import streamlit as st import pandas as pd from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel, AutoModelForSequenceClassification, pipeline from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer from bertopic import BERTopic import torch import numpy as np from collections import Counter import os from wordcloud import WordCloud import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pkg_resources import folium import country_converter as coco import time import gc def clear_memory(): if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.empty_cache() gc.collect() current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) font_path = os.path.join(current_dir, "ArabicR2013-J25x.ttf") ARABIC_STOP_WORDS = { 'في', 'من', 'إلى', 'على', 'علي', 'عن', 'مع', 'خلال', 'حتي', 'حتى', 'إذا', 'ثم', 'أو', 'و', 'ل', 'ب', 'ك', 'لل', 'ال', 'هذا', 'هذه', 'ذلك', 'تلك', 'هؤلاء', 'هم', 'هن', 'هو', 'هي','هنا', 'نحن', 'انت', 'انتم', 'كان', 'كانت', 'يكون', 'تكون', 'اي', 'كل', 'بعض', 'غير', 'حول', 'عند', 'قد', 'لقد', 'لم', 'لن', 'لو', 'ما', 'ماذا', 'متى', 'كيف', 'اين', 'لماذا', 'الذي', 'التي', 'الذين', 'اللاتي', 'اللواتي', 'الان', 'بين', 'فوق', 'تحت', 'امام', 'خلف', 'حين', 'قبل', 'بعد', 'أن', 'له', 'كما', 'لها', 'منذ', 'نفس', 'حيث', 'هناك', 'جدا', 'ذات', 'ضمن', 'انه', 'لدى', 'عليه', 'مثل', 'أما', 'لدي', 'فيه', 'كلم', 'لكن', 'ايضا', 'لازم', 'يجب', 'صار', 'صارت', 'ضد', 'يا', 'لا', 'اما', 'بها', 'ان', 'به', 'الي', 'لما', 'انا', 'اليك', 'لي', 'لك','اذا','بلا','او','لديك','لديه','اني','كنت','ليس','ايها', 'قلت', 'وثم', 'وأو', 'ول', 'وب', 'وك', 'ولل', 'وال', 'وهذا', 'وهذه', 'وذلك', 'وتلك', 'وهؤلاء', 'وهم', 'وهن', 'وهو', 'وهي', 'ونحن', 'وانت', 'وانتم', 'وكان', 'وكانت', 'ويكون', 'وتكون', 'واي', 'وكل', 'وبعض', 'وغير', 'وحول', 'وعند', 'وقد', 'ولقد', 'ولم', 'ولن', 'ولو', 'وما', 'وماذا', 'ومتى', 'وكيف', 'واين', 'ولماذا', 'والذي', 'والتي', 'والذين', 'واللاتي', 'واللواتي', 'والان', 'وبين', 'وفوق','وهنا', 'وتحت', 'وامام', 'وخلف', 'وحين', 'وقبل', 'وبعد', 'وأن', 'وله', 'وكما', 'ولها', 'ومنذ', 'ونفس', 'وحيث', 'وهناك', 'وجدا', 'وذات', 'وضمن', 'وانه', 'ولدى', 'وعليه', 'ومثل', 'وأما', 'وفيه', 'وكلم', 'ولكن', 'وايضا', 'ولازم', 'ويجب', 'وصار', 'وصارت', 'وضد', 'ويا', 'ولا', 'واما', 'وبها', 'وان', 'وبه', 'والي', 'ولما', 'وانا', 'واليك', 'ولي', 'ولك', 'وقلت', 'وفي', 'ومن', 'وعلى', 'وعلي', 'وعن', 'ومع', 'وحتى', 'وإذا', 'وهذا', 'وهذه', 'وذلك', 'وتلك', 'وهو', 'وهي', 'ونحن', 'وكان', 'وكانت', 'وكل', 'وبعض', 'وحول', 'وعند', 'وقد', 'ولقد', 'ولم', 'ولن', 'وما', 'وكيف', 'واين', 'والذي', 'وبين', 'وقبل', 'وبعد', 'وله', 'ولها', 'وهناك', 'وانه', 'منه','الا','فيها','فلا','وكم','يكن','عليك','منها','فما','لهم','يكن','واني','هل','فهل','بي','نحو','كي','سوف','كنا','لنا','معا','كلما','وإذا','منه','عنه','إذ','كم','بل','فيها','هكذا','لهم','ولدى', 'وعليه', 'ومثل', 'واحد', 'اثنان', 'ثلاثة', 'أربعة', 'خمسة', 'ستة', 'سبعة', 'ثمانية', 'تسعة', 'عشرة', 'الأول', 'الثاني', 'الثالث', 'الرابع', 'الخامس', 'السادس', 'السابع', 'الثامن', 'التاسع', 'العاشر' } COUNTRY_MAPPING = { 'مصر': 'Egypt', 'السعودية': 'Saudi Arabia', 'الإمارات': 'UAE', 'الكويت': 'Kuwait', 'العراق': 'Iraq', 'سوريا': 'Syria', 'لبنان': 'Lebanon', 'الأردن': 'Jordan', 'فلسطين': 'Palestine', 'اليمن': 'Yemen', 'عمان': 'Oman', 'قطر': 'Qatar', 'البحرين': 'Bahrain', 'السودان': 'Sudan', 'ليبيا': 'Libya', 'تونس': 'Tunisia', 'الجزائر': 'Algeria', 'المغرب': 'Morocco', 'موريتانيا': 'Mauritania' } st.set_page_config( page_title="Contemporary Arabic Poetry Analysis", page_icon="📚", layout="wide" ) @st.cache_resource def load_models(): """Load and cache the models to prevent reloading""" tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("CAMeL-Lab/bert-base-arabic-camelbert-msa-sentiment") bert_model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("aubmindlab/bert-base-arabertv2") emotion_model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("CAMeL-Lab/bert-base-arabic-camelbert-msa-sentiment") emotion_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("CAMeL-Lab/bert-base-arabic-camelbert-msa-sentiment") emotion_classifier = pipeline( "sentiment-analysis", model=emotion_model, tokenizer=emotion_tokenizer, return_all_scores=True ) return tokenizer, bert_model, emotion_classifier def split_text(text, max_length=512): """Split text into chunks of maximum token length while preserving