import numpy as np def parse_block(block): # Parse button A A = block.split("\n")[0] _, ax, ay = A.split("+") ax = ax.split(",")[0] # Parse button B B = block.split("\n")[1] _, bx, by = B.split("+") bx = bx.split(",")[0] # Parse prize loc P = block.split("\n")[2] _, px, py = P.split("=") px = px.split(",")[0] ax, ay = int(ax), int(ay) bx, by = int(bx), int(by) px, py = int(px), int(py) return np.array([[ax, bx], [ay, by]]), np.array([[px], [py]]) def load_data(file): with open(file) as f: data = blocks = [parse_block(block) for block in data.split("\n\n")] return blocks def solve_equation(W, Y): # Each block consists of W, Y matrices, we solve the question # X = W^-1 * Y X = (np.linalg.inv(W) @ Y) return X def is_valid(a): return np.isclose(a, round(a)) and a <= 100 def solve(file): blocks = load_data(file) total = 0 for block in blocks: W, Y = block X = solve_equation(W, Y) a, b = X[0][0], X[1][0] if is_valid(a) and is_valid(b): total += round(a)* 3 + round(b)*1 print((total)) ## Part 1 file = "input.txt" solve(file) ## Part 2 def is_valid(a): return np.isclose(a, round(a), atol=0.01, rtol=0) and a >= 0 def solve_2(file, offset): blocks = load_data(file) total = 0 for block in blocks: W, Y = block Y = Y + offset X = solve_equation(W, Y) a, b = X[0][0], X[1][0] if is_valid(a) and is_valid(b): total += round(a)* 3 + round(b)* 1 print((total)) file = "input.txt" offset = 10000000000000 solve_2(file, offset)