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import math
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional, Dict
import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torchvision.transforms import functional as F
from torchvision.transforms.functional import InterpolationMode
__all__ = ["AutoAugmentPolicy", "AutoAugment", "RandAugment", "TrivialAugmentWide"]
def _apply_op(
img: Tensor, op_name: str, magnitude: float, interpolation: InterpolationMode, fill: Optional[List[float]]
if op_name == "ShearX":
img = F.affine(
translate=[0, 0],
shear=[math.degrees(magnitude), 0.0],
elif op_name == "ShearY":
img = F.affine(
translate=[0, 0],
shear=[0.0, math.degrees(magnitude)],
elif op_name == "TranslateX":
img = F.affine(
translate=[int(magnitude), 0],
shear=[0.0, 0.0],
elif op_name == "TranslateY":
img = F.affine(
translate=[0, int(magnitude)],
shear=[0.0, 0.0],
elif op_name == "Rotate":
img = F.rotate(img, magnitude, interpolation=interpolation, fill=fill)
elif op_name == "Brightness":
img = F.adjust_brightness(img, 1.0 + magnitude)
elif op_name == "Color":
img = F.adjust_saturation(img, 1.0 + magnitude)
elif op_name == "Contrast":
img = F.adjust_contrast(img, 1.0 + magnitude)
elif op_name == "Sharpness":
img = F.adjust_sharpness(img, 1.0 + magnitude)
elif op_name == "Posterize":
img = F.posterize(img, int(magnitude))
elif op_name == "Solarize":
img = F.solarize(img, magnitude)
elif op_name == "AutoContrast":
img = F.autocontrast(img)
elif op_name == "Equalize":
img = F.equalize(img)
elif op_name == "Invert":
img = F.invert(img)
elif op_name == "Identity":
raise ValueError(f"The provided operator {op_name} is not recognized.")
return img
class AutoAugmentPolicy(Enum):
"""AutoAugment policies learned on different datasets.
Available policies are IMAGENET, CIFAR10 and SVHN.
IMAGENET = "imagenet"
CIFAR10 = "cifar10"
SVHN = "svhn"
# FIXME: Eliminate copy-pasted code for fill standardization and _augmentation_space() by moving stuff on a base class
class AutoAugment(torch.nn.Module):
r"""AutoAugment data augmentation method based on
`"AutoAugment: Learning Augmentation Strategies from Data" <>`_.
If the image is torch Tensor, it should be of type torch.uint8, and it is expected
to have [..., 1 or 3, H, W] shape, where ... means an arbitrary number of leading dimensions.
If img is PIL Image, it is expected to be in mode "L" or "RGB".
policy (AutoAugmentPolicy): Desired policy enum defined by
:class:`torchvision.transforms.autoaugment.AutoAugmentPolicy`. Default is ``AutoAugmentPolicy.IMAGENET``.
interpolation (InterpolationMode): Desired interpolation enum defined by
:class:`torchvision.transforms.InterpolationMode`. Default is ``InterpolationMode.NEAREST``.
If input is Tensor, only ``InterpolationMode.NEAREST``, ``InterpolationMode.BILINEAR`` are supported.
fill (sequence or number, optional): Pixel fill value for the area outside the transformed
image. If given a number, the value is used for all bands respectively.
