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48,400 | 1,305 | 65 | 1,805 | 2,363 | Merde, ça ne finira pas bien. Soit je meurs en me battant ou en prenant mes chances en sautant de la fenêtre et en visant un buisson Shoske a légèrement tourné la tête pour regarder par la fenêtre, gémissant une fois C'est juste trois stories, ce n'est pas comme si mes jambes se briseraient si mal Shoske était piégé entre les deux déliquents. Il a écouté le gars parler, ne se souciant pas vraiment de son point de vue sur les femmes "Oh s'il vous plaît, quelle différence cela fait-il si elle est un gars ou une fille?! Je crois en l'égalité des droits donc si une fille vient à moi, je n'hésiterai pas à frapper! » Un peu de recul alors qu'il écoutait Kurisa lui donnait une chance de s'enfuir, mais au prix de se prosterner et de demander pardon. Shoske riait à l'intérieur, sachant évidemment que c'était un mensonge flagrant. Après avoir traité avec son genre pendant si longtemps, il savait ne pas acheter un mot. Mais il a joué le jeu pour l'instant, espérant un miracle
"Oh bien sûr, laisse-moi juste me dépoussiérer et" Shoske était sur le point de les surprendre et de faire une ligne de b pour l'autre ensemble d'escalier à l'approche d'Utaho. Mais un miracle s'est produit, un type plutôt étrange est venu glisser une chaise du couloir, sa chaise frapper sur Kurisa et Utaho sur le sol. "...PFFFTT AHAHAH" Il n'a pas pu s'empêcher de rire de la vue des deux qui tombent. Profitant de la situation, il courut rapidement pour l'escalier opposé. Mais quand il a passé les deux qui ont été frappés, il a senti une main serrer fermement sa cheville, le faisant tomber. Il s'est retourné, voyant la même fille qu'il a mise à la tête le tirant avec une vengeance "Allez, n'abandonnez pas!?" Il a dit qu'il avait jeté le crayon sur elle et a essayé de sortir de son emprise. | Shoske Kawahiru
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-B
Personality: Shoske is a pretty laid back and carefree person, usually trying to blend in rather than being on the spot. Shoske is also quite resourceful since he used to get beaten up so much. Will rp rest out
Background: Shoske grew up in your average Japanese household, his father worked at a large company and his mother was a stay at home mom. He had 1 younger brother and 1 younger sister. There was only one major problem in his household. HE WAS SHORT. His younger brother had already almost caught up to him and he was already shorter than his mom and dad. Everyday, he cursed life for being short
School was nothing special, he found a great interest in certain things and often read books. But he knew not to overindulge or he'd end up being called a nerd. So he kept a balance. Despite that, he was still bullied on due to his short stature.
However, he never backed day. Every day they beat him up, he put up a fight. It didn't matter how bad it was, he wasn't gonna take shit for being short. Thanks to this, he has pretty good endurance since he had to fight multiple people at once. Although he never really won, he still left them with atleast a scar of 2.
In highschool, they eventually gave up and moved on to another target. Finally, he was able to live the relaxed life he wanted. He joined the gardening club since it didn't require a lot of effor and still read books every now and then.
Skills: Very skilled in biology (plants and animals), skilled in gardening (was in the club), skilled in p.e. (mostly endurance), and horrible at hands on stuff including machinery like engineering, mechanics, etc.
Weapons: None
Open to any ^^
Other: "They Ate Shoske!"....wait......THATS |
48,401 | 1,305 | 66 | 1,300 | 3,244 | @Everyfool
Kurisa sentit sa main se faire repousser comme Utaho lui a dit d'aller après l'autre gars, cela a fait Kurisa regarder par-dessus son épaule droite "Uh..." Kurisa pouvait voir la personne qui avait fait cela était partie depuis longtemps et le poursuivre aurait été une perte de temps... bien que Kurisa aurait pu utiliser ceci comme une excuse pour sortir de toute cette situation et c'est ce qu'il avait prévu jusqu'à ce qu'il entende les orateurs de l'école laisser un son aigu comme une voix alors a commencé à parler "Etudiants d'attention. Veuillez rester calme et suivre les ordres de vos enseignants et évacuer l'école d'une manière calme et ordonnée. Je vais répéter. Restez calmes, s'il vous plaît. Il y a un problème qui se passe à l'extérieur et nous devons eva-quoi!? Qu'est-ce que tu fais là? Ne t'en va pas! Éloignez-vous de moi!! Quelqu'un d'aide! Ils sont à l'intérieur de l'école! C'est vrai! A l'aide! Ça craint! C'est pas vrai! AIDEZ-MOI! HE-" A ce moment-là, le système de conférenciers de l'école coupé, un silence étrange est venu à propos de l'école et puis les cris ont commencé comme le bruit des gens qui se précipitent pour s'échapper a soudainement rempli l'école.
Les yeux de Kurisa s'élargissaient légèrement alors qu'il regardait par la fenêtre, sa bouche s'ouvrant presque « C'est ça, putain!? Pourquoi est-ce que tout le monde se mange les uns les autres? Le feu s'en va!? Vous voyez ça tous les deux?" la merde que Kurisa voyait était comme quelque chose dans un film d'horreur... des gens qui mangeaient d'autres personnes, l'esprit de Kurisa a immédiatement commencé à courir sauvage alors qu'il regardait vers la ville pour voir la fumée remplir le ciel. Kurisa a essayé de calmer ses nerfs mais ce n'était pas quelque chose dont vous pourriez être complètement calme! Kurisa a ensuite fermé les yeux et a pris une respiration profonde alors qu'il regardait Shoske et Utaho "Regardez que nous n'avons pas le temps pour cette merde en ce moment. On doit faire de notre mieux pour éviter tout ce qu'il y a dehors et pourtant sortir d'ici... Je ne sais pas pour toi mais je n'ai pas envie de me faire manger comme eux. Je dis maintenant que nous mettons nos différences de côté et trouvons juste un moyen de sortir d'ici!"
Puis M. Prez s'est finalement exprimé (espère que ça ne vous dérange pas d'argent) "Hé! Est-ce que tu m'oublies? Je suis là! Et si quoi que ce soit, je suis plus qualifié que toi pour prendre des décisions! Si nous agissons calmement et trouvons des Enseignants, je suis sûr que nous serons d'accord! » C'est alors qu'il se retourna et se mit à marcher vers l'un des autres escaliers, s'arrêtant au sommet d'eux alors qu'il se tournait pour regarder les trois "Eh bien! Come o-" À ce moment-là, une paire de bras a saisi le Prez comme l'un d'eux a mordu au fond de son cou, ce qui a provoqué le Prez à crier dans la douleur alors qu'il luttait pour s'en sortir "FUCK! Vous m'aidez! Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!" À ce moment-là, le préz a toussé le sang alors que son corps est allé boiteux et est tombé à terre.
Les yeux de Kurisa s'étaient considérablement élargis par ce point... il pouvait à peine même réagir, encore moins aider le gars. Kurisa se gratte les dents alors qu'il s'est cogné la tête avec sa main droite "Fuck...Ok... nous devons sortir d'ici maintenant! Je suggère de prendre les escaliers qui descendent du toit et d'essayer de sortir d'ici... à moins que vous n'ayez une idée soudaine et meilleure, car croyez-moi, je suis prêt à le prendre! » Il était clair que Kurisa paniquait un peu et en ce moment son apparence était la dernière chose à son esprit! Sortir de cette putain d'école et trouver un endroit sûr était ce qu'il pensait... il savait un endroit où ils pourraient aller, mais ce n'est peut-être pas sûr si cette chose se passe dans la ville... mais ce serait un bon endroit pour aller indépendamment. À ce moment-là, Kurisa essayait de se calmer et de penser mais l'esprit ne fonctionnait pas... des armes... ils auraient besoin de quelque chose de décent s'ils voulaient garder ces choses loin et la putain de poignée de balai qu'il avait serait aussi bon que inutile dans cette situation. | Kurisa Shuiji
Kurisa Shuiji
Kurisa is a pretty standard guy, obsessed with cars, sports and the alike. However this focus on somewhat physical subjects means Kurisa isn't exactly book smart which is his main downfall and why he is the C grade. Kurisa is a firm believer that the crap you learn from books is useless and that the best way to learn something is physical experience and learning from mistakes, although when you do something physical that threatens to hurt you, you're generally more careful and so less mistakes happen. You screw up, you get hurt...Do you get that with a book? You bet your ass you don't!
Aside from Kurisa being more of a hands on kind of guy he is also a pretty hard person to generally get along with. Some will hit some luck with him but most will likely fail...this is generally shown with how he hates half the people at his school just down to the way they act. You could say he has a lot of anger inside him and so it doesn't take much to set him off...yet on the odd occasion he will stay in control of his emotions however due to this being somewhat rare Kurisa has fought with a lot of the other males in his year and the year above...not always winning but that doesn't mean he didn't give them a decent ass kicking!
Kurisa has a pretty standard family. His father is a mechanic, hence why Kurisa takes an interest in Mechanics and his mother is an accountant. Kurisa also has a much younger Sister however it's to early to tell what she will be into as her only interests as of now are drawing and Pokemon. Kurisa's upbringing wasn't necessarily a bad one, he was certainly much more cheerful in his life when he was younger however when his Grandmother passed when he was aged 10, things started to go down hill a little from there and eventually lead to Kurisa becoming somewhat of a troublemaker at school. His Mother speculates that Kurisa's anger and aggression are simply a front to hide his depression, almost as if he lives in some sort of denial that she is gone...However that is just his mothers views. His fathers are somewhat different and that he simply blames it on him just being in his Teens and rebelling.
(Keeping it short and sweet)
Very Skilled in engineering due to being around vehicles and machinery all his life due to his father being a mechanic and so Kurisa has followed in his fathers foot steps in hopes of one day becoming a Mechanic himself.
Semi Skilled in Sports/Athletics. Kurisa generally likes to keep fit and so puts some time into sports and the alike. He isn't really all the competitive but it's a great way to keep himself in shape and in some ways helps him when he somewhat occasionally gets into a fight with another student...even on the field
Semi-Skilled in Kendo. Kurisa does have an interest in Japanese history and although not a large amount it's enough of an interest for him to want to take up Kendo class so he can at least believe he is somewhat like a Samurai...although in truth he is far from it as he isn't the greatest there is but he is good enough that he can give some more experienced members a challenge
Useless at Geography. Kurisa has no interest in Geography...he knows how to use a map and that is as far as it goes for him. All the other crap they try teach you is useless and he believes it will be hardly useful at all! If you got eyes and a map then you should be fine
Utaho Rinnosuke - Kurisa would say he is somewhat friends with Utaho or at least they get along well enough. Although they may not be side by side everyday there is the occasional case in which the two may go out if they are bored and just kick some randomers ass or someone's ass from their school who annoyed them...why?...well...why not?
Kibaya Musato - Kurisa doesn't know to much about Kibaya...probably due to him rarely even being in class. However the two have spoken a few times to know a little about eachother but not enough to be considered really anything close to friends
"THEY ATE SHOSKE!"...That's why he's called Zombie Bait *chuckles* |
48,402 | 1,305 | 67 | 993 | 1,646 | Utaho a frappé le crayon jeté sur elle avec beaucoup de facilité. Elle était tellement énervée que même si elle s'était blessée avec ça, elle n'aurait pas remarqué de toute façon. "Bien sûr que non, salope! Tout de suite! Elle était sur le point de tirer Shoske vers elle et de délivrer son juste châtiment... jusqu'à ce que l'annonce arrive. C'était flippant, c'était sûr. Kirari et Ami semblaient vraiment flippés. Quand elle l'a entendu, Utaho a lâché Shoske et s'est levée. C'était bien plus important que de battre un idiot qui ne valait même pas son temps. Elle a mis ses mains dans les poches de son sweat à capuche et s'est approchée de la fenêtre, debout à côté de Kurisa. Ami et Kirari sont allés là où elle était aussi et ont regardé la scène qui se passait à l'extérieur.
"Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Qu'est-ce qui se passe?" J'ai échappé aux lèvres de Kirari. La fille aux cheveux blancs ne pouvait pas croire ce qui se passait dehors, et elle a pris une paire de pas en arrière avant de tomber. Ami se précipita de son côté, tandis qu'Utaho regardait, stupéfait de ce qui se passait. "Uta-chan... que se passe-t-il là-bas?" Ami lui a demandé. Utaho a simplement gardé le silence pendant un moment. "Uta-chan?" Elle a demandé à nouveau.
"Dunno..." Elle s'est échappée de la fenêtre, toujours assez surprise de ce qui se passait, mais sonnant bizarrement calme. Elle s'approcha alors de Kurisa, et se mit à bouger la tête pour que Kirari et Ami viennent avec eux. Ami a aidé un Kirari agité à se lever et ils ont aussi marché à l'endroit où était Utaho. "Mais tu as raison, Kurisa. On ne peut pas rester ici. Ces choses nous mangeront probablement." Même si elle a essayé de paraître aussi calme que toujours, c'était une réalité que ses jambes tremblaient comme des fous. Ami a mis une main sur l'épaule d'Utaho, pour la calmer. Mais elle n'avait pas ce luxe. Ce stupide président s'est enfui tout seul. "Attendez, enfoiré!" Avant qu'elle puisse finir, il était déjà trop tard et le président n'était plus. C'était bien que Kirari et Ami ne bougeaient pas du tout d'où était Utaho. S'ils avaient été aussi stupides que le préz, ils seraient déjà morts. Il ne lui restait qu'une question dans la tête. "Comment a-t-il été élu président?" Elle chuchotait, et ça lui faisait rire un peu.
Elle se tourna à nouveau vers Kurisa, Kirari et Ami après ses actions. Utaho s'est tourné vers Kirari, qui a laissé tomber un peu après que les yeux de son amie aient posé sur elle.
"E-Eh? Oui, je pense que ce serait une bonne idée de le faire. Qu'est-ce qu'on peut faire d'autre? Ces choses grouillent les escaliers." Elle a dit, se tournant pour voir l'endroit où le président avait disparu.
"Alors, nous sommes avec toi, Kurisa." Utaho a terminé, tandis qu'Ami et Kirari ont tous les deux fait signe à Kurisa. | Name: Utaho Rinnosuke
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Class: 3-D
Personality: Utaho is a delinquent, first and foremost, and as so, she always has a tough act on and a deathly glare on her face. Her fuse is fairly short and she'll probably beat the shit out of you once she explodes. She holds nothing back against anyone, no matter who they are, if they insult her, they can consider themselves dead meat. She also likes picking on the weak, and will probably continue doing so until they show any kind of resistance against her harassment. Of course, this means that most of the times, the only way she knows how to solve things is by using her fists, and always leaving the brains part out. Utaho is also fairly dumb, and probably a person with which you shouldn't speak to with complicated words.
Of course, that's not all there is to Utaho, though. She may seem like any other asshole of a woman to everyone, but those that have indeed gotten to know her are aware of her friendly nature, and how she always puts her friends first. If you ever show to her that you've got enough guts as to stand up to her, or even withstand one of her punches, then you'll probably gain her respect, and friendship, and she's the kind that would go to great extremes just to see her friends happy and well. She doesn't bully those who show some guts out of sheer respect, but anyone that is spineless enough as to bow to the will of a single woman.... well, she doesn't respect them even as a person. And even so, she is not arrogant. She thinks of herself as only a woman, and is pretty down to earth in that aspect. She knows there are countless people better than her, at academics mainly, but, in her own twisted way, she also worries that those talented people might not be ready for what the world holds for them.
Background: Utaho grew up in a household with nothing but men in it, so she had to learn how to defend herself from her older brothers, and quick. At first, they didn't really pick on her or anything, to be honest, they loved her very much, but what was just awful was the fact that they treated her just like how they would treat any other guy. While young, Utaho wore her hair short as a consequence of this. Playing rough with your bigger brothers usually develops some skill in you, such as fighting. Utaho was able to learn moves from seeing them once in TV and could replicate them to almost perfection, in fact, she thinks that's her only redeemable quality.
She was able to survive her older brothers, but nothing could have prepared her for what was awaiting her in middle school. Yes, elementary school was a walk in the park, everything is fairly easy, and Utaho managed to get average grades, but middle school? That's when the problems started. Most of her history was filled with failing marks. One could even say she was somewhat depressed, and her little group knew it. Around that time, they used to pick on an intelligent, loner girl who always got high grades. Of course, these kinds of things (usually) do not last forever. One day, the girl finally decided to stand up against them, even going as far as to punch one of them, and she gained Utaho's instant respect and friendship. Thanks to that girl, she has been able to at the very least pass exams.
Skills: She is very skilled at fighting, not any particular discipline, more like street fighting. She is also semi-skilled in home economics (she had to cook for a family of men) and also semi-skilled at sewing. She's bad at anything school related besides the aforementioned two.
Weapons: N/A
Kurisa Shuiji: "Well, what can I say about the guy? He knows how to kick ass and he does it well enough for me to invite him over to kick some ass together from time to time. I like him, definitely so. The only bad thing is that he ain't one to talk much. It'd also be nice if he was a bit more intelligent.
Other: She is into cute things, and even her phone is decorated with cute-ish things all over. And also, "They Ate Shoske!".... Poor guy. D: |
48,403 | 1,305 | 68 | 302 | 2,579 | L'annonce terrifiée Mi. C'était terrifiant. Mi était en train de friser, mais elle a essayé de ne pas le montrer. Alors que Mi Gas essayait de comprendre ce qui se passait, une partie rationnelle de son cerveau lui a dit une chose. Tu es douée pour la médecine. Va chercher des trucs dans le bureau de l'infirmière. Elle était sortie la dernière fois que tu es partie, Mi a pensé à elle-même, debout et se dirigeant vers la sortie de la salle de gym. Elle a manœuvré à travers la foule, brisant la masse de panique des étudiants afin d'être en ligne au bureau de l'infirmière. Mi n'a pas pensé aux armes. Elle pensait à ce qu'elle était bonne. Médecine. Et c'est ce qu'elle allait obtenir.
Alors que Mi courait dans les couloirs et claquait les portes au bureau de l'infirmière, elle regardait frénétiquement à l'intérieur, en s'assurant qu'il était vide. Elle a ensuite regardé autour de lui et a vu un sac de messager. Elle l'a ramassée et a commencé à y mettre du matériel médical. De temps en temps, elle regardait par-dessus son épaule à la porte, et bien au soulagement de Mi, elle ne voyait rien. Une fois que Mi avait rempli le sac de messager avec des médicaments, des bandages, et d'autres articles médicaux, elle a quitté le bureau. Mi a regardé les couloirs et les chambres en partant, elle a été très alerte pour tout signe de quoi que ce soit. Elle ne voulait pas être attaquée et morte. Mi voulait survivre. Donc être alerte était la seule chose qu'elle pouvait faire. | Name: Mi Kiyoshi
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Class: 1-A
Personality: Mi is shy, to say the very least. She doesn't quite know how to start a conversation, and if she managed to get into a conversation she didn't quite know how to keep the conservation up. In conversations she would look to the sides, avoiding eye contact. However Mi does have a large amount of patience, so she can tolerate most people being rude.
Mi also loves to help people. She will help someone if they are hurt if she can. She cares more about other people than about herself. She admires strong people, though she doesn't really show it. She tends to stray away from human interactions.
Background: Mi grew up an only child with a single parent. Her father had died while Mi was young and so Mii's mother raised her alone. Mi's mother was a doctor, and so she was gone most of the time and when she was, she would be studying medical procedures and so Mi was taught quite a few medical skills by her mom. Mi enjoyed learning about medicine. She would ask her mom to teach her more and more in exchange for Mi doing the housework.
As Mi got older, school became sort of awkward for her. She was small for her age and so most of the girls in her class treated her like a little doll. They would mess with her hair. Mi's shy demeanor didn't really help stop the treatment from the other girl's though she didn't really mind it
Skills: Mii is skilled with medicine and has a large amount of medical knowledge. She's pretty good at at cooking and cleaning and is quite a fast runner, though she sucks at fighting
Weapons: N/A
Relationships/Friendships: N/A
Other: "They Ate Shoske" |
48,404 | 1,305 | 69 | 1,013 | 86 | Quand Mi est tombé à terre, c'était à la fois un soulagement et une peine pour Yukito. Il était heureux qu'il y ait eu quelqu'un comme réservé, et même avec des qualités quelque peu identiques. Cependant, une personne comme Yukito ne pourrait jamais souhaiter quelque chose comme ça. Mais ce n'était vraiment pas le moment d'être soulagés, car l'intimidateur fumait le rouge, et ses disciples de sexe féminin traversaient leurs bras. "Tu sais quoi? Vous êtes toutes les deux des salopes! Merde ce cours et c'est de la merde! Je m'en vais!" Il s'est exclamé, s'étant envolé de la salle de gym, frappant l'un des anciens amis de Yukito, Shingen, dans le processus. "Mouve-toi, espèce de gros geek!" Shingen a été poussé au mur, et Yukito a froncé. C'était quoi, le P.E. Le professeur fait ça? Au maximum des connaissances de l'étudiant, il était dehors pour faire quelque chose... Le garçon avec des lunettes se leva, et marcha vers Mi, lui tenant une main pour l'attraper. "Quelle perte de connaissance, ce garçon. Tu as besoin d'aide?" Il dit à Mi avec un sourire sur son visage, et il regarda Shingen. "Désolé, frérot. Mais il a été interrompu par trois cris un peu girly.
Les deux jeunes filles se sont enfuies en criant dans la salle de gym, alors qu'une brute rampait dedans. "H-HELP! C'est une... une ZOMBIE!! Il... "Splurch. C'était le bruit de son cou presque mâché en deux, et il est immédiatement allé calme, une piscine de sang se formant autour de son visage. Tous les enfants de la salle de gym ont crié et paniqué, et ont flirté autour pour sortir pendant qu'ils pouvaient encore. Et celui qui mange? Le P.E. Maître, maintenant une teinte pâle et grisâtre. Yukito a presque pleuré littéralement. Le gros Shingen s'enfuyait, mais il a été arrêté par une vague de gens, frappé au sol. Yukito, dans une ruée d'adrénaline qu'il ne savait pas qu'il venait, a tiré Shingen, et traîné le gros garçon avec lui dans la salle Tech. "Allez, nous n'avons pas longtemps, nous devons nous échapper!" Il était presque inondé de larmes à ce point, de larmes de tristesse et de larmes de peur. Espérons qu'ils pourront survivre dans le monde qui semble s'effondrer.
Comme cela se passait, l'AP a continué, et quelqu'un a parlé. "Élèves attentifs. Veuillez rester calme et suivre les ordres de vos enseignants et évacuer l'école d'une manière calme et ordonnée. Je vais répéter. Restez calmes, s'il vous plaît. Il y a un problème qui se passe à l'extérieur et nous devons eva-quoi!? Qu'est-ce que tu fais là? Ne t'en va pas! Éloignez-vous de moi!! Quelqu'un d'aide! Ils sont à l'intérieur de l'école! C'est vrai! A l'aide! Ça craint! C'est pas vrai! AIDEZ-MOI! Yukito secoua la tête, fermant la tête. Aujourd'hui... Ce jour était probablement le pire jour de sa vie. Rien dans le monde entier ne pouvait battre sa douleur. Il est venu dans un sob calme, avant de voir Paneru Yagyu être attaqué par ce qui semblait être un zombie. Cette fille, même s'ils ne savaient probablement pas qui il était, était la personne que Yukito admirait secrètement. C'était la personne la plus intelligente que Yukito connaissait, sans parler de sa gentille et douce personnalité. "N-non! Yagyuu-sama!" Il courait vers la victime, Shingen en main, qui était aussi en état de choc. | Name: Yukito Amamiya
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Class: 1-A
Personality: Yukito is extremely studious and nerdy, trying to learn all there is about the world he lives in, and the people that live in it. Socially, he is somewhat shy and quiet, but kind and generous, and will not hesitate to try to help a good person in need. He can easily make a decision, and stick with it, but at some times (when he is in a bad state or in panic) it is hard for him to think rationally and he won't stay calm. Regarding his pansexuality, he hasn't spoken of it to his family and friends. He does, however, not try to hide it, as he doesn't want to accidentally lose the chance of love. (And he doesn't flirt. I don't think people like him flirt.)
Background: Geography, physics, math, history, you name it, he's almost definitely got it. What he lacks in strength and personality he excels in intelligence. Yukito's parents are very strict, but they strive for him to be the best, and they wish to enroll him in a prestigious college. In his family life, he has two siblings, an older brother and a younger brother, and his extremely strict parents. His older brother is the slacker of the family, the one who stays home all day doing jack shit. His grade-school level younger brother on the other hand, learned from Yukito and is on par with about a middle school student's intellect. Though Yukito's family isn't even close to the richest, he still was pressured to do his best, by family and friends. From an average person's perspective, they would probably think Yukito's background is pretty average. But the reason why he needs to strive is not just the prestigious college, but his parents. His parents, although very smart and responsible, did not make close to the right decisions in high school/college. They, instead of studying and learning, chose to go with friends and have fun, fool around, and throw parties when no homework or projects were assigned. If it were not for this, Yukito would probably be rich- but also a delinquent like Utaho. But these past mistakes made by his family give him an inside hope to never give up.
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Geography/World History
Yukito is extremely interested and proficient in the field of Social Studies {Geography/History}, and was even the champion of a regional contest in the subject. This is his best grade, and his grade in this maintains a beautiful A+. He knows all the capitals of the world, from Moscow in Russia to Yaren in Nauru, and even the smaller countries like Bhutan and Georgia. This is obviously his favorite class.
As this is also a core class and a very important one as well, Yukito is forced to excel in this. Even though he is not interested in it, he is forced to try to be the best in his class at it, although he himself doesn't think of it that way. That, of course, doesn't mean he does not like the mathematics subject in general. He still believes it is sometimes fun, and crucial to graduate and make lots of money.
Life Sciences/Physics
Although Yukito loves the hands-on part of this subject, and he loves learning about certain parts of Science. But the only problem for Yukito is the arduous, boring lessons and lectures given to the students. In this subject, he seems to excel in organic life, including reproduction, the ecosystem, and cells. (Life Sciences)
Physical Education
He can run. He can jump. But he sucks at everything else. Staying up all night studying and doing entirely academic, indoor activities takes a toll on your physical performance. Although he does exercise occasionally to keep his weight low and his good looks staying fresh.
Extracurricular activities
Yukito is in three different clubs, the Chess, Honors, and the Cooking Clubs. (Yes, I just made those up ;.;) He also knows how to play and practice the piano, but I don't think that would really matter in a zombie apocalypse.
Weapons: N/A
Mi Kiyoshi
Yukito only really talked to his very small group of friends, but that doesn't mean he doesn't notice the other kids in his class. His relationship with Mi is unknown, as he hasn't really interacted with her.
Paneru Yagyuu
Paneru is not even an acquaintance to Yukito, as he probably doesn't even notice the poor boy. But since Paneru is an older, class 2 student, Yukito looks up to him as a sort of "role model". Not to mention his kind personality, one that Yukito would try to adopt.
Other: Yes. The tag is right, he is a nerd. Just like me.
They ate Shoske! (What else did they eat?) |
48,405 | 1,305 | 70 | 1,544 | 335 | Paneru sourit chaudement alors que ses cheveux dansaient autour de son visage du vent qui s'était soudainement emparé. Il était certainement reconnaissant que Kurogane-sama ait accepté de l'aider. Il n'avait pas l'air aussi mauvais que tout le monde l'a dit... mais il avait l'air un peu distant. Bien sûr qu'il était là physiquement, mais... dans son propre monde sur un plan mental. C'était difficile à expliquer ou à comprendre pour Paneru, mais c'est ce qu'il sentait. Un type qui a peut-être un passé malheureux ou peut-être un présent. En tout cas, Paneru a allumé quand Megumi a décidé qu'elle venait avec eux. Il la fixa brièvement, avant de regarder maladroitement les deux autres personnes là-bas. Il s'est prosterné devant la fille du nom de Reiko et devant le garçon qui a commencé... à faire des mouvements étranges avec ses doigts et une sorte de tissu. Si c'était quelque chose d'artistique, ça l'intéresserait au plus haut point, mais en ce moment... sa préoccupation était Chisato. Paneru se tenait à la porte et regardait Kurogane-sama et Megumi-shi s'y rendre calmement en bas des escaliers, Paneru les suivant peu après. A mi-chemin de l'escalier... l'interphone est brusquement monté. Ça l'a presque surpris.
"Élèves attentifs. Veuillez rester calme et suivre les ordres de vos enseignants et évacuer l'école d'une manière calme et ordonnée. Je vais répéter. Restez calmes, s'il vous plaît. Il y a un problème qui se passe à l'extérieur et nous devons eva-quoi!? Qu'est-ce que tu fais là? Ne t'en va pas! Éloignez-vous de moi!! Quelqu'un d'aide! Ils sont à l'intérieur de l'école! C'est vrai! A l'aide! Ça craint! C'est pas vrai! AIDEZ-MOI! HE-" A ce moment-là, le système de conférenciers de l'école coupé, un silence étrange est venu à propos de l'école et puis les cris ont commencé comme le bruit des gens qui se précipitent pour s'échapper a soudainement rempli l'école. Le cœur de Paneru a commencé à palpiter comme jamais auparavant. C'était une fusillade à l'école? Il se pensa immédiatement, mais cette idée se dissipa bientôt quand il entendit les bruits d'une fille crier, et les grognements et grognements rapides qui venaient de la même direction à proximité. Paneru a gazé et a ouvert sa bouche large, ses yeux devenant aussi plus grands. "Chisato!", il s'inquiétait, se baladant rapidement devant les frères et sœurs Hazekage et se précipitant au fond des marches, mais à sa consternation, seulement pour voir les étudiants courir frénétiquement et être poursuivis par d'autres étudiants, qui semblaient malades, pâles,... se comporter comme des animaux sauvages sans esprit.
Ses yeux ont commencé à se déchirer du choc... il avait tellement peur de ne pas savoir comment réagir et presque geler dans ses pistes, mais un dégel immédiat est venu de la pensée de Chisato qui a couru à travers son esprit une fois de plus. Il entendit à nouveau le ronflement, et le choc sans précédent déclenché par la situation actuelle, le fit s'éparpiller, car il ne prêta guère attention à toute l'autre cacophonie qui se passait autour de lui. Tout ce qu'il pensait, c'était que le bruit venait du labo des sciences près des marches qui mènent au toit. Il s'est lentement approché de la porte et a culminé... mais a lentement commencé à reculer en regardant dans l'horreur. "Chisato...Chisato... Qu'est-ce que tu fais?", il parlait d'une voix effrayée et timide. Son amie s'agenouillait sur le corps d'une fille morte, du sang s'est répandu autour d'elle et Chisato... elle gémissait et grondait, et on dirait qu'elle allaitait. Les larmes ont commencé à tomber de ses yeux et cette fois, il lui a crié dessus. Mais après le fait, il s'est rendu compte que ce n'était probablement pas une bonne idée. "Chisato! Qu'est-ce que tu fais? Arrêtez!", il lui a crié dessus dans un acte de colère irresponsable. Chisato... semble engourdie, a laissé tomber la chair qu'elle avait mordue du visage de l'autre fille et s'est lentement tournée vers Paneru.
Paneru recula lentement, prudemment, comme s'il traitait Chisato comme une bête sauvage. Son visage était sanglant, surtout autour de sa bouche, son cou semblait manquer un gros morceau de viande et ses yeux semblaient être roulés complètement à l'arrière de sa tête. Sans oublier qu'elle était toute pâle. Disjointement, elle se leva et marcha vers Paneru, ses mouvements étaient brouillés et fragmentés. "Chisato, s'il te plaît, quelque chose ne va pas. Je pense que tu as besoin d'aide.", lui dit-il en vain, mais il le dit doucement et doucement comme si cela la calmerait ou l'apaiserait. Tandis qu'il reculait lentement, elle marchait vers l'avant, mais tout d'un coup, Paneru s'est retrouvé en arrière, à sa consternation, trébuchant accidentellement sur le corps d'un garçon qui avait un bord tranchant du mât du drapeau se protisant hors de son crâne. "Omigawd!", Paneru a crié, mais avant qu'il puisse se lever, Chisato avait sauté sur lui. Rapidement, Paneru s'empoignait des deux poignets, essayant de la retenir alors qu'elle grondait farouchement et faisait des gestes de grognement vers son visage. Le sang de sa bouche a traîné sur sa joue, son cou, son menton et même dans ses longs cheveux dorés, alors qu'il luttait pour la garder à portée de main. Elle était si forte, c'était irréel. "Chisato! S'il vous plaît, arrêtez! Tu m'as fait mal! S'il vous plaît!", cria-t-il à son corps sans âme et affamé. Les larmes roulèrent sur les côtés de son visage, car la détresse ne semblait que devenir beaucoup plus grande. Il craignait... qu'il ne puisse pas la tenir à distance plus longtemps. | <Snipped quote by Merman>
Thank you! Kurisa is just being a meany <.< I only really like the romantic and comical side of Yaoi xD The sexual stuff is not my forté
YES!!! Same here 100%. I'm in it for the comics and the romance. Sexual stuff is unnecessary. All that kinda stuff is done off screen or in hent....nevermind. >_> |
48,406 | 1,305 | 71 | 1,805 | 2,363 | Shoske a fermé les yeux, prêt à prendre le coup de poing. C'était jusqu'à ce que quelqu'un la coupe. Au début, tout semblait bien et comme si c'était juste une perceuse. Mais alors, l'homme avait l'air d'être attaqué et... assassiné? Le bruit a été écourté car une longue pause de silence a balayé l'école comme une couverture. Les yeux de Shoske étaient larges, même quand Utaho l'a lâché. Il a ri un moment "C'est une blague, n'est-ce pas? Juste une sorte de farce?" Il s'est dit, comme s'il essayait de rassurer, c'était juste une grosse blague. Il se leva, toujours à une bonne distance de Kurisa et de la blonde. Son corps s'est figé, choqué par la vue épouvantable devant lui. Des explosions se sont produites à distance alors que les gens ont commencé l'un à l'autre "Quel genre de putain de blague malade est-ce" Toujours en état de choc, Shoske a pris quelques pas en arrière de la fenêtre.
Rien que le silence sonna dans la tête de Shoske alors qu'il tentait de traiter ce qui se passait, ignorant même le président du conseil qui courait devant lui. C'est le cri du président qui l'a réveillé hors de son choc. La vue de ce qui lui est arrivé l'a finalement ramené à la réalité C'est réel... c'est en train de se produire.....quAND LE FUCK Shoske a commencé à penser frénétiquement à une route d'évasion, n'importe quelle chose, n'importe quelle route possible pour qu'ils s'échappent. "Nous sommes baisés... nous sommes tellement baisés. Les escaliers sont probablement inondés et tout ce qu'il y a de fou! » Le rampage de Shoske a été coupé en voyant le corps du président se lever lentement. Shoske a laissé un soupir de soulagement, pensant que c'était peut-être juste une grosse blague. Mais ses espoirs furent écourtés, le président levant la tête pour révéler ses yeux blancs sans vie, ses pupilles roulèrent. Il a essayé de se lever, tombant quelques fois, mais finalement en se rendant à ses pieds et marchant lentement vers eux. Shoske regardait, les yeux vides comme son corps refusait d'écouter. Tout ce qu'il entendait, c'était des cris et des appels à l'aide au fur et à mesure que le corps saigné s'approchait d'eux. | Shoske Kawahiru
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-B
Personality: Shoske is a pretty laid back and carefree person, usually trying to blend in rather than being on the spot. Shoske is also quite resourceful since he used to get beaten up so much. Will rp rest out
Background: Shoske grew up in your average Japanese household, his father worked at a large company and his mother was a stay at home mom. He had 1 younger brother and 1 younger sister. There was only one major problem in his household. HE WAS SHORT. His younger brother had already almost caught up to him and he was already shorter than his mom and dad. Everyday, he cursed life for being short
School was nothing special, he found a great interest in certain things and often read books. But he knew not to overindulge or he'd end up being called a nerd. So he kept a balance. Despite that, he was still bullied on due to his short stature.
However, he never backed day. Every day they beat him up, he put up a fight. It didn't matter how bad it was, he wasn't gonna take shit for being short. Thanks to this, he has pretty good endurance since he had to fight multiple people at once. Although he never really won, he still left them with atleast a scar of 2.
In highschool, they eventually gave up and moved on to another target. Finally, he was able to live the relaxed life he wanted. He joined the gardening club since it didn't require a lot of effor and still read books every now and then.
Skills: Very skilled in biology (plants and animals), skilled in gardening (was in the club), skilled in p.e. (mostly endurance), and horrible at hands on stuff including machinery like engineering, mechanics, etc.
Weapons: None
Open to any ^^
Other: "They Ate Shoske!"....wait......THATS |
48,407 | 1,305 | 72 | 2,613 | 541 | Quand il avait descendu les escaliers, les longs et sinueux escaliers, il ne savait pas ce qu'il attendait. Une petite fille, sinon légèrement potelée, sur le sol, essayant d'éliminer la douleur mineure alors qu'elle s'empoignait de sa cheville entorse? C'était la première pensée. Une belle jeune vixen, déjà enveloppant sa cheville de gaze, et debout lentement, malgré l'inconfort? Il passa dans son esprit, mais fut immédiatement balayé. Cependant, dès qu'il a atteint la quatrième étape... il pouvait le sentir. Ses sens de danger allaient fil de foin, et le Héritier du clan Hazekage s'arrêtait, les yeux se rétrécissaient, et le nez reniflait haut dans l'air alors qu'il réalisait finalement l'odeur. L'odeur... de sang excessif. Cloté, pourri, et impure, du sang qui n'avait pas l'air juste... qui n'avait pas l'air juste dans une atmosphère aussi agréable, sinon tendue. Inconnus de lui, les poils rouges sur le dos de son cou ont commencé à se tenir sur la fin, et il a glissé silencieusement - le seul signe de peur, ou de faiblesse, qu'il ferait jamais dans les prochains mois... encore une fois, inconnu de lui.
Quoi qu'il en soit, il a commencé à faire le tour...
"Élèves attentifs. Veuillez rester calme et suivre les ordres de vos enseignants et évacuer l'école d'une manière calme et ordonnée. Je vais répéter. Restez calmes, s'il vous plaît. Il y a un problème qui se passe à l'extérieur et nous devons eva-quoi!? Qu'est-ce que tu fais là? Ne t'en va pas! Éloignez-vous de moi!! Quelqu'un d'aide! Ils sont à l'intérieur de l'école! C'est vrai! A l'aide! Ça craint! C'est pas vrai! AIDEZ-MOI! Il...
...Kuso. Kuso, Kuso, Kuso. Quelque chose se passait... quelque chose de très, très dangereux. La plupart des élèves paniqueraient; certains seraient fous de la pure peur, d'autant plus que des cris et des grognements pouvaient être entendus dehors, au-dessus, en dessous... partout. Les gens criaient, se coupaient la gorge, criaient jusqu'à ce que leurs poumons saignent, et couraient dans la circulation continue. Heureusement, Kurogane n'était pas juste un élève régulier. Le garçon, à son agacement intérieur, hésita une seconde, avant qu'il ne s'en détache instantanément et ne s'élance, après la présence criante de Paneru Yageru. La vue qui l'a accueilli... ce n'était pas joli. La fille, il a deviné que c'était Chisato. Des restes de cheveux noirs brillants, maintenant cordes et mates de terre et de sang. Du sang. Tellement de sang. Les yeux de Kurogane se rétrécissaient, ses yeux aiguisés prenant immédiatement l'analyse de la situation. Le temps semblait ralentir autour de lui. Ennemi. Personnage hostile... à un pied de là. Incapacité amicale; Paneru Yageru. Lacération massive dans le haut du cou, corps manglé et mordu. Un ennemi.
Il a avancé, blazer battant et les cheveux volant gracieusement à travers les airs alors que sa robe-chaussure-clad-pied claqué contre le menton de la... chose qui avait attaqué Paneru. C'est les mains glissées des épaules du garçon sans problème, et le coup puissant l'avait envoyé voler quelques pieds en l'air. Avec une précision froide et précise, Kurogane s'est tordu les pieds, corps se déplaçant au-dessus de Paneru comme ses pieds gauches fouettés autour d'un coup de pied rond, clouant la créature dans son visage et l'envoyant voler dans le mur, où il était là, le sang tombant maintenant librement de son crâne cassé. "Yagyu, reste en arrière." La voix de Kurogane était fraîche et distante, calme et inébranlable. Dans un flou, le garçon était là, le genou claque à travers la chair pourrie, la moelle osseuse affaiblie, et dans la matière grise gushy, gushy. Immédiatement, il s'est rétracté le genou, en faisant un pas en arrière et en remontant le toit.
"Allez. L'école est dangereuse." Le commandement était dirigé vers sa sœur. Il a facilement pris Paneru, sachant que le garçon a dû être choqué par son esprit. Le tenant fermement, Kurogane s'élança dans l'escalier, les cheveux cramoisis fouettant autour de lui pendant qu'il éclatait à travers les portes et dans l'air sanglant et fumé. A quelques dizaines de mètres de là, il pouvait voir un groupe de cinq zombies shambling trébuchant sur eux-mêmes, essayant de se rapprocher; un avait trébuché contre une unité AC, tombant au sol, où il a été piétiné.
Yeux sans émotion, Kurogane s'assit doucement Paneru sur le sol, donnant un coup d'oeil à sa sœur, Reiko, et Aki. "Restez." Dans un éclair de bois noirci, son bokken était serré dans ses mains. Kurogane a rétréci les yeux, avant de marcher lentement vers l'avant pour rencontrer le groupe de shambling. Il avait un plan... mais il a dû se débarrasser de la poubelle avant de dire que le plan était commencé. Évidemment, être un héros idiot ne fonctionnerait pas... mais le héros est joué par les règles. Il ne l'a pas fait. | ::Name::
Kurogane 'Kuro' Hazekage
Kurogane is...well, let's just say that he's not the most 'forgiving' of students. He has learned, since Day 1, that weakness is not something that should be apparent in his body. Quiet, composed, and calculating, he is a relatively young man that has the ability to intimidate and injure with the blink of an eye, and absolutely no remorse. Events in his history has tailored his mind into such a way, that taunting and insulting him will never work in the midst of battle or survival. He will not joke or play patty-cake with you. If you inspire his ire, then you will perish within the first three seconds. If not, you better make sure that cardio comes natural to your body. He has no fear of 'being too brutal', and the way he fights...the way he 'disciplines' his opponents, well, there's a reason why he is feared by the student body. He's not all bad, however. Catch him when he's not in a bad mood, and he's still quiet, apathetic and distant...but at least he won't kill you if you look at him wrong...maybe. He rather enjoys knitting - joke about it and he will kill you, and can prove to be quite pleasant company, seeing as he's highly intelligent - and his intelligence shows him that not all people are trash.
A shining piece of his personality is his overprotectiveness of his sister, Megumi.
Kurogane...the heir of the 'wealthy' Hazekage Clan. An ancient Japanese family that dates back since the cavemen were born, it's obvious that he has always been held to a higher standard than the common rabble. His father, and his father before that, and thus-forth, has been honorable soldiers in the Leader's Royal Guard, and Kurogane was trained to be such, along with being the heir to the wealthy family. He would become the head of the business, along with serving and bearing their family crest within the bloody trenches of war. At a young age, he was taught etiquette, politics, and when he reached the age of five, he was taught the fine skill of swordsmanship; or Kendo, as the practice was called.
Every day, he was beat into the ground with the same sharp wooden sword, until he could counter, plunge, counter, parry, counter, counter, slash, slash, pierce. Bruise after bruise, welt after welt, fracture after broken bone...he was tortured. The stress, it was heavy. Books became his life, sword became his soul, pain became his haven. This history is what made him into what he is today; the only solace of his dreary life being his sister, Megumi Hazekage. Although trained alongside him, she would always be there once it was all said and done, giving him words of encouragement, and treating his wounds, as he would treat hers, if she managed to garner them after the multiple-hour spars. The two grew closer, forming an inseparable bond that would last until their death. When this whole...schmick started, it was just an average day...
Kuro's skills comes from his intelligent, prodigal state of mind and body. Born to be a highly skilled, highly intelligent young man, he became adept with combat at a young age, most-likely from the constant prodding and abuse his traditional father put both him and his sister through. His body-form is lean, muscular, compact, and sharp - only an enhancement to his already formidable capabilities. He thinks in logical manners; IE whether or not that person should be saved, what personal ties they have to anyone within the area, and if killing them would save their agony. Similarly, this gives him a one-up in battle strategy; something that comes in play when you consider his combat ability. Martial-arts and Kendo are his specialities; having went to Nationals for both.
None, other than his sister; whom he will protect with his life.
They Ate Shoske. - Why not?
Kurogane is the head of the Discipline Committee, his second-in-command being his sister. |
48,408 | 1,305 | 73 | 21 | 5,939 | Près de l'escalier de l'autre côté de l'étage de la 2ème année, une émission imprévue a perturbé l'atmosphère habituelle de l'école secondaire, ainsi qu'une quantité colossale de cris de l'extérieur du bâtiment... S'arrêtant brusquement sur ses traces, Akane regarda le haut-parleur interphone le plus proche, les yeux s'élargissant peu à peu en entendant la détresse du principe. Frappant son visage vers la fenêtre, Akane a fait un pas un peu nerveux vers le verre pour regarder dehors et témoigner... "... quoi... le fu-?"HAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Un cri sanglant a éclaté de la droite d'elle; l'autre bout du couloir d'où elle venait. Les élèves se précipitèrent vers elle, comme si ils couraient pour leur vie et à partir de ce qu'Akane avait vu à l'extérieur de la fenêtre, elle ne les blâmait pas...
Stupéfait, le bruit de gémissements et de gémissements suivi de cris et de cris continue à jaillir de la base de l'escalier d'où elle vient. Secouant la tête, elle se tourna vers la pièce vide la plus proche avant de fouetter son regard vers l'escalier qu'elle marchait vers la première place. Deux choix. Cachez-vous dans la pièce ou grimpez plus haut? Quoi qu'il se passe, ça se rapproche, aller plus haut peut être la meilleure option... Cependant, je vais devoir revenir à un moment donné... cet endroit serait inondé de ces choses d'ici là je devine... Je serais pris au piège si je restais ici... Mais... DAMMIT! DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT!' Akane a sorti une expiration aiguë alors que les cris et les gémissements commençaient à sonner de la base d'un autre escalier. 'Pas le temps!!!'
En tournant vers l'escalier, Akane se précipita pour fermer la courte distance entre elle et les marches, se déplaçant vers le haut sans regarder en arrière, pas même pour un aperçu. Mentalement, elle s'est remerciée d'avoir choisi de porter ses pompes confortables en caoutchouc avec des bretelles et des pantalons de style Mary-Jane aujourd'hui. Il est préférable de rester loin de cette zone avant que ces choses ne l'envahissent... Merde, pourquoi je ne suis pas allé dans une école avec une foutue escapade d'incendie! C'est quoi, ça? Je ne dois pas m'attarder là-dessus maintenant... Je dois penser à un plan. Qu'est-ce qu'ils sont?! Qu'est-il arrivé à ces gens?! Pourquoi sont-ils en train de manger chacun d'eux!!... Ça... ça ne peut pas être réel... une fois qu'elle a atteint le 3ème étage, elle a repéré un groupe d'étudiants. Ils semblaient normaux, sans doute ils étaient les coupables qui faisaient le ruccus plus tôt, mais ce n'était ni le moment ni le lieu de penser à cela. 4e étage ou ici? 4ème ou ici?!' Une pensée a traversé son esprit, mais les bruits qui ont éclaté du sol sous son train de pensée. Tout d'un coup, l'un des étudiants a commencé à crier, paniqué il semble. Elle était sur le point de le bousculer, mais elle a vite remarqué qu'une de ces choses était arrivée ici. "Hnn." Elle a mordu sa langue et sillonné ses sourcils dans l'ennui. Déjà là-haut?! Sont-ils aussi à l'étage? » | ::Name::
Akane Hetoshi
Seeming calm at all times is generally Akane's behaviour. She hardly makes effort to socialise with others unless they know something she wants to find out. Other than that, she usually speaks only when spoken to during classes. She's never bothered by the lack of friends she has or being left out of most social activities outside of the school as any other student may be. She just likes her own company and enjoying herself by herself.
Her main focuses, goals, aspirations, so on and so-forth are:... well.. nothing. Akane feels that she merely exists in this world, nothing more, nothing less and thus is quite content with just 'going wherever the wind takes her'. She takes solace in knowing how insignificant she is, how small her mistakes are compared to the mistakes of those who influence and thrive on being surrounded by other people. This may seem depressing, but Akane feels comfortable with this realisation, it makes her feel liberated when thinking about it since she feels that she can do anything she wants and no one would care or pay her any notice.
Generally Akane is quite relaxed, hardly ever worried or stressed about anything as nothing important or worth fussing over ever happens in her life, or more that's how she sees things. Little know however that secretly Akane is a very hot-headed person. Since she isolates herself within her own little bubble, rarely anyone is given a chance to notice this side of her. Covering up her anger isn't easy but Akane has learned how to conceal it better by dodging the problem altogether: Other people. Her mind, on the other hand, is often filled with annoyed and agitated thoughts from what she witnesses in day-to-day life since she is also rather observant. Due to this, she has a large amount of dislike for many people, especially loud, arrogant, unnecessarily mean and outspoken people. Those who also say what's on their mind at all times no matter whether their statements are positive and nice or rude and negative just grinds her gears. When in the presence of such people, Akane grits her teeth as an automatic response, something she often doesn't realise she's doing.
Akane moved from home as soon as she turned 18. She had enough of her loud, invasive and opinionated family since they'd constantly bug her about being quiet and enter her room unannounced before snooping through her stuff for no reason what-so-ever. She hardly spoke to them despite living within the same building, however on the odd occasion a conversation was made, it'd easily turn into a one-sided argument because of how strongly opinionated they are and the fact that the moment voices or tension raises, Akane simply walks away and escapes to her room which tends to annoy people who're trying to argue with you. Throughout most of her childhood, Akane spent her time in her room with the door shut. If she wasn't there, she was at the local library, enjoying the quiet atmoshpere despite how little she read books. Now that she has her own place though, she's almost happy... if it weren't for the fact that she needed a room-mate to live with so she could afford to move. However, it wasn't all bad, her room-mate is actually quite a nice person and leaves Akane to do what she wants with few questions. There had been a couple of moments where the two of them had interesting deep conversations about a variety of topics as the two of them shared a couple of common interests, one of which was Science. Although such conversations happen rarely.
With her vast amount of alone time, whenever Akane was bored with entertainment or whatever other task she was preforming, she'd turn to studying. Her version of studying had always been a more relaxed, almost lazy approach since she only studied a little each time she was bored until the urge for some entertainment returned. However, despite the lazy quantity, the quality of each study time was high. She'd make sure she fully understood absolutely everything she learned about, be it through text books, research, work sheets etc. This made her rather knowledgeable in quite a few different subjects which was the reason for her constant high grades. Even though her grades were high and she did well in school, Akane didn't care about her high achievements. They weren't impressive in comparison to a person who changed the world so there was no point to embracing such minuscule achievements.
Skilled at Science as it's a subject of interest for her. Semi-skilled at mathematics and computing making her knowledgeable about technology, and also semi-skilled at games which helped her improve her strategic and problem-solving skills. Bad at physical education since she hardly leaves her room, the little exercise she does consists of just walking to school or the library, which hasn't helped her stamina meaning she runs out of breath rather quickly.
They Ate Shoske! - He was in my way. *snickers darkly* |
48,409 | 1,305 | 74 | 1,925 | 466 | L'intercom saignait dans ses oreilles, ce qui poussait Megumi à treuilter en réaction. « Comme l'enfer, ils vont être calmes... » Elle murmura, craignant alors qu'elle se rendait compte à quel point l'école était vraiment paniquée.
"Ah merde!" Elle sifflait : "Remonte en haut, c'est trop bondé!" Megumi a aboyer les ordres et a quitté Kurogane pour régler le problème de Paneru. Au bas de l'escalier, à droite, elle a reposé un extincteur dans sa boîte rouge brillante, lui criant pratiquement de venir l'attraper. Rapide à réagir, elle a ouvert la couverture et sorti le contenant rouge vif, laissant sortir un huff alors qu'elle regardait une étudiante shambante s'approcher d'elle.
Pendant un moment, il a été difficile d'enregistrer tout ce qui s'approchait d'elle. Megumi a préparé son extincteur et s'est raidie. "Reste là!" Elle a demandé, mais cette chose a continué.
"Je t'ai fait peur!" Violentement, Megumi balançait le gros morceau de métal peint et le frappait contre la tête de l'être pâle. On pouvait entendre le bruit du métal se briser contre l'os alors qu'elle insistait pour frapper tout ce qui s'approchait d'elle et de ses deux compagnons de groupe actuels. Une teinte plus foncée de son extincteur enduit de rouge, le liquide Crimson s'abat lentement sur le sol.
Étonnamment, Megumi est restée calme même si elle pouvait sentir son cœur frapper d'adrénaline. Elle a pressé la buse de l'extincteur et a regardé son frère aîné qui a réussi à aplanir ces choses. "Tch..." Megumi a broyé ses dents ensemble dans la frustration. "Je pensais qu'aujourd'hui ne serait pas une bonne journée."
Elle a suivi son frère et Paneru en haut de l'escalier et a attendu leur prochain déménagement.
"Restez", a déclaré Kurogane, à laquelle Megumi s'est tout simplement conformé.
"Nous sommes assis canards..." Megumi a dit alors qu'elle squattait pour reprendre son souffle. "Nous devions être à l'école de tous les endroits... Si seulement nous avons vu dans l'avenir... » Ses yeux rampèrent jusqu'à Paneru, son regard s'aggravait alors que son expression tournait à l'arrière. "Ne faites rien d'imprudent, sinon vous pourriez tous nous faire tuer." Megumi disait juste que c'était évident. Paneru n'a certainement pas l'air de quelqu'un qui serait prêt à se battre, mais juste être là pour au moins applaudir de côté. Elle avait très peu confiance en ses compétences, et ne voulait pas être retenue par lui s'il allait causer des ennuis. | Name: Megumi Hazekage
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: 2-A
Personality: Prideful to say the least, Megumi is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Megumi calls people as "pigs in human clothing," and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possess a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Megumi is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life.
When first meeting her, she is cold and rather ruthless, just gazing upon her will send shivers down ones spine. Not only is she intelligent, yet she knows what to do to bring weak targets down, especially when those targets have a very low self-esteem. In some cases, she could be what you consider a 'Major Bitch'.
