export ^ require "states/scenes/scenestate" require "timer" require "states/transitions/fadetoblack" require "states/transitions/fadefrom" class FinderSceneState extends SceneState new: (scene, fulltext, @clues_to_find, @startIndices, @stopIndices) => super(scene) -- @timer = CigTimer() -- should be another? @timer = MatchTimer() -- some changes to makes it simpler @textBox.font = love.graphics.newFont "res/font/courier-prime/Courier Prime.ttf", 23 @textBox.autoText = string.gsub(fulltext, "\n>", "\n ") @textBox.mute = true @clueToFind = 1 -- index of @clues_to_find @clueAtPointer = nil -- name of the clue @clueSelected = nil -- name of the clue @cluesFound = {} @foundHighlights = {} @portraitplayer = love.graphics.newImage("res/characters/portraits/assistant.png") @helperbox = InGameHelper("Try to find the item described by HatShade.\nClick on it before it's too late!") -- sanity checks assert #@clues_to_find == #@startIndices and #@startIndices == #@stopIndices, "invalid parameters: #{#@clues_to_find} - #{#@startIndices} - #{#@stopIndices}" for name in *@clues_to_find assert @scene.clues[name] ~= nil, "Invalid clue name: #{name}" update: (dt) => super(dt) if @clueToFind <= #@clues_to_find if not @timer.started and #@textBox.text >= @startIndices[@clueToFind] -- start timer duration = (@stopIndices[@clueToFind] - @startIndices[@clueToFind]) / @textBox.autoTypeSpeed @timer\start(duration) elseif @timer.started and #@textBox.text >= @stopIndices[@clueToFind] -- stop timer if @clues_to_find[@clueToFind] == @clueSelected @found_clue(@clues_to_find[@clueToFind]) else @lost_clue(@clues_to_find[@clueToFind]) @clueSelected = nil @clueToFind += 1 else -- highlight clue under cursor scale, offset_x, offset_y = @getOffsetAndScale() mx, my = love.mouse.getPosition() img_x = math.floor((mx - offset_x) / scale) img_y = math.floor((my - offset_y) / scale) if (img_x >= 0 and img_y >= 0 and img_x <= @scene.spriteImg\getWidth() and img_y <= @scene.spriteImg\getHeight() ) clue = @scene\getClueAt(img_x, img_y) if clue @clueAtPointer = clue.name else @clueAtPointer = nil else @clueAtPointer = nil else statestack\push FadeToBlack(1) found_clue: (name) => clue = @scene.clues[name] table.insert(@cluesFound, name) -- draw the found clue in green img = clue.highlightImg imgdata = img\getData() foundImgData = love.image.newImageData(img\getWidth(), img\getHeight()) foundImgData\paste(imgdata, 0, 0, 0, 0, img\getWidth(), img\getHeight()) foundImgData\mapPixel( (x, y, r, g, b, a) -> g, r, b, a ) table.insert @foundHighlights, love.graphics.newImage(foundImgData) lost_clue: (clue) => statestack\push FadeFrom {255, 0, 0}, 0.3 draw_clue_layer: => super() for img in *@foundHighlights love.graphics.draw(img, 0, 0) if @clueAtPointer love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 100) love.graphics.draw(@scene.clues[@clueAtPointer].highlightImg, 0, 0) love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 255) if @clueSelected love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 255) love.graphics.draw(@scene.clues[@clueSelected].highlightImg, 0, 0) mousepressed: (x, y, button) => switch button when 1 @clueSelected = @clueAtPointer
uri_patts = require 'lpeg_patterns.uri' Incoming = require 'quest.incoming' Outgoing = require 'quest.outgoing' util = require 'http.util' lpeg = require 'lpeg' cq = require 'cqueues' EOF = lpeg.P -1 uri_patt = uri_patts.uri * EOF if rawget(_G, '_DEV') == true new = Outgoing Outgoing = (...) -> ok, req = dbg.call new, ... req if ok quest = (verb, uri, headers) => if type(uri) ~= 'table' uri = assert uri_patt\match(uri), 'invalid URI' uri.port or= util.scheme_to_port[uri.scheme] uri.version or= 1.1 req = Outgoing uri, headers req.for = verb..' '..dbg.pretty uri path = uri.query and uri.path..'?'..uri.query or uri.path authority = util.to_authority uri.host, uri.port, uri.scheme req\set ':authority', authority req\set ':scheme', uri.scheme req\set ':method', verb req\set ':path', path return req quest = setmetatable {}, __call: quest quest.fetch = (uri, headers) -> quest('GET', uri, headers)\send! local sock_mt quest.sock = (path) -> assert type(path) == 'string', 'socket path must be a string' setmetatable {:path}, sock_mt sock_request = (verb, path, headers) => if type(path) ~= 'string' headers, path, verb = path, verb, 'GET' assert type(path) == 'string', '`path` must be a string' req = Outgoing {path: @path, version: 1.1}, headers req.for = verb..' '..@path..'~'..path req.queue = @queue req\set ':authority', 'localhost' req\set ':scheme', 'http' req\set ':method', verb req\set ':path', path return req sock_mt = request: sock_request fetch: (uri, headers) => quest.fetch @request 'GET', uri, headers sock_mt.__index = sock_mt return quest
import List from require "LunoPunk.utils.List" class eventlistener new: => @__listeners = {} add: (type, f) => @__listeners[type] = List! if @__listeners[type] == nil @__listeners[type]\push f remove: (type, f) => if f == nil @__listeners[type] = nil return nil l = @__listeners[type] return nil if l == nil for i, v in l\ipairs! if v == f return l\remove i nil dispatch: (type, ...) => return if @__listeners[type] == nil for e in @__listeners[type]\pairs! e type, ... EventListener = eventlistener! AddEventListener = (type, f) -> EventListener\add type, f RemoveEventListener = (type, f) -> EventListener\remove type, f DispatchEvent = (event, ...) -> EventListener\dispatch event\type!, ... unless event.type == nil { :EventListener, :AddEventListener, :RemoveEventListener, :DispatchEvent }
---------------------------------------------------------------- -- A table @{Block} that is not assigned to any variable. -- Useful to have a table within a @{TableBlock}. -- -- @classmod AnonymousTableBlock -- @author Richard Voelker -- @license MIT ---------------------------------------------------------------- local Block if game pluginModel = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent Block = require(pluginModel.com.blacksheepherd.code.Block) else Block = require "com.blacksheepherd.code.Block" -- {{ TBSHTEMPLATE:BEGIN }} class AnonymousTableBlock extends Block new: => super! Render: => buffer = "" buffer ..= @\BeforeRender! buffer ..= "\n" for i, child in ipairs @_children buffer ..= child\Render! buffer ..= "," unless i == #@_children buffer ..= "\n" buffer .. @\AfterRender! BeforeRender: => "#{@_indent}{" AfterRender: => "#{@_indent}}" -- {{ TBSHTEMPLATE:END }} return AnonymousTableBlock
---------------------------------------------------------------- -- A @{Block} that is similar to to @{TableBlock} but assigns -- the table to a table key instead of a local variable. -- -- @classmod TableAssignmentBlock -- @author Richard Voelker -- @license MIT ---------------------------------------------------------------- local Block if game pluginModel = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent Block = require(pluginModel.com.blacksheepherd.code.Block) else Block = require "com.blacksheepherd.code.Block" -- {{ TBSHTEMPLATE:BEGIN }} class TableAssignmentBlock extends Block ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create the TableAssignmentBlock. -- -- @tparam TableAssignmentBlock self -- @tparam string name The name of the table variable that this -- table is assigned to. -- @tparam string key The key of the table to assign to. ---------------------------------------------------------------- new: (name, key) => super! @_name = name @_key = key Render: => buffer = "" buffer ..= @\BeforeRender! buffer ..= "\n" for i, child in ipairs @_children buffer ..= child\Render! buffer ..= "," unless i == #@_children buffer ..= "\n" buffer .. @\AfterRender! BeforeRender: => "#{@_indent}#{@_name}[\"#{@_key}\"] = {" AfterRender: => "#{@_indent}}" -- {{ TBSHTEMPLATE:END }} return TableAssignmentBlock
