import pandas as pd import streamlit as st import numpy as np import threading import torch import numpy as np from styling import footer from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelWithLMHead from huggingface_hub import HfApi, hf_hub_download from import Dataset, DataLoader st.set_page_config( page_title="Koya Recommendation System", initial_sidebar_state="auto", ) st.markdown( """ # Koya Recommeder System #### 👋 Welcome to the to the Koya recommendation system. This system recommeds an LLM for you when you provide a sample sentence in your target language and select a list of models. You can try it below \n\n\n""" ) @st.cache def get_model_infos(multilingual="multilingual"): api = HfApi() model_infos = api.list_models(filter=["fill-mask", multilingual], cardData=True) data = [["id", "task", "lang", "sha"]] count = 0 for model in model_infos: try: data.append( [ model.modelId, model.pipeline_tag, model.cardData["language"], model.sha, ] ) except: data.append([model.modelId, model.pipeline_tag, None, model.sha]) df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data[1:], columns=data[0]) return df class MLMDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, sentence, tokenizer, MLM_MASK_TOKEN, MLM_UNK_TOKEN): self.sentence = sentence self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.tensor_input = self.tokenizer(sentence, return_tensors="pt")["input_ids"] self.num_samples = self.tensor_input.size()[-1] - 2 self.batch_input = self.tensor_input.repeat(self.num_samples, 1) self.random_ids = np.random.choice( [i for i in range(1, self.tensor_input.size(1) - 1)], self.num_samples, replace=False, ) # ensuring that the masking is not done on the BOS and EOS tokens since they are not connected to the sentence itself. self.random_ids = torch.Tensor(self.random_ids).long().unsqueeze(0).T # Added by Chris Emezue on 29.01.2023 # Add a term called unk_mask, such that p(w|...) is 0 if w is unk and p(w|...) otherwise unk_mask = torch.ones( self.batch_input.size()[0], self.batch_input.size()[1], self.tokenizer.vocab_size, ) batch_input_for_unk = self.batch_input.unsqueeze(-1).expand(unk_mask.size()) self.unk_mask = unk_mask.masked_fill(batch_input_for_unk == MLM_UNK_TOKEN, 0) self.mask = torch.zeros(self.batch_input.size()) src = torch.ones(self.batch_input.size(0)).unsqueeze(0).T self.mask.scatter_(1, self.random_ids, src) self.masked_input = self.batch_input.masked_fill(self.mask == 1, MLM_MASK_TOKEN) self.labels = self.batch_input.masked_fill( self.masked_input != MLM_MASK_TOKEN, -100 ) # If logits change when labels is not set to -100: # If we are using the logits, this does not change it then. but if are using the loss, # then this has an effect. assert ( self.masked_input.shape[0] == self.labels.shape[0] == self.mask.shape[0] == self.unk_mask.shape[0] ) def __len__(self): return self.masked_input.shape[0] def __getitem__(self, idx): return ( self.masked_input[idx], self.mask[idx], self.labels[idx], self.unk_mask[idx], ) def get_sense_score_batched( sentence, tokenizer, model, MLM_MASK_TOKEN, MLM_UNK_TOKEN, BATCH_SIZE ): mlm_dataset = MLMDataset(sentence, tokenizer, MLM_MASK_TOKEN, MLM_UNK_TOKEN) dataloader = DataLoader(mlm_dataset, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE) score = 1 for i, batch in enumerate(dataloader): masked_input, mask, labels, unk_mask = batch output = model(masked_input, labels=labels) logits_ = output["logits"] logits = ( logits_ * unk_mask ) # Penalizing the unk tokens by setting their probs to zero indices = torch.nonzero(mask) logits_of_interest = logits[indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1], :] labels_of_interest = labels[indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1]] log_probs = logits_of_interest.gather(1, labels_of_interest.view(-1, 1)) batch_score = ( (log_probs.sum() / (-1 * mlm_dataset.num_samples)).exp().item() ) # exp(x+y) = exp(x)*exp(y) score *= batch_score return score def get_sense_score( sentence, tokenizer, model, MLM_MASK_TOKEN, MLM_UNK_TOKEN, num_samples ): """ IDEA ----------------- PP = perplexity(P) where perplexity(P) function just computes: (p_1*p_*p_3*...