ThunderVVV's picture
history blame
16.6 kB
from collections import defaultdict
import json
import os
import joblib
import numpy as np
import torch
import cv2
from tqdm import tqdm
from glob import glob
from natsort import natsorted
import spaces
from import parse_chunks, parse_chunks_hand_frame
from lib.models.hawor import HAWOR
from lib.eval_utils.custom_utils import cam2world_convert, load_slam_cam
from lib.eval_utils.custom_utils import interpolate_bboxes
from lib.eval_utils.filling_utils import filling_postprocess, filling_preprocess
from lib.vis.renderer import Renderer
from hawor.utils.process import get_mano_faces, run_mano, run_mano_left
from hawor.utils.rotation import angle_axis_to_rotation_matrix, rotation_matrix_to_angle_axis
from import TransformerModel
def load_hawor(checkpoint_path):
from pathlib import Path
from hawor.configs import get_config
model_cfg = str(Path(checkpoint_path).parent.parent / 'model_config.yaml')
model_cfg = get_config(model_cfg, update_cachedir=True)
# Override some config values, to crop bbox correctly
if (model_cfg.MODEL.BACKBONE.TYPE == 'vit') and ('BBOX_SHAPE' not in model_cfg.MODEL):
assert model_cfg.MODEL.IMAGE_SIZE == 256, f"MODEL.IMAGE_SIZE ({model_cfg.MODEL.IMAGE_SIZE}) should be 256 for ViT backbone"
model_cfg.MODEL.BBOX_SHAPE = [192,256]
model = HAWOR.load_from_checkpoint(checkpoint_path, strict=False, cfg=model_cfg)
return model, model_cfg
def hawor_motion_estimation(args, start_idx, end_idx, seq_folder):
model, model_cfg = load_hawor(args.checkpoint)
device = torch.device('cuda') if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device('cpu')
model =
file = args.video_path
video_root = os.path.dirname(file)
video = os.path.basename(file).split('.')[0]
img_folder = f"{video_root}/{video}/extracted_images"
imgfiles = np.array(natsorted(glob(f'{img_folder}/*.jpg')))
tracks = np.load(f'{seq_folder}/tracks_{start_idx}_{end_idx}/model_tracks.npy', allow_pickle=True).item()
img_focal = args.img_focal
if img_focal is None:
with open(os.path.join(seq_folder, 'est_focal.txt'), 'r') as file:
img_focal =
img_focal = float(img_focal)
img_focal = 600
print(f'No focal length provided, use default {img_focal}')
with open(os.path.join(seq_folder, 'est_focal.txt'), 'w') as file:
tid = np.array([tr for tr in tracks])
if os.path.exists(f'{seq_folder}/tracks_{start_idx}_{end_idx}/frame_chunks_all.npy'):
print("skip hawor motion estimation")
frame_chunks_all = joblib.load(f'{seq_folder}/tracks_{start_idx}_{end_idx}/frame_chunks_all.npy')
return frame_chunks_all, img_focal
print(f'Running hawor on {video} ...')