config = require "lapis.config" config.default_config.postgres = {backend: "pgmoon"} config.reset true db = require "lapis.db.postgres" import Model from require "lapis.db.postgres.model" import stub_queries, assert_queries from require "spec.helpers" describe "lapis.db.model.relations", -> get_queries, mock_query = stub_queries! with old = assert_queries assert_queries = (expected, opts) -> old expected, get_queries!, opts local models before_each -> models = {} package.loaded.models = models it "should make belongs_to getter", -> mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 101 } } models.Users = class extends Model @primary_key: "id" models.CoolUsers = class extends Model @primary_key: "user_id" class Posts extends Model @relations: { {"user", belongs_to: "Users"} {"cool_user", belongs_to: "CoolUsers", key: "owner_id"} } post = Posts! post.user_id = 123 post.owner_id = 99 assert post\get_user! assert post\get_user! post\get_cool_user! assert_queries { 'SELECT * from "users" where "id" = 123 limit 1' 'SELECT * from "cool_users" where "user_id" = 99 limit 1' } it "should make belongs_to getter with inheritance", -> mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 101 } } models.Users = class extends Model @primary_key: "id" class Posts extends Model @relations: { {"user", belongs_to: "Users"} } get_user: => with user = super! user.color = "green" post = Posts! post.user_id = 123 assert.same { id: 101 color: "green" }, post\get_user! it "caches nil result from belongs_to_fetch", -> mock_query "SELECT", {} models.Users = class extends Model @primary_key: "id" class Posts extends Model @relations: { {"user", belongs_to: "Users"} } post = Posts! post.user_id = 123 assert.same nil, post\get_user! assert.same nil, post\get_user! assert.same 1, #get_queries! it "should make fetch getter", -> called = 0 class Posts extends Model @relations: { { "thing", fetch: => called += 1 "yes" } } post = Posts! post.user_id = 123 assert.same "yes", post\get_thing! assert.same "yes", post\get_thing! assert.same 1, called assert_queries {} it "should make a fetch with preload", -> called = 0 class Posts extends Model @relations: { { "thing" fetch: => "yes" preload: (objects, opts) -> for object in *objects continue if object.skip_me object.thing = called called += 1 } } one = Posts! two = Posts! two.skip_me = true three = Posts! four = Posts! Posts\preload_relations {one, two, three}, "thing" assert.same 0, one\get_thing! assert.same nil, two\get_thing! assert.same 1, three\get_thing! assert.same "yes", four\get_thing! import LOADED_KEY from require "lapis.db.model.relations" for item in *{one, two, three} assert.true item[LOADED_KEY].thing assert.true four[LOADED_KEY].thing it "should make belongs_to getters for extend syntax", -> mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 101 } } models.Users = class extends Model @primary_key: "id" m = Model\extend "the_things", { relations: { {"user", belongs_to: "Users"} } } obj = m! obj.user_id = 101 assert obj\get_user! == obj\get_user! assert_queries { 'SELECT * from "users" where "id" = 101 limit 1' } it "should make has_one getter", -> mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 101 } } models.Users = class Users extends Model @relations: { {"user_profile", has_one: "UserProfiles"} } models.UserProfiles = class UserProfiles extends Model user = Users! user.id = 123 user\get_user_profile! assert_queries { 'SELECT * from "user_profiles" where "user_id" = 123 limit 1' } it "should make has_one getter with custom key", -> mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 101 } } models.UserData = class extends Model models.Users = class Users extends Model @relations: { {"data", has_one: "UserData", key: "owner_id"} } user = Users! user.id = 123 assert user\get_data! assert_queries { 'SELECT * from "user_data" where "owner_id" = 123 limit 1' } it "makes has_one getter with composite key", -> mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 101 } } models.UserPageData = class extends Model models.UserPage = class extends Model @relations: { {"data", has_one: "UserPageData", key: { "user_id", "page_id" }} } up = models.UserPage! up.user_id = 99 up.page_id = 234 assert up\get_data! up2 = models.UserPage! up2.user_id = nil up2.page_id = 'hello' assert up2\get_data! assert_queries { { 'SELECT * from "user_page_data" where "user_id" = 99 AND "page_id" = 234 limit 1' 'SELECT * from "user_page_data" where "page_id" = 234 AND "user_id" = 99 limit 1' } { [[SELECT * from "user_page_data" where "user_id" IS NULL AND "page_id" = 'hello' limit 1]] [[SELECT * from "user_page_data" where "page_id" = 'hello' AND "user_id" IS NULL limit 1]] } } it "should make has_one getter key and local key", -> mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 101, thing_email: "leafo@leafo" } } models.Things = class extends Model models.Users = class Users extends Model @relations: { {"data", has_one: "Things", local_key: "email", key: "thing_email"} } user = Users! user.id = 123 user.email = "leafo@leafo" assert user\get_data! assert_queries { [[SELECT * from "things" where "thing_email" = 'leafo@leafo' limit 1]] } it "should make has_one getter with where clause", -> mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 101 } } models.UserData = class extends Model models.Users = class Users extends Model @relations: { {"data", has_one: "UserData", key: "owner_id", where: { state: "good"} } } user = Users! user.id = 123 assert user\get_data! assert_queries { { [[SELECT * from "user_data" where "owner_id" = 123 AND "state" = 'good' limit 1]] [[SELECT * from "user_data" where "state" = 'good' AND "owner_id" = 123 limit 1]] } } it "makes has_one getter with composite key with custom local names", -> mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 101 } } models.UserPageData = class extends Model models.UserPage = class extends Model @relations: { {"data", has_one: "UserPageData", key: { user_id: "alpha_id" page_id: "beta_id" }} } up = models.UserPage! up.alpha_id = 99 up.beta_id = 234 assert up\get_data! assert_queries { { 'SELECT * from "user_page_data" where "user_id" = 99 AND "page_id" = 234 limit 1' 'SELECT * from "user_page_data" where "page_id" = 234 AND "user_id" = 99 limit 1' } } it "should make has_many paginated getter", -> mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 101 } } models.Posts = class extends Model models.Users = class extends Model @relations: { {"posts", has_many: "Posts"} {"more_posts", has_many: "Posts", where: {color: "blue"}} } user = models.Users! user.id = 1234 user\get_posts_paginated!\get_page 1 user\get_posts_paginated!\get_page 2 user\get_more_posts_paginated!\get_page 2 user\get_posts_paginated(per_page: 44)\get_page 3 assert_queries { 'SELECT * from "posts" where "user_id" = 1234 LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0' 'SELECT * from "posts" where "user_id" = 1234 LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10' { [[SELECT * from "posts" where "user_id" = 1234 AND "color" = 'blue' LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10]] [[SELECT * from "posts" where "color" = 'blue' AND "user_id" = 1234 LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10]] } 'SELECT * from "posts" where "user_id" = 1234 LIMIT 44 OFFSET 88' } it "should make has_many getter", -> models.Posts = class extends Model models.Users = class extends Model @relations: { {"posts", has_many: "Posts"} {"more_posts", has_many: "Posts", where: {color: "blue"}} {"fresh_posts", has_many: "Posts", order: "id desc"} } user = models.Users! user.id = 1234 user\get_posts! user\get_posts! user\get_more_posts! user\get_fresh_posts! assert_queries { 'SELECT * from "posts" where "user_id" = 1234' { [[SELECT * from "posts" where "user_id" = 1234 AND "color" = 'blue']] [[SELECT * from "posts" where "color" = 'blue' AND "user_id" = 1234]] } 'SELECT * from "posts" where "user_id" = 1234 order by id desc' } it "should make has_many getter with composite key", -> mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 101, user_id: 99, page_id: 234 } { id: 102, user_id: 99, page_id: 234 } } models.UserPageData = class extends Model models.UserPage = class extends Model @relations: { {"data", has_many: "UserPageData", key: { "user_id", "page_id" }} } up = models.UserPage! up.user_id = 99 up.page_id = 234 assert.same { { id: 101, user_id: 99, page_id: 234 } { id: 102, user_id: 99, page_id: 234 } }, up\get_data! up2 = models.UserPage! up2.user_id = 99 up2.page_id = nil assert up2\get_data! assert_queries { { 'SELECT * from "user_page_data" where "user_id" = 99 AND "page_id" = 234' 'SELECT * from "user_page_data" where "page_id" = 234 AND "user_id" = 99' } { 'SELECT * from "user_page_data" where "user_id" = 99 AND "page_id" IS NULL' 'SELECT * from "user_page_data" where "page_id" IS NULL AND "user_id" = 99' } } it "should create relations for inheritance", -> class Base extends Model @relations: { {"user", belongs_to: "Users"} } class Child extends Base @relations: { {"category", belongs_to: "Categories"} } assert Child.get_user, "expecting get_user" assert Child.get_category, "expecting get_category" assert.same nil, rawget Child, "get_user" describe "polymorphic belongs to", -> local Foos, Bars, Bazs, Items before_each -> models.Foos = class Foos extends Model models.Bars = class Bars extends Model @primary_key: "frog_index" models.Bazs = class Bazs extends Model Items = class Items extends Model @relations: { {"object", polymorphic_belongs_to: { [1]: {"foo", "Foos"} [2]: {"bar", "Bars"} [3]: {"baz", "Bazs"} }} } it "should model_for_object_type", -> assert Foos == Items\model_for_object_type 1 assert Foos == Items\model_for_object_type "foo" assert Bars == Items\model_for_object_type 2 assert Bars == Items\model_for_object_type "bar" assert Bazs == Items\model_for_object_type 3 assert Bazs == Items\model_for_object_type "baz" assert.has_error -> Items\model_for_object_type 4 assert.has_error -> Items\model_for_object_type "bun" it "should object_type_for_model", -> assert.same 1, Items\object_type_for_model Foos assert.same 2, Items\object_type_for_model Bars assert.same 3, Items\object_type_for_model Bazs assert.has_error -> Items\object_type_for_model Items it "should object_type_for_object", -> assert.same 1, Items\object_type_for_object Foos! assert.same 2, Items\object_type_for_object Bars! assert.same 3, Items\object_type_for_object Bazs assert.has_error -> Items\object_type_for_model {} it "should call getter", -> mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 101 } } for i, {type_id, cls} in ipairs {{1, Foos}, {2, Bars}, {3, Bazs}} item = Items\load { object_type: type_id object_id: i * 33 } obj = item\get_object! obj.