Page 1 |
First Session, Forty-fourth Parliament, |
70-71 Elizabeth II – 1-2 Charles III, 2021-2022-2023-2024 |
An Act respecting accountability, |
transparency and engagement to support the |
creation of sustainable jobs for workers and |
economic growth in a net-zero economy |
JUNE 20, 2024 |
BILL C-50 |
Page 2 |
Her Excellency the Governor General recommends to the House |
of Commons the appropriation of public revenue under the cir- |
cumstances, in the manner and for the purposes set out in a |
measure entitled “An Act respecting accountability, transparen- |
cy and engagement to support the creation of sustainable jobs |
for workers and economic growth in a net-zero economy”. |
This enactment establishes an accountability, transparency and |
engagement framework to facilitate and promote economic |
growth, the creation of sustainable jobs and support for workers |
and communities in Canada in the shift to a net-zero economy. |
Accordingly, the enactment |
(a) provides that the Governor in Council may designate a |
Minister for the purposes of the Act as well as specified Min- |
isters; |
(b) establishes a Sustainable Jobs Partnership Council to |
provide the Minister and the specified Ministers, through a |
process of social dialogue, with independent advice with re- |
spect to measures to foster the creation of sustainable jobs, |
measures to support workers, communities and regions in |
the shift to a net-zero economy and matters referred to it by |
the Minister; |
(c) requires the tabling of a Sustainable Jobs Action Plan in |
each House of Parliament no later than 2026 and by the end |
of each subsequent period of five years; |
(d) provides for the establishment of a Sustainable Jobs Sec- |
retariat to support the implementation of the Act; and |
(e) provides for a review of the Act within ten years of its |
coming into force and by the end of each subsequent period |
of ten years. |
Available on the House of Commons website at the following address: |
www.ourcommons.ca |
2021-2022-2023-2024 |
Page 3 |
An Act respecting accountability, transparency and |
engagement to support the creation of sustainable |
jobs for workers and economic growth in a net-zero |
economy |
Preamble |
Short Title |
Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act |
1 |
Definitions |
Definitions |
2 |
Purpose |
Purpose |
3 |
Designation of Ministers |
Minister |
4 |
Specified Ministers |
5 |
Sustainable Jobs Partnership Council |
Establishment |
6 |
Responsibilities |
7 |
Appointment |
8 |
Remuneration and expenses |
9 |
Deemed employment |
10 |
Reports |
Annual report |
11 |
Report made public |
12 |
Minister’s response |
13 |
Report |
14 |
Progress report |
15 |
Sustainable Jobs Action Plan |
Sustainable Jobs Action Plan |
16 |
Amendments |
17 |
Consultation |
18 |
Progress reports |
19 |
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Page 4 |
Sustainable Jobs Secretariat |
Establishment |
20 |
General |
Review of Act |
21 |
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Chapter 13: Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act |
Page 5 |
An Act respecting accountability, transparency and |
engagement to support the creation of sustainable |
jobs for workers and economic growth in a net-zero |
economy |
[Assented to 20th June, 2024] |
Preamble |
Whereas Canada has ratified the Paris Agreement, |
signed at Paris on December 12, 2015, which came |
into force in 2016; |
Whereas the Paris Agreement acknowledges the |
need for an effective and progressive response to the |
urgent threat of climate change on the basis of the |
best available scientific knowledge and recognizes |
the imperative of the creation of decent work and |
quality jobs consistent with Canada’s nationally de- |
termined contribution; |
Whereas the Government of Canada has committed |
to developing a plan to set Canada on a path to |
achieve a prosperous, net-zero-emissions future by |
2050, supported by public participation and expert |
advice; |
Whereas the Government of Canada recognizes that |
its plan to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 should |
contribute to making Canada’s economy more re- |
silient, inclusive and competitive; |
Whereas climate change is a global problem that re- |
quires immediate and ambitious action by all govern- |
ments in Canada — as well as by industry, labour, In- |
digenous peoples, non-governmental organizations |
and individual Canadians — and has disproportion- |
ate impacts, including on vulnerable groups and indi- |
viduals; |
Whereas the Government of Canada is committed to |
undertaking measures for climate change mitigation |
and to achieving and exceeding the target for 2030 |
set out in its nationally determined contribution that |
has been communicated in accordance with the Paris |
Agreement and in its commitment to achieve net-ze- |
ro emissions by 2050 under the Canadian Net-Zero |
Emissions Accountability Act; |
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Page 6 |
Whereas the Government of Canada recognizes that |
