ID,text,label,label_lang,multiple_choice_targets,multiple_choice_scores,target,translate 2024-Am-2318,አንድ ቀን የኛም ሕይወት እንደ ኢንተርኔት ሳይታሰብ ድንገት ትዘጋ ይሆናል ያን ጊዜ በቪፒኤን አይተነፈስም !,['fear'],['ፍርሃት'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 1 0 0 0 0],['fear'],"One day our lives will suddenly shut down like the internet, and then we won't be able to breathe in a VPN !" 2024-Am-5039,ደሞ ምን ታስቦ ይሆን ይህን ተራ ወሮ በል ማጅራት መቺ ወደ ሚዲያ ብቅ ያደረጋችሁትበዚህ ከንቱ ሚዲያ ና ለመጠቀሚያነት የመረጡት ያነገሱት ግለሰብ ወጣት የፖለቲካ ተንታኝ ሳይንቲስትም የሚሉት አይጠፉም ለማንኛውም ከክፉዎች መጠንቀቅ እንዳይዘነጋ ማሰታወስ ጥሩ ይመስለኛል ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"I think it is good to remind you that the young political analyst and scientist who are not lost, who have emerged in the media in this useless media and the person who has been chosen for the benefit of this ordinary month, should not forget to beware of any evil." 2024-Am-4363,እንዴታይነት ጨካኝ ዘግናኝ ዘመን ላይ ደረስን ምነው እግዚያቢሄር ሆይ ዝምታህ በዛ 2አመት ጭቅላ ምንም የማያውቅ እንስሳ ይገላሉአይይፈጣሪዬ ፍረድ ምነው ቀለቡ ቢቀር ኡፍፍ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"How cruel and horrible times we have reached, oh god, be silent in those 2 years, monsters kill animals that know nothing, oh god, judge if the ring is off, ooh" 2024-Am-5280,ይህ ከአንድ ጤና ከሆነ ገለሰብ በተለይበተለይ ታላቁዋን የጥቁር ህዝቦች ሁሉ ኩራት የሆንችውን ኢትዮጵያን በመምራት ላይ ካለ ግለሰብ የማይጠበቅ ውርደት ቅሌት አሳፋሪ ንግግር ነው እባካችሁ ወገኖች ሁሉ በጥሞና አጢኑት ንግግሩን ባገሪቱ ላይ አሁን በዚች ቅጽበት የሚሞቱትን ወጣቶች ስናስብ ከፊታቸሁ ቆሞ መንም እንዳልተፈጠረ እያካሄደ ያለውን ስናሰብ ሰወነቱ ሁሉ ማታለሉን ነው የሚያሳየው እግዚኦ አምላክ ያስጮሀል ሰው ሆነን እንዳልኖርን ነ,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],"this is a shameful speech of an unforeseen humiliation scandal especially for a person who is leading ethiopia, the pride of all the great black people. please all parties carefully listen to his speech on the country when we think of the young people who are dying at this moment, when we think that no one is being killed in front of you, all the people are deceiving us." 2024-Am-3641,ሳይንቲስቶች በአጋጣሚ ያገኙት ባክቴሪያ ወባን ለመከላከል የሚያግዝ ሆኖ ተገኘ,"['joy', 'surprise']","['ደስታ', 'መደነቅ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 1 0],['joy' 'surprise'],Scientists have discovered a bacterium that may help prevent malaria 2024-Am-610,በብርሀን ውስጥ የሚኖር የሁሉ ፈጣሪ የሆነ አንድ አምላክ አለ ስሙም እግዚሐብሄር ነው ሌላው ከንቱ ነው,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"There is one God, the creator of all, who lives in the light, and his name is God, the other is nothing." 2024-Am-2650,ኧረ ተው ሳሚ! በዛሬው ቀን ጠቅላዩ ጭንቅ ጥብብ ብሏቸው አንተ ሽሮ ምናምን ትላለህ?,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"oh, sammy! what do you think about the whole mess today?" 2024-Am-3485,አስፈላጊና ጥሩ ውጤት!በኢትዮጵያ ለሚገኙ ቤተሙከራዎች ኢንዱስትሪዎች አክረዲቴሽን አገልግሎት የሚሰጠውን የኢትዮጵያ አክሪዴቴሽን አገልግሎት ራሱ በአለም አቀፍ የብቃት አረጋጋጭ ተቋም,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"Important and good result! Ethiopian Accreditation Service itself, which provides accreditation services to laboratories in Ethiopia, is recognized by the International Accreditation Institute." 2024-Am-1148,እንደ አንተ አይነቱ ብስባሽ ከመሆን የአገር አለኝታ መሆናቸው ያኮራሉ አልቃሻ ስደተኛ ሁላ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"They are proud to be patriots, not just a moron like you, but also a refugee from Al-Qassam" 2024-Am-4022,ከሁሉም የገረመኝ የኤርትራ ነገር ነው ማርያምን ኤርትራን እንደ ሁለተኛ ሀገሬ ነበር የምቆጥራት,['surprise'],['መደነቅ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 1 0],['surprise'],What surprised me the most was Eritrea. I used to consider Eritrea as my second country. 2024-Am-5148,ሰላም ዋላቹ አደባባዮች ሰአት ቀይራቹ የቀጥታ ዝግጅት መከታተ 10512 ል አልቻልኩም አሁን እያዳመጥኩ ነው አቶ አቤል እና የአደባባይ እንግዶች እንኳን ደህና መጣቹ እህቶቻችን ጀግኖቻችን በርቱ በምናገኝው አጋጣሚ ሁሉ በህዝባችን ላይ የታወጀውን የሞት ፍርድ ልንታገለው ግድ ነው አይዞን አዋ ብዙ ስብራት አለብን ለቅሶዋችን ከድካም አይደለም ለቅሶዋችን ከመከዳት ከመገፍት የመነጨ ነው አይዞቹ ያልፍል ይህ ቀን ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"Hello, Wallachu squares, time has changed, I can't follow the live broadcast 10512 I'm listening now Mr. Abel and the guests of the audience welcome our sisters our heroes, we must fight the death sentence imposed on our people at every opportunity we find strong." 2024-Am-975,ኡፍፍፍ አቤት የሰው የክፋቱ ጥግ ጌታ ሆይ በጣም ያማል የኔ እህት እግዚአብሔር ይርዳሽ💔😭,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"Ufff Abet, Lord of the corner of human evil, it is very sad my sister, God help you💔😭" 2024-Am-5905, ድልና ከፍታ ለሃያሏ ሃገረ እስራኤል ባለ ምጡቅ አእምሮ ፂዮናዊያን ይሁን ሁሌም ከፍ ብላ ትታይ ውርደትና ሞት ጥፋቷን ለሚመኙ ሁሉ ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"victory and glory to the mighty nation of israel, let zion be ever exalted, let her be ever exalted, let her be ever exalted, let her be ever exalted, let her be ever exalted, let her be ever exalted, let her be ever exalted, let her be ever exalted, let her be ever exalted, let her be ever exalted, let her be ever exalted, let her be ever exalted, let her be ever exalted, let her be ever exalted, let her be ever exalted, let her be ever exalted, let her be ever exalted, let her be ever exalted, let her be ever exalted, let her be ever exalted, let her be ever exalted, let her be ever exalted, let her be ever exalted, let her" 2024-Am-5450,የፈርድሽው ፍርድ ሳይውል ሳያድር በላይሽ ላይ ይገልበጥጥላቻ የአይምሮ በሽታ ብቻ ሳይሆን የደም ካንስር ያመጣል በተቻለሽ መጠን ከጥላቻ ውጭ ጥላቻ ይዘሽ እንዴት ቤክርስቲያን ትሄጃለሽ እግዚአብሔር ፍቅር ነው,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],hate not only causes brain disease but also blood cancer how do you go to church with hate as much as possible without hate god is love 2024-Am-2559,ምን አይነት ነውረኛ ነህ,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],What kind of a scoundrel are you 2024-Am-5618,ሀይ ሰው የሰው ልጅ እማይችለው ነገር የለም በጣም ይዘገንናል ታሪኩ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"Hey man, man, man, there is nothing that man cannot do, we are very excited about the story." 2024-Am-956,በእግዚአብሔር ምን አይነት ጉድ ነው በማርያም ገና በልጅነቷ እንድ አይነት መከራ ማየት ከጀግናም ጀግና የሆነች ልጅ ነች የኢትዮጵያ አሰሪዎች እኩ ግፈኛ ናቸው ማርያምን እንጀራ የምትቆጥር አፈር ትብላ የእኔ ቆንጅ እግዚአብሔር ቀን አለው ማርያምን 😭😭😭ልጅ ያለው ያቀዋል,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"What a shame in God to see such suffering in Mary as a child, she is a girl who is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero" 2024-Am-5706,እነኳን ተወለድክልን ደስ የሚሉ ደርባባ እናት ከልዩ ሰጦታ ጋራ ነበዩ እናትህን ጎንበስ ብለህ ጉልበት ሳትስም ተረሳህ ደንግጠህ ነው አይደል እነጂማ ላንተ አይነገርም ,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"Welcome to our beautiful mother, who was born with a special gift, and who is not telling you that you have forgotten and shocked your mother, even though you have not kneeled down." 2024-Am-4059,ሶማሊያዊያን 'ፓይሬቶች' እንደ አዲስ የሀገሪቱን የባሕር ጠረፍ ማሸበር ጀምረዋል?,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],Somali 'pirates' are terrorising the country's coastline as a new threat? 2024-Am-3980,የስኳር በሽታ ምንድነው? እራሳችንን ከበሽታው እንዴት መጠበቅ እንችላለን?,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],What is diabetes? and how can we protect ourselves from it? 2024-Am-289,ምን ጉድ ዘመን ላይ ነው ያለነው በተክልዬ? የኔ እህት እንኳን ለእዚህች ቃለ መጠይቅ በቃሽ... አንቺ ብርቱ ሴት ነሽ... ከእዚህ በኋላ ህግ ባይሰራ እራሱ ህዝብ ከጎንሽ ነው... ወይኔ... እኔን ...,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"What a time we are in my plant? Even my sister is ready for this interview... You are a strong woman... If the law doesn't work anymore, the people themselves are on your side... Oh my... I ..." 2024-Am-1569,እስራኤል በመቶዎች የሚቆጠሩ የሐማስና ኢስላሚክ ጂሃድ አባላትን በቁጥጥር ሥር ማዋሏን ገለጠች,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],Israel says it has arrested hundreds of Hamas and Islamic Jihad members 2024-Am-2421,ይሄ ከወያኔ የወረሱት ቁሻሻ ፖለቲካ ነው። በግልፅ የተቀመጡ ጉዳዮች ላይ መልስ ከመስጠት ይልቅ አላዊቂነታቸውን በሚመሰክር ሁኔታ ዲያስፖራውን ለማሸማቀቅ የሄዱበት ርቀት የሚገርም ነው።,"['disgust', 'anger']","['አስጸያፊ', 'ቁጣ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust' 'anger'],this is the dirty politics they inherited from jun. it is amazing how far they went to scare the diaspora with their ignorance instead of answering clearly stated issues. 2024-Am-232,እረ ያማል በጣም ያማል ጌታ ሆይ ታረቀን ስንት አይነት ሰው አለ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"Lord, how many people are there who are so sick and so sick that they are not able to pray for us." 2024-Am-3484,ለምን ሁላችንም አንድ አንድ ቆንጅዬ ቡና አንጋብዛትም? በዛው መአትዬ ቡና ጠጥታ ትውላለች ? መልካም ልደት የተከበሩ የቡና አንባሳደር,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"Why don't we all invite each other to coffee, my beautiful? She'll drink coffee at that moment, and then leave. Happy Birthday, Honored Coffee Ambassadors" 2024-Am-3401,የኢስት አፍሪካ ቀውስ አውሮፓን እያሳሰበ ነውሰድተኞችን ባሉበት ለማቆየት በተያዘው ስትራቴጂ ቀንደኛ የሱዳን የኤርትራ ሱማሊያ በተለይ ብዙ ህዝብ ያላትን ኢ,['fear'],['ፍርሃት'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 1 0 0 0 0],['fear'],"The East African crisis is worrying Europe, as the country's strategy to keep migrants in their place is being challenged by Sudan, Eritrea, Somalia, and the heavily populated East African nation of Ethiopia." 2024-Am-4908,ይሄ ሰውየ በወያኔ ጦርነት ጊዜ ወያኔ ደብረሲና ደርሶ እሱ ወረኢሉን ተቆጣጥረናል ይል ነበር ዛሬ ደሞ ስሙት,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"this man said that during the revolutionary war, the revolutionary had arrived in debrusina and he had taken over the raid. now listen to him" 2024-Am-1806,ትንቢት እንጂ ጥላቻ አይታይም,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],The Bible foretold that the world would be destroyed. 2024-Am-554,የኢትዮጵያ ሚድያ መጀመሪያ እስራኤል በፍልስጤን ላይ ያደረሰችውን በደል ጆሮ ዳባ ልብስ ብላችሁ አሁን በእስራኤል ላይ ጥቃት ተፈፀመባት ትላላላችሁ።ንድድድ ትበል።ብሶት የወለደው ነው ።,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],Ethiopian media first ignored the Israeli atrocities against Palestine and now it says that an attack has been carried out against Israel. 2024-Am-5769,ደሞ ሙስሊም ፍኖ ን ኢደገፍል ጉድ አላህ ሂዳያውን ኢስጥህ ኢግለጥልህ ፍኖ እኮ የሙስሊም ጥላት ነው ቢሆንላቸው የመጀመርያ ስራቸው ሙስሊምን ማጥፍት ነው ግን አቢይ ቀድሞ አጠፍተው ገና ኢጨርሳቸዎል አላማ የላቸውም እዝ የላቸውም መዝረፍ መግደል ነው ሰራቸው,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"If they say that they are enemies of Muslims, their first task is to destroy Muslims, but Abibi has already destroyed them and has not yet finished them, they have no purpose, they have no purpose, they have robbery, they have murder." 2024-Am-2368,ማነሽ በስሜት እና በጩኸት ሚፈጠር ነገር አለ ብለሽ የምታምኚ ከሆነ ስሜታዊ ነሽ ማለት ነው።ሰሞኑን እንደ ባለፈው ሰሞን እያየሺው ያልፋል።,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"If you believe that the lack of emotion and noise is causing something, then you are emotional. You will pass the season as you did the previous season." 2024-Am-4236,በጣም ያሳዝናል የአላም መግሰታት ከቁጣ መግለጫ የዘለለ ምንም አይነት እርምጃ አለመውሰዳቸው አላህ የፈራጆች ሁሉ ፈራጅ ነው አልሀምዱሊላ የጊዜ ጉዳይ ነው,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],it is very sad that the attack of the ulama did nothing but express anger. allah is the judge of all judges. alhamdullila is a matter of time. 2024-Am-5136,የሰው ሞት የሚያረካቸው አስተያየት ሰጭዎች ይገርሙኛል,"['surprise', 'sadness']","['መደነቅ', 'ሀዘን']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 1 0],['surprise' 'sadness'],I am amazed at the way some commentators take pleasure in the death of humans 2024-Am-1733,ዘረኝነት ጥንብ ናት ተዋት የነብዩ ቃልን ያፈረሱ ኦሮሙማኽ ብልፅግናዎች ክቡር ታድዮስ ታንቱም የታሰሩትም በተመሳሳይ ዘረኝነትን ማውገዛቸው እና የኦሮሞን የወራሪነት ታሪክ እውነቱን,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"Let racism be a myth, let the wealth of the Oromo destroy the words of the prophet, let the noble Thaddeus Tantu be imprisoned, let the same racism be the cause and let the history of the Oromo invasion be the truth." 2024-Am-1270,Abebe Teshager አረ በስማኣም ማን ያየዋል የተዋለህዶ ልጆች ፕራንክ ብሉ ልሰፕከን ነው እንዴ,"['fear', 'disgust']","['ፍርሃት', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 1 0 0 0 0],['fear' 'disgust'],"Abebe Teshager, who will see you in the morning, children born, eat prank, we will spit, yes" 2024-Am-5037, በጣም ይገርማል የሰው ልጂ ሲለወጥ ደስ ይላል መስከን መብረድህ ዛሬ ላይ እኔ ምረጡ ብትል ሙሉ የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ይቀበልሃል ህይወት ትምህርት ቤት ናት,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"it is very strange when human being changes, it is good to cross the border, if you choose me today, the whole people of ethiopia will accept you. life is a school" 2024-Am-3397,ይህ የምንመለከተው የልዩሀይላችን ወከባዕንክልት ያሳዝናል አይገባቸውም፡፡,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],This should not be seen as a sign of our sadness for the conservation of our diversity. 2024-Am-2609,እውነቱን ሳላውቅ ሳልረዳ በውሸታም የሚዲያ ነጋዴ ተመርቼ ማንንም አላወግዝም እንደ ጠቅላላው የህይወቴ መርህ ሰው መግደል ሳይሆን ሰው መጥላት ነፍሰ ገዳይነት ነው እዛ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"I don't blame anyone, I don't know the truth, I don't blame anyone, I don't blame anyone, I don't blame anyone, I don't blame anyone, I don't blame anyone, I don't blame anyone, I don't blame anyone, I don't blame anyone, I don't blame anyone, I don't blame anyone, I don't blame anyone, I don't blame anyone, I don't blame anyone, I don't blame anyone, I don't blame anyone, I don't blame anyone, I don't blame anyone, I don't blame anyone, I don't blame anyone, I don't know the truth, I don't know the truth, I don't blame anyone, I don't know the truth, I don't know the truth, I don't blame anyone, I don't" 2024-Am-4616,አንች ሆዳም ባይበላ ለምን አይቅርም እየሞተ ያለው ንፁህ አማራ ኦየሞተ ነው,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],if we don't eat our stomach why can't we eat our food? the innocent amara who is dying is dead 2024-Am-3250,ጉርምስና ጥሩ ነው አይንንም ጆሮንም ማሠብያንም ይደፍናል። በስሜት ነዶ በጭፍንና ካለበቂ ገፊ ምክንያት እስከአፍንጫው ከታጠቀ የመንግስትሀይል ጋር ተጋፍጠው ያ,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],"adolescence is good, it is good for the eyes, ears and the eyes. it is good for the eyes, ears and the eyes. it is good for the eyes, ears and the eyes. it is good for the eyes, ears and the eyes. it is good for the eyes, ears and the eyes. it is good for the eyes, ears and the eyes. it is good for the eyes, ears and the eyes. it is good for the eyes, ears and the eyes. it is good for the ears, ears and the eyes. it is good for the eyes, ears and the eyes. it is good for the ears, ears and the eyes. it is good for the eyes, ears and the eyes. it is good for the ears, ears and the eyes. it is good for the eyes, ears and the ears. it is good for the eyes," 2024-Am-2472,ይቅርታ በሌላ ቀን እንገናኛለን አሁን ልወጣ ነው። መልካም ቆይታ!,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"Sorry, see you later. I'm going now. Have a good stay!" 2024-Am-1349,እግዚአብሔር ያክብርሽ ዲጄ ሊ እኔ አለባበስሽን አልወደውም ነበር ነገር ግን ለሰው ያለሽ ክብርና ስርአትሽ አስደምሞኛል ክበሪልን ትልቅ ሰው ነሽ በእውነት ክብድብድ ያላለ ስርአቱን የጠበቀ ስርፕራይዝ ወደድናችሁ ሲባሉ አርባ ሺ ክንድ ለሚርቁ አርቲስቶች ጥሩ አርእያቸው ሆነሻል ጎበዝ።,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"God bless you dj lee i didn't like your dress but your dignity and order impressed me. you are a great man, you really don't care. we loved the orderly surprise and you became a good subject for artists forty thousand hands away." 2024-Am-3603,አረብ ኤምሬትስ በየመን ፖለቲካዊ ግድያዎችን በገንዘብ መደገፏን የቢቢሲ ምርመራ አጋለጠ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],BBC investigation reveals UAE is funding political killings in Yemen 2024-Am-3347,እሺ ንፁህ ከሆነ ለምን ሽሽ? ታዲያ ወደ ጅቡቲ የኼደው አማራን ነፃ ሊያወጣ ነበር ወይስ እራሱን ነፃ ሊያወጣ? የጋዜጠኛን ሥም ይዞ ሀገርን በነውጥ አሸብሮ ሕዝብን ለጦርነት ስጋት ዳር,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"If he is innocent, why did he run away? so he went to Djibouti to free Amaran or to free himself? he used the guise of a journalist to terrorize the country with violence and threatened the people with war" 2024-Am-3888,ኪም ጆንግ ኡን ‘ኒውክሌር መሣሪያ የሚሸከም ሰርጓጅ መርከብ’ አስመረቁ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],Kim Jong-un unveils a nuclear-powered submarine 2024-Am-1560,በጋዛ ላሉ ታጋቾች መድኃኒት እንዲደርስ መወሰኑ ተገለጸ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],The decision to deliver medicine to Gaza's fighters was announced 2024-Am-13,እኳን ሀዘንን ቀመሱት እኳን ለቅሶ እቤታቸዉ እመደራቸዉ ገባ ደስ ይላል ስንት አመት ጨፍጪፍዉ የዘሩትን እጪዲ,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"They have tasted the pain and sorrow, they have wept and left their homes, they have entered their homes, they are happy, how many years they have been crushing the crops they have sown" 2024-Am-1528,በአሜሪካዋ ከተማ ካንሳስ በስፖርታዊ ዝግጅት ላይ በተከፈተ ተኩስ አንድ ሰው ሲገደል 21 ቆሰሉ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"One person was killed and 21 injured in a shooting at a sports event in Kansas City, Kansas, U.S.A." 2024-Am-4044,በጦርነት የባህር በር ለመያዝ እየቋመጥክ ነው እንዴ? አንድ ሽፍታ መምታት ያልቻለ ሰራዊት ይዘህ ታሽቋልጣለህ እንዴ???🤔🤔🤔,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"Are you going to take the sea gate in a war? Are you going to take an army that can't hit a bullet, huh???🤔🤔🤔" 2024-Am-1572,አሜሪካ በመርዓዊ ከተማ ሰላማዊ ሰዎችን የገደሉ ለፍርድ እንዲቀርቡ ጠየቀች,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],The US demands that those who killed civilians in the port city be brought to justice 2024-Am-261,በጣም ያሳዝናል አምላኬ እንደዚህ ነይነት ወንዶችን ምን አይነት ፍርድ እንደምትሰጥ ላንተ ትቼዋለሁ ምክንያቱም ህይወት አንድ ነዉ እንደገና አንፈጠርምና::: ሁሉን ላንተ ትቼዎለሁ::: አንቺን ግን አምላክ ይጠብቅሽ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"It is very sad, my God, I leave it to you to judge men like this, because life is one, we do not create again. I leave it all to you, but God protect you." 2024-Am-4389,እስካሆን የት ነበሩ 23 ኣመት ተኝተው ነበረ ኣሁን ምን ተገኝ የድንበር ጥያቂ ኣህውን ይፈጽሙት የሚሉት USAEu ውሸታሞች በላቸው,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"where were they until now, 23 years they were asleep, what happened now, the border checkpoint will be opened, the USAEU lies, say" 2024-Am-177,መሪዎችም ስራ ከአቆሙ አምስት አመት ሆኗቸዋል ይባላል,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],And the leaders are said to have been out of work for five years. 2024-Am-3565,ሀዘን ለካ በሁሉም ከባድ ነዉ ፕሊፖስ ም አለቀሰ ይገርማል ሀያል ነን ያሉ ሁሉ ይሰበራሉ ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"He wept and wept in all the hardest pleopuses, and it is strange that all those who think they are strong are broken." 2024-Am-2935,ምርጥ Conspiracy መፍጠር ለምትችሉ የሀገሬ ሰዎች ምን ያህል ኋላ ቀር የባርነት ጅምላ ህሳቤ እንዳለው መፈላስፍ የምትችሉበት ምርጥ ግብዓት ነሆነ፤ይሄን,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],The best conspiracy you can create for my people is the best resource you can use to philosophize about how backward the mass slavery ideology is. 2024-Am-4875,ከባድ ነው እሥከ መቸ ዝምታው እኛ ከባድ መሳሪያ ኖራቸው አልኖራቸው ምን ያረግልናል ዝምታነውን ከቀጠሉ በፍልሥጤም ላይ አሰየሆነ ያለው እባም ቃልም አይገልፀውም ኢላሂ እዝነትህን አውርድ አረመኔ ኢሥራኢል አዩሁዶችን ከምድር አጥፋልን ያረብብ,"['anger', 'sadness']","['ቁጣ', 'ሀዘን']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 1 0 0 0],['anger' 'sadness'],"It is hard to suffer the silence, we have had heavy weapons or not, what will we gain if they continue to remain silent, the serpent that has been planted on Palestine, no word will describe it, Allah, have mercy on us, O Israel, the wicked, wipe out the Jews from the earth." 2024-Am-2665,አንተ ያው የ አማራ አለቅላቂ እና የማንነት ቀውስ ስላለብህ እንደተለጠፍክ ሳንቲምህን ሰብስብ። እውነታው የሃገሪቷ መንገዳገድ የአንድ ግለሰብ ውጤት እንደማይሆን ግልፅ ነው።,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"you have the same amara superstition and identity crisis as me, so collect your coins as soon as you post. the truth is that the country's path is clearly not the result of one individual." 2024-Am-1805,በዚህ ሁሉ መከራ መሀል በጴንጤንት ስም ብዙ አብይ ሙሲያችን ባይ ስለበዙ ነው፡ባለጊዜ ነኝ ባይ።,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"in the midst of all this suffering, in the name of pentecost, many of our fathers have been killed because they were too busy." 2024-Am-4718,አስፊቲ መልካሙ አባታችን ነብስህ ከደጋጎች ጎን ይሁን ያማል ኡፍፍ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"Asphti our good father, may your soul be on the side of the supporters, Yamal Uff" 2024-Am-1549,አምስት ስዊድናዊ ታዳጊዎች የታክሲ አሽከርካሪ በመግደል ወንጀል ጥፋተኛ ሆነው ተገኙ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],Five Swedish teenagers found guilty of murdering a taxi driver 2024-Am-2900,ማፈር የለ ። ኤኔ ከታዘብኩት ተራራማው ብሄር ምን academically intellectual ቢሆንም ጭልጥ ያለ ደንቆሮና ውሸታም ነው። ኣማራ ሃገር የለውም ። ዲቃላ ነው,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"There is no shame. The mountain nation I have observed, no matter how academically intellectual, is totally deaf and a liar. Amara has no country. It is a Dickala." 2024-Am-395,እናት ሁሌም ደስ ይበላት እድሜ ከጤና ጋር ይስጣቸው,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],May mother always be happy and long live with health 2024-Am-190,ድሮም ጴንጤ ነበርክኮ ምን ታካብዳለህ?ኢንተርኔት ሲዘጋ ወደ አምላክ ሲከፈት ወደ ፕራንክ🙄😁🤣አንተ ነህ ያወቅክበት😍ፓስተርነቱን ሞክረው እስቲ ያበላ ይሆን🤔,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"you were a pentecostal before, what would you do?when the internet is closed, when it is opened to god, to pranks🙄😁🤣you are the one who knew him😍he should try his pastorship and eat it🤔" 2024-Am-3620,ፋኖ ለመደራደር ዝግጁ ነውግን ከማን ጋር ነው የሚደራደረውከOPDO ጋር ነው የኢትዮጵያን ገዛ እንጂበግዜ አጋጣሚ ኢትዮጵያዊ መንግስት አይደለም,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"Fano is ready to negotiate but with whom is he negotiating? it is with the OPDO, not the Ethiopian government, but the Ethiopian government, as it happens." 2024-Am-5248,እውነት ነው ይህን ጎተራ ሆድ block ማድረግ ነው ሞት ለአለምነህ,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],It's true that blocking this gutter is death to your world 2024-Am-4942,አዉንም ከዝበላይ ያብዛቹ በርቱ መምህራችን ትልቅ ፖረጀክትነዉ እግዚአብሔር አምላክ ይመስገን በጣም ደስይላል,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"Thank you very much for the great project of our strong teacher, God God, who is more than a little." 2024-Am-1329,አብሽሪ እህቴ ዋ ፈጣሪ ይርዳሽ አብሽሪ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"Abhishek my sister, may the creator help you Abhishek" 2024-Am-1017,እንዲ ኣይነት ብርታት፡ከዚች ክ ህጻነትዋ ጀምራ መከራ ያየች ልጅ እንዲ መሰማት እንዴት ድንቅ ነው፡ያመንሽው ጌታ ከሁሉም በላይ ያረግሻል፡ይሄ ሂወት ታሪክ ሆኖ ይቀራል፡ኣይዞሽ ለብዙዋች ኣርኣያ ትሆኛለሽ፡,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],how wonderful to feel like a girl who has suffered from her childhood: the lord will bless you above all. this life will remain a story. you will be an example to many. 2024-Am-2297,ይህች አንዲት ፍሬ ልጅ በቤተክርስቲያን ውስጥ በተጣለ የጭስ ቦንብ በእልህና ሲቃ ውስጥ ሆና የዛሬ አሳዛኝ ሁነትን የተጋፈጠችበት ወቅት የተናገረችው ቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስ ያድናችኋል፤ አ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"St. George, who spoke to this unborn child in the midst of the smoke bomb that was thrown in the church, and who was crying and facing the tragedy of today, will save you." 2024-Am-103,አርሶአደሩ ከዚህ አፋኝ ጨቋኝ አስርበህ ግዛ ከሚል የኦነግ መሪ ለመላቀቅ ታጥቀህ ተነስ ነፃነትክን አስከብር,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"Arsoaderu, armed to get rid of this oppressive oppressor, the leader of the OPL, who says, ""Take your power, stand up and celebrate your freedom""." 2024-Am-3968,ጃፓን ርእደ መሬት፡ የ90 ዓመት አዛውንት ከ5 ቀን በኋላ ፍርስራሽ ውስጥ በሕይወት ተገኙ,['surprise'],['መደነቅ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 1 0],['surprise'],Japan earthquake: 90-year-old man found alive in rubble after 5 days 2024-Am-655,ኡፍፍፍ አይዞሽ የኔ እናት ይሔ ሁሉ መከራ በዚህ እድሜሽ ፈጣሪ ይረዳሻል,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"Ufffff, take it easy, my mother, oh, all your suffering, your creator will help you in this life" 2024-Am-4827,እውነት ነው መምህር ጥሩ ገልፀውታል የአሁን ጊዜ አብዛኛው ስብከቶች ፌዝና ቀልድ የሞላው እየሆነ ነው እውነት ነው እጅግ ያስፈራል እንቁዎቻችን እነ አባ ገብረኪዳን መምህር ዘላለም ዲያቆን ሒኖክ እና የመሳሰሉትን ቸሩ አመላካችን ይጠብቅልን,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"it is true that the teacher explained it well, most of the sermons are becoming full of mockery and jokes now, it is true that it is very scary, our gods are Abba Gebrekidan, the teacher will always be waiting for us, our good indicators, such as Deacon Hinok and so on" 2024-Am-4125,“በትግራይ ያንዣበበውን ረሃብ ለመግታት የፌዴራል መንግሥቱ ግዴታውን ሊወጣ ይገባል” - አቶ ጌታቸው ረዳ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],The federal government must fulfill its obligation to stop the famine in Tigray: Getachew Rada 2024-Am-180,የኢትዮጵያ ባንዲራ አረንጓዴ 💚 ቢጫ💛 ቀይ ❤️ትርጓሜም ብትጽፉ ብዙ ግፍ እና ጥላቻ ትቀንሳላቹ።,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"Ethiopian flag green 💚 yellow 💚 red ❤️ If you write a translation, you will reduce a lot of violence and hatred." 2024-Am-5196,ያዲሳባ ህዝብ ተወልዶ ባደገበት ከተማ በአብይ አህመድ ሾሞችና ተከታዮቾ በጥላቻ እየተተፉበት መቀጠሉ አሳሳቢ ነው ይህ ህዝብ ለመብቱ አሻፈረኝ ብሎ መነሳት ካልቻለ የሚገባውን ጭቆና ማስተናገዱን ይቀጥላል ለመብቱ የማይታገል ህዝብ ታፍኖና ተረግጦ አንገቱ ደፍቶ የኦሮሙማ አገዛዝ ሲያላግጥበት ይኖራል,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"it is a matter of concern that the people of yadishab continue to be treated with hatred by the shams of abi ahmed and his followers in the city where he was born and grew up if this people cannot stand up for their rights, they will continue to suffer the oppression they deserve people who cannot defend their rights will be kidnapped and beaten and beaten and beaten and beaten and beaten by the Oromo regime" 2024-Am-1158,እፍ ያማል ብርታቱን የሰጣት ሴት ብርቱ እግዚአብሔር ቀሪ ዘመንሽን ያሟላልሽ.,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"may the mighty god, the woman who gives strength to the serpent, fill the remainder of your days." 2024-Am-242,ለኤርትራ ይፋዊ ያልሆነ ጥያቄ ይቀርብላታል ተብሎ ይጠበቃል ... .