left_trk = []
right_trk = []
for k, idx in enumerate(tid):
trk = tracks[idx]
valid = np.array([t['det'] for t in trk])
is_right = np.concatenate([t['det_handedness'] for t in trk])[valid]
if is_right.sum() / len(is_right) < 0.5:
left_trk = sorted(left_trk, key=lambda x: x['frame'])
right_trk = sorted(right_trk, key=lambda x: x['frame'])
final_tracks = {
0: left_trk,
1: right_trk
tid = [0, 1]
img = cv2.imread(imgfiles[0])
img_center = [img.shape[1] / 2, img.shape[0] / 2]# w/2, h/2
H, W = img.shape[:2]
model_masks = np.zeros((len(imgfiles), H, W))
bin_size = 128
max_faces_per_bin = 20000
renderer = Renderer(img.shape[1], img.shape[0], img_focal, 'cuda',
bin_size=bin_size, max_faces_per_bin=max_faces_per_bin)
# get faces
faces = get_mano_faces()
faces_new = np.array([[92, 38, 234],
[234, 38, 239],
[38, 122, 239],
[239, 122, 279],
[122, 118, 279],
[279, 118, 215],
[118, 117, 215],
[215, 117, 214],
[117, 119, 214],
[214, 119, 121],
[119, 120, 121],
[121, 120, 78],
[120, 108, 78],
[78, 108, 79]])
faces_right = np.concatenate([faces, faces_new], axis=0)
faces_left = faces_right[:,[0,2,1]]
frame_chunks_all = defaultdict(list)
for idx in tid:
print(f"tracklet {idx}:")
trk = final_tracks[idx]
# interp bboxes
valid = np.array([t['det'] for t in trk])
if valid.sum() < 2:
boxes = np.concatenate([t['det_box'] for t in trk])
non_zero_indices = np.where(np.any(boxes != 0, axis=1))[0]
first_non_zero = non_zero_indices[0]
last_non_zero = non_zero_indices[-1]
boxes[first_non_zero:last_non_zero+1] = interpolate_bboxes(boxes[first_non_zero:last_non_zero+1])
valid[first_non_zero:last_non_zero+1] = True
boxes = boxes[first_non_zero:last_non_zero+1]
is_right = np.concatenate([t['det_handedness'] for t in trk])[valid]
frame = np.array([t['frame'] for t in trk])[valid]
if is_right.sum() / len(is_right) < 0.5:
is_right = np.zeros((len(boxes), 1))
is_right = np.ones((len(boxes), 1))
frame_chunks, boxes_chunks = parse_chunks(frame, boxes, min_len=1)
frame_chunks_all[idx] = frame_chunks
if len(frame_chunks) == 0:
for frame_ck, boxes_ck in zip(frame_chunks, boxes_chunks):
print(f"inference from frame {frame_ck[0]} to {frame_ck[-1]}")
img_ck = imgfiles[frame_ck]
if is_right[0] > 0:
do_flip = False
do_flip = True
results = model.inference(img_ck, boxes_ck, img_focal=img_focal, img_center=img_center, do_flip=do_flip)
data_out = {
"init_root_orient": results["pred_rotmat"][None, :, 0], # (B, T, 3, 3)
"init_hand_pose": results["pred_rotmat"][None, :, 1:], # (B, T, 15, 3, 3)
"init_trans": results["pred_trans"][None, :, 0], # (B, T, 3)
"init_betas": results["pred_shape"][None, :] # (B, T, 10)
# flip left hand
init_root = rotation_matrix_to_angle_axis(data_out["init_root_orient"])
init_hand_pose = rotation_matrix_to_angle_axis(data_out["init_hand_pose"])
if do_flip:
init_root[..., 1] *= -1
init_root[..., 2] *= -1
init_hand_pose[..., 1] *= -1
init_hand_pose[..., 2] *= -1
data_out["init_root_orient"] = angle_axis_to_rotation_matrix(init_root)
data_out["init_hand_pose"] = angle_axis_to_rotation_matrix(init_hand_pose)
# save camera-space results
k:v.tolist() for k, v in data_out.items()
pred_path = os.path.join(seq_folder, 'cam_space', str(idx), f"{frame_ck[0]}_{frame_ck[-1]}.json")
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(seq_folder, 'cam_space', str(idx))):
os.makedirs(os.path.join(seq_folder, 'cam_space', str(idx)))
with open(pred_path, "w") as f:
json.dump(pred_dict, f, indent=1)
# get hand mask
data_out["init_root_orient"] = rotation_matrix_to_angle_axis(data_out["init_root_orient"])
data_out["init_hand_pose"] = rotation_matrix_to_angle_axis(data_out["init_hand_pose"])
if do_flip: # left
