import os import utils import streamlit as st import geopandas as gpd from streamlit_folium import st_folium, folium_static from authentication import greeting, check_password import folium import json import time import pandas as pd def add_properties(df, col_name, value, field_name): if col_name not in df.columns: df[col_name] = None df.loc[df['name'] == field_name, col_name] = value return df def select_field(gdf): st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True) names = gdf['name'].tolist() names.append("Select Field") field_name = st.selectbox("Select Field", options=names, key="field_name_edit", help="Select the field to edit", index=len(names)-1) return field_name def read_crop_type(): crop_type = st.text_input("Field Crop*", help="Enter the crop type", key="field_crop", value='') return crop_type def read_irrigation_type(): irrigation_type = st.selectbox("Field Type*", options=["Rainfed", "Irrigated", ""], key="field_type", help="Select the field type", index=2) return irrigation_type def read_custom_property(): custom_property_name = st.text_input("Custom Property Name*", help="Enter the custom property name", key="custom_property_name", value='') custom_property_value = st.text_input("Custom Property Value*", help="Enter the custom property value", key="custom_property_value", value='', disabled=custom_property_name == "" or custom_property_name == "") return custom_property_name, custom_property_value def edit_fields(): current_user = greeting("Manage your fields") fields_file_path = f"fields_{current_user}.parquet" history_file_path = f"history_{current_user}.csv" # Load or initialize the GeoDataFrame for fields if os.path.exists(fields_file_path): gdf = gpd.read_parquet(fields_file_path) else:"No fields added yet!") return # Load or initialize the DataFrame for field usage history if os.path.exists(history_file_path): history_df = pd.read_csv(history_file_path) else: history_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['field_name', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'crop', 'irrigation_method'])"Hover over the field to show the properties or check the Existing Fields List below") fields_map = gdf.explore() sat_basemap = utils.basemaps['Google Satellite'] sat_basemap.add_to(fields_map) folium.LayerControl().add_to(fields_map) folium_static(fields_map, height=300, width=600) with st.expander("Existing Fields List", expanded=False): # lis = [(f"Name:{gdf.iloc[i]['name']}",f"location: {gdf.iloc[i]['geometry']}" )for i in range(len(gdf))] st.write(gdf) field_name = select_field(gdf) if field_name == "Select Field":"No Field Selected Yet!") else: st.subheader(field_name) option_menu ="Please add your {field_name} field information, historical data will help train our AI model", options=["View Field Info", "Add Field Information","Add Field Cultivation History", "Delete"], key="option_menu", help="Select the operation to perform") if option_menu == "View Field Info": field = gdf[gdf['name'] == field_name] st.write(field) # Deserialize the usage history for display if len(history_df)>0: st.write("Previous cultivation History:", history_df) else: st.subheader("No cultivation history added for this field.") elif option_menu == "Add Field Information": no_input = True crop_type = read_crop_type() irrigation_type = read_irrigation_type() custom_property_name, custom_property_value = read_custom_property() if crop_type != "" or irrigation_type != "" or custom_property_value != "": no_input = False submit = st.button("Submit", key="submitProperties", help="Click to Submit Field Information", type="primary", use_container_width=True, disabled=no_input) if submit: if crop_type != "": gdf = add_properties(gdf, "crop", crop_type, field_name) if irrigation_type != "": gdf = add_properties(gdf, "irrigation", irrigation_type, field_name) if custom_property_name != "" and custom_property_value != "": gdf = add_properties(gdf, custom_property_name, custom_property_value, field_name) gdf.to_parquet(f"fields_{current_user}.parquet") # st.rerun() st.success("Field Information Updated Successfully!")"Please Select View above to see the updated field information") elif option_menu == "Add Field Cultivation History": with st.form(key='history_form', clear_on_submit=True): start_date = st.date_input("Cultivation Start Date", key=f'start_date') end_date = st.date_input("Cultivation End Date", key=f'end_date') crop_planted = st.selectbox("Type of Crop Planted", [' ', 'Wheat', 'Corn', 'Rice',"other"], index=0) irrigation_method = st.selectbox("Irrigation Method Used", ['Rainfed', 'Irrigated', " "], index=2) submit_history = st.form_submit_button("Submit Crop Cycle") if submit_history: # Check that the start date is before the end date if start_date < end_date: # Append new usage entry new_history = { 'field_name': field_name, 'start_date': str(start_date), 'end_date': str(end_date), 'crop': crop_planted, 'irrigation_method': irrigation_method } # Use concat instead of append history_df = pd.concat([history_df, pd.DataFrame([new_history])], ignore_index=True) history_df.to_csv(history_file_path, index=False) st.success("Field usage history updated successfully!, fill the form again to add another cultivation history" ) else: st.write("check the entered dates") elif option_menu == "Delete": option = st.selectbox("What do you want to delete", options=[f'Delete {field_name} Field', 'Delete a historical entry from the field']) if option == f"Delete {field_name} Field" : delete = st.button("Delete Entire Field", key="delete_field", help="Click to Delete Field", type="primary", use_container_width=True) if delete: if len(gdf) == 1 and (gdf['name'] == field_name).all(): # Check if this is the only field left os.remove(fields_file_path) # Delete the .parquet file if it's the last field if os.path.exists(history_file_path): os.remove(history_file_path) st.success("All fields deleted. The data file has been removed.") time.sleep(0.3) st.rerun() else: gdf = gdf[gdf['name'] != field_name] history_df = history_df[history_df["field_name"] != field_name ] gdf.to_parquet(fields_file_path) history_df.to_csv(history_file_path, index=False) st.success("Field Deleted Successfully!") time.sleep(0.3) st.rerun() elif option == "Delete a historical entry from the field": # Allow the user to select which historical entry to delete idx_history_to_delete = st.selectbox("Select a history to delete, select the index of the entry that you want to delete", options=history_df[history_df['field_name'] == field_name].index) if st.button("Confirm Delete Historical Entry", key="delete_history", help="Click to Delete Entry", type="primary", use_container_width=True): history_df.drop(labels=0, axis=0, index=None, columns=None, level=None, inplace=True, errors='raise') history_df.to_csv(history_file_path, index=False) st.success("Entry Deleted Successfully!") time.sleep(0.3) st.rerun() if __name__ == '__main__': edit_fields()