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Mar 14

Galaxy Spectra neural Network (GaSNet). II. Using Deep Learning for Spectral Classification and Redshift Predictions

Large sky spectroscopic surveys have reached the scale of photometric surveys in terms of sample sizes and data complexity. These huge datasets require efficient, accurate, and flexible automated tools for data analysis and science exploitation. We present the Galaxy Spectra Network/GaSNet-II, a supervised multi-network deep learning tool for spectra classification and redshift prediction. GaSNet-II can be trained to identify a customized number of classes and optimize the redshift predictions for classified objects in each of them. It also provides redshift errors, using a network-of-networks that reproduces a Monte Carlo test on each spectrum, by randomizing their weight initialization. As a demonstration of the capability of the deep learning pipeline, we use 260k Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectra from Data Release 16, separated into 13 classes including 140k galactic, and 120k extragalactic objects. GaSNet-II achieves 92.4% average classification accuracy over the 13 classes (larger than 90% for the majority of them), and an average redshift error of approximately 0.23% for galaxies and 2.1% for quasars. We further train/test the same pipeline to classify spectra and predict redshifts for a sample of 200k 4MOST mock spectra and 21k publicly released DESI spectra. On 4MOST mock data, we reach 93.4% accuracy in 10-class classification and an average redshift error of 0.55% for galaxies and 0.3% for active galactic nuclei. On DESI data, we reach 96% accuracy in (star/galaxy/quasar only) classification and an average redshift error of 2.8% for galaxies and 4.8% for quasars, despite the small sample size available. GaSNet-II can process ~40k spectra in less than one minute, on a normal Desktop GPU. This makes the pipeline particularly suitable for real-time analyses of Stage-IV survey observations and an ideal tool for feedback loops aimed at night-by-night survey strategy optimization.

Constraints on the variation of the fine-structure constant at 3<z<10 with JWST emission-line galaxies

We present constraints on the spacetime variation of the fine-structure constant alpha at redshifts 2.5le z<9.5 using JWST emission-line galaxies. The galaxy sample consists of 621 high-quality spectra with strong and narrow [O III] lambdalambda4959,5007 doublet emission lines from 578 galaxies, including 232 spectra at z>5. The [O III] doublet lines are arguably the best emission lines to probe the variation in alpha. We divide our sample into six subsamples based on redshift and calculate the relative variation Deltaalpha/alpha for the individual subsamples. The calculated Deltaalpha/alpha values are consistent with zero within 1sigma at all redshifts, suggesting no time variation in alpha above a level of (1-2) times10^{-4} (1sigma) in the past 13.2 billion years. When the whole sample is combined, the constraint is improved to be Deltaalpha/alpha = (0.2pm0.7) times10^{-4}. We further test the spatial variation in alpha using four subsamples of galaxies in four different directions on the sky. The measured Deltaalpha/alpha values are consistent with zero at a 1sigma level of sim 2times10^{-4}. While the constraints in this work are not as stringent as those from lower-redshift quasar absorption lines in previous studies, this work uses an independent tracer and provides the first constraints on Deltaalpha/alpha at the highest redshifts. With the growing number of emission-line galaxies from JWST, we expect to achieve stronger constraints in the future.

Pz Cats: Photometric redshift catalogs based on DES Y3 BAO sample

The photometric redshift estimation (photo-z) has been developed over the years with various methods. In this work, we analyse four different photo-z estimators using the Dark Energy Survey Y3 BAO Sample: ANNz2, BPZ, ENF, and DNF. Unlike what is usually found in the literature, we investigate the possibility of selecting the best galaxies according to their redshift Probability Distribution Function (PDF). We selected 25,760 galaxies from four different spectroscopic surveys and cross-matched them with the photo-z sample. These galaxies served to understand the redshift bias and its 68th percentile sigma_{68}. We found that within a range of 0.79<z_p<0.85 there is the lowest sigma for all the estimators we analysed. DNF has the biggest absolute value of the bias (sigma), while ENF, ANNz2 and BPZ lose precision for a redshift range below 0.7 and higher than 0.9. If one wants to pick the best galaxies by removing the bins with the worst bias, one will find that ANNz2 is the most robust algorithm for all chosen criteria. When selecting the best PDFs, the resulting sub-samples gave BPZ with more selected objects. ANNz2 shows better precision, ENF has the worst selection of Gaussian PDFs, with very few galaxies left for an LSS study. We also showed that even though the PDFs are smooth, there are catastrophic redshift results. Lastly, DNF is the worst in precision but with sufficient galaxies for cosmological analysis. We also selected galaxies whose PDFs have only secondary peaks not bigger than 30\% of the main peak height, called Small Peaks. For these sub-samples, ANNz2 outperformed the other algorithms. We will make all catalogs publicly available through the package Pz Cats.

The Tale of Two Telescopes: How Hubble Uniquely Complements the James Webb Space Telescope: Galaxies

In this paper, we present a simple but compelling argument, focusing on galaxy science, for preserving the main imagers and operational modes of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) for as long as is technically feasible. While star-formation started at redshifts zgtrsim10-13, when the universe was less than 300-500 Myr old, the CSFH did not peak until zsimeq1.9, and has steadily declined since that time. Hence, at least half of all stars in the universe formed in the era where HST provides its unique rest-frame UV view of unobscured young, massive stars tracing cosmic star-formation. By rendering a subset of the 556.3 hours of available HST images in 12 filters of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF) in an appropriate mix of colors, we illustrate the unique capabilities of HST for galaxy science emphasizing that rest-frame UV-optical wavelength range. We then contrast this with the 52.7 publicly available hours of JWST/NIRCam images in 8 filters of the same HUDF area from the JADES project, rendering these at the redder near-IR wavelengths to illustrate the unique capabilities of JWST to detect older stellar populations at higher redshifts, as well as very dusty stellar populations and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). HST uniquely probes (unobscured) young, hot, massive stars in galaxies, while JWST reveals more advanced stages of older stellar populations, as well as relatively short-lived phases where galaxies produce and shed a lot of dust from intense star-formation, and the very high redshift universe (zgtrsim10-11) not accessible by HST. We conclude that HST and JWST are highly complementary facilities that took decades to build to ensure decades of operation. To maximize return on investment on both HST and JWST, ways will need to be found to operate HST imaging instruments in all relevant modes for as long as possible into the JWST mission.

The redshift dependence of the inferred H_0 in a local void solution to the Hubble tension

Galaxy number counts suggest that we are located within the Gpc-scale KBC void. The Hubble tension might arise due to gravitationally driven outflow from this void, as explored in detail by Haslbauer et al. We explore how the impact of the void on redshift decays at large distances. We define H_0(z) as the present expansion rate H_0 that would be inferred from observations in a narrow redshift range centred on z. We find H_0(z) in three different ways, all of which give similar results. We then compare these results with the observations of Jia et al., who were careful to minimise the impact of correlations between H_0 measurements from data in different redshift bins. We find reasonable agreement with their results for the Gaussian and Exponential void underdensity profiles, although the agreement is less good in the Maxwell-Boltzmann case. The latter profile causes severe disagreement with the observed bulk flow curve at z < 0.1 (Mazurenko et al.), so the tension with higher redshift data further highlights that the deepest part of the KBC void is probably near its centre. The observations show a decline of H_0(z) towards the background Planck value in qualitative agreement with the considered models, even if we use a larger void. The good overall agreement with the recent results of Jia et al. suggests that the local supervoid evident from the galaxy luminosity density out to a Gpc might also solve the Hubble tension while retaining a low background H_0 consistent with Planck data, assuming enhanced structure formation on >100 Mpc scales.

Mantis Shrimp: Exploring Photometric Band Utilization in Computer Vision Networks for Photometric Redshift Estimation

We present Mantis Shrimp, a multi-survey deep learning model for photometric redshift estimation that fuses ultra-violet (GALEX), optical (PanSTARRS), and infrared (UnWISE) imagery. Machine learning is now an established approach for photometric redshift estimation, with generally acknowledged higher performance in areas with a high density of spectroscopically identified galaxies over template-based methods. Multiple works have shown that image-based convolutional neural networks can outperform tabular-based color/magnitude models. In comparison to tabular models, image models have additional design complexities: it is largely unknown how to fuse inputs from different instruments which have different resolutions or noise properties. The Mantis Shrimp model estimates the conditional density estimate of redshift using cutout images. The density estimates are well calibrated and the point estimates perform well in the distribution of available spectroscopically confirmed galaxies with (bias = 1e-2), scatter (NMAD = 2.44e-2) and catastrophic outlier rate (eta=17.53%). We find that early fusion approaches (e.g., resampling and stacking images from different instruments) match the performance of late fusion approaches (e.g., concatenating latent space representations), so that the design choice ultimately is left to the user. Finally, we study how the models learn to use information across bands, finding evidence that our models successfully incorporates information from all surveys. The applicability of our model to the analysis of large populations of galaxies is limited by the speed of downloading cutouts from external servers; however, our model could be useful in smaller studies such as generating priors over redshift for stellar population synthesis.

The FAST HI 21-cm absorption blind survey. II. -- Statistic Exploration for Associated and Intervening systems

We present an extragalactic HI 21-cm absorption lines catalog from a blind search at z leqslant 0.35, using drift-scan data collected in 1325.6 hours by the ongoing Commensal Radio Astronomy FasT Survey (CRAFTS) and FAST All Sky HI Survey (FASHI), which spans a sky area of 6072.0 deg^{2} and covers 84533 radio sources with a flux density greater than 12 mJy. 14 previously identified HI absorbers and 20 newly discovered HI absorbers were detected, comprising 15 associated systems, 10 intervening systems, and 9 systems with undetermined classifications. Through spectral stacking, the mean peak optical path, mean velocity-integrated optical path, mean FWHM and mean HI column density are measured to be 0.47 and 0.30; 27.19 and 4.36 km s^{-1}; 42.61 and 9.33 km s^{-1}; 0.49 and 0.08 T_{s} times 10^{20}cm^{-2}K^{-1}, for the associated and intervening samples, respectively. Statistical analysis also reveals that associated systems tend to be hosted by red (g-r>0.7) galaxies at lower redshifts, whereas galaxies hosting intervening HI absorption are typically found at higher redshifts and are of a bluer (g-rleqslant0.7) type. A noticeable difference is observed in the positions of foregrounds, backgrounds of intervening systems, and high-redshift and low-redshift associated systems on the WISE color-color diagram. All identified foreground sources in our sample have W1-W2 magnitudes below 0.8, suggesting no Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). In contrast, backgrounds of intervening systems tend to have W1-W2 magnitudes above 0.8, indicating AGN presence. For associated absorption, most low-redshift (zleqslant0.5) systems show W1-W2 values below 0.8, while higher-redshift associated absorption (z>0.5) displays a broader range of W1-W2 values.

