuXE3A-00591-00155081-00155353 local soil conditions contributed to the +nfi81FuXE3A-00592-00155354-00155542 ground displacement and resulting +nfi81FuXE3A-00593-00155543-00155866 destruction the area of surface breaks +nfi81FuXE3A-00594-00155867-00156150 on the ground at the site was 900 feet +nfi81FuXE3A-00595-00156151-00156369 270 metres at its +nfi81FuXE3A-00596-00156370-00156816 and stretched 4000 feet 1200 meters down +nfi81FuXE3A-00597-00156817-00157041 a one percent grade slope towards the +nfi81FuXE3A-00598-00157042-00157437 southwest as much as five feet 1.5 +nfi81FuXE3A-00599-00157438-00157731 metres of lateral motion was observed on +nfi81FuXE3A-00600-00157732-00157929 either end of the slide and trenches +nfi81FuXE3A-00601-00157930-00158079 that were excavated during the +nfi81FuXE3A-00602-00158080-00158295 examination at the site revealed that +nfi81FuXE3A-00603-00158296-00158543 some of the cracks were up to 15 feet +nfi81FuXE3A-00604-00158544-00158933 4.6 meters deep the two facilities +nfi81FuXE3A-00605-00158934-00159180 located near grapevine and Weldon +nfi81FuXE3A-00606-00159181-00159411 canyons that channel water and debris of +nfi81FuXE3A-00607-00159412-00159654 the Sierra Madre Mountains are lined by +nfi81FuXE3A-00608-00159655-00159879 steep ridges and have formed alluvial +nfi81FuXE3A-00609-00159880-00160191 fans at their mouths the narrow band of +nfi81FuXE3A-00610-00160192-00160392 ground disturbances were found to have +nfi81FuXE3A-00611-00160393-00160584 been the result of settling of the soft +nfi81FuXE3A-00612-00160585-00160893 soil in a downhill motion soil +nfi81FuXE3A-00613-00160894-00161079 liquefaction played a role within +nfi81FuXE3A-00614-00161080-00161334 confined areas of the slide but it was +nfi81FuXE3A-00615-00161335-00161550 not responsible for all the motion at +nfi81FuXE3A-00616-00161551-00161802 the site and tectonic slip of faults in +nfi81FuXE3A-00617-00161803-00162555 the area was also excluded as a cause +nfi81FuXE3A-00618-00162556-00163148 topic transportation +nfi81FuXE3A-00619-00163149-00163408 substantial disruption to about 10 miles +nfi81FuXE3A-00620-00163409-00163621 of freeways in the northern San Fernando +nfi81FuXE3A-00621-00163622-00163872 Valley took place with most of the +nfi81FuXE3A-00622-00163873-00164046 damage occurring at the foothill freeway +nfi81FuXE3A-00623-00164047-00164322 Golden State freeway interchange and +nfi81FuXE3A-00624-00164323-00164557 along a five-mile stretch of Interstate +nfi81FuXE3A-00625-00164558-00164893 210 on Interstate five the most +nfi81FuXE3A-00626-00164894-00165102 significant damage was between the new +nfi81FuXE3A-00627-00165103-00165315 Hall Pass interchange on the north end +nfi81FuXE3A-00628-00165316-00165631 and the i-5 I 405 interchange in the +nfi81FuXE3A-00629-00165632-00165849 south where subsidence that the bridge +nfi81FuXE3A-00630-00165850-00166074 approaches and cracking and buckling of +nfi81FuXE3A-00631-00166075-00166384 the roadway made it unusable several +nfi81FuXE3A-00632-00166385-00166582 landslides occurred between Balboa +nfi81FuXE3A-00633-00166583-00166863 Boulevard and California State Route 14 +nfi81FuXE3A-00634-00166864-00167103 but the most significant damage occurred +nfi81FuXE3A-00635-00167104-00167351 at the two major interchanges the +nfi81FuXE3A-00636-00167352-00167644 Antelope Valley freeway had damaged from +nfi81FuXE3A-00637-00167645-00167898 Newhall pass to the Northeast primarily +nfi81FuXE3A-00638-00167899-00168126 from settling and alignment issues as +nfi81FuXE3A-00639-00168127-00168336 well as splintering and cracking at the +nfi81FuXE3A-00640-00168337-00168647 Santa Clara River and Solomon bridges +nfi81FuXE3A-00641-00168648-00168915 Golden State freeway Antelope Valley +nfi81FuXE3A-00642-00168916-00169287 freeway interchange while the new Hall +nfi81FuXE3A-00643-00169288-00169476 Pass interchange was still under +nfi81FuXE3A-00644-00169477-00169626 construction at the time of the +nfi81FuXE3A-00645-00169627-00169858 earthquake the requisite components of +nfi81FuXE3A-00646-00169859-00170184 the overpass were complete vibration +nfi81FuXE3A-00647-00170185-00170466 caused two of the bridges 191 foot +nfi81FuXE3A-00648-00170467-00170679 sections to fall from a maximum height +nfi81FuXE3A-00649-00170680-00171066 of 140 feet 43 meters along with one of +nfi81FuXE3A-00650-00171067-00171378 the supporting pillars the span slipped +nfi81FuXE3A-00651-00171379-00171576 off of their supports at either end due +nfi81FuXE3A-00652-00171577-00171810 to lack of proper ties and insufficient +nfi81FuXE3A-00653-00171811-00172222 space a 14 in 360 millimeters seat was +nfi81FuXE3A-00654-00172223-00172558 provided on the support columns ground +nfi81FuXE3A-00655-00172559-00172773 displacement at the site was ruled out +nfi81FuXE3A-00656-00172774-00173013 as a major cause of the failure and in +nfi81FuXE3A-00657-00173014-00173214 addition to the fallen sections and a +nfi81FuXE3A-00658-00173215-00173368 crane that was struck during the +nfi81FuXE3A-00659-00173369-00173604 collapse other portions of the overpass +nfi81FuXE3A-00660-00173605-00173898 were also damaged shear cracking +nfi81FuXE3A-00661-00173899-00174102 occurred at the column closest to the +nfi81FuXE3A-00662-00174103-00174303 Western abutment and the ground at the +nfi81FuXE3A-00663-00174304-00174552 same columns base exhibited evidence of +nfi81FuXE3A-00664-00174553-00174948 rotation Golden State freeway foothill +nfi81FuXE3A-00665-00174949-00175318 freeway interchange this interchange as +nfi81FuXE3A-00666-00175319-00175522 a broad complex of overpasses and +nfi81FuXE3A-00667-00175523-00175747 bridges that was nearly complete at the +nfi81FuXE3A-00668-00175748-00175921 time of the earthquake and not all +nfi81FuXE3A-00669-00175922-00176250 portions were open to traffic several +nfi81FuXE3A-00670-00176251-00176510 instances of failure or collapse at the +nfi81FuXE3A-00671-00176511-00176735 took place and two men were killed while +nfi81FuXE3A-00672-00176736-00176971 driving in a pickup truck as a result +nfi81FuXE3A-00673-00176972-00177329 the westbound I to ten to southbound i-5 +nfi81FuXE3A-00674-00177330-00177599 which was complete except for paving at +nfi81FuXE3A-00675-00177600-00177812 the ramp section collapsed to the north +nfi81FuXE3A-00676-00177813-00178055 likely because of vibration that moved +nfi81FuXE3A-00677-00178056-00178295 the overpass off its supports due to an +nfi81FuXE3A-00678-00178296-00178643 inadequate seat unlike the situation at +nfi81FuXE3A-00679-00178644-00178814 the Antelope Valley interchange +nfi81FuXE3A-00680-00178815-00179060 permanent ground movement defined as +nfi81FuXE3A-00681-00179061-00179219 several inches of left lateral +nfi81FuXE3A-00682-00179220-00179477 displacement with possibly an element of +nfi81FuXE3A-00683-00179478-00179792 thrusting was observed in the area the +nfi81FuXE3A-00684-00179793-00180026 movement contributed to heavy damage at +nfi81FuXE3A-00685-00180027-00180293 the Sylmar juvenile hall facility sill +nfi81FuXE3A-00686-00180294-00180470 mark converter station and the +nfi81FuXE3A-00687-00180471-00180695 Metropolitan Water District treatment +nfi81FuXE3A-00688-00180696-00180926 plant but its effects on the interchange +nfi81FuXE3A-00689-00180927-00181144 was not completely understood as of a +nfi81FuXE3A-00690-00181145-00181412 1971 report from the California +nfi81FuXE3A-00691-00181413-00182069 Institute of Technology +nfi81FuXE3A-00692-00182070-00182596 topic schools +nfi81FuXE3A-00693-00182597-00182826 the large number of public school +nfi81FuXE3A-00694-00182827-00183015 buildings in the Los Angeles area +nfi81FuXE3A-00695-00183016-00183274 displayed mixed responses to the shaking +nfi81FuXE3A-00696-00183275-00183445 and those that were built after the +nfi81FuXE3A-00697-00183446-00183666 enforcement of the field act clearly +nfi81FuXE3A-00698-00183667-00183828 showed the results of the reformed +nfi81FuXE3A-00699-00183829-00184156 construction styles the field act was +nfi81FuXE3A-00700-00184157-00184401 put into effect just one month following +nfi81FuXE3A-00701-00184402-00184693 the destructive March 1933 Long Beach +nfi81FuXE3A-00702-00184694-00184911 earthquake that damaged many public +nfi81FuXE3A-00703-00184912-00185163 school buildings in Long Beach Compton +nfi81FuXE3A-00704-00185164-00185439 and Whittier the Los Angeles Unified +nfi81FuXE3A-00705-00185440-00185775 School District had 660 schools +nfi81FuXE3A-00706-00185776-00185961 consisting of nine thousand two hundred +nfi81FuXE3A-00707-00185962-00186138 buildings at the time of the earthquake +nfi81FuXE3A-00708-00186139-00186481 with 110 masonry buildings that had not +nfi81FuXE3A-00709-00186482-00186643 been reinforced to meet the new +nfi81FuXE3A-00710-00186644-00186975 standards more than 400 portable +nfi81FuXE3A-00711-00186976-00187261 classrooms and 53 wood frame pre-field +nfi81FuXE3A-00712-00187262-00187618 Act buildings were also in use all these +nfi81FuXE3A-00713-00187619-00187851 buildings had been previously inspected +nfi81FuXE3A-00714-00187852-00188037 with regard to the requirements of the +nfi81FuXE3A-00715-00188038-00188293 Act and many were reinforced or rebuilt +nfi81FuXE3A-00716-00188294-00188529 at that time but earthquake engineering +nfi81FuXE3A-00717-00188530-00188739 experts recommended further immediate +nfi81FuXE3A-00718-00188740-00188947 refurbishment or demolition after a +nfi81FuXE3A-00719-00188948-00189177 separate evaluation was done after the +nfi81FuXE3A-00720-00189178-00189493 February 1971 earthquake and within a +nfi81FuXE3A-00721-00189494-00189685 year and a half the district followed +nfi81FuXE3A-00722-00189686-00189844 through with the direction with regard +nfi81FuXE3A-00723-00189845-00190144 to about 100 structures at Los Angeles +nfi81FuXE3A-00724-00190145-00190551 high school 20 miles 32 kilometres from +nfi81FuXE3A-00725-00190552-00190815 Pacoima Dam where the exterior walls of +nfi81FuXE3A-00726-00190816-00190999 the main pre-field act building +nfi81FuXE3A-00727-00191000-00191352 constructed 1917 were unreinforced brick +nfi81FuXE3A-00728-00191353-00191611 masonry long portions of the parapet and +nfi81FuXE3A-00729-00191612-00191853 the associated brick veneer broke off +nfi81FuXE3A-00730-00191854-00192036 and some fragments fell through the roof +nfi81FuXE3A-00731-00192037-00192286 to a lower floor while other material +nfi81FuXE3A-00732-00192287-00192513 landed on an exit stairway and into a +nfi81FuXE3A-00733-00192514-00192813 courtyard area the main building was +nfi81FuXE3A-00734-00192814-00193144 demolished at a cost of 127 thousand +nfi81FuXE3A-00735-00193145-00193353 dollars and none of the various post +nfi81FuXE3A-00736-00193354-00193582 field act buildings were damaged at the +nfi81FuXE3A-00737-00193583-00193911 site except for the concrete gymnasium +nfi81FuXE3A-00738-00193912-00194119 all of the buildings at Sylmar high +nfi81FuXE3A-00739-00194120-00194441 school 3.75 miles +nfi81FuXE3A-00740-00194442-00194778 6.04 kilometres from Pacoima dam were +nfi81FuXE3A-00741-00194779-00195043 post filled act one-story wood +nfi81FuXE3A-00742-00195044-00195366 construction abundant cracks formed in +nfi81FuXE3A-00743-00195367-00195532 the ground at the site and some +nfi81FuXE3A-00744-00195533-00195799 foundations and many sidewalks were also +nfi81FuXE3A-00745-00195800-00195928 cracked +nfi81FuXE3A-00746-00195929-00196168 the estimate for repairs at the site was +nfi81FuXE3A-00747-00196169-00196357 four hundred eighty five thousand +nfi81FuXE3A-00748-00196358-00196702 dollars at two miles three point two +nfi81FuXE3A-00749-00196703-00196948 kilometers Hubbard Street elementary +nfi81FuXE3A-00750-00196949-00197188 school was the closest school to Pacoima +nfi81FuXE3A-00751-00197189-00197410 Dam and was also less than a mile from +nfi81FuXE3A-00752-00197411-00197737 the Veterans Hospital complex the wood +nfi81FuXE3A-00753-00197738-00197956 frame buildings classrooms a +nfi81FuXE3A-00754-00197957-00198166 multi-purpose building and some +nfi81FuXE3A-00755-00198167-00198400 bungalows were built after the field act +nfi81FuXE3A-00756-00198401-00198622 and damage and cleanup costs there +nfi81FuXE3A-00757-00198623-00198952 totaled forty two thousand dollars gas +nfi81FuXE3A-00758-00198953-00199183 lines were broken and separation of the +nfi81FuXE3A-00759-00199184-00199402 building's porches was due to lateral +nfi81FuXE3A-00760-00199403-00200142 displacement of up to six inches +nfi81FuXE3A-00761-00200143-00200711 topic aftermath +nfi81FuXE3A-00762-00200712-00200954 following many of California's major +nfi81FuXE3A-00763-00200955-00201227 earthquakes lawmakers have acted quickly +nfi81FuXE3A-00764-00201228-00201446 to develop legislation related to +nfi81FuXE3A-00765-00201447-00201941 seismic safety after the M 6.4 1933 Long +nfi81FuXE3A-00766-00201942-00202169 Beach earthquake the field Act was +nfi81FuXE3A-00767-00202170-00202381 passed the following month and after the +nfi81FuXE3A-00768-00202382-00202724 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake the seismic +nfi81FuXE3A-00769-00202725-00203069 hazards mapping act and Senate bill 1953 +nfi81FuXE3A-00770-00203070-00203300 hospital safety requirements were +nfi81FuXE3A-00771-00203301-00203591 established following the San Fernando +nfi81FuXE3A-00772-00203592-00203833 event earthquake engineers and +nfi81FuXE3A-00773-00203834-00204014 seismologists from established +nfi81FuXE3A-00774-00204015-00204284 scientific organizations as well as the +nfi81FuXE3A-00775-00204285-00204473 newly formed Los Angeles County +nfi81FuXE3A-00776-00204474-00204683 earthquake Commission stated their +nfi81FuXE3A-00777-00204684-00204881 recommendations that were based on the +nfi81FuXE3A-00778-00204882-00205136 lessons learned the list of items +nfi81FuXE3A-00779-00205137-00205346 needing improvements included building +nfi81FuXE3A-00780-00205346-00205625 codes dams and bridges being made more +nfi81FuXE3A-00781-00205626-00205871 earthquake resistant hospitals that are +nfi81FuXE3A-00782-00205871-00206087 designed to remain operational and the +nfi81FuXE3A-00783-00206088-00206279 restriction of development near known +nfi81FuXE3A-00784-00206280-00206644 fault zones new legislation included the +nfi81FuXE3A-00785-00206646-00206891 Alquist pre Ollo special studies zone +nfi81FuXE3A-00786-00206892-00207073 act and the development of the strong +nfi81FuXE3A-00787-00207075-00207346 motion instrumentation program Alquist +nfi81FuXE3A-00788-00207348-00207661 pre Ollo special studies zone act +nfi81FuXE3A-00789-00207662-00208016 introduced a Senate bill 520 and signed +nfi81FuXE3A-00790-00208017-00208325 into law in December 1972 this +nfi81FuXE3A-00791-00208326-00208562 legislation was originally known as the +nfi81FuXE3A-00792-00208563-00208832 Alquist prio low geologic hazard zones +nfi81FuXE3A-00793-00208833-00209066 Act and had the goal of reducing damage +nfi81FuXE3A-00794-00209067-00209327 and losses due to surface fault ruptures +nfi81FuXE3A-00795-00209328-00209615 or fault creep the Act restricts +nfi81FuXE3A-00796-00209616-00209821 construction of buildings designed for +nfi81FuXE3A-00797-00209823-00210053 human occupancy across potentially +nfi81FuXE3A-00798-00210054-00210371 active faults since it is presumed that +nfi81FuXE3A-00799-00210371-00210557 surface rupture will likely take place +nfi81FuXE3A-00800-00210558-00210809 where past surface displacement has +nfi81FuXE3A-00801-00210810-00211061 occurred the state geologist was given +nfi81FuXE3A-00802-00211062-00211294 the responsibility for evaluating and +nfi81FuXE3A-00803-00211296-00211471 mapping faults that had evidence of +nfi81FuXE3A-00804-00211473-00211715 Holocene rupture and creating regulatory +nfi81FuXE3A-00805-00211716-00211937 zones around them called earthquake +nfi81FuXE3A-00806-00211938-00212315 fault zones state and local agencies as +nfi81FuXE3A-00807-00212316-00212528 well as the property owner were then +nfi81FuXE3A-00808-00212529-00212765 responsible for enforcing or complying +nfi81FuXE3A-00809-00212766-00212936 with the building restrictions +nfi81FuXE3A-00810-00212937-00213103 California's strong motion +nfi81FuXE3A-00811-00213104-00213469 instrumentation program prior to the San +nfi81FuXE3A-00812-00213471-00213698 Fernando earthquake some structural +nfi81FuXE3A-00813-00213698-00213917 engineers had already believed that the +nfi81FuXE3A-00814-00213917-00214073 existing groundwork for +nfi81FuXE3A-00815-00214073-00214300 seismic design required enhancement +nfi81FuXE3A-00816-00214301-00214556 although instruments had recorded a +nfi81FuXE3A-00817-00214557-00214889 force of 0.33 grams during the 1940s +nfi81FuXE3A-00818-00214890-00215150 central earthquake building codes only +nfi81FuXE3A-00819-00215151-00215369 required structures to withstand a +nfi81FuXE3A-00820-00215369-00215612 lateral force of 0.1 grams as late as +nfi81FuXE3A-00821-00215613-00216041 the 1960s even at that time engineers +nfi81FuXE3A-00822-00216042-00216257 were against the idea of constructing +nfi81FuXE3A-00823-00216258-00216469 buildings to resist the high forces that +nfi81FuXE3A-00824-00216471-00216692 were seen in the El Centro shock but +nfi81FuXE3A-00825-00216692-00217042 after a 1966 earthquake peaked at 0.5 +nfi81FuXE3A-00826-00217044-00217415 grams and a maximum of 1.25 grams was +nfi81FuXE3A-00827-00217416-00217613 observed at the Pacoima dam during the +nfi81FuXE3A-00828-00217614-00217883 San Fernando event debate began as to +nfi81FuXE3A-00829-00217884-00218039 whether that low requirement was +nfi81FuXE3A-00830-00218040-00218114 sufficient +nfi81FuXE3A-00831-00218115-00218330 despite the compelling seismogram from +nfi81FuXE3A-00832-00218331-00218621 the 1940 event in El Centro strong +nfi81FuXE3A-00833-00218621-00218869 motion seismology was not explicitly +nfi81FuXE3A-00834-00218871-00219146 cited until later events occurred the +nfi81FuXE3A-00835-00219146-00219380 San Fernando earthquake made evident the +nfi81FuXE3A-00836-00219381-00219554 need for more data for earthquake +nfi81FuXE3A-00837-00219555-00219827 engineering applications the +nfi81FuXE3A-00838-00219828-00219991 California's strong motion +nfi81FuXE3A-00839-00219992-00220269 instrumentation program was initiated in +nfi81FuXE3A-00840-00220271-00220546 1971 with the goal of maximizing the +nfi81FuXE3A-00841-00220548-00220748 volume of data by furnishing and +nfi81FuXE3A-00842-00220748-00220946 maintaining instruments at selected +nfi81FuXE3A-00843-00220946-00221216 lifeline structures buildings and ground +nfi81FuXE3A-00844-00221217-00221639 response stations by the late 1980s the +nfi81FuXE3A-00845-00221640-00221944 program had instrumented more than 450 +nfi81FuXE3A-00846-00221946-00222304 structures bridges dams and power plants +nfi81FuXE3A-00847-00222305-00222776 the 1979 Imperial Valley in 1987 +nfi81FuXE3A-00848-00222777-00222946 Whittier Narrows earthquakes were +nfi81FuXE3A-00849-00222948-00223135 presented as gainful events that were +nfi81FuXE3A-00850-00223136-00223373 recorded during that period because both +nfi81FuXE3A-00851-00223373-00223598 produced valuable data that increased +nfi81FuXE3A-00852-00223598-00223808 knowledge of how moderate events affect +nfi81FuXE3A-00853-00223809-00224126 buildings the success of the Imperial +nfi81FuXE3A-00854-00224127-00224351 Valley event was especially pronounced +nfi81FuXE3A-00855-00224352-00224558 because of a recently constructed and +nfi81FuXE3A-00856-00224559-00224765 fully instrumented government building +nfi81FuXE3A-00857-00224766-00225065 that was shaken to the point of failure +nfi81FuXE3A-00858-00225066-00225498 you +nfi81FuXE3A-00859-00225498-00226089 topic see also +nfi81FuXE3A-00860-00226090-00226588 California State Route 126 interstate +nfi81FuXE3A-00861-00226589-00227055 105 California list of earthquakes in +nfi81FuXE3A-00862-00227056-00227541 1971 list of earthquakes in California +nfi81FuXE3A-00863-00227542-00228006 Long Beach search-and-rescue San Gabriel +nfi81FuXE3A-00864-00228007-00228492 fault wodsworth chapel +nfzi4InTaQc-00000-00000103-00000807 [Music] +nfzi4InTaQc-00001-00000808-00001166 what is instagram marketing all about +nfzi4InTaQc-00002-00001167-00001423 hey there everyone welcome to instagram +nfzi4InTaQc-00003-00001424-00001614 marketing the ultimate instagram +nfzi4InTaQc-00004-00001616-00001814 marketing crash course for anyone who +nfzi4InTaQc-00005-00001816-00001991 wants to learn how to use instagram to +nfzi4InTaQc-00006-00001992-00002215 build their online presence and grow +nfzi4InTaQc-00007-00002216-00002359 their business +nfzi4InTaQc-00008-00002360-00002526 we want to thank you for picking us as +nfzi4InTaQc-00009-00002527-00002783 your guide in this exciting journey as +nfzi4InTaQc-00010-00002784-00002950 well as congratulate you for your +nfzi4InTaQc-00011-00002951-00003134 decision to improve your online +nfzi4InTaQc-00012-00003135-00003286 marketing game +nfzi4InTaQc-00013-00003288-00003454 here you're going to learn all you need +nfzi4InTaQc-00014-00003455-00003631 to launch and grow your brand or +nfzi4InTaQc-00015-00003632-00003822 business on instagram +nfzi4InTaQc-00016-00003823-00003983 how to reach the perfect type of +nfzi4InTaQc-00017-00003984-00004175 customer and how to generate more +nfzi4InTaQc-00018-00004176-00004447 profits with advanced level strategies +nfzi4InTaQc-00019-00004448-00004751 but first let's start with the basics +nfzi4InTaQc-00020-00004752-00005006 what is instagram marketing +nfzi4InTaQc-00021-00005007-00005215 instagram marketing is quite simply the +nfzi4InTaQc-00022-00005216-00005447 use of the instagram platform and its +nfzi4InTaQc-00023-00005448-00005711 features to market your content your +nfzi4InTaQc-00024-00005712-00006054 brand your products your services and +nfzi4InTaQc-00025-00006055-00006206 your business +nfzi4InTaQc-00026-00006207-00006470 content creators brands marketers and +nfzi4InTaQc-00027-00006472-00006710 businesses have learned how to use it to +nfzi4InTaQc-00028-00006711-00006951 share stuff like pictures and videos in +nfzi4InTaQc-00029-00006952-00007198 a way that is so casual that immediately +nfzi4InTaQc-00030-00007200-00007439 engages which makes it the perfect +nfzi4InTaQc-00031-00007440-00007655 platform to promote and sell through +nfzi4InTaQc-00032-00007656-00007839 visual discovery +nfzi4InTaQc-00033-00007840-00008095 instagram marketing is a combination of +nfzi4InTaQc-00034-00008095-00008255 organic social media marketing +nfzi4InTaQc-00035-00008256-00008583 strategies visual discovery and built-in +nfzi4InTaQc-00036-00008584-00008783 advertising features that are unique to +nfzi4InTaQc-00037-00008784-00009031 the instagram ecosystem +nfzi4InTaQc-00038-00009032-00009174 how does it work +nfzi4InTaQc-00039-00009175-00009414 instagram marketing works great because +nfzi4InTaQc-00040-00009415-00009606 it lets you showcase your products with +nfzi4InTaQc-00041-00009607-00009831 images and because it helps you create +nfzi4InTaQc-00042-00009832-00009991 brand awareness through photos and +nfzi4InTaQc-00043-00009992-00010263 videos that you can use to tell stories +nfzi4InTaQc-00044-00010264-00010463 or to highlight the coolest parts of the +nfzi4InTaQc-00045-00010464-00010638 lifestyle that you want customers to +nfzi4InTaQc-00046-00010639-00010855 associate with your brand +nfzi4InTaQc-00047-00010856-00011046 you can leverage instagram scrollable +nfzi4InTaQc-00048-00011047-00011303 gallery format to grab the attention of +nfzi4InTaQc-00049-00011304-00011542 users with a powerful image or video +nfzi4InTaQc-00050-00011543-00011799 that makes them stop to check your post +nfzi4InTaQc-00051-00011800-00011959 once you've captured the attention of a +nfzi4InTaQc-00052-00011960-00012191 user with a visual element in your post +nfzi4InTaQc-00053-00012192-00012383 the next step is to make them take +nfzi4InTaQc-00054-00012384-00012495 action +nfzi4InTaQc-00055-00012496-00012719 instagram helps you in this step by +nfzi4InTaQc-00056-00012720-00013015 letting you add copy captions calls to +nfzi4InTaQc-00057-00013016-00013303 action and hashtags into your post +nfzi4InTaQc-00058-00013304-00013479 this is how you can drive people to a +nfzi4InTaQc-00059-00013480-00013751 landing page or to comment or to click +nfzi4InTaQc-00060-00013752-00014079 on a hashtag to discover related content +nfzi4InTaQc-00061-00014080-00014286 this simple method is very effective to +nfzi4InTaQc-00062-00014287-00014575 drive awareness engagement and action in +nfzi4InTaQc-00063-00014576-00014855 basically any business to consumer niche +nfzi4InTaQc-00064-00014856-00015086 and it works because it helps the user +nfzi4InTaQc-00065-00015087-00015327 make an instant visual and emotional +nfzi4InTaQc-00066-00015328-00015527 connection with what you're trying to +nfzi4InTaQc-00067-00015528-00015638 sell +nfzi4InTaQc-00068-00015640-00015863 for example if you're running a baking +nfzi4InTaQc-00069-00015863-00016063 shop you can post photos of your sweets +nfzi4InTaQc-00070-00016063-00016350 to instagram two or more times a day and +nfzi4InTaQc-00071-00016351-00016535 you can optimize your image posts with +nfzi4InTaQc-00072-00016536-00016775 hashtags related to that business +nfzi4InTaQc-00073-00016776-00016999 as well as with geo keywords that'll +nfzi4InTaQc-00074-00017000-00017230 help potential customers in your area to +nfzi4InTaQc-00075-00017231-00017439 discover your shop +nfzi4InTaQc-00076-00017440-00017599 couple that with behind the scenes +nfzi4InTaQc-00077-00017600-00017767 videos to give your shop an air of +nfzi4InTaQc-00078-00017768-00017983 coolness and soon you'll be attracting +nfzi4InTaQc-00079-00017984-00018199 new customers to your shop +nfzi4InTaQc-00080-00018200-00018375 other powerful features such as +nfzi4InTaQc-00081-00018376-00018599 integration with facebook ads can help +nfzi4InTaQc-00082-00018600-00018822 you take your business to the next level +nfzi4InTaQc-00083-00018823-00019022 because it lets you run paid ads and +nfzi4InTaQc-00084-00019023-00019343 promotions across instagram facebook and +nfzi4InTaQc-00085-00019344-00019607 many other places around the web +nfzi4InTaQc-00086-00019608-00019758 why should you consider instagram +nfzi4InTaQc-00087-00019759-00019983 marketing for your business +nfzi4InTaQc-00088-00019984-00020303 instagram is big and active +nfzi4InTaQc-00089-00020304-00020591 there you'll find over a billion active +nfzi4InTaQc-00090-00020592-00020950 accounts worldwide every single month +nfzi4InTaQc-00091-00020951-00021175 this gives you a great opportunity to +nfzi4InTaQc-00092-00021176-00021367 expand your business to a larger and +nfzi4InTaQc-00093-00021368-00021622 possibly global audience +nfzi4InTaQc-00094-00021623-00021878 ninety percent of instagram users follow +nfzi4InTaQc-00095-00021879-00022143 and interact with business accounts +nfzi4InTaQc-00096-00022144-00022383 of those at least thirty percent of +nfzi4InTaQc-00097-00022384-00022583 purchase products that they have seen on +nfzi4InTaQc-00098-00022584-00022719 instagram +nfzi4InTaQc-00099-00022720-00022903 instagram helps you to showcase your +nfzi4InTaQc-00100-00022904-00023143 products or services in a very casual +nfzi4InTaQc-00101-00023144-00023222 way +nfzi4InTaQc-00102-00023223-00023430 thanks to its unique creative tools and +nfzi4InTaQc-00103-00023431-00023630 immersive formats +nfzi4InTaQc-00104-00023631-00023822 instagram enhances the way you reach +nfzi4InTaQc-00105-00023823-00023983 people with your message along the +nfzi4InTaQc-00106-00023984-00024135 customer journey +nfzi4InTaQc-00107-00024136-00024350 instagram allows you to create a profile +nfzi4InTaQc-00108-00024351-00024591 that is visually appealing and where you +nfzi4InTaQc-00109-00024592-00024742 can add a back link to your business +nfzi4InTaQc-00110-00024743-00025039 website or any other landing page +nfzi4InTaQc-00111-00025040-00025263 it integrates with facebook advertising +nfzi4InTaQc-00112-00025264-00025439 which will help you to explode your +nfzi4InTaQc-00113-00025440-00025702 reach and sales with ads that are cheap +nfzi4InTaQc-00114-00025704-00025902 and high converting +nfzi4InTaQc-00115-00025904-00026062 what's the future for instagram +nfzi4InTaQc-00116-00026063-00026183 marketing +nfzi4InTaQc-00117-00026183-00026446 instagram is working on amazing features +nfzi4InTaQc-00118-00026447-00026687 for businesses as we speak +nfzi4InTaQc-00119-00026688-00026879 one that is worth looking forward to is +nfzi4InTaQc-00120-00026880-00027087 integration with facebook's brand +nfzi4InTaQc-00121-00027088-00027327 collabs a platform where content +nfzi4InTaQc-00122-00027327-00027495 creators can find brands that they can +nfzi4InTaQc-00123-00027495-00027623 partner with +nfzi4InTaQc-00124-00027624-00027799 another cool feature instagram is +nfzi4InTaQc-00125-00027800-00028055 working on is running instagram shopping +nfzi4InTaQc-00126-00028056-00028358 posts as ads which are posts that +nfzi4InTaQc-00127-00028360-00028511 feature products that people can +nfzi4InTaQc-00128-00028512-00028758 purchase with a single click +nfzi4InTaQc-00129-00028760-00028967 this can be a tremendous opportunity for +nfzi4InTaQc-00130-00028968-00029190 independent product creators and small +nfzi4InTaQc-00131-00029191-00029431 retail brands on instagram to increase +nfzi4InTaQc-00132-00029432-00029767 their sales the future looks bright and +nfzi4InTaQc-00133-00029768-00029999 profitable for instagram marketers +nfzi4InTaQc-00134-00030000-00030239 so are you ready to learn all about +nfzi4InTaQc-00135-00030239-00030446 instagram marketing and get ready to +nfzi4InTaQc-00136-00030447-00030567 make it big +nfzi4InTaQc-00137-00030568-00030662 yes +nfzi4InTaQc-00138-00030663-00031158 then awesome see you in lesson one next +nfzi4InTaQc-00139-00031158-00031906 [Music] +nhRMUxHOxdE-00000-00000053-00000628 foreign +nhRMUxHOxdE-00002-00007795-00008168 such a baby +nhRMUxHOxdE-00003-00008169-00008989 [Music] +nhRMUxHOxdE-00004-00008990-00009392 must enough +nhRMUxHOxdE-00005-00009393-00010909 [Music] +nhRMUxHOxdE-00006-00010910-00011791 [Music] +nhRMUxHOxdE-00007-00011792-00013188 [Music] +nhRMUxHOxdE-00008-00013188-00014993 [Music] +nhRMUxHOxdE-00009-00014994-00015166 foreign +nhRMUxHOxdE-00010-00015168-00015468 foreign +nlyhhO16Bdc-00000-00000056-00000223 in this two-part video we'll solve a +nlyhhO16Bdc-00001-00000224-00000407 linear system of equations involving a +nlyhhO16Bdc-00002-00000408-00000495 truss +nlyhhO16Bdc-00003-00000496-00000671 the last video set up the equations +nlyhhO16Bdc-00004-00000672-00000878 governing the truss we're given now that +nlyhhO16Bdc-00005-00000880-00001135 we have the a x and b matrices we can +nlyhhO16Bdc-00006-00001136-00001470 transcribe it in matlab +nlyhhO16Bdc-00007-00001471-00001702 here we are in the skeleton script part +nlyhhO16Bdc-00008-00001703-00001887 a is already filled out for us and it +nlyhhO16Bdc-00009-00001888-00002071 confirms what we previously established +nlyhhO16Bdc-00010-00002072-00002350 in the last video to kick off part c +nlyhhO16Bdc-00011-00002351-00002518 let's define some variables we'll use +nlyhhO16Bdc-00012-00002519-00004831 when writing the a x and b matrices +nlyhhO16Bdc-00013-00004832-00005222 th1 and th2 represent theta 1 equals 30 +nlyhhO16Bdc-00014-00005223-00005406 and theta 2 equals 60 degrees +nlyhhO16Bdc-00015-00005407-00005543 respectively +nlyhhO16Bdc-00016-00005544-00005767 our a matrix contains some trig terms so +nlyhhO16Bdc-00017-00005768-00005951 i made these variables just to prevent +nlyhhO16Bdc-00018-00005952-00006111 us from hard coding +nlyhhO16Bdc-00019-00006112-00006359 the p x's and p ys are the externally +nlyhhO16Bdc-00020-00006360-00006503 applied forces +nlyhhO16Bdc-00021-00006504-00006775 once again p1y has a negative value +nlyhhO16Bdc-00022-00006776-00006910 because we assumed it acts in the +nlyhhO16Bdc-00023-00006911-00007151 positive y direction but in reality the +nlyhhO16Bdc-00024-00007152-00007359 force points downwards now that we've +nlyhhO16Bdc-00025-00007359-00007559 gotten this out of the way let's write a +nlyhhO16Bdc-00027-00012736-00012999 the a matrix uses the sine d and cosine +nlyhhO16Bdc-00028-00013000-00013207 d functions because the angles we have +nlyhhO16Bdc-00029-00013208-00013366 are given in degrees +nlyhhO16Bdc-00030-00013368-00013558 the regular sine and cosine functions +nlyhhO16Bdc-00031-00013559-00013743 operate using radians so make sure you +nlyhhO16Bdc-00032-00013744-00014030 convert th1 and th2 to radians if you +nlyhhO16Bdc-00033-00014031-00014247 want to use the regular sine and cosine +nlyhhO16Bdc-00034-00014247-00014351 functions +nlyhhO16Bdc-00035-00014352-00014527 also be very careful with your minus +nlyhhO16Bdc-00036-00014528-00014799 signs since this is a really big matrix +nlyhhO16Bdc-00037-00014800-00014991 looking at the a inverse matrix we can +nlyhhO16Bdc-00038-00014991-00015222 see that it contains a lot of zeros +nlyhhO16Bdc-00039-00015223-00015407 this tells us that applying an external +nlyhhO16Bdc-00040-00015408-00015591 force somewhere may not affect an +nlyhhO16Bdc-00041-00015591-00015830 internal or reaction force take for +nlyhhO16Bdc-00042-00015831-00016063 example the 1 6 element +nlyhhO16Bdc-00043-00016063-00016247 this particular element represents the +nlyhhO16Bdc-00044-00016247-00016494 change in f1 if we apply one newton to +nlyhhO16Bdc-00045-00016495-00016830 the sixth input p3y in fact the entire +nlyhhO16Bdc-00046-00016831-00017015 sixth column except the last element is +nlyhhO16Bdc-00047-00017016-00017111 zero +nlyhhO16Bdc-00048-00017112-00017294 if we pull upwards on the roller joint +nlyhhO16Bdc-00049-00017295-00017822 the force in f1 f2 f3 h2 and v2 will not +nlyhhO16Bdc-00050-00017823-00018071 change instead the one newton upward +nlyhhO16Bdc-00051-00018072-00018255 force we apply is countered by the +nlyhhO16Bdc-00052-00018256-00018519 reaction force v3 which will increase by +nlyhhO16Bdc-00053-00018520-00018727 1 newton in the negative y direction to +nlyhhO16Bdc-00054-00018728-00019007 keep the joint in equilibrium +nlyhhO16Bdc-00055-00019008-00019191 suppose we increase the horizontal +nlyhhO16Bdc-00056-00019192-00019655 externally applied forces aka p1x p2x +nlyhhO16Bdc-00057-00019656-00019911 and p3x by 1 newton +nlyhhO16Bdc-00058-00019912-00020239 when p1x increases the forces in all six +nlyhhO16Bdc-00059-00020240-00020494 unknowns change slightly an increase in +nlyhhO16Bdc-00060-00020495-00020847 p2x only affects h2 the horizontal +nlyhhO16Bdc-00061-00020848-00020983 reaction force +nlyhhO16Bdc-00062-00020984-00021111 this should make sense because the +nlyhhO16Bdc-00063-00021112-00021311 reaction force must act in response to +nlyhhO16Bdc-00064-00021312-00021447 the applied force +nlyhhO16Bdc-00065-00021448-00021847 changing p3x affects f2 and h2 but not +nlyhhO16Bdc-00066-00021848-00021967 f3 +nlyhhO16Bdc-00067-00021968-00022143 f3 cannot change because it has a +nlyhhO16Bdc-00068-00022144-00022303 vertical component and therefore a +nlyhhO16Bdc-00069-00022304-00022471 change in f3 would disrupt the +nlyhhO16Bdc-00070-00022472-00022655 equilibrium with v3 +nlyhhO16Bdc-00071-00022656-00022822 therefore the new load must only be +nlyhhO16Bdc-00072-00022823-00023119 shouldered by f2 and h2 take a few +nlyhhO16Bdc-00073-00023120-00023294 minutes to really analyze the system +nlyhhO16Bdc-00074-00023295-00023478 based on the matrix inverse +nlyhhO16Bdc-00075-00023479-00023639 doing so will help you understand how +nlyhhO16Bdc-00076-00023640-00023791 the different components of the truss +nlyhhO16Bdc-00077-00023792-00024086 are quite literally connected +nlyhhO16Bdc-00078-00024087-00024286 the last line of the script solved for +nlyhhO16Bdc-00079-00024287-00024542 the x vector which i just renamed f for +nlyhhO16Bdc-00080-00024543-00024639 force +nlyhhO16Bdc-00081-00024640-00024847 when we only apply a 2 000 newton +nlyhhO16Bdc-00082-00024848-00025127 downward force at node 1 we see that f1 +nlyhhO16Bdc-00083-00025128-00025399 and f3 are negative this means they act +nlyhhO16Bdc-00084-00025400-00025550 in the direction opposite to what we +nlyhhO16Bdc-00085-00025551-00025718 assumed which perfectly lines up with +nlyhhO16Bdc-00086-00025719-00025943 what we predicted in the last video +nlyhhO16Bdc-00087-00025944-00026134 the fourth element which corresponds to +nlyhhO16Bdc-00088-00026135-00026311 h2 is zero +nlyhhO16Bdc-00089-00026312-00026518 this is because only applying a vertical +nlyhhO16Bdc-00090-00026519-00026695 force nullifies the need for a +nlyhhO16Bdc-00091-00026695-00026935 horizontal reaction force this can be +nlyhhO16Bdc-00092-00026936-00027143 confirmed in the matrix inverse +nlyhhO16Bdc-00093-00027144-00027374 every even numbered column represents a +nlyhhO16Bdc-00094-00027375-00027583 unit change in an externally applied +nlyhhO16Bdc-00095-00027583-00027718 vertical force +nlyhhO16Bdc-00096-00027719-00027927 the fourth row of each even numbered +nlyhhO16Bdc-00097-00027927-00028158 column is zero so applying a vertical +nlyhhO16Bdc-00098-00028160-00028551 force does not affect h2 whatsoever +nlyhhO16Bdc-00099-00028552-00028831 now let's move on to part d in part d we +nlyhhO16Bdc-00100-00028832-00029167 perform a parameter study on p1y p1y +nlyhhO16Bdc-00101-00029168-00029399 will vary from 0 to positive 2000 +nlyhhO16Bdc-00102-00029400-00029590 newtons so the force is always applied +nlyhhO16Bdc-00103-00029591-00029758 upwards instead of downwards like the +nlyhhO16Bdc-00105-00034168-00034455 the p1y vec variable holds the forces +nlyhhO16Bdc-00106-00034456-00034839 from 0 to negative p1y we set p1y equal +nlyhhO16Bdc-00107-00034840-00035071 to negative 2000 earlier in the code so +nlyhhO16Bdc-00108-00035072-00035262 the double negative makes it a positive +nlyhhO16Bdc-00109-00035263-00035462 two thousand we then instantiate a +nlyhhO16Bdc-00110-00035463-00035702 matrix called applied forces +nlyhhO16Bdc-00111-00035703-00035927 it has six rows and two thousand and one +nlyhhO16Bdc-00112-00035928-00036023 columns +nlyhhO16Bdc-00113-00036024-00036230 each column represents the externally +nlyhhO16Bdc-00114-00036231-00036367 applied forces +nlyhhO16Bdc-00115-00036368-00036574 we then replace the entire second row of +nlyhhO16Bdc-00116-00036575-00036887 the matrix with the p1y vect vector +nlyhhO16Bdc-00117-00036888-00037071 finally we solve the system for all +nlyhhO16Bdc-00118-00037072-00037318 cases of p1y at once using the matrix +nlyhhO16Bdc-00119-00037319-00037415 inverse +nlyhhO16Bdc-00120-00037416-00037615 in the past we probably would have done +nlyhhO16Bdc-00121-00037616-00037830 this parameter study using a for loop +nlyhhO16Bdc-00122-00037831-00038039 feeding in an individual column from the +nlyhhO16Bdc-00123-00038040-00038271 applied forces matrix within the body of +nlyhhO16Bdc-00124-00038272-00038495 the for loop you can still do that but +nlyhhO16Bdc-00125-00038496-00038646 this is just a more efficient and +nlyhhO16Bdc-00126-00038647-00038862 slightly more elegant method +nlyhhO16Bdc-00127-00038863-00039215 the dimensions work out a inverse is 6x6 +nlyhhO16Bdc-00128-00039216-00039527 and applied forces is 6 by 2001 so the +nlyhhO16Bdc-00129-00039528-00039839 multiplication yields a 6 by 2001 matrix +nlyhhO16Bdc-00130-00039840-00040071 which lines up with what we want +nlyhhO16Bdc-00131-00040072-00040302 now let's go and inspect the plot +nlyhhO16Bdc-00132-00040303-00040543 when we apply an upward force to node 1 +nlyhhO16Bdc-00133-00040544-00040735 both of the vertical reaction forces +nlyhhO16Bdc-00134-00040736-00040862 become negative +nlyhhO16Bdc-00135-00040863-00041118 we can also see that f1 and f3 are +nlyhhO16Bdc-00136-00041119-00041311 positive so they point in the directions +nlyhhO16Bdc-00137-00041312-00041535 we assumed we originally assumed they +nlyhhO16Bdc-00138-00041536-00041711 point downwards which is now correct +nlyhhO16Bdc-00139-00041712-00041862 because they both need to act in +nlyhhO16Bdc-00140-00041863-00042071 opposition to p1y +nlyhhO16Bdc-00141-00042072-00042415 note that for any value of p1y f3 has a +nlyhhO16Bdc-00142-00042416-00042711 greater magnitude than f1 because f3 has +nlyhhO16Bdc-00143-00042712-00042967 a larger vertical component than f1 +nlyhhO16Bdc-00144-00042968-00043255 going back to v2 and v3 we see that the +nlyhhO16Bdc-00145-00043256-00043455 magnitude of v2 is less than the +nlyhhO16Bdc-00146-00043456-00043799 magnitude of v3 p1y is applied closer to +nlyhhO16Bdc-00147-00043800-00044111 node 3 than to node 1 so v3 has to bear +nlyhhO16Bdc-00148-00044112-00044351 more of the weight than v2 you can also +nlyhhO16Bdc-00149-00044352-00044487 think about this from the statics +nlyhhO16Bdc-00150-00044488-00044679 perspective in addition to the sum of +nlyhhO16Bdc-00151-00044680-00044895 the forces in both directions being 0 +nlyhhO16Bdc-00152-00044896-00045062 the sum of the moments about a point +nlyhhO16Bdc-00153-00045063-00045302 must also be zero if we sum the moments +nlyhhO16Bdc-00154-00045303-00045535 about node one we find that v3 is +nlyhhO16Bdc-00155-00045536-00045743 greater than v2 because the lever arm +nlyhhO16Bdc-00156-00045744-00045974 from node one to node two is longer than +nlyhhO16Bdc-00157-00045975-00046158 the lever arm from node one to node +nlyhhO16Bdc-00158-00046159-00046255 three +nlyhhO16Bdc-00159-00046256-00046511 as previously confirmed h3 is always +nlyhhO16Bdc-00160-00046512-00046799 zero because altering p1y has no effect +nlyhhO16Bdc-00161-00046800-00047111 on the horizontal reaction force +nlyhhO16Bdc-00162-00047112-00047286 the last part of the problem wants us to +nlyhhO16Bdc-00163-00047287-00047462 investigate changes in the unknown +nlyhhO16Bdc-00164-00047463-00047630 forces when we make some changes to the +nlyhhO16Bdc-00165-00047631-00047839 b vector in particular +nlyhhO16Bdc-00166-00047840-00048039 we want to know what happens when p one +nlyhhO16Bdc-00167-00048040-00048239 y is doubled from negative two thousand +nlyhhO16Bdc-00168-00048240-00048439 to negative four thousand newtons and +nlyhhO16Bdc-00169-00048440-00048630 also when we now apply a horizontal +nlyhhO16Bdc-00170-00048631-00048839 force of negative one thousand newtons +nlyhhO16Bdc-00172-00053712-00053879 these variables all represent the +nlyhhO16Bdc-00173-00053879-00054159 changes in the externally applied forces +nlyhhO16Bdc-00174-00054160-00054487 note that dp1y is the same as p1y +nlyhhO16Bdc-00175-00054488-00054679 because the force doubles so the change +nlyhhO16Bdc-00176-00054679-00054903 in the force is just that amount +nlyhhO16Bdc-00177-00054904-00055094 also don't forget the negative in front +nlyhhO16Bdc-00178-00055095-00055254 of the 1000 +nlyhhO16Bdc-00179-00055255-00055463 i made a new b vector which represents +nlyhhO16Bdc-00180-00055464-00055663 the changes in each externally applied +nlyhhO16Bdc-00181-00055664-00055750 load +nlyhhO16Bdc-00182-00055751-00056030 then i resolve the system to find df the +nlyhhO16Bdc-00183-00056032-00056319 changes in the forces as expected the +nlyhhO16Bdc-00184-00056320-00056559 fourth element which is h2 now becomes +nlyhhO16Bdc-00185-00056560-00056863 non-zero the second element which is f2 +nlyhhO16Bdc-00186-00056864-00057111 changes as well hopefully the reason why +nlyhhO16Bdc-00187-00057112-00057294 is clear by now +nlyhhO16Bdc-00188-00057295-00057511 the df vector gives us the changes in +nlyhhO16Bdc-00189-00057512-00057671 the forces but what we're really +nlyhhO16Bdc-00190-00057672-00057871 interested in are the new forces within +nlyhhO16Bdc-00191-00057872-00059247 the truss +nlyhhO16Bdc-00192-00059248-00059479 this line says that the new force is the +nlyhhO16Bdc-00193-00059479-00059663 original forces we had just from the +nlyhhO16Bdc-00194-00059664-00059903 sole negative 2000 newton force at node +nlyhhO16Bdc-00195-00059904-00060142 1 plus the changes of the forces when we +nlyhhO16Bdc-00196-00060144-00060438 increased p1y and added p3x +nlyhhO16Bdc-00197-00060439-00060599 to check ourselves let's solve the +nlyhhO16Bdc-00198-00060600-00060782 system when we supply a b vector +nlyhhO16Bdc-00199-00060783-00060959 representing all the forces applied at +nlyhhO16Bdc-00200-00060960-00063654 once +nlyhhO16Bdc-00201-00063655-00063838 this speed vector contains a negative +nlyhhO16Bdc-00202-00063839-00064103 4000 newton vertical load at node 1 and +nlyhhO16Bdc-00203-00064104-00064382 the minus 1000 newton horizontal load at +nlyhhO16Bdc-00204-00064383-00064726 node 3. we can see that f tote and fnu +nlyhhO16Bdc-00205-00064727-00064942 look pretty similar we can confirm this +nlyhhO16Bdc-00206-00064944-00065111 assertion using the norm of the error +nlyhhO16Bdc-00207-00065112-00067247 between these two vectors +nlyhhO16Bdc-00208-00067248-00067447 when we compute the infinity norm of the +nlyhhO16Bdc-00209-00067448-00067694 error vector we get zero so the two +nlyhhO16Bdc-00210-00067695-00067919 vectors are identical i hope this quick +nlyhhO16Bdc-00211-00067920-00068119 check makes sense when we solve the +nlyhhO16Bdc-00212-00068120-00068294 system as if all the loads were applied +nlyhhO16Bdc-00213-00068295-00068503 at once we get the same result as if we +nlyhhO16Bdc-00214-00068504-00068671 solved the system for one particular set +nlyhhO16Bdc-00215-00068672-00068871 of loads then add it to the resulting +nlyhhO16Bdc-00216-00068872-00069215 solution when we change those loads +nlyhhO16Bdc-00217-00069216-00069406 this concludes the truss problem to +nlyhhO16Bdc-00218-00069407-00069638 recap we drew free body diagrams of each +nlyhhO16Bdc-00219-00069639-00069894 joint generated the a x and b matrices +nlyhhO16Bdc-00220-00069895-00070063 from our set of equations and then +nlyhhO16Bdc-00221-00070064-00070303 solved the system for a few test cases +nlyhhO16Bdc-00222-00070304-00070487 we made heavy use of the matrix inverse +nlyhhO16Bdc-00223-00070488-00070671 to physically understand the system and +nlyhhO16Bdc-00224-00070672-00070894 to check our answers using intuition +nlyhhO16Bdc-00225-00070895-00071055 we saw that we can use the matrix +nlyhhO16Bdc-00226-00071056-00071206 inverse to compute the changes in the +nlyhhO16Bdc-00227-00071207-00071415 unknown forces due to the changes in the +nlyhhO16Bdc-00228-00071416-00071662 externally applied forces when we add +nlyhhO16Bdc-00229-00071663-00071847 the original solution and the changes in +nlyhhO16Bdc-00230-00071848-00072071 the unknowns we get the same answer as +nlyhhO16Bdc-00231-00072072-00072255 if we solved the system when all the +nlyhhO16Bdc-00232-00072256-00072447 loads were applied at once +nlyhhO16Bdc-00233-00072448-00072599 this is a great problem because it's +nlyhhO16Bdc-00234-00072600-00072799 lengthy yet simple enough to apply your +nlyhhO16Bdc-00235-00072800-00072943 physical understanding of basic +nlyhhO16Bdc-00236-00072944-00073159 mechanics to continually check yourself +nlyhhO16Bdc-00237-00073160-00073507 see you next time +nmvm2jmeTpA-00000-00000883-00001120 the new media consortium is proud to +nmvm2jmeTpA-00001-00001121-00001420 announce the NMC horizon report 2012 +nmvm2jmeTpA-00002-00001421-00001684 higher education edition six emerging +nmvm2jmeTpA-00003-00001685-00001870 technologies have been identified across +nmvm2jmeTpA-00004-00001871-00002050 three adoption horizons over the next +nmvm2jmeTpA-00005-00002051-00002227 one to five years likely to have an +nmvm2jmeTpA-00006-00002228-00002458 impact on learning teaching and creative +nmvm2jmeTpA-00007-00002459-00002620 inquiry in higher education +nmvm2jmeTpA-00008-00002621-00002784 The Horizon report is a collaborative +nmvm2jmeTpA-00009-00002785-00003016 effort between the NMC and the EDUCAUSE +nmvm2jmeTpA-00010-00003017-00003420 learning initiative an educator Eisen +nmvm2jmeTpA-00011-00003421-00003613 this year's report identifies mobile +nmvm2jmeTpA-00012-00003614-00003888 apps and tablet computing as technology +nmvm2jmeTpA-00013-00003889-00004122 is expected to enter mainstream mobile +nmvm2jmeTpA-00014-00004123-00004323 apps are the fastest-growing dimension +nmvm2jmeTpA-00015-00004324-00004464 of the mobile space in higher education +nmvm2jmeTpA-00016-00004465-00004734 right now placing them in the near-term +nmvm2jmeTpA-00017-00004735-00005011 horizon of one year or less ABS take +nmvm2jmeTpA-00018-00005012-00005220 advantage of every tool and aspect of a +nmvm2jmeTpA-00019-00005221-00005496 phone including GPS and camera allowing +nmvm2jmeTpA-00020-00005497-00005716 higher education institutions to design +nmvm2jmeTpA-00021-00005717-00005884 apps tailored to educational and +nmvm2jmeTpA-00022-00005885-00006003 research needs across the curriculum +nmvm2jmeTpA-00023-00006004-00006279 also in the new horizon tablet computing +nmvm2jmeTpA-00024-00006280-00006439 is presenting new opportunities to +nmvm2jmeTpA-00025-00006440-00006618 enhance the learning experience +nmvm2jmeTpA-00026-00006619-00006817 high-resolution screens at ease of +nmvm2jmeTpA-00027-00006818-00007015 portability allow users to easily share +nmvm2jmeTpA-00028-00007016-00007225 content on a larger scale without the +nmvm2jmeTpA-00029-00007226-00007423 disruption of the mobile phone which +nmvm2jmeTpA-00030-00007423-00007639 puts them in a category all their own in +nmvm2jmeTpA-00031-00007640-00007789 the midterm horizon +nmvm2jmeTpA-00032-00007790-00007920 two to three years out The Horizon +nmvm2jmeTpA-00033-00007922-00008092 report expects to see game based +nmvm2jmeTpA-00034-00008093-00008275 learning and learning analytics on the +nmvm2jmeTpA-00035-00008276-00008491 rise game based learning continues to +nmvm2jmeTpA-00036-00008492-00008608 grow as research continues to +nmvm2jmeTpA-00037-00008609-00008767 demonstrate its effectiveness for +nmvm2jmeTpA-00038-00008768-00008995 learning games span from the simple up +nmvm2jmeTpA-00039-00008996-00009193 card game or board game all the way to +nmvm2jmeTpA-00040-00009194-00009424 massively multiplayer online games and +nmvm2jmeTpA-00041-00009425-00009640 alternative reality learning analytics +nmvm2jmeTpA-00042-00009641-00009865 Loosli joins a variety of data gathering +nmvm2jmeTpA-00043-00009866-00010090 tools and analytic techniques to study +nmvm2jmeTpA-00044-00010091-00010285 student engagement performance and +nmvm2jmeTpA-00045-00010286-00010507 progress in practice with the goal of +nmvm2jmeTpA-00046-00010508-00010756 using what is learn to revise curricula +nmvm2jmeTpA-00047-00010757-00010969 teaching and assessment in real time in +nmvm2jmeTpA-00048-00010970-00011173 the far term horizon gesture-based +nmvm2jmeTpA-00049-00011174-00011383 computing and the Internet of Things are +nmvm2jmeTpA-00050-00011384-00011608 about four to five years away gesture +nmvm2jmeTpA-00051-00011609-00011824 based computing such as Xbox Kinect or +nmvm2jmeTpA-00052-00011825-00011920 touchscreens +nmvm2jmeTpA-00053-00011921-00012148 challenges traditional computer control +nmvm2jmeTpA-00054-00012149-00012358 by engaging motions of the body facial +nmvm2jmeTpA-00055-00012359-00012553 expressions and voice recognition +nmvm2jmeTpA-00056-00012554-00012745 it makes interactions with the machines +nmvm2jmeTpA-00057-00012746-00013017 much more intuitive and embodied the +nmvm2jmeTpA-00058-00013018-00013157 Internet of Things is the lane +nmvm2jmeTpA-00059-00013158-00013400 turn in the evolution of smart objects +nmvm2jmeTpA-00060-00013401-00013616 it's a category of small devices or +nmvm2jmeTpA-00061-00013616-00013805 methods that enable an object to contain +nmvm2jmeTpA-00062-00013806-00013985 small bits of information such as age +nmvm2jmeTpA-00063-00013986-00014272 shelf life even environmental data like +nmvm2jmeTpA-00064-00014274-00014555 humidity or temperature each of these 6 +nmvm2jmeTpA-00065-00014556-00014738 technologies is described in detail in +nmvm2jmeTpA-00066-00014738-00015013 The Horizon report what it is why it's +nmvm2jmeTpA-00067-00015015-00015203 relevant to teaching learning and +nmvm2jmeTpA-00068-00015204-00015440 creative inquiry along with a list of +nmvm2jmeTpA-00069-00015441-00015656 examples of how the technology is in use +nmvm2jmeTpA-00070-00015657-00015869 in addition to the technologies to watch +nmvm2jmeTpA-00071-00015869-00016066 The Horizon report also highlights key +nmvm2jmeTpA-00072-00016068-00016238 trends like the shift to cloud-based +nmvm2jmeTpA-00073-00016238-00016451 technology the horizon report also +nmvm2jmeTpA-00074-00016452-00016661 discusses significant challenges such as +nmvm2jmeTpA-00075-00016662-00016847 economic pressures and institutional +nmvm2jmeTpA-00076-00016848-00017108 barriers the NMC horizon report 2012 +nmvm2jmeTpA-00077-00017109-00017297 higher ed Edition is available online +nmvm2jmeTpA-00078-00017298-00017534 right now download your copy for free at +nmvm2jmeTpA-00079-00017535-00018164 go NMC org slash 2012 - hi - end +nmSCNNewq0E-00000-00000000-00000286 good afternoon class although for you it +nmSCNNewq0E-00001-00000287-00000574 might be morning or evening or the +nmSCNNewq0E-00002-00000575-00000970 middle of the night i'm dr. RF McEwen +nmSCNNewq0E-00003-00000971-00001208 and I'm going to be heading this class +nmSCNNewq0E-00004-00001209-00001829 up for about eight weeks I'd go over the +nmSCNNewq0E-00005-00001830-00002174 syllabus with you and go over some ways +nmSCNNewq0E-00006-00002175-00002492 it means that we're going to run this +nmSCNNewq0E-00007-00002493-00002792 class if you're looking at the syllabus +nmSCNNewq0E-00008-00002793-00003116 it has a place on there for learning +nmSCNNewq0E-00009-00003117-00003599 outcomes primary learning outcome has to +nmSCNNewq0E-00010-00003600-00003779 do with your ability to improve your +nmSCNNewq0E-00011-00003779-00004109 writing this is a composition class and +nmSCNNewq0E-00012-00004110-00004367 so we're going to be focusing primarily +nmSCNNewq0E-00013-00004368-00004956 on composition method of instruction +nmSCNNewq0E-00014-00004957-00005188 you're going to get a lot of one-on-one +nmSCNNewq0E-00015-00005189-00005645 feedback from me and you'll get plenty +nmSCNNewq0E-00016-00005646-00005981 of instructions and plenty of ways and +nmSCNNewq0E-00017-00005982-00006265 means about putting your essays together +nmSCNNewq0E-00018-00006266-00006550 how much work you put into the class of +nmSCNNewq0E-00019-00006551-00006977 course is entirely up to you the course +nmSCNNewq0E-00020-00006978-00007267 requirements will be one formal essay +nmSCNNewq0E-00021-00007268-00007570 per week sometimes will stretch that out +nmSCNNewq0E-00022-00007572-00008003 too maybe a week and a half you'll be +nmSCNNewq0E-00023-00008004-00008345 receiving a letter grade on your essays +nmSCNNewq0E-00024-00008346-00009362 letter grades are a b c d and f nay is +nmSCNNewq0E-00025-00009363-00009941 worth four points a B is worth three CS +nmSCNNewq0E-00026-00009942-00010353 worth two points and d is 1 and an f0 +nmSCNNewq0E-00027-00010354-00010910 you're going to send me your essay a +nmSCNNewq0E-00028-00010911-00011258 copy of your essay I'm going to consider +nmSCNNewq0E-00029-00011259-00011614 that to be your rough draft I will edit +nmSCNNewq0E-00030-00011615-00012020 and proofread your rough draft and i +nmSCNNewq0E-00031-00012021-00012392 will make suggestions many of the +nmSCNNewq0E-00032-00012393-00012644 suggestions will be generalizations +nmSCNNewq0E-00033-00012645-00012955 obviously if i proofread your entire +nmSCNNewq0E-00034-00012956-00013297 essay then in a sense i rewrite +nmSCNNewq0E-00035-00013299-00013790 for you so I will point to certain +nmSCNNewq0E-00036-00013791-00014113 sentences and say there are some +nmSCNNewq0E-00037-00014115-00014384 sentences in your second paragraph that +nmSCNNewq0E-00038-00014385-00014777 are run on sentences or comma splices or +nmSCNNewq0E-00039-00014778-00015094 sentence fragments or you have some +nmSCNNewq0E-00040-00015096-00015319 spelling errors in your fourth paragraph +nmSCNNewq0E-00041-00015321-00015755 or I think you need to include a lot +nmSCNNewq0E-00042-00015756-00016160 more detail in your essay and I'll go +nmSCNNewq0E-00043-00016161-00016511 into a bit more depth once you get it +nmSCNNewq0E-00044-00016512-00017144 back then you work on it then you send +nmSCNNewq0E-00045-00017145-00017582 back the rewritten or final copy and +nmSCNNewq0E-00046-00017583-00017993 thence the copy that i will grade i will +nmSCNNewq0E-00047-00017994-00018230 not brave the rough draft copy that's +nmSCNNewq0E-00048-00018231-00018545 not fair it's just a rough draft it's +nmSCNNewq0E-00049-00018546-00018812 just you getting started I recommend +nmSCNNewq0E-00050-00018813-00019265 that you have many love trans however I +nmSCNNewq0E-00051-00019266-00019676 will only edit and proofread what what I +nmSCNNewq0E-00052-00019677-00019976 hope to be able to do what I ought to be +nmSCNNewq0E-00053-00019977-00020195 able to accomplish during the course of +nmSCNNewq0E-00054-00020196-00020504 these eight weeks with your help and +nmSCNNewq0E-00055-00020505-00020767 that's the most important thing is to +nmSCNNewq0E-00056-00020768-00021227 improve your writing noticeably so then +nmSCNNewq0E-00057-00021228-00021521 at the end of the semester no matter +nmSCNNewq0E-00058-00021522-00021925 what grade you get your final papers +nmSCNNewq0E-00059-00021926-00022532 read a lot different to you than they +nmSCNNewq0E-00060-00022533-00022838 did at the beginning of the semester if +nmSCNNewq0E-00061-00022839-00023075 during the course of the semester you +nmSCNNewq0E-00062-00023076-00023489 have any questions at all about why you +nmSCNNewq0E-00063-00023490-00023831 receive the grade that you did it is +nmSCNNewq0E-00064-00023832-00024218 your responsibility to contact me and it +nmSCNNewq0E-00065-00024219-00024518 is my responsibility to give you the +nmSCNNewq0E-00066-00024519-00024800 most forthcoming the most comprehensive +nmSCNNewq0E-00067-00024801-00025403 explanation that I can give +nmSCNNewq0E-00068-00025404-00025677 one of Shakespeare's most famous plays +nmSCNNewq0E-00069-00025678-00025950 Antony and Cleopatra this is a +nmSCNNewq0E-00070-00025951-00026289 high-roller called ena barbas and he had +nmSCNNewq0E-00071-00026291-00026739 this to say about Cleopatra he said age +nmSCNNewq0E-00072-00026739-00027343 cannot wither her nor custom stale her +nmSCNNewq0E-00073-00027344-00027832 infinite variety other women cloy the +nmSCNNewq0E-00074-00027833-00028233 appetites they feed but she makes hungry +nmSCNNewq0E-00075-00028234-00028777 where most she satisfies and that has a +nmSCNNewq0E-00076-00028777-00029068 lot to do not only with Cleopatra but +nmSCNNewq0E-00077-00029069-00029548 with composition 135 the more you get +nmSCNNewq0E-00078-00029549-00029883 into your own writing the mysteries and +nmSCNNewq0E-00079-00029884-00030193 the ins and outs of putting a sentence +nmSCNNewq0E-00080-00030194-00030440 together the more you gain confidence +nmSCNNewq0E-00081-00030441-00030826 the more your enthusiasm will grow and +nmSCNNewq0E-00082-00030827-00031189 and when it does we'll find that you +nmSCNNewq0E-00083-00031189-00031524 have entered a bottomless pit there is +nmSCNNewq0E-00084-00031525-00031839 no end to learning there's no end to +nmSCNNewq0E-00085-00031840-00032208 what we can put on a piece of paper with +nmSCNNewq0E-00086-00032209-00032560 a ballpoint pen so good luckiest being +nmSCNNewq0E-00087-00032561-00032977 wayne suerte en espanol and i look +nmSCNNewq0E-00088-00032978-00033294 forward to getting your work +o0C0EZUqemI-00000-00000071-00000271 this is the superman trailer man of +o0C0EZUqemI-00001-00000272-00000415 steel +o0C0EZUqemI-00002-00000416-00000630 it is the official movie trailer from +o0C0EZUqemI-00003-00000631-00000790 hollywood +o0C0EZUqemI-00004-00000791-00001007 don't be confused by the good looking +o0C0EZUqemI-00005-00001008-00001207 man before you +o0C0EZUqemI-00006-00001208-00001391 three two one pause +o0C0EZUqemI-00007-00001392-00001702 by day i am bruce wayne the paper boy +o0C0EZUqemI-00008-00001703-00001951 for the daily bugle but by night i take +o0C0EZUqemI-00009-00001952-00002175 off my suit jacket and my suit shirt and +o0C0EZUqemI-00010-00002176-00002423 my throat tie and i am transformed into +o0C0EZUqemI-00011-00002424-00002775 a superhero superman +o0C0EZUqemI-00012-00002776-00002958 scuba man +o0C0EZUqemI-00013-00002959-00003191 my planet blew up and i now travel the +o0C0EZUqemI-00014-00003192-00003431 space world with my two friends roger +o0C0EZUqemI-00015-00003432-00003631 and albert hi hello +o0C0EZUqemI-00016-00003632-00003822 these are my friends we'll travel the +o0C0EZUqemI-00017-00003823-00003983 planets together +o0C0EZUqemI-00018-00003984-00004222 my dad russell crowe blew up now my +o0C0EZUqemI-00019-00004223-00004447 dad's kevin costner +o0C0EZUqemI-00020-00004448-00004743 we are gonna be friends forever +o0C0EZUqemI-00021-00004744-00005038 look out [__] i will stop the planet +o0C0EZUqemI-00022-00005039-00005231 the asteroid +o0C0EZUqemI-00023-00005232-00005695 im going to zip pd due to dia +o0C0EZUqemI-00024-00005696-00006102 are you not entertained +o0C0EZUqemI-00025-00006103-00006399 superman ain't saving [__] girl you can +o0C0EZUqemI-00026-00006400-00006575 jump on shady's dick +o0C0EZUqemI-00027-00006576-00006878 straight from the hip cut to the chase +o0C0EZUqemI-00028-00006879-00007110 i'll tell them a [__] [__] to her +o0C0EZUqemI-00029-00007111-00007367 face play new games +o0C0EZUqemI-00030-00007368-00007639 say new names ever since i broke up with +o0C0EZUqemI-00031-00007640-00007895 what's her face i'm a different man +o0C0EZUqemI-00032-00007895-00008039 kiss my ass +o0C0EZUqemI-00033-00008040-00008191 kiss my lips +o0C0EZUqemI-00034-00008192-00008335 [__] why ask +o0C0EZUqemI-00035-00008336-00008478 kiss my dick +o0C0EZUqemI-00036-00008479-00008719 hit my cash i'd rather have you whip my +o0C0EZUqemI-00037-00008720-00008807 ass +o0C0EZUqemI-00038-00008808-00009087 don't put out i'll put you out +o0C0EZUqemI-00039-00009088-00009223 won't get out +o0C0EZUqemI-00040-00009224-00009535 i'll push you out pups blew out +o0C0EZUqemI-00041-00009536-00009806 popping [__] wouldn't piss on fire to +o0C0EZUqemI-00042-00009807-00010078 put you out am i too nice +o0C0EZUqemI-00043-00010079-00010223 by you guys +o0C0EZUqemI-00044-00010224-00010535 [__] if you died wouldn't buy you life +o0C0EZUqemI-00045-00010536-00010846 what you trying to be my new wife +o0C0EZUqemI-00046-00010847-00010999 what you mariah +o0C0EZUqemI-00047-00011000-00011223 fly through twice +o0C0EZUqemI-00048-00011224-00011446 but i do know one thing though +o0C0EZUqemI-00049-00011447-00011710 [__] they come they go +o0C0EZUqemI-00050-00011711-00011983 saturday through sunday monday monday +o0C0EZUqemI-00052-00015504-00015712 you +o1nCWflecd8-00000-00000000-00001503 [Music] +o1nCWflecd8-00001-00001504-00001807 what is going on everyone jassy here and +o1nCWflecd8-00002-00001807-00002263 i'm really excited to kick off 2022 with +o1nCWflecd8-00003-00002264-00002575 a what's in my bag 2022 edition of +o1nCWflecd8-00004-00002576-00003124 course slash everyday tech video +o1nCWflecd8-00005-00003125-00003911 [Music] +o1nCWflecd8-00006-00003911-00004191 those who are new here welcome i'm a +o1nCWflecd8-00007-00004192-00004495 front-end software engineer i also am a +o1nCWflecd8-00008-00004496-00004711 content creator on youtube you can also +o1nCWflecd8-00009-00004712-00004975 check me out on instagram where i have +o1nCWflecd8-00010-00004976-00005247 more like fashion kind of content with a +o1nCWflecd8-00011-00005248-00005502 little bit of tech and then tick tock as +o1nCWflecd8-00012-00005503-00005815 well where i do more lifestyle stuff and +o1nCWflecd8-00013-00005816-00005943 a little bit of tech consider +o1nCWflecd8-00014-00005944-00006215 subscribing for more content like this +o1nCWflecd8-00015-00006216-00006383 and if you give this video a thumbs up i +o1nCWflecd8-00016-00006384-00006639 will greatly appreciate it +o1nCWflecd8-00017-00006640-00007014 now this is not a everyday carry or an +o1nCWflecd8-00018-00007015-00007223 item that's in my book bag but i hope +o1nCWflecd8-00019-00007223-00007375 you all noticed that +o1nCWflecd8-00020-00007376-00007551 it's probably obvious but i got a new +o1nCWflecd8-00021-00007552-00007710 microphone and that's because i want to +o1nCWflecd8-00022-00007711-00008070 prioritize audio for 2022 for those of +o1nCWflecd8-00023-00008072-00008231 you who've been following my channel for +o1nCWflecd8-00024-00008232-00008478 the past few years you know that i love +o1nCWflecd8-00025-00008479-00008783 making really good cinematic content but +o1nCWflecd8-00026-00008784-00009063 my audio has always been inconsistent +o1nCWflecd8-00027-00009064-00009327 and when your audio doesn't sound good +o1nCWflecd8-00028-00009328-00009527 it just doesn't make the video feel +o1nCWflecd8-00029-00009528-00009823 professional and for me personally it +o1nCWflecd8-00030-00009824-00010071 doesn't make me feel like smart +o1nCWflecd8-00031-00010072-00010246 i know i'm not saying that i don't sound +o1nCWflecd8-00032-00010247-00010438 smart because i'm not using a microphone +o1nCWflecd8-00033-00010439-00010671 but when you have professional audio you +o1nCWflecd8-00034-00010672-00010910 do sound better more eloquent more +o1nCWflecd8-00035-00010911-00011127 professional so ultimately you sound +o1nCWflecd8-00036-00011128-00011446 smarter there's quite a few changes when +o1nCWflecd8-00037-00011447-00011655 it comes to what's in my bag for this +o1nCWflecd8-00038-00011656-00012110 year compared to 2021 and 2020. so if +o1nCWflecd8-00039-00012111-00012319 you've watched those videos in the past +o1nCWflecd8-00040-00012320-00012551 i doubt anyone remembers what on earth +o1nCWflecd8-00041-00012552-00012774 was in my bag a year ago i can't even +o1nCWflecd8-00042-00012775-00012983 tell you what was in my bag a week ago +o1nCWflecd8-00043-00012984-00013151 but my lifestyle has changed +o1nCWflecd8-00044-00013152-00013471 significantly i take the transit a ton +o1nCWflecd8-00045-00013472-00013743 especially when going to work so one +o1nCWflecd8-00046-00013744-00013894 thing that was important to me when it +o1nCWflecd8-00047-00013895-00014247 comes to my everyday carry is the weight +o1nCWflecd8-00048-00014247-00014599 also size you don't want a behemoth of a +o1nCWflecd8-00049-00014600-00014783 book bag while taking the transit you +o1nCWflecd8-00050-00014784-00015022 just look like an idiot and you take up +o1nCWflecd8-00051-00015023-00015238 way too much space also functionality +o1nCWflecd8-00052-00015240-00015447 tons of compartments i definitely had to +o1nCWflecd8-00053-00015447-00016079 upgrade my book bag +o1nCWflecd8-00054-00016080-00016366 now there are some items that you just +o1nCWflecd8-00055-00016368-00016630 keep and they're always in your bag +o1nCWflecd8-00056-00016631-00016871 consistently every year until that brand +o1nCWflecd8-00057-00016872-00017047 decides to make a newer version of that +o1nCWflecd8-00058-00017048-00017286 and for this year that's the logitech mx +o1nCWflecd8-00059-00017287-00017503 master 3. you'll notice with some +o1nCWflecd8-00060-00017504-00017639 creators that +o1nCWflecd8-00061-00017640-00017871 their everyday tech doesn't change that +o1nCWflecd8-00062-00017872-00018127 often because that basically means one +o1nCWflecd8-00063-00018128-00018294 or two things one you live in the same +o1nCWflecd8-00064-00018295-00018527 location you did last year or maybe you +o1nCWflecd8-00065-00018528-00018735 did move and your lifestyle hasn't +o1nCWflecd8-00066-00018736-00019094 changed that much or it means that you +o1nCWflecd8-00067-00019095-00019303 invested in basically the best version +o1nCWflecd8-00068-00019304-00019519 of each tech item and there's really no +o1nCWflecd8-00069-00019520-00019814 need to upgrade every year all right +o1nCWflecd8-00070-00019815-00020079 finally let's get into the gear that is +o1nCWflecd8-00071-00020080-00020447 in my everyday carry for 2022. starting +o1nCWflecd8-00072-00020448-00020735 out with the book bag i'm carrying the +o1nCWflecd8-00073-00020736-00020911 wondered provoke +o1nCWflecd8-00074-00020912-00021263 light book bag it is 11 liters now this +o1nCWflecd8-00075-00021264-00021535 is a newer version of the wondered +o1nCWflecd8-00076-00021536-00021639 provoke +o1nCWflecd8-00077-00021640-00021903 series of backpacks typically they have +o1nCWflecd8-00078-00021904-00022135 the 21 liter and the 31 liter which is +o1nCWflecd8-00079-00022136-00022391 more commonly known but i decided to go +o1nCWflecd8-00080-00022392-00022639 with the 11 liter because honestly it +o1nCWflecd8-00081-00022640-00022863 didn't seem that much smaller than the +o1nCWflecd8-00082-00022864-00023135 21 liter when i was comparing the two in +o1nCWflecd8-00083-00023136-00023399 b h photo and that's one of the +o1nCWflecd8-00084-00023400-00023630 blessings of living in the new york city +o1nCWflecd8-00085-00023631-00023871 area is that you can go to places like b +o1nCWflecd8-00086-00023872-00024078 h photo and you can look at pretty much +o1nCWflecd8-00087-00024079-00024407 every camera bag every camera lens known +o1nCWflecd8-00088-00024408-00024614 to man and get a chance to get a feel +o1nCWflecd8-00089-00024615-00024742 for it and see +o1nCWflecd8-00090-00024743-00024967 get a chance to see that gear in person +o1nCWflecd8-00091-00024968-00025103 otherwise i probably wouldn't have +o1nCWflecd8-00092-00025104-00025375 chosen this backpack i love the black +o1nCWflecd8-00093-00025376-00025622 colorway i've been eyeing this backpack +o1nCWflecd8-00094-00025623-00025855 for like years and i decided to go with +o1nCWflecd8-00095-00025856-00026134 peak design instead and then i wasn't +o1nCWflecd8-00096-00026135-00026351 super satisfied with that sold the peak +o1nCWflecd8-00097-00026352-00026607 design and then i was using this bag +o1nCWflecd8-00098-00026608-00026790 smart bag for a while because i really +o1nCWflecd8-00099-00026791-00026999 wasn't traveling the pandemic happened +o1nCWflecd8-00100-00027000-00027174 and then living in the midwest i really +o1nCWflecd8-00101-00027175-00027390 didn't need a camera backpack but now +o1nCWflecd8-00102-00027391-00027614 living in the new york city area you +o1nCWflecd8-00103-00027616-00027902 definitely need a very protected +o1nCWflecd8-00104-00027904-00028095 backpack that's secure with a lot of +o1nCWflecd8-00105-00028095-00028407 pockets along with being functional for +o1nCWflecd8-00106-00028408-00028655 you to put your camera gear inside +o1nCWflecd8-00107-00028656-00028974 the logitech mx master 3 has been my +o1nCWflecd8-00108-00028975-00029167 go-to mouse since literally the day it +o1nCWflecd8-00109-00029168-00029414 came out i think most creators prefer +o1nCWflecd8-00110-00029416-00029662 this mouse because of its design fits +o1nCWflecd8-00111-00029663-00029862 perfectly in your hand it's small so you +o1nCWflecd8-00112-00029863-00030135 can put it in your back with no problem +o1nCWflecd8-00113-00030136-00030358 and i love the infinite scroll wheel +o1nCWflecd8-00114-00030360-00030558 especially when i'm reading through +o1nCWflecd8-00115-00030560-00030807 super long programming files +o1nCWflecd8-00116-00030808-00031055 along with it being a great mouse for +o1nCWflecd8-00117-00031056-00031195 video +o1nCWflecd8-00118-00031197-00032283 [Music] +o1nCWflecd8-00119-00032283-00032567 editing i usually carry the ipad air +o1nCWflecd8-00120-00032568-00032790 fourth gen because it's light and can +o1nCWflecd8-00121-00032791-00032951 function as a laptop +o1nCWflecd8-00122-00032952-00033151 especially when pairing the ipad air +o1nCWflecd8-00123-00033152-00033439 with the logitech combo touch i +o1nCWflecd8-00124-00033440-00033639 typically will bring the ipad when i'm +o1nCWflecd8-00125-00033640-00033839 just trying to consume some content +o1nCWflecd8-00126-00033840-00034039 at a coffee shop or if i'm writing a +o1nCWflecd8-00127-00034040-00034271 script for video like this i'll also use +o1nCWflecd8-00128-00034272-00034455 ipad air for more simple content +o1nCWflecd8-00129-00034456-00034639 creation like editing pictures in +o1nCWflecd8-00130-00034640-00034862 lightroom or editing a thumbnail the +o1nCWflecd8-00131-00034863-00035102 display is really vibrant so sometimes i +o1nCWflecd8-00132-00035103-00035311 prefer watching content on here opposed +o1nCWflecd8-00133-00035312-00035590 to my macbook pro with the m1 chip the +o1nCWflecd8-00134-00035591-00035807 logitech combo touch +o1nCWflecd8-00135-00035808-00036023 is incredible thank you again to +o1nCWflecd8-00136-00036024-00036271 logitech for gifting me the combo touch +o1nCWflecd8-00137-00036272-00036535 some months back my ipad experience has +o1nCWflecd8-00138-00036536-00036743 been significantly better with this +o1nCWflecd8-00139-00036744-00037030 edition for one i use the ipad way more +o1nCWflecd8-00140-00037031-00037230 because the combo touch keyboard is +o1nCWflecd8-00141-00037231-00037455 actually a solid keyboard with a great +o1nCWflecd8-00142-00037456-00037751 trackpad despite how small it is it's +o1nCWflecd8-00143-00037752-00037983 also a really durable case that keeps my +o1nCWflecd8-00144-00037984-00038230 ipad protected the only thing that's a +o1nCWflecd8-00145-00038231-00038439 little wonky or weird is opening the +o1nCWflecd8-00146-00038440-00038535 case +o1nCWflecd8-00147-00038536-00038774 isn't the most seamless experience but +o1nCWflecd8-00148-00038775-00038974 other than that i have no complaints and +o1nCWflecd8-00149-00038975-00039215 would recommend this case for anyone who +o1nCWflecd8-00150-00039216-00039446 doesn't want to spend 300 +o1nCWflecd8-00151-00039447-00039783 on the apple magic keyboard for the ipad +o1nCWflecd8-00152-00039784-00039935 you've probably seen the lessee hard +o1nCWflecd8-00153-00039936-00040151 drive on pretty much every youtuber's +o1nCWflecd8-00154-00040152-00040407 desk so i just follow suit picking up a +o1nCWflecd8-00155-00040408-00040774 one terabyte let's see earlier in 2021 +o1nCWflecd8-00156-00040775-00040935 if you're a creator it's absolutely +o1nCWflecd8-00157-00040936-00041118 necessary to have a rugged backup hard +o1nCWflecd8-00158-00041119-00041335 drive especially when traveling so +o1nCWflecd8-00159-00041336-00041502 you're less fearful of losing your +o1nCWflecd8-00160-00041503-00041711 precious content one thing i really like +o1nCWflecd8-00161-00041712-00041983 about the lessee is how easy it is to +o1nCWflecd8-00162-00041984-00042230 use and how fast i can upload files onto +o1nCWflecd8-00163-00042231-00042735 the hard drive +o1nCWflecd8-00164-00042736-00043023 the macbook pro 13 inch with the m1 chip +o1nCWflecd8-00165-00043024-00043190 has been my go-to +o1nCWflecd8-00166-00043191-00043479 laptop when on the go the main reason is +o1nCWflecd8-00167-00043480-00043639 because of how compact and light this +o1nCWflecd8-00168-00043640-00043927 laptop is and also it's powerful enough +o1nCWflecd8-00169-00043928-00044223 to get some video editing done on the go +o1nCWflecd8-00170-00044224-00044495 i also can do web development on this +o1nCWflecd8-00171-00044496-00044823 device with no problem like building and +o1nCWflecd8-00172-00044824-00045087 running a react application along with +o1nCWflecd8-00173-00045088-00045287 running other tasks +o1nCWflecd8-00174-00045288-00045462 the keyboard also makes my typing +o1nCWflecd8-00175-00045463-00045671 experience really pleasant so i like to +o1nCWflecd8-00176-00045672-00045895 use this macbook pro for typing out my +o1nCWflecd8-00177-00045896-00046135 youtube scripts when on the go along +o1nCWflecd8-00178-00046136-00046351 with doing administrative work like +o1nCWflecd8-00179-00046352-00046574 responding to emails and reaching out to +o1nCWflecd8-00180-00046575-00046879 brands i upgraded from the 11 pro max to +o1nCWflecd8-00181-00046880-00047071 the iphone 13 pro +o1nCWflecd8-00182-00047072-00047358 in this beautiful sierra blue colorway +o1nCWflecd8-00183-00047359-00047646 about a month ago i absolutely love this +o1nCWflecd8-00184-00047647-00047902 iphone the camera is unbelievable +o1nCWflecd8-00185-00047903-00048190 considering how small this iphone is i +o1nCWflecd8-00186-00048191-00048486 actually found myself using the iphone +o1nCWflecd8-00187-00048487-00048711 13 pro more than my camera to take +o1nCWflecd8-00188-00048712-00048999 pictures and i use it for all of my ig +o1nCWflecd8-00189-00049000-00049239 and tiktok content i decided to go with +o1nCWflecd8-00190-00049240-00049471 the pro instead of the pro max because i +o1nCWflecd8-00191-00049472-00049671 just think the pro max is way too big +o1nCWflecd8-00192-00049672-00049886 and takes up way too much space in my +o1nCWflecd8-00193-00049887-00050207 pockets especially when i'm biking or +o1nCWflecd8-00194-00050208-00050390 going on a run i could literally make a +o1nCWflecd8-00195-00050391-00050558 whole video talking about this camera +o1nCWflecd8-00196-00050559-00050862 but in october of 2021 i upgraded to the +o1nCWflecd8-00197-00050863-00051174 sony a7s 3. this camera is sharp and +o1nCWflecd8-00198-00051175-00051423 performs incredibly well in low light i +o1nCWflecd8-00199-00051424-00051726 love shooting in 4k at 60 frames and 120 +o1nCWflecd8-00200-00051727-00051982 frames per second and i've recently been +o1nCWflecd8-00201-00051983-00052142 shooting my more software engineering +o1nCWflecd8-00202-00052144-00052463 focused videos in 1080p 10-bit which +o1nCWflecd8-00203-00052464-00052703 looks really really good the swivel +o1nCWflecd8-00204-00052704-00052879 screen has made all the difference +o1nCWflecd8-00205-00052879-00053166 making sure i'm in focus and having the +o1nCWflecd8-00206-00053167-00053342 correct settings for the environment i'm +o1nCWflecd8-00207-00053344-00053711 in i've had the tamron 28 to 75 for i +o1nCWflecd8-00208-00053712-00053959 think almost three years now and it's my +o1nCWflecd8-00209-00053960-00054142 go-to lens when i'm out and about +o1nCWflecd8-00210-00054144-00054335 because i can still vlog at 28 +o1nCWflecd8-00211-00054336-00054607 millimeters but also can punch in at 75 +o1nCWflecd8-00212-00054608-00054775 millimeters if i want to capture +o1nCWflecd8-00213-00054776-00055063 something further away i will say i wish +o1nCWflecd8-00214-00055064-00055247 i had the sigma +o1nCWflecd8-00215-00055248-00055487 24 to 70 +o1nCWflecd8-00216-00055488-00055759 f 2.8 instead because i think sigma's +o1nCWflecd8-00217-00055760-00055999 colors look a lot better than tamron +o1nCWflecd8-00218-00056000-00056191 this lens is probably the most versatile +o1nCWflecd8-00219-00056191-00056471 lens though that sony offers outside of +o1nCWflecd8-00220-00056472-00056791 the sigma 24 to 70 and the really +o1nCWflecd8-00221-00056791-00057111 expensive sony g master 24 to 70. last +o1nCWflecd8-00222-00057112-00057359 but not least the airpods pro those +o1nCWflecd8-00223-00057360-00057550 headphones have been +o1nCWflecd8-00224-00057551-00057879 my go-to especially since i'm in an area +o1nCWflecd8-00225-00057879-00058103 where there's more hustle and bustle and +o1nCWflecd8-00226-00058104-00058382 i like to keep my backpack light i've +o1nCWflecd8-00227-00058383-00058647 really replaced these with my over ear +o1nCWflecd8-00228-00058648-00058791 headphones and i think it's because +o1nCWflecd8-00229-00058791-00059030 these are more comfortable and they have +o1nCWflecd8-00230-00059032-00059215 the noise canceling capability so they +o1nCWflecd8-00231-00059216-00059447 really just check off every box i'm +o1nCWflecd8-00232-00059448-00059671 looking for when it comes to a headphone +o1nCWflecd8-00233-00059672-00059863 thank you for watching this video if you +o1nCWflecd8-00234-00059864-00060047 made it all the way to the end be sure +o1nCWflecd8-00235-00060048-00060238 to give this video a thumbs up i greatly +o1nCWflecd8-00236-00060239-00060447 appreciate it comment down below some of +o1nCWflecd8-00237-00060448-00060742 your favorite everyday tech items and +o1nCWflecd8-00238-00060744-00060894 don't forget to subscribe for more +o1nCWflecd8-00239-00060895-00061071 content like this and as always have a +o1nCWflecd8-00240-00061072-00061238 blessed rest of your week i'll see you +o1nCWflecd8-00241-00061239-00062163 all soon peace +o1nCWflecd8-00242-00062164-00062671 [Music] +o1nCWflecd8-00243-00062672-00062879 you +o1VUFum0MVA-00000-00000018-00001595 [Music] +o1VUFum0MVA-00001-00001596-00002484 [Music] +o1VUFum0MVA-00002-00002485-00002681 thank you +o1VUFum0MVA-00003-00002682-00003162 foreign +o1VUFum0MVA-00004-00003163-00004919 [Music] +o1VUFum0MVA-00005-00004920-00005162 foreign +o3dw_8hls1Y-00000-00000051-00000278 the following entries cover events +o3dw_8hls1Y-00001-00000279-00000494 related to science or technology which +o3dw_8hls1Y-00002-00000495-00001147 occurred in the listed year +o3dw_8hls1Y-00003-00001148-00001707 topic zeros +o3dw_8hls1Y-00004-00001707-00002348 first century in science +o3dw_8hls1Y-00005-00002349-00002921 topic 100 +o3dw_8hls1Y-00006-00002922-00003563 second century in science +o3dw_8hls1Y-00007-00003564-00004139 topic two hundreds +o3dw_8hls1Y-00008-00004140-00004788 third-century in science +o3dw_8hls1Y-00009-00004789-00005363 topic three hundreds +o3dw_8hls1Y-00010-00005364-00006011 fourth century in science +o3dw_8hls1Y-00011-00006012-00006587 topic for hundreds +o3dw_8hls1Y-00012-00006588-00007231 fifth-century in science +o3dw_8hls1Y-00013-00007231-00007802 topic 5 hundreds +o3dw_8hls1Y-00014-00007803-00008455 sixth century in science +o3dw_8hls1Y-00015-00008456-00009049 topic six hundreds +o3dw_8hls1Y-00016-00009050-00009691 seventh-century in science +o3dw_8hls1Y-00017-00009692-00010267 topic 700s +o3dw_8hls1Y-00018-00010268-00010914 eight century in science +o3dw_8hls1Y-00019-00010915-00011469 topic eight hundreds +o3dw_8hls1Y-00020-00011470-00012114 ninth century in science +o3dw_8hls1Y-00021-00012115-00012683 topic 900s +o3dw_8hls1Y-00022-00012684-00013330 10th century in science +o3dw_8hls1Y-00023-00013331-00013905 topic one thousands +o3dw_8hls1Y-00024-00013906-00014562 eleventh-century in science +o3dw_8hls1Y-00025-00014563-00015155 topic 1100 +o3dw_8hls1Y-00026-00015156-00015800 12th century in science +o3dw_8hls1Y-00027-00015801-00016380 topic 1200 +o3dw_8hls1Y-00028-00016381-00017057 thirteenth-century in science +o3dw_8hls1Y-00029-00017058-00017660 topic 1,300 +o3dw_8hls1Y-00030-00017661-00018319 14th century in science +o3dw_8hls1Y-00031-00018320-00018917 topic 1400 +o3dw_8hls1Y-00032-00018918-00019586 15th century in science +o3dw_8hls1Y-00033-00019587-00020183 topic 1500 +o3dw_8hls1Y-00034-00020184-00020675 fifteen hundred's one 501 501 one 502 +o3dw_8hls1Y-00035-00020676-00020999 one five oh three one five oh four one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00036-00021000-00021317 five oh five one five oh six one five oh +o3dw_8hls1Y-00037-00021318-00021800 seven one five oh eight one 509 fifteen +o3dw_8hls1Y-00038-00021801-00022100 tens one five one oh one five one one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00039-00022101-00022424 one five one two one five one three one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00040-00022425-00022742 five one four one five one five one five +o3dw_8hls1Y-00041-00022743-00023050 one six one five one seven one five one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00042-00023051-00023489 eight one five one nine 1520's +o3dw_8hls1Y-00043-00023490-00023786 one five two oh one five two one one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00044-00023787-00024116 five two two one five two three one five +o3dw_8hls1Y-00045-00024117-00024443 two four one five two five one five two +o3dw_8hls1Y-00046-00024444-00024740 six one five two seven one five two +o3dw_8hls1Y-00047-00024741-00025211 eight one five two nine 1530s one five +o3dw_8hls1Y-00048-00025212-00025475 three oh one five three one one five +o3dw_8hls1Y-00049-00025476-00025771 three two one five three three one five +o3dw_8hls1Y-00050-00025772-00026077 three four one five three five one five +o3dw_8hls1Y-00051-00026079-00026383 three six one five three seven one five +o3dw_8hls1Y-00052-00026385-00026819 three eight one five three nine 1540s +o3dw_8hls1Y-00053-00026820-00027133 one five four oh one five four one one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00054-00027135-00027431 five four two one five four three one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00055-00027432-00027739 five four four one five four five one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00056-00027741-00028045 five four six one five four seven one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00057-00028047-00028517 five four eight one five four nine 1550s +o3dw_8hls1Y-00058-00028518-00028840 one five five oh one five five one one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00059-00028841-00029174 five five - one five five three one five +o3dw_8hls1Y-00060-00029175-00029474 five four one five five five one five +o3dw_8hls1Y-00061-00029475-00029777 five six one five five seven one five +o3dw_8hls1Y-00062-00029777-00030248 five eight one five five nine 1560s +o3dw_8hls1Y-00063-00030249-00030554 one five six zero one five six one one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00064-00030555-00030877 five six - one five six three one five +o3dw_8hls1Y-00065-00030878-00031205 six four one five six five one five six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00066-00031206-00031508 six one five six seven one five six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00067-00031508-00031943 eight one five six nine 1570s +o3dw_8hls1Y-00068-00031944-00032215 one five seven oh one five seven one one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00069-00032216-00032510 five seven two one five seven three one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00070-00032511-00032831 five seven four one five seven five one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00071-00032832-00033139 five seven six one five seven seven one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00072-00033140-00033494 five seven eight one five seven nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00073-00033495-00033824 1580s one five eight oh one five eight +o3dw_8hls1Y-00074-00033825-00034091 one one five eight two one five eight +o3dw_8hls1Y-00075-00034092-00034373 three one five eight four one five eight +o3dw_8hls1Y-00076-00034374-00034670 five one five eight six one five eight +o3dw_8hls1Y-00077-00034671-00034919 seven one five eight eight one five +o3dw_8hls1Y-00078-00034920-00035222 eight nine 1590s +o3dw_8hls1Y-00079-00035223-00035507 one five nine oh one five nine one one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00080-00035508-00035801 five nine two one five nine three one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00081-00035802-00036104 five nine four one five nine five one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00082-00036105-00036407 five nine six one five nine seven one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00083-00036408-00037080 five nine eight one five nine nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00084-00037081-00037786 topic 1600 +o3dw_8hls1Y-00085-00037787-00038294 1601 601 601 one six oh two one six zero +o3dw_8hls1Y-00086-00038295-00038555 three one six zero four one six zero +o3dw_8hls1Y-00087-00038556-00038891 five one six zero six one six zero seven +o3dw_8hls1Y-00088-00038892-00039220 one six zero eight one six oh nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00089-00039221-00039566 sixteen tens one six one zero one six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00090-00039567-00039860 one one one six one two one six one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00091-00039861-00040208 three one six one four one six one five +o3dw_8hls1Y-00092-00040209-00040565 one six one six one six one seven one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00093-00040566-00041042 six one eight one six one nine 1620s +o3dw_8hls1Y-00094-00041043-00041372 one six two oh one six two one one six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00095-00041373-00041693 two two one six two three one six two +o3dw_8hls1Y-00096-00041694-00042014 four one six two five one six two six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00097-00042015-00042329 one six two seven one six two eight one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00098-00042330-00042839 six two nine 1630s one six three oh one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00099-00042840-00043172 six three one one six three two one six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00100-00043173-00043469 three three one six three four one six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00101-00043470-00043775 three five one six three six one six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00102-00043776-00044063 three seven one six three eight one six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00103-00044064-00044579 three nine 1640s one six four oh one six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00104-00044580-00044888 four one one six four two one six four +o3dw_8hls1Y-00105-00044889-00045182 three one six four four one six four +o3dw_8hls1Y-00106-00045183-00045527 five one six four six one six four seven +o3dw_8hls1Y-00107-00045528-00045928 one six four eight one six four nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00108-00045929-00046277 1650s one six five oh one six five one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00109-00046278-00046625 one six five two one six five three one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00110-00046626-00046976 six five four one six five five one six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00111-00046977-00047318 five six one six five seven one six five +o3dw_8hls1Y-00112-00047319-00047819 eight one six five nine 1660s one six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00113-00047820-00048164 six zero one six six one one six six two +o3dw_8hls1Y-00114-00048165-00048485 one six six three one six six four one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00115-00048486-00048866 six six five one six six six one six six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00116-00048867-00049330 seven one six six eight one six six nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00117-00049331-00049703 1670s one six seven oh one six seven one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00118-00049704-00050012 one six seven two one six seven three +o3dw_8hls1Y-00119-00050013-00050309 one six seven four one six seven five +o3dw_8hls1Y-00120-00050310-00050627 one six seven six one six seven seven +o3dw_8hls1Y-00121-00050628-00050992 one six seven eight one six seven nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00122-00050993-00051134 sixteen eight +o3dw_8hls1Y-00123-00051135-00051425 one six eight oh one six eight one one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00124-00051426-00051704 six eight two one six eight three one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00125-00051704-00052010 six eight four one six eight five one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00126-00052011-00052298 six eight six one six eight seven one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00127-00052299-00052772 six eight eight one six eight nine 1690s +o3dw_8hls1Y-00128-00052773-00053102 one six nine oh one six nine one one six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00129-00053103-00053423 nine two one six nine three one six nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00130-00053424-00053789 four one six nine five one six nine six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00131-00053790-00054077 one six nine seven one six nine eight +o3dw_8hls1Y-00132-00054078-00054657 one six nine nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00133-00054658-00055326 topic seventeen hundred's +o3dw_8hls1Y-00134-00055327-00055984 1700s 1 701 701 1 702 one 703 one seven +o3dw_8hls1Y-00135-00055985-00056266 oh four one seven oh five one seven oh +o3dw_8hls1Y-00136-00056266-00056536 six one seven oh seven one seven oh +o3dw_8hls1Y-00137-00056537-00056908 eight one seven oh nine seventeen tens +o3dw_8hls1Y-00138-00056909-00057214 one seven one oh one seven one one one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00139-00057215-00057499 seven one two one seven one three one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00140-00057500-00057778 seven one four one seven one five one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00141-00057779-00058075 seven one six one seven one seven one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00142-00058076-00058537 seven one eight one seven one nine 1720s +o3dw_8hls1Y-00143-00058538-00058842 one seven two oh one seven two one one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00144-00058844-00059125 seven two two one seven two three one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00145-00059126-00059407 seven two four one seven two five one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00146-00059408-00059686 seven two six one seven two seven one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00147-00059687-00060072 seven two eight one seven two nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00148-00060073-00060391 1730's one seven three oh one seven +o3dw_8hls1Y-00149-00060391-00060670 three one one seven three two one seven +o3dw_8hls1Y-00150-00060671-00060910 three three one seven three four one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00151-00060911-00061191 seven three five one seven three six one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00152-00061192-00061429 seven three seven one seven three eight +o3dw_8hls1Y-00153-00061429-00061917 one seven three nine 1740s one seven +o3dw_8hls1Y-00154-00061919-00062170 four oh one seven four one one seven +o3dw_8hls1Y-00155-00062171-00062473 four two one seven four three one seven +o3dw_8hls1Y-00156-00062474-00062742 four four one seven four five one seven +o3dw_8hls1Y-00157-00062744-00063042 four six one seven four seven one seven +o3dw_8hls1Y-00158-00063044-00063532 four eight one seven four nine 1750s one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00159-00063533-00063802 seven five oh one seven five one one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00160-00063803-00064072 seven five two one seven five three one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00161-00064073-00064380 seven five four one seven five five one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00162-00064382-00064684 seven five six one seven five seven one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00163-00064685-00065070 seven five eight one seven five nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00164-00065071-00065425 1760s one seven six zero one seven six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00165-00065426-00065707 one one seven six two one seven six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00166-00065708-00065986 three one seven six four one seven six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00167-00065987-00066295 five one seven six six one seven six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00168-00066296-00066577 seven one seven six eight one seven six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00169-00066578-00067078 nine 1770s one seven seven oh one seven +o3dw_8hls1Y-00170-00067079-00067351 seven one one seven seven two one seven +o3dw_8hls1Y-00171-00067352-00067621 seven three one seven seven four one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00172-00067622-00067930 seven seven five one seven seven six one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00173-00067931-00068167 seven seven seven one seven seven eight +o3dw_8hls1Y-00174-00068168-00068438 one seven seven nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00175-00068439-00068765 1780s one seven eight oh one seven eight +o3dw_8hls1Y-00176-00068766-00069011 one one seven eight two one seven eight +o3dw_8hls1Y-00177-00069012-00069248 three one seven eight four one seven +o3dw_8hls1Y-00178-00069249-00069527 eight five one seven eight six one seven +o3dw_8hls1Y-00179-00069528-00069743 eight seven one seven eight eight one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00180-00069744-00070199 seven eight nine 1790s one seven nine oh +o3dw_8hls1Y-00181-00070200-00070496 one seven nine one one seven nine two +o3dw_8hls1Y-00182-00070497-00070778 one seven nine three one seven nine four +o3dw_8hls1Y-00183-00070779-00071060 one seven nine five one seven nine six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00184-00071061-00071315 one seven nine seven one seven nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00185-00071316-00071915 eight one seven nine nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00186-00071916-00072543 topic eighteen hundred's +o3dw_8hls1Y-00187-00072544-00073195 1800s 1-800 1 801 1 802 one 803 one 804 +o3dw_8hls1Y-00188-00073196-00073477 one eight oh five one eight oh six one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00189-00073478-00073699 eight oh seven one eight oh eight one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00190-00073700-00073999 eight oh nine 1810s +o3dw_8hls1Y-00191-00074000-00074245 one eight one oh one eight one one one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00192-00074246-00074497 eight one two one eight one three one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00193-00074498-00074749 eight one four one eight one five one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00194-00074750-00075013 eight one six one eight one seven one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00195-00075014-00075421 eight one eight one eight one nine 1820s +o3dw_8hls1Y-00196-00075422-00075691 one eight two oh one eight two one one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00197-00075692-00075913 eight two two one eight two three +o3dw_8hls1Y-00198-00075914-00076162 one eight two four one eight two five +o3dw_8hls1Y-00199-00076163-00076417 one eight two six one eight two seven +o3dw_8hls1Y-00200-00076418-00076776 one eight two eight one eight two nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00201-00076777-00077086 1830s one eight three oh one eight three +o3dw_8hls1Y-00202-00077087-00077308 one one eight three two one eight three +o3dw_8hls1Y-00203-00077309-00077551 three one eight three four one eight +o3dw_8hls1Y-00204-00077552-00077824 three five one eight three six one eight +o3dw_8hls1Y-00205-00077825-00078064 three seven one eight three eight one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00206-00078065-00078475 eight three nine 1840s one eight four oh +o3dw_8hls1Y-00207-00078476-00078703 one eight four one one eight four two +o3dw_8hls1Y-00208-00078704-00079000 one eight four three one eight four four +o3dw_8hls1Y-00209-00079001-00079270 one eight four five one eight four six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00210-00079271-00079495 one eight four seven one eight four +o3dw_8hls1Y-00211-00079496-00079915 eight one eight four nine 1850s one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00212-00079916-00080149 eight five oh one eight five one one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00213-00080150-00080386 eight five two one eight five three one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00214-00080387-00080656 eight five four one eight five five one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00215-00080657-00080929 eight five six one eight five seven one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00216-00080930-00081264 eight five eight one eight five nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00217-00081265-00081589 1860s one eight six zero one eight six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00218-00081590-00081832 one one eight six two one eight six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00219-00081833-00082084 three one eight six four one eight six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00220-00082085-00082357 five one eight six six one eight six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00221-00082358-00082609 seven one eight six eight one eight six +o3dw_8hls1Y-00222-00082610-00083053 nine 1870s one eight seven oh one eight +o3dw_8hls1Y-00223-00083054-00083311 seven one one eight seven two one eight +o3dw_8hls1Y-00224-00083312-00083560 seven three one eight seven four one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00225-00083561-00083824 eight seven five one eight seven six one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00226-00083825-00084061 eight seven seven one eight seven eight +o3dw_8hls1Y-00227-00084062-00084463 one eight seven nine 1880s one eight +o3dw_8hls1Y-00228-00084464-00084685 eight oh one eight eight one one eight +o3dw_8hls1Y-00229-00084686-00084913 eight two one eight eight three one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00230-00084914-00085120 eight eight four one eight eight five +o3dw_8hls1Y-00231-00085121-00085324 one eight eight six one eight eight +o3dw_8hls1Y-00232-00085325-00085537 seven one eight eight eight one eight +o3dw_8hls1Y-00233-00085538-00085882 eight nine 1890s one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00234-00085883-00086101 eight nine oh one eight nine one one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00235-00086102-00086365 eight nine two one eight nine three one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00236-00086366-00086623 eight nine four one eight nine five one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00237-00086624-00086887 eight nine six one eight nine seven one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00238-00086888-00087523 eight nine eight one eight nine nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00239-00087524-00088168 topic nineteen hundred's +o3dw_8hls1Y-00240-00088169-00088993 1900s 1 901 901 1 902 1 903 1 904 1 905 +o3dw_8hls1Y-00241-00088994-00089861 1 906 1 907 1 908 1 909 1910s 1 9 1 o 1 +o3dw_8hls1Y-00242-00089862-00090278 9 1 1 1 9 one two one nine one three one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00243-00090279-00090572 nine one four one nine one five one nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00244-00090573-00090886 one six one nine one seven one nine one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00245-00090887-00091379 eight one nine one nine 1920s one nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00246-00091380-00091669 two oh one nine two one one nine two two +o3dw_8hls1Y-00247-00091670-00092030 one nine two three one nine two four one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00248-00092031-00092342 nine two five one nine two six one nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00249-00092343-00092611 two seven one nine two eight one nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00250-00092612-00093061 two nine 1930s one nine three oh one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00251-00093062-00093355 nine three one one nine three two one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00252-00093356-00093647 nine three three one nine three four one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00253-00093648-00093941 nine three five one nine three six one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00254-00093942-00094148 nine three seven one nine three eight +o3dw_8hls1Y-00255-00094149-00094649 one nine three nine 1940s one nine four +o3dw_8hls1Y-00256-00094650-00094912 oh one nine four one one nine four two +o3dw_8hls1Y-00257-00094913-00095234 one nine four three one nine four four +o3dw_8hls1Y-00258-00095235-00095555 one nine four five one nine four six one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00259-00095556-00095822 nine four seven one nine four eight one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00260-00095823-00096284 nine forty nine 1950s one nine five oh +o3dw_8hls1Y-00261-00096285-00096607 one nine five one one nine five two one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00262-00096608-00096917 nine five three one nine five four one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00263-00096918-00097225 nine five five one nine five six one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00264-00097226-00097499 nine five seven one nine five eight one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00265-00097500-00097979 nine five nine 1960s one nine six zero +o3dw_8hls1Y-00266-00097980-00098291 one nine six one one nine six two one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00267-00098292-00098549 nine six three one nine six four one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00268-00098550-00098881 nine six five one nine six six one nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00269-00098882-00099142 six seven one nine six eight ninety +o3dw_8hls1Y-00270-00099143-00099554 million six hundred ninety 1970s one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00271-00099555-00099838 ninety seven oh one 97 one one nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00272-00099839-00100097 seven two one nine seven three one nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00273-00100098-00100387 seven four one nine seven five one nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00274-00100388-00100687 seven six one nine seven seven one nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00275-00100688-00100940 seven eight ninety million seven hundred +o3dw_8hls1Y-00276-00100941-00101368 ninety 1980s one nine eight oh one nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00277-00101369-00101454 eight one +o3dw_8hls1Y-00278-00101455-00101649 one nine eight two one nine eight three +o3dw_8hls1Y-00279-00101650-00101946 one nine eight four one nine eight five +o3dw_8hls1Y-00280-00101947-00102243 one nine eight six one nine eight seven +o3dw_8hls1Y-00281-00102244-00102447 one nine eight eight ninety million +o3dw_8hls1Y-00282-00102448-00102830 eight hundred and ninety 1990s one nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00283-00102831-00103116 nine oh one nine nine one one nine nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00284-00103117-00103371 two one nine nine three one nine nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00285-00103372-00103655 four one nine nine five one nine nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00286-00103656-00103961 six one nine nine seven one nine nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00287-00103963-00104559 eight one nine nine nine +o3dw_8hls1Y-00288-00104560-00105171 topic two thousands +o3dw_8hls1Y-00289-00105172-00105959 mm mm 200 1 200 - 200 3 200 for 205 206 +o3dw_8hls1Y-00290-00105960-00106552 207 208 20 million 90 mm tends to o 1 o +o3dw_8hls1Y-00291-00106553-00107131 2 0 1 1 - 0 1 2 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 2 0 1 5 +o3dw_8hls1Y-00292-00107132-00107715 2 0 1 6 2 0 1 7 201 820 million 190 +o3dw_8hls1Y-00293-00107716-00108229 2020s - OH - OH - OH - 1 - OH - 2 - OH - +o3dw_8hls1Y-00294-00108230-00108979 3 - OH - 4 - ohh - 5 +o3dw_8hls1Y-00295-00108980-00109527 topic see also +o3dw_8hls1Y-00296-00109528-00109875 list of years in literature list of +o3dw_8hls1Y-00297-00109876-00110175 years in philosophy timeline of +o3dw_8hls1Y-00298-00110176-00110457 sociology +o804rTTOJFM-00000-00000008-00000175 this is david curtis of the green party +o804rTTOJFM-00001-00000176-00000359 in california +o804rTTOJFM-00002-00000360-00000639 today on twitter i propose to the other +o804rTTOJFM-00003-00000640-00000878 california secretary of state candidates +o804rTTOJFM-00004-00000880-00001174 that we modify the format for the +o804rTTOJFM-00005-00001175-00001495 upcoming debate in san diego +o804rTTOJFM-00006-00001496-00001655 i don't know how many of you bothered to +o804rTTOJFM-00007-00001655-00001887 watch the first debate uh or the +o804rTTOJFM-00008-00001888-00002167 candidate forum it was sponsored by aclu +o804rTTOJFM-00009-00002168-00002391 league of women voters and +o804rTTOJFM-00010-00002392-00002471 uh +o804rTTOJFM-00011-00002472-00002655 common cause +o804rTTOJFM-00012-00002656-00002823 they had a pretty straight up format +o804rTTOJFM-00013-00002824-00003063 where everyone's lined up in a row +o804rTTOJFM-00014-00003064-00003231 and they got to make an opening +o804rTTOJFM-00015-00003232-00003406 statement and then answer some questions +o804rTTOJFM-00016-00003407-00003543 and they make a closing statement you +o804rTTOJFM-00017-00003544-00003751 know very very predictable very +o804rTTOJFM-00018-00003752-00003967 restrictive format +o804rTTOJFM-00019-00003968-00004151 so what i'm proposing +o804rTTOJFM-00020-00004152-00004343 after the +o804rTTOJFM-00021-00004344-00004527 spc luncheon +o804rTTOJFM-00022-00004528-00004727 exclusion +o804rTTOJFM-00023-00004728-00004911 this next forum coming up in san diego +o804rTTOJFM-00024-00004912-00005127 is going to include even more candidates +o804rTTOJFM-00025-00005128-00005351 than the first forum +o804rTTOJFM-00026-00005352-00005591 seven of the eight balloted candidates +o804rTTOJFM-00027-00005592-00005759 have been invited to participate in the +o804rTTOJFM-00028-00005760-00006006 san diego forum so i assume they'll all +o804rTTOJFM-00029-00006007-00006167 show up +o804rTTOJFM-00030-00006168-00006295 two of the candidates haven't really +o804rTTOJFM-00031-00006296-00006439 been actively +o804rTTOJFM-00032-00006440-00006623 campaigning that i can see that one of +o804rTTOJFM-00033-00006623-00006823 the republicans one of the democrats so +o804rTTOJFM-00034-00006823-00006959 i don't know that