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Who is mystery man in Karl Stefanovic selfie? | Karl Stefanovic (left) and new wife Jasmine Yarbrough (second from right) pose for a selfie with friend Lauryn Rakic and her husband while on holiday in Yamba. Unassuming Grafton businessman Mark Hackett photobombed in the background. Karl Stefanovic (left) and new wife Jasmine Yarbrough (second from right) pose for a selfie with friend Lauryn Rakic and her husband while on holiday in Yamba. Unassuming Grafton businessman Mark Hackett photobombed in the background. Instagram / Facebook MARK Hackett is a well known Clarence Valley identity in his own right, but this week he inadvertently photo-bombed two much more famous newlyweds. The Toast Espresso Grafton owner was minding his own business in a Yamba carpark when TV celebrity Karl Stefanovic and Jasmine Yarbrough posed for a selfie with friend Lauryn Rakic and her husband. Yarbrough posted the cheerful snap on her Instagram profile 'jasyarby', attracting more than 2600 likes and gaining the attention of gossip magazines Woman's Day and New Idea. Yarbrough's post read "Yamba locals ... and what a place" with an emoticon of a prawn. The Daily Examiner can confirm the man standing in the background in the top right corner of the image is Mr Hackett. "I was standing in front of my car outside Brgr Spot chatting to a friend about work and accidentally photo-bombed," Mr Hackett said. "I saw some people in front of us who looked like they were having a good time. But I had no idea who they were." A friend recognised Mr Hackett in the Instagram photo and shared it to Facebook with the post "Mark Hackett is that you celebrity stalking in the background". Mr Hackett has been in Yamba "house sitting for some friends" between trips back and forth to Grafton 62km away to oversee his thriving cafe business. "The weather's been amazing and I've been going to the beach when I can," he said. "There have been big crowds and last night's fireworks were good." The sunny seaside town is growing in popularity as a year-round tourist destination and was the scene on a high profile health scare last week when NRL immortal Andrew Johns collapsed at a cafe. Stefanovic, 44, married 34-year-old Yarbrough at an "extravagant" ceremony in Mexico on December 8. They were on their honeymoon at American ski resort Aspen when Stefanovic was sensationally dumped from Channel Nine's Today Show after almost 14 years as the troubled breakfast show's co-host. | |
Was bringt der Alkoholverzicht zum Jahreswechsel? | Die Raketen fliegen, die Sektglser klirren aneinander - zum vorerst letzten Mal. Einen Monat ohne, das schafft man doch bestimmt. Auf Alkohol zu verzichten, ist ein beliebter Vorsatz zum Jahreswechsel. Von Julian Hilgers, dpa 2017 gaben in einer Forsa-Umfrage fr die Krankenkasse DAK 12 Prozent der Befragten an, dass sie 2018 weniger Alkohol trinken mchten. Seinen Alkoholkonsum berhaupt erstmal kritisch zu reflektieren, das hlt Christina Rummel von der Deutschen Hauptstelle fr Suchtfragen (DHS) fr eine gute Idee. Der Verzicht ist auch eine psychologische Probe. Wenn man in diesem Dry January merkt, dass man es nicht schafft, seinen Alkoholkonsum zu reduzieren, kann dies ein Ansto sein, sich Hilfe zu holen. In diesem Fall htte der Vorsatz auf jeden Fall einen Effekt. Je weniger, desto besser Dass zeitweiser Alkoholverzicht aber tatschlich langfristig positiv - zum Beispiel entgiftend - auf den Krper wirkt, ist nur schwer nachweisbar. Die Evidenz ist gering, es gibt kaum Studien, sagt Christian Sina, Direktor des Instituts fr Ernhrungsmedizin am Universittsklinikum Lbeck. Trotzdem befrworten die Experten einen Verzicht. Denn es gilt der Grundsatz: Je weniger Alkohol, desto besser. Das Krankheitsrisiko fr Erwachsene ist laut DHS fr Frauen ab zwlf Gramm reinem Alkohol pro Tag nachweislich erhht. Das entspricht etwa 0,3 Litern Bier. Bei Mnnern ist der Schwellwert doppelt so hoch. Welche Form des Alkohols man trinkt, spielt keine Rolle. Lebererkrankungen Umso wichtiger dafr bei diesen Zahlen: Auch wenn man weniger trinkt, ist das Risiko fr gesundheitliche Folgen nicht gleich Null, sagt Volker Ellenrieder, Direktor der Klinik fr Gastroenterologie der Universittsmedizin Gttingen. Wer aber mehr Alkohol trinkt, kann damit seinem Krper schaden - vor allem der Leber. Je mehr man vorher getrunken und die Leber geschdigt hat, desto mehr Zeit braucht das Organ, um sich zu erholen, erklrt Ellenrieder. Ein Verzicht auf Alkohol kann deshalb zumindest einigen Menschen helfen - vier oder acht Wochen Verzicht seien gut. Das gefhrliche an Lebererkrankungen: Sie fallen oft kaum auf. Die Leber tut nicht weh. Mdigkeit ist der Schmerz der Leber, sagt Volker Ellenrieder. Denn fehlende Entgiftung kann fr Ablagerungen im Gehirn und damit fr Mdigkeit sorgen. Allerdings vertrgt die Leber viel und hat ein hohes Regenerationspotenzial. Das kann man nutzen, indem man ihr eine Weile Ruhe gnnt. Einfluss auf Konzentration und Koordination Zu viel Alkohol ist aber auch fr andere Organe gefhrlich. Chronischer Alkoholkonsum kann auch zu Entzndungen der Bauchspeicheldrse fhren, sagt Ellenrieder. Akut kann Alkohol bekanntlich die Konzentration, Koordination und Emotionen beeinflussen. Und egal, ob chronisch oder akut - exzessiver Alkoholkonsum kann auch zu Lebensgefahr fhren. Alkohol ist immer riskant fr die Gesundheit, betont auch Christina Rummel. Zeitweise zu verzichten, tut den Organen also erstmal gut. Zudem hat die Abstinenz kurzfristige Effekte: Alkohol ist kalorienreich. Wer eine Zeit lang nicht trinkt, kann bergewicht abbauen. Die Schlafqualitt verbessert sich, und der Blutdruck sinkt. Ob das funktioniert, ist aber abhngig von Begleiterkrankungen und der sonstigen Ernhrung, betont Sina. Wer auf Alkohol verzichtet, sich aber trotzdem weiter mit Ungesundem den Bauch vollschlgt, wird kaum positive Effekte spren - oder dem Krper sogar weiter schaden. Manch einer glaubt zudem, sich durch den zeitweisen Alkoholverzicht einen Freifahrtsschein fr den Rest des Jahres zu erarbeiten. Den versumten Alkohol spter aufzuholen, ist aber nicht sinnvoll. Es macht keinen Unterschied, ob man jeden Tag ein bisschen oder die ganze Menge an einem Tag trinkt, erklrt Volker Ellenrieder. Die Experten empfehlen eher, die vorgegebenen tglichen Hchstmengen an Alkohol einzuhalten. Und selbst dann wird noch zu zwei komplett alkoholfreien Tagen in der Woche geraten. DAK-Umfrage zu guten Vorstzen | |
Where have all the Christmas beetles gone? | IF you've been wondering where all the Christmas beetles have gone, you're not alone. Anecdotal evidence suggests Australia's endemic Christmas beetle population is on the decline. Entomologist Dr Chris Reid, from the Australian Museum, attributes the drop in sightings to drier than usual spring weather, especially along the coast of NSW. Here on the Coffs Coast the decline hasn't gone unnoticed. "I usually can't sit outside with the light on this time of year as there's so many (I'm at Corindi) but I've seen only about two this year, and haven't had to keep the outside light off at all," Shantell Acebedo posted on the Advocate's Facebook page. "Thirty years ago, I'd shake the gum tree in my front yard and it would literally rain Christmas beetles. I haven't seen one in years," Merilyn Horton wrote. Trish Welsh agreed: "Haven't seen any in Coffs this year. In previous summers they were literally 'raining' down." Sarah Jones reported seeing: "Thousands on the way to Ebor the other day but they're definitely on the decline in Coffs from what there was twenty years ago." NOT SO COMMON: Denise Grimberg captured the first beetle of the season at north Boambee but says they're "nothing like they used to be." The classic habitat for Christmas beetles is woodland with plenty of trees and rich soil. The larvae develop in soil and remain there as curl grubs, feeding on grass and plant roots, as well as the surface roots of eucalypts. As adults they mainly eat eucalyptus leaves but are known to consume the foliage of introduced species, such as the peppercorn tree. These colourful scarabs are associated with the festive season as their larvae hatches around the end of spring and start of summer. "When we're seeing (the adults) just before Christmas they're at the stage of laying eggs," Dr Reid said. In addition to the drier conditions, habitat loss is another factor believed to be linked to the decline. Some Coffs residents fear the use of pesticides might also have something to do with it. "When I was a kid we had dozens and dozens around. Now I see one every second year. So sad, all that spraying would have to have some effect," Helen Rule-Todd posted. "None around here any more. And since the introduction of blueberry farms in this neighbourhood, other insects such as cicadas and spiders are now on the decline too. Native animals such as tawny frogmouths and bandicoots have vanished altogether," Sally Wilson wrote. | |
Will 2019 be the year we make America native again? | Trump's presidency represents a clear and present danger to Canada, and his disastrous policies have particularly devastating impacts on sovereign Indigenous nations across Turtle Island. Thank you for reading this story... More people are reading than ever and unlike many news organizations, we have never put up a paywall at rabble weve always believed in making our reporting and analysis free to all. But media isnt free to produce. rabbles total budget is likely less than what big corporate media spend on photocopying (we kid you not!) and we do not have any major foundation, sponsor or angel investor. Our only supporters are people and organizations -- like you. This is why we need your help. If everyone who visits rabble and likes it chipped in a couple of dollars per month, our future would be much more secure and we could do much more: like the things our readers tell us they want to see more of: more staff reporters and more work to complete the upgrade of our website. Were asking if you could make a donation, right now, to set rabble on solid footing. Make a donation.Become a monthly supporter. | |
How are the cast of Mrs Browns Boys related? | When casting the Brown family, Mrs Browns Boys creator Brendan OCarroll didnt need to look far. In fact, he didnt have to look beyond his own living room. Agnes Brown Brendan OCarroll The titular mammy is the daddy of the family and father to Danny OCarroll who plays Buster, and Fiona OCarroll who plays Maria. His sister Eilish plays next door neighbour Winnie, his wife Jennifer plays daughter Cathy, and his real-life grandson, Jamie OCarroll, plays Mrs Browns grandson, Bono. His on screen daughter-in-law Betty (Amanda Woods) is his real life daughter-in-law (shes married to Danny aka Buster), while TV son Trevor (Martin Delany) is actually his son-in-law (married to Fiona OCarroll aka Maria), and his sister-in-law plays Winnies daughter, Sharon. Winnie McGoogan Eilish OCarroll Next door neighbour Winnie may be Agnes best pal on screen but in real life shes Brendan OCarrolls sister. Eilish is Maria (Fiona OCarroll) and Busters (Danny OCarroll) real-life aunt, and Cathy aka Jennifer Gibneys sister-in-law, while her on-screen daughter Sharon, is actually Jennifer Gibneys off screen sister. Shes also grand aunt to Bono Brown (Jamie Carroll). Cathy Brown Jennifer Gibney Mrs Browns on-screen daughter is actually Brendan OCarrolls wife, making her Buster (Danny OCarroll) and Marias real-life stepmother and Bonos off-screen step-grandmother. Winnie (Eilish) is her sister-in-law, Mrs Browns son Trevor is her son-in-law by marriage, and Marks wife Betty is her daughter-in-law by marriage. Plus Winnies daughter, Sharon, is her real-life sister. Buster Brady Danny OCarroll The on-screen troublemaker is Brendan OCarrolls real-life son, making him Marias (Fiona OCarroll) real-life brother, Cathys (Jennifer Gibney) stepson, and Winnies nephew. His wife, Amanda, plays Betty Brown, while his son, Jamie, is Bono Brown, and his real-life brother-in-law Martin Delany plays Mrs Browns youngest son, Trevor. Oh, and his real-life best friend Paddy Houlihan plays Mrs Browns other son, Dermot. Maria Brown Fiona OCarroll Mrs Browns on screen daughter-in-law Maria is actually Brendans daughter, Fiona OCarroll or Fiona Delany to call her by her married name. That makes Jennifer Gibney (Cathy) her stepmum, Eilish OCarroll (Winnie) her aunt and Buster (Danny OCarroll) her brother. Little Bono Brown is actually her nephew, Jamie, while her sister-in-law, Amanda Woods, is Betty Brown. Oh, and her husband, Martin Delany, plays Mrs Browns son Trevor. Trevor Brown Martin Delany Mrs Browns youngest son is played by OCarrolls son-in-law, Martin Delany, who is married to Fiona OCarroll his on-screen sister-in-law. That makes him Busters (Danny OCarroll) brother-in-law and uncle to Bono (Jamie OCarroll) Brown. Betty Brown Amanda Woods Mrs Browns on-screen daughter-in-law is actually Brendans daughter-in-law off screen too, as shes married to Buster (Danny OCarroll) Brady in real life. Shes Maria (Fiona OCarroll) Browns sister-in-law, and shes mum to Bono (Jamie OCarroll) Brown both on and off screen. Bono Brown Jamie OCarroll Mrs Browns grandson, Bono, is Brendan OCarrolls real-life grandson, Jamie OCarroll. His real mum (Amanda Woods) plays his on-screen mum, Betty Brown, while his dad is actually Buster Brady (Danny OCarroll). That makes him Maria (Fiona OCarroll) Browns nephew and Eilish OCarrolls (Winnie) grand-nephew. Rory Brown Damien McKiernan Advertisement The new Rory is played by Damien McKiernan, a friend of the family who took over the role from Rory Cowan in the 2017 Christmas special. | |
When is Catastrophe back on TV? | Sharon Horgan and Rob Delaneys filthily funny comedy Catastrophe is coming back for a fourth series. Advertisement We will rejoin the couple in their domesticated bliss or not in a new series on Channel 4 that promises to be as brutally honest as ever and explore the reality of sex in long-term relationships. Catastrophe series four begins on Monday 7 January at 10pm on Channel 4. Series three saw Rob unable to repress his struggle with alcoholism, and ended with a dramatic cliffhanger. Refresh your memory on the last moments of the finale here. Catastrophe series four is expected to cover the reality of sex in long-term relationships, as well as bid a final farewell to Carrie Fisher, who played Delaneys mother in the show and who died after filming series three. Co-creators Sharon Horgan and Rob Delaney will be back to reprise their roles as Sharon and Rob. Carrie Fisher will be dearly missed from the new series, but we are hoping to see Mark Bonnar and Ashley Jensen return as Chris and Fran, as well as Jonathon Forbes as Sharons brother. New guest stars joining the Catastrophe clan, meanwhile, are Broadchurch star Julie Hesmondhalgh and Sex and the Citys Chris Noth, alongside Michaela Watkins (Casual), comedian David Alan Grier, Nat Faxon (Friends from College) and Brian Gleeson (Love/Hate). Sharon Horgan has been incredibly busy. Not only did she make her Hollywood debut in Game Night alongside Rachel McAdams and Jason Bateman, she is also set to star in Happy AF, and has been penning the continuing series Motherland and Divorce. Horgan also voices Courtney Portnoy in BoJack Horseman. Aside from being the funniest person on Twitter, Delaney has made a popular appearance in Deadpool 2 and has been touring as a stand-up comedian. Youre in luck series 1-3 of Catastrophe are available to watch on All4. | |
Is Vince Williams calling out Steelers' teammates who spoke about Antonio Brown? | Take this one for what its worth but it seems Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Vince Williams is upset about rats and I dont think he means rodents. Williams took to Twitter Monday night and posted this tweet, which leaves plenty to the imagination. If we assume it is the latter, Williams fails to recognize the damage keeping all this discord in has done to this team. By failing to address the nonsense and drama attributed to a handful of players it spread to everyone within the organization on some level and ultimately played a part in the teams failures this season. Either way, this wont be the last we hear of this situation. Head coach Mike Tomlin will address the media on Wednesday and this latest round of controversy is going to be the main event. | |
What went right on the second floor in Parkland? | Those on the first and third floors of the 1200 Building at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School got little warning. The second floor was different. Teachers could hear the gunshots below, and they took action. Locks were bolted, lights darkened, windows covered and no one was hurt. The algebra teacher and her students huddled in fear and silence in a corner of the darkened classroom, their only protection the door she had locked and the piece of blue construction paper she had hastily taped over the doors window. Shanthi Viswanathan and the children in her second-floor classroom had heard the unmistakable sound of gunfire from afar and instantly fell into active-shooter mode. Now, they heard their doorknob rattle. He was here. After five seconds that felt like an eternity, he moved on. In the end, Nikolas Cruz shot 34 people in the 1200 building of the Parkland school that day, killing 17 on the first and third floors. But not a single person was hurt on the second floor. Those on the first floor were taken by surprise that day and barely had a chance to react to the blasts of semiautomatic gunfire. On the third floor, students and teachers couldnt clearly hear the gunshots below, and did not know they had a real shooter in their midst. But on the second floor, the sound was unmistakable to many. Students and teachers took action. The second-floor hallway was empty when Cruz ascended to it with his AR-15. A few of the classrooms happened to be unoccupied that afternoon. The students and teachers who were there had heard the definite sound of gunfire as Cruz stormed the first floor, and raced to the safety of locked classrooms. Of the 10 classrooms on the second floor of the 1200 building, three were unoccupied and at least half had their door windows covered so the killer could not see in. Lights were out in at least five of the occupied rooms as students and teachers sheltered silently in safe corners. We had enough time to hide, said second floor teacher Felicia Burgin. We could actually hear the gunshots. She heard them when one of her students went to the restroom, leaving the classroom door propped open. Burgin heard three shots in a row. Then a pause. Then three in a row again. Is that gunshots? she asked aloud. It sounded like gunshots. Ive been to a gun range before. The students heard it, too. They quickly ran to a far corner of the room. One turned off the lights. The door was set to lock when it was closed. They sat huddled. Some cried. Some were silent. Some took out their cell phones. All of her students rushed to the same safe corner. They didnt quite fit and if someone had been able to look through the window in the door they would have been seen, she said. They stayed in place when the shooting set off a fire alarm. Because when amid gunfire, Burgin said, You arent leaving the room no matter what. Things were different on the third floor, where Cruzs initial first bursts of gunfire that day could not so clearly be heard. When the shooting set off the fire alarm throughout the building, students on the third floor swarmed into the open hallway, thinking they were in the midst of a fire drill. Ernest Rospierski, a teacher on the third floor, noted another critical difference that helped those on the second floor smaller class sizes. Most of the second-floor classes were English or math, which are capped by the state at 25 students, said Rospierski, who teaches an Advanced Placement European History class with 37 kids. If I have 35 or more [students], like in classrooms in the first and third floor, there is not enough room to hide, he said. They were able to get away from the window he didnt have any easy targets. Sophomore Brooke Wofchuck, of Coral Springs, was in the second floor of the 1200 building in Mrs. Catherine Britts math class when he heard three pops rang out. Wofchuck said she immediately stared directly at the teacher. Those sound like gunshots, her teacher said, everyone get to the side of the room where we cant be seen. They ran to one side and ducked. Someone turned off the lights. I remember sitting next to someone and we grabbed hands and started to pray, God, please save us. We were beyond low, just whispering. My teacher was holding a bunch of kids in her arms, since so many of the students were crying, she said. She has praise for her teacher: Miss Britt handled it so calm. In Viswanathans second-floor class, their door knob rattled as they huddled tightly in a taped off corner, lights out. He was at my door trying to get in, said Viswanathan, who had guided her students into hiding, largely on a hunch. Mrs. V., as the math teacher is known, had already taken every step possible to protect the children in her classroom even before she knew they were in danger. I was not absolutely sure, but I had a hunch something was wrong, she said. I knew something had to be done quickly. She had locked the door before class that day. Weeks before, she had taped off part of the classroom next to the door to serve a safe space or hard corner for students to hide. When she heard the sound of gunfire, she directed her students to lie on the floor in designated spots. She placed a piece of paper on the rectangular window of the door and blocked the view of anyone trying to look in. Then she turned off the light. The killer moved on to another room. Her actions are considered a textbook example of how to elude an active shooter. Viswanathan said she had received little training but her instincts helped save lives. A Code Red training on Jan. 11, had tipped her off to the idea of covering her door window to obstruct the gunmans view. She had too many students to safely fit into the hard corner, she said. If I had 15 kids maybe I would have been able to hide them all, she said. Instead she directed about a half-dozen students to to lay on the floor on the other side of the class, where she huddled with them.. The only thing protecting them from gunfire was a piece of paper covering the window. Sarah Coco Bentaieb, a junior in Mrs. Vs math class, said she could hear students who were not in their classroom screaming and crying. Knowing there was danger outside of the door, not knowing who was going to shoot through, that was the scariest part, the unknown, she said. A couple doors down, Chris Mathew and his students held their collective breath as the killer paused at their darkened door. Nobody here, Mathew said he heard the killer say. | |
Is Taco Bell Open on New Years Day 2019? | New Years Day 2019 is finally here. A new year means a chance to reinvent yourself, explore new things, and soak up all the world has to offer. Whether youre craving a taco after a night of partying or youre looking to add Tex-Mex to your 2019 diet, youre in luck. Most Taco Bell restaurants are open on New Years Day. Before bundling up and heading out, though, be sure to check the location of a Taco Bell near you by clicking here. The Naked Chicken Chalupa is back on the menu for a hot second. Get it ASAP before it disappears again. Taco Bell (@tacobell) December 28, 2018 Taco Bell was founded in 1946, and has been expanding ever since, operating in countries like Australia, Canada, Chile, Cyprus, Greece, India, Japan, and more, today. Everything from tacos, burritos, and quesadillas to nachos, and other items. The very first chain was opened by John Bell in 1962, in California. Bell started out the business selling tacos at a food stand he called Taco-Tia. He went on to grow his business, and founded a series of restaurants called El Taco, which was sold to his partner who built the first ever Taco Bell. Within five years of launching Taco-Tia, there were 100 Taco Bell restaurants across the US. As of 2014, there were over 5,600 Taco Bells across the country. If youre looking for other foods to satisfy you on New Years Day, look no further. Chipotle is one restaurant that wont be shutting its doors to customers on the 1st. Come in and get your burrito fix, or head over to Subway to grab a sandwich if youre on the go. Chilis is also open, along with Applebees, McDonalds, Starbucks, and Burger King, to make sure that you dont go hungry when 2019 rolls in. The first New Years celebration in Times Square took place on December 31, 1904. It was first organized by Adolph Ochs, who owned The New York Times. Around 200,000 people attended the event; a number that grew exponentially in subsequent years. This year, over 1,000,000 people are expected to pack the streets of Times Square on New Years. | |
What will happen to liquor stores now that grocery stores sell full strength beer? | Please enable Javascript to watch this video DENVER -- 2019 means full-strength beer is finally coming to grocery stores in Colorado. After decades of what many considered antiquated beer laws, 3.2 beer is no more come January 1. Any grocery store that sold 3.2 beer before, can sell full-strength beer after midnight. "Today we celebrate bringing Colorado beer laws into the 21st century" David Hosroth, Vice President of King Soopers, said during a New Years Eve event at the Capitol Monday. Big crowd on this cold and snowy day, celebrating the end of prohibition-era beer laws, allowing full strength beer in our grocery stores! Not so fast. That's because wine and liquor are still restricted at grocery stores across the state. "Wine and liquor are handled separately," State Senate Chris Holbert said. Holbert explained that the same bill that allowed 3.2 beer to go away in 2019, also limits how many grocery stores can sell wine and liquor. "Over a 20 year period the groceries stores will be able to have 20 locations where they will be able to sell everything," Holbert added. That means Colorado has until 2036 until grocery stores become true equivalents to a liquor store. | |
Will Thailands legal medical marijuana seed a new black market? | Thailands decision to legalise marijuana for medical purposes has raised concerns over deliberate exploitation of the new law and warnings to the public not to forget that general use of the drug is still very much illegal. Last Tuesday, Thailands National Legislative Assembly passed a bill allowing the use of cannabis and kratom, a local plant with opioid properties native to Southeast Asia. It grants use for several purposes, including patient treatment, growing for export and sale, research and other science and industry activities. The changes, which are pending royal approval and expected to take effect next year, allow registered patients to possess certain amounts of cannabis if they have a prescription or certificate from a doctor, dentist, traditional or alternative Thai medicine practitioner. Those professionals will need to be licensed by the Food and Drug Administration. And all licences including those for production, import, export and sale of the plant will be regulated by a government committee. But further information on the requirements to obtain these licences remain unclear, said Niyada Kiatying-Angsulee, manager of the Drug System Monitoring and Development Centre. The law does not give details on this and it does not mention the diseases [that cannabis can be prescribed for], she said. Niyada said such an opaque legislative framework risks paving the way for a black market for medical marijuana prescriptions. I support the registration to make sure that there is at least some control on the use and potential harms of the medicine, she said. The new law is a modification of the 1979 Narcotic Drugs Act, which still categorises cannabis as a class-5 narcotic, bans general use and carries prison sentences for breaches of the law. But before Thailand banned marijuana in the 1930s, the plant was widely used for some 300 years in medicine and food. There is always a high on cannabis because it is a multibillion [dollar] industry Chokwan Kitty Chopaka Even with the latest development, the road back to full-scale legalisation of marijuana in Thailand is still long, according to Chokwan Kitty Chopaka, spokeswoman for Highland Network, a cannabis legalisation advocacy group. It will take time and this is the first step of the many steps we have to take, she said. Chokwan said a fall in rice, sugar and rubber crop prices may have influenced the governments decision to legalise cannabis for medical use, as it seeks to cash in on a rapidly growing industry that is forecast to reach US$146 billion globally by 2025. Canada and California recently legalised the drug for recreational use, while other countries and regions in the world are considering a similar move. There is always a high on cannabis because it is a multibillion [dollar] industry, Chokwan said. Weve run out of cash crops Thailand has always been a very agricultural country and we need a crop that we can make money [out of], she said, adding that the legalisation will also help boost the medical tourism industry, a key sector that is being pushed by the government. But with a new industry comes new complications. A number of recent patent applications in Thailand, submitted by foreign firms and claiming rights to the extracts of some cannabis plants, has raised concerns among agriculture experts. Witoon Lianchamroon, director of Biodiversity Sustainable Agriculture Food Sovereignty Action Thailand (Biothai), urged the government not to approve foreign companies cannabis-related patents for fear of hampering local businesses. The benefits would go to the big companies [if they] get the patent, he said, adding that it would not be consistent with Thailands laws, which do not recognise intellectual property on plant extracts. It will [discourage] people like farmers or traditional medicine practitioners from using cannabis and developing their [medicinal] recipes, he said. There will be a loss of culture. Witoon said enforcing such patents on plant extracts would also cripple scientific research and innovation before the industry even has a chance to get off the ground in Thailand. Once they file [a patent] application, even if the patent has not been granted yet, others will have to stop the use of that substance. Despite what looks to be the biggest step in decades towards legalisation of cannabis in Thailand, Chokwan reminded people not to get the wrong idea the use of cannabis in Thailand without a licence is still punishable with jail terms. There is a lot of misconception out there that people are thinking that it is legal now, I can cultivate, I can make money. But it is still very illegal for you to grow it yourself if you do not have a licence, she said. But, she added, allowing people to grow the plant at home may actually help those who are not able to afford cannabis-based medicines. The ones that are in need of it most will probably be almost unable to reach it, she said. | |
Who was Kader Khan? | Kader was one of the legendary Bollywood actors and had worked in over 300 films after making his debut in 1973 in Daag. The actor was essentially born in Afganistan and had 3 brothers. He belonged to an ethnic Pashtun of the Kakar tribe. Afghan-born legendary actor Kader Khan on Tuesday bid adieu to this mortal world, sending shock waves across the nation. The veteran Bollywood actor was admitted to a hospital in Canada for treatment to breathing issues and was on a BiPAP ventilator for quite some time. Reports suggest, he was unable to talk and had pneumonia. Kader was suffering from progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) that causes loss of balance and dementia. Kader was also suffering from knee-related ailments for a couple of years and had undergone surgeries in 2017. Kader was one of the legendary Bollywood actors and had worked in over 300 films after making his debut in 1973 in Daag. The actor was essentially born in Afganistan and had 3 brothers. He belonged to an ethnic Pashtun of the Kakar tribe. For all the latest Entertainment News, download NewsX App Read More | |
What went right for the Mets in 2018? | The Mets finished with a losing record in 2018 for the eighth time in 10 seasons. But just like the preceding seven sub-.500 campaigns, this one came without a full bottoming out and thus reason to believe the Mets can return to relevancy sooner rather than later. Time will tell on that, but theres no doubt the Mets had some notable positive moments last season Heres six of them: 1.) Jacob deGrom. Jacob deGrom. Jacob deGrom. DeGrom pitched about as well as three aces combined this year, when he managed to destroy the idea wins should serve as a metric of a pitchers value by winning the Cy Young despite recording only 10 victories. DeGrom may never have another season as good as this one, but then again, his 2018 was a generational tour de force. At the least, deGrom has proven, health permitting, he should be among the top handful of pitchers in the game into the 2020s. 2.) Manager Mickey Callaway proved to be a pitching savant with both starters and relievers. Not only did deGrom emerge as a superstar, but Zack Wheeler had a breakout year. And while Noah Syndergaard and Steven Matz continued to battle durability issues, each had his best season while on the mound. 3.) In addition, Seth Lugo and Robert Gsellman, each of whom looked like a tweener maybe not quite a back-of-the-rotation starter, but maybe not a shutdown reliever either turned into valuable weapons out of the bullpen. Lugos velocity shot up as he dominated in his multi-inning bridge role while Gsellman did a serviceable job as a fill-in closer following the trade of Jeurys Familia. 4.) Brandon Nimmo, who also looked like a tweener in his previous big league stints, proved to be a terrific everyday player and sparkplug atop the lineup, though his emergence also magnified the short-sightedness of the Mets front office, which stockpiled veteran outfielders on long-term deals (Juan Lagares, Yoenis Cespedes, Jay Bruce) because they didnt know the controllable gem in their system. Almost as impressively, Nimmo maintained his perpetually sunny demeanor even in the midst of another losing season in which everything fell apart around him. 5.) David Wright got to say goodbye on his terms. It wasnt the exit Wright or anyone could have envisioned in 2013, when the iconic third baseman appeared to be on the fast track to the Hall of Fame. But Wrights body betrayed him and cruelly made the game he loved so much an exercise in daily torture. It took everything Wright had to make it back for three plate appearances on the final weekend of the season, but at least he, the Mets and their fans got a modified goodbye. 6.) The Mets didnt bottom out. This may not be a good thing in retrospect. But by losing only 85 games, the Mets avoided a full-scale rebuild and elected to go for it in 2019 with most of their generational rotation intact. A whole lot can go wrong over the coming months and years to prove the Mets were just delaying the inevitable by pushing off a rebuild, but in an era in which teams with far better recent track records than the Mets have decided to tank for 2019 and beyond, theres something admirable in a flawed team chasing immediate glory. | |
Where do the investigations related to Trump stand? | FILE - In this Dec. 13, 2018, file photo, President Donald Trump listens during a meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington. New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood and Trumps charitable foundation reached a deal on Tuesday, Dec. 18 to dissolve the foundation and distribute its remaining assets to other nonprofit groups. Trump is facing criminal investigations in Washington and New York. Special counsel Robert Mueller is looking into whether the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia and whether the president obstructed the investigation. Trump also plays a central role in a separate case in New York, where prosecutors have implicated him in a crime. They say Trump directed his personal lawyer Michael Cohen to make illegal hush money payments to two women as a way to quash potential sex scandals during the campaign. House Republicans brought an unceremonious end to their yearlong look at the Justice Departments handling of the investigations into Trumps ties to Russia and Democrat Hillary Clintons emails. In a letter released before Republicans cede the House majority to Democrats, the chairmen of two committees described what they said was the seemingly disparate treatment the two probes received during the 2016 presidential election and called on the Justice Department to appoint a special counsel to investigate further. The wrapping up of the congressional investigation, done in a letter and without a full final report, was a quiet end to a probe that was conducted mostly behind closed doors but also in public. Republican lawmakers often criticized interview subjects afterward and suggested they were conspiring against Trump. Trumps pick for attorney general, William Barr, sent an unsolicited memo to the Justice Department this year criticizing parts of the Mueller probe as fatally misconceived. The 20-page memo, sent in June while Barr was in private practice and months before he was selected by Trump for the Justice Department job, may prompt questions about his ability to oversee the special counsels investigation fairly. The document argues that there could be disastrous consequences for the Justice Department and the presidency if Mueller were to conclude that acts a president is legally permitted to take such as firing an FBI director could constitute obstruction of justice, just because someone concludes that there was corrupt intent. There is no smoking gun when it comes to the question of Russia collusion. But the evidence so far shows a broad range of Trump associates had Russia-related contacts during the 2016 presidential campaign and transition period, and that several lied about the communication. There is also evidence that some people in the presidents orbit were discussing a possible email dump from WikiLeaks before it occurred. American intelligence agencies and Mueller have said Russia was the source of hacked material released by WikiLeaks during the campaign that was damaging to Clintons presidential effort. That is another unresolved question that Mueller is pursuing. Investigators have examined key episodes such as Trumps firing of former FBI Director James Comey and his fury over the recusal from the investigation of former Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Trump has repeatedly slammed the Mueller investigation as a witch hunt and insisted there was NO COLLUSION with Russia. He also says his now-former lawyer, Cohen, lied to get a lighter sentence in New York. ___ For more in-depth information, follow AP coverage at Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. | |
Is it safe to buy Blu-ray? | [Updated] The war is over. Toshiba, the force behind HD DVD, has thrown in the towel leaving Blu-ray victorious. We'll be looking at all of this over the next few days as we bring you our definitive view on whether you should upgrade to Blu-ray. We'll analyse what's happened, what it means for you, and what the best Blu-ray options are for you. Check back each day and find out. Our top 5 budget Blu-ray players Why it's time to focus on movies, not hardware 2007's top 10 players 7 things you didn't know about Blu-ray Our thoughts go out to... RIP HD-DVD Well, WE liked it... All TechRadar's format wars coverage Click here | |
Why do we kiss on New Years? | In Colombia, people might grab a suitcase and run around the house or the block real fast to set the stage for a year of travelling. In Denmark, revelers have a tradition of jumping off chairs for a fresh start. In Russia, it's customary to write a wish for the new year on a piece of paper, burn it, mix the ashes into your champagne and drain your glass before midnight. But in many countries, it's traditional to count down from 10 to 1 and then lock lips with a loved one, friend or stranger you just met. Plenty of movies feature declarations of love as the seconds tick down, culminating in a passionate kiss la Harry (Billy Crystal) telling Sally (Meg Ryan) at the stroke of midnight: "I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible." But Hollywood didn't start this tradition. According to historians, in mid-winter the ancient Romans would celebrate the end of planting season by honouring Saturn, the god of agriculture, liberation and time, with a weeklong festival of Saturnalia. Many of today's Christmas and New Year's traditions can be traced back to the pagan celebration of Saturnalia, during which people would decorate their homes with wreaths, give gifts, stop working or conducting business, partake of lots of food and wine, and engage in general merrymaking ... which included kissing and less chaste activities. Writing of Saturnalia, Roman philosopher Seneca the Younger noted that "loose reins are given to public dissipation." In "Religions of Rome," historians Mary Beard, John North and Simon Price write about how Saturnalia and other festivals "sometimes gave licence to disrupt (temporarily) the established social rules and hierarchies," meaning that even slaves got to party with their masters. The notion of kissing for good luck in particular has several origins. First, Europe's Renaissance masquerade balls, which were also wild bacchanals. "Regardless of a person's gender and class, sexual licence was tolerated at masked balls so that men and women were free to indulge their sexual proclivities with persons of whatever sex and class they chose," according to When people took off their masks, they would kiss the first person they saw as a way of cleansing themselves from any evil forces, says Joanne Wannan, author of "Kisstory: A Sweet and Sexy Look at the History of Kissing." Later on, English and German folklore held that "the first person with whom a person came in contract that dictated the year's destiny," according to "Entertaining from Ancient Rome to the Super Bowl." | |
How to choose right skill course in 2019? | Landing a lucrative role in a reputed company is not a cakewalk. The professional world is constantly changing and the traditional education system often fails to equip students with the required skills suited for the jobs. The lifespan of skills acquired is getting shorter, and the demand for people with newer and advanced skills is increasing with each passing day. In such a scenario, up-skilling seems to be the only way forward. Advertising The crme de la crme of all skill up courses in 2018 were finance/ bitcoin/ blockchain, writing, digital marketing, project management and Google analytics. Online programmes on marketing, entrepreneurship and public speaking are always in vogue and the trend will continue in 2019. Other courses to reign in 2019 would be based on hard skills which companies look for the most SEO/SEM marketing, network and information security, perl/ python/ ruby and business intelligence. In 2019, there would be 2.5 lakh IT jobs created for freshers in India. Jobs for data scientists, machine learning professionals, cyber security, augmented reality would see an upsurge in demand, over and above the specialist jobs in marketing, growth hacking and mobile application developers. All these sectors are constantly evolving and up-skilling facilitates a cycle of high productivity, increased employment opportunities, income growth and development. Advertising According to a Forbes report, 58 million new jobs would be created in AI by the year 2022. As per an report, 50,000 jobs are lying vacant in the field of data science and AI. (Read the full report here). With more and more companies trying to tap these new technologies. Therefore, both work professionals and freshers would benefit from pursuing one of these streams. The right upgrading of skills goes a long way in improving ones productivity and overall performance. Reportedly, 68 per cent of employees prefer to learn at work and because up-skilling is a way to keep one abreast of industry trends and requirement. Upskilling need not be strictly technical and functional. Familiarisation with the new technological trends in the contemporary digital age helps in aiming for higher opportunities, but soft skills such as communication, leadership, collaboration, and time management are equally important. As per a LinkedIn report, executives and people managers feel that leadership and communication are the two most important soft skills that employees need to acquire. Companies want people who can portray initiative, commitment, and the desire to move ahead. Taking up skill up courses to either enhance your skills or learn new ones will make managers and executives value you. The author is founder, Career Anna Online learning platform | |