a net-zero-emissions future presents opportunities |
for economic growth, the creation of good-paying, |
high-quality jobs and the increased participation of |
equity-seeking groups in a net-zero economy; |
Whereas the Government of Canada is committed to |
seeing Canadians benefit from and contribute to the |
building of a net-zero economy; |
Whereas the Government of Canada is committed to |
taking action to achieve a fair and equitable net-zero |
economy in order to support the future and quality of |
life of workers and their communities, including by |
fostering the creation of sustainable jobs and imple- |
menting measures to assist workers in the shift to a |
net-zero economy; |
Whereas the Government of Canada recognizes that |
actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change will |
have varied effects across different regions, commu- |
nities and sectors; |
Whereas the Government of Canada recognizes and |
supports the International Labour Organization’s Res- |
olution Concerning Sustainable Development, Decent |
Work and Green Jobs adopted by the International |
Labour Conference in June 2013 and the associated |
guidelines on sustainable economies endorsed by |
the International Labour Organization’s Governing |
Body through a decision adopted on November 5, |
2015; |
Whereas the Government of Canada’s approach to |
building a net-zero economy will be guided by the |
following principles: |
(a) adequate, informed and ongoing dialogue on |
a labour force and people-centered sustainable |
jobs approach should engage relevant stakehold- |
ers and partners, including through social dia- |
logue, to build strong social consensus in the shift |
to a net-zero economy; |
(b) policies and programs in support of sustain- |
able jobs should |
(i) support the creation of decent work, mean- |
ing good-paying, high-quality jobs — including |
jobs in which workers are represented by a |
trade union that has entered into a collective |
agreement — as well as job security, social pro- |
tection and social dialogue, |
(ii) recognize local and regional needs, |
(iii) account for the cultural values, strengths |
and potential of workers and communities, |
(iv) provide an environment in which enter- |
prises, workers, investors and consumers can |
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Chapter 13: Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act |
Preamble |
Page 7 |
contribute to achieving sustainable and inclu- |
sive economies and societies, and |
(v) advance the well-being of workers and |
communities, as well as the achievement of |
Canada’s nationally determined contribution |
communicated in accordance with the Paris |
Agreement; |
(c) a sustainable jobs approach should be inclu- |
sive and address barriers to employment with an |
emphasis on encouraging the creation of employ- |
ment opportunities for groups underrepresented |
in the labour market, including women, persons |
with disabilities, Indigenous peoples, Black and |
other racialized individuals, 2SLGBTQI+ and other |
equity-seeking groups; and |
(d) international |
cooperation |
should |
foster |
strengthened global efforts to advance the cre- |
ation of sustainable jobs and ensure a level play- |
ing field and inform Canadian approaches to sup- |
port workers and communities in the shift to a net- |
zero economy; |
Whereas the Government of Canada is committed to |
collaborating with Canadian workers, Indigenous |
peoples, trade unions, employers, industry, business, |
communities, non-governmental organizations and |
the governments of the provinces and territories, |
which all have a role to play in building a net-zero |
economy; |
Whereas the governments of the provinces and terri- |
tories have an important role to play within their ju- |
risdiction to support the shift to a net-zero economy; |
Whereas trade unions in particular have an important |
role to play in representing the interests of workers in |
building a net-zero economy; |
Whereas relevant federal entities, including those fo- |
cused — at the national and regional level — on mat- |
ters such as skills development, the labour market, |
rights at work, economic development and emissions |
reduction, are committed to working in leadership |
roles in their respective areas of responsibility to ad- |
vance the creation of sustainable jobs in support of a |
net-zero economy; |
Whereas the Parliament of Canada enacted the Unit- |
ed Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous |
Peoples Act on June 21, 2021, and the Government |
of Canada is committed to strengthening its collabo- |
ration with Indigenous peoples with respect to a net- |
zero economy and the creation of sustainable jobs |
and to taking the Indigenous knowledge of Indige- |
nous peoples into account when carrying out the pur- |
poses of this Act; |
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Chapter 13: Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act |
Preamble |
Page 8 |