outputs = run_mano_left(data_out["init_trans"], data_out["init_root_orient"], data_out["init_hand_pose"], betas=data_out["init_betas"])
else: # right
outputs = run_mano(data_out["init_trans"], data_out["init_root_orient"], data_out["init_hand_pose"], betas=data_out["init_betas"])
vertices = outputs["vertices"][0].cpu() # (T, N, 3)
for img_i, _ in enumerate(img_ck):
if do_flip:
faces = torch.from_numpy(faces_left).cuda()
faces = torch.from_numpy(faces_right).cuda()
cam_R = torch.eye(3).unsqueeze(0).cuda()
cam_T = torch.zeros(1, 3).cuda()
cameras, lights = renderer.create_camera_from_cv(cam_R, cam_T)
verts_color = torch.tensor([0, 0, 255, 255]) / 255
vertices_i = vertices[[img_i]]
rend, mask = renderer.render_multiple(vertices_i.unsqueeze(0).cuda(), faces, verts_color.unsqueeze(0).cuda(), cameras, lights)
model_masks[frame_ck[img_i]] += mask
model_masks = model_masks > 0 # bool'{seq_folder}/tracks_{start_idx}_{end_idx}/model_masks.npy', model_masks)
joblib.dump(frame_chunks_all, f'{seq_folder}/tracks_{start_idx}_{end_idx}/frame_chunks_all.npy')
return frame_chunks_all, img_focal
def hawor_infiller(args, start_idx, end_idx, frame_chunks_all):
# load infiller
weight_path = args.infiller_weight
device = torch.device('cuda') if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device('cpu')
ckpt = torch.load(weight_path, map_location=device)
pos_dim = 3
shape_dim = 10
num_joints = 15
rot_dim = (num_joints + 1) * 6 # rot6d
repr_dim = 2 * (pos_dim + shape_dim + rot_dim)
nhead = 8 # repr_dim = 154
horizon = 120
filling_model = TransformerModel(seq_len=horizon, input_dim=repr_dim, d_model=384, nhead=nhead, d_hid=2048, nlayers=8, dropout=0.05, out_dim=repr_dim, masked_attention_stage=True)
file = args.video_path
video_root = os.path.dirname(file)
video = os.path.basename(file).split('.')[0]
seq_folder = os.path.join(video_root, video)
img_folder = f"{video_root}/{video}/extracted_images"
# Previous steps
imgfiles = np.array(natsorted(glob(f'{img_folder}/*.jpg')))
idx2hand = ['left', 'right']
filling_length = 120
fpath = os.path.join(seq_folder, f"SLAM/hawor_slam_w_scale_{start_idx}_{end_idx}.npz")
R_w2c_sla_all, t_w2c_sla_all, R_c2w_sla_all, t_c2w_sla_all = load_slam_cam(fpath)
pred_trans = torch.zeros(2, len(imgfiles), 3)
pred_rot = torch.zeros(2, len(imgfiles), 3)
pred_hand_pose = torch.zeros(2, len(imgfiles), 45)
pred_betas = torch.zeros(2, len(imgfiles), 10)
pred_valid = torch.zeros((2, pred_betas.size(1)))
# camera space to world space
tid = [0, 1]
for k, idx in enumerate(tid):
frame_chunks = frame_chunks_all[idx]
if len(frame_chunks) == 0:
for frame_ck in frame_chunks:
print(f"from frame {frame_ck[0]} to {frame_ck[-1]}")
pred_path = os.path.join(seq_folder, 'cam_space', str(idx), f"{frame_ck[0]}_{frame_ck[-1]}.json")
with open(pred_path, "r") as f:
pred_dict = json.load(f)
data_out = {
k:torch.tensor(v) for k, v in pred_dict.items()
R_c2w_sla = R_c2w_sla_all[frame_ck]
t_c2w_sla = t_c2w_sla_all[frame_ck]
data_world = cam2world_convert(R_c2w_sla, t_c2w_sla, data_out, 'right' if idx > 0 else 'left')
pred_trans[[idx], frame_ck] = data_world["init_trans"]
pred_rot[[idx], frame_ck] = data_world["init_root_orient"]
pred_hand_pose[[idx], frame_ck] = data_world["init_hand_pose"].flatten(-2)
pred_betas[[idx], frame_ck] = data_world["init_betas"]
pred_valid[[idx], frame_ck] = 1
# runing fillingnet for this video
frame_list = torch.tensor(list(range(pred_trans.size(1))))
pred_valid = (pred_valid > 0).numpy()
for k, idx in enumerate([1, 0]):
missing = ~pred_valid[idx]
frame = frame_list[missing]
frame_chunks = parse_chunks_hand_frame(frame)
print(f"run infiller on {idx2hand[idx]} hand ...")
