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First Session, Forty-fourth Parliament, |
70-71 Elizabeth II – 1 Charles III, 2021-2022-2023 |
An Act to give effect to the self-government |
treaty recognizing the Whitecap Dakota |
Nation / Wapaha Ska Dakota Oyate and to |
make consequential amendments to other |
Acts |
JUNE 22, 2023 |
BILL C-51 |
Page 2 |
This enactment gives effect to the treaty entitled “A Self-Govern- |
ment Treaty Recognizing the Whitecap Dakota Nation / Wapaha |
Ska Dakota Oyate” and makes consequential amendments to |
other Acts. |
Available on the House of Commons website at the following address: |
www.ourcommons.ca |
2021-2022-2023 |
Page 3 |
An Act to give effect to the self-government treaty |
recognizing the Whitecap Dakota Nation / Wapaha |
Ska Dakota Oyate and to make consequential |
amendments to other Acts |
Preamble |
Short Title |
Self-Government Treaty Recognizing the Whitecap Dako- |
ta Nation / Wapaha Ska Dakota Oyate Act |
1 |
Interpretation |
Definitions |
2 |
Status of Treaty |
3 |
Treaty |
Treaty given effect |
4 |
Treaty prevails |
5 |
Whitecap Dakota Nation |
Capacity, rights, powers and privileges |
6 |
Whitecap Dakota Laws |
Third parties |
7 |
Taxation |
Tax Treatment Agreement |
8 |
Clarification |
9 |
Application of Other Acts |
Indian Act |
10 |
Statutory Instruments Act |
11 |
General |
Judicial notice — Treaty and Tax Treatment Agreement |
12 |
Judicial notice — Whitecap Dakota law |
13 |
Federal Courts Act |
14 |
Notice |
15 |
Retroactive effect |
16 |
Orders and regulations |
17 |
2021-2022-2023 |
Page 4 |
Consequential Amendments |
Access to Information Act |
18 |
Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act |
19 |
Privacy Act |
20 |
First Nations Goods and Services Tax Act |
22 |
First Nations Fiscal Management Act |
24 |
Coming into Force |
Order in council |
25 |
2021-2022-2023 |
Chapter 22: Self-Government Treaty Recognizing the Whitecap Dakota Nation / |
Wapaha Ska Dakota Oyate Act |
Page 5 |
An Act to give effect to the self-government treaty |
recognizing the Whitecap Dakota Nation / Wapaha |
Ska Dakota Oyate and to make consequential amend- |
ments to other Acts |
[Assented to 22nd June, 2023] |
Preamble |
Whereas the Whitecap Dakota Nation and the Gov- |
ernment of Canada recognize distinctive historical re- |
lationships between certain Dakota communities and |
the Crown based on, at various times, treaties or al- |
liances of peace and friendship; |
Whereas the Whitecap Dakota Nation is an Indige- |
nous people of Canada; |
Whereas the Government of Canada recognizes that |
the inherent right of self-government is a right of the |
Indigenous peoples of Canada recognized and af- |
firmed by section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982 and |
that the Whitecap Dakota Nation has that inherent |
right; |
Whereas the Whitecap Dakota Nation and the Gov- |
ernment of Canada are committed to achieving rec- |
onciliation through a renewed nation-to-nation rela- |
tionship based on respect, cooperation, partnership |
and the recognition of the Whitecap Dakota Nation’s |
rights; |
Whereas the Whitecap Dakota Nation aspires to par- |
ticipate fully in the economic, social, political and cul- |
tural aspects of Canadian society in a way that pre- |
serves and enhances the collective identity of White- |
cap Dakota members as a self-sufficient and sustain- |
able community now and into the future; |
Whereas the Whitecap Dakota First Nation members |
have approved the treaty entitled “A Self-Govern- |
ment Treaty Recognizing the Whitecap Dakota Na- |
tion / Wapaha Ska Dakota Oyate”; |
Whereas the Treaty was signed on May 2, 2023 on |
behalf of the Whitecap Dakota First Nation and His |
Majesty in right of Canada; |
2021-2022-2023 |
Page 6 |
Whereas the Government of Canada is committed to |
implementing the United Nations Declaration on the |
Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Whitecap Dako- |
ta Nation and the Government of Canada view the |
Treaty as contributing to the implementation of that |
Declaration; |
And whereas the Treaty requires the coming into |
force of an Act of Parliament that gives effect to it; |
Now therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice |
and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of |
Canada, enacts as follows: |
Short Title |
Short title |
1 This Act may be cited as the Self-Government Treaty |
Recognizing the Whitecap Dakota Nation / Wapaha Ska |