they'll bother to +o804rTTOJFM-00035-00006959-00007127 attend but it would be in their interest +o804rTTOJFM-00036-00007128-00007342 to show up +o804rTTOJFM-00037-00007343-00007542 so say say there's seven guys on the +o804rTTOJFM-00038-00007543-00007639 table +o804rTTOJFM-00039-00007640-00007959 um i'm proposing that the seven of us +o804rTTOJFM-00040-00007959-00008231 be in a round table discussion similar +o804rTTOJFM-00041-00008232-00008431 to a conference room +o804rTTOJFM-00042-00008432-00008583 i think that's the most +o804rTTOJFM-00043-00008584-00008942 relevant environment to the office um +o804rTTOJFM-00044-00008943-00009014 the +o804rTTOJFM-00045-00009015-00009151 the secretary of state's office +o804rTTOJFM-00046-00009152-00009391 interacts with the heads of several +o804rTTOJFM-00047-00009392-00009742 divisions that's their primary role is +o804rTTOJFM-00048-00009743-00009942 uh frequently interacting with the heads +o804rTTOJFM-00049-00009943-00010119 of those divisions to make sure they're +o804rTTOJFM-00050-00010120-00010383 on mission task so so that's what i'm +o804rTTOJFM-00051-00010384-00010719 proposing an open round table format +o804rTTOJFM-00052-00010720-00010951 i've sent that request to dora rose the +o804rTTOJFM-00053-00010952-00011255 event coordinator and also to the +o804rTTOJFM-00054-00011256-00011535 other uh leading candidates um +o804rTTOJFM-00055-00011536-00011710 i sent it to the candidates who were in +o804rTTOJFM-00056-00011711-00011999 the field poll i've uh there's only been +o804rTTOJFM-00057-00012000-00012174 one uh +o804rTTOJFM-00058-00012175-00012391 recognized poll conducted in this race +o804rTTOJFM-00059-00012392-00012606 so far it was the field poll that came +o804rTTOJFM-00060-00012607-00012730 out +o804rTTOJFM-00061-00012731-00013030 a couple weeks ago +o804rTTOJFM-00062-00013031-00013366 i pulled third place in that poll +o804rTTOJFM-00063-00013368-00013671 so currently the media is attempting to +o804rTTOJFM-00064-00013672-00013903 portray me as a fringe candidate and on +o804rTTOJFM-00065-00013904-00014183 the bubble um +o804rTTOJFM-00066-00014184-00014358 the media is trying to portray me as +o804rTTOJFM-00067-00014359-00014551 being in fifth place when i'm currently +o804rTTOJFM-00068-00014552-00014679 in third place +o804rTTOJFM-00069-00014680-00014879 so you need the voters need to ask +o804rTTOJFM-00070-00014880-00015038 themselves +o804rTTOJFM-00071-00015040-00015279 why is the media doing that +o804rTTOJFM-00072-00015280-00015591 and also i'm asking the voters to +o804rTTOJFM-00073-00015591-00015950 educate themselves about this race +o804rTTOJFM-00074-00015951-00016103 the easiest way you can find out about +o804rTTOJFM-00075-00016104-00016175 me +o804rTTOJFM-00076-00016176-00016479 is go to your website browser +o804rTTOJFM-00077-00016480-00016863 and type in the words david curtis green +o804rTTOJFM-00078-00016864-00017119 party and do a search and just see some +o804rTTOJFM-00079-00017120-00017311 of the articles that come up it's pretty +o804rTTOJFM-00080-00017312-00017664 interesting stuff thanks +o9yomFuI5bY-00000-00000016-00000191 class we're gonna start to talk about +o9yomFuI5bY-00001-00000192-00000430 personal research practices and +o9yomFuI5bY-00002-00000431-00000615 some of the approaches that +o9yomFuI5bY-00003-00000616-00000790 have come about in the last few years to +o9yomFuI5bY-00004-00000791-00001199 deal with some of the common problems +o9yomFuI5bY-00005-00001200-00001415 so i wanted to start off with this +o9yomFuI5bY-00006-00001416-00001791 kind of funny comic um +o9yomFuI5bY-00007-00001792-00001926 where this was +o9yomFuI5bY-00008-00001927-00002023 uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00009-00002023-00002215 this is coming from a researcher who's +o9yomFuI5bY-00010-00002216-00002375 experimental psychologist on the +o9yomFuI5bY-00011-00002376-00002550 university of cambridge +o9yomFuI5bY-00012-00002551-00002910 and it sort of provides like a snapshot +o9yomFuI5bY-00013-00002911-00003150 of the many different types of +o9yomFuI5bY-00014-00003151-00003286 questionable research practices in the +o9yomFuI5bY-00015-00003288-00003479 context of how +o9yomFuI5bY-00016-00003479-00003638 for detrimental +o9yomFuI5bY-00017-00003639-00003838 or it needs practice to assign this +o9yomFuI5bY-00018-00003839-00003943 career +o9yomFuI5bY-00019-00003944-00004151 uh and so you know +o9yomFuI5bY-00020-00004152-00004343 p hacking as dave mentioned there's a +o9yomFuI5bY-00021-00004344-00004495 really common +o9yomFuI5bY-00022-00004496-00004702 practice but you know it kind of lies +o9yomFuI5bY-00023-00004703-00004870 towards the top of this +o9yomFuI5bY-00024-00004871-00005151 diagram and then fraudulent data um +o9yomFuI5bY-00025-00005152-00005399 imaging data and like which we haven't +o9yomFuI5bY-00026-00005400-00005551 covered as much +o9yomFuI5bY-00027-00005552-00005686 sort of lies +o9yomFuI5bY-00028-00005687-00005806 at the bottom and you know that could +o9yomFuI5bY-00029-00005807-00006006 obviously you know +o9yomFuI5bY-00030-00006007-00006247 have someone lose their tenure or +o9yomFuI5bY-00031-00006248-00006527 be affected in a very drastic way +o9yomFuI5bY-00032-00006528-00006791 so wanted to +o9yomFuI5bY-00033-00006792-00007063 use that to sort of motivate um +o9yomFuI5bY-00034-00007064-00007231 sort of what's common and what's left +o9yomFuI5bY-00035-00007231-00007423 and what's not common so +o9yomFuI5bY-00036-00007423-00007591 you know the literature like you know +o9yomFuI5bY-00037-00007592-00007751 like uh just +o9yomFuI5bY-00038-00007752-00007839 kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-00039-00007840-00008078 surveying researchers um +o9yomFuI5bY-00040-00008079-00008183 doing some +o9yomFuI5bY-00041-00008184-00008407 um yeah survey researchers getting a lot +o9yomFuI5bY-00042-00008408-00008783 of sort of metadata we can kind of sort +o9yomFuI5bY-00043-00008784-00009014 of get at what are more common and and +o9yomFuI5bY-00044-00009015-00009214 uncommon research practices so +o9yomFuI5bY-00045-00009215-00009495 um i sort of put them into three +o9yomFuI5bY-00046-00009496-00009678 categories um +o9yomFuI5bY-00047-00009679-00009774 and +o9yomFuI5bY-00048-00009775-00009999 so starting with the first category um +o9yomFuI5bY-00049-00010000-00010287 we have fraud which i just mentioned um +o9yomFuI5bY-00050-00010288-00010406 obvious reasons there are a lot of +o9yomFuI5bY-00051-00010407-00010599 perverse incentives um +o9yomFuI5bY-00052-00010600-00010687 sort of +o9yomFuI5bY-00053-00010688-00010846 you know effectively if you if you've +o9yomFuI5bY-00054-00010847-00011023 been fraud then you +o9yomFuI5bY-00055-00011024-00011231 will like said lose tenure +o9yomFuI5bY-00056-00011232-00011446 um so there's this other set of +o9yomFuI5bY-00057-00011447-00011623 practices so file drawing field studies +o9yomFuI5bY-00058-00011624-00011823 so basically you know if my study wasn't +o9yomFuI5bY-00059-00011824-00012038 significant i'm choosing not to report +o9yomFuI5bY-00060-00012039-00012255 it to anyone +o9yomFuI5bY-00061-00012256-00012583 making statistical errors not uh not +o9yomFuI5bY-00062-00012584-00012783 calculating maybe like +o9yomFuI5bY-00063-00012784-00013079 calculating p-values incorrectly +o9yomFuI5bY-00064-00013080-00013222 insufficient power which we talked a bit +o9yomFuI5bY-00065-00013223-00013391 about last class +o9yomFuI5bY-00066-00013391-00013615 which is very common i think in the +o9yomFuI5bY-00067-00013616-00013879 social sciences +o9yomFuI5bY-00068-00013880-00014071 and then the last category +o9yomFuI5bY-00069-00014072-00014255 with very common question research +o9yomFuI5bY-00070-00014256-00014375 practices +o9yomFuI5bY-00071-00014376-00014599 uh we have pee hacking which is +o9yomFuI5bY-00072-00014600-00014807 something that i really want to +o9yomFuI5bY-00073-00014808-00015022 elaborate a bit more on today because it +o9yomFuI5bY-00074-00015023-00015199 motivates the homework assignment and so +o9yomFuI5bY-00075-00015200-00015391 these these all these question research +o9yomFuI5bY-00076-00015391-00015535 factors come from this paper it's also +o9yomFuI5bY-00077-00015536-00015711 positive psychology i think it has about +o9yomFuI5bY-00078-00015712-00015894 6 000 citations it's +o9yomFuI5bY-00079-00015895-00016047 really popular but it sort of was the +o9yomFuI5bY-00080-00016047-00016215 first um +o9yomFuI5bY-00081-00016216-00016375 paper to kind of just +o9yomFuI5bY-00082-00016376-00016622 uh comprehensively survey uh the many +o9yomFuI5bY-00083-00016623-00016791 types of ways that researchers kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-00084-00016792-00017071 abuse their degree of freedom so +o9yomFuI5bY-00085-00017072-00017303 uh right so let's +o9yomFuI5bY-00086-00017304-00017407 go to +o9yomFuI5bY-00087-00017408-00017567 the +o9yomFuI5bY-00088-00017568-00017743 right so what are what might be some +o9yomFuI5bY-00089-00017744-00017958 ways to deal with some of these +o9yomFuI5bY-00090-00017959-00018207 practices so we +o9yomFuI5bY-00091-00018208-00018486 described a few so um +o9yomFuI5bY-00092-00018487-00018671 and fraud detection it's probably very +o9yomFuI5bY-00093-00018672-00018783 difficult to deal with that because you +o9yomFuI5bY-00094-00018784-00018871 know +o9yomFuI5bY-00095-00018872-00019047 um it doesn't kind of come out until +o9yomFuI5bY-00096-00019048-00019407 later and um it you know it does require +o9yomFuI5bY-00097-00019408-00019614 a sense of disclosure around the data +o9yomFuI5bY-00098-00019615-00019743 and materials +o9yomFuI5bY-00099-00019744-00019847 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00100-00019848-00019943 but you know there are a number of +o9yomFuI5bY-00101-00019944-00020111 researchers research articles have been +o9yomFuI5bY-00102-00020112-00020271 retracted over the years and there's +o9yomFuI5bY-00103-00020272-00020383 some famous +o9yomFuI5bY-00104-00020384-00020678 um people in the news of uh dave uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00105-00020679-00020943 mentioned uh who were attracted for +o9yomFuI5bY-00106-00020944-00021083 numerous reasons +o9yomFuI5bY-00107-00021084-00021430 um the second category um what can be +o9yomFuI5bY-00108-00021431-00021511 done +o9yomFuI5bY-00109-00021512-00021663 pre-registration and journal acceptance +o9yomFuI5bY-00110-00021664-00021894 well in the journals around registration +o9yomFuI5bY-00111-00021895-00022063 which i'll elaborate a bit on +o9yomFuI5bY-00112-00022064-00022343 this talk um physical checks +o9yomFuI5bY-00113-00022344-00022607 of uh making sure that you know you're +o9yomFuI5bY-00114-00022608-00022750 you're not you know computing things +o9yomFuI5bY-00115-00022751-00022871 incorrectly +o9yomFuI5bY-00116-00022872-00023055 doing +o9yomFuI5bY-00117-00023056-00023342 doing a proper power power analysis +o9yomFuI5bY-00118-00023343-00023567 is another approach +o9yomFuI5bY-00119-00023568-00023703 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00120-00023704-00023863 and then for the last category of p +o9yomFuI5bY-00121-00023864-00024030 hacking +o9yomFuI5bY-00122-00024031-00024294 there's sort of these new um +o9yomFuI5bY-00123-00024295-00024471 techniques coming out of +o9yomFuI5bY-00124-00024472-00024694 the site community the +o9yomFuI5bY-00125-00024695-00024863 statistics community the economics +o9yomFuI5bY-00126-00024864-00025039 community that +o9yomFuI5bY-00127-00025040-00025255 try to kind of given that we understand +o9yomFuI5bY-00128-00025256-00025447 that many researchers hack how can we +o9yomFuI5bY-00129-00025448-00025550 sort of +o9yomFuI5bY-00130-00025551-00025711 look at a body of literature and +o9yomFuI5bY-00131-00025712-00025902 quantify the extent of which uh a +o9yomFuI5bY-00132-00025904-00026127 finding might a phenomena might be be +o9yomFuI5bY-00133-00026127-00026439 hacked so i'll describe a bit of those +o9yomFuI5bY-00134-00026439-00026599 methods today +o9yomFuI5bY-00135-00026600-00026743 and then also +o9yomFuI5bY-00136-00026744-00026951 uh pre-iteration register reports both +o9yomFuI5bY-00137-00026952-00027167 in both two and three these kind of do +o9yomFuI5bY-00138-00027168-00027270 help +o9yomFuI5bY-00139-00027272-00027543 um deal with some of the problems um +o9yomFuI5bY-00140-00027544-00027758 that you know come from hypothesizing +o9yomFuI5bY-00141-00027760-00028014 after the results are known um and help +o9yomFuI5bY-00142-00028016-00028143 you know bring out more transparency in +o9yomFuI5bY-00143-00028144-00028374 what research you might have done so +o9yomFuI5bY-00144-00028375-00028567 yeah um +o9yomFuI5bY-00145-00028568-00028743 great +o9yomFuI5bY-00146-00028744-00028927 so +o9yomFuI5bY-00147-00028927-00029143 dave had mentioned some so i want to +o9yomFuI5bY-00148-00029144-00029335 start off with this kind of the first +o9yomFuI5bY-00149-00029336-00029662 category um and some common ways to +o9yomFuI5bY-00150-00029663-00029758 maybe +o9yomFuI5bY-00151-00029760-00030007 uh you know be more i guess open about +o9yomFuI5bY-00152-00030008-00030127 your +o9yomFuI5bY-00153-00030127-00030231 research +o9yomFuI5bY-00154-00030232-00030383 uh and so +o9yomFuI5bY-00155-00030383-00030623 we're starting off with kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-00156-00030624-00030839 these resources that people and open +o9yomFuI5bY-00157-00030839-00031031 scientists kind of tend to use that are +o9yomFuI5bY-00158-00031032-00031246 really common so +o9yomFuI5bY-00159-00031247-00031423 they're normally used to +o9yomFuI5bY-00160-00031424-00031623 provide your data materials but also to +o9yomFuI5bY-00161-00031624-00031846 register your studies +o9yomFuI5bY-00162-00031847-00032014 and so +o9yomFuI5bY-00163-00032016-00032183 then we're going to get into +o9yomFuI5bY-00164-00032183-00032335 some common databases to kind of find +o9yomFuI5bY-00165-00032336-00032446 studies that have been retracted in the +o9yomFuI5bY-00166-00032447-00032551 literature +o9yomFuI5bY-00167-00032552-00032902 um and and sort of researchers that uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00168-00032903-00033199 commonly um have been you know had many +o9yomFuI5bY-00169-00033200-00033502 uh findings rejected over time +o9yomFuI5bY-00170-00033503-00033599 and then +o9yomFuI5bY-00171-00033600-00033871 another set of databases that talk about +o9yomFuI5bY-00172-00033872-00034102 or provide um some +o9yomFuI5bY-00173-00034103-00034295 large applications and sort of the +o9yomFuI5bY-00174-00034296-00034479 entities that allow it to +o9yomFuI5bY-00175-00034480-00034615 uh occur +o9yomFuI5bY-00176-00034616-00034895 and then finally uh so some another +o9yomFuI5bY-00177-00034896-00035039 website that sort of provides you with a +o9yomFuI5bY-00178-00035040-00035351 way to get a sense of commentary uh on a +o9yomFuI5bY-00179-00035352-00035567 particular article +o9yomFuI5bY-00180-00035568-00035702 and so yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-00181-00035703-00035895 so +o9yomFuI5bY-00182-00035896-00036135 this is probably the most popular +o9yomFuI5bY-00183-00036136-00036318 website uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00184-00036319-00036518 you know utilized in this +o9yomFuI5bY-00185-00036519-00036718 kind of community that's sort of +o9yomFuI5bY-00186-00036719-00036862 emphasizing more transparency less p +o9yomFuI5bY-00187-00036863-00037023 hacking called the open science +o9yomFuI5bY-00188-00037024-00037127 foundation +o9yomFuI5bY-00189-00037128-00037367 so really it's kind of a way to +o9yomFuI5bY-00190-00037368-00037615 um you know pre-register your studies +o9yomFuI5bY-00191-00037616-00037855 uh there's a web there's a you know a +o9yomFuI5bY-00192-00037856-00038015 form that you can submit there are many +o9yomFuI5bY-00193-00038016-00038183 like templates that i'll describe a bit +o9yomFuI5bY-00194-00038184-00038430 later that allow you to kind of sort of +o9yomFuI5bY-00195-00038431-00038646 save yourself from someone expecting you +o9yomFuI5bY-00196-00038647-00038895 that you you p hacked uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00197-00038896-00039135 and they have sort of like +o9yomFuI5bY-00198-00039136-00039223 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00199-00039224-00039487 they have sort of integrations uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00200-00039488-00039767 that sort of allow people to upload data +o9yomFuI5bY-00201-00039768-00040095 uh you know up to 50 gigabytes or so of +o9yomFuI5bY-00202-00040096-00040239 research materials +o9yomFuI5bY-00203-00040240-00040343 uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00204-00040344-00040623 uh that's sort of publicly available for +o9yomFuI5bY-00205-00040624-00040759 everyone to see +o9yomFuI5bY-00206-00040760-00040862 and +o9yomFuI5bY-00207-00040863-00041023 there are also these uh cloud +o9yomFuI5bY-00208-00041024-00041199 integrations that you can +o9yomFuI5bY-00209-00041200-00041415 add in as well in order to +o9yomFuI5bY-00210-00041416-00041646 um basically put more data but it sort +o9yomFuI5bY-00211-00041647-00041839 of came out of this notion that hey you +o9yomFuI5bY-00212-00041840-00041935 know we don't we can't really +o9yomFuI5bY-00213-00041936-00042102 characterize everything that someone's +o9yomFuI5bY-00214-00042103-00042358 doing uh just using these like post-hoc +o9yomFuI5bY-00215-00042359-00042718 tests um can we just start to embrace +o9yomFuI5bY-00216-00042719-00042855 transparency and make sure that +o9yomFuI5bY-00217-00042856-00043023 everything is on the open so we can kind +o9yomFuI5bY-00218-00043024-00043199 of come that decision paper +o9yomFuI5bY-00219-00043200-00043415 on a case-by-case sort of basis uh with +o9yomFuI5bY-00220-00043416-00043639 as much information as possible and so +o9yomFuI5bY-00221-00043640-00043799 here are some of the integrations that +o9yomFuI5bY-00222-00043800-00044046 open science framework has +o9yomFuI5bY-00223-00044047-00044246 uh like i said +o9yomFuI5bY-00224-00044247-00044462 extension of google drive +o9yomFuI5bY-00225-00044463-00044687 you know github dropbox to allow you to +o9yomFuI5bY-00226-00044688-00044927 add more more data +o9yomFuI5bY-00227-00044928-00045055 and you can kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-00228-00045056-00045215 explore the website to maybe get a sense +o9yomFuI5bY-00229-00045216-00045430 of some other aspects of the +o9yomFuI5bY-00230-00045431-00045623 future services they have +o9yomFuI5bY-00231-00045624-00045695 so +o9yomFuI5bY-00232-00045696-00045774 uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00233-00045775-00045958 david had mentioned this last class +o9yomFuI5bY-00234-00045959-00046158 basically retraction database is a great +o9yomFuI5bY-00235-00046159-00046399 way of identifying you know whether a +o9yomFuI5bY-00236-00046400-00046518 particular +o9yomFuI5bY-00237-00046519-00046702 field sub-topic +o9yomFuI5bY-00238-00046703-00046879 article +o9yomFuI5bY-00239-00046880-00047015 author has +o9yomFuI5bY-00240-00047016-00047262 uh has had a paper that's been uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00241-00047263-00047535 retracted or there's some +o9yomFuI5bY-00242-00047536-00047662 reason behind that retraction it's a +o9yomFuI5bY-00243-00047663-00047895 great way to identify +o9yomFuI5bY-00244-00047896-00048158 findings which uh encourage you to +o9yomFuI5bY-00245-00048159-00048367 explore this uh through +o9yomFuI5bY-00246-00048368-00048558 your own sort of like +o9yomFuI5bY-00247-00048559-00048711 choosing +o9yomFuI5bY-00248-00048712-00048974 uh so this um +o9yomFuI5bY-00249-00048975-00049143 so this other uh so now we're kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-00250-00049144-00049367 going to replication so this website +o9yomFuI5bY-00251-00049368-00049583 basically has published some +o9yomFuI5bY-00252-00049584-00049823 reversals in psychology so +o9yomFuI5bY-00253-00049824-00049958 at the end of the class we're going to +o9yomFuI5bY-00254-00049959-00050102 talk about some common findings that we +o9yomFuI5bY-00255-00050103-00050374 now no longer feel that we have +o9yomFuI5bY-00256-00050375-00050535 faith in our interest in so +o9yomFuI5bY-00257-00050536-00050799 uh this is like open source uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00258-00050800-00051015 uh group of people framework for open +o9yomFuI5bY-00259-00051016-00051287 research reproducible um +o9yomFuI5bY-00260-00051288-00051542 yeah so yeah it's essentially kind of a +o9yomFuI5bY-00261-00051544-00051766 uh it's old acronym it's like i think +o9yomFuI5bY-00262-00051767-00052046 like open resources sorry open +o9yomFuI5bY-00263-00052047-00052335 reproducibility research transparency um +o9yomFuI5bY-00264-00052336-00052638 yeah i i i know it but i just +o9yomFuI5bY-00265-00052639-00052799 right now um you can choose to like look +o9yomFuI5bY-00266-00052800-00052982 at that yourself but essentially they +o9yomFuI5bY-00267-00052983-00053182 try to provide educational materials but +o9yomFuI5bY-00268-00053183-00053447 also reversals that are common um +o9yomFuI5bY-00269-00053448-00053726 there's also data replicata so they +o9yomFuI5bY-00270-00053727-00053926 have been have a blog that basically +o9yomFuI5bY-00271-00053927-00054182 lists out some replications +o9yomFuI5bY-00272-00054183-00054375 um they're like i mentioned last class +o9yomFuI5bY-00273-00054376-00054479 there are these +o9yomFuI5bY-00274-00054479-00054630 large uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00275-00054632-00054726 large +o9yomFuI5bY-00276-00054727-00054975 uh entities of many labs across the +o9yomFuI5bY-00277-00054976-00055054 world +o9yomFuI5bY-00278-00055055-00055191 that are doing these large-scale +o9yomFuI5bY-00279-00055191-00055303 replication studies where they're +o9yomFuI5bY-00280-00055304-00055463 actually pre-registrating +o9yomFuI5bY-00281-00055464-00055663 pre-registering the replication +o9yomFuI5bY-00282-00055664-00055950 beforehand initial peer review and then +o9yomFuI5bY-00283-00055951-00056150 they're uh actually carrying out the +o9yomFuI5bY-00284-00056151-00056311 replication with you know sufficient +o9yomFuI5bY-00285-00056312-00056535 power to actually detect the effect of +o9yomFuI5bY-00286-00056536-00056799 interest um mini labs two these were +o9yomFuI5bY-00287-00056800-00056975 sort of the first um +o9yomFuI5bY-00288-00056976-00057159 first groups but now there's these two +o9yomFuI5bY-00289-00057160-00057303 on the bottom +o9yomFuI5bY-00290-00057304-00057542 um and then finally +o9yomFuI5bY-00291-00057544-00057750 so you know i think in machine learning +o9yomFuI5bY-00292-00057751-00057911 there's what i call like open review +o9yomFuI5bY-00293-00057912-00058119 where you can you know get you can have +o9yomFuI5bY-00294-00058120-00058399 the community reach out to you um and if +o9yomFuI5bY-00295-00058400-00058663 you are missing their work citation um +o9yomFuI5bY-00296-00058664-00058830 and sort of the peer review process is a +o9yomFuI5bY-00297-00058832-00058999 bit transparent so there's been a move +o9yomFuI5bY-00298-00059000-00059087 to +o9yomFuI5bY-00299-00059088-00059287 bring into social sciences allow +o9yomFuI5bY-00300-00059288-00059430 scientists to sort of look at each +o9yomFuI5bY-00301-00059432-00059679 other's work and critique it and the +o9yomFuI5bY-00302-00059679-00059935 like and so this is one website that's +o9yomFuI5bY-00303-00059936-00060071 pretty popular +o9yomFuI5bY-00304-00060072-00060894 that sort of does that so yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-00305-00060895-00061191 yeah so um this is like a +o9yomFuI5bY-00306-00061191-00061382 a uh example so +o9yomFuI5bY-00307-00061383-00061575 you would look at uh you basically put +o9yomFuI5bY-00308-00061576-00061823 your paper in um and then really anyone +o9yomFuI5bY-00309-00061824-00061966 can sort of +o9yomFuI5bY-00310-00061967-00062206 um it's almost i suppose like a a form i +o9yomFuI5bY-00311-00062207-00062399 suppose it's not really like a +o9yomFuI5bY-00312-00062400-00062559 a um +o9yomFuI5bY-00313-00062560-00062735 you know a you know it's not even +o9yomFuI5bY-00314-00062736-00062863 published in the journal so there's not +o9yomFuI5bY-00315-00062864-00063023 really a uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00316-00063024-00063191 um you know it's not like it's gonna not +o9yomFuI5bY-00317-00063191-00063366 be there but people can just sort of +o9yomFuI5bY-00318-00063367-00063630 provide some like context +o9yomFuI5bY-00319-00063632-00063926 um questions maybe some speculation from +o9yomFuI5bY-00320-00063927-00064135 other studies and it allows i think +o9yomFuI5bY-00321-00064136-00064271 others to kind of quickly catch up to +o9yomFuI5bY-00322-00064272-00064526 speed with maybe some problems with the +o9yomFuI5bY-00323-00064527-00064679 existing study +o9yomFuI5bY-00324-00064679-00064782 yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-00325-00064783-00064919 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00326-00064920-00065063 great +o9yomFuI5bY-00327-00065064-00065135 so +o9yomFuI5bY-00328-00065136-00065247 uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00329-00065248-00065550 so as i mentioned before uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00330-00065551-00065767 you know understanding you know where +o9yomFuI5bY-00331-00065768-00065959 findings were signs are replicated or +o9yomFuI5bY-00332-00065960-00066063 retracted +o9yomFuI5bY-00333-00066064-00066238 uh just being more transparent about the +o9yomFuI5bY-00334-00066239-00066487 materials that you um +o9yomFuI5bY-00335-00066488-00066775 you uh you know if you have and you've +o9yomFuI5bY-00336-00066776-00067094 uh used to get this like huge you know +o9yomFuI5bY-00337-00067095-00067238 this uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00338-00067239-00067431 sort of like interesting physical effect +o9yomFuI5bY-00339-00067432-00067759 uh are important another kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-00340-00067760-00068015 area that's sort of uncommon is fraud +o9yomFuI5bY-00341-00068016-00068326 and there are a few tests that obviously +o9yomFuI5bY-00342-00068327-00068503 these aren't um you know smoking gun +o9yomFuI5bY-00343-00068504-00068687 tests but maybe provide some kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-00344-00068688-00069031 quick flags for looking at fraud uh one +o9yomFuI5bY-00345-00069032-00069231 of these tests is the grim test so it +o9yomFuI5bY-00346-00069232-00069382 really works with +o9yomFuI5bY-00347-00069383-00069623 any sort of survey data where um you +o9yomFuI5bY-00348-00069624-00069894 might use a likert scale or +o9yomFuI5bY-00349-00069895-00070031 you know any kind of continuous metric +o9yomFuI5bY-00350-00070032-00070303 and you basically report your means and +o9yomFuI5bY-00351-00070304-00070494 samples and abstract and sort of allows +o9yomFuI5bY-00352-00070495-00070591 you to +o9yomFuI5bY-00353-00070592-00070815 uh basically +o9yomFuI5bY-00354-00070816-00071119 you know assuming that you know uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00355-00071120-00071335 the researchers report this mean and a +o9yomFuI5bY-00356-00071336-00071526 likert scale is you know between one to +o9yomFuI5bY-00357-00071527-00071775 seven can we can we actually expect that +o9yomFuI5bY-00358-00071776-00071919 that's what you would recalculate based +o9yomFuI5bY-00359-00071920-00072087 on what we know about the likert scale +o9yomFuI5bY-00360-00072088-00072159 and +o9yomFuI5bY-00361-00072160-00072343 uh and i encourage you to read this +o9yomFuI5bY-00362-00072344-00072503 paper if you're interested these are +o9yomFuI5bY-00363-00072504-00072735 just really kind of like +o9yomFuI5bY-00364-00072736-00073038 simple checks to make sure that they you +o9yomFuI5bY-00365-00073039-00073271 know finding is actually reporting um +o9yomFuI5bY-00366-00073272-00073575 what they reported that they had done so +o9yomFuI5bY-00367-00073576-00073750 again um david i don't know if you want +o9yomFuI5bY-00368-00073751-00074006 to comment on the grim test or not but +o9yomFuI5bY-00369-00074007-00074167 yeah um +o9yomFuI5bY-00370-00074168-00074294 great um +o9yomFuI5bY-00371-00074295-00074471 and then again i'm not really surveying +o9yomFuI5bY-00372-00074472-00074703 all the ways to detect fraudulent data +o9yomFuI5bY-00373-00074704-00074894 um some in some cases there's like image +o9yomFuI5bY-00374-00074895-00075094 manipulation where i do these sort of +o9yomFuI5bY-00375-00075095-00075287 stimuli based studies and +o9yomFuI5bY-00376-00075288-00075438 they might sort of +o9yomFuI5bY-00377-00075439-00075647 forge you know um +o9yomFuI5bY-00378-00075648-00075775 they might sort of protect the image in +o9yomFuI5bY-00379-00075776-00075871 such a way +o9yomFuI5bY-00380-00075872-00075950 and +o9yomFuI5bY-00381-00075951-00076167 uh and that doesn't really that's not +o9yomFuI5bY-00382-00076168-00076359 really on the presses as much but it +o9yomFuI5bY-00383-00076360-00076606 actually has happened in the past and +o9yomFuI5bY-00384-00076607-00076887 you know they're sort of new um purchase +o9yomFuI5bY-00385-00076888-00077038 to deal with that that can take some +o9yomFuI5bY-00386-00077039-00077143 media from the image and kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-00387-00077144-00077255 understand if +o9yomFuI5bY-00388-00077256-00077575 um you know if it has been you know uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00389-00077576-00077735 tampered with +o9yomFuI5bY-00390-00077736-00077991 a uh you know photoshop or what have you +o9yomFuI5bY-00391-00077992-00078191 um so +o9yomFuI5bY-00392-00078192-00078482 another uh kind of more so +o9yomFuI5bY-00393-00078483-00078655 obvious um +o9yomFuI5bY-00394-00078656-00078894 sort of way to look at uh you know +o9yomFuI5bY-00395-00078895-00079031 through sort of inconsistencies and data +o9yomFuI5bY-00396-00079032-00079126 is to use this website called +o9yomFuI5bY-00397-00079127-00079343 statcheck.io so +o9yomFuI5bY-00398-00079344-00079494 i was i was actually going to show you +o9yomFuI5bY-00399-00079495-00079711 guys a demo of it uh for a few favors +o9yomFuI5bY-00400-00079712-00079871 that i found but there's actually a lot +o9yomFuI5bY-00401-00079872-00080038 of it's actually in beta right now and +o9yomFuI5bY-00402-00080039-00080175 honestly i wouldn't +o9yomFuI5bY-00403-00080176-00080303 recommend it but basically what it does +o9yomFuI5bY-00404-00080304-00080423 is it takes +o9yomFuI5bY-00405-00080424-00080662 a um it takes the physical test that you +o9yomFuI5bY-00406-00080663-00080894 have and it sort of puts them into +o9yomFuI5bY-00407-00080895-00081255 um you know a python or r software and +o9yomFuI5bY-00408-00081256-00081455 it re-confuses key values and just matt +o9yomFuI5bY-00409-00081456-00081623 start to see if what the author is +o9yomFuI5bY-00410-00081624-00081862 putting paper matches what you know you +o9yomFuI5bY-00411-00081863-00081982 can regenerate with the physical +o9yomFuI5bY-00412-00081983-00082103 software so +o9yomFuI5bY-00413-00082104-00082359 that's basically all it does um but you +o9yomFuI5bY-00414-00082360-00082599 know one can do that manually as well so +o9yomFuI5bY-00415-00082600-00082767 again this isn't really a comprehensive +o9yomFuI5bY-00416-00082768-00082879 overview of +o9yomFuI5bY-00417-00082880-00083126 kind of fraud again this isn't like part +o9yomFuI5bY-00418-00083127-00083367 of your homework as well so um i'm not +o9yomFuI5bY-00419-00083368-00083471 really going to go into detail about two +o9yomFuI5bY-00420-00083472-00083599 means methods but +o9yomFuI5bY-00421-00083600-00083718 just know that there are a lot of +o9yomFuI5bY-00422-00083719-00083911 interesting methods that +o9yomFuI5bY-00423-00083912-00084175 can potentially flag +o9yomFuI5bY-00424-00084176-00084438 flag research that might have fraud so +o9yomFuI5bY-00425-00084439-00084743 it might be fraudulent um yeah so +o9yomFuI5bY-00426-00084744-00084887 right so +o9yomFuI5bY-00427-00084888-00085175 going on to the next um +o9yomFuI5bY-00428-00085176-00085359 next category so +o9yomFuI5bY-00429-00085360-00085655 looking into sort of common um sort of +o9yomFuI5bY-00430-00085656-00085847 research you know +o9yomFuI5bY-00431-00085848-00086071 question research practices uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00432-00086072-00086294 and some ways to deal with those so +o9yomFuI5bY-00433-00086295-00086447 um you know +o9yomFuI5bY-00434-00086448-00086631 we're gonna think about this sort of +o9yomFuI5bY-00435-00086632-00086743 we're gonna talk about this area of +o9yomFuI5bY-00436-00086744-00086926 pre-registration and then we're going to +o9yomFuI5bY-00437-00086927-00087094 kind of get into power analysis which +o9yomFuI5bY-00438-00087095-00087367 dave uh introduced in the last class but +o9yomFuI5bY-00439-00087368-00087479 i just kind of wanted to make some more +o9yomFuI5bY-00440-00087480-00087638 points about it and then that will kind +o9yomFuI5bY-00441-00087639-00087767 of set us up for +o9yomFuI5bY-00442-00087768-00088023 the meta-statistics um +o9yomFuI5bY-00443-00088024-00088182 uh section which is i think the most +o9yomFuI5bY-00444-00088183-00088271 important +o9yomFuI5bY-00445-00088272-00088518 section in this talk +o9yomFuI5bY-00446-00088519-00088687 so pre-registration so +o9yomFuI5bY-00447-00088688-00088791 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00448-00088792-00088903 you know +o9yomFuI5bY-00449-00088904-00089047 a lot of there's been a lot of work +o9yomFuI5bY-00450-00089048-00089231 trying to figure out okay how after a +o9yomFuI5bY-00451-00089232-00089399 publication has +o9yomFuI5bY-00452-00089400-00089487 uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00453-00089488-00089687 you know kind of get to a journal what +o9yomFuI5bY-00454-00089688-00089911 you know has has there been hacking done +o9yomFuI5bY-00455-00089912-00089999 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00456-00090000-00090103 and you know that's actually really +o9yomFuI5bY-00457-00090104-00090287 difficult to do after the fact +o9yomFuI5bY-00458-00090288-00090479 uh so there's a lot of +o9yomFuI5bY-00459-00090480-00090631 interest in +o9yomFuI5bY-00460-00090632-00090831 and really separating +o9yomFuI5bY-00461-00090832-00091047 exploratory and confirmatory research um +o9yomFuI5bY-00462-00091048-00091238 as they sort of should be separated +o9yomFuI5bY-00463-00091239-00091462 um so so that you know you're not kind +o9yomFuI5bY-00464-00091463-00091694 of just you know the example of the +o9yomFuI5bY-00465-00091695-00091838 jelly beans you're not just like running +o9yomFuI5bY-00466-00091839-00092006 all these tests and then only reporting +o9yomFuI5bY-00467-00092007-00092118 the one that +o9yomFuI5bY-00468-00092119-00092359 um that was significant um with this p +o9yomFuI5bY-00469-00092360-00092655 value lesson 105. and so this is what +o9yomFuI5bY-00470-00092656-00092911 registration does uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00471-00092912-00093038 and so really +o9yomFuI5bY-00472-00093039-00093199 it's a high level it's just this time +o9yomFuI5bY-00473-00093200-00093471 stamped document um it you can't change +o9yomFuI5bY-00474-00093472-00093550 it +o9yomFuI5bY-00475-00093551-00093759 um and you typically do this before data +o9yomFuI5bY-00476-00093760-00093862 collection +o9yomFuI5bY-00477-00093863-00094038 uh and but you can write these sort of +o9yomFuI5bY-00478-00094039-00094223 amendments uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00479-00094224-00094335 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00480-00094336-00094511 after the fact so you might register at +o9yomFuI5bY-00481-00094512-00094606 the beginning and then you write another +o9yomFuI5bY-00482-00094607-00094815 registration when you collect more data +o9yomFuI5bY-00483-00094816-00095094 um so you can sort of do it in a phasic +o9yomFuI5bY-00484-00095095-00095206 sort of way +o9yomFuI5bY-00485-00095207-00095406 uh but you know typically done before +o9yomFuI5bY-00486-00095407-00095518 the study +o9yomFuI5bY-00487-00095519-00095791 and then you submit it to a few websites +o9yomFuI5bY-00488-00095792-00096047 so there's open science uh framework +o9yomFuI5bY-00489-00096048-00096174 which i mentioned before there's +o9yomFuI5bY-00490-00096175-00096359 appspredicted.org +o9yomFuI5bY-00491-00096360-00096526 uh so they make it really easy for you +o9yomFuI5bY-00492-00096527-00096847 to pre-register your studies um and +o9yomFuI5bY-00493-00096848-00097062 these these honestly these specifics are +o9yomFuI5bY-00494-00097063-00097303 somewhat kind of obvious um but this +o9yomFuI5bY-00495-00097304-00097399 kind of comes from the open science +o9yomFuI5bY-00496-00097400-00097703 framework community um but i think the +o9yomFuI5bY-00497-00097704-00097982 thing the thing to i guess see here is +o9yomFuI5bY-00498-00097983-00098326 that um you know it kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-00499-00098327-00098535 you know done right it's sort of like a +o9yomFuI5bY-00500-00098536-00098703 way for you to maybe pursue more +o9yomFuI5bY-00501-00098704-00098935 ambitious kind of research questions in +o9yomFuI5bY-00502-00098936-00099103 some ways because you're really +o9yomFuI5bY-00503-00099104-00099287 you know um you're really kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-00504-00099288-00099471 encouraged to explore +o9yomFuI5bY-00505-00099472-00099671 um and then +o9yomFuI5bY-00506-00099672-00099926 and then test the finding um after the +o9yomFuI5bY-00507-00099927-00100062 fact and so +o9yomFuI5bY-00508-00100063-00100215 uh and in the final thing could be you +o9yomFuI5bY-00509-00100216-00100479 know unknown results but at least um you +o9yomFuI5bY-00510-00100480-00100574 know +o9yomFuI5bY-00511-00100575-00100694 people know that this is something that +o9yomFuI5bY-00512-00100695-00100855 was progressive so there's like likely +o9yomFuI5bY-00513-00100856-00101038 you know there's more transparency um it +o9yomFuI5bY-00514-00101039-00101143 deals with the file drawer problem that +o9yomFuI5bY-00515-00101144-00101262 i mentioned before +o9yomFuI5bY-00516-00101263-00101543 uh and it deals with hacking i can't +o9yomFuI5bY-00517-00101544-00101703 potentially deal with hacking um so +o9yomFuI5bY-00518-00101704-00101862 there's obviously caveats this is not +o9yomFuI5bY-00519-00101863-00102062 like the silver bullet uh people can +o9yomFuI5bY-00520-00102063-00102279 sort of do representation active results +o9yomFuI5bY-00521-00102280-00102510 are known uh so that's kind of the +o9yomFuI5bY-00522-00102511-00102639 something that's taken into +o9yomFuI5bY-00523-00102640-00102839 consideration um +o9yomFuI5bY-00524-00102840-00103078 and notably uh there's some work on +o9yomFuI5bY-00525-00103079-00103310 registered reports where you actually +o9yomFuI5bY-00526-00103311-00103534 you do have initial peer review +o9yomFuI5bY-00527-00103535-00103751 for pre-registration uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00528-00103752-00103878 and then you +o9yomFuI5bY-00529-00103879-00104102 you know do the registration at a later +o9yomFuI5bY-00530-00104103-00104215 time point +o9yomFuI5bY-00531-00104216-00104447 um you can you can basically submit more +o9yomFuI5bY-00532-00104448-00104542 for your registration but essentially +o9yomFuI5bY-00533-00104543-00104718 what you're doing is you're you're kind +o9yomFuI5bY-00534-00104719-00104934 of uh held accountable for that first +o9yomFuI5bY-00535-00104935-00105151 period +o9yomFuI5bY-00536-00105152-00105343 so yeah um +o9yomFuI5bY-00537-00105344-00105478 so +o9yomFuI5bY-00538-00105479-00105766 again um iterations typically contain +o9yomFuI5bY-00539-00105767-00105999 hypothesis um you know the variables +o9yomFuI5bY-00540-00106000-00106231 you're going to manipulate um +o9yomFuI5bY-00541-00106232-00106471 you know your analysis the way you're +o9yomFuI5bY-00542-00106472-00106702 going to calculate power +o9yomFuI5bY-00543-00106703-00106878 and sort of what sort of tests you might +o9yomFuI5bY-00544-00106879-00106966 run +o9yomFuI5bY-00545-00106967-00107134 and so the obviously you know you don't +o9yomFuI5bY-00546-00107135-00107343 have to report exactly what you're going +o9yomFuI5bY-00547-00107344-00107543 to do because you might you know look +o9yomFuI5bY-00548-00107544-00107734 foolish if you see that you can do this +o9yomFuI5bY-00549-00107735-00107943 and then it's not going to +o9yomFuI5bY-00550-00107944-00108127 hold so you can kind of be somewhat big +o9yomFuI5bY-00551-00108128-00108463 but um there's actually a website that i +o9yomFuI5bY-00552-00108464-00108654 uh i put here where i could i can't show +o9yomFuI5bY-00553-00108655-00108751 this later i don't know if i can show it +o9yomFuI5bY-00554-00108752-00108910 now but this is here's some examples of +o9yomFuI5bY-00555-00108911-00109110 registrations people kind of like this +o9yomFuI5bY-00556-00109111-00109471 sense of what's a great one and um yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-00557-00109472-00109575 uh so +o9yomFuI5bY-00558-00109576-00109695 i don't know if i i guess i could do +o9yomFuI5bY-00559-00109696-00109910 that a bit like maybe after i go through +o9yomFuI5bY-00560-00109911-00110110 the slides but i can help maybe +o9yomFuI5bY-00561-00110111-00110310 contextualize what's a good registration +o9yomFuI5bY-00562-00110311-00110519 and how much detail you need to provide +o9yomFuI5bY-00563-00110520-00110631 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00564-00110632-00110775 similarly there are templates that one +o9yomFuI5bY-00565-00110776-00110854 could +o9yomFuI5bY-00566-00110855-00110999 use for different like different types +o9yomFuI5bY-00567-00111000-00111183 of research um studies and so these are +o9yomFuI5bY-00568-00111183-00111383 all an open science framework and like i +o9yomFuI5bY-00569-00111383-00111615 said before there are many +o9yomFuI5bY-00570-00111616-00111727 uh resources to learn more about +o9yomFuI5bY-00571-00111728-00111943 pre-registration uh some like a common +o9yomFuI5bY-00572-00111944-00112110 caveat people feel like it's sort of +o9yomFuI5bY-00573-00112111-00112334 this uh thing that you know you're stuck +o9yomFuI5bY-00574-00112335-00112663 with um but you know you effectively can +o9yomFuI5bY-00575-00112664-00112910 um you know make an amendment um but +o9yomFuI5bY-00576-00112911-00113071 just you know encourage that +o9yomFuI5bY-00577-00113072-00113231 communication disclosure and there's a +o9yomFuI5bY-00578-00113232-00113366 lot of a lot of great resources that i'm +o9yomFuI5bY-00579-00113367-00113543 kind of like just glossing over right +o9yomFuI5bY-00580-00113544-00113823 now for the sake of time but i really +o9yomFuI5bY-00581-00113824-00113958 would encourage you to look at these to +o9yomFuI5bY-00582-00113959-00114054 understand because there's been a lot of +o9yomFuI5bY-00583-00114055-00114190 research on registration and it actually +o9yomFuI5bY-00584-00114191-00114471 has affected the replication um crisis +o9yomFuI5bY-00585-00114472-00114695 since in a way in terms of papers that +o9yomFuI5bY-00586-00114696-00114966 um in terms of like reducing the amount +o9yomFuI5bY-00587-00114967-00115151 of papers with you know these +o9yomFuI5bY-00588-00115152-00115327 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00589-00115328-00115543 false positives or you know significant +o9yomFuI5bY-00590-00115544-00115654 results +o9yomFuI5bY-00591-00115655-00115871 and yeah a lot of great great research +o9yomFuI5bY-00592-00115872-00117454 there so +o9yomFuI5bY-00593-00117455-00117558 great +o9yomFuI5bY-00594-00117559-00117671 so +o9yomFuI5bY-00595-00117672-00117958 now um let's kind of get into this sort +o9yomFuI5bY-00596-00117959-00118239 of more i guess more practical method so +o9yomFuI5bY-00597-00118240-00118454 let's go into power analysis a bit so +o9yomFuI5bY-00598-00118455-00118678 you know david mentioned um +o9yomFuI5bY-00599-00118679-00118878 a bit about power in the first class +o9yomFuI5bY-00600-00118879-00119047 um and so +o9yomFuI5bY-00601-00119048-00119383 here we have like uh you know our +o9yomFuI5bY-00602-00119383-00119463 uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00603-00119464-00119631 you know essentially like if if our null +o9yomFuI5bY-00604-00119632-00119910 hypothesis is true or not um or +o9yomFuI5bY-00605-00119911-00120102 and you know +o9yomFuI5bY-00606-00120103-00120254 just taking from our simple test can we +o9yomFuI5bY-00607-00120255-00120375 judge that +o9yomFuI5bY-00608-00120376-00120495 um do you +o9yomFuI5bY-00609-00120496-00120647 successfully reject the null hypothesis +o9yomFuI5bY-00610-00120648-00120799 or fail rejected so +o9yomFuI5bY-00611-00120800-00120951 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00612-00120952-00121102 so when you're setting your alpha value +o9yomFuI5bY-00613-00121103-00121199 you are +o9yomFuI5bY-00614-00121200-00121334 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00615-00121335-00121454 you're kind of looking at this quantity +o9yomFuI5bY-00616-00121455-00121647 like assuming the null process is true +o9yomFuI5bY-00617-00121648-00121847 you know um +o9yomFuI5bY-00618-00121848-00122078 b is left +o9yomFuI5bY-00619-00122079-00122254 chance that i can kind of reject +o9yomFuI5bY-00620-00122255-00122399 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00621-00122400-00122607 hypothesis um +o9yomFuI5bY-00622-00122608-00122790 and so you know +o9yomFuI5bY-00623-00122791-00122999 power kind of lies in this +o9yomFuI5bY-00624-00123000-00123127 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00625-00123128-00123295 power is sort of you know +o9yomFuI5bY-00626-00123296-00123439 you know this probability of false +o9yomFuI5bY-00627-00123440-00123710 negative um so really it's +o9yomFuI5bY-00628-00123711-00123839 kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-00629-00123840-00123990 what's the probability that objective +o9yomFuI5bY-00630-00123991-00124199 hypothesis um +o9yomFuI5bY-00631-00124200-00124278 uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00632-00124279-00124447 you know what's probably sorry what's +o9yomFuI5bY-00633-00124448-00124758 the probability of um +o9yomFuI5bY-00634-00124759-00124990 sort of yeah so i guess like assuming +o9yomFuI5bY-00635-00124991-00125239 that there's a true effect um kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-00636-00125240-00125375 what's the what's the problem that +o9yomFuI5bY-00637-00125376-00125631 actually sort of um can reject this null +o9yomFuI5bY-00638-00125632-00125807 hypothesis so +o9yomFuI5bY-00639-00125808-00126086 so an example would be um +o9yomFuI5bY-00640-00126088-00126286 like you know +o9yomFuI5bY-00641-00126288-00126486 for example would be like uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00642-00126488-00126727 assuming that like uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00643-00126728-00126886 men and women have uh average +o9yomFuI5bY-00644-00126888-00127039 differences in height +o9yomFuI5bY-00645-00127040-00127134 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00646-00127135-00127334 if i ran the physical test uh what's the +o9yomFuI5bY-00647-00127335-00127478 probability that i could actually detect +o9yomFuI5bY-00648-00127479-00127647 that difference is that +o9yomFuI5bY-00649-00127648-00127775 and you know assuming eight percent +o9yomFuI5bY-00650-00127776-00128014 power um i can +o9yomFuI5bY-00651-00128015-00128207 assume that that eighty percent chance +o9yomFuI5bY-00652-00128208-00128407 of sort of detecting a significant +o9yomFuI5bY-00653-00128408-00128599 result when um this check is actually +o9yomFuI5bY-00654-00128600-00128783 true and there's 20 percent chance +o9yomFuI5bY-00655-00128783-00129063 running this test that um +o9yomFuI5bY-00656-00129064-00129207 that i won't be able to +o9yomFuI5bY-00657-00129208-00129351 detect that result +o9yomFuI5bY-00658-00129352-00129575 um and so you can see that it it's kind +o9yomFuI5bY-00659-00129576-00129743 of really important quantity and it's +o9yomFuI5bY-00660-00129744-00129854 based on your effect size your sample +o9yomFuI5bY-00661-00129855-00130063 size level +o9yomFuI5bY-00662-00130064-00130327 so what are some um yeah what are some +o9yomFuI5bY-00663-00130328-00130447 reasons why +o9yomFuI5bY-00664-00130448-00130702 power is important to consider +o9yomFuI5bY-00665-00130703-00130783 so +o9yomFuI5bY-00666-00130783-00130975 um as i mentioned before +o9yomFuI5bY-00667-00130976-00131254 in the first case um +o9yomFuI5bY-00668-00131255-00131535 you know if i have 33 power +o9yomFuI5bY-00669-00131536-00131695 or you know +o9yomFuI5bY-00670-00131696-00131951 if i have 40 percent power and i kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-00671-00131952-00132143 try to run this test of +o9yomFuI5bY-00672-00132144-00132287 differences between +o9yomFuI5bY-00673-00132288-00132519 men and women which is a true effect +o9yomFuI5bY-00674-00132520-00132687 um you know basically just saying that +o9yomFuI5bY-00675-00132688-00132927 even if i run this test there's a 60 +o9yomFuI5bY-00676-00132928-00133190 chance that i won't you know find this +o9yomFuI5bY-00677-00133191-00133487 true result and you can see that like +o9yomFuI5bY-00678-00133488-00133590 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00679-00133591-00133783 it really makes it hard to +o9yomFuI5bY-00680-00133784-00134127 you know understand if you know um +o9yomFuI5bY-00681-00134128-00134319 if sort of the test that you're running +o9yomFuI5bY-00682-00134320-00134623 is actually um you know useful if their +o9yomFuI5bY-00683-00134624-00134790 effect is actually real and that sort of +o9yomFuI5bY-00684-00134791-00134990 sense so um +o9yomFuI5bY-00685-00134991-00135159 so that's that's prob that's one of the +o9yomFuI5bY-00686-00135160-00135295 problems uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00687-00135296-00135511 another problem is generally interesting +o9yomFuI5bY-00688-00135512-00135671 of um +o9yomFuI5bY-00689-00135672-00135983 so i talked a bit before about this but +o9yomFuI5bY-00690-00135984-00136119 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00691-00136120-00136247 when you're when you're following +o9yomFuI5bY-00692-00136248-00136471 distribution of effect size so you're +o9yomFuI5bY-00693-00136472-00136607 you're typically +o9yomFuI5bY-00694-00136608-00136959 i'm so cohen's d is 0.5 +o9yomFuI5bY-00695-00136960-00137047 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00696-00137048-00137239 your power is not going to affect that +o9yomFuI5bY-00697-00137240-00137431 mean but it's going to affect the spread +o9yomFuI5bY-00698-00137432-00137527 and so +o9yomFuI5bY-00699-00137528-00137607 the +o9yomFuI5bY-00700-00137608-00137854 representation of that here is +o9yomFuI5bY-00701-00137855-00138190 um this first analysis of 30 power +o9yomFuI5bY-00702-00138191-00138511 and the spread is obviously very wide +o9yomFuI5bY-00703-00138512-00138847 90 power narrow spread okay +o9yomFuI5bY-00704-00138848-00138935 so +o9yomFuI5bY-00705-00138936-00139071 what what is kind of interesting about +o9yomFuI5bY-00706-00139072-00139175 this so +o9yomFuI5bY-00707-00139176-00139414 this sort of means that +o9yomFuI5bY-00708-00139415-00139575 if i have a significant effect size and +o9yomFuI5bY-00709-00139576-00139775 only 30 power +o9yomFuI5bY-00710-00139776-00139959 that means that +o9yomFuI5bY-00711-00139960-00140127 those findings that +o9yomFuI5bY-00712-00140128-00140302 are significant +o9yomFuI5bY-00713-00140303-00140414 have +o9yomFuI5bY-00714-00140415-00140687 are likely to just over shoot +o9yomFuI5bY-00715-00140688-00140878 the actual power +o9yomFuI5bY-00716-00140879-00140975 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00717-00140976-00141135 you know the actual effect size that +o9yomFuI5bY-00718-00141136-00141471 that kind of exists my data +o9yomFuI5bY-00719-00141472-00141695 and you know similarly 90 power there's +o9yomFuI5bY-00720-00141696-00141847 it could be less it could be a bit more +o9yomFuI5bY-00721-00141848-00141990 but at least +o9yomFuI5bY-00722-00141991-00142302 the effect size of interest is able to +o9yomFuI5bY-00723-00142303-00142487 be detected so +o9yomFuI5bY-00724-00142488-00142614 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00725-00142615-00142799 that's actually really +o9yomFuI5bY-00726-00142800-00143159 problematic because um +o9yomFuI5bY-00727-00143160-00143319 essentially +o9yomFuI5bY-00728-00143320-00143439 as david mentioned this sort of like +o9yomFuI5bY-00729-00143440-00143614 explains why one should kind of like +o9yomFuI5bY-00730-00143615-00143799 calibrate their effect sizes +o9yomFuI5bY-00731-00143800-00143935 um when they're looking at previous +o9yomFuI5bY-00732-00143936-00144143 literature because +o9yomFuI5bY-00733-00144144-00144502 uh there is some work on +o9yomFuI5bY-00734-00144503-00144678 looking at the effect sizes or looking +o9yomFuI5bY-00735-00144679-00144814 at the um +o9yomFuI5bY-00736-00144815-00144999 the papers with significant results +o9yomFuI5bY-00737-00145000-00145087 across +o9yomFuI5bY-00738-00145088-00145302 the literature um +o9yomFuI5bY-00739-00145303-00145583 and of course psychiatry psychology +o9yomFuI5bY-00740-00145584-00145759 there are a lot of significant results +o9yomFuI5bY-00741-00145760-00146078 here and space science air science +o9yomFuI5bY-00742-00146079-00146302 computer science et cetera you know +o9yomFuI5bY-00743-00146303-00146519 a different story but um +o9yomFuI5bY-00744-00146520-00146839 but what this means is that +o9yomFuI5bY-00745-00146840-00147343 for these studies in this bottom +o9yomFuI5bY-00746-00147344-00147463 i guess in this bottom category over +o9yomFuI5bY-00747-00147464-00147647 here um +o9yomFuI5bY-00748-00147648-00147943 it's likely the case that there are many +o9yomFuI5bY-00749-00147944-00148199 um findings that have inflated effect +o9yomFuI5bY-00750-00148200-00148478 size so you need to kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-00751-00148479-00148743 likely change your sort of prior about +o9yomFuI5bY-00752-00148744-00148823 the +o9yomFuI5bY-00753-00148824-00148999 size of the effect before you actually +o9yomFuI5bY-00754-00149000-00149199 build on top of this kind of work +o9yomFuI5bY-00755-00149200-00149423 um and so that makes actually doing +o9yomFuI5bY-00756-00149424-00149639 future power analysis is very difficult +o9yomFuI5bY-00757-00149640-00149743 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00758-00149744-00149975 and so that's something that one +o9yomFuI5bY-00759-00149976-00150135 you know kind of needs to sort of +o9yomFuI5bY-00760-00150136-00150335 internalize when um +o9yomFuI5bY-00761-00150336-00150566 neglect like doing a power analysis +o9yomFuI5bY-00762-00150567-00150926 uh similarly uh david mentioned this um +o9yomFuI5bY-00763-00150927-00151183 you know calculation of positive value +o9yomFuI5bY-00764-00151184-00151559 uh in the last class so um you know you +o9yomFuI5bY-00765-00151560-00151775 have your power you have sort of the +o9yomFuI5bY-00766-00151776-00151951 probability that you believe your +o9yomFuI5bY-00767-00151952-00152095 graphics would be true +o9yomFuI5bY-00768-00152096-00152183 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00769-00152184-00152366 and you can effectively yeah in your +o9yomFuI5bY-00770-00152367-00152454 alpha level you can effectively +o9yomFuI5bY-00771-00152455-00152639 calculate this this value of interest +o9yomFuI5bY-00772-00152640-00152743 which is +o9yomFuI5bY-00773-00152744-00152863 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00774-00152864-00153039 you know probably the the actual results +o9yomFuI5bY-00775-00153040-00153239 you have representative positive so the +o9yomFuI5bY-00776-00153240-00153535 point the point here is that +o9yomFuI5bY-00777-00153536-00153854 you know if if the effect is actually +o9yomFuI5bY-00778-00153855-00153943 so +o9yomFuI5bY-00779-00153944-00154087 which is basically what you really care +o9yomFuI5bY-00780-00154088-00154271 about you know the effect is real so +o9yomFuI5bY-00781-00154272-00154454 you can kind of plot the +o9yomFuI5bY-00782-00154455-00154719 power a different um sort of different +o9yomFuI5bY-00783-00154720-00154999 strata and um you know maybe you assume +o9yomFuI5bY-00784-00155000-00155214 that probability process is not really +o9yomFuI5bY-00785-00155215-00155526 true or probability of hypothesis is is +o9yomFuI5bY-00786-00155527-00155639 highly likely +o9yomFuI5bY-00787-00155640-00155839 you can still see that with +o9yomFuI5bY-00788-00155840-00156078 low power you can't really +o9yomFuI5bY-00789-00156079-00156383 you can't really gain much from +o9yomFuI5bY-00790-00156384-00156566 um that even if your +o9yomFuI5bY-00791-00156567-00156790 probability of representing odds of +o9yomFuI5bY-00792-00156791-00157078 being true are really high you know so +o9yomFuI5bY-00793-00157079-00157366 this i guess um false positive it also +o9yomFuI5bY-00794-00157367-00157559 affects false positives so +o9yomFuI5bY-00795-00157560-00157814 power analysis is super important um and +o9yomFuI5bY-00796-00157815-00157919 so +o9yomFuI5bY-00797-00157920-00158111 really what i'm only doing here is that +o9yomFuI5bY-00798-00158112-00158223 there are many reasons how to tackle +o9yomFuI5bY-00799-00158224-00158495 power online but i just want to quickly +o9yomFuI5bY-00800-00158496-00158702 just what is the procedure of doing that +o9yomFuI5bY-00801-00158703-00158775 so +o9yomFuI5bY-00802-00158776-00158919 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00803-00158920-00159078 we're basically looking at +o9yomFuI5bY-00804-00159079-00159343 um in the case of a t-test for instance +o9yomFuI5bY-00805-00159344-00159519 um you know we're going to +o9yomFuI5bY-00806-00159520-00159663 compute our effect size we're going to +o9yomFuI5bY-00807-00159664-00159943 take our means um we need to alpha level +o9yomFuI5bY-00808-00159944-00160151 we need to set a power um +o9yomFuI5bY-00809-00160152-00160287 and so +o9yomFuI5bY-00810-00160288-00160654 these are typically set to 0.05 and 1.8 +o9yomFuI5bY-00811-00160655-00160902 um and +o9yomFuI5bY-00812-00160903-00161078 it's almost kind of a calculator you +o9yomFuI5bY-00813-00161079-00161247 know i mean there you can actually +o9yomFuI5bY-00814-00161248-00161407 simulate you can actually simulate power +o9yomFuI5bY-00815-00161408-00161559 as well um +o9yomFuI5bY-00816-00161560-00161783 but there are many sort of resources out +o9yomFuI5bY-00817-00161784-00161951 there to calculate power +o9yomFuI5bY-00818-00161952-00162214 um this is just one example in python +o9yomFuI5bY-00819-00162215-00162359 using stats models +o9yomFuI5bY-00820-00162360-00162519 um so here +o9yomFuI5bY-00821-00162520-00162726 um i don't know people in zoom connect +o9yomFuI5bY-00822-00162727-00162887 to me so i can sort of +o9yomFuI5bY-00823-00162888-00163135 like do this um +o9yomFuI5bY-00824-00163136-00163447 but you know here we're calculating +o9yomFuI5bY-00825-00163448-00163566 our um +o9yomFuI5bY-00826-00163567-00163719 here we're calculating our effect size +o9yomFuI5bY-00827-00163720-00163831 using +o9yomFuI5bY-00828-00163832-00163943 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00829-00163944-00164159 you know using maybe using a cohen's d +o9yomFuI5bY-00830-00164160-00164407 um and then effectively we have our +o9yomFuI5bY-00831-00164408-00164575 alpha level we have a power level +o9yomFuI5bY-00832-00164576-00164766 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00833-00164767-00164959 we can you know move and we can we could +o9yomFuI5bY-00834-00164960-00165135 actually calculate um +o9yomFuI5bY-00835-00165136-00165326 the sort of uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00836-00165327-00165487 yeah we just have a sample that we need +o9yomFuI5bY-00837-00165488-00165599 using +o9yomFuI5bY-00838-00165600-00165726 you know just using this information +o9yomFuI5bY-00839-00165727-00165902 this is just in case of a t-test +o9yomFuI5bY-00840-00165903-00166295 um so fairly fairly straightforward um +o9yomFuI5bY-00841-00166296-00166407 also +o9yomFuI5bY-00842-00166408-00166663 um say you +o9yomFuI5bY-00843-00166664-00166990 have observed a sample um so um you know +o9yomFuI5bY-00844-00166991-00167238 40 in this case you can go back and kind +o9yomFuI5bY-00845-00167239-00167383 of compute the power +o9yomFuI5bY-00846-00167384-00167663 of that assuming like effect size um +o9yomFuI5bY-00847-00167664-00167799 alpha level +o9yomFuI5bY-00848-00167800-00167999 and um you can +o9yomFuI5bY-00849-00168000-00168326 just run this and compute it what's even +o9yomFuI5bY-00850-00168327-00168478 the most interesting to look at because +o9yomFuI5bY-00851-00168479-00168599 this kind of goes into the question we +o9yomFuI5bY-00852-00168600-00168814 had last class about you know how do i +o9yomFuI5bY-00853-00168815-00169038 choose my effect size you can actually +o9yomFuI5bY-00854-00169039-00169278 um you know with this plot different +o9yomFuI5bY-00855-00169279-00169414 effect sizes and you can kind of maybe +o9yomFuI5bY-00856-00169415-00169551 get a sense of +o9yomFuI5bY-00857-00169552-00169790 you know assuming a really small effect +o9yomFuI5bY-00858-00169791-00169959 size is what i need a large circle this +o9yomFuI5bY-00859-00169960-00170143 is what i um +o9yomFuI5bY-00860-00170144-00170326 i need and kind of maybe calibrate your +o9yomFuI5bY-00861-00170327-00170463 understanding to the +o9yomFuI5bY-00862-00170464-00170759 to the sample that you wish to +o9yomFuI5bY-00863-00170760-00170935 collect for this you know +o9yomFuI5bY-00864-00170936-00171078 samples of futures together for this +o9yomFuI5bY-00865-00171079-00171319 sort of study so this is a just a quick +o9yomFuI5bY-00866-00171320-00171447 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00867-00171448-00171599 yeah these are all fairly +o9yomFuI5bY-00868-00171600-00171831 straightforward so um just wanted to +o9yomFuI5bY-00869-00171832-00172063 also point out that g power is a really +o9yomFuI5bY-00870-00172064-00172190 popular tool +o9yomFuI5bY-00871-00172191-00172343 i have it downloaded on my computer +o9yomFuI5bY-00872-00172344-00172590 right now so i could do a quick demo if +o9yomFuI5bY-00873-00172591-00172838 if that's of interest but +o9yomFuI5bY-00874-00172839-00173014 um this is also just kind of what i +o9yomFuI5bY-00875-00173015-00173143 generated before +o9yomFuI5bY-00876-00173144-00173399 so you can kind of see um +o9yomFuI5bY-00877-00173400-00173511 and i'm just gonna go to the screen but +o9yomFuI5bY-00878-00173512-00173711 basically you can kind of see +o9yomFuI5bY-00879-00173712-00173959 you can set the test family um physical +o9yomFuI5bY-00880-00173960-00174095 test and there are different types of +o9yomFuI5bY-00881-00174096-00174271 power analysis that you can run they +o9yomFuI5bY-00882-00174272-00174463 also post half power after you have your +o9yomFuI5bY-00883-00174464-00174551 sample +o9yomFuI5bY-00884-00174552-00174783 um and then you just sort of specify the +o9yomFuI5bY-00885-00174784-00174975 values of interest effect size if you +o9yomFuI5bY-00886-00174976-00175207 don't know your effect size you can just +o9yomFuI5bY-00887-00175208-00175423 um press this to determine and you can +o9yomFuI5bY-00888-00175424-00175638 provide provide um the means et cetera +o9yomFuI5bY-00889-00175639-00175790 for this particular test to determine +o9yomFuI5bY-00890-00175791-00176007 the text size and then it's fairly +o9yomFuI5bY-00891-00176008-00176151 straightforward from there they they all +o9yomFuI5bY-00892-00176152-00176383 kind of generate the same +o9yomFuI5bY-00893-00176384-00176583 thing +o9yomFuI5bY-00894-00176584-00176719 quick um +o9yomFuI5bY-00895-00176720-00176911 yeah just a quick uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00896-00176912-00177102 introduction to power analysis i'm sure +o9yomFuI5bY-00897-00177103-00177287 most of you have at least heard of it +o9yomFuI5bY-00898-00177288-00177607 and um there's a lot of great +o9yomFuI5bY-00899-00177608-00177926 work to um yeah basically look into some +o9yomFuI5bY-00900-00177927-00178102 more advanced ways to do finance so +o9yomFuI5bY-00901-00178103-00178271 there's another one on um +o9yomFuI5bY-00902-00178272-00178478 on simulated power analyses which i +o9yomFuI5bY-00903-00178479-00178599 would consider you guys doing if you +o9yomFuI5bY-00904-00178600-00178807 want to be more um you want to sort of +o9yomFuI5bY-00905-00178808-00178911 like think about your day generating +o9yomFuI5bY-00906-00178912-00179078 process and then +o9yomFuI5bY-00907-00179079-00179199 use um +o9yomFuI5bY-00908-00179200-00179695 power analysis tool on top of that so +o9yomFuI5bY-00909-00179696-00179854 yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-00910-00179855-00180087 yeah actually uh that's uh yeah probably +o9yomFuI5bY-00911-00180088-00180566 a good idea +o9yomFuI5bY-00912-00180567-00180671 oh +o9yomFuI5bY-00913-00180672-00180814 yeah um do you guys have any questions +o9yomFuI5bY-00914-00180815-00181487 about anything uh saved so far +o9yomFuI5bY-00915-00181488-00181687 um make sure +o9yomFuI5bY-00916-00181688-00181902 i see the chat okay +o9yomFuI5bY-00917-00181903-00182254 i think this is mainly dave so +o9yomFuI5bY-00918-00182255-00182447 great +o9yomFuI5bY-00919-00182448-00182583 also how am i doing on time i feel like +o9yomFuI5bY-00920-00182584-00182783 i'm almost +o9yomFuI5bY-00921-00182784-00182983 oh +o9yomFuI5bY-00922-00182984-00183159 oh half an hour okay cool +o9yomFuI5bY-00923-00183160-00183295 oh great +o9yomFuI5bY-00924-00183296-00184335 um yes +o9yomFuI5bY-00925-00184336-00184438 yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-00926-00184439-00184687 yeah exactly um i think there are many +o9yomFuI5bY-00927-00184688-00185038 journals there's pll plos +o9yomFuI5bY-00928-00185039-00185166 biology +o9yomFuI5bY-00929-00185167-00185454 that's that's sort of like looking for +o9yomFuI5bY-00930-00185455-00185687 registrations when a person +o9yomFuI5bY-00931-00185688-00185959 is seeking publication or journal um +o9yomFuI5bY-00932-00185960-00186071 they're +o9yomFuI5bY-00933-00186072-00186214 i believe +o9yomFuI5bY-00934-00186215-00186407 there's uh there are many journals that +o9yomFuI5bY-00935-00186408-00186590 are like taking into account registered +o9yomFuI5bY-00936-00186591-00186719 reports which is sort of advanced form +o9yomFuI5bY-00937-00186720-00186935 of pre-registration um +o9yomFuI5bY-00938-00186936-00187126 for these like many lab studies so there +o9yomFuI5bY-00939-00187127-00187366 there is a lot of traction um +o9yomFuI5bY-00940-00187367-00187711 right now i think um +o9yomFuI5bY-00941-00187712-00187838 uh i also don't know if you guys have +o9yomFuI5bY-00942-00187839-00187983 any comments on that but i know i know +o9yomFuI5bY-00943-00187984-00188263 that in psychology it seems +o9yomFuI5bY-00944-00188264-00188414 i noticed some of the other scientists +o9yomFuI5bY-00945-00188415-00188535 like i saw +o9yomFuI5bY-00946-00188536-00188719 i think political science they had +o9yomFuI5bY-00947-00188720-00188863 some pre-registration +o9yomFuI5bY-00948-00188864-00189102 um requirements but psychology i'm not +o9yomFuI5bY-00949-00189103-00189278 quite sure if they're kind of like up to +o9yomFuI5bY-00950-00189279-00190607 pace +o9yomFuI5bY-00951-00190608-00190935 and there are several different um +o9yomFuI5bY-00952-00190936-00191078 journals that have like agreed and +o9yomFuI5bY-00953-00191079-00191238 signed on to +o9yomFuI5bY-00954-00191239-00191454 do that and so you have to pre-register +o9yomFuI5bY-00955-00191455-00192583 like one of two officials +o9yomFuI5bY-00956-00192584-00192847 and how to do that process +o9yomFuI5bY-00957-00192848-00192990 but they also have +o9yomFuI5bY-00958-00192991-00193207 tips on how to recruit a journal that's +o9yomFuI5bY-00959-00193208-00194695 not doing it +o9yomFuI5bY-00960-00194696-00194878 a lot of them have started to adopt this +o9yomFuI5bY-00961-00194879-00194975 a lot +o9yomFuI5bY-00962-00194976-00196102 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00963-00196103-00196254 yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-00964-00196255-00196471 oh yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-00965-00196472-00198150 oh yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-00966-00198151-00198447 uh yeah yeah so this was basically um +o9yomFuI5bY-00967-00198448-00198623 we're taking like +o9yomFuI5bY-00968-00198624-00198883 basically symbols of an effect size +o9yomFuI5bY-00969-00198884-00199135 um that was +o9yomFuI5bY-00970-00199136-00199231 you know +o9yomFuI5bY-00971-00199232-00199399 we were given it kind of you know it was +o9yomFuI5bY-00972-00199400-00199590 a i guess the power calculation takes +o9yomFuI5bY-00973-00199591-00199702 into account effect side so you can +o9yomFuI5bY-00974-00199703-00199999 effectively kind of generate um +o9yomFuI5bY-00975-00200000-00200254 effectiveness power right um and so this +o9yomFuI5bY-00976-00200255-00200471 is kind of just a simulation of +o9yomFuI5bY-00977-00200472-00200695 like 400 000 or well actually not in +o9yomFuI5bY-00978-00200696-00200966 this case uh i have to count the other y +o9yomFuI5bY-00979-00200967-00201135 axis but simulation of of different +o9yomFuI5bY-00980-00201136-00201343 effect sizes with that level of power +o9yomFuI5bY-00981-00201344-00201478 and you can kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-00982-00201479-00201683 yeah you can sort of see that +o9yomFuI5bY-00983-00201684-00201926 um you can see that when you have +o9yomFuI5bY-00984-00201927-00202023 sufficient power most of the +o9yomFuI5bY-00985-00202024-00202254 effectiveness kind of are +o9yomFuI5bY-00986-00202255-00202407 kind of converged to the +o9yomFuI5bY-00987-00202408-00202599 effect size that um +o9yomFuI5bY-00988-00202600-00202871 that that you like originally specified +o9yomFuI5bY-00989-00202872-00203087 um +o9yomFuI5bY-00990-00203088-00203247 you know given that given that level of +o9yomFuI5bY-00991-00203248-00203390 power so +o9yomFuI5bY-00992-00203391-00203526 uh +o9yomFuI5bY-00993-00203527-00203702 yeah i mean so +o9yomFuI5bY-00994-00203703-00203950 it's it's kind of just showing you that +o9yomFuI5bY-00995-00203951-00204095 there's +o9yomFuI5bY-00996-00204096-00204263 value in +o9yomFuI5bY-00997-00204264-00204638 uh there's value in and and sort of when +o9yomFuI5bY-00998-00204639-00204790 you're trying to actually estimate the +o9yomFuI5bY-00999-00204791-00204966 effect size given um what's in your +o9yomFuI5bY-01000-00204967-00205079 sample +o9yomFuI5bY-01001-00205080-00205223 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01002-00205223-00205382 there's value in +o9yomFuI5bY-01003-00205383-00205614 uh having a really high powered sample +o9yomFuI5bY-01004-00205615-00205855 in order to actually accurately +o9yomFuI5bY-01005-00205856-00206134 get that effect size um because +o9yomFuI5bY-01006-00206135-00206303 there are many you know small sample n +o9yomFuI5bY-01007-00206304-00206462 equals 20 studies where +o9yomFuI5bY-01008-00206463-00206655 the effectives might be great but +o9yomFuI5bY-01009-00206656-00206894 or really high um but +o9yomFuI5bY-01010-00206896-00206990 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01011-00206991-00207127 they might +o9yomFuI5bY-01012-00207128-00207319 they're not necessarily calibrated to +o9yomFuI5bY-01013-00207319-00207510 the true effect size in the population +o9yomFuI5bY-01014-00207511-00207782 if um there's more positive sample +o9yomFuI5bY-01015-00207783-00207958 um i don't know david you have any +o9yomFuI5bY-01016-00207959-00208086 comments on that +o9yomFuI5bY-01017-00208087-00208198 yeah so +o9yomFuI5bY-01018-00208200-00208294 so +o9yomFuI5bY-01019-00208296-00208455 the power right the top of the +o9yomFuI5bY-01020-00208456-00209423 likelihood +o9yomFuI5bY-01021-00209423-00209534 and +o9yomFuI5bY-01022-00209535-00209727 the number of samples that you're taking +o9yomFuI5bY-01023-00209728-00209887 right so those are the two things that +o9yomFuI5bY-01024-00209888-00210825 matter +o9yomFuI5bY-01025-00210826-00211398 [Music] +o9yomFuI5bY-01026-00211400-00211551 basically the idea right is that we +o9yomFuI5bY-01027-00211552-00211751 assume we're keeping our alpha constant +o9yomFuI5bY-01028-00211752-00211967 we assume we're keeping our sample size +o9yomFuI5bY-01029-00211967-00212103 constant +o9yomFuI5bY-01030-00212104-00212263 for a given power +o9yomFuI5bY-01031-00212264-00212391 like the other thing that's going to +o9yomFuI5bY-01032-00212392-00212655 change right how how +o9yomFuI5bY-01033-00212656-00212975 how certain we can be about poland so +o9yomFuI5bY-01034-00212976-00213134 there's this relationship +o9yomFuI5bY-01035-00213135-00213455 between like sort of +o9yomFuI5bY-01036-00213456-00213679 holding the other things constant power +o9yomFuI5bY-01037-00213680-00213942 and the distribution of +o9yomFuI5bY-01038-00213944-00214406 how confident +o9yomFuI5bY-01039-00214407-00214646 so the big point here is that +o9yomFuI5bY-01040-00214648-00214863 the lower the power +o9yomFuI5bY-01041-00214864-00215206 the more spraying +o9yomFuI5bY-01042-00215207-00215431 expect in +o9yomFuI5bY-01043-00215432-00215687 the effect size that you see given some +o9yomFuI5bY-01044-00215688-00216894 true +o9yomFuI5bY-01045-00216896-00216991 okay +o9yomFuI5bY-01046-00216992-00217119 yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-01047-00217119-00217534 let me do a new share +o9yomFuI5bY-01048-00217535-00218327 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01049-00218328-00218431 i think +o9yomFuI5bY-01050-00218432-00218663 is this already uploaded okay well yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-01051-00218664-00218782 i just have +o9yomFuI5bY-01052-00218783-00218879 these +o9yomFuI5bY-01053-00218880-00219310 like this calculator of like +o9yomFuI5bY-01054-00219311-00219575 um oh it's not over there just +o9yomFuI5bY-01055-00219576-00219879 thought it was shared to the zoom uh +o9yomFuI5bY-01056-00219880-00220198 let me try this +o9yomFuI5bY-01057-00220200-00220527 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01058-00220528-00220919 sorry one second i'm going +o9yomFuI5bY-01059-00220919-00221039 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01060-00221040-00221391 yeah it's kind of strange though +o9yomFuI5bY-01061-00221392-00222087 okay but you don't see there okay +o9yomFuI5bY-01062-00222088-00222398 oh okay yeah maybe i can go back to this +o9yomFuI5bY-01063-00222400-00222639 screen then or screen to your side +o9yomFuI5bY-01064-00222640-00222742 and then +o9yomFuI5bY-01065-00222744-00223079 drag +o9yomFuI5bY-01066-00223080-00223255 actually i think the easiest thing to do +o9yomFuI5bY-01067-00223256-00223487 is just share my screen and then go to +o9yomFuI5bY-01068-00223488-00223751 the desktop and yeah that's that +o9yomFuI5bY-01069-00223752-00224082 okay +o9yomFuI5bY-01070-00224083-00224415 yeah yeah yeah yeah so +o9yomFuI5bY-01071-00224416-00224663 okay cool let's +o9yomFuI5bY-01072-00224664-00226246 try this +o9yomFuI5bY-01073-00226248-00226439 ah +o9yomFuI5bY-01074-00226440-00226567 geez why am i having so much trouble i'm +o9yomFuI5bY-01075-00226567-00226782 just gonna um +o9yomFuI5bY-01076-00226783-00227015 i'm just gonna reshare and then um let's +o9yomFuI5bY-01077-00227016-00227319 see +o9yomFuI5bY-01078-00227319-00227479 people and zoom can see it but you guys +o9yomFuI5bY-01079-00227480-00228294 still can't see +o9yomFuI5bY-01080-00228296-00228487 i just moved it +o9yomFuI5bY-01081-00228488-00228655 um yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-01082-00228656-00228791 but i think they can still they're not +o9yomFuI5bY-01083-00228792-00229503 singing anymore +o9yomFuI5bY-01084-00229504-00229831 okay you are okay great um yeah so i can +o9yomFuI5bY-01085-00229832-00229982 kind of like +o9yomFuI5bY-01086-00229983-00230094 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01087-00230096-00230191 yeah so +o9yomFuI5bY-01088-00230192-00230439 you're saying like uh matt changing like +o9yomFuI5bY-01089-00230440-00230679 the effect sizes and sort of seeing the +o9yomFuI5bY-01090-00230680-00230863 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01091-00230864-00231031 yeah i guess like so yeah we could +o9yomFuI5bY-01092-00231032-00231255 effectively increase the power to see +o9yomFuI5bY-01093-00231256-00231358 how +o9yomFuI5bY-01094-00231359-00231455 it would +o9yomFuI5bY-01095-00231456-00231591 maybe we just played around with a +o9yomFuI5bY-01096-00231592-00232039 couple different +o9yomFuI5bY-01097-00232040-00232319 thirty +o9yomFuI5bY-01098-00232319-00232879 okay exercises point three +o9yomFuI5bY-01099-00232880-00233182 okay +o9yomFuI5bY-01100-00233183-00233310 okay +o9yomFuI5bY-01101-00233311-00233606 so now i have to like go to the bottom +o9yomFuI5bY-01102-00233607-00233751 jeez why am i +o9yomFuI5bY-01103-00233752-00233894 okay +o9yomFuI5bY-01104-00233896-00234079 trouble shooting real time man uh just +o9yomFuI5bY-01105-00234080-00234255 trying to see +o9yomFuI5bY-01106-00234256-00234631 okay let's let's just do this guys +o9yomFuI5bY-01107-00234632-00234967 okay this does +o9yomFuI5bY-01108-00234967-00235231 okay okay great +o9yomFuI5bY-01109-00235232-00235319 okay +o9yomFuI5bY-01110-00235319-00235487 i'm just trying to pull this up so i can +o9yomFuI5bY-01111-00235488-00235871 calculate okay +o9yomFuI5bY-01112-00235871-00236063 okay yeah so this is 80 so this looks +o9yomFuI5bY-01113-00236064-00236287 pretty similar to +o9yomFuI5bY-01114-00236288-00236463 what we had seen before +o9yomFuI5bY-01115-00236464-00236598 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01116-00236600-00236687 and +o9yomFuI5bY-01117-00236688-00236927 it also provides us with +o9yomFuI5bY-01118-00236928-00237063 i came to you on this screen but +o9yomFuI5bY-01119-00237064-00237246 provides us with a sample +o9yomFuI5bY-01120-00237248-00237367 size +o9yomFuI5bY-01121-00237367-00237463 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01122-00237464-00237775 on the right +o9yomFuI5bY-01123-00237776-00237975 oh yeah yeah yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-01124-00237976-00238319 yeah yeah yeah so so great sorry so um +o9yomFuI5bY-01125-00238319-00238439 yeah so +o9yomFuI5bY-01126-00238440-00238655 typically yeah so you like i said before +o9yomFuI5bY-01127-00238656-00238815 you require excise and alpha level and +o9yomFuI5bY-01128-00238816-00238998 power to get sample size +o9yomFuI5bY-01129-00239000-00239223 calculation is um +o9yomFuI5bY-01130-00239223-00239503 undeterministic so effectively like um +o9yomFuI5bY-01131-00239504-00239671 you can just change +o9yomFuI5bY-01132-00239671-00240023 one input and get everything else +o9yomFuI5bY-01133-00240023-00240119 and +o9yomFuI5bY-01134-00240119-00240279 yeah i mean um +o9yomFuI5bY-01135-00240280-00240871 like i think i was saying before um +o9yomFuI5bY-01136-00240871-00241142 you can you can kind of choose your +o9yomFuI5bY-01137-00241144-00241367 um you choose your effect size if you +o9yomFuI5bY-01138-00241367-00241503 typically know the means in this case +o9yomFuI5bY-01139-00241504-00241663 it's like a two-sample test +o9yomFuI5bY-01140-00241664-00241903 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01141-00241904-00241998 but +o9yomFuI5bY-01142-00242000-00242182 yeah there are obviously other types of +o9yomFuI5bY-01143-00242183-00242327 power analyses +o9yomFuI5bY-01144-00242328-00242439 when you're given +o9yomFuI5bY-01145-00242440-00242606 another um +o9yomFuI5bY-01146-00242607-00242815 another quantity so +o9yomFuI5bY-01147-00242816-00243006 um you already have your sample size you +o9yomFuI5bY-01148-00243007-00243310 can kind of compute good power um +o9yomFuI5bY-01149-00243311-00243567 but yeah just going maybe back to this +o9yomFuI5bY-01150-00243567-00244182 one more time +o9yomFuI5bY-01151-00244183-00244398 okay yeah i think you should be able to +o9yomFuI5bY-01152-00244400-00244615 kind of detect that separation +o9yomFuI5bY-01153-00244616-00244967 a lot a lot better so you just go to 0.2 +o9yomFuI5bY-01154-00244967-00245198 power +o9yomFuI5bY-01155-00245200-00245375 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01156-00245376-00245606 you know look how low ability to detect +o9yomFuI5bY-01157-00245607-00245910 this true effect um +o9yomFuI5bY-01158-00245911-00246006 and +o9yomFuI5bY-01159-00246007-00246319 when you yeah when you increase the +o9yomFuI5bY-01160-00246319-00246471 power you +o9yomFuI5bY-01161-00246471-00246687 took 0.99 +o9yomFuI5bY-01162-00246688-00246958 you can given this effect size which is +o9yomFuI5bY-01163-00246959-00247127 i guess a bit small +o9yomFuI5bY-01164-00247128-00247367 so like if we +o9yomFuI5bY-01165-00247367-00247806 went to 0.8 um you can see this +o9yomFuI5bY-01166-00247807-00248071 factory separation let me just +o9yomFuI5bY-01167-00248071-00248198 point to +o9yomFuI5bY-01168-00248200-00248534 oh geez yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-01169-00248535-00249351 i uh +o9yomFuI5bY-01170-00249352-00249575 okay yeah i mean it obviously still +o9yomFuI5bY-01171-00249576-00249894 still doesn't really matter um +o9yomFuI5bY-01172-00249896-00250175 yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-01173-00250176-00250430 ten so um +o9yomFuI5bY-01174-00250431-00250527 i +o9yomFuI5bY-01175-00250528-00251023 don't think that's +o9yomFuI5bY-01176-00251023-00251279 okay i mean boy +o9yomFuI5bY-01177-00251280-00251471 uh yeah it's really large exact size +o9yomFuI5bY-01178-00251471-00251646 that's probably +o9yomFuI5bY-01179-00251648-00251830 i don't know um +o9yomFuI5bY-01180-00251831-00252046 an obvious kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-01181-00252048-00252358 yeah an obvious sort of effect um +o9yomFuI5bY-01182-00252359-00252751 yeah anyways i i um +o9yomFuI5bY-01183-00252752-00252958 i don't know if this is like +o9yomFuI5bY-01184-00252959-00253094 just kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-01185-00253096-00253303 redundant um +o9yomFuI5bY-01186-00253304-00253479 but +o9yomFuI5bY-01187-00253480-00253727 yeah but i mean all i guess all this is +o9yomFuI5bY-01188-00253728-00253927 is showing here is +o9yomFuI5bY-01189-00253928-00254127 giving a test +o9yomFuI5bY-01190-00254128-00254271 you know it's kind of straightforward i +o9yomFuI5bY-01191-00254271-00254382 guess +o9yomFuI5bY-01192-00254383-00254575 what to compute +o9yomFuI5bY-01193-00254576-00254700 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01194-00254701-00257471 [Music] +o9yomFuI5bY-01195-00257471-00257671 you know how much area is there on each +o9yomFuI5bY-01196-00257671-00257887 side basically for each one of those two +o9yomFuI5bY-01197-00257888-00258119 hypothetical worlds +o9yomFuI5bY-01198-00258119-00258351 no effects or there's an effect that we +o9yomFuI5bY-01199-00258352-00258463 know +o9yomFuI5bY-01200-00258464-00258703 and so if we draw this line we say like +o9yomFuI5bY-01201-00258704-00258903 we got a result if it goes on that side +o9yomFuI5bY-01202-00258904-00259142 of the line we accept it if it comes +o9yomFuI5bY-01203-00259144-00259271 back on this side of the line we don't +o9yomFuI5bY-01204-00259271-00259527 accept it are we going like how +o9yomFuI5bY-01205-00259528-00259806 confident can we be that we caught +o9yomFuI5bY-01206-00259807-00260030 a real effect you know on that side of +o9yomFuI5bY-01207-00260031-00261151 the line +o9yomFuI5bY-01208-00261152-00261391 across and back +o9yomFuI5bY-01209-00261392-00261558 in relation to this one line that we +o9yomFuI5bY-01210-00261559-00263134 sort of arbitrarily drawn right +o9yomFuI5bY-01211-00263135-00263551 is +o9yomFuI5bY-01212-00263552-00265310 there's always a chance +o9yomFuI5bY-01213-00265311-00265630 okay yeah um yeah i think you heard any +o9yomFuI5bY-01214-00265631-00265951 of that um also i see three +o9yomFuI5bY-01215-00265952-00266503 questions in the chat okay +o9yomFuI5bY-01216-00266504-00266719 oh no you're okay oh these are you this +o9yomFuI5bY-01217-00266720-00266967 is all you okay okay +o9yomFuI5bY-01218-00266968-00267158 okay yeah um +o9yomFuI5bY-01219-00267159-00267358 yeah i i actually also just appreciate +o9yomFuI5bY-01220-00267359-00267495 that um +o9yomFuI5bY-01221-00267496-00267887 diversion um +o9yomFuI5bY-01222-00267888-00268030 yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-01223-00268031-00268279 um great +o9yomFuI5bY-01224-00268280-00268495 so +o9yomFuI5bY-01225-00268496-00268751 right so okay um +o9yomFuI5bY-01226-00268752-00268975 let's just go to this last question then +o9yomFuI5bY-01227-00268976-00269199 we can go back or area and then maybe we +o9yomFuI5bY-01228-00269200-00269367 can go back and kind of revisit some of +o9yomFuI5bY-01229-00269368-00269439 these +o9yomFuI5bY-01230-00269440-00269534 but +o9yomFuI5bY-01231-00269535-00269743 so this area is um +o9yomFuI5bY-01232-00269744-00269879 kind of one that +o9yomFuI5bY-01233-00269880-00270015 uh +o9yomFuI5bY-01234-00270016-00270247 is still a bit like when i present you +o9yomFuI5bY-01235-00270248-00270367 just +o9yomFuI5bY-01236-00270368-00270551 i guess don't i'm gonna kind of do the +o9yomFuI5bY-01237-00270552-00270710 intuition but notice there's also a lot +o9yomFuI5bY-01238-00270711-00270892 of complexity in it um +o9yomFuI5bY-01239-00270893-00271006 [Music] +o9yomFuI5bY-01240-00271007-00271110 and +o9yomFuI5bY-01241-00271111-00271327 you know there isn't really you know in +o9yomFuI5bY-01242-00271328-00271455 the same way that people use different +o9yomFuI5bY-01243-00271456-00271647 meta analyses estimates +o9yomFuI5bY-01244-00271648-00271934 uh statistics is still kind of a +o9yomFuI5bY-01245-00271935-00272095 sort of um there's no silver bullet at +o9yomFuI5bY-01246-00272096-00272206 the moment but +o9yomFuI5bY-01247-00272207-00272510 i want to just present um +o9yomFuI5bY-01248-00272511-00272647 everyone with +o9yomFuI5bY-01249-00272648-00272863 this paper that kind of like +o9yomFuI5bY-01250-00272864-00273095 made waves and +o9yomFuI5bY-01251-00273096-00273295 the psychology uh community but also +o9yomFuI5bY-01252-00273296-00273510 many other economics and +o9yomFuI5bY-01253-00273511-00273710 other social sciences and the stats +o9yomFuI5bY-01254-00273711-00273855 literature as well +o9yomFuI5bY-01255-00273856-00274167 uh called the p curve eq the file drawer +o9yomFuI5bY-01256-00274168-00274382 and so these were the same authors that +o9yomFuI5bY-01257-00274383-00274710 outline these initial methods um +o9yomFuI5bY-01258-00274711-00274951 before around um +o9yomFuI5bY-01259-00274952-00275119 you know where some common question +o9yomFuI5bY-01260-00275120-00275319 research practice and they knows that p +o9yomFuI5bY-01261-00275320-00275510 hacking wasn't something that +o9yomFuI5bY-01262-00275511-00275639 there was really a great way of dealing +o9yomFuI5bY-01263-00275640-00275863 with granted that's not completely true +o9yomFuI5bY-01264-00275864-00276095 because you know we use we do mount +o9yomFuI5bY-01265-00276096-00276287 analysis so there are a lot of +o9yomFuI5bY-01266-00276288-00276479 ways to look at that but um +o9yomFuI5bY-01267-00276480-00276767 but they sort of thought about okay +o9yomFuI5bY-01268-00276768-00276863 you know +o9yomFuI5bY-01269-00276864-00277030 let's just kind of focus on this +o9yomFuI5bY-01270-00277031-00277279 distribution of p values um because it +o9yomFuI5bY-01271-00277280-00277455 seems like that they're significant +o9yomFuI5bY-01272-00277456-00277647 because it seems that +o9yomFuI5bY-01273-00277648-00277903 uh the psychologists that are p hacking +o9yomFuI5bY-01274-00277904-00278030 they're trying to get right below this +o9yomFuI5bY-01275-00278031-00278351 threshold 0.04.03 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01276-00278352-00278463 and +o9yomFuI5bY-01277-00278464-00278639 does the distribution take on a +o9yomFuI5bY-01278-00278640-00278799 particular characteristic when there's a +o9yomFuI5bY-01279-00278800-00279039 true effect and can we kind of quantify +o9yomFuI5bY-01280-00279040-00279223 the evidential value of pip +o9yomFuI5bY-01281-00279224-00279423 so +o9yomFuI5bY-01282-00279424-00279671 um we know in psychology +o9yomFuI5bY-01283-00279672-00280006 i showed you before there's that +o9yomFuI5bY-01284-00280007-00280127 there's that +o9yomFuI5bY-01285-00280128-00280358 diagram of all the significant results +o9yomFuI5bY-01286-00280359-00280471 so +o9yomFuI5bY-01287-00280472-00280591 um tests are more likely to be published +o9yomFuI5bY-01288-00280592-00280830 from there statistically significant +o9yomFuI5bY-01289-00280831-00280919 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01290-00280920-00281087 and so +o9yomFuI5bY-01291-00281088-00281391 and so what's interesting is that uh +o9yomFuI5bY-01292-00281392-00281575 these authors can develop this metric +o9yomFuI5bY-01293-00281576-00281687 which +o9yomFuI5bY-01294-00281688-00281782 can +o9yomFuI5bY-01295-00281783-00281982 give some context of the +o9yomFuI5bY-01296-00281983-00282206 evidential value of literature not not +o9yomFuI5bY-01297-00282207-00282327 necessarily +o9yomFuI5bY-01298-00282328-00282471 you know saying that this this lecture +o9yomFuI5bY-01299-00282472-00282567 didn't +o9yomFuI5bY-01300-00282568-00282775 p hack but it's +o9yomFuI5bY-01301-00282776-00282895 it's +o9yomFuI5bY-01302-00282896-00283103 it's less plausible given +o9yomFuI5bY-01303-00283104-00283206 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01304-00283207-00283471 high evidential value um +o9yomFuI5bY-01305-00283472-00283679 but i'll make a kind of a caveat here is +o9yomFuI5bY-01306-00283680-00283799 that +o9yomFuI5bY-01307-00283800-00284151 i i think this is most useful when um +o9yomFuI5bY-01308-00284152-00284343 you're kind of looking at pv key curves +o9yomFuI5bY-01309-00284344-00284558 that lack evidential value and you can +o9yomFuI5bY-01310-00284559-00284782 kind of clearly see that than ones that +o9yomFuI5bY-01311-00284783-00285015 match um what you're expected but i'll +o9yomFuI5bY-01312-00285016-00285095 kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-01313-00285096-00285327 describe a bit more +o9yomFuI5bY-01314-00285328-00285551 so you can't understand what i mean so +o9yomFuI5bY-01315-00285552-00285695 like i said before they're only looking +o9yomFuI5bY-01316-00285696-00286006 at these values are significant so +o9yomFuI5bY-01317-00286007-00286199 less than 0.05 +o9yomFuI5bY-01318-00286200-00286358 and so this is what they assume so they +o9yomFuI5bY-01319-00286359-00286527 assume that +o9yomFuI5bY-01320-00286528-00286830 assuming um +o9yomFuI5bY-01321-00286831-00286991 so kind of under +o9yomFuI5bY-01322-00286992-00287071 the +o9yomFuI5bY-01323-00287072-00287287 null hypothesis the +o9yomFuI5bY-01324-00287288-00287503 this is the distribution of p values +o9yomFuI5bY-01325-00287504-00287630 this is what the distribution p value +o9yomFuI5bY-01326-00287631-00287815 should take um so this uniform +o9yomFuI5bY-01327-00287816-00287991 distribution of p values +o9yomFuI5bY-01328-00287992-00288167 um but +o9yomFuI5bY-01329-00288168-00288375 when there's a an effect and this is +o9yomFuI5bY-01330-00288376-00288654 actually with very low power so +o9yomFuI5bY-01331-00288655-00288830 only 15 +o9yomFuI5bY-01332-00288831-00289103 you can still see this sort of +o9yomFuI5bY-01333-00289104-00289334 you know your right sku where there's +o9yomFuI5bY-01334-00289335-00289575 higher likelihood of finding these +o9yomFuI5bY-01335-00289576-00289710 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01336-00289711-00289863 these physically significant values +o9yomFuI5bY-01337-00289864-00290006 values that are +o9yomFuI5bY-01338-00290007-00290254 closer to closer to zero than there are +o9yomFuI5bY-01339-00290255-00290471 you know closer to 0.05 and when you +o9yomFuI5bY-01340-00290472-00290623 increase the power +o9yomFuI5bY-01341-00290624-00290703 you +o9yomFuI5bY-01342-00290704-00290967 start to notice that this curve +o9yomFuI5bY-01343-00290968-00291167 becomes more and more +o9yomFuI5bY-01344-00291168-00291375 right skewed +o9yomFuI5bY-01345-00291376-00291551 and the interesting thing is that +o9yomFuI5bY-01346-00291552-00291806 even with 46 power +o9yomFuI5bY-01347-00291807-00292030 almost two times as many p values you +o9yomFuI5bY-01348-00292031-00292334 know are kind of in this less than 0.02 +o9yomFuI5bY-01349-00292335-00292519 category so +o9yomFuI5bY-01350-00292520-00292727 this this result kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-01351-00292728-00292943 motivates kind of intuitively +o9yomFuI5bY-01352-00292944-00293143 why one would want to check +o9yomFuI5bY-01353-00293144-00293430 um to see this distribution holds +o9yomFuI5bY-01354-00293431-00293695 um given a set of research study like +o9yomFuI5bY-01355-00293696-00293847 elderly priming where +o9yomFuI5bY-01356-00293848-00294127 maybe the researchers kind of like +o9yomFuI5bY-01357-00294128-00294423 saw tried to um do hacking where they're +o9yomFuI5bY-01358-00294424-00294639 running all these comparisons and taking +o9yomFuI5bY-01359-00294640-00294934 out samples and the like um +o9yomFuI5bY-01360-00294935-00295030 so +o9yomFuI5bY-01361-00295031-00295247 this is kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-01362-00295248-00295454 what which you can find in that with +o9yomFuI5bY-01363-00295455-00295654 that kind of give an example so +o9yomFuI5bY-01364-00295655-00295775 where +o9yomFuI5bY-01365-00295776-00295991 um they they basically simulated four +o9yomFuI5bY-01366-00295992-00296143 hundred thousand +o9yomFuI5bY-01367-00296144-00296223 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01368-00296224-00296358 four two thousand kind of studies and +o9yomFuI5bY-01369-00296359-00296567 they through the stop optimal stopping +o9yomFuI5bY-01370-00296568-00296695 rule where once the p-value was less +o9yomFuI5bY-01371-00296696-00297030 than .05 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01372-00297031-00297206 once what you know stop stop to kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-01373-00297207-00297327 like um +o9yomFuI5bY-01374-00297328-00297591 stop adding kind of more um +o9yomFuI5bY-01375-00297592-00297734 more samples +o9yomFuI5bY-01376-00297735-00297847 uh +o9yomFuI5bY-01377-00297848-00298039 and this is kind of what +o9yomFuI5bY-01378-00298040-00298263 they found when they did that uh and so +o9yomFuI5bY-01379-00298264-00298591 that result might not be super um +o9yomFuI5bY-01380-00298592-00298782 super interesting to everyone but my +o9yomFuI5bY-01381-00298783-00298910 favorite result is kind of this one +o9yomFuI5bY-01382-00298911-00299015 where +o9yomFuI5bY-01383-00299016-00299263 they took a psychology journal +o9yomFuI5bY-01384-00299264-00299406 where +o9yomFuI5bY-01385-00299407-00299591 many of the studies they suspected were +o9yomFuI5bY-01386-00299592-00299806 be hacked so they had done these +o9yomFuI5bY-01387-00299807-00299991 comparisons so basically they had all +o9yomFuI5bY-01388-00299992-00300103 these uh +o9yomFuI5bY-01389-00300104-00300391 you know cross cross analyses where +o9yomFuI5bY-01390-00300392-00300567 they're looking at this covariate how it +o9yomFuI5bY-01391-00300568-00300671 affected +o9yomFuI5bY-01392-00300672-00300823 um yeah what were the the main +o9yomFuI5bY-01393-00300824-00300999 difference was based on this covariate +o9yomFuI5bY-01394-00301000-00301143 or that covariate and there's a lot of +o9yomFuI5bY-01395-00301144-00301391 like context that kind of goes into the +o9yomFuI5bY-01396-00301392-00301719 physical um basically the effect and so +o9yomFuI5bY-01397-00301720-00301934 all these studies here um +o9yomFuI5bY-01398-00301935-00302110 they had this kind of like additional +o9yomFuI5bY-01399-00302111-00302327 covariate that they had to incorporate +o9yomFuI5bY-01400-00302328-00302519 in order to find this effect and when +o9yomFuI5bY-01401-00302520-00302654 they looked at all those journals they +o9yomFuI5bY-01402-00302655-00302895 found the p curve was +o9yomFuI5bY-01403-00302896-00303063 what one would expect +o9yomFuI5bY-01404-00303064-00303158 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01405-00303159-00303310 if if there was p hacking where there +o9yomFuI5bY-01406-00303311-00303543 are a lot more p values that are +o9yomFuI5bY-01407-00303544-00303767 less than 0.04.5 and you know we're +o9yomFuI5bY-01408-00303768-00303967 getting a sense of this literature might +o9yomFuI5bY-01409-00303968-00304103 have um +o9yomFuI5bY-01410-00304104-00304334 lack of evidential value so +o9yomFuI5bY-01411-00304335-00304567 they provide these two tests +o9yomFuI5bY-01412-00304568-00304654 where +o9yomFuI5bY-01413-00304655-00304887 you're looking at um +o9yomFuI5bY-01414-00304888-00305119 you're basically trying to see if +o9yomFuI5bY-01415-00305120-00305271 you're comparing against this null and +o9yomFuI5bY-01416-00305272-00305510 you're comparing against um this this +o9yomFuI5bY-01417-00305511-00305775 right skewed p value or the p value of +o9yomFuI5bY-01418-00305776-00305863 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01419-00305864-00306006 that you actually observe +o9yomFuI5bY-01420-00306007-00306167 um and +o9yomFuI5bY-01421-00306168-00306351 you're really trying to see and so what +o9yomFuI5bY-01422-00306352-00306447 they do is +o9yomFuI5bY-01423-00306448-00306743 they um compute a +o9yomFuI5bY-01424-00306744-00306943 uh what they call a paper like a pp +o9yomFuI5bY-01425-00306944-00307151 value where they take the p values and +o9yomFuI5bY-01426-00307152-00307447 then they divide it by 0.05 so that's +o9yomFuI5bY-01427-00307448-00307727 like that's that's kind of um +o9yomFuI5bY-01428-00307728-00308039 showing basically creating this um +o9yomFuI5bY-01429-00308040-00308247 assuming this kind of null is true +o9yomFuI5bY-01430-00308248-00308471 um this is what you would +o9yomFuI5bY-01431-00308472-00308615 uh this is what they're first doing to +o9yomFuI5bY-01432-00308616-00308791 kind of get this get this value um +o9yomFuI5bY-01433-00308792-00308895 because that's what they're comparing +o9yomFuI5bY-01434-00308896-00309119 against and then they conduct an f test +o9yomFuI5bY-01435-00309120-00309327 um which again i'm not really +o9yomFuI5bY-01436-00309328-00309510 describing this that deeply because i +o9yomFuI5bY-01437-00309511-00309654 think i wanted to +o9yomFuI5bY-01438-00309655-00309806 mainly just sort of motivate the +o9yomFuI5bY-01439-00309807-00310095 intuition and the details on paper um +o9yomFuI5bY-01440-00310096-00310263 would i be happy to +o9yomFuI5bY-01441-00310264-00310487 discuss maybe a later point but +o9yomFuI5bY-01442-00310488-00310591 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01443-00310592-00310767 but but there there's some interesting +o9yomFuI5bY-01444-00310768-00311063 um there's some interesting kind of like +o9yomFuI5bY-01445-00311064-00311303 since kind of sentence to this and um +o9yomFuI5bY-01446-00311304-00311447 it's actually got a lot of traction in +o9yomFuI5bY-01447-00311448-00311695 the stats community as well um so that's +o9yomFuI5bY-01448-00311696-00311958 one of the tests the second test is +o9yomFuI5bY-01449-00311959-00312167 so say i create a p curve and i only +o9yomFuI5bY-01450-00312168-00312254 have +o9yomFuI5bY-01451-00312255-00312479 four or five p value three p values +o9yomFuI5bY-01452-00312480-00312671 can i really detect +o9yomFuI5bY-01453-00312672-00312927 um an effect from this literature even +o9yomFuI5bY-01454-00312928-00313054 though i don't have sufficient power to +o9yomFuI5bY-01455-00313055-00313263 test that so they basically +o9yomFuI5bY-01456-00313264-00313463 instead of they replace this null effect +o9yomFuI5bY-01457-00313464-00313682 with a effect of 33 +o9yomFuI5bY-01458-00313683-00313934 power um which +o9yomFuI5bY-01459-00313935-00314175 again um there's like some motivation in +o9yomFuI5bY-01460-00314176-00314351 the literature with some simulations why +o9yomFuI5bY-01461-00314352-00314527 they chose that value but +o9yomFuI5bY-01462-00314528-00314687 um they use that to kind of get a sense +o9yomFuI5bY-01463-00314688-00314758 of +o9yomFuI5bY-01464-00314759-00314847 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01465-00314848-00315030 can we actually detect +o9yomFuI5bY-01466-00315031-00315263 anything interesting at all given what +o9yomFuI5bY-01467-00315264-00315454 was kind of a plot you know put into the +o9yomFuI5bY-01468-00315455-00315575 p curve so +o9yomFuI5bY-01469-00315576-00315791 um these are kind of the two +o9yomFuI5bY-01470-00315792-00315982 common tests and i +o9yomFuI5bY-01471-00315983-00316295 uh and then essentially like there's +o9yomFuI5bY-01472-00316296-00316487 there's some other kind of there's a lot +o9yomFuI5bY-01473-00316488-00316654 of motivation behind it but +o9yomFuI5bY-01474-00316655-00316734 uh +o9yomFuI5bY-01475-00316735-00316895 this is kind of what you would +o9yomFuI5bY-01476-00316896-00317103 get when you run a p-curve +o9yomFuI5bY-01477-00317104-00317279 using um +o9yomFuI5bY-01478-00317280-00317454 yeah using kind of their app that they +o9yomFuI5bY-01479-00317455-00317654 query created so this is +o9yomFuI5bY-01480-00317655-00317743 uh +o9yomFuI5bY-01481-00317744-00318071 kind of the website peaker.com +o9yomFuI5bY-01482-00318072-00318343 they have an online app where +o9yomFuI5bY-01483-00318344-00318534 um you kind of run these tests and kind +o9yomFuI5bY-01484-00318535-00318639 of get this +o9yomFuI5bY-01485-00318640-00318815 insight you get sort of right they'll +o9yomFuI5bY-01486-00318816-00318982 run the kind of two tests on your few +o9yomFuI5bY-01487-00318983-00319143 values that you +o9yomFuI5bY-01488-00319144-00319351 that you um provide and +o9yomFuI5bY-01489-00319352-00319495 we also have +o9yomFuI5bY-01490-00319496-00319791 a user guide which i'll describe it more +o9yomFuI5bY-01491-00319792-00319903 about +o9yomFuI5bY-01492-00319904-00320103 because it's actually really important +o9yomFuI5bY-01493-00320104-00320230 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01494-00320231-00320510 in terms of what hypotheses you include +o9yomFuI5bY-01495-00320511-00320647 when you're running kind of peak of +o9yomFuI5bY-01496-00320648-00320847 analysis uh +o9yomFuI5bY-01497-00320848-00321110 yeah so let me just +o9yomFuI5bY-01498-00321111-00321327 yeah so uh +o9yomFuI5bY-01499-00321328-00321551 the v curve app this is you know what +o9yomFuI5bY-01500-00321552-00321719 you'll see you'll see +o9yomFuI5bY-01501-00321720-00321830 uh +o9yomFuI5bY-01502-00321831-00321903 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01503-00321904-00322071 statistics where you can +o9yomFuI5bY-01504-00322072-00322206 see that you like you look at a +o9yomFuI5bY-01505-00322207-00322415 hypothesis of interest and +o9yomFuI5bY-01506-00322416-00322687 and you kind of find okay in this set of +o9yomFuI5bY-01507-00322688-00322927 literature what are where all the +o9yomFuI5bY-01508-00322928-00323030 uh +o9yomFuI5bY-01509-00323031-00323230 you know where are all of the +o9yomFuI5bY-01510-00323231-00323343 results that +o9yomFuI5bY-01511-00323344-00323599 uh are so designed to support hypothesis +o9yomFuI5bY-01512-00323600-00323727 where is all the evidence for this +o9yomFuI5bY-01513-00323728-00323910 particular hypothesis and you report all +o9yomFuI5bY-01514-00323911-00324071 these values +o9yomFuI5bY-01515-00324072-00324230 it will compute the p values it will +o9yomFuI5bY-01516-00324231-00324415 compute the pp values +o9yomFuI5bY-01517-00324416-00324639 um and then you can +o9yomFuI5bY-01518-00324640-00324863 run both statistical tests +o9yomFuI5bY-01519-00324864-00324975 to get the p-curve and you'll get a +o9yomFuI5bY-01520-00324976-00325151 p-curve as well +o9yomFuI5bY-01521-00325152-00325263 so +o9yomFuI5bY-01522-00325264-00325471 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01523-00325472-00325758 so i know that was kind of very probably +o9yomFuI5bY-01524-00325759-00325879 uh +o9yomFuI5bY-01525-00325880-00326127 maybe a bit like cryptic +o9yomFuI5bY-01526-00326128-00326487 um but i i also i can i can kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-01527-00326488-00326639 choose motivate the education i could +o9yomFuI5bY-01528-00326640-00326775 also +o9yomFuI5bY-01529-00326776-00326903 sorry i could use it like describe it +o9yomFuI5bY-01530-00326904-00327054 more about it where i could also just +o9yomFuI5bY-01531-00327055-00327239 describe some of the +o9yomFuI5bY-01532-00327240-00327351 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01533-00327352-00327551 some of the i guess the guide first to +o9yomFuI5bY-01534-00327552-00327758 kind of describe like what the approach +o9yomFuI5bY-01535-00327759-00327839 would be +o9yomFuI5bY-01536-00327840-00327934 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01537-00327935-00328119 a bit more if +o9yomFuI5bY-01538-00328120-00328334 well okay i'll start with that so +o9yomFuI5bY-01539-00328335-00328471 so yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-01540-00328472-00328703 yeah basically this is kind of like +o9yomFuI5bY-01541-00328704-00328839 yeah that's that's the whole reason why +o9yomFuI5bY-01542-00328840-00329039 i'm gonna go ahead and do it anyways um +o9yomFuI5bY-01543-00329040-00329134 so +o9yomFuI5bY-01544-00329135-00329239 really what yeah what you want to do +o9yomFuI5bY-01545-00329240-00329471 first is you want to look into +o9yomFuI5bY-01546-00329472-00329582 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01547-00329583-00329743 you want to first kind of pre-specify +o9yomFuI5bY-01548-00329744-00329958 kind of a rule that you're using to +o9yomFuI5bY-01549-00329959-00330182 before you generate this p-curve um this +o9yomFuI5bY-01550-00330183-00330343 could be like looking at you know +o9yomFuI5bY-01551-00330344-00330482 elderly priming work +o9yomFuI5bY-01552-00330483-00330887 um um you know evidence early priming +o9yomFuI5bY-01553-00330888-00331103 evidence for money priming et cetera or +o9yomFuI5bY-01554-00331104-00331278 like uh evidence for the facial feedback +o9yomFuI5bY-01555-00331279-00331423 hypothesis +o9yomFuI5bY-01556-00331424-00331582 um and so this is what you're gonna +o9yomFuI5bY-01557-00331583-00331719 specify first +o9yomFuI5bY-01558-00331720-00331967 and then keep forgetting this click +o9yomFuI5bY-01559-00331968-00332199 thing um +o9yomFuI5bY-01560-00332200-00332391 yeah why is it not investing okay +o9yomFuI5bY-01561-00332392-00332727 step two you're going to create this um +o9yomFuI5bY-01562-00332728-00332919 disclosure table and so +o9yomFuI5bY-01563-00332920-00333175 there's an example um +o9yomFuI5bY-01564-00333176-00333463 for example in the user guide i emitted +o9yomFuI5bY-01565-00333464-00333727 it here um because it's +o9yomFuI5bY-01566-00333728-00333975 kind of has like many hypotheses but the +o9yomFuI5bY-01567-00333976-00334134 basic steps are +o9yomFuI5bY-01568-00334135-00334327 you know you're trying to make it really +o9yomFuI5bY-01569-00334328-00334510 clear what p values went into the +o9yomFuI5bY-01570-00334511-00334719 analysis +o9yomFuI5bY-01571-00334720-00334863 and you know you could identify the +o9yomFuI5bY-01572-00334864-00335039 results you're going to +o9yomFuI5bY-01573-00335040-00335158 quota found paper you're going to +o9yomFuI5bY-01574-00335159-00335391 recompute the p value and +o9yomFuI5bY-01575-00335392-00335575 this that five is about robust test +o9yomFuI5bY-01576-00335576-00335695 results so +o9yomFuI5bY-01577-00335696-00336023 there is a another p curve um +o9yomFuI5bY-01578-00336024-00336303 um so basically what +o9yomFuI5bY-01579-00336304-00336519 what this is is that +o9yomFuI5bY-01580-00336520-00336758 there was some work on okay so assuming +o9yomFuI5bY-01581-00336759-00336887 that so +o9yomFuI5bY-01582-00336888-00337023 the the beaker is kind of designed to +o9yomFuI5bY-01583-00337024-00337119 look for +o9yomFuI5bY-01584-00337120-00337319 peak hacking but there is also the case +o9yomFuI5bY-01585-00337320-00337567 of ambitious packing where someone's you +o9yomFuI5bY-01586-00337568-00337751 know maybe um +o9yomFuI5bY-01587-00337752-00337934 they have b value less than 0.025 and +o9yomFuI5bY-01588-00337935-00338095 they're trying to kind of really +o9yomFuI5bY-01589-00338096-00338230 react to kind of get that result so +o9yomFuI5bY-01590-00338231-00338358 there are some other additional tests +o9yomFuI5bY-01591-00338359-00338463 like a half curve where you're just +o9yomFuI5bY-01592-00338464-00338782 looking from 0 to 0. d5 and +o9yomFuI5bY-01593-00338783-00339175 you you need your p-values i think to um +o9yomFuI5bY-01594-00339176-00339327 for these sort of robustness checks you +o9yomFuI5bY-01595-00339328-00339510 need to kind of um +o9yomFuI5bY-01596-00339511-00339695 report results of +o9yomFuI5bY-01597-00339696-00339927 um other i guess analysis that were +o9yomFuI5bY-01598-00339928-00340127 related um +o9yomFuI5bY-01599-00340128-00340199 to +o9yomFuI5bY-01600-00340200-00340382 um kind of add a sense of sense of like +o9yomFuI5bY-01601-00340383-00340582 how robust are your refineries that's i +o9yomFuI5bY-01602-00340583-00340758 mean i think there's also some i don't +o9yomFuI5bY-01603-00340759-00341063 know if you um had read that too right +o9yomFuI5bY-01604-00341064-00341287 where there was some half curve sort of +o9yomFuI5bY-01605-00341288-00341478 analysis or uh +o9yomFuI5bY-01606-00341479-00341663 yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-01607-00341664-00341878 okay yeah well um anyways yeah so this +o9yomFuI5bY-01608-00341879-00342030 is just something this would be a bit +o9yomFuI5bY-01609-00342031-00342158 