word boundaries.""" words = text.split() chunks = [] current_chunk = [] current_length = 0 for word in words: word_length = len(word.split()) if current_length + word_length > max_length: if current_chunk: chunks.append(' '.join(current_chunk)) current_chunk = [word] current_length = word_length else: current_chunk.append(word) current_length += word_length if current_chunk: chunks.append(' '.join(current_chunk)) return chunks def get_country_coordinates(): """Returns dictionary of Arab country coordinates""" return { 'Egypt': [26.8206, 30.8025], 'Saudi Arabia': [23.8859, 45.0792], 'UAE': [23.4241, 53.8478], 'Kuwait': [29.3117, 47.4818], 'Iraq': [33.2232, 43.6793], 'Syria': [34.8021, 38.9968], 'Lebanon': [33.8547, 35.8623], 'Jordan': [30.5852, 36.2384], 'Palestine': [31.9522, 35.2332], 'Yemen': [15.5527, 48.5164], 'Oman': [21.4735, 55.9754], 'Qatar': [25.3548, 51.1839], 'Bahrain': [26.0667, 50.5577], 'Sudan': [12.8628, 30.2176], 'Libya': [26.3351, 17.2283], 'Tunisia': [33.8869, 9.5375], 'Algeria': [28.0339, 1.6596], 'Morocco': [31.7917, -7.0926], 'Mauritania': [21.0079, -10.9408] } def create_topic_map(summaries): # Debug print to check incoming data print("DEBUG - First summary emotions:", summaries[0]['top_emotions']) coordinates = get_country_coordinates() m = folium.Map(location=[27.0, 42.0], zoom_start=5) sentiment_colors = { 'LABEL_1': 'green', # Positive 'LABEL_0': 'red', # Negative 'LABEL_2': 'blue' # Neutral } for summary in summaries: country_en = COUNTRY_MAPPING.get(summary['country']) if country_en and country_en in coordinates: REVERSE_EMOTION_LABELS = { 'positive': 'LABEL_1', 'negative': 'LABEL_0', 'neutral': 'LABEL_2' } dominant_emotion = summary['top_emotions'][0]['emotion'] if summary['top_emotions'] else "neutral" dominant_label = REVERSE_EMOTION_LABELS.get(dominant_emotion, 'LABEL_2') circle_color = sentiment_colors.get(dominant_label, 'gray') # Debug print print(f"DEBUG - Country: {country_en}, Emotion: {dominant_emotion}, Label: {dominant_label}, Color: {circle_color}") popup_content = f""" {country_en}
Sentiment Distribution:
'.join(f"• {e['emotion']}: {e['count']}" for e in summary['top_emotions'][:3])}
Top Topic:
{summary['top_topics'][0]['topic'] if summary['top_topics'] else 'No topics'}
Total Poems: {summary['total_poems']} """ folium.CircleMarker( location=coordinates[country_en], radius=10, popup=folium.Popup(popup_content, max_width=300), color=circle_color, fill=True ).add_to(m) legend_html = """





""" m.get_root().html.add_child(folium.Element(legend_html)) return m def create_arabic_wordcloud(text, title): wordcloud = WordCloud( width=1200, height=600, background_color='white', font_path=font_path, max_words=200, stopwords=ARABIC_STOP_WORDS ).generate(text) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 8)) ax.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear') ax.axis('off') ax.set_title(title, fontsize=16, pad=20) return fig def clean_arabic_text(text): """Clean Arabic text by removing stop words and normalizing.""" words = text.split() cleaned_words = [word for word in words if word not in ARABIC_STOP_WORDS and len(word) > 1] return ' '.join(cleaned_words) def classify_emotion(text, classifier): """Classify emotion for complete text with proper token handling.""" try: words = text.split() chunks = [] current_chunk = [] current_length = 0 for word in words: word_tokens = len(classifier.tokenizer.encode(word)) if current_length + word_tokens > 512: if current_chunk: chunks.append(' '.join(current_chunk)) current_chunk = [word] current_length = word_tokens else: current_chunk.append(word) current_length += word_tokens if current_chunk: chunks.append(' '.join(current_chunk)) if not chunks: chunks = [text] all_scores = [] for chunk in chunks: try: inputs = classifier.tokenizer( chunk, truncation=True, max_length=512, return_tensors="pt" ) result = classifier(chunk, truncation=True, max_length=512) scores = result[0] all_scores.append(scores) except Exception as chunk_error: st.warning(f"Skipping chunk due to error: {str(chunk_error)}") continue if all_scores: label_scores = {} count = len(all_scores) for scores in all_scores: for score in scores: label = score['label'] if label not in label_scores: label_scores[label] = 0 label_scores[label] += score['score'] avg_scores = {label: score/count for label, score in label_scores.items()} final_emotion = max(avg_scores.