ላለፉት 18 ወራት የነበረውን የጦርነት ቀውስ በድርድር ለመፍታት መንግስት ስለወሰነ ወዳጅ ሀገር ኤርትራ በጦርነቱ ምክንያት የያዘችውን የትግራይ ክልልል መሬት እንድትለቅና ... የድንበር ግጭት እንዳይፈጠር አስፈላጊውን ትብብብር እንድታደርግ ለመግለጽ እንወዳለን ... በቀጣይነትም የአካባቢውን ሰላም ለማረጋገጥ በድንበር ዙሪያ የኢፌዴሪ መከላከያ ሀይልን የምናሰፍር ሲሆን,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"An unofficial request is expected to be made to Eritrea ... .as the government has decided to resolve the conflict crisis of the past 18 months through negotiations, we would like to express that the friendly country Eritrea will give up the territory of the Tigray region that it has occupied as a result of the war ... and provide the necessary cooperation to avoid a border conflict ... We will deploy the EFDRI defense force around the border to ensure regional peace in the future," 2024-Am-2370,ሮሃ ዜና የባለስልጣናቱ ያልተጠበቀ ውይይት! ፕሮፌሰሩ አርፈዋል!የድርቁ ጉዳይ ሌላ ችግር ፈጥሯል! መዓዛ መሃ via ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],Roha News unexpected meeting of the authorities! Professor died! Drought issue has created another problem! 2024-Am-1628,ይህንን እያዩም እውነቱን ይክዳሉ ከዛም ድንገት በተኛንበት ተወጋን ብለው ይጮሃሉ ይልቁንስ በተኛበት የተወጋው ዝግጅታቸውን ኣጠናቀው የነበሩት እነርሱ ወይስ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"But they disbelieved in it , and then they cried out for destruction . What , were they the ones who had already prepared for destruction ?" 2024-Am-4308,ድሮን ታንክ መድፍ ለተገፋው የአማራ ህዝብ ምኑም አይደሉም ለህዝቡ ያም ሞት ይህም ሞት ነው ስለሆነም የፋኖን ግስጋሴ ማንም አያቆመውም,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"the drone tank is not for the amhara people who were pushed, it is for the people, that death is death, so no one will stop the progress of the fanon" 2024-Am-878,የባባባ ሳቅ ድምፅ ይሰማኛል 😥😥😥,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],I can hear Bababa laughing 2024-Am-2485,እውነት አልሰማም ብሎ አምሮ ከመታገል በፊት ይኸው የአማራ ሕዝብ መከራ ስቃይ ሆነ እጣው ፋንታው,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],The Amhara people suffered and suffered before they fought and fought for the truth 2024-Am-4830,በሕዝብ ደም የሚነግድ ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትራችን ብለን መጥራት እጅግ አስከፊ ነገር የለምእናንተስ በተድበሰበሰእየሰሙ እንዳልሰሙ ቅጥ አንባሩ ዜና ዘጋቢ ከመሆን ከሞቱትም በታች ነው,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"There is nothing more terrible than calling our Prime Minister a blood-selling public figure, and you have heard of him in a whisper, but he is less than a news reporter and he is dead." 2024-Am-5307,የተነገረውን ሁሉ ሰምቶ የሚፈነድቅ እንጂ ጠያቂ ማህበረሰብ ባለመኖሩ የመጣው የሄደው ሁሉ ይጫወትብናል አሁን ላለንበት ቀውስ የጠቅላዩ አቅመቢስነትና ወላዋይነት ዋናው ቢሆንም ከሁዋላ እየገፋ ማነቆውን ማን እንዳጠበቀው አንዘነጋም አባው እንቅልፍ ተኝቶ ሲነቃ ለህዝብ ሀሳቢ ሆኖ ባነነ ወይ ፉገራ ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"whoever came and went because there was no questioning society, whoever heard everything that was said, whoever was blown up, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever came and went, whoever" 2024-Am-5173,ድንቅ ነው ቃላት የለኝም ምስጋና ለፈጣሪ በመጀመርያ በቀጣይ ለድንቅ መሪያችን ለጠቅላይ ሚኒስቴር አብይ እንዲሁ በተቋሙ ውስጥ ላሉት ሁሉ ,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"I have no words to express my gratitude to the Creator, our wonderful leader, Prime Minister Abiy, and everyone in the institution." 2024-Am-2373,አሜን! ? ካዪት ድንገት በእንግሊዘኛ እናዉራ እንዴ ?,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],Amen! ? Are we suddenly going to speak in English? 2024-Am-1315,Ethio360 ባይኖር አማራ ብቻ አደለም ኢትዮጵያ ምን እደሚዉጣት አየይ ብልጽግና ብልግና ነዉ እጅ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"without ethio360 amara is not the only one, look what will happen to ethiopia, prosperity and prosperity are the same" 2024-Am-314,እናት ሁሌም ሰርፕራይዝ ትሁን❤❤❤,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],May mother always be a surprise❤❤❤ 2024-Am-1766,ዳኪረኛው በጫ አይ ጌች ለማንኛው እንክዋ ተዛዘብን,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],The last one moved to which of the following locations? 2024-Am-3595,አባዮች ዲፕሎማሲና ፖለቲካ እጅግ በጣም ተምታቶባችሗልና አስተውሉ አትቸኩሉ ኢትዮጵያን በውል አስቡ ፍቅር ያሸንፋል ኢትዮጵያም አሸንፋ ትሻገራለች,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"you guys, diplomacy and politics are very complicated, don't be hasty to notice, think of ethiopia in terms of love will win, and ethiopia will win and cross" 2024-Am-1885,የእናንተ ዘረኝነት ጥግ አይደለም የኦሮሚያ ቤተክህነት ተመስርቶ ቀርቶ ኢትዮጲያ ኦሮሚያ ናት ከነገ ጀምሮ ብትባሉ እንኳን አትረኩም፡፡,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"Your racism is not a corner, the Oromanian Church was founded and you are not satisfied even if you say that Ethiopia is Oromia from tomorrow." 2024-Am-2268,ሕይወት በዘላለማዊ ጨለማ መሐል የምታበራ የአጭር ጊዜ ሻማ ናት ዋጋ በሌላቸው ነገሮች ላይስ ስለምን ታባክናታለህ? ይህ ሁሉ መጨነቅህ ይህ ሁሉ መከፋትህ ሻማዋ በጠፋች ቅጽበት ያበቃል,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],life is a fleeting candle that glows in the eternal darkness. why waste it on things that are worthless? all your worrying and your frustration will end the moment the candle goes out 2024-Am-3778,በዓለም ዋንጫ ሴቶች በዳኝነት የመሩት የመጀመሪያው ጨዋታ ተደረገ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],The first match of the World Cup was refereed by women 2024-Am-128,ያሳዝናል ሀሰት የሀሰት መሪ ኢትዮጲያ ተበላሸች በእናንተ ምክንያት እውነተኛ የእግዚአብሄር ሰዎች አብረው መረሸናቸው ያሳዝናል ስለእግዚአብሄር ቃል ከመናገር ይልቅ እግዚአብሄር ስለማይከብርባቸው ነገሮች ላይ ጊዜ ስለማጥፋት እውነት Miracle የምትባለው ሰው ተጠርተህ ቢሆን ኖሮ ስለ ግብስብሱ ስለ አለም ነገር ትተህ ስለ ኢየሱስ ታወራ ነበር ኢየሱስን የተጠማ ሰው ተሰብስቦ አንተ Mancity Arsenal እያልክ ታሾፋለህ ሀሰተኛ የሀሰት መሪ..,"['anger', 'sadness']","['ቁጣ', 'ሀዘን']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 1 0 0 0],['anger' 'sadness'],it is a pity that false false leader ethiopia has been ruined because of you the true people of god have been scattered together it is a pity that the true people of god have been scattered together it is a pity that the true people of god have been scattered together because of you people of god have been scattered together it is a pity that the true people of god have been scattered together because of you people of god have been scattered together it is a pity that the true people of god have been scattered together because of you people of god have been scattered together it is a pity that the true people of god have been scattered together because of you people of god have been scattered together it is a pity that the true people of god have been scattered together because of you people of god have been scattered together it is a pity that the 2024-Am-1533,በቻይና በሕጻናት ትምህርት ቤት ማደሪያ ውስጥ በተነሳ እሳት 13 ሰዎች ሞቱ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],13 killed in fire at a Chinese school dormitory 2024-Am-3627,አሜሪካዊው ራፐር ዲዲ ድጋሚ በመድፈር ወንጀል ክስ ተመሰረበት,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],American rapper Diddy is charged with rape again 2024-Am-5295,በተረኞቹ በእሳቢያቸዉ የህግ የህግ የበላይነትና ተጠያቂነት ቦታ ያላቸዉ አይመስልም ለዚህም ነዉ ይሄ ተስፋፊ አሀዳዊ ዘራፊ ገዳዮች አገር ብቻቸዉን መምራት የለለባቸዉ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"The survivors don't seem to have any place of legal authority and accountability in their own countries, which is why this vast nation of murderous bandits should not be run by them alone." 2024-Am-824,በኢትዮጵያ በልጆቾ ደም የቀለደ አሳፋሪ መሪ እጅግ ያማል በጣም ያሳብዳል ቦቅቧቃ አስመሳይ መሪ,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],The shameful leader who mocked the blood of his children in Ethiopia is very painful and very attractive. The fake leader is very painful. 2024-Am-1127,የአውሬ ልጆች የው አውሬ መሆኑ እመ ነው,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],The children of wild animals are the animals of the sea 2024-Am-5703,የምታቀርቡት ዜና በጣም አሪፍ ነው እግዚሃብሄር ሃገራችንን ይባርክልን,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],your news is very cool god bless our country 2024-Am-4317,ታስፈችን ተሟጦዋል ስንል ጭለንጭል ታስፋ እናያላን ጦርነት ነው ስንል ልማት እናያለን መንግሥት ጨከኝ ነው ስንል በአንድ በኩል ሪህራሄ እናያለን እቺ አምስት ዓመት አቋሟችንን ዥዋዥዌ አርገወለች,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"we see the war, we see the development, we see the government is oppressive, on the one hand we see compassion, this five years has shaken our position." 2024-Am-2003,የአባቶቻችንና የእናቶቻችን እንባ መልስ ያመጣል!,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],the tears of our fathers and mothers will bring answers! 2024-Am-2570,የሚደንቀው የኛዎቹ አብሯቸው ቡና ስለጠጣ ወዳጅ የሆናቸው ከመሰላቸውና እሱን ለማስደሰት የክፉ ቀን ወዳጆቻችንን ካስቀየሙ ነው፡፡ አሜሪካ እንደሁሉም ጉልቤ ፍቅር ሳይሆን,['surprise'],['መደነቅ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 1 0],['surprise'],It is amazing that our friends are friends because they have coffee with us and they are angry with our friends on a bad day to please him: America is not a love like all others. 2024-Am-4457,በስሜታዊነት ሳይሆን በተረጋጋ ልብና ህሊና ነገሮችን መመልከት ያስፈልጋል ልቦና ይስጥልን,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],view matters with a calm heart and conscience rather than with emotion give us discernment 2024-Am-1725,ወቸው ጉድ! ግሩም የሚባለው የብልግና ካድሬ አማራ ነኝ ብሎ ነው እዚህ የተገኘው?,"['surprise', 'disgust']","['መደነቅ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 1 0],['surprise' 'disgust'],wow! is the awesome pornographic cadre here because he is an amateur? 2024-Am-5007,እነሁሉ የኛ ኬኛ ፖለቲካ ህፃኖችን እናቶችን አዛውቶችን በጅምላ አስቀብሯል ስቶችን አስርቧል ዛሬም በራም ህዝብ እያለቀ ነው የነሁሉ ኬኛ ፖለቲካ ስቶችን እኛ ስርቧል ስቶችን አፈናቅሏል ስቶችን ቤት አልባ እርጔል ይሄ ሁሉ ግፍ መልስታ ወይም አምላሽ ይጠብቃል,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"The politics of our people has buried the children, mothers and old people en masse, has laid the bodies, and today the people of Ram are dying, the politics of our people has stolen the bodies, we have displaced the bodies, we have left the bodies homeless, all this violence is either in our hands or God is watching." 2024-Am-2976,Ethiopia በህዝብ ተጠልተን ልንወድቅ ነው የጠቅላዩ ያልተጠበቀ ንግግርና ማስጠንቀቂያ! (From Phoenix App),['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"Ethiopia is about to fall in the hands of the people, a general surprise speech and warning!" 2024-Am-3001,ያልገባኝ ነገር ፀጉር ማሳደግ ከጦርነት ከሽፍትነት ከፓለቲካ ጋር ምን ያገናኘዋል ወይስ ቀን ቀን በኮፍያ ይሸፈንና ማታና ለፎቶ ይፈታል ብታስረዳን ድንገት አርቴም ከሆ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"What I don't understand is what does growing hair have to do with war, ineptitude, politics, or is it that he wears a hat during the day and is released for a photo at night, and if you help us, suddenly Artem is gone." 2024-Am-3494,አሳዛኝዜና! እጅግ መሪር ሀዘን 20 የሚሆኑ የመዳወላቡ ዩኒቨርሲቲ መምህራን በትራፊክ አደጋ ህይወታቸውን አጡ ቁጥሩ ከዛም ሊልቅ እንደሚችል ተነግሯል።,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],tragic news! it is a great pity that 20 teachers of the university of davao lost their lives in a traffic accident and it is said that the number may be more. 2024-Am-3081,አብይ አህመድ ዛሬ ባደረገው ንግግር ጦርነቱ የትግራይ እና የአማራ እንደነበር አድርጎ ሊያቀርብ የሄደበት እርቀት በጣም የሚገርም ነው። ከዚህ በኋላም ቢሆን በሁለቱ ህዝቦች ላይ ቁማር,['surprise'],['መደነቅ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 1 0],['surprise'],"It is amazing how far Abiy Ahmed has gone in his speech today to present the war as if it were Tigray and Amhara. Even after this, gambling on the two peoples is still a problem." 2024-Am-3853,በጉራና ህዝብን በጅት በመደብደብ መምራት አይሰለቸው ብልፅግና አውዳሚ እና ቆሻሻ ህሌናችሁ ይፍረዳችሁ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"let your wealth, destruction and dirty existence judge you, you are not tired of leading the people of Gura and beating them with a stick" 2024-Am-2305,አይ የድል በዓል የትም እንዲ ነው የሚከበረው እኔ ወድጀዋለሁ ቀጣይ ደሞ ቀስ በቀስ ወጣቱም እብረተሰቡም በደንብ እያከበረው ይመጣል,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"No matter where the victory is celebrated, I like it, and gradually the younger generation is celebrating it well." 2024-Am-3068,አጀንዳዉ የሰላም ነዉ።ጦርነቱን ማን አሸነፈ ማን ተሸነፈ አይደለም ወይም ማን ጀመረ አንደለም። የሰላም ስምምነቱ አንድ አካል በመሆናቸዉ ምስጋና,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"The agenda is peace. It is not clear who won the war, who lost it, or who started it. Thank you for being a part of the peace agreement." 2024-Am-251,እስራኤል ወራሪ እና የሕፃናት ገዳይ ነች :ድል ለፍልስጤማውያን!!!,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],Israel is an invader and a baby killer: Victory to the Palestinians!!! 2024-Am-4311,አሁን እንደሱ ሆዳም ህዝብ ካልሆነ ማንም አይሸወድልህም አገር መውጫ መግብያ አተን ገና የባር በር ቅብርጥሰዬ ይላል የጂኔ ልጆዎች ሴጣን መንግስት,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"now if you are not like his stomach people, no one will beat you, we have not yet broken the door of the bar, says the government of the sons of jinne satan" 2024-Am-649,አነር ፊት ሲያበረታቱህ ጊዜ መስሎህ ነው ዲያቢሎስ ደንጋዩን ወርቅ ያሰመሥላል አያደርግም እንጂ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"When you are encouraged by the face of the devil, the devil does not make the gentle man look like gold." 2024-Am-4976,ሩስያ መሳርያ ለሐማስ ብትሰጥ ማን ልጠይቃት ነዉ እስራኤል ማለት አሜሪካ ተማምና አንጂ ምንም ናት ሩስያ ግን 2የአለም ጦርነት 50ፐርሰንት ያሸነፈች ናት እወቅ አንተ ሁሌም የአይሁድ አለቅልቅ አለምን ሁሉ በእነሱ ነዉ ሰላም ያጣው,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"If Russia gives weapons to Hamas, who will I ask? Israel, that is America, and Turkey, no matter what, but Russia won 50% of World War II. You know, you always killed the Jews, the whole world lost peace because of them." 2024-Am-1021,ሱስ በጣም ከባድ እና አፀያፊ ነገር ነው በአካል ይኸነን ያሳለፈች ልጂ አጫውታኝ ታቃለች ይዘገንናል 😥😥😥,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"Addiction is a very serious and disgusting thing. She has physically abused me, played me, and mocked us." 2024-Am-4469,የወንጌል ባላደራ ስም እና ምግባራቹ የማይመመሳሰል ገቢ ነው የሚባለው ምን አውቆ ነው ከዚህ ሰው የሚሻለው ዘረኛ ሰውን ወንጌላዊ የሚሆነው ምን ላይ ነው የተፃፈው,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],the name of the gospel ballad and his behavior is said to be an asymmetrical income what is the best racialist to become an evangelist of this man what is written on it 2024-Am-5017,ደረጀ የተባልክ ሆዳም አብይ ስልጣን ከያዘ ስለተገደለው 200 አማራ ለምን አታወራም,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"if derje tabalk hodam abi is in power, why don't you talk about the 200 amhara killed" 2024-Am-1996,ለመሆኑ ኢህአዴግ ማለት ድሮ መለስ ዜናዊ ሲፈጥረው ከሰጠው የአገዛዝ ስልት ውጩ ሌላ የአገዛዝ ፍልስፍና የለውም? መንግስታዊ ሽብር አቁሙ፣,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"after all, does eprd have any other philosophy of government than the one that was given by the previous president when he created it? stop state terrorism," 2024-Am-1605,ለመሆኑ ሽብርተኛ ዓራት ኪሎ ያለው ኤርትራ መንግሥት አማራ ተስፋፊ ነው ወንስ ህውሃት ነው ትንሽ እፍረት ሰብአዊነት ንቅላት እንደ ሰው ይኑራችሁ ማፈያ ሁሉ,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],"After all, the government of Eritrea, which has four kilos of terrorists, is a widespread one, and the only one who is a little bit humble, humane, and humane, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human being, be a human" 2024-Am-2621,ለአንዳንድ መራራ ክኒኖች ከውሻነት ይልቅ አጽንዖት የተሰጠው ስምምነት መዋጥ አለበት። የሁሉም ወገን ቅንዓት ተችቷል። የ hullabaloo ዋስትና ለመስጠት,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"For some bitter pills, the emphasis is on consensus rather than doggedness. The zeal of all parties has been criticized." 2024-Am-2927,ሰው ኣይደለህም ማለት ነው።ያም ሆነ ይህ እኔ በማንኛውም የሰው ልጅ ሚደርስ ግፍ ስቃይ እንግልት ግድያና ሰቆቃ እቃወማለው።,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"you don't kill people. in any case, i am against any kind of human injustice, including torture, murder, and rape." 2024-Am-4377,አፍሪካ የሰው ሀብቷንና የተፈጥሮ ሀብቷን መጠቀም መቻል አለበት,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],Africa must be able to use its human and natural resources 2024-Am-223,የምርሽን ነው 😂😂😂ተሽኮረመምሽ አይ ዲጄ ሊ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],what are you doing 😂😂😂you got shot by i dj lee 2024-Am-1694,አይ ዘንዶር የገጠመን ትግል እኮ እስኪ በጎንደር ሞት ምኑ ነው ጎጠኛ የሚያስብለው?,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"is it a good thing that Gondor is dead, after all, that we are fighting against Gondor?" 2024-Am-1014,ጀግናው መከላከያ ሰራዊታችን የጠላት ሀይል የህዝቡን ሰላም ለማወክ ብሎም መሰረተ ልማቶችን ለማውደም ሲንቃሳቀስ ፈጥኖ ደርሶ ጠላት ያሰበውን ሳያሳካ አይቀጡ ቅጣት በመቅጣት የሚደመስስስና ወገኑን ከሞት የሚታደግ ከህዝብ አብራክ የወጣ የህዝብ ልጅ ነው። ጀግናው መከላከያ ሰራዊታችን ከራሱ በፊት አገር አስቀድሞ በበበረሀ ውሀና ጥሙን ታግሶ ኮቸሮ እየቆረጠመ ላቡን አፍስሶ አጥንቱን ከስክሶ ደከመኝ ሰለቸኝ ሳይል ዳገት ወጥቶ ቁልቁለት ወርዶ የአገሩን,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"our heroic defense army is a son of the people who came out of the people's arms to destroy the enemy's plans without punishment and save his people from death. our heroic defense army has endured the desert water and thirst before his own country, cutting the coconut, pouring out the sweat, and wearying his bones, he climbed up the slope without tiring and went down the country." 2024-Am-3760,ክሪስቲያኖ ሮናልዶ የባይናንስ ማስታወቂያ በመሥራቱ የ1 ቢሊዮን ዶላር ክስ ተመሠረተበት,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],Cristiano Ronaldo is facing a $1 billion lawsuit for creating a Binance ad 2024-Am-4202,አይ ሞት ክፉ አይ የጊዜአችን መጨረሻ ድሮ በጨርቅ ነበር የሚቀበረዉ ቀስ ብለዉ በሳጥን አሁን ደሞ ጭራሽ ቡለኬት ላይ ቁጭ አርገዉት እርፍ ደሞ ቀጣይ ምን ይመጣ ይሆን ዋ ነፍሴ እኔስ ፈራሁ ለመጨረሻችን ያረብ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"No death, no evil, no end of our time, it was already buried in cloth, slowly, in a box, now it's bloody, sit on a bullet, sit on the floor, what will come next, oh my soul, I was afraid of the end." 2024-Am-3843,አሁን ላይ ህይወቴ አንደ ኩዚ ነው ሰራ የለኝም ማደርገው ነገር አይሳካልኝ ቤተሰብ አይረዳ ጭንቀት life ፈጣሪ ሆይ እርዳኝ ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"I'm a bit of a coward right now, I don't have a job, I can't do anything, I can't do anything, I have no family, no help, no anxiety, help me, creator of life." 2024-Am-560,መሬም አለይሄ ሰላምኮ ሞታለች አፈርሆናለች አሰማም የለችም እደማንኛውም ፍጡር የውመል ቂያማ አብረን ነውእምንቀሰቀሰው ሰማይላይሆና ትሰማለችአላለም አይ ክህደት ባለጌ እኮንእሶ እረሱልም አይሰሙ ኢላ ከፈጣሪያችን በቀር ሆ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"The earth says, ""Hello, she is dead, she is dust, she is not alive, all living creatures are together, the sky is awake, she is not alive, she says, ""No treachery, no rudeness, no forgetfulness, she does not hear, except our Creator""." 2024-Am-3514,በሰሜኑ ጦርነት ራሱ እንዲ አይነት ውድመት አልገጠመም ባይ ነኝ!,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],I am not sure that I have experienced the same kind of destruction as the northern war itself! 2024-Am-4905,በመከላከያ ስም ዘው ብሎ ወደ አማራ የገባው ሀይል እጅግ በሚገርም ሁኔታ እየረገፉ ነው,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],the forces that entered amara in the name of defense are surprisingly stepping up 2024-Am-4801,ዱባ እና ቅል ስራው ለየቅል ነው እሽ እምዬ ምኒሊክ ስልክ ወደ ኢትዮጵያ ሲያስገቡ እንዳንተ ኢትዮጵያን በጦርነት እያመሱ ንጹሀን እየጨፈጨፍ ከኢትዮጵያም አልፎ ጎረቤት ሀገራትን ስጋት ላይ ጥለው ሳይሆን በሰለጠነ መንገድ ነው ያስገቡልን የአንተ እኮ የጉድ ነው በሰላም ወጥተን በሰላም የማንገባባት ሀገር ሰላም እንደ መንግስተ ሰማያት እርቆን ህዝብ ከኢትዮጵያ ምድር ጨርሶ እንዲጠፋ ሌት ተቀን እየጨፈጨፍክን ባህር በር መጣ አልመጣ ሊጠፋ ለተፈረደበ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"The dubai and the shell work is easy for the phone of the man who brought it into Ethiopia, as we did not bring Ethiopia with war, crushing the innocent, and sometimes threatening neighboring countries from Ethiopia, they brought us in a trained way, not threatening neighboring countries from Ethiopia, it is your fault, we have not entered the country in peace, peace is like the kingdom of heaven, we have crushed the people day and night, so that they disappear completely from the land of Ethiopia, the sea gate has come to be destroyed" 2024-Am-5810,በዚህ ፍጥነት እንዲህ ዓይነት ውሸት ፈብርካችሁ ስትከሱት ሠው ይታዘበናል አይባልምንዴ ደግሞስ የተናገረው በሙሉ እውነት የሆነ የህዝብ ብሶትና ችግር አንደለምን,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"when you accuse him of such a lie, it is not easy to be heard, and what he said is completely true, do we not understand the problems of the people?" 2024-Am-4863,እንድያው የውሸት ዜና ዘጋቢዎች እና የመንግሰት ተቃዋሚዎች አሸሙር ምጸት ንቀት ፉገራ መታወቅያችው ነው የወሬ ደላላ ናችው አሸሙረኛ ገበታ አሰደንቃጭ በፍርፋሪ እና በምጸት ያደጋችው ከሰይጣን ጋር ነው ወዳጅነታችው ዱር በረሃ እና ጫካ ነው ያደጋችው የአውሬ ጸባይ ነው የምታንጸባርቁት ሰብእና የራቃችው ነው ጸረ ብልጽግና የፈረንጅ አሸከርና ተላላኪዎች ለኢትዬጰያ ምንም አሰተዋጽኦ የላቸሁም ከሃይለ ሰላሴ ኋላ ቀር የሰራ ባህልና ልማት አልባ ኢኮኖሚ,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],"Fugara is known as a slanderer, a sand dealer, a market maker, a terrible person, raised in fear and regret, with Satan, a friend of the jungle, the desert and the forest, raised by the beast, the man we reflect, and a distant anti-prosperity, French terrorists and agents who have contributed nothing to Ethiopia, a culture and an undeveloped economy that has lagged behind Haile Selassie." 2024-Am-5259,ALEMNEH ደበረው ተንተባተበ ዘገባውን ራሱ እያንጠባጠበ አዝረክርኮ ነው የዘገበው ቢረሳ ቢረሳ Quatar ትረሳለች ተፅዕኖ ፈጣሪ ከተባሉት ውስጥ አለምነህ የምር ደብሮሃል ቁና ቁና እየተነፈሰ ነው ሚያወራው እኮአለምነህ እንዲ እጢው ዱብ ብሎ ሲዘግብ ያየሁት ፕሪጎዢ ወደ ራሽያ ላይ ሲዘምት ነው አለምዬ አሁን መረጃ እጃችን ላይ ነው ሚደርሰን አትሸወድ ክብርህንም ጠብቅ ሚዛናዊ ሁን ወይ ደሞ ይቅርብህ ስሜትህ እየታገለህ ከሆነ እናቃለን,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"ALEMNEH The world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling apart, the world is falling" 2024-Am-273,ይኽን ነገርአ ንድ ቀን ፕራንክ ነው! እንዳይለን ብቻ ?! የጉድ ጊዜ!,['surprise'],['መደነቅ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 1 0],['surprise'],It's just a prank! Just to be safe?! Miss time! 2024-Am-2957,የአማራ ተብዬ ቄስና ደብተራ ነፍጠኛና መሬት ወራሪ ሠፋሪ ብሎም የፍንፍነ ኪስ አውላቅ ወንበዴ ሁላ ከነዚህ ማፍያ ማጅራት መቺ ግለሰቦች ተጠንቀቅ ተብለሃል በረፍውጅ ሲስቴም ውጪ ሆነ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"Amara priest, bookkeeper, land invader, and carpetbagger are all individuals who have been warned to beware of these trailblazers, and are out of the system." 2024-Am-4513,ቻን ዛሬ ወንድ ወጣክ ጉሩ ደግ አደረገሽ,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"Chan, you've become a man today. Guru has been kind to you." 2024-Am-2272,የኔም ስጋት ይህ ነው ?,['fear'],['ፍርሃት'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 1 0 0 0 0],['fear'],And this is my fear ? 2024-Am-5290,ትመቸኛለህ ግን በጣም ኦሮሞን የሚዉድ ዘረኛ ነው,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],But you're a racist who loves the most hormones 2024-Am-4882,እኔ ሀድያ ነኝ ከአማራ ውጪ ለኛ ለጭቁን ህዝቦች ተስፋ የለንም የኦሮሞ ተስፋፊ ሀይል ለኢትዮጵያና ለብሔረሰቦች ከፍተኛ ስጋት ነው ኦሮሞን አንደግፍም,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"I am Hadiya, we have no hope for our oppressed people outside of Amhara, the expanding power of the Oromo is a great threat to Ethiopia and the nations, we do not support the Oromo." 2024-Am-3352,ዘመናዊ ካድሪ መሁኑ ነው ኪኪ የናተው ሽብር በገሀድ እያየን አይደል,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],it is the modern cadres who are the ones who are creating the terror in the country 2024-Am-5163,ፖለቲካ እናውቃለን የምንል ሰዎች ወጥ የሆነ አቋም ቢኖረን ጥሩ ነው አንዴ ወዲህ አንዴ ወድያ እያላችሁ ሕዝቡን ግራ እያጋባችሁት ነው አንዴ የባህር በር ነው የምንፈልገው ትላላችሁ አንዴ ደግሞ የኛ ነው ትላላችሁ ወንድሜ ዛሬስ የምትለውን እስከመጨረሻው ለመስማት አልቻልኩም ሆዴን ነፋኝ አቋረጥኩት ምነው ምሁር አጣን,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],we who say we know politics it is good if we have a consistent position people you are confusing the people from time to time you are saying we want the sea gate and you say it is ours brother today i can not hear what you are saying till the end i cut my stomach blowing if we lost the scholar 2024-Am-2882,የአማራ ክልል ህዝብ የህልና አደጋ አለብኝ ስጋት አለብኝ ካለ አሁንም አልረፈደም መሸዋወዱን ተውና ተነጋገሩ! ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"people of amara region, if i have a health risk, if i have a concern, it is not too late to stop talking and talk!" 2024-Am-5467,1168 እስከ መጨረሸ አያሁ በጠም ደስ የሚል ነው ፍልም ነው,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"1168 to the end of the day, I'm thirsty, I'm happy, I'm happy" 2024-Am-5548,አለምነህ ዋሴ ምርጥ ይሁዳዊ ጋዜጠኛ በርታልን እኔ የኛ ሰው መሆንክን ባወቅሁበት ወቅት ከዛሬ 22 ዓመት በፊት የተሰማኝ ደሰታ ቃላቶች አይገጡትም ,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],Words cannot describe the joy I felt 22 years ago when I found out that I was one of our people. 2024-Am-1854,ፖለቲካዊ ገፅታ ያላቸውንና በፅንፈኞች አደገኛ መርዝ የተለወሰውን ውስጣዊ ችግሮችና መከፋፈሎችን በውስጣዊ ውይይት ፍቱት እንጂ ወደ መንግስትና ኦሮሞ አታምጡት ችግራችሁን በሌላ ማላ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"solve the internal problems and divisions that have a political aspect and are characterized by the dangerous poison of extremists, but do not take your problems to the government and the Oromo, but to the internal discussion." 2024-Am-3335,አምላክ ለይቶ ቀብቶእ የፈጠረውን የሰይጣን መለክተኛ ሊያጠፋው አይችልም አልቻለም ኦሮሞ የሚገርም ህዝብ ነው፣ ይህን ሁሉ ግፍ አልፎ የኦሮሞ ቋንቋ፣ ባህል፣ ዘመንን ተሻግሮ እስከነሞገሱ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"God could not destroy the satanic messenger that God had created and anointed, the Oromo are a strange people, they have been able to overcome all the violence and have been able to praise the Oromo language, culture, and time" 2024-Am-56,አዋሽ 40 ፡ “በቂ ምግብ ፣ ውሃ እና በቂ እንቅልፍ በስለትም ቢሆን የማይገኝበት ቦታ”,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"Awas 40. A place where there is not enough food, water and sleep even on the slopes." 2024-Am-2836,አንተ ቆሻሻ በዳ እንደዚህ ከሆነ ዜጎች በማንነታቸው ብቻ እየተለዩ ሲገደሉ።ሲፈናቀሉ።ቤታቸው በላያቸው ላይ ሲፈርስ።የሚበሉት አጥተው ሜዳ ላይ የወደቁት በአራት ኪሎው አባገነን መሪ ችግር ነው።