Will Rahul Gandhi be the newsmaker of 2019? | After the 2014 Lok Sabha election where the Congress party's seat strength fell to 44, the year 2018 had brought plenty of sunshine to dispel the gloom that had enveloped the party. Rahul has led from the front all through the year. He made 50 tours to 17 states, including eight poll-bound ones. He relentlessly attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi on four key electoral issues the agrarian crisis, the flailing economy, unemployment and the Rafale fighter jets deal. He has unleashed a social media war on the BJP, inventing new phrases such as chowkidar chor hai, which have stuck. He grabbed centre stage in a Lok Sabha debate by hugging a nonplussed prime minister in the full glare of TV cameras to show that he didn't treat his opponents as enemies. | |
Who should Barcelona and Real Madrid target in the January transfer window? | LaLiga has been a tight race this season so far, with multiple teams gunning for the top spot. There have been many leaders at different points of the season, with Barcelona slowly cementing their position on top with some solid performances in recent weeks. The most baffling performances have been that of Real Madrid - lacklustre, uninventive and tired. Credit to the team though, they have crawled their way back to the top four. Barcelona have been frail at the back, a few defensive errors led to goals in the initial part of the season. After 17 games last season Barcelona had conceded just 7 goals whereas this season, they have conceded 19 goals already. This calls for reinforcements, which must be made in January in order to strengthen the squad for a tough second half of the season. Real Madrid have not hit the ground running so far neither in the league nor the Champions League. Their home 0-3 loss to CSKA Moscow was a huge wake-up call, which clearly indicated the need for changes in the squad. The attack requires fresh legs, which is definitely something they will be looking for in January. Let us look at the positions that Barcelona and Real Madrid should strengthen, and whether transfer rumors suggest that these positions will be backed up.#1 #1 FC Barcelona: Left-back, Right-footed Centre-back Barcelona have started their transfer business early, snapping up defender Jeison Murillo from Valencia CF on loan with an option to buy at the end of the season for 25 million. Eric Abidal, director of football at FC Barcelona, quoted that Murillo is a centre-back who can also play as a full-back. He is a right-footed player, hence can be handy as a cover for Gerard Pique. But Murillo has hardly played this season with 4 games to his name, hence the move could be a risky one especially with the knockout stages of the Champions League lurking. The benefit of doubt needs to be given to Murillo though as he has performed well with the Colombia national team in the past, and the position of right centre-back can be ignored as of today. Andreas Christensen (Chelsea) has been part of transfer rumours for a while now with The Guardian reporting Barca's interest in the player. But it is hard to envision Barcelona signing him in January after the loan move for Murillo. Jeison Murillo has been snapped up by Barcelona as defensive cover Left-back is a position that Barcelona must strengthen. Jordi Alba has been impeccable this season, but his backup Juan Miranda has failed to impress in the limited opportunities that he has been given. Lucas Digne's departure left a void at the left-back backup spot, which must be taken care of to avoid issues later in the season. As of now, no transfer rumors regarding left-backs are in the news. Barcelona should target left-backs though, which may become the need of the hour soon. Jose Luis Gaya (Valencia) has always been a target for Barcelona and is a perfect fit, but it will be difficult to sign him in the middle of the season. They should look at options like Emerson (Chelsea) who is not being given enough game time at Chelsea, and can provide backup whenever Alba must be rested. Advertisement 21-year-old Frenkiede Jong may move to Barcelona in January Strong transfer rumours from Fox Sports Asia in the past few days suggest the signature of Frenkie de Jong (Ajax), the 19-year-old midfielder for an approximate sum of around 75 million. Barca have also put up a statement that they have approached PSG regarding the availability of Adrien Rabiot (PSG). Both these players definitely could be the future of the club midfield, but they will find it very difficult to break into the first eleven with the form displayed by Arthur and Arturo Vidal. There are surplus options in midfield for Barca, which need not be the focus of the January transfer window. 1 / 2 NEXT Advertisement | |
Are the Khans finished at the box office? | January 01, 2019 10:27 IST 'It was a rare year when all three Khans -- Shah Rukh, Aamir, and Salman had a release each -- failed to deliver.' 'The performance of their films at the box office reflected the dwindling magnetism of the star when it came to getting people to the theatres.' Urvi Malvania reports. IMAGE: Aamir Khan, Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan at a 2015 event in New Delhi. A female spy, four childhood friends dealing with the challenges of adulthood, a teacher with Tourette Syndrome, and a middle-aged woman who gets a surprise in the form of a very late pregnancy. These are the stories that turned profits at the box office in 2018, and none of them featured a Khan, or any other male A-lister. 2018 was the year of the script and the not any one star. 2018 was also the year of diversity as genres as varied as comedy, thriller, romance, family drama, and horror found critical and commercial success. "Today, a consumer has access to so much diverse content that, rightly so, they are not willing to be taken for granted. In the process they have developed a broader 'taste palate' -- akin to when the pizza got accepted along with desi khana," says Vijay Singh, chief executive officer, Fox Star Studios, which was involved with two of the year's most profitable films -- Sanju and Baaghi 2. While 2018 was the year of diversity and content-driven strategies, it was also a year of reckoning for the superstars of the industry. It was a rare year when all three Khans -- Shah Rukh, Aamir, and Salman had a release each -- failed to deliver. The performance of their films at the box office reflected the dwindling magnetism of the star when it came to getting people to the theatres, say experts. "Indeed it has been (a year of reckoning for the industry). Even films with stars that succeeded have worked because these were strong scripts and the stars have shone playing strong characters, whether it's the success of Ranbir (Kapoor) in Sanju or Ranveer (Singh) in Padmaavat," says Ajit Andhare, CEO, Viacom18 Motion Pictures. Viacom18 Motion Pictures was one of the producers of Padmaavat. Another film with an A-list actor which did well at the box office was Pad Man starring Akshay Kumar, and a lot of its success is attributed to the script and concept. "Whilst great content will always see a longer run at the box office, we cannot discard the pull of star power, which certainly aids in getting an opening on a Friday. However, after that it is all about the power of the script and content," adds Singh. Thugs of Hindostan, starring Aamir Khan and Amitabh Bachchan, earned a record, setting Rs 50 crore on the first day. However, as audiences unequivocally rejected the film, its lifetime collection failed to cross even Rs 150 crore. Apart from meeting the changing tastes of the audiences, the industry continued to face issues with taxation. "Movies now involve the process where the transfer of rights for a movie from producer to distributor takes place at 12% GST. Film production involves producers paying a GST of 18%, so there is a 6% burden that every film carries right from the first day," says Apoorva Mehta, CEO, Dharma Productions. The government relaxed taxation on cinema tickets recently, but not on the production side. For tickets below Rs 100, the tax has been reduced from 18% to 12% while for those above Rs 100, it has been reduced from 28% to 18%. "The recent action taken by the government to reduce GST on cinema tickets was a step in the right direction. However, the challenge of local taxes not subsumed into GST remains," says Singh. Going into 2019, Bollywood is already trying to remain topical and relevant with the release of films like Thackeray, Uri and The Accidental Prime Minister in the time leading to the general elections. "You are already seeing elections being tapped creatively as topical in few films that are releasing in January. For instance, The Accidental Prime Minister is promoting itself on that platform," says Andhare. Mehta, however, warns it may not mean good business at the box office. "If we look at the movies released in 2014, 2 States was one of the few movies that performed well in that tenure," Mehta points out. "To that effect, the Indian film industry takes into consideration general elections in the country." | |
Why 2019 is going to be a busy year for ISRO? | India oi-Deepika S New Delhi, Jan 1: The Indian space agency will have a busy year with several rocket launches planned from its rocket port at Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh. However, Chandrayaan-II, will be the highlight of the space agency's mission this year. Among ISRO's primary missions India's mission to the sun (Aditya L-1), and two demonstration flights of the small satellite launch vehicle type. ISRO will look to pick up pace from the month of September itself, wherein it will look to launch two UK satellites on the PSLV-C42. In October, the GSLV MK-III D2 is set to launch the GSAT-29. Thereafter, the PSLV-C43 is slated to launch a hyper-spectral imaging satellite with 30 commercial passengers. Also Read | Flashback 2018: A year of success for ISRO "This is the most complex mission by ISRO. To ensure that the first attempt itself is successful, it was suggested that instead of coming straight away to a 100km orbit, it should be 100*30km orbit and land from there. Some changes were also made to the configuration to ensure the safety of the mission," ISRO chairman K Sivan has said. "With all these changes, the mass increased to 3.8 tonne, which the GSLV Mark II could not carry, so cc, with a carrying capacity of 4 tonne, had to be operationalised," he said. GSAT-20 ISRO will launch its GSAT 20 communication satellite in September 2019 onboard Ariane 5 rocket. It will be the first ISRO-made satellite to attempt to move from a geostationary transfer orbit to a geosynchronous orbit using electric propulsion. In the same month, ISRO will also attempt to launch its Geo-Imaging Satellite (GISAT) 1 onboard a GSLV Mk II rocket. The GISAT is be a geostationary satellite designed to provide imagery during natural disasters on a near-real-time basis. Aditya-L1 ISRO is set to launch first solar mission Aditya-L1 in 2019. It will be India's first dedicated scientific mission to study sun. The mission aims to put 1,500-kg heavy class Aditya-L1 satellite into halo orbit around Lagrangian point L1, a point between Sun and Earth. This point is at a distance of about 1.5 million km from earth. Also Read | Gaganyaan: 3 Indians to spend 7 days in space The main aim of the solar mission is to improve our understanding of "dynamical processes of the sun," and help resolve some outstanding questions in solar physics. Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle ISRO has been working on a new technology to use the fourth stage of Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle for space experiments and this is likely to be demonstrated through the launch of the PSLV-C44 in the first quarter of 2019. ISRO also developing an app for using Navic, India's own global positioning system, in mobile phones and it is likely to be ready before the end of 2019. Small Satellite Launch Vehicle The space agency will also lauch Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV), which will be a smaller cousin to the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV). While the PSLV can lift 3,000 kg to the low-Earth orbit, the SSLV will be able to lift 500 kg. ISRO has said the SSLV's USPs will be a low cost and faster turnaround time. Its design is ready and the first SSLV test-flight is expected to happen in May, followed by the second one in October. ISRO eyes on 32 missions in 2019 ISRO's 2019 calendar is dotted with 32 new missions, an ambitious record-making goal for the most number of Indian missions in a year. In contrast, 2018 saw about 14 missions against a goal of 18, including the failed GSAT-6A satellite of April. | |
Who should be the Jim Coleman Honda Howard County December 2018 girls basketball Player of the Month [Poll]? | The Howard County Times, in partnership with Jim Coleman Honda, will be selecting one Howard County player for boys basketball and one for girls basketball to be honored as the Player of the Week throughtout the 2018-19 season. At the end of each month, the designated individuals will be put into a poll, allowing the Howard County community to vote on who they think should be the Player of the Month. The winner of the vote will be awarded a prize. To make an Athlete of the Week nomination, have your coach email [email protected] by each Friday night at 11 p.m. (Brent Kennedy, Kyle Stackpole) | |
Who should be the Jim Coleman Honda Howard County December 2018 boys basketball Player of the Month [Poll]? | The Howard County Times, in partnership with Jim Coleman Honda, will be selecting one Howard County player for boys basketball and one for girls basketball to be honored as the Player of the Week throughtout the 2018-19 season. At the end of each month, the designated individuals will be put into a poll, allowing the Howard County community to vote on who they think should be the Player of the Month. The winner of the vote will be awarded a prize. To make an Athlete of the Week nomination, have your coach email [email protected] by each Friday night at 11 p.m. (Brent Kennedy, Kyle Stackpole) | |
Which Qld stocks might rebound in 2019? | IT was a shocking 2018 for some of Queensland's big name stocks but there may be a silver lining ahead. Veteran Brisbane stockbroker Charlie Green said Blue Sky Alternative Investments and Retail Food Group (RFG) were among the local companies that had experienced a horror year. Blue Sky slumped 94.53 per cent in 2018 as it came under attack from short sellers who criticised the fund manager's model and how it promoted its own financial performance. Meanwhile RFG, owner of brands such as Donut King and Gloria Jean's Coffees, plummeted 87.85 per cent as it racked up large losses at its franchise outlets. Bank of Queensland lost 23.74 per cent of its value on sliding profits while rail operator Aurizon slipped 13.71 per cent amid concerns about returns from its coal network. "You would have to go back to the Global Financial Crisis to see stocks suffer such big declines," said Mr Green, of Hunter Green Institutional Broking. "There is no central narrative to explain what happened. It is just individual circumstances." Mr Green said 2019 was likely to be a more positive year for Queensland stocks, boosted by a broader recovery in the Australian market, strengthening commodity prices and a resilient domestic economy. The ASX 200 slipped 6.9 per cent in 2018 to 5646.37 points. "The heroes will likely include Suncorp, Aurizon and Flight Centre," said Mr Green, who expected the ASX 200 to be trading above 6000 by this time next year. "Aurizon will be shipping hundreds of millions of tonnes of coal to the coast, Suncorp is about to carry out a capital return while Flight Centre is set to benefit from the continuing golden age of travel." Some of the country's biggest investment banks have backed Mr Green's calls on those companies. Morgan Stanley said Flight Centre was more resilient than investors had perceived it. Half of its earnings now come from the corporate travel market, which is less susceptible to disruption than the leisure market. Shaw & Partners said it is seeing increasing value emerging in Australian financial services shares, which have retreated as home prices have fallen. It favours regional lenders including Bank of Queensland and Suncorp. Macquarie said that while Aurizon had lost its battle with the competition regulator over how much revenue it can make on its coal network, the outcome was better than expected. Coal miner New Hope was one of the best performing Queensland stocks, climbing 36.4 per cent over the year as it was buoyed by rising commodity prices. Other winners included high performance auto parts maker PWR Holdings, Technology One and Garda Diversified Property Fund, which gained 32.4 per cent, 24.19 per cent and 11.86 per cent respectively. Pitcher Partners director of wealth management David Lane said Queensland companies that had become successful on the global stage were well supported. "PWR Holdings continues with its dominance in global motor racing," said Mr Lane. | |
How did NYE celebrations unravel in the Rocky region? | THOUSANDS of revellers flooded Rockhampton's night-club precinct to ring in the new year with police praising overall behaviour of the crowds across the district with the exception of one out-of-control party. The private party in Brosnan Cres, Parkhurst was declared an "out of control party event, with several arrests made for public nuisance, assault and obstructing police. In the city's CBD, big crowds flocked to the various venues with reports of long queues to get into some bars. The Great Western Hotel was also packed with close to 1800 people for the third and final night of Rockin Rocky, which featured the Xtreme Bulls Australia event (see story page 32). At one stage it seemed the entire crowd was on the dancefloor for Nutbush City Limits. Great Western general manager and part-owner Denis Cox said it was a great night and the big crowd was well behaved. "Everyone was in a really festive mood and there was a great atmosphere, he said. Among the establishments doing a roaring trade was Rocky Kebab & Cafe in East St, where more than 7000 transactions were recorded as patrons chowed down on the classic late-night favourite. Meanwhile, Yeppoon eyewitnesses said the crowds at The Strand Hotel were "nowhere near as busy as Boxing Day night. They said there was a good vibe at the hotel, with a queue at the bar on a night that attracted people of all ages to take in the party atmosphere. While eyewitnesses saw a man king-hit in Yeppoon's CBD during the celebrations, police could not provide details on the incident. Queensland Police were pleased with the overall behaviour of the crowds across the region. Twelve drivers were arrested for drink driving while three tested positive during roadside drug tests. Meanwhile, five people were charged with public nuisance and three for obstructing police. Paramedics attended six assault cases in the Rockhampton region which included one in Biloela plus one at Gladstone; but the spokesman said the victims weren't in an unconscious state. A Queensland Ambulance Service spokesman said paramedics were kept busy with a lot of jobs during the night around the region, with extra crews on board to cope with the workload. He said crews also attended a number of overdoses and trauma cases. | |
What is CRISPR? | Get the Mach newsletter. By Tom Metcalfe CRISPR is a powerful gene-editing technology that scientists use to change the genetic blueprint of plants and animals and even humans. Since its development about 10 years ago, its been used to change the DNA of living things in beneficial ways creating pink tomatoes and mushrooms that dont go brown, for example, and crops that resist insect attacks. This technology operates efficiently in virtually all cell types of organisms in which its been tested, CRISPR co-inventor Jennifer Doudna, a biochemist at the University of California, Berkeley, said in an interview last May. It was really quite amazing how quickly it was possible to harness this technology once it was clear how it operated. CRISPR (also known as CRISPR/Cas9) could also be used to create human designer babies with specific traits for example, a specific eye color or possibly enhanced intelligence. Most scientists have scrupulously avoided pursuing this controversial line of research, although a Chinese scientist stoked controversy in 2018 when he claimed to have used CRISPR to edit the genes of twin girls before their birth in order to make them immune to HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. The name CRISPR is an acronym for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats, but you dont need to understand that brain-boggling term in order to understand how CRISPR works. In short, it works by identifying a specific strand of DNA for example, the genetic instructions that determine eye color and replacing it by cutting" the original DNA and pasting in replacement DNA. There are other gene-editing techniques, but they are slow and expensive in comparison to CRISPR. What used to take weeks or months can now be done in days with CRISPR. Some modern CRISPR gene-editing kits, consisting of a few petri dishes, pipettes and bottles of special proteins, are small enough to keep on a shelf in the fridge and it can take as little as two days to see results. Beyond creating better crops and hardier farm animals, CRISPR offers the tantalizing prospect of revolutionizing human health by bringing cures for genetic diseases: We are really on the threshold of a technology that is going to enable that to treat it at its source, by correcting the code in the DNA, Doudna said in a recent video. In a series of experiments conducted a few years ago at the Broad Institute, a biomedical institute of MIT and Harvard in Cambridge, Massachusetts, scientists used CRISPR to improve hearing in mice with a certain form of hereditary deafness. A researcher observes a CRISPR/Cas9 process through a stereo microscope at the Max-Delbrueck-Centre for Molecular Medicine in Berlin, Germany. Gregor Fischer / picture alliance via Getty Image And in experiments at several University of California campuses published in 2016, researchers fixed defective bone marrow cells in a way that could offer a cure for sickle-cell anemia, a potentially deadly condition that affects an estimated 250 million people around the world. Scientists are also using CRISPR in an effort to wipe out malaria by creating malaria-resistant mosquitoes, which would replace the wild populations of mosquitoes that spread the disease. CRISPR and humans Though scientists see huge potential in CRISPR technology for treating human genetic diseases, theyve generally avoided using CRISPR to edit the genes of human embryos, citing the potential dangers of the technology and the ethical issues that surround its use for that purpose. The actions of the Chinese researcher, He Jiankui, have drawn stern criticism from scientists and bioethicists, who called the work dangerous, unethical and even amateur. They point out that scientific knowledge of CRISPR and human genetics is far from perfect and that the twin girls could suffer as they grow up from genetic problems created by the CRISPR editing of their genes. FOLLOW NBC NEWS MACH ON TWITTER, FACEBOOK, AND INSTAGRAM. | |
Was Mayweather-Nasukawa Fixed? Does It Matter? | If the fight was fixed, the Japanese kid came off as a horribly inept patsy. (Photo: Reuters) Looking at Tenshin Nasukawa flop around the ring on New Years Eve, the word fix had to be floating through many minds Looking at Tenshin Nasukawa flop around the ring at Saitama Prefecture Super Arena in Saitama, Japan on New Years Eve, apparently buzzed and scrambled by glancing arm punches from Floyd Mayweather, the word fix had to be floating through many minds. The three-round, nine-minute fightwhich became a one-round, three-knockdown blowout corner stoppage loss for the young Japanese kickboxing starwas billed, after all, as an exhibition and Mayweather, himself, never hid the fact that this matchup would be purely for entertainment purposes. And, really, theres no harm, no foul even if it was a fixed affair. No governing body had sanctioned the bout and it was not counted as a real fight on either fighters record. Mayweathers paydaywhich ranged from Japanese media reports of $88 to Mayweathers own (more realistic) boast of $9 millionmay be obscene when stacked up against the earning power of real world heroes like firefighters and teachers, but theres nothing wrong with a man picking up a payday gifted to him. The thing about labeling it a fix is this, thoughIn a real fixed fight both sides stand to gain something from the fix. Usually, one side of a fix gets some money and/or promises of future fights while the other side gets a marquee win that propels his career in some way. In the specific case of Mayweather vs. Nasukawa, Mayweathers take was a huge chunk of change for a small amount of work. Nasukawa looked utterly inept and failed to deliver one single positive, marketable moment from the 2 minute, 20 second contest. If the fight was fixed, the Japanese kid came off as a horribly inept patsy. If the fight was legit, he came off as a horribly inept fighter, knocked loopy by a 41-year-old retired boxer who wasnt even really trying. The kid openly weeping in his corner after the fight leads one to believe that he felt the pain of defeat in a bout that, by all statements he made to media before the event, he certainly seemed to be taking seriously. Rizin stood to get a boost to Japanese PPV sales for this Mayweather exhibition, but it still made no sense to bury one of their top young attractions in the pursuit of a few extra buys this one time. And, with the event being blocked in North America, there were no buys to be had from Mayweathers most loyal followers (or dedicated haters). Maybe, possibly. In the wake of the big exhibition, theres been a rush from the boxing media intelligentsia to post pious articles about just how much they didnt care, about how this farce was beneath them and beneath the dignity of the sport. But the attention theyve devoted to, literally, a nothing fight (not to mention the millions of views Mayweather-Nasukawa replays and recaps have garnered in the hours since the fight) is the real takeaway from the goings on in Saitama. Fixed fight or not, the Mayweather name still resonates. People care about what he doeseven if that caring takes the form of dismissive Im above it all posturing. And when you can get people to care, you can get people to pay. Boxing needs more fighters who can make people care about what they do. | |
What's in store for Newport in 2019? | Newport Now Business Improvement District manager Kevin Ward looks forward to an exciting 2019 for the city centre... FIRSTLY, Newport Now would like to wish all BID Levy payers, their staff and customers a very happy and prosperous new year. The new year promises to be an exciting one for Newport in general, and the city centre in particular. July will see the opening of International Conference Centre Wales. A joint Celtic Manor-Welsh Government project, the centre will be able to cater for up to 5,000 delegates at a time and has already bid successfully for some world-leading conventions and conferences. The potential impact on Newport is huge. Demand for hotel beds will go through the roof, and the Mercure Chartist Hotel on Commercial Street will be open in the summer. A four-star hotel in the city centre offering unparalleled rooftop views can help to transform the area. Plans to regenerate the indoor market, although not universally popular, will move forward during the year as will the Lottery-funded refurbishment of Market Arcade. More residential accommodation for example, on the site of the old Hornblower pub and Albany Chambers will bring more people and trade to the city centre. Meanwhile, in April the BID will enter the final year of its initial five-year term. As a private company funded by its members, we will consult with all levy payers over the coming months on a new five-year business plan to be delivered between 2020 and 2025. Levy payers will then vote in a ballot towards the end of this year to decide whether to renew the BID for another five years. The BID has achieved much since 2015 but there is still plenty of hard work ahead as local businesses seek to improve their city centre. | |
What will the Middle East look like in 2019? | As we start the tenth year after the onset of the Arab uprisings, there is, sadly, little hope that there will be peace, democratic transition and stability in the Middle East. 2019 will not bring much positive change to the region: Ongoing conflicts are unlikely to be resolved, some may even get worse and new ones may break out. In this continuing upheaval, the United States will certainly play the most important role. The political wrangling between President Donald Trump and the Washington establishment, in particular, is likely to determine the direction of much of US foreign policy towards the region. It is widely expected that, in 2019, Special Counsel Robert Mueller will make more revelations about the results of his investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential elections. Therefore, Trump will likely seek to distract the public by taking dramatic decisions on foreign policy; the Middle East will be the easiest target. Already at the end of 2018, there were clear indications of this trend. Trump's mid-December surprise decision to withdraw over 2,000 US troops from northeast Syria was widely seen as an attempt to appease his support base, consolidate power and rein in administration officials who disagreed with him. Apart from the continuing unpredictability of US foreign policy shifts, major developments in the Middle East in 2019 will largely be determined by six major issues: the conflicts in Syria and Yemen, the Gulf crisis, the US confrontation with Iran, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and regional rivalries. The Syrian conflict Despite the defeat of the Syrian opposition and the retaking of large swaths of land by pro-regime forces in 2018, the Syrian conflict is far from over. More than 40 percent of Syria's territory is still not under the control of the Damascus government. The withdrawal of US troops from the oil, gas and water-rich northeast is likely to fan the competition between the major external powers in the conflict: Turkey, Russia, and Iran. This is likely also to affect the de-militarised zone agreement in Idlib, which prevented a major onslaught on the last opposition stronghold last September. The Syrian conflict may very well enter a new phase of proxy warfare, wherein the US gives Turkey the responsibility of blocking Iran in the territories that it intends to evacuate. The withdrawal of US forces would also stimulate a more aggressive Israeli approach in Syria. After the US withdrawal, Israel will have to rely solely on its own efforts to counter Iran's influence in Syria and will seek to increase its military activities on Syrian territory. It will, however, face one major challenge - Russia, which controls Syrian airspace. In September, an incident involving Israeli fighter jets led to the downing of a Russian surveillance plane and the death of its 15-member crew. This infuriated Moscow, which has so far refused to continue its close military coordination with Israel. Increasing tensions between the major foreign players in Syria are likely also to delay even more a political solution of the conflict. So far the Astana trio (Russia, Turkey and Iran) has failed to agree on the formation of the constitution committee. Now with the withdrawal of the US troops from Syria, the likelihood of an agreement has become even slimmer; in fact, the entire Astana process could collapse. The parallel UN-led peace negotiations have also reached a dead end. The US withdrawal also means that the US is effectively abandoning its Kurdish allies, the People's Protection Units (YPG). This will likely result in a dramatic improvement in Turkish-US relations and a restart of their alliance in Syria. This will certainly upset Russia, which is likely to increase its reliance on Iranian militias to fill the vacuum left behind by the US in northeast Syria. Realignment could also bring the YPG, fearing a Turkish military offensive, closer to Russia and the Syrian regime. The war in Yemen Despite the ceasefire agreement in the port city of Hodeidah and the notable progress that was made in the negotiations between the warring parties in Sweden, a final settlement of the four-year conflict is still a distant possibility. Indeed, the weakening position of the Houthis following their loss of territory over the past two years and the enormous pressure the Saudi leadership is facing to stop the war in the aftermath of the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, may have made it easier for UN envoy Martin Griffiths to bring the warring parties together in Sweden. Yet, the two sides are still convinced that they can win militarily. The Houthis think that the Saudis will eventually have to bow to international pressure, stop the war and abandon their endeavours in Yemen. The Saudi-led coalition, on the other hand, believes that recent progress on the ground, especially in Hodeidah, will eventually force the Houthis to accept their terms to end the war. Iran, too, is still unwilling to help reach a final settlement. Tehran seeks to keep the Saudis bogged down in Yemen so that they would not have the resources to deal with its activities on other fronts in the Middle East. Iran also wants to use the Yemen conflict as a bargaining chip in a grand deal to lift US sanctions and salvage the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) after Trump's withdrawal last May. The Gulf crisis Despite extensive Kuwaiti mediation efforts and increasing US pressure on Saudi Arabia, there are no indications that the Gulf crisis will be ending any time soon. In early December, Saudi Arabia refused to discuss the crisis at the last GCC summit in Riyadh, to which Qatar sent only a low-level delegation. The four blockading countries (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and Egypt) believe that time is on their side and that Qatar will eventually accept their demands. Qatar, on the other hand, thinks that it can weather the blockade and wait for the four to realise that they are in fact shooting themselves in the foot. In 2019, this standoff will likely persist. For mere geographic reasons, Qatar will have to continue relying on Iran to evade the blockade. It will also strengthen its alliance with Turkey and has allowed the latter to establish a military presence in the Gulf for the first time since the end of World War I. The Iran-US standoff Following the withdrawal of the US from the JCPOA last May, Washington unilaterally re-imposed sanctions on Iran in two rounds: the first one started in August and the second and toughest started in November, hitting Iran's oil and financial sectors. Fearing soaring oil prices, the Trump administration gave six-month waivers to eight countries importing Iranian oil. Come May, when the waivers expire, Trump will have to decide whether to fulfil his promise of working to bring Iranian oil exports to zero. If he does, Iran, which is largely dependent on its oil revenue for hard currency, is likely to consider the move a declaration of war. In retaliation, it could act on its threats to close the Strait of Hormuz, through which some 20 percent of the world's traded oil passes. This would effectively block other Gulf states from accessing the oil market. Although many consider this a hollow threat, the possibility of an escalation is real as the US tightens the noose around Iran's neck. If Iran chooses not to block the Strait of Hormuz, it has the capacity to retaliate in other places, especially in Iraq. It has already urged its allies in the Iraqi parliament to try to abrogate the 2008 treaty which made the US military presence in Iraq legal. Pro-Iran Shia militias have also threatened to target US troops in the country. The resumption of the US-Iran conflict in Iraq could benefit the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group, which last year was greatly weakened but not eliminated. Hence Iraq could see further political and security turmoil in 2019 should tension between Iran and the US increase. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict In 2019, Israel is likely to continue taking unilateral measures to establish new realities on the ground in Palestine, taking advantage of the full support it receives from the Trump administration and the continuing turmoil in the Arab world and within the Palestinian leadership. In fact, Israel is working with the Trump administration on two fronts in order to completely erase the Palestinian question. First, it seeks to take the so-called "final status issues" off the negotiation table, most importantly the status of Jerusalem and the right of return for Palestinian refugees. The US has already recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and has moved its embassy to the western part of the city. It has also halted funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), demanding that the agency change the definition of a refugee in order to resume its financial contributions. If UNRWA caves in, the number of Palestinian refugees who receive aid will drop from several million to a mere few hundred thousand. This will also determine the number of Palestinian refugees when the right of return is discussed in any future peace talks. Second, the US is working towards establishing an anti-Iran Arab-Israeli alliance. It is expected that the Trump administration will present in the new year the much anticipated "ultimate deal" to impose some form of settlement to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and pave the way for the aforementioned Arab-Israeli alliance. Normalisation is already under way between several Arab countries and Israel and we will see more of it in the coming year. Regional polarisation As these Middle East conflicts deepen, political alignments in the region create corresponding faultlines and increased polarisation. Since World War I, political divisions in the Middle East have always mirrored those of the world order du jour. During the Cold War, the Middle East was divided between the Soviet and US camps. Today these divisions are deeper in nature and greater in number. They also reflect a degree of independence from the broad trends of the international system. Hence, instead of having two camps, we have now three: the so-called "resistance" axis of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Hezbollah, which is supported to a certain extent by Russia and China; the counter-revolution axis made up of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, Egypt and Jordan and backed by Israel; and the pro-change axis of Qatar and Turkey. These three axes are caught in the middle of a vicious conflict to decide the future of the Middle East. All these issues are likely to dominate the political scene in the Middle East in 2019 and we probably won't see the end of any of them. In 2018, the Middle East was one of the most volatile parts of the world and is likely to remain so in 2019. The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial stance. | |
Is her ticking biological clock sabotaging her relationships? | Adapted from a recent online discussion. I have seen two relationships crash and burn because my partners rightly suspected I was trying to suss out where things were headed and disappointed with how long it was taking. Dating Without Deadlines This answer is almost impossible for me to write without sounding dismissive, so my apologies. You stop it with the father of my children. Because thats living almost entirely in a future that isnt entirely in your power to get and so puts you in the awkward spot of being at the mercy of others. It is this awkwardness that likely pushed away the men you were dating. Theres nothing wrong with you, or with wanting what you want, but you werent in the present with these partners. You werent with them as people you were in your vision of what could be and what they could give you. And there is something wrong with that. Its not fair to them. Imagine if they dated you transactionally say, for sex or connections or security. This is a fraught question, obviously, because the kid question breaks people up all the time. But that doesnt change the baseline message: I like you, even love you, but you alone arent enough. It hurts. Since living and dating for kids has been self-defeating, I urge you to decide instead to live fully in the life you have. As it is. You and all your wonderful gifts. And in the company of men you enjoy for their company alone. Conveniently: No matter the context, embracing what you have has an uncanny way of improving whatever comes next. Re: Deadlines: I can tell you it was a tremendous relief to reach 40, without having married or having had children, and to realize I was still here, with much to be grateful for, despite having this worst fear realized. So, not only try living in the present, but also in that future you dread, too. You may find it has much to recommend it as well. Relieved Well said, thank you. Re: Deadlines: I wasted years not asserting what I wanted for fear of scaring a guy off. By the time I met my husband, I was very upfront about my plans. I was no longer afraid of anyone walking away. Now Im married and pregnant at 39. Dont be afraid to be honest. No Longer Afraid Re: Deadlines: Or go ahead and have your baby. I wrote to Carolyn years ago about picking a sperm donor and am happy to say I have a beautiful baby boy. Im also dating. Theres less time for it, but I dont have to suss out anyones intentions. Its the best idea I ever had. Anonymous Email Carolyn at [email protected], follow her on Facebook at or chat with her online at noon Eastern time each Friday at | |
Should she date an old flame even if he's still married? | Sign up for one of our email newsletters. Dear Carolyn: I rejected Sam years ago in favor of Aaron. Aaron and I are newly divorced initiated by me after 25 years of marriage and three kids. Sam has been alienated from his wife for many years and moved out five years ago at her insistence. Sam initiated divorce proceedings but they ultimately stalled, and Sam and Gina remain married. Sam says he stays in the marriage for the sake of their only son, who is 21 and finishing college. In my opinion he stays married because the finances work out better that way. Now that Im divorced, Sam wants to see me. (We have not actually been face-to-face in 10 years.) I have refused his advances. He is still married, after all. If I didnt want to see him, there would be no problem. Alas, I do. Please provide a long list of reasons seeing Sam is an awful idea. Thank you. Someone Who Wants to Not Want Sam This is your game; I have no interest in playing it. You obviously want to satisfy your curiosity about Sam, so do it. Whatever you decide, the likeliest potential snag isnt that Sam is still married to a woman he doesnt live with and hasnt lived with for years, but instead that you and Sam are operating from a quarter-century-old idea of what its like to be together. And possible amnesia to possibly excellent reasons you didnt choose Sam back then. And possible blindness to the fact of billions of other men/women on earth besides each other. And possible temptation to snuggle into something familiar when braving some time alone might be better for you. So if you do approach Sam, then be self-aware, logical, patient, open-minded, as skeptical as you can be without veering into cynicism, and self-aware (you say redundant, I say emphatic). And, set your bull(asterisk)(asterisk)(asterisk)(asterisk) detectors to 11. That way, when his reasons for staying married sound like excuses to use a not-random example you will be prepared to say, Those reasons sound like excuses. This posture is the very antithesis of game-playing. Aka, bliss. And if Ive misread your letter and you genuinely dont want to see Sam, because hes still married or whatever else, then dont. Spouse of 35 years is a truly good and caring person, yet lies, steals others prescription pills, and wrecks cars under the influence. We are talking about you. You are talking about you. Yet youve erased you, gone outside yourself both for your problem (the addict) and solution (can one stay happy?). So humor me, please, and say aloud: This is about me. Your spouse may be lovely inside somewhere but the addiction runs the show now, apparently into a tree, or worse. And you are dog tired because the addiction is running you, too. So please get help, for you. (His problem is his problem.) A therapist whose training and experience focus on families of addicts is where Id start, but if theres a cost or scheduling issue, start with the closest Al-Anon group in the book. Please. Soon. Take care. Email Carolyn at [email protected], follow her on Facebook at or chat with her online at noon Eastern time each Friday at | |
