import os import json import gradio as gr import numpy as np from gradio import processing_utils from packaging import version from PIL import Image, ImageDraw import functools from caption_anything.model import CaptionAnything from caption_anything.utils.image_editing_utils import create_bubble_frame from caption_anything.utils.utils import mask_painter, seg_model_map, prepare_segmenter, image_resize from caption_anything.utils.parser import parse_augment from caption_anything.captioner import build_captioner from caption_anything.text_refiner import build_text_refiner from caption_anything.segmenter import build_segmenter from caption_anything.utils.chatbot import ConversationBot, build_chatbot_tools, get_new_image_name from segment_anything import sam_model_registry import easyocr args = parse_augment() args.segmenter = "huge" args.segmenter_checkpoint = "sam_vit_h_4b8939.pth" args.clip_filter = True if args.segmenter_checkpoint is None: _, segmenter_checkpoint = prepare_segmenter(args.segmenter) else: segmenter_checkpoint = args.segmenter_checkpoint shared_captioner = build_captioner(args.captioner, args.device, args) shared_sam_model = sam_model_registry[seg_model_map[args.segmenter]](checkpoint=segmenter_checkpoint).to(args.device) ocr_lang = ["ch_tra", "en"] shared_ocr_reader = easyocr.Reader(ocr_lang) tools_dict = {e.split('_')[0].strip(): e.split('_')[1].strip() for e in args.chat_tools_dict.split(',')} shared_chatbot_tools = build_chatbot_tools(tools_dict) class ImageSketcher(gr.Image): """ Fix the bug of gradio.Image that cannot upload with tool == 'sketch'. """ is_template = True # Magic to make this work with gradio.Block, don't remove unless you know what you're doing. def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(tool="sketch", **kwargs) def preprocess(self, x): if self.tool == 'sketch' and self.source in ["upload", "webcam"]: assert isinstance(x, dict) if x['mask'] is None: decode_image = processing_utils.decode_base64_to_image(x['image']) width, height = decode_image.size mask = np.zeros((height, width, 4), dtype=np.uint8) mask[..., -1] = 255 mask = self.postprocess(mask) x['mask'] = mask return super().preprocess(x) def build_caption_anything_with_models(args, api_key="", captioner=None, sam_model=None, ocr_reader=None, text_refiner=None, session_id=None): segmenter = build_segmenter(args.segmenter, args.device, args, model=sam_model) captioner = captioner if session_id is not None: print('Init caption anything for session {}'.format(session_id)) return CaptionAnything(args, api_key, captioner=captioner, segmenter=segmenter, ocr_reader=ocr_reader, text_refiner=text_refiner) def init_openai_api_key(api_key=""): text_refiner = None visual_chatgpt = None if api_key and len(api_key) > 30: try: text_refiner = build_text_refiner(args.text_refiner, args.device, args, api_key) assert len(text_refiner.llm('hi')) > 0 # test visual_chatgpt = ConversationBot(shared_chatbot_tools, api_key) except: text_refiner = None visual_chatgpt = None openai_available = text_refiner is not None if openai_available: return [gr.update(visible=True)]*6 + [gr.update(visible=False)]*2 + [text_refiner, visual_chatgpt, None] else: return [gr.update(visible=False)]*6 + [gr.update(visible=True)]*2 + [text_refiner, visual_chatgpt, 'Your OpenAI API Key is not available'] def init_wo_openai_api_key(): return [gr.update(visible=False)]*4 + [gr.update(visible=True)]*2 + [gr.update(visible=False)]*2 + [None, None, None] def get_click_prompt(chat_input, click_state, click_mode): inputs = json.loads(chat_input) if click_mode == 'Continuous': points = click_state[0] labels = click_state[1] for input in inputs: points.append(input[:2]) labels.append(input[2]) elif click_mode == 'Single': points = [] labels = [] for input in inputs: points.append(input[:2]) labels.append(input[2]) click_state[0] = points click_state[1] = labels else: raise NotImplementedError prompt = { "prompt_type": ["click"], "input_point": click_state[0], "input_label": click_state[1], "multimask_output": "True", } return prompt def update_click_state(click_state, caption, click_mode): if click_mode == 'Continuous': click_state[2].append(caption) elif click_mode == 'Single': click_state[2] = [caption] else: raise NotImplementedError def chat_input_callback(*args): visual_chatgpt, chat_input, click_state, state, aux_state = args if visual_chatgpt is not None: return visual_chatgpt.run_text(chat_input, state, aux_state) else: response = "Text refiner is not initilzed, please input openai api key." state = state + [(chat_input, response)] return