id (string)
stringlengths 1
| translation (translation)
stringlengths 40
200 | {"en": "Afghanistan boosts security for presidential election\n", "cs": "Afgh\u00e1nist\u00e1n zvy\u0161uje bezpe\u010dnostn\u00ed opat\u0159en\u00ed prov\u00e1zej\u00edc\u00ed prezidentsk\u00e9 volby\n"} |
201 | {"en": "A massive security operation is in place across Afghanistan for the country's presidential election on Saturday.\n", "cs": "V Afgh\u00e1nist\u00e1nu prob\u00edhaj\u00ed masivn\u00ed bezpe\u010dnostn\u00ed opat\u0159en\u00ed pro zaji\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed bezpe\u010dnosti p\u0159i sobotn\u00edch prezidentsk\u00fdch volb\u00e1ch.\n"} |
202 | {"en": "About 100,000 security personnel are to guard polling stations in the wake of Taliban threats.\n", "cs": "Zhruba 100 000 bezpe\u010dnostn\u00edch pracovn\u00edk\u016f bude hl\u00eddat volebn\u00ed m\u00edstnosti, aby se p\u0159ede\u0161lo hrozb\u011b ze strany Talibanu.\n"} |
203 | {"en": "The fear of reprisals means many voters - particularly in rural areas - will stay at home, while others say the voting system favours the powerful, not the poor.\n", "cs": "V d\u016fsledku obav z repres\u00ed mnoho voli\u010d\u016f \u2013 zejm\u00e9na ve venkovsk\u00fdch oblastech \u2013 z\u016fstane doma, dal\u0161\u00ed \u0159\u00edkaj\u00ed, \u017ee syst\u00e9m hlasov\u00e1n\u00ed zv\u00fdhod\u0148uje mocn\u00e9, a nikoliv chud\u00e9 obyvatelstvo.\n"} |
204 | {"en": "Royal news: How Princess Beatrice \"reacted with fury at hostile family members\"\n", "cs": "Zpr\u00e1vy z kr\u00e1lovsk\u00e9 rodiny: Jak princezna Beatrice \u201ezu\u0159iv\u011b reagovala na nep\u0159\u00e1telsk\u00e9 \u010dleny sv\u00e9 rodiny\u201c\n"} |
205 | {"en": "On Thursday, The Duke and Duchess of York announced that their eldest daughter, Princess Beatrice, is engaged to her boyfriend, the 34-year old property tycoon Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi. The Princess, who is ninth-in-line to the throne, will tie the knot with Mr Mapelli Mozzi next year. The couple said in a statement: \"We are both so excited to be embarking on this life adventure together.\n", "cs": "Ve \u010dtvrtek v\u00e9voda a v\u00e9vodkyn\u011b z Yorku ozn\u00e1mili, \u017ee jejich nejstar\u0161\u00ed dcera, princezna Beatrice, se zasnoubila se sv\u00fdm p\u0159\u00edtelem, 34let\u00fdm magn\u00e1tem Edoardem Mapelli Mozzim. Princezna, kter\u00e1 je v dev\u00e1t\u00e9 n\u00e1stupnick\u00e9 linii na tr\u016fn, se za pana Mapelli Mozziho provd\u00e1 p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u00ed rok. P\u00e1r uvedl ve sv\u00e9m prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed: \u201eOba jsme tak nad\u0161en\u00ed, \u017ee se spole\u010dn\u011b vyd\u00e1v\u00e1me na toto \u017eivotn\u00ed dobrodru\u017estv\u00ed.\n"} |
206 | {"en": "\"We share so many similar interests and values, and we know that this will stand us in great stead for the years ahead, full of love and happiness.\"\n", "cs": "\u201eM\u00e1me tolik podobn\u00fdch z\u00e1jm\u016f a hodnot a v\u00edme, \u017ee to n\u00e1s v nadch\u00e1zej\u00edc\u00edch letech bude dr\u017eet pohromad\u011b, a napl\u0148ovat l\u00e1skou a \u0161t\u011bst\u00edm.\u201c\n"} |
207 | {"en": "Princess Beatrice's parents, Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson, also shared their excitement.\n", "cs": "Rodi\u010de princezny Beatrice, princ Andrew a Sarah Fergusonov\u00e1, se tak\u00e9 pod\u011blili o sv\u00e9 pocity vzru\u0161en\u00ed.\n"} |
208 | {"en": "The Duchess of York wrote on Twitter: \" I know what a mother feels so I have tears of joy. I am so proud of this sensational news.\n", "cs": "V\u00e9vodkyn\u011b z Yorku napsala na Twitteru: \u201eV\u00edm, co c\u00edt\u00edm jako jej\u00ed matka, a m\u00e1m v o\u010d\u00edch slzy radosti. Jsem na tuto b\u00e1je\u010dnou zpr\u00e1vu velice hrd\u00e1.\n"} |
209 | {"en": "\"Andrew and I are just the luckiest people ever to have two great sons in law.\"\n", "cs": "\u201eAndrew a j\u00e1 jsme ti nej\u0161\u0165astn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed lid\u00e9, \u017ee m\u00e1me dva tak skv\u011bl\u00e9 zet\u011b.\u201c\n"} |
210 | {"en": "The royal wedding will be another occasion for the entire Royal Family to get together, and hopefully completely repair Fergie's relationship with the Duke of Edinburgh.\n", "cs": "Kr\u00e1lovsk\u00e1 svatba bude dal\u0161\u00ed p\u0159\u00edle\u017eitost\u00ed pro celou kr\u00e1lovskou rodinu, aby se spojila, a doufejme, \u017ee zcela urovn\u00e1 vztah Fergie s v\u00e9vodou z Edinburghu.\n"} |
211 | {"en": "Since Sarah was embroiled in one of the Royal Family's biggest ever scandals, her relationship with the rest of the members has been extremely difficult.\n", "cs": "Od t\u00e9 doby, co se Sarah zapletla do jednoho z nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00edch skand\u00e1l\u016f v kr\u00e1lovsk\u00e9 rodin\u011b, byly jej\u00ed vztahy s ostatn\u00edmi \u010dleny rodiny velmi slo\u017eit\u00e9.\n"} |
212 | {"en": "Five months after announcing she was separating from Prince Andrew in 1992, compromising photographs of her with her \"financial advisor\" were taken at her holiday villa in St Tropez.\n", "cs": "P\u011bt m\u011bs\u00edc\u016f pot\u00e9, co v roce 1992 ozn\u00e1mila, \u017ee s princem Andrewem \u017eij\u00ed odd\u011blen\u011b, byly v jej\u00ed rekrea\u010dn\u00ed vile v Saint Tropez po\u0159\u00edzeny kompromituj\u00edc\u00ed fotografie, na kter\u00fdch byla se sv\u00fdm \u201efinan\u010dn\u00edm poradcem\u201c.\n"} |
213 | {"en": "The snaps appeared to show Texan millionaire John Bryan kissing and sucking the Duchess\" toes and the arch of her foot, and Prince Philip in particular, is said to have had the strongest reaction to her daughter-in-law's scandalous antics.\n", "cs": "Podle sn\u00edmk\u016f to vypadalo, \u017ee texask\u00fd milion\u00e1\u0159 John Bryan l\u00edbal a cucal v\u00e9vodkyni \u201eprsty a klenbu jej\u00ed nohy, a zejm\u00e9na princ Filip pr\u00fd reagoval nejprud\u010deji na skand\u00e1ln\u00ed fra\u0161ku svoj\u00ed snachy.\n"} |
214 | {"en": "However, his behaviour was reportedly \"appalling\" towards the Duchess of York, and Princess Beatrice once claimed her mother was the victim of \"mean spirited actions to make her feel unwelcome.\"\n", "cs": "Nicm\u00e9n\u011b se m\u011bl v\u016f\u010di v\u00e9vodkyni z Yorku chovat \u201eot\u0159esn\u011b\u201c a princezna Beatrice jednou prohl\u00e1sila, \u017ee se jej\u00ed matka stala ob\u011bt\u00ed \u201euboh\u00fdch aktivn\u011b veden\u00fdch po\u010din\u016f, aby se c\u00edtila nev\u00edtan\u011b\u201c.\n"} |