How Much Does a Financial Advisor Cost? | You wouldnt get your oil changed or your hair cut without knowing what itll cost, and yet more than one in five investors dont know what they pay in investment fees, according to a survey You wouldnt get your oil changed or your hair cut without knowing what itll cost, and yet more than one in five investors dont know what they pay in investment fees, according to a survey by Personal Capital. Another 10 percent dont even know if theyre paying any fees at all. If youre working with a financial advisor (whether they be of the human or robo variety), theyre getting paid for the advice they provide, says Kyle Ryan, a certified financial planner and head of advisory services at Personal Capital. How theyre getting paid determines how much that financial advisor costs. Generally speaking, 1 percent per year is a reasonable fee to pay for financial guidance, Ryan says. This should include financial advisor fees plus any fees on the investments you use. Unfortunately we see quite a few that are double that when you add them together, he says. Personal Capital found that a 1 percent higher fee can cost an investor nearly $250,000 over her lifetime. Every investor should know how much their financial advisor costs. [See: 7 Robo Advisors With a Human Touch.] There are three ways financial advisors get paid: Fee-only advisors charge an annual, hourly or flat fee. Commission-based advisors are paid through the investments they sell. Fee-based advisors earn a combination of a fee plus commissions. Fee-only Financial Advisors The most common fee-only financial advisor structure is to charge a percentage of the assets under management (AUM). In this case, the advisor deducts her fee from your account, usually on a quarterly or monthly basis, based on your account balance. If you have $1 million with an advisor charging 1 percent of AUM, youd pay $10,000 per year in fees or just over $833 per quarter. The average AUM fee for a human financial advisor is 1 percent, but theyre often charged on a sliding scale. So the more assets you have under management, the lower your fee percentage will be. Robo advisors also use the AUM fee structure. Most robo advisors charge between 0.25 and 0.5 percent per year. [See: The Best Robo Advisor for Each Type of Investor.] AUM fees are based on the starting value at the beginning of the year, says Mark Charnet, founder and CEO of American Prosperity Group in Pompton Plains, New Jersey. If your $1 million account is worth only $800,000 at the beginning of your second year, the financial advisor would charge $8,000 for that year rather than $10,000. Many people arent comfortable paying fees on losses, Charnet, who uses a commission-based structure, says. Theres also the reverse argument where some investors dont like having to pay more as their account grows. The Department of Labor would tell you this is a good thing: If the financial advisors fee grows with your account balance, its clearly in her best interest to help you make money. Hence why the DOL created the fiduciary rule to try to force all retirement advisors to use a fiduciarys fee-only structure. (Fiduciary advisors must be fee-only.) But aligning your advisors incentives with growing your account is only a benefit to you if growth is your primary objective, says Kurt Hemry, president of Ironwood Wealth Consultants in Portland, Oregon. Investors living in retirement are probably more interested in preservation or income than growth. Other fee-only financial advisors charge hourly, an annual or quarterly retainer thats not based on the size of your account, or a flat fee for each service. For instance, a flat fee advisor may charge $2,000 to create a comprehensive financial plan. If the advisor isnt licensed to sell investments (and many flat-fee advisors are not), itll be up to you to implement that plan and manage your investments going forward. Since flat fee advisors have no affiliation with the investments you use, theyre often seen as the most unbiased financial advisors, Hemry says. You can see how much your fee-only investment advisor costs on Part 2 of the firms Form ADV, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). These forms are available online or you can request a copy from your advisor. Commission-based Financial Advisors Commission-based advisors are paid through the investments you buy. Theyll receive a percentage of your investment dollars from the investment provider. Annuities are notorious for heavy hidden commissions but they arent the only culprit. Any investment could carry a commission. Mutual funds can carry sales loads between 3 to 6 percent and brokers may take 1 to 2 percent off of a bonds value for themselves. Commissions are sneaky: Since theyre paid to the advisor by the investment provider, investors dont see them coming out of their account balance on each statement. But make no mistake: You are paying your advisors commission. For this reason, commissions have taken flak for misaligning investors and advisors incentives. Its obviously in the advisors best interest to recommend the highest-paying product, which may not be the best product for the investor. But itd be inaccurate to say all advisors who work on commissions are putting their own best interests before their clients. Theres not a good thing or bad thing in the financial world, Hemry says. Its like saying there are bad tools in my toolbox. No, I just dont need a pipe wrench to change a tire. He used to offer his clients the choice between a flat fee for a one-time financial plan and an ongoing commission-based relationship. Every client chose the commission-based arrangement. There is a place for commission-based financial advisors; the question is if the place is on your financial team. If it is, the challenge becomes making sure its someone you can trust to keep your best interest at heart. Fee-based Financial Advisors Unlike Hemry, who feels he doesnt need to get paid both a fee and a commission, many financial advisors do exactly this. They call themselves fee-based advisors, as opposed to fee-only advisors. This is an important distinction: Fee-only advisors do not collect commissions whereas fee-based advisors do. This is probably the most common compensation structure, Ryan says. Often a fee-based advisor will charge an AUM fee while also earning a commission on the investments sold. A lot of firms are dually registered as fiduciaries and broker-dealers, Ryan says. So at times they can have their fiduciary hat on and at others can take that hat off and sell you products on commission. Its not enough to ask your financial advisor if shes a fiduciary. If working with a fiduciary is important to you, you need to ask: Are you required to act as a fiduciary 100 percent of the time? Ryan says. It would be great if financial advisors wore the fees they charge pinned to their chests like price tags. Unfortunately, this likely wont ever be the case. So its up to you as the client to ask about a financial advisors fees. Even fiduciary advisors, who are required to disclose all fees and conflicts of interest, can do so in fine print. The advisor should give you clear, straightforward answers to all of these questions. If she doesnt, go elsewhere. Also ask for a sample statement with the clients personal information removed. Have the advisor walk you through how the fees appear on the statement. You could then use this opportunity to ask about the rationale for any trades that were placed during that statement period. Given the impact of fees on investment returns, you have to wonder if financial advisors are worth the cost. The answer comes down to value. Financial advisors can add value in more ways than higher returns. For instance, the advisor may use tax minimization strategies to reduce your tax bill. Or the advisor may add value by ensuring your portfolio is rebalanced appropriately. Perhaps the biggest benefit of working with a financial advisor is making sure you dont make poor emotional decisions with your money. [See: 10 Questions to Ask Before You Hire a Financial Advisor.] The biggest question when evaluating a financial advisor is if theyre giving you greater confidence and clarity that youll meet your financial goals, Ryan says. He suggests asking the advisor to articulate their value for you. The advisor should be able to list all the things that will be done on your behalf to earn the fee. Then you can decide if a financial advisor is worth the cost. originally appeared on | |
What Is My Debt-to-Income Ratio? | Your debt-to-income ratio is an important metric when it comes to determining whether you qualify for certain types of loans. Its typically associated with mortgage loans, but lenders may use it to determine eligibility for Your debt-to-income ratio is an important metric when it comes to determining whether you qualify for certain types of loans. Its typically associated with mortgage loans, but lenders may use it to determine eligibility for auto loans, personal loans or other types of credit. Its one of those key financial metrics that lenders use to evaluate you as a credit risk, so understanding what it is, how it relates to creditworthiness and how to improve it is essential. [Read: 10 Easy Ways to Pay Off Debt.] Read on for the answers to each of these questions. To calculate this financial figure, lenders divide your monthly debt payments into your gross income (what you earn before taxes and other deductions). For example, if you owe $1,000 per month in mortgage payments, $500 per month in auto loan payments and $500 per month in credit card payments and other debts, then your total debt is $2,000. If you earn $5,000 in gross income per month, your debt-to-income ratio would be $2,000/$5,000, or 40 percent. Lenders often accumulate the data used to calculate the ratio when you submit a loan application, which may require everything from pay stubs to tax returns and bank statements, depending on the type of loan for which you are applying. Additional debt information can come from your credit report. [Read: How to Remove Yourself as a Co-Signer on a Loan.] Typically, a lower debt-to-income ratio is preferable because it demonstrates that you have sufficient income to repay outstanding loans. One important figure for mortgage debt is 43 percent. In most cases, 43 percent is the highest ratio a borrower can have and still get whats called a qualified mortgage, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. A qualified mortgage is a safer, more transparent loan for borrowers who are eligible. An important caveat to keep in mind: Debt-to-income ratios dont tell the whole story about a persons financial health, says Gerri Detweiler, education director for Nav, a San Mateo, California-based service that matches small-business owners to financing options. Debt-to-income ratios can mask some pretty extensive debt, she says. For example, when determining credit card debt, lenders will include the minimum required monthly payment in your debt-to-income ratio, not the larger amount required to pay off your bill each month. A history of making good credit decisions and only taking on loans you can repay is smart for your debt-to-income ratio and your credit score. But beyond that, the relationship between debt-to-income and credit strength isnt always clear-cut. The more important thing that consumers need to be aware of is debt-to-available-credit, says Bill Hardekopf, CEO of That metric, sometimes called the credit utilization ratio, is a measure of how much debt you take on versus how much is available to you. It factors into the calculation of most commercial credit scores, unlike debt-to-income, and experts recommend keeping it below 30 percent. [See: 20 Financial New Years Resolutions for 2019.] Paying down debt or selling financed assets, such as pricey cars, will improve your debt-to-income ratio. But that strategy may have an unintended impact on your credit score, Detweiler warns. For example, say you decide to aggressively repay your car loan to improve your debt-to-income ratio. Paying off a car loan may cause your credit to drop a little bit (because) now you dont have an open-installment loan, Detweiler says. While your debt-to-income ratio shouldnt be the deciding factor in what home and in what price range you choose, it can have an important impact on the kinds of loans you can get. And the types of loans for which you qualify, especially mortgage loans, can have a measurable effect on your lifestyle. Good debt-to-income could mean the difference between a good school district and not-so-good, Detweiler says. originally appeared on | |
Was ndert sich 2019 ... bei den Steuern? | Die Steuererklrung fr 2019 ist die erste, fr die man sich zwei Monate lnger Zeit lassen kann. Das neue Jahr beginnt nicht nur mit einer Reihe von guten Vorstzen. Regelmig kndigen sich zum Jahreswechsel auch viele gesetzliche Neuerungen an. Was sich zum neuen Jahr fr Steuerzahler ndert. Neues Jahr, neue Gesetze: Zum 1. Januar mssen sich Steuerzahler auf neue Regeln einstellen. Zum Beispiel auf neue Einkommensgrenzen. Denn die steigen 2019 fr alle Steuerstze um 1,84 Prozent, erklrt die Verbraucherzentrale Nordrein-Westfalen. Damit soll die Inflationsrate des Jahres 2018 in den Steuertarif eingepreist werden. Weiteres Ziel der Neuregelung ist es den Angaben zufolge, den Effekt der kalten Progression auszugleichen. Diese wrde ansonsten bewirken, dass Lohn- und Gehaltssteigerungen in Verbindung mit der Inflation zumindest teilweise durch eine hhere Steuerbelastung aufgezehrt wrden, erklren die Verbraucherschtzer. Weitere wichtige nderungen im berblick: Hhere Freibetrge Ledige haben ab dem 1. Januar in der Einkommensteuer einen Grundfreibetrag von 9168 Euro. Das sind 168 Euro mehr als 2018. Verheirateten stehen knftig 18 336 Euro zu, also 336 Euro mehr als bisher. Bis zu diesem Betrag bleibt das Einkommen steuerfrei. Im selben Umfang erhhen sich die Beitrge, bis zu denen Steuerzahler Unterhalt fr nahe Angehrige als auergewhnliche Belastungen abziehen knnen. Angehoben wird auch der schliche Kinderfreibetrag: Er erhht sich um 96 Euro auf 2490 Euro pro Kind und Elternteil, erklrt der Bund der Steuerzahler. Der Freibetrag fr den Betreuungs-, Erziehungs- oder Ausbildungsbedarf bleibt unverndert bei 1320 Euro pro Kind und Elternteil bestehen. Insgesamt wird einem Elternpaar pro Kind im Jahr 2019 also ein Kinderfreibetrag von 7620 Euro gewhrt. Mehr Zeit fr die Steuererklrung Das Steuergesetz ist zwar schon seit 2017 in Kraft, es wirkt sich aber erst jetzt aus. Denn ab dem Steuerjahr 2018 hat jeder zwei Monate mehr Zeit fr seine Steuererklrung. Statt wie bisher bis Ende Mai mssen die Dokumente nach Angaben der VZ NRW knftig immer erst bis zum 31. Juli eingereicht werden. Eine lngere Frist gibt es auch, wenn ein Steuerberater oder ein Lohnsteuerhilfeverein hilft. War der letzte Termin fr die Erklrung 2017 noch der 31. Dezember 2018, kann die Steuererklrung fr 2018 nun bis Ende Februar 2020 abgegeben werden, wenn ein Berater dabei mitwirkt. Und da das Jahr ein Schaltjahr sein wird, bleibt bis zum 29. Februar 2020 Zeit. Jobtickets sind knftig steuerfrei Verbilligte Jobtickets sind ab Januar 2019 gnzlich steuerfrei. Das heit, Beschftigte mssen die Kostenersparnis nicht mehr versteuern. Ziel ist es, so den ffentliche Nahverkehr zu strken. Allerdings werden die steuerfreien Leistungen auf die Entfernungspauschale angerechnet. Das Job-Ticket ist allerdings nur steuerfrei, wenn Arbeitnehmer es zustzlich zum ohnehin geschuldeten Arbeitslohn erhalten, erklrt die Vereinigte Lohnsteuerhilfe (VLH). Handelt es sich hingegen um eine Entgeltumwandlung, greift die Steuerbefreiung nicht. Steuervorteile fr Elektro-Dienstwagen, Hybridfahrzeuge und Dienstfahrrad Wer einen elektrisch angetriebenen Dienstwagen oder ein Hybridfahrzeug nutzt, musste bisher die Privatnutzung mit einem Prozent des Listenpreises pro Kalendermonat versteuern. Fr E-Autos, die nach dem 31. Dezember angeschafft werden, sinkt dieser Wert nun auf 0,5 Prozent, wie der Bundesrat erklrt. Die Neuregelung gilt auch fr extern aufladbare Hybridelektrofahrzeuge. Allerdings ist dieser Steuervorteil begrenzt bis zum 31. Dezember 2021. Wer sein Dienstfahrrad auch privat nutzt, muss ab 2019 den Gewinn nicht mehr mit dem Finanzamt teilen. Der geldwerte Vorteil ist nach den Regelungen im Jahressteuergesetz knftig steuerfrei. Darauf macht die VZ NRW aufmerksam. Das gilt sowohl fr E-Bikes mit Geschwindigkeiten bis zu 25 km/h als auch fr normale Fahrrder. Die Steuerbefreiung gilt den Angaben zufolge aber nicht fr die Modelle, die das E-Bike-Leasing in Form einer Gehaltsumwandlung finanzieren. Die Regelung ist ebenfalls bis Ende 2021 befristet. Neue Sachbezugswerte fr Arbeitnehmer Bekommen Arbeitnehmer von ihrem Chef ein Essen spendiert, kann das fr das Finanzamt als steuerpflichtiger Arbeitslohn gewertet werden. Mageblich sind nach Angaben des Bundes der Steuerzahler die sogenannten Sachbezugswerte. Der Wert fr eine verbilligte oder unentgeltliche Mahlzeit, beispielsweise in einer Betriebskantine, betrgt ab 2019 fr ein Frhstck 1,77 Euro und fr ein Mittag- oder Abendessen 3,30 Euro. Bisher lagen die Werte bei 1,73 Euro beziehungsweise 3,23 Euro. Auch die Werte fr Unterkunft oder Miete steigen: Der Sachbezugswert fr freie Unterkunft betrgt 2019 bundeseinheitlich 231 Euro monatlich. | |
What Does The MLA For Cariboo North Look Forward To In 2019 ? | Politicians, like the rest of us, have New Years resolutions. We asked Cariboo North MLA Coralee Oakes about some of the things shed like to see in 2019, including what can be done about the opioid crisis I think all of us know people in our community who either struggle with addiction or have lost loved ones here in our community. We have to do a better job and we have to be open at looking at alternatives. I am a very strong supporter of recovery. Ive talked with a lot of the First Nations communities and a lot of the health professionals. A project that I think would be very important to look at is a detox center, a recovery center, so having pieces that provide hope for families and people facing addiction. Oakes says she would also like to see the Premier step up and protect forestry workers in Ottawa along the lines of what Ontario has done for the auto sector and what Alberta has done for oil and gas. She would also like to see a Bachelor of Education offered at the North Cariboo Community Campus If we have the nursing, if we have the education, I think it creates some significant opportunities, not just for people living in the Cariboo, but perhaps attracting families to decide to move their families here for great education, affordable lifestyle and just great people. Oakes says she is also concerned about spring frechette this year We saw the devastating damage last year as a result of the consequences of the 2017 wildfire season. We saw compromised watersheds throughout the Cariboo which led to significant flooding, we saw the incredible damage that the West Fraser Road has been dealing with and we have to be better prepared for spring frechette 2019 and the consequences. Its not good enough for communities to be cut off for multiple years or expected to travel on really life altering routes. Oakes says all levels of government need to work together to make sure that theyre ready to address any kind of consequences from the 2017 wildfires. Looking back on 2018, she will remember it proudly Weve had another really difficult year with wildfires and floods and challenges unforeseen by the community, and in every part of the Cariboo I see people consistently stepping up, helping their neighbours, volunteering and the stories that Ive heard as I travel throughout the riding amaze me. | |
How Many Tractors From The Jammeh Era Have Been Frozen And Who Is Securing Them? | 73 SHARES Share Tweet QUESTION OF THE DAY There are rumours that many tractors of the Jammeh era have been taken from people but no one seems to be doing an inventory to keep record of their number and secure them until the Commission gives its recommendation. The option is also not taken to unfreeze them and monitor their use whilst the Commission carries out its investigation so that the farmers would benefit from their use during the current rainy season. Foroyaa will try to find out who is in charge of these tractors and what they intend to do with them. | |
How Long Will The President Stay In Office? | 37 SHARES Share Tweet If his speech at Faraba Banta is to go by President Barrow is going to stay in office as a president who is given a five year mandate and has called on all those aspiration for the presidency to accept his five year term and be ready to contest for the next term of office. What is best now is simply to issue a press release to the effect and remove all uncertainty as to whether he will stay for three years or five years. The Coalition wanted an ideal situation which provided for the president who comes to office through a coalition agreement to serve for three years in order to give a good example of how to put an end to self-perpetuating rule. A three year term would have been an example for others to follow. It is now becoming clear that President Barrow does not consider that argument to be pertinent. Gambians must however remain focused. The Gambia is 53 years old. It attained the right to self-determination since 1965 but the people did not exercise that right to become a republic in 1965. Because of ignorance the people did not vote to get the required majority to become a republic until 1970. After 30 years the country changed through a coup dtat. The next government also stayed for 22 years. Another cycle commenced on the 19th of January 2017. Some anticipated that the Coalition will provide a standard of best practice by having a president who will serve only for three years and also ensure that he or she plays his or her role in promoting the introduction of a two term limit after leaving office. We should take note of what President Barrow said. The picture appears to have changed and the scenario which seems to be evolving is that the President will serve for five years and still endorse future term limits. | |
When Will Land Disputes Be Addressed? | 0 SHARES Share Tweet This column is devoted to monitor and report on issues that relate to production, processing, preservation and marketing of agricultural produce aimed at ensuring food security in the Gambia as well as the interventions of Government and Non-governmental Organizations in this regard. Agriculture remains both a new and old source of national revenue and (youth) employment. Improved public awareness and discussion of the issues involved will significantly maximize agricultural outcomes and the contribution of the sector to economic growth and job creation. This is precisely the reason why Farmers Eye is critically looking at every Agricultural programme or policy to gauge whether our Agriculture and Natural resources are properly harnessed, to ensure food self-sufficiency. In the last editions we indicated that Section 192 of the Constitution states: there shall be established a Lands Commission whose composition, functions and powers shall be prescribed by an Act of the National Assembly. This Act has already been passed and assented to, but the Commission is yet be functional. Farmers Eye Column called on the Executive to make this Commission functional, to address the series of land disputes that is on the increased particularly at this time of the year, when farmers across the country are preparing their farmlands in readiness for the start of the rainy season. We dealt with rights and responsibilities related to land tenure in the last edition. In this edition, we shall continue from where we stopped. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES RELATED TO LAND TENURE Given that all human rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated, the governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests should not only take into account rights that are directly linked to access and use of land, fisheries and forests, but also all civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. In doing so, States should respect and protect the civil and political rights of defenders of human rights, including the human rights of peasants, indigenous peoples, fishers, pastoralists and rural workers, and should observe their human rights obligations when dealing with individuals and associations acting in defence of land, fisheries and forests. States should provide access through impartial and competent judicial and administrative bodies to timely, affordable and effective means of resolving disputes over tenure rights, including alternative means of resolving such disputes, and should provide effective remedies, which may include a right of appeal, as appropriate. Such remedies should be promptly enforced and may include restitution, indemnity, compensation and reparation. States should strive to ensure that vulnerable and marginalized persons have access to such means, in line with paragraphs 6.6 and 21.6. States should ensure that any person whose human rights are violated in the context of tenure has access to such means of dispute resolution and remedies. States should welcome and facilitate the participation of users of land, fisheries and forests in order to be fully involved in a participatory process of tenure governance, inter alia, formulation and implementation of policy and law and decisions on territorial development, as appropriate to the roles of State and non-state actors, and in line with national law and legislation. POLICY, LEGAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL FRAMEWORKS RELATED TO TENURE States should provide and maintain policy, legal and organizational frameworks that promote responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests. These frameworks are dependent on, and are supported by, broader reforms to the legal system, public service and judicial authorities. States should ensure that policy, legal and organizational frameworks for tenure governance are consistent with their existing obligations under national and international law, and with due regard to voluntary commitments under applicable regional and international instruments. Source: Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure. Courtesy of FAO and CFS. | |
How many endings does Black Mirrors interactive film Bandersnatch have? | **WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD FOR BLACK MIRRORS INTERACTIVE FILM BANDERSNATCH** Bandersnatch, the new interactive film from Charlie Brookers Black Mirror, has arrived. Advertisement Set in 1980s London, it centres around 19-year-old game developer Stefan (Fionn Whitehead), who is in the process of turning a choose-your-own adventure book into a video game. Along the way, he realises that he has lost his free will, and that some force beyond his control is compelling him to make decisions. That force is the Netflix viewer, who gets to choose what Stefan does, from his morning breakfast cereal to whether or not he should murder his own father. Needless to say, its a trip. There are multiple routes the story can take, and after you get to the end of your chosen path, you are offered the chance to go back and try out a different one. In true Black Mirror style, most of them are pretty grim. We have a lot of questions. Check them out below. According to Netflix, there are five main endings. The ones we know of are as follows (bear in mind, there are different variations to each): Ending one Stefan discovers that his father and his therapist have been using him in a psychological trial called PAC (Program And Control) controlling his behaviour with drugs. He then kills his father. Ending two Stefan goes back in time, after discovering his toy rabbit in the safe in his house, to the day his mother died and gets on the same train with her. He dies, too. Ending three The viewer urges Stefan to kill his father, despite Stefan not wanting to. If you choose to cut his body up, he gets away with the murder for long enough to complete the game and for it to be labelled a great success. At the credits, a very meta clip from a documentary set in the present day sees Colins daughter attempting to recreate Colins game for Netflix, only to smash up her computer when she realises she has lost her free will, too. Ending four The viewer urges Stefan to kill his father, and instead of cutting his body up, he buries him. His dog then discovers his fathers remains, and he is thrown in jail before getting a chance to perfect the game. It receives a bad review. Ending five The viewer tells Stefan that hes in an interactive Netflix show, and that is why his decisions are being controlled. After a fight with the therapist, he jumps out a window, only to discover hes on a set, and that hes an actor. Someone with a lot of time on their hands has drawn out a map of all the possible outcomes, too. Check it out below. The choose-your-own adventure thing is absolutely pivotal in Bandersnatch. At first it seems as though quite a few of the decisions like whether Stefan should have Sugar Puffs or Frosties for breakfast (Frosties, a no brainer) or what music he should listen to will be inconsequential. But eventually, it becomes clear that there are quite a few divergent paths you can take. There are elements that need to go a certain way in order for the story to progress. Stefan needs to work on the game in solitude, rather than in a team. They offer you the chance to do it as a team, but it fast forwards to the games release, and it flops, so you are urged to go back and reconsider the decision. But full disclosure, we played out two different paths at the same time on separate screens as an experiment there really does seem to be quite a few ways the story can go, and each decision causes a knock-on effect to the story. In some cases, we arrived at the exact same scene, just with different options. There are clearly multiple layers to this that will take quite a while, and a fair few re-watches, to fully unpack. For example, on both paths, we came to a point where Stefan demanded a sign to understand what was happening to him. On path one, the options were to send him, via his computer screen, what looked like a Space Invaders alien or a message about PAC, a mind-control programme that may or may not be a figment of his imagination. On path two, we were able to tell him the truth: that were watching him on Netflix and controlling his decisions. This was by far the most entertaining of the two, and it led to a bizarre brawl with his therapist, who whipped out two batons during their session. No, and that is kind of the point. Though it initially seems like Brooker and co are driving you towards a certain conclusion, it becomes clear that there are no right answers here beyond the ones that allow the story to develop to the point where Stefan works on the game by himself. He has to develop the game on his own to get into this choose-your-own adventure loop (the Bandersnatch author went the same way), but beyond that, there are plenty of ways that the whole thing can go down. Colin (Will Poulter), Stefans role model in the game developing world, seems to be attuned to what is going on. When Stefan goes back and changes his initial decision to work with a team, Colin remembers that theyve met before. When the two take LSD, Colin explains to him that there are infinite timelines where infinite scenarios are playing out, and that none of the decisions matter. He suggests that one of them jump off the balcony, and, upon the viewers urging, happily plummets to his death safe in the knowledge that, in another reality, he is alive and kicking. This apparent higher understanding of the situation made us wonder if Colin wasnt some sort of Tyler Durden-esque projection of Stefans subconscious (theres a scene, in one scenario, where he seems to have been digitally inserted, though that could well have been to avoid having to film scenes multiple times with different cast members). In two endings we came across, Stefan murdered his own father. In one of these, having decided to chop his dads body up, he got away with it for quite a while, and managed to finish the game (which then received a five star review from the gamer guy who reviews on the telly), only for it to be pulled from shelves a few weeks later when he had finally been caught. In this same version of events, the end credits features footage from what looks like a documentary about Stefan from present day, in which a woman called Pearl is attempting to remake Stefans game for a modern audience. We then see her in front of a computer, and we are offered the chance to choose whether she smashes her computer or pours tea on it, as we were with Stefan. She smashes the computer, and the film ends. This seems significant, as it doubles down on the idea that the Bandersnatch game is cursed in some way, and those who try to recreate it are doomed to lose their own free will and this suggests that Stefan can only succeed by replicating the actions of the original author. Advertisement We didnt see any other endings in which the game was a success, but we havent been able to get through all of the permutations as yet. | |
Is Rick and Morty on Netflix? | It is clear that adult animated sci-fi sitcom sensation Rick and Morty has changed our cultural landscape. A joke in series three even caused McDonalds to re-launch its Szechuan dipping sauce, previously only available in 1998. Advertisement The show follows Rick, a mad scientist who drags his nervy and reluctant grandson, Morty, through portals into different dimensions to go on strange adventures. In the US, Rick and Morty is broadcast on Adult Swim. When series one and two aired, UK viewers could only stream it on their website. But since series three aired in July 2017, UK viewers have been able to stream it on Netflix. However, viewers had to wait a week after each episode was shown in the US, for it to be uploaded. Advertisement Dates are yet to be released for the fourth series, so viewers will have to watch this (dimensions) space. | |
What time does Everton v Leicester City kick off? Is it on TV? | Get Weekday Leicester City FC updates directly to your inbox Subscribe Thank you for subscribing We have more newsletters Show me See our privacy notice Could not subscribe, try again later Invalid Email Leicester City will hope to kick off 2019 in style when they travel to Everton on New Years Day. Heres everything you need to know about the fixture. Everton and City have been chosen to ring in the new year. The clash at Goodison Park is the Premier Leagues first of 2019, kicking off at 12.30pm. It is indeed. Sky Sports Premier League will be broadcasting live from Merseyside, their coverage beginning at 12pm. Martin Atkinson will be the man with the whistle at Goodison Park. Its the first time this season that Atkinson has officiated a City match, which Leicester will have been thankful for, having failed to win any of the last eight Premier League games in which he has been referee. However, Atkinson was in charge when City beat Everton in the FA Cup third round two years ago. Illness struck the City camp before the defeat to Cardiff with centre-backs Wes Morgan and Jonny Evans ruled out. Claude Puel is keeping his fingers crossed on their fitness. Hamza Choudhury could return after being rested, while tired legs could see Puel rotate. (Image: Lindsey Parnaby/AFP/Getty Images) The only definite absentees are Daniel Amartey (ankle) and Matty James (fitness). Everton have an almost clean bill of health. Young winger Ademola Lookman is the only doubt but is back in training after missing the Toffees last three matches with an ankle issue. Despite their defeat to Cardiff, Leicester have the better recent form thanks to their shock wins over Chelsea and Manchester City. Everton, meanwhile, have only been victorious in one of their last seven a 5-1 thumping of Burnley and have failed to win any of their last three at home. This remains the Premier Leagues most-drawn fixture (13/25) but theres been a victor in each of the last seven editions. Everton have won four of the last five, including the contest at the King Power Stadium earlier this season, when Gylfi Sigurdssons 30-yard stunner saw the Toffees beat 10-man City. Everton are favourites, at evens, while City can be backed at 3/1. | |
What do Europe's elite clubs need in the January transfer window? | Omnisport FOLLOW NEWS News 397 // 01 Jan 2019, 12:32 IST SHARE Share Options Facebook Twitter Flipboard Reddit Google+ Email Lucas Hernandez, Gonzalo Higuain, Adrien Rabiot January's transfer window does not always feature massive deals, but clubs around Europe may be tempted to enter the market this month. Teams including Real Madrid and Bayern Munich might move for players in a bid to boost their title hopes, with both sides currently adrift in their respective races. Premier League clubs are typically the biggest spending in the world and, with Liverpool's title charge looking ominous, chequebooks may open at Manchester City and Tottenham in a bid to stop the Reds. Omnisport takes a look... LIVERPOOL The league leaders have a strong squad but more cover may be needed, particularly if squad players including Alberto Moreno and Simon Mignolet depart. Midfielder Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain's return is likely to provide a timely and potentially crucial late-season boost. MANCHESTER CITY Advertisement Defeats to Crystal Palace and Leicester City without Fernandinho highlighted the Brazilian's importance to the champions. He is 33 and a successor must be a high priority for City, who have used Ilkay Gundogan and John Stones in that role with little success having missed out on Jorginho to Chelsea. City also have a problem position at left-back, where a succession of injuries to Benjamin Mendy have repeatedly left Pep Guardiola using square pegs to fill a round hole. TOTTENHAM Spurs signed nobody in the last transfer window and it does not appear to have harmed Mauricio Pochettino's side. But injuries have since affected his midfield options and a mooted move for Adrien Rabiot, who has made no secret of his desire to leave Paris Saint-Germain, makes plenty of sense on paper. The future of Toby Alderweireld remains a question mark, although diligent work has been done securing many other key players, such as England stars Harry Kane and Dele Alli, to fresh terms. The Club can confirm that we have activated the option to extend @JanVertonghen s contract until 2020. Tottenham Hotspur (@SpursOfficial) December 18, 2018 ARSENAL Defensive injuries have hit Unai Emery's squad and a strong centre-back would be a useful addition in January. With Aaron Ramsey set to leave at the end of his contract, Arsenal also need to replace the Wales midfielder and Sevilla star Ever Banega has been linked as a possible signing. Emery may also be tempted to entertain offers for former Germany playmaker Mesut Ozil, given he has been on the fringes despite pocketing a reported 350,000 a week. CHELSEA A striker is top of the wish list for Maurizio Sarri, who has selected Eden Hazard as a false nine ahead of Alvaro Morata and Olivier Giroud - who joined last January. Interest in Bournemouth's Callum Wilson has been confirmed by Sarri's assistant Gianfranco Zola, with Jamie Vardy and Gonzalo Higuain among the other names linked. Another month of speculation over Hazard's future seems certain, with the Belgium star's deal set to expire in 2020. 1 - Callum Wilson is the first ever @afcbournemouth player to score for @England , and the first player to score on his Three Lions debut since Marcus Rashford in May 2016. Beginnings. #ENGUSA OptaJoe (@OptaJoe) November 15, 2018 MANCHESTER UNITED United may opt not to invest with caretaker boss Ole Gunnar Solskjaer only technically in charge until the end of the season. Jose Mourinho wanted defensive reinforcements and this still seems the most needed area of improvement in United's squad, along with more dynamism in central midfield, but the club's hierarchy have reportedly told Solskjaer he will only be allowed to sign players on loan. BARCELONA Jeison Murillo has joined on loan from Valencia to address a defensive injury crisis, with head coach Ernesto Valverde intimating LaLiga's leaders will not be pursuing further signings in January. Philippe Coutinho has been out of the side, though, and he could be sold to raise funds if there was interest. Reports of a possible swap-deal with PSG involving Coutinho and Kylian Mbappe appear far-fetched, though. REAL MADRID Madrid have not spent big money for a few years and there should also be cash left over from Cristiano Ronaldo's 105million move to Juventus. Whether the club are willing to back Santiago Solari, who feels like a stopgap appointment, remains to be seen. Ronaldo's goals are much missed and a forward to relieve the burden on a misfiring Karim Benzema would presumably be a priority. Ballon d'Or winner Luka Modric may again be the subject of transfer talk having been linked to Inter before the season started. ATLETICO MADRID Diego Simeone splashed the cash in the last window, with players including Thomas Lemar, Rodrigo, Nikola Kalinic and Gelson Martins joining their title push. But Atletico face a battle to hold on to World Cup-winning defender Lucas Hernandez, with Bayern Munich ready to trigger his release clause, according to reports in Spain. Replacing Lucas would be tough and the advancing age of captain Diego Godin, 32, may be on Simeone's mind, as well as a lack of goals from Diego Costa. Bayern Munich, Lucas Hernandez deny deal to trigger buyout clause. Atltico de Madrid (@atletienglish) December 19, 2018 PSG It is unclear whether there is any money available for Thomas Tuchel, but the signing of Eric-Maxim Choupo-Moting from Stoke City in the last window suggests budgets have been tightened after years of lavish spending in the French capital. Speculation will surround Neymar and Kylian Mbappe while another midfielder will be needed if Rabiot gets his desired move away - Barcelona making little secret of their admiration. Watford's Abdoulaye Doucoure is reportedly a target. BAYERN MUNICH With six points to make up on Bundesliga leaders Borussia Dortmund, Bayern may opt to splash the cash. The club have confirmed interest in Lucas, for whom a deal would smash their surprisingly modest transfer record. Reinforcements are also required in attack with Arjen Robben leaving at the end of the season, Franck Ribery expected to follow suit, and Kingsley Coman plagued by injuries. THIS IS ROBBEN! 300 matches and a lifetime of unforgettable moments in #FCBayern colours. @ArjenRobben #MiaSanMia FC Bayern English (@FCBayernEN) October 13, 2018 JUVENTUS On track for yet another Serie A title, Juve have no obvious weaknesses and they spent big in the last window to land Ronaldo from Madrid, a deal that appeared a clear attempt to boost their chances of winning the Champions League. Vastly experienced defenders including Giorgio Chiellini, 34, will need replacing at some point, but probably not now. INTER Inter head coach Luciano Spalletti will also be hoping for additions during the transfer window. Keeping club captain Mauro Icardi - previously linked with Madrid - is a must, but more firepower is needed to alleviate the heavy burden on the shoulders of the Argentina attacker. AC MILAN Gennaro Gattuso's side have also been struggling for goals despite landing Higuain on loan from Juve - his winner in Saturday's 2-1 defeat of SPAL was his first goal since October. It is possible Higuain leaves, which would mean at least one attacker needs to be signed, although Patrick Cutrone has plenty of promise and deserves more opportunities. Sevilla's out-of-favour Luis Muriel has been linked, but whether any signings come under Gattuso - who is under increasing pressure - remains to be seen. Advertisement | |
