from copy import deepcopy |
import math |
import os, sys, gc |
import random |
import traceback |
from tqdm import tqdm |
now_dir = os.getcwd() |
sys.path.append(now_dir) |
import ffmpeg |
import os |
from typing import Generator, List, Tuple, Union |
import numpy as np |
import torch |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
import yaml |
from transformers import AutoModelForMaskedLM, AutoTokenizer |
from AR.models.t2s_lightning_module import Text2SemanticLightningModule |
from feature_extractor.cnhubert import CNHubert |
from module.models import SynthesizerTrn |
import librosa |
from time import time as ttime |
from tools.i18n.i18n import I18nAuto, scan_language_list |
from tools.my_utils import load_audio |
from module.mel_processing import spectrogram_torch |
from TTS_infer_pack.text_segmentation_method import splits |
from TTS_infer_pack.TextPreprocessor import TextPreprocessor |
language=os.environ.get("language","Auto") |
language=sys.argv[-1] if sys.argv[-1] in scan_language_list() else language |
i18n = I18nAuto(language=language) |
""" |
custom: |
bert_base_path: GPT_SoVITS/pretrained_models/chinese-roberta-wwm-ext-large |
cnhuhbert_base_path: GPT_SoVITS/pretrained_models/chinese-hubert-base |
device: cpu |
is_half: false |
t2s_weights_path: GPT_SoVITS/pretrained_models/gsv-v2final-pretrained/s1bert25hz-5kh-longer-epoch=12-step=369668.ckpt |
vits_weights_path: GPT_SoVITS/pretrained_models/gsv-v2final-pretrained/s2G2333k.pth |
version: v2 |
default: |
bert_base_path: GPT_SoVITS/pretrained_models/chinese-roberta-wwm-ext-large |
cnhuhbert_base_path: GPT_SoVITS/pretrained_models/chinese-hubert-base |
device: cpu |
is_half: false |
t2s_weights_path: GPT_SoVITS/pretrained_models/s1bert25hz-2kh-longer-epoch=68e-step=50232.ckpt |
vits_weights_path: GPT_SoVITS/pretrained_models/s2G488k.pth |
version: v1 |
default_v2: |
bert_base_path: GPT_SoVITS/pretrained_models/chinese-roberta-wwm-ext-large |
cnhuhbert_base_path: GPT_SoVITS/pretrained_models/chinese-hubert-base |
device: cpu |
is_half: false |
t2s_weights_path: GPT_SoVITS/pretrained_models/gsv-v2final-pretrained/s1bert25hz-5kh-longer-epoch=12-step=369668.ckpt |
vits_weights_path: GPT_SoVITS/pretrained_models/gsv-v2final-pretrained/s2G2333k.pth |
version: v2 |
""" |
def set_seed(seed:int): |
seed = int(seed) |
seed = seed if seed != -1 else random.randrange(1 << 32) |
print(f"Set seed to {seed}") |
os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = str(seed) |
random.seed(seed) |
np.random.seed(seed) |
torch.manual_seed(seed) |
try: |
if torch.cuda.is_available(): |
torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed) |
torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) |
torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = False |
torch.backends.cudnn.allow_tf32 = False |
except: |
pass |
return seed |
class TTS_Config: |
default_configs={ |
"default":{ |
"device": "cpu", |
"is_half": False, |
"version": "v1", |
"t2s_weights_path": "GPT_SoVITS/pretrained_models/s1bert25hz-2kh-longer-epoch=68e-step=50232.ckpt", |
"vits_weights_path": "GPT_SoVITS/pretrained_models/s2G488k.pth", |
"cnhuhbert_base_path": "GPT_SoVITS/pretrained_models/chinese-hubert-base", |
"bert_base_path": "GPT_SoVITS/pretrained_models/chinese-roberta-wwm-ext-large", |
}, |
"default_v2":{ |
"device": "cpu", |
"is_half": False, |
"version": "v2", |
"t2s_weights_path": "GPT_SoVITS/pretrained_models/gsv-v2final-pretrained/s1bert25hz-5kh-longer-epoch=12-step=369668.ckpt", |
"vits_weights_path": "GPT_SoVITS/pretrained_models/gsv-v2final-pretrained/s2G2333k.pth", |
"cnhuhbert_base_path": "GPT_SoVITS/pretrained_models/chinese-hubert-base", |
"bert_base_path": "GPT_SoVITS/pretrained_models/chinese-roberta-wwm-ext-large", |
}, |
} |
configs:dict = None |
v1_languages:list = ["auto", "en", "zh", "ja", "all_zh", "all_ja"] |
v2_languages:list = ["auto", "auto_yue", "en", "zh", "ja", "yue", "ko", "all_zh", "all_ja", "all_yue", "all_ko"] |
languages:list = v2_languages |
def __init__(self, configs: Union[dict, str]=None): |
configs_base_path:str = "GPT_SoVITS/configs/" |
