import requests import openai import json import numpy as np import time def load_json(prompt_path, endpoint_path): with open(prompt_path, "r") as prompt_file: prompt_dict = json.load(prompt_file) with open(endpoint_path, "r") as endpoint_file: endpoint_dict = json.load(endpoint_file) return prompt_dict, endpoint_dict def construct_message(agent_context, instruction, idx): prefix_string = "Here are a list of opinions from different agents: " prefix_string = prefix_string + agent_context + "\n\n Write a summary of the different opinions from each of the individual agent." message = [{"role": "user", "content": prefix_string}] try: completion = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model="gpt-3.5-turbo-0613", messages=message, max_tokens=256, n=1 )['choices'][0]['message']['content'] except: print("retrying ChatGPT due to an error......") time.sleep(5) return construct_message(agent_context, instruction, idx) prefix_string = f"Here is a summary of responses from other agents: {completion}" prefix_string = prefix_string + "\n\n Use this summarization carefully as additional advice, can you provide an updated answer? Make sure to state your answer at the end of the response. " + instruction return prefix_string def summarize_message(agent_contexts, instruction, idx): prefix_string = "Here are a list of opinions from different agents: " for agent in agent_contexts: agent_response = agent[-1]["content"] response = "\n\n One agent response: ```{}```".format(agent_response) prefix_string = prefix_string + response prefix_string = prefix_string + "\n\n Write a summary of the different opinions from each of the individual agent." completion = construct_message(prefix_string, instruction, idx) return completion def generate_question(agents, question): agent_contexts = [[{"model": agent, "content": question}] for agent in agents] content = agent_contexts[0][0]["content"] return agent_contexts, content def Inference(model_list, question, API_KEY, cot, HF_TOKEN): openai.api_key = API_KEY prompt_dict, endpoint_dict = load_json("src/prompt_template.json", "src/inference_endpoint.json") for model in model_list: endpoint_dict[model]["headers"]["Authorization"] += HF_TOKEN def generate_answer(model, formatted_prompt): API_URL = endpoint_dict[model]["API_URL"] headers = endpoint_dict[model]["headers"] payload = { "inputs": formatted_prompt, "parameters": { "max_new_tokens": 256 } } try: resp =, json=payload, headers=headers) response = resp.json() except: print("retrying due to an error......") time.sleep(5) return generate_answer(model, formatted_prompt) return {"model": model, "content": response[0]["generated_text"]} def prompt_formatting(model, instruction, cot): if model == "alpaca" or model == "orca": prompt = prompt_dict[model]["prompt_no_input"] else: prompt = prompt_dict[model]["prompt"] if cot: instruction += "Let's think step by step." return {"model": model, "content": prompt.format(instruction=instruction)} agents = len(model_list) rounds = 2 agent_contexts, content = generate_question(agents=model_list, question=question) message = [] # Debate for debate in range(rounds+1): # Refer to the summarized previous response if debate != 0: message.append(summarize_message(agent_contexts, content, 2 * debate - 1)) for i in range(len(agent_contexts)): agent_contexts[i].append(prompt_formatting(agent_contexts[i][-1]["model"], message, cot)) # Generate new response based on summarized response for agent_context in agent_contexts: completion = generate_answer(agent_context[-1]["model"], agent_context[-1]["content"]) agent_context.append(completion) models_response = { f"{model_list[0]}": [agent_contexts[0][1]["content"], agent_contexts[0][3]["content"], agent_contexts[0][-1]["content"]], f"{model_list[1]}": [agent_contexts[1][1]["content"], agent_contexts[1][3]["content"], agent_contexts[1][-1]["content"]], f"{model_list[2]}": [agent_contexts[2][1]["content"], agent_contexts[2][3]["content"], agent_contexts[2][-1]["content"]] } response_summarization = [ message[0], message[1] ] generated_description = {"question": content, "agent_response": models_response, "summarization": response_summarization} return generated_description