Can Jackson build on work of 2018 in 2019? | Buy Photo Brandon Shields (Photo: THE JACKSON SUN)Buy Photo There is plenty to look forward to in Jackson and rural West Tennessee in the coming year that residents should feel good about as we throw away our old calendars for 2018 and bring in bright new ones for 2019. In the recent years in which local leaders have realized the need revitalization of the area, were seeing that revitalization happen in different areas of the community. Downtown Jacksons revitalization continues as the area looks totally different than it did five years ago. Coordinators of the larger venues in the area have seen a role for them in increasing the quality of life here as 2018 showed an increase in the quantity and quality of concert options for the area. The most telling example of that is how full The Ballpark at Jackson was for the concert in April headlined by Nellie and Bone Thugs N Harmony. Then in June, fans showed up again for the country concert involving Jake Owen and others. That along with nationally-known artists like Travis Tritt, John Berry and Sara Evans coming to the Carl Perkins Civic Center and The Ned provides more opportunities for fans to show up and pay tickets for those kinds of events. The more often people show up and pay tickets, the more likely Jackson is to get more and bigger concerts to come to the area. But of course, the two main foundational elements that will help the quality of life in the area are better education and better healthcare. We heard both of those messages ad nauseum during the campaign for Governor, but its true. Healthcare is something that will hopefully be addressed by the state leaders in Nashville that will make rural healthcare more affordable for those of us who arent in a major metro area. While healthcare continues to be a concern that well watch with the Bill Lee administration coming into the Governors office, Jackson has reason to be optimistic about public education. The fact that the Jackson-Madison County Schools Board, Madison County Commission and Jackson City Council all voted in favor of Superintendent Eric Jones capital plan and joining the public private partnership by a combined margin of 34-5 (8-1 in the school board, 20-1 in county commission and 6-3 in city council) shows consensus endorsement along with votes of confidence by Jackson Chamber President Kyle Spurgeon and African-American Chamber President Charles Adams that his plan appears to be one that should work and change the trajectory of public education in the county for the long term. And those five dissenting votes are coming from people who are bringing up questions that need to be asked and answered. If Jones can provide the right answers to those questions and deliver in a timely fashion, then the voices of the detractors should become quieter within a few years if the district continues to make the academic gains it made in the year-and-a-half since Jones and his administration took over the schools. But just like schools, the area overall has made improvements in recent years and months, but theres still a lot of work remaining to be done. More gains need to be accomplished to continue the improvement and attract large businesses to bring their new manufacturing facilities to the area with a high number of jobs accompanying them. Jones likes to use the metaphor of a person starting a diet to lose weight when talking about trying to improve the schools, and it applies on a grander scale. The people in power appear to be working hard and making the right choices, and theyre getting a few small victories here and there like seeing a pound or two of weight loss in the first week weeks of diet and exercise. Consistent work will increase those improvements, and 2019 appears to be a time when we could see more of those happen. Brandon Shields is a co-editor and reporter for The Jackson Sun. Reach him at [email protected] or at 731-425-9751. Follow him on Twitter @JSEditorBrandon or on Instagram at editorbrandon. Read or Share this story: | |
Why keep Oban study secret? | THE governments intention not to release the environmental impact assessment for the proposed Oban Energies oil storage and refinery facility on Grand Bahama until a new Heads of Agreement is signed is fishy, according to activist Joseph Darville. Mr Darville, chairman of advocacy group Save the Bays, again raised the alarm about the project, saying even an idiot would realise the construction involved would wreak havoc on surrounding ecosystems. His comments come as government and Oban officials are gearing up for a January 7 meeting to negotiate a new agreement for the controversial project. Last week, The Tribune exclusively revealed the projects EIA is complete, however Labour Minister Dion Foulkes, who heads a Cabinet subcommittee looking into Oban negotiations, told this newspaper the document will not be made public before a new agreement is inked. With much consternation, we are learning that an EIA for the proposed Oban Industries has been completed, but will not at this time be made public for scrutiny, Mr Darville noted in a statement. This, in itself sounds most fishy. Even an idiot, without the least understanding about our marine ecosystems, would realise that even the minimum incursion for establishing an oil refinery, storage facilities and mega ships birthing, even with the most sophisticated and modern machinery, would wreak havoc on some five ecosystems comprising the proposed areas. Presently, those areas are home to a multitude of varieties of sea life; all will all be wiped out with the very first application of dredging machinery. We should instead, like wise and sensible small nations are now doing, utilise the natural resources daily available to us to not only obtain energy for our own consumption, but also be in a position to supply it to other entities in the region. If we are in the very least concerned about leaving an environmentally sound and safe country for future generations, we must cease forthwith from selling their birthright for the proverbial pot of porridge. It would take one accident, explosion or oil spill to further destroy the area, as well as the entire extent of the south shore of Grand Bahama. The putrid smells from the refineries will forever create health problems, resulting in deaths, across the entire island, Mr Darville said. We tout the serious consequences on small island nations at the United Nations, yet at the same time we are inviting entities to come in and obliterate protections that they cannot impinge upon in other places. Greed and avarice bring these entities to our shores and we fall prey to their dangling trinkets and magnified false promises of great wealth. It simply must stop. On Saturday, December 22, on the sidelines of a $25,000 contribution to Grand Bahamas Superstar Rockers Junkanoo group, Alexander Grikitis, managing director of operations at Oban Energies, said the company is still committed to this country and its people. We are looking to show our support and showing we are here to support more jobs, and in the long-term Oban has now completed its EIA for our project, Mr Grikitis said. We are hoping to get our permitting going in the New Year, and early January we have a meeting with the government. Mr Grikitis said company officials are looking to provide new jobs hopefully this time next year. We will have hundreds of jobs for Bahamians, and we can continue community support going forward to the Superstar Rockers, and other community programmes, he said. But we saw what they (Superstar Rockers) did and what they are looking to do, and we want to be part of the community, and we thought this would be a good way to start. Oban Energies is proposing to build a $5.5 billion oil storage terminal and refinery project in East Grand Bahama. The governments initial agreement with Oban sparked intense criticism, including points of opposition from several environmental organisations that took issue with lack of an EIA, given the projects risk factors. There were also concerns about the background and capabilities of some Oban executives. The fallout prompted an admission from Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis that there were gross missteps in the government process. While our heart was in the right place, these missteps should not have happened. We must, we can and we will do better, Dr Minnis said in March. In the months following that admission, various Cabinet members have hinted at key improvements that would be made with a new HOA, but nothing concrete has been presented. While in Grand Bahama, Mr Grikitis revealed to The Tribune that Oban would be meeting with the government on January 7. When asked whether there would be any changes to the project, Mr Grikitis said: I cant really disclose that now until we talk to the government and then we will kind of get there. The Oban executive also said company officials have found office space in Freeport. We have identified a location at Grand Bahama Highway, and right after we get through the January 7 meeting with government, we plan to get the lease signed and move the project forward and open the office, Mr Grikitis said at the time. As well as once we get through permitting, we plan to clear the first 100 acres to get an office up and going right away, he added. | |
Should all brands include plus-sizes? | Inclusivity was a huge buzzword in 2018, especially in fashion. Brands announcing expansions to their offerings to accommodate plus-size women are proud to call themselves inclusive. But it's obvious some brands are including plus-sizes as a marketing ploy and simply don't know what they are doing. Nasty Gal was blasted for not be inclusive enough and Victoria's Secret was chastised when they backpedalled by saying they would begin to include plus-size models in its shows. PERSPECTIVES Brands were eager to jump on the size-inclusive bandwagon in 2018. In the past, plus-sizes were an afterthought. But now brands are putting plenty of thought into the idea of plus-size fashion. According to Fashionista: But for brands like Victoria's Secret, it may be a bit too late for them to join the plus-size wave and critics are calling for them to leave it alone. The brand recently found itself in hot water after its Chief Marketing Officer Ed Razek said the brand wasn't interested in having plus-size models on the runway. The brand later ate its words but by then it was too late. Fashion and Lifestyle Editor editor of Huffington Post, Jamie Feldman said she doesn't want to see a plus-size model at a Victoria's Secret fashion show: The Tylt is focused on debates and conversations around news, current events and pop culture. We provide our community with the opportunity to share their opinions and vote on topics that matter most to them. We actively engage the community and present meaningful data on the debates and conversations as they progress. The Tylt is a place where your opinion counts, literally. The Tylt is an Advance Local Media, LLC property. Join us on Twitter @TheTylt, on Instagram @TheTylt or on Facebook, we'd love to hear what you have to say. | |
Should old acquaintance be forgot? | Not necessarily. A little over a year ago, I had the opportunity to interview one of the last, living survivors of the Silver Bridge Disaster, William Edmondson. Edmondson, from King, North Carolina, was in Point Pleasant for the 50th anniversary and observance of the tragedy which took the lives of 46 people. I first saw him at the official ceremony of remembrance held downtown, though I couldnt get near him, with well-wishers and other media surrounding him in layers of humanity and cell phone cameras. Later that same day, I received the special gift of being able to sit down with him in a quiet room at the Point Pleasant River Museum and Learning Center, to hear his story. Our lives intersected in that moment with the help of staff from the river museum who knew I wanted to speak with him and they made it happen. I spent at least an hour with Mr. Edmondson, asking him about why he ended up on the bridge and how he survived its collapse into the frigid water on Dec. 15, 1967. With a good-humored graciousness, he took me through his story from the moment his tractor trailer hit the Ohio River, to the memory of his rescue onto a tow boat. During our conversation, a woman politely stepped into the museums library to tell Edmondson goodbye. They clearly knew one another but it took me a moment to put the pieces together. Turns out, the woman was an adult daughter of Edmondsons driving partner that day on the bridge, Harold Cundiff, who did not survive. The daughter, Gina Cocklereece of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, had apparently searched for Edmondson over the years with no luck, though through perhaps Divine Providence they were literally brought together via their separate visits to the river museum just prior to the 50th anniversary, last year. In another twist of fate, these people who were uniquely touched by the tragedy, were living their lives only about 15 minutes apart in different towns in North Carolina. Still, it took the home port (and staff) of the river museum to connect the dots and literally connect the families that shared this rare bond. As many know, the river museum suffered a devastating fire this summer. The original building, dating back to 1883, will have to be demolished. Many photos, books and documents in the third floor attic and the second floor library where Mr. Edmondson and I visited that day, were destroyed or damaged. Still, many other contents were saved though they required cleaning and are being temporarily stored at facilities in Chillicothe, Columbus and at the museums temporary home in the 200-block of Main Street in downtown Point Pleasant. The contents and archives are currently scattered, reminiscent of Mr. Edmondson and the family of his driving partner, or like many others who come to the river museum with a story the staff connects to another and another, like thread stretched across a bulletin board of ideas and purpose. Life truly does intersect along the river in a place that is about more than the contents but the context. This is the purpose of the river museum, or any museum worth its salt. That day, as Mr. Edmondson and I ended our visit, he exited the library while his daughter-in-law took me aside and told me he had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and was facing hospice. My heart sank into my stomach for this man who was a survivor; a man who told me he wanted to make it to 88, because that was Dale Earnhardt, Jr.s car number; a man who told me about a bird that landed near him as he floated in the icy waters of the Ohio River and how some felt the bird was an angel, encouraging him to hold onsomething he wouldnt deny. I will never forget that day, or him, as our lives intersected at the museum. He died this past April and I knew about it because the staff at the river museum told me first, putting human context to the contents they have been entrusted to preserve. About his journey to survive, Edmondson said to me, I mean, everything had to fall right in place to the second, or I wouldnt be here. It was that close. Its just unreal. His sentiment could be applied to the day of the fire at the river museum, where everyone made it out and because staff were there to call for help (as opposed to after hours), so much more was saved. Someone was there along the river to take note of what was happening and to see the value in saving history. In case youre wondering, the river museum staff, though displaced, are still there to take care of the contents and provide context, as plans for a new home take shape, hopefully in 2019. Often when bad things happen, survivors want to put the event behind them, and rightfully so, but the fact remains, they survived. Survival will always be the foundation for the future. By Beth Sergent OVP Editor Beth Sergent is editor of Ohio Valley Publishing which includes the Gallipolis Daily Tribune, The Daily Sentinel, Point Pleasant Register and Sunday Times-Sentinel. Reach her at [email protected] or 740-446-2342, extension 2102. Beth Sergent is editor of Ohio Valley Publishing which includes the Gallipolis Daily Tribune, The Daily Sentinel, Point Pleasant Register and Sunday Times-Sentinel. Reach her at [email protected] or 740-446-2342, extension 2102. | |
Whats in store for 2019? | Philippine volleyball fans will be in for a year-long treat. As the ball dropped to welcome 2019, more balls will be spiked, blocked, or dug by our players both locally and internationally. Even if we are just on the first day of the new calendar, theres no denying that annum will be an ace for the sport. Local competitions to look out for Two days from now, NCAA Season 94 volleyball action will resume and it will continue until at most February 8 for Game 3 of the Finals. A week after, the mens and womens volleyball tournament for UAAP Season 81 will commence and will go on until champions are crowned in May. The first five months of the year alone are stacked with intense competition from the best collegiate players in the land. We havent even mentioned the semi-pro leagues yet. PSL Grand Prix is slated to start a day after the schedule Game 3 of the NCAA Finals and will end by April. The All Filipino Conference is pencilled in from June to August while the Invitationals follow suit from early October to mid-November. Meanwhile, the PVL season will start after UAAP Season 81. While we have plotted competitions until the end of the year already, this is just part of the equation as beach volleyball has not been factored in. Beach Volleyball Republic will bring the competition to various areas in the country and help train future spike masters on sand. PSL will also have its Beach Volleyball Challenge Cup by May 23-26 aside from another possible tournament in December. The Philippine Sports Commission is also considering a beach volleyball tournament which aims to raise awareness for environmental conservation and protection. Finally, up-and-coming players will test their mettle in various regional and grassroots competitions. Aside from the Palarong Pambansa in Davao, theres the PSCs Batang Pinoy, the Akari National High School Volleyball Championships, the Tobys Juniors Volleyball League, and the Rebisco Volleyball League. Then again, we havent mentioned the international competitions yet. Laban Pilipinas The Asian Womens Club Volleyball Championship will be held from April 20-28 in China. It is possible that a champion semi-pro team plus reinforcements will compete for our country. By July 13-21, the younger talents take center stage in Vietnam for the Asian Womens Under-23 Volleyball Championship. The Asian Senior Womens Volleyball Championship is also booked from August 31 to September 8 in Korea. But all eyes will be on the Southeast Asian Games in Manila from November 30 to December 10. Teams representing the Philippines are gunning for a medal finish as the cheers of a hometown crowd motivate them to achieve glory. While the squads competition is still listed in water, the local tournaments will give us a clear picture on who should don the National Teams colors. Games will be held at the Smart Araneta Coliseum. With domestic and foreign volleyball competitions lined up for every month, 2019 is indeed a happy new year. | |
Has ISIS been defeated in Syria? | Last month, US President Donald Trump triggered multiple senior resignations by announcing the defeat of ISIS and his decision to bring American troops home. The statement has been disputed by the International community, and figures within the president's own ranks. It led to the resignation of Brett McGurk, the special presidential envoy for the global coalition to counter ISIS, and the Defence Secretary James Mattis, who will be replaced in an acting capacity by Patrick Shanahan later today. Most of the debate since then has been about the effect this will have on the Syrian Civil War particularly on America's Kurdish allies. | |
Why is It Harder to Sleep as We Age? | Insomnia is common among people who are 65 yrs. and older. They complain of frequently waking up after they finally go to sleep. Gaining weight. As we age, our metabolism slows down. Sadly, we dont think of this when we choose to eat snack/sugary foods and have stopped exercising as we did years ago. That extra padding is often associated with sleep disorders such as apnea. Johns Hopkins researchers found that losing belly fat could lead to better sleep. Sleep Apnea. So many people arent even aware of this condition that usually strikes men in their 40s. This condition can be treated. If not, it can lead to serious health issues. Hormones. 61 percent report insomnia during menopause and post-menopause. If youre tossing and turning, your doctor might be able to help. The shift in sleep could be due in part to a shifting ratio of hormones and that is treatable. Prostate Issues. As men age, their prostate gland often becomes enlarged. One common symptom of this condition, known as benign prostatic hyperplasia, is an increased frequency of urination at night. Limiting fluid intake before heading to bed can help reduce the need to urinate during the night, and avoiding known diuretics such as caffeinated drinks and foods like chocolate can also help. Snoring. While snoring can occur at any stage of life, it is more common as we age. Loss of muscle tone in the throat, fat deposits around the neck, and a narrowing of the throat leave less room in the airway hence the obnoxious nocturnal snorts. Losing weight will also help. The Heart. As we age, our heart muscle wears out thus causing heart problems. There is a link between insomnia and chronic heart failure. Chest pain can make it difficult to relax, fall asleep, and stay asleep. And to make it worse, lying down can cause shortness of breath. Changes in the Circadian Rhythm. As we age, our ability to achieve deep sleep is limited. This is one reason why older people spend less time in bed. The circadian function decays with aging. Patterns in this rhythm change as we age making it harder to sleep. Gerd/Acid Reflux. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) causes sleep disturbance, but sleep deprivation also makes GERD worse. Doctors advise limiting food intake after 7 p.m. and sticking to a bland diet. Noise Issues. Since noise tends to disrupt sleep during the light stage of sleep and since seniors already have trouble reaching that deep stage, its no surprise youre finding that noise is waking you before you have a chance to fall asleep, try a pair of noise-canceling plugs. Medications. Were downing prescription drugs to live longer; however, each one has its own set of side effects. If you have, for example, an issue with your thyroid and your medicine levels havent been adjusted, you may find yourself staring at the ceiling instead of getting a good nights rest. Limited Sunshine. Older folks often dont get enough sunshine. This can cause a break in the circadian rhythm, thus preventing a good nights sleep. If youre confined to a bed or wheelchair or arent able to get the sunshine you need for other reasons, you might think about light therapy as a way to regulate your bodys internal sleep clock. Depression. As we age, certain brain functions may teeter. Our cognitive abilities diminish, which can affect the psychological and emotional well being of the elderly. Restless Leg Syndrome. The rates for restless leg syndrome, also known as Willis-Ekbom Disease, climb after people hit 50. This annoying condition feels as if you constantly have to move your legs and can become wearisome when trying to catch some shuteye. Its thought the causes may be related to low iron levels and how iron affects dopamine levels in the brain. Doctors suggest limiting bright lights an hour before bed, taking warm baths, and drinking chamomile tea as possible drug-free options to help alleviate the symptoms. Loss of Thermoregulation. It gets harder to stay warm as we age. Thats because the body loses its ability to maintain and regulate its core temperature. Mattress. Aches and pains, especially joint pain, can cause sleep disturbances. As our bodies change, so should our mattresses. If youre suffering from joint pain, arthritis or any type of tension and its disrupting your slumber, it may be time to consider getting a new mattress. MSN/lifestyle/agingwell/ Photo courtesy of Bing via | |
Why am I still charged for cards when I transfer money? | Transferwise still levies a 1.5% charge for using a credit card to move funds to the account with them, despite the law change banning surcharges. The company told me it is part of their policy and that as they provide alternative free means of payment they are in compliance with the regulation. AI, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey The Payment Services Regulations came into force in January and banned traders from levying surcharges on card payments. In its response to you, however, Transferwise claims that surcharges are fine so long as they are displayed upfront and so long as they only reflect the actual cost of processing the card payment. It muddies the waters further in its response to me, claiming that the fee for paying by card is not a card surcharge. Transferwise offers three significantly different products at three different prices, it says. Hence theres no card surcharge as we do not charge based on payment instrument. Instead, the difference in charges is comparable to saying we charge X for delivery tomorrow, and XY for delivery instantly. Its website, however, appears to make no bones about the fact that its card service is more expensive because card transactions incur an interchange fee payable to the card issuer. It says that since your complaint it has made its prices more transparent on its website. There is plenty wrong with the surcharge ban because cards do indeed cost traders more to process and that cost now has to be passed on to all customers in hidden ways. However, because local trading standards are the authorities required to enforce it and with shrinking budgets and increasing legislation this is not a priority. The Chartered Trading Standards Institute tells the Observer helplessly: Under new surcharge legislation, companies based in the UK cannot charge a fee to consumers using a credit card to make a purchase or transfer money. says that the law is clear to stop customers being penalised for paying by card and traders should be called out for flouting it. The government and regulator need to closely monitor the impact of the ban, as well as look at the interchange fee regulation and the charges companies pay for processing card payments, to ensure that the reforms have the positive outcome for consumers originally intended. If you need help email Anna Tims at [email protected] or write to Your Problems, The Observer, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU. Include an address and phone number. Subject to our terms and conditions | |
Can Trump play peacemaker? | The announcement by whimsical US President Donald Trump on December 19 regarding the withdrawal of troops from Syria created consternation among hawkish circles in Washington. However, the unpredictable president further infuriated warmongers soon after by announcing his decision to reduce the number of US troops in Afghanistan as well. Now, these elements are scrambling for ways to convince Trump to reconsider his intentions to pull out from Syria and Afghanistan. Troops are likely to return from Syria in the next few months while a reduction in American forces stationed in Afghanistan is expected after some deliberations and consultations. The decision to withdraw from Syria has been interpreted in different ways. The Syrian Kurds have viewed it as a form of betrayal by Washington, accusing the sole superpower of leaving the Syrian Democratic Front at the mercy of Turkey, which is likely to wipe them out from the tiny autonomous territory that they have carved out for themselves during the conflict with the help of America. This is not the first time that the Kurds have been left to face the brunt of any US adventure. After the First Gulf War, which is also known as the Operation Desert Storm, Washington initially lured the Kurds and the Shia communities into rebelling against Saddam Hussein and later left them to be brutally repressed by the Arab dictator. Trumps detractors believe that the fickle US president has made this decision to divert the medias attention from the domestic problems that have been haunting the president since he assumed office. But there are other analysts who think the businessman-turned-politician carries out a cost-benefit analysis of everything to decide matters on the basis of profitability. They assert that Trump doesnt see any point in pumping money into this military adventure at a time when the country needs investments worth billions of dollars to improve its crumbling infrastructure, which has been ignored for decades by successive US administrations. Whatever the reasons may be, the decision should be welcomed. It has created a ripple of excitement among pacifists across the world. The situation in Syria and the rise of the Isis had alarmed all peace-loving elements. Many of them blamed the US and other Western states for the reign of terror that had been unleashed by those who thrived under the nose of Western powers in the region. Moscow and Damascus also criticised Washington for what they called the collaboration of Western powers with Al-Qaeda and other jihadi elements, which also partly led to the rise of such groups in the Horn of Africa where Al-Shabab and Boko Haram committed unimaginable atrocities. It is fallacious to believe that the US forces are essential to the stability of any country or region. When the US decided to withdraw its troops from Vietnam decades ago, the same hue and cry was raised by warmongers and hawkish elements. They asserted that it would plunge the war-torn country into chaos. However, the two Vietnams soon emerged as a single united country that is a beacon of stability and prosperity, making stunning strides in trade and commerce. It is hoped that Syria will also steer itself out of this crisis if Western powers dont pull any strings after putting an end to their physical presence. They would also need to rein in Ankara if they want peace and stability in the region. But this wont happen overnight. A country that has incurred losses worth more than $200 billion dollars owing to the destruction of infrastructure in a war imposed by the West will need time to rehabilitate over 11 million displaced people and account for those who lost more than 500,000 loved ones in a senseless conflict. Damascus no longer requires bombs or missiles. It needs investment from Western countries. Washingtons intentions to pull out from Afghanistan also bode well for the region. But before it completely withdraws from the 18-year war, it must help all stakeholders in the war-torn country come up with a power-sharing formula. The Taliban must realise that they cannot capture the country the way they did in the 1990s. Their ruthless rule with retrogressive laws wont be accepted by the international community, including Russia and China. The anti-Taliban elements mainly non-Pashtun need to understand that their dominance of the state by prolonging war wont benefit the country. They must account for the rightful share of the Pashtuns in various state organs. Many believe that the pullout of US troops from Syria and Afghanistan could go a long way in avoiding future conflicts in the Middle East and South Asia. Hawkish elements wanted to use the American presence in Syria to open another warfront with Iran. With the possible departure of the US troops from the Arab state, the chances of that conflict look thin. Similarly, the presence of American troops in Afghanistan had created fears in the region that the US wants to spy on Pakistan, China, Russia and other states of the region. The withdrawal of American soldiers would allay such fears, reducing the trust deficit between Washington and other regional powers. Anti-war activists believe that the pullout from Syria and Afghanistan is important, but that the US should also dismantle its more than 700 military bases in over 150 states of the world. In addition, they also believe that Washington should also shelve its plans to produce chaos in countries like Venezuela and Iran that threaten to create more war zones. These activists have asserted that the huge amount of money spent on these military bases should be diverted to the American people, many of whom are still struggling to gain access to medical treatment at reasonable rates. Critics are of the view that the Trump administration should also set up a commission to probe the spending of $3 trillion that Washington pumped into Iraq and Afghanistans wars alone. It also needs to conduct inquiries on other war-related expenses in various parts of the world where, it is believed, huge financial anomalies have been committed. These inquiries and possible convictions might go some way in tiding over the massive corruption that is believed to be the part of military and defence-related expenditures. It seems that the Trump administration is keen to end Americas role as the worlds policeman. If Trump wants to translate this dream into reality, he needs to muster public support for this purpose. The people will only support such a move if it sees the material benefits of the governments actions. Ending this role would mean reducing the countrys defence budget that is $681.1 billion for financial year 2019. So, a drastic reduction in this mammoth budget and its diversion to health, housing, education and road infrastructure could boost Trumps popularity and enable him to fight the multi-pronged strategy of American deep state and its acolytes in the corporate media. The Trump administrations decision or intention to pull out from Syria and Afghanistan could turn out to be the first step in weakening the military-industrial complex that has held American democracy hostage for decades. It could easily be done if Washington doesnt open any new warfronts, reduces the defence budget and stops exporting democracy through B-52s. Hawkish elements in Washington are seeking a new confrontation with China and Russia. The writer is a freelance journalist. Email: [email protected] | |
What Premier League football is on TV over Christmas and New Year 2018? | Christmas wouldnt be Christmas without mince pies, turkey, an excessive amount of TV (and excessive amounts of other things) and, of course, an increasingly congested Premier League football schedule. Advertisement Its arguably a blessing and a curse on one hand, you get loads more footie, on the other hand it can be hard keeping track of which days its actually on TV. And thats where we come in, with our handy guide to all the fixtures on over the Christmas and New Year period, and where to watch them Watch live Premier League action this Christmas Kick-off 3pm unless otherwise stated. Matches live on TV listed in bold Monday 10th December 2018 Everton v Watford 8pm, live on Sky Sports & NOW TV Saturday 15th December 2018 Man City v Everton 12:30pm, live on Sky Sports & NOW TV Fulham v West Ham 5:30pm, live on BT Sport Brighton v Chelsea Crystal Palace v Leicester City Huddersfield Town v Newcastle United Spurs v Burnley Watford v Cardiff City Wolves v AFC Bournemouth Sunday 16th December 2018 Southampton v Arsenal 1:30pm, live on Sky Sports & NOW TV Liverpool v Man Utd 4pm, live on Sky Sports & NOW TV Friday 21st December 2018 Wolves v Liverpool 8pm, live on Sky Sports & NOW TV Saturday 22nd December 2018 Arsenal v Burnley 12:30pm, live on Sky Sports & NOW TV Cardiff City v Man Utd 5:30pm, live on BT Sport AFC Bournemouth v Brighton Chelsea v Leicester City Huddersfield Town v Southampton Man City v Crystal Palace Newcastle United v Fulham West Ham v Watford Sunday 23rd December 2018 Everton v Spurs 4pm, live on Sky Sports & NOW TV Boxing Day: Wednesday 26th December 2018 All of Skys Boxing Day matches will be available to watch on Sky 1 as well as on Sky Sports Fulham v Wolves 12:30pm, live on Sky1, Sky Sports & NOW TV Brighton v Arsenal 5:15pm, live on Sky1, Sky Sports & NOW TV Watford v Chelsea 7:30pm, live on Sky1, Sky Sports & NOW TV Burnley v Everton Crystal Palace v Cardiff City Leicester City v Man City Liverpool v Newcastle United Man Utd v Huddersfield Town Spurs v AFC Bournemouth Thursday 27th December 2018 Southampton v West Ham 7:45pm, live on Sky Sports & NOW TV Saturday 29th December 2018 Liverpool v Arsenal 5:30pm, live on BT Sport Brighton v Everton Burnley v West Ham Fulham v Huddersfield Town Leicester City v Cardiff City Spurs v Wolves Watford v Newcastle United Sunday 30th December 2018 Crystal Palace v Chelsea 12pm, live on Sky Sports & NOW TV Southampton v Man City 2:15pm, live on Sky Sports & NOW TV Man Utd v AFC Bournemouth 4:30pm, live on Sky Sports & NOW TV New Years Day: Tuesday 1st January 2019 Everton v Leicester City, live on Sky Sports & NOW TV Cardiff City v Spurs, live on Sky Sports & NOW TV Arsenal v Fulham AFC Bournemouth v Watford Chelsea v Southampton Huddersfield Town v Burnley West Ham v Brighton Wolves v Crystal Palace Wednesday 2nd January 2019 Newcastle United v Man Utd 8pm, live on Sky Sports & NOW TV Thursday 3rd January 2019 Man City v Liverpool 8pm, live on Sky Sports & NOW TV Watch live Premier League action this Christmas | |
When is Dancing on Ice back on TV? Which celebrities have signed up? Who are the judges? | While Strictly Come Dancing may be drawing to a close, we havent got long until its deep-freeze alternative Dancing on Ice kicks off in the new year and it already looks set to be a cracker. Advertisement The celebrity signings have been announced with names like Gemma Collins and Grease star Didi Conn already lined up to participate although, if you believe the rumours (and Phillip Schofield), it looks as if TOWIE star Gemma may not even make it to the ice. However, one thing is certain Phil, joined by Holly Willoughby (fresh from her stint in the Im a Celebrity jungle) will be back presenting, with the judges bringing fire to the icy proceedings. ITV has confirmed that the series will begin on Sunday 6th January 2019 at 6pm. Yes, there is. And yes, like last year, we are treated to more of the dancing polar bear this time, paired with a super-strong squirrel. ITV has already announced the line-up for series 11. TOWIE legend Gemma Collins, Love Island 2018 cast member Wes Nelson, former Westlife singer Brian McFadden and cricketer Ryan Sidebottom (below) are some of the names involved. Plus, Coronation Streets Jane Danson, former Strictly dancer James Jordan and Pussycat Doll Melody Thornton (below) will be strutting their stuff on the ice, too. And Grease star Didi Frenchie Conn, Finnish pop star Saara Aalto, TV presenter Saira Khan, EastEnders actor Richard Blackwood and Mark Little (below) complete the line-up. The new line-up of pro-skaters, and their celebrity pairings, are listed below. At the beginning of the series, not all contestants will perform on each night. The following celebs and professional dancers will take to the rink in show one: Didi Conn and Lukasz Rozycki Gemma Collins and Matt Evers James Jordan and Alexandra Schauman Jane Danson and Sylvain Longchambon Mark Little and Brianne Delcourt Saara Aalto and Hamish Gaman The rest will perform at a later date. Jason Gardiner, Diversity star Ashley Banjo and Olympic skating champions Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean will return to the judging panel, recreating last years line-up. It has also been confirmed that former judge Karen Barber is returning as Head Coach. Having been involved with the show since its very first series, it holds a lot of special memories to me and Im looking forward to working with this years celebrities as we start transforming them into skating stars, she said. Dancing on Ice fans will remember will Barber had an on-screen spat with Gardiner back in 2011 after he told her that if her opinion mattered, shed still be on the judging panel. Yikes. Advertisement Dancing on Ice is set to return to ITV in 2019 | |
Why isnt Sherlock on TV on New Years Day? | After it debuted new episodes on New Years Day in 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2017, fans have got used to associating BBC detective drama Sherlock with the 1st of January but sadly, as with last year, 2019 wont see a new adventure for Benedict Cumberbatchs master sleuth. Advertisement Take a look below for a full rundown on Sherlocks future, as well as some other TV options for what to watch on New Years Day instead. Well, creators Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss say they would be surprised if they never made any more Sherlock but theyve also suggested they have no immediate plans to make more of the smash-hit BBC drama. Nobody has ever closed the door on Sherlock we just say the same thing all the time and it gets quoted different ways, Moffat told in 2018. We havent got an immediate plan, but I would remain surprised, given the collective enthusiasm we have for it, if we didnt do it again. When, I dont know, he continued. I think maybe the time for a longer gap is upon us, I dont know. Theyre always long gaps! And of course, the pairs work on new literary adaptation Dracula (starring Danish actor Claes Bang) is likely to take up a lot of time over the next couple of years, along with other projects theyre both working on alongside it. Were doing Dracula, which is going to take two years at least, Gatiss told us. Were not going to do Sherlock whilst were doing Dracula. So its not going to happen in the immediate future. Never say never, but no we dont have an idea [right now]. I could see us making more Sherlocks, Moffat concluded. I could see us making Sherlocks way in the future. Its not the kind of show that has to come back all the time. It can revisit. Every time Sherlock comes back its a reunion show. Later rumours that some scouting for a new series had cropped up at a regular location for the series were also quashed by Gatiss, so it really does seem like were in for a long wait here. If you still fancy some sort of detective story starring a charismatic lead this New Year, youre in luck! Idris Elbas DCI John Luther is back for a new four-part series that kicks off on January 1st (9.00pm New Years Day), and its sure to be a brilliantly dark tale. Alternatively If you want something a little lighter than still sees someone in a snazzy scarf uncovering a mystery, well, the BBC are catering for that too! Jodie Whittakers first Doctor Who special, Resolution, airs on the channel at 7.00pm on New Years Day, and is set to see the Time Lord face some sort of archeological puzzle (and possibly some Daleks). And if ONLY Sherlock will do for your New Years viewing, then you can always check out an old episode. Advertisement Sadly none of Sherlocks previous episodes are currently on BBC iPlayer, but you can check them out on Netflix UK if youre so inclined. Its elementary, really. | |
Will we let AI determine our future? | How technology is changing what it means to be human is the title of a recent issue of The New York Times Magazine. Something about the helplessness of that plaintive question says a lot about our situation when it comes to the computerization of life and artificial intelligence, or AI. Two decades into the AI trajectory, were getting a better and better idea of where its all headed. We actually now know quite a bit about the AI future. A major story of the past year has been backlash against the Orwellian Big Brother implications of the hugely successful social media (privacy issues, the hacking of elections, etc.). An article in that New York Times tech issue on the great progress being made in facial recognition quotes an owner of a startup company in the field: If you dont feel incredibly threatened the first time you hear about it, you dont understand what it is. Another piece is about how advances in gene editing put the prospect of designer babies in our near future, a potentially terrifying slope, according to prominent physician Siddhartha Mukherjee. (A Chinese doctor announced his controversial designer baby not long afterward.) But these worrisome innovations are all just precursors of AIs ultimate ambition: the end of the human era, as it being dismissively called, now that it is on its way out, and the start, possibly as soon as a generation or two hence, of the transhumanist era, in which the dominant creatures will be not us but our computers. This likely future is not a big secret. A best-seller talks about how roboticized humans will be like gods to the rest of us - and not necessarily nice ones. Another scenario has us uploading ourselves into these genius-level progeny of ours for an immortality of some sort. I must admit that I dont like the sound of a future in which the body, the whole basis of meaningful life as we have known it, is being designed for obsolescence. Oh, I know, resisting change, especially technological change, has a reputation for being both foolish and futile. Change is inevitable, yadda yadda. (Luddite is not a compliment.) Sure, its natural to have misgivings about new technologies, but technology equals progress. And so on. But we are being told by those who know most about it that AI is a fundamentally different proposition. Previous technologies have been intended as servants to improve human life. And, of course, changing us in the process. Printing, electricity and the automobile have all shaped us. But AI would by definition transcend the role of servant. According to the late Stephen Hawking, Once humans develop artificial intelligence, it will take off on its own and redesign itself at an ever-increasing rate. Taking off on its own, it might, for instance, come up with the brilliant solution of simply eliminating the outmoded, vulnerable creature for whom cancer (or climate change) is a problem. (AI itself would of course not be susceptible.) What will become of us? What indeed. At this point, despite our misgivings, we as consumers of ever-cleverer phones and Alexas (voting with our dollars, as economists say) only accelerate the push toward the AI future. Trusting the dubiously motivated moguls of Silicon Valley with the design of the human future is a little like trusting the oil industry to lead the charge on climate change. Brent Harold of Wellfleet, a former English professor, blogs at Email him at [email protected]. | |