215 | {"en": "JUST IN: Kate and William behind closed doors: Couple's shock habit exposed\n", "cs": "JUST IN: Kate a William za zav\u0159en\u00fdmi dve\u0159mi: Odhalen \u0161okuj\u00edc\u00ed zvyk p\u00e1ru\n"} |
216 | {"en": "The report noted that the Duchess\" spokesman was unable to comment on the claims, but a friend of Fergie was quoted as saying: \"It is no secret that Sarah's daughters are pretty fed up by the way their mother has been treated by some members of the Royal Family.\n", "cs": "Zpr\u00e1va uvedla, \u017ee mluv\u010d\u00ed v\u00e9vodkyn\u011b \u201enem\u016f\u017ee tato tvrzen\u00ed komentovat, ale byl citov\u00e1n v\u00fdrok p\u0159\u00edtele Fergie: \u201eNen\u00ed tajemstv\u00edm, \u017ee dcery Sarah jsou dost otr\u00e1ven\u00e9 t\u00edm, jak s jejich matkou zach\u00e1zeli n\u011bkte\u0159\u00ed p\u0159\u00edslu\u0161n\u00edci kr\u00e1lovsk\u00e9 rodiny.\n"} |
217 | {"en": "\"Some of the bills she has been sent have been pretty miserly.\n", "cs": "\u201eN\u011bkter\u00e9 \u00fa\u010dty, kter\u00e9 musela slo\u017eit, byly dost uboh\u00e9.\n"} |
218 | {"en": "\"They are constantly berating their father for allowing it to happen and Beatrice in particular has been imploring Prince Andrew to see that their mother is not treated as an outcast.\"\n", "cs": "\u201eNeust\u00e1le sp\u00edlaj\u00ed otci, \u017ee dovolil, aby k tomu doch\u00e1zelo, a zejm\u00e9na Beatrice zap\u0159\u00edsahala prince Andrewa, aby s jejich matkou nebylo zach\u00e1zeno jako s vyhnancem.\u201c\n"} |
219 | {"en": "Philip and Sarah were pictured for the first time together in 26 years at Princess Eugenie's wedding to Jack Brooksbank last October.\n", "cs": "Filip a Sarah se objevili na spole\u010dn\u00e9m sn\u00edmku poprv\u00e9 za posledn\u00edch 26 let na svatb\u011b princezny Eugenie s Jackem Brooksbankem vloni v \u0159\u00edjnu.\n"} |
220 | {"en": "The Next Big Labor Strike Hits Oregon\n", "cs": "Dal\u0161\u00ed velk\u00e1 st\u00e1vka zas\u00e1hne Oregon\n"} |
221 | {"en": "The state university workers\" most pressing complaints center on low wages and a lack of dignity at work. The pay disparities alone are shocking. About half of these workers earn less than $40,000 per year (and hundreds make less than $25,000). Meanwhile, university presidents\" annual salaries average out to $500,000 and four university athletics coaches are pulling down a cool $1 million. While school administrators enjoy six-figure salaries and overall administrative spending continues to bloat, one in six classified staffers qualify for food stamps.\n", "cs": "Zam\u011bstnanci st\u00e1tn\u00edch vysok\u00fdch \u0161kol si st\u011b\u017euj\u00ed nejv\u00edce na n\u00edzk\u00e9 mzdy a ned\u016fstojn\u00e9 zach\u00e1zen\u00ed na pracovi\u0161ti. Rozd\u00edly v syst\u00e9mu odm\u011b\u0148ov\u00e1n\u00ed jsou \u0161okuj\u00edc\u00ed. Zhruba polovina t\u011bchto zam\u011bstnanc\u016f vyd\u011bl\u00e1v\u00e1 m\u00e9n\u011b ne\u017e 40 000 dolar\u016f ro\u010dn\u011b (a stovky vyd\u011bl\u00e1vaj\u00ed m\u00e9n\u011b ne\u017e 25 000 dolar\u016f). Oproti tomu pr\u016fm\u011brn\u00fd ro\u010dn\u00ed plat vedouc\u00edch univerzitn\u00edch p\u0159edstavitel\u016f \u010din\u00ed asi 500 000 dolar\u016f a \u010dty\u0159i univerzitn\u00ed tren\u00e9\u0159i atletiky pob\u00edraj\u00ed neuv\u011b\u0159iteln\u00fd 1 milion dolar\u016f. Zat\u00edmco \u0161koln\u00ed administr\u00e1to\u0159i pob\u00edraj\u00ed platy v \u0161estim\u00edstn\u00fdch cifr\u00e1ch a celkov\u00e9 v\u00fddaje na jejich platy st\u00e1le rostou, pouze jeden ze \u0161esti zam\u011bstnanc\u016f, kte\u0159\u00ed jsou za\u0159azeni do platov\u00fdch tabulek, m\u00e1 n\u00e1rok na stravenky.\n"} |
222 | {"en": "As Alejandro Segurra, another IT worker at Portland State University, said, \"I'm willing to go on strike because I don't think it's fair that people are paid wages that don't allow them to live in the city that they serve.\" Portland State library worker Theresa Stapleburg was even more direct: \"I want to strike because I've been here 24 years, and I need a raise - a living wage.\"\n", "cs": "Jak \u0159ekl Alejandro Segurra, pracovn\u00edk v oblasti IT na Portlandsk\u00e9 st\u00e1tn\u00ed univerzit\u011b, \u201eJsem ochotn\u00fd j\u00edt do st\u00e1vky, proto\u017ee si nemysl\u00edm, \u017ee je spravedliv\u00e9, aby lid\u00e9 dost\u00e1vali platy, kter\u00e9 jim neumo\u017e\u0148uj\u00ed bydlet ve m\u011bst\u011b, kde pracuj\u00ed...\u201c Pracovnice st\u00e1tn\u00ed knihovny v Portlandu Theresa Stapleburgov\u00e1 byla je\u0161t\u011b p\u0159\u00edm\u011bj\u0161\u00ed: \u201eChci st\u00e1vkovat, proto\u017ee tady pracuji 24 let, a pot\u0159ebuji p\u0159idat \u2013 mzdu na \u017eivobyt\u00ed.\u201c\n"} |
223 | {"en": "As inflation climbs and the cost of living in Oregon soars, these workers are being left to flounder, and management has shown little sympathy for their plight. Contract negotiations that began in February broke down in mid-August. At that point, the bosses had laid out some particularly egregious proposals - a paltry cost-of-living increase, a denial of seniority demands from long-term university workers, and a price hike for staff meals - that workers saw as disrespectful, and even cruel. \"There is an unwritten class system at the universities,\" Fulmer said. \"And we are at the bottom of it.\"\n", "cs": "Jak roste inflace a zvy\u0161uj\u00ed se \u017eivotn\u00ed n\u00e1klady v Oregonu, tito pracovn\u00edci jsou ponech\u00e1ni v probl\u00e9mech a veden\u00ed prokazuje jen m\u00e1lo soucitu s jejich \u017eivotn\u00ed situac\u00ed. Jedn\u00e1n\u00ed, kter\u00e1 za\u010dala v \u00fanoru, skon\u010dila ne\u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u011b v polovin\u011b srpna. P\u0159i tomto jedn\u00e1n\u00ed m\u011bli vedouc\u00ed univerzitn\u00ed \u010dinitel\u00e9 n\u011bkolik z\u00e1sadn\u00edch protin\u00e1vrh\u016f \u2013 mal\u00fd n\u00e1r\u016fst \u017eivotn\u00edch n\u00e1klad\u016f, odm\u00edtnut\u00ed po\u017eadavku na hodnostn\u00ed za\u0159azen\u00ed dlouhodob\u00fdch univerzitn\u00edch zam\u011bstnanc\u016f a zvy\u0161uj\u00edc\u00ed se n\u00e1klady na stravov\u00e1n\u00ed zam\u011bstnanc\u016f \u2013 kter\u00e9 zam\u011bstnanci pova\u017eovali za neuctiv\u00e9 a\u017e krut\u00e9. \u201eNa univerzit\u00e1ch existuje nepsan\u00fd t\u0159\u00eddn\u00ed syst\u00e9m,\u201c \u0159ekl Fulmer. \u201eA my jsme a\u017e vespod.\u201c\n"} |
