import os |
from google.cloud import vision |
import re |
import torch |
import torchvision |
import numpy as np |
from PIL import Image |
import albumentations as A |
from albumentations.pytorch import ToTensorV2 |
import tempfile |
import json |
def getcredentials(): |
secret_key_credential = os.getenv("secret_key") |
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+', delete= False, suffix=".json") as temp_file: |
temp_file.write(secret_key_credential) |
tempfile_name = temp_file.name |
return tempfile_name |
os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = getcredentials() |
def info_new_cni(donnees): |
informations = {} |
numero_carte = re.search(r'n° (C\d+)', ' '.join(donnees)) |
nom = re.search(r'Nom\s+(.*?)\s', ' '.join(donnees)) |
prenom = re.search(r'Prénom\(s\)\s+(.*?)\s+Nom\s+(.*?)', ' '.join(donnees)) |
date_naissance = re.search(r'Date de Naissance\s+(.*?)+(\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4})', ' '.join(donnees)) |
lieu_naissance = re.search(r'Lieu de Naissance\s+(.*?)\s', ' '.join(donnees)) |
taille = re.search(r'Sexe Taille\s+(.*?)+(\d+,\d+)', ' '.join(donnees)) |
nationalite = re.search(r'Nationalité\s+(.*?)\s+\d+', ' '.join(donnees)) |
date_expiration = re.search(r'Date d\'expiration\s+(\d+/\d+/\d+)', ' '.join(donnees)) |
sexe = re.search(r'Date de Naissance\s+(.*?)+(\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4})+(.*)', ' '.join(donnees)) |
if numero_carte: |
informations['Numéro de carte'] = numero_carte.group(1) |
if nom : |
informations['Nom'] = nom.group(1) |
if prenom: |
informations['Prénom'] = prenom.group(1) |
if date_naissance: |
informations['Date de Naissance'] = date_naissance.group(2) |
if lieu_naissance: |
informations['Lieu de Naissance'] = lieu_naissance.group(1) |
if taille: |
informations['Taille'] = taille.group(2) |
if nationalite: |
informations['Nationalité'] = nationalite.group(1) |
if date_expiration: |
informations['Date d\'expiration'] = date_expiration.group(1) |
if sexe : |
informations['sexe'] = sexe.group(3)[:2] |
return informations |
def info_ancien_cni(infos): |
""" Extract information in row data of ocr""" |
informations = {} |
immatriculation_patern = r'Immatriculation:\s+(C \d{4} \d{4} \d{2})' |
immatriculation = re.search(immatriculation_patern, ''.join(infos)) |
nom = infos[4] |
prenom_pattern = r'Nom\n(.*?)\n' |
prenom = re.search(prenom_pattern, '\n'.join(infos)) |
sexe_pattern = r'Prénoms\n(.*?)\n' |
sexe = re.search(sexe_pattern, '\n'.join(infos)) |
taille_pattern = r'Sexe\n(.*?)\n' |
taille = re.search(taille_pattern, '\n'.join(infos)) |
date_naiss_pattern = r'Taille\s+(.*?)+(\d+/\d+/\d+)' |
date_naissance = re.search(date_naiss_pattern, ' '.join(infos)) |
lieu_pattern = r'Date de Naissance\n(.*?)\n' |
lieu_naissance = re.search(lieu_pattern, '\n'.join(infos)) |
valide_pattern = r'Valide jusqu\'au+(.*?)+(\d+/\d+/\d+)' |
validite = re.search(valide_pattern, ' '.join(infos)) |
if immatriculation: |
informations['Immatriculation'] = immatriculation.group(1) |
if nom : |
informations['Nom'] = infos[4] |
if prenom: |
informations['Prénom'] = prenom.group(1) |
if date_naissance: |
informations['Date de Naissance'] = date_naissance.group(2) |
if lieu_naissance: |
informations['Lieu de Naissance'] = lieu_naissance.group(1) |
if taille: |
informations['Taille'] = taille.group(1) |
if validite: |
informations['Date d\'expiration'] = validite.group(2) |
if sexe : |
informations['sexe'] = sexe.group(1) |
