- Coherent shuttle of electron-spin states We demonstrate a coherent spin shuttle through a GaAs/AlGaAs quadruple-quantum-dot array. Starting with two electrons in a spin-singlet state in the first dot, we shuttle one electron over to either the second, third or fourth dot. We observe that the separated spin-singlet evolves periodically into the m=0 spin-triplet and back before it dephases due to nuclear spin noise. We attribute the time evolution to differences in the local Zeeman splitting between the respective dots. With the help of numerical simulations, we analyse and discuss the visibility of the singlet-triplet oscillations and connect it to the requirements for coherent spin shuttling in terms of the inter-dot tunnel coupling strength and rise time of the pulses. The distribution of entangled spin pairs through tunnel coupled structures may be of great utility for connecting distant qubit registers on a chip. 5 authors · Jan 3, 2017
- Extracting inter-dot tunnel couplings between few donor quantum dots in silicon The long term scaling prospects for solid-state quantum computing architectures relies heavily on the ability to simply and reliably measure and control the coherent electron interaction strength, known as the tunnel coupling, t_c. Here, we describe a method to extract the t_c between two quantum dots (QDs) utilising their different tunnel rates to a reservoir. We demonstrate the technique on a few donor triple QD tunnel coupled to a nearby single-electron transistor (SET) in silicon. The device was patterned using scanning tunneling microscopy-hydrogen lithography allowing for a direct measurement of the tunnel coupling for a given inter-dot distance. We extract {t}_{{c}}=5.5pm 1.8;{GHz} and {t}_{{c}}=2.2pm 1.3;{GHz} between each of the nearest-neighbour QDs which are separated by 14.5 nm and 14.0 nm, respectively. The technique allows for an accurate measurement of t_c for nanoscale devices even when it is smaller than the electron temperature and is an ideal characterisation tool for multi-dot systems with a charge sensor. 7 authors · Jun 2, 2016
- Comparative modeling studies of TSDC: investigation of Alpha-relaxation in Amorphous polymers A model to investigate Thermally Stimulated Depolarization Current (TSDC) peak parameters using the dipole-dipole interaction concept is proposed by the author in this work. The proposed model describe the (TSDC) peak successfully since it gives a significant peak parameters (i.e. Activation energy (E) and the per-exponential factor (\tau_0) in addition to the dipole-dipole interaction strength parameter (di). Application of this model to determine the peak parameters of polyvinyl chloride(PVC) polymer is presented . The results show how the model fit the experimental thermal sampling data. Finally the results are compared to the well know techniques; the initial rise method (IR), the half width method (HW) in addition to the Cowell and Woods analysis. 1 authors · Apr 8, 2010