def __init__(
policy: AutoAugmentPolicy = AutoAugmentPolicy.IMAGENET,
interpolation: InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NEAREST,
fill: Optional[List[float]] = None,
) -> None:
self.policy = policy
self.interpolation = interpolation
self.fill = fill
self.policies = self._get_policies(policy)
def _get_policies(
self, policy: AutoAugmentPolicy
) -> List[Tuple[Tuple[str, float, Optional[int]], Tuple[str, float, Optional[int]]]]:
if policy == AutoAugmentPolicy.IMAGENET:
return [
(("Posterize", 0.4, 8), ("Rotate", 0.6, 9)),
(("Solarize", 0.6, 5), ("AutoContrast", 0.6, None)),
(("Equalize", 0.8, None), ("Equalize", 0.6, None)),
(("Posterize", 0.6, 7), ("Posterize", 0.6, 6)),
(("Equalize", 0.4, None), ("Solarize", 0.2, 4)),
(("Equalize", 0.4, None), ("Rotate", 0.8, 8)),
(("Solarize", 0.6, 3), ("Equalize", 0.6, None)),
(("Posterize", 0.8, 5), ("Equalize", 1.0, None)),
(("Rotate", 0.2, 3), ("Solarize", 0.6, 8)),
(("Equalize", 0.6, None), ("Posterize", 0.4, 6)),
(("Rotate", 0.8, 8), ("Color", 0.4, 0)),
(("Rotate", 0.4, 9), ("Equalize", 0.6, None)),
(("Equalize", 0.0, None), ("Equalize", 0.8, None)),
(("Invert", 0.6, None), ("Equalize", 1.0, None)),
(("Color", 0.6, 4), ("Contrast", 1.0, 8)),
(("Rotate", 0.8, 8), ("Color", 1.0, 2)),
(("Color", 0.8, 8), ("Solarize", 0.8, 7)),
(("Sharpness", 0.4, 7), ("Invert", 0.6, None)),
(("ShearX", 0.6, 5), ("Equalize", 1.0, None)),
(("Color", 0.4, 0), ("Equalize", 0.6, None)),
(("Equalize", 0.4, None), ("Solarize", 0.2, 4)),
(("Solarize", 0.6, 5), ("AutoContrast", 0.6, None)),
(("Invert", 0.6, None), ("Equalize", 1.0, None)),
(("Color", 0.6, 4), ("Contrast", 1.0, 8)),
(("Equalize", 0.8, None), ("Equalize", 0.6, None)),
elif policy == AutoAugmentPolicy.CIFAR10:
return [
(("Invert", 0.1, None), ("Contrast", 0.2, 6)),
(("Rotate", 0.7, 2), ("TranslateX", 0.3, 9)),
(("Sharpness", 0.8, 1), ("Sharpness", 0.9, 3)),
(("ShearY", 0.5, 8), ("TranslateY", 0.7, 9)),
(("AutoContrast", 0.5, None), ("Equalize", 0.9, None)),
(("ShearY", 0.2, 7), ("Posterize", 0.3, 7)),
(("Color", 0.4, 3), ("Brightness", 0.6, 7)),
(("Sharpness", 0.3, 9), ("Brightness", 0.7, 9)),
(("Equalize", 0.6, None), ("Equalize", 0.5, None)),
(("Contrast", 0.6, 7), ("Sharpness", 0.6, 5)),
(("Color", 0.7, 7), ("TranslateX", 0.5, 8)),
(("Equalize", 0.3, None), ("AutoContrast", 0.4, None)),
(("TranslateY", 0.4, 3), ("Sharpness", 0.2, 6)),
(("Brightness", 0.9, 6), ("Color", 0.2, 8)),
(("Solarize", 0.5, 2), ("Invert", 0.0, None)),
(("Equalize", 0.2, None), ("AutoContrast", 0.6, None)),
(("Equalize", 0.2, None), ("Equalize", 0.6, None)),
(("Color", 0.9, 9), ("Equalize", 0.6, None)),
(("AutoContrast", 0.8, None), ("Solarize", 0.2, 8)),
(("Brightness", 0.1, 3), ("Color", 0.7, 0)),
(("Solarize", 0.4, 5), ("AutoContrast", 0.9, None)),
(("TranslateY", 0.9, 9), ("TranslateY", 0.7, 9)),