,"['disgust', 'anger']","['አስጸያፊ', 'ቁጣ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust' 'anger'],"if you are a piece of garbage like this, when citizens are killed by being identified, they are displaced. when their house collapses on them. they are the main problem of the four-kilometer garbage dump, who have fallen on the plains without food." 2024-Am-2699,ተደመር ተብሎ እንቢ ያለ ቡድን ያለ እላማ አንድ ሚሊዮን ወጣት አጥፍቶ አሁን እደመራለሁ እያለ ነው። በጣም የሚገርም በአለም ታይቶ የማያውቅ,['surprise'],['መደነቅ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 1 0],['surprise'],A group of people called the Dharam has killed a million young people without any purpose and now it is going to die. 2024-Am-5909,ዓለምነህ እስራሄል ከፍልስጤም በኩል ወደፊት ስጋት አለመሆኑ ማረጋገጥ የሚለው አሳብ ሩሲያ ኔቶ በጎረቤቴ ስጋት አለመሆኑን ማረጋገጥ ከሚለው ጋር እንዴት ታየዋለህ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],How do you see the idea of ensuring that the world is not threatened by Israel through Palestine in the future versus ensuring that Russia is not threatened by NATO in the future? 2024-Am-2519,እናመሰግናለን የሚገርም ፅሁፍ ነው,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],Thank you. This is a wonderful article. 2024-Am-3624,ዲፕፌክ ምሥሎች ቴይለር ስዊፍትን ‘እርቃኗን’ ካሳዩ በኋላ ሕግ እንዲወጣ ተጠየቀ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],Lawmakers are being urged to pass a law after deepfakes showed Taylor Swift naked 2024-Am-1483,ሀማስ አይደለም ሰላማዊ ሰዉ ሊገድል ያልተፈቀደለትን ምግብ አይበላም ሙስሊሞች ስለሆኑ ብቻ ነዉ ይሄ ሁሉ አሸባሪ ወዘተ የምትሉት እመኑኝ ወላሂ ፍልስጤም ነጳ የምትወጣበት ቀን እሩቅ አይደለም ፍልስጤማዊ ቢሞቱ የጀነት ናቸዉ አይሁዳዊያን ግን የጀሀነም ናቸዉ የፍልስጤም ሞት ክብር ነዉ እየሞቱ የሚደሰቱ ፍልስጤም አል አርዱ ለና ወል ቁዱሱ ለና,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"Hamas is not a peaceful people who do not eat food that is not allowed to kill just because they are Muslims, all this is terrorists etc. Believe me, the day when Palestine will be liberated is not far away, if a Palestinian dies, there is a heaven, but the Jews are the hell, and the death of a Palestinian is glorious, and they are happy to die." 2024-Am-4390,ሸኔ ወለጋም ተንቀሳቀሰ ሸዋ ከመንግስት ጋር ሳይሆን ፀቡ ህዝብን መግደል ማረድ ማገት ነው ሼኔ የዳቦ ስም እራሱ ብልፅግና ነው,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"Shene Welagam is moving, Shene is not with the government, the problem is to stop killing people, Shene, the name of bread is wealth itself." 2024-Am-1456,ቆሻሻሻ የገፁን ስም ቀይር ለማኝ ወራሪ የወሎን ህዝብ የማይወክል ሚዳያ ነው,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],Waste is a media that does not represent the people of the invading Wallon 2024-Am-4139,እንደት ከረማችሁ የቆሰለ ፍቅር ተከታዮቹ እንደዚህ ፊልም የእኛንም ኢትዮጵያ መጨረሻዋን ሠላም ያድርግልን ወደ ነፃነቷ ትመለስልን,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"Like a wounded love, like a film, like our Ethiopia, make us welcome to the end, let us return to its independence." 2024-Am-1022,ወይ ጉድ አታምርም አላለችዉም ጌታ አሳምሮ ከፈጠረዉ ይልቅ ፍቅር የሚያሳምረዉ ይበልጣል አሰቀያሚዉን እንኳን ብታፈቅረዉ ቆንጆ እንደሱ ያለ አይመሰልህም,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"oh well, you are not beautiful, she said. better to love the one who is beautiful than the one who was created by the Lord, even if you love the ugly one, you will not think he is as beautiful as him." 2024-Am-4632,በእውነት ወጣት አቶ ሽመልስ አብዲሳ ብዙ መከራ አይቷል አስቸጋሪው የኦሮሞ ፓለቲካና ዋናው አጋንንት ክልሉን ይዞ ፕት ሽመልስን ይዋጋል አያቴም ነግረውናል,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],really young mr shmels abdisa has seen a lot of suffering the difficult oromo party and the main demon take over the territory and fight pt shmels my grandmother told us 2024-Am-1042,አሳማ ነሽ ሆዳም ማለት ነው!!! እኮ ዝም በይ እስኪ።,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],pig means stomach!!! shut up. 2024-Am-2943,ቀዳም ሥዑር በዚህች ዕለት ጌታ ወደ ሲዖል ወርዶ በሲዖል ላሉት ሁሉ ሰላምን ሰበካቸው ፤ ወደ ገነትም አስገባቸው።ይቺ ዕለት የጌታችንን መከራ በማሰብ በፆም ታስባ ስለምትውል ቀዳም ሥዑር ወይም የተሻረችው ቅዳሜ ትባላለች።,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],on this day the lord descended to hell and preached peace to all in hell and brought them into paradise. this day is called the first saturday or the cancelled saturday because it is remembered by fasting in remembrance of our lord's suffering. 2024-Am-5172,አገራችን አይገባም አይገባም ዮጋንዳን ምሳሌ ትሁነን ግብረሰዶማዊት በሐገራችን አይገባም1 ሞት እንጂ 10 አንሞትም መንግስትማ ገሎናልደገፈም አልደገፈም አገራችን አትቀበልምእመኑኝ ትውልድ ቆሜ ሲገደል አላይም ዝም አልልም ዝም አትበሉደብዳቤው ኢትዮጵያን አይወክልም ያየካቶሊክ ቄስ እመኑኝ እንደሰው አይሞትም ባለጌ ፓፓስ መሞቴካልቀረ በክዬ አልፋለሁብለዋል አረመኔ ፓፓስ ነው እናወግዛለን,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],"Our country should not be allowed to be a homosexual in our country, not one death, but ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten, not ten" 2024-Am-5725,ወይኔ ሀሊዴ ለምን እውነቱን አትነግራትም ግልፈን ጭራቅ የች እንጂ,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],"why don't you tell her the truth, my dear, she is a monster" 2024-Am-4545,የኦሮሞ ነገር ያበቃነው አለም ሳቀ ሀገር አፈረ በእውነቱ ሱውን ሰው ሲበላው እግዚኦ ይብላይ ለቀጣይ ትውልድ አገት መድፊያ የማይሺር ጠባሳ ወራሪ አውዳሚ ገዳይ መሆኑ የነበረ ታሪክ በሆንም ዛሬ አለምሰልጥኖ ከሀገር ፊት የተጠራች አገርም አረከሳችሁ አግማማችሁ ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"The story of the Oromo thing that ended the world laughed at the country, but in fact when the pig ate the man, God blessed him, he was a killer, a devastating invader, a scarless invader for the next generation of the country, but today the country that was trained and called before the country has defiled you." 2024-Am-275,ሀዘኑ አዙሮ ሊዳፋቹህ ነው። ቻሉት ፅናቱንም ይንፈገቹህ ተቃጠሉ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],The sadness will turn you around. The ones who could will laugh at your persistence and burn you. 2024-Am-3566,እኔ የምላቹ ቴሌግራም እኔጋ ብቻ ነው የማይሰራው ወይስ እናንተጋ ነው,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],I say Telegram is only a scam or is it a scam 2024-Am-4931,አቤቱ ጌታችን ሆይ እየሆነብን ያለው አንተ እያየከው ነው አንተ ፍረድ በእውነት በጣመሰ አሳሳቢ ሰዓት ደርሰናል ማራናታ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"Lord , Lord , you see what is happening to us , judge us in truth , we have arrived at a time of sorrow , Maranatha ." 2024-Am-1827,አንተ እንኩቶ የወያኔ ግልገል አንተ ተቆጥረህ ነው 100 ሚሊዮን ያለፍነው ? ያሳዝናል በዛ ላይ የወያኔ ቫይረስ ተሸካሚ ውርጋጥ ነህ,"['sadness', 'disgust']","['ሀዘን', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness' 'disgust'],"You are a monkey, a monkey's cub, you are considered to be 100 million, we have passed? Unfortunately, you are a parasite carrying a monkey virus." 2024-Am-1471,በጣም ያማል አላህ ጀነቱን ይወፍቃት ያረብ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],Allah is most merciful to those who are ungrateful . 2024-Am-4039,እናሊላሂ ወኢናኢለይሂእራጁኡን አላህ ለቤተሠቦችሽ ሸፈአያድርግሽ የኔቆጆልጅ ተገኘችን ነበርየጠበኩት ያረብ ለእናቷሰብሩንይሰጣት,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"And Allah , the Exalted , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty , the Almighty ," 2024-Am-5067,ይሄ ቆዳ ሳይሞት ማምለጡ ይቆጨኛል ሃጫሉን ያስገደለ ፈርቶ ተከበብኩ ብሎ በመቶዎች ያስገደለ አይቀርም አንድ ቀን የውሻ ሞት ይሞታል ሃጫሉ በከንቱ ለነሱ ፖለቲካ ማስፈጸሚያ ከለፈ ሃጬሉን በግል አውቀዋለሁ ሰው በልቶ የሚጠግብ የማይመስለው ግን ያልበሰለ የሞሉትን የተናገረና የተጸጸተ ካጠገባቸው እንደራቀ ሲያውቁ ነው አብይ ደደቡና ጀዋር መሃይሙ በትብብር ያስገደሉት Karma is a bitch አይቀርም የእጅ ማግኘት,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],"I'm sorry that this skin escaped without dying. He killed the hare, he killed hundreds, he was afraid of being surrounded. One day, the dog will die. If the hare leaves the hare for their political implementation, I know the hare personally. The man who eats seems not to be satisfied, but he said and regretted that he had not eaten when they knew that he had eaten them." 2024-Am-4483,ቢበላስ ተገኝቶ ነው የሚበላ የሌለው የሚበላውን አይመርጥምየባህል እስረኛ ከመሆን የተገኘውን ተመግቦ የችግርን ወቅት ማለፍ ይሻላልሌላው የቲክ ቶከሮች ወሬና ሌብነት ነው,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"If you eat, you are found, and if you don't eat, you don't choose what you eat. It is better to eat what you find and go through a difficult time than to be a prisoner of culture. The other is gossip and theft of TikTokers." 2024-Am-5505,ከስሜታዊ እነት ወጥቶ በነበራዊነት በ facts ላይ የተመሰረተ እና በእወነት ላይ የተመሰረተ ውይይ የግድ ይላል መልሱ ትክክለኛወ እራስን ማነጽ በeducation ነው ሃገራችን ላይ ህውሃት ከመጣ ጀምሮ አንድ ወጥ education የለም ሁሉም በክልሉ ላይ ነው የሚያላዝነው የታሪክ ትምህርት የለም እህዋድ ያንተ generation እና የዛሬው በጣም የተለያየ ነው ሁሌ ወደቁልቁል በንጉሱ ጊዜ የuniversity ተማሪ ፊሎዞፊ ይማር ነበር በምኖርበት,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"The answer is that the right way to build yourself is through education. Since the revolution in our country, there is no uniform education. Everything is based on the region. There is no history lessons. Your generation and today's are very different." 2024-Am-2701,ጠላት አታብዙበት? የዛሬ አርባ አመት በፊት ጀምሮ አማራ የታረደው ራሱ አማራ ጠላት ሰርቶ ነው ብለህ ትወነጅላለህ። አደገኛ ቀፎ ነህ ዝም በል።,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],don't you think that the enemy is more? you say that the enemy of amara who was killed forty years ago is the same one who did it. you are a dangerous person. be quiet. 2024-Am-1892,በኦሮቶዶክስ ቤት ቅድመ ዓለምና ድህረ ዓለም፤ቅድመ ልደትና ድህረ ልደት አምናና ተቀበላ የኖረችና የምትኖር ናት፡፡ ድንገት በየመሸታ ቤትየጨፈራ መድረክ ያገኛችሁት ይመስላል፡እየሱስ እየሱስ ስትሉ፡፡,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"In the Orthodox house, the world before and after birth, the world before and after birth, is the believer who lives and lives, suddenly every night you seem to find a dance floor in the house. When Jesus said," 2024-Am-3520,These Generation ይገርምሃል እኔ የልጆቼን እናት ሳገኛት ደሞዜ 34 ብር ከ 35 ሳንቲም ነበር እንደዛም ሆኖ ፍቅር መሃላችን ስለነበር በቅቶን ነው ምንኖር የነበረው,['surprise'],['መደነቅ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 1 0],['surprise'],"These Generation will surprise you, when I met the mother of my children, my salary was 34 Rupees and 35 Cents, and yet we had a love oath, so what was there in the box?" 2024-Am-4613,በጣም ጎበዞች ናችሁ በተለይ ትርሀስ ሳላደንቅ አላልፍም በርቺ ባለ ጎዳይዋ ልጁማለትም ጓደኛዋ የባሰ እያሳማት እንደሆነ እርስዋም ተናግራለች የሚታይም ሀቅ ነው ቢቻል ልጅትዋ የሚያታደግ የ ህግ አካል ብታገኝ,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],you are very good especially i do not pass without appreciating the interpretation of berchi her bad boy i.e. her friend is getting worse she said it is a fact that if possible her daughter would be rescued by a law enforcement agency 2024-Am-3861,ዩክሬን የሩስያን ኤ-50 የስለላ አውሮፕላን መትቼ ጣልኩ አለች,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],Ukraine says it shot down a Russian A-50 spy plane 2024-Am-2423,እኔ ምልህ ዶር ታንቱ የተባለው የአማራ አክራሪ ጽንፈኛ የት ገባ ባክህ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],where did the amhara radical named meleh dor tantou get into bakkh 2024-Am-5622,ዘጋቢ ጋዜጠኞቻችን ዘገባ ስታቀርቡ ማለት ነው ማለት ነው እያላችኹ ምንም ትርጉም የማይሰጥ ቃል እየደጋገማችኹ መናገርን ብትተው መልካም ይመስለኛል ,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],I think it would be better if you stopped saying meaningless words while our reporters are doing their reporting. 2024-Am-566,Meri Ar ብዙ ናችሁ አንድ አይነቶች ብዙ ቦታ ላይ አንድ አይነት የዘቀጠ ሀሳብ ያላችሁ!!! ይቅርታ ሀሳብ አልኩ ለካ ሀሳብ የላችሁም ።ለማንኛው ከንቱ ዘረኞች ጉም ዘጋኞች ናችሁ። ከሌላው የማትማሩ ከንቱዎች!!!,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"Meri Ar, you are many of the same type, you have the same idea in many places!!! sorry, I said idea, you have no idea. you are the prisoners of the minds of the useless racists. you are the useless ones who do not learn from each other!!!" 2024-Am-3227,በጣም ያሳዝናል እንደ አንተ ወይም እንደ አንቺ አይነቶቹ ናቸው በሰላማዊ ሕዝብ መሀል ተደብቀው ሀገር ሰላም,"['sadness', 'anger']","['ሀዘን', 'ቁጣ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness' 'anger'],"It is very sad that people like you or your kind are hiding in the midst of a peaceful people, a peaceful country." 2024-Am-2892,አተ ውሻ ባንዳ መከላከያን ነው ማለቅ አለበት የምትለው? ሞክራታ ውጭ ቁጭ ብሎ መፎከርና መሬት መሆን የተለያዩ ናቸው ልክ ትገባለህ ደሞ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],Do you think that the dog band should be removed? Try to sit outside and compete and be grounded are different just as you enter the 2024-Am-5788,የተመጣጠነ እርምጃ ምን ማለት ነው ቀድሞ ለኩሶ ከዛ ህፃናት እና ሴቶች መሀል የሚደበቅ አውሬ ብድን ነው ለህፃናቱ ና ለሴቶች ተጠያቂው እራሱ ሀማስ ነው እግዚአብሔር ነብሳቸውን ይማር ለሁለቱ ጦረኞች ግን ቁጣ ይውረድባቸው,"['anger', 'sadness']","['ቁጣ', 'ሀዘን']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 1 0 0 0],['anger' 'sadness'],what is the meaning of a balanced action? first for the cuts then for the children and women. the beast that hides amongst the children and women is the body. the one responsible for the children and women is hamas itself. may god teach them but may the two fighters be cursed. 2024-Am-1949,አባቶች እንዲህ እስኪሉ ምን እየሰራችሁ ይሆን? ወደማንመለስበት ቀውስ እየገባን እንደሆነ አጣችሁን? ለምን? ለምን ?,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"What are you doing that the fathers say, ""We are entering a crisis from which we will never return?""" 2024-Am-1573,በሺዎች የሚቆጠሩ ፍልስጤማዊያን የእስራኤል ጦር መቃረቡን ተከትሎ ማዕከላዊ ጋዛን ጥለው ሸሹ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],Thousands of Palestinians fled central Gaza as Israeli forces advanced 2024-Am-1264,ኦሮምያ ላይ ቤት እሜያፈሱትን እዳትረሷቸዉ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],The Armenians are the only people who have not been killed by the Armenians. 2024-Am-3782,እነ ቲክቶክ በአሜሪካ ድንበር የሕገ-ወጥ ሰዎች ዝውውር እንዲስፋፋ እያደረጉ ነው,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],TikTok is promoting human trafficking at the US border 2024-Am-1155,ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ በሰሜኑ ጦርነት ብቻ ከ1 milllion በላይ ሰዎች ሞተዋል እና ጦርነቱ አሁንም እንደቀጠለ ነው ግን የሚዲያ ሽፋን እራሱ አይሰጠውም 😐,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"in ethiopia, more than 1 million people have died in the northern war alone and the war is still going on but the media coverage is not giving it itself" 2024-Am-5578,hussen ቆሻሻ ሰው በሰላም ሲኖር ዓይናቹህ ሚቀላ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],hussen dirty man when you live in peace your eyes turn red 2024-Am-3900,ቻይና በደኅንነት ጉዳዮች ላይ ለመነጋገር ወደ ሩሲያ መልዕክተኛ ላከች,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],China sends an envoy to Russia to discuss security issues 2024-Am-4239,ይህንን አስተያየት የምጽፈው በቀጥታ የዜና ክፍሉን ይመለከታል ብዬ ሳይሆን Arts TV ዘርፈ ብዙ ስለሆነ ለሚመለከተው ክፍል ያደርሳል ብዬ ሰላመንኩኝ ነው እናንተም እንደ አስተያየት ብቻ አይታችሁ ችላ እንዳትሉት እጸልይላችኋለሁ ለማንኛውም ካዛንቺስ አካባቢ ያለውን የኢሚግሬሽን ቢሮ ጉዳይ እንደጀመራችሁት እስከ ፍጻሜው ጉዳዩን ተከታትላችሁ ለህዝቡ ዘግቡት በእርግጥ በዚያ ቦታ ላይ የሚሰጠው አገልግሎት ቀላል ሆኖ አይደለም ነገር ግን አገል,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],I am writing this comment not because it is directly for the news department but because Arts TV is a sector and I am sending it to the relevant department so please don't just ignore it as a comment and I pray that you don't ignore it as you started the case of the immigration office in the Kazanchis area and followed the case to the end and report it to the people. 2024-Am-5213,አለም ድምጽህ ኢንቨስት ቢደረግ አትራፊ ነው ምርጥ ጋዜጠኛ,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],The world is a better place if your vote is invested 2024-Am-5168,በስጋት ነው ያለነው እንደልባችን መንቀሳቀስ አልቻልንም ዛቻው በዝቶብናል እኔ ያለሁት መቋድሾ ነው,['fear'],['ፍርሃት'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 1 0 0 0 0],['fear'],"We are in danger, we cannot move like our hearts, the threat is overwhelming, I am a shortcut." 2024-Am-628,ያንሣታል ለማሚ ይገባታል ከዚህ በላይ በምድር ላይ ያለ ጥሩ ነገር በሙሉ ለሧ ቢሆን ቅር አይልም,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],He deserves to be raised up and he wouldn't mind if everything on earth was good for him 2024-Am-4589,ህዝቡ ተርቧል እጄራን ኤክስፖርት እዲደረግ መፍቀዳቸው እራሱ የሚያስገርም ነው,['surprise'],['መደነቅ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 1 0],['surprise'],"the people are hungry, it is surprising that they allow the export of jaguar" 2024-Am-4728,ከይኅጋይ ያጋጭህ ጦርነት ነው እየሆነብን ያለው ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],We are in a war against the forces of evil. 2024-Am-3711,በደቡብ አፍሪካ የሙስና ወንጀሎች መርማሪው ከልጃቸው ጋር ተገደሉ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"In South Africa, a corruption investigator and his son were killed" 2024-Am-595,ጌታ ይባርክሸ ለሰው ግድ የሚለው አሰተዋይም ብሩክም ነው ለብዙዎች ሼር አረገዋለሁ መልካም 2016,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"God bless you, the man who cares for people is also a blessing, I will share it for many, good 2016" 2024-Am-5141,እና በራሷ ጥፋት አውሬ መሆን ነበርባት እንደ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],And like a beast she had to be to her own destruction 2024-Am-1864,የፖለቲካ በድን? ቢባል ይሻላል,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],The Bible does not say that the dead are dead. 2024-Am-2872,ነገሩ ተባብሳል ማምሻዉን የወጣ መግለጫ ፣ የፕጌታቸዉ ረዳ መልካም ጅማሮ ፣ ወጠጤዋ የአማራ ፅንፈኛ መስከረም አበ via ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"The situation is getting worse, the statement issued on Tuesday, the good start of the Pghetchau's helper, the outcome of the Amara theory of September Abbey." 2024-Am-1192,የእኔ ማር አይዞሽ የእኔ እንባ ይፍሰስ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],let my honey flow and my tears flow 2024-Am-4322,አለምን ሁሉ ዞርኩ እደዚህ አይነት ሞራል ይሉንታ የሊለዉ በበታችነት ሰሚት የሚሰቃይ የወደደዉን የማይገባዉን ክብር በሰጠዉ በአማራ ህዝብ በክህደት የተነሳ ወራዳ ምሐይም ሰዉ አይቸ አላዉቅም ደግሞ እኮ ልጆቻችሁን አምጡ ይላል እደወለጋ ህፃናት ሊያርድብን ነዉ ሰዉ በላ አዉሬ ምሐይም አብይ በቅርቡ አንገቱን ታንቆ ለፈርድ ይቀርባል እየመጣን ነዉ,"['disgust', 'anger']","['አስጸያፊ', 'ቁጣ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust' 'anger'],"I have traveled all over the world and they say this kind of morality is not acceptable to those who suffer in the state of inferiority, who give honor to those who love them, who do not deserve it, who are humiliated by the treachery of the Amhara people, who have never seen a man humiliated by a man, who says, ""Bring your children, I am going to kill you""." 2024-Am-423,በጣም ባለጌ ነህ አተ ብሎ አገልጋይ,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],The servant who said he was too old to learn 2024-Am-2518,የህይወትን ውስብስብነት ለመግለፅ የተጠቀምሽበትን ጥበብ ሳላደንቅ አላልፍም ?,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],I don 't have to admire your brilliance in explaining the complexity of life . 2024-Am-998,አይ መግማት መግማማማት ቀስ ብለህ ነብይ ጨርቆስ ሆነህ ትመጣለህ 🤣🤣🤣,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],"No, you won't be able to move, you'll be able to move slowly, you'll be able to move slowly, you'll be able to move slowly, you'll be able to move slowly, you'll be able to move slowly, you'll be able to move slowly, you'll be able to move slowly, you'll be able to move slowly, you'll be able to move slowly, you'll be able to move slowly, you'll be able to move slowly, you'll be able to move slowly, you'll be able to move slowly, you'll be able to move slowly, you'll be able to move slowly, you'll be able to move slowly, you'll be able to move slowly, you'll be able to move slowly, you'll be able to move" 2024-Am-3547,የትዊተር ተጠቃሚዎች ማየት የሚችሉት ‘ትዊት’ መገደቡን አለቃው ኢላን መስክ ገለጠ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"The Twitter user has been blocked from seeing the tweets, according to the chief of staff, Ilan Masch." 2024-Am-2013,ለተጋሩ ወንድሞቻችን በፊንፊኔ ከተማ ድንገት ግርግር ቢነሳ ወይ አፈሳ ካለ አትደናገጡ ለፀጥታ ሀይል ንፁህ መሆናቹ ለማስረዳት አትልፉ። ባጭሩ በትግርኛ አውሩ።ትግርኛ ነፃ ያወጣችዋል።,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"if there is a sudden disturbance or a massacre in the city of finfine, do not panic, do not go to explain to the security forces that you are innocent. in short, tell in tamil. tamil will free him." 2024-Am-1059,Temesgen Goitom ስድቡ ተገቢ መስሎ አይታየኝም ከእግዚአብሔር ጋር ስትጣበቅ የሚያበሳጨዉ ሰይጣን ብቻ ነዉ እሱ ደሞ ባህሪዉ ነዉ ደንቆሮ ብሎ መሳደብ ግን እግዚአብሔርን ማሰዘን እንጂ ሰይጣንንን መገሰፅ አይደለም “እኔ ግን እላችኋለሁ፥ በወንድሙ ላይ የሚቆጣ ሁሉ ፍርድ ይገባዋል፤ ወንድሙንም ጨርቃም የሚለው ሁሉ የሸንጎ ፍርድ ይገባዋል፤ ደንቆሮ የሚለውም ሁሉ የገሃነመ እሳት ፍርድ ይገባዋል።” — ማቴዎስ 5፥222,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"Temesgen Goitom I don't think the insult is justified, only satan is the one who annoys you when you cling to god, he is the nature of the flesh, but to blaspheme is to blaspheme god, not the devil. But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to the judgment, and whoever says to his brother, 'you fool!' will be liable to the council, and whoever says, 'you fool!' will be liable to the fire of hell. - Matthew 5:222" 2024-Am-3274,እና አሁን በዚህ ደግሞ ምን ትሩፋት ይዘውልን ይመጡ ይሆን? የእኔ ስጋት ለዚህ ርካሽ ፖለቲካ ሲሉ ከውጪ እስከ ጓዳ ሁሉን ነገር እየነካኩ የህዝቡን ጉሮሮ ጨርሰው እዳይዘጉት ነው,['fear'],['ፍርሃት'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 1 0 0 0 0],['fear'],"and now what trophy do they bring us with this? my concern is that for this cheap politics, i am touching everything from the outside to the inside, and i am not closing the people's throats completely." 2024-Am-2038,የሰራች ሁት ግፍ ድንገት ብታመልጥ ልጅህ ላይ የጠጣች ሁት የደሃ ደም የሽማግሌዎች እንባ ካንሰር ሆኖ ቤተሰብህንም አንተንም ሳትሞት ሸተህ ትበሰብሳለህ,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],"If you suddenly escape the violence of the hut that you have made, the blood of the poor, the tears of the elderly, the blood of the poor, you will eat and destroy your family and yourself without dying." 2024-Am-2952,መሆኑን ጠቁመዋል። የክልል ልዩ ኃይሎች አደረጃጀት ህጋዊ አለመሆን፣ በክልሎች መካከል እንደ ስጋት መተያየት እንዲሁም ችግሮችን በሃይል ለመፍታት የሚደረገው እንቅስቃሴ አደረጃጀቱን ለ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"The illegal organization of the regional special forces, the perceived threat between the regions and the movement to solve problems by force have led to the organization of the special forces." 2024-Am-5124,ዛሬ ማስደስቻ ቀን ነው ብትባሉ ማንን ታስደስታላችሁ እኔ እናቴን በአካል ሂጀ ድንገት ብስማት ደስ ይለኛል አላህ ያሳካልኝ,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"If you say today is a day of happiness , who are you going to please ? I went to my mother in person , I would like to hear suddenly , Allah help me" 2024-Am-5180,ግን ማን ነው እንደ እኔ ጃሃን ፍገግ ሲል ደስ የሚለው,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],But who is happy like me when Jahan smiles 2024-Am-2853,2) የሰላም ስምምነቱ ተጥሶ ሰራዊቱ ከትግራይ ብቻ ሳይሆን ስጋት ካለባቸው የአማራ አካባቢዎችም እንዲወጣ ተደርጓል። 3) ኦነግ ሸኔና ሌሎች አማራውን የሚያፈናቅ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],2) The peace agreement has been violated and the army has been withdrawn not only from Tigray but also from the threatened Amhara areas. 3) OPLG Cheney and others are displacing the Amhara 2024-Am-1655,ጋሽ ታዲዎስን ዛሬ ፌዴራል ከፍተኛ ፍቤት ልደታ ምድብ ወንጀል ችሎት አገኘኋቸው፣ሰላም አልኳቸውና ለጥቂት ደቂቃዎች አዋራኋቸው። የሚገርም የመንፈስና የአካል ጥንካሬ ስላየሁበቻው በጣ,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"I met Gash Tadios today in the Federal High Court for the Criminal Division of the High Court, greeted him and humiliated him for a few minutes." 2024-Am-462,ሁልጊዜ ውሸት መቅናት አንድም ቀን ለሀገራችን የሚጠቅም ሀሳቦች አቅርባቹ አታውቅም ሁልጊዜ ማልቀስ ይሰለቻል,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"always lying, never giving any useful ideas for our country, always crying, always crying" 2024-Am-2219,እነሱ ፈጣጣ አድሏዊ ሲሆኑ የኛ ሰው ለዘሩ ያዳላል ይሉኛል በሚል ይሉኝታ የተጠረነፈ ስለሆነ ነው። የአማራ ብሔረተኝነት ገፍቶ ሄዶ ለህዝቡ ሰቆቃ መድህን መሆን የማይችለው ለዚህ ነው።,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"they are quick to be prejudiced, and our man is accused of being biased against his race. this is why amara nationalism cannot be pushed and become a cure for the people's grief." 2024-Am-1839,መዘባረቅ ጥሩ ሆኖ ሳለ መጅሊሱ በአምባ ገነኖች ቅኝ ግዛት ውስጥ መሆኑን መርሳት ደግሞ መርጦ አልቃሽ ያስብላል፣ ባባ!,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"While it is good to be deported, it is also bad to forget that the party is in the colony of Amba Gardens, Baba!" 2024-Am-3592,ሙስሊም መሆን መታደል ነውኮ ጀግንነትንም ከኛ ጋር ነው መሳሪያ የያዘን ወራሪ በድንጋይ የያሚሯሩጡ ናቸውኮ ሞ ት ለወራሪዋ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"Being a Muslim is a crime, and being a hero is with us. We are the invaders with weapons, who are throwing stones at us." 2024-Am-1176,Sabir Alemayehu ኪጂ ዝቃጭ ባህልና እምነት የተምታታታባችሁ ምኑን ነው የማጠናው ዛፋ አምላኪ።እኔኮ እምነት ነው ወይ ብየ አየኩ አወ አልሺ ደግሞ መልስሺ እምነት ዱዝዝዝ።,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"Sabir Alemayehu Kizhi is a tree worshipper who studies whether the culture and faith of the Zakat are related. I saw whether it is faith or not, and yes, Alshi also answered the faith of the Dzdzs." 2024-Am-1223,ለዳያመንድ/ለወርቅ/ ብዙ ከለላ ያስፈልጋል!!! ሰው ለመታየት ብሎ /ከለላው ከፍ ለማለት/ የምያደርገው ጥረት አይመቸኝም!!!,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],diamond/gold/needs a lot of protection!!! i don't like my efforts to raise the bar for someone to be seen!!! 2024-Am-1900,ሰው የዘራዉን ያጭድ ዘንድ የእኛ ምኞት ብቻ ሳይሆን የእግዚአብሔር ቃልም ስለሆኔ የእጃቸውን ብያገኙ ብድር በምድር በጣም ደስ ይለናል በንፁሃን ደም እድምያቸዉን ልያራዝሙ አይገባም ።,"['anger', 'sadness']","['ቁጣ', 'ሀዘን']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 1 0 0 0],['anger' 'sadness'],"we would be very happy if they got their hands on the land, as it is not only our wish but also the word of god that man should reap what he sows, they should not extend their hands with innocent blood." 2024-Am-3525,ካሴናሰጤ እና ሸኔ]ን አምነህ የህዝብን መከራ ከማርዘም ውጭ ለህዝብ ሰላም አታመጣም። መልከ ጥፉን በስም ይደግፉ ጨዋታ ይብቃን። በካሴናሰጤና በሸኔ ጭንቅላት አዳስ አበባ ውስጥ ካሸማቀቃችሁኝ ሀገር የለችም። Peace4Ethiopia UnityForPeace,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],You will not bring peace to the people if you believe in Kassenazid and Shene except by enduring the suffering of the people. Support the rebellion in name. Let the game end. There is no country that you have not buried me in the cemetery of Kassenazid and Shene. Peace4Ethiopia UnityForPeace. 