Dakota Oyate Act. |
Interpretation |
Definitions |
2 The following definitions apply in this Act. |
federal law has the same meaning as in 1.01 of the |
Treaty. (règle de droit fédérale) |
Indigenous peoples of Canada has the meaning as- |
signed by the definition aboriginal peoples of Canada |
in subsection 35(2) of the Constitution Act, 1982. |
(peuples autochtones du Canada) |
Tax Treatment Agreement means the tax treatment |
agreement, as amended from time to time in accordance |
with its provisions, that is referred to in 11.16 of the |
Treaty. (accord sur le traitement fiscal) |
Treaty means the treaty entitled “A Self-Government |
Treaty Recognizing the Whitecap Dakota Nation / Wapa- |
ha Ska Dakota Oyate,” signed on behalf of the Whitecap |
Dakota First Nation and His Majesty in right of Canada |
on May 2, 2023, as amended from time to time in accor- |
dance with its provisions. (traité) |
Whitecap Dakota Government has the same meaning |
as in 1.01 of the Treaty. (gouvernement des Dakotas |
de Whitecap) |
2021-2022-2023 |
Chapter 22: Self-Government Treaty Recognizing the Whitecap Dakota Nation / |
Wapaha Ska Dakota Oyate Act |
Short Title |
Preamble – Sections 1-2 |
Page 7 |
Whitecap Dakota institution has the meaning assigned |
by the definition WDN Institution in 1.01 of the Treaty. |
(institution) |
Whitecap Dakota law has the meaning assigned by the |
definition WDN Law in 1.01 of the Treaty. (loi de la na- |
tion) |
Whitecap Dakota member has the meaning assigned |
by the definition WDN Member in 1.01 of the Treaty. |
(membre) |
Whitecap Dakota Nation has the meaning assigned by |
the definition WDN in 1.01 of the Treaty. (Nation dako- |
ta de Whitecap) |
Whitecap Dakota reserve lands has the meaning as- |
signed by the definition WDN Reserve Lands in 1.01 of |
the Treaty. (terres de réserve) |
Status of Treaty |
3 For greater certainty, the Treaty is a treaty within the |
meaning of sections 25 and 35 of the Constitution Act, |
1982. |
Treaty |
Treaty given effect |
4 (1) The Treaty is approved, given effect and declared |
valid and has the force of law. |
Rights and obligations |
(2) For greater certainty, a person or entity has the pow- |
ers, rights, privileges and benefits conferred on the per- |
son or entity by the Treaty and must perform the duties, |
and is subject to the liabilities, imposed on the person or |
entity by the Treaty. |
Third parties |
(3) For greater certainty, the Treaty is binding on, and |
may be relied on by, all persons and entities. |
Treaty prevails |
5 (1) In the event of any conflict between the Treaty and |
this Act or any other federal law, the Treaty prevails to |
the extent of the conflict. |
Act prevails |
(2) In the event of any conflict between this Act and any |
other federal law, this Act prevails to the extent of the |
conflict. |
2021-2022-2023 |
Chapter 22: Self-Government Treaty Recognizing the Whitecap Dakota Nation / |
Wapaha Ska Dakota Oyate Act |
Interpretation |
Sections 2-5 |
Page 8 |
Whitecap Dakota Nation |
Capacity, rights, powers and privileges |
6 (1) The Whitecap Dakota Nation is a legal entity and |
has, subject to the Treaty, the capacity, rights, powers |
and privileges of a natural person. |
Vesting of rights, interests, etc. |
(2) On the coming into effect of the Treaty, all rights, in- |
terests, assets and obligations of the Whitecap Dakota |
First Nation as a band, within the meaning of the Indian |
Act, vest in the Whitecap Dakota Nation. |
Whitecap Dakota Government |
(3) The Whitecap Dakota Nation exercises the power and |
authority to make laws, carries out other government |
functions and otherwise exercises power or authority |
through the Whitecap Dakota Government. |
Whitecap Dakota Laws |
Third parties |
7 Subject to the Treaty, Whitecap Dakota laws are bind- |
ing on and may be relied on by all persons and entities, |
the Whitecap Dakota Nation, the Whitecap Dakota Gov- |
ernment and Whitecap Dakota institutions. |
Taxation |
Tax Treatment Agreement |
8 On the day on which the Tax Treatment Agreement |
comes into effect by application of 11.16 of the Treaty, |
that Agreement is approved, given effect and declared |
valid. That Agreement has the force of law during the pe- |
riod in which it is in effect. |
Clarification |
9 The Tax Treatment Agreement does not form part of |
the Treaty and it is not a treaty or a land claims agree- |
ment within the meaning of sections 25 and 35 of the |
Constitution Act, 1982. |
Application of Other Acts |