In spite of her behavior at school, she is not heartless. While very harsh and not very willing to tolerate failures, she does care a great deal for those who she manages to care about, such as her brother. Megumi has a small social circle, so most of the time she lingers around her sibling.
Background: Megumi was always a stuffy, if not brilliant girl. Born under the daughter of Izuma Hazekage, and sister to Kurogane Hazekage, she was put under speculation by both the press and by her family; although, by extension, her brother would be the heir, she would still represent the family in hindsight, in both business and in war; which she was expected to throw herself into once she became of said mature age. Her days were spent studying with her mother, a softspoken lady that didn't have much to do with her brother, Kurogane. She would often spar with her father and brother, although, whenever she entered the dojo, it was to the sight of Kurogane bleeding, battered and bruised, while her father goaded her in with only a stoic shift of the head. She blossomed underneath his teachings, and often tested her skill against Kurogane; whom she knew to be holding back insurmountable amounts of anger at her father's way of abuse and stress-relief. Every-day, she would help him, either with studying or medical attention, and every-day, he would do the same, straightening her form or giving her a round in a game of Shogi. Life continued on, with Megumi's creative mind allowing her to come out on top with anything she put her energy and time towards. Her relationship with her brother became her strongest bond yet, although it will surely be tested to it's limits in the time to come.
Skills: Megumi is talented in the field of math and engineering, though she is rather lacking in history and social sciences. Due to her great knowledge, she knows quite a bit of information especially pertaining to the crafting of items(Thinks like nailed in baseball bats, or simple weapons for defense, if she were to have completed her studies, Megumi would have learned a lot more). The young girl is a fight fanatic, she dabbles in hand to hand from the teachings her father and brother had given her.
She knows some medical treatments, like disinfecting cuts and bruises, but that's something everyone should already know how to do.
Friendship wise, she sucks at gaining trust from others since she is constantly brooding and upset.
Weapons: N/A
Kurogane - Her older brother and someone she knows very well. He is the only person Megumi is actually willing to socialize with, mostly due to the fact that they are siblings. |
48,410 | 1,305 | 75 | 302 | 2,579 | Mi s'en sortait bien jusqu'à ce qu'elle arrondisse le coin et le voie. Mi ne pouvait que supposer que c'était un étudiant. Il a été blessé, les yeux blancs qui n'ont pas montré de santé mentale. Mi s'est retiré de la "chose". Ce n'était plus humain. Mi s'est rallié et a décidé une chose. Son meilleur refuge pourrait être le bureau de l'infirmière. Mi s'est enfuie dans la chambre.
Une fois à l'intérieur Mi a cherché n'importe quoi qui pourrait être une arme. Elle a regardé autour du bureau dans une panique, à la recherche désespérée de tout ce qui pourrait être utilisé comme arme. Et à sa chance, elle a trouvé quelque chose qui pourrait marcher. C'était la jambe cassée d'une table. La table était cassée depuis un certain temps et avait mis de l'abeille dans le coin de la pièce. Et Mi a ramassé que c'était une jambe de bois cassée, qui avait été cassée proprement sur la table. Mi s'est tourné vers la porte du bureau de l'infirmière. Si quelque chose qui n'avait pas l'air humain venait par cette porte, elle l'aurait frappée. | Name: Mi Kiyoshi
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Class: 1-A
Personality: Mi is shy, to say the very least. She doesn't quite know how to start a conversation, and if she managed to get into a conversation she didn't quite know how to keep the conservation up. In conversations she would look to the sides, avoiding eye contact. However Mi does have a large amount of patience, so she can tolerate most people being rude.
Mi also loves to help people. She will help someone if they are hurt if she can. She cares more about other people than about herself. She admires strong people, though she doesn't really show it. She tends to stray away from human interactions.
Background: Mi grew up an only child with a single parent. Her father had died while Mi was young and so Mii's mother raised her alone. Mi's mother was a doctor, and so she was gone most of the time and when she was, she would be studying medical procedures and so Mi was taught quite a few medical skills by her mom. Mi enjoyed learning about medicine. She would ask her mom to teach her more and more in exchange for Mi doing the housework.
As Mi got older, school became sort of awkward for her. She was small for her age and so most of the girls in her class treated her like a little doll. They would mess with her hair. Mi's shy demeanor didn't really help stop the treatment from the other girl's though she didn't really mind it
Skills: Mii is skilled with medicine and has a large amount of medical knowledge. She's pretty good at at cooking and cleaning and is quite a fast runner, though she sucks at fighting
Weapons: N/A
Relationships/Friendships: N/A
Other: "They Ate Shoske" |
48,411 | 1,305 | 76 | 2,072 | 1,329 | Le calme paisible brisé par l'éblouissement des orateurs comme une annonce plutôt troublante suivit suite que l'annonceur criait dans la peur, criant à l'aide. L'orateur s'est soudainement coupé avec une courte oreille perçant l'échafaudage qui l'a fait grincer.
En quelques instants, les couloirs étaient remplis d'étudiants et d'enseignants à la fois confus ou paniqués, bien que Kenny restait tout simplement penché contre les casiers. Surveiller la foule étouffer, conduire comme des vaches à une rivière par des enseignants qui ont essayé de contrôler la situation; personne n'a pris la peine de reconnaître la présence de Kenny. Très bien avec lui puisqu'il ne voulait pas être balayé dans la vague des gens et porté autour sans savoir ce qui se passait même.
Attendre que la majorité des gens soient partis avant de repousser le mur, les mains dans les poches de sa veste et de marcher à la fenêtre la plus proche. En regardant par la fenêtre, il a reçu une vue inattendue car les gens couraient partout, trébuchant dans et sur les autres pour s'éloigner de... bien qu'il ne pouvait pas dire de cette distance. Pourtant, il pouvait entendre les cris terrifiés tandis que les voitures rampaient dans d'autres à des bruits de croquant en métal, il a pensé à des os craquelants qui ont envoyé un frisson dans sa colonne vertébrale.
Il a regardé vers le haut pour voir ce qui ressemblait à un nouvel hélicoptère volant au-dessus, apparemment en essayant de signaler ce qui se passait. Peu importe ce qui se passait, c'était mauvais avec les gens qui étaient attaqués partout, bien qu'il n'ait pas peur, plus curieux de ces créatures, mais il fallait en voir un de plus près afin d'avoir une meilleure compréhension de la situation.
Une chose qu'il savait, c'était que quoi qu'ils soient, ils étaient dangereux. En regardant la ville par la fenêtre, il a pensé à ce qu'il fallait faire et a incliné sa tête sur le côté, luttant sur son prochain plan d'action. Une minute de réflexion intense avant de prendre une décision. Des armes. Il avait besoin d'armes et s'est ridiculisé pour avoir choisi de laisser son équipement à la cachette aujourd'hui de tous les jours. Au lieu de cela, il était coincé dans une école qui avait peu à offrir dans le département des armes, mais heureusement il a pris la seule classe qui aurait les outils nécessaires pour en faire. Malheureusement, c'était au premier étage qu'il était susceptible de rencontrer ces créatures ou groupes d'élèves qui paniquaient.
En tournant par la fenêtre, il a commencé le chemin opposé de la direction que les foules allaient. L'itinéraire qu'il prenait prendrait un peu plus de temps, mais il était plus sûr d'éviter de grandes foules.
La classe de magasin était sa destination et une fois qu'il avait réuni ce dont il avait besoin, il essayait de trouver Reiko. Armes et s'assurer que Reiko était en sécurité étaient ses deux buts, reconnaissant pour sa dure vie. Il a été plus facile pour lui de garder un esprit calme dans n'importe quelle situation car, au moment où on panique, on finit avec des conséquences ou pire, la mort. | Name:
Kenny is...well majority of students and even teachers struggle to understand what he is. Kenny rarely talks, though his mask mostly makes what he says muffled. A loner is what most say or a freak by others since he's always seen wearing a mask or carrying around a metal pipe. kenny does keep to himself majority of the time, often skipping class to explore or hang out at his hideout. Yet, his appearance deceives others from seeing that he's actually pretty smart that even with skipping class, maintains A's and b's. He tends to spook other students for fun with his mask, which further gave him the look of a troublemaker, though is simply a curious person who enjoys reading and learning how things work.
Kenny had been given up for adoption since birth, having never known his actual parents. Due to his strange behavior; it was difficult to find him foster parents and was put through foster home after foster home over the years. As this went on, it grew to the point that he decided not to bother with making friends or even talking to others, which could explain why he had started covering up his face with hoods or makeshift masks.
Eventually, the teachers and adults gave up on trying to get him to stop with the masks and left him be. When able, Kenny would wander off to explore abandoned buildings or any nearby forests. Often choosing a spot where he would spend most of his time to study objects he was able to get his hands on or to read books that he found interesting. Reading from an assortment of items or weapon books as he was a very curious person who always wanted to learn
Not until he turned 15 did he finally get adopted; a father who worked as a simple garbage man and mother who was too lazy to work. His guess that they adopted him was simply to get child support money, which didn't bother him since he hardly spent time at the house, always off on exploring or at the small abandoned building that he turned into his latest hideout.
Upon entering the school officially, he was put in class a, something no one expected with the appearance of his. Only coming to class half the time and yet somehow able to turn in all assignments and maintaining top grades. Kenny made sure to learn self defense by learning how to use weapons like bats or metal pipes to keep the bullies off as he would train at the hide-out when he had spared time. Even working on building projects and thus took up shop class to improve his building skills.
shop class- expert at building, kendo- average skill in swordsmanship, gym- works on his speed and and stamina.
-Metal pipe
two pocket knives hidden in each pocket
- in reserve at his hideout
Other: "They ate shoske!" *muffled mask words* |
48,412 | 1,305 | 77 | 983 | 5,954 | Qu'est-ce qui se passait? Le ciel était rempli de panaches de fumée venant de la ville et des cris ont pollué l'air bien qu'il y ait eu ces étranges cris et cris... ils n'avaient pas l'air humains. Les enfants faisaient des sauts fous du bâtiment de l'école, fuyant quelque chose qui causait déjà des ravages de l'intérieur. Bat de baseball à la main, Zev courut de l'étang vers la rivière des gens fuyant le bâtiment pour essayer de comprendre ce qui se passait dans le monde. La ville a-t-elle été attaquée? Ont-ils été attaqués par des militaires d'un autre pays ou étaient-ils un groupe terroriste qui a fait passer l'enfer dans toute la ville? Avec sa main libre, il a attrapé une fille qui était devenue pâle du choc et s'efforçait de respirer d'une crise de panique. "Hé, qu'est-ce qui se passe? Réponds-moi!" La fille ne pouvait pas répondre. Elle était beaucoup trop traumatisée par les horreurs qu'elle avait vues dire un seul mot. Tout ce que Zev pouvait faire c'était soupirer et passer à la prochaine personne, espérant que la prochaine ne serait pas une épave tremblante.
C'est pas vrai! La deuxième fenêtre d'histoire au-dessus de lui s'est brisée et quelque chose a atterri sur le dessus de la fille. "Salut, ça va?"La chose qui s'est écrasée par la fenêtre était une personne et il... était-il en train de lui mordre le cou? La jeune fille cria un cri de haut niveau comme les larmes remplissaient ses yeux tandis que la personne déchirait la tête loin du cou, prenant un gros morceau de chair avec elle. Le sang coulait sur le sol... la fille n'a même pas bougé un muscle... la terreur, le dégoût, la colère. Toutes ces émotions se sont effondrées sur lui à cet instant-là. Les deux mains se tenant sur la poignée de sa batte de baseball, il s'enfonça à la tête de la créature avec toute sa force, lui brisant la tête comme un marteau en brisant une pastèque et tout aussi malsaine. Le sang s'est éclaboussé sur lui et sa chauve-souris s'est dégoulinée avec le liquide cramoisi et des morceaux du cerveau de la personne. Il s'est harcelé avec la hâte de tuer quelqu'un qui traversait sa tête. C'était beaucoup à prendre, mais il n'y avait pas le temps pour ça. La survie était la chose clé, mais de lui-même il mourrait certainement. Il avait besoin d'aide et vite.
Il allait se tourner pour s'enfuir, mais il a entendu un grognement derrière lui. Pour voir ce que c'était, c'était la fille d'avant qui avait un morceau de son cou enlevé par la créature qu'il avait tué avant. Ses yeux n'étaient que des orbes blanches laiteuses comme la salive coulait dans sa bouche. Chrieking, elle a sauté sur lui seulement pour obtenir une morsure de sa batte de baseball en métal, la renversant au sol. Avant même qu'elle ne puisse se lever, il a renversé la chauve-souris et lui a cassé le crâne avec une balançoire, le corps mort s'est ébranlé jusqu'à ce qu'elle cesse. "C'est comme quelque chose de Dawn of the Dead." Il ne pouvait qu'imaginer les horreurs qui l'entouraient. Il faudrait qu'il le joue intelligent. Pas besoin d'aller à Rambo et finir comme le dîner de quelqu'un. Pour l'instant, cherchez des survivants. | Name: Takahiro Zev
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Class: 3-D
Personality: Act it out because I'm lazy.
Background: There isn't much to say about his background. He's an only child that grew up with a dad who played baseball in the major leagues and a mother who supported his father unconditionally. Growing up, his father taught him baseball and trained him hard, harder than most people would expect a child would in hopes that he would actually succeed him one day.
Baseball-While this is an extra-curricular activity, he is incredible at it. He became the school's best player in every aspect of the game whether it was batting, pitching, or fielding. Due to the constant training he put himself through for the sport, he's reached a high level of physical abilities such as stamina, strength, reflexes, and speed. He can throw a 90 mile fast ball and can easily punch a whole in a wall or even swing a metal bat around with one arm. It's very likely that his skills could take him to the major leagues.
Craftsmanship- Another extra curricular he took was woodshop and metal works, he is mildly skilled at crafting objects and knows how to use tools. Just don't expect him to be fixing cars.
Human anatomy: Surprisingly he is actually pretty decent with the human anatomy and knows his way around it. It's something that he decided to take upon himself to learn about his own body and what to do to when he injures himself.
Math-*holds up a cross* The power of Christ compels you! *isn't very good at it*
baseball bat
Relationships/Friendships: N/A
Other: "They ate Shoske with some fava beans and a nice chianti." |
48,413 | 1,305 | 78 | 1,710 | 4,163 | Étonnamment Kurogane a été agréable à propos de cette demande et est parti avec sa sœur pour aller aider ce qui a laissé Reiko et Aki seul sur le toit. Il l'a regardée quelques secondes avant de regarder son travail en arrière. Il s'arrêta cependant peu de temps après la sortie d'une étrange annonce, on aurait presque dit que l'annonceur avait été tué. Aki aurait cru que c'était une blague, jusqu'à ce que tout le monde commence à crier. C'est quand il a remis ses matériaux dans son sac arrière, le ramassant et se tenant debout marchant sur la rampe, puis gazé à mesure que ses yeux s'élargissaient. La quantité de rouge sur le sol ci-dessous était irréelle, c'était comme un bain de sang là-bas, et le grognement était aussi fort, en fait trop fort. Il s'élança rapidement vers la droite pour voir un élève avec un uniforme trempé de sang et une morsure tirée de son bras gauche.
Le gars vient de gronder et de s'embrouiller comme ses yeux semblaient vides de vie, et comme un vrai joueur, il n'avait que deux explications. Un qu'il rêvait, ou quelque chose pour le plaisir et le divertissement vient de devenir réel. Le monstre maintenant se jetait à nouveau sur lui, avec Aki sautant à gauche pour éviter d'être attrapé, et avec le monstre en face de la rampe, Aki courut en avant et poussa le monstre au-dessus du sommet et le regarda sombrer au sol en dessous en ajoutant aux marques rouges qui jonchaient le sol.
Aki a pris une profonde respiration alors qu'il sentait son cœur pomper, les mains tremblant aussi. Il vient de tuer quelque chose, même si c'était pour se sauver, il a tué quelque chose. Slapper lui-même, il a regardé Reiko et était sur le point de suggérer de sortir d'ici, quand Kurogane plus sa sœur et le garçon qui regardait la femme sont revenus. C'est à ce moment que plusieurs des zombies ont trouvé leur chemin à travers la deuxième entrée. Kurogane les a cependant avertis de rester alors qu'il marchait en avant avec son Bokken en main. Cet Aki a un peu énervé, même s'il avait un plan qu'il n'avait pas encore numéroté. "Dumbass, je me fiche que tu sois intelligent ou fort. Tu fais quelque chose de vraiment stupide! Travailler ensemble fonctionnerait à long terme." Aki a dit aller de l'avant en tirant une aiguille métallique assez grande, étant à peu près la taille d'une main d'homme pleine. "Si j'ai raison, tu allais utiliser le rail droit? C'est la façon la plus logique et la plus facile, le plan pourrait fonctionner mieux avec l'un distrayant, de sorte que l'autre peut capitaliser et attaquer. Ou tu veux toujours y aller seul?" Aki a dit de regarder le groupe de zombies s'approcher. "Oui pour l'aide, non pour le faire seul." Malgré ce qu'il disait, il était encore assez nerveux et un peu effrayé. Il y avait la chance que, peu importe ce qu'ils ont fait, ils mourraient tous ici, mais au moins il essayait de faire monter leurs chances de survie. | Name: Aki Okumura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-C
Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him.
Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways.
Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments.
Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in))
Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz))
Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad)
Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in)
Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled.
Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad)
Weapons: N/a
Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ)
Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why? |
48,414 | 1,305 | 79 | 2,613 | 541 | Pas encore ça.
Les sourcils de Kurogane se sont heurtés à l'insulte au hasard, mais il n'a même pas pris la peine de donner un coup d'œil à Aki, en gardant son rythme régulier, jusqu'à ce qu'il s'arrête quelques secondes plus tard. Les quatre zombies étaient encore un peu loin, il estime qu'ils étaient environ huit mètres loin de sa position actuelle, donner ou prendre quelques pieds, et ils étaient lentement, mais sûrement shambling et trébucher en avant. Cinq de ces monstres ne seraient pas un défi. Il avait prévu d'utiliser les rails, de les botter et de les jeter avec assez de vitesse pour qu'ils ne puissent pas le mordre ou le gratter - oui, il avait vu les films et les spectacles de zombies, et aussi stéréotypé que cela puisse être... ces cadavres marchaient. Des zombies. Une morsure l'en finirait ; l'enfer, même une égratignure avait la possibilité de mettre fin à sa vie, en raison de l'infection et de l'invasion de bactéries malades. Tandis que les pensées traversaient son esprit, Kurogane soupirait mentalement, marchant une fois de plus en avant.
"Les distraire."
La poussière s'est déplacée alors que le garçon sprintait soudainement vers l'avant à une vitesse qui laisserait même les coureurs professionnels en état de choc. Ses pas étaient silencieux, alors même qu'il roulait en douceur sur une grande unité de climatisation et atterrissait, dans une croûte prête au printemps, à quelques pieds du groupe. Tout près, ils volent... affreusement. Il sentit son réflexe gag agir, et en utilisant son entraînement, Kurogane éclaircit son esprit, ses yeux gagnant leur aspect froid et lointain habituel alors qu'il s'empoignait de la lame, le talon robuste et en cuir étant pour l'instant l'outil « bludgeoning ». Les zombies ne l'avaient pas remarqué ; ils semblaient confus, par son parfum, et le groupe de sacs de chair à quelques pas.
Tout en restant debout, Kurogane a levé un poing - le signal pour la distraction. S'il réussissait, il pourrait facilement s'élancer et les faire sortir de leur confusion.
Si ce lâche, Aki, pouvait être assez intelligent pour une distraction légitime... ne pas se taper la tête sur la rampe pour les faire avancer plus vite vers sa putain de sœur. | ::Name::
Kurogane 'Kuro' Hazekage
Kurogane is...well, let's just say that he's not the most 'forgiving' of students. He has learned, since Day 1, that weakness is not something that should be apparent in his body. Quiet, composed, and calculating, he is a relatively young man that has the ability to intimidate and injure with the blink of an eye, and absolutely no remorse. Events in his history has tailored his mind into such a way, that taunting and insulting him will never work in the midst of battle or survival. He will not joke or play patty-cake with you. If you inspire his ire, then you will perish within the first three seconds. If not, you better make sure that cardio comes natural to your body. He has no fear of 'being too brutal', and the way he fights...the way he 'disciplines' his opponents, well, there's a reason why he is feared by the student body. He's not all bad, however. Catch him when he's not in a bad mood, and he's still quiet, apathetic and distant...but at least he won't kill you if you look at him wrong...maybe. He rather enjoys knitting - joke about it and he will kill you, and can prove to be quite pleasant company, seeing as he's highly intelligent - and his intelligence shows him that not all people are trash.
A shining piece of his personality is his overprotectiveness of his sister, Megumi.
Kurogane...the heir of the 'wealthy' Hazekage Clan. An ancient Japanese family that dates back since the cavemen were born, it's obvious that he has always been held to a higher standard than the common rabble. His father, and his father before that, and thus-forth, has been honorable soldiers in the Leader's Royal Guard, and Kurogane was trained to be such, along with being the heir to the wealthy family. He would become the head of the business, along with serving and bearing their family crest within the bloody trenches of war. At a young age, he was taught etiquette, politics, and when he reached the age of five, he was taught the fine skill of swordsmanship; or Kendo, as the practice was called.
Every day, he was beat into the ground with the same sharp wooden sword, until he could counter, plunge, counter, parry, counter, counter, slash, slash, pierce. Bruise after bruise, welt after welt, fracture after broken bone...he was tortured. The stress, it was heavy. Books became his life, sword became his soul, pain became his haven. This history is what made him into what he is today; the only solace of his dreary life being his sister, Megumi Hazekage. Although trained alongside him, she would always be there once it was all said and done, giving him words of encouragement, and treating his wounds, as he would treat hers, if she managed to garner them after the multiple-hour spars. The two grew closer, forming an inseparable bond that would last until their death. When this whole...schmick started, it was just an average day...
Kuro's skills comes from his intelligent, prodigal state of mind and body. Born to be a highly skilled, highly intelligent young man, he became adept with combat at a young age, most-likely from the constant prodding and abuse his traditional father put both him and his sister through. His body-form is lean, muscular, compact, and sharp - only an enhancement to his already formidable capabilities. He thinks in logical manners; IE whether or not that person should be saved, what personal ties they have to anyone within the area, and if killing them would save their agony. Similarly, this gives him a one-up in battle strategy; something that comes in play when you consider his combat ability. Martial-arts and Kendo are his specialities; having went to Nationals for both.
None, other than his sister; whom he will protect with his life.
They Ate Shoske. - Why not?
Kurogane is the head of the Discipline Committee, his second-in-command being his sister. |
48,415 | 1,305 | 80 | 1,710 | 4,163 | Certains que Kurogane était ennuyé par cela, mais vraiment Aki pouvait s'en soucier moins. Il peut être habile mais il était un humain, et ils peuvent glisser et faire des erreurs, mais Kurogane a finalement accepté et lui a dit de les distraire. Aki a hurlé et a souri, c'est tout ce qu'il avait besoin de savoir. Pourtant, s'il allait distraire, il allait avoir besoin de plus qu'une aiguille, alors que Kurogane s'est tiré d'Aki et a couru vers Megumi et lui a pris l'extincteur en lui remettant l'aiguille juste pour qu'elle ne soit pas sans défense. Espérant qu'elle savait poignarder pour le cerveau. Aki s'est ensuite enfui des trois autres, vers les zombies que Kurogane se rapprochait.
C'est alors qu'il a vu Kurogane lever son poing dans l'air, Aki s'est déplacé dans la direction plus proche de la buse sur le groupe de zombies puis pulvériser la mousse de brouillard directement sur le groupe. Il l'a fait pendant quelques bonnes secondes, assez longtemps pour que les zombies aient commencé à basculer dans la direction d'où il venait, ce qui a provoqué Aki à reculer un peu, alors qu'il regardait Kurogane pour les terminer. Maintenant aussi voir si Kurogane était plus mordant que l'écorce. Et pour une fois, il espérait qu'il l'était. Sinon, il aurait des zombies en colère qui savent qu'il les a pulvérisés. | Name: Aki Okumura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-C
Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him.
Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways.
Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments.
Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in))
Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz))
Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad)
Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in)
Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled.
Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad)
Weapons: N/a
Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ)
Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why? |
48,416 | 1,305 | 81 | 1,544 | 335 | Paneru était presque sur le point de céder. Chisato n'a jamais été aussi fort lorsqu'ils se sont battus avant. Alors que ses bras allaient s'effondrer, un flou rouge, métaphoriquement parlant, s'est fléché vers lui, et avec un coup de pied très technique et précis au menton, a frappé Chisato dans l'air avant que la même personne la range dans le mur et l'a finie. Paneru s'est assis et est revenu comme le disait Kurogane-sama, essayant d'essuyer la quantité abondante de larmes qui avait roulé sur ses joues comme une cascade en cascade. Ses yeux étaient rouges de tous les pleurs qui étaient pour sûr. Avant de pouvoir récupérer ses roulements, Paneru s'est retrouvé rapidement et sans effort pris dans les bras de Kurogane et ramené sur le toit, Megumi suivant derrière eux. Quand ils sont arrivés sur le toit, Aki et Reiko étaient toujours là-haut, avec un groupe de 5 zombies non accueillis... ou... peu importe ce qu'ils étaient.
Kurogane l'assit doucement et partit pour les combattre. Ben... Ben... il pensait à lui-même, le nom qui sonnait dans sa tête comme un vieux souvenir. Paneru était encore un peu hors de portée avec la réalité qui s'était soudainement déroulée, mais il venait à... lentement mais sûrement. Malgré son état émotionnel actuel, il trouva un semblant de joie à voir que Megumi allait bien. Il regarda vers elle comme elle s'agenouillait pour un respirateur et de même, elle regarda vers lui aussi, ses yeux sérieux et sérieux. Ne faites rien d'imprudent, elle a dit en gros et Paneru s'est conformée, ne répondant qu'avec un clin d'œil tremblant. Paneru se leva et marcha en arrière jusqu'à ce que son dos fût contre la rampe. Il l'a serré comme s'il s'agissait d'une balle de stress, inhalant et exhalant profondément alors qu'il regardait de près Aki venir pour obtenir l'extincteur et a commencé à travailler incohérence avec Kurogane pour arrêter les zombies. Paneru... son propre nom semble sonner dans sa tête, bien que cette fois, il semblait se rapprocher et plus fort. Paneru.... Paneru...."PANERU!!" Il entendit brusquement. C'était fort et clair, et la voix était définitivement reconnaissable. Son nom était appelé. "Ben...", Paneru murmura sous son souffle, s'arrêtant sur le premier escalier en spirale et le regardant en bas.
Ses yeux rouges et un peu gonflés ont soudainement glissé extatiquement, son accent maintenant entièrement sur Ben qui était debout au bas de l'escalier et regardant vers lui. Quand leurs yeux se rencontraient, rien d'autre ne devait être dit, et dans une explosion, Ben traversait les escaliers à grande vitesse, sautant les marches pendant qu'il s'avançait. Quand il a finalement atteint le sommet, il s'est arrêté et a regardé Paneru, ses yeux s'élargissant et un sourire massif montrant sur son visage. Pour ce bref moment... le chaos avait pris le siège arrière. Dans un clin d'œil, Ben s'était précipité vers lui et avait enveloppé ses bras autour du corps de Paneru, le tirant près de son corps tout en souriant affectueusement. La tête de Paneru reposa sur la poitrine de Ben et il sourit, des larmes se formant une fois de plus de ses yeux déjà gonflés et légèrement endoloris. Ben s'est alors retiré de l'étreinte et a regardé attentivement le corps de Paneru..."Fucksake! Tu ne sais pas à quel point j'étais inquiet pour toi. Ça va? Tu es blessé? Ces choses n'ont pas fait de mal?", il parlait d'un ton inquiet, mais en colère. Paneru regarda dans les yeux de Ben brièvement, avant de regarder loin avec un visage de mélancolie.
-- Non... je vais bien... répondit-il délicatement, en regardant comme il pensait à Chisato et à ce qu'elle était devenue. Si c'était ce à quoi leur monde venait, en toute honnêteté, il n'était pas sûr s'il voulait y vivre. Ben saisit sa main autour de celle de Paneru et se dirigea vers le bas de l'escalier. "J'ai vu un couloir vide qui mènerait à l'extérieur. Quand je suis venu te chercher, j'ai remarqué qu'ils n'étaient pas là. Si nous prenons cette route, nous devrions être en mesure de faire sortir l'école en un seul morceau.", a - t - il dit avec assurance et rassure - t - il. Paneru s'inclina en confirmation et, lorsque Ben commença à le conduire dans l'escalier, ils s'arrêtèrent sur leurs traces et commencèrent à se relever. "Awww merde...", Ben murmura en colère, remontant lentement l'escalier avec Paneru en toute sécurité derrière lui, s'éloignant sur le toit pendant que la lumière du soleil rayonnait sur eux. "Saint...", était tout ce que Ben pouvait dire comme il a aperçu rapidement la destruction sur le paysage. Il s'est rapidement retourné vers l'escalier, car 5 nouveaux zombies semblaient s'immiscer sur le toit, sans être invités bien sûr, et certainement indésirables. "Faites chier! Growlers! À l'arrivée!", Ben a crié alors qu'il continuait à soutenir Paneru, prenant une note rapide de Kurogane, Aki, Megami, et Reiko qui étaient déjà là-haut, avec les deux hommes déjà engagés dans une bataille.
Paneru tenait fermement le bras de Ben alors qu'il se tenait derrière lui... « Oh non... je pense qu'ils t'ont suivi ici Ben », a-t-il dit avec inquiétude, sa voix effrayée et timide. "Ne t'inquiète pas, je m'en occupe.", dit-il avec hardiesse, tirant lentement Paneru de son bras et assouplissant lentement son chemin vers le groupe. Paneru a pris note du sang séché qui a déjà couvert son poing et les ronfles, ses doigts ornés de grands anneaux de championnat de boxe. Il a pris l'habitude de les emmener avec lui où qu'il aille, et heureusement dans la situation actuelle, ils sont venus dans beaucoup plus pratique que de simples accessoires de se vanter. Ben est entré dans sa position de boxe et a commencé à se balancer, regardant leurs mouvements dismbobulés au fur et à mesure qu'ils se rapprochaient. Dans ce cas, il s'est abaissé, balayant sa jambe droite sous deux d'entre eux et les frappant de leurs pieds. Rapidement, il s'est envolé en avant, et a masqué son anneau paré poing dans son crâne, le fendant ouvert comme une pastèque. Et avant que l'autre ne puisse se lever, il leva la jambe et la frappa dans son cou, le brisant instantanément comme la tête tremblait, le suivant en frappant son poing dans son crâne aussi bien. Deux à terre.
Ben, un peu plus brut qu'un penseur, ne s'est pas rendu compte que deux d'entre eux s'étaient éparpillés du paquet, l'un se dirigeant vers Megumi et l'autre vers Paneru. Ben était tellement encapsulé avec la lutte contre le troisième, un zombie étonnamment plus grand que son propre musclé et 6'3 cadre, qu'il n'a même pas remarqué que maintenant Paneru et Megumi étaient en danger. Paneru regarda Ben, effrayé, alors que ses yeux se bousculaient rapidement vers le zombie qui se concentrait sur lui maintenant. Il a lentement reculé jusqu'à ce que son dos ait heurté le rail. "S'il vous plaît, restez en arrière.", lui dit-il doucement, sa bouche mousse avec un mélange de gargouillement et de grognement. Sa mâchoire a été arrachée, et il manquait un bras aussi. Lorsqu'il fut finalement tombé sur lui, son corps réagit instinctivement comme s'il était dans son domaine, l'eau. Ses réflexes, la coordination et l'agilité dans l'eau étaient vifs et n'en barraient pas, et heureusement, cela semblait l'aider à réagir dans ce cas aussi. Dès qu'il s'est approché de lui avec son seul bras, Paneru s'est dérobé à la dernière seconde, couvrant sa tête de ses mains tandis que ses cheveux s'effondraient sur son visage, et à sa chance, le zombie a manqué, trébuchant sur son corps accroupi, et se jetant sur le rail jusqu'à sa "mort" éclatante. Il a regardé par-dessus le rail pour voir le cadavre sans lif parmi les nombreux autres en bas et a laissé un soupir profond, avant de se retourner une fois de plus pour se concentrer sur la situation actuelle à portée de main. "Oh non! Ben, c'est ça! Megumi! Fais gaffe!", leur cria-t-il tous les deux. | <Snipped quote by Merman>
Thank you! Kurisa is just being a meany <.< I only really like the romantic and comical side of Yaoi xD The sexual stuff is not my forté
YES!!! Same here 100%. I'm in it for the comics and the romance. Sexual stuff is unnecessary. All that kinda stuff is done off screen or in hent....nevermind. >_> |
48,417 | 1,305 | 82 | 2,184 | 251 | De sa position pratique sur le toit, Reiko avait étudié les impacts de la bombe qui n'avait été larguée qu'il y a quelques minutes sur l'ensemble de la population scolaire. Son esprit avait erré, vide comme une feuille, toutes les explications logiques évadant son esprit amoureux de la logique. Fermant les yeux, Reiko se laissa quelques instants pour atténuer le choc qui avait été porté à son état d'esprit émotionnel. Quand elle les ouvrit, un regard obstiné et résolu de défiance contre leurs circonstances était tout ce qui glaçait sur ses yeux.
Un groupe de zombies avait par inadvertance commencé leur avance sur les vivants, et Kuro et Aki ont procédé à leur interceptation. Reiko s'est rapidement retirée, choisissant de se rendre utile en optimisant son cerveau. Les autres peuvent être laissés pour capitaliser sur leurs bras, quelque chose dont Reiko a cruellement manqué.
Vite, elle a scanné son environnement. D'après ce que ses yeux vifs pouvaient percer, il était évident qu'une grande partie du complexe de l'école avait été submergée. De plus, le fait que les zombies avaient réussi à se faufiler jusqu'au toit a suggéré à Reiko une seule chose : chaque étage contenait l'infecté. Et cela signifiait qu'ils auraient à construire un plan ingénieux pour naviguer leur chemin hors de l'école – aussi bien sûr, en minimisant les pertes de leur groupe. En supposant que tous ceux qui étaient présents aujourd'hui seraient prêts à rester ensemble.
Aki, l'élève joueur. Kuro et Megumi, les frères Hazekage. Paneru et Ben. Enfin – Reiko.
Quelles étaient les chances?
Entre-temps, Megumi et Ben étaient tous deux en danger immédiat. Ou pas, pensa-t-elle, renversant instantanément ses pensées. Elle était confiante qu'ils pouvaient gérer eux-mêmes, et avec tous les zombies distrait avec succès par ses camarades d'école, Reiko a vu sa chance, et elle l'a pris.
Avec un bang satisfaisant, Reiko ferme la porte à l'entrée du toit le plus proche de Megumi, Ben, Paneru et elle. Après quoi, elle a traîné la grosse poubelle (la même dans laquelle elle avait jeté son livre) et l'a placée devant la porte fermée, créant effectivement un blocage.
Suivant : La porte de la dernière entrée du côté opposé du toit.
C'est Kuro! Aki! – Elle a crié. Nous avons besoin de cette porte barricadée, immédiatement! » Puis, une pensée soudaine lui est venue, et elle s'est précipitée à Kuro, assez sensée pour s'arrêter à une distance confortable pour qu'elle ne se mette pas en travers du combat.
"Nous avons besoin de l'un d'eux vivant," Reiko a dit d'un ton résolu. Pour elle, ce n'était pas une demande mais un ordre. Elle espérait que Kuro s'était emparée de ses intentions inexprimées. | Reiko Kanzaki
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Class: 3A
A self-interested and calculative character, and perpetually bored, Reiko navigates life with an almost uncanny confidence. Typically, she comes across as calm and emotionally self-contained, yet is capable of displaying bouts of brash stubbornness akin to that of a child. Reiko appears to be disinterested in interpersonal relationships, for she thrives inside her mind - an intellectual, observant and cautious individual, having little patience for anything superficial or repetitive. As many of her acquaintances would find, Reiko's habitual bluntness can be unnerving. She is sharp-witted, and quick to lash out with brazen comments. It is not unusual for one to be acutely aware of the psychological distance between them and her.
Reiko values creative and intellectual pursuits, thus constantly engaging herself in activities which involve the stimulation of her mind, easily breezing through the past academic years to obtain a placement in the top class. Oddly, she has a penchant for video games - and getting addicted to them - thus creating a paradoxical image of herself as a bright, studious individual.
Focused and independent, Reiko fails to see merit in taking orders from others. However, this aspect of her is more often than not, misunderstood. She does not view herself as superior, rather, it goes against her nature and personal beliefs. A pet peeve, if you would call it. Concerned about meeting or exceeding her personal standards than attempting to please other people, Reiko relishes situations or circumstances that challenge her intellectual curiosity.
The Kanzakis are a prestigious, wealthy family, gaining their riches through the operation of a multinational company in the food industry. Selfish, arrogant and snobbish, Reiko’s parents although having studied at excellent and renowned universities, regarded the whole concept of education as a poor-man’s ideal – to them, the rich and sophisticated needed nothing else but lavish attention provided by a congregation of butlers, maids, and chauffeurs. They spent their days in leisure, encouraging Reiko to do the same. In true Reiko-fashion, she obstinately refused and rebelled - quite boldly too - against her parents’ protests. Not surprisingly, a lifestyle of sloth and gluttony disagreed with her intellectual pursuits. However, her scion status had exposed to her various elements of the sophisticated, high society, allowing her to select certain aspects from it which she found agreeable. In public, Reiko carries herself in a refined, dignified manner, albeit on several occasions choosing not to do so out of a personal whim. Her wealthy background, mannerisms and seemingly ‘high society’ interests have resulted in others generally unwilling to get close. As such, her close friends are few.
Geography: Reiko’s best subject. She is highly proficient at reading maps, and her memory capabilities allow her to excel in regurgitating facts and information, quite easily. She tops her class: every-single-time.
Mathematics: As a personal rule of thumb, Reiko abhors mathematics, finding no point in the learning of this subject at all. Her relatively good math scores are only a result of her obstinate refusal to give in to silly numbers.
Business Management: A subject in which she has no interest for, but compelled to take up for the sole purpose of ceasing her parents’ nagging. “If you insist on going to school, then make your time worthwhile and ensure you’ll be fit to replace us as CEO,” they said. Not that Reiko had the slightest interest in doing so. As of now, her grades in this subject are passable, yet far from impressive due to a general lack of interest in the corporate world.
Physical Education: Reiko’s physical fitness is laughable, considering the nature of all of her interests and hobbies. She detests strenuous activities, preferring to indulge in the invention of various sorts of schemes and tricks to get out of her PE classes. Therefore, it is hardly surprising that she gets winded easily.
Student Council (Extra-curricular): Reiko’s involvement as a member of the student council was out of sheer luck – or misfortune, as she’d prefer to put it. With her overall excellent grades, refined intellectual disposition and affluent background, the teachers saw in her a potential leader and promptly deposited her there. They, of course, were utterly wrong, just as how Reiko found her extra-curricular utterly boring, disliking the enclosed, annoying society of pretentious people almost as much as she disliked math. The only merit she saw out of it was that she was excused from having to deal with bossy student councillors.
Kurisa Shuiji: They do not know each other personally, but Reiko is familiar with his face and name - only because he is a persistent subject of conversation amongst the members of the student council. For causing 'physical harm' to other students, of course. Reiko, although has no qualms about his... hobbies, has inadvertently formed a distaste for Kurisa. And why so? Because she's absolutely sick of having to listen to the student council brats bitch about him on a regular basis, on the ethics of bullying, physically harming another, blablah, speaking as though they were basking on a pedestal of divine holiness and goodness. As such, Reiko has associated hours of horrendous ranting with the boy.
Shoske Kawahiru: Does not know him.
Kenny: Reiko, being in the same class as Kenny, has spoken to him on a few occasions. She treats him in a civil manner as how she would with any other individual, and finds her classmates' fear and distaste for Kenny rather illogical and sometimes, plain stupid. Her treatment of him goes as far as to accommodate his oddity by communicating with him in written notes. However, due to Kenny's apparent adverse behavior towards socialization, Reiko does not know him well enough to say that she knows him personally.
Utaho Rinnosuke: Quite similar to Kurisa, Utaho is also a subject of conversation amongst the student council, effectively earning Reiko's distaste as well. However, the fact that she is girl has earned some bias and merit in Reiko's eyes.
Akane Hetoshi: Reiko does not know her personally, but is familiar with her face and name. She is so far, duly impressed by Akane's consistent high grades, as well as several of her essays which she had gotten the opportunity to read. Shared by Reiko's teachers during class of course - 'model essays', they had said.
Mi Kiyoshi: Reiko vaguely remembers her during the school orientation organised by the student council for freshmen, during which she had taken class 1A around the school for an introductory tour.
Musato Kibaya: Does not know him personally but is aware of existence in school, largely because of his glaringly obvious stature that is quite hard to miss. Reiko has, however, taken mental notes of the occasions when Kibaya had interjected in bullying cases.
Aki Okumura: Does not know him.
Paneru Yagyū: Does not know him.
Weapons: N/A
Other: They Ate Shoske |
48,418 | 1,305 | 83 | 1,300 | 3,244 | Kurisa a écouté Utaho et ses laquais parler de ce qu'ils voyaient, Kurisa a regardé Utaho et il a pu voir que cette merde la faisait flipper autant que lui. Bien qu'elle ne le montre pas vraiment, il pouvait dire... que son corps n'a pas menti et d'une manière bizarre, c'était quelque peu réconfortant de voir qu'il n'était pas le seul à perdre sa merde. Kurisa a laissé une profonde respiration qu'il semblait avoir tenu inconsciemment... il y avait tellement de choses dans sa tête en ce moment et avec Utaho et ses laquais mettant une sorte de confiance dans les décisions de Kurisa cela a mis un poids sur les épaules de Kurisa... c'était presque comme si ils lui faisaient confiance avec leur vie et maintenant à la surface il était un peu calme mais à l'intérieur il perdait sa merde! "Faites chier! Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Qu'est-ce que je fais? Je ne veux pas les faire tuer par des décisions stupides! Pourquoi l'autre gars n'a pas pu sortir le super héros de son cul et prendre les commandes! Pourquoi... Pourquoi est-ce que ça doit être moi... pourquoi doivent-ils me faire confiance dans leur vie! FUCK!...C'est réel maintenant...Je n'ai pas le temps de le regretter! S'ils veulent un chef ou un enfer... juste vouloir faire confiance à leur vie avec mes décisions alors je dois aller jusqu'à ce rôle... aussi longtemps que j'ai l'air calme, semble comme si je savais ce que je fais... peut-être que je peux aider à les calmer... mais c'est juste des apparences...
Kurisa regarda un peu en bas, sa main droite s'emparant de la poignée du balai, il sentit qu'elle tremblait... puis Shoske commença à paniquer, Kurisa marcha ensuite vers Shoske et s'empara de son col de la main gauche et regarda Shoske mort dans les yeux "Calme le cul! Je suis comme toi... je ne sais pas ce qui se passe... mais paniquer ne va pas nous aider, nous devons réfléchir! J'en ai rien à foutre de ce qui s'est passé entre nous... en ce moment, on survit à l'avoir!? Je suis sûr que tu as de la famille que tu veux voir... on va sortir d'ici et on survivra à cette merde! Je ne suis pas prêt à mourir pour un putain de psychopathe!" Kurisa lâchait alors le collier de Shoske... ses mains tremblaient encore un peu alors qu'il essayait de calmer ses nerfs mais Kurisa n'avait fait que provoquer sa propre chute avec ses propres mots... la mention de la famille... Kurisa était sûre que son père serait bien et même sa mère... mais sa sœur... elle aurait été à l'école... la pensée même de ce qu'elle ressentait dans cette situation a presque apporté des larmes aux yeux de Kurisa.
Kurisa s'est ensuite retourné pour voir le Prez debout, ce qui lui a fait élargir les yeux... qu'est-ce qui se passait ici? Il vient de mourir! Qu'est-ce qui se passait? c'était comme un film ou quelque chose, mais le concept de ce qui se passait était impossible à saisir et à comprendre. Kurisa a ensuite pris une profonde inspiration en parlant : « Regardez... par les sons de ce qui se passe, c'est ce qui arrive aux gens. Ils sont mangés et ils reviennent à la vie... mais je veux dire, regardez-le... Est-ce qu'il a l'air de la même chose que tout le bâtard qu'il était avant?... il n'est plus humain... Je refuse de le croire. Comme je le vois, on va avoir besoin d'armes... parce que je ne vais pas combattre ces enfoirés avec mes mains nues! La chambre Tech est à cet étage, n'est-ce pas? On devrait y aller, se barricader, obtenir ce qu'on peut et ensuite se battre pour sortir... je ne vois pas d'autre moyen... plus on reste ici, moins on a de chance de survivre et je ne veux pas survivre... j'ai besoin de survivre. Je suis désolé prez... même je ne t'ai pas assez haï pour faire ça!" Kurisa a saisi la poignée de balai avec les deux mains alors qu'il a rampé la poignée de balai dans la poitrine de Prez, visant à lui percer le cœur... mais c'était comme si rien n'avait été fait... il bougeait encore, essayant d'attraper Kurisa "B-Mais je lui ai percé le cœur... il ne devrait pas pouvoir bouger... quoi putain!?" Kurisa a ensuite essayé de tirer la poignée de balai, se rendant compte qu'elle était en gros coincée dans la poitrine des gars. Kurisa a ensuite claqué son pied droit dans l'intestin du préz, faisant sortir la poignée du balai de sa poitrine et faisant retomber le préz dans d'autres comme lui, les quelques-uns tombant sur les marches.
Kurisa se tourna ensuite et regarda le groupe derrière lui : « C'est notre chance... nous nous dirigeons vers cette salle Tech et maintenant! L'autre moyen ressemble à un piège à mort, encore plus donc sans armes pour se défendre!...Utaho... assurez-vous que l'autre gars reste avec nous...Je ne sais pas pour vous mais je me sens beaucoup mieux en sachant qu'on a des chiffres... allons-y! Évite de t'approcher d'eux et bouge ton cul... garde tes putains d'esprits à propos de toi, ils pourraient sortir de n'importe où à ce point!" Kurisa a ensuite commencé à se diriger vers la salle Tech au troisième étage, passant par le Prez qui avait du mal à se lever.
Arme : Poignée à balai
Affichages utilisés: 1
Affichages à gauche : 1
Jetable: S.O. | Kurisa Shuiji
Kurisa Shuiji
Kurisa is a pretty standard guy, obsessed with cars, sports and the alike. However this focus on somewhat physical subjects means Kurisa isn't exactly book smart which is his main downfall and why he is the C grade. Kurisa is a firm believer that the crap you learn from books is useless and that the best way to learn something is physical experience and learning from mistakes, although when you do something physical that threatens to hurt you, you're generally more careful and so less mistakes happen. You screw up, you get hurt...Do you get that with a book? You bet your ass you don't!
Aside from Kurisa being more of a hands on kind of guy he is also a pretty hard person to generally get along with. Some will hit some luck with him but most will likely fail...this is generally shown with how he hates half the people at his school just down to the way they act. You could say he has a lot of anger inside him and so it doesn't take much to set him off...yet on the odd occasion he will stay in control of his emotions however due to this being somewhat rare Kurisa has fought with a lot of the other males in his year and the year above...not always winning but that doesn't mean he didn't give them a decent ass kicking!
Kurisa has a pretty standard family. His father is a mechanic, hence why Kurisa takes an interest in Mechanics and his mother is an accountant. Kurisa also has a much younger Sister however it's to early to tell what she will be into as her only interests as of now are drawing and Pokemon. Kurisa's upbringing wasn't necessarily a bad one, he was certainly much more cheerful in his life when he was younger however when his Grandmother passed when he was aged 10, things started to go down hill a little from there and eventually lead to Kurisa becoming somewhat of a troublemaker at school. His Mother speculates that Kurisa's anger and aggression are simply a front to hide his depression, almost as if he lives in some sort of denial that she is gone...However that is just his mothers views. His fathers are somewhat different and that he simply blames it on him just being in his Teens and rebelling.
(Keeping it short and sweet)
Very Skilled in engineering due to being around vehicles and machinery all his life due to his father being a mechanic and so Kurisa has followed in his fathers foot steps in hopes of one day becoming a Mechanic himself.
Semi Skilled in Sports/Athletics. Kurisa generally likes to keep fit and so puts some time into sports and the alike. He isn't really all the competitive but it's a great way to keep himself in shape and in some ways helps him when he somewhat occasionally gets into a fight with another student...even on the field
Semi-Skilled in Kendo. Kurisa does have an interest in Japanese history and although not a large amount it's enough of an interest for him to want to take up Kendo class so he can at least believe he is somewhat like a Samurai...although in truth he is far from it as he isn't the greatest there is but he is good enough that he can give some more experienced members a challenge
Useless at Geography. Kurisa has no interest in Geography...he knows how to use a map and that is as far as it goes for him. All the other crap they try teach you is useless and he believes it will be hardly useful at all! If you got eyes and a map then you should be fine
Utaho Rinnosuke - Kurisa would say he is somewhat friends with Utaho or at least they get along well enough. Although they may not be side by side everyday there is the occasional case in which the two may go out if they are bored and just kick some randomers ass or someone's ass from their school who annoyed them...why?...well...why not?
Kibaya Musato - Kurisa doesn't know to much about Kibaya...probably due to him rarely even being in class. However the two have spoken a few times to know a little about eachother but not enough to be considered really anything close to friends
"THEY ATE SHOSKE!"...That's why he's called Zombie Bait *chuckles* |
48,419 | 1,305 | 84 | 302 | 2,579 | Mi se tenait debout, sac de messager à ses côtés, une planche de bois dans ses mains comme un 'chose' est entré. Il s'approcha de Mi avec des pas étranges, se dirigeant lentement vers la fille effrayée. Mi se préparait à frapper la créature, elle ne voulait pas l'appeler humaine, voyant que c'était elle qui s'approchait. Quand la chose était assez proche pour frapper, Mi a balancé dessus. Elle a frappé la tête avec une bonne quantité de force, mais la chose n'a pas fauché. Alors Mi a encore balancé. Elle a entendu une légère fissure, le bois lui-même ne tiendrait pas beaucoup plus longtemps, et Mi ne faisait pas beaucoup de dégâts.
Mi a attaqué le zombie à plusieurs reprises jusqu'à ce qu'il tombe, la planche de bois de Mi avait également cassé. Mais la chose avait cessé de bouger. Mi a dû faire des dégâts à la tête. Mais son arme était cassée. | Name: Mi Kiyoshi
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Class: 1-A
Personality: Mi is shy, to say the very least. She doesn't quite know how to start a conversation, and if she managed to get into a conversation she didn't quite know how to keep the conservation up. In conversations she would look to the sides, avoiding eye contact. However Mi does have a large amount of patience, so she can tolerate most people being rude.
Mi also loves to help people. She will help someone if they are hurt if she can. She cares more about other people than about herself. She admires strong people, though she doesn't really show it. She tends to stray away from human interactions.
Background: Mi grew up an only child with a single parent. Her father had died while Mi was young and so Mii's mother raised her alone. Mi's mother was a doctor, and so she was gone most of the time and when she was, she would be studying medical procedures and so Mi was taught quite a few medical skills by her mom. Mi enjoyed learning about medicine. She would ask her mom to teach her more and more in exchange for Mi doing the housework.
As Mi got older, school became sort of awkward for her. She was small for her age and so most of the girls in her class treated her like a little doll. They would mess with her hair. Mi's shy demeanor didn't really help stop the treatment from the other girl's though she didn't really mind it
Skills: Mii is skilled with medicine and has a large amount of medical knowledge. She's pretty good at at cooking and cleaning and is quite a fast runner, though she sucks at fighting
Weapons: N/A
Relationships/Friendships: N/A
Other: "They Ate Shoske" |
48,420 | 1,305 | 85 | 1,925 | 466 | "Ce que l'extincteur de Megumi a été enlevé loin d'elle et remplacé par un objet métallique flasque, à blanc elle a simplement jeté de côté et a récupéré le sol, échangeant son aiguille pour un tuyau en métal rouillé, des palais commodément près de la rampe. L'école a dû oublier l'article quand elle remplaçait l'escrime autour du toit.
Voyons qui était là, celui qui a pris son extincteur, son frère, Reiko, Ben et Paneru. Un étrange mélange, mais elle ne pouvait pas se disputer.
Alors qu'un monstre s'approchait apparut, Megumi lui frappa rapidement la jambe en dessous, l'envoyant à plat sur le sol. À l'aide de son arme, elle l'a fracassé à plusieurs reprises contre la partie molle de son crâne, qui a étonnamment cédé assez rapidement. Son arme avait encore quelques coups, peut-être. Le sang enveloppait le métal dans une couche de chose, et les gouttelettes du liquide reposaient sur son uniforme, ternissant son aspect une fois croustillant.
Reiko avait commencé à aboyer les ordres à ses frères et sœurs et à Aki. Elle était d'accord avec le baracading, tout en laissant vivre l'une de ces choses!? "Qu'est-ce que votre plan Reiko?" Elle a demandé. Espérons... Ce n'était pas pour jouer au scientifique.
Elle avait voulu aider dans leurs efforts pour fermer la porte, mais son frère et Aki semblaient parfaitement capables de le faire déjà.
Tuyau en métal6 hits gauche yo | Name: Megumi Hazekage
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: 2-A
Personality: Prideful to say the least, Megumi is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Megumi calls people as "pigs in human clothing," and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possess a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Megumi is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life.
When first meeting her, she is cold and rather ruthless, just gazing upon her will send shivers down ones spine. Not only is she intelligent, yet she knows what to do to bring weak targets down, especially when those targets have a very low self-esteem. In some cases, she could be what you consider a 'Major Bitch'.
In spite of her behavior at school, she is not heartless. While very harsh and not very willing to tolerate failures, she does care a great deal for those who she manages to care about, such as her brother. Megumi has a small social circle, so most of the time she lingers around her sibling.
Background: Megumi was always a stuffy, if not brilliant girl. Born under the daughter of Izuma Hazekage, and sister to Kurogane Hazekage, she was put under speculation by both the press and by her family; although, by extension, her brother would be the heir, she would still represent the family in hindsight, in both business and in war; which she was expected to throw herself into once she became of said mature age. Her days were spent studying with her mother, a softspoken lady that didn't have much to do with her brother, Kurogane. She would often spar with her father and brother, although, whenever she entered the dojo, it was to the sight of Kurogane bleeding, battered and bruised, while her father goaded her in with only a stoic shift of the head. She blossomed underneath his teachings, and often tested her skill against Kurogane; whom she knew to be holding back insurmountable amounts of anger at her father's way of abuse and stress-relief. Every-day, she would help him, either with studying or medical attention, and every-day, he would do the same, straightening her form or giving her a round in a game of Shogi. Life continued on, with Megumi's creative mind allowing her to come out on top with anything she put her energy and time towards. Her relationship with her brother became her strongest bond yet, although it will surely be tested to it's limits in the time to come.