The JWST EXCELS survey: direct estimates of C, N, and O abundances in two relatively metal-rich galaxies at zsimeq5

We present a spectroscopic analysis of two star-forming galaxies at z~5 observed with JWST/NIRSpec as part of the Early eXtragalactic Continuum and Emission Line Science (EXCELS) survey. The detection of the C III]lambdalambda1906,09, [O II]lambdalambda3726,29, [O III]lambdalambda4363,5007, and [N II]lambda6584 nebular emission lines enables investigation of the C/O, N/O, and C/N abundance ratios using the temperature-sensitive method. The two galaxies have stellar masses of log(M_{star}/M_{odot} ) = 8.13pm0.09 and log(M_{star}/M_{odot} )=8.52pm0.13 and corresponding metallicities of Z~0.2Z_{odot} and Z~0.3Z_{odot}. These metallicities are somewhat higher than is typical for other z>5 galaxies with similar stellar mass and are in fact comparable to high-redshift analogue galaxies at z~0. Both galaxies display evidence for N/O enhancement with respect to the z~0 sample, with log(N/O)=-1.07pm0.17 and log(N/O)=-0.86pm0.15 respectively. In contrast, we find low C abundances, with log(C/O)=-0.82pm0.22 and log(C/O)=-1.02pm0.22, consistent with the predicted yields of core-collapse supernovae. Following the trend observed in other high-redshift sources, we find that the C/N ratios are lower at fixed O/H compared to the majority of local galaxies. In contrast to the top-heavy IMF invoked in some studies to explain low C/N ratios in metal-poor galaxies, we find, via comparison to chemical evolution models, that a standard or bottom-heavy IMF better explains the observed abundance ratios in more enriched systems due to an increase in N-enrichment from intermediate mass (4-7M_{odot}) stars. Our results demonstrate that robust measurements of CNO abundances with JWST can reveal unique enrichment pathways in galaxies as a function of both metallicity and redshift.

MSA-3D: Metallicity Gradients in Galaxies at zsim1 with JWST/NIRSpec Slit-stepping Spectroscopy

The radial gradient of gas-phase metallicity is a powerful probe of the chemical and structural evolution of star-forming galaxies, closely tied to disk formation and gas kinematics in the early universe. We present spatially resolved chemical and dynamical properties for a sample of 25 galaxies at 0.5 lesssim z lesssim 1.7 from the \msasd survey. These innovative observations provide 3D spectroscopy of galaxies at a spatial resolution approaching JWST's diffraction limit and a high spectral resolution of Rsimeq2700. The metallicity gradients measured in our galaxy sample range from -0.03 to 0.02 dex~kpc^{-1}. Most galaxies exhibit negative or flat radial gradients, indicating lower metallicity in the outskirts or uniform metallicity throughout the entire galaxy. We confirm a tight relationship between stellar mass and metallicity gradient at zsim1 with small intrinsic scatter of 0.02 dex~kpc^{-1}. Our results indicate that metallicity gradients become increasingly negative as stellar mass increases, likely because the more massive galaxies tend to be more ``disky". This relationship is consistent with the predictions from cosmological hydrodynamic zoom-in simulations with strong stellar feedback. This work presents the effort to harness the multiplexing capability of JWST NIRSpec/MSA in slit-stepping mode to map the chemical and kinematic profiles of high-redshift galaxies in large samples and at high spatial and spectral resolution.

Statistical selection of high-redshift, neutral-hydrogen-rich, lensed galaxies with the Square Kilometre Array

Deep wide spectral line surveys with the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) will expand the cosmic frontiers of neutral atomic hydrogen (HI) in galaxies. However, at cosmologically significant redshifts (z gtrsim 0.5), detections will typically be spatially unresolved and limited to the highest mass systems. Gravitational lensing could potentially alleviate these limitations, enabling lower mass systems to be studied at higher redshift and spatially resolved dynamical studies of some HI discs. Additionally, lensed HI systems would select foreground dark matter haloes using a different, more extended baryonic tracer compared to other lens surveys. This may result in a wider selected range of foreground dark matter halo properties, such as the concentration parameter. This paper uses the distortion of the observed HI mass function (HIMF) produced by strong gravitational lensing to find a flux density criterion for selecting lensed HI sources in future SKA-Mid spectral line surveys. This selection approach could yield lensed HI source densities in the range of sim 0.1--10 galaxies per square degree out to a redshift of z simeq 3 covered by SKA-MID Band 1. Although the sample sizes are modest, even with the proposed SKA-Mid surveys, the selection approach is straightforward and should have a 50% efficiency without any additional information, such as low-impact-factor or lower-redshift massive galaxies. The efficiency of selecting high-redshift, neutral-hydrogen-rich, lensed galaxies should then be greatly enhanced by using SKA-MID data in concert with the Vera C. Rubin Large Survey of Space and Time.

Euclid. II. The VIS Instrument

This paper presents the specification, design, and development of the Visible Camera (VIS) on the ESA Euclid mission. VIS is a large optical-band imager with a field of view of 0.54 deg^2 sampled at 0.1" with an array of 609 Megapixels and spatial resolution of 0.18". It will be used to survey approximately 14,000 deg^2 of extragalactic sky to measure the distortion of galaxies in the redshift range z=0.1-1.5 resulting from weak gravitational lensing, one of the two principal cosmology probes of Euclid. With photometric redshifts, the distribution of dark matter can be mapped in three dimensions, and, from how this has changed with look-back time, the nature of dark energy and theories of gravity can be constrained. The entire VIS focal plane will be transmitted to provide the largest images of the Universe from space to date, reaching m_AB>24.5 with S/N >10 in a single broad I_E~(r+i+z) band over a six year survey. The particularly challenging aspects of the instrument are the control and calibration of observational biases, which lead to stringent performance requirements and calibration regimes. With its combination of spatial resolution, calibration knowledge, depth, and area covering most of the extra-Galactic sky, VIS will also provide a legacy data set for many other fields. This paper discusses the rationale behind the VIS concept and describes the instrument design and development before reporting the pre-launch performance derived from ground calibrations and brief results from the in-orbit commissioning. VIS should reach fainter than m_AB=25 with S/N>10 for galaxies of full-width half-maximum of 0.3" in a 1.3" diameter aperture over the Wide Survey, and m_AB>26.4 for a Deep Survey that will cover more than 50 deg^2. The paper also describes how VIS works with the other Euclid components of survey, telescope, and science data processing to extract the cosmological information.

The Foundation Supernova Survey: Measuring Cosmological Parameters with Supernovae from a Single Telescope

Measurements of the dark energy equation-of-state parameter, w, have been limited by uncertainty in the selection effects and photometric calibration of z<0.1 Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). The Foundation Supernova Survey is designed to lower these uncertainties by creating a new sample of z<0.1 SNe Ia observed on the Pan-STARRS system. Here, we combine the Foundation sample with SNe from the Pan-STARRS Medium Deep Survey and measure cosmological parameters with 1,338 SNe from a single telescope and a single, well-calibrated photometric system. For the first time, both the low-z and high-z data are predominantly discovered by surveys that do not target pre-selected galaxies, reducing selection bias uncertainties. The z>0.1 data include 875 SNe without spectroscopic classifications and we show that we can robustly marginalize over CC SN contamination. We measure Foundation Hubble residuals to be fainter than the pre-existing low-z Hubble residuals by 0.046 pm 0.027 mag (stat+sys). By combining the SN Ia data with cosmic microwave background constraints, we find w=-0.938 pm 0.053, consistent with LambdaCDM. With 463 spectroscopically classified SNe Ia alone, we measure w=-0.933pm0.061. Using the more homogeneous and better-characterized Foundation sample gives a 55% reduction in the systematic uncertainty attributed to SN Ia sample selection biases. Although use of just a single photometric system at low and high redshift increases the impact of photometric calibration uncertainties in this analysis, previous low-z samples may have correlated calibration uncertainties that were neglected in past studies. The full Foundation sample will observe up to 800 SNe to anchor the LSST and WFIRST Hubble diagrams.

An Atlas of Color-selected Quiescent Galaxies at z>3 in Public JWST Fields

We present the results of a systematic search for candidate quiescent galaxies in the distant Universe in eleven JWST fields with publicly available observations collected during the first three months of operations and covering an effective sky area of sim145 arcmin^2. We homogeneously reduce the new JWST data and combine them with existing observations from the Hubble,Space,Telescope. We select a robust sample of sim80 candidate quiescent and quenching galaxies at 3 < z < 5 using two methods: (1) based on their rest-frame UVJ colors, and (2) a novel quantitative approach based on Gaussian Mixture Modeling of the NUV-U, U-V, and V-J rest-frame color space, which is more sensitive to recently quenched objects. We measure comoving number densities of massive (M_stargeq 10^{10.6} M_odot) quiescent galaxies consistent with previous estimates relying on ground-based observations, after homogenizing the results in the literature with our mass and redshift intervals. However, we find significant field-to-field variations of the number densities up to a factor of 2-3, highlighting the effect of cosmic variance and suggesting the presence of overdensities of red quiescent galaxies at z>3, as it could be expected for highly clustered massive systems. Importantly, JWST enables the robust identification of quenching/quiescent galaxy candidates at lower masses and higher redshifts than before, challenging standard formation scenarios. All data products, including the literature compilation, are made publicly available.

The Redshift Evolution of the M_bullet-M_star Relation for JWST's Supermassive Black Holes at z > 4

JWST has detected many overmassive galactic systems at z > 4, where the mass of the black hole, M_bullet, is 10-100 times larger than expected from local relations, given the host's stellar mass, M_star. This Letter presents a model to describe these overmassive systems in the high-z Universe. We suggest that the black hole mass is the main driver of high-z star formation quenching. SMBHs globally impact their high-z galaxies because their hosts are physically small, and the black holes have duty cycles close to unity at z > 4. In this regime, we assume that black hole mass growth is regulated by the quasar's output, while stellar mass growth is quenched by it and uncorrelated to the global properties of the host halo. We find that the ratio M_bullet/M_star controls the average star formation efficiency: if M_bullet/M_star > 8times 10^{18} (n Lambda/f_{edd})[(Omega_b M_h)/(Omega_m M_star) - 1], then the galaxy is unable to form stars efficiently. Once this ratio exceeds the threshold, a runaway process brings the originally overmassive system towards the local M_bullet - M_star relation. Furthermore, the M_bullet - M_star relation evolves with redshift as propto (1+z)^{5/2}. At z sim 5, we find an overmassive factor of sim 55, in excellent agreement with current JWST data and the high-z relation inferred from those. Extending the black hole horizon farther in redshift and lower in mass will test this model and improve our understanding of the early co-evolution of black holes and galaxies.

