# Copyright (C) 2022-present Naver Corporation. All rights reserved. | |
# Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (non-commercial use only). | |
import os | |
import numpy as np | |
import quaternion | |
import habitat_sim | |
import json | |
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors | |
import cv2 | |
# OpenCV to habitat camera convention transformation | |
R_OPENCV2HABITAT = np.stack((habitat_sim.geo.RIGHT, -habitat_sim.geo.UP, habitat_sim.geo.FRONT), axis=0) | |
DEG2RAD = np.pi / 180 | |
def compute_camera_intrinsics(height, width, hfov): | |
f = width/2 / np.tan(hfov/2 * np.pi/180) | |
cu, cv = width/2, height/2 | |
return f, cu, cv | |
def compute_camera_pose_opencv_convention(camera_position, camera_orientation): | |
R_cam2world = quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(camera_orientation) @ R_OPENCV2HABITAT | |
t_cam2world = np.asarray(camera_position) | |
return R_cam2world, t_cam2world | |
def compute_pointmap(depthmap, hfov): | |
""" Compute a HxWx3 pointmap in camera frame from a HxW depth map.""" | |
height, width = depthmap.shape | |
f, cu, cv = compute_camera_intrinsics(height, width, hfov) | |
# Cast depth map to point | |
z_cam = depthmap | |
u, v = np.meshgrid(range(width), range(height)) | |
x_cam = (u - cu) / f * z_cam | |
y_cam = (v - cv) / f * z_cam | |
X_cam = np.stack((x_cam, y_cam, z_cam), axis=-1) | |
return X_cam | |
def compute_pointcloud(depthmap, hfov, camera_position, camera_rotation): | |
"""Return a 3D point cloud corresponding to valid pixels of the depth map""" | |
R_cam2world, t_cam2world = compute_camera_pose_opencv_convention(camera_position, camera_rotation) | |
X_cam = compute_pointmap(depthmap=depthmap, hfov=hfov) | |
valid_mask = (X_cam[:,:,2] != 0.0) | |
X_cam = X_cam.reshape(-1, 3)[valid_mask.flatten()] | |
X_world = X_cam @ R_cam2world.T + t_cam2world.reshape(1, 3) | |
return X_world | |
def compute_pointcloud_overlaps_scikit(pointcloud1, pointcloud2, distance_threshold, compute_symmetric=False): | |
""" | |
Compute 'overlapping' metrics based on a distance threshold between two point clouds. | |
""" | |
nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1, algorithm = 'kd_tree').fit(pointcloud2) | |
distances, indices = nbrs.kneighbors(pointcloud1) | |
intersection1 = np.count_nonzero(distances.flatten() < distance_threshold) | |
data = {"intersection1": intersection1, | |
"size1": len(pointcloud1)} | |
if compute_symmetric: | |
nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1, algorithm = 'kd_tree').fit(pointcloud1) | |
distances, indices = nbrs.kneighbors(pointcloud2) | |
intersection2 = np.count_nonzero(distances.flatten() < distance_threshold) | |
data["intersection2"] = intersection2 | |
data["size2"] = len(pointcloud2) | |
return data | |
def _append_camera_parameters(observation, hfov, camera_location, camera_rotation): | |
""" | |
Add camera parameters to the observation dictionnary produced by Habitat-Sim | |
In-place modifications. | |
""" | |
R_cam2world, t_cam2world = compute_camera_pose_opencv_convention(camera_location, camera_rotation) | |
height, width = observation['depth'].shape | |
f, cu, cv = compute_camera_intrinsics(height, width, hfov) | |
K = np.asarray([[f, 0, cu], | |
[0, f, cv], | |
[0, 0, 1.0]]) | |
observation["camera_intrinsics"] = K | |
observation["t_cam2world"] = t_cam2world | |
observation["R_cam2world"] = R_cam2world | |
def look_at(eye, center, up, return_cam2world=True): | |
""" | |