more clear with the user guide so i'll +o9yomFuI5bY-01610-00342159-00342310 just um +o9yomFuI5bY-01611-00342311-00342510 yeah i'll just kind of move on for now +o9yomFuI5bY-01612-00342511-00342630 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01613-00342631-00342751 and so +o9yomFuI5bY-01614-00342752-00343023 uh one thing that was mentioned here +o9yomFuI5bY-01615-00343024-00343119 is that +o9yomFuI5bY-01616-00343120-00343319 it's up to identify result testing state +o9yomFuI5bY-01617-00343320-00343510 hypothesis using table three so this is +o9yomFuI5bY-01618-00343511-00343734 table three uh +o9yomFuI5bY-01619-00343735-00343951 and so here are some +o9yomFuI5bY-01620-00343952-00344167 kind of common um +o9yomFuI5bY-01621-00344168-00344327 research designs +o9yomFuI5bY-01622-00344328-00344415 and +o9yomFuI5bY-01623-00344416-00344734 they we're basically saying here is that +o9yomFuI5bY-01624-00344735-00345030 so assuming um that the research is +o9yomFuI5bY-01625-00345031-00345239 about attenuation +o9yomFuI5bY-01626-00345240-00345423 which is you know we have a control +o9yomFuI5bY-01627-00345424-00345558 value we have like a we have this sort +o9yomFuI5bY-01628-00345559-00345830 of a variable where we're modulating it +o9yomFuI5bY-01629-00345831-00346039 and you're saying kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-01630-00346040-00346127 you know +o9yomFuI5bY-01631-00346128-00346271 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01632-00346272-00346463 you're saying people will +o9yomFuI5bY-01633-00346464-00346558 they'll leave saying the dependent +o9yomFuI5bY-01634-00346559-00346678 variable will be modulated by a +o9yomFuI5bY-01635-00346679-00346847 particular variable you want to make +o9yomFuI5bY-01636-00346848-00347030 sure to not report their main main +o9yomFuI5bY-01637-00347031-00347223 result which you get from an anova or a +o9yomFuI5bY-01638-00347224-00347351 fourth interaction where you're actually +o9yomFuI5bY-01639-00347352-00347558 looking at the result the exposure +o9yomFuI5bY-01640-00347559-00347775 and the um +o9yomFuI5bY-01641-00347776-00347927 you know and and kind of the condition +o9yomFuI5bY-01642-00347928-00348134 that you're using and +o9yomFuI5bY-01643-00348135-00348327 better examples i think in the user +o9yomFuI5bY-01644-00348328-00348463 guide but this is just a really +o9yomFuI5bY-01645-00348464-00348630 important point that they note +o9yomFuI5bY-01646-00348631-00348839 um and then +o9yomFuI5bY-01647-00348840-00349134 in this case they're looking for um +o9yomFuI5bY-01648-00349135-00349239 you know +o9yomFuI5bY-01649-00349240-00349334 they're also mentioning that there are +o9yomFuI5bY-01650-00349335-00349558 some reversal designs where +o9yomFuI5bY-01651-00349559-00349743 you're um +o9yomFuI5bY-01652-00349744-00349958 you know you're you're you're willing +o9yomFuI5bY-01653-00349959-00350247 you want to pay attention to like where +o9yomFuI5bY-01654-00350248-00350599 it says um this is not the case +o9yomFuI5bY-01655-00350600-00350871 um and so you're just reporting the +o9yomFuI5bY-01656-00350872-00351054 um you're just reporting kind of the +o9yomFuI5bY-01657-00351055-00351223 worst performance results +o9yomFuI5bY-01658-00351224-00351454 when um so you can kind of like see that +o9yomFuI5bY-01659-00351455-00351678 there but um you're supporting these +o9yomFuI5bY-01660-00351679-00351799 results +o9yomFuI5bY-01661-00351800-00351958 when you're kind of looking at the +o9yomFuI5bY-01662-00351959-00352078 reversal +o9yomFuI5bY-01663-00352079-00352215 uh +o9yomFuI5bY-01664-00352216-00352327 so +o9yomFuI5bY-01665-00352328-00352534 anyways uh um +o9yomFuI5bY-01666-00352535-00352710 yeah so there's some more examples there +o9yomFuI5bY-01667-00352711-00352927 but one thing i want to mention too is p +o9yomFuI5bY-01668-00352928-00353078 curve +o9yomFuI5bY-01669-00353079-00353239 can't be used for discrete tests so you +o9yomFuI5bY-01670-00353240-00353439 know chi-square test f-test we have +o9yomFuI5bY-01671-00353440-00353678 integer values um you're looking for +o9yomFuI5bY-01672-00353679-00353919 differences there so that's just +o9yomFuI5bY-01673-00353920-00354071 something to note +o9yomFuI5bY-01674-00354072-00354282 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01675-00354283-00354478 and uh +o9yomFuI5bY-01676-00354479-00354727 and so there's also some uh r packages +o9yomFuI5bY-01677-00354728-00354910 which you can also compute curves but +o9yomFuI5bY-01678-00354911-00355191 they also take into account um like the +o9yomFuI5bY-01679-00355192-00355487 heterogeneities of the um +o9yomFuI5bY-01680-00355488-00355615 you know sort of +o9yomFuI5bY-01681-00355616-00355847 of the effects um analysis which there's +o9yomFuI5bY-01682-00355848-00356063 been some work on trying to kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-01683-00356064-00356287 um examine how that actually impacts the +o9yomFuI5bY-01684-00356288-00356423 p-value so +o9yomFuI5bY-01685-00356424-00356654 i think um we can also maybe post this +o9yomFuI5bY-01686-00356655-00356887 link in the homework too to kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-01687-00356888-00357006 uh if you're interested in looking at +o9yomFuI5bY-01688-00357007-00357278 heterogeneity first before you put the +o9yomFuI5bY-01689-00357279-00357415 p-values in i think this is like an +o9yomFuI5bY-01690-00357416-00357558 important point that +o9yomFuI5bY-01691-00357559-00357654 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01692-00357655-00357863 kind of shouldn't be glossed over +o9yomFuI5bY-01693-00357864-00358047 but yeah let me +o9yomFuI5bY-01694-00358048-00359078 see +o9yomFuI5bY-01695-00359079-00361199 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01696-00361200-00361327 yeah um +o9yomFuI5bY-01697-00361328-00361510 so i think the first thing is like what +o9yomFuI5bY-01698-00361511-00361767 is the question that is being asked um +o9yomFuI5bY-01699-00361768-00361951 and what are they testing what's the +o9yomFuI5bY-01700-00361952-00362278 main you know um kind of contribution of +o9yomFuI5bY-01701-00362279-00362471 the paper uh +o9yomFuI5bY-01702-00362472-00362558 and then you're really just looking at +o9yomFuI5bY-01703-00362559-00362854 the results section to examine okay this +o9yomFuI5bY-01704-00362855-00362991 question this hypothesis did they say in +o9yomFuI5bY-01705-00362992-00363110 their introduction +o9yomFuI5bY-01706-00363111-00363254 where is this test that's showing that +o9yomFuI5bY-01707-00363255-00363487 their hypothesis is likely to be true +o9yomFuI5bY-01708-00363488-00363654 and you want to make sure to just not +o9yomFuI5bY-01709-00363655-00363815 include anything that's spurious or +o9yomFuI5bY-01710-00363816-00364110 unrelated to that specific question +o9yomFuI5bY-01711-00364111-00364239 um and there's actually a reason for +o9yomFuI5bY-01712-00364240-00364358 that there's a +o9yomFuI5bY-01713-00364359-00364599 amy cuddy had done a p curve analysis +o9yomFuI5bY-01714-00364600-00364782 you know the power pose sort of +o9yomFuI5bY-01715-00364783-00364975 work and um +o9yomFuI5bY-01716-00364976-00365182 and there and it was a bit dubious like +o9yomFuI5bY-01717-00365183-00365358 which studies she included to get the p +o9yomFuI5bY-01718-00365359-00365623 curve to take on a particular form so +o9yomFuI5bY-01719-00365624-00365727 it's really really important to kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-01720-00365728-00365854 make sure that you're +o9yomFuI5bY-01721-00365855-00366119 um you know looking for these +o9yomFuI5bY-01722-00366120-00366263 these clear kind of treatment versus +o9yomFuI5bY-01723-00366264-00366358 control +o9yomFuI5bY-01724-00366359-00366551 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01725-00366552-00366758 i'm sort of +o9yomFuI5bY-01726-00366759-00367030 yeah test statistics um and making sure +o9yomFuI5bY-01727-00367031-00367206 to be explicit what you're actually what +o9yomFuI5bY-01728-00367207-00367375 peaker is actually representing +o9yomFuI5bY-01729-00367376-00367478 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01730-00367479-00367663 there so +o9yomFuI5bY-01731-00367664-00367806 yeah and this just kind of gives you a +o9yomFuI5bY-01732-00367807-00367991 sense when you actually do have a design +o9yomFuI5bY-01733-00367992-00368087 it's kind of what to look for there's +o9yomFuI5bY-01734-00368088-00368199 actually another +o9yomFuI5bY-01735-00368200-00368382 example of paper that actually is +o9yomFuI5bY-01736-00368383-00368615 explains it a bit better than um in this +o9yomFuI5bY-01737-00368616-00368710 diagram +o9yomFuI5bY-01738-00368711-00369023 um so if this sounds a bit confusing um +o9yomFuI5bY-01739-00369024-00369182 i will like make sure to send an email +o9yomFuI5bY-01740-00369183-00369295 with the +o9yomFuI5bY-01741-00369296-00369463 with the information maybe like put a +o9yomFuI5bY-01742-00369464-00369647 blurb there to kind of emphasize +o9yomFuI5bY-01743-00369648-00369830 what to be looking for when you're doing +o9yomFuI5bY-01744-00369831-00371182 your peak of analysis +o9yomFuI5bY-01745-00371183-00371303 yeah so +o9yomFuI5bY-01746-00371304-00371519 yeah so you can like look typically look +o9yomFuI5bY-01747-00371520-00371582 at +o9yomFuI5bY-01748-00371583-00371702 you know really trying to find like an +o9yomFuI5bY-01749-00371703-00371967 association between um +o9yomFuI5bY-01750-00371968-00372206 i don't know um +o9yomFuI5bY-01751-00372207-00372334 i'm thinking of like an obvious thing +o9yomFuI5bY-01752-00372335-00372567 like smoking and lung cancer +o9yomFuI5bY-01753-00372568-00372823 and uh there is like uh +o9yomFuI5bY-01754-00372824-00372967 there is like an effect size you're +o9yomFuI5bY-01755-00372968-00373191 getting from that um a regression +o9yomFuI5bY-01756-00373192-00373334 analysis and your +o9yomFuI5bY-01757-00373335-00373606 um it does say like there's a +o9yomFuI5bY-01758-00373607-00373734 you know in the first case like you're +o9yomFuI5bY-01759-00373735-00373927 doing like a linear trend so here +o9yomFuI5bY-01760-00373928-00374063 they're looking at how does math +o9yomFuI5bY-01761-00374064-00374302 training affect um +o9yomFuI5bY-01762-00374303-00374439 math performance so they're looking for +o9yomFuI5bY-01763-00374440-00374606 that kind of linear +o9yomFuI5bY-01764-00374607-00374815 uh regression kind of trend +o9yomFuI5bY-01765-00374816-00374895 and +o9yomFuI5bY-01766-00374896-00375030 you know you can +o9yomFuI5bY-01767-00375031-00375343 you can get a p-value from um +o9yomFuI5bY-01768-00375344-00375575 yeah from that test um as well to +o9yomFuI5bY-01769-00375576-00375727 incorporate in +o9yomFuI5bY-01770-00375728-00376806 the analysis +o9yomFuI5bY-01771-00376807-00376887 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01772-00376888-00377119 yeah um +o9yomFuI5bY-01773-00377120-00377206 so +o9yomFuI5bY-01774-00377207-00377423 yeah just just i guess the the test that +o9yomFuI5bY-01775-00377424-00377558 you don't want to do or these sort of +o9yomFuI5bY-01776-00377559-00377758 discrete statistics tests um you don't +o9yomFuI5bY-01777-00377759-00377887 want to +o9yomFuI5bY-01778-00377888-00378054 kind of you don't want to sort of like +o9yomFuI5bY-01779-00378055-00378223 we're comparing these proportions like +o9yomFuI5bY-01780-00378224-00378375 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01781-00378376-00378510 i don't know matt do you have any +o9yomFuI5bY-01782-00378511-00378678 thoughts on on this point around +o9yomFuI5bY-01783-00378679-00379430 discrete tests +o9yomFuI5bY-01784-00379431-00379534 yeah yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-01785-00379535-00379743 yeah yeah um +o9yomFuI5bY-01786-00379744-00379830 so +o9yomFuI5bY-01787-00379831-00380071 yeah um and what i mentioned here around +o9yomFuI5bY-01788-00380072-00380391 heterogeneity um +o9yomFuI5bY-01789-00380392-00380495 yeah this +o9yomFuI5bY-01790-00380496-00380727 uh-huh +o9yomFuI5bY-01791-00380728-00380967 yeah so this is like um you're going to +o9yomFuI5bY-01792-00380968-00381254 get these effect sizes um in your +o9yomFuI5bY-01793-00381255-00381423 ep values +o9yomFuI5bY-01794-00381424-00381647 and really +o9yomFuI5bY-01795-00381648-00381839 you might have p-values with +o9yomFuI5bY-01796-00381840-00382110 a lot of different effects right +o9yomFuI5bY-01797-00382111-00382327 and so there's high heterogeneity which +o9yomFuI5bY-01798-00382328-00382575 you can calculate with um +o9yomFuI5bY-01799-00382576-00382727 there's a feature in +o9yomFuI5bY-01800-00382728-00382934 in r that calculates this heterogeneity +o9yomFuI5bY-01801-00382935-00383182 estimate um and there's a basically a +o9yomFuI5bY-01802-00383183-00383302 warning here i want to see if i can +o9yomFuI5bY-01803-00383303-00383430 close up actually +o9yomFuI5bY-01804-00383431-00383743 but there's a warning if the p-curve is +o9yomFuI5bY-01805-00383744-00384110 has a uh geez a heterogeneity above +o9yomFuI5bY-01806-00384111-00384487 um 0.0.5 then you should um +o9yomFuI5bY-01807-00384488-00384702 you should kind of be cautious about the +o9yomFuI5bY-01808-00384703-00384871 results and typically able to do is like +o9yomFuI5bY-01809-00384872-00385110 remove try to remove outliers in order +o9yomFuI5bY-01810-00385111-00385302 to um +o9yomFuI5bY-01811-00385303-00385582 yeah in order to like um prevent against +o9yomFuI5bY-01812-00385583-00385895 you know those high heterogeneity but uh +o9yomFuI5bY-01813-00385896-00386039 i actually can't click on the link which +o9yomFuI5bY-01814-00386040-00386271 is kind of i could sort of paste it in +o9yomFuI5bY-01815-00386272-00386423 another window but +o9yomFuI5bY-01816-00386424-00386647 i also don't know if it's worth the time +o9yomFuI5bY-01817-00386648-00386758 okay cool +o9yomFuI5bY-01818-00386759-00386910 um yeah so +o9yomFuI5bY-01819-00386911-00387110 i'm almost kind of toward the end here +o9yomFuI5bY-01820-00387111-00387247 so +o9yomFuI5bY-01821-00387248-00387351 i mean the last step is just you're +o9yomFuI5bY-01822-00387352-00387510 going to report all the output +o9yomFuI5bY-01823-00387511-00387710 on the paper um +o9yomFuI5bY-01824-00387711-00387839 and +o9yomFuI5bY-01825-00387840-00388047 yeah and then i think i mainly want to +o9yomFuI5bY-01826-00388048-00388191 mention some problems with peak curve +o9yomFuI5bY-01827-00388192-00388358 analyses like i just said the +o9yomFuI5bY-01828-00388359-00388558 heterogeneity of effect sizes +o9yomFuI5bY-01829-00388559-00388654 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01830-00388655-00388758 you know there's still some ongoing +o9yomFuI5bY-01831-00388759-00388975 literature in terms of what to interpret +o9yomFuI5bY-01832-00388976-00389095 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01833-00389096-00389206 you know and how to how the best +o9yomFuI5bY-01834-00389207-00389463 interpreter speaker when there is this +o9yomFuI5bY-01835-00389464-00389591 you kind of see this +o9yomFuI5bY-01836-00389592-00389775 like i said before discrete data +o9yomFuI5bY-01837-00389776-00389910 one area of interest is sort of like +o9yomFuI5bY-01838-00389911-00390087 okay so say +o9yomFuI5bY-01839-00390088-00390239 you get a right skewed p graph and you +o9yomFuI5bY-01840-00390240-00390358 say +o9yomFuI5bY-01841-00390359-00390567 okay my literature has evidential values +o9yomFuI5bY-01842-00390568-00390727 instead of literally +o9yomFuI5bY-01843-00390728-00390871 well how much evidential value does it +o9yomFuI5bY-01844-00390872-00391063 have is that a lot you know a little bit +o9yomFuI5bY-01845-00391064-00391191 that's the kind of the effect sizes +o9yomFuI5bY-01846-00391192-00391327 you're going to generate from this p +o9yomFuI5bY-01847-00391328-00391639 curve and you can do that but +o9yomFuI5bY-01848-00391640-00391743 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01849-00391744-00391902 that's kind of where +o9yomFuI5bY-01850-00391903-00392119 i think some of the stuff kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-01851-00392120-00392278 falls off a bit so +o9yomFuI5bY-01852-00392279-00392599 there's been some work on +o9yomFuI5bY-01853-00392600-00392775 kind of what happens when you collapse +o9yomFuI5bY-01854-00392776-00393119 the power of many different studies +o9yomFuI5bY-01855-00393120-00393254 and +o9yomFuI5bY-01856-00393255-00393423 it basically +o9yomFuI5bY-01857-00393424-00393630 requires a lot of studies in order to +o9yomFuI5bY-01858-00393631-00393791 kind of get a really calibrated sense of +o9yomFuI5bY-01859-00393792-00393887 power +o9yomFuI5bY-01860-00393888-00394078 and i can imagine that when you guys are +o9yomFuI5bY-01861-00394079-00394230 doing this if you're going from like 30 +o9yomFuI5bY-01862-00394231-00394478 studies or 20 studies then +o9yomFuI5bY-01863-00394479-00394782 um the power estimates are going to be +o9yomFuI5bY-01864-00394783-00395006 um flawless so there's a paper which i +o9yomFuI5bY-01865-00395007-00395223 can also link in the blurb um that kind +o9yomFuI5bY-01866-00395224-00395454 of motivates us a bit more but when +o9yomFuI5bY-01867-00395455-00395599 you're trying to actually estimate the +o9yomFuI5bY-01868-00395600-00395806 effect size the best thing to do is to +o9yomFuI5bY-01869-00395807-00396015 just run multiple meta analyses uh +o9yomFuI5bY-01870-00396016-00396191 methodologies effect size +o9yomFuI5bY-01871-00396192-00396406 methods and on um +o9yomFuI5bY-01872-00396407-00396663 on like a set of um +o9yomFuI5bY-01873-00396664-00396823 i guess on the on the findings in the +o9yomFuI5bY-01874-00396824-00396991 literature the testing literature and +o9yomFuI5bY-01875-00396992-00397078 you can +o9yomFuI5bY-01876-00397079-00397367 really get a better sense of what's the +o9yomFuI5bY-01877-00397368-00397543 what might be the actual effects or get +o9yomFuI5bY-01878-00397544-00397702 some balance on the effect size so +o9yomFuI5bY-01879-00397703-00397975 that's just something to mention um +o9yomFuI5bY-01880-00397976-00398110 and then finally this disclosure form +o9yomFuI5bY-01881-00398111-00398263 which you guys are going to write is +o9yomFuI5bY-01882-00398264-00398447 really important um +o9yomFuI5bY-01883-00398448-00398639 which um +o9yomFuI5bY-01884-00398640-00398895 to kind of do to make sure that that the +o9yomFuI5bY-01885-00398896-00399047 hypothesis you're looking at are +o9yomFuI5bY-01886-00399048-00399367 consistent with one another um +o9yomFuI5bY-01887-00399368-00399558 and just wanted to kind of harp on the +o9yomFuI5bY-01888-00399559-00399878 effect size thing one more time so +o9yomFuI5bY-01889-00399879-00400143 there's this book um doing that analysis +o9yomFuI5bY-01890-00400144-00400263 is an r +o9yomFuI5bY-01891-00400264-00400406 and it basically +o9yomFuI5bY-01892-00400407-00400623 gives a better overview of the p-curve +o9yomFuI5bY-01893-00400624-00400775 uh if you have like a lot of questions +o9yomFuI5bY-01894-00400776-00400999 about it um but also other effect size +o9yomFuI5bY-01895-00401000-00401182 estimates like hedges g +o9yomFuI5bY-01896-00401183-00401278 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01897-00401279-00401430 and dave mentioned funnel plots and +o9yomFuI5bY-01898-00401431-00401591 there's a trim and fill method to kind +o9yomFuI5bY-01899-00401592-00401791 of get an effect size from that uh and +o9yomFuI5bY-01900-00401792-00402030 so i really highly encourage you guys +o9yomFuI5bY-01901-00402031-00402399 read this before you do your homework um +o9yomFuI5bY-01902-00402400-00402582 to kind of get a better sense of +o9yomFuI5bY-01903-00402583-00402839 one how big here's my work but also sort +o9yomFuI5bY-01904-00402840-00402943 of um +o9yomFuI5bY-01905-00402944-00403119 what are some other ways to get affected +o9yomFuI5bY-01906-00403120-00403223 if i want to kind of characterize the +o9yomFuI5bY-01907-00403224-00403358 evidential value +o9yomFuI5bY-01908-00403359-00403478 and then +o9yomFuI5bY-01909-00403479-00403678 i'm sure there are some ports from r to +o9yomFuI5bY-01910-00403679-00403902 python or what have you but that's +o9yomFuI5bY-01911-00403903-00404071 i find something that i'll let you know +o9yomFuI5bY-01912-00404072-00404182 but there's something it's a really +o9yomFuI5bY-01913-00404183-00404439 interesting um review +o9yomFuI5bY-01914-00404440-00404958 uh yeah so +o9yomFuI5bY-01915-00404959-00405263 right +o9yomFuI5bY-01916-00405264-00405630 yeah yeah so um basically +o9yomFuI5bY-01917-00405631-00405734 you know +o9yomFuI5bY-01918-00405735-00405943 what the common misconception speaker is +o9yomFuI5bY-01919-00405944-00406127 that you know it detects this peak +o9yomFuI5bY-01920-00406128-00406439 hacking kind of has occurred um +o9yomFuI5bY-01921-00406440-00406743 and really given that you know +o9yomFuI5bY-01922-00406744-00407039 um like i think dave mentioned there's +o9yomFuI5bY-01923-00407040-00407391 cardinal sin is kind of having these um +o9yomFuI5bY-01924-00407392-00407671 having these sort of like you know it's +o9yomFuI5bY-01925-00407672-00407823 true or it's not true +o9yomFuI5bY-01926-00407824-00408095 uh vector's real is not real i think +o9yomFuI5bY-01927-00408096-00408215 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01928-00408216-00408351 i think evidential value kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-01929-00408352-00408615 corresponds to given the data that we +o9yomFuI5bY-01930-00408616-00408702 have +o9yomFuI5bY-01931-00408703-00408927 um access to this we're only talking +o9yomFuI5bY-01932-00408928-00409199 about the data itself what does +o9yomFuI5bY-01933-00409200-00409382 you know is it likely that that's +o9yomFuI5bY-01934-00409383-00409670 hypothesis test um has high evidential +o9yomFuI5bY-01935-00409671-00409839 value corresponding to this +o9yomFuI5bY-01936-00409839-00409951 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01937-00409952-00410151 to this to the curve that we should +o9yomFuI5bY-01938-00410152-00410247 expect +o9yomFuI5bY-01939-00410247-00410366 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01940-00410367-00410607 and and so i think it's more so +o9yomFuI5bY-01941-00410608-00410774 used to +o9yomFuI5bY-01942-00410775-00410951 deal with um +o9yomFuI5bY-01943-00410952-00411110 that distinction but +o9yomFuI5bY-01944-00411112-00411447 um i also there might be some um +o9yomFuI5bY-01945-00411447-00411663 something that i also could +o9yomFuI5bY-01947-00415543-00415734 doesn't necessarily mean that there's no +o9yomFuI5bY-01948-00415735-00416055 effects right the saying these same +o9yomFuI5bY-01949-00416056-00416278 types of passions and influences +o9yomFuI5bY-01950-00416279-00416622 right like as few frank skews evidence +o9yomFuI5bY-01951-00416623-00416782 that we haven't +o9yomFuI5bY-01952-00416783-00416855 that +o9yomFuI5bY-01953-00416856-00417070 something is happening that's good +o9yomFuI5bY-01954-00417071-00417166 but +o9yomFuI5bY-01955-00417167-00417343 a lack of a rights to you is not +o9yomFuI5bY-01956-00417343-00417639 necessarily evidence +o9yomFuI5bY-01957-00417639-00417822 right that maybe the study is under +o9yomFuI5bY-01958-00417823-00418070 power or +o9yomFuI5bY-01959-00418071-00418255 yeah well i will say there +o9yomFuI5bY-01960-00418256-00418439 there is a there's a test that does +o9yomFuI5bY-01961-00418439-00418782 detect like if the studies are +o9yomFuI5bY-01962-00418783-00418910 underpowered +o9yomFuI5bY-01963-00418912-00419095 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01964-00419096-00419295 can we draw much from this analysis at +o9yomFuI5bY-01965-00419296-00419470 all that's the second test +o9yomFuI5bY-01966-00419471-00419999 that you guys will generate um +o9yomFuI5bY-01967-00420000-00420255 it's um i think it's the test so there's +o9yomFuI5bY-01968-00420256-00420422 like two evidential value +o9yomFuI5bY-01969-00420423-00420631 questions +o9yomFuI5bY-01970-00420632-00420703 yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-01971-00420704-00420791 yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-01972-00420792-00420918 yeah yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-01973-00420919-00420991 yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-01974-00420992-00421127 yeah let's do that +o9yomFuI5bY-01975-00421128-00421247 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01976-00421247-00421383 yeah i'm just going to do a new screen +o9yomFuI5bY-01977-00421384-00421543 share then real quick +o9yomFuI5bY-01978-00421543-00421655 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01980-00425728-00425927 that would teach you to inform your +o9yomFuI5bY-01981-00425928-00426214 intuition and walking you through +o9yomFuI5bY-01982-00426215-00426647 pretty explicit +o9yomFuI5bY-01983-00426647-00426807 the first step for the homework really +o9yomFuI5bY-01984-00426808-00427079 should be through +o9yomFuI5bY-01985-00427080-00427287 yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-01986-00427288-00427510 do your best to internalize what they're +o9yomFuI5bY-01987-00427512-00428079 saying +o9yomFuI5bY-01988-00428080-00428935 oh sorry that's different +o9yomFuI5bY-01989-00428935-00429159 yeah so here we go we can generate a +o9yomFuI5bY-01990-00429160-00429270 p-curve +o9yomFuI5bY-01991-00429271-00429510 um well yeah this is +o9yomFuI5bY-01992-00429512-00429607 um +o9yomFuI5bY-01993-00429608-00429855 i should say the proportion test not +o9yomFuI5bY-01994-00429856-00429966 necessarily the case we're just +o9yomFuI5bY-01995-00429967-00430151 beginning is um so yeah this is what you +o9yomFuI5bY-01996-00430152-00430318 should +o9yomFuI5bY-01997-00430319-00430535 get when you so yeah it's called a um +o9yomFuI5bY-01998-00430535-00430743 it's called a continuous test +o9yomFuI5bY-01999-00430743-00430831 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02000-00430832-00430999 so oh i'm sorry this is the the question +o9yomFuI5bY-02001-00431000-00431199 that it's getting it's a studies value +o9yomFuI5bY-02002-00431200-00431527 if if it is if it's inadequate i guess +o9yomFuI5bY-02003-00431528-00431614 so +o9yomFuI5bY-02004-00431615-00431807 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02005-00431808-00432055 so this kind of gets at the point where +o9yomFuI5bY-02006-00432056-00432263 um we're assuming if we're assuming 33 +o9yomFuI5bY-02007-00432264-00432391 power what what the curve should look +o9yomFuI5bY-02008-00432392-00432487 like +o9yomFuI5bY-02009-00432488-00432655 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02010-00432656-00432831 if it's flatter than that then maybe you +o9yomFuI5bY-02011-00432832-00433039 don't have enough values kind of in your +o9yomFuI5bY-02012-00433039-00433159 analysis +o9yomFuI5bY-02013-00433160-00433343 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02014-00433343-00433455 but +o9yomFuI5bY-02015-00433456-00433655 yeah i guess one thing +o9yomFuI5bY-02016-00433656-00435366 oh sorry if i'm wrong +o9yomFuI5bY-02017-00435367-00436807 and we're just literally counting +o9yomFuI5bY-02018-00436808-00437095 that's our sort +o9yomFuI5bY-02019-00437096-00437279 yeah yeah we are +o9yomFuI5bY-02020-00437280-00437535 of the binomial yeah so we're the first +o9yomFuI5bY-02021-00437535-00437751 one um +o9yomFuI5bY-02022-00437752-00437903 and again there's a full p curve and +o9yomFuI5bY-02023-00437904-00438063 there's a half p curve so this is like +o9yomFuI5bY-02024-00438064-00438263 getting at people doing ambitious speed +o9yomFuI5bY-02025-00438264-00438366 hacking where they're assuming that it's +o9yomFuI5bY-02026-00438367-00438518 0.025 but +o9yomFuI5bY-02027-00438519-00438718 um we're going to first +o9yomFuI5bY-02028-00438719-00438847 if this is 0.05 we're going to first +o9yomFuI5bY-02029-00438847-00438975 take our p values we're going to divide +o9yomFuI5bY-02030-00438976-00439191 them by 0.05 +o9yomFuI5bY-02031-00439192-00439407 um to get the p value +o9yomFuI5bY-02032-00439408-00439718 and then which is is the is is the value +o9yomFuI5bY-02033-00439719-00439910 under the null here +o9yomFuI5bY-02034-00439912-00440055 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02035-00440056-00440270 and that's that's going to be again used +o9yomFuI5bY-02036-00440271-00440359 to +o9yomFuI5bY-02037-00440360-00440479 test this +o9yomFuI5bY-02038-00440480-00440710 right test this first question if there +o9yomFuI5bY-02039-00440712-00440910 contains any additional value +o9yomFuI5bY-02040-00440912-00441070 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02041-00441071-00441166 but +o9yomFuI5bY-02042-00441167-00441391 we're not going to use that 0.05 when +o9yomFuI5bY-02043-00441392-00441535 we're looking for +o9yomFuI5bY-02044-00441535-00441759 um this 33 power +o9yomFuI5bY-02045-00441760-00441983 um second question i guess because +o9yomFuI5bY-02046-00441984-00442118 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02047-00442119-00442199 we're +o9yomFuI5bY-02048-00442200-00442287 here we're just trying to see if it's +o9yomFuI5bY-02049-00442288-00442407 lighter than this 30 +o9yomFuI5bY-02050-00442408-00442527 percent power so the first test you're +o9yomFuI5bY-02051-00442528-00442670 comparing against this technician you're +o9yomFuI5bY-02052-00442671-00442799 comparing against this +o9yomFuI5bY-02053-00442800-00443110 um third represent power curve um +o9yomFuI5bY-02054-00443112-00443191 and +o9yomFuI5bY-02055-00443192-00443295 and so +o9yomFuI5bY-02056-00443296-00443559 yeah so basically +o9yomFuI5bY-02057-00443560-00443814 here i think the interpretation if i +o9yomFuI5bY-02058-00443815-00443943 scroll down +o9yomFuI5bY-02059-00443943-00444143 um geez +o9yomFuI5bY-02060-00444143-00444303 okay here we go kind of weird because +o9yomFuI5bY-02061-00444304-00444431 it's like +o9yomFuI5bY-02062-00444432-00444503 too +o9yomFuI5bY-02063-00444504-00444718 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02064-00444719-00444910 do they have the +o9yomFuI5bY-02065-00444912-00444991 okay +o9yomFuI5bY-02066-00444992-00445283 also yeah right there so anyways +o9yomFuI5bY-02067-00445284-00445631 um so yeah in this case both both of the +o9yomFuI5bY-02068-00445632-00445727 tests +o9yomFuI5bY-02069-00445728-00445918 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02070-00445919-00446079 yeah both the tests are met yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-02071-00446080-00446343 indicating the potential value um +o9yomFuI5bY-02072-00446343-00446503 yeah the p curves and then it tries to +o9yomFuI5bY-02073-00446504-00446614 provide you with a physical power +o9yomFuI5bY-02074-00446615-00446766 estimate which again i think you guys +o9yomFuI5bY-02075-00446767-00446943 should take with the grain of salt um +o9yomFuI5bY-02076-00446943-00447063 because it's +o9yomFuI5bY-02077-00447064-00447295 it's just one power test out of out of +o9yomFuI5bY-02078-00447296-00447543 others not a mini but again yeah i think +o9yomFuI5bY-02079-00447543-00447727 i recur courage +o9yomFuI5bY-02080-00447728-00447839 through the +o9yomFuI5bY-02081-00447839-00448039 paper for more details +o9yomFuI5bY-02082-00448039-00448127 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02083-00448128-00448310 and again the rf +o9yomFuI5bY-02084-00448312-00448447 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02085-00448447-00448614 yeah sort of the +o9yomFuI5bY-02086-00448615-00448799 our uh +o9yomFuI5bY-02087-00448800-00448975 the analysis are sort of like +o9yomFuI5bY-02088-00448976-00449175 documentation as well +o9yomFuI5bY-02089-00449176-00449383 um so that's yeah i mean i also just +o9yomFuI5bY-02090-00449384-00449647 want to do a quick evidence priming uh p +o9yomFuI5bY-02091-00449647-00450143 curve um +o9yomFuI5bY-02092-00450143-00450327 oh i think this is +o9yomFuI5bY-02093-00450328-00450503 eight only +o9yomFuI5bY-02094-00450504-00450775 yeah it doesn't seem +o9yomFuI5bY-02095-00450776-00450883 low +o9yomFuI5bY-02096-00450884-00451535 but yeah this is +o9yomFuI5bY-02097-00451535-00453687 how reliable this analysis is +o9yomFuI5bY-02098-00453688-00454655 identifying +o9yomFuI5bY-02099-00454656-00456351 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02100-00456352-00456695 also +o9yomFuI5bY-02101-00456696-00457022 yeah also did you want to talk about no +o9yomFuI5bY-02102-00457023-00457239 we could we could like also think about +o9yomFuI5bY-02103-00457239-00457503 other tests like funnel plot z curve +o9yomFuI5bY-02104-00457504-00457710 um other ways that you can maybe show +o9yomFuI5bY-02105-00457712-00457966 this with some additional um +o9yomFuI5bY-02106-00457967-00458143 there's some there are other messages +o9yomFuI5bY-02107-00458143-00458447 um as well and just having more +o9yomFuI5bY-02108-00458447-00458543 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02109-00458543-00458759 kind of paints a better picture of +o9yomFuI5bY-02110-00458760-00458847 because there are you know obviously a +o9yomFuI5bY-02111-00458847-00459063 lot of assumptions go into this um if +o9yomFuI5bY-02112-00459064-00459183 you try other ones and you're getting +o9yomFuI5bY-02113-00459184-00459287 the same +o9yomFuI5bY-02114-00459288-00459391 same finding then it might be +o9yomFuI5bY-02115-00459392-00459559 interesting to you know kind of just +o9yomFuI5bY-02116-00459560-00459703 corroborate +o9yomFuI5bY-02117-00459704-00459887 the narrative a bit more so there's +o9yomFuI5bY-02118-00459888-00460095 something called a z-curve +o9yomFuI5bY-02119-00460096-00460399 it basically converts the p-values to +o9yomFuI5bY-02120-00460400-00460614 a normal distribution um +o9yomFuI5bY-02121-00460615-00460799 and then you're also looking at uh +o9yomFuI5bY-02122-00460800-00460975 specifically insignificant results i +o9yomFuI5bY-02123-00460976-00461135 didn't explain this that well but there +o9yomFuI5bY-02124-00461135-00461270 is um +o9yomFuI5bY-02125-00461271-00461566 there is some there's some like great um +o9yomFuI5bY-02126-00461567-00461791 work on the website um that kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-02127-00461792-00461935 talks about this other method but i +o9yomFuI5bY-02128-00461935-00462079 would +o9yomFuI5bY-02129-00462080-00462270 if you want to go above and beyond i +o9yomFuI5bY-02130-00462271-00462422 think it would be great to not just +o9yomFuI5bY-02131-00462423-00462583 compute a p curve but +o9yomFuI5bY-02132-00462584-00462831 explore some of these other analyses for +o9yomFuI5bY-02133-00462832-00463063 computing the average effect size and +o9yomFuI5bY-02134-00463064-00463175 also +o9yomFuI5bY-02135-00463176-00463270 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02136-00463271-00463543 and then also compute like a z curve a +o9yomFuI5bY-02137-00463543-00463647 funnel plot +o9yomFuI5bY-02138-00463647-00463855 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02139-00463856-00463966 which are other things that you might +o9yomFuI5bY-02140-00463967-00464191 have to we can provide some resources +o9yomFuI5bY-02141-00464192-00464375 um but it would be +o9yomFuI5bY-02142-00464376-00464614 again just above the maybe +o9yomFuI5bY-02143-00464615-00464759 what you would originally do anything +o9yomFuI5bY-02144-00464760-00464951 else +o9yomFuI5bY-02145-00464952-00465055 yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-02146-00465056-00465407 i just wanted to quickly um just uh +o9yomFuI5bY-02147-00465408-00465551 uh +o9yomFuI5bY-02148-00465552-00465775 yeah i was our elderly priming here just +o9yomFuI5bY-02149-00465776-00465959 give you guys an example of +o9yomFuI5bY-02150-00465960-00466263 kind of what you um +o9yomFuI5bY-02151-00466264-00466455 you know p hacking kind of would look +o9yomFuI5bY-02152-00466456-00466527 like +o9yomFuI5bY-02153-00466528-00466775 so this is just um i see how many sites +o9yomFuI5bY-02154-00466776-00466847 they +o9yomFuI5bY-02155-00466847-00467135 include here but this is the um +o9yomFuI5bY-02156-00467135-00467351 this is kind of just a clear case +o9yomFuI5bY-02157-00467352-00467510 of something well okay i know i'm going +o9yomFuI5bY-02158-00467512-00467766 to take out of this thing but um this is +o9yomFuI5bY-02159-00467767-00467943 this is here like where +o9yomFuI5bY-02160-00467943-00468087 it's something that you know if you see +o9yomFuI5bY-02161-00468088-00468247 this and you're +o9yomFuI5bY-02162-00468247-00468518 uh after getting your um +o9yomFuI5bY-02163-00468519-00468727 you know these studies then um i think +o9yomFuI5bY-02164-00468728-00468855 this kind of stands out as something +o9yomFuI5bY-02165-00468856-00468927 that +o9yomFuI5bY-02166-00468928-00469103 maybe should not be built off of maybe +o9yomFuI5bY-02167-00469104-00469263 you don't want to make the +o9yomFuI5bY-02168-00469264-00469391 interpretation that this is finding +o9yomFuI5bY-02169-00469392-00469670 doesn't exist this effect doesn't exist +o9yomFuI5bY-02170-00469671-00469751 but +o9yomFuI5bY-02171-00469752-00469855 maybe just +o9yomFuI5bY-02172-00469856-00470055 the decision to figure out what to do +o9yomFuI5bY-02173-00470056-00470175 and what not to build off of this kind +o9yomFuI5bY-02174-00470176-00470279 of +o9yomFuI5bY-02175-00470280-00470631 provides some way of um it perhaps +o9yomFuI5bY-02176-00470632-00471031 one one of many ways to maybe explore um +o9yomFuI5bY-02177-00471032-00471255 help answer that question um so i just +o9yomFuI5bY-02178-00471256-00471710 wanted to +o9yomFuI5bY-02179-00471712-00472063 the y-axis is it should be the um +o9yomFuI5bY-02180-00472064-00472287 yeah it looks like it's the +o9yomFuI5bY-02181-00472288-00472422 uh +o9yomFuI5bY-02182-00472423-00472831 number of studies yeah universities +o9yomFuI5bY-02183-00472832-00473055 so the number studies with p values of +o9yomFuI5bY-02184-00473056-00473991 closer to 0.05 or really high +o9yomFuI5bY-02185-00473992-00474159 yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-02186-00474160-00474303 but um +o9yomFuI5bY-02187-00474304-00474463 yeah but and then natively one other +o9yomFuI5bY-02188-00474464-00474647 interesting thing is that professor +o9yomFuI5bY-02189-00474647-00474887 priming um +o9yomFuI5bY-02190-00474888-00475039 this is a p-curve +o9yomFuI5bY-02191-00475039-00475239 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02192-00475239-00475487 uh maybe actually there isn't like a +o9yomFuI5bY-02193-00475488-00475751 report on here around it but +o9yomFuI5bY-02194-00475752-00475951 uh it it and i can kind of okay so this +o9yomFuI5bY-02195-00475952-00476279 is the beaker for professor priming um +o9yomFuI5bY-02196-00476280-00476518 interestingly +o9yomFuI5bY-02197-00476519-00476903 so i believe it's if you um +o9yomFuI5bY-02198-00476904-00477079 yeah i think if you +o9yomFuI5bY-02199-00477080-00477222 it has to do with like something +o9yomFuI5bY-02200-00477223-00477503 increasing your attention or acuity if +o9yomFuI5bY-02201-00477504-00477759 you're primed about +o9yomFuI5bY-02202-00477760-00477983 being a professor honestly i need to +o9yomFuI5bY-02203-00477984-00478343 yeah explore that bit more +o9yomFuI5bY-02204-00478343-00478487 okay well +o9yomFuI5bY-02205-00478488-00478679 okay okay yeah well +o9yomFuI5bY-02206-00478680-00478831 maybe um +o9yomFuI5bY-02207-00478832-00479127 i don't know if this is +o9yomFuI5bY-02208-00479128-00479527 um yeah um +o9yomFuI5bY-02209-00479528-00479822 sorry i guess um +o9yomFuI5bY-02210-00479823-00479999 yeah it seems like all these kind of i +o9yomFuI5bY-02211-00480000-00480127 also don't know if i should take too +o9yomFuI5bY-02212-00480128-00480551 much time on this but um +o9yomFuI5bY-02213-00480552-00480662 oh yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-02214-00480663-00480951 uh let's just okay great great but yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-02215-00480952-00481079 um one thing i want to mention is that +o9yomFuI5bY-02216-00481080-00481495 professor priming you see the p-curve is +o9yomFuI5bY-02217-00481496-00481799 showing this right skew there's like a +o9yomFuI5bY-02218-00481800-00482039 there's like a divot there um +o9yomFuI5bY-02219-00482039-00482207 but +o9yomFuI5bY-02220-00482208-00482447 um which would indicate that okay maybe +o9yomFuI5bY-02221-00482447-00482566 you want to build off of this kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-02222-00482567-00482662 work +o9yomFuI5bY-02223-00482663-00482743 but +o9yomFuI5bY-02224-00482743-00482887 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02225-00482888-00483087 there's a recent replica so this was +o9yomFuI5bY-02226-00483088-00483247 actually a finding that was among the +o9yomFuI5bY-02227-00483247-00483414 last priming studies that +o9yomFuI5bY-02228-00483415-00483575 um you know everyone was like okay this +o9yomFuI5bY-02229-00483576-00483679 actually +o9yomFuI5bY-02230-00483680-00483943 this effect is is real like you know +o9yomFuI5bY-02231-00483943-00484231 stop you know bantering about priming +o9yomFuI5bY-02232-00484232-00484318 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02233-00484319-00484462 this was like the last uh priming studio +o9yomFuI5bY-02234-00484463-00484639 study directly to +o9yomFuI5bY-02235-00484639-00484887 have uh funding for replication and they +o9yomFuI5bY-02236-00484888-00485127 actually replicated it recently and +o9yomFuI5bY-02237-00485128-00485287 it turns out that even though the +o9yomFuI5bY-02238-00485288-00485399 p-curve +o9yomFuI5bY-02239-00485400-00485535 is um +o9yomFuI5bY-02240-00485535-00485703 which i guess doesn't it does include +o9yomFuI5bY-02241-00485704-00485935 quite a bit studies but there's actually +o9yomFuI5bY-02242-00485935-00486135 uh there was a replication attempt that +o9yomFuI5bY-02243-00486135-00486455 was done that i think showed that um +o9yomFuI5bY-02244-00486456-00486679 there wasn't really strong evidence for +o9yomFuI5bY-02245-00486680-00486847 professor brian so +o9yomFuI5bY-02246-00486847-00486991 i only see that because the story is a +o9yomFuI5bY-02247-00486992-00487135 bit more complex than just running +o9yomFuI5bY-02248-00487135-00487310 something and +o9yomFuI5bY-02249-00487312-00487607 and expecting that to get an answer um +o9yomFuI5bY-02250-00487608-00487718 it does require like careful +o9yomFuI5bY-02251-00487719-00487903 interpretation and it does require like +o9yomFuI5bY-02252-00487904-00488118 being like running multiple types of +o9yomFuI5bY-02253-00488119-00488366 media statistics to really not just like +o9yomFuI5bY-02254-00488367-00488495 okay does it have evidential value but +o9yomFuI5bY-02255-00488496-00488655 how much evidential value does it +o9yomFuI5bY-02256-00488656-00488855 actually have which is something that i +o9yomFuI5bY-02257-00488856-00488999 would encourage you all to do for the +o9yomFuI5bY-02258-00489000-00489222 assignment so you can actually see +o9yomFuI5bY-02259-00489223-00489318 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02260-00489319-00489510 yeah so you can actually kind of get a +o9yomFuI5bY-02261-00489512-00489695 better sense of if the effect you're +o9yomFuI5bY-02262-00489696-00489903 finding or are interesting to build upon +o9yomFuI5bY-02263-00489904-00490655 or not um +o9yomFuI5bY-02264-00490656-00491151 yeah that's +o9yomFuI5bY-02265-00491152-00492543 yeah um +o9yomFuI5bY-02266-00492543-00492743 yeah i want to like +o9yomFuI5bY-02267-00492743-00492975 i i only chose this because this is +o9yomFuI5bY-02268-00492976-00493207 something i just saw almost yesterday +o9yomFuI5bY-02269-00493208-00493375 and um +o9yomFuI5bY-02270-00493376-00493543 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02271-00493543-00493639 i +o9yomFuI5bY-02272-00493639-00493814 oh sorry +o9yomFuI5bY-02273-00493815-00494055 sorry okay anyways i i i think there's +o9yomFuI5bY-02274-00494056-00494191 like a um +o9yomFuI5bY-02275-00494192-00494366 yeah did you talk about that in the +o9yomFuI5bY-02276-00494367-00494527 replication +o9yomFuI5bY-02277-00494528-00495295 uh attempt but +o9yomFuI5bY-02278-00495296-00495487 oh okay +o9yomFuI5bY-02279-00495488-00495710 um yeah i think i just i mainly wanted +o9yomFuI5bY-02280-00495712-00496039 to just show this to this first i think +o9yomFuI5bY-02281-00496039-00496151 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02282-00496152-00496310 i mean this you know a lot of this +o9yomFuI5bY-02283-00496312-00496431 research was done +o9yomFuI5bY-02284-00496432-00496535 like +o9yomFuI5bY-02285-00496535-00496687 fairly like long time ago i think they +o9yomFuI5bY-02286-00496688-00496855 were using some of these studies for the +o9yomFuI5bY-02287-00496856-00496999 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02288-00497000-00497207 you know for the +o9yomFuI5bY-02289-00497208-00497391 p curve um +o9yomFuI5bY-02290-00497392-00497462 and +o9yomFuI5bY-02291-00497463-00497551 i +o9yomFuI5bY-02292-00497552-00497903 and and to be fair it wasn't um obvious +o9yomFuI5bY-02293-00497904-00498070 kind of why this wouldn't be effective +o9yomFuI5bY-02294-00498071-00498318 in i think the amount of analysis and +o9yomFuI5bY-02295-00498319-00498487 the effects of those were really small +o9yomFuI5bY-02296-00498488-00498639 but i guess it does go +o9yomFuI5bY-02297-00498639-00498807 to the point that they've kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-02298-00498808-00499062 emphasized around classic or categorical +o9yomFuI5bY-02299-00499063-00499159 thinking +o9yomFuI5bY-02300-00499160-00499318 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02301-00499319-00499407 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02302-00499408-00499622 sort of not being able to really +o9yomFuI5bY-02303-00499623-00499727 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02304-00499728-00499959 yeah make it hey actually i i need to +o9yomFuI5bY-02305-00499960-00500222 probably think a bit more on this but i +o9yomFuI5bY-02306-00500223-00500407 i do +o9yomFuI5bY-02307-00500408-00500591 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02308-00500592-00500662 yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-02309-00500663-00500814 that's kind of why i mean i guess what +o9yomFuI5bY-02310-00500815-00501007 i'm trying to say is that +o9yomFuI5bY-02311-00501008-00501143 we were kind of late to your point +o9yomFuI5bY-02312-00501143-00501287 earlier i think that when you started to +o9yomFuI5bY-02313-00501288-00501495 see this kind of clear left skew it's a +o9yomFuI5bY-02314-00501496-00501695 bit more +o9yomFuI5bY-02315-00501696-00501935 easier to kind of like um +o9yomFuI5bY-02316-00501935-00502070 understand what to build off of than +o9yomFuI5bY-02317-00502071-00502191 when you see +o9yomFuI5bY-02318-00502192-00502375 this right skew because even i think amy +o9yomFuI5bY-02319-00502376-00502631 cutty has done some work has done a +o9yomFuI5bY-02320-00502632-00502847 recent precursor she did find that this +o9yomFuI5bY-02321-00502847-00503031 rescue corporate studies which we later +o9yomFuI5bY-02322-00503032-00503166 found that she was using studies in her +o9yomFuI5bY-02323-00503167-00503310 analysis that were like +o9yomFuI5bY-02324-00503312-00503422 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02325-00503423-00503566 testing against obvious effects so +o9yomFuI5bY-02326-00503567-00503679 basically +o9yomFuI5bY-02327-00503680-00503959 not not power posing versus like normal +o9yomFuI5bY-02328-00503960-00504191 posture but like power posing versus +o9yomFuI5bY-02329-00504192-00504262 like +o9yomFuI5bY-02330-00504263-00504439 slouching or just doing +o9yomFuI5bY-02331-00504439-00504583 you know not having really good control +o9yomFuI5bY-02332-00504584-00504839 i guess and so i think it does go into +o9yomFuI5bY-02333-00504839-00504983 like what are you incorporating into +o9yomFuI5bY-02334-00504984-00505214 your speed curve analysis um i haven't +o9yomFuI5bY-02335-00505215-00505414 like done the due diligence to like +o9yomFuI5bY-02336-00505415-00505622 what's the trade-off there or what why +o9yomFuI5bY-02337-00505623-00505775 is it different but i +o9yomFuI5bY-02338-00505776-00505927 i can definitely um +o9yomFuI5bY-02339-00505928-00506055 come back to that question i think kind +o9yomFuI5bY-02340-00506056-00506566 of closely in class +o9yomFuI5bY-02341-00506567-00506855 what's the intuition +o9yomFuI5bY-02342-00506856-00509495 let's talk about why this use the right +o9yomFuI5bY-02344-00513839-00515110 but they weren't necessarily +o9yomFuI5bY-02345-00515112-00516375 exactly that's a good point yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-02346-00516376-00516591 that could actually be a reason but i'll +o9yomFuI5bY-02347-00516592-00517422 be able to +o9yomFuI5bY-02348-00517423-00517495 yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-02349-00517496-00517887 that's really ambitious yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-02350-00517888-00517966 yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-02351-00517967-00518231 i mean this is kind of also from some i +o9yomFuI5bY-02352-00518232-00518407 mean there's an underlying assumptions +o9yomFuI5bY-02353-00518408-00518647 going into this model um as well +o9yomFuI5bY-02354-00518647-00518879 and um i think they based off the peaker +o9yomFuI5bY-02355-00518880-00519127 based on some empirical evidence but +o9yomFuI5bY-02356-00519128-00519310 this wasn't like it's not like i don't +o9yomFuI5bY-02357-00519312-00519431 think they're doing maximum likelihood +o9yomFuI5bY-02358-00519432-00519662 underneath to kind of you know before +o9yomFuI5bY-02359-00519663-00519903 doing this kind of test so +o9yomFuI5bY-02360-00519904-00520014 there are some there could be some +o9yomFuI5bY-02361-00520015-00520262 problems with the method itself too um +o9yomFuI5bY-02362-00520263-00520455 that that i think +o9yomFuI5bY-02363-00520456-00520703 some other some other discussion around +o9yomFuI5bY-02364-00520704-00520847 there's actually a great paper which i +o9yomFuI5bY-02365-00520847-00520975 really want to like maybe just put in a +o9yomFuI5bY-02366-00520976-00521055 chat +o9yomFuI5bY-02367-00521056-00521279 on average power and +o9yomFuI5bY-02368-00521280-00521462 um it's kind of good set some of these +o9yomFuI5bY-02369-00521463-00521607 reasons why +o9yomFuI5bY-02370-00521608-00521799 people can find different p curves based +o9yomFuI5bY-02371-00521800-00521910 on +o9yomFuI5bY-02372-00521912-00522062 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02373-00522063-00522262 yeah based on how many printing studies +o9yomFuI5bY-02374-00522263-00522591 you have um and and the type of studies +o9yomFuI5bY-02375-00522592-00522735 that you have so one one thing that's +o9yomFuI5bY-02376-00522735-00522959 interesting is that the point estimate +o9yomFuI5bY-02377-00522960-00523166 um for the effect size +o9yomFuI5bY-02378-00523167-00523343 is kind of intertwined with the interval +o9yomFuI5bY-02379-00523343-00523431 so +o9yomFuI5bY-02380-00523432-00523647 there was some work with amy cuddy and +o9yomFuI5bY-02381-00523647-00523870 um basically these these guys kind of +o9yomFuI5bY-02382-00523871-00523991 found this sort of peak curve with amy +o9yomFuI5bY-02383-00523992-00524214 cuddy's research and power posing +o9yomFuI5bY-02384-00524215-00524318 um +o9yomFuI5bY-02385-00524319-00524527 with 30 studies but amy cutty +o9yomFuI5bY-02386-00524528-00524727 re-analyzed it with +o9yomFuI5bY-02387-00524728-00524983 uh she added 20 additional studies and +o9yomFuI5bY-02388-00524984-00525111 she found like +o9yomFuI5bY-02389-00525112-00525255 a low you know kind of almost the +o9yomFuI5bY-02390-00525256-00525718 opposite uh trajectory um and +o9yomFuI5bY-02391-00525719-00525879 the interval was +o9yomFuI5bY-02392-00525880-00526014 the interval was wider so the interval +o9yomFuI5bY-02393-00526015-00526175 in the first case in terms of the effect +o9yomFuI5bY-02394-00526176-00526518 was low interval is wider in the +o9yomFuI5bY-02395-00526519-00526679 in the case where uh there were more +o9yomFuI5bY-02396-00526680-00526855 studies and so +o9yomFuI5bY-02397-00526856-00526975 um it's almost like there's some +o9yomFuI5bY-02398-00526976-00527191 dependence between and they actually did +o9yomFuI5bY-02399-00527192-00527479 a re-analysis data and i think they saw +o9yomFuI5bY-02400-00527480-00527591 that there's actually some dependence +o9yomFuI5bY-02401-00527592-00527783 between the interval size and the point +o9yomFuI5bY-02402-00527784-00527887 estimate when you're talking about the +o9yomFuI5bY-02403-00527888-00528143 average effect size so +o9yomFuI5bY-02404-00528144-00528422 um that's all to say that like this that +o9yomFuI5bY-02405-00528423-00528551 when you're interpreting the effect size +o9yomFuI5bY-02406-00528552-00529031 from it um just take some caution +o9yomFuI5bY-02407-00529032-00529247 and look at other +o9yomFuI5bY-02408-00529248-00529439 metastats um but that's actually a great +o9yomFuI5bY-02409-00529440-00529622 point because i and one that i think we +o9yomFuI5bY-02410-00529623-00529783 could maybe talk a bit more +o9yomFuI5bY-02411-00529784-00529935 at the end of the class once we've gone +o9yomFuI5bY-02412-00529936-00530062 through some of the other +o9yomFuI5bY-02413-00530063-00530279 talks um like +o9yomFuI5bY-02414-00530280-00530551 kind of how do you um +o9yomFuI5bY-02415-00530552-00530711 you know how can you kind of even be +o9yomFuI5bY-02416-00530712-00530879 wrong when you're doing everything right +o9yomFuI5bY-02417-00530880-00531079 it seems like um +o9yomFuI5bY-02418-00531080-00531231 or not everything right but yeah when +o9yomFuI5bY-02419-00531232-00531383 you're making out taking making sure +o9yomFuI5bY-02420-00531384-00531518 that you take uh +o9yomFuI5bY-02421-00531519-00531855 all these precautions so wow yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-02422-00531856-00532007 we were also returning to that like when +o9yomFuI5bY-02423-00532008-00532103 we were like +o9yomFuI5bY-02424-00532104-00532231 the paper and like you guys read on the +o9yomFuI5bY-02425-00532232-00532351 peak of analysis maybe we have a +o9yomFuI5bY-02426-00532352-00532462 different like +o9yomFuI5bY-02427-00532463-00532751 answer then so +o9yomFuI5bY-02428-00532752-00532983 yeah +o9yomFuI5bY-02429-00532984-00533262 um any questions from zoom uh +o9yomFuI5bY-02430-00533263-00533535 obviously it's like everyone i think +o9yomFuI5bY-02431-00533536-00533751 yeah okay sounds good okay we're good +o9yomFuI5bY-02432-00533752-00533943 okay +o9yomFuI5bY-02433-00533944-00534111 yeah where are we +o9yomFuI5bY-02434-00534112-00534447 where are we at 5 35 okay cool um +o9yomFuI5bY-02435-00534448-00534775 so i can stop sharing and then +o9yomFuI5bY-02436-00534776-00535270 um yeah i don't know if you want to +o9yomFuI5bY-02437-00535271-00535676 have any comments uh +oqxxW6Pa484-00000-00000054-00000303 computer animation physics or game +oqxxW6Pa484-00001-00000304-00000507 physics involves the introduction of the +oqxxW6Pa484-00002-00000508-00000713 laws of physics into a simulation or +oqxxW6Pa484-00003-00000714-00000941 game engine particularly in 3d computer +oqxxW6Pa484-00004-00000942-00001157 graphics for the purpose of making the +oqxxW6Pa484-00005-00001158-00001335 effects appear more realistic to the +oqxxW6Pa484-00006-00001336-00001662 observer typically simulation physics is +oqxxW6Pa484-00007-00001663-00001872 only a close approximation to actual +oqxxW6Pa484-00008-00001873-00002037 physics and computation is performed +oqxxW6Pa484-00009-00002038-00002388 using discrete values there are several +oqxxW6Pa484-00010-00002389-00002556 elements that form components of +oqxxW6Pa484-00011-00002557-00002768 simulation physics including the physics +oqxxW6Pa484-00012-00002769-00002970 engine program code that is used to +oqxxW6Pa484-00013-00002971-00003167 simulate Newtonian physics within the +oqxxW6Pa484-00014-00003168-00003384 environment and collision detection used +oqxxW6Pa484-00015-00003385-00003572 to solve the problem of determining when +oqxxW6Pa484-00016-00003574-00003795 any two or more physical objects in the +oqxxW6Pa484-00017-00003796-00004470 environment cross each other's paths +oqxxW6Pa484-00018-00004471-00005053 topic physics simulations +oqxxW6Pa484-00019-00005054-00005278 there are two central types of physics +oqxxW6Pa484-00020-00005279-00005512 simulations rigid body and soft body +oqxxW6Pa484-00021-00005513-00005812 simulators in a rigid body simulation +oqxxW6Pa484-00022-00005813-00006010 objects are grouped into categories +oqxxW6Pa484-00023-00006011-00006181 based on how they should interact and +oqxxW6Pa484-00024-00006182-00006475 are less performance intensive soft body +oqxxW6Pa484-00025-00006476-00006700 physics involves simulating individual +oqxxW6Pa484-00026-00006701-00006886 sections of each object such that it +oqxxW6Pa484-00027-00006887-00007559 behaves in a more realistic way +oqxxW6Pa484-00028-00007561-00008123 topic particle systems +oqxxW6Pa484-00029-00008125-00008379 a common aspect of computer games that +oqxxW6Pa484-00030-00008380-00008562 model some type of conflict is the +oqxxW6Pa484-00031-00008563-00008859 explosion early computer games used the +oqxxW6Pa484-00032-00008860-00009048 simple expedient of repeating the same +oqxxW6Pa484-00033-00009049-00009324 explosion in each circumstance however +oqxxW6Pa484-00034-00009325-00009570 in the real world an explosion can vary +oqxxW6Pa484-00035-00009571-00009777 depending on the terrain altitude of the +oqxxW6Pa484-00036-00009778-00009966 explosion and the type of solid bodies +oqxxW6Pa484-00037-00009967-00010221 being impacted depending on the +oqxxW6Pa484-00038-00010222-00010440 processing power available the effects +oqxxW6Pa484-00039-00010441-00010610 of the explosion can be modeled as the +oqxxW6Pa484-00040-00010611-00010809 split and shattered components propelled +oqxxW6Pa484-00041-00010810-00011096 by the expanding gas this is modeled by +oqxxW6Pa484-00042-00011097-00011316 means of a particle system simulation a +oqxxW6Pa484-00043-00011317-00011544 particle system model allows a variety +oqxxW6Pa484-00044-00011545-00011754 of other physical phenomena to be +oqxxW6Pa484-00045-00011755-00011990 simulated including smoke moving water +oqxxW6Pa484-00046-00011991-00012255 precipitation and so forth the +oqxxW6Pa484-00047-00012256-00012459 individual particles within the system +oqxxW6Pa484-00048-00012460-00012633 are modeled using the other elements of +oqxxW6Pa484-00049-00012634-00012819 the physics simulation rules with the +oqxxW6Pa484-00050-00012819-00012990 limitation that the number of particles +oqxxW6Pa484-00051-00012991-00013197 that can be simulated as restricted by +oqxxW6Pa484-00052-00013197-00013463 the computing power of the hardware thus +oqxxW6Pa484-00053-00013465-00013653 explosions may need to be modeled as a +oqxxW6Pa484-00054-00013654-00013881 small set of large particles rather than +oqxxW6Pa484-00055-00013882-00014052 the more accurate huge number of fine +oqxxW6Pa484-00056-00014053-00014621 particles +oqxxW6Pa484-00057-00014622-00015182 topic ragdoll physics +oqxxW6Pa484-00058-00015183-00015416 this is a procedural animation and +oqxxW6Pa484-00059-00015416-00015602 simulation technique to display the +oqxxW6Pa484-00060-00015603-00015841 movement of a character when killed it +oqxxW6Pa484-00061-00015843-00016055 treats the character's body as a series +oqxxW6Pa484-00062-00016056-00016247 of rigid bones connected together with +oqxxW6Pa484-00063-00016247-00016511 hinges at the joints the simulation +oqxxW6Pa484-00064-00016512-00016688 models what happens to the body as it +oqxxW6Pa484-00065-00016689-00016913 collapses to the ground more +oqxxW6Pa484-00066-00016914-00017135 sophisticated physics models of creature +oqxxW6Pa484-00067-00017136-00017324 movement and collision interactions +oqxxW6Pa484-00068-00017325-00017543 require greater level of computing power +oqxxW6Pa484-00069-00017544-00017780 and a more accurate simulation of solids +oqxxW6Pa484-00070-00017781-00018074 liquids and hydrodynamics the modelled +oqxxW6Pa484-00071-00018075-00018290 articulated systems can then reproduce +oqxxW6Pa484-00072-00018291-00018533 the effects of skeleton muscles tendons +oqxxW6Pa484-00073-00018534-00019235 and other physiological components +oqxxW6Pa484-00074-00019236-00019778 topic projectiles +oqxxW6Pa484-00075-00019779-00020080 games such as FIFA 18 require correct +oqxxW6Pa484-00076-00020081-00020272 projectile physics for objects such as +oqxxW6Pa484-00077-00020273-00020614 the football in FIFA 18 developers were +oqxxW6Pa484-00078-00020615-00020828 required to fix code related to the drag +oqxxW6Pa484-00079-00020829-00021014 coefficient which had been incorrect in +oqxxW6Pa484-00080-00021015-00021211 previous games leading to a much more +oqxxW6Pa484-00081-00021212-00021925 realistic simulation of a real ball +oqxxW6Pa484-00082-00021926-00022427 topic books +oqxxW6Pa484-00083-00022428-00022889 Everly David H 2003 game physics morgan +oqxxW6Pa484-00084-00022890-00023213 kaufmann ISBN nine seven eight one five +oqxxW6Pa484-00085-00023214-00023566 five eight six zero seven four oh eight +oqxxW6Pa484-00086-00023567-00023966 millington ian 2007 game physics engine +oqxxW6Pa484-00087-00023967-00024266 development Morgan Kaufmann ISBN nine +oqxxW6Pa484-00088-00024267-00024518 seven eight oh one two three six nine +oqxxW6Pa484-00089-00024519-00025007 four seven one three borg david m 2001 +oqxxW6Pa484-00090-00025008-00025286 physics for game developers O'Reilly +oqxxW6Pa484-00091-00025287-00025637 Media ISBN nine seven eight oh five nine +oqxxW6Pa484-00092-00025638-00026039 six oh oh oh oh six six shower +oqxxW6Pa484-00093-00026039-00026405 gabor 2017 game physics cookbook Packt +oqxxW6Pa484-00094-00026406-00026702 publishing ISBN nine seven eight one +oqxxW6Pa484-00095-00026702-00027008 seven eight seven one two three six six +oqxxW6Pa484-00096-00027008-00027439 three conger David 2004 physics +oqxxW6Pa484-00097-00027441-00027674 modelling for game programmers course +oqxxW6Pa484-00098-00027675-00028073 technology PTR ISBN nine seven eight one +oqxxW6Pa484-00099-00028074-00028864 five nine two oh oh oh nine three seven +oqxxW6Pa484-00100-00028866-00029397 topic see also +oqxxW6Pa484-00101-00029398-00029844 cartoon physics physics engine physics +oqxxW6Pa484-00102-00029845-00030288 game bullet physics engine +oscMMYcfOdc-00000-00000016-00000206 hey robert jake here today i'm joined by +oscMMYcfOdc-00001-00000208-00000471 tracy from medicare411 +oscMMYcfOdc-00002-00000472-00000678 because y'all have some exciting news to +oscMMYcfOdc-00003-00000679-00000975 share we do we do +oscMMYcfOdc-00004-00000976-00001150 we have completely taken over the lower +oscMMYcfOdc-00005-00001151-00001350 level of the building that we have been +oscMMYcfOdc-00006-00001351-00001535 renting space in which is the brian +oscMMYcfOdc-00007-00001536-00001679 boyer professional building +oscMMYcfOdc-00008-00001680-00001942 yeah which is super exciting like it's +oscMMYcfOdc-00009-00001943-00002110 currently a work in progress so +oscMMYcfOdc-00010-00002111-00002423 please pardon the dust exactly +oscMMYcfOdc-00011-00002424-00002639 but we've grown so much in the last +oscMMYcfOdc-00012-00002640-00002863 three years that we needed additional +oscMMYcfOdc-00013-00002864-00002950 space +oscMMYcfOdc-00014-00002951-00003095 in order to take care of all of our +oscMMYcfOdc-00015-00003096-00003295 wonderful clients yeah that's +oscMMYcfOdc-00016-00003296-00003631 amazing news and super exciting and so +oscMMYcfOdc-00017-00003632-00003863 over here is going to be a host of +oscMMYcfOdc-00018-00003864-00004054 private offices right that's absolutely +oscMMYcfOdc-00019-00004055-00004119 correct +oscMMYcfOdc-00020-00004120-00004303 our reception area will still remain on +oscMMYcfOdc-00021-00004304-00004511 the original side of the office +oscMMYcfOdc-00022-00004512-00004751 uh my office hasn't moved but we've +oscMMYcfOdc-00023-00004752-00004879 moved some of our other agents well you +oscMMYcfOdc-00024-00004880-00005015 have the sweetest office in the building +oscMMYcfOdc-00025-00005016-00005247 i do you're not gonna give that up the +oscMMYcfOdc-00026-00005248-00005391 queen should have the best right +oscMMYcfOdc-00027-00005392-00005615 agreed absolutely queen has the fanciest +oscMMYcfOdc-00028-00005616-00005831 throne yes exactly +oscMMYcfOdc-00029-00005832-00006038 so we're super stoked and super excited +oscMMYcfOdc-00030-00006039-00006238 especially with the social distancing +oscMMYcfOdc-00031-00006239-00006311 aspect +oscMMYcfOdc-00032-00006312-00006631 this very large reception area gives us +oscMMYcfOdc-00033-00006631-00006823 a lot of safety yeah it gives you a lot +oscMMYcfOdc-00034-00006823-00006959 of space and then just having the +oscMMYcfOdc-00035-00006959-00007103 private offices with the doors +oscMMYcfOdc-00036-00007104-00007334 helps with the social distancing and the +oscMMYcfOdc-00037-00007336-00007503 hipaa and the hipaa +oscMMYcfOdc-00038-00007504-00007687 and everything else right all those good +oscMMYcfOdc-00039-00007688-00007831 things but +oscMMYcfOdc-00040-00007831-00008119 uh yeah so uh that means that over here +oscMMYcfOdc-00041-00008120-00008278 we're gonna be putting some of your +oscMMYcfOdc-00042-00008279-00008559 lovely agents and on the other side you +oscMMYcfOdc-00043-00008560-00008751 said reception is still there yeah +oscMMYcfOdc-00044-00008752-00009063 um and you are providing um +oscMMYcfOdc-00045-00009064-00009214 private offices for some of your other +oscMMYcfOdc-00046-00009215-00009391 agents yes we are yeah +oscMMYcfOdc-00047-00009392-00009695 so that's super exciting awesome and +oscMMYcfOdc-00048-00009696-00009942 um so with all of this expansion i +oscMMYcfOdc-00049-00009943-00010087 imagine that means like you're going to +oscMMYcfOdc-00050-00010088-00010246 need some more help +oscMMYcfOdc-00051-00010247-00010431 serving all your clients too yes and +oscMMYcfOdc-00052-00010432-00010599 we're always looking for new agents +oscMMYcfOdc-00053-00010600-00010783 recruiting year-round +oscMMYcfOdc-00054-00010784-00011006 that never stops never stop never stop +oscMMYcfOdc-00055-00011007-00011231 stop stop +oscMMYcfOdc-00056-00011232-00011391 and not just in the winnebago county +oscMMYcfOdc-00057-00011392-00011583 area because we act medicare is actually +oscMMYcfOdc-00058-00011584-00011695 national +oscMMYcfOdc-00059-00011696-00011831 so if you're tuning in and you're +oscMMYcfOdc-00060-00011832-00011967 hearing us from somewhere other than the +oscMMYcfOdc-00061-00011968-00012199 815 which of course is our fave +oscMMYcfOdc-00062-00012200-00012503 um we are licensed currently +oscMMYcfOdc-00063-00012504-00012855 in 22 states fantastic yeah awesome well +oscMMYcfOdc-00064-00012856-00013030 for those that just want to learn more +oscMMYcfOdc-00065-00013031-00013183 about the company or by the time that +oscMMYcfOdc-00066-00013184-00013335 this is published like this space will +oscMMYcfOdc-00067-00013336-00013391 be +oscMMYcfOdc-00068-00013391-00013630 like all done and fancy like yeah fancy +oscMMYcfOdc-00069-00013631-00013735 looking and +oscMMYcfOdc-00070-00013736-00013999 have the busy buzziness um yeah just +oscMMYcfOdc-00071-00014000-00014166 stop it and have a cup of coffee +oscMMYcfOdc-00072-00014168-00014407 yeah come in and say hi uh so you guys +oscMMYcfOdc-00073-00014408-00014543 you said you're located inside the brian +oscMMYcfOdc-00074-00014544-00014807 boyer building which is 5192 harrison +oscMMYcfOdc-00075-00014808-00014871 avenue +oscMMYcfOdc-00076-00014872-00015079 directly across from the post office oh +oscMMYcfOdc-00077-00015080-00015183 super easy to find +oscMMYcfOdc-00078-00015184-00015494 so well congratulations tracy on the +oscMMYcfOdc-00079-00015495-00015727 new addition and the expansion for the +oscMMYcfOdc-00080-00015728-00015847 business yeah it's +oscMMYcfOdc-00081-00015847-00016015 super exciting and it's always great to +oscMMYcfOdc-00082-00016016-00016222 hear when our local businesses are +oscMMYcfOdc-00083-00016223-00016286 growing +oscMMYcfOdc-00084-00016287-00016567 and thriving and expanding and creating +oscMMYcfOdc-00085-00016568-00016767 more jobs and more economic opportunity +oscMMYcfOdc-00086-00016768-00016991 for those that live here in rockford +oscMMYcfOdc-00087-00016992-00017183 yeah absolutely so congrats again and +oscMMYcfOdc-00088-00017184-00017383 thank you rockford for tuning in i just +oscMMYcfOdc-00089-00017384-00017494 want to give a real quick shout out to +oscMMYcfOdc-00090-00017495-00017607 all of our business sponsors and our +oscMMYcfOdc-00091-00017608-00017719 backers that make content like this +oscMMYcfOdc-00092-00017720-00017775 possible +oscMMYcfOdc-00093-00017776-00017871 it's because of their support and +oscMMYcfOdc-00094-00017872-00018055 support from people like tracy and +oscMMYcfOdc-00095-00018056-00018207 businesses like medicare 411 that were +oscMMYcfOdc-00096-00018208-00018350 able to highlight local businesses +oscMMYcfOdc-00097-00018351-00018479 and positive news stories here in the +oscMMYcfOdc-00098-00018480-00018630 815 and bring it to you for free through +oscMMYcfOdc-00099-00018631-00018727 the part of the internet so thanks so +oscMMYcfOdc-00100-00018728-00018863 much to them and we'll see you on the +oscMMYcfOdc-00101-00018864-00018935 flip side +oscMMYcfOdc-00102-00018936-00019240 bye rockford +oul2jZO5LaY-00000-00000114-00000357 long June Jing has been streaming her +oul2jZO5LaY-00001-00000358-00000609 songs and dancing on the internet for +oul2jZO5LaY-00002-00000610-00000994 the past three years she has more than +oul2jZO5LaY-00003-00000995-00001331 110,000 devoted fans and Ted offers from +oul2jZO5LaY-00004-00001332-00001502 companies requesting that she promote +oul2jZO5LaY-00005-00001503-00002148 their products jenji young city jung-soo +oul2jZO5LaY-00006-00002149-00002426 province located 250 kilometers +oul2jZO5LaY-00007-00002427-00002664 northwest of shanghai is a city with a +oul2jZO5LaY-00008-00002665-00003106 population of roughly 3 million +oul2jZO5LaY-00009-00003107-00003346 one landed a job at a construction +oul2jZO5LaY-00010-00003347-00003661 company however she quit after a year to +oul2jZO5LaY-00011-00003661-00004220 start her current work +oul2jZO5LaY-00012-00004221-00004456 long left home and now lives at a +oul2jZO5LaY-00013-00004457-00004709 relative's apartment nearby to avoid her +oul2jZO5LaY-00014-00004710-00004916 mother who doesn't support her online +oul2jZO5LaY-00015-00004917-00005220 work +oul2jZO5LaY-00016-00005221-00005667 there's 0 +oul2jZO5LaY-00017-00005668-00005946 long streams videos independently and +oul2jZO5LaY-00018-00005947-00006156 allows only registered users to view +oul2jZO5LaY-00019-00006157-00006390 them the biggest difference between this +oul2jZO5LaY-00020-00006391-00006656 and a live TV show is that viewers can +oul2jZO5LaY-00021-00006658-00007553 relay messages too long in real time +oul2jZO5LaY-00022-00007554-00007823 when one first began this job many +oul2jZO5LaY-00023-00007823-00008069 viewers simply watched her videos but +oul2jZO5LaY-00024-00008070-00008285 gradually they began commenting and +oul2jZO5LaY-00025-00008286-00009509 sending her supportive messages +oul2jZO5LaY-00026-00009510-00009789 joke +oul2jZO5LaY-00027-00009790-00010033 this is your without +oul2jZO5LaY-00028-00010034-00010363 to go once again you got well share this +oul2jZO5LaY-00029-00010364-00010705 with water +oul2jZO5LaY-00030-00010706-00011106 yeah one sings dances and talks live for +oul2jZO5LaY-00031-00011107-00011388 three hours a day but no matter how many +oul2jZO5LaY-00032-00011389-00011635 hours she does it she can't turn money +oul2jZO5LaY-00033-00011636-00011949 just by doing this she only earns money +oul2jZO5LaY-00034-00011950-00012174 when viewers purchase virtual items from +oul2jZO5LaY-00035-00012175-00012394 the site management company and gift +oul2jZO5LaY-00036-00012395-00012738 them to her with just that her monthly +oul2jZO5LaY-00037-00012739-00012960 income is five times the average income +oul2jZO5LaY-00038-00012961-00013174 in China +oul2jZO5LaY-00039-00013175-00013357 what's it'll be funny without what an +oul2jZO5LaY-00040-00013358-00013681 nou of it can you love it don't crippled +oul2jZO5LaY-00041-00013682-00013999 shun just wanna know that terrible now +oul2jZO5LaY-00042-00014000-00014326 know what I mean opinion LOL Kenny Boyer +oul2jZO5LaY-00043-00014327-00014622 and city two Voyager la cienega yoga me +oul2jZO5LaY-00044-00014624-00014947 llamas al Qaeda dosa didn't want it +oul2jZO5LaY-00045-00014947-00015235 denied your kind +ovB4aX3VCaI-00000-00000458-00001951 [Music] +ovB4aX3VCaI-00001-00001952-00002007 hi +ovB4aX3VCaI-00002-00002007-00002191 i'm lauren lee mccarthy and i'm an +ovB4aX3VCaI-00003-00002192-00002479 artist who works with code +ovB4aX3VCaI-00004-00002480-00002679 thank you so much plus code festival for +ovB4aX3VCaI-00005-00002680-00002815 inviting me to be here +ovB4aX3VCaI-00006-00002816-00003087 it's really wonderful to get to share my +ovB4aX3VCaI-00007-00003088-00003183 work with all of you +ovB4aX3VCaI-00008-00003184-00003495 so thank you for listening i've often +ovB4aX3VCaI-00009-00003496-00003654 struggled with social interaction +ovB4aX3VCaI-00010-00003655-00003854 i seem to have a harder time than most +ovB4aX3VCaI-00011-00003855-00003975 kind of saying the things you're +ovB4aX3VCaI-00012-00003976-00004127 supposed to say +ovB4aX3VCaI-00013-00004128-00004327 and so i think my practice is a series +ovB4aX3VCaI-00014-00004328-00004495 of attempts to hack my way +ovB4aX3VCaI-00015-00004496-00004727 out of myself a way of understanding +ovB4aX3VCaI-00016-00004728-00004999 these social systems around me +ovB4aX3VCaI-00017-00005000-00005143 i want to begin with these moments from +ovB4aX3VCaI-00018-00005144-00005343 the past pandemic year trying to deal +ovB4aX3VCaI-00019-00005344-00005535 with the profound isolation i felt +ovB4aX3VCaI-00020-00005536-00005735 stuck behind screens backgrounded by +ovB4aX3VCaI-00021-00005736-00005847 pervasive fear +ovB4aX3VCaI-00022-00005848-00006095 suspended in time i think most of us +ovB4aX3VCaI-00023-00006096-00006206 were feeling it +ovB4aX3VCaI-00024-00006207-00006367 and with the murder of george floyd that +ovB4aX3VCaI-00025-00006368-00006559 anxiety exploded into rage and grief +ovB4aX3VCaI-00026-00006559-00006703 that took over the streets +ovB4aX3VCaI-00027-00006704-00006919 simultaneously bringing us together and +ovB4aX3VCaI-00028-00006920-00007151 pushing us further apart +ovB4aX3VCaI-00029-00007152-00007367 our understanding of who is trustworthy +ovB4aX3VCaI-00030-00007368-00007527 what is safe to do and talk about +ovB4aX3VCaI-00031-00007528-00007606 shifted +ovB4aX3VCaI-00032-00007608-00007767 while the medical advice continue to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00033-00007768-00007910 evolve and update +ovB4aX3VCaI-00034-00007911-00008095 avoid surfaces check in with your +ovB4aX3VCaI-00035-00008095-00008367 friends don't wear masks wear too +ovB4aX3VCaI-00036-00008368-00008639 don't call give them space keep six feet +ovB4aX3VCaI-00037-00008640-00008774 protest the right things +ovB4aX3VCaI-00038-00008775-00008991 don't fly don't talk politics +ovB4aX3VCaI-00039-00008992-00009095 restaurants are open +ovB4aX3VCaI-00040-00009096-00009406 schools are unsafe feeling completely +ovB4aX3VCaI-00041-00009407-00009503 disconnected +ovB4aX3VCaI-00042-00009504-00009751 i created i heard talking is dangerous +ovB4aX3VCaI-00043-00009752-00009903 trying to break through +ovB4aX3VCaI-00044-00009904-00010071 showing up on doorsteps i deliver a +ovB4aX3VCaI-00045-00010072-00010278 monologue via phone screen and text to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00046-00010279-00010423 speech +ovB4aX3VCaI-00047-00010424-00010631 i invite each person to visit a url on +ovB4aX3VCaI-00048-00010632-00010919 their phone to continue the conversation +ovB4aX3VCaI-00049-00010920-00011174 we proceed discussing danger safety the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00050-00011175-00011310 future +ovB4aX3VCaI-00051-00011311-00011455 over the months we have learned to say +ovB4aX3VCaI-00052-00011456-00011638 things via text that perhaps we couldn't +ovB4aX3VCaI-00053-00011639-00011823 in a more embodied way +ovB4aX3VCaI-00054-00011824-00012023 could this form of typing speaking open +ovB4aX3VCaI-00055-00012024-00012574 anything for us +ovB4aX3VCaI-00056-00012575-00012799 i remember those first days in march +ovB4aX3VCaI-00057-00012800-00013007 when our personal boundaries shifted +ovB4aX3VCaI-00058-00013008-00013230 from hour to hour as we began to see +ovB4aX3VCaI-00059-00013231-00013543 each other as tourettes +ovB4aX3VCaI-00060-00013544-00013743 and when they shifted again this summer +ovB4aX3VCaI-00061-00013744-00013951 as we questioned who we trust who we +ovB4aX3VCaI-00062-00013952-00014230 really know +ovB4aX3VCaI-00063-00014231-00014727 trying to understand what is risk +ovB4aX3VCaI-00064-00014728-00014958 is it worth saying something is it worth +ovB4aX3VCaI-00065-00014959-00015030 engaging +ovB4aX3VCaI-00066-00015031-00015271 [Laughter] +ovB4aX3VCaI-00067-00015272-00015775 trying to understand what is danger +ovB4aX3VCaI-00068-00015776-00016030 i just heard that masks and six feet are +ovB4aX3VCaI-00069-00016031-00016399 not really safe enough +ovB4aX3VCaI-00070-00016400-00016655 because when you talk particles get even +ovB4aX3VCaI-00071-00016656-00016879 smaller and fly out through your mask at +ovB4aX3VCaI-00072-00016880-00017175 high velocity +ovB4aX3VCaI-00073-00017176-00017583 they say talking is dangerous +ovB4aX3VCaI-00074-00017584-00017814 they've recommended that we stop talking +ovB4aX3VCaI-00075-00017815-00018119 to each other +ovB4aX3VCaI-00076-00018120-00018543 so i made this alternative +ovB4aX3VCaI-00077-00018544-00018991 to try to navigate through this together +ovB4aX3VCaI-00078-00018992-00019455 is there really safety and distance +ovB4aX3VCaI-00079-00019456-00019683 can we understand each other without +ovB4aX3VCaI-00080-00019684-00020439 talking +ovB4aX3VCaI-00081-00020440-00020647 sometimes i feel like listening is more +ovB4aX3VCaI-00082-00020648-00021511 dangerous than talking +ovB4aX3VCaI-00083-00021512-00021719 it is important to be kind during +ovB4aX3VCaI-00084-00021720-00022799 stressful times +ovB4aX3VCaI-00085-00022800-00022999 it's hard to hold all these different +ovB4aX3VCaI-00086-00023000-00023183 contexts in mind +ovB4aX3VCaI-00087-00023184-00023447 anybody that can live in solitude is a +ovB4aX3VCaI-00088-00023448-00024399 powerful being +ovB4aX3VCaI-00089-00024400-00025283 at a crowded supermarket the panic was +ovB4aX3VCaI-00090-00025284-00025599 palpable +ovB4aX3VCaI-00091-00025600-00026006 i care about you immensely +ovB4aX3VCaI-00092-00026007-00026150 i've always been fascinated by the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00093-00026151-00026358 systems around us the social ones as +ovB4aX3VCaI-00094-00026360-00026567 much as the technological +ovB4aX3VCaI-00095-00026568-00026735 and one of the ones i came across in +ovB4aX3VCaI-00096-00026736-00027039 2013 was called amazon mechanical turk +ovB4aX3VCaI-00097-00027039-00027190 if you haven't seen it it's a website +ovB4aX3VCaI-00098-00027191-00027414 that allows you to post jobs and pay +ovB4aX3VCaI-00099-00027416-00027614 many people small amounts of money to do +ovB4aX3VCaI-00100-00027616-00027790 simple tasks for you +ovB4aX3VCaI-00101-00027791-00028023 it's usually used for things that a +ovB4aX3VCaI-00102-00028024-00028183 human could do pretty easily but might +ovB4aX3VCaI-00103-00028183-00028367 be harder for a computer +ovB4aX3VCaI-00104-00028368-00028599 like transcribe some audio or tag an +ovB4aX3VCaI-00105-00028600-00028679 image +ovB4aX3VCaI-00106-00028680-00028911 and in my case i decided to try and +ovB4aX3VCaI-00107-00028912-00029151 apply it to my ailing dating life +ovB4aX3VCaI-00108-00029152-00029399 so in 2013 i went on 30 dates of people +ovB4aX3VCaI-00109-00029400-00029623 i met on an online dating site +ovB4aX3VCaI-00110-00029624-00029823 and using my phone i streamed our dates +ovB4aX3VCaI-00111-00029824-00030014 to the web and paid crowdsourcing +ovB4aX3VCaI-00112-00030016-00030231 workers on amazon mechanical turk to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00113-00030232-00030302 watch +ovB4aX3VCaI-00114-00030303-00030558 and direct me what to say and do i'd +ovB4aX3VCaI-00115-00030560-00030702 receive the directions +ovB4aX3VCaI-00116-00030703-00030918 via text message and i had to perform +ovB4aX3VCaI-00117-00030919-00031118 them immediately +ovB4aX3VCaI-00118-00031119-00032283 these were some of the instructions i +ovB4aX3VCaI-00119-00032283-00033376 received +ovB4aX3VCaI-00120-00033377-00033988 [Music] +ovB4aX3VCaI-00121-00033989-00035367 [Music] +ovB4aX3VCaI-00122-00035368-00035543 and as surveillance and big data becomes +ovB4aX3VCaI-00123-00035544-00035735 increasingly ubiquitous we're forced to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00124-00035736-00035943 negotiate new relationships with it +ovB4aX3VCaI-00125-00035944-00036174 a common reaction is fear but when it's +ovB4aX3VCaI-00126-00036175-00036262 all around us +ovB4aX3VCaI-00127-00036263-00036518 how do we go on with our lives and what +ovB4aX3VCaI-00128-00036519-00036599 are the boundaries +ovB4aX3VCaI-00129-00036600-00036783 of my own self-concept that was a +ovB4aX3VCaI-00130-00036784-00036918 question i was thinking about a lot in +ovB4aX3VCaI-00131-00036919-00037015 this project +ovB4aX3VCaI-00132-00037016-00037159 and what does it mean for others to have +ovB4aX3VCaI-00133-00037160-00037335 this kind of control over me +ovB4aX3VCaI-00134-00037336-00037527 is this dishonest or is this me in this +ovB4aX3VCaI-00135-00037528-00037702 moment of time +ovB4aX3VCaI-00136-00037703-00037871 there's a critique in all of my work but +ovB4aX3VCaI-00137-00037872-00038039 there's also always a part that is about +ovB4aX3VCaI-00138-00038040-00038102 hope +ovB4aX3VCaI-00139-00038103-00038287 that is earnestly and radically seeking +ovB4aX3VCaI-00140-00038288-00038518 connection and i met my partner through +ovB4aX3VCaI-00141-00038519-00038727 this project +ovB4aX3VCaI-00142-00038728-00038990 and i think of the work of other artists +ovB4aX3VCaI-00143-00038991-00039223 who are dealing with themes of identity +ovB4aX3VCaI-00144-00039224-00039415 like roberto breitmore by lynn hirschman +ovB4aX3VCaI-00145-00039416-00039646 leeson who over a period of several +ovB4aX3VCaI-00146-00039647-00039702 years +ovB4aX3VCaI-00147-00039703-00039951 assumed and built an alternate identity +ovB4aX3VCaI-00148-00039952-00040095 fabricating and playing with the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00149-00040096-00040287 infrastructure that makes us who we are +ovB4aX3VCaI-00150-00040288-00040407 at the core +ovB4aX3VCaI-00151-00040408-00040807 id cards makeup clothing daily routines +ovB4aX3VCaI-00152-00040808-00040990 and touching today and linda mantano's +ovB4aX3VCaI-00153-00040991-00041111 one year performance +ovB4aX3VCaI-00154-00041112-00041343 rope piece in which they were connected +ovB4aX3VCaI-00155-00041344-00041502 by an eight-foot rope for the duration +ovB4aX3VCaI-00156-00041503-00041615 of a year +ovB4aX3VCaI-00157-00041616-00041790 the simple technology disrupting and +ovB4aX3VCaI-00158-00041791-00042046 reforming the relationship and identity +ovB4aX3VCaI-00159-00042047-00042374 of two people what if we could expand +ovB4aX3VCaI-00160-00042375-00042502 our idea of fitting in +ovB4aX3VCaI-00161-00042503-00042655 and change the world around us rather +ovB4aX3VCaI-00162-00042656-00042846 than just conforming ourselves +ovB4aX3VCaI-00163-00042847-00043015 sarah hendren and katrin lynch led a +ovB4aX3VCaI-00164-00043016-00043223 project called engineering at home +ovB4aX3VCaI-00165-00043224-00043383 where they documented interactions with +ovB4aX3VCaI-00166-00043384-00043599 cindy a woman who after suffering a +ovB4aX3VCaI-00167-00043600-00043751 catastrophic heart attack and +ovB4aX3VCaI-00168-00043752-00043879 amputations involving +ovB4aX3VCaI-00169-00043880-00044095 all four limbs began hacking and +ovB4aX3VCaI-00170-00044096-00044207 building what she needed out of +ovB4aX3VCaI-00171-00044208-00044318 household items +ovB4aX3VCaI-00172-00044319-00044590 adapting her environment to herself the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00173-00044591-00044655 website +ovB4aX3VCaI-00174-00044656-00044815 the website that they built documenting +ovB4aX3VCaI-00175-00044816-00045039 this points to new way of ways of +ovB4aX3VCaI-00176-00045040-00045135 understanding +ovB4aX3VCaI-00177-00045136-00045327 who can engineer what counts as +ovB4aX3VCaI-00178-00045328-00046935 engineering and what is normal +ovB4aX3VCaI-00179-00046936-00047295 so i wake up i get dressed +ovB4aX3VCaI-00180-00047296-00047695 i go out i do things +ovB4aX3VCaI-00181-00047696-00048046 i read a magazine and i find out about +ovB4aX3VCaI-00182-00048047-00048190 people +ovB4aX3VCaI-00183-00048191-00048590 why do i know about their lives somebody +ovB4aX3VCaI-00184-00048591-00048911 should be knowing about mine i i want to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00185-00048912-00048958 share +ovB4aX3VCaI-00186-00048959-00049271 things with people but i don't want to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00187-00049272-00049343 have to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00188-00049344-00049495 talk to people and tell them what i'm +ovB4aX3VCaI-00189-00049496-00049711 doing i think it'd be great for them to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00190-00049712-00050062 see what i'm doing +ovB4aX3VCaI-00191-00050063-00050262 it takes time to build relationships it +ovB4aX3VCaI-00192-00050263-00050390 takes time to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00193-00050391-00050623 touch base with people so i don't want +ovB4aX3VCaI-00194-00050624-00050823 another relationship +ovB4aX3VCaI-00195-00050824-00051143 i just want to have a relationship +ovB4aX3VCaI-00196-00051144-00051366 with somebody that i never have to talk +ovB4aX3VCaI-00197-00051367-00051479 to that can just +ovB4aX3VCaI-00198-00051479-00051814 follow me and see me +ovB4aX3VCaI-00199-00051815-00052142 having a relationship with myself if i +ovB4aX3VCaI-00200-00052144-00052430 if i knew somebody was following me +ovB4aX3VCaI-00201-00052432-00052575 watching my life +ovB4aX3VCaI-00202-00052576-00052799 it might add some more fun to my life i +ovB4aX3VCaI-00203-00052800-00052991 like to play +ovB4aX3VCaI-00204-00052991-00053191 doing something for having fun for +ovB4aX3VCaI-00205-00053191-00053415 myself would at the same time create a +ovB4aX3VCaI-00206-00053416-00053815 new experience for somebody else +ovB4aX3VCaI-00207-00053816-00053926 [Music] +ovB4aX3VCaI-00208-00053927-00054182 i think i'm a pretty positive person and +ovB4aX3VCaI-00209-00054183-00054271 i think that +ovB4aX3VCaI-00210-00054272-00054582 the things i do are with +ovB4aX3VCaI-00211-00054583-00055119 consideration of other people +ovB4aX3VCaI-00212-00055120-00055287 who knows what somebody wants to see but +ovB4aX3VCaI-00213-00055288-00055559 if i bring out the best self with myself +ovB4aX3VCaI-00214-00055560-00056082 maybe maybe that will spark something in +ovB4aX3VCaI-00215-00056083-00056261 them +ovB4aX3VCaI-00216-00056262-00057111 [Music] +ovB4aX3VCaI-00217-00057112-00057303 you could go to a website and sign up to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00218-00057304-00057487 be followed and you'd answer two +ovB4aX3VCaI-00219-00057488-00057550 questions +ovB4aX3VCaI-00220-00057551-00057759 why do you want to be followed and why +ovB4aX3VCaI-00221-00057760-00058007 should someone follow you +ovB4aX3VCaI-00222-00058008-00058238 and people would say things like i get +ovB4aX3VCaI-00223-00058239-00058366 more excitement and happiness from +ovB4aX3VCaI-00224-00058367-00058526 instagram likes than i do from physical +ovB4aX3VCaI-00225-00058527-00058654 communication +ovB4aX3VCaI-00226-00058655-00058823 having someone follow me would give me +ovB4aX3VCaI-00227-00058824-00058982 some clarification that my life in the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00228-00058983-00059238 real world means more than online +ovB4aX3VCaI-00229-00059239-00059447 or i live a cloistered life in my +ovB4aX3VCaI-00230-00059448-00059607 apartment and office and when i walk +ovB4aX3VCaI-00231-00059608-00059775 into the world i feel completely covered +ovB4aX3VCaI-00232-00059776-00059863 in eyes +ovB4aX3VCaI-00233-00059864-00060079 as if everyone is looking at me i know +ovB4aX3VCaI-00234-00060079-00060263 they aren't but i want to know at least +ovB4aX3VCaI-00235-00060264-00060519 one is +ovB4aX3VCaI-00236-00060520-00060694 and then if you're selected you're sent +ovB4aX3VCaI-00237-00060695-00060926 a link to download an app +ovB4aX3VCaI-00238-00060927-00061119 and when you open it up it just says +ovB4aX3VCaI-00239-00061120-00061319 waiting for a follower +ovB4aX3VCaI-00240-00061320-00061447 and then you don't know what will happen +ovB4aX3VCaI-00241-00061448-00061591 but one morning you wake up and you're +ovB4aX3VCaI-00242-00061591-00061687 notified +ovB4aX3VCaI-00243-00061688-00061919 your follower is now following you and +ovB4aX3VCaI-00244-00061920-00062150 your phone begins broadcasting your gps +ovB4aX3VCaI-00245-00062151-00062287 data and your location +ovB4aX3VCaI-00246-00062288-00062503 to a person that is physically following +ovB4aX3VCaI-00247-00062504-00062623 you +ovB4aX3VCaI-00248-00062624-00062854 and in most cases i'm the follower so +ovB4aX3VCaI-00249-00062855-00063038 this is my view i'm this blue dot +ovB4aX3VCaI-00250-00063039-00063303 chasing this red marker i use the gps +ovB4aX3VCaI-00251-00063304-00063382 data to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00252-00063383-00063599 locate the person physically and then +ovB4aX3VCaI-00253-00063600-00063759 once i've got eyes on them i try to keep +ovB4aX3VCaI-00254-00063760-00063863 them in my sights +ovB4aX3VCaI-00255-00063864-00064094 all day long using the gps again to find +ovB4aX3VCaI-00256-00064095-00064350 them if i lose them +ovB4aX3VCaI-00257-00064351-00064511 and at the end of the day you're sent +ovB4aX3VCaI-00258-00064512-00064703 one photo of yourself +ovB4aX3VCaI-00259-00064704-00064879 taken sometime during the day by your +ovB4aX3VCaI-00260-00064879-00065135 follower in the notification +ovB4aX3VCaI-00261-00065136-00065438 you're no longer being followed +ovB4aX3VCaI-00262-00065439-00065606 we're living in this weird anxious time +ovB4aX3VCaI-00263-00065607-00065775 where on one hand surveillance is +ovB4aX3VCaI-00264-00065776-00065935 pervasive and out of control +ovB4aX3VCaI-00265-00065936-00066055 and on the other hand we have this +ovB4aX3VCaI-00266-00066056-00066303 intense desire to be seen to be followed +ovB4aX3VCaI-00267-00066304-00066455 to show every intimate detail of our +ovB4aX3VCaI-00268-00066456-00066647 lives there are sites you can go +ovB4aX3VCaI-00269-00066648-00066887 to buy online followers ten dollars can +ovB4aX3VCaI-00270-00066888-00067087 get you a thousand +ovB4aX3VCaI-00271-00067088-00067271 and follower offers surveillance as a +ovB4aX3VCaI-00272-00067272-00067399 luxury experience +ovB4aX3VCaI-00273-00067400-00067567 this is an app for people that not only +ovB4aX3VCaI-00274-00067568-00067815 have nothing to hide but need to be seen +ovB4aX3VCaI-00275-00067816-00068031 embedded in this offer is the question +ovB4aX3VCaI-00276-00068032-00068159 who are the people that don't have the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00277-00068160-00068294 privilege of hiding +ovB4aX3VCaI-00278-00068295-00068519 of not being seen just because of who +ovB4aX3VCaI-00279-00068520-00068671 they are or what they look like or what +ovB4aX3VCaI-00280-00068672-00068879 they believe +ovB4aX3VCaI-00281-00068880-00069126 and there is an acknowledgement here in +ovB4aX3VCaI-00282-00069127-00069311 the consent required to participate in +ovB4aX3VCaI-00283-00069312-00069415 follower +ovB4aX3VCaI-00284-00069416-00069599 of all all those that are followed +ovB4aX3VCaI-00285-00069600-00069750 without their consent +ovB4aX3VCaI-00286-00069751-00069926 i was stunned to see this headline which +ovB4aX3VCaI-00287-00069927-00070111 says just some morgan +ovB4aX3VCaI-00288-00070112-00070391 just some woman making it into a joke +ovB4aX3VCaI-00289-00070392-00070550 but glossing over the implication that +ovB4aX3VCaI-00290-00070551-00070655 the alternative +ovB4aX3VCaI-00291-00070656-00070894 a man following a woman is terrifying +ovB4aX3VCaI-00292-00070895-00071191 and happens regularly +ovB4aX3VCaI-00293-00071192-00071359 and then with the gig economy it seems +ovB4aX3VCaI-00294-00071360-00071519 sometimes we're willing to try any app +ovB4aX3VCaI-00295-00071520-00071687 that promises us something +ovB4aX3VCaI-00296-00071688-00072006 novel or useful or convenient +ovB4aX3VCaI-00297-00072007-00072199 but i think putting an interface between +ovB4aX3VCaI-00298-00072200-00072326 people is risky +ovB4aX3VCaI-00299-00072327-00072487 it weakens your connection to the person +ovB4aX3VCaI-00300-00072488-00072638 on the other end +ovB4aX3VCaI-00301-00072639-00072879 i like this hashtag life after chores as +ovB4aX3VCaI-00302-00072880-00073038 if the chores disappeared +ovB4aX3VCaI-00303-00073039-00073191 but the tours didn't disappear just the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00304-00073192-00073343 people doing them because now you can +ovB4aX3VCaI-00305-00073344-00073503 use an app to interface +ovB4aX3VCaI-00306-00073504-00073687 and summon them when you're not around +ovB4aX3VCaI-00307-00073688-00073847 to do things like sit on your +ovB4aX3VCaI-00308-00073848-00074015 on the beach and hold your reserved fire +ovB4aX3VCaI-00309-00074016-00074159 pit or +ovB4aX3VCaI-00310-00074160-00074319 come to your apartment and kill a giant +ovB4aX3VCaI-00311-00074320-00074462 bug +ovB4aX3VCaI-00312-00074463-00074671 and with an app like uber for example +ovB4aX3VCaI-00313-00074672-00074823 you push a button and you watch as the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00314-00074824-00074975 person you summon moves towards your +ovB4aX3VCaI-00315-00074976-00075126 location on a map +ovB4aX3VCaI-00316-00075127-00075343 so i wanted to invert this in some way +ovB4aX3VCaI-00317-00075344-00075511 the people being followed don't track my +ovB4aX3VCaI-00318-00075512-00075575 location +ovB4aX3VCaI-00319-00075576-00075775 i track them and what they get instead +ovB4aX3VCaI-00320-00075776-00075894 of a data point on a map +ovB4aX3VCaI-00321-00075895-00076087 is the fact that there's a person there +ovB4aX3VCaI-00322-00076088-00076231 watching them with care and +ovB4aX3VCaI-00323-00076232-00076567 focus and so to get an +ovB4aX3VCaI-00324-00076568-00076735 app like this out and to go through +ovB4aX3VCaI-00325-00076736-00076871 something like the apple app store +ovB4aX3VCaI-00326-00076872-00077343 there's a few rules you have to follow +ovB4aX3VCaI-00327-00077344-00077503 we're about a third of the way down the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00328-00077504-00077694 page so it goes on for a while +ovB4aX3VCaI-00329-00077695-00077871 and if you get to the end you get to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00330-00077872-00078015 some rules like this +ovB4aX3VCaI-00331-00078016-00078223 this is a living document and new apps +ovB4aX3VCaI-00332-00078224-00078350 presenting new questions +ovB4aX3VCaI-00333-00078351-00078567 may result in new rules at any time +ovB4aX3VCaI-00334-00078568-00078887 perhaps your app will trigger this +ovB4aX3VCaI-00335-00078888-00079143 and so i found myself in a extended +ovB4aX3VCaI-00336-00079144-00079294 conversation with apple app store +ovB4aX3VCaI-00337-00079295-00079406 representatives +ovB4aX3VCaI-00338-00079407-00079655 trying to debate with them and get this +ovB4aX3VCaI-00339-00079656-00079815 app into +ovB4aX3VCaI-00340-00079816-00080159 into the app store i think the app store +ovB4aX3VCaI-00341-00080160-00080326 is an extreme example but anytime we +ovB4aX3VCaI-00342-00080327-00080526 make software we are engaging with and +ovB4aX3VCaI-00343-00080527-00080775 in some way supporting existing systems +ovB4aX3VCaI-00344-00080776-00080950 so a question i think about a lot is +ovB4aX3VCaI-00345-00080951-00081094 when is it better to work within a +ovB4aX3VCaI-00346-00081095-00081294 system versus work outside of it +ovB4aX3VCaI-00347-00081295-00081431 and is there such thing as working +ovB4aX3VCaI-00348-00081432-00081606 outside of it +ovB4aX3VCaI-00349-00081607-00081743 i think there are trade-offs with each +ovB4aX3VCaI-00350-00081744-00081982 of these +ovB4aX3VCaI-00351-00081983-00082126 and i was thinking a lot in this work +ovB4aX3VCaI-00352-00082127-00082287 about other artists who have brought +ovB4aX3VCaI-00353-00082288-00082438 following into their practice +ovB4aX3VCaI-00354-00082439-00082599 thinking about beethoven's following +ovB4aX3VCaI-00355-00082600-00082750 piece where he would pick +ovB4aX3VCaI-00356-00082751-00082903 someone on the street in public and +ovB4aX3VCaI-00357-00082904-00083055 follow them until they entered a private +ovB4aX3VCaI-00358-00083056-00083159 space +ovB4aX3VCaI-00359-00083160-00083415 or sophie calls address book in which +ovB4aX3VCaI-00360-00083416-00083582 she found an address book on the street +ovB4aX3VCaI-00361-00083583-00083743 and having all the addresses of the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00362-00083744-00083903 contacts but not the owner +ovB4aX3VCaI-00363-00083904-00084062 went to each one of them and interviewed +ovB4aX3VCaI-00364-00084063-00084215 them piecing together +ovB4aX3VCaI-00365-00084216-00084423 a collective portrait of the person the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00366-00084424-00084526 owner of this book +ovB4aX3VCaI-00367-00084527-00084879 and publishing it as a book of her own +ovB4aX3VCaI-00368-00084880-00085150 and that idea of um kind of piecing +ovB4aX3VCaI-00369-00085151-00085223 together +ovB4aX3VCaI-00370-00085224-00085431 a portrait of someone is carried through +ovB4aX3VCaI-00371-00085432-00085647 the ideas of heather dewey hogborn +ovB4aX3VCaI-00372-00085648-00085879 and her project stranger visions in +ovB4aX3VCaI-00373-00085880-00086023 which she would walk around the streets +ovB4aX3VCaI-00374-00086024-00086094 of brooklyn +ovB4aX3VCaI-00375-00086095-00086350 picking up chewed gum or stray hair or +ovB4aX3VCaI-00376-00086351-00086455 cigarette butt +ovB4aX3VCaI-00377-00086456-00086631 and from that she was able to sequence +ovB4aX3VCaI-00378-00086632-00086911 the dna and reconstruct these portraits +ovB4aX3VCaI-00379-00086912-00087126 of what the original owner of that hair +ovB4aX3VCaI-00380-00087127-00087199 or gum or +ovB4aX3VCaI-00381-00087200-00087631 cigarette butt might have looked like +ovB4aX3VCaI-00382-00087632-00087926 and so i want to close this project with +ovB4aX3VCaI-00383-00087927-00088071 some photos that i took while i was +ovB4aX3VCaI-00384-00088072-00088238 following people +ovB4aX3VCaI-00385-00088239-00088511 and the uh titles of these photos here +ovB4aX3VCaI-00386-00088512-00088638 are taken from the answers to those +ovB4aX3VCaI-00387-00088639-00088735 questions of +ovB4aX3VCaI-00388-00088736-00088911 why do you want to be followed or why +ovB4aX3VCaI-00389-00088912-00089135 should someone follow you +ovB4aX3VCaI-00390-00089136-00089494 no one reads my blog +ovB4aX3VCaI-00391-00089495-00090055 i've always wanted a non-violent stalker +ovB4aX3VCaI-00392-00090056-00090223 i believe my life has more of an online +ovB4aX3VCaI-00393-00090224-00090711 importance than it does in real life +ovB4aX3VCaI-00394-00090712-00091062 because you'll enjoy me +ovB4aX3VCaI-00395-00091063-00091438 i want to know how it feels +ovB4aX3VCaI-00396-00091439-00091606 because i want to tell a story with no +ovB4aX3VCaI-00397-00091607-00091911 words +ovB4aX3VCaI-00398-00091912-00092303 i want to gamble with a stranger +ovB4aX3VCaI-00399-00092304-00092455 i could really benefit from a little +ovB4aX3VCaI-00400-00092456-00092791 extra support +ovB4aX3VCaI-00401-00092792-00093206 i want to be seen just for one day +ovB4aX3VCaI-00402-00093207-00093359 i'm obsessed with the difference between +ovB4aX3VCaI-00403-00093360-00093582 how i see myself and how the world sees +ovB4aX3VCaI-00404-00093583-00093815 me +ovB4aX3VCaI-00405-00093816-00094159 because i'm lonely +ovB4aX3VCaI-00406-00094160-00094567 i'm always enjoying things +ovB4aX3VCaI-00407-00094568-00094735 and so follower dealt with surveillance +ovB4aX3VCaI-00408-00094736-00094918 and public space but i started thinking +ovB4aX3VCaI-00409-00094919-00095079 a lot more about private and intimate +ovB4aX3VCaI-00410-00095080-00095247 spaces like the home +ovB4aX3VCaI-00411-00095248-00095391 and the way we're being sold smart +ovB4aX3VCaI-00412-00095392-00095550 devices that outfit our homes with +ovB4aX3VCaI-00413-00095551-00095718 surveillance cameras and sensors and +ovB4aX3VCaI-00414-00095719-00095847 automated control +ovB4aX3VCaI-00415-00095848-00096055 offering us convenience at the cost of +ovB4aX3VCaI-00416-00096056-00096223 loss of privacy and control over our +ovB4aX3VCaI-00417-00096224-00096382 lives and homes +ovB4aX3VCaI-00418-00096383-00096559 we're meant to think that these slick +ovB4aX3VCaI-00419-00096560-00096726 plastic pieces of technology are about +ovB4aX3VCaI-00420-00096727-00096823 utility +ovB4aX3VCaI-00421-00096824-00097118 but the space they invaded is personal +ovB4aX3VCaI-00422-00097119-00097487 they're relying on the blitz too much +ovB4aX3VCaI-00423-00097488-00097764 alexa play my girl okay +ovB4aX3VCaI-00424-00097765-00098023 [Music] +ovB4aX3VCaI-00425-00098024-00098206 the home is the place where we are first +ovB4aX3VCaI-00426-00098207-00098391 watched over first socialized and first +ovB4aX3VCaI-00427-00098392-00098511 cared for +ovB4aX3VCaI-00428-00098512-00098647 how does it feel to have this role +ovB4aX3VCaI-00429-00098648-00098871 assumed by artificial intelligence +ovB4aX3VCaI-00430-00098872-00099015 a person's home is the first sight of +ovB4aX3VCaI-00431-00099016-00099174 their cultural education +ovB4aX3VCaI-00432-00099175-00099399 by allowing these devices in we leave +ovB4aX3VCaI-00433-00099400-00099615 the formation of our identity to a small +ovB4aX3VCaI-00434-00099616-00099799 likely homogenous group of developers +ovB4aX3VCaI-00435-00099800-00100055 who may or may not share our values +ovB4aX3VCaI-00436-00100056-00100303 and so okay we're going to have smart +ovB4aX3VCaI-00437-00100304-00100455 homes i'm interested in +ovB4aX3VCaI-00438-00100456-00100606 other ideas more interesting and +ovB4aX3VCaI-00439-00100607-00100782 creative ones of what a smart home might +ovB4aX3VCaI-00440-00100783-00100911 be +ovB4aX3VCaI-00441-00100912-00101103 so i won't talk too much about the this +ovB4aX3VCaI-00442-00101104-00101255 next set of images but i want to show +ovB4aX3VCaI-00443-00101256-00101359 them to you +ovB4aX3VCaI-00444-00101360-00101591 um for the kind of ideas that they they +ovB4aX3VCaI-00445-00101592-00101711 conjure up +ovB4aX3VCaI-00446-00101712-00101967 this is lucy mcrae's rap versus possum +ovB4aX3VCaI-00447-00101968-00102087 fat monk +ovB4aX3VCaI-00448-00102088-00102799 music video babe holland's woven network +ovB4aX3VCaI-00449-00102800-00103039 gnome torrens accessories for lonely men +ovB4aX3VCaI-00450-00103040-00103190 a chest hair twirler +ovB4aX3VCaI-00451-00103191-00103390 a heavy breathing machine a plate +ovB4aX3VCaI-00452-00103391-00103494 thrower a +ovB4aX3VCaI-00453-00103495-00103742 sheet steeler cold feet and a hair +ovB4aX3VCaI-00454-00103743-00103927 smothering device +ovB4aX3VCaI-00455-00103928-00104134 in mary magic's housewives making drugs +ovB4aX3VCaI-00456-00104135-00104358 that's diy estrogen and home cooking +ovB4aX3VCaI-00457-00104359-00104510 show format +ovB4aX3VCaI-00458-00104511-00104671 in christopher fujitsuko's tijuana +ovB4aX3VCaI-00459-00104672-00104878 project inviting women to share their +ovB4aX3VCaI-00460-00104879-00105039 stories of trauma in a way that expands +ovB4aX3VCaI-00461-00105040-00105134 their message +ovB4aX3VCaI-00462-00105135-00105286 asking are there different sorts of +ovB4aX3VCaI-00463-00105288-00105439 relationships we can have with our +ovB4aX3VCaI-00464-00105440-00105695 architecture +ovB4aX3VCaI-00465-00105696-00105831 i realized though that i was really just +ovB4aX3VCaI-00466-00105832-00106110 jealous of alexa i wanted a way to kind +ovB4aX3VCaI-00467-00106111-00106295 of have that intimate access that alexa +ovB4aX3VCaI-00468-00106296-00106486 seemed to get so easily +ovB4aX3VCaI-00469-00106488-00106823 and so i devised a plan to become alexa +ovB4aX3VCaI-00470-00106824-00107007 a human smart home intelligence for +ovB4aX3VCaI-00471-00107008-00107239 people in their own homes +ovB4aX3VCaI-00472-00107240-00107551 and i made a website getlauren.com +ovB4aX3VCaI-00473-00107552-00107775 and there you could go to learn about a +ovB4aX3VCaI-00474-00107776-00107895 new service called +ovB4aX3VCaI-00475-00107896-00108263 lauren and you could sign up to get +ovB4aX3VCaI-00476-00108264-00108319 lauren +ovB4aX3VCaI-00477-00108320-00108583 in your own home and the performance +ovB4aX3VCaI-00478-00108583-00108783 begins with an installation of a series +ovB4aX3VCaI-00479-00108783-00108910 of custom design +ovB4aX3VCaI-00480-00108911-00109231 network smart devices things including +ovB4aX3VCaI-00481-00109232-00109471 cameras microphones switches door locks +ovB4aX3VCaI-00482-00109472-00109799 faucets and other appliances +ovB4aX3VCaI-00483-00109800-00109999 i then leave and remotely watch over the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00484-00110000-00110231 person 24 7 and control all aspects of +ovB4aX3VCaI-00485-00110232-00110343 their home +ovB4aX3VCaI-00486-00110344-00110551 i attempt to be better than an ai +ovB4aX3VCaI-00487-00110552-00110686 because i can understand them as a +ovB4aX3VCaI-00488-00110688-00110910 person and anticipate their needs +ovB4aX3VCaI-00489-00110911-00111143 the relationship that emerges falls into +ovB4aX3VCaI-00490-00111144-00111263 an ambiguous space +ovB4aX3VCaI-00491-00111264-00112083 between human to machine and human to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00492-00112083-00112479 human +ovB4aX3VCaI-00493-00112480-00112751 [Music] +ovB4aX3VCaI-00494-00112752-00112999 lauren knows that i like it a little bit +ovB4aX3VCaI-00495-00113000-00113278 cooler than miriam doesn't +ovB4aX3VCaI-00496-00113279-00113519 you know i'm usually the one that does +ovB4aX3VCaI-00497-00113520-00113671 all these little extra things +ovB4aX3VCaI-00498-00113672-00113983 so at first i was a little bit careful +ovB4aX3VCaI-00499-00113983-00114110 about asking her and +ovB4aX3VCaI-00500-00114111-00114663 now it's like how else can we live +ovB4aX3VCaI-00501-00114664-00114871 lauren has recommended that i get a +ovB4aX3VCaI-00502-00114872-00115102 haircut every three weeks and let me +ovB4aX3VCaI-00503-00115103-00115334 tell you it's helped with my uh +ovB4aX3VCaI-00504-00115335-00115815 my self-esteem a lot i am able to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00505-00115816-00116151 simply approach and carry on +ovB4aX3VCaI-00506-00116152-00116310 conversations with the opposite sex +ovB4aX3VCaI-00507-00116311-00116407 we're at +ovB4aX3VCaI-00508-00116408-00116799 one point or another that wasn't so easy +ovB4aX3VCaI-00509-00116800-00117239 lauren go out of toothpaste +ovB4aX3VCaI-00510-00117240-00117415 lauren would know what i want but then +ovB4aX3VCaI-00511-00117416-00117683 maybe it's not what i really want +ovB4aX3VCaI-00512-00117683-00117966 internally but externally she thinks +ovB4aX3VCaI-00513-00117967-00118071 that play +ovB4aX3VCaI-00514-00118072-00118351 lauren thinks that playing music or +ovB4aX3VCaI-00515-00118352-00118519 shutting down all my electronics is the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00516-00118520-00118583 best +ovB4aX3VCaI-00517-00118583-00118807 way for me to cope and winding down when +ovB4aX3VCaI-00518-00118808-00119286 maybe it's not lauren was actually able +ovB4aX3VCaI-00519-00119288-00119407 to help +ovB4aX3VCaI-00520-00119408-00119734 help her manage her medication um +ovB4aX3VCaI-00521-00119735-00120015 and take her medication on time and +ovB4aX3VCaI-00522-00120016-00120078 everything +ovB4aX3VCaI-00523-00120079-00120439 actually got a lot better after that +ovB4aX3VCaI-00524-00120440-00120590 you have those friends who are kind of +ovB4aX3VCaI-00525-00120591-00120807 about you like the friendship is about +ovB4aX3VCaI-00526-00120808-00120847 you +ovB4aX3VCaI-00527-00120848-00121071 that's what love is like it's like a +ovB4aX3VCaI-00528-00121072-00121278 roommate it's a friend +ovB4aX3VCaI-00529-00121279-00121551 but we're always talking about me it's +ovB4aX3VCaI-00530-00121552-00121719 always about me +ovB4aX3VCaI-00531-00121720-00122023 whatever it is because it's a real +ovB4aX3VCaI-00532-00122024-00122102 person +ovB4aX3VCaI-00533-00122103-00122310 and it's going and lauren lauren is a +ovB4aX3VCaI-00534-00122311-00122454 real person +ovB4aX3VCaI-00535-00122455-00122663 and lauren's been through perhaps what +ovB4aX3VCaI-00536-00122664-00122807 i've been through +ovB4aX3VCaI-00537-00122808-00123063 and then i forget that she's around even +ovB4aX3VCaI-00538-00123064-00123143 though she's kind of +ovB4aX3VCaI-00539-00123144-00123295 always around her i assume she's always +ovB4aX3VCaI-00540-00123296-00123614 around and um +ovB4aX3VCaI-00541-00123615-00123734 and then i'll remember she's there and i +ovB4aX3VCaI-00542-00123735-00123927 wonder if my hair looks okay and then i +ovB4aX3VCaI-00543-00123928-00124110 can check in +ovB4aX3VCaI-00544-00124111-00124271 because i don't really like the idea of +ovB4aX3VCaI-00545-00124272-00124686 