*p_N)^(-1/N) for p_i in P In practice you need to do the computation in log space to avoid underflow: e^-((log(p_1) + log(p_2) + ... + log(p_N)) / N) Note: everytime you run this function, the results change slightly (but the ordering should be relatively the same), because the tokens to mask are chosen randomly. """ tensor_input = tokenizer(sentence, return_tensors="pt")["input_ids"] batch_input = tensor_input.repeat(num_samples, 1) random_ids = np.random.choice( [i for i in range(1, tensor_input.size(1) - 1)], num_samples, replace=False ) # ensuring that the masking is not done on the BOS and EOS tokens since they are not connected to the sentence itself. random_ids = torch.Tensor(random_ids).long().unsqueeze(0).T # Added by Chris Emezue on 29.01.2023 # Add a term called unk_mask, such that p(w|...) is 0 if w is unk and p(w|...) otherwise unk_mask = torch.ones( batch_input.size()[0], batch_input.size()[1], tokenizer.vocab_size ) batch_input_for_unk = batch_input.unsqueeze(-1).expand(unk_mask.size()) unk_mask = unk_mask.masked_fill(batch_input_for_unk == MLM_UNK_TOKEN, 0) mask = torch.zeros(batch_input.size()) src = torch.ones(batch_input.size(0)).unsqueeze(0).T mask.scatter_(1, random_ids, src) masked_input = batch_input.masked_fill(mask == 1, MLM_MASK_TOKEN) labels = batch_input.masked_fill(masked_input != MLM_MASK_TOKEN, -100) # If logits change when labels is not set to -100: # If we are using the logits, this does not change it then. but if are using the loss, # then this has an effect. output = model(masked_input, labels=labels) logits_ = output["logits"] logits = ( logits_ * unk_mask ) # Penalizing the unk tokens by setting their probs to zero indices = torch.nonzero(mask) logits_of_interest = logits[indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1], :] labels_of_interest = labels[indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1]] log_probs = logits_of_interest.gather(1, labels_of_interest.view(-1, 1)) score = (log_probs.sum() / (-1 * num_samples)).exp().item() return score def sort_dictionary(dict): keys = list(dict.keys()) values = list(dict.values()) sorted_value_index = np.argsort(values) sorted_dict = {keys[i]: values[i] for i in sorted_value_index} return sorted_dict def set_seed(): np.random.seed(2023) torch.manual_seed(2023) with st.sidebar: st.image("Koya_Presentation-removebg-preview.png") st.subheader("Abstract") st.markdown( """
Pretrained large language models (LLMs) are widely used for various downstream tasks in different languages. However, selecting the best LLM (from a large set of potential LLMs) for a given downstream task and language is a challenging and computationally expensive task, making the efficient use of LLMs difficult for low-compute communities. To address this challenge, we present Koya, a recommender system built to assist researchers and practitioners in choosing the right LLM for their task and language, without ever having to finetune the LLMs. Koya is built with the Koya Pseudo-Perplexity (KPPPL), our adaptation of the pseudo perplexity, and ranks LLMs in order of compatibility with the language of interest, making it easier and cheaper to choose the most compatible LLM. By evaluating Koya using five pretrained LLMs and three African languages (Yoruba, Kinyarwanda, and Amharic), we show an average recommender accuracy of 95%, demonstrating its effectiveness. Koya aims to offer an easy to use (through a simple web interface accessible at, cost-effective, fast and efficient tool to assist researchers and practitioners with low or limited compute access.
""", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) url = "" st.write("check out the paper [here](%s)" % url) footer() sentence = st.text_input("Please input a sample sentence in the target language") models = get_model_infos(multilingual=None) selected_models = st.multiselect( "Select of number of models you would like to compare", models["id"], max_selections=3, ) run = st.button("Get Scores") if run: progress_text = "Computing recommendation Scores" st.write(progress_text) my_bar = st.progress(0) scores = {} for index, model_id in enumerate(selected_models): tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id) model = AutoModelWithLMHead.from_pretrained(model_id) if model_id.startswith("castorini"): tokenizer.model_max_length = 512 MLM_MASK_TOKEN = tokenizer.mask_token_id # [(103, '[MASK]')] MLM_UNK_TOKEN = tokenizer.unk_token_id BATCH_SIZE = 1 score = get_sense_score_batched( sentence, tokenizer, model, MLM_MASK_TOKEN, MLM_UNK_TOKEN, BATCH_SIZE ) scores[model_id] = score my_bar.progress(index + 1 / len(selected_models)) scores = sort_dictionary(scores) st.write("Our recommendation is:", scores)