Skills: Megumi is talented in the field of math and engineering, though she is rather lacking in history and social sciences. Due to her great knowledge, she knows quite a bit of information especially pertaining to the crafting of items(Thinks like nailed in baseball bats, or simple weapons for defense, if she were to have completed her studies, Megumi would have learned a lot more). The young girl is a fight fanatic, she dabbles in hand to hand from the teachings her father and brother had given her.
She knows some medical treatments, like disinfecting cuts and bruises, but that's something everyone should already know how to do.
Friendship wise, she sucks at gaining trust from others since she is constantly brooding and upset.
Weapons: N/A
Kurogane - Her older brother and someone she knows very well. He is the only person Megumi is actually willing to socialize with, mostly due to the fact that they are siblings. |
48,421 | 1,305 | 86 | 1,013 | 86 | Quand les deux garçons se dirigeaient vers l'escalier, ils s'attendaient à trouver des survivants; mais au lieu de cela, ils trouvèrent les morts-vivants. Yukito a presque trébuché dans les escaliers, avec les zombies. Mais par miracle, Yukito et Shingen ont pu monter les escaliers jusqu'à l'étage suivant. Peut-être que c'était la vitesse des zombies, ou peut-être que c'était juste de la chance. Mais les deux garçons, principalement Yukito, se dirigeaient vers la salle des techniciens juste au coin de la rue. "Allez, Shingen! Mais il a remarqué que son ami n'était pas de la meilleure humeur, d'autant plus qu'il avait une morsure dans l'épaule. Quand Yukito a vu ça, il a immédiatement laissé aller et vérifié comment son ami allait. "Hehe, ne t'inquiète pas pour moi..." Le petit plombier s'est renversé sur le dos, pas vraiment capable de bouger. "Quand est-ce arrivé? Tu n'as pas fait de bruit quand je t'ai traîné dessus!!" Quelques zombies; ceux de l'escalier, peut-être, venaient les chercher, et presque définitivement les manger aussi. "Je ne l'ai même pas remarqué jusqu'à ce que tu me regardes... Je suppose que je suis dur, hein?" Le sang sortait de sa bouche, et c'était évident que c'était un gonzesseur. "Laissez-moi ici et tuez-moi quand vous reviendrez de la salle des techniciens. Tu ne veux pas d'un gros zombie qui court dans le coin, n'est-ce pas?" Shingen a réussi un petit sourire, et Yukito a hissé, se dirigeant vers la salle technique, en deuil interne pour son ami perdu.
Yukito a ouvert la porte à la classe, et avec chance, il n'y avait pas de zombies à l'intérieur, bien qu'il y ait encore quelques zombies qui se rapprochent de plus tôt. Il n'avait qu'à trouver une arme rapidement et mettre fin à la vie de Shingen comme il le souhaitait. Yukito a fouillé à travers les étagères et les tiroirs, jusqu'à ce qu'il rencontre une boîte à outils. "Okay, qu'il faut prendre..." Il pouvait presque définitivement porter à la fois un marteau et un barreau en même temps, donc il a pris les deux, un dans chaque main. Il a attendu quelques secondes, et a rassemblé plus d'armes sur la table, et les a regardés tous, mis dehors pour n'importe qui qui qui est venu à la salle des techniciens. Le jeune Yukito était sur le point de partir, quand il a vu deux petits groupes de personnes se diriger vers la salle des techniciens. Il ne reconnaissait pas le premier groupe, mais il pouvait certainement reconnaître Utaho, la brute et la délinquante qui volait souvent ou avait des gens voler son déjeuner et son argent. Honnêtement, ce serait un grand moment pour la tuer juste alors et là, mais une personne faible comme lui serait probablement jetée dans une foule de morts marchant avant qu'un seul coup puisse être fait. "Je suppose que je dois les aider..."
Arme: Hammer/Crowbar
Affichages utilisés: 0/0
Affichages à gauche: 12/10 | Name: Yukito Amamiya
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Class: 1-A
Personality: Yukito is extremely studious and nerdy, trying to learn all there is about the world he lives in, and the people that live in it. Socially, he is somewhat shy and quiet, but kind and generous, and will not hesitate to try to help a good person in need. He can easily make a decision, and stick with it, but at some times (when he is in a bad state or in panic) it is hard for him to think rationally and he won't stay calm. Regarding his pansexuality, he hasn't spoken of it to his family and friends. He does, however, not try to hide it, as he doesn't want to accidentally lose the chance of love. (And he doesn't flirt. I don't think people like him flirt.)
Background: Geography, physics, math, history, you name it, he's almost definitely got it. What he lacks in strength and personality he excels in intelligence. Yukito's parents are very strict, but they strive for him to be the best, and they wish to enroll him in a prestigious college. In his family life, he has two siblings, an older brother and a younger brother, and his extremely strict parents. His older brother is the slacker of the family, the one who stays home all day doing jack shit. His grade-school level younger brother on the other hand, learned from Yukito and is on par with about a middle school student's intellect. Though Yukito's family isn't even close to the richest, he still was pressured to do his best, by family and friends. From an average person's perspective, they would probably think Yukito's background is pretty average. But the reason why he needs to strive is not just the prestigious college, but his parents. His parents, although very smart and responsible, did not make close to the right decisions in high school/college. They, instead of studying and learning, chose to go with friends and have fun, fool around, and throw parties when no homework or projects were assigned. If it were not for this, Yukito would probably be rich- but also a delinquent like Utaho. But these past mistakes made by his family give him an inside hope to never give up.
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Geography/World History
Yukito is extremely interested and proficient in the field of Social Studies {Geography/History}, and was even the champion of a regional contest in the subject. This is his best grade, and his grade in this maintains a beautiful A+. He knows all the capitals of the world, from Moscow in Russia to Yaren in Nauru, and even the smaller countries like Bhutan and Georgia. This is obviously his favorite class.
As this is also a core class and a very important one as well, Yukito is forced to excel in this. Even though he is not interested in it, he is forced to try to be the best in his class at it, although he himself doesn't think of it that way. That, of course, doesn't mean he does not like the mathematics subject in general. He still believes it is sometimes fun, and crucial to graduate and make lots of money.
Life Sciences/Physics
Although Yukito loves the hands-on part of this subject, and he loves learning about certain parts of Science. But the only problem for Yukito is the arduous, boring lessons and lectures given to the students. In this subject, he seems to excel in organic life, including reproduction, the ecosystem, and cells. (Life Sciences)
Physical Education
He can run. He can jump. But he sucks at everything else. Staying up all night studying and doing entirely academic, indoor activities takes a toll on your physical performance. Although he does exercise occasionally to keep his weight low and his good looks staying fresh.
Extracurricular activities
Yukito is in three different clubs, the Chess, Honors, and the Cooking Clubs. (Yes, I just made those up ;.;) He also knows how to play and practice the piano, but I don't think that would really matter in a zombie apocalypse.
Weapons: N/A
Mi Kiyoshi
Yukito only really talked to his very small group of friends, but that doesn't mean he doesn't notice the other kids in his class. His relationship with Mi is unknown, as he hasn't really interacted with her.
Paneru Yagyuu
Paneru is not even an acquaintance to Yukito, as he probably doesn't even notice the poor boy. But since Paneru is an older, class 2 student, Yukito looks up to him as a sort of "role model". Not to mention his kind personality, one that Yukito would try to adopt.
Other: Yes. The tag is right, he is a nerd. Just like me.
They ate Shoske! (What else did they eat?) |
48,422 | 1,305 | 87 | 993 | 1,646 | Utaho, toujours en train d'essayer de comprendre quoi que ce soit et de se calmer, ne pouvait s'empêcher de trouver drôle comment Kurisa a essayé de les calmer, même s'il était probablement le plus proche de perdre l'esprit. Cependant, comme Kurisa, Utaho a été gravement frappée par la mention de sa famille. Ils étaient tous des hommes, assez grands, menaçants, mais ça n'avait pas l'air d'aider en ce moment. Elle pouvait juste espérer que ses deux frères plus âgés pourraient sortir de leur université, et que l'aîné pourrait sortir de son lieu de travail et aller pour sa propre famille à temps. Son père... il travaillait aussi dans un bureau, mais il était dans l'armée à un moment de sa vie, donc Utaho était sûr qu'il pouvait trouver quelque chose. Il était un peu trop vieux.
Après que le préz se soit levé de nouveau, Utaho savait que les choses n'allaient que vers le bas de là. C'était comme un film d'horreur. Bien trop bien préparé pour être juste une blague, bien trop gorgé pour qu'ils aient été pris dans une production cinématographique... et disant que c'était un film mis à ce stade serait probablement juste gagner quelques rires des autres. C'était une idée stupide, c'était sûr. Kurisa est allée à l'attaque et a percé le corps de Prez, et il était toujours en mouvement. "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? N'aurait-il pas dû mourir de cela, Kirarin?" Utaho a demandé à son amie, qui était tout aussi perplexe. Kirari s'est contenté de hocher la tête, sachant que cela aurait été un coup fatal dans des circonstances normales. "Alors pourquoi est-il toujours debout? C'est quoi ce bordel?" Après que Kurisa l'ait repoussé et donné ses instructions, Utaho avait sa tête plus en place et pouvait mieux penser maintenant.
"Oui! Venez! Ami, aide Kirarin, je prends le nain!" Utaho l'a dit à ses amis. Ami prit la main de Kirari et courut derrière Kurisa, le suivant. Utaho est allé là où Shoske était, l'a emmené et l'a mis sur son épaule, malgré toute protestation qu'il pourrait avoir, il pourrait aussi bien descendre chaque fois. "Tu peux me frapper plus tard, mais on doit sortir d'ici! Allez, le nain, arrête de paniquer!" Utaho a dit, et était sur le point de courir à l'endroit où Kurisa, Ami et Kirari étaient, quand une main a saisi sa cuisse. Quand elle a regardé en bas, c'était le préz zombifié d'avant. Utaho avait peur, pour être honnête, mais ce n'était pas le moment de paniquer. Le préz l'utilisait comme support pour se tenir à nouveau, et Utaho était assez sûr qu'il voulait aussi la mordre. "Salope... Lâche-moi, putain de quatre yeux!" Elle a crié et a donné un coup de pied au préz dans le visage avec une telle force, elle était sûre qu'elle a entendu des os craquer. Le préz a été renvoyé encore une fois, et les autres étaient encore loin d'eux. Ils étaient en sécurité, pour l'instant.
"Fuck, dépêchons-nous!" Elle s'est retournée et a commencé à courir derrière les autres. "Fuck, baise, baise, baise, baise! Une de ces choses m'a touché! Merde, merde, merde!" Utaho semblait plutôt inquiet. "Où est la salle des techniciens?" Combien de temps encore?" | Name: Utaho Rinnosuke
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Class: 3-D
Personality: Utaho is a delinquent, first and foremost, and as so, she always has a tough act on and a deathly glare on her face. Her fuse is fairly short and she'll probably beat the shit out of you once she explodes. She holds nothing back against anyone, no matter who they are, if they insult her, they can consider themselves dead meat. She also likes picking on the weak, and will probably continue doing so until they show any kind of resistance against her harassment. Of course, this means that most of the times, the only way she knows how to solve things is by using her fists, and always leaving the brains part out. Utaho is also fairly dumb, and probably a person with which you shouldn't speak to with complicated words.
Of course, that's not all there is to Utaho, though. She may seem like any other asshole of a woman to everyone, but those that have indeed gotten to know her are aware of her friendly nature, and how she always puts her friends first. If you ever show to her that you've got enough guts as to stand up to her, or even withstand one of her punches, then you'll probably gain her respect, and friendship, and she's the kind that would go to great extremes just to see her friends happy and well. She doesn't bully those who show some guts out of sheer respect, but anyone that is spineless enough as to bow to the will of a single woman.... well, she doesn't respect them even as a person. And even so, she is not arrogant. She thinks of herself as only a woman, and is pretty down to earth in that aspect. She knows there are countless people better than her, at academics mainly, but, in her own twisted way, she also worries that those talented people might not be ready for what the world holds for them.
Background: Utaho grew up in a household with nothing but men in it, so she had to learn how to defend herself from her older brothers, and quick. At first, they didn't really pick on her or anything, to be honest, they loved her very much, but what was just awful was the fact that they treated her just like how they would treat any other guy. While young, Utaho wore her hair short as a consequence of this. Playing rough with your bigger brothers usually develops some skill in you, such as fighting. Utaho was able to learn moves from seeing them once in TV and could replicate them to almost perfection, in fact, she thinks that's her only redeemable quality.
She was able to survive her older brothers, but nothing could have prepared her for what was awaiting her in middle school. Yes, elementary school was a walk in the park, everything is fairly easy, and Utaho managed to get average grades, but middle school? That's when the problems started. Most of her history was filled with failing marks. One could even say she was somewhat depressed, and her little group knew it. Around that time, they used to pick on an intelligent, loner girl who always got high grades. Of course, these kinds of things (usually) do not last forever. One day, the girl finally decided to stand up against them, even going as far as to punch one of them, and she gained Utaho's instant respect and friendship. Thanks to that girl, she has been able to at the very least pass exams.
Skills: She is very skilled at fighting, not any particular discipline, more like street fighting. She is also semi-skilled in home economics (she had to cook for a family of men) and also semi-skilled at sewing. She's bad at anything school related besides the aforementioned two.
Weapons: N/A
Kurisa Shuiji: "Well, what can I say about the guy? He knows how to kick ass and he does it well enough for me to invite him over to kick some ass together from time to time. I like him, definitely so. The only bad thing is that he ain't one to talk much. It'd also be nice if he was a bit more intelligent.
Other: She is into cute things, and even her phone is decorated with cute-ish things all over. And also, "They Ate Shoske!".... Poor guy. D: |
48,423 | 1,305 | 88 | 2,072 | 1,329 | Des cris et des cris de faints pouvaient être entendus de partout, des rues et des étages en dessous. Montrant que tout ce qui était entré dans l'école et il n'avait pas d'armes pour se défendre. Si c'est déjà si mauvais alors arriver au deuxième étage seul serait difficile de contourner ainsi le magasin était hors de question sans aucune arme.
Secouant la tête comme il devait changer ses plans pour le moment et est venu à un arrêt pour réfléchir sur où il pouvait aller pour obtenir une arme, n'importe quoi ferait à ce stade. Le cri venant d'une classe ouverte à proximité a brisé ses pensées."Ahhh..s-reste loin! À l'aide!Il semblait que quelqu'un soit resté derrière ou soit revenu pour obtenir quelque chose, ce qui était assez stupide compte tenu de la situation et que seul un idiot allait barger dans cette pièce, compte tenu de ce qui se passait. Et donc, Kenny a tranquillement fait son chemin pour se tenir à côté de la porte ouverte et s'est penché la tête pour regarder un étudiant de classe supérieure balancer un bâton de chef de cour sur trois humains, si vous pouviez les appeler humains? À moins que les humains aient la peau blanche comme craie et puissent marcher avec des membres tordus clairement cassés. L'un d'eux avait même un bras manquant et, lors d'une inspection plus étroite, il y avait des morceaux manquants du cou ou d'autres parties du corps. L'air transportait la puanteur puanteur de chair pourrie et de sang séché qui ferait n'importe quel gag de l'odeur écœurante, mais heureusement son masque atténue l'odeur horrible.
Comme c'est bizarre. Cette puanteur était normalement abandonnée par des cadavres et pourtant, d'une manière ou d'une autre, ils étaient debout et se déplaçaient lentement vers l'étudiant. Celui qui avait une jambe cassée traînait le pied, sans douleur; grognement, ils tournaient autour du bureau, le mâle se cachait derrière. Combattant pour les garder en arrière avec le bâton de la cour, des larmes se répandant sur son visage rouillé et sur sa chemise déshonorée comme légère lueur de l'insigne de son élève d'honneur.'Ahhhh!!! C'est pas vrai, Heeeelp.Il cria alors au chef au plus près des créatures qui le frappaient dans la tête, mais en vain, il continua à aller même avec cette entaille sur le côté de sa tête.
Kenny était là à regarder la scène devant lui, voulant aider, mais il n'avait pas d'armes ni de savoir ce que ces choses étaient ou comment les tuer, c'est-à-dire s'ils n'étaient pas morts pour commencer. Il savait trop peu à ce point pour être d'aucune aide et c'était donc sans espoir pour ce gars qui était entouré par trois d'entre eux. Soupirant lentement avant d'atteindre la poignée de porte aussi tranquillement qu'il le pouvait et en la saisissant, l'étudiante avait repéré Kenny.'You!! S'il vous plaît... S'il vous plaît! Aide-moi à te parier! me quitte pas.Secouer dans la terreur pure comme il suppliait d'être sauvé, mais il n'y aurait pas d'aide comme Kenny grit ses dents pour combattre la lourde culpabilité dans son intestin. Sa main tremblant sur la poignée de porte, ayant à se forcer à fermer la porte et debout là à regarder par la fenêtre de la porte. En quelques secondes, le gars a été échauffé par les trois, son corps a pressé contre la planche alors que les monstres grogneurs se mirent dans les bras et le cou, faisant couler son sang sur leurs visages et se déversant sur le sol. Le pire, c'était les yeux, ces yeux qui regardaient la porte, remplis de peur et d'un regard demandant pourquoi... pourquoi m'abandonnerais-tu?
Des yeux qui l'ont secoué jusqu'au cœur, brûlé dans son cerveau pour s'assurer qu'il n'oublierait jamais ce qu'il venait de faire. Kenny s'est révolté contre ce qu'il vient de voir, contre ce qu'il a fait et s'en est détesté.
Son corps trembla alors que les larmes menaçaient de tomber, heureux que son masque cachât ce qu'il ressentait. Prendre une gorgée d'air pour régler ses nerfs et se détourner, avoir besoin de passer à autre chose; pleurer à propos de cela n'allait pas aider. Alors, poussant la culpabilité et l'enfermant profondément en lui, il continua son chemin, mettant l'événement derrière lui.
Il n'a marché que partiellement dans le hall avant de traverser la salle des techniciens et a pensé qu'il pourrait avoir des outils à fabriquer en armes. Ce n'était pas un cours de magasin, mais c'était mieux que rien et a testé la poignée de porte pour la trouver verrouillée. En regardant rapidement les deux façons de s'assurer qu'aucun de ces monstres non vivants n'était autour et utilisé son makeshift Lockpick, le prenant presque deux minutes avant de finalement l'ouvrir. Un petit clin d'œil, il s'est glissé dans la classe, curieux de ce qu'il trouverait. | Name:
Kenny is...well majority of students and even teachers struggle to understand what he is. Kenny rarely talks, though his mask mostly makes what he says muffled. A loner is what most say or a freak by others since he's always seen wearing a mask or carrying around a metal pipe. kenny does keep to himself majority of the time, often skipping class to explore or hang out at his hideout. Yet, his appearance deceives others from seeing that he's actually pretty smart that even with skipping class, maintains A's and b's. He tends to spook other students for fun with his mask, which further gave him the look of a troublemaker, though is simply a curious person who enjoys reading and learning how things work.
Kenny had been given up for adoption since birth, having never known his actual parents. Due to his strange behavior; it was difficult to find him foster parents and was put through foster home after foster home over the years. As this went on, it grew to the point that he decided not to bother with making friends or even talking to others, which could explain why he had started covering up his face with hoods or makeshift masks.
Eventually, the teachers and adults gave up on trying to get him to stop with the masks and left him be. When able, Kenny would wander off to explore abandoned buildings or any nearby forests. Often choosing a spot where he would spend most of his time to study objects he was able to get his hands on or to read books that he found interesting. Reading from an assortment of items or weapon books as he was a very curious person who always wanted to learn
Not until he turned 15 did he finally get adopted; a father who worked as a simple garbage man and mother who was too lazy to work. His guess that they adopted him was simply to get child support money, which didn't bother him since he hardly spent time at the house, always off on exploring or at the small abandoned building that he turned into his latest hideout.
Upon entering the school officially, he was put in class a, something no one expected with the appearance of his. Only coming to class half the time and yet somehow able to turn in all assignments and maintaining top grades. Kenny made sure to learn self defense by learning how to use weapons like bats or metal pipes to keep the bullies off as he would train at the hide-out when he had spared time. Even working on building projects and thus took up shop class to improve his building skills.
shop class- expert at building, kendo- average skill in swordsmanship, gym- works on his speed and and stamina.
-Metal pipe
two pocket knives hidden in each pocket
- in reserve at his hideout
Other: "They ate shoske!" *muffled mask words* |
48,424 | 1,305 | 89 | 1,805 | 2,363 | Shoske était coincé dans son labyrinthe jusqu'à ce que Kurisa le tire par le collier, retournant finalement à la réalité. Il s'est serré les poings, les mots de Kurisa le frappant comme un bulldozer. Il n'a pas encore pensé à ce qui est arrivé à sa famille, craignant seulement pour sa propre vie et agissant comme un lâche. Il a mordu sa lèvre, ignorant ce qui se passait autour de lui. Papa eta Zenkichi peuvent prendre soin d'eux eux-mêmes, plus Lirin va à l'école avec Zenkichi avec l'école mais maman.... Les larmes ont commencé à descendre lentement ses yeux. Il savait déjà que les chances étaient, ils étaient tous prêts à mourir. Ne pleure pas, pleure pas, il a mordu sa lèvre encore plus fort, essayant de les retenir mais sur le point de lâcher prise. Jusqu'à ce qu'il soit soudainement ramassé et jeté sur l'épaule de quelqu'un. Ses yeux déchiquetés, avec sa jambe droite qui s'agite Est-ce que...boob? Il s'est ébranlé la tête : "Je ne suis pas un voyou!" Il s'est tourné vers l'avant pour descendre de l'épaule qu'il n'a jamais été, atterrissant sur son cul. Il se tourna vers elle alors qu'il se levait, ses yeux s'élargissant pour voir que c'était la même fille qui allait le battre "Ne m'appelez plus nain! Tu ne devrais pas juger un homme par sa taille! » Il a couru derrière eux, suivant le groupe Non... ils ne peuvent pas être morts! Je dois survivre pour les trouver! Le gémissement des goules grandit plus fort, Shoske se retournant alors qu'il remarquait qu'ils s'énervent, lentement mais régulièrement en ramenant leur rythme. Même les membres manquants ou les organes tombants marchaient sans signe de douleur. Il a tourné la tête en arrière, courant sans jamais regarder en arrière. Son corps a fait preuve d'une terrible peur, ses épaules et ses mains tremblant tout le temps. Mais son visage était ce qui était le plus surprenant. C'était dans un état de choc mais pourtant il semblait qu'il avait accepté que ce soit réel. | Shoske Kawahiru
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-B
Personality: Shoske is a pretty laid back and carefree person, usually trying to blend in rather than being on the spot. Shoske is also quite resourceful since he used to get beaten up so much. Will rp rest out
Background: Shoske grew up in your average Japanese household, his father worked at a large company and his mother was a stay at home mom. He had 1 younger brother and 1 younger sister. There was only one major problem in his household. HE WAS SHORT. His younger brother had already almost caught up to him and he was already shorter than his mom and dad. Everyday, he cursed life for being short
School was nothing special, he found a great interest in certain things and often read books. But he knew not to overindulge or he'd end up being called a nerd. So he kept a balance. Despite that, he was still bullied on due to his short stature.
However, he never backed day. Every day they beat him up, he put up a fight. It didn't matter how bad it was, he wasn't gonna take shit for being short. Thanks to this, he has pretty good endurance since he had to fight multiple people at once. Although he never really won, he still left them with atleast a scar of 2.
In highschool, they eventually gave up and moved on to another target. Finally, he was able to live the relaxed life he wanted. He joined the gardening club since it didn't require a lot of effor and still read books every now and then.
Skills: Very skilled in biology (plants and animals), skilled in gardening (was in the club), skilled in p.e. (mostly endurance), and horrible at hands on stuff including machinery like engineering, mechanics, etc.
Weapons: None
Open to any ^^
Other: "They Ate Shoske!"....wait......THATS |
48,425 | 1,305 | 90 | 21 | 5,939 | Akane a regardé la scène avant qu'elle ne se déroule, bien consciente de ces choses qui font leur chemin vers le haut de l'escalier derrière elle. Elle regarde derrière son épaule droite, en voyant les ombres de ces choses pendant qu'elles montaient lentement dans l'escalier. Leurs gémissements et leurs gémissements échouèrent, forçant un pic d'anxiété à percer le cœur d'Akane. En retournant la tête pour faire face au groupe, elle a pris le discours d'un des élèves donné. Quelque chose au sujet de la famille a été mentionné qui semblent affecter les autres étudiants, Akane, cependant, apparemment, était le seul qui n'a pas été effectué par les mots du gars, au moins c'est ce qu'il semblait juger par son apparence extérieure et le manque de réaction.
Se rapprochant du groupe pour créer une plus grande distance entre elle et l'escalier derrière elle, Akane continua d'observer silencieusement. La découverte faite par l'étudiant qui a prononcé le discours a été un développement intéressant. Si l'on considère la réaction de ces créatures qui tentaient de se tenir debout, il semble qu'il s'agisse d'un de leurs camarades... Hmm'' Akane a recueilli des informations sur ce qu'elle a vu et stocké les données à l'intérieur de son esprit pour les analyser plus tard, peut-être pourrait-elle trouver une sorte de faiblesse qui l'aiderait à s'échapper. Peu de temps après, le groupe d'étudiants en tête a commencé à courir. A ce stade, Akane savait qu'elle n'avait d'autre choix que de suivre si elle avait quelque espoir de survivre à cet événement traumatisant... autant qu'elle méprisait avoir à être avec d'autres personnes, maintenant n'était pas le moment de se plaindre ou de penser à un autre plan. « Pourquoi cela a-t-il dû se produire aujourd'hui... » Swallowing ses sentiments intérieurs, Akane a commencé à se diriger elle-même, étant sûr de rattraper et de suivre de près derrière le groupe. Elle n'a pas regardé en arrière car elle savait que cela gaspillerait de l'énergie et se ralentirait, ce qui serait extrêmement dangereux puisqu'elle était la plus éloignée derrière tout le monde, et la plus proche des créatures. L'expression sur son visage est restée vide comme d'habitude, dans n'importe quel autre réglage, il semblerait qu'elle ait juste eu une course décontractée et ne courait pas pour sa vie... Cela dit, elle se poussait en fait autant qu'elle le pouvait, se séparant légèrement des lèvres pour laisser sortir des pantalons légers, mais cet effort n'était pas affiché dans son apparence extérieure comme elle ne le laisserait pas être. Ses chaussures n'ont pas fait autant de bruit que tout le monde en raison de la semelle étant en caoutchouc donc au moins ils n'ont pas beaucoup ajouté à la pollution sonore de tout le groupe. | ::Name::
Akane Hetoshi
Seeming calm at all times is generally Akane's behaviour. She hardly makes effort to socialise with others unless they know something she wants to find out. Other than that, she usually speaks only when spoken to during classes. She's never bothered by the lack of friends she has or being left out of most social activities outside of the school as any other student may be. She just likes her own company and enjoying herself by herself.
Her main focuses, goals, aspirations, so on and so-forth are:... well.. nothing. Akane feels that she merely exists in this world, nothing more, nothing less and thus is quite content with just 'going wherever the wind takes her'. She takes solace in knowing how insignificant she is, how small her mistakes are compared to the mistakes of those who influence and thrive on being surrounded by other people. This may seem depressing, but Akane feels comfortable with this realisation, it makes her feel liberated when thinking about it since she feels that she can do anything she wants and no one would care or pay her any notice.
Generally Akane is quite relaxed, hardly ever worried or stressed about anything as nothing important or worth fussing over ever happens in her life, or more that's how she sees things. Little know however that secretly Akane is a very hot-headed person. Since she isolates herself within her own little bubble, rarely anyone is given a chance to notice this side of her. Covering up her anger isn't easy but Akane has learned how to conceal it better by dodging the problem altogether: Other people. Her mind, on the other hand, is often filled with annoyed and agitated thoughts from what she witnesses in day-to-day life since she is also rather observant. Due to this, she has a large amount of dislike for many people, especially loud, arrogant, unnecessarily mean and outspoken people. Those who also say what's on their mind at all times no matter whether their statements are positive and nice or rude and negative just grinds her gears. When in the presence of such people, Akane grits her teeth as an automatic response, something she often doesn't realise she's doing.
Akane moved from home as soon as she turned 18. She had enough of her loud, invasive and opinionated family since they'd constantly bug her about being quiet and enter her room unannounced before snooping through her stuff for no reason what-so-ever. She hardly spoke to them despite living within the same building, however on the odd occasion a conversation was made, it'd easily turn into a one-sided argument because of how strongly opinionated they are and the fact that the moment voices or tension raises, Akane simply walks away and escapes to her room which tends to annoy people who're trying to argue with you. Throughout most of her childhood, Akane spent her time in her room with the door shut. If she wasn't there, she was at the local library, enjoying the quiet atmoshpere despite how little she read books. Now that she has her own place though, she's almost happy... if it weren't for the fact that she needed a room-mate to live with so she could afford to move. However, it wasn't all bad, her room-mate is actually quite a nice person and leaves Akane to do what she wants with few questions. There had been a couple of moments where the two of them had interesting deep conversations about a variety of topics as the two of them shared a couple of common interests, one of which was Science. Although such conversations happen rarely.
With her vast amount of alone time, whenever Akane was bored with entertainment or whatever other task she was preforming, she'd turn to studying. Her version of studying had always been a more relaxed, almost lazy approach since she only studied a little each time she was bored until the urge for some entertainment returned. However, despite the lazy quantity, the quality of each study time was high. She'd make sure she fully understood absolutely everything she learned about, be it through text books, research, work sheets etc. This made her rather knowledgeable in quite a few different subjects which was the reason for her constant high grades. Even though her grades were high and she did well in school, Akane didn't care about her high achievements. They weren't impressive in comparison to a person who changed the world so there was no point to embracing such minuscule achievements.
Skilled at Science as it's a subject of interest for her. Semi-skilled at mathematics and computing making her knowledgeable about technology, and also semi-skilled at games which helped her improve her strategic and problem-solving skills. Bad at physical education since she hardly leaves her room, the little exercise she does consists of just walking to school or the library, which hasn't helped her stamina meaning she runs out of breath rather quickly.
They Ate Shoske! - He was in my way. *snickers darkly* |
48,426 | 1,305 | 91 | 1,300 | 3,244 | Kurisa a continué à courir dans le hall mais pas si vite les autres ne pourraient pas suivre, comme il a couru, il a pu entendre les cris des gens qui échouaient à travers l'école puis ses yeux élargis comme il dérapé à un arrêt quand un corps a volé par la fenêtre, Kurisa ne voulait pas regarder par la fenêtre pour voir ce que c'était... mais il a dû... et quand il l'a vu... son estomac s'est juste hurlé. Quelqu'un avait sauté par la fenêtre de l'étage ci-dessus par les regards, préférant se suicider que d'être mangé... en ce moment Kurisa ne pouvait pas leur reprocher mais la vue de leur corps manglé rendrait presque n'importe qui malade. Kurisa secoua la tête un peu pendant qu'il continuait, sachant qu'il ne pouvait pas rester longtemps au même endroit.
Kurisa a ensuite entendu Utaho parler de l'un d'eux la touchant et où la salle Tech était "Soyez prudent! Garde tes orteils... ces bâtards pourraient sortir de n'importe où et n'importe qui pourrait en être un... » Avec la dernière chose que Kurisa a dit des pensées de sa petite sœur lui sont revenues dans la tête alors qu'il imaginait à quel point elle devait avoir peur... c'était si elle n'était pas déjà l'une d'entre elles. Kurisa a saisi la poignée de balai plus serrée près du point de la briser... il ne la laisserait pas mourir! s'il y avait une personne qu'il devait sauver, c'était sa petite sœur. Juste être autour d'elle a fait disparaître ses problèmes, c'était bizarre... elle ne le savait même pas mais tout baiser avec l'esprit et le cœur de Kurisa serait simplement aller. Assis avec elle juste jouer avec elle ou même regarder des émissions de télévision avec elle juste fait disparaître les choses... Peut-être que c'était juste à quel point elle était innocente, elle n'avait rien dans son monde qui pouvait la contrarier et la seule chose que Kurisa détestait le plus était de la voir bouleversée. À ce moment Kurisa est un peu tombé dans un rêve d'un jour... en pensant au moment où il était revenu de l'école quand il était dans sa première année.
Ce jour-là avait été dur... Kurisa avait essayé de garder la tête baissée et juste de continuer son travail, il ne voulait pas se faire des ennemis ou des amis... juste faire ce qu'il devait faire et aller. Cependant, quand vous êtes l'une des nouvelles personnes qui était quelque peu impossible, vous étiez une cible. Pendant l'une des pauses de l'après-midi, Kurisa était assis à l'extérieur dans un endroit un peu calme, il pensait que c'était le meilleur endroit pour être quand vous étiez nouveau... seul et hors du chemin. Il ne savait pas qu'il avait joué dans les mains de ceux qui cherchaient à foutre la merde hors des nouveaux enfants et il était sûr qu'il y avait assez de connards, tous à partir de la troisième année... et Kurisa était juste dans sa première. Inutile de dire qu'ils ont foutu la merde de Kurisa, il n'a même pas pu se battre! Qu'est-ce qu'il savait? Il n'a eu que quelques bagarres à ce moment-là de sa vie, mais... il n'y avait aucun moyen qu'il soit armé pour pouvoir se battre et donc il a fini par prendre un coup de pied au cul pour qu'ils aient le sentiment qu'ils avaient fini.
Quand Kurisa est rentré à la maison, il était couvert de coupures et de contusions et il était sûr que certains os étaient cassés mais probablement pas... juste sûr que ça lui plaisait. Quand Kurisa est entré dans le salon principal, son père l'a regardé et a riposté, puis il a dit "Huh...A voir que tu as eu tes premiers coups de pied... bien félicitations. Bon travail pour se faire marcher partout..." Le père de Kurisa était dur et contondant... il n'y a eu que quelques fois quand Kurisa et lui se sont en fait entendus, la seule raison pour laquelle il a décidé d'entrer dans l'ingénierie était d'essayer d'impressionner son père mais rien! Ce bâtard ne lui donnerait aucune reconnaissance, même pas un "Bon Job fils... tu vas faire un bon mécanicien" Rien! Et puis sa mère n'était pas mieux! immédiatement le blâmant comme si c'était sa faute! "Alors qu'est-ce que tu as dit pour les ennuyer? Il est clair que vous avez dû le demander s'ils vous ont battu si mal... » Encore une fois... c'était cette merde... toujours frappé et manqué avec ces deux-là. Un jour, ils s'en soucieraient, le lendemain, ils s'en foutraient pas! presque comme s'ils l'avaient abandonné...
Pourtant, une personne a fait preuve d'une réelle préoccupation. Alors que Kurisa quitta le salon et monta à l'étage, sa jeune sœur sortit de sa chambre et ce regard sur son visage quand elle le vit... ses yeux commencèrent à se déchirer pendant que sa lèvre tremblait, puis soudain elle éclata en courant vers Kurisa et le câlina. Cela n'a vraiment servi qu'à choquer Kurisa, il n'avait pas vraiment montré beaucoup de soin à sa sœur avant cela... il se sentait presque amer envers elle car il se sentait comme si elle était maintenant l'attention principale de ses parents et c'est pourquoi ils abandonnaient sur lui. Savoir ce qu'il avait ressenti et voir comment elle se souciait tellement de lui l'ont littéralement amené aux larmes... il se sentait comme une merde complète. Elle a passé quelques heures à essayer d'aider à nettoyer ses coupures et à mettre des petits... des plâtres de pokémon sur ses coupures. Mais c'est ce qu'elle lui a dit... une fille de 5 ans... qui a changé sa façon de penser. "Frère... S'il vous plaît, ne vous blessez plus. Je ne veux pas que tu sois blessé... tu ne seras pas blessé, n'est-ce pas?" Kurisa l'a regardée et lui a dit : « Ne t'inquiète pas... je ne me laisserai plus blesser. Alors ne t'inquiète pas bien?" Kurisa à ce moment-là a probablement souri pour la première fois depuis longtemps... les pensées de cette situation même ont presque apporté des larmes aux yeux de Kurisa mais un sourire s'est formé sur son visage... comment il a dû sortir de ce monde de rêve, il a dû revenir à la réalité! Malgré tout, il voulait rester dans ses propres pensées. Kurisa secoua la tête puis parla
"Fuck!...C'est juste là-haut!... je jure que je vais te sauver..." La dernière partie a été brouillée sous son souffle, donc il était peu probable que quelqu'un l'entende. Kurisa pouvait maintenant sympathiser avec ces gens... ils avaient probablement de la famille qu'ils voulaient s'assurer qu'ils allaient bien. Finalement, ils sont arrivés à la salle Tech, Kurisa a pu voir la porte était déjà ouverte ou au moins c'était un peu. Voyant cette Kurisa a procédé avec prudence alors qu'il a poussé la porte ouverte lentement avec la poignée de balai comme il a vu une figure dans la pièce, il a continué à la pousser ouverte lentement finalement voir que c'était un étudiant, mais étaient-ils vivants? Kurisa a mouvementé de sa main gauche pour que les autres le suivent comme si cette personne était l'un d'eux, il était le seul ici. Bien sûr, Kurisa ne pouvait pas aller frapper le bâtard, après tout ce qu'il pouvait être un étudiant normal... il n'y avait vraiment qu'une seule chose qu'il pouvait faire "Hé! Vous êtes l'un d'eux?" C'était peut-être stupide, mais qu'est-ce qu'il pourrait faire d'autre? il n'était pas sur le point de tuer un autre étudiant juste parce qu'il pensait qu'ils étaient l'un d'eux
Arme : Poignée à balai
Affichages utilisés: 1
Affichages à gauche : 1
Jetable: S.O. | Kurisa Shuiji
Kurisa Shuiji
Kurisa is a pretty standard guy, obsessed with cars, sports and the alike. However this focus on somewhat physical subjects means Kurisa isn't exactly book smart which is his main downfall and why he is the C grade. Kurisa is a firm believer that the crap you learn from books is useless and that the best way to learn something is physical experience and learning from mistakes, although when you do something physical that threatens to hurt you, you're generally more careful and so less mistakes happen. You screw up, you get hurt...Do you get that with a book? You bet your ass you don't!
Aside from Kurisa being more of a hands on kind of guy he is also a pretty hard person to generally get along with. Some will hit some luck with him but most will likely fail...this is generally shown with how he hates half the people at his school just down to the way they act. You could say he has a lot of anger inside him and so it doesn't take much to set him off...yet on the odd occasion he will stay in control of his emotions however due to this being somewhat rare Kurisa has fought with a lot of the other males in his year and the year above...not always winning but that doesn't mean he didn't give them a decent ass kicking!
Kurisa has a pretty standard family. His father is a mechanic, hence why Kurisa takes an interest in Mechanics and his mother is an accountant. Kurisa also has a much younger Sister however it's to early to tell what she will be into as her only interests as of now are drawing and Pokemon. Kurisa's upbringing wasn't necessarily a bad one, he was certainly much more cheerful in his life when he was younger however when his Grandmother passed when he was aged 10, things started to go down hill a little from there and eventually lead to Kurisa becoming somewhat of a troublemaker at school. His Mother speculates that Kurisa's anger and aggression are simply a front to hide his depression, almost as if he lives in some sort of denial that she is gone...However that is just his mothers views. His fathers are somewhat different and that he simply blames it on him just being in his Teens and rebelling.
(Keeping it short and sweet)
Very Skilled in engineering due to being around vehicles and machinery all his life due to his father being a mechanic and so Kurisa has followed in his fathers foot steps in hopes of one day becoming a Mechanic himself.
Semi Skilled in Sports/Athletics. Kurisa generally likes to keep fit and so puts some time into sports and the alike. He isn't really all the competitive but it's a great way to keep himself in shape and in some ways helps him when he somewhat occasionally gets into a fight with another student...even on the field
Semi-Skilled in Kendo. Kurisa does have an interest in Japanese history and although not a large amount it's enough of an interest for him to want to take up Kendo class so he can at least believe he is somewhat like a Samurai...although in truth he is far from it as he isn't the greatest there is but he is good enough that he can give some more experienced members a challenge
Useless at Geography. Kurisa has no interest in Geography...he knows how to use a map and that is as far as it goes for him. All the other crap they try teach you is useless and he believes it will be hardly useful at all! If you got eyes and a map then you should be fine
Utaho Rinnosuke - Kurisa would say he is somewhat friends with Utaho or at least they get along well enough. Although they may not be side by side everyday there is the occasional case in which the two may go out if they are bored and just kick some randomers ass or someone's ass from their school who annoyed them...why?...well...why not?
Kibaya Musato - Kurisa doesn't know to much about Kibaya...probably due to him rarely even being in class. However the two have spoken a few times to know a little about eachother but not enough to be considered really anything close to friends
"THEY ATE SHOSKE!"...That's why he's called Zombie Bait *chuckles* |
48,427 | 1,305 | 92 | 993 | 1,646 | Qu'est-ce qu'Utaho ne donnerait pas pour avoir ses deux gros frères encombrants avec elle en ce moment? Ils seraient sûrement en haut de toutes ces... ces choses-là. "Je fais attention, enfoiré!" Utaho s'est évanouie de rage. Ce n'était pas le meilleur moment pour l'enclencher avec des petites choses. Toute la tension de la situation et l'incertitude de savoir si leurs familles étaient ok ou non était un peu trop pour juste avaler et être comme, 'oh, oui, ok'. Elle regarda en arrière, et là, elle trouva le nain et une nouvelle rousse ajoutée à leur petit groupe. La force en nombre, peut-être? Elle a l'air mince comme un bâton, donc il pourrait être mieux pour elle de rester autour. Plus il y a de gars dans leur groupe, mieux c'est. La salle technique était bientôt dans leur viseur.
Un dépôt d'espoir est venu à l'esprit d'Utaho, ainsi qu'un à ses deux amis. Pourtant, comme la chance l'aurait eu, Ami, qui portait des talons hauts le même jour à l'école, juste HAD pour casser l'un des talons. Kirari s'est un peu mal comporté pour porter des choses comme celles-là, et Utaho les haïssait, mais Ami semblait juste aimer les choses. Elle est tombée face en premier, la plupart des gens la laissant rapidement derrière elle, surtout sans le remarquer, bien que Kirari et Utaho ont remarqué quand leur ami a soudainement disparu pour embrasser le sol. "Uta-chan! Kirarin!" Elle a crié pour de l'aide.
"Ami!" Utaho s'est précipitée pour son amie, mais assez tôt, l'un d'entre eux est monté vers elle et lui a mordu la cheville, tandis qu'Ami lâchait un cri d'horreur et de désespoir. "Non! Espèce d'enculé!" Avec un coup de pied de foot propre au visage, Utaho a pu libérer son amie des dents des morts. Elle a commencé à la traîner à travers le sol, jusqu'à ce qu'elle puisse enfin la prendre et la porter. "Mon Dieu! Combien de fois je t'ai dit de ne pas porter ces putains de trucs!" Elle s'en est pris à elle.
"Je suis désolé." Ami s'est excusé, tandis que Kirari les a précipités tous les deux. "Les gars! Ils vous rattrapent!" Elle a crié. Elle était toujours immobile pendant qu'elle courait. Ça a énervé Utaho.
"Alors bouge-toi, Kirarin! Si tu ne le fais pas, on ne sortira pas de ça avec une seule morsure! » Elle a crié. Elle a juste dû prier... prier que cette merde n'était pas comme dans les films. Une fois mordu une fois, elle secoua la tête pour chasser ces pensées. "Allez, Ami. Je ne suis pas sur le point de te laisser ici!" Elle a dit, avant d'aller de l'avant tout en portant son amie. Ce n'était pas tant que ça, mais elle pesait encore un peu, et elle ne pouvait pas bouger à cause de la morsure.
"Uta-chan... Je suis désolée! Ils t'ont presque eu aussi parce que..." Ami a commencé à se déchirer. Utaho a cliqué sur sa langue, ils venaient juste d'arriver dans la salle des techniciens. Elle a littéralement jeté son ami à l'intérieur, faisant sa terre sur le sol, tandis que Kirari est arrivé en toute sécurité et sans blessure. Elle était vraiment énervée maintenant, avant d'éblouir son amie.
"Clamez-le! Ne dis rien d'autre, ou je vais te la fermer avec mon poing!" Même si elle avait l'air dure, tout cela l'intéressait. Dans sa tête, elle priait toujours et priait... pour que ça ne soit pas si cliché. | Name: Utaho Rinnosuke
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Class: 3-D
Personality: Utaho is a delinquent, first and foremost, and as so, she always has a tough act on and a deathly glare on her face. Her fuse is fairly short and she'll probably beat the shit out of you once she explodes. She holds nothing back against anyone, no matter who they are, if they insult her, they can consider themselves dead meat. She also likes picking on the weak, and will probably continue doing so until they show any kind of resistance against her harassment. Of course, this means that most of the times, the only way she knows how to solve things is by using her fists, and always leaving the brains part out. Utaho is also fairly dumb, and probably a person with which you shouldn't speak to with complicated words.
Of course, that's not all there is to Utaho, though. She may seem like any other asshole of a woman to everyone, but those that have indeed gotten to know her are aware of her friendly nature, and how she always puts her friends first. If you ever show to her that you've got enough guts as to stand up to her, or even withstand one of her punches, then you'll probably gain her respect, and friendship, and she's the kind that would go to great extremes just to see her friends happy and well. She doesn't bully those who show some guts out of sheer respect, but anyone that is spineless enough as to bow to the will of a single woman.... well, she doesn't respect them even as a person. And even so, she is not arrogant. She thinks of herself as only a woman, and is pretty down to earth in that aspect. She knows there are countless people better than her, at academics mainly, but, in her own twisted way, she also worries that those talented people might not be ready for what the world holds for them.
Background: Utaho grew up in a household with nothing but men in it, so she had to learn how to defend herself from her older brothers, and quick. At first, they didn't really pick on her or anything, to be honest, they loved her very much, but what was just awful was the fact that they treated her just like how they would treat any other guy. While young, Utaho wore her hair short as a consequence of this. Playing rough with your bigger brothers usually develops some skill in you, such as fighting. Utaho was able to learn moves from seeing them once in TV and could replicate them to almost perfection, in fact, she thinks that's her only redeemable quality.
She was able to survive her older brothers, but nothing could have prepared her for what was awaiting her in middle school. Yes, elementary school was a walk in the park, everything is fairly easy, and Utaho managed to get average grades, but middle school? That's when the problems started. Most of her history was filled with failing marks. One could even say she was somewhat depressed, and her little group knew it. Around that time, they used to pick on an intelligent, loner girl who always got high grades. Of course, these kinds of things (usually) do not last forever. One day, the girl finally decided to stand up against them, even going as far as to punch one of them, and she gained Utaho's instant respect and friendship. Thanks to that girl, she has been able to at the very least pass exams.
Skills: She is very skilled at fighting, not any particular discipline, more like street fighting. She is also semi-skilled in home economics (she had to cook for a family of men) and also semi-skilled at sewing. She's bad at anything school related besides the aforementioned two.
Weapons: N/A
Kurisa Shuiji: "Well, what can I say about the guy? He knows how to kick ass and he does it well enough for me to invite him over to kick some ass together from time to time. I like him, definitely so. The only bad thing is that he ain't one to talk much. It'd also be nice if he was a bit more intelligent.
Other: She is into cute things, and even her phone is decorated with cute-ish things all over. And also, "They Ate Shoske!".... Poor guy. D: |
48,428 | 1,305 | 93 | 1,805 | 2,363 | Shoske continua de courir, se baladant légèrement alors qu'il suivait le groupe près de l'arrière. Avec sa vitesse, il pourrait être à l'avant mais cela laisserait leur dos grand ouvert ainsi il a quitté l'avant à Kurisa. Cependant, il flottait dans le dos subconsciemment et ne pensait même pas à la raison pour laquelle il était là-bas, il était juste là-bas. Il a remarqué qu'un autre élève les rattrapait. Il ne savait pas qui elle était, mais ça n'avait plus d'importance, chaque personne comptait maintenant. L'un des amis d'Utaho s'est effondré à cause de son talon, mais les yeux de Shoske étaient trop fixés à l'extérieur pour même remarquer sa chute. Il a seulement découvert qu'elle était tombée quand il a entendu la fille crier pour de l'aide. Il a tourné la tête, les yeux s'élargissant et les yeux montrant un mélange de peur et de choc. Elle était mordue, et il y avait une chance qu'elle devienne l'une d'entre elles. Si c'était comme dans les films, la fille n'aurait pas beaucoup de temps. Sinon, ils n'ont pas eu beaucoup de temps pour traiter la morsure.
Le groupe a atteint la pièce, Shoske bargeant en dernier derrière tout le groupe et même la nouvelle fille. Il a fermé la porte et l'a fermée. L'esprit de Shoske était encore quelque part ailleurs, cependant, il semblait qu'il était dans une profonde pensée et courait maintenant sur l'instinct de survivre. | Shoske Kawahiru
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-B
Personality: Shoske is a pretty laid back and carefree person, usually trying to blend in rather than being on the spot. Shoske is also quite resourceful since he used to get beaten up so much. Will rp rest out
Background: Shoske grew up in your average Japanese household, his father worked at a large company and his mother was a stay at home mom. He had 1 younger brother and 1 younger sister. There was only one major problem in his household. HE WAS SHORT. His younger brother had already almost caught up to him and he was already shorter than his mom and dad. Everyday, he cursed life for being short
School was nothing special, he found a great interest in certain things and often read books. But he knew not to overindulge or he'd end up being called a nerd. So he kept a balance. Despite that, he was still bullied on due to his short stature.
However, he never backed day. Every day they beat him up, he put up a fight. It didn't matter how bad it was, he wasn't gonna take shit for being short. Thanks to this, he has pretty good endurance since he had to fight multiple people at once. Although he never really won, he still left them with atleast a scar of 2.
In highschool, they eventually gave up and moved on to another target. Finally, he was able to live the relaxed life he wanted. He joined the gardening club since it didn't require a lot of effor and still read books every now and then.
Skills: Very skilled in biology (plants and animals), skilled in gardening (was in the club), skilled in p.e. (mostly endurance), and horrible at hands on stuff including machinery like engineering, mechanics, etc.
Weapons: None
Open to any ^^
Other: "They Ate Shoske!"....wait......THATS |
48,429 | 1,305 | 94 | 21 | 5,939 | Akane a continué à suivre derrière le groupe. Pantalon léger poussé à travers ses lèvres minces pour maintenir sa respiration pendant qu'elle courait alors que ses yeux étaient principalement centrés sur un étudiant court avec cheveux noirs courant devant elle, sachant qu'il devait suivre le reste du groupe. De temps en temps, les yeux d'Akane regardaient les deux côtés du couloir, en prenant note des murs de sang et des rondelles de chair jetée qui jonchaient le sol.... toute cette situation n'était qu'un gros gâchis. D'après ce qu'elle avait observé, il semblait que tout ce qui créait ces choses se répandait plus vite que le froid commun d'un jour d'hiver. En regardant d'abord à l'extérieur de l'une des fenêtres du couloir du 2e étage après la dernière annonce du principe, elle avait remarqué quelque chose qui semblait n'avoir de sens que maintenant... Bit by bit Akane a assemblé sa théorie sur ce qui se passait à l'arrière de son esprit, étant absorbé dans la communauté scientifique comme elle a été rendue assembler le puzzle plus facile, cependant là où d'énormes facteurs manquent. Qu'est-ce qui a causé ça? C'était un accident? Est-ce qu'il y a un moyen d'arrêter ça?... L'un des élèves tombé immédiatement a attiré l'attention d'Akane avant même de toucher le sol. La façon dont ils ont réussi à tomber s'est échappée d'Akane puisqu'elle ne faisait pas assez attention à cette personne, pas qu'il importait de toute façon puisque la fille a fait une erreur critique. Courir a passé la fille tombée, Akane a regardé la femelle tranquillement avant de regarder en arrière et remarquer deux autres courir vers leur associé tombé. Face à l'avenir, Akane s'est concentrée sur la course, ce n'était pas comme si elle pouvait faire quoi que ce soit à ce sujet de toute façon puisqu'il y avait trop de choses qui les suivaient.
Il semblait que le groupe s'approchait de leur destination alors que l'élève les conduisait s'arrêtait à une porte avant de se déplacer pour que les autres suivent. Les trois d'avant avaient vite rattrapé et étaient derrière Akane. S'élançant dans la pièce, Akane a rapidement traversé le mur arrière derrière l'élève principal afin de s'éloigner de la porte. Elle se tint en arrière et regarda, en prêtant une attention particulière à son environnement au cas où d'autres mauvais événements allaient bientôt suivre. En ce moment, son attention était sur celui qui occupait déjà la pièce. S'ils étaient l'un d'eux alors cela poserait encore plus de problème puisqu'ils n'auraient pas d'autre choix que de se débarrasser de ce creaton, bien qu'il semblait que le chef du groupe était prêt à s'en occuper.
En s'éloignant du regard de cette figure, Akane regarda celui qui dirigeait le groupe, ses yeux bleu frais glissa vers son balai avec une pensée. Un bruit fort a brusquement alerté Akane alors que les filles qui se déplaçaient derrière elle sont entrées, l'une d'entre elles jetant la fille blessée au sol. C'est ce que je crois? Je me demande ce qui va se passer. Akane n'a pas montré d'émotion, seulement discrètement regardé le pied de la fille. Il n'y avait pas d'erreur, cette fille avait été mordue, mais Akane n'allait rien dire. Même si elle avait une idée de ce qui pourrait se passer ensuite, elle ne l'a considéré que comme une hypothèse. Quoi qu'il arrive à côté de cette fille prouverait soit sa supposition correcte ou incorrecte, de toute façon seulement le temps le dirait.
