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First Session, Forty-fourth Parliament, |
70-71 Elizabeth II – 1-2 Charles III, 2021-2022-2023 |
An Act to amend the Canada Business |
Corporations Act and to make consequential |
and related amendments to other Acts |
NOVEMBER 2, 2023 |
BILL C-42 |
Page 2 |
This enactment amends the Canada Business Corporations Act |
to, among other things, |
(a) require the Director appointed under that Act to make |
available to the public certain information on individuals with |
significant control over a corporation; |
(b) protect the information and identity of certain individuals; |
(c) add, or broaden the application of, offences and provide |
the Director with additional enforcement and compliance |
powers; and |
(d) add regulatory authority to prescribe further require- |
ments in certain provisions. |
It also makes consequential and related amendments to other |
Acts. |
Available on the House of Commons website at the following address: |
www.ourcommons.ca |
2021-2022-2023 |
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An Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations |
Act and to make consequential and related amend- |
ments to other Acts |
[Assented to 2nd November, 2023] |
His Majesty, by and with the advice and consent |
of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, |
enacts as follows: |
R.S., c. C-44; 1994, c. 24, s. 1(F) |
Canada Business Corporations |
Act |
2018, c. 27, s. 183 |
1 (1) Paragraph 21.1(1)(a) of the Canada Busi- |
ness Corporations Act is replaced by the follow- |
ing: |
(a) for each individual with significant control, |
(i) their name and date of birth, |
(ii) their residential address, and |
(iii) their address for service, if it has been provid- |
ed to the corporation; |
(a.1) the citizenship of each individual with signifi- |
cant control; |
2018, c. 27, s. 183 |
(2) Subsection 21.1(2) of the Act is replaced by the |
following: |
Updating of information |
(2) The corporation shall, at the following times, take |
reasonable steps to ensure that it has identified all indi- |
viduals with significant control over the corporation and |
that the information in the register is accurate, complete |
and up-to-date: |
(a) at least once during each financial year of the cor- |
poration; |
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Page 4 |
(b) on the request of the Director; and |
(c) at the times provided for in the regulations. |
2022, c. 10, s. 431 |
2 (1) The portion of subsection 21.21(1) of the En- |
glish version of the Act before paragraph (a) is |
replaced by the following: |
Sending of information to Director |
21.21 (1) A corporation to which section 21.1 applies |
shall send to the Director |
2022, c. 10, s. 431 |
(2) Paragraphs 21.21(1)(a) and (b) of the Act are |
replaced by the following: |
(a) on an annual basis, the information determined by |
the Director from among that in its register of individ- |
uals with significant control over the corporation, in |
the form and within the period that the Director fixes; |
and |
(b) the information determined by the Director from |
among that recorded under subsection 21.1(3), within |
15 days after the day on which it is recorded and in the |
form that the Director fixes. |
2022, c. 10, s. 431 |
(3) Subsection 21.21(2) of the Act is replaced by |
the following: |
Sending of information — certificates issued |
(2) On or after the date shown on a certificate referred to |
in section 8 or subsection 185(4) or 187(4), a corporation |
to which section 21.1 applies shall send to the Director |
the information determined by the Director from among |
that referred to in paragraphs 21.1(1)(a) to (f), in the |
form and within the period that the Director fixes. |
(4) Section 21.21 of the Act is amended by adding |
the following after subsection (3): |
Offence |
(4) A corporation that, without reasonable cause, contra- |
venes subsection (1) or (2) is guilty of an offence and li- |
able on summary conviction to a fine not exceed- |
ing $100,000. |
2018, c. 27, s. 183 |
3 Subsections 21.3(2) to (6) of the Act are re- |
pealed. |
2021-2022-2023 |
Chapter 29: An Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act and to make |
consequential and related amendments to other Acts |
Canada Business Corporations Act |
Sections 1-3 |
Page 5 |
4 The Act is amended by adding the following be- |
fore section 21.31: |
Provision of information by Director |
21.302 The Director may provide all or part of the infor- |
mation received under section 21.21 to a provincial cor- |
porate registry or a provincial government department or |
agency that is responsible for corporate law in that |
province. |
Information available to public |
21.303 (1) The Director shall make available to the |
public the following information sent to the Director un- |
der section 21.21 for each individual with significant con- |
trol: |
(a) their name; |
(b) their address for service, if it has been provided to |
the corporation; |
(c) their residential address, if their address for ser- |
vice has not been provided to the corporation; |
(d) the |
information |
referred |
to |
in |
paragraphs |
21.1(1)(c) and (d); and |