Return camera pose looking at a given center point. | |
Analogous of gluLookAt function, using OpenCV camera convention. | |
""" | |
z = center - eye | |
z /= np.linalg.norm(z, axis=-1, keepdims=True) | |
y = -up | |
y = y - np.sum(y * z, axis=-1, keepdims=True) * z | |
y /= np.linalg.norm(y, axis=-1, keepdims=True) | |
x = np.cross(y, z, axis=-1) | |
if return_cam2world: | |
R = np.stack((x, y, z), axis=-1) | |
t = eye | |
else: | |
# World to camera transformation | |
# Transposed matrix | |
R = np.stack((x, y, z), axis=-2) | |
t = - np.einsum('...ij, ...j', R, eye) | |
return R, t | |
def look_at_for_habitat(eye, center, up, return_cam2world=True): | |
R, t = look_at(eye, center, up) | |
orientation = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(R @ R_OPENCV2HABITAT.T) | |
return orientation, t | |
def generate_orientation_noise(pan_range, tilt_range, roll_range): | |
return (quaternion.from_rotation_vector(np.random.uniform(*pan_range) * DEG2RAD * habitat_sim.geo.UP) | |
* quaternion.from_rotation_vector(np.random.uniform(*tilt_range) * DEG2RAD * habitat_sim.geo.RIGHT) | |
* quaternion.from_rotation_vector(np.random.uniform(*roll_range) * DEG2RAD * habitat_sim.geo.FRONT)) | |
class NoNaviguableSpaceError(RuntimeError): | |
def __init__(self, *args): | |
super().__init__(*args) | |
class MultiviewHabitatSimGenerator: | |
def __init__(self, | |
scene, | |
navmesh, | |
scene_dataset_config_file, | |
resolution = (240, 320), | |
views_count=2, | |
hfov = 60, | |
gpu_id = 0, | |
size = 10000, | |
minimum_covisibility = 0.5, | |
transform = None): | |
self.scene = scene | |
self.navmesh = navmesh | |
self.scene_dataset_config_file = scene_dataset_config_file | |
self.resolution = resolution | |
self.views_count = views_count | |
assert(self.views_count >= 1) | |
self.hfov = hfov | |
self.gpu_id = gpu_id | |
self.size = size | |
self.transform = transform | |
# Noise added to camera orientation | |
self.pan_range = (-3, 3) | |
self.tilt_range = (-10, 10) | |
self.roll_range = (-5, 5) | |
# Height range to sample cameras | |
self.height_range = (1.2, 1.8) | |
# Random steps between the camera views | |
self.random_steps_count = 5 | |
self.random_step_variance = 2.0 | |
# Minimum fraction of the scene which should be valid (well defined depth) | |
self.minimum_valid_fraction = 0.7 | |
# Distance threshold to see to select pairs | |
self.distance_threshold = 0.05 | |
# Minimum IoU of a view point cloud with respect to the reference view to be kept. | |
self.minimum_covisibility = minimum_covisibility | |
# Maximum number of retries. | |
self.max_attempts_count = 100 | |
self.seed = None | |
self._lazy_initialization() | |
def _lazy_initialization(self): | |
# Lazy random seeding and instantiation of the simulator to deal with multiprocessing properly | |
if self.seed == None: | |
# Re-seed numpy generator | |
np.random.seed() | |
self.seed = np.random.randint(2**32-1) | |
sim_cfg = habitat_sim.SimulatorConfiguration() | |
sim_cfg.scene_id = self.scene | |
if self.scene_dataset_config_file is not None and self.scene_dataset_config_file != "": | |
sim_cfg.scene_dataset_config_file = self.scene_dataset_config_file | |
sim_cfg.random_seed = self.seed | |
sim_cfg.load_semantic_mesh = False | |
sim_cfg.gpu_device_id = self.gpu_id | |
depth_sensor_spec = habitat_sim.CameraSensorSpec() | |
depth_sensor_spec.uuid = "depth" | |
depth_sensor_spec.sensor_type = habitat_sim.SensorType.DEPTH | |
depth_sensor_spec.resolution = self.resolution | |