Le petit est finalement entré dans la pièce et a fermé la porte... maintenant ils ont été pris au piège avec deux menaces potentielles alors que les menaces les plus meurtrières ont probablement fait leur chemin jusqu'à la porte en ce moment. A la fosse de l'estomac d'Akane, un mauvais sentiment a traversé son corps, mais Akane n'était pas du genre à commencer à paniquer ou à s'inquiéter, au lieu de cela, elle a juste observé, prenant silencieuse inspiration profonde dedans et dehors à travers son bruit comme elle l'a fait. | ::Name::
Akane Hetoshi
Seeming calm at all times is generally Akane's behaviour. She hardly makes effort to socialise with others unless they know something she wants to find out. Other than that, she usually speaks only when spoken to during classes. She's never bothered by the lack of friends she has or being left out of most social activities outside of the school as any other student may be. She just likes her own company and enjoying herself by herself.
Her main focuses, goals, aspirations, so on and so-forth are:... well.. nothing. Akane feels that she merely exists in this world, nothing more, nothing less and thus is quite content with just 'going wherever the wind takes her'. She takes solace in knowing how insignificant she is, how small her mistakes are compared to the mistakes of those who influence and thrive on being surrounded by other people. This may seem depressing, but Akane feels comfortable with this realisation, it makes her feel liberated when thinking about it since she feels that she can do anything she wants and no one would care or pay her any notice.
Generally Akane is quite relaxed, hardly ever worried or stressed about anything as nothing important or worth fussing over ever happens in her life, or more that's how she sees things. Little know however that secretly Akane is a very hot-headed person. Since she isolates herself within her own little bubble, rarely anyone is given a chance to notice this side of her. Covering up her anger isn't easy but Akane has learned how to conceal it better by dodging the problem altogether: Other people. Her mind, on the other hand, is often filled with annoyed and agitated thoughts from what she witnesses in day-to-day life since she is also rather observant. Due to this, she has a large amount of dislike for many people, especially loud, arrogant, unnecessarily mean and outspoken people. Those who also say what's on their mind at all times no matter whether their statements are positive and nice or rude and negative just grinds her gears. When in the presence of such people, Akane grits her teeth as an automatic response, something she often doesn't realise she's doing.
Akane moved from home as soon as she turned 18. She had enough of her loud, invasive and opinionated family since they'd constantly bug her about being quiet and enter her room unannounced before snooping through her stuff for no reason what-so-ever. She hardly spoke to them despite living within the same building, however on the odd occasion a conversation was made, it'd easily turn into a one-sided argument because of how strongly opinionated they are and the fact that the moment voices or tension raises, Akane simply walks away and escapes to her room which tends to annoy people who're trying to argue with you. Throughout most of her childhood, Akane spent her time in her room with the door shut. If she wasn't there, she was at the local library, enjoying the quiet atmoshpere despite how little she read books. Now that she has her own place though, she's almost happy... if it weren't for the fact that she needed a room-mate to live with so she could afford to move. However, it wasn't all bad, her room-mate is actually quite a nice person and leaves Akane to do what she wants with few questions. There had been a couple of moments where the two of them had interesting deep conversations about a variety of topics as the two of them shared a couple of common interests, one of which was Science. Although such conversations happen rarely.
With her vast amount of alone time, whenever Akane was bored with entertainment or whatever other task she was preforming, she'd turn to studying. Her version of studying had always been a more relaxed, almost lazy approach since she only studied a little each time she was bored until the urge for some entertainment returned. However, despite the lazy quantity, the quality of each study time was high. She'd make sure she fully understood absolutely everything she learned about, be it through text books, research, work sheets etc. This made her rather knowledgeable in quite a few different subjects which was the reason for her constant high grades. Even though her grades were high and she did well in school, Akane didn't care about her high achievements. They weren't impressive in comparison to a person who changed the world so there was no point to embracing such minuscule achievements.
Skilled at Science as it's a subject of interest for her. Semi-skilled at mathematics and computing making her knowledgeable about technology, and also semi-skilled at games which helped her improve her strategic and problem-solving skills. Bad at physical education since she hardly leaves her room, the little exercise she does consists of just walking to school or the library, which hasn't helped her stamina meaning she runs out of breath rather quickly.
They Ate Shoske! - He was in my way. *snickers darkly* |
48,430 | 1,305 | 95 | 2,072 | 1,329 | Kenny se tenait là à inspecter la pièce pour voir les ordinateurs installés sur le côté gauche de la pièce et divers outils comme des marteaux, des clés, des pinces et une scie à table ainsi qu'un coupe-papier. Il a vite compris maintenant que la classe technique semblait être un atelier de bois plus technique mais plus petit avec moins d'outils pour travailler avec, mais assez pour lui pour travailler avec et se rendre à la poubelle qui tenait le bois.
Il a sorti un bloc de bois de 4-par-4 et l'a balayé quand la porte s'est soudainement ouverte et a tourné la tête pour voir Kurisa et le même petit gars qu'il venait de poursuivre plus tôt. A peine entendu la question de Kurisa alors qu'il se maudit pour avoir laissé la porte ouverte; et si c'était ces monstres qui étaient entrés dans le bois. Cinq d'entre eux dans l'ensemble, bien que la fille sur le sol semblait saigner du pied, mais les grognements et les éraflures de l'extérieur ont attiré son attention car elle était proche... trop proche.
Très bien, non seulement il a eu à traiter avec ces gens, mais ils ont même attiré les créatures directement à eux et jeté ses bras dans l'exaspération. Pointant à la porte puis à la Kurisa avec bavardage étouffé avant de pousser son chemin jusqu'à la porte, s'emparant d'une chaise sur le chemin et le fourré sous la poignée de porte.
S'assurer qu'il était sécurisé, il a tourné et a mouvementé avec son pouce, essayant de montrer qu'ils avaient besoin de barricader la porte. Qu'ils comprennent ou non qu'il s'en foute et qu'il monte à côté de la Kurisa pour le regarder puis descendre au balai avant de le balayer.
Maintenant, avec ça pris en charge. Il pourrait commencer à travailler sur la fabrication d'armes de fortune, en commençant par le balai et pour le moment être oublié des autres puisqu'ils ne feraient que le distraire. En se dirigeant vers la scie à tables, en s'emparant d'une des pinces plus longues et en l'activant, en l'utilisant pour couper la partie inférieure de soie. Kenny a étudié le mop et a saisi le ruban dutch et l'a enveloppé autour de l'extrémité arrondie pour le rembourrage puis a séparé les pinces et encastré une lame de chaque côté de l'autre extrémité, en espérant qu'il ait des lames plus longues, mais a eu à faire avec ce qu'il avait. Swinging l'arme quelques fois et voir les lames n'étaient pas lâches et posé sur la longue table à proximité
Kenny s'est hurlé un peu plus; une arme s'est baissée et s'est retournée, tirant ses manches. Il est temps de se mettre au travail en voyant qu'ils seraient là pour un moment. | Name:
Kenny is...well majority of students and even teachers struggle to understand what he is. Kenny rarely talks, though his mask mostly makes what he says muffled. A loner is what most say or a freak by others since he's always seen wearing a mask or carrying around a metal pipe. kenny does keep to himself majority of the time, often skipping class to explore or hang out at his hideout. Yet, his appearance deceives others from seeing that he's actually pretty smart that even with skipping class, maintains A's and b's. He tends to spook other students for fun with his mask, which further gave him the look of a troublemaker, though is simply a curious person who enjoys reading and learning how things work.
Kenny had been given up for adoption since birth, having never known his actual parents. Due to his strange behavior; it was difficult to find him foster parents and was put through foster home after foster home over the years. As this went on, it grew to the point that he decided not to bother with making friends or even talking to others, which could explain why he had started covering up his face with hoods or makeshift masks.
Eventually, the teachers and adults gave up on trying to get him to stop with the masks and left him be. When able, Kenny would wander off to explore abandoned buildings or any nearby forests. Often choosing a spot where he would spend most of his time to study objects he was able to get his hands on or to read books that he found interesting. Reading from an assortment of items or weapon books as he was a very curious person who always wanted to learn
Not until he turned 15 did he finally get adopted; a father who worked as a simple garbage man and mother who was too lazy to work. His guess that they adopted him was simply to get child support money, which didn't bother him since he hardly spent time at the house, always off on exploring or at the small abandoned building that he turned into his latest hideout.
Upon entering the school officially, he was put in class a, something no one expected with the appearance of his. Only coming to class half the time and yet somehow able to turn in all assignments and maintaining top grades. Kenny made sure to learn self defense by learning how to use weapons like bats or metal pipes to keep the bullies off as he would train at the hide-out when he had spared time. Even working on building projects and thus took up shop class to improve his building skills.
shop class- expert at building, kendo- average skill in swordsmanship, gym- works on his speed and and stamina.
-Metal pipe
two pocket knives hidden in each pocket
- in reserve at his hideout
Other: "They ate shoske!" *muffled mask words* |
48,431 | 1,305 | 96 | 1,710 | 4,163 | Comme il a soutenu Reiko a commencé à crier pour qu'ils obtiennent cette porte barricadée dès que possible ce qui pourrait être fait lorsque Kurogane a tué ces choses. Cependant, son idée suivante était de capturer l'un d'eux, l'une des choses qui essayaient de les manger vivants. Il ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de penser qu'elle était déjà un peu folle. Il a donc quitté tout ce que Kurogane allait faire, s'il les avait tués ou l'avait laissé vivre. Ce serait à lui de décider. Aki a cependant prévu de sceller la porte du mieux qu'il pouvait.
Courir vers l'autre entrée un couple de zombies de plus est entré et bien sûr, en voyant Aki, ils n'ont vu rien d'autre qu'un repas et ont commencé à trainer vers lui comme des animaux fous. Élevant l'extincteur, il a vu qu'il était déjà denté, probablement à partir de l'époque où Megumi l'avait utilisé. Alors le levant au-dessus de sa tête, il l'a fait descendre quand le plus proche s'est approché de lui, frappant la créature dans la tête l'envoyant s'étaler sur le sol. Cela cependant ne l'a pas tué, il a commencé à ramper vers lui tandis que l'autre a trébuché sur le rampant. Tirant avantage, Aki a frappé sur le dos des rampeurs la tête quatre fois avec son pied droit, chaque stomp envoyant du sang voler, et tacheant la jambe de son pantalon et sa chaussure rouge. Il a ensuite brisé l'extincteur sur le zombie qui avait trébuché la tête, et quand il a continué à bouger, il l'a fait encore deux fois avant qu'il ne cesse de bouger.
Il a regardé l'unité de climatisation qui a été renversée, et aurait utilisé cela, mais c'était beaucoup trop lourd lui aussi se déplacer par lui-même. Donc pour une barricade de fortune, il a fait ce que Reiko a fait et a déplacé une poubelle devant la porte, mais a ajouté une sécurité supplémentaire en plaçant l'extincteur à peu près inutile dans les poignées de porte. Il s'est ensuite dirigé vers Reiko et a jeté un coup d'œil sur les cadavres qui ont jonché le toit. "Une raison pour laquelle vous en voulez un vivant? Je ne pense pas qu'ils vont vous donner d'informations." Aki a demandé comme il a regardé Kurogane sortir les zombies de façon rapide.
Arme: Extincteur Hits used: 9 Hits left: 1 (débarrassé) | Name: Aki Okumura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-C
Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him.
Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways.
Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments.
Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in))
Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz))
Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad)
Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in)
Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled.
Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad)
Weapons: N/a
Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ)
Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why? |
48,432 | 1,305 | 97 | 1,300 | 3,244 | @Personnes
Kurisa était déjà entrée dans la pièce et n'a pas vu la chute latente d'Utaho et s'est fait mordre par l'un d'eux. Au lieu de ça, il a gardé les yeux fixés sur Kenny... toujours incertain s'il était l'un d'entre eux cependant que tout le monde est arrivé dans la pièce, une nouvelle fille arrivant et l'un des laquais d'Utaho est jeté sur le sol et une fois qu'il a vu la blessure, Kurisa savait que cela n'aurait pas pu être bon... après tout, regardez ce qui est arrivé au préz. Une morsure au cou et il est devenu l'un d'eux... même si c'était le cou... peut-être que ce serait plus lent. Il n'y avait toujours personne dans ce monde damné qui savait probablement comment guérir ça... et donc si la merde allait se passer comme prévu, ça ne prendrait pas longtemps pour que les effets aient lieu.
L'attention de Kurisa a été brisée quand Kenny a commencé à muffler quelque chose et pointer sur la merde... clairement qu'il n'était pas l'un d'eux. Kurisa n'avait aucune idée de ce que ce type voulait qu'ils fassent mais a vite eu l'idée quand Kenny a commencé à barricader la porte vers le haut, Kenny a ensuite arraché le balai de Kurisa avec lequel il allait bien... ce balai n'avait pas beaucoup de vie gauche "Alright commençons à barricader cette porte vers le haut. Quelqu'un est-il capable de monter sur un de ces ordinateurs et de voir ce qui se passe? Vérifiez les sites de nouvelles ou quelque chose..." Kurisa a commencé à saisir de plus en plus de choses, essayant de barricader la porte jusqu'à ce qu'il y en ait assez. "Cette merde devrait attendre un moment... tout de suite il n'y a pas de retour là-bas, nous devons les laisser baiser avant qu'on puisse faire une pause pour ça..."
Kurisa a ensuite regardé l'amie d'Utaho qui avait été mordue puis à Utaho alors qu'il a demandé qu'elle vienne vers lui pour qu'il puisse lui chuchoter quelque chose sans s'inquiéter de son amie "Utaho... Je vais être ce gars... Je sais que vous allez détester entendre ça... mais si cette merde va comme nous pensons, elle n'a pas longtemps... à moins que quelqu'un ne puisse sortir un remède de son cul, il n'y a rien qu'on puisse faire pour elle. Je ne veux pas que ce soit comme ça... mais je veux dire... si ça arrive... et c'est si... tu pourras la sortir de sa misère? Kurisa a laissé sortir un soupir puis a frotté l'arrière de sa tête avec sa main droite alors qu'il regardait l'ami d'Utaho qui avait été mordu et puis de retour à Utaho... il s'attendait à une gifle pour être si contondant sur cette situation... mais il devait être... il devait être réel ici, il n'était pas bon d'attendre tard... cela devait être dit maintenant pour qu'Utaho puisse se préparer si le pire s'est passé.
Kurisa a ensuite retourné son attention à Kenny alors qu'il a fini de mettre quelque chose ensemble "Il semble bon... d'être juste qu'aint mon genre d'arme de sorte que l'un d'entre vous est plus que bienvenu de le prendre. J'ai besoin de quelque chose qui soit dur et qui dure un certain temps... » Kurisa est ensuite passée à l'un des murs, en regardant quels outils étaient laissés et ce qui pouvait être utilisé comme arme... la Clé ressemblait à un bon choix. Plutôt robuste et donnerait et un mauvais coup, assez pour mettre l'un d'eux sur leur cul et peut-être les tuer. Kurisa a pris la clé puis l'a inspecté un peu "Prenez ce que vous pensez fonctionnera le mieux pour vous... à moins que vous ne puissiez modeler autre chose qui est mieux?" Il a dit de regarder Kenny... bien sûr qu'il ne connaissait pas son nom et ne se souciait même pas qu'il ne parle pas... il avait clairement quelques compétences utiles et donc c'était quelque chose de bon.
Kurisa regarda alors la nouvelle fille qui avait rejoint le groupe "Donc, voyant qu'il est peu probable de parler et de me dire son nom. Et si tu me disais le tien? C'est pour que je puisse t'appeler par ton nom à la place juste... elle, toi et n'importe quoi d'autre. En dehors de ça, tu as tout ce que tu sais faire pour aider? Je veux dire, si nous établissons des rôles au sein de ce groupe, alors nous pourrions avoir de bonnes chances de survivre à cette merde..." | Kurisa Shuiji
Kurisa Shuiji
Kurisa is a pretty standard guy, obsessed with cars, sports and the alike. However this focus on somewhat physical subjects means Kurisa isn't exactly book smart which is his main downfall and why he is the C grade. Kurisa is a firm believer that the crap you learn from books is useless and that the best way to learn something is physical experience and learning from mistakes, although when you do something physical that threatens to hurt you, you're generally more careful and so less mistakes happen. You screw up, you get hurt...Do you get that with a book? You bet your ass you don't!
Aside from Kurisa being more of a hands on kind of guy he is also a pretty hard person to generally get along with. Some will hit some luck with him but most will likely fail...this is generally shown with how he hates half the people at his school just down to the way they act. You could say he has a lot of anger inside him and so it doesn't take much to set him off...yet on the odd occasion he will stay in control of his emotions however due to this being somewhat rare Kurisa has fought with a lot of the other males in his year and the year above...not always winning but that doesn't mean he didn't give them a decent ass kicking!
Kurisa has a pretty standard family. His father is a mechanic, hence why Kurisa takes an interest in Mechanics and his mother is an accountant. Kurisa also has a much younger Sister however it's to early to tell what she will be into as her only interests as of now are drawing and Pokemon. Kurisa's upbringing wasn't necessarily a bad one, he was certainly much more cheerful in his life when he was younger however when his Grandmother passed when he was aged 10, things started to go down hill a little from there and eventually lead to Kurisa becoming somewhat of a troublemaker at school. His Mother speculates that Kurisa's anger and aggression are simply a front to hide his depression, almost as if he lives in some sort of denial that she is gone...However that is just his mothers views. His fathers are somewhat different and that he simply blames it on him just being in his Teens and rebelling.
(Keeping it short and sweet)
Very Skilled in engineering due to being around vehicles and machinery all his life due to his father being a mechanic and so Kurisa has followed in his fathers foot steps in hopes of one day becoming a Mechanic himself.
Semi Skilled in Sports/Athletics. Kurisa generally likes to keep fit and so puts some time into sports and the alike. He isn't really all the competitive but it's a great way to keep himself in shape and in some ways helps him when he somewhat occasionally gets into a fight with another student...even on the field
Semi-Skilled in Kendo. Kurisa does have an interest in Japanese history and although not a large amount it's enough of an interest for him to want to take up Kendo class so he can at least believe he is somewhat like a Samurai...although in truth he is far from it as he isn't the greatest there is but he is good enough that he can give some more experienced members a challenge
Useless at Geography. Kurisa has no interest in Geography...he knows how to use a map and that is as far as it goes for him. All the other crap they try teach you is useless and he believes it will be hardly useful at all! If you got eyes and a map then you should be fine
Utaho Rinnosuke - Kurisa would say he is somewhat friends with Utaho or at least they get along well enough. Although they may not be side by side everyday there is the occasional case in which the two may go out if they are bored and just kick some randomers ass or someone's ass from their school who annoyed them...why?...well...why not?
Kibaya Musato - Kurisa doesn't know to much about Kibaya...probably due to him rarely even being in class. However the two have spoken a few times to know a little about eachother but not enough to be considered really anything close to friends
"THEY ATE SHOSKE!"...That's why he's called Zombie Bait *chuckles* |
48,433 | 1,305 | 98 | 993 | 1,646 | @tous d'entre eux
Utaho a cliqué sa langue à la perspective de ce qui arriverait à Ami. Elle espérait juste que ce n'était pas comme dans les films, avec tout ce qu'elle avait, elle espérait que ce n'était pas le cas. Kirari a pris Ami avec elle et l'a reposée avec elle au mur, tandis qu'elle a traité la blessure avec tout ce qu'elle avait à portée de main. La blessure avait l'air plus jolie maintenant, mais ça ne voulait pas dire que c'était mieux, certainement parce qu'Ami transpirait et pantait comme un fou. "Ne tombe pas malade maintenant, Ami. On n'est même pas encore sortis d'ici." Elle a simplement dit, se tournant et essayant de faire face à l'autre façon d'ignorer ce qui se passait derrière elle.
Quand Kurisa s'est approchée d'elle, elle a eu envie de frapper ce satané type. "Rien n'arrivera à Ami. Elle ne se retournera pas dans l'un d'eux. Et même si c'était le cas, je m'en occuperais personnellement. Je n'ai pas besoin de votre sympathie, Kurisa, je ne suis pas d'humeur." Elle était sur le point, en fait, mais juste parce qu'il a déménagé ne l'a pas vraiment frappé. Son fusible était très court, mais en ce moment, à peu près tout l'énerverait, quoi qu'il arrive, et la perspective d'avoir à tuer quelqu'un, une amie d'elle à ça, n'a pas beaucoup aidé. Elle s'approcha aussi d'un des murs, voyant ce qu'elle pouvait trouver pour faire tourner les choses.
Elle a sorti un marteau du mur et l'a regardé. Ça ferait des dégâts. Après avoir choisi ses armes, elle s'est approchée de ses amis, qui étaient assis à côté l'un de l'autre. Elle s'est assise à côté du panting Ami. "Uta-chan..." Elle rit, un peu faiblement. "Vous savez... Je ne pense pas pouvoir y arriver, je vais me transformer en une de ces choses." Elle a dit qu'elle avait l'air désespérée. "Hé... pourquoi moi? Pourquoi est-ce que j'ai dû tomber là-bas? Pourquoi? Est-ce que je vais mourir?" En se moquant de sa lèvre, Utaho ne pouvait répondre qu'à ce qu'elle savait de mieux en ce moment.
"Comme l'enfer, tu vas mourir. Ce n'est pas un film. Tu as juste de la fièvre, ça va aller, ne t'inquiète pas. Je ne te laisserai pas te transformer en une de ces choses." Utaho lui a dit. Kirari se tourna pour voir Ami qui avait l'air très inquiet. | Name: Utaho Rinnosuke
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Class: 3-D
Personality: Utaho is a delinquent, first and foremost, and as so, she always has a tough act on and a deathly glare on her face. Her fuse is fairly short and she'll probably beat the shit out of you once she explodes. She holds nothing back against anyone, no matter who they are, if they insult her, they can consider themselves dead meat. She also likes picking on the weak, and will probably continue doing so until they show any kind of resistance against her harassment. Of course, this means that most of the times, the only way she knows how to solve things is by using her fists, and always leaving the brains part out. Utaho is also fairly dumb, and probably a person with which you shouldn't speak to with complicated words.
Of course, that's not all there is to Utaho, though. She may seem like any other asshole of a woman to everyone, but those that have indeed gotten to know her are aware of her friendly nature, and how she always puts her friends first. If you ever show to her that you've got enough guts as to stand up to her, or even withstand one of her punches, then you'll probably gain her respect, and friendship, and she's the kind that would go to great extremes just to see her friends happy and well. She doesn't bully those who show some guts out of sheer respect, but anyone that is spineless enough as to bow to the will of a single woman.... well, she doesn't respect them even as a person. And even so, she is not arrogant. She thinks of herself as only a woman, and is pretty down to earth in that aspect. She knows there are countless people better than her, at academics mainly, but, in her own twisted way, she also worries that those talented people might not be ready for what the world holds for them.
Background: Utaho grew up in a household with nothing but men in it, so she had to learn how to defend herself from her older brothers, and quick. At first, they didn't really pick on her or anything, to be honest, they loved her very much, but what was just awful was the fact that they treated her just like how they would treat any other guy. While young, Utaho wore her hair short as a consequence of this. Playing rough with your bigger brothers usually develops some skill in you, such as fighting. Utaho was able to learn moves from seeing them once in TV and could replicate them to almost perfection, in fact, she thinks that's her only redeemable quality.
She was able to survive her older brothers, but nothing could have prepared her for what was awaiting her in middle school. Yes, elementary school was a walk in the park, everything is fairly easy, and Utaho managed to get average grades, but middle school? That's when the problems started. Most of her history was filled with failing marks. One could even say she was somewhat depressed, and her little group knew it. Around that time, they used to pick on an intelligent, loner girl who always got high grades. Of course, these kinds of things (usually) do not last forever. One day, the girl finally decided to stand up against them, even going as far as to punch one of them, and she gained Utaho's instant respect and friendship. Thanks to that girl, she has been able to at the very least pass exams.
Skills: She is very skilled at fighting, not any particular discipline, more like street fighting. She is also semi-skilled in home economics (she had to cook for a family of men) and also semi-skilled at sewing. She's bad at anything school related besides the aforementioned two.
Weapons: N/A
Kurisa Shuiji: "Well, what can I say about the guy? He knows how to kick ass and he does it well enough for me to invite him over to kick some ass together from time to time. I like him, definitely so. The only bad thing is that he ain't one to talk much. It'd also be nice if he was a bit more intelligent.
Other: She is into cute things, and even her phone is decorated with cute-ish things all over. And also, "They Ate Shoske!".... Poor guy. D: |
48,434 | 1,305 | 99 | 1,805 | 2,363 | Shoske a laissé sortir un petit soupir de soulagement quand ils étaient à l'intérieur et la porte était barricadée, mais ils étaient encore loin d'être en sécurité. Il y avait un autre élève dans la salle de classe qui portait un masque bizarre et qui ne pouvait pas être entendu. Shoske ne l'a pas vraiment compris, mais il a eu l'essentiel de ce qu'il disait, la barricade des portes. Il l'a barricadé le long de Kurisa en mettant quelques bureaux contre la porte. Une fois terminé, il est passé au mur des outils et essentiellement des armes. Il a scanné le mur, regardant le grand nombre d'écrans. Il y avait une bonne quantité d'outils que sa scie pouvait difficilement reconnaître, certains ressemblant à faire beaucoup de bruit. Shoske est allé avec la route simple en s'emparant d'un corbeau et d'une paire de cisailles de jardinage, qu'il a juste dû obtenir. Il a glissé les poignées entre son pantalon et sa ceinture pour qu'elles ne tombent pas trop facilement.
Sans vraiment remarquer ce qui se passait, il est passé à la fenêtre et a cherché une partie pour l'ouvrir. Je vais probablement devoir casser cette ouverture pour descendre d'ici Shoske est allé aux ordinateurs et a commencé immédiatement à débrancher les fils alors qu'il a laissé quelques autres ordinateurs intacts, ne voulant pas interférer avec l'idée de Kurisa. Bien qu'ils savaient tous très probablement que maintenant, Internet n'existe plus. Il a essuyé son front, transpirant et respirant lourdement tout le temps. Il est resté exceptionnellement silencieux, le seul bruit qu'il a fait était qu'il a hyperventilé pendant de brefs moments. S'arrêter seulement pour reprendre son souffle et son esprit, en essayant de son mieux de ne pas penser à ce qui se passait mais de se concentrer sur sa tâche à portée de main. | Shoske Kawahiru
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-B
Personality: Shoske is a pretty laid back and carefree person, usually trying to blend in rather than being on the spot. Shoske is also quite resourceful since he used to get beaten up so much. Will rp rest out
Background: Shoske grew up in your average Japanese household, his father worked at a large company and his mother was a stay at home mom. He had 1 younger brother and 1 younger sister. There was only one major problem in his household. HE WAS SHORT. His younger brother had already almost caught up to him and he was already shorter than his mom and dad. Everyday, he cursed life for being short
School was nothing special, he found a great interest in certain things and often read books. But he knew not to overindulge or he'd end up being called a nerd. So he kept a balance. Despite that, he was still bullied on due to his short stature.
However, he never backed day. Every day they beat him up, he put up a fight. It didn't matter how bad it was, he wasn't gonna take shit for being short. Thanks to this, he has pretty good endurance since he had to fight multiple people at once. Although he never really won, he still left them with atleast a scar of 2.
In highschool, they eventually gave up and moved on to another target. Finally, he was able to live the relaxed life he wanted. He joined the gardening club since it didn't require a lot of effor and still read books every now and then.
Skills: Very skilled in biology (plants and animals), skilled in gardening (was in the club), skilled in p.e. (mostly endurance), and horrible at hands on stuff including machinery like engineering, mechanics, etc.
Weapons: None
Open to any ^^
Other: "They Ate Shoske!"....wait......THATS |
48,435 | 1,305 | 100 | 21 | 5,939 | Alors que les autres dans la pièce se déplaçaient, Akane regardait, immobile et silencieuse. Il a été confirmé que celui qui occupait déjà la salle n'était pas une menace, ce qui a éliminé l'une des deux menaces potentielles. Celui qui a dirigé le groupe a parlé, donnant ce qui semblait être des ordres à compléter. Lui et le petit ont pris à l'achèvement de la première tâche, personne ne semble prendre la seconde. Akane regardait au-dessus de chaque membre de la pièce, aucun d'entre eux ne semblait être le type 'ordinateur wizz'. Elle ne se considérait pas bonne avec les ordinateurs, mais ça ne voulait pas dire qu'elle ne l'était pas. En se tournant vers l'ordinateur le plus proche d'elle, Akane se dirigea vers sa gauche et prit place de l'autre côté de la pièce jusqu'au reste du groupe. C'était celui qui n'avait pas été débranché par le petit, qui a supplié la question de savoir pourquoi il débranchait les ordinateurs? Qu'est-ce qu'il faisait? Elle ne l'avait pas entendu parler depuis qu'il est entré dans la pièce, c'était comme si son corps avait été mis sur pilote automatique et seulement son esprit savait ce qu'il faisait. Ce type de comportement n'est pas productif dans des situations qui nécessitent de travailler dans un groupe comme celui-ci, même Akane le savait. Mais, comme d'habitude, elle n'allait pas dire un mot de ce qu'elle ressentait ou pensait vraiment, au lieu de cela, elle a dû travailler à trouver des nouvelles sur ce qui se passait.
Heureusement pour elle, l'école avait encore une connexion Internet, mais le signal était assez semaine. Tous les sites d'information étaient en panne en raison de « difficultés techniques », peut-être que ce qui se passait dans l'école se passait aussi ailleurs? C'était probablement une théorie à supposer, mais Akane avait besoin de preuves solides avant de croire à l'une de ses hypothèses. En défilant à travers les listes de sites Web, Akane a continué à travailler avant de sentir une paire d'yeux à l'arrière de sa tête. Une voix dirigée vers elle s'est exprimée. Arrêtant son rythme rapide de dactylographie et de scrolling de souris, Akane s'assit et écouta avant de tourner la tête vers la source de la voix. Ses yeux blancs rencontraient la forme de l'élève principal, bien sûr quelqu'un devait lui parler tôt ou tard, bien qu'elle préférât être laissée seule pour suivre et faire ce qui était nécessaire dans le silence. "Hetoshi, Akane. Je ne crois pas avoir de points forts qui conviennent à des rôles utiles au sein de ce groupe. À moins qu'une intelligence supérieure ne vous semble utile." Elle parlait naturellement calmement, son expression insistant davantage sur ce point, qui peut être étrange pour d'autres en tenant compte de la situation. En retournant à l'ordinateur, Akane n'a pas eu la peine de demander les noms des autres. S'ils voulaient qu'elle le sache, ils prendraient ce temps pour lui dire ou du moins l'étudiant principal aurait tout le monde autour de la salle parler leur nom, il n'a même pas offert son propre nom à Akane avant de demander le sien. Cela dit, Akane ne se souciait pas vraiment des noms, il était préférable qu'elle connaisse le moins possible ces gens, au lieu de cela, elle a simplement continué à travailler sur sa tâche.
En utilisant quelques autres sites en conjonction avec les sites d'information locaux et internationaux, elle espérait récupérer les dernières pages mises à jour via des caches de serveur en ligne. Il ne faudrait pas longtemps pour qu'Akane trouve au moins une page qui détaille les nouvelles sur l'apparition soudaine de ces choses, et donc ce n'est pas le cas. La dernière page à descendre était de la plus grande station de nouvelles japonaise. À la une du site, un gros titre dit : « UNE NOUVELLE MEME A ENTRÉE AU JAPON! » a été suivi d'un article sur une menace inconnue entrant dans le pays et attaquant des résidences. Malheureusement, il n'y avait guère d'informations sur d'où il venait ou pourquoi il s'est produit, mais au moins il était sûr de dire que l'hypothèse d'Akane était une fois de plus correcte; ce n'était pas juste ici, cela se passait partout au Japon.... | ::Name::
Akane Hetoshi
Seeming calm at all times is generally Akane's behaviour. She hardly makes effort to socialise with others unless they know something she wants to find out. Other than that, she usually speaks only when spoken to during classes. She's never bothered by the lack of friends she has or being left out of most social activities outside of the school as any other student may be. She just likes her own company and enjoying herself by herself.
Her main focuses, goals, aspirations, so on and so-forth are:... well.. nothing. Akane feels that she merely exists in this world, nothing more, nothing less and thus is quite content with just 'going wherever the wind takes her'. She takes solace in knowing how insignificant she is, how small her mistakes are compared to the mistakes of those who influence and thrive on being surrounded by other people. This may seem depressing, but Akane feels comfortable with this realisation, it makes her feel liberated when thinking about it since she feels that she can do anything she wants and no one would care or pay her any notice.
Generally Akane is quite relaxed, hardly ever worried or stressed about anything as nothing important or worth fussing over ever happens in her life, or more that's how she sees things. Little know however that secretly Akane is a very hot-headed person. Since she isolates herself within her own little bubble, rarely anyone is given a chance to notice this side of her. Covering up her anger isn't easy but Akane has learned how to conceal it better by dodging the problem altogether: Other people. Her mind, on the other hand, is often filled with annoyed and agitated thoughts from what she witnesses in day-to-day life since she is also rather observant. Due to this, she has a large amount of dislike for many people, especially loud, arrogant, unnecessarily mean and outspoken people. Those who also say what's on their mind at all times no matter whether their statements are positive and nice or rude and negative just grinds her gears. When in the presence of such people, Akane grits her teeth as an automatic response, something she often doesn't realise she's doing.
Akane moved from home as soon as she turned 18. She had enough of her loud, invasive and opinionated family since they'd constantly bug her about being quiet and enter her room unannounced before snooping through her stuff for no reason what-so-ever. She hardly spoke to them despite living within the same building, however on the odd occasion a conversation was made, it'd easily turn into a one-sided argument because of how strongly opinionated they are and the fact that the moment voices or tension raises, Akane simply walks away and escapes to her room which tends to annoy people who're trying to argue with you. Throughout most of her childhood, Akane spent her time in her room with the door shut. If she wasn't there, she was at the local library, enjoying the quiet atmoshpere despite how little she read books. Now that she has her own place though, she's almost happy... if it weren't for the fact that she needed a room-mate to live with so she could afford to move. However, it wasn't all bad, her room-mate is actually quite a nice person and leaves Akane to do what she wants with few questions. There had been a couple of moments where the two of them had interesting deep conversations about a variety of topics as the two of them shared a couple of common interests, one of which was Science. Although such conversations happen rarely.
With her vast amount of alone time, whenever Akane was bored with entertainment or whatever other task she was preforming, she'd turn to studying. Her version of studying had always been a more relaxed, almost lazy approach since she only studied a little each time she was bored until the urge for some entertainment returned. However, despite the lazy quantity, the quality of each study time was high. She'd make sure she fully understood absolutely everything she learned about, be it through text books, research, work sheets etc. This made her rather knowledgeable in quite a few different subjects which was the reason for her constant high grades. Even though her grades were high and she did well in school, Akane didn't care about her high achievements. They weren't impressive in comparison to a person who changed the world so there was no point to embracing such minuscule achievements.
Skilled at Science as it's a subject of interest for her. Semi-skilled at mathematics and computing making her knowledgeable about technology, and also semi-skilled at games which helped her improve her strategic and problem-solving skills. Bad at physical education since she hardly leaves her room, the little exercise she does consists of just walking to school or the library, which hasn't helped her stamina meaning she runs out of breath rather quickly.
They Ate Shoske! - He was in my way. *snickers darkly* |
48,436 | 1,305 | 101 | 1,013 | 86 | Yukito attendait dans la salle des techniciens, en regardant les gens. Il a fait une zone pendant un certain temps, ne voyant pas qu'ils ont déjà atteint la pièce. Et son salut? "Hé! Vous êtes l'un d'eux? "N-non!!! Je ne le suis pas, ne me tuez pas! S'il te plaît!" Ils entrèrent dans la pièce, et il se brouilla sur la table. "H-ici! Prends ça! J'ai déjà m-mine!" Il s'inclina, vite, avant de repérer Utaho et de glousser. Le jeune homme a également repéré quelques autres personnes dans la foule, mais aucune qu'il connaissait directement. Cela signifiait aussi que Paneru et Mi n'étaient pas tous les deux là. "Si ça ne vous dérange pas que je demande... Avez-vous vu quelqu'un qui s'appelle Mi et Paneru par ici? Ils sont... un peu les seuls que je connaisse en ce moment... Ce n'est pas mort, bien sûr! » Il a posé ses armes sur un bureau, et les a aidés à installer les barricades. « Oh mon dieu, j'espère qu'ils ne sont pas morts aussi... » pensa-t-il à lui-même, fronçant. | Name: Yukito Amamiya
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Class: 1-A
Personality: Yukito is extremely studious and nerdy, trying to learn all there is about the world he lives in, and the people that live in it. Socially, he is somewhat shy and quiet, but kind and generous, and will not hesitate to try to help a good person in need. He can easily make a decision, and stick with it, but at some times (when he is in a bad state or in panic) it is hard for him to think rationally and he won't stay calm. Regarding his pansexuality, he hasn't spoken of it to his family and friends. He does, however, not try to hide it, as he doesn't want to accidentally lose the chance of love. (And he doesn't flirt. I don't think people like him flirt.)
Background: Geography, physics, math, history, you name it, he's almost definitely got it. What he lacks in strength and personality he excels in intelligence. Yukito's parents are very strict, but they strive for him to be the best, and they wish to enroll him in a prestigious college. In his family life, he has two siblings, an older brother and a younger brother, and his extremely strict parents. His older brother is the slacker of the family, the one who stays home all day doing jack shit. His grade-school level younger brother on the other hand, learned from Yukito and is on par with about a middle school student's intellect. Though Yukito's family isn't even close to the richest, he still was pressured to do his best, by family and friends. From an average person's perspective, they would probably think Yukito's background is pretty average. But the reason why he needs to strive is not just the prestigious college, but his parents. His parents, although very smart and responsible, did not make close to the right decisions in high school/college. They, instead of studying and learning, chose to go with friends and have fun, fool around, and throw parties when no homework or projects were assigned. If it were not for this, Yukito would probably be rich- but also a delinquent like Utaho. But these past mistakes made by his family give him an inside hope to never give up.
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Geography/World History
Yukito is extremely interested and proficient in the field of Social Studies {Geography/History}, and was even the champion of a regional contest in the subject. This is his best grade, and his grade in this maintains a beautiful A+. He knows all the capitals of the world, from Moscow in Russia to Yaren in Nauru, and even the smaller countries like Bhutan and Georgia. This is obviously his favorite class.
As this is also a core class and a very important one as well, Yukito is forced to excel in this. Even though he is not interested in it, he is forced to try to be the best in his class at it, although he himself doesn't think of it that way. That, of course, doesn't mean he does not like the mathematics subject in general. He still believes it is sometimes fun, and crucial to graduate and make lots of money.
Life Sciences/Physics
Although Yukito loves the hands-on part of this subject, and he loves learning about certain parts of Science. But the only problem for Yukito is the arduous, boring lessons and lectures given to the students. In this subject, he seems to excel in organic life, including reproduction, the ecosystem, and cells. (Life Sciences)
Physical Education
He can run. He can jump. But he sucks at everything else. Staying up all night studying and doing entirely academic, indoor activities takes a toll on your physical performance. Although he does exercise occasionally to keep his weight low and his good looks staying fresh.
Extracurricular activities
Yukito is in three different clubs, the Chess, Honors, and the Cooking Clubs. (Yes, I just made those up ;.;) He also knows how to play and practice the piano, but I don't think that would really matter in a zombie apocalypse.
Weapons: N/A
Mi Kiyoshi
Yukito only really talked to his very small group of friends, but that doesn't mean he doesn't notice the other kids in his class. His relationship with Mi is unknown, as he hasn't really interacted with her.
Paneru Yagyuu
Paneru is not even an acquaintance to Yukito, as he probably doesn't even notice the poor boy. But since Paneru is an older, class 2 student, Yukito looks up to him as a sort of "role model". Not to mention his kind personality, one that Yukito would try to adopt.
Other: Yes. The tag is right, he is a nerd. Just like me.
They ate Shoske! (What else did they eat?) |
48,437 | 1,305 | 102 | 302 | 2,579 | Mi a lentement quitté le bureau de l'infirmière. Dans son temps de repos, elle avait préparé un deuxième sac médical et portait les deux. Elle avait aussi pris un certain temps pour casser deux jambes de la table en bois déjà cassée. Elle en tenait un dans chaque main. Le sang des quelques zombies qu'elle avait tués, a taché son pull et ses longs cheveux bruns. Mi avait certainement encore peur, mais elle s'était un peu calmée. Après en avoir tué un ou deux, elle était sûre qu'ils étaient durs, mais ils étaient beatables.
Mi est donc allée voir si elle pouvait trouver quelqu'un qui était encore en vie. | Name: Mi Kiyoshi
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Class: 1-A
Personality: Mi is shy, to say the very least. She doesn't quite know how to start a conversation, and if she managed to get into a conversation she didn't quite know how to keep the conservation up. In conversations she would look to the sides, avoiding eye contact. However Mi does have a large amount of patience, so she can tolerate most people being rude.
Mi also loves to help people. She will help someone if they are hurt if she can. She cares more about other people than about herself. She admires strong people, though she doesn't really show it. She tends to stray away from human interactions.
Background: Mi grew up an only child with a single parent. Her father had died while Mi was young and so Mii's mother raised her alone. Mi's mother was a doctor, and so she was gone most of the time and when she was, she would be studying medical procedures and so Mi was taught quite a few medical skills by her mom. Mi enjoyed learning about medicine. She would ask her mom to teach her more and more in exchange for Mi doing the housework.
As Mi got older, school became sort of awkward for her. She was small for her age and so most of the girls in her class treated her like a little doll. They would mess with her hair. Mi's shy demeanor didn't really help stop the treatment from the other girl's though she didn't really mind it
Skills: Mii is skilled with medicine and has a large amount of medical knowledge. She's pretty good at at cooking and cleaning and is quite a fast runner, though she sucks at fighting
Weapons: N/A
Relationships/Friendships: N/A
Other: "They Ate Shoske" |
48,438 | 1,305 | 103 | 2,072 | 1,329 | Kenny était trop concentré sur la fabrication d'armes qu'il a fait peu d'attention aux autres en ce moment. Tant qu'ils ne se sont pas mis en travers de son chemin ou n'ont pas fait trop de bruit, ils ont pu faire ce qu'ils voulaient puisqu'il n'avait rien à voir avec eux. Pour saisir une autre planche de bois, on a ensuite utilisé la scie à tables pour voir une ligne fine au centre de quelques pouces et on a utilisé une perceuse pour percer un trou à travers le côté reliant la ligne et une fois terminée, on a saisi l'une des lames de scie supplémentaires. Le reste a été utilisé ou trop petit et mis dans le bois puis mettre une vis à travers le trou et la scie à mettre en place et vérifié en le balançant quelques fois avant d'être satisfait et de le mettre sur la table.
Il s'est arrêté un moment pour vérifier les autres pour voir Kurisa discuter avec une fille, probablement sur ce qu'ils devraient faire tandis que trois filles bavardaient pour essayer de réconforter celui qui avait une morsure sur la jambe. Le mâle plus court semblait travailler à faire une corde avec des fils d'ordinateur et tout simplement secoua la tête à cela et finalement un autre gars qui semblait plus nerveux et demandant si quelqu'un avait vu un Paneru ou mi, deux personnes qu'il n'a jamais entendu ou ennuyé de toute façon.
Un bourrelet de ses épaules alors qu'il retournait aux outils avant de passer à la papercutter. Défaire la vis qui la tenait en place et l'a prise pour voir que la lame encore tranchante et sa taille était un peu plus petite qu'un hachet, bien que encore un peu lourd et savait qu'il serait dangereux de marcher avec elle ainsi et après un moment de pensée s'est cassé les doigts. La prise d'une autre planche de bois et la comparaison de sa taille avec le coupe-papier pour voir qu'il était épais et assez large bien que trop long et utilisé une mesure de ruban pour faire une certaine mesure avec un stylo en bois pour dessiner les lignes pour couper l'excédent.
Le bâtiment l'avait toujours fasciné et détendu, même avec la situation actuelle. S'amusant jusqu'au point de se froisser pendant qu'il apprit la taille de la lame à l'extrémité du bois, il travailla ensuite à la creuser. Finissant avec un papier de sable pour lisser l'intérieur puis enveloppé la corde la plus robuste autour de chaque extrémité et a placé le couteau de papier dans la gaine de fortune et l'a placé contre son dos.
Comment il aurait aimé continuer à fabriquer des armes, mais avec si peu de matières, que et il ne pouvait pas perdre de temps ici quand il y avait des choses à faire.
Il fallait encore trouver et vérifier si Reiko allait bien avant de quitter l'école et il a donc décidé qu'il en avait assez fait avec des armes pour l'instant et a attrapé un marteau et a commencé vers la porte barricadée quand il a vu le sac à dos probablement laissé derrière. Le vider seulement pour trouver quelques cahiers, stylos, crayons, livres scolaires et un crayon et bien que rien de cela ne semblait vraiment utile, mais vu qu'il n'a pas parlé et glissé le cahier et les stylos de nouveau dans le sac à utiliser s'il avait quelque chose d'important à dire alors, le draper sur une épaule et se diriger vers la porte pour voir combien de ces choses étaient près de la porte.
armes: marteau, coupe-papiers
Affichages utilisés: aucun
hits left: marteau-12 coupe-papier- 10 | Name:
Kenny is...well majority of students and even teachers struggle to understand what he is. Kenny rarely talks, though his mask mostly makes what he says muffled. A loner is what most say or a freak by others since he's always seen wearing a mask or carrying around a metal pipe. kenny does keep to himself majority of the time, often skipping class to explore or hang out at his hideout. Yet, his appearance deceives others from seeing that he's actually pretty smart that even with skipping class, maintains A's and b's. He tends to spook other students for fun with his mask, which further gave him the look of a troublemaker, though is simply a curious person who enjoys reading and learning how things work.
Kenny had been given up for adoption since birth, having never known his actual parents. Due to his strange behavior; it was difficult to find him foster parents and was put through foster home after foster home over the years. As this went on, it grew to the point that he decided not to bother with making friends or even talking to others, which could explain why he had started covering up his face with hoods or makeshift masks.
Eventually, the teachers and adults gave up on trying to get him to stop with the masks and left him be. When able, Kenny would wander off to explore abandoned buildings or any nearby forests. Often choosing a spot where he would spend most of his time to study objects he was able to get his hands on or to read books that he found interesting. Reading from an assortment of items or weapon books as he was a very curious person who always wanted to learn
Not until he turned 15 did he finally get adopted; a father who worked as a simple garbage man and mother who was too lazy to work. His guess that they adopted him was simply to get child support money, which didn't bother him since he hardly spent time at the house, always off on exploring or at the small abandoned building that he turned into his latest hideout.
Upon entering the school officially, he was put in class a, something no one expected with the appearance of his. Only coming to class half the time and yet somehow able to turn in all assignments and maintaining top grades. Kenny made sure to learn self defense by learning how to use weapons like bats or metal pipes to keep the bullies off as he would train at the hide-out when he had spared time. Even working on building projects and thus took up shop class to improve his building skills.
shop class- expert at building, kendo- average skill in swordsmanship, gym- works on his speed and and stamina.
-Metal pipe
two pocket knives hidden in each pocket
- in reserve at his hideout
Other: "They ate shoske!" *muffled mask words* |
48,439 | 1,305 | 104 | 1,300 | 3,244 | @Beaucoup de gens
Kurisa a écouté Utaho et clairement elle n'était pas d'humeur à entendre cette merde. Kurisa a laissé un soupir l'entendre parler... Kurisa savait ce qui allait se passer et si Utaho hésitait à faire ce qu'il fallait faire alors il le ferait... il ne pouvait pas prendre de risque. Kurisa a ensuite cherché à voir Shoske faire quelque chose alors qu'il tirait des câbles à l'arrière des ordinateurs, laissant un seul avec des câbles dedans. Cela a fait penser à Kurisa à ce qu'il faisait mais il n'y avait que tant de Kurisa pouvait faire pour garder ces gens en contrôle, si ce petit bâtard faisait quelque chose d'irréfléchi et s'est fait tuer c'était sa faute... En ce moment, ils devaient rester ensemble... tenir de mauvais sentiments envers quelqu'un dans cette situation vous ferait tuer.
Akane s'est finalement présentée et elle avait l'air un peu garce, mais ce n'était pas le moment d'être nitpicking. "Eh bien Akane dans le cas où vous ne connaissez pas mes noms Kurisa. Tout ce que je peux vous recommander, c'est d'attraper une arme pour vous défendre contre eux. Nous sommes fortement comptés, donc nous avons besoin de tout le monde pour nous battre... » Kurisa marcha derrière le bureau des enseignants puis commença à regarder à travers les tirages et trouva quelques bouteilles d'eau dans l'un des tirages, puis il commença à les sortir et à les mettre sur le bureau « Grab quelque chose à boire... nous devons rester hydratés. Qui sait ce que c'est là-bas... on pourrait ne pas passer par l'eau pendant un certain temps pour qu'on ait besoin de tout ce qu'on peut obtenir" Kurisa a alors remarqué quelques autres personnes s'emparant d'une autre arme... c'était un choix intelligent, mais il semblait que deux armes étaient à peu près la limite pour les gens à porter... n'importe quoi et ça les alourdirait et les ralentirait.
Kurisa s'est ensuite emparé d'une bouteille d'eau alors qu'il marchait vers l'un des murs, puis a tiré un marteau du mur et l'a cousu derrière sa ceinture alors qu'il marchait vers Akane pour voir ce qu'elle avait trouvé. D'après ce qu'il a vu, cela touchait tout le Japon... cela signifiait que ces choses étaient partout... » Merde!...Et bien ça s'améliore, n'est-ce pas?...Akane est là de toute façon pour essayer de savoir si d'autres pays ont le même problème?" Kurisa a ensuite ouvert sa bouteille d'eau et en a pris une gorgée alors qu'il pensait à ce qu'ils pouvaient faire. Si le Japon n'avait que ce problème, peut-être pourraient-ils essayer d'obtenir leurs familles et d'évacuer d'une manière ou d'une autre et fuir dans un autre pays... mais dans le cas où c'était dans le monde entier... Kurisa ne voulait pas y penser.
Kurisa a finalement remarqué Yukito, qui l'a pris au dépourvu. L'homme était calme! Il était comme un petit Ninja ou quelque chose comme ça! Cependant Kurisa a entendu sa question demandant s'ils avaient vu deux personnes en particulier "Je ne reconnais pas ces noms... donc je ne peux pas dire que j'ai. Mais êtes-vous sûr qu'ils ne sont pas morts?... Parce qu'en ce moment plus de la moitié des élèves qui étaient dans cette école sont l'un d'entre eux." Kurisa a peut-être été un peu dur mais il devait être... il devait être réel à propos de cette situation. Kurisa a ensuite marché vers l'une des chaises à l'arrière de la pièce puis s'est assis dessus et s'est penché en arrière laissant un soupir. Kurisa a ensuite pris une autre gorgée de son eau alors qu'il pensait aux moyens qu'ils pouvaient battre et survivre à cela... c'était difficile d'affronter, sachant que vous pouviez mourir d'une seconde à l'autre... cette peur était toujours là... c'était comme si la mort se profilait sur vous, sa scythe enveloppée autour de votre cou alors qu'il se préparait à mettre fin à votre vie à tout moment. Kurisa était encore effrayé par ce qui se passait, mais il devait continuer à se dire que ce serait bien... même si les chances étaient contre eux, il devait continuer à penser positivement... il savait que s'il donnait dans cette peur, il deviendrait fou... et s'il devenait fou les autres le feraient. Pour une putain de raison, la plupart semblaient le considérer comme un leader, mais il n'était pas fait pour diriger les gens... mais merde... alors qu'il regardait autour de la pièce... qui d'autre le ferait?
Le gars du masque? Il ne parle même pas! Bien sûr qu'il peut s'en occuper, mais quand même. Et Utaho? Eh bien, avec la façon dont elle a agi avec la situation de son laquais se faire mordu... elle semblait traiter la merde comme si ça allait aller. Mais ce n'était pas le cas. Même si elle ne tournait pas, ils ne pouvaient pas la porter! Elle ralentissait tout le monde et faisait tuer tout le monde... c'était réel en ce moment et il était clair qu'elle n'allait pas y arriver. Qu'en est-il de Shoske?...non. Juste non. Akane? Au froid... elle jetterait la vie des gens si ça voulait dire qu'elle pourrait probablement sortir son cul vivant... mais l'enfer Kurisa ne la connaissait pas si bien mais les premières impressions n'étaient pas géniales... Quant au dernier gars... Yukito... et bien il n'avait pas l'air de pouvoir gérer ça. Ce n'était pas dire que Kurisa était 100% qualifié parce qu'il était loin de ça!... il s'est avéré être le seul bâtard capable de prendre la tête de ce groupe... et probablement mieux qu'il l'a fait. Il voulait aider ces gens, les aider à trouver leur famille et à essayer de les faire sortir de la vie... mais déjà le pire était arrivé et quelqu'un était blessé et il semblait que peu importe... une fois que vous avez été blessé d'une manière qui vous a empêché de même marcher, encore moins de vous battre... vous étiez aussi bon que mort...
Arme: Clé, Hammer
Affichages utilisés: 0, 0
Affichages à gauche: 9, 12
Jetable: S.O. | Kurisa Shuiji
Kurisa Shuiji
Kurisa is a pretty standard guy, obsessed with cars, sports and the alike. However this focus on somewhat physical subjects means Kurisa isn't exactly book smart which is his main downfall and why he is the C grade. Kurisa is a firm believer that the crap you learn from books is useless and that the best way to learn something is physical experience and learning from mistakes, although when you do something physical that threatens to hurt you, you're generally more careful and so less mistakes happen. You screw up, you get hurt...Do you get that with a book? You bet your ass you don't!
Aside from Kurisa being more of a hands on kind of guy he is also a pretty hard person to generally get along with. Some will hit some luck with him but most will likely fail...this is generally shown with how he hates half the people at his school just down to the way they act. You could say he has a lot of anger inside him and so it doesn't take much to set him off...yet on the odd occasion he will stay in control of his emotions however due to this being somewhat rare Kurisa has fought with a lot of the other males in his year and the year above...not always winning but that doesn't mean he didn't give them a decent ass kicking!
Kurisa has a pretty standard family. His father is a mechanic, hence why Kurisa takes an interest in Mechanics and his mother is an accountant. Kurisa also has a much younger Sister however it's to early to tell what she will be into as her only interests as of now are drawing and Pokemon. Kurisa's upbringing wasn't necessarily a bad one, he was certainly much more cheerful in his life when he was younger however when his Grandmother passed when he was aged 10, things started to go down hill a little from there and eventually lead to Kurisa becoming somewhat of a troublemaker at school. His Mother speculates that Kurisa's anger and aggression are simply a front to hide his depression, almost as if he lives in some sort of denial that she is gone...However that is just his mothers views. His fathers are somewhat different and that he simply blames it on him just being in his Teens and rebelling.