Who is new Luther star Wunmi Mosaku? | Luther has a new sidekick: actor Wunmi Mosaku is joining the cast of the BBC1 crime drama for series five. Advertisement The star has had an impressive career, winning a Best Supporting Actress Bafta in 2017 for her role in the BBCs Damilola, Our Loved Boy. Find out more about her performances to date below. 32-year-old British Nigerian actress Wunmi Mosaku graduated from drama school Rada in 2007. Her first major role came in 2009 BBC2 drama Moses Jones alongside Shaun Parkes. Then, in 2010, she led the cast of Channel 4 TV movie I Am Slave, and was named one of the Seven Fresh Faces of the Toronto International Film Festival for her role as a girl kidnapped in Sudan and sold into slavery. Roles in TV dramas including BBC1s Capital and BBC2s Dancing on the Edge followed, along with an appearance in Netflix Black Mirror episode Playtest. But it was her 2017 role in one-off BBC drama Damilola, Our Loved Boy that really established Mosaku as a star to be reckoned with. She played Gloria Taylor, the mother of Damilola, the ten-year-old boy stabbed to death on a London estate in 2000. The drama tells the story of the Taylor parents fight for justice for their son. The role won her best supporting actress at the 2017 Bafta TV Awards, becoming only the second black woman to win a Bafta in the awards 62-year history. The scary thing is that I sometimes think, Oh, Ive won a Bafta. This could be the top of the precipice, she told the Telegraph afterwards but it doesnt seem that way. Iv just discovered all these hidden msgs of love&congrats!Thankyou for your overwhelming support #DamilolaOurLovedBoy @BAFTA #imaluddite Wunmi Mosaku (@wunmo) May 16, 2017 She followed that performance up with a leading role in ITV crime thriller Fearless, appeared in Channel 4 and Netflix comedy The End of the F***ing World, and kicked off 2018 with another police role in Channel 4 drama Kiri, written by Harry Potter and the Cursed Child playwright Jack Thorne. Now, shes set to star opposite Idris Elba in BBC1 police drama Luther and, yes, that means another police role for Mosaku. Im cool with it when I see it all being put on, she said. Im not very good at watching it, I dont like watching thrillers but Im good on set. On set I can see blood and Im like, Ooh, squished banana. But when it actually comes down to watching it, Im completely different. Advertisement Dont worry: if all the gruesome stuff gets a bit much, theres always CBeebies. Mosaku has joined the likes of Tom Hardy, David Tennant and Chris Evans as one of CBeebies Bedtime Story readers. Check out her tale below | |
What time is Doctor Who on TV? | Advertisement Luckily for you, we have the answers The next episode of Doctor Who, New Years Day special Resolution, will air on BBC1 on January 1st, 2019 at 7.00pm. The hour-long episode will see the Doctor and her friends return to present-day Sheffield to battle a terrifying evil, which appears to have been buried under the city for decades. There are a few potential reasons for why Doctor Who moved from Saturdays to Sunday evenings this year (mostly that Sunday is more associated with TV drama, especially in the autumn/winter), and weve gone into some possible motives behind the big shake-up here. New Doctor, new home! showrunner Chris Chibnall said in a release. Jodie Whittakers Doctor is about to burst into Sunday nights and make the end of the weekend so much more exciting. Get everybodys homework done, sort out your Monday clothes, then grab some special Sunday night popcorn, and settle down with all of the family for Sunday night adventures across space and time. (Also, move the sofa away from the wall so parents can hide behind it during the scary bits). The Thirteenth Doctor is falling from the sky and its going to be a blast. With Chris Chibnall at the helm and Jodie Whittakers arrival as the new Doctor we are heralding a brand new era for the show and so it feels only right to give it a new home on Sunday nights at the heart of BBC Ones Autumn schedule, added BBC Director of Content Charlotte Moore. The New Years Day special will air on a Tuesday. Doctor Who series 11 had one 65-minute opening episode, followed by nine 50-minute episodes, making for a 10-week series overall. The confirmed New Years Day special is a separate episode, bringing the total up to 11 as a whole. In other words, it was a whole autumn and winter chock-full of Doctor Who goodness. Hip hip, Who-ray! Well, as weve mentioned above there wont be one, because this year the Doctor Who team have elected to have a New Years Day special instead. Advertisement Doctor Who continues on BBC1 on New Years Day | |
When is Chinese New Year 2019 and what animal is it? | Many of us are starting our recovery from last nights New Years Eve celebrations but the focus will soon be shifting to Chinese New Year. British woman sexually assaulted during massage at five star hotel The annual event celebrates the start of a new year according to the Chinese calendar which dates back to somewhere between 800 and 400 BC. It is part of the Spring Festival which is held in China and each new year is represented by one of 12 different animals. Chinese New Year falls on a different date each year and follows the lunar calendar rather than the Gregorian. Chinese New Year will be on Tuesday 5 February 2019. The celebrations for Chinese New Year are spread across 23 days, starting on Monday 28 January. This starts first period is known as Little Year that runs from Monday 28 January and it continues until New Years Eve. Advertisement Advertisement It is during the Spring Festival that Chinese New Year officially begin on 5 February and the celebrations continue until Saturday 19 February. Preparations for the Lantern Festival then begin on Wednesday 16 February with the event itself being held on Saturday 19 February this year. The Chinese Zodiac runs on a cycle of 12 years, with each year denoting one of the 12 animals. The 12 animals are Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. Intriguingly, there are different varieties of these animals too Next year is known as the year of the Pig and more specifically, 2019 will be the year of the earth dog. 2018 was the year of the Dog. MORE: Shop opening times on New Years Day 2019 | |
Is What Should We Do? the New Paradigm of Social Experience Apps? | (and a former Broadway producer) launched the new concierge service as a way to begin solving this problem. streamlines the process of scouring apps full of biased reviews and unfocused advice based on where you are and what youre looking for. Launched in Chicago, Los Angeles and New York City with most major cities to follow, thats, of course, a lot of events to sort through. With a million self-curated pages, its become necessary to have someone to cut through the noise, Arielle says. has top recommendations from coveted restaurants in conjunction with some of the heavy hitters in the food world. To wit, Michael Anthony, executive chef of Gramercy Tavern; Dana Cowin, host of the podcast Speaking Broadly on Heritage Radio Network, former creative director of Chefs Club, and former Editor in Chief of Food & Wine; Tracy Pollan and family, authors of The Pollan Family Table; Chris Scott, Top Chef finalist and owner of Butterfunk Kitchen; and Hong Thaimee, owner and head chef of Thaimee Table. We naturally then, asked her to enlighten us as to a few of her current top recommendations in each city. New York City The Jungle, a theater production about a refugee camp, that is opening Sunday and runs through the end of January at St. Anns in Brooklyn. staffer has called life-changing. * Form Atelier is a curated vintage shop in Soho that just opened. Its Adda, an Indian restaurant in LIC, which is in our top three new restaurants of the year. Adda, Long Island City Los Angeles Everybody Gym the gym for literally every body, every type, shape, level of fitness with an emphasis on queer and trans health. Plus outrageous, feel-good classes with unique instructors who have a cult following across the city. * Vinovore, a cheeky, unstuffy wine shop stocking mostly female winemakers from around the world who skew towards natural, low-intervention methods. Navigate the stock via nine Zodiac-style personality types based on your vibe and your palate, or pop by for a roughly once a month event, from tastings to winesplaining by HBIC Coly Den Haan. Chicago Chicago is the star of the show at Little Stones, running from February 15 March 10 at St. Bonaventures Theater. Written for the Saint Sebastian Players, the group delves into the history of the Windy City through the lens of school rooms, loves and new age sensibilities while the Spanish flu pandemic raged in 1918, all with a twist. Or as one reviewer put it, Little Stones is a made-in-Chicago fable of karma theatre and influenza. * Just when you thought rooftop season was over, The Gwen hotel unveils its winter-long Curling Cabin. A seasonal pop-up bar on the hotels roof deck, the cozy hideaway features a heated makeshift cottage with ski lodge decor and warm cocktails. Bundle up to enjoy the outdoor curling rink and take in the views of River North. Runs through February. appeared first on BlackBook. | |
What time is Luther on tonight as the new series arrives? | Luther is back in 2019 (Picture: BBC Photographer: Robert Viglasky) Luther is back and there are mere hours before we will all be reunited with one of our favourite TV detectives. Four years after the last series aired, the fifth season is due to kick off tonight to bring in 2019 with a bang. What will happen in the new series has been kept under wraps, although fans have worked out one major spoiler after the trailer dropped. If youve got plans tonight, cancel them. Luther will be back on BBC One on New Years Day 2019. The four-part series will broadcast over consecutive nights from January 1 4 at 9pm. Watch this. #Luther. Starts New Year's Day at 9pm on @BBCOne. BBC One (@BBCOne) December 4, 2018 Luther series 5 will be a return to form (Picture: BBC) Writer and show creator Neil Cross had said in December last year: We missed John Luther. We missed some old friends. And we wanted to make the biggest, scariest, darkest, most thrilling series of Luther theres ever been. So thats what weve come back to do. Advertisement Advertisement Luther has never been scheduled to do it every year, Idris Elba recently pointed out. We do it whenever we want, and thats why this feels like a good time to come back; its just because weve been away for a while. There is unfinished business, but theres also more Luther. A new nightmare awaits DCI John Luther in series five, and he must once again confront the depths of human depravity. The official press release states: As a series of monstrous killings becomes ever more audacious, Luther and new recruit D.S. Catherine Halliday are confounded by a tangle of leads and misdirection that seems designed to protect an unspeakable horror. But even as the case brings him closer than ever to the nature of true evil, a reluctant Luther must also face the ghosts of his own past. Striding back into the line of fire, he must choose who to protect and who to sacrifice. Whatever his next move, it will have devastating consequences for those around him and change John Luther forever. Luther is back filming (Picture: BBC) Lets see a trailer To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video The BBC finally released the trailer for the fifth series in November and it looks bloody good. A long three years has passed since we last Idris Elbas DCI Luther swooping in to save Londoners from a horrifying number of murderers and his return looks set to be as dramatic and exciting as ever. Idris Elba as Luther is finally back (Picture: BBC) Set to a revamped version of Britney Spears Toxic, the trailer sees the iconic character delve right into the deepest depths of human depravity with new recruit D.S. Catherine Halliday (Wunmi Mosaku) by his side. Advertisement Advertisement Luther is forced to confront his own demons of his own recent past and must choose who to protect and who to sacrifice. Yep, were bursting with anticipation too. The upcoming series will also show Ruth Wilsons comeback as Alice Morgan, who was killed off-screen during a one-off special. Surprise, surprise, Alice isnt dead, but it looks like the mystery surrounding her passing is going to take centre stage, with her appearing in the very last millisecond of the teaser clip. As well as Idris and Ruth, Dermot Crowley, Michael Smiley and Patrick Malahide will return for the four-part series as DSU Martin Schenk, Benny Silver and George Cornelius; and Wunmi Mosaku, who won a BAFTA for her performance in BBC Ones Damilola, Our Loved Boy in 2017, as well as starring in current Channel 4 drama Kiri, will join as new recruit D.S. Catherine Halliday. Filming for series five, created by Emmy-nominated writer Neil Cross and produced by BBC Studios,.took place in London. Advertisement Ruth Wilson has admitted hat she is open to fronting a Luther spin-off if the script was right. The 36-year-old actress, who plays wicked research scientist Alice Morgan in the BBC1 detective drama, said that she is in talks to star in a show focused on her own villainous character. Weve talked about it actually. Yes, definitely, if the script is right and the storyline is right, she said. Its funny. People like watching her because she comes in and out. I dont know. Ruths character Alice Morgan is obsessed with Luther, played by Idris Elba (Picture: BBC) The screen star said that she would be prepared to branch out on her own because her alter ego is so multifaceted. Shes a scientist, shes incredibly intelligent. Shes not like Luther [played by Idris Elba], she told The Sun newspapers Bizarre TV column. Youd have to make the show quite different in style though, and get inside her head. Youd have to find a new pivot, but yes we have talked about it, and she is an amazing character. Whether youre late to the party or you want to relive all of the great previous series, all four seasons are available to download on BBC iPlayer, so theres no reason not to get acquainted with Luther. Luther is coming soon to BBC One with series 1 to 4 available to stream on BBC iPlayer now. The fifth season starts on 1 January 2019. MORE: Luther season 5 to launch on Christmas as we finally learn what happened to Alice MORE: Idris Elba joins The Rock and Jason Statham filming for Fast And Furious spin-off | |
What can we expect from the Doctor Who New Year special and why was it delayed? | Doctor Who is giving Christmas a miss in favour of New Year (Picture: BBC) Doctor Who is heading back on to our screens on New Years Day having bypassed Christmas to kick off 2019 with a bang. The hour-long episode sees Jodie Whittakers Time Lord facing an evil from the past in the New Year special part of a new era for the series which has also seen it move from Saturday to Sunday nights. The episode, entitled Resolution, has been penned by showrunner Chris Chibnall, and it will see The Doctor and her companions Ryan, Graham and Yaz, facing a terrifying evil from across the centuries of Earths history as the New Year kicks off. This recent trailer might just give a small clue as to who theyre facing too. Advertisement Advertisement As the four return home, they have to try to overcome the threat to the planet. A terrifying threat awaits the Doctor as 2019 kicks off (Picture: BBC) No official reason has been given for the change in schedule, but it comes following a shake-up for the show which also saw the series moved to Sunday nights from its regular Saturday night home. Former showrunner Steven Moffat previously suggested however that the series may have run out of ways to tie Christmas into its storyline. I think it was a brilliant idea and it lasted a very, very long time, he said in 2017. I sort of think we might have mined and possibly over-mined every single thing we could about Christmas Doctor Who. Jodie Whittaker will be joined by the Doctors current trio of companions (Picture: BBC) As well as Whittaker, the Doctors current companions Ryan (Tosin Cole), Yaz (Mandip Gill) and Graham (Bradley Walsh) will all be present and correct in the episode. Theyll also be joined in the cast by Call The Midwife star Charlotte Ritchie (she played Barbara Gilbert in that show), playing a character called Lin, as well as Nikesh Patel playing Mitch and Daniel Adegboyega as a character called Aaron. Advertisement Advertisement No further details have been released about the nature of their characters yet however you might recognise Nikesh from Channel 4 drama Indian Summers, and Daniel from another small screen hit, Sky Atlantics Save Me. If you've got a story, video or pictures get in touch with the Entertainment team by emailing us [email protected], calling 020 3615 2145 or by visiting our Submit Stuff page - we'd love to hear from you. MORE: Doctor Who casts Call the Midwifes Charlotte Ritchie for New Years special | |
Will 2019 be the year that men finally start listening? | A few weeks ago, I hopped out of a cab in Parkdale, late to meet a male friend. I expected to find him nestled in a booth, drink in hand, ready to deploy a loving jab about my delay. Instead he was outside, waiting for me in the cold. In a serious tone, he suggested we consider a different bar. Hed already been inside and observed the place to be full of a social group that posed a high risk of including a man who, for a long time, was horrible to me. I hovered between endurance and resignation. Its up to you, said my friend, but I think we should leave. And we did. This gesture of vigilance struck me as remarkable for two reasons. The first is that it felt like something only a woman would do. Surveying for possible human threat is common practice, but prior to that night Id never seen a straight white cis-man scan the room for danger, especially danger that involved the well-being of someone else. The second reason is that my friend was not always this considerate. Two summers ago, he sat in the passenger seat of my car, scrolling through his phone, only half-listening as I began to reveal the details of the very situation he was now sparing me from reliving. His heedlessness was hurtful. It was arduous enough to get the words out, but when he offered only man, thats crazy, Im sorry, with his head lowered, face illuminated by the light of his iPhone, I felt entirely flattened. That night in my car confirmed a truth Id come to know too wellthat most men regard themselves as honourable, but shrivel when called upon to act in a manner that resembles how gallantly they see themselves in their own minds. Too often, the default response of men has been to downplay or derail the conversations that women try to have with them, certainly so in light of #MeToo. But recentlythough perhaps only a little bit, and still far too latesomething has changed. If youd asked me a year ago what men have learned from this powerful, albeit still fertile, era of reckoning, Id have said habitual indignation. Or that theyve taken the discourse and used it to better masquerade as allies, dressing up in the vocabulary of feminism so they can wear its accoutrements as a costume. Now, in addition to those things, I see empathy in the distance, inching closer. Whether out of fearfulness, sincerity, or some muddled combination of the two, men are beginning to learn that their days of insouciantly ignoring womens concerns about sexual misconduct are over. If 2018 was about women, transgender and non-binary people demanding to be heard, I believe 2019 will see cis-gender men at last sit down, listen andlike my friend ushering me away from harm and toward three glasses of wine and a bowl of Georgian bean dip at a safe locationlearn. Shortly after Ontario trade and economic minister Jim Wilsons sudden resignation in November, it was reported that sexual misconduct allegations were to blame. Facing criticism from many who felt he tried to keep the allegations quiet, Premier Doug Ford claimed his discretion was at the insistence of the complainant. Ford said he wanted anyone who may have similar allegations to know theyre going to have a safe environment, and if they come forward, theyre going to be protected. This was almost certainly directed by a communications specialist amid a PR crisis, and it was followed by the lazy excuse of a potential sex addiction for Wilson. But it is notable that even a man whose policy decisions have so far not indicated he cares about consent would now discuss dignity and care for survivors, using words that purport to take their suffering seriously. I do not. But he and his team know that the public barometer around sexual assault is changing, and his statement reflected that. In a much-discussed Slate interview with Anthony Bourdain from October 2017, the late TV host and vocal #MeToo supporter was asked whether he may have overlooked the implications of vulgar language frequently used by kitchen employees, including himself. Bourdain responded beautifully, without argument, without defensiveness: Yes. I just have to cop to that and say yes. Bourdains sentiment, and his willingness to look inward and make honest improvement, is spreading. In The Harvard Business Review, Michael Kimmel, a professor of sociology and gender students at Stony Brook University, wrote that, Were afraid that if we [speak up for women], well be marginalized, kicked out of the mens clubthat well become, in effect, honorary women. Men know that doing the right thing sometimes carries costs, and most of us are worried about jeopardizing what we have. So we betray the women in the room, abandon our ethics, and slink away uncomfortably. Kimmel, who founded the universitys Centre for the Study of Men and Masculinities, finished the piece with a call to action. After decades of accepting sexual harassment as the status quo, we have to take some of the weight off womens shoulders. Its simply not their responsibility alone to talk about and enforce workplace equality. We must call out the sexist behaviors of other men because its wrong and because it undermines womens confidence and effectiveness in the workplace. The objective of #MeToo, from its inception in 2006 when the term was coined by activist Tarana Burke, until now, has been to show the world how prevalent sexual misconduct is. Now that men get it, perhaps we can set our sights on progress, instead of proof. In March, actor Chris Evans told the New York Times that he read Rebecca Solnits The Mother of All Questions and arrived at an epiphany: Just because you have good intentions, doesnt mean its your time to have a voice. Wade Davis, a former N.F.L. football player-turned-activist and public speaker, told the audience at last Septembers New Rules Summit that, Heres what men dont get about the #MeToo movement: It is not about women, its about us. On a train trip home from Montreal this fall, days after the Kavanaugh hearing, the cantankerous man across the aisle loudly told a Via Rail employee that young women who get drunk deserve to be sexually assaulted. The Via Rail employee, to my relief and delight, told the man, and everyone within earshot, that he believed the accusers. More recently, on Tinder, I kiddingly asked an American man how many nude photos Id have to send him to get his HBO Go password, expecting him to reply similarly in jest. Instead he said, with complete seriousness, I would never make you send those if you didnt want to. I sent a screen shot to a friend and joked that #MeToo has gone too far. For all my unforeseen contentment, I have as many experiences of tremendous disappointment as I am reminded that a lot of people, of all genders, still do not care about victims of sexual assault. But something auspicious is stirring. I am hopeful about what it is. MORE ABOUT YEAR AHEAD 2019: | |
Could Exercising In Frigid Temperatures Make Us Healthier? | Enlarge this image toggle caption NurPhoto/Getty Images NurPhoto/Getty Images When Scott Carney first saw the photo of a nearly naked man sitting comfortably on a glacier in the frigid cold, he was skeptical. The man Wim Hof is a Dutch athlete who claims to control his body temperature in extreme cold through sheer force of will. Exercising in the cold, Hof argues, makes people healthier. "I actually flew out there with the intention of debunking him as a fraud," says Carney, a Colorado-based journalist, author and senior fellow at Brandeis University's Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism. But after learning Hof's methodology a combination of meditation, breathing exercises and immersion in icy cold water Carney became a believer. "In a matter of a few days, I was meditating on the bank of a snowy river in Poland in ridiculous, freezing winter, and melting the snow around me with my body temperature," Carney says. Carney details that experience in his book, What Doesn't Kill Us, which was released in 2017 and recently came out in paperback. Carney points out that humans dealt with cold temperatures for much of their evolutionary history. Introducing a bit of chill into our daily life now, he says, stimulates muscles and tissue in a good way. "Our bodies need to be in constant variation," Carney says. "That's what keeps us healthy and fit." We asked some leading physiologists to weigh in. Burning extra calories Many of the purported benefits of cold hinge on brown fat, sometimes referred to as "good" fat. Long known to exist in human infants, brown fat burns calories and generates heat. Dr. C. Ronald Kahn, a researcher at the Joslin Diabetes Center at Harvard Medical School, was among the first scientists to document the existence of brown fat in very small amounts in adults in the mid-2000s. People can increase their levels of brown fat by being in mildly cold environments, Kahn says, though the effect on the number of calories they burn will be relatively small. "The average person will burn an extra 100 to 200 calories a day when brown fat is activated," Kahn says. "But if you go eat half a muffin, forget it." And that "100 to 200 calories" figure is for someone who's chilly all day long, he says. Most people experience cold for only short periods of time. "When you activate brown fat, it may stay active for a few hours," Kahn says. "Not permanently." Kahn also warns that Hof's call for exposure to the extreme cold could be overkill. "What it takes to activate brown fat is very mild degrees of cold," Kahn says. "If I put you in a room at 60 or 62 degrees Fahrenheit and you're dressed in very light clothing, that's enough to do it." A second way that people can burn extra calories when they're cold is through shivering. But Kahn doesn't suggest that strategy, either, because shivering makes most of us miserable. "It's a way to burn extra energy," Kahn says. "But I don't think there's any data to say that this is a good way to lose weight ... because it's not comfortable." Furthermore, people often warm up when they exercise, notes John Castellani, a research physiologist with the U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine. Since you have to feel cold to burn those extra calories, Castellani says, people who exercise outside might not actually be burning any more calories than those who are in a warm room. Exercising the blood vessels A side effect of exposure to the extreme cold that Hof calls for is vasoconstriction. When you're subjected to extreme cold, the muscles surrounding many of your blood vessels cause them to contract sending more blood to your core, where it can stay warm. Carney says that because modern humans live in temperature-controlled environments, "all of that musculature is weak." Exercising those muscles through cold exposure, he claims, has "a huge impact on circulation and arterial health." Castellani says the theory is interesting but still untested. "In terms of using [cold] as a way of ... 'training the blood vessels?' To my knowledge there's no data to support that claim," says Castellani. Additionally, Dr. Aaron Cypess, a researcher at the National Institutes of Health worries that cold-induced vasoconstriction could have negative consequences for some people, including spikes in blood pressure. "We were looking at someone in one of our mild cold studies, and his blood pressure went really high," Cypess says. "That's not a good thing." Training the immune system One of Wim Hof's more startling claims that he could consciously control his immune system drew the attention of Matthijs Kox, a researcher at Radboud University Medical Center in the Netherlands. "At first we were a little bit reluctant, but then we started to look up all the remarkable feats he had pulled off," explains Kox. "So we decided to give him a chance to prove his claim." To put Hof to the test, Kox and his team injected Hof with a solution containing pieces of E. coli bacteria. Since the injection didn't contain live bacteria, it couldn't actually make Hof sick. But in most people, these bacterial compounds would fool the body into believing it is being attacked, triggering a temporary immune response that includes fever and inflammation. If Hof could indeed suppress his immune system, then the injection would have no such effect. Sure enough, Hof's body showed little reaction to the injection. "He had virtually no symptoms which was remarkable," Kox says. Kox followed up, repeating the test on a group of individuals whom Hof had trained. Just as with Hof, people in the study who had received the training showed little reaction to the injection. But untrained control subjects experienced fevers, headaches and chills. Kox and his research team published their results in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, in 2014. Suppressing your own immune system may be possible, those results suggest but for many of us, this may seem counterproductive. Carney thinks that sort of suppression might benefit patients who are suffering from autoimmune disorders such as forms of arthritis that are linked to the body's immune system essentially attacking itself. If people could suppress their immune system as Hof does, Carney contends, some could potentially cure themselves of those diseases. Kox is cautiously optimistic that this could, indeed, someday be a treatment strategy. "We still have to test it, but it might be beneficial in conditions associated with an overactive immune response," Kox says. "But we need more work more proof to see whether this is really beneficial." Kox says he can't tell from his findings, but he is currently supervising an experiment to find out. He expects those results to be published within the next couple of years. Until then, the value of cold exposure as a treatment for autoimmune disease remains largely unproven, if promising. The bottom line is, there is little evidence so far to suggest that training in cold weather makes you healthier, or that you can burn significantly more calories. The physiologists Shots talked to all agreed on one thing: There simply hasn't been enough research to say one way or another. Cypess says he isn't ready to dismiss the potential benefits. But until he sees more compelling data, he's not likely to suggest it as a therapy. He has a bigger priority. "The most important thing is to get the person to exercise," Cypess says. "There is no obvious added benefit to exercising in the cold." Paul Chisholm is a freelance science writer in Rapid City, S.D. You can reach him on Twitter: @PaulJChisholm. | |
Is Chick-fil-A Open on New Years Day? What Hours? | Its not hard to get a craving for Chick-fil-A on New Years Day. Despite the restaurant chains famous closures on Sundays and other holidays, Chick-fil-As doors are wide open on New Years Day 2019. However, you will find shortened hours at most stores. It appears that the Chick-fil-A restaurant chain is closed for holidays that are family-centered or religious-based in some cases. For example, Chick-fil-A was not open on Thanksgiving Day. New Years Day is different. If you dont want to travel to the restaurant yourself, be aware that Chick-fil-A announced recently that it was now offering delivery of its food. You can read more about that later in this article too. Chick-fil-A was also open on New Years Eve 2018. Chick-fil-A, Inc. (@ChickfilA) December 28, 2018 Take it from the horses mouth. Good news! If youre looking to end 2018 with a Nugget tray or ring in 2019 with Waffle Fries, Chick-fil-A will be open for both. On New Years Eve, most Chick-fil-A locations will be open from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. On New Years Day, most restaurants will be open from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Remember that hours vary by location, so be sure to check your local Chick-fil-A restaurants operating hours here. Its been our pleasure to serve you this year and we look forward to seeing you again in 2019! Tagged In: Chick-fil-A Holiday Hours New Years Day New Years Eve Open You can find store locations, hours, and phone numbers by using the search bar on the Chick-fil-A website here. Its a good idea to call ahead to check on the hours for your local franchise. Chick-fil-A, Inc. (@ChickfilA) November 2, 2018 Its not surprising that Chick-fil-A would close on some family-centered holidays because of its founders background. The chain restaurants are also not open on Sundays, which is unusual in the restaurant industry. Our founder, Truett Cathy, made the decision to close on Sundays in 1946 when he opened his first restaurant in Hapeville, Georgia. Having worked seven days a week in restaurants open 24 hours, Truett saw the importance of closing on Sundays so that he and his employees could set aside one day to rest and worship if they choose a practice we uphold today, the restaurant chains website explains. You can watch a video that explains that rationale here. Luckily for those craving the restaurants food, thats not the case on New Years Eve, though. Your favorite holiday sipper is back! Chick-fil-A, Inc. (@ChickfilA) November 12, 2018 Chick-fil-A now delivers. Chick-fil-A customers no longer need to leave their homes to enjoy the Original Chicken Sandwich and other favorite menu items, a press release reads. the restaurant company is officially offering delivery from more than 1,100 of its restaurants nationwide as part of a partnership with DoorDash, the on-demand destination connecting customers to their favorite national and local businesses. So many of our guests busy lives and family commitments have them strapped for time. Delivery is one way we can help them get a quick yet high quality meal, said Jon Bridges, Chick-fil-A senior vice president and chief marketing officer, in the press release. If theyre unable to come to us, well come to them. You can read more about Chick-fil-As delivery service here. | |
Which Premier League clubs are best placed to qualify for the Champions League? | English football's big six are locked into battle for the four Champions League places on offer. Nobody wants to miss out on Europe's premier club competition as Chelsea and Arsenal have done this season. Liverpool and Manchester City look certain to finish in the top four but Tottenham Hotspur, Chelsea, Arsenal and Manchester United won't be taking anything for granted. We assess their prospects of making it. Manchester United's recent revival has fired them back into contention for the top four TOTTENHAM (3rd) 45pts, goal difference +22 Highly inconsistent results has highlighted the lack of summer signings. RECENT FORM You don't know which Tottenham is going to turn up these days. A comprehensive defeat in the north London derby by Arsenal was followed by five consecutive victories, including blitzes against Everton (6-2) and Bournemouth (5-0), and then a damaging 3-1 loss at home to Wolves WEAKNESSES It shouldn't be forgotten Spurs had more players involved in the latter stages of the World Cup than any other team so fatigue could be a factor in the second half of the season, particularly as they are still involved in the Champions League and Carabao Cup. Delays in moving 'home' haven't helped. Tottenham Hotspur will be reliant on Harry Kane's goals with a lack of back up strikers STAR MAN Harry Kane MBE has won two of the last three Premier League Golden Boots and is tied at the top this season with 13. Besides that, he seems to be showing his creative side at the moment as well, his brilliant pass for Dele Alli confirmed Tottenham's Carabao Cup win at Arsenal last month. JANUARY TRANSFER BUSINESS Having failed to sign anyone in the summer, it looks likely Mauricio Pochettino will be allowed to bring in a striker in January. Son Heung-Min will be away this month on international duty with South Korea and Fernando Llorente is surplus to requirements. Toby Alderweireld is set to stay until the summer after Spurs triggered a contract extension UPCOMING FIXTURES Spurs will fancy winning three of their next four league games; New Year's Day's late game against Cardiff, Fulham and Watford. In the middle of those is a huge fixture at home to Manchester United at Wembley. What will concern Mauricio Pochettino is they also have an FA Cup trip to Tranmere and a two-legged Carabao semi-final with Chelsea to contend with in January. Spurs have shown signs of usual flakiness following their collapse in the defeat by Wolves CHELSEA (4th) 43pts, goal difference + 22 Chelsea are grinding out results to stay in touch RECENT FORM Not a lot of thrills and spills but Chelsea have been resolute, particularly on the road where they have picked up maximum points at Brighton, Watford and Crystal Palace. Their excellent form at Stamford Bridge was blotted last time out when they were suprisingly beaten 1-0 by Leicester. WEAKNESSES Maurizio Sarri can't decide what to do up front with Alvaro Morata a huge disappointment since his 60million move from Real Madrid, Olivier Giroud a bit-part player and currently injured, and Eden Hazard preferring to come in off the left rather than play as a 'false 9'. Goals could be an issue. Eden Hazard has kept Maurizio Sarri's Chelsea side competitive near the top of the table STAR MAN Eden Hazard is a live contender to be Player of the Season again and can turn matches on his own. The Belgian hasn't been put off by continued links with Real Madrid, indeed it seems to have made him even better. His dribbling powers have been matched by end product and he's in double figures for goals JANUARY TRANSFER BUSINESS Chelsea will hope to beat Liverpool for the signing of America's best player Christian Pulisic of Borussia Dortmund. His arrival could have a knock-on effect for teenager Callum Hudson-Odoi who is wanted by Bayern Munich. Club skipper Gary Cahill also wants to leave in order to get regular first-team football UPCOMING FIXTURES Chelsea can try to put further distance between them and the chasing pack with home games against Southampton on Wednesday and then Newcastle. A Champions League six-pointer then follows at Arsenal on January 19. Chelsea edged the reverse fixture at Stamford Bridge 3-2 in August. The Blues will be on the look out for a striker in January with Alvaro Morata failing to impress ARSENAL (5th) Season at a glance Live tables Fixtures Scores Premier League Premier League Championship League One League Two Scottish Premiership Scottish Div 1 Scottish Div 2 Scottish Div 3 Ligue 1 Serie A La Liga Bundesliga 38 pts, goal difference +12 Unai Emery received a massive wake-up call at Liverpool RECENT FORM The wheels have started to come off Unai Emery's side who have followed a 22-match unbeaten run with only one victory in four games. Their 3-2 defeat at Southampton was bad enough but the defensive holes in Saturday's 5-1 drubbing against Liverpool at Anfield was truly alarming. WEAKNESSES Defensively, Emery's side don't seem to have made a great deal of improvement from Arsene Wenger's time, though the manager can point to a glut of injuries including to first-choice full-backs Hector Bellerin and Nacho Monreal. Emery hasn't solved the Mesut Ozil riddle, man-of-the-match one week, a passenger or left out the squad the next Unai Emery has made a competent start as Arsenal boss but has not fixed defensive concerns STAR MAN Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang has proved himself a finisher of the highest order and is neck-and-neck with Harry Kane and Mohamed Salah at the head of the scoring charts. When Arsenal don't use him, they struggle. He had only 13 touches against Liverpool and six of those were from kick-offs! JANUARY TRANSFER BUSINESS Unai Emery will want to be busy as he tries to rebuild the club in his own mould. It seems Aaron Ramsey and Mesut Ozil have no long-term future so good offers may be considered in January and he'll want to bring in a central defender and midfielder. Fernando Calero of Real Valladolid is believed to be a target UPCOMING FIXTURES The Gunners are entering a difficult period after a New Year's Day derby at home to Fulham. Their next two away games are at West Ham and Manchester City with Chelsea also coming to The Emirates. They end January at home to Cardiff City who have kept two away clean sheets in a row Emery has also struggled to get consistent top form out of playmaker Mesur Ozil MANCHESTER UNITED (6th) 35pts, goal difference +9 Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has turned those frowns upside down RECENT FORM Rarely can a new-manager bounce have been more startling than under Ole Gunnar Solksjaer. United had a zero goal difference after 17 matches when they sacked Jose Mourinho, it now stands at +9 after thumping wins against Cardiff (5-1), Huddersfield (3-1) and Bournemouth (4-1) WEAKNESSES Solskjaer has mentioned a lack of clean sheets and United have kept only two all season. The centre-halves are constantly rotating, Eric Bailly is suspended after his red card at the weekend, Chris Smalling and Phil Jones always seem to have injury problems, and club captain Antonio Valencia is rarely used these days Paul Pogba is enjoying his football at Manchester United again under new management STAR MAN Paul Pogba has been in dazzling form since the handbrake was released following Mourinho's departure. The Frenchman gave the perfect midfield performance against Bournemouth, controlling the game with his passing and scoring twice with runs into the penalty area that seemed frowned upon under the previous regime JANUARY TRANSFER BUSINESS Ole Gunnar Solskjaer will be given a say in signings and the club will be prepared to spend big on a centre-half this month if a deal can be struck for Naploli's Kalidou Koulibaly or Eder Militao of Porto. Leicester's Harry Maguire still wants to go to Old Trafford but his situation is dependent on Leicester dropping their 75million asking price UPCOMING FIXTURES United fans will be confident the surge can continue. They play at Newcastle on Wednesday and while a trip to face Spurs at Wembley on January 13 looks difficult, they follow up with home matches with Brighton and Burnley. February looks tougher with Liverpool visiting Old Trafford. | |
Where can I fly to from Manchester Airport in 2019? | Get daily updates directly to your inbox Subscribe Thank you for subscribing We have more newsletters Show me See our privacy notice Could not subscribe, try again later Invalid Email It's a new year - and one way to approach 2019 is to think of the 365 potential holiday days which lie ahead. From Athens to Abu Dhabi, from Casablanca to Cork - there are 198 destinations on offer if you fly from Manchester Airport in 2018. Here, we give you the full lowdown of where you can fly to and when you can fly there, by season. Whether you prefer a quick hop over the Channel or a cross-Continent adventure, there's a location to suit everyone. The list includes Mumbai which launched in 2018, as well as newcomer Ethiopia. Read more of today's top stories here. There are also a few American destinations, including the age-old favourite of New York. If you're looking to book cheaper flights for a city break or hot spot at a European destination then easyJet, Ryanair, Flybe and are the best option. All the airlines regularly hold flight sales throughout the year including New Year, post-summer usually around September and Boxing Day sales. If you sign up to the mailing lists on each site you'll be the first to hear about the flash sales. (Image: Handout) Meanwhile for long-haul flights you'll be looking to book with the likes of Emirates, Virgin Atlantic, Thomas Cook and British Airways, which all hold regular sales throughout the year. Alternatively, if you're able to be flexible with your travel you can book via This website compares airlines, dates and prices to help you choose the cheapest option. It is available for all destinations from Manchester Airport. For hotel bookings or a combination of flights and hotels you can book with the likes of Thomas Cook or go on websites including Expedia, which hosts flash sales on packaged breaks for both long-haul and short trips. Budget airline Jet2 offers cheap flights and package holidays across Europe. If you book a holiday through Jet2 Holidays you can get 25 off the price thanks to a January cashback offer. The airline offers people in the UK the chance to travel to 60 European destinations on a budget with extremely cheap flights. Register or login at Topcashback HERE, click through to the Jet2 page to find your package. Then 26.25 will be added to your new Topcashback account. So why not book some time off, pack your beds, and jet off into the sunset to any one of these holiday hotpsots. | |