The FRB20190520B Sightline Intersects Foreground Galaxy Clusters

The repeating fast radio burst FRB20190520B is an anomaly of the FRB population thanks to its high dispersion measure (DM=1205,pc,cm^{-3}) despite its low redshift of z_frb=0.241. This excess has been attributed to a host contribution of {DM_{host}} approx 900,pc,cm^{-3}, far larger than any other known FRB. In this paper, we describe spectroscopic observations of the FRB20190520B field obtained as part of the FLIMFLAM survey on the 2dF/AAOmega facility, which yielded 701 galaxies redshifts in a field of approx 3,deg^2. Applying a friends-of-friends group finder reveals multiple galaxy groups and clusters, for which we then estimated halo masses by comparing their richness with forward-modeled mocks from numerical simulations. We discover two separate M_halo >10^{14},M_odot galaxy clusters, at z=0.1867 and z=0.2170, respectively, that are directly intersected by the FRB sightline within their characteristic radius r_{200}. Subtracting off their estimated DM contributions as well that of the diffuse intergalactic medium, we estimate a host contribution of DM_{host}=467^{+140}_{-230},pc,cm^{-3} or {DM_{host}} = 339^{+122}_{-174},pc,cm^{-3} (observed frame) depending on whether we assume the halo gas extends to r_{200} or 2times r_{200}. This significantly smaller DM_{host} -- no longer the largest known value -- is now consistent with Halpha emission measure estimates of the host galaxy without having to invoke unusually high gas temperatures. We also re-estimate the turbulent fluctuation and geometric amplification factor of the scattering layer to be FG approx 3.9 - 7.5,(pc^2;km)^{-1/3}. This result illustrates the importance of incorporating foreground data for FRB analyses, both for understanding the nature of FRBs and to realize their potential as a cosmological probe.

JAGB 2.0: Improved Constraints on the J-region Asymptotic Giant Branch-based Hubble Constant from an Expanded Sample of JWST Observations

The J-region Asymptotic Giant Branch (JAGB) is an overdensity of stars in the near-infrared, attributed to carbon-rich asymptotic giant branch stars, and recently used as a standard candle for measuring extragalactic distances and the Hubble constant. Using JWST in Cycle 2, we extend JAGB measurements to 6 hosts of 9 Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) (NGC 2525, NGC 3147, NGC 3370, NGC 3447, NGC 5468, and NGC 5861), with two at D sim 40 Mpc, all calibrated by the maser host NGC 4258. We investigate the effects of incompleteness and find that we are unable to recover a robust JAGB measurement in one of the two most distant hosts at R sim 40 Mpc, NGC 3147. We compile all JWST JAGB observations in SNe Ia hosts, 15 galaxies hosting 18 SNe Ia, from the SH0ES and CCHP programs and employ all literature measures (mode, mean, median, model). We find no significant mean difference between these distances and those from HST Cepheids, -0.03pm0.02 (stat) pm 0.05 (sys) mag. We find a difference of 0.11 pm 0.02 mag between JAGB mode measurements in the CCHP analyses of two fields in NGC 4258, a feature also seen in two SH0ES fields (see field-to-field variations in Li et al. 2024a), indicating significant field-to-field variation of JAGB measurements in NGC 4258 which produce a large absolute calibration uncertainty. Variations are also seen in the shape of the JAGB LF across galaxies so that different measures produce different values of the Hubble constant. We look for but do not (yet) find a standardizing relation between JAGB LF skew or color dependence and the apparent variation. Using the middle result of all JAGB measures to calibrate SNe Ia yields a Hubble constant of H_0 = 73.3 pm 1.4 (stat) pm 2.0 (sys) km/s/Mpc with the systematic dominated by apparent differences across NGC 4258 calibrating fields or their measures.

A New Approach for Constraining Large-Scale Temperature Fluctuations in the Intergalactic Medium

The reionization of helium is thought to occur at 2.5lesssim zlesssim4, marking the last phase transition and final global heating event of the intergalactic medium (IGM). Since it is driven by rare quasars, helium reionization should give rise to strong temperature fluctuations in the IGM between neutral and recently-ionized regions of order sigma (ln T) sim Delta T/T = 20-50%. We introduce a novel method to search for reionization-induced temperature fluctuations in the IGM by using the effective optical depths of the Lyman-alpha forest towards a large number of background quasars. Higher IGM temperatures give rise to lower effective optical depths in the Lyman-alpha forest, implying that temperature fluctuations will broaden the observed optical depth distribution. We measured the distributions of effective Lyman-alpha forest optical depths across 71 X-Shooter spectra from the XQ-100 survey in four redshift bins from z=3.76 to z=4.19 and compared them to a large-volume cosmological hydrodynamical simulation. A good agreement is found between the observations and the simulation, which does not include temperature fluctuations; therefore, we do not detect a signature of helium reionization. We then post-process the simulations to include an increasing amount of temperature fluctuations until the model becomes inconsistent with the observations. We obtain tight constraints on sigma (ln T) < 0.29 (<0.40) at 2 sigma (3 sigma) at z=3.76 when averaging over scales of 100 comoving Mpc, and weaker constraints for higher redshifts and smaller scales. Our constraints are the tightest to date, and imply that either the IGM temperature contrast caused by helium reionization is less than sim30%, or that the process has not yet significantly started at z=3.76.

Suppressing the sample variance of DESI-like galaxy clustering with fast simulations

Ongoing and upcoming galaxy redshift surveys, such as the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) survey, will observe vast regions of sky and a wide range of redshifts. In order to model the observations and address various systematic uncertainties, N-body simulations are routinely adopted, however, the number of large simulations with sufficiently high mass resolution is usually limited by available computing time. Therefore, achieving a simulation volume with the effective statistical errors significantly smaller than those of the observations becomes prohibitively expensive. In this study, we apply the Convergence Acceleration by Regression and Pooling (CARPool) method to mitigate the sample variance of the DESI-like galaxy clustering in the AbacusSummit simulations, with the assistance of the quasi-N-body simulations FastPM. Based on the halo occupation distribution (HOD) models, we construct different FastPM galaxy catalogs, including the luminous red galaxies (LRGs), emission line galaxies (ELGs), and quasars, with their number densities and two-point clustering statistics well matched to those of AbacusSummit. We also employ the same initial conditions between AbacusSummit and FastPM to achieve high cross-correlation, as it is useful in effectively suppressing the variance. Our method of reducing noise in clustering is equivalent to performing a simulation with volume larger by a factor of 5 and 4 for LRGs and ELGs, respectively. We also mitigate the standard deviation of the LRG bispectrum with the triangular configurations k_2=2k_1=0.2 h/Mpc by a factor of 1.6. With smaller sample variance on galaxy clustering, we are able to constrain the baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) scale parameters to higher precision. The CARPool method will be beneficial to better constrain the theoretical systematics of BAO, redshift space distortions (RSD) and primordial non-Gaussianity (NG).

The Mira-Titan Universe IV. High Precision Power Spectrum Emulation

Modern cosmological surveys are delivering datasets characterized by unprecedented quality and statistical completeness; this trend is expected to continue into the future as new ground- and space-based surveys come online. In order to maximally extract cosmological information from these observations, matching theoretical predictions are needed. At low redshifts, the surveys probe the nonlinear regime of structure formation where cosmological simulations are the primary means of obtaining the required information. The computational cost of sufficiently resolved large-volume simulations makes it prohibitive to run very large ensembles. Nevertheless, precision emulators built on a tractable number of high-quality simulations can be used to build very fast prediction schemes to enable a variety of cosmological inference studies. We have recently introduced the Mira-Titan Universe simulation suite designed to construct emulators for a range of cosmological probes. The suite covers the standard six cosmological parameters {omega_m,omega_b, sigma_8, h, n_s, w_0} and, in addition, includes massive neutrinos and a dynamical dark energy equation of state, {omega_{nu}, w_a}. In this paper we present the final emulator for the matter power spectrum based on 111 cosmological simulations, each covering a (2.1Gpc)^3 volume and evolving 3200^3 particles. An additional set of 1776 lower-resolution simulations and TimeRG perturbation theory results for the power spectrum are used to cover scales straddling the linear to mildly nonlinear regimes. The emulator provides predictions at the two to three percent level of accuracy over a wide range of cosmological parameters and is publicly released as part of this paper.

ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey: Physical characterization of near-infrared-dark intrinsically faint ALMA sources at z=2-4

We present results from Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) spectral line-scan observations at 3-mm and 2-mm bands of three near-infrared-dark (NIR-dark) galaxies behind two massive lensing clusters MACS J0417.5-1154 and RXC J0032.1+1808. Each of these three sources is a faint (de-lensed S_{1.2 mm} < 1 mJy) triply lensed system originally discovered in the ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey. We have successfully detected CO and [C I] emission lines and confirmed that their spectroscopic redshifts are z=3.652, 2.391, and 2.985. By utilizing a rich multi-wavelength data set, we find that the NIR-dark galaxies are located on the star formation main sequence in the intrinsic stellar mass range of log (M_*/M_odot) = 9.8 - 10.4, which is about one order of magnitude lower than that of typical submillimeter galaxies (SMGs). These NIR-dark galaxies show a variety in gas depletion times and spatial extent of dust emission. One of the three is a normal star-forming galaxy with gas depletion time consistent with a scaling relation, and its infrared surface brightness is an order of magnitude smaller than that of typical SMGs. Since this galaxy has an elongated axis ratio of sim 0.17, we argue that normal star-forming galaxies in an edge-on configuration can be heavily dust-obscured. This implies that existing deep WFC3/F160W surveys may miss a fraction of typical star-forming main-sequence galaxies due to their edge-on orientation.