2024-Am-4639,አንቱ ሰውዬ በአሁን ሰአት በጣም ፈርተው ነው የሚናገሩት በሁለተኛ ደረጃ ራስ ውዳድ መድረክ በተገኘ ቁጥር ማውራት ተውዳለክ ማንንም አትወክልም አንተን አያስሩክም ዘግናኝ ሽማግሌ ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"The old man is very scared right now, they say, whenever he is in the secondary head-conflict stage, you are not allowed to speak, you do not represent anyone, they do not surprise you, horrible old man." 2024-Am-240,ሃምሳ ቢወለድ ሀሃምሳ ነው ጉዱ የበረካ ልጅ ይበቃል አንዱ መውለድ ደጉ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"If fifty are born, fifty is good. If one is born, blessing is enough." 2024-Am-4662,ኦሃድ የኢርትራ አፍቅሮት የሚታይበት ኤርትራን ሲከላከል የሚኖር እና አሳቡን ኢትዮዽያዊያን ሊገዙለት የማይችል ግለሰብ ነው ኤርትራ ከሷ ጋር በጂኦግራፊ ምንም ግንኙነት የሌላቸውን የኢትዮዽያ አካባቢዎች በታሪክ አጋጣሚ ከጃቸው አስገቡ በታሪክ አጋጣሚ የሚመልሱበት እድል ሰፊ ነው ይሄን እውነታ ለመቀየሪ ብዙ ሲደክም ይታያል ይህ ግለሰብ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"ohad is a person who lives in defence of eritrea, where the love of eritrea is visible, and his mind cannot be controlled by the ethiopians. eritrea has no geographical connection with it, but it is possible that they will return the areas of ethiopia to their historical situation. it is possible that they will return the areas of ethiopia to their historical situation. this person will be seen to work hard to change this reality." 2024-Am-3468,ኤልሳቤት ማለት ትግሬዎች ምትለው ብትሰተካከል ምክንያቱም የትግራይ ህዝብ እንዳችው እናትና አባት ኢትዮጵያ ውሰጥ የተፈጠረ ኢትዮጵያዊነቱን የሚወድ ነው ለንግግርሽ ለከት ቢኖረው ።,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"if you replace elizabeth with tigers, it means that the tiger people, like their mother and father, were created in ethiopia, and they love ethiopia, if you have a soft spot for your words." 2024-Am-3977,ሻይን ለማጣፈጥ ‘ጨው ጣል አድርጉበት’ የሚለው የባለሙያ ምክር በአሜሪካ እና በዩኬ የፈጠረው ውዝግብ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],The controversial advice to add salt to tea in the US and UK 2024-Am-4557,ኒኩለር ብትታጠቁ ብልግና ከመውረድ አይድንም ምንም ዓይነት ዋጋ ተከፍሎ ብልግና መፈንቀል አለበት,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"If you are armed with nuclear weapons, you will not be able to avoid corruption, and corruption must be avoided at all costs." 2024-Am-5670,አርብ የፍቅር ቀን ጌታ ሆይ ስለ ሰው ልጆች ፍቅር ስትል በዕለተ አርብ በቆረስከው ስጋህ ባፈሰሰከው ደምህ ብለህ አቤቱ ማረን ይቅርም በለን,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"Friday, the day of love, Lord, for the love of the children of men, forgive us, O Lord, for the blood that you shed on Friday, for the flesh that you broke," 2024-Am-1823,ግን አይደብርህም እቶ ፈንቶ ትተህ እንደ መሪ ምን አለ ኮስተር ብለህ አገር ብትመራ የዚህ ሁሉ ስቃይ ምክንያት አንተና ተከታዮችህ ናቸው።,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],"but if you do not fear, if you leave the country as a leader, then you and your followers are the cause of all this suffering." 2024-Am-2040,?ለማንም ስለ ክፉ ፈንታ ክፉን አትመልሱ፤ በሰው ሁሉ ፊት መልካም የሆነውን አስቡ ቢቻላችሁስ በእናንተ በኩል ከሰው ሁሉ ጋር በሰላም ኑሩ። ወደ ሮሜ ስዎች ምዕ12፥1718,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"""return evil for evil to no one. if possible, as far as it depends on you, be at peace with everyone." 2024-Am-4556,የዓየር ሀይሉ እድገት የቀድሞ የኢትዮጵያ ዓየር ሀይልን ብቃት ለመመለስ የሚደረገው ጥረት ይበል ያሰኛል ችሎታውም ጭምር የአንድ ሀገር ሠራዊት ብቃት የሚለካው ከባዕዳንጋር በማያደርገው የሊዓላዊነት የማስከበር ግዳጅ እንጂ በርስ በርስ ጦርነት አለመሆኑን መረዳት ግድ ይላል,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"the growth of the air force is greater than the efforts to restore the capability of the former ethiopian air force, and even the capability of the army of a country is measured by the imperative of respect for sovereignty, not by the civil war, it is necessary to understand that" 2024-Am-4841,በስመአብ እምትገርም ጀግና ሴት ነዉ ትዉልድ ላይ ሊያዉም ሕጻናት ላይ እንዲህ እንደመስራት ለሀገርም ለቤተክርስትያንም ለቤተሰብም ትልቅ ነገር የለም ዛሬ እኮ ቅርሱን የሚያወድም እርስ በርስ የሚበላላ ሀገሩን የማያዉቅ ሞኝ ትዉልድ አፍርረት እኮ ነዉ ሀገራችንን እዚህ ደረጃ የደረሰችዉ መልካም እናት ጠፍቶ ልጁን የሚያሳድግ ልብስ ምግብ መጠጥ ከንቱ ነዉ ትልቁ አእምሮ ላይ መስራት ነዉ ክብረት ይስጥልን መምህርት ቸሩ መድኃኒዓለም ዋጋሽን ይክፈለዉ,['surprise'],['መደነቅ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 1 0],['surprise'],"Smaaab is a wonderful heroine, she is a heroine, she is a heroine, she is a heroine, she is a heroine, she is a heroine, she is a heroine, she is a heroine, she is a heroine, she is a heroine, she is a heroine, she is a heroine, she is a heroine, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is a hero, she is" 2024-Am-5105,ጥሩ ነጥቦችን አንስቷል ፈራ እያለ ነው የሚናገረው ምን ያድርግ ቢናገር ያው እስር ቤት ነው ,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"He scored good points, he is afraid to speak, whatever he says is the same prison." 2024-Am-3322,ሁለት የማልደራደሮባቸው። ኢትዮጲያውነቴና የመከላከያ ሰራዊታችን ናቸው። ቦታ እየተቀያየራቹ መከላከያን ለማንቋሸሽ የምትጥሩ ፉፁም ተቀባይነት የለውም። በርግጥ መከላከያ ስሜታዊ የሚያደር,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"Two things I don't agree with: Ethiopians and our defense forces. The Fujitsu, which is trying to undermine defense by changing positions, is unacceptable." 2024-Am-4583,እስላም ሰላም ነው እስላም ፍቅር ነው የተባለው ዝም ብሎ አይደላም አለም በዝህ መረጋገጥ ትችላለችአላሁመ እስተውዳነከ አላህ ያአሀል ጋዛ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"Islam is peace, Islam is love, is not just a saying, the world can be proved by this, Allah is my Savior, Allah Ya'aHal Gazah." 2024-Am-3534,ይሄ መማሪያ ክፍል ነው ወንበሮቹና ክፍሉ ተምሪዎችን እየጠበቁ ነው ከክፍሉ ባዶነት እና መቀመጫ ካጡት ወንበሮች ይልቅ የሚያስጨንቀው የሚያሳስበው የሚቀመጥባቸውና ክ ፍሎቹን የሚሞላው በባዶነት ተስፋና ለምን እንደመጣ በማያቅ ተማሪ የተሞላ ከሆነ ?,"['fear', 'sadness']","['ፍርሃት', 'ሀዘን']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 1 1 0 0 0],['fear' 'sadness'],"This is a classroom where the chairs and the room are waiting for the students, and the most worrying thing is that the empty chair is not the only thing that is worrying the students, but the empty chair is the one that is filling the room with the hope of the empty chair and the student who doesn't know why he came." 2024-Am-793,እኔ ግርም የሚለኚ ሠው እዴት ነው ሀብታም ሢሆን እምነቱን የሚቀይረው አምላኬ!😡መገዱን ጨርቅ ያርግልህ ገለቴ መልካም ዳሥ,['surprise'],['መደነቅ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 1 0],['surprise'],"I wonder where is the rich man who is rich, my God who changes his faith! Spread the cloth and make the path a good path." 2024-Am-4849,በምናየው ስራ ደስ ብሎናል ሀገራችን ገብተን በስደት ያለንበትን ሀገር ዜጋ ሀገራችንን እንዲጎበኙ እና እኛ ደሀዎች እንዳልሆንን እኛ ሳንናገር ሀገራችንን በአይናቸው አይተው እራሳቸው የሚመሰክሩበት ጊዜ ያምጣልን በርቱ መሪ እንዲህ ሰርቶ ሲያሰራን ነው በሀገራችን ተስፋችን የምትለመልመው,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"we are happy with the work we are doing, we are happy with the work we are doing, we are happy with the work we are doing, we are happy with the work we are doing, we are happy with the work we are doing, we are happy with the work we are doing, we are happy with the work we are doing, we are happy with the work we are doing, we are happy with the work we are doing, we are happy with the work we are doing, we are happy with the work we are doing, we are happy with the work we are doing, we are happy with the work we are doing, we are happy with the work we are doing, we are happy with the work we are doing, we are happy with the work we are doing, we are happy with the work we are doing, we are happy with the work we are doing, we are happy with the work we are doing, we are happy with the work we are" 2024-Am-1625,አፈረስኩ ብሎ ተዝናንቶ የነበረ የሚደነግጠው ዘግይተህ አለመፍረስህን ስታሳየው ነው! በዚህም ስሜታዊ እርምጃ ይወስዳል! ብዙ ትልልቆች ትልቅ የሆኑት ብዙ አፍርሰው ነው። 120ሚ መሆናች,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],The most common cause of this is the loss of a large number of eggs. The 120-mm eggs are the most common cause of this loss. 2024-Am-5121,እውነት ምን እንደምል አላውቅም ቀጥታ ስርጭቱን ሳይ እንባ ነው የተናነቀኝ ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"I don't know what to say, I was in tears when I saw the live broadcast." 2024-Am-323,ፕራንክ ብሎ ግን ልብን መስበር ምን ይሉታል?! ምንድን ነው የሚያስተምረው እንዲህ አይነት ሥራ?! ነጮቹ የሚደሰቱበት ነገር ሁሉ ስላለቀባቸው ሊሆን ይችላል?! ስንት የሚያሳቅቅቅ ነገር ባለባት ሀገር ውስጥ እጃችን ላይ ያሉ ንጹሀንንን በዚህ መልኩ ለአንድ ደቂቃም ቢሆን መስበር ልክ አይደለም ፡፡፡,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"But frankly, what do they call breaking hearts?! what does such a job teach?! maybe because they have everything the white people enjoy?! in a country with such shameful things, it is not right to break the innocent people on our hands in this way even for a minute." 2024-Am-3177,መንግሥት ሕገመንግሥቱን የሚያከብረው ደስ ሲለው ብቻ ከሆነ ሁሌ ከግጭትና ከመከራ አንወጣም! እንደ ቁጫ ያሉ፣ ዴሞክራሲያዊ መብታቸውን ለመተግበር ለመንግሥት,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"If the government respects the constitution only when it pleases, we will always be free from conflict and suffering!" 2024-Am-5599,በጥቅምት24 ለደረሰው በደል ክሀዲው መንግስት አሁንም ሌላ በደል በአማራ ህዝብ ላይ እየተገበረው ነው,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],the treacherous government is still committing another crime against the amhara people for the crime of october 24 2024-Am-4137,የፋሽስቱ አብይ አሕመድ ማጠሪያ ጊዜ እየቀረበ ነው ሌላው ሕዝብ ለአመፅ ቢነሳ ከፋኖ ጋር ባጭር ጊዜ ይሔን ቁሻሻ ከነ ቨስባሳ ሠራዊት ሜዳ ላይ መቨተን ይቻላል ድል የፋኖና የሕዝብ ነው ሞት ሐፋሽስቶች,"['disgust', 'anger']","['አስጸያፊ', 'ቁጣ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust' 'anger'],"The time is approaching for the purge of the fascist Abiy Ahmed, if another people rises up to rebellion, with Fano, we can quickly wipe out the trash of the army of Vessbassa. The victory of Fano and the people is death of the rumours." 2024-Am-175,እውነት የሱህ ተማሪ ከሆንሽ የኖረውን ለመኖር ሞክሪ እስኪ 7ዓመት ጥፊ። ባላዋቃነት ውስጥ በድፍረት የምትቆሚ ያልታሰበ ታስቦል ብለሽ የምታወሪ ለመቆም ሰውን የምትደገፊ በራስሽ አቆም ሳይሆን ሁል ጊዜ በሰው አሳብ ለመቆም የምትሞክሪ ነሽ ።,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"If you are a student of Soeh, try to live for 7 years. You are the one who stands boldly in ignorance, who stands up for the people, who does not stand up for yourself, but always tries to stand up for the people." 2024-Am-2569,ከሰሞኑ ዮኒ ማኛ የተባለዉን አዉቆ አበድ የገዛዉ ብልጽግና የዐማራ መነቃቃት የፈጠረበትን ስጋት መደበቅ በማይችልበት ደረጃ የዐማራ አክቲቪስቶችን ሲያጣጥል ተመልክተናል! ስጋ ጥራ ቢሉ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"we have seen how the wealth of the recently bought Youni Manj, Ajuk Abed, has so discouraged Amhara activists that it cannot hide the threat of Amhara uprising!" 2024-Am-3380,መንግስት ቀይ ሽብርና ነጭ ሽብር በአማራ ክልል እንዲፋፋም ፈልጎልአማራው ሲገዳደል ነፃ ሆነ የፈለገውን ሊሰራአማራው ለቤተመንግስቱ 160km ርቀት ላይ እንደሆ በገባው የመረረ ዕለት,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],the government wants to spread red terror and white terror in amara region amara was killed and became free to do what he wanted amara was 160km away from the palace on the day of the election 2024-Am-3727,በኬንያ አንዲት መምህር ያለማቋረጥ ከሁለት ቀን በላይ አስተማረች,['surprise'],['መደነቅ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 1 0],['surprise'],"In Kenya, a teacher taught for more than two days without interruption" 2024-Am-4978,አለምነህ አንተ አንጋፋ ጋዜጠኛ ነህ እንደዚህ ለአንተ የሚመኑ ትንታኔ ነዉ ማቅረብ ያለብህ ከወገንተኝነት የፃዳ ማለቴ ነዉ ለምሳሌ ሐማስን ወይም የእስራኤል መንግስት የሚደግፍ ሰዉ ጤነኛ አይደለም ሁለቱም ምስኪኑን የእስራኤልና የፍልስጤም ህዝብ የሚገድሉ ናቸዉ በሰዉ ሞት የሚደሰት በምን እንደ መገልፀዉ አላቅም እንጃ አንተ ግን በተቻለህ በጠን ያለ ሀጥያታቸዉ በአለም ላይ ስለ ሚሰቃዩ ህፃናትና ሴቶች እና ህዝቦች በእኩል እይና ድምፅ እንድትሆናቸ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"you are a veteran journalist, so you should be able to provide an analysis that is free from nationalism, i mean, a person who supports Hamas or the state of israel is not healthy, both of them kill the poor people of israel and palestine, and who is happy with the death of their people, i do not know how to express it, but you, as much as you can, be an equal voice for the children, women and people who suffer in the world," 2024-Am-1801,ሸዋሮቢት ውስጥ የሰውም ሆነ የባጃጅ ለተላለፈው ትዕዛዝ ሁሉም ትብብር እንዲያደርግ ከተማ አስተዳደሩ ጥሪ አቅርቧል። ከሰሞኑን በዚሁ ቀጠና ዳግም ግጭት ተቀስቅሶ በርካቶች የደህንነት ስጋት ላይ ወድቀዋል።,['fear'],['ፍርሃት'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 1 0 0 0 0],['fear'],the city administration called for all cooperation in the order issued by the people and the bajji in shewarobit. 2024-Am-3835,አይ ጋዜጠኛ ሞት ይሻላል ለማይረባ ደሞዝ ተፅፎ የተሰጠውን ያነባለሰ,"['sadness', 'disgust']","['ሀዘን', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness' 'disgust'],A journalist reads a piece of writing for a worthless salary 2024-Am-5347,ጀዋር እና ጌታቸው ምላሱ እውቀት አላቸው ግን ስሜታዊ ናቸው ሁለቱም እረገጥ ያለ እውቀት አላቸው ማእበል ብሎ መዝፈን ያለበት ነዋይ ለእነሱ ነበረ እንደነዚህ አይነት ሰዎችን እንዴት እንጠቀምባቸው ይህ የመንግስት እይታ መሆን አለበት ይህ ቆንጆ ምሳሌ ነው ጠያቂውንም ተጠያቂውንም ሳላደንቅ አላልፍም ሁሉም ነገር በቦታው ሲሆን መስመር ይይዛል,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"Jawar and his master are both knowledgeable but emotional, both have knowledge without any sense of the word, they had an investment that should have been written as a storm for them, how should we use such people, this should be the view of the government, this is a beautiful example of the questioner and the responsible, I will not pass without appreciating everything in its place and line up." 2024-Am-2322,ዶክተር መራራ የተናገረው እውነት መሆኑን አሁን በደንብ የተረዳሁት።ኦሮሞ ምኒልክ ቤተመንግስት ከገባ ወይ አገሪቱን ያፈርሳል ወይ ራሱ ይጠፋልብሎ በአንድ ወቅት,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"I now understand that what Dr. Bitter said is true. If Oromo Manik enters the palace, he will either destroy the country or he will be destroyed himself." 2024-Am-524,በጣም ጭቅላት ያለህ ይመስለኝ ነበር አንተንና አዳነች አቤቤቤ ፀረ ኦርቶዶክስ ስራችሁን አቁሙ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"I thought you were so mean, you and your anti-orthodox, you and your anti-orthodox, you and your anti-orthodox, you and your anti-orthodox, you and your anti-orthodox, you and your anti-orthodox, you and your anti-orthodox, you and your anti-orthodox, you and your anti-orthodox, you and your anti-orthodox, you and your anti-orthodox, you and your anti-orthodox, you and your anti-orthodox, you and your anti-orthodox, you and your anti-orthodox, you and your anti-orthodox, you and your anti-orthodox, you and your anti-orthodox, you and your anti-orthodox, you and your anti-orthodox, you and your anti-orthodox, you and your anti-orthodox, you and your anti-orthodox, you and your anti-orthodox" 2024-Am-943,Faysel Sherif ቦኃላ እንዳታላዝን በሰው ሞት በጦርነት የሚደሰት ሰይጣን ብቻ ነው የሀገራችን አይበቃም ወይ !!!,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"Faysel Sherif Boyala, don't be sad, only Satan is happy with the death of people in war, our country is not enough !!!" 2024-Am-5332,ጃዋር መሀመድ በቀለ ገርባ ሀምዛ ቦረኛ ሽመልስ አብዲሳ ጀነራል አበባዉ ፊማብርሀኑ ጁላ አየር ሀይል ይርዳ መርዳሳ ተመስገን ጥሩነህ አብይ መሀመድ አዳነች አቤቤ ጃል መሮ ጃል ሰኒ እና የአማራ ብአዴን አመራሮች በንፁሀን ላይ ለፈፀማችሁት ግፍ ስቃይ ሞት በሚልየን የሚቆጠሩ አማሮች በሚልየን የሚቆጠሩ ትግራዋይ እንዲሁም ሌሎች ብሄሮች ላይ ላደረሳችሁትና እያደረሳችሁ ላለዉ አሰቃቂ ግፍ እንደየደረጃዉ የሚወሰድ እርምጃ ይኖራል እመኑኝ የግዜ ጉዳይ ነ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],jawar mohamed begle gerba hamza borani shemles abdisa general abbaw firmabrhanu gula air force help help help help help thank you goodness abi mohamed adanesh abebe jal mero jal sani and amara baden leaders for the atrocities you have committed against innocent millions of amars suffered deaths millions of tigrawai and other nations you have inflicted and are inflicting will be taken action according to the level of the atrocities you have inflicted and are inflicting on you believe it is a matter of time 2024-Am-4225,የኔምእሷን ሳይ እንባዬን መቆጠጣር ያቅተኛል,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],I can't stop crying when I see her 2024-Am-5626,ይሄ መንግሥት ስምንት ወር ሙሉ ሲዋጋ ከርም አሁን ሰባት ቀን ሰጣው ይላል ሲጀመር ሁሉም ፋኖ ማንንም አይሰማም,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],this government has been fighting for eight months and now karm says he has given him seven days when it starts all the fans don't listen to anyone 2024-Am-838,የማይሆን ቃላት የምትናገሩ ሰዎች አፋችሁን ያዙ ሁለቱም ደስ ብለዋቸዋል,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"The ones who say the wrong things shut up, both are happy" 2024-Am-4420,ኢትዮጵያ በታላቁ መሪ አብያችን በቀይ ባህር ላይ ታላቅ ድል ተጎናጸፈች ጠላቶቻችን የሞት ሞት ሞቱ የኢትዮጵያ ብልፅግና ትንሳኤ ተበሰረ አብቹ እናመሰግናለን ከሱማሌ ላንድ ወንድሞቻችን አብረን ለምተን እንሻገራለን,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],Ethiopia under our great leader Abiya won a great victory on the Red Sea our enemies death death death death the prosperity of Ethiopia resurrection is broken thank you father we will cross together from our Somaliland brothers 2024-Am-333,አንቺም የሚገርም ፕራንክ ሰርተሽ ብታሳይን ደስ ይላል። በዚህ አጋጣሚ ደስ የምትሉ ቤተሰብ ናችሁ። ተዝናንተናል።,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"I'm glad you're doing a great prank, too. You're a great family this time. We're excited." 2024-Am-5379,ከማፈቅረው ሰው ጋር ታርቄ ደስ ብሎኛል ይዝለቅ አይዝለቅ ባላውቅም,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"I'm glad I'm back with the man I love, even though I've never been with him." 2024-Am-2462,አዳነች አቤቤ ከአማራ ክልል ወደ አዲስ አበባ የሚመጡ ዜጎች ለስልጣናችን አደጋና ስጋት ናቸው ማለቷ አግራሞትን እየፈጠረ ነው።አማራውም ምርቱም እንዳይገባ ያደ,['surprise'],['መደነቅ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 1 0],['surprise'],Adnetch abebe is creating problems by saying that citizens coming to addis ababa from amara region are a danger and a threat to our civilization. amara also refuses to allow the product to enter 2024-Am-4721,አረ በህግ አምላክ ምን አይነት ጥያቄ ነው የሚጠይቁት በእውነት አድነን አምላኬ በጭራሽ የማይታሰብ ዘግናኝ ጥያቄ ነው የጠየቀው,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],oh god by law what kind of question are you asking really save us my god has asked an unthinkable horrible question 2024-Am-657,አልሸባብን የሚያስንቅ አሸባሪ አራት ኪሎ አስቀምጣችሁ ስለ ሌላው አሸባሪ ታወራላችሁ? አልሸባብን በአይነት በአይነቱ አገዳደል ያስተማረዉ አቢይ ይባላል።,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"the terrorist who is stalking al-shabab, will you talk about the other terrorist four kilometers away? the one who taught al-shabab to kill is called abi." 2024-Am-1875,እሳቱ ከጀመረ ከአንተ ላይ ነው የሚጀምረው ሰውየ! ማራገብክን ገታ ብታደርገው ጥሩ ነው።,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"If the fire starts, it starts with you, man! you better control your temper." 2024-Am-3022,የአልፋሽካ ጉዳይ እኮ የቆየ ግጭት ነው ፣ ሁለት አመት ሞላው,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"The Afshaka issue is an old conflict, it has been two years." 2024-Am-4163,ሕገወጥ የተባለው የህወሓት ካድሬዎች ስብሰባ ዋነኛ አጀንዳ ምን ነበረ?,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],what was the main agenda of the illegal TPLF cadres meeting? 2024-Am-804,ቅንት በቅጥልጥል ሌባ ወርዶቹ ።,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],The thief was caught in a hail of thieves. 2024-Am-2131,ወደ ነበረበት ተመለሰ ደስ ይላል። መንግሥት ግን ይኼንን ነገር ሲጀመር ሽምግልና ብሎ መጠበቅ ሳይሆን የተለዩትን ጥበቃ በማድረግና በመነጠል ሕጋዊ እንዲሆኑ ካ,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"But when the government starts to intervene, instead of waiting for mediation, it will protect and separate the two, and then it will make them legal." 2024-Am-2185,ልዩ ጥበቃ ያስፈልጋታል የአማረኛ ፍርሀት ያለባቸው ብዙ አሉና,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],He needs special protection because there are many who are afraid of the Amara. 2024-Am-741,ከንደዚ አይነቱ ጋር ነዉ ምንዘልቀዉ ከንቱ ሚዲያ wolaita times,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"With this kind of media, it's useless to go to the wolaita times" 2024-Am-984,እሰይ ባለጌ ይበልሽ ለምስጋና ነው ለዝሙት ነው የምትሄጂው በመጀመሪያ አላማሽን ያላወቅሽ አንቺ እንጂ እሱ አይደለም ትዳርን መፍታት የተፈታም ያገባው አመነዘር ይላልኮ ወንጌሉ ግን በክርስቶስ ኢየሱስ መነገድ እንጂ ሕግን አታከብሩም አንቺና መሰሎችሽ በየ አዳራሹ እየጨፈራቹ ስንቶቻቹ ናቹ የሷን እጣ የደረሳቹ ስለምን አታስተውሉም ኢየሱስ በምግባር በሃይማኖት የሚሰበክ እንጂ በምላስ አይደለም ልብ ያለው ልብ ይበል ይቁምና ያስተውል እውነተኛ ወንጌል,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],"yes, old man, you are going to commit adultery, you do not know your purpose first of all, you are not the one who divorced and married adulterer, says the gospel, but in the life of Christ Jesus, you do not observe the law, you and your peers are dancing in every hall, how many of us have not reached her destiny, do you not understand why? because Jesus preaches by faith, not by words, but by actions, let the heart of the heart stand up and understand the true gospel" 2024-Am-4694,ዋይይ በጣም ያሳዝናል ትግራይን በሻሻ ያደረገ አየር ሃይል አቢይ አሕመድ እዛ ውስጥ የትግራይ መሪዎች ማየት እጅግ ያሳዝናል እንድ ሃሙስ የቀረው ብልፅግና ምቀባጠር እብደት ነው አቢይ ጆኖሳይደር የትግራይ ህዝብ ያፀነተ አረመኔ መንግስት,"['sadness', 'disgust']","['ሀዘን', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness' 'disgust'],We are very sad to see the Tigray leaders in the air force that destroyed Tigray. We are very sad to see the Tigray leaders in the air force that destroyed Tigray. The prosperity that was left for us on Thursday is madness. 2024-Am-1163,እረ ዬት ሂጄ ልሳቅ ሚኮ በቃ ፓስተር ሆኖ አረፈዉ ማለት ነዉ😂 እንግዲ ሚኮ ተገላገልክ ላይክ አርጉኝ ሰብስክራይብ ዬለ ሶፍትህን እያበላህ ፈታ ዘና በል,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"hey, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go," 2024-Am-679,ምራቅህን እይትፉህ አታውራ አህያ ቡቅባቃ ድቅዳቃ !,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"Don 't shoot your cock , you stupid ass !" 2024-Am-3220,እዉነቱን ነው ድንገት ካልረሳችሁት መሳይ መኮንን ያን ጊዜ የሚገርም ህሳቤ ነበረው አሁን 0025 ብልጽግናኦዴፓንኦነግን በፍጹም አላጋለጠው አልኮነነውም አልተጋፈጠዉም 100 አቅ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"If you have forgotten the truth, the officer had a strange idea then, but now 0025 prosperity Odepanong has never exposed it, never condemned it, never confronted it 100 times." 2024-Am-2801,የአብይ አህመድ ፍርሀት ሰላማዊ ሰው መፍራት ነው ወያኔ ሲፈራ ያደርገው የነበረው ድርጊት ነው የሚያሳዝነኝ የፈዘዘው ተከታታዮ ነው ደሀ ሲያለቅስ እያየ የጨከነ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"Abiy Ahmed's fear is to fear a peaceful man, the actions he used to do when he was afraid, sadly, he ordered a series of attacks, he was oppressed while seeing the poor crying." 2024-Am-3798,የአሜሪካ ፕሬዝዳንታዊ ምርጫ በቀረበበት ጊዜ ዶናልድ ትራምፕ ለምን ተወዳጅ እየሆኑ መጡ?,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],Why is Donald Trump becoming more popular as the US presidential election approaches? 2024-Am-3934,ደስታ የራቃት የቤተልሔም ከተማ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],The city of Bethlehem was a place of great joy. 2024-Am-1557,እስራኤልና ሐማስ ሰብዓዊ ድጋፍ ወደ ጋዛ እንዲገባ ስምምነት ላይ ደረሱ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],Israel and Hamas reach agreement to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza 2024-Am-160,በጣም የሚገርም ፓስተር ቢኒያም እግዚአብሄር ይስጥህ በእውነቱ አቶ ሶፎንያስ ምነው አንተ ማስታረቅ ወይም አንተ ፃድቅ ሁነህ ለሰው ፀልየህ ማዳን ከቻልክ የአምላክ እናት ንፅህይት ቅድስት የሆነችዋን እንዲያው ያማችኋል ስሟ ሲነሳ,['surprise'],['መደነቅ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 1 0],['surprise'],"Pastor Binyam, God bless you, Mr. Zephaniah, if you can be a reconciler or a righteous person, if you can pray for the salvation of a person, then I pray that the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, be blessed when her name is mentioned." 2024-Am-4997,የኤሊቱ ችግር አብሮ መስራት አለመቻል ነዉህዝቡንም መከራ ዉስጥ የከተተዉለሴራ በቀላሉ የሚጋለጡ ሆዳም ናቸዉ እኔ የተረገሙ ይመስለኛል,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"The problem with the elite is that they can't work together, and they leave the people in the lurch, and they're so vulnerable to conspiracy, that I think they're cursed." 2024-Am-2620,አማራን እንደምትፈሩት ፈጣሪያቸውን ብትፈሩ ጥሩ ነበር!,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],how you should fear their creator as you fear the amorites! 2024-Am-4814,ምፀት ጭንቀት ብዙ ያዛብራል ያልሆኑትን ነኝ ያሰኛል ያስለፈልፋል ለዚህም ነው ፋሽስቱ አብይ ሰሞኑን ከእነ ምርኮኛ ጄኔራሎቹ በፋና እየቀረቡ የሚቀባጥሩት ውስጣቸው በፍርሃትና በጭንቀት ስለተሞላ እረፍት ስላጡ ቢያንስ ቢያነስ ጉራችን እንንዛ በማለት መሆኑን ያሳያል የአማራ ሕዝባዊ ሃይል በባዶ ድንፋታ የሚሰበር አይደለምና ዱላውን ተቀበሉት ቻሉት ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"The fear of resentment makes many feel that they are not who they are, that is why the fascist regime is coming closer to the captive generals, because they are filled with fear and anxiety, because they have no rest, so at least it shows that the people's power of Amara is not broken in vain and they have accepted the stick." 2024-Am-2837,እኔ ከሁሉ ነገር የሚያሳብደኝ አስቀያሚ ሴት ይዤ አስቀያሚ ነገር ስትሠራ ነው የእንግሊዝ ንጉሥ ቻርለስ ሚስቱ ፈታው ተደብቃ ከዐረብ ጋር ስትሸረሙጥ ሁለቱም በመኪና አደጋ ሞቱ ደሙ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"I'm most fascinated by the ugly woman who did the ugly thing with the ugly woman. King Charles of England, his wife divorced him, hiding him, and then they had a car accident, and they both died." 2024-Am-1538,ሕዝብን ለማማማለልና የሥልጣን ዕድሜውን ለማራዘም የማይወራ ውሸት የለም።,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],there is no lie that can not be used to seduce a people and prolong the life of its ruler. 2024-Am-2443,ወደ ሰላም ወይንስ ወደ ቀውስ (አንዳርጋቸው ጽጌ) Ethiopia Ethiopian,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],To Peace or to Crisis (English) Ethiopia Ethiopian 2024-Am-3055,ውሸት እንደ ብልጠት ነው የምታስቡት ጁንታዎች ? የሀ ቪድዮ የባንኩ ሰራተኛ ነው። ስለ ኤርትራ ኩፋ ከማሰብ ኣይናቹ እንደሱ ነው የሚያይ። ወራዳ ?,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"is lying a good idea, junta? the video is of a bank employee. i don't think about eritrea, but i think about it. is it a disgrace?" 2024-Am-2057,አብ የሚገርም ስራ ነው የምሰሩት የኔሱ አጥያት ኢትዮጵያን አገላቱ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"Father, what an amazing job you are doing, you are going to destroy Nesu and destroy Ethiopia." 2024-Am-4678,የዉነት ግን እንዳ ጂሀን የሚየፋቅር ሰዉ በዚች ምድር ይኖራል መልሱልኝ ፊልም ባይሆን ደስ ይለኝ ነበር,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"But there is a person who loves like Jihan, I wish it wasn't a movie." 2024-Am-5186,ማን ነው እንደኔ ኡማር ሚስጥሩን በማወቁ ደስ ያለው ,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"Who is like me, Omar, happy to know the secret?" 