(("AutoContrast", 0.9, None), ("Solarize", 0.8, 3)),
(("Equalize", 0.8, None), ("Invert", 0.1, None)),
(("TranslateY", 0.7, 9), ("AutoContrast", 0.9, None)),
elif policy == AutoAugmentPolicy.SVHN:
return [
(("ShearX", 0.9, 4), ("Invert", 0.2, None)),
(("ShearY", 0.9, 8), ("Invert", 0.7, None)),
(("Equalize", 0.6, None), ("Solarize", 0.6, 6)),
(("Invert", 0.9, None), ("Equalize", 0.6, None)),
(("Equalize", 0.6, None), ("Rotate", 0.9, 3)),
(("ShearX", 0.9, 4), ("AutoContrast", 0.8, None)),
(("ShearY", 0.9, 8), ("Invert", 0.4, None)),
(("ShearY", 0.9, 5), ("Solarize", 0.2, 6)),
(("Invert", 0.9, None), ("AutoContrast", 0.8, None)),
(("Equalize", 0.6, None), ("Rotate", 0.9, 3)),
(("ShearX", 0.9, 4), ("Solarize", 0.3, 3)),
(("ShearY", 0.8, 8), ("Invert", 0.7, None)),
(("Equalize", 0.9, None), ("TranslateY", 0.6, 6)),
(("Invert", 0.9, None), ("Equalize", 0.6, None)),
(("Contrast", 0.3, 3), ("Rotate", 0.8, 4)),
(("Invert", 0.8, None), ("TranslateY", 0.0, 2)),
(("ShearY", 0.7, 6), ("Solarize", 0.4, 8)),
(("Invert", 0.6, None), ("Rotate", 0.8, 4)),
(("ShearY", 0.3, 7), ("TranslateX", 0.9, 3)),
(("ShearX", 0.1, 6), ("Invert", 0.6, None)),
(("Solarize", 0.7, 2), ("TranslateY", 0.6, 7)),
(("ShearY", 0.8, 4), ("Invert", 0.8, None)),
(("ShearX", 0.7, 9), ("TranslateY", 0.8, 3)),
(("ShearY", 0.8, 5), ("AutoContrast", 0.7, None)),
(("ShearX", 0.7, 2), ("Invert", 0.1, None)),
raise ValueError(f"The provided policy {policy} is not recognized.")
def _augmentation_space(self, num_bins: int, image_size: List[int]) -> Dict[str, Tuple[Tensor, bool]]:
return {
# op_name: (magnitudes, signed)
"ShearX": (torch.linspace(0.0, 0.3, num_bins), True),
"ShearY": (torch.linspace(0.0, 0.3, num_bins), True),
"TranslateX": (torch.linspace(0.0, 150.0 / 331.0 * image_size[0], num_bins), True),
"TranslateY": (torch.linspace(0.0, 150.0 / 331.0 * image_size[1], num_bins), True),
"Rotate": (torch.linspace(0.0, 30.0, num_bins), True),
"Brightness": (torch.linspace(0.0, 0.9, num_bins), True),
"Color": (torch.linspace(0.0, 0.9, num_bins), True),
"Contrast": (torch.linspace(0.0, 0.9, num_bins), True),
"Sharpness": (torch.linspace(0.0, 0.9, num_bins), True),
"Posterize": (8 - (torch.arange(num_bins) / ((num_bins - 1) / 4)).round().int(), False),
"Solarize": (torch.linspace(255.0, 0.0, num_bins), False),
"AutoContrast": (torch.tensor(0.0), False),
"Equalize": (torch.tensor(0.0), False),
"Invert": (torch.tensor(0.0), False),
def get_params(transform_num: int) -> Tuple[int, Tensor, Tensor]:
"""Get parameters for autoaugment transformation
params required by the autoaugment transformation
policy_id = int(torch.randint(transform_num, (1,)).item())
probs = torch.rand((2,))
signs = torch.randint(2, (2,))
return policy_id, probs, signs
def forward(self, img: Tensor) -> Tensor:
img (PIL Image or Tensor): Image to be transformed.