Elevated UV luminosity density at Cosmic Dawn explained by non-evolving, weakly-mass dependent star formation efficiency

Recent observations with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have uncovered unexpectedly high cosmic star formation activity in the early Universe, mere hundreds of millions of years after the Big Bang. These observations are often understood to reflect an evolutionary shift in star formation efficiency (SFE) caused by changing galactic conditions during these early epochs. We present FIREbox-HR, a high-resolution, cosmological hydrodynamical simulation from the Feedback in Realistic Environments project, which offers insights into the SFE of galaxies during the first billion years of cosmic time. FIREbox-HR re-simulates the cosmic volume (L = 22.1 cMpc) of the original FIREbox run with eight times higher mass resolution (m_b ~ 7800 M_sun), but with identical physics, down to z ~ 6. FIREbox-HR predicts ultraviolet (UV) luminosity functions in good agreement with available observational data. The simulation also successfully reproduces the observed cosmic UV luminosity density at z ~ 6 - 14, demonstrating that relatively high star formation activity in the early Universe is a natural outcome of the baryonic processes encoded in the FIRE-2 model. According to FIREbox-HR, the SFE - halo mass relation for intermediate mass halos (M_halo ~ 10^9 - 10^11 M_sun) does not significantly evolve with redshift and is only weakly mass-dependent. These properties of the SFE - halo mass relation lead to a larger contribution from lower mass halos at higher z, driving the gradual evolution of the observed cosmic UV luminosity density. A theoretical model based on the SFE - halo mass relation inferred from FIREbox-HR allows us to explore implications for galaxy evolution. Future observations of UV faint galaxies at z > 12 will provide an opportunity to further test these predictions and deepen our understanding of star formation during Cosmic Dawn.

Tracing the cosmological origin of gas that fuels in situ star formation in TNG50 galaxies

Based on their cosmological origin, the stars of a galaxy can be divided into two categories: those that enter through merger events (ex situ) and those born in the main progenitor (in situ). We used the TNG50 cosmological magnetohydrodynamical simulation and its Lagrangian tracer particles to explore and quantify the origin of gas that ultimately forms the in situ stars of galaxies. We tracked back the baryonic mass contributing to the z=0 in situ stellar populations of galaxies, studying trends in mass from dwarfs to group-scale halos. We find that more massive halos acquire this matter earlier than lower-mass halos, reflecting an overall earlier assembly of their in situ stellar mass. Defining the Lagrangian half-mass radius R_{rm L, 1/2} of a galaxy as the distance containing half of the mass that will form its in situ stars by z=0, we find that R_{rm L, 1/2} is larger for more massive halos at early times, reflecting larger "in situ Lagrangian regions." However, the dependence of this radius on halo mass becomes flat at z simeq 3 and then inverts toward z=0. In addition, R_{rm L, 1/2} increases rapidly with redshift, surpassing the virial radii of halos at z sim 2. This marks the cosmic epoch at which most of the gas that eventually forms the in situ stars of galaxies leaves the intergalactic medium (IGM) and enters halos, a transition that occurs earlier for more massive halos. The formation redshift of the in situ stellar component increases with halo mass, while the formation redshift of the dark matter halo decreases, indicative of a differential assembly history between these two components. Finally, we decomposed the z=0 in situ stellar mass into its distinct modes of accretion. Smooth accretion from the IGM is the most important for low-mass galaxies, while mergers and satellite-stripped gas become relevant and even dominant only for high-mass galaxies.

Flashlights: An Off-Caustic Lensed Star at Redshift z = 1.26 in Abell 370

We report the discovery of a transient seen in a strongly lensed arc at redshift z_{rm s}=1.2567 in Hubble Space Telescope imaging of the Abell 370 galaxy cluster. The transient is detected at 29.51pm0.14 AB mag in a WFC3/UVIS F200LP difference image made using observations from two different epochs, obtained in the framework of the Flashlights program, and is also visible in the F350LP band (m_{rm F350LP} approx 30.53pm0.76 AB mag). The transient is observed on the negative-parity side of the critical curve at a distance of sim 0.6" from it, greater than previous examples of lensed stars. The large distance from the critical curve yields a significantly smaller macromagnification, but our simulations show that bright, O/B-type supergiants can reach sufficiently high magnifications to be seen at the observed position and magnitude. In addition, the observed transient image is a trailing image with an observer-frame time delay of sim+0.8 days from its expected counterpart, so that any transient lasting for longer than that should have also been seen on the minima side and is thus excluded. This, together with the blue colour we measure for the transient (m_{rm F200LP} - m_{rm F350LP} approx [-0.3,-1.6] AB), rules out most other transient candidates such as (kilo)novae, for example, and makes a lensed star the prime candidate. Assuming the transient is indeed a lensed star as suggested, many more such events should be detected in the near future in cluster surveys with the Hubble Space Telescope and James Webb Space Telescope.

Overview of the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES)

We present an overview of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES), an ambitious program of infrared imaging and spectroscopy in the GOODS-S and GOODS-N deep fields, designed to study galaxy evolution from high redshift to cosmic noon. JADES uses about 770 hours of Cycle 1 guaranteed time largely from the Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) and Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) instrument teams. In GOODS-S, in and around the Hubble Ultra Deep Field and Chandra Deep Field South, JADES produces a deep imaging region of ~45 arcmin^2 with an average of 130 hrs of exposure time spread over 9 NIRCam filters. This is extended at medium depth in GOODS-S and GOODS-N with NIRCam imaging of ~175 arcmin^2 with an average exposure time of 20 hrs spread over 8-10 filters. In both fields, we conduct extensive NIRSpec multi-object spectroscopy, including 2 deep pointings of 55 hrs exposure time, 14 medium pointings of ~12 hrs, and 15 shallower pointings of ~4 hrs, targeting over 5000 HST and JWST-detected faint sources with 5 low, medium, and high-resolution dispersers covering 0.6-5.3 microns. Finally, JADES extends redward via coordinated parallels with the JWST Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI), featuring ~9 arcmin^2 with 43 hours of exposure at 7.7 microns and twice that area with 2-6.5 hours of exposure at 12.8 microns For nearly 30 years, the GOODS-S and GOODS-N fields have been developed as the premier deep fields on the sky; JADES is now providing a compelling start on the JWST legacy in these fields.

EIGER IV: The cool 10^4K circumgalactic environment of high-z galaxies reveals remarkably efficient IGM enrichment

We report new observations of the cool diffuse gas around 29, 2.3<z<6.3 galaxies, using deep JWST/NIRCam slitless grism spectroscopy around the sightline to the quasar J0100+2802. The galaxies span a stellar mass range of 7.1 leq log M_{*}/M_{sun} leq 10.7, and star-formation rates of -0.1 < log ; SFR/M_{sun}yr^{-1} ; <2.3. We find galaxies for seven MgII absorption systems within 300 kpc of the quasar sightline. The MgII radial absorption profile falls off sharply with radii, with most of the absorption extending out to 2-3R_{200} of the host galaxies. Six out of seven MgII absorption systems are detected around galaxies with log M_{*}/M_{sun} >9. MgII absorption kinematics are shifted from the systemic redshift of host galaxies with a median absolute velocity of 135 km/s and standard deviation of 85 km/s. The high kinematic offset and large radial separation (R> 1.3 R_{200}), suggest that five out of the seven MgII absorption systems are gravitationally not bound to the galaxies. In contrast, most cool circumgalactic media at z<1 are gravitationally bound. The high incidence of unbound MgII gas in this work suggests that towards the end of reionization, galaxy halos are in a state of remarkable disequilibrium, and are highly efficient in enriching the intergalactic medium. Two strongest MgII absorption systems are detected at zsim 4.22 and 4.5, the former associated with a merging galaxy system and the latter associated with three kinematically close galaxies. Both these galaxies reside in local galaxy over-densities, indicating the presence of cool MgII absorption in two "proto-groups" at z>4.

Harnessing the Hubble Space Telescope Archives: A Catalogue of 21,926 Interacting Galaxies

Mergers play a complex role in galaxy formation and evolution. Continuing to improve our understanding of these systems require ever larger samples, which can be difficult (even impossible) to select from individual surveys. We use the new platform ESA Datalabs to assemble a catalogue of interacting galaxies from the Hubble Space Telescope science archives; this catalogue is larger than previously published catalogues by nearly an order of magnitude. In particular, we apply the Zoobot convolutional neural network directly to the entire public archive of HST F814W images and make probabilistic interaction predictions for 126 million sources from the Hubble Source Catalogue. We employ a combination of automated visual representation and visual analysis to identify a clean sample of 21,926 interacting galaxy systems, mostly with z < 1. Sixty five percent of these systems have no previous references in either the NASA Extragalactic Database or Simbad. In the process of removing contamination, we also discover many other objects of interest, such as gravitational lenses, edge-on protoplanetary disks, and `backlit' overlapping galaxies. We briefly investigate the basic properties of this sample, and we make our catalogue publicly available for use by the community. In addition to providing a new catalogue of scientifically interesting objects imaged by HST, this work also demonstrates the power of the ESA Datalabs tool to facilitate substantial archival analysis without placing a high computational or storage burden on the end user.

Red, hot, and very metal poor: extreme properties of a massive accreting black hole in the first 500 Myr

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has recently discovered a new population of objects at high redshift referred to as `Little Red Dots' (LRDs). Their nature currently remains elusive, despite their surprisingly high inferred number densities. This emerging population of red point-like sources is reshaping our view of the early Universe and may shed light on the formation of high-redshift supermassive black holes. Here we present a spectroscopically confirmed LRD CANUCS-LRD-z8.6 at z_{rm spec}=8.6319pm 0.0005 hosting an Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN), using JWST data. This source shows the typical spectral shape of an LRD (blue UV and red optical continuum, unresolved in JWST imaging), along with broad Hbeta line emission, detection of high-ionization emission lines (CIV, NIV]) and very high electron temperature indicative of the presence of AGN. This is also combined with a very low metallicity (Z<0.1 Z_odot). The presence of all these diverse features in one source makes CANUCS-LRD-z8.6 unique. We show that the inferred black hole mass of CANUCS-LRD-z8.6 (M_{rm BH}=1.0^{+0.6}_{-0.4}times 10^{8}rm ~M_odot) strongly challenges current standard theoretical models and simulations of black hole formation, and forces us to adopt `ad hoc' prescriptions. Indeed if massive seeds, or light seeds with super-Eddington accretion, are considered, the observed BH mass of CANUCS-LRD-z8.6 at z=8.6 can be reproduced. Moreover, the black hole is over-massive compared to its host, relative to the local M_{rm BH}-M_* relations, pointing towards an earlier and faster evolution of the black hole compared to its host galaxy.