2024-Am-5841,ጃን ከድምጹ ጋራ ጠባዩም ተቀይርዋል ልጅትዋ ኢየቀየረቸው ነው ፍቅር ኢየጀመረው ነው,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"Jan changed his voice and his attitude, his daughter changed them, love began." 2024-Am-2324,እኔም ተጠራጥሪያለሁ ። ለዛም ነው አስትያዬት ከመስጠት የተቆጠብኩት ። ግን አይልም አይባልም ከዚህም የከፋ እያደረጉ ነው ።,['fear'],['ፍርሃት'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 1 0 0 0 0],['fear'],"I'm also suspicious. That's why I've avoided giving my opinion. But no, no, no. They're doing worse than that." 2024-Am-4502,እውነት ለመናገር እለምን ትተው ወደ እግዜአብሄርን ብቻ ብለውመንነው ክብሩን ጭነው በእግዜአብሄር ቤት እየኖሩ እጎጥ የሚገቡ እና የሚወሸቁ አባቶች እያሉ የፓለቲካውን መድረክ የተቀላቀሉ ሰዎች ዘረኛ ቢሆኑ አይገርምም ግን ያሣዝናል,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"to tell the truth, it is not surprising but it is sad that people who left praying and believed in God Abhir and joined the political platform while living in the house of God Abhir and saying that they are fathers who are living in the house of God Abhir and are living in the house of God Abhir are racist" 2024-Am-625,Tomase Apostolic አታማልድም የሚል የመፅሐፍ ቅዱስ ጥቅስ አውጣልኝ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],Tomase Apostolic showed me a Bible verse that says don't beg 2024-Am-4003,ኬንያዊው የማራቶን ክብረ ወሰን ባለቤት በመኪና አደጋ ሕይወቱ አለፈ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],Kenyan marathon record holder killed in car accident 2024-Am-5871,አድዋ የታላቋ ኢትዮጵያ ታላቅ ድል የአፍሪካ ኩራት የመላ አለም ጥቁር ህዝብ መመኪያና አሸብራቂ ብርሃን ነው ለአዲሱ ትውልድ የወደፊት ድል የጀርባ አጥንት ሆኖ በታሪክ ሲታወስ ይኖራል ለኢትዮጵያና ኢትዮጵያዊነት የተከፈለ ክቡር መስዋእትነት ነው,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"Adwa is the great victory of great ethiopia, the pride of africa, the benchmark and the beacon of terror for the entire black people of the world, the backbone of the future victory for the new generation, it will be remembered in history, it is a noble sacrifice paid for ethiopia and ethiopianism." 2024-Am-776,ፓሰተር ብን ስለተናደደደ ነው እውነትን ወደ ውሸት እየቀየረ ያለው,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],The pastor is so angry that he is turning the truth into a lie 2024-Am-197,ሞጣ የሚባል ስድ ወራዳ የሆነ ሰውየ ምን አይነት ቤተሰብ ነው ያሳደገው? እሱ የፈረጅ ቂጥ እያጠበ የሚሮር ጅል አሻቦ ቸርቻሪ ምናምን ይላል።,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"what kind of family was raised by a disgraceful man named motta? he is a grocery store owner who is making a farage bread and he says, ""mamanaman""." 2024-Am-1842,ፍጹም ዕውነት ነው! ይሁን እንጂ፤ ይኼን አውቆ ለነፃነቱ የሚታገል ማን ነው? ሁሉም ነፃነትን የሚፈልገው በሌላው ሞት ስለኾነ፤ በሁ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"But who is it that knows and fights for its freedom? For all want freedom by the death of the other; and in the end, it is the same thing." 2024-Am-1384,በጣም ያማል ፈጣሪ ለሁለቱም ወገኞች ምህረቱን ይላክላቹ አገራችንም ፈጣሪ ይጠብቅልን ፤፤፤,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],the most merciful creator sends his mercy to both sides; the creator of our country will protect us; 2024-Am-1090,እናንተ እራሱ ከዚህ በላይ ይገባቹሀል ወዶቸ,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"You yourself deserve more than that, dear." 2024-Am-3696,የቀድሞው የደቡብ አፍሪካ ፕሬዝዳንት ጃኮብ ዙማ አዲስ ፓርቲ መሠረቱ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],Former South African President Jacob Zuma founds new party 2024-Am-1252,እሄም ፕራንክ እንዳትሉኝ ኖርማል ነው ጊዜዬን መጨረሴ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"Hey, don't call me Frank, it's normal that my time is up." 2024-Am-5580,ወላሂ ሙስሊም ሀገራቶች ተጠያቂ ናቸዉ ወድሞቻቸዉ ሲልቁ ዝም ብለዉ የሚመለከቱ ከመግለጫ ዉጪ ምንም ተግባር የማያቁ ለምን ኢስራኤልን ባየር አይደበድቧትም ያማል አይ መፈር ለፋልስጤም ወድሞቻችን እህቶቻችን አላህ ነስሩን ቅርብ ያድርግላቸዉ,"['anger', 'sadness']","['ቁጣ', 'ሀዘን']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 1 0 0 0],['anger' 'sadness'],"Allah is responsible for the muslim countries, who watch their own people cry and remain silent, and do nothing but speak out, why don't they beat israel bayer, no shame for our brothers and sisters in palestine, may allah bring us closer to them." 2024-Am-4295,ለፈለጋቹት አከራዩ ችግሩ ግን በናንተ መሬት ሆኖ ኢትዮጵያ ን የተነኮሰ ግዜ ነው እናንተንም እነሱንም አፈር ምናስበላቹ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"but the problem for the tenants you want is that it is time for you to be on your land and eat the dust of Ethiopia, you and them" 2024-Am-960,ሶዶ ማዕከል ትሆናለች በሚል ከንቱ ቅዠት ለሚነሆልሉ ዱብ ዕዳ ቢሆንም በጊዜ ሚያነቃ ሰነድ ነው።,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],It is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document that is a document. 2024-Am-1868,ደሴ ? 689 ያመጣ ተማሪ ። በጦርነት ውስጥ ነፍሳቸው የተሰቃየች ወጣቶች እንዲህ ማንፀባረቃቸው በጣም የሚገርም ነው። የኢትዮጵያ ተስፋዎች ?,"['joy', 'surprise']","['ደስታ', 'መደነቅ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 1 0],['joy' 'surprise'],Isis ? 689 students. It is amazing that young people who suffered in the war reflect like this. 2024-Am-4281,ከ86 ብሔረሰቦች ውስጥ የኔ ህይማኖት የኔ ቋንቋ የኔ ብሔር የኔ ማንነት የኔ ብቻ ሀሳብ አንደኛ ነው እያለ እየፎከረ ክሌሎች ጋርና ከመንግሥት ጋር እየተጋጨ የገዛ ወገኖችን የሚያስጨርስ ዋናው ማነው,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"Who among 86 nations is the one who says that my religion, my language, my nation, my identity, my only idea is the first, and then fights with the clans and the government, and then kills his own people?" 2024-Am-828,በጣም ያማል አግዚአብሔር ብርታቱን ይስጥሽ 😭😭😭,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],may god give you strength 😭😭😭 2024-Am-3846,አየክ አለምነህ አንተ ትልቁ ስተትህ በሀይል በጉልበት ፍትህን መጨፍለቅ ይቻላል ብለክ ማመንክ ነዉ ኒኩለር ተፈሪነትን ያመጣል ብለክ ማመንክ የሚገርም ነዉ አሜሪካን ኒኩለር አላት ግን አንድ ያሸነፈቹዉ ጦረነት አለ ታሊባን አሜሪካንን አላሸነፈም ቬተናም አሜሪካንን አላሸነፈምሱማል የአሜሪካንን ጦረ አላሸነፈም በጣም የሚገርመዉ ፊሊስጤማዊያን በሰላም ቢታገሉ አለም ከነሱጋ ሆኖ እስራኤልን በማስገደድ ሀገር ይሆኑ ነበረ ስትል ሰዉ ይታዘበኛል አትል,"['anger', 'surprise']","['ቁጣ', 'መደነቅ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 1 0],['anger' 'surprise'],"You see, your world, your biggest mistake is believing that it is possible to suppress justice by force, nuclear brings terror, it is strange to believe that America has nuclear, but there is a war they won, the Taliban did not defeat America, Vietnam did not defeat America, Somalia did not defeat America, the war did not win America, the most surprising thing is that even if the Palestinians fought peacefully, the world would still be a country, and if you force Israel to do so, people would not be surprised." 2024-Am-1005,ምህረቱ የበዛልኝ ልጅነኝ ውሸት ነው,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"I'm a little girl with a lot of compassion, but I'm a liar." 2024-Am-5123,ቃና ሳይመጣ በአረብኛ 2አየሁት ቃና ስመጣ አየሁ አንም በድጋሚ እንደ አድስ ጓጉቼ ማዬቴ ነዉ የገረመኝ,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"I was surprised to see that when I came to Kana, I saw that it was not like my girlfriend Mayette who was surprised to see me again." 2024-Am-2384,ክልሎች ጽንፈኛ አመለካከት የተሸከሙ ወጣቶችን አዲስ አበባ ላይ ማራገፍ ማቆም አለባቸው። ከተማዋ አስፈሪ መሆን የጀመረችው ባለፉት 5 አመታት በተደረጉ ፍልሰቶች ነው። አላማው ያልታወቀ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],Regions must stop luring young people with extremist views to Addis Ababa. The city has become a terror in the last 5 years due to migration. 2024-Am-3723,እነዚህ ነውረኞች ናቸው የተፈጠረውን ክስተት በይቅርታ እንዝጋው እና እኛ አንድ ሆነን መበቀል አለብን ሰሜናዊያንን አድቅቀው አይቀሩም መፈጠራቸውን እስኪጠሉ ድረስ መበቀል የግድ ይለናል እነዚሀ በበታችነት ስሜት ያበዱ ናቸው,"['disgust', 'anger']","['አስጸያፊ', 'ቁጣ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust' 'anger'],These are the disgraceful ones let us close the incident with an apology and we must unite to avenge the northerners who may have attacked them until they hate their creation. 2024-Am-1555,እስራኤል-ጋዛ፡ ሐማስ አዲስ ለቀረበው የተኩስ አቁም ስምምነት ምላሽ ሰጠ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],Israel-Gaza: Hamas responds to new proposed ceasefire 2024-Am-5131,አይ ሀማስ የስራህን ይስጥህ ለዚህ ሁላ ተጠያቂው አሸባሪው ሃማስ ነው አቅምን አውቆ መኖር ጥሩ ነው ታላቅ ችሎታ ነው በጣም ያሳዝናል ህዝቡን አስጨረሱሰላሙን ያምጣልን የእስራኤል አምላክ,"['sadness', 'disgust']","['ሀዘን', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness' 'disgust'],yes hamas give you your job for this all the terrorists are responsible hamas it is good to be able to live it is a great ability it is very sad they have finished the people may the god of israel bring us peace 2024-Am-5575,ከ2አመት ኋላ ትናት ማታ 8በሳውዲ ከባል ጋር ታረቀን እጅግ በጣም ደስ ብሎኛል,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],2 years ago last night 8Saudi reconciled with my husband I am very happy 2024-Am-471,ጌታ ሆይ ምን አይነት ጭካኔ ነው😭😭😭😂,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"Lord, what a cruel thing to do 😭😭😭" 2024-Am-1448,ወይ የእናት ጭካኔ መረዝ ፈጣሪ ይሁንሽ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],Or be the creator of the mother's cruel salt 2024-Am-4198,አስፍዬ እግአብሄር ነብስህን ይማረዉ ለሁላችሁም መፅናናት ይስጣችሁ ኡፍፍ ያማል ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],may god teach your soul and give comfort to all of you. 2024-Am-5310,የዛሬው ኢንተርቪው ሲጀምር አለከታተልኩትም አሁን ወደሁአላ ሳይ ጃዋር ያለው የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ በጥቅሉ ጭንቀት ውስጥ ነው ያለው ትክክል ነው ነገር ግን በ5ዓመቱ ቀውስ የርሱም አስተዋፅኦ አጅግ ነው,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"I did not follow the beginning of today's interview, but it is true that the Ethiopian people who are now in Hualla Sai Jawar are in general anxiety, but his contribution to the five-year crisis is also great." 2024-Am-819,ከኢትዮፒያ እውንትኛ ሰው ጠፈቶ ንብ ምሰላ የግባችው ዘንብ ሜራክል ምትባል ሌላ የጠፋትን እርኩሰት ወደ ሃገራችን ኢትዮፕይ ጋብዛልች እንኩዋን ደስ አላቹ።።።,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],The bee that took the form of a real person from Ethiopia has invited another lost monster to our country called Miracle. 2024-Am-1505,ሴቶች ዝም ይበሉ አለየሽወም ይህንንን ድቁርናቹሁ አቁሙ ትዕቢተኞች ለነገሩ ጳውሎስ ቀድሞ ነገሮናል መጠንቀቅ ብቻ ነው እንዲህ ሲል “ነገር ግን በመጨረሻዎቹ ቀናት ለመቋቋቋም የሚያስቸግር በዓይነቱ ልዩ የሆነ ዘመን እንደሚመጣ ይህን እወቅ። ምክንያቱም ሰዎች ራሳቸውን የሚወዱ፣ ገንዘብ የሚወዱ፣ ጉረኞች፣ ትዕቢተኞች፣ ተሳዳቢዎች፣ ለወላጆቻቸው የማይታዘዙ፣ የማያመሰግኑ፣ታማኝ ያልሆኑ፣ ተፈጥሯዊ ፍቅር የሌላቸው፣ ለመስማማማት ፈቃደኞች ያልሆኑ፣ ስም,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"women, stop this ignorant talk. proud. paul warned us beforehand that we would only beware of the things that paul said. but know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. for men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement," 2024-Am-2065,በተደጋጋሚ ንፁሀን ሲጨፈጨፉ ግልፅ የሆነ የህግ ጥሰት ሲደረግ በተወካዮች ምክር ቤት ሳይቀር ግጭት ቀስቃሽ ንግግር ሲደረግ እና ሰዎች ህይወታቸውን ሲያጡ በቅርቡም በግልፅ በጠቅላይሚ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"The repeated slaughter of innocents, the clear violation of the law, the incitement of violence even in the House of Representatives, and the loss of life, recently in the open, by the Supreme Court." 2024-Am-4877,ምነው አለምነህ ስለእስራኤልና ሀማስ ሳትዘግብ ሙሉ 24 ሰአት አለፈህሳ አሁን አሁን ቅጥረኛ የይሁዲ ዘጋቢ መሆንህን አልም ሁሉ ያውቃል ግን ምን ያህል ቢከፍሉህ ወይም ምን ያህል ህሊናህን ቢገዙት ነውግን ከክጅነት እስከ ጎልማሳነት ከእቦቃቅላ ጨቅላንት እስከ የሬድዮ ዜና አንባቢነት እስከ ታዋቂነትና ተደማጭነት ያበቃችህንን እምዬን ኢትዮዽያን አንቅረህና ተፍተህ የፅዮኗዊቷ ባንዳ ሆነህ መቅረትህ ይገርማል ብቻ የልብ ማስታዋል ይስጥህ ለእውነትና ለ,"['disgust', 'anger']","['አስጸያፊ', 'ቁጣ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust' 'anger'],"If you hadn't been covering Israel and Hamas for 24 hours, the world would have known that you are a Jewish journalist for hire, no matter how much they pay you or how much they buy your conscience, but from childhood to adulthood, from a young girl to a radio news reader, you have become famous and influential. If you leave Ethiopia and are thrown out of the country, your life band will be surprised by your absence." 2024-Am-397,ያሳሰበን ነገር ይሄ ነበር በጣም ያሳዝናል አደራ በሏቸው የመልሱት,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"That's what we were worried about, and sadly, they were not." 2024-Am-5610,መጀመሬዉኑ ከህዝብ በስተጀርበ በድብቅ የሚደረግ ድርድር በሺ የሚቆጠር ደም ወዴት ሂዶ በሚሌዎን ተፈናቃይ በሺዎች የሚቆጠር አሰቃቄ ሞት ወለጋ ደም ፉትህ መቼ አገኛ እራሳቸዉ ገዳዩች እራሳቸዉ ተደራዳሬዎች ፉትህ ከእግዚአብር የሚጠብቁ የላኛዉን ጌታ የሚጠብቁ ብዙ ምስኪን ሀዝብ አለ ደሙ እሚጮህ ለቅሶዉ እንዴሰማለት የሚፈልግ ሰላምለህዝባችን ይሁን የሰላሙ ጌታ ለምስኪኖች ያሁን,"['anger', 'sadness']","['ቁጣ', 'ሀዘን']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 1 0 0 0],['anger' 'sadness'],"The beginning of the secret negotiations behind the people, thousands of blood where did it go, thousands of people were displaced, thousands of people were tortured, thousands of people died, blood flowed, blood flowed, when did it find itself, the murderers themselves, the negotiators themselves, the people who wait for God, who wait for the Lord of the Last Day, there are many poor people, there are many poor people, the blood is crying out, who wants to hear the cry, let him hear it." 2024-Am-1023,አለቃችሁ ቀጣይ ይመጣና '''ጦርነት እኛ ሀገር ብቻ ሳይሆን እስራኤልም ጦርነት ላይ ናት''' ይልላችኋል።,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"your commander will come and say to you, 'the battle is not just against our nation, but against israel.'" 2024-Am-236,ያምራል ግን ልጅን በዝ መልኩ ከንፈር ማሳም ወደፍት ወራዳ ያደርጋል ምክር ሳይሆን ማሳሰብያ ነው,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"It's funny, but licking a child's lips in an excessive way is a form of humiliation, not advice, but a reminder." 2024-Am-5195,ሬድዋን ሁሴን ስለ ባህር በሩ እና ዘላቂ ጥቅማችን በግልፅ ተናግሯል ሀገሬ የሚል ካለ ልብ ይበል ጊዜው አሁን ነው እኔ ግን የገዥውን ብልፅግናን በደል እያማረርኩም ቢሆን ከሀገሬ ጎን እቆማለው,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"redwan hussein has been very clear about the sea gate and our lasting interests if he says it is my country, let him remember that now is the time but if i am complaining about the ruler's misuse of wealth, i will stand by my country" 2024-Am-3937,ኬንያ ነርሶችን ጨምሮ 2500 የተማሩ ሠራተኞችን ወደ ሳዑዲ ልትልክ ነው,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"Kenya to send 2,500 trained workers, including nurses, to Saudi Arabia" 2024-Am-5344,ደሬ በጣም እናመሰግናለን እያንዳንድ ጥያቄ ጀዋር ሲመልስና ሲብራራ በጣም ተደንቄያለሁ ከመታሰሩ በፊትና አሁን የምናቀዉ ጀዋር ሙሉ በሙሉ በሚባል ደረጃ ተለዉጦል ደሬ በዚህ በሰጠዉ ቃለ ምልስ ተነስቼ እሱም እንዳለዉ መታሰሬ ለበጎ ነዉ እንዳለ በሱ መታስር ለኢትዮጵያም በጎ ነበር እንድል ተገድጄለሁ ምክንያቱም ጀዋር ከተፈታ በኀላ ለኢትዮጵያ የሚያስፈልጋትና የሚጠቅማት በጣም ከፍ ያለ የፖለቲካ እዉቀትን መልካምነትን ስእብናን ተላብሶ ሀገሪቷ ከፖለ,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"I was surprised when each question was answered and explained by jewar before being arrested and now we are holding jewar has changed completely. I was surprised by this interview, and I was forced to say that my imprisonment was good for him, as his imprisonment was good for Ethiopia, because if jewar is released, he will be able to take the oath of goodness of the highest political knowledge that is needed and useful for Ethiopia, and the country will be able to take the oath of goodness from the police." 2024-Am-4474,እውነትህን ነው ተባረክ ፖተሊካ ከእውቀት ነፃ የሆነ ባለጌ አሳዳጊ የበደለው ነው,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"Bless your truth, Potelika is the culprit of an ignorant foster child." 2024-Am-4054,ኢትዮጵያ የብሪክስ አባል እንድትሆን ተወሰነ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],ethiopia is set to become a member of briks 2024-Am-3374,በጣም አሳዛኝ እና ልብ የሚሰበር ዜና ዛሬ ከደርሳ ጊታ ሰማን! ተቀብሮ የነበረ በፈነዳው ፖምብ የሶሰት ስው ህውቱን ማልፍና አራት ሰው ጉዳት እንደደረሰ ሰማን! ፍትህ ለደርሳ ጊታ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],We heard the most sad and heartbreaking news today from Dersa Gita! We heard that three people died and four people were injured in the explosion of the bomb that was buried! Justice for Dersa Gita 2024-Am-221,የምትሰሩት ዜና ሌላ የላችሁም ...በጣም አሳፋሪ ነው,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],You have no other news to report's very shameful 2024-Am-3741,ሕዝብ ዕንባ ጠባቂ ተቋም ኢቢሲ የዘገባ ሽፋን ነፍጎኛል በማለት ማብራሪያ ጠየቀ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],The National Tuberculosis Institute has demanded an explanation for the BBC's coverage of the case. 2024-Am-5869,M Adhanom እሜ ሆይ እኔን ከማሰፈራራት የደም አሳ አጎቶት ይሳያሰ ይክፈል መቼም ገንዘብ የላቹሁም ባድመን መልሳቹህ ሰጥታቹህን እኛም አጥራችንን አጥረን እንለያያለን እናንተ አዲሰበባ እንደልባቹህ ልትፈነጩ እኛን የጦሰ ዶሮ ልታረጉ አትችሉም አለቀ ተከባብረህ ተፈቃቅደህ ትኖራለህ ኑር አትኖርም LANDLOCK,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"M Adhanom, mother, pay me for threatening me, uncle of the blood fish, let him be punished, I never sent money, I did not receive your answers, you gave them to us, we will clean our fences, we will separate, you will be as heartbroken as your heart, you cannot buy us fresh chickens, you will be respected, you will be allowed to live, you will not live LANDLOCK" 2024-Am-3369,ለቦረና አዋጥቶ ለደብረብርሃን ያላዋጣ መገደል አለበት ጥንበኞቹ ይህችን ወሬ መጀመሪያ አንድ የሚባል ቴሌግራም ድንገት ዘው ስል እኛ ለቦረና አናዋጣም እ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"The first telegram that was sent to the news, called ""One"", suddenly said that we will not give up for Borena." 2024-Am-107,ወይ ዝቅጠት🤔 ...እሽ የድመቷንም ንገሩን አታስጨንቁን,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],Or lowering it🤔 ...don't bother telling the cat 2024-Am-3708,ገዢው ብልጽግና ፓርቲ አገሪቱ “ዘርፈ ብዙ የሌብነት ፈተና ገጥሟታል” አለ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],The ruling Prosperity Party says the country has been robbed and faced many theft trials. 2024-Am-3443,እየቀለድኩኝ መስሎሻላ። ስንቱን መከራ አሳልፈን ነው እዚህ የደረስነው።,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],i think i'm joking. we've been through a lot to get here. 2024-Am-1399,ልጄ አይዞሽ ብርታቱንም ፅናቱንም ያላበሰሽ እሱ አንድ አምላክ ነዉ አንቺ ለብዙ ፈተና መጋለጥሽ ለበጎ ነዉ እግዚአብሔር ለፅድቅ ስለመረጠሽ ነዉ ቅ/ማሪያም ካንቺ ጋር ናት አየሽ ከዚህ ሁሉ ፈተናናና ስቃይ ወጥተሽ ለመድረክ በቃሽ ነገዉስ ሌላ ደረጃ እናገኝሻለን የስቃይሽ ግዜ በቃ አበቃ ንፅህ ልብ ጠንካራ እምነት እዉነተኛ ፍቅር አድሎሻልና ዛሬም ነገም ሁሌ ተመስገን በይ። ስብሐት ለአብ ስብሐት ለወልድ ስብሐት ለመንፈስ ቅዱስ።ፍተ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"My son, do not be afraid, do not lose your strength or your endurance, he is the one God. You have been subjected to many trials, it is good, God has chosen you for righteousness, so Mary is with you. See, we will find another level for you tomorrow to overcome all these trials and sufferings, so that you can rise above all this trials and sufferings. Your time of suffering is over, your pure heart, your strong faith, your true love has saved you, and today and tomorrow we will always praise you. In the person of the Father, in the person of the Son, in the person of the Holy Spirit." 2024-Am-2522,ሞት ሞት ሞት በየቀኑ የምንሰማው የሞት ወሬ። አይ ብልፅግና አያ! ብልፅግናው ዜጋን በጅምላ ማስጨፍጨፍ ሆነ እንዴ? ኦሮሞ መሩ ብልፅግና መቸ ይሆን የሞት ወሬ እንዳንሰማ የሚያደረረገን? ,"['sadness', 'anger']","['ሀዘን', 'ቁጣ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness' 'anger'],death death death death death news of death we hear every day. no prosperity no prosperity! did prosperity become a mass killing of citizens? is it the prosperity of the oromo leader that makes us not hear about death? 2024-Am-4286,እምቢ በል ለክፉ ጎጠኛ ሁሉ ፍኖ ያሽንፍል ድል ኢትዮጵያውያን እያለ ለሚዋደቀው ፍኖ ሞት ለፍሽሽት ክፉ ኦሮምማ,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],"For every evil neighbor, Fno defeats the victory, for Fno who loves death, while the Ethiopians love the evil Oroma." 2024-Am-1441,ብሮ ጌታን ተቀበልክ መልካም ሽቀላ ብሮ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"Bro, welcome to the lord. Good work, bro." 2024-Am-1636,አብይ ግን ምን አይነት አጋንንት ነው ጭንቅላቱ ላይ የሰፈረበት ሚስቴ አማራ ናት እናቴም እንደዚሁ ልጆቼም አማሮች ናቸው ወዘተ እያል ይህ ሁሉ አማራ ጠሊነቱ እንዳውኮ ቢሆንለት,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],but what kind of demon is this that is sitting on his head saying my wife is amara and my mother is also my children are in law etc. all this if amara had told him his hatred 2024-Am-3847,እጅግ የፍልስጤም ሰቆቃ ልቤን ይበላኛል ግን ከተፈቱ በኃላም ልትገድላቸው ነው እኮ ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"the great plight of the palestinians eats my heart but if they are released, you will kill them too." 2024-Am-585,ይሸርሙጣ ልጂ ሆዳም ለራሱ ክብር የሌለው,"['disgust', 'anger']","['አስጸያፊ', 'ቁጣ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust' 'anger'],The result is a flattened stomach with no self-respect. 2024-Am-4277,እግዚአብሔር የተመሰገነ ይሁን ድንቅ ዘማሪያችን እንኳን ደህንና መጣክ,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],praise god our wonderful singer you have come safely 2024-Am-4686,ፈሪዋ እስራኤል ሀይሏ ህፃናቶችና ነብያቶችን መግደል ነው ጦር እንደጀግና ፊለፊት አትገጥምም,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"Israel is a coward, its power is to kill babies and prophets, the sword does not fit as a heroine." 2024-Am-1883,በኢትዮጵያ በተለይ ባለፉት 2 ዓመታት የነበረው ጦርነት እና እዚህም እዚያም የሚያጋጥሙ ግጭቶች ሀገሪቱን ብዙ ዋጋ አስከፍሏታል፡፡ የውጭ ቀጥተኛ ኢንቨስትመንት ደግሞ አንደኛው ተጎጂ ዘርፍ ነው፡፡ 22,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"The war in Ethiopia, especially in the last 2 years, and the conflicts here and there, have cost the country a lot. Foreign direct investment is one of the affected sectors." 2024-Am-1621,የመጀመሪያዎቹ ድንገት ስለሆነ ሚሠሩት ! ቀጣዮቹ ናቸው ጐበዝ,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],The first ones do it because it 's sudden ! The next ones are young 2024-Am-3159,እንደ ትዕዛዝ ወደ አንተ መቅረብ አያስፈልገኝም። ግን ለ150 ዓመታት ያህል ወደ እኔ የምትቀርበው አንተ ነህና ፈቅጄዋለሁ። ይቅርታ ጭንቅላቴ ላይ መደነስ አትችልም።,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"I don't need to come to you as a command. But because you have been coming to me for 150 years, I have allowed it. Sorry, you can't dance on my head." 2024-Am-951,ተባረኩ 🙏🙏🙏በብዙ እናትን በዚ ልክ ማስደሰት በጣም ደስ ይላል ተባረኩ ❤❤❤ ፈልሰስ በይ እማማማ ደስ ይላል።,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],blessed be you 🙏🙏🙏it is so nice to please so many mothers blessed be you ❤❤❤ seek my mommy happy 2024-Am-5859,ሠላም ፍቅር አንድነት መተሳሰብ መቻቻል ለሀገራችን መድህን ነውና ፈጣሪ አምላካችን ልቦና ሰጥቶ እርቅ እንዲወርድ ያድርግልን ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"hello love unity tolerance is the salvation of our country, may our creator god give us understanding and make us come to peace." 2024-Am-1932,ይቺን ጥያቄ እንዲመልሱልኝ ስጠይቅ በታላቅ ትህትና ነው። ?ህገ መንግስቱ ከሚፈቅደው ውጪ የሆነ ወረዳ ወይም ዞን ድንገት ተነስቶ ከዚህ በኋላ ራሴን የቻልኩኝ ክል,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],I ask you with great humility to answer this question: What is the constitutional status of a district or zone that suddenly arose and I could no longer support myself? 2024-Am-3957,ኢትዮጵያ 3ኛውን የአለምን ጦርነት ልትጀምረው ትችላለች ማሳቅ አቁሜለሁ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],Ethiopia could start World War 3 I have stopped laughing 2024-Am-4753,የሚገርም አእምሮ ነው ይሄንን አስቦ እዚህ ቦታ ላይ እንዲሠራ ያደረገ አብቹ ኑርልን በርታ ጨበራ ጩርጩራ ለመሄድ የማየት ያብቃኝ እላለሁ,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"I'm tired of seeing Nurul go screaming and screaming, I think it's a strange mind that has thought of this and made this place work." 2024-Am-989,በፈጣሪ ምን አይነት ዘግናኝ ነው,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],What a creepy creator 2024-Am-1092,ዱሮም ከ አህያ ሌላ ነገር አይጠበቅም,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],Durham is expected to be nothing but a donkey 2024-Am-634,አግዚአብሔር ይስጣችሁ ደስ ሲል ለናት ምንም ቢደረግላት የተባረከ ልጆች ናችሁ design is a goood job WOW,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"God bless you, you are blessed children, no matter what is done to your mother, design is a goood job, wow." 2024-Am-2533,? ደስ ሲል ትናንት መጥተህ በምድራችን እየኖርክ ምቀኛ ስትል ምንም አይሰቀጥጥህም አይደል?,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],"You came here yesterday to be happy, and you are not jealous of our country, are you?" 2024-Am-4700,ዶክተር ዓብይ እንኳን ደስ አልዎት ስለተሸለሙ ነገር ግን ይህን ቀይ ክራቫት ምነው እንደዚህ አዘወተሩት ለዋውጡ እንጅ,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],congratulations to you for winning the award but why did you move this red tie like that but for the exchange 2024-Am-3817,ታይም መጽሔት የአየር ንብረት ለውጥ ተጽእኖ ፈጣሪ ካላቸው አንዱ ቅዱስ አስፋው,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],Time magazine named him one of the most influential climate change activists 2024-Am-329,ፈጣሪ ጥቁር🤔 አምላኬ ሆይ ፕራንክ ነው በለኝ,['fear'],['ፍርሃት'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 1 0 0 0 0],['fear'],Creator black🤔 oh my god tell me that is prank 2024-Am-4511,ንሳ ግባ ከንቱ ስለ አባቶች ለመናገር አፍህን ትከፉታለህ ካድሬ ንስሀ ግባ ተምሮ ከንቱ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"come in, you open your mouth to talk about the fathers of the cadres, come in, repent, learn the cadres" 2024-Am-2902,ጅል፣ጅላጅል፣ጅላንፎ ያለው ማን ነበር?በእውነት የአማራ ህዝብ ሕመም እና ስቃይ ቢሰማችሁ በየቦታው ሲፈናቀል እና ሲሳደድ አፈናቃዩን እና ገዳዩን ይበቃል ትሉት ነበ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"who was jill, jillajl, jilanfo? if you really felt the pain and suffering of the amhara people, you would say enough of the kidnapper and the murderer when they were displaced and persecuted everywhere" 2024-Am-1222,ጭረሽ በኮንዶም ፕራንክ...አረ አይነፈም,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"Scratch the condom, won't blow" 2024-Am-1184,እዉነተኛ ታሪክ ከሆነ ሰዉ መሆናችን ከንቱ ነዉ አይዞሽ ፈጣሪ አለ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"If history is true, then our existence is meaningless - there is a Creator" 2024-Am-1266,ይህች ሴት ከዚህ በፍትም እንደዚህ ስትል ስምቻለሁ ውሸት ነው ። የዘመኑ ፓስተር ጸልዮ ለቀቀቀሽ sorrry ፓስተሮች ከዚህ ድርግት 2016 E.C የመትቆጣቡ ከሆና 2017 E.C ለቀቅመነችሁ መከላከያ ማሰልጠኛ ደግሞ በሊቢያ ሣራ በረሃ ይሆናል ።,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],I heard this woman say that in this court it is a lie. The pastor of the time prayed for the rescue of the sorrry pastors if you are angry with this 2016 E.C. and 2017 E.C. you are angry with the defense of the training will be in the Libyan desert. 