(Keeping it short and sweet)
Very Skilled in engineering due to being around vehicles and machinery all his life due to his father being a mechanic and so Kurisa has followed in his fathers foot steps in hopes of one day becoming a Mechanic himself.
Semi Skilled in Sports/Athletics. Kurisa generally likes to keep fit and so puts some time into sports and the alike. He isn't really all the competitive but it's a great way to keep himself in shape and in some ways helps him when he somewhat occasionally gets into a fight with another student...even on the field
Semi-Skilled in Kendo. Kurisa does have an interest in Japanese history and although not a large amount it's enough of an interest for him to want to take up Kendo class so he can at least believe he is somewhat like a Samurai...although in truth he is far from it as he isn't the greatest there is but he is good enough that he can give some more experienced members a challenge
Useless at Geography. Kurisa has no interest in Geography...he knows how to use a map and that is as far as it goes for him. All the other crap they try teach you is useless and he believes it will be hardly useful at all! If you got eyes and a map then you should be fine
Utaho Rinnosuke - Kurisa would say he is somewhat friends with Utaho or at least they get along well enough. Although they may not be side by side everyday there is the occasional case in which the two may go out if they are bored and just kick some randomers ass or someone's ass from their school who annoyed them...why?...well...why not?
Kibaya Musato - Kurisa doesn't know to much about Kibaya...probably due to him rarely even being in class. However the two have spoken a few times to know a little about eachother but not enough to be considered really anything close to friends
"THEY ATE SHOSKE!"...That's why he's called Zombie Bait *chuckles* |
48,440 | 1,305 | 105 | 993 | 1,646 | @mah niggas
Tout le monde semblait trop occupé avec ses propres affaires pour avoir le temps de s'inquiéter de la fille qui était juste mordue. C'est un trou du cul. Chacun d'entre eux. Ils ne s'inquiètent pas pour Ami comme s'il n'y avait pas d'affaires. Si les choses s'aggravent, elles pourraient aussi mourir! » Cette pensée a rendu Utaho flinch. C'était quelque chose d'imminent, elle le savait. Elle savait aussi que les autres le savaient. Ils l'ont tuée ou elle les a tous tués. Utaho se tourna avec crainte pour voir son amie, et, comme prévu, la trouva encore pire qu'auparavant. Elle s'est reposée sur les genoux de Kirari, baignant lourdement tout le temps. Utaho a mordu sa lèvre. Elle ne voulait certainement pas le faire, mais quelle autre option avait-elle? Elle bougea lentement la main pour prendre celui d'Ami.
"Uta-chan?" Elle lui demanda faiblement, en sentant sa main poser sur la sienne. Kirari a aussi regardé Utaho avec curiosité, même si elle essayait de calmer Ami il y a un peu. Utaho sourit.
"Kirarin, tu devrais aller prendre une arme aussi. Ce serait mal si vous étiez sans défense dans cette situation. Quoi qu'il en soit, va en chercher un." Elle lui a dit, et Kirari était sur le point d'emménager et d'objecter, mais Utaho ne lui a pas donné la chance. "Allez-vous-en, putain. Tout de suite." Utaho lui a dit. Kirari se leva rapidement et partit, sans dire un mot, laissant Ami par terre. Utaho se leva et redressa son amie, la laissant assise par terre avec son dos contre le mur. Elle était faible, mais semblait... vraiment malade. Le genre de malade que tu ne voulais pas être dans ce genre de situation.
"Je devrais aussi aller en chercher un... Je ne peux pas m'attendre à ce que vous me couvrez le cul pour toujours, n'est-ce pas?" Ami a dit, souriant faiblement. Utaho lui sourit. "Hé, Uta-chan? Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?" Utaho s'est levé et s'est retourné. L'une de ses mains était dans la poche de son sweat, et l'autre tenait fermement le marteau qu'elle avait pris avant. "Uta-chan?"
"Hé, salope, tu te souviens de la fois où on s'est rencontrés? Tu étais une salope arrogante à l'époque, tu as essayé de m'ordonner, et quand j'étais sur le point de te frapper, tu as commencé à pleurer. Ton putain de sale maquillage a commencé à t'écraser le visage. Vous aviez l'air horrible."
"Qu'est-ce que c'est? Qu'est-ce que tu dis, Uta-chan? Ne sommes-nous pas amis maintenant?" Ami avait peur. Elle savait aussi ce qui allait se passer, mais elle ne voulait pas le croire. "Uta-chan... Je ne veux pas mourir! Je veux vivre! Je n'ai même pas encore eu ma première fois!" Ami a imploré désespérément. Utaho riait un peu de la mention de ça, avant de soupirer.
"Tu sais, c'est exactement pour ça que les gens pensent que tu es une salope, Ami. Mais je savais mieux. Je savais que tu étais en fait un idiot qui ne pouvait pas tenir ses esprits devant un mec qu'elle trouvait sexy. C'est pourquoi..." Levant sa main et le marteau dedans, Utaho prit position, prête à s'abattre.
"Uta-chan!" En ramenant le marteau à pleine vitesse et avec toute sa force, Utaho a frappé le crâne d'Ami si fort qu'on pouvait entendre des os se briser. Sans plus de force, Ami s'était transformé en cadavre, et son cerveau était probablement aussi détruit, ou du moins en très mauvais état, Utaho ne s'en souciait pas.
"Je ne laisserai pas mon meilleur ami devenir l'un d'eux." Une seule déchirure est tombée sur sa joue, avant qu'elle ne l'a essuyée furieusement. Kirari, qui l'a regardé de derrière, s'est étonné de ce qu'Utaho venait de faire. Utaho s'est retournée et a pris le balai qu'elle tenait dans ses mains avec elle. Elle s'est approchée de Kurisa et a demandé : "Qu'est-ce qui se passe ensuite? Où devons-nous aller maintenant?", comme s'il n'y avait rien eu du tout. Kirari n'a pas pu s'en empêcher et est tombé par terre en pleurant. Elle savait aussi que ça arriverait, mais ça n'avait pas l'air réel. Utaho semblait aussi faire de son mieux pour ne pas laisser les larmes venir de ses yeux.
Arme: Hammer, Balai
Affichages utilisés: 1, 0
Affichages à gauche: 11, 2
Jetable: S.O. | Name: Utaho Rinnosuke
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Class: 3-D
Personality: Utaho is a delinquent, first and foremost, and as so, she always has a tough act on and a deathly glare on her face. Her fuse is fairly short and she'll probably beat the shit out of you once she explodes. She holds nothing back against anyone, no matter who they are, if they insult her, they can consider themselves dead meat. She also likes picking on the weak, and will probably continue doing so until they show any kind of resistance against her harassment. Of course, this means that most of the times, the only way she knows how to solve things is by using her fists, and always leaving the brains part out. Utaho is also fairly dumb, and probably a person with which you shouldn't speak to with complicated words.
Of course, that's not all there is to Utaho, though. She may seem like any other asshole of a woman to everyone, but those that have indeed gotten to know her are aware of her friendly nature, and how she always puts her friends first. If you ever show to her that you've got enough guts as to stand up to her, or even withstand one of her punches, then you'll probably gain her respect, and friendship, and she's the kind that would go to great extremes just to see her friends happy and well. She doesn't bully those who show some guts out of sheer respect, but anyone that is spineless enough as to bow to the will of a single woman.... well, she doesn't respect them even as a person. And even so, she is not arrogant. She thinks of herself as only a woman, and is pretty down to earth in that aspect. She knows there are countless people better than her, at academics mainly, but, in her own twisted way, she also worries that those talented people might not be ready for what the world holds for them.
Background: Utaho grew up in a household with nothing but men in it, so she had to learn how to defend herself from her older brothers, and quick. At first, they didn't really pick on her or anything, to be honest, they loved her very much, but what was just awful was the fact that they treated her just like how they would treat any other guy. While young, Utaho wore her hair short as a consequence of this. Playing rough with your bigger brothers usually develops some skill in you, such as fighting. Utaho was able to learn moves from seeing them once in TV and could replicate them to almost perfection, in fact, she thinks that's her only redeemable quality.
She was able to survive her older brothers, but nothing could have prepared her for what was awaiting her in middle school. Yes, elementary school was a walk in the park, everything is fairly easy, and Utaho managed to get average grades, but middle school? That's when the problems started. Most of her history was filled with failing marks. One could even say she was somewhat depressed, and her little group knew it. Around that time, they used to pick on an intelligent, loner girl who always got high grades. Of course, these kinds of things (usually) do not last forever. One day, the girl finally decided to stand up against them, even going as far as to punch one of them, and she gained Utaho's instant respect and friendship. Thanks to that girl, she has been able to at the very least pass exams.
Skills: She is very skilled at fighting, not any particular discipline, more like street fighting. She is also semi-skilled in home economics (she had to cook for a family of men) and also semi-skilled at sewing. She's bad at anything school related besides the aforementioned two.
Weapons: N/A
Kurisa Shuiji: "Well, what can I say about the guy? He knows how to kick ass and he does it well enough for me to invite him over to kick some ass together from time to time. I like him, definitely so. The only bad thing is that he ain't one to talk much. It'd also be nice if he was a bit more intelligent.
Other: She is into cute things, and even her phone is decorated with cute-ish things all over. And also, "They Ate Shoske!".... Poor guy. D: |
48,441 | 1,305 | 106 | 1,710 | 4,163 | Alors qu'il parlait, il regardait la porte qu'il barricadait, et se tendait en la voyant trembler rapidement, après quoi il savait que la mousse à l'intérieur de l'extincteur explosait vers l'extérieur couvrant la zone. Il entendit ces sons redoutés à nouveau et avec la zone maintenant couverte rendant leur vue inutile. Aki a abandonné le plan de Reiko pour le toit, s'emparant de la personne la plus proche qui était Megumi, il a couru vers la porte non cassée et a poussé la poubelle que Reiko a placée devant elle de côté. Heureusement, aucun zombie n'est passé par la porte alors Aki n'a pas perdu de temps à échapper au toit avec Megumi étant traîné contre sa volonté pour la plupart. En descendant au quatrième étage, Aki courut à la pièce la plus proche, qui était la salle des sciences et tira Megumi à l'intérieur en fermant la porte derrière eux.
"S-shit, ça aurait pu empirer..." Aki murmura alors qu'il voyait qu'il avait traîné Megumi tout le temps et a légèrement sauté à ce sujet. Il s'est rendu compte qu'il l'avait pratiquement forcée à se séparer de son propre frère. Mais à son crédit, s'il était supérieur comme il a agi, il aurait dû aller bien et s'être échappé. J'espère que Reiko est sorti aussi. "Désolé de cela, mais rester là n'était plus un plan, et il n'y avait pas le temps de leur dire les deux aussi suivre." Aki a dit essayer de se défendre contre la colère très probable qui suivrait contre tout ce qu'il avait dit. Aki regarda autour de la salle des sciences, il était facile de dire qu'elle avait été évacuée rapidement. "Nous devrions regarder autour de nous, essayer de trouver quelque chose de dur ou de pointu. C'est juste que nous ne sommes pas un cent pour cent baisés si nous devons engager l'un de ces startlers." Aki a suggéré alors qu'il a commencé à regarder autour de la pièce, le surnom startlers se référant évidemment aux zombies. | Name: Aki Okumura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-C
Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him.
Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways.
Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments.
Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in))
Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz))
Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad)
Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in)
Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled.
Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad)
Weapons: N/a
Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ)
Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why? |
48,442 | 1,305 | 107 | 1,925 | 466 | "Eh bien! Réponse-" La patience de Megumi a été mince et tout comme elle était sur le point d'étrangler Reiko, elle a été fouettée par Aki qui serait certainement obtenir une conférence plus tard. "Kurogane!" La fille a réussi à yelp comme elle a disparu du toit et est entrée dans le labyrinthe non mort de l'école une fois de plus.
Ils traversaient d'innombrables couloirs, la plupart étaient particulièrement vides avec quelques cadavres errants. Bientôt, ils arrivèrent à la salle des sciences, qui avait ses utilisations, mais l'emplacement de celle-ci était plutôt dangereux. "Vous... Toi!" Megumi grondait alors qu'elle courait ses mains à travers ses queues de cochon : « Pourquoi as-tu couru!? Et dans une salle de classe! On est encore pire ici que sur le toit! » Elle a serré ses petites mains en colère, mais lentement mijoté et détendu alors qu'elle concentrait son attention sur les objets dans la pièce. Peut-être que travailler peut concentrer ses pensées sur le fait que c'était sa première fois loin de son frère?
"Quoi qu'il en soit, faisons comme ça et collons des objets pour que ça marche."
Elle a commencé à tamiser dans des tiroirs, examinant chaque article jusqu'à ce qu'elle ait trouvé un placard rempli d'articles pour les réparations et les remplacements. "Ah, nous voilà." En utilisant sa pipe en métal, Megumi a vissé sur un wye en laiton et des compressions pour améliorer son arme et lui donner une tête de marteau correctement pesée.
Cet enseignant a dû avoir beaucoup d'accidents près des lavabos. Les deux ont eu de la chance d'être tombés sur cet endroit... si seulement le reste de leur groupe était ici. | Name: Megumi Hazekage
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: 2-A
Personality: Prideful to say the least, Megumi is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Megumi calls people as "pigs in human clothing," and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possess a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Megumi is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life.
When first meeting her, she is cold and rather ruthless, just gazing upon her will send shivers down ones spine. Not only is she intelligent, yet she knows what to do to bring weak targets down, especially when those targets have a very low self-esteem. In some cases, she could be what you consider a 'Major Bitch'.
In spite of her behavior at school, she is not heartless. While very harsh and not very willing to tolerate failures, she does care a great deal for those who she manages to care about, such as her brother. Megumi has a small social circle, so most of the time she lingers around her sibling.
Background: Megumi was always a stuffy, if not brilliant girl. Born under the daughter of Izuma Hazekage, and sister to Kurogane Hazekage, she was put under speculation by both the press and by her family; although, by extension, her brother would be the heir, she would still represent the family in hindsight, in both business and in war; which she was expected to throw herself into once she became of said mature age. Her days were spent studying with her mother, a softspoken lady that didn't have much to do with her brother, Kurogane. She would often spar with her father and brother, although, whenever she entered the dojo, it was to the sight of Kurogane bleeding, battered and bruised, while her father goaded her in with only a stoic shift of the head. She blossomed underneath his teachings, and often tested her skill against Kurogane; whom she knew to be holding back insurmountable amounts of anger at her father's way of abuse and stress-relief. Every-day, she would help him, either with studying or medical attention, and every-day, he would do the same, straightening her form or giving her a round in a game of Shogi. Life continued on, with Megumi's creative mind allowing her to come out on top with anything she put her energy and time towards. Her relationship with her brother became her strongest bond yet, although it will surely be tested to it's limits in the time to come.
Skills: Megumi is talented in the field of math and engineering, though she is rather lacking in history and social sciences. Due to her great knowledge, she knows quite a bit of information especially pertaining to the crafting of items(Thinks like nailed in baseball bats, or simple weapons for defense, if she were to have completed her studies, Megumi would have learned a lot more). The young girl is a fight fanatic, she dabbles in hand to hand from the teachings her father and brother had given her.
She knows some medical treatments, like disinfecting cuts and bruises, but that's something everyone should already know how to do.
Friendship wise, she sucks at gaining trust from others since she is constantly brooding and upset.
Weapons: N/A
Kurogane - Her older brother and someone she knows very well. He is the only person Megumi is actually willing to socialize with, mostly due to the fact that they are siblings. |
48,443 | 1,305 | 108 | 1,710 | 4,163 | Quand elle a commencé à dire à quel point rester dans la classe était une mauvaise idée, il a tenu sa main pour arrêter tout ce qu'elle pourrait lui faire de violence. "Pas si vous y pensez logiquement. Les débutants sont très probablement à la recherche de nourriture, ce qui est tristement nous. Ils seraient donc à l'affût de tout bruit. Dites-moi où est parti le plus grand bruit?" Aki a dit comme il a pointé sur le toit, ce qui signifie l'extincteur qui a explosé. "Nous devrions donc être en sécurité pour obtenir ce dont nous avons besoin et sortir de cette école. Connaissant votre frère, il devrait aller bien et faire la même chose. Et j'ai couru parce que si nous restions, nous serions probablement morts."
Aki a fini par dire en marchant vers le bureau de l'enseignant et a ouvert un tiroir pour trouver des scalpels se reposant à l'intérieur, environ six en général. Il a aussi trouvé du ruban adhésif. Une idée s'est immédiatement glissée dans sa tête alors qu'il souriait. Il a placé trois d'entre eux sur le dos de sa main droite s'étendant aussi loin que possible, puis a commencé à envelopper le ruban adhésif autour de sa main droite jusqu'à ce que les scalpels soient sécurisés. "Regarde, je suis Wolverine!" Aki a dit qu'il tenait la main et se branlait comme un enfant. Il a placé le reste du ruban adhésif dans son sac avec les scalpels supplémentaires et a regardé comme elle a modifié sa pipe. Ça n'a pas vraiment l'air d'être quelque chose qu'elle utiliserait, mais dans des moments comme ceux-là, ce qui fonctionnait. "Donc nous devrions y aller maintenant, essayer d'atteindre l'étage inférieur et ensuite planifier à partir de là." Aki a dit qu'il a ouvert la porte et n'a vu aucun zombie en vue, alors il a mouvementé pour Megumi qu'il était clair et est sorti de la pièce.
Arme: Faire des griffes de scalpel de décalage Hits used: 0 Hits left: 10 | Name: Aki Okumura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-C
Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him.
Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways.
Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments.
Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in))
Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz))
Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad)
Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in)
Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled.
Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad)
Weapons: N/a
Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ)
Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why? |
48,444 | 1,305 | 109 | 21 | 5,939 | Akane a continué à regarder l'écran de l'ordinateur devant elle, bien conscient de ses alentours et du visage tranquille qui a choisi de se laisser connaître. Les groupes de filles qui se trouvaient derrière elle semblaient avoir mis fin à leur situation, un Akane a anticipé et n'a guère réagi. J'avais donc raison, comme prévu. Les capacités d'écoute d'Akane étaient assez vives depuis qu'elle a passé la majeure partie de sa vie, avant tout ce fiasco, en écoutant surtout plus que parler.
Celui qui s'est présenté comme Kurisa lui a parlé après qu'elle ait répondu à sa tâche, lui donnant finalement son nom. C'est clairement du bon sens. Honnêtement, je ne suis pas un idiot comme la majorité d'entre vous imbéciles. "Une arme serait utile dans cette situation." Cela dit, Kurisa s'en alla, et trouva bientôt quelques bouteilles d'eau entreposées dans le bureau de l'enseignant. Tout en recommandant à tout le monde de prendre un verre, Akane resta assise. En regardant vers le bas dans ses genoux, elle a déplacé son sac à bandoulière afin de s'asseoir sur le fond de ses cuisses avant d'ouvrir le rabat. Enlevant les livres qui la pesaient, elle les jeta car ils n'avaient plus de but, mais elle garda sa moitié mangée repas emballés, trois quarts plein bouteille d'eau et boîte de crayons emballés avec stationnaire à l'intérieur. Fermant le rabat de son sac et le fermant, Akane tourna la tête pour regarder autour de lui avant de retourner les yeux à l'écran de l'ordinateur en pensant. "Maintenant, quelle arme potentielle serait la plus efficace pour moi?" Touchant mentalement son menton, la voix de Kurisa a vite été ramenée à son attention.
Après avoir entendu sa demande suivante, Akane a travaillé sans se soucier de lui donner une réponse. Après quelques minutes de dactylographie, il était sur le point d'atteindre son objectif alors qu'une page d'un site d'information international commençait enfin à se charger... quand un message d'erreur était affiché à l'écran. "L'internet a été déconnecté." Elle a déclaré d'un ton nonchalant, son expression apparemment sans soins, mais son cœur a sauté un battement. Plaçant ses mains sur le bureau où elle s'est assise, Akane s'est tenue avant de se promener de façon décontractée jusqu'au mur des outils. La majorité des outils avaient déjà été pris ou manquants en premier lieu, laissant une sélection limitée d'environ trois outils. Si Akane avait le choix, elle refuserait de se battre et préférerait simplement suivre, ou même partir, le groupe tout en évitant les zombies dans leur ensemble, mais... ce n'était pas une option. Elle n'était pas physiquement en forme, donc la ressemblance de sa mort au premier et au deuxième rang, était évidemment plus élevée que la plupart des autres membres du groupe, portant une arme réduirait certainement ses chances. En décidant de prendre la dernière clé Pipe avec elle, elle tenait fermement la poignée, tournant l'arme de sorte que la partie de la bouche pointée vers l'extérieur comme elle sentait que la zone contondante ferait le plus de dégâts si elle avait besoin de l'utiliser.
Arme: Clé à tuyaux
Affichages utilisés : 0
Coups à gauche : 11
Jetable: S.O. | ::Name::
Akane Hetoshi
Seeming calm at all times is generally Akane's behaviour. She hardly makes effort to socialise with others unless they know something she wants to find out. Other than that, she usually speaks only when spoken to during classes. She's never bothered by the lack of friends she has or being left out of most social activities outside of the school as any other student may be. She just likes her own company and enjoying herself by herself.
Her main focuses, goals, aspirations, so on and so-forth are:... well.. nothing. Akane feels that she merely exists in this world, nothing more, nothing less and thus is quite content with just 'going wherever the wind takes her'. She takes solace in knowing how insignificant she is, how small her mistakes are compared to the mistakes of those who influence and thrive on being surrounded by other people. This may seem depressing, but Akane feels comfortable with this realisation, it makes her feel liberated when thinking about it since she feels that she can do anything she wants and no one would care or pay her any notice.
Generally Akane is quite relaxed, hardly ever worried or stressed about anything as nothing important or worth fussing over ever happens in her life, or more that's how she sees things. Little know however that secretly Akane is a very hot-headed person. Since she isolates herself within her own little bubble, rarely anyone is given a chance to notice this side of her. Covering up her anger isn't easy but Akane has learned how to conceal it better by dodging the problem altogether: Other people. Her mind, on the other hand, is often filled with annoyed and agitated thoughts from what she witnesses in day-to-day life since she is also rather observant. Due to this, she has a large amount of dislike for many people, especially loud, arrogant, unnecessarily mean and outspoken people. Those who also say what's on their mind at all times no matter whether their statements are positive and nice or rude and negative just grinds her gears. When in the presence of such people, Akane grits her teeth as an automatic response, something she often doesn't realise she's doing.
Akane moved from home as soon as she turned 18. She had enough of her loud, invasive and opinionated family since they'd constantly bug her about being quiet and enter her room unannounced before snooping through her stuff for no reason what-so-ever. She hardly spoke to them despite living within the same building, however on the odd occasion a conversation was made, it'd easily turn into a one-sided argument because of how strongly opinionated they are and the fact that the moment voices or tension raises, Akane simply walks away and escapes to her room which tends to annoy people who're trying to argue with you. Throughout most of her childhood, Akane spent her time in her room with the door shut. If she wasn't there, she was at the local library, enjoying the quiet atmoshpere despite how little she read books. Now that she has her own place though, she's almost happy... if it weren't for the fact that she needed a room-mate to live with so she could afford to move. However, it wasn't all bad, her room-mate is actually quite a nice person and leaves Akane to do what she wants with few questions. There had been a couple of moments where the two of them had interesting deep conversations about a variety of topics as the two of them shared a couple of common interests, one of which was Science. Although such conversations happen rarely.
With her vast amount of alone time, whenever Akane was bored with entertainment or whatever other task she was preforming, she'd turn to studying. Her version of studying had always been a more relaxed, almost lazy approach since she only studied a little each time she was bored until the urge for some entertainment returned. However, despite the lazy quantity, the quality of each study time was high. She'd make sure she fully understood absolutely everything she learned about, be it through text books, research, work sheets etc. This made her rather knowledgeable in quite a few different subjects which was the reason for her constant high grades. Even though her grades were high and she did well in school, Akane didn't care about her high achievements. They weren't impressive in comparison to a person who changed the world so there was no point to embracing such minuscule achievements.
Skilled at Science as it's a subject of interest for her. Semi-skilled at mathematics and computing making her knowledgeable about technology, and also semi-skilled at games which helped her improve her strategic and problem-solving skills. Bad at physical education since she hardly leaves her room, the little exercise she does consists of just walking to school or the library, which hasn't helped her stamina meaning she runs out of breath rather quickly.
They Ate Shoske! - He was in my way. *snickers darkly* |
48,445 | 1,305 | 110 | 1,925 | 466 | "Mn... Tch... Startlers... et les Giant Cocks parce qu'ils me baisent dans le cul...?" Megumi a grondé. Elle s'est reposée son marteau sur l'épaule et a ramassé son sac de duffel qu'elle a ainsi traîné quand elle a été pratiquement kidnappée.
"Quoi qu'il en soit, allons-y." Elle s'est simplement enfuie de la porte et s'est bafouée alors que ses yeux rouges scannaient l'expression blanche qu'Aki avait aplanie... Il avait l'air plutôt smug, et c'était plutôt ennuyeux de le voir agir si enfantine au milieu d'une panique mondiale. "Je suis tenté de mettre la fin de ma pipe dans le trou de ta bite, mais au lieu de ça, j'ai décidé de la garder pour ces glousseurs de sperme."
Megumi a commencé à marcher dans le hall, sa marche était confiante et maintenue alors qu'elle tournait sa pipe. Elle tourna la tête pour jeter un coup d'œil sur l'environnement, ses yeux devenant considérablement doux alors qu'elle s'apercevait que le paysage s'assombrissait et se tapait. C'était le début de la fin... "Hmf." Elle remit son attention au couloir et continua, attendant qu'Aki lui dise au moins quelque chose sur les bites et les pipes. Son vocabulaire semblait s'être coloré au cours de la journée, surtout quand elle était en colère. | Name: Megumi Hazekage
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: 2-A
Personality: Prideful to say the least, Megumi is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Megumi calls people as "pigs in human clothing," and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possess a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Megumi is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life.
When first meeting her, she is cold and rather ruthless, just gazing upon her will send shivers down ones spine. Not only is she intelligent, yet she knows what to do to bring weak targets down, especially when those targets have a very low self-esteem. In some cases, she could be what you consider a 'Major Bitch'.
In spite of her behavior at school, she is not heartless. While very harsh and not very willing to tolerate failures, she does care a great deal for those who she manages to care about, such as her brother. Megumi has a small social circle, so most of the time she lingers around her sibling.
Background: Megumi was always a stuffy, if not brilliant girl. Born under the daughter of Izuma Hazekage, and sister to Kurogane Hazekage, she was put under speculation by both the press and by her family; although, by extension, her brother would be the heir, she would still represent the family in hindsight, in both business and in war; which she was expected to throw herself into once she became of said mature age. Her days were spent studying with her mother, a softspoken lady that didn't have much to do with her brother, Kurogane. She would often spar with her father and brother, although, whenever she entered the dojo, it was to the sight of Kurogane bleeding, battered and bruised, while her father goaded her in with only a stoic shift of the head. She blossomed underneath his teachings, and often tested her skill against Kurogane; whom she knew to be holding back insurmountable amounts of anger at her father's way of abuse and stress-relief. Every-day, she would help him, either with studying or medical attention, and every-day, he would do the same, straightening her form or giving her a round in a game of Shogi. Life continued on, with Megumi's creative mind allowing her to come out on top with anything she put her energy and time towards. Her relationship with her brother became her strongest bond yet, although it will surely be tested to it's limits in the time to come.
Skills: Megumi is talented in the field of math and engineering, though she is rather lacking in history and social sciences. Due to her great knowledge, she knows quite a bit of information especially pertaining to the crafting of items(Thinks like nailed in baseball bats, or simple weapons for defense, if she were to have completed her studies, Megumi would have learned a lot more). The young girl is a fight fanatic, she dabbles in hand to hand from the teachings her father and brother had given her.
She knows some medical treatments, like disinfecting cuts and bruises, but that's something everyone should already know how to do.
Friendship wise, she sucks at gaining trust from others since she is constantly brooding and upset.
Weapons: N/A
Kurogane - Her older brother and someone she knows very well. He is the only person Megumi is actually willing to socialize with, mostly due to the fact that they are siblings. |
48,446 | 1,305 | 111 | 1,710 | 4,163 | Aki s'attendait à beaucoup de choses d'une fille riche comme Megumi. Se faire baiser dans le cul par des zombies n'était pas une de ces choses. et parler de lui fourrer sa pipe dans sa bite était une autre chose inattendue. Frappe-lui le cul peut-être, mais pas sa bite qui se fait ramper par une pipe. Il l'a regardée de façon assez confuse, car il pensait s'attendre à plus de "riches comme je suis mieux que vous les discours". Il a suivi avec elle et s'est arrêté un moment pour regarder par la fenêtre sur le paysage. Il avait l'air mort, pendant si peu de temps il est déjà allé en enfer. Il a pensé à sa famille et s'est légèrement serré le poing alors qu'il continuait.
En regardant Megumi, il a frotté l'arrière de sa tête. Ce qu'il était sur le point de demander pourrait avoir son trou de bite rampé par une pipe, mais il ne pouvait pas s'empêcher d'être curieux. "Essayez donc de ne pas tourner le dos à l'un des... Des bites géantes." Aki a dit sarcastiquement à son commentaire précédent à propos d'eux qui la baisent. "Il faut admettre, ne pensait pas que quelqu'un de haut niveau aurait un vocabulaire aussi vulgaire... surtout basé sur le sexe." Aki a dit qu'il marchait un peu en avant, marchant vers les escaliers menant au troisième étage et a vu quelques zombies monter les marches. Avec l'installation, il a vu une utilisation brillante d'un manuel qui ne serait plus jamais utilisé. En entrant avec sa main gauche, il a sorti le terrible manuel de maths de son sac et l'a jeté à la tête des zombies gauches. Il ne l'a pas cassé ou tué, mais il a frappé avec assez de force qu'il l'a envoyé s'étaler dans les escaliers. L'autre atteignant le sommet de l'escalier, cependant, fut la première victime de sa main de griffe de carcajou, qu'Aki rama dans le côté gauche de son crâne. Il l'a percé assez facilement, bien qu'il ait fait un peu mal à l'enfoncer dans la tête de quelqu'un avec autant de force. En tirant les lames, il s'est effondré au sol.
Aki regarda celui qui était au fond en difficulté de se relever et regarda Megumi. -- Devrais-je le tuer, ou seras-tu assez bien pour ne pas être baisé par un seul? Aki a dit en souriant un peu alors qu'il regardait autour de lui pour s'assurer que rien n'était planqué sur eux.
Arme : Faire des griffes de scalpel
Affichages utilisés: 1 Affichages à gauche: 9 | Name: Aki Okumura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-C
Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him.
Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways.
Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments.
Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in))
Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz))
Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad)
Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in)
Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled.
Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad)
Weapons: N/a
Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ)
Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why? |
48,447 | 1,305 | 112 | 1,925 | 466 | "Vous avez fixé des attentes pour les citoyens de la classe supérieure? Comme c'est stéréotypé... Je suppose que le vocabulaire coloré rend les choses un peu plus animées. C'est inattendu, n'est-ce pas?" Megumi lui répondit en lui baissant les épaules : « Les enfants de Rich ont tendance à être rebelles, de leurs propres manières. »
Elle est restée plutôt calme, alors même qu'elle regardait Aki se faufiler avec deux coqs non morts. La jeune fille s'est simplement harcelée et s'est approchée de celle qui était actuellement en train de flageller sur le terrain. La puanteur de chair pourrie avait rempli son nez, comme si quelque chose avait été laissé au soleil pour que les asticots puissent se régaler. "Je ne laisserais jamais cette chose coller son petit bâton de viande dans mon cul..." Megumi a saisi la poignée de son marteau de pipe et l'a claqué sur le crâne faible du cadavre. La matière cérébrale et le sang ont été exposés, donnant le nouveau parfum de la mort fraîche.
"Ils ont tous probablement des couilles bleues." Elle murmurait, crachant sur le bordel. "Continuez à bouger, nous perdons du temps précieux." Megumi s'est cassé les doigts et a continué son chemin. Les salles étaient probablement vides, mais comme les deux se rendaient aux étages inférieurs, la quantité de cadavres réanimés augmentait.
"Alors je suppose qu'on essaie de ne pas crier pour les cummies de papa, sinon on se fait défoncer par eux. Nous devrions mettre à l'épreuve votre théorie sonore et détourner leur attention, nous ne pouvons pas gaspiller des armes. Tu l'as déjà fait une fois, n'est-ce pas? Cela va battre d'avoir à combattre notre chemin." Comme il s'était avéré, bien que les cadavres aient eu la mobilité, ils n'étaient pas assez bons pour monter les escaliers à moins qu'ils ne rampent ou ne s'utilisent les uns les autres comme levier. C'est pour ça que la plupart sont restés aux étages inférieurs... et ils sont plutôt stupides.
Metal Piper-Hammar chose qui sera probablement jeté pour quelque chose de mieux dans un post
Affichages à gauche: 8
Affichages utilisés: 1 | Name: Megumi Hazekage
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: 2-A
Personality: Prideful to say the least, Megumi is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Megumi calls people as "pigs in human clothing," and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possess a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Megumi is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life.
When first meeting her, she is cold and rather ruthless, just gazing upon her will send shivers down ones spine. Not only is she intelligent, yet she knows what to do to bring weak targets down, especially when those targets have a very low self-esteem. In some cases, she could be what you consider a 'Major Bitch'.
In spite of her behavior at school, she is not heartless. While very harsh and not very willing to tolerate failures, she does care a great deal for those who she manages to care about, such as her brother. Megumi has a small social circle, so most of the time she lingers around her sibling.
Background: Megumi was always a stuffy, if not brilliant girl. Born under the daughter of Izuma Hazekage, and sister to Kurogane Hazekage, she was put under speculation by both the press and by her family; although, by extension, her brother would be the heir, she would still represent the family in hindsight, in both business and in war; which she was expected to throw herself into once she became of said mature age. Her days were spent studying with her mother, a softspoken lady that didn't have much to do with her brother, Kurogane. She would often spar with her father and brother, although, whenever she entered the dojo, it was to the sight of Kurogane bleeding, battered and bruised, while her father goaded her in with only a stoic shift of the head. She blossomed underneath his teachings, and often tested her skill against Kurogane; whom she knew to be holding back insurmountable amounts of anger at her father's way of abuse and stress-relief. Every-day, she would help him, either with studying or medical attention, and every-day, he would do the same, straightening her form or giving her a round in a game of Shogi. Life continued on, with Megumi's creative mind allowing her to come out on top with anything she put her energy and time towards. Her relationship with her brother became her strongest bond yet, although it will surely be tested to it's limits in the time to come.
Skills: Megumi is talented in the field of math and engineering, though she is rather lacking in history and social sciences. Due to her great knowledge, she knows quite a bit of information especially pertaining to the crafting of items(Thinks like nailed in baseball bats, or simple weapons for defense, if she were to have completed her studies, Megumi would have learned a lot more). The young girl is a fight fanatic, she dabbles in hand to hand from the teachings her father and brother had given her.
She knows some medical treatments, like disinfecting cuts and bruises, but that's something everyone should already know how to do.
Friendship wise, she sucks at gaining trust from others since she is constantly brooding and upset.
Weapons: N/A
Kurogane - Her older brother and someone she knows very well. He is the only person Megumi is actually willing to socialize with, mostly due to the fact that they are siblings. |
48,448 | 1,305 | 113 | 1,710 | 4,163 | « Eh bien, quand un de ces citoyens de la classe supérieure agissait comme s'il était meilleur que moi de toutes les façons possibles, il n'y a même pas une demi-heure. Alors oui, je pourrais être un peu stéréotypée. Mais si tu veux l'appeler rébellion, alors c'est bien par moi." Aki lui a dit d'essayer encore de comprendre comment elle pouvait être plus calme il y a un moment, et maintenant jeter baise, cul, bite, et bites comme si c'était la dernière tendance.
Et cette tendance ne se poursuivrait que dans des petits bâtons et des boules bleues. Mais elle a tué l'étudiante vivante maintenant morte... et encore morte. Eh bien, au moins une chose n'a pas changé à propos de Megumi, c'était qu'elle était encore un peu autoritaire. Il allait descendre plus bas avec ou sans son approbation de toute façon. Donc il pensait simplement qu'ils pensaient la même chose... à propos d'aller plus bas, à ce moment-là il était sûr qu'elle pensait quelque chose de sale.
Se rapprocher du troisième étage a montré une augmentation significative du nombre de morts, et l'ouïe essayer de ne pas crier pour les papas cummies, sinon ils se faisaient tabasser gang n'a pas aidé sa concentration. Pourtant, le plan sonore allait entrer en jeu comme elle l'a suggéré. Bien qu'il essayait de trouver un moyen que cela fonctionnerait, ils auraient besoin d'un peu de bruit et lui jetant juste ses livres sur le terrain ne les attirerait pas tous, ou au moins une grande majorité. Il a réfléchi à ce qu'il pouvait utiliser pour le son, et quand il était sur le point de faire le sacrifice ultime et de tourner son système de jeu jusqu'au plus haut volume et de le jeter loin. Quelqu'un, on dirait qu'un homme a commencé à crier assez fort. La réaction a été presque instantanée, avec les zombies regardant autour puis boiter vers le son. En laissant le couloir nord et est dégagé pour la plupart, l'ouest était cependant comme une fosse à mousse. Il avait le sentiment que Megumi aurait dit quelque chose de très différent.
Ne voulant pas gâcher le miracle qu'ils reçurent, il descendit l'escalier en rampant son poing dans le crâne d'un des traînards. Pourtant, cette fois, l'étudiant mort s'est assoupli. Les cris se transforment en hurlements de douleur, qui était un signe révélateur de l'élève pris et mangé. Motionnant pour Megumi, Aki a commencé à faire du jogging dans le couloir alors qu'il cherchait la prochaine série d'escaliers vers le bas.
Arme : Faire des griffes de scalpel
Hits utilisés: 2 Hits gauche: 8 | Name: Aki Okumura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-C
Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him.
Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways.
Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments.
Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in))
Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz))
Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad)
Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in)
Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled.
Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad)
Weapons: N/a
Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ)
Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why? |
48,449 | 1,305 | 114 | 1,013 | 86 | @autres personnes qui ne sont pas mentionnées dans mon post
"A-ah, d'accord... Je vais essayer de les chercher, je suppose... Si ses amis ou "senpais" étaient morts, alors il a été baisé. Personne d'autre que ces inconnus et ces connaissances, qu'il connaissait à peine que Utaho, le délinquant. J'espère qu'elle ne l'a pas remarqué. À ce moment-là, Yukito croyait que Shingen était mort, et qu'il n'était pas sorti de la pièce depuis son arrivée. "Qu'est-ce que vous allez...?" Un groupe était tout ce dont il avait besoin pour survivre. Tant qu'il y avait quelqu'un avec lui, il ne serait pas mangé par les 'choses'. Le jeune garçon aux lunettes a ramassé ses armes après la fin des barricades, et les a serrés. Même si ce groupe était l'une de ses seules chances de survie, il ne pouvait toujours pas vraiment leur faire confiance. Il devait être prêt. Sinon, alors... il serait utilisé comme appât, et les zombies auraient un repas. Une fois de plus, il a repéré la blessure sur la cheville d'Ami. "Oh mon dieu... a-t-elle été mordue...?" Il était sur le point de parler, quand une conversation entre la délinquante et son laquais s'est levée. Le nom qui m'appelle? Yukito n'était pas fan de ça. Mais quand Ami est mort, il a ressenti un certain soulagement. Soulagement qu'il ne mourrait pas, mais aussi tristesse que quelqu'un d'autre soit mort à la place. Même si c'était une salope. Yukito était également étonné, avec une expression similaire à celle du visage de Kirari. Il a échangé des regards entre Kirari et Utaho. "Tu n'aurais pas pu trouver un autre moyen?" Il a regardé ailleurs, craignant ce que la fille très effrayante pourrait lui faire. Mais ça valait la peine de demander. La connaissance jouerait également un rôle clé dans la survie. Et c'était certainement ce dont il avait besoin en ce moment. Le seul inconvénient était qu'il montrait à tout le monde qu'il était doux et définitivement effrayé. | Name: Yukito Amamiya
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Class: 1-A
Personality: Yukito is extremely studious and nerdy, trying to learn all there is about the world he lives in, and the people that live in it. Socially, he is somewhat shy and quiet, but kind and generous, and will not hesitate to try to help a good person in need. He can easily make a decision, and stick with it, but at some times (when he is in a bad state or in panic) it is hard for him to think rationally and he won't stay calm. Regarding his pansexuality, he hasn't spoken of it to his family and friends. He does, however, not try to hide it, as he doesn't want to accidentally lose the chance of love. (And he doesn't flirt. I don't think people like him flirt.)
Background: Geography, physics, math, history, you name it, he's almost definitely got it. What he lacks in strength and personality he excels in intelligence. Yukito's parents are very strict, but they strive for him to be the best, and they wish to enroll him in a prestigious college. In his family life, he has two siblings, an older brother and a younger brother, and his extremely strict parents. His older brother is the slacker of the family, the one who stays home all day doing jack shit. His grade-school level younger brother on the other hand, learned from Yukito and is on par with about a middle school student's intellect. Though Yukito's family isn't even close to the richest, he still was pressured to do his best, by family and friends. From an average person's perspective, they would probably think Yukito's background is pretty average. But the reason why he needs to strive is not just the prestigious college, but his parents. His parents, although very smart and responsible, did not make close to the right decisions in high school/college. They, instead of studying and learning, chose to go with friends and have fun, fool around, and throw parties when no homework or projects were assigned. If it were not for this, Yukito would probably be rich- but also a delinquent like Utaho. But these past mistakes made by his family give him an inside hope to never give up.
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Geography/World History
Yukito is extremely interested and proficient in the field of Social Studies {Geography/History}, and was even the champion of a regional contest in the subject. This is his best grade, and his grade in this maintains a beautiful A+. He knows all the capitals of the world, from Moscow in Russia to Yaren in Nauru, and even the smaller countries like Bhutan and Georgia. This is obviously his favorite class.
As this is also a core class and a very important one as well, Yukito is forced to excel in this. Even though he is not interested in it, he is forced to try to be the best in his class at it, although he himself doesn't think of it that way. That, of course, doesn't mean he does not like the mathematics subject in general. He still believes it is sometimes fun, and crucial to graduate and make lots of money.
Life Sciences/Physics
Although Yukito loves the hands-on part of this subject, and he loves learning about certain parts of Science. But the only problem for Yukito is the arduous, boring lessons and lectures given to the students. In this subject, he seems to excel in organic life, including reproduction, the ecosystem, and cells. (Life Sciences)
Physical Education
He can run. He can jump. But he sucks at everything else. Staying up all night studying and doing entirely academic, indoor activities takes a toll on your physical performance. Although he does exercise occasionally to keep his weight low and his good looks staying fresh.
Extracurricular activities
Yukito is in three different clubs, the Chess, Honors, and the Cooking Clubs. (Yes, I just made those up ;.;) He also knows how to play and practice the piano, but I don't think that would really matter in a zombie apocalypse.
Weapons: N/A
Mi Kiyoshi
Yukito only really talked to his very small group of friends, but that doesn't mean he doesn't notice the other kids in his class. His relationship with Mi is unknown, as he hasn't really interacted with her.
Paneru Yagyuu
Paneru is not even an acquaintance to Yukito, as he probably doesn't even notice the poor boy. But since Paneru is an older, class 2 student, Yukito looks up to him as a sort of "role model". Not to mention his kind personality, one that Yukito would try to adopt.
Other: Yes. The tag is right, he is a nerd. Just like me.
They ate Shoske! (What else did they eat?) |
48,450 | 1,305 | 115 | 302 | 2,579 | Mi avait toujours peur, c'était sans aucun doute. Mais avec un pied sur ces choses, et comment elles fonctionnent, Mi était plus confiant. Elle marchait, évitant les couloirs remplis d'eux, se dirigeant vers les humains qui restaient. Avec ses deux sacs à ses côtés et des planches dans ses mains, elle était déterminée à survivre. Et pour voir si quelqu'un qu'elle connaissait était encore en vie. Ce serait génial, mais ce n'est pas un monde parfait. | Name: Mi Kiyoshi
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Class: 1-A
Personality: Mi is shy, to say the very least. She doesn't quite know how to start a conversation, and if she managed to get into a conversation she didn't quite know how to keep the conservation up. In conversations she would look to the sides, avoiding eye contact. However Mi does have a large amount of patience, so she can tolerate most people being rude.
Mi also loves to help people. She will help someone if they are hurt if she can. She cares more about other people than about herself. She admires strong people, though she doesn't really show it. She tends to stray away from human interactions.
Background: Mi grew up an only child with a single parent. Her father had died while Mi was young and so Mii's mother raised her alone. Mi's mother was a doctor, and so she was gone most of the time and when she was, she would be studying medical procedures and so Mi was taught quite a few medical skills by her mom. Mi enjoyed learning about medicine. She would ask her mom to teach her more and more in exchange for Mi doing the housework.
As Mi got older, school became sort of awkward for her. She was small for her age and so most of the girls in her class treated her like a little doll. They would mess with her hair. Mi's shy demeanor didn't really help stop the treatment from the other girl's though she didn't really mind it
Skills: Mii is skilled with medicine and has a large amount of medical knowledge. She's pretty good at at cooking and cleaning and is quite a fast runner, though she sucks at fighting
Weapons: N/A
Relationships/Friendships: N/A
Other: "They Ate Shoske" |
48,451 | 1,305 | 116 | 2,072 | 1,329 | En passant par la fenêtre dans la porte, pour voir quelques-unes de ces choses non mortes se bousculaient contre elle avec leurs mains sanglantes et pourries qui violaient la porte. Il pouvait entendre leurs grognements et leurs gémissements étouffés alors qu'ils luttaient pour obtenir en vain, montrant que quoi que ces choses n'étaient pas pensés et n'étaient pas du tout intelligents. Alors qu'est-ce qu'ils voulaient exactement? Qu'est-ce qui les a conduits à faire quelque chose? Avaient-ils une raison de manger de la chair autre que juste pour manger? Toutes ces questions et plus couru dans son esprit à mesure que sa curiosité d'eux grandissait et bien qu'il voulait les étudier, maintenant n'était pas le temps et donc cela devrait attendre.
En s'éloignant de la porte pour voir Kurisa et la fille qui, par son regard, pouvait dire qu'elle était antisociale comme lui. Jetant un regard sur chacun d'eux à tour de rôle et voyant que la Kurisa était le seul en dehors de lui-même qui était capable de se manipuler seul. La punk girl pourrait être en mesure, mais avec l'événement qui avait jsut joué entre elle et une amie qu'elle n'avait apparemment pas d'autre choix que de tuer tout à l'heure a probablement laissé son émotionnellement instable et si elle reviendrait de lui était difficile à déterminer. Il savait qu'une telle personne qui venait de traverser une telle chose était mieux seule pour le moment, mais le gars avec des lunettes, étant un idiot est allé et a ouvert sa bouche pour poser une question susceptible de diriger sa colère sur lui.
Ne voulant rien faire avec cela et s'éloignèrent d'eux et balayèrent une bouteille d'eau avant d'attraper la partie juste en dessous de la grande partie du masque et la dépossédèrent. L'enlever pour glisser la bouteille ouverte vers le haut et a pris une gorgée modérée pour exprimer sa soif puis retourné tout en place.
Maintenant, la question de sortir de la pièce et son regard est tombé sur les courts fils de branchement mâle ensemble. Le gars avait l'air d'être sur le point de paniquer ce qui était juste dangereux et stupide avec la situation actuelle pour penser que ces fils pourraient tenir contre le poids de n'importe qui était stupide.
Il s'est tourné vers l'étude de la pièce une fois de plus avant de repérer le chariot et une idée est venue à l'esprit. Sans attendre pour expliquer, Kenny avait commencé à empiler des objets sur les parties supérieure et inférieure du chariot, puis l'a poussé près de la porte. Une fois qu'il était en place, il a travaillé pour enlever la barricade de la porte puis a déménagé à la Kurisa pour donner un coup de bras pour obtenir son attention. Une fois que Kurisa devait le regarder, il mimeait en poussant le chariot, puis il bougeait les mains pour imiter une explosion ou des choses qui se dispersent. Son plan, de ramer à travers la porte avec le chariot pour envoyer les zombies s'étaler pour qu'ils puissent s'échapper, donc il était préférable pour tout le monde de rassembler ce dont ils avaient besoin et d'être prêts à sortir rapidement car ils auraient une fenêtre à court de temps avant que ces choses se remettent pour les arnaquer.
Fait avec montrer ce qu'il visait, déplacé du côté gauche du chariot et attendu que la Kurisa prenne le côté droit. Il a ensuite signalé à toute personne capable alors à la porte, en donnant le signal que les deux chargeraient et la troisième personne ouvrirait la porte et tant que tout le monde faisait son travail, ils pouvaient sortir. | Name:
Kenny is...well majority of students and even teachers struggle to understand what he is. Kenny rarely talks, though his mask mostly makes what he says muffled. A loner is what most say or a freak by others since he's always seen wearing a mask or carrying around a metal pipe. kenny does keep to himself majority of the time, often skipping class to explore or hang out at his hideout. Yet, his appearance deceives others from seeing that he's actually pretty smart that even with skipping class, maintains A's and b's. He tends to spook other students for fun with his mask, which further gave him the look of a troublemaker, though is simply a curious person who enjoys reading and learning how things work.
Kenny had been given up for adoption since birth, having never known his actual parents. Due to his strange behavior; it was difficult to find him foster parents and was put through foster home after foster home over the years. As this went on, it grew to the point that he decided not to bother with making friends or even talking to others, which could explain why he had started covering up his face with hoods or makeshift masks.
Eventually, the teachers and adults gave up on trying to get him to stop with the masks and left him be. When able, Kenny would wander off to explore abandoned buildings or any nearby forests. Often choosing a spot where he would spend most of his time to study objects he was able to get his hands on or to read books that he found interesting. Reading from an assortment of items or weapon books as he was a very curious person who always wanted to learn
Not until he turned 15 did he finally get adopted; a father who worked as a simple garbage man and mother who was too lazy to work. His guess that they adopted him was simply to get child support money, which didn't bother him since he hardly spent time at the house, always off on exploring or at the small abandoned building that he turned into his latest hideout.
Upon entering the school officially, he was put in class a, something no one expected with the appearance of his. Only coming to class half the time and yet somehow able to turn in all assignments and maintaining top grades. Kenny made sure to learn self defense by learning how to use weapons like bats or metal pipes to keep the bullies off as he would train at the hide-out when he had spared time. Even working on building projects and thus took up shop class to improve his building skills.
shop class- expert at building, kendo- average skill in swordsmanship, gym- works on his speed and and stamina.
-Metal pipe
two pocket knives hidden in each pocket
- in reserve at his hideout
Other: "They ate shoske!" *muffled mask words* |
48,452 | 1,305 | 117 | 1,925 | 466 | Bien que l'espoir semblait plutôt faible, cependant, lorsque l'étudiant mâle criait, il a permis une petite fenêtre d'opportunité. Elle joua légèrement dans le couloir, son attention se concentra sur les choses qui l'entouraient, surtout sur celles qui bougeaient. Megumi n'a pas laissé un coup d'œil comme une masse de ces choses a consumé le pauvre étudiant, mais ses cris de grognement pour l'aide a rempli ses oreilles... Comme c'était pitoyable.
Au fur et à mesure que cela se poursuit, Megumi s'était rendu compte à quel point ces âmes étaient fragiles... à quel point c'était triste et dégoûtant de les voir tendre la main pour obtenir de l'aide, comme si l'aide venait.
La jeune fille secoua la tête et frappa le bout de sa pipe martelée contre le temple d'un cadavre errant. Le tas pourri de chair descendit facilement et cessa son mouvement en raison de l'immense pression qu'il reçut sur son crâne. Le sang avait déjà taché son armement, au point qu'il déverserait la substance pourpre dans les couloirs autrefois propres et vides de son école.
Elle s'est dit : "Juste un peu plus."
Alors qu'ils continuaient leur chemin, elle gardait ses commentaires pour elle-même puisqu'elle ne voulait pas gâcher leur seule chance de survie. Plus ils étaient silencieux, plus ils vivaient probablement.
Metal Piper-Hammar chose qui sera probablement jeté pour quelque chose de mieux dans un post
Affichages à gauche: 7
Affichages utilisés: 2 | Name: Megumi Hazekage
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: 2-A
Personality: Prideful to say the least, Megumi is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Megumi calls people as "pigs in human clothing," and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possess a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Megumi is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life.
When first meeting her, she is cold and rather ruthless, just gazing upon her will send shivers down ones spine. Not only is she intelligent, yet she knows what to do to bring weak targets down, especially when those targets have a very low self-esteem. In some cases, she could be what you consider a 'Major Bitch'.
In spite of her behavior at school, she is not heartless. While very harsh and not very willing to tolerate failures, she does care a great deal for those who she manages to care about, such as her brother. Megumi has a small social circle, so most of the time she lingers around her sibling.
Background: Megumi was always a stuffy, if not brilliant girl. Born under the daughter of Izuma Hazekage, and sister to Kurogane Hazekage, she was put under speculation by both the press and by her family; although, by extension, her brother would be the heir, she would still represent the family in hindsight, in both business and in war; which she was expected to throw herself into once she became of said mature age. Her days were spent studying with her mother, a softspoken lady that didn't have much to do with her brother, Kurogane. She would often spar with her father and brother, although, whenever she entered the dojo, it was to the sight of Kurogane bleeding, battered and bruised, while her father goaded her in with only a stoic shift of the head. She blossomed underneath his teachings, and often tested her skill against Kurogane; whom she knew to be holding back insurmountable amounts of anger at her father's way of abuse and stress-relief. Every-day, she would help him, either with studying or medical attention, and every-day, he would do the same, straightening her form or giving her a round in a game of Shogi. Life continued on, with Megumi's creative mind allowing her to come out on top with anything she put her energy and time towards. Her relationship with her brother became her strongest bond yet, although it will surely be tested to it's limits in the time to come.
Skills: Megumi is talented in the field of math and engineering, though she is rather lacking in history and social sciences. Due to her great knowledge, she knows quite a bit of information especially pertaining to the crafting of items(Thinks like nailed in baseball bats, or simple weapons for defense, if she were to have completed her studies, Megumi would have learned a lot more). The young girl is a fight fanatic, she dabbles in hand to hand from the teachings her father and brother had given her.
