import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd import streamlit as st import as px from pyspark.sql import functions as F from pyspark.sql import SparkSession from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity from spark_setup import create_spark_session, load_data, file_paths from PIL import Image ############################ # Caching and Setup ############################ @st.cache_data(show_spinner=False) def get_model(model_path="embedding_model"): if not os.path.exists(model_path): model = SentenceTransformer('all-mpnet-base-v2') return SentenceTransformer(model_path) @st.cache_data(show_spinner=False) def get_embeddings(embedding_path="embeddings.npy"): return np.load(embedding_path) @st.cache_resource(show_spinner=False) def get_spark_session(): return create_spark_session() @st.cache_resource(show_spinner=False) def get_data(_spark): return load_data(_spark, file_paths) @st.cache_data(show_spinner=False) def get_index_to_pub_id(_publications_spark_df): pub_ids ="publication_id") x: x.publication_id).collect() return {idx: pub_id for idx, pub_id in enumerate(pub_ids)} ############################ # Main Code ############################ embeddings = get_embeddings() model = get_model() spark = get_spark_session() dataframes = get_data(spark) data = dataframes["geospatial_clustering_data"] publications_df = dataframes["clustering"] # Create the mapping from embedding index to publication_id index_to_pub_id = get_index_to_pub_id(publications_df) # Rename clusters as fields of study field_topics = { 0: "Phylogenetics and Species Diversity", 1: "Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology", 2: "Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Studies", 3: "Catalysis and Energy Conversion", 4: "Machine Learning and Image Processing", 5: "Clinical and Epidemiological Studies", 6: "Social and Behavioral Research", 7: "Environmental Risk and Water Management", 8: "Microbiology and Antibiotic Resistance", 9: "Systems Engineering and Optimization", 10: "Virology and Infectious Diseases", 11: "Oral and Dental Research", 12: "Surgery and Clinical Outcomes", 13: "Composite Materials and Structural Engineering", 14: "Cancer Research and Cellular Mechanisms", 15: "Particle Physics and Cosmology", 16: "Psychiatry and Cognitive Disorders" } # Page configuration st.set_page_config( page_title="🌏 Chulalongkorn University Global Collaboration Explorer", layout="wide", page_icon="🌏" ) # Initialize variables field_id, field_name = -1, "All Fields" keyword = None # Sidebar with st.sidebar: st.sidebar.image("chula_logo.png", use_container_width=True) st.title("🌟 Global Collaboration Explorer") st.markdown(""" **Explore Chulalongkorn University's global academic collaborations** Use the options below to choose a field of study or explore by keyword. """) # Add a search mode radio button search_mode = "Exploration Mode:", options=["Explore by Field of Study", "Explore by Keyword"], index=0 ) if search_mode == "Explore by Field of Study": st.markdown("#### 🎓 Select a Field of Study") if "selected_field" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.selected_field = -1 search_query = st.selectbox( "Field of Study:", options=[(-1, "All Fields")] + list(field_topics.items()), format_func=lambda x: "All Fields" if x[0] == -1 else f"Field {x[0]}: {x[1]}", index=st.session_state.selected_field + 1 ) field_id, field_name = search_query st.session_state.selected_field = field_id # Filter data based on selected field if field_id == -1: filtered_map_data_spark = data else: filtered_map_data_spark = data.filter(F.col("cluster") == field_id) elif search_mode == "Explore by Keyword": st.markdown("#### 🔍 Enter a Keyword") keyword = st.text_input("Keyword:") if keyword: input_embedding = model.encode(keyword) cos_similarities = cosine_similarity([input_embedding], embeddings)[0] # Create similarity DataFrame similarity_df = pd.DataFrame({ "publication_id": [index_to_pub_id[i] for i in range(len(embeddings))], "similarity": cos_similarities }) # Threshold filtering similarity_threshold = 0.38 similarity_df = similarity_df[similarity_df["similarity"] >= similarity_threshold] if similarity_df.empty: filtered_map_data_spark = data.limit(0) else: # Convert to Spark DF and join all matched publications similarity_spark_df = spark.createDataFrame(similarity_df) joined_df = data.join(similarity_spark_df, on="publication_id", how="inner") # Sort by similarity descending filtered_map_data_spark = joined_df.orderBy(F.col("similarity").desc()) else: filtered_map_data_spark = data.limit(0) # Function to get unique affiliation count as points def get_country_points(_filtered_spark_df): return ( _filtered_spark_df.groupBy("country") .agg(F.countDistinct("affiliation_id").alias("points")) .orderBy(F.col("points").desc()) ) country_points_spark = get_country_points(filtered_map_data_spark) filtered_map_data_pd = country_points_spark.toPandas() def get_dynamic_country_options(pdf): return [("All Countries", 0)] + [(row["country"], row["points"]) for _, row in pdf.iterrows()] if "selected_country" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.selected_country = "All Countries" country_options = get_dynamic_country_options(filtered_map_data_pd) selected_country = st.selectbox( "Select a Country:", options=country_options, format_func=lambda x: f"{x[0]} ({x[1]} unique affiliations)" if x[0] != "All Countries" else "All Countries", index=0 ) selected_country_name = selected_country[0] st.session_state.selected_country = selected_country_name # Statistics Table Section st.markdown("#### 📊 Show Country Statistics") show_stats = st.checkbox("Show Table", value=True) # Main Title and Description st.title("🌏 Chulalongkorn University's Global Research Collaborations") if search_mode == "Explore by Field of Study": st.markdown( f"**Exploring collaborations in:** {'All Fields' if field_id == -1 else field_name} " f"**|** {'All Countries' if selected_country_name == 'All Countries' else selected_country_name}" ) else: st.markdown( f"**Exploring collaborations by keyword:** {'None' if not keyword else keyword} " f"**|** {'All Countries' if selected_country_name == 'All Countries' else selected_country_name}" ) # Filter by selected country if needed if selected_country_name != "All Countries": filtered_map_data_spark = filtered_map_data_spark.filter(F.col("country") == selected_country_name) filtered_map_data_pd = ( filtered_map_data_spark.groupBy("country") .agg(F.countDistinct("affiliation_id").alias("points")) .orderBy(F.col("points").desc()) .toPandas() ) if search_mode == "Explore by Field of Study": title_text = f"Chulalongkorn University's Global Collaborations by {'All Fields' if field_id == -1 else field_name}" else: title_text = "Chulalongkorn University's Global Collaborations by Keyword" fig = px.choropleth( filtered_map_data_pd, locations="country", locationmode="country names", color="points", color_continuous_scale="Greens", title=title_text, labels={'points': 'Unique Affiliations'}, ) fig.update_geos( showcountries=True, countrycolor="Black", showcoastlines=True, coastlinecolor="Gray", showland=True, landcolor="white", showocean=True, oceancolor="lightblue", projection_type="natural earth" ) fig.update_layout( title_font=dict(size=24, family="Arial"), margin={"r": 10, "t": 50, "l": 10, "b": 10}, coloraxis_colorbar=dict( title="Unique Affiliations", title_font=dict(size=16, family="Arial"), tickfont=dict(size=12, family="Arial"), ) ) # Display the map st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) # Show top N rows top_n_rows = 50 top_pd = filtered_map_data_spark.limit(top_n_rows).toPandas() # Select only needed columns for preview and rename them # Original columns: header -> affiliation, city -> city, country -> country, title_x -> title display_df = top_pd[["header", "city", "country", "title_x"]].copy() display_df.rename(columns={ "header": "affiliation", "city": "city", "country": "country", "title_x": "title" }, inplace=True) st.markdown("### 📜 Example Papers from Chulalongkorn University and Its Partners") st.dataframe(display_df) # Display Country Statistics if enabled if show_stats: st.markdown("---") st.subheader("🌐 Country Statistics (Unique Affiliations)") if filtered_map_data_pd.empty: st.write("No data available for the selected filters.") else: st.dataframe(**{'text-align': 'left'}))