2024-Am-862,እስራኤል 75 አመት ሙሉ የፍልጤመአዊያን ደም ስጠጣ ምን ያልመሰላቹ ፍልስጤም እራሷን ነፃ የማውጣት ትግል ስትጀምር አሸባሪ ይላሉ ድል በግፍ ለተገፋ ፍልስጥኤማውያን🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"Israel has been drinking the blood of the Palestinians for 75 years, and when Palestine starts its struggle for independence, they say it is a terrorist. Victory to the oppressed Palestinians." 2024-Am-4444,አማን አንዳንዴ እየጦዝክ ነው አውነታውን እያወክ ያማል ቅኔው,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"Aman sometimes you are sweating, shaking your head, hurting your poem" 2024-Am-4480,ምን ታካብዳላቹህ ብርጌድ ንሐመዱ ማለት እኮ ምንም እዚ ግባ የሚባል አቅም የለለው በውጭ አገር በሚገኙ የህውሀት አጨብጫቢዎችና እዚ ግቡ የማይባሉ የኤርትራና የትግራይ የዘር ቅልቅል ያላቸው ኤርትራ ጠል የሆኑ ስብስቦች ነው ለኤርትራ ህዝብና መንግስት 0 ስጋት ሆነው አየውቁም ለወደፊትም ስጋት አይደለም እንደአመላቸው በውጨ አገር ጣውላ ወይ ጠረቤዛ ይሰብሩ ይሆኖል,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"what are your tackabdallahubargha brigade? namely, there is no such thing as a goal, it is a group of Eritrean people with ethnic mixtures of Eritrean and Tigray, who have no such goal, and who are not a threat to the people and government of Eritrea, and are not a threat to the future, as their leader said, they will be thrown or broken by foreigners." 2024-Am-113,በገዛህ ሚስትህ የልጅህ እናት ፕራንክ ብሎ ፈልጥ ምን ይሉታል???,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],What would they say if your wife called your grandmother a prank??? 2024-Am-1627,ሃገር የቆመችው በጋራ በከፈልነው መስዋትነት ነው !ብር ሳይሆን ሂወት ሰተን ነው ያቆምናት ጥሩ የሰሩትን እንደምናመሰግን ሁሉ ግፋቸውንም አንረሳም!,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"the country stands on the sacrifices we have made together! we gave them lives, not money, and we stopped them as we thank those who did well, and we will not forget their injustice!" 2024-Am-3426,የስንዴ ሌባ አጋሜ ሰርታቹህ ማትበሉ ከ40 አመት በላይ በእርዳታ ስንዴ የተበላሻቹሁ ከናተ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],The thief of wheat half of the workers did not eat the wheat that was destroyed by the aid for more than 40 years 2024-Am-4361,እውነተኛ እስራኤሎችማ እምነታቸው መልካም ስራ ነው ሚያሰራቸውእነዚህ እኮ አይሁዶች ናቸው ፈጣሪን የካዱ ከሀዲዋች እስራኤል ካለ አሜሪካ ሁለት ቀን መዋጋት አትችልም ለማንኛውም የምናየው ነው ሚቀር አደለም,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"the true israelis are the ones whose faith is good works. these are the jews who have denied the creator. if there is a renegade israel, america can't fight for two days. anyway, we'll see." 2024-Am-5668,ፕሮፌሰር የብህር ነፍጠኛ የታሪክ ማህደር ነህና እናከብርሃለን እንወድሃለን ኩራታችን ነህ በዚሁ አጋጣሚ የማህበረ ቅዱሳን ጋዜጠኛ እጅግ ሳላደንቅሽ አላልፍም ትህትናሽ የአጠያየቅ የቃላት ፍሰትሽ ይደንቃል በርች,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"Professor, we respect you, we love you, we are proud of you, you are a marine mercenary, and at the same time, a journalist from the Holy Community will not pass without admiring you, your humble questioning of words is admired." 2024-Am-5621,ሀጠራው ጋላ የኢትዮጵያን ባንዲራ እየከለከላቹህ ወሬ አታውሩ ሸርሙጣዎች ሸርሙጣ ጣቢያ ተበዱ,"['disgust', 'anger']","['አስጸያፊ', 'ቁጣ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust' 'anger'],"The people of the village are protesting against the Ethiopian flag, don't make a fuss about it." 2024-Am-1400,ነፍጠኛ ዘረኝነትን የሚጠየፍ ዘረኛ ነው,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],A murderer is a racist who demands racism 2024-Am-4752,ህይወትህን እግዚአብሔር ይውሰዳት የድሆች እንባና ደም ሳይውል ሳያድር ይፍረድብህ ,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],may god take your life and judge you before the tears and blood of the poor. 2024-Am-1258,Abeyu Getachewአንድና ሀለት ሰው ለይተህ ከማታውቅ ደንቆሮ ጋር ሀሳብ ማወራት የለብኝም ጀዝባ ዘረኛ ነገር ነህ,"['disgust', 'anger']","['አስጸያፊ', 'ቁጣ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust' 'anger'],"Abeyu Getachew, you are a very strong person, and I shouldn't have to discuss with a deaf person I don't know, you are a racist, a bigot." 2024-Am-4990,ይችን ጠማማ ጊዜዋን የሚያሳጥር እንዴት ጠፋ አደገኛ ዘረኛ ናት ይሰመርበት,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],How the perverted woman who shortens her time is a dangerous race of losers 2024-Am-2101,EMS ኦሮሞ ጠል የሚለው የኦሮሞ አክራሪ በሚለው ይስተካከል?,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],EMS Oromo Dew is going to be replaced by Oromo Radical? 2024-Am-3512,ባለ መርሁ የሰው ልክ ፅኑው አማራ እስኬው ክንዱ ልክ እንደ እሳት የሚነደው የማይጨበጠው ድንገት ባሳወቀው የአማራ ህዝባዊ ግንባር አብይ ካድሬ ብአዴን ትግሬ ኦሮሞ ምናለፋቹ,"['joy', 'disgust']","['ደስታ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 1 0 0],['joy' 'disgust'],"The Amhara people's front, Abiy Kadare, Baden Tigre, Oromo Manalefa, announced suddenly that the Amhara people's front, Abiy Kadare, is a strong man, as strong as the Amhara people, whose arm burns like fire." 2024-Am-2653,አማራን ይሄን መሳይ ሆዳም ወክላለው ብለው በስሙ ሲቀላምዱ እንደ ማየት አሳዛኝ ነገር የለም። ኤርትራን ጉሮሮዋን ይዘን የሰረቀችውን እናስመልሳለን እያለ ነው። ተው ሊባል ይገባል!,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],it is sad to see amarans represent this missile with his stomach. while eritrea is saying that we will return what it has stolen with its throat. it should be said! 2024-Am-3958,እኔ እምለው ምን አለበት ቢቂላ ሽልማት ቢባል Bikila Award ያለ ጦር መሳሪያ የቋንቋ ቅኝ ተገዢዎች በጣም ያሳቀኝ አስተያየት እሽቱ ሀገር መሪ ቢሆንየሚል አዎን እሽቱ የራሱ ከእግዚአብሔር የተሰጠው በጎ ተግባር ያለው ድንቅ ኢትዮጵያዊ ነው ግን ሀገርን የሚያክል ያውም ኢትዮጵያን የምታክል ትልቅ ሀገር ምራት ያውም120 ሚሊዮን እብድ ህዝብንመምራት ልክ ዩቲዩብ ላይ ቁጭ ብላቻሁ እንደምታወሩት ወሬ መሰላችሁ ለዚህ እኮ ነው ማንም ተነስ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"I believe that what should be called the Bikila award is the Bikila award without weapons of the language colonizers I am very disappointed with the comment of the leader of the country who says yes, the leader is a wonderful Ethiopian with his own good deeds given by God, but the leader of a country that is the size of Ethiopia, the leader of a large country that is the size of Ethiopia, the leader of 120 million crazy people, that is why you think that it is a rumor as if you were talking about it sitting on YouTube." 2024-Am-636,ለሰራሽው ግፍ የተከፈለሽ ትንሹ ጉዳይ ነው ነውረኛ ከመባለግሽ አለማፈርሽ።,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"It is a small matter that you are paid for the injustice you have done, and you are not ashamed to call yourself a disgrace." 2024-Am-1405,ትግራይ መቼም ነፃ አትወጣም።ሕወሓት እስካለ ሞት ተንኮል ጦርነት ይኖራል። እሺ መንግስት ለገደለዉ አለቀሳችሁ ወያኔ ለገደላቸዉ ለእነ መምህር የማኔ ኮቦሮ ኮቦሮ ኮቦሮ ትላላላችሁ?,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"tigray will never be free. as long as there is an armed rebel group, there will be a war of death. okay, you cry for those who were killed by the government, but will you say to the teacher, mane koboro koboro koboro koboro, that the militants killed them?" 2024-Am-4248,ኣይ አለምህነ ዋሴ ከልጅ ነቴ ጀምሮ አንተን ሳዳምጥ ነዉ ያደኩት ስለእስራኤል ስትናገር በጣም አደንቅ ነበር አሁንላይ ጌን በጥንቃቄ ስመለከተዉ ሞራል የሌለዉ ሰዉ እድሆክ ተርዳዉ ምክንያቱም ዘገባዉን ስትሠራ የፊልስጣምን ስቃያቸውን አትርዳም እነስላይየደርሠዉ ምንም ቢሆን እንኮን አንተ ለመስማት አትፈልግም በጣም ያሳዝናል ለማንኛውም ኢትዮጵያዊ ሞራል ይኑርህ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"i grew up listening to you talk about israel since i was a child. i admired you very much when you talked about israel. now i look at you carefully, you are a man without morals. you are a man without morals. you are a man without morals because you do not understand the suffering of palestineans. no matter what you do, you do not want to hear. it is very sad for any ethiopian to have a moral." 2024-Am-609,ተመለስ ልጄ ማቲዎስ 7:13 በጠበበበው ደጅ ግቡ፤ ወደ ጥፋት የሚወስደው ደጅ ሰፊ፥ መንገዱም ትልቅ ነውና፥ ወደ እርሱም የሚገቡ ብዙዎች ናቸው፤ 14 ወደ ሕይወት የሚወስደው ደጅ የጠበበበ፥ መንገዱም የቀጠነ ነውና፥ የሚያገኙትም ጥቂቶች ናቸው። 15 የበግ ለምድ ለብሰው ከሚመጡባችሁ በውሥጣቸው ግን ነጣቂዎች ተኵላዎች ከሆኑ ከሐሰተኞች ነቢያት ተጠንቀቁ። 16 ከፍሬያቸው ታውቋቸዋላችሁ። ከእሾህ ወይን ከኩርንችትስ በለስ ይለቀማልን? 17 እንዲሁ መ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"Matthew 7:13 Enter in at the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; 14 for narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it. 15 Be on the watch for the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves." 2024-Am-428,በለመደው አፍክ ፕራንክ ነው እንዳትል አደራ😁🤣,['fear'],['ፍርሃት'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 1 0 0 0 0],['fear'],Don't tell me that it's a prank with your mouth 😂🤣 2024-Am-424,የኔ እህት ደህና ስራ የለሽም ይኸን ከንቱ የምታቀርቢው ምን ለመማር ነው,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"my sister is unemployed, what are you doing here for nothing to learn" 2024-Am-4200,ቄሶችስ አይገዝቱም እንዴ ዘመን አመጣሽ አፈር ቀብር ቀርቶ ሬሳው እኮ በማግስቱ ይፈርሳል በጣም ግራ ግራ የገባ ነገር ሐብታሞች በናንተ ነው መከራ የመጣ የእግዚአብሔር ህግ ጥሳቹ ወራዳ ድሀ ትቶ ይጨርሻቹ ባለ ገንዘብ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"The priests do not rule, you brought the time, the soil is buried, the body is destroyed the next day. The most confused thing is that the rich are confused, it is you who have brought the trouble. The law of God has been violated. The poor are humiliated, the rich are left behind." 2024-Am-22,ኑኑ ታመልከቱ አማት እና ማራት ግብግብ ያአሏህ ሆይ አማቴ ማጥፍ ከሆናች እንኳን አንታው ጥሩ አድርጋት ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"come and see mother-in-law and mother-in-law, you are greedy, even if my mother-in-law is a prostitute, take her well." 2024-Am-836,ውይ ፈጣሪ ካንቺጋ ይሁን የኔ እህት ያሰብሹው ሁሉ ይሳካልሽ ኣይ የሴት ልጅ ፈተና ያሳዝናል 😥😥😥,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"whatever you have planned, be it Kanchiga or my sister, you will succeed. girl's test is sad 😥😥😥" 2024-Am-2136,ሊፍት ተጠቅማ እንዳይሆን? ለመሬት ስርቆትና ወረራዉ ድንገት ከተጠየቅን ብለው Counterresponse ማዘጋጀታቸው ነው ሳትጠየቅ መልስ ማዘጋጀት,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"Counterresponse is when they are suddenly asked to do something about theft and invasion, preparing answers without being asked." 2024-Am-2756,እንደ ሆስፒታል እውቅና ሲያንሰን ነው ያው ዶር አንተ የምታውቀው ስለሆነ እዚህ ላይ ማብራሪያ አልሰጥም ግን በተሸላሚዎች ምርጫ ላይ ቅሬታ ነበር ለምሳሌ ሁሉም ሰው ያነ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"I don't want to give any details here because you know that it is the same door, but there were complaints about the choice of the awardees, for example, that everyone read" 2024-Am-2367,ለሁሉም ሰጪዎች ፈጣሪ ያልታሰበ ሲሳይ ይስጣቸው ይባረኩ !?,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],blessed are all the givers! 2024-Am-959,የፈጣሪ ያለ ምን አይነት ጭካኔ ነው,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],What kind of cruel creator is there? 2024-Am-2713,ሟች ነው ሞት የሚፈርድ ተስፋቢስ ሰው ነህ፣ በሰሩ ሞት ትመኛለህ፣ ሟች አንተ ነህ።,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"You are a hopeful man who condemns death, you wish for the death of your people, you are a mortal." 2024-Am-3416,ሳይቅም ያለማቋረጥ ቀውስ በቀውስ ያደረግን ቢቅምማ ምን ይውጠን ነበር ?,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"And if We had made him taste of every kind of affliction ," 2024-Am-5412,አለም ነዋሴ ትንታኔህ እጅግ በጣም ጥሩ ነውእኔን የደበረኝ የጀነራሉ ፎቶ ለመጀመርያ ጊዜ በጥይት ግባሩን ተመቶ ቁጭ ጀነራል ካንተ ማየት የምትነግረኝ ሁሉ እውነት ነው ለማለት,"['joy', 'sadness']","['ደስታ', 'ሀዘን']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 1 0 0],['joy' 'sadness'],world citizen your analysis is very good it shocked me the photo of the general was shot in the forehead for the first time sit down general if you tell me to see everything is true 2024-Am-2434,እያስታጠቀ ማደራጀት ጀመረ። ከዚያ ጦሩን ይዞ የጠላት ጦር ባልጠበቀው ቦታና ሰዓት ድንገት እየደረሰ ያልተጠበቀና ያልታሰበ አደጋ እየጣለ፣ አልፎ አልፎም ሌሊት የጣልያኖቹን የጦር ሰፈር,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"Then he took his spear, and the enemy's army, arriving at unexpected places and times, made sudden and unforeseen attacks, sometimes at night, on the Italian camp." 2024-Am-1971,?የሃይማኖት አባቶቻችን ማፈንና ማንገላታት የኢትዮጵያ ብልፅግና ጅማሬ ይሆን ፍፃሜ?,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"""Is the kidnapping and mutilation of our religious ancestors the beginning of Ethiopia's prosperity or the end?""" 2024-Am-3445,ግን ለዛሬ አማረኛ አልችልም ማለት አለመቻል ነው,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"But for today, it's impossible to say no to Amharic." 2024-Am-2546,አቢይ አህመድ እና ሌሎች አጋሮቹ ለማ መገርሳ አባ ዱላ ጁነዲን ሳዶእና የኦሆዴድ ዘረኛ ድርጅት አባሎችና ጁዋር መሐመድ በቀለ ገርርባ መራራ ጉዲና ሌሎችም በውጭ ያሉ በኦሮ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"Abi Ahmed and his other associates, including Maam Gharsa, Abba Dula Junddin Sado, members of the Ohoded racist organization, and Zuar Muhammad Begle, Gerba Marah Guddi and others, are outside in Ouro." 2024-Am-493,የዚችን ተከታታታይ ፕራንክ መጨረሻ ማየት ነው የናፈቀኝ 😀,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],I missed seeing the end of this series of pranks 😀 2024-Am-4966,አላህ የውረደት እቾ ሌባ ነብስ በለ ነአትድል ለፍልስጤን ነብየትን ገድየለሁ የምትል ሰው በላ ድል ለፍልሊስጤን ,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],Allah will destroy the thief who will not kill the prophet for the Philistines. 2024-Am-3568,ቲክቶክ በካናዳ ባለሥልጣናት ምርመራ እየተደረገበት ነው,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],TikTok is being investigated by Canadian authorities 2024-Am-2201,እምዬ ኢትዮጵያ ይመርልሽ ሰብሉ አውድማው ጓተራውሽ ይሁንልሽ ሙሉ በቸር ውሎ ይደር ጋራው ሸንተረርሽ ወንዛወንዝሽ ሁሉ የሚሏትን ዘፈን ድንገት ሰማውና እንዴት ቢወዳት ነው,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"I am from Ethiopia, I would like to hear the song that all the mountains sing, and how I would like to love it." 2024-Am-626,እኔምለው እኛ ሀበሾች ቆንጆ ነበርንኮ ግን ይሄንንን ፖስት ለጉድ ትፖስቱታላችሁ ግን እንዳለ ማሰሻ ማሰሻ የመሰለ ነው ያለውኮ🤔🤔🤔,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"I said, we were nice but you post this for the bad but it's like a surf surf surf surf" 2024-Am-1918,በባህር ዳር በጣና ሀይቅ አብዛኛው ክፍሉ በተከበበው ዘጌ እንዲህ ዓይነት የቡና ምርት ያለ አልመሰለኝም! ትልልቅ የቡና ዛፍ የሚገርም ሀብት አለ! በተፈጥሮ ሀብቱ የታደለ አካባቢ ነ,['surprise'],['መደነቅ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 1 0],['surprise'],"I never imagined such a coffee plantation in the area of the lake Tana, which is mostly surrounded by the sea! The great coffee tree is a wonderful treasure!" 2024-Am-3699,የአየርላንድ መንግሥት ጣቢያ በ5 ሺህ ዩሮ ነጠላ ጫማ በመግዛት ገንዘብ አባክኗል ተብሎ ተወቀሰ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"Irish government station accused of wasting money on 5,000 euro pair of shoes" 2024-Am-5370,የቤተክርስቲያን መሆኑን ማን ካዴ የሀገር መሆን ግን አይችልም ነው,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],whoever denies being a church member cannot be a citizen 2024-Am-2205,ሥራው ይኸው ከሆነስ? ማገዳደል! ለማበታተን ግብዓት የሚሆነውን ሁሉ ማስፈፀም ሥራዬ ብሎ እንደያዘው ድንገት አጣሽው እንዴ?,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"What if that's his job? To kill! Did you suddenly lose it, as he thought it was his job to do anything to disperse?" 2024-Am-4097,ወሬኞች ፈትፋቲ ኤጭ ስንት የሚሰራ እያለ አች ታወዳድሪያለሺ ጡረተኛ ለፍልስጤሞች አላህ ይሁናቸው አለም ወሬ ብቻ ሆናለች,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"The media is comparing Fatfati Ece to a thousand pensioners, while the Palestinians are saying that the world is nothing but a story." 2024-Am-1032,ከምንም በላይ ትደር መሃል ሰዉ በይገበው ጥሩ ነዉ ግጭት ብፈጣር እርስ በርስ መፍተታት ነዉ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"Most of all, the best way to deal with conflict is to work it out." 2024-Am-4538,ክብር ለመከላከያ ሰራዊት ነብሱን ሰውቶ ሀገርን ለሚያፀናው በዘራፊው ፋኖ የክልላችን ገበሬ እየተንገላታብን ነው,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],the farmer of our region is kicking us with the thieving fan of the one who sacrificed his life to defend the honor of the army and impregnate the country 2024-Am-3118,ባልታሰበ ማእበል ድንገት መመታቴ ለካስ ለበጎ ነው ይህን ሁሉ ማየቴ ያስብልልን እነ እንትናን,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"I was hit by a sudden storm, and it's for the best, I'm thinking about seeing all this." 2024-Am-3277,ደስ የሚል ዜና!የአለም ጤና ድርጅት ከ3ዓመት በኋላ ኮቪድ19 አለም አቀፍ የጤና ስጋት መሆን ማብቃቱን ይፋ አደረገ።,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],Good news! The World Health Organization has declared that COVID-19 is no longer a global health threat after 3 years. 2024-Am-5376,አለምነዋሴ ከልጅነቴ ጀምሬ ማስታውስክ የጦርነት ዘገባ ስትሰራ ነው ሁል ግዜም የምትዘግባቸው ዘገባዎች የራስክንም ጥላቻ በመጨመር ነውግን አንድ ጥያቄ አለኝ አንድም ቀን ስለፍልስጤም እውነታ አትናገርም ይገባኛል ፈላሻነትክን እንዳትቀማ ነውግን የነዛ የሚሞቱት ህፃናትን ደም እየበላክ እንደሆነና ለልጆችክም እያበላክ መሆኑን ታውቃለክ,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],"I remember from my childhood that you always report on war, and your reports always add to your self-hatred, but I have a question, you never tell the truth about Palestine, I must say that you do not want to be a pioneer, but do you know that you are feeding the blood of children who die then and you are feeding it to your children" 2024-Am-5398,ወንድሜ እረ እባክህ የኤርትራ ታሪክ በደንብ ብታነብ ወይም ብትጠይቅ ይሻላሀል ዝም ብለህ የምሁር ደንቆሮ ብለው እንዳይሰድቡህ ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"brother erer, please read the history of eritrea well or ask questions, you better keep quiet so that you are not called a scholarly idiot." 2024-Am-622,መግለጫዉ ሲጠቃለል “ለአብይ አሕመድ እና ለኦሕዴድ አሽከር መሆናችንንን በመቀጠል አማራን እና አማርኛ ተናጋሪ ሕዝቦችን ከምድረገፅ ላይ ለማጥፋት የሚደረገዉ እንቅስቃሴን እንደግፋለን ለስኬቱም እንታገላለን። ድል ለታላቁ መሪ አብይ አሕመድ እና ድርጅቱ ኦሕዴድ። ጥፋት ለፋኖ፣ ለልዩ ሀይላችን፣ አብይን ለሚቃወሙ አማራዎች፣ እና ዉጪ ሀገር ላሉ አማራዎች።” የሚል አንደምታ አለዉ። ብአዴኖች ሕዝባችሁን እናዳዋረዳችሁ፣ ሁሌ ተዋረዱ፣ ዉርደታሞ,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],"In conclusion, the statement concluded that we will continue to be a leader for Abiy Ahmed and the OPCW and we will support the movement to eradicate the Amhara and Amharic-speaking peoples from the scene and fight for its success. Victory to the great leader Abiy Ahmed and his organization, the OPCW. Destruction to Fano, our special forces, the Amhara who oppose Abiy, and the Amhara abroad." 2024-Am-5253,የኑሮ ውድነት የአለም ችግር መሆኑ መዘንጋት የለበትም,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],The cost of living is a global problem 2024-Am-5354,ግርማ ተጠማቂዎችን እያራቆተ አጋንንት ይጭንበቸዋል,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"Demons possess baptized persons, robbing them of their dignity" 2024-Am-4242,ትግራይና ጎንደር የተፈትሮ ድንበራቸው የተከዜ ወንዝ ነውጎንደሬ በወልቃይትና በተለምት ትግሬ በትግራይ ኖረዋል ይኖራሉ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],tigray and gondra are bordered by the tekze river. my village is in ulukayye and my village is usually in tigray. 2024-Am-1378,ጦርነት ሲጀመር ቀላል ይመስላ። እግዚያብሔር ለሁለቱም ወገን ሠላሙን ያምጣ። ኢትዮጲያውያን ግን ጉዳዩን ከሀይማኖት ጋር አያይዛችሁ ሀገራችሁን ለመበጥበጥ አጀንዳ አትፍጠሩ። ይህ ጦርነት የድንበር የይዞታ ጉዳይ እንጂ ሀይማኖታዊ አይደለም,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"God grant peace to both sides. but ethiopians, do not link the issue with religion and create an agenda to destabilize your country. this war is a question of border control, not religious." 2024-Am-4476,ሙሉ ታሪኩን አልሰማሁትም ግን የገረመኝ ሰው የፈለገውን እምነት መከተል አይችልም እምነት እኮ የግል ነው ሁሉም የሚያድነውን እራሱ ያውቃል በስራው የሚጠየቀው እራሱ ነው ሌላው ምን አገባው ለምን ዝም አይሉም,"['anger', 'surprise']","['ቁጣ', 'መደነቅ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 1 0],['anger' 'surprise'],"I didn't hear the whole story but I was surprised that a person can't follow the faith he wants because faith is personal, everyone knows himself who will be saved, he is the one who is asked for the work, what else is wrong with him why they are not silent" 2024-Am-3844,ሲያናድድ እኔ አሊ አፈሩን ቆፍሮ ሊያወጣው ነው ብየ ሰፍ ብየ ስጠብቅ ዘባረቁት ቱ ደሞኮ የገረመኝ ኩዚ ሊመት እያለ ስለፍቅረኞቹ ያስታውሳል ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"When he gets angry, i think ali is going to dig the ground to get him out, but when i wait for him to come out, tu demoko who threw him out surprised me, while kuzi limte remembers his lovers." 2024-Am-504,እግዚአብሔር አምላክ የከሳሾችን ክስ ከንቱ የሚያደርግ ለምድራችን የተትረፈረፈ የበረከት ጊዜ እንዲሆን በጌታ በእየሱስ ስም ባረክኋችሁ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"I bless you in the name of the Lord Jesus, that God may be the time of abundant blessings for our land, which will make the accusations of the accusers of God null and void." 2024-Am-1831,አይገርምም አስለመዱንና አቅልለን ማዬት ጀመርን። የአማራ ሞት ለነፍስ ይማር እንኳ የማይሆን ርካሽ አደረጉት እኛም ተባበርን። አማራ ክልል ሕዝብ እየተዞረ መጠየቅ አለበት። የክብር ባህላችን ጠፍቷል።,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],no wonder they got used to it and started to take it lightly. they made amara's death so cheap that it was not even worth the effort. we joined in. the people of amara region were being asked around. our culture of honor was lost. 2024-Am-2047,የጎንደር አካባቢ ሰው አንተን ምንም ማድረግ ባይችል ዘር ማንዘርህን ከማንኝውም ማህበራዊ ግንኙነት ማገድ ነበረበት ለምን እንደዚህ እንደማያደርግ አስገራሚ ነው ባንዳ,['surprise'],['መደነቅ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 1 0],['surprise'],"If a man from Gondar can't do anything to you, he should ban you from any social contact, it's amazing why he doesn't do this, Banda." 2024-Am-892,Ezra Ezu በጠዋቱ አረካኸኝ ጆሮ ያለው ይስማ የኢየሱስ ስም የአጭበርባሪዎች መነገጃ መሳለቂያ ማድረግ ይብቃ *,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"Ezra Ezu, you have satisfied me in the morning, let the name of Jesus be the laughingstock of the crooks' kingdoms *" 2024-Am-1859,ኢየሱስ የምተዉ ቤሔር ለይቶ ነው።መጀመረያ ሀዋራያትንሰልክ ሂዱ ወንጌልን ሰበኩ ነው ያለው መጀመረያ ሰልጣን ከመሰጣጣት ይቅ ወንጌልን ብኮኮፅድቅን መሻት ከዛ የተጠማሀውን ሰልጣን(ፅድቅ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],Jesus is leaving the nation alone. He started with the apostles. He went and preached the gospel. He started with the gospel. He stopped giving the gospel. He started with seeking righteousness. Then he began to give the thirsty righteousness. 2024-Am-1343,ምንም ላይመጣ ይህ ምስኪን ሕዝብ አንከራትቱት! ይህ ሁሉ ግፍ ግን የወያኔ መልካም ሥራ እንደ ክፉ ተቆጥሮ ጦርነትና እልቂት አስከትሎ ይሄው ሀገሪቱ ወደ ማትወጣው አዘቅት ውስጥ ከተታችኋት!ዕውነት በዚች አገር ብትኖር ኖሮ የዚህ ሁሉ ችግር አምጪና ፈጣሪዎች የአማራ ሙሁራንና ፖለቲከኞች ነን ባዮች፣የአማራ አክቲቢስቶች፣የአማራ አርቲስቶች፣በየቦታው ያላችሁ የአማራ ጋዜጠኞች በምትነዙት መርዛም ቃላት ሕዝቡን አነሳስታችሁ ወደማይወጣው መዓት ስለከተታች,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"whatever happens, you will have to help this poor people! all this violence but the good work of the jena is considered evil and has led to war and genocide, if you put this country into the abyss from which it cannot be rescued! if there was truth in this country, the cause and creators of all this trouble are amara scholars and politicians, amara activists, amara artists, amara journalists everywhere, because you have inspired the people with your poisonous words and led to an unmitigated catastrophe" 2024-Am-5360,እዚህ አገር ያሉት ክርስቲያኖች ለሙስሊም ከፍተኛ ጥላቻ ስላላቸው ኢስራኤልን ይደግፋሉ ፍልስጤም ውስጥ ስላላሉት ክርስትያኖች እና ስለሚፈርሰው ቤተ ክርስቲያኖች እንኳን ግድ የላቸውም ከእምነታቸው በላይ ጥላቻው ስለሚያሸንፋቸው,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"Christians in this country support Israel because they have a strong hatred of Muslims, they don't care about Christians in Palestine and even about the church being destroyed because they are overcome by hatred more than their faith." 2024-Am-822,ሓፍታሙ///በጣም ያሳዚናል ደደደቢትናብልፅግና አንድ ስታደርግ እውነታው ግን ሌላው ይቅር የአ/አበባ ልጅ አይደለህም ምክንያቱም ድፍንያለ ከህወሓት ጋር ጥላቻ ያለህ ይመስለኛል ፎቶ በማነፃፀር ትንታነ በመሰጠትህ የአንበጣ መንጋ እየተከላከል ባለንበት ወቅት እንጦጦጦ መናፈሻናየህፃን ልጅ መኪና ከሚነዳ ማነፃፀር///የቱ የቱ የቱ ሰለዚህ እባከህ የአንበጣ መርጫ ለገበሬው /ዲራጎን/ገዝተህ ወይምአሰባስበህ ሰለህወሓት ሰንዓመት ተነተንከ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"it's very sad when you combine stupidity and prosperity but the truth is that you are not a child of the flower because you have hatred for the TPLF, I think you have hatred for the TPLF. Comparison of the ant park and the baby driving the car when we are protecting the ant colony by comparing the photo with the photo by comparing the photo with the photo, please collect the ant net for the farmer." 2024-Am-5300,ሰሜኑን ማዳከም ላይ ትልቅ ስራ ሆን ተብሎ ተሰስቷል የሚባለው ምንም ስህተት የሌለው ትክክል ነው በተለይ አብይን ቻሌንጅ የሚያደርገው የህወሀት አመራሮችን አሁን ላይ ወደ ፌዴራል መንግስት መጥተው ከህዝብ ተወካዮች ጋር እንዳይነጋገሩ ማድረጉ ትልቅ ማሳያ ነው አንድ ጌቾ ብቻውን ፓርላማ ቀርቦ አሁን ኢትዮጵያ ያለችበትን ቀውስ ቢናገር አብይ መቋቋም አይችልም አብይ የስልጣን አራራ እንጂ የህዝብ እሮሮ ለሱ ምኑም አይደለ በሴራ ፖለቲካ አሁንም ትግራ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"it is true that there is no mistake that the great work on weakening the north was deliberately done, especially the fact that the TPLF leaders are not coming to the federal government and talking to the people's representatives is a great demonstration that if a Gecho alone approaches parliament and speaks of the crisis in Ethiopia, Abi cannot stand it. Abi is an arrow of power, but the people's interest is not for him." 2024-Am-2045,የመግለጫ ጋጋታ በጣም ያሳዝናል ምነው ለጊዜው እንኳን ነገሮች በፍርድ ቤት እስኪጣሩ ድረስ የክልል ሀይል በቄሳውስት ላይ የሚያደርሱትን ግድያ እስር ቢያስቆም ምንድነው የኦሮሞ ክልልን,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"What if the state authorities stop the killings of priests in prison, even temporarily, until things are investigated in court?" 2024-Am-4019,ሀይለ እየሱስ እንኳን ደስ አለህ ሄኖክም ዛሬ ልካችሁን ስላገኛችሁ ደስ ብሎናል,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"congratulations, enoch, we are glad you are humble today" 2024-Am-4331,በየዓመቱ ሰው በእንቶ ፈንቶ ምክንያት ይሞታል ከአዲስ አበባ መውጣት ስጋት እየሆነ ባለበት ዘላለም ዲስኩር የዜጎች ደህንነት ላይ ሰላም ላይ ስራ መጀመሪያ ብልጭል ብቻ,"['sadness', 'disgust']","['ሀዘን', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness' 'disgust'],"Every year, someone dies due to an explosion of bricks, leaving Addis Ababa is becoming a threat, but the work on the safety of citizens is only the first glimmer of peace." 2024-Am-2897,ጣይቱ አላት እውነትም ጣይቱ። ?,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"She said , "" Throw ! "" And he threw ." 