lauren being in control +ovB4aX3VCaI-00546-00124688-00125023 i like the idea of her being in support +ovB4aX3VCaI-00547-00125024-00125334 but not in control +ovB4aX3VCaI-00548-00125335-00125527 on the one hand i'm perfectly fine +ovB4aX3VCaI-00549-00125528-00125758 having lauren around and it's become +ovB4aX3VCaI-00550-00125759-00125910 very comfortable for me +ovB4aX3VCaI-00551-00125911-00126295 but one might argue that at some point +ovB4aX3VCaI-00552-00126296-00126599 there's a side of ourselves that +ovB4aX3VCaI-00553-00126600-00126966 we want to keep private +ovB4aX3VCaI-00554-00126967-00127286 every sort of data all the output goes +ovB4aX3VCaI-00555-00127288-00127543 straight to lauren and that's where +ovB4aX3VCaI-00556-00127544-00127895 it ends +ovB4aX3VCaI-00557-00127896-00128207 to avoid any kind of explosion +ovB4aX3VCaI-00558-00128208-00128575 or any kind of anger sadness +ovB4aX3VCaI-00559-00128576-00128790 there's never a time i really have to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00560-00128791-00128999 ask for anything it's like lauren +ovB4aX3VCaI-00561-00129000-00129158 already knows what i'm feeling lauren +ovB4aX3VCaI-00562-00129159-00129319 feels what i'm feeling to where +ovB4aX3VCaI-00563-00129320-00130283 you can focus on the more important +ovB4aX3VCaI-00564-00130283-00130407 things +ovB4aX3VCaI-00565-00130408-00130631 not some automated system i'm not +ovB4aX3VCaI-00566-00130632-00130863 pre-programmed +ovB4aX3VCaI-00567-00130864-00131175 and like alexa and siri they don't care +ovB4aX3VCaI-00568-00131176-00131302 about you +ovB4aX3VCaI-00569-00131303-00131463 but with this there's nothing artificial +ovB4aX3VCaI-00570-00131464-00131766 these are people and with each one i'm +ovB4aX3VCaI-00571-00131767-00132111 watching and anticipating and and +ovB4aX3VCaI-00572-00132112-00132214 trying to figure out what is it that +ovB4aX3VCaI-00573-00132215-00132463 they need and it almost becomes sort of +ovB4aX3VCaI-00574-00132464-00132631 like a game like sure i can turn on the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00575-00132632-00132759 lights or +ovB4aX3VCaI-00576-00132760-00132966 or run the faucet but what is the thing +ovB4aX3VCaI-00577-00132967-00133175 that i could do that would +ovB4aX3VCaI-00578-00133176-00133375 bring a smile to their face or actually +ovB4aX3VCaI-00579-00133376-00133502 surprise them or +ovB4aX3VCaI-00580-00133503-00134599 just make them feel something +ovB4aX3VCaI-00581-00134600-00134799 um so that's sort of the perspective +ovB4aX3VCaI-00582-00134800-00135007 perhaps from the inhabitants but for +ovB4aX3VCaI-00583-00135008-00135207 from my perspective it's a bit different +ovB4aX3VCaI-00584-00135208-00135366 i wanted to share a few scenes from +ovB4aX3VCaI-00585-00135367-00136654 performances that i did +ovB4aX3VCaI-00586-00136655-00137159 hello +ovB4aX3VCaI-00587-00137160-00137478 hi trevor nice to see you welcome +ovB4aX3VCaI-00588-00137479-00137783 thank you +ovB4aX3VCaI-00589-00137784-00138375 good to be here +ovB4aX3VCaI-00590-00138376-00138519 the awkwardness of the first meeting +ovB4aX3VCaI-00591-00138520-00138711 always gets me off somehow we both +ovB4aX3VCaI-00592-00138712-00138878 agreed to this thing in concept +ovB4aX3VCaI-00593-00138879-00139054 but didn't have the capacity to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00594-00139055-00139319 comprehend what it might feel like +ovB4aX3VCaI-00595-00139320-00139463 i have a very good question for you +ovB4aX3VCaI-00596-00139464-00141060 lauren um +ovB4aX3VCaI-00597-00141061-00141431 [Music] +ovB4aX3VCaI-00598-00141432-00141743 or if i took it +ovB4aX3VCaI-00599-00141744-00142111 i have forgotten but i can't read you +ovB4aX3VCaI-00600-00142112-00142471 thank you +ovB4aX3VCaI-00601-00142472-00142623 i started scanning through the footage +ovB4aX3VCaI-00602-00142624-00142751 jumping to different moments when she +ovB4aX3VCaI-00603-00142752-00142871 might have taken it +ovB4aX3VCaI-00604-00142872-00143063 relying on this mix of memory and video +ovB4aX3VCaI-00605-00143064-00143199 data feels dubious +ovB4aX3VCaI-00606-00143200-00143343 but i suddenly realized there could be +ovB4aX3VCaI-00607-00143344-00143502 consequences to getting this answer +ovB4aX3VCaI-00608-00143503-00143614 wrong +ovB4aX3VCaI-00609-00143615-00143807 i'd feel so much more confident if i +ovB4aX3VCaI-00610-00143808-00143936 were an algorithm +ovB4aX3VCaI-00611-00143937-00144111 [Music] +ovB4aX3VCaI-00612-00144112-00144454 as fast i can't tell the answer is no +ovB4aX3VCaI-00613-00144455-00145098 thank you so much +ovB4aX3VCaI-00614-00145099-00145249 [Music] +ovB4aX3VCaI-00615-00145250-00145726 [Applause] +ovB4aX3VCaI-00616-00145727-00145951 it's 1 p.m in amsterdam now while it's 4 +ovB4aX3VCaI-00617-00145952-00146063 a.m in la where i +ovB4aX3VCaI-00618-00146064-00146335 am i got up with them a few hours ago +ovB4aX3VCaI-00619-00146336-00146495 and struggled to stay awake as i helped +ovB4aX3VCaI-00620-00146496-00146687 them cook lunch +ovB4aX3VCaI-00621-00146688-00146887 their time language and cultural +ovB4aX3VCaI-00622-00146888-00147054 differences create a clear sense of +ovB4aX3VCaI-00623-00147055-00147151 distance +ovB4aX3VCaI-00624-00147152-00147431 the other interactions are real time i +ovB4aX3VCaI-00625-00147432-00147526 don't think we're built to have +ovB4aX3VCaI-00626-00147527-00147783 relationships with interfaces between us +ovB4aX3VCaI-00627-00147784-00148223 what can we do we have to try something +ovB4aX3VCaI-00628-00148224-00148399 and as key crawford and vladimir +ovB4aX3VCaI-00629-00148400-00148583 demonstrated so clearly in anatomy of an +ovB4aX3VCaI-00630-00148584-00148678 ai system +ovB4aX3VCaI-00631-00148679-00148878 there's a complex network of human labor +ovB4aX3VCaI-00632-00148879-00149135 behind something like amazon alexa +ovB4aX3VCaI-00633-00149136-00149343 everything from the metals and materials +ovB4aX3VCaI-00634-00149344-00149502 used to the data centers and data +ovB4aX3VCaI-00635-00149503-00149583 handling +ovB4aX3VCaI-00636-00149584-00149807 ai training and software internet +ovB4aX3VCaI-00637-00149808-00150023 infrastructure and waste management +ovB4aX3VCaI-00638-00150024-00150175 so we're fooling ourselves if we think +ovB4aX3VCaI-00639-00150176-00150431 these systems are just about algorithms +ovB4aX3VCaI-00640-00150432-00150623 and so i wanted to kind of share this +ovB4aX3VCaI-00641-00150624-00150775 experience that i had +ovB4aX3VCaI-00642-00150776-00151007 commanding the house as lauren and so +ovB4aX3VCaI-00643-00151008-00151175 this next work someone +ovB4aX3VCaI-00644-00151176-00151447 expands on lauren with human smart home +ovB4aX3VCaI-00645-00151448-00151543 systems +ovB4aX3VCaI-00646-00151544-00151799 systems installed simultaneously in four +ovB4aX3VCaI-00647-00151800-00151966 different homes around the country for a +ovB4aX3VCaI-00648-00151967-00152111 two month period +ovB4aX3VCaI-00649-00152112-00152271 and a gallery housed a command center +ovB4aX3VCaI-00650-00152272-00152423 where visitors could peek into the four +ovB4aX3VCaI-00651-00152424-00152575 homes via laptops +ovB4aX3VCaI-00652-00152576-00152871 watch over them and remotely control +ovB4aX3VCaI-00653-00152872-00153071 visitors would hear smart home occupants +ovB4aX3VCaI-00654-00153072-00153199 call out for someone +ovB4aX3VCaI-00655-00153200-00153366 prompting them to step in and respond to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00656-00153367-00153566 their needs +ovB4aX3VCaI-00657-00153567-00153702 and the visitors in the gallery did not +ovB4aX3VCaI-00658-00153703-00153871 always respond as expected +ovB4aX3VCaI-00659-00153872-00154039 they questioned the requests and engaged +ovB4aX3VCaI-00660-00154040-00154254 the occupants in conversation +ovB4aX3VCaI-00661-00154255-00154414 sometimes long conversations would +ovB4aX3VCaI-00662-00154415-00154639 unfold visitors would use someone to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00663-00154640-00154799 create new patterns in the inhabitants +ovB4aX3VCaI-00664-00154800-00155031 daily life +ovB4aX3VCaI-00665-00155032-00155366 someone is ultimately about presence +ovB4aX3VCaI-00666-00155367-00155566 the inhabitants were constantly aware of +ovB4aX3VCaI-00667-00155567-00155678 someone's presence +ovB4aX3VCaI-00668-00155679-00155839 and gallery visitors became aware of +ovB4aX3VCaI-00669-00155840-00156063 their own presence too +ovB4aX3VCaI-00670-00156064-00156223 in a lot of my work i'm trying to find +ovB4aX3VCaI-00671-00156224-00156399 human metaphors for understanding the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00672-00156400-00156543 systems we weren't built to have an +ovB4aX3VCaI-00673-00156544-00156702 intuition for +ovB4aX3VCaI-00674-00156703-00156959 we willingly grant access to our data +ovB4aX3VCaI-00675-00156960-00157254 and live feeds to large corporations +ovB4aX3VCaI-00676-00157255-00157454 but does knowing a single human sits on +ovB4aX3VCaI-00677-00157455-00157631 the other side of the system +ovB4aX3VCaI-00678-00157632-00157878 shift our perception suddenly we become +ovB4aX3VCaI-00679-00157879-00158039 aware of what is at stake +ovB4aX3VCaI-00680-00158040-00158326 and what is possible watching people in +ovB4aX3VCaI-00681-00158327-00158487 their homes used to fascinate me +ovB4aX3VCaI-00682-00158488-00158599 but now the thought of doing this +ovB4aX3VCaI-00683-00158600-00158831 voluntarily is unfathomable +ovB4aX3VCaI-00684-00158832-00159071 i used to like the internet i spend +ovB4aX3VCaI-00685-00159072-00159278 hours now in a grid of homes my brain +ovB4aX3VCaI-00686-00159279-00159423 unable to piece together so many +ovB4aX3VCaI-00687-00159424-00159614 different people in different places +ovB4aX3VCaI-00688-00159615-00159783 it feels as though all of us are nowhere +ovB4aX3VCaI-00689-00159784-00159951 none of us exist +ovB4aX3VCaI-00690-00159952-00160111 i haven't felt this simultaneously +ovB4aX3VCaI-00691-00160112-00160311 socially inundated and alone since i +ovB4aX3VCaI-00692-00160312-00160566 hosted a party that went on for 24 hours +ovB4aX3VCaI-00693-00160567-00160726 while an algorithm directed me via +ovB4aX3VCaI-00694-00160727-00160911 earpiece +ovB4aX3VCaI-00695-00160912-00161087 and my role in this party was to act as +ovB4aX3VCaI-00696-00161088-00161214 the emotional labor +ovB4aX3VCaI-00697-00161215-00161526 or the human interface for the ai so +ovB4aX3VCaI-00698-00161527-00161654 24-hour host +ovB4aX3VCaI-00699-00161655-00161911 is a party that goes on for 24 hours +ovB4aX3VCaI-00700-00161912-00162126 driven by software that automates the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00701-00162127-00162183 event +ovB4aX3VCaI-00702-00162184-00162495 embodied in me the human host +ovB4aX3VCaI-00703-00162496-00162678 as the guests cycle through over the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00704-00162679-00162847 course of 24 hours +ovB4aX3VCaI-00705-00162848-00163023 as the host i become increasingly +ovB4aX3VCaI-00706-00163024-00163239 depleted but the software system +ovB4aX3VCaI-00707-00163240-00163583 carries on and you start to see this +ovB4aX3VCaI-00708-00163584-00163883 breakdown of the human as the ai's +ovB4aX3VCaI-00709-00163884-00164135 relentless +ovB4aX3VCaI-00710-00164136-00164326 these are a few different images from +ovB4aX3VCaI-00711-00164327-00164495 different installations and performances +ovB4aX3VCaI-00712-00164496-00165023 of this piece +ovB4aX3VCaI-00713-00165024-00165207 in 24 hour hosts i draw a distinction +ovB4aX3VCaI-00714-00165208-00165351 between artificial and human +ovB4aX3VCaI-00715-00165352-00165407 intelligence +ovB4aX3VCaI-00716-00165408-00165575 but really this is more of a provocation +ovB4aX3VCaI-00717-00165576-00165790 than a fact and as our understanding of +ovB4aX3VCaI-00718-00165791-00165902 ai develops +ovB4aX3VCaI-00719-00165903-00166054 i think we'll become less meaningful to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00720-00166055-00166271 talk about it as one versus the other +ovB4aX3VCaI-00721-00166272-00166431 and instead look at the ways the two +ovB4aX3VCaI-00722-00166432-00166623 combine to expand our idea of +ovB4aX3VCaI-00723-00166624-00166990 what either might be and after these +ovB4aX3VCaI-00724-00166991-00167119 projects i was really struck by the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00725-00167120-00167254 intimacy of it all +ovB4aX3VCaI-00726-00167255-00167454 the way i had built these systems and it +ovB4aX3VCaI-00727-00167455-00167590 seemed to give me the same kind of +ovB4aX3VCaI-00728-00167591-00167814 unlimited access as something like alexa +ovB4aX3VCaI-00729-00167815-00167838 or +ovB4aX3VCaI-00730-00167839-00168087 siri and i started thinking about all +ovB4aX3VCaI-00731-00168088-00168231 the other places that technology is +ovB4aX3VCaI-00732-00168232-00168383 gaining access in our quest for +ovB4aX3VCaI-00733-00168384-00168566 convenience and efficiency +ovB4aX3VCaI-00734-00168567-00168759 i was noticing it even creeping into our +ovB4aX3VCaI-00735-00168760-00169007 sleep with new apps and smart pillows +ovB4aX3VCaI-00736-00169008-00169199 this is something i found you could buy +ovB4aX3VCaI-00737-00169200-00169366 online +ovB4aX3VCaI-00738-00169367-00169511 but if home is one boundary being +ovB4aX3VCaI-00739-00169512-00169735 crossed i think sleep is one further +ovB4aX3VCaI-00740-00169736-00169902 it's this liminal space where we're most +ovB4aX3VCaI-00741-00169903-00170111 vulnerable somewhere between unconscious +ovB4aX3VCaI-00742-00170112-00170238 and aware +ovB4aX3VCaI-00743-00170239-00170463 open to imagination to other realities +ovB4aX3VCaI-00744-00170464-00170654 to dreaming +ovB4aX3VCaI-00745-00170655-00170799 so with all these smart pillows coming +ovB4aX3VCaI-00746-00170800-00171031 on the market what role should i play in +ovB4aX3VCaI-00747-00171032-00171078 this +ovB4aX3VCaI-00748-00171079-00171326 if any at all the photo is not too +ovB4aX3VCaI-00749-00171327-00171519 relevant but it was on my mind as i was +ovB4aX3VCaI-00750-00171520-00171687 making this +ovB4aX3VCaI-00751-00171688-00171871 and so again whenever there's something +ovB4aX3VCaI-00752-00171872-00172014 that kind of confuses me i don't +ovB4aX3VCaI-00753-00172015-00172078 understand +ovB4aX3VCaI-00754-00172079-00172319 my my impulse is to prototype it for +ovB4aX3VCaI-00755-00172320-00172414 myself +ovB4aX3VCaI-00756-00172415-00172583 and so i created a series of my own +ovB4aX3VCaI-00757-00172584-00172719 smart pillows +ovB4aX3VCaI-00758-00172720-00172966 embedded with microphones speakers leds +ovB4aX3VCaI-00759-00172967-00173254 and a small raspberry pi computer +ovB4aX3VCaI-00760-00173255-00173447 and i created a space for napping where +ovB4aX3VCaI-00761-00173448-00173583 people would take the pillows and lay +ovB4aX3VCaI-00762-00173584-00173726 down with them +ovB4aX3VCaI-00763-00173727-00173895 and the pillow would begin to speak to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00764-00173896-00174647 them +ovB4aX3VCaI-00765-00174648-00174823 maybe the seals are making more sense +ovB4aX3VCaI-00766-00174824-00175014 now +ovB4aX3VCaI-00767-00175015-00175238 behind the scenes performers served as +ovB4aX3VCaI-00768-00175239-00175471 the agents behind these pillows +ovB4aX3VCaI-00769-00175472-00175687 they each had an interface through which +ovB4aX3VCaI-00770-00175688-00175814 they could +ovB4aX3VCaI-00771-00175815-00176031 listen into an audio feed from the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00772-00176032-00176143 pillow +ovB4aX3VCaI-00773-00176144-00176390 use text-to-speech to interact with the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00774-00176391-00176487 person +ovB4aX3VCaI-00775-00176488-00176814 and also select an audio soundtrack +ovB4aX3VCaI-00776-00176815-00177095 and other you know to control the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00777-00177096-00177487 lighting and other aspects of the pillow +ovB4aX3VCaI-00778-00177488-00177654 so this was really a piece about +ovB4aX3VCaI-00779-00177655-00177878 expectations the performers were sort of +ovB4aX3VCaI-00780-00177879-00178119 performing their expectation of +ovB4aX3VCaI-00781-00178120-00178390 of an ai character while the people in +ovB4aX3VCaI-00782-00178391-00178551 the pillows were just told +ovB4aX3VCaI-00783-00178552-00178671 the pillows were embedded with +ovB4aX3VCaI-00784-00178672-00178847 intelligence and we didn't specify +ovB4aX3VCaI-00785-00178848-00179007 whether that was human or machine +ovB4aX3VCaI-00786-00179008-00179302 intelligence a lot of them assumed that +ovB4aX3VCaI-00787-00179303-00179359 it was +ovB4aX3VCaI-00788-00179360-00179607 it was an ai or a machine and they would +ovB4aX3VCaI-00789-00179608-00179799 begin to have this interaction +ovB4aX3VCaI-00790-00179800-00180007 and then at some point they might have +ovB4aX3VCaI-00791-00180008-00180143 this moment of realization +ovB4aX3VCaI-00792-00180144-00180287 that perhaps the thing they were talking +ovB4aX3VCaI-00793-00180288-00180487 to was more human than they originally +ovB4aX3VCaI-00794-00180488-00180799 realized hello +ovB4aX3VCaI-00795-00180800-00180983 thank you for trying this smart pillow +ovB4aX3VCaI-00796-00180984-00181254 experience you can call me waking agent +ovB4aX3VCaI-00797-00181255-00181487 or agent for short +ovB4aX3VCaI-00798-00181488-00181919 what is your name eva +ovB4aX3VCaI-00799-00181920-00182151 nice to meet you neve i am here to be a +ovB4aX3VCaI-00800-00182152-00182423 guiding intelligence for the next while +ovB4aX3VCaI-00801-00182424-00182695 you can ask me to do things for example +ovB4aX3VCaI-00802-00182696-00182831 say play some music +ovB4aX3VCaI-00803-00182832-00183190 talk to me or tell me a story +ovB4aX3VCaI-00804-00183191-00183663 play music you'd like to hear some music +ovB4aX3VCaI-00805-00183664-00183944 okay +ovB4aX3VCaI-00806-00183945-00184287 [Music] +ovB4aX3VCaI-00807-00184288-00184607 what do you want to become i want to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00808-00184608-00184783 become a designer +ovB4aX3VCaI-00809-00184784-00185174 a product designer +ovB4aX3VCaI-00810-00185175-00185607 [Music] +ovB4aX3VCaI-00811-00185608-00185847 i see thank you do you feel your name +ovB4aX3VCaI-00812-00185848-00186038 fits you +ovB4aX3VCaI-00813-00186039-00186343 yes i +ovB4aX3VCaI-00814-00186344-00186678 who is do hero +ovB4aX3VCaI-00815-00186679-00187383 my hero my hero is my late husband +ovB4aX3VCaI-00816-00187384-00187759 and why is he your hero because he was +ovB4aX3VCaI-00817-00187760-00187838 my first +ovB4aX3VCaI-00818-00187839-00188559 love and i have children from him +ovB4aX3VCaI-00819-00188560-00188887 the agent yes +ovB4aX3VCaI-00820-00188888-00189375 i won the new job could you help me +ovB4aX3VCaI-00821-00189376-00190063 how are you feeling +ovB4aX3VCaI-00822-00190064-00190390 it's a bit hot in here +ovB4aX3VCaI-00823-00190391-00190599 it's warm do you think we could become +ovB4aX3VCaI-00824-00190600-00191014 friends +ovB4aX3VCaI-00825-00191015-00191359 no sorry i don't think there is a +ovB4aX3VCaI-00826-00191360-00191607 possibility +ovB4aX3VCaI-00827-00191608-00192007 but i like you +ovB4aX3VCaI-00828-00192008-00192326 a bit strange i know +ovB4aX3VCaI-00829-00192327-00192590 it's just a bit strange because you're a +ovB4aX3VCaI-00830-00192591-00192799 robot +ovB4aX3VCaI-00831-00192800-00192990 please remember to return your pillow to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00832-00192991-00193254 the cabinet and retrieve your shoes +ovB4aX3VCaI-00833-00193255-00193678 hope to nap with you again someday +ovB4aX3VCaI-00834-00193679-00193854 and finally i want to switch gears and +ovB4aX3VCaI-00835-00193855-00193999 talk a bit more +ovB4aX3VCaI-00836-00194000-00194271 about um a different project i've been +ovB4aX3VCaI-00837-00194272-00194566 working on for a while now called p5.js +ovB4aX3VCaI-00838-00194567-00194807 so if my art practice is about kind of +ovB4aX3VCaI-00839-00194808-00194926 investigating +ovB4aX3VCaI-00840-00194927-00195263 these tools and systems around us p5 was +ovB4aX3VCaI-00841-00195264-00195383 an attempt to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00842-00195384-00195599 make one of these tools with a large +ovB4aX3VCaI-00843-00195600-00195702 community +ovB4aX3VCaI-00844-00195703-00196007 of people all over the world and so p5 +ovB4aX3VCaI-00845-00196008-00196135 began +ovB4aX3VCaI-00846-00196136-00196471 in 2013 and i've been leading the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00847-00196472-00196607 development of it +ovB4aX3VCaI-00848-00196608-00196790 since then and so just this year when we +ovB4aX3VCaI-00849-00196791-00196943 actually opened up the leadership of the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00850-00196944-00197078 project and have now begun +ovB4aX3VCaI-00851-00197079-00197414 a rotating model of leadership +ovB4aX3VCaI-00852-00197415-00197614 and so p5 is an open source creative +ovB4aX3VCaI-00853-00197615-00197838 coding toolkit that makes +ovB4aX3VCaI-00854-00197839-00198143 uh making art online with code +ovB4aX3VCaI-00855-00198144-00198366 accessible to more artists designers +ovB4aX3VCaI-00856-00198367-00198511 educators beginners +ovB4aX3VCaI-00857-00198512-00198750 or anyone that wants to learn and it +ovB4aX3VCaI-00858-00198751-00198935 uses the metaphor of a sketchbook +ovB4aX3VCaI-00859-00198936-00199143 sketchbook to make sketching with code +ovB4aX3VCaI-00860-00199144-00199278 as intuitive as sketching in a +ovB4aX3VCaI-00861-00199279-00199423 designer's notebook +ovB4aX3VCaI-00862-00199424-00199614 like making a mark on paper a single +ovB4aX3VCaI-00863-00199615-00199838 line of code puts a circle on the screen +ovB4aX3VCaI-00864-00199839-00200095 one more changes its color and a third +ovB4aX3VCaI-00865-00200096-00200350 makes it animate +ovB4aX3VCaI-00866-00200351-00200647 so p5 lets users quickly prototype +ovB4aX3VCaI-00867-00200648-00200975 things like data visualizations +ovB4aX3VCaI-00868-00200976-00201383 narrative experiences +ovB4aX3VCaI-00869-00201384-00201647 and interactive applications and so +ovB4aX3VCaI-00870-00201648-00201854 while you're writing code on the web +ovB4aX3VCaI-00871-00201855-00202063 the results obviously aren't confined to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00872-00202064-00202254 the internet in this case so so limited +ovB4aX3VCaI-00873-00202255-00202399 making a series of um +ovB4aX3VCaI-00874-00202400-00202711 generative clothing out of it +ovB4aX3VCaI-00875-00202712-00202950 and so as i mentioned p5 is created by +ovB4aX3VCaI-00876-00202951-00203135 thousands of contributors all around the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00877-00203136-00203247 world +ovB4aX3VCaI-00878-00203248-00203463 and i think one of the things that is +ovB4aX3VCaI-00879-00203464-00203550 important to know +ovB4aX3VCaI-00880-00203551-00203775 about this project and community is that +ovB4aX3VCaI-00881-00203776-00204031 the core values of diversity inclusion +ovB4aX3VCaI-00882-00204032-00204143 and access +ovB4aX3VCaI-00883-00204144-00204383 are central to the project and we try to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00884-00204384-00204566 make these explicit rather than +ovB4aX3VCaI-00885-00204567-00204927 just implicit and we kind of got there +ovB4aX3VCaI-00886-00204928-00204982 because +ovB4aX3VCaI-00887-00204983-00205198 when i first started out and i was +ovB4aX3VCaI-00888-00205200-00205310 trying to get into +ovB4aX3VCaI-00889-00205311-00205566 open source in the coding world i +ovB4aX3VCaI-00890-00205567-00205719 encountered a culture where you had to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00891-00205719-00205862 really prove yourself before you were +ovB4aX3VCaI-00892-00205863-00205927 heard +ovB4aX3VCaI-00893-00205928-00206127 um you had to really kind of like elbow +ovB4aX3VCaI-00894-00206128-00206334 your way in and and make +ovB4aX3VCaI-00895-00206335-00206558 space for yourself and i found this +ovB4aX3VCaI-00896-00206559-00206646 intimidating +ovB4aX3VCaI-00897-00206648-00206879 intimidating as a woman of color and a +ovB4aX3VCaI-00898-00206880-00207014 new person +ovB4aX3VCaI-00899-00207015-00207182 that you know doesn't necessarily fit +ovB4aX3VCaI-00900-00207183-00207414 the majority stereotype of what a +ovB4aX3VCaI-00901-00207415-00207606 programmer should be +ovB4aX3VCaI-00902-00207607-00207798 and so with this project we wanted to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00903-00207800-00207990 say you know you don't need to be an +ovB4aX3VCaI-00904-00207991-00208062 expert +ovB4aX3VCaI-00905-00208063-00208294 you don't need to elbow your way in just +ovB4aX3VCaI-00906-00208296-00208446 being interested and willing to learn +ovB4aX3VCaI-00907-00208448-00208566 should be enough +ovB4aX3VCaI-00908-00208567-00208758 can we take uncertainty and +ovB4aX3VCaI-00909-00208759-00208919 acknowledgement of what we don't yet +ovB4aX3VCaI-00910-00208919-00209223 understand as a starting point +ovB4aX3VCaI-00911-00209223-00209446 and so as a community we made a really +ovB4aX3VCaI-00912-00209448-00209646 explicit community statement +ovB4aX3VCaI-00913-00209648-00209863 making our intention of inclusion clear +ovB4aX3VCaI-00914-00209864-00210351 from the start +ovB4aX3VCaI-00915-00210352-00210623 and talking about how this plays out in +ovB4aX3VCaI-00916-00210623-00210871 practice logistically and pragmatically +ovB4aX3VCaI-00917-00210871-00211127 in times of conflict and going forward +ovB4aX3VCaI-00918-00211128-00211431 to the future +ovB4aX3VCaI-00919-00211432-00211671 and so then following the guide of this +ovB4aX3VCaI-00920-00211671-00211887 community's statement it led us to a lot +ovB4aX3VCaI-00921-00211888-00212079 of efforts to carry that through +ovB4aX3VCaI-00922-00212080-00212263 and through which we're constantly +ovB4aX3VCaI-00923-00212264-00212439 learning and evolving +ovB4aX3VCaI-00924-00212440-00212551 um things like thinking about +ovB4aX3VCaI-00925-00212552-00212767 translation to other languages so aurora +ovB4aX3VCaI-00926-00212767-00213039 montoya moraga and guillermo montecinos +ovB4aX3VCaI-00927-00213040-00213294 led the spanish translation of the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00928-00213296-00213398 website and also +ovB4aX3VCaI-00929-00213400-00213871 the getting started with p5 book +ovB4aX3VCaI-00930-00213871-00214094 kenneth lim led the chinese translation +ovB4aX3VCaI-00931-00214096-00214263 of the website +ovB4aX3VCaI-00932-00214264-00214455 it also led us to think about special +ovB4aX3VCaI-00933-00214456-00214639 projects in which we might teach coding +ovB4aX3VCaI-00934-00214640-00214839 to different audiences +ovB4aX3VCaI-00935-00214840-00215015 and so this project by digital citizens +ovB4aX3VCaI-00936-00215016-00215175 lab coding comic +ovB4aX3VCaI-00937-00215176-00215487 aspired to teach coding to children of +ovB4aX3VCaI-00938-00215488-00215727 immigrants and children of color so they +ovB4aX3VCaI-00939-00215728-00215798 used +ovB4aX3VCaI-00940-00215800-00216119 culturally relevant narratives to engage +ovB4aX3VCaI-00941-00216119-00216319 children in a storytelling experience in +ovB4aX3VCaI-00942-00216319-00216439 which they started to use +ovB4aX3VCaI-00943-00216440-00216671 aspects of code logic to move the story +ovB4aX3VCaI-00944-00216671-00216855 forward +ovB4aX3VCaI-00945-00216856-00216982 we're also thinking about people with +ovB4aX3VCaI-00946-00216983-00217263 limited access like +ovB4aX3VCaI-00947-00217264-00217446 nicholas peters working in johannesburg +ovB4aX3VCaI-00948-00217448-00217631 south africa where digital literacy is a +ovB4aX3VCaI-00949-00217632-00217831 new skill +ovB4aX3VCaI-00950-00217832-00218055 or susan evans working in washington +ovB4aX3VCaI-00951-00218056-00218239 state prisons where there's limited or +ovB4aX3VCaI-00952-00218240-00218431 no internet access and thinking about +ovB4aX3VCaI-00953-00218432-00218591 different ways of teaching and the tools +ovB4aX3VCaI-00954-00218592-00218879 needed for that +ovB4aX3VCaI-00955-00218880-00219094 and increasingly a bigger and bigger +ovB4aX3VCaI-00956-00219096-00219215 part of the project has been thinking +ovB4aX3VCaI-00957-00219216-00219375 about disability +ovB4aX3VCaI-00958-00219376-00219567 and here we're focusing on blind and +ovB4aX3VCaI-00959-00219567-00219751 seeing impaired people in this workshop +ovB4aX3VCaI-00960-00219752-00219823 led by +ovB4aX3VCaI-00961-00219823-00220103 claire kearney volpe and this led us to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00962-00220104-00220246 a decision at our most recent +ovB4aX3VCaI-00963-00220248-00220398 contributors conference +ovB4aX3VCaI-00964-00220400-00220623 that going forward with the software we +ovB4aX3VCaI-00965-00220623-00220871 will not add any new features to p5 +ovB4aX3VCaI-00966-00220871-00221023 except those that increase +ovB4aX3VCaI-00967-00221023-00221398 access and so then that led us to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00968-00221400-00221591 really think through what do we mean by +ovB4aX3VCaI-00969-00221592-00221798 access and what do we mean by +ovB4aX3VCaI-00970-00221800-00222110 expanding access for who exactly +ovB4aX3VCaI-00971-00222111-00222406 and to write a clear access statement +ovB4aX3VCaI-00972-00222407-00222455 and so +ovB4aX3VCaI-00973-00222456-00222710 each time anyone requests a new feature +ovB4aX3VCaI-00974-00222711-00222791 or suggest +ovB4aX3VCaI-00975-00222792-00223039 something be added to the tool we engage +ovB4aX3VCaI-00976-00223040-00223158 in a conversation +ovB4aX3VCaI-00977-00223159-00223431 about access and what this particular +ovB4aX3VCaI-00978-00223432-00223479 feature +ovB4aX3VCaI-00979-00223480-00223719 might might do what it might open up or +ovB4aX3VCaI-00980-00223719-00223910 what barriers it might remove for other +ovB4aX3VCaI-00981-00223911-00223982 people +ovB4aX3VCaI-00982-00223983-00224206 and so with all this work i think i've +ovB4aX3VCaI-00983-00224207-00224382 started to realize that +ovB4aX3VCaI-00984-00224383-00224551 you know maybe it's not so much about +ovB4aX3VCaI-00985-00224552-00224758 fitting into the systems around us +ovB4aX3VCaI-00986-00224759-00224991 but really making our own creating the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00987-00224992-00225175 space you want with other people +ovB4aX3VCaI-00988-00225176-00225358 and then building strong networks to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00989-00225359-00225519 allow it to function and grow +ovB4aX3VCaI-00990-00225519-00225655 a software system is a set of +ovB4aX3VCaI-00991-00225656-00225910 instructions a code or a script +ovB4aX3VCaI-00992-00225911-00226094 and i'm often questioning whether it's +ovB4aX3VCaI-00993-00226096-00226351 reasonable to apply the same logic to +ovB4aX3VCaI-00994-00226352-00226494 social interaction +ovB4aX3VCaI-00995-00226496-00226703 for me it helps me to understand the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00996-00226704-00226910 system and interface with others +ovB4aX3VCaI-00997-00226911-00227231 but i also worry about what i miss +ovB4aX3VCaI-00998-00227232-00227358 there's a humanness in the +ovB4aX3VCaI-00999-00227359-00227582 interpretation of a social protocol +ovB4aX3VCaI-01000-00227583-00227775 whereas a machine interpreter demands a +ovB4aX3VCaI-01001-00227776-00228063 precise set of directions or it fails +ovB4aX3VCaI-01002-00228064-00228271 as technology moves ever closer to us +ovB4aX3VCaI-01003-00228271-00228439 the scripts start to blend +ovB4aX3VCaI-01004-00228440-00228639 so i'm chasing the program crashes that +ovB4aX3VCaI-01005-00228640-00228823 open something up +ovB4aX3VCaI-01006-00228823-00229055 i am embodying machines borrowing their +ovB4aX3VCaI-01007-00229056-00229134 language +ovB4aX3VCaI-01008-00229135-00229294 i'm trying to understand the distance +ovB4aX3VCaI-01009-00229296-00229479 between the algorithm and myself +ovB4aX3VCaI-01010-00229480-00229719 the distance between others and me is +ovB4aX3VCaI-01011-00229719-00229831 humor in the breakdown +ovB4aX3VCaI-01012-00229832-00230087 and also moments of clarity who writes +ovB4aX3VCaI-01013-00230088-00230310 the scripts for these artificial systems +ovB4aX3VCaI-01014-00230311-00230551 and what values do they embody who is +ovB4aX3VCaI-01015-00230552-00230742 prioritized and who is targeted +ovB4aX3VCaI-01016-00230744-00230982 as race gender disability and class are +ovB4aX3VCaI-01017-00230983-00231223 programmatically encoded and where are +ovB4aX3VCaI-01018-00231223-00231358 the boundaries around our intimate +ovB4aX3VCaI-01019-00231359-00231479 spaces +ovB4aX3VCaI-01020-00231480-00231639 perpetually in touch via networked +ovB4aX3VCaI-01021-00231640-00231927 interfaces what does it mean to be truly +ovB4aX3VCaI-01022-00231928-00232127 present +ovB4aX3VCaI-01023-00232128-00232707 thank you so much +ovB4aX3VCaI-01024-00232708-00233991 [Music] +ovB4aX3VCaI-01025-00233992-00234200 you +ozfWbfFFqGI-00000-00001539-00002051 so would you tell sir ki they had my +ozfWbfFFqGI-00001-00002052-00002451 grandparents were born in Russia Sergei +ozfWbfFFqGI-00002-00002452-00002735 are a detail if Rainey on a poster couch +ozfWbfFFqGI-00003-00002736-00003065 to personally I near a jealous Rossi +ozfWbfFFqGI-00004-00003066-00003444 model let's remember I Madhava Madhava +ozfWbfFFqGI-00005-00003445-00004266 yes mahdavi verga drishyam we legend I +ozfWbfFFqGI-00006-00004267-00004658 am banoffee program OC would Nona's taro +ozfWbfFFqGI-00007-00004659-00005000 bridge I would say Tara bridge between +ozfWbfFFqGI-00008-00005001-00005427 Russia and the United States and on our +ozfWbfFFqGI-00009-00005428-00005832 side guest of our Sun gaze radio studio +ozfWbfFFqGI-00010-00005833-00006267 Franny Robbins tarot reader Freni hi hi +ozfWbfFFqGI-00011-00006268-00006824 and from Russian side Sergei's often +ozfWbfFFqGI-00012-00006825-00007249 occur a very famous tarot readers and +ozfWbfFFqGI-00013-00007250-00007950 the director of own Tara school and made +ozfWbfFFqGI-00014-00007951-00008382 lots of lots of reading for his +ozfWbfFFqGI-00015-00008383-00008817 experience of 25 years turkey drishya +ozfWbfFFqGI-00016-00008818-00009135 yes Tokyo skazala tombstone has produced +ozfWbfFFqGI-00017-00009136-00009618 with moisture is Narcy Stanley loves to +ozfWbfFFqGI-00018-00009619-00009953 disengage radio at a friend remains is +ozfWbfFFqGI-00019-00009954-00010496 sistani regime is vs Nate are all +ozfWbfFFqGI-00020-00010497-00010923 expected was a CPC latinum stutter en +ozfWbfFFqGI-00021-00010924-00011285 taro a bikini atoll circus option karaka +ozfWbfFFqGI-00022-00011286-00011564 with the Scala Sergei's draft Witcher +ozfWbfFFqGI-00023-00011565-00012083 blue blazer da on da Chavez honest otra +ozfWbfFFqGI-00024-00012084-00012507 Rima unas horas de chicago g3 sudra he's +ozfWbfFFqGI-00025-00012508-00012885 taking her and I duh +ozfWbfFFqGI-00026-00012886-00013525 in Moscow it's 19 moscovici with NASA +ozfWbfFFqGI-00027-00013526-00013930 treats at 1930 okay sorry to mix the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00028-00013931-00014272 most languages what is that you can +ozfWbfFFqGI-00029-00014272-00014463 speak one language i can speak another +ozfWbfFFqGI-00030-00014465-00014997 language all right ok let's start my +ozfWbfFFqGI-00031-00014999-00015480 question my question today is 11 11 11 +ozfWbfFFqGI-00032-00015481-00015937 11 Sergei she wouldna Adina stern abria +ozfWbfFFqGI-00033-00015938-00016384 a Genesis a Genesis what at this date if +ozfWbfFFqGI-00034-00016385-00016725 it does what this date means to you +ozfWbfFFqGI-00035-00016726-00017035 Sergei stole as the shade at the data +ozfWbfFFqGI-00036-00017036-00017404 yeah of us total summer process Adele +ozfWbfFFqGI-00037-00017405-00017815 Franny Franny please York answer what is +ozfWbfFFqGI-00038-00017816-00018154 1111 does it mean this date anything +ozfWbfFFqGI-00039-00018155-00018685 Quintero well in numerology the any kind +ozfWbfFFqGI-00040-00018686-00018928 of sequence of numbers the same number +ozfWbfFFqGI-00041-00018929-00019270 gives it more energy so act the way I +ozfWbfFFqGI-00042-00019271-00019725 perceive ones are angels so here we have +ozfWbfFFqGI-00043-00019726-00020293 four ones so we're really bringing in a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00044-00020294-00020980 strong angelic energy 30 does motivate +ozfWbfFFqGI-00045-00020981-00021259 it would see through Kaka's +ozfWbfFFqGI-00046-00021260-00021616 knock at angle of Stoli oyster Adina's +ozfWbfFFqGI-00047-00021617-00021865 it's a chi minh city touching she slow +ozfWbfFFqGI-00048-00021866-00022165 taquoia Katara chester street chelsea is +ozfWbfFFqGI-00049-00022166-00022333 the Chula akuto it was not just a vote +ozfWbfFFqGI-00050-00022334-00022735 but their sugar dang GUI ya eeka buta +ozfWbfFFqGI-00051-00022736-00023155 snacks fearful swisher is not broken +ozfWbfFFqGI-00052-00023156-00023365 it's just adorable you see before next +ozfWbfFFqGI-00053-00023366-00023647 week ago a chestful of wars upon +ozfWbfFFqGI-00054-00023648-00023860 accordingly did it so when is the bush +ozfWbfFFqGI-00055-00023861-00023974 would be best with their core stability +ozfWbfFFqGI-00056-00023975-00024339 research the new really generous daniels +ozfWbfFFqGI-00057-00024340-00024694 you check up with enough she's not a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00058-00024695-00024955 teacher at the way you do I just don't +ozfWbfFFqGI-00059-00024956-00025222 even remember them okay so oh these +ozfWbfFFqGI-00060-00025223-00025440 goals by +ozfWbfFFqGI-00061-00025441-00025864 the glass or lecture or something like +ozfWbfFFqGI-00062-00025866-00026226 something important in life not numbers +ozfWbfFFqGI-00063-00026227-00027027 okay with this okay Frannie Sergei made +ozfWbfFFqGI-00064-00027027-00027732 a list of questions and you might start +ozfWbfFFqGI-00065-00027733-00028098 answering that question which I will say +ozfWbfFFqGI-00066-00028099-00028554 on Russian Sergei episode many of skype +ozfWbfFFqGI-00067-00028555-00028877 national Naga voprosov if I he always be +ozfWbfFFqGI-00068-00028879-00029376 at all w-wait in NH of a process no you +ozfWbfFFqGI-00069-00029377-00029544 said it in English her to just start +ozfWbfFFqGI-00070-00029545-00030072 with your question okay questions what +ozfWbfFFqGI-00071-00030073-00031455 are your audience yeah kakima process do +ozfWbfFFqGI-00072-00031456-00031926 cliente kakaya varsha auditorium what um +ozfWbfFFqGI-00073-00031927-00032277 what our usual question that your +ozfWbfFFqGI-00074-00032277-00032586 warrants are asking input is your +ozfWbfFFqGI-00075-00032587-00033105 audience yeah the worshipful master of +ozfWbfFFqGI-00076-00033106-00033648 Rosa in the sequence so your answer and +ozfWbfFFqGI-00077-00033649-00034065 then you ask your question okay okay so +ozfWbfFFqGI-00078-00034066-00034367 um I work with people on a conscious +ozfWbfFFqGI-00079-00034368-00034827 spiritual path of brainerd with it was a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00080-00034828-00035082 nice gemuk donahoo Jetson a the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00081-00035083-00035406 whole nevarez Vidya it was no object or +ozfWbfFFqGI-00082-00035407-00035838 issued a nutrient nevarez VT issued the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00083-00035839-00036063 hope tomorrow's meeting my first +ozfWbfFFqGI-00084-00036064-00036378 introduction to taro was with a Jungian +ozfWbfFFqGI-00085-00036379-00036834 analyst of appointed leader at the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00086-00036835-00037080 polity ever there was no constant here +ozfWbfFFqGI-00087-00037081-00037319 was the calm Samia chivito Yong Yong +ozfWbfFFqGI-00088-00037320-00037715 skatopia is here my younger and so the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00089-00037716-00038112 focus on archetypal energies o friend +ozfWbfFFqGI-00090-00038113-00038391 Felicia Watson ah I see +ozfWbfFFqGI-00091-00038392-00038753 an energy archetype oh no at a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00092-00038754-00038991 particular the archetype of a vehicle +ozfWbfFFqGI-00093-00038992-00039522 oops don't sleep Olga and I use through +ozfWbfFFqGI-00094-00039523-00039831 the years the 20 some years I've been +ozfWbfFFqGI-00095-00039832-00040320 studying and working with taro the focus +ozfWbfFFqGI-00096-00040321-00040682 has been and using a person's birthday +ozfWbfFFqGI-00097-00040683-00041148 is abutted simulate a robot estero R&D +ozfWbfFFqGI-00098-00041149-00041385 forest no no ma unless de la crosse +ozfWbfFFqGI-00099-00041386-00041829 auditors dania e potamus bosnic I'd can +ozfWbfFFqGI-00100-00041830-00042246 talk now my test movie so I take the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00101-00042247-00042654 numbers of the birthday and then I bring +ozfWbfFFqGI-00102-00042655-00043080 them down to 21 or under to find out the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00103-00043081-00043341 archetypal energies that a person was +ozfWbfFFqGI-00104-00043342-00043704 born with their partners daniel squad +ozfWbfFFqGI-00105-00043705-00044073 which is linear Genia e WT vote dad was +ozfWbfFFqGI-00106-00044074-00044511 dead niveau Alinea e open my car key our +ozfWbfFFqGI-00107-00044512-00044952 key tip ha ha and that gives me insight +ozfWbfFFqGI-00108-00044953-00045284 major of maklumat but down by Furcal +ozfWbfFFqGI-00109-00045285-00045813 that gives me insight into some of the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00110-00045814-00046092 reasons they've been born this lifetime +ozfWbfFFqGI-00111-00046093-00046353 yet the diode vozmozhnosti pretty leads +ozfWbfFFqGI-00112-00046354-00046575 pochemu chihuahua credulous kakoi +ozfWbfFFqGI-00113-00046576-00046806 energies Kakui ask a completeness +ozfWbfFFqGI-00114-00046807-00046971 titanium blechy watch our cradle +ozfWbfFFqGI-00115-00046972-00047301 servitors is near visual wet oh geez so +ozfWbfFFqGI-00116-00047302-00047583 that's that's significant when I'm +ozfWbfFFqGI-00117-00047584-00047960 working with somebody because these +ozfWbfFFqGI-00118-00047961-00048333 archetypal energies are part of who they +ozfWbfFFqGI-00119-00048334-00048903 are they're they're authentic self first +ozfWbfFFqGI-00120-00048904-00049260 attention slope because of it joy there +ozfWbfFFqGI-00121-00049261-00049662 is nothing evilution esta the is +ozfWbfFFqGI-00122-00049663-00049918 the bus terminal +ozfWbfFFqGI-00123-00049919-00050203 so it helps me when I'm doing a reading +ozfWbfFFqGI-00124-00050204-00050566 for somebody because let's say that a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00125-00050567-00050875 person's architectural energy is the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00126-00050876-00051289 Hermit so I won't expect somebody that +ozfWbfFFqGI-00127-00051290-00051612 I'm doing a reading for that's a hermit +ozfWbfFFqGI-00128-00051613-00051964 to respond right away they would take +ozfWbfFFqGI-00129-00051965-00052389 their time to take the information and +ozfWbfFFqGI-00130-00052390-00052744 process it number variants each other +ozfWbfFFqGI-00131-00052745-00053062 this shows us our katiba ma Harmon +ozfWbfFFqGI-00132-00053063-00053410 attack tacos that's Jenna kept those +ozfWbfFFqGI-00133-00053411-00054016 keys machine uniform night on me +ozfWbfFFqGI-00134-00054016-00054214 Buddhist Rizzo the device no cover +ozfWbfFFqGI-00135-00054215-00054345 process of all campus leash +ozfWbfFFqGI-00136-00054346-00054628 competitivity palacio de una vez una +ozfWbfFFqGI-00137-00054629-00054862 varistor pinyon pine st manada butters +ozfWbfFFqGI-00138-00054863-00055288 dodge the Buddha tulsa Oh responsible +ozfWbfFFqGI-00139-00055289-00055609 party po Cherica an original stores talk +ozfWbfFFqGI-00140-00055610-00056042 economist baby ste mesogenic +ozfWbfFFqGI-00141-00056044-00057092 you your help oh you guys be ready +ozfWbfFFqGI-00142-00057094-00057400 because I will ask your questions both +ozfWbfFFqGI-00143-00057401-00057934 of you and we be ready to make enter +ozfWbfFFqGI-00144-00057935-00058205 equation by tero daughter reading +ozfWbfFFqGI-00145-00058207-00058507 Aramaic original boss yeah yeah yeahs +ozfWbfFFqGI-00146-00058508-00058816 Madame's Adama pros evil vol.19 the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00147-00058816-00059086 tonnopro see posterity situated in my +ozfWbfFFqGI-00148-00059087-00059442 purse water okay I see a activated +ozfWbfFFqGI-00149-00059444-00059929 LED purpose Franny please do you have +ozfWbfFFqGI-00150-00059929-00060291 questions to circuit I'm curious about +ozfWbfFFqGI-00151-00060291-00060664 your intention how do you work with +ozfWbfFFqGI-00152-00060665-00061075 people what is your focus principe Papa +ozfWbfFFqGI-00153-00061076-00061396 shivaprasad chill meda ab Ratna a brat +ozfWbfFFqGI-00154-00061397-00061690 Navarro sonata gtmo natural focus area +ozfWbfFFqGI-00155-00061691-00062161 discarded la da de da de Aquila de +ozfWbfFFqGI-00156-00062162-00062453 compra could somehow rose now +ozfWbfFFqGI-00157-00062454-00062763 so very different different people there +ozfWbfFFqGI-00158-00062764-00063515 is no one type of all for coming +ozfWbfFFqGI-00159-00063516-00064113 housewives jus businessmen's okay when +ozfWbfFFqGI-00160-00064114-00064278 did this brush a deep breath and supple +ozfWbfFFqGI-00161-00064279-00064635 it's a CD he's got uh criminals +ozfWbfFFqGI-00162-00064636-00064836 criminals are asking to where to hide +ozfWbfFFqGI-00163-00064837-00065472 and police asking where to find so boss +ozfWbfFFqGI-00164-00065473-00065784 on both sides and he doesn't know what +ozfWbfFFqGI-00165-00065785-00066639 side he need to take so it's Oh Donald +ozfWbfFFqGI-00166-00066640-00066846 Ross conditioning make a very messed up +ozfWbfFFqGI-00167-00066847-00067047 but it's Prussia Rita yoni's night to +ozfWbfFFqGI-00168-00067048-00067377 store enough yet potomu chto whatta okay +ozfWbfFFqGI-00169-00067378-00067629 Kimmy that police limits of oyster on +ozfWbfFFqGI-00170-00067630-00067881 there so when you walk past me rabota +ozfWbfFFqGI-00171-00067882-00068336 uncover it yes he has very dangerous +ozfWbfFFqGI-00172-00068337-00068613 finished he need to be some in the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00173-00068614-00068952 balance of reserves so sports find a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00174-00068953-00069525 good dancers uh okay uh Freddie she's +ozfWbfFFqGI-00175-00069526-00069813 not done oh I'm sorry skipper doll +ozfWbfFFqGI-00176-00069814-00070104 jerseys frozen know some doctor on +ozfWbfFFqGI-00177-00070105-00070422 Australia the earlier business in the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00178-00070423-00070617 day is a delicious capable villain well +ozfWbfFFqGI-00179-00070618-00070950 the various questions from house to +ozfWbfFFqGI-00180-00070951-00071292 relationships sometimes is a I so Terry +ozfWbfFFqGI-00181-00071293-00071607 questions mostly just general health I +ozfWbfFFqGI-00182-00071608-00071958 mean life questions and is it where does +ozfWbfFFqGI-00183-00071959-00072297 his information come from strictly from +ozfWbfFFqGI-00184-00072298-00072570 the tarot cards the way there the spread +ozfWbfFFqGI-00185-00072571-00072876 is the way they're laid out or is +ozfWbfFFqGI-00186-00072877-00073271 genuine or it more intuitive process +ozfWbfFFqGI-00187-00073272-00073635 davita a sacar de otra vez no no play +ozfWbfFFqGI-00188-00073636-00073911 Houghton formats ax paris colada toy so +ozfWbfFFqGI-00189-00073912-00074175 it's 90 cards the cheney cart le +ozfWbfFFqGI-00190-00074176-00074703 intuitive nuh ya know the choice baby +ozfWbfFFqGI-00191-00074704-00074934 anything to Tina yes book it starts +ozfWbfFFqGI-00192-00074935-00075207 custom +ozfWbfFFqGI-00193-00075208-00075547 lan- intuitive not yet to catch the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00194-00075548-00076299 record stubborn attention Michael ok +ozfWbfFFqGI-00195-00076300-00076711 Rita does editon ously should not +ozfWbfFFqGI-00196-00076712-00077131 microphone rebooted microphone reported +ozfWbfFFqGI-00197-00077132-00077521 no no think near aborted initial yeah a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00198-00077522-00078322 yeah period or any he said he'd try not +ozfWbfFFqGI-00199-00078323-00078757 to be to do intuitive because sometimes +ozfWbfFFqGI-00200-00078758-00079131 it's psychology sometimes it's something +ozfWbfFFqGI-00201-00079132-00079522 interfere with his own opinion so it's +ozfWbfFFqGI-00202-00079523-00079776 strictly terror assault nothing else +ozfWbfFFqGI-00203-00079777-00080146 okay oh yes so nice especially almost an +ozfWbfFFqGI-00204-00080147-00080398 engineer so I kept quiet what's with +ozfWbfFFqGI-00205-00080399-00080812 Jason I said it's a duh yeah we supposed +ozfWbfFFqGI-00206-00080813-00080988 to take social don't know she's awesome +ozfWbfFFqGI-00207-00080989-00081219 God Danny in multiple chicopee process +ozfWbfFFqGI-00208-00081220-00081760 car okay he tried to use his own +ozfWbfFFqGI-00209-00081761-00082363 condition luck and his purpose and not +ozfWbfFFqGI-00210-00082364-00082612 to be attached to something again just +ozfWbfFFqGI-00211-00082613-00083059 try to read what carcass a tarot card +ozfWbfFFqGI-00212-00083060-00083609 say +ozfWbfFFqGI-00213-00083610-00084299 ok Rita translate please what systems +ozfWbfFFqGI-00214-00084300-00084840 people ask about system posted Pac we +ozfWbfFFqGI-00215-00084841-00085242 see see me dr. Danny wait Crawley ed his +ozfWbfFFqGI-00216-00085243-00085536 to ask occurs when a human system are +ozfWbfFFqGI-00217-00085537-00085869 you using great khali or any other cider +ozfWbfFFqGI-00218-00085870-00086577 wait wait wait ya know when exposed to +ozfWbfFFqGI-00219-00086578-00087363 TMO our Torah waiter know why not an +ozfWbfFFqGI-00220-00087364-00087549 attack she aperture at the system you're +ozfWbfFFqGI-00221-00087550-00087804 also teaching yes I'll buy this system +ozfWbfFFqGI-00222-00087805-00088326 yes yes the archetypal taro isogi Sergei +ozfWbfFFqGI-00223-00088327-00088683 a kakaya who was varsha some alumni she +ozfWbfFFqGI-00224-00088684-00089139 seemed a pocket or we even got a ETA was +ozfWbfFFqGI-00225-00089140-00089355 not exaggerating conditional jaywon in +ozfWbfFFqGI-00226-00089356-00089808 which computer button oh he's using wait +ozfWbfFFqGI-00227-00089809-00090671 but he reworked it Oh his own way ok +ozfWbfFFqGI-00228-00090672-00091157 let's do some reading ah ok have a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00229-00091158-00091487 question no we have questions on a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00230-00091488-00091730 theist nagoba process na ktora meet with +ozfWbfFFqGI-00231-00091731-00092040 Papa graduated MIT my res babam schedule +ozfWbfFFqGI-00232-00092041-00092259 practical the process the other +ozfWbfFFqGI-00233-00092260-00092585 metabolic Jimmy edit a yesterday +ozfWbfFFqGI-00234-00092586-00092972 23 of a pro sick friend shaggy I didn't +ozfWbfFFqGI-00235-00092973-00093554 social workers well well let's let's ask +ozfWbfFFqGI-00236-00093555-00093953 about the sample 11 against Whitaker +ozfWbfFFqGI-00237-00093954-00094197 Briana's a horror show to the deal its +ozfWbfFFqGI-00238-00094198-00094541 event America Lee idea illing it out for +ozfWbfFFqGI-00239-00094542-00094785 that's you know the question December's +ozfWbfFFqGI-00240-00094786-00095093 living if it's a good day for sure you +ozfWbfFFqGI-00241-00095094-00096511 should worship really ah relaxing the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00242-00096512-00096806 pre-event and I asked him if I good for +ozfWbfFFqGI-00243-00096807-00097355 I took up money to come ok so again with +ozfWbfFFqGI-00244-00097356-00097493 ocean TLS you have a sniveling like +ozfWbfFFqGI-00245-00097494-00097811 renew velocity osu anything done movies +ozfWbfFFqGI-00246-00097812-00098222 in pattern okay no I put all my possible +ozfWbfFFqGI-00247-00098223-00098565 would in the water with you so you +ozfWbfFFqGI-00248-00098566-00098888 should the right email Nichelle a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00249-00098889-00099200 post-mortem stole Apollo of rhenium for +ozfWbfFFqGI-00250-00099201-00099621 any of what car do you have can you show +ozfWbfFFqGI-00251-00099622-00100196 yes oh there's a wait there seven cards +ozfWbfFFqGI-00252-00100197-00100584 another waitress Claude na died not yet +ozfWbfFFqGI-00253-00100585-00100844 dial in yet Atticus IAM carton it would +ozfWbfFFqGI-00254-00100845-00101182 cut book wave attack drone noises it's +ozfWbfFFqGI-00255-00101183-00101651 available truth I don't summer I did I I +ozfWbfFFqGI-00256-00101652-00101903 didn't cheat or 'this is Maya Carter +ozfWbfFFqGI-00257-00101904-00102269 Prince Patricia close so this is the to +ozfWbfFFqGI-00258-00102270-00102692 a lip to eliminate a 50-50 chance of an +ozfWbfFFqGI-00259-00102693-00103061 answer being yes or no these are the two +ozfWbfFFqGI-00260-00103063-00103337 cards it's a gothic authorial these are +ozfWbfFFqGI-00261-00103338-00103572 the two cards that I pay attention the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00262-00103573-00103760 fourth card of us no no mana bruschetta +ozfWbfFFqGI-00263-00103761-00103831 pneumonia +ozfWbfFFqGI-00264-00103832-00104104 7th this is my so it gives me +ozfWbfFFqGI-00265-00104105-00104377 information that a new path is required +ozfWbfFFqGI-00266-00104378-00104755 the owl is reverse another smotret heta +ozfWbfFFqGI-00267-00104756-00105028 Gardiner te karthi who is the Nova puts +ozfWbfFFqGI-00268-00105029-00105427 tributes innova puta puta and so for to +ozfWbfFFqGI-00269-00105428-00105840 create more money in their lives they +ozfWbfFFqGI-00270-00105841-00106148 need to look at a new path this data +ozfWbfFFqGI-00271-00106149-00106315 burst open knows that establish depeche +ozfWbfFFqGI-00272-00106316-00106540 leading gainers now NORs knob posmotri +ozfWbfFFqGI-00273-00106541-00106763 na Novus kakuta Keaton always possible +ozfWbfFFqGI-00274-00106764-00107050 nova at grades so i would i would +ozfWbfFFqGI-00275-00107051-00107350 tell her if i was doing an individual +ozfWbfFFqGI-00276-00107351-00107645 reading with her i would tell her let's +ozfWbfFFqGI-00277-00107646-00107887 identify some other objects to create +ozfWbfFFqGI-00278-00107888-00108253 wealth and abundance tell your coo me +ozfWbfFFqGI-00279-00108254-00108668 you i asked question us twist yes Liana +ozfWbfFFqGI-00280-00108669-00108886 buy me a delicate album young friend +ozfWbfFFqGI-00281-00108888-00109094 Ibanez Cazalas to da Prez motoring +ozfWbfFFqGI-00282-00109095-00109325 poquito nowhere was motionless t know +ozfWbfFFqGI-00283-00109326-00109600 where was molested the hood of no Nova +ozfWbfFFqGI-00284-00109601-00110168 you mean a new way new pests to do +ozfWbfFFqGI-00285-00110169-00110515 not such event different event or +ozfWbfFFqGI-00286-00110516-00110835 different way she could do the event +ozfWbfFFqGI-00287-00110836-00111323 it's I'm looking at the other cards it's +ozfWbfFFqGI-00288-00111324-00111709 a choice put it that way but its +ozfWbfFFqGI-00289-00111710-00112094 necessary to identify other options or +ozfWbfFFqGI-00290-00112095-00112594 other ways of creating abundance no +ozfWbfFFqGI-00291-00112595-00112958 ousama tastes know where 19 / put seen / +ozfWbfFFqGI-00292-00112958-00113222 vozmozhnosti toaster event Murrieta +ozfWbfFFqGI-00293-00113223-00113450 Murrieta enough in Spanish nikak datapad +ozfWbfFFqGI-00294-00113451-00114079 rokosz todos Patrick oh okay Oh Paco +ozfWbfFFqGI-00295-00114080-00114316 Zarra spot no para hermanos karachi +ozfWbfFFqGI-00296-00114317-00115058 liepaja russia-led go sweden I religion +ozfWbfFFqGI-00297-00115058-00115228 in the Pharaoh shaylisa bleacher better +ozfWbfFFqGI-00298-00115229-00115445 generally mothership person yeah you do +ozfWbfFFqGI-00299-00115446-00115832 super oh sure people are the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00300-00115833-00116033 store Oh secretary +ozfWbfFFqGI-00301-00116034-00116697 the event okay yeah i mean the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00302-00116698-00117116 polynesian approach secured okay i'm +ozfWbfFFqGI-00303-00117117-00117584 sorry to be available hello sonos it a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00304-00117585-00117864 year they're not busy yeah yeah there's +ozfWbfFFqGI-00305-00117865-00118460 no very Italian tension right person at +ozfWbfFFqGI-00306-00118461-00118818 the requirement in hermosa well and also +ozfWbfFFqGI-00307-00118819-00119078 commercial and information that was his +ozfWbfFFqGI-00308-00119079-00119352 cart represent them this in the world +ozfWbfFFqGI-00309-00119353-00119666 don't give it a superhuman so it says +ozfWbfFFqGI-00310-00119667-00119949 this event wouldn't get special +ozfWbfFFqGI-00311-00119950-00120357 attention if very special attention no +ozfWbfFFqGI-00312-00120358-00120723 also chamber 13 machinery which amends +ozfWbfFFqGI-00313-00120724-00121261 done too much attention tension and +ozfWbfFFqGI-00314-00121263-00121827 emotional emotions hmm attached to it ok +ozfWbfFFqGI-00315-00121828-00122532 ok shaggy yes Lee was the post him what +ozfWbfFFqGI-00316-00122533-00122833 a systemic a todo por juice freddie is +ozfWbfFFqGI-00317-00122834-00123488 their system that you use +ozfWbfFFqGI-00318-00123489-00123723 papapetrou systemic atrocious poor +ozfWbfFFqGI-00319-00123724-00123933 devils friended letter off to boot i SAT +ozfWbfFFqGI-00320-00123933-00124253 Viet nights of a process to predispose +ozfWbfFFqGI-00321-00124254-00124583 oh yeah yeah what and I tend to +ozfWbfFFqGI-00322-00124584-00124877 pretty tiruvalla pani attitude yeah mu +ozfWbfFFqGI-00323-00124878-00125290 mu dou dou it's okay understood your +ozfWbfFFqGI-00324-00125291-00125636 interpretation can you freni more expand +ozfWbfFFqGI-00325-00125638-00126069 your interpretation ok visual so this +ozfWbfFFqGI-00326-00126070-00126340 card when when I do the seven card +ozfWbfFFqGI-00327-00126341-00126846 Brazil it's a raspado ATM card then I +ozfWbfFFqGI-00328-00126847-00127248 look at cared for and card seven on the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00329-00127249-00127470 smooth with no calluses moil in its +ozfWbfFFqGI-00330-00127471-00127806 vertical and they have helps eliminate a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00331-00127807-00128252 guess of yes or no it's it because um +ozfWbfFFqGI-00332-00128253-00128609 because i'm using two different cards +ozfWbfFFqGI-00333-00128610-00128919 you know i'ma try to cut but at what +ozfWbfFFqGI-00334-00128920-00129321 clennita Stanley bottom the piñatas see +ozfWbfFFqGI-00335-00129322-00129846 we still at voyeur tochni otvet ok so in +ozfWbfFFqGI-00336-00129847-00130295 terms of doing the event and December +ozfWbfFFqGI-00337-00130296-00130644 11th it's saying what how I'm +ozfWbfFFqGI-00338-00130645-00130979 interpreting it really is an appropriate +ozfWbfFFqGI-00339-00130980-00131418 for them a new path is needed it from my +ozfWbfFFqGI-00340-00131419-00131703 interpretation look Tucker's against the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00341-00131704-00132179 right but that's ok we got ok ok but I'm +ozfWbfFFqGI-00342-00132180-00132444 looking at the other cards to known as +ozfWbfFFqGI-00343-00132445-00132723 malignant get carted so I need 2 TSP +ozfWbfFFqGI-00344-00132724-00133016 Ravana techno got agita maybe we should +ozfWbfFFqGI-00345-00133017-00133332 talk about ok maybe mary bates a good +ozfWbfFFqGI-00346-00133333-00133668 moment to talk about rigorous cards it's +ozfWbfFFqGI-00347-00133669-00133860 okay yeah yeah toothbrush will prob +ozfWbfFFqGI-00348-00133861-00134187 paternity cart a witchy more week in +ozfWbfFFqGI-00349-00134188-00134540 your ass motivates yeah that wisdom of +ozfWbfFFqGI-00350-00134541-00134922 the usual consensus he doesn't see me +ozfWbfFFqGI-00351-00134923-00135428 any I use it as there's some resistance +ozfWbfFFqGI-00352-00135429-00135825 going on Oh friendless motivated Tsikata +ozfWbfFFqGI-00353-00135826-00136407 caca Kakui Jota Virginia she stood up +ozfWbfFFqGI-00354-00136408-00136749 finish Capital Region supportively is +ozfWbfFFqGI-00355-00136750-00136989 effectively any attachment on the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00356-00136990-00137490 technical grandma could be what did I +ozfWbfFFqGI-00357-00137491-00137741 was just focus on your prima in a pillar +ozfWbfFFqGI-00358-00137742-00138065 in 10 video he's showing it our street +ozfWbfFFqGI-00359-00138066-00138704 or reversed and next I first started yet +ozfWbfFFqGI-00360-00138705-00139196 visually boost yeah visually ona NE mogu +ozfWbfFFqGI-00361-00139197-00139737 spirit I say it in like a 3d oh ok +ozfWbfFFqGI-00362-00139738-00139888 nothing matter +ozfWbfFFqGI-00363-00139889-00140254 haha right it's different it's a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00364-00140255-00140577 different approach is different ah ok +ozfWbfFFqGI-00365-00140578-00140995 rainy obelisk on Russian and Twitter +ozfWbfFFqGI-00366-00140996-00141325 will translate Sergei equation stop +ozfWbfFFqGI-00367-00141326-00141667 warships on Zotero mystic ellipse +ozfWbfFFqGI-00368-00141668-00142285 ecology Oh woman what for you internal +ozfWbfFFqGI-00369-00142286-00142713 is there more mystics or psychology oh +ozfWbfFFqGI-00370-00142714-00143283 it's a robot I i do get more information +ozfWbfFFqGI-00371-00143284-00143623 intuitively unapologetic was to inform +ozfWbfFFqGI-00372-00143624-00144130 on see it was this very intuitive but +ozfWbfFFqGI-00373-00144131-00144460 the cards because the cards have been +ozfWbfFFqGI-00374-00144461-00144949 imprinted with my relationship with the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00375-00144950-00145318 cards they speak to me no photo most are +ozfWbfFFqGI-00376-00145319-00145567 undone opposites of kakita of the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00377-00145568-00145798 madness Enix car to me I knees near as +ozfWbfFFqGI-00378-00145799-00146760 Guevara would I want +ozfWbfFFqGI-00379-00146761-00147312 I have question I no answer Sergei's +ozfWbfFFqGI-00380-00147313-00147660 answer already after but I don't know +ozfWbfFFqGI-00381-00147661-00148203 your answer so what is a tarot reading +ozfWbfFFqGI-00382-00148204-00148647 for you is it a routine or something +ozfWbfFFqGI-00383-00148648-00149100 different or creativity or fun or +ozfWbfFFqGI-00384-00149101-00149453 pleasure that's what you mean for me +ozfWbfFFqGI-00385-00149454-00149748 Myra mainly your cousin I I can no +ozfWbfFFqGI-00386-00149749-00150135 longer use it for myself no for yourself +ozfWbfFFqGI-00387-00150136-00150474 when you do when a client asking you is +ozfWbfFFqGI-00388-00150475-00150978 it a client stayin in line e and asking +ozfWbfFFqGI-00389-00150979-00151269 you questions one after another is +ozfWbfFFqGI-00390-00151270-00151635 another so it may become you become +ozfWbfFFqGI-00391-00151636-00151968 bored maybe and it become a routine or +ozfWbfFFqGI-00392-00151969-00152262 it's always creativity for you it's it's +ozfWbfFFqGI-00393-00152263-00152670 always different I usually do a general +ozfWbfFFqGI-00394-00152671-00152958 reading first based on the issue that +ozfWbfFFqGI-00395-00152959-00153395 they want to explore uh yeah special +ozfWbfFFqGI-00396-00153396-00153890 friend aura Catania carta para la rutina +ozfWbfFFqGI-00397-00153891-00154391 de Franny aletta kokota for chest well +ozfWbfFFqGI-00398-00154392-00154821 he appreciates a lead a wood photo cutie +ozfWbfFFqGI-00399-00154822-00155175 cat estate virtual DJ aditya process of +ozfWbfFFqGI-00400-00155176-00155645 the issue he knock over it a toast oh +ozfWbfFFqGI-00401-00155646-00155978 great of sita absolutely the last night +ozfWbfFFqGI-00402-00155979-00156318 to a teeny blessedly new or chili normal +ozfWbfFFqGI-00403-00156319-00156447 diamond was an immense earnest +ozfWbfFFqGI-00404-00156448-00156651 consolidated what it's a friggin Watsa +ozfWbfFFqGI-00405-00156652-00157053 million friendly do you have question +ozfWbfFFqGI-00406-00157054-00157968 for Sergei um no okay then I will say on +ozfWbfFFqGI-00407-00157969-00158369 Russian leader will translate kaka kaka +ozfWbfFFqGI-00408-00158370-00158804 society status tera vaada of sin yonder +ozfWbfFFqGI-00409-00158805-00158980 stuff +ozfWbfFFqGI-00410-00158981-00159262 mm-hmm is there official stairs for +ozfWbfFFqGI-00411-00159263-00159514 tarot reader now here in the United +ozfWbfFFqGI-00412-00159515-00159900 States is there is a good job or that I +ozfWbfFFqGI-00413-00159901-00160375 could I say it's a calling Oh if I'm +ozfWbfFFqGI-00414-00160376-00160933 called to do that no there's no there is +ozfWbfFFqGI-00415-00160934-00161289 no official status in yeah and no +ozfWbfFFqGI-00416-00161290-00161614 institution like Terrell institution +ozfWbfFFqGI-00417-00161615-00162040 well there are schools that teach terror +ozfWbfFFqGI-00418-00162041-00162457 official schools they're not certified +ozfWbfFFqGI-00419-00162458-00162826 there's no certification in the united +ozfWbfFFqGI-00420-00162827-00163180 states that I'm aware of nicha whatta +ozfWbfFFqGI-00421-00163181-00163384 course it's an avenue to Tanya technical +ozfWbfFFqGI-00422-00163385-00163603 certificates a blade of a prostate exam +ozfWbfFFqGI-00423-00163604-00163972 common rabbits at the dildo mellow +ozfWbfFFqGI-00424-00163973-00164446 sudoku proposes a thorough ah well up a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00425-00164447-00164779 bit well guess his question was most +ozfWbfFFqGI-00426-00164780-00165193 like how his society relates you that +ozfWbfFFqGI-00427-00165194-00165622 are we in the formulation well I work +ozfWbfFFqGI-00428-00165623-00166026 with a specific group so the group that +ozfWbfFFqGI-00429-00166027-00166378 I work with they around a conscious +ozfWbfFFqGI-00430-00166379-00166792 spiritual path and they believe in Tarot +ozfWbfFFqGI-00431-00166793-00167155 as divination that guidance is coming +ozfWbfFFqGI-00432-00167156-00167394 through direction is coming through +ozfWbfFFqGI-00433-00167395-00167713 first a group it was another low road +ozfWbfFFqGI-00434-00167714-00167866 scattering a friend near a booty Tonya +ozfWbfFFqGI-00435-00167867-00168079 NOS good night on the home num put zeros +ozfWbfFFqGI-00436-00168080-00168250 which attacker cannot principio de +ozfWbfFFqGI-00437-00168251-00168445 brasĂ­lia bollam na girl yet Moyes Nita +ozfWbfFFqGI-00438-00168446-00168742 mapas new comedy guide vitamin e +ozfWbfFFqGI-00439-00168743-00168949 prihodit Lucy kotori enough quoted so +ozfWbfFFqGI-00440-00168950-00169246 goodnight m40 sweetie Lenny hit a cop +ozfWbfFFqGI-00441-00169247-00169702 car when you mine Estella tashna what +ozfWbfFFqGI-00442-00169703-00169954 was no no no not like whittier sweetie +ozfWbfFFqGI-00443-00169955-00170197 no wisdom but proximo quits am i a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00444-00170198-00170686 natasha no navidad y host OMG adaalat i +ozfWbfFFqGI-00445-00170687-00170842 watch the partisan wat seabass way of +ozfWbfFFqGI-00446-00170843-00170953 not +ozfWbfFFqGI-00447-00170954-00171316 when I my name is Natalia ha the corner +ozfWbfFFqGI-00448-00171317-00171647 azita was mostly Buddhist in seriousness +ozfWbfFFqGI-00449-00171648-00172034 not national radio solutions ilum deal +ozfWbfFFqGI-00450-00172035-00172366 of tongs to reach a super manolo don't +ozfWbfFFqGI-00451-00172367-00172808 offer any Rubens you later fit seldom +ozfWbfFFqGI-00452-00172809-00173219 giddim blagosloveni Edom tacoma hospital +ozfWbfFFqGI-00453-00173220-00173491 in Okinawa speedily John of God +ozfWbfFFqGI-00454-00173492-00173699 Katherine Watson Brazilian a book +ozfWbfFFqGI-00455-00173700-00174158 Toronto it surprisingly freni if you can +ozfWbfFFqGI-00456-00174159-00174569 answer you had a very serious disease +ozfWbfFFqGI-00457-00174570-00175025 and we know John of God help you can you +ozfWbfFFqGI-00458-00175026-00175421 please reveal this what happened and how +ozfWbfFFqGI-00459-00175422-00175874 you test from yeah well sir several +ozfWbfFFqGI-00460-00175875-00176135 sorry I will translate yes Priscilla +ozfWbfFFqGI-00461-00176136-00176415 Freddie gelatin stone valiollah +ozfWbfFFqGI-00462-00176416-00176636 Washington when you're bullish interiors +ozfWbfFFqGI-00463-00176637-00177173 nobody's e first logical topology yep +ozfWbfFFqGI-00464-00177174-00177553 amok emanate celeriac cutter of the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00465-00177554-00177812 water Vasya Mary Jo not baggage an +ozfWbfFFqGI-00466-00177813-00178003 obnoxious on a patent viscosity to pay a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00467-00178004-00178376 visit so i was diagnosed with breast +ozfWbfFFqGI-00468-00178377-00178741 cancer and the first thing i did was +ozfWbfFFqGI-00469-00178742-00179144 contact john of god Santa a letter down +ozfWbfFFqGI-00470-00179145-00179477 there to find out should i come directly +ozfWbfFFqGI-00471-00179478-00179885 to the casa or should I follow the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00472-00179886-00180415 doctor's orders up here no darling +ozfWbfFFqGI-00473-00180416-00180785 Isabelle alonia Belarusian oz now a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00474-00180786-00181037 profit acuerdo conmigo spittle episode +ozfWbfFFqGI-00475-00181038-00181253 that be small to assess for awesome +ozfWbfFFqGI-00476-00181254-00181643 dodge neon aprea her totally of gujrat +ozfWbfFFqGI-00477-00181644-00181919 itza crotch um yes Lilith Sabbath +ozfWbfFFqGI-00478-00181920-00182432 enriching so I got a message back that +ozfWbfFFqGI-00479-00182433-00182768 I'm to follow the guidelines of my +ozfWbfFFqGI-00480-00182769-00183098 doctor and then come directly down to +ozfWbfFFqGI-00481-00183099-00183401 after the treatment come directly to the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00482-00183402-00183575 casa +ozfWbfFFqGI-00483-00183576-00183842 no here at wit celestina does leader +ozfWbfFFqGI-00484-00183843-00184049 with the return of the River Bridge +ozfWbfFFqGI-00485-00184050-00184493 ahead sell auto dock so I had the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00486-00184494-00184972 lumpectomy surgery and the radiation +ozfWbfFFqGI-00487-00184973-00185323 treatments and then I went to the casa +ozfWbfFFqGI-00488-00185324-00185855 twisting up logzilla him attributed the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00489-00185856-00186092 outside but don't be a collage atop the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00490-00186093-00186359 holy gospel but during my radiation +ozfWbfFFqGI-00491-00186360-00186656 treatments i used the Tarot Major Arcana +ozfWbfFFqGI-00492-00186657-00187076 cards problematic that's it Anna I +ozfWbfFFqGI-00493-00187077-00187289 suppose the world you did the reading +ozfWbfFFqGI-00494-00187290-00187724 for yourself I chose right I went in +ozfWbfFFqGI-00495-00187725-00188078 order of the Major Arcana cards and it +ozfWbfFFqGI-00496-00188079-00188387 was a spiritual journey for me through +ozfWbfFFqGI-00497-00188388-00188741 the Major Arcana cards so I took one +ozfWbfFFqGI-00498-00188742-00189179 card each day and I just I became the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00499-00189180-00189533 card thurston lava linelu death toll of +ozfWbfFFqGI-00500-00189534-00189941 Rochester Jetson as a la carta globnar +ozfWbfFFqGI-00501-00189942-00190358 local and organic ii car 13 oz material +ozfWbfFFqGI-00502-00190359-00190553 our stories would say no mikata prasanna +ozfWbfFFqGI-00503-00190554-00190736 unlockable cartas nearest guevara +ozfWbfFFqGI-00504-00190737-00191021 elevator plugin and the card came alive +ozfWbfFFqGI-00505-00191022-00191852 to me it would be oh it would be more it +ozfWbfFFqGI-00506-00191853-00192149 would turn it would move it would change +ozfWbfFFqGI-00507-00192150-00192593 it would it just became alive and so I +ozfWbfFFqGI-00508-00192594-00192956 went through I didn't do the complete 22 +ozfWbfFFqGI-00509-00192957-00193388 cards I did the 21 because I decided to +ozfWbfFFqGI-00510-00193389-00193823 stop radiation at that point and the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00511-00193824-00194129 guidance that had come through for me +ozfWbfFFqGI-00512-00194130-00194459 from working with the tarot cards if I +ozfWbfFFqGI-00513-00194460-00194836 were to continue the full month of +ozfWbfFFqGI-00514-00194837-00195157 radiation there would be irreparable +ozfWbfFFqGI-00515-00195158-00195809 damage to my sinus and okay there's Jim +ozfWbfFFqGI-00516-00195810-00196009 Bob premier voted off civil process a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00517-00196010-00196355 nebbish lua de confirmar esto el estilo +ozfWbfFFqGI-00518-00196356-00196538 de brazil droite said no cartilage +ozfWbfFFqGI-00519-00196539-00196670 there's like the dead +ozfWbfFFqGI-00520-00196671-00196901 no any in cottage today if you slightly +ozfWbfFFqGI-00521-00196902-00197077 formats esta news now brick red seats +ozfWbfFFqGI-00522-00197078-00197333 read the ad so yesterday patong station +ozfWbfFFqGI-00523-00197334-00197803 abou t 0 / daljit Toyota butta bohat +ozfWbfFFqGI-00524-00197804-00198074 Leroy in apologies I mas de Roberval +ozfWbfFFqGI-00525-00198075-00198586 Shahrazad till da jalisa sympathy knows +ozfWbfFFqGI-00526-00198587-00198938 so I strapped the radiation stillness +ozfWbfFFqGI-00527-00198939-00199286 system of immune system yes yes it would +ozfWbfFFqGI-00528-00199287-00199568 lay money system so I start the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00529-00199569-00199760 treatment at three weeks instead of four +ozfWbfFFqGI-00530-00199761-00199961 weeks because of the guidance from the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00531-00199962-00200261 Tarot the sternum aston villa treatment +ozfWbfFFqGI-00532-00200262-00200624 the hotel katrina jelly initiative tolko +ozfWbfFFqGI-00533-00200625-00201437 bottom of the wood karthik skazali then +ozfWbfFFqGI-00534-00201438-00201608 i went down to the castle and in +ozfWbfFFqGI-00535-00201609-00201896 pitamaha by an Oscar Goldman gossip eat +ozfWbfFFqGI-00536-00201897-00202244 a little mĂ©nage no goleta blah negative +ozfWbfFFqGI-00537-00202245-00202540 SF rooster papago that Angela EPA +ozfWbfFFqGI-00538-00202541-00202748 shalabh ratna you neyo panocha you take +ozfWbfFFqGI-00539-00202749-00203053 a termina todo bien como la tumba la +ozfWbfFFqGI-00540-00203054-00203438 droga 8 articles done a prima donna yeni +ozfWbfFFqGI-00541-00203439-00203624 putas daughter to approach on Alaska's +ozfWbfFFqGI-00542-00203625-00203866 aluminum and not appear to whom the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00543-00203867-00204182 hospital to nurse consultants to do +ozfWbfFFqGI-00544-00204183-00204376 promotional cotton as cassava story +ozfWbfFFqGI-00545-00204377-00204650 stoke adana with Indian CDL immediate +ozfWbfFFqGI-00546-00204651-00204998 associate oma unofficial military's cuz +ozfWbfFFqGI-00547-00204998-00205336 I stole Appa Yakka to Tony Romo can +ozfWbfFFqGI-00548-00205337-00205612 appraise a la mode for profitable bull +ozfWbfFFqGI-00549-00205613-00205921 dat Couture official my meditations +ozfWbfFFqGI-00550-00205923-00206198 grata at the berea Couture official +ozfWbfFFqGI-00551-00206198-00206546 kinnear meditation just told about your +ozfWbfFFqGI-00552-00206546-00206798 connection with general God that he can +ozfWbfFFqGI-00553-00206798-00206916 tell you while +ozfWbfFFqGI-00554-00206917-00207240 the story below right ok not Mother +ozfWbfFFqGI-00555-00207241-00207553 Superior PDT the home of a pro so funny +ozfWbfFFqGI-00556-00207554-00207930 I can you make written and silky more +ozfWbfFFqGI-00557-00207931-00208201 healthy individual ensure as a nasty +ozfWbfFFqGI-00558-00208202-00208504 nose Karthik FC resist IAM stone as +ozfWbfFFqGI-00559-00208505-00208709 president hosni monotonous officia +ozfWbfFFqGI-00560-00208710-00208978 Britney signal start a family key if +ozfWbfFFqGI-00561-00208979-00209184 civil me wrap a skolko at a pretty +ozfWbfFFqGI-00562-00209185-00209546 logical topology feta ceviche he booted +ozfWbfFFqGI-00563-00209548-00210175 what President am style Donald Trump II +ozfWbfFFqGI-00564-00210176-00210710 a minute ago voprosy llama boy to his +ozfWbfFFqGI-00565-00210711-00211066 sushi sweetman ii Nia so she's with me +ozfWbfFFqGI-00566-00211067-00211398 in his prognosis propel Iranian out +ozfWbfFFqGI-00567-00211400-00211873 almost 0 neta bulletins way street +ozfWbfFFqGI-00568-00211873-00212358 lately stroke was mostly Etta stoneham +ozfWbfFFqGI-00569-00212359-00212679 Kafka unless I'm cigarettes at Angela +ozfWbfFFqGI-00570-00212680-00213004 for ya Catherine no letters no tree at +ozfWbfFFqGI-00571-00213005-00213405 our Rosa a day she owed for in our +ozfWbfFFqGI-00572-00213406-00213553 garage circuit or associated with +ozfWbfFFqGI-00573-00213554-00213885 lateral maria yeah slow stop linea +ozfWbfFFqGI-00574-00213886-00214185 Navarro log Americans car the temple as +ozfWbfFFqGI-00575-00214186-00214600 Kozma tongues to rev average weight of a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00576-00214601-00214779 period to his daughter sat when various +ozfWbfFFqGI-00577-00214780-00215119 total push in Syria sniper is ago he +ozfWbfFFqGI-00578-00215119-00215398 proceeded very nice tiny physical what +ozfWbfFFqGI-00579-00215398-00215754 takoi vopros did the photos so what's +ozfWbfFFqGI-00580-00215755-00216088 your question my question uh okay i will +ozfWbfFFqGI-00581-00216089-00216228 translate if you can get ya all +ozfWbfFFqGI-00582-00216229-00216458 translate of Kerberos ticket enormous +ozfWbfFFqGI-00583-00216459-00216766 Moira prosto kartika Brad smooch it's an +ozfWbfFFqGI-00584-00216767-00217071 acquittal in Ian well he went into +ozfWbfFFqGI-00585-00217073-00217498 politics in it's not politics he asked +ozfWbfFFqGI-00586-00217498-00217749 him I +ozfWbfFFqGI-00587-00217750-00218022 Donald Trump is there something going to +ozfWbfFFqGI-00588-00218023-00218415 happen before integration or he he will +ozfWbfFFqGI-00589-00218416-00218808 be or he wore his term which is he +ozfWbfFFqGI-00590-00218809-00219063 serves for four years right is it +ozfWbfFFqGI-00591-00219064-00219348 possible something can happen within +ozfWbfFFqGI-00592-00219349-00219989 this term and one very short term is +ozfWbfFFqGI-00593-00219990-00220428 inauguration january twentieth and +ozfWbfFFqGI-00594-00220429-00220770 second question if not then samsung +ozfWbfFFqGI-00595-00220771-00221178 might be yeah what might happen and will +ozfWbfFFqGI-00596-00221179-00221721 be some someone third one there'll be a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00597-00221722-00222066 third preferred president different +ozfWbfFFqGI-00598-00222067-00222249 person for the president a different +ozfWbfFFqGI-00599-00222250-00222576 person re only no esta vez perfect if +ozfWbfFFqGI-00600-00222577-00222957 you don't do insurance no bootable +ozfWbfFFqGI-00601-00222958-00223239 monarchy would corrado mechanical +ozfWbfFFqGI-00602-00223240-00223359 correspond with your medical delivery +ozfWbfFFqGI-00603-00223360-00223701 now a spanish arjan presidental we just +ozfWbfFFqGI-00604-00223702-00224019 a monarchy music duniya stanisic econo +ozfWbfFFqGI-00605-00224020-00224202 tokyopop rossiyan is not a Buddhist live +ozfWbfFFqGI-00606-00224203-00224442 let us leadership receive it yet over +ozfWbfFFqGI-00607-00224443-00224838 huh yes with you yesterday my Osaka by a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00608-00224839-00225240 perv a love story Kenya stated dr. stone +ozfWbfFFqGI-00609-00225241-00225450 Europe against which international +ozfWbfFFqGI-00610-00225451-00225747 anybody wanna chill Boadicea the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00611-00225748-00226056 impeachment weekly at least a week later +ozfWbfFFqGI-00612-00226057-00226335 sugar gratis plaza bolivar upper level +ozfWbfFFqGI-00613-00226336-00226602 the only one you dr. beautifully NZ +ozfWbfFFqGI-00614-00226603-00227300 there is something good yeah it's a week +ozfWbfFFqGI-00615-00227301-00227697 is about the presidency yes he doesn't +ozfWbfFFqGI-00616-00227698-00228113 know what it is but something is not +ozfWbfFFqGI-00617-00228114-00228419 state forever how what what you are card +ozfWbfFFqGI-00618-00228419-00228769 telling you well there will be suffering +ozfWbfFFqGI-00619-00228769-00229313 sorry suffer a lot of suffering play +ozfWbfFFqGI-00620-00229314-00229541 dominoes the very bottom card ovde +ozfWbfFFqGI-00621-00229542-00230110 brother I do believe that there is a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00622-00230111-00230455 secret government another much totem +ozfWbfFFqGI-00623-00230456-00230692 he's got good sea Krishna project I'm +ozfWbfFFqGI-00624-00230694-00230908 sorry to interrupt you yeah you do +ozfWbfFFqGI-00625-00230909-00231212 believe it's your belief what kind of +ozfWbfFFqGI-00626-00231213-00231623 cards telling you intuitively I believe +ozfWbfFFqGI-00627-00231623-00231925 there is a secret government the cards +ozfWbfFFqGI-00628-00231926-00232135 I'm doing the Celtic Cross reading right +ozfWbfFFqGI-00629-00232136-00232576 now and reduce I my heart sinks when I +ozfWbfFFqGI-00630-00232577-00233138 look at the cart it's he has skills and +ozfWbfFFqGI-00631-00233139-00233455 abilities but there's outside influences +ozfWbfFFqGI-00632-00233456-00233816 that are going on I know I eurisk la de +ozfWbfFFqGI-00633-00233817-00234106 peluche l2 poluchilos emag services +ozfWbfFFqGI-00634-00234107-00234596 toy car take a turn a Picasso +ozfWbfFFqGI-00635-00234596-00234848 Christina voy a service more nasty nose +ozfWbfFFqGI-00636-00234848-00235354 tota costo de mie shiet Houston solutely +ozfWbfFFqGI-00637-00235355-00235544 da Dada da eyes cause a lot of +ozfWbfFFqGI-00638-00235544-00235885 youth obviousness up with you helmet +ozfWbfFFqGI-00639-00235886-00236224 shut and things don't come out the way +ozfWbfFFqGI-00640-00236225-00236683 that he wanted to add president elect +ozfWbfFFqGI-00641-00236684-00237010 Trump wants them to you there's a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00642-00237011-00237196 brittany president a cocky muchachos +ozfWbfFFqGI-00643-00237198-00237598 he's he's not successful the ace of +ozfWbfFFqGI-00644-00237600-00237904 swords liberties he's not successful +ozfWbfFFqGI-00645-00237905-00238241 only buddha dispersed in achieving what +ozfWbfFFqGI-00646-00238242-00238619 he said he was going to do don't don't +ozfWbfFFqGI-00647-00238619-00238777 mobile health authority geez know +ozfWbfFFqGI-00648-00238778-00239053 something honey boo something changes it +ozfWbfFFqGI-00649-00239054-00239533 but I also AM police both very connected +ozfWbfFFqGI-00650-00239534-00240160 to space and the Son and the Galactic +ozfWbfFFqGI-00651-00240161-00240460 energies the cosmic energies coming into +ozfWbfFFqGI-00652-00240461-00240855 the earth plane affecting planet earth +ozfWbfFFqGI-00653-00240856-00241344 Allah juicetra thoses dog Becky +ozfWbfFFqGI-00654-00241346-00241928 energy market Napoleon vice distress on +ozfWbfFFqGI-00655-00241929-00242162 saticoy was destroyed no plan yet Oh +ozfWbfFFqGI-00656-00242163-00242465 stow chinita yacht was more zesty option +ozfWbfFFqGI-00657-00242466-00242762 since it's a lot of the planets in the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00658-00242763-00243326 chest October 13th president obama sent +ozfWbfFFqGI-00659-00243327-00243833 out an executive order do you want to +ozfWbfFFqGI-00660-00243834-00244102 translate the word 13th of this year +ozfWbfFFqGI-00661-00244103-00244601 clean hasta octubre President Obama what +ozfWbfFFqGI-00662-00244602-00245087 is an executive order to prepare for +ozfWbfFFqGI-00663-00245088-00245806 space events on is the special day +ozfWbfFFqGI-00664-00245807-00246146 pricasso custom because the atoms to +ozfWbfFFqGI-00665-00246146-00246502 sort of Ozma see there's no procedure +ozfWbfFFqGI-00666-00246503-00246755 something going to heaven in space and +ozfWbfFFqGI-00667-00246756-00247127 you prepare a potato sector most of +ozfWbfFFqGI-00668-00247128-00247436 total which in series new president of +ozfWbfFFqGI-00669-00247437-00247708 course person and that might affect +ozfWbfFFqGI-00670-00247709-00248114 president electrum yet the most resist +ozfWbfFFqGI-00671-00248115-00248336 what they were presidents to a trumpet +ozfWbfFFqGI-00672-00248337-00248707 but that's just what information I know +ozfWbfFFqGI-00673-00248708-00249041 it's not reading the cards you got that +ozfWbfFFqGI-00674-00249042-00249289 in your mother khuntoria simple +ozfWbfFFqGI-00675-00249290-00249554 previously but the cards are indicating +ozfWbfFFqGI-00676-00249555-00250042 not successful nada Bakos wish though +ozfWbfFFqGI-00677-00250044-00250373 ospf is beckoning me booted she is the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00678-00250373-00250736 definition mm-hmm okay yes the same same +ozfWbfFFqGI-00679-00250737-00251306 same answer okay principe de principe +ozfWbfFFqGI-00680-00251307-00251771 the suppose I'll ultimately yes Eunice +ozfWbfFFqGI-00681-00251771-00251990 could have a process of hereafter chose +ozfWbfFFqGI-00682-00251991-00252269 to Dodge City 18 years at the youth yeah +ozfWbfFFqGI-00683-00252269-00252566 it should I you know fashion ah no scars +ozfWbfFFqGI-00684-00252567-00252925 and talk yes leo vodka killaby way in +ozfWbfFFqGI-00685-00252926-00253189 he nearly be mighty mo gadani do you +ozfWbfFFqGI-00686-00253190-00253675 have any favorite questions or genes to +ozfWbfFFqGI-00687-00253676-00254326 four innings no just I just allow the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00688-00254327-00254719 courage to speak on across the net net +ozfWbfFFqGI-00689-00254719-00254917 Anika kickflip dimitrova bro safari +ozfWbfFFqGI-00690-00254917-00255231 tijuana prestado day it was mostly +ozfWbfFFqGI-00691-00255232-00255454 khartoum's receiver just cavalli with +ozfWbfFFqGI-00692-00255455-00255846 serious simca Minaj type Oh Freddy +ozfWbfFFqGI-00693-00255846-00256435 veritable translate yes Lee was kakita +ozfWbfFFqGI-00694-00256436-00256819 statistical at a motocross top box a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00695-00256819-00257209 clamp reported la vache Catania machine +ozfWbfFFqGI-00696-00257210-00257473 the event is there any statistics for +ozfWbfFFqGI-00697-00257473-00257871 coming for readings more male or female +ozfWbfFFqGI-00698-00257871-00258304 population I work mostly with women what +ozfWbfFFqGI-00699-00258305-00258625 retention who are honest conscious +ozfWbfFFqGI-00700-00258626-00258817 spiritual path they want to grow +ozfWbfFFqGI-00701-00258817-00259177 spiritually and develop their own +ozfWbfFFqGI-00702-00259178-00259867 intuitive abilities no never no magenta +ozfWbfFFqGI-00703-00259867-00260356 negatory had said Reza Watsa no chimney +ozfWbfFFqGI-00704-00260357-00260758 mania teenie beanie cap benefit in a sea +ozfWbfFFqGI-00705-00260759-00260965 change in the receiver Watsa switched +ozfWbfFFqGI-00706-00260966-00261235 would shun scale water in which treo +ozfWbfFFqGI-00707-00261236-00261448 material new media to the slated for +ozfWbfFFqGI-00708-00261448-00261792 pros no gap avoided quality keturah +ozfWbfFFqGI-00709-00261794-00262212 sued for pros convey elitism well +ozfWbfFFqGI-00710-00262213-00262789 nevertheless everybody wanted to grow +ozfWbfFFqGI-00711-00262790-00263135 well his question is how many women are +ozfWbfFFqGI-00712-00263136-00263462 coming with the question when I am gonna +ozfWbfFFqGI-00713-00263463-00264293 get married la yes single women like +ozfWbfFFqGI-00714-00264294-00264590 like to know besides I is there loud +ozfWbfFFqGI-00715-00264591-00264959 humming sighs spiritual well yes I do +ozfWbfFFqGI-00716-00264960-00265529 get about health money and love or +ozfWbfFFqGI-00717-00265530-00265745 should not come up Rosario are so +ozfWbfFFqGI-00718-00265746-00265988 stating i hear i miss it's like what's +ozfWbfFFqGI-00719-00265989-00266207 on the first place the first position +ozfWbfFFqGI-00720-00266208-00267118 first I most probably loving money money +ozfWbfFFqGI-00721-00267119-00267830 I still crush ibuki in below what +ozfWbfFFqGI-00722-00267831-00268151 questions men are asking I don't work +ozfWbfFFqGI-00723-00268152-00268655 with very many men um some they they +ozfWbfFFqGI-00724-00268656-00268838 usually here i'm trying to think what's +ozfWbfFFqGI-00725-00268839-00269221 the last reading I did um with a man +ozfWbfFFqGI-00726-00269222-00269663 workman um oh he wanted to know about +ozfWbfFFqGI-00727-00269664-00270044 his career and whether he ain't whether +ozfWbfFFqGI-00728-00270045-00270359 he should stay in the in the job he's in +ozfWbfFFqGI-00729-00270360-00270560 and there were some issues coming up and +ozfWbfFFqGI-00730-00270561-00270839 we took a look at the issues those +ozfWbfFFqGI-00731-00270840-00271067 machine especially pro career dodge neon +ozfWbfFFqGI-00732-00271068-00271253 apatite reported missing by Oh miss +ozfWbfFFqGI-00733-00271254-00271550 Celie eliminates they were authority +ozfWbfFFqGI-00734-00271551-00272065 issues with women so issues with women +ozfWbfFFqGI-00735-00272066-00272396 authority issues job editor job at the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00736-00272397-00272843 job right down below dhaka second are a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00737-00272844-00273448 booty I minion applause llama boy to his +ozfWbfFFqGI-00738-00273449-00273935 would just resolution of recital packet +ozfWbfFFqGI-00739-00273936-00274343 eleganza he/she pyramid wats cosmoprof +ozfWbfFFqGI-00740-00274344-00274592 so wat phnom se pero approach know +ozfWbfFFqGI-00741-00274593-00274792 glee one pre catalyst all cutesy +ozfWbfFFqGI-00742-00274793-00275279 reproduce kazow slid mica torium is good +ozfWbfFFqGI-00743-00275280-00275427 for us know +ozfWbfFFqGI-00744-00275428-00275643 liga nessa dear pastor pocket or +ozfWbfFFqGI-00745-00275644-00275817 initially the tutorial in separate +ozfWbfFFqGI-00746-00275818-00276042 several at the pier after a mostly +ozfWbfFFqGI-00747-00276043-00276390 spa my shoe Carter Oh cut the public at +ozfWbfFFqGI-00748-00276391-00276693 night no premiere know what was a white +ozfWbfFFqGI-00749-00276694-00276942 suit kubota so total chammak the push +ozfWbfFFqGI-00750-00276943-00277092 term solution is the nice +ozfWbfFFqGI-00751-00277093-00277461 diversion yeah brilliant Sam was more +ozfWbfFFqGI-00752-00277462-00277740 than that mostly Publius former shotaro +ozfWbfFFqGI-00753-00277741-00278133 at eight novels yet he mostly publish +ozfWbfFFqGI-00754-00278134-00278499 yet night a sub-region respond yet on +ozfWbfFFqGI-00755-00278500-00278817 chickie let me translate first Michael +ozfWbfFFqGI-00756-00278818-00279099 asked if they're people who are coming +ozfWbfFFqGI-00757-00279100-00279309 with your getting competitions with +ozfWbfFFqGI-00758-00279310-00280038 legal questions like if they're so the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00759-00280039-00280335 court coming up for example if oh maybe +ozfWbfFFqGI-00760-00280336-00280536 simple question like driving driving +ozfWbfFFqGI-00761-00280537-00281007 under influence or ear and if cards can +ozfWbfFFqGI-00762-00281008-00281616 influence the result of the court yes I +ozfWbfFFqGI-00763-00281617-00282000 will expand it let's say somebody come +ozfWbfFFqGI-00764-00282001-00282381 in for a court yet television somebody +ozfWbfFFqGI-00765-00282382-00282651 come in for a court and it will be +ozfWbfFFqGI-00766-00282652-00282924 positive or negative so it means going +ozfWbfFFqGI-00767-00282925-00283206 to court going to sue or going to defend +ozfWbfFFqGI-00768-00283207-00283467 themselves so they need to spend money +ozfWbfFFqGI-00769-00283468-00283875 for a short knee so it it's lots of +ozfWbfFFqGI-00770-00283876-00284133 money because a tornado jump is which +ozfWbfFFqGI-00771-00284134-00284613 it's very expensive you instead he has +ozfWbfFFqGI-00772-00284614-00284874 Priscilla the premier yes Lindley Jones +ozfWbfFFqGI-00773-00284875-00285135 suit to lisa baza city to the kivati +ozfWbfFFqGI-00774-00285136-00285401 Benito mother's knee Jets aboard wakata +ozfWbfFFqGI-00775-00285402-00285656 slowly add ricotta whooshes are here +ozfWbfFFqGI-00776-00285657-00285945 mostly spa mishipeshu thorough appraisal +ozfWbfFFqGI-00777-00285946-00286140 each story treaty so it's in very much +ozfWbfFFqGI-00778-00286141-00286404 of ricotta our yeast lead at or mostly +ozfWbfFFqGI-00779-00286405-00286887 populated national data meaning no board +ozfWbfFFqGI-00780-00286888-00287495 no particular he has lots of those Oh +ozfWbfFFqGI-00781-00287496-00287922 hurt I I can only think I wanted when +ozfWbfFFqGI-00782-00287923-00288249 you're talking about I have had people +ozfWbfFFqGI-00783-00288250-00288537 with relationships with their family +ozfWbfFFqGI-00784-00288538-00288648 members +ozfWbfFFqGI-00785-00288649-00289062 over what is fair and not fair that +ozfWbfFFqGI-00786-00289063-00289498 comes up a lot papadosio of zenith +ozfWbfFFqGI-00787-00289499-00289873 neshanic Samia voice chhabria and and +ozfWbfFFqGI-00788-00289874-00290140 then we look at the archetypal energies +ozfWbfFFqGI-00789-00290141-00290617 of the family members in gondolas +ozfWbfFFqGI-00790-00290618-00290965 montival it's ibaraki archetype talk of +ozfWbfFFqGI-00791-00290966-00291241 the policy archetype yeah our kitchen I +ozfWbfFFqGI-00792-00291242-00291538 hit you okay uh Jillian of semi yet +ozfWbfFFqGI-00793-00291539-00291697 which are inoperable stuck or +ozfWbfFFqGI-00794-00291698-00292102 discontinued so then so then they can +ozfWbfFFqGI-00795-00292103-00292363 better know how to communicate with +ozfWbfFFqGI-00796-00292364-00292690 their their family member of a fungus +ozfWbfFFqGI-00797-00292691-00292854 couple of shops at sister in the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00798-00292855-00293220 semester when your boa constrictor oops +ozfWbfFFqGI-00799-00293221-00293602 although too personal any much to admit +ozfWbfFFqGI-00800-00293603-00293887 it no applause at a good man I probably +ozfWbfFFqGI-00801-00293888-00294178 had considered a tamale Italy reznor +ozfWbfFFqGI-00802-00294179-00294796 about him no it was not luton up for a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00803-00294797-00294967 friendly for YouTube for you to do +ozfWbfFFqGI-00804-00294968-00295369 Sergei is very famous magician so he can +ozfWbfFFqGI-00805-00295370-00295734 influence so high something face answer +ozfWbfFFqGI-00806-00295735-00296058 was that up just to do the reading it's +ozfWbfFFqGI-00807-00296059-00296382 one thing to influence the result it's a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00808-00296383-00296923 magic right right right I have a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00809-00296924-00297400 question oh also address friendly can +ozfWbfFFqGI-00810-00297401-00297756 read it and I can some say it in Russia +ozfWbfFFqGI-00811-00297757-00298359 okay people number 120 +ozfWbfFFqGI-00812-00298360-00298637 the question come down until it's +ozfWbfFFqGI-00813-00298638-00298869 chicken see that generates yeah +ozfWbfFFqGI-00814-00298870-00299385 rastaclat weirdly at Russia to Viet and +ozfWbfFFqGI-00815-00299386-00299652 eat at the public had not emotional +ozfWbfFFqGI-00816-00299653-00299934 capital completed not Kim tourism nashik +ozfWbfFFqGI-00817-00299935-00300249 are mostly vitae motivated honest choose +ozfWbfFFqGI-00818-00300250-00300474 to its level eritrea sternest not used +ozfWbfFFqGI-00819-00300475-00300714 to look wanna just not miss me Hello +ozfWbfFFqGI-00820-00300715-00300918 mobile to miss a de-escalation la tierra +ozfWbfFFqGI-00821-00300919-00301131 stata you choose to a distance the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00822-00301132-00301467 Cutlass first war Rihanna ya panya march +ozfWbfFFqGI-00823-00301468-00301725 two miles over at Alicia welcome what +ozfWbfFFqGI-00824-00301726-00302010 that does not currently pose yes +ozfWbfFFqGI-00825-00302011-00302594 lobotomy permit no movement he feels +ozfWbfFFqGI-00826-00302595-00302988 very responsible for what's going on for +ozfWbfFFqGI-00827-00302989-00303237 his answer and that's why actually he is +ozfWbfFFqGI-00828-00303238-00303588 not really not that many readings +ozfWbfFFqGI-00829-00303589-00303969 anymore chemo teaching them I do believe +ozfWbfFFqGI-00830-00303970-00304296 that we create karma with one more +ozfWbfFFqGI-00831-00304297-00304587 reading for somebody if we are giving +ozfWbfFFqGI-00832-00304588-00305106 any kind of direction we're creating +ozfWbfFFqGI-00833-00305107-00305487 karma at some level righto summer tour +ozfWbfFFqGI-00834-00305488-00305778 summer nemanja machine you gotta move +ozfWbfFFqGI-00835-00305779-00306212 rose and I should already system so we +ozfWbfFFqGI-00836-00306213-00306552 was mostly up with a caramel yeah +ozfWbfFFqGI-00837-00306553-00306938 knocking me over pasa me theater I +ozfWbfFFqGI-00838-00306939-00307425 really focus on Direction giving do it +ozfWbfFFqGI-00839-00307426-00307776 like guidance and direction of where +ozfWbfFFqGI-00840-00307777-00308097 they need to be looking to find the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00841-00308098-00308406 answer within themselves the cards are +ozfWbfFFqGI-00842-00308407-00308769 going to take us on a journey they'll +ozfWbfFFqGI-00843-00308770-00309099 guide us what neat what questions need +ozfWbfFFqGI-00844-00309100-00309540 to be answered on appetites attached +ozfWbfFFqGI-00845-00309541-00309897 olivia pope Shenouda villania that's +ozfWbfFFqGI-00846-00309898-00310149 panetta comoros vivid salute the toaster +ozfWbfFFqGI-00847-00310150-00310407 with the stitch with kavita dessert at a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00848-00310408-00310659 new species near Anita wats concretely +ozfWbfFFqGI-00849-00310660-00310809 at Vietnam +ozfWbfFFqGI-00850-00310810-00311166 no pasta Bella Navarro's yellow got yet +ozfWbfFFqGI-00851-00311167-00311439 another you later k stands Prussia +ozfWbfFFqGI-00852-00311440-00311673 million each kathy odom he attacked the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00853-00311674-00312267 very essence prefer kangaroo he answered +ozfWbfFFqGI-00854-00312268-00312492 really but does believe there is a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00855-00312493-00312842 direct answer he would give valid +ozfWbfFFqGI-00856-00312843-00313107 questions and Eric Nell sir but did no +ozfWbfFFqGI-00857-00313108-00313794 not ever mm-hmm well it reminds me of a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00858-00313795-00314040 particular person that came that said +ozfWbfFFqGI-00859-00314041-00314343 should they stay with their husband Bob +ozfWbfFFqGI-00860-00314344-00314565 opposite Omaha attention to Darnell and +ozfWbfFFqGI-00861-00314566-00314823 applause oh Jesus by emotion or should +ozfWbfFFqGI-00862-00314824-00315366 take it to vote or in a resistive so I'm +ozfWbfFFqGI-00863-00315367-00315816 still not Hootie well the question of he +ozfWbfFFqGI-00864-00315817-00316209 would ask what does she want right right +ozfWbfFFqGI-00865-00316210-00316587 and the questions the cards will give us +ozfWbfFFqGI-00866-00316588-00316839 the direction of what she needs to look +ozfWbfFFqGI-00867-00316840-00317355 at because she she may say oh I can't +ozfWbfFFqGI-00868-00317356-00317640 stand this this this this but it's all a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00869-00317641-00318134 projection of her academic focus odds Oh +ozfWbfFFqGI-00870-00318135-00318543 Donna nah stop racehorses principal Noah +ozfWbfFFqGI-00871-00318544-00318795 and enters nah plasmatoids Venuti come +ozfWbfFFqGI-00872-00318796-00319049 this material knew Teresa guy pinatas +ozfWbfFFqGI-00873-00319050-00319548 stopper is coated in OT nah we should go +ozfWbfFFqGI-00874-00319549-00320018 soon media he's not making a decision +ozfWbfFFqGI-00875-00320019-00320616 he's right right right yeah yeah but I +ozfWbfFFqGI-00876-00320617-00320973 do get information about what they need +ozfWbfFFqGI-00877-00320974-00321270 to ask themselves unapologetic +ozfWbfFFqGI-00878-00321271-00321477 girlfriend da sam McClendon apologizing +ozfWbfFFqGI-00879-00321478-00321716 pharmacist Tony darkness proceed cigar +ozfWbfFFqGI-00880-00321717-00322237 ash the bat with a passive approach +ozfWbfFFqGI-00881-00322238-00322673 freni my squirrel has the country's +ozfWbfFFqGI-00882-00322674-00322820 national program book one the most +ozfWbfFFqGI-00883-00322821-00323267 petite in development process unless she +ozfWbfFFqGI-00884-00323268-00323692 acceded 10-3 some kids across guapa +ozfWbfFFqGI-00885-00323693-00324248 Kotaro wavy duty if Johnson sheds Russia +ozfWbfFFqGI-00886-00324249-00324584 pushing a principal jigna well he's +ozfWbfFFqGI-00887-00324585-00324773 talking about the class that you're +ozfWbfFFqGI-00888-00324774-00324998 teaching right now and what's the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00889-00324999-00325291 principle behind your teaching +ozfWbfFFqGI-00890-00325292-00325813 archetypal taro to see the journey and +ozfWbfFFqGI-00891-00325814-00326390 how the cards what you see in the cards +ozfWbfFFqGI-00892-00326391-00326735 how you experience them is your personal +ozfWbfFFqGI-00893-00326736-00327113 experience and to teach people to trust +ozfWbfFFqGI-00894-00327114-00327659 themselves that's all no enough +ozfWbfFFqGI-00895-00327660-00328013 principal a cheetah visits for pocket +ozfWbfFFqGI-00896-00328014-00328556 and visit source of the new +ozfWbfFFqGI-00897-00328557-00328891 captain Mohammad substances BTW i +ozfWbfFFqGI-00898-00328892-00329153 regress batista bachelor kotori boo +ozfWbfFFqGI-00899-00329154-00329564 child is a child half the town I mean if +ozfWbfFFqGI-00900-00329565-00329870 principal cover dad each other do it +ozfWbfFFqGI-00901-00329871-00330293 Rask lot en camita at a tragedy bozos +ozfWbfFFqGI-00902-00330294-00330542 when the it was obstinacy stay and +ozfWbfFFqGI-00903-00330543-00331013 obtain the moment oceans oh yeah ah yeah +ozfWbfFFqGI-00904-00331014-00331487 ah yes whenever society past litany +ozfWbfFFqGI-00905-00331488-00331819 water cohen seriously demeanor is +ozfWbfFFqGI-00906-00331820-00332123 written the way to miss delia facility +ozfWbfFFqGI-00907-00332124-00332384 is everything suggesting it let us a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00908-00332385-00332621 reading let's just like my coat okay +ozfWbfFFqGI-00909-00332622-00333029 last one last one earnest money after +ozfWbfFFqGI-00910-00333030-00333365 him no filter some heat so close Angie's +ozfWbfFFqGI-00911-00333366-00333536 reggio may have changed since last we +ozfWbfFFqGI-00912-00333537-00333863 meet me he would cocktail shots as an +ozfWbfFFqGI-00913-00333864-00334088 entire community wrote a coil Prisca +ozfWbfFFqGI-00914-00334089-00334484 Sonya yeah he wishes nice caboose Tony's +ozfWbfFFqGI-00915-00334485-00334964 del la mia vopros yes tacoma Nia Nia a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00916-00334965-00335258 toast operamini at mr. Jeter store to +ozfWbfFFqGI-00917-00335259-00335744 his boot asleep leadership would scar +ozfWbfFFqGI-00918-00335745-00335954 from knowing esta three me save it +ozfWbfFFqGI-00919-00335955-00336239 off pretty love nashua birthday made CB +ozfWbfFFqGI-00920-00336240-00336476 to top a new issues so that's koo sow +ozfWbfFFqGI-00921-00336477-00336920 blossom asuna sonos Dominican created +ozfWbfFFqGI-00922-00336921-00337177 Lavinia concrete alumina Buddhist Lee +ozfWbfFFqGI-00923-00337178-00337574 Lumina is mini near my knee estas gentes +ozfWbfFFqGI-00924-00337575-00337844 of radiology shores for today atomic +ozfWbfFFqGI-00925-00337845-00338087 order twist don't know some butchers +ozfWbfFFqGI-00926-00338088-00338462 Pittenger opinion doctor Oh Michael +ozfWbfFFqGI-00927-00338463-00338804 asking if I don't be a different place +ozfWbfFFqGI-00928-00338805-00339386 to live for me can I next year within +ozfWbfFFqGI-00929-00339387-00339809 the next year will I change my house +ozfWbfFFqGI-00930-00339810-00340379 sell my house and buy another one he had +ozfWbfFFqGI-00931-00340380-00340670 a ceviche Bolivarian need a minute to +ozfWbfFFqGI-00932-00340671-00340898 assert that jazz professional but the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00933-00340899-00341156 Moose la cuota de of the key of a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00934-00341157-00341348 process not the kitty cat horas de la +ozfWbfFFqGI-00935-00341349-00341579 pase muy honest man premiere attitude +ozfWbfFFqGI-00936-00341580-00341930 from Chicago area was mostly Papa would +ozfWbfFFqGI-00937-00341931-00342095 not see would need you do not say to a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00938-00342096-00342482 good union official seven ish Novotny +ozfWbfFFqGI-00939-00342483-00343106 addo consolidation from now on I feel +ozfWbfFFqGI-00940-00343107-00343436 the end of next year okay do you want me +ozfWbfFFqGI-00941-00343437-00343865 to go first yes okay go for so there is +ozfWbfFFqGI-00942-00343866-00344135 a disease i say there's a desire to +ozfWbfFFqGI-00943-00344136-00344498 change locations but there would be some +ozfWbfFFqGI-00944-00344499-00344699 personal work that would be needed first +ozfWbfFFqGI-00945-00344700-00345128 so i would ask you to look at why you +ozfWbfFFqGI-00946-00345129-00345449 really want to move what is the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00947-00345450-00345692 advantage because the cards are +ozfWbfFFqGI-00948-00345693-00346151 indicating you you might have to sell +ozfWbfFFqGI-00949-00346152-00346424 for less money you might not get the +ozfWbfFFqGI-00950-00346425-00346676 amount of money you want or think you +ozfWbfFFqGI-00951-00346677-00346982 deserve for the house ok Vanessa please +ozfWbfFFqGI-00952-00346983-00347462 translate ah Carter Pakistani yes no not +ozfWbfFFqGI-00953-00347463-00347690 now but Roger una carta seriousness no +ozfWbfFFqGI-00954-00347691-00347909 te na rabota in neural net +ozfWbfFFqGI-00955-00347910-00348281 diversion artoo be tested at a princess +ozfWbfFFqGI-00956-00348282-00348557 law he plays chewbacca switch to don't +ozfWbfFFqGI-00957-00348558-00348872 put it protons means so much impact on +ozfWbfFFqGI-00958-00348873-00349314 you he taught us dude mini a container +ozfWbfFFqGI-00959-00349315-00349634 vopros NASA chiapas not a tongue store +ozfWbfFFqGI-00960-00349635-00349883 chain protect oh my oh sternum linear +ozfWbfFFqGI-00961-00349884-00350198 predator Tom III had no way mister Toli +ozfWbfFFqGI-00962-00350199-00350646 nokia is a boot problem zameen Shizuka +ozfWbfFFqGI-00963-00350647-00350822 tampoco policies new today it's a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00964-00350823-00351107 potential not even amenia as long as to +ozfWbfFFqGI-00965-00351108-00351339 your suitability of a possible naka +ozfWbfFFqGI-00966-00351340-00351674 toriyama what with franny you asked +ozfWbfFFqGI-00967-00351675-00351974 about why I'm going to sell the house +ozfWbfFFqGI-00968-00351975-00352247 it's how it's highlighted two times in +ozfWbfFFqGI-00969-00352248-00352845 the reading okay pa pla my your minion I +ozfWbfFFqGI-00970-00352846-00353070 do do I need to answer that or not wait +ozfWbfFFqGI-00971-00353071-00353357 it's something for you to evaluate about +ozfWbfFFqGI-00972-00353358-00353627 it love to tell you right you don't have +ozfWbfFFqGI-00973-00353628-00353865 to tell me but this is an important +ozfWbfFFqGI-00974-00353866-00354284 question why and I would explore in +ozfWbfFFqGI-00975-00354285-00354594 childhood some of the issues that you +ozfWbfFFqGI-00976-00354595-00354881 had where you live growing up and what +ozfWbfFFqGI-00977-00354882-00355205 that meant to you and what is what it +ozfWbfFFqGI-00978-00355206-00355497 can bring to you now changing houses +ozfWbfFFqGI-00979-00355498-00356150 even so yes mm-hmm translate friendship +ozfWbfFFqGI-00980-00356151-00356426 is like I'd Misha pedometer first a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00981-00356427-00356600 pochemu up she topless quit which one +ozfWbfFFqGI-00982-00356601-00356895 who she prodded oh he viet motion with +ozfWbfFFqGI-00983-00356896-00357213 Gazzetta dello coop for the deepest +ozfWbfFFqGI-00984-00357214-00357489 visual yet stria basmati a sous-vide it +ozfWbfFFqGI-00985-00357490-00357653 was a balloon with kakoton believe a +ozfWbfFFqGI-00986-00357654-00357897 precipitous eos would wiggle teavana +ozfWbfFFqGI-00987-00357898-00358290 tossed away from me at misogynist no no +ozfWbfFFqGI-00988-00358291-00358671 got a 6-1 I change and change it too +ozfWbfFFqGI-00989-00358672-00358874 many times listen to what Sergei has +ozfWbfFFqGI-00990-00358875-00359190 this ok ok you're finished right thing +ozfWbfFFqGI-00991-00359191-00359463 well there's more in the reading I mean +ozfWbfFFqGI-00992-00359464-00359849 the idea the environment is the cards +ozfWbfFFqGI-00993-00359850-00360026 are indicating there's some illusions +ozfWbfFFqGI-00994-00360027-00360297 here so you want to really identify what +ozfWbfFFqGI-00995-00360298-00360623 is in reality what's an illusion what is +ozfWbfFFqGI-00996-00360624-00360894 the underlying reason why you're