os.makedirs(configs_base_path, exist_ok=True) |
self.configs_path:str = os.path.join(configs_base_path, "tts_infer.yaml") |
if configs in ["", None]: |
if not os.path.exists(self.configs_path): |
self.save_configs() |
print(f"Create default config file at {self.configs_path}") |
configs:dict = deepcopy(self.default_configs) |
if isinstance(configs, str): |
self.configs_path = configs |
configs:dict = self._load_configs(self.configs_path) |
assert isinstance(configs, dict) |
version = configs.get("version", "v2").lower() |
assert version in ["v1", "v2"] |
self.default_configs["default"] = configs.get("default", self.default_configs["default"]) |
self.default_configs["default_v2"] = configs.get("default_v2", self.default_configs["default_v2"]) |
default_config_key = "default"if version=="v1" else "default_v2" |
self.configs:dict = configs.get("custom", deepcopy(self.default_configs[default_config_key])) |
self.device = self.configs.get("device", torch.device("cpu")) |
self.is_half = self.configs.get("is_half", False) |
self.version = version |
self.t2s_weights_path = self.configs.get("t2s_weights_path", None) |
self.vits_weights_path = self.configs.get("vits_weights_path", None) |
self.bert_base_path = self.configs.get("bert_base_path", None) |
self.cnhuhbert_base_path = self.configs.get("cnhuhbert_base_path", None) |
self.languages = self.v2_languages if self.version=="v2" else self.v1_languages |
if (self.t2s_weights_path in [None, ""]) or (not os.path.exists(self.t2s_weights_path)): |
self.t2s_weights_path = self.default_configs[default_config_key]['t2s_weights_path'] |
print(f"fall back to default t2s_weights_path: {self.t2s_weights_path}") |
if (self.vits_weights_path in [None, ""]) or (not os.path.exists(self.vits_weights_path)): |
self.vits_weights_path = self.default_configs[default_config_key]['vits_weights_path'] |
print(f"fall back to default vits_weights_path: {self.vits_weights_path}") |
if (self.bert_base_path in [None, ""]) or (not os.path.exists(self.bert_base_path)): |
self.bert_base_path = self.default_configs[default_config_key]['bert_base_path'] |
print(f"fall back to default bert_base_path: {self.bert_base_path}") |
if (self.cnhuhbert_base_path in [None, ""]) or (not os.path.exists(self.cnhuhbert_base_path)): |
self.cnhuhbert_base_path = self.default_configs[default_config_key]['cnhuhbert_base_path'] |
print(f"fall back to default cnhuhbert_base_path: {self.cnhuhbert_base_path}") |
self.update_configs() |
self.max_sec = None |
self.hz:int = 50 |
self.semantic_frame_rate:str = "25hz" |
self.segment_size:int = 20480 |
self.filter_length:int = 2048 |
self.sampling_rate:int = 32000 |
self.hop_length:int = 640 |
self.win_length:int = 2048 |
self.n_speakers:int = 300 |
def _load_configs(self, configs_path: str)->dict: |
if os.path.exists(configs_path): |
... |
else: |
print(i18n("路径不存在,使用默认配置")) |
self.save_configs(configs_path) |
with open(configs_path, 'r') as f: |
configs = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) |
return configs |
def save_configs(self, configs_path:str=None)->None: |
configs=deepcopy(self.default_configs) |
if self.configs is not None: |
configs["custom"] = self.update_configs() |
if configs_path is None: |
configs_path = self.configs_path |
with open(configs_path, 'w') as f: |
yaml.dump(configs, f) |
def update_configs(self): |
self.config = { |
"device" : str(self.device), |
"is_half" : self.is_half, |
"version" : self.version, |
"t2s_weights_path" : self.t2s_weights_path, |
"vits_weights_path" : self.vits_weights_path, |
"bert_base_path" : self.bert_base_path, |
"cnhuhbert_base_path": self.cnhuhbert_base_path, |
} |
return self.config |
def update_version(self, version:str)->None: |
self.version = version |
self.languages = self.v2_languages if self.version=="v2" else self.v1_languages |
def __str__(self): |
self.configs = self.update_configs() |
string = "TTS Config".center(100, '-') + '\n' |
for k, v in self.configs.items(): |
string += f"{str(k).ljust(20)}: {str(v)}\n" |
string += "-" * 100 + '\n' |
return string |
def __repr__(self): |
return self.__str__() |
def __hash__(self): |