2024-Am-5643,ትክክል ጥያቄው በሠላማዊ እና በዲሞክራሢ ጥያቄ በአቶ ክርሥቲያን ታደለ ተጠይቆ እሥር ቤት ተወርውሯል ሌሎችም በፍርድ ቤት በተለያየ የብልጽግና ባለሥልጣን ጥያቄ ሢጠየቅ ሞት በድሮን ጥያቄ ሀፐተመልሷል በአዲሥ አበባ ከመቶ ሺህ በላይ አማራ ተፈናቅሎአል ታፍኗል ታሥረዋል ትምህርት ቤቶች በድሮን ተፈጭተዋል ባለሀብቶች ከሀገር ለግድያ ሲፈለጉ ወጥተዋል የአማራ ባለሥልጣኖች ተገድለዋል የአማራ ሠራዊት ክህደት እምነት ማጉደሌም ጭምር በነበረው ጦርነት ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"The right question was asked and jailed by Mr. Christian Tadel at the request of peace and democracy. Others were questioned by various wealthy officials in court. He asked and death was answered by a drone question. In Addis Ababa, more than a hundred thousand Amaris were evicted. Kidnapped and imprisoned. Schools were evicted by drones. Investors left the country when they were wanted for murder. Amara officials were killed in the war, even if the Amara army betrayed their faith." 2024-Am-1903,? እጅግ መፍትሄ ባጠረህ ጊዜትግስትን መሳሪያ አድርገህ ተጠቀም! ?,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"When you're overwhelmed, use patience as a tool!" 2024-Am-96,Gech Gech Unity ታውቃላችሁ እንዴ ? 5 አመት ሙሉ ብሔር ዘር እየመረጣችሁ እየገደላችሁ ቤት እያፈረሳችሁ ሃገር እያፈረሳችሁ ጦርነት እየጠመቃችሁ 🤔,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"Gech Gech Unity, do you know? 5 years you have been selecting races, killing people, destroying houses, destroying countries, and waging war." 2024-Am-5838,ስጠላት እጭምስጥ ነገር ናት,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],The enemy is a dangerous thing 2024-Am-526,እሰይ ሙስሊሞች ገዳወች ስለሖኑ መልካም ሲኦል,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],Yeshi muslims murdered about the good hell of honhu 2024-Am-5318,ጀዋር ከ 15 ዓመት በኋላ አንገናኝ ከ 50 ዓመት በታች የሆነ ወታደር ያልሆነ ሲቪል 2ኛ ዲግሪ ያለው ጥሩ የአስተዳደር ያለው ሰው የቤተሰብ ሃላፊ ጥሩ ገቢና ኑሮ ያለው ጀርባው ተጠንቶ ነው የኢትዮጲያ መሪ መሆን ያለበት ጎረምሣ መሪ ሀገር ይጠፋል መንግስቱ መለስ አብይ ያ የ ውጤቱ ሞት ነው ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"After 15 years, we will meet a non-military person under 50 years old, a civilian of the 2nd degree, a man with good administration, a family head, a good income and a good life, his back is tight, the young man who should be the leader of Ethiopia, the leader of the country will disappear, the government will be destroyed, and the result is death." 2024-Am-3642,በኡጋንዳ ለገበያ የሚቀርቡ እንስሳትን ለማደለብ የጸረ ኤችአይቪ መድሃኒት ጥቅም ላይ ውሏል ተባለ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],HIV drug used to poison market animals in Uganda 2024-Am-2176,የጂጂ አፍቃሪ ከእሕቷም ከሶፊ ሁላ ነው የሚከላከላት? ምን ያለ ፍቅር ነው የማያረጅ ውበቱ የሚጨምር። በርቀት እንደሰማኋት እሷም ትወዳችኋለች።,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"Gigi's lover protects her from her sister Sophie Hula? What kind of love adds to his undying beauty. As I hear from a distance, she loves you too." 2024-Am-1112,አይን እያለህ ለማየት ያልፈለግክ እውር ያንተ ብጤ ከሀዲዎች እውነትን ማየት ስለማትችሉ የክህደት ወሬህን እንዲሰሙህ እንጂ ማዳመጥ አትፈልግም በመጮህ ሠዓት ጨርሰህ አሳምንኩት ለማለት ትፍልጋለህ ፓስተር ብንያም በራሱ የሚተማመምን ሰው ነው አንተ ከሀዲና ደንቆሮ ባትሆን የእናትህ እምነት ያስትርምርህ ነበር ስለኦርቶዶክስ ከማዉራትህ በፊት አንብብብ ዝም ብለህ ግርግር አትፍጠር ባንተ የሰይጣን ምላስ የሚሞላ ባዶ ጭንቅላት የለም የኢየሱስን ጌታ,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],"You are blind, you do not want to see, you are blind like the apostates, because you cannot see the truth, you do not want to hear, you do not want to hear, you are ready to shout, you have convinced him, you are ready to say, Pastor Benjamin is a self-confident man, if you were not a blind and deaf man, your mother's faith would have warned you. Read before you talk about Orthodoxy, be quiet, do not make a fuss, there is no empty head that will fill the tongue of Satan with your Lord Jesus." 2024-Am-4468,እኛ የጨመርነው ነገር ፀብ እና ዘረኝነት ነው ያልከው ነገር በጣም ተመቸኝ ክበርልኝ,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"What we added is gossip and racism, what you said is very nice, respect me" 2024-Am-2371,ይህን አስፈሪና አደገኛ አካሔድ ኢትዪጽያ አለችን? ያሰኛል መንግስትስ አለን? ዛሬ በባጃጂ ሺፌሮች ላይ የሚደርሰዉ ኢሰብአዊ ድርጊት ነገስ በነማን ላይ ይመጣ ይሆን።,['fear'],['ፍርሃት'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 1 0 0 0 0],['fear'],is there a government that will take care of this terrible and dangerous act? is there a government that will take care of it? the inhumanity that is happening to the bajagi shifters today will be coming to the king of nemani. 2024-Am-1084,ልጅትዋ ግን ይሄ ፕራንክ አይመጥናትም ጨዋ ልጅ ናት,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],But her daughter is not like this prank. She is a decent girl. 2024-Am-5793,Arts tv ሲል ኣርእስቱ እንደስሙ ጥሩ ኣጀንዳ የሚይዝ መስሎኝ ነበር ገና እርእስቱን ሳየው ናቅኩት ሰይጣን የታሰረበት ዋሻ ብሎ ኣርእስት ሲሰጠው ውስሩ ብሰማው ምናልባት ቃለመተይቅ ለሰይጣን ኣደረግኩኝ ሊለን ይሆናል ብየ ናቅኩት የማይጨበጥ የሌለሸይጣን በኣካል ሰይጣንን ኣግኝተው ኣስረው ወዘተ ታሪክ ኣርእስት ሰጠን ያሳዝናል ምን ትምህርት ሊሰጠን ነው እየሞከረ ያለው ነው ወይሰ ሰይጣን በምድር ታይቶ እና ታስሮ ነበር ሊለን ነው,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"I thought the title of Arts tv was a good one, but when I saw the title, I despised it, when it was titled Satan's Cave, I would have said that if I had heard the content, maybe I would have said that I had done an interview with Satan. I would have said that I despised the undeniable unconquerable in the body, found Satan and imprisoned him, etc. History gave us the title of sad what is he trying to teach us, or is Satan seen on earth and imprisoned, we would say" 2024-Am-2137,እና ወዳጄ ምነዉሳ ከሚከፈልህ ቆጥበህ የጉድጓድ ዉሃ ብታስቆፍርላቸዉ ምን ነበረበት? የወገን ፍቅር በቀላሉ እርዳታ ቢሆን መልካም አይሆንም?,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],And what if my friend Minusa had saved you from paying you to dig a well for them? Wouldn't it be nice if love of country was just help? 2024-Am-5334,ይሄንን ለማመን ሁሉ ነው የከበደኝ ያሰዝናልም ያሳፍራልም ቃላት የለኝም የምገልፅበት ቃለ ምልልሱን መስማት አይጠበቅብህም የውሸት ሳቁን ብቻ እየው እንዴት እንደሚያላግጥ ለፍርድ መቅረብ ያለበትን ወንጀለኛ ጀግና አድርገን በአደባባይ እናቆለጳጵሳለን እንዴ ,"['anger', 'sadness', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'ሀዘን', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 1 0 0 0],['anger' 'sadness' 'disgust'],"It's hard for me to believe all this, it's sad and shameful, I have no words to describe it, you don't have to listen to the interview, how he can only laugh at the fake laugh, we will publicly mock him as a criminal hero who should be brought to justice." 2024-Am-498,ከላይ የተባለው እውነት ይሁን ውሸት ባይገባኝም ዳውሮ ህዝብ ኦሞትክ በመሆኑ ሁሉም በሚባል ደረጃ በቋንቋ በባህል በጣም ከምቀራረብ እንድሁም ተጋብቶና ተዋልዶ ከኖረው ከወላይታ: ጋሞና ጎፋ ህዝብ ጋር ቤተሰብ የሆነውን ሰፊው የዳውሮ እና ኮንታ ህዝብ በጥልቀት ባልተወያዬበት እና ባላመነበት በጭፍን ጥላቻ ዳውሮና ኮንታ ህዝብ ተጨማሪ እንግልት እንዲያገኙ ያደረጉት ታርካዊ ጠላቶች የዳውሮና ኮንታ አመራሮች ናቸው።ህዝቡ ግን እስካሁን እንደ ቀድሞ አን,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"I do not understand the above statement, whether it is true or false, but the Dauro people are Omoteks, and they are very close to each other in terms of language and culture. They are married and have children, and they are related to the people of the Gamo and Gopa. The Dauro and Konta people are the leaders of the Dauro and Konta, whose enemies have made it more difficult for the Dauro and Konta people to find a prejudice that I have not discussed in depth and did not believe in." 2024-Am-5328,ያሳዝናል ጀዋር ወደ ተራ ካድረነት ተቀየረ አብይን ለመደገፍ ብሎ ይዘባርቃል ከአብይ ባልተለየ ለጥቅም ብቻ የሚያወራ ሰዉ መሆኑ ያሳዝናል ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"unfortunately, jawar has turned into a commoner, he is shining in support of abi, unlike abi, unfortunately, he is a person who speaks only for the benefit." 2024-Am-783,ፉኖ ጦርነት ላይ ነው ድልበድልም ሁናል,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"Funo is at war, and we are victorious." 2024-Am-3415,አዎ አስፈሪ ሀገር በመፍጠር ያንቺ አይነቱ የተባበረበት ስራ ነው።,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"yes, it's that kind of collaboration that creates a terrifying nation." 2024-Am-1705,በአማርኛ መፃፍ ግዴታ አስመሰልከው። እንዲህ ከምትቸገር በምትችለው ቋንቋ ለምን አትፅፍም ? አለመፃፍም ይሻላል።,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],you made it a duty to write in amharic. why don't you write in a language that you can have such difficulty with? it is better not to write. 2024-Am-5191,ህዝቢ ጠግቦ አይደለም እንዴ ወደ ውጪ የምላኮው ያሳዝናል,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"The crowd is not satisfied, yes, the outside of the temple is sad" 2024-Am-287,በጥሩ የሀበሻ መድሃኒት አስጠጥቶ በትውከትና በተቅማጥ እንድያወጣ ማድረግ ጥሩ ነው ካልሆነ ይብስበታል ፈጣሪ የሚባል የለም ልልል ይችላል ::: ኢየሱስ ያድናል!!!,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"it is good to make him drink good medicine and let him come out with a gentle and sweetness, otherwise he can say there is no creator: Jesus saves!!!" 2024-Am-846,ፍልስጤሞች በጣም የተገፉ ግዝቦች ናቸው ፤በእነሱ ላይ የወጣው ግፍ በአንድም በሌላ አንድ ቀን አለም ዋጋ መክፈሉ አይቀርም ።,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"Palestinians are the most oppressed people in the world, and the world will pay for their oppression one day or another." 2024-Am-2705,ሕገወጥን ሕጋዊ ለመድረግ የሚትሄዱት ርቀት ያሳዝናል ።,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],It is sad how far they go to legalize the constitution. 2024-Am-5839,ሲጀመር የወረረ የለም ሲቀጥል የሃገርን ጥቅም ማስቀደም እንደ እንስሳ ማሰብ ከሆነ ሌሎች ሃገራት ይሄን ሲያደርጉ እንደ እስሳ አስበው ነው ሲቀጥል ስለጦርነት ያነሳ ማነው አንተ እና መሰሉችህ በጥላቻ ተሞልታቹ እራሳቹ ያሰባችሁትን መናገራቹ ተገቢ አይደለም ተረጋጋና አስብ በስሜታዊነት ሳይሆን መናገር ያለብህ በምክንያታዊነት ይሁን,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"When the war started, there was no war. If putting the interests of the country first is to think like an animal, then other countries did it, they thought like a dog. Whoever started the war, you and your kind, full of hatred, should not say what you think." 2024-Am-4229,መልካምና የሚበረታታ ነው የሁሉም ተሳትፎ ተጠናክሮ ይቀጥል,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],It is good and encouraging that everyone's participation is strengthened 2024-Am-3540,የቻይናን የለውጥ ሂደት ለ40 ዓመታት በካሜራው የሰነደው ግለሰብ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],A man who spent 40 years documenting China's revolutionary process 2024-Am-1496,ዘር ማህበረሰብ አቀፍ የልማት ድርጅት(ACDO) ከፌድራል ሲቪል ማህበራት ድርጅቶች ኤጀንሲ በአዋጅ ቁጥር 1113/20111 ፍቃድ የተሰጠው ማህበረሰብ አቀፍ የልማት ድርጅት ነው። የአቢ-ዘር አላማ አቢ-ዘር ትኩረት አድርጎ የሚሰራው በወላጆቻቸው ሞት ምክኒያት ችግር ላይ የወደቁ ህፃናት በችግር ምክኒያት ከ ትምህርት እንዳይቀሩ አላማ ይዞ የሚሰራ ነው። «የአቢዘር የስራ ልምድ » ወላጆቻቸው በሞት ያ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],The ACDO is a community-wide development organization licensed by the Federal Agency for Civil Society Organizations under Decree No. 1113/20111. The purpose of ACDO is to ensure that children who are in difficulty due to the death of their parents do not miss school due to the difficulty. 2024-Am-856,ዝንጀሮስ ከማን ጋር ይሁን የተጋባችው😁😁😁😳🙃🙆🙆🙆🤔,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],whoever the monkey is married to😁😁😁😳🤔 2024-Am-3874,ፑቲን ከትራምፕ ይልቅ የባይደንን ፕሬዚዳንትነት እንደሚመርጡ ተናገሩ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],Putin said he would prefer Biden to Trump for president 2024-Am-2503,የዘመዴ በአሜሪካ ድንገት መከሰት ነጭ ነጯን ከዘመዴ ጋር ሐሙስን በኢትዮ ቤተሰብ ሚዲያ via ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"The sudden arrival of my relative in the US, we were with my relative on Thursday via Ethio Family Media." 2024-Am-1917,እርቦህ ምግብ አዘህ እየጠበክ ከጎንህ የሚገርም አበላል ሲበሉ?,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],while you cook a delicious meal and eat a wonderful meal with your family? 2024-Am-1897,ተው ለምን? እግዚአብሄር ይደረስላቸው ይህንን አለም ማን ቀድሞ ትቶ ድንገት ጥሎ ይሚሄድ አይታወቅም ለክፉዎች ልቦና ይስጥ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],why? may god be with them who will leave this world first who will leave suddenly who will leave first is unknown give the wicked understanding 2024-Am-1299,ኣይነ ጥላ😢😢😢ሆሆሆ ዳኒ😳 ግን ኣያቿት በጣም ብልጥ ነች love you 😍😍😍እራት የሚሏት ነገር😂😂😂ወይኔ ፍጥነት thank you 💎💎💎,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],I don't have a shadow😢😢😢Hoho Dani😳 but her grandmother is very smart love you 😍😍😍what they say about dinner😂😂😂or speed thank you 2024-Am-328,ይሄ የሆድ ነገር ሆድ ይቆርጣል ነው። ከማንኛውም የፖለቲካም ሆነ የመንግስት ተቋማት ሚያያያዝ ነገር የለውም። እራሱን ለችግር አጋልጦ ያስተማረን። በባዶ እግሩ እዪሄደ በጫማ ያስሄደን። ከፈጣሪ ቀጥሎ ሁሉ በጁ የሆነ አርሶ አደራችን ህልውናችን ነው። ማዳበሪያውን ስጡት የሌላው ይብቃ የዚህ ስርቆት ይቅርባችሁ። ተገዛ ይገዛል አይደለም። የተገዛውን የገባውን በትክክክል አከፋፍሉት። ያለዛ በቅሎ ገመዷን በጠሰች። ለራሷ አሳጠረች እንዳይሆን።,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"He has no ties to any political or governmental institution. He has exposed himself to the problems. He walked barefoot, he walked barefoot. Next to the Creator is our existence, our farmer, who is in charge of his own existence. Give him the fertilizer, and the other will be responsible for his theft." 2024-Am-1542,አንዲት የገጠር መንደርን ከሕጻናት ቤተ መጽሐፍት ጋር ያስተዋወቀችው መምህርት,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],A teacher introduces a rural village to a children's library 2024-Am-4549,እግዚአብሔር የሰውን ደም በከንቱ የሚያፈሱትን አረመኔዎችን አጥብቆ ይፀየፋቸዋል የሚፈሰው የሚስኪኑ አማራ ገበሬ ሐረጋዊያን ህፃናት ደም ወደ እግዚአብሔር እየጮኸ ነው ብልፅግና በግብሩ ብልግና የሆነው የጨካኞችና የአረመኔዎች ስብስብ ነው በጠንቋይና በሐሰተኛ ነብይ የሚመራ እብድ ንጉስ እድሜው አጭር ነው አወዳደቁም የከፋ ነው ይ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"God hates the wicked who shed human blood in vain. The blood of the poor, the farmer, the old, the child cries out to God. The wealthy, the rich in their deeds, are a collection of cruel and wicked people. A mad king led by a sorcerer and a false prophet. His life is short and his fall is worse." 2024-Am-3899,ሰሜን ኮሪያ 'የውሃ ውስጥ የኒውክሌር ጦር መሳሪያ' ሙከራ ማካሄዷ ተገለጸ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],North Korea reportedly tests 'underwater nuclear weapon' 2024-Am-2683,ምን ጉድ ነህ አንተው? ይብላኝ አንተን አምጣ ለወለደች እናት። አይ ሆድ በጣም ያሳዝናል ካንተ የንግዴ ልጅ ያ ተቆርጦ የተጣለዉ ይሻላል። ባንዳ ካድሬ ሆዱ ከሞላለት የሌ,"['anger', 'sadness']","['ቁጣ', 'ሀዘን']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 1 0 0 0],['anger' 'sadness'],"What are you? He said to me, ""Bring you to the mother who gave birth to you. I am very sorry for your stomach. It is better to be cut off than to be thrown away." 2024-Am-4417,በስባሶች የቆጡን ኣወርዳለሁ ብላ የብብትዋን ጣለች እንኳንስ ዓሰብ ልታገኙ ይቅር ብትንትናችሁ ወጥቶ ትበታተናላችሁ ነበር ሆናችሁ ትቀራላችሁ ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"even if she threw her breast to get a blow , you would still be scattered if you let her go ." 2024-Am-1030,😭😭😭እጅግ በጣም አሳዛኝ ታሪክ ነው 😭ገና በለጋ ዕድሜሽ ይህንንን ሁሉ መከራ እንዴት ቻልሽው 😭በምድር ላይ የሰው ህይወት ብርቱ ሰልፍ አይደለምን ኢዮ 7፡1 አይዞሽ እግዚአብሔር ካንቺ ጋር ነው ሁሉም ያልፋል መከራሽም ነበር ያረግልሻል ።,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"😭😭😭it is a very sad story 😭how could you have suffered all this at such a young age 😭isn't the life of a man on earth a hard battle? Job 7:1 be strong, God is with you. all will pass and your troubles will be healed." 2024-Am-1394,የቤተሰብ ጭካኔ ይሄን ያህል ጭራሽ እናትና አባት ሰው በፈጣሪ ሀምሳል ተፈጥሮ እንደዚ አይነት የክፋት ጥግ አምላክ ሆይ ታረቀን ዝም አትበለን።,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"family violence is not so much mother and father, man is a reflection of the creator, nature is such a corner of evil, god, do not be silent." 2024-Am-1683,በአማራነት ተገፍቶ ኢትዮጵያዊ መሆን አይቻልም።ሁሉም አማራ ይህን ሀሳብ እንደመርህ ሊወስደው ይገባል። ባለመደራጀቱ እና ኢትዮጵያ የተባላ አሮጌ ልብስ ለዚህ ሁሉ መከራ ዳ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],You cannot be an Ethiopian forced by the alternative. All Amara should take this idea as their own. The lack of organization and the old clothes called Ethiopia are the cause of all this suffering. 2024-Am-5489,አትግደል ጠላትህን እንደራስህ ውደድ የሚለው አስርቱ ትእዛዛት በስህተት የተጻፈ ነው ደግሞም አትሳሳት አንተ የጠላኸው ሁሉ ሰይጣን ነው የሚለው ድምዳሜ ላንተ ቢሰራ ለሌላው እንደማይሰራ እወቅ ላንተ ሰይጣን የሆነው ለሌላው ቅዱስ ሊሆን ይችላል በምንመም መመዘኛ ግደሉ የሚል የሀይማኖት አባት እብድ ከመባል የዘለለ ማእረግ አይኖረውም ግደሉ ብሎ ለመስበክማ የአንተ አይነቶች በብዛት ስላሉ ጳጳስ አያሰፈልገንም ግደሉ ብሎ ለመስበክ ሽፍታ መሆ,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],"The Ten Commandments, ""Thou shalt not kill"", ""Love thy enemy as thyself"", are wrongly written, and make no mistake, if the conclusion that whatever you hate is the devil works for you, it will not work for another, know that what is the devil for you may be holy for another. Kill by the standard of disease. A religious father who says that he has no higher title than a madman, will not be able to preach that he is a murderer, because there are many of your kind, and the pope does not want us." 2024-Am-3521,አዎ ብዙው ነገር ይገርማል። ለማንኛዉም ብዙ ብልግና መናገር ስለሚደብር እንጂ ብዙ ነበር ግን ምን ያደርጋል ተዉት።ብቻ ቤተሰቡ የሚገርም እስክንድርም ሰርካለምም ልጆቹም በቃ ትልቅ ሰው ትልቅ ነው ትልቅ ሰው ትንሽ ሚስትም ትንሽ ቤተሰብም አይኖረው ፱,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"Yes, it is a lot of things that are surprising. It is not easy to say a lot of dirty things to anyone, but there was a lot, but what would he do? Leave it alone. The family is amazing, Alexander Sarkalem and his children are just a big man, a big man, a big man, a small wife and a small family." 2024-Am-4881,ኣይ ኢትዮጵያውያን እንቅልፋሞች ናቹ እኛ ኤሬትራኖች ኢትዮጽያ እንደ ምትፈርስ ያወቅነው ወያነ የክልል ሕገ መንግስት ኣንቀጽ 39 የመገንጠል መብት ነድፎ ኣገሪትዋ ሲመራ ሲጀምር ነው ይሄ ሁሉ ጦርነት ዘር ቶኮር ግድያና መፈናቀል የባለ ስልጣኖች ኣይን ያወጣ ሙስናና ዝርፍያ ንሮ ውድነቱና ድሕነት ሰው ኣግቶ ገንዘብ በባንክ ክፍያው ማዛወር ስንቱ ብየ ልጥቀስ ይሄን እንደሚሆን ኣውቆ ፕረሲደንት ኢሳያስ ሕገ መንግሱቱ ለኢትዮጵያ የማይመጥ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"the state constitution of ethiopia was written by the dictator when he won the right to independence and started to rule the country. all this war, murder and displacement of the authorities, corruption and robbery, the price and security of the person, and the transfer of money in the bank without paying. when i mention this, president Isaias declares that the constitution is not suitable for ethiopia." 2024-Am-5686,በጣም አደገኛ ጌምድሆችን የበለጠ ድሃ ያደረገሱሰኛአድርጎወደስፍራየሚያስሮጥ ሕልመኛ የሚያደርግላም አለኝ በሰማይ አስወግዱት ትውልድ ቀጣፊና አጥፊ ጌም,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"I have a dream that makes me run away from the most dangerous game, the one that makes me poorer, the one that makes me sick, the one that makes me dream that I have a dream that makes me run away from the most dangerous game, the one that makes me sick, the one that makes me dream that I have a dream that makes me run away from the most dangerous game, the one that makes me sick, the one that makes me dream that I have a dream that makes me dream, the one that makes me dream that makes me dream, the one that makes me dream that makes me dream, the one that makes me dream, the one that makes me dream, the one that makes me dream, the one that makes me dream, the one that makes me dream, the one that makes me dream, the one that makes me dream, the one that makes me dream, the one that makes me dream, the one that makes me dream, the one" 2024-Am-1594,ምስኪን ድሃ ሰው ነው የሚታየኝ። በጣም ግን የሚገርም አስተሳሰብ ያለህ ሰው ነህ። አንተን እግዚ አብሄር ይፈውስህ።,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],you look like a poor man. but you have a very strange mind. may god heal you. 2024-Am-2372,የዜጎችን ደህንነት እና የኢትዮጵያን አንድነት ማስጠበቅ፣ የዜጎች መፈናቀልና እኩልነት፣ የኢኮኖሚ ድቀቱን መቀነስ፣እጅግ አስፈሪ ብሔርተኝነትን መቀነስ፣ዜጎች በሁሉም ቦታ የመኖር መብት ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ነው,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"The protection of the security of the citizens and the unity of Ethiopia, the displacement and equality of the citizens, the reduction of the economic depression, the reduction of the terrible nationalism, the right of the citizens to live everywhere is a few of many." 2024-Am-732,አሁንም ይጨፍራል አንቺም ትጨፍሪ ዬለ እንዴ አደራሽ ውስጥ ያለው ነገር ሁሉ ስለዚህ ከንቱ አለም ብላ ጠጣ ተፈውሰሃል ቀንበርህ ተሰብሮልሃል የእናንተ ደግሞ የትኛው ነፃ አውጪ ግንባር እንደ ሆነ አላዉቅም አንዴ ነይና እውነተኛይቱን ቤተክርስቲያን ኦርቶዶክስ ተወህዶን ተመልከቺ ስለ ስጋሽ ሳይሆን ስለነብስሽ ሰላም ታገኚያለሽ🙏🙏🙏,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"He is still dancing, and you are dancing, yes, everything is accessible, so you have been healed by the world of vanity, you have been healed by the world of vanity, your yoke has been broken, and yours is I don't know which liberation front is yours, but once you have come and seen the true Orthodox Church born, you will find peace not because of your fear, but because of yourself." 2024-Am-720,የሙስሊም ሀገራት ጉዳዩን ለትባበሩት መንግስታት ከማቅረብ ይልቅ የሀይማኖት ጦርነት ያስመስሉትና ጥረታቸው ምንም ውጤት ሳያመጣ ይቀራል,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"Instead of taking the issue to the united nations, muslim countries will fake a religious war and their efforts will be fruitless." 2024-Am-1198,የኔ እናት 😭😭😭ኡፍፍፍ ያማል በእውነት 💔,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],My mother really hurts 😭😭😭 2024-Am-659,Kidì Ënåtèn Nãfàkì እኔ በዚህ ሰአት እስልምናን ተቀብያለው በፊት ኦርቶዶክስ ነበርኩኝ የሆነሰው ከኦርቶዶክስ ከወጣ ማጥላላላት ልማዳችሁ ነው,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"Kidì Ënåtèn Nãfàkì I was Orthodox before I converted to Islam at this time, it is customary to exclude someone from Orthodoxy" 2024-Am-5914,ኤትዮጵያ ታንቀሽ ሙቺ ያለ የለም ከፈለገች ግን ታንቃ ኣደለም በቁምዋ ብትሞት የራስዋ ምርጫ ነው ሞት በኢትዮጵያ ኖርማል ነው በየቀኑ ስንት ሰው ይሞታል ለማኞች,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"Ethiopia is not without its own deaths, but if Tanka Adalame dies in her position, it is her choice, death is normal in Ethiopia, how many people die every day begging" 2024-Am-162,እና ብርቅ ነው የሷ መሞት በፍልስጤም በኩል ሆስፒታል ገብቶ የሚገድል ውሻ የይሁዳ ስብስብ ምን እንበለው ህፃናቶች ሰላማዊ ሰዎች ህንፃቸው እያፈረሰ የዘር ማጥፋት የሚሰራ ወራሪ ሀይል ምን ትላላላቹ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],And it is rare that her death is in the Palestinian side of the hospital and the dog that kills the Jewish mob what shall we eat children civilians are destroying their building genocide invading force what will they say 2024-Am-674,ኡፉ ደስ ስትሉ በፋቅር ያኑራቹ ዘራቹ ይባረክ😍,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],blessed are the seeds that grow in love while you are happy 2024-Am-3473,በጣም ደግ ከሆነ ኮ ታዲያ በመቅደምህ ኩራት ቢገባህም ልትታበይ አይገባም ። ያልካቸው ግለሰቦች ወደ አንተ ጎራ መምጣት እንደ ምርጥ አጋጣሚ ልናብራቸው ስንችል እንዲህ ያ,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"If you are very kind, then you should be proud of your appearance, but you should not be proud." 2024-Am-3205,ችሎታህ የማይዋጥላቸው ጠላቶችህ በውሃ ላይ ስትራመድ ቢያዩህ ዋና ስላማይችል ነዉ ይሉሃልጠላቶች መልካም ነገር እንዲገጥምህ በአፋቸው ምኞታቸው እንደሆነ ይገልፁልሃል መልካሙም,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"if your enemies, who have no idea of your abilities, saw you walking on water, they would say you can't swim because you can't swim. the enemies would tell you that with their mouths, they wish you well, and the good." 2024-Am-4216,የታባታቸው እነዚህ ተላላኪ ሆዳም አድርባይ ካድሬዎች ከሃጂዎች የዲያቢሎስ አገልጋዮች የሆኑ መምህር ተብዬ ጳጳስ ተብዬ ፓትርያርክ ተብዬ ዲያቆን ተብዬዎች ፓስተር ተብዬ ሼካ ገረመሌ ተብዬዎች በሙሉ ገና ትጠረጋላቹሁ አትጠራጠሩ አሟሟታቹሁም በጣም የከፋ ይሆናል ሬሣቹሁም የአውሬና የአሞራ መጫዎቻ ሆኖ ይቀራል አትጠራጠሩ የዘራቹሁትን የምታጭዱበት ቀን ደርሷል አንዳቹሁም አትተርፉም እመኑኝ የእግዚአብሔር ሠይፍ ሊጠርጋቹሁ ተመዟልና ታዩታላቹሁ በቅርቡ ,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],"These cadres of the father, the emissaries of the stomach, the servants of the devil, the pilgrims, the teachers, the bishops, the patriarchs, the deacons, the pastors, the sheikhs, the nuns, all of them will be relieved, do not doubt, the dead will be much worse, and the corpses will be left as a game for the beasts and the vultures, do not doubt, the day has come for you to reap what you have sown, none of them will survive, believe me, they will be seen soon, because they are destined to be the sword of God." 2024-Am-3598,ቀኝ ግዛት ሲባል ለነጭሆች ብቻ ይመስልሃል መሃይም ነህ በኢውነት ግብጽም ሱዳን ገዝታ መኖርዋን ኣታቅም ዩኒቨርስቲን ህግን ተምረኣልሁ ስትል ህግ ጣቹን ስትሆን ያሳዝናል ከመማርህ ይቅር ቸማና ብትሆን ይቻልህ ነበር ደክቶር ደጀን ይገርማል,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"you think that the right wing is only for white people, you are illiterate, in fact, you don't know that Egypt ruled Sudan, you say that you studied law at university, but you are a lawmaker, it's a pity that you studied law, you could have been more modest than studying, dr. dejan would be surprised" 2024-Am-5019,ለማንኛውም ሰላማዊ ትግል አሁን ሀገሪቷን ከያዙት አቋም አንጻር መፍትሄ አይሆንም በመሆኑም ፋኖ አላማወም እራሱን እና ህዝቡን ከዚህ መንጋ አላቆ አናሳ ምናምን ሰይበል ቁጭብሎ የሚበጀውን የጋራ አመራር እንዲመሰረት ማድረግ ላይ ያተኮረው በሰላማዊ መንገድ የአማራ ህዝብ ታግሎ ጥይት ሳይሆን ጂራፍ ይዞ ላምርት እግዙኝ እስከማለት ሲሞክር ምላሹ ያለ ማዳበሪያ ያመረተውን ማቃጠል ሆነ ታይቶም ተሰምቶም አያወቅም ብራቮ ጠያቂው ጋዜጠኛ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"any peaceful struggle is not a solution given the current position of the country, so Fano Alamawam did not save himself and his people from this herd, he focused on making the minority to form a common leadership that would be better, and when he tried to say that the Amhara people fought in a peaceful way, not a gun, but a giraffe with a lambert, the answer was burning what he produced without fertilizer or Tom Tom did not know." 2024-Am-893,የእኔ ውድ ኡፍ😭😭😭 ቃላት አጣሁ «“{አምላከ እስራኤል}”» የሥራክን ይስጥክ «“{ፈጣሪ}”» ይፍረድብክ😭😭😭 እሱ ይቅጣክ ኧረ ያማል አይዞሽ የእኔ ውድ ኡፍ ቪዲዖውን መጨረስ አቃተኝ እውነቴን ነው የምላችሁ ዐይኖቼ በዕንባ ተሞሉ😭😭😭 ኧረ ኧረ የእናትም የሴቶችም ጨካኞች አሉ እንዴ? የ ኧረ የጭካኔ ጥግ😭 «“{አምላክ}”» አሁንም ቢሆን ጥንካሬውን ብርታቱን ኃይሉን…ይስጥሽ። «“{ፈጣሪ}”» ርኅራኄን አዛኝ ቀና ልብን ማስተዋልን…ይስጠን,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"My dear UFF😭😭😭 I'm at a loss for words {God of Israel} May you hide your work {Creator} May you judge 😭😭😭 He will punish you Oh, don't be sad my dear UFF I can't finish the video I'm telling the truth my eyes are full of tears 😭😭😭 Oh, are there also mothers and women's cruel? Oh, the corner of cruelty 😭{God} may he still give you his strength and his strength... {Creator} May he be compassionate and understanding..." 2024-Am-1411,ፓስተር ቢኒያም መሀይም ነው ወላዋይ ነው ።