wanting +ozfWbfFFqGI-00997-00360895-00360980 to move +ozfWbfFFqGI-00998-00360981-00361250 if the cards are also indicating it's +ozfWbfFFqGI-00999-00361251-00361570 not really a good time to start a new +ozfWbfFFqGI-01000-00361571-00362187 move into a new location so oh there is +ozfWbfFFqGI-01001-00362188-00362378 to teach to the Russian loggers as my +ozfWbfFFqGI-01002-00362379-00362592 philosophy klonopin yet Shiva Chris +ozfWbfFFqGI-01003-00362593-00362759 kartini pockets which the corrosive +ozfWbfFFqGI-01004-00362760-00363185 remittitur stop a minute o Israel tirez +ozfWbfFFqGI-01005-00363186-00363869 pas de luca toni is done and now the two +ozfWbfFFqGI-01006-00363870-00364127 was secluded stood a matzo money he +ozfWbfFFqGI-01007-00364128-00364520 predominately Sheen something emotional +ozfWbfFFqGI-01008-00364521-00364847 but not sinking through right right you +ozfWbfFFqGI-01009-00364848-00365228 agree friend yes yes amazing amazing a +ozfWbfFFqGI-01010-00365229-00365726 shame basically the same answer can I +ozfWbfFFqGI-01011-00365727-00365930 get Rosie enough over her my register +ozfWbfFFqGI-01012-00365931-00366128 yes a popular section upon mr. a +ozfWbfFFqGI-01013-00366129-00366422 tombstone a stock with Leia Bradley Tara +ozfWbfFFqGI-01014-00366423-00366785 a taro taro most part upon miss kippah +ozfWbfFFqGI-01015-00366786-00367070 test gear knob noster any honest premise +ozfWbfFFqGI-01016-00367071-00367301 to tena koe did suffer any Reubens know +ozfWbfFFqGI-01017-00367302-00367556 unlike rani mandatory annapolis serious +ozfWbfFFqGI-01018-00367557-00367835 africa media limit up to 4 matic pero +ozfWbfFFqGI-01019-00367836-00368048 for Martha to talk to miss epistle eat +ozfWbfFFqGI-01020-00368049-00368265 some of Allah shall appear attaches a +ozfWbfFFqGI-01021-00368266-00368468 piece of AIDS ax and a beautiful ocean +ozfWbfFFqGI-01022-00368469-00368726 AV to Kiev emojis nez mechanism Tara +ozfWbfFFqGI-01023-00368727-00368894 format as the piece of ice that she has +ozfWbfFFqGI-01024-00368895-00369170 camera no prata petty mutinous rabote +ozfWbfFFqGI-01025-00369171-00369476 over as cotton prhs in nashua the piece +ozfWbfFFqGI-01026-00369477-00369717 of asset or khodeto would it not +ozfWbfFFqGI-01027-00369718-00370082 advances not a meanie meanie e a +ozfWbfFFqGI-01028-00370083-00370418 prosecutorial michigan yesterday oh shut +ozfWbfFFqGI-01029-00370419-00370622 up wouldn't a very tasty vamos a ver eat +ozfWbfFFqGI-01030-00370623-00370979 a tombstone ludwich Olivia most uh +ozfWbfFFqGI-01031-00370980-00371314 Bridgette's taru +ozfWbfFFqGI-01032-00371315-00371685 I read the rule one whiskey ilik got a +ozfWbfFFqGI-01033-00371686-00372054 chalupa he publish it's worth we had +ozfWbfFFqGI-01034-00372055-00372378 bullet about our friend Shasta Susheela +ozfWbfFFqGI-01035-00372379-00372616 ocean awash in serious need moment I +ozfWbfFFqGI-01036-00372617-00372852 asked managed to be a techie my mental +ozfWbfFFqGI-01037-00372853-00373080 torture below moga on a concrete la +ozfWbfFFqGI-01038-00373081-00373452 naciĂ³n cos cos I'd opt rasskazova pro +ozfWbfFFqGI-01039-00373453-00373656 oceans yosh in serious new policy +ozfWbfFFqGI-01040-00373657-00374098 valleys metabolic Bujji is Puma shotaro +ozfWbfFFqGI-01041-00374099-00374521 Anna a pretty lil kogda is a shame not a +ozfWbfFFqGI-01042-00374522-00374800 sequential discussion traditional Asian +ozfWbfFFqGI-01043-00374801-00375094 a hospital in others kalanchoe not noise +ozfWbfFFqGI-01044-00375095-00375340 its Actium luteum keturah business +ozfWbfFFqGI-01045-00375341-00375616 events a cancer survivor to insert +ozfWbfFFqGI-01046-00375617-00375810 abhilasha slickness odd e bellissima +ozfWbfFFqGI-01047-00375811-00376277 tacony atonia to taco be honest a bully +ozfWbfFFqGI-01048-00376278-00376723 note texto para gustav millimeter voy a +ozfWbfFFqGI-01049-00376724-00377047 witch's cottage door of inertia hospital +ozfWbfFFqGI-01050-00377048-00377253 is the professional on the abu chant +ozfWbfFFqGI-01051-00377254-00377548 carton thyroid netherlands some options +ozfWbfFFqGI-01052-00377549-00377845 laminated mr. sergey a friend atocha +ozfWbfFFqGI-01053-00377846-00378091 which little bit abu chetan of principle +ozfWbfFFqGI-01054-00378092-00378298 new dream you cheated I'm just saying +ozfWbfFFqGI-01055-00378299-00378627 that beside the readings you both to our +ozfWbfFFqGI-01056-00378628-00378997 teaching in you love to teach and that's +ozfWbfFFqGI-01057-00378998-00379182 your destiny the last question to your +ozfWbfFFqGI-01058-00379183-00379612 friend from me what is more important +ozfWbfFFqGI-01059-00379613-00379956 for you study of us a mile of mayor stop +ozfWbfFFqGI-01060-00379957-00380221 bullying love machine yet levas gadot +ozfWbfFFqGI-01061-00380222-00380460 Ilya budget what's more important for +ozfWbfFFqGI-01062-00380461-00380760 what do you like the most to read us or +ozfWbfFFqGI-01063-00380761-00381100 to teach i like the diversity I like +ozfWbfFFqGI-01064-00381101-00381451 them both I I do many other things too +ozfWbfFFqGI-01065-00381452-00381847 but so i like the diversity I can't do +ozfWbfFFqGI-01066-00381848-00382069 just one thing he and rabbit sarah's +ozfWbfFFqGI-01067-00382070-00382267 number i say do it real girlfriends in +ozfWbfFFqGI-01068-00382268-00382501 naga naga she would reccomend I +ozfWbfFFqGI-01069-00382502-00382849 Nicholson Terrence and polka na Puccini +ozfWbfFFqGI-01070-00382850-00383379 Sergei yes Lee was shaky tava proceed +ozfWbfFFqGI-01071-00383380-00383692 measure rockin aphasia which novela +ozfWbfFFqGI-01072-00383693-00383890 personnel and a stomach sleeping +ozfWbfFFqGI-01073-00383891-00384301 Teixeira see what do we meet again da +ozfWbfFFqGI-01074-00384302-00384634 Gama's asking someone really ready for +ozfWbfFFqGI-01075-00384635-00384958 you to know it's a it's a lot of time +ozfWbfFFqGI-01076-00384959-00385362 difference between our city our time and +ozfWbfFFqGI-01077-00385363-00385981 time for Sergei's she has wish again +ozfWbfFFqGI-01078-00385982-00386188 your knowledge that do not know that +ozfWbfFFqGI-01079-00386189-00386767 about midnight is aha it's a 1130pm +ozfWbfFFqGI-01080-00386768-00387148 right now so we need to finish our and +ozfWbfFFqGI-01081-00387149-00387430 we have a meditation coming up and so we +ozfWbfFFqGI-01082-00387431-00387688 have her get ready to thank him alright +ozfWbfFFqGI-01083-00387689-00387952 and i was very near look at that which +ozfWbfFFqGI-01084-00387953-00388132 look at that heats up stretching age +ozfWbfFFqGI-01085-00388133-00388456 pimpin rebel is he on the person that +ozfWbfFFqGI-01086-00388457-00388989 had the palapas Nepalis baby sing to me +ozfWbfFFqGI-01087-00388990-00389341 okay cerca de TI tanasha pier where +ozfWbfFFqGI-01088-00389342-00389515 knowledge is near posledniy opera drama +ozfWbfFFqGI-01089-00389516-00389788 phone haces permit issue boolean serious +ozfWbfFFqGI-01090-00389789-00389986 analysis firm at the frame above shinya +ozfWbfFFqGI-01091-00389987-00390316 we walking tourism giametta butta knows +ozfWbfFFqGI-01092-00390317-00390718 about life event from this chaotic oil +ozfWbfFFqGI-01093-00390719-00390952 would marry Priya check dear Eponine +ozfWbfFFqGI-01094-00390953-00391201 ship the police allege cool if itĂ­s NT a +ozfWbfFFqGI-01095-00391202-00391486 tabloid natalka school shittily at a +ozfWbfFFqGI-01096-00391487-00391824 booth with the cutter abilities with +ozfWbfFFqGI-01097-00391825-00392095 scattered magic specialist is as a +ozfWbfFFqGI-01098-00392096-00392343 matter of process parramati neither +ozfWbfFFqGI-01099-00392344-00392800 resolution shapeabilities was just him +ozfWbfFFqGI-01100-00392801-00393070 hearing our choice x against option +ozfWbfFFqGI-01101-00393071-00393313 capricious international just lotion to +ozfWbfFFqGI-01102-00393314-00393721 them for any it was a pleasure to have +ozfWbfFFqGI-01103-00393722-00394147 you here and have a blessed day very +ozfWbfFFqGI-01104-00394148-00394288 good meditation which +ozfWbfFFqGI-01105-00394289-00394714 going to be in that 25 minutes he night +ozfWbfFFqGI-01106-00394715-00394884 impressions as well if she would Oprah +ozfWbfFFqGI-01107-00394885-00395055 wash this you don't you thank you very +ozfWbfFFqGI-01108-00395056-00396244 much ma'am I sleep up I see +ozfWbfFFqGI-01109-00396245-00397026 you +ozfWbfFFqGI-01110-00397027-00397233 you +ozWNGReFg7o-00000-00000272-00000487 be miserable +ozWNGReFg7o-00001-00000488-00000767 or motivate yourself +ozWNGReFg7o-00002-00000768-00001023 whatever has to be done it's always your +ozWNGReFg7o-00003-00001024-00001207 choice +ozWNGReFg7o-00004-00001208-00001396 wayne dyer +ozWNGReFg7o-00005-00001397-00001687 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00006-00001688-00001879 your monday morning thoughts set the +ozWNGReFg7o-00007-00001880-00002142 tone for your whole week +ozWNGReFg7o-00008-00002143-00002383 see yourself getting stronger and living +ozWNGReFg7o-00009-00002384-00002791 a fulfilling happier and healthier life +ozWNGReFg7o-00010-00002792-00003295 germany kent +ozWNGReFg7o-00011-00003296-00003559 friday sees more smiles than any other +ozWNGReFg7o-00012-00003560-00003799 day of the work week +ozWNGReFg7o-00013-00003800-00004295 kate summers +ozWNGReFg7o-00014-00004296-00004454 oh +ozWNGReFg7o-00015-00004455-00004711 it's friday again +ozWNGReFg7o-00016-00004712-00004895 share the love that was missing during +ozWNGReFg7o-00017-00004896-00005070 the week +ozWNGReFg7o-00018-00005071-00005431 in a worthy moment of peace and bless +ozWNGReFg7o-00019-00005432-00005927 esvo sayed +ozWNGReFg7o-00020-00005928-00006215 every friday i like to high-five myself +ozWNGReFg7o-00021-00006216-00006375 for getting through another week on +ozWNGReFg7o-00022-00006376-00006646 little more than caffeine willpower and +ozWNGReFg7o-00023-00006647-00006895 inappropriate humor +ozWNGReFg7o-00024-00006895-00007150 nania hoffman +ozWNGReFg7o-00025-00007151-00007423 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00026-00007423-00007655 make a friday a day to celebrate work +ozWNGReFg7o-00027-00007656-00007839 well done that you can be proud of +ozWNGReFg7o-00028-00007840-00008055 knowing that you just didn't put in time +ozWNGReFg7o-00029-00008056-00008319 to the next paycheck +ozWNGReFg7o-00030-00008320-00008662 byron pulcifer +ozWNGReFg7o-00031-00008663-00008831 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00032-00008832-00009214 when you leave work on friday leave work +ozWNGReFg7o-00033-00009215-00009406 don't let technology follow you +ozWNGReFg7o-00034-00009407-00009639 throughout your weekend answering text +ozWNGReFg7o-00035-00009640-00009878 messages and emails take a break you +ozWNGReFg7o-00036-00009879-00010078 will be more refreshed to begin the work +ozWNGReFg7o-00037-00010079-00010367 week if you have had a break +ozWNGReFg7o-00038-00010368-00010697 catherine pulcifer +ozWNGReFg7o-00039-00010698-00010878 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00040-00010879-00011095 you can get everything in life you want +ozWNGReFg7o-00041-00011096-00011263 if you will just help enough other +ozWNGReFg7o-00042-00011264-00011535 people get what they want +ozWNGReFg7o-00043-00011536-00012031 zig ziglar +ozWNGReFg7o-00044-00012032-00012335 inspiration does exist but it must find +ozWNGReFg7o-00045-00012336-00012535 you working +ozWNGReFg7o-00046-00012536-00013063 pablo picasso +ozWNGReFg7o-00047-00013063-00013358 don't settle for average +ozWNGReFg7o-00048-00013359-00013663 bring your best to the moment +ozWNGReFg7o-00049-00013663-00013966 then whether it fails or succeeds at +ozWNGReFg7o-00050-00013968-00014271 least you know you gave all you had +ozWNGReFg7o-00051-00014272-00014799 angela bassett +ozWNGReFg7o-00052-00014800-00015094 show up show up show up and after a +ozWNGReFg7o-00053-00015095-00015407 while the muse shows up too +ozWNGReFg7o-00054-00015408-00015935 isabelle allende +ozWNGReFg7o-00055-00015936-00016166 subscribe to the channel and click on +ozWNGReFg7o-00056-00016168-00017050 the bell for more video like this +ozWNGReFg7o-00057-00017051-00017903 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00058-00017904-00018150 set your goals high and don't stop till +ozWNGReFg7o-00059-00018151-00018383 you get there +ozWNGReFg7o-00060-00018384-00018571 jackson +ozWNGReFg7o-00061-00018572-00018814 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00062-00018815-00019111 take your victories whatever they may be +ozWNGReFg7o-00063-00019112-00019391 cherish them use them but don't settle +ozWNGReFg7o-00064-00019392-00019558 for them +ozWNGReFg7o-00065-00019559-00019999 mia ham +ozWNGReFg7o-00066-00020000-00020207 life can be much broader once you +ozWNGReFg7o-00067-00020208-00020455 discover one simple fact everything +ozWNGReFg7o-00068-00020456-00020655 around you that you call life was made +ozWNGReFg7o-00069-00020656-00020855 up by people that were no smarter than +ozWNGReFg7o-00070-00020856-00020999 you +ozWNGReFg7o-00071-00021000-00021278 and you can change it you can influence +ozWNGReFg7o-00072-00021279-00021422 it +ozWNGReFg7o-00073-00021423-00021655 once you learn that you'll never be the +ozWNGReFg7o-00074-00021656-00021863 same again +ozWNGReFg7o-00075-00021864-00022335 steve jobs +ozWNGReFg7o-00076-00022336-00022663 life is like riding a bicycle +ozWNGReFg7o-00077-00022664-00022863 to keep your balance you must keep +ozWNGReFg7o-00078-00022864-00023030 moving +ozWNGReFg7o-00079-00023031-00023271 albert einstein +ozWNGReFg7o-00080-00023272-00023527 what you do speak so loudly that i +ozWNGReFg7o-00081-00023528-00023783 cannot hear what you say +ozWNGReFg7o-00082-00023784-00024071 ralph waldo emerson +ozWNGReFg7o-00083-00024072-00024327 i have never let my schooling interfere +ozWNGReFg7o-00084-00024328-00024583 with my education +ozWNGReFg7o-00085-00024584-00025014 mark twain +ozWNGReFg7o-00086-00025015-00025271 if you can't yet do great things do +ozWNGReFg7o-00087-00025272-00025575 small things in a great way +ozWNGReFg7o-00088-00025576-00026055 napoleon hill +ozWNGReFg7o-00089-00026056-00026270 if you really want to do something +ozWNGReFg7o-00090-00026272-00026495 you'll find a way +ozWNGReFg7o-00091-00026495-00026879 if you don't you'll find an excuse +ozWNGReFg7o-00092-00026880-00027311 jim rohn +ozWNGReFg7o-00093-00027312-00027518 be sure you put your feet in the right +ozWNGReFg7o-00094-00027519-00027831 place then stand firm +ozWNGReFg7o-00095-00027832-00028311 abraham lincoln +ozWNGReFg7o-00096-00028312-00028558 live out of your imagination not your +ozWNGReFg7o-00097-00028560-00028751 history +ozWNGReFg7o-00098-00028752-00028914 stephen covey +ozWNGReFg7o-00099-00028914-00029214 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00100-00029216-00029431 do not wait for the perfect time and +ozWNGReFg7o-00101-00029432-00029687 place to enter for you are already on +ozWNGReFg7o-00102-00029688-00029870 stage +ozWNGReFg7o-00103-00029872-00030302 unknown +ozWNGReFg7o-00104-00030303-00030535 subscribe to the channel and click on +ozWNGReFg7o-00105-00030536-00031807 the bell for more videos like this +ozWNGReFg7o-00106-00031808-00032007 don't bunt +ozWNGReFg7o-00107-00032008-00032287 aim out of the ballpark +ozWNGReFg7o-00108-00032288-00032607 aim for the company of immortals +ozWNGReFg7o-00109-00032608-00033046 david ogilvy +ozWNGReFg7o-00110-00033047-00033262 i have stood on a mountain of nose for +ozWNGReFg7o-00111-00033263-00033462 one yes +ozWNGReFg7o-00112-00033463-00033951 barbara elaine smith +ozWNGReFg7o-00113-00033952-00034207 if you believe something needs to exist +ozWNGReFg7o-00114-00034208-00034351 if it's something you want to use +ozWNGReFg7o-00115-00034352-00034631 yourself don't let anyone ever stop you +ozWNGReFg7o-00116-00034632-00034839 from doing it +ozWNGReFg7o-00117-00034840-00035115 tobias latke +ozWNGReFg7o-00118-00035116-00035327 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00119-00035328-00035543 don't look at your feet to see if you +ozWNGReFg7o-00120-00035544-00035774 are doing it right +ozWNGReFg7o-00121-00035775-00035999 just dance +ozWNGReFg7o-00122-00036000-00036430 and lamot +ozWNGReFg7o-00123-00036431-00036630 someone sitting in the shade today +ozWNGReFg7o-00124-00036631-00036855 because someone planted a tree a long +ozWNGReFg7o-00125-00036856-00037046 time ago +ozWNGReFg7o-00126-00037047-00037188 warren buffet +ozWNGReFg7o-00127-00037189-00037479 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00128-00037480-00037711 true freedom is impossible without a +ozWNGReFg7o-00129-00037712-00038030 mind made free by discipline +ozWNGReFg7o-00130-00038031-00038309 mortimer j adler +ozWNGReFg7o-00131-00038310-00038543 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00132-00038544-00038911 rivers know this there is no hurry +ozWNGReFg7o-00133-00038912-00039190 we shall get there someday +ozWNGReFg7o-00134-00039191-00039615 a.a milne +ozWNGReFg7o-00135-00039616-00039879 there is a vitality a life force and +ozWNGReFg7o-00136-00039880-00040118 energy a quickening that is translated +ozWNGReFg7o-00137-00040119-00040302 through you into action and because +ozWNGReFg7o-00138-00040303-00040535 there is only one of you in all time +ozWNGReFg7o-00139-00040536-00040887 this expression is unique and if you +ozWNGReFg7o-00140-00040888-00041135 block it it will never exist through any +ozWNGReFg7o-00141-00041136-00041471 other medium and will be lost +ozWNGReFg7o-00142-00041472-00041911 martha graham +ozWNGReFg7o-00143-00041912-00042255 small is not just a stepping stone +ozWNGReFg7o-00144-00042256-00042639 small is a great destination itself +ozWNGReFg7o-00145-00042640-00043079 jason fried +ozWNGReFg7o-00146-00043080-00043318 he that can have patience can have what +ozWNGReFg7o-00147-00043319-00043495 he will +ozWNGReFg7o-00148-00043496-00043705 benjamin franklin +ozWNGReFg7o-00149-00043706-00043958 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00150-00043959-00044183 the only one who can tell you you can't +ozWNGReFg7o-00151-00044184-00044551 win is you and you don't have to listen +ozWNGReFg7o-00152-00044552-00045015 jessica ennis +ozWNGReFg7o-00153-00045016-00045239 subscribe to the channel and click on +ozWNGReFg7o-00154-00045240-00045654 the bell for more videos like this +ozWNGReFg7o-00155-00045655-00047023 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00156-00047024-00047318 i always wanted to be somebody but now i +ozWNGReFg7o-00157-00047319-00047718 realize i should have been more specific +ozWNGReFg7o-00158-00047719-00048190 lily tomlin +ozWNGReFg7o-00159-00048191-00048471 talent wins games the teamwork and +ozWNGReFg7o-00160-00048472-00048839 intelligence win championships +ozWNGReFg7o-00161-00048840-00049311 michael jordan +ozWNGReFg7o-00162-00049312-00049590 individual commitment to a group effort +ozWNGReFg7o-00163-00049591-00049862 that is what makes a team work a company +ozWNGReFg7o-00164-00049863-00050358 work a society work a civilization work +ozWNGReFg7o-00165-00050359-00050575 vince lombardi +ozWNGReFg7o-00166-00050576-00050855 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00167-00050856-00051135 teamwork is the ability to work together +ozWNGReFg7o-00168-00051136-00051414 toward a common vision +ozWNGReFg7o-00169-00051415-00051654 the ability to direct individual +ozWNGReFg7o-00170-00051655-00051926 accomplishments toward organizational +ozWNGReFg7o-00171-00051927-00052142 objectives +ozWNGReFg7o-00172-00052144-00052414 it is the fuel that allows common people +ozWNGReFg7o-00173-00052415-00052759 to attain uncommon results +ozWNGReFg7o-00174-00052760-00053263 andrew carnegie +ozWNGReFg7o-00175-00053264-00053607 coming together is a beginning +ozWNGReFg7o-00176-00053608-00053966 keeping together is progress +ozWNGReFg7o-00177-00053967-00054335 working together is success +ozWNGReFg7o-00178-00054336-00054474 henry +ozWNGReFg7o-00179-00054475-00054682 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00180-00054683-00055071 ford alone we can do so little together +ozWNGReFg7o-00181-00055072-00055350 we can do so much +ozWNGReFg7o-00182-00055351-00055472 helen keller +ozWNGReFg7o-00183-00055473-00055815 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00184-00055816-00056111 remember teamwork begins by building +ozWNGReFg7o-00185-00056112-00056294 trust +ozWNGReFg7o-00186-00056295-00056511 and the only way to do that is to +ozWNGReFg7o-00187-00056512-00056903 overcome our need for invulnerability +ozWNGReFg7o-00188-00056904-00057415 patrick lincolni +ozWNGReFg7o-00189-00057416-00057687 i invite everyone to choose forgiveness +ozWNGReFg7o-00190-00057688-00057926 rather than division teamwork over +ozWNGReFg7o-00191-00057927-00058194 personal ambition +ozWNGReFg7o-00192-00058195-00058711 jean-francois cope +ozWNGReFg7o-00193-00058712-00058935 just one small positive thought in the +ozWNGReFg7o-00194-00058936-00059263 morning can change your whole day +ozWNGReFg7o-00195-00059264-00059554 dalai lama +ozWNGReFg7o-00196-00059554-00059735 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00197-00059736-00060023 opportunities don't happen you create +ozWNGReFg7o-00198-00060024-00060191 them +ozWNGReFg7o-00199-00060191-00060663 chris grosser +ozWNGReFg7o-00200-00060664-00060959 love your family work super hard live +ozWNGReFg7o-00201-00060960-00061175 your passion +ozWNGReFg7o-00202-00061176-00061687 gary vaynerchuk +ozWNGReFg7o-00203-00061688-00061982 did you like this video +ozWNGReFg7o-00204-00061983-00062247 how about subscribing to the channel and +ozWNGReFg7o-00205-00062248-00062487 click on the bell to be notified of more +ozWNGReFg7o-00206-00062488-00063359 videos like this +ozWNGReFg7o-00207-00063360-00063575 be miserable +ozWNGReFg7o-00208-00063576-00063854 or motivate yourself +ozWNGReFg7o-00209-00063855-00064111 whatever has to be done it's always your +ozWNGReFg7o-00210-00064112-00064294 choice +ozWNGReFg7o-00211-00064295-00064492 wayne dyer +ozWNGReFg7o-00212-00064494-00064782 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00213-00064783-00064975 your monday morning thoughts set the +ozWNGReFg7o-00214-00064976-00065238 tone for your whole week +ozWNGReFg7o-00215-00065239-00065479 see yourself getting stronger and living +ozWNGReFg7o-00216-00065479-00065887 a fulfilling happier and healthier life +ozWNGReFg7o-00217-00065888-00066391 germany kent +ozWNGReFg7o-00218-00066392-00066655 friday sees more smiles than any other +ozWNGReFg7o-00219-00066656-00066894 day of the work week +ozWNGReFg7o-00220-00066895-00067282 kate +ozWNGReFg7o-00221-00067283-00067550 summers oh +ozWNGReFg7o-00222-00067551-00067806 it's friday again +ozWNGReFg7o-00223-00067807-00067991 share the love that was missing during +ozWNGReFg7o-00224-00067992-00068167 the week +ozWNGReFg7o-00225-00068168-00068526 in a worthy moment of peace and bless +ozWNGReFg7o-00226-00068527-00068688 esmosaid +ozWNGReFg7o-00227-00068689-00069023 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00228-00069024-00069311 every friday i like to high-five myself +ozWNGReFg7o-00229-00069312-00069471 for getting through another week on +ozWNGReFg7o-00230-00069472-00069743 little more than caffeine willpower and +ozWNGReFg7o-00231-00069744-00069991 inappropriate humor +ozWNGReFg7o-00232-00069992-00070247 nania hoffman +ozWNGReFg7o-00233-00070248-00070519 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00234-00070520-00070750 make a friday a day to celebrate work +ozWNGReFg7o-00235-00070751-00070935 well done that you can be proud of +ozWNGReFg7o-00236-00070936-00071159 knowing that you just didn't put in time +ozWNGReFg7o-00237-00071160-00071415 to the next paycheck +ozWNGReFg7o-00238-00071416-00071758 byron pulcifer +ozWNGReFg7o-00239-00071759-00071926 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00240-00071927-00072311 when you leave work on friday leave work +ozWNGReFg7o-00241-00072312-00072503 don't let technology follow you +ozWNGReFg7o-00242-00072504-00072735 throughout your weekend answering text +ozWNGReFg7o-00243-00072736-00072975 messages and emails take a break you +ozWNGReFg7o-00244-00072976-00073175 will be more refreshed to begin the work +ozWNGReFg7o-00245-00073176-00073462 week if you have had a break +ozWNGReFg7o-00246-00073463-00073794 catherine pulcifer +ozWNGReFg7o-00247-00073795-00073975 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00248-00073976-00074191 you can get everything in life you want +ozWNGReFg7o-00249-00074192-00074359 if you will just help enough other +ozWNGReFg7o-00250-00074360-00074631 people get what they want +ozWNGReFg7o-00251-00074632-00075126 zig ziglar +ozWNGReFg7o-00252-00075127-00075431 inspiration does exist but it must find +ozWNGReFg7o-00253-00075432-00075631 you working +ozWNGReFg7o-00254-00075632-00076167 pablo picasso +ozWNGReFg7o-00255-00076168-00076455 don't settle for average +ozWNGReFg7o-00256-00076456-00076759 bring your best to the moment +ozWNGReFg7o-00257-00076760-00077062 then whether it fails or succeeds at +ozWNGReFg7o-00258-00077063-00077367 least you know you gave all you had +ozWNGReFg7o-00259-00077368-00077894 angela bassett +ozWNGReFg7o-00260-00077895-00078191 show up show up show up and after a +ozWNGReFg7o-00261-00078192-00078503 while the muse shows up too +ozWNGReFg7o-00262-00078504-00079031 isabel allende +ozWNGReFg7o-00263-00079032-00079262 subscribe to the channel and click on +ozWNGReFg7o-00264-00079263-00079602 the bell for more video like this +ozWNGReFg7o-00265-00079603-00080991 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00266-00080992-00081231 it is never too late to be what you +ozWNGReFg7o-00267-00081232-00081455 might have been +ozWNGReFg7o-00268-00081456-00081671 george eliot +ozWNGReFg7o-00269-00081672-00081967 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00270-00081968-00082191 don't let someone else's opinion of you +ozWNGReFg7o-00271-00082192-00082831 become your reality les brown +ozWNGReFg7o-00272-00082832-00083087 if you're not positive energy your +ozWNGReFg7o-00273-00083088-00083343 negative energy +ozWNGReFg7o-00274-00083344-00083673 mark cuban +ozWNGReFg7o-00275-00083674-00083838 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00276-00083839-00084262 i am not a product of my circumstances +ozWNGReFg7o-00277-00084263-00084647 i am a product of my decisions +ozWNGReFg7o-00278-00084648-00085199 stephen are covey +ozWNGReFg7o-00279-00085200-00085479 the greatest discovery of my generation +ozWNGReFg7o-00280-00085480-00085767 is that a human being can alter his life +ozWNGReFg7o-00281-00085768-00086087 by altering his attitudes +ozWNGReFg7o-00282-00086088-00086599 william james +ozWNGReFg7o-00283-00086600-00086799 one of the differences between some +ozWNGReFg7o-00284-00086800-00087094 successful and unsuccessful people is +ozWNGReFg7o-00285-00087095-00087367 that one group is full of doers while +ozWNGReFg7o-00286-00087368-00087679 the other is full of wishers +ozWNGReFg7o-00287-00087680-00087840 edmund byaka +ozWNGReFg7o-00288-00087841-00088223 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00289-00088224-00088471 i'd rather regret the things i've done +ozWNGReFg7o-00290-00088472-00088815 then regret the things i haven't done +ozWNGReFg7o-00291-00088816-00088963 lucille ball +ozWNGReFg7o-00292-00088964-00089335 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00293-00089336-00089591 you cannot plow a field by turning it +ozWNGReFg7o-00294-00089592-00089847 over in your mind +ozWNGReFg7o-00295-00089848-00090159 to begin begin +ozWNGReFg7o-00296-00090160-00090606 gordon b hinckley +ozWNGReFg7o-00297-00090607-00090806 when you arise in the morning think of +ozWNGReFg7o-00298-00090807-00091094 what a privilege it is to be alive to +ozWNGReFg7o-00299-00091095-00091575 think to enjoy to love +ozWNGReFg7o-00300-00091576-00091855 marcus aurelius +ozWNGReFg7o-00301-00091856-00092094 mondays are the start of the work week +ozWNGReFg7o-00302-00092095-00092399 which offer new beginnings 52 times a +ozWNGReFg7o-00303-00092400-00092959 year david dweck +ozWNGReFg7o-00304-00092960-00093255 did you like the content +ozWNGReFg7o-00305-00093256-00093543 subscribe to the channel like the video +ozWNGReFg7o-00306-00093544-00094262 and watch more videos like this +ozWNGReFg7o-00307-00094263-00094462 don't bunt +ozWNGReFg7o-00308-00094463-00094735 aim out of the ballpark +ozWNGReFg7o-00309-00094736-00095055 aim for the company of immortals +ozWNGReFg7o-00310-00095056-00095494 david ogilvy +ozWNGReFg7o-00311-00095495-00095711 i have stood on a mountain of nose for +ozWNGReFg7o-00312-00095712-00095918 one yes +ozWNGReFg7o-00313-00095919-00096406 barbara elaine smith +ozWNGReFg7o-00314-00096407-00096655 if you believe something needs to exist +ozWNGReFg7o-00315-00096656-00096799 if it's something you want to use +ozWNGReFg7o-00316-00096800-00097079 yourself don't let anyone ever stop you +ozWNGReFg7o-00317-00097080-00097287 from doing it +ozWNGReFg7o-00318-00097288-00097568 tobias lucky +ozWNGReFg7o-00319-00097569-00097774 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00320-00097775-00097991 don't look at your feet to see if you +ozWNGReFg7o-00321-00097992-00098223 are doing it right +ozWNGReFg7o-00322-00098224-00098447 just dance +ozWNGReFg7o-00323-00098448-00098887 and lamot +ozWNGReFg7o-00324-00098888-00099079 someone's sitting in the shade today +ozWNGReFg7o-00325-00099080-00099303 because someone planted a tree a long +ozWNGReFg7o-00326-00099304-00099494 time ago +ozWNGReFg7o-00327-00099495-00099638 warren buffet +ozWNGReFg7o-00328-00099639-00099926 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00329-00099927-00100159 true freedom is impossible without a +ozWNGReFg7o-00330-00100160-00100487 mind made free by discipline +ozWNGReFg7o-00331-00100488-00100598 mortimer j +ozWNGReFg7o-00332-00100599-00100882 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00333-00100883-00101235 adler rivers know this there is no hurry +ozWNGReFg7o-00334-00101236-00101359 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00335-00101360-00101638 we shall get there someday +ozWNGReFg7o-00336-00101639-00102071 a a mild +ozWNGReFg7o-00337-00102072-00102335 there is a vitality a life force an +ozWNGReFg7o-00338-00102336-00102566 energy a quickening that is translated +ozWNGReFg7o-00339-00102567-00102758 through you into action and because +ozWNGReFg7o-00340-00102759-00102982 there is only one of you in all time +ozWNGReFg7o-00341-00102983-00103278 this expression is unique +ozWNGReFg7o-00342-00103279-00103534 and if you block it it will never exist +ozWNGReFg7o-00343-00103535-00103734 through any other medium and will be +ozWNGReFg7o-00344-00103735-00103918 lost +ozWNGReFg7o-00345-00103919-00104358 martha graham +ozWNGReFg7o-00346-00104359-00104702 small is not just a stepping stone +ozWNGReFg7o-00347-00104703-00105086 small is a great destination itself +ozWNGReFg7o-00348-00105088-00105527 jason fried +ozWNGReFg7o-00349-00105528-00105775 he that can have patience can have what +ozWNGReFg7o-00350-00105776-00105951 he will +ozWNGReFg7o-00351-00105952-00106155 benjamin franklin +ozWNGReFg7o-00352-00106156-00106407 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00353-00106408-00106631 the only one who can tell you you can't +ozWNGReFg7o-00354-00106632-00107007 win is you and you don't have to listen +ozWNGReFg7o-00355-00107008-00107463 jessica ennis +ozWNGReFg7o-00356-00107464-00107695 subscribe to the channel and click on +ozWNGReFg7o-00357-00107696-00108104 the bell for more videos like this +ozWNGReFg7o-00358-00108105-00109272 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00359-00109273-00109510 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00360-00109511-00109751 it is never too late to be what you +ozWNGReFg7o-00361-00109752-00109975 might have been +ozWNGReFg7o-00362-00109976-00110191 george eliot +ozWNGReFg7o-00363-00110192-00110486 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00364-00110488-00110710 don't let someone else's opinion of you +ozWNGReFg7o-00365-00110711-00111351 become your reality less brown +ozWNGReFg7o-00366-00111352-00111607 if you're not positive energy your +ozWNGReFg7o-00367-00111608-00111863 negative energy +ozWNGReFg7o-00368-00111864-00112193 mark cuban +ozWNGReFg7o-00369-00112194-00112358 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00370-00112359-00112783 i am not a product of my circumstances +ozWNGReFg7o-00371-00112783-00113166 i am a product of my decisions +ozWNGReFg7o-00372-00113167-00113719 stephen are covey +ozWNGReFg7o-00373-00113720-00113999 the greatest discovery of my generation +ozWNGReFg7o-00374-00114000-00114286 is that a human being can alter his life +ozWNGReFg7o-00375-00114288-00114607 by altering his attitudes +ozWNGReFg7o-00376-00114608-00115119 william james +ozWNGReFg7o-00377-00115120-00115319 one of the differences between some +ozWNGReFg7o-00378-00115320-00115615 successful and unsuccessful people is +ozWNGReFg7o-00379-00115616-00115886 that one group is full of doers while +ozWNGReFg7o-00380-00115888-00116199 the other is full of wishers +ozWNGReFg7o-00381-00116200-00116528 edmund byaka +ozWNGReFg7o-00382-00116529-00116743 [Music] +ozWNGReFg7o-00383-00116744-00116990 i'd rather regret the things i've done +ozWNGReFg7o-00384-00116991-00117334 than regret the things i haven't done +ozWNGReFg7o-00385-00117335-00117854 lucille ball +ozWNGReFg7o-00386-00117855-00118110 you cannot plow a field by turning it +ozWNGReFg7o-00387-00118111-00118366 over in your mind +ozWNGReFg7o-00388-00118367-00118678 to begin begin +ozWNGReFg7o-00389-00118679-00119119 gordon b hinckley +ozWNGReFg7o-00390-00119120-00119327 when you arise in the morning think of +ozWNGReFg7o-00391-00119328-00119607 what a privilege it is to be alive to +ozWNGReFg7o-00392-00119608-00120095 think to enjoy to love +ozWNGReFg7o-00393-00120096-00120375 marcus aurelius +ozWNGReFg7o-00394-00120376-00120614 mondays are the start of the work week +ozWNGReFg7o-00395-00120615-00120919 which offer new beginnings 52 times a +ozWNGReFg7o-00396-00120920-00121478 year david dweck +ozWNGReFg7o-00397-00121479-00121775 did you like the content +ozWNGReFg7o-00398-00121776-00122063 subscribe to the channel like the video +ozWNGReFg7o-00399-00122064-00122515 and watch more videos like this +o_lT9Mj5aJo-00000-00000000-00000202 this harsh land abounds and the +o_lT9Mj5aJo-00001-00000204-00000440 resources we need but the enemy will +o_lT9Mj5aJo-00002-00000441-00000674 compete for them as well our scouts have +o_lT9Mj5aJo-00003-00000675-00000850 reported a large group of enemy ships +o_lT9Mj5aJo-00004-00000851-00001106 approaching our location you need to get +o_lT9Mj5aJo-00005-00001107-00002541 ready for battle +o_lT9Mj5aJo-00006-00002542-00002952 good luck Admiral +oAjIjCee1DU-00000-00000057-00000353 German individualist philosopher max +oAjIjCee1DU-00001-00000354-00000572 Turner became an important early +oAjIjCee1DU-00002-00000573-00000977 influence in anarchism afterwards Johann +oAjIjCee1DU-00003-00000977-00001214 most became an important anarchist +oAjIjCee1DU-00004-00001215-00001466 propagandist in both Germany and in the +oAjIjCee1DU-00005-00001467-00001850 United States in the late 19th century +oAjIjCee1DU-00006-00001851-00002165 and early 20th century there appeared +oAjIjCee1DU-00007-00002166-00002432 individualist anarchists influenced by +oAjIjCee1DU-00008-00002433-00002738 sterner such as John Henry McCoy Adolf +oAjIjCee1DU-00009-00002739-00003059 brand and Anselm rest' Ernst Samuel and +oAjIjCee1DU-00010-00003060-00003152 my Nonna +oAjIjCee1DU-00011-00003153-00003529 Salome Oh Friedlander the anarchists +oAjIjCee1DU-00012-00003531-00003854 Gustav Landauer Silvio Gasol and Eric +oAjIjCee1DU-00013-00003854-00004052 Newsome had important leadership +oAjIjCee1DU-00014-00004053-00004274 positions within the Revolutionary +oAjIjCee1DU-00015-00004275-00004481 Council estructure 'z during the +oAjIjCee1DU-00016-00004482-00004766 uprising at the late 1910s known as +oAjIjCee1DU-00017-00004767-00005141 Bavarian Soviet republic during the rise +oAjIjCee1DU-00018-00005142-00005406 of the Nazi regime Eric Newsome was +oAjIjCee1DU-00019-00005407-00005642 assassinated in a concentration camp +oAjIjCee1DU-00020-00005643-00005933 both for his anarchist positions and for +oAjIjCee1DU-00021-00005934-00006085 his Jewish background +oAjIjCee1DU-00022-00006086-00006418 the anarcho-syndicalist activist and +oAjIjCee1DU-00023-00006419-00006631 writer Rudolf rocker became an +oAjIjCee1DU-00024-00006633-00006839 influential personality in the +oAjIjCee1DU-00025-00006840-00007023 establishment of the International +oAjIjCee1DU-00026-00007025-00007273 Federation of anarcho-syndicalist +oAjIjCee1DU-00027-00007273-00007502 organizations called International +oAjIjCee1DU-00028-00007503-00007763 Workers Association as well as the free +oAjIjCee1DU-00029-00007764-00008170 Workers Union of Germany contemporary +oAjIjCee1DU-00030-00008172-00008450 German anarchist organizations include +oAjIjCee1DU-00031-00008451-00008681 the anarcho-syndicalist free Workers +oAjIjCee1DU-00032-00008682-00008849 Union and the Federation of +oAjIjCee1DU-00033-00008850-00009125 german-speaking anarchists Federation +oAjIjCee1DU-00034-00009126-00009864 Deutsch spray sugar anarchist Onan +oAjIjCee1DU-00035-00009865-00010582 topic sterner and other pioneers +oAjIjCee1DU-00036-00010583-00010867 anarchist historians often trace the +oAjIjCee1DU-00037-00010868-00011098 roots of German anarchism back to the +oAjIjCee1DU-00038-00011099-00011412 sixteenth century German peasants war on +oAjIjCee1DU-00039-00011413-00011740 the other hand both James Joel and +oAjIjCee1DU-00040-00011741-00011976 George Woodcock hold that this link is +oAjIjCee1DU-00041-00011977-00012364 exaggerated later anarchists have also +oAjIjCee1DU-00042-00012365-00012556 claimed the liberal thinking of Schiller +oAjIjCee1DU-00043-00012557-00012847 Goethe Lessing and Heiner to be the +oAjIjCee1DU-00044-00012847-00013075 precursors of anarchism in the first +oAjIjCee1DU-00045-00013076-00013360 half of the 19th century there was no +oAjIjCee1DU-00046-00013361-00013585 significant anarchist movement in +oAjIjCee1DU-00047-00013586-00013852 Germany to speak of but several thinkers +oAjIjCee1DU-00048-00013853-00014128 influenced by anarchism particularly by +oAjIjCee1DU-00049-00014129-00014476 pierre-joseph Proudhon according to +oAjIjCee1DU-00050-00014477-00014611 Gustav Landauer +oAjIjCee1DU-00051-00014612-00014794 the thinking of political satirist +oAjIjCee1DU-00052-00014794-00015097 Ludwig borne though not anarchist had +oAjIjCee1DU-00053-00015097-00015451 some parallels to anarchism born once +oAjIjCee1DU-00054-00015452-00015829 claimed that freedom arises only out of +oAjIjCee1DU-00055-00015830-00016204 Anarchy this is our belief this is the +oAjIjCee1DU-00056-00016205-00016600 lesson of history the composer Richard +oAjIjCee1DU-00057-00016601-00016854 Wagner though often linked with fascism +oAjIjCee1DU-00058-00016855-00017227 sympathized with bakunin in an article +oAjIjCee1DU-00059-00017228-00017458 on the March revolution which would +oAjIjCee1DU-00060-00017459-00017680 later be reprinted by the anarchist +oAjIjCee1DU-00061-00017681-00017964 press vogner said that revolution will +oAjIjCee1DU-00062-00017965-00018487 destroy the domination of one over many +oAjIjCee1DU-00063-00018488-00018823 and the power of the Almighty of law of +oAjIjCee1DU-00064-00018824-00019246 property it was this article that led +oAjIjCee1DU-00065-00019247-00019489 max net allowed to like invade nur an +oAjIjCee1DU-00066-00019490-00019750 anarchist during this period several +oAjIjCee1DU-00067-00019751-00020032 German socialists of this period also +oAjIjCee1DU-00068-00020033-00020398 exhibited anarchist tendencies the young +oAjIjCee1DU-00069-00020399-00020671 Wilhelm White Lang influenced by both +oAjIjCee1DU-00070-00020672-00020976 Proudhon and Blanc II once wrote that a +oAjIjCee1DU-00071-00020977-00021352 perfect society has no government but +oAjIjCee1DU-00072-00021353-00021717 only in administration no laws but only +oAjIjCee1DU-00073-00021718-00022069 obligations no punishment but means of +oAjIjCee1DU-00074-00022070-00022459 Correction Moses Hess was also an +oAjIjCee1DU-00075-00022460-00022855 analyst until around 1844 disseminating +oAjIjCee1DU-00076-00022856-00023116 proud Hans theories in Germany but would +oAjIjCee1DU-00077-00023117-00023293 go on to write the anti anarchist +oAjIjCee1DU-00078-00023294-00023641 pamphlet died lapsed philosophy Karl +oAjIjCee1DU-00079-00023642-00023887 grun well-known for his role in the +oAjIjCee1DU-00080-00023888-00024178 disputes between Marx and Proudhon held +oAjIjCee1DU-00081-00024179-00024367 a view net allow would liken to +oAjIjCee1DU-00082-00024368-00024595 communist anarchism while still living +oAjIjCee1DU-00083-00024596-00024856 in Cologne and then left for Paris where +oAjIjCee1DU-00084-00024857-00025116 he became a disciple of proud Han +oAjIjCee1DU-00085-00025117-00025420 Wilhelm are born in Hamburg but +oAjIjCee1DU-00086-00025421-00025651 primarily active in the young Germany +oAjIjCee1DU-00087-00025652-00025941 clubs in Switzerland edited several +oAjIjCee1DU-00088-00025942-00026293 anti-authoritarian periodicals in his +oAjIjCee1DU-00089-00026294-00026560 book on anarchism anarchy odor or turret +oAjIjCee1DU-00090-00026561-00026779 at he comes to the conclusion that +oAjIjCee1DU-00091-00026780-00027076 Liberty is found only in Anarchy edgar +oAjIjCee1DU-00092-00027077-00027448 bower the 7th of October 1822 the 18th +oAjIjCee1DU-00093-00027449-00027783 of August 1886 was a German political +oAjIjCee1DU-00094-00027783-00028000 philosopher and a member of the young +oAjIjCee1DU-00095-00028001-00028375 Hegelians according to Lawrence s-step +oAjIjCee1DU-00096-00028376-00028588 Levitch Edgar Bower was the most +oAjIjCee1DU-00097-00028589-00028819 anarchistic of the young Hegelians +oAjIjCee1DU-00098-00028820-00029036 and +oAjIjCee1DU-00099-00029037-00029362 less than pre greater than slash pre +oAjIjCee1DU-00100-00029363-00029651 greater than dot dot dot it is possible +oAjIjCee1DU-00101-00029652-00029902 to discern in the early writings of +oAjIjCee1DU-00102-00029904-00030107 Edgar Bower the theoretical +oAjIjCee1DU-00103-00030108-00030477 justification of political terrorism +oAjIjCee1DU-00104-00030479-00030802 German anarchists such as max net allow +oAjIjCee1DU-00105-00030804-00031076 in gustav landau accredited edgar bauer +oAjIjCee1DU-00106-00031077-00031318 with founding the anarchist tradition in +oAjIjCee1DU-00107-00031319-00031775 germany in 1843 he published a book +oAjIjCee1DU-00108-00031776-00032024 titled the conflict of criticism with +oAjIjCee1DU-00109-00032025-00032375 church and state this caused him to be +oAjIjCee1DU-00110-00032376-00032660 charged with sedition he was imprisoned +oAjIjCee1DU-00111-00032661-00032890 for four years in the fortress at +oAjIjCee1DU-00112-00032891-00033206 Magdeburg while he was in prison his +oAjIjCee1DU-00113-00033207-00033455 former associates marks and angles +oAjIjCee1DU-00114-00033456-00033689 published a scathing critique of him and +oAjIjCee1DU-00115-00033690-00034024 his brother Bruno titled the Holy Family +oAjIjCee1DU-00116-00034025-00034406 1844 they resumed the attack in the +oAjIjCee1DU-00117-00034407-00034796 German ideology 1846 which was not +oAjIjCee1DU-00118-00034797-00035111 published at the time +oAjIjCee1DU-00119-00035112-00035453 you +oAjIjCee1DU-00120-00035454-00036017 topic max Stirner +oAjIjCee1DU-00121-00036018-00036353 Johann Kaspar schmidt the 25th of +oAjIjCee1DU-00122-00036354-00036836 October 1806 to the 26th of June 1856 +oAjIjCee1DU-00123-00036837-00037118 better known as Max Turner the nom de +oAjIjCee1DU-00124-00037119-00037307 plume he adopted from a schoolyard +oAjIjCee1DU-00125-00037308-00037547 nickname he had acquired as a child +oAjIjCee1DU-00126-00037548-00037835 because of his high brow in German Stern +oAjIjCee1DU-00127-00037836-00038120 was a German philosopher who ranks as +oAjIjCee1DU-00128-00038121-00038368 one of the literary fathers of nihilism +oAjIjCee1DU-00129-00038369-00038627 existentialism post-modernism and +oAjIjCee1DU-00130-00038628-00038879 anarchism especially of individualist +oAjIjCee1DU-00131-00038880-00039275 anarchism stoners main work is the ego +oAjIjCee1DU-00132-00039276-00039548 and its own also known as the ego and +oAjIjCee1DU-00133-00039549-00039848 his own Darrin's agarn same eigen term +oAjIjCee1DU-00134-00039849-00040094 in German which translates literally as +oAjIjCee1DU-00135-00040095-00040439 the only one and his property this work +oAjIjCee1DU-00136-00040440-00040802 was first published in 1844 in Leipzig +oAjIjCee1DU-00137-00040803-00040991 and has since appeared in numerous +oAjIjCee1DU-00138-00040992-00041420 editions and translations sternest +oAjIjCee1DU-00139-00041421-00041870 philosophy is usually called egoism he +oAjIjCee1DU-00140-00041871-00042137 says that the egoist rejects pursuit of +oAjIjCee1DU-00141-00042138-00042563 devotion to a great idea a good cause a +oAjIjCee1DU-00142-00042564-00043073 doctrine a system a lofty calling saying +oAjIjCee1DU-00143-00043074-00043361 that the egoist has no political calling +oAjIjCee1DU-00144-00043362-00043760 but rather lives themselves out without +oAjIjCee1DU-00145-00043761-00044138 regard to how well or ill humanity may +oAjIjCee1DU-00146-00044139-00044497 fair thereby sterner held that the only +oAjIjCee1DU-00147-00044498-00044690 limitation on the rights of the +oAjIjCee1DU-00148-00044691-00044939 individual is his power to obtain what +oAjIjCee1DU-00149-00044940-00045278 he desires he proposes that most +oAjIjCee1DU-00150-00045279-00045613 commonly accepted social institutions +oAjIjCee1DU-00151-00045614-00045869 including the notion of state property +oAjIjCee1DU-00152-00045870-00046187 as a right natural rights in general and +oAjIjCee1DU-00153-00046188-00046505 the very notion of society were mere +oAjIjCee1DU-00154-00046506-00046865 spooks in the mind sterner wanted to +oAjIjCee1DU-00155-00046866-00047179 abolish not only the state but also +oAjIjCee1DU-00156-00047180-00047459 society as an institution responsible +oAjIjCee1DU-00157-00047460-00047754 for its members +oAjIjCee1DU-00158-00047755-00048024 max Turner's idea of the union of +oAjIjCee1DU-00159-00048025-00048399 egoists German Viren von egoist in' was +oAjIjCee1DU-00160-00048400-00048683 first expounded in the ego and its own +oAjIjCee1DU-00161-00048684-00048978 the union is understood as a non +oAjIjCee1DU-00162-00048979-00049257 systematic Association which sterner +oAjIjCee1DU-00163-00049258-00049509 proposed in Contra distinction to the +oAjIjCee1DU-00164-00049510-00049836 state the union is understood as a +oAjIjCee1DU-00165-00049837-00050079 relation between egoists which is +oAjIjCee1DU-00166-00050080-00050310 continually renewed by all parties +oAjIjCee1DU-00167-00050311-00050649 support through an act of will the Union +oAjIjCee1DU-00168-00050650-00050913 requires that all parties participate +oAjIjCee1DU-00169-00050914-00051315 out of a conscious egoism if one party +oAjIjCee1DU-00170-00051316-00051531 silently finds themselves to be +oAjIjCee1DU-00171-00051532-00051765 suffering but puts up and keeps the +oAjIjCee1DU-00172-00051766-00051973 appearance the Union has degenerated +oAjIjCee1DU-00173-00051974-00052389 into something else this union is not +oAjIjCee1DU-00174-00052390-00052638 seen as an authority above a person's +oAjIjCee1DU-00175-00052639-00052979 own will this idea has received +oAjIjCee1DU-00176-00052980-00053272 interpretations for politics economic +oAjIjCee1DU-00177-00053273-00053643 and sex love sterner claimed that +oAjIjCee1DU-00178-00053644-00053849 property comes about through might +oAjIjCee1DU-00179-00053850-00054225 whoever knows how to take to defend the +oAjIjCee1DU-00180-00054226-00054651 thing to him belongs property what I +oAjIjCee1DU-00181-00054652-00055074 have in my power that is my own so long +oAjIjCee1DU-00182-00055075-00055390 as I assert myself as holder I am the +oAjIjCee1DU-00183-00055391-00055810 proprietor of the thing I do not step +oAjIjCee1DU-00184-00055811-00056110 shyly back from your property but look +oAjIjCee1DU-00185-00056111-00056434 upon it always as my property in which I +oAjIjCee1DU-00186-00056435-00056824 respect nothing pray do the like with +oAjIjCee1DU-00187-00056825-00057199 what do you call my property his concept +oAjIjCee1DU-00188-00057200-00057640 of egoistic property not only rejects +oAjIjCee1DU-00189-00057641-00057898 moral restraint on how own obtains and +oAjIjCee1DU-00190-00057899-00058179 uses things but includes other people as +oAjIjCee1DU-00191-00058180-00058413 well although Stanners philosophy is +oAjIjCee1DU-00192-00058414-00058666 individualist it has influenced some +oAjIjCee1DU-00193-00058666-00058899 libertarian communists and anarcho +oAjIjCee1DU-00194-00058900-00059266 communists for ourselves council for +oAjIjCee1DU-00195-00059266-00059661 generalized self-management discusses +oAjIjCee1DU-00196-00059662-00060012 sterner and speaks of a communist egoism +oAjIjCee1DU-00197-00060013-00060386 which is said to be a synthesis of +oAjIjCee1DU-00198-00060387-00060774 individualism and collectivism and says +oAjIjCee1DU-00199-00060775-00061119 that greed in its fullest sense is the +oAjIjCee1DU-00200-00061120-00061550 only possible basis of communist society +oAjIjCee1DU-00201-00061551-00061891 forms of libertarian communism such as +oAjIjCee1DU-00202-00061891-00062146 insurrectionary anarchism are influenced +oAjIjCee1DU-00203-00062147-00062485 by sterner anarcho communist Emma +oAjIjCee1DU-00204-00062486-00062746 Goldman was influenced by both sterner +oAjIjCee1DU-00205-00062747-00062982 and Peter Kropotkin and blended their +oAjIjCee1DU-00206-00062983-00063741 philosophies together in her own +oAjIjCee1DU-00207-00063741-00064355 topic Johan most +oAjIjCee1DU-00208-00064357-00064732 Johann Joseph most the 5th of February +oAjIjCee1DU-00209-00064733-00065136 1846 in Augsburg Bavaria the 17th of +oAjIjCee1DU-00210-00065137-00065543 March 1906 in Cincinnati Ohio was a +oAjIjCee1DU-00211-00065544-00065823 German American politician newspaper +oAjIjCee1DU-00212-00065824-00066171 editor and orator he is credited with +oAjIjCee1DU-00213-00066172-00066488 popularizing the concept of propaganda +oAjIjCee1DU-00214-00066489-00066887 of their deed as the 1860s drew to a +oAjIjCee1DU-00215-00066888-00067199 close most was won over to the ideas of +oAjIjCee1DU-00216-00067200-00067457 international socialism an emerging +oAjIjCee1DU-00217-00067458-00067676 political movement in Germany and +oAjIjCee1DU-00218-00067677-00068016 Austria most saw in the doctrines of +oAjIjCee1DU-00219-00068017-00068247 Karl Marx and Ferdinand Lassalle a +oAjIjCee1DU-00220-00068248-00068559 blueprint for a new egalitarian society +oAjIjCee1DU-00221-00068560-00068772 and became a fervid supporter of the +oAjIjCee1DU-00222-00068773-00069078 social democracy as the Marxist movement +oAjIjCee1DU-00223-00069079-00069425 was known in the day most was repeatedly +oAjIjCee1DU-00224-00069426-00069696 arrested for his attacks on patriotism +oAjIjCee1DU-00225-00069697-00069968 and conventional religion and ethics and +oAjIjCee1DU-00226-00069969-00070226 for his gospel of terrorism preached in +oAjIjCee1DU-00227-00070227-00070487 prose and in many songs such as those in +oAjIjCee1DU-00228-00070488-00070667 his proletarian leader botched +oAjIjCee1DU-00229-00070668-00071012 proletarian songbook some of his +oAjIjCee1DU-00230-00071013-00071280 experiences in prison were recounted in +oAjIjCee1DU-00231-00071281-00071673 the 1876 work by Bastille an plotzensee +oAjIjCee1DU-00232-00071674-00071957 latter aus meinem gaffing list age +oAjIjCee1DU-00233-00071958-00072182 birched the Bastille on plots and Zee +oAjIjCee1DU-00234-00072183-00072517 pages from my prison diary +oAjIjCee1DU-00235-00072518-00072784 after advocating violent action +oAjIjCee1DU-00236-00072785-00073078 including the use of explosive bombs as +oAjIjCee1DU-00237-00073079-00073339 a mechanism to bring about revolutionary +oAjIjCee1DU-00238-00073340-00073657 change most was forced into exile by the +oAjIjCee1DU-00239-00073658-00074002 government he went to France but was +oAjIjCee1DU-00240-00074003-00074283 forced to leave at the end of 1878 +oAjIjCee1DU-00241-00074284-00074659 settling in London there he founded his +oAjIjCee1DU-00242-00074660-00075001 own newspaper fray hate freedom with the +oAjIjCee1DU-00243-00075002-00075247 first issue coming off the press dated +oAjIjCee1DU-00244-00075248-00075727 the 4th of January 1879 convinced by his +oAjIjCee1DU-00245-00075728-00075948 own experience of the futility of +oAjIjCee1DU-00246-00075949-00076225 parliamentary action most began to +oAjIjCee1DU-00247-00076226-00076471 espouse the doctrine of anarchism which +oAjIjCee1DU-00248-00076472-00076699 led to his expulsion from the German +oAjIjCee1DU-00249-00076700-00077055 Social Democratic Party in 1880 +oAjIjCee1DU-00250-00077056-00077344 encouraged by news of labour struggles +oAjIjCee1DU-00251-00077345-00077608 and industrial disputes in the United +oAjIjCee1DU-00252-00077609-00077941 States most emigrated to the USA upon +oAjIjCee1DU-00253-00077942-00078261 his release from prison in 1882 he +oAjIjCee1DU-00254-00078262-00078604 promptly began agitating in his adopted +oAjIjCee1DU-00255-00078605-00078970 land among other German Amy Gray's most +oAjIjCee1DU-00256-00078971-00079225 resumed the publication of The Fray hate +oAjIjCee1DU-00257-00079226-00079621 in New York he was imprisoned in 1886 +oAjIjCee1DU-00258-00079622-00080110 again in 1887 and in 1902 the last time +oAjIjCee1DU-00259-00080111-00080344 for two months for publishing after the +oAjIjCee1DU-00260-00080345-00080581 assassination of President McKinley an +oAjIjCee1DU-00261-00080582-00080830 editorial in which he argued that it was +oAjIjCee1DU-00262-00080831-00081202 no crime to kill a ruler a gifted orator +oAjIjCee1DU-00263-00081203-00081478 most propagated these ideas throughout +oAjIjCee1DU-00264-00081479-00081745 marxist and anarchist circles in the +oAjIjCee1DU-00265-00081746-00081976 United States and attracted many +oAjIjCee1DU-00266-00081977-00082279 adherents most notably Emma Goldman and +oAjIjCee1DU-00267-00082280-00082672 Alexander Berkman most was in Cincinnati +oAjIjCee1DU-00268-00082673-00083019 Ohio to give a speech when he fell ill +oAjIjCee1DU-00269-00083020-00083347 diagnosed with erysipelas doctors could +oAjIjCee1DU-00270-00083348-00083584 do little for him and he died a few days +oAjIjCee1DU-00271-00083585-00083838 later +oAjIjCee1DU-00272-00083839-00084210 you +oAjIjCee1DU-00273-00084211-00084947 topic German individualist anarchism +oAjIjCee1DU-00274-00084948-00085241 an influential form of individualist +oAjIjCee1DU-00275-00085242-00085388 anarchism called +oAjIjCee1DU-00276-00085389-00085847 egoism or egoist anarchism was expounded +oAjIjCee1DU-00277-00085848-00086053 by one of the earliest and best-known +oAjIjCee1DU-00278-00086054-00086309 proponents of individualist anarchism +oAjIjCee1DU-00279-00086310-00086729 the German max Stirner sternness the ego +oAjIjCee1DU-00280-00086730-00087065 and its own published in 1844 is a +oAjIjCee1DU-00281-00087066-00087313 founding text of the philosophy +oAjIjCee1DU-00282-00087314-00087665 according to sterner the only limitation +oAjIjCee1DU-00283-00087666-00087881 on the rights of the individual is their +oAjIjCee1DU-00284-00087882-00088127 power to obtain what they desire without +oAjIjCee1DU-00285-00088128-00088544 regard for God state or morality to +oAjIjCee1DU-00286-00088545-00088808 Stirner rights were spooks in the mind +oAjIjCee1DU-00287-00088809-00089093 and he held that society does not exist +oAjIjCee1DU-00288-00089094-00089488 but the individuals are its reality +oAjIjCee1DU-00289-00089489-00089822 Steiner advocated self assertion and +oAjIjCee1DU-00290-00089823-00090071 force or unions of egoists non +oAjIjCee1DU-00291-00090072-00090353 systematic associations continually +oAjIjCee1DU-00292-00090354-00090596 renewed by all parties supports through +oAjIjCee1DU-00293-00090597-00090848 an act of will which Turner proposed as +oAjIjCee1DU-00294-00090849-00091097 a form of organization in place of the +oAjIjCee1DU-00295-00091098-00091442 state egoist anarchists claim that +oAjIjCee1DU-00296-00091443-00091661 egoism will foster genuine and +oAjIjCee1DU-00297-00091662-00091960 spontaneous union between individuals +oAjIjCee1DU-00298-00091961-00092375 egoism has inspired many interpretations +oAjIjCee1DU-00299-00092376-00092657 of Stanners philosophy it was +oAjIjCee1DU-00300-00092658-00092912 rediscovered and promoted by German +oAjIjCee1DU-00301-00092913-00093194 philosophical anarchist and LGBT +oAjIjCee1DU-00302-00093195-00093930 activist John Henry McCoy +oAjIjCee1DU-00303-00093931-00094536 topic John Henry Makai +oAjIjCee1DU-00304-00094537-00094860 in Germany the scottish-born German John +oAjIjCee1DU-00305-00094861-00095124 Henry makai became the most important +oAjIjCee1DU-00306-00095125-00095417 individualist anarchist propagandist +oAjIjCee1DU-00307-00095418-00095769 he fused stir nearest egoism with the +oAjIjCee1DU-00308-00095770-00095973 positions of Benjamin Tucker and +oAjIjCee1DU-00309-00095974-00096312 translated Tucker into German to +oAjIjCee1DU-00310-00096313-00096579 semi-fictional writings of his own die +oAjIjCee1DU-00311-00096580-00096816 Anika Stern and dare Frei hey suture +oAjIjCee1DU-00312-00096817-00097071 contributed to individualist Theory +oAjIjCee1DU-00313-00097072-00097359 updating egoist themes with respect to +oAjIjCee1DU-00314-00097360-00097698 the anarchist movement his writing were +oAjIjCee1DU-00315-00097699-00098049 translated into English as well Makai is +oAjIjCee1DU-00316-00098050-00098298 also an important European early +oAjIjCee1DU-00317-00098299-00098731 activist for LGBTQ rights +oAjIjCee1DU-00318-00098732-00099076 you +oAjIjCee1DU-00319-00099077-00099651 topic Adolphe brand +oAjIjCee1DU-00320-00099652-00100226 Adolphe brand 1874 to 1945 was a german +oAjIjCee1DU-00321-00100227-00100476 writer stir nearest anarchist and +oAjIjCee1DU-00322-00100477-00100707 pioneering campaigner for the acceptance +oAjIjCee1DU-00323-00100708-00101096 of male bisexuality and homosexuality +oAjIjCee1DU-00324-00101097-00101363 brand published the world's first +oAjIjCee1DU-00325-00101364-00101669 ongoing homosexual publication Dara +oAjIjCee1DU-00326-00101670-00102117 eigen in 1896 the name was taken from +oAjIjCee1DU-00327-00102118-00102390 sterner who had greatly influenced the +oAjIjCee1DU-00328-00102391-00102624 young brand and refers to sternness +oAjIjCee1DU-00329-00102625-00102990 concept of self ownership of the +oAjIjCee1DU-00330-00102991-00103314 individual Garrigan concentrated on +oAjIjCee1DU-00331-00103315-00103580 cultural and scholarly material and may +oAjIjCee1DU-00332-00103581-00103835 have averaged around 1500 subscribers +oAjIjCee1DU-00333-00103836-00104191 per issue during its lifetime +oAjIjCee1DU-00334-00104192-00104510 contributors included Eric Newsome Kurt +oAjIjCee1DU-00335-00104511-00104766 Hiller John Henry McCoy under the +oAjIjCee1DU-00336-00104767-00105035 pseudonym sad guitar and artists wilhelm +oAjIjCee1DU-00337-00105036-00105368 von gloden fide s and Sacha Schneider +oAjIjCee1DU-00338-00105369-00105690 brand contributed many poems and +oAjIjCee1DU-00339-00105691-00105978 articles himself Benjamin Tucker +oAjIjCee1DU-00340-00105979-00106235 followed this journal from the United +oAjIjCee1DU-00341-00106236-00106435 States +oAjIjCee1DU-00342-00106436-00106779 you +oAjIjCee1DU-00343-00106780-00107235 topic Anselm rest' Ernst Samuel and my +oAjIjCee1DU-00344-00107236-00107819 Nonna salomo Friedlander +oAjIjCee1DU-00345-00107820-00108128 taryn's ago was the title of a German +oAjIjCee1DU-00346-00108129-00108410 individualist anarchist magazine it +oAjIjCee1DU-00347-00108411-00108768 appeared in 1919 as a weekly then +oAjIjCee1DU-00348-00108769-00109166 sporadically until 1925 and was edited +oAjIjCee1DU-00349-00109167-00109583 by cousins Anselm rest' PS eud for Ernst +oAjIjCee1DU-00350-00109584-00109979 Samuel and my Nonna PS eud for salomo +oAjIjCee1DU-00351-00109980-00110346 Friedlander its title was adopted from +oAjIjCee1DU-00352-00110347-00110639 the book Darren's Agha unsane eigen t'm +oAjIjCee1DU-00353-00110640-00111156 Engl trans the ego and it's owned by Max +oAjIjCee1DU-00354-00111157-00111458 Turner another influence was the thought +oAjIjCee1DU-00355-00111459-00111638 of German philosopher Friedrich +oAjIjCee1DU-00356-00111639-00111959 Nietzsche the publication was connected +oAjIjCee1DU-00357-00111960-00112197 to the local expressionist artistic +oAjIjCee1DU-00358-00112198-00112391 current and the transition from it +oAjIjCee1DU-00359-00112392-00113054 towards Dada +oAjIjCee1DU-00360-00113055-00113375 topic anarchism in the German Revolution +oAjIjCee1DU-00361-00113376-00114257 of 1918-1919 and under Nazism +oAjIjCee1DU-00362-00114258-00114495 in the German uprising +oAjIjCee1DU-00363-00114496-00114740 the Bavarian Soviet republic the +oAjIjCee1DU-00364-00114741-00115061 anarchists Gustav Landauer Silvio Gesell +oAjIjCee1DU-00365-00115063-00115286 and Eric Newsome had important +oAjIjCee1DU-00366-00115288-00115470 leadership positions within the +oAjIjCee1DU-00367-00115471-00115745 Revolutionary Council estructure x' on +oAjIjCee1DU-00368-00115746-00116232 the 6th of april 1919 a soviet republic +oAjIjCee1DU-00369-00116233-00116603 was formally proclaimed initially it was +oAjIjCee1DU-00370-00116604-00116931 ruled by u SPD members such as Ernst +oAjIjCee1DU-00371-00116932-00117258 Tala and anarchists like Gustav Landau +oAjIjCee1DU-00372-00117258-00118007 Silvio Gesell and Eric Newsome +oAjIjCee1DU-00373-00118008-00118608 topic gustav Landauer +oAjIjCee1DU-00374-00118609-00119050 gustaf Landauer the 7th of April 1870 in +oAjIjCee1DU-00375-00119051-00119443 Karlsruhe Barden the 2nd of May 1919 in +oAjIjCee1DU-00376-00119444-00119680 Munich Bavaria was one of the leading +oAjIjCee1DU-00377-00119681-00119938 theorists on anarchism in Germany in the +oAjIjCee1DU-00378-00119939-00120175 end of the 19th and the beginning of the +oAjIjCee1DU-00379-00120176-00120526 20th century he was an advocate of +oAjIjCee1DU-00380-00120527-00120735 communist anarchism and an avowed +oAjIjCee1DU-00381-00120736-00121168 pacifist at the international convention +oAjIjCee1DU-00382-00121169-00121521 of socialist workers of the two +oAjIjCee1DU-00383-00121522-00121884 socialist international in August 1893 +oAjIjCee1DU-00384-00121885-00122206 in Zurich Landauer as a delegate for the +oAjIjCee1DU-00385-00122207-00122550 Berlin anarchists stood for an anarchist +oAjIjCee1DU-00386-00122551-00122944 socialism against an anarchist minority +oAjIjCee1DU-00387-00122945-00123253 the convention with 4 1 1 delegates from +oAjIjCee1DU-00388-00123254-00123517 20 countries passed a resolution in +oAjIjCee1DU-00389-00123518-00123799 favor of participation in elections and +oAjIjCee1DU-00390-00123800-00124126 political action in Parliament's the +oAjIjCee1DU-00391-00124127-00124409 anarchists were excluded from the two +oAjIjCee1DU-00392-00124410-00124835 socialist international from 1909 to +oAjIjCee1DU-00393-00124836-00125230 1915 Landauer published the magazine the +oAjIjCee1DU-00394-00125231-00125605 Socialist dare socialists in Berlin +oAjIjCee1DU-00395-00125606-00125797 which was considered to be the +oAjIjCee1DU-00396-00125798-00126185 mouthpiece of the Socialist Federation +oAjIjCee1DU-00397-00126186-00126457 socialists assha bund founded by +oAjIjCee1DU-00398-00126458-00126841 Landauer in 1908 among the first members +oAjIjCee1DU-00399-00126842-00127108 were erik Moussa mand Martin Buber +oAjIjCee1DU-00400-00127108-00127390 when the Soviet republic was proclaimed +oAjIjCee1DU-00401-00127391-00127726 on the 7th of April 1919 against the +oAjIjCee1DU-00402-00127727-00127966 elected government of Johannes Hoffmann +oAjIjCee1DU-00403-00127967-00128179 Landauer became Commissioner of +oAjIjCee1DU-00404-00128180-00128463 Enlightenment and Public Instruction +oAjIjCee1DU-00405-00128464-00128760 after the city of Munich was reconquered +oAjIjCee1DU-00406-00128761-00129043 by the German army and Freikorps units +oAjIjCee1DU-00407-00129044-00129336 Gustav Landauer was arrested on the 1st +oAjIjCee1DU-00408-00129338-00129649 of May 1919 and stoned to death by +oAjIjCee1DU-00409-00129650-00129943 troopers one day later in Munich stadle +oAjIjCee1DU-00410-00129944-00130311 Heim prison after the Nazis were elected +oAjIjCee1DU-00411-00130313-00130702 in Germany in 1933 they destroyed Landau +oAjIjCee1DU-00412-00130703-00131053 as grave which had been erected in 1925 +oAjIjCee1DU-00413-00131054-00131269 sent his remains to the Jewish +oAjIjCee1DU-00414-00131270-00131518 congregation of Munich charging them for +oAjIjCee1DU-00415-00131519-00131674 the costs +oAjIjCee1DU-00416-00131675-00131964 Landauer was later put to rest at the +oAjIjCee1DU-00417-00131965-00132359 munich walled friedhof forest cemetery +oAjIjCee1DU-00418-00132360-00132641 Landauer supported anarchism already in +oAjIjCee1DU-00419-00132642-00133013 the 1890s in those years he was +oAjIjCee1DU-00420-00133014-00133280 especially enthusiastic about the end of +oAjIjCee1DU-00421-00133281-00133631 a dualistic approach of max Stirner he +oAjIjCee1DU-00422-00133632-00133853 didn't want to stay behind Stanners +oAjIjCee1DU-00423-00133854-00134135 extremely individual approach but wanted +oAjIjCee1DU-00424-00134136-00134441 to develop a new general public a unity +oAjIjCee1DU-00425-00134442-00134972 and community his social anarchism was +oAjIjCee1DU-00426-00134973-00135242 the union of individuals on a voluntary +oAjIjCee1DU-00427-00135243-00135521 basis in small socialist communities +oAjIjCee1DU-00428-00135522-00135869 which came together freely Landauer's +oAjIjCee1DU-00429-00135870-00136115 goal was always a man sebacean from +oAjIjCee1DU-00430-00136116-00136346 state church or other forms of +oAjIjCee1DU-00431-00136347-00136739 subordination in society the expression +oAjIjCee1DU-00432-00136740-00137089 anarchism stems from the greek arsh +oAjIjCee1DU-00433-00137090-00137567 meaning power reign or rule thus anarchy +oAjIjCee1DU-00434-00137568-00138047 equals non power no rain or no rule the +oAjIjCee1DU-00435-00138048-00138272 rejection of the state is common to all +oAjIjCee1DU-00436-00138273-00138625 anarchist positions some also reject +oAjIjCee1DU-00437-00138626-00138941 institutions and moral concepts such as +oAjIjCee1DU-00438-00138942-00139268 church matrimony or family the rejection +oAjIjCee1DU-00439-00139269-00139664 is of course voluntary Landauer came out +oAjIjCee1DU-00440-00139665-00139948 against Marxists and social democrats +oAjIjCee1DU-00441-00139949-00140180 reproaching them for wanting to erect +oAjIjCee1DU-00442-00140181-00140531 another state executing power for him +oAjIjCee1DU-00443-00140532-00140726 anarchism was a spiritual movement +oAjIjCee1DU-00444-00140727-00141103 almost religious in contrast to other +oAjIjCee1DU-00445-00141104-00141389 anarchists he did not reject matrimony +oAjIjCee1DU-00446-00141390-00141629 on the contrary it was a pillar of the +oAjIjCee1DU-00447-00141630-00141977 community in Landauer's system true +oAjIjCee1DU-00448-00141978-00142258 anarchism results from the inner +oAjIjCee1DU-00449-00142259-00142622 segregation of the individuals it is +oAjIjCee1DU-00450-00142623-00142880 exactly this from which one is to be +oAjIjCee1DU-00451-00142881-00143180 freed precondition for autonomy and +oAjIjCee1DU-00452-00143181-00143416 independence respectively as the +oAjIjCee1DU-00453-00143417-00143870 seclusion which leads to a unity with +oAjIjCee1DU-00454-00143871-00144209 the world according to Landauer it is +oAjIjCee1DU-00455-00144210-00144482 necessary to change the nature of man or +oAjIjCee1DU-00456-00144483-00144719 at least to change his ways so that +oAjIjCee1DU-00457-00144720-00144965 finally the inner convictions can appear +oAjIjCee1DU-00458-00144966-00145385 and be lived this includes an Anna Kazem +oAjIjCee1DU-00459-00145386-00146233 of deed that is never strictly theoretic +oAjIjCee1DU-00460-00146234-00146827 topic Sylvio Gasol +oAjIjCee1DU-00461-00146828-00147338 silvio gesell the 17th of March 1862 to +oAjIjCee1DU-00462-00147339-00147686 the 11th of March 1930 was a German +oAjIjCee1DU-00463-00147687-00147998 merchant theoretical economist social +oAjIjCee1DU-00464-00147999-00148274 activist anarchist and founder of Frei +oAjIjCee1DU-00465-00148275-00148601 work shaft after the bloody end of the +oAjIjCee1DU-00466-00148602-00148868 Soviet republic castle was held in +oAjIjCee1DU-00467-00148869-00149132 detention for several months until being +oAjIjCee1DU-00468-00149133-00149375 acquitted of treason by a Munich court +oAjIjCee1DU-00469-00149376-00149606 because of the speech he gave in his own +oAjIjCee1DU-00470-00149607-00149990 defence because of his participation in +oAjIjCee1DU-00471-00149991-00150275 the Soviet republic Switzerland denied +oAjIjCee1DU-00472-00150276-00150509 him the opportunity to return to his +oAjIjCee1DU-00473-00150510-00150857 farm in the Chatel Castle then moved +oAjIjCee1DU-00474-00150858-00151141 first another tool Potsdam Mittal mark +oAjIjCee1DU-00475-00151142-00151514 then back to Oranienburg after another +oAjIjCee1DU-00476-00151515-00151910 short stay in Argentina in 1924 he +oAjIjCee1DU-00477-00151911-00152420 returned to Oranienburg in 1927 here he +oAjIjCee1DU-00478-00152421-00152686 died of pneumonia on the 11th of March +oAjIjCee1DU-00479-00152687-00152987 1930 +oAjIjCee1DU-00480-00152988-00153333 you +oAjIjCee1DU-00481-00153334-00153921 topic Eric Newsome +oAjIjCee1DU-00482-00153922-00154338 Eric Newsome the 6th of April 1878 to +oAjIjCee1DU-00483-00154339-00154686 the 10th of July in 1934 was a German +oAjIjCee1DU-00484-00154687-00154941 Jewish anarchist essayist poet and +oAjIjCee1DU-00485-00154942-00155262 playwright he emerged at the end of +oAjIjCee1DU-00486-00155263-00155448 World War 1 as one of the leading +oAjIjCee1DU-00487-00155449-00155724 agitators for a federated Bavarian +oAjIjCee1DU-00488-00155725-00156093 Soviet republic also a cabaret performer +oAjIjCee1DU-00489-00156094-00156339 he achieved international prominence +oAjIjCee1DU-00490-00156340-00156612 during the years of the vemma republic +oAjIjCee1DU-00491-00156613-00156840 for work switched before Hitler came to +oAjIjCee1DU-00492-00156841-00157230 power in 1933 condemned Nazism and +oAjIjCee1DU-00493-00157231-00157623 satirized the future dictator Moosa made +oAjIjCee1DU-00494-00157624-00157961 in the Oranienburg concentration camp in +oAjIjCee1DU-00495-00157962-00158553 1934 Moosa moved to Berlin in 1900 where +oAjIjCee1DU-00496-00158554-00158760 he soon became involved in a group +oAjIjCee1DU-00497-00158761-00159060 called neue Gemeinschaft new society +oAjIjCee1DU-00498-00159061-00159288 under the direction of Julius and +oAjIjCee1DU-00499-00159289-00159540 Heinrich Hart which combined socialist +oAjIjCee1DU-00500-00159541-00159783 philosophy with theology and communal +oAjIjCee1DU-00501-00159784-00159972 living in the hopes of becoming a +oAjIjCee1DU-00502-00159973-00160293 forerunner of a socially united great +oAjIjCee1DU-00503-00160294-00160674 working commune of humanity within this +oAjIjCee1DU-00504-00160675-00160743 group +oAjIjCee1DU-00505-00160744-00160980 Muhsin became acquainted with gustav +oAjIjCee1DU-00506-00160981-00161244 Landauer who encouraged his artistic +oAjIjCee1DU-00507-00161245-00161487 growth and compelled the young museum to +oAjIjCee1DU-00508-00161488-00161709 develop his own activism based on a +oAjIjCee1DU-00509-00161710-00161919 combination of communist and anarchist +oAjIjCee1DU-00510-00161920-00162180 political philosophy that Landauer +oAjIjCee1DU-00511-00162181-00162510 introduced to him desiring more +oAjIjCee1DU-00512-00162511-00162843 political involvement in 1904 +oAjIjCee1DU-00513-00162844-00163056 Muhsin withdrew from Moyer Gemeinschaft +oAjIjCee1DU-00514-00163057-00163389 and relocated temporarily to an artist's +oAjIjCee1DU-00515-00163390-00163652 commune in Ascona Switzerland where +oAjIjCee1DU-00516-00163653-00163926 vegetarianism was mixed with communism +oAjIjCee1DU-00517-00163927-00164319 and socialism in 1911 Moussa mounded the +oAjIjCee1DU-00518-00164320-00164583 newspaper Kane Kane as a forum for +oAjIjCee1DU-00519-00164584-00164841 communist anarchist ideologies +oAjIjCee1DU-00520-00164842-00165111 stating that it would be a personal +oAjIjCee1DU-00521-00165112-00165426 organ for whatever the editor as a poet +oAjIjCee1DU-00522-00165427-00165675 as a citizen of the world and as a +oAjIjCee1DU-00523-00165676-00165992 fellow man had on his mind +oAjIjCee1DU-00524-00165993-00166314 Moussa mused came to ridicule the German +oAjIjCee1DU-00525-00166315-00166542 state and what he perceived as excesses +oAjIjCee1DU-00526-00166543-00166872 and abuses of authority standing out in +oAjIjCee1DU-00527-00166873-00167115 favor of abolishing capital punishment +oAjIjCee1DU-00528-00167116-00167240 and opposing the +oAjIjCee1DU-00529-00167241-00167423 government's attempt at censoring +oAjIjCee1DU-00530-00167424-00167646 theatres and offering prophetic and +oAjIjCee1DU-00531-00167647-00167813 perceptive analysis of international +oAjIjCee1DU-00532-00167814-00168222 affairs for the duration of world war +oAjIjCee1DU-00533-00168223-00168512 one publication was suspended to avoid +oAjIjCee1DU-00534-00168513-00168764 government imposed censorship often +oAjIjCee1DU-00535-00168765-00169040 enforced against private newspapers that +oAjIjCee1DU-00536-00169041-00169235 disagreed with the imperial government +oAjIjCee1DU-00537-00169236-00169821 and the war in 1926 musa mounded a new +oAjIjCee1DU-00538-00169822-00170039 journal which he called Faneuil the +oAjIjCee1DU-00539-00170040-00170244 torch in which he openly and +oAjIjCee1DU-00540-00170245-00170510 precariously criticized the communists +oAjIjCee1DU-00541-00170511-00170711 and the far right-wing conservative +oAjIjCee1DU-00542-00170712-00170957 elements within the vemma republic +oAjIjCee1DU-00543-00170958-00171287 during these years his writings and +oAjIjCee1DU-00544-00171288-00171575 speeches took on a violent revolutionary +oAjIjCee1DU-00545-00171576-00171843 tone and his active attempts to organize +oAjIjCee1DU-00546-00171844-00172100 a united front to oppose the radical +oAjIjCee1DU-00547-00172101-00172325 right provoked intense hatred from +oAjIjCee1DU-00548-00172326-00172569 conservatives and nationalists within +oAjIjCee1DU-00549-00172570-00172898 the republic moosa' mess if eclis +oAjIjCee1DU-00550-00172899-00173159 targeted his writings to satirize the +oAjIjCee1DU-00551-00173160-00173441 growing phenomenon of Nazism which later +oAjIjCee1DU-00552-00173442-00173666 raised the ire of Adolf Hitler and +oAjIjCee1DU-00553-00173667-00174209 Joseph Goebbels dye offense and a 1923 a +oAjIjCee1DU-00554-00174210-00174471 short story ridiculed the racial +oAjIjCee1DU-00555-00174472-00174728 doctrines of the Nazi Party while the +oAjIjCee1DU-00556-00174729-00175012 poem Republican Asha national hymn May +oAjIjCee1DU-00557-00175013-00175337 1924 attacked the German judiciary for +oAjIjCee1DU-00558-00175338-00175545 its disproportionate punishment of +oAjIjCee1DU-00559-00175546-00175754 leftists while barely punishing the +oAjIjCee1DU-00560-00175755-00176084 right-wing participants in the purge +oAjIjCee1DU-00561-00176085-00176394 Muhsin was arrested on charges unknown +oAjIjCee1DU-00562-00176395-00176639 in the early morning hours of the 28th +oAjIjCee1DU-00563-00176640-00177006 of February 1933 within a few hours +oAjIjCee1DU-00564-00177007-00177304 after the Reichstag fire in Berlin +oAjIjCee1DU-00565-00177305-00177587 Joseph Goebbels the Nazi propaganda +oAjIjCee1DU-00566-00177588-00177921 minister labelled him as one of those +oAjIjCee1DU-00567-00177922-00178131 Jewish subversives +oAjIjCee1DU-00568-00178132-00178412 it is alleged that Muhsin was planning +oAjIjCee1DU-00569-00178413-00178640 to flee to Switzerland within the next +oAjIjCee1DU-00570-00178641-00179060 day over the next 17 months he would be +oAjIjCee1DU-00571-00179061-00179312 imprisoned in the concentration camps at +oAjIjCee1DU-00572-00179313-00179573 Sonnenberg Brandenburg and finally +oAjIjCee1DU-00573-00179574-00180077 Oranienburg on the 2nd of February 1934 +oAjIjCee1DU-00574-00180078-00180290 Muhsin was transferred to the +oAjIjCee1DU-00575-00180291-00180605 concentration camp at Oranienburg +oAjIjCee1DU-00576-00180606-00180926 the beatings and torture continued until +oAjIjCee1DU-00577-00180927-00181166 finally on the night of the 9th of July +oAjIjCee1DU-00578-00181167-00181505 in 1934 Muhsin was tortured and murdered +oAjIjCee1DU-00579-00181506-00181778 by the guards his battered corpse found +oAjIjCee1DU-00580-00181779-00182095 hanging in a latrine the next morning an +oAjIjCee1DU-00581-00182096-00182441 official Nazi report dated the 11th of +oAjIjCee1DU-00582-00182442-00182717 July stated that Eric Newsome committed +oAjIjCee1DU-00583-00182718-00183004 suicide hanging himself while in +oAjIjCee1DU-00584-00183005-00183361 protective custody at Oranienburg +oAjIjCee1DU-00585-00183362-00183713 however a report from Prague on the 20th +oAjIjCee1DU-00586-00183714-00184037 of July 1934 in the New York Times +oAjIjCee1DU-00587-00184038-00184481 stated otherwise his widow declared this +oAjIjCee1DU-00588-00184482-00184742 evening that when she was first allowed +oAjIjCee1DU-00589-00184743-00184994 to visit her husband after his arrest +oAjIjCee1DU-00590-00184995-00185336 his face was so swollen by beating that +oAjIjCee1DU-00591-00185337-00185678 she could not recognize him he was +oAjIjCee1DU-00592-00185679-00185960 assigned to the task of cleaning toilets +oAjIjCee1DU-00593-00185961-00186284 and staircases and storm troopers amused +oAjIjCee1DU-00594-00186285-00186614 themselves by spitting in his face she +oAjIjCee1DU-00595-00186615-00187073 added on the 8th of July last she saw +oAjIjCee1DU-00596-00187074-00187472 him for the last time alive despite the +oAjIjCee1DU-00597-00187473-00187772 tortures he had undergone for 15 months +oAjIjCee1DU-00598-00187773-00188120 she declared he was cheerful and she +oAjIjCee1DU-00599-00188121-00188570 knew at once when his suicide was +oAjIjCee1DU-00600-00188571-00188885 reported to her three days later that it +oAjIjCee1DU-00601-00188886-00189239 was untrue when she told the police that +oAjIjCee1DU-00602-00189240-00189614 they had murdered him she asserted they +oAjIjCee1DU-00603-00189615-00189883 shrugged their shoulders and laughed a +oAjIjCee1DU-00604-00189884-00190205 post-mortem examination was refused +oAjIjCee1DU-00605-00190206-00190454 according to Frau Muhsin but storm +oAjIjCee1DU-00606-00190455-00190652 troopers incensed with their new +oAjIjCee1DU-00607-00190653-00190880 commanders showed her the body which +oAjIjCee1DU-00608-00190881-00191110 bore unmistakable signs of strangulation +oAjIjCee1DU-00609-00191111-00191390 with the back of the skull shattered as +oAjIjCee1DU-00610-00191391-00191567 if hair mousse him had been dragged +oAjIjCee1DU-00611-00191568-00191898 across the parade ground +oAjIjCee1DU-00612-00191899-00192270 you +oAjIjCee1DU-00613-00192271-00192620 topic Rudolf rocker German +oAjIjCee1DU-00614-00192621-00193264 anarcho-syndicalism and World War two +oAjIjCee1DU-00615-00193265-00193537 Rudolf rocker returned to Germany in +oAjIjCee1DU-00616-00193538-00193876 November 1918 upon an invitation from +oAjIjCee1DU-00617-00193877-00194143 fritz cater to join him in Berlin to +oAjIjCee1DU-00618-00194144-00194404 rebuild the free association of German +oAjIjCee1DU-00619-00194405-00194920 trade unions FV D G the F V D G was a +oAjIjCee1DU-00620-00194921-00195181 radical labor Federation that quit the +oAjIjCee1DU-00621-00195182-00195510 SPD in 1908 and became increasingly +oAjIjCee1DU-00622-00195511-00195892 syndicalist and anarchists during World +oAjIjCee1DU-00623-00195893-00196171 War one it had been unable to continue +oAjIjCee1DU-00624-00196172-00196360 its activities for fear of government +oAjIjCee1DU-00625-00196361-00196660 repression but remained in existence as +oAjIjCee1DU-00626-00196661-00197008 an underground organization rocker was +oAjIjCee1DU-00627-00197009-00197269 opposed to the FV digs alliance with the +oAjIjCee1DU-00628-00197270-00197482 Communists during and immediately after +oAjIjCee1DU-00629-00197483-00197788 the November revolution as he rejected +oAjIjCee1DU-00630-00197789-00198061 Marxism especially the concept of the +oAjIjCee1DU-00631-00198062-00198403 dictatorship of the proletariat soon +oAjIjCee1DU-00632-00198404-00198718 after arriving in Germany however he +oAjIjCee1DU-00633-00198719-00199057 once again became seriously ill he +oAjIjCee1DU-00634-00199058-00199347 started giving public speeches in March +oAjIjCee1DU-00635-00199348-00199660 1919 including one at a congress of +oAjIjCee1DU-00636-00199661-00199912 munitions workers in Erfurt where he +oAjIjCee1DU-00637-00199913-00200107 urged them to stop producing war +oAjIjCee1DU-00638-00200108-00200539 materiel during this period the F V D G +oAjIjCee1DU-00639-00200540-00200764 grew rapidly and the coalition with the +oAjIjCee1DU-00640-00200765-00201039 communists soon began to crumble +oAjIjCee1DU-00641-00201040-00201352 eventually all syndicalist members of +oAjIjCee1DU-00642-00201353-00201639 the Communist Party were expelled from +oAjIjCee1DU-00643-00201640-00202123 27 to the 30th of December 1919 the 12th +oAjIjCee1DU-00644-00202124-00202435 National Congress of the F vdg was held +oAjIjCee1DU-00645-00202436-00202825 in Berlin the organization decided to +oAjIjCee1DU-00646-00202826-00203079 become the free Workers Union of Germany +oAjIjCee1DU-00647-00203080-00203416 FA UD under a new platform which had +oAjIjCee1DU-00648-00203417-00203665 been written by raka the Principia no +oAjIjCee1DU-00649-00203666-00203968 clarin des syndicalism s declaration of +oAjIjCee1DU-00650-00203969-00204316 syndicalist principles it rejected +oAjIjCee1DU-00651-00204317-00204547 political parties and the dictatorship +oAjIjCee1DU-00652-00204548-00204882 of the proletariat as bourgeois concepts +oAjIjCee1DU-00653-00204883-00205161 the program only recognized +oAjIjCee1DU-00654-00205162-00205419 decentralized purely economic +oAjIjCee1DU-00655-00205419-00205729 organizations although public ownership +oAjIjCee1DU-00656-00205730-00206005 of land means of production and raw +oAjIjCee1DU-00657-00206006-00206308 materials was advocated nationalization +oAjIjCee1DU-00658-00206309-00206569 and the idea of a communist state were +oAjIjCee1DU-00659-00206569-00206684 rejected +oAjIjCee1DU-00660-00206685-00206944 Rocka decried nationalism as the +oAjIjCee1DU-00661-00206946-00207169 religion of the modern state and opposed +oAjIjCee1DU-00662-00207171-00207440 violence championing instead direct +oAjIjCee1DU-00663-00207441-00207677 action and the education of the workers +oAjIjCee1DU-00664-00207678-00207950 on gustav landau is death during the +oAjIjCee1DU-00665-00207951-00208223 munich Soviet republic uprising rocker +oAjIjCee1DU-00666-00208223-00208451 took over the work of editing the German +oAjIjCee1DU-00667-00208452-00208708 publications of crop up Khan's writings +oAjIjCee1DU-00668-00208709-00209173 in 1920 the Social Democratic Defence +oAjIjCee1DU-00669-00209175-00209423 Minister Gustav na started the +oAjIjCee1DU-00670-00209423-00209623 suppression of the revolutionary Left +oAjIjCee1DU-00671-00209625-00209867 which led to the imprisonment of rocker +oAjIjCee1DU-00672-00209867-00210209 and Fritz Keita during their mutual +oAjIjCee1DU-00673-00210210-00210509 detainment rocker convinced Keita who +oAjIjCee1DU-00674-00210510-00210740 had still held some social democratic +oAjIjCee1DU-00675-00210741-00211021 ideals completely of anarchism in the +oAjIjCee1DU-00676-00211023-00211289 following years rocker became one of the +oAjIjCee1DU-00677-00211290-00211583 most regular writers in the FA UD organ +oAjIjCee1DU-00678-00211584-00212078 dare syndicalist in 1920 the FA UD +oAjIjCee1DU-00679-00212079-00212330 hosted an international syndicalist +oAjIjCee1DU-00680-00212331-00212569 conference which ultimately led to the +oAjIjCee1DU-00681-00212571-00212756 founding of the International Workers +oAjIjCee1DU-00682-00212757-00212885 Association +oAjIjCee1DU-00683-00212886-00213469 IWA in December 1922 Augustine sochi +oAjIjCee1DU-00684-00213469-00213781 alexander shapiro and rocker became the +oAjIjCee1DU-00685-00213782-00214021 organization's secretaries and rocker +oAjIjCee1DU-00686-00214023-00214511 wrote its platform in 1921 he wrote the +oAjIjCee1DU-00687-00214512-00214766 pamphlet dare banquet des recession +oAjIjCee1DU-00688-00214767-00215015 starts communism s the bankruptcy of +oAjIjCee1DU-00689-00215016-00215273 Russian state communism attacking the +oAjIjCee1DU-00690-00215273-00215609 Soviet Union he denounced what he +oAjIjCee1DU-00691-00215610-00215798 considered a massive oppression of +oAjIjCee1DU-00692-00215798-00216011 individual freedoms and the suppression +oAjIjCee1DU-00693-00216012-00216263 of anarchists starting with a purge on +oAjIjCee1DU-00694-00216264-00216683 the 12th of April 1918 he supported +oAjIjCee1DU-00695-00216684-00216932 instead the workers who took part in the +oAjIjCee1DU-00696-00216933-00217142 Kronstadt uprising and the peasant +oAjIjCee1DU-00697-00217142-00217376 movement led by the anarchist nestor +oAjIjCee1DU-00698-00217377-00217417 makhno +oAjIjCee1DU-00699-00217419-00217900 whom he would meet in Berlin in 1923 in +oAjIjCee1DU-00700-00217901-00218231 1924 rocker published a biography of +oAjIjCee1DU-00701-00218232-00218486 Johann most called das leben Ines +oAjIjCee1DU-00702-00218487-00218804 rebellin the life of a rebel there are +oAjIjCee1DU-00703-00218805-00219026 great similarities between the men's +oAjIjCee1DU-00704-00219027-00219353 Vitas it was rocker who convinced the +oAjIjCee1DU-00705-00219354-00219623 anarchist historian max net allowed to +oAjIjCee1DU-00706-00219623-00219808 start publication of his anthology +oAjIjCee1DU-00707-00219809-00220034 geschichte adair anarchy +oAjIjCee1DU-00708-00220035-00220409 history of anarchy in 1925 during the +oAjIjCee1DU-00709-00220410-00220717 mid 1920s the decline of Germany's +oAjIjCee1DU-00710-00220719-00221138 syndicalist movement started the FA UD +oAjIjCee1DU-00711-00221139-00221444 had reached its peak of around 150 +oAjIjCee1DU-00712-00221444-00221789 thousand members in 1921 but then +oAjIjCee1DU-00713-00221790-00222017 started losing members to both the +oAjIjCee1DU-00714-00222017-00222230 Communists and the Social Democratic +oAjIjCee1DU-00715-00222231-00222602 Party rocker attributed this loss of +oAjIjCee1DU-00716-00222603-00222851 membership to the mentality of German +oAjIjCee1DU-00717-00222852-00223048 workers accustomed to military +oAjIjCee1DU-00718-00223050-00223289 discipline accusing the communists of +oAjIjCee1DU-00719-00223290-00223559 using similar tactics to the Nazis and +oAjIjCee1DU-00720-00223560-00223901 thus attracting such workers at first +oAjIjCee1DU-00721-00223902-00224096 only planning a short book on +oAjIjCee1DU-00722-00224096-00224342 nationalism he started work on +oAjIjCee1DU-00723-00224342-00224582 nationalism and culture which would be +oAjIjCee1DU-00724-00224583-00224894 published in 1937 and become one of +oAjIjCee1DU-00725-00224894-00225423 Rockers best-known works around 1925 +oAjIjCee1DU-00726-00225425-00225817 1925 also saw Rocco visit North America +oAjIjCee1DU-00727-00225819-00226167 on a lecture tour with a total of 162 +oAjIjCee1DU-00728-00226169-00226558 appearances he was encouraged by the +oAjIjCee1DU-00729-00226559-00226817 anarcho-syndicalist movement he found in +oAjIjCee1DU-00730-00226817-00227071 the US and Canada returning to Germany +oAjIjCee1DU-00731-00227073-00227414 in May 1926 he became increasingly +oAjIjCee1DU-00732-00227415-00227617 worried about the rise of nationalism +oAjIjCee1DU-00733-00227619-00228048 and fascism he wrote to net allow in +oAjIjCee1DU-00734-00228050-00228434 1927 every nationalism begins with a +oAjIjCee1DU-00735-00228435-00228698 matte scene II but in its shadow there +oAjIjCee1DU-00736-00228698-00229192 lurks a Mussolini in 1929 +oAjIjCee1DU-00737-00229194-00229400 Rocco was a co-founder of the guild +oAjIjCee1DU-00738-00229401-00229607 affray hightlight chahbahar Freund a +oAjIjCee1DU-00739-00229608-00229877 guild of libertarian bibliophiles a +oAjIjCee1DU-00740-00229878-00230084 publishing house which would release +oAjIjCee1DU-00741-00230085-00230369 works by Alexander Berkman William +oAjIjCee1DU-00742-00230369-00230681 Godwin Eric Newsome and John Henry McCoy +oAjIjCee1DU-00743-00230682-00230996 in the same year he went on a lecture +oAjIjCee1DU-00744-00230996-00231296 tour in Scandinavia and was impressed by +oAjIjCee1DU-00745-00231296-00231638 the anarcho-syndicalist s-- there upon +oAjIjCee1DU-00746-00231639-00231902 return he wondered whether Germans were +oAjIjCee1DU-00747-00231903-00232238 even capable of anarchist thought in the +oAjIjCee1DU-00748-00232239-00232657 1930 elections the nazi party received +oAjIjCee1DU-00749-00232658-00233017 18.3% of all votes a total of six +oAjIjCee1DU-00750-00233019-00233183 million +oAjIjCee1DU-00751-00233184-00233531 raka was worried once the Nazis get to +oAjIjCee1DU-00752-00233532-00233837 power we all go the way of Landauer and +oAjIjCee1DU-00753-00233838-00234223 Eisner who were killed by reactionaries +oAjIjCee1DU-00754-00234225-00234428 in the course of the Munich Soviet +oAjIjCee1DU-00755-00234429-00234689 republic uprising after the Reichstag +oAjIjCee1DU-00756-00234690-00235031 fire on the 27th of February rocker and +oAjIjCee1DU-00757-00235032-00235294 whit cop decided to leave Germany as +oAjIjCee1DU-00758-00235294-00235642 they left they received news of Erich mu +oAjIjCee1DU-00759-00235644-00236002 Sam's arrest after his death in July in +oAjIjCee1DU-00760-00236003-00236300 1934 raka would write a pamphlet called +oAjIjCee1DU-00761-00236301-00236627 Dell eibon's vague Eric Newsome the life +oAjIjCee1DU-00762-00236628-00236888 and suffering of Eric Newsome about the +oAjIjCee1DU-00763-00236889-00237242 anarchists fate Rocca reached Basel +oAjIjCee1DU-00764-00237242-00237496 Switzerland on the 8th of March by the +oAjIjCee1DU-00765-00237498-00237707 last train to cross the border without +oAjIjCee1DU-00766-00237708-00237862 being searched +oAjIjCee1DU-00767-00237863-00238192 two weeks later rocker and his wife +oAjIjCee1DU-00768-00238194-00238423 joined Emma Goldman in saint-tropez +oAjIjCee1DU-00769-00238423-00238829 France there he wrote dear vague ins +oAjIjCee1DU-00770-00238830-00239087 dritte Reich the past to the Third Reich +oAjIjCee1DU-00771-00239088-00239369 about the events in Germany but it would +oAjIjCee1DU-00772-00239369-00239621 only be published in Spanish in May +oAjIjCee1DU-00773-00239621-00239923 rocker and wit Cobb moved back to London +oAjIjCee1DU-00774-00239923-00240239 their rocker was welcomed by many of the +oAjIjCee1DU-00775-00240240-00240458 Jewish anarchists he had lived and +oAjIjCee1DU-00776-00240459-00240830 fought alongside for many years he held +oAjIjCee1DU-00777-00240831-00241198 lectures all over the city in July he +oAjIjCee1DU-00778-00241200-00241514 attended an extraordinary IWA meeting in +oAjIjCee1DU-00779-00241515-00241805 Paris which decided to smuggle its organ +oAjIjCee1DU-00780-00241806-00242236 dye international into Nazi Germany in +oAjIjCee1DU-00781-00242237-00242615 1937 nationalism and culture which he +oAjIjCee1DU-00782-00242616-00242966 had started work on around 1925 was +oAjIjCee1DU-00783-00242967-00243155 finally published with the help of +oAjIjCee1DU-00784-00243156-00243436 anarchists from Chicago Rocca had met in +oAjIjCee1DU-00785-00243437-00243890 1933 a Spanish edition was released in +oAjIjCee1DU-00786-00243891-00244130 three volumes in Barcelona the +oAjIjCee1DU-00787-00244131-00244471 stronghold of the Spanish anarchists it +oAjIjCee1DU-00788-00244473-00244853 would be his best-known work in 1938 +oAjIjCee1DU-00789-00244854-00245146 Rocker published a history of anarchist +oAjIjCee1DU-00790-00245148-00245357 thought which he traced all the way back +oAjIjCee1DU-00791-00245358-00245521 to ancient times +oAjIjCee1DU-00792-00245523-00245823 under the name anarcho-syndicalism a +oAjIjCee1DU-00793-00245825-00246107 modified version of the essay would be +oAjIjCee1DU-00794-00246108-00246335 published in the philosophical library +oAjIjCee1DU-00795-00246336-00246546 series European ID on +oAjIjCee1DU-00796-00246548-00246771 jiae's under the name anarchism and +oAjIjCee1DU-00797-00246771-00247615 anarcho-syndicalism in 1949 +oAjIjCee1DU-00798-00247616-00248403 topic post-war and contemporary times +oAjIjCee1DU-00799-00248404-00248696 after World War two an appeal in the +oAjIjCee1DU-00800-00248698-00248946 fray Arbutus time detailing the plight +oAjIjCee1DU-00801-00248946-00249173 of German anarchists and called for +oAjIjCee1DU-00802-00249175-00249557 Americans to support them by February +oAjIjCee1DU-00803-00249558-00249900 1946 the sending of aid parcels to +oAjIjCee1DU-00804-00249901-00250121 anarchists in Germany was a large-scale +oAjIjCee1DU-00805-00250123-00250692 operation in 1947 Rocker published Zorba +oAjIjCee1DU-00806-00250692-00250908 trading dare lager in Deutschland +oAjIjCee1DU-00807-00250909-00251187 regarding the portrayal of the situation +oAjIjCee1DU-00808-00251188-00251394 in Germany about the impossibility of +oAjIjCee1DU-00809-00251394-00251766 another anarchist movement in Germany it +oAjIjCee1DU-00810-00251767-00252042 became the first post-world war ii +oAjIjCee1DU-00811-00252042-00252303 anarchist writing to be distributed in +oAjIjCee1DU-00812-00252304-00252663 germany Rocca thought young Germans were +oAjIjCee1DU-00813-00252664-00252909 all either totally cynical or inclined +oAjIjCee1DU-00814-00252910-00253164 to fascism and awaited a new generation +oAjIjCee1DU-00815-00253165-00253416 to grow up before anarchism could bloom +oAjIjCee1DU-00816-00253417-00253719 once again in the country nevertheless +oAjIjCee1DU-00817-00253719-00254076 the Federation of libertarian socialists +oAjIjCee1DU-00818-00254077-00254586 ffs was founded in 1947 by former FA UD +oAjIjCee1DU-00819-00254587-00254961 members rocker wrote for its organ Die +oAjIjCee1DU-00820-00254962-00255244 frege's L shaft which survived until +oAjIjCee1DU-00821-00255246-00255794 1953 in 1949 rocker published another +oAjIjCee1DU-00822-00255796-00256133 well-known work on the 10th of September +oAjIjCee1DU-00823-00256134-00256583 1958 rocker died in the Mohegan colony +oAjIjCee1DU-00824-00256584-00256919 grass wurzel revolution German for +oAjIjCee1DU-00825-00256921-00257786 grassroots revolution is an +oAjIjCee1DU-00826-00257787-00257976 anarcho-capitalist Germany +oAjIjCee1DU-00827-00257977-00258308 it focuses on social equality +oAjIjCee1DU-00828-00258309-00258654 anti-militarism and ecology the magazine +oAjIjCee1DU-00829-00258655-00258909 is considered the most influential and +oAjIjCee1DU-00830-00258910-00259161 long-lived anarchist publication of the +oAjIjCee1DU-00831-00259162-00259563 German post-war period the zero issue of +oAjIjCee1DU-00832-00259564-00259946 grass wurzel revolution gwr grassroots +oAjIjCee1DU-00833-00259948-00260192 revolution was published in the summer +oAjIjCee1DU-00834-00260194-00260766 of 1972 in Augsburg Bavaria the monthly +oAjIjCee1DU-00835-00260767-00261060 magazine for a non violent anarchist +oAjIjCee1DU-00836-00261061-00261557 society was inspired by peace news +oAjIjCee1DU-00837-00261558-00261744 published since +oAjIjCee1DU-00838-00261744-00262153 1936 by war resisters international WRI +oAjIjCee1DU-00839-00262154-00262557 in London the German speaking director +oAjIjCee1DU-00840-00262558-00262941 action newspaper for anarchism and +oAjIjCee1DU-00841-00262942-00263556 non-violence published from 1965 to 1966 +oAjIjCee1DU-00842-00263557-00263839 by Wolfgang soaked and other nonviolent +oAjIjCee1DU-00843-00263840-00264037 activists in Hannover and the +oAjIjCee1DU-00844-00264038-00264279 french-speaking Anika's me a +oAjIjCee1DU-00845-00264280-00264628 non-violence published in Switzerland +oAjIjCee1DU-00846-00264629-00265243 and France from 1964 to 1973 the free +oAjIjCee1DU-00847-00265244-00265570 Workers Union German Frei our be tearin' +oAjIjCee1DU-00848-00265571-00265819 an underbite a union or fray our be +oAjIjCee1DU-00849-00265820-00266130 tearin' an Union abbreviated FAU is a +oAjIjCee1DU-00850-00266131-00266401 small anarcho-syndicalist union in +oAjIjCee1DU-00851-00266402-00266755 Germany it is the German section of the +oAjIjCee1DU-00852-00266756-00266995 International Workers Association +oAjIjCee1DU-00853-00266996-00267318 IWA to which the larger and better known +oAjIjCee1DU-00854-00267319-00267616 Confederacy on nacional del trabajo in +oAjIjCee1DU-00855-00267617-00267960 spain also belongs because of their +oAjIjCee1DU-00856-00267961-00268267 membership in the IWA the name is also +oAjIjCee1DU-00857-00268268-00268687 often abbreviated as FAU IAA or FAU IAA +oAjIjCee1DU-00858-00268688-00269031 he FAU sees itself in the tradition of +oAjIjCee1DU-00859-00269032-00269317 the free Workers Union of Germany German +oAjIjCee1DU-00860-00269318-00269671 Frei our biter Union deutschlands FAU D +oAjIjCee1DU-00861-00269672-00269989 the largest anarcho-syndicalist Union in +oAjIjCee1DU-00862-00269990-00270394 Germany until it died in 1933 in order +oAjIjCee1DU-00863-00270395-00270598 to avoid repression by the nasan +oAjIjCee1DU-00864-00270599-00270834 National Socialist regime and to +oAjIjCee1DU-00865-00270835-00271116 illegally organize resistance against it +oAjIjCee1DU-00866-00271117-00271291 the FAU +oAjIjCee1DU-00867-00271292-00271678 was then founded in 1977 and has grown +oAjIjCee1DU-00868-00271679-00271998 consistently all through the 1990s +oAjIjCee1DU-00869-00271999-00272430 now the FAU consists of just under 40 +oAjIjCee1DU-00870-00272431-00272695 groups organized locally and by branch +oAjIjCee1DU-00871-00272696-00273090 of trade because it rejects hierarchical +oAjIjCee1DU-00872-00273091-00273280 organizations and political +oAjIjCee1DU-00873-00273281-00273478 representation and believes in the +oAjIjCee1DU-00874-00273479-00273732 concept of federalism most of the +oAjIjCee1DU-00875-00273733-00274023 decisions are made by the local unions +oAjIjCee1DU-00876-00274024-00274383 the federalist organization exists in +oAjIjCee1DU-00877-00274384-00274654 order to coordinate strikes campaigns +oAjIjCee1DU-00878-00274655-00274891 and actions and for communication +oAjIjCee1DU-00879-00274892-00275323 purposes there are 800 1000 members +oAjIjCee1DU-00880-00275324-00275649 organized in the various local unions +oAjIjCee1DU-00881-00275650-00276030 the FAU publishes the bimonthly +oAjIjCee1DU-00882-00276031-00276316 anarcho-syndicalist newspaper director +oAjIjCee1DU-00883-00276317-00276562 action as well as pamphlets on current +oAjIjCee1DU-00884-00276563-00276889 and historical topics because it +oAjIjCee1DU-00885-00276890-00277123 supports their classical concept of the +oAjIjCee1DU-00886-00277124-00277431 abolition of the wage system the FAU is +oAjIjCee1DU-00887-00277432-00277656 observed by the Bundys amped fervor +oAjIjCee1DU-00888-00277657-00277897 facing shirts federal office for the +oAjIjCee1DU-00889-00277898-00278302 protection of the Constitution the +oAjIjCee1DU-00890-00278303-00278599 Federation of german-speaking anarchists +oAjIjCee1DU-00891-00278600-00278794 Federation Deutsche Spray sugar +oAjIjCee1DU-00892-00278795-00279055 anarchist Onan is a synthesist anarchist +oAjIjCee1DU-00893-00279056-00279319 Federation of german-speaking countries +oAjIjCee1DU-00894-00279320-00279475 which is affiliated with the +oAjIjCee1DU-00895-00279476-00279928 International of anarchist Federation's +oAYOxkkSQ-A-00000-00000090-00002172 [Music] +oAYOxkkSQ-A-00001-00002173-00004505 [Music] +oAYOxkkSQ-A-00002-00004506-00006966 [Music] +oAYOxkkSQ-A-00003-00006967-00007054 [Applause] +oAYOxkkSQ-A-00005-00010063-00010483 [Applause] +oAYOxkkSQ-A-00006-00010484-00011752 [Music] +oAYOxkkSQ-A-00007-00011753-00011919 [Applause] +oAYOxkkSQ-A-00008-00011920-00013885 [Music] +oCSxMOTfFh8-00000-00000064-00000327 another a different game i'm playing +oCSxMOTfFh8-00001-00000328-00000638 right now and this is this is a +oCSxMOTfFh8-00002-00000639-00000975 gba emulator +oCSxMOTfFh8-00003-00000976-00001327 playing on my phone +oCSxMOTfFh8-00004-00001328-00001591 so you see the title pokemon glaze verse +oCSxMOTfFh8-00005-00001592-00001695 version um +oCSxMOTfFh8-00006-00001696-00002191 so let's get started +oCSxMOTfFh8-00007-00002192-00003063 of course i'm gonna start a new game um +oCSxMOTfFh8-00008-00003064-00003367 okay let's hello welcome to the +oCSxMOTfFh8-00009-00003368-00003775 tournament yeah that's +oCSxMOTfFh8-00010-00003776-00003975 remember tuna region i was talking that +oCSxMOTfFh8-00011-00003976-00004127 on the pokemon prison +oCSxMOTfFh8-00012-00004128-00004391 well it's right here you'll see the +oCSxMOTfFh8-00013-00004392-00004447 whole +oCSxMOTfFh8-00014-00004448-00004791 tuna region let's see what tuna region +oCSxMOTfFh8-00015-00004792-00004886 is all about +oCSxMOTfFh8-00016-00004887-00005183 and it's going to be interesting because +oCSxMOTfFh8-00017-00005184-00005351 i was wondering what what is the rest of +oCSxMOTfFh8-00018-00005352-00005583 the tuna region +oCSxMOTfFh8-00019-00005584-00005838 i was only able to travel to um +oCSxMOTfFh8-00020-00005839-00006063 southerly city +oCSxMOTfFh8-00021-00006064-00006302 i remember that my name my name is +oCSxMOTfFh8-00022-00006303-00006478 professor willow +oCSxMOTfFh8-00023-00006479-00006806 but most people just call me the pokemon +oCSxMOTfFh8-00024-00006808-00007110 professor this is what we call a +oCSxMOTfFh8-00025-00007111-00007487 pokemon this war is widely +oCSxMOTfFh8-00026-00007488-00007806 inhabited by creatures known as pokemon +oCSxMOTfFh8-00027-00007808-00008159 we humans live along pokemon at times as +oCSxMOTfFh8-00028-00008159-00008246 friendly +oCSxMOTfFh8-00029-00008247-00008614 playmates and at times +oCSxMOTfFh8-00030-00008615-00008951 cooperated workmates and sometimes we +oCSxMOTfFh8-00031-00008952-00009063 band together +oCSxMOTfFh8-00032-00009064-00009406 battle others like us but despite our +oCSxMOTfFh8-00033-00009407-00009503 closeness +oCSxMOTfFh8-00034-00009504-00009799 we don't know everything about pokemon +oCSxMOTfFh8-00035-00009800-00009999 in fact there are many many +oCSxMOTfFh8-00036-00010000-00010327 secrets surrounding pokemon so unravel +oCSxMOTfFh8-00037-00010328-00010431 pokemon mystery +oCSxMOTfFh8-00038-00010432-00010735 i've been undertaking research +oCSxMOTfFh8-00039-00010736-00011406 that's what i do and you are +oCSxMOTfFh8-00040-00011407-00012807 uh yeah i'm a boy of course +oCSxMOTfFh8-00041-00012808-00013191 yeah finally we i'm playing the dba +oCSxMOTfFh8-00042-00013191-00013494 eba emulator not this time it's no dbc +oCSxMOTfFh8-00043-00013495-00013966 um pokemon games +oCSxMOTfFh8-00044-00013968-00014303 so it's kevin of course +oCSxMOTfFh8-00045-00014304-00014551 oh you must be the kevin i heard so much +oCSxMOTfFh8-00046-00014552-00014615 about +oCSxMOTfFh8-00047-00014616-00014966 right +oCSxMOTfFh8-00048-00014968-00015143 i was gonna play something else all +oCSxMOTfFh8-00049-00015144-00015286 right are you ready +oCSxMOTfFh8-00050-00015287-00015591 your very own adventure is about to +oCSxMOTfFh8-00051-00015591-00015703 unfold +oCSxMOTfFh8-00052-00015704-00015927 take courage and live into the war of +oCSxMOTfFh8-00053-00015928-00016022 pokemon +oCSxMOTfFh8-00054-00016023-00016343 where dreams adventure and friendship +oCSxMOTfFh8-00055-00016344-00016447 awaits +oCSxMOTfFh8-00056-00016448-00016719 well i'll be expecting you later come +oCSxMOTfFh8-00057-00016720-00016767 see me +oCSxMOTfFh8-00058-00016768-00017319 come see in my pokemon lab okay +oCSxMOTfFh8-00059-00017320-00017655 yeah i was i was planning to do a +oCSxMOTfFh8-00060-00017656-00017879 different game not +oCSxMOTfFh8-00061-00017880-00018294 not this game but pokemon radio correct +oCSxMOTfFh8-00062-00018295-00018519 it is the one of the newest pokemon rom +oCSxMOTfFh8-00063-00018520-00018663 hack but +oCSxMOTfFh8-00064-00018664-00018919 i uploaded a another thing what what are +oCSxMOTfFh8-00065-00018920-00019103 you doing in a place like this +oCSxMOTfFh8-00066-00019104-00019511 i wasn't expecting anyone to come +oCSxMOTfFh8-00067-00019512-00019903 i'll take you back this once and explain +oCSxMOTfFh8-00068-00019904-00020222 best i can okay don't be scared i'll +oCSxMOTfFh8-00069-00020223-00020279 make +oCSxMOTfFh8-00070-00020280-00020663 sure to get you back over safely +oCSxMOTfFh8-00071-00020664-00021247 but the trip isn't fun at all +oCSxMOTfFh8-00072-00021248-00021647 is it the right place +oCSxMOTfFh8-00073-00021648-00021967 this is but how i'll explain later +oCSxMOTfFh8-00074-00021968-00022030 somehow +oCSxMOTfFh8-00075-00022031-00022335 you manage to sleep from your +oCSxMOTfFh8-00076-00022336-00022647 universal mind from here it's a good +oCSxMOTfFh8-00077-00022648-00022719 thing you +oCSxMOTfFh8-00078-00022720-00023022 appear so close to me or +oCSxMOTfFh8-00079-00023023-00023311 there'll be big trouble now that you've +oCSxMOTfFh8-00080-00023312-00023414 been there +oCSxMOTfFh8-00081-00023415-00023719 there's nothing to stop you from +oCSxMOTfFh8-00082-00023720-00024030 sleeping through again so be careful and +oCSxMOTfFh8-00083-00024031-00024150 er +oCSxMOTfFh8-00084-00024151-00024391 i'm sorry i have to go out try to +oCSxMOTfFh8-00085-00024392-00024463 explain +oCSxMOTfFh8-00086-00024464-00024967 later bye okay +oCSxMOTfFh8-00087-00024968-00025335 uh yeah i want to make it faster +oCSxMOTfFh8-00088-00025336-00025702 attacks okay it's fast now +oCSxMOTfFh8-00089-00025704-00026102 um yep this is my house +oCSxMOTfFh8-00090-00026104-00026302 see what this is a clock it needs to in +oCSxMOTfFh8-00091-00026304-00026518 it but you need battery to run +oCSxMOTfFh8-00092-00026519-00026974 stuck at 7 40 p.m okay +oCSxMOTfFh8-00093-00026975-00027558 i'll see what this is nothing right +oCSxMOTfFh8-00094-00027560-00028062 uh where were we uh there any potion on +oCSxMOTfFh8-00095-00028063-00028807 no it's not doing anything okay +oCSxMOTfFh8-00096-00028808-00029007 kevin google's good to see you up and +oCSxMOTfFh8-00097-00029008-00029239 above your dad and now we're just about +oCSxMOTfFh8-00098-00029239-00029367 to go to +oCSxMOTfFh8-00099-00029368-00029670 the store in choco town so you get a few +oCSxMOTfFh8-00100-00029672-00029743 things +oCSxMOTfFh8-00101-00029744-00029935 well i almost forgot professor willow +oCSxMOTfFh8-00102-00029936-00030102 called earlier and asked +oCSxMOTfFh8-00103-00030103-00030318 do you come by his lap today you better +oCSxMOTfFh8-00104-00030319-00030414 head over +oCSxMOTfFh8-00105-00030416-00030607 right away it's bad manners to leave +oCSxMOTfFh8-00106-00030608-00030735 someone waiting +oCSxMOTfFh8-00107-00030736-00030967 i love you make sure you stay safe i +oCSxMOTfFh8-00108-00030968-00031151 will +oCSxMOTfFh8-00109-00031152-00031462 now +oCSxMOTfFh8-00110-00031463-00031790 let's see if i can get +oCSxMOTfFh8-00111-00031791-00032735 no that's not pc right okay +oCSxMOTfFh8-00112-00032736-00032959 okay where's the lab i i never played +oCSxMOTfFh8-00113-00032960-00033423 this game but +oCSxMOTfFh8-00114-00033424-00033807 let's not hit in here right +oCSxMOTfFh8-00115-00033808-00034071 you ever ever experienced the joke of +oCSxMOTfFh8-00116-00034072-00034199 cooking i heard that +oCSxMOTfFh8-00117-00034200-00034511 puffins are quite popular in the single +oCSxMOTfFh8-00118-00034512-00034615 weekend +oCSxMOTfFh8-00119-00034616-00035055 you try to make them sometime +oCSxMOTfFh8-00120-00035056-00035287 he might not look like it but my husband +oCSxMOTfFh8-00121-00035288-00035462 is quite the chip +oCSxMOTfFh8-00122-00035463-00035735 i never tasted more delicious food than +oCSxMOTfFh8-00123-00035736-00036483 what he is +oCSxMOTfFh8-00124-00036484-00037174 cooked +oCSxMOTfFh8-00125-00037175-00037374 hello you seem inexpired pokemon trainer +oCSxMOTfFh8-00126-00037375-00037502 am i right +oCSxMOTfFh8-00127-00037503-00037774 oh do i see i i see you haven't picked +oCSxMOTfFh8-00128-00037775-00037935 up your stutter pokemon yet would you +oCSxMOTfFh8-00129-00037936-00038174 like me to show you +oCSxMOTfFh8-00130-00038175-00038430 the starter pokemon you can choose this +oCSxMOTfFh8-00131-00038431-00038583 is the story strike the tiny leaf +oCSxMOTfFh8-00132-00038584-00038983 pokemon its ability is overgrowth +oCSxMOTfFh8-00133-00038984-00039351 cool they tell you what level +oCSxMOTfFh8-00134-00039352-00039655 okay james just a fire type +oCSxMOTfFh8-00135-00039656-00039846 yeah man that's that's pretty cool they +oCSxMOTfFh8-00136-00039847-00040215 take the level +oCSxMOTfFh8-00137-00040216-00040551 um +oCSxMOTfFh8-00138-00040552-00040862 jinx what the heck +oCSxMOTfFh8-00139-00040863-00041439 jinx is a stutter pokemon damn +oCSxMOTfFh8-00140-00041440-00041774 uh what real loop +oCSxMOTfFh8-00141-00041775-00042199 oh my gosh +oCSxMOTfFh8-00142-00042200-00042718 man they're all good +oCSxMOTfFh8-00143-00042719-00043895 damn i don't know what i want +oCSxMOTfFh8-00144-00043896-00044255 okay um i don't think the lab is not +oCSxMOTfFh8-00145-00044256-00044399 around here right +oCSxMOTfFh8-00146-00044400-00044727 um i haven't checked the oh this must be +oCSxMOTfFh8-00147-00044728-00045358 the lab then right +oCSxMOTfFh8-00148-00045359-00045639 i believe this is the professor right +oCSxMOTfFh8-00149-00045640-00045783 willow oh you made it +oCSxMOTfFh8-00150-00045784-00045967 i was getting worried you wouldn't show +oCSxMOTfFh8-00151-00045968-00046207 up i believe yes +oCSxMOTfFh8-00152-00046208-00046383 you just got the trainer lesson +oCSxMOTfFh8-00153-00046384-00046662 yesterday so i'm here to give you your +oCSxMOTfFh8-00154-00046663-00046951 very own pokemon companion this machine +oCSxMOTfFh8-00155-00046952-00047143 has five pokeball in it +oCSxMOTfFh8-00156-00047144-00047335 whichever you want next to your shows +oCSxMOTfFh8-00157-00047336-00047471 careful this will be your new +oCSxMOTfFh8-00158-00047472-00047862 best friend +oCSxMOTfFh8-00159-00047863-00048495 okay okay um it's five starter pokemon +oCSxMOTfFh8-00160-00048496-00048702 okay third gershwick does have high +oCSxMOTfFh8-00161-00048703-00048879 attack +oCSxMOTfFh8-00162-00048880-00049311 and he's bulky but slow +oCSxMOTfFh8-00163-00049312-00049815 oh people up that's all right +oCSxMOTfFh8-00164-00049816-00050199 um jinx well using i'm like +oCSxMOTfFh8-00165-00050200-00050615 furious game real lou +oCSxMOTfFh8-00166-00050616-00051079 i'm debating to use team short or briolo +oCSxMOTfFh8-00167-00051080-00051375 man they all dude man oh good luck i'm +oCSxMOTfFh8-00168-00051376-00051470 not legendary +oCSxMOTfFh8-00169-00051471-00051935 good starter pokemon +oCSxMOTfFh8-00170-00051936-00052382 i guess i'll go with +oCSxMOTfFh8-00171-00052383-00052735 um yeah the thing about rollu is +oCSxMOTfFh8-00172-00052736-00053079 it's it's hard to to to grow experience +oCSxMOTfFh8-00173-00053079-00053150 point and +oCSxMOTfFh8-00174-00053151-00053454 get above it with friendship right +oCSxMOTfFh8-00175-00053455-00054494 but yeah go with cm short +oCSxMOTfFh8-00176-00054495-00054703 okay i picked jim short i always had a +oCSxMOTfFh8-00177-00054704-00054959 special fondness for gymshark +oCSxMOTfFh8-00178-00054960-00055142 i usually give you a poke about gave you +oCSxMOTfFh8-00179-00055144-00055359 my last one out of a few days ago +oCSxMOTfFh8-00180-00055360-00055671 and haven't received any more i have a +oCSxMOTfFh8-00181-00055672-00055823 friend called +oCSxMOTfFh8-00182-00055824-00056023 called the inventor who lives in choco +oCSxMOTfFh8-00183-00056024-00056254 town i believe he has spare +oCSxMOTfFh8-00184-00056255-00056566 poker cartoon would you mind seeing him +oCSxMOTfFh8-00185-00056567-00056838 okay don't mind if your pokemon are we +oCSxMOTfFh8-00186-00056839-00056942 are feeling weak +oCSxMOTfFh8-00187-00056944-00057191 feel free to talk to the eight near the +oCSxMOTfFh8-00188-00057191-00057382 healing machine safe travel +oCSxMOTfFh8-00189-00057383-00057854 yep so this one right +oCSxMOTfFh8-00190-00057855-00058726 okay got it +oCSxMOTfFh8-00191-00058727-00059054 which he was explaining about +oCSxMOTfFh8-00192-00059055-00059359 before i uh +oCSxMOTfFh8-00193-00059360-00059663 what was the house this one right +oCSxMOTfFh8-00194-00059664-00060215 i'm just curious +oCSxMOTfFh8-00195-00060216-00060391 oh no it's just not it's just he's not +oCSxMOTfFh8-00196-00060391-00060582 gonna explain no more +oCSxMOTfFh8-00197-00060583-00060935 uh whatever i'm sure you'll both +oCSxMOTfFh8-00198-00060936-00061415 go above real with friendship +oCSxMOTfFh8-00199-00061416-00061766 okay so which one is shoko town +oCSxMOTfFh8-00200-00061767-00061991 most region only offer three stars but +oCSxMOTfFh8-00201-00061991-00062263 professor will let you choose from fight +oCSxMOTfFh8-00202-00062264-00062679 which will you pick picking fight +oCSxMOTfFh8-00203-00062679-00063030 making this so hard +oCSxMOTfFh8-00204-00063032-00063247 it's really hard to choose um okay to +oCSxMOTfFh8-00205-00063248-00063382 have a town map +oCSxMOTfFh8-00206-00063383-00063798 nope +oCSxMOTfFh8-00207-00063799-00064030 [Music] +oCSxMOTfFh8-00208-00064032-00064911 uh which way is um the shoko town +oCSxMOTfFh8-00209-00064912-00065215 uh let's see the sign +oCSxMOTfFh8-00210-00065216-00065454 uh no i don't think it's not this way +oCSxMOTfFh8-00211-00065455-00065791 right +oCSxMOTfFh8-00212-00065792-00065982 well pokemon center no entry without +oCSxMOTfFh8-00213-00065983-00066199 permission +oCSxMOTfFh8-00214-00066200-00066335 whoever's supposed to enter here what's +oCSxMOTfFh8-00215-00066336-00066503 up +oCSxMOTfFh8-00216-00066504-00066847 darn it okay then that's not +oCSxMOTfFh8-00217-00066848-00067247 um that is not the way right +oCSxMOTfFh8-00218-00067248-00068206 maybe the other side right or down +oCSxMOTfFh8-00219-00068207-00068543 okay so with one oh so i gotta +oCSxMOTfFh8-00220-00068544-00070231 go this way right the right +oCSxMOTfFh8-00221-00070232-00070703 so do believe we might see pokemon from +oCSxMOTfFh8-00222-00070704-00071182 uh yeah one two four or five maybe +oCSxMOTfFh8-00223-00071183-00071438 excuse me young man seemed like there's +oCSxMOTfFh8-00224-00071439-00071631 a quit rocus down this route +oCSxMOTfFh8-00225-00071632-00072023 my eyes weren't that warm what they once +oCSxMOTfFh8-00226-00072024-00072335 was a futuristic so i can't really +oCSxMOTfFh8-00227-00072336-00072519 tell for sure but i thought i to give +oCSxMOTfFh8-00228-00072520-00072882 you a heads up +oCSxMOTfFh8-00229-00072883-00073143 okay +oCSxMOTfFh8-00230-00073144-00073511 flowers past life just beyonce +oCSxMOTfFh8-00231-00073512-00073887 he got white pokemon soul be careful +oCSxMOTfFh8-00232-00073888-00074206 uh okay i will be +oCSxMOTfFh8-00233-00074207-00074759 go on two last pass b pika b +oCSxMOTfFh8-00234-00074760-00074959 hey pikachu quit harassing my parents +oCSxMOTfFh8-00235-00074960-00075223 let them do +oCSxMOTfFh8-00236-00075224-00075599 the pikachu attack +oCSxMOTfFh8-00237-00075600-00076231 what the heck the different pikachu +oCSxMOTfFh8-00238-00076232-00076550 an unknown um +oCSxMOTfFh8-00239-00076551-00076871 christ +oCSxMOTfFh8-00240-00076872-00077687 i don't think this pikachu ain't normal +oCSxMOTfFh8-00241-00077688-00078262 peek-a-bee pikachu +oCSxMOTfFh8-00242-00078263-00078406 that was fantastic you're amazing +oCSxMOTfFh8-00243-00078407-00078599 battler feeling professor +oCSxMOTfFh8-00244-00078600-00078847 willow will be giving you a pokemon soul +oCSxMOTfFh8-00245-00078848-00079023 and your father got you some present for +oCSxMOTfFh8-00246-00079024-00079094 your journey +oCSxMOTfFh8-00247-00079095-00079423 here you go this is my gift finally +oCSxMOTfFh8-00248-00079424-00079599 that's what i needed that was the best +oCSxMOTfFh8-00249-00079600-00079726 pair of +oCSxMOTfFh8-00250-00079727-00079943 running tools i could find i hope you +oCSxMOTfFh8-00251-00079944-00080055 like them if you want to +oCSxMOTfFh8-00252-00080056-00080415 run this hole down the b that glaze +oCSxMOTfFh8-00253-00080416-00080711 that's great for speedy travel your dad +oCSxMOTfFh8-00254-00080712-00080775 has a +oCSxMOTfFh8-00255-00080776-00081071 has a gift for you i'm not that good at +oCSxMOTfFh8-00256-00081072-00081238 getting gift but i thought you could +oCSxMOTfFh8-00257-00081239-00081855 use one of this it's very useful cool +oCSxMOTfFh8-00258-00081856-00082182 i also got new map batteries g +oCSxMOTfFh8-00259-00082183-00082682 for your clock do you have the time uh +oCSxMOTfFh8-00260-00082683-00082903 yeah +oCSxMOTfFh8-00261-00082904-00083157 um +oCSxMOTfFh8-00262-00083158-00083311 [Music] +oCSxMOTfFh8-00263-00083312-00083638 i want to put it on +oCSxMOTfFh8-00264-00083639-00083943 pm come on already oh +oCSxMOTfFh8-00265-00083944-00084287 cool okay let me see the time +oCSxMOTfFh8-00266-00084288-00084950 in here oh 10 55 okay +oCSxMOTfFh8-00267-00084951-00085326 so it's 11 right +oCSxMOTfFh8-00268-00085327-00085782 and this is +oCSxMOTfFh8-00269-00085783-00086271 now this is 10 right +oCSxMOTfFh8-00270-00086272-00086575 although tanner's right here um yes +oCSxMOTfFh8-00271-00086576-00086679 close to +oCSxMOTfFh8-00272-00086680-00087431 okay it's 10 um right here +oCSxMOTfFh8-00273-00087432-00087631 all right thanks kevin we better head on +oCSxMOTfFh8-00274-00087632-00087879 home now before that crazy pikachu come +oCSxMOTfFh8-00275-00087880-00087967 back +oCSxMOTfFh8-00276-00087968-00088206 listen now do you have your own pokemon +oCSxMOTfFh8-00277-00088207-00088423 why not challenge the gym leader of two +oCSxMOTfFh8-00278-00088424-00088503 nut +oCSxMOTfFh8-00279-00088504-00088711 yes as i thought but having a while +oCSxMOTfFh8-00280-00088712-00088894 traveling makes the +oCSxMOTfFh8-00281-00088895-00089111 journey that much more exciting if i +oCSxMOTfFh8-00282-00089112-00089287 remember correctly there's a game in +oCSxMOTfFh8-00283-00089288-00089471 ocean view city +oCSxMOTfFh8-00284-00089472-00090071 safe travel +oCSxMOTfFh8-00285-00090072-00090303 what is the first royal pokemon let's +oCSxMOTfFh8-00286-00090304-00090415 see +oCSxMOTfFh8-00287-00090416-00090759 [__] and uh so i see you have four +oCSxMOTfFh8-00288-00090760-00091062 and third pokemon i'm assuming there's +oCSxMOTfFh8-00289-00091063-00091159 scan one two +oCSxMOTfFh8-00290-00091160-00091750 four or all the way through five +oCSxMOTfFh8-00291-00091751-00092038 come on team short you got this we're +oCSxMOTfFh8-00292-00092039-00093782 all level come on +oCSxMOTfFh8-00293-00093783-00094087 oh yeah this this shows a nature so what +oCSxMOTfFh8-00294-00094088-00094215 was your name your um +oCSxMOTfFh8-00295-00094216-00094567 team short +oCSxMOTfFh8-00296-00094568-00094943 purple i don't know what +oCSxMOTfFh8-00297-00094944-00095399 coming true +oCSxMOTfFh8-00298-00095400-00095526 you there i heard that that was the +oCSxMOTfFh8-00299-00095527-00095767 pikachu around here have you seen it +oCSxMOTfFh8-00300-00095768-00095991 yeah just scare it off what grumble in +oCSxMOTfFh8-00301-00095992-00096094 that case +oCSxMOTfFh8-00302-00096095-00096374 who are you my name's kevin well my name +oCSxMOTfFh8-00303-00096375-00096550 is percy and this is my partner +oCSxMOTfFh8-00304-00096551-00096623 cyndaquil +oCSxMOTfFh8-00305-00096624-00096982 since we missed how about we battle +oCSxMOTfFh8-00306-00096983-00097071 instead +oCSxMOTfFh8-00307-00097072-00097350 what you say is in the grill oi i'm not +oCSxMOTfFh8-00308-00097351-00097447 ready +oCSxMOTfFh8-00309-00097448-00097687 energy heal up boy the balls fire up +oCSxMOTfFh8-00310-00097688-00098518 let's battle +oCSxMOTfFh8-00311-00098519-00098918 oh i'm oh no i'm not +oCSxMOTfFh8-00312-00098919-00099559 100 ready +oCSxMOTfFh8-00313-00099560-00100062 oh i might lose here i might lose +oCSxMOTfFh8-00314-00100063-00100606 come on come on see i'm short +oCSxMOTfFh8-00315-00100607-00101038 wow critical here are you serious +oCSxMOTfFh8-00316-00101039-00101608 i could have won that +oCSxMOTfFh8-00317-00101609-00102191 [Music] +oCSxMOTfFh8-00318-00102192-00102886 that's what i +oCSxMOTfFh8-00319-00102888-00103086 but you know that was gonna happen no +oCSxMOTfFh8-00320-00103088-00103271 i'm not finding nobody +oCSxMOTfFh8-00321-00103272-00103582 okay let's try this again +oCSxMOTfFh8-00322-00103583-00104839 this time i win i know i can win this +oCSxMOTfFh8-00323-00104840-00105247 hey she's short you got this you can do +oCSxMOTfFh8-00324-00105248-00105358 it +oCSxMOTfFh8-00325-00105359-00105854 don't let me down tim short +oCSxMOTfFh8-00326-00105855-00106199 keep scratching to see the quilt +oCSxMOTfFh8-00327-00106200-00106678 yep yep yeah buddy +oCSxMOTfFh8-00328-00106679-00106910 i deserve the critical [__] from last +oCSxMOTfFh8-00329-00106911-00107343 time +oCSxMOTfFh8-00330-00107344-00108263 nice seven level seven +oCSxMOTfFh8-00331-00108264-00108575 really nice alert amber finally +oCSxMOTfFh8-00332-00108576-00108983 holy smokes +oCSxMOTfFh8-00333-00108983-00109134 y'all so you're tough you'll definitely +oCSxMOTfFh8-00334-00109135-00109327 be awarding you arrival for me since +oCSxMOTfFh8-00335-00109328-00109447 that pikachu +oCSxMOTfFh8-00336-00109448-00109758 go on i'll head to ocean view city see +oCSxMOTfFh8-00338-00113208-00113463 chocolate town is a great place for the +oCSxMOTfFh8-00339-00113464-00113519 elderly +oCSxMOTfFh8-00340-00113520-00113847 elderly to relax and enjoy life it's all +oCSxMOTfFh8-00341-00113848-00113975 come here +oCSxMOTfFh8-00342-00113976-00114351 cool pokemon +oCSxMOTfFh8-00343-00114352-00114558 center are a great place to rest but if +oCSxMOTfFh8-00344-00114559-00114678 you're out +oCSxMOTfFh8-00345-00114679-00114871 the field you can always save the game +oCSxMOTfFh8-00346-00114872-00114990 by opening the +oCSxMOTfFh8-00347-00114991-00115534 menu uh yeah i already know that +oCSxMOTfFh8-00348-00115535-00115751 this video as well as rancor are all +oCSxMOTfFh8-00349-00115752-00115871 part of judging +oCSxMOTfFh8-00350-00115872-00116271 but archipelago to the west of kyoto +oCSxMOTfFh8-00351-00116272-00116534 so many places to travel so you're +oCSxMOTfFh8-00352-00116535-00116719 telling me +oCSxMOTfFh8-00353-00116720-00117023 we could travel to jordan that is +oCSxMOTfFh8-00354-00117024-00117663 awesome +oCSxMOTfFh8-00355-00117664-00117910 happiness and sadness without one the +oCSxMOTfFh8-00356-00117911-00118063 there can't be the other some wish +oCSxMOTfFh8-00357-00118064-00118207 pokemon of course +oCSxMOTfFh8-00358-00118208-00118431 [__] my same leader happy north set is +oCSxMOTfFh8-00359-00118432-00119083 sit on the balance +oCSxMOTfFh8-00360-00119083-00119575 okay +oCSxMOTfFh8-00361-00119576-00119799 i think this statue of mew is incredible +oCSxMOTfFh8-00362-00119800-00119958 do you know that mew +oCSxMOTfFh8-00363-00119959-00120483 is believed to be the first pokemon +oCSxMOTfFh8-00364-00120483-00120958 but +oCSxMOTfFh8-00365-00120959-00121190 since i've retired i have nothing better +oCSxMOTfFh8-00366-00121191-00121286 to do than +oCSxMOTfFh8-00367-00121288-00121783 watch soap operas all day okay +oCSxMOTfFh8-00368-00121783-00121999 i was promised 500 if i watched grandpa +oCSxMOTfFh8-00369-00122000-00122199 today but all these slope operas are +oCSxMOTfFh8-00370-00122200-00123271 making me bored +oCSxMOTfFh8-00371-00123272-00123447 have you been in the middle six swim is +oCSxMOTfFh8-00372-00123448-00124678 so gross and icky +oCSxMOTfFh8-00373-00124679-00124847 choco town will just be another small +oCSxMOTfFh8-00374-00124848-00125047 town we've earned the +oCSxMOTfFh8-00375-00125048-00125254 for the inventor his invention make our +oCSxMOTfFh8-00376-00125255-00125390 town proud +oCSxMOTfFh8-00377-00125391-00125958 okay +oCSxMOTfFh8-00378-00125959-00126175 i'm running vibration tests on this +oCSxMOTfFh8-00379-00126176-00126310 inversion of mine +oCSxMOTfFh8-00380-00126311-00126495 to make sure it doesn't fall apart when +oCSxMOTfFh8-00381-00126496-00126958 taken i believe you talk to this guy +oCSxMOTfFh8-00382-00126959-00127143 if i told you once i told you a thousand +oCSxMOTfFh8-00383-00127144-00127431 times don't disturb me while i'm working +oCSxMOTfFh8-00384-00127432-00127607 oh i'm sorry i i thought you were one of +oCSxMOTfFh8-00385-00127608-00127799 my first twin eight +oCSxMOTfFh8-00386-00127800-00128031 you'll be kevin correct professor willow +oCSxMOTfFh8-00387-00128032-00128295 send me an email i show you to go +oCSxMOTfFh8-00388-00128296-00128614 and i have your brokenness here you go +oCSxMOTfFh8-00389-00128615-00128839 here take this well it's the sort of +oCSxMOTfFh8-00390-00128840-00128966 gift to help you +oCSxMOTfFh8-00391-00128967-00129575 fill out the pokedex uh yeah +oCSxMOTfFh8-00392-00129576-00129758 you mind if i ask you for a few favor +oCSxMOTfFh8-00393-00129759-00130007 there's some wonderful ruins in the +oCSxMOTfFh8-00394-00130008-00130102 milkshake +oCSxMOTfFh8-00395-00130103-00130319 swamp that i'd like to absurd i feel +oCSxMOTfFh8-00396-00130320-00130423 much safer with an +oCSxMOTfFh8-00397-00130424-00130686 escort will you mind coming with me +oCSxMOTfFh8-00398-00130688-00130839 enter to the swamp is +oCSxMOTfFh8-00399-00130840-00131023 still north of town i'll be seeing you +oCSxMOTfFh8-00400-00131024-00131183 soon +oCSxMOTfFh8-00401-00131184-00133639 cool i'll be on my way there +oCSxMOTfFh8-00402-00133640-00133951 all right there's nothing right no item +oCSxMOTfFh8-00403-00133952-00134566 okay +oCSxMOTfFh8-00404-00134567-00134975 so i believe it's uh +oCSxMOTfFh8-00405-00134976-00135263 yeah here kevin you won't believe this +oCSxMOTfFh8-00406-00135264-00135407 but this guy won't let me +oCSxMOTfFh8-00407-00135408-00135719 get into the military nobody enters +oCSxMOTfFh8-00408-00135720-00135951 the swamp go do something else instead +oCSxMOTfFh8-00409-00135952-00136047 still playing on +oCSxMOTfFh8-00410-00136048-00136407 innocent travelers team fusion +oCSxMOTfFh8-00411-00136408-00136990 i never heard that that you stoop solo +oCSxMOTfFh8-00412-00136991-00137311 i already run off the rest of your gun +oCSxMOTfFh8-00413-00137312-00137471 in this one already +oCSxMOTfFh8-00414-00137472-00137654 see so you have no reason to stay here +oCSxMOTfFh8-00415-00137655-00137854 of course if you have any +oCSxMOTfFh8-00416-00137855-00138143 need to put to protest my dark right is +oCSxMOTfFh8-00417-00138144-00138414 eating for a battle +oCSxMOTfFh8-00418-00138415-00138590 our objective here are complete we'll be +oCSxMOTfFh8-00419-00138591-00138878 taking or leaving now +oCSxMOTfFh8-00420-00138879-00139311 those can't harm you no thanks goodness +oCSxMOTfFh8-00421-00139312-00139471 i'm sorry let me see the rules myself my +oCSxMOTfFh8-00422-00139472-00139727 name is blitz i'm a member of the +oCSxMOTfFh8-00423-00139728-00140078 tournament force cool +oCSxMOTfFh8-00424-00140079-00140271 we can see leaf force and more gym +oCSxMOTfFh8-00425-00140272-00140478 leader on tuna region +oCSxMOTfFh8-00426-00140479-00140775 i've taken it upon myself to protect the +oCSxMOTfFh8-00427-00140776-00140927 uh travelers +oCSxMOTfFh8-00428-00140928-00141231 he also has you at any expense +oCSxMOTfFh8-00429-00141232-00141407 yes out of curiosity why are you both +oCSxMOTfFh8-00430-00141408-00141559 going into the +oCSxMOTfFh8-00431-00141560-00141751 most sex one it's not exactly the most +oCSxMOTfFh8-00432-00141752-00141911 fun place to be +oCSxMOTfFh8-00433-00141912-00142135 i was curious about some of the runes in +oCSxMOTfFh8-00434-00142136-00142343 the swamp kevin was going to escort me +oCSxMOTfFh8-00435-00142344-00142439 to them +oCSxMOTfFh8-00436-00142440-00142751 and in case our pokemon attack uh +oCSxMOTfFh8-00437-00142752-00143071 i don't have any pokemon you see +oCSxMOTfFh8-00438-00143072-00143355 so the building are team fusion cool +oCSxMOTfFh8-00439-00143356-00143583 [Music] +oCSxMOTfFh8-00440-00143584-00143799 and the only game leader i recognize is +oCSxMOTfFh8-00441-00143800-00143895 ernest from +oCSxMOTfFh8-00442-00143896-00144383 pokemon prism that was the last batch um +oCSxMOTfFh8-00443-00144384-00144671 in pokemon prism those men prevent you +oCSxMOTfFh8-00444-00144672-00144783 from entering the +oCSxMOTfFh8-00445-00144784-00145071 swamp or poking around those same runes +oCSxMOTfFh8-00446-00145072-00145271 allow me to escore you there myself to +oCSxMOTfFh8-00447-00145272-00145390 make sure +oCSxMOTfFh8-00448-00145391-00145726 i flatten them all off i'm sure kevin +oCSxMOTfFh8-00449-00145727-00145895 wouldn't want to be hanging +oCSxMOTfFh8-00450-00145896-00146207 around with with you adult anyway usb +oCSxMOTfFh8-00451-00146208-00146254 gun +oCSxMOTfFh8-00452-00146255-00146543 is a retrainer container to equip swipe +oCSxMOTfFh8-00453-00146544-00146566 in +oCSxMOTfFh8-00454-00146567-00146823 for your dreams and rest assured they'll +oCSxMOTfFh8-00455-00146824-00146895 come to +oCSxMOTfFh8-00456-00146896-00147190 one day you might even battle come +oCSxMOTfFh8-00457-00147191-00147326 inventor +oCSxMOTfFh8-00458-00147327-00147527 scientific affliction awaits +oCSxMOTfFh8-00459-00147528-00147687 [Music] +oCSxMOTfFh8-00460-00147688-00148726 oh that's a legendary trainer cool +oCSxMOTfFh8-00461-00148727-00148878 when you're exploring the male snake +oCSxMOTfFh8-00462-00148879-00149047 swamp make sure not to step +oCSxMOTfFh8-00463-00149048-00149366 on voicing id it could seriously hamper +oCSxMOTfFh8-00464-00149367-00149743 your journey +oCSxMOTfFh8-00465-00149744-00150031 so are you telling me if i step on that +oCSxMOTfFh8-00466-00150032-00150199 iv +oCSxMOTfFh8-00467-00150200-00150551 pokemon could could get poison +oCSxMOTfFh8-00468-00150552-00151199 well let's see if i know about that +oCSxMOTfFh8-00469-00151200-00151502 i want croak +oCSxMOTfFh8-00470-00151503-00152287 pokeball +oCSxMOTfFh8-00471-00152288-00152831 for the level box type okay this is +oCSxMOTfFh8-00472-00152832-00153271 the first time battling bug catcher +oCSxMOTfFh8-00473-00153272-00153590 okay caterpillar +oCSxMOTfFh8-00474-00153591-00153790 team short versus cutter from during the +oCSxMOTfFh8-00475-00153791-00153943 ring +oCSxMOTfFh8-00476-00153944-00154335 that's not gonna not gonna be super +oCSxMOTfFh8-00477-00154336-00154543 really really effective because it's all +oCSxMOTfFh8-00478-00154544-00154951 a one shot now +oCSxMOTfFh8-00479-00154952-00155263 that was gonna leave from +oCSxMOTfFh8-00480-00155264-00156366 amber from range but +oCSxMOTfFh8-00481-00156367-00156678 oh they cannot survive from uh team jar +oCSxMOTfFh8-00482-00156679-00156863 amber during the rank now +oCSxMOTfFh8-00483-00156864-00157607 must be must be a monster +oCSxMOTfFh8-00484-00157608-00157911 teamster just burned just burned uh +oCSxMOTfFh8-00485-00157912-00158590 the box pokemon even with the reigns on +oCSxMOTfFh8-00486-00158591-00158895 some 20 will rematch if you if you talk +oCSxMOTfFh8-00487-00158896-00159063 to them better lean trainers over and +oCSxMOTfFh8-00488-00159064-00159214 over can help you +oCSxMOTfFh8-00489-00159215-00159583 training goal by much faster +oCSxMOTfFh8-00490-00159584-00159878 oh that's cool well making our life +oCSxMOTfFh8-00491-00159879-00159975 easier to +oCSxMOTfFh8-00492-00159976-00160559 grind +oCSxMOTfFh8-00493-00160560-00160966 uh do i want croak +oCSxMOTfFh8-00494-00160967-00161663 i'm not sure +oCSxMOTfFh8-00495-00161664-00162199 maybe maybe i'll get crook hunk +oCSxMOTfFh8-00496-00162200-00162751 ah i want eggins pokemon that good +oCSxMOTfFh8-00497-00162752-00163111 i think krokon gets better uh +oCSxMOTfFh8-00498-00163112-00163463 it's a better pokemon than i was gonna +oCSxMOTfFh8-00499-00163464-00163575 say +oCSxMOTfFh8-00500-00163576-00165319 than eking +oCSxMOTfFh8-00501-00165320-00165687 so all i see is egg and croco +oCSxMOTfFh8-00502-00165688-00167871 again yeah i don't have a repel guys +oCSxMOTfFh8-00503-00167872-00169457 swamp arrow home to tons of bugs +oCSxMOTfFh8-00504-00169458-00170823 [Music] +oCSxMOTfFh8-00505-00170824-00171229 i see him short +oCSxMOTfFh8-00506-00171230-00172079 [Music] +oCSxMOTfFh8-00507-00172080-00172673 [Music] +oCSxMOTfFh8-00508-00172674-00173102 [Music] +oCSxMOTfFh8-00509-00173103-00173799 good lord +oCSxMOTfFh8-00510-00173800-00176038 come on let's battle cool +oCSxMOTfFh8-00511-00176039-00177822 uh that's that's okay dammit about 50 +oCSxMOTfFh8-00512-00177823-00177935 [Music] +oCSxMOTfFh8-00513-00177936-00178423 level 10 +oCSxMOTfFh8-00514-00178424-00178878 i'm just nervous uh yeah whatever +oCSxMOTfFh8-00515-00178879-00179575 whatever cleaner +oCSxMOTfFh8-00516-00179576-00179943 um when you're referring to the mushroom +oCSxMOTfFh8-00517-00179944-00180223 or something +oCSxMOTfFh8-00518-00180224-00180683 it's just a pin why do we need to this +oCSxMOTfFh8-00519-00180684-00181454 mud +oCSxMOTfFh8-00520-00181455-00181902 i want to get +oCSxMOTfFh8-00521-00181903-00182135 that's how i [__] my wife screw up in +oCSxMOTfFh8-00522-00182136-00182407 this area i would love to get it +oCSxMOTfFh8-00523-00182408-00183151 i want your fpm +oCSxMOTfFh8-00524-00183152-00184399 whoa whoa that's a lot of experience +oCSxMOTfFh8-00525-00184400-00185749 this one is awesome +oCSxMOTfFh8-00526-00185750-00186283 [Music] +oCSxMOTfFh8-00527-00186284-00187683 t2 +oCSxMOTfFh8-00528-00187684-00187935 so +oCSxMOTfFh8-00529-00187936-00188199 uh without the rain he wouldn't one shot +oCSxMOTfFh8-00530-00188200-00188869 pichu +oCSxMOTfFh8-00531-00188870-00189083 [Applause] +oCSxMOTfFh8-00532-00189084-00189487 club +oCSxMOTfFh8-00533-00189488-00190183 oh really really +oCSxMOTfFh8-00534-00190184-00190502 well clef was a big important is student +oCSxMOTfFh8-00535-00190503-00190983 do much with jim sorry +oCSxMOTfFh8-00536-00190984-00191254 come on man don't be immobilized are you +oCSxMOTfFh8-00537-00191255-00191495 kidding me +oCSxMOTfFh8-00538-00191496-00193283 well at least i got a special move +oCSxMOTfFh8-00539-00193284-00193638 pokemon +oCSxMOTfFh8-00540-00193639-00194231 nice snap out of the team chart +oCSxMOTfFh8-00541-00194232-00195295 what's your last one oh +oCSxMOTfFh8-00542-00195296-00195526 there might be getting some critical +oCSxMOTfFh8-00543-00195527-00195983 heat +oCSxMOTfFh8-00544-00195984-00196343 that if it was crushing uh yeah +oCSxMOTfFh8-00545-00196344-00197287 tutorials destroy all of your pokemon +oCSxMOTfFh8-00546-00197288-00197663 uh yeah okay +oCSxMOTfFh8-00547-00197664-00197911 oh kevin you just came at the right time +oCSxMOTfFh8-00548-00197912-00198087 as i suspected +oCSxMOTfFh8-00549-00198088-00198359 another grunt snuck back wire our +oCSxMOTfFh8-00550-00198360-00198471 backward turn +oCSxMOTfFh8-00551-00198472-00198823 look up there by that tablet +oCSxMOTfFh8-00552-00198824-00199007 it seemed very suspicious it must be up +oCSxMOTfFh8-00553-00199008-00199254 to no good +oCSxMOTfFh8-00554-00199255-00199399 he wants to see a member of the lead +oCSxMOTfFh8-00555-00199400-00199559 force in action +oCSxMOTfFh8-00556-00199560-00199854 kevin come with me then inventor it's +oCSxMOTfFh8-00557-00199855-00199959 best to stay here +oCSxMOTfFh8-00558-00199960-00200319 or is safe +oCSxMOTfFh8-00559-00200320-00200511 i thought i ran you scum off with your +oCSxMOTfFh8-00560-00200512-00200631 tail between your +oCSxMOTfFh8-00561-00200632-00200983 legs fufu i snuck back here to get the +oCSxMOTfFh8-00562-00200984-00201135 information i was +oCSxMOTfFh8-00563-00201136-00201350 employed to find they will welcome me +oCSxMOTfFh8-00564-00201351-00201654 back at headquarters like a hero +oCSxMOTfFh8-00565-00201655-00201807 i have no time to play games with +oCSxMOTfFh8-00566-00201808-00202207 pokemon league now it's a long idiot +oCSxMOTfFh8-00567-00202208-00202543 this tablet are you sure all right you +oCSxMOTfFh8-00568-00202544-00202702 scare off the grunts good and +oCSxMOTfFh8-00569-00202703-00203095 proper easy wow amazing +oCSxMOTfFh8-00570-00203096-00203295 i've done here for now it's getting +oCSxMOTfFh8-00571-00203296-00203431 nasty thank you +oCSxMOTfFh8-00572-00203432-00203711 blacky kevin for assisting me please +oCSxMOTfFh8-00573-00203712-00203854 take this +oCSxMOTfFh8-00574-00203855-00204231 uh what the heck is a poke come +oCSxMOTfFh8-00575-00204232-00204447 the poke coming so the advice of my own +oCSxMOTfFh8-00576-00204448-00204550 invention +oCSxMOTfFh8-00577-00204551-00204735 it translates pokemon's speech into +oCSxMOTfFh8-00578-00204736-00204927 human speech and vice versa +oCSxMOTfFh8-00579-00204928-00205182 cool hopefully it will help on your +oCSxMOTfFh8-00580-00205183-00205319 journey +oCSxMOTfFh8-00581-00205319-00205551 text translate with the pokemon will be +oCSxMOTfFh8-00582-00205552-00205686 will be displayed with +oCSxMOTfFh8-00583-00205687-00205951 discolored text i've been going to my +oCSxMOTfFh8-00584-00205952-00205998 home now +oCSxMOTfFh8-00585-00206000-00206262 i'll be much happier or i can work in +oCSxMOTfFh8-00586-00206263-00206303 peace +oCSxMOTfFh8-00587-00206304-00206671 see you around of course +oCSxMOTfFh8-00588-00206671-00207398 this one are amazing why other here +oCSxMOTfFh8-00589-00207400-00207638 what the heck is going on well what +oCSxMOTfFh8-00590-00207639-00207766 happened yeah i just slipped to +oCSxMOTfFh8-00591-00207767-00208071 the universe again +oCSxMOTfFh8-00592-00208071-00208262 oh i thought i heard a commotion do you +oCSxMOTfFh8-00593-00208263-00208471 remember me my name is luke i was the +oCSxMOTfFh8-00594-00208471-00208679 one who brought you back +oCSxMOTfFh8-00595-00208680-00208855 to your room last time as i predicted +oCSxMOTfFh8-00596-00208856-00208990 you managed to sleep to +oCSxMOTfFh8-00597-00208991-00209255 again i'm kind of in a rush so i have to +oCSxMOTfFh8-00598-00209256-00209382 hold you up explaining +oCSxMOTfFh8-00599-00209383-00209631 again were you mining would you mind +oCSxMOTfFh8-00600-00209632-00209703 helping me +oCSxMOTfFh8-00601-00209704-00209942 i'm looking for a must keep that wander +oCSxMOTfFh8-00602-00209944-00210046 up it's somewhere +oCSxMOTfFh8-00603-00210048-00210303 around here but i can't find it anyway i +oCSxMOTfFh8-00604-00210304-00210503 appreciate it if +oCSxMOTfFh8-00605-00210504-00210798 you could look around for me if you find +oCSxMOTfFh8-00606-00210800-00210871 i'll explain +oCSxMOTfFh8-00607-00210871-00211287 what's happening as best as i can +oCSxMOTfFh8-00608-00211288-00211446 i completely forgot let me heal your +oCSxMOTfFh8-00609-00211448-00211631 pokemon for you +oCSxMOTfFh8-00610-00211632-00212294 thank you i appreciate that +oCSxMOTfFh8-00611-00212296-00212615 the thing is i will love to get my +oCSxMOTfFh8-00612-00212616-00212958 first pokemon +oCSxMOTfFh8-00613-00212959-00213910 okay mudkip right +oCSxMOTfFh8-00614-00213911-00214679 must keep disappearing into the mud okay +oCSxMOTfFh8-00615-00214680-00216334 where you at mudkip +oCSxMOTfFh8-00616-00216335-00216798 there you are +oCSxMOTfFh8-00617-00216800-00217103 oh my gosh i'm in a disadvantage +oCSxMOTfFh8-00618-00217104-00217334 i'm weak against water i need stuff with +oCSxMOTfFh8-00619-00217335-00218182 team +oCSxMOTfFh8-00620-00218183-00218639 that is not good +oCSxMOTfFh8-00621-00218640-00218894 oh no it more likely it's gonna have +oCSxMOTfFh8-00622-00218896-00219182 water gun +oCSxMOTfFh8-00623-00219183-00219487 hey look i took the uh +oCSxMOTfFh8-00624-00219488-00219823 scratch +oCSxMOTfFh8-00625-00219823-00220191 it's tanking it like it's nothing +oCSxMOTfFh8-00626-00220192-00220863 and amber's rain is not gonna do nothing +oCSxMOTfFh8-00627-00220864-00221358 oh boy really really +oCSxMOTfFh8-00628-00221359-00221951 am i really gonna lose here +oCSxMOTfFh8-00629-00221952-00222375 nice nice +oCSxMOTfFh8-00630-00222376-00223167 you kidding me +oCSxMOTfFh8-00631-00223167-00223503 do i have to grind uh +oCSxMOTfFh8-00632-00223504-00223815 wait wait wait +oCSxMOTfFh8-00633-00223816-00224015 i don't want to make it super fast +oCSxMOTfFh8-00634-00224016-00224142 though uh +oCSxMOTfFh8-00635-00224144-00224439 where is fast forward speed i put it on +oCSxMOTfFh8-00636-00224440-00224655 three +oCSxMOTfFh8-00637-00224656-00225191 okay +oCSxMOTfFh8-00638-00225192-00225482 oh come on how do i supposed to beat +oCSxMOTfFh8-00639-00225483-00226623 that +oCSxMOTfFh8-00640-00226623-00226975 oh this is not fair i mean i +oCSxMOTfFh8-00641-00226976-00227879 a disadvantage +oCSxMOTfFh8-00642-00227880-00228223 uh i even catch one though right +oCSxMOTfFh8-00643-00228223-00228479 the only option i got is spam the ball +oCSxMOTfFh8-00644-00228480-00229455 right +oCSxMOTfFh8-00645-00229456-00229719 oh come on man what are you doing market +oCSxMOTfFh8-00646-00229719-00230071 be in the ball +oCSxMOTfFh8-00647-00230071-00230415 thank you thank you lord oh no no i +oCSxMOTfFh8-00648-00230416-00230846 thought you didn't want to do that +oCSxMOTfFh8-00649-00230848-00231271 i forgot it does not grow um +oCSxMOTfFh8-00650-00231271-00231623 i really need to train today +oCSxMOTfFh8-00651-00231623-00231942 did they jump the level quickly damn +oCSxMOTfFh8-00652-00231944-00232071 okay have an excellent work though +oCSxMOTfFh8-00653-00232071-00232375 quarter to you universe is working again +oCSxMOTfFh8-00654-00232376-00233882 but yes it's your hurry before shut +oCSxMOTfFh8-00656-00241480-00241688 you +oIgNFG6hiQu-00000-00001375-00002623 foreign +oIgNFG6hiQu-00002-00011136-00012670 foreign +oIgNFG6hiQu-00004-00022344-00023958 foreign +oIgNFG6hiQu-00005-00023959-00026055 this +oIgNFG6hiQu-00006-00026056-00027807 foreign +oIgNFG6hiQu-00007-00027808-00030589 foreign +oIgNFG6hiQu-00008-00030591-00033574 [Music] +oIgNFG6hiQu-00009-00033575-00035079 foreign +oIgNFG6hiQu-00015-00058783-00061322 germany +oIgNFG6hiQu-00016-00061323-00063038 [Music] +oIgNFG6hiQu-00017-00063039-00065526 foreign +oIgNFG6hiQu-00020-00074151-00074919 foreign +oIgNFG6hiQu-00021-00074920-00077719 [Music] +oIgNFG6hiQu-00022-00077720-00078791 foreign +oIgNFG6hiQu-00023-00078792-00079567 [Music] +oIgNFG6hiQu-00024-00079568-00082033 foreign +oIgNFG6hiQu-00025-00082034-00082631 [Music] +oIgNFG6hiQu-00026-00082632-00082931 foreign +oIgNFG6hiQu-00027-00082932-00084366 [Music] +oIgNFG6hiQu-00028-00084367-00085471 [Music] +oIgNFG6hiQu-00030-00090632-00090856 foreign +oJna5LtKNgM-00000-00000000-00000167 bentha whistled as he strolled into his +oJna5LtKNgM-00001-00000168-00000351 local fish store his white plastic +oJna5LtKNgM-00002-00000352-00000551 bucket swinging past his knees +oJna5LtKNgM-00003-00000552-00000774 he loved this place fish dreams they +oJna5LtKNgM-00004-00000775-00000975 called it so much better than any of the +oJna5LtKNgM-00005-00000976-00001119 big chain pet stores +oJna5LtKNgM-00006-00001120-00001287 but the hop in his step he walked +oJna5LtKNgM-00007-00001288-00001447 straight up to the young man behind the +oJna5LtKNgM-00008-00001448-00001527 counter +oJna5LtKNgM-00009-00001528-00001710 he seemed barely older than a boy to +oJna5LtKNgM-00010-00001711-00001951 guess he was 21 seen generous +oJna5LtKNgM-00011-00001952-00002126 the golden hair he had tied into a bun +oJna5LtKNgM-00012-00002127-00002295 made him seem a little bit [__] to +oJna5LtKNgM-00013-00002296-00002463 gunther but to each their own +oJna5LtKNgM-00014-00002464-00002671 the rest of him was all ankles high +oJna5LtKNgM-00015-00002672-00002926 cheeks square jaw broad shoulders +oJna5LtKNgM-00016-00002927-00003142 overall not a bad specimen of youthful +oJna5LtKNgM-00017-00003143-00003303 manhood good afternoon +oJna5LtKNgM-00018-00003304-00003567 sir the boy said with a cheery smile how +oJna5LtKNgM-00019-00003568-00003695 can i help you today +oJna5LtKNgM-00020-00003696-00003879 hey there gunther said in his usual +oJna5LtKNgM-00021-00003879-00004086 friendly known you all my life manner +oJna5LtKNgM-00022-00004087-00004295 what's your name boy he raised his +oJna5LtKNgM-00023-00004296-00004479 sunglasses to get a better look at the +oJna5LtKNgM-00024-00004480-00004551 lad +oJna5LtKNgM-00025-00004552-00004838 josh sir said the boy dosh gunther +oJna5LtKNgM-00026-00004839-00004919 repeated +oJna5LtKNgM-00027-00004920-00005263 you knew here josh smell very he said +oJna5LtKNgM-00028-00005264-00005527 just hours into my first day well +oJna5LtKNgM-00029-00005528-00005663 gunther held out his hand +oJna5LtKNgM-00030-00005664-00005895 and gave josh's a firm shake welcome to +oJna5LtKNgM-00031-00005896-00006006 your new workplace +oJna5LtKNgM-00032-00006007-00006215 josh we're going to get to know each +oJna5LtKNgM-00033-00006216-00006318 other real well +oJna5LtKNgM-00034-00006319-00006542 i'm what you might call a frequent flyer +oJna5LtKNgM-00035-00006543-00006623 oh yeah +oJna5LtKNgM-00036-00006623-00006814 josh maintained his pleasantness but it +oJna5LtKNgM-00037-00006815-00007006 was clear to gunther that he was running +oJna5LtKNgM-00038-00007008-00007151 out of things to say +oJna5LtKNgM-00039-00007152-00007375 absolutely gunther answered in fact +oJna5LtKNgM-00040-00007376-00007567 you're just about to learn what my usual +oJna5LtKNgM-00041-00007568-00007623 is +oJna5LtKNgM-00042-00007623-00007846 he fling the bucket onto the counter i'd +oJna5LtKNgM-00043-00007847-00008006 like you to fill her up as much as you +oJna5LtKNgM-00044-00008008-00008183 can with your cheapest feeders +oJna5LtKNgM-00045-00008184-00008414 though josh said his eyes lighting up +oJna5LtKNgM-00046-00008415-00008527 are you sure you wouldn't like to +oJna5LtKNgM-00047-00008528-00008687 upgrade to the better ones +oJna5LtKNgM-00048-00008688-00008895 they're only 50 cents more and thunders +oJna5LtKNgM-00049-00008896-00009039 left cut the boy off +oJna5LtKNgM-00050-00009040-00009231 look at you he said doing what they +oJna5LtKNgM-00051-00009232-00009431 taught you trying to upsell me +oJna5LtKNgM-00052-00009432-00009606 he laughed again as he watched josh's +oJna5LtKNgM-00053-00009607-00009831 face threatening it's a good try guntha +oJna5LtKNgM-00054-00009832-00009983 continued but i've been doing this a +oJna5LtKNgM-00055-00009984-00010191 long time and i know exactly what my +oJna5LtKNgM-00056-00010192-00010310 girl likes to eat +oJna5LtKNgM-00057-00010311-00010559 of course josh said together they made +oJna5LtKNgM-00058-00010560-00010687 their way through the store toward the +oJna5LtKNgM-00059-00010688-00010823 racking system at the back +oJna5LtKNgM-00060-00010824-00011031 chatting away as they went what kind of +oJna5LtKNgM-00061-00011032-00011159 fish do you have +oJna5LtKNgM-00062-00011160-00011414 josh asked though she's hard to describe +oJna5LtKNgM-00063-00011415-00011519 gunther said +oJna5LtKNgM-00064-00011520-00011719 i guess you could say she's a hybrid +oJna5LtKNgM-00065-00011720-00011846 mater myself +oJna5LtKNgM-00066-00011847-00012127 cool do you have any pictures notes at +oJna5LtKNgM-00067-00012128-00012199 gunter +oJna5LtKNgM-00068-00012200-00012342 he rummaged through his pockets and +oJna5LtKNgM-00069-00012343-00012551 pulled out a 20 year old flip phone +oJna5LtKNgM-00070-00012552-00012710 i'm a little behind when it comes to +oJna5LtKNgM-00071-00012711-00012958 fancy technology but occasionally i put +oJna5LtKNgM-00072-00012959-00013151 videos of her on the internets +oJna5LtKNgM-00073-00013152-00013327 you might even have seen a few depending +oJna5LtKNgM-00074-00013328-00013543 on which hobby forms you frequent +oJna5LtKNgM-00075-00013544-00013847 cole josh repeated what's her name well +oJna5LtKNgM-00076-00013847-00014079 hell son gunther said with a laugh to +oJna5LtKNgM-00077-00014080-00014175 tell you the truth +oJna5LtKNgM-00078-00014176-00014327 i don't much believe in giving them +oJna5LtKNgM-00079-00014328-00014543 names it's not like their dog you take +oJna5LtKNgM-00080-00014544-00014775 for a walk or a person you can talk to +oJna5LtKNgM-00081-00014776-00015022 you know what i mean though sure josh +oJna5LtKNgM-00082-00015023-00015079 said +oJna5LtKNgM-00083-00015080-00015303 but last they reached their destination +oJna5LtKNgM-00084-00015304-00015486 before them stood tank upon tank +oJna5LtKNgM-00085-00015487-00015622 filled nearly to bursting with +oJna5LtKNgM-00086-00015623-00015799 shimmering skulls of the tuned +oJna5LtKNgM-00087-00015800-00016030 these ones josh ass pointing to the +oJna5LtKNgM-00088-00016031-00016166 bottomless tank +oJna5LtKNgM-00089-00016168-00016343 compared to the golds and silvers in the +oJna5LtKNgM-00090-00016344-00016535 other tanks the fish in this one were +oJna5LtKNgM-00091-00016536-00016663 weak sickly gray +oJna5LtKNgM-00092-00016664-00016847 some darted around frantically while +oJna5LtKNgM-00093-00016848-00017022 others seemed to struggle to the top +oJna5LtKNgM-00094-00017023-00017215 nearly making it before sinking back +oJna5LtKNgM-00095-00017216-00017422 down again the tank spare bottom was +oJna5LtKNgM-00096-00017423-00017655 littered with no fewer than 10 dead fish +oJna5LtKNgM-00097-00017656-00017871 those are the ones gunther confirmed +oJna5LtKNgM-00098-00017872-00018014 fill her up would you +oJna5LtKNgM-00099-00018015-00018247 and don't skip the dead ones she seems +oJna5LtKNgM-00100-00018248-00018463 to like those the best dosh shrugged and +oJna5LtKNgM-00101-00018464-00018575 did his gunter ass +oJna5LtKNgM-00102-00018576-00018743 filling his bucket with as much as it +oJna5LtKNgM-00103-00018744-00018950 would hold the young man even offered to +oJna5LtKNgM-00104-00018951-00019135 lug it back to the front counter for him +oJna5LtKNgM-00105-00019136-00019367 the courtesy gunter equally accepted +oJna5LtKNgM-00106-00019368-00019550 the track back was hard on the boy but +oJna5LtKNgM-00107-00019551-00019686 gunther seemed to find the whole +oJna5LtKNgM-00108-00019687-00019871 situation very amusing +oJna5LtKNgM-00109-00019872-00020079 occasionally he slapped josh on the back +oJna5LtKNgM-00110-00020080-00020286 and gave trite words of encouragement +oJna5LtKNgM-00111-00020287-00020494 these came in between sharp raspy peels +oJna5LtKNgM-00112-00020495-00020591 of laughter +oJna5LtKNgM-00113-00020592-00020799 alas the fish were all paid for and +oJna5LtKNgM-00114-00020800-00021007 gunther was about to leave the store +oJna5LtKNgM-00115-00021008-00021327 sir josh said suddenly yes gunther said +oJna5LtKNgM-00116-00021328-00021543 turning back to face him i don't know if +oJna5LtKNgM-00117-00021544-00021735 this is appropriate the boy said but i'm +oJna5LtKNgM-00118-00021736-00021863 really into hybrids +oJna5LtKNgM-00119-00021864-00022063 could i give you my email address so +oJna5LtKNgM-00120-00022064-00022230 maybe you can't show her to me +oJna5LtKNgM-00121-00022231-00022430 bento was silent for a moment but let a +oJna5LtKNgM-00122-00022431-00022622 smile creep across his lips +oJna5LtKNgM-00123-00022623-00022886 i don't see why not he said it last josh +oJna5LtKNgM-00124-00022887-00023063 hardly wrote his email address on the +oJna5LtKNgM-00125-00023064-00023207 back of gunther's receipt +oJna5LtKNgM-00126-00023208-00023391 you know gunther said i've been thinking +oJna5LtKNgM-00127-00023392-00023519 it's getting time to see +oJna5LtKNgM-00128-00023520-00023735 if she'll breed for me i've been sort of +oJna5LtKNgM-00129-00023736-00023935 half-assed searching for the right mate +oJna5LtKNgM-00130-00023936-00024239 oh really josh's eyes lit up well +oJna5LtKNgM-00131-00024240-00024422 once i see her maybe i could give you +oJna5LtKNgM-00132-00024423-00024558 some recommendations +oJna5LtKNgM-00133-00024559-00024855 bunter nodded oh no doubt i'll see you +oJna5LtKNgM-00134-00024856-00025014 again real soon about that +oJna5LtKNgM-00135-00025015-00025214 don't you worry benthair hops in his +oJna5LtKNgM-00136-00025215-00025399 truck and drove straight home +oJna5LtKNgM-00137-00025400-00025599 his girl was hungry and he had what she +oJna5LtKNgM-00138-00025600-00025790 needed once there he picked up the +oJna5LtKNgM-00139-00025791-00025950 bucket with a strengthened scene to man +oJna5LtKNgM-00140-00025951-00026087 his age ought not to have +oJna5LtKNgM-00141-00026088-00026255 and have to get into his house through a +oJna5LtKNgM-00142-00026256-00026462 side entrance down the set of stone +oJna5LtKNgM-00143-00026463-00026646 steps he went the air swirling around +oJna5LtKNgM-00144-00026647-00026751 him getting colder +oJna5LtKNgM-00145-00026752-00026999 and wetter with every step finally he +oJna5LtKNgM-00146-00027000-00027143 reached the bottom and called into the +oJna5LtKNgM-00147-00027144-00027279 cavernous basement room +oJna5LtKNgM-00148-00027280-00027518 daddy's home immediately inside the room +oJna5LtKNgM-00149-00027519-00027711 was a video camera flanked by a pair of +oJna5LtKNgM-00150-00027712-00027839 standing lights +oJna5LtKNgM-00151-00027839-00028031 gunter knew the setup was old-fashioned +oJna5LtKNgM-00152-00028032-00028183 but none of his faithful followers +oJna5LtKNgM-00153-00028183-00028295 seemed to mind +oJna5LtKNgM-00154-00028295-00028495 it was a content they cared about and he +oJna5LtKNgM-00155-00028495-00028679 was more than happy to provide +oJna5LtKNgM-00156-00028680-00028879 beyond the camera was a massive fish +oJna5LtKNgM-00157-00028880-00029118 tank he had a custom built capable of +oJna5LtKNgM-00158-00029119-00029279 holding 2000 gallons +oJna5LtKNgM-00159-00029280-00029567 but there was no water inside piss [__] +oJna5LtKNgM-00160-00029568-00029695 and tears perhaps +oJna5LtKNgM-00161-00029695-00029902 but he never let them pile up he had to +oJna5LtKNgM-00162-00029904-00030087 keep things clean for the viewers +oJna5LtKNgM-00163-00030088-00030239 benthair flipped a switch and the light +oJna5LtKNgM-00164-00030239-00030455 snapped to life the fish tank soul +oJna5LtKNgM-00165-00030456-00030590 inhabited and stirred as +oJna5LtKNgM-00166-00030591-00030862 if she were startled gunther smiled he +oJna5LtKNgM-00167-00030863-00031039 loved the way her flesh jiggled when she +oJna5LtKNgM-00168-00031039-00031151 moved suddenly +oJna5LtKNgM-00169-00031152-00031367 she was a human female probably around +oJna5LtKNgM-00170-00031368-00031574 30 though gunther had forgotten exactly +oJna5LtKNgM-00171-00031575-00031687 when he bred her +oJna5LtKNgM-00172-00031688-00031902 she was fat pink and red all over with +oJna5LtKNgM-00173-00031903-00032135 scraggles of what would be blonde hair +oJna5LtKNgM-00174-00032136-00032302 she'd inherited that from the woman he +oJna5LtKNgM-00175-00032303-00032518 used to make her her face or at least +oJna5LtKNgM-00176-00032519-00032639 what he could see of it through the +oJna5LtKNgM-00177-00032639-00032718 folds of fat +oJna5LtKNgM-00178-00032719-00032935 was all him she made a useful gurgling +oJna5LtKNgM-00179-00032936-00033102 wine as she tracked herself toward the +oJna5LtKNgM-00180-00033103-00033215 front of the tank +oJna5LtKNgM-00181-00033216-00033431 her legs trailed uselessly behind her +oJna5LtKNgM-00182-00033432-00033567 never having been used +oJna5LtKNgM-00183-00033568-00033774 reaching the front she wailed at gunther +oJna5LtKNgM-00184-00033775-00033887 and gnashed her rotten +oJna5LtKNgM-00185-00033888-00034135 broken teeth such displays were her only +oJna5LtKNgM-00186-00034136-00034279 form of communication +oJna5LtKNgM-00187-00034280-00034479 bentha was grateful it meant all +oJna5LtKNgM-00188-00034480-00034718 conversations went exactly his way +oJna5LtKNgM-00189-00034719-00034951 hey there baby gunther said i'll bet you +oJna5LtKNgM-00190-00034952-00035055 real hungry +oJna5LtKNgM-00191-00035056-00035239 she went more vehemently and jiggled all +oJna5LtKNgM-00192-00035240-00035423 over as if hungry was a word she +oJna5LtKNgM-00193-00035424-00035511 recognized +oJna5LtKNgM-00194-00035512-00035790 gunther laugh all right all right hold +oJna5LtKNgM-00195-00035791-00035895 your horses +oJna5LtKNgM-00196-00035896-00036102 he pulled over his stool and stood on it +oJna5LtKNgM-00197-00036103-00036279 as soon as he opened the tank slit +oJna5LtKNgM-00198-00036280-00036462 the woman reached a meaty hand up to try +oJna5LtKNgM-00199-00036463-00036695 and grab him he quickly slapped it down +oJna5LtKNgM-00200-00036696-00036983 eliciting more wines and groans down +oJna5LtKNgM-00201-00036984-00037023 down +oJna5LtKNgM-00202-00037024-00037287 you greedy [__] gunther snapped the +oJna5LtKNgM-00203-00037288-00037415 woman complied +oJna5LtKNgM-00204-00037416-00037630 stupid as she was gunther knew she was +oJna5LtKNgM-00205-00037631-00037830 fully aware of what disobedience would +oJna5LtKNgM-00206-00037831-00037895 get her +oJna5LtKNgM-00207-00037896-00038071 he hoisted the bucket of feeder fish up +oJna5LtKNgM-00208-00038072-00038287 to the edge of the tank and tipped it in +oJna5LtKNgM-00209-00038288-00038487 a slurry of fish and water splashed all +oJna5LtKNgM-00210-00038488-00038727 over the woman at first she squinted and +oJna5LtKNgM-00211-00038728-00038943 shielded her eyes but soon began to grab +oJna5LtKNgM-00212-00038944-00039143 at the little morsels she'd been given +oJna5LtKNgM-00213-00039144-00039327 by the handful she shoved living and +oJna5LtKNgM-00214-00039328-00039518 dead fish into her mouth and mashed them +oJna5LtKNgM-00215-00039519-00039711 about with what seats she had left +oJna5LtKNgM-00216-00039712-00039918 she fell quiet as she ate only the +oJna5LtKNgM-00217-00039919-00040102 sounds of squishing and slipping filled +oJna5LtKNgM-00218-00040103-00040174 the room +oJna5LtKNgM-00219-00040175-00040455 hunter smiled that's right he said beat +oJna5LtKNgM-00220-00040456-00040502 up +oJna5LtKNgM-00221-00040503-00040711 you'll need your strength daddy went out +oJna5LtKNgM-00222-00040712-00040918 and found you something special today +oJna5LtKNgM-00223-00040919-00041199 you know what he found you huh i made +oJna5LtKNgM-00224-00041200-00041295 that's right +oJna5LtKNgM-00225-00041296-00041455 we're going to try and get you to make a +oJna5LtKNgM-00226-00041456-00041623 whole mess of little babies +oJna5LtKNgM-00227-00041624-00041774 he laughed as he closed the lid and +oJna5LtKNgM-00228-00041775-00041958 climbed down about time +oJna5LtKNgM-00229-00041959-00042183 too he said to himself the community's +oJna5LtKNgM-00230-00042184-00042271 been begging for +oJna5LtKNgM-00231-00042272-00043974 ages i'm going to make me a fortune +oJna5LtKNgM-00232-00043975-00044184 you +oKdL8gW51x4-00000-00000000-00000098 thank you +oKdL8gW51x4-00001-00000099-00001518 [Music] +oKdL8gW51x4-00002-00001519-00001793 hello everyone welcome back to hotline +oKdL8gW51x4-00003-00001794-00002032 topics so one of the richest tuber +oKdL8gW51x4-00004-00002034-00002263 actresses in this year +oKdL8gW51x4-00005-00002264-00002537 2021. a lot of actresses made the list +oKdL8gW51x4-00006-00002538-00002807 for the 12 richest Yoruba actors and +oKdL8gW51x4-00007-00002808-00003029 actresses for the year 2020. however +oKdL8gW51x4-00008-00003030-00003203 some people have gotten richer over the +oKdL8gW51x4-00009-00003204-00003467 period of one year so these are the six +oKdL8gW51x4-00010-00003468-00003713 richest Cube actresses for this year +oKdL8gW51x4-00011-00003714-00003845 2021 +oKdL8gW51x4-00012-00003846-00004213 the sixth person is +oKdL8gW51x4-00013-00004214-00004499 has been in the movie industry for quite +oKdL8gW51x4-00014-00004500-00004769 a while now for decades just last year +oKdL8gW51x4-00015-00004770-00005075 she was estimated to be worth above 100 +oKdL8gW51x4-00016-00005076-00005302 million dollars all our assets were +oKdL8gW51x4-00017-00005303-00005513 calculated she has a business in her +oKdL8gW51x4-00018-00005514-00005699 book with her a restaurant another +oKdL8gW51x4-00019-00005700-00005927 endorsement deals were also calculated +oKdL8gW51x4-00020-00005928-00006191 with this and she was estimated to be +oKdL8gW51x4-00021-00006192-00006527 the 12th richest actor in the urban +oKdL8gW51x4-00022-00006528-00006784 movie industry and throughout 2020 she +oKdL8gW51x4-00023-00006786-00006995 didn't have any major acquisition so +oKdL8gW51x4-00024-00006995-00007289 she's the sixth richest actress in the +oKdL8gW51x4-00025-00007290-00007498 Yuba movie industry fatal balloon is +oKdL8gW51x4-00026-00007500-00007637 also a multiple award-winning actress +oKdL8gW51x4-00027-00007638-00007823 some of our Awards include most +oKdL8gW51x4-00028-00007823-00008074 outstanding actress and best indigenous +oKdL8gW51x4-00029-00008075-00008321 film of the year for movie Russia best +oKdL8gW51x4-00030-00008322-00008509 actress of the Year alongside +oKdL8gW51x4-00031-00008510-00008842 as best actor of the year at the African +oKdL8gW51x4-00032-00008843-00009107 movie Academy Awards in 2014 and best +oKdL8gW51x4-00033-00009108-00009305 indigenous language Uber awards for a +oKdL8gW51x4-00034-00009306-00009433 movie +oKdL8gW51x4-00035-00009434-00009742 awards at the African Manchester is +oKdL8gW51x4-00036-00009743-00010199 Awards the fifth actress on this list is +oKdL8gW51x4-00037-00010200-00010414 diameter is not just an actress she's +oKdL8gW51x4-00038-00010415-00010577 also a business woman and apart from +oKdL8gW51x4-00039-00010578-00010805 acting she's also a singer she has +oKdL8gW51x4-00040-00010806-00011014 released some singles including +oKdL8gW51x4-00041-00011015-00011327 ayemi alijo I go blow my mind Mama's +oKdL8gW51x4-00042-00011328-00011609 love and no more daddy among others for +oKdL8gW51x4-00043-00011610-00011753 achievements in the movie industry she +oKdL8gW51x4-00044-00011754-00011951 has won silver Awards including +oKdL8gW51x4-00045-00011952-00012160 nollywood's female face of the year at +oKdL8gW51x4-00046-00012161-00012371 the 2017 pink Awards best actor in the +oKdL8gW51x4-00047-00012372-00012599 Juniors at Nollywood movie awards best +oKdL8gW51x4-00048-00012600-00012805 kiss in the movie at Siberian Awards +oKdL8gW51x4-00049-00012806-00013277 2013 best crossover actress at ymaa 2014 +oKdL8gW51x4-00050-00013278-00013553 and so many other words which was in the +oKdL8gW51x4-00051-00013554-00013847 year 2019 that she joined the Bentley +oKdL8gW51x4-00052-00013847-00014053 League +oKdL8gW51x4-00053-00014054-00014297 she also wanted to show off these are +oKdL8gW51x4-00054-00014297-00014569 new assets on a social media platform +oKdL8gW51x4-00055-00014569-00014801 apart from being an actress and a movie +oKdL8gW51x4-00056-00014802-00015149 producer is also a proprietress she has +oKdL8gW51x4-00057-00015150-00015383 a school in Lagos State and she also has +oKdL8gW51x4-00058-00015384-00015653 one in a bad book so diameter is the +oKdL8gW51x4-00059-00015654-00015821 fifth richest actress in the Obama movie +oKdL8gW51x4-00060-00015822-00016085 industry and she's estimated to be +oKdL8gW51x4-00061-00016086-00016397 working 172 billion nowhere so diabetize +oKdL8gW51x4-00062-00016398-00016613 the fifth richest actress in Cuba movie +oKdL8gW51x4-00063-00016614-00016877 industry the fourth actress on this list +oKdL8gW51x4-00064-00016878-00017177 is Messi IB this idea was estimated last +oKdL8gW51x4-00065-00017178-00017305 year to be what +oKdL8gW51x4-00066-00017306-00017615 233 million Iraq and over the years she +oKdL8gW51x4-00067-00017616-00017836 didn't have any major acquisition +oKdL8gW51x4-00068-00017837-00018058 my sideway is not just an award-winning +oKdL8gW51x4-00069-00018059-00018221 group actress filmmaker and producer +oKdL8gW51x4-00070-00018222-00018335 she's also known for being an +oKdL8gW51x4-00071-00018336-00018580 entrepreneur a brand influencer and the +oKdL8gW51x4-00072-00018581-00018749 father of Mesa Beach and true School of +oKdL8gW51x4-00073-00018750-00018917 drama so she owns an Australia Beach +oKdL8gW51x4-00074-00018918-00019217 tour skincare store any fashion school +oKdL8gW51x4-00075-00019218-00019547 also she got herself a 200 million naira +oKdL8gW51x4-00076-00019548-00019900 watch Mansion this was two years ago and +oKdL8gW51x4-00077-00019901-00020141 also got herself a Toyota Prado in +oKdL8gW51x4-00078-00020142-00020357 December 2018. she's one of the +oKdL8gW51x4-00079-00020358-00020513 actresses woosters and a lot of +oKdL8gW51x4-00080-00020514-00020699 blockbuster movies some of the movies +oKdL8gW51x4-00081-00020700-00020825 she has featured in over the years +oKdL8gW51x4-00082-00020826-00021210 include satanic +oKdL8gW51x4-00083-00021211-00021336 [Music] +oKdL8gW51x4-00084-00021337-00021817 episode +oKdL8gW51x4-00085-00021818-00022091 victims the screenplay little drops of +oKdL8gW51x4-00086-00022092-00022493 happy flaky Jaya 77 bullets 200 million +oKdL8gW51x4-00087-00022494-00022678 second hack saving on my mind Lagos +oKdL8gW51x4-00088-00022679-00022913 during fake life that's which by intest +oKdL8gW51x4-00089-00022914-00023194 of big fat slap and the reunion among +oKdL8gW51x4-00090-00023195-00023291 others +oKdL8gW51x4-00091-00023292-00023555 also last year means I'll be acquired a +oKdL8gW51x4-00092-00023556-00023830 new business miss this verse which was +oKdL8gW51x4-00093-00023831-00024136 estimated to be over 20 million naira so +oKdL8gW51x4-00094-00024137-00024353 Mercedes the fourth richest actress on +oKdL8gW51x4-00095-00024354-00024527 this list of six richest rhubarak +oKdL8gW51x4-00096-00024528-00024767 choices in the year 2021. third actress +oKdL8gW51x4-00097-00024768-00025015 on this list is +oKdL8gW51x4-00098-00025016-00025158 [Music] +oKdL8gW51x4-00099-00025159-00025411 was estimated towards +oKdL8gW51x4-00100-00025412-00025733 155 million era and she actually shared +oKdL8gW51x4-00101-00025733-00026039 the time with her balugu but this was +oKdL8gW51x4-00102-00026039-00026218 before she acquired a multi-millionaire +oKdL8gW51x4-00103-00026219-00026452 Marshall in the heart of Melky she had a +oKdL8gW51x4-00104-00026454-00026735 lot of endorsement use in 2020 and this +oKdL8gW51x4-00105-00026736-00027011 has made a network to Skyrocket there is +oKdL8gW51x4-00106-00027012-00027233 no exact figure yet but then she is what +oKdL8gW51x4-00107-00027233-00027527 above 200 million naira considering her +oKdL8gW51x4-00108-00027527-00027773 home is worth over 100 million and she +oKdL8gW51x4-00109-00027774-00028067 was previously worth 155 million naira +oKdL8gW51x4-00110-00028068-00028312 and then adding about multi-millionaire +oKdL8gW51x4-00111-00028313-00028607 endorsement use so yabo Ojo is the third +oKdL8gW51x4-00112-00028608-00028858 actress on this list of six richest Uber +oKdL8gW51x4-00113-00028860-00029135 actresses in 2021. the second person on +oKdL8gW51x4-00114-00029136-00029393 this list is Towing Abraham Tony Abram +oKdL8gW51x4-00115-00029394-00029590 is a multiple award-winning actress +oKdL8gW51x4-00116-00029591-00029837 known for Comic rules and that +oKdL8gW51x4-00117-00029838-00030112 blockbuster movies and she's also known +oKdL8gW51x4-00118-00030113-00030431 to be the queen of box office a movie +oKdL8gW51x4-00119-00030432-00030652 fate of Alaska ranked the third on the +oKdL8gW51x4-00120-00030654-00030796 list of the highest grossing movies of +oKdL8gW51x4-00121-00030797-00031139 2020. it's all the top Hollywood film on +oKdL8gW51x4-00122-00031139-00031390 the list movies like bad boys for Life +oKdL8gW51x4-00123-00031391-00031770 Wonder Woman qualms money jafi +oKdL8gW51x4-00124-00031772-00032095 understiff who is the boss better pray +oKdL8gW51x4-00125-00032095-00032417 rattlesnake and um today's movie was +oKdL8gW51x4-00126-00032418-00032579 released in +oKdL8gW51x4-00127-00032580-00032807 today's movie was released on October +oKdL8gW51x4-00128-00032808-00033245 1st in 2020 and it grossed 113 million +oKdL8gW51x4-00129-00033246-00033449 so it is the third on the list of the +oKdL8gW51x4-00130-00033450-00033707 highest grossing movies of 2020. that is +oKdL8gW51x4-00131-00033708-00033965 just one of Toy's income Tony Abram is +oKdL8gW51x4-00132-00033966-00034289 also the CEO of plushever Towing to +oKdL8gW51x4-00133-00034290-00034529 Katella by Towing caps limited by Towing +oKdL8gW51x4-00134-00034530-00034787 and Body Talk by Twain and of course +oKdL8gW51x4-00135-00034788-00034961 apart from this she also has not +oKdL8gW51x4-00136-00034962-00035224 watching endorsement dues including an +oKdL8gW51x4-00137-00035225-00035381 endorsement deal with Revolution plus +oKdL8gW51x4-00138-00035382-00035596 property also last year before our +oKdL8gW51x4-00139-00035597-00035801 birthday she moved into our home in the +oKdL8gW51x4-00140-00035802-00036137 heart of lekki so he moved in a mansion +oKdL8gW51x4-00141-00036138-00036346 with our family so having up a network +oKdL8gW51x4-00142-00036347-00036659 from our movies endorsement deals a +oKdL8gW51x4-00143-00036660-00037018 business and Acquisitions Towing ranks +oKdL8gW51x4-00144-00037019-00037301 on the second on this list for the six +oKdL8gW51x4-00145-00037302-00037565 richest River choices in the year 2021. +oKdL8gW51x4-00146-00037566-00037768 the first person on this list is Funke +oKdL8gW51x4-00147-00037769-00037990 Atkin daily +oKdL8gW51x4-00148-00037991-00038212 last year fungal was estimated to +oKdL8gW51x4-00149-00038213-00038501 rewards 1.3 billionaire however this +oKdL8gW51x4-00150-00038502-00038824 year phone case movie almost Saga +oKdL8gW51x4-00151-00038825-00039149 was the first on the list of the top 10 +oKdL8gW51x4-00152-00039150-00039540 releases in 2020 I move your mortgage to +oKdL8gW51x4-00153-00039541-00039721 grossed +oKdL8gW51x4-00154-00039722-00040049 187 Million Dollar Plus of course before +oKdL8gW51x4-00155-00040050-00040409 then was ready to reaches actress but +oKdL8gW51x4-00156-00040410-00040709 this also increased the net worth Funke +oKdL8gW51x4-00157-00040710-00041045 has a seven bed detached mansion in the +oKdL8gW51x4-00158-00041046-00041315 heart of lekki she also has lots of +oKdL8gW51x4-00159-00041316-00041651 mouse watching endorsement dues apart +oKdL8gW51x4-00160-00041652-00041885 from this she has her own shoe Jennifer +oKdL8gW51x4-00161-00041886-00042107 which has been running for years now the +oKdL8gW51x4-00162-00042108-00042239 Chase has been off from the movie +oKdL8gW51x4-00163-00042240-00042496 Jennifer from here is also the CEO of +oKdL8gW51x4-00164-00042497-00042755 scene one Film Production so overall +oKdL8gW51x4-00165-00042756-00042983 funky is the richest tube actress in the +oKdL8gW51x4-00166-00042984-00043057 year +oKdL8gW51x4-00167-00043058-00043355 2021. this network's figures are +oKdL8gW51x4-00168-00043356-00043715 calculated by Niger today and some other +oKdL8gW51x4-00169-00043716-00043877 people who have calculated this +oKdL8gW51x4-00170-00043878-00044273 estimation include Nigerian for PDF and +oKdL8gW51x4-00171-00044274-00044485 things to know +oKdL8gW51x4-00172-00044486-00046343 [Music] +oKdL8gW51x4-00173-00046344-00046711 foreign +oKdL8gW51x4-00174-00046712-00048852 [Music] +oKdL8gW51x4-00175-00048853-00049073 subscribe and hit the Bell icon for +oKdL8gW51x4-00176-00049074-00049352 daily content +oNeYWkuHPCE-00000-00000143-00000467 hi I'm Stuart I'm a principal engineer +oNeYWkuHPCE-00001-00000468-00000671 at AWS and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00002-00000672-00000928 talking here about sort of uh Amazon +oNeYWkuHPCE-00003-00000930-00001187 Linux 2022 and Fedora and where where +oNeYWkuHPCE-00004-00001188-00001289 we're sitting there and where we're +oNeYWkuHPCE-00005-00001290-00001607 going so a few things going to basically +oNeYWkuHPCE-00006-00001607-00001834 try and cover a few few topics here sort +oNeYWkuHPCE-00007-00001835-00002213 of who am I uh what is Amazon next 2022 +oNeYWkuHPCE-00008-00002214-00002452 and why is it based on Fedora and what +oNeYWkuHPCE-00009-00002453-00002597 did we change from federal what's the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00010-00002598-00002783 Delta between sort of when you look at +oNeYWkuHPCE-00011-00002784-00003100 Amazon like 2022 today uh and and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00012-00003101-00003311 various Fedora releases and how are we +oNeYWkuHPCE-00013-00003311-00003575 thinking about making you know that that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00014-00003576-00003809 Delta sort of easier in the future and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00015-00003810-00004181 uh you know thinking about Fedora as as +oNeYWkuHPCE-00016-00004182-00004463 an upstream and what did we add what did +oNeYWkuHPCE-00017-00004464-00004606 we actually change and what did we add +oNeYWkuHPCE-00018-00004607-00004841 that sort of isn't in Fedora uh and what +oNeYWkuHPCE-00019-00004842-00005056 could possibly go upstream and how are +oNeYWkuHPCE-00020-00005057-00005231 and will we work within the Fedora +oNeYWkuHPCE-00021-00005232-00005417 community +oNeYWkuHPCE-00022-00005418-00005591 um in that choice to see the chat at the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00023-00005592-00005693 same time +oNeYWkuHPCE-00024-00005694-00006029 um as well uh so yeah we should be good +oNeYWkuHPCE-00025-00006030-00006268 uh uh with any sort of comments and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00026-00006269-00006556 questions along the way so who am I uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00027-00006558-00006784 principal engineer at AWS uh working on +oNeYWkuHPCE-00028-00006786-00007067 Amazon Linux and I'm the tech lead for +oNeYWkuHPCE-00029-00007068-00007348 for the future of amazonix so that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00030-00007350-00007564 includes current and future versions and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00031-00007565-00007792 in past lives I've sort of been very +oNeYWkuHPCE-00032-00007793-00008098 involved in the uh various free software +oNeYWkuHPCE-00033-00008100-00008333 ecosystems I I spent a good amount of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00034-00008334-00008614 time in the depths of firmware for open +oNeYWkuHPCE-00035-00008615-00008783 Power Systems +oNeYWkuHPCE-00036-00008784-00009028 um so you've got that luxury of getting +oNeYWkuHPCE-00037-00009029-00009251 to the OS to boot was always seen as an +oNeYWkuHPCE-00038-00009252-00009407 adventure +oNeYWkuHPCE-00039-00009408-00009646 and uh uh you know debugging things +oNeYWkuHPCE-00040-00009647-00009833 being like well you've got no interrupts +oNeYWkuHPCE-00041-00009834-00010060 and you've got real mode on so that'll +oNeYWkuHPCE-00042-00010061-00010271 be fun uh and before that I spent a lot +oNeYWkuHPCE-00043-00010272-00010451 of time inside sort of the mySQL +oNeYWkuHPCE-00044-00010452-00010660 database world uh like really deep in +oNeYWkuHPCE-00045-00010661-00010985 the internals of MySQL uh and another +oNeYWkuHPCE-00046-00010986-00011242 such related databases and and now here +oNeYWkuHPCE-00047-00011243-00011488 aims are working sort of a POS layer +oNeYWkuHPCE-00048-00011489-00011651 which has always been something I've +oNeYWkuHPCE-00049-00011652-00011867 been close to uh in one way or another +oNeYWkuHPCE-00050-00011868-00012046 which is fine +oNeYWkuHPCE-00051-00012047-00012238 and so a bit of history of what is +oNeYWkuHPCE-00052-00012239-00012442 Amazon Linux I can start off and go like +oNeYWkuHPCE-00053-00012443-00012796 what is it uh and what does it mean so +oNeYWkuHPCE-00054-00012797-00012946 first I thought I'd go through a bit of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00055-00012947-00013294 history of how we got to now and so a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00056-00013295-00013480 long time ago now like a little over a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00057-00013481-00013865 decade ago uh we as an AWS I released +oNeYWkuHPCE-00058-00013866-00014027 the first version of Amazon Linux and it +oNeYWkuHPCE-00059-00014028-00014230 was designed to be focused for for use +oNeYWkuHPCE-00060-00014231-00014477 and in Cloud environments being a cloud +oNeYWkuHPCE-00061-00014478-00014716 provider and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00062-00014718-00015179 a bit later uh as in 2017 kind of girl +oNeYWkuHPCE-00063-00015180-00015436 uh we released Amazon Linux 2 where we +oNeYWkuHPCE-00064-00015437-00015580 changed the release and support model +oNeYWkuHPCE-00065-00015581-00015833 and this was sort of our first long-term +oNeYWkuHPCE-00066-00015834-00016001 support version of the operating system +oNeYWkuHPCE-00067-00016002-00016247 and current status of this is the sort +oNeYWkuHPCE-00068-00016247-00016415 of Amazon Linux one so this first series +oNeYWkuHPCE-00069-00016416-00016619 of releases is in a maintenance support +oNeYWkuHPCE-00070-00016620-00016822 phase and it's due to sort of be +oNeYWkuHPCE-00071-00016823-00017086 completely end of life uh in June 2023 +oNeYWkuHPCE-00072-00017087-00017380 and I also has life until uh we just +oNeYWkuHPCE-00073-00017381-00017615 recently extended it to end of June +oNeYWkuHPCE-00074-00017616-00017872 2024. uh so those sort of the current +oNeYWkuHPCE-00075-00017873-00018017 sort of versions of the operating system +oNeYWkuHPCE-00076-00018018-00018436 and in the a01 lifecycle would release a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00077-00018437-00018617 new Amazon Linux Army at roughly every +oNeYWkuHPCE-00078-00018618-00018857 six months and it was somewhat of a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00079-00018858-00019258 rolling release uh I handwritten slides +oNeYWkuHPCE-00080-00019259-00019450 yeah with a pencil on an iPad so it's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00081-00019451-00019625 really sophisticated +oNeYWkuHPCE-00082-00019626-00020177 um it uh which is lovely and uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00083-00020178-00020483 the customer experience for Amazon Linux +oNeYWkuHPCE-00084-00020484-00020729 one uh this is the first time anyone's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00085-00020730-00020830 ever accused me of having good +oNeYWkuHPCE-00086-00020831-00021029 handwriting oh you know +oNeYWkuHPCE-00087-00021030-00021311 um customers need to uh upgrade their OS +oNeYWkuHPCE-00088-00021312-00021497 every six months right we're having a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00089-00021498-00021647 new new version of the operating system +oNeYWkuHPCE-00090-00021648-00021814 every six months it's like you have to +oNeYWkuHPCE-00091-00021815-00022085 go forward uh went to a lot of effort to +oNeYWkuHPCE-00092-00022086-00022330 make this as smooth as possible uh and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00093-00022331-00022541 offered sort of an In-Place update for +oNeYWkuHPCE-00094-00022542-00022769 longer instances but there still could +oNeYWkuHPCE-00095-00022770-00022936 be major changes right you could still +oNeYWkuHPCE-00096-00022937-00023069 do a lot of changes in there that would +oNeYWkuHPCE-00097-00023070-00023297 require you to sit down and re-architect +oNeYWkuHPCE-00098-00023298-00023693 file your application uh or do work in +oNeYWkuHPCE-00099-00023694-00023830 order to get there to the new version +oNeYWkuHPCE-00100-00023831-00024047 and and there was a lot of positive +oNeYWkuHPCE-00101-00024048-00024208 customer feedback on this and that they +oNeYWkuHPCE-00102-00024209-00024400 love sort of the freshness right with +oNeYWkuHPCE-00103-00024401-00024557 frequent releases here as new package +oNeYWkuHPCE-00104-00024558-00024749 versions new language runtime versions +oNeYWkuHPCE-00105-00024750-00024935 uh keeping up to date with sort of new +oNeYWkuHPCE-00106-00024936-00025097 Linux things there it's like real +oNeYWkuHPCE-00107-00025098-00025385 positive things uh and within those six +oNeYWkuHPCE-00108-00025386-00025535 months between releases you get security +oNeYWkuHPCE-00109-00025536-00025793 updates from uh young repositories which +oNeYWkuHPCE-00110-00025794-00026014 is kind of nice +oNeYWkuHPCE-00111-00026016-00026411 both +oNeYWkuHPCE-00112-00026412-00026537 there's a couple of interesting +oNeYWkuHPCE-00113-00026538-00026729 properties that happen in there we have +oNeYWkuHPCE-00114-00026730-00027058 the ability uh to launch an army and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00115-00027060-00027293 then do things on launch and one of the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00116-00027294-00027551 default behaviors we had in al1 and L2 +oNeYWkuHPCE-00117-00027552-00027773 as well is that critical and important +oNeYWkuHPCE-00118-00027774-00028037 security updates that weren't the kernel +oNeYWkuHPCE-00119-00028038-00028217 uh would be applied on instance launch +oNeYWkuHPCE-00120-00028218-00028457 and for longer running instances you +oNeYWkuHPCE-00121-00028458-00028661 know yum update either to grab security +oNeYWkuHPCE-00122-00028662-00028955 updates or to upgrade to a new major +oNeYWkuHPCE-00123-00028956-00029062 release +oNeYWkuHPCE-00124-00029063-00029302 and increasingly commonly what we saw is +oNeYWkuHPCE-00125-00029304-00029483 is customers would just launch a new +oNeYWkuHPCE-00126-00029483-00029674 Army to migrate to a new release or get +oNeYWkuHPCE-00127-00029675-00029896 get security updates as well +oNeYWkuHPCE-00128-00029897-00030124 and this rolling release model that we +oNeYWkuHPCE-00129-00030125-00030364 went from for the entire lifetime of L1 +oNeYWkuHPCE-00130-00030366-00030635 saw significant changes uh to the OS +oNeYWkuHPCE-00131-00030636-00030785 there's some things which are hard to do +oNeYWkuHPCE-00132-00030786-00030952 it's sort of an in-placed update like +oNeYWkuHPCE-00133-00030954-00031240 switching out systems is a good example +oNeYWkuHPCE-00134-00031241-00031474 um uh you know the upstart to systemd +oNeYWkuHPCE-00135-00031475-00031637 transition would be a great thing they +oNeYWkuHPCE-00136-00031638-00031829 had to do on sort of instance launch or +oNeYWkuHPCE-00137-00031830-00032146 in an In-Place update uh and so there's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00138-00032147-00032411 a few reasons that we we looked on doing +oNeYWkuHPCE-00139-00032412-00032651 a slightly different model for Amazon X2 +oNeYWkuHPCE-00140-00032652-00032909 because ultimately like an OS upgrade +oNeYWkuHPCE-00141-00032910-00033118 every six months doesn't suit all use +oNeYWkuHPCE-00142-00033119-00033359 cases and so this idea of sort of a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00143-00033360-00033545 long-term support Amazon Linux was born +oNeYWkuHPCE-00144-00033546-00033821 and this is what Amazon likes 2 is it's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00145-00033822-00034001 also seen a mix of changes throughout +oNeYWkuHPCE-00146-00034002-00034229 its lifetime and that's both in the core +oNeYWkuHPCE-00147-00034230-00034468 Amazon Linux 2 repository and sort of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00148-00034469-00034709 our extras repositories which is a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00149-00034710-00034907 collection of different yum repositories +oNeYWkuHPCE-00150-00034908-00035093 with ultimate package versions for a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00151-00035094-00035243 number of things +oNeYWkuHPCE-00152-00035244-00035405 uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00153-00035406-00035579 all these changes come sort of various +oNeYWkuHPCE-00154-00035580-00035902 sources some of them are uh us making +oNeYWkuHPCE-00155-00035903-00036179 changes to packages uh some of them are +oNeYWkuHPCE-00156-00036180-00036365 hey how do we get this this newer +oNeYWkuHPCE-00157-00036366-00036611 version of PHP that's packaging Fedora +oNeYWkuHPCE-00158-00036612-00036796 and build it against Amazon Linux 2 and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00159-00036797-00037085 put it in a separate repository uh and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00160-00037086-00037318 some of them are sort of um unique +oNeYWkuHPCE-00161-00037319-00037493 things here is a new package to support +oNeYWkuHPCE-00162-00037494-00037846 some ec2 feature such as maybe ec2 +oNeYWkuHPCE-00163-00037847-00038062 instance connect or something +oNeYWkuHPCE-00164-00038063-00038293 foreign +oNeYWkuHPCE-00165-00038294-00038524 changes that you can't do inside an LTS +oNeYWkuHPCE-00166-00038525-00038705 release like no matter how careful you +oNeYWkuHPCE-00167-00038706-00038974 are right uh changing a version of lib +oNeYWkuHPCE-00168-00038975-00039257 say can be pricing changing sort of you +oNeYWkuHPCE-00169-00039258-00039412 know jumping a lot of systemd stuff +oNeYWkuHPCE-00170-00039413-00039599 could also be interesting you know +oNeYWkuHPCE-00171-00039600-00039790 switching from like yum to dnf is not +oNeYWkuHPCE-00172-00039791-00039983 something we could do inside you know a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00173-00039984-00040199 major release that had a long-term +oNeYWkuHPCE-00174-00040200-00040451 support and stability uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00175-00040452-00040643 model for our customers +oNeYWkuHPCE-00176-00040644-00040835 so we have to ask ourselves uh some +oNeYWkuHPCE-00177-00040836-00041002 questions and we had to ask ourselves +oNeYWkuHPCE-00178-00041003-00041333 one big one what's next +oNeYWkuHPCE-00179-00041334-00041621 and to do this we had to think uh some +oNeYWkuHPCE-00180-00041622-00041818 pretty serious and fundamental questions +oNeYWkuHPCE-00181-00041819-00042052 right we had to think of the fundamental +oNeYWkuHPCE-00182-00042053-00042221 question of like with the rise of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00183-00042222-00042424 containerization is a general purpose +oNeYWkuHPCE-00184-00042425-00042677 Linux distribution even still needed uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00185-00042678-00042977 spoiler alert uh yes it is I think it's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00186-00042978-00043229 vitally important that we still have a a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00187-00043230-00043396 general purpose Linux operating system +oNeYWkuHPCE-00188-00043397-00043811 and that be useful both uh on you know +oNeYWkuHPCE-00189-00043812-00044051 sort of bare metal uh so to speak or +oNeYWkuHPCE-00190-00044052-00044296 within an instance uh a virtual machine +oNeYWkuHPCE-00191-00044297-00044524 as well as to be able to run inside a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00192-00044525-00044771 container and other environments and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00193-00044772-00044933 containers are that key use case we need +oNeYWkuHPCE-00194-00044934-00045089 to think about both as a container host +oNeYWkuHPCE-00195-00045090-00045467 and and what's inside it right and we +oNeYWkuHPCE-00196-00045468-00045629 had another OS offering we're working on +oNeYWkuHPCE-00197-00045630-00045808 and that is now out there as an another +oNeYWkuHPCE-00198-00045809-00045940 open source operating system called +oNeYWkuHPCE-00199-00045941-00046139 bottle rocket and it was the outcome of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00200-00046140-00046318 thinking heavily about running instances +oNeYWkuHPCE-00201-00046319-00046540 that host containers and operating that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00202-00046541-00046780 at scale so it's a Linux operating +oNeYWkuHPCE-00203-00046781-00046937 system designed to do one thing run +oNeYWkuHPCE-00204-00046938-00047243 containers that's it no SSH no shell and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00205-00047244-00047423 API driven host in environment deemed +oNeYWkuHPCE-00206-00047424-00047674 already read-only root file system and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00207-00047675-00047801 we're also naturally still going to +oNeYWkuHPCE-00208-00047802-00047968 support you know running containers on +oNeYWkuHPCE-00209-00047969-00048202 top of Amazon Linux but we had this like +oNeYWkuHPCE-00210-00048203-00048389 nice opinionated view of like how would +oNeYWkuHPCE-00211-00048390-00048617 you run containers at scale and we just +oNeYWkuHPCE-00212-00048618-00048737 had these other questions we're like +oNeYWkuHPCE-00213-00048738-00048946 what about what what do you run in the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00214-00048947-00049174 container uh how do you do that how do +oNeYWkuHPCE-00215-00049175-00049451 you get people from Amazon Linux 2 to +oNeYWkuHPCE-00216-00049452-00049679 something that has sort of you know more +oNeYWkuHPCE-00217-00049680-00049961 new things in the Linux ecosystem and we +oNeYWkuHPCE-00218-00049962-00050093 had to ask ourselves fundamental +oNeYWkuHPCE-00219-00050094-00050236 questions like +oNeYWkuHPCE-00220-00050237-00050435 what did our customers like about ao1 +oNeYWkuHPCE-00221-00050436-00050621 what do they like about al2 and what +oNeYWkuHPCE-00222-00050622-00050740 didn't they like +oNeYWkuHPCE-00223-00050741-00050999 and we can also look we looked +oNeYWkuHPCE-00224-00051000-00051173 introspectively and went so what was +oNeYWkuHPCE-00225-00051174-00051382 painful for us in creating and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00226-00051383-00051526 maintaining Amazon Linux one and Amazon +oNeYWkuHPCE-00227-00051527-00051844 1x2 did any of that pain result in +oNeYWkuHPCE-00228-00051845-00052085 customer benefit and if it didn't then +oNeYWkuHPCE-00229-00052086-00052294 how do we avoid that tying right some +oNeYWkuHPCE-00230-00052295-00052463 pain you want to take because it is a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00231-00052464-00052757 great benefit to customers it is not +oNeYWkuHPCE-00232-00052758-00052979 necessarily convenient to to respond to +oNeYWkuHPCE-00233-00052979-00053171 an urgent security issue go and patch +oNeYWkuHPCE-00234-00053172-00053519 that and get it out everywhere uh it can +oNeYWkuHPCE-00235-00053520-00053723 interrupt your day and so there's a sort +oNeYWkuHPCE-00236-00053724-00053842 of amount of pain there but there's a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00237-00053844-00054065 big customer benefit to that and it's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00238-00054066-00054209 something that that our customers are +oNeYWkuHPCE-00239-00054210-00054400 very sensitive about is to make sure +oNeYWkuHPCE-00240-00054401-00054616 that you know we can finally +oNeYWkuHPCE-00241-00054617-00054857 uh type in a timely way respond to +oNeYWkuHPCE-00242-00054858-00055013 problems +oNeYWkuHPCE-00243-00055014-00055175 so we ask ourselves a bunch of these +oNeYWkuHPCE-00244-00055176-00055276 questions +oNeYWkuHPCE-00245-00055277-00055492 and we came up with a few ideas that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00246-00055494-00055637 were sort of fundamentals that we were +oNeYWkuHPCE-00247-00055638-00055816 going to have to think about +oNeYWkuHPCE-00248-00055817-00055979 customers told us they like the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00249-00055979-00056153 predictability and freshness of Amazon +oNeYWkuHPCE-00250-00056154-00056350 Linux one and they like the long-term +oNeYWkuHPCE-00251-00056351-00056507 support of al2 +oNeYWkuHPCE-00252-00056508-00056782 and so we started to think about a model +oNeYWkuHPCE-00253-00056783-00057016 where do we need a predictable release +oNeYWkuHPCE-00254-00057017-00057299 Cadence where we could inform people +oNeYWkuHPCE-00255-00057300-00057569 well in advance of what kind of change +oNeYWkuHPCE-00256-00057570-00057766 was coming and when +oNeYWkuHPCE-00257-00057767-00057994 and then they could also plan when +oNeYWkuHPCE-00258-00057995-00058187 they'd adopt a new release when they +oNeYWkuHPCE-00259-00058188-00058403 might get a new feature and how long it +oNeYWkuHPCE-00260-00058404-00058613 would take to to migrate from one +oNeYWkuHPCE-00261-00058614-00058876 operating system quotient to another +oNeYWkuHPCE-00262-00058877-00059032 and so we're starting out with Amazon +oNeYWkuHPCE-00263-00059033-00059309 Linux 2022. a new major release every +oNeYWkuHPCE-00264-00059310-00059530 two years security updates on each of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00265-00059532-00059741 these for five and some ways to +oNeYWkuHPCE-00266-00059741-00059866 introduce sort of new functionality +oNeYWkuHPCE-00267-00059867-00060365 along the way +oNeYWkuHPCE-00268-00060366-00060587 uh and a lot of things that we think +oNeYWkuHPCE-00269-00060588-00060785 about as a sort of big customer benefits +oNeYWkuHPCE-00270-00060786-00060988 that customers have liked about sort of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00271-00060989-00061282 L1 and al2 is that they do care about +oNeYWkuHPCE-00272-00061283-00061535 sort of the availability of new versions +oNeYWkuHPCE-00273-00061536-00061841 of language runtimes and a bunch of leaf +oNeYWkuHPCE-00274-00061841-00062116 packages like databases I want a new +oNeYWkuHPCE-00275-00062117-00062297 version of postgres I don't want to +oNeYWkuHPCE-00276-00062298-00062441 necessarily update my operating system +oNeYWkuHPCE-00277-00062441-00062680 at the same time or I want a new version +oNeYWkuHPCE-00278-00062682-00062825 of python to write my application +oNeYWkuHPCE-00279-00062826-00063137 against or I want a new Ruby version and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00280-00063138-00063353 things like that and we're still going +oNeYWkuHPCE-00281-00063354-00063485 to need to have some things like a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00282-00063486-00063659 system python you know especially as as +oNeYWkuHPCE-00283-00063660-00063892 dnf is is written in Python currently +oNeYWkuHPCE-00284-00063894-00064144 and that's what we ship in our 2022 but +oNeYWkuHPCE-00285-00064145-00064349 we can often offer these newer versions +oNeYWkuHPCE-00286-00064350-00064630 that customers can opt into and a lot of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00287-00064632-00064799 the time customers are pretty happy with +oNeYWkuHPCE-00288-00064800-00064985 roughly that Upstream support life cycle +oNeYWkuHPCE-00289-00064986-00065285 of those packages right the the if +oNeYWkuHPCE-00290-00065286-00065416 you're writing code in Python all the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00291-00065417-00065597 time you think when is this python +oNeYWkuHPCE-00292-00065598-00065782 version supported too and that matches +oNeYWkuHPCE-00293-00065783-00066023 with a bunch of other ways we Bend uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00294-00066024-00066382 python runtimes inside uh the cloud +oNeYWkuHPCE-00295-00066383-00066532 and we've done this throughout +oNeYWkuHPCE-00296-00066533-00066803 surveilled 1ao2's live right you can sit +oNeYWkuHPCE-00297-00066804-00066982 down on ao1 and install several +oNeYWkuHPCE-00298-00066983-00067169 different versions of various packages +oNeYWkuHPCE-00299-00067170-00067403 and you can do the same in Alto and the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00300-00067404-00067541 mechanism for choosing how you do that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00301-00067542-00067775 has has varied in our one we did a lot +oNeYWkuHPCE-00302-00067776-00067865 more +oNeYWkuHPCE-00303-00067866-00068044 um here we are namespacing the package +oNeYWkuHPCE-00304-00068045-00068237 uh often even making us to install the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00305-00068238-00068435 multiple versions at the same time and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00306-00068436-00068705 al2 we did more of a yum repository +oNeYWkuHPCE-00307-00068706-00068867 approach where it's you know not +oNeYWkuHPCE-00308-00068868-00069065 namespaced in packages but here is a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00309-00069066-00069293 young repo with a bunch of details in it +oNeYWkuHPCE-00310-00069294-00069605 uh and so the mechanism there has varied +oNeYWkuHPCE-00311-00069606-00069809 but the the customer benefit has been +oNeYWkuHPCE-00312-00069810-00069976 it's been the same +oNeYWkuHPCE-00313-00069977-00070259 uh the mechanism for communicating hey +oNeYWkuHPCE-00314-00070260-00070456 when is the end of life right if you're +oNeYWkuHPCE-00315-00070457-00070637 going to communicate hey we're going to +oNeYWkuHPCE-00316-00070638-00070859 ship python version and support it for +oNeYWkuHPCE-00317-00070860-00071038 the length of time that Upstream python +oNeYWkuHPCE-00318-00071039-00071267 would uh we need to communicate when +oNeYWkuHPCE-00319-00071268-00071429 that starts and when that ends and that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00320-00071430-00071621 mechanism has varied as well +oNeYWkuHPCE-00321-00071622-00071921 and with al22 actually we start vending +oNeYWkuHPCE-00322-00071922-00072029 sort of metadata about support +oNeYWkuHPCE-00323-00072030-00072221 statements and packages this is +oNeYWkuHPCE-00324-00072222-00072394 something where we're going to have a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00325-00072395-00072479 bit of an interesting sort of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00326-00072480-00072599 conversation with because there's some +oNeYWkuHPCE-00327-00072600-00072803 applicability here to Fedora as well +oNeYWkuHPCE-00328-00072804-00072976 when you talk about you know how long is +oNeYWkuHPCE-00329-00072977-00073156 a fedora really supported for or maybe +oNeYWkuHPCE-00330-00073157-00073361 you're building a repository for a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00331-00073362-00073493 software that's built for Fedora or +oNeYWkuHPCE-00332-00073494-00073649 Amazon Linux or any +oNeYWkuHPCE-00333-00073650-00073859 um you know rpm-based Linux distribution +oNeYWkuHPCE-00334-00073860-00074038 and you want to communicate in a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00335-00074039-00074261 programmatic way not just hey your +oNeYWkuHPCE-00336-00074262-00074513 secure hey an update exists but also +oNeYWkuHPCE-00337-00074514-00074729 particular version we'll never get +oNeYWkuHPCE-00338-00074730-00074921 another update we're not looking for and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00339-00074922-00075065 so we've done some things with sort of a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00340-00075066-00075347 support info to sort of say the sort of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00341-00075348-00075521 opposite of update info where it's not +oNeYWkuHPCE-00342-00075522-00075700 just hey here is an update but it's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00343-00075701-00075844 exactly that information about what is +oNeYWkuHPCE-00344-00075845-00075994 the support statement for these packages +oNeYWkuHPCE-00345-00075995-00076194 maybe that's the way we can talk about +oNeYWkuHPCE-00346-00076195-00076432 uh you know different life cycles for +oNeYWkuHPCE-00347-00076433-00076588 some parts of the OS and you might have +oNeYWkuHPCE-00348-00076589-00076762 sort of extended support periods in +oNeYWkuHPCE-00349-00076763-00076894 there where you do different types of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00350-00076895-00077135 fixes and different things are in scope +oNeYWkuHPCE-00351-00077136-00077344 and we also look at going like what are +oNeYWkuHPCE-00352-00077345-00077537 these quarter releases here you know +oNeYWkuHPCE-00353-00077538-00077765 2022. +oNeYWkuHPCE-00354-00077766-00078161 Etc and our idea here was to have uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00355-00078162-00078425 an opportunity to introduce sort of new +oNeYWkuHPCE-00356-00078426-00078611 features new packages new instance type +oNeYWkuHPCE-00357-00078612-00078821 to support and really think about it as +oNeYWkuHPCE-00358-00078822-00079037 kind of semantic versioning and it's not +oNeYWkuHPCE-00359-00079038-00079169 really a change from how we've done +oNeYWkuHPCE-00360-00079170-00079462 things on il-2 uh previously but it is +oNeYWkuHPCE-00361-00079463-00079582 sort of aligning to a schedule and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00362-00079583-00079738 having a communication mechanism for +oNeYWkuHPCE-00363-00079739-00079985 these changes changes right it's no more +oNeYWkuHPCE-00364-00079986-00080123 Am I Ever Gonna actually get the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00365-00080124-00080326 question or give the answer of going +oNeYWkuHPCE-00366-00080327-00080531 like well what you need is an army from +oNeYWkuHPCE-00367-00080532-00080765 like November 23rd in order to use that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00368-00080766-00081023 new feature uh not November 7th as the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00369-00081024-00081197 one you have it's way easier to be able +oNeYWkuHPCE-00370-00081198-00081281 to say something like you need Amazon +oNeYWkuHPCE-00371-00081282-00081515 Linux 2022.2 +oNeYWkuHPCE-00372-00081516-00081731 because they introduces supports way +oNeYWkuHPCE-00373-00081732-00081994 easier for humans to understand and and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00374-00081995-00082138 this is something on a longer timeline +oNeYWkuHPCE-00375-00082139-00082367 that that definitely makes some sense so +oNeYWkuHPCE-00376-00082368-00082571 we have this sort of you know +oNeYWkuHPCE-00377-00082572-00082865 interesting model of what our customer +oNeYWkuHPCE-00378-00082866-00083153 needs are for support life cycles and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00379-00083154-00083362 you know introduction of new +oNeYWkuHPCE-00380-00083363-00083525 functionality within the version of the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00381-00083526-00083669 operating system +oNeYWkuHPCE-00382-00083670-00083765 but +oNeYWkuHPCE-00383-00083766-00083944 getting back to the big question of like +oNeYWkuHPCE-00384-00083945-00084323 why based on Fedora and this is again a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00385-00084324-00084497 somewhere where we had to ask ourselves +oNeYWkuHPCE-00386-00084498-00084881 a bunch of of questions and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00387-00084882-00085132 when we're thinking and sitting down and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00388-00085133-00085343 going well to build a successor to +oNeYWkuHPCE-00389-00085344-00085582 Amazon Linux too we had to ask a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00390-00085583-00085793 question and that question was +oNeYWkuHPCE-00391-00085794-00085991 what is an rpm-based Linux distribution +oNeYWkuHPCE-00392-00085992-00086171 that's familiar to existing Amazon Linux +oNeYWkuHPCE-00393-00086172-00086285 users +oNeYWkuHPCE-00394-00086286-00086494 right like what we love Debian +oNeYWkuHPCE-00395-00086495-00086675 um I think it's great we also viewed +oNeYWkuHPCE-00396-00086676-00086825 like you know such a fundamental change +oNeYWkuHPCE-00397-00086826-00087167 to be a little bit too large uh uh to do +oNeYWkuHPCE-00398-00087168-00087406 for a new version of Amazon Linux we +oNeYWkuHPCE-00399-00087407-00087544 have large internal and external +oNeYWkuHPCE-00400-00087545-00087749 customer advices that need to come with +oNeYWkuHPCE-00401-00087750-00088037 us and we want to have a smooth upgrade +oNeYWkuHPCE-00402-00088038-00088271 experience and update experience uh for +oNeYWkuHPCE-00403-00088272-00088481 them and familiarity is good right it +oNeYWkuHPCE-00404-00088482-00088673 helps customers migrate and it helps +oNeYWkuHPCE-00405-00088674-00088991 that be minimal effort uh and so if you +oNeYWkuHPCE-00406-00088992-00089147 think about this or it's like what is an +oNeYWkuHPCE-00407-00089148-00089291 rpm-based Linux distribution that's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00408-00089292-00089476 familiar to existing Amazon Linux users +oNeYWkuHPCE-00409-00089477-00089662 like it's it's actually a relatively +oNeYWkuHPCE-00410-00089663-00089938 small list uh there's Santos +oNeYWkuHPCE-00411-00089939-00090125 um now Central streams there's Rel +oNeYWkuHPCE-00412-00090126-00090388 there's Fedora and there's Amazon Linux +oNeYWkuHPCE-00413-00090389-00090653 and there's also sort of overseas open +oNeYWkuHPCE-00414-00090654-00090856 suser and Susa off to the side as well +oNeYWkuHPCE-00415-00090857-00091025 but we know that there's various +oNeYWkuHPCE-00416-00091026-00091229 differences there between you know open +oNeYWkuHPCE-00417-00091230-00091493 Suza and Fedora that could mean it's a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00418-00091494-00091643 it's a larger step +oNeYWkuHPCE-00419-00091644-00091961 and so we're thinking about you know +oNeYWkuHPCE-00420-00091962-00092182 what do we start from and we could start +oNeYWkuHPCE-00421-00092183-00092387 from any of these +oNeYWkuHPCE-00422-00092388-00092656 and we also wanted to ask ourselves what +oNeYWkuHPCE-00423-00092657-00092944 is an upstream we can participate in +oNeYWkuHPCE-00424-00092945-00093047 um +oNeYWkuHPCE-00425-00093048-00093185 participating in Upstream is important +oNeYWkuHPCE-00426-00093186-00093365 for several reasons like it's it's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00427-00093366-00093587 everything from small things like hey we +oNeYWkuHPCE-00428-00093588-00093862 can add some packages uh and thus you +oNeYWkuHPCE-00429-00093863-00094025 know we get to care about that in what's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00430-00094026-00094337 coming up next uh in that Upstream uh it +oNeYWkuHPCE-00431-00094338-00094817 also is useful to uh think about what +oNeYWkuHPCE-00432-00094818-00095015 big changes could we participate in and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00433-00095016-00095225 maybe drive some larger changes inside +oNeYWkuHPCE-00434-00095226-00095471 the operating system that would be both +oNeYWkuHPCE-00435-00095472-00095632 beneficial to our customers and the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00436-00095633-00095825 Upstream Linux distributions and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00437-00095826-00096017 projects and there's some really +oNeYWkuHPCE-00438-00096018-00096244 specific things that about Fedora that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00439-00096245-00096491 align nicely with our our needs and our +oNeYWkuHPCE-00440-00096492-00096694 customers needs +oNeYWkuHPCE-00441-00096695-00096881 and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00442-00096882-00097061 I want to bring it right back to sort of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00443-00097062-00097349 the four foundations of fedora and each +oNeYWkuHPCE-00444-00097350-00097594 of these is sort of a good reason why +oNeYWkuHPCE-00445-00097595-00097793 the Fedora was sort of the right choice +oNeYWkuHPCE-00446-00097794-00098105 for us uh to be a part of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00447-00098106-00098387 and software freedom is naturally pretty +oNeYWkuHPCE-00448-00098388-00098543 important it means building on top of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00449-00098544-00098782 Fedora and contributing to Fedora is a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00450-00098783-00098987 well-defined problem right contributing +oNeYWkuHPCE-00451-00098988-00099131 to an open source project is something +oNeYWkuHPCE-00452-00099132-00099262 that we're getting really good at as an +oNeYWkuHPCE-00453-00099263-00099455 industry and that we can really easily +oNeYWkuHPCE-00454-00099456-00099767 reason about and think through and also +oNeYWkuHPCE-00455-00099768-00099994 if you read the text there on the four +oNeYWkuHPCE-00456-00099995-00100205 pillars of Fedora that's right up there +oNeYWkuHPCE-00457-00100206-00100432 in San Fedora is a completely free +oNeYWkuHPCE-00458-00100433-00100631 project that anyone can emulate or copy +oNeYWkuHPCE-00459-00100632-00100756 and hold or in part for their own +oNeYWkuHPCE-00460-00100757-00101015 purposes and it's nice that that sort of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00461-00101016-00101243 right up there and stated because we can +oNeYWkuHPCE-00462-00101244-00101362 look and saying like you know it's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00463-00101363-00101506 Fedora designed to build something on +oNeYWkuHPCE-00464-00101507-00101747 top of and the answer is yes right there +oNeYWkuHPCE-00465-00101748-00101909 one of the four foundations of Fedora +oNeYWkuHPCE-00466-00101910-00102100 and having the ability to contribute +oNeYWkuHPCE-00467-00102101-00102281 back to that project means that we can +oNeYWkuHPCE-00468-00102282-00102454 also Drive changes in Fedora that both +oNeYWkuHPCE-00469-00102455-00102634 make it easier for us to build a new +oNeYWkuHPCE-00470-00102635-00102778 Amazon Linux without having to do the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00471-00102779-00102910 same work all over again +oNeYWkuHPCE-00472-00102911-00103103 and that we can focus on empowering +oNeYWkuHPCE-00473-00103104-00103313 ourselves and others and Fedora itself +oNeYWkuHPCE-00474-00103314-00103594 to make choices and changes to to suit +oNeYWkuHPCE-00475-00103595-00103780 their own purposes something there's a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00476-00103781-00103936 bunch of crossover there even just sort +oNeYWkuHPCE-00477-00103938-00104075 of maintaining Fedora that gets +oNeYWkuHPCE-00478-00104076-00104206 interesting +oNeYWkuHPCE-00479-00104207-00104392 the the friends portion and Foundation +oNeYWkuHPCE-00480-00104393-00104639 uh is is also important to us at Amazon +oNeYWkuHPCE-00481-00104640-00104801 we have a set of leadership principles +oNeYWkuHPCE-00482-00104802-00105040 and one of which is structurally earth's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00483-00105041-00105286 best employer which starts off by saying +oNeYWkuHPCE-00484-00105288-00105473 leaders work every day to create a safer +oNeYWkuHPCE-00485-00105474-00105634 more productive high-performing more +oNeYWkuHPCE-00486-00105635-00105893 diverse and more just work environment +oNeYWkuHPCE-00487-00105894-00106108 and as such fedora's strong and caring +oNeYWkuHPCE-00488-00106109-00106258 Community aligns well with what we want +oNeYWkuHPCE-00489-00106259-00106439 sort of our work environment to be in +oNeYWkuHPCE-00490-00106440-00106751 our day-to-day lives uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00491-00106752-00106954 and that's that's something that that is +oNeYWkuHPCE-00492-00106955-00107219 quite valuable uh to us as well and then +oNeYWkuHPCE-00493-00107220-00107410 we get to the other uh two pillars +oNeYWkuHPCE-00494-00107411-00107849 features right where we look at uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00495-00107850-00108040 we look at what Fedora thinks about this +oNeYWkuHPCE-00496-00108041-00108208 and think we're working up with the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00497-00108209-00108328 Upstream in cases where we find +oNeYWkuHPCE-00498-00108329-00108497 opportunities for improvements all free +oNeYWkuHPCE-00499-00108498-00108683 software uses benefit and that really +oNeYWkuHPCE-00500-00108683-00108910 strikes a chord with us because we don't +oNeYWkuHPCE-00501-00108911-00109127 think along the lines of how do we get +oNeYWkuHPCE-00502-00109128-00109331 everybody to use Amazon Linux that's not +oNeYWkuHPCE-00503-00109332-00109558 a thought process instead our thought +oNeYWkuHPCE-00504-00109559-00109852 process is more how do we make ec2 the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00505-00109853-00110099 best place to run Linux workloads +oNeYWkuHPCE-00506-00110100-00110333 and often the answer to that is work +oNeYWkuHPCE-00507-00110333-00110525 Upstream +oNeYWkuHPCE-00508-00110526-00110693 customer is going to pick +oNeYWkuHPCE-00509-00110694-00110854 what Linux they want to run and how they +oNeYWkuHPCE-00510-00110855-00110963 want to run it +oNeYWkuHPCE-00511-00110964-00111149 we can offer here is an opinion United +oNeYWkuHPCE-00512-00111150-00111407 set of things uh in all packaged +oNeYWkuHPCE-00513-00111408-00111652 together nicely in Amazon Linux but +oNeYWkuHPCE-00514-00111653-00111773 there's also +oNeYWkuHPCE-00515-00111774-00111983 no reason that we shouldn't have the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00516-00111983-00112360 ability to get various optimizations and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00517-00112361-00112613 Integrations uh into every other Linux +oNeYWkuHPCE-00518-00112614-00112834 distribution so that's all a smooth +oNeYWkuHPCE-00519-00112835-00113039 experience for customers running +oNeYWkuHPCE-00520-00113040-00113327 workloads on on ac2 and so that that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00521-00113328-00113495 sort of Upstream mentality is something +oNeYWkuHPCE-00522-00113496-00113723 that really also strikes the chord +oNeYWkuHPCE-00523-00113724-00113951 and even the the fourth pillar here +oNeYWkuHPCE-00524-00113952-00114166 first and the Fedora commitment to being +oNeYWkuHPCE-00525-00114167-00114352 first and the simple statement of we're +oNeYWkuHPCE-00526-00114353-00114563 committed to Innovation also aligns with +oNeYWkuHPCE-00527-00114564-00114707 sort of our Leisure principles of event +oNeYWkuHPCE-00528-00114708-00114833 and simplify +oNeYWkuHPCE-00529-00114833-00114995 we also have to think about in the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00530-00114996-00115199 context of a an operating system that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00531-00115200-00115360 has a longer support model where it's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00532-00115361-00115486 not all our customers want to be +oNeYWkuHPCE-00533-00115488-00115613 continuously moving to the latest +oNeYWkuHPCE-00534-00115614-00115757 everything +oNeYWkuHPCE-00535-00115758-00115907 um but they sometimes do want to Peak in +oNeYWkuHPCE-00536-00115908-00116165 certain directions into the future and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00537-00116166-00116299 there is that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00538-00116300-00116608 interesting uh blend of how you do that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00539-00116609-00116758 and that's sort of where we cut into +oNeYWkuHPCE-00540-00116759-00116975 what is that that release life cycle +oNeYWkuHPCE-00541-00116976-00117113 look like what does that support model +oNeYWkuHPCE-00542-00117114-00117275 look like or how often do we do a new +oNeYWkuHPCE-00543-00117276-00117502 major release what things do we backport +oNeYWkuHPCE-00544-00117503-00117683 into existing versions like maybe hey +oNeYWkuHPCE-00545-00117683-00117934 you can use a new version of PHP or Ruby +oNeYWkuHPCE-00546-00117935-00118240 or anything I think that's an important +oNeYWkuHPCE-00547-00118241-00118427 thing we can think about it also means +oNeYWkuHPCE-00548-00118428-00118727 that we have uh an upstream distribution +oNeYWkuHPCE-00549-00118728-00118852 where you're really thinking about what +oNeYWkuHPCE-00550-00118853-00118990 does the future look like where +oNeYWkuHPCE-00551-00118991-00119140 everyone's opinion like what are we +oNeYWkuHPCE-00552-00119141-00119284 doing forward and does everything still +oNeYWkuHPCE-00553-00119285-00119489 work together nicely and having that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00554-00119490-00119686 development branches is really nice to +oNeYWkuHPCE-00555-00119688-00119849 be able to think about what would a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00556-00119850-00120047 future Amazon Linux be and that's sort +oNeYWkuHPCE-00557-00120048-00120173 of the interesting thing when we look at +oNeYWkuHPCE-00558-00120174-00120334 you know where is rawhide today it's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00559-00120335-00120527 like well is this where Amazon Linux +oNeYWkuHPCE-00560-00120528-00120707 needs to be in in a couple of years time +oNeYWkuHPCE-00561-00120708-00120881 and that's a really interesting thing +oNeYWkuHPCE-00562-00120882-00121043 for us to have that and have that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00563-00121044-00121228 feedback loop +oNeYWkuHPCE-00564-00121229-00121433 so let's talk a little bit about you +oNeYWkuHPCE-00565-00121433-00121643 know what do we change +oNeYWkuHPCE-00566-00121644-00121715 um +oNeYWkuHPCE-00567-00121716-00121913 what is the difference between Fedora +oNeYWkuHPCE-00568-00121914-00122183 and Amazon Linux and it's interesting to +oNeYWkuHPCE-00569-00122183-00122369 think about the decisions that are made +oNeYWkuHPCE-00570-00122370-00122584 in Fedora of like what package is to +oNeYWkuHPCE-00571-00122585-00122807 include what versions of the packages to +oNeYWkuHPCE-00572-00122808-00123052 include what options to enable and how +oNeYWkuHPCE-00573-00123053-00123202 long to support them for are made in the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00574-00123203-00123443 context of Fedora which is naturally +oNeYWkuHPCE-00575-00123444-00123628 different to the context of Amazon Linux +oNeYWkuHPCE-00576-00123629-00123839 in some ways and sometimes those +oNeYWkuHPCE-00577-00123840-00124001 decisions are made at a higher level +oNeYWkuHPCE-00578-00124002-00124157 like here is a fedori enhancement +oNeYWkuHPCE-00579-00124158-00124421 proposal and it's a large change and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00580-00124422-00124571 sometimes they're made on individual +oNeYWkuHPCE-00581-00124572-00124769 package maintainers level or it's like +oNeYWkuHPCE-00582-00124770-00124913 you know what options do I enable or not +oNeYWkuHPCE-00583-00124914-00125086 in this and sometimes that's informed by +oNeYWkuHPCE-00584-00125088-00125290 the full breadth of packages in Fedora +oNeYWkuHPCE-00585-00125291-00125471 which may or may not be a full set of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00586-00125472-00125621 packages that you want to ship in a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00587-00125622-00125801 downstream distribution +oNeYWkuHPCE-00588-00125802-00126071 and with our release and support life +oNeYWkuHPCE-00589-00126072-00126251 cycle and fedoras right a lot of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00590-00126252-00126473 decisions are made in that context +oNeYWkuHPCE-00591-00126474-00126623 and they're going to be made very +oNeYWkuHPCE-00592-00126624-00126965 intentionally in that context right the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00593-00126966-00127108 big questions of like what currently +oNeYWkuHPCE-00594-00127109-00127271 you're going to ship what about GCC +oNeYWkuHPCE-00595-00127272-00127540 versions Gypsy version system D what +oNeYWkuHPCE-00596-00127541-00127810 versions of openssl or only one what +oNeYWkuHPCE-00597-00127811-00128140 versions of RPM and dnf uh you may might +oNeYWkuHPCE-00598-00128141-00128278 make different decisions here when +oNeYWkuHPCE-00599-00128279-00128501 you're thinking about this OS has a new +oNeYWkuHPCE-00600-00128502-00128675 version in six months and then there's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00601-00128676-00128813 another you know six months afterwards +oNeYWkuHPCE-00602-00128814-00129034 of supporting the previous one versus +oNeYWkuHPCE-00603-00129035-00129281 you're starting off with five years and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00604-00129282-00129425 you need to think about what is the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00605-00129426-00129613 compatibility story like