__class == cls obj2 = item\get_object! assert.same obj, obj2 assert_queries { 'SELECT * from "foos" where "id" = 33 limit 1' 'SELECT * from "bars" where "frog_index" = 66 limit 1' 'SELECT * from "bazs" where "id" = 99 limit 1' } it "should call preload with empty", -> Items\preload_objects {} assert_queries { } it "should call preload", -> k = 0 n = -> k += 1 k items = { Items\load { object_type: 1 object_id: n! } Items\load { object_type: 2 object_id: n! } Items\load { object_type: 1 object_id: n! } Items\load { object_type: 1 object_id: n! } } Items\preload_objects items assert_queries { 'SELECT * from "foos" where "id" in (1, 3, 4)' 'SELECT * from "bars" where "frog_index" in (2)' } it "preloads with fields", -> items = { Items\load { object_type: 1 object_id: 111 } Items\load { object_type: 2 object_id: 112 } Items\load { object_type: 3 object_id: 113 } } Items\preload_objects items, fields: { bar: "a, b" baz: "c, d" } assert_queries { 'SELECT * from "foos" where "id" in (111)' 'SELECT a, b from "bars" where "frog_index" in (112)' 'SELECT c, d from "bazs" where "id" in (113)' } it "finds relation", -> import find_relation from require "lapis.db.model.relations" class Posts extends Model @relations: { {"user", belongs_to: "Users"} {"cool_user", belongs_to: "CoolUsers", key: "owner_id"} } class BetterPosts extends Posts @relations: { {"tags", has_many: "Tags"} } assert.same {"user", belongs_to: "Users"}, (find_relation Posts, "user") assert.same nil, (find_relation Posts, "not there") assert.same {"cool_user", belongs_to: "CoolUsers", key: "owner_id"}, (find_relation BetterPosts, "cool_user") describe "clear_loaded_relation", -> it "clears loaded relation cached with value", -> mock_query "SELECT", { {id: 777, name: "hello"} } models.Users = class Users extends Model class Posts extends Model @relations: { {"user", belongs_to: "Users"} } post = Posts\load { id: 1 user_id: 1 } post\get_user! post\get_user! assert.same 1, #get_queries! assert.not.nil post.user post\clear_loaded_relation "user" assert.nil post.user post\get_user! assert.same 2, #get_queries! it "clears loaded relation cached with nil", -> mock_query "SELECT", {} models.Users = class Users extends Model class Posts extends Model @relations: { {"user", belongs_to: "Users"} } post = Posts\load { id: 1 user_id: 1 } post\get_user! post\get_user! assert.same 1, #get_queries! post\clear_loaded_relation "user" post\get_user! assert.same 2, #get_queries! describe "preload_relations", -> it "preloads relations that return empty", -> mock_query "SELECT", {} models.Dates = class Dates extends Model models.Users = class Users extends Model models.Tags = class Tags extends Model class Posts extends Model @relations: { {"user", belongs_to: "Users"} {"date", has_one: "Dates"} {"tags", has_many: "Tags"} } post = Posts\load { id: 888 user_id: 234 } Posts\preload_relations {post}, "user", "date", "tags" assert_queries { [[SELECT * from "users" where "id" in (234)]] [[SELECT * from "dates" where "post_id" in (888)]] [[SELECT * from "tags" where "post_id" in (888)]] } import LOADED_KEY from require "lapis.db.model.relations" assert.same { user: true date: true tags: true }, post[LOADED_KEY] before_count = #get_queries! post\get_user! post\get_date! post\get_tags! assert.same, before_count, #get_queries! it "preloads has_many with order and fields", -> models.Tags = class Tags extends Model class Posts extends Model @relations: { {"tags", has_many: "Tags", order: "a desc"} } Posts\preload_relation {Posts\load id: 123}, "tags", { fields: "a,b" order: "b asc" } assert_queries { [[SELECT a,b from "tags" where "post_id" in (123) order by b asc]] } it "preloads has_many with composite key", -> mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 101, user_id: 99, page_id: 234 } { id: 102, user_id: 99, page_id: 234 } { id: 103, user_id: 100, page_id: 234 } } models.UserPageData = class extends Model models.UserPage = class UserPage extends Model @relations: { {"data", has_many: "UserPageData", key: { "user_id", "page_id" }} } user_pages = { UserPage\load { user_id: 99 page_id: 234 } UserPage\load { user_id: 100 page_id: 234 } UserPage\load { user_id: 100 page_id: 300 } } UserPage\preload_relation user_pages, "data" assert_queries { 'SELECT * from "user_page_data" where ("user_id", "page_id") in ((99, 234), (100, 234), (100, 300))' } import LOADED_KEY from require "lapis.db.model.relations" for user_page in *user_pages assert.true user_page[LOADED_KEY].data assert.same { { id: 101, user_id: 99, page_id: 234 } { id: 102, user_id: 99, page_id: 234 } }, user_pages[1].data assert.same { { id: 103, user_id: 100, page_id: 234 } }, user_pages[2].data assert.same {}, user_pages[3].data it "preloads has_one with key and local_key", -> mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 99, thing_email: "notleafo@leafo" } { id: 101, thing_email: "leafo@leafo" } } models.Things = class extends Model models.Users = class Users extends Model @relations: { {"thing", has_one: "Things", local_key: "email", key: "thing_email"} } user = Users! user.id = 123 user.email = "leafo@leafo" Users\preload_relations {user}, "thing" assert_queries { [[SELECT * from "things" where "thing_email" in ('leafo@leafo')]] } assert.same { id: 101 thing_email: "leafo@leafo" }, user.thing it "preloads has_one with where", -> mock_query "SELECT", { { thing_id: 123, name: "whaz" } } models.Files = class Files extends Model class Things extends Model @relations: { {"beta_file" has_one: "Files" where: { deleted: false } } } thing = Things\load { id: 123 } Things\preload_relations { thing }, "beta_file" assert.same { thing_id: 123 name: "whaz" }, thing.beta_file assert_queries { [[SELECT * from "files" where "thing_id" in (123) and "deleted" = FALSE]] } it "preloads has_one with composite key", -> import LOADED_KEY from require "lapis.db.model.relations" mock_query "SELECT", { {id: 1, user_id: 11, page_id: 101} } models.UserPageData = class extends Model models.UserPage = class UserPage extends Model @relations: { {"data", has_one: "UserPageData", key: { "user_id", "page_id" }} } user_pages = { UserPage\load { user_id: 10 page_id: 100 } UserPage\load { user_id: 11 page_id: 101 } } UserPage\preload_relation user_pages, "data" assert_queries { [[SELECT * from "user_page_data" where ("user_id", "page_id") in ((10, 100), (11, 101))]] } assert.same { { user_id: 10 page_id: 100 [LOADED_KEY]: { data: true } } { user_id: 11 page_id: 101 data: { id: 1, user_id: 11, page_id: 101 } [LOADED_KEY]: { data: true } } }, user_pages it "preloads has_many with order and name", -> mock_query "SELECT", { { primary_thing_id: 123, name: "whaz" } } models.Tags = class Tags extends Model class Things extends Model @relations: { {"cool_tags" has_many: "Tags" order: "name asc" where: { deleted: false } key: "primary_thing_id" } } thing = Things\load { id: 123 } Things\preload_relations {thing}, "cool_tags" assert.same { { primary_thing_id: 123, name: "whaz" } }, thing.cool_tags assert_queries { [[SELECT * from "tags" where "primary_thing_id" in (123) and "deleted" = FALSE order by name asc]] } it "preloads belongs_to with correct name", -> mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 1, name: "last" } { id: 2, name: "first" } { id: 3, name: "default" } } models.Topics = class Topics extends Model class Categories extends Model @relations: { {"last_topic", belongs_to: "Topics"} {"first_topic", belongs_to: "Topics"} {"topic", belongs_to: "Topics"} } cat = Categories\load { id: 1243 last_topic_id: 1 first_topic_id: 2 topic_id: 3 } Categories\preload_relations {cat}, "last_topic", "first_topic", "topic" assert.same 3, #get_queries! assert.same { id: 1 name: "last" }, cat\get_last_topic!, cat.last_topic assert.same { id: 2 name: "first" }, cat\get_first_topic!, cat.first_topic assert.same { id: 3 name: "default" }, cat\get_topic!, cat.topic assert.same 3, #get_queries! it "preloads has_one with correct name", -> mock_query "SELECT", { {user_id: 1, name: "cool dude"} } models.UserData = class UserData extends Model class Users extends Model @relations: { {"data", has_one: "UserData"} } user = Users\load id: 1 Users\preload_relations {user}, "data" assert.same {user_id: 1, name: "cool dude"}, user.data, user\get_data! it "finds inherited preloaders", -> models.Users = class Users extends Model class SimplePosts extends Model @relations: { {"user", belongs_to: "Users"} } class JointPosts extends SimplePosts @relations: { {"second_user", belongs_to: "Users"} } p = JointPosts\load { id: 999 user_id: 1 second_user_id: 2 } JointPosts\preload_relations {p}, "user", "second_user" describe "has_one", -> it "preloads when using custom keys", -> mock_query "SELECT", { {user_id: 100, name: "first"} {user_id: 101, name: "second"} } models.UserItems = class UserItems extends Model @primary_key: "user_id" @relations: { {"application", has_one: "ItemApplications", key: "user_id"} } new: (user_id) => @user_id = assert user_id, "missing user id" models.ItemApplications = class ItemApplications extends Model id = 1 new: (user_id) => @user_id = assert user_id, "missing user id" @id = id id += 1 ui = UserItems 100 a = assert ui\get_application!, "expected to get relation" assert.same 100, a.user_id ui2 = UserItems 101 UserItems\preload_relations {ui2}, "application" a = assert ui2.application, "expected to get relation" assert.same 101, a.user_id assert_queries { [[SELECT * from "item_applications" where "user_id" = 100 limit 1]] [[SELECT * from "item_applications" where "user_id" in (101)]] } describe "generic preload", -> local preload before_each -> import preload from require "lapis.db.model" models.Users = class Users extends Model @relations: { {"tags", has_many: "Tags"} {"user_data", has_one: "UserData"} {"account", belongs_to: "Accounts"} } new: (@id) => assert @id, "missing id" models.Tags = class Tags extends Model @relations: { {"owner", has_one: "Users"} } models.UserData = class UserData extends Model @relations: { {"images", has_many: "Images"} } models.Accounts = class Accounts extends Model models.Images = class Images extends Model it "preloads basic relations", -> user = models.Users 10 user.account_id = 99 preload { user }, "tags", "user_data", "account" assert_queries { [[SELECT * from "tags" where "user_id" in (10)]] [[SELECT * from "user_data" where "user_id" in (10)]] [[SELECT * from "accounts" where "id" in (99)]] } it "preloads nested relations", -> mock_query 'from "tags"', { models.Tags\load { id: 252 user_id: 10 } models.Tags\load { id: 311 user_id: 10 } } mock_query 'from "user_data"', { models.UserData\load { id: 32 user_id: 10 } } user = models.Users 10 user.account_id = 99 preload { user }, "account", { tags: { "owner" } user_data: {"images"} } assert_queries { [[SELECT * from "accounts" where "id" in (99)]] [[SELECT * from "images" where "user_data_id" in (32)]] [[SELECT * from "tags" where "user_id" in (10)]] [[SELECT * from "user_data" where "user_id" in (10)]] [[SELECT * from "users" where "tag_id" in (252, 311)]] }, sorted: true it "preloads nested fetch relations", -> models.Collections = class Collection extends Model @relations: { {"user", fetch: => {} preload: (collections) -> for c in *collections c.user = models.Users\load { id: 10 } true } {"things", many: true fetch: => {} preload: (collections) -> for c in *collections c.things = { models.Users\load { id: 11 } models.Users\load { id: 12 } } true } } new: (@id) => assert @id, "missing id" collection = models.Collections 44 preload { collection }, { user: "tags" things: { "user_data", "tags" } } assert_queries { -- TODO: homogeneous preload should be able to merge these queries [[SELECT * from "tags" where "user_id" in (10)]] [[SELECT * from "tags" where "user_id" in (11, 12)]] [[SELECT * from "user_data" where "user_id" in (11, 12)]] }, sorted: true
import unpack, type from _G import byte, char from string import concat from table import BYTE_MAXIMUM_VALUE, BYTE_MINIMUM_VALUE from "noomlib/io/buffer/constants" -- table allocate(number size) -- Returns a preallocated table export allocate = (size) -> return [-1 for _=1, size] -- table bytes_from_string(string string) -- Returns a table of bytes from a string export bytes_from_string = (string) -> --return {byte(string, index, #string)} return [byte(string, index, index) for index = 1, #string] -- table bytes_from_table(table table) -- Returns a table of bytes from a string table -- ```lua -- local tbl = {"he", "l", "l", "o"} -- local bytes = bytes_from_table(tbl) -- `{104, 101, 108, 108, 111}` -- ``` export bytes_from_table = (table) -> bytes = {} for _byte in *table if type(_byte) == "string" for index = 1, #_byte bytes[#bytes + 1] = byte(_byte, index, index) elseif type(_byte) == "number" if in_byte_range(_byte) then bytes[#bytes + 1] = _byte else error("bad argument #1 'bytes_from_table' (expected ranged number values of 0...255 in table)") else error("bad argument #1 to 'bytes_from_table' (expected number or string values in table)") return bytes -- boolean in_byte_range(number value) -- Returns if the value is in the range of a byte, 0...255 export in_byte_range = (value) -> return value >= BYTE_MINIMUM_VALUE and value <= BYTE_MAXIMUM_VALUE -- string string_from_bytes(table bytes) -- Returns a constructed string from a table of bytes -- ```lua -- local bytes = {104, 101, 108, 108, 111} -- local string = string_from_bytes(bytes) -- `hello` -- ``` export string_from_bytes = (bytes) -> bytes = [char(byte) for byte in *bytes] return concat(bytes)
class RedMode new: => @api = bundle_load 'api' @lexer = bundle_load 'red_lexer' @completers = { 'in_buffer', 'api' } comment_syntax: ';' word_pattern: '[%w%?%-%!_~%*+/<>=]+' auto_pairs: { '(': ')' '[': ']' '{': '}' '"': '"' } indentation: { more_after: { r'[({=\\[]\\s*(;.*|)$' } less_for: { '^%s*]' '^%s*}' '^%s*)' } }
api = vim.api loop = vim.loop Utils = require'neotags/utils' class Neotags new: (opts) => @opts = { enable: true, ft_conv: { ['c++']: 'cpp', ['moonscript']: 'moon', ['c#']: 'cs', }, ft_map: { cpp: { 'cpp', 'c' }, c: { 'c', 'cpp' }, }, hl: { minlen: 3, patternlength: 2048, prefix: [[\C\<]], suffix: [[\>]], }, tools: { find: nil, }, ctags: { run: true, directory: vim.fn.expand('~/.vim_tags'), verbose: false, binary: 'ctags' args: { '--fields=+l', '--c-kinds=+p', '--c++-kinds=+p', '--sort=no', }, }, ignore: { 'cfg', 'conf', 'help', 'mail', 'markdown', 'nerdtree', 'nofile', 'readdir', 'qf', 'text', 'plaintext' }, notin: { '.*String.*', '.*Comment.*', 'cIncluded', 'cCppOut2', 'cCppInElse2', 'cCppOutIf2', 'pythonDocTest', 'pythonDocTest2', } } @languages = {} @syntax_groups = {} @highlighting = false @ctags_handle = nil @find_handle = nil setup: (opts) => @opts = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', @opts, opts) if opts return if not @opts.enable vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('NeotagsLua', { clear: true }) vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd( 'BufReadPost', { group: 'NeotagsLua', callback: () -> require'neotags'.highlight() } ) vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd( 'BufWritePost', { group: 'NeotagsLua', callback: () -> require'neotags'.update() } ) currentTagfile: () => path = vim.fn.getcwd() path = path\gsub('[%.