She knows some medical treatments, like disinfecting cuts and bruises, but that's something everyone should already know how to do.
Friendship wise, she sucks at gaining trust from others since she is constantly brooding and upset.
Weapons: N/A
Kurogane - Her older brother and someone she knows very well. He is the only person Megumi is actually willing to socialize with, mostly due to the fact that they are siblings. |
48,453 | 1,305 | 118 | 1,710 | 4,163 | Les cris de douleur continueraient encore quelques secondes avant qu'il ne se taise, ce qui était un signe que le mâle était finalement mort, après une mort probablement horrifiante. Dans les jeux, il y avait généralement un nouveau jeu plus où vous avez une chance de sauver ces gens, partie merdique à propos de cela était que leur n'est pas redo's si vous avez merdé vous avez été fait. Donc Aki a continué à courir le long pendant que Megumi a utilisé son arme pour se débarrasser d'un qui s'est trop rapproché. En quelques secondes, ils s'approchaient de l'escalier. Pourtant, quand Aki s'est arrêté devant eux, il a failli tomber du choc. Il a vu environ onze ou plus d'entre eux commencer à monter les escaliers.
S'en remettant un peu, sachant qu'ils se débattraient pendant une minute, il regarda Megumi et murmura pour ne plus en dessiner. « Eh bien, nous pouvons voir si nous sommes de grands joueurs et avons un distraire tandis que l'autre les sort, ou nous faisons l'option intelligente et nous nous dirigeons vers l'escalier de l'autre côté de l'école, seul problème, nous devons trouver un moyen de contourner le troupeau dans cette direction. » Aki a suggéré d'atteindre en retirant son manuel de science et d'histoire, et les jetant tous les deux dans les escaliers frappant deux d'entre eux qui a causé l'effet domino. Il leur a seulement acheté quelques minutes de plus pour décider quoi faire. "Ils se cachent aussi, et encore une fois par hasard ils marchent ici et passent la porte." | Name: Aki Okumura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-C
Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him.
Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways.
Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments.
Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in))
Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz))
Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad)
Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in)
Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled.
Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad)
Weapons: N/a
Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ)
Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why? |
48,454 | 1,305 | 119 | 983 | 5,954 | Mi avait toujours peur, c'était sans aucun doute. Mais avec un pied sur ces choses, et comment elles fonctionnent, Mi était plus confiant. Elle marchait, évitant les couloirs remplis d'eux, se dirigeant vers les humains qui restaient. Avec ses deux sacs à ses côtés et des planches dans ses mains, elle était déterminée à survivre. Et pour voir si quelqu'un qu'elle connaissait était encore en vie. Ce serait génial, mais ce n'est pas un monde parfait.
Comment est-il entré dans ce bordel? Pour une raison ou une autre, Zev était de retour à l'intérieur du bâtiment à la recherche de survivants, même s'il était plus probable que tout le monde était déjà mort, au moins ceux qui n'étaient pas assez débrouillards ou qui n'avaient que de la malchance. Quoi qu'il en soit, il ne resterait pas ici longtemps. Il était dangereux d'être de retour à l'intérieur du bâtiment, mais puis de nouveau partout ailleurs était dangereux. "Et ils ne comprennent pas pourquoi je déteste les lundis." La grande blonde herculéenne bourdonnait à lui-même. Puis il a vu quelqu'un qui n'était pas familier, mais quelqu'un vivant. "Hé, par ici!" Avec de l'énergie retrouvée, il sprinta vers Mi. | Name: Takahiro Zev
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Class: 3-D
Personality: Act it out because I'm lazy.
Background: There isn't much to say about his background. He's an only child that grew up with a dad who played baseball in the major leagues and a mother who supported his father unconditionally. Growing up, his father taught him baseball and trained him hard, harder than most people would expect a child would in hopes that he would actually succeed him one day.
Baseball-While this is an extra-curricular activity, he is incredible at it. He became the school's best player in every aspect of the game whether it was batting, pitching, or fielding. Due to the constant training he put himself through for the sport, he's reached a high level of physical abilities such as stamina, strength, reflexes, and speed. He can throw a 90 mile fast ball and can easily punch a whole in a wall or even swing a metal bat around with one arm. It's very likely that his skills could take him to the major leagues.
Craftsmanship- Another extra curricular he took was woodshop and metal works, he is mildly skilled at crafting objects and knows how to use tools. Just don't expect him to be fixing cars.
Human anatomy: Surprisingly he is actually pretty decent with the human anatomy and knows his way around it. It's something that he decided to take upon himself to learn about his own body and what to do to when he injures himself.
Math-*holds up a cross* The power of Christ compels you! *isn't very good at it*
baseball bat
Relationships/Friendships: N/A
Other: "They ate Shoske with some fava beans and a nice chianti." |
48,455 | 1,305 | 120 | 1,300 | 3,244 | Vous êtes des idiots de Ghetto!
Kurisa continua à siroter son eau alors qu'il regardait Utaho envoyer un de ses laquais, amis... tout ce qu'elle voyait comme. La façon dont elle l'avait fait était assez brutale mais quand même... d'une manière malade, c'était nécessaire. Pour être honnête... elle l'avait probablement mieux que le reste. Alors que Kurisa et tout le monde devaient survivre à cette merde, elle était maintenant dans un sommeil éternel. Il a ensuite laissé un soupir profond comme il le pensait à lui-même. Combien de fois devrons-nous le faire? Que deviendra-t-il de nous?... Pouvons-nous être considérés comme des Saviours? Ou allons-nous devenir des assassins. Nous pouvons essayer d'ignorer cela, mais il reviendra nous hanter. » Kurisa a pris une autre gorgée d'eau avant de visser le capuchon et de le poser sur la table.
Utaho est ensuite venu demander à Kurisa où ils sont allés ensuite... et bien... il n'y avait qu'un seul moyen de sortir d'ici. Kurisa voulait dire quelque chose à Utaho sur ce qui vient de se passer, mais ce serait idiot, surtout avec comment elle était... aussi, il n'avait jamais vu un côté doux à Utaho et donc il n'était pas sûr s'il pouvait faire quoi que ce soit pour faire ce pari-qu'une putain de pensée... faire quoi de mieux? Le fait qu'elle ait tué un de ses amis? Oui... comme si ça arriverait, quand même... si l'occasion était venue, il essaierait de faire quelque chose, n'importe quoi pour s'assurer qu'elle ne soit pas devenue folle à cause de ça... d'une manière bizarre, Utaho était à propos de son seul ami dans cette pièce... enfermer toute cette école. Je veux dire qu'ils n'étaient pas potes, mais qu'ils s'entendaient encore... la plupart du temps « Nous sortons d'ici... Mon père possède un garage dans la ville, peut-être qu'on peut y aller... voir s'il y a quelque chose qu'on peut utiliser. Comme une voiture ou un truc du genre... ça nous sauve de marcher et de nous faire tourner plus vite."
Après qu'il eut fini de parler, il entendit Yukito parler à Utaho, lui demandant s'il y avait un autre moyen. Kurisa a regardé Yukito en train de jeter un coup d'oeil pour dire Qu'est-ce que ce putain de mec!? Comme pourquoi tu demandes ça? S'il y avait un autre moyen, nous l'aurions pris. À l'intérieur, il savait qu'Utaho volerait probablement pour ce type et Kurisa pour une fois... prêt à empêcher Utaho de lui donner des coups de pied. Même s'il s'est fait frapper, c'était mieux qu'il... Kurisa pourrait le prendre. C'est quand Kenny est venu et a tiré sur le bras de Kurisa, c'est là que Kurisa a regardé Kenny et l'a regardé mimer quelque chose... c'était un peu difficile à comprendre mais il a eu l'idée difficile. Kurisa a ensuite hurlé et s'est levé de son siège pendant que Kenny marchait jusqu'à la charrette. Il regarda Utaho et parla juste assez fort pour qu'elle entende : « Je sais ce que vous voulez probablement faire... mais juste une fois... Laissez-le. Concentrons-nous sur la sortie d'ici... si vous voulez toujours virer quelqu'un plus tard, vous pouvez me virer de là. Je m'en fous... tant qu'on sortira d'ici maintenant." Kurisa l'a regardée avec une expression sérieuse pour montrer qu'il n'était pas en train de baiser...
Il a ensuite pris une profonde inspiration et a marché autour de la table et sur le côté droit du chariot avec Kenny, s'y accrochant. " Quelqu'un prend la porte et se prépare... on sort d'ici. Nous n'aurons probablement pas longtemps... » Il savait que Kenny avait déjà migré cela, mais au cas où personne ne comprendrait Mime Kurisa, il fallait dire le plan... au moins le plan qu'il comprenait allait arriver. Dès que cette porte s'est ouverte, ils seraient prêts à descendre ces enfoirés et à sortir d'ici... | Kurisa Shuiji
Kurisa Shuiji
Kurisa is a pretty standard guy, obsessed with cars, sports and the alike. However this focus on somewhat physical subjects means Kurisa isn't exactly book smart which is his main downfall and why he is the C grade. Kurisa is a firm believer that the crap you learn from books is useless and that the best way to learn something is physical experience and learning from mistakes, although when you do something physical that threatens to hurt you, you're generally more careful and so less mistakes happen. You screw up, you get hurt...Do you get that with a book? You bet your ass you don't!
Aside from Kurisa being more of a hands on kind of guy he is also a pretty hard person to generally get along with. Some will hit some luck with him but most will likely fail...this is generally shown with how he hates half the people at his school just down to the way they act. You could say he has a lot of anger inside him and so it doesn't take much to set him off...yet on the odd occasion he will stay in control of his emotions however due to this being somewhat rare Kurisa has fought with a lot of the other males in his year and the year above...not always winning but that doesn't mean he didn't give them a decent ass kicking!
Kurisa has a pretty standard family. His father is a mechanic, hence why Kurisa takes an interest in Mechanics and his mother is an accountant. Kurisa also has a much younger Sister however it's to early to tell what she will be into as her only interests as of now are drawing and Pokemon. Kurisa's upbringing wasn't necessarily a bad one, he was certainly much more cheerful in his life when he was younger however when his Grandmother passed when he was aged 10, things started to go down hill a little from there and eventually lead to Kurisa becoming somewhat of a troublemaker at school. His Mother speculates that Kurisa's anger and aggression are simply a front to hide his depression, almost as if he lives in some sort of denial that she is gone...However that is just his mothers views. His fathers are somewhat different and that he simply blames it on him just being in his Teens and rebelling.
(Keeping it short and sweet)
Very Skilled in engineering due to being around vehicles and machinery all his life due to his father being a mechanic and so Kurisa has followed in his fathers foot steps in hopes of one day becoming a Mechanic himself.
Semi Skilled in Sports/Athletics. Kurisa generally likes to keep fit and so puts some time into sports and the alike. He isn't really all the competitive but it's a great way to keep himself in shape and in some ways helps him when he somewhat occasionally gets into a fight with another student...even on the field
Semi-Skilled in Kendo. Kurisa does have an interest in Japanese history and although not a large amount it's enough of an interest for him to want to take up Kendo class so he can at least believe he is somewhat like a Samurai...although in truth he is far from it as he isn't the greatest there is but he is good enough that he can give some more experienced members a challenge
Useless at Geography. Kurisa has no interest in Geography...he knows how to use a map and that is as far as it goes for him. All the other crap they try teach you is useless and he believes it will be hardly useful at all! If you got eyes and a map then you should be fine
Utaho Rinnosuke - Kurisa would say he is somewhat friends with Utaho or at least they get along well enough. Although they may not be side by side everyday there is the occasional case in which the two may go out if they are bored and just kick some randomers ass or someone's ass from their school who annoyed them...why?...well...why not?
Kibaya Musato - Kurisa doesn't know to much about Kibaya...probably due to him rarely even being in class. However the two have spoken a few times to know a little about eachother but not enough to be considered really anything close to friends
"THEY ATE SHOSKE!"...That's why he's called Zombie Bait *chuckles* |
48,456 | 1,305 | 121 | 1,925 | 466 | "Je ne vais pas m'asseoir dans une putain de pièce étouffante, et on ne va pas jeter l'un d'entre nous là-bas pour se faire baiser par un bukkake pixel." Megumi répondit d'une voix plutôt sévère : « Nous allons de l'autre côté, et espérons que quelque chose d'autre pourra les distraire... Il doit y avoir un autre ensemble d'escaliers à proximité, il ne peut pas y en avoir seulement deux." Elle a passé une main rugueuse dans ses cheveux et s'est retournée. Elle a commencé une promenade lente dans le couloir en pensant à plusieurs chemins différents que cette décision pourrait prendre.
À ce stade, elle avait réalisé à quel point ils étaient piégés dans ce petit environnement, mais la mort ne pouvait pas être la seule option pour eux. "C'est un taureau... pourquoi était-il ici? De tous les endroits, l'apocalypse a décidé de commencer alors que nous étions tous encore à l'école... » S'ils avaient été à l'extérieur, ou à la maison, où ils avaient au moins eu la chance de fuir la zone dangereuse vers un refuge sûr. Megumi avait déjà pensé à cela une fois auparavant, mais elle n'avait pas vraiment approfondi ces pensées et l'avait simplement repoussée. Maintenant, ces pensées lui arrivent vraiment. Et si son frère était vraiment mort? | Name: Megumi Hazekage
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: 2-A
Personality: Prideful to say the least, Megumi is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Megumi calls people as "pigs in human clothing," and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possess a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Megumi is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life.
When first meeting her, she is cold and rather ruthless, just gazing upon her will send shivers down ones spine. Not only is she intelligent, yet she knows what to do to bring weak targets down, especially when those targets have a very low self-esteem. In some cases, she could be what you consider a 'Major Bitch'.
In spite of her behavior at school, she is not heartless. While very harsh and not very willing to tolerate failures, she does care a great deal for those who she manages to care about, such as her brother. Megumi has a small social circle, so most of the time she lingers around her sibling.
Background: Megumi was always a stuffy, if not brilliant girl. Born under the daughter of Izuma Hazekage, and sister to Kurogane Hazekage, she was put under speculation by both the press and by her family; although, by extension, her brother would be the heir, she would still represent the family in hindsight, in both business and in war; which she was expected to throw herself into once she became of said mature age. Her days were spent studying with her mother, a softspoken lady that didn't have much to do with her brother, Kurogane. She would often spar with her father and brother, although, whenever she entered the dojo, it was to the sight of Kurogane bleeding, battered and bruised, while her father goaded her in with only a stoic shift of the head. She blossomed underneath his teachings, and often tested her skill against Kurogane; whom she knew to be holding back insurmountable amounts of anger at her father's way of abuse and stress-relief. Every-day, she would help him, either with studying or medical attention, and every-day, he would do the same, straightening her form or giving her a round in a game of Shogi. Life continued on, with Megumi's creative mind allowing her to come out on top with anything she put her energy and time towards. Her relationship with her brother became her strongest bond yet, although it will surely be tested to it's limits in the time to come.
Skills: Megumi is talented in the field of math and engineering, though she is rather lacking in history and social sciences. Due to her great knowledge, she knows quite a bit of information especially pertaining to the crafting of items(Thinks like nailed in baseball bats, or simple weapons for defense, if she were to have completed her studies, Megumi would have learned a lot more). The young girl is a fight fanatic, she dabbles in hand to hand from the teachings her father and brother had given her.
She knows some medical treatments, like disinfecting cuts and bruises, but that's something everyone should already know how to do.
Friendship wise, she sucks at gaining trust from others since she is constantly brooding and upset.
Weapons: N/A
Kurogane - Her older brother and someone she knows very well. He is the only person Megumi is actually willing to socialize with, mostly due to the fact that they are siblings. |
48,457 | 1,305 | 122 | 1,710 | 4,163 | Aki était toujours choqué par le changement soudain de personnalité de Megumi. Il s'attendait à plus d'impitoyable comme son frère ou sa classe, pas l'esprit d'un spécialiste du sexe. Eh bien, elle a choisi de trouver une autre façon, ce qui était bien, alors il a tout simplement suivi derrière elle. En riant encore à l'intérieur de ses rambles sexuels en colère. "Tu dois regarder du porno merdique." Aki a dit rire un peu, alors qu'il regardait les escaliers. "Peut-être ne devrions-nous pas marcher si lentement? Je veux dire que ce n'est pas comme s'ils allaient se lever rapidement, mais lent n'est vraiment pas le meilleur dans certaines situations. Quant aux escaliers, je n'ai jamais utilisé ceux que nous avons essayé d'atteindre, donc s'il y a des extras alors ce serait super."
Aki a regardé le sang qui a pulvérisé les murs et le sol, montrant à quel point les attaques ont été mauvaises, laissant peut-être entendre que la plupart de l'école était morte d'ici là. Leur survie étant probablement le fait qu'ils étaient sur le toit quand il a frappé. c'était aussi le pire endroit pour être puisqu'ils auraient dû faire tout le chemin vers le bas, juste pour sortir. En entendant Megumi, il a un peu froncé ce qu'elle a dit. "Est-ce que ça compte autant? Eh bien, il pourrait avoir pour vous, mais pour les autres, ce serait encore une situation horrible." Aki a parlé, laissant entendre que sa famille avait probablement les armes pour se défendre pendant un certain temps, tandis que d'autres se tourneraient l'un contre l'autre juste pour obtenir ce dont ils avaient besoin. | Name: Aki Okumura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-C
Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him.
Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways.
Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments.
Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in))
Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz))
Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad)
Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in)
Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled.
Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad)
Weapons: N/a
Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ)
Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why? |
48,458 | 1,305 | 123 | 993 | 1,646 | @le groupe habituel
Utaho essayait dur de garder son esprit à ce sujet, et les choses n'étaient pas jolies dans sa tête, et puis, les quatre putains d'yeux ont dû aller et dire ça. Putain, dis-le. Et Kurisa essayant de l'apaiser vient de le rendre pire. Elle se tourna, lança le marteau dans sa main droite, le fronça dans un poing et lui tira un coup de poing sur le visage qui, au moins, le renvoyait et le faisait tomber sur le dos, au moins, c'est l'effet qu'elle espérait. "L'enfoiré, tu le sais? S'il y avait eu un autre chemin, je l'aurais définitivement pris! Mais... MAIS..." Même si c'était Utaho dont nous parlions, c'était tout simplement impossible pour elle de continuer son dur acte de fille. Les larmes ont commencé à rouler sur ses joues, comme une inondation.
"Vous attendez-vous à ce que nous mourions tous ici?! Je refuse de laisser ça arriver! Même si c'était Ami dont nous parlions! Qu'est-ce que vous savez quand vous n'êtes qu'un tas de connards! Nous savions tous que cela arriverait. J'ai refusé de laisser mon ami devenir un monstre mangeant. C'est tout ce qu'il y a à faire. Si tu veux me traiter d'assassin, je m'en fiche. C'était pour son bien, et je ne laisserai aucun de vous me dire le contraire." En essuyant ses larmes avec son bras, seulement pour en trouver de nouvelles juste avant les dernières, Utaho a essayé de retrouver son sang-froid. Kirari était dans un état similaire, bien qu'elle avait déjà passé loin le point de pleurer et de pleurer pour de l'aide, et simplement espacé en regardant le corps d'Ami.
Après avoir respiré hévily et panté pendant qu'elle pleurait, elle s'est finalement calmée, alors que les larmes ne sortaient plus de ses yeux. Sortons d'ici. J'en ai marre de cet endroit. J'en ai marre de vous tous. Je veux sortir d'ici dès que possible. Je me fiche de ce qu'on fait après ça. Je ne veux jamais revenir en arrière. Ça me rend malade." Utaho s'est levée et a remis le marteau dans sa main, prêt à sortir de là à tout moment maintenant. Un peu plus composée maintenant, elle se tourna pour voir Kenny et s'inclina contre lui. "Je n'aime pas comment ce gars ressemble, mais son plan semble assez bon, abattre cette merde en ce moment." | Name: Utaho Rinnosuke
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Class: 3-D
Personality: Utaho is a delinquent, first and foremost, and as so, she always has a tough act on and a deathly glare on her face. Her fuse is fairly short and she'll probably beat the shit out of you once she explodes. She holds nothing back against anyone, no matter who they are, if they insult her, they can consider themselves dead meat. She also likes picking on the weak, and will probably continue doing so until they show any kind of resistance against her harassment. Of course, this means that most of the times, the only way she knows how to solve things is by using her fists, and always leaving the brains part out. Utaho is also fairly dumb, and probably a person with which you shouldn't speak to with complicated words.
Of course, that's not all there is to Utaho, though. She may seem like any other asshole of a woman to everyone, but those that have indeed gotten to know her are aware of her friendly nature, and how she always puts her friends first. If you ever show to her that you've got enough guts as to stand up to her, or even withstand one of her punches, then you'll probably gain her respect, and friendship, and she's the kind that would go to great extremes just to see her friends happy and well. She doesn't bully those who show some guts out of sheer respect, but anyone that is spineless enough as to bow to the will of a single woman.... well, she doesn't respect them even as a person. And even so, she is not arrogant. She thinks of herself as only a woman, and is pretty down to earth in that aspect. She knows there are countless people better than her, at academics mainly, but, in her own twisted way, she also worries that those talented people might not be ready for what the world holds for them.
Background: Utaho grew up in a household with nothing but men in it, so she had to learn how to defend herself from her older brothers, and quick. At first, they didn't really pick on her or anything, to be honest, they loved her very much, but what was just awful was the fact that they treated her just like how they would treat any other guy. While young, Utaho wore her hair short as a consequence of this. Playing rough with your bigger brothers usually develops some skill in you, such as fighting. Utaho was able to learn moves from seeing them once in TV and could replicate them to almost perfection, in fact, she thinks that's her only redeemable quality.
She was able to survive her older brothers, but nothing could have prepared her for what was awaiting her in middle school. Yes, elementary school was a walk in the park, everything is fairly easy, and Utaho managed to get average grades, but middle school? That's when the problems started. Most of her history was filled with failing marks. One could even say she was somewhat depressed, and her little group knew it. Around that time, they used to pick on an intelligent, loner girl who always got high grades. Of course, these kinds of things (usually) do not last forever. One day, the girl finally decided to stand up against them, even going as far as to punch one of them, and she gained Utaho's instant respect and friendship. Thanks to that girl, she has been able to at the very least pass exams.
Skills: She is very skilled at fighting, not any particular discipline, more like street fighting. She is also semi-skilled in home economics (she had to cook for a family of men) and also semi-skilled at sewing. She's bad at anything school related besides the aforementioned two.
Weapons: N/A
Kurisa Shuiji: "Well, what can I say about the guy? He knows how to kick ass and he does it well enough for me to invite him over to kick some ass together from time to time. I like him, definitely so. The only bad thing is that he ain't one to talk much. It'd also be nice if he was a bit more intelligent.
Other: She is into cute things, and even her phone is decorated with cute-ish things all over. And also, "They Ate Shoske!".... Poor guy. D: |
48,459 | 1,305 | 124 | 1,805 | 2,363 | @l'énorme groupe de culs
Shoske s'est finalement levé de derrière les ordinateurs, essuyant la sueur de son front avec sa manche. Sa respiration s'était calmée par rapport à celle d'avant. Sur son épaule se trouvait une épaisse corde de fortune faite de fils et de fermetures à glissières. La première raison pour laquelle il était allé derrière les tables était d'avoir une petite crise de panique, mais il ne voulait pas que quelqu'un le sache. Il regarda autour de la pièce, son visage devenant sombre à la vue d'une fille morte. Il avait entendu une partie de la conversation, mais a refusé de la croire jusqu'à ce qu'il la voie. Il a essayé de s'empêcher de vomir à la vue et était sur le point de le faire jusqu'à ce qu'il entende une petite commotion. Il a regardé comme le gars bizarrement masqué jouait aux charades avec Kurisa? Qu'est-ce qu'ils foutent?
Shoske a alors remarqué qu'il se passait quelque chose entre la même fille délinquante et un autre gars que Shoske ne savait même pas. Shoske a lâché la corde sans même penser. Il a sauté sur la table et a couru vers les deux, poussant le mâle avec des lunettes loin du coup de poing et le prenant lui-même. Bien sûr, il essayait seulement de sauver le gars et de ne pas prendre le coup lui-même. Il s'est envolé quelques pieds, s'est écrasé dans une armoire et est tombé sur son cul. Shoske a dit de se frotter la joue. Grâce à sa tête dure, il n'a pas été aussi blessé que l'autre. Mais ce coup de poing avait donné un sens à SHoske, ses yeux s'élargissant alors qu'il se rendait compte de ce que l'autre gars disait à Kurisa.
Shoske se leva rapidement, essuyant sa bouche qui avait du sang dessus. "Écoute-moi, je sais que personne ne me connaît, mais je m'en fous. Parce que nous avons tous peur et que nous ne pensons pas rationnellement » Il a crié à Kurisa et à la personne masquée « Si vous faites ce que je pense que vous allez faire, vous nous tuerez tous. Je ne sais pas si j'ai raison, mais d'après ce que j'ai vu, le bruit attire ces choses. Et nous avons fait beaucoup de bruit. » Shoske a raccroché à la fin, en revenant sur les ordinateurs. « Mais ce que je dis n'a même pas d'importance, parce que je doute que l'un d'entre vous écoutera. Allez-y, mais je m'en vais" Shoske a ramassé sa corde et sa pipe en métal, en rentrant à la fenêtre. Shoske cherchait quelque chose de solide pour attacher les cordes, trouvant quelque chose de boulonné au sol. Il a commencé à attacher les extrémités de la corde de changement de marque sur elle et a attendu qu'ils exécutent leur plan d'évasion avant de tenter d'échapper à sa propre voie. | Shoske Kawahiru
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-B
Personality: Shoske is a pretty laid back and carefree person, usually trying to blend in rather than being on the spot. Shoske is also quite resourceful since he used to get beaten up so much. Will rp rest out
Background: Shoske grew up in your average Japanese household, his father worked at a large company and his mother was a stay at home mom. He had 1 younger brother and 1 younger sister. There was only one major problem in his household. HE WAS SHORT. His younger brother had already almost caught up to him and he was already shorter than his mom and dad. Everyday, he cursed life for being short
School was nothing special, he found a great interest in certain things and often read books. But he knew not to overindulge or he'd end up being called a nerd. So he kept a balance. Despite that, he was still bullied on due to his short stature.
However, he never backed day. Every day they beat him up, he put up a fight. It didn't matter how bad it was, he wasn't gonna take shit for being short. Thanks to this, he has pretty good endurance since he had to fight multiple people at once. Although he never really won, he still left them with atleast a scar of 2.
In highschool, they eventually gave up and moved on to another target. Finally, he was able to live the relaxed life he wanted. He joined the gardening club since it didn't require a lot of effor and still read books every now and then.
Skills: Very skilled in biology (plants and animals), skilled in gardening (was in the club), skilled in p.e. (mostly endurance), and horrible at hands on stuff including machinery like engineering, mechanics, etc.
Weapons: None
Open to any ^^
Other: "They Ate Shoske!"....wait......THATS |
48,460 | 1,305 | 125 | 21 | 5,939 | @TheBigGroup
Après avoir revendiqué son arme, Akane s'est tournée vers le reste du groupe et ses actions. Elle se tenait debout et regardait Kurisa tenter de réclamer une fille blonde à la tête, les yeux glissants au centre de l'attention : le cadavre mutilé. La vue était grotesque, mais Akane n'a montré aucune preuve d'attention. En ce qui la concerne, c'était la seule façon d'arrêter la propagation de cette maladie. De ce qu'Akane avait observé jusqu'à maintenant, la cause de ces choses semblait agir comme une infection, mais celle qui ne peut se produire que par contact direct avec ceux infectés par une morsure ou tel.
En regardant en arrière vers la blonde à tête chaude, toute sympathie qu'Akane aurait jamais ressentie pour la fille dissoute la seconde où elle a tenté d'agir violemment envers quelqu'un pour simplement poser une question. Sujet sensible ou non, il n'y avait absolument pas besoin d'agir comme elle l'a fait envers le jeune garçon... Il était naïf à l'égard de ce qui semblait se passer, ce qui n'était certainement rien pour lui faire du mal. Les sourcils d'Akane se mirent à l'écart du regard, mais ses yeux se mirent à l'écart du petit garçon qui le sauva du danger. Cette Akane était respectée. Elle écouta le garçon avant de planter sa main gauche sur sa hanche et décida de lui donner quelques mots. "Je suis d'accord avec le garçon, agir de cette façon est contre-productif. Je suis presque sûr que tout le monde dans cette pièce en a marre de toute cette situation et souhaite partir d'ici. Un comportement irrationnel nous fera tous tuer, vous devez penser si vous voulez échapper vivant au lieu d'agir sur l'instinct. » Je refuse de laisser ces invalides me traîner avec eux. C'est peut-être mon signal... Peut-être. Renvoyant ses yeux au petit garçon qui avait commencé à mettre en place sa voie d'évasion, Akane pensait à elle-même, en concevant une sorte de plan à elle. | ::Name::
Akane Hetoshi
Seeming calm at all times is generally Akane's behaviour. She hardly makes effort to socialise with others unless they know something she wants to find out. Other than that, she usually speaks only when spoken to during classes. She's never bothered by the lack of friends she has or being left out of most social activities outside of the school as any other student may be. She just likes her own company and enjoying herself by herself.
Her main focuses, goals, aspirations, so on and so-forth are:... well.. nothing. Akane feels that she merely exists in this world, nothing more, nothing less and thus is quite content with just 'going wherever the wind takes her'. She takes solace in knowing how insignificant she is, how small her mistakes are compared to the mistakes of those who influence and thrive on being surrounded by other people. This may seem depressing, but Akane feels comfortable with this realisation, it makes her feel liberated when thinking about it since she feels that she can do anything she wants and no one would care or pay her any notice.
Generally Akane is quite relaxed, hardly ever worried or stressed about anything as nothing important or worth fussing over ever happens in her life, or more that's how she sees things. Little know however that secretly Akane is a very hot-headed person. Since she isolates herself within her own little bubble, rarely anyone is given a chance to notice this side of her. Covering up her anger isn't easy but Akane has learned how to conceal it better by dodging the problem altogether: Other people. Her mind, on the other hand, is often filled with annoyed and agitated thoughts from what she witnesses in day-to-day life since she is also rather observant. Due to this, she has a large amount of dislike for many people, especially loud, arrogant, unnecessarily mean and outspoken people. Those who also say what's on their mind at all times no matter whether their statements are positive and nice or rude and negative just grinds her gears. When in the presence of such people, Akane grits her teeth as an automatic response, something she often doesn't realise she's doing.
Akane moved from home as soon as she turned 18. She had enough of her loud, invasive and opinionated family since they'd constantly bug her about being quiet and enter her room unannounced before snooping through her stuff for no reason what-so-ever. She hardly spoke to them despite living within the same building, however on the odd occasion a conversation was made, it'd easily turn into a one-sided argument because of how strongly opinionated they are and the fact that the moment voices or tension raises, Akane simply walks away and escapes to her room which tends to annoy people who're trying to argue with you. Throughout most of her childhood, Akane spent her time in her room with the door shut. If she wasn't there, she was at the local library, enjoying the quiet atmoshpere despite how little she read books. Now that she has her own place though, she's almost happy... if it weren't for the fact that she needed a room-mate to live with so she could afford to move. However, it wasn't all bad, her room-mate is actually quite a nice person and leaves Akane to do what she wants with few questions. There had been a couple of moments where the two of them had interesting deep conversations about a variety of topics as the two of them shared a couple of common interests, one of which was Science. Although such conversations happen rarely.
With her vast amount of alone time, whenever Akane was bored with entertainment or whatever other task she was preforming, she'd turn to studying. Her version of studying had always been a more relaxed, almost lazy approach since she only studied a little each time she was bored until the urge for some entertainment returned. However, despite the lazy quantity, the quality of each study time was high. She'd make sure she fully understood absolutely everything she learned about, be it through text books, research, work sheets etc. This made her rather knowledgeable in quite a few different subjects which was the reason for her constant high grades. Even though her grades were high and she did well in school, Akane didn't care about her high achievements. They weren't impressive in comparison to a person who changed the world so there was no point to embracing such minuscule achievements.
Skilled at Science as it's a subject of interest for her. Semi-skilled at mathematics and computing making her knowledgeable about technology, and also semi-skilled at games which helped her improve her strategic and problem-solving skills. Bad at physical education since she hardly leaves her room, the little exercise she does consists of just walking to school or the library, which hasn't helped her stamina meaning she runs out of breath rather quickly.
They Ate Shoske! - He was in my way. *snickers darkly* |
48,461 | 1,305 | 126 | 1,013 | 86 | @y'all
Les yeux de Yukito étaient grands ouverts. Quand Shoske l'a repoussé et a pris le coup de poing pour lui, il s'est cringé, stupéfiant. "Th-merci... Est-ce que ça va...?" Au lieu de cela, l'autre s'en est allé, sans doute pas entendre la voix tranquille des lunettes. Yukito a glissé, une expression paniquée sur son visage. Il n'y avait pas grand chose qu'il pouvait faire contre les zombies, et certainement rien qu'il pouvait faire contre Utaho (qui était presque définitivement extrêmement en colère contre lui), ou son laquais blanc. Il a rapidement jeté un coup d'œil sur le cadavre de la jeune fille récemment tuée, un frisson qui descendait sa colonne vertébrale. "Je suis désolé... de dire ça et pour ton ami..." Le petit garçon s'inclina la tête, avec son froncement d'inquiétude habituel. Même si les gens se préparaient à partir, Yukito n'avait même pas traversé ce qui se passait, pas même Shingen mourant. Emmenés avec ces étrangers dans une apocalypse zombie aussi ne serait pas idéal; ils n'ont probablement pas confiance en lui. Peut-être que c'était l'objectif principal à partir de maintenant, gagner leur confiance. Une autre idée? Pousse-les et va-t'en, mais après avoir réfléchi aux conséquences, ça ne finirait probablement pas bien. "Je suis sûr que quelqu'un trouvera un remède, et plus personne ne mourra à ces choses..."
Yukito s'est retiré et s'est assis dans l'une des chaises de l'atelier. Le garçon tenta frénétiquement de se souvenir de l'un quelconque des conseils de ses parents; de l'aider, de lui donner de l'espoir, voire de la croire qu'il en sortirait vivant. "Tu peux toujours le faire, travailler dur. Trop de détente vous fera échouer." Il s'est juste assis là, reposant ses armes sur ses genoux comme il le pensait. À l'occasion, il regarda le groupe de planification pour voir à quel moment il pouvait y contribuer. "Tout ce que je dois faire c'est trouver Mi et Paneru, alors nous pouvons tous aller..." Il a froncé, et mord sa lèvre. S'ils étaient déjà morts, qu'allait-il faire alors?
Arme: Hammer/Crowbar
Affichages utilisés: 0/0
Affichages à gauche: 12/10 | Name: Yukito Amamiya
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Class: 1-A
Personality: Yukito is extremely studious and nerdy, trying to learn all there is about the world he lives in, and the people that live in it. Socially, he is somewhat shy and quiet, but kind and generous, and will not hesitate to try to help a good person in need. He can easily make a decision, and stick with it, but at some times (when he is in a bad state or in panic) it is hard for him to think rationally and he won't stay calm. Regarding his pansexuality, he hasn't spoken of it to his family and friends. He does, however, not try to hide it, as he doesn't want to accidentally lose the chance of love. (And he doesn't flirt. I don't think people like him flirt.)
Background: Geography, physics, math, history, you name it, he's almost definitely got it. What he lacks in strength and personality he excels in intelligence. Yukito's parents are very strict, but they strive for him to be the best, and they wish to enroll him in a prestigious college. In his family life, he has two siblings, an older brother and a younger brother, and his extremely strict parents. His older brother is the slacker of the family, the one who stays home all day doing jack shit. His grade-school level younger brother on the other hand, learned from Yukito and is on par with about a middle school student's intellect. Though Yukito's family isn't even close to the richest, he still was pressured to do his best, by family and friends. From an average person's perspective, they would probably think Yukito's background is pretty average. But the reason why he needs to strive is not just the prestigious college, but his parents. His parents, although very smart and responsible, did not make close to the right decisions in high school/college. They, instead of studying and learning, chose to go with friends and have fun, fool around, and throw parties when no homework or projects were assigned. If it were not for this, Yukito would probably be rich- but also a delinquent like Utaho. But these past mistakes made by his family give him an inside hope to never give up.
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Geography/World History
Yukito is extremely interested and proficient in the field of Social Studies {Geography/History}, and was even the champion of a regional contest in the subject. This is his best grade, and his grade in this maintains a beautiful A+. He knows all the capitals of the world, from Moscow in Russia to Yaren in Nauru, and even the smaller countries like Bhutan and Georgia. This is obviously his favorite class.
As this is also a core class and a very important one as well, Yukito is forced to excel in this. Even though he is not interested in it, he is forced to try to be the best in his class at it, although he himself doesn't think of it that way. That, of course, doesn't mean he does not like the mathematics subject in general. He still believes it is sometimes fun, and crucial to graduate and make lots of money.
Life Sciences/Physics
Although Yukito loves the hands-on part of this subject, and he loves learning about certain parts of Science. But the only problem for Yukito is the arduous, boring lessons and lectures given to the students. In this subject, he seems to excel in organic life, including reproduction, the ecosystem, and cells. (Life Sciences)
Physical Education
He can run. He can jump. But he sucks at everything else. Staying up all night studying and doing entirely academic, indoor activities takes a toll on your physical performance. Although he does exercise occasionally to keep his weight low and his good looks staying fresh.
Extracurricular activities
Yukito is in three different clubs, the Chess, Honors, and the Cooking Clubs. (Yes, I just made those up ;.;) He also knows how to play and practice the piano, but I don't think that would really matter in a zombie apocalypse.
Weapons: N/A
Mi Kiyoshi
Yukito only really talked to his very small group of friends, but that doesn't mean he doesn't notice the other kids in his class. His relationship with Mi is unknown, as he hasn't really interacted with her.
Paneru Yagyuu
Paneru is not even an acquaintance to Yukito, as he probably doesn't even notice the poor boy. But since Paneru is an older, class 2 student, Yukito looks up to him as a sort of "role model". Not to mention his kind personality, one that Yukito would try to adopt.
Other: Yes. The tag is right, he is a nerd. Just like me.
They ate Shoske! (What else did they eat?) |
48,462 | 1,305 | 127 | 302 | 2,579 | "Hé," Mi a hésité. En regardant vers le gars qui se dirigeait vers elle. Mi a serré son emprise sur sa fausse arme. Elle ne lui faisait pas entièrement confiance. Bien sûr qu'il était vivant, mais il était gentil. Ou du moins pas un énorme sac à merde. Elle espérait qu'il ne bougerait pas sur ses sacs. Mi pourrait essayer de lui trouver une arme, mais s'il essayait de lui voler ses médicaments. Alors ce serait fini. C'était son truc. C'est ce qui l'a rendue utile. | Name: Mi Kiyoshi
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Class: 1-A
Personality: Mi is shy, to say the very least. She doesn't quite know how to start a conversation, and if she managed to get into a conversation she didn't quite know how to keep the conservation up. In conversations she would look to the sides, avoiding eye contact. However Mi does have a large amount of patience, so she can tolerate most people being rude.
Mi also loves to help people. She will help someone if they are hurt if she can. She cares more about other people than about herself. She admires strong people, though she doesn't really show it. She tends to stray away from human interactions.
Background: Mi grew up an only child with a single parent. Her father had died while Mi was young and so Mii's mother raised her alone. Mi's mother was a doctor, and so she was gone most of the time and when she was, she would be studying medical procedures and so Mi was taught quite a few medical skills by her mom. Mi enjoyed learning about medicine. She would ask her mom to teach her more and more in exchange for Mi doing the housework.
As Mi got older, school became sort of awkward for her. She was small for her age and so most of the girls in her class treated her like a little doll. They would mess with her hair. Mi's shy demeanor didn't really help stop the treatment from the other girl's though she didn't really mind it
Skills: Mii is skilled with medicine and has a large amount of medical knowledge. She's pretty good at at cooking and cleaning and is quite a fast runner, though she sucks at fighting
Weapons: N/A
Relationships/Friendships: N/A
Other: "They Ate Shoske" |
48,463 | 1,305 | 128 | 1,925 | 466 | "Je ne regarde pas de porno, je l'étudie." Au moins, c'est comme ça que Megumi l'a appelé. Elle ne l'a pas nécessairement regardé pour le plaisir, mais plus pour son propre humour tordu. Megumi a trouvé drôle que les acteurs libèrent de tels gémissements faux et obscènes.
"Mais assez de désirs sensuels, je suppose que nous pouvons prendre le rythme." La jeune fille a serré les épaules et a commencé un léger jogging. "Notre emplacement pourrait être soit une bénédiction, soit une malédiction. 1/3 de la population a probablement été infectée, peut-être même plus si elle s'est répandue assez rapidement sur d'autres continents. Si vous regardez nos statistiques de vol, les gens d'affaires voyagent pratiquement sans fin, et multiplient cela avec un tas sur un avion. On estime à environ 1 000 le nombre de voyages par avion. C'est encore plus avec la voiture. Maintenant, si vous pensez à cela avec le virus, il faudrait au moins 14 heures pour qu'il atterrisse en Amérique, et encore moins avec l'Europe. Si toutes ces personnes en voyage d'affaires étaient entrées en contact avec le virus, cela se propagerait facilement et provoquerait la panique dans le monde entier... Nous n'avons pas eu de chance, parce que la plupart des étudiants sont déjà morts et c'était tout à cause de notre besoin de survie raciale et de négligence. On serait mieux n'importe où ailleurs, parce que quand on y arrive, on est juste des ados." | Name: Megumi Hazekage
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: 2-A
Personality: Prideful to say the least, Megumi is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Megumi calls people as "pigs in human clothing," and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possess a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Megumi is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life.
When first meeting her, she is cold and rather ruthless, just gazing upon her will send shivers down ones spine. Not only is she intelligent, yet she knows what to do to bring weak targets down, especially when those targets have a very low self-esteem. In some cases, she could be what you consider a 'Major Bitch'.
In spite of her behavior at school, she is not heartless. While very harsh and not very willing to tolerate failures, she does care a great deal for those who she manages to care about, such as her brother. Megumi has a small social circle, so most of the time she lingers around her sibling.
Background: Megumi was always a stuffy, if not brilliant girl. Born under the daughter of Izuma Hazekage, and sister to Kurogane Hazekage, she was put under speculation by both the press and by her family; although, by extension, her brother would be the heir, she would still represent the family in hindsight, in both business and in war; which she was expected to throw herself into once she became of said mature age. Her days were spent studying with her mother, a softspoken lady that didn't have much to do with her brother, Kurogane. She would often spar with her father and brother, although, whenever she entered the dojo, it was to the sight of Kurogane bleeding, battered and bruised, while her father goaded her in with only a stoic shift of the head. She blossomed underneath his teachings, and often tested her skill against Kurogane; whom she knew to be holding back insurmountable amounts of anger at her father's way of abuse and stress-relief. Every-day, she would help him, either with studying or medical attention, and every-day, he would do the same, straightening her form or giving her a round in a game of Shogi. Life continued on, with Megumi's creative mind allowing her to come out on top with anything she put her energy and time towards. Her relationship with her brother became her strongest bond yet, although it will surely be tested to it's limits in the time to come.
Skills: Megumi is talented in the field of math and engineering, though she is rather lacking in history and social sciences. Due to her great knowledge, she knows quite a bit of information especially pertaining to the crafting of items(Thinks like nailed in baseball bats, or simple weapons for defense, if she were to have completed her studies, Megumi would have learned a lot more). The young girl is a fight fanatic, she dabbles in hand to hand from the teachings her father and brother had given her.
She knows some medical treatments, like disinfecting cuts and bruises, but that's something everyone should already know how to do.
Friendship wise, she sucks at gaining trust from others since she is constantly brooding and upset.
Weapons: N/A
Kurogane - Her older brother and someone she knows very well. He is the only person Megumi is actually willing to socialize with, mostly due to the fact that they are siblings. |
48,464 | 1,305 | 129 | 1,710 | 4,163 | "Bien sûr que vous le faites, ensuite je vais découvrir Kurogane comme des objets roses et arc-en-ciel quand il n'est pas autour de vous." Aki a dit, en mentionnant la grande différence de personnalités qu'il avait vu avoir. Bien que maintenant qu'il l'a dit, il a dû se demander comment Kurogane était sans sa sœur autour. Si elle était apprivoisée et plus classe avec lui autour puis transformé en un vulgaire spectateur porno en spewing sans, alors serait-ce fou de penser qu'il agirait différemment?
Peu importe, il s'est mis d'accord pour avancer plus vite que plus lentement, mais il a regardé dans la confusion quand elle a commencé à faire ces conneries de maths. "Je pensais qu'il était évident que je suis une merde en maths, donc je vais juste deviner et dire, que vous dites que nous sommes plutôt baisés, en termes de survie des humanités." Aki a dit, la rendant la version expliquée plus stupide pour son propre bénéfice. Donc, quand ils sont revenus là où ils étaient avant, un zombie était là se branlant autour jusqu'à ce qu'il a repéré les deux d'entre eux et est venu grogner vers eux. Aki a vu que cet étudiant a dû être infecté en se faisant mordu la jambe, car sa jambe droite avait un gros morceau de sa chair manquant. Au lieu d'endommager davantage son arme, il a donné un coup de pied à la jambe droite qui frappait l'os qui était en train de se montrer, en flippant lorsqu'il entendit le bruit éclatant de celui-ci. Le monstre est tombé au sol et c'est à ce moment qu'Aki a freiné le stomp sur sa tête, ne faisant que tacher son pantalon en rouge. Quand il a cessé de bouger après le quatrième stomp, il a regardé dans le couloir où chaque zombie est descendu avant vers l'étudiant criant. Il savait qu'il y avait un autre ensemble d'escaliers là-bas, mais c'était dangereux et stupide, donc le seul autre couloir était le droit qu'ils ont vu une fois qu'ils sont descendus l'escalier. "Pas beaucoup de choix." Aki a murmuré alors qu'il a commencé son jogging dans ce couloir. | Name: Aki Okumura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-C
Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him.
Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways.
Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments.
Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in))
Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz))
Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad)
Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in)
Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled.
Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad)
Weapons: N/a
Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ)
Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why? |
48,465 | 1,305 | 130 | 1,925 | 466 | "Kurogane est sérieux la plupart du temps, et il est comme... un ours-mère?" Megumi a bourdonné. Elle secoua la tête légèrement et continua son chemin. -- Eh bien... peu importe, ma déclaration antérieure a été aberrée, ce serait ce que vous venez de dire. Mais on n'est baisés que si on ne fait pas assez d'efforts."
La jeune fille regarda Aki se débarrasser du seul cadavre dans le couloir. Ce plancher était probablement sûr puisque la plupart se dirigeaient vers le haut pour suivre les bruits forts, ou vers le bas pour se régaler sur les étudiants restants. La sélection naturelle était sur la queue de ceux qui étaient faibles.
"Pickez l'escalier le plus sûr et allez, nous n'avons plus beaucoup de temps!"
À ce moment-là, Megumi se demandait si son frère avait survécu. Ça faisait si longtemps... Il aurait dû la retrouver. Et les autres? Cette Reiko et Paneru? Ils pourraient tous être morts. Et la seule raison pour laquelle Megumi était en vie était qu'elle a été traînée au bon moment. Bientôt, elle quitterait cette école, et probablement sans son frère.
"Une fraction d'entre nous le fera vivre, alors faites-le compter." | Name: Megumi Hazekage
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: 2-A
Personality: Prideful to say the least, Megumi is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Megumi calls people as "pigs in human clothing," and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possess a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Megumi is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life.
When first meeting her, she is cold and rather ruthless, just gazing upon her will send shivers down ones spine. Not only is she intelligent, yet she knows what to do to bring weak targets down, especially when those targets have a very low self-esteem. In some cases, she could be what you consider a 'Major Bitch'.
In spite of her behavior at school, she is not heartless. While very harsh and not very willing to tolerate failures, she does care a great deal for those who she manages to care about, such as her brother. Megumi has a small social circle, so most of the time she lingers around her sibling.
Background: Megumi was always a stuffy, if not brilliant girl. Born under the daughter of Izuma Hazekage, and sister to Kurogane Hazekage, she was put under speculation by both the press and by her family; although, by extension, her brother would be the heir, she would still represent the family in hindsight, in both business and in war; which she was expected to throw herself into once she became of said mature age. Her days were spent studying with her mother, a softspoken lady that didn't have much to do with her brother, Kurogane. She would often spar with her father and brother, although, whenever she entered the dojo, it was to the sight of Kurogane bleeding, battered and bruised, while her father goaded her in with only a stoic shift of the head. She blossomed underneath his teachings, and often tested her skill against Kurogane; whom she knew to be holding back insurmountable amounts of anger at her father's way of abuse and stress-relief. Every-day, she would help him, either with studying or medical attention, and every-day, he would do the same, straightening her form or giving her a round in a game of Shogi. Life continued on, with Megumi's creative mind allowing her to come out on top with anything she put her energy and time towards. Her relationship with her brother became her strongest bond yet, although it will surely be tested to it's limits in the time to come.
Skills: Megumi is talented in the field of math and engineering, though she is rather lacking in history and social sciences. Due to her great knowledge, she knows quite a bit of information especially pertaining to the crafting of items(Thinks like nailed in baseball bats, or simple weapons for defense, if she were to have completed her studies, Megumi would have learned a lot more). The young girl is a fight fanatic, she dabbles in hand to hand from the teachings her father and brother had given her.
She knows some medical treatments, like disinfecting cuts and bruises, but that's something everyone should already know how to do.
Friendship wise, she sucks at gaining trust from others since she is constantly brooding and upset.
Weapons: N/A
Kurogane - Her older brother and someone she knows very well. He is the only person Megumi is actually willing to socialize with, mostly due to the fact that they are siblings. |
48,466 | 1,305 | 131 | 1,710 | 4,163 | "Si nous n'essayons pas assez? Plus facile à dire qu'à faire, c'était juste des ados qu'est-ce qu'on va faire? À ce stade, tout ce que nous pouvons faire, c'est survivre et espérer que tout ce qui s'y trouve s'effacera. Espérons qu'il n'y aura pas de bombes. » Pendant qu'ils continuaient, il ne pouvait s'empêcher de regarder en arrière et de se moquer d'elle. "Le plus sûr? Non, je pensais qu'un avec quelques douzaines serait charmant. Bien sûr que je cherche le plus sûr." Aki a dit de résister à crier cela pour des raisons évidentes. Heureusement pour eux, ils sont tombés sur un autre dit d'escaliers qui était apparemment vide des zombies qui l'ont fait pomper son poing dans la victoire, deux étages en bas et deux aussi aller.
Il les descendit soigneusement, et ce qu'il voyait en bas était beaucoup plus épouvantable. Il a vu des meurtres frais, qu'étant les zombies mangeant des étudiants morts, s'il n'avait pas fréquenté cette école, il serait sûr que la couleur des planchers était naturellement rouge. Si les choses devaient être aussi emballées, alors ils allaient avoir besoin d'un meilleur équipement ou au moins de certaines armes au cas où les choses allaient vers le sud. Ils se laissaient aller à Megumi, de sorte que leurs voix étaient maintenues aussi basses que possible. "Hé vous êtes dans la discipline, n'est-ce pas? Cet endroit a-t-il une salle de réunion? Peut-être pouvons-nous utiliser certaines des choses que vous confisquez pour les utiliser à des fins de distraction, ou quelque chose comme ça? À ce stade, nous avons besoin de distractions et d'un peu d'entre elles. » Il valait la peine de tirer, soit ils avaient besoin d'une armure ou ils avaient besoin de distractions utiles et il doutait qu'ils allaient avoir un autre cas volontaire de l'élève crier et les attirer à nouveau. | Name: Aki Okumura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-C
Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him.
Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways.
Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments.
Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in))
Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz))
Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad)
Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in)
Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled.
Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad)
Weapons: N/a
Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ)
Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why? |
48,467 | 1,305 | 132 | 1,925 | 466 | Megumi roula les yeux et descendit l'escalier qui était probablement vide. Elle se penchait contre un mur, son corps se penchait en arrière de sorte qu'elle était cachée de la vue de l'indécès. La jeune fille regarda Aki, en disant qu'il y avait la salle de réunion, ce qu'ils avaient ironiquement. "C'est sur cet étage, chanceux pour nous. Suivez-moi."
Elle a fait un petit geste avec sa main et a commencé à descendre le couloir, en passant par les vides et en dirigeant son chemin à travers divers itinéraires, en passant pratiquement par toute l'école juste pour atteindre la salle de club de son comité disciplinaire. Bien sûr, sur le chemin où ils ne pouvaient pas sortir du sang libre, donc quelques coups ont été gaspillés sur deux cadavres errants qui se sont tellement avérés être sur son chemin. Le sang a tout taché, même les étudiants eux-mêmes. Tout ce que Megumi pouvait voir était rouge...
"Nous sommes là." Megumi a dit. La jeune fille a criblé dans son sac et a sorti une petite clé qu'elle a glissé dans la poignée de porte de la salle du club. Elle a lentement poussé la porte et a laissé sortir un soupir de soulagement quand elle l'a trouvée vide. À l'intérieur de la salle de réunion se trouvait une table en chêne avec trois chaises et un canapé doublé d'oreillers décoratifs. Sous la fenêtre s'est assis un deuxième sac de duffel avec des vêtements de gym qui ne sentait probablement pas trop frais et d'autres articles qui étaient actuellement inconnus pour elle.
"Faites ce que vous trouvez."
Megumi a vidé son propre sac de duffel sur le sol et examiné les articles actuels; Un déjeuner inachevé, crayons mécaniques, marqueurs, livres d'école, et des vêtements de gym fraîche. "J'ai laissé mon bokken à la maison, putain." Au moins, elle avait une autre paire de vêtements, cet uniforme était trop timide.
Elle a pris ses pantalons et les a glissés sous sa jupe, la rendant beaucoup plus confortable et un peu plus protégée.
Metal Piper-Hammar chose qui sera probablement jeté pour quelque chose de mieux dans un post
Affichages à gauche: 5
Affichages utilisés: 2 | Name: Megumi Hazekage
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: 2-A
Personality: Prideful to say the least, Megumi is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Megumi calls people as "pigs in human clothing," and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possess a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Megumi is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life.
When first meeting her, she is cold and rather ruthless, just gazing upon her will send shivers down ones spine. Not only is she intelligent, yet she knows what to do to bring weak targets down, especially when those targets have a very low self-esteem. In some cases, she could be what you consider a 'Major Bitch'.
In spite of her behavior at school, she is not heartless. While very harsh and not very willing to tolerate failures, she does care a great deal for those who she manages to care about, such as her brother. Megumi has a small social circle, so most of the time she lingers around her sibling.
