import string from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple, List from dataclasses import dataclass from tqdm import tqdm import warnings import nltk import numpy as np import torch from torch import nn import torch.nn.functional as F from import Dataset from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence from transformers import AutoTokenizer from transformers import DebertaV2PreTrainedModel, DebertaV2Model, PretrainedConfig try: from transformers.models.deberta_v2.modeling_deberta_v2 import ( StableDropout, ContextPooler, ) except ImportError: from transformers.models.deberta_v2.modeling_deberta_v2 import ContextPooler StableDropout = nn.Dropout from transformers.modeling_outputs import ModelOutput @dataclass class RankingCompressionOutput(ModelOutput): compression_logits: torch.FloatTensor = None ranking_scores: torch.FloatTensor = None hidden_states: Optional[Tuple[torch.FloatTensor, ...]] = None attentions: Optional[Tuple[torch.FloatTensor, ...]] = None """adapted from """ class ProvenceConfig(PretrainedConfig): model_type = "Provence" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) class Provence(DebertaV2PreTrainedModel): config_class = ProvenceConfig def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config) num_labels = getattr(config, "num_labels", 2) self.num_labels = num_labels self.deberta = DebertaV2Model(config) self.pooler = ContextPooler(config) output_dim = self.pooler.output_dim ### RANKING LAYER self.classifier = nn.Linear(output_dim, num_labels) drop_out = getattr(config, "cls_dropout", None) drop_out = self.config.hidden_dropout_prob if drop_out is None else drop_out self.dropout = StableDropout(drop_out) ### COMPRESSION LAYER: another head token_dropout = drop_out self.token_dropout = nn.Dropout(token_dropout) self.token_classifier = nn.Linear( config.hidden_size, 2 ) # => hard coded number of labels = "Provence" self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(config._name_or_path) self.max_len = config.max_position_embeddings # Initialize weights and apply final processing self.post_init() def forward( self, input_ids: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, attention_mask: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, ) -> RankingCompressionOutput: outputs = self.deberta( input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, ) encoder_layer = outputs[0] pooled_output = self.pooler(encoder_layer) pooled_output = self.dropout(pooled_output) ranking_logits = self.classifier(pooled_output) compression_logits = self.token_classifier(self.token_dropout(encoder_layer)) ranking_scores = ranking_logits[ :, 0 ].squeeze() # select first dim of logits for ranking scores return RankingCompressionOutput( compression_logits=compression_logits, ranking_scores=ranking_scores, hidden_states=outputs.hidden_states, attentions=outputs.attentions, ) def process( self, question: Union[List[str], str], context: Union[List[List[str]], str], title: Optional[Union[List[List[str]], str]] = "first_sentence", batch_size=32, threshold=0.1, always_select_title=False, reorder=False, top_k=5, enable_warnings=True, ): # convert input format into queries of type List[str] and contexts/titles of type List[List[str]] if type(question) == str: queries = [question] else: # list of strs queries = question if type(context) == str: contexts = [[context]] else: contexts = context if type(title) == str and title != "first_sentence": titles = [[title]] else: titles = title assert ( titles == "first_sentence" or titles == None or type(titles) == list and len(titles) == len(queries) ), "Variable 'titles' must be 'first_sentence' or a list of strings of the same length as 'queries'" if type(titles) == list: assert all( [ len(titles_item) == len(contexts_item) for titles_item, contexts_item in zip(contexts, titles) ] ), "Each list in 'titles' must have the same length as the corresponding list in 'context'" assert len(queries) == len( contexts ), "Lists 'queries' and 'contexts' must have same lengths" dataset = TestDataset( queries=queries, contexts=contexts, titles=titles, tokenizer=self.tokenizer, max_len=self.max_len, enable_warnings=enable_warnings, ) selected_contexts = [ [{0: contexts[i][j]} for j in range(len(contexts[i]))] for i in range(len(queries)) ] reranking_scores = [ [None for j in range(len(contexts[i]))] for i in range(len(queries)) ] compressions = [ [0 for j in range(len(contexts[i]))] for i in range(len(queries)) ] with torch.no_grad(): for batch_start in tqdm( range(0, len(dataset), batch_size), desc="Pruning contexts..." ): qis = dataset.qis[batch_start : batch_start + batch_size] cis = dataset.cis[batch_start : batch_start + batch_size] sis = dataset.sis[batch_start : batch_start + batch_size] sent_coords = dataset.sent_coords[ batch_start : batch_start + batch_size ] ids_list = dataset.ids[batch_start : batch_start + batch_size] ids = pad_sequence( ids_list, batch_first=True, padding_value=dataset.pad_idx ).to(self.device) mask = (ids != dataset.pad_idx).to(self.device) outputs = self.forward(ids, mask) scores = F.softmax(outputs["compression_logits"].cpu(), dim=-1)[:, :, 1] token_preds = scores > threshold reranking_scrs = ( outputs["ranking_scores"].cpu().numpy() ) # get first score if len(reranking_scrs.shape) == 0: reranking_scrs = reranking_scrs[None] for ( ids_list_, token_preds_, rerank_score, qi, ci, si, sent_coords_, ) in zip( ids_list, token_preds, reranking_scrs, qis, cis, sis, sent_coords ): selected_mask = sentence_rounding( token_preds_.cpu().numpy(), np.array(sent_coords_), threshold=threshold, always_select_title=always_select_title and si == 0 and titles != None, ) assert len(selected_mask) == len(token_preds_) selected_contexts[qi][ci][si] = ids_list_[ selected_mask[: len(ids_list_)] ] if si == 0: reranking_scores[qi][ci] = rerank_score for i in range(len(queries)): for j in range(len(contexts[i])): if type(selected_contexts[i][j][0]) != str: toks = [ ids_ for _, ids_ in sorted( selected_contexts[i][j].items(), key=lambda x: x[0] ) ] ) selected_contexts[i][j] = self.tokenizer.decode( toks, skip_special_tokens=True, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False, ) else: selected_contexts[i][j] = selected_contexts[i][j][0] len_original = len(contexts[i][j]) len_compressed = len(selected_contexts[i][j]) compressions[i][j] = (len_original-len_compressed)/len_original * 100 if reorder: idxs = np.argsort(reranking_scores[i])[::-1][:top_k] selected_contexts[i] = [selected_contexts[i][j] for j in idxs] reranking_scores[i] = [reranking_scores[i][j] for j in idxs] compressions[i] = [compressions[i][j] for j in idxs] if type(context) == str: selected_contexts = selected_contexts[0][0] reranking_scores = reranking_scores[0][0] compressions = compressions[0][0] return { "pruned_context": selected_contexts, "reranking_score": reranking_scores, "compression_rate": compressions, } # Some utils functions def sentence_rounding(predictions, chunks, threshold, always_select_title=True): """ predictions: a binary vector containing 1 for tokens which were selected and 0s otherwise chunks: a list of pairs [start, end] of sentence, i.e. sentence is in coordinates predictions[start:end] the functions """ cumulative_sum = np.cumsum(predictions) chunk_sums = cumulative_sum[chunks[:, 1] - 1] - np.where( chunks[:, 0] > 0, cumulative_sum[chunks[:, 0] - 1], 0 ) chunk_lengths = chunks[:, 1] - chunks[:, 0] chunk_means = chunk_sums / chunk_lengths if always_select_title and (chunk_means>threshold).any(): chunk_means[0] = 1 means = np.hstack((np.zeros(1), chunk_means, np.zeros(1))) repeats = np.hstack( ([chunks[0][0]], chunk_lengths, [predictions.shape[0] - chunks[-1][1]]) ) return np.repeat(means, repeats) > threshold def normalize(s: str) -> str: def white_space_fix(text): return " ".join(text.split()) def remove_punc(text): exclude = set(string.punctuation) return "".join(ch for ch in text if ch not in exclude) def lower(text): return text.lower() return white_space_fix(remove_punc(lower(s))) def sent_split_and_tokenize(text, tokenizer, max_len): sents_nltk = nltk.sent_tokenize(text) sents = [] for j, sent_nltk in enumerate(sents_nltk): tokinput = (" " if j != 0 else "") + sent_nltk tok = tokenizer.encode(tokinput, add_special_tokens=False) ltok = len(tok) if ltok == 0: continue if ltok <= max_len: sents.append(tok) else: for begin in range(0, ltok, max_len): sents.append(tok[begin : begin + max_len]) return sents class TestDataset(Dataset): def __init__( self, queries, contexts, tokenizer, max_len=512, titles="first_sentence", enable_warnings=True, ): self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.max_len = max_len self.pad_idx = 0 self.cls_idx = [1] self.sep_idx = [2] self.eos = [2] # hardcoded deberta-specific indexes self.nb_spe_tok = len(self.cls_idx) + len(self.sep_idx) self.enable_warnings = enable_warnings self.unusual_query_length = ( self.max_len // 2 ) # TODO: change to data-driven value self.unusual_title_len = self.max_len // 2 # TODO: change to data-driven value self.create_dataset(contexts, queries, titles) self.len = len(self.cis) def create_dataset(self, contexts, queries, titles="first_sentence"): self.qis = [] self.cis = [] self.sis = [] self.sent_coords = [] self.cntx_coords = [] self.ids = [] if self.enable_warnings: warnings_dict = { "zero_len_query": set(), "too_long_query": set(), "unusually_long_query": set(), "unusually_long_title": set(), "split_context": set(), } for i, query in enumerate(queries): tokenized_query = self.tokenizer.encode( normalize(query), add_special_tokens=False ) # normalize query because all training data has normalized queries query_len = len(tokenized_query) if query_len == 0: if self.enable_warnings: warnings_dict["zero_len_query"].add(i) continue elif query_len >= self.max_len - self.nb_spe_tok - 1: # -1 for eos if self.enable_warnings: warnings_dict["too_long_query"].add(i) continue elif query_len >= self.unusual_query_length: if self.enable_warnings: warnings_dict["unusually_long_query"].add(i) left_0 = len(tokenized_query) + self.nb_spe_tok tokenized_seq_0 = self.cls_idx + tokenized_query + self.sep_idx max_len = self.max_len - left_0 - 1 for j, cntx in enumerate(contexts[i]): title = titles[i][j] if type(titles) == list else titles tokenized_sents = sent_split_and_tokenize(cntx, self.tokenizer, max_len) # each (sent + query + special tokens) <= max_len if title is not None and title != "first_sentence": tokenized_title = self.tokenizer.encode( title, add_special_tokens=False ) ltok = len(tokenized_title) if ltok == 0: pass elif ltok <= max_len: tokenized_sents = [tokenized_title] + tokenized_sents else: if self.enable_warnings and ltok >= self.unusual_title_len: warnings_dict["unusually_long_title"].add(i) tokenized_sents = [ tokenized_title[begin : begin + max_len] for begin in range(0, ltok, max_len) ] + tokenized_sents tokenized_seq = tokenized_seq_0 left = left_0 sent_coords = [] block = 0 for idx, tokenized_sent in enumerate(tokenized_sents): l = len(tokenized_sent) if left + l <= self.max_len - 1: sent_coords.append([left, left + l]) tokenized_seq = tokenized_seq + tokenized_sent left += l else: if self.enable_warnings: warnings_dict["split_context"].add(i) if len(tokenized_seq) > left_0: tokenized_seq = tokenized_seq + self.eos self.qis.append(i) self.cis.append(j) self.sis.append(block) self.sent_coords.append(sent_coords) self.cntx_coords.append( [sent_coords[0][0], sent_coords[-1][1]] ) self.ids.append(torch.tensor(tokenized_seq)) tokenized_seq = tokenized_seq_0 + tokenized_sent sent_coords = [[left_0, left_0 + l]] left = left_0 + l block += 1 if len(tokenized_seq) > left_0: tokenized_seq = tokenized_seq + self.eos self.qis.append(i) self.cis.append(j) self.sis.append(block) self.sent_coords.append(sent_coords) self.cntx_coords.append([sent_coords[0][0], sent_coords[-1][1]]) self.ids.append(torch.tensor(tokenized_seq)) if self.enable_warnings: self.print_warnings(warnings_dict, len(queries)) def __len__(self): return len(self.ids) def print_warnings(self, warnings_dict, N): n = len(warnings_dict["zero_len_query"]) info = " You can suppress Provence warnings by setting enable_warnings=False." if n > 0: ex = list(warnings_dict["zero_len_query"])[:10] warnings.warn( f"{n} out of {N} queries have zero length, e.g. at indexes {ex}. " "These examples will be skipped in context pruning, " "their contexts will be kept as is." + info ) n = len(warnings_dict["too_long_query"]) if n > 0: ex = list(warnings_dict["too_long_query"])[:10] warnings.warn( f"{n} out of {N} queries are too long for context length {self.max_len}, " f"e.g. at indexes {ex}. These examples will be skipped in context pruning, " "their contexts will be kept as is." + info ) n = len(warnings_dict["unusually_long_query"]) if n > 0: ex = list(warnings_dict["unusually_long_query"])[:10] warnings.warn( f"{n} out of {N} queries are longer than {self.unusual_query_length} tokens, " f"e.g. at indexes {ex}. These examples will processed as usual in context pruning, " "but the quality of context pruning could be reduced." + info ) n = len(warnings_dict["unusually_long_title"]) if n > 0: ex = list(warnings_dict["unusually_long_title"])[:10] warnings.warn( f"{n} out of {N} titles are longer than {self.unusual_title_length} tokens, " f"e.g. at indexes {ex}. These examples will processed as usual in context pruning, " "but the quality of context pruning could be reduced." + info ) n = len(warnings_dict["split_context"]) if n > 0: ex = list(warnings_dict["split_context"])[:10] warnings.warn( f"{n} out of {N} contexts were split into several pieces for context pruning, " f"due to a limited context length of Provence which is equal to {self.max_len}. " "This could potentially reduce the quality of context pruning. " "You could consider checking and reducing lengths of contexts, queries, or titles." + info )