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import re
import gradio as gr
import json
import datetime
from email.utils import parseaddr
import pandas as pd
from datasets import load_dataset
from huggingface_hub import HfApi
from dabstep_benchmark.utils import format_log, format_error, format_warning, is_valid_https_url, evaluate
OWNER = "adyen"
HF_API = HfApi()
def refresh(only_leaderboard: bool = False):
if only_leaderboard:
for config_name in ["task_scores", "submissions"]:
DATASETS[f"{config_name}"] = load_dataset(
print(f"Downloaded {HF_DATASET_PATH}/{config_name}")
for config_name in HF_DATASET_CONFIGS:
DATASETS[f"{config_name}"] = load_dataset(
print(f"Downloaded {HF_DATASET_PATH}/{config_name}")
DATASETS["internal_tasks"] = load_dataset(
print(f"Downloaded {HF_INTERNAL_DATASET_PATH}/tasks")
DATASETS["contact_info"] = load_dataset(
print(f"Downloaded {HF_INTERNAL_DATASET_PATH}/contact_info")
return generate_leaderboard_df()
def validate_submission(submission_df: pd.DataFrame):
# mandatory_columns = ["agent_answer", "task_id", "num_steps"]
mandatory_columns = ["agent_answer", "task_id"]
expected_columns = [*mandatory_columns, "reasoning_trace"]
# Check for missing mandatory columns
missing_columns = [col for col in mandatory_columns if col not in submission_df.columns]
if missing_columns:
return format_error(f"Missing mandatory columns: {', '.join(missing_columns)}")
# Check for unexpected columns
unexpected_columns = [col for col in submission_df.columns if col not in expected_columns]
if unexpected_columns:
return format_error(f"Unexpected columns: {', '.join(unexpected_columns)}")
# Check for NaN values in any column
if submission_df.isnull().values.any():
return format_error("Submission contains NaN values. Please ensure no missing data.")
# Check if all columns are of string type
non_string_columns = [col for col in submission_df.columns if submission_df[col].dtype != 'object']
if non_string_columns:
return format_error(f"Columns with non-string data type: {', '.join(non_string_columns)}")
return None # No errors
def process_submission(
split: str,
agent_name: str,
model_family: str,
repo_url: str,
path_to_file: str,
organisation: str,
mail: str,
if agent_name == "":
return format_warning("Please provide an agent name")
if organisation == "":
return format_warning("Please provide an organisation")
if mail == "":
return format_warning("Please provide an email")
if model_family == "":
return format_warning("Please provide a model family")
allowed_pattern = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9 _.-]+$')
if not allowed_pattern.match(agent_name):
return format_warning(
f"{agent_name=} can only contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes (-), and underscores (_)")
if not allowed_pattern.match(organisation):
return format_warning(
f"{organisation=} can only contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes (-), and underscores (_)")
# very basic email parsing
_, parsed_mail = parseaddr(mail)
if not "@" in parsed_mail:
return format_warning("Please provide a valid email address.")
if repo_url != "" and not is_valid_https_url(repo_url):
return format_warning("If you provide a URL it must be a valid one. You can also leave it empty")
# submission file validation
if path_to_file == None:
return format_warning("Please attach a file.")
submission_path =
submission_df = pd.read_json(submission_path, lines=True, dtype=str)
validation_error = validate_submission(submission_df)
if validation_error:
return validation_error
except Exception as exc:
return format_error(f"Submission file is incorrectly formatted. Please fix it and resubmit your file. {str(exc)}")
print(f"Processing submission_id={organisation}-{agent_name}...")
gr.Info(f"Processing submission of {agent_name}...")
submissions_df = DATASETS["submissions"].to_pandas()
contact_info_df = DATASETS["contact_info"].to_pandas()
internal_tasks_df = DATASETS["internal_tasks"].to_pandas()
# check if this agent already was submitted
submission_id = f"{organisation}-{agent_name}"
if submission_id in submissions_df['submission_id'].values:
return format_warning(f"This {submission_id} pair has been already submitted.")
# process submission
submission_df["submission_id"] = submission_id
submission_df["agent_name"] = agent_name
submission_df["model_family"] = model_family
submission_df["organisation"] = organisation
submission_df["repo_url"] = repo_url
submission_df["date"] ="%d-%m-%Y")
# add empty reasoning trace if one is not provided to not break schema of datasets
if "reasoning_trace" not in submission_df.columns:
submission_df["reasoning_trace"] = ""
# overwrite submission
submission_df.to_json(submission_path, orient="records", lines=True)
task_scores = evaluate(
except KeyError as exc:
return format_error(str(exc))
# save submitted file once evaluation has run correctly
filename_id = f"v1__{organisation}-{agent_name}__{'%d-%m-%Y')}"
path_in_repo = f"data/submissions/{filename_id}.jsonl"
print(f"[submission_id={organisation}-{agent_name}] Pushed submission to {HF_DATASET_PATH}/{path_in_repo} !")