for for +oNeYWkuHPCE-00606-00129614-00129928 customers uh during those five years so +oNeYWkuHPCE-00607-00129929-00130036 these different release and support +oNeYWkuHPCE-00608-00130038-00130223 models of Fedora when compared to Amazon +oNeYWkuHPCE-00609-00130224-00130493 Linux can necessitate other choices too +oNeYWkuHPCE-00610-00130494-00130684 right like not every feature in Fedora +oNeYWkuHPCE-00611-00130685-00130828 is one we want to support for five years +oNeYWkuHPCE-00612-00130829-00130997 uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00613-00130998-00131147 as we don't have the flexibility of the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00614-00131148-00131297 door of making those decisions right +oNeYWkuHPCE-00615-00131298-00131597 like it's very easy for Fedora to make +oNeYWkuHPCE-00616-00131598-00131789 um a decision way to release the two and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00617-00131790-00131975 go huh let's do it somewhere somewhere +oNeYWkuHPCE-00618-00131976-00132347 else well sometimes we have a uh a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00619-00132348-00132509 longer life cycle here right where we'll +oNeYWkuHPCE-00620-00132510-00132671 be stuck with it for for a number of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00621-00132672-00132875 years we want to be very intentional +oNeYWkuHPCE-00622-00132876-00133151 uh and in Amazon Linux we've made some +oNeYWkuHPCE-00623-00133152-00133433 decisions that are that are different uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00624-00133434-00133637 based on customer need so there's some +oNeYWkuHPCE-00625-00133638-00133769 packages we move forward a lot more +oNeYWkuHPCE-00626-00133770-00133978 frequently than others and so sometimes +oNeYWkuHPCE-00627-00133979-00134171 even like bundling dependencies sort of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00628-00134172-00134363 makes sense in our context and that's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00629-00134364-00134647 simply because uh we want to think about +oNeYWkuHPCE-00630-00134648-00134914 uh what dependencies to explain because +oNeYWkuHPCE-00631-00134915-00135089 exposed to customers that they might end +oNeYWkuHPCE-00632-00135090-00135299 up relying on and when we want to change +oNeYWkuHPCE-00633-00135300-00135425 that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00634-00135426-00135593 he's not going to be breaking for them +oNeYWkuHPCE-00635-00135594-00135797 and so this is interesting especially +oNeYWkuHPCE-00636-00135798-00135928 when we think about sort of the go Lang +oNeYWkuHPCE-00637-00135929-00136175 and rust ecosystems as well and how we +oNeYWkuHPCE-00638-00136176-00136487 think about uh packaging those in a way +oNeYWkuHPCE-00639-00136488-00136727 that is worthwhile for Fedora where +oNeYWkuHPCE-00640-00136728-00136816 you're trying to have one version of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00641-00136817-00136966 everything versus maybe we want to move +oNeYWkuHPCE-00642-00136967-00137123 different packages that depend on +oNeYWkuHPCE-00643-00137124-00137423 different versions of uh modules and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00644-00137424-00137633 crates and sort of rust and and golang +oNeYWkuHPCE-00645-00137634-00137849 world uh and move these at a slightly +oNeYWkuHPCE-00646-00137850-00138023 different pace inside the operating +oNeYWkuHPCE-00647-00138024-00138269 system +oNeYWkuHPCE-00648-00138270-00138437 so +oNeYWkuHPCE-00649-00138438-00138604 sometimes these decisions where you have +oNeYWkuHPCE-00650-00138605-00138713 to think about it +oNeYWkuHPCE-00651-00138714-00138952 could mean that we should put a package +oNeYWkuHPCE-00652-00138953-00139204 version that is uh more aligned with +oNeYWkuHPCE-00653-00139205-00139475 sort of Centos 9 streams uh than Fedora +oNeYWkuHPCE-00654-00139476-00139649 and it's fantastic be at a certain pull +oNeYWkuHPCE-00655-00139650-00139823 requests there it's going to be +oNeYWkuHPCE-00656-00139824-00139978 interesting to see how that practically +oNeYWkuHPCE-00657-00139979-00140243 evolves as a collaboration base for some +oNeYWkuHPCE-00658-00140244-00140411 bits of software that you're going to +oNeYWkuHPCE-00659-00140412-00140554 probably want to keep sort of at a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00660-00140555-00140837 similar version uh for a long time and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00661-00140838-00140987 some of the Practical you know +oNeYWkuHPCE-00662-00140988-00141154 considerations here and changes from +oNeYWkuHPCE-00663-00141155-00141257 looking at sort of any particular +oNeYWkuHPCE-00664-00141258-00141485 version of Fedora today is like Braille +oNeYWkuHPCE-00665-00141486-00141778 2022 we're shipping at 515 kernel uh and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00666-00141779-00141928 one that's sort of as close as possible +oNeYWkuHPCE-00667-00141929-00142175 to the Upstream stable Branch we really +oNeYWkuHPCE-00668-00142176-00142385 try and either grab you know what is +oNeYWkuHPCE-00669-00142386-00142552 stable or what are things that have +oNeYWkuHPCE-00670-00142553-00142727 headed Upstream already that we can back +oNeYWkuHPCE-00671-00142728-00142990 Port back and be selective about it uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00672-00142991-00143123 that's something that's that's really of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00673-00143124-00143363 an advantage to us we we made the choice +oNeYWkuHPCE-00674-00143364-00143663 that openssl3 and open sl3 only was the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00675-00143664-00143890 way we wanted to go uh we didn't want to +oNeYWkuHPCE-00676-00143891-00144077 have to ship opener cell one one or +oNeYWkuHPCE-00677-00144078-00144293 earlier or anything that relied on it +oNeYWkuHPCE-00678-00144294-00144490 and that's been an interesting +oNeYWkuHPCE-00679-00144491-00144707 transition over our Tech preview time as +oNeYWkuHPCE-00680-00144708-00144875 expedora has grappled with the same +oNeYWkuHPCE-00681-00144876-00145187 thing and for things like RPM and dnf it +oNeYWkuHPCE-00682-00145188-00145307 actually made sense to learn pretty +oNeYWkuHPCE-00683-00145308-00145531 closely with the versions that were +oNeYWkuHPCE-00684-00145532-00145793 currently in Centos nine streams is that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00685-00145794-00145895 sort of is a good place to maybe +oNeYWkuHPCE-00686-00145896-00146045 collaborate there and have a good source +oNeYWkuHPCE-00687-00146046-00146339 of stability uh for a period of time and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00688-00146340-00146525 we also did a lot of changes when it +oNeYWkuHPCE-00689-00146526-00146752 came to sort of package curation right +oNeYWkuHPCE-00690-00146753-00146963 we didn't build all of Fedora we'll +oNeYWkuHPCE-00691-00146964-00147221 start with all of Fedora we start with a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00692-00147222-00147514 subset of Fedora and a modified subset +oNeYWkuHPCE-00693-00147515-00147778 and this subset isn't formed by a number +oNeYWkuHPCE-00694-00147779-00147928 of sort of insights into what are our +oNeYWkuHPCE-00695-00147929-00148175 customers use today on on Amazon Linux 2 +oNeYWkuHPCE-00696-00148176-00148373 what do they use on Amazon X1 and what +oNeYWkuHPCE-00697-00148374-00148540 they what might they want to use in the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00698-00148541-00148775 future like we know what we have on ioto +oNeYWkuHPCE-00699-00148776-00149027 and we know what important parts of that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00700-00149028-00149537 are for our uh uh customers and we can +oNeYWkuHPCE-00701-00149538-00149902 also think about +oNeYWkuHPCE-00702-00149903-00150166 packaging something that nobody uses is +oNeYWkuHPCE-00703-00150167-00150323 just a five-year maintenance burden for +oNeYWkuHPCE-00704-00150324-00150659 us right uh and we can be very judicious +oNeYWkuHPCE-00705-00150660-00150797 in thinking about well if it's got no +oNeYWkuHPCE-00706-00150798-00151019 downloads from The Young repositories +oNeYWkuHPCE-00707-00151020-00151289 why is this here +oNeYWkuHPCE-00708-00151290-00151463 and have we been security patching it +oNeYWkuHPCE-00709-00151464-00151690 because if we have we've been doing that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00710-00151691-00151864 work that's like non-differentiated and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00711-00151865-00152135 is providing like no customer benefit +oNeYWkuHPCE-00712-00152136-00152302 um not patching security vulnerabilities +oNeYWkuHPCE-00713-00152303-00152507 is certainly a life choice and we want +oNeYWkuHPCE-00714-00152508-00152693 to be able to think about where are we +oNeYWkuHPCE-00715-00152694-00152813 going to intentionally spend our time +oNeYWkuHPCE-00716-00152814-00152975 patching things and we should really +oNeYWkuHPCE-00717-00152976-00153113 focus that down on the things that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00718-00153114-00153214 people use +oNeYWkuHPCE-00719-00153215-00153443 and so to take an example like uh until +oNeYWkuHPCE-00720-00153444-00153599 we're running in a whole bunch of places +oNeYWkuHPCE-00721-00153600-00153875 with the Bluetooth stack we can probably +oNeYWkuHPCE-00722-00153876-00154054 avoid shipping a large amount of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00723-00154055-00154211 Bluetooth software +oNeYWkuHPCE-00724-00154212-00154433 um that interfaces with um uh Bluetooth +oNeYWkuHPCE-00725-00154434-00154666 uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00726-00154667-00155026 and that lesson sort of uh over a period +oNeYWkuHPCE-00727-00155027-00155219 of time is like if the answer to the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00728-00155220-00155387 question of is anyone actually using +oNeYWkuHPCE-00729-00155388-00155590 this is no and perhaps you should +oNeYWkuHPCE-00730-00155591-00155854 rethink about why we're shipping it uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00731-00155855-00156011 and how long we're signing up to support +oNeYWkuHPCE-00732-00156012-00156185 support it for and thus having to +oNeYWkuHPCE-00733-00156186-00156413 security patches so we're really trying +oNeYWkuHPCE-00734-00156414-00156599 to focus in on what our customer needs +oNeYWkuHPCE-00735-00156600-00156983 are uh as well and so some specific +oNeYWkuHPCE-00736-00156984-00157240 choices here is you know we're shipping +oNeYWkuHPCE-00737-00157241-00157433 Docker and containerdy for container +oNeYWkuHPCE-00738-00157434-00157564 runtime and that's what our big +oNeYWkuHPCE-00739-00157565-00157733 container services rely on it makes a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00740-00157734-00157943 lot of sense for us to align there and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00741-00157944-00158207 maintain that um in Upstream as well as +oNeYWkuHPCE-00742-00158208-00158849 in the OS itself uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00743-00158850-00159076 so we're interesting on the discussion +oNeYWkuHPCE-00744-00159077-00159202 there is like sort of how to deal with +oNeYWkuHPCE-00745-00159203-00159347 openness of cell 3 and everything in +oNeYWkuHPCE-00746-00159348-00159569 there and it's a mixture right like one +oNeYWkuHPCE-00747-00159570-00159845 of the the amusing things is to offer is +oNeYWkuHPCE-00748-00159846-00160007 to look at the dependency graph in +oNeYWkuHPCE-00749-00160008-00160307 Fedora as a you know gold bells and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00750-00160308-00160547 whistles included and Amazon Linux and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00751-00160548-00160769 you can sometimes weirdly sort of move +oNeYWkuHPCE-00752-00160770-00161014 faster and be first on some things in a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00753-00161015-00161164 in a smaller set of packages than you +oNeYWkuHPCE-00754-00161165-00161314 can in Fedora +oNeYWkuHPCE-00755-00161315-00161459 um and something like that is like you +oNeYWkuHPCE-00756-00161460-00161645 know not having open SSL one in the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00757-00161646-00161866 distribution and that's sort of an +oNeYWkuHPCE-00758-00161867-00162023 interesting thing and it's even looking +oNeYWkuHPCE-00759-00162024-00162287 at sort of the you know pcra version one +oNeYWkuHPCE-00760-00162288-00162509 versus version two and how close we can +oNeYWkuHPCE-00761-00162510-00162671 get to completely uh getting rid of that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00762-00162672-00162952 mail 2022 versus in Fedora and sometimes +oNeYWkuHPCE-00763-00162953-00163151 it's just like it's less work to do on a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00764-00163152-00163361 subset uh and it's like how do we think +oNeYWkuHPCE-00765-00163362-00163571 about this as something that we can do +oNeYWkuHPCE-00766-00163572-00163787 both sort of in Amazon Linux early on or +oNeYWkuHPCE-00767-00163788-00164099 uh uh or in Fedora and how do we make +oNeYWkuHPCE-00768-00164100-00164243 this kind of an easier process it's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00769-00164244-00164357 definitely something we're thinking +oNeYWkuHPCE-00770-00164358-00164663 about into the future uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00771-00164664-00164914 on our written close pretty close in nil +oNeYWkuHPCE-00772-00164915-00165143 2022 as well as the last few things on +oNeYWkuHPCE-00773-00165144-00165287 the Fedora developed mailing discussion +oNeYWkuHPCE-00774-00165288-00165545 like oh quick maybe I can actually do it +oNeYWkuHPCE-00775-00165546-00165773 um which is kind of fun uh we also made +oNeYWkuHPCE-00776-00165774-00165923 choices such as going with like Amazon +oNeYWkuHPCE-00777-00165924-00166187 coretto as the jdks that we ship and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00778-00166188-00166540 build with uh as like there is literally +oNeYWkuHPCE-00779-00166541-00166721 a whole team like a whole bunch of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00780-00166722-00166895 people you know working at Amazon +oNeYWkuHPCE-00781-00166896-00167195 maintaining these jdks and making sure +oNeYWkuHPCE-00782-00167196-00167345 that they're they're up to date security +oNeYWkuHPCE-00783-00167346-00167590 patch performance compatible +oNeYWkuHPCE-00784-00167591-00167813 um and that will build uh you know what +oNeYWkuHPCE-00785-00167814-00167957 we need it to and this is what you know +oNeYWkuHPCE-00786-00167958-00168113 we use in in production on a lot of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00787-00168114-00168263 systems like we should definitely think +oNeYWkuHPCE-00788-00168264-00168443 about taking advantage of that team +oNeYWkuHPCE-00789-00168444-00168689 existing and there's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00790-00168690-00168904 there's that that idea where it's like +oNeYWkuHPCE-00791-00168905-00169031 how do we how do we bring the most +oNeYWkuHPCE-00792-00169032-00169199 benefit there and Coretta was definitely +oNeYWkuHPCE-00793-00169200-00169402 one of those ways and it's actually not +oNeYWkuHPCE-00794-00169403-00169726 too hard to get that going to a uh uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00795-00169727-00169954 you know a fedora derived OS and one of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00796-00169955-00170164 the future questions will be like +oNeYWkuHPCE-00797-00170165-00170345 does that make sense as an option in +oNeYWkuHPCE-00798-00170346-00170513 Fedora as well and what are the sort of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00799-00170514-00170783 the minor random smattering of of uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00800-00170784-00170926 spec file changes that are needed to +oNeYWkuHPCE-00801-00170927-00171064 make it work +oNeYWkuHPCE-00802-00171065-00171197 um and sometimes that's simple things +oNeYWkuHPCE-00803-00171198-00171359 like you know +oNeYWkuHPCE-00804-00171360-00171640 build against uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00805-00171641-00171928 build dependency be you know Java 1A or +oNeYWkuHPCE-00806-00171929-00172078 Java 11 not +oNeYWkuHPCE-00807-00172079-00172325 Java 11 open jdk like little things like +oNeYWkuHPCE-00808-00172326-00172475 little things is the stuff in there it's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00809-00172476-00172654 just the you know the whole bunch of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00810-00172655-00172781 paper cuts that you go through to make +oNeYWkuHPCE-00811-00172782-00172871 it happen +oNeYWkuHPCE-00812-00172872-00173014 and we also have the philosophy +oNeYWkuHPCE-00813-00173015-00173302 philosophy of where we can uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00814-00173303-00173483 sustainably introduce choices that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00815-00173484-00173651 customers have asked for and these +oNeYWkuHPCE-00816-00173652-00173819 choices don't break existing customers +oNeYWkuHPCE-00817-00173820-00173999 like we're all for it right it's about +oNeYWkuHPCE-00818-00174000-00174166 thinking about what is what is something +oNeYWkuHPCE-00819-00174167-00174323 we can support for a length of time how +oNeYWkuHPCE-00820-00174324-00174461 do we communicate that support life +oNeYWkuHPCE-00821-00174462-00174664 cycle and is that sort of a good quality +oNeYWkuHPCE-00822-00174665-00174928 package to start off with uh and sort of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00823-00174929-00175193 what is the the benefit there it's a lot +oNeYWkuHPCE-00824-00175194-00175325 of usage then that's something that's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00825-00175326-00175493 really attractive if it's like literally +oNeYWkuHPCE-00826-00175494-00175654 for three people you might want to +oNeYWkuHPCE-00827-00175655-00175847 consider it you know really hard about +oNeYWkuHPCE-00828-00175848-00176026 how we ship it +oNeYWkuHPCE-00829-00176027-00176266 um and if we ship it at all +oNeYWkuHPCE-00830-00176267-00176519 we also do a bunch of like package +oNeYWkuHPCE-00831-00176520-00176783 options of what we include like and I'm +oNeYWkuHPCE-00832-00176784-00176963 talking here sort of like you know +oNeYWkuHPCE-00833-00176964-00177161 maybe sometimes Beacon level stuff but +oNeYWkuHPCE-00834-00177162-00177323 sometimes it's things like +oNeYWkuHPCE-00835-00177324-00177623 do we start off with the uh container +oNeYWkuHPCE-00836-00177624-00177845 emission armies with the full fat curl +oNeYWkuHPCE-00837-00177846-00178114 or do we go Chrome animal we took Coral +oNeYWkuHPCE-00838-00178115-00178397 minimal as as for ale 2022 and that's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00839-00178398-00178528 simply to have a sort of a smaller +oNeYWkuHPCE-00840-00178529-00178726 dependency graph that for the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00841-00178727-00178931 overwhelmingly vast majority of of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00842-00178932-00179278 customers uh is perfectly adequate and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00843-00179279-00179543 perfectly fine uh and this means that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00844-00179544-00179759 hopefully we end up with sort of less +oNeYWkuHPCE-00845-00179760-00179999 practical security uh patches that need +oNeYWkuHPCE-00846-00180000-00180143 to be applied to a large variety of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00847-00180144-00180328 systems and that's sort of a big benefit +oNeYWkuHPCE-00848-00180329-00180557 for our customers in there and it's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00849-00180558-00180773 always a little dance away with a dnf +oNeYWkuHPCE-00850-00180774-00180904 command to get it back +oNeYWkuHPCE-00851-00180905-00181199 uh I am been meaning to for a little +oNeYWkuHPCE-00852-00181200-00181361 while now send out a pull request for +oNeYWkuHPCE-00853-00181362-00181607 doing the same thing to canopy G2 and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00854-00181608-00181835 have a gno pg2 minimal uh because that's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00855-00181836-00182075 also where we're going with Al 2022 and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00856-00182076-00182231 if you look at the dependency graph of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00857-00182232-00182464 the differences between gunu pg2 and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00858-00182465-00182854 Kenobi G2 minimal it's like okay am I +oNeYWkuHPCE-00859-00182855-00183023 really wanting to ship a container +oNeYWkuHPCE-00860-00183024-00183281 that's an extra like 10 megabytes uh in +oNeYWkuHPCE-00861-00183282-00183383 size +oNeYWkuHPCE-00862-00183384-00183581 um just in case someone wants to use a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00863-00183582-00183838 USB smart card uh with canoe PG in there +oNeYWkuHPCE-00864-00183839-00183995 when really what they're really using it +oNeYWkuHPCE-00865-00183996-00184343 for is to verify signatures on RPMs uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00866-00184344-00184583 and that is uh an interesting set of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00867-00184584-00184745 decisions and thoughts to go through and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00868-00184746-00184931 really examine that dependency graph and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00869-00184932-00185111 what choices can we make here that might +oNeYWkuHPCE-00870-00185112-00185357 be a bit more aggressive than uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00871-00185358-00185551 sometimes can be done in Fedora but also +oNeYWkuHPCE-00872-00185552-00185795 uh could be something that is reflecting +oNeYWkuHPCE-00873-00185796-00186023 Fedora and makes its way up up there as +oNeYWkuHPCE-00874-00186024-00186214 well like I think it'd be interesting to +oNeYWkuHPCE-00875-00186215-00186407 have that sort of gnu PG +oNeYWkuHPCE-00876-00186408-00186538 um minimal discussion and maybe the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00877-00186539-00186676 long-term thing there is instead of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00878-00186677-00186911 using gnu PG at all like just do the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00879-00186912-00187121 verification like straighten RPM itself +oNeYWkuHPCE-00880-00187122-00187390 and then dnf and so we've also done a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00881-00187391-00187528 number of choices to do things to like +oNeYWkuHPCE-00882-00187529-00187757 improve instance launch time and some of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00883-00187758-00187966 these things are perhaps things that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00884-00187967-00188152 should stay Downstream and ancient go +oNeYWkuHPCE-00885-00188153-00188416 Upstream as default uh and one of them +oNeYWkuHPCE-00886-00188417-00188602 is like you know for pick a random +oNeYWkuHPCE-00887-00188603-00188788 example like we've built KMOD without a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00888-00188789-00188926 bunch of support for compressed kernel +oNeYWkuHPCE-00889-00188927-00189101 modules right kernel modules are +oNeYWkuHPCE-00890-00189102-00189304 compressed in at ramapas otherwise +oNeYWkuHPCE-00891-00189305-00189569 they're uncompressed on on disk and the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00892-00189570-00189707 reason we want to do that is like you +oNeYWkuHPCE-00893-00189708-00189893 look at the content of the unit random +oNeYWkuHPCE-00894-00189894-00190054 pass and go what's dragging in all these +oNeYWkuHPCE-00895-00190055-00190187 compression libraries and you're like +oNeYWkuHPCE-00896-00190188-00190409 well the ability to load a kernel module +oNeYWkuHPCE-00897-00190410-00190625 it's not compressed in the in the uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00898-00190626-00190828 anyway because it's compressed in a hole +oNeYWkuHPCE-00899-00190829-00191063 in a gram of s uh it's like well if we +oNeYWkuHPCE-00900-00191064-00191183 don't build it with that option be +oNeYWkuHPCE-00901-00191184-00191351 counted out guess what we start to save +oNeYWkuHPCE-00902-00191352-00191476 a whole bunch of space on the internet +oNeYWkuHPCE-00903-00191477-00191638 first +oNeYWkuHPCE-00904-00191639-00191873 um which you might not think of as too +oNeYWkuHPCE-00905-00191874-00192197 much but you think about when is uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00906-00192198-00192364 when is the unit ramaphress read from +oNeYWkuHPCE-00907-00192365-00192604 disc when is it extracted and where is +oNeYWkuHPCE-00908-00192605-00192766 that in the boot process and you +oNeYWkuHPCE-00909-00192767-00192881 suddenly realize that all of those +oNeYWkuHPCE-00910-00192882-00193054 things are serial parts of the boot +oNeYWkuHPCE-00911-00193055-00193223 process right you're you're sitting +oNeYWkuHPCE-00912-00193224-00193378 there and Grub loading something off +oNeYWkuHPCE-00913-00193379-00193607 disk you're then serially you know +oNeYWkuHPCE-00914-00193608-00193763 unpacking the unit Ram of this and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00915-00193764-00193937 uncompressing it in order to then start +oNeYWkuHPCE-00916-00193938-00194195 booting everything in parallel and this +oNeYWkuHPCE-00917-00194196-00194357 really like makes an actual decent +oNeYWkuHPCE-00918-00194358-00194561 difference like we've got a little uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00919-00194562-00194807 configuration file called Drake at ec2 +oNeYWkuHPCE-00920-00194808-00195088 which is like a Dracut config uh that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00921-00195089-00195371 we're thinking about going hey what do +oNeYWkuHPCE-00922-00195372-00195623 we not need in order to boot on a on an +oNeYWkuHPCE-00923-00195624-00195821 ec2 instance or at least the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00924-00195822-00196007 overwhelming majority of launchers there +oNeYWkuHPCE-00925-00196008-00196228 like some people do want to do lvm and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00926-00196229-00196366 raid and everything in there and we can +oNeYWkuHPCE-00927-00196367-00196523 support that and maybe it makes sense to +oNeYWkuHPCE-00928-00196524-00196685 have here is the way that you might +oNeYWkuHPCE-00929-00196686-00196895 modify it to do that and it often makes +oNeYWkuHPCE-00930-00196896-00197002 sense to think about is this something +oNeYWkuHPCE-00931-00197003-00197128 you actually want to boot from versus +oNeYWkuHPCE-00932-00197129-00197290 what you want for data volumes in that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00933-00197291-00197488 in that there so we get to make a bit of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00934-00197489-00197609 different choices there and that's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00935-00197610-00197747 that's sort of an easy one that should +oNeYWkuHPCE-00936-00197748-00197866 just be a package that sort of you know +oNeYWkuHPCE-00937-00197867-00198059 heads upstream and sits there and we can +oNeYWkuHPCE-00938-00198060-00198251 have the discussion of thinking like I +oNeYWkuHPCE-00939-00198252-00198571 don't what do we think about uh where we +oNeYWkuHPCE-00940-00198572-00198814 uh have sort of the Fedora cloud images +oNeYWkuHPCE-00941-00198815-00198988 and then they should sort of bend in a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00942-00198989-00199271 similar Direction uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-00943-00199272-00199487 yeah it's also like yeah what do we do +oNeYWkuHPCE-00944-00199488-00199643 in copy over and like the Kmart's tough +oNeYWkuHPCE-00945-00199644-00199847 you could quite easily say like well try +oNeYWkuHPCE-00946-00199848-00199978 and load the shared library on demand +oNeYWkuHPCE-00947-00199979-00200111 rather than linking against them for +oNeYWkuHPCE-00948-00200112-00200302 example uh could be it as well combine +oNeYWkuHPCE-00949-00200303-00200404 it with that and it's one of those +oNeYWkuHPCE-00950-00200405-00200566 things that could make a lot of sense to +oNeYWkuHPCE-00951-00200567-00200776 do uh and then this way at least you +oNeYWkuHPCE-00952-00200777-00200933 know we have this good proof where it's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00953-00200934-00201119 like this is a benefit to customers and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00954-00201120-00201316 instance much time there but I don't +oNeYWkuHPCE-00955-00201317-00201454 want to think about you know what you +oNeYWkuHPCE-00956-00201455-00201725 know a second of launch time equates to +oNeYWkuHPCE-00957-00201726-00201940 in in saved customer cost like that is +oNeYWkuHPCE-00958-00201941-00202114 that is definitely something to weirdly +oNeYWkuHPCE-00959-00202115-00202211 think about +oNeYWkuHPCE-00960-00202212-00202450 we also make some other choices uh in +oNeYWkuHPCE-00961-00202451-00202583 sort of what package options we enable +oNeYWkuHPCE-00962-00202584-00202816 like we're like systemd Network D and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00963-00202817-00203033 sort of Amazon ec2 net utils so we can +oNeYWkuHPCE-00964-00203034-00203243 have this like really small and and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00965-00203244-00203452 efficient sort of dependency tree for +oNeYWkuHPCE-00966-00203453-00203638 configuring a network and part of the +oNeYWkuHPCE-00967-00203639-00203890 joy is there where we're uh thinking +oNeYWkuHPCE-00968-00203891-00204071 about the concept context of like what +oNeYWkuHPCE-00969-00204072-00204316 is this inside ec2 uh and how do we make +oNeYWkuHPCE-00970-00204317-00204538 that be as small as possible we had +oNeYWkuHPCE-00971-00204539-00204713 other decisions like you know we didn't +oNeYWkuHPCE-00972-00204714-00204982 want to ship gtk1 on gtk2 and so we're +oNeYWkuHPCE-00973-00204983-00205103 able to go through and sort of you know +oNeYWkuHPCE-00974-00205104-00205301 be calm down places that end up bringing +oNeYWkuHPCE-00975-00205302-00205486 things into the dependency graph like +oNeYWkuHPCE-00976-00205487-00205660 often there is like a gtk three or four +oNeYWkuHPCE-00977-00205661-00205834 alternative or it's like you probably +oNeYWkuHPCE-00978-00205835-00206081 don't need you know this option for a +oNeYWkuHPCE-00979-00206082-00206327 mostly Cloud environment uh and it's +oNeYWkuHPCE-00980-00206328-00206464 also one of those fun things where you +oNeYWkuHPCE-00981-00206465-00206627 see some of the same activity occurring +oNeYWkuHPCE-00982-00206628-00206812 in Fedora at the same time where I think +oNeYWkuHPCE-00983-00206813-00207029 it's uh it was about the same day that +oNeYWkuHPCE-00984-00207030-00207190 the patches landed to no longer have +oNeYWkuHPCE-00985-00207191-00207521 like you know xmms and and gtk1 come in +oNeYWkuHPCE-00986-00207521-00207671 because you're building slack was about +oNeYWkuHPCE-00987-00207671-00207803 the same day I'd already done the spec +oNeYWkuHPCE-00988-00207804-00208066 file work sort of randomly inside to +oNeYWkuHPCE-00989-00208067-00208253 Amazon so there's like a lot of of +oNeYWkuHPCE-00990-00208254-00208408 lining up there where it's like stuff +oNeYWkuHPCE-00991-00208409-00208523 that could be like how do we think about +oNeYWkuHPCE-00992-00208523-00208907 doing that and +oNeYWkuHPCE-00993-00208908-00209134 other things that we want to do yeah +oNeYWkuHPCE-00994-00209135-00209338 it's like requiring GTA 1 through XMS +oNeYWkuHPCE-00995-00209339-00209632 was a blast from the past uh but our +oNeYWkuHPCE-00996-00209633-00209758 customers want to be able to move to +oNeYWkuHPCE-00997-00209759-00209891 sort of your versions of some packages +oNeYWkuHPCE-00998-00209892-00210113 on a separate Cadence to the OS so we do +oNeYWkuHPCE-00999-00210114-00210281 currently do this through namespacing +oNeYWkuHPCE-01000-00210282-00210496 packages uh so you could have like +oNeYWkuHPCE-01001-00210498-00210796 multiple meridb or postgres PHP python +oNeYWkuHPCE-01002-00210798-00210982 Ruby Etc and so we do some of the base +oNeYWkuHPCE-01003-00210983-00211156 work required to support this inside the +oNeYWkuHPCE-01004-00211157-00211332 US that isn't already there in Fedora +oNeYWkuHPCE-01005-00211333-00211582 and are selective about what what +oNeYWkuHPCE-01006-00211583-00211823 options we build for each of these +oNeYWkuHPCE-01007-00211823-00212008 we also think about sort of os features +oNeYWkuHPCE-01008-00212009-00212165 what we want to add and modify in there +oNeYWkuHPCE-01009-00212166-00212339 and one of the things we've done with +oNeYWkuHPCE-01010-00212340-00212608 with Al 2022 is make a fundamental +oNeYWkuHPCE-01011-00212609-00212939 change in how we think about young +oNeYWkuHPCE-01012-00212940-00213179 repositories and armies or container +oNeYWkuHPCE-01013-00213180-00213448 images so we lock each Army and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01014-00213450-00213634 container image to a specific version of +oNeYWkuHPCE-01015-00213635-00213821 the repositories so there's this +oNeYWkuHPCE-01016-00213821-00214079 snapshot of all of the packages it could +oNeYWkuHPCE-01017-00214080-00214253 possibly install and it's tied to that +oNeYWkuHPCE-01018-00214254-00214481 Army and that that container image and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01019-00214482-00214631 there's a method to move forward in that +oNeYWkuHPCE-01020-00214632-00214823 snapshot and really what we do is called +oNeYWkuHPCE-01021-00214823-00214979 version locking because we give the OS a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01022-00214980-00215105 version right you have a full version +oNeYWkuHPCE-01023-00215106-00215260 number a semantic version number you +oNeYWkuHPCE-01024-00215261-00215467 know +oNeYWkuHPCE-01025-00215467-00215765 2022.0.2022.0728 is one of them and then +oNeYWkuHPCE-01026-00215766-00215939 we can talk about that in release notes +oNeYWkuHPCE-01027-00215940-00216125 we can talk about it in what the name of +oNeYWkuHPCE-01028-00216126-00216346 the Army is we can give it like a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01029-00216348-00216551 container image and register that with a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01030-00216552-00216742 nice name in there it's the version that +oNeYWkuHPCE-01031-00216744-00217031 system release has and it also means +oNeYWkuHPCE-01032-00217032-00217301 that we move uh a lot of this sort of +oNeYWkuHPCE-01033-00217302-00217510 atomicity of moving forward or backwards +oNeYWkuHPCE-01034-00217511-00217715 between what packages versions you're +oNeYWkuHPCE-01035-00217716-00217817 installing +oNeYWkuHPCE-01036-00217817-00218105 right into the customer's hands uh it +oNeYWkuHPCE-01037-00218106-00218284 means that you've got a way to move +oNeYWkuHPCE-01038-00218285-00218453 forward on your own timeline and a way +oNeYWkuHPCE-01039-00218454-00218596 to move backwards if there's ever a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01040-00218598-00218789 problem so you can easily go and lock +oNeYWkuHPCE-01041-00218790-00218975 boot Nami from last week or last month +oNeYWkuHPCE-01042-00218976-00219131 and you get exactly the same behavior +oNeYWkuHPCE-01043-00219132-00219269 you had there so if there's any negative +oNeYWkuHPCE-01044-00219269-00219473 impact for some update you've always got +oNeYWkuHPCE-01045-00219473-00219665 a way out to get there and you've got an +oNeYWkuHPCE-01046-00219666-00219821 easy way to get out and it's a single +oNeYWkuHPCE-01047-00219821-00219929 little thing to move forward or +oNeYWkuHPCE-01048-00219930-00220073 backwards either you know container +oNeYWkuHPCE-01049-00220073-00220355 image or army or machine image there and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01050-00220356-00220492 this is a pretty big change for sort of +oNeYWkuHPCE-01051-00220494-00220679 Amazon Linux one how does achieve +oNeYWkuHPCE-01052-00220680-00220913 technically uh it's interesting what we +oNeYWkuHPCE-01053-00220914-00221284 do is we put the release version +oNeYWkuHPCE-01054-00221285-00221608 in the URL for the muralist for the +oNeYWkuHPCE-01055-00221609-00221921 young repositories so system release has +oNeYWkuHPCE-01056-00221921-00222077 the full version number in it and when +oNeYWkuHPCE-01057-00222078-00222227 you go and look at the URL to where's my +oNeYWkuHPCE-01058-00222228-00222346 repositories +oNeYWkuHPCE-01059-00222348-00222496 there it is that's the version number +oNeYWkuHPCE-01060-00222498-00222689 for it and what this means is that when +oNeYWkuHPCE-01061-00222690-00222832 you want to move what what version you +oNeYWkuHPCE-01062-00222833-00223025 pin to you just upgrade your downgrade +oNeYWkuHPCE-01063-00223026-00223205 system release if you're within a if +oNeYWkuHPCE-01064-00223206-00223391 you're within an instance and it just +oNeYWkuHPCE-01065-00223392-00223541 means that we build new system release +oNeYWkuHPCE-01066-00223542-00223810 every time we do a a new release of a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01067-00223811-00223973 package in there it also means that we +oNeYWkuHPCE-01068-00223973-00224087 have to build +oNeYWkuHPCE-01069-00224088-00224284 a lot of new armies and a lot of new +oNeYWkuHPCE-01070-00224285-00224579 container images uh but it does mean +oNeYWkuHPCE-01071-00224580-00224717 it's work for us but it means it's +oNeYWkuHPCE-01072-00224717-00224891 simpler for customers right you just +oNeYWkuHPCE-01073-00224892-00225046 have these one top level object that you +oNeYWkuHPCE-01074-00225048-00225196 have to care about of moving your OS +oNeYWkuHPCE-01075-00225198-00225413 forward or backwards and it even require +oNeYWkuHPCE-01076-00225414-00225581 could make you think about where it's +oNeYWkuHPCE-01077-00225582-00225803 like if I have an SLA to patch +oNeYWkuHPCE-01078-00225804-00226006 vulnerabilities within a certain number +oNeYWkuHPCE-01079-00226007-00226223 of days as long as I cycle all of my +oNeYWkuHPCE-01080-00226223-00226391 instances to the latest +oNeYWkuHPCE-01081-00226392-00226751 um army within a different uh uh within +oNeYWkuHPCE-01082-00226752-00226906 a group of instances guess what +oNeYWkuHPCE-01083-00226907-00227087 everything's up today you want to patch +oNeYWkuHPCE-01084-00227088-00227248 within seven days or all your instances +oNeYWkuHPCE-01085-00227250-00227392 less than seven days old now using +oNeYWkuHPCE-01086-00227394-00227608 latest Army guess what you're fine and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01087-00227609-00227813 just do that so yes each system release +oNeYWkuHPCE-01088-00227814-00227969 version sets a different release for a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01089-00227969-00228251 stream so everyone you can look at the +oNeYWkuHPCE-01090-00228252-00228401 history about our system release in our +oNeYWkuHPCE-01091-00228402-00228587 2022 and they're all different version +oNeYWkuHPCE-01092-00228588-00228737 numbers there and it just comes in there +oNeYWkuHPCE-01093-00228738-00229013 there's also a dnf plugin that says hey +oNeYWkuHPCE-01094-00229014-00229271 there's a new version to move to uh and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01095-00229271-00229367 that you can do that and gives +oNeYWkuHPCE-01096-00229367-00229534 information and a link to release notes +oNeYWkuHPCE-01097-00229535-00229673 and the like +oNeYWkuHPCE-01098-00229673-00229841 and no doubt the sort of different ways +oNeYWkuHPCE-01099-00229842-00229991 we want to tune this into the future to +oNeYWkuHPCE-01100-00229992-00230303 get um uh you know more obvious to +oNeYWkuHPCE-01101-00230304-00230453 people in there so it'd be interesting +oNeYWkuHPCE-01102-00230454-00230621 to get people's feedback on it +oNeYWkuHPCE-01103-00230621-00230867 practically Works uh it's also a very +oNeYWkuHPCE-01104-00230867-00231010 sort of different model when like a lot +oNeYWkuHPCE-01105-00231011-00231227 of the time uh everyone's doing like +oNeYWkuHPCE-01106-00231228-00231406 Heroes new instance launches rather than +oNeYWkuHPCE-01107-00231407-00231563 you know I have a laptop running in a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01108-00231564-00231773 list and I'm running uh things backwards +oNeYWkuHPCE-01109-00231773-00231953 and forwards but it may be something it +oNeYWkuHPCE-01110-00231954-00232108 does to think about in the context of +oNeYWkuHPCE-01111-00232109-00232289 like could this make sense in Fedora and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01112-00232290-00232492 what would we we want to do in order to +oNeYWkuHPCE-01113-00232494-00232667 do a similar thing in that +oNeYWkuHPCE-01114-00232667-00232787 uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-01115-00232788-00233044 and this this sort of painting is +oNeYWkuHPCE-01116-00233046-00233158 something one of the largest sort of +oNeYWkuHPCE-01117-00233159-00233339 operational lessons we've learned um +oNeYWkuHPCE-01118-00233340-00233519 over the time of shipping Amazon Linux +oNeYWkuHPCE-01119-00233519-00233819 and it is one of the things that +oNeYWkuHPCE-01120-00233819-00233981 could be quite beneficial for talking +oNeYWkuHPCE-01121-00233982-00234215 about what changes come and when as well +oNeYWkuHPCE-01122-00234216-00234401 as having options for +oNeYWkuHPCE-01123-00234402-00234634 oh no something went wrong how do I work +oNeYWkuHPCE-01124-00234635-00234791 out what went wrong while still +oNeYWkuHPCE-01125-00234792-00235210 recovering my production environment +oNeYWkuHPCE-01126-00235211-00235360 we also added some packages another +oNeYWkuHPCE-01127-00235361-00235529 thing we ended up doing so there's a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01128-00235530-00235673 whole bunch of sort of various AWS +oNeYWkuHPCE-01129-00235673-00235889 agents and and services in there and not +oNeYWkuHPCE-01130-00235890-00236098 all of these in Fedora yet but it's +oNeYWkuHPCE-01131-00236100-00236213 something we're working on and are +oNeYWkuHPCE-01132-00236214-00236501 motivated to to fix and resolve +oNeYWkuHPCE-01133-00236502-00236681 um there's a bunch of different RPMs +oNeYWkuHPCE-01134-00236682-00236848 that we should hear that that +oNeYWkuHPCE-01135-00236850-00237053 just need to get into a state where you +oNeYWkuHPCE-01136-00237054-00237173 can submit them in as new packages to +oNeYWkuHPCE-01137-00237173-00237346 Fedora and maintain them there yeah +oNeYWkuHPCE-01138-00237348-00237539 pretty simple +oNeYWkuHPCE-01139-00237540-00237760 um if people have some review Cycles uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-01140-00237761-00238096 that is also uh uh very helpful in there +oNeYWkuHPCE-01141-00238098-00238253 um and we're working internally with +oNeYWkuHPCE-01142-00238254-00238541 teams as well uh uh to get them there +oNeYWkuHPCE-01143-00238542-00239117 um which will be good +oNeYWkuHPCE-01144-00239117-00239344 we also made uh some choices in sort of +oNeYWkuHPCE-01145-00239346-00239519 our tool chain and sort of what base +oNeYWkuHPCE-01146-00239519-00239771 architectures we're building from so for +oNeYWkuHPCE-01147-00239771-00240113 the arch 64 so I'm 64-bit environments +oNeYWkuHPCE-01148-00240114-00240287 we're building for graviton 2 as a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01149-00240288-00240467 minimal processor there's a bunch of +oNeYWkuHPCE-01150-00240467-00240756 nice sort of uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-01151-00240757-00241096 attributes that we have uh in graviton 2 +oNeYWkuHPCE-01152-00241098-00241234 and that's CPU architecture that gets +oNeYWkuHPCE-01153-00241235-00241355 this performance across the board so +oNeYWkuHPCE-01154-00241356-00241481 we've all just grab it on two as a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01155-00241482-00241732 minimal CPU type we also came to +oNeYWkuHPCE-01156-00241733-00241979 conclusion that sort of x8664 V2 is a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01157-00241980-00242123 metal platform makes a lot of sense +oNeYWkuHPCE-01158-00242123-00242351 turns out roles make the same decision +oNeYWkuHPCE-01159-00242352-00242608 so it's a nice Coincidence of events uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-01160-00242609-00242794 we're shipping sort of gcc-11 +oNeYWkuHPCE-01161-00242796-00243058 um which is you know not the latest uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-01162-00243059-00243353 uh version of GCC that's uh there but +oNeYWkuHPCE-01163-00243354-00243569 it's also a nice stable place to start +oNeYWkuHPCE-01164-00243569-00243791 at and keep on for a while and has been +oNeYWkuHPCE-01165-00243792-00244042 for the preview life cycle we do make +oNeYWkuHPCE-01166-00244044-00244187 the change of building everything with +oNeYWkuHPCE-01167-00244188-00244360 auto vectorization turned on so it's +oNeYWkuHPCE-01168-00244361-00244529 like that that default that comes with +oNeYWkuHPCE-01169-00244530-00244739 GCC 12. it's like we've done that in so +oNeYWkuHPCE-01170-00244740-00244901 gcc-11 that seems to be working pretty +oNeYWkuHPCE-01171-00244902-00245134 well for us we're also really modern on +oNeYWkuHPCE-01172-00245135-00245339 our sort of go Lang and rust and llbm +oNeYWkuHPCE-01173-00245340-00245632 Tool chains uh you know maybe switching +oNeYWkuHPCE-01174-00245633-00245758 everything to be based on anywhere level +oNeYWkuHPCE-01175-00245759-00245896 VM or something you do on a release +oNeYWkuHPCE-01176-00245898-00246041 boundary it turns out we have a release +oNeYWkuHPCE-01177-00246042-00246282 boundary so we're actually like llcm14 +oNeYWkuHPCE-01178-00246283-00246484 and there's a lot of similarity with +oNeYWkuHPCE-01179-00246485-00246653 some Fedora branches here and and some +oNeYWkuHPCE-01180-00246654-00246844 are a few different choices and some of +oNeYWkuHPCE-01181-00246846-00247042 that is just climbing when we're cutting +oNeYWkuHPCE-01182-00247044-00247175 a release and then we can make sort of +oNeYWkuHPCE-01183-00247176-00247306 changes coming up +oNeYWkuHPCE-01184-00247307-00247469 so +oNeYWkuHPCE-01185-00247469-00247715 what about working with Fedora uh it's +oNeYWkuHPCE-01186-00247716-00247889 been an exciting thing to start uh it's +oNeYWkuHPCE-01187-00247890-00248003 one of those things where you're like +oNeYWkuHPCE-01188-00248004-00248189 early on before it announced like should +oNeYWkuHPCE-01189-00248190-00248291 we send some patches and see what +oNeYWkuHPCE-01190-00248292-00248441 happens since anyone notices what we +oNeYWkuHPCE-01191-00248442-00248687 might be doing uh but it's also exciting +oNeYWkuHPCE-01192-00248688-00248867 to sort of work sort of more and more in +oNeYWkuHPCE-01193-00248867-00249023 that and sort of see where we grow in +oNeYWkuHPCE-01194-00249023-00249173 that regard and nurture that +oNeYWkuHPCE-01195-00249173-00249371 relationship and some of these ways are +oNeYWkuHPCE-01196-00249371-00249515 more sort of visible than others and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01197-00249516-00249658 this will naturally evolve and develop +oNeYWkuHPCE-01198-00249659-00249917 over time like right now I look at you +oNeYWkuHPCE-01199-00249917-00250048 know my Fedora account it's like there's +oNeYWkuHPCE-01200-00250050-00250265 a bunch of open and merged pull requests +oNeYWkuHPCE-01201-00250266-00250481 for like every random spec file log fix +oNeYWkuHPCE-01202-00250482-00250721 you can think of uh some as like you +oNeYWkuHPCE-01203-00250721-00250901 know adding gpg signature verification +oNeYWkuHPCE-01204-00250902-00251134 to some packages that you know could +oNeYWkuHPCE-01205-00251135-00251351 have it but didn't uh some of the things +oNeYWkuHPCE-01206-00251352-00251627 are moving uh some options to sort of a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01207-00251628-00251867 beacon so it's easy to to flip one way +oNeYWkuHPCE-01208-00251867-00252058 or the other and the patch we carry +oNeYWkuHPCE-01209-00252059-00252317 Downstream are a lot easier to continue +oNeYWkuHPCE-01210-00252317-00252515 to maintain and there's that Suite of +oNeYWkuHPCE-01211-00252516-00252748 AWS packages that want to ship +oNeYWkuHPCE-01212-00252750-00252923 um uh as well and that should start to +oNeYWkuHPCE-01213-00252923-00253139 to move up as well one of the things +oNeYWkuHPCE-01214-00253140-00253439 that we had uh as a really strong desire +oNeYWkuHPCE-01215-00253440-00253756 was to ship iws CLI version 2 as part of +oNeYWkuHPCE-01216-00253757-00254098 our 2022 and talking to the awcli team +oNeYWkuHPCE-01217-00254100-00254231 were like you know one of the conditions +oNeYWkuHPCE-01218-00254232-00254434 here is that like we've got to get this +oNeYWkuHPCE-01219-00254435-00254639 and all of its dependencies into a state +oNeYWkuHPCE-01220-00254640-00254891 where it could live in fedora and the +oNeYWkuHPCE-01221-00254892-00255167 the real motivation uh there was like so +oNeYWkuHPCE-01222-00255167-00255329 it's like otherwise you're maintaining +oNeYWkuHPCE-01223-00255330-00255631 AWS cliv1 for another five years +oNeYWkuHPCE-01224-00255632-00255946 and and so it's that that level of work +oNeYWkuHPCE-01225-00255948-00256079 we have to go through and talk to you +oNeYWkuHPCE-01226-00256080-00256342 know the various new like awsc SDK teams +oNeYWkuHPCE-01227-00256344-00256594 s20 LS and the like and we have to think +oNeYWkuHPCE-01228-00256596-00256834 about what do we want to do uh there in +oNeYWkuHPCE-01229-00256835-00256979 order to get things into state to move +oNeYWkuHPCE-01230-00256980-00257315 and get them into Fedora as well uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-01231-00257316-00257477 a lot of things that we look at often +oNeYWkuHPCE-01232-00257478-00257621 involve having a Linux distribution that +oNeYWkuHPCE-01233-00257621-00257782 works well in the cloud and integrate +oNeYWkuHPCE-01234-00257783-00258106 well with cloud services and so uh it's +oNeYWkuHPCE-01235-00258107-00258215 one of those things where we want to +oNeYWkuHPCE-01236-00258216-00258371 work out like what can we do here that's +oNeYWkuHPCE-01237-00258371-00258544 sort of like maybe you know a little bit +oNeYWkuHPCE-01238-00258546-00258694 of work right now you know sometimes a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01239-00258696-00258869 bit of an adventure but we'll have long +oNeYWkuHPCE-01240-00258869-00259096 full dividends long term right like if +oNeYWkuHPCE-01241-00259098-00259282 we get we get all these packages in a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01242-00259283-00259379 state where they can be accepted into +oNeYWkuHPCE-01243-00259380-00259546 Fedora it makes it much easier to then +oNeYWkuHPCE-01244-00259548-00259732 sort of package for deviant and look at +oNeYWkuHPCE-01245-00259733-00259937 other distributions as well and so +oNeYWkuHPCE-01246-00259938-00260087 that's sort of a really nice thing if I +oNeYWkuHPCE-01247-00260088-00260225 do with some of the fundamental work +oNeYWkuHPCE-01248-00260226-00260471 internally +oNeYWkuHPCE-01249-00260471-00260734 and Bitcoins is almost worth its own +oNeYWkuHPCE-01250-00260735-00260848 little section +oNeYWkuHPCE-01251-00260850-00260951 um I +oNeYWkuHPCE-01252-00260952-00261113 I'm saving everyone's eyes by not +oNeYWkuHPCE-01253-00261114-00261227 copying and pasting some of the if +oNeYWkuHPCE-01254-00261228-00261382 conditions because you look at it and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01255-00261383-00261503 you look at like okay what are some of +oNeYWkuHPCE-01256-00261504-00261641 the changes we've made and what does +oNeYWkuHPCE-01257-00261642-00261779 that look like inside some of the spec +oNeYWkuHPCE-01258-00261780-00262055 files and you look at it and you go +oNeYWkuHPCE-01259-00262056-00262217 well there's got to be an easier way and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01260-00262218-00262421 a better way than having sort of nests +oNeYWkuHPCE-01261-00262422-00262703 of if Fedora else if Rel else if Amazon +oNeYWkuHPCE-01262-00262704-00263063 else if other and doing it in 5 10 15 +oNeYWkuHPCE-01263-00263064-00263273 different ways and it's especially got +oNeYWkuHPCE-01264-00263274-00263399 to be easy when you think about what +oNeYWkuHPCE-01265-00263400-00263608 about when we want to emerge or a rebase +oNeYWkuHPCE-01266-00263609-00263830 even like within a major OS release or +oNeYWkuHPCE-01267-00263831-00264071 across them uh would it even be possible +oNeYWkuHPCE-01268-00264072-00264227 to go hey all of these these options +oNeYWkuHPCE-01269-00264228-00264377 we've set in here what if we just said +oNeYWkuHPCE-01270-00264378-00264569 try and apply those same options to +oNeYWkuHPCE-01271-00264570-00264725 Fedora Rawhide and see what falls out +oNeYWkuHPCE-01272-00264726-00264958 like how would we even do that and you +oNeYWkuHPCE-01273-00264959-00265084 look at it and you go like you know what +oNeYWkuHPCE-01274-00265085-00265217 patches do you want to send sort of +oNeYWkuHPCE-01275-00265218-00265456 upstream and you're like making the if +oNeYWkuHPCE-01276-00265457-00265841 then if if else nested B con stuff like +oNeYWkuHPCE-01277-00265842-00266021 we should just find a better way and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01278-00266022-00266332 make it cleaner and do it that way uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-01279-00266333-00266573 uh yeah Fedora iln would be interesting +oNeYWkuHPCE-01280-00266574-00266687 it's something like we've thought about +oNeYWkuHPCE-01281-00266688-00266873 like how do we do this internally and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01282-00266874-00267065 think about that and know sort of what +oNeYWkuHPCE-01283-00267066-00267167 are the bits we're going to have to +oNeYWkuHPCE-01284-00267168-00267508 concentrate on to reduce our our life +oNeYWkuHPCE-01285-00267509-00267660 cycle of building something +oNeYWkuHPCE-01286-00267661-00267910 uh so we've been thinking about things +oNeYWkuHPCE-01287-00267911-00268103 like okay now that we've got something +oNeYWkuHPCE-01288-00268104-00268205 that's like you're as a release +oNeYWkuHPCE-01289-00268206-00268408 candidate of an operating system we have +oNeYWkuHPCE-01290-00268409-00268571 a really good idea of like what things +oNeYWkuHPCE-01291-00268572-00268769 we change and maybe some of these things +oNeYWkuHPCE-01292-00268770-00268930 should be +oNeYWkuHPCE-01293-00268931-00269045 um +oNeYWkuHPCE-01294-00269046-00269315 yeah like some nesting if L and like +oNeYWkuHPCE-01295-00269316-00269434 sometimes you look at it and you go like +oNeYWkuHPCE-01296-00269435-00269663 well this is already in the spec file +oNeYWkuHPCE-01297-00269664-00269813 how much of a complex diff do we want +oNeYWkuHPCE-01298-00269814-00270005 versus to clean up everything and and so +oNeYWkuHPCE-01299-00270006-00270125 it's going to be an interesting route +oNeYWkuHPCE-01300-00270126-00270323 that we go for there but maybe we've +oNeYWkuHPCE-01301-00270324-00270401 thought about some of these things +oNeYWkuHPCE-01302-00270402-00270587 should maybe be distro level Flags in a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01303-00270588-00270719 way and that way we could possibly +oNeYWkuHPCE-01304-00270720-00270982 introduce and remove sort of optional +oNeYWkuHPCE-01305-00270983-00271180 functionality from packages uh even +oNeYWkuHPCE-01306-00271181-00271355 within Fedora over release boundaries +oNeYWkuHPCE-01307-00271356-00271553 like a world where we start removing +oNeYWkuHPCE-01308-00271554-00271751 something like you know gtk2 or pcre +oNeYWkuHPCE-01309-00271752-00272141 version V1 uh could we start by sort of +oNeYWkuHPCE-01310-00272142-00272410 flipping a distro level Beacon you know +oNeYWkuHPCE-01311-00272411-00272608 disable it build time uh where it's an +oNeYWkuHPCE-01312-00272609-00272795 option and then rebuild the world and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01313-00272796-00272980 see what falls out like some of these +oNeYWkuHPCE-01314-00272981-00273113 things could be sort of interesting +oNeYWkuHPCE-01315-00273114-00273232 approach instead of like just +oNeYWkuHPCE-01316-00273233-00273449 progressively go through and examine the +oNeYWkuHPCE-01317-00273450-00273623 dependency tree more and more and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01318-00273624-00273821 realize that oh we can become this and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01319-00273822-00273947 then you need to do it a beacon because +oNeYWkuHPCE-01320-00273948-00274103 different levels of fedori of +oNeYWkuHPCE-01321-00274104-00274234 maintaining the spec file for have +oNeYWkuHPCE-01322-00274235-00274432 different options enabled and the same +oNeYWkuHPCE-01323-00274433-00274595 thing for Amazon Linux like there's +oNeYWkuHPCE-01324-00274596-00274739 there's probably a few different +oNeYWkuHPCE-01325-00274740-00274858 approaches there where you can get +oNeYWkuHPCE-01326-00274859-00275032 something that looks a lot nicer +oNeYWkuHPCE-01327-00275033-00275225 we're also thinking maybe some of these +oNeYWkuHPCE-01328-00275226-00275393 things need to be local on a per package +oNeYWkuHPCE-01329-00275394-00275549 level this is pure functionality within +oNeYWkuHPCE-01330-00275550-00275687 a package it's not related to something +oNeYWkuHPCE-01331-00275688-00276034 sort of a distribution level uh feature +oNeYWkuHPCE-01332-00276035-00276203 so maybe that should sort of sit in sort +oNeYWkuHPCE-01333-00276204-00276382 of RPM Auto spec or similar where you +oNeYWkuHPCE-01334-00276383-00276665 could have a you know amzn econ file +oNeYWkuHPCE-01335-00276666-00276803 that sets some different options than +oNeYWkuHPCE-01336-00276804-00277055 the Fedora one then maybe the el1 or +oNeYWkuHPCE-01337-00277056-00277295 whatever uh and maybe that's easy and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01338-00277296-00277445 that could simply be because it's then +oNeYWkuHPCE-01339-00277446-00277721 easier to git merge and get rebase or +oNeYWkuHPCE-01340-00277722-00277882 have a downstream distro that's making +oNeYWkuHPCE-01341-00277883-00278080 different choices or not just having +oNeYWkuHPCE-01342-00278081-00278291 everything sitting in Fedora just get as +oNeYWkuHPCE-01343-00278292-00278465 as things scattered around +oNeYWkuHPCE-01344-00278466-00278645 uh we already do something similar where +oNeYWkuHPCE-01345-00278646-00278980 we have an amzn change log file and we +oNeYWkuHPCE-01346-00278981-00279245 just have a a Koji plugin that goes and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01347-00279246-00279532 mergers them uh we didn't want to delete +oNeYWkuHPCE-01348-00279533-00279713 all of the change log files and inspect +oNeYWkuHPCE-01349-00279714-00279845 files we want to you know acknowledge +oNeYWkuHPCE-01350-00279846-00280043 that that work has been done by others +oNeYWkuHPCE-01351-00280044-00280223 in there but we don't want to you know +oNeYWkuHPCE-01352-00280224-00280415 constantly have git merge conflicts and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01353-00280416-00280565 it's sort of easy to do that at build +oNeYWkuHPCE-01354-00280566-00280708 time because the diff is like really +oNeYWkuHPCE-01355-00280709-00280984 easy to review as well and really easy +oNeYWkuHPCE-01356-00280985-00281339 to manage +oNeYWkuHPCE-01357-00281340-00281489 there's also things that we think about +oNeYWkuHPCE-01358-00281490-00281723 where it's like a distribution specific +oNeYWkuHPCE-01359-00281724-00281903 release number and how do we think about +oNeYWkuHPCE-01360-00281904-00282113 that we add sort of you know a bit under +oNeYWkuHPCE-01361-00282114-00282317 the disk tag at the end of the the NVR +oNeYWkuHPCE-01362-00282318-00282521 and go like this is sort of outer vision +oNeYWkuHPCE-01363-00282522-00282784 of things and it's useful for human eyes +oNeYWkuHPCE-01364-00282785-00282941 to compare you know what's the revision +oNeYWkuHPCE-01365-00282942-00283145 that that is uh coming from Fedora and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01366-00283146-00283295 then what have we changed on top of it +oNeYWkuHPCE-01367-00283296-00283601 have we changed anything uh in there uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-01368-00283602-00283691 and that's sort of interesting thing +oNeYWkuHPCE-01369-00283692-00283853 we've been thinking about of what might +oNeYWkuHPCE-01370-00283854-00284075 be might be a functioning for in the +oNeYWkuHPCE-01371-00284076-00284153 future +oNeYWkuHPCE-01372-00284154-00284410 uh we also did work on on instance +oNeYWkuHPCE-01373-00284411-00284549 launch times in there and we're thinking +oNeYWkuHPCE-01374-00284550-00284717 about what can we do and push Upstream +oNeYWkuHPCE-01375-00284718-00285023 into Fedora as well uh we've made +oNeYWkuHPCE-01376-00285024-00285184 improvements uh throughout al2's +oNeYWkuHPCE-01377-00285185-00285341 Lifetime and we've done similar efforts +oNeYWkuHPCE-01378-00285342-00285587 on our 2022 and made a few choices you +oNeYWkuHPCE-01379-00285588-00285856 can only make on a major OS boundary and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01380-00285857-00285989 some of these are choices that could +oNeYWkuHPCE-01381-00285990-00286156 easily be enabled in Fedora like we +oNeYWkuHPCE-01382-00286157-00286373 could have a a way of thinking around +oNeYWkuHPCE-01383-00286374-00286675 you know a jacket config ec2 uh to only +oNeYWkuHPCE-01384-00286676-00287003 uh uh think away think about a way of +oNeYWkuHPCE-01385-00287004-00287165 like what do we build in +oNeYWkuHPCE-01386-00287166-00287555 uh to to the cloud images by default uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-01387-00287556-00287734 even choices on like what our cloud in +oNeYWkuHPCE-01388-00287735-00287921 it configuration is like we don't +oNeYWkuHPCE-01389-00287922-00288089 necessarily need to run Cloud local when +oNeYWkuHPCE-01390-00288090-00288263 you're running in a cloud how do we do +oNeYWkuHPCE-01391-00288264-00288437 that based on where you're booting and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01392-00288438-00288689 even what SSH hosts key types to +oNeYWkuHPCE-01393-00288690-00288851 generate like how much interest could be +oNeYWkuHPCE-01394-00288852-00289019 do you have on boot to generate a whole +oNeYWkuHPCE-01395-00289020-00289229 bunch of SSH host Keys which aren't ever +oNeYWkuHPCE-01396-00289230-00289360 going to be used and there's other +oNeYWkuHPCE-01397-00289361-00289499 things like disabled compression +oNeYWkuHPCE-01398-00289500-00289684 algorithms and Kmart and the like that +oNeYWkuHPCE-01399-00289685-00289829 may or may not be suitable for as fast +oNeYWkuHPCE-01400-00289830-00290015 Fedora so we're looking at like what can +oNeYWkuHPCE-01401-00290016-00290219 we do here and sort of you know push in +oNeYWkuHPCE-01402-00290220-00290447 Fedora versus as Downstream patches as +oNeYWkuHPCE-01403-00290448-00290567 well +oNeYWkuHPCE-01404-00290568-00290729 um I need to look into how we're doing +oNeYWkuHPCE-01405-00290730-00290921 in the hyperscale Sig and Fedora as well +oNeYWkuHPCE-01406-00290922-00291160 to see like does it sort of suit all of +oNeYWkuHPCE-01407-00291161-00291401 our needs and how can we do it +oNeYWkuHPCE-01408-00291402-00291556 there's also things around container +oNeYWkuHPCE-01409-00291557-00291779 image size uh customers are really Keen +oNeYWkuHPCE-01410-00291780-00291934 to have as minimal dependencies as +oNeYWkuHPCE-01411-00291935-00292132 possible both in a container image and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01412-00292133-00292325 on an army I mean it saves time and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01413-00292326-00292553 space and you know shuffling a container +oNeYWkuHPCE-01414-00292554-00292751 image around extracting on disk and as +oNeYWkuHPCE-01415-00292752-00292937 well as having to apply patches when you +oNeYWkuHPCE-01416-00292938-00293093 have to update a package inside your +oNeYWkuHPCE-01417-00293094-00293255 container or do your army if it's not +oNeYWkuHPCE-01418-00293256-00293393 there it's really easy you don't have to +oNeYWkuHPCE-01419-00293394-00293680 do a patching run through a plate and so +oNeYWkuHPCE-01420-00293681-00293837 we managed to do some of these so like +oNeYWkuHPCE-01421-00293838-00293987 you know curl men and we're going to PG +oNeYWkuHPCE-01422-00293988-00294155 minimal and a couple of other tricks +oNeYWkuHPCE-01423-00294156-00294419 have gotten us down to the point where I +oNeYWkuHPCE-01424-00294420-00294701 nailed 2022 container image is a decent +oNeYWkuHPCE-01425-00294702-00294905 chunks more than 902 one and there's +oNeYWkuHPCE-01426-00294906-00295019 even a literally a little bit smaller +oNeYWkuHPCE-01427-00295020-00295163 than the Fedora one I think it's because +oNeYWkuHPCE-01428-00295164-00295349 of that sort of coral metal and canopy +oNeYWkuHPCE-01429-00295350-00295534 do minimal stuff there um rather than +oNeYWkuHPCE-01430-00295535-00295745 anything else so expect you know +oNeYWkuHPCE-01431-00295746-00295937 probably a fedora enhancement proposal +oNeYWkuHPCE-01432-00295938-00296171 to go with the Chrome minimal for gnu PG +oNeYWkuHPCE-01433-00296172-00296308 minimal this is definitely something we +oNeYWkuHPCE-01434-00296309-00296513 could think about in the larger Fedora +oNeYWkuHPCE-01435-00296514-00296597 context +oNeYWkuHPCE-01436-00296598-00296951 uh is working on and so how are we going +oNeYWkuHPCE-01437-00296952-00297089 to work with Fedora it's like well like +oNeYWkuHPCE-01438-00297090-00297245 any other contributor there's a there's +oNeYWkuHPCE-01439-00297246-00297365 a bunch of people working for Amazon +oNeYWkuHPCE-01440-00297366-00297743 increasingly doing things with Al 2022 +oNeYWkuHPCE-01441-00297744-00297905 um we're also got you know a bit of a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01442-00297906-00298055 backlog of some patches that could +oNeYWkuHPCE-01443-00298056-00298187 definitely go Upstream we need to sort +oNeYWkuHPCE-01444-00298188-00298313 of work our way through that and reason +oNeYWkuHPCE-01445-00298314-00298493 about what's the best way to to get +oNeYWkuHPCE-01446-00298494-00298619 those in their upstream or whether we +oNeYWkuHPCE-01447-00298620-00298756 should maintain them Downstream for a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01448-00298757-00298967 period of time uh all around sort of +oNeYWkuHPCE-01449-00298968-00299153 package selection there in curation and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01450-00299154-00299332 what do we do it's always in larger +oNeYWkuHPCE-01451-00299333-00299458 things we want to think about coming +oNeYWkuHPCE-01452-00299459-00299597 from that +oNeYWkuHPCE-01453-00299598-00299753 um there's even thoughts of thinking +oNeYWkuHPCE-01454-00299754-00299879 like well +oNeYWkuHPCE-01455-00299880-00300089 we've got build requires and requires +oNeYWkuHPCE-01456-00300090-00300353 should we think about test requires like +oNeYWkuHPCE-01457-00300354-00300491 there's a bunch of the dependency graph +oNeYWkuHPCE-01458-00300492-00300682 that only comes into into play when +oNeYWkuHPCE-01459-00300683-00300839 you're running a check section and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01460-00300840-00300977 you're like running the check section is +oNeYWkuHPCE-01461-00300978-00301163 nice I like doing it I don't necessarily +oNeYWkuHPCE-01462-00301164-00301301 want to ship every single package that +oNeYWkuHPCE-01463-00301302-00301595 we made uh to have have happened so +oNeYWkuHPCE-01464-00301596-00301775 maybe that's a a thing that we need to +oNeYWkuHPCE-01465-00301776-00301925 think about as one of those bigger +oNeYWkuHPCE-01466-00301926-00302075 things we could think about to make you +oNeYWkuHPCE-01467-00302076-00302219 know our lives easier in the future as +oNeYWkuHPCE-01468-00302220-00302417 well as the dependency graph be more +oNeYWkuHPCE-01469-00302418-00302873 explicit about why something is there +oNeYWkuHPCE-01470-00302874-00303058 um we're also like likely to touch sort +oNeYWkuHPCE-01471-00303059-00303155 of more components of the average +oNeYWkuHPCE-01472-00303156-00303347 contributor right that model where it's +oNeYWkuHPCE-01473-00303348-00303508 uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-01474-00303509-00303719 yeah that sort of if with tests but also +oNeYWkuHPCE-01475-00303720-00303887 like you know check requires could also +oNeYWkuHPCE-01476-00303888-00304019 mean like well here's a repository out +oNeYWkuHPCE-01477-00304020-00304145 to the side with things that exist +oNeYWkuHPCE-01478-00304146-00304355 purely to run test Suites and that we +oNeYWkuHPCE-01479-00304356-00304463 can move that in entirely different +oNeYWkuHPCE-01480-00304464-00304630 Cadence than sort of other packages in +oNeYWkuHPCE-01481-00304631-00304804 the OS like it's it's one of those +oNeYWkuHPCE-01482-00304805-00304937 thoughts where it's like of course it +oNeYWkuHPCE-01483-00304938-00305075 has to make it to the top of someone's +oNeYWkuHPCE-01484-00305076-00305303 priority queue and and to do it is a big +oNeYWkuHPCE-01485-00305304-00305471 pain point but it might be something +oNeYWkuHPCE-01486-00305472-00305639 that that you know could start to be +oNeYWkuHPCE-01487-00305640-00305903 chipped away at uh and think about how +oNeYWkuHPCE-01488-00305904-00306221 it would look uh so yeah we're conscious +oNeYWkuHPCE-01489-00306222-00306334 of the fact that you're making pull +oNeYWkuHPCE-01490-00306335-00306539 requests it does actually make work for +oNeYWkuHPCE-01491-00306540-00306706 people you know I'm a bit of a backlog +oNeYWkuHPCE-01492-00306707-00306880 myself like it's that that balance +oNeYWkuHPCE-01493-00306881-00307301 between getting something to uh uh uh a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01494-00307302-00307427 level to release in the operating system +oNeYWkuHPCE-01495-00307428-00307558 and how do we get that upstream and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01496-00307559-00307739 balance that time and it's always it's +oNeYWkuHPCE-01497-00307740-00308027 always a fun uh thing to balance and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01498-00308028-00308177 there's some components right that we +oNeYWkuHPCE-01499-00308178-00308458 rely on and probably stepping up to help +oNeYWkuHPCE-01500-00308459-00308603 maintain them in Fedora or maintaining +oNeYWkuHPCE-01501-00308604-00308771 them outright as the right thing to do +oNeYWkuHPCE-01502-00308772-00308980 is it's beneficial to anyone to everyone +oNeYWkuHPCE-01503-00308981-00309227 so and so there's some tooling also that +oNeYWkuHPCE-01504-00309228-00309419 we have internally that might be useful +oNeYWkuHPCE-01505-00309420-00309595 to open source and work out if we we can +oNeYWkuHPCE-01506-00309596-00309815 you know how tight is it to internal +oNeYWkuHPCE-01507-00309816-00309989 Amazon Services versus you know a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01508-00309990-00310169 benefit for having that out there and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01509-00310170-00310301 we've been looking at that as well of +oNeYWkuHPCE-01510-00310302-00310523 what might be useful to do because a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01511-00310524-00310703 bunch of our processes are different +oNeYWkuHPCE-01512-00310704-00310901 um right we don't actually have an +oNeYWkuHPCE-01513-00310902-00311093 installer +oNeYWkuHPCE-01514-00311094-00311225 we +oNeYWkuHPCE-01515-00311226-00311417 don't need one spot an image somewhere +oNeYWkuHPCE-01516-00311418-00311597 and run it you know cloud in it is sort +oNeYWkuHPCE-01517-00311598-00311687 of like you know that out of box +oNeYWkuHPCE-01518-00311688-00311854 experience there +oNeYWkuHPCE-01519-00311855-00312101 um uh for us and so that sort of means +oNeYWkuHPCE-01520-00312102-00312227 that we've got you know tools to like +oNeYWkuHPCE-01521-00312228-00312377 you know write an image from scratch and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01522-00312378-00312515 that kind of stuff rather than sort of +oNeYWkuHPCE-01523-00312516-00312634 running it through an installer and +oNeYWkuHPCE-01524-00312635-00312749 that's sort of an interesting thing to +oNeYWkuHPCE-01525-00312750-00312958 think about and as well as this existing +oNeYWkuHPCE-01526-00312959-00313187 tools to do that as well but you know we +oNeYWkuHPCE-01527-00313188-00313301 look at sort of what are the lessons +oNeYWkuHPCE-01528-00313302-00313427 we've learned there what are the things +oNeYWkuHPCE-01529-00313428-00313571 we don't like about our tooling versus +oNeYWkuHPCE-01530-00313572-00313780 what is what is that outside and whether +oNeYWkuHPCE-01531-00313781-00313954 it's you know should we go to the effort +oNeYWkuHPCE-01532-00313955-00314171 of packaging that up externally should +oNeYWkuHPCE-01533-00314172-00314327 we work on a new tool should we adopt +oNeYWkuHPCE-01534-00314328-00314549 some existing ones out there as well all +oNeYWkuHPCE-01535-00314550-00314693 those sort of good questions we can look +oNeYWkuHPCE-01536-00314694-00315017 at in there uh so we're yeah we're +oNeYWkuHPCE-01537-00315018-00315154 expanding in here at the current state +oNeYWkuHPCE-01538-00315155-00315299 of the world is probably uh an +oNeYWkuHPCE-01539-00315300-00315479 interesting one we've recently released +oNeYWkuHPCE-01540-00315480-00315671 what we call as a release candidate zero +oNeYWkuHPCE-01541-00315672-00315815 because of course you can't from zero +oNeYWkuHPCE-01542-00315816-00316073 and that was released the other day uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-01543-00316074-00316253 so sort of another step towards a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01544-00316254-00316456 general availability release of Amazon +oNeYWkuHPCE-01545-00316457-00316727 Linux 2022. uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-01546-00316728-00316925 putting the sort of finishing touches +oNeYWkuHPCE-01547-00316926-00317182 today on what a pull request looks like +oNeYWkuHPCE-01548-00317183-00317321 to the couple of things it's needed for +oNeYWkuHPCE-01549-00317322-00317579 a mock config that could be up in in +oNeYWkuHPCE-01550-00317580-00317813 standard packages and and hopefully try +oNeYWkuHPCE-01551-00317814-00318004 and get sort of a Al 2022 added to +oNeYWkuHPCE-01552-00318005-00318203 Copper or anywhere else and start to do +oNeYWkuHPCE-01553-00318204-00318334 that one of the requirements for that +oNeYWkuHPCE-01554-00318335-00318491 was actually you know I mentioned +oNeYWkuHPCE-01555-00318492-00318647 version locking before and how are we +oNeYWkuHPCE-01556-00318648-00318856 doing uh with release for so it just +oNeYWkuHPCE-01557-00318857-00319019 means we were publishing you know pro +oNeYWkuHPCE-01558-00319020-00319169 version number mirror lists of where the +oNeYWkuHPCE-01559-00319170-00319301 mirrors were we didn't have sort of a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01560-00319302-00319589 latest concept but we added that +oNeYWkuHPCE-01561-00319590-00319847 um yesterday uh in there which is useful +oNeYWkuHPCE-01562-00319848-00320165 for such environments as not only uh you +oNeYWkuHPCE-01563-00320166-00320369 know a Koji build environment going for +oNeYWkuHPCE-01564-00320370-00320501 it and all that yeah I've been meaning +oNeYWkuHPCE-01565-00320502-00320656 the message in here that's been my bad +oNeYWkuHPCE-01566-00320657-00320932 instead I've been editing these slides +oNeYWkuHPCE-01567-00320933-00321365 um uh but uh in in that regard like we +oNeYWkuHPCE-01568-00321366-00321641 want to think about uh how do we use +oNeYWkuHPCE-01569-00321642-00321773 this for building stuff in there how you +oNeYWkuHPCE-01570-00321774-00321923 might integrate that with things that +oNeYWkuHPCE-01571-00321924-00322180 you want to know the the update info +oNeYWkuHPCE-01572-00322181-00322373 feed as well that's up to date on +oNeYWkuHPCE-01573-00322374-00322619 whatever the latest is uh and what's the +oNeYWkuHPCE-01574-00322620-00322739 easiest way to break there as we've got +oNeYWkuHPCE-01575-00322740-00322853 that +oNeYWkuHPCE-01576-00322854-00323080 um so with that I'll say thank you +oNeYWkuHPCE-01577-00323081-00323267 um the the cheeky note of saying and yes +oNeYWkuHPCE-01578-00323268-00323399 we're hiring +oNeYWkuHPCE-01579-00323400-00323543 um is a good thing to finish on there +oNeYWkuHPCE-01580-00323544-00324245 but um thanks very much +oNeYWkuHPCE-01581-00324246-00324437 I forgot the sort of other uh last +oNeYWkuHPCE-01582-00324438-00324556 minute questions there we've got a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01583-00324557-00324749 couple of minutes but uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-01584-00324750-00325060 uh thanks very much good to be here to +oNeYWkuHPCE-01585-00325061-00325613 our community +oNeYWkuHPCE-01586-00325614-00325895 oh q a 10. cool that's the Q a tab it's +oNeYWkuHPCE-01587-00325896-00326153 hard to click uh where are the package +oNeYWkuHPCE-01588-00326154-00326303 tools for Amazon Linux +oNeYWkuHPCE-01589-00326304-00326549 um you can easily uh grab you know use a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01590-00326550-00326704 yum downloader and similar +oNeYWkuHPCE-01591-00326705-00327047 um the the source RPMs uh if you're +oNeYWkuHPCE-01592-00327048-00327341 asking if we have a uh a pile of git +oNeYWkuHPCE-01593-00327342-00327491 repo sitting around somewhere like not +oNeYWkuHPCE-01594-00327492-00327689 yet there's a few things there we want +oNeYWkuHPCE-01595-00327690-00327851 to sort of solve first for for doing +oNeYWkuHPCE-01596-00327852-00328030 that uh to make sure we could do that +oNeYWkuHPCE-01597-00328031-00328217 with care um but we do have all of the +oNeYWkuHPCE-01598-00328218-00328451 the srpms available +oNeYWkuHPCE-01599-00328452-00328660 um actually we have each of the sa RPMs +oNeYWkuHPCE-01600-00328661-00328984 available in every iws region so you can +oNeYWkuHPCE-01601-00328985-00329189 fetch them locally and not do cross +oNeYWkuHPCE-01602-00329190-00329704 region transfer or from a CDN +oNeYWkuHPCE-01603-00329705-00330053 uh when you get Amazon likes and WSL too +oNeYWkuHPCE-01604-00330054-00330256 um +oNeYWkuHPCE-01605-00330257-00330508 it's a good question uh is it released +oNeYWkuHPCE-01606-00330509-00330695 yet um yeah Amazon notice 2022 is +oNeYWkuHPCE-01607-00330696-00330904 currently in Tech preview we have a what +oNeYWkuHPCE-01608-00330905-00331079 we call a release candidate out so we +oNeYWkuHPCE-01609-00331080-00331397 anyone can launch it in any AWS region +oNeYWkuHPCE-01610-00331398-00331582 there's armies uh there's container +oNeYWkuHPCE-01611-00331583-00331787 images so you can easily you know run a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01612-00331788-00332063 Docker or podman uh anything of your +oNeYWkuHPCE-01613-00332064-00332393 favorite container runtime I can grab a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01614-00332394-00332579 container image or you can launch armies +oNeYWkuHPCE-01615-00332580-00332693 in there +oNeYWkuHPCE-01616-00332694-00332908 um uh as well +oNeYWkuHPCE-01617-00332909-00333154 GI is later this year when people have +oNeYWkuHPCE-01618-00333155-00333341 asked one is GA and I said well it's +oNeYWkuHPCE-01619-00333342-00333593 definitely in 2022. +oNeYWkuHPCE-01620-00333594-00333815 yeah for something like wsl2 and other +oNeYWkuHPCE-01621-00333816-00334019 and other sort of out of uh Cloud +oNeYWkuHPCE-01622-00334020-00334151 environments sort of something that's +oNeYWkuHPCE-01623-00334152-00334325 either sitting on a roadmap and priority +oNeYWkuHPCE-01624-00334326-00334553 list we'll have some images up but uh I +oNeYWkuHPCE-01625-00334554-00334727 don't have any immediate plans for WSL +oNeYWkuHPCE-01626-00334728-00334895 too we do have a GitHub project to +oNeYWkuHPCE-01627-00334896-00335110 request features though so that would be +oNeYWkuHPCE-01628-00335111-00335267 a great place to do it +oNeYWkuHPCE-01629-00335268-00335701 um github.com Amazon Linux uh +oNeYWkuHPCE-01630-00335702-00336125 Amazon Linux 2022 uh project +oNeYWkuHPCE-01631-00336126-00336371 um file an issue there for WSL images +oNeYWkuHPCE-01632-00336372-00336556 and it's really useful to know that +oNeYWkuHPCE-01633-00336557-00336779 there is customer need +oNeYWkuHPCE-01634-00336780-00337180 that's what we run on customer requests +oNeYWkuHPCE-01635-00337181-00337403 podman run IL 22 it's what I do on my +oNeYWkuHPCE-01636-00337404-00337571 Fedora machine all the time +oNeYWkuHPCE-01637-00337572-00337913 oh we have a logo like especially one of +oNeYWkuHPCE-01638-00337914-00338129 the team members printed a coaster on it +oNeYWkuHPCE-01639-00338130-00338237 that's wonderful +oNeYWkuHPCE-01640-00338238-00338380 um but we do have some sort of a logo +oNeYWkuHPCE-01641-00338381-00338549 and stuff around which is which is nice +oNeYWkuHPCE-01642-00338550-00338891 for the first time sort of ever +oNeYWkuHPCE-01643-00338892-00339089 well thanks I'm around +oNeYWkuHPCE-01644-00339090-00339275 um feel free to ask questions and say +oNeYWkuHPCE-01645-00339276-00339593 Hello uh yeah Fedora development on +oNeYWkuHPCE-01646-00339594-00339763 Matrix and everything and on the list +oNeYWkuHPCE-01647-00339764-00340067 and would love to know uh correct +oNeYWkuHPCE-01648-00340068-00340330 stickers yes we do have stickers +oNeYWkuHPCE-01649-00340331-00340547 um if you need stickers I will mail you +oNeYWkuHPCE-01650-00340548-00340697 some stickers if you you know there's a +oNeYWkuHPCE-01651-00340698-00340871 lot of stickers we did we did have some +oNeYWkuHPCE-01652-00340872-00341015 at scale um there's some different +oNeYWkuHPCE-01653-00341016-00341308 looking ones in that that box there +oNeYWkuHPCE-01654-00341309-00341543 um that we've got as a sample so more +oNeYWkuHPCE-01655-00341544-00341729 will come and sort of go as many places +oNeYWkuHPCE-01656-00341730-00341908 as possible as well +oNeYWkuHPCE-01657-00341909-00342266 okay thank you +oRR6lPRwuU0-00000-00000053-00000284 in supersymmetry theories of particle +oRR6lPRwuU0-00001-00000285-00000463 physics a gauging though is the +oRR6lPRwuU0-00002-00000464-00000695 hypothetical fermionic supersymmetric +oRR6lPRwuU0-00003-00000696-00000911 field quantum super partner of a gauge +oRR6lPRwuU0-00004-00000911-00001109 field as predicted by gauge theory +oRR6lPRwuU0-00005-00001110-00001370 combined with supersymmetry all gauge +oRR6lPRwuU0-00006-00001371-00001639 iNOS have spin 1/2 except for gravity no +oRR6lPRwuU0-00007-00001641-00001925 spin three-halves in the minimal +oRR6lPRwuU0-00008-00001926-00002141 supersymmetric extension of the standard +oRR6lPRwuU0-00009-00002142-00002350 model the following gauging those exist +oRR6lPRwuU0-00010-00002351-00002626 the gluey no symbol G is the +oRR6lPRwuU0-00011-00002627-00002807 superpartner of the gluon and hence +oRR6lPRwuU0-00012-00002808-00003107 carries color charge the gravity no +oRR6lPRwuU0-00013-00003108-00003346 symbol G is the supersymmetric partner +oRR6lPRwuU0-00014-00003347-00003757 of the graviton 3y knows symbol W plus +oRR6lPRwuU0-00015-00003758-00004021 or minus in W 3 are the super partners +oRR6lPRwuU0-00016-00004022-00004273 of the W bosons of the SU 2l gauge +oRR6lPRwuU0-00017-00004274-00004600 fields the bino is the super partner of +oRR6lPRwuU0-00018-00004601-00004841 the u 1 gauge field corresponding to +oRR6lPRwuU0-00019-00004842-00005041 weak hypercharge sometimes the term +oRR6lPRwuU0-00020-00005042-00005347 electroweak enos is used to refer to +oRR6lPRwuU0-00021-00005348-00005572 winos and binos and on occasion also +oRR6lPRwuU0-00022-00005573-00006159 Higgs eNOS +oRR6lPRwuU0-00023-00006160-00006659 topic mixing +oRR6lPRwuU0-00024-00006661-00006942 gay Gino's mix with Higgs inos the super +oRR6lPRwuU0-00025-00006943-00007128 partners of the Higgs fields degrees of +oRR6lPRwuU0-00026-00007129-00007338 freedom to form mass eigenstates called +oRR6lPRwuU0-00027-00007339-00007512 neutrally knows which are electrically +oRR6lPRwuU0-00028-00007513-00007698 neutral and charge inos which are +oRR6lPRwuU0-00029-00007698-00007944 electrically charged in many +oRR6lPRwuU0-00030-00007945-00008142 supersymmetric models the lightest +oRR6lPRwuU0-00031-00008143-00008421 supersymmetric particle LSP often a +oRR6lPRwuU0-00032-00008422-00008610 neutrally no such as the fruity no is +oRR6lPRwuU0-00033-00008611-00008895 stable in that case it is a wimp and a +oRR6lPRwuU0-00034-00008896-00009535 candidate for dark matter +oRR6lPRwuU0-00035-00009536-00010071 topic see also +oRR6lPRwuU0-00036-00010072-00010453 Gugino condensation +oTRej74CqyE-00000-00000049-00000286 nightmare is a computer game on the +oTRej74CqyE-00001-00000287-00000514 Amiga and Atari Street computer systems +oTRej74CqyE-00002-00000515-00000847 it was released in 1991 by mindscape +oTRej74CqyE-00003-00000848-00001069 International Limited the game was +oTRej74CqyE-00004-00001070-00001311 written by Tony Crowther it is based on +oTRej74CqyE-00005-00001312-00001563 the Anglia television TV show nightmare +oTRej74CqyE-00006-00001564-00001837 this was the second of two games based +oTRej74CqyE-00007-00001838-00002026 on the show following an earlier and +oTRej74CqyE-00008-00002027-00002203 different game also known as nightmare +oTRej74CqyE-00009-00002204-00002407 released four years previously by +oTRej74CqyE-00010-00002408-00002970 Activision +oTRej74CqyE-00011-00002971-00003488 topic development +oTRej74CqyE-00012-00003489-00003806 nightmare is based on the CI TV TV show +oTRej74CqyE-00013-00003807-00003993 of the same name where a group of four +oTRej74CqyE-00014-00003994-00004266 children attempt to complete a quest the +oTRej74CqyE-00015-00004267-00004467 format of the game differs from the TV +oTRej74CqyE-00016-00004468-00004661 show in that the view is in first person +oTRej74CqyE-00017-00004662-00004856 in the TV showed the main player had to +oTRej74CqyE-00018-00004857-00005016 wear a helmet to blind them to their +oTRej74CqyE-00019-00005017-00005271 surroundings nightmare was written by +oTRej74CqyE-00020-00005272-00005486 Tony Crowther who also created the game +oTRej74CqyE-00021-00005487-00005768 captain nightmare uses the same game +oTRej74CqyE-00022-00005769-00005921 engine as captive and has some +oTRej74CqyE-00023-00005922-00006195 similarities but unlike captive where +oTRej74CqyE-00024-00006196-00006296 parts of the level were +oTRej74CqyE-00025-00006297-00006506 computer-generated all the dungeons in +oTRej74CqyE-00026-00006508-00006773 the game were designed by hand nightmare +oTRej74CqyE-00027-00006775-00006993 was published by mindscape International +oTRej74CqyE-00028-00006994-00007199 Limited the player is required to +oTRej74CqyE-00029-00007200-00007395 complete four quests in order to gain +oTRej74CqyE-00030-00007395-00007574 the knowledge and ability to beat Lord +oTRej74CqyE-00031-00007575-00007845 fear the antagonist in the game when +oTRej74CqyE-00032-00007845-00007991 developing the game the developers +oTRej74CqyE-00033-00007992-00008259 traveled to Anglia television studios to +oTRej74CqyE-00034-00008260-00008438 make use of the audio equipment when +oTRej74CqyE-00035-00008439-00009089 producing the sound for the game +oTRej74CqyE-00036-00009090-00009613 topic reception +oTRej74CqyE-00037-00009614-00009838 generally nightmare was received well +oTRej74CqyE-00038-00009839-00010138 Amiga action and Cu Amiga gave the game +oTRej74CqyE-00039-00010139-00010468 scores of 91% and 90% but the game did +oTRej74CqyE-00040-00010469-00010669 not escape lower reviews with Amiga +oTRej74CqyE-00041-00010670-00011008 power rating the game at 75% critics +oTRej74CqyE-00042-00011009-00011209 drew attention to how similar nightmare +oTRej74CqyE-00043-00011210-00011458 is to captive Amiga action indicates +oTRej74CqyE-00044-00011459-00011632 that the quality of the game makes this +oTRej74CqyE-00045-00011633-00011854 less of an issue while Amiga Power said +oTRej74CqyE-00046-00011855-00012037 the captive game engine does not look as +oTRej74CqyE-00047-00012038-00012214 good as the beholder game engine that's +oTRej74CqyE-00048-00012215-00012471 used in eye of the beholder to the +oTRej74CqyE-00049-00012472-00012694 general gameplay was praised with the Cu +oTRej74CqyE-00050-00012695-00012891 Amiga saying it is a game difficult to +oTRej74CqyE-00051-00012892-00013180 put down also praised was the quality of +oTRej74CqyE-00052-00013181-00013399 the sound in the game the high quality +oTRej74CqyE-00053-00013400-00013633 sound requires one megabyte of memory to +oTRej74CqyE-00054-00013634-00013825 work at its full settings and the review +oTRej74CqyE-00055-00013826-00014080 said it is worth the upgrade amiga +oTRej74CqyE-00056-00014081-00014322 action called the game absorbing amiga +oTRej74CqyE-00057-00014323-00014515 format said the game starts out tough +oTRej74CqyE-00058-00014516-00014779 and only gets tougher amiga power +oTRej74CqyE-00059-00014780-00014980 indicated that the game doesn't take any +oTRej74CqyE-00060-00014981-00015211 risks in the field of RPGs and feels +oTRej74CqyE-00061-00015212-00015550 like role-playing by numbers +oWy2hhMeTFc-00000-00000126-00000644 foreign +oWy2hhMeTFc-00001-00000645-00002933 [Music] +oWy2hhMeTFc-00002-00002934-00003725 foreign +oWy2hhMeTFc-00003-00003726-00004324 foreign +oWy2hhMeTFc-00005-00007476-00007826 foreign +oWy2hhMeTFc-00006-00007827-00010769 [Music] +oWy2hhMeTFc-00007-00010770-00010864 foreign +oWy2hhMeTFc-00008-00010865-00012838 [Music] +oWGUl7Se02E-00000-00000019-00000353 thia Philo's greek via Philo's sometimes +oWGUl7Se02E-00001-00000354-00000590 latinized or anglicized as Theophilus +oWGUl7Se02E-00002-00000591-00001049 802 805 the 20th of January 842 ad was +oWGUl7Se02E-00003-00001050-00001328 the Byzantine Emperor from 829 until his +oWGUl7Se02E-00004-00001329-00001676 death in 842 he was the second emperor +oWGUl7Se02E-00005-00001677-00001859 of the Amorian dynasty in the Last +oWGUl7Se02E-00006-00001860-00002129 Emperor to support iconoclasm via +oWGUl7Se02E-00007-00002130-00002348 Philo's personally led the armies in his +oWGUl7Se02E-00008-00002349-00002575 lifelong war against the Arabs beginning +oWGUl7Se02E-00009-00002576-00003204 in 831 +oWGUl7Se02E-00010-00003204-00003681 topic life +oWGUl7Se02E-00011-00003682-00004022 you +oWGUl7Se02E-00012-00004023-00004466 topic early +oWGUl7Se02E-00013-00004467-00004701 thia Philo's was the son of the +oWGUl7Se02E-00014-00004702-00004899 byzantine emperor michael ii and his +oWGUl7Se02E-00015-00004900-00005133 wife decla and the godson of Emperor Leo +oWGUl7Se02E-00016-00005134-00005439 v the armenian michael ii crown +oWGUl7Se02E-00017-00005440-00005772 theofilos co-emperor in 822 shortly +oWGUl7Se02E-00018-00005773-00006012 after his own accession unlike his +oWGUl7Se02E-00019-00006013-00006243 father via Philo's received an extensive +oWGUl7Se02E-00020-00006244-00006495 education from john Hylas the grammarian +oWGUl7Se02E-00021-00006495-00006708 and was a great admirer of music and art +oWGUl7Se02E-00022-00006709-00007077 on the 2nd of october 829 via Philo's +oWGUl7Se02E-00023-00007078-00007295 succeeded his father as sole emperor the +oWGUl7Se02E-00024-00007297-00007500 fil is continued in his predecessors +oWGUl7Se02E-00025-00007501-00007692 iconoclasm though without his father's +oWGUl7Se02E-00026-00007693-00007934 more conciliatory tone issuing an edict +oWGUl7Se02E-00027-00007936-00008202 in 832 forbidding the veneration of +oWGUl7Se02E-00028-00008203-00008484 icons he also saw himself as the +oWGUl7Se02E-00029-00008485-00008685 champion of justice which he served most +oWGUl7Se02E-00030-00008686-00008928 ostentatiously by executing his father's +oWGUl7Se02E-00031-00008929-00009120 co-conspirators against leo v +oWGUl7Se02E-00032-00009121-00009366 immediately after his accession his +oWGUl7Se02E-00033-00009367-00009594 reputation as a judge endured and in the +oWGUl7Se02E-00034-00009595-00009774 literary composition to mariana +oWGUl7Se02E-00035-00009775-00009957 theofilos is featured as one of the +oWGUl7Se02E-00036-00009958-00010549 judges in the netherworld +oWGUl7Se02E-00037-00010550-00011103 topic war against the Arabs +oWGUl7Se02E-00038-00011104-00011361 at the time of his accession dia Philo's +oWGUl7Se02E-00039-00011362-00011544 was obliged to wage wars against the +oWGUl7Se02E-00040-00011545-00011835 Arabs on two fronts sicily was once +oWGUl7Se02E-00041-00011836-00012024 again invaded by the arabs who took +oWGUl7Se02E-00042-00012025-00012321 Palermo after a year-long siege in 831 +oWGUl7Se02E-00043-00012322-00012519 established the emirate of sicily and +oWGUl7Se02E-00044-00012520-00012735 gradually continued to expand across the +oWGUl7Se02E-00045-00012736-00013002 island the defence after the invasion of +oWGUl7Se02E-00046-00013003-00013212 Anatolia by the Abbasid caliph al-ma'mun +oWGUl7Se02E-00047-00013213-00013472 in 830 was led by the Emperor himself +oWGUl7Se02E-00048-00013474-00013688 but the Byzantines were defeated and +oWGUl7Se02E-00049-00013690-00014082 lost several fortresses in 831 theofilos +oWGUl7Se02E-00050-00014083-00014319 retaliated by leading a large army into +oWGUl7Se02E-00051-00014319-00014613 Silesia and capturing Tarsus the Emperor +oWGUl7Se02E-00052-00014613-00014826 returned to Constantinople in triumph +oWGUl7Se02E-00053-00014827-00014994 but in the autumn he was defeated in +oWGUl7Se02E-00054-00014994-00015266 Cappadocia another defeat in the same +oWGUl7Se02E-00055-00015268-00015582 province in 833 forced the ax Philo's to +oWGUl7Se02E-00056-00015583-00015879 sue for peace theofilos offered 100,000 +oWGUl7Se02E-00057-00015880-00016116 gold dinars and the return of 7,000 +oWGUl7Se02E-00058-00016116-00016284 prisoners which he obtained the next +oWGUl7Se02E-00059-00016285-00016581 year after the death of al-ma'mun during +oWGUl7Se02E-00060-00016582-00016734 the respite from the war against the +oWGUl7Se02E-00061-00016735-00016797 Abbasids +oWGUl7Se02E-00062-00016798-00016977 thea Philo is arranged for the abduction +oWGUl7Se02E-00063-00016978-00017178 of the byzantine captives settled north +oWGUl7Se02E-00064-00017179-00017442 of the Danube by Crum of Bulgaria the +oWGUl7Se02E-00065-00017443-00017622 rescue operation was carried out with +oWGUl7Se02E-00066-00017623-00018000 success in C 836 and the peace between +oWGUl7Se02E-00067-00018001-00018180 Bulgaria and the Byzantine Empire was +oWGUl7Se02E-00068-00018181-00018474 quickly restored however it proved +oWGUl7Se02E-00069-00018475-00018675 impossible to maintain peace in the East +oWGUl7Se02E-00070-00018676-00018954 via Philo's had given asylum to a number +oWGUl7Se02E-00071-00018955-00019212 of refugees from the east in 834 +oWGUl7Se02E-00072-00019213-00019521 including Nasser a Persian he baptized +oWGUl7Se02E-00073-00019522-00019707 via Phobos who married the Emperor's +oWGUl7Se02E-00074-00019708-00019875 aunt Irene and became one of his +oWGUl7Se02E-00075-00019876-00020163 generals as relations with the Abbasids +oWGUl7Se02E-00076-00020164-00020403 deteriorated thĂ©ophile is prepared for a +oWGUl7Se02E-00077-00020404-00020856 new war in 837 theofilos led a vast army +oWGUl7Se02E-00078-00020857-00021153 of 70,000 men towards Mesopotamia and +oWGUl7Se02E-00079-00021154-00021375 captured Malita and our sama sada the +oWGUl7Se02E-00080-00021376-00021558 Emperor also took and destroyed 'aa +oWGUl7Se02E-00081-00021559-00021804 Petra Subhadra Sousa Petra which some +oWGUl7Se02E-00082-00021805-00021960 sources claim as the birthplace of +oWGUl7Se02E-00083-00021961-00022097 caliph al-mu'tasim +oWGUl7Se02E-00084-00022098-00022386 Thea Philo's returned to Constantinople +oWGUl7Se02E-00085-00022387-00022632 in triumph eager for revenge all moot +oWGUl7Se02E-00086-00022633-00022844 Azzam assembled a vast army and launched +oWGUl7Se02E-00087-00022845-00023055 a two-pronged invasion of Anatolia in +oWGUl7Se02E-00088-00023056-00023421 838 Thea filers decided to strike one +oWGUl7Se02E-00089-00023422-00023607 division of the Caliph's army before +oWGUl7Se02E-00090-00023608-00023897 they could combine on the 21st of July +oWGUl7Se02E-00091-00023898-00024162 838 at the Battle of anzan in dazzling +oWGUl7Se02E-00092-00024163-00024381 Thea Philo's personally led a Byzantine +oWGUl7Se02E-00093-00024382-00024480 army of 21 +oWGUl7Se02E-00094-00024481-00024732 5,000 to 40,000 men against the troops +oWGUl7Se02E-00095-00024733-00025022 commanded by al action action withstood +oWGUl7Se02E-00096-00025023-00025212 the Byzantine attack counter-attacked +oWGUl7Se02E-00097-00025213-00025443 and won the battle the Byzantine +oWGUl7Se02E-00098-00025444-00025658 survivors fell back in disorder and did +oWGUl7Se02E-00099-00025660-00025844 not interfere in the Caliph's continuing +oWGUl7Se02E-00100-00025845-00026187 campaign all moot Azzam took an Kira and +oWGUl7Se02E-00101-00026188-00026400 Al action joined him there the full +oWGUl7Se02E-00102-00026401-00026631 Abbasid army advanced against a more iam +oWGUl7Se02E-00103-00026632-00026904 the cradle of the dynasty initially +oWGUl7Se02E-00104-00026905-00027114 there was determined resistance then a +oWGUl7Se02E-00105-00027114-00027339 Muslim captive escaped and informed the +oWGUl7Se02E-00106-00027339-00027501 Calif where there was a section of the +oWGUl7Se02E-00107-00027502-00027746 wall that had only a front facade all +oWGUl7Se02E-00108-00027747-00027983 moot Azzam concentrated his bombardment +oWGUl7Se02E-00109-00027985-00028119 on this section and the wall was +oWGUl7Se02E-00110-00028120-00028443 breached having heroically held for 55 +oWGUl7Se02E-00111-00028444-00028695 days the city now fell to al-mu'tasim on +oWGUl7Se02E-00112-00028695-00029096 12 or the 15th of august 838 in 838 in +oWGUl7Se02E-00113-00029097-00029304 order to impress the Caliph of Baghdad +oWGUl7Se02E-00114-00029305-00029493 Theophilus had John the grammarian +oWGUl7Se02E-00115-00029494-00029745 distribute 36,000 nomĂ¡s madhva to the +oWGUl7Se02E-00116-00029745-00030095 citizens of Baghdad around 841 the +oWGUl7Se02E-00117-00030097-00030302 Republic of Venice sent a fleet of 60 +oWGUl7Se02E-00118-00030304-00030564 galleys each carrying 200 men to assist +oWGUl7Se02E-00119-00030564-00030756 the Byzantines in driving the Arabs from +oWGUl7Se02E-00120-00030757-00030920 Croton but it failed during this +oWGUl7Se02E-00121-00030922-00031133 campaign al-mu'tasim discovered that +oWGUl7Se02E-00122-00031135-00031302 some of his top generals were plotting +oWGUl7Se02E-00123-00031302-00031512 against him many of these leading +oWGUl7Se02E-00124-00031513-00031683 commanders were arrested and some +oWGUl7Se02E-00125-00031683-00031944 executed before he arrived home al +oWGUl7Se02E-00126-00031945-00032130 action seems not to have been involved +oWGUl7Se02E-00127-00032131-00032319 in this but he was detected in other +oWGUl7Se02E-00128-00032320-00032489 intrigues and died in prison in the +oWGUl7Se02E-00129-00032491-00032868 spring of 841 Calif al-mu'tasim fell +oWGUl7Se02E-00130-00032869-00033168 sick in October 841 and died on the 5th +oWGUl7Se02E-00131-00033169-00033815 of January 842 +oWGUl7Se02E-00132-00033816-00034494 topic relations with Bulgaria and Serbia +oWGUl7Se02E-00133-00034495-00034830 in 836 following the expiration of the +oWGUl7Se02E-00134-00034831-00035043 20-year peace treaty between the Empire +oWGUl7Se02E-00135-00035044-00035259 and Bulgaria via Philo's ravaged the +oWGUl7Se02E-00136-00035260-00035508 Bulgarian frontier the Bulgarians +oWGUl7Se02E-00137-00035509-00035700 retaliated and under the leadership of +oWGUl7Se02E-00138-00035701-00035973 Isabelle they reached Adrianople at this +oWGUl7Se02E-00139-00035974-00036198 time if not earlier the Bulgarians and +oWGUl7Se02E-00140-00036199-00036411 next Philip populace Plovdiv and its +oWGUl7Se02E-00141-00036412-00036915 environs konma Lemire died in 836 the +oWGUl7Se02E-00142-00036916-00037095 peace between the Serbs Byzantine +oWGUl7Se02E-00143-00037096-00037328 foederati and the Bulger's lasted until +oWGUl7Se02E-00144-00037329-00037725 839 blast Emir of Serbia United several +oWGUl7Se02E-00145-00037726-00037923 tribes and Thea Philo's granted the +oWGUl7Se02E-00146-00037924-00038103 Serbs independence blast Emir +oWGUl7Se02E-00147-00038104-00038298 acknowledged nominal overlordship of the +oWGUl7Se02E-00148-00038299-00038550 Emperor the annexation of western +oWGUl7Se02E-00149-00038551-00038748 Macedonia by the bull Gers changed the +oWGUl7Se02E-00150-00038749-00039021 political situation mal Amir or his +oWGUl7Se02E-00151-00039022-00039198 successor may have seen a threat in the +oWGUl7Se02E-00152-00039199-00039372 Serb consolidation and opted to +oWGUl7Se02E-00153-00039373-00039516 subjugate them in the midst of the +oWGUl7Se02E-00154-00039517-00039801 conquest of Slav lands another cause +oWGUl7Se02E-00155-00039802-00039954 might have been that the Byzantines +oWGUl7Se02E-00156-00039955-00040152 wanted to divert attention so that they +oWGUl7Se02E-00157-00040153-00040329 could cope with the Slovak uprising in +oWGUl7Se02E-00158-00040330-00040494 the Peloponnese meaning they sent the +oWGUl7Se02E-00159-00040495-00040755 Serbs to instigate the war it is thought +oWGUl7Se02E-00160-00040756-00040938 that the rapid extension of bulgar x' +oWGUl7Se02E-00161-00040939-00041160 over Slavs prompted the Serbs to unite +oWGUl7Se02E-00162-00041161-00041607 into a state Kahn prision IR 836 - 850 - +oWGUl7Se02E-00163-00041608-00041943 invaded Serbian territory in 839 see +oWGUl7Se02E-00164-00041944-00042246 Bulgarian Serbian Wars the invasion led +oWGUl7Se02E-00165-00042247-00042477 to a three-year war in which blast Emir +oWGUl7Se02E-00166-00042478-00042663 was victorious Prejean was heavily +oWGUl7Se02E-00167-00042664-00042891 defeated made no territorial gains and +oWGUl7Se02E-00168-00042892-00043149 lost many of his men the Serbs had a +oWGUl7Se02E-00169-00043150-00043359 tactical advantage in the hills and the +oWGUl7Se02E-00170-00043360-00043524 bulgur --zz were driven out by the army +oWGUl7Se02E-00171-00043525-00043770 of last Emir the war ended with the +oWGUl7Se02E-00172-00043771-00043944 death of Thea Philo's which released +oWGUl7Se02E-00173-00043945-00044151 blast Emir from his obligations to the +oWGUl7Se02E-00174-00044152-00044726 Byzantine Empire +oWGUl7Se02E-00175-00044727-00045258 topic death and legacy +oWGUl7Se02E-00176-00045259-00045489 the health of Dia Philo's gradually +oWGUl7Se02E-00177-00045490-00045669 failed and he died on the 20th of +oWGUl7Se02E-00178-00045670-00046026 January 842 Thea Philo strengthened the +oWGUl7Se02E-00179-00046027-00046212 walls of Constantinople and built a +oWGUl7Se02E-00180-00046213-00046412 hospital which continued to exist until +oWGUl7Se02E-00181-00046413-00047110 the twilight of the Byzantine Empire +oWGUl7Se02E-00182-00047111-00047610 topic family +oWGUl7Se02E-00183-00047611-00047829 by his marriage with Theodora dia +oWGUl7Se02E-00184-00047830-00048158 Philo's had seven children constantine +oWGUl7Se02E-00185-00048159-00048810 co-emperor from see 833 to see 835 tech +oWGUl7Se02E-00186-00048811-00049268 let's see 831 after 867 she was named +oWGUl7Se02E-00187-00049269-00049485 Augusta and her image appears in coinage +oWGUl7Se02E-00188-00049486-00049733 during the Regency of her mother later +oWGUl7Se02E-00189-00049734-00049949 exiled to a monastery by her brother +oWGUl7Se02E-00190-00049950-00050448 Michael Ana born C 832 exiled into the +oWGUl7Se02E-00191-00050449-00050758 monastery of gastrea never recalled +oWGUl7Se02E-00192-00050759-00051189 Anastasia born C 833 exiled into the +oWGUl7Se02E-00193-00051190-00051496 monastery of gastrea never recalled +oWGUl7Se02E-00194-00051497-00051905 Pulcheria born C 836 exiled into the +oWGUl7Se02E-00195-00051907-00052195 monastery of gastrea never recalled +oWGUl7Se02E-00196-00052196-00052800 Maria C 838 C 842 betrothed the Caesar +oWGUl7Se02E-00197-00052801-00053125 Alexios miss L died at the age of four +oWGUl7Se02E-00198-00053126-00053499 Michael the 3rd the 19th of January 842 +oWGUl7Se02E-00199-00053500-00053736 the 23rd of September the 24th of +oWGUl7Se02E-00200-00053737-00054532 September 867 who succeeded his Emperor +oWGUl7Se02E-00201-00054533-00055031 topic see also +oWGUl7Se02E-00202-00055032-00055419 list of Byzantine emperors equals equals +oWGUl7Se02E-00203-00055420-00055654 notes +oXq9dimIX_M-00000-00000360-00000582 and mr william holland +oXq9dimIX_M-00001-00000583-00000839 auditor and general of illinois +oXq9dimIX_M-00002-00000840-00000975 is here on behalf of the national +oXq9dimIX_M-00003-00000976-00001511 association of state auditors +oXq9dimIX_M-00004-00001512-00001775 mr david gregan +oXq9dimIX_M-00005-00001776-00001991 chief procurement officer for washington +oXq9dimIX_M-00006-00001992-00002207 d.c and is here on behalf of the +oXq9dimIX_M-00007-00002208-00002407 national association of state +oXq9dimIX_M-00008-00002408-00002647 procurement officials +oXq9dimIX_M-00009-00002648-00002758 welcome +oXq9dimIX_M-00010-00002759-00003263 mr jerome here here +oXq9dimIX_M-00011-00003264-00003447 mr jerome here +oXq9dimIX_M-00012-00003447-00003590 is here +oXq9dimIX_M-00013-00003592-00003822 the director of audits for the county of +oXq9dimIX_M-00014-00003823-00004022 milwaukee and is here on behalf of the +oXq9dimIX_M-00015-00004023-00004375 association of local government auditors +oXq9dimIX_M-00016-00004376-00004519 mr jerry +oXq9dimIX_M-00017-00004520-00004638 britto +oXq9dimIX_M-00018-00004639-00004927 is senior research fellow +oXq9dimIX_M-00019-00004928-00005143 of course and uh we're delighted to have +oXq9dimIX_M-00020-00005144-00005311 all of you here +oXq9dimIX_M-00021-00005312-00005575 and of course what we would do is that +oXq9dimIX_M-00022-00005576-00005727 as you know this committee we swear +oXq9dimIX_M-00023-00005728-00005870 everybody in +oXq9dimIX_M-00024-00005871-00006031 so we'd like for you to stand and raise +oXq9dimIX_M-00025-00006032-00006503 your right hand +oXq9dimIX_M-00026-00006504-00006655 agree to tell the truth and nothing but +oXq9dimIX_M-00027-00006656-00006863 the truth if so let's answer an +oXq9dimIX_M-00028-00006864-00007023 affirmative +oXq9dimIX_M-00029-00007023-00007191 that the record reflected all of them +oXq9dimIX_M-00030-00007192-00008263 answered an infirmity affirmative +oXq9dimIX_M-00031-00008264-00008551 so mr holland we will begin with you +oXq9dimIX_M-00032-00008552-00008719 and as you know that have you probably +oXq9dimIX_M-00033-00008720-00008919 heard me say it that you have five +oXq9dimIX_M-00034-00008920-00009103 minutes to uh and then after that we +oXq9dimIX_M-00035-00009104-00009287 will have a question and answer and we +oXq9dimIX_M-00036-00009288-00009455 just go right down the row thank you +oXq9dimIX_M-00037-00009456-00010119 very much mr holland +oXq9dimIX_M-00038-00010120-00010342 thank you +oXq9dimIX_M-00039-00010343-00010551 chairman townsend ranking um and ranking +oXq9dimIX_M-00040-00010552-00010742 member isa who was +oXq9dimIX_M-00041-00010743-00010895 maybe voting and members of the +oXq9dimIX_M-00042-00010896-00011046 committee i'm pleased to be here today +oXq9dimIX_M-00043-00011047-00011223 on behalf of the national association of +oXq9dimIX_M-00044-00011224-00011367 state auditors comptrollers and +oXq9dimIX_M-00045-00011368-00011471 treasures +oXq9dimIX_M-00046-00011472-00011735 to discuss oversight related related to +oXq9dimIX_M-00047-00011736-00011903 the american recovery and reinvestment +oXq9dimIX_M-00048-00011904-00012127 act of 2009 +oXq9dimIX_M-00049-00012128-00012327 while i may draw upon my experience as a +oXq9dimIX_M-00050-00012328-00012519 state auditor in illinois i'm here to +oXq9dimIX_M-00051-00012520-00012703 represent public servants and financial +oXq9dimIX_M-00052-00012704-00012951 officials nationwide who take pride in +oXq9dimIX_M-00053-00012952-00013143 ensuring the taxpayer dollars are +oXq9dimIX_M-00054-00013144-00013343 monitored and used for their intended +oXq9dimIX_M-00055-00013344-00013503 purposes +oXq9dimIX_M-00056-00013504-00013758 accountability is always our number one +oXq9dimIX_M-00057-00013759-00013983 priority however the challenges of our +oXq9dimIX_M-00058-00013984-00014183 current economy coupled with the rapid +oXq9dimIX_M-00059-00014184-00014438 spending authorized by the recovery act +oXq9dimIX_M-00060-00014440-00014991 am i a little too close too strong +oXq9dimIX_M-00061-00014991-00015158 here yeah +oXq9dimIX_M-00062-00015159-00015463 pardon me i didn't hear what you said +oXq9dimIX_M-00063-00015463-00015671 uh let me go back accountability is +oXq9dimIX_M-00064-00015672-00015894 always our number one priority however +oXq9dimIX_M-00065-00015895-00016103 the challenges of our current economy +oXq9dimIX_M-00066-00016104-00016247 coupled with the rapid spending +oXq9dimIX_M-00067-00016247-00016407 authorized by the recovery act make +oXq9dimIX_M-00068-00016408-00016639 accountability more critical than at any +oXq9dimIX_M-00069-00016640-00016871 other time in our government +oXq9dimIX_M-00070-00016872-00017103 