224 | {"en": "\"Education workers have been under attack for decades,\" he continued. \"We are finally standing up and fighting back. It's one thing to see classism and the squeezing of the middle class in the corporate world as executives see their relatively obscene pay continue to go up at rates above inflation. But for the same thing to be happening in education is not something workers will continue to tolerate.\"\n", "cs": "\u201ePracovn\u00edci v oblasti vzd\u011bl\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed jsou ji\u017e cel\u00e1 desetilet\u00ed napad\u00e1ni,\u201c pokra\u010doval. \u201eKone\u010dn\u011b jsme se vzep\u0159eli a vzdorujeme. Je jedna v\u011bc vid\u011bt t\u0159\u00edd\u011bn\u00ed spole\u010dnosti a \u00fatisk st\u0159edn\u00ed t\u0159\u00eddy ve sv\u011bt\u011b podnik\u00e1n\u00ed, proto\u017ee management vid\u00ed, \u017ee jejich relativn\u011b nemravn\u00e9 platy st\u00e1le rostou k hodnot\u00e1m nad inflac\u00ed. Ale pokud se tot\u00e9\u017e bude d\u00edt i v oblasti \u0161kolstv\u00ed a vzd\u011bl\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed, tak to zam\u011bstnanci nebudou nad\u00e1le tolerovat.\u201c\n"} |
225 | {"en": "And Oregon's state university workers aren't the only ones taking action. Oregon is a powder keg of militancy right now, and its fuse is now burning bright and hot. Grocery store workers at the Fred Meyer supermarket chain are ramping up their campaign against their employer, and while there are no official plans to strike yet, tensions are running high; their union, United Food and Commercial Workers Local 555, has already called for a boycott, and filed an unfair labor practice report against the chain.\n", "cs": "A zam\u011bstnanci Oregonsk\u00e9 st\u00e1tn\u00ed univerzity nejsou jedin\u00ed, kdo za\u010dal jednat. Oregon je v t\u00e9to chv\u00edli sud se st\u0159eln\u00fdm prachem, jeho\u017e knot viditeln\u011b ho\u0159\u00ed. Zam\u011bstnanci v obchodn\u00edm \u0159et\u011bzci s potravinami Fred Meyer zesiluj\u00ed kampa\u0148 proti zam\u011bstnavateli, a p\u0159esto\u017ee zat\u00edm neexistuj\u00ed \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 ofici\u00e1ln\u00ed pl\u00e1ny n\u011bjak\u00e9 st\u00e1vky, nap\u011bt\u00ed st\u00e1le nar\u016fst\u00e1; jejich odborov\u00e1 organizace United Food and Commercial Workers Local 555 ji\u017e vyzvala k bojkotu a proti \u0159et\u011bzci p\u0159edlo\u017eila zpr\u00e1vu o nekal\u00fdch pracovn\u00edch praktik\u00e1ch.\n"} |
226 | {"en": "In the healthcare sector, the 4,500 members of the Service Employees International Union Local 49 workers at Kaiser Permanente authorized a strike (with a 98 percent approval rate) if a deal isn't reached before their existing contract expires in October - which was only narrowly avoided with a new tentative agreement. Elsewhere in the industry, the Oregon Nurses Association, which represents more than 120 nurses at Astoria Hospital, has been deadlocked in contract negotiations with the hospital administration; their last contract expired in May, and the clock is ticking.\n", "cs": "V sektoru zdravotnictv\u00ed povolilo st\u00e1vku (s 98% hlas\u016f) 4 500 \u010dlen\u016f m\u00edstn\u00ed mezin\u00e1rodn\u00ed zam\u011bstnaneck\u00e9 odborov\u00e9 organizace Local 49 v Kaiser Permanente, pokud v \u0159\u00edjnu nedojde k dohod\u011b p\u0159ed vypr\u0161en\u00edm platnosti st\u00e1vaj\u00edc\u00ed smlouvy \u2013 co\u017e je t\u011bsn\u011b p\u0159ed novou p\u0159edb\u011b\u017enou dohodou. Organizace Oregon Nurses Association, kter\u00e1 zastupuje v\u00edce ne\u017e 120 zdravotn\u00edch sester v nemocnici Astoria, p\u0159i jedn\u00e1n\u00edch s veden\u00edm o nov\u00e9 smlouv\u011b v\u017edy uv\u00edzla na mrtv\u00e9m bod\u011b; jejich posledn\u00ed smlouva vypr\u0161ela v kv\u011btnu a \u010das b\u011b\u017e\u00ed.\n"} |
227 | {"en": "\"Oregon has a really strong labor movement that is really building from the ground up,\" Burley explains. \"This is a part of the national wave of labor growth. People are seeing a precarious economy where real wages are falling and the solution is collective action in the workplace.\"\n", "cs": "\u201eV Oregonu je opravdu siln\u00e9 d\u011blnick\u00e9 hnut\u00ed, kter\u00e9 v\u0161e buduje od z\u00e1klad\u016f,\u201c vysv\u011btlil Burley. \u201eJe sou\u010d\u00e1st\u00ed n\u00e1rodn\u00ed vlny r\u016fstu pr\u00e1ce. Lid\u00e9 vid\u00ed nejistou ekonomickou situaci, ve kter\u00e9 re\u00e1ln\u00e9 mzdy klesaj\u00ed, a \u0159e\u0161en\u00edm je kolektivn\u00ed jedn\u00e1n\u00ed zam\u011bstnanc\u016f.\u201c\n"} |
228 | {"en": "It's unclear just how deeply such collective action may take root this fall, but it certainly would be fitting if the general strike returned to the Northwest in 2019. And from there we can only hope that its spirit will spread even further, into the heart of Midwestern farming, Southern manufacturing, Texan oil fields, Appalachian coal mines, Northeastern construction, the Silicon Valley tech giants, and everywhere in between. Lord knows that something's gotta give.\n", "cs": "Nen\u00ed jasn\u00e9, v jak\u00e9 m\u00ed\u0159e mohou takov\u00e1 kolektivn\u00ed jedn\u00e1n\u00ed zako\u0159enit na podzim v tomto roce, ale ur\u010dit\u011b by bylo dobr\u00e9, kdyby se v roce 2019 na severoz\u00e1pad\u011b znovu uskute\u010dnila gener\u00e1ln\u00ed st\u00e1vka. A pak m\u016f\u017eeme jen doufat, \u017ee se z\u00e1pal roz\u0161\u00ed\u0159\u00ed je\u0161t\u011b d\u00e1le, do centra zem\u011bd\u011blsk\u00e9 v\u00fdroby na st\u0159edoz\u00e1pad\u011b, do pr\u016fmyslov\u00fdch tov\u00e1ren na jihu, ropn\u00fdch pol\u00ed v Texasu, apala\u010dsk\u00fdch uheln\u00fdch dol\u016f, koncernu Northeastern construction, technick\u00fdch gigant\u016f v Silicon Valley a je\u0161t\u011b d\u00e1l. B\u016fh v\u00ed, \u017ee se n\u011bco mus\u00ed st\u00e1t.\n"} |
229 | {"en": "Civility in Politics: New awards scheme set up to counter Westminster division and recognise politicians who show courtesy\n", "cs": "Zdvo\u0159ilost v politice: Nov\u00fd syst\u00e9m ud\u00edlen\u00ed cen vytvo\u0159en\u00fd s c\u00edlem zabr\u00e1nit rozd\u011blov\u00e1n\u00ed Westminsteru a ocenit politiky, kte\u0159\u00ed jsou zdvo\u0159il\u00ed\n"} |