Extremely Dense Gas around Little Red Dots and High-redshift Active Galactic Nuclei: A Non-stellar Origin of the Balmer Break and Absorption Features

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has uncovered low-luminosity active galactic nuclei (AGNs) at high redshifts of zgtrsim 4-7, powered by accreting black holes (BHs) with masses of sim 10^{6-8}~M_odot. One remarkable distinction of these JWST-identified AGNs, compared to their low-redshift counterparts, is that at least sim 20% of them present Halpha and/or Hbeta absorption, which must be associated with extremely dense (gtrsim 10^9~{rm cm}^{-3}) gas in the broad-line region or its immediate surroundings. These Balmer absorption features unavoidably imply the presence of a Balmer break caused by the same dense gas. In this Letter, we quantitatively demonstrate that a Balmer break can form in AGN spectra without stellar components, when the accretion disk is heavily embedded in dense neutral gas clumps with densities of sim 10^{9-11}~{rm cm}^{-3}, where hydrogen atoms are collisionally excited to the n=2 states and effectively absorb the AGN continuum at the bluer side of the Balmer limit. The non-stellar origin of a Balmer break offers a potential solution to the large stellar masses and densities inferred for little red dots (LRDs) when assuming that their continuum is primarily due to stellar light. Our calculations indicate that the observed Balmer absorption blueshifted by a few hundreds {rm km~s}^{-1} suggests the presence of dense outflows in the nucleus at rates exceeding the Eddington value. Other spectral features such as higher equivalent widths of broad Halpha emission and presence of OI lines observed in high-redshift AGNs including LRDs align with the predicted signatures of a dense super-Eddington accretion disk.

A catalog of ringed galaxies in the TNG50 simulation: Analysis of their properties and structure

The catalog of ringed galaxies was compiled through visual classification of synthetic images from the TNG50 simulation. Galaxies were selected based on specific criteria: a redshift range of 0.01 < z < 0.1, stellar mass M_star >10^9 M_odot, stellar half-mass radius r_{50} > 1 kpc, and specific star formation rate (sSFR), log(sSFR/yr^{-1}) > -13. Our classification allowed for differentiation between inner rings, outer rings, combinations of rings, and partial rings (pseudo-rings), including barred and non-barred ringed galaxies. We constructed a control sample of non-ringed galaxies with similar redshift, stellar mass, and environmental density distributions. We identified 807 ringed galaxies. Approximately 59% possess an inner ring, 22% a partial ring, 12% an outer ring, and 7% have i+o rings. Our statistical analysis reveals that 64% (507 galaxies) exhibit bars. Ringed galaxies exhibit lower efficiency for star formation, reduced gas fractions, redder colors, and higher metallicities compared to non-ringed disk objects. They also show greater variability in metallicity for a given stellar mass. From the analysis of radial profiles, galaxies with outer rings exhibit a r_{50} similar to or slightly larger than their control group, while those with inner or partial rings tend to have smaller sizes. A deeper exploration of radial density profiles revealed a pronounced central mass deficit preceding the ring structures, with inner and outer rings located at r_{50} and 1.5 , r_{50}, respectively. Galaxies with both i+o rings have inner rings that are more compact and massive. Additionally, galaxies with partial rings exhibit deeper mass profiles than their controls, particularly in central areas. These findings improve our understanding of galactic evolution and the complex interplay between mass distribution and morphology.

The Tiny Time-series Transformer: Low-latency High-throughput Classification of Astronomical Transients using Deep Model Compression

A new golden age in astronomy is upon us, dominated by data. Large astronomical surveys are broadcasting unprecedented rates of information, demanding machine learning as a critical component in modern scientific pipelines to handle the deluge of data. The upcoming Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory will raise the big-data bar for time-domain astronomy, with an expected 10 million alerts per-night, and generating many petabytes of data over the lifetime of the survey. Fast and efficient classification algorithms that can operate in real-time, yet robustly and accurately, are needed for time-critical events where additional resources can be sought for follow-up analyses. In order to handle such data, state-of-the-art deep learning architectures coupled with tools that leverage modern hardware accelerators are essential. We showcase how the use of modern deep compression methods can achieve a 18times reduction in model size, whilst preserving classification performance. We also show that in addition to the deep compression techniques, careful choice of file formats can improve inference latency, and thereby throughput of alerts, on the order of 8times for local processing, and 5times in a live production setting. To test this in a live setting, we deploy this optimised version of the original time-series transformer, t2, into the community alert broking system of FINK on real Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) alert data, and compare throughput performance with other science modules that exist in FINK. The results shown herein emphasise the time-series transformer's suitability for real-time classification at LSST scale, and beyond, and introduce deep model compression as a fundamental tool for improving deploy-ability and scalable inference of deep learning models for transient classification.

CEERS Epoch 1 NIRCam Imaging: Reduction Methods and Simulations Enabling Early JWST Science Results

We present the data release and data reduction process for the Epoch 1 NIRCam observations for the Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science Survey (CEERS). These data consist of NIRCam imaging in six broadband filters (F115W, F150W, F200W, F277W, F356W and F444W) and one medium band filter (F410M) over four pointings, obtained in parallel with primary CEERS MIRI observations (Yang et al. in prep). We reduced the NIRCam imaging with the JWST Calibration Pipeline, with custom modifications and reduction steps designed to address additional features and challenges with the data. Here we provide a detailed description of each step in our reduction and a discussion of future expected improvements. Our reduction process includes corrections for known pre-launch issues such as 1/f noise, as well as in-flight issues including snowballs, wisps, and astrometric alignment. Many of our custom reduction processes were first developed with pre-launch simulated NIRCam imaging over the full 10 CEERS NIRCam pointings. We present a description of the creation and reduction of this simulated dataset in the Appendix. We provide mosaics of the real images in a public release, as well as our reduction scripts with detailed explanations to allow users to reproduce our final data products. These represent one of the first official public datasets released from the Directors Discretionary Early Release Science (DD-ERS) program.

The Hubble Missing Globular Cluster Survey. I. Survey overview and the first precise age estimate for ESO452-11 and 2MASS-GC01

We present the Hubble Missing Globular Cluster Survey (MGCS), a Hubble Space Telescope treasury programme dedicated to the observation of all the kinematically confirmed Milky Way globular clusters that missed previous Hubble imaging. After introducing the aims of the programme and describing its target clusters, we showcase the first results of the survey. These are related to two clusters, one located at the edge of the Milky Way Bulge and observed in optical bands, namely ESO452-11, and one located in the Galactic Disc observed in the near-IR, namely 2MASS-GC01. For both clusters, the deep colour-magnitude diagrams obtained from the MGCS observations reach several magnitudes below their main-sequence turn-off, and thus enable the first precise estimate of their age. By using the methods developed within the CARMA project, we find ESO452-11 to be an old, metal-intermediate globular cluster, with {rm [M/H]}simeq-0.80^{+0.08}_{-0.11} and an age of {rm t}=13.59^{+0.48}_{-0.69} Gyr. Its location on the age-metallicity relation makes it consistent with an in-situ origin, in agreement with its dynamical properties. On the other hand, the results for 2MASS-GC01 highlight it as a young, metal-intermediate cluster, with an age of {rm t}=7.22^{+0.93}_{-1.11} Gyr at {rm [M/H]}=-0.73^{+0.06}_{-0.06}. This is the first ever age estimate for this extremely extincted cluster, and indicates it either as the youngest globular known to date, or as a massive and compact open cluster, which is consistent with its almost circular, disc-like orbit.

Mapping the Chemo-dynamics of the Galactic disk using the LAMOST and APOGEE red clump stars

A detailed measurement is made of the metallicity distributions, kinematics and dynamics of the thin and thick disks, across a large disk volume (5.0 leq R leq 15.0 kpc and |Z| leq3.0 kpc), by using the LAMOST-APOGEE red clump stars. The metallicity distributions results show that the radial metallicity gradient Delta[Fe/H]/DeltaR of the thin disk weakens with |Z| from -0.06 dex kpc^{-1} at around |Z| < 0.25 kpc to -0.02 dex kpc^{-1} at around |Z| > 2.75 kpc, while the thick disk displays a global weak positive Delta[Fe/H]/DeltaR, generally weaker than 0.01 dex kpc^{-1}. The vertical metallicity gradient Delta[Fe/H]/Delta|Z| weakened steadily from -0.36 dex kpc^{-1} at R sim 5.5 kpc to -0.05 dex kpc^{-1} at around R > 11.5 kpc for the thin disk, while the thick disk presents an almost constant value (nearly -0.06 sim -0.08 dex kpc^{-1}) for all the R bins. These results indicate the contribution of the radial migration to the disk evolution, and the obvious north-south asymmetry in [Fe/H] may be linked to the disk warp and/or the disk perturbation events. The oscillations of the corrected Delta[Fe/H]/Delta|Z| with R are likely because of the resonances with the Galactic Bar. Our detailed measurements of DeltaV_{phi}/Delta[Fe/H] indicate an "inside-out" and "upside-down" star formation scenario for the thick disk. The results of eccentricity distributions and [alpha/Fe]--velocity dispersion relations are likely to suggest that the thick disk stars require an obvious contribution from other heating mechanisms such as merger and accretion, or born in the chaotic mergers of gas-rich systems and/or turbulent interstellar medium.

Analysis of the JWST spectra of the kilonova AT 2023vfi accompanying GRB 230307A

Kilonovae are key to advancing our understanding of r-process nucleosynthesis. To date, only two kilonovae have been spectroscopically observed, AT 2017gfo and AT 2023vfi. Here, we present an analysis of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) spectra obtained +29 and +61 days post-merger for AT 2023vfi (the kilonova associated with GRB 230307A). After re-reducing and photometrically flux-calibrating the data, we empirically model the observed X-ray to mid-infrared continua with a power law and a blackbody, to replicate the non-thermal afterglow and apparent thermal continuum gtrsim 2 , mum. We fit Gaussians to the apparent emission features, obtaining line centroids of 20218_{-38}^{+37}, 21874 pm 89 and 44168_{-152}^{+153}\,\AA, and velocity widths spanning 0.057 - 0.110\,c. These line centroid constraints facilitated a detailed forbidden line identification search, from which we shortlist a number of r-process species spanning all three r-process peaks. We rule out Ba II and Ra II as candidates and propose Te I-III, Er I-III and W III as the most promising ions for further investigation, as they plausibly produce multiple emission features from one (W III) or multiple (Te I-III, Er I-III) ion stages. We compare to the spectra of AT 2017gfo, which also exhibit prominent emission at sim 2.1 , mum, and conclude that [Te III] lambda21050 remains the most plausible cause of the observed sim 2.1 , mum emission in both kilonovae. However, the observed line centroids are not consistent between both objects, and they are significantly offset from [Te III] lambda21050. The next strongest [Te III] transition at 29290\,\AA\ is not observed, and we quantify its detectability. Further study is required, with particular emphasis on expanding the available atomic data to enable quantitative non-LTE spectral modelling.

