<script lang="ts"> | |
import type { Conversation } from "./types"; | |
import { onDestroy } from "svelte"; | |
import hljs from "highlight.js/lib/core"; | |
import javascript from "highlight.js/lib/languages/javascript"; | |
import python from "highlight.js/lib/languages/python"; | |
import http from "highlight.js/lib/languages/http"; | |
import IconCopyCode from "../Icons/IconCopyCode.svelte"; | |
import { isSystemPromptSupported } from "./inferencePlaygroundUtils"; | |
hljs.registerLanguage("javascript", javascript); | |
hljs.registerLanguage("python", python); | |
hljs.registerLanguage("http", http); | |
export let conversation: Conversation; | |
export let hfToken: string; | |
const lanuages = ["javascript", "python", "http"]; | |
type Language = (typeof lanuages)[number]; | |
const labelsByLanguage: Record<Language, string> = { | |
javascript: "JavaScript", | |
python: "Python", | |
http: "Curl", | |
}; | |
interface Snippet { | |
label: string; | |
code: string; | |
language?: Language; | |
needsToken?: boolean; | |
} | |
interface MessagesJoiner { | |
sep: string; | |
start: string; | |
end: string; | |
} | |
let selectedLanguage: Language = "javascript"; | |
let timeout: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>; | |
let showToken = false; | |
$: tokenStr = getTokenStr(showToken); | |
$: snippetsByLanguage = { | |
javascript: getJavascriptSnippets(conversation, tokenStr), | |
python: getPythonSnippets(conversation, tokenStr), | |
http: getHttpSnippets(conversation, tokenStr), | |
}; | |
function getTokenStr(showToken: boolean) { | |
if (hfToken && showToken) { | |
return hfToken; | |
} | |
return "YOUR_HF_TOKEN"; | |
} | |
function getMessages() { | |
const placeholder = [{ role: "user", content: "Tell me a story" }]; | |
let messages = [...conversation.messages]; | |
if (messages.length === 1 && messages[0].role === "user" && !messages[0].content) { | |
messages = placeholder; | |
} | |
const { model, systemMessage } = conversation; | |
if (isSystemPromptSupported(model) && systemMessage.content?.length) { | |
messages.unshift(systemMessage); | |
} | |
messages ={ role, content }) => ({ | |
role, | |
content: JSON.stringify(content).slice(1, -1), | |
})); | |
return messages; | |
} | |
function highlight(code: string, language: Language) { | |
return hljs.highlight(code, { language }).value; | |
} | |
function getJavascriptSnippets(conversation: Conversation, tokenStr: string) { | |
const formattedMessages = ({ sep, start, end }: MessagesJoiner) => | |
start + | |
getMessages() | |
.map(({ role, content }) => `{ role: "${role}", content: "${content}" }`) | |
.join(sep) + | |
end; | |
const formattedConfig = ({ sep, start, end }: MessagesJoiner) => | |
start + | |
Object.entries(conversation.config) | |
.map(([key, val]) => `${key}: ${val}`) | |
.join(sep) + | |
end; | |
const snippets: Snippet[] = []; | |
snippets.push({ | |
label: "Install @huggingface/inference", | |
language: "http", | |
code: `npm install --save @huggingface/inference`, | |
}); | |
if (conversation.streaming) { | |
snippets.push({ | |
label: "Streaming API", | |
needsToken: true, | |
code: `import { HfInference } from "@huggingface/inference" | |
const inference = new HfInference("${tokenStr}") | |
let out = ""; | |
for await (const chunk of inference.chatCompletionStream({ | |
model: "${}", | |
messages: ${formattedMessages({ sep: ",\n\t", start: "[\n\t", end: "\n ]" })}, | |
${formattedConfig({ sep: ",\n ", start: "", end: "" })} | |
})) { | |
if (chunk.choices && chunk.choices.length > 0) { | |
const newContent = chunk.choices[0].delta.content; | |
out += newContent; | |
console.log(newContent); | |
} | |
}`, | |
}); | |
} else { | |
// non-streaming | |
snippets.push({ | |
label: "Non-Streaming API", | |
needsToken: true, | |
code: `import { HfInference } from '@huggingface/inference' | |
const inference = new HfInference("${tokenStr}") | |
const out = await inference.chatCompletion({ | |
model: "${}", | |
messages: ${formattedMessages({ sep: ",\n\t\t", start: "[\n\t\t", end: "\n\t]" })}, | |
${formattedConfig({ sep: ",\n\t", start: "", end: "" })} | |
}); | |
console.log(out.choices[0].message);`, | |
}); | |
} | |
return snippets; | |
} | |
function getPythonSnippets(conversation: Conversation, tokenStr: string) { | |
const formattedMessages = ({ sep, start, end }: MessagesJoiner) => | |
start + | |
getMessages() | |
.map(({ role, content }) => `{ "role": "${role}", "content": "${content}" }`) | |
.join(sep) + | |
end; | |
const formattedConfig = ({ sep, start, end, connector }: MessagesJoiner & { connector: string }) => | |
start + | |
Object.entries(conversation.config) | |
.map(([key, val]) => `${key}${connector}${val}`) | |
.join(sep) + | |
end; | |
const snippets: Snippet[] = []; | |
snippets.push({ | |
label: "Install the latest huggingface_hub", | |
language: "http", | |
code: `pip install huggingface_hub --upgrade`, | |
}); | |
if (conversation.streaming) { | |
snippets.push({ | |
label: "Streaming API", | |
needsToken: true, | |
code: `from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient | |
client = InferenceClient(api_key="${tokenStr}") | |
messages = ${formattedMessages({ sep: ",\n\t", start: `[\n\t`, end: `\n]` })} | |
output = | |
model="${}", | |
messages=messages, | |
stream=True, | |
${formattedConfig({ sep: ",\n\t", start: "", end: "", connector: "=" })} | |
) | |
for chunk in output: | |
print(chunk.choices[0].delta.content)`, | |
}); | |
} else { | |
// non-streaming | |
snippets.push({ | |
label: "Non-Streaming API", | |
needsToken: true, | |
code: `from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient | |
model_id="${}" | |
client = InferenceClient(api_key="${tokenStr}") | |
messages = ${formattedMessages({ sep: ",\n\t", start: `[\n\t`, end: `\n]` })} | |
output = | |
model="${}", | |
messages=messages, | |
${formattedConfig({ sep: ",\n\t", start: "", end: "", connector: "=" })} | |
) | |
print(output.choices[0].message)`, | |
}); | |
} | |
return snippets; | |
} | |
function getHttpSnippets(conversation: Conversation, tokenStr: string) { | |
if (tokenStr === "YOUR_HF_TOKEN") { | |
tokenStr = "{YOUR_HF_TOKEN}"; | |
} | |
const formattedMessages = ({ sep, start, end }: MessagesJoiner) => | |
start + | |
getMessages() | |
.map(({ role, content }) => { | |
// escape single quotes since single quotes is used to define http post body inside curl requests | |
content = content?.replace(/'/g, "'\\''"); | |
return `{ "role": "${role}", "content": "${content}" }`; | |
}) | |
.join(sep) + | |
end; | |
const formattedConfig = ({ sep, start, end }: MessagesJoiner) => | |
start + | |
Object.entries(conversation.config) | |
.map(([key, val]) => `"${key}": ${val}`) | |
.join(sep) + | |
end; | |
const snippets: Snippet[] = []; | |
if (conversation.streaming) { | |
snippets.push({ | |
label: "Streaming API", | |
needsToken: true, | |
code: `curl '${}/v1/chat/completions' \\ | |
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${tokenStr}" \\ | |
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ | |
--data '{ | |
"model": "${}", | |
"messages": ${formattedMessages({ sep: ",\n ", start: `[\n `, end: `\n]` })}, | |
${formattedConfig({ sep: ",\n ", start: "", end: "" })}, | |
"stream": true | |
}'`, | |
}); | |
} else { | |
// non-streaming | |
snippets.push({ | |
label: "Non-Streaming API", | |
needsToken: true, | |
code: `curl '${}/v1/chat/completions' \\ | |
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${tokenStr}" \\ | |
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ | |
--data '{ | |
"model": "${}", | |
"messages": ${formattedMessages({ sep: ",\n ", start: `[\n `, end: `\n]` })}, | |
${formattedConfig({ sep: ",\n ", start: "", end: "" })} | |
}'`, | |
}); | |
} | |
return snippets; | |
} | |
onDestroy(() => { | |
if (timeout) { | |
clearTimeout(timeout); | |
} | |
}); | |
</script> | |
<div class="px-2 pt-2"> | |
<div | |
class="border-b border-gray-200 text-center text-sm font-medium text-gray-500 dark:border-gray-700 dark:text-gray-400" | |
> | |
<ul class="-mb-px flex flex-wrap"> | |
{#each Object.entries(labelsByLanguage) as [language, label]} | |
<li> | |
<button | |
on:click={() => (selectedLanguage = language)} | |
class="inline-block rounded-t-lg border-b-2 p-4 {language === selectedLanguage | |
? 'border-black text-black dark:border-blue-500 dark:text-blue-500' | |
: 'border-transparent hover:border-gray-300 hover:text-gray-600 dark:hover:text-gray-300'}" | |
aria-current="page">{label}</button | |
> | |
</li> | |
{/each} | |
</ul> | |
</div> | |
{#each snippetsByLanguage[selectedLanguage] as { label, code, language, needsToken }} | |
<div class="flex items-center justify-between px-2 pb-4 pt-6"> | |
<h2 class="font-semibold">{label}</h2> | |
<div class="flex items-center gap-x-4"> | |
{#if needsToken && hfToken} | |
<label class="flex select-none items-center gap-x-1.5 text-sm"> | |
<input type="checkbox" bind:checked={showToken} /> | |
<p class="leading-none">With token</p> | |
</label> | |
{/if} | |
<button | |
class="flex items-center gap-x-2 rounded-md border bg-white px-1.5 py-0.5 text-sm shadow-sm transition dark:border-gray-800 dark:bg-gray-800" | |
on:click={e => { | |
const el = e.currentTarget; | |
el.classList.add("text-green-500"); | |
navigator.clipboard.writeText(code); | |
if (timeout) { | |
clearTimeout(timeout); | |
} | |
timeout = setTimeout(() => { | |
el.classList.remove("text-green-500"); | |
}, 400); | |
}} | |
> | |
<IconCopyCode classNames="text-xs" /> Copy code | |
</button> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<pre | |
class="overflow-x-auto rounded-lg border border-gray-200/80 bg-white px-4 py-6 text-sm shadow-sm dark:border-gray-800 dark:bg-gray-800/50">{@html highlight( | |
code, | |
language ?? selectedLanguage | |
)}</pre> | |
{/each} | |
</div> | |