Background: Megumi was always a stuffy, if not brilliant girl. Born under the daughter of Izuma Hazekage, and sister to Kurogane Hazekage, she was put under speculation by both the press and by her family; although, by extension, her brother would be the heir, she would still represent the family in hindsight, in both business and in war; which she was expected to throw herself into once she became of said mature age. Her days were spent studying with her mother, a softspoken lady that didn't have much to do with her brother, Kurogane. She would often spar with her father and brother, although, whenever she entered the dojo, it was to the sight of Kurogane bleeding, battered and bruised, while her father goaded her in with only a stoic shift of the head. She blossomed underneath his teachings, and often tested her skill against Kurogane; whom she knew to be holding back insurmountable amounts of anger at her father's way of abuse and stress-relief. Every-day, she would help him, either with studying or medical attention, and every-day, he would do the same, straightening her form or giving her a round in a game of Shogi. Life continued on, with Megumi's creative mind allowing her to come out on top with anything she put her energy and time towards. Her relationship with her brother became her strongest bond yet, although it will surely be tested to it's limits in the time to come.
Skills: Megumi is talented in the field of math and engineering, though she is rather lacking in history and social sciences. Due to her great knowledge, she knows quite a bit of information especially pertaining to the crafting of items(Thinks like nailed in baseball bats, or simple weapons for defense, if she were to have completed her studies, Megumi would have learned a lot more). The young girl is a fight fanatic, she dabbles in hand to hand from the teachings her father and brother had given her.
She knows some medical treatments, like disinfecting cuts and bruises, but that's something everyone should already know how to do.
Friendship wise, she sucks at gaining trust from others since she is constantly brooding and upset.
Weapons: N/A
Kurogane - Her older brother and someone she knows very well. He is the only person Megumi is actually willing to socialize with, mostly due to the fact that they are siblings. |
48,468 | 1,305 | 133 | 1,710 | 4,163 | Aki a hurlé alors qu'elle a commencé à les escorter à sa base de groupe, faisant de leur mieux pour éviter les zombies qui étaient éparpillés. Il ne fallait qu'en sortir un couple, ce qu'elle a fait assez facilement avec son marteau à pipe. Aki a fait ce qu'on lui a dit et suivi, assez tôt ils sont arrivés à la pièce. Alors qu'elle cherchait la clé Aki rama sa main de scalpel dans l'un des zombies tête l'est allé trop près, et coincé sa main hors de son crâne. Il s'est effondré au sol pendant que son sang versait sur la surface du sol dur. Megumi a ouvert la porte et une fois entré, il a fermé la porte derrière lui-même et soupira en soulagement lui-même. Il a regardé autour de la pièce et a déposé son sac au sol. En l'ouvrant, il versa l'appartenance au sol. Il a jeté la plupart des manuels n'en ayant plus qu'un, tandis que les autres étaient principalement ses appareils de jeu et ses matériaux de couture, plus deux scalpels supplémentaires. Une fois que cela lui a traversé l'esprit, il a rembourré les matériaux de couture dans son dos plus vite qu'il les a pris dehors. Son sac était assez grand, et plus léger sans tous ces manuels.
Se tenant debout, il se promenait, tout en ignorant Megumi mettre des pantalons, qui maintenant qu'il y pense est incroyablement drôle. Il s'est serré autour pour enfin trouver une boîte en fait deux boîtes d'articles qui ont été confisqués. Il n'a vu aucune forme d'armes qui puisse être utilisée. À moins qu'il ne lise des notes d'amour aux zombies. Mais il a trouvé du ruban adhésif et deux cornes d'air, ce serait une grande distraction! Il a aussi trouvé des craquelins de feu, mais malheureusement aucun moyen de les allumer, donc ils étaient pour la plupart inutiles. La plupart de ce n'était pas bon, des effets personnels simples: skateboard, des notes d'amour, des téléphones cellulaires, son système de jeu qu'il pensait perdu...... Ces connards.
Mis de côté, il n'a pas trouvé beaucoup d'utilité pour la plupart des objets confisqués. Donc, en ramassant le robinet du conduit et deux cornes d'air, plus son système de jeu, il est allé à son sac et a fourré un airhorn et son système de jeu loin, tout en laissant un airhorn dehors avec le ruban adhésif du conduit. "Vous avez d'autres cachettes pour des objets confisqués? Ou c'était tout?" Aki a demandé de regarder Megumi, tout en pensant que sa question pourrait être retirée du contexte.
Arme : griffes de scalpel.
Affichages à gauche: 5
Affichages utilisés: 1 | Name: Aki Okumura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-C
Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him.
Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways.
Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments.
Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in))
Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz))
Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad)
Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in)
Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled.
Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad)
Weapons: N/a
Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ)
Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why? |
48,469 | 1,305 | 134 | 2,072 | 1,329 | Les choses s'échauffaient un peu avec cette fille punk qui frappait le mec avec des lunettes seulement pour que l'autre homme court intervienne et le prenne lui-même. Ironique comment ce même gars allait prendre une raclée peu de temps avant que tout cela arrive. On s'attendait seulement à ce que tout le monde ait peur ou flippe avec cette situation soudaine et dangereuse dans laquelle ils étaient tous, mais contrairement à eux, cela ne le dérangeait pas autant.
Ce n'était pas la première fois qu'il devait faire face à sa propre survie; seulement cette fois, c'était le mort-vivant au lieu d'être dans la forêt et de chasser pour se nourrir.
Tout s'est transformé en merde très vite et ne serait qu'empirer avec le temps passé et ils étaient tous juste des étudiants qui n'ont jamais traité avec ce genre de choses. Qu'est-ce qu'il y avait à faire d'autre que d'essayer de survivre? C'était la seule chose qui comptait en ce moment. Pour survivre et sortir de cette école et... alors quoi?
Eh bien, il y penserait plus tard, mais en ce moment, il aiderait au moins à sortir ce groupe de la pièce piégée. Le mâle avec des fils d'ordinateur semblait en train de descendre des fenêtres et il n'avait pas l'intention de l'arrêter.
Ajuster le sac à dos pour le fixer sur son épaule puis se placer contre le chariot en plus de la Kurisa. Ils devaient être rapides alors qu'il tournait la tête vers la Kurisa et donnait un clin d'œil notable pour montrer qu'il était prêt. Il s'exhala lentement puis claqua le pied, poussant le chariot aussi fort que possible. Le chariot chargé vers la porte et tout comme quelqu'un a ouvert la porte, claqué dans le petit groupe de zombies entourant la porte.
La force de la charrette les a renversés l'un dans l'autre, en envoyant les goules pourries s'étirant contre le mur opposé ou à claquer sur le sol. Un croustillant d'os de l'une des roues écrasant la cage thoracique d'un zombie le laissant piégé sous le chariot et Kenny a mouvementé pour que les autres se déplacent. Il a ensuite tourné à gauche, en direction opposée des autres, courant devant les zombies grogneurs qui l'atteignaient alors qu'on avait attrapé son pantalon et commencé à tirer son visage défiguré pour mordre. Il a glissé le sac à dos de ses épaules, il l'a jeté à sa tête, l'a arraché puis rapidement couru jusqu'à ce qu'il soit libéré d'eux.
Sur il a couru dans le couloir, ayant décidé d'essayer de trouver Reiko et de s'assurer qu'elle était en sécurité avant qu'il ne travaille à sortir de l'école.
armes: marteau, coupe-papiers
Affichages utilisés: aucun
Affichages à gauche: 12/10 | Name:
Kenny is...well majority of students and even teachers struggle to understand what he is. Kenny rarely talks, though his mask mostly makes what he says muffled. A loner is what most say or a freak by others since he's always seen wearing a mask or carrying around a metal pipe. kenny does keep to himself majority of the time, often skipping class to explore or hang out at his hideout. Yet, his appearance deceives others from seeing that he's actually pretty smart that even with skipping class, maintains A's and b's. He tends to spook other students for fun with his mask, which further gave him the look of a troublemaker, though is simply a curious person who enjoys reading and learning how things work.
Kenny had been given up for adoption since birth, having never known his actual parents. Due to his strange behavior; it was difficult to find him foster parents and was put through foster home after foster home over the years. As this went on, it grew to the point that he decided not to bother with making friends or even talking to others, which could explain why he had started covering up his face with hoods or makeshift masks.
Eventually, the teachers and adults gave up on trying to get him to stop with the masks and left him be. When able, Kenny would wander off to explore abandoned buildings or any nearby forests. Often choosing a spot where he would spend most of his time to study objects he was able to get his hands on or to read books that he found interesting. Reading from an assortment of items or weapon books as he was a very curious person who always wanted to learn
Not until he turned 15 did he finally get adopted; a father who worked as a simple garbage man and mother who was too lazy to work. His guess that they adopted him was simply to get child support money, which didn't bother him since he hardly spent time at the house, always off on exploring or at the small abandoned building that he turned into his latest hideout.
Upon entering the school officially, he was put in class a, something no one expected with the appearance of his. Only coming to class half the time and yet somehow able to turn in all assignments and maintaining top grades. Kenny made sure to learn self defense by learning how to use weapons like bats or metal pipes to keep the bullies off as he would train at the hide-out when he had spared time. Even working on building projects and thus took up shop class to improve his building skills.
shop class- expert at building, kendo- average skill in swordsmanship, gym- works on his speed and and stamina.
-Metal pipe
two pocket knives hidden in each pocket
- in reserve at his hideout
Other: "They ate shoske!" *muffled mask words* |
48,470 | 1,305 | 135 | 1,925 | 466 | "Ah oui, j'ai failli oublier." Megumi a bourdonné. Elle s'est promenée sur le canapé et a commencé à enlever les coussins, révélant deux autres boîtes d'articles confisqués. « C'est pour les plus dangereux, les brassards et autres, puisqu'il semble y avoir des gangs affiliés à l'école. » Elle a expliqué, jetant les armes dans le sol. "Frappe ton poison."
Megumi et son frère gardaient généralement ces objets au lieu de les transformer en école eux-mêmes. Ils ont gardé les armes comme trophées, et ils ne voulaient pas commencer des problèmes inutiles à l'école, comme des meurtres, ou des combats de gangs. Avec l'arrêt du système, Megumi n'avait plus à s'inquiéter de garder toutes ces armes.
Elle a glissé un couteau dans la poche de son sweat-pantalon et a jeté son sac de duffel sur son épaule. La rouquine a ensuite enlevé ses queues de porc et a mis ses cheveux dans un pain sales afin que ses cheveux ne soient pas pris sur quoi que ce soit, ou attrapés. Bientôt, Megumi devra peut-être lui couper les cheveux.
Elle a mis de côté sa jupe d'école et s'est étendue dans son pantalon, se sentant plutôt libre en eux.
"Comment allons-nous quitter l'école? Évidemment, on ne peut pas s'enfuir à pied, donc un véhicule sera nécessaire pour s'échapper. »
Metal Piper-Hammar chose qui sera probablement jeté pour quelque chose de mieux dans un post
Affichages à gauche: 5 | Name: Megumi Hazekage
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: 2-A
Personality: Prideful to say the least, Megumi is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Megumi calls people as "pigs in human clothing," and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possess a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Megumi is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life.
When first meeting her, she is cold and rather ruthless, just gazing upon her will send shivers down ones spine. Not only is she intelligent, yet she knows what to do to bring weak targets down, especially when those targets have a very low self-esteem. In some cases, she could be what you consider a 'Major Bitch'.
In spite of her behavior at school, she is not heartless. While very harsh and not very willing to tolerate failures, she does care a great deal for those who she manages to care about, such as her brother. Megumi has a small social circle, so most of the time she lingers around her sibling.
Background: Megumi was always a stuffy, if not brilliant girl. Born under the daughter of Izuma Hazekage, and sister to Kurogane Hazekage, she was put under speculation by both the press and by her family; although, by extension, her brother would be the heir, she would still represent the family in hindsight, in both business and in war; which she was expected to throw herself into once she became of said mature age. Her days were spent studying with her mother, a softspoken lady that didn't have much to do with her brother, Kurogane. She would often spar with her father and brother, although, whenever she entered the dojo, it was to the sight of Kurogane bleeding, battered and bruised, while her father goaded her in with only a stoic shift of the head. She blossomed underneath his teachings, and often tested her skill against Kurogane; whom she knew to be holding back insurmountable amounts of anger at her father's way of abuse and stress-relief. Every-day, she would help him, either with studying or medical attention, and every-day, he would do the same, straightening her form or giving her a round in a game of Shogi. Life continued on, with Megumi's creative mind allowing her to come out on top with anything she put her energy and time towards. Her relationship with her brother became her strongest bond yet, although it will surely be tested to it's limits in the time to come.
Skills: Megumi is talented in the field of math and engineering, though she is rather lacking in history and social sciences. Due to her great knowledge, she knows quite a bit of information especially pertaining to the crafting of items(Thinks like nailed in baseball bats, or simple weapons for defense, if she were to have completed her studies, Megumi would have learned a lot more). The young girl is a fight fanatic, she dabbles in hand to hand from the teachings her father and brother had given her.
She knows some medical treatments, like disinfecting cuts and bruises, but that's something everyone should already know how to do.
Friendship wise, she sucks at gaining trust from others since she is constantly brooding and upset.
Weapons: N/A
Kurogane - Her older brother and someone she knows very well. He is the only person Megumi is actually willing to socialize with, mostly due to the fact that they are siblings. |
48,471 | 1,305 | 136 | 1,710 | 4,163 | Assez sûr qu'ils avaient plus d'objets cachés, mais ce qu'elle a sorti semblait plus comme un magasin de marché noir. Elle et son frère ont eu toutes ces armes des étudiants? Ça ressemblait à l'école de la manga Beelzebub. Eh bien, il avait déjà ses griffes de scalpel, donc les pinces de cuivre étaient inutiles pour lui. Cela et ils étaient plus pour des gens plus forts qui pouvaient en fait casser un crâne d'homme avec un. Et ça leur a donné plus de chance de le mordre. Il a retenu ce qui ressemblerait à une arme, mais n'était rien de plus qu'un jouet, ce qui a fait Aki a regardé en question à Megumi avant de le remettre dans la boîte.
Après une minute de fouille, il a pris un couteau de poche avec tout le reste étant vraiment inutile. À moins qu'il n'aile quelque chose avec assez de force en soi, c'était inutile de prendre des armes contondantes. Alors qu'il se levait, il vit Megumi changer sa coiffure, puis jetant sa jupe de côté, ce qui donna à nouveau un regard d'interrogation suivi d'une éraflure alors qu'il s'empoignait du couteau de poche et passait à la porte, l'ouvrant et, avec la côte, enroulée en grande partie la partie du ruban autour de la corne d'air qui lâchait ce bruit de cul bruyant instantanément. Aki a coupé le ruban adhésif, et comme une grenade, l'a jeté dans le couloir, et a fermé la porte. Le bruit était encore assez fort et tous ces bruits de grognement qui passaient devant la pièce et s'éloignaient vers le son. Aki l'a donné une minute, puisque ce bruit était toujours en cours et a regardé par la porte. Leur couloir était clair, mais l'autre montrait combien d'entre eux les auraient arrachés. Et les gens disent que les soutiens étaient de la merde dans les jeux.
Aki ouvrit la porte et s'éloigna du gros troupeau qui a agité le hall ouest pour aller vers le bruit. Étant donné que l'escalier était à côté de la chambre de sa classe, il savait où aller, pas sans interruptions cependant. L'un d'eux est sorti de la chambre de la classe b tandis que l'autre de la chambre de la classe c la plus proche. Aki a indiqué au zombie le plus éloigné pour Megumi de descendre tandis qu'Aki a sorti le plus proche. Quand Aki est allé à jab le zombie a trébuché causant son poing à manquer. Aki a trébuché lui-même alors que la créature a failli le mordre. C'était assez d'une peur qu'il a rapidement vérifié pour s'en assurer. Il a encore jeté un jab cette fois, frappant, et perçant à travers son œil et au cerveau. Il pouvait sentir le liquide de l'œil sur ses doigts, ce qui l'a fait trembler alors que le zombie tombait au sol.
Arme : griffes de scalpel.
Affichages utilisés: 1
Coups à gauche 4 | Name: Aki Okumura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-C
Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him.
Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways.
Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments.
Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in))
Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz))
Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad)
Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in)
Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled.
Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad)
Weapons: N/a
Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ)
Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why? |
48,472 | 1,305 | 137 | 1,925 | 466 | Megumi a serré ses épaules quand il n'a pas répondu et a simplement suivi derrière lui après avoir envoyé cette petite distraction-qui était plutôt intelligente pour quelqu'un comme lui-. Elle s'est jetée dans le couloir, en s'assurant que ses pieds ne faisaient pas trop de bruit alors qu'elle allait derrière son camarade d'école. Avec sa pipe-hammer serrée serrée dans ses mains, elle courut devant Aki pour balancer violemment son arme vers le haut vers la bête harcelée. Le bruit sonore des os brisés a résonné à travers les oreilles de Megumi, jouant comme de la musique pendant que le cadavre tombait à terre. Avec le talon de sa chaussure, elle l'a claqué sur la tête exposée. La matière cérébrale s'est effondrée dans les parties cassées du crâne et mélangée avec le sang pourri des morts. "Ah merde." Megumi bâilla et plaça la manche de son pull sur son nez pour l'empêcher d'inhaler la puanteur de la viande pourrie. C'était comme si du gaz était piégé dans ces choses, mais ça n'a même pas été une seule journée. La biologie de ces choses était si étrange.
"Tous leurs organes ont dû s'arrêter... Je me demande s'ils ont vraiment besoin de manger de la chair? » Megumi secoua la tête et continua. Ses doigts ont saisi le fond de sa pipe comme elle avait réalisé à quel point elle était faible, ce n'était qu'une question de temps jusqu'à ce qu'elle décide de casser sur elle. "Un peu plus longtemps."
Métal Piper-Hammar chose
Affichages à gauche : 4 plz
Affichages utilisés: 1 | Name: Megumi Hazekage
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: 2-A
Personality: Prideful to say the least, Megumi is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Megumi calls people as "pigs in human clothing," and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possess a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Megumi is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life.
When first meeting her, she is cold and rather ruthless, just gazing upon her will send shivers down ones spine. Not only is she intelligent, yet she knows what to do to bring weak targets down, especially when those targets have a very low self-esteem. In some cases, she could be what you consider a 'Major Bitch'.
In spite of her behavior at school, she is not heartless. While very harsh and not very willing to tolerate failures, she does care a great deal for those who she manages to care about, such as her brother. Megumi has a small social circle, so most of the time she lingers around her sibling.
Background: Megumi was always a stuffy, if not brilliant girl. Born under the daughter of Izuma Hazekage, and sister to Kurogane Hazekage, she was put under speculation by both the press and by her family; although, by extension, her brother would be the heir, she would still represent the family in hindsight, in both business and in war; which she was expected to throw herself into once she became of said mature age. Her days were spent studying with her mother, a softspoken lady that didn't have much to do with her brother, Kurogane. She would often spar with her father and brother, although, whenever she entered the dojo, it was to the sight of Kurogane bleeding, battered and bruised, while her father goaded her in with only a stoic shift of the head. She blossomed underneath his teachings, and often tested her skill against Kurogane; whom she knew to be holding back insurmountable amounts of anger at her father's way of abuse and stress-relief. Every-day, she would help him, either with studying or medical attention, and every-day, he would do the same, straightening her form or giving her a round in a game of Shogi. Life continued on, with Megumi's creative mind allowing her to come out on top with anything she put her energy and time towards. Her relationship with her brother became her strongest bond yet, although it will surely be tested to it's limits in the time to come.
Skills: Megumi is talented in the field of math and engineering, though she is rather lacking in history and social sciences. Due to her great knowledge, she knows quite a bit of information especially pertaining to the crafting of items(Thinks like nailed in baseball bats, or simple weapons for defense, if she were to have completed her studies, Megumi would have learned a lot more). The young girl is a fight fanatic, she dabbles in hand to hand from the teachings her father and brother had given her.
She knows some medical treatments, like disinfecting cuts and bruises, but that's something everyone should already know how to do.
Friendship wise, she sucks at gaining trust from others since she is constantly brooding and upset.
Weapons: N/A
Kurogane - Her older brother and someone she knows very well. He is the only person Megumi is actually willing to socialize with, mostly due to the fact that they are siblings. |
48,473 | 1,305 | 138 | 1,710 | 4,163 | "Pas sûr de ça, tu crois que c'est aussi bien que moi." Aki répondit, alors qu'il respirait un peu. Sa question précédente sonne toujours dans sa tête. Pour le moment, il n'avait pas de réponses. Il a toujours été ramassé après l'école, donc si des véhicules étaient à l'extérieur, ils étaient probablement déjà pris. Et si certains étaient dans les environs alors ce serait toujours inutile puisque les étudiants porteraient leurs clés autour. Et Aki savait qu'il ne pouvait rien faire, et il doutait qu'elle le savait aussi. Alors bien que ce fût peut-être mal de penser, il a dû espérer que quelqu'un est mort au volant de sa voiture pour qu'ils puissent la prendre.
"Continuons, on y était presque." Aki a parlé alors qu'il continuait dans le couloir, il était bon de savoir que ces cornes d'air ont duré un certain temps comme il pouvait entendre son son faible encore. Ils ont atteint l'escalier et, sans rien là, il a commencé à descendre silencieusement les marches. Comme ils étaient maintenant au premier étage, tout ce qu'ils avaient à faire était d'arriver à l'entrée d'entrée, espérons qu'Aki pourrait sauver le klaxon pour l'époque. "Donc, même si on s'en sort.. Où devrions-nous aller? Considérant si ont eu la chance de trouver une voiture avec les clés magiquement dedans." Cette question montrait qu'il l'avait entendue plus tôt, qu'il n'avait vraiment pas de bonne réponse. | Name: Aki Okumura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-C
Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him.
Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways.
Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments.
Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in))
Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz))
Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad)
Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in)
Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled.
Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad)
Weapons: N/a
Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ)
Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why? |
48,474 | 1,305 | 139 | 1,925 | 466 | "Je suppose que si nous parvenons à sortir de cet endroit, nous devrions essayer de trouver un endroit où rester juste pour la nuit." Elle murmurait, ses épaules grimpaient alors qu'elle descendait l'escalier. "Ma maison est loin de l'école, de sorte que même avec le transport cela prendrait un certain temps en fonction des voitures perdues et des murs des cadavres." Megumi s'est brouillée le nez alors qu'elle pensait aux transports possibles et aux itinéraires qu'ils pouvaient emprunter. « Nous pourrions entrer par effraction dans une maison, puisqu'il n'y a plus de loi qui nous retient. Et pour le transport, nous pouvons soit contacter quelqu'un si les tours de cellules ne sont pas encore descendues, ou essayer d'entrer par effraction dans une voiture et prier pour qu'elle laisse sortir une alarme."
Son père avait probablement fui vers la sécurité, ou s'était caché dans le confort de son manoir luxueux. Pour l'instant, Megumi devait rouler avec Aki et tous ceux qu'ils rencontraient sur le chemin de l'abri temporaire.
"Nous ne pouvons pas rester dehors pour la nuit, donc à la fin, nous pourrions avoir à recourir à l'effraction, ou au moins nous reposer chez quelqu'un d'autre."
Métal Piper-Hammar chose
Affichages à gauche : 4 plz | Name: Megumi Hazekage
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: 2-A
Personality: Prideful to say the least, Megumi is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Megumi calls people as "pigs in human clothing," and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possess a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Megumi is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life.
When first meeting her, she is cold and rather ruthless, just gazing upon her will send shivers down ones spine. Not only is she intelligent, yet she knows what to do to bring weak targets down, especially when those targets have a very low self-esteem. In some cases, she could be what you consider a 'Major Bitch'.
In spite of her behavior at school, she is not heartless. While very harsh and not very willing to tolerate failures, she does care a great deal for those who she manages to care about, such as her brother. Megumi has a small social circle, so most of the time she lingers around her sibling.
Background: Megumi was always a stuffy, if not brilliant girl. Born under the daughter of Izuma Hazekage, and sister to Kurogane Hazekage, she was put under speculation by both the press and by her family; although, by extension, her brother would be the heir, she would still represent the family in hindsight, in both business and in war; which she was expected to throw herself into once she became of said mature age. Her days were spent studying with her mother, a softspoken lady that didn't have much to do with her brother, Kurogane. She would often spar with her father and brother, although, whenever she entered the dojo, it was to the sight of Kurogane bleeding, battered and bruised, while her father goaded her in with only a stoic shift of the head. She blossomed underneath his teachings, and often tested her skill against Kurogane; whom she knew to be holding back insurmountable amounts of anger at her father's way of abuse and stress-relief. Every-day, she would help him, either with studying or medical attention, and every-day, he would do the same, straightening her form or giving her a round in a game of Shogi. Life continued on, with Megumi's creative mind allowing her to come out on top with anything she put her energy and time towards. Her relationship with her brother became her strongest bond yet, although it will surely be tested to it's limits in the time to come.
Skills: Megumi is talented in the field of math and engineering, though she is rather lacking in history and social sciences. Due to her great knowledge, she knows quite a bit of information especially pertaining to the crafting of items(Thinks like nailed in baseball bats, or simple weapons for defense, if she were to have completed her studies, Megumi would have learned a lot more). The young girl is a fight fanatic, she dabbles in hand to hand from the teachings her father and brother had given her.
She knows some medical treatments, like disinfecting cuts and bruises, but that's something everyone should already know how to do.
Friendship wise, she sucks at gaining trust from others since she is constantly brooding and upset.
Weapons: N/A
Kurogane - Her older brother and someone she knows very well. He is the only person Megumi is actually willing to socialize with, mostly due to the fact that they are siblings. |
48,475 | 1,305 | 140 | 1,300 | 3,244 | @Personnes toujours en vie
Kurisa a décidé d'ignorer tout ce qui se passait en ce moment, au lieu de ça, il était concentré sur sortir d'ici vivant. Kurisa regarda Kenny et le vit hocher la tête alors qu'ils couraient tous les deux avec la charrette alors que la porte s'ouvrait, la charrette s'envolait par la porte et s'enfonçait. Ça les a envoyés voler partout, c'était le moment! C'était maintenant ou jamais! Kurisa tira la clé dans sa main droite et le Hammer dans sa gauche alors qu'il se préparait à frapper plusieurs cibles. Il avait remarqué que Kenny s'était enfui vers la gauche, mais Kurisa avait l'intention d'aller à droite et de descendre par là.
Kurisa a pris une profonde respiration alors que l'un d'eux s'approchait de lui, puis il a balancé la Clé vers elle, car il est cambriolé dans le crâne quand la clé s'est écrasée à travers le côté gauche de son crâne. Il l'a regardé tomber sur le sol sans vie... finalement. Kurisa sentit alors une main sur sa jambe gauche et tourna instinctivement et fracassé le marteau dans sa tête... car tout ce qu'il savait qui pouvait être un humain, un du groupe aurait pu tomber et s'accrocher à sa jambe... mais ça ne lui a même pas traversé l'esprit en ce moment... non. Il était d'humeur à tuer, il s'est préparé pour ça! Il n'y avait aucun moyen de fuir cette menace... ils ont dû la combattre.
Kurisa a tourné son attention vers ce qui était devant lui, plusieurs d'entre eux faisaient leur chemin vers le groupe. Il a ensuite commencé à tourner la clé autour de son index en parlant "Je vois quelques visages familiers... bonne chose je les déteste tous" Kurisa puis a souri un peu pendant qu'il a arrêté de tourner la clé et l'a saisi correctement. « D'une manière malade, j'ai hâte de vous voir mourir depuis longtemps... maintenant, c'est moi qui dois faire le travail de la mort! » Kurisa courut ensuite vers l'un d'eux et enfonça le marteau dans sa tête en lui envoyant du sang qui lui tombait sur le sol, puis il tordit son corps alors qu'il ramenait la clé et le brisa sur le côté d'une autre de leurs têtes.
En ce moment, Kurisa ne se concentrait pas sur qui le suivait... même s'il finissait seul, il survivrait... il n'avait d'autre choix que de le suivre. Il savait au fond quand il serait vraiment capable de mourir mais juste ici et maintenant n'était pas cette fois-ci! "Si tu veux me suivre, fais vite, je n'attendrai pas toujours. Je me bats pour traverser ces choses et sortir de cette école!"
Arme: Clé, Hammer
Affichages utilisés: 2, 2
Affichages à gauche: 7, 10
Jetable: S.O. | Kurisa Shuiji
Kurisa Shuiji
Kurisa is a pretty standard guy, obsessed with cars, sports and the alike. However this focus on somewhat physical subjects means Kurisa isn't exactly book smart which is his main downfall and why he is the C grade. Kurisa is a firm believer that the crap you learn from books is useless and that the best way to learn something is physical experience and learning from mistakes, although when you do something physical that threatens to hurt you, you're generally more careful and so less mistakes happen. You screw up, you get hurt...Do you get that with a book? You bet your ass you don't!
Aside from Kurisa being more of a hands on kind of guy he is also a pretty hard person to generally get along with. Some will hit some luck with him but most will likely fail...this is generally shown with how he hates half the people at his school just down to the way they act. You could say he has a lot of anger inside him and so it doesn't take much to set him off...yet on the odd occasion he will stay in control of his emotions however due to this being somewhat rare Kurisa has fought with a lot of the other males in his year and the year above...not always winning but that doesn't mean he didn't give them a decent ass kicking!
Kurisa has a pretty standard family. His father is a mechanic, hence why Kurisa takes an interest in Mechanics and his mother is an accountant. Kurisa also has a much younger Sister however it's to early to tell what she will be into as her only interests as of now are drawing and Pokemon. Kurisa's upbringing wasn't necessarily a bad one, he was certainly much more cheerful in his life when he was younger however when his Grandmother passed when he was aged 10, things started to go down hill a little from there and eventually lead to Kurisa becoming somewhat of a troublemaker at school. His Mother speculates that Kurisa's anger and aggression are simply a front to hide his depression, almost as if he lives in some sort of denial that she is gone...However that is just his mothers views. His fathers are somewhat different and that he simply blames it on him just being in his Teens and rebelling.
(Keeping it short and sweet)
Very Skilled in engineering due to being around vehicles and machinery all his life due to his father being a mechanic and so Kurisa has followed in his fathers foot steps in hopes of one day becoming a Mechanic himself.
Semi Skilled in Sports/Athletics. Kurisa generally likes to keep fit and so puts some time into sports and the alike. He isn't really all the competitive but it's a great way to keep himself in shape and in some ways helps him when he somewhat occasionally gets into a fight with another student...even on the field
Semi-Skilled in Kendo. Kurisa does have an interest in Japanese history and although not a large amount it's enough of an interest for him to want to take up Kendo class so he can at least believe he is somewhat like a Samurai...although in truth he is far from it as he isn't the greatest there is but he is good enough that he can give some more experienced members a challenge
Useless at Geography. Kurisa has no interest in Geography...he knows how to use a map and that is as far as it goes for him. All the other crap they try teach you is useless and he believes it will be hardly useful at all! If you got eyes and a map then you should be fine
Utaho Rinnosuke - Kurisa would say he is somewhat friends with Utaho or at least they get along well enough. Although they may not be side by side everyday there is the occasional case in which the two may go out if they are bored and just kick some randomers ass or someone's ass from their school who annoyed them...why?...well...why not?
Kibaya Musato - Kurisa doesn't know to much about Kibaya...probably due to him rarely even being in class. However the two have spoken a few times to know a little about eachother but not enough to be considered really anything close to friends
"THEY ATE SHOSKE!"...That's why he's called Zombie Bait *chuckles* |
48,476 | 1,305 | 141 | 1,710 | 4,163 | "C'est déjà arrivé à ça, hein? Pas même un jour et nous devons envisager de rentrer chez quelqu'un. On doit juste espérer qu'ils ne seront pas là. Ou j'espère qu'ils ne reviendront pas." Aki a dit qu'il descendait le reste des marches, regardant le couloir qu'il fallait traverser pour arriver à l'entrée, quelques zombies ont jonché le hall mais ce n'était pas fou peuplé. C'est probablement à l'extérieur que tout le monde se serait fait prendre. Atteindre dans son sac il a attrapé les deux scalpels supplémentaires qu'il a pillés de la salle des sciences. Il était prêt à les casser d'abord avant celui sur sa main. Alors, se précipitant vers le zombie le plus proche avec un pris dans sa main gauche, il l'a jeté à travers le milieu du crâne de zombie et l'a raccroché en arrière avant d'avoir à le pousser dans une autre tête. Il n'a pu faire que l'enfoncer car la poignée s'est ensuite cassée, elles étaient beaucoup plus faibles qu'elles ne l'étaient réunies.
Déposer la poignée qu'il a pris l'autre, l'un a fait un peu de souffle qui l'a pris hors de garde, et il a manqué le crâne et poignardé la gorge, le zombie a toujours essayé de l'obtenir tout pendant que son sang versait sur le sol et la chemise d'Aki. Le repoussant avec le scalpel sortant de son cou, il a lui-même percé droit dans son œil gauche et se cassait ensuite et se cassait à la poignée aussi bien. la créature est tombée au sol, et maintenant Aki avait ce couteau de poche et sa griffe déjà endommagée. "Le pire vient à pire, essayez de les dépasser." Aki a parlé vers Megumi, alors qu'il continuait vers l'avant, maintenant avec le couteau de poche dans sa main gauche.
Armes: griffe de scalpel, scalpel, scalpel, couteau de poche
Affichages utilisés: 0, 2, 2, 0
Coups à gauche 4, 0, 0, 8 | Name: Aki Okumura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-C
Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him.
Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways.
Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments.
Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in))
Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz))
Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad)
Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in)
Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled.
Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad)
Weapons: N/a
Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ)
Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why? |
48,477 | 1,305 | 142 | 1,925 | 466 | Un clin d'œil lent venait d'elle avant qu'elle n'avance et ne pousse son marteau-pipe vers l'avant, poussant un cadavre en arrière et le jetant de l'équilibre de sorte qu'elle a pu le claquer sur le temple de la créature. Son arme a été creusée dans la chair et le crâne, elle a fini par pénétrer dans le tissu mou du cerveau et détruire ce qui restait à l'intérieur. Son arme avait commencé à se rapprocher de la fin, donc dans un interrupteur rapide pour la sauver pour plus tard, Megumi a fouetté son couteau de poche de sa poche de pantalons de sueur et l'a coincé dans le front d'un cadavre qui s'approchait. Ses doigts recourbés sur la main et avec une touche puissante de son poignet, elle a libéré l'arme de la blessure fraîche.
Le couloir était lentement mort avec l'activité tandis que les deux se dirigeaient vers la sortie de l'école, et comme ils faisaient un travail rapide avec les élèves non morts, Megumi pouvait pratiquement goûter l'air de derrière les portes de l'école.
Le troisième cadavre qui l'avait approchée a pris la jeune fille hors de sa garde. Elle pouvait sentir le souffle chaud du corps quand il lâchait un gémissement enroulé, son sifflement grincheux lui faisant frissonner. Elle a filé sur ses talons et a claqué le couteau entre ses yeux, ses yeux devenant paniqués alors qu'elle avait l'air d'un tas de chair pourrie. C'était dégoûtant et plutôt terrifiant de le regarder si près... Megumi secoua la tête et poussa le cadavre tombé loin d'elle. Elle a récupéré son couteau et bâillonné légèrement.
Metal Piper-Hammar et un couteau de poche
Coups à gauche: 2 et 5
Affichages utilisés: 2 et 2 | Name: Megumi Hazekage
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: 2-A
Personality: Prideful to say the least, Megumi is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Megumi calls people as "pigs in human clothing," and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possess a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Megumi is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life.
When first meeting her, she is cold and rather ruthless, just gazing upon her will send shivers down ones spine. Not only is she intelligent, yet she knows what to do to bring weak targets down, especially when those targets have a very low self-esteem. In some cases, she could be what you consider a 'Major Bitch'.
In spite of her behavior at school, she is not heartless. While very harsh and not very willing to tolerate failures, she does care a great deal for those who she manages to care about, such as her brother. Megumi has a small social circle, so most of the time she lingers around her sibling.
Background: Megumi was always a stuffy, if not brilliant girl. Born under the daughter of Izuma Hazekage, and sister to Kurogane Hazekage, she was put under speculation by both the press and by her family; although, by extension, her brother would be the heir, she would still represent the family in hindsight, in both business and in war; which she was expected to throw herself into once she became of said mature age. Her days were spent studying with her mother, a softspoken lady that didn't have much to do with her brother, Kurogane. She would often spar with her father and brother, although, whenever she entered the dojo, it was to the sight of Kurogane bleeding, battered and bruised, while her father goaded her in with only a stoic shift of the head. She blossomed underneath his teachings, and often tested her skill against Kurogane; whom she knew to be holding back insurmountable amounts of anger at her father's way of abuse and stress-relief. Every-day, she would help him, either with studying or medical attention, and every-day, he would do the same, straightening her form or giving her a round in a game of Shogi. Life continued on, with Megumi's creative mind allowing her to come out on top with anything she put her energy and time towards. Her relationship with her brother became her strongest bond yet, although it will surely be tested to it's limits in the time to come.
Skills: Megumi is talented in the field of math and engineering, though she is rather lacking in history and social sciences. Due to her great knowledge, she knows quite a bit of information especially pertaining to the crafting of items(Thinks like nailed in baseball bats, or simple weapons for defense, if she were to have completed her studies, Megumi would have learned a lot more). The young girl is a fight fanatic, she dabbles in hand to hand from the teachings her father and brother had given her.
She knows some medical treatments, like disinfecting cuts and bruises, but that's something everyone should already know how to do.
Friendship wise, she sucks at gaining trust from others since she is constantly brooding and upset.
Weapons: N/A
Kurogane - Her older brother and someone she knows very well. He is the only person Megumi is actually willing to socialize with, mostly due to the fact that they are siblings. |
48,478 | 1,305 | 143 | 1,710 | 4,163 | Il a vu Megumi gagging un peu ce qui n'a pas été une surprise en regardant quelque chose de si proche. Il marcha quelques pas plus loin et aperçut les portes d'entrée, ses yeux s'élargirent et il sourit un peu. Il se mit en mouvement pour que Megumi rattrape, et fit quelques pas de plus, vers l'ouverture de la case essuie-glaces de l'école. Il a vu des corps allongés sur le sol, ce qui lui a fait se demander s'il s'agissait d'étudiants récemment morts, ou de zombies récemment morts. Il marcha jusqu'à un, et le tapota avec son pied, il s'attendait à quelques secondes de gémissement, pas une réaction instantanée de sauter et de l'attraper le poussant au sol. Aki a repoussé à la créature mordante qui essayait le plus dur de manger sa chair. Celui qui a commencé cette histoire de merde sur eux ne mangeant que des cerveaux, méritait de se faire dévorer.
Mais c'était pour des raisons comme celle-ci qu'il a sauvé la main de la griffe, car tout ce qu'il avait à faire était de lui pousser la main droite et les scalpels lui perceraient le crâne et la force s'affaiblirait. Poussant le zombie hors de lui, l'un s'est levé et a commencé à venir à lui, cette fois, cependant, il était préparé, et l'a trébuché. Il l'a regardé tomber sur son visage, où il a ensuite frappé le couteau de poche à l'arrière de son crâne. "Et les connards disaient toujours que les joueurs étaient inutiles." Aki a dit, même s'il ne pouvait pas mentir et dire qu'il n'était pas épuisé après tout ça. Il regarda par la porte d'entrée et soupira. La quantité de traumatisants morts à l'extérieur était folle. Aki pouvait aussi voir certains étudiants qui l'avaient fait dévorer à l'extérieur sous ses yeux. | Name: Aki Okumura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-C
Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him.
Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways.
Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments.
Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in))
Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz))
Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad)
Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in)
Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled.
Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad)
Weapons: N/a
Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ)
Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why? |
48,479 | 1,305 | 144 | 1,925 | 466 | Megumi a fait son chemin à l'entrée et s'est tournée pour repérer son allié au milieu de se faire manger. Elle était sur le point d'aller de l'avant pour se débarrasser de la bête, cependant réglée quand il a géré le problème lui-même. Sur les différents cadavres, elle a utilisé son couteau pour poignarder un couple près d'elle pour s'assurer qu'ils ne se réaniment pas et se lancent sur elle avec une force brute.
Elle avait commencé à se rendre compte de la sueur qui a commencé à s'accumuler sur son front supérieur. Megumi s'était un peu lassée des cadavres et s'était arraché les dents en se servant de sa manche pour essuyer le front.
"Ça va?" Elle a demandé, qui étaient des mots qu'elle n'avait jamais envisagé d'utiliser. Mais, ils travaillaient ensemble, donc ce ne serait logique que si elle vérifiait la santé de sa coéquipière. "On est presque à un pouce d'aller dehors, alors ne te fais pas tuer..."
Megumi regarda les cadavres errants à l'extérieur, tout simplement craquant comme elle avait réalisé combien de gens erraient sans esprit. À ce stade, il faudrait un miracle pour les sortir de la cour de l'école, et espérons que son Dieu répondra à ses prières.
Metal Piper-Hammar et un couteau de poche
Affichages à gauche: 2 et 3
Clics utilisés: 2 pour le couteau | Name: Megumi Hazekage
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: 2-A
Personality: Prideful to say the least, Megumi is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Megumi calls people as "pigs in human clothing," and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possess a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Megumi is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life.
When first meeting her, she is cold and rather ruthless, just gazing upon her will send shivers down ones spine. Not only is she intelligent, yet she knows what to do to bring weak targets down, especially when those targets have a very low self-esteem. In some cases, she could be what you consider a 'Major Bitch'.
In spite of her behavior at school, she is not heartless. While very harsh and not very willing to tolerate failures, she does care a great deal for those who she manages to care about, such as her brother. Megumi has a small social circle, so most of the time she lingers around her sibling.
Background: Megumi was always a stuffy, if not brilliant girl. Born under the daughter of Izuma Hazekage, and sister to Kurogane Hazekage, she was put under speculation by both the press and by her family; although, by extension, her brother would be the heir, she would still represent the family in hindsight, in both business and in war; which she was expected to throw herself into once she became of said mature age. Her days were spent studying with her mother, a softspoken lady that didn't have much to do with her brother, Kurogane. She would often spar with her father and brother, although, whenever she entered the dojo, it was to the sight of Kurogane bleeding, battered and bruised, while her father goaded her in with only a stoic shift of the head. She blossomed underneath his teachings, and often tested her skill against Kurogane; whom she knew to be holding back insurmountable amounts of anger at her father's way of abuse and stress-relief. Every-day, she would help him, either with studying or medical attention, and every-day, he would do the same, straightening her form or giving her a round in a game of Shogi. Life continued on, with Megumi's creative mind allowing her to come out on top with anything she put her energy and time towards. Her relationship with her brother became her strongest bond yet, although it will surely be tested to it's limits in the time to come.
Skills: Megumi is talented in the field of math and engineering, though she is rather lacking in history and social sciences. Due to her great knowledge, she knows quite a bit of information especially pertaining to the crafting of items(Thinks like nailed in baseball bats, or simple weapons for defense, if she were to have completed her studies, Megumi would have learned a lot more). The young girl is a fight fanatic, she dabbles in hand to hand from the teachings her father and brother had given her.
She knows some medical treatments, like disinfecting cuts and bruises, but that's something everyone should already know how to do.
Friendship wise, she sucks at gaining trust from others since she is constantly brooding and upset.
Weapons: N/A
Kurogane - Her older brother and someone she knows very well. He is the only person Megumi is actually willing to socialize with, mostly due to the fact that they are siblings. |
48,480 | 1,305 | 145 | 993 | 1,646 | @Tous mes niggas
Heureusement, il n'y avait plus de drame de la part de quelqu'un d'autre, et ils pouvaient continuer le plan. Le type masqué s'est écrasé à travers la porte et ils sont tous sortis à la fois, Utaho suivant de près derrière les deux d'entre eux. Bien sûr, elle n'était pas sur le point d'oublier son amie, Kirari, alors elle a pris son poignet et a commencé à la tirer avec elle. "Allez, bougez-vous, Kirarin! Si vous êtes retardé même un peu et que vous êtes mort! » Elle lui a crié dessus. La fille aux cheveux argentés, encore stupéfaite des événements qui se sont produits il y a quelques instants, a tout simplement hoche la tête et fait de son mieux pour suivre Utaho. Mais elle n'était pas une athlète. Elle était en retard, et Utaho ne pouvait mordre sa lèvre inférieure qu'avec frustration à l'idée.
La porter n'a pas été facile, puisqu'elle ne pouvait pas se battre comme ça. En parlant de ça, "T'es un enfoiré!" Utaho a dit, laisser le marteau dans sa main tomber sur la tête d'un punk aléatoire qui visait totalement à la mordre. Elle a jeté le type après un coup direct sur son crâne, puis l'a fini avec un coup de pied, avant d'aller de l'avant. Kirari la retenait quand même. Elle aurait pu très bien utiliser le balai dans sa main pour finir ce truc, mais avoir à traîner Kirari autour avec elle vient de passer cette option, et Kirari ne serait pas en mesure de tuer, même dans cette situation. C'était bien qu'elle soit coincée avec deux types aussi fous qu'elle.
"Kirarin, ne t'éloigne pas trop!" Utaho lui dit, laissant aller sa main et courant vers l'un d'eux. Il semblait être un professeur, un qui l'a beaucoup piétinée avant. Un sourire est inévitablement venu au visage d'Utaho. "Je voulais te voir mort depuis si longtemps!" Elle courut vers elle, et elle lui ouvrit la bouche pour la frapper. Malheureusement pour cela, Utaho a été préparé et a balancé le balai directement dans sa bouche, le traînant avec elle jusqu'à ce qu'ils frappent un mur, et avant qu'ils ne le fassent, Utaho a déplacé le balai pour qu'il frappe vers le haut toute la force et à l'impact, le balai est sorti de l'autre côté de la tête du gars. C'était mort, c'était sûr. Elle a balayé un peu de sueur de son front. Elle s'y est un peu trop intéressée. Elle s'est retournée pour chercher son amie. Le problème, c'était qu'elle n'était plus là. Merde! Kirarin, où es-tu putain? N'ai-je pas dit que tu ne devrais pas t'éloigner trop de moi?" Utaho a crié dans le couloir. Beaucoup d'entre eux se tournèrent pour la voir.
"Fuck, j'ai besoin d'apprendre à me taire. Oi, Kurisa, laissons tomber!" Son amie pourrait venir plus tard, bien qu'inquiétante malade, elle a dû survivre pour la revoir. Utaho a frappé Kurisa sur l'épaule avec sa paume avant de courir encore plus loin elle-même. Où l'enfoiré masqué était-il allé, de toute façon?
Arme: Hammer, Balai
Affichages utilisés: 2, 1
Affichages à gauche: 10, 1
Jetable: S.O. | Name: Utaho Rinnosuke
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Class: 3-D
Personality: Utaho is a delinquent, first and foremost, and as so, she always has a tough act on and a deathly glare on her face. Her fuse is fairly short and she'll probably beat the shit out of you once she explodes. She holds nothing back against anyone, no matter who they are, if they insult her, they can consider themselves dead meat. She also likes picking on the weak, and will probably continue doing so until they show any kind of resistance against her harassment. Of course, this means that most of the times, the only way she knows how to solve things is by using her fists, and always leaving the brains part out. Utaho is also fairly dumb, and probably a person with which you shouldn't speak to with complicated words.
Of course, that's not all there is to Utaho, though. She may seem like any other asshole of a woman to everyone, but those that have indeed gotten to know her are aware of her friendly nature, and how she always puts her friends first. If you ever show to her that you've got enough guts as to stand up to her, or even withstand one of her punches, then you'll probably gain her respect, and friendship, and she's the kind that would go to great extremes just to see her friends happy and well. She doesn't bully those who show some guts out of sheer respect, but anyone that is spineless enough as to bow to the will of a single woman.... well, she doesn't respect them even as a person. And even so, she is not arrogant. She thinks of herself as only a woman, and is pretty down to earth in that aspect. She knows there are countless people better than her, at academics mainly, but, in her own twisted way, she also worries that those talented people might not be ready for what the world holds for them.
Background: Utaho grew up in a household with nothing but men in it, so she had to learn how to defend herself from her older brothers, and quick. At first, they didn't really pick on her or anything, to be honest, they loved her very much, but what was just awful was the fact that they treated her just like how they would treat any other guy. While young, Utaho wore her hair short as a consequence of this. Playing rough with your bigger brothers usually develops some skill in you, such as fighting. Utaho was able to learn moves from seeing them once in TV and could replicate them to almost perfection, in fact, she thinks that's her only redeemable quality.
She was able to survive her older brothers, but nothing could have prepared her for what was awaiting her in middle school. Yes, elementary school was a walk in the park, everything is fairly easy, and Utaho managed to get average grades, but middle school? That's when the problems started. Most of her history was filled with failing marks. One could even say she was somewhat depressed, and her little group knew it. Around that time, they used to pick on an intelligent, loner girl who always got high grades. Of course, these kinds of things (usually) do not last forever. One day, the girl finally decided to stand up against them, even going as far as to punch one of them, and she gained Utaho's instant respect and friendship. Thanks to that girl, she has been able to at the very least pass exams.
Skills: She is very skilled at fighting, not any particular discipline, more like street fighting. She is also semi-skilled in home economics (she had to cook for a family of men) and also semi-skilled at sewing. She's bad at anything school related besides the aforementioned two.
Weapons: N/A
Kurisa Shuiji: "Well, what can I say about the guy? He knows how to kick ass and he does it well enough for me to invite him over to kick some ass together from time to time. I like him, definitely so. The only bad thing is that he ain't one to talk much. It'd also be nice if he was a bit more intelligent.
Other: She is into cute things, and even her phone is decorated with cute-ish things all over. And also, "They Ate Shoske!".... Poor guy. D: |
48,481 | 1,305 | 146 | 1,710 | 4,163 | Alors qu'Aki était sur le point de prendre l'air, il entendit le son faible de la musique, puis il grandit plus fort qu'une chanson familière qui fit baisser la tête d'Aki. "Oh, mon Dieu non." Aki priait silencieusement, mais assez sûr qu'un van noir est venu rouler à travers l'avant en roulant sur le non-mort dans le processus, s'arrêtant à l'entrée avant. Le mâle à l'intérieur a agité Aki qui vient de cacher son visage, et a traîné Megumi avec lui. Il a ouvert la porte de derrière en les fermant. "Conduis-toi, frérot." Aki a dit qu'il était parvenu à baisser la musique, qui a obtenu sa main giflée. "Salope mon van, ma musique! Je me fiche que les morts se lèvent et commencent à faire ce putain de thriller, on écoutera ça avec style. Maintenant, attendez les enfants! Papa est soûl!" Le mâle a crié avec un sourire.
Le mâle a ensuite conduit plus de morts-vivants tout pendant que le chant jouait, et a chassé les portes. Avant de pouvoir répondre, le mâle lui tendit la main et sourit. "Je vais les voir en ce moment, j'espère que ton ami aime dormir plus. J'ai entendu dire que celui-ci serait un tueur!" Le frère a commencé à rire ce qui a fait Aki se cacher le visage. "Alors petite fille, Aki t'a montré sa collection Pokemon?" Le frère a commencé à chuckling qui a fait tomber Aki par-dessus et s'est lié vers un coin. "Hé, ça pourrait être pire. Je pourrais être comme maman et montrer des photos de ton bébé. Au lieu de cela, je raconterai l'histoire de quand vous avez pissé dans le bus!" Aki regarda par la fenêtre de la voiture et lui brailla les yeux. "Je me demande si je vais vivre la chute?" | Name: Aki Okumura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-C
Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him.
Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways.
Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments.
Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in))
Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz))
Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad)
Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in)
Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled.
Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad)
Weapons: N/a
Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ)
Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why? |
48,482 | 1,305 | 147 | 1,925 | 466 | Megumi a glissé dans le dos et s'est détendue, laissant sortir un petit soupir en entendant leurs querelles sur la musique simple. Ils étaient enfin sortis vivants de l'école, et cela lui apaisait grandement les sens. Pourtant, elle se sentait seule d'une certaine façon... Son frère n'était pas là pour célébrer leur victoire.
"Je ne me soucie pas beaucoup des petits rats jaunes et ce qui n'est pas... Pokemon ou quoi que ce soit. Et mon nom est Megumi Hazekage." Elle a dit de laisser sortir un petit soupir de consternation. "Mon, vous avez un frère intéressant... Ah, en fait, j'aimerais écouter cette histoire à propos d'Aki mouillant son pantalon dans le bus."
La jeune fille s'est penchée vers l'avant et scooté plus près, se moquant comme si elle était prête pour une histoire par le feu de camp. "Et toutes les histoires plus embarrassantes que vous avez concernant sa jeunesse et les fluides corporels seraient également agréables. J'ai hâte de rencontrer toute ta famille, ils doivent tous avoir de belles histoires. » Megumi sourit, mettant une façade courtoise.
Ah, quel beau temps de passage, en écoutant des histoires embarrassantes et en laissant son imagination courir sauvagement. Cela aidera Megumi à oublier temporairement la mort imminente de son frère. | Name: Megumi Hazekage
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: 2-A
Personality: Prideful to say the least, Megumi is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Megumi calls people as "pigs in human clothing," and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possess a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Megumi is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life.
When first meeting her, she is cold and rather ruthless, just gazing upon her will send shivers down ones spine. Not only is she intelligent, yet she knows what to do to bring weak targets down, especially when those targets have a very low self-esteem. In some cases, she could be what you consider a 'Major Bitch'.
In spite of her behavior at school, she is not heartless. While very harsh and not very willing to tolerate failures, she does care a great deal for those who she manages to care about, such as her brother. Megumi has a small social circle, so most of the time she lingers around her sibling.
Background: Megumi was always a stuffy, if not brilliant girl. Born under the daughter of Izuma Hazekage, and sister to Kurogane Hazekage, she was put under speculation by both the press and by her family; although, by extension, her brother would be the heir, she would still represent the family in hindsight, in both business and in war; which she was expected to throw herself into once she became of said mature age. Her days were spent studying with her mother, a softspoken lady that didn't have much to do with her brother, Kurogane. She would often spar with her father and brother, although, whenever she entered the dojo, it was to the sight of Kurogane bleeding, battered and bruised, while her father goaded her in with only a stoic shift of the head. She blossomed underneath his teachings, and often tested her skill against Kurogane; whom she knew to be holding back insurmountable amounts of anger at her father's way of abuse and stress-relief. Every-day, she would help him, either with studying or medical attention, and every-day, he would do the same, straightening her form or giving her a round in a game of Shogi. Life continued on, with Megumi's creative mind allowing her to come out on top with anything she put her energy and time towards. Her relationship with her brother became her strongest bond yet, although it will surely be tested to it's limits in the time to come.