230 | {"en": "A new awards scheme has been set up to recognise politicians who show courtesy in their work.\n", "cs": "Byl vytvo\u0159en nov\u00fd syst\u00e9m ud\u00edlen\u00ed cen oce\u0148uj\u00edc\u00ed politiky, kte\u0159\u00ed p\u0159i sv\u00e9 pr\u00e1ci projevuj\u00ed zdvo\u0159ilost.\n"} |
231 | {"en": "It comes after a divisive week in Westminster following the return of Parliament.\n", "cs": "Novinka p\u0159i\u0161la po t\u00fddnu pln\u00e9m spor\u016f ve Westminsteru po obnoven\u00e9m zased\u00e1n\u00ed parlamentu.\n"} |
232 | {"en": "It was marked by threats against MPs and outrage over the language used by the likes of Prime Minister Boris Johnson.\n", "cs": "Byl poznamen\u00e1n pohr\u016f\u017ekami proti poslanc\u016fm a rozho\u0159\u010den\u00edm nad zp\u016fsobem projevu pou\u017e\u00edvan\u00fdm premi\u00e9rem Borisem Johnsonem.\n"} |
233 | {"en": "To counter the division, the \"Civility in Politics\" awards were announced on Friday, with the politician of the year to be awarded \u00a33,000 to give to charity.\n", "cs": "V p\u00e1tek byla vyhl\u00e1\u0161ena ocen\u011bn\u00ed \u201eZdvo\u0159ilost v politice\u201c, v jej\u00edm\u017e r\u00e1mci byla politikovi roku ud\u011blena \u010d\u00e1stka ve v\u00fd\u0161i 3 000 liber jako p\u0159\u00edsp\u011bvek na charitu.\n"} |
234 | {"en": "Boris Johnson has been criticised for the tone of language he has used in the Commons chamber\n", "cs": "Boris Johnson byl kritizov\u00e1n za zp\u016fsob projevu, kter\u00fd pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1 v parlamentu.\n"} |
235 | {"en": "Lord Stewart, announcing the awards, said: \"Everyone agrees that politics in the UK is facing a crisis of trust and a crisis of civility.\n", "cs": "Lord Stewart, kter\u00fd ceny vyhla\u0161oval, \u0159ekl: \u201eKa\u017ed\u00fd souhlas\u00ed s t\u00edm, \u017ee politika ve Velk\u00e9 Brit\u00e1nii \u010del\u00ed krizi d\u016fv\u011bry a zdvo\u0159ilosti.\n"} |
236 | {"en": "\"As divisions and bitterness mount in the continuing debates around Brexit, we strongly believe that politics has to respond not by mirroring these trends, but by bucking them.\n", "cs": "\u201eVzhledem k tomu, \u017ee v pokra\u010duj\u00edc\u00edch debat\u00e1ch o Brexitu se zvy\u0161uje rozd\u011blen\u00ed politick\u00e9 sc\u00e9ny a ho\u0159kost, jsme pevn\u011b p\u0159esv\u011bd\u010deni, \u017ee politika mus\u00ed reagovat nikoli zrcadlen\u00edm tohoto trendu, ale sna\u017eit se mu vyhnout.\n"} |
237 | {"en": "\"These awards are a small attempt by a group of people in public life - of different and no political persuasions - to shine a spotlight on politicians who argue their case with decency and civility, and are able to engage and work with people across the divides that affect us all.\"\n", "cs": "\u201eTato ocen\u011bn\u00ed jsou mal\u00fdm \u00fasil\u00edm skupiny lid\u00ed ve ve\u0159ejn\u00e9m \u017eivot\u011b \u2013 r\u016fzn\u00e9ho nebo \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9ho politick\u00e9ho p\u0159esv\u011bd\u010dov\u00e1n\u00ed \u2013 v\u011bnovat pozornost politik\u016fm, kte\u0159\u00ed argumentuj\u00ed slu\u0161n\u011b a zdvo\u0159ile a jsou schopni zapojit se a pracovat s lidmi s rozd\u00edln\u00fdmi n\u00e1zory, kter\u00e9 maj\u00ed vliv na ka\u017ed\u00e9ho z n\u00e1s.\u201c\n"} |
238 | {"en": "Nominations will open on Saturday, with an award ceremony in March next year.\n", "cs": "Nominace budou zve\u0159ejn\u011bny v sobotu a slavnostn\u00ed p\u0159ed\u00e1n\u00ed cen prob\u011bhne v b\u0159eznu p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u00edho roku.\n"} |
239 | {"en": "In an exclusive interview with the Standard, former Cabinet minister Amber Rudd today accused Mr Johnson of deploying aggressive language that \"does incite violence.\"\n", "cs": "V exkluzivn\u00edm rozhovoru s novinami Standard obvinil b\u00fdval\u00fd \u010dlen kabinetu Amber Rudd Johnsona z pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n\u00ed agresivn\u00edho projevu, kter\u00fd \u201epodn\u011bcuje n\u00e1sil\u00ed\u201c.\n"} |
240 | {"en": "Mr Johnson, for his part, said he \"deplores\" threats made against MPs.\n", "cs": "Johnson prohl\u00e1sil, \u017ee \u201elituje\u201c pohr\u016f\u017eek v\u016f\u010di poslanc\u016fm.\n"} |
241 | {"en": "Jess Phillips 'frightened' after receiving 'be afraid' death threats\n", "cs": "Jess Phillipsov\u00e1 se \u201evyd\u011bsila\u201c pot\u00e9, co obdr\u017eela v\u00fdhr\u016f\u017eky n\u00e1siln\u00e9 smrti.\n"} |
242 | {"en": "On Thursday, Labour MP Jess Phillips - another one of those to have criticised Mr Johnson - said a man was arrested after trying to \"kick the door\" of her constituency office while reportedly shouting that she was a \"fascist.\"\n", "cs": "Ve \u010dtvrtek labouristick\u00e1 poslankyn\u011b Jess Phillipsov\u00e1, dal\u0161\u00ed z t\u011bch, kte\u0159\u00ed kritizuj\u00ed Johnsona, uvedla, \u017ee jist\u00fd mu\u017e byl zat\u010den pot\u00e9, co se pokusil \u201erozkopnout dve\u0159e\u201c jej\u00ed volebn\u00ed kancel\u00e1\u0159e, a \u00fadajn\u011b k\u0159i\u010del, \u017ee je \u201efa\u0161istka\u201c.\n"} |
243 | {"en": "Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson, meanwhile, was speaking to police following threats made to one of her young children.\n", "cs": "P\u0159edsedkyn\u011b liber\u00e1ln\u00edch demokrat\u016f Jo Swinsonov\u00e1 mezit\u00edm hovo\u0159ila s polici\u00ed, kdy\u017e bylo vyhro\u017eov\u00e1no jednomu z jej\u00edch mal\u00fdch d\u011bt\u00ed.\n"} |
244 | {"en": "And in a viral Twitter thread, Ellie Cooper, the daughter of senior Labour MP Yvette Cooper, described her fears for her mother in the wake of Ms Cox's murder . She accused Mr Johnson of \"using language that helps incite violence toward MPs.\"\n", "cs": "A Ellie Cooperov\u00e1, dcera labouristick\u00e9 poslankyn\u011b Yvette Cooperov\u00e9, se na Twitteru rozepsala o sv\u00fdch obav\u00e1ch o matku v d\u016fsledku vra\u017edy Coxov\u00e9. Obvinila Johnsona z \u201epou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n\u00ed projevu, kter\u00fd pom\u00e1h\u00e1 podn\u011bcovat n\u00e1sil\u00ed v\u016f\u010di poslanc\u016fm\u201c.\n"} |
