import streamlit as st from youtube_subtitle_generator import extract_video_id, get_available_languages, get_subtitles from llm_response import llm_generator from fpdf import FPDF import time # Sidebar for API Key Input st.sidebar.title("🔑 API Key Setup") nvidia_api_key = st.sidebar.text_input("Enter your NVIDIA API Key:", type="password") if not nvidia_api_key: st.sidebar.warning("Please enter your NVIDIA API Key to proceed.") else: # Main UI st.title("📺 YouTube to Study Notes") # YouTube Video URL Input video_url = st.text_input("🎥 Enter YouTube Video URL:") if video_url: video_id = extract_video_id(video_url) if video_id: available_languages = get_available_languages(video_id) if available_languages: selected_lang = st.selectbox("🌍 Select Subtitle Language:", available_languages.keys()) if st.button("📥 Fetch Subtitles"): with st.spinner("Fetching subtitles... Please wait ⏳"): time.sleep(2) # Simulating delay subtitles = get_subtitles(video_id, available_languages[selected_lang]) study_notes = llm_generator(subtitles=subtitles, api_key=nvidia_api_key) # Store in session state to persist after rerun st.session_state.subtitles = subtitles st.session_state.study_notes = study_notes st.success("✅ Subtitles and study notes generated successfully!") else: st.error("❌ No subtitles available for this video.") else: st.error("❌ Invalid YouTube URL! Please enter a valid link.") # If subtitles are fetched, display UI elements if "subtitles" in st.session_state: with st.expander("📜 View Subtitles (Click to Expand)"): st.text_area("Subtitles:", st.session_state.subtitles, height=300) # Download Subtitles as TXT st.download_button( label="⬇️ Download Subtitles (.txt)", data=st.session_state.subtitles, file_name="subtitles.txt", mime="text/plain" ) # Study Notes Section st.markdown("## 📝 Study Notes") st.write(st.session_state.study_notes) # File Format Selection for Study Notes # File Format Selection for Study Notes file_format ="Choose Download Format:", ["Text (.txt)", "PDF (.pdf)"]) if file_format == "Text (.txt)": file_data = st.session_state.study_notes file_name = "study_notes.txt" mime_type = "text/plain" elif file_format == "PDF (.pdf)": pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12) pdf.multi_cell(0, 10, st.session_state.study_notes) # Save PDF to a bytes object pdf_bytes = pdf.output(dest="S").encode("latin1") # Convert PDF to bytes file_data = pdf_bytes file_name = "study_notes.pdf" mime_type = "application/pdf" # Download Button for Study Notes st.download_button( label=f"⬇️ Download Study Notes ({file_format.split()[1]})", data=file_data, file_name=file_name, mime=mime_type )