(e) any other prescribed information. |
Exception |
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of an indi- |
vidual who is less than 18 years of age or an individual to |
whom prescribed circumstances apply. |
Exemption on application |
(3) If an individual with significant control or the corpo- |
ration over which they have significant control applies to |
the Director to have any information referred to in sub- |
section (1) in relation to the individual not made avail- |
able to the public, the Director may choose to not make it |
available to the public, subject to any terms that the Di- |
rector thinks fit, |
(a) if the Director reasonably believes that making it |
available presents or would present a serious threat to |
the safety of the individual; or |
(b) if the Director is satisfied that |
(i) the individual is incapable, |
(ii) the information is to be kept confidential under |
subsection 27(8) of the Conflict of Interest Act or a |
similar provision of an Act of the legislature of a |
province, or |
2021-2022-2023 |
Chapter 29: An Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act and to make |
consequential and related amendments to other Acts |
Canada Business Corporations Act |
Section |
4 |
Page 6 |
(iii) prescribed circumstances apply to the individ- |
ual. |
2019, c. 29, s. 100 |
5 (1) Subsection 21.4(1) of the Act is replaced by |
the following: |
Offence |
21.4 (1) Every director or officer of a corporation who |
knowingly authorizes, permits or acquiesces in the con- |
travention of subsection 21.1(1), 21.21(1) or (2), 21.3(1) or |
21.31(1) by that corporation commits an offence, whether |
or not the corporation has been prosecuted or convicted. |
(2) Subsection 21.4(5) of the Act is replaced by the |
following: |
Penalty |
(5) A person who commits an offence under any of sub- |
sections (1) to (4) is liable on summary conviction to a |
fine not exceeding one million dollars or to imprison- |
ment for a term not exceeding five years, or to both. |
2001, c. 14, s. 105(1) |
6 (1) Subparagraph 212(1)(a)(iii) of the Act is re- |
placed by the following: |
(iii) is in default for a period of one year in sending |
to the Director any fee or any notice, document or |
other information required by this Act, or |
2001, c. 14, s. 105(3) |
(2) Subsection 212(3.1) of the Act is replaced by |
the following: |
Payment of incorporation fee or sending of |
information |
(3.1) Despite anything in this section, the Director may |
dissolve a corporation by issuing a certificate of dissolu- |
tion if the required fee for the issuance of a certificate of |
incorporation has not been paid or if the corporation has |
not complied with subsection 21.21(2). |
7 Section 237 of the Act is replaced by the follow- |
ing: |
Inquiries |
237 (1) The Director may make inquiries of any person |
relating to compliance with this Act and may, as part of |
any inquiry, require the person to provide any records or |
other documents or information. |
2021-2022-2023 |
Chapter 29: An Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act and to make |
consequential and related amendments to other Acts |
Canada Business Corporations Act |
Sections 4-7 |
Page 7 |
Response |
(2) A person shall respond to any inquiry made under |
subsection (1). |
2001, c. 14, s. 124; 2018, c. 8, s. 36(1) |
8 (1) The portion of section 258.1 of the Act before |
paragraph (b) is replaced by the following: |
Content and form of documents |
258.1 The Director may establish the requirements for |
the content and fix the form, including electronic or oth- |
er forms, of notices, documents or other information sent |
to or issued by the Director under this Act and, in so do- |
ing, the Director may specify, among other things, |
(a) the notices, documents or other information that |
may be transmitted in electronic or other form; |
2018, c. 8, ss. 36(2) and (3)(E) |
(2) Paragraphs 258.1(b) and (c) of the English ver- |
sion of the Act are replaced by the following: |
(b) the persons or classes of persons who may sign or |
transmit the notices, documents or other information; |
(c) the manner of signing, whether electronic or oth- |
erwise, or the actions that are to have the same effect |
as their signature; and |
2018, c. 8, s. 36(4)(F) |
(3) Paragraph 258.1(d) of the Act is replaced by |
the following: |
(d) the time and circumstances when electronic no- |
tices, documents or other information are to be con- |
sidered to be sent or received, and the place where |
they are considered to have been sent or received. |
2001, c. 14, s. 135 (Sch., s. 85)(E) |
9 Subsection 259(1) of the Act is replaced by the |
following: |
Proof required by Director |
259 (1) The Director may require that a document or a |
fact stated in a document or in any information required |
by this Act or the regulations to be sent to the Director |
shall be verified in accordance with subsection (2). |
2021-2022-2023 |
Chapter 29: An Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act and to make |
consequential and related amendments to other Acts |
Canada Business Corporations Act |
Sections 7-9 |
Page 8 |
2018, c. 8, s. 38(2) |
10 Paragraph 261(1)(b) of the Act is replaced by |