245 | {"en": "Setting the example? Income inequality in the US is at an all-time high\n", "cs": "Stanoven\u00ed p\u0159\u00edkladu? Nerovnost v p\u0159\u00edjmech je v USA na historicky nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ed \u00farovni\n"} |
246 | {"en": "Last year the income gap between richest and poorest people in the US stood at its highest level since 1967, the first year the Census Bureau started tracking it. DC and New York are among places where the differences are worst.\n", "cs": "V lo\u0148sk\u00e9m roce byla mezera v p\u0159\u00edjmech mezi nejbohat\u0161\u00edmi a nejchud\u0161\u00edmi lidmi v USA na nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ed \u00farovni od roku 1967, co\u017e byl prvn\u00ed rok, kdy ji za\u010dala vl\u00e1dn\u00ed agentura pro s\u010d\u00edt\u00e1n\u00ed lidu Census Bureau sledovat. DC a New York pat\u0159\u00ed mezi m\u00edsta, kde jsou rozd\u00edly nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ed.\n"} |
247 | {"en": "The US may be the world's wealthiest nation, but it is also one where the super-rich thrive no matter what while the desperately poor often rely on GoFundMe to pay their medical bills. The economic inequality affects both wealth and incomes, with the latter being at an all-time high.\n", "cs": "USA jsou mo\u017en\u00e1 nejbohat\u0161\u00edm n\u00e1rodem na sv\u011bt\u011b, ale je to tak\u00e9 zem\u011b, kde se superbohat\u00fdm lidem v\u017edycky da\u0159\u00ed, zat\u00edmco velmi chud\u00ed lid\u00e9 \u010dasto spol\u00e9haj\u00ed na GoFundMe, aby zaplatili sv\u00e9 \u00fa\u010dty za l\u00e9ka\u0159e. Hospod\u00e1\u0159sk\u00e1 nerovnost ovliv\u0148uje jak bohatstv\u00ed, tak i p\u0159\u00edjmy, p\u0159i\u010dem\u017e oboje je na historicky nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ed \u00farovni.\n"} |
248 | {"en": "One way to measure income inequality is the Gini index. It measures between 0, a score for absolute equality and 1, which stands for a hypothetical situation in which a single household gets all income in a nation. The Census Bureau has been tracking the index for over 50 years. In 1967 it stood at 0.397 but, in 2018, it rose to 0.485, the highest figure on the record.\n", "cs": "Jedn\u00edm ze zp\u016fsob\u016f, jak m\u011b\u0159it nerovnost v p\u0159\u00edjmech, je Giniho index. M\u011b\u0159\u00ed se mezi hodnotami 0, co\u017e je sk\u00f3re absolutn\u00ed rovnosti, a 1, kter\u00e1 znamen\u00e1 hypotetickou situaci, kdy jedna dom\u00e1cnost z\u00edsk\u00e1 ve\u0161ker\u00fd p\u0159\u00edjem v zemi. \u00da\u0159ad pro s\u010d\u00edt\u00e1n\u00ed lidu sleduje tento index v\u00edce ne\u017e 50 let. V roce 1967 byl na hodnot\u011b 0,397, ale v roce 2018 vzrostl na 0,485, co\u017e je nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ed \u010d\u00edslo ve sledov\u00e1n\u00ed.\n"} |
249 | {"en": "There are nations with worse income inequalities, including some with reasonably strong economies. For example, the World Bank estimates that South Africa's Gini index stood at 0.63 in 2014 while Brazil's was 0.53 in 2017. By comparison, all EU countries have a Gini index below 0.4.\n", "cs": "Jsou n\u00e1rody s je\u0161t\u011b hor\u0161\u00ed p\u0159\u00edjmovou nerovnost\u00ed, v\u010detn\u011b n\u011bkter\u00fdch zem\u00ed s p\u0159im\u011b\u0159en\u011b siln\u00fdmi ekonomikami. Sv\u011btov\u00e1 banka nap\u0159\u00edklad odhaduje, \u017ee index Gini v Jihoafrick\u00e9 republice v roce 2014 \u010dinil 0,63, zat\u00edmco v Braz\u00edlii m\u011bl v roce 2017 hodnotu 0,53. Pro srovn\u00e1n\u00ed, v\u0161echny zem\u011b EU maj\u00ed index Gini pod hodnotou 0,4.\n"} |
250 | {"en": "The new data shows that income inequality is most acute in places where wealth is concentrated, including DC, New York and Connecticut, as well as in poverty-ridden areas like Puerto Rico and Louisiana. Utah, Alaska, Iowa, North Dakota and South Dakota had the most economic equality.\n", "cs": "Nov\u00e1 data ukazuj\u00ed, \u017ee nerovnost v p\u0159\u00edjmech je nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ed na m\u00edstech, kde je koncentrov\u00e1no bohatstv\u00ed, v\u010detn\u011b DC, New Yorku a Connecticutu, a tak\u00e9 v oblastech s vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed chudobou, jako jsou Portoriko a Louisiana. Utah, Alja\u0161ka, Iowa, Severn\u00ed Dakota a Ji\u017en\u00ed Dakota byly na stejn\u00e9 ekonomick\u00e9 \u00farovni.\n"} |
251 | {"en": "The census also showed a stagnating growth of median household income, which grew to over $62,000. It's the highest level ever measured by the American Community Survey, but the increase was just 0.8 from 2017 to 2018, much smaller compared to increases in the previous three years and amounting to virtually no growth at all if adjusted to inflation.\n", "cs": "S\u010d\u00edt\u00e1n\u00ed lidu tak\u00e9 uk\u00e1zalo stagnuj\u00edc\u00ed r\u016fst pr\u016fm\u011brn\u00e9ho p\u0159\u00edjmu dom\u00e1cnost\u00ed, kter\u00fd vzrostl na v\u00edce ne\u017e 62 000 dolar\u016f. Je to nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ed \u00farove\u0148, jak\u00e1 byla kdy m\u011b\u0159ena v pr\u016fzkumu americk\u00fdch komunit, ale n\u00e1r\u016fst byl jen na hodnotu 0,8 mezi lety 2017 a 2018, co\u017e je mnohem m\u00e9n\u011b ve srovn\u00e1n\u00ed s n\u00e1r\u016fstem v p\u0159edchoz\u00edch t\u0159ech letech a ani po p\u0159izp\u016fsoben\u00ed se inflaci nedo\u0161lo prakticky k \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9mu r\u016fstu.\n"} |
252 | {"en": "The new statistics will likely put some wind into the sails of progressive Democratic contenders for the party nomination for next year's presidential election, who call for leaning on the super-wealthy individuals and on big corporations to pay more taxes.\n", "cs": "Nov\u00e9 statistiky pravd\u011bpodobn\u011b v\u017eenou v\u00edtr do plachet pokrokov\u00fdm demokratick\u00fdm uchaze\u010d\u016fm o nominov\u00e1n\u00ed strany na prezidentsk\u00e9 volby v p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u00edm roce, kte\u0159\u00ed po\u017eaduj\u00ed podporu superbohat\u00fdch jednotlivc\u016f a o velk\u00fdch korporac\u00ed, aby zaplatili v\u00edce dan\u00ed.\n"} |