PIL Image or Tensor: AutoAugmented image.
fill = self.fill
if isinstance(img, Tensor):
if isinstance(fill, (int, float)):
fill = [float(fill)] * F.get_image_num_channels(img)
elif fill is not None:
fill = [float(f) for f in fill]
transform_id, probs, signs = self.get_params(len(self.policies))
for i, (op_name, p, magnitude_id) in enumerate(self.policies[transform_id]):
if probs[i] <= p:
op_meta = self._augmentation_space(10, F.get_image_size(img))
magnitudes, signed = op_meta[op_name]
magnitude = float(magnitudes[magnitude_id].item()) if magnitude_id is not None else 0.0
if signed and signs[i] == 0:
magnitude *= -1.0
img = _apply_op(img, op_name, magnitude, interpolation=self.interpolation, fill=fill)
return img
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self.__class__.__name__ + f"(policy={self.policy}, fill={self.fill})"
class RandAugment(torch.nn.Module):
r"""RandAugment data augmentation method based on
`"RandAugment: Practical automated data augmentation with a reduced search space"
If the image is torch Tensor, it should be of type torch.uint8, and it is expected
to have [..., 1 or 3, H, W] shape, where ... means an arbitrary number of leading dimensions.
If img is PIL Image, it is expected to be in mode "L" or "RGB".
num_ops (int): Number of augmentation transformations to apply sequentially.
magnitude (int): Magnitude for all the transformations.
num_magnitude_bins (int): The number of different magnitude values.
interpolation (InterpolationMode): Desired interpolation enum defined by
:class:`torchvision.transforms.InterpolationMode`. Default is ``InterpolationMode.NEAREST``.
If input is Tensor, only ``InterpolationMode.NEAREST``, ``InterpolationMode.BILINEAR`` are supported.
fill (sequence or number, optional): Pixel fill value for the area outside the transformed
image. If given a number, the value is used for all bands respectively.
def __init__(
num_ops: int = 2,
magnitude: int = 9,
num_magnitude_bins: int = 31,
interpolation: InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NEAREST,
fill: Optional[List[float]] = None,
) -> None:
self.num_ops = num_ops
self.magnitude = magnitude
self.num_magnitude_bins = num_magnitude_bins
self.interpolation = interpolation
self.fill = fill
def _augmentation_space(self, num_bins: int, image_size: List[int]) -> Dict[str, Tuple[Tensor, bool]]:
return {
# op_name: (magnitudes, signed)
"Identity": (torch.tensor(0.0), False),
"ShearX": (torch.linspace(0.0, 0.3, num_bins), True),
"ShearY": (torch.linspace(0.0, 0.3, num_bins), True),
"TranslateX": (torch.linspace(0.0, 150.0 / 331.0 * image_size[0], num_bins), True),
"TranslateY": (torch.linspace(0.0, 150.0 / 331.0 * image_size[1], num_bins), True),
"Rotate": (torch.linspace(0.0, 30.0, num_bins), True),
"Brightness": (torch.linspace(0.0, 0.9, num_bins), True),
"Color": (torch.linspace(0.0, 0.9, num_bins), True),
"Contrast": (torch.linspace(0.0, 0.9, num_bins), True),
"Sharpness": (torch.linspace(0.0, 0.9, num_bins), True),
"Posterize": (8 - (torch.arange(num_bins) / ((num_bins - 1) / 4)).round().int(), False),
"Solarize": (torch.linspace(255.0, 0.0, num_bins), False),
"AutoContrast": (torch.tensor(0.0), False),
"Equalize": (torch.tensor(0.0), False),
def forward(self, img: Tensor) -> Tensor:
img (PIL Image or Tensor): Image to be transformed.
PIL Image or Tensor: Transformed image.
fill = self.fill
if isinstance(img, Tensor):
if isinstance(fill, (int, float)):
fill = [float(fill)] * F.get_image_num_channels(img)
elif fill is not None:
fill = [float(f) for f in fill]
for _ in range(self.num_ops):
op_meta = self._augmentation_space(self.num_magnitude_bins, F.get_image_size(img))
op_index = int(torch.randint(len(op_meta), (1,)).item())
op_name = list(op_meta.keys())[op_index]
magnitudes, signed = op_meta[op_name]
magnitude = float(magnitudes[self.magnitude].item()) if magnitudes.ndim > 0 else 0.0
if signed and torch.randint(2, (1,)):
magnitude *= -1.0
img = _apply_op(img, op_name, magnitude, interpolation=self.interpolation, fill=fill)
return img
def __repr__(self) -> str:
s = self.__class__.__name__ + "("
s += "num_ops={num_ops}"
s += ", magnitude={magnitude}"
s += ", num_magnitude_bins={num_magnitude_bins}"
s += ", interpolation={interpolation}"
s += ", fill={fill}"
s += ")"
return s.format(**self.__dict__)
class TrivialAugmentWide(torch.nn.Module):
r"""Dataset-independent data-augmentation with TrivialAugment Wide, as described in
`"TrivialAugment: Tuning-free Yet State-of-the-Art Data Augmentation" <>`_.
