GlotWeb / languages /luo_Latn.json
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kargaranamir HF staff
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613 Bytes
"Language Name": "Luo (Kenya and Tanzania)",
"Family": "Nilo-Saharan",
"Subgrouping": "Nilotic",
"Number of Speakers": "4_200_000",
"Supported by allenai/MADLAD-400": 1,
"Supported by facebook/flores": 1,
"Supported by cis-lmu/Glot500": 1,
"Sites": [
"Site Name": "",
"Site URL": "",
"Category": "radio station, news",
"Confidence": "🟩",
"Info": "confirmed by webpage metadata and glotlid",
"Possible Parallel Languages": "",
"Links": []