253 | {"en": "It may also undermine the rationale behind the current administration's corporate tax breaks, which were passed through Congress in 2017. The goal was to convince multinationals to bring back manufacturing jobs as money trickles down to the middle and poor classes. In practice, it seems, it led to extra bonuses for executives and the rest of the country largely missing out on the benefits a growing economy and record low unemployment. Well, someone needs to pay for all those private jet trips.\n", "cs": "Rovn\u011b\u017e by mohlo doj\u00edt ke zpochybn\u011bn\u00ed sou\u010dasn\u00fdch administrativn\u00edch p\u0159est\u00e1vek v dan\u00edch z p\u0159\u00edjmu pr\u00e1vnick\u00fdch osob, kter\u00e9 byly odsouhlaseny Kongresem v roce 2017. C\u00edlem bylo p\u0159esv\u011bd\u010dit nadn\u00e1rodn\u00ed spole\u010dnosti, aby znovu zav\u00e1d\u011bly pr\u00e1ci ve v\u00fdrob\u011b, proto\u017ee tyto pen\u00edze plynou mezi st\u0159edn\u00ed a chudou t\u0159\u00eddu. Zd\u00e1 se, \u017ee v praxi to vedlo k dal\u0161\u00edm bonus\u016fm pro vedouc\u00ed pracovn\u00edky, zat\u00edmco zbytek zem\u011b z velk\u00e9 \u010d\u00e1sti p\u0159ich\u00e1zel o v\u00fdhody z rostouc\u00ed ekonomiky a rekordn\u011b n\u00edzk\u00e9 nezam\u011bstnanosti. Ano, n\u011bkdo mus\u00ed zaplatit v\u0161echny ty soukrom\u00e9 v\u00fdlety v letadle.\n"} |
254 | {"en": "North Carolina man wins five times in the same lottery drawing\n", "cs": "Mu\u017e ze Severn\u00ed Karol\u00edny vyhr\u00e1l p\u011btkr\u00e1t ve stejn\u00e9m slosov\u00e1n\u00ed\n"} |
255 | {"en": "A North Carolina man won five times in the same lottery drawing, including a $163,634 jackpot.\n", "cs": "Mu\u017e ze Severn\u00ed Karol\u00edny vyhr\u00e1l p\u011btkr\u00e1t ve stejn\u00e9m slosov\u00e1n\u00ed, v\u010detn\u011b jackpotu 163 634 dolar\u016f.\n"} |
256 | {"en": "Add Lancaster of Pikeville told North Carolina Education Lottery officials he used five sets of his own numbers to buy a Cash 5 ticket with five plays for Monday night's drawing when he stopped at Wissam & Brothers Inc. in Pikeville.\n", "cs": "Add Lancaster z Pikeville \u0159ekl zam\u011bstnanc\u016fm North Carolina Education Lottery, \u017ee pou\u017eil p\u011bt sad sv\u00fdch vlastn\u00edch \u010d\u00edsel a koupil si tiket Cash 5 s p\u011bti tahy na slosov\u00e1n\u00ed v pond\u011bl\u00ed ve\u010der, kdy\u017e se zastavil u Wissam & Brothers Inc. v Pikeville.\n"} |
257 | {"en": "\"My wife writes down the numbers for me during the drawing,\" Lancaster said. \"When she handed me the paper, so I could check my ticket, I couldn't believe it. One of my lines matched five numbers and the other ones matched four numbers. I started shouting, 'I got it! I got it! I hit the lottery!'\"\n", "cs": "\u201eMoje \u017eena b\u011bhem slosov\u00e1n\u00ed zapisuje \u010d\u00edsla,\u201c \u0159ekl Lancaster. \u201eKdy\u017e mi podala noviny, abych si mohl zkontrolovat tiket, nemohl jsem tomu uv\u011b\u0159it. Jedna z m\u00fdch \u010d\u00edseln\u00fdch sad se shodovala s p\u011bti \u010d\u00edsly a ostatn\u00ed se shodovaly se \u010dty\u0159mi \u010d\u00edsly. Za\u010dal jsem k\u0159i\u010det: \u201eM\u00e1m to! M\u00e1m to! Vyhr\u00e1l jsem loterii!\u201c\u201c\n"} |
258 | {"en": "Lancaster's line that matched all five numbers earned him the $163,634 jackpot, while the lines that matched four numbers each won $250.\n", "cs": "Lancasterova sada, kter\u00e1 se shodovala se v\u0161emi p\u011bti \u010d\u00edsly, mu vyd\u011blala jackpot 163 634 dolar\u016f, zat\u00edmco sady, kter\u00e9 se shodovaly se \u010dty\u0159mi \u010d\u00edsly, mu vyhr\u00e1ly 250 dolar\u016f.\n"} |
259 | {"en": "The winner said he plans to use the money to pay his bills and make some home repairs.\n", "cs": "V\u00fdherce \u0159ekl, \u017ee chce pen\u00edze pou\u017e\u00edt na \u00fahradu sv\u00fdch \u00fa\u010dt\u016f a na opravy domu.\n"} |
260 | {"en": "Khloe Kardashian's cheating ex Tristan Thompson leaves ANOTHER desperate comment on her Instagram pic after rumours he wants her back\n", "cs": "B\u00fdval\u00fd partner Khlo\u00e9 Kardashianov\u00e9 Tristan Thompson, kter\u00fd ji podv\u00e1d\u011bl, zanechal DAL\u0160\u00cd zoufal\u00fd koment\u00e1\u0159 na jej\u00edm Instagramu po zv\u011bstech, \u017ee se k n\u00ed chce vr\u00e1tit\n"} |
261 | {"en": "KHLOE Kardashian's cheating ex Tristan Thompson has left ANOTHER desperate comment on her Instagram page following rumours that he wants her back.\n", "cs": "Tristan Thompson, b\u00fdval\u00fd partner KHLO\u00c9 Kardashianov\u00e9, kter\u00fd ji podv\u00e1d\u011bl, zanechal DAL\u0160\u00cd zoufal\u00fd koment\u00e1\u0159 na jej\u00ed instagramov\u00e9 str\u00e1nce po zv\u011bstech, \u017ee se k n\u00ed chce vr\u00e1tit.\n"} |
262 | {"en": "The 35-year-old star dumped the NBA player for good earlier this year after he was accused of cheating on her with family friend Jordyn Woods - having previously cheated when she was nine months pregnant with their daughter, True.\n", "cs": "35tilet\u00e1 hv\u011bzda vyhodila hr\u00e1\u010de NBA na za\u010d\u00e1tku leto\u0161n\u00edho roku potom, co ho obvinila, \u017ee ji podv\u00e1d\u011bl s rodinnou p\u0159\u00edtelkyn\u00ed Jordyn Woodsovou.\n"} |
263 | {"en": "Tristan was spotted leaving another gushing compliment on Khloe's Instagram page\n", "cs": "Tristan pak Khlo\u00e9 zanechal dal\u0161\u00ed vrouc\u00ed kompliment na jej\u00ed str\u00e1nce na Instagramu.\n"} |
264 | {"en": "However, 28-year-old Tristan is refusing to give up without a fight - leaving a cringeworthy compliment on his ex's latest selfie.\n", "cs": "28tilet\u00fd Tristan se v\u0161ak odm\u00edtl vzd\u00e1t bez boje \u2013 a p\u0159idal trapn\u00fd kompliment k jej\u00edmu nejnov\u011bj\u0161\u00edmu selfie sn\u00edmku.\n"} |
265 | {"en": "In the blurred snap, Khloe is stood in front of the rising sun, with the mum-of-one captioning the pic: \"May you have the courage to explore every dream you dream.\"\n", "cs": "Na rozmazan\u00e9m sn\u00edmku stoj\u00ed Khlo\u00e9 p\u0159ed vych\u00e1zej\u00edc\u00edm sluncem a sn\u00edmek nese titulek: \u201eK\u00e9\u017e bys m\u011bl odvahu prozkoumat ka\u017ed\u00fd sen, o kter\u00e9m se ti zd\u00e1.\u201c\n"} |
266 | {"en": "Publicly commenting, Tristan wrote: \"The sun is shining bright on a beautiful [diamond emoji].\"\n", "cs": "Tristan fotku ve\u0159ejn\u011b okomentoval: \u201eSlunce sv\u00edt\u00ed jasn\u011b na kr\u00e1su [smajl\u00edk v podob\u011b diamantu].\u201c\n"} |