If the image is torch Tensor, it should be of type torch.uint8, and it is expected
to have [..., 1 or 3, H, W] shape, where ... means an arbitrary number of leading dimensions.
If img is PIL Image, it is expected to be in mode "L" or "RGB".
num_magnitude_bins (int): The number of different magnitude values.
interpolation (InterpolationMode): Desired interpolation enum defined by
:class:`torchvision.transforms.InterpolationMode`. Default is ``InterpolationMode.NEAREST``.
If input is Tensor, only ``InterpolationMode.NEAREST``, ``InterpolationMode.BILINEAR`` are supported.
fill (sequence or number, optional): Pixel fill value for the area outside the transformed
image. If given a number, the value is used for all bands respectively.
def __init__(
num_magnitude_bins: int = 31,
interpolation: InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NEAREST,
fill: Optional[List[float]] = None,
) -> None:
self.num_magnitude_bins = num_magnitude_bins
self.interpolation = interpolation
self.fill = fill
def _augmentation_space(self, num_bins: int) -> Dict[str, Tuple[Tensor, bool]]:
return {
# op_name: (magnitudes, signed)
"Identity": (torch.tensor(0.0), False),
"ShearX": (torch.linspace(0.0, 0.99, num_bins), True),
"ShearY": (torch.linspace(0.0, 0.99, num_bins), True),
"TranslateX": (torch.linspace(0.0, 32.0, num_bins), True),
"TranslateY": (torch.linspace(0.0, 32.0, num_bins), True),
"Rotate": (torch.linspace(0.0, 135.0, num_bins), True),
"Brightness": (torch.linspace(0.0, 0.99, num_bins), True),
"Color": (torch.linspace(0.0, 0.99, num_bins), True),
"Contrast": (torch.linspace(0.0, 0.99, num_bins), True),
"Sharpness": (torch.linspace(0.0, 0.99, num_bins), True),
"Posterize": (8 - (torch.arange(num_bins) / ((num_bins - 1) / 6)).round().int(), False),
"Solarize": (torch.linspace(255.0, 0.0, num_bins), False),
"AutoContrast": (torch.tensor(0.0), False),
"Equalize": (torch.tensor(0.0), False),
def forward(self, img: Tensor) -> Tensor:
img (PIL Image or Tensor): Image to be transformed.
PIL Image or Tensor: Transformed image.
fill = self.fill
if isinstance(img, Tensor):
if isinstance(fill, (int, float)):
fill = [float(fill)] * F.get_image_num_channels(img)
elif fill is not None:
fill = [float(f) for f in fill]
op_meta = self._augmentation_space(self.num_magnitude_bins)
op_index = int(torch.randint(len(op_meta), (1,)).item())
op_name = list(op_meta.keys())[op_index]
magnitudes, signed = op_meta[op_name]
magnitude = (
float(magnitudes[torch.randint(len(magnitudes), (1,), dtype=torch.long)].item())
if magnitudes.ndim > 0
else 0.0
if signed and torch.randint(2, (1,)):
magnitude *= -1.0
return _apply_op(img, op_name, magnitude, interpolation=self.interpolation, fill=fill)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
s = self.__class__.__name__ + "("
s += "num_magnitude_bins={num_magnitude_bins}"
s += ", interpolation={interpolation}"
s += ", fill={fill}"
s += ")"
return s.format(**self.__dict__)