Is Bank of America the Best Bank Stock for 2019? | Theres no question that Bank of America (NYSE: BAC ) is an exceptional bank. When it comes to banks, some people view them as plain vanilla, since they all appear to do the same thing: take deposits and lend out that money at a higher rate than they pay depositors. Of course, we know thats not true. Thats like saying McDonalds (NYSE: MCD ) is the same as Jack in the Box (NASDAQ: JACK ) or Burger King. I dont think you can or should answer that question because beauty is in the eye of the beholder. While you might view Bank of America stock as the best name to own for the long haul, I might disagree. And I do. In late September, I wrote a piece entitled 7 Bank Stocks to Own for the Long Haul. Bank of America stock didnt make the cut. Neither did JPMorgan (NYSE: JPM ) or Citigroup (NYSE: C ), From my perspective, the best bank stock to own in 2019 should be one that stands out because its different in some way. The Tech Sectors Bank The bank at the top of my list for long-term investors is SVB Financial (NASDAQ: SIVB ), the Santa Clara-based holding company, that got its start lending to tech innovators in Silicon Valley and leveraged that focus to become one of the most respected banks in the country. On Nov. 13, SVB Financial announced that it would buy Leerink Holdings LLC for $340 million (including potential earn-outs). A Boston investment bank, Leerink specializes in healthcare and life sciences companies. SVB and Leerink share a focus on providing financing and strategic advice at critical stages in a companys growth and development, said Greg Becker, CEO of SVB Financial Group and Silicon Valley Bank. Together, we will deliver a complete capital markets offering including debt, convertible debt and equity financing and advisory services including mergers & acquisitions for private and public healthcare and life science companies. Thats the beauty of SVB Financial. It understands what its strengths are and stays in those lanes. For the entire fiscal 2018, SVB expects its net-interest margin (NIM) to be 3.55%-3.65%, as much as 60 basis points higher than in 2017, and more than 100 basis points higher than its 2015 NIM of 2.57%. Thats significantly higher than Bank of Americas third-quarter NIM of 2.61%. Bank of America Stock Is Not My Choice for 2019 I dont think Bank of America stock is a bad choice. In fact, if you told me you owned it, I wouldnt bat an eye. That said, this article is about which bank stock I believe is the best one to own in 2019. Since SVB, Americas most innovative bank, has lost 39% of its value over the past three months and trades within 8% of its 52-week low, Ill vote for it as the best bank stock to own in 2019. As of this writing Will Ashworth did not hold a position in any of the aforementioned securities. | |
How to attempt JEE Main 2019 online test? | JEE Main 2019: The Joint Engineering Entrance (JEE) Main 2019 has quite a few surprises for engineering aspirants. Apart from the fact that it will be conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) and it will be held twice in a year, another big change has been the shift to a completely online mode of writing the exam. Given how tricky preparing and attempting the JEE Main paper can be, we can assure you that even though the method may have changed, the pattern and marking system remains the same. Thus it becomes important to understand the JEE Main exam pattern. Advertising The examination will consist of two papers: Paper 1 for BE/B.Tech and Paper 2 for B. Arch/B. Planning. The exam will be conducted in an online, computer-based mode only. However, the drawing test for Paper 2 will be conducted offline. Paper 1 will consist of objective type questions and paper 2 will have mathematics and aptitude section as an objective type and drawing test will be subjective. The duration will be three hours. Paper 1 will be conducted in two shifts; the morning shift will begin from 9:30 am and will end at 12:30 pm, while the afternoon shift will be conducted from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm. Paper 2 will be held in one shift. The language of questions in the JEE Main will be English, Hindi and Gujarati. For each correct answer, four marks will be awarded and for every wrong answer, one mark will be deducted. JEE Main 2019: How to navigatE and answering questions To answer a question, follow these steps: Advertising Click on the question number in the question palette on the right side of your screen to go to a particular question directly To select your answer, click on one of the options To deselect your chosen answer, click on the chosen option again or click on the clear response button To change your chosen answer, click on another option Click on Save & Next to save your answer for the current question and then go to the next question Click on the mark for Review & Next to save your answer for the current question, mark it for review, and then go to the next question Navigating through sections: Sections in this question paper are displayed on the top bar of the screen. Questions in a section can be viewed by clicking on the section name After you click the Save & Next button on the last question for a section, you will automatically be taken to the first question of the next section You can shuffle between sections and questions anytime during the examination as per your convenience. But make sure you do so within the stipulated time You can view the corresponding section summary as part of the legend that appears in every section above the question palette JEE Main 2019: How to prepare for the online test You will have exactly 180 minutes to solve 90 questions. This means you get only 3 minutes to attempt each question. There may be multiple methods to go about this, but with a pre-planned strategy you can plan well and score better. Allocate 15 minutes to read all 90 questions and separate the easy, moderate and difficult questions with a pen and paper. Easy questions would typically be the ones you can solve within a minute. For questions that require higher calculations, mark them as moderate. The difficult questions would be the one you are not familiar with. Now, solve all the easy questions first. If it takes longer than a minute to solve an easy question, select the Mark for Review and Next option and move on. Then attempt the moderate questions following the same approach, but designate two minutes per question. And then attempt difficult questions with the same approach, but designate three minutes per question. At last, solve all the questions you had marked for review. Advertising The author is academic head and vice president (JEE and NEET) at Gradeup. | |
Did Boeing bribe Indian officials $18.5 million to mine titanium? | Respect traditional bureaucratic processes including use of bribes." That, according to a 2016 evaluation by McKinsey & Company, a consulting firm, was part of an international business group's strategy to gain the "influences" of eight "key Indian officials", according to the New York Times. They wanted to procure titanium for Boeing. Here's the story, as reported in the New York Times this weekend: Boeing needed titanium, a light metal, for a new kind of plane: the 787 Dreamliner. Enter Ukranian oligarch Dmitry V Firtash and his Bothli Trade A.G group, which said it would mine and sell titanium to the jetmaker. It "had already signed a memorandum of understanding for a joint mining venture with...Andhra Pradesh [now divided into Andhra Pradesh and Telangana]." McKinsey was roped in to examine Bothli Trade's proposal. In a PowerPoint slide, McKinsey not only named the "key officials" (the names were not in the Times's story. Read it here.) and specified their posts, but also said Bothli Trade's strategy to gain their influence included investing "significantly" in infrastructure and employment and paying bribes. "Will forward to CBI." No. The Times says Boeing "found other sources of titanium". That's because the PowerPoint slide didn't emerge until years later, during a "legal storm" over the US's attempt to extradite Dmitry Firtash (who was "indicted on charges of directing $18.5 million in bribes to Indian officials for mining permits".) The US daily said Firtash "denies that he paid or recommended bribes, or had any dealings with McKinsey or knowledge of the document". McKinsey didn't give the Times its whole report, but also said it didn't recommend illegal moves like bribery. BJP MP Subramanian Swamy, who tweeted the story on December 31, said he would forward it to the Central Bureau of Investigation. | |
Is the Premier League title race nearly over already? | At the dawn of a new year the Premier League table is far from what punters expected at the half way stage. Jrgen Klopps men lead the way on 54 points whilst Pep Guardiolas side are the best of the rest, stuck in second on 47 points after running out of road in recent weeks. The only aspect that is unordinary at this stage is that the Reds have managed to already amass a seven-point gap on their next opponents, something no one expected, let alone being unbeaten come match week 21. There is a sense that Liverpool are running away with it, they dont seem like letting up and City are under more pressure to win this clash off the back of a poor month in anyones standards. Although, there is no chance that the title race this season is already over. As the old saying goes, anything can happen in football, and there is still 5 more months of football for anyone to turn the table on its head. At the same stage last season City had a 15-point gap between themselves and second, so have all the qualities to turn this around. That, however, will be massively impacted by the result on Thursday night. A Liverpool win would create a 10-point cushion between both sides, most likely pushing City down into third granted that Spurs taste victory against Cardiff on New Years Day meaning Liverpool would maintain a nine-point lead. The gap created from a Liverpool victory would be almost impossible to close. It would also hand them a great opportunity to become the first Invincibles side since Arsenal in 2003/04, whilst some solace for Pep Guardiola would be that he could push on in the Champions League instead. If the result swings the other way, then the gap is shortened to just four points, whilst Spurs could be just six points off top spot too. It is simply a must-win fixtureif City want to recapture the title. Fresh from their 5-1 routing of Arsenal at Anfield, Liverpool go in as favourites despite Man City ending their festive winless run away at Southampton at the weekend. Liverpool look the more likely to score, keep a clean sheet and ultimately win this fixture, but it would be foolish to rule a side of Citys calibre out of any result. Furthermore, the prospect of facing Liverpool in current form does not make for pretty reading for City, especially when predicting line ups. Liverpool have been watertight in defence thanks to Virgil van Dijk and Alisson, conceding eight all season to Citys 16. The home side will have to beat the best defence in the world currently if they would stand any chance of getting a result on Thursday. Additionally, one flaw in the Manchester plan could be that of stopping Mohamed Salah who now has 16 goals to his name this season. Liverpool have been at their attacking best this last month, and without a senior left back to start the matchGuardiola will be forced to wither deploy at left backAymeric Laporte, who struggled against Salah in the Champions League, or Oleksandr Zinchenko, who put in a nervy performance at the weekend against the saints. This will only instill confidence in Liverpools front four who have claimed the scalps of Manchester Utd and Arsenal as aforementioned. City could also be without talisman Kevin de Bruyne, which is another sucker punch to their attacking verve. Klopp however has no casualties to his recent side and has proven before he has what it takes to win at the Etihad, even with sides weaker than his current group. This fixture therefore still holds the key to who will eventually be crowned champions, rightfully earning the mantle of the most decisive fixture this campaign. This brings a sense of dj vu of last seasons second meeting between these sides, only this time around with higher stakes. Liverpool were the only side to wipe City away last term in that 4-3 scoreline last January, so the home side will be hoping for revenge in this fixture looking to inflict Liverpools first defeat, a polar opposite to last years meeting. | |
Will Helen Georges Nurse Trixie Franklin return to Call the Midwife? | Its impossible not to be moved by Call the Midwifes Nurse Trixie Franklins emotional vulnerability at the end of episode five as she admits to herself and to her friends, and to her boss that she is in deep trouble. Advertisement Devastated by a difficult decision she had to make to take three children away from their mother because of her Huntingtons Disease, and by her recent break-up with Christopher, Helen Georges character Trixie has relapsed into alcoholism. After drinking sherry with her patients and secretly swigging vodka in the bathroom and skipping her support group meetings, Nurse Franklin reaches breaking point and approaches Sister Julienne (Jenny Agutter) to say she needs help. The head Sister thanks her for her honesty and tells her to go away for six months of treatment and return to Nonnatus House when she has recovered. Call the Midwife fans may be concerned that shell never come back. After all, actress Bryony Hannah opted not to return for series seven after her character Sister Mary Cynthia went away to a mental hospital in series six. But not to worry, because Helen George is absolutely returning to Call the Midwife! In case youve not noticed the bump beneath Trixies blue dress and the midwifes sudden desire to wear baggy capes and carry large objects directly in front of her stomach, Helen George was actually pregnant during filming. She carried on working until the bump couldnt be hidden any more. Baby Wren, her daughter with co-star Jack Ashton, arrived three weeks early in September. With Trixie sent off to recover, episode five will contain her final scenes before the actress herself had to go on maternity leave. But this is definitely not the last we will see of her on Call the Midwife. Helen was able to graciously retire she just had a couple of episodes off, creator Heidi Thomas revealed at a screening in London before Christmas. But we were working towards that. George explained: I was pregnant in the series, so you just kind of see me walk across the screen sometimes with odd fashions, or Id sit down a lot, or Im wearing lots of capes. Advertisement It wasnt a correct storyline to choose for the character, as well. It wasnt right for Trixie to be pregnant. So we just did our best to cover it up. | |
When is Vera back on TV? Who is in the cast? Whats going to happen? | Not long to wait before that iconic mac and hat are back on TV as Ann Cleeves titular detective returns to screens for series nine of Vera. There is no air date for series nine just yet, but if last years run is anything to go by, we can expect a return to ITV at some point in January. Plenty! The return of Vera kicks off with Blind Spot which sees Brenda Blethyn once more as DCI Vera Stanhope, investigating the death of newly qualified forensic psychologist Joanne Caswell who was working in Newcastle when her body was found dumped on a landfill site a good distance from home. Vera soon discovers that Joanne had been looking into the crimes of a one-time patient who had recently taken their own life. Four self-contained instalments. The series will start with Blind Spot and end with The Seagull, a fourth episode which has been adapted from Ann Cleeves latest book of the same title. The Seagull sees Vera re-open a cold case after uncovering not one but two skeletens hidden near Whitley Bay. One appears to belong to a missing person Robbie Marshall but when one of Robbies old acquaintances is murdered in the present, Vera must try to connect the two deaths. Brenda Blethyn, of course, as the eponymous Vera, alongside Kenny Doughty returning as Detective Sergeant Aiden Healy who has worked hard to prove himself as DCI Stanhopes trustworthy partner. Rounding out the investigative team are Jon Morrison as DC Kenny Lockhart and Riley Jones as DC Mark Edwards. And then theres Ibinabo Jack who portrays DC Jacqueline Williams, a transfer from the Fraud Squad in series eight. Theres also a bunch of stellar guest stars signed up for series nine chief among them former Doctor Peter Davison. Viewers should also keep an eye out for James Atherton (Coronation Street), Jodie McNee (Britannia), Adrian Lukis (The Crown) and Paul Kaye (Game of Thrones). Select episodes are available on the ITV Hub. You can also purchase instalments from any series on Amazon Prime Video. | |
Whats the real history behind the Chinese child refugees in Call the Midwifes Christmas special? | In 1963, Sue Jardin arrived at Heathrow Airport, where her new adoptive parents were waiting to meet her. She was one-and-a-half years old and dressed in a red Chinese jacket, while an identity bracelet engraved with her Chinese name (Sau Ching, meaning lovely and pure) hung at her wrist. Advertisement Jardin was one of a hundred children mostly girls, the majority under three years old who came to the UK between 1960 and 1963 as part of The International Social Services UK Hong Kong Adoption Project. The project is highlighted is this years Call the Midwife Christmas special, which sees forthright Sister Mildred (Harry Potters Miriam Margolyes) arrive unexpectedly at Nonnatus House with four Chinese child refugees in tow, before taking the children to the seaside motherhouse to meet their new families. We learn in Call the Midwife that the child refugees (all girls) were found abandoned in Hong Kong, having fled communist China and the famine that followed Maos Great Leap Forward the Communist Party of Chinas economic and social campaign which ran from 1958 to 1962 and failed in its aim to transform the country, resulting in tens of millions of deaths. The girls story, also set in 1963, is strikingly similar to Jardins. She was abandoned in a first-floor stairwell by the docks on Hong Kong Island, to the south of Hong Kong. I can presume I mean, I dont know that my [birth] parents managed to get into Hong Kong and then werent able to feed me, Jardin tells She was moved to Fanling Babies Home in Hong Kong, run by a midwife and English missionary called Lucy Clay. The orphanage was also run primarily by women [like the nuns motherhouse] Ive been told that it took a bit of time for me to get used to men when I arrived in the UK, Jardin says. Meanwhile in England, Jardins future adoptive parents responded to a radio programme detailing the refugee crisis and Hong Kong Adoption Project. The journey [to the UK] was about two days, Jardin says. She travelled with four other Chinese children. The Call the Midwife episode doesnt shy away from the potential struggles the child refugees might experience as they grew up. One midwife is frustrated that the girls cant be placed with Chinese adoptive parents: The babies need to know theyre Chinese. However, another counters that theyll know theyre Chinese every time they look in the mirror. Jardin, who grew up in Hertfordshire with four older siblings, recalls that she struggled with the realisation that she was different: When I was growing up there wasnt anybody who looked like me. In my early years, I dont think I was very aware of being Chinese, she explains. For me, it was not even a matter of forgetting that I was Chinese I never felt that I was Chinese in the first place. When I met Chinese people, I was not able to see that I was like them at all. Both visually and culturally they were unfamiliar to me. On her physical dissimilarity from the rest of her adoptive family, Jardin says: I think it did become difficult. Just in terms of being so obviously different to them. Growing up, she attract[ed] negative attention Racist comments. Or the pulling of the eyes, things like that, from other children. When I looked in the mirror, it was a reminder that I did not look like other children I played with or saw in my everyday life, or on TV, Jardin says, adding, I didnt like what I saw. The majority of Hong Kong adoptees I know have been on the receiving end of negative comments [or] racism, but, she adds, they all responded differently to the comments. Asked how she finds seeing her experience onscreen, Jardin says, I mean, Call the Midwife is amazing anyway. They do tackle really [tough] social issues and increasingly theyve had other storylines around people from different cultures or viewpoints. She also praises the show for touching on the racial disconnect experienced by many of the projects adoptees. That was a very good comment to make in the programme. Because it is about, what do we actually pick up [as a child] in terms of cues about ourselves? Five years ago, Jardin took part in a study run by Coram BAAF (British Association for Adopting and Fostering), which followed-up on the Hong Kong Adoption Project. Previously I hadnt thought about there being others like me, Jardin admits. The adoptees have since gone on to create a supportive network for each other, called the UK Hong Kong Adoptees Network. With their encouragement, Jardin has visited Hong Kong and begun her search for her birth parents. She understands the likely reasons why they left her and growing up she didnt feel bereft, stating that her adoptive parents never made her feel different. They were very clear about [that], she says. We were all part of the family. Advertisement The Call the Midwife Christmas special airs at 7.45pm on Christmas Day (Tuesday 25th December 2018) on BBC1 | |
Could Victoria Yeates return to Call the Midwife as Sister Winifred? | Advertisement Sister Winifred has been a key part of the show since 2014, when she joined at the start of series three. Innocent and warm-hearted, she was initially shocked by the realities of working in the East End, but grew in confidence during her years at Nonnatus House. Now she has followed her calling back to the Mother House, leaving Poplar behind. Yes Victoria Yeates leaves Call the Midwife during the Christmas special and will not take part in series eight. I have absolutely adored my time on Call the Midwife and leave having made some of my best friends on the show, Yeates said. I have been incredibly lucky to have worked with some of the best actresses and actors in the business. However, with the opportunity of Fantastic Beasts and all that it entails, it became clear that it was time to hang up Sister Winifreds wimple and move on to the next adventure. Yeates quit the show in order to film her role as former Hogwarts pupil Bunty in Harry Potter movie Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald the assistant to Eddie Redmaynes magizoologist Newton Scamander. Speaking to in February 2018, she described JK Rowling as her role model, saying: She is everything you would expect. The really interesting thing about Sister Winifreds exit is that it leaves the door open for a possible return perhaps as a guest star. When Charlotte Ritchie (Nurse Barbara Hereward) left Call the Midwife in series seven, there was zero chance she would be able to make a comeback after her tragic on-screen death from sepsis. By contrast, Sister Winifred is still very much alive. She now lives at the Orders Mother House with newly-elected Mother Superior Sister Mildred (Miriam Margolyes) and the other nuns. When the midwife nuns are summoned to the Mother House during the Christmas special, Sister Winifred notices the plight of a disabled child at the Orders orphanage and makes it her mission to include him in everything. Unexpectedly, she announces to the other nuns: I dont want to go back. I want to stay here. And so one of Sister Mildreds first acts as Mother Superior is to grant Sister Winifred permission to leave her role as midwife at Nonnatus House. But if series creator Heidi Thomas wanted to bring her back as a guest star or main cast member, and if Yeates herself wanted to return, that would be easy to pull off because Sister Winifred is still very much a part of the Call the Midwife universe. For now, Thomas has boosted numbers at Nonnatus House with the addition of two new midwife nuns Sister Hilda (Fenella Woolgar) and Sister Frances (Ella Bruccoleri). Advertisement Call the Midwife series eight will air in the New Year | |
Who is the new Rory in Mrs Browns Boys? | Mrs Browns Boys has finally revealed its new Rory, quite literally unveiling him during the BBC comedys Christmas special. Plastic surgery. The Christmas Day storyline saw Mrs Browns son Rory return with bandages round his head, and it was only in the final moments that Doctor Flynn removed the strapping to reveal a brand new face and a brand new actor to boot. The new Rory is played by Damien McKiernan. Dont worry if youre not familiar with the name, chances are youve never spotted him on TV before now at least not as an actor anyway. McKiernan was a professional snooker player back in the day, and it was during that time that he first met Brendan OCarroll. He tells that OCarroll quite simply called him up one day to offer him the role. Brendan sent me a text asking me could I take a FaceTime call. 20 minutes later, he calls me, Hi Omen. Thats the nickname he has for me, which I love. He then disappears looking for his tea which he cant find. Hes saying where the hell is it, I definitely made a cup, he then realises that his phone is leaning against his cup so he didnt see it, it was so funny. After a fifteen minute conversation OCaroll told McKiernan he thought hed be great for the role and to have a think about it and let him know. I literally fell off the bed! says McKiernan. I was soooo excited, I thought about it, discussed it with my wife and my two boys, my wife couldnt stop laughing and once she stopped she told me to go for it. So a few days later I texted Brendan and asked him if he could talk. He said yes, ring me. I said no Im outside your room in Newcastle!. I wanted to see him and Jenny face to face to accept and to give them with a big hug! Keeping his new role a secret was tough, especially when he had to dye his hair blonde: I just said I wanted a new look! The Dubliner admits that he was very nervous to join the cast for rehearsals. It felt like I was jumping without a parachute, it was then I realised that OH MY GOD this is serious. I was so nervous he explains. I just didnt want to let anybody down. They are all such fantastic people with such warm hearts and I felt so much pressure to repay their belief in me. And when the time came to record the episode, he said everything felt surreal. My nerves played a huge part and I was just trying so hard not to make a mess of anything but they supported me and they dragged me over the line. Well all Brendan has to do is look at you and thats enough to set you off laughing says McKiernan. I actually have never met him but I admire him greatly for all he has achieved, McKiernan reveals. Nope, McKiernan, much like Rory Cowan before him, is not a member of the family. But if you want to find out about all the family connections in the show, check out how the cast of Mrs Browns Boys are related here. Advertisement This article was originally published on 1 January 2018 | |
Who are the contestants in The Great Christmas Bake Off 2018? | The Great British Bake Off is back with not one but two festive specials, inviting eight former contestants to return to the famous tent to show off their not-so-soggy bottoms. Advertisement Four bakers will be competing in the Christmas episode, and another four will grace the tent for the New Years special. Catch up with the contestants wholl be battling it out for Star Baker on Christmas Day, below Liam Charles Series: 2017 Eliminated: Week 8 From: Hackney, North London Twitter: @LiamcBakes Instagram: liamcbakes Previous GBBO highlight: Liam was a huge fan favourite during his stint on Bake Off, and one of his greatest moments was being crowned Star Baker in pastry week for a recipe pioneered by his grandma Cynthia. What hes been up to since Bake Off: A lot. Not only has Liam been hosting Bake Off: the Professionals alongside comedian Tom Allen, hes also released a book called Liam Charles Cheeky Treats and has his very own cooking show: Liam Bakes. Flo Atkins Series: 2017 Eliminated: Week 3 From: Merseyside Twitter: @flo_atkins17 Previous GBBO highlight: Flos One in a Melon Cake showstopper blew everyones mind. It was an illusion cake that looked impressively like a watermelon and it prompted Paul Hollywood to profess his love for her. New goal to feel about life how Flo feels about her melon cake. #GBBO British Bake Off (@BritishBakeOff) August 29, 2017 What shes been up to since Bake Off: Besides rapping Sugarhill Gang lyrics, Flo has kept herself busy with baking lots of treats for friends and family since she left the show. Jane Beedle Series: 2016 Eliminated: Week 10 (Runner-up) From: Kent Twitter: @Janebbakes Instagram: janebbakes Previous GBBO highlight: Jane won Star Baker on her very first week in the tent thanks to her show-stopping mirror glazed cake, and she told Radio Times that was her biggest high of the series. What shes been up to since Bake Off: The finalist is one of the former contestants who does Bake with a Legend a workshop that offers cooking experiences with the nations favourite bakers. And she was thrilled to reunite with her old pal Andrew Smyth for this years special Weve been framed! Lovely to be back in the tent for a GBBO Christmas special with @cakesmyth @LiamcBakes and @flo_atkins17 We had a merry old time!!! Yo Ho Ho! ! Jane Beedle (@Janebbakes) December 11, 2018 Andrew Smyth Series: 2016 Eliminated: Week 10 (Runner-up) From: Northern Ireland Twitter: @cakesmyth Instagram: cakesmyth Previous GBBO highlight: When he made a basket out of bread and then wore it on his head as a helmet. What hes been up to since Bake Off: Andrew has been dividing his time between Aerospace research and baking. He has toured his live bakineering show around the UK and baked a rotating jet engine cake for Prince William. As you do. Advertisement The Great Christmas Bake Off will air at 8pm on Christmas Day on Channel 4 | |
What time is the Doctor Who special on tonight? | Doctor Whos festive special is finally here (Picture: BBC) Doctor Who fans finally get their Christmas treat with the festive special airing tonight on New Years Day. The sci-fi show usually airs a special one-off episode on Christmas Day but this year it was delayed until the new year. The hour-long episode sees Jodie Whittakers Time Lord facing a mysterious new evil from the past when it airs on January 1 part of a new era for the series which has also seen it move from Saturday to Sunday nights. The special episode of the show will air at 7pm on New Years Day, Tuesday 1 January 2019. It takes pride of place in the schedules right before an hour-long episode of EastEnders at 8pm and the return of Luther at 9pm. The episode, entitled Resolution, has been penned by showrunner Chris Chibnall, and it will see The Doctor and her companions Ryan, Graham and Yaz, facing a terrifying evil from across the centuries of Earths history as the New Year kicks off. As the four return home, they have to try to overcome the threat to the planet. A terrifying threat awaits the Doctor as 2019 kicks off (Picture: BBC) No official reason has been given for the change in schedule, but it comes following a shake-up for the show which also saw the series moved to Sunday nights from its regular Saturday night home. Former showrunner Steven Moffat previously suggested however that the series may have run out of ways to tie Christmas into its storyline. I think it was a brilliant idea and it lasted a very, very long time, he said in 2017. I sort of think we might have mined and possibly over-mined every single thing we could about Christmas Doctor Who. Jodie Whittaker will be joined by the Doctors current trio of companions (Picture: BBC) As well as Whittaker, the Doctors current companions Ryan (Tosin Cole), Yaz (Mandip Gill) and Graham (Bradley Walsh) will all be present and correct in the episode. Theyll also be joined in the cast by Call The Midwife star Charlotte Ritchie (she played Barbara Gilbert in that show), playing a character called Lin, as well as Nikesh Patel playing Mitch and Daniel Adegboyega as a character called Aaron. No further details have been released about the nature of their characters yet however you might recognise Nikesh from Channel 4 drama Indian Summers, and Daniel from another small screen hit, Sky Atlantics Save Me. MORE: Doctor Who casts Call the Midwifes Charlotte Ritchie for New Years special | |
What time is Who Wants To Be a Millionaire with Jeremy Clarkson on tonight? | Who Wants To Be a Millionaire returns to our screens tonight as more hopefuls try to win one million pounds. tonight An updated version of the popular quiz show was launched on ITV in May 2018 with Jeremy Clarkson replacing Chris Tarrant as the presenter. As well as a new host the new format also includes an extra lifeline alongside the usual 50/50, phone a friend and ask the audience. Here is everything you need to know about the newest series and when you can watch it tonight. The first episode of Who Wants to be a Millionaire will air on ITV1 at 21.00 on Tuesday 1 January. It will then continue every night for six nights in total as more people try to the coveted win one million pounds jackpot. Advertisement Advertisement Each episode is one hour long and hosted by Jeremy Clarkson. There have been five winners on the UK version of the quiz show with Judith Keppel becoming the first contestant to win back in November 2000. The other winners have been David Edwards in April 2001, Robert Brydges in September 2001, Pat Gibson in April 2004 and Ingram Wilcox 2006. A cheating scandal took over the show in 2001 when contestant Charles Ingram was accused of cheating with the help of his wife and a friend. MORE: The best New Year fireworks from around the world | |
What time is The Inbetweeners reunion special on TV tonight? | The Inbetweeners is back (Picture: Channel 4) Eight years after it bowed off our TV screens, the cast of The Inbetweeners have reunited for a special TV reunion. tonight It was one of the most popular comedies of the last decade, and the cast are celebrating their 10-year anniversary with this special two-hour episode. The Fwends Reunited show will see the original cast take a look back at some of the most memorably moments of the show, along with some special guests. Fwends Reunited will be on Channel 4 at 9pm on New Years Day (1 January). Advertisement Advertisement The show is going to be two hours long and it is followed by four episodes of the sitcom, so you will definitely have had your fill of the boys by the end of all that. The reunion will relive the most iconic moments from the three series from punching a fish on a boat to soiling themselves in exams and failed fashion shows in an awards format while packing in unseen footage and surprise guests. James Buckley (who played Jay Cartwright), Blake Harrison (Neil Sutherland), Simon Bird (Will McKenzie) and Joe Thomas (Simon Cooper) reunite to look back at the successful sitcom. However, other stars such as Emily Atack, who played Charlotte Hinchcliffe, wont be involved as producers decided to take a different route. In an interview with Capital FM, the actor said: I dont really know what happened. I was booked to do it, very much looking forward to doing it, and then it was kind of the day before I was told I was no longer needed for it. Its alright. These things do happen and I think they just decided to go a different route. Or it was to do with production timings. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video The Inbetweeners ran for three series from 2008 to 2018, before spawning two spin-off films which took the foursome to Malia and Australia respectively. Advertisement Advertisement The Fwends Reunited one-off special was confirmed in November, after hopes of a fourth season were repeatedly dashed. Announcing the news, Channel 4s Commissioning Editor Tom Beck said: Will, Jay, Simon and Neil spent years failing to sneak into the best parties, so Im very pleased to throw one that theyre definitely invited to. I just hope Will brings his Mum. The Inbetweeners: Fwends Reunited airs on Channel 4 tonight, New Years Day, at 9pm. MORE: Manchester United identify Massimiliano Allegri as possible alternative to Mauricio Pochettino MORE: Dele Alli ready to face Wolves but Tottenham will assess midfielder after hamstring problem | |
What is it that makes The Bless pub so enduringly popular? | Get Daily updates directly to your inbox Subscribe Thank you for subscribing We have more newsletters Show me See our privacy notice Could not subscribe, try again later Invalid Email Is there anywhere in Derby quite like the Blessington Carriage, or The Bless, as it has been rechristened in recent years. It is one of the few pubs that has remained largely unchanged in outlook in the four decades years since I was first raking around the city. The Dolphin is another pub that fits in this category. I'd been wondering for a while that I ought to find out what just makes the Bless tick. It continues to be popular with people of all ages and I feel comfortable having a pint in there alongside those a third my age, drinking whatever on earth it is young people drink. The Bless has a great feel to it, when its quiet and when its loud. You see few problems with badly behaved customers. Its quirky, its full of nooks and corners, it has a splendid function room upstairs, DJs, live music, quizzes. It has five cask ales most of the time, too, a sensible mix of national brands and beers from local breweries. A brilliant blackboard illustration on the wall, billed as the bar staffs guide to the pub, tells you how much fun people have working there as well as detailing many of the pubs quirks. (Image: Colston Crawford) In short, its a gem and another remarkable thing about it is that the owner, Tony Williams, has been the licence holder, either as manager or owner for 34 years. Accept no substitute, he is the citys longest-lasting landlord of a single premises. The Bless was once owned by two London bankers who had 500 pubs around the country but they, shall we say, fell from grace, and it became owned by Rutherford Inns, of Nottingham. When Mr Rutherford retired, Tony, already the manager, bought the pub in 2007. He also runs the citys Bishop Blaize, in Friar Gate. So I sat down with Tony for an entertaining half-hour this week to find out about the Blesss enduring appeal. It seems to be everyones view, the most repeated word we hear, is atmosphere. Having an identity is important in this business, says Tony. Maybe that is a bit of luck, maybe its to do with the nature of the building. Tony initially looked destined for a career in accounts: But I think I knew that the office environment wasnt really me, he says. I stumbled into part-time bar work and I found that did suit me. I became assistant manager of the Bless and then, 34 years ago, the day my daughter was born the manager. In the mid-80s, the Bless and The Vines, in Sadler Gate, did something first that would shape the future of night life in Derby. They applied, coincidentally around the same time, for a late licence. They got it through a Section 77 entertainments licence, which required them to put on entertainment and to charge admission after a certain time. There was a compromise at first, says Tony. Only half of the premises could be open late, so we had a partition you could lift into place halfway down the bar. Looking back, that was so bizarre but thats how it ran for a long time. I suppose we had to prove ourselves and we did. We were forerunners to what we now all take as the norm. At that stage, the property also had a successful restaurant upstairs, the Ben Bowers, in what is now the function room. The restaurateurs had seen the bar as a pre- and post-meal venue but it soon became clear that the pub side of the business was overtaking the restaurant in terms of popularity and profit. (Image: Colston Crawford) The pub was expanded into two adjoining properties, which are now the snug areas in which you can sit and have a chat without the music from the other end of the pub making it impossible. It is one of the things about the Bless which makes it popular to a cross-section of people. Im comfortable in there, so are teenagers, students, everyone in between and, as I witnessed one early evening last week, people a good bit older than me, too. My offering is to provide as much variety as possible, to cross all boundaries, says Tony. There are misconceptions about our trade. There was a time when it was almost all students, perhaps five years ago. Theyre still a big part of our trade but we have a complete mix. People think weve always been busy but we did suffer during the recession. Its a big site, with high costs it needs high trade and, thankfully, it has that at the moment. Im 61, I must enjoy it or I wouldnt still be here. Perhaps, long ago, we could just open the doors and it would fill up. Not now. Theres always a competitor and, sadly, always a closure, too. But if it hadnt been demanding and difficult, if there hadnt been competition, perhaps I wouldnt still be here. Staff is paramount. This isnt all me. Anything but. My current manager, Dec, has been with me seven years; his partner Anna was manageress for seven years before him. Through all these years, Ive enjoyed long-serving key staff. This might sound cheesy but I like to think they work with me rather than just for me. I ask my manager and assistant manager to work less than 40 hours. I try not to over-demand on them at weekends. I could have lived on the premises, lots of times, over the years, but Ive never done it. You need separation. It staggers me that lots of big pub operators dont work like that and they often go through staff very quickly. The door staff at the Bless are also long-serving and that is important too. As a late-night venue, the Bless is not immune from trouble now and then but the way its dealt with or nipped in the bud is key. Tony notes that if any venue refers to its bouncers, rather than door staff, that tells you something about the place for a start. When the door staff have been around a long while, seasoned troublemakers are known to them. We work damned hard to be intolerant of idiots, Tony sums up bluntly. Quite plainly, he works damned hard at a lot more than that. It is hard to imagine Derby not having the Bless. You can find more of beerhunter Colston Crawford's columns here. We want you to be able to get your Derbyshire news whenever and however you want it. As well as our website, we have a Facebook page , a Twitter feed @derbyshire-live , and for a daily snapshot of the top stories, you can sign up to receive our newsletters. If you prefer to use an app, we've got apps for both Android and Apple devices which can be tailored to deliver the news and sport that you're interested in. And if you download our app, you can sign up for push notifications, which means you'll get alerts about the biggest breaking news stories. Weve also got Facebook groups for traffic and travel , crime , pets , whats on , good news and lost and found . | |
