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First Session, Forty-fourth Parliament, |
70-71 Elizabeth II – 1-2 Charles III, 2021-2022-2023-2024 |
An Act to amend the Telecommunications |
Act (transparent and accurate broadband |
services information) |
JUNE 20, 2024 |
BILL C-288 |
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This enactment amends the Telecommunications Act to require |
Canadian carriers to make easily available certain information in |
respect of the fixed broadband services that they offer. |
It also requires the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommuni- |
cations Commission to hold public hearings to inform its deter- |
minations on how Canadian carriers are to fulfill this obligation. |
Available on the House of Commons website at the following address: |
www.ourcommons.ca |
2021-2022-2023-2024 |
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An Act to amend the Telecommunications Act (trans- |
parent and accurate broadband services information) |
[Assented to 20th June, 2024] |
Preamble |
Whereas transparency and accuracy of information |
are important to allow Canadians to make informed |
decisions when choosing a Canadian carrier for fixed |
broadband services and to increase competition |
within the telecommunications industry; |
Now, therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice |
and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of |
Canada, enacts as follows: |
1993, c. 38 |
Telecommunications Act |
1 The Telecommunications Act is amended by |
adding the following after section 24.1: |
Definition of fixed broadband service |
24.2 (1) In this section, fixed broadband service |
means any high-speed data transmission service provid- |
ed to a fixed location using cable, fibre optics, wireless |
access, satellite or any similar transmission system. |
Information required |
(2) A Canadian carrier that offers fixed broadband ser- |
vices shall make the following information available to |
the public, in the form and manner specified by the Com- |
mission: |
(a) service quality metrics during peak periods; |
(b) typical download and upload speeds during peak |
periods; and |
2021-2022-2023-2024 |
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(c) any other information required by the Commis- |
sion that is in the public’s interest. |
Public hearings |
(3) For the purposes of subsection (2), the Commission |
shall hold public hearings to determine the following: |
(a) the service quality metrics that are to be measured |
and the manner in which they will be measured, as |
well as the methodology that is to be used to ensure |
that those metrics are representative of the different |
fixed broadband services packages offered in different |
regions across Canada; |
(b) the methodology that is to be used to determine |
what constitutes typical download and upload speeds |
for different fixed broadband services packages of- |
fered in different regions across Canada; |
(c) the periods that are to be considered peak periods; |
(d) the types of Canadian carriers, if any, that should |
be excluded, in whole or in part, from the application |
of subsection (2); |
(e) the types of transmission systems in respect of |
which the information referred to in subsection (2) is |
to be provided; |
(f) the form and manner in which the information re- |
ferred to in subsection (2) is to be provided to the pub- |
lic to ensure that it is easily available, accessible and |
simple to understand; and |
(g) the measures that are to be taken, including in re- |
spect of compliance monitoring and enforcement, to |
ensure that the fixed broadband services provided by |
Canadian carriers reflect the information made avail- |
able under subsection (2). |
Published under authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons |
2021-2022-2023-2024 |
Chapter 10: An Act to amend the Telecommunications Act (transparent and accurate |
broadband services information) |
Telecommunications Act |
Section |
1 |
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Available on the House of Commons website |
Disponible sur le site Web de la Chambre des com |