import streamlit as st from PIL import Image import torch from transformers import AutoModelForImageClassification, AutoFeatureExtractor from groq import Groq from dotenv import load_dotenv import os # Load environment variables from the .env file load_dotenv() # Securely get the GROQ API key from environment variables groq_api_key = os.getenv("GROQ_API_KEY") if not groq_api_key: raise ValueError("GROQ_API_KEY environment variable not set.") # Initialize the client with the API key client = Groq(api_key=groq_api_key) # Expanded dictionary with treatments for various diseases disease_treatments = { "Grape with Black Rot": "Prune affected areas, avoid water on leaves, use fungicide if severe.", "Potato with Early Blight": "Apply fungicides, avoid overhead watering, rotate crops yearly.", "Tomato with Early Blight": "Remove infected leaves, use copper-based fungicide, maintain good airflow.", "Apple with Scab": "Remove fallen leaves, prune trees, apply fungicide in early spring.", "Wheat with Leaf Rust": "Apply resistant varieties, use fungicides, remove weeds.", "Cucumber with Downy Mildew": "Use resistant varieties, ensure good air circulation, apply fungicide.", "Rose with Powdery Mildew": "Use sulfur or potassium bicarbonate sprays, prune affected areas, avoid overhead watering.", "Strawberry with Gray Mold": "Remove infected fruits, improve ventilation, avoid wetting the fruit when watering.", "Peach with Leaf Curl": "Apply a fungicide in late fall or early spring, remove affected leaves.", "Banana with Panama Disease": "Use disease-resistant varieties, ensure soil drainage, avoid overwatering.", "Tomato with Septoria Leaf Spot": "Use resistant varieties, remove infected leaves, apply fungicide.", "Corn with Smut": "Remove infected ears, use disease-free seed, rotate crops.", "Carrot with Root Rot": "Ensure well-draining soil, avoid excessive watering, use crop rotation.", "Onion with Downy Mildew": "Use fungicides, ensure adequate spacing, avoid overhead watering.", "Potato with Late Blight": "Apply copper-based fungicides, remove affected foliage, practice crop rotation.", "Citrus with Greening Disease": "Remove infected trees, control leafhopper population, plant disease-free trees.", "Lettuce with Downy Mildew": "Ensure good air circulation, avoid overhead watering, apply fungicides.", "Pepper with Bacterial Spot": "Use resistant varieties, apply copper-based bactericides, practice crop rotation.", "Eggplant with Verticillium Wilt": "Use resistant varieties, solarize soil before planting, avoid soil disturbance.", "Cotton with Boll Rot": "Improve drainage, remove infected bolls, apply fungicides if necessary.", "Soybean with Soybean Rust": "Use fungicides, rotate crops, use resistant varieties if available.", "Rice with Sheath Blight": "Reduce nitrogen application, maintain proper water levels, apply fungicides.", "Sunflower with Downy Mildew": "Use resistant varieties, avoid waterlogging, apply fungicides.", "Barley with Net Blotch": "Use resistant varieties, remove crop residues, apply fungicides.", "Oat with Crown Rust": "Use resistant varieties, apply fungicides, avoid high nitrogen levels.", "Sugarcane with Red Rot": "Use disease-free cuttings, control weeds, apply fungicides if necessary.", "Pine with Pine Wilt": "Remove and destroy infected trees, control beetle population, avoid planting susceptible species.", "Avocado with Anthracnose": "Prune infected branches, use copper-based fungicides, avoid wet foliage.", "Papaya with Papaya Ringspot Virus": "Use virus-resistant varieties, remove infected plants, control aphid population.", "Mango with Powdery Mildew": "Use sulfur-based fungicides, remove affected parts, avoid overhead watering.", "Peanut with Leaf Spot": "Use resistant varieties, apply fungicides, rotate crops to reduce infection risk.", "Chili with Anthracnose": "Apply copper fungicides, remove infected fruits, avoid overhead irrigation.", "Garlic with White Rot": "Remove infected plants, improve soil drainage, practice crop rotation." } # Streamlit title and description st.title("🌿 Plant Disease Detection 🌿") st.write("Upload an image of a