the following: |
(a.2) prescribing what constitutes |
(i) for the purposes of paragraph 2.1(1)(b), direct |
influence, indirect influence or control in fact, and |
(ii) for the purposes of paragraph 21.31(3)(c), direct |
influence or indirect influence; |
(b) requiring the payment of a fee in respect of the re- |
ceipt, examination, filing, issuance or copying of any |
document or other information, or in respect of any |
action that the Director is required or authorized to |
take under this Act, and prescribing the amount of the |
fee or the manner of determining the fee; |
2018, c. 8, s. 39 |
11 Section 261.1 of the Act is replaced by the fol- |
lowing: |
Payment of fees |
261.1 A fee in respect of the receipt or copying of any |
document or other information shall be paid to the Di- |
rector when it is received or copied, and a fee in respect |
of the examination, filing or issuance of any document or |
other information or in respect of any action that the Di- |
rector is required or authorized to take shall be paid to |
the Director before the document or other information is |
examined, filed or issued or the action is taken. |
2018, c. 8, s. 42 |
12 Section 262.2 of the Act is replaced by the fol- |
lowing: |
Publication |
262.2 The Director must publish, in a publication gener- |
ally available to the public, a notice of any decision made |
by the Director granting an application made under sub- |
section 2(6), 10(2), 21.303(3), 82(3) or 151(1), section 156 |
or subsection 171(2) or 187(11). |
2001, c. 14, s. 129 |
13 (1) Paragraph 263.1(1)(a) of the Act is replaced |
by the following: |
(a) has sent to the Director a document or other infor- |
mation required to be sent under this Act; |
2021-2022-2023 |
Chapter 29: An Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act and to make |
consequential and related amendments to other Acts |
Canada Business Corporations Act |
Sections 10-13 |
Page 9 |
2001, c. 14, s. 129 |
(2) Subsection 263.1(2) of the Act is replaced by |
the following: |
Director may refuse to issue certificate of existence |
(2) For greater certainty, the Director may refuse to issue |
a certificate described in paragraph (1)(c) if the Director |
has knowledge that the corporation is in default of send- |
ing a document or other information required to be sent |
under this Act or is in default of paying a required fee. |
2018, c. 8, s. 44 |
14 Subsection 266(1) of the Act is replaced by the |
following: |
Examination |
266 (1) A person who has paid the required fee is enti- |
tled during usual business hours to examine and make |
copies of or take extracts from a document or other infor- |
mation — except an application referred to in subsection |
21.303(3) and any related document and a report sent to |
the Director under subsection 230(2) — that is required |
to be sent to the Director under this Act or that was re- |
quired to be sent to a person performing a similar func- |
tion under prior legislation. |
15 The Act is amended by adding the following |
after section 266: |
Information not to be made available |
266.1 (1) The Director shall not make available any in- |
formation that could reasonably be expected to reveal the |
identity of a person who, on their own initiative, provides |
information relating to the commission or potential com- |
mission of a wrongdoing, or any information provided by |
the person in relation to the commission or potential |
commission, unless the person providing the information |
consents to its being made available. |
Exception — investigations |
(2) Despite subsection (1), the Director may provide in- |
formation referred to in that subsection to an investiga- |
tive body referred to in subsection 21.31(2), the Financial |
Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada or |
any prescribed entity. |
Definition of wrongdoing |
(3) In this section, wrongdoing includes |
(a) a contravention of any provision of this Act or the |
regulations; |
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Chapter 29: An Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act and to make |
consequential and related amendments to other Acts |
Canada Business Corporations Act |
Sections 13-15 |
Page 10 |
(b) the formation of a corporation for a fraudulent or |
unlawful purpose; or |
(c) any fraudulent or dishonest actions of persons |
concerned with the formation, business or affairs of a |
corporation. |
Consequential and Related |
Amendments |
R.S., c. A-1 |
Access to Information Act |
16 Schedule II to the Access to Information Act |
is amended by adding, in alphabetical order, a |
reference to |
Canada Business Corporations Act |
Loi canadienne sur les sociétés par actions |
and a corresponding reference to “subsection |
266.1(1)”. |
R.S., c. 1 (5th Supp.) |
Income Tax Act |
17 Subsection 241(4) of the Income Tax Act is |
amended by striking out “or” at the end of para- |
graph (s), by adding “or” at the end of paragraph |
(t) and by adding the following after paragraph |
(t): |
(u) provide to an official of the Department of Indus- |
try, solely for the purpose of verifying and validating |
the data required to be sent under section 21.21 of the |
Canada Business Corporations Act in respect of a pri- |
vate corporation (in this paragraph referred to as the |
“particular corporation”), the following information: |
(i) for each corporation (in this paragraph referred |
to as the “subject corporation”) that is related to or |
associated with the particular corporation in a taxa- |
tion year, |
(A) the name of the subject corporation, |
(B) the jurisdiction of residence of the subject |
corporation, |
(C) the business number of the subject corpora- |
tion, |
(D) the relationship between the particular cor- |
poration and the subject corporation, |
2021-2022-2023 |
Chapter 29: An Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act and to make |
consequential and related amendments to other Acts |
Canada Business Corporations Act |
Sections 15-17 |
Page 11 |
(E) the number of shares of each class of the |
capital stock of the subject corporation that are |
owned by the particular corporation, and |
(F) the percentage of all the issued and out- |
standing shares of each class of the capital stock |
of the subject corporation that are owned by the |
particular corporation, |
(ii) for each shareholder that holds at least 10% of |
any class of the capital stock of the particular cor- |
poration in a taxation year, |
(A) the name of the shareholder, |
(B) whether the shareholder is a corporation, |
partnership, individual or trust, |
(C) as the case may be, the shareholder’s |
(I) business number, |
(II) partnership account number, |
(III) social insurance number, or |
(IV) trust account number, and |
(D) the percentage of all the issued and out- |
standing shares of each class of the capital stock |
of the particular corporation that are owned by |
the shareholder, and |
(iii) the taxation year to which the information de- |
scribed in subparagraphs (i) and (ii) relates. |
2000, c. 17; 2001, c. 41, s. 48 |
Proceeds of Crime (Money |
Laundering) and Terrorist Financing |
Act |
2017, c. 20, s. 434 |
18 Paragraph 73(1)(c) of the Proceeds of Crime |
(Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing |
Act is replaced by the following: |
(c) respecting the verification of the identity of per- |
sons and entities referred to in section 6.1 and requir- |
ing the reporting to government institutions or agen- |
cies of any discrepancies in information on the |
2021-2022-2023 |
Chapter 29: An Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act and to make |
consequential and related amendments to other Acts |
Consequential and Related Amendments |
Income Tax Act |
Sections 17-18 |
Page 12 |
beneficial ownership or control of an entity arising out |
of that verification; |
2022, c. 10 |
Budget Implementation Act, 2022, |
No. 1 |
19 Section 434 of the Budget Implementation |
Act, 2022, No. 1 is repealed. |
Coordinating Amendment |
2022, c. 10 |
20 On the first day on which both section 433 of |
the Budget Implementation Act, 2022, No. 1 and |
section 14 of this Act are in force, section 266 of |
the Canada Business Corporations Act is re- |
placed by the following: |
Examination |
266 (1) A person who has paid the required fee is enti- |
tled during usual business hours to examine and make |
copies of or take extracts from a document or other infor- |
mation — except any information sent under section |
21.21, an application referred to in subsection 21.303(3) |
and any related document and a report sent to the Direc- |
tor under subsection 230(2) — that is required to be sent |
to the Director under this Act or that was required to be |
sent to a person performing a similar function under pri- |
or legislation. |
Copies or extracts |
(2) The Director shall, on request, provide any person |
with a copy, extract, certified copy or certified extract of a |
document that may be examined under subsection (1). |
Coming into Force |
Order in council |
21 (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), the pro- |
visions of this Act, other than section 20, come in- |
to force on a day or days to be fixed by order of |
the Governor in Council, but that day or those |
days must not be before the day on which section |
1 comes into force. |
2021-2022-2023 |
Chapter 29: An Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act and to make |
consequential and related amendments to other Acts |
Consequential and Related Amendments |
Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act |
Sections 18-21 |
Page 13 |
Order in council |
(2) Sections 1 and 19 come into force on a day or |
days to be fixed by order of the Governor in |
Council. |
Order in council |
(3) Sections 2, 4 to 6 and 17 come into force on a |
day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Coun- |
cil, but that day must not be before the day on |
which section 431 of the Budget Implementation |
Act, 2022, No. 1 comes into force. |
Published under authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons |
2021-2022-2023 |
Chapter 29: An Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act and to make |
consequential and related amendments to other Acts |
Coming into Force |
Section |
21 |
Page 14 |
Available on the House of Commons website |
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