267 | {"en": "Fans were outraged by the remark, with one replying: \"Yeah, a diamond that you DROPPED.\"\n", "cs": "Fanou\u0161ci byli touto pozn\u00e1mkou pobou\u0159eni a jeden odpov\u011bd\u011bl: \u201eJo, diamant, kter\u00fd jsi ztratil.\u201c\n"} |
268 | {"en": "Tristan cheated on Khloe when she was nine months pregnant\n", "cs": "Tristan podv\u00e1d\u011bla Khlo\u00e9, kdy\u017e byla v dev\u00e1t\u00e9m m\u011bs\u00edci t\u011bhotenstv\u00ed.\n"} |
269 | {"en": "Another advised: \"Just get off Instagram.\"\n", "cs": "Dal\u0161\u00ed mu doporu\u010dil: \u201eVypadni z Instagramu.\u201c\n"} |
270 | {"en": "A third wrote: \"Don't fall for it Khloe.\"\n", "cs": "T\u0159et\u00ed napsal: \u201eNenech se t\u00edm ovlivnit, Khlo\u00e9.\u201c\n"} |
271 | {"en": "It comes just days after Tristan wrote: \"Perfection\" alongside the heart eye emojis underneath one of the reality stars other photos, which saw her modelling for Guess Jeans.\n", "cs": "Do\u0161lo k tomu jen n\u011bkolik dn\u00ed pot\u00e9, co Tristan napsal: \u201eDokonalost\u201c vedle zamilovan\u00fdch smajl\u00edk\u016f pod jin\u00e9 fotografie hv\u011bzdy, na kter\u00fdch p\u00f3zovala pro Guess Jeans.\n"} |
272 | {"en": "Earlier this month, The Sun revealed that Tristan bought Khloe a \u00a3400,000 Porsche in a bid to win her back - on the advice of Drake.\n", "cs": "Za\u010d\u00e1tkem tohoto m\u011bs\u00edce \u010dasopis The Sun odhalil, \u017ee Tristan koupil Khlo\u00e9 Porsche v hodnot\u011b 400 000 liber ve snaze z\u00edskat ji zp\u011bt \u2013 na radu rappera Drakea.\n"} |
273 | {"en": "He was then accused of cheating again earlier this year - with Kardashian family friend Jordyn Woods\n", "cs": "Na za\u010d\u00e1tku tohoto roku byl pak obvin\u011bn z podv\u00e1d\u011bn\u00ed \u2013 s rodinnou p\u0159\u00edtelkyn\u00ed Kardashianov\u00e9 Jordyn Woodsovou.\n"} |
274 | {"en": "He settled on the grovelling gift, thought to be a 911, after being urged to pull a \"power move\" by his rapper pal.\n", "cs": "Potom vsadil na podl\u00e9zav\u00fd d\u00e1rek, kdy\u017e ho jeho rappersk\u00fd kamar\u00e1d vyzval, aby podnikl \u201er\u00e1zn\u00e9 kroky\u201c.\n"} |
275 | {"en": "As a result, pals said Tristan even won an invite from Khloe to a 'Taco Tuesday' dinner at her mansion - bringing him one step closer to a reunion with the reality star and their 17-month-old daughter True.\n", "cs": "V d\u016fsledku toho jeho p\u0159\u00e1tel\u00e9 tvrdili, \u017ee Tristan byl dokonce pozv\u00e1n od Khlo\u00e9 na ve\u010de\u0159i v \u201eTaco Tuesday\u201c u jej\u00edho s\u00eddla \u2013 co\u017e ho p\u0159ivedlo o krok bl\u00ed\u017e ke shled\u00e1n\u00ed s hv\u011bzdou a jejich 17tim\u011bs\u00ed\u010dn\u00ed dcerou True.\n"} |
276 | {"en": "A source said: \"Tristan is good pals with Drake and has been using him as a sounding board as he plots his return to the Kardashian fold.\n", "cs": "Podle nejmenovan\u00e9ho zdroje: \u201eTristan je Drake\u016fv dobr\u00fd kamar\u00e1d a pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1 ho jako diskuzn\u00edho partnera p\u0159i sv\u00e9m z\u00e1m\u011bru vr\u00e1tit se zp\u011bt ke Kardashianov\u00e9.\u201c\n"} |
277 | {"en": "Khloe was left heartbroken by Tristan's infidelity\n", "cs": "Khlo\u00e9 Tristanova nev\u011bra zlomila srdce.\n"} |
278 | {"en": "\"Drake told him to pull out all the stops if he wanted to win Khloe back.\n", "cs": "\u201eDrake mu \u0159ekl, aby se p\u0159ed ni\u010d\u00edm nezastavil, jestli\u017ee chce z\u00edskat Khlo\u00e9 zp\u011bt.\n"} |
279 | {"en": "\"An invite to a casual dinner might not sound like a reasonable trade off for a sleek supercar.\n", "cs": "\u201ePozv\u00e1nka na p\u0159\u00edle\u017eitostnou ve\u010de\u0159i nemus\u00ed p\u016fsobit jako dobr\u00fd v\u00fdm\u011bnn\u00fd obchod za elegantn\u00ed superauto.\n"} |
280 | {"en": "\"But after what Tristan did, he can't expect Khloe to roll out the red carpet for him.\"\n", "cs": "\u201eAle po tom, co Tristan ud\u011blal, nem\u016f\u017ee o\u010dek\u00e1vat, \u017ee mu Khlo\u00e9 nech\u00e1 rozvinout \u010derven\u00fd koberec.\u201c\n"} |
281 | {"en": "The pair are mum and dad to 17-month-old True\n", "cs": "Dvojice jsou rodi\u010de 17 m\u011bs\u00edc\u016f star\u00e9 hol\u010di\u010dky True.\n"} |
282 | {"en": "Khloe Kardashian breaks down in tears and screams at cheating boyfriend Tristan Thompson in new Keeping Up With The Kardashians series 16 trailer\n", "cs": "Khlo\u00e9 Kardashianov\u00e1 se zhroutila v slz\u00e1ch a k\u0159iku na sv\u00e9ho podv\u00e1d\u011bj\u00edc\u00edho p\u0159\u00edtele Tristana Thompsona v nov\u00e9m traileru k 16. s\u00e9rii reality show \u201eKeeping Up With The Kardashians\u201c.\n"} |
283 | {"en": "The Sun revealed last month that Tristan planned to invite Khloe on a romantic trip to Greece after vowing: \"I will get my family back.\"\n", "cs": "\u010casopis The Sun minul\u00fd m\u011bs\u00edc zjistil, \u017ee Tristan pl\u00e1noval pozvat Khlo\u00e9 na romantick\u00fd v\u00fdlet do \u0158ecka pot\u00e9, co p\u0159\u00edsahal: \u201eZ\u00edsk\u00e1m svou rodinu zp\u011bt.\u201c\n"} |
284 | {"en": "Khloe has been left heartbroken by Tristan's repeated cheating throughout their romance, but still invited him to their daughter True's first birthday party earlier this year.\n", "cs": "Khlo\u00e9 byla zlomen\u00e1 Tristanov\u00fdm opakovan\u00fdm podv\u00e1d\u011bn\u00edm b\u011bhem jejich vztahu, ale p\u0159esto ho pozvala na oslavu prvn\u00edch narozenin jejich dcery True na za\u010d\u00e1tku tohoto roku.\n"} |
285 | {"en": "However, the star's family reality show Keeping Up With The Kardashians later showed that the event ended with Khloe in tears as she struggled to come to terms with his infidelity.\n", "cs": "Nicm\u00e9n\u011b uk\u00e1zka z rodinn\u00e9 reality show \u201eKeeping Up With Kardashians\u201c pozd\u011bji sv\u011bd\u010dila o tom, \u017ee ud\u00e1lost skon\u010dila t\u00edm, jak Khlo\u00e9 pl\u00e1\u010de, kdy\u017e se sna\u017eila vyrovnat s p\u0159\u00edtelovou nev\u011brou.\n"} |
286 | {"en": "Stem cells of 56 child cancer patients lost at Children's Hospital after freezer malfunction\n", "cs": "Kmenov\u00e9 bu\u0148ky 56 d\u011btsk\u00fdch pacient\u016f s rakovinou se ztratily v d\u011btsk\u00e9 nemocnici p\u0159i poru\u0161e mraz\u00e1ku\n"} |