depth_sensor_spec.hfov = self.hfov | |
depth_sensor_spec.position = [0.0, 0.0, 0] | |
depth_sensor_spec.orientation | |
rgb_sensor_spec = habitat_sim.CameraSensorSpec() | |
rgb_sensor_spec.uuid = "color" | |
rgb_sensor_spec.sensor_type = habitat_sim.SensorType.COLOR | |
rgb_sensor_spec.resolution = self.resolution | |
rgb_sensor_spec.hfov = self.hfov | |
rgb_sensor_spec.position = [0.0, 0.0, 0] | |
agent_cfg = habitat_sim.agent.AgentConfiguration(sensor_specifications=[rgb_sensor_spec, depth_sensor_spec]) | |
cfg = habitat_sim.Configuration(sim_cfg, [agent_cfg]) | |
self.sim = habitat_sim.Simulator(cfg) | |
if self.navmesh is not None and self.navmesh != "": | |
# Use pre-computed navmesh when available (usually better than those generated automatically) | |
self.sim.pathfinder.load_nav_mesh(self.navmesh) | |
if not self.sim.pathfinder.is_loaded: | |
# Try to compute a navmesh | |
navmesh_settings = habitat_sim.NavMeshSettings() | |
navmesh_settings.set_defaults() | |
self.sim.recompute_navmesh(self.sim.pathfinder, navmesh_settings, True) | |
# Ensure that the navmesh is not empty | |
if not self.sim.pathfinder.is_loaded: | |
raise NoNaviguableSpaceError(f"No naviguable location (scene: {self.scene} -- navmesh: {self.navmesh})") | |
self.agent = self.sim.initialize_agent(agent_id=0) | |
def close(self): | |
self.sim.close() | |
def __del__(self): | |
self.sim.close() | |
def __len__(self): | |
return self.size | |
def sample_random_viewpoint(self): | |
""" Sample a random viewpoint using the navmesh """ | |
nav_point = self.sim.pathfinder.get_random_navigable_point() | |
# Sample a random viewpoint height | |
viewpoint_height = np.random.uniform(*self.height_range) | |
viewpoint_position = nav_point + viewpoint_height * habitat_sim.geo.UP | |
viewpoint_orientation = quaternion.from_rotation_vector(np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi) * habitat_sim.geo.UP) * generate_orientation_noise(self.pan_range, self.tilt_range, self.roll_range) | |
return viewpoint_position, viewpoint_orientation, nav_point | |
def sample_other_random_viewpoint(self, observed_point, nav_point): | |
""" Sample a random viewpoint close to an existing one, using the navmesh and a reference observed point.""" | |
other_nav_point = nav_point | |
walk_directions = self.random_step_variance * np.asarray([1,0,1]) | |
for i in range(self.random_steps_count): | |
temp = self.sim.pathfinder.snap_point(other_nav_point + walk_directions * np.random.normal(size=3)) | |
# Snapping may return nan when it fails | |
if not np.isnan(temp[0]): | |
other_nav_point = temp | |
other_viewpoint_height = np.random.uniform(*self.height_range) | |
other_viewpoint_position = other_nav_point + other_viewpoint_height * habitat_sim.geo.UP | |
# Set viewing direction towards the central point | |
rotation, position = look_at_for_habitat(eye=other_viewpoint_position, center=observed_point, up=habitat_sim.geo.UP, return_cam2world=True) | |
rotation = rotation * generate_orientation_noise(self.pan_range, self.tilt_range, self.roll_range) | |
return position, rotation, other_nav_point | |
def is_other_pointcloud_overlapping(self, ref_pointcloud, other_pointcloud): | |
""" Check if a viewpoint is valid and overlaps significantly with a reference one. """ | |
# Observation | |
pixels_count = self.resolution[0] * self.resolution[1] | |
valid_fraction = len(other_pointcloud) / pixels_count | |
assert valid_fraction <= 1.0 and valid_fraction >= 0.0 | |