return hash(self.configs_path) |
def __eq__(self, other): |
return isinstance(other, TTS_Config) and self.configs_path == other.configs_path |
class TTS: |
def __init__(self, configs: Union[dict, str, TTS_Config]): |
if isinstance(configs, TTS_Config): |
self.configs = configs |
else: |
self.configs:TTS_Config = TTS_Config(configs) |
self.t2s_model:Text2SemanticLightningModule = None |
self.vits_model:SynthesizerTrn = None |
self.bert_tokenizer:AutoTokenizer = None |
self.bert_model:AutoModelForMaskedLM = None |
self.cnhuhbert_model:CNHubert = None |
self._init_models() |
self.text_preprocessor:TextPreprocessor = \ |
TextPreprocessor(self.bert_model, |
self.bert_tokenizer, |
self.configs.device) |
self.prompt_cache:dict = { |
"ref_audio_path" : None, |
"prompt_semantic": None, |
"refer_spec" : [], |
"prompt_text" : None, |
"prompt_lang" : None, |
"phones" : None, |
"bert_features" : None, |
"norm_text" : None, |
"aux_ref_audio_paths": [], |
} |
self.stop_flag:bool = False |
self.precision:torch.dtype = torch.float16 if self.configs.is_half else torch.float32 |
def _init_models(self,): |
self.init_t2s_weights(self.configs.t2s_weights_path) |
self.init_vits_weights(self.configs.vits_weights_path) |
self.init_bert_weights(self.configs.bert_base_path) |
self.init_cnhuhbert_weights(self.configs.cnhuhbert_base_path) |
def init_cnhuhbert_weights(self, base_path: str): |
print(f"Loading CNHuBERT weights from {base_path}") |
self.cnhuhbert_model = CNHubert(base_path) |
self.cnhuhbert_model=self.cnhuhbert_model.eval() |
self.cnhuhbert_model = self.cnhuhbert_model.to(self.configs.device) |
if self.configs.is_half and str(self.configs.device)!="cpu": |
self.cnhuhbert_model = self.cnhuhbert_model.half() |
def init_bert_weights(self, base_path: str): |
print(f"Loading BERT weights from {base_path}") |
self.bert_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(base_path) |
self.bert_model = AutoModelForMaskedLM.from_pretrained(base_path) |
self.bert_model=self.bert_model.eval() |
self.bert_model = self.bert_model.to(self.configs.device) |
if self.configs.is_half and str(self.configs.device)!="cpu": |
self.bert_model = self.bert_model.half() |
def init_vits_weights(self, weights_path: str): |
print(f"Loading VITS weights from {weights_path}") |
self.configs.vits_weights_path = weights_path |
dict_s2 = torch.load(weights_path, map_location=self.configs.device) |
hps = dict_s2["config"] |
if dict_s2['weight']['enc_p.text_embedding.weight'].shape[0] == 322: |
self.configs.update_version("v1") |
else: |
self.configs.update_version("v2") |
self.configs.save_configs() |
hps["model"]["version"] = self.configs.version |
self.configs.filter_length = hps["data"]["filter_length"] |
self.configs.segment_size = hps["train"]["segment_size"] |
self.configs.sampling_rate = hps["data"]["sampling_rate"] |
self.configs.hop_length = hps["data"]["hop_length"] |
self.configs.win_length = hps["data"]["win_length"] |
self.configs.n_speakers = hps["data"]["n_speakers"] |
self.configs.semantic_frame_rate = "25hz" |
kwargs = hps["model"] |
vits_model = SynthesizerTrn( |
self.configs.filter_length // 2 + 1, |
self.configs.segment_size // self.configs.hop_length, |
n_speakers=self.configs.n_speakers, |
**kwargs |
) |
if hasattr(vits_model, "enc_q"): |
del vits_model.enc_q |
vits_model = vits_model.to(self.configs.device) |
vits_model = vits_model.eval() |
vits_model.load_state_dict(dict_s2["weight"], strict=False) |
self.vits_model = vits_model |
if self.configs.is_half and str(self.configs.device)!="cpu": |
self.vits_model = self.vits_model.half() |
def init_t2s_weights(self, weights_path: str): |
print(f"Loading Text2Semantic weights from {weights_path}") |
self.configs.t2s_weights_path = weights_path |
self.configs.save_configs() |
self.configs.hz = 50 |
dict_s1 = torch.load(weights_path, map_location=self.configs.device) |
config = dict_s1["config"] |
self.configs.max_sec = config["data"]["max_sec"] |
t2s_model = Text2SemanticLightningModule(config, "****", is_train=False) |
t2s_model.load_state_dict(dict_s1["weight"]) |
t2s_model = t2s_model.to(self.configs.device) |