for frame_ck in tqdm(frame_chunks):
start_shift = -1
while frame_ck[0] + start_shift >= 0 and pred_valid[:, frame_ck[0] + start_shift].sum() != 2:
start_shift -= 1 # Shift to find the previous valid frame as start
print(f"run infiller on frame {frame_ck[0] + start_shift} to frame {min(len(imgfiles)-1, frame_ck[0] + start_shift + filling_length)}")
frame_start = frame_ck[0]
filling_net_start = max(0, frame_start + start_shift)
filling_net_end = min(len(imgfiles)-1, filling_net_start + filling_length)
seq_valid = pred_valid[:, filling_net_start:filling_net_end]
filling_seq = {}
filling_seq['trans'] = pred_trans[:, filling_net_start:filling_net_end].numpy()
filling_seq['rot'] = pred_rot[:, filling_net_start:filling_net_end].numpy()
filling_seq['hand_pose'] = pred_hand_pose[:, filling_net_start:filling_net_end].numpy()
filling_seq['betas'] = pred_betas[:, filling_net_start:filling_net_end].numpy()
filling_seq['valid'] = seq_valid
# preprocess (convert to canonical + slerp)
filling_input, transform_w_canon = filling_preprocess(filling_seq)
src_mask = torch.zeros((filling_length, filling_length), device=device).type(torch.bool)
src_mask =
filling_input = torch.from_numpy(filling_input).unsqueeze(0).to(device).permute(1,0,2) # (seq_len, B, in_dim)
T_original = len(filling_input)
filling_length = 120
if T_original < filling_length:
pad_length = filling_length - T_original
last_time_step = filling_input[-1, :, :]
padding = last_time_step.unsqueeze(0).repeat(pad_length, 1, 1)
filling_input =[filling_input, padding], dim=0)
seq_valid_padding = np.ones((2, filling_length - T_original))
seq_valid_padding = np.concatenate([seq_valid, seq_valid_padding], axis=1)
seq_valid_padding = seq_valid
T, B, _ = filling_input.shape
valid = torch.from_numpy(seq_valid_padding).unsqueeze(0).all(dim=1).permute(1, 0) # (T,B)
valid_atten = torch.from_numpy(seq_valid_padding).unsqueeze(0).all(dim=1).unsqueeze(1) # (B,1,T)
data_mask = torch.zeros((horizon, B, 1), device=device, dtype=filling_input.dtype)
data_mask[valid] = 1
atten_mask = torch.ones((B, 1, horizon),
device=device, dtype=torch.bool)
atten_mask[valid_atten] = False
atten_mask = atten_mask.unsqueeze(2).repeat(1, 1, T, 1) # (B,1,T,T)
output_ck = filling_model(filling_input, src_mask, data_mask, atten_mask)
output_ck = output_ck.permute(1,0,2).reshape(T, 2, -1).cpu().detach() # two hands
output_ck = output_ck[:T_original]
filling_output = filling_postprocess(output_ck, transform_w_canon)
# repalce the missing prediciton with infiller output
filling_seq['trans'][~seq_valid] = filling_output['trans'][~seq_valid]
filling_seq['rot'][~seq_valid] = filling_output['rot'][~seq_valid]
filling_seq['hand_pose'][~seq_valid] = filling_output['hand_pose'][~seq_valid]
filling_seq['betas'][~seq_valid] = filling_output['betas'][~seq_valid]
pred_trans[:, filling_net_start:filling_net_end] = torch.from_numpy(filling_seq['trans'][:])
pred_rot[:, filling_net_start:filling_net_end] = torch.from_numpy(filling_seq['rot'][:])
pred_hand_pose[:, filling_net_start:filling_net_end] = torch.from_numpy(filling_seq['hand_pose'][:])
pred_betas[:, filling_net_start:filling_net_end] = torch.from_numpy(filling_seq['betas'][:])
pred_valid[:, filling_net_start:filling_net_end] = 1
save_path = os.path.join(seq_folder, "world_space_res.pth")
joblib.dump([pred_trans, pred_rot, pred_hand_pose, pred_betas, pred_valid], save_path)
return pred_trans, pred_rot, pred_hand_pose, pred_betas, pred_valid