Whereas Canada ratified the United Nations Conven- |
tion on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on |
March 11, 2010, which recognizes the right of per- |
sons with disabilities to work on an equal basis with |
others; |
And whereas the Government of Canada is commit- |
ted to a sustainable jobs approach that is inclusive |
and addresses barriers to employment for persons |
with disabilities in Canada; |
Now, therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice |
and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of |
Canada, enacts as follows: |
Short Title |
Short Title |
1 This Act may be cited as the Canadian Sustainable |
Jobs Act. |
Definitions |
Definitions |
2 The following definitions apply in this Act. |
Council means Sustainable Jobs Partnership Council es- |
tablished under subsection 6(1). (Conseil) |
equity-seeking group means a group of persons who |
are disadvantaged on the basis of one or more prohibited |
grounds of discrimination within the meaning of the |
Canadian Human Rights Act. (groupe en quête |
d’équité) |
Indigenous peoples has the meaning assigned by the |
definition aboriginal peoples of Canada in subsection |
35(2) of the Constitution Act, 1982. (peuples autoch- |
tones) |
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Chapter 13: Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act |
Short Title |
Preamble – Sections 1-2 |
Page 9 |
Minister means the federal minister designated under |
section 4. (ministre) |
net-zero economy means an economy that is aligned |
with Canada’s nationally determined contribution com- |
municated in accordance with the Paris Agreement and |
that is consistent with a credible pathway to achieving |
net-zero emissions as described in the greenhouse gas |
emissions reduction plan established under section 9 of |
the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act. |
(économie carboneutre) |
net-zero emissions means that anthropogenic emis- |
sions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere are bal- |
anced by anthropogenic removals of greenhouse gases |
from the atmosphere over the period referred to in sec- |
tion 6 of the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountabili- |
ty Act. (carboneutralité) |
social dialogue includes all types of negotiation, consul- |
tation and exchange of information between or among |
representatives of governments, employers and workers |
on issues of common interest relating to economic and |
social policy. (dialogue social) |
specified Minister means a federal minister designated |
under section 5. (ministre responsable) |
sustainable job means any job that is compatible with |
Canada’s pathway to achieving a net-zero-emissions and |
climate-resilient future and that reflects the concept of |
decent work, namely work — including a job in which the |
worker is represented by a trade union that has entered |
into a collective agreement — that can support the work- |
er and their family over time and that includes elements |
such as fair income, job security, social protection and |
social dialogue. (emploi durable) |
Purpose |
Purpose |
3 The purpose of this Act is to facilitate and promote |
economic growth, the creation of sustainable jobs and |
support for workers and communities in Canada in the |
shift to a net-zero economy through a framework to en- |
sure transparency, accountability, engagement and ac- |
tion by relevant federal entities, including those focused |
– at the national and regional level – on matters such as |
skills development, the labour market, rights at work, |
economic development and emissions reduction. |
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Chapter 13: Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act |
Definitions |
Sections 2-3 |
Page 10 |
Designation of Ministers |
Minister |
4 The Governor in Council may, by order, designate any |
member of the King’s Privy Council for Canada to be the |
Minister for the purposes of this Act. |
Specified Ministers |
5 The Governor in Council may, by order, designate one |
or more members of the King’s Privy Council for Canada, |
other than the Minister, to be the specified Minister or |
specified Ministers for the purposes of this Act. |
Sustainable Jobs Partnership |
Council |
Establishment |
6 (1) A council is established, to be known as the Sus- |
tainable Jobs Partnership Council, whose mandate is to |
provide the Minister and specified Ministers with inde- |
pendent advice — through a process of social dialogue — |
with respect to |
(a) measures, consistent with the shift to a net-zero |
economy, to foster the creation of sustainable jobs; |
(b) measures to support workers, communities and |
regions in the shift to a net-zero economy, including |
through skills development, training, retraining and |
economic development and diversification, as well as |
through national, regional, federal-provincial and fed- |
eral-territorial initiatives related to the Sustainable |
Jobs Action Plans; and |