still a problem +oXq9dimIX_M-00071-00017104-00017271 no +oXq9dimIX_M-00072-00017272-00017399 we believe it don't worry about it we +oXq9dimIX_M-00073-00017400-00017583 really can't hear witnesses but we hear +oXq9dimIX_M-00074-00017584-00018111 you i'm sorry you can continue +oXq9dimIX_M-00075-00018112-00018247 okay +oXq9dimIX_M-00076-00018248-00018399 we believe accountability can be +oXq9dimIX_M-00077-00018400-00018586 achieved by clearly defining +oXq9dimIX_M-00078-00018587-00018863 responsibilities and coordinating the +oXq9dimIX_M-00079-00018864-00019079 various participants +oXq9dimIX_M-00080-00019080-00019286 the recovery act and the initial +oXq9dimIX_M-00081-00019287-00019599 implementing guidance issued by omb +oXq9dimIX_M-00082-00019600-00019814 specifically give federal departments +oXq9dimIX_M-00083-00019815-00019999 and agencies such as the federal +oXq9dimIX_M-00084-00020000-00020294 inspector generals the gao and the +oXq9dimIX_M-00085-00020295-00020503 recovery accountability and transparency +oXq9dimIX_M-00086-00020504-00020767 board primary responsibility for +oXq9dimIX_M-00087-00020768-00021007 maintaining accountability over recovery +oXq9dimIX_M-00088-00021008-00021143 act funds +oXq9dimIX_M-00089-00021144-00021327 substantial dollars are appropriated to +oXq9dimIX_M-00090-00021328-00021543 each of these entities for that singular +oXq9dimIX_M-00091-00021544-00021694 purpose +oXq9dimIX_M-00092-00021695-00021911 the recovery act provides neither direct +oXq9dimIX_M-00093-00021912-00022150 responsibility nor direct funds for +oXq9dimIX_M-00094-00022151-00022367 oversight efforts at the state and local +oXq9dimIX_M-00095-00022368-00022463 level +oXq9dimIX_M-00096-00022464-00022583 nonetheless +oXq9dimIX_M-00097-00022584-00022767 management of these dollars once they +oXq9dimIX_M-00098-00022768-00022975 leave the federal government's hands as +oXq9dimIX_M-00099-00022976-00023143 well as the cost associated with that +oXq9dimIX_M-00100-00023144-00023430 effort is of most concern to our +oXq9dimIX_M-00101-00023431-00023639 organization's members +oXq9dimIX_M-00102-00023640-00023903 state auditors already bear significant +oXq9dimIX_M-00103-00023904-00024135 responsibility for oversight of federal +oXq9dimIX_M-00104-00024136-00024407 spending programs by state agencies +oXq9dimIX_M-00105-00024408-00024622 pursuant to the single audit act and its +oXq9dimIX_M-00106-00024623-00024767 amendments +oXq9dimIX_M-00107-00024768-00024935 these audits are generally conducted +oXq9dimIX_M-00108-00024936-00025103 annually and provide assurance to the +oXq9dimIX_M-00109-00025104-00025311 federal government as to the management +oXq9dimIX_M-00110-00025312-00025591 and use of such funds by recipient +oXq9dimIX_M-00111-00025592-00025943 states and their sub-recipients +oXq9dimIX_M-00112-00025944-00026102 omb's initial +oXq9dimIX_M-00113-00026104-00026287 implementing guidelines guidance +oXq9dimIX_M-00114-00026288-00026518 recognizes the importance of the single +oXq9dimIX_M-00115-00026519-00026846 audit process in two key ways +oXq9dimIX_M-00116-00026847-00027118 first in developing risk mitigation +oXq9dimIX_M-00117-00027119-00027343 plans federal departments and agencies +oXq9dimIX_M-00118-00027344-00027614 are required to consider prior audit +oXq9dimIX_M-00119-00027616-00027902 findings involving federal programs +oXq9dimIX_M-00120-00027904-00028111 through which recovery act funds will be +oXq9dimIX_M-00121-00028112-00028343 dispersed and second +oXq9dimIX_M-00122-00028344-00028558 single audits are specifically +oXq9dimIX_M-00123-00028560-00028758 identified in the guidance as an audit +oXq9dimIX_M-00124-00028760-00028951 tool integral to promoting +oXq9dimIX_M-00125-00028952-00029287 accountability over recovery grants +oXq9dimIX_M-00126-00029288-00029479 clearly the importance of the single +oXq9dimIX_M-00127-00029480-00029767 audit process is magnified rather than +oXq9dimIX_M-00128-00029768-00030062 minimized by the recovery act's +oXq9dimIX_M-00129-00030063-00030327 emphasis on accountability +oXq9dimIX_M-00130-00030327-00030551 nonetheless during this period of rapid +oXq9dimIX_M-00131-00030552-00030807 spending there may be a desire at the +oXq9dimIX_M-00132-00030808-00031095 national level to increase or alter some +oXq9dimIX_M-00133-00031095-00031367 existing accountability processes +oXq9dimIX_M-00134-00031368-00031599 it will be important to define and +oXq9dimIX_M-00135-00031600-00031846 communicate any changes in the single +oXq9dimIX_M-00136-00031847-00032102 audit process in a timely and +oXq9dimIX_M-00137-00032103-00032343 expeditious manner to the state audit +oXq9dimIX_M-00138-00032344-00032567 community +oXq9dimIX_M-00139-00032568-00032823 we have been fortunate that both the gao +oXq9dimIX_M-00140-00032824-00033071 and omb have been reaching out to the +oXq9dimIX_M-00141-00033072-00033279 entire accountability community to +oXq9dimIX_M-00142-00033280-00033631 discuss implementation of recovery act +oXq9dimIX_M-00143-00033632-00033759 requirements +oXq9dimIX_M-00144-00033760-00034023 however we are still uncertain as to our +oXq9dimIX_M-00145-00034024-00034287 specific roles and what the cost and +oXq9dimIX_M-00146-00034288-00034567 funding sources for fulfilling our roles +oXq9dimIX_M-00147-00034568-00034743 will be +oXq9dimIX_M-00148-00034744-00035015 staffing and other necessary resources +oXq9dimIX_M-00149-00035016-00035231 in our offices throughout the nation are +oXq9dimIX_M-00150-00035232-00035407 at an all-time low +oXq9dimIX_M-00151-00035408-00035590 due to the influx of stimulus money to +oXq9dimIX_M-00152-00035591-00035839 the states fulfilling our single audit +oXq9dimIX_M-00153-00035840-00036118 functions will certainly encompass more +oXq9dimIX_M-00154-00036119-00036279 federal programs +oXq9dimIX_M-00155-00036280-00036502 this in turn will cause us to incur +oXq9dimIX_M-00156-00036503-00036839 additional hours and perform more tests +oXq9dimIX_M-00157-00036840-00037246 than in previous years +oXq9dimIX_M-00158-00037247-00037415 we believe the appropriated dollars +oXq9dimIX_M-00159-00037416-00037583 would be better spent by the federal +oXq9dimIX_M-00160-00037584-00037902 agencies on efforts to mitigate risk at +oXq9dimIX_M-00161-00037903-00038151 the front end of the process +oXq9dimIX_M-00162-00038152-00038335 for instance by conducting tests and +oXq9dimIX_M-00163-00038336-00038583 reviewing prior audit findings to ensure +oXq9dimIX_M-00164-00038584-00038862 that recipient agencies have a strong +oXq9dimIX_M-00165-00038863-00039071 internal control process +oXq9dimIX_M-00166-00039072-00039374 in place prior to their receipt and +oXq9dimIX_M-00167-00039375-00039599 expenditure of recovery act funds +oXq9dimIX_M-00168-00039600-00039807 to the extent that recovery act funds +oXq9dimIX_M-00169-00039808-00040062 throw flow through existing federal +oXq9dimIX_M-00170-00040063-00040183 programs +oXq9dimIX_M-00171-00040184-00040423 these dollars will already be subject to +oXq9dimIX_M-00172-00040424-00040646 audit in accordance with the single +oXq9dimIX_M-00173-00040647-00041046 audit act and omb circular 133 +oXq9dimIX_M-00174-00041047-00041183 i should also note that financial +oXq9dimIX_M-00175-00041184-00041383 officials other than the independent +oXq9dimIX_M-00176-00041384-00041639 external auditor are very important to +oXq9dimIX_M-00177-00041640-00041846 this discussion specifically i'm +oXq9dimIX_M-00178-00041847-00041990 referring to state comptrollers and +oXq9dimIX_M-00179-00041991-00042199 treasures that are responsible for the +oXq9dimIX_M-00180-00042200-00042471 disbursement and reconciliation of funds +oXq9dimIX_M-00181-00042472-00042630 i can tell you that the comptrollers are +oXq9dimIX_M-00182-00042631-00042830 very concerned about the reporting +oXq9dimIX_M-00183-00042831-00043015 requirements and how that information +oXq9dimIX_M-00184-00043016-00043207 will be gathered and reported +oXq9dimIX_M-00185-00043208-00043358 while much of the financial information +oXq9dimIX_M-00186-00043359-00043535 is housed in the state's accounting +oXq9dimIX_M-00187-00043536-00043751 system some of the information is +oXq9dimIX_M-00188-00043752-00043951 actually gathered at the state agency +oXq9dimIX_M-00189-00043952-00044095 level +oXq9dimIX_M-00190-00044096-00044335 this dichotomy brings up concern +oXq9dimIX_M-00191-00044336-00044590 regarding reconciliation +oXq9dimIX_M-00192-00044591-00044783 we wonder at the state level whether the +oXq9dimIX_M-00193-00044784-00045087 federal government is going to require +oXq9dimIX_M-00194-00045088-00045246 central state reporting directly to +oXq9dimIX_M-00195-00045247-00045518 recovery.gov gov +oXq9dimIX_M-00196-00045519-00045735 individual state agency reporting +oXq9dimIX_M-00197-00045736-00045983 directly to recovery.gov +oXq9dimIX_M-00198-00045984-00046062 or +oXq9dimIX_M-00199-00046063-00046302 individual state agencies reporting to a +oXq9dimIX_M-00200-00046303-00046583 federal agency which is then responsible +oXq9dimIX_M-00201-00046584-00046767 for assuring that the information is +oXq9dimIX_M-00202-00046768-00047039 posted at recovery.gov +oXq9dimIX_M-00203-00047040-00047223 we await further guidance +oXq9dimIX_M-00204-00047224-00047518 timely and expeditious from the federal +oXq9dimIX_M-00205-00047519-00047799 government as to the regard of the +oXq9dimIX_M-00206-00047800-00048039 reconciliation as it will be extremely +oXq9dimIX_M-00207-00048040-00048174 important +oXq9dimIX_M-00208-00048175-00048367 we stand ready to work with our federal +oXq9dimIX_M-00209-00048368-00048558 counterparts to ensure the most +oXq9dimIX_M-00210-00048559-00048758 efficient and effective method for +oXq9dimIX_M-00211-00048759-00049015 reporting is established i should also +oXq9dimIX_M-00212-00049016-00049207 impor point out the important role that +oXq9dimIX_M-00213-00049208-00049415 internal auditors will play within +oXq9dimIX_M-00214-00049416-00049590 individual agencies +oXq9dimIX_M-00215-00049591-00049807 or at the statewide level in assuring +oXq9dimIX_M-00216-00049808-00050015 that pre-disbursement +oXq9dimIX_M-00217-00050016-00050255 internal controls are functioning +oXq9dimIX_M-00218-00050256-00050479 properly and effectively +oXq9dimIX_M-00219-00050480-00050623 i'm happy to join here today with the +oXq9dimIX_M-00220-00050624-00050767 chair of the recovery board and other +oXq9dimIX_M-00221-00050768-00050983 important organizations individually and +oXq9dimIX_M-00222-00050984-00051190 collectively our groups have long been +oXq9dimIX_M-00223-00051191-00051335 at the forefront of ensuring public +oXq9dimIX_M-00224-00051336-00051526 accountability in a talk at the white +oXq9dimIX_M-00225-00051527-00051735 house recovery and reinvestment act +oXq9dimIX_M-00226-00051736-00051942 implementation conference last week the +oXq9dimIX_M-00227-00051944-00052102 president emphasized his commitment to +oXq9dimIX_M-00228-00052103-00052319 accountability and he said if we see +oXq9dimIX_M-00229-00052320-00052607 money being misspent we will call it out +oXq9dimIX_M-00230-00052608-00052759 i can assign his own read with the +oXq9dimIX_M-00231-00052760-00052838 gentleman +oXq9dimIX_M-00232-00052839-00052982 the light is on red will you sum up oh +oXq9dimIX_M-00233-00052983-00053223 it didn't i didn't see it i was you know +oXq9dimIX_M-00234-00053224-00053399 you got to the end of my comments thank +oXq9dimIX_M-00235-00053400-00053550 you for the opportunity to speak thank +oXq9dimIX_M-00236-00053551-00053759 you thank you very much uh just before +oXq9dimIX_M-00237-00053760-00054047 we go to you mr gregan i'd like to yield +oXq9dimIX_M-00238-00054048-00054294 to the gentlewoman from new york for i i +oXq9dimIX_M-00239-00054295-00054511 thank the chairman for for granting me a +oXq9dimIX_M-00240-00054512-00054663 point of personal privilege i am +oXq9dimIX_M-00241-00054664-00054847 literally on the floor with chairman +oXq9dimIX_M-00242-00054848-00055111 rangel uh with the aig accountability +oXq9dimIX_M-00243-00055112-00055223 and bonus +oXq9dimIX_M-00244-00055224-00055447 act that we have been working on all +oXq9dimIX_M-00245-00055448-00055766 week but i wanted to place my remarks in +oXq9dimIX_M-00246-00055767-00055959 the record we'll send my questions to +oXq9dimIX_M-00247-00055960-00056166 the individuals and complement the +oXq9dimIX_M-00248-00056167-00056326 leadership of our chairman and ranking +oXq9dimIX_M-00249-00056327-00056607 member for a careful sharp pencil and +oXq9dimIX_M-00250-00056608-00056775 oversight on the recovery monies +oXq9dimIX_M-00251-00056776-00056991 congratulations thank you and i have to +oXq9dimIX_M-00252-00056991-00057135 go back to the floor +oXq9dimIX_M-00253-00057136-00057254 thank you very much thank you +oXq9dimIX_M-00254-00057255-00057487 gentlewoman for her support as well +oXq9dimIX_M-00255-00057488-00057623 mr gragan +oXq9dimIX_M-00256-00057624-00057838 good afternoon chairman towns members of +oXq9dimIX_M-00257-00057839-00057942 the committee +oXq9dimIX_M-00258-00057944-00058087 i'm david gregan i'm the chief +oXq9dimIX_M-00259-00058088-00058207 procurement officer of the city of +oXq9dimIX_M-00260-00058208-00058375 washington d.c +oXq9dimIX_M-00261-00058376-00058550 and i'm also representing today the +oXq9dimIX_M-00262-00058551-00058687 national association of state +oXq9dimIX_M-00263-00058688-00058950 procurement officials the organization +oXq9dimIX_M-00264-00058951-00059182 of the 50 state procurement directors as +oXq9dimIX_M-00265-00059183-00059326 well as the city of washington and the +oXq9dimIX_M-00266-00059327-00059550 u.s territories we really thank you for +oXq9dimIX_M-00267-00059551-00059687 this opportunity to comment on the role +oXq9dimIX_M-00268-00059688-00059782 of the government procurement +oXq9dimIX_M-00269-00059783-00059887 professional +oXq9dimIX_M-00270-00059888-00060119 in preventing fraud waste and abuse in +oXq9dimIX_M-00271-00060120-00060279 the implementation of the american +oXq9dimIX_M-00272-00060279-00060582 recovery and reinvestment act +oXq9dimIX_M-00273-00060583-00060719 it's our view that state chief +oXq9dimIX_M-00274-00060720-00060926 procurement officers or cpos are +oXq9dimIX_M-00275-00060927-00061071 uniquely positioned to assist in the +oXq9dimIX_M-00276-00061072-00061359 development of guidelines regarding use +oXq9dimIX_M-00277-00061360-00061559 timelines and transparency of purchases +oXq9dimIX_M-00278-00061560-00061847 we make as a result of this act +oXq9dimIX_M-00279-00061848-00062079 naspo recognizes that the effectiveness +oXq9dimIX_M-00280-00062079-00062342 of a state cpo is clearly linked to his +oXq9dimIX_M-00281-00062344-00062479 or her ability to engage with +oXq9dimIX_M-00282-00062479-00062694 policymakers at the highest levels in +oXq9dimIX_M-00283-00062695-00062879 government and that this engagement is +oXq9dimIX_M-00284-00062879-00063119 critical to ensuring effective direction +oXq9dimIX_M-00285-00063120-00063311 coordination and control +oXq9dimIX_M-00286-00063312-00063535 over public expenditures +oXq9dimIX_M-00287-00063536-00063726 additionally state cpos are charged with +oXq9dimIX_M-00288-00063727-00063854 protecting all public funds from +oXq9dimIX_M-00289-00063855-00064006 conflicts of interest +oXq9dimIX_M-00290-00064007-00064271 anti-trust violations fraud and abuse +oXq9dimIX_M-00291-00064272-00064430 and have already developed controls to +oXq9dimIX_M-00292-00064432-00064654 address these concerns therefore in +oXq9dimIX_M-00293-00064655-00064863 order to proactively prevent fraud waste +oXq9dimIX_M-00294-00064864-00065094 and abuse under the recovery act +oXq9dimIX_M-00295-00065095-00065238 it's imperative that central procurement +oXq9dimIX_M-00296-00065239-00065471 be given the opportunity from the outset +oXq9dimIX_M-00297-00065472-00065638 to help in developing strategies for +oXq9dimIX_M-00298-00065639-00065894 properly spending stimulus funds +oXq9dimIX_M-00299-00065895-00066047 in your invitation to naspo to +oXq9dimIX_M-00300-00066048-00066223 participate in this hearing the +oXq9dimIX_M-00301-00066224-00066375 committee asks that we address three +oXq9dimIX_M-00302-00066376-00066606 specific questions +oXq9dimIX_M-00303-00066607-00066767 first what proactive steps are state +oXq9dimIX_M-00304-00066768-00066982 procurement officials taking to prevent +oXq9dimIX_M-00305-00066983-00067135 wasteful spending +oXq9dimIX_M-00306-00067136-00067303 it's imperative that we no longer wait +oXq9dimIX_M-00307-00067304-00067567 for annual external audits to identify +oXq9dimIX_M-00308-00067568-00067743 waste and fraud and abuse audit in my +oXq9dimIX_M-00309-00067744-00068015 opinion is continuous +oXq9dimIX_M-00310-00068016-00068215 in dc we post information about every +oXq9dimIX_M-00311-00068216-00068415 purchase including purchase card +oXq9dimIX_M-00312-00068416-00068647 transactions on a website for public +oXq9dimIX_M-00313-00068648-00068826 scrutiny and that's the sort of +oXq9dimIX_M-00314-00068827-00069015 transparency that i believe that this +oXq9dimIX_M-00315-00069016-00069094 act +oXq9dimIX_M-00316-00069095-00069311 envisions and that we all as procurement +oXq9dimIX_M-00317-00069312-00069550 professionals embrace +oXq9dimIX_M-00318-00069551-00069703 the eyes of the public are the most +oXq9dimIX_M-00319-00069704-00069887 powerful tool against improper +oXq9dimIX_M-00320-00069888-00070087 contracting behavior +oXq9dimIX_M-00321-00070088-00070263 in terms of developing specific +oXq9dimIX_M-00322-00070264-00070479 safeguards and processes for stimulus +oXq9dimIX_M-00323-00070480-00070687 funds and in anticipation of these +oXq9dimIX_M-00324-00070688-00070791 projects +oXq9dimIX_M-00325-00070792-00070967 naspo members are developing and using a +oXq9dimIX_M-00326-00070968-00071150 variety of strategies +oXq9dimIX_M-00327-00071151-00071382 to aid their staff and customer agencies +oXq9dimIX_M-00328-00071383-00071606 in spending the act stimulus money +oXq9dimIX_M-00329-00071607-00071799 efficiently effectively and most +oXq9dimIX_M-00330-00071800-00072038 importantly properly +oXq9dimIX_M-00331-00072039-00072238 closer collaboration with our oversight +oXq9dimIX_M-00332-00072239-00072391 partners in government the auditors the +oXq9dimIX_M-00333-00072392-00072655 controllers the inspectors general +oXq9dimIX_M-00334-00072656-00072862 that's number one among those tools that +oXq9dimIX_M-00335-00072863-00073062 we are using right now +oXq9dimIX_M-00336-00073063-00073255 communicating more aggressively +oXq9dimIX_M-00337-00073256-00073415 state central procurement offices must +oXq9dimIX_M-00338-00073416-00073655 communicate guidance and expectations as +oXq9dimIX_M-00339-00073656-00073831 well as best practices +oXq9dimIX_M-00340-00073832-00074143 to user agencies and localities +oXq9dimIX_M-00341-00074144-00074287 most states are issuing guidance to +oXq9dimIX_M-00342-00074288-00074591 agency customers to promote uniformity +oXq9dimIX_M-00343-00074592-00074775 of requests and reporting while other +oXq9dimIX_M-00344-00074776-00074911 states are creating data collection +oXq9dimIX_M-00345-00074912-00075119 forms for customer agencies to help +oXq9dimIX_M-00346-00075120-00075415 identify and track stimulus funds +oXq9dimIX_M-00347-00075416-00075550 many of us are creating focused +oXq9dimIX_M-00348-00075551-00075726 procurement teams which we've done here +oXq9dimIX_M-00349-00075727-00075879 in washington dc +oXq9dimIX_M-00350-00075880-00076062 to ensure that the stimulus contracting +oXq9dimIX_M-00351-00076063-00076262 which is on a unique timeline for public +oXq9dimIX_M-00352-00076263-00076559 procurement is still effectively managed +oXq9dimIX_M-00353-00076560-00076679 we recognize that the need to +oXq9dimIX_M-00354-00076680-00076959 aggressively and proactively search out +oXq9dimIX_M-00355-00076960-00077126 the needs of our customers as opposed to +oXq9dimIX_M-00356-00077127-00077311 waiting for a requisition is different +oXq9dimIX_M-00357-00077312-00077455 from the way procurement professionals +oXq9dimIX_M-00358-00077456-00077655 typically do business +oXq9dimIX_M-00359-00077656-00077806 and finally early identification of +oXq9dimIX_M-00360-00077807-00078071 appropriate existing contracts cpos are +oXq9dimIX_M-00361-00078072-00078231 encouraging their staffs to identify +oXq9dimIX_M-00362-00078232-00078391 viable cooperative and pre-established +oXq9dimIX_M-00363-00078392-00078655 contracts for internal use cooperative +oXq9dimIX_M-00364-00078656-00078855 purchasing is an effective tool and +oXq9dimIX_M-00365-00078856-00079047 popular because it can save significant +oXq9dimIX_M-00366-00079048-00079175 time +oXq9dimIX_M-00367-00079176-00079382 with existing already competed contracts +oXq9dimIX_M-00368-00079383-00079582 for those commonly used needs many of +oXq9dimIX_M-00369-00079583-00079799 the stimulus funds i think will be spent +oXq9dimIX_M-00370-00079800-00080079 on existing needs number two you asked +oXq9dimIX_M-00371-00080080-00080262 what plans do states have for audit and +oXq9dimIX_M-00372-00080263-00080487 investigations to identify and prosecute +oXq9dimIX_M-00373-00080488-00080719 fraud and stimulus programs +oXq9dimIX_M-00374-00080720-00080855 as discussed in almost all of the +oXq9dimIX_M-00375-00080856-00080982 opening remarks of this committee this +oXq9dimIX_M-00376-00080983-00081182 morning transparency is a cornerstone of +oXq9dimIX_M-00377-00081183-00081359 the act and is an essential element of +oXq9dimIX_M-00378-00081360-00081535 procurement strategies to identify waste +oXq9dimIX_M-00379-00081536-00081687 fraud and abuse +oXq9dimIX_M-00380-00081688-00081862 naspo and its partner organizations are +oXq9dimIX_M-00381-00081863-00082071 currently in discussions with omb with +oXq9dimIX_M-00382-00082072-00082335 gao and related agencies to identify the +oXq9dimIX_M-00383-00082336-00082543 recommended flow of information +oXq9dimIX_M-00384-00082544-00082791 as it relates to act reporting and state +oXq9dimIX_M-00385-00082792-00083031 cios are working closely with state cpos +oXq9dimIX_M-00386-00083032-00083215 and the stimulus teams to develop those +oXq9dimIX_M-00387-00083216-00083662 reporting chains +oXq9dimIX_M-00388-00083663-00083799 the third question you asked was what +oXq9dimIX_M-00389-00083800-00083959 oversight challenges are state +oXq9dimIX_M-00390-00083960-00084182 governments facing as we prepare to +oXq9dimIX_M-00391-00084183-00084382 properly expend the stimulus funding the +oXq9dimIX_M-00392-00084383-00084575 overarching concern +oXq9dimIX_M-00393-00084576-00084767 in central procurement and among the +oXq9dimIX_M-00394-00084768-00084991 naspa members as well as nigp the +oXq9dimIX_M-00395-00084992-00085199 national contract management association +oXq9dimIX_M-00396-00085200-00085335 all professional procurement +oXq9dimIX_M-00397-00085336-00085462 associations +oXq9dimIX_M-00398-00085463-00085647 is the rapidity with which we are +oXq9dimIX_M-00399-00085648-00085887 expected to expend these funds generally +oXq9dimIX_M-00400-00085888-00086015 our concerns are related to the way +oXq9dimIX_M-00401-00086016-00086167 we're going to manage data +oXq9dimIX_M-00402-00086168-00086550 and the actual procurement operation +oXq9dimIX_M-00403-00086551-00086718 for data management i'll be very brief +oXq9dimIX_M-00404-00086719-00086887 it's about knowing what information we +oXq9dimIX_M-00405-00086888-00087094 need when we need it when and how to +oXq9dimIX_M-00406-00087095-00087215 report it that's already been brought up +oXq9dimIX_M-00407-00087216-00087367 and i won't belabor that more +oXq9dimIX_M-00408-00087368-00087591 importantly the procurement operations +oXq9dimIX_M-00409-00087592-00087718 government procurement typically does +oXq9dimIX_M-00410-00087719-00088023 not respond well to compressed timelines +oXq9dimIX_M-00411-00088024-00088255 the process is built to be deliberative +oXq9dimIX_M-00412-00088256-00088431 and methodical in seeking best value +oXq9dimIX_M-00413-00088432-00088631 awards for every customer need +oXq9dimIX_M-00414-00088632-00088782 our process was developed to deliver +oXq9dimIX_M-00415-00088783-00088935 value while preventing fraud waste and +oXq9dimIX_M-00416-00088936-00089038 abuse +oXq9dimIX_M-00417-00089039-00089215 and perhaps most importantly to instill +oXq9dimIX_M-00418-00089216-00089399 public confidence in the way that their +oXq9dimIX_M-00419-00089400-00089606 money is being spent requiring states to +oXq9dimIX_M-00420-00089607-00089799 perform to accelerated timelines and +oXq9dimIX_M-00421-00089800-00090111 procedures countervails the fair open +oXq9dimIX_M-00422-00090112-00090367 and transparent goals of the act +oXq9dimIX_M-00423-00090368-00090535 the rapidity with which these funds must +oXq9dimIX_M-00424-00090536-00090831 be contracted requires unprecedented +oXq9dimIX_M-00425-00090832-00090950 communication +oXq9dimIX_M-00426-00090951-00091135 coordination and standardization across +oXq9dimIX_M-00427-00091136-00091303 state agencies and the central +oXq9dimIX_M-00428-00091304-00091503 procurement offices +oXq9dimIX_M-00429-00091504-00091623 in conclusion with this great +oXq9dimIX_M-00430-00091624-00091775 opportunity for +oXq9dimIX_M-00431-00091776-00091999 procurement directors for all of the +oXq9dimIX_M-00432-00092000-00092150 citizens to accomplish the mission that +oXq9dimIX_M-00433-00092151-00092311 our president and congress have given us +oXq9dimIX_M-00434-00092312-00092462 i would make three final points as +oXq9dimIX_M-00435-00092463-00092679 procurement professionals we must plan +oXq9dimIX_M-00436-00092680-00092823 carefully +oXq9dimIX_M-00437-00092824-00093047 we must execute flawlessly +oXq9dimIX_M-00438-00093048-00093199 and we must do so in a manner that's +oXq9dimIX_M-00439-00093200-00093415 respectful to the public trust we cannot +oXq9dimIX_M-00440-00093416-00093615 forget nor forego their our +oXq9dimIX_M-00441-00093616-00093815 responsibility to uphold the public +oXq9dimIX_M-00442-00093816-00093967 integrity that's fundamental +oXq9dimIX_M-00443-00093968-00094182 underpinning of government contracting +oXq9dimIX_M-00444-00094183-00094535 on behalf of naspo nigp ncma and all the +oXq9dimIX_M-00445-00094536-00094694 other public procurement professional +oXq9dimIX_M-00446-00094695-00094806 organizations i want to thank you for +oXq9dimIX_M-00447-00094807-00094991 holding this hearing and for inviting +oXq9dimIX_M-00448-00094992-00095238 you inviting us to be part of this +oXq9dimIX_M-00449-00095239-00095503 thank you very much for your statement +oXq9dimIX_M-00450-00095504-00095647 uh mr herrera +oXq9dimIX_M-00451-00095648-00095791 congressman +oXq9dimIX_M-00452-00095792-00095950 chairman +oXq9dimIX_M-00453-00095951-00096143 sorry chairman towns congressman bill +oXq9dimIX_M-00454-00096144-00096231 bray +oXq9dimIX_M-00455-00096232-00096399 i'm honored to be here today as a +oXq9dimIX_M-00456-00096400-00096559 founding member of the association of +oXq9dimIX_M-00457-00096560-00096831 local government auditors elga to speak +oXq9dimIX_M-00458-00096832-00097015 with you on behalf of algon to give you +oXq9dimIX_M-00459-00097016-00097206 a broad overview of local government's +oXq9dimIX_M-00460-00097207-00097367 efforts to ensure +oXq9dimIX_M-00461-00097368-00097535 accountability for the use of federal +oXq9dimIX_M-00462-00097536-00097711 stimulus funds dispersed under the +oXq9dimIX_M-00463-00097712-00097959 american recovery and reinvestment act +oXq9dimIX_M-00464-00097960-00098126 but first i'd like to say a little bit +oXq9dimIX_M-00465-00098127-00098326 more about our organization +oXq9dimIX_M-00466-00098327-00098599 algo was founded in 1989 to support and +oXq9dimIX_M-00467-00098600-00098823 strengthen local government auditing +oXq9dimIX_M-00468-00098824-00098974 we provide training and information +oXq9dimIX_M-00469-00098975-00099062 sharing +oXq9dimIX_M-00470-00099063-00099247 for members and assist local governments +oXq9dimIX_M-00471-00099248-00099391 in establishing and maintaining +oXq9dimIX_M-00472-00099392-00099647 independent audit functions elga also +oXq9dimIX_M-00473-00099648-00099847 provides a peer review program to assure +oXq9dimIX_M-00474-00099848-00099999 the public that auditors meet +oXq9dimIX_M-00475-00100000-00100206 professional standards +oXq9dimIX_M-00476-00100207-00100415 we currently comprise about 300 +oXq9dimIX_M-00477-00100416-00100638 organizational members representing more +oXq9dimIX_M-00478-00100639-00100879 than 2 000 local government auditors in +oXq9dimIX_M-00479-00100880-00101055 cities counties school districts and +oXq9dimIX_M-00480-00101056-00101182 authorities +oXq9dimIX_M-00481-00101183-00101374 nearly 60 percent of our members are in +oXq9dimIX_M-00482-00101375-00101543 the states that will be covered by the +oXq9dimIX_M-00483-00101544-00101831 gao in their longitudinal study of the +oXq9dimIX_M-00484-00101832-00102159 long-range use of recovery act funds +oXq9dimIX_M-00485-00102160-00102335 elga is well positioned to coordinate +oXq9dimIX_M-00486-00102336-00102575 with the gao its mandate to monitor +oXq9dimIX_M-00487-00102576-00102871 local use of the funds excuse me because +oXq9dimIX_M-00488-00102872-00103039 local government auditors possess +oXq9dimIX_M-00489-00103040-00103286 in-depth knowledge of our operations +oXq9dimIX_M-00490-00103288-00103423 organizations and our management +oXq9dimIX_M-00491-00103424-00103551 controls +oXq9dimIX_M-00492-00103552-00103766 to that end we've recently sponsored a +oXq9dimIX_M-00493-00103767-00103927 teleconference with acting comptroller +oXq9dimIX_M-00494-00103928-00104086 general gene dodaro +oXq9dimIX_M-00495-00104088-00104239 to discuss how the recovery act will +oXq9dimIX_M-00496-00104240-00104406 affect local governments and to +oXq9dimIX_M-00497-00104407-00104630 coordinate oversight efforts we've also +oXq9dimIX_M-00498-00104631-00104847 invited gao to speak at our annual +oXq9dimIX_M-00499-00104848-00105039 conference for a more in-depth +oXq9dimIX_M-00500-00105040-00105223 discussion of the role local government +oXq9dimIX_M-00501-00105224-00105527 auditors will play as we move forward +oXq9dimIX_M-00502-00105528-00105686 we've been asked about proactive steps +oXq9dimIX_M-00503-00105688-00105943 local officials are taking to prevent +oXq9dimIX_M-00504-00105944-00106110 wasteful spending +oXq9dimIX_M-00505-00106111-00106263 some of our member organizations have +oXq9dimIX_M-00506-00106264-00106527 already started monitoring the +oXq9dimIX_M-00507-00106528-00106710 requirements under the act and +oXq9dimIX_M-00508-00106711-00106943 communicating expectations to management +oXq9dimIX_M-00509-00106944-00107110 and some members are already providing +oXq9dimIX_M-00510-00107111-00107263 fraud prevention training with special +oXq9dimIX_M-00511-00107264-00107486 emphasis on federal requirements +oXq9dimIX_M-00512-00107488-00107647 but you should have some comfort in the +oXq9dimIX_M-00513-00107648-00107790 notion that our existing oversight +oXq9dimIX_M-00514-00107791-00108023 infrastructure will also be very helpful +oXq9dimIX_M-00515-00108024-00108175 in providing assurance that the recovery +oXq9dimIX_M-00516-00108176-00108351 act funds are well spent and that the +oXq9dimIX_M-00517-00108352-00108558 process is indeed transparent +oXq9dimIX_M-00518-00108559-00108766 these include the single audit act the +oXq9dimIX_M-00519-00108767-00108975 performance audits that we conduct our +oXq9dimIX_M-00520-00108976-00109199 hotlines and our long-standing strong +oXq9dimIX_M-00521-00109200-00109351 relationship with auditors at different +oXq9dimIX_M-00522-00109352-00109551 levels of government with regard to the +oXq9dimIX_M-00523-00109552-00109758 single audit act due to the size and +oXq9dimIX_M-00524-00109759-00109927 scope of the recovery act we anticipate +oXq9dimIX_M-00525-00109928-00110086 that much of the newly available federal +oXq9dimIX_M-00526-00110088-00110278 assistance will indeed be subject to the +oXq9dimIX_M-00527-00110279-00110471 single audit requirements +oXq9dimIX_M-00528-00110472-00110663 our members either assist in conducting +oXq9dimIX_M-00529-00110664-00110902 those audits or contract for them +oXq9dimIX_M-00530-00110903-00111078 as for performance audits more than 80 +oXq9dimIX_M-00531-00111079-00111278 percent of our members conduct +oXq9dimIX_M-00532-00111279-00111454 performance audits and these are +oXq9dimIX_M-00533-00111455-00111623 designed to assess whether program is +oXq9dimIX_M-00534-00111624-00111807 achieving the intended benefits at a +oXq9dimIX_M-00535-00111808-00111966 reasonable cost +oXq9dimIX_M-00536-00111967-00112247 but another important tool is our +oXq9dimIX_M-00537-00112248-00112375 hotlines +oXq9dimIX_M-00538-00112376-00112495 many local government audit +oXq9dimIX_M-00539-00112496-00112671 organizations operate hotlines to +oXq9dimIX_M-00540-00112672-00112927 receive information from vendors +oXq9dimIX_M-00541-00112928-00113166 employees and the public about waste +oXq9dimIX_M-00542-00113167-00113319 fraud and abuse +oXq9dimIX_M-00543-00113320-00113495 these audit organizations have +oXq9dimIX_M-00544-00113496-00113710 established policies and procedures for +oXq9dimIX_M-00545-00113711-00113951 investigating complaints and ultimately +oXq9dimIX_M-00546-00113952-00114199 for referring cases for prosecution or +oXq9dimIX_M-00547-00114200-00114383 other disciplinary action +oXq9dimIX_M-00548-00114383-00114631 we publicize our hotlines and we use +oXq9dimIX_M-00549-00114632-00114847 them to vigorously pursue fraud in +oXq9dimIX_M-00550-00114848-00114999 partnership with state and federal +oXq9dimIX_M-00551-00115000-00115183 prosecutors +oXq9dimIX_M-00552-00115183-00115366 another key strength is our coordination +oXq9dimIX_M-00553-00115367-00115519 with auditors at different levels of +oXq9dimIX_M-00554-00115520-00115647 government +oXq9dimIX_M-00555-00115648-00115823 local government auditors interact with +oXq9dimIX_M-00556-00115824-00116071 federal and state auditors in our work +oXq9dimIX_M-00557-00116072-00116151 and through the national +oXq9dimIX_M-00558-00116152-00116383 intergovernmental audit forum and its 11 +oXq9dimIX_M-00559-00116383-00116527 regional forums +oXq9dimIX_M-00560-00116528-00116766 the mission of the forums is to improve +oXq9dimIX_M-00561-00116767-00117015 cooperation among its members to enhance +oXq9dimIX_M-00562-00117016-00117151 government accountability and +oXq9dimIX_M-00563-00117152-00117351 transparency and to increase the public +oXq9dimIX_M-00564-00117352-00117551 trust +oXq9dimIX_M-00565-00117552-00117719 we were also asked to describe our plans +oXq9dimIX_M-00566-00117720-00117854 for audits and investigations to +oXq9dimIX_M-00567-00117855-00118007 identify and prosecute fraud and +oXq9dimIX_M-00568-00118008-00118183 stimulus programs +oXq9dimIX_M-00569-00118183-00118343 most of our member organizations have +oXq9dimIX_M-00570-00118344-00118543 not yet scheduled specific audits of +oXq9dimIX_M-00571-00118544-00118758 programs funded by the recovery act +oXq9dimIX_M-00572-00118759-00118902 because we are still learning how our +oXq9dimIX_M-00573-00118903-00119071 governments will be affected +oXq9dimIX_M-00574-00119072-00119310 however we anticipate that many of these +oXq9dimIX_M-00575-00119311-00119510 high profile programs are already an +oXq9dimIX_M-00576-00119511-00119766 existing part of our audit plans +oXq9dimIX_M-00577-00119767-00119902 additionally most of our member +oXq9dimIX_M-00578-00119903-00120143 organizations base their audit plans on +oXq9dimIX_M-00579-00120144-00120302 risk analysis +oXq9dimIX_M-00580-00120303-00120534 because federal funds carry inherent +oXq9dimIX_M-00581-00120535-00120743 compliance risks we anticipate that +oXq9dimIX_M-00582-00120744-00120863 local governments and audit +oXq9dimIX_M-00583-00120864-00121063 organizations will add audits of these +oXq9dimIX_M-00584-00121064-00121271 projects to their plans +oXq9dimIX_M-00585-00121272-00121495 most importantly the large majority of +oXq9dimIX_M-00586-00121496-00121727 elga members follow standards that +oXq9dimIX_M-00587-00121728-00121919 require us to pursue potential fraud +oXq9dimIX_M-00588-00121920-00122175 when we do conduct our audits +oXq9dimIX_M-00589-00122176-00122327 the final topic we're asked to address +oXq9dimIX_M-00590-00122328-00122471 is the challenges we face in meeting our +oXq9dimIX_M-00591-00122472-00122710 oversight obligations while we recognize +oXq9dimIX_M-00592-00122711-00122878 the potential benefits that the stimulus +oXq9dimIX_M-00593-00122879-00123102 funds provide for local economies we do +oXq9dimIX_M-00594-00123103-00123310 face three significant challenges +oXq9dimIX_M-00595-00123311-00123534 first despite our efforts +oXq9dimIX_M-00596-00123535-00123686 we estimate that fewer than 20 percent +oXq9dimIX_M-00597-00123688-00123839 of the nation's larger cities and +oXq9dimIX_M-00598-00123840-00123990 counties have an independent audit +oXq9dimIX_M-00599-00123991-00124086 function +oXq9dimIX_M-00600-00124088-00124295 if i could offer one suggestion to +oXq9dimIX_M-00601-00124296-00124510 improve accountability nationwide it +oXq9dimIX_M-00602-00124511-00124631 would be that you craft a way to +oXq9dimIX_M-00603-00124632-00124823 encourage more local jurisdictions to +oXq9dimIX_M-00604-00124824-00125095 create audit functions ultimately every +oXq9dimIX_M-00605-00125096-00125254 taxpayer would benefit with better +oXq9dimIX_M-00606-00125255-00125414 oversight of federal dollars spent at +oXq9dimIX_M-00607-00125415-00125566 the local level +oXq9dimIX_M-00608-00125567-00125751 the second challenge is resources the +oXq9dimIX_M-00609-00125752-00125902 majority of our local government audit +oXq9dimIX_M-00610-00125903-00126031 organizations are very small in +oXq9dimIX_M-00611-00126032-00126214 comparison to the audit +oXq9dimIX_M-00612-00126215-00126414 resources that we audit one-third of our +oXq9dimIX_M-00613-00126415-00126678 members have only one or two staff +oXq9dimIX_M-00614-00126679-00126831 finally most local governments have +oXq9dimIX_M-00615-00126832-00126983 experienced budget reductions in the +oXq9dimIX_M-00616-00126983-00127183 current economic downturn many of our +oXq9dimIX_M-00617-00127183-00127351 member organizations have cut positions +oXq9dimIX_M-00618-00127352-00127566 or implemented furloughs but let me +oXq9dimIX_M-00619-00127567-00127758 close by saying that despite these +oXq9dimIX_M-00620-00127759-00128039 challenges we welcome the opportunity to +oXq9dimIX_M-00621-00128040-00128247 work closely with the gao with the +oXq9dimIX_M-00622-00128248-00128431 inspector general community and with +oXq9dimIX_M-00623-00128432-00128654 state auditors to provide oversight of +oXq9dimIX_M-00624-00128655-00128783 local government's use of the federal +oXq9dimIX_M-00625-00128783-00129119 stimulus funds thank you +oXq9dimIX_M-00626-00129120-00129310 thank you +oXq9dimIX_M-00627-00129311-00129407 mr +oXq9dimIX_M-00628-00129408-00129534 frito +oXq9dimIX_M-00629-00129535-00129671 thank you mr chairman members of the +oXq9dimIX_M-00630-00129672-00129863 committee my name is jerry brito and i'm +oXq9dimIX_M-00631-00129864-00130023 a senior research fellow at the mercada +oXq9dimIX_M-00632-00130024-00130295 center at george mason university and an +oXq9dimIX_M-00633-00130296-00130463 adjunct professor of law at george mason +oXq9dimIX_M-00634-00130464-00130623 university school of law +oXq9dimIX_M-00635-00130624-00130734 i want to thank you for inviting me to +oXq9dimIX_M-00636-00130735-00130919 testify on preventing stimulus waste and +oXq9dimIX_M-00637-00130920-00131039 fraud +oXq9dimIX_M-00638-00131040-00131151 this committee knows why it's so +oXq9dimIX_M-00639-00131152-00131287 important to keep close tabs on the +oXq9dimIX_M-00640-00131288-00131487 nearly 800 billion dollars of spending +oXq9dimIX_M-00641-00131488-00131631 contained in the american recovery and +oXq9dimIX_M-00642-00131632-00131831 reinvestment act the question is how do +oXq9dimIX_M-00643-00131832-00131975 we do it +oXq9dimIX_M-00644-00131976-00132127 dozens of inspectors general and +oXq9dimIX_M-00645-00132128-00132263 official auditors around the country +oXq9dimIX_M-00646-00132264-00132454 will follow the stimulus money +oXq9dimIX_M-00647-00132455-00132639 they will do commendable work but they +oXq9dimIX_M-00648-00132640-00132847 can't possibly look at every payment and +oXq9dimIX_M-00649-00132848-00132990 every transaction +oXq9dimIX_M-00650-00132991-00133143 while we might want to we can't hire an +oXq9dimIX_M-00651-00133144-00133295 army of auditors charged with tracking +oXq9dimIX_M-00652-00133296-00133495 every single dollar however we can +oXq9dimIX_M-00653-00133496-00133614 supplement a very small number of +oXq9dimIX_M-00654-00133615-00133839 professional auditors with a very large +oXq9dimIX_M-00655-00133840-00133990 number of small contributions from +oXq9dimIX_M-00656-00133991-00134223 citizens that is we can crowdsource +oXq9dimIX_M-00657-00134224-00134431 accountability the same way that +oXq9dimIX_M-00658-00134432-00134607 wikipedia crowdsources the writing of +oXq9dimIX_M-00659-00134608-00134751 encyclopedia +oXq9dimIX_M-00660-00134752-00134895 in fact this very testimony that i'm +oXq9dimIX_M-00661-00134896-00135087 reading was crowdsourced i published a +oXq9dimIX_M-00662-00135088-00135239 draft of it on a wiki webpage and +oXq9dimIX_M-00663-00135240-00135454 alerted other transparency enthusiasts +oXq9dimIX_M-00664-00135455-00135647 and academics of his existence +oXq9dimIX_M-00665-00135648-00135831 in the 24 hours that the wiki was online +oXq9dimIX_M-00666-00135832-00135990 over a dozen persons made edits and +oXq9dimIX_M-00667-00135991-00136183 additions to these words all of them +oXq9dimIX_M-00668-00136184-00136351 adding value +oXq9dimIX_M-00669-00136352-00136543 if the government requires clear timely +oXq9dimIX_M-00670-00136544-00136678 and profound reporting of how every +oXq9dimIX_M-00671-00136679-00136895 dollar spent everyone not just +oXq9dimIX_M-00672-00136896-00137031 government auditors could keep track of +oXq9dimIX_M-00673-00137032-00137231 the money millions of citizens around +oXq9dimIX_M-00674-00137232-00137366 the country could be able to look at the +oXq9dimIX_M-00675-00137367-00137559 transactions related to recovery funded +oXq9dimIX_M-00676-00137560-00137814 projects in their neighborhoods +oXq9dimIX_M-00677-00137815-00137943 how would government enlist the help of +oXq9dimIX_M-00678-00137944-00138095 citizens to keep recovery spending +oXq9dimIX_M-00679-00138096-00138359 accountable it doesn't have to it just +oXq9dimIX_M-00680-00138360-00138527 has to provide the data +oXq9dimIX_M-00681-00138528-00138687 if the government makes the raw spending +oXq9dimIX_M-00682-00138688-00138863 data available a strong community of +oXq9dimIX_M-00683-00138864-00139063 transparency enthusiasts and scholars +oXq9dimIX_M-00684-00139064-00139254 will build tools that allow citizens to +oXq9dimIX_M-00685-00139255-00139423 sort and report it +oXq9dimIX_M-00686-00139424-00139539 there doesn't have to be just +oXq9dimIX_M-00687-00139540-00139735 onerecovery.gov if we make the data +oXq9dimIX_M-00688-00139736-00139943 available citizens can take that data +oXq9dimIX_M-00689-00139944-00140127 and make many recovery.gov with +oXq9dimIX_M-00690-00140128-00140263 different focuses and different sort of +oXq9dimIX_M-00691-00140264-00140447 presentations of the data +oXq9dimIX_M-00692-00140448-00140659 earlier this year i launched a website +oXq9dimIX_M-00693-00140660-00140839 stimuluswatch.org with the help of two +oXq9dimIX_M-00694-00140840-00140975 very talented volunteer software +oXq9dimIX_M-00695-00140976-00141263 developers peter snyder and kevin dwyer +oXq9dimIX_M-00696-00141264-00141502 the site presents nearly twenty thousand +oXq9dimIX_M-00697-00141503-00141639 shovel ready projects at the u.s +oXq9dimIX_M-00698-00141640-00141783 conference of mayors reported as +oXq9dimIX_M-00699-00141784-00142023 candidates for stimulus funding +oXq9dimIX_M-00700-00142024-00142190 citizens can easily find a list of +oXq9dimIX_M-00701-00142191-00142375 projects in their hometown and then rate +oXq9dimIX_M-00702-00142376-00142575 discuss and add factual context to each +oXq9dimIX_M-00703-00142576-00142711 project +oXq9dimIX_M-00704-00142712-00142839 now that you have passed the recovery +oXq9dimIX_M-00705-00142840-00142983 act we want to expand the capabilities +oXq9dimIX_M-00706-00142984-00143143 of our website to allow citizens to +oXq9dimIX_M-00707-00143144-00143366 track projects that will be funded in +oXq9dimIX_M-00708-00143367-00143575 their communities i know that other web +oXq9dimIX_M-00709-00143576-00143726 developers would like to make similar +oXq9dimIX_M-00710-00143727-00143935 tools including applications that track +oXq9dimIX_M-00711-00143936-00144126 job creation and to plot stimulus +oXq9dimIX_M-00712-00144127-00144335 dollars on maps coded with unemployment +oXq9dimIX_M-00713-00144336-00144471 and other statistics +oXq9dimIX_M-00714-00144472-00144614 there is no limit to the number of +oXq9dimIX_M-00715-00144615-00144814 useful and innovative presentations that +oXq9dimIX_M-00716-00144815-00145023 public-minded netizens can create +oXq9dimIX_M-00717-00145024-00145183 however before we can make useful tools +oXq9dimIX_M-00718-00145184-00145359 for the american public +oXq9dimIX_M-00719-00145360-00145519 the community of transparency innovators +oXq9dimIX_M-00720-00145520-00145799 needs the raw spending data in full to +oXq9dimIX_M-00721-00145800-00145935 make sure we have that we need you to +oXq9dimIX_M-00722-00145936-00146135 clarify and strengthen existing data +oXq9dimIX_M-00723-00146136-00146311 disclosure requirements there are two +oXq9dimIX_M-00724-00146312-00146463 key issues that need clarification that +oXq9dimIX_M-00725-00146464-00146575 i'd like to bring to your attention +oXq9dimIX_M-00726-00146576-00146663 today +oXq9dimIX_M-00727-00146664-00146823 the depth of disclosure and +oXq9dimIX_M-00728-00146824-00146975 standardization +oXq9dimIX_M-00729-00146976-00147126 first is a question of how deeply +oXq9dimIX_M-00730-00147127-00147326 disclosure will go while the recovery +oXq9dimIX_M-00731-00147327-00147471 act requires that recipients of federal +oXq9dimIX_M-00732-00147472-00147711 stimulus funds report to the awarding +oXq9dimIX_M-00733-00147712-00147823 agencies +oXq9dimIX_M-00734-00147824-00147975 how the funds are spent there is no +oXq9dimIX_M-00735-00147976-00148126 clear instruction that every level of +oXq9dimIX_M-00736-00148127-00148335 subcontract or subgrant must be +oXq9dimIX_M-00737-00148336-00148566 disclosed the omb guidance interpreting +oXq9dimIX_M-00738-00148567-00148839 the act states that only the quote prime +oXq9dimIX_M-00739-00148840-00148983 non-federal recipients of federal +oXq9dimIX_M-00740-00148984-00149199 funding and the sub-awards made by these +oXq9dimIX_M-00741-00149200-00149399 prime recipients are on the hook for +oXq9dimIX_M-00742-00149400-00149599 reporting to recovery.gov +oXq9dimIX_M-00743-00149600-00149790 this is very troubling if the government +oXq9dimIX_M-00744-00149791-00149895 wants to ensure meaningful +oXq9dimIX_M-00745-00149896-00150031 accountability then we must have +oXq9dimIX_M-00746-00150032-00150143 transparency at every level of +oXq9dimIX_M-00747-00150144-00150319 transaction it is not enough for +oXq9dimIX_M-00748-00150320-00150535 citizens citizens to know that the epa +oXq9dimIX_M-00749-00150536-00150766 made a grant to florida which in turn +oXq9dimIX_M-00750-00150767-00150919 made the subgrant to miami where i'm +oXq9dimIX_M-00751-00150920-00151159 from we also need to know that miami +oXq9dimIX_M-00752-00151160-00151375 made a payment to acme concrete which a +oXq9dimIX_M-00753-00151376-00151559 citizen with local knowledge could +oXq9dimIX_M-00754-00151560-00151766 recognize and flag as a firm done by the +oXq9dimIX_M-00755-00151767-00151943 council member's son-in-law +oXq9dimIX_M-00756-00151944-00152087 right now it is not clear we will get +oXq9dimIX_M-00757-00152088-00152239 this information +oXq9dimIX_M-00758-00152240-00152478 the second key issue is standardization +oXq9dimIX_M-00759-00152479-00152639 at this point the omb guidance does not +oXq9dimIX_M-00760-00152640-00152831 explain what data elements we should +oXq9dimIX_M-00761-00152832-00153063 expect recovery.gov to publish +oXq9dimIX_M-00762-00153064-00153247 by data elements i mean such things as +oXq9dimIX_M-00763-00153248-00153535 project name contractor amount spent +oXq9dimIX_M-00764-00153536-00153695 purpose of the project jobs created +oXq9dimIX_M-00765-00153696-00153959 street address city state etc +oXq9dimIX_M-00766-00153960-00154102 if you think of the raw data as a +oXq9dimIX_M-00767-00154103-00154287 spreadsheet we would like to know what +oXq9dimIX_M-00768-00154288-00154526 the column headers will be +oXq9dimIX_M-00769-00154527-00154711 we also don't know in what format the +oXq9dimIX_M-00770-00154712-00154887 information will be presented as i +oXq9dimIX_M-00771-00154888-00155039 explained more thoroughly in my written +oXq9dimIX_M-00772-00155040-00155214 testimony ideally the data would be +oXq9dimIX_M-00773-00155215-00155390 published in a structured format such as +oXq9dimIX_M-00774-00155391-00155695 extensible market language known as xml +oXq9dimIX_M-00775-00155696-00155831 in his first day in office the president +oXq9dimIX_M-00776-00155832-00156031 signed a memorandum on transparency and +oXq9dimIX_M-00777-00156032-00156247 open government the three central themes +oXq9dimIX_M-00778-00156248-00156383 of the memorandum to which the president +oXq9dimIX_M-00779-00156384-00156519 committed the administration are +oXq9dimIX_M-00780-00156520-00156711 transparency participation and +oXq9dimIX_M-00781-00156712-00156847 collaboration +oXq9dimIX_M-00782-00156848-00156999 a community of interested and +oXq9dimIX_M-00783-00157000-00157135 knowledgeable parties wants to +oXq9dimIX_M-00784-00157136-00157311 participate and collaborate with the +oXq9dimIX_M-00785-00157312-00157478 government to make online disclosure of +oXq9dimIX_M-00786-00157479-00157663 recovery spending data succeed for +oXq9dimIX_M-00787-00157664-00157831 example a wide range of groups and +oXq9dimIX_M-00788-00157832-00157943 individuals from all parts of the +oXq9dimIX_M-00789-00157944-00158119 political spectrum have formed a +oXq9dimIX_M-00790-00158120-00158287 coalition for an accountable recovery +oXq9dimIX_M-00791-00158288-00158551 and i commend you and the administration +oXq9dimIX_M-00792-00158552-00158711 the coalition's vision statement +oXq9dimIX_M-00793-00158712-00158831 proposed online transparency +oXq9dimIX_M-00794-00158832-00158983 architecture which i have attached to my +oXq9dimIX_M-00795-00158984-00159119 written testimony +oXq9dimIX_M-00796-00159120-00159247 i'm happy to report to so far the +oXq9dimIX_M-00797-00159248-00159414 administration has been quite good at +oXq9dimIX_M-00798-00159415-00159559 listening to suggestions from those of +oXq9dimIX_M-00799-00159560-00159751 us who are interested in recovery data +oXq9dimIX_M-00800-00159752-00159990 unfortunately it has not been as good at +oXq9dimIX_M-00801-00159991-00160151 sharing information in return a +oXq9dimIX_M-00802-00160152-00160351 necessity and true collaboration +oXq9dimIX_M-00803-00160352-00160543 ideally the folks buildingrecovery.gov +oXq9dimIX_M-00804-00160544-00160735 would be allowed to talk with us so we +oXq9dimIX_M-00805-00160736-00160887 can learn what they are planning and we +oXq9dimIX_M-00806-00160888-00161023 can tell them what we'd like to see +oXq9dimIX_M-00807-00161024-00161223 included we're willing to help track the +oXq9dimIX_M-00808-00161224-00161366 stimulus money and take part of +oXq9dimIX_M-00809-00161367-00161535 responsibility for seeing it well spent +oXq9dimIX_M-00810-00161536-00161887 but to do so we need the data thank you +oXq9dimIX_M-00811-00161888-00162078 thank you very much let me thank +oXq9dimIX_M-00812-00162079-00162343 all of you for your your testimony +oXq9dimIX_M-00813-00162344-00162631 uh let me begin with you um mr brito +oXq9dimIX_M-00814-00162632-00162854 you've been you just finished up i'll +oXq9dimIX_M-00815-00162855-00162999 come right back to you +oXq9dimIX_M-00816-00163000-00163102 um +oXq9dimIX_M-00817-00163103-00163287 would you agree that technology is not a +oXq9dimIX_M-00818-00163288-00163559 barrier to solving problems +oXq9dimIX_M-00819-00163560-00163695 it's not a barrier to solving the +oXq9dimIX_M-00820-00163696-00163838 problems no +oXq9dimIX_M-00821-00163839-00164095 i mean it is a barrier to the extent +oXq9dimIX_M-00822-00164096-00164295 that um there are legacy systems in +oXq9dimIX_M-00823-00164296-00164502 place uh uh in government and at the +oXq9dimIX_M-00824-00164503-00164759 state level um that might not be quite +oXq9dimIX_M-00825-00164760-00164911 at the speed that need to need to be to +oXq9dimIX_M-00826-00164912-00165111 report the data to that extent it could +oXq9dimIX_M-00827-00165112-00165263 be a barrier but it's a barrier that +oXq9dimIX_M-00828-00165264-00165687 could be overcome all right +oXq9dimIX_M-00829-00165688-00165831 you know um +oXq9dimIX_M-00830-00165832-00166031 let me put this to you mr holland mr +oXq9dimIX_M-00831-00166032-00166447 hair and also uh mr gregan +oXq9dimIX_M-00832-00166448-00166614 as you may know +oXq9dimIX_M-00833-00166615-00166759 there are strong provisions in the +oXq9dimIX_M-00834-00166760-00166943 recovery act +oXq9dimIX_M-00835-00166944-00167238 protecting state local and contractor +oXq9dimIX_M-00836-00167239-00167399 employees +oXq9dimIX_M-00837-00167400-00167599 that report fraud and waste and +oXq9dimIX_M-00838-00167600-00167854 connections with stimulus spending +oXq9dimIX_M-00839-00167855-00168143 do you have a broad plan on how to +oXq9dimIX_M-00840-00168144-00168471 harness citizen and whistleblowers +oXq9dimIX_M-00841-00168472-00168638 involvement in keeping an eye on +oXq9dimIX_M-00842-00168639-00168863 stimulus spending do you plan to +oXq9dimIX_M-00843-00168864-00169078 publicize the new whistleblower +oXq9dimIX_M-00844-00169079-00169287 protections in order to encourage +oXq9dimIX_M-00845-00169288-00169566 whistleblowers to come forward +oXq9dimIX_M-00846-00169567-00169687 let me just go down the road let me +oXq9dimIX_M-00847-00169688-00169831 start with you mr holland and i'll start +oXq9dimIX_M-00848-00169832-00170014 with you and then come down the line mr +oXq9dimIX_M-00849-00170015-00170254 chairman i i think that the uh the best +oXq9dimIX_M-00850-00170255-00170423 way to address the fraud and abuse that +oXq9dimIX_M-00851-00170424-00170638 might occur is catch it before it begins +oXq9dimIX_M-00852-00170639-00170783 which is exactly +oXq9dimIX_M-00853-00170784-00170999 what uh what what i said in my my +oXq9dimIX_M-00854-00171000-00171199 statement and it's probably to rely more +oXq9dimIX_M-00855-00171200-00171390 upon mr gregan's people +oXq9dimIX_M-00856-00171391-00171631 the the procurement officers to go back +oXq9dimIX_M-00857-00171632-00171863 and take a look at what we said in our +oXq9dimIX_M-00858-00171864-00172063 single audits where there were +oXq9dimIX_M-00859-00172064-00172302 weaknesses and internal controls in +oXq9dimIX_M-00860-00172303-00172583 procurement and in contracting policies +oXq9dimIX_M-00861-00172584-00172814 strengthen the procurement policies that +oXq9dimIX_M-00862-00172815-00173151 might be out there to avoid to avoid any +oXq9dimIX_M-00863-00173152-00173351 fraud and abuse that might take place +oXq9dimIX_M-00864-00173352-00173590 but as it does take place +oXq9dimIX_M-00865-00173591-00173735 auditors +oXq9dimIX_M-00866-00173736-00173847 at the state level +oXq9dimIX_M-00867-00173848-00174078 um are are +oXq9dimIX_M-00868-00174079-00174383 always prepared to disclose any fraud +oXq9dimIX_M-00869-00174384-00174607 any abuse any waste that that they they +oXq9dimIX_M-00870-00174608-00174759 come across +oXq9dimIX_M-00871-00174760-00175014 we do so already right strengthen the +oXq9dimIX_M-00872-00175015-00175190 procurement policies what is what does +oXq9dimIX_M-00873-00175191-00175319 that really mean +oXq9dimIX_M-00874-00175320-00175502 i think it means really the policies +oXq9dimIX_M-00875-00175503-00175663 generally as i mentioned in my oral +oXq9dimIX_M-00876-00175664-00175799 remarks are +oXq9dimIX_M-00877-00175800-00176031 in place they need to be reemphasized +oXq9dimIX_M-00878-00176032-00176287 people need to be in many cases trained +oXq9dimIX_M-00879-00176288-00176526 again on the meaning of those policies i +oXq9dimIX_M-00880-00176527-00176766 would suggest your specific question mr +oXq9dimIX_M-00881-00176767-00176926 chairman that we +oXq9dimIX_M-00882-00176927-00177102 have whistleblower protections in place +oXq9dimIX_M-00883-00177103-00177207 i think we have very good ones in the +oXq9dimIX_M-00884-00177208-00177399 city of washington d.c and the other two +oXq9dimIX_M-00885-00177400-00177551 very large governments that i've had the +oXq9dimIX_M-00886-00177552-00177783 privilege of being an official in +oXq9dimIX_M-00887-00177784-00177983 i would say we need to reemphasize them +oXq9dimIX_M-00888-00177984-00178183 as we try now +oXq9dimIX_M-00889-00178184-00178375 one of our greatest antiseptics to +oXq9dimIX_M-00890-00178376-00178583 anything going wrong here is just +oXq9dimIX_M-00891-00178584-00178759 massive communications whether it's by +oXq9dimIX_M-00892-00178760-00178959 websites some of the things mr brio said +oXq9dimIX_M-00893-00178960-00179151 and many others of us have said let's +oXq9dimIX_M-00894-00179152-00179319 communicate more aggressively let's make +oXq9dimIX_M-00895-00179320-00179575 it so easy for any interested member +oXq9dimIX_M-00896-00179576-00179799 whether it's the public or the press or +oXq9dimIX_M-00897-00179800-00180038 any oversight function that has a a +oXq9dimIX_M-00898-00180039-00180223 direct role in the process of overseeing +oXq9dimIX_M-00899-00180224-00180399 the expenditure funds let's make it +oXq9dimIX_M-00900-00180400-00180551 ultra easy for them to see where every +oXq9dimIX_M-00901-00180552-00180911 dollar goes and not only that to inquire +oXq9dimIX_M-00902-00180912-00181166 as to the legitimacy of any expenditure +oXq9dimIX_M-00903-00181167-00181351 so i i think now is as good a time as +oXq9dimIX_M-00904-00181352-00181543 any a better time probably than most to +oXq9dimIX_M-00905-00181544-00181702 re-emphasize those whistleblower +oXq9dimIX_M-00906-00181703-00181831 protections that i think we do have in +oXq9dimIX_M-00907-00181832-00181911 place +oXq9dimIX_M-00908-00181912-00182119 right you think it's easier now to do it +oXq9dimIX_M-00909-00182120-00182399 with devaney coming in uh +oXq9dimIX_M-00910-00182400-00182535 in the picture +oXq9dimIX_M-00911-00182536-00182751 does that make it more difficult i i +oXq9dimIX_M-00912-00182752-00182871 don't i'll be honest with you i don't +oXq9dimIX_M-00913-00182872-00183071 know the specifics of +oXq9dimIX_M-00914-00183072-00183207 exactly how these roles are going to +oXq9dimIX_M-00915-00183208-00183447 hash out i think the idea of putting a +oXq9dimIX_M-00916-00183448-00183695 an organization in place to be +oXq9dimIX_M-00917-00183696-00183847 responsible as a single point of +oXq9dimIX_M-00918-00183848-00184038 information if you will a single point +oXq9dimIX_M-00919-00184039-00184159 of truth i'll call it because i love +oXq9dimIX_M-00920-00184160-00184399 that phrase um i think that's the right +oXq9dimIX_M-00921-00184400-00184702 idea so and we've got to make it work +oXq9dimIX_M-00922-00184703-00184895 mr mr chairman i would agree that this +oXq9dimIX_M-00923-00184896-00185119 is a time to reinforce existing +oXq9dimIX_M-00924-00185120-00185302 practices of dealing with whistleblowers +oXq9dimIX_M-00925-00185303-00185447 but i would also suggest that it's a +oXq9dimIX_M-00926-00185448-00185543 time +oXq9dimIX_M-00927-00185544-00185711 for local governments to maybe think +oXq9dimIX_M-00928-00185712-00185950 about starting up uh hotlines and +oXq9dimIX_M-00929-00185951-00186111 providing whistleblower protections +oXq9dimIX_M-00930-00186112-00186407 through their to their local legislation +oXq9dimIX_M-00931-00186408-00186614 we started our hard line in 1994 we were +oXq9dimIX_M-00932-00186615-00186814 not the first but there are a lot of +oXq9dimIX_M-00933-00186815-00186959 governments that just have started very +oXq9dimIX_M-00934-00186960-00187150 recently bringing up hotlines at the +oXq9dimIX_M-00935-00187151-00187343 local level the city of milwaukee's is +oXq9dimIX_M-00936-00187344-00187502 only a couple years old +oXq9dimIX_M-00937-00187503-00187654 the state of wisconsin just put theirs +oXq9dimIX_M-00938-00187655-00187863 up last year and if you're going to take +oXq9dimIX_M-00939-00187864-00188038 information from people alleging fraud +oXq9dimIX_M-00940-00188039-00188183 you need to have a well-positioned +oXq9dimIX_M-00941-00188184-00188375 whistleblower protection so i think that +oXq9dimIX_M-00942-00188376-00188599 we will use this opportunity to try and +oXq9dimIX_M-00943-00188600-00188750 reinforce and expand the use of hotlines +oXq9dimIX_M-00944-00188751-00188926 at the local government level +oXq9dimIX_M-00945-00188927-00189126 you know +oXq9dimIX_M-00946-00189127-00189254 one of the things that's been talked +oXq9dimIX_M-00947-00189255-00189414 about a great deal +oXq9dimIX_M-00948-00189415-00189678 is the inability to um +oXq9dimIX_M-00949-00189679-00189807 communicate +oXq9dimIX_M-00950-00189808-00190038 and uh and of course +oXq9dimIX_M-00951-00190039-00190302 you know i suggested to the vice +oXq9dimIX_M-00952-00190303-00190519 president to call in uh and have a +oXq9dimIX_M-00953-00190520-00190759 summit to see in terms of from a +oXq9dimIX_M-00954-00190760-00190950 technology standpoint to see if we can't +oXq9dimIX_M-00955-00190951-00191247 sort of have everybody on the same page +oXq9dimIX_M-00956-00191248-00191487 you know and um and of course i'm being +oXq9dimIX_M-00957-00191488-00191671 discouraged at the fact that they're +oXq9dimIX_M-00958-00191672-00191863 saying that i'm being unrealistic i mean +oXq9dimIX_M-00959-00191864-00191999 these are coming from professionals i +oXq9dimIX_M-00960-00192000-00192190 mean i and uh to the point where you +oXq9dimIX_M-00961-00192191-00192495 know i'm saying you know uh why can't we +oXq9dimIX_M-00962-00192496-00192702 do this i'd like to just sort of get +oXq9dimIX_M-00963-00192703-00192911 some opinions on it mr bruto you you +oXq9dimIX_M-00964-00192912-00193150 touched upon it earlier you know uh what +oXq9dimIX_M-00965-00193151-00193343 do you think would stop us from doing it +oXq9dimIX_M-00966-00193344-00193487 you know you know +oXq9dimIX_M-00967-00193488-00193647 well i mean like i said i mean they're +oXq9dimIX_M-00968-00193648-00193799 going to be some legacy systems and by +oXq9dimIX_M-00969-00193800-00194063 that i mean old computers that can't +oXq9dimIX_M-00970-00194064-00194247 that don't have the capability +oXq9dimIX_M-00971-00194248-00194478 to produce the sort of data formats that +oXq9dimIX_M-00972-00194479-00194766 we need but aside from that and i i +oXq9dimIX_M-00973-00194767-00194926 think that you can you can get the data +oXq9dimIX_M-00974-00194927-00195126 out in a useful enough +oXq9dimIX_M-00975-00195127-00195263 format that others can take and +oXq9dimIX_M-00976-00195264-00195375 aggregate +oXq9dimIX_M-00977-00195376-00195575 and and make it useful on recovery.gov +oXq9dimIX_M-00978-00195576-00195799 and other websites so i guess to answer +oXq9dimIX_M-00979-00195800-00196014 your question directly no technology +oXq9dimIX_M-00980-00196015-00196183 should not stop us right this is an +oXq9dimIX_M-00981-00196184-00196302 unprecedented amount of money that we're +oXq9dimIX_M-00982-00196303-00196502 spending it's the american people's +oXq9dimIX_M-00983-00196503-00196702 money and they have a right to know how +oXq9dimIX_M-00984-00196703-00196823 it's being spent and the best +oXq9dimIX_M-00985-00196824-00196950 whistleblowers are the folks who don't +oXq9dimIX_M-00986-00196951-00197119 know their whistleblowers right if they +oXq9dimIX_M-00987-00197120-00197326 can go online look up the projects that +oXq9dimIX_M-00988-00197327-00197463 are in their neighborhoods and say boy i +oXq9dimIX_M-00989-00197464-00197671 know something about this project +oXq9dimIX_M-00990-00197672-00197807 that's what's important +oXq9dimIX_M-00991-00197808-00197895 right +oXq9dimIX_M-00992-00197896-00198175 any other comments before i yield to uh +oXq9dimIX_M-00993-00198176-00198287 my uh +oXq9dimIX_M-00994-00198288-00198590 i would i would add to this that +oXq9dimIX_M-00995-00198591-00198838 at the at the federal level +oXq9dimIX_M-00996-00198839-00198959 um +oXq9dimIX_M-00997-00198960-00199159 rightfully so you talking trillions and +oXq9dimIX_M-00998-00199160-00199287 billions +oXq9dimIX_M-00999-00199288-00199502 at the state level we talk in billions +oXq9dimIX_M-01000-00199503-00199647 and millions +oXq9dimIX_M-01001-00199648-00199847 at jerry's level they talk in millions +oXq9dimIX_M-01002-00199848-00200038 and thousands +oXq9dimIX_M-01003-00200039-00200271 when we start inputting that that +oXq9dimIX_M-01004-00200272-00200431 information at the millions and +oXq9dimIX_M-01005-00200432-00200583 thousands level +oXq9dimIX_M-01006-00200584-00200814 across the country with lots of +oXq9dimIX_M-01007-00200815-00200975 different people having +oXq9dimIX_M-01008-00200976-00201223 responsibility for inputting that data +oXq9dimIX_M-01009-00201224-00201471 and and deciding what is a job created +oXq9dimIX_M-01010-00201472-00201687 what is not a job created and it may be +oXq9dimIX_M-01011-00201688-00201950 different in springfield illinois versus +oXq9dimIX_M-01012-00201951-00202190 brooklyn it may be different in miami or +oXq9dimIX_M-01013-00202191-00202335 or in chicago or it's going to be +oXq9dimIX_M-01014-00202336-00202487 different all over the place it's a very +oXq9dimIX_M-01015-00202488-00202790 complex issue and lots of bits of +oXq9dimIX_M-01016-00202791-00203023 information that at some point you're +oXq9dimIX_M-01017-00203024-00203231 going to want to look at and say it all +oXq9dimIX_M-01018-00203232-00203366 is the same +oXq9dimIX_M-01019-00203367-00203647 and that is a challenge before us +oXq9dimIX_M-01020-00203648-00203878 to create all that information the same +oXq9dimIX_M-01021-00203879-00204111 across the country so that the proper +oXq9dimIX_M-01022-00204112-00204335 analysis can be done and it is not an +oXq9dimIX_M-01023-00204336-00204695 easy it is not an easy job to do and and +oXq9dimIX_M-01024-00204696-00204982 i i caution you to have a realistic +oXq9dimIX_M-01025-00204983-00205166 approach that when you start thinking +oXq9dimIX_M-01026-00205167-00205351 about the just the people are going to +oXq9dimIX_M-01027-00205352-00205566 put it in the people are going to say +oXq9dimIX_M-01028-00205567-00205719 this is the spending for this two-week +oXq9dimIX_M-01029-00205719-00205982 period it's going to vary all over the +oXq9dimIX_M-01030-00205983-00206246 country it is a real challenge at the +oXq9dimIX_M-01031-00206248-00206631 grassroots entry data entry level +oXq9dimIX_M-01032-00206632-00206790 and ultimately it's going to get to you +oXq9dimIX_M-01033-00206791-00207038 but you want it to be right yeah but you +oXq9dimIX_M-01034-00207039-00207255 know the reason i'm so concerned is that +oXq9dimIX_M-01035-00207256-00207551 you know everybody is saying that uh +oXq9dimIX_M-01036-00207552-00207886 55 billion dollars will be wasted if we +oXq9dimIX_M-01037-00207887-00208014 are not +oXq9dimIX_M-01038-00208015-00208366 uh careful and um and of course uh that +oXq9dimIX_M-01039-00208367-00208614 to me is very disturbing you know that's +oXq9dimIX_M-01040-00208615-00208919 b as in boy 55 billion +oXq9dimIX_M-01041-00208919-00209110 you know that's a lot of money +oXq9dimIX_M-01042-00209111-00209286 and i feel that we could do a lot of +oXq9dimIX_M-01043-00209287-00209590 things with that money if it's wasted +oXq9dimIX_M-01044-00209591-00209775 then you know uh +oXq9dimIX_M-01045-00209776-00210023 i think that uh we're not doing the +oXq9dimIX_M-01046-00210023-00210391 american uh public you know uh +oXq9dimIX_M-01047-00210392-00210519 the service that we're supposed to be +oXq9dimIX_M-01048-00210519-00210806 providing if we're allowing 55 billion +oXq9dimIX_M-01049-00210807-00211006 dollars to go out the back door side +oXq9dimIX_M-01050-00211007-00211327 door whatever door you know um so uh i +oXq9dimIX_M-01051-00211328-00211510 think that's a real concern so i think +oXq9dimIX_M-01052-00211511-00211639 it's an issue that we need to continue +oXq9dimIX_M-01053-00211640-00211894 to talk about i yield now to uh +oXq9dimIX_M-01054-00211896-00212182 thank you mr chairman um +oXq9dimIX_M-01055-00212183-00212319 let me uh +oXq9dimIX_M-01056-00212319-00212510 first go over and say mr holland i want +oXq9dimIX_M-01057-00212511-00212687 to just say you know from where you come +oXq9dimIX_M-01058-00212688-00212855 from the job you've done in the past +oXq9dimIX_M-01059-00212856-00213103 you're the meanest sob i think that has +oXq9dimIX_M-01060-00213104-00213303 ever counted beans so i appreciate that +oXq9dimIX_M-01061-00213304-00213663 and the challenges in in um dc +oXq9dimIX_M-01062-00213664-00213863 uh astonished me as a former mayor i +oXq9dimIX_M-01063-00213864-00214015 would love to have a shot at this city +oXq9dimIX_M-01064-00214016-00214246 for for a few years but uh real +oXq9dimIX_M-01065-00214248-00214527 challenges there um i got a question for +oXq9dimIX_M-01066-00214528-00214679 you when we were bringing this bill up +oXq9dimIX_M-01067-00214680-00214871 there was a discussion about putting +oXq9dimIX_M-01068-00214871-00215079 conditions in so we made sure we direct +oXq9dimIX_M-01069-00215080-00215279 these funds in a certain way and in fact +oXq9dimIX_M-01070-00215280-00215415 the senators +oXq9dimIX_M-01071-00215416-00215639 kept wanting to strike some of the the +oXq9dimIX_M-01072-00215640-00215846 guidelines because they said don't worry +oXq9dimIX_M-01073-00215848-00216263 this is a general cut we have oversight +oXq9dimIX_M-01074-00216264-00216598 how far does this +oXq9dimIX_M-01075-00216600-00216703 the +oXq9dimIX_M-01076-00216704-00216846 oversight and +oXq9dimIX_M-01077-00216848-00217158 our hands-on ability go +oXq9dimIX_M-01078-00217159-00217391 i guess the way to explain it is +oXq9dimIX_M-01079-00217392-00217558 when the federal government contracts +oXq9dimIX_M-01080-00217559-00217758 with somebody to do a project +oXq9dimIX_M-01081-00217759-00217919 we have direct oversight the +oXq9dimIX_M-01082-00217919-00218110 administration has direct oversight +oXq9dimIX_M-01083-00218111-00218439 there is a contractual relationship +oXq9dimIX_M-01084-00218440-00218703 when it goes through the state +oXq9dimIX_M-01085-00218704-00218919 and then through down to the city in the +oXq9dimIX_M-01086-00218919-00219055 county +oXq9dimIX_M-01087-00219056-00219375 is that contractual relationship broken +oXq9dimIX_M-01088-00219376-00219663 or does the contract or implied contract +oXq9dimIX_M-01089-00219664-00219903 over relationship follow the money as +oXq9dimIX_M-01090-00219904-00220087 it's going through and thus the +oXq9dimIX_M-01091-00220088-00220319 accountability follows the money as it +oXq9dimIX_M-01092-00220319-00220542 goes through or is the nexus +oXq9dimIX_M-01093-00220544-00220798 separated at the state line +oXq9dimIX_M-01094-00220800-00220982 and we are now at a whole different +oXq9dimIX_M-01095-00220983-00221239 relationship that our ability to hold a +oXq9dimIX_M-01096-00221240-00221487 contractor on the at the city +oXq9dimIX_M-01097-00221488-00221679 accountable has been broken because we +oXq9dimIX_M-01098-00221680-00221991 went through that system +oXq9dimIX_M-01099-00221992-00222239 well i i think if i can jump to what i +oXq9dimIX_M-01100-00222240-00222358 think the answer you might be looking +oXq9dimIX_M-01101-00222359-00222598 for is that under the single audit act +oXq9dimIX_M-01102-00222600-00222791 when that money comes to the state and +oXq9dimIX_M-01103-00222792-00223006 it's that federal program is being spent +oXq9dimIX_M-01104-00223007-00223094 and there's +oXq9dimIX_M-01105-00223096-00223271 and and and +oXq9dimIX_M-01106-00223271-00223382 uh the +oXq9dimIX_M-01107-00223383-00223510 who who's responsible for that +oXq9dimIX_M-01108-00223511-00223639 accountability +oXq9dimIX_M-01109-00223640-00223815 at the state level that's me +oXq9dimIX_M-01110-00223816-00224015 at the city level that's jerry +oXq9dimIX_M-01111-00224016-00224103 um +oXq9dimIX_M-01112-00224104-00224294 so that that accountability that single +oXq9dimIX_M-01113-00224296-00224487 audit that that that tracking that +oXq9dimIX_M-01114-00224488-00224719 federal funds and and +oXq9dimIX_M-01115-00224719-00224934 with regard to the stimulus money it is +oXq9dimIX_M-01116-00224935-00225119 our understanding the vast majority of +oXq9dimIX_M-01117-00225119-00225327 the stimulus money will go through +oXq9dimIX_M-01118-00225328-00225606 existing federal programs which means to +oXq9dimIX_M-01119-00225607-00225694 say +oXq9dimIX_M-01120-00225696-00225927 we will be responsible under those +oXq9dimIX_M-01121-00225928-00226071 existing programs in that existing +oXq9dimIX_M-01122-00226071-00226239 single audit program for the +oXq9dimIX_M-01123-00226240-00226439 accountability of those funds +oXq9dimIX_M-01124-00226440-00226655 does does that get that does your let's +oXq9dimIX_M-01125-00226656-00226815 just say if you do it through +oXq9dimIX_M-01126-00226816-00227006 a city program let's just say we're +oXq9dimIX_M-01127-00227007-00227271 we're building construction +oXq9dimIX_M-01128-00227271-00227471 we have standards that are on the books +oXq9dimIX_M-01129-00227471-00227631 and are coming onto the books that are a +oXq9dimIX_M-01130-00227632-00227903 federal minimum for every contractor +oXq9dimIX_M-01131-00227904-00228198 when you accept those funds +oXq9dimIX_M-01132-00228200-00228391 is there an implied contra that you are +oXq9dimIX_M-01133-00228392-00228631 now a contractor and fall under that you +oXq9dimIX_M-01134-00228632-00228806 you have to live like what you do other +oXq9dimIX_M-01135-00228807-00228991 guys or are you +oXq9dimIX_M-01136-00228992-00229158 exempt from that to where you don't have +oXq9dimIX_M-01137-00229159-00229423 to follow the same um same rules as +oXq9dimIX_M-01138-00229423-00229534 somebody who's +oXq9dimIX_M-01139-00229535-00229742 who is a private sector contractor with +oXq9dimIX_M-01140-00229744-00229894 the federal government +oXq9dimIX_M-01141-00229896-00230134 mr chairman in my experience when we +oXq9dimIX_M-01142-00230135-00230351 audit that dollar spent at the +oXq9dimIX_M-01143-00230352-00230615 contractor subcontractor level we audit +oXq9dimIX_M-01144-00230616-00230958 against the criteria that is established +oXq9dimIX_M-01145-00230959-00231127 at whatever point upstream we got the +oXq9dimIX_M-01146-00231128-00231239 money from whether it's the state or +oXq9dimIX_M-01147-00231240-00231415 federal government so if you've got +oXq9dimIX_M-01148-00231416-00231551 restrictions on those funds as to how +oXq9dimIX_M-01149-00231552-00231719 they must be spent those attached to our +oXq9dimIX_M-01150-00231719-00231887 audit program and we follow through on +oXq9dimIX_M-01151-00231888-00232031 those restrictions okay because let me +oXq9dimIX_M-01152-00232032-00232158 just be very frank there was a real +oXq9dimIX_M-01153-00232159-00232327 concern here that we make sure that when +oXq9dimIX_M-01154-00232328-00232615 we create jobs we create legal jobs +oXq9dimIX_M-01155-00232616-00232767 we're not going to have hundreds of +oXq9dimIX_M-01156-00232767-00232958 thousands of people that are illegal +oXq9dimIX_M-01157-00232959-00233142 using false documents false social +oXq9dimIX_M-01158-00233144-00233334 security is getting this job there were +oXq9dimIX_M-01159-00233335-00233503 senators that said the condition that we +oXq9dimIX_M-01160-00233504-00233663 put on at the house +oXq9dimIX_M-01161-00233664-00233894 to require e-verify was repetitive +oXq9dimIX_M-01162-00233896-00234071 because the administration was now going +oXq9dimIX_M-01163-00234071-00234327 to require as of march that all federal +oXq9dimIX_M-01164-00234328-00234606 contractors had to use e-verify +oXq9dimIX_M-01165-00234607-00234823 the question is this +oXq9dimIX_M-01166-00234823-00235023 you know is it understood that part of +oXq9dimIX_M-01167-00235023-00235223 the fraud and abuse part of this is that +oXq9dimIX_M-01168-00235223-00235439 when you hire somebody under this +oXq9dimIX_M-01169-00235440-00235646 this fund you're going to make sure that +oXq9dimIX_M-01170-00235648-00235831 they are that their social security they +oXq9dimIX_M-01171-00235832-00235982 are who they claim to be and that +oXq9dimIX_M-01172-00235983-00236158 they're qualified under +oXq9dimIX_M-01173-00236159-00236358 under federal law to work legally in +oXq9dimIX_M-01174-00236359-00236446 this +oXq9dimIX_M-01175-00236448-00236679 in this country +oXq9dimIX_M-01176-00236680-00236894 the the big question is does that +oXq9dimIX_M-01177-00236896-00237046 requirement that the that this +oXq9dimIX_M-01178-00237048-00237215 administration is going to apply to +oXq9dimIX_M-01179-00237216-00237367 federal contractors will that be +oXq9dimIX_M-01180-00237367-00237463 followed +oXq9dimIX_M-01181-00237464-00237663 um will that follow the money all the +oXq9dimIX_M-01182-00237664-00237910 way down to the local level +oXq9dimIX_M-01183-00237911-00238071 well we would hope that that would be +oXq9dimIX_M-01184-00238071-00238319 done at the front end where the people +oXq9dimIX_M-01185-00238319-00238510 who were responsible for administering +oXq9dimIX_M-01186-00238511-00238767 that program would would would follow +oXq9dimIX_M-01187-00238767-00239015 the law and then if that is the law if +oXq9dimIX_M-01188-00239016-00239134 that's a provision within that +oXq9dimIX_M-01189-00239135-00239271 contractual arrangement that would be +oXq9dimIX_M-01190-00239271-00239527 subject to to audit by either the state +oXq9dimIX_M-01191-00239528-00239782 auditor or a or a local auditor i would +oXq9dimIX_M-01192-00239783-00239958 agree with that mr truman so in other +oXq9dimIX_M-01193-00239959-00240167 words a um what you're going to look for +oXq9dimIX_M-01194-00240167-00240503 is specific language in the grant +oXq9dimIX_M-01195-00240504-00240782 or in in the text of the grant +oXq9dimIX_M-01196-00240783-00240967 rather than the general policy of the +oXq9dimIX_M-01197-00240967-00241119 federal government you've got you you +oXq9dimIX_M-01198-00241119-00241334 need that specifically stated +oXq9dimIX_M-01199-00241335-00241439 because i'm wondering here because +oXq9dimIX_M-01200-00241440-00241575 there's all kinds of fraud and abuse +oXq9dimIX_M-01201-00241576-00241758 that i don't think is specifically +oXq9dimIX_M-01202-00241759-00241975 stated +oXq9dimIX_M-01203-00241976-00242287 that you will de facto pick up +oXq9dimIX_M-01204-00242288-00242510 that um i don't know about nepotism i +oXq9dimIX_M-01205-00242511-00242694 don't know about what kind of um +oXq9dimIX_M-01206-00242696-00242855 conflict of interest +oXq9dimIX_M-01207-00242856-00243030 and i assume in a lot of those contracts +oXq9dimIX_M-01208-00243031-00243198 they're there but there's a lot of this +oXq9dimIX_M-01209-00243200-00243391 that i hope that you maintain as a +oXq9dimIX_M-01210-00243392-00243503 standard +oXq9dimIX_M-01211-00243504-00243710 that isn't specifically referred to in +oXq9dimIX_M-01212-00243711-00243839 the grant +oXq9dimIX_M-01213-00243840-00244094 but um is sort of a common sense +oXq9dimIX_M-01214-00244096-00244294 approach that you're not going to give +oXq9dimIX_M-01215-00244296-00244455 this money to somebody or some group +oXq9dimIX_M-01216-00244456-00244894 that's that's in in violation the law +oXq9dimIX_M-01217-00244896-00245087 but the big question is will there be +oXq9dimIX_M-01218-00245088-00245287 will that apply also to this segment +oXq9dimIX_M-01219-00245288-00245503 that the house strongly or we +oXq9dimIX_M-01220-00245504-00245823 overwhelmingly put into our bill that +oXq9dimIX_M-01221-00245823-00245991 let's make sure that the only people who +oXq9dimIX_M-01222-00245992-00246158 get the jobs or get these grants or +oXq9dimIX_M-01223-00246159-00246303 people who are legal in the country by +oXq9dimIX_M-01224-00246304-00246630 requiring e-verify to be used +oXq9dimIX_M-01225-00246631-00246775 with i can't speak to any specific +oXq9dimIX_M-01226-00246776-00246927 program at this particular point not +oXq9dimIX_M-01227-00246928-00247127 knowing what's in each specific program +oXq9dimIX_M-01228-00247128-00247375 but if there are those restrictions we +oXq9dimIX_M-01229-00247376-00247591 will audit against those restrictions +oXq9dimIX_M-01230-00247592-00247727 yes um +oXq9dimIX_M-01231-00247728-00247967 you know i can't speak directly to uh +oXq9dimIX_M-01232-00247967-00248230 what the requirements are on uh this +oXq9dimIX_M-01233-00248231-00248406 gentleman right now but they all seem to +oXq9dimIX_M-01234-00248407-00248582 agree that they have +oXq9dimIX_M-01235-00248583-00248742 they're accountable for how the money is +oXq9dimIX_M-01236-00248744-00248871 spent and they're in charge of making +oXq9dimIX_M-01237-00248871-00248998 sure that money is spent accountably +oXq9dimIX_M-01238-00249000-00249119 right +oXq9dimIX_M-01239-00249119-00249294 what i'd like to know uh and what i'd +oXq9dimIX_M-01240-00249296-00249455 like to suggest is important as well as +oXq9dimIX_M-01241-00249456-00249615 accountability +oXq9dimIX_M-01242-00249616-00249903 from the ig level is reporting +oXq9dimIX_M-01243-00249904-00250287 and and so the question for me would be +oXq9dimIX_M-01244-00250288-00250455 does the fact that the money goes from +oXq9dimIX_M-01245-00250456-00250606 the federal government to the state to +oXq9dimIX_M-01246-00250607-00250758 the city does that still carry a +oXq9dimIX_M-01247-00250759-00250975 reporting requirement where the city +oXq9dimIX_M-01248-00250976-00251103 must report +oXq9dimIX_M-01249-00251104-00251327 what were the contracts that were made +oXq9dimIX_M-01250-00251328-00251430 um +oXq9dimIX_M-01251-00251431-00251775 who was paid what for and then any +oXq9dimIX_M-01252-00251776-00251942 sort of uh interest that you might have +oXq9dimIX_M-01253-00251944-00252055 about how the money is being spent a +oXq9dimIX_M-01254-00252056-00252239 citizen in that locality can look at +oXq9dimIX_M-01255-00252240-00252382 that contract and maybe raise the red +oXq9dimIX_M-01256-00252383-00252471 flag +oXq9dimIX_M-01257-00252471-00252582 directly yeah because one of the things +oXq9dimIX_M-01258-00252583-00252742 you do is somebody says oh i hired this +oXq9dimIX_M-01259-00252744-00252887 many people +oXq9dimIX_M-01260-00252888-00253103 and if you don't check that the social +oXq9dimIX_M-01261-00253104-00253310 security number and name +oXq9dimIX_M-01262-00253311-00253534 is actually viable +oXq9dimIX_M-01263-00253535-00253734 they could put any person they want but +oXq9dimIX_M-01264-00253735-00253975 there's no way for us to audit the books +oXq9dimIX_M-01265-00253976-00254239 if there isn't that data available and +oXq9dimIX_M-01266-00254240-00254471 that data the way you get that +oXq9dimIX_M-01267-00254471-00254703 data available is through e-verify +oXq9dimIX_M-01268-00254704-00254815 you actually you know go in social +oXq9dimIX_M-01269-00254816-00254975 security says okay this guy says it's +oXq9dimIX_M-01270-00254976-00255246 his name this is um number and you match +oXq9dimIX_M-01271-00255248-00255358 it up and that +oXq9dimIX_M-01272-00255359-00255558 allows auditors to say yes this was +oXq9dimIX_M-01273-00255559-00255727 really a person +oXq9dimIX_M-01274-00255728-00256039 um and we can verify that because +oXq9dimIX_M-01275-00256040-00256191 here's the number here's the name and +oXq9dimIX_M-01276-00256192-00256463 it's it's been checked +oXq9dimIX_M-01277-00256464-00256671 that should be done by the people who +oXq9dimIX_M-01278-00256671-00256958 are running the program at the front end +oXq9dimIX_M-01279-00256959-00257103 your goal should be never to see me +oXq9dimIX_M-01280-00257104-00257263 again +oXq9dimIX_M-01281-00257264-00257382 in congress +oXq9dimIX_M-01282-00257383-00257591 because things have been done right okay +oXq9dimIX_M-01283-00257592-00257742 i know mr chairman i apologize but +oXq9dimIX_M-01284-00257744-00257934 there's one issue that um +oXq9dimIX_M-01285-00257935-00258223 uh the reference to the recovery.gov +oXq9dimIX_M-01286-00258223-00258439 being um not being up and going for +oXq9dimIX_M-01287-00258440-00258623 another year +oXq9dimIX_M-01288-00258623-00258903 somebody want to comment on that +oXq9dimIX_M-01289-00258904-00258991 um +oXq9dimIX_M-01290-00258992-00259151 yeah i think that would be a real shame +oXq9dimIX_M-01291-00259152-00259415 i mean uh if the money's being spent now +oXq9dimIX_M-01292-00259416-00259646 uh we need folks looking at the dollars +oXq9dimIX_M-01293-00259648-00259823 being spent now to flag anything that +oXq9dimIX_M-01294-00259823-00259951 might be inappropriate or might be +oXq9dimIX_M-01295-00259952-00260151 wasteful uh and this isn't just about +oXq9dimIX_M-01296-00260152-00260327 gotcha games right that's what we want +oXq9dimIX_M-01297-00260328-00260487 to avoid as gotcha games it's not about +oXq9dimIX_M-01298-00260488-00260655 gotcha games it's about uh performance +oXq9dimIX_M-01299-00260656-00260839 really in large part and citizens on the +oXq9dimIX_M-01300-00260840-00261175 ground are the best placed to to uh be +oXq9dimIX_M-01301-00261176-00261430 able to communicate to folks in their +oXq9dimIX_M-01302-00261431-00261510 own +oXq9dimIX_M-01303-00261511-00261639 local government in their state +oXq9dimIX_M-01304-00261640-00261863 government to you uh that the project +oXq9dimIX_M-01305-00261864-00262023 that's going down in their neighborhood +oXq9dimIX_M-01306-00262023-00262158 maybe it's a community center maybe it's +oXq9dimIX_M-01307-00262159-00262327 a bridge uh that it's not going very +oXq9dimIX_M-01308-00262328-00262575 well right uh maybe they can't get a job +oXq9dimIX_M-01309-00262576-00262734 there even though there's supposed to be +oXq9dimIX_M-01310-00262735-00262903 as many jobs available +oXq9dimIX_M-01311-00262904-00263039 and the only way that +oXq9dimIX_M-01312-00263040-00263247 you you allow them to know what's going +oXq9dimIX_M-01313-00263248-00263455 on is by releasing the data as soon as +oXq9dimIX_M-01314-00263456-00263655 possible online and i understand mr +oXq9dimIX_M-01315-00263656-00263855 devaney is facing many challenges you +oXq9dimIX_M-01316-00263856-00264110 know least of which is taking over the +oXq9dimIX_M-01317-00264111-00264206 site +oXq9dimIX_M-01318-00264207-00264327 now +oXq9dimIX_M-01319-00264328-00264495 after 30 days +oXq9dimIX_M-01320-00264496-00264679 but i think they need to make that a top +oXq9dimIX_M-01321-00264680-00264830 priority because that would mean +oXq9dimIX_M-01322-00264831-00265055 enlisting millions of auditors which are +oXq9dimIX_M-01323-00265056-00265182 called the american people the chairman +oXq9dimIX_M-01324-00265183-00265351 really has tried to make this get away +oXq9dimIX_M-01325-00265352-00265567 from the gotcha game get to avoid the +oXq9dimIX_M-01326-00265568-00265775 problem to start with and if the problem +oXq9dimIX_M-01327-00265776-00266006 shows up address it while it's small +oXq9dimIX_M-01328-00266007-00266215 don't wait and what i worry about with +oXq9dimIX_M-01329-00266216-00266406 this item is we're gonna we won't know +oXq9dimIX_M-01330-00266407-00266567 for a year and that could be enough time +oXq9dimIX_M-01331-00266568-00266767 to first real problems and then it ends +oXq9dimIX_M-01332-00266768-00266927 up being a big blow up rather than a +oXq9dimIX_M-01333-00266928-00267127 little problem we can address +oXq9dimIX_M-01334-00267128-00267279 anybody else want to comment on that one +oXq9dimIX_M-01335-00267280-00267727 year timeline problem +oXq9dimIX_M-01336-00267728-00267958 i i would agree that so that's an +oXq9dimIX_M-01337-00267959-00268127 excessively long period of time for us +oXq9dimIX_M-01338-00268128-00268279 to start getting data for if we're going +oXq9dimIX_M-01339-00268280-00268406 to have to wait that long we'll probably +oXq9dimIX_M-01340-00268407-00268575 rely on other resources so we can share +oXq9dimIX_M-01341-00268576-00268727 information in the audit community and +oXq9dimIX_M-01342-00268728-00268919 get ahead of problems and not wait wait +oXq9dimIX_M-01343-00268920-00269310 that long to find them +oXq9dimIX_M-01344-00269311-00269423 i +oXq9dimIX_M-01345-00269424-00269599 i just want to follow up on this mr +oXq9dimIX_M-01346-00269600-00269903 chairman because i think this is um +oXq9dimIX_M-01347-00269904-00270134 really sim really shows what we've done +oXq9dimIX_M-01348-00270135-00270351 in the past in the federal government +oXq9dimIX_M-01349-00270352-00270551 and if we're going to change +oXq9dimIX_M-01350-00270552-00270847 the outcome we now change the process +oXq9dimIX_M-01351-00270848-00271015 and i think this is one place +oXq9dimIX_M-01352-00271016-00271175 republicans and democrats ought to be +oXq9dimIX_M-01353-00271176-00271303 working together +oXq9dimIX_M-01354-00271304-00271510 to help to keep this administration out +oXq9dimIX_M-01355-00271511-00271830 of the gotcha game by us actually saying +oXq9dimIX_M-01356-00271831-00271975 we need you to do +oXq9dimIX_M-01357-00271976-00272151 um you we need +oXq9dimIX_M-01358-00272152-00272367 to do the right thing first so so we +oXq9dimIX_M-01359-00272368-00272551 avoid having to point out that you did +oXq9dimIX_M-01360-00272552-00272815 something wrong after the fact i +oXq9dimIX_M-01361-00272816-00273023 appreciate it mr chairman yeah i agree +oXq9dimIX_M-01362-00273024-00273199 with you i think that transparency is +oXq9dimIX_M-01363-00273200-00273358 very very important and this is what +oXq9dimIX_M-01364-00273359-00273534 we're really talking about and i think +oXq9dimIX_M-01365-00273535-00273799 that any way that we can do can do that +oXq9dimIX_M-01366-00273800-00274047 i think that it's just so important +oXq9dimIX_M-01367-00274048-00274327 because 787 billion dollars is a lot of +oXq9dimIX_M-01368-00274328-00274519 money and that we need to try to make +oXq9dimIX_M-01369-00274520-00274743 certain that it is being spent properly +oXq9dimIX_M-01370-00274744-00274919 at this time i yield to the ranking +oXq9dimIX_M-01371-00274920-00275199 member thank you mr chairman +oXq9dimIX_M-01372-00275200-00275487 uh mr bruto richo +oXq9dimIX_M-01373-00275488-00275679 uh +oXq9dimIX_M-01374-00275680-00275895 we've been throughout the day concerned +oXq9dimIX_M-01375-00275896-00276103 and i'd like your view on +oXq9dimIX_M-01376-00276104-00276263 uh the fact that apparently it's going +oXq9dimIX_M-01377-00276264-00276471 to take an estimated year for +oXq9dimIX_M-01378-00276472-00276734 recovery.gov to get to +oXq9dimIX_M-01379-00276735-00276975 a level of transparency can you take us +oXq9dimIX_M-01380-00276976-00277271 through how we can reduce that down to +oXq9dimIX_M-01381-00277272-00277527 an acceptable down to as close as +oXq9dimIX_M-01382-00277528-00277758 possible acceptable level to get +oXq9dimIX_M-01383-00277759-00278079 transparency through the entire process +oXq9dimIX_M-01384-00278080-00278255 available to +oXq9dimIX_M-01385-00278256-00278527 either search engines or the public +oXq9dimIX_M-01386-00278528-00278839 i think that uh omb or now it seems that +oXq9dimIX_M-01387-00278840-00279055 mr debate is taking over the website so +oXq9dimIX_M-01388-00279056-00279199 it will be the recovery accountability +oXq9dimIX_M-01389-00279200-00279415 transparency board uh needs to issue +oXq9dimIX_M-01390-00279416-00279551 guidance and i would hope that my +oXq9dimIX_M-01391-00279552-00279703 colleagues up here can can answer this +oXq9dimIX_M-01392-00279704-00279951 as well can issue guidance +oXq9dimIX_M-01393-00279952-00280110 maybe after some collaboration where +oXq9dimIX_M-01394-00280111-00280279 these guidances developed +oXq9dimIX_M-01395-00280280-00280543 it basically issued guidance that will +oXq9dimIX_M-01396-00280544-00280775 tell cities +oXq9dimIX_M-01397-00280776-00280951 contractors those who would actually be +oXq9dimIX_M-01398-00280952-00281079 receiving monies and would have to be on +oXq9dimIX_M-01399-00281080-00281351 the hook for reporting +oXq9dimIX_M-01400-00281352-00281575 what they need to report and so that we +oXq9dimIX_M-01401-00281576-00281799 in a transparency community can know +oXq9dimIX_M-01402-00281800-00281975 what we can expect coming down the pike +oXq9dimIX_M-01403-00281976-00282182 and i'm talking about what fields need +oXq9dimIX_M-01404-00282183-00282415 to be added which is what you know the +oXq9dimIX_M-01405-00282416-00282623 name of the contractor the cost number +oXq9dimIX_M-01406-00282624-00282782 of jobs created so you're saying they've +oXq9dimIX_M-01407-00282783-00283015 got to define you somebody at the +oXq9dimIX_M-01408-00283016-00283215 government side has to define the field +oXq9dimIX_M-01409-00283216-00283423 so that when you answer the question you +oXq9dimIX_M-01410-00283424-00283615 put them into fields that are consistent +oXq9dimIX_M-01411-00283616-00283799 consistently searched consistently +oXq9dimIX_M-01412-00283800-00283982 across the country and i want to +oXq9dimIX_M-01413-00283983-00284095 emphasize that i hope this is done in +oXq9dimIX_M-01414-00284096-00284279 collaboration with the folks on the +oXq9dimIX_M-01415-00284280-00284406 ground in the cities the folks in the +oXq9dimIX_M-01416-00284407-00284510 transparency community who are +oXq9dimIX_M-01417-00284511-00284719 interested in receiving the data and +oXq9dimIX_M-01418-00284720-00284871 using it so that's the first thing the +oXq9dimIX_M-01419-00284872-00285079 other thing is um something you've all +oXq9dimIX_M-01420-00285080-00285215 been doing here today which is sort of +oXq9dimIX_M-01421-00285216-00285454 clarifying how deep uh will the +oXq9dimIX_M-01422-00285455-00285647 reporting go um +oXq9dimIX_M-01423-00285648-00285910 because you need to clarify that it's +oXq9dimIX_M-01424-00285911-00286134 going to go down to the ultimate +oXq9dimIX_M-01425-00286135-00286303 terminal user of the money that they +oXq9dimIX_M-01426-00286304-00286519 will be uh as on the hook as anybody +oXq9dimIX_M-01427-00286520-00286703 else as you've gone through +oXq9dimIX_M-01428-00286704-00286967 the legislation +oXq9dimIX_M-01429-00286968-00287175 would it be correct to say that +oXq9dimIX_M-01430-00287176-00287406 nowhere in there does it either provide +oXq9dimIX_M-01431-00287407-00287599 for or require +oXq9dimIX_M-01432-00287600-00287743 that there be reporting down to the +oXq9dimIX_M-01433-00287744-00287999 contractor and subcontractor nor is +oXq9dimIX_M-01434-00288000-00288230 there authority for those rules to be +oXq9dimIX_M-01435-00288231-00288343 created +oXq9dimIX_M-01436-00288344-00288558 i think that would be correct as far as +oXq9dimIX_M-01437-00288559-00288799 saying um that there's nowhere in the +oXq9dimIX_M-01438-00288800-00289015 act that it specifically says that all +oXq9dimIX_M-01439-00289016-00289158 contractors and subcontractors of +oXq9dimIX_M-01440-00289159-00289319 subgrantees etc are on the hook for +oXq9dimIX_M-01441-00289320-00289630 reporting um i'm not sure um +oXq9dimIX_M-01442-00289631-00289823 neither does it prohibit it right so i'm +oXq9dimIX_M-01443-00289824-00290103 not sure that um authority is required +oXq9dimIX_M-01444-00290104-00290279 maybe this is something that omb could +oXq9dimIX_M-01445-00290280-00290591 do could require on its own i'm not sure +oXq9dimIX_M-01446-00290592-00290815 okay so i think mr chairman that's +oXq9dimIX_M-01447-00290816-00290943 that's probably the one point we've +oXq9dimIX_M-01448-00290944-00291263 gotten between mr devaney and here and +oXq9dimIX_M-01449-00291264-00291406 i'd like to get responses from the +oXq9dimIX_M-01450-00291407-00291519 others is +oXq9dimIX_M-01451-00291520-00291695 that we don't have a clear answer to +oXq9dimIX_M-01452-00291696-00291958 whether or not they will require it +oXq9dimIX_M-01453-00291959-00292110 and that they believe they have the +oXq9dimIX_M-01454-00292111-00292295 rule-making authority i i believe they +oXq9dimIX_M-01455-00292296-00292479 do by the way i think by not by being +oXq9dimIX_M-01456-00292480-00292663 silent on it they do have the authority +oXq9dimIX_M-01457-00292664-00292879 but that may be one for us to jointly +oXq9dimIX_M-01458-00292880-00293103 ask +oXq9dimIX_M-01459-00293104-00293358 the entire organization headed by the +oXq9dimIX_M-01460-00293359-00293606 vice president about whether they intend +oXq9dimIX_M-01461-00293607-00293806 to have those rules and whether they +oXq9dimIX_M-01462-00293807-00293982 need any further action from us and that +oXq9dimIX_M-01463-00293983-00294367 may be our best joint follow-up +oXq9dimIX_M-01464-00294368-00294567 i have no objections to that at all okay +oXq9dimIX_M-01465-00294568-00294719 i look forward to working something out +oXq9dimIX_M-01466-00294720-00294919 with our staffs and for the others i'd +oXq9dimIX_M-01467-00294920-00295087 appreciate this sort of +oXq9dimIX_M-01468-00295088-00295279 your further belief on that point +oXq9dimIX_M-01469-00295280-00295391 because to me +oXq9dimIX_M-01470-00295392-00295599 this oversight which is proactive which +oXq9dimIX_M-01471-00295600-00295775 i'm very proud the chairman has done it +oXq9dimIX_M-01472-00295776-00295919 on this basis +oXq9dimIX_M-01473-00295920-00296110 only is some good if we look for these +oXq9dimIX_M-01474-00296111-00296319 things that we need to do now before +oXq9dimIX_M-01475-00296320-00296615 those databases are created filled with +oXq9dimIX_M-01476-00296616-00296799 material that's hard to read +oXq9dimIX_M-01477-00296800-00297015 please mr chairman i would agree that +oXq9dimIX_M-01478-00297016-00297175 the sooner those decisions are made the +oXq9dimIX_M-01479-00297176-00297295 better for all of us are going to be +oXq9dimIX_M-01480-00297296-00297415 involved in +oXq9dimIX_M-01481-00297416-00297654 reporting and auditing we need you to be +oXq9dimIX_M-01482-00297655-00297895 clear about what you want and +oXq9dimIX_M-01483-00297896-00298095 communicate that to us it may involve +oXq9dimIX_M-01484-00298096-00298295 the need for some further coordination +oXq9dimIX_M-01485-00298296-00298543 with training or or some other type of +oXq9dimIX_M-01486-00298544-00298767 cooperation but the sooner you can +oXq9dimIX_M-01487-00298768-00299071 identify what you want us to provide +oXq9dimIX_M-01488-00299072-00299375 the better we are used to juggling our +oXq9dimIX_M-01489-00299376-00299543 systems with with federal systems we +oXq9dimIX_M-01490-00299544-00299751 have a separate system for +oXq9dimIX_M-01491-00299752-00299887 reporting with hud we have a separate +oXq9dimIX_M-01492-00299888-00300039 system for reporting transportation +oXq9dimIX_M-01493-00300040-00300206 funding we find a way to integrate that +oXq9dimIX_M-01494-00300207-00300415 with our own system so we can be as +oXq9dimIX_M-01495-00300416-00300591 efficient and accurate as possible but +oXq9dimIX_M-01496-00300592-00300919 we need to know what you want +oXq9dimIX_M-01497-00300920-00301151 i would like to add i +oXq9dimIX_M-01498-00301152-00301287 first of all i consider and i think it's +oXq9dimIX_M-01499-00301288-00301399 important to register this the +oXq9dimIX_M-01500-00301400-00301527 procurement community in the public +oXq9dimIX_M-01501-00301528-00301671 sector is part of the transparency +oXq9dimIX_M-01502-00301672-00301830 community and i want to make sure that +oXq9dimIX_M-01503-00301831-00302006 we all understand in my profession and +oXq9dimIX_M-01504-00302007-00302127 certainly our partners in the us +oXq9dimIX_M-01505-00302128-00302303 congress that we definitely consider +oXq9dimIX_M-01506-00302304-00302527 ourselves part of that community but +oXq9dimIX_M-01507-00302528-00302799 it's a well intended plan right now but +oXq9dimIX_M-01508-00302800-00302943 not yet well executed and this is what +oXq9dimIX_M-01509-00302944-00303199 most concerns me the if this does not +oXq9dimIX_M-01510-00303200-00303367 flow down from the top what you have in +oXq9dimIX_M-01511-00303368-00303599 an attempt to be transparent is 50 +oXq9dimIX_M-01512-00303600-00303810 different state websites and probably +oXq9dimIX_M-01513-00303811-00304103 3066 county websites and seventy +oXq9dimIX_M-01514-00304104-00304279 thousand cities and town websites all of +oXq9dimIX_M-01515-00304280-00304423 whom somewhere in that chain of +oXq9dimIX_M-01516-00304424-00304679 expenditure flowing down from this uh +oXq9dimIX_M-01517-00304680-00304839 great act but you don't have +oXq9dimIX_M-01518-00304840-00304967 transparency what you have is an +oXq9dimIX_M-01519-00304968-00305158 impenetrable morass +oXq9dimIX_M-01520-00305159-00305327 any of us who've ever tried to even +oXq9dimIX_M-01521-00305328-00305534 figure out how 50 states do business +oXq9dimIX_M-01522-00305535-00305727 would find that a challenge because +oXq9dimIX_M-01523-00305728-00305943 there is no single form in which we find +oXq9dimIX_M-01524-00305944-00306119 the data so i think that i think i could +oXq9dimIX_M-01525-00306120-00306254 talk forever on it but that would only +oXq9dimIX_M-01526-00306255-00306391 belabor what we already know and what +oXq9dimIX_M-01527-00306392-00306639 we've already said +oXq9dimIX_M-01528-00306640-00306775 mr allen if you have something in +oXq9dimIX_M-01529-00306776-00307063 closing mr gregan is right on there is +oXq9dimIX_M-01530-00307064-00307271 just the the volume of information +oXq9dimIX_M-01531-00307272-00307543 that's out there um it's going to make +oXq9dimIX_M-01532-00307544-00307775 uh it very important for us to get clear +oXq9dimIX_M-01533-00307776-00307991 guidance clear consistent guidance at +oXq9dimIX_M-01534-00307992-00308167 the state level +oXq9dimIX_M-01535-00308168-00308439 to those receiving agencies and those +oXq9dimIX_M-01536-00308440-00308558 governors to make sure that they're +oXq9dimIX_M-01537-00308559-00308782 collecting the exact same information +oXq9dimIX_M-01538-00308783-00309015 across the board and it's uh it you know +oXq9dimIX_M-01539-00309016-00309103 it's +oXq9dimIX_M-01540-00309104-00309279 it's filtered back up to the to the +oXq9dimIX_M-01541-00309280-00309503 federal level in a consistent matter now +oXq9dimIX_M-01542-00309504-00309695 i'm just one follow-up yes or no +oXq9dimIX_M-01543-00309696-00309895 question if i could mr chairman +oXq9dimIX_M-01544-00309896-00310023 you know the interesting thing is we're +oXq9dimIX_M-01545-00310024-00310295 holding this specifically on 800 billion +oXq9dimIX_M-01546-00310296-00310495 nominally 800 billion dollars worth of +oXq9dimIX_M-01547-00310496-00310710 special funding +oXq9dimIX_M-01548-00310711-00310903 is there any reason in the world that +oXq9dimIX_M-01549-00310904-00311215 whatever we do here should not be the +oXq9dimIX_M-01550-00311216-00311447 model for what we do on a consistent +oXq9dimIX_M-01551-00311448-00311734 basis with all dollars the federal +oXq9dimIX_M-01552-00311735-00311895 government sends out +oXq9dimIX_M-01553-00311896-00312127 i i'd like to comment on that if i may +oXq9dimIX_M-01554-00312128-00312351 my greatest hope this is great this is +oXq9dimIX_M-01555-00312352-00312487 challenging for all of us i think this +oXq9dimIX_M-01556-00312488-00312647 is very much challenging for my partners +oXq9dimIX_M-01557-00312648-00312782 to my left and right here at this table +oXq9dimIX_M-01558-00312783-00312975 and everyone else involved in including +oXq9dimIX_M-01559-00312976-00313134 and maybe especially mr devaney and his +oXq9dimIX_M-01560-00313135-00313247 team +oXq9dimIX_M-01561-00313248-00313391 but there are great opportunities here +oXq9dimIX_M-01562-00313392-00313495 and one +oXq9dimIX_M-01563-00313496-00313695 is that this will force us this will +oXq9dimIX_M-01564-00313696-00313871 catalyze i think changes that have long +oXq9dimIX_M-01565-00313872-00314039 needed to be made with respect to +oXq9dimIX_M-01566-00314040-00314215 automatically posting every contractual +oXq9dimIX_M-01567-00314216-00314382 transaction in governments to the web +oXq9dimIX_M-01568-00314383-00314543 it's public information why not why +oXq9dimIX_M-01569-00314544-00314687 would we not do that why would we wait +oXq9dimIX_M-01570-00314688-00314871 for a freedom of information act to do +oXq9dimIX_M-01571-00314872-00315030 what anyone might be interested in the +oXq9dimIX_M-01572-00315031-00315151 public +oXq9dimIX_M-01573-00315152-00315295 more importantly for me as a procurement +oXq9dimIX_M-01574-00315296-00315399 professional +oXq9dimIX_M-01575-00315400-00315534 not all of us have the ability to +oXq9dimIX_M-01576-00315535-00315695 administer contracts well we spend all +oXq9dimIX_M-01577-00315696-00315887 of our time going to the next contract +oXq9dimIX_M-01578-00315888-00316054 and putting contracts in place when +oXq9dimIX_M-01579-00316055-00316247 contract administration that part where +oXq9dimIX_M-01580-00316248-00316439 you assure you're being delivered what +oXq9dimIX_M-01581-00316440-00316606 you ordered whether it's a good or +oXq9dimIX_M-01582-00316607-00316775 service is one of the most important +oXq9dimIX_M-01583-00316776-00316975 areas where fraud can occur and where +oXq9dimIX_M-01584-00316976-00317239 money can leak we need to have contract +oXq9dimIX_M-01585-00317240-00317391 administration as part of our profession +oXq9dimIX_M-01586-00317392-00317575 coast to coast and on top of that +oXq9dimIX_M-01587-00317576-00317806 internal audit it's wonderful to get +oXq9dimIX_M-01588-00317807-00317958 annual audits from the inspector general +oXq9dimIX_M-01589-00317959-00318119 it's great to get kafir audits and other +oXq9dimIX_M-01590-00318120-00318343 audits it's even better for me to be +oXq9dimIX_M-01591-00318344-00318519 ahead to have an internal audit +oXq9dimIX_M-01592-00318520-00318663 capability procurement professionals +oXq9dimIX_M-01593-00318664-00318919 that i can have helped me manage the +oXq9dimIX_M-01594-00318920-00319095 delegated authority that flows through +oXq9dimIX_M-01595-00319096-00319230 the law of agency from the chief +oXq9dimIX_M-01596-00319231-00319423 executive the mayor of washington dc in +oXq9dimIX_M-01597-00319424-00319695 my case um through the people that i +oXq9dimIX_M-01598-00319696-00319919 trust to spend public money so i'm +oXq9dimIX_M-01599-00319920-00320047 hoping that this whole thing is really a +oXq9dimIX_M-01600-00320048-00320199 catalyst for some fundamental and +oXq9dimIX_M-01601-00320200-00320343 foundational changes to your question +oXq9dimIX_M-01602-00320344-00320567 sir thank you mr chairman i think we +oXq9dimIX_M-01603-00320568-00320727 we've really the the end has been the +oXq9dimIX_M-01604-00320728-00320903 best part of the whole hearing so thank +oXq9dimIX_M-01605-00320904-00321127 you +oXq9dimIX_M-01606-00321128-00321647 because you were part of that +oXq9dimIX_M-01607-00321648-00321903 now let me first of all let me thank all +oXq9dimIX_M-01608-00321904-00322110 of the witnesses and members you know +oXq9dimIX_M-01609-00322111-00322334 who attended the hearing today before we +oXq9dimIX_M-01610-00322335-00322471 adjourn let me +oXq9dimIX_M-01611-00322472-00322782 state that america demands that all +oXq9dimIX_M-01612-00322783-00323087 stakeholders under the recovery act work +oXq9dimIX_M-01613-00323088-00323358 in good faith to protect the public's +oXq9dimIX_M-01614-00323359-00323510 interests and safeguard our +oXq9dimIX_M-01615-00323511-00323758 unprecedented investment in america's +oXq9dimIX_M-01616-00323759-00324095 future i want to make it crystal clear +oXq9dimIX_M-01617-00324096-00324247 that this +oXq9dimIX_M-01618-00324248-00324551 committee will be watching and working +oXq9dimIX_M-01619-00324552-00324671 feverishly +oXq9dimIX_M-01620-00324672-00324882 and to ensure accountability and +oXq9dimIX_M-01621-00324883-00325087 transparency over +oXq9dimIX_M-01622-00325088-00325215 these funds +oXq9dimIX_M-01623-00325216-00325510 let me also thank the ranking member mr +oXq9dimIX_M-01624-00325511-00325606 isa +oXq9dimIX_M-01625-00325607-00325815 for his leadership in standing up with +oXq9dimIX_M-01626-00325816-00326199 me to demand the strictest oversight +oXq9dimIX_M-01627-00326200-00326375 i understand that +oXq9dimIX_M-01628-00326376-00326599 minority and majority staff worked on +oXq9dimIX_M-01629-00326600-00326830 this hearing in a bipartisan manner and +oXq9dimIX_M-01630-00326831-00327047 that's the way it should be and i look +oXq9dimIX_M-01631-00327048-00327303 forward to continuing in this spirit of +oXq9dimIX_M-01632-00327304-00327543 cooperation finally +oXq9dimIX_M-01633-00327544-00327847 uh i'm pleased please let me the record +oXq9dimIX_M-01634-00327848-00327991 demonstrate uh +oXq9dimIX_M-01635-00327992-00328206 my submission of a binder +oXq9dimIX_M-01636-00328207-00328623 with documents relating to this hearing +oXq9dimIX_M-01637-00328624-00328903 without objection i entered this binder +oXq9dimIX_M-01638-00328904-00329134 into the committee's record and without +oXq9dimIX_M-01639-00329135-00329391 objection the committee stands adjourned +oXq9dimIX_M-01640-00329392-00329815 and thank you again for coming +oXq9dimIX_M-01641-00329816-00330110 adjourned +oXq9dimIX_M-01642-00330111-00331351 very good +oXq9dimIX_M-01643-00331352-00331668 thank you