--- size_categories: - 100B**Spectral and Polarization Vision: Spectro-polarimetric Real-world Dataset**](https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.17396). ## 📦 Contents - [**File Hierarchy** ](#💾-file-hierarchy) - [**Trichromatic Data Overview** ](#📷-trichromatic-data-overview) - [**Hyperspectral Data Overview** ](#📷-hyperspectral-data-overview) - [**Labeling Information** ](#🗂️-labeling-information) - [**Citation** ](#📜-citation) - [**Contact** ](#📫-contact) ## 💾 File Hierarchy - ### **📂 trichromatic/**: Trichromatic polarimetric dataset - **📂 original/**: Data processed from captured raw files - **📄 0000.npy ~** - **📂 denoised/**: Data processed from denoised raw files - **📄 0000.npy ~** - **📂 mask/**: Masks for the scenes - **📄 0000.png ~** - **📄 labeling_trichromatic.csv**: Labeling each scene - ### **📂 hyperspectral/**: Hyperspectral polarimetric dataset - **📂 original/**: Data processed from captured raw files - **📄 0000.npy ~** - **📂 denoised/**: Data processed from denoised raw files - **📄 0000.npy ~** - **📂 mask/**: Mask fors the scenes - **📄 0000.png ~** - **📄 labeling_hyperspectral.csv**: Labeling each scene - ### **📄 README.md** ## 📷 Trichromatic Data Overview + **original & denoised:** - Format: Stokes numpy files `(1900, 2100, 4, 3)` - Dimensions: - **R:** Spatial dimension - **C:** Spatial dimension - **s:** Stokes axis (*s0, s1, s2, s3*) - **c:** Spectral axis (R G B) + **mask:** - Binary mask images `(1900, 2100)` - Dimensions: - **R:** Spatial dimension - **C:** Spatial dimension ## 📷 Hyperspectral Data Overview + **original & denoised:** - Format: Stokes numpy files `(512, 612, 4, 21)` - Dimensions: - **R:** Spatial dimension - **C:** Spatial dimension - **s:** Stokes axis (*s0, s1, s2, s3*) - **c:** Spectral axis (`450nm ~ 650nm` at `10nm` intervals) + **mask:** - Binary mask images `(512, 612)` - Dimensions: - **R:** Spatial dimension - **C:** Spatial dimension ## 🗂️ Labeling Information - **SceneNum:** Indices of scenes (`0 ~ 310` for hyperspectral, `0 ~ 2021` for trichromatic) - **Content:** Type of content (scene, object) - **Timezone:** Scene environment (indoor, day, night) - **Illumination:** Illumination condition (white, yellow, sunny, cloudy) ## 📜 Citation ```bibtex @InProceedings{Jeon_2024_CVPR, author = {Jeon, Yujin and Choi, Eunsue and Kim, Youngchan and Moon, Yunseong and Omer, Khalid and Heide, Felix and Baek, Seung-Hwan}, title = {Spectral and Polarization Vision: Spectro-polarimetric Real-world Dataset}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, month = {June}, year = {2024}, pages = {22098-22108} } ``` ## 📫 Contact If you have any questions, please contact + Yujin Jeon: jyj7913@postech.ac.kr + Eunsue Choi: ches7283@postech.ac.kr + Seung-hwan Baek: shwbaek@postech.ac.kr