overlap = compute_pointcloud_overlaps_scikit(ref_pointcloud, other_pointcloud, self.distance_threshold, compute_symmetric=True) | |
covisibility = min(overlap["intersection1"] / pixels_count, overlap["intersection2"] / pixels_count) | |
is_valid = (valid_fraction >= self.minimum_valid_fraction) and (covisibility >= self.minimum_covisibility) | |
return is_valid, valid_fraction, covisibility | |
def is_other_viewpoint_overlapping(self, ref_pointcloud, observation, position, rotation): | |
""" Check if a viewpoint is valid and overlaps significantly with a reference one. """ | |
# Observation | |
other_pointcloud = compute_pointcloud(observation['depth'], self.hfov, position, rotation) | |
return self.is_other_pointcloud_overlapping(ref_pointcloud, other_pointcloud) | |
def render_viewpoint(self, viewpoint_position, viewpoint_orientation): | |
agent_state = habitat_sim.AgentState() | |
agent_state.position = viewpoint_position | |
agent_state.rotation = viewpoint_orientation | |
self.agent.set_state(agent_state) | |
viewpoint_observations = self.sim.get_sensor_observations(agent_ids=0) | |
_append_camera_parameters(viewpoint_observations, self.hfov, viewpoint_position, viewpoint_orientation) | |
return viewpoint_observations | |
def __getitem__(self, useless_idx): | |
ref_position, ref_orientation, nav_point = self.sample_random_viewpoint() | |
ref_observations = self.render_viewpoint(ref_position, ref_orientation) | |
# Extract point cloud | |
ref_pointcloud = compute_pointcloud(depthmap=ref_observations['depth'], hfov=self.hfov, | |
camera_position=ref_position, camera_rotation=ref_orientation) | |
pixels_count = self.resolution[0] * self.resolution[1] | |
ref_valid_fraction = len(ref_pointcloud) / pixels_count | |
assert ref_valid_fraction <= 1.0 and ref_valid_fraction >= 0.0 | |
if ref_valid_fraction < self.minimum_valid_fraction: | |
# This should produce a recursion error at some point when something is very wrong. | |
return self[0] | |
# Pick an reference observed point in the point cloud | |
observed_point = np.mean(ref_pointcloud, axis=0) | |
# Add the first image as reference | |
viewpoints_observations = [ref_observations] | |
viewpoints_covisibility = [ref_valid_fraction] | |
viewpoints_positions = [ref_position] | |
viewpoints_orientations = [quaternion.as_float_array(ref_orientation)] | |
viewpoints_clouds = [ref_pointcloud] | |
viewpoints_valid_fractions = [ref_valid_fraction] | |
for _ in range(self.views_count - 1): | |
# Generate an other viewpoint using some dummy random walk | |
successful_sampling = False | |
for sampling_attempt in range(self.max_attempts_count): | |
position, rotation, _ = self.sample_other_random_viewpoint(observed_point, nav_point) | |
# Observation | |
other_viewpoint_observations = self.render_viewpoint(position, rotation) | |
other_pointcloud = compute_pointcloud(other_viewpoint_observations['depth'], self.hfov, position, rotation) | |
is_valid, valid_fraction, covisibility = self.is_other_pointcloud_overlapping(ref_pointcloud, other_pointcloud) | |
if is_valid: | |
successful_sampling = True | |
break | |
if not successful_sampling: | |
print("WARNING: Maximum number of attempts reached.") | |
# Dirty hack, try using a novel original viewpoint | |
return self[0] | |
viewpoints_observations.append(other_viewpoint_observations) | |
viewpoints_covisibility.append(covisibility) | |
viewpoints_positions.append(position) | |