Skills: Megumi is talented in the field of math and engineering, though she is rather lacking in history and social sciences. Due to her great knowledge, she knows quite a bit of information especially pertaining to the crafting of items(Thinks like nailed in baseball bats, or simple weapons for defense, if she were to have completed her studies, Megumi would have learned a lot more). The young girl is a fight fanatic, she dabbles in hand to hand from the teachings her father and brother had given her.
She knows some medical treatments, like disinfecting cuts and bruises, but that's something everyone should already know how to do.
Friendship wise, she sucks at gaining trust from others since she is constantly brooding and upset.
Weapons: N/A
Kurogane - Her older brother and someone she knows very well. He is the only person Megumi is actually willing to socialize with, mostly due to the fact that they are siblings. |
48,483 | 1,305 | 148 | 1,710 | 4,163 | « Le mieux, c'est qu'il n'a même pas mouillé son pantalon, qu'il les a tiré et qu'il a commencé à pisser là. J'étais trop occupé à rire mon cul pour avertir les gens en dessous de l'allée de lever leurs pieds. » Le mâle a dit rire à nouveau alors qu'il se souvenait de l'événement pendant qu'on entendait Aki se casser la tête du mur de la voiture. "Nom est Daisuke Okumura, comme pour les histoires plus embarrassantes que j'ai beaucoup. Comme le temps où il jer-" Aki a ensuite boulonné à l'avant et a mis la tête à son frère. "Toute histoire sauf celle-là!!!" Aki a dit en voyant son frère, qui vient de rire et de se frotter la tête. "D'accord alors, que diriez-vous du temps où vous portiez un tutu et des oreilles de chat. J'ai ce truc sur la photo!" Daisuke a parlé pendant qu'Aki faisait face au sol.
Alors qu'ils continuaient à conduire avec Daisuke lui racontant l'heure, Aki a cessé de jouer à la lutte, parce que tout le monde était en spandex et le fait qu'une fille a frappé dans le cul en moins d'une minute. Daisuke a arrêté de parler et l'a regardée de plus près. "Tu sais que ce nom me dit quelque chose... On dirait que le nom de quelqu'un qui est de la famille pourrait nous expulser s'ils s'ennuyaient." Daisuke a dit qu'il n'y avait qu'Aki. "Au pire, on a nos cartes vertes, hein?" Daisuke a dit, qui a fait Aki pair à lui. « Ce qui aide aussi, c'est le fait que nous sommes nés ici! » Aki a déclaré ce qui a fait rire son frère. "Chaque parti a besoin d'un pooper, c'est pourquoi ils ont invité vousuuuuuu! Et toi, Megumi? Vous avez des histoires drôles sur le petit Aki ici, vous allez à l'école avec lui, il doit faire quelque chose de stupide." | Name: Aki Okumura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-C
Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him.
Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways.
Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments.
Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in))
Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz))
Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad)
Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in)
Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled.
Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad)
Weapons: N/a
Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ)
Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why? |
48,484 | 1,305 | 149 | 1,925 | 466 | La jeune fille regarda en avant et en arrière du frère aîné d'Aki et de lui. Elle se sentait très satisfaite de toutes ces histoires, et elle s'est baignée dans toutes ces histoires, prenant note pour qu'elle puisse faire chanter et l'humilier plus tard.
"Ma famille pourrait vous expulser s'ils le désiraient, mais je suppose que non plus, avec l'apocalypse et d'autres. Mais de toute façon, je connais très peu de Tutu Princess Aki. Cependant, il essaie très fort d'être obsédé, comme sauter pour jouer à des jeux vidéo sur le toit. »
Megumi regarda par la fenêtre de la voiture pour inspecter les paysages changeants; Murky, presque comme un film d'horreur. Les voitures ont été abandonnées et les fenêtres de la maison ont été brisées. Quelques cadavres jonchaient la rue ici et là, mais ils seraient bientôt nettoyés par des cadavres affamés.
"Dis, combien de temps cette balade durera-t-elle? J'aimerais qu'il y ait quelques histoires plus tard, comme celle que tu n'as pas pu finir parce qu'il s'est interposé. Il avait l'air très agité avec ça, j'aimerais le deviner et dire que c'était de la masturbation et vous l'avez attrapé au milieu de ça. Vous pouvez être des singes." Elle se reposa le menton dans la main et secoua la tête légèrement. | Name: Megumi Hazekage
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: 2-A
Personality: Prideful to say the least, Megumi is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Megumi calls people as "pigs in human clothing," and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possess a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Megumi is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life.
When first meeting her, she is cold and rather ruthless, just gazing upon her will send shivers down ones spine. Not only is she intelligent, yet she knows what to do to bring weak targets down, especially when those targets have a very low self-esteem. In some cases, she could be what you consider a 'Major Bitch'.
In spite of her behavior at school, she is not heartless. While very harsh and not very willing to tolerate failures, she does care a great deal for those who she manages to care about, such as her brother. Megumi has a small social circle, so most of the time she lingers around her sibling.
Background: Megumi was always a stuffy, if not brilliant girl. Born under the daughter of Izuma Hazekage, and sister to Kurogane Hazekage, she was put under speculation by both the press and by her family; although, by extension, her brother would be the heir, she would still represent the family in hindsight, in both business and in war; which she was expected to throw herself into once she became of said mature age. Her days were spent studying with her mother, a softspoken lady that didn't have much to do with her brother, Kurogane. She would often spar with her father and brother, although, whenever she entered the dojo, it was to the sight of Kurogane bleeding, battered and bruised, while her father goaded her in with only a stoic shift of the head. She blossomed underneath his teachings, and often tested her skill against Kurogane; whom she knew to be holding back insurmountable amounts of anger at her father's way of abuse and stress-relief. Every-day, she would help him, either with studying or medical attention, and every-day, he would do the same, straightening her form or giving her a round in a game of Shogi. Life continued on, with Megumi's creative mind allowing her to come out on top with anything she put her energy and time towards. Her relationship with her brother became her strongest bond yet, although it will surely be tested to it's limits in the time to come.
Skills: Megumi is talented in the field of math and engineering, though she is rather lacking in history and social sciences. Due to her great knowledge, she knows quite a bit of information especially pertaining to the crafting of items(Thinks like nailed in baseball bats, or simple weapons for defense, if she were to have completed her studies, Megumi would have learned a lot more). The young girl is a fight fanatic, she dabbles in hand to hand from the teachings her father and brother had given her.
She knows some medical treatments, like disinfecting cuts and bruises, but that's something everyone should already know how to do.
Friendship wise, she sucks at gaining trust from others since she is constantly brooding and upset.
Weapons: N/A
Kurogane - Her older brother and someone she knows very well. He is the only person Megumi is actually willing to socialize with, mostly due to the fact that they are siblings. |
48,485 | 1,305 | 150 | 1,710 | 4,163 | "Pas du tout! Encore mieux!" Daiksuke a ensuite enveloppé la tête d'Aki sous son bras droit avant de continuer. "L'homme s'est branlé avec des préservatifs, comment le sais-je? J'ai été crié quand on m'a soupçonné d'utiliser l'un d'eux. J'ai ri une heure d'affilée, j'ai cru que j'allais mourir. Alors j'ai gardé son secret de maman et de papa, qu'ils pensent que je les ai utilisés. Et il dit que je suis un frère méchant. Un moyen l'aurait laissé se faire bombarder par nos parents pour la raison pour laquelle il en a utilisé un. Et nous sommes à proximité, juste en haut de cette colline. Cette maison blanche à l'aspect de la plaine est à nous. Je peux vous ramener à la vôtre demain, je fais confiance à mes compétences de conduite nocturne, mais pas avec des choses qui tremblent. » Daisuke a dit, tandis qu'Aki est juste resté silencieux comme ils ont conduit la colline et garé devant la maison libre pour l'instant de l'un des zombies.
Aki sortait du van et semblait mort à l'extérieur, non pas par morsure, mais par le fait qu'il ne vivrait jamais ça. Heureusement pour lui, elle serait partie, alors même s'ils étaient liés. Il n'en entendrait plus jamais parler. C'est ce qu'il pensait jusqu'à ce que les portes s'ouvrent et là se tenait sa mère qui voyait Megumi et regardait en arrière dans la maison. "Chérie! Aki n'est pas gay!" Daisuke a commencé à rouler sur le sol en riant pendant qu'Aki tombait sur le sol. | Name: Aki Okumura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-C
Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him.
Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways.
Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments.
Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in))
Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz))
Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad)
Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in)
Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled.
Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad)
Weapons: N/a
Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ)
Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why? |
48,486 | 1,305 | 151 | 1,925 | 466 | Megumi avait presque riposté, mais la gardait au frais comme son frère l'expliquait l'histoire avec le préservatif. "Heu... euh, me conduire chez moi serait très apprécié, mais je doute que quelqu'un y soit encore, je veux dire qu'ils ne resteraient que s'ils étaient assez stupides."
Elle a brossé ses franges sur le côté de son visage et a quitté le véhicule pour regarder directement leur mère. « Ah... » Megumi ne savait pas quoi en faire, mais elle s'est tout simplement débarrassée de la gorge et s'y est associée. "C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer, Mme Okomura. Je suis Megumi Hazekage, et je tiens à vous remercier de m'avoir laissé rester chez vous pour la nuit. » La jeune fille s'est approchée de la mère et a serré les mains ensemble, utilisant son charme pour développer une confiance entre la mère et elle. Megumi avait suivi de nombreux cours de maniérisme, donc ce n'était qu'un rafraîchissement. "J'espère que ma présence ici ne sera pas un fardeau pour votre famille." Elle s'inclina la tête poliment. "Merci encore."
Elle ne pouvait pas faire froid aux gens qui lui ont donné des toits temporaires. Et d'ailleurs, il faut toujours respecter leurs aînés. Bien qu'elle fût impitoyable, elle n'était pas sans coeur. | Name: Megumi Hazekage
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: 2-A
Personality: Prideful to say the least, Megumi is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Megumi calls people as "pigs in human clothing," and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possess a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Megumi is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life.
When first meeting her, she is cold and rather ruthless, just gazing upon her will send shivers down ones spine. Not only is she intelligent, yet she knows what to do to bring weak targets down, especially when those targets have a very low self-esteem. In some cases, she could be what you consider a 'Major Bitch'.
In spite of her behavior at school, she is not heartless. While very harsh and not very willing to tolerate failures, she does care a great deal for those who she manages to care about, such as her brother. Megumi has a small social circle, so most of the time she lingers around her sibling.
Background: Megumi was always a stuffy, if not brilliant girl. Born under the daughter of Izuma Hazekage, and sister to Kurogane Hazekage, she was put under speculation by both the press and by her family; although, by extension, her brother would be the heir, she would still represent the family in hindsight, in both business and in war; which she was expected to throw herself into once she became of said mature age. Her days were spent studying with her mother, a softspoken lady that didn't have much to do with her brother, Kurogane. She would often spar with her father and brother, although, whenever she entered the dojo, it was to the sight of Kurogane bleeding, battered and bruised, while her father goaded her in with only a stoic shift of the head. She blossomed underneath his teachings, and often tested her skill against Kurogane; whom she knew to be holding back insurmountable amounts of anger at her father's way of abuse and stress-relief. Every-day, she would help him, either with studying or medical attention, and every-day, he would do the same, straightening her form or giving her a round in a game of Shogi. Life continued on, with Megumi's creative mind allowing her to come out on top with anything she put her energy and time towards. Her relationship with her brother became her strongest bond yet, although it will surely be tested to it's limits in the time to come.
Skills: Megumi is talented in the field of math and engineering, though she is rather lacking in history and social sciences. Due to her great knowledge, she knows quite a bit of information especially pertaining to the crafting of items(Thinks like nailed in baseball bats, or simple weapons for defense, if she were to have completed her studies, Megumi would have learned a lot more). The young girl is a fight fanatic, she dabbles in hand to hand from the teachings her father and brother had given her.
She knows some medical treatments, like disinfecting cuts and bruises, but that's something everyone should already know how to do.
Friendship wise, she sucks at gaining trust from others since she is constantly brooding and upset.
Weapons: N/A
Kurogane - Her older brother and someone she knows very well. He is the only person Megumi is actually willing to socialize with, mostly due to the fact that they are siblings. |
48,487 | 1,305 | 152 | 1,710 | 4,163 | "Quelle gentille fille." La mère a dit avec rien d'autre que des sourires pendant qu'Aki regardait de loin se demandant quel genre de plan elle éclosait à l'intérieur de ce qui a foiré l'esprit. Se tenant debout, il les a dépassés, et a déposé son sac à terre. "Je vais dans ma chambre." Aki a dit qu'il marchait dans le couloir et a ouvert une porte qui l'entrait et la fermait. "Mon, je me demande ce qui ne va pas avec lui? N'hésitez pas à vous rendre à Hom, Daisuke vous ramènera là où vous devez aller demain. » La mère a dit qu'elle rentrait dans la maison. L'intérieur était comme l'extérieur et avait ce look clair, des meubles à l'aspect régulier qui ne correspondaient pas au tapis, ou autre chose dans la maison. Les jouets de chien étaient partout montrant qu'ils avaient effectivement un chien de compagnie. Ils pouvaient aussi voir une femme beaucoup plus jeune assise sur le canapé jouant avec des poupées. Malgré ce qui se passait, elle semblait plutôt insouciante.
"Oh oui, c'est notre petite sœur Noa. Dis bonjour à Megumi, Noa." Daisuke a dit, ce qui lui a fait lever la tête alors qu'elle se levait montrant être un pied plus court que Megumi. "Salut mademoiselle, tes cheveux sont jolis. J'aimerais avoir cette couleur de cheveux." Noa a dit de regarder Megumi avant que ses cheveux ne soient étouffés par Daisuke. "On a de la peinture rouge, je peux la rendre rouge avec ça." Il a dit plaisantement pendant que Noa l'a frappé dans le shin. "Silence stupide idiot." Noa a parlé en lui bouffant les joues, ce qui a fait rire le reste de la famille. | Name: Aki Okumura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-C
Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him.
Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways.
Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments.
Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in))
Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz))
Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad)
Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in)
Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled.
Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad)
Weapons: N/a
Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ)
Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why? |
48,488 | 1,305 | 153 | 21 | 5,939 | Sans réponse à ses commentaires, ni qu'elle s'en soucie, ni qu'il importe, Akane regarda autour de la pièce pendant que le groupe d'adolescents commença à se préparer avant d'exécuter leurs évasions. A l'origine, Akane avait l'intention de suivre le court, puisqu'il semblait le choix le plus attrayant pour elle hors du groupe, mais a décidé contre car il semblait être trop dans son propre petit monde, et avec la vitesse qu'il était, elle doutait qu'elle serait en mesure de suivre avec lui. Le deuxième choix était celui du calme avec le masque lapin-rabbit. Il semblait plutôt débrouillard et antisocial, ce qui serait parfait pour Akane dans toute autre situation... mais avec la question actuelle, ce n'était peut-être pas le meilleur choix de suivre quelqu'un qui n'a jamais parlé. Pour tout ce qu'elle savait, il pourrait prévoir de l'utiliser comme une distraction ou un appât d'une sorte et elle ne saurait même pas, seulement suivre sans esprit. Ça a laissé le dernier choix, Kurisa. La seule Akane connaissait le nom et la seule qui semblait garder le groupe en échec dans son ensemble. Il serait de son second choix si ce n'était pas pour le fait sûr que évidemment la blonde à haute bouche le suivrait, ce qui pourrait être plus d'un problème alors un atout. Akane n'avait aucune idée de ce que ferait le petit avec des lunettes, mais elle pouvait seulement espérer qu'il se garderait en sécurité.
C'était du temps libre et Akane a perdu peu de temps après Kurisa. Elle a raccroché un peu en arrière comme la blonde était la première sortie avec son ami à tête d'écharpe, comme prévu bien sûr. Après s'être assuré que son sac à bandoulière était sécurisé, Akane a couru, balançant la clé en préparation pour frapper la tête de toute personne infectée qui tentait de la briser du petit groupe. 'Un vers le bas...' Elle s'est accrochée à la clé, balançant ses bras pour gagner de la vitesse avant d'écraser le côté contondant de l'outil dans le côté du crâne de l'infecté, en comptant ceux qu'elle a pris dans sa tête. « Deux vaincus... » Akane savait où livrer des coups mortels à la tête car elle avait étudié la science de très près, ce qui inclut un examen approfondi de la biologie. Espérons qu'elle pourrait durer assez longtemps pour s'échapper, elle n'était pas vraiment un body-builder après tout. S'approchant de Kurisa, elle l'entendit parler. Mais Akane n'a pas vu ça comme une chose particulièrement mauvaise, tant qu'il ne s'est pas retourné contre ses alliés, eh bien, elle s'en ficherait s'il s'en prenait à la blonde, mais tant qu'il ne s'est pas retourné contre elle, Akane s'en ficherait qu'il ait aimé ou non cette activité. Ses yeux dardaient de gauche à droite constamment afin de prendre rapidement dans ses environs, prenant note de l'emplacement des escaliers, ainsi que de la masse de corps éparpillés le long du sol.
Affichages utilisés: 2
Coups à gauche : 9
Peut-être. | ::Name::
Akane Hetoshi
Seeming calm at all times is generally Akane's behaviour. She hardly makes effort to socialise with others unless they know something she wants to find out. Other than that, she usually speaks only when spoken to during classes. She's never bothered by the lack of friends she has or being left out of most social activities outside of the school as any other student may be. She just likes her own company and enjoying herself by herself.
Her main focuses, goals, aspirations, so on and so-forth are:... well.. nothing. Akane feels that she merely exists in this world, nothing more, nothing less and thus is quite content with just 'going wherever the wind takes her'. She takes solace in knowing how insignificant she is, how small her mistakes are compared to the mistakes of those who influence and thrive on being surrounded by other people. This may seem depressing, but Akane feels comfortable with this realisation, it makes her feel liberated when thinking about it since she feels that she can do anything she wants and no one would care or pay her any notice.
Generally Akane is quite relaxed, hardly ever worried or stressed about anything as nothing important or worth fussing over ever happens in her life, or more that's how she sees things. Little know however that secretly Akane is a very hot-headed person. Since she isolates herself within her own little bubble, rarely anyone is given a chance to notice this side of her. Covering up her anger isn't easy but Akane has learned how to conceal it better by dodging the problem altogether: Other people. Her mind, on the other hand, is often filled with annoyed and agitated thoughts from what she witnesses in day-to-day life since she is also rather observant. Due to this, she has a large amount of dislike for many people, especially loud, arrogant, unnecessarily mean and outspoken people. Those who also say what's on their mind at all times no matter whether their statements are positive and nice or rude and negative just grinds her gears. When in the presence of such people, Akane grits her teeth as an automatic response, something she often doesn't realise she's doing.
Akane moved from home as soon as she turned 18. She had enough of her loud, invasive and opinionated family since they'd constantly bug her about being quiet and enter her room unannounced before snooping through her stuff for no reason what-so-ever. She hardly spoke to them despite living within the same building, however on the odd occasion a conversation was made, it'd easily turn into a one-sided argument because of how strongly opinionated they are and the fact that the moment voices or tension raises, Akane simply walks away and escapes to her room which tends to annoy people who're trying to argue with you. Throughout most of her childhood, Akane spent her time in her room with the door shut. If she wasn't there, she was at the local library, enjoying the quiet atmoshpere despite how little she read books. Now that she has her own place though, she's almost happy... if it weren't for the fact that she needed a room-mate to live with so she could afford to move. However, it wasn't all bad, her room-mate is actually quite a nice person and leaves Akane to do what she wants with few questions. There had been a couple of moments where the two of them had interesting deep conversations about a variety of topics as the two of them shared a couple of common interests, one of which was Science. Although such conversations happen rarely.
With her vast amount of alone time, whenever Akane was bored with entertainment or whatever other task she was preforming, she'd turn to studying. Her version of studying had always been a more relaxed, almost lazy approach since she only studied a little each time she was bored until the urge for some entertainment returned. However, despite the lazy quantity, the quality of each study time was high. She'd make sure she fully understood absolutely everything she learned about, be it through text books, research, work sheets etc. This made her rather knowledgeable in quite a few different subjects which was the reason for her constant high grades. Even though her grades were high and she did well in school, Akane didn't care about her high achievements. They weren't impressive in comparison to a person who changed the world so there was no point to embracing such minuscule achievements.
Skilled at Science as it's a subject of interest for her. Semi-skilled at mathematics and computing making her knowledgeable about technology, and also semi-skilled at games which helped her improve her strategic and problem-solving skills. Bad at physical education since she hardly leaves her room, the little exercise she does consists of just walking to school or the library, which hasn't helped her stamina meaning she runs out of breath rather quickly.
They Ate Shoske! - He was in my way. *snickers darkly* |
48,489 | 1,305 | 154 | 1,925 | 466 | Megumi est entrée dans la maison et a enlevé ses chaussures. Elle les mit à côté de la porte avec son sac à dos. Les yeux de la jeune fille traînèrent lentement jusqu'à l'ajout suivant de la famille Okomura. "Est-ce que c'est si..." Megumi murmura. Elle a agité les bouts de ses franges dans ses doigts et a tout simplement hissé la tête, en disant un merci au commentaire de la fille.
Cette famille était plutôt énergique et optimiste, même avec l'idée d'une mort imminente. Elle ne savait pas si cet endroit lui plairait ou non, mais ça n'avait pas d'importance puisqu'elle aurait au moins un endroit où rester pour la nuit. Pour l'instant, Megumi est resté amical et neutre envers la famille d'Aki.
Elle s'est promenée sur le canapé et s'est assise au milieu, les mains sur les genoux. "Votre maison est très pittoresque." Megumi a commenté, ses yeux regardant autour de tous les meubles et jouets. "Des jouets de chien...? Où est ton chien?" Elle a soulevé un sourcil dans la confusion. Megumi n'avait jamais rencontré de chien face à face, la famille Hazekage n'avait jamais possédé de félins, donc voir un canin pour la première fois serait une belle expérience. "Comment avez-vous tous survécu aux morts-vivants?" | Name: Megumi Hazekage
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: 2-A
Personality: Prideful to say the least, Megumi is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Megumi calls people as "pigs in human clothing," and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possess a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Megumi is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life.
When first meeting her, she is cold and rather ruthless, just gazing upon her will send shivers down ones spine. Not only is she intelligent, yet she knows what to do to bring weak targets down, especially when those targets have a very low self-esteem. In some cases, she could be what you consider a 'Major Bitch'.
In spite of her behavior at school, she is not heartless. While very harsh and not very willing to tolerate failures, she does care a great deal for those who she manages to care about, such as her brother. Megumi has a small social circle, so most of the time she lingers around her sibling.
Background: Megumi was always a stuffy, if not brilliant girl. Born under the daughter of Izuma Hazekage, and sister to Kurogane Hazekage, she was put under speculation by both the press and by her family; although, by extension, her brother would be the heir, she would still represent the family in hindsight, in both business and in war; which she was expected to throw herself into once she became of said mature age. Her days were spent studying with her mother, a softspoken lady that didn't have much to do with her brother, Kurogane. She would often spar with her father and brother, although, whenever she entered the dojo, it was to the sight of Kurogane bleeding, battered and bruised, while her father goaded her in with only a stoic shift of the head. She blossomed underneath his teachings, and often tested her skill against Kurogane; whom she knew to be holding back insurmountable amounts of anger at her father's way of abuse and stress-relief. Every-day, she would help him, either with studying or medical attention, and every-day, he would do the same, straightening her form or giving her a round in a game of Shogi. Life continued on, with Megumi's creative mind allowing her to come out on top with anything she put her energy and time towards. Her relationship with her brother became her strongest bond yet, although it will surely be tested to it's limits in the time to come.
Skills: Megumi is talented in the field of math and engineering, though she is rather lacking in history and social sciences. Due to her great knowledge, she knows quite a bit of information especially pertaining to the crafting of items(Thinks like nailed in baseball bats, or simple weapons for defense, if she were to have completed her studies, Megumi would have learned a lot more). The young girl is a fight fanatic, she dabbles in hand to hand from the teachings her father and brother had given her.
She knows some medical treatments, like disinfecting cuts and bruises, but that's something everyone should already know how to do.
Friendship wise, she sucks at gaining trust from others since she is constantly brooding and upset.
Weapons: N/A
Kurogane - Her older brother and someone she knows very well. He is the only person Megumi is actually willing to socialize with, mostly due to the fact that they are siblings. |
48,490 | 1,305 | 155 | 1,710 | 4,163 | "Oh, soit se coucher dans son lit dans la salle à manger, soit dans la chambre d'Aki." Daisuke dit se déplacer dans la salle à manger, ne pas repérer leur petit paquet de joie, alors il s'est déplacé vers la chambre d'Aki, dans laquelle il a fait irruption directement sur Aki qui était en train de retirer le ruban adhésif de ses mains. Et assez à l'envers sur le lit était leur chien. Un gros bulldog américain. Il l'a mise dans son bras gauche, il tape Aki sur la tête avant de quitter sa chambre et de fermer la porte. Il est retourné au salon et a plié le chien sur le canapé à côté de Megumi. Le chien la reniflait alors avant de rouler sur son dos en la regardant.
"Cela veut dire qu'elle veut se frotter le ventre. C'est un petit chien si gâté. Et si tu veux." Il a dit de ramasser un morceau de corde. "Elle aime jouer au remorqueur de la guerre." Ils sont alors tous restés silencieux à sa question suivante et se sont ébranlés. "Bon, je suppose. Noa n'est pas allée à l'école, elle a des cours de l'après-midi. Et nous vivons sur une colline par nous-mêmes, le bruit de notre maison n'arrive pas vraiment à la ville. Tellement de chance." Daisuke a dit qu'il grimpait, comme Aki sortait alors de sa chambre, les griffes de scalpel retirées de sa main, ainsi que ses vêtements sanglants qui ont été changés pour une chemise noire régulière. et une paire de jeans. "Oh oui, on t'offrirait quelque chose de moins sale, mais je doute que Noa ou les vêtements de maman t'aillent." En parlant de Noa, elle se levait et s'asseyait en plus d'Aki et prenait ses 3ds de sa poche et commençait à jouer son jeu. "Hé, tu devrais demander d'abord à l'idiot." Aki lui a dit de lui sourire alors qu'il regardait ce qu'elle faisait. Ce qui était en train de changer son papier mural en petits cœurs roses, alors qu'elle commençait à prendre des photos de tout, y compris l'un des Megumi. "Et vous Megumi, comment avez-vous survécu?" Daisuke a demandé, ce qui a fait Aki se taire alors qu'il la regardait avant de regarder par la fenêtre. | Name: Aki Okumura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-C
Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him.
Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways.
Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments.
Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in))
Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz))
Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad)
Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in)
Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled.
Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad)
Weapons: N/a
Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ)
Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why? |
48,491 | 1,305 | 156 | 1,925 | 466 | "Tu n'avais pas à amener le chien jusqu'ici..." Megumi murmura. Elle tenait la corde dans une main tandis que l'autre planait sur le ventre de la canine ridée. Elle tourna la tête et ferma les yeux serrés, car elle avait enfin assez de vigueur pour placer sa main sur le ventre de l'animal.
"Oh..." Megumi cooed. Elle se retourna et laissa sortir un petit soupir de soulagement en frottant son ventre. Le chien semblait s'amuser, avec son croupion enroulé et son regard endormi. "C'est mignon."
"Eh?" La jeune fille leva la tête et regarda Daisuke. "Je suppose que c'était aussi de la chance. On s'est enfuis du toit et on a attaqué plusieurs salles de classe avant de partir. Si vous n'étiez pas arrivé alors, nos efforts auraient été vains. » Quand elle habitait dans ses pensées de l'école, elle se souvenait de son frère qu'elle avait quitté dans le misérable bâtiment. C'était juste Megumi maintenant. Son père ne serait pas là, en fait il ne serait même pas au Japon en ce moment s'il avait fui le manoir à temps. C'est ce que karma lui servait... Megumi s'est penchée vers l'avant et a jeté la corde sur le côté pour qu'elle puisse passer ses mains à travers ses cheveux d'une manière frustrée. "C'est bon maintenant, je suppose... Je n'ai pas besoin d'une autre paire de vêtements. Encore une question : est-ce que je dormirai sur le canapé? » | Name: Megumi Hazekage
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: 2-A
Personality: Prideful to say the least, Megumi is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Megumi calls people as "pigs in human clothing," and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possess a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Megumi is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life.
When first meeting her, she is cold and rather ruthless, just gazing upon her will send shivers down ones spine. Not only is she intelligent, yet she knows what to do to bring weak targets down, especially when those targets have a very low self-esteem. In some cases, she could be what you consider a 'Major Bitch'.
In spite of her behavior at school, she is not heartless. While very harsh and not very willing to tolerate failures, she does care a great deal for those who she manages to care about, such as her brother. Megumi has a small social circle, so most of the time she lingers around her sibling.
Background: Megumi was always a stuffy, if not brilliant girl. Born under the daughter of Izuma Hazekage, and sister to Kurogane Hazekage, she was put under speculation by both the press and by her family; although, by extension, her brother would be the heir, she would still represent the family in hindsight, in both business and in war; which she was expected to throw herself into once she became of said mature age. Her days were spent studying with her mother, a softspoken lady that didn't have much to do with her brother, Kurogane. She would often spar with her father and brother, although, whenever she entered the dojo, it was to the sight of Kurogane bleeding, battered and bruised, while her father goaded her in with only a stoic shift of the head. She blossomed underneath his teachings, and often tested her skill against Kurogane; whom she knew to be holding back insurmountable amounts of anger at her father's way of abuse and stress-relief. Every-day, she would help him, either with studying or medical attention, and every-day, he would do the same, straightening her form or giving her a round in a game of Shogi. Life continued on, with Megumi's creative mind allowing her to come out on top with anything she put her energy and time towards. Her relationship with her brother became her strongest bond yet, although it will surely be tested to it's limits in the time to come.
Skills: Megumi is talented in the field of math and engineering, though she is rather lacking in history and social sciences. Due to her great knowledge, she knows quite a bit of information especially pertaining to the crafting of items(Thinks like nailed in baseball bats, or simple weapons for defense, if she were to have completed her studies, Megumi would have learned a lot more). The young girl is a fight fanatic, she dabbles in hand to hand from the teachings her father and brother had given her.
She knows some medical treatments, like disinfecting cuts and bruises, but that's something everyone should already know how to do.
Friendship wise, she sucks at gaining trust from others since she is constantly brooding and upset.
Weapons: N/A
Kurogane - Her older brother and someone she knows very well. He is the only person Megumi is actually willing to socialize with, mostly due to the fact that they are siblings. |
48,492 | 1,305 | 157 | 1,710 | 4,163 | Notant sa frustration, il pouvait voir qu'il se passait quelque chose, mais la laisser s'en occuper. "Nah, nous avons une chambre d'amis. Et si on ne l'avait pas fait, je suis sûr que Noa t'aurait prêté sa chambre. Aki, va lui montrer où est la chambre." Daisuke a dit qu'il avait ramassé le chiot avec une laisse, et qu'il était sorti de la porte. Aki vient de se lever et se mit en mouvement pour qu'elle suive, dans lequel il descendait le couloir et ouvrait une pièce qui serait la pièce la plus simple de tout le monde. Il y avait juste un lit, une commode, une télé et une lampe. « Eh bien, pas grand chose à dire, vous vous fatiguez le lit est là, je dirais si vous vous ennuyez que la télévision est là, mais quelles sont les chances que ce soit une chose de travail... » Aki a dit avant de rester silencieux alors qu'il la regardait. "Tu m'en veux? Si on était restés, on aurait pu s'échapper ensemble. Donc vous devez me blâmer d'une manière ou d'une autre correct?" Aki lui a demandé.
Aki a pensé à l'école et ce qui s'est passé sur le toit. Bien sûr qu'il n'aimait pas Kurogane mais il ne voulait pas qu'il meure, et ce n'était certainement pas son intention. Mais avec la façon dont les événements se sont déroulés, il aurait pu baiser ceux qu'ils n'ont pas vus en sortir du toit. Quand il y a pensé, il a fait une belle camoflauge pour les zombies, assez de camofluage qu'un groupe d'entre eux pourrait facilement les attraper de garde et les déchirer. Et il n'avait pas envie de retourner voir s'il les avait fait tuer. | Name: Aki Okumura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-C
Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him.
Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways.
Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments.
Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in))
Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz))
Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad)
Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in)
Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled.
Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad)
Weapons: N/a
Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ)
Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why? |
48,493 | 1,305 | 158 | 1,925 | 466 | Megumi le fixa longtemps avant de parler. « Si j'avais été fermé à l'esprit, j'aurais répondu avec oui et vous aurais frappé avec colère jusqu'à ce que je sois satisfait. Mais je ne le suis pas, et je suppose que nous étions tous imprudents d'une certaine façon, mais le blâme serait sur sa propre fierté... juste... peu importe." Elle a laissé sortir un petit caca quand elle est entrée dans la chambre. "Vous n'avez pas à montrer votre inquiétude ou votre curiosité, même si c'est faux."
La jeune fille s'est retournée et a posé une main sur la porte. "Je vais me reposer, seulement me piéger quand c'est nécessaire." Cela dit, elle a fermé la porte sur lui et s'est serrée vers le lit où elle allait simplement s'effondrer et soupirer dans les draps propres. Elle a enlevé son pain et laissé ses cheveux rouges tomber sur son dos. Toujours si lentement, elle s'est apaisée sous les draps où elle se recroquevait et s'allongeait tout simplement. "Qui aurait cru que la première fois que je serais vu sans mon frère est pendant l'apocalypse..." Megumi a laissé sortir un petit grognement alors qu'elle tirait les draps sur sa tête. | Name: Megumi Hazekage
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: 2-A
Personality: Prideful to say the least, Megumi is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Megumi calls people as "pigs in human clothing," and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possess a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Megumi is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life.
When first meeting her, she is cold and rather ruthless, just gazing upon her will send shivers down ones spine. Not only is she intelligent, yet she knows what to do to bring weak targets down, especially when those targets have a very low self-esteem. In some cases, she could be what you consider a 'Major Bitch'.
In spite of her behavior at school, she is not heartless. While very harsh and not very willing to tolerate failures, she does care a great deal for those who she manages to care about, such as her brother. Megumi has a small social circle, so most of the time she lingers around her sibling.
Background: Megumi was always a stuffy, if not brilliant girl. Born under the daughter of Izuma Hazekage, and sister to Kurogane Hazekage, she was put under speculation by both the press and by her family; although, by extension, her brother would be the heir, she would still represent the family in hindsight, in both business and in war; which she was expected to throw herself into once she became of said mature age. Her days were spent studying with her mother, a softspoken lady that didn't have much to do with her brother, Kurogane. She would often spar with her father and brother, although, whenever she entered the dojo, it was to the sight of Kurogane bleeding, battered and bruised, while her father goaded her in with only a stoic shift of the head. She blossomed underneath his teachings, and often tested her skill against Kurogane; whom she knew to be holding back insurmountable amounts of anger at her father's way of abuse and stress-relief. Every-day, she would help him, either with studying or medical attention, and every-day, he would do the same, straightening her form or giving her a round in a game of Shogi. Life continued on, with Megumi's creative mind allowing her to come out on top with anything she put her energy and time towards. Her relationship with her brother became her strongest bond yet, although it will surely be tested to it's limits in the time to come.
Skills: Megumi is talented in the field of math and engineering, though she is rather lacking in history and social sciences. Due to her great knowledge, she knows quite a bit of information especially pertaining to the crafting of items(Thinks like nailed in baseball bats, or simple weapons for defense, if she were to have completed her studies, Megumi would have learned a lot more). The young girl is a fight fanatic, she dabbles in hand to hand from the teachings her father and brother had given her.
She knows some medical treatments, like disinfecting cuts and bruises, but that's something everyone should already know how to do.
Friendship wise, she sucks at gaining trust from others since she is constantly brooding and upset.
Weapons: N/A
Kurogane - Her older brother and someone she knows very well. He is the only person Megumi is actually willing to socialize with, mostly due to the fact that they are siblings. |
48,494 | 1,305 | 159 | 1,710 | 4,163 | "O-oh ok, essayez de vous reposer facilement alors." Aki disait que la porte se refermait devant lui, qu'il se frottait l'arrière de la tête alors qu'il rentrait dans le couloir avant de s'asseoir sur le canapé. Il tentait de regarder son chiot essayer de sauter sur le canapé mais tomber à court, ce qui lui a fait snicker alors qu'il la soulevait sur elle. "Hé petit, tu crois que c'est de ma faute?" Il a parlé en regardant le chiot qui l'a renversé. -- Vous n'êtes pas censé me répondre! Le chien continuerait à faire ses minuscules écorces qui feraient regarder Aki par la fenêtre pour voir un zombie frapper à la porte. "Ahhh je vois." Il murmura alors qu'il remettait le chien à Noa qui tremblait un peu et se dirigea vers son sac en prenant le couteau de poche.
Il est sorti de la porte de derrière et tout autour de l'avant, dans lequel il a frappé le couteau à l'arrière de ce qui servait de crâne d'un homme d'affaires. Les coups de feu s'arrêtaient alors qu'Aki empoignait le cadavre décédé plusieurs fois deux, et le trempait loin de la maison, déposant son cadavre dans les bois. "Bien sûr que ce n'est pas ma faute. Ils ont eu le temps de descendre de ce toit. Ils auraient dû partir de la même façon! S'ils sont restés et sont morts, c'est leur faute stupide! » Aki criait à lui-même, quand sa petite sœur venait derrière lui et l'embrassait. "Le grand frère ne fait jamais rien de mal. S'il s'est passé quelque chose, je doute que ce soit à cause de toi." Noa parlerait ce qui ferait sourire Aki, comme il l'a serrée dans le dos. "Merci, mais retournez à l'intérieur." Aki lui dit qu'elle s'est hurlée et est revenue à la maison.
Aki soupirait alors en regardant le ciel. Il semblait que rien n'était mal, un ciel bleu normal sur ce qui devrait être une journée normale. Quand il voyait soudain le visage mort de Kurogane le regardant vers le bas. Étonnamment, il a sauté pour ne rien voir là-bas. "Non! J'ai dit que ce n'était pas ma faute! Je ne peux pas devenir fou de ça. Je ne l'aimais pas, alors pourquoi ça m'embête." Aki s'est parlé quand il a entendu un bruit de grognement suivi d'un zombie l'attraper de l'avant et le frapper à terre. Au milieu de cela, il laissa tomber son couteau de poche parmi les feuilles, le faisant maudire un peu. "Fais chier!" Il s'est parlé quand sa mère a poussé la créature. "Débarrassez-vous de mon fils, espèce de brute!" Elle a crié, et il n'a pas fallu du temps pour que la créature change sa cible et mord sa mère dans le bras, avant de la pousser vers le bas et de lui arracher la gorge. "Non!!!!" Aki a crié alors qu'il a attrapé le zombie en le jetant et puis en le tapant sur son crâne plusieurs fois même après qu'il soit mort, ne laissant rien d'autre qu'une tête aplatie.
Se précipitant vers sa mère, il a déjà vu le regard sans vie dans ses yeux qui l'a rendu tendu. "Maman? Tout va bien? C'est juste un rêve correct? Je me suis endormi dès que je suis rentré et j'ai imaginé ça. Tu ne mourrais pas sur ton petit garçon, n'est-ce pas?" Aki l'interrogea alors qu'il la secouait, mais en vain. « C'est... » Aki a dit en s'enfuyant quand son frère s'est précipité hors de la maison après avoir entendu les cris, et a regardé en silence Aki et leur mère. Il tombait à genoux et jureait un peu, avant d'attraper le couteau de poche. "Aki... Je ne sais pas si tu les as vus tourner, mais une fois mordus, ils deviennent un monstre insensé. On ne peut pas laisser maman se transformer en ça." Il a parlé dans lequel Aki vient de se déchirer un peu et a hurlé. Daisuke poussait alors la lame dans son crâne et la retirait. "Tout est de ma faute, à l'école et même maintenant. Je ne fais que tuer des gens." Aki a dit que son frère lui a fait un câlin. "Non, ce n'est pas le cas, maintenant arrête de penser comme ça. Ce monde a été fait pour des gens comme vous." Son frère disait de le réconforter, si en hurlant son frère, ils ont ramassé leur mère et l'ont ramenée à la maison, les deux creusant un trou. | Name: Aki Okumura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-C
Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him.
Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways.
Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments.
Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in))
Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz))
Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad)
Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in)
Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled.
Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad)
Weapons: N/a
Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ)
Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why? |
48,495 | 1,305 | 160 | 1,925 | 466 | Megumi s'est lentement assise, ses cheveux sales et ses yeux bousculés. "Fuck... Je me suis endormie..." La jeune fille sifflait à travers ses dents serrées. Elle a arraché les couvertures d'elle-même et a couru ses doigts à travers ses cheveux, démêlant les extrémités et l'assouplissant de sorte qu'il a mis à plat une fois de plus. Toujours si lentement, elle a fait son chemin hors de la salle pour inspecter ceux qui étaient actuellement dans la maison; Noa et le chien. Où étaient la mère et les deux autres frères et sœurs?
"Mnn..." Megumi secoua la tête et se mit à errer dans toute la maison, ses yeux attrapent enfin un regard sur les deux dehors secouant la terre pour faire une tombe... Mais pour qui? Elle sortit, son corps se tenait dans la porte alors qu'elle continuait à les surveiller. Le cadavre qui s'est reposé n'était autre que les femmes qu'elle a rencontrées il y a quelques heures, ce qui montre à quel point le monde était vraiment cruel en ce moment. Elle n'a pas dit un mot, elle ne voulait pas, car tout ce qu'elle pourrait dire ruinerait leur moment de silence à ceux qui sont tombés. Megumi s'appuyait contre le cadre de la porte, les bras croisés alors qu'elle inhalait tout simplement profondément et soupirait. S'ils avaient tous fait quelque chose de différent, peut-être que ce scénario ne serait pas arrivé? Peut-être que ces trois-là ne seraient pas sans mère maintenant. Peut-être qu'elle n'aurait pas dû dormir. | Name: Megumi Hazekage
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: 2-A
Personality: Prideful to say the least, Megumi is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Megumi calls people as "pigs in human clothing," and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possess a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Megumi is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life.
When first meeting her, she is cold and rather ruthless, just gazing upon her will send shivers down ones spine. Not only is she intelligent, yet she knows what to do to bring weak targets down, especially when those targets have a very low self-esteem. In some cases, she could be what you consider a 'Major Bitch'.
In spite of her behavior at school, she is not heartless. While very harsh and not very willing to tolerate failures, she does care a great deal for those who she manages to care about, such as her brother. Megumi has a small social circle, so most of the time she lingers around her sibling.
Background: Megumi was always a stuffy, if not brilliant girl. Born under the daughter of Izuma Hazekage, and sister to Kurogane Hazekage, she was put under speculation by both the press and by her family; although, by extension, her brother would be the heir, she would still represent the family in hindsight, in both business and in war; which she was expected to throw herself into once she became of said mature age. Her days were spent studying with her mother, a softspoken lady that didn't have much to do with her brother, Kurogane. She would often spar with her father and brother, although, whenever she entered the dojo, it was to the sight of Kurogane bleeding, battered and bruised, while her father goaded her in with only a stoic shift of the head. She blossomed underneath his teachings, and often tested her skill against Kurogane; whom she knew to be holding back insurmountable amounts of anger at her father's way of abuse and stress-relief. Every-day, she would help him, either with studying or medical attention, and every-day, he would do the same, straightening her form or giving her a round in a game of Shogi. Life continued on, with Megumi's creative mind allowing her to come out on top with anything she put her energy and time towards. Her relationship with her brother became her strongest bond yet, although it will surely be tested to it's limits in the time to come.
Skills: Megumi is talented in the field of math and engineering, though she is rather lacking in history and social sciences. Due to her great knowledge, she knows quite a bit of information especially pertaining to the crafting of items(Thinks like nailed in baseball bats, or simple weapons for defense, if she were to have completed her studies, Megumi would have learned a lot more). The young girl is a fight fanatic, she dabbles in hand to hand from the teachings her father and brother had given her.
She knows some medical treatments, like disinfecting cuts and bruises, but that's something everyone should already know how to do.
Friendship wise, she sucks at gaining trust from others since she is constantly brooding and upset.
Weapons: N/A
Kurogane - Her older brother and someone she knows very well. He is the only person Megumi is actually willing to socialize with, mostly due to the fact that they are siblings. |
48,496 | 1,305 | 161 | 1,710 | 4,163 | Après avoir fini de creuser le trou et d'enterrer la mère, ils sont restés là en silence pendant quelques minutes. Daisuke tape alors son frère sur la tête, alors qu'il a donné un sourire à Megumi alors qu'il marchait devant elle dans la maison pour réconforter Noa. Alors que le chiot tremblait dehors et s'asseyait à côté d'Aki qui l'a ramassée en regardant la tombe. "Il a dit que ce n'était pas de ma faute, mais peu importe comment tu le regardes, tout indique ma merde. J'aurais dû rentrer dans la maison, mais pour une raison quelconque, je suis resté dehors. Ma mère m'a ensuite sauvée pour me faire tuer. Et il me dit que ce n'est pas ma faute." Aki a dit savoir que Megumi était là, mais ne s'en souciait pas à ce stade. "Mes derniers putains de mots que ma mère a entendus viennent de ma bouche étaient, je vais dans ma chambre. Pendant que ses derniers étaient en train de quitter mon fils."
Le chien l'a frappé et a fait un petit bout de tête qui a fait Aki la regarder. "Même si tu le dis, hein? On me dit même que j'ai tort par un animal." Aki a dit, alors qu'il regardait Megumi. "Hé, où comptez-vous aller demain? Puisque vous êtes en classe, il serait plus logique que votre famille vienne vous chercher. Sont-ils encore dans notre pays?" | Name: Aki Okumura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-C
Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him.
Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways.
Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments.
Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in))
Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz))
Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad)
Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in)
Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled.
Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad)
Weapons: N/a
Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ)
Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why? |
48,497 | 1,305 | 162 | 1,925 | 466 | Megumi tourna la tête sur le côté pendant qu'il parlait, ses paroles le poussant simplement à soupirer et à secouer la tête en consternation. "Tu es plutôt dur avec toi-même... Mais je n'en dirai pas trop. Et sur l'autre sujet, j'ai prévu de voyager ailleurs, je suppose. Je ne pense pas que mes parents aient fui le pays, je sais qu'ils l'ont fait, parce que pourquoi resteraient-ils autour pour sauver leur progéniture quand ils pourront partir maintenant et en faire plus chaque fois qu'ils le ressentent. » Elle a serré les épaules en réponse et a fait un pas en arrière à l'intérieur pour rentrer dans la maison. « Je ne veux plus alourdir votre famille, d'autant plus qu'un être cher vient de passer. Si tu veux, je peux partir plus tôt que d'habitude pour sortir de tes cheveux. Ça n'a même pas été deux heures et quelqu'un est déjà mort, ce qui est probablement un présage pour chasser les étrangers et s'occuper de votre propre famille... Ne pensez-vous pas, Aki?"
La jeune fille a ramassé ses cheveux et l'a balayée sur son épaule. "Je voudrais aussi suggérer de quitter la ville et de partir quelque part moins peuplé, comme une ferme ou une ville... Peut-être même un camp s'ils ont commencé à les établir déjà?" | Name: Megumi Hazekage
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: 2-A
Personality: Prideful to say the least, Megumi is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Megumi calls people as "pigs in human clothing," and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possess a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Megumi is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life.
When first meeting her, she is cold and rather ruthless, just gazing upon her will send shivers down ones spine. Not only is she intelligent, yet she knows what to do to bring weak targets down, especially when those targets have a very low self-esteem. In some cases, she could be what you consider a 'Major Bitch'.
In spite of her behavior at school, she is not heartless. While very harsh and not very willing to tolerate failures, she does care a great deal for those who she manages to care about, such as her brother. Megumi has a small social circle, so most of the time she lingers around her sibling.
Background: Megumi was always a stuffy, if not brilliant girl. Born under the daughter of Izuma Hazekage, and sister to Kurogane Hazekage, she was put under speculation by both the press and by her family; although, by extension, her brother would be the heir, she would still represent the family in hindsight, in both business and in war; which she was expected to throw herself into once she became of said mature age. Her days were spent studying with her mother, a softspoken lady that didn't have much to do with her brother, Kurogane. She would often spar with her father and brother, although, whenever she entered the dojo, it was to the sight of Kurogane bleeding, battered and bruised, while her father goaded her in with only a stoic shift of the head. She blossomed underneath his teachings, and often tested her skill against Kurogane; whom she knew to be holding back insurmountable amounts of anger at her father's way of abuse and stress-relief. Every-day, she would help him, either with studying or medical attention, and every-day, he would do the same, straightening her form or giving her a round in a game of Shogi. Life continued on, with Megumi's creative mind allowing her to come out on top with anything she put her energy and time towards. Her relationship with her brother became her strongest bond yet, although it will surely be tested to it's limits in the time to come.
Skills: Megumi is talented in the field of math and engineering, though she is rather lacking in history and social sciences. Due to her great knowledge, she knows quite a bit of information especially pertaining to the crafting of items(Thinks like nailed in baseball bats, or simple weapons for defense, if she were to have completed her studies, Megumi would have learned a lot more). The young girl is a fight fanatic, she dabbles in hand to hand from the teachings her father and brother had given her.
She knows some medical treatments, like disinfecting cuts and bruises, but that's something everyone should already know how to do.
Friendship wise, she sucks at gaining trust from others since she is constantly brooding and upset.
Weapons: N/A
Kurogane - Her older brother and someone she knows very well. He is the only person Megumi is actually willing to socialize with, mostly due to the fact that they are siblings. |
48,498 | 1,305 | 163 | 1,710 | 4,163 | "Peut-être que je suis qui sait. Et pourquoi resteraient-ils dans le coin? Parce que tu es leur fille! C'est pour ça qu'ils devraient essayer de te trouver! C'est ce que les vrais parents devraient faire!" Avec ce qu'elle a dit ensuite l'a rendu silencieux avant de la regarder en arrière. "Pas du tout, si tout ce qu'il me reste, ce sont mes frères et sœurs. Vous êtes plus que les bienvenus à rester. Je ne pense pas que ce soit un mauvais présage, vous n'avez rien fait pour causer ça. Je m'en veux. En plus, vous n'êtes pas du tout un fardeau, c'est en fait un peu agréable. Aussi son va être sombre bientôt, trop dangereux pour partir." Aki a dit qu'il rentrait dans la maison après avoir placé le chien dans les bras de Megumi.
"Une ferme serait probablement moins peuplée, les villes sont esquisses à ce stade et avec le premier jour je doute qu'un grand camp soit en place, mais ne fait jamais de mal pour maintenir cette idée." Aki a dit avant de se taire un peu. -- Avant ce qui s'est passé, j'ai vu... peu importe que ce ne soit pas important. | Name: Aki Okumura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 2-C
Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him.
Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways.
Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments.
Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in))
Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz))
Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad)
Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in)
Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled.
Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad)
Weapons: N/a
Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ)
Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why? |
48,499 | 1,305 | 164 | 1,925 | 466 | La jeune fille laissa sortir un petit grognement alors qu'elle tenait le petit canin dans ses bras. Elle regardait simplement la masse de graisse et de fourrure, levant un sourcil tandis que l'animal la regardait avec des yeux brun foncé. "Er... Uh..." Megumi ne savait pas quoi faire à ce point, donc elle a simplement posé le chien et a poché son croupion avec l'extrémité de son orteil, cringingant légèrement quand elle a fermé la porte et l'a piquée sur le canapé.
"Pardon?" Elle a dit : "Qu'as-tu vu?" Megumi a demandé, légitimement curieux. Si ce garçon allait lui cacher quelque chose si tôt... sa confiance va légèrement fléchir. "Dis-moi, était-ce quelque chose d'important? Dangereux peut-être?" Elle a posé ses mains sur ses hanches.
La journée n'était pas encore terminée, en fait, elle était encore assez brillante, ce qui signifiait aussi que les gens, les étudiants, essayaient encore de s'en sortir vivants et de survivre au premier cycle nocturne. | Name: Megumi Hazekage
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: 2-A
Personality: Prideful to say the least, Megumi is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Megumi calls people as "pigs in human clothing," and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possess a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Megumi is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life.
When first meeting her, she is cold and rather ruthless, just gazing upon her will send shivers down ones spine. Not only is she intelligent, yet she knows what to do to bring weak targets down, especially when those targets have a very low self-esteem. In some cases, she could be what you consider a 'Major Bitch'.
In spite of her behavior at school, she is not heartless. While very harsh and not very willing to tolerate failures, she does care a great deal for those who she manages to care about, such as her brother. Megumi has a small social circle, so most of the time she lingers around her sibling.
Background: Megumi was always a stuffy, if not brilliant girl. Born under the daughter of Izuma Hazekage, and sister to Kurogane Hazekage, she was put under speculation by both the press and by her family; although, by extension, her brother would be the heir, she would still represent the family in hindsight, in both business and in war; which she was expected to throw herself into once she became of said mature age. Her days were spent studying with her mother, a softspoken lady that didn't have much to do with her brother, Kurogane. She would often spar with her father and brother, although, whenever she entered the dojo, it was to the sight of Kurogane bleeding, battered and bruised, while her father goaded her in with only a stoic shift of the head. She blossomed underneath his teachings, and often tested her skill against Kurogane; whom she knew to be holding back insurmountable amounts of anger at her father's way of abuse and stress-relief. Every-day, she would help him, either with studying or medical attention, and every-day, he would do the same, straightening her form or giving her a round in a game of Shogi. Life continued on, with Megumi's creative mind allowing her to come out on top with anything she put her energy and time towards. Her relationship with her brother became her strongest bond yet, although it will surely be tested to it's limits in the time to come.
Skills: Megumi is talented in the field of math and engineering, though she is rather lacking in history and social sciences. Due to her great knowledge, she knows quite a bit of information especially pertaining to the crafting of items(Thinks like nailed in baseball bats, or simple weapons for defense, if she were to have completed her studies, Megumi would have learned a lot more). The young girl is a fight fanatic, she dabbles in hand to hand from the teachings her father and brother had given her.
She knows some medical treatments, like disinfecting cuts and bruises, but that's something everyone should already know how to do.
Friendship wise, she sucks at gaining trust from others since she is constantly brooding and upset.
Weapons: N/A
Kurogane - Her older brother and someone she knows very well. He is the only person Megumi is actually willing to socialize with, mostly due to the fact that they are siblings. |
Subsets and Splits