የጠየቁትንኳ በአግባቡ መመመለስ ቀርቶ አይሰማም።,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],pastor benjamin mahime is a jerk. he will not listen to anyone who asks him to answer properly. 2024-Am-268,Eli Jah ማንኛውም ሰው የፈለገውን ሐይማኖት የመከተል መብት አለው ከሚል አኳያ ነው ምናልፈው እንጂ የእስልምና ሐይማኖት ያን ያክል የሚያስመካ ሐይማኖት አይደለም። ድሮ ሰይፋቹን ፈርተን ነው የምናልፈው ዛሬ ግን እድሜ ለሶሻል ሚዲያ እንዘረግፈዋለን። 😊,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"Eli Jah is a religious person who believes that everyone has the right to follow the religion they want, but Islam is not a religion that is so reliable. We used to live in fear of the swords, but today we spend our lives on social media." 2024-Am-2248,ራስ አሉላ የህወሓት አባል ነበሩ እንዴ? ባንዲራው!?,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"Ras Al-Ula was a member of the TPLF, right? The flag!?" 2024-Am-5046,ጅዋር በፓለቲካው በጣም ጥሩ በሚባል ደረጃ ብትሆንም ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ያለው ስር የሰደደ ችግር ያለው በኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ውስጥ መሆኑን በፍጹም ለማየት አለመፈለግህ ወይም ንቀትህ ሁሉንም ብቃትህን በዜሮ ማባዛት እንደሚሆንብህ ለማወቅ አለመቻልህ ምክንያቱ ምን እንደሆነ ባውቀው ደስ ይለኝ ነበር,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"I would like to know why, although you are very good at politics, you do not want to see that the underlying problem in Ethiopia is in Ethiopian Orthodoxy or why you do not know that you should multiply all your qualifications by zero." 2024-Am-1640,የሰዎችን ሰውሰራሽ ሞት በፀጋ እየተቀበሉ ሃገር መምራት እንዴት ነው ልክ ሚሆነው? ሲቀጥል አንቺን ፍፁም ፃድቅ ሌላውን ሰይጣን እያደረግሽ፤ ለኢትዮጵያ ከኔ ውጭ አሳቢ የለም አይነት ጨዋታ ይቅርብሽ።,"['anger', 'sadness']","['ቁጣ', 'ሀዘን']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 1 0 0 0],['anger' 'sadness'],how is it right to lead a country that accepts the death of people by human error? while making you the perfect righteous and the other devil; forgive the game like there is no one who cares for Ethiopia except me. 2024-Am-5245,አሽባሪው ሐማስ ሳይሆን እስራኤል ነች ህፃናትን መግደል ጅግና አያስብልም ኤርዶጋን ጅግና ነው ስለ ምዕራብያውን ማዕቀብ ካነሳህ ፍትሐዊ አይደለም ባንድ ወቅት እኛም ላይ ጥለውብን ነበር ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"It is not Hamas who is the terrorist, it is Israel who is the hero, killing children is not a hero, Erdogan is a hero, it is not fair if you talk about the Western sanctions, they threw us during the band." 2024-Am-2287,ባንልስ ይቀርልናል ነበር እኮ ልዩነቱ እኛ መጥፎ ለስራው እንቃወማለን ጥሩ ለሰራው ደግሞ እናመሰግናለን በጅምላ ግን አንፈርድም አንወነጅልም መለስ በበደለው እ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"Banals would have been missed, the difference is that we oppose the bad for the work and thank the good for the work, but we do not judge or condemn the wrong." 2024-Am-4787,ኦሮሞ ጊዜ እኮ አዲስ ክስተት ነው ትግራይ ግን በመከራችን ጊዜ በጦርነቱ አልጠየቃችሁኝም ነው ብለው ነው የተለዩት ስለዚህ አንድ እይደለም የሁለቱ ጉዳዮች,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],the time of the oromo is a new phenomenon in tigray but in our time of trouble they were separated because they did not ask me in the war so one cannot say that the two issues are the same 2024-Am-5155,አለምዬ ባይሳካልህም neutral ለመሆን ብትሞክር ጥሩ ነው በዚህ ተራ የህፃናት ማታለያ የሚሸወድ የለም እስራኤል ከካርቶን የተሰራ ነብር ናት ድንጋይ ወረወራችሁ ብሎ በሺዎች የሚቆጠሩ የ5 ዓመት ህፃናትን የሚያስር አውሬ ሶስት ቡድኖች በጋራ ያደረጉትን ልምምድ እያየ ችላ ብሎ አልፎታል ማለት ራስን ማታለል በቃ ከዚህ በኋላ የእስራኤል አቅም በሚገባ ታይቷል የስለላ ድርጅቷም ተፈትኖ ወድቋል አገር ሆና የመቀጠል ህልውናዋ ራሱ ጥያቄ ዉስጥ ገብ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"If you fail to be neutral, it's better to try to be neutral, no one will be fooled by this simple childish trick. Israel is a cardboard tiger, a beast that will throw stones at thousands of five-year-old children, and has ignored the joint exercise of three groups." 2024-Am-5097,ተስፋየ እበት ነው ሲኦል ውስጥ ክፉ ነገር ሁሉ ይግጠመው,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],The hope is that all the bad things in hell will happen 2024-Am-1562,አምቡላንሱ ውስጥ የተገደለው የጋዛው ነፍስ አድን ፈጥኖ ደራሽ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],The Gaza rescuer killed in the ambulance was shot dead 2024-Am-5233,ወንድሜ የትኛዉ መንግሥት ነው የምታወራዉ የሰዉ ልጆ በጠራራ ፀሀይ የምገደልበት አገር ነፍሱን ይማር ያሳዝናል,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"brother what kingdom are you talking about, the country where i kill people in the hot sun, it is sad to learn his soul" 2024-Am-771,Yosiyas Love Color ደደደብ የደደደብ ልጅ ዘረኝነት ለማንም አይበጂም መሀይም ማነውና ጦርነቱን የቀሰቀሰው የማናውቅ አደረከን እንዴ እኔ እንደ አንተ ብሄር አልቆጥርም ግን ታሳዝናለህ አሁን መሸሸሸጊያ ሲጠፋብህ አንድ የተከበረን መሪ ያለ አቅምህ ትዘልፋለህ?,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],Yosiyas Love Color stupid stupid boy racism does not harm anyone you have made us unknown who is the Mahay and who started the war yes i do not count as a nation like you but you will be sad now when you lose your refuge will you jump over a respected leader without your ability? 2024-Am-3894,የሰሜን ኮሪያው አየር መንገድ ከኮቪድ በኋላ ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ዓለም አቀፍ በረረ አደረገ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],North Korean Airlines makes first post-COVID international flight 2024-Am-2601,መደመር ትንሽ ይሉኝታ ካለው አውሬ (ህወሀት) ምንም አይነት እንደ እንስሳት ያለ የተፈጥሮም እንኳ ይሁን፣የሰውና የአምላክ ሕግ ወደማይገዛው አደገኛ አውሬ (ኦህዴድ ብልፅግና) አሸጋግሮናል,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"We have gone from a little sluggish beast (the people), even if it is of animal nature, to a dangerous beast (the prosperity of the OHL), which is not subject to the laws of man and God." 2024-Am-1177,ለእናት ምንም ብደረግ ያንሳታን ደስ ይላል,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],I am happy with everything I do for my mother 2024-Am-2177,ወነትም ዝናሽ ታየቸው የሚገርም ስም ከሰሰ ጋር ሲመሳሰል እግዚአብሔር አብዝቶ ከነቤተሰባችሁ ይባርክልን።,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],may god bless you and your family when the amazing name that won't rain is similar to the one that was given to you. 2024-Am-4788,ኚኚለፍዳዳ ገመድ አፍ ጥብ ዲቃላ አቺ እኮ ፍልስፄማውያን አይደለሺም መምጫሺ ማይታዎቀቅ የንፋስ ብናኝ የኢትዪጲያ ጥገኛ ምናምኒያም ስላም ነሺ ዎዴተደ ዎዴት ነው ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"You are not a philosopher, you are not a smoker, you are not a smoker, you are a wind-blower, you are a wind-blower, you are a wind-blower, you are a wind-blower, you are a wind-blower, you are a wind-blower, you are a wind-blower, you are a wind-blower, you are a wind-blower, you are a wind-blower, you are a wind-blower, you are a wind-blower, you are a wind-blower, you are a wind-blower, you are a wind-blower, you are a wind-blower, you are a wind-blower, you are a wind-blower, you are a wind-blower, you are a wind-blower, you are a wind-blower, you are a wind-blower," 2024-Am-3626,“ንቦች ለቀረቧቸው እንደ ሰው ናቸው” ታምራት ጌታቸው,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],The ants are like humans to their owners 2024-Am-2321,አዲስ አበባ ውስጥ ኢመደበኛ አደረጃጀት አለ በሚል ሂሳብ ብዙ ወገኖቻችንን ለማፈን እየታሰበ መሆኑን ስትሰማ የህውሃትን አገዛዝ አታስታውስም።,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],you will not remember the rule of the communists when you hear that there is an informal organization in Addis Ababa that is being planned to suppress many of our people. 2024-Am-355,የወንድ አልጫ እንደ አባቶችህ ዘራፍ ማለት ነው ሌላ ምናባትህ ታመጣለህ አህያ ���,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"A male donkey is a donkey like your fathers, you will bring another donkey." 2024-Am-3015,ሰው መሳደብ ብልግና ከመሆን አልፎ ባዶነትን ያሳብቃል,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"In addition to being immoral, abusive speech can lead to emptiness" 2024-Am-3208,ጅል መሆናችሁን ስለሚያውቅ እናንተን በእጁ ለማስገባት የተጠቀመው ስልት ነው ተሳካለት የኦሮሞ ፅንፈኛን ደጋፊው እንድትሆኑ አደረገ የሚገርም ፖለቲካ ሰራላችሁ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],he knows you are stupid and his strategy to get you is successful he made you become his supporter of the oromo ideology you have done amazing politics 2024-Am-5574,እኔ ያልገባኝ አሁን ላለው ትውልድ ሚሊየነር ሁን ብትለው ባትለው ከመልፋት ወደ ኀላ አላለምም አይልምምይሄን ትት አንድ አነቃቂ ቢናገረው ባልገረመኝ ካንተ ግን ስለ ዲንና ስለ አኼራ ብታስተምር ነው ሚያምርብህ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"I don't understand if you tell the current generation to be a millionaire, it won't be a surprise if a motivator says it, but if you teach about Dean and Aheera, it will be a surprise." 2024-Am-4088,ብዙ የአገሪቷ ክፍሎች ሰዎች በምግብ እጦት በረሃብ በሚሞቱበት ግዜ ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትሩ ደሞ በመናፈሻዎች ፓርኮች ምረቃ ውድ ግዚያቸው ስያጠፉ ማየት ያሳዝናል ህዝቡ ከመንግስት የሚፈልገው ዋነኛ ነገር ሰላም እንጂ መናፈሻ ኣይደለም ሰላም ከሌለ ቱሪስት ይሸሻል እንጂ ለመጎብኘት ኣይመጣም,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"it is sad to see the prime minister wasting his precious time in the inauguration of the amusement parks, while people in many parts of the country are dying of hunger due to lack of food. the people want the most important thing from the government, not the parks, but the peace. if there is no peace, the tourist will run away, not come to visit." 2024-Am-305,ማይኮ እንኳን እውነተኛ የማይደፈርስ አህምሮን የሚያልፈ ሰላም ውስጣዊ እረፍት ወዳለበት፤ በክርስቶስ ብቻ ወደሚገኘው እውነቸኛ የውስጥ ሳቅ ወደ ሚሳቅበት መንፈሳዊው ወደ ሆነው ወደ እግዚያብሔር አለም፤ ወጣትነት ሳያልቅ በጉብዝና ወራት በጊዜ እንኳን መጣህ !!!እድለኛ ነህ ደስ ብሎኛል,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"Welcome to the real world of God, where peace transcends the mind, where there is inner peace, where there is a true inner laughter, which is found only in Christ, where there is a spiritual world, where there is a true inner laughter, where there is a true inner laughter, where there is a true inner laughter, where there is a true inner laughter, where there is a true inner laughter, where there is a true inner laughter, where there is a true inner laughter, where there is a true inner laughter, where there is a true inner laughter, where there is a true inner laughter, where there is a true inner laughter, where there is a true inner laughter, where there is a true inner laughter, where there is a true inner laughter, where there is a true inner laughter, where there is a true inner laughter, where there is a true inner laughter," 2024-Am-607,ወይኔ በጣም ነው የምታሳዝን እጅግ በጣም አቤቱ ማርን,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"Oh, my dear, you are so sad, O most noble Marn." 2024-Am-4532,ቅድመ ኢህዴግ ካወራን እኮ ኦሮሞ የሚባል ትግራ የሚባልም ክልል አልነበረም ለምሳሌ ኦሮሞን ብናይ ወለጋ አውራጃ ጅማ ባሌ ወዘተ ነበር ደስ የሚለው የወሎ ሕዝብ በእንዳንተ አይነት አጭበርባሪ አይታለልም,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"before the eprd, there was no region called oromo or tigra, for example, oromo was in the district of walga, jima bale, etc. fortunately, the people of walo are not fooled by any kind of scammer" 2024-Am-1546,ከተለቀቁት እስራኤላውያን ታጋቾች መካከል የአራት ዓመት ህጻን እንዳለችበት ተገለጸ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],A four-year-old girl was identified as one of the freed Israeli fighters 2024-Am-5211,ምነው ዛሬ ነውንዴ ሶማሊላንድ የተፈጠረችው 33 ዓመት የት ነበራቹ የጥቅም እንጂ የመርህ ሰዎች እንዳልሆናቹ የሚያሳይ ነው,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],today is the day when somaliland was founded 33 years ago where they were people of profit and not of principle 2024-Am-5737,ብቸኛው ስብራት ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ጠሚ ተብየውና የሰበሰበው የብልጽግና ግሳንግስ ነው ሌላው እዳው ገብስ ነው በሺህዎች ጨፍጭፈው በሚሊዎኖች አፈናቅለው ካበቁ በህዋላ ስለ ግጭት አዙሪት መደስኮር የዚህ ሁሉ ውጥንቅጥ ፈጣሪዎች ራሳቸው ሆነው ችግር ፈቺ መፍትሄ አምጪ መስሎ የመታየት ድርቅና ነው ህዝብ ግን ያውቃል ማን አንደጨፈጨፈው ማን እንደገደለው ማን ከተማ አትገባም እያለ በገዛ ሃገሩ በማይነገር ብልግና እንዳንገላታው ማን እንዳስራበው ማን ሁለን,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"the only fracture is the wealth that is being accumulated in ethiopia by the gsangs, who are called as the greedy and the other is the debt of barley, if they have destroyed thousands and displaced millions, then they are bragging about the conflict in the middle of the day, the creators of all this chaos are the attempt to appear as the problem solvers themselves, but the people know who beat him, who killed him, who did not let us be defeated by corruption in the country, while ruling the city, who did not let us enter the country" 2024-Am-3017,ይህ የቀድሞ የግብፅ ከፍተኛ ባለስልጣን የተናገረው ነገር የሚነግረን አንድ እውነት አለ። ከዚህ ቀውስ ጀርባ የህዝቧን ግፊት እና እርምጃ ውስድ ውሳኔን ለማግኘት ይህን ብጥብጥ ሆን ብለ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"There is a truth to this statement by a former Egyptian high official. Behind this crisis, the people have been pushing and acting to get a decision." 2024-Am-2589,እርር አላቹሁ አይደል የሚገርም ነው ያን ጉድጓድ እናንተው እንዳትገቡበት ጠንቀቅ ማለቱ ይበጃል?,['surprise'],['መደነቅ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 1 0],['surprise'],"I'm not surprised, but it's worth noting that you don't go into that hole yourself." 2024-Am-5577,አይዞሽ እኔም ሶስት አመቴ ነው ግን ለቤተሰብም እየረዳሁኝ አባቴን አስታምሜ ቀበርኩኝ ግን አራት መቶ ሽብር አለኝ ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"I'm three years old, but I'm helping my family, I've taken care of my father, but I have four hundred terrorists." 2024-Am-24,ተመስገን ቤተክርስቲያናችንን ይጠብቅልን አደራ በአቋማችሁ ጽኑልን ማኅበረ ቅዱሳን በምንም አጋጣሚ የቀን ስራም ሰርተን የገንዘብ ድጋፍ ኤንደግፋለን እንጂ በገንዘብ ሰበብ ምንፍቅርና እንዳይገባብን ብጥር ጥርት እንዳለች ለልጅ ልጅ ማድረስ አለብን ይሄ ደግሞ የሁላችን ትብብር ነው ተስፋ ያደረግነው ማለትም የእስካሁኑ አገልግሎት እሚያኮራ ስለሆነ ነው,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"We must convey to our grandchildren that we will not be able to support the church by working day and night, but we will support it financially, and this is the cooperation of all of us, because we hope that the current ministry will be proud." 2024-Am-4605,Depration ብቻ ነው የሰራባት አይምሮዋ ላይ ሴቶች እያመጣ ጭንቀት ፈጥሮባት ነው,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"Depression is the only thing that works on her mind, and it's causing her anxiety." 2024-Am-4958,የነንቴ መሰል media አሁንም ነጭ ውሸት መወሸተቹ መች ይደክማቹሀል እነሱ ሞሉት ሌላ እናንቴ ምትሉት ገሀነም,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"The media is still lying to you, and you are tired of the lies they are full of, and the other media is lying to you." 2024-Am-3573,አዲሱ አይፎን 15 በ ‘ታይፕ ሲ’ ቻርጀር ከ70ሺህ ብር ጀምሮ ለገበያ ቀረበ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"The new iPhone 15 with the QTYPE C3 charger launched at a price of 70,000 Rupees." 2024-Am-2667,ከተማ ላይ ህንፃ መገንባት ሳር መትከል የእድገት ጥግ መስሎ የታያችሁኮ ከወለጋ ጫካ ድንገት ስለወጣችሁ ነው። አይ ሸኔ?,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"building a building in a city, planting grass, and it seems like a development corner, because you suddenly came out of the forest of the valley." 2024-Am-1166,የእዉነት ከተመለስክ ደስ ይላል በጉብዝናህ ጊዜ ፈጣሪህን አስብ እንደሚባለዉ ። እንደለመድከዉ ፕራንክ ነዉ እንዳትል !!!,['fear'],['ፍርሃት'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 1 0 0 0 0],['fear'],"If you are back to your old ways, it will be good to remember your Creator in your youth. Don't say that it is a prank as you are used to !!!" 2024-Am-5663,እግዚአብሔር ለኢትዮጵያ አንተን ሰጣት እንባዋ ታበሰ ክብሯ ተመለሰ ጨለማው በራላት መልኳም ተመለሰ ቁስሏ ደረቀላት ጠባሳም አልያዘ የት ነበርክ እሳካሁን ልጄ አክባሪዬ አኮራኸኝ እኮ ኑርልኝ አብዬ Love You Man May God Bless You Your Family ,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"God gave you to Ethiopia, her tears were boiled, her glory returned, the darkness disappeared, her face returned, her wounds dried, she did not have a scar, where were you? Succeed, my son, my son, you have honored me, stay with me, my father, love you man may God bless you and your family." 2024-Am-2427,መፈታትም የለበትም ይሄ ማንነቱን ያላወቀ ሕዝብን በሕዝብ ላይ ያነሳሳ የከፋ የዘር ፍጅት ቅስቀሳ ያደረገ አእምሮው በእጅጉ የቆሸሸ ልቡ በጥላቻ የታወረ የረከሰ,"['anger', 'disgust']","['ቁጣ', 'አስጸያፊ']",['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 1 0 0 0 0 0],['anger' 'disgust'],"He should not be released, this unknown person who inspired the worst genocide against the people, whose mind was so dirty, whose heart was so dirty, covered in hatred." 2024-Am-1100,ወላሂ አንድ ነገር ቢል ኖሮ ለኢትዮጵያ ሙስሊሞች ንቀት ነበር አላደረገውም ትልቅ ችግር ነበር ይሄ መንግስት ሚገጥመው ምክንያቱም ኢስራኤልን መቼም ቢሆን የኢትዮጵያ ሙስሊሞች አይደግፍም,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"If lahaye had said anything, it would have been disrespect for ethiopian muslims, but it was not. it was a big problem for this government because it would never support israel." 2024-Am-4550,ይህ ሰውዬ ቱልቱላ ነው የሚታየውን ነገር እየካደ ነው የአማራን ሞት የሚንቅ ልክስክስ ነው,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"This man is a Tultula, he is denying what is seen, Amaran's death is a shameful act." 2024-Am-2266,አብይ ለራሱ ስልጣን ሲል ነው ጦርነት ውስጥ የገባው ። ወያኔ 4ኪሎ መጥታ ትሰቅለው ነበር ኦነግን በሽግግር ጊዜ ጨፍጭፈው እንዳባረሩት።,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],Abiy went to war for his own power. 4K would have come and hanged him if they had crushed and expelled Ogun during the transition. 2024-Am-466,ማሪያምን በጣም ያሳዝናል ጦርነት አስከፊ ነዉ ንፁሀን እናቶች ህፃናት ብቻ ሰላሙን ያዉርድልን ፈጣሪ ድል ለትና የምትሉ ሰወች ግን ጤነኛ ናችሁ ጦርነት ማህበራዊ ሚዲያ ላይ እደመፃፍ ቀላል አይደለም,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"Mariam is very sad about the war, it is terrible, innocent mothers say only children bring peace, the creator wins, but you are healthy, war is not easy to write on social media" 2024-Am-3266,ልክ ብለሃል አቶ ኤፍሬም። ዘግይተህም ቢሆን እንዲህ ማሰብህ ኣደንቃለሁ። ያኔ በትግራይ የዘር ማጥፋት ጦርነት ወቅት ይህን ቅዱስ ሃሳብ የት ተደበቀብህ? ኣንተም መርጠ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],You are right Mr. Ephraim. I appreciate your late thinking. Where did you hide this sacred thought during the Tigray genocide? 2024-Am-5389,የተከበሩት ፌልድማርሻል ብርሃኑ ጁላ የተናገሩት በሙሉ ትክክል ነው እውነቱን ነው ቁጭ ያረጉት እናመሰግንሆታለን ፌልዳችን እኛ ኢትዮጵያዊያን ከመከላከያችን ጎን ነን መከላከያችንን የደፈረ ሀገር መድፈር ነው መከላከያ ካምፑ መላ ኢትዮጵያ ናት የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ የመረጠው መንግስት አለው ቁልፍ የኢትዮጵያን ያስረከብነው ለአብቹና ለመከላከያችን ነው ይሰማል እዛ ቤት,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"The respected Field Marshal Berhanu Jula is right in everything he said, it is the truth, sit down and thank him, our field is the defense of the country that dared to defend itself, we Ethiopians are on the side of our defense, the defense camp is the whole of Ethiopia, the government elected by the people of Ethiopia has the key, we have handed over Ethiopia to our father and for our defense, this house is heard" 2024-Am-3456,ፈሳም። ምድረ ቅዘናም! ገና ብዙ ሰርፕራይዝ ታያለህ። ምነው? የፊውዳሎች ቤተመንግስት ይረሳል ብለህ ሰጋህ? ገና ገና ብዙ ፕሮጀክቶች አሉ።,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"The city is also home to the famous ""City of the Dead"", a famous museum dedicated to the history of the dead." 2024-Am-2869,ሌባ ባንተ ልክ ያግበሰበሰና ሰው ያፈናቀለ ማን አለ? ሁሌም ጭንቅ ሲመጣባችሁ አገር አገር እንደምትሉ ተባኖባችኋል,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"who has robbed and driven away a man as a thief does? when you are always in trouble, you are said to be a foreigner" 2024-Am-4072,ከብዙ ቆይታ በዃላ በማየቲ ደስ ብሎኛል ምነዉ በዚህ ጊዚ ጠፍህ ተሰፍየ ምነዉ,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"I was glad to see you after so long, I wish you had disappeared in this Gizi" 2024-Am-2072,የነብስ አባት ለመያዝ ይቅርና፥ ድንገት መንገድ ላይ ያገኘሁት ቄስ ይሁን ጳጳስ፥ በትግራይ ህዝብ ላይ በተደረገው የዘር ማጥፋት ወንጀል ምን ድርሻ እንደነበረው ሳላውቅ ሳላጣራ የያዘውን,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"let alone arresting Nabs father: a priest or bishop I met on the street, without knowing what role he played in the genocide against the tigray people, held without searching" 2024-Am-5042,አቶ ጀዋር በጣም መስከኖት በጥልቅ ለማሰብ በር የከፈተሎት ይመስለኛል ብዙ መልካም ሀሳብ አድምጫለው በዚሁ ይቀጥሉ,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],"Mr. Jawar, I think your speech has opened the door for you to think deeply, listen to many good ideas and keep doing so." 2024-Am-5288,ኢትዮጵያ ምድራዊ ሲኦል ሆናለችኢትዮጵያ ጦርነት ችጋርመከራ ጠኔ ክፋት ሁሉ መለያዋ ሆኗል,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"Ethiopia has become a hell on earth. Ethiopia's war, strife, and evil have become its hallmark." 2024-Am-3156,ግድያው! ከብልፅግና ጓዳ ያልተጠበቀ መረጃአነጋጋሪው ሠው አነጋጋሪ መረጃ አወጡበአቶ ግርማ ግድያ ዙሪያ የተሠ via ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],The murder! unexpected information from the wealthy familyThe speaker of the House of Representatives released information about the murder of Mr. Gamma. 2024-Am-507,አረ ኣድርገሀው ስትጨርስ ፕራንክ ነው የሚል ተልካሻ ምክንያት ይቁም,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"When you're done, stop saying it's a prank." 2024-Am-4067,ማፈሪያ ነህ የኢትዮጵያ ሰራዊት በአንተ መመራቱ ያሳዝናል,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],it's a pity that you are the leader of the ethiopian army 2024-Am-940,ዉሼታምምም አንች እሱ ብሳሳሳት አንች እንኳን እንብ አትይም,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],He will not be moved to tears even if he is wrong . 2024-Am-5297,ሃገሪትዋ ውስጥ ቀውስ ካስገብዋት ሰዎች አንዱ አንተ ነበርክ አሁን ምንም እንዳላደረገ ጣትህን ሌላ ላይ መቀሰሩ ትንሽ አይከብድም,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"You were one of the people who caused a crisis in her country, now it's not so hard to point your finger at someone who did nothing." 2024-Am-1493,ፍንዳታ ጌታ ይገስፅህ ራቁትህ ሁነህ ለሴቶች ብትልክ አይሻልም ደሞ እ/ር ያሻግራል ትላለህ😂 ኢየሱስ ሊመጣ ሲል ጦርነት ረሀብ ሀሰተኛ ነብያት ይመጣሉ ኢሉምኔንቲ ይመጣል ... . የት እናድርገው ትንቢቱን,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"explosion god will chastise you if you are naked and send it to women, you will say that it is not good for you to go and say that it will pass. when jesus comes, war, hunger, false prophets will come, illusion will come ... where do we make the prophecy" 2024-Am-5857,የሲማይ እናት ሀዘን ላይ እንኳን ሆና ታምራለች,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],Simi's mother cries even in grief 2024-Am-1428,እንደው ምን ኣይነት ጭካኔ ነው እየተካሄደ ያለው? ያማል። የሰው ልጅ በሰላም የመኖር መብቱ ተነፈገ። የት ሂዶ ይኑር? ፈጣሪ ሆይ ምህረት ኣውርድልን።,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"What kind of cruelty is going on? Yes, man's right to live in peace is being denied. Where can he go?" 2024-Am-4355,ሌላው ትንታኔህ ጥሩ ቢሆንም አሰብ እንዴት የቀይ ባህር መግቢያ እንዳደረግኸው አልገባኝም ኤርትራ በሙሉ ልትሆን አትችልም መሀል ላይ ነው ያለችው ጂቡቲ ብቻ ነው ልትሆን የምትችለው,['joy'],['ደስታ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 1 0 0],['joy'],your other analysis is good but i don't understand how you made the red sea entrance. you can't be all of eritrea. it's only djibouti in the middle. 2024-Am-4258,ኡ ይቺ ሴቲዮ ገና ጉድ ታመጣለች ዝምብላ በራሱዋ እየተረጎመች ነው ገደል እየገባች ያለችው የሆነ የራሱዋ ፍልስፍና ሆነ እምነት ሳይሆን ፍልስፍና ብላ መውሰድ ትችላለች ነገር ግን እምነት ነው ብሎ ሌሎች ጥቃቅን እውነቶችን ጨምሮ የሆኑ ደራስያንን ወይንም አወዛጋቢ ሊቃውንቶችን ጽሁፍ አክላ እምነት ብሎ ማውራት እና አማኙን ማወክ ነውር እና ብልግና ነው ዞሮ ዞሮ የምዕራባውያኑ አጀንዳ አንድ አካል ነው,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"She can take philosophy as her own philosophy or faith, but not as her own philosophy or faith, but to add to the faith of the writers or controversial scholars who write about other minor truths and to talk about faith and to disturb the believer is a shame and a corruption, it is all part of the Western agenda." 2024-Am-2656,እንደዚህ እንደ አበደ ውሻ የሚያንቀዠቅዠው የመጥፊያው ግዜ ስለደረሰ ነው ከልቦናህ ተመልሰህ በጎ ስራ ብለው ቢመክሩትም አልሰማ ብሏል መከራ ይመክረዋል,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"He snarls like a wild dog because the time of his destruction has come, and he says, ""If you turn from your heart and call him a good deed, he will not listen""." 2024-Am-2269,ሙሠሳ፣ አድዋ ታሪክን ነው ውድቅ ያረግከው። መልካም ነው። እስላም ነኝ ብለሐል። እስኪ ስለእምነትህ ይህንን መልስልኝ? 1 ቁርዓንን ማን ፃ,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"Musa, you have rejected the history of Adwa. Good. He said I am a Muslim. Please answer me this about your faith? 1 Who read the Quran" 2024-Am-2531,ብዙ ቅሬታ አለ እኮ ?,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"There are many complaints , right ?" 2024-Am-192,በምድር ለሰው ልጆች ሁሉ ሰላም ይሁን ጎራ ለይታችሁ ድል ለከሌ ድል ለከሌ የምትሉ ሰዎች መጀመሪያ እንደሰው ማሰብ ብትጀምሩ መልካም ነው እየሞተ ያለው ክብር የሰው ልጅ ነው ። ሁለቱ ሀገራ ት ሰላም ያውርድላቸው ጸሎቴ ይሄ ነው🙏🙏🙏 ሰላም ለሰው ልጆች ሁሉ,['neutral'],['ገለልተኛ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1],['neutral'],"Peace be to all people on earth, those who say, ""Separate your domain, victory to the other side, victory to the other side"", it is good if you start thinking first as a human being. The glory that is dying is the human being. May the two nations have peace. This is my prayer. Peace to all mankind." 2024-Am-3207,እህህ ያማል እጅግ ፈጣሪ መፅናናትን ይስጣቹህ እንኳን ለቤተሰቡ ለኢትዮጵያውያንም የእግር እሳት ነው የሆነው። ምንም ይሁን ምን እርሱን እንዲህ አይነት የጭካኔ ጥግ ውግዝ ነው።,['sadness'],['ሀዘን'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 0 0 1 0 0 0],['sadness'],"your sister jamal is a burden to his family and to the ethiopians. whatever it is, he is such a cruel opponent." 2024-Am-5446,እንደ ኢትዮጵያ ላሉ ድሃ አገሮች ላይ አይሆንም አይሰራም መንግስት የወሰደው እርምጃ ነው አደገኛ ቁማር ነው,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],"No, it doesn't work for poor countries like Ethiopia, it's a government action, it's a dangerous gamble." 2024-Am-2080,ለኣባታቻቸው ክበር ለእናቶቻቸ እንባ ለማበስ ለተደፈሩ ህቶቻቸው ብለው ለሰማእትነት ዝግጁ ሆነው የወጡ ጀገኖች ናቸው አንተም ልያኮራህ ይገባልማነህ ኣስተማሪው,['anger'],['ቁጣ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[1 0 0 0 0 0 0],['anger'],"They are heroes who are ready to die for their dreams, who dared to shed tears for their mothers, for the honor of their fathers, and you should be proud of them." 2024-Am-1469,ፓስተር ብንያም ሽታዬ ፓስተር መባል የለበትም ምክንያቱም እርሱ አጭበርባሪ ነዉ,['disgust'],['አስጸያፊ'],['anger' 'disgust' 'fear' 'sadness' 'joy' 'surprise' 'neutral'],[0 1 0 0 0 0 0],['disgust'],Pastor benjamin stathay should not be called pastor because he is a fraud