t2s_model = t2s_model.eval() |
self.t2s_model = t2s_model |
if self.configs.is_half and str(self.configs.device)!="cpu": |
self.t2s_model = self.t2s_model.half() |
def enable_half_precision(self, enable: bool = True, save: bool = True): |
''' |
To enable half precision for the TTS model. |
Args: |
enable: bool, whether to enable half precision. |
''' |
if str(self.configs.device) == "cpu" and enable: |
print("Half precision is not supported on CPU.") |
return |
self.configs.is_half = enable |
self.precision = torch.float16 if enable else torch.float32 |
if save: |
self.configs.save_configs() |
if enable: |
if self.t2s_model is not None: |
self.t2s_model =self.t2s_model.half() |
if self.vits_model is not None: |
self.vits_model = self.vits_model.half() |
if self.bert_model is not None: |
self.bert_model =self.bert_model.half() |
if self.cnhuhbert_model is not None: |
self.cnhuhbert_model = self.cnhuhbert_model.half() |
else: |
if self.t2s_model is not None: |
self.t2s_model = self.t2s_model.float() |
if self.vits_model is not None: |
self.vits_model = self.vits_model.float() |
if self.bert_model is not None: |
self.bert_model = self.bert_model.float() |
if self.cnhuhbert_model is not None: |
self.cnhuhbert_model = self.cnhuhbert_model.float() |
def set_device(self, device: torch.device, save: bool = True): |
''' |
To set the device for all models. |
Args: |
device: torch.device, the device to use for all models. |
''' |
self.configs.device = device |
if save: |
self.configs.save_configs() |
if self.t2s_model is not None: |
self.t2s_model = self.t2s_model.to(device) |
if self.vits_model is not None: |
self.vits_model = self.vits_model.to(device) |
if self.bert_model is not None: |
self.bert_model = self.bert_model.to(device) |
if self.cnhuhbert_model is not None: |
self.cnhuhbert_model = self.cnhuhbert_model.to(device) |
def set_ref_audio(self, ref_audio_path:str): |
''' |
To set the reference audio for the TTS model, |
including the prompt_semantic and refer_spepc. |
Args: |
ref_audio_path: str, the path of the reference audio. |
''' |
self._set_prompt_semantic(ref_audio_path) |
self._set_ref_spec(ref_audio_path) |
self._set_ref_audio_path(ref_audio_path) |
def _set_ref_audio_path(self, ref_audio_path): |
self.prompt_cache["ref_audio_path"] = ref_audio_path |
def _set_ref_spec(self, ref_audio_path): |
spec = self._get_ref_spec(ref_audio_path) |
if self.prompt_cache["refer_spec"] in [[],None]: |
self.prompt_cache["refer_spec"]=[spec] |
else: |
self.prompt_cache["refer_spec"][0] = spec |
def _get_ref_spec(self, ref_audio_path): |
audio = load_audio(ref_audio_path, int(self.configs.sampling_rate)) |
audio = torch.FloatTensor(audio) |
maxx=audio.abs().max() |
if(maxx>1):audio/=min(2,maxx) |
audio_norm = audio |
audio_norm = audio_norm.unsqueeze(0) |
spec = spectrogram_torch( |
audio_norm, |
self.configs.filter_length, |
self.configs.sampling_rate, |
self.configs.hop_length, |
self.configs.win_length, |
center=False, |
) |
spec = spec.to(self.configs.device) |
if self.configs.is_half: |
spec = spec.half() |
return spec |
def _set_prompt_semantic(self, ref_wav_path:str): |
zero_wav = np.zeros( |
int(self.configs.sampling_rate * 0.3), |
dtype=np.float16 if self.configs.is_half else np.float32, |
) |
with torch.no_grad(): |
wav16k, sr = librosa.load(ref_wav_path, sr=16000) |
if (wav16k.shape[0] > 160000 or wav16k.shape[0] < 48000): |
raise OSError(i18n("参考音频在3~10秒范围外,请更换!")) |
wav16k = torch.from_numpy(wav16k) |
zero_wav_torch = torch.from_numpy(zero_wav) |
wav16k = wav16k.to(self.configs.device) |
zero_wav_torch = zero_wav_torch.to(self.configs.device) |
if self.configs.is_half: |
wav16k = wav16k.half() |
zero_wav_torch = zero_wav_torch.half() |
wav16k = torch.cat([wav16k, zero_wav_torch]) |
hubert_feature = self.cnhuhbert_model.model(wav16k.unsqueeze(0))[ |
"last_hidden_state" |
].transpose( |
1, 2 |
) |
codes = self.vits_model.extract_latent(hubert_feature) |
prompt_semantic = codes[0, 0].to(self.configs.device) |
self.prompt_cache["prompt_semantic"] = prompt_semantic |
def batch_sequences(self, sequences: List[torch.Tensor], axis: int = 0, pad_value: int = 0, max_length:int=None): |