%/]', '__') return "#{@opts.ctags.directory}/#{path}.tags" runCtags: (files) => return if @ctags_handle tagfile = @currentTagfile() args = @opts.ctags.args args = Utils.concat(args, { '-f', tagfile }) args = Utils.concat(args, files) stdout = loop.new_pipe(false) if @opts.ctags.verbose stderr = loop.new_pipe(false) if @opts.ctags.verbose @ctags_handle = loop.spawn( @opts.ctags.binary, { args: args, cwd: vim.fn.getcwd(), stdio: {nil, stdout, stderr}, }, vim.schedule_wrap(() -> if @opts.ctags.verbose stdout\read_stop() stdout\close() stderr\read_stop() stderr\close() @ctags_handle\close() @ctags_handle = nil vim.bo.tags = tagfile @run('highlight') ) ) if @opts.ctags.verbose loop.read_start(stdout, (err, data) -> print data if data) loop.read_start(stderr, (err, data) -> print data if data) update: () => return unless @opts.enable ft = vim.bo.filetype return if #ft == 0 or Utils.contains(@opts.ignore, ft) @findFiles((files) -> @runCtags(files)) findFiles: (callback) => path = vim.fn.getcwd() return callback({ '-R', path }) if not @opts.tools.find return if @find_handle stdout = loop.new_pipe(false) stderr = loop.new_pipe(false) if @opts.ctags.verbose files = {} args = Utils.concat(@opts.tools.find.args, { path }) @find_handle = loop.spawn( @opts.tools.find.binary, { args: args, cwd: path, stdio: {nil, stdout, stderr}, }, vim.schedule_wrap(() -> stdout\read_stop() stdout\close() if @opts.ctags.verbose stderr\read_stop() stderr\close() @find_handle\close() @find_handle = nil callback(files) ) ) loop.read_start(stdout, (err, data) -> return unless data for _, file in ipairs(Utils.explode('\n', data)) table.insert(files, file) ) if @opts.ctags.verbose loop.read_start(stderr, (err, data) -> print data if data) run: (func) => ft = vim.bo.filetype return if #ft == 0 or Utils.contains(@opts.ignore, ft) co = nil switch func when 'highlight' tagfile = @currentTagfile() if vim.fn.filereadable(tagfile) == 0 @update() elseif vim.bo.tags != tagfile vim.bo.tags = tagfile co = coroutine.create(() -> @highlight()) when 'clear' co = coroutine.create(() -> @clearsyntax()) else return return if not co while true do _, cmd = coroutine.resume(co) -- vim.cmd("echo '#{cmd}'") vim.cmd(cmd) if cmd break if coroutine.status(co) == 'dead' toggle: () => @opts.enable = not @opts.enable @setup() if @opts.enable @run('clear') if not @opts.enable language: (lang, opts) => @languages[lang] = opts clearsyntax: () => vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('NeotagsLua', { clear: true }) for _, hl in pairs(@syntax_groups) coroutine.yield("silent! syntax clear #{hl}") @syntax_groups = {} makesyntax: (lang, kind, group, opts, content, added) => hl = "_Neotags_#{lang}_#{kind}_#{opts.group}" matches = {} keywords = {} prefix = opts.prefix or @opts.hl.prefix suffix = opts.suffix or @opts.hl.suffix minlen = opts.minlen or @opts.hl.minlen forbidden = { '*', } for tag in *group continue if #tag.name < minlen continue if Utils.contains(added, tag.name) continue if Utils.contains(forbidden, tag.name) if not content\find(tag.name) table.insert(added, tag.name) continue if (prefix == @opts.hl.prefix and suffix == @opts.hl.suffix and opts.allow_keyword != false and not tag.name\find('.', 1, true) and tag.name != 'contains') table.insert(keywords, tag.name) if not Utils.contains(keywords, tag.name) else table.insert(matches, tag.name) if not Utils.contains(matches, tag.name) table.insert(added, tag.name) coroutine.yield("silent! syntax clear #{hl}") coroutine.yield("hi def link #{hl} #{opts.group}") table.sort(matches, (a, b) -> a < b) merged = {} if opts.extended_notin and opts.extend_notin == false merged = opts.notin or @opts.notin or {} else a = @opts.notin or {} b = opts.notin or {} max = (#a > #b) and #a or #b for i=1,max merged[#merged+1] = a[i] if a[i] merged[#merged+1] = b[i] if b[i] notin = '' notin = "containedin=ALLBUT,#{table.concat(merged, ',')}" if #merged > 0 for i = 1, #matches, @opts.hl.patternlength current = {unpack(matches, i, i + @opts.hl.patternlength)} str = table.concat(current, '\\|') coroutine.yield("syntax match #{hl} /#{prefix}\\%(#{str}\\)#{suffix}/ #{notin} display") table.sort(keywords, (a, b) -> a < b) for i = 1, #keywords, @opts.hl.patternlength current = {unpack(keywords, i, i + @opts.hl.patternlength)} str = table.concat(current, ' ') coroutine.yield("syntax keyword #{hl} #{str} #{notin}") table.insert(@syntax_groups, hl) highlight: () => return if @highlighting ft = vim.bo.filetype return if #ft == 0 or Utils.contains(@opts.ignore, ft) @highlighting = true bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf() content = table.concat(api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false), '\n') tags = vim.fn.taglist('.*') groups = {} for tag in *tags continue if not tag.language continue if tag.name\match('^[a-zA-Z]{,2}$') continue if tag.name\match('^[0-9]+$') continue if tag.name\match('^__anon.*$') tag.language = tag.language\lower() tag.language = @opts.ft_conv[tag.language] if @opts.ft_conv[tag.language] if @opts.ft_map[ft] and not Utils.contains(@opts.ft_map[ft], tag.language) continue if not @opts.ft_map[ft] and not ft == tag.language continue -- if tag.language == 'vim' -- print require'lsp'.format_as_json(tag) groups[tag.language] = {} if not groups[tag.language] groups[tag.language][tag.kind] = {} if not groups[tag.language][tag.kind] table.insert(groups[tag.language][tag.kind], tag) langmap = @opts.ft_map[ft] or {ft} for _, lang in pairs(langmap) continue if not @languages[lang] or not @languages[lang].order cl = @languages[lang] order = cl.order added = {} kinds = groups[lang] continue if not kinds for i = 1, #order kind = order\sub(i, i) continue if not kinds[kind] continue if not cl.kinds or not cl.kinds[kind] -- print "adding #{kinds[kind]} for #{lang} in #{kind}" @makesyntax(lang, kind, kinds[kind], cl.kinds[kind], content, added) @highlighting = false export neotags = Neotags! if not neotags return { setup: (opts) -> path = debug.getinfo(1).source\match('@?(.*/)') for filename in io.popen("ls #{path}/languages")\lines() lang = filename\gsub('%.lua$', '') neotags.language(neotags, lang, require"neotags/languages/#{lang}") neotags.setup(neotags, opts) highlight: () -> neotags.run(neotags, 'highlight') update: () -> neotags.update(neotags) toggle: () -> neotags.toggle(neotags) language: (lang, opts) -> neotags.language(neotags, lang, opts) }
-- Copyright 2012-2015 The Howl Developers -- License: MIT (see LICENSE.md at the top-level directory of the distribution) Gtk = require 'ljglibs.gtk' import bindings, dispatch, interact, signal from howl import Matcher from howl.util import PropertyObject from howl.aux.moon import TextWidget, NotificationWidget, IndicatorBar, StyledText from howl.ui import highlight, markup, style, theme from howl.ui -- used to generate a unique id for every new activity id_counter = 0 class CommandLine extends PropertyObject new: (@window) => super! @bin = Gtk.Box Gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL @box = nil @command_widget = nil @notification_widget = nil @header = nil @indic_title = nil @showing = false @spillover = nil @running = {} @_command_history = {} @aborted = {} @next_run_queue = {} @property current: get: => @running[#@running] @property stack_depth: get: => #@running _init_activity_from_factory: (activity_frame) => activity = activity_frame.activity_spec.factory! if not activity error "activity '#{activity_frame.name}' factory returned nil" activity_frame.activity = activity parked_handle = dispatch.park 'activity' activity_frame.parked_handle = parked_handle finish = (...) -> results = table.pack ... activity_frame.results = results @_finish(activity_frame.activity_id, results) dispatch.launch -> dispatch.resume parked_handle true -- finish() is often the last function in a key handler activity_frame.runner = -> table.pack activity\run(finish, unpack activity_frame.args) -- check that run didn't call finish if @current and @current.activity_id == activity_frame.activity_id @current.state = 'running' @show! bindings.cancel_capture! if @spillover -- allow editor to resize for correct focussing behavior howl.timer.asap -> @write @spillover if not @spillover.is_empty @spillover = nil dispatch.wait parked_handle _init_activity_from_handler: (activity_frame) => if not callable activity_frame.activity_spec.handler error "activity '#{activity_frame.name}' handler is not callable" activity = { handler: activity_frame.activity_spec.handler } activity_frame.activity = activity activity_frame.runner = -> @current.state = 'running' results = table.pack activity.handler(unpack activity_frame.args) if @current and @current.activity_id == activity_frame.activity_id activity_frame.results = results @_finish(activity_frame.activity_id, results) run: (activity_spec, ...) => if not activity_spec.name or not (activity_spec.handler or activity_spec.factory) error 'activity_spec requires "name" and one of "handler" or "factory" fields' id_counter += 1 activity_id = id_counter activity_frame = { name: activity_spec.name :activity_id :activity_spec args: table.pack ... state: 'starting' results: {} } if activity_spec.factory @_init_activity_from_factory activity_frame else @_init_activity_from_handler activity_frame table.insert @running, activity_frame @_initialize! if not @box with @current .command_line_left_stop = @command_widget.text.ulen + 1 .command_line_widgets = { } .command_line_prompt_len = 0 if @stack_depth == 1 @current.evade_history = activity_spec.evade_history @history_recorded = false else previous = @running[@stack_depth - 1] @current.evade_history = previous.evade_history or activity_spec.evade_history bindings.capture -> false ok, err = pcall activity_frame.runner bindings.cancel_capture! unless ok if @current and activity_id == @current.activity_id @_finish(activity_id) log.error err return unpack activity_frame.results run_after_finish: (f) => if not (@stack_depth > 0) error 'Cannot run_after_finish - no running activity' table.insert @next_run_queue, f _process_run_after_finish: => while true f = table.remove @next_run_queue, 1 break unless f f! _is_active: (activity_id) => for activity in *@running if activity.activity_id == activity_id return true return false _finish: (activity_id, results={}) => if @aborted[activity_id] @aborted[activity_id] = nil return if not @current error 'Cannot finish - no running activities' if activity_id != @current.activity_id if @_is_active activity_id while @current.activity_id != activity_id @_abort_current! else error "Cannot finish - invalid activity_id #{activity_id}" @current.state = 'stopping' if #results > 0 @record_history! @clear! @prompt = nil for name, _ in pairs @_widgets @remove_widget name if @current.saved_command_line @command_widget\insert @current.saved_command_line, 1 @current.saved_command_line = nil @running[#@running] = nil if @stack_depth > 0 @title = @title else @hide! @pop_spillover! @_process_run_after_finish! _abort_current: => activity_id = @current.activity_id handle = @current.parked_handle @_finish activity_id @aborted[activity_id] = true if handle dispatch.launch -> dispatch.resume handle if @current and activity_id == @current.activity_id -- hard clear, polite attempt didn't work @running[#@running] = nil abort_all: => while @current @_abort_current! _cursor_to_end: => @command_widget.cursor\eof! _adjust_height_rows: => width_cols = @command_widget.width_cols return unless width_cols > 0 max_height = math.floor howl.app.window.allocated_height * 0.5 num_lines = #@command_widget.buffer.lines height_rows = math.ceil @command_widget.buffer.lines[num_lines].text.ulen / @command_widget.width_cols height_rows = math.max 1, height_rows @command_widget.height_rows = height_rows while @command_widget.height > max_height and height_rows > 1 height_rows -= 1 @command_widget.height_rows = height_rows record_history: => return if @current.evade_history or @history_recorded @history_recorded = true command_line = @_capture_command_line! for frame in *@running if frame.saved_command_line command_line = frame.saved_command_line .. command_line current_history = @get_history @running[1].name last_cmd = current_history[1] unless last_cmd == command_line or command_line\find '\n' or command_line\find '\r' table.insert @_command_history, 1, {name: @running[1].name, cmd: command_line} _capture_command_line: (end_pos) => buf = @command_widget.buffer chunk = buf\chunk 1, (end_pos or #buf) return StyledText chunk.text, chunk.styles get_history: (activity_name) => return [item.cmd for item in *@_command_history when activity_name == item.name] to_gobject: => @bin _initialize: => @box = Gtk.Box Gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL border_box = Gtk.EventBox { Gtk.Alignment { top_padding: 1, left_padding: 1, right_padding: 3, bottom_padding: 3, @box } } border_box.style_context\add_class 'editor' @bin\add border_box @command_widget = TextWidget top_padding: 3 left_padding: 3 bottom_padding: 2 bottom_border: 1 top_border: 1 line_wrapping: 'char' on_keypress: (event) -> result = true if not @handle_keypress(event) result = false @post_keypress! return result on_changed: -> @on_update! on_focus_lost: -> @command_widget\focus! if @showing on_map: -> @_adjust_height_rows! @command_widget.height_rows = 1 @box\pack_end @command_widget\to_gobject!, false, 0, 0 @notification_widget = NotificationWidget! @box\pack_end @notification_widget\to_gobject!, false, 0, 0 @header = IndicatorBar 'header', 3 @indic_title = @header\add 'left', 'title' @box\pack_start @header\to_gobject!, false, 0, 0 @property width_cols: get: => @command_widget.width_cols @property _activity: get: => @current and @current.activity @property _widgets: get: => @current and @current.command_line_widgets @property _left_stop: get: => @current and @current.command_line_left_stop @property _prompt_end: get: => @current and @_left_stop + @current.command_line_prompt_len @property _updating: get: => @current and @current.command_line_updating set: (value) => return unless @current @current.command_line_updating = value @property title: get: => @current and @current.command_line_title set: (text) => if not @current error 'Cannot set title - no running activity', 2 @current.command_line_title = text if @current if text == nil or text.is_empty @header\to_gobject!\hide! else @header\to_gobject!\show! @indic_title.label = tostring text @property prompt: get: => @current and @command_widget.text\usub @_left_stop, @_prompt_end - 1 set: (prompt='') => if not @current error 'Cannot set prompt - no running activity', 2 if @_left_stop <= @_prompt_end @command_widget\delete @_left_stop, @_prompt_end - 1 @current.command_line_prompt = prompt @current.command_line_prompt_len = prompt.ulen if prompt @command_widget\insert prompt, @_left_stop, 'prompt' @\_cursor_to_end! @property text: get: => @current and @command_widget.text\usub @_prompt_end set: (text) => if not @current error 'Cannot set text - no running activity', 2 @clear! @write text notify: (text, style='info') => if @notification_widget @notification_widget\notify style, text @notification_widget\show! else io.stderr\write text clear_notification: => @notification_widget\hide! if @notification_widget clear: => @command_widget\delete @_prompt_end, @command_widget.text.ulen @\_cursor_to_end! clear_all: => @current.saved_command_line = @_capture_command_line @_left_stop - 1 @command_widget\delete 1, @_left_stop - 1 @current.command_line_left_stop = 1 write: (text) => @command_widget\append text @\_cursor_to_end! @\on_update! write_spillover: (text) => -- spillover is saved text written to whichever activity is invoked next if @spillover @spillover = @spillover .. text else @spillover = text pop_spillover: => spillover = @spillover @spillover = nil return spillover or '' post_keypress: => @enforce_left_pos! on_update: => -- only call on_update() after run() ends and before finish() begins return if not @current or @current.state != 'running' if @_activity and @_activity.on_update and not @_updating -- avoid recursive calls @_updating = true ok, err = pcall -> @_activity\on_update @text @_updating = false if not ok error err @_adjust_height_rows! enforce_left_pos: => -- don't allow cursor to go left into prompt return if not @current left_pos = @_prompt_end or 1 if @command_widget.cursor.pos < left_pos @command_widget.cursor.pos = left_pos handle_keypress: (event) => -- keymaps checked in order: -- @preemptive_keymap - keys that cannot be remapped by activities -- @_activity.keymap -- widget.keymap for widget in @_widgets -- @keymap @clear_notification! @window.status\clear! return true if bindings.dispatch event, 'commandline', { @preemptive_keymap}, self activity = @_activity if activity and activity.keymap return true if bindings.dispatch event, 'commandline', { activity.keymap }, activity if @_widgets for _, widget in pairs @_widgets if widget.keymap return true if bindings.dispatch event, 'commandline', { widget.keymap }, widget return true if bindings.dispatch event, 'commandline', { @keymap }, self return false preemptive_keymap: ctrl_shift_backspace: => @abort_all! keymap: binding_for: ["cursor-home"]: => @command_widget.cursor.pos = @_prompt_end ["cursor-line-end"]: => @command_widget.cursor.pos = @_prompt_end + @text.ulen ["cursor-left"]: => @command_widget.cursor\left! ["cursor-right"]: => @command_widget.cursor\right! ["editor-delete-back"]: => -- don't backspace into prompt return true if @command_widget.cursor.pos <= @_prompt_end range_start = @command_widget.selection\range! return if range_start and range_start < @_prompt_end @command_widget\delete_back! @on_update! ["editor-paste"]: => import clipboard from howl if clipboard.current @write clipboard.current.text add_widget: (name, widget) => error('No widget provided', 2) if not widget @remove_widget name @box\pack_end widget\to_gobject!, false, 0, 0 @_widgets[name] = widget widget\show! remove_widget: (name) => widget = @_widgets[name] @box\remove widget\to_gobject! if widget @_widgets[name] = nil get_widget: (name) => @_widgets[name] show: => return if @showing @last_focused = @window.focus if not @last_focused @window\remember_focus! @_initialize! if not @box @window.status\hide! @bin\show_all! @notification_widget\hide! with @command_widget \show! \focus! @title = @current and @current.command_line_title @showing = true hide: => if @showing @bin\hide! @showing = false @window.status\show! @last_focused\grab_focus! if @last_focused @last_focused = nil style.define_default 'prompt', 'keyword' return CommandLine