viewpoints_orientations.append(quaternion.as_float_array(rotation)) # WXYZ convention for the quaternion encoding. | |
viewpoints_clouds.append(other_pointcloud) | |
viewpoints_valid_fractions.append(valid_fraction) | |
# Estimate relations between all pairs of images | |
pairwise_visibility_ratios = np.ones((len(viewpoints_observations), len(viewpoints_observations))) | |
for i in range(len(viewpoints_observations)): | |
pairwise_visibility_ratios[i,i] = viewpoints_valid_fractions[i] | |
for j in range(i+1, len(viewpoints_observations)): | |
overlap = compute_pointcloud_overlaps_scikit(viewpoints_clouds[i], viewpoints_clouds[j], self.distance_threshold, compute_symmetric=True) | |
pairwise_visibility_ratios[i,j] = overlap['intersection1'] / pixels_count | |
pairwise_visibility_ratios[j,i] = overlap['intersection2'] / pixels_count | |
# IoU is relative to the image 0 | |
data = {"observations": viewpoints_observations, | |
"positions": np.asarray(viewpoints_positions), | |
"orientations": np.asarray(viewpoints_orientations), | |
"covisibility_ratios": np.asarray(viewpoints_covisibility), | |
"valid_fractions": np.asarray(viewpoints_valid_fractions, dtype=float), | |
"pairwise_visibility_ratios": np.asarray(pairwise_visibility_ratios, dtype=float), | |
} | |
if self.transform is not None: | |
data = self.transform(data) | |
return data | |
def generate_random_spiral_trajectory(self, images_count = 100, max_radius=0.5, half_turns=5, use_constant_orientation=False): | |
""" | |
Return a list of images corresponding to a spiral trajectory from a random starting point. | |
Useful to generate nice visualisations. | |
Use an even number of half turns to get a nice "C1-continuous" loop effect | |
""" | |
ref_position, ref_orientation, navpoint = self.sample_random_viewpoint() | |
ref_observations = self.render_viewpoint(ref_position, ref_orientation) | |
ref_pointcloud = compute_pointcloud(depthmap=ref_observations['depth'], hfov=self.hfov, | |
camera_position=ref_position, camera_rotation=ref_orientation) | |
pixels_count = self.resolution[0] * self.resolution[1] | |
if len(ref_pointcloud) / pixels_count < self.minimum_valid_fraction: | |
# Dirty hack: ensure that the valid part of the image is significant | |
return self.generate_random_spiral_trajectory(images_count, max_radius, half_turns, use_constant_orientation) | |
# Pick an observed point in the point cloud | |
observed_point = np.mean(ref_pointcloud, axis=0) | |
ref_R, ref_t = compute_camera_pose_opencv_convention(ref_position, ref_orientation) | |
images = [] | |
is_valid = [] | |
# Spiral trajectory, use_constant orientation | |
for i, alpha in enumerate(np.linspace(0, 1, images_count)): | |
r = max_radius * np.abs(np.sin(alpha * np.pi)) # Increase then decrease the radius | |
theta = alpha * half_turns * np.pi | |
x = r * np.cos(theta) | |
y = r * np.sin(theta) | |
z = 0.0 | |
position = ref_position + (ref_R @ np.asarray([x, y, z]).reshape(3,1)).flatten() | |
if use_constant_orientation: | |
orientation = ref_orientation | |
else: | |
# trajectory looking at a mean point in front of the ref observation | |
orientation, position = look_at_for_habitat(eye=position, center=observed_point, up=habitat_sim.geo.UP) | |
observations = self.render_viewpoint(position, orientation) | |
images.append(observations['color'][...,:3]) | |
_is_valid, valid_fraction, iou = self.is_other_viewpoint_overlapping(ref_pointcloud, observations, position, orientation) | |
is_valid.append(_is_valid) | |
return images, np.all(is_valid) |