seq = sequences[0] |
ndim = seq.dim() |
if axis < 0: |
axis += ndim |
dtype:torch.dtype = seq.dtype |
pad_value = torch.tensor(pad_value, dtype=dtype) |
seq_lengths = [seq.shape[axis] for seq in sequences] |
if max_length is None: |
max_length = max(seq_lengths) |
else: |
max_length = max(seq_lengths) if max_length < max(seq_lengths) else max_length |
padded_sequences = [] |
for seq, length in zip(sequences, seq_lengths): |
padding = [0] * axis + [0, max_length - length] + [0] * (ndim - axis - 1) |
padded_seq = torch.nn.functional.pad(seq, padding, value=pad_value) |
padded_sequences.append(padded_seq) |
batch = torch.stack(padded_sequences) |
return batch |
def to_batch(self, data:list, |
prompt_data:dict=None, |
batch_size:int=5, |
threshold:float=0.75, |
split_bucket:bool=True, |
device:torch.device=torch.device("cpu"), |
precision:torch.dtype=torch.float32, |
): |
_data:list = [] |
index_and_len_list = [] |
for idx, item in enumerate(data): |
norm_text_len = len(item["norm_text"]) |
index_and_len_list.append([idx, norm_text_len]) |
batch_index_list = [] |
if split_bucket: |
index_and_len_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) |
index_and_len_list = np.array(index_and_len_list, dtype=np.int64) |
batch_index_list_len = 0 |
pos = 0 |
while pos <index_and_len_list.shape[0]: |
pos_end = min(pos+batch_size,index_and_len_list.shape[0]) |
while pos < pos_end: |
batch=index_and_len_list[pos:pos_end, 1].astype(np.float32) |
score=batch[(pos_end-pos)//2]/(batch.mean()+1e-8) |
if (score>=threshold) or (pos_end-pos==1): |
batch_index=index_and_len_list[pos:pos_end, 0].tolist() |
batch_index_list_len += len(batch_index) |
batch_index_list.append(batch_index) |
pos = pos_end |
break |
pos_end=pos_end-1 |
assert batch_index_list_len == len(data) |
else: |
for i in range(len(data)): |
if i%batch_size == 0: |
batch_index_list.append([]) |
batch_index_list[-1].append(i) |
for batch_idx, index_list in enumerate(batch_index_list): |
item_list = [data[idx] for idx in index_list] |
phones_list = [] |
phones_len_list = [] |
all_phones_list = [] |
all_phones_len_list = [] |
all_bert_features_list = [] |
norm_text_batch = [] |
all_bert_max_len = 0 |
all_phones_max_len = 0 |
for item in item_list: |
if prompt_data is not None: |
all_bert_features = torch.cat([prompt_data["bert_features"], item["bert_features"]], 1)\ |
.to(dtype=precision, device=device) |
all_phones = torch.LongTensor(prompt_data["phones"]+item["phones"]).to(device) |
phones = torch.LongTensor(item["phones"]).to(device) |
else: |
all_bert_features = item["bert_features"]\ |
.to(dtype=precision, device=device) |
phones = torch.LongTensor(item["phones"]).to(device) |
all_phones = phones |
all_bert_max_len = max(all_bert_max_len, all_bert_features.shape[-1]) |
all_phones_max_len = max(all_phones_max_len, all_phones.shape[-1]) |
phones_list.append(phones) |
phones_len_list.append(phones.shape[-1]) |
all_phones_list.append(all_phones) |
all_phones_len_list.append(all_phones.shape[-1]) |
all_bert_features_list.append(all_bert_features) |
norm_text_batch.append(item["norm_text"]) |
phones_batch = phones_list |
all_phones_batch = all_phones_list |
all_bert_features_batch = all_bert_features_list |
max_len = max(all_bert_max_len, all_phones_max_len) |
batch = { |
"phones": phones_batch, |
"phones_len": torch.LongTensor(phones_len_list).to(device), |
"all_phones": all_phones_batch, |
"all_phones_len": torch.LongTensor(all_phones_len_list).to(device), |
"all_bert_features": all_bert_features_batch, |
"norm_text": norm_text_batch, |
"max_len": max_len, |
} |
_data.append(batch) |
return _data, batch_index_list |
def recovery_order(self, data:list, batch_index_list:list)->list: |
''' |
Recovery the order of the audio according to the batch_index_list. |
Args: |
data (List[list(np.ndarray)]): the out of order audio . |
batch_index_list (List[list[int]]): the batch index list. |
Returns: |
list (List[np.ndarray]): the data in the original order. |
''' |
length = len(sum(batch_index_list, [])) |
_data = [None]*length |
for i, index_list in enumerate(batch_index_list): |
