New MobileNetV4 weights were uploaded a few days ago -- more ImageNet-12k training at 384x384 for the speedy 'Conv Medium' models.
There are 3 weight variants here for those who like to tinker. On my hold-out eval they are ordered as below, not that different, but the Adopt 180 epochs closer to AdamW 250 than to AdamW 180.
* AdamW for 250 epochs - timm/mobilenetv4_conv_medium.e250_r384_in12k
* Adopt for 180 epochs - timm/mobilenetv4_conv_medium.e180_ad_r384_in12k
* AdamW for 180 epochs - timm/mobilenetv4_conv_medium.e180_r384_in12k
This was by request as a user reported impressive results using the 'Conv Large' ImagNet-12k pretrains as object detection backbones. ImageNet-1k fine-tunes are pending, the weights do behave differently with the 180 vs 250 epochs and the Adopt vs AdamW optimizer.
There are 3 weight variants here for those who like to tinker. On my hold-out eval they are ordered as below, not that different, but the Adopt 180 epochs closer to AdamW 250 than to AdamW 180.
* AdamW for 250 epochs - timm/mobilenetv4_conv_medium.e250_r384_in12k
* Adopt for 180 epochs - timm/mobilenetv4_conv_medium.e180_ad_r384_in12k
* AdamW for 180 epochs - timm/mobilenetv4_conv_medium.e180_r384_in12k
This was by request as a user reported impressive results using the 'Conv Large' ImagNet-12k pretrains as object detection backbones. ImageNet-1k fine-tunes are pending, the weights do behave differently with the 180 vs 250 epochs and the Adopt vs AdamW optimizer.