Citizen Science Identification of Isolated Blue Stellar Systems in the Virgo cluster

We present a catalog of 34 new candidate (13 high confidence) isolated, young stellar systems within the Virgo galaxy cluster identified through a citizen science search of public optical and ultraviolet imaging. "Blue blobs" are a class of blue, faint, isolated, extremely low stellar mass, and metal-rich star-forming clouds embedded in the hot intracluster medium of the Virgo cluster. Only six blue blobs were known previously and here we confirm an additional six of our candidates through velocity and metallicity measurements from follow-up optical spectroscopy on the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET). Our 13 high confidence candidates (including the six confirmed) have properties consistent with prior known blue blobs and are inconsistent with being low-mass galaxies. Most candidates are concentrated in relatively dense regions, roughly following filamentary structures within the cluster, but avoiding its center. Three of our candidates are likely the stellar counterparts of known 'optically dark' clouds of neutral hydrogen in the cluster, while a further four are widely separated extensions to previously known blue blobs. The properties of our new candidates are consistent with previous conclusions that blue blobs likely originated from ram pressure stripping events, however, their locations in velocity--projected cluster-centric radius phase-space imply that their parent galaxies are not on their first infall into the cluster. Through our ongoing follow-up program with HET we aim to confirm additional candidates, however, detailed understanding of the stellar populations and star formation histories of blue blobs will require JWST observations.

On the statistical theory of self-gravitating collisionless dark matter flow: Scale and redshift variation of velocity and density distributions

This paper studies the scale and redshift variation of density and velocity distributions in self-gravitating collisionless dark matter flow by a halo-based non-projection approach. All particles are divided into halo and out-of-halo particles for redshift variation of distributions. Without projecting particle fields onto a structured grid, the scale variation is analyzed by identifying all particle pairs on different scales r. We demonstrate that: i) Delaunay tessellation can be used to reconstruct the density field. The density correlation, spectrum, and dispersion functions were obtained, modeled, and compared with the N-body simulation; ii) the velocity distributions are symmetric on both small and large scales and are non-symmetric with a negative skewness on intermediate scales due to the inverse energy cascade at a constant rate varepsilon_u; iii) On small scales, the even order moments of pairwise velocity Delta u_L follow a two-thirds law (-varepsilon_ur)^{2/3}, while the odd order moments follow a linear scaling langle(Delta u_L)^{2n+1}rangle=(2n+1)langle(Delta u_L)^{2n}ranglelangleDelta u_Lrangler; iv) The scale variation of the velocity distributions was studied for longitudinal velocities u_L or u_L^{'}, pairwise velocity (velocity difference) Delta u_L=u_L^{'}-u_L and velocity sum Sigma u_L=u^{'}_L+u_L. Fully developed velocity fields are never Gaussian on any scale, despite that they can initially be Gaussian; v) On small scales, u_L and Sigma u_L can be modeled by a X distribution to maximize the system entropy; vi) On large scales, Delta u_L and Sigma u_L can be modeled by a logistic or a X distribution; vii) the redshift variation of the velocity distributions follows the evolution of the X distribution involving a shape parameter alpha(z) decreasing with time.

Constraining atmospheric composition from the outflow: helium observations reveal the fundamental properties of two planets straddling the radius gap

TOI-836 is a ~2-3 Gyr K dwarf with an inner super Earth (R=1.7 R_oplus, P=3.8 d) and an outer mini Neptune (R=2.6 R_oplus, P=8.6 d). JWST/NIRSpec 2.8--5.2 mum transmission spectra are flat for both planets. We present Keck/NIRSPEC observations of escaping helium for super-Earth b, which shows no excess absorption in the 1083 nm triplet to deep limits (<0.2%), and mini-Neptune c, which shows strong (0.7%) excess absorption in both visits. These results demonstrate that planet c retains at least some primordial atmosphere, while planet b is consistent with having lost its entire primordial envelope. Self-consistent 1D radiative-hydrodynamic models of planet c reveal that the helium excess absorption signal is highly sensitive to metallicity: its equivalent width collapses by a factor of 13 as metallicity increases from 10x to 100x solar, and by a further factor of 12 as it increases to 200x solar. The observed equivalent width is 88\% the model prediction for 100x metallicity, suggesting an atmospheric metallicity similar to K2-18b and TOI-270d, the first two mini-Neptunes with detected absorption features in JWST transmission spectra. We highlight the helium triplet as a potentially powerful probe of atmospheric composition, with complementary strengths and weaknesses to atmospheric retrievals. The main strength is its extreme sensitivity to metallicity in the scientifically significant range of 10--200x solar, and the main weakness is the enormous model uncertainties in outflow suppression and confinement mechanisms, such as magnetic fields and stellar winds, which can suppress the signal by at least a factor of ~several.

Planck 2018 results. V. CMB power spectra and likelihoods

This paper describes the 2018 Planck CMB likelihoods, following a hybrid approach similar to the 2015 one, with different approximations at low and high multipoles, and implementing several methodological and analysis refinements. With more realistic simulations, and better correction and modelling of systematics, we can now make full use of the High Frequency Instrument polarization data. The low-multipole 100x143 GHz EE cross-spectrum constrains the reionization optical-depth parameter tau to better than 15% (in combination with with the other low- and high-ell likelihoods). We also update the 2015 baseline low-ell joint TEB likelihood based on the Low Frequency Instrument data, which provides a weaker tau constraint. At high multipoles, a better model of the temperature-to-polarization leakage and corrections for the effective calibrations of the polarization channels (polarization efficiency or PE) allow us to fully use the polarization spectra, improving the constraints on the LambdaCDM parameters by 20 to 30% compared to TT-only constraints. Tests on the modelling of the polarization demonstrate good consistency, with some residual modelling uncertainties, the accuracy of the PE modelling being the main limitation. Using our various tests, simulations, and comparison between different high-ell implementations, we estimate the consistency of the results to be better than the 0.5sigma level. Minor curiosities already present before (differences between ell<800 and ell>800 parameters or the preference for more smoothing of the C_ell peaks) are shown to be driven by the TT power spectrum and are not significantly modified by the inclusion of polarization. Overall, the legacy Planck CMB likelihoods provide a robust tool for constraining the cosmological model and represent a reference for future CMB observations. (Abridged)

Galaxy Spectra neural Networks (GaSNets). I. Searching for strong lens candidates in eBOSS spectra using Deep Learning

With the advent of new spectroscopic surveys from ground and space, observing up to hundreds of millions of galaxies, spectra classification will become overwhelming for standard analysis techniques. To prepare for this challenge, we introduce a family of deep learning tools to classify features in one-dimensional spectra. As the first application of these Galaxy Spectra neural Networks (GaSNets), we focus on tools specialized at identifying emission lines from strongly lensed star-forming galaxies in the eBOSS spectra. We first discuss the training and testing of these networks and define a threshold probability, PL, of 95% for the high quality event detection. Then, using a previous set of spectroscopically selected strong lenses from eBOSS, confirmed with HST, we estimate a completeness of ~80% as the fraction of lenses recovered above the adopted PL. We finally apply the GaSNets to ~1.3M spectra to collect a first list of ~430 new high quality candidates identified with deep learning applied to spectroscopy and visually graded as highly probable real events. A preliminary check against ground-based observations tentatively shows that this sample has a confirmation rate of 38%, in line with previous samples selected with standard (no deep learning) classification tools and follow-up by Hubble Space Telescope. This first test shows that machine learning can be efficiently extended to feature recognition in the wavelength space, which will be crucial for future surveys like 4MOST, DESI, Euclid, and the Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST).

Interpretable structural model error discovery from sparse assimilation increments using spectral bias-reduced neural networks: A quasi-geostrophic turbulence test case

Earth system models suffer from various structural and parametric errors in their representation of nonlinear, multi-scale processes, leading to uncertainties in their long-term projections. The effects of many of these errors (particularly those due to fast physics) can be quantified in short-term simulations, e.g., as differences between the predicted and observed states (analysis increments). With the increase in the availability of high-quality observations and simulations, learning nudging from these increments to correct model errors has become an active research area. However, most studies focus on using neural networks, which while powerful, are hard to interpret, are data-hungry, and poorly generalize out-of-distribution. Here, we show the capabilities of Model Error Discovery with Interpretability and Data Assimilation (MEDIDA), a general, data-efficient framework that uses sparsity-promoting equation-discovery techniques to learn model errors from analysis increments. Using two-layer quasi-geostrophic turbulence as the test case, MEDIDA is shown to successfully discover various linear and nonlinear structural/parametric errors when full observations are available. Discovery from spatially sparse observations is found to require highly accurate interpolation schemes. While NNs have shown success as interpolators in recent studies, here, they are found inadequate due to their inability to accurately represent small scales, a phenomenon known as spectral bias. We show that a general remedy, adding a random Fourier feature layer to the NN, resolves this issue enabling MEDIDA to successfully discover model errors from sparse observations. These promising results suggest that with further development, MEDIDA could be scaled up to models of the Earth system and real observations.

Exploring HOD-dependent systematics for the DESI 2024 Full-Shape galaxy clustering analysis

We analyse the robustness of the DESI 2024 cosmological inference from fits to the full shape of the galaxy power spectrum to uncertainties in the Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) model of the galaxy-halo connection and the choice of priors on nuisance parameters. We assess variations in the recovered cosmological parameters across a range of mocks populated with different HOD models and find that shifts are often greater than 20% of the expected statistical uncertainties from the DESI data. We encapsulate the effect of such shifts in terms of a systematic covariance term, C_{rm HOD}, and an additional diagonal contribution quantifying the impact of our choice of nuisance parameter priors on the ability of the effective field theory (EFT) model to correctly recover the cosmological parameters of the simulations. These two covariance contributions are designed to be added to the usual covariance term, C_{rm stat}, describing the statistical uncertainty in the power spectrum measurement, in order to fairly represent these sources of systematic uncertainty. This approach is more general and robust to choices of model free parameters or additional external datasets used in cosmological fits than the alternative approach of adding systematic uncertainties at the level of the recovered marginalised parameter posteriors. We compare the approaches within the context of a fixed LambdaCDM model and demonstrate that our method gives conservative estimates of the systematic uncertainty that nevertheless have little impact on the final posteriors obtained from DESI data.

