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First Session, Forty-fourth Parliament, |
70-71 Elizabeth II – 1 Charles III, 2021-2022-2023 |
An Act to establish a national framework for |
the prevention and treatment of cancers |
linked to firefighting |
JUNE 22, 2023 |
BILL C-224 |
Page 2 |
This enactment provides for the development of a national |
framework designed to raise awareness of cancers linked to fire- |
fighting with the goal of improving access for firefighters to can- |
cer prevention and treatment. |
The enactment also designates the month of January, in each |
year, as “Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month”. |
Available on the House of Commons website at the following address: |
www.ourcommons.ca |
2021-2022-2023 |
Page 3 |
An Act to establish a national framework for the pre- |
vention and treatment of cancers linked to firefight- |
ing |
[Assented to 22nd June, 2023] |
Preamble |
Whereas firefighters play a critical role in keeping |
Canadians and their communities safe; |
Whereas Canadians have a profound appreciation of |
and respect for the dedicated firefighters who put |
themselves in harm’s way to provide an essential |
service; |
Whereas firefighters face numerous occupational |
hazards in performing their duties, including expo- |
sure to toxic chemicals; |
Whereas research has shown that exposure to some |
of these chemicals may lead to the development of |
various cancers; |
Whereas awareness and education are crucial to |
helping firefighters identify early signs of occupation- |
al cancers so that they can seek testing and treat- |
ment; |
Whereas federal and provincial collaboration and in- |
formation sharing can facilitate the prevention and |
early detection of cancers linked to firefighting; |
Whereas establishing national standards on occupa- |
tional cancers linked to firefighting could help pro- |
vide greater consistency across Canada; |
And whereas the Government of Canada, through |
the Memorial Grant Program for First Responders, |
recognizes the service and sacrifice of first respon- |
ders who have died as a result of their duties, includ- |
ing firefighters who succumb to cancers brought |
about by their employment, by providing a benefit to |
the beneficiaries of those first responders; |
2021-2022-2023 |
Page 4 |
Now, therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice |
and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of |
Canada, enacts as follows: |
Short Title |
Short title |
1 This Act may be cited as the National Framework on |
Cancers Linked to Firefighting Act. |
Interpretation |
Definitions |
2 The following definitions apply in this Act. |
Indigenous governing body means a council, govern- |
ment or other entity that is authorized to act on behalf of |
an Indigenous group, community or people that holds |
rights recognized and affirmed by section 35 of the Con- |
stitution Act, 1982. (corps dirigeant autochtone) |
Minister means the Minister of Health. (ministre) |
National Framework for the |
Prevention and Treatment of |
Cancers Linked to Firefighting |
Development |
3 (1) The Minister must develop a national framework |
designed to raise awareness of cancers linked to firefight- |
ing with the goal of improving access for firefighters to |
cancer prevention and treatment. |
Consultation |
(2) In developing the national framework, the Minister |
must consult with the representatives of the provincial |
and territorial governments responsible for health, with |
municipal governments, with Indigenous governing bod- |
ies, with health care professionals, with scientists and |
with stakeholders in the firefighting community. |
Content |
(3) The national framework may include measures to |
(a) explain and support research on the link between |
firefighting and certain types of cancer; |
(b) identify the training, education and guidance |
needs of health care and other professionals related to |
2021-2022-2023 |
Chapter 20: National Framework on Cancers Linked to Firefighting Act |
Short Title |
Preamble – Sections 1-3 |
Page 5 |
the prevention and treatment of cancers linked to fire- |
fighting and compile information relating to those |
needs; |
(c) make recommendations respecting regular screen- |
ings for cancers linked to firefighting; |
(d) promote research and improve data collection on |
the prevention and treatment of cancers linked to fire- |
fighting; |
(e) promote information and knowledge sharing in re- |
lation to the prevention and treatment of cancers |
linked to firefighting; and |
(f) prepare a summary of existing standards that rec- |
ognize cancers linked to firefighting as occupational |
diseases. |
Reports to Parliament |
Tabling of framework |
4 (1) Within one year after the day on which this Act |
comes into force, the Minister must prepare a report set- |
ting out the national framework for the prevention and |
treatment of cancers linked to firefighting and cause the |
report to be tabled before each House of Parliament on |
any of the first 15 days on which that House is sitting af- |
ter the report is completed. |
Publication |
(2) The Minister must publish the report on the website |
of the Department of Health within 10 days after the day |
on which the report is tabled in both Houses of Parlia- |
ment. |
Report |
5 (1) Within five years after the day on which the report |
referred to in section 4 is tabled, the Minister must pre- |
pare a report on the effectiveness of the national frame- |
work and on the state of the prevention and treatment of |
cancers linked to firefighting. |
Tabling of report |
(2) The Minister must cause the report to be tabled be- |
fore each House of Parliament on any of the first 15 days |
on which that House is sitting after the report is complet- |
ed. |
2021-2022-2023 |
Chapter 20: National Framework on Cancers Linked to Firefighting Act |
National Framework for the Prevention and Treatment of Cancers Linked to Firefighting |
Sections 3-5 |
Page 6 |
Firefighter Cancer Awareness |
Month |
Designation |
6 Throughout Canada, in each year, the month of Jan- |
uary is to be known as “Firefighter Cancer Awareness |
Month”. |
Published under authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons |
2021-2022-2023 |
Chapter 20: National Framework on Cancers Linked to Firefighting Act |
Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month |
Section |
6 |
Page 7 |
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Available on the House of Commons website |
Disponible sur le site Web de la Chambre des com |