data = { "Step 1": { "Requirements": ["SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)", "SQL Server Database Engine"], "Instructions": [ "Create a new SQL Server database named \"AI_LLM_Impact\".", "Design the database schema with relevant tables, columns, and relationships.", "Populate the tables with historical data from the past 3 years, including: AI & LLM Market Impact, Business Productivity, and Job Opportunities." ] }, "Step 2": { "File Name": "AI_LLM_Impact_Queries.txt", "Queries": [ { "Number": 1, "Name": "Top 5 Industries Affected by AI & LLM", "SQL": "SELECT industry, SUM(market_size) AS total_market_size FROM ai_llm_impact GROUP BY industry ORDER BY total_market_size DESC LIMIT 5;" }, # ... Add remaining queries from the file ... ] }, "Note": "This is just a sample file of queries. You can customize the queries based on your specific needs and data structure." }