CfA3: 185 Type Ia Supernova Light Curves from the CfA

We present multi-band photometry of 185 type-Ia supernovae (SN Ia), with over 11500 observations. These were acquired between 2001 and 2008 at the F. L. Whipple Observatory of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). This sample contains the largest number of homogeneously-observed and reduced nearby SN Ia (z < 0.08) published to date. It more than doubles the nearby sample, bringing SN Ia cosmology to the point where systematic uncertainties dominate. Our natural system photometry has a precision of 0.02 mag or better in BVRIr'i' and roughly 0.04 mag in U for points brighter than 17.5 mag. We also estimate a systematic uncertainty of 0.03 mag in our SN Ia standard system BVRIr'i' photometry and 0.07 mag for U. Comparisons of our standard system photometry with published SN Ia light curves and comparison stars, where available for the same SN, reveal agreement at the level of a few hundredths mag in most cases. We find that 1991bg-like SN Ia are sufficiently distinct from other SN Ia in their color and light-curve-shape/luminosity relation that they should be treated separately in light-curve/distance fitter training samples. The CfA3 sample will contribute to the development of better light-curve/distance fitters, particularly in the few dozen cases where near-infrared photometry has been obtained and, together, can help disentangle host-galaxy reddening from intrinsic supernova color, reducing the systematic uncertainty in SN Ia distances due to dust.

Selection Function of Clusters in Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Data from Cross-Matching with South Pole Telescope Detections

Galaxy clusters selected based on overdensities of galaxies in photometric surveys provide the largest cluster samples. Yet modeling the selection function of such samples is complicated by non-cluster members projected along the line of sight (projection effects) and the potential detection of unvirialized objects (contamination). We empirically constrain the magnitude of these effects by cross-matching galaxy clusters selected in the Dark Energy survey data with the \rdmpr, algorithm with significant detections in three South Pole Telescope surveys (SZ, pol-ECS, pol-500d). For matched clusters, we augment the \rdmpr,catalog by the SPT detection significance. For unmatched objects we use the SPT detection threshold as an upper limit on the SZe signature. Using a Bayesian population model applied to the collected multi-wavelength data, we explore various physically motivated models to describe the relationship between observed richness and halo mass. Our analysis reveals the limitations of a simple lognormal scatter model in describing the data. We rule out significant contamination by unvirialized objects at the high-richness end of the sample. While dedicated simulations offer a well-fitting calibration of projection effects, our findings suggest the presence of redshift-dependent trends that these simulations may not have captured. Our findings highlight that modeling the selection function of optically detected clusters remains a complicated challenge, requiring a combination of simulation and data-driven approaches.

Signatures of the Shock Interaction as an Additional Power Source in the Nebular Spectra of SN 2023ixf

Red supergiants may lose significant mass through steady winds and episodic eruptions in the final 100-1000 years before the core collapses, shaping their circumstellar environment. Interaction between supernova (SN) ejecta and distant circumstellar material (CSM) can generate shocks, which can energize the ejecta and serve as a key power source during the nebular phase of the SN. In the present work, we investigate the nebular spectrum of SN 2023ixf, observed one year post-explosion (at +363 d) with the recently commissioned WEAVE instrument on the 4.2m William Herschel Telescope. This marks the first supernova spectrum captured with WEAVE. In this spectrum, Halpha exhibits a peculiar evolution, flanked by blueward and redward broad components centred at simpm 5650,km,s^{-1} from the rest velocity of Halpha, which are seen for only a few SNe to date. These features indicate energy deposition from shocks generated by the interaction of ejecta with a CSM expelled nearly 350 - 640 years pre-explosion. Comparisons of the +363 d spectrum with model spectra from the literature, that include varying shock powers, suggest a shock power of at least sim 5 times 10 ^{40},erg,s^{-1} at this epoch. Additionally, analysis of the [O I] doublet, along with other prominent emission lines, provides evidence for clumpiness, dust formation, and asymmetry within the ejecta and/or the surrounding CSM. These emission lines also helped to constrain the oxygen mass (approx0.19^{scriptscriptstyle +0.08}_{scriptscriptstyle -0.04} M_odot), He-core mass (<3 M_odot) and the zero-age main sequence mass (lesssim 12 M_odot) of the progenitor of SN 2023ixf. The comparison with other Type II SNe highlights SN 2023ixf's unique shock interaction signatures and evidence of dust formation, setting it apart in terms of evolution and dynamics.

Cosmological Distance Measurement of 12 Nearby Supernovae IIP with ROTSE-IIIB

We present cosmological analysis of 12 nearby (z<0.06) Type IIP supernovae (SNe IIP) observed with the ROTSE-IIIb telescope. To achieve precise photometry, we present a new image differencing technique that is implemented for the first time on the ROTSE SN photometry pipeline. With this method, we find up to a 20\% increase in the detection efficiency and significant reduction in residual RMS scatter of the SN lightcurves when compared to the previous pipeline performance. We use the published optical spectra and broadband photometry of well studied SNe IIP to establish temporal models for ejecta velocity and photospheric temperature evolution for our SNe IIP population. This study yields measurements that are competitive to other methods even when the data are limited to a single epoch during the photospheric phase of SNe IIP. Using the fully reduced ROTSE photometry and optical spectra, we apply these models to the respective photometric epochs for each SN in the ROTSE IIP sample. This facilitates the use of the Expanding Photosphere Method (EPM) to obtain distance estimates to their respective host galaxies. We then perform cosmological parameter fitting using these EPM distances from which we measure the Hubble constant to be 72.9^{+5.7}_{-4.3}~{rm kms^{-1}~Mpc^{-1}}, which is consistent with the standard Lambda CDM model values derived using other independent techniques.

Size and Shape Constraints of (486958) Arrokoth from Stellar Occultations

We present the results from four stellar occultations by (486958) Arrokoth, the flyby target of the New Horizons extended mission. Three of the four efforts led to positive detections of the body, and all constrained the presence of rings and other debris, finding none. Twenty-five mobile stations were deployed for 2017 June 3 and augmented by fixed telescopes. There were no positive detections from this effort. The event on 2017 July 10 was observed by SOFIA with one very short chord. Twenty-four deployed stations on 2017 July 17 resulted in five chords that clearly showed a complicated shape consistent with a contact binary with rough dimensions of 20 by 30 km for the overall outline. A visible albedo of 10% was derived from these data. Twenty-two systems were deployed for the fourth event on 2018 Aug 4 and resulted in two chords. The combination of the occultation data and the flyby results provides a significant refinement of the rotation period, now estimated to be 15.9380 pm 0.0005 hours. The occultation data also provided high-precision astrometric constraints on the position of the object that were crucial for supporting the navigation for the New Horizons flyby. This work demonstrates an effective method for obtaining detailed size and shape information and probing for rings and dust on distant Kuiper Belt objects as well as being an important source of positional data that can aid in spacecraft navigation that is particularly useful for small and distant bodies.

A mechanism to generate varying speed of light via Higgs-dilaton coupling: Theory and cosmological applications

We allow the Higgs field Phi to interact with a dilaton field chi of the background spacetime via the coupling chi^2,Phi^daggerPhi. Upon spontaneous gauge symmetry breaking, the Higgs VEV becomes proportional to chi. While traditionally this linkage is employed to make the Planck mass and particle masses dependent on chi, we present an textit alternative mechanism: the Higgs VEV will be used to construct Planck's constant hbar and speed of light c. Specifically, each open set vicinity of a given point x^* on the spacetime manifold is equipped with a replica of the Glashow-Weinberg-Salam action operating with its own effective values of hbar_* and c_* per hbar_*proptochi^{-1/2}(x^*) and c_*proptochi^{1/2}(x^*), causing these ``fundamental constants'' to vary alongside the dynamical field chi. Moreover, in each open set around x^*, the prevailing value chi(x^*) determines the length and time scales for physical processes occurring in this region as lproptochi^{-1}(x^*) and tauproptochi^{-3/2}(x^*). This leads to an textit anisotropic relation tau^{-1}propto l^{-3/2} between the rate of clocks and the length of rods, resulting in a distinct set of novel physical phenomena. For late-time cosmology, the variation of c along the trajectory of light waves from distant supernovae towards the Earth-based observer necessitates modifications to the Lema\^itre redshift relation and the Hubble law. These modifications are capable of: (1) Accounting for the Pantheon Catalog of SNeIa through a declining speed of light in an expanding Einstein--de Sitter universe, thus avoiding the need for dark energy; (2) Revitalizing Blanchard-Douspis-Rowan-Robinson-Sarkar's CMB power spectrum analysis that bypassed dark energy [A&A 412, 35 (2003)]; and (3) Resolving the H_0 tension without requiring a dynamical dark energy component.

MetaShift: A Dataset of Datasets for Evaluating Contextual Distribution Shifts and Training Conflicts

Understanding the performance of machine learning models across diverse data distributions is critically important for reliable applications. Motivated by this, there is a growing focus on curating benchmark datasets that capture distribution shifts. While valuable, the existing benchmarks are limited in that many of them only contain a small number of shifts and they lack systematic annotation about what is different across different shifts. We present MetaShift--a collection of 12,868 sets of natural images across 410 classes--to address this challenge. We leverage the natural heterogeneity of Visual Genome and its annotations to construct MetaShift. The key construction idea is to cluster images using its metadata, which provides context for each image (e.g. "cats with cars" or "cats in bathroom") that represent distinct data distributions. MetaShift has two important benefits: first, it contains orders of magnitude more natural data shifts than previously available. Second, it provides explicit explanations of what is unique about each of its data sets and a distance score that measures the amount of distribution shift between any two of its data sets. We demonstrate the utility of MetaShift in benchmarking several recent proposals for training models to be robust to data shifts. We find that the simple empirical risk minimization performs the best when shifts are moderate and no method had a systematic advantage for large shifts. We also show how MetaShift can help to visualize conflicts between data subsets during model training.

First systematic study reporting the changes in eclipse cut-off frequency for pulsar J1544+4937

We present results from a long-term monitoring of frequency dependent eclipses of the radio emission from PSR J1544+4937 which is a ``black widow spider'' millisecond pulsar (MSP) in a compact binary system. The majority of such systems often exhibit relatively long duration radio eclipses caused by ablated material from their companion stars. With the wide spectral bandwidth of upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (uGMRT), we present first systematic study of temporal variation of eclipse cut-off frequency. With decade-long monitoring of 39 eclipses for PSR J1544+4937, we notice significant changes in the observed cut-off frequency ranging from 343 pm 7 MHz to > 740 MHz. We also monitored changes in eclipse cut-off frequency on timescales of tens of days and observed a maximum change of ge 315 MHz between observations that were separated by 22 days. In addition, we observed a change of sim 47 MHz in eclipse cut-off frequency between adjacent orbits, i.e. on timescales of sim 2.9 hours. We infer that such changes in the eclipse cut-off frequency depict an eclipse environment for the PSR J1544+4937 system that is dynamically evolving, where, along with the change in electron density, the magnetic field could also be varying. We also report a significant correlation between the eclipse cut-off frequency and the mass loss rate of the companion. This study provides the first direct evidence of mass loss rate affecting the frequency dependent eclipsing in a spider MSP.