return informations |
def filtrer_elements(liste): |
elements_filtres = [] |
for element in liste: |
elements_filtres.append(element) |
return elements_filtres |
def permis_de_conduite(donnees): |
""" Extraire les information de permis de conduire""" |
informations = {} |
infos = filtrer_elements(donnees) |
nom_pattern = r'Nom\n(.*?)\n' |
nom = re.search(nom_pattern, '\n'.join(infos)) |
prenom_pattern = r'Prénoms\n(.*?)\n' |
prenom = re.search(prenom_pattern, '\n'.join(infos)) |
date_lieu_naissance_patern = r'Date et lieu de naissance\n(.*?)\n' |
date_lieu_naissance = re.search(date_lieu_naissance_patern, '\n'.join(infos)) |
date_lieu_delivrance_patern = r'Date et lieu de délivrance\n(.*?)\n' |
date_lieu_delivrance = re.search(date_lieu_delivrance_patern, '\n'.join(infos)) |
numero_pattern = r'Numéro du permis de conduire\n(.*?)\n' |
numero = re.search(numero_pattern, '\n'.join(infos)) |
restriction_pattern = r'Restriction\(s\)\s+(.*?)+(.*)' |
restriction = re.search(restriction_pattern, ' '.join(infos)) |
if nom: |
informations['Nom'] = nom.group(1) |
if prenom : |
informations['Prenoms'] = prenom.group(1) |
if date_lieu_naissance : |
informations['Date_et_lieu_de_naissance'] = date_lieu_naissance.group(1) |
if date_lieu_naissance : |
informations['Date_et_lieu_de_délivrance'] = date_lieu_delivrance.group(1) |
informations['Categorie'] = infos[0] |
if numero: |
informations['Numéro_du_permis_de_conduire'] = numero.group(1) |
if restriction: |
informations['Restriction(s)'] = restriction.group(2) |
return informations |
def extraire_informations_carte(path, type_de_piece=1): |
""" Detect text in identity card""" |
client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() |
with open(path,'rb') as image_file: |
content = image_file.read() |
image = vision.Image(content = content) |
response = client.document_text_detection(image = image) |
texts = response.text_annotations |
ocr_texts = [] |
for text in texts: |
ocr_texts.append(f"\r\n{text.description}") |
if response.error.message : |
raise Exception("{}\n For more informations check : https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/errors".format(response.error.message)) |
donnees = ocr_texts[0].split('\n') |
if type_de_piece ==1: |
return info_new_cni(donnees) |
elif type_de_piece == 2: |
return info_ancien_cni(donnees) |
elif type_de_piece == 3: |
return permis_de_conduite(donnees) |
else : |
return "Le traitement de ce type de document n'est pas encore pris en charge" |
def load_checkpoint(path): |
print('--> Loading checkpoint') |
return torch.load(path,map_location=torch.device('cpu')) |
def make_prediction(image_path): |
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") |
model = load_checkpoint("data/model.pth") |
test_transforms = A.Compose([ |
A.Resize(height=224, width=224, always_apply=True), |
A.Normalize(always_apply=True), |
ToTensorV2(always_apply=True),]) |
image = np.array(Image.open(image_path).convert('RGB')) |
transformed = test_transforms(image= image) |
image_transformed = transformed["image"] |
image_transformed = image_transformed.unsqueeze(0) |
image_transformed = image_transformed.to(device) |
model.eval() |
with torch.set_grad_enabled(False): |
output = model(image_transformed) |
probabilities = torch.nn.functional.softmax(output[0], dim=0) |
predicted_class = torch.argmax(probabilities).item() |
proba = float(max(probabilities)) |
return proba, predicted_class |