for j, index in enumerate(index_list): |
_data[index] = data[i][j] |
return _data |
def stop(self,): |
''' |
Stop the inference process. |
''' |
self.stop_flag = True |
@torch.no_grad() |
def run(self, inputs:dict): |
""" |
Text to speech inference. |
Args: |
inputs (dict): |
{ |
"text": "", # str.(required) text to be synthesized |
"text_lang: "", # str.(required) language of the text to be synthesized |
"ref_audio_path": "", # str.(required) reference audio path |
"aux_ref_audio_paths": [], # list.(optional) auxiliary reference audio paths for multi-speaker tone fusion |
"prompt_text": "", # str.(optional) prompt text for the reference audio |
"prompt_lang": "", # str.(required) language of the prompt text for the reference audio |
"top_k": 5, # int. top k sampling |
"top_p": 1, # float. top p sampling |
"temperature": 1, # float. temperature for sampling |
"text_split_method": "cut0", # str. text split method, see text_segmentation_method.py for details. |
"batch_size": 1, # int. batch size for inference |
"batch_threshold": 0.75, # float. threshold for batch splitting. |
"split_bucket: True, # bool. whether to split the batch into multiple buckets. |
"return_fragment": False, # bool. step by step return the audio fragment. |
"speed_factor":1.0, # float. control the speed of the synthesized audio. |
"fragment_interval":0.3, # float. to control the interval of the audio fragment. |
"seed": -1, # int. random seed for reproducibility. |
"parallel_infer": True, # bool. whether to use parallel inference. |
"repetition_penalty": 1.35 # float. repetition penalty for T2S model. |
} |
returns: |
Tuple[int, np.ndarray]: sampling rate and audio data. |
""" |
self.stop_flag:bool = False |
text:str = inputs.get("text", "") |
text_lang:str = inputs.get("text_lang", "") |
ref_audio_path:str = inputs.get("ref_audio_path", "") |
aux_ref_audio_paths:list = inputs.get("aux_ref_audio_paths", []) |
prompt_text:str = inputs.get("prompt_text", "") |
prompt_lang:str = inputs.get("prompt_lang", "") |
top_k:int = inputs.get("top_k", 5) |
top_p:float = inputs.get("top_p", 1) |
temperature:float = inputs.get("temperature", 1) |
text_split_method:str = inputs.get("text_split_method", "cut0") |
batch_size = inputs.get("batch_size", 1) |
batch_threshold = inputs.get("batch_threshold", 0.75) |
speed_factor = inputs.get("speed_factor", 1.0) |
split_bucket = inputs.get("split_bucket", True) |
return_fragment = inputs.get("return_fragment", False) |
fragment_interval = inputs.get("fragment_interval", 0.3) |
seed = inputs.get("seed", -1) |
seed = -1 if seed in ["", None] else seed |
actual_seed = set_seed(seed) |
parallel_infer = inputs.get("parallel_infer", True) |
repetition_penalty = inputs.get("repetition_penalty", 1.35) |
if parallel_infer: |
print(i18n("并行推理模式已开启")) |
self.t2s_model.model.infer_panel = self.t2s_model.model.infer_panel_batch_infer |
else: |
print(i18n("并行推理模式已关闭")) |
self.t2s_model.model.infer_panel = self.t2s_model.model.infer_panel_naive_batched |
if return_fragment: |
print(i18n("分段返回模式已开启")) |
if split_bucket: |
split_bucket = False |
print(i18n("分段返回模式不支持分桶处理,已自动关闭分桶处理")) |
if split_bucket and speed_factor==1.0: |
print(i18n("分桶处理模式已开启")) |
elif speed_factor!=1.0: |
print(i18n("语速调节不支持分桶处理,已自动关闭分桶处理")) |
split_bucket = False |
else: |
print(i18n("分桶处理模式已关闭")) |
if fragment_interval<0.01: |
fragment_interval = 0.01 |
print(i18n("分段间隔过小,已自动设置为0.01")) |
no_prompt_text = False |
if prompt_text in [None, ""]: |
no_prompt_text = True |
assert text_lang in self.configs.languages |
if not no_prompt_text: |
assert prompt_lang in self.configs.languages |
if ref_audio_path in [None, ""] and \ |
((self.prompt_cache["prompt_semantic"] is None) or (self.prompt_cache["refer_spec"] in [None, []])): |
raise ValueError("ref_audio_path cannot be empty, when the reference audio is not set using set_ref_audio()") |
t0 = ttime() |
if (ref_audio_path is not None) and (ref_audio_path != self.prompt_cache["ref_audio_path"]): |
if not os.path.exists(ref_audio_path): |
raise ValueError(f"{ref_audio_path} not exists") |
self.set_ref_audio(ref_audio_path) |