state, state def upload_callback(image_input, state, visual_chatgpt=None): if isinstance(image_input, dict): # if upload from sketcher_input, input contains image and mask image_input, mask = image_input['image'], image_input['mask'] click_state = [[], [], []] image_input = image_resize(image_input, res=1024) model = build_caption_anything_with_models( args, api_key="", captioner=shared_captioner, sam_model=shared_sam_model, ocr_reader=shared_ocr_reader, session_id=iface.app_id ) model.segmenter.set_image(image_input) image_embedding = model.image_embedding original_size = model.original_size input_size = model.input_size if visual_chatgpt is not None: print('upload_callback: add caption to chatGPT memory') new_image_path = get_new_image_name('chat_image', func_name='upload') visual_chatgpt.current_image = new_image_path img_caption = model.captioner.inference(image_input, filter=False, args={'text_prompt':''})['caption'] Human_prompt = f'\nHuman: The description of the image with path {new_image_path} is: {img_caption}. This information helps you to understand this image, but you should use tools to finish following tasks, rather than directly imagine from my description. If you understand, say \"Received\". \n' AI_prompt = "Received." visual_chatgpt.global_prompt = Human_prompt + 'AI: ' + AI_prompt visual_chatgpt.agent.memory.buffer = visual_chatgpt.agent.memory.buffer + visual_chatgpt.global_prompt state = [(None, 'Received new image, resize it to width {} and height {}: '.format(image_input.size[0], image_input.size[1]))] return state, state, image_input, click_state, image_input, image_input, image_embedding, \ original_size, input_size def inference_click(image_input, point_prompt, click_mode, enable_wiki, language, sentiment, factuality, length, image_embedding, state, click_state, original_size, input_size, text_refiner, visual_chatgpt, evt: gr.SelectData): click_index = evt.index if point_prompt == 'Positive': coordinate = "[[{}, {}, 1]]".format(str(click_index[0]), str(click_index[1])) else: coordinate = "[[{}, {}, 0]]".format(str(click_index[0]), str(click_index[1])) prompt = get_click_prompt(coordinate, click_state, click_mode) input_points = prompt['input_point'] input_labels = prompt['input_label'] controls = {'length': length, 'sentiment': sentiment, 'factuality': factuality, 'language': language} model = build_caption_anything_with_models( args, api_key="", captioner=shared_captioner, sam_model=shared_sam_model, ocr_reader=shared_ocr_reader, text_refiner=text_refiner, session_id=iface.app_id ) model.setup(image_embedding, original_size, input_size, is_image_set=True) enable_wiki = True if enable_wiki in ['True', 'TRUE', 'true', True, 'Yes', 'YES', 'yes'] else False out = model.inference(image_input, prompt, controls, disable_gpt=True, enable_wiki=enable_wiki, verbose=True, args={'clip_filter': False})[0] state = state + [("Image point: {}, Input label: {}".format(prompt["input_point"], prompt["input_label"]), None)] state = state + [(None, "raw_caption: {}".format(out['generated_captions']['raw_caption']))] update_click_state(click_state, out['generated_captions']['raw_caption'], click_mode) text = out['generated_captions']['raw_caption'] input_mask = np.array(out['mask'].convert('P')) image_input = mask_painter(np.array(image_input), input_mask) origin_image_input = image_input image_input = create_bubble_frame(image_input, text, (click_index[0], click_index[1]), input_mask, input_points=input_points, input_labels=input_labels) x, y = input_points[-1] if visual_chatgpt is not None: print('inference_click: add caption to chatGPT memory') new_crop_save_path = get_new_image_name('chat_image', func_name='crop')["crop_save_path"]).save(new_crop_save_path) point_prompt = f'You should primarly use tools on the selected regional image (description: {text}, path: {new_crop_save_path}), which is a part of the whole image (path: {visual_chatgpt.current_image}). If human mentioned some objects not in the selected region, you can use tools on the whole image.' visual_chatgpt.point_prompt = point_prompt yield state, state, click_state, image_input if not args.disable_gpt and model.text_refiner: refined_caption = model.text_refiner.inference(query=text, controls=controls, context=out['context_captions'], enable_wiki=enable_wiki) # new_cap = 'Original: ' + text + '. Refined: ' + refined_caption['caption'] new_cap = refined_caption['caption'] if refined_caption['wiki']: state = state + [(None, "Wiki: {}".format(refined_caption['wiki']))] state = state + [(None, f"caption: {new_cap}")] refined_image_input = create_bubble_frame(origin_image_input, new_cap, (click_index[0], click_index[1]), input_mask, input_points=input_points, input_labels=input_labels) yield state, state, click_state, refined_image_input def get_sketch_prompt(mask: Image.Image): """ Get the prompt for the sketcher. TODO: This is a temporary solution. We should cluster the sketch and get the bounding box of each cluster. """ mask = np.asarray(mask)[..., 0] # Get the bounding box of the sketch y, x = np.where(mask != 0) x1, y1 = np.min(x), np.min(y) x2, y2 = np.max(x), np.max(y) prompt = { 'prompt_type': ['box'], 'input_boxes': [ [x1, y1, x2, y2] ] } return prompt def inference_traject(sketcher_image, enable_wiki, language, sentiment, factuality, length, image_embedding, state, original_size, input_size, text_refiner): image_input, mask = sketcher_image['image'], sketcher_image['mask'] prompt = get_sketch_prompt(mask) boxes = prompt['input_boxes'] controls = {'length': length, 'sentiment': sentiment, 'factuality': factuality, 'language': language} model = build_caption_anything_with_models( args, api_key="", captioner=shared_captioner, sam_model=shared_sam_model, ocr_reader=shared_ocr_reader, text_refiner=text_refiner, session_id=iface.app_id ) model.setup(image_embedding, original_size, input_size, is_image_set=True) enable_wiki = True if enable_wiki in ['True', 'TRUE', 'true', True, 'Yes', 'YES', 'yes'] else False out = model.inference(image_input, prompt, controls, disable_gpt=True, enable_wiki=enable_wiki)[0] # Update components and states state.append((f'Box: {boxes}', None)) state.append((None, f'raw_caption: {out["generated_captions"]["raw_caption"]}')) text = out['generated_captions']['raw_caption'] input_mask = np.array(out['mask'].convert('P')) image_input = mask_painter(np.array(image_input), input_mask) origin_image_input = image_input fake_click_index = (int((boxes[0][0] + boxes[0][2]) / 2), int((boxes[0][1] + boxes[0][3]) / 2)) image_input = create_bubble_frame(image_input, text, fake_click_index, input_mask) yield state, state, image_input if not args.disable_gpt and model.text_refiner: refined_caption = model.text_refiner.inference(query=text, controls=controls, context=out['context_captions'], enable_wiki=enable_wiki) new_cap = refined_caption['caption'] if refined_caption['wiki']: state = state + [(None, "Wiki: {}".format(refined_caption['wiki']))] state = state + [(None, f"caption: {new_cap}")] refined_image_input = create_bubble_frame(origin_image_input, new_cap, fake_click_index, input_mask) yield state, state, refined_image_input def clear_chat_memory(visual_chatgpt, keep_global=False): if visual_chatgpt is not None: visual_chatgpt.memory.clear() visual_chatgpt.point_prompt = "" if keep_global: visual_chatgpt.agent.memory.buffer = visual_chatgpt.global_prompt else: visual_chatgpt.current_image = None visual_chatgpt.global_prompt = "" def cap_everything(image_input, visual_chatgpt, text_refiner): model = build_caption_anything_with_models( args, api_key="", captioner=shared_captioner, sam_model=shared_sam_model, ocr_reader=shared_ocr_reader, text_refiner=text_refiner, session_id=iface.app_id ) paragraph = model.inference_cap_everything(image_input, verbose=True) # state = state + [(None, f"Caption Everything: {paragraph}")] Human_prompt = f'\nThe description of the image with path {visual_chatgpt.current_image} is:\n{paragraph}\nThis information helps you to understand this image, but you should use tools to finish following tasks, rather than directly imagine from my description. If you understand, say \"Received\". \n' AI_prompt = "Received." visual_chatgpt.global_prompt = Human_prompt + 'AI: ' + AI_prompt visual_chatgpt.agent.memory.buffer = visual_chatgpt.agent.memory.buffer + visual_chatgpt.global_prompt return paragraph def get_style(): current_version = version.parse(gr.__version__) if current_version <= version.parse('3.24.1'): style = ''' #image_sketcher{min-height:500px} #image_sketcher [data-testid="image"], #image_sketcher [data-testid="image"] > div{min-height: 500px} #image_upload{min-height:500px} #image_upload [data-testid="image"], #image_upload [data-testid="image"] > div{min-height: 500px} ''' elif current_version <= version.parse('3.27'): style = ''' #image_sketcher{min-height:500px} #image_upload{min-height:500px} ''' else: style = None return style def create_ui(): title = """
Gradio demo for Caption Anything, image to dense captioning generation with various language styles. To use it, simply upload your image, or click one of the examples to load them. Code: