from flask import Flask,request,render_template,send_file import os app=Flask(__name__) MESSAGED={'title':'Script Server', 'messageL':['script in "script" parameter or field of json input to /run will be run']} @app.route("/file/") def return_pdf(filename): return send_file(filename) @app.route('/run',methods=['GET','POST']) def run_script(): script='' # print(request.method) print(request) if request.method=='GET': script=request.args.get('script') print('I am in get') elif request.method=='POST': print('I am in post') data=request.get_json() if 'script' in data: script=data['script'] if script=='' or script is None: return 'INVALID' os.system(script+' > ./out.txt') with open('./out.txt','r') as f: return output @app.route('/',methods=['GET', 'POST']) def home(): return render_template('home.html',messageD=MESSAGED) if __name__=='__main__':"", port=7860)