import asyncio import threading from markdown_it import MarkdownIt from mdit_py_plugins import front_matter from reactpy import component, html, hooks, use_effect, svg, run # DELETE run FOR DEPLOYMENT from reactpy.backend.starlette import configure from starlette.applications import Starlette from vectara_agentic.agent import AgentStatusType from agent import initialize_agent, get_agent_config wait_message = "Please wait. Assistant at work..." @component def App(): # Used for showing/hiding logs show_logs, set_show_logs = hooks.use_state(False) # Determining when the "Show Logs" button should appear show_logs_button, set_show_logs_button = hooks.use_state(False) # Used for resetting chat bot with "Start Over" button. first_turn, set_first_turn = hooks.use_state(True) # Tracks the state of whether the header is collapsed or exapnded more_info, set_more_info = hooks.use_state(False) # Tracks the state of whether the footer is collapsed or expanded collapsed, set_collapse = hooks.use_state(False) # Record of Chat Messages messages, set_messages = hooks.use_state([]) message, set_message = hooks.use_state("") # input_value, set_input_value = hooks.use_state("") def use_agent_logger(): agent_log_entries, set_agent_log_entries = hooks.use_state([]) def reset_log_entries(): set_agent_log_entries([]) def add_log_entry(new_log_entry): set_agent_log_entries(lambda previous_entries: previous_entries + [new_log_entry]) return agent_log_entries, add_log_entry, reset_log_entries log_entries, add_log_entry, reset_log_entries = use_agent_logger() def update_func(status_type: AgentStatusType, msg: str): if status_type != AgentStatusType.AGENT_UPDATE: output = f"{status_type.value} - {msg}" add_log_entry(output) cfg, _ = hooks.use_state(get_agent_config()) agent, _ = hooks.use_state(initialize_agent(cfg, update_func)) def toggle_header(event=None): set_more_info(not more_info) def toggle_footer(event=None): set_collapse(not collapsed) # Clears all messages and resets chat interface def start_over(event=None): set_messages([]) set_first_turn(True) def display_message(new_messages): if first_turn: set_first_turn(False) set_messages(messages + list(new_messages)) async def chat_response(user_message): response = await asyncio.to_thread(, user_message) return response async def send_message_async(sent_message): response = await chat_response(sent_message) set_messages(messages[:-1]) display_message( [ {"user": "human", "message": sent_message}, {"user": "bot", "message": response}, ] ) set_show_logs_button(True) def send_message(event=None): print(f"DEBUG: SEND MESSAGE CALLED FOR MESSAGE {message}") if message.strip(): sent_message = message set_message("") # set_input_value("") set_show_logs_button(False) set_show_logs(False) reset_log_entries() display_message([{"user": "human", "message": sent_message}]) display_message([{"user": "bot", "message": wait_message}]) asyncio.create_task(send_message_async(sent_message)) def send_example(ex_prompt): if ex_prompt.strip(): sent_message = ex_prompt set_message("") reset_log_entries() display_message([{"user": "human", "message": sent_message}]) display_message([{"user": "bot", "message": wait_message}]) asyncio.create_task(send_message_async(sent_message)) async def handle_key_down(event): if event['key'] == 'Enter' and message.strip(): await send_message() set_message("") def handle_input_change(event): set_message(event['target']['value']) @component def Header(demo_name: str, short_description: str, extra_info: str): return html.header( { "style": { "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", "display": "flex", "justifyContent": "space-between", "alignItems": "center", } }, html.div( { "style": { "display": "flex", "alignItems": "center", "flex": 2, "textAlign": "left", "padding": "10px", } }, html.img( { "src": "", "style": { "height": "30px", "marginRight": "15px", "marginLeft": "5px", "transform": "translateY(-2px)", } } ), html.p( { "style": { "fontSize": "25px", "fontFamily": "Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif", } }, f"{demo_name}" ), ), html.div( { "style": { "flex": 5, "textAlign": "center", "padding": "10px 0px 15px 0px", "fontFamily": "Lato", "position": "relative", } }, html.h3(f"Welcome to the {demo_name} Demo"), html.p( short_description, html.button( { "style": { "display": "inline" if not more_info else "none", "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", "color": "#757575", "fontSize": "13px", "cursor": "pointer", "border": "none", "padding": "0px 0px 0px 5px", }, "type": "button", "onClick": toggle_header, }, html.u( { "style": { "flex": 2, "textAlign": "right", "padding": "10px", } }, "Learn More" ) ), f" {extra_info}" if more_info else "" ), html.button( { "style": { "display": "block" if more_info else "none", "background": "none", "border": "none", "color": "#757575", "cursor": "pointer", "position": "absolute", "left": "50%", "transform": "translateX(-50%)", "bottom": "1px", }, "type": "button", "on_click": toggle_header, }, svg.svg( { "width": "20", "height": "20", "viewBox": "0 0 20 20", "fill": "none", "stroke": "black", "strokeWidth": "2", "strokeLinecap": "round", "strokeLinejoin": "round", }, svg.path( { "d": "M12 19V5M5 12l7-7 7 7", "stroke": "currentColor", } ) ) ) ), html.div( { "style": { "flex": 2, "textAlign": "right", "padding": "10px", } }, html.button( { "style": { "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", "color": "#757575", "fontSize": "14px", "cursor": "pointer", "border": "1px solid #e2dfdf", "borderRadius": "5px", "padding": "6px 20px", "marginRight": "15px", }, "type": "button", "onClick": start_over, }, "Start Over?" ) ) ) def markdown_to_html(markdown_text): md = ( MarkdownIt("commonmark", {"breaks": True, "html": True}) .use(front_matter.front_matter_plugin) ) return md.render(markdown_text) @component def MarkdownRenderer(content): html_content = markdown_to_html(content) return html.div( { "style": { "fontFamily": "Arial", "color": "#49454F", "fontSize": "14px", }, "dangerouslySetInnerHTML": {"__html": html_content} } ) @component def ExamplePrompts(): example_questions = [example.strip() for example in cfg['examples'].split(";")] if cfg.examples else [] def create_prompt_button(question): return html.button( { "style": { "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", "borderWidth": "1px", "borderColor": "#65558F", "borderRadius": "20px", "padding": "5px 7px", "margin": "5px", "cursor": "pointer", "color": "#21005D", "fontSize": "13px", }, "type": "button", "onClick": lambda _: send_example(question), }, question ) if first_turn: return html.div( { "style": { "display": "flex", "transform": "translate(4%, 100%)", "flexDirection": "column", "justifyContent": "center", "width": "90%", } }, html.p( { "style": { "fontSize": "16px", "fontFamily": "Arial", "color": "#49454F", "marginBottom": "5px", "transform": "translateX(3%)", "textAlign": "left", } }, "Queries to try:" ), html.div( { "style": { "display": "flex", "flexWrap": "wrap", "justifyContent": "center", } }, *[create_prompt_button(q) for q in example_questions] ) ) return None @component def ChatBox(): return html.div( { "style": { "position": "fixed", "bottom": "70px" if collapsed else "140px", "left": "50%", "transform": "translateX(-50%)", "width": "80%", "display": "flex", "alignItems": "center", "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", "borderRadius": "50px", "zIndex": "1000", } }, html.input( { "type": "text", "value": message, "placeholder": "Your Message", "onChange": handle_input_change, "onKeyDown": handle_key_down, "style": { "width": "100%", "padding": "10px 50px 10px 20px", "border": "none", "borderRadius": "50px", "color": "#65558F", } } ), html.button( { "type": "button", "onClick": send_message, "style": { "position": "absolute", "right": "8px", "top": "50%", "transform":"translateY(-50%)", "background": "none", "border": "none", "cursor": "pointer", "padding": "8px", "display": "flex", "alignItems": "center", "justifyContent": "center", } }, svg.svg( { "xmlns": "", "width": "20", "height": "20", "fill": "none", "stroke": "currentColor", "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", "stroke-width": "2", "viewBox": "0 0 24 24", "class": "feather feather-send", }, svg.path({"d": "M22 2 11 13"}), svg.path({"d": "M22 2 15 22 11 13 2 9z"}) ) ) ) @component def ChatMessage(user, message): return html.div( { "style": { "display": "flex", "width": "75%", "transform": "translateX(20%)", "justifyContent": "flex-end" if user == "human" else "flex-start", "margin": "20px 0px 10px 0px" } }, html.div( { "style": { "maxWidth": "50%", "padding": "0px 15px 0px 10px", "borderRadius": "15px", "backgroundColor": "#E8DEF8" if user == "human" else "#ECE6F0", "color": "#000000", } }, MarkdownRenderer(message) ) ) @component def Logs(): if (len(messages) > 0) and (len(log_entries) > 0) and (messages[-1]["message"] != wait_message) and (show_logs_button): if not show_logs: return html.div( { "style": { "display": "flex", "transform": "translateX(75%)", "width": "20%", "margin": "0px", } }, html.button( { "style": { "position": "flex", "background": "none", "color": "#757575", "border": "none", "cursor": "pointer", "fontFamily": "Arial", "fontSize": "14px", }, "type": "button", "onClick": lambda _: set_show_logs(True) }, "Show Logs" ) ) else: return html.div( { "style": { "display": "flex", "transform": "translateX(20%)", "border": "2px solid #e2dfdf", "borderRadius": "10px", "width": "75%", } }, html.div( [ html.p( { "style": { "fontSize": "14px", "marginLeft": "10px", } }, entry ) for entry in log_entries ], html.button( { "style": { "position": "flex", "background": "none", "color": "#757575", "border": "none", "cursor": "pointer", "fontFamily": "Arial", "fontSize": "14px", "marginBottom": "10px", "marginLeft": "5px", }, "type": "button", "onClick": lambda _: set_show_logs(False) }, "Hide Logs" ) ) ) return None @component def ChatUI(): def render_chat_content(): if first_turn: return ExamplePrompts() else: return [ChatMessage(msg["user"], msg["message"]) for msg in messages] return html.div( { "style": { "display": "flex", "flexDirection": "column", "padding": "10px", "backgroundColor": "#F4F1F4", "overflowY": "auto", "height": f"calc(100vh - {265 if collapsed else 335}px)", "marginBottom": "15px", "paddingBottom": "15px", }, }, render_chat_content(), Logs() ) @component def Footer(): if collapsed: return html.footer( { "style": { "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", "position": "fixed", "bottom": 0, "width": "100%", "height": "50px", } }, html.button( { "style": { "background": "none", "border": "none", "color": "#757575", "cursor": "pointer", "position": "absolute", "bottom": "5px", "right": "10px", }, "type": "button", "on_click": toggle_footer, }, svg.svg( { "xmlns": "", "width": "24", "height": "24", "fill": "none", "stroke": "currentColor", "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", "stroke-width": "3", "viewBox": "0 0 24 24", }, svg.path({"d": "M19 14l-7-7-7 7"}) ) ) ) else: return html.footer( { "style": { "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", "position": "fixed", "bottom": 0, "width": "100%", } }, html.div( { "style": { "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", "padding": "0px 20px 0px 50px", "position": "relative", "display": "block", } }, html.button( { "style": { "position": "absolute", "right": "10px", "background": "none", "border": "none", "color": "#757575", "cursor": "pointer", }, "type": "button", "on_click": toggle_footer, }, svg.svg( { "xmlns": "", "width": "24", "height": "24", "fill": "none", "stroke": "currentColor", "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", "stroke-width": "3", "viewBox": "0 0 24 24", }, svg.path({"d": "M18 6L6 18"}), svg.path({"d": "M6 6l12 12"}) ) ), html.p( { "style": { "fontSize": "20px", "color": "#4b4851" } }, "How this works?", ), html.p( { "style": { "color": "#757575", } }, "This app was built with ", html.a( { "href": "", "target": "_blank", }, "Vectara", ),, "It demonstrates the use of Agentic-RAG functionality with Vectara", ) ) ) return html.div( { "style": { "backgroundColor": "#F4F1F4", "margin": "0", "padding": "0", "minHeight": "100vh", "display": "flex", "boxSizing": "border-box", "flexDirection": "column", "overflowX": "hidden", "position": "relative", } }, html.head(""" body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } """) ), Header( demo_name=cfg['demo_name'], short_description=cfg['short_description'], extra_info=cfg['extra_info'] ), ChatUI(), ChatBox(), Footer(), ) # app = Starlette() # configure(app, App) # Should only need for local testing if __name__ == "__main__": run(App)