# write scores to disk
with open(f"data/task_scores/{filename_id}.jsonl", "w") as f:
for score in task_scores:
f.write(json.dumps(score) + "\n")
# upload scores to hub dataset
path_in_repo = f"data/task_scores/{filename_id}.jsonl"
print(f"[submission_id={organisation}-{agent_name}] Pushed task_scores to {HF_DATASET_PATH}/{path_in_repo} !")
# if we already have this email dont save its metadata
if mail not in contact_info_df["mail"].values:
contact_info = {
"submission_id": submission_id,
"agent_name": agent_name,
"model_family": model_family,
"repo_url": repo_url,
"organisation": organisation,
"mail": mail,
contact_info_df = pd.concat([contact_info_df, pd.DataFrame([contact_info])], ignore_index=True)
contact_info_df.to_json("contact_info.jsonl", orient="records", lines=True)
print(f"[submission_id={organisation}-{agent_name}] Pushed contact_info to {HF_INTERNAL_DATASET_PATH}/contact_info.jsonl !")
return format_log(
Agent {agent_name} submitted by {organisation} successfully.
Please refresh the leaderboard to see your score displayed.
def generate_leaderboard_df() -> pd.DataFrame:
task_scores_df = DATASETS["task_scores"].to_pandas()
submissions_df = DATASETS["submissions"].to_pandas()
# get metadata of each submssion_id
submissions_df = (
# make num_steps a number
# task_scores_df["num_steps"] = pd.to_numeric(task_scores_df["num_steps"], errors="coerce")
# group scores per submission
leaderboard_df = (
task_scores_df.groupby(["submission_id", "level"])
avg_score=("score", "mean"),
# avg_num_steps=("num_steps", "mean")
# reshape
# leaderboard_df = leaderboard_df.pivot(index="submission_id", columns="level", values=["avg_score", "avg_num_steps"])
leaderboard_df = leaderboard_df.pivot(index="submission_id", columns="level", values=["avg_score"])
leaderboard_df.columns = [f"{metric}_lvl_{level}" for metric, level in leaderboard_df.columns]
leaderboard_df = leaderboard_df.reset_index()
# leaderboard_df["overall_avg_steps"] = (
# leaderboard_df.get("avg_num_steps_lvl_1", 0) +
# leaderboard_df.get("avg_num_steps_lvl_2", 0) +
# leaderboard_df.get("avg_num_steps_lvl_3", 0)
# )
# leaderboard_df["overall_avg_steps"] = leaderboard_df["overall_avg_steps"] / 3
# join scores and submission metadata
leaderboard_df = pd.merge(submissions_df, leaderboard_df, on="submission_id", how="inner")
# renaming
col_map = {
"agent_name": "Agent",
"avg_score_lvl_easy": "Easy Level Accuracy (%)",
"avg_score_lvl_hard": "Hard Level Accuracy (%)",
# "overall_avg_steps": "Overall Avg Reasoning Steps",
# "avg_num_steps_lvl_1": "Level 1 Avg Reasoning Steps",
# "avg_num_steps_lvl_2": "Level 2 Avg Reasoning Steps",
# "avg_num_steps_lvl_3": "Level 3 Avg Reasoning Steps",
"organisation": "Organization",
"repo_url": "Repo URL",
"model_family": "Model Family",
"date": "Date"
col_order = [new_col_name for new_col_name in col_map.values()]
leaderboard_df.rename(columns=col_map, inplace=True)
df = leaderboard_df[col_order].copy()
# formatting
# convert scores to %
df["Easy Level Accuracy (%)"] = df["Easy Level Accuracy (%)"].apply(lambda x: round(x * 100, 2))
df["Hard Level Accuracy (%)"] = df["Hard Level Accuracy (%)"].apply(lambda x: round(x * 100, 2))
# make repo url clickable in markdown
df["Repo URL"] = df["Repo URL"].apply(lambda x: f"[Link]({x})" if x != "" else x)
# make agent name bold
df["Agent"] = df["Agent"].apply(lambda x: f"**{x}**")
# sort-by best score
df.sort_values(by="Hard Level Accuracy (%)", ascending=False, inplace=True)
return df