(c) any matter referred to it by the Minister. |
Establishment of terms of reference |
(2) The Minister must, after consulting with the specified |
Ministers, establish the terms of reference of the Council. |
Amendments to terms of reference |
(3) The Minister may, after consulting with the specified |
Ministers and, unless their position is vacant, each co- |
chair of the Council, amend the terms of reference. |
Terms of reference made public |
(4) The Minister must make the terms of reference and |
any amendments to them available to the public. |
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Chapter 13: Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act |
Designation of Ministers |
Sections 4-6 |
Page 11 |
Responsibilities |
7 The Council’s responsibilities include |
(a) advising the Minister and specified Ministers on |
strategies and measures to encourage growth in sus- |
tainable jobs in a net-zero economy; |
(b) advising the Minister and specified Ministers on |
ways to address labour force impacts, support workers |
and create opportunities for workers in the shift to a |
net-zero economy; |
(c) advising the Minister and specified Ministers on |
the collection and overall quality of data related to |
economic growth and the labour market in a net-zero |
economy; |
(d) advising the Minister and specified Ministers on |
the effectiveness of relevant policies and programs; |
(d.1) advising the Minister and the specified Minis- |
ters on potential areas of cooperation with the govern- |
ments of the provinces and territories and other gov- |
ernments in Canada in relation to the Sustainable |
Jobs Action Plan or the purpose of this Act; |
(e) engaging relevant partners and stakeholders, in- |
cluding at the national, regional, provincial, territorial |
and community levels, in accordance with the terms of |
reference; and |
(f) addressing any matter or undertaking any activity |
provided for in the terms of reference or requested by |
the Minister under section 14 or 15. |
Appointment |
8 (1) The Council consists of 13 members, who are to be |
appointed by the Governor in Council, on the recommen- |
dation of the Minister, to hold office on a part-time basis |
and at pleasure for a renewable term of up to three years. |
Composition |
(1.1) The Council is composed of the following mem- |
bers: |
(a) two co-chairs; |
(b) three members who represent trade unions; |
(c) three members who represent Indigenous peoples; |
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Chapter 13: Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act |
Sustainable Jobs Partnership Council |
Sections 7-8 |
Page 12 |
(d) three members who represent industry; |
(e) one member who represents an environmental |
non-governmental organization; and |
(f) one member who represents another key stake- |
holder group. |
Factors |
(2) When making a recommendation respecting the ap- |
pointment of members, the Minister is to take into con- |
sideration |
(a) the importance of having members that reflect |
Canada’s diversity — including its regional diversity — |
and underrepresented groups; and |
(b) the need for members who have knowledge, exper- |
tise or experience in one or more of the following: |
(i) the key sectors involved in the shift to a net-zero |
economy, |
(ii) the types of issues facing workers in the shift to |
a net-zero economy, including issues related to in- |
dustrial change and technological transformation, |
(iii) the representation of unionized workers, |
(iv) the Indigenous knowledge of Indigenous peo- |
ples, |
(v) climate change and climate policy at the region- |
al, national and international levels, |
(vi) economic and labour market analysis and fore- |
casting, |
(vii) skills development, training and retraining |
initiatives at the regional and national levels, and |
(viii) the governance of advisory boards or commit- |
tees. |
Co-chairs |
(3) When making recommendations respecting the co- |
chairs, the Minister is to recommend individuals who |
represent trade unions and industry. |
Remuneration and expenses |
9 The members of the Council are to be paid the remu- |
neration that is fixed by the Governor in Council and are |
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Chapter 13: Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act |
Sustainable Jobs Partnership Council |
Sections 8-9 |
Page 13 |
entitled to be reimbursed, in accordance with Treasury |
Board directives, for the travel, living and other expenses |
incurred in connection with their work while absent from |
their ordinary place of residence. |
Deemed employment |
10 The members of the Council are deemed to be em- |
ployees for the purposes of the Government Employees |
Compensation Act and to be employed in the federal |
public administration for the purposes of any regulations |
made under section 9 of the Aeronautics Act. |
Reports |
Annual report |
11 (1) The Council must submit to the Minister and |
specified Ministers an annual report |