-- Copyright 2014-2015 The Howl Developers -- License: MIT (see LICENSE.md at the top-level directory of the distribution) howl.util.lpeg_lexer -> coffeescript = sequence { line_start, #any('\t', P(' ')^4), sub_lex_match_time('coffeescript', scan_through_indented!) } compose 'markdown', coffeescript
{ whitelist_globals: { ["spiders.moon"]: { "btn", "btnp", "clip", "cls", "circ", "circb", "elli", "ellib", "exit", "fget", "fset", "font", "key", "keyp", "line", "map", "memcpy", "memset", "mget", "mset", "mouse", "music", "peek", "peek4", "pix", "pmem", "poke", "poke4", "print", "rect", "rectb", "reset", "sfx", "spr", "sync", "time", "tstamp", "trace", "tri", "trib", "textri", } } }
#!/usr/bin/env moon --- Class for handling users. -- @author ChickenNuggers -- @classmod client import line_pattern, hash, serialize_tag_value from require "potato.util" import context_from_pair from require "potato.tls" state = require "potato.state" wire_responses = { [401]: ":No suck nick/channel" [402]: ":No such server" [403]: ":No such channel" [404]: ":Cannot send to channel" [405]: ":You have joined too many channels" [406]: ":There was no such nickname" [407]: ":Duplicate recipients. No message delivered" [409]: ":No origin specified" [411]: ":No recipient given (%s)" [412]: ":No text to send" [413]: "%s :No toplevel domain specified" [414]: ":Wildcard in the top level domain" [421]: ":Unknown command" [422]: ":MOTD File is missing" [423]: "%s :No administrative info available" [424]: ":File error performing %s on %s" [431]: ":No nickname given" [432]: ":Erroneous nickname" [433]: ":Nickname is already in use" [436]: ":Nickname collision KILL" [441]: "%s %s :They aren't in that channel" [442]: "%s :You're not in that channel" [443]: "%s %s :is already in that channel" [444]: "%s :User not logged in" [445]: ":SUMMON has been disabled" [446]: ":USERS has been disabled" [451]: ":You have not registered" [461]: "%s :Not enough parameters" [462]: ":You may not reregister" [463]: ":Your host isn't among the privileged" [464]: ":Password incorrect" [465]: ":You are banned from this server" [467]: "%s :Channel key already set" [471]: "%s :Cannot join channel (+l)" [472]: "%s :is unknown mode char to me" [473]: "%s :Cannot join channel (+i)" [474]: "%s :Cannot join channel (+b)" [475]: "%s :Cannot join channel (+k)" [479]: "%s: Cannot join channel (%s)" -- CUSTOM new field ERR_NOJOINCHANNEL [481]: ":Permission denied- You're not an IRC operator" [482]: "%s :You're not a channel operator" [483]: ":You can't kill a server!" [491]: ":No O-lines for your host" [501]: ":Unknown MODE flag (%s)" -- CUSTOM modified [502]: ":Can't change mode for other users" } insert = table.insert concat = table.concat --- @table tag_format -- @field vendor Optional field, contains vendor. Defaults to `default` -- @field key Key for tag. Not optional. -- @field value Value for tag. If left out, defaults to boolean true. -- @field is_client Client-to-client identifier. Boolean, defaults to false class client --- Initiate a TLS handshake on a socket if available. wrap_socket: (socket)-> if state.tls_ctx -- ::TODO:: Alpn | SNI @socket\starttls state.tls_ctx --- Send a message to the client. -- @tparam string prefix Name, without space. May be nick!user@host. -- @tparam table arguments Command arguments. Will not be preceded by ':' -- @tparam table object_tags Optional IRCv3 tags array -- @see tag_format send: (prefix, arguments, object_tags)-> tags = {} if object_tags and #object_tags > 0 for tag in *object_tags current_tag = {} if tag.is_client insert current_tag, "+" if tag.vendor insert current_tag, "#{tag.vendor}/" insert current_tag, tag.key if tag.value insert current_tag, "=#{serialize_tag_value tag.value}" insert tags, " " if #tags != 0 @socket\write "@#{concat tags, ';'} " @socket\write ":#{prefix} #{concat arguments, ' '}\n" --- Send a specific numeric to a user, optionally with a custom message. -- If a message isn't specified, one from wire_responses is used. -- @tparam number numeric Identifier for numeric command -- @tparam string description Description for command response -- @tparam table tags IRCv3 tags to send with message -- @see tag_format numeric: (numeric, description, tags)-> if not description and @format == "wire" description = wire_responses[numeric] @send state.config.vhost, {numeric, description}, tags --- Register client and establish IRCv3 capabilities. -- @param socket Connection to client (cqueues.socket) -- @usage for socket in server\clients! -- loop\wrap -> -- potato.client socket new: (socket)=> @socket = socket @wrap_socket! @format = "wire" @channels = {} @monitored_by = {} {@config} = require "potato" -- handle registration before iterating over lines -- check for NICK command or CAP command, then USER command line = socket\read! data = line_pattern\match line switch data.command when "PASS" -- PASS <password> if not @config.password @received_password = hash data.arguments[1] else if hash data.arguments[1] != @config.password @fatal "Incorrect password." when "NICK" -- NICK <nickname> "pass" when "USER" -- USER <username> * * :<realname> "pass" when "CAP" -- CAP {LS,LIST,REQ,ACK,NAK,END} "pass" else "pass" -- default case, do not handle line @loop! --- Send an `ERROR` message and signal `QUIT` messages. -- @tparam string message Message to send to client fatal: (message)=> @socket\write "ERROR: #{message}\n" @quit message --- Send `QUIT` to every channel the user is in; terminate connection. -- @tparam string message Message to send to clients quit: (message)=> users_already_sent = {} for channel in *@channels channel.users[@nick] = nil for user in *channel.users if not users_already_sent[user] users_already_sent[user] = true user.socket\write "#{@prefix} QUIT :#{message}\n" if #channel.users == 0 -- clean up -- ::TODO:: check if channel is registered then commit to db state.channels[channel.name] = nil for user in *@monitored_by -- MONITOR command user.monitors[@nick] = nil if not users_already_sent[user] users_already_sent[user] = true user.socket\write "#{@prefix} QUIT :#{message}\n" if @did_register state.users[@nick] = nil @socket\close! -- we don't dupe file descriptors, close also shuts down
[[ joli-lune small framework for love2d MIT License (see licence file) ]] System = require "src.systems.system" class Particle extends System __tostring: => return "particle" onCreate: (color,exp,particleType,options={}) => @\cron "after", exp, -> @entity.scene\removeEntity(@entity) @expire = exp if type(particleType)=="string" @entity\addSystem "Renderer",particleType,options.style or "main",options.width or 100,options.align or "left" if color @entity.renderer\get().tint = color elseif tostring(particleType)=="sprite" @entity\addSystem "Renderer",particleType,options.anim,0,0,options.flipx,options.flipy if color @entity.renderer\get().tint = color else @entity\addSystem "Renderer","circ",color,"fill",size @render = @entity.renderer\get! velocityx: (easing,vx1=0,vx2=vx1) => @position\tween @expire,{x:@position.x+love.math.random(vx1,vx2)},easing velocityy: (easing,vy1=0,vy2=vy1) => @position\tween @expire,{y:@position.y+love.math.random(vy1,vy2)},easing size: (easing,startsize,endsize) => if @render.rendertype == "shape" @render.arg1 = startsize if endsize @\tween @expire,{arg1:endsize},easing,@render elseif @render.rendertype=="sprite" or @render.rendertype=="text" @position.scalex = startsize @position.scaley = startsize if endsize @position\tween @expire,{scalex:endsize,scaley:endsize},easing alpha: (easing,s,e) => if not @render.tint @render.tint = {1,1,1,s} @render.alpha = s else @render.tint = {@render.tint[1],@render.tint[2],@render.tint[3],s} @render.alpha = s if e @\tween @expire,{alpha:e},easing,@render return Particle