aux_ref_audio_paths = aux_ref_audio_paths if aux_ref_audio_paths is not None else [] |
paths = set(aux_ref_audio_paths)&set(self.prompt_cache["aux_ref_audio_paths"]) |
if not (len(list(paths)) == len(aux_ref_audio_paths) == len(self.prompt_cache["aux_ref_audio_paths"])): |
self.prompt_cache["aux_ref_audio_paths"] = aux_ref_audio_paths |
self.prompt_cache["refer_spec"] = [self.prompt_cache["refer_spec"][0]] |
for path in aux_ref_audio_paths: |
if path in [None, ""]: |
continue |
if not os.path.exists(path): |
print(i18n("音频文件不存在,跳过:"), path) |
continue |
self.prompt_cache["refer_spec"].append(self._get_ref_spec(path)) |
if not no_prompt_text: |
prompt_text = prompt_text.strip("\n") |
if (prompt_text[-1] not in splits): prompt_text += "。" if prompt_lang != "en" else "." |
print(i18n("实际输入的参考文本:"), prompt_text) |
if self.prompt_cache["prompt_text"] != prompt_text: |
self.prompt_cache["prompt_text"] = prompt_text |
self.prompt_cache["prompt_lang"] = prompt_lang |
phones, bert_features, norm_text = \ |
self.text_preprocessor.segment_and_extract_feature_for_text( |
prompt_text, |
prompt_lang, |
self.configs.version) |
self.prompt_cache["phones"] = phones |
self.prompt_cache["bert_features"] = bert_features |
self.prompt_cache["norm_text"] = norm_text |
t1 = ttime() |
data:list = None |
if not return_fragment: |
data = self.text_preprocessor.preprocess(text, text_lang, text_split_method, self.configs.version) |
if len(data) == 0: |
yield self.configs.sampling_rate, np.zeros(int(self.configs.sampling_rate), |
dtype=np.int16) |
return |
batch_index_list:list = None |
data, batch_index_list = self.to_batch(data, |
prompt_data=self.prompt_cache if not no_prompt_text else None, |
batch_size=batch_size, |
threshold=batch_threshold, |
split_bucket=split_bucket, |
device=self.configs.device, |
precision=self.precision |
) |
else: |
print(f'############ {i18n("切分文本")} ############') |
texts = self.text_preprocessor.pre_seg_text(text, text_lang, text_split_method) |
data = [] |
for i in range(len(texts)): |
if i%batch_size == 0: |
data.append([]) |
data[-1].append(texts[i]) |
def make_batch(batch_texts): |
batch_data = [] |
print(f'############ {i18n("提取文本Bert特征")} ############') |
for text in tqdm(batch_texts): |
phones, bert_features, norm_text = self.text_preprocessor.segment_and_extract_feature_for_text(text, text_lang, self.configs.version) |
if phones is None: |
continue |
res={ |
"phones": phones, |
"bert_features": bert_features, |
"norm_text": norm_text, |
} |
batch_data.append(res) |
if len(batch_data) == 0: |
return None |
batch, _ = self.to_batch(batch_data, |
prompt_data=self.prompt_cache if not no_prompt_text else None, |
batch_size=batch_size, |
threshold=batch_threshold, |
split_bucket=False, |
device=self.configs.device, |
precision=self.precision |
) |
return batch[0] |
t2 = ttime() |
try: |
print("############ 推理 ############") |
t_34 = 0.0 |
t_45 = 0.0 |
audio = [] |
for item in data: |
t3 = ttime() |
if return_fragment: |
item = make_batch(item) |
if item is None: |
continue |
batch_phones:List[torch.LongTensor] = item["phones"] |
batch_phones_len:torch.LongTensor = item["phones_len"] |
all_phoneme_ids:torch.LongTensor = item["all_phones"] |
all_phoneme_lens:torch.LongTensor = item["all_phones_len"] |
all_bert_features:torch.LongTensor = item["all_bert_features"] |
norm_text:str = item["norm_text"] |
max_len = item["max_len"] |
print(i18n("前端处理后的文本(每句):"), norm_text) |
if no_prompt_text : |
prompt = None |
else: |
prompt = self.prompt_cache["prompt_semantic"].expand(len(all_phoneme_ids), -1).to(self.configs.device) |
pred_semantic_list, idx_list = self.t2s_model.model.infer_panel( |
all_phoneme_ids, |
all_phoneme_lens, |
prompt, |
all_bert_features, |
top_k=top_k, |
top_p=top_p, |
temperature=temperature, |
early_stop_num=self.configs.hz * self.configs.max_sec, |
max_len=max_len, |
repetition_penalty=repetition_penalty, |
) |
t4 = ttime() |
t_34 += t4 - t3 |
refer_audio_spec:torch.Tensor = [item.to(dtype=self.precision, device=self.configs.device) for item in self.prompt_cache["refer_spec"]] |
batch_audio_fragment = [] |