Indian Act |
10 Subject to the Treaty, the Indian Act does not apply |
to the Whitecap Dakota Nation, the Whitecap Dakota |
Government, Whitecap Dakota members or Whitecap |
Dakota reserve lands. |
2021-2022-2023 |
Chapter 22: Self-Government Treaty Recognizing the Whitecap Dakota Nation / |
Wapaha Ska Dakota Oyate Act |
Whitecap Dakota Nation |
Sections 6-10 |
Page 9 |
Statutory Instruments Act |
11 The Statutory Instruments Act does not apply to |
Whitecap Dakota laws. |
General |
Judicial notice — Treaty and Tax Treatment |
Agreement |
12 (1) Judicial notice must be taken of the Treaty and |
the Tax Treatment Agreement. |
Publication |
(2) The Treaty and the Tax Treatment Agreement must |
be published by the King’s Printer. |
Evidence |
(3) A copy of the Treaty or the Tax Treatment Agreement |
published by the King’s Printer is evidence of that Treaty |
or that Agreement, and of its contents, and a copy pur- |
porting to be published by the King’s Printer is presumed |
to be so published unless the contrary is shown. |
Judicial notice — Whitecap Dakota law |
13 (1) Judicial notice must be taken of any Whitecap |
Dakota law that is registered in the public registry re- |
ferred to in 5.12 of the Treaty. |
Evidence |
(2) A copy of any Whitecap Dakota law purporting to be |
registered in the public registry referred to in 5.12 of the |
Treaty is evidence of that law and of its contents, unless |
the contrary is shown. |
Federal Courts Act |
14 (1) A decision-making body established under a |
Whitecap Dakota law, including a Whitecap Dakota insti- |
tution, is not a federal board, commission or other tri- |
bunal as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Federal Courts |
Act. |
Saskatchewan Court of King’s Bench |
(2) The Saskatchewan Court of King’s Bench has juris- |
diction to |
(a) make orders and issue injunctions and declaratory |
relief against a decision-making body referred to in |
subsection (1); and |
(b) undertake judicial review of the decisions of that |
decision-making body, provided that all review mech- |
anisms set out in Whitecap Dakota laws have been ex- |
hausted. |
2021-2022-2023 |
Chapter 22: Self-Government Treaty Recognizing the Whitecap Dakota Nation / |
Wapaha Ska Dakota Oyate Act |
Application of Other Acts |
Sections 11-14 |
Page 10 |
Notice |
15 (1) If an issue arises in any judicial or administrative |
proceeding in respect of the interpretation, validity or ap- |
plicability of the Treaty, of this Act or of any Whitecap |
Dakota law, then the issue must not be decided until the |
party raising the issue has served notice |
(a) on the Attorney General of Canada and the White- |
cap Dakota Government, in the case of a provision of |
the Treaty or this Act; and |
(b) on the Whitecap Dakota Government, in the case |
of a provision of a Whitecap Dakota law. |
Content and timing |
(2) The notice must be served at least 14 days before the |
day on which the issue is to be argued, unless the court or |
tribunal authorizes a shorter period, and must identify |
(a) the proceeding; |
(b) the subject matter of the issue; |
(c) the particulars that are necessary to show the |
point to be argued; and |
(d) the day on which the issue is to be argued. |
Participation |
(3) The recipient of a notice under subsection (1) may |
appear and participate in the proceeding as a party with |
the same rights as any other party. |
Clarification |
(4) For greater certainty, subsections (2) and (3) do not |
require that an oral hearing be held if one is not other- |
wise required. |
Retroactive effect |
16 Despite subsection 4(1), Chapter 33 and Schedule B |
of the Treaty are deemed to have effect as of August 22, |
2022. |
Orders and regulations |
17 (1) The Governor in Council may make any orders |
and regulations that the Governor in Council considers |
necessary for the purpose of carrying out any of the pro- |
visions of the Treaty, of the Tax Treatment Agreement or |
of any other agreements that are related to the imple- |
mentation of the Treaty. |
First Nations Fiscal Management Act |
(2) For the purpose of enabling the Whitecap Dakota Na- |
tion to benefit from the provisions of the First Nations |
2021-2022-2023 |
Chapter 22: Self-Government Treaty Recognizing the Whitecap Dakota Nation / |
Wapaha Ska Dakota Oyate Act |
General |
Sections 15-17 |
Page 11 |
Fiscal Management Act or obtain the services of any |
body established under that Act, the Governor in Council |