The Zwicky Transient Facility Bright Transient Survey. III. BTSbot: Automated Identification and Follow-up of Bright Transients with Deep Learning

The Bright Transient Survey (BTS) aims to obtain a classification spectrum for all bright (m_peak,leq,18.5,mag) extragalactic transients found in the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) public survey. BTS critically relies on visual inspection ("scanning") to select targets for spectroscopic follow-up, which, while effective, has required a significant time investment over the past sim5 yr of ZTF operations. We present BTSbot, a multi-modal convolutional neural network, which provides a bright transient score to individual ZTF detections using their image data and 25 extracted features. BTSbot is able to eliminate the need for daily human scanning by automatically identifying and requesting spectroscopic follow-up observations of new bright transient candidates. BTSbot recovers all bright transients in our test split and performs on par with scanners in terms of identification speed (on average, sim1 hour quicker than scanners). We also find that BTSbot is not significantly impacted by any data shift by comparing performance across a concealed test split and a sample of very recent BTS candidates. BTSbot has been integrated into Fritz and Kowalski, ZTF's first-party marshal and alert broker, and now sends automatic spectroscopic follow-up requests for the new transients it identifies. During the month of October 2023, BTSbot selected 296 sources in real-time, 93% of which were real extragalactic transients. With BTSbot and other automation tools, the BTS workflow has produced the first fully automatic end-to-end discovery and classification of a transient, representing a significant reduction in the human-time needed to scan. Future development has tremendous potential for creating similar models to identify and request follow-up observations for specific types of transients.

New Radio Observations of the Supernova Remnant CTA 1

We present new radio images of the supernova remnant (SNR) CTA 1 at 1420 and 408 MHz, and in the 21 cm line of H I observed with the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory Synthesis Telescope and at 1420 MHz observed with the Effelsberg 100 m telescope. We confirm previously described continuum features and elaborate further on filamentary features identified using the high-resolution (1') maps from these new observations. We investigate the abrupt change in sign of rotation measure (RM) across the SNR, using the linear polarization observations in the four bands around 1420 MHz. Following X. H. Sun et al.'s (2011) investigation, we both confirm that the distribution of signs of the RMs for extragalactic sources in the area appears to match that of the shell, as well as combine the data from the four bands to estimate the relative depolarization and the intrinsic rotation measure of the SNR. We do not conclusively reject X. H. Sun et al.'s (2011) claim of a Faraday screen in the foreground causing the distribution of RMs that we observe; however, we do suggest an alternative explanation of a swept-up stellar wind from the progenitor star with a toroidal magnetic field. Finally, we expand on the analysis of the H I observations by applying the Rolling Hough Transform to isolate filamentary structure and better identify H I emission with the SNR. Further constraining the H I velocity channels associated with CTA 1, we use more recent Galactic rotation curves to calculate an updated kinematic distance of 1.09 +/- 0.2 kpc.

Quantifying spectroscopic Ca II exocomet transit occurrence in two decades of HARPS data

The field of exocomets has been built around the unmatched number of detections made in the circumstellar disc of the archetypal star Beta Pictoris. An exocomet detection in spectroscopy is identified by variable atomic absorption features in a stellar spectrum, associated with transiting gas in and trailing an exocomet coma. This paper presents the largest spectroscopic search for exocomet transits to date, which overcomes the limitations of biased samples of stars with debris discs, and instead looks through the approx7500 stars in the HARPS archive for signs of exocomets in the CaII doublet (H:396.847nm and K:393.366nm). The search resulted in 155 candidate stars, which after filtering for false positives (e.g. binaries, stellar activity, etc.), were cut down to 22 stars. These 22 stars are classified into Tier1, 2, and 3 exocomet candidates, reflecting the confidence level of their exocomet detection. Our two best candidates (Tier1: Beta Pictoris, HD172555) and four lower confidence candidates (Tier2: Gl1, HIP5158, HD94771, HR1996) are discussed, yielding a detection rate of 0.03% (Tier1 only) and 0.1% (Tier1 & 2) in the HARPS sample. Both Tier1 stars are known exocomet host stars. These two young A-type stars correspond to 0.4% of all A-types in the sample, suggesting that detecting signs of exocomet transits using CaII is more likely around young A-type stars. Reanalysing a past HARPS study, we found no evidence to support the previously claimed four exocomet detections, indicating either that those detections are not robust or that we are only sensitive to the strongest signals.

Promise and Peril: Stellar Contamination and Strict Limits on the Atmosphere Composition of TRAPPIST-1c from JWST NIRISS Transmission Spectra

Attempts to probe the atmospheres of rocky planets around M dwarfs present both promise and peril. While their favorable planet-to-star radius ratios enable searches for even thin secondary atmospheres, their high activity levels and high-energy outputs threaten atmosphere survival. Here, we present the 0.6--2.85\,mum transmission spectrum of the 1.1\,rm R_oplus, sim340\,K rocky planet TRAPPIST-1\,c obtained over two JWST NIRISS/SOSS transit observations. Each of the two spectra displays 100--500\,ppm signatures of stellar contamination. Despite being separated by 367\,days, the retrieved spot and faculae properties are consistent between the two visits, resulting in nearly identical transmission spectra. Jointly retrieving for stellar contamination and a planetary atmosphere reveals that our spectrum can rule out hydrogen-dominated, lesssim300times solar metallicity atmospheres with effective surface pressures down to 10\,mbar at the 3-sigma level. For high-mean molecular weight atmospheres, where O_2 or N_2 is the background gas, our spectrum disfavors partial pressures of more than sim10\,mbar for H_2O, CO, NH_3 and CH_4 at the 2-sigma level. Similarly, under the assumption of a 100\% H_2O, NH_3, CO, or CH_4 atmosphere, our spectrum disfavors thick, >1\,bar atmospheres at the 2-sigma level. These non-detections of spectral features are in line with predictions that even heavier, CO_2-rich, atmospheres would be efficiently lost on TRAPPIST-1\,c given the cumulative high-energy irradiation experienced by the planet. Our results further stress the importance of robustly accounting for stellar contamination when analyzing JWST observations of exo-Earths around M dwarfs, as well as the need for high-fidelity stellar models to search for the potential signals of thin secondary atmospheres.

Quantifying the Poor Purity and Completeness of Morphological Samples Selected by Galaxy Colour

The galaxy population is strongly bimodal in both colour and morphology, and the two measures correlate strongly, with most blue galaxies being late-types (spirals) and most early-types, typically ellipticals, being red. This observation has led to the use of colour as a convenient selection criteria to make samples which are then labelled by morphology. Such use of colour as a proxy for morphology results in necessarily impure and incomplete samples. In this paper, we make use of the morphological labels produced by Galaxy Zoo to measure how incomplete and impure such samples are, considering optical (ugriz), NUV and NIR (JHK) bands. The best single colour optical selection is found using a threshold of g-r = 0.742, but this still results in a sample where only 56% of red galaxies are smooth and 56% of smooth galaxies are red. Use of the NUV gives some improvement over purely optical bands, particularly for late-types, but still results in low purity/completeness for early-types. No significant improvement is found by adding NIR bands. With any two bands, including NUV, a sample of early-types with greater than two-thirds purity cannot be constructed. Advances in quantitative galaxy morphologies have made colour-morphology proxy selections largely unnecessary going forward; where such assumptions are still required, we recommend studies carefully consider the implications of sample incompleteness/impurity.

Understanding the Neutron Star Population with the SKA

Since their discovery in the late 1960's the population of known neutron stars (NSs) has grown to ~2500. The last five decades of observations have yielded many surprises and demonstrated that the observational properties of NSs are remarkably diverse. The surveys that will be performed with SKA (the Square Kilometre Array) will produce a further tenfold increase in the number of Galactic NSs known. Moreover, the SKA's broad spectral coverage, sub-arraying and multi-beaming capabilities will allow us to characterise these sources with unprecedented efficiency, in turn enabling a giant leap in the understanding of their properties. Here we review the NS population and outline our strategies for studying each of the growing number of diverse classes that are populating the "NS zoo". Some of the main scientific questions that will be addressed by the much larger statistical samples and vastly improved timing efficiency provided by SKA include: (i) the spin period and spin-down rate distributions (and thus magnetic fields) at birth, and the associated information about the SNe wherein they are formed; (ii) the radio pulsar-magnetar connection; (iii) the link between normal radio pulsars, intermittent pulsars and rotating radio transients; (iv) the slowest possible spin period for a radio pulsar (revealing the conditions at the pulsar death-line); (v) proper motions of pulsars (revealing SN kick physics); (vi) the mass distribution of NSs (vii) the fastest possible spin period for a recycled pulsar (constraining magnetosphere-accretion disc interactions, gravitational wave radiation and the equation-of-state); (viii) the origin of high eccentricity millisecond pulsars (MSPs); (ix) the formation channels for recently identified triple systems; and finally (x) how isolated MSPs are formed. We expect that the SKA will break new ground unveiling exotic systems that will challenge... [abridged]

The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE)

The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE), one of the programs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III (SDSS-III), has now completed its systematic, homogeneous spectroscopic survey sampling all major populations of the Milky Way. After a three year observing campaign on the Sloan 2.5-m Telescope, APOGEE has collected a half million high resolution (R~22,500), high S/N (>100), infrared (1.51-1.70 microns) spectra for 146,000 stars, with time series information via repeat visits to most of these stars. This paper describes the motivations for the survey and its overall design---hardware, field placement, target selection, operations---and gives an overview of these aspects as well as the data reduction, analysis and products. An index is also given to the complement of technical papers that describe various critical survey components in detail. Finally, we discuss the achieved survey performance and illustrate the variety of potential uses of the data products by way of a number of science demonstrations, which span from time series analysis of stellar spectral variations and radial velocity variations from stellar companions, to spatial maps of kinematics, metallicity and abundance patterns across the Galaxy and as a function of age, to new views of the interstellar medium, the chemistry of star clusters, and the discovery of rare stellar species. As part of SDSS-III Data Release 12, all of the APOGEE data products are now publicly available.