if speed_factor == 1.0: |
pred_semantic_list = [item[-idx:] for item, idx in zip(pred_semantic_list, idx_list)] |
upsample_rate = math.prod(self.vits_model.upsample_rates) |
audio_frag_idx = [pred_semantic_list[i].shape[0]*2*upsample_rate for i in range(0, len(pred_semantic_list))] |
audio_frag_end_idx = [ sum(audio_frag_idx[:i+1]) for i in range(0, len(audio_frag_idx))] |
all_pred_semantic = torch.cat(pred_semantic_list).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).to(self.configs.device) |
_batch_phones = torch.cat(batch_phones).unsqueeze(0).to(self.configs.device) |
_batch_audio_fragment = (self.vits_model.decode( |
all_pred_semantic, _batch_phones, refer_audio_spec, speed=speed_factor |
).detach()[0, 0, :]) |
audio_frag_end_idx.insert(0, 0) |
batch_audio_fragment= [_batch_audio_fragment[audio_frag_end_idx[i-1]:audio_frag_end_idx[i]] for i in range(1, len(audio_frag_end_idx))] |
else: |
for i, idx in enumerate(idx_list): |
phones = batch_phones[i].unsqueeze(0).to(self.configs.device) |
_pred_semantic = (pred_semantic_list[i][-idx:].unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)) |
audio_fragment =(self.vits_model.decode( |
_pred_semantic, phones, refer_audio_spec, speed=speed_factor |
).detach()[0, 0, :]) |
batch_audio_fragment.append( |
audio_fragment |
) |
t5 = ttime() |
t_45 += t5 - t4 |
if return_fragment: |
print("%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f" % (t1 - t0, t2 - t1, t4 - t3, t5 - t4)) |
yield self.audio_postprocess([batch_audio_fragment], |
self.configs.sampling_rate, |
None, |
speed_factor, |
False, |
fragment_interval |
) |
else: |
audio.append(batch_audio_fragment) |
if self.stop_flag: |
yield self.configs.sampling_rate, np.zeros(int(self.configs.sampling_rate), |
dtype=np.int16) |
return |
if not return_fragment: |
print("%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f" % (t1 - t0, t2 - t1, t_34, t_45)) |
if len(audio) == 0: |
yield self.configs.sampling_rate, np.zeros(int(self.configs.sampling_rate), |
dtype=np.int16) |
return |
yield self.audio_postprocess(audio, |
self.configs.sampling_rate, |
batch_index_list, |
speed_factor, |
split_bucket, |
fragment_interval |
) |
except Exception as e: |
traceback.print_exc() |
yield self.configs.sampling_rate, np.zeros(int(self.configs.sampling_rate), |
dtype=np.int16) |
del self.t2s_model |
del self.vits_model |
self.t2s_model = None |
self.vits_model = None |
self.init_t2s_weights(self.configs.t2s_weights_path) |
self.init_vits_weights(self.configs.vits_weights_path) |
raise e |
finally: |
self.empty_cache() |
def empty_cache(self): |
try: |
gc.collect() |
if "cuda" in str(self.configs.device): |
torch.cuda.empty_cache() |
elif str(self.configs.device) == "mps": |
torch.mps.empty_cache() |
except: |
pass |
def audio_postprocess(self, |
audio:List[torch.Tensor], |
sr:int, |
batch_index_list:list=None, |
speed_factor:float=1.0, |
split_bucket:bool=True, |
fragment_interval:float=0.3 |
)->Tuple[int, np.ndarray]: |
zero_wav = torch.zeros( |
int(self.configs.sampling_rate * fragment_interval), |
dtype=self.precision, |
device=self.configs.device |
) |
for i, batch in enumerate(audio): |
for j, audio_fragment in enumerate(batch): |
max_audio=torch.abs(audio_fragment).max() |
if max_audio>1: audio_fragment/=max_audio |
audio_fragment:torch.Tensor = torch.cat([audio_fragment, zero_wav], dim=0) |
audio[i][j] = audio_fragment.cpu().numpy() |
if split_bucket: |
audio = self.recovery_order(audio, batch_index_list) |
else: |
audio = sum(audio, []) |
audio = np.concatenate(audio, 0) |
audio = (audio * 32768).astype(np.int16) |
return sr, audio |
def speed_change(input_audio:np.ndarray, speed:float, sr:int): |
raw_audio = input_audio.astype(np.int16).tobytes() |
input_stream = ffmpeg.input('pipe:', format='s16le', acodec='pcm_s16le', ar=str(sr), ac=1) |
output_stream = input_stream.filter('atempo', speed) |
out, _ = ( |
output_stream.output('pipe:', format='s16le', acodec='pcm_s16le') |
.run(input=raw_audio, capture_stdout=True, capture_stderr=True) |
) |
processed_audio = np.frombuffer(out, np.int16) |
return processed_audio |