{:delegate_to} = howl.util.table background = '#282a36' current = '#44475a' selection = '#44475a' foreground = '#f8f8f2' comment = '#6272a4' red = '#ff5555' orange = '#ffb86c' yellow = '#f1fa8c' green = '#50fa7b' aqua = '#8be9fd' blue = '#8be9fd' purple = '#bd93f9' magenta = '#ff79c6' grey = '#595959' grey_darker = '#1c1d23' grey_darkest = '#1c1d23' grey_light = '#a6a6a6' embedded_bg = '#484848' border_color = '#44475a' -- General styling for context boxes (editor, command_line) content_box = { background: color: background border: width: 1 color: border_color border_right: width: 3 color: border_color border_bottom: width: 3 color: border_color header: background: color: grey_darkest border_bottom: color: grey_darker color: white font: bold: true padding: 1 footer: background: color: grey_darkest border_top: color: grey_darker color: grey font: bold: true padding: 1 } return { window: background: color: background status: font: bold: true, italic: true color: grey info: color: grey_light warning: color: orange 'error': color: red :content_box popup: background: color: grey_darkest border: color: grey editor: delegate_to content_box, { scrollbars: slider: color: magenta indicators: default: color: grey_light title: font: bold: true vi: font: bold: true caret: color: grey_light width: 2 current_line: background: current gutter: color: comment background: color: grey_darkest alpha: 0.6 } flairs: indentation_guide: type: flair.PIPE, foreground: comment, :background, line_width: 1 indentation_guide_1: type: flair.PIPE, foreground: grey_darker, line_width: 1 indentation_guide_2: type: flair.PIPE, foreground: grey_darker, line_width: 1 indentation_guide_3: type: flair.PIPE, foreground: grey_darker, line_width: 1 edge_line: type: flair.PIPE, foreground: blue, foreground_alpha: 0.3, line_width: 0.5 search: type: highlight.ROUNDED_RECTANGLE foreground: black foreground_alpha: 1 background: yellow text_color: grey_darkest height: 'text' search_secondary: type: flair.ROUNDED_RECTANGLE background: yellow text_color: grey_darkest height: 'text' replace_strikeout: type: flair.ROUNDED_RECTANGLE foreground: black background: red text_color: black height: 'text' brace_highlight: type: flair.RECTANGLE text_color: foreground background: '#0064b1' height: 'text' brace_highlight_secondary: type: flair.RECTANGLE foreground: '#0064b1' text_color: foreground line_width: 1 height: 'text' list_selection: type: flair.RECTANGLE background: current background_alpha: 0.3 list_highlight: type: highlight.UNDERLINE foreground: white text_color: white line_width: 2 cursor: type: flair.RECTANGLE background: foreground width: 2 height: 'text' block_cursor: type: flair.ROUNDED_RECTANGLE, background: foreground text_color: background height: 'text', min_width: 'letter' selection: type: highlight.ROUNDED_RECTANGLE background: selection background_alpha: 0.4 min_width: 'letter' styles: default: color: foreground red: color: red green: color: green yellow: color: yellow blue: color: blue magenta: color: purple cyan: color: aqua popup: background: grey_darkest color: foreground comment: font: italic: true color: comment variable: color: yellow label: color: orange font: italic: true key: color: blue font: bold: true fdecl: color: green font: bold: true keyword: color: magenta font: bold: true class: color: blue font: bold: true type_def: color: green font: bold: true definition: color: yellow function: color: blue font: bold: true type: color: blue font: italic: true char: color: green number: color: purple operator: color: magenta preproc: color: aqua special: color: purple tag: color: purple member: color: red info: color: blue constant: color: yellow string: color: yellow regex: color: green background: embedded_bg embedded: color: blue background: embedded_bg -- Markup and visual styles error: font: italic: true color: white background: red warning: font: italic: true color: orange h1: font: bold: true color: magenta h2: font: bold: true color: aqua h3: font: italic: true color: purple emphasis: font: bold: true italic: true strong: font: italic: true link_label: color: aqua link_url: color: comment table: color: blue background: embedded_bg underline: true addition: color: green deletion: color: red change: color: yellow }
Atom = require 'ljglibs.gdk.atom' GtkClipboard = require 'ljglibs.gtk.clipboard' {:clipboard, :config} = howl describe 'Clipboard', -> system_cb = GtkClipboard.get(Atom.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD) before_each -> clipboard.clear! describe 'push(item, opts = {})', -> context 'when <item> is a string', -> it 'adds a clip item containing text to the clipboard', -> clipboard.push 'hello!' assert.equals 'hello!', clipboard.current.text context 'when <item> is a table', -> it 'adds the clip item as is to the clipboard', -> clipboard.push text: 'hello!' assert.equals 'hello!', clipboard.current.text it 'raises an error if <item> has no .text field', -> assert.raises 'text', -> clipboard.push {} context 'when opts contains a ".to" field', -> it 'pushes the item to the specified target', -> clipboard.push 'hello!', to: 'a' assert.is_nil clipboard.current assert.equals 'hello!', clipboard.registers.a.text context 'when no ".to" field is specified in opts', -> it 'ensures the number of clips does not exceed config.clipboard_max_items', -> config.clipboard_max_items = 5 for i = 1,6 clipboard.push "clip #{i}" assert.equals 5, #clipboard.clips assert.equals 'clip 6', clipboard.clips[1].text assert.equals 'clip 2', clipboard.clips[5].text it 'copies the clip to the system clipboard as well', -> clipboard.push 'global!' assert.equals 'global!', system_cb\wait_for_text! describe 'clear()', -> it 'clears all clips', -> clipboard.push 'hello!' clipboard.push 'to register!', to: 'a' clipboard.clear! assert.is_nil clipboard.current assert.is_nil clipboard.registers.a describe 'synchronize()', -> it 'adds the clip from the system clipboard if it differs from .current', -> system_cb\set_text 'pushed' clipboard.synchronize! assert.equals 'pushed', clipboard.current.text it 'does nothing if the texts are the same', -> clipboard.push 'pushed' system_cb\set_text 'pushed' clipboard.synchronize! assert.equals 'pushed', clipboard.current.text assert.equals 1, #clipboard.clips
export modinfo = { type: "command" desc: "Set time of day" alias: {"settimeofday"} func: (Msg,Speaker) -> light = Service"Lighting" light.TimeOfDay = Msg Output2(string.format("Set time of day to %s",light.TimeOfDay),{Colors.Green}) loggit("Set time of day") }
import Model from require "lapis.db.model" class ResourceReports extends Model -- Has created_at and modified_at @timestamp: true @relations: { {"resource", belongs_to: "Resources", key: "resource"} }
cons => nil => array => length = (get array "length") (for 0 length nil i => result => idx = (sub (sub length i) 1) val = (get array (nts idx)) (cons idx val result))
import insert from table validate_functions = { exists: (input) -> input and input != "", "%s must be provided" -- TODO: remove this in favor of is_file file_exists: (input) -> type(input) == "table" and input.filename != "" and input.content != "", "Missing file" min_length: (input, len) -> #tostring(input or "") >= len, "%s must be at least #{len} chars" max_length: (input, len) -> #tostring(input or "") <= len, "%s must be at most #{len} chars" is_file: (input) -> type(input) == "table" and input.filename != "" and input.content != "", "Missing file" is_integer: (input) -> tostring(input)\match"^%d+$", "%s must be an integer" is_color: do hex = "[a-fA-f0-9]" three = "^##{hex\rep 3}$" six = "^##{hex\rep 6}$" (input) -> input = tostring(input) input\match(three) or input\match(six), "%s must be a color" is_timestamp: (input) -> month, day, hour, min, sec = input and input\match "^%d+%-(%d+)%-(%d+)%s+(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)$" month != nil, "%s is not a valid timestamp" equals: (input, value) -> input == value, "%s must match" one_of: (input, ...) -> choices = {...} for choice in *choices return true if input == choice false, "%s must be one of #{table.concat choices, ", "}" type: (input, kind) -> return true if type(input) == kind false, "%s must be a " .. kind } test_input = (input, func, args) -> fn = assert validate_functions[func], "Missing validation function #{func}" args = {args} if type(args) != "table" fn input, unpack args validate = (object, validations) -> errors = {} for v in *validations key = v[1] error_msg = v[2] input = object[key] if v.optional continue unless validate_functions.exists input v.optional = nil for fn, args in pairs v continue unless type(fn) == "string" success, msg = test_input input, fn, args unless success insert errors, (error_msg or msg)\format key break next(errors) and errors assert_valid = (object, validations) -> errors = validate object, validations coroutine.yield "error", errors if errors { :validate, :assert_valid, :test_input, :validate_functions }