import numpy as np # linear algebra import pandas as pd # data processing, CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv) from transformers import AutoTokenizer from transformers import TFAutoModelForQuestionAnswering from datasets import Dataset import streamlit as st # loading saved roberta-base tokenizer to tokenize the text into input IDs that model can make sense of. model_checkpoint = "Modfiededition/roberta-fine-tuned-tweet-sentiment-extractor" @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True, suppress_st_warning=True) def load_tokenizer(): return AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_checkpoint ) tokenizer = load_tokenizer() @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True, suppress_st_warning=True) def load_model(): return TFAutoModelForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(model_checkpoint) model = load_model() #prompts st.title("Tweet Sentiment Extractor...") # take text/tweet input textbox = st.text_area('Write your text in this box:', '',height=100, max_chars=500 ) option = st.selectbox( 'Pick the sentiment', ('positive', 'negative', 'neutral')) python_dict = {"text":[textbox], "sentiment":[option]} dataset = Dataset.from_dict(python_dict) MAX_LENGTH = 105 button = st.button('Click here to extract the word/phrase from the text with the given sentiment: {0}..'.format(option)) if not textbox: st.markdown("## " + "Please write your text above!") if button: if not textbox: st.markdown("#### " +"Please write something in the above textbox..") else: with st.spinner('In progress.......'): def process_data(examples): questions = examples["sentiment"] context = examples["text"] inputs = tokenizer( questions, context, max_length = MAX_LENGTH, padding="max_length", return_offsets_mapping = True, ) # Assigning None values to all offset mapping of tokens which are not the context tokens. for i in range(len(inputs["input_ids"])): offset = inputs["offset_mapping"][i] sequence_ids = inputs.sequence_ids(i) inputs["offset_mapping"][i] = [ o if sequence_ids[k] == 1 else None for k, o in enumerate(offset) ] return inputs processed_raw_data = process_data, batched = True ) tf_raw_dataset = processed_raw_data.to_tf_dataset( columns=["input_ids", "attention_mask"], shuffle=False, batch_size=1, ) # final predictions. outputs = model.predict(tf_raw_dataset) start_logits = outputs.start_logits end_logits = outputs.end_logits # Post Processing. # Using start_logits and end_logits to generate the final answer from the given context. n_best = 20 def predict_answers(inputs): predicted_answer = [] for i in range(len(inputs["offset_mapping"])): start_logit = inputs["start_logits"][i] end_logit = inputs["end_logits"][i] context = inputs["text"][i] offset = inputs["offset_mapping"][i] start_indexes = np.argsort(start_logit)[-1: -n_best - 1:-1].tolist() end_indexes = np.argsort(end_logit)[-1: -n_best - 1: -1].tolist() flag = False for start_index in start_indexes: for end_index in end_indexes: # skip answer that are not in the context. if offset[start_index] is None or offset[end_index] is None: continue # skip answer with length that is either < 0 if end_index < start_index: continue flag = True answer = context[offset[start_index][0]: offset[end_index][1]] predicted_answer.append(answer) break if flag: break if not flag: predicted_answer.append(answer) return {"predicted_answer":predicted_answer} processed_raw_data.set_format("pandas") processed_raw_df = processed_raw_data[:] processed_raw_df["start_logits"] = start_logits.tolist() processed_raw_df["end_logits"] = end_logits.tolist() processed_raw_df["text"] = python_dict["text"] final_data = Dataset.from_pandas(processed_raw_df) final_data =,batched=True) st.markdown("## " +final_data["predicted_answer"][0])