Why did Muse cover Feeling Good? | Feeling Good is one of Muses most memorable tracks. The band recorded a version of the song for their 2001 album Origin Of Symmetry and its gone on to be a rock classic, being named by the NME as the greatest cover version of all time in 2010. But it almost didnt happen, as Matt Bellamy has revealed. We didnt do any covers at all, he told Radio Xs John Kennedy recently during An Evening In Conversation With Muse in November 2018. Wed all been in covers bands when we were younger, so we wanted to do our own music. However, the version of Feeling Good by Nina Simone caught Bellamys ear. My girlfriend at the time, he recalls, Her favourite artist was Nina Simone, and she was listening to it all the time. I kept hearing that song Feeling Good and I just thought, with Chriss distorted bassline, that could be really good. The first time Muse played the song was at a BBC Exeter session in September 1999, but it remained a favourite and was recorded in the summer of 2001 for the bands second studio album. Matt was right. The track was chosen as the penultimate track Origin Of Symmetry, but was considered strong enough to form a double A-sided single with Hyper Music in November 2001. It made Number 24 in the UK charts. But Nina Simone wasnt the first artist to record Feeling Good. In fact, its a show-stopping number from a Broadway musical Feeling Good was written by Anthony Newley and Leslie Bricusse for their 1964 production The Roar Of The Greasepaint - The Smell Of The Crowd, which opened in Nottingham in the summer of 1964 and transferred to Broadway in 1965. Anthony Newley in 1958. Picture: Harry Hammond/V&A Images/Getty Images Newley was an interesting character, having been a pop singer and actor and a huge influence on a young David Bowie. The Roar Of The Greasepaint - The Smell Of The Crowd is a strange piece: the main characters are Sir and Cocky (originally played by Norman Wisdom). Sir is taking Cocky through the Game of Life, but the younger, less inexperienced man always comes a cropper. The musical had a hit with Tony Bennetts take on Who Can I Turn To and the barn-storming number The Joker later became known as the theme tune to the Aussie TV comedy Kath & Kim. One of the key moments come when the two are arguing over the rules of The Game, when a new character, a black man, steps forward and wins the game behind their backs. He sings Feeling Good as an expression of triumph over the oppression of the other characters. The song was first performed by actor Cy Grant and then by Gilbert Price in the Broadway run. In the hands of jazz singer and civil rights activist Nina Simone, Feeling Good became a powerful anthem for the times. Simone recorded the track for her album I Put A Spell On You in June 1965, and the version became for many the definitive reading of the song that is, until Muse came along! Feeling Good has also been covered by Michael Buble, George Michael, Lauryn Hill, Eels and even The Pussycat Dolls. You can't keep a good song down... | |
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Why do we love smooching monsters? | 2018 has been strange as hell, I think we can all agree on this. And yet, some bits of news can be even more baffling than others, the definitive proof we are living in the weirdest timeline. Our world may be literally burning, everything is a mess, and The Brexit still looms upon us. But thanks to popular hits like Del Toros Shape Of Water and the adorable anime The Ancient Magus Bride, lusting over a fictional monster on main is now deemed socially acceptable. On Twitter, at least. Its not only a matter of lust. The star of the Venom movie, for example, is being advertised in China as the perfect partner for a woman: strong, gentle, caring and reliable. Its such a perplexing campaign, one might see it as a joke. An ironic men are bad, so were dating monsters now. I dont think so. Stories (and videogames!) about dating the undateable have always existed: they have just become more obvious lately. A big factor in our fascination with monsters, I think, lies in the gap between a monsters feral appearance and his caring nature. In the (NSFW) countless games and anime about romancing monster girls, the love interests tend to have inhuman features stitched on a human-looking body. Sure, monster girls may have a tail or bat wings, but you can bet they will also have a pretty face and at least one pair of jiggling boobs. Monster boys, on the other hand, lean more towards the grotesque. We want them to be all spiky on the outside and sweet on the inside, like chestnuts. Women are told from a young age to be wary of men. They can assault us, kill us, or even hurt us without really meaning it. Monster boys have big threatening bodies, but are also overly self-conscious about their physical strength. Most romances with them center around a desire for intimacy, hindered by their fear of accidentally hurting their partner. Think of Twilight (yes, vampires count as monsters, even when they sparkle): the biggest source of drama in the story is Edwards fear of hurting Bella during sex. Its an absolutely laughable plotline, until you start thinking about how messy, confusing and traumatic sex can be as a teen, especially when youre a girl, especially if you received no sexual education, and sex is seen as something you have to endure, not to enjoy. No wonder the story struck a chord with teenage girls, enamoured by the idea of a guy being concerned about their pleasure and well-being for once. In games where civilization is composed entirely by supernatural creatures, monsters lose their threatening aura and become a way to comment on our world. In Monstrata Fracture, for example, fantasy species embody different social classes. Avians are high-born, rich and snotty; bunnies represent the working class, and often have too many children and not enough money; Kelpies are thugs. The idea of shape-shifting monsters is briefly contemplated by the human protagonist, but their monster pals react with horror: the idea of changing shape, and therefore your role, is seen as a threat to society itself. In Monster Prom, a Yawhg-like about finding a partner for prom night, each monster is instead the exasperation of a school trope: the werewolf is a jock, the vampire is a hipster, the mermaid is the snobbish queen of the school. Their monstrous traits are extensions of their personality, not a stigma. Put a monster in a world populated entirely by humans, though, and you get Beauty and the Beast: the monster is seen as an outcast, lonely and misunderstood. To shy, nerdy teens, such monsters can feel more sympathetic than fellow humans. It feels almost mean at this point to mention Genderwrecked, a visual novel about meeting different creatures on a quest to discover the truth about GENDER. The creatures of Genderwrecked arent real monsters: theyre reflections of the authors experiences about living as a queer person. Theyre deformed and desperate because society considers them so. For as much as I like the game, I cant help thinking: it would be wonderful for queer kids to live in a world where they dont have to see themselves as monsters. It would be wonderful if games could help make that happen. Being outcasts, monsters usually lack knowledge of social norms. They may offer live lizards to their humans, like overexcited cats, or stare at their partners while they sleep. Their cluelessness may cause harm, embarrassment and discomfort. But in their ignorance, monsters can also be terribly inclusive. Monsters dont have an issue with the shape of your body, your quirks or your preferred pronouns. They may not be interested in sex, or come from a society where polyamory is the norm. Monster stories help fill the gap between the heteronormative relationship you usually see in media and the range of unusual, messy relationships people experience in real life. But most importantly, monsters dont judge you in the way humans usually do, comparing you with others to decide which parts of you are normal and which are not. Where you see a broken mess of a human being, monsters only see a person they love. Their naivet can also extend to the workings of a human body, allowing creators to talk about body positivity. Take Monster Lover, a student prototype about a date with a snake creature. You play by stroking the unfamiliar creature with the mouse, trying to discover what kind of actions feel good for him (touching his horns is a big no) while also trying to pleasure yourself. Its a game about getting familiar with a body different than yours, learning each others boundaries and turn-ons. This kind of communication is extremely important between partners, but we humans tend to avoid it due to shyness or pride. With a monstrous partner, theres no excuse to avoid it. Not all monster bodies are made for carnal pleasures, so in monster dating sims, sex isnt always the endgame. Games like Speed Dating for Ghosts are about emotional bonds, giving a respite to asexual players or in those simply not interested in matters of the flesh. In this, you have conversations with assorted ghostly fellas and go on dates with them. Some of the rendezvous are romantic, but most ghosts only want some company, or need someone willing to hold their ethereal hand while they do something difficult. Others just want you to help them rob a bank. Its a game about exiting your comfort zone to do something nice with people you dont know well. Its a concept perfectly encapsulated in this Gamasutra article by Zack Wood, author of the bizarrely delightful Monster Garden. To him, monstrous love is not strictly romantic, but its about treating the unknown with curiosity and respect instead of the desire to destroy it in the name of protecting whats familiar. Curiosity and respect, plus a sane dose of terror, is probably what drives the players of Fallen London on their quest to smooch the unsmoochable. I wont say too many nice things about the Fallen London universe (also including Sunless Sea and Sunless Skies), because I am friends with the developers. But I can tell you that those narrative games feature a wide range of inter-species romances, and that the player themselves can mingle with all sorts of stealers-of-faces and rubbery fellows. Fallen London is, at its core, a story about a space crab in love with the Sun. The games monster boyfriends are larger-than-life creatures, as alien and unknowable as Lovecraftian deities. Intimacy with them isnt about creating an emotional bond, but about a fleeting moment of contact with something wondrous and unknowable. A close encounter of the third kind, but guided by love instead of fear. In a world of horrors wearing human meatsuits, dating a literal monster can be a relief. When you choose to love a monster, you are already prepared for the worst. You both know you are different from each other, and your relationship will need to be based on communication and mutual understanding. But you also know that according to fairytale rules, monsters never transform into something worse. And if you treat them right, they can even become princes. We need to keep loving monsters because they can teach us how to be better humans. | |
What is still being held back in Cabinet papers release? | The annual release of Cabinet documents from 20 years ago is generally seen as an exercise in transparency, with the public able to get an insight into the issues considered by the government of the day, and the advice given by various ministers. In the National Archives of Australia's January 1 release of Cabinet documents for 1996 and 1997, the first year of the Howard government is documented, including how it dealt with gun control, native title, immigration and other issues still felt today. The secretive Pine Gap facility, photographed in 2016. Credit:Kristian Laemmle-Ruff But there are still some documents that aren't released to the public, or are only released with big black boxes where the information is still considered too sensitive to be made public. Advice given to the Howard government about the expansion of US military operations at Pine Gap outside Alice Springs is still subject to redactions, because it contains "information pertaining to Defence plans, operations or capabilities of continuing sensitivity". | |
Can emerging stars outclass wily veterans in the wild-card play-offs? | While the 12 remaining contenders prepare for NFL play-off football, the also rans whose seasons ran out of time on Sunday havent wasted a moment regrouping. Out of the 20 teams to have missed out on post-season football, six jettisoned their head coaches on Black Monday, following the earlier season departures of Mike McCarthy in Green Bay and Hue Jackson in Cleveland. The Jets, Dolphins, Broncos, Buccaneers, Cardinals and Bengals all pushed the button, meaning eight teams are now looking for someone to fill the top spot. Of course, a number will have to wait until their potential target often an in-vogue co-ordinator for a play-off bound side is freed up from their present gig, such is the protocol. So how long will the anxious | |
Is Russia intentionally enabling Israeli aggression and impunity against its own Regional Balancing Strategy? | There exists a brand of dogma ingrained in some analytical mindsets which dictates that Iran and Russia are tag-teaming the US and the Saudis and possess relations between themselves as close as what have been between the latter for most of history. While an understandable impression to hold, it is not really true and fails to appreciate the many nuances and layers of the fray that is international relations and global power politics. Iran, for one, can be said to be a revisionist power in full, but the taking of Russia as a Crusader against the warmongering Western status quo is irrational should one examine in earnest the most powerful factors that drive Western warmongering, especially in the Middle Eastern theatre of conflict. This under-appreciation of the heart of the Western war machine coupled with wishful thinking leads one to believe that Russias moves, especially since the Syria intervention in 2015, are definitive and all-encompassing death blows to the political forces and powers driving Western wars. There exist aspects of Russias very organized and skilfully crafted foreign policy that can be studied and the way they relate with the political actors majorly responsible for pushing the Wests wars that make it clear the grand Russian geopolitical approach does not make the cut for the Crusader- Against-Evil tag. Western wars for Israel: why enabling, supporting or facilitating Israel is directly contrary to the motion of combating the Western war machine Regardless of how many disinformation narratives are pushed by the anti-war industrial complex epitomized by controlled opposition and gatekeepers to obstruct the fact, Israeli capacity to shape the USAs foreign policy is a fact hard to ignore. It is impossible to ignore the history of hardcore Zionists achieving important spots in the US government, of the scope for bribery and influencing of the Congress available to AIPAC and its affiliates courtesy of their ability to evade registration as foreign agents and of the disturbing ability of the Israel Lobby to get legislators to trample over the First Amendment to curb criticism of Israel. It is yet more impossible to ignore the fact that specifically Israeli strategic objectives being pursued by the US despite the harm to US interests is not a coincidence but a result of the sort of influence Israel has over the US. The fake Nayirah testimony arranged by Israeli agent Tom Lantos that got the US to first attack Iraq in 1990-91, the decisive intrigues of the Office of Special Plans and false-intel on the Iraqi WMD threat as well as the formulation of a 7 country hit list for the US to follow mere days after 9/11 by the Zionist-neocon cabal occupying the Pentagon, the Lavon Affair of the 1950s and USS Liberty incident in 1967; the damning examples of Israeli dominance over US foreign-policy and propelling of it toward attacking Israeli adversaries are numerous. Israel itself being a perpetually aggressive, expansionist state is also a vital fact to understand whilst discussing the dealings of any state with it and whilst considering the goals of Russias own geopolitics. It relies on its ability to call on American resources and military power to engage its enemies, with Iran having remained a central and prioritized foe since the long rivalry between Israel and Egypt effectively ended at Camp David and Iraq was down and out for well over two decades. The root of the animosity between Iran and the US lies in that stemming from the Israel Lobby toward Iran, the primary supplier and backer of anti-Israeli resistance groups in Lebanon and Palestine. The Great Syrian War: Russias role and nature of engagement with Israel As the latest and perhaps most region-and-world defining Western-made war with its roots in Israeli policy, the Syrian War provides a good idea of Russias overall geopolitical approach and its degree of overlap or lack thereof with that of the Iranians and their Resistance bloc and their Israel-GCC-Western foes. It has became commonly viewed that Russias 2015 intervention in Syria delivered a death blow to decades-worth of Israeli planning of a magnitude similar to that dealt to the Zionists in the 2006 July War by Hezbollah. That Israel invested heavily in the downfall of the pro-Iranian government of Syria is well known by now. That the failure of its Takfiri allies to achieve that goal was arguably the last major failure of what many take to calling Israels Yinon strategy is also well know. The Yinon strategy, named after a strategic document published by an Israeli Likud official in the early 80s essentially laying out the outlines of what one way or the other defined Israel and the USAs war tactics in the following years, has definitely hit major roadblocks since the failure in 2006 against Hezbollah. Israel wanted Syria out of the Iranian sphere of influence and broken down, possibly balkanized, due to its importance as a central link between Iranian material support and Hezbollah as well as Palestinian resistance groups. However, the notion of the Russian Crusader doesnt quite sit well with reality. Russia has done immense damage to what was a Western and GCC investment for a long time (and thus of immense use to Israel): transnational Wahabi terrorism. Proliferated during the anti-USSR war in Afghanistan in the 1980s, the terrorists found their most prominent and open employment in the form of hordes thrown kitchen-sink style at Bashar al Assads Syria from March 2011 onwards. While Hezbollah and Iran assisted the Syrians and Iraqis in fighting the scourge years prior to the 2015 Russian intervention, Russia provided a vital source of air support against the terrorists who often had NATO and Israel helping them with airstrikes. However, the Russians had informed the Israelis prior to the beginning of their anti-terrorist operations and both sides committed to not hitting each others forces whatsoever. However, despite Israels clear agitation over the Syrian successes scored against its partners-in-crime, Netanyahu maintained his close rapport with President Putin. Israel and Russia maintained their coordination and information-sharing on each others operations in Syria, with Russia thus passively facilitating Israeli strikes against allied Iran-backed targets and the Syrians. As the Russian Defence Ministry put it in a press conference a few months ago, Russia had secured the withdrawal of Iran-backed forces near the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights to a safe distance of 140 km away at the request of Israel. Also mentioned were Russian Special Forces being deployed to carry out search operations for missing Israeli soldiers in places where the Syrians and the same terrorists Russia was helping Syria eradicate had fought. The Russians also supported the idea of Syrian operations in the Golan Heights area to ensure shelling on Israeli territory did not occur; a strange notion considering Israel was and is at war with Syria and attacking it whilst it waged its anti-terror struggle. Russias Syrian operations were part of a general Russian strategy of countering Wahabi terrorism and militancy which it had started much earlier than the Syrian war against Chechen radical groups. Nailing down the terror hordes unleashed in the Levant was a logical step to take for the Russians considering historically warm ties with Syria and the massive concentration of multinational terrorist squads in its territory. Russia still, however, accommodated Israeli aggression and the security of an Israeli-occupied part of Syria despite Israel openly assisting the same terrorist groups it fought against and striking Russias partners in counter-terror operations on the ground. This definitely represents some manner of Israeli leverage over Russia given Russias facilitation of something bad for it. Russias much awaited supply of S-300 surface-to-air missile defence system to Syria in early October following the blatant Israeli-assisted shooting down of a Russian aircraft in September seems to not be deterring US strikes on Syrian targets and certainly not Israeli ones either. Supplying Syria with S-300 is something Russia threatened to do several times since 2015 but never followed up on. Israel had warned Russia against supplying Syria with S-300s but the Russian militarys anger over Israels betrayal was considerable. The Russian militarys response directly holding Israel responsible for the incident contrasted with Putins own soft response. Let alone so much as touch Israeli aircraft, the S-300 remain in Russian control for firing and will rely on Russian signals to identify enemy or friendly targets. Syria will also require months-worth of training from Russia to learn how to use the system. This means that despite Syria technically now being able to cover airspace deep inside Israel itself (and all of Lebanon whose airspace Israel often violates and uses) for anti-air purposes, Israel can still bargain with Russia to not allow Israeli jets to be downed. Russias own S-400 systems deployed at the Russian naval base in Tartus and the Russian Khmeimim air base also do not protect Syrian or Iranian targets from US or Israeli airstrikes. The value to Israel of Russia standing between it and the Resistance actors air defense is considerable, since the pathetic standard of Israels ground forces as exposed in 2006 means over-reliance on airforce and vulnerability of the occupied Golan Heights. Russia has constructed multiple military outposts along the Golan Heights as well, putting itself in close proximity to the Israelis. The closeness of Russian and Israeli operations in Syria can also be seen from Iran accusing Russia last year of selling identification codes of its air defense systems in Syria to the Israelis, rendering them incapable of detecting Israeli aircraft as hostile on the radar. The Russian Balancing strategy As explained meticulously by Moscow-based geopolitical analyst Andrew Korybko, Russia has been consistent in playing the role of balancer since its Syria intervention. This has been characterized by propping up states in turmoil and attempting to forge a situation of negotiations leading to dtente and even peace between prominent actors. Russia has stepped in with vital support to states and actors that have been experiencing defeat in one form or another and this theme has stayed consistent with Russian moves in Syria. Its airforce balanced the scales between the Resistance and its terrorist adversaries helped by NATO and Israeli airstrikes, it increased its offers for mediation to the Kurds as their Kurdistan plans went off the rails and now it helps to prop up Israel in the wake of the failure to crush Syria and the Resistance. It has become conventional thinking to adopt a highly optimistic view toward Russias Balancing act due to its striking successes in terms of diplomacy. Russia has in recent times rapidly constructed new cordial relations with states hostile to its older allies, underscored by incentives in the military and energy fields as has been a traditional Russian diplomatic tactic since the USSR days. Be it Iran and Saudi Arabia, Iran and Israel, Turkey and Egypt, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, Russia has utilized its traditional diplomatic skill to craft close ties with several important states due to the Balancing approach and emphasis on regional dtente. Russia was also a prime mover of the powerful and assertive Turkeys tilt away from its NATO partners. While it is clear that Russia has remained directly aware of this weakness (thus its protection and accommodation of Israel), it is more important to remember that for Israels unique case, weakness actually means the failure of expansionist designs built around the destabilization or destruction of rival states many of which are Russian allies against NATO and transnational extremist terrorism. Russias rise and what Israel can make of it The trainwreck that has been US policy on Syria since the Russian intervention tends to contrast sharply to the Balancing strategy and thus make the latter look even better in comparison. This assists the view that the latter is putting an end to Western hegemony as does the aforementioned under-appreciation by advocates of the Russian Crusader narrative of the deep state driving Western hegemony and wars. Russias diplomatic outmanoeuvring of the US, which in fact under Trump even seems to be intentionally downsizing its imperialistic power abroad much to the dismay of many, coupled with its facilitation of Israel in Syria presents two realities that arent being considered enough. One, that Russia being overall the most powerful single state actor in Syria with regard to military-strategic and diplomatic clout makes it a reliable source of protection for Israel considering the decline of absolute US hegemony in the region and the rise of Iran. Two, that Russias working relations and good ties with other states relevant to Israels designs make the potential for the large, rich and powerful Zionist presence within Russia to begin to lobby for Russian policies toward other states appreciative of Israeli interests. Israel in Russias Balancing strategy: potentially dangerous direction Israel with its current internal political turmoil, its humiliatingly ineffective and brief recent assault on Hamas in Gaza and failures to adjust the pro-Resistance status quo in Lebanon and Syria finds a unique source of security insurance in Russia. Russias capacity to utilize its honourary membership in the Resistance bloc in Syria is useful to its Israeli. With Israeli interests always involving warmongering and destabilization, this could turn a perfectly rationally crafted Russian Balancing foreign policy framework into something far less than the post-unipolar world utopia many think Russia is Crusading toward. While currently difficult to imagine transnational Zionism influencing Russia to anywhere near the same rather shocking extent it has the US, any amount of facilitation of the Israelis and protection of them against Irans Resistance will be bad for regional stability. Russia freely considering Israel to be part of its Balanced equation for the region is counterproductive and dangerous seeing as that has been Israels strategic approach since its creation as a state. Israels post-Yinon Strategy approach: why Israel needs to leverage Russia Israel has responded to the evident failure of its ambitious regime-change plans for its neighbours and Iran by seeking out new more direct strategic understandings with the Gulf monarchies and Russia as well. It has been fast-tracking a much closer alliance with the Saudis owing to the close rapport between Mohammed bin Salman and Trumps Israel-first son-in-law Jared Kushner who is a close family friend of Bibi Netanyahu. The stove-piping Kushner has used since early 2017 to direct foreign policy using MbS as a major partner has produced several noteworthy events: the Qatar crisis, the purge by MbS of political rivals and announcing of over-ambitious modernization and privatization schemes for the kingdom, the kidnapping of Lebanese Premier Saad Harriri to create internal turmoil in Lebanon and perhaps Israels increased interest in supporting the Saudis in the Yemen War as well. Each of these ventures has been a spectacular failure and has achieved the opposite of what they were meant to: Iran as the central target has found these developments to its favour and Israel has gained nothing. The erratic Israel-Kushner-MbS foreign policy gaffes coincided with the culmination in failure of several long-term Israeli plans that formed part of its Yinon Strategy. The Syrian victory over Wahabi terrorists becoming apparent in early 2017 and the dismantling of Kurdistan ambitions in the Levant by joint Iranian, Iraqi, Turkish and Syrian efforts meant that a lot of Israeli-US investment had now gone down the drain without the desired results. Israel has also itself been more murderous than usual in its treatment of Palestinians, killing more than 300 (including over 50 children) and injuring tens of thousands since the Great March of Return began earlier this year. What has also coincided with this unhinged behaviour from Israel is the over-accommodation of its illegal occupation of the Golan Heights by Russia and Russian facilitation of its aerial operations in Syria as expanded upon above. Barring recognition of the factor of Zionist power within Russia, or even just its pro-Western financial elites, this makes little sense under the Balancing paradigm. Russia facilitates Israeli aggression, yet takes definite steps to counter-act Iranian influence which has been a vital counter to Israeli expansionism in the Levant since the 1980s when the Resistance Axis crystallized. Russias goal is to contain Irans incremental rise in influence throughout the region that took off after Hezbollahs 2006 victory over Israel and the Iraqi Nuri al Maliki governments upgrading of Iran-Iraq ties. This props up weakened Israel, but with weakened Israel here being an Israel that failed to bring about the necessary level of destruction to its enemies. To contain Iran to prop up Israel is to contain a potent counter-terror force and a galvanizing and unifying factor for many people in the region against both Israel and Russias US rival in exchange for facilitating Israeli aggression and protecting Israel against facing adequate blowback from states it has attacked constantly. This cannot fit into the Balancing scheme for the region. Russia and Israel ties that are strategic, not just cordial Elements of the non-mainstream Western media have indeed taken to the Crusader bandwagon and often ignore the blatant signs that point toward Russia being more than comfortable with the prime driver of the worlds worst wars and conflicts. It can be rare enough to find adequate highlighting of the over-accommodation by Russia of Israels behaviour despite its harmfulness to the Balancing strategy Russia employs. It is yet rarer to find appraisals of Russias relations with Israel and Zionism that go beyond the awkward designation of Putin as an anti-Zionist hero because of his domestic political victories over the mostly Jewish and Zionist Russian oligarchs of the 1990s era. What makes the Russia-Israel relationship worth a deeper look at, however, is not just the intriguing way it pans out in Syria in recent times. There exists evidence that Russia has considered Israel an important partner even prior to its grand entry into the Middle East fray. Important enough, in fact, to potentially jeopardize growing ties with fellow US rival and rising Middle East power Iran by giving Israel the codes for Tor-M1 missile complexes that it sold to Iran. Revealed to the public by Wikileaks, the sale was part of a swap which saw Israel giving Russia data link codes for the drones it sold to Georgia. The Russians would crush the weaker Georgians in the five-day war that occurred in August, with the Georgians unsuccessful in their attempts in July to buy new drones from Mexican sources to replace those they had become aware were compromised. Russia is vocal in its support for Israels false propaganda about its aggression against Lebanon, a country it occupied between 1982 and 2000, being defensive in nature against a Hezbollah threat. Israel recognizes Russian support for its actions in Lebanon, as evidenced by Netanyahu and Putins personal discussions of Hezbollah tunnels and what not. Leaked diplomatic cables from a June 2018 interaction between the Slovakian foreign ministry and its Israeli counterparts also revealed Israeli appreciation of the Russians blatant attempted containment of Iran in Syria. Russias containment of Iran and its Resistance allies is difficult to portray as an attempt to de-escalate the situation between Israel and Syria and not as containment of Iran as wishful thinking and the Crusader notion seeks to do. It has also been suggested that Russian attempts to have Iranian and Hezbollah forces leave Syria as Israel completely irrationally demands are a favour seeking to get sanctions lifted off Iran. The cracks in this argument are wide enough to show it as more wishful thinking; Russias recent non-denial of questions requesting confirmation of it trying to broker Iranian withdrawal from Syria in exchange for sanctions-relief showed that it is indeed making such moves. However, far from genuinely trying to please both Iran and Israel, Russia seems very much to be attempting to secure advantage for the latter. Iran in the post-JCPOA scenario would not believe in any guaranteed sanctions relief for the US even if Israel somehow miraculously lived up to its end of the bargain and greenlighted for the US to provide such relief. Furthermore, Russia cannot have been unaware that such a deal being brokered would not be honoured by the US and thus that in the event Iran withdrew from Syria, it would experience a net loss. To make matters clearer, major Russian companies working in its prolific energy sector themselves begun withdrawing from large investments made in the Iranian oil and gas sector soon after the US announcement of impending Iran sanctions. Companies such as Rosneft, connected very closely to the Russian leadership, decided Iran too risky an environment with sanctions looming. Other companies such as Zarubezhneft and LUKoil also abandoned large projects in Iran in recent months citing US sanctions as a reason. Influential Russian state-run think tanks such as the Russian Internatonal Affairs Council also consider Iran a rival to Russia in certain ways and see necessity in the Russian accommodation of Israel. The point of whether or not such establishments are aware of the anathema Israels policies represent vis--vis Russias Balancing project is barely significant here; the fact that they are known to inform policy is what matters. In early November, representatives of the prestigious Russian MGIMO university described Iranian political Islam and expansionism as a threat at an event organized in the UAE to discuss regional and strategic affairs. The team also played to the audiences preferences, raising the false spectre of the Netanyahu-crafted Iranian nuclear threat as a possible blowback to US sanctions. The simple fact that Iran shows no signs of ceasing to abide by non-proliferation obligations was obviously not beyond their knowledge, thus demonstrating the objective of their participation in the event to be lobbying for Russia-GCC ties. The MGIMO was certainly chosen for this purpose, given that its Board of Trustees chaired by prolific Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov hosts oligarchs close to the Kremlin in Vladimir Potanin and Alisher Usmanov and Andrey Akimov as well as chairman of the board of Russias third largest bank. Russias support for Iran often takes the shape of relatively empty statements reminding primarily the US of the legality of Iranian armed presence in Syria whilst engaging in negotiations to have Iran withdraw. For Israel however, Russia agrees with its concerns about Irans presence and works at Tel Avivs request in trying to curb it. The Russian team highlighted the need for Russia to prioritize ties with the Gulf countries, with whom Russia has led a general rapprochement with since they stepped down their complicity in backing anti-Syrian terrorists. Saudi Arabia in particular has been finding an increasingly willing business partner in Russia to prop it up after its traditional US allies have begun to raise alarm over MbS methods (their lack of results, not their moral credentials). Bin Salman could well find reconciliation in the support Putin extents to him following his military wastage in Yemen and the in-built lack of sustainability of his modernization plans for his kingdom. For relevance to Israel, Russia may well become a guarantor of the regional security of the otherwise brittle Gulf countries who are a vital part of the new Netanyah-Kushner approach to mapping out a new anti-Iran, anti-Resistance roadmap after the balkanization models failure. Russia, yet again, cannot have missed the series of erratic and incendiary foreign policy ventures undertaken by the Israelis and Saudis together since MbS consolidated power but will likely let the Israeli-centric moves against Iran to continue. Regardless of how devastating an attempted attack on Iran would be for global industry (given that Iran can seize the Strait of Hormuz as a defensive measure and thus stop vital oil shipments out of the GCC), Israel possesses the sheer disregard for international stability and peace to go through with it. Interesting times ahead The continuous Russian facilitation of hyper-aggressive behaviour from Israel despite the obvious contradiction to Russias Balancing paradigm plays into the complexity of Russia-Israel relations, but also means it is reasonable to state that the two are allies. Putin has maintained a heavily pro-Israel rhetoric himself since the early 2000s, praising it on many occasions and implicitly legitimizing many of its murderous military operations as counter-terrorism. The Russian Jewish community, which has a thriving civil society scene to organize itself around, is rich and has extensive ethno-religious links to that in Israel. As controversially demonstrated by a Russian website in 2014, Jews in Russia form 21% of the countrys billionaire class while constituting only about 0.1% of the national population. In Russias 70% state-owned economy, this represents a picture in complete reverse of the Jew hating Russians pushed by the most zealous sections of the Zionist media and political spectrum. Respected political commentators on Russian affairs such as The Saker also acknowledge the existence of considerable amounts of pro-Israel propaganda within Russia. Such media outlets often find themselves funded by oligarchs with large stakes in the multi-billion dollar revenue companies for which Russia is renowned. That these companies provide the economic and financial backbone of the Russian Federation via the government holding dominant shares in them makes the pro-Israel disposition of many of Russias notables yet more significant. It is true that Zionists and Israel-firsters have had a lot of say in the rapid escalation of the US-Russia new Cold War. Suggested by many to have taken off with the anti-Russian Magnitsky Act of 2012 sanctions legislation by the US Congress in 2012, it has featured ex-Russian and currently-Israel residing billionaire oligarchs such as Boris Berezovsky (now deceased), Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Vladimir Gusinsky actively participating in the Western information war against Putin. Such facts are easy to come across and do not require excessive elaboration. They also fit neatly into the general theme of Israel having no issues with sabotaging states it is seen as an ally of regardless of their ample accommodation of its irrational demands. It did, after all, provide the Soviets intel obtained via the spying Jonathan Pollard did in the US for Israel and sell military technology provided to it by the US to the Chinese in the 90s despite US objections. It is very much evident that Russia as of now offers the aggressive Israel special treatment which may in the future rise to levels more comparable to that which Israel extracts from the US. Russia does so despite Israels attempts to very much de-Balance things in the region. The two states are allies, with Russia forming an important and reliant partner for Israel who in turn has not abandoned its aggressive policies and finds Russia as an increasingly important safeguard against the now-stronger Resistance bloc. | |
Has Google arranged a Nexus One unveiling? | Google will be holding a press briefing on its smartphone business on January 5 which is likely to include the official unveiling of its Nexus One handset. Although Google's branded phone, built by HTC, has already been widely shown off worldwide by Google staffers who have been issued with the phone to test, details such as where and when it will be available have not yet surfaced. However, with a briefing that is still being labelled an 'Android press gathering' occurring on a date which has been suggested as a potential launch day for the Nexus One, it does seem likely that it will be hardware and not the Android mobile OS that is the headline act. CES 2010 Of course, the phone's release will coincide with the world's tech press assembling in Las Vegas for the Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2010); the show starts in earnest on January 6. The invitation states that Google will hold a press conference at 10 am in California on January 5, with demonstrations scheduled between 11:30 and 1 pm. We will, of course, keep you posted. | |
Who were Wasps' best and worst December performers? | Get daily updates directly to your inbox Subscribe Thank you for subscribing See our privacy notice Could not subscribe, try again later Invalid Email It wasn't a December to remember for Wasps as they dropped five places to eighth in the Gallagher Premiership and were dumped out of the Heineken Champions Cup. CoventryLive launched a feature at the start of the month on our live blogs that allowed people to rate the Wasps players out of 10 for each game. Players must have played 25 minutes of a match to qualify and for our monthly average, have played at least a third (133) of the available minutes of the 400 played in the final month of the year. Below we have the five best and five worst performers using average scores selected by CoventryLive readers! Top five Wasps performers in December 1. Thomas Young - 6.90 The Welsh flanker has been a shining light for Wasps during this challenge period. It seems whatever is happening collectively, Young junior has the ability to perform at the highest level. Scored a try against Bath. Recorded the highest average player rating for a match in December away against Toulouse. Games: 4 Starts: 4 Minutes: 262 (Image: Richard Lane Photography) 2. Kieran Brookes - 6.03 Injuries to Jake Cooper-Woolley and Will Stuart meant the tighthead endured a busy start to life as a Wasps player and during a difficult December he really began to show signs of the form that once earned him 16 England caps. Sadly, the ankle injury suffered against Bath looks set to rule him out for up to three months. Games: 4 Starts: 3 Minutes: 187 3. Nizaam Carr - 6.02 One of only three qualifying players to average above six across December. Some fumbles at Twickenham might be prominent in minds but the South African has showed in recent games the attacking flair that proved so fruitful during his loan spell. Games: 5 Starts: 4 Minutes: 338 (Image: Richard Lane Photography) 4. Ross Neal - 5.9 Played out of position on the wing as Wasps battle on without Marcus Watson and the retired Christian Wade, the giant centre scored a lovely try against Toulouse and is a huge ball carrier in the wide channels. Unfortunately a hip injury ruled him out of the Twickenham clash with Harlequins. Games 4: Starts: 4 Minutes: 320 5. Billy Searle - 5.9 Pulled the strings in Wasps' best attacking performance of the month away against Toulouse. His display that day earned him a starting role against Bath where he struggled, along with the backs division, to make in roads in front of nearly 32,000 people at the Ricoh Arena. The battle between the youngster and Lima Sopoaga is a lot closer than anyone would've predicted. Games: 3 Starts: 2 Minutes: 149 Lowest scoring Wasps performers in December 1. Craig Hampson - 4.5 Played more minutes than he ever would've imagined in December with Joe Simpson injured and Dan Robson only just returning. It is perhaps the standards set by those two that makes the scoring so critical for Wasps' third-choice scrum-half. Was guilty of a couple of defensive slips in low-scoring games that most likely earned a couple of his poor scores, including the lowest game average of any Wasps player in December, 3.3 against Bath. Games: 5 Starts: 4 Minutes: 247 2. Jake Cooper-Woolley - 4.65 Much of the work props do can go under the radar so when things do not go right, the scoring can be quite critical. Cooper-Woolley has returned from injury amidst rumours of him joining Sale Sharks at the end of the season and has yet to recapture the strong form from the end of the 2017/18 season. With Brookes out of the equation, for now, Wasps will need the very best from their long-serving tighthead in the very near future. Games: 2 Starts: 2 Minutes: 136 3. Lima Sopoaga - 4.75 During December the Kiwi did not manage a game average above five with his scores falling between 4.6 and 4.9. No doubt he has suffered behind a Wasps pack that has struggled to dominate and by not having first-choice options around him at scrum-half and inside centre. Showed at Twickenham the attacking potential is there. You feel it is all going to click soon for the fly-half. Games: 5 Starts: 4 Minutes: 251 4. Elliot Daly - 4.92 Played every minute in December and looked electric away in Toulouse. However, average scores of 3.4 and 4 in his last two games reflect a frustrating end to the month for the British Lion. Similarly to Sopoaga, his output and opportunities are being stagnated by those around him and, while he is clearly trying everything to impress, is struggling to impose himself on games. Games: 5 Starts: 5 Minutes: 400 5. Willie le Roux - 5.1 So much of what is said about Daly above is true of le Roux. The Springbok's chances to shine as an attacking force have been so desperately limited and his frustration is apparent when moves break down, often in their embryonic stage. Memories of the assist-heavy 2017/18 campaign are fresh in peoples' minds as Wasps limped through December scoring six tries in five games, three of them coming in one match against Toulouse. Games: 5 Starts: 5 Minutes: 400 | |