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[0] return final_emotion return "LABEL_2" except Exception as e: st.warning(f"Error in emotion classification: {str(e)}") return "LABEL_2" def get_embedding_for_text(text, tokenizer, model): """Get embedding for complete text.""" chunks = split_text(text) chunk_embeddings = [] for chunk in chunks: try: inputs = tokenizer( chunk, return_tensors="pt", padding=True, truncation=True, max_length=512 ) inputs = {k: for k, v in inputs.items()} with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(**inputs) embedding = outputs.last_hidden_state[:, 0, :].cpu().numpy() chunk_embeddings.append(embedding[0]) except Exception as e: st.warning(f"Error processing chunk: {str(e)}") continue if chunk_embeddings: weights = np.array([len(chunk.split()) for chunk in chunks]) weights = weights / weights.sum() weighted_embedding = np.average(chunk_embeddings, axis=0, weights=weights) return weighted_embedding return np.zeros(model.config.hidden_size) def format_topics(topic_model, topic_counts): """Format topics for display.""" formatted_topics = [] for topic_num, count in topic_counts: if topic_num == -1: topic_label = "Miscellaneous" else: words = topic_model.get_topic(topic_num) topic_label = " | ".join([word for word, _ in words[:5]]) formatted_topics.append({ 'topic': topic_label, 'count': count }) return formatted_topics def format_emotions(emotion_counts): """Format emotions for display.""" EMOTION_LABELS = { 'LABEL_0': 'Negative', 'LABEL_1': 'Positive', 'LABEL_2': 'Neutral' } formatted_emotions = [] for label, count in emotion_counts: emotion = EMOTION_LABELS.get(label, label) formatted_emotions.append({ 'emotion': emotion, 'count': count }) return formatted_emotions def process_and_summarize(df, bert_tokenizer, bert_model, emotion_classifier, top_n=50, topic_strategy="Auto", n_topics=None, min_topic_size=3): """Process the data and generate summaries with flexible topic configuration.""" summaries = [] topic_model_params = { "language": "arabic", "calculate_probabilities": True, "min_topic_size": 3, "n_gram_range": (1, 1), "top_n_words": 15, "verbose": True, } st.write(f"Total documents: {len(df)}") st.write(f"Topic strategy: {topic_strategy}") st.write(f"Min topic size: {min_topic_size}") if topic_strategy == "Manual": topic_model_params["nr_topics"] = n_topics else: topic_model_params["nr_topics"] = "auto" topic_model = BERTopic( embedding_model=bert_model, **topic_model_params) vectorizer = CountVectorizer(stop_words=list(ARABIC_STOP_WORDS), min_df=1, max_df=1.0) topic_model.vectorizer_model = vectorizer for country, group in df.groupby('country'): progress_text = f"Processing poems for {country}..." progress_bar = st.progress(0, text=progress_text) texts = [clean_arabic_text(poem) for poem in group['poem'].dropna()] all_emotions = [] embeddings = [] clear_memory() for i, text in enumerate(texts): try: embedding = get_embedding_for_text(text, bert_tokenizer, bert_model) if embedding is not None and not np.isnan(embedding).any(): embeddings.append(embedding) else: st.warning(f"Invalid embedding generated for text {i+1} in {country}") continue except Exception as e: st.warning(f"Error generating embedding for text {i+1} in {country}: {str(e)}") continue if i % 10 == 0: clear_memory() progress = (i + 1) / len(texts) * 0.4 progress_bar.progress(progress, text=f"Generated embeddings for {i+1}/{len(texts)} poems...") if len(embeddings) != len(texts): texts = texts[:len(embeddings)] embeddings = np.array(embeddings) clear_memory() for i, text in enumerate(texts): emotion = classify_emotion(text, emotion_classifier) all_emotions.append(emotion) if i % 10 == 0: clear_memory() progress = 0.4 + ((i + 1) / len(texts) * 0.3) progress_bar.progress(progress, text=f"Classified emotions for {i+1}/{len(texts)} poems...") try: if len(texts) < min_topic_size: st.warning(f"Not enough documents for {country} to generate meaningful topics (minimum {min_topic_size} required)") continue topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(texts, embeddings) topic_counts = Counter(topics) top_topics = format_topics(topic_model, topic_counts.most_common(top_n)) top_emotions = format_emotions(Counter(all_emotions).most_common(top_n)) summaries.append({ 'country': country, 'total_poems': len(texts), 'top_topics': top_topics, 'top_emotions': top_emotions }) progress_bar.progress(1.0, text="Processing complete!") except Exception as e: st.warning(f"Could not generate topics for {country}: {str(e)}") continue return summaries, topic_model try: bert_tokenizer, bert_model, emotion_classifier = load_models() st.success("Models loaded successfully!") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error loading models: {str(e)}") st.stop() # Main app interface st.title("📚 Contemporary Arabic Poetry Analysis") st.write("Upload a CSV or Excel file containing Arabic poems with columns `country` and `poem`.") uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a file", type=["csv", "xlsx"]) if uploaded_file is not None: try: if'.csv'): df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) else: df = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file) required_columns = ['country', 'poem'] if not all(col in df.columns for col in required_columns): st.error("File must contain 'country' and 'poem' columns.") st.stop() df['country'] = df['country'].str.strip() df = df.dropna(subset=['country', 'poem']) sampled_df = df.groupby('country').apply(lambda x: x.head(20)).reset_index(drop=True) st.subheader("Topic Modeling Settings") col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: topic_strategy = "Topic Number Strategy", ["Auto", "Manual"], help="Choose whether to let the model determine the optimal number of topics or set it manually" ) if topic_strategy == "Manual": n_documents = len(df) max_topics = 500 min_topics = 5 default_topics = 20 n_topics = st.slider( "Number of Topics", min_value=min_topics, max_value=max_topics, value=default_topics, help=f"Select the desired number of topics (max {max_topics} based on dataset size)" )""" 💡 For your dataset of {n_documents:,} documents: - Available topic range: {min_topics}-{max_topics} - Recommended range: {max_topics//10}-{max_topics//3} for optimal coherence """) with col2: top_n = st.number_input( "Number of top topics/emotions to display:", min_value=1, max_value=100, value=10 ) if st.button("Process Data"): with st.spinner("Processing your data..."): summaries, topic_model = process_and_summarize( sampled_df, bert_tokenizer, bert_model, emotion_classifier, top_n=top_n, topic_strategy=topic_strategy, n_topics=n_topics if topic_strategy == "Manual" else None, min_topic_size=3 ) if summaries: st.success("Analysis complete!") tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs(["Country Summaries", "Global Topics", "Topic Map"]) with tab1: for summary in summaries: with st.expander(f"📍 {summary['country']} ({summary['total_poems']} poems)"): col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: st.subheader("Top Topics") for topic in summary['top_topics']: st.write(f"• {topic['topic']}: {topic['count']} poems") with col2: st.subheader("Emotions") for emotion in summary['top_emotions']: st.write(f"• {emotion['emotion']}: {emotion['count']} poems") st.subheader("Word Cloud Visualization") country_poems = df[df['country'] == summary['country']]['poem'] combined_text = ' '.join(country_poems) wordcloud_fig = create_arabic_wordcloud(combined_text, f"Most Common Words in {summary['country']} Poems") st.pyplot(wordcloud_fig) with tab2: st.subheader("Global Topic Distribution") topic_info = topic_model.get_topic_info() for _, row in topic_info.iterrows(): if row['Topic'] == -1: topic_name = "Miscellaneous" else: words = topic_model.get_topic(row['Topic']) topic_name = " | ".join([word for word, _ in words[:5]]) st.write(f"• Topic {row['Topic']}: {topic_name} ({row['Count']} poems)") with tab3: st.subheader("Topic and Sentiment Distribution Map") topic_map = create_topic_map(summaries) st.components.v1.html(topic_map._repr_html_(), height=600) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error processing file: {str(e)}") else:"👆 Upload a file to get started!") st.write("### Expected File Format:") example_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'country': ['Egypt', 'Palestine'], 'poem': ['قصيدة مصرية', 'قصيدة فلسطينية'] }) st.dataframe(example_df)