(a) in the case of the first report, no later than the date |
that is fixed by the Minister; and |
(b) in the case of each subsequent report, no later |
than October 15 of each year. |
Contents |
(2) The annual report must include the advice of the |
Council and a summary of its activities |
(a) in the case of the first report, since the coming into |
force of this Act; and |
(b) in the case of each subsequent report, since the |
previous report. |
Report made public |
12 The Minister must make public the annual report |
within 30 days after the day on which the Minister re- |
ceives it. |
Minister’s response |
13 (1) The Minister must, after consulting with the |
specified Ministers and other relevant federal ministers, |
prepare a written response to the Council’s annual report |
and must make public the response within 120 days after |
the day on which the Minister receives the annual report. |
Contents |
(2) The response must address the Council’s advice in- |
cluded in the annual report. |
Report |
14 At the request of the Minister, the Council must re- |
search and report on any matter relating to the creation |
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Chapter 13: Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act |
Sustainable Jobs Partnership Council |
Sections 9-14 |
Page 14 |
of sustainable jobs or the shift to a net-zero economy that |
is specified by the Minister and the Minister may make |
public the report. |
Progress report |
15 At the request of the Minister, the Council must pro- |
vide the Minister with a written progress report on the |
activities specified by the Minister within 30 days after |
the day on which the request is made. |
Sustainable Jobs Action Plan |
Sustainable Jobs Action Plan |
16 (1) The Minister must prepare a Sustainable Jobs |
Action Plan no later than December 31, 2025 and must |
prepare a new Plan no later than December 31 of every |
fifth year after that. |
Tabling of Plan |
(2) The Minister must cause each Plan to be tabled in |
each House of Parliament |
(a) in the case of the first Plan, no later than the fif- |
teenth sitting day of that House after December 31, |
2025; and |
(b) in the case of each subsequent Plan, no later than |
the fifteenth sitting day of that House after December |
31 of every fifth year after that. |
Contents |
(3) Each Plan must |
(a) outline how the federal government will facilitate |
and promote economic growth, the creation of sus- |
tainable jobs and support for workers and communi- |
ties in the shift to a net-zero economy over the follow- |
ing five-year period, including through investments to |
decarbonize Canada’s economy, the establishment of |
conditions for accessing federal economic incentives |
in relation to labour and the identification of pathways |
to sustainable jobs for workers; |
(a.1) describe how the federal government is uphold- |
ing the guiding principles set out in the preamble; |
(b) set out the measures that the Minister, specified |
Ministers and other relevant federal ministers have |
identified to be implemented, — including measures |
relating to skills development, economic and social |
2021-2022-2023-2024 |
Chapter 13: Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act |
Reports |
Sections 14-16 |
Page 15 |
measures and measures that support workers on an |
individual, regional, community and sectoral basis — |
the milestones to be achieved by the federal entities |
for which they are responsible and the ways in which |
those ministers will implement those measures; |
(c) include a summary of data that is available within |
the federal government, that is related to economic |
growth and the labour market in a net-zero economy |
and that was used in the development of the Plan, in- |
cluding data related to equity, diversity and inclusion |
in the labour force, along with a description of how |
that data informed the development of the measures |
referred to in paragraph (b); |
(c.1) identify any gaps in the data referred to in para- |
graph (c) that impact labour market analyses, includ- |
ing data in relation to Indigenous peoples, describe |
the effect of those gaps on the analyses and indicate |
which gaps are being addressed; |
(c.2) include information on measures that relate to |
this Act that have been implemented in support of |
skills development, training and retraining, as well as |
to address other relevant labour market and worker- |
focused issues; |
(c.3) describe how it takes into account the green- |
house gas emissions reduction plan established under |
section 9 of the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Ac- |
countability Act; |
(c.4) include information on the key measures that |
have been taken in cooperation with the governments |
of the provinces and territories and other govern- |
ments in Canada in relation to the Plan or the purpose |
of this Act; |
(c.5) include information on initiatives or other mea- |
sures taken by the governments of the provinces and |
territories, Indigenous peoples, trade unions, munici- |