What does the January transfer window have in store for Norwich City? | Norwich City's young guns, Jamal Lewis, Max Aarons, Ben Godfrey and Todd Cantwell Picture: Paul Chesterton/Focus Images Ltd Paul Chesterton The January transfer window is open for business. CHRIS LAKEY takes a look at what the main business may be at Carrow Road. Share Email this article to a friend To send a link to this page you must be logged in. Two of Norwich City's young guns, Todd Cantwell and Jamal Lewis PICTURE: Jamie Honeywood Two of Norwich City's young guns, Todd Cantwell and Jamal Lewis PICTURE: Jamie Honeywood The phrase under the radar has been much used in recent months as Norwich City emerged from their early-season doldrums to their present position as genuine promotion candidates. The words have now been all but abandoned given the secret is out... but if January transfer window madness returns, City fans may well wish the radar would reappear and swallow the place up. The problem they face is that much of the current success has been built around players whose value has risen dramatically. Thats not rocket science, it comes hand in hand with being good at what you do. But while the likes of Timm Klose and Alex Tettey have performed above and beyond this season, in purely financial terms, they are not the crown jewels. The crown sits on the heads of Max Aarons, Jamal Lewis, Todd Cantwell, Emi Buendia - and a few more. And if thats their plan, they might consider a loan-back. This is conjecture of course; City dont need to sell. It is not imperative that they bank a big cheque. But Norwich City FC is a business and if an offer they cant turn down comes in, then expect them not to turn it down. Picture: Paul Chesterton/Focus Images Ltd Daniel Farke wont be left with holes in various parts of the pitch: that would be football suicide, especially when in such a good position. Forgive the cynicism, but maybe Jamal Lewis being injured for a few games will help City. Maybe avaricious eyes will look elsewhere. Maybe. There are, clearly, some players that City would like to see off the books: Nelson Oliveira a view shared by club and player no doubt and the unlucky Matt Jarvis who, at 32, cannot seriously be considered as part of the clubs blueprint. Ivo Pinto is clearly one who is free to go and there might be questions over Michael McGovern. Steve Naismith and Yanic Wildschut... you dont have to be Sherlock Holmes to work those out. Wildschut isnt pulling up any trees so selling him might be an issue, while Naismiths contract is up in the summer so he is likely to hang on for a few months before he is able to sort his next move. Some of the younger players could probably do with loan spells while some already out temporarily could find themselves leaving permanently and City have a lot of players out on loan... Goalkeeper Remi Matthews is at Bolton, a deal supposedly becoming permanent, Boltons finances permitting; James Husband is at Fleetwood, Sean Raggett at Rotherham, Marcel Franke at Darnstadt with a view to a permanent switch, and last but not least, Naismith at Hearts and Wildschut at Bolton. There are ins to consider but City would be reluctant to risk upsetting the apple cart given the position they are in: maybe a bit of support strengthening here and there but, essentially, they have a good, strong squad. The window often throws up a surprise or two that may not be so in Citys case. NOTES The window in England and Scotland opened at one minute past midnight on January 1. Deadline Day is January 31 when the window will close at 11pm. EFL clubs can have eight players on loan, but can only pick a maximum of five loanees in their matchday squad. They can only sign a maximum of four players from a specific club of which no more than two can be over the age of 23. The window in France and Germany runs from January 1-31, but opens a day later, January 2, in Spain. Clubs have less time to do deals in Italy where the window opens on January 3 and closes on January 18. | |
Is Kroger Open on New Years Day 2019? | Happy New Year! Its now 2019, and maybe one of your resolutions is to plan ahead more in the coming year. But for now, you might have to deal with some last-minute change-of-plans. Whether you ran out of supplies at home during a New Years Eve party or you forgot an important ingredient for a New Years Day meal that youre serving your family, you may need to get some last-minute supplies at a grocery store near you. If youre thinking about going to Kroger, then we have good news for you. Kroger is open on New Years Day 2019. Kroger typically only has a policy of closing on one day a year Christmas Day. Of course, some local stores New Years Day hours can vary. So you should call your local Kroger and confirm the hours before you show up. Many stores are open 24 hours, but some may have special New Years Day hours and close early. Its not as likely to happen on New Years Day as it is on other days, like Thanksgiving or Christmas Eve, but its still a possibility. So youll definitely want to call your local store first or check your local stores hours online before heading over. You can find the nearest Kroger and its phone number here. (Click on Select Store at the top of the page to enter your ZIP Code and find your nearest store.) Kroger stores are typically only closed on one holiday: Christmas Day. So that means if youve forgotten something at the last minute for a New Years meal youre hosting or if youre bringing something to a party and you need to grab some drinks and food on your way Kroger might be a good option for you. If youre still planning for New Years, Kroger has you covered in both party supplies and food. Of course, you can get appetizers, main dishes, side dishes, and all sort of ingredients at your local Kroger store. You can also get all sorts of items from Kroger to help you ring in the New Year. These include Happy New Year glitter headbands, Happy New Year fireworks or confetti plates, New Year light-up glitter glasses, New Year napkins, glitter top hats and other party hats, disco beads, necklaces, noisemakers, foil banners, flutes, tiaras, streamers, and more. If you want to see the latest savings and coupons available at Kroger, visit the stores ads and circulars here. Kroger stores are often open 24 hours, and some also have a Starbucks or a pharmacy inside. Other stores may have a sushi, bakery, ATM, kitchen place, Western Union service station, and more. Whether the pharmacies, Starbucks, or other individual stores within Kroger are open on New Years can vary from location to location. Kroger will resume its regular hours the day after New Years. | |
What's the weather going to be like in Sunderland on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day? | We are well and truly into the Christmas spirit - and families across Wearside are getting ready to toast the big day. It's hard to believe that Christmas will have come and gone in just a few days- but there's plenty of fun to get through before then, whether it be visits to Santa, wrapping presents or a trip to the pantomime! And the question on everyone's lips (as always) is, "what will the weather be like?" Here are the odds According to the current forecast from the Met Office, Sunderland is set to see a chilly but clear Christmas Eve. Temperatures are estimated to be between 4C and -1C on Monday, with forecasters predicting similar for Tuesday. There will be some cloud, but it looks like we will enjoy a touch of winter sun. Not long until Santa! The last official white Christmas was in 2010, say the Met Office, when there was widespread snow across North East and South West England, the Midlands, Northern Ireland, Scotland and parts of Wales. | |
When does lavish new series of Les Miserables start on BBC? | A star-studded adaptation of Victor Hugo's classic novel Les Miserables is to begin on the BBC today. The series stars The Affair actor Dominic West as prisoner Jean Valjean while David Oyelowo plays police inspector Javert, who is pursuing him. READ MORE: The latest entertainment news The musical version of the story has been a triumph in the West End and on Broadway and was turned into a film version starring Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe and Anne Hathaway 2012, but West has said he hopes the TV production will bring viewers back to the series' source material. He said: "It's been a real inspiration and total joy to bring this masterpiece to dramatic life, and if our portrayal brings people back to the book then that is a great thing. "What is the most interesting thing about Valjean is his moral core and his battle with his own demons to be a good man. "He is a true hero in that way. He is constantly persecuted but he strives to save others' lives and do the right thing." The series, which stars Lily Collins as Fantine, has been penned by veteran scriptwriter Andrew Davies, who recently adapted Leo Tolstoy's War And Peace for the BBC, and is best known for his adaptation of Pride and Prejudice starring Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle. West added: "Andrew Davies is a master of condensing and distillation. He has distilled a massive book into six hours of television. He's been at it a long time. "He's so experienced. Whenever I've opened a book and thought, 'oh this is a bit I particularly like', it's in his script. In that way, it's very exciting because I don't remember the last time when a book was dealt with in such detail." The 49-year-old also added that viewers should expect grand ambition from the series, which avoids the songs of the musical theatre production and 2012 film. He said: "We have created massive epic scenes for the battle of Waterloo, the barricades and street fighting in 19th-century Paris. It's a real visual feast." The show also stars Olivia Colman, Ellie Bamber, Josh O'Connor ad Adeel Akhtar. The first episode of the series will air on December 30 at 9pm on BBC One and will continue for six weeks. | |
When is House of Cards season 6 released on Netflix? Who is in the cast? What is going to happen? | Netflix had to confront what to do with its hit political drama House of Cards in October last year, after numerous allegations of sexual assault against star Kevin Spacey emerged. Advertisement A day after actor Anthony Rapp allegation against Spacey emerged, Netflix confirmed that the sixth season of the political drama which had already begun filming would be the last. Soon after, the streaming giants cut all ties with Spacey and confirmed that the final season would not feature his character Frank Underwood. After an extended production delay and weeks of backroom discussions with producers and writers, it was announced in December that the show would resume production in 2018 with Robin Wright in the lead role. Find out everything we know so far about House of Cards season 6. While previous seasons of House of Cards have dropped in the spring (season five arrived on 30th May 2017), season six will be released on Friday 2nd November 2018. Netflix has confirmed that the final season will only be eight episodes long the shortest in its six-year run. The previous five seasons comprised of 13 episodes. The big casting news for season six is that veterans Greg Kinnear and Diane Lane have signed on to star in the final episodes. Find out more about their roles here. It has also been announced that Australian actor Cody Fern (American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace) will join the cast. The trio will join returning actors Robin Wright (Claire Underwood), Michael Kelly (Doug Stamper), Jayne Atkinson (Catherine Durant) and Patricia Clarkson (Jane Davis), Constance Zimmer (Janine Skorsky), Derek Cecil (Seth Grayson), Campbell Scott (Mark Usher) and Boris McGiver (Tom Hammerschmidt). Joel Kinnaman, who played Underwoods political rival Will Conway, confirmed to that he will not be returning for the new season. Production resumed on the delayed series on 31st January 2018 in Baltimore, the main location for House of Cards filming. The series was set to continue filming until late spring. UPDATE: Netflix has now released the official trailer for House of Cards season six. Following the clips and teasers (detailed below), this is the full preview for the sixth and final season. The action begins with news footage and discussion of President Claire Underwood, with one commentator declaring, I think she might be the worst thing that has ever happened to this country. Meanwhile, former White House Chief of Staff Doug Stamper is apparently considering turning against the family he has grimly served for so long. With death hanging in the air, this last run of episodes could be a brutal final act. Watch the video below. Netflix gave us our first glimpse of House of Cards sans Spacey during the Oscars on Sunday 4th March. Claire Underwood had another message for fans in an Independence Day teaser on 4th July taking her rightful(?) place on top of a chair in the style of the Lincoln Memorial. A message from the President of the United States. House of Cards (@HouseofCards) July 4, 2018 A further teaser arrived on Thursday 27th September. It directly addressed the question of what happens to President Frank Underwood (Spaceys character) in the new season. *Spoilers for House of Cards season 5 to follow* Rather fortuitously, Claire Underwood (Wright) had emerged as the shows frontrunner in recent seasons culminating with her rise to the presidency at the end of season five. This is perhaps the lifeline which has allowed the showrunners to continue the series without turning the plot on its head. Back in June, long before the allegations against Spacey emerged, exec producers Melissa James Gibson and Frank Pugliese confirmed that Claires presidency would form a major story arc for the new season. We imagine that nothing has changed there. I think its inevitable that that will need to be explored further [in season 6], Gibson told TV Line. The question is going to be how, added Pugliese. I dont think shes going to do it the way Frank did it. How she does it could be really exciting. Of course, the situation has changed since then, with the writers having to undergo significant rewrites to oust Frank Underwood from the plot. In a bold move, Netflix released a season six preview clip which appeared to confirm Frank Underwoods fate. The clip sees Claire delivering a cutting monologue in front of her husband Franks grave, and while it could be one big misdirection, the video certainly appears to confirm that Spaceys character will be killed off in some way before the events of season six open. You should have known. House of Cards (@HouseofCards) September 5, 2018 The teaser trailer for the new episodes was even more explicit, with Claire in charge and Francis dead. However, she appears not entirely to have escaped their past crimes just yet The future of the final series appears to have been confirmed therefore, although there are still plenty more questions to answer as the Netflix series gears up for its final run. Speaking to BBC Radio 4s Today programme in December 2017, Michael Dobbs, the author of the original House of Cards novels, said, The poor [writers] have been sweating over their candles and pens. Its been really, truly difficult, but what Media Rights Capital, Netflix and the writers have done is superb, he added. They have set some standards and they have come back with some fine, fresh new creative stuff. House of Cards season 6 will be released on Friday 2nd November 2018 Advertisement This article was originally published on 15 February 2018 | |
How similar do the new stars of The Crown look to the real-life royals? | With the release of the first three cast images from The Crown series three, we finally get our chance to see how this new collection of actors have transformed into their royal counterparts. Advertisement The Netflix drama jumps forward to 1964-1970 with a brand-new cast of slightly older actors, including Olivia Colman as Queen Elizabeth II and Helena Bonham Carter as her sister Princess Margaret. Costume designers may have modelled Olivia Colmans debut royal outfit from this portrait of Elizabeth II in her office in 1970, titled Royal Globetrotter. Netflix revealed its first look at new actor Tobias Menzies in costume as Prince Philip at the end of August 2018. The picture of the real Prince Philip on the left was taken during a formal event in Malta in 1967, which falls right in the time frame for series three. Its an impressive likeness even if Menzies doesnt quite have the nose to match the Duke of Edinburghs. The Crowns costume department have also clearly been closely researching Prince Philips weighty collection of medals. You have to admit, its a pretty good likeness! Prince Charles has posed for many awkward photographs in his time and the one on the left marks his 18th birthday, in 1966. With completely different face shapes and lips, there arent many physical similarities between Call the Midwifes Emerald Fennell and Prince Charless love interest (and later second wife) Camilla. The Queen Mother was born in 1900 when Victoria was still on the throne. Here she is at the age of 66, to Marion Baileys 67 and looking at their photographs next to each other, you can see why they cast her. In most photographs from this era Princess Margaret can be seen smiling but who knows what kind of haughty glares she gave behind closed doors, as we see in this first image of Helena Bonham Carter. Certainly the Queens sister loved her eyeliner and lipstick and a bit of bling. Princess Margarets husband Tony (aka Lord Snowdon) was a society photographer and a bit of a rogue. With his piercing blue eyes, you can see why The Crowns casting director chose Ben Daniels. Advertisement Previously played by: Matthew Goode | |
When is Making a Murderer 2 released on Netflix? What has happened to Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey? | Making a Murderer, the Netflix true crime sensation that had viewers gripped in 2015, is returning in 2018 to reveal what happened next in the story of Steven Avery, Brendan Dassey, and the murder of Teresa Halbach. Advertisement Documentary filmmakers Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos diligently followed the story of Steven Avery in season one, revealing the story of the Wisconsin local who served 18 years in prison for the wrongful conviction of sexual assault and attempted murder of Penny Beerntsen. After successfully overturning his conviction and filing a lawsuit against the county, Avery alongside his teenage nephew Brendan Dassey was subsequently convicted of murdering photographer Teresa Halbach in 2005. The first season brought global attention to the case, but since the series ended new information and developments have continued to trickle out. The filmmakers and Netflix have therefore decided to make a follow-up to the original series. With the new episodes set to be released on Netflix soon, heres everything you need to know about what to expect from Making a Murderer season two. Netflix has now confirmed that Making a Murderer Part 2 will be released on Friday 19th October 2018. Filming has been taking place since July 2016, and now Netflix has confirmed that season two will feature ten new episodes. Netflix executive Cindy Holland had originally suggested that season two would be released in 2017, telling USA Today: The story is still ongoing, so you will see new episodes coming sometimes this year as the story continues to unfold. However, in the end the filmmakers instead chose to follow events further, only releasing new episodes in October 2018 when they were ready. Three years after the documentary was first released, Avery and Dasseys legal battles are still ongoing. In a statement thanking fans for supporting the show, filmmakers Riccardi and Demos said: We are extremely grateful for the tremendous response to, and in support of, the series. Yes, Netflix released a first full trailer on 9th October, 10 days before the release of the new episodes. As with the first season, the new series will follow Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey in their efforts to overturn their convictions. Testimonies from their families, friends and associates are also expected to feature. Steven and Brendan, their families and their legal and investigative teams have once again graciously granted us access, giving us a window into the complex web of American criminal justice, said executive producers Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos. Building on Part 1, which documented the experience of the accused, in Part 2, we have chronicled the experience of the convicted and imprisoned, two men each serving life sentences for crimes they maintain they did not commit. We are thrilled to be able to share this new phase of the journey with viewers. Riccardi and Demos have also secured exclusive access to Averys new lawyer Kathleen Zellner. Our job is to prove that Steven Avery did not receive a fair trial. It is the States job, not ours, to prove who killed TH -so far they have failed miserably. @lifeafterten @michellemalkin #MakingAMurderer Kathleen Zellner (@ZellnerLaw) July 16, 2018 In the years that have passed since viewers first were introduced to the case, Zellner has been vocal about the case on social media and continues to share updates about the case. It does not matter how long it takes, what it costs or what obstacles we have to overcome, she said. Meet the lawyer representing Steven Avery in Making a Murderer Part 2 The second season is also thought to explore more information that wasnt touched upon in the first series. Both Avery and Dassey are currently fighting their convictions in the American court system. According to Netflix, the show will provide an in-depth look at the high stakes post-conviction process, as well as the emotional toll the process takes on all involved. Averys request for a retrial was denied in October last year. Judge Angela Sutkiewicz explained the verdict, saying, The defendant has failed to establish any grounds that would trigger the right to a new trial in the interests of justice. As such, no further consideration will be given to this issue. In September 2018, Avery was again refused a request for a new trail by a County court judge, but lawyer Zellner insisted that other judges will review the newly filed evidence. So far only 1 Judge has ruled on Avery. At least 10 more will review before a final decision is made on this evidence. If he is not freed we will file again. Never going to end until he is free. @lifeafterten @michellemalkin #makinganexonoree Kathleen Zellner (@ZellnerLaw) September 8, 2018 Meanwhile, Dasseys conviction was initially overturned by a federal judge in 2016 on the grounds the confession was involuntary. A US federal court then ruled that he should be immediately released from prison, having already served 10 years. However, while it looked as if Dassey could be released, the federal courts decision was overturned following an appeal from the prosecution, leading to a panel of judges ruling in favour to uphold the original conviction. The case continues to garner attention, with a White House petition gaining over 129,000 signatures calling for the pair to be pardoned. Black Keys musician Dan Auerbach released a protest song called Lake Superior in the wake of Averys conviction. Meanwhile, an unrelated spin-off show called Convicting a Murderer, which observes the case against Avery and Dassey, has begun production. Advertisement Filmmaker behind the show Shawn Rech explained, This docu-series will examine the case and the allegations of police wrongdoing from a broader perspective. It will also share with viewers the traumatic effects of being found guilty and vilified in the court of public opinion. | |
When are the Mrs Browns Boys 2018 Christmas and New Year specials on TV? | Mrs Browns Boys has become a key part of the BBCs Christmas schedules since the comedy first landed on TV back in 2011. Advertisement Having spawned three series, several Christmas specials and a movie in 2014, star Brendan OCarroll is even planning a live musical version of Mrs Browns Boys in 2019. The Irish sitcom has ruled the Christmas TV ratings too: 6.8 million viewers watched Mrs Browns Boys on Christmas Day 2017. While OCarroll, 63, has turned his attentions to fronting spin-off chat show All Round to Mrs Browns, he has suggested that he could be prepared to put an end to the hugely popular sitcom. The festive special of Mrs Browns Boys will air on Christmas Day (Tuesday 25th December) on BBC1 at 10.15pm. In Northern Ireland it will air at 9.35pm on Saturday 29th December. As in previous years, a New Years special will air at 10pm on New Years Day (Tuesday 1st January 2019). In June star Brendan OCarroll teased that Mrs Brown could be set to go to war with technology when someone buys her an Amazon Alexa. Now it seems that storyline has come true, with the BBC revealing that Agnes will be struggling to work out how to use a wifi assistant given to her by Dermot and Buster for Christmas. The Christmas special is called Exotic Mammy, and sees Mrs Brown enter a Christmas decoration contest organised by Father Damian. The second 2018 special meanwhile is called Mammys Hotel, which sees Agnes put up Winnie and Sharon at her house after their pipes burst. Its not long before theres a storm brewing in the Brown household too, when Agnes and Cathy discover living with best friends isnt the picnic theyd imagined, the BBC teases. Read on for the full plot preview for each episode Episode 1: Exotic Mammy Its the festive season once again in the Brown household, and Father Damian has organised a Christmas decoration contest to support the local football team. Agnes is keen to enter, especially as it might mean getting one over her old nemesis Hilliary Nicholson. But she is soon distracted, when Dermot and Buster give Agnes a wifi assistant and she has trouble figuring out what to do with it. Meanwhile, Cathy is up for a promotion at work and Dino and Rory give Buster a full make-over, so he can look the best for his internet date. Its bound to go well, as long as she looks like she does in her photo Episode 2: Mammys Motel Theres a storm blowing in Finglas and it soon claims its first victim when the pipes in Winnie and Sharons house burst. Thank goodness therefore for Mrs Brown who is on hand to offer a roof over their heads while repairs are carried out. However, its not long before theres a storm brewing in the Brown household too, when Agnes and Cathy discover living with best friends isnt the picnic theyd imagined. And Agnes has yet more on her plate when she receives the news of the death of Nelly Scullie, a neighbour she never knew or liked and is asked by Father Damian to do her eulogy. Plus, theres Bonos thirteenth birthday to host. In short, no. OCarroll has confirmed that the BBC has planned Christmas specials of the hit comedy through to at least 2020. Speaking to The Mirror in 2015, he explained, I am lucky enough that I can grow into the part and so that is nice. I have been commissioned to write another two Christmas specials and the BBC are expecting Christmas specials up until 2020. However, OCarroll has also admitted he could kill off the show should the BBC believe it is no longer a big enough draw. We are booked to do Christmas specials for the BBC until 2020 but if they go, We are going to drop you as we dont think its strong enough, then Id kill Agnes off, he told the Daily Star this year. Our final episode would be the funniest show Ive ever written for the first 24 minutes. Then the last four minutes would break your f***ing heart. For those missing their Mrs. Brown fix the titular character will be fronting the third series of popular chat show, All Round To Mrs Browns, in 2019. Advertisement Mrs Browns Boys returns at Christmas on BBC1 | |
What is on TV this Christmas 2018? | Push aside your turkey and crackers, we all know Christmas is about one thing only: TV. And the best TV too, whether youre looking for drama, entertainment, comedy or even a spot of sci-fi. 7pm New Years Day 2019 on BBC1. Nothing says Christmas like watching a horrific murder being solved on TV, with the BBC serving up this classic Hercule Poirot story. Not only can we expect an intriguing plot from this three-part Agatha Christie adaptation, but an all-star cast too: Hollywood legend John Malkovich will play the super sleuth and Rupert Grint the role of Inspector Crome. Game of Thrones actor Will Tudor will take on the role of Christopher Dean, while Ackley Bridges Poppy Lee Friar will play Jayne Torvill. Written by Made in Dagenhams William Ivory, Torvill and Dean traces the early story of the Dancing on Ice figure skaters who captured the publics imagination with their stunning gold medal-winning dance to Bolro at the 1984 Winter Olympics. Torvill and Dean will air on Christmas Day (Tuesday 25th December) at 9.15pm on ITV. It is a two-hour special. Idris Elba is reunited with his overcoat for brooding detectives return with Wunmi Mosaku joining the show as new recruit DS Catherine Halliday. The eponymous detective is called upon to investigate another tangle of monstrous murders with a mass of different leads seemingly designed to protect an untouchable corruption. Luther starts on New Years Day 2019 at 9pm on BBC1. A fine crop of acting talent includes Dominic West as Jean Valjean, David Oyelowo (playing Javert), Lily Collins (Fantine), Adeel Akhtar and Olivia Colman (Monsieur and Madame Thnardier), Ellie Bamber (Cosette) Josh OConnor (Marius) and Elin Kellyman (ponine). Its the story we all know but without the songs. Pride and Prejudice and War and Peace writer Andrew Davies has adapted Victor Hugos epic into a six-part drama without its famous musical score. Les Misrables will begin airing on Sunday 30th December at 9pm Filming has begun on the TV adaptation of my childrens book The Midnight Gang. I play the headmaster. It will be on @BBCOne at Christmas. Good news if you enjoyed last Christmas Grandpas Great Escape: the BBC are adapting another hit childrens book from comedian David Walliams. The Midnight Gang follows the story of a gang of children at Lord Funt Hospital on the quest for adventure as their fellow patients sleep. The now-traditional special of the midwifery drama welcomes Miriam Margoyles as Sister Mildred, a forthright nun who arrives at Nonnatus House with her hands full with four Chinese orphan refugees. As the BBC say, these unexpected visitors cause joy and chaos in equal measure. Simon Callow stars as Aubrey Judd alongside Anjil Mohindra (who played Nadia in Bodyguard), Susan Penhaligon and Joshua Oakes-Rogers. Writer Mark Gatiss follows up 2013s The Tractate Middoth with another Christmas ghost story, this time telling the tale of a long-running radio series whose presenter finds that all is not quiet in his eerie radio studio. Vincent Regan is set to join regulars Dawn French, Emilia Fox and Aaron Anthony. The Cornish sex n seabass drama kickstarts its third series with Gina and Sam finally working well together. Delicious is on 9pm, Friday 28th December, Sky1 Advertisement Other dramas you can expect this Christmas | |
Where is Parminster? Is the town in Doctor Foster a real place? | No, its not. Parminster is a completely fictional town invented for Mike Bartletts drama. It is not clear exactly where the town is meant to be but from the locations used it is perhaps meant to be a market town within a certain distance of London. As with many television shows, Doctor Foster is filmed in a number of locations. Many of the exterior shots of the town of Parminster are filmed in Hitchin in Hertfordshire. However, Parminster Medical Centre where Gemma Foster has her practice is actually the Chess Medical Centre in Chesham, Buckinghamshire a small town on the edge of London near the end of the Metropolitan tube line. Advertisement Other parts of the show are understood to have been filmed in Enfield, St Albans and various other locations in Hertfordshire. | |
Will there be more Last Tango in Halifax? | Well, some might say the two-part Christmas special leaves the door wide open for a brand-new saga featuring two of our favourite northern families. SPOILER ALERT Alan and Celias turn on the stage left the duo eager to take on new and more exciting roles, with Celia suggesting Alan could be the Mark Anthony to her Cleopatra as they drove off into the sunset. Dear Sally Wainwright, wed pay seriously good money to see Derek Jacobi and Anne Reid walk like Egyptians, so if a 90-minute one-off Easter special is all you have time for, well take that please. Meanwhile Gillian (Nicola Walker) and Robbies marriage crumbled as she finally told him the truth about the night Eddie died. Finally, we left the often thought snobbish Caroline (Sarah Lancashire) on her first day as the head teacher at a tough Huddersfield comprehensive. Whos done this? she asked while surveying the lopsided sign on her office door. Maintenance, an unassuming office worker replied, having innocently offered her new boss a donut. Can you ask maintenance to come back with a spirit level?, Caroline asked. Oh they wont like that, said her surely soon-to-be enemy. Shall we risk it? the super sassy head teacher finished, before heading into her office and closing the door. If thats not proof that theres definitely another Halifax tale to tell, we dont know what is. Following the end of series three, BBC1 confirmed that the drama would return for another series, revealing the good news just as the credits rolled. We're delighted to confirm that #LastTangoInHalifax will return for another series. BBC One (@BBCOne) February 1, 2015 You would think that that is pretty clear-cut proof of more episodes to come, but unfortunately its been surprisingly difficult to confirm whether there will be a series four. When contacted a spokesperson for Last Tango in Halifax, they claimed no decision has been made on a fourth series. Writer Sally Wainwrights representative also confirmed to us that the Christmas special would be a contained two-parter, but could not confirm whether there were more episodes to come. Even if there is a series four planned, it is unlikely to happen in 2017. Wainwright is in high demand this year: the Bafta-winning writer has a one-off period drama about the Bronte sisters called To Walk Invisible airing on 29 December on BBC1. She has also said that her other primetime BBC1 drama, Happy Valley, will be delayed while she concentrates on a new drama project. One of Last Tangos stars, Anne Reid, admitted that I dont know when well get round to doing any more when she appeared on ITVs Lorraine in November. Sally has written two episodes that are going to go on to another series, she added, referring to the two Christmas special episodes. I dont know whether thats going to get done. Advertisement To Walk Invisible focuses on the three literary geniuses of Charlotte, Emil and Anne Bront, concentrating on the years leading up to the death of their brother Branwell. Wainwright admitted in the Radio Times Christmas issue that the story could have been a full series, but that she preferred to look at one particular period in the Bronts lives. | |
Who were the real Peaky Blinders? | Peaky Blinders opens on a slum street of Birmingham. The year is 1919. There are horses and Chinese fortune tellers, barely dressed urchins and men in suits so sharp they could take your eye out. Advertisement The atmosphere is febrile, smoky and crackling with nerves. Its the most distinctive-looking British drama you could conceive of, peering into an era that, until now, had slipped off historys radar, considered neither as muddy and tragic as the First World War nor as heroic and epic as the Second. Or perhaps history forgot these years on purpose. The writer is Steven Knight best known for Stephen Frearss 2002 film Dirty Pretty Things. From about 1918 until 1928 in England, it was just madness. Pure hedonism, he says. There was a lot of cocaine, a lot of opium, a lot of dancing, a lot of nightlife. All of which sounds like a laugh riot, but of course it had its dark side; indeed, there was hardly any silver lining. And thats where the Peaky Blinders come in, so called for the razor blades they kept in the brims of their sinister-looking caps and hats. They were the Shelby family, the Sopranos of the post-First World War era, with a few key differences the society the Shelbys lived in had been racked by the war, leaving profoundly damaged men strewn across every class and community; revolution was in the air, and the Government was terrified of it; and the Peaky Blinders arent remotely fictional. Knight explains: The reason it came to me was that my parents grew up in Birmingham in the 20s. My mum, when she was nine years old, was a bookies runner; they used to use kids to take bets because it was all illegal. My dads uncle was part of the Peaky Blinders. It was reluctantly delivered, but my family did give me little snapshots, of gypsies and horses and gang fights and guns, and immaculate suits. One of the first stories that inspired me was of my dad when he was a little kid, sent to deliver a message. There was a table, covered in money and guns, surrounded by blokes, beautifully dressed, drinking beer from jam jars. You didnt buy glasses. You only spent money on clothes. This atmosphere is captured wonderfully in Peaky Blinders. The gangs control in Birmingham has a Wild West quality, where the violence is instrumental and strategic, never savage or incidental, and the rules of society are being broken and remade in front of you. But their lives are burdened by far more than the pressures of self-interest. The casualties of the First World War are everywhere: men who had survived the bullets, but would go to their graves before post-traumatic stress was recognised. The authorities were no good to these shell-shocked men: if anyone was going to watch over them, it would have been men like the Peaky Blinders. The war and its aftermath are dealt with in an original and oblique way, as a hangover that nobody would acknowledge, but everybody had. Knight says that a load of clichs dominate how this interwar period is played out in drama: We tiptoe towards things because were afraid of being seen to be glamorising or mythologising anything. If its post-First World War, its all officers shooting themselves. Or its flappers, being done in the way flappers have always been done. It was only a couple of years before then that you couldnt show an ankle, and suddenly they were in really short skirts. Because they didnt give a damn. As grim as the period must have been, from the distance of decades this is a transfixing time, decadent and bacchanalian, traumatised and anti-authoritarian, deeply political, desperate for things to be different, but petrified of change. I think there was a loss of faith in technology: before the war, there was this belief that every new discovery meant more progress. Then nations just took all theyd learnt and used it to destroy each other, says Knight. The idea of the Kings authority became a joke, for a while, because people in power had been sending 60,000 men to their deaths every morning and the blokes knew it was pointless. Theyd get the order [to go over the top], and think, No, youve made a mistake, there are machine guns, and were going to get killed. Alongside that anarchic hatred of authority there was a real hunger for change, a genuine Communist movement, and the authorities were terrified. One always forgets that this could ever have been a feature of the landscape, here that a government could ever believe in the people being revolutionary, or that anybody could ever have that appetite for upheaval. But the threat was both real and perceived. A policemans strike in 1919 lent ballast to the idea that the old world order had no defenders left. I always think of the persecution of Communists as an American disease, a short-lived, collective madness. But its wrong to think Britain didnt suffer this paranoia. Men were arrested for sedition and sentenced to six years for speaking in public about Communism, says Knight. They were taken away and beaten up. I remember my dad saying a bloke would stand up and talk about the Russian Revolution and theyd grab him, put him in a van and you wouldnt see him again. You think, thats not what it says in the books. But when you do research, get papers from the period, you realise this is what happened. Its a secret history. Predictably, with a paranoid government and the impossibility of telling a revolutionary from a malcontent, life became very restrictive, close to a police state. Knights vivid memory is of his grandfather. He was wounded in the Somme, so he had a bullet in his shoulder his whole life. I remember my dad telling me that in 1926 he opened his door and there were British soldiers stationed there, pointing machine guns at his front door. And hed just given everything to his country. These were people just like us, you know. They were no different to us, inside. Part of the dramas magnetism lies in its dialogue: precisely observed, but very informal, which underlines how little people have changed. What amuses me, and horrifies me, in English period drama is that people always write in a certain way: will not, can not, do not. Everybody speaks in this very formal, written- down way and it affects how characters are. This is a period drama where people speak normally. You go into the past, but you let people speak. And if you break that door down, you realise that people are just like us. Ill resist describing the plot, partly for fear of spoilers, but also because, like all the best dramas, when you list the events, it does nothing like justice to the world they create. Theres a huge amount going on, and the circumstances are extreme men driven mad, men driven into the arms of opium, alcohol, politics, thuggery, anywhere but back to pre-war normality. That was nothing, compared with the women. In this series, femininity is expressed by Aunt Polly, matriarch of the Shelby family and magisterially played by Helen McCrory. Shes the power and the brains of the generation. Youd watch it just for her and to listen to her smoky Birmingham accent, like a sinister lullaby. Cocaine became a huge thing, for women. They just wanted to escape. And I guess thats what stopped it becoming a revolution, says Knight. It was totally self-destructive and very sexual. If you read the Daily Mail from those days, the big scandal was about nightclubs, everybody having cocaine from these blue bottles. Everybody was having sex with everybody else, there were threesomes, orgies People thought England was going to hell. Then it stopped, in about 1928. I suppose people recovered. During this hiatus of propriety, of rules, lives were ruined. A policemans main job, one of the tasks that took up his day, was collecting babies as he went on his foot patrol, babies that had been born and abandoned. Advertisement But fortunes were made as well, and we meet the Peaky Blinkers on the up, able to take on everything, from the most vicious police brutality to the rival gangs and the Black and Tans. Only a state of semi-anarchy could suit this family; and only this familys scramble for supremacy, brought so brilliantly alive, could animate this anarchic era that weve almost forgotten. | |
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