plant leaf, and the app will detect the disease and suggest a treatment.") # File upload option uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose an image...", type=["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "bmp", "gif", "tiff", "webp"]) if uploaded_file is not None: # Open the image using PIL and display it image = image = image.convert("RGB") st.image(image, caption="Uploaded Image", use_container_width=True) # Initialize the feature extractor and model extractor = AutoFeatureExtractor.from_pretrained("linkanjarad/mobilenet_v2_1.0_224-plant-disease-identification") model = AutoModelForImageClassification.from_pretrained("linkanjarad/mobilenet_v2_1.0_224-plant-disease-identification") # Preprocess the image inputs = extractor(images=image, return_tensors="pt") # Get the model's raw prediction (logits) outputs = model(**inputs) logits = outputs.logits # Temperature scaling for logits (lowering temperature to adjust confidence) temperature = 0.5 logits = logits / temperature # Convert logits to probabilities using softmax softmax = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1) probabilities = softmax(logits) # Get the top prediction top_k = 1 top_probs, top_indices = torch.topk(probabilities, top_k, dim=1) top_probs = top_probs[0].tolist() top_indices = top_indices[0].tolist() # Define a confidence threshold confidence_threshold = 0.5 class_labels = model.config.id2label predicted_disease = "Unknown Disease" predicted_confidence = top_probs[0] # Handle low-confidence predictions if predicted_confidence >= confidence_threshold: predicted_disease = class_labels.get(top_indices[0], "Unknown Disease") else: predicted_disease = "Unknown Disease" st.warning("The model could not confidently identify a disease. Please try again with a clearer image.") # Fetch treatment from the dictionary treatment = disease_treatments.get(predicted_disease, "No treatment information available.") # Display prediction and treatment st.write(f"**Predicted Disease:** {predicted_disease}") st.write(f"**Confidence Level:** {predicted_confidence:.2f}") # Generate detailed report (using prompts) symptoms = "leaf discoloration, spots, mold, wilting" # This can be dynamically generated based on the image features diagnosis_prompt = f"Identify the disease or pest affecting a plant with the following symptoms: {symptoms}." treatment_prompt = f"Suggest treatments for a plant disease with symptoms like {symptoms}. Include organic and chemical treatment options if available." preventive_prompt = f"Provide preventive measures for plant diseases with symptoms similar to {symptoms}." # Combine the prompts into the chat context chat_context = f""" ### 🌱 Plant Disease Diagnosis Report 🌱 #### 🌟 Predicted Disease - **Disease**: {predicted_disease} - **Confidence Level**: {predicted_confidence:.2f} #### 📝 Disease Diagnosis and Symptoms - **Diagnosis**: {diagnosis_prompt} #### 💊 Treatment Recommendations - **Treatment**: {treatment_prompt} #### 🛡️ Preventive Measures - **Prevention**: {preventive_prompt} #### 🔚 Conclusion - **Next Steps**: Consult a local expert for further advice. """ # Generate report using Groq (or any other service) try: chat_completion = messages=[ { "role": "system", "content": ( "You are a plant disease analysis assistant. Your task is to provide a comprehensive, actionable diagnosis report." "The report should include the predicted disease, its symptoms, recommended treatments, and prevention tips. " "Ensure the report is actionable and easy to understand for non-experts in agriculture." ) }, { "role": "user", "content": chat_context } ], model="mixtral-8x7b-32768", # Adjust this to the model you're using temperature=0.7, # Adjust to balance creativity and precision max_tokens=1500 # Limit to ensure the output is not cut off ) # Display the generated report in the Streamlit app st.markdown("---") # Display the full HTML report generated by Groq st.markdown(chat_completion.choices[0].message.content, unsafe_allow_html=True) except Exception as e: # If there's an error with the Groq API call, display an error message st.error(f"Error generating report: {str(e)}")