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posted an update Mar 4
Just released moondream2 - a small 1.8B parameter vision language model. Now fully open source (Apache 2.0) so you can use it without restrictions on commercial use!


Incredible news, thank you! Do you have fine tuning guides for Moondream 2? @vikhyatk

Thank you!

Very cool!

Any plans to share the fine tuning guide for downstream usecases?

Can I get a aweeee yeaaah?

thanks @vikhyatk !

I was waiting this one !!

Hello. Great work. Any chance I could contract you about learning a bit more. I have a specific use case in mind but I'll need some additional info..thanks in advance

@vikhyatk Can you please share the fine tuning guide

How to run this on Mac, if possible? Thank you! This model is amazing