import hashlib import json import logging import os import time import traceback from datetime import date, datetime import litellm from langfuse.model import CreateGeneration, CreateTrace from tools.search_hadith import SearchHadith from tools.search_mawsuah import SearchMawsuah from tools.search_quran import SearchQuran from util.prompt_mgr import PromptMgr if os.environ.get("LANGFUSE_SECRET_KEY"): from langfuse import Langfuse lf = Langfuse() lf.auth_check() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".Ansari") logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.addHandler(console_handler) class Ansari: def __init__(self, settings, message_logger=None, json_format=False): self.settings = settings sq = SearchQuran(settings.KALEMAT_API_KEY.get_secret_value()) sh = SearchHadith(settings.KALEMAT_API_KEY.get_secret_value()) sm = SearchMawsuah(settings.VECTARA_AUTH_TOKEN.get_secret_value(), settings.VECTARA_CUSTOMER_ID, settings.VECTARA_CORPUS_ID) = {sq.get_fn_name(): sq, sh.get_fn_name(): sh, sm.get_fn_name(): sm} self.model = settings.MODEL = PromptMgr() self.sys_msg = self.functions = [x.get_function_description() for x in] self.message_history = [{"role": "system", "content": self.sys_msg}] self.json_format = json_format self.message_logger = message_logger def set_message_logger(self, message_logger): self.message_logger = message_logger # The trace id is a hash of the first user input and the time. def compute_trace_id(self): today = hashstring = str(today) + self.message_history[1]["content"] result = hashlib.md5(hashstring.encode()) return "chash_" + result.hexdigest() def greet(self): self.greeting ="greeting") return self.greeting.render() def process_input(self, user_input): self.message_history.append({"role": "user", "content": user_input}) return self.process_message_history() def log(self): if not os.environ.get("LANGFUSE_SECRET_KEY"): return trace_id = self.compute_trace_id()"trace id is {trace_id}") trace = lf.trace(CreateTrace(id=trace_id, name="ansari-trace")) generation = trace.generation( CreateGeneration( name="ansari-gen", startTime=self.start_time,, model=self.settings.MODEL, prompt=self.message_history[:-1], completion=self.message_history[-1]["content"], ) ) def replace_message_history(self, message_history): self.message_history = [ {"role": "system", "content": self.sys_msg} ] + message_history for m in self.process_message_history(): if m: yield m def process_message_history(self): # Keep processing the user input until we get something from the assistant self.start_time = count = 0 failures = 0 while self.message_history[-1]["role"] != "assistant": try:"Processing one round {self.message_history}") # This is pretty complicated so leaving a comment. # We want to yield from so that we can send the sequence through the input # Also use functions only if we haven't tried too many times use_function = True if count >= self.settings.MAX_FUNCTION_TRIES: use_function = False logger.warning("Not using functions -- tries exceeded") yield from self.process_one_round(use_function) count += 1 except Exception as e: failures += 1 logger.warning("Exception occurred: {e}") logger.warning(traceback.format_exc()) logger.warning("Retrying in 5 seconds...") time.sleep(5) if failures >= self.settings.MAX_FAILURES: logger.error("Too many failures, aborting") raise Exception("Too many failures") break self.log() def process_one_round(self, use_function=True): response = None failures = 0 while not response: try: if use_function: if self.json_format: response = litellm.completion( model=self.model, messages=self.message_history, stream=True, functions=self.functions, timeout=30.0, temperature=0.0, metadata={"generation-name": "ansari"}, response_format={"type": "json_object"}, num_retries=1, ) else: response = litellm.completion( model=self.model, messages=self.message_history, stream=True, functions=self.functions, timeout=30.0, temperature=0.0, metadata={"generation-name": "ansari"}, num_retries=1, ) else: if self.json_format: response = litellm.completion( model=self.model, messages=self.message_history, stream=True, timeout=30.0, temperature=0.0, response_format={"type": "json_object"}, metadata={"generation-name": "ansari"}, num_retries=1, ) else: response = litellm.completion( model=self.model, messages=self.message_history, stream=True, timeout=30.0, temperature=0.0, metadata={"generation-name": "ansari"}, num_retries=1, ) except Exception as e: failures += 1 logger.warning("Exception occurred: ", e) logger.warning(traceback.format_exc()) logger.warning("Retrying in 5 seconds...") time.sleep(5) if failures >= self.settings.MAX_FAILURES: logger.error("Too many failures, aborting") raise Exception("Too many failures") break words = "" function_name = "" function_arguments = "" response_mode = "" # words or fn for tok in response: logger.debug(f"Tok is {tok}") delta = tok.choices[0].delta if not response_mode: # This code should only trigger the first # time through the loop. if "function_call" in delta and delta.function_call: # We are in function mode response_mode = "fn" function_name = else: response_mode = "words""Response mode: " + response_mode) # We process things differently depending on whether it is a function or a # text if response_mode == "words": if delta.content == None: # End token self.message_history.append({"role": "assistant", "content": words}) if self.message_logger: self.message_logger.log("assistant", words) break elif delta.content != None: words += delta.content yield delta.content else: continue elif response_mode == "fn": logger.debug("Delta in: ", delta) if ( not "function_call" in delta or delta["function_call"] is None ): # End token function_call = function_name + "(" + function_arguments + ")" # The function call below appends the function call to the message history print(f"{function_name=}, {function_arguments=}") yield self.process_fn_call(input, function_name, function_arguments) # break elif ( "function_call" in delta and delta.function_call and delta.function_call.arguments ): function_arguments += delta.function_call.arguments logger.debug(f"Function arguments are {function_arguments}") yield "" # delta['function_call']['arguments'] # we shouldn't yield anything if it's a fn else: logger.warning(f"Weird delta: {delta}") continue else: raise Exception("Invalid response mode: " + response_mode) def process_fn_call(self, orig_question, function_name, function_arguments): if function_name in args = json.loads(function_arguments) query = args["query"] results =[function_name].run_as_list(query) logger.debug(f"Results are {results}") # Now we have to pass the results back in if len(results) > 0: for result in results: self.message_history.append( {"role": "function", "name": function_name, "content": result} ) if self.message_logger: self.message_logger.log("function", result, function_name) else: self.message_history.append( { "role": "function", "name": function_name, "content": "No results found", } ) if self.message_logger: self.message_logger.log( "function", "No results found", function_name ) else: logger.warning(f"Unknown function name: {function_name}")