pal governments or the private sector that may con- |
tribute to the creation of sustainable jobs and to sup- |
porting workers and communities; and |
(d) in the case of subsequent Plans, describe the |
progress made towards achieving the milestones un- |
der the previous Plans. |
2021-2022-2023-2024 |
Chapter 13: Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act |
Sustainable Jobs Action Plan |
Section |
16 |
Page 16 |
Amendments |
17 (1) The Minister may amend a Sustainable Jobs Ac- |
tion Plan at any time. |
Tabling |
(2) The Minister must cause the amended Plan to be |
tabled in each House of Parliament on any of the first 15 |
days on which that House is sitting after the amended |
Plan is prepared. |
Consultation |
18 The Minister must, when preparing or amending a |
Sustainable Jobs Action Plan, |
(a) take into account advice from the Council; |
(b) consult the specified Ministers and other relevant |
federal ministers, including with respect to existing |
labour market analyses and the economic effects of ex- |
isting and planned emissions reduction measures; |
(c) take into account the most recent greenhouse gas |
emissions reduction plan established under section 9 |
of the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability |
Act; and |
(d) provide the governments of the provinces and ter- |
ritories, Indigenous peoples and any other key ex- |
perts, partners and stakeholders, including from non- |
governmental organizations, labour and industry, with |
the opportunity to make submissions. |
Progress reports |
19 (1) The Minister must prepare a progress report no |
later than June 1, 2028 and additional progress reports |
no later than June 1 of every fifth year after that. |
Tabling of progress reports |
(2) The Minister must cause each progress report to be |
tabled in each House of Parliament on any of the first 15 |
days on which that House is sitting after the report is |
prepared. |
Contents |
(3) Each progress report must contain an update on the |
progress made towards achieving the milestones under |
and implementing the measures set out in the most |
2021-2022-2023-2024 |
Chapter 13: Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act |
Sustainable Jobs Action Plan |
Sections 16-19 |
Page 17 |
recent Sustainable Jobs Action Plan and include the de- |
tails of any additional measures that are being or could |
be taken to increase the probability of achieving the mile- |
stones. |
Consultation |
(4) The Minister must, when preparing a progress re- |
port, |
(a) take into account advice from the Council; and |
(b) consult the specified Ministers and other relevant |
federal ministers. |
Sustainable Jobs Secretariat |
Establishment |
20 (1) The Minister must establish a Sustainable Jobs |
Secretariat to support the Minister in the implementa- |
tion of the Act. |
Role |
(2) The Secretariat’s role includes |
(a) enabling policy and program coherence in the de- |
velopment and implementation of each Sustainable |
Jobs Action Plan, supporting the work within the fed- |
eral government to design the measures set out in |
those Plans and coordinating the implementation of |
those measures across federal entities, working in |
leadership roles in their respective areas of responsi- |
bility, including those entities responsible — at the na- |
tional and regional level — for matters relating to |
skills development, the labour market, rights at work, |
economic development and emissions reduction; |
(b) supporting the preparation of the Plans and track- |
ing progress on them; |
(c) coordinating specific federal-provincial and feder- |
al-territorial initiatives related to the Plans and engag- |
ing with the governments of provinces and territories |
in areas of common interest; |
(c.1) serving as a source of information and point of |
contact in respect of federal programs, funding and |
services for workers and employers with respect to |
sustainable jobs; and |
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Chapter 13: Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act |
Sustainable Jobs Action Plan |
Sections 19-20 |
Page 18 |
(d) providing administrative and policy support to the |
Council. |
General |
Review of Act |
21 (1) Within 10 years after the day on which this Act |
receives royal assent and by the end of each subsequent |
period of 10 years, the Minister must cause a review of |
this Act to be conducted. |
Tabling of report |
(2) The Minister must cause a report of the review to be |
tabled in each House of Parliament on any of the first 15 |
days on which that House is sitting after the report has |
been completed. |
Published under authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons |
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Chapter 13: Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act |
Sustainable Jobs Secretariat |
Sections 20-21 |
Page 19 |
Page 20 |
Available on the House of Commons website |
Disponible sur le site Web de la Chambre des com |