287 | {"en": "A freezer malfunction at Children's Hospital Los Angeles resulted in the loss of 56 children's blood stem cells that were harvested at the beginning of each patient's oncology therapy and stored in the event they could prove useful in the future.\n", "cs": "Porucha mraz\u00e1ku v d\u011btsk\u00e9 nemocnici v Los Angeles vedla ke ztr\u00e1t\u011b 56 krevn\u00edch kmenov\u00fdch bun\u011bk nemocn\u00fdch d\u011bt\u00ed, kter\u00e9 byly odebr\u00e1ny na za\u010d\u00e1tku onkologick\u00e9 terapie ka\u017ed\u00e9ho pacienta a ulo\u017eeny pro p\u0159\u00edpad, \u017ee by mohly b\u00fdt v budoucnu u\u017eite\u010dn\u00e9.\n"} |
288 | {"en": "\"We apologize for any distress or confusion that this has caused our patients and their families,\" the hospital wrote in a statement. \"If you have not received a letter or phone call from our team, your child is not impacted.\"\n", "cs": "\u201eOmlouv\u00e1me se za zp\u016fsobenou bolest \u010di nejasnosti, kter\u00e9 to p\u0159ineslo na\u0161im pacient\u016fm a jejich rodin\u00e1m,\u201c napsala v prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed nemocnice. \u201ePokud jste od na\u0161eho t\u00fdmu neobdr\u017eeli dopis nebo telefonick\u00fd hovor, va\u0161eho d\u00edt\u011b se v\u011bc nijak net\u00fdk\u00e1.\u201c\n"} |
289 | {"en": "All but one patient had gone through initial therapy. That patient did require the recollection of stem cells, chief medical officer James Stein said.\n", "cs": "Krom\u011b jednoho pro\u0161li v\u0161ichni pacienti po\u010d\u00e1te\u010dn\u00ed terapi\u00ed. Doty\u010dn\u00fd pacient po\u017eadoval nov\u00fd odb\u011br kmenov\u00fdch bun\u011bk, uvedl hlavn\u00ed l\u00e9ka\u0159 James Stein.\n"} |
290 | {"en": "A letter sent to families earlier in September informing them of the loss was accidentally addressed to the children - rather than the parents. The hospital has also apologized to parents for the messaging oversight.\n", "cs": "Dopis zaslan\u00fd rodi\u010d\u016fm na za\u010d\u00e1tku z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed, kter\u00fd je informoval o ztr\u00e1t\u011b bun\u011bk, byl n\u00e1hodn\u011b adresov\u00e1n d\u011btem nam\u00edsto rodi\u010d\u016fm. Nemocnice se rodi\u010d\u016fm omluvila tak\u00e9 za pochyben\u00ed p\u0159i rozes\u00edl\u00e1n\u00ed dopis\u016f.\n"} |
291 | {"en": "The hospital said that the loss of stem cells, which had been placed in long-term storage, has not jeopardized any child's health. The hospital has also offered to assist families who want to harvest again. But the process can be grueling.\n", "cs": "Nemocnice uvedla, \u017ee ztr\u00e1ta kmenov\u00fdch bun\u011bk, kter\u00e9 byly dlouhodob\u011b skladov\u00e1ny, neohrozila zdrav\u00ed \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9ho d\u00edt\u011bte. Nemocnice tak\u00e9 nab\u00eddla pomoc rodin\u00e1m, kter\u00e9 se cht\u011bj\u00ed nechat ud\u011blat nov\u00fd odb\u011br. Ale tento proces m\u016f\u017ee b\u00fdt n\u00e1ro\u010dn\u00fd.\n"} |
292 | {"en": "One of the patients described it as \"painful.\" Sean Anderson Corona, 13, underwent stem cell therapy when he was diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma - a cancer often found in the adrenal glands. The boy was hooked up to machines for a daylong process that collects the stem cells from the blood. The blood is then reinfused back into the body.\n", "cs": "Jeden z pacient\u016f popsal odb\u011br jako \u201ebolestiv\u00fd\u201c. Sean Anderson Corona (13 let) podstoupil terapii kmenov\u00fdmi bu\u0148kami, kdy\u017e mu byl diagnostikov\u00e1n neuroblastom ve 4. f\u00e1zi \u2013 jedn\u00e1 se o rakovinu, kter\u00e1 se \u010dasto vyskytuje v nadledvin\u00e1ch. Chlapec byl cel\u00fd den napojen\u00fd na p\u0159\u00edstroj, kter\u00fd shroma\u017e\u010foval kmenov\u00e9 bu\u0148ky z jeho krve. Krev je pot\u00e9 znovu filtrov\u00e1na zp\u011bt do t\u011bla.\n"} |
293 | {"en": "\"I would try to sleep and my body would just start shaking, and then I just started to freak out and I'd start crying,\" Corona told ABC-7.\n", "cs": "\u201eZkou\u0161el jsem usnout a moje t\u011blo se jen za\u010dalo t\u0159\u00e1st, pak jsem vyd\u011bsil a za\u010dal jsem plakat,\u201c \u0159ekl Corona televizi ABC-7.\n"} |
294 | {"en": "Corona will be cancer-free for three years in November. But his mother, Elizabeth Anderson, said that she worries that if his cancer does return, it may be impossible to harvest more stem cells from his blood.\n", "cs": "V listopadu bude Corona vyl\u00e9\u010den\u00fd z rakoviny u\u017e t\u0159i roky. Ale jeho matka Elizabeth Andersonov\u00e1 uvedla, \u017ee se ob\u00e1v\u00e1, \u017ee pokud se mu rakovina vr\u00e1t\u00ed, mo\u017en\u00e1 nep\u016fjde z jeho krve z\u00edskat ji\u017e v\u00edce kmenov\u00fdch bun\u011bk.\n"} |
295 | {"en": "Stein said that the recollection of patients\" stem cells would only be recommended in the event that they are needed in the event that the patient relapses.\n", "cs": "Stein \u0159ekl, \u017ee nov\u00fd odb\u011br \u201ekmenov\u00fdch bun\u011bk pacient\u016f\u201c by byl doporu\u010den pouze, pokud bude pot\u0159eba v p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b recidivy.\n"} |
296 | {"en": "\"We think that's going to be incredibly unlikely so we wouldn't ask anyone to do that in advance,\" he said.\n", "cs": "\u201eMysl\u00edme si, \u017ee je to vysoce nepravd\u011bpodobn\u00e9, tak\u017ee ur\u010dit\u011b nikoho nepo\u017e\u00e1d\u00e1me, aby to ud\u011blal p\u0159edem,\u201c prohl\u00e1sil Stein.\n"} |
297 | {"en": "The freezer has since been replaced, and the sensor-monitoring and alert system have been upgraded.\n", "cs": "Od t\u00e9 doby se mraz\u00e1k vym\u011bnil za jin\u00fd a zlep\u0161il se syst\u00e9m monitorov\u00e1n\u00ed senzor\u016f a v\u00fdstra\u017en\u00e9ho syst\u00e9mu.\n"} |
298 | {"en": "\"Obviously, this is a huge deal for us.\" Stein said. \"We're reaching out directly to every single family in person to make sure that all their questions are answered.\"\n", "cs": "\u201eSamoz\u0159ejm\u011b tuto z\u00e1le\u017eitost bereme v\u00e1\u017en\u011b\u201c \u0159ekl Stein. \u201eObrac\u00edme se na ka\u017edou jednotlivou rodinu, abychom se ujistili, \u017ee jsou zodpov\u011bzeny v\u0161echny jejich dotazy.\u201c\n"} |
299 | {"en": "Prince Harry walks across Angolan minefield to reconnect with Princes Diana's legacy\n", "cs": "Princ Harry se pro\u0161el minov\u00fdm polem v Angole, aby nav\u00e1zal na odkaz princezny Diany\n"} |
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