import pandas as pd import random import nest_asyncio from fastapi import FastAPI from uvicorn import run , Config, Server import openai import threading from pydantic import BaseModel import os # Allow FastAPI to run in the notebook event loop nest_asyncio.apply() # Initialize FastAPI app app = FastAPI() # Load the CSV file into a DataFrame df = pd.read_csv('cleaned_toxic_tweets.csv') # Replace with the actual path to your CSV file # Ensure the 'tweet' column exists in the DataFrame if 'cleaned_tweet' not in df.columns: raise ValueError("The CSV file must contain a 'tweet' column") # Define request body model class TweetRequest(BaseModel): tweet: str # Endpoint to get a random tweet @app.get("/random_tweet") def get_random_tweet(): # Get a random value from the 'tweet' column random_tweet = random.choice(df['cleaned_tweet'].tolist()) return {"random_tweet": random_tweet}"/test_tweet_openapi") def test_tweet_openapi(request: TweetRequest): # Open AI Access toxic_comment = request.tweet import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)"Input: {toxic_comment}") ai_client = openai.OpenAI(api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")) response = ai_client.moderations.create(input=toxic_comment, model='omni-moderation-latest') # Extract the first result print("Open API omni-moderation-latest Response:") return response.results[0]"/test_tweet_huggingface") def test_tweet_huggingface(request: TweetRequest): from transformers import pipeline from transformers import pipeline # This model only tells toxic / not toxic when using pipeline way of getting results. # When using the Hugging Face pipeline for text classification # with the unitary/toxic-bert model, it typically provides a simple # classification output, such as "toxic" or "non-toxic." # This is because the pipeline is designed to give a straightforward result based on the model's predictions. toxic_comment = request.tweet pipe = pipeline("text-classification", model="unitary/toxic-bert") helper = pipe(toxic_comment) print("HF model unitary/toxic-bert Response:") return helper # API to shut down the server gracefully @app.get("/shutdown") def shutdown_server(): global server if server is not None: server.should_exit = True # Signal Uvicorn to shut down return "Server shutting down..." return "Server not running" # Global variable to store Uvicorn server instance server = None # Function to run FastAPI in a separate thread def run_fastapi(): global server config = Config(app, host="", port=5050, log_level="info") server = Server(config) def start_web_server(): # Run the FastAPI server in the background thread fastapi_thread = threading.Thread(target=run_fastapi, daemon=True) fastapi_thread.start() print("✅ FastAPI server is running in the background. You can proceed with other cells.")