may make any regulations that the Governor in Council |
considers necessary, including regulations |
(a) adapting any provision of that Act or of any regula- |
tion made under that Act; and |
(b) restricting the application of any provision of that |
Act or of any regulation made under that Act. |
Consequential Amendments |
R.S., c. A-1 |
Access to Information Act |
18 Subsection 13(3) of the Access to Information |
Act is amended by adding the following after |
paragraph (h): |
(h.1) the Whitecap Dakota Government, as defined |
in section 2 of the Self-Government Treaty Recogniz- |
ing the Whitecap Dakota Nation / Wapaha Ska |
Dakota Oyate Act; |
R.S., c. M-13 |
Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act |
19 The definition taxing authority in subsection |
2(1) of the Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act is |
amended by striking out “or” at the end of para- |
graph (i), by adding “or” at the end of paragraph |
(j) and by adding the following after paragraph |
(j): |
(k) the Whitecap Dakota Government, as defined in |
section 2 of the Self-Government Treaty Recognizing |
the Whitecap Dakota Nation / Wapaha Ska Dakota |
Oyate Act, if it levies and collects a real property tax or |
a frontage or area tax in respect of Whitecap Dakota |
reserve lands, as defined in section 2 of that Act. |
R.S., c. P-21 |
Privacy Act |
20 (1) Paragraph 8(2)(f) of the Privacy Act is |
amended by adding the following after subpara- |
graph (vii): |
2021-2022-2023 |
Chapter 22: Self-Government Treaty Recognizing the Whitecap Dakota Nation / |
Wapaha Ska Dakota Oyate Act |
General |
Sections 17-20 |
Page 12 |
(vii.1) the Whitecap Dakota Government, as de- |
fined in section 2 of the Self-Government Treaty |
Recognizing the Whitecap Dakota Nation / Wapa- |
ha Ska Dakota Oyate Act; |
(2) Subsection 8(7) of the Act is amended by |
adding the following after paragraph (h): |
(h.1) the Whitecap Dakota Government, as defined |
in section 2 of the Self-Government Treaty Recogniz- |
ing the Whitecap Dakota Nation / Wapaha Ska |
Dakota Oyate Act; |
21 Subsection 19(1) of the Act is amended by |
adding the following after paragraph (e): |
(e.1) the Whitecap Dakota Government, as defined |
in section 2 of the Self-Government Treaty Recogniz- |
ing the Whitecap Dakota Nation / Wapaha Ska |
Dakota Oyate Act; |
2003, c. 15, s. 67 |
First Nations Goods and Services Tax |
Act |
22 (1) Column 1 of Schedule 1 to the First Na- |
tions Goods and Services Tax Act is amended by |
replacing “Whitecap Dakota First Nation” with |
“Whitecap Dakota Nation”. |
(2) Column 2 of Schedule 1 to the Act is amended |
by replacing “Council of the Whitecap Dakota |
First Nation” with “Whitecap Dakota Council”. |
(3) Column 3 of Schedule 1 to the Act is amended |
by replacing “Reserve of the Whitecap Dakota |
First Nation” with “Whitecap Dakota reserve lands, |
as defined in the Self-Government Treaty Recog- |
nizing the Whitecap Dakota Nation / Wapaha |
Ska Dakota Oyate Act”. |
23 (1) Column 1 of Schedule 2 to the Act is |
amended by replacing “Whitecap Dakota First |
Nation” with “Whitecap Dakota Nation”. |
(2) Column 2 of Schedule 2 to the Act is amended |
by replacing “Council of the Whitecap Dakota |
First Nation” with “Whitecap Dakota Council”. |
2021-2022-2023 |
Chapter 22: Self-Government Treaty Recognizing the Whitecap Dakota Nation / |
Wapaha Ska Dakota Oyate Act |
Consequential Amendments |
Privacy Act |
Sections 20-23 |
Page 13 |
(3) Column 3 of Schedule 2 to the Act is amended |
by replacing “Reserve of the Whitecap Dakota |
First Nation” with “Whitecap Dakota reserve lands, |
as defined in the Self-Government Treaty Recog- |
nizing the Whitecap Dakota Nation / Wapaha |
Ska Dakota Oyate Act”. |
2005, c. 9; 2012, c. 19, s. 658 |
First Nations Fiscal Management Act |
24 The schedule to the First Nations Fiscal Man- |
agement Act is amended by deleting the follow- |
ing: |
Whitecap Dakota First Nation |
Coming into Force |
Order in council |
25 This Act, other than section 16, comes into |
force on a day to be fixed by order of the Gover- |
nor in Council. |
Published under authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons |
2021-2022-2023 |
Chapter 22: Self-Government Treaty Recognizing the Whitecap Dakota Nation / |
Wapaha Ska Dakota Oyate Act |
Consequential Amendments |
First Nations Goods and Services Tax Act |
Sections 23-25 |
Page 14 |
Available on the House of Commons website |
Disponible sur le site Web de la Chambre des com |