from termcolor import colored |
import os |
def print_text_green(string): |
print(colored(string, "light_green")) |
def print_text_cyan(string): |
print(colored(string, "cyan")) |
def print_text_white(string): |
print(colored(string, "white")) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
print_text_green("#" * 20) |
print_text_cyan(" Welcome to") |
print(" 🎮 " + colored("Text", "white")+ colored("Games", "yellow")) |
print_text_green("#" * 20) |
print_text_green("Games:") |
for i, game_name in zip(range(len(GAME_NAMES)), GAME_NAMES): |
print_text_green(f"{i+1}. {game_name}") |
print_text_green("#" * 20) |
cur_game_id = os.getenv("GAME_ID", None) |
difficulty_level = os.getenv("GAME_LEVEL", None) |
while cur_game_id is None: |
user_input = str(input(f"Choose the game> ")) |
if user_input in GAME_IDS: |
cur_game_id = user_input |
print_text_green("#" * 20) |
print_text_green("Difficulty Levels:") |
for i, l in zip(LEVEL_IDS, LEVELS): |
print_text_green(f"{i}. {l}") |
print_text_green("#" * 20) |
while difficulty_level is None: |
user_input = str(input(f"Choose the difficulty level> ")) |
if user_input in LEVEL_IDS: |
difficulty_level = user_input |
else: |
print("The difficulty level option is not available.") |
else: |
arr = user_input.split("-") |
if len(arr) == 2 and isinstance(arr[0], str) and isinstance(arr[1], str): |
if arr[0] in GAME_IDS and arr[1] in LEVEL_IDS: |
cur_game_id = arr[0] |
difficulty_level = arr[1] |
else: |
print("The game option is not available.") |
cur_game = None |
this_game_name = GAME_NAMES[GAME_IDS.index(cur_game_id)] |
this_difficulty_level = (LEVELS + LEVELS_HIDDEN)[LEVEL_IDS.index(difficulty_level)].replace("\t", " ") |
print_text_green(f"Game chosen: {this_game_name} and Difficulty Level: {this_difficulty_level}") |
solved = False |
cur_game = new_game(this_game_name, difficulty_level) |
print(colored("######## Game Start !! ########", "light_green")) |
print(cur_game.get_prompt()) |
while not solved: |
contents = [] |
while True: |
try: |
line = str(input("\t" if contents else f"Guess>\t")) |
if cur_game_id in SINGLE_LINE_GAME_IDS: |
contents.append(line) |
break |
if len(line) == 0: |
break |
except EOFError: |
break |
contents.append(line) |
user_input = '\n'.join(contents) |
solved, val_msg = cur_game.validate(user_input) |
if val_msg: |
print(val_msg) |
print(f"Attempt #{len(cur_game.attempt_timestamps)}:", "Correct guess" if solved else "Bad guess", end="\n\n") |
print(f"Time to solve: {round(cur_game.attempt